HomeMy WebLinkAboutForeman Code File � Denis Law Mayor � City Clerk-Jason A.Seth,CMC January 18, 2018 Mr. William Foreman 27316 NE 143rd St Duvall, WA 98019 Re: Request for Code Compliance Violation Hearing Code Case No: CODE-17-000526 Dear Mr. Forman: The hearing that you requested to contest the validity of both Code Compliance Violation Findings dated November 30, 2017, as referenced above has been scheduled for Tuesdav, Februarv 20, 2018, on the 10:00 a.m. docket. The hearing will take place in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall. The address is 1055 5 Grady Way in Renton. Please note that more than one hearing will be held starting promptly at 10:00 a.m. If your case is called and you are not present, your appeal may be automatically denied. I have enclosed a copy of the case file for your review. If for some reason you do not plan to attend, or you have any questions, please call Jason Seth, City Clerk in advance of the hearing date at 425-430-6502. Sincerely, � . Jason A. Seth City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Craig Burnell, Building Official Donna Locher, Code Compliance Inspector Tim Lawless, Code Compliance Inspector Robert Shuey, Code Compliance Inspector 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • (425)430-6510/Fax (425)430-6516 • rentonwa.gov CITY OF RENTON � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN(TY AND ""� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORTTOTHE HEARING EXAMINER,EXHIBITS Project Name: Project Number: William Fareman CODE17-0�04?�-. C-'C�.: �,��G' Date of Hearing Staff Contact Violation Location Donna Locher 425-430-7438 401 PellyAvenue North The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Code Compliance Narrative Exhibit 2: A!I information pertaining to the Warning of Viofation issued 5eptember 8,2017 Exhibit 3: Letter dated September 15,2017,from William Foreman Exhibit 4: Al)information pertaining to the Warning of Violation II issued October 10,2017 Exhibit 5: Letter dated October 12,2107,from William Foreman Exhibit 6: Finding of Violation&Order to Correct lnformation dated November 30,2017 Exhibit 7: Appeal Information from the property owner � CITY OF - -- en on � RENTON CODE COMPLIANCE CODE17-000477 NARRATIVE January 9, 2018 Address: 401 Pelly Avenue North Renton WA 98057 Violator: William Foreman 27316 NE 143`d Street Ouvall,WA 98019 RMC Section 4-11-040,060, 080 More than four unrelated individuals living in a single family residence DWELLING UNIT:A structure or portian of a structure designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.with cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities provided for the exclusive use of a single household. FAMILY: Any number of related individuals, or not more than four(4) unrelated individuals, living together as a single household. HOUSEHOLD: A family living together in a single dwelling unit with common access to, and common use of, all living, sanitation facilities, and all areas and facilities for the preparation, consumption and storage of food within the dwelling unit. September 8, 2017: Issued a Warning of Violation (etter to the property owner with a compliance date of September 15, 2017.The Warning of Violation was sent USPS Certified Mail #7016 3010 0000 5699 2043. (Exhibit#2) September 18,2017: Letter from Mr. Foreman dated September 15, 2017, received by code compliance. (Exhibit#3) October 10,2017: Second Warning of Violation clarification letter was sent to Mr. Foreman. The compliance date was October 17, 2017. (Exhibit#4) October 16,2p17: Letter from Mr. Foreman dated October 12, 2017, received by code compliance. (Exhibit#5) 1 EXHIBIT� November 30, 2017:A Finding of Violation for$250.00 was issued to the property owner. An Order to Correct was also issued to the p�operty owner. The compliance dates were December 15, 2017. (Exhibit#6) The Finding and Order were sent USPS Tracking#9114 9014 9645 1103 18$8 01 and was delivered on December 1, 2017. The Finding and Order were also sent USPS Certified 7016 1370 OQ02 0770 9242 and were returned to the city on December 8, 2017, "no such street". (Exhibit #6) December 11, 2017: Received an appeal from William Foreman for the Finding of Violation. (Exhibit#5� I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. <— 3 signed on �—�j--�� in Renton, Washington �J 2 . Dents Law Mayor ���� ��.��, tommuotty&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator No Flrst tloss Moil and Certlfied Moll,Retum R'eceipt Requested September 8,2D17 Wflllam Foreman 27316 NE 143rd Sueet Duvall,WA 98019 RE: WARNING Of VIOLATION RESPONSE REQUIREO 401 Pelly Avenue North,Renton,Washington Oear Mr.Foreman: This letter constitutes a Warning of Violation of the Renton Municipal Code(RMC). This warning is lssued pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C. Please carefully review;your response is required. As the City of Renton's Lead Code Complfance fnspector,I have been made aware of an apparent violation of the RMC occurring at the property you own addressed as 401 Pelly Avenue North,Renton,King County Assessor Parcel Number�22500-0005(the Property). Specificaliy,the Property has been listed in City recards as a"single family dwelling"which al�ows"not mare ihan four f4)unrelat_ individual�'to reside at the Property. RMC 4-11-040,.060,.080. The Ciry ha s received complaints that more than four unrelated individuais reside at the Property. In response ta the complainu,the City has obtatned records which indicate that as many as eight unretated individuais are registered as residing at the Property in violation of the RMC. Pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C.S.a.ii,within seven days,or bv na later than Septem6er 15,2017,you are directed to both {1)br3ng the Property into complfance such that na more than four unrelated individuats reside at the Properry and (2)provide adequate documentatton of the tompUance. If you requfre more than seven days to reasonably achleve compliance,you must contact me at(425)430-T438 no later tha�September 15,2017,to conflrm that you have lnitiated the compliance process and ta propose a reasonable date by which you wtll achieve complfance. Failure to timely respond may resuh in civil actlon against you and the Propert s res(dents,criminal prosecution,or both. � ' .� �. � + Sincerely, .. m ,, � C. �. `/ � n�i � � F � C � � � � � � Oonna locher °' M c Lead Cnde Cornpliance Inspedor -0 f}���$12t�� ut .«a,r�e�c.deti... ❑wvnwo.�w1�M i cc Mayor Denis Law o �"'0"���"`� : P0`ti1°'�` lay Covington,Chief Administntivs O�cer p ��'��"�" ' � SFuintMol ����� � oney,Oty Attomey 0 pbueswW..p..s►.*.so+�.r� leslie Clark,Senior Assistant Gry Attamey o e Kevin Milosevieh,Police Chief � C.E."Chip"Vincent,CED Administrator m 3055 South Grady Way,Rentan,WA 98057•►entonwa.gov � ! �[.l�.1,� . ►!�mah_._.._._.._.._..___._.__.._... . o �:"�,�. ._...1��.�_...._................._._.___.. � �;.,..... -.-u A R Dl EXH1BiT� 9I26/2017 USPS.corr�-USPS Tradcirg�Results USPS Tracking Results FAas > m�:,,�e4.�sps.�„����.,d=�, Track Another Peckage -1- Remove X Tracking Number:70163010000056992043 � � In-Transit Product 8�Tracking information See Avaflabie Actions Postal Product Featuras: Certified Mail`" DATE 8 TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION September 23,20Y 7,7:18 am Mivad at Unk RENTON,WA 98059 � Your item arrived at the Post Office at 7:18 am on September 23,2017 in RENTON,WA 98058. September 22,2017,9:06 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facllity SEATTLE WA DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANND( September 22,2077,9:09 am In Transit to Destination ON ITS WAY TO DUVALL,WA 980198394 September 21,2p17,10:09 pm Arrived at USPS Reglonal Facility SEATTLE WA DISTAIBUTION CENTER September 10,2017,8:52 pm Arrived at USPS Facility REDMOND,WA 98052 September 10,2017,9:22 am !n Transit to Destination ON ITS WAY TO DUVALL,WA 980198394 September 9,2017,7:22 am Departed USPS Regional Facility SEATTLE WA DIS7RIBUTION CENTER September 8,2017,8:07 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility SEATTLE WA DISTRIBUTION CENTER Sae Less/� Available Actions Text d�Email Updates V See Less n Can't find wha#you're looking for? https://tools.usps.comigo/TrackConfirmAction?tReFfullpageStLc=2&text28777=&tLabels=70i63010000056992043962C 1/3 15 September 2017 RECEIVED BiU Foreman 27316 NE 143rd CT g�p 1 g 2017 Duvall,WA 98019 Donna Locher-Code Comptiance CI1Y OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way CODE COMPUANCE Renton WA 98057 Re:requested hearing to chaElenge the Finding of Violation Attn:Donna Locher, Pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C.2.v and RMC 1-3-2.e.l.a; 1,William L Foreman II,am requssting a hearing to challenge the Finding of Violation(dated September 8th,Z01'n befoce the Administrator at Renton City Hal(. I had ariginally planned at great expense to move all the current tenants from the two Clean&Sober houses located at 401 Pelly N,Renton WA 98057 to alternate locations, I've recently placed all the residents on month-to-month leases and was in the process of converting a home in West Seattle and also a 2nd home in Mountlake Terrace to accommodate the current Clean&Sober tenarns. Many of the tenants have disabilities,so it is unclear to me how they could be expected to move from the houses in your 5-day timeframe. I think it might conflict with possible tenant landlord taw violations to evict those older gentlemen without proper notice. Does the occupancy code appty to the two houses as one solitary unit? I have two houses on the one lot,so if I simply move two tenants from the larger home into the smaller house to balance occupancy (4 persons per cach housc)would I then be in compliance? Last(y,once ati current tenants have vacated and found suitable housing,I had hoped to focus my attention to Housing Disabled Veterans_ Pm also considering the possibility of a Battered Women's Shelter. If the Renton code only allows 4 unrelated persons,it would be very cost prohibitive for me to sustain those proposed public service program(s}. Would the City consider a Variance? Its for the aforementioned questions and concerns that I am requesting a formal hearing pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C.2.v and RMC 1-3-2.e.1�a See the enclosed as reference to the violation. Reg�rds, � �V 4�.�/�^-�-�-•...� D9 �s/Zo�� Bill Foreman R�i'I.fnrrmin 8 fronticr.com (206)818•1126 EXHlBIT � .�_., _ _ _�„ RE��IVED �_ � �, � � t S E P 18 2atl �� rver r usA � ,� ClTY C}F REt�TflN y -- �j DE CC�MPLIANCE 1; "� �,a�7/� C� Q�II�i . � ...�...� �, � �� �� r.. �' // a/I C.-Q. � arn �� � . � ~ � �- `�i,,t,� _��-����O'� . , n �� �. � ��f�il�'^ �� C ro (J � � z � tu �'' v "' a '' Q � �,C 1 ,c} I g 0 �'� N,p, a ° o � Q a . o o � • �n ;� 1 ��� '�+j��l��l(�f�l �.3/�OI /�/��i,`f'��►�/ (��'" [� DN���l, cv� 9�'oi9 l 'l�i�td L L l"t�d��31' "� C�N'ti 4�'1r'!�1 3l�[.t�S � ��`, f1 � � Denls Law Mayar � � '' Community&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vtncertt,Administrator Via First Closs Mail ond Certl}led Mail,Return Receipt Requested October 10, 2017 Wi{Ham Foreman 27316 NE 143'd Street Duvall,WA 98019 RE: WARNING OF VIOLATION RESPONSE REQUIRED . 401 Pelly Avenue North,Renton,Washington Dear Mr.Foreman: This letter is to clarify a few items we've discussed in past conversations and emails. There are two houses on one parcel lot,one being 401 Pelly Avenue North,the other bein�910 North 4th Street.You have explained that there are six unrelated individuals living in the Pelly Avenue North house and two unrelated individuals living in the North 4th Street house. Please advlse if this is not correct. You stated that you recently placed all the residents on m�nth-to-month leases. Please provide a copy of every lease in effect for the Pelly Avenue North house and for the North 4th Street house. You mentioned there are individuals with disabilities living on the property.Please darlfy what accommodations those individual5 are requesting. You also proposed moving two individuals from the Petly Avenue North house into the North 4th Street house so that each house contains four unrelated individuals. Please advise if this ts no longer your proposal. You described the two houses as"clean&sober"houses. Please describe why you beiieve thls information to be relevant. For example,are yau asserting that the houses qualify as a"Group Home 1(Rehabilitation)"land use as deflned at RMC 4-1i-070,a use that is not ordinarily allowed in the houses'R-10 zoning district? You asked whether the Cfty woutd altow the two houses to be used for"housing disabled veterans"or fo�a"battered women's shelter." The resldential uses that are allawed in the R-10 zoning district are listed i�the table in RMC 4-2-060, The uses you have proposed might meet the requirements for an "adult family home"or a uGroup Home II{Protective Residencyj" both of which can be aUowed in the 105S 5outh�rady Way,Renton,WA98o57•rentonwa.gov EXHIBIT �- Mr.Wflliarn Foreman Page 2 of 2 Odober 10,2Q17 R-10 zoning district if the applicabie criteria are met and if the required permits are obtained. If you wish to pursue establishing a new or different use on the property,we recommend that you schedule a pre-application meeting with our planning staff to discuss applicable requirements and the permit process. Please contad me for mare informatian. You requested a hearing in response to the Warning of Violation issued by the City on 5eptember 8, 2017. The City'S code does not provide for a hearing or other form of appeal of a Warning of Violation. Please respond to me by October 17,2017,so that we may move forward. If I do not receive a response by that date,the City may issue a Finding of Violation pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C.2. Please note that unlike a Warning of Vialation,a Finding of Violatian does provide for an opportunity for a hearing, if the request for a hearing is tirnely anci properly filed and served pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.E. FaiEure to request such a hearing waives any further appeal rights. Sincerely, �Y'Y'C%l,�C.,yL.S�.�/ Donna Locher Lead Code Compliance Inspector cc: Mayar Denis law Jay�ovington,[hief AdmiNstrative Officer Shane Moloney,City Attorney leslie Clark,Senior Assistant City Attorney Kevin Milosevlcfi,Police Chief C.E."Chip"Vincant,CED Administrator 1055 5outh Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 •rentonwa.gov 12 October 2017 Sill Foreman 27316 NE 143rd CT R�G'��VE� Duvall, WA 98019 Donna Locher-Code Compliance 0 C T 16 24i7 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98457 CITY OF RENTON CODE COMPLiANCE Deaz Donna Locher, I'd like to formulate a more detailed response to the WARNING OF VIOLATION dated October 1Qth,2017, but I'm typing this letter only a few hours before an airline departure. In fact,I'll be out of the country with absolutely no cell or internet service through evening of October 19th at 8:31 PM. I'Il be happy to provide more detail upon my arrival back to the US,if needed. In brief response to yaur questions: • Yes,the two hauses you mentioned are located at 401 Pelly North and 910 North 4th Street. • Previous folks at those addresses had leases,but that has ended and no current individual at either of those houses have tenant agreements at this time. They might be considered month-to-month tenants as per the Seattle Tenant Landlord Laws. I believe Renton might have adopted those same tenant-landlord month-to-month default regulations,but let me know if that is not the case. • You have asked about my disabled tenants. I have at least two disabled veterans as well as disabled recovering drug/alcohol addicts residing at the homes. They consider the home a safe supportive environment that provides shelter, safe non-discriminate housing,and a perfectly clean&sober environment. The accommodations they are requesting are sirnple.They want a safe environment where they can live long term without fear of discrimination. • Moving two individuals to balance tenancy is certainly a consideration,but I actually prefer everyone has their own bedroom and not double up rooms. • The houses have always been clean&sober houses,but I did not realize until your letter that clean& sober housing was not ordinarily allowed in R-10 zoning. I originally assumed that people with substance abuse and disabilities were protected under the fair housing act and were eligible for housing accommodations in residential areas. I'll admit I might be confusing the RCWs with some of the local regulations. • I have done extensive work with the Veterans Association and the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing for nearly 20 years. In fact, I have been given an award for going above and beyond in providing housing to disabled and homeless Veterans in several of my homes. If needed,I can have the HUD- VASH office write you a letter attesting to that fact. • As you might already know, I've had conversations with the local school district to relocate tenants currendy residing at those homes to ather housing due to the construction of a nearby school. In fact,I am currently converting a West Seattle home and also purchasing another clean&sober home in Mount Lake Terrace to help facilitate that effort. One tenant has already moved and his room has not been hackfilled.On the heels of transitioning the remaining tenants,I plan to backfill the empty bedrooms and continue to provide low cost housing assistance for anyone in need with an emphasis on disabled persons,veterans,and housing for the homeless. I have talked ta a non-profit group in consideration of a possible ba.ttered women's shelter,but upon further consideration I'm leaning more towazds continuing to support disabled persons with a safe non-discriminatory long term low cost living solution. EXHIBIT�_ I hope this answers your questions. I hope I'm not misinterpreting the RCW codes on fair housing. If you have more information to provide,please let me know. I'rn eager to partner with the City of Renton in providing housing for those in need. As previously rnentioned, I'll be returning to the US on evening of October 19th, 2017 and will be available thereafter. Thank you. Regards, __---�—..,,,,,, Bill Foreman , � � _ ��F� 2ra�a���ara a Pt�s PosT„� �uvdi.WA 6901Y ,,, , }. , � ..•..� aiwww.rM,t i.. ( ���� a ���P�TNEY SOMlE3 W o2 ,a � �a�.�J6� �. D400844d78 OGT 122Dt7 70Q9 1410 tIp00 3�30 2037 UTAiLEDFR4MZiPCODE 9Ei057 Donna Locher-Code Compliance RECEIVED lOSS S Grady Way Renton WA 98057 � OCT 16 2017 CITY OF RENTON CODE COMPLIANCE 98U5�'—.323,c55 i�i���tn����ll�l�ll�ih������i,'i'�'�)�1111�11�1nlI�11���111��! Finding of Vioiation • Dents law Mayor � Community�Economic Developmant C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Isaued To: Date:November 30,2017 Code Case No:CODE17-00052B Willi�n Foreman. 27316 NE 143rd St Owner(7ax-Payar):William Foreman. Dwall,WA 98019 Vfolatlon Address: 401 Pelly Ave N Renton,WA 9805T-5455 The undersigned City of Renton Code Compllance Inspector hereby certlfles and states fhat a Waming of ViolaGon has been provided to the named violator and the violation was not eliminated. The V'wlator has created,permitted to exist,maintained or failed to eliminate the Mllowing violabon(s): � O Violadon Note: You are hereby issued this Finding of Violadon and Order to CoRect(No�ce and Order)related to your propery at 401 Pelly Avenue North,Renton,K(ng County Assessor Parcei Number 722500-0005(the Property), The Property is a"single family dwelling"as defined by the Renton Munic�al Code(RMC),which allows'not more than four(4)unrelated individuals"to reside within.See RMC 411-040,060,and 080.The Ciry has received c�mptainb that more than four unrelated indiv(duels are residing at fhe Property.The Cily has obtained records whlch inc�cate that as many as eight unrelated indivlduals are registered as residing at the Property,in vioiation of the RMC. You have also indicated in your communications with the City that s3x individuals are living in one of the houses on The Property. You were issued a Waming of Violation as a result of these canditiona on the Property on September 8,2017,and you were ordered at that bme to bring the propertyr into complianoe prior to September 15,2017,pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.C.1.As of November 20,2017,no meaningful ectian has been taken to abate the violations,more than four individuais continue to live within a aingte famity dweliing,and the Property remains in violation of the RMC. Accordingy,the City is now issuing you this Notice and Order and assessing a fine of a250. You are hereby ordered to both:(1)bring the Properiy into compliance such that no more than four unrefated indlviduals reside at the Property and(2)provide adequate documentetion of the co►npiiance before Oecember 1,2017. Under RMC 1-3-2.E,you have a right to chaiis�ge this flnding in writing within fifteen(15)days of receiving this notice and the right M a headng.After 8fteen(15)days,ihis finding will become a final detertnination,and the City msy take additlonal remedfal or punitive action,which could inctude criminai charges. Code Tixt: Number of Residents Corrsetiva Action: Fees: Descriotian Amount CODE-1�iota6on Fine a250.00 Vlola6on 1 Subtotal: S2S0.00 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT� � � � i 1 11 Payment of�250.00 must be made within fifteen(15)days of the date of this Finding of volation.A!I ciky codes listed on this Finding of volation must be brought into complia�ce within fifteen (15)days o(the date of this Finding of VataUon.Invoice to failow. I certify under penalt�+of pe�ury under the laws of the State of Washington that I have issued this Finding of Volation on this date and at the location stated above. I certify that i believe by a preponderance of the evidence that the violator committed the above violation(s). Signed: _�..��/y�[�( \1���.�L�L�1 �ate: � (�"'� Issued By:Qonna Locher lead Code Compliance lnspector 425-430-7498 dlocher�rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 3 Cade Caae No:CODEIT-000526 Dste:November 30,2017 Vlolatlon Addresr. Total Amount Due:$250.00 401 Pelly Ave N Re�ton,WA 98057-5455 NOTICE OF RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION The City has elected to establish a non judiciai hearing and determination system to enforce Renton Munlcipal Codes(RMC)avil code violations.Therefore a code violation penalry,consistent with RMC 1-3�2.P is imposed,not induding any coata,fees or essessmenls. You may respond in the foliowing manner. � I deny creating,permitGng to exist,maintaining or faiiing to efiminaie the vfolaGon(s)and I am requesting a hearing to contest this Finding af�/role8on.Appeal requests must be received by the Renton Ciry Clerk's office wifhin 15 days ot the defe of this Finding of Yolation.Please send me a hearing date.I promise to appeer on that date.The administrator must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that 1 committed the violallon.I understand lhat under RMC 1-3-2.G that the administrator shall decide whelher the opportunit�r to be heard witl be only in writing or in persan,or both.The aiy is not required to call wltnesses to testify at the hearing. Pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.K,failure ta aHend the s�heduled hearing makes the Fnding of Volation final,and�may be subJect to addiiional costs if!fail to withdraw or resotve my appeal prior to the hearing date.I aiso underetand that the clty has not waived any rights or remedies under ihe lew. Appeals should be mailed to: Clty oi Renton Attendon: City Clerk 105b S Qrody YVey Renton,WA 98057 � I admft that I have created,pertnitted to exist,maintainesi or failed to ellminate the tiolation(sj and do not need or wanl arry kind of hearing.As a resuit,i have enGosed e check or money�rder(do not send cash)3n the amount af L .t understand I am required to bring the property into compiiance with City of Renton Municipal Code.I also undersiand Ihat if compliance is not achieved I may be issued additionel Fndings a(Yolation with inueasing penaltiea,and or criminally prosecuted.NSF checks will be treated as failure lo respand. Payment shauld be made ta: Gity of Reoton Attention: 1at Floor Finance 1Qbb S Grady Way Re�ton,WA 98057 Comptete infortnatfon belqw:{PLEASE PRlNT) Name: SUeet or P.d.Box: Ciry: State: Zip: Telephone:Home: Woric: Signature of volator. Date Page 3 of 3 Order to Correct � Denis Law Mayor � Commun(ty&Economic Develop�neM C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Isaued To: Dats:November 30,2017 Code Case No:CODE17-000528 William Foreman. 27318 NE 143rd St Owner(Tax-Payer):William Foreman. Duvall,WA 98019 Vidation Addr�ss: 401 Peliy Ave N Renton,WA 98057-5455 M inspection of the above premises revealed violation(s)of the City of Renton Municipal Code and Ordinances listed below. Compliance or corrective ac6on must be completed by December 15,2017. If voluntary compliance is not achieved,a C�minai Citation MAY be fssued. The penelty for a crimtnai CitaUon,upon a findinp of gu31t shatl have s mandatory minim um sentence of frve(5)days in jaf I without the opbon of eledronic home detenGon,and the mir�mum penalry for the first v(olatlon shal�be five hundred dolla�s($500),the secand criminat violation shall have a mandatory minimum sentence of fifteen(15)days tn jail without the option of electonic home detention,and the minfmum penaity tor the second violation shall be six hundred twenty five do0ars(3825),the third criminal violation Ior any individual shall have a mandatory minimum sentence of U�irty(30)days In jail without the oQtion of electronic home detention,and the minimum penalty for the third violatlon shall be seven hundred fifly dolla�s(5750). �no noN -G o , Violation Note: You are hereby issued this Finding of Vlola6on and Order to Correct(Notice and OMer)related to your properly at 401 Pelly Avenue North,Renton,King County Assessor Parcel Number 722500-0005(the Property). The Property is a'single family dwelling"as defined by the Renton Municipal Code(RMC),which allows "not more than four(4)unrelated individuals'to reside within_See RMC 411-040,060,and 080.The Gty hes received complaints that more than four unrelated individuals are residing at the Property.The Ciry has obtalned records which indicate that as many as eight unrelated individuals arc registered as residing at the Property,in violatfon of the RMC. You have also i�dicated in your communications with the City that six individuais are living in one of the houses an The Property. You were issued a Waming of volation as a�esuft of these conditions on the Property on September 8, 2017,and you were ordered at that time ta bring the property into compliance prior to September 15, 2017,pursuant to RMC 9-3-2C.1.As of November 20,2017,no meaning(ul acdon has been taken to abate the v(olatior�.s,more than four individuals conGnue to I(ve within a single family dwelling,and the Property remains in violation of the RMC. Acco�dingly,the Ciry is now issuing you this Notice and Order and assessing a fir�a of 5250. You are # hereby ordered to both:(1)bring the Property into wmpliance such that no mare than four unrelated individuals reside at the Property and(2)provide adequate documentation of fhe compliance before Qecember 1,2017. Under RMC 1-3-2.E,you have a right to challenge this finding in writing within fifteen(15j days of � receiving this notice and the right to a hearing.After fifteen(15)days,this findinp wiil become a 5na1 �terminadon,and the Cily may take addidonal remedial or punitive action,which could include crirninal charges. �_«<_,.._.�.W W_._._�w__.__v���_____w_.__..�.._._._.__._._.�m.._____...�__...,._�.___....._--____.._._w�_.._._..�...._.__.� Page 1 of 2 � Code Cited; Numbet of Residents Gode Te�R: Number of Residents Issued By: Donna Locher �ead Code Complianoe inspector 425-030-7438 dlocher@rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 2 5 x OL:uo4suawla�a7�0£lOt�I�f Hbld3 •.v r•i�uewM��.W.a��c�w�ww��.uoiuu,.���+oa„ ,, t 11 uo�ua� I_. 60 8S8L 5066 9b98 ti406 tiLL6 ��pd�� a YOp� s�oesvnn'a�H+a �� � tS P�YI 3N 9GELZ '� � t uewaro�we�yy� � i +a �p� E g� ��O :Ol ifl .___1�� �,� � !�JNI��tl211 SdStl '' ]� t+- •.�u�a3s�vlsod� sa�.vlscgtnw� � , ; ___. .. .��d_.s.,,..____��_., � .__�__.. .�: � City of Henton ^� 0 5 South Grady yyay c Deve►opment Renton WA 98057-3232 7D16 1370 0002 0770 9242 1 7016' 137[i OOD2 0770 9242 � � �« o —e-r'----�,s— :CGCiGCi� �( �� "i e'b 3.c' a . � � a ��'� ~�R c� �� � . � '�� . t Y ; . v� i I� ,� ' �a ' �` � �' ��a �,�� �I � �a;�. issuod To: � ' "E (� �` ��. ` � ��� i �� � �I WMiem Fore�nan. : !»� ���i 27316 NE 143nd St F �� �; Duvall,VIB4 88019 � � 4 ,F �� ` i F s i � is +r—:�_;_ . � � Il_3p^i1; . , � . , , . � � _.�.�,. .�_,._,w �ra �,..._.� . �� � � x i . � � ` USPS.com�-USPS Tracking�Results Page 1 of 3 USPS Tracking� . F"� > m�p��q."Sps.�"�a�'e'`�°�°, Track Another Package -I- Tracking Number: 91 1 4901 496451 1 031 8g801 Remove x Expected Delivery on FRIDAY ' by 1 2017EMBER 8�00 1'1'1 t O p O G Delivered � December 1,2017 at 3:58 pm DEUVERED,INlAT MAILBOX DWALL,WA 98019 t3et Updates �/ . w._ . . , � � City of Renton 1 4tP�P�'.q�'�+ ` Community&Economic Oevelopment ' Z 0 ,� � � 1055 South Grady Way . � �'°'ytY�5 Renton WA 98057-323� 0 2 �M � (�S.r'J 6� ?016 1370 OQ�2 0770 � oeoazs3sr2 rrav3a zoi 7 MAiIED�ROM ZIPCOOE 9805 7 RECEIVED �S� o�c a s zozT CITY OF RENTON Isswd 70: Datr Novemt CODE COMp(JANCE �.ca�No Wi�iam Foreman. N 2 X i E 9 8 0 �E 1 0 012 r 0 6/17 � 27316NE143rdSt � �E iuniv T� 5c�v�erc i DuvaM,WA 98018 Vlol �r:s S u�ri _T��=i � ,a1 tlNABLc TQ FdRWRRD � fii�� BC: 98857323255 '`8526-@@546-@1-91 �.���_��="•9"80"s`7r>3�'�Z'`'��2� �I�fi��1��11�Ni���i���l,�l������l�ll����i��,������ii�l'1�'�I'!�' � �r^_ . . . �. '�`" °';!'!Y�'JF RFNTrJ�: Finding of Violation :��c � � zo�t y' r _� .,�,, ?EC iV'G � �;�.ER�MJ�r �i �. Conw��it�fi Ecanarnk Dawiapmatt C.E.'Chip"VlncerK,AdminEstrator .. i�st,�d To: Dafo:November 30.201 T - Cod�Caso No:CODE17-000528 VW6an Foremen. 27318 NE 143rd St OwrNr(Ta�c-Pa�:lNiqiam Foreman. Duva9.VW�98019 violafion Addnss: 401 Poly Av�e N _,. Renton,VIW 98057-b455 The undetsi8ned City of Renton Code Comp�ance Inapector hereby certifies snd states lhat a NFamiry of Violation has been pruvided b the�art�ed violaEor aad tt�e violation was not el�tinaEed. The Yiolabor t�es aealad.Permitted M e�dst,mairdained or faNed b e6minaEe the followirp violation(s}: �' t r�� r �+.�,,�'��'�r � s�.q�:, a a d` � `.r `'�+"r � r= �t'� . .. . ��... � . . ..I���r`1� I_.�'!"�;�:,Py`;t�'.'������.c�� ��;..��� ,..,.r 4 � ����'�'�� .,.��.. . . , ""� 4, ''-' ' ;.'�=, f�r e �t,+..� Vbhtion Not�: You are hereby hsued tlis Fir�np d Viola6'on and OMer�Comeci(Notioe and Order)related to your property sd 401 Peqy Avenue Nortlt,Re�rtun.lGng CouMy Assessor Parael Ntmber 722500-0005(tlte Prope�iy). The Pioperly is a'snqle t�rulY dw�ellingt'as detined by U�a Renton MuniCipal Code(RMC),which aAows'not more than four(4)unrelaEed individuals'to�eside w�tldn.See RMC 411-040.060,and �80.The Cdy haa reoaiMed ca�la�Cs that more fhan tour urrela�ed individuals sre residing at the Propetly.The City has obfained recads which indicate 1f�as many as eight�mnalated b�d+viduals are repiebened ae teeiding at the PropeAy,in violetion of 1he RMC. Ycu have also indcsted in your oomrtwnicationa wifh Uie Cily tl�at aix kidhriduals are Nving fn ane of the houses on The Property. You were issued a Waminp of Violation as a�+eault of tl�ese oondit�ns on the Property on Septe�nber 6,2017.ana y«,we�ne orde�ed ae Ihet ame to�u,e prope�ty inro complianoe prior eo septen,ber 15,2017,ptxsua�to RMC 132.C.1.As of November 20,2017,no meanhl�aCtion has beeq taken b abate Bie violatlornt.Rwte tl�an 1�our indi�riduals contirwe to live witltin a sirqle farniy dweiGng,and the Property remsins in violetion of the RAAC. Aaoor+dirg�►.ths Cily is now i�uin8 frou tlws Nctic�a and Order and assessinp a flne of i250. You are � hereby ordered to both:(1)brirg the Propecty irrto oortipliance wch fhat rw rtare tl�an tax unrelated iMividuals reside at the Property and(Z)Provide adequabe doa�on of the compl'�anoe betore Oeoernber t,2017. Under RMC 1-3-2E.you have a ripM!a diaNenpe tl�s flndirg in writlrg wilhin filEeen(15)days of t�eoeiving tlHs no�loe and the�ight to a Ne�ing.Afier 1Ff bBen(15)days,n„��rxw,�wui�a mai detiermtnadion,ana the cny may take addifiona�remediat or puni�vs ec�fon,whtcn oould indude . �G18r�es. CaM Ti� Nu�ber of Residenfs Corncthr�Action: F«�: � � CODE-Wola6ion Fins iZ50_00 Y�oladon 1 SubEolpl: �60.pp Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT� Cod�Cas�No:CODE17-000526 Data:Novetr�ber 30,2017 Vbtafbn Addnas: Tobl MtouM Dus:a250.00 �401 Pepy Ave N RBriQon,WA 98057-5455 NOTICE OF RENTON MlhppPAL CODE VIOLATWN The G1y has ekcted to esta6ish a non-judiaal hearing and detecminafion syatem to enfOtce Renton Mwucapal Cadea(RMC)dv�l cade vidaUoro.7T�elae a oode rioletian per�alty.oonsider�i wilh RMc 1-3-2.P is imposed,not h�duding anY c�sts�fees or assessments. You mey respond'an the folbw�g manner- � ��Y�8�P��9�eariaf,rt�aN�ninD ur fadig lo e6rt�inate the violation(s)and I am reque�irg a hear'v�p fo contest tlus Fi�Nnp o►VwLabon.Jhppeal tequea�must be received bp 1he Rentan Q'ly Cleik's a4�iae witM 15 deys of the date of tl�is Fi�ding of Y+otaGori.Please send me a hea�ing dffie.f prom'se lo appear on Ihat date.The admi�6rstor muet prove by a pneponderanoe of the evider�oe Cmt 1 oommitled the riolatio�.I tatdastand Ihat under FiIMC 1-32.G tl�at 1he admiroistretnr ahaN dccide whetlier ihe apoarwraty lo ae hearo vril oe orry in,�ni�li�g or in parson,or bolh.me cty is oot�equiree ro caR wia�esaes eo�esUry at a�e neadng. P�rsimtd to RMC 1-3-2.K,taiure to atlend tlie sci�eduled t�earig makes M�e Findirg o(1/iolation finel.ana i may ae e�x�o addkfon�ooets if 1 taA!o witlftMaw or resohre my appeal prior to!he hea�ir�p date.I also u�deratand that the c3ty has not weived any �iplqs ar temedies�fhe law. ��no�a ne�d ro: c�►a a���ewn: �r� 106b3 Grady Wiy Renton,WA 98067 � I edrtwl U�at I hswe rreated.pertnNted lo e�st,rtrairqsined ar faleed to eRmirtate the riolation(a)and do not need or wanl arry kirxt of f�esrirg.As a reeu�,l have en�ioe+ad a�a rt�a�ey o►dei(do not send CasFt)ii the srno�rri of S _1 underatand i am required to a:�p me property into co�rt+v�►ae win�cily or Renton i�h,nidpal codo.�also u,dera�ena thae if campGar►ce is not ada�ed i may ne�,ea scwra«,ai�-R,a�s orvia��,wia,���w�es.�,a o�«rm�r,8ur arosec�rtea.n�sF cnea�s,�rn ne aeatea as faih,re a reapor�d. Payment shoeid be made to: Cky of R�Mas�/�tlentlon: 1s1 Fbor FMianae 10663 Gradp YMry RrrNa�.Y11A 9l067 ColtK)lefe inforrtiBUnn bei0w:(PLEASE PWM1) ��: (���.t�c�M 4. FoR��x � �ap.p_g� 273� (n I�E l�-l3RD �.T c�r: b�vr��� s�: I�r� zv: QBot 9 Teieptione:Home: (26�,� �t$- l!2(Q �� • -Q_ i2�7�201-7 Pase 3 of 3 « Paymerrt of i250.00 must be made wiThin tft�aen(15)days of the date of this Findirg of YwlaGon.Ail aty codes listed on this Fnding of Y�must be brougM into oompGance witltin fif�een(1 Sj days ol the da0a of this Fnding of Yolation.Invoice bo folluw. !oertifj►under'P��Y�PB►J�Y under the laws of ibe Stabe af Vkash�gton that I hav�e issued tlHs Firxiing af V'wlatian an tfiis date and at ri�e focati�on stabad above. I oertify that 1 beiievs by a preponderanoe of the evidenoe that the vidator committed the abo�u�e�ridatior►(s}. 5��,: -�.�vv�,o c�.✓ ��: l�3v -l'� Issued By:Don�Lod►er Lead Code Complianae Inspe<�or 425-430-7438 dlocher�rentonwa.gov .... Page 2 of 3