HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 4AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR DOWNTOWN CORE STREETSCAPE PHASE 2 THIS AMENDMENT, dated for reference purposes only as January 31, 2024, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and Psomas DBA KPB Psomas, Inc (“Consultant”), a Washington foreign (California) corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-22-028, dated January 17, 2022, to provide necessary services for the Downtown Core Streetscape Phase 2 (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); Whereas, the Parties amended the Agreement under Amendment No. 1, (CAG-22-028, Adden #1-22), dated March 23, 2022, Amendment No. 2(CAG-22-028, Adden #2-22), dated October 13, 2022, and Amendment No. 3 (CAG-22-028, Adden #3-23), dated June 16, 2023; Whereas, the Parties wish to further amend the Agreement to change the scope of work and extend the time for performance in order to ensure that a portion of the project completes construction and another portion is provided additional time to complete design and bid documents. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-22-028 is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Section 1, Scope of Work, is amended to acknowledge modifications to the allocation of budget within the existing scope of work and need for additional engineering support, as follows: A. As of this Amendment No. 4 date, the Amendment No.1’s Exhibit A-1, Scope of Work, Tasks 1 – 5 for the Williams Avenue S streetscape project are substantially complete and for the Wayfinding project are approximately 50 percent complete. The Amendment No. 3’s Exhibit A-3, Scope of Work, Task 6 (Construction Services) for the Williams Avenue S streetscape project is approximately 50 percent complete. The Parties agree completion of the tasks require shifting funding amongst tasks during the work period, as shown on Exhibit C-4, which is attached and incorporated herein. B. Completion of Task 6 (Construction Services) for the Williams Avenue S streetscape project and design and bidding for the Wayfinding project are CAG-22-028, Adden #4-24 2. pending and will be performed within the extended Time of Performance period. C.Due to unanticipated changes to Williams Ave S streetscape fieldwork, including suspension of work temporarily due to material procurement delays, fieldwork directives, change orders, and additional engineering support identified necessary to complete the project, Consultant has submitted a supplemental scope of work (Exhibit A-4) at the City's request to identify moving project budget toward Construction Services to ensure project completion. The breakdown of services and associated costs are included in Exhibit B-4. Budget already included in the Agreement, as amended, will be reallocated between the Williams Avenue S streetscape and Wayfinding projects, as shown on Exhibit C-4. All exhibits are attached and incorporated herein. Time of Performance: Section 3, Time of Performance, is amended pursuant to the schedule set forth in Exhibit A-4. All Work shall be performed by no later than June 30, 2024. 3.Compensation: No additional compensation is made as part of this Amendment No. 4. The Parties agree to the allocation of funding for the respective project tasks of the Williams Streetscape and Wayfinding projects as shown on Exhibit C-4, for which the total maximum amount of funding remains $342,793.08 as set forth in Amendment No. 1. 4.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Amendment as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CITY OF RENTON By: ____________ _ Armondo Pavone Mayor Date Approved as to Legal Form By: _________ _ M.Patrice Kent Sr. Assistant City Attorney Contract Template Updated 06/17/2021 (h/contract/2021/1841/ Add4) PAGE 2 OF 2 CONSULTANT Nate Mozer Vice President 1/23/2024 Approved by Patrice Kent via email 1/17/2024 _____________________________ Jason A. 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Management/Coordination/Admin $1,344.50 1. Management/Coordination/Admin $539.76 $180.50 2. Supplemental Survey & Base Mapping $27,744.60 2. Supplemental Survey & Base Mapping $11,690.64 $6,120.40 Partial Transfer to Design -$5,570.24 Management/Coordination/Admin $5,081.85 Management/Coordination/Admin $9,127.95 $10,266.65 Design $67,516.14 Design $57,018.78 $103,637.86 Transfer from Sub - Widener & Associates $7,498.95 Transfer from Sub - Potholing Services $7,800.00 Partial Transfer from Subconsultants (Orig)$1,342.90 Transfer from Reimbursables (Orig)$175.50 Partial Transfer from Supplemental Survery & Base Mapping $5,570.24 Partial Transfer from Public Outreach $926.28 Partial Transfer from Sub - Chudgar Eng $13,340.92 Utility Coordination $0.00 Utility Coordination $2,655.90 $4,629.00 Partial Transfer from Subconsultants (Orig)$1,640.60 Public Outreach $3,610.00 Public Outreach $2,321.28 $1,632.50 Partial Transfer to Design -$926.28 Bid Assistance $0.00 Bid Assistance $1,489.80 $1,484.00 Sub - Widener & Associates $0.00 Sub - Widener & Associates $7,498.95 Transfer to Design -$7,498.95 Sub - Commonstreet $0.00 Sub - Commonstreet $0.00 $0.00 Sub - Chudgar Eng $0.00 Sub - Chudgar Eng $18,340.92 $0.00 Partial Transfer to Design -$13,340.92 Sub - Potholing Services $0.00 Sub - Potholing Services $7,800.00 $0.00 Transfer to Design -$7,800.00 Reimbursables $1,710.00 Reimbursables $370.50 $0.00 TOTAL Design and Bidding $113,502.53 TOTAL Design and Bidding $122,013.48 $127,950.91 $0.00 Partial Transfer from Construction Services - Office $4,507.43 Partial Transfer from Prepare and Maintain ROM $1,430.00 $127,950.91 Remaining Wayfinding Budget Allotment $55,507.07 Construction Partial Transfer to Construction Administration $1,258.00 Management Reserve (Allocated to Streetscape Construction) $25,000.00 Partial Transfer to Construction Services - Office $22,120.00 Transfer to Construction Services - Office -$25,000.00 Partial Transfer to Prepare and Maintain Records fo Materials (ROM)$876.00 Administration $1,850.00 $4,038.50 $1,258.00 (to complete design and bidding) $31,253.07 Transfer from Construction Services - Office $2,188.50 Partial Transfer from Wayfinding $1,258.00 Construction Services - Office $16,340.00 $24,695.75 $32,068.32 Transfer from Mangement Reserve $25,000.00 Partial Transfer to Design and Bidding -$4,507.43 Partial Transfer to Construction Administration -$2,188.50 Partial Transfer from Wayfinding $22,120.00 Prepare and Maintain Records of Materials (ROM)$8,580.00 $7,144.00 $882.00 Partial Transfer to Design and Bidding -$1,430.00 Partial Transfer from Wayfinding $876.00 TOTAL Construction $70,086.57 $35,878.25 $34,208.32 Design and Bidding (to date)$113,502.53 Design and Bidding $127,950.91 Remaning Budget Allotment $31,253.07 Construction $70,086.57 TOTAL WAYFINDING (Design, Bid)$144,755.60 TOTAL WILLIAMS AVE STREETSCAPE (Design, Bid, Construction) $198,037.48 $163,829.16 $34,208.32 TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT $342,793.08