HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Trip Gen Analysis_Report_120423_v1William Popp Associates Transportation Engineers/Planners ________________________________________________________________________ (425) 401-1030 (425) 401-2124 e-mail: info@wmpoppassoc.com P.O. Box 3664  Bellevue, WA 98009 October 16, 2023 To: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton / CED / Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 c/o: Castle Auto Sales LLC Matt Afkhami & Bryan Navidi 805 SW 10th Street Renton, WA 98057 From: William Popp Jr. Senior Transportation Engineer William Popp Associates Subject: Castle Auto Used Car Sales 805 SW 10th St, Renton, WA Re: Project Trip Generation Study The following trip generation analysis was prepared in order to provide an estimate of vehicular traffic generated by the project for the average weekday daily, AM and PM peak hour conditions, as well as an estimate of the prior non-emergency use of the site. The analysis also includes a distribution and assignment of estimated project trips to and from the site, as well as an estimate of traffic mitigation fees. Proposed Project Description The project site’s general location is in the Valley Community Planning Area on the north side of SW Grady Way between Oakesdale Ave SW and Lind Ave SW. The property address is 805 SW 10th St. The proposed use is for a used car auto sales business. The business is a tenant improvement modification of the current building’s interior floor area. The plans show Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton Planning Division October 16, 2023 William Popp Associates an interior space of 1,856 gsf (32 ft x 58 ft) The site is situated on one parcel, Parcel number footage is approximately 43,580 Access to the site will be from SW 10 Existing Use The site was recently used under an emergency use authorization pandemic as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program. were four bays for testing and measuring vehicle emissions. This use and operation ended in 2020 for this site as well as for all other locations as the State terminated the program as a requirement for vehicle licensing. , Associate Planner Phase 1 Trip Generation Castle Auto Used Car Sales 1,856 gsf (32 ft x 58 ft), which excludes the open 4-bay garage areas. parcel, Parcel number 242304-9025. The property land square approximately 43,580 gsf. The site plan is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Site Plan (Street Level Plan) site will be from SW 10th St on the north side of the site. The site was recently used under an emergency use authorization during the COVID as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program. were four bays for testing and measuring vehicle emissions. This use and operation ended in 2020 for this site as well as for all other locations as the State terminated the program as a requirement for vehicle licensing. 805 SW 10th St Trip Generation Study Castle Auto Used Car Sales Page 2 garage areas. . The property land square : Site Plan (Street Level Plan) the COVID-19 as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program. There were four bays for testing and measuring vehicle emissions. This use and operation ended in 2020 for this site as well as for all other locations as the State terminated the Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner 805 SW 10th St City of Renton Planning Division Phase 1 Trip Generation Study October 16, 2023 Castle Auto Used Car Sales William Popp Associates Page 3 Based on correspondence with the City, for purposes of this traffic study, the emissions testing facility was determined to be the prior approved use. Trip Generation Trip generation for the project are based on rates from the Eleventh Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Report. The trip generation analysis was calculated for the average weekday daily conditions, as well as the average weekday AM street peak hour and the average weekday PM street peak hour. For the proposed use, the ITE Land Use Code (LUC) 841, Automobile Sales (Used), was used for all conditions. The trip rates are based on vehicles. For this use it is estimated there would be minimal walk, bike, and/or transit trips. Attachment 1 includes the ITE LUC 841 data for Average Weekday Daily, AM Commute Peak, and PM Commute Peak hour periods. For the existing use, there is no data within ITE for the vehicle emissions testing facility. As a result, WPA reached out to the Department of Ecology for ticket sales information at this site, however, the data is no longer available as the company that maintained the ticket sales information (Applus Tech) is no longer is contract with the Washington State Department of Ecology, thus WA DOE has lost access to the records. WPA did a search of other emissions testing facilities redevelopment on the eastside and found that a traffic study for the Eastgate WA DOE emissions site that was transformed into a vehicle service facility for the Eastgate Honda dealership. In that report, WPA was able to obtain all of the ticket sales throughout the 2019 year for the PM peak period. Data was available for the typical count data collection days of Tuesday thru Thursday between 4:00 and 6:00 PM. The site closed at 5:00 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and at 6:00 on Thursdays. There were a total of 152 tickets for all of 2019. Figure 2 below shows the average tickets (customer vehicles entering facility) by month for the 4:00 to 5:00 PM peak hour. The red dash line presents the annual average tickets, at 12.5 tickets per month. It should be noted that the Eastgate WA DOE facility is the same as the Renton WA DOE facility in that they both have 4 service bays. Thus the comparisons would be linear. Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton Planning Division October 16, 2023 William Popp Associates It should be noted that as shown in Figure 2, the ticket activity dropped significantly for November and December. This is more than likely due to the upcoming termination of the facility. If those two months are excluded from the average, the average PM hour tickets increases to 14.0 (from 12.5). It should be noted that the ticket transaction activity only reflects customer vehicles arriving for testing, it does not reflect any vehicle activity for employees or other miscellaneous trips. Furthermo administered in 2019 was lower than in past years since 2019 was the last year of emissions testing. Given these factors, it is estimated that the ticket transaction activity identified for 2019 likely presents a lower than average many years of past activity. Consequently, for existing traffic trip estimates, these data presented herein more than likely presents a conservative case for any existing trip credits. Based on the ticket transactions for t 13 vehicles entering and subsequently exiting the facility during that hour, thus 26 trips. For the AM peak hour, it was assumed the facility opened at 9:00 AM, thus no emissions activity, but there would be approximately 1 employee per service bay arriving prior to 9:00 AM, thus an estimate of 4 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour (between 8:00 and 9:00 AM). For Daily trips, this emissions facility was estimated to be open approximately 8 hours per day, assuming a lower than peak hour volume of approximately 10 tickets per hour, that would equate to 80 tickets per day, resulting in 160 vehicle trips in and out. , Associate Planner Phase 1 Trip Generation Castle Auto Used Car Sales Figure 2: WA DOE Monthly Tickets -- It should be noted that as shown in Figure 2, the ticket activity dropped significantly for November and December. This is more than likely due to the upcoming termination of the facility. If those two months are excluded from the average, the average PM hour tickets increases to 14.0 (from 12.5). It should be noted that the ticket transaction activity only reflects customer vehicles arriving for testing, it does not reflect any vehicle activity for employees or other miscellaneous trips. Furthermo re, the number of tests administered in 2019 was lower than in past years since 2019 was the last year of emissions testing. Given these factors, it is estimated that the ticket transaction activity identified for 2019 likely presents a lower than average activity when considering the many years of past activity. Consequently, for existing traffic trip estimates, these data presented herein more than likely presents a conservative case for any existing trip Based on the ticket transactions for the PM peak hour, it is estimated that there would be 13 vehicles entering and subsequently exiting the facility during that hour, thus 26 trips. For the AM peak hour, it was assumed the facility opened at 9:00 AM, thus no emissions ld be approximately 1 employee per service bay arriving prior to 9:00 AM, thus an estimate of 4 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour (between 8:00 and 9:00 AM). For Daily trips, this emissions facility was estimated to be open approximately 8 assuming a lower than peak hour volume of approximately 10 tickets per hour, that would equate to 80 tickets per day, resulting in 160 vehicle trips in and out. 805 SW 10th St Trip Generation Study Castle Auto Used Car Sales Page 4 PM Peak Hour It should be noted that as shown in Figure 2, the ticket activity dropped significantly for November and December. This is more than likely due to the upcoming termination of the facility. If those two months are excluded from the average, the average PM peak hour tickets increases to 14.0 (from 12.5). It should be noted that the ticket transaction activity only reflects customer vehicles arriving for testing, it does not reflect any vehicle re, the number of tests administered in 2019 was lower than in past years since 2019 was the last year of emissions testing. Given these factors, it is estimated that the ticket transaction activity when considering the many years of past activity. Consequently, for existing traffic trip estimates, these data presented herein more than likely presents a conservative case for any existing trip he PM peak hour, it is estimated that there would be 13 vehicles entering and subsequently exiting the facility during that hour, thus 26 trips. For the AM peak hour, it was assumed the facility opened at 9:00 AM, thus no emissions ld be approximately 1 employee per service bay arriving prior to 9:00 AM, thus an estimate of 4 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour (between 8:00 and 9:00 AM). For Daily trips, this emissions facility was estimated to be open approximately 8 assuming a lower than peak hour volume of approximately 10 tickets per hour, that would equate to 80 tickets per day, resulting in 160 vehicle trips in and out. Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner 805 SW 10th St City of Renton Planning Division Phase 1 Trip Generation Study October 16, 2023 Castle Auto Used Car Sales William Popp Associates Page 5 The results of the trip generation analysis are presented in Table 1. Table 1 Trip Generation Estimates (Existing Use & Proposed Project) AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Existing Use (to be removed) WA DOE Emissions Testing Facility (4 bays) (local data only, no ITE data) a Rate 40.0 1.0 100% 0% 6.5 50% 50% 4 bays Vol 160 1 1 0 26 13 13 Proposed Project Castle Auto (ITE LUC 841, Automobile Sales Used) b Rate 27.06 2.13 76% 24% 3.75 47% 53% 1,856 gsf Vol 50 4 3 1 7 3 4 NEW NEW c -110 3 2 1 -19 -10 -9 a Local trip rates based on the 2019 ticket transaction sales at the WA DOE Eastgate Facility for PM Peak Hour. Daily estimate based on 10 transactions per hour 8-hour of operation. AM peak hour based on 1 employee per bay arrival prior to 9:00 AM opening. See Attachment 2 for ticket details. b Trip rates based on the ITE 11th Edition, Land Use Code 841, Automobile Sales Used Cars. See Attachment 1 for details. c Net New is New Trips minus Existing Trips As shown in Table 1, the proposed project is estimated to generate 50 daily, 4 AM and 7 PM peak hour trips utilizing the ITE rates. With redevelopment of the site, the net new trips on the surrounding street system is estimated to be 110 fewer daily, 3 AM, and 19 fewer PM peak hour trips. Trip Distribution & Assignment A distribution and assignment of project trips for the PM peak hour is shown in Figure 3 below. As per Table 1 above, it was estimated that there would be 4 trips out of the site, and 3 trips entering the site during the PM peak hour. The assignment assumes 65% of the project trips would be to and from the east, and subsequently 35% of the project trips would be to and from the west. Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton Planning Division October 16, 2023 William Popp Associates City Traffic Impact Fees The City’s PM peak hour traffic fee schedule is $8,031.94 per PM peak hour for net new trips to and from the site, after prior approved use which is no longer in discussion, the site was recently used under an emergency use authorization COVID-19 pandemic as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program which was the prior pre approved use emissions testing facility was determined to be , Associate Planner Phase 1 Trip Generation Castle Auto Used Car Sales Figure 3: Project PM Trip Assignment The City’s PM peak hour traffic impact fee for land uses not identified on their fee schedule is $8,031.94 per PM peak hour person-vehicle trip. This is presumed to for net new trips to and from the site, after adjustments/credits for the existing trips for which is no longer in use. As noted in the Existing Use section he site was recently used under an emergency use authorization during as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program the prior pre approved use. Based on correspondence with the City, was determined to be the prior approved use. 805 SW 10th St Trip Generation Study Castle Auto Used Car Sales Page 6 Figure 3: Project PM Trip Assignment identified on their impact is presumed to be existing trips for se section during the as a testing station and later as a lab. Prior to that, it was used as a vehicle emissions testing station for the Department of Ecology’s Air Quality program , ith the City, the Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner 805 SW 10th St City of Renton Planning Division Phase 1 Trip Generation Study October 16, 2023 Castle Auto Used Car Sales William Popp Associates Page 7 The trip generation estimate for the project is 7 PM peak hour trips. The trip generation estimate for the existing use is 26 PM peak hour trips. Consequently, the net new trips is 19 fewer, however for trip mitigation fee purposes, the fee is presumed to be $0. Given that then net new vehicle trips was estimated to be less than zero, the trips for these two uses were not adjusted to person-vehicle trips. Summary This Phase 1 traffic study including trip generation analysis, trip assignment, and mitigation fee assessment was conducted for the change of use at the site at 805 SW 10 th St. The property’s prior approved use was a WA DOE emissions testing facility, which now will be a used car sales operation. The existing building will not change in size, although interior space allocation may be modified. The trip generation findings indicate the project will generate approximately 7 vehicle trips in the peak hour (PM peak in this case). The existing prior use was estimated to generate 26 PM peak hour vehicle trips. The City of Renton traffic study guidelines indicate that if the net new trips as a result of redevelopment result in more than 20 (net) new trips in the AM or PM peak hours, a traffic impact analysis will be required. As shown in this report, the new use will NOT generate more than 20 net new trips or even simply new trips in either peak hour. As a result, a Phase 2 traffic study is presumed not to be required. Since the proposed new use project trip generation estimate is estimated to be 19 fewer vehicle trips than the prior existing approved use (7 new trips minus 26 existing trips), the City traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $0. Please call me at 452.351.8340, or email me at bpoppjr@wmpoppassoc.com should you have any questions. Thank you. Attachments: 1 ITE LUC 841 – Automobile Sales (Used) Trip Generation Charts -- 3 pages 2 WA DOE Eastgate 2019 Test Ticket Data (Jan-Dec: Tue, Wed, Thur) – 12 pages Automobile Sales (Used)(841) Vehicle Trip Ends vs:1000 Sq.Ft.GFA On a:Weekday Setting/Location:General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies:14 Avg.1000 Sq.Ft.GFA:2 Directional Distribution:50%entering,50%exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq.Ft.GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 27.06 4.44 -71.21 17.91 Data Plot and Equation 0 1 2 3 4 50 100 200 Average RateStudySite Fitted Curve Equation:Not Given R²=*** X =1000 Sq.Ft.GFAT = Trips Ends271General Urban/Suburban and Rural (Land Uses 800–999) Automobile Sales (Used)(841) Vehicle Trip Ends vs:1000 Sq.Ft.GFA On a:Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Setting/Location:General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies:8 Avg.1000 Sq.Ft.GFA:3 Directional Distribution:76%entering,24%exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq.Ft.GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 2.13 0.38 -7.41 1.98 Data Plot and Equation 0 1 2 3 4 50 10 20 Average RateStudySite Fitted Curve Equation:Not Given R²=*** X =1000 Sq.Ft.GFAT = Trips Ends272 Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition • Volume 5 Automobile Sales (Used)(841) Vehicle Trip Ends vs:1000 Sq.Ft.GFA On a:Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Setting/Location:General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies:14 Avg.1000 Sq.Ft.GFA:2 Directional Distribution:47%entering,53%exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq.Ft.GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 3.75 0.56 -8.15 2.28 Data Plot and Equation 0 1 2 3 4 50 10 20 30 Average RateStudySite Fitted Curve Equation:Not Given R²=*** X =1000 Sq.Ft.GFAT = Trips Ends273General Urban/Suburban and Rural (Land Uses 800–999) Date &Test Start Time Day Tickets Date &Test Start Time Day Tickets Date &Test Start Time Day Tickets 2019 01 02 16:00:39.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:00:00.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:00:03.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:00:48.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:06:45.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:00:45.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:01:13.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:07:59.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:03:12.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:03:27.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:10:51.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:10:50.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:04:14.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:11:04.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:27:06.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:05:10.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:17:44.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:30:32.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:06:50.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:29:48.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:31:43.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:08:25.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:31:10.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:34:23.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:15:49.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:35:47.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:35:37.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:17:07.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:40:21.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:41:12.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:20:46.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:42:17.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:42:40.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:22:36.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:43:39.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:54:27.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:36:05.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:44:01.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:56:02.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 02 16:53:46.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 15 16:51:09.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:58:06.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 14 2019 01 15 16:57:29.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 24 16:58:57.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 15 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 15 2019 01 03 16:00:52.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 03 16:04:21.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:02:09.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:02:24.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:07:05.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:06:20.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:09:06.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:09:50.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:08:36.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:14:23.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:13:41.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:17:43.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:17:13.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:22:23.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:18:18.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:20:12.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:24:34.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:20:14.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:22:51.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:28:46.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:22:55.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:24:58.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:33:25.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:23:25.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:25:00.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:42:22.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:26:09.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:30:11.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:42:56.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:34:04.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:31:14.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:54:03.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:34:40.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:46:52.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:55:06.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:37:52.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:51:59.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:55:13.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:39:00.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 29 16:59:35.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 03 16:58:21.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 16 16:48:15.000 Wednesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 13 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 15 2019 01 16 16:50:20.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 16 16:52:06.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 30 16:03:21.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:05:57.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 16 16:54:45.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 30 16:08:16.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:06:03.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 16 16:57:57.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 30 16:21:16.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:06:54.000 Tuesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 18 2019 01 30 16:21:21.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:10:10.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 30 16:27:37.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:13:24.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:04:52.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:29:31.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:15:36.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:06:37.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:31:52.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:19:23.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:14:19.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:33:04.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:21:34.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:31:49.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:34:27.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:21:55.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:36:11.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:40:29.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:24:17.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:43:59.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:48:34.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:26:02.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:44:16.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 30 16:50:31.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 08 16:33:21.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:45:53.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 12 2019 01 08 16:41:59.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 17 16:55:46.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 08 16:49:28.000 Tuesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 9 2019 01 31 16:01:20.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 08 16:50:30.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:07:03.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 15 2019 01 22 16:00:32.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:11:14.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 22 16:04:40.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:21:43.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:11:23.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:09:22.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:22:35.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:13:56.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:10:11.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:25:45.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:15:16.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:11:50.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:30:25.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:17:07.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:15:55.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:30:50.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:18:13.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:22:20.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:37:35.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:22:43.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:23:35.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:45:27.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:22:59.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:41:13.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:47:53.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:23:16.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 22 16:44:45.000 Tuesday 1 2019 01 31 16:49:15.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:28:06.000 Wednesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 10 2019 01 31 16:50:45.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 09 16:29:09.000 Wednesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 13 2019 01 09 16:31:14.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 23 16:00:02.000 Wednesday 1 Jan:Average Peak Hour Service Tickets 13.35714 2019 01 09 16:32:33.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 23 16:03:05.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 09 16:42:08.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 23 16:03:08.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 09 16:48:26.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 23 16:10:11.000 Wednesday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 14 2019 01 23 16:13:31.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 23 16:17:11.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:01:21.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:21:35.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:08:38.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:24:19.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:13:32.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:29:53.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:14:42.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:34:04.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:20:22.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:37:23.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:21:21.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:39:28.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:24:22.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 23 16:39:41.000 Wednesday 1 2019 01 10 16:31:09.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 13 2019 01 10 16:35:35.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 10 16:37:58.000 Thursday 1 2019 01 10 16:53:19.000 Thursday 1 Total Peak Hour Service Tickets 11 2019 Vehicle Emission Test Tickets (Tuesday,Wednesday &Thursday) WA DEPT OF ECOLOGY AIR QUALITY -- EASTGATE FACILITY Date&TestStartTimeDay Tickets Date&TestStartTimeDay Tickets Date&TestStartTime Day Tickets 2 019020516:0 6:4 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:0 4:2 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:0 3:2 4.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:2 3:1 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:0 6:2 4.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:0 3:4 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:2 7:3 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:1 4:0 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:0 4:3 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:3 0:3 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:1 6:5 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:0 4:4 2.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:3 2:1 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:1 7:3 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:1 5:3 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:3 4:4 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:2 0:4 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:1 6:0 7.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:4 6:0 1.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:3 4:2 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:1 6:0 9.000Thursday 1 2 019020516:4 7:4 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019022016:4 0:1 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:1 7:5 5.000Thursday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 8 2 019022016:4 9:3 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:2 2:2 1.000Thursday 1 2 019022016:5 8:0 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:2 2:5 2.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:0 4:0 2.000Wednesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 10 2 019022816:3 3:0 8.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:0 6:5 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019022816:3 4:5 4.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:1 1:1 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:0 2:4 6.000Thursday 1 2 019022816:5 1:4 3.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:1 4:3 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:0 5:2 7.000Thursday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 13 2 019020616:1 7:0 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:1 6:3 0.000Thursday 1 Feb:AveragePeakHourServiceTickets1 2.8 3333 2 019020616:1 7:1 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 0:4 3.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:1 8:4 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 0:5 2.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:2 2:3 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 1:3 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:2 3:1 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 1:4 0.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:2 5:0 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 4:1 1.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:2 8:4 9.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:2 4:3 1.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:3 1:0 4.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:3 5:1 9.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:4 1:1 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:4 3:0 4.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:4 7:2 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:4 5:4 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:5 3:2 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:4 6:2 8.000Thursday 1 2 019020616:5 5:5 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022116:4 9:1 5.000Thursday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 16 2 019022116:5 1:5 8.000Thursday 1 2 019022116:5 2:1 6.000Thursday 1 2 019020716:0 4:0 3.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022116:5 5:3 5.000Thursday 1 2 019020716:1 2:5 6.000Thu rsd ay 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 17 2 019020716:2 0:0 9.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019020716:3 0:4 6.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022616:0 1:4 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019020716:3 3:3 2.000Thursday 1 2 019022616:0 3:2 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019020716:4 2:1 2.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022616:0 4:2 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019020716:5 5:1 3.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022616:0 6:1 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019020716:5 6:2 8.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022616:0 6:1 4.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 8 2 019022616:0 8:2 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019022616:0 9:5 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019021216:0 7:0 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019022616:1 1:1 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019021216:3 2:1 1.000Tuesday 1 2 019022616:1 2:0 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019021216:3 6:4 9.000Tuesday1 2 019022616:1 6:5 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019021216:5 0:0 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019022616:1 7:5 4.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 4 2 019022616:2 0:0 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019022616:2 1:4 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:0 1:1 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:2 5:1 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:0 1:2 9.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:2 5:5 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:0 4:5 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:3 0:3 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:0 7:3 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:3 4:5 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:2 1:4 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:3 8:2 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:3 1:4 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:3 9:2 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:3 6:4 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:4 0:3 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:3 6:5 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:4 4:0 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:3 8:3 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:4 4:0 6.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:4 4:0 0.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:4 5:5 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:5 0:5 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:5 3:5 1.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:5 1:5 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019022616:5 8:1 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019021316:5 7:3 2.000Wednesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 25 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 13 2 019022716:0 1:3 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:1 5:5 2.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022716:0 4:5 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:2 3:2 9.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022716:1 1:3 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:2 6:5 9.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022716:1 3:5 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:3 2:2 1.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022716:2 1:2 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:3 7:5 3.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019022716:2 1:3 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019021416:4 3:5 4.000Thursday 1 2 019022716:2 3:0 4.000Wednesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 6 2 019022716:2 4:1 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019022716:2 6:4 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:0 0:2 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:2 9:0 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:0 3:2 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:3 6:3 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:0 6:1 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:3 7:4 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:1 2:5 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:4 3:5 3.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:1 4:1 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:4 9:0 4.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:1 5:1 7.000Tuesday1 2 019022716:5 3:5 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:1 6:2 8.000Tuesday 1 2 019022716:5 4:0 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019021916:1 7:2 2.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 16 2 019021916:2 7:3 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:2 9:0 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:3 6:4 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:4 1:4 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:4 2:4 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:4 7:0 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:5 0:1 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:5 3:3 8.000Tuesday 1 2 019021916:5 6:1 2.000Tuesday1 2 019021916:5 8:0 8.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 18 Date&TestStartTimeDay Tickets 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7.000Wednesday 1 2 019030716:3 7:4 0.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019032016:4 8:2 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019030716:4 2:5 8.000Thu rsd ay 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 18 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 11 2 019032116:0 2:2 4.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:0 6:5 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:0 8:3 8.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:1 7:5 6.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:1 4:2 7.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:1 9:5 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:1 6:1 4.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:2 2:1 8.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:1 8:0 9.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:2 6:4 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:2 3:1 9.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:2 9:2 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:2 3:2 2.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:3 3:3 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019032116:2 3:3 9.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:3 6:2 3.000Tuesday1 2 019032116:4 6:2 4.000Thursday 1 2 019031216:3 7:3 3.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 9 2 019031216:3 7:4 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019031216:4 0:2 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019032616:0 1:0 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019031216:4 5:4 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019032616:0 4:4 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019031216:4 8:3 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8.000Thursday 1 2 019040316:5 5:4 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019041616:2 5:1 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019042516:4 5:3 9.000Thursday 1 2 019040316:5 6:5 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019041616:2 7:4 9.000Tuesday 1 2 019042516:4 6:4 7.000Thursday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 13 2 019041616:2 8:3 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019042516:5 3:0 3.000Thursday 1 2 019041616:3 0:0 6.000Tuesday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 12 2 019040416:0 3:0 9.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019041616:3 3:4 5.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:0 4:3 3.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019041616:3 3:5 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019043016:0 2:0 6.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:1 0:5 7.000Thursday 1 2 019041616:3 8:3 6.000Tuesday 1 2 019043016:0 8:4 6.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:1 6:5 6.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019041616:3 9:2 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019043016:0 8:4 7.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:2 2:4 7.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019041616:4 0:2 0.000Tuesday 1 2 019043016:1 2:2 2.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:3 9:3 7.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 019041616:4 7:2 3.000Tuesday 1 2 019043016:1 4:1 4.000Tuesday 1 2 019040416:4 8:1 9.000Thu rsd ay 1 2 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2.000Thursday 1 2 019040916:4 8:3 1.000Tuesday 1 2 019041816:1 2:2 3.000Thursday 1 2 019040916:5 6:3 1.000Tuesday 1 2 019041816:1 3:1 5.000Thursday 1 TotalPeakHourServiceTickets 20 2 019041816:1 9:3 6.000Thursday 1 2 019041816:1 9:5 5.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:0 0:3 4.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 1:2 4.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:0 2:2 7.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 2:3 2.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:0 3:4 2.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 3:2 9.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:0 3:5 1.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 4:5 7.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:0 4:0 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 6:1 1.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:1 1:3 6.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 6:1 1.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:1 4:3 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:3 8:5 2.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:2 1:5 8.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:4 8:4 4.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:2 2:4 9.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:5 4:0 2.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:2 9:3 5.000Wednesday 1 2 019041816:5 6:0 5.000Thursday 1 2 019041016:3 0:0 1.000Wednesday 1 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