HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/2017 - Agenda Bill AB - 1928 GITY C7F � � � . � � ' � • � � • • , SU BJ ECT/TITLE: Reappointments of Airport Advisory Committee members RECOMMENDED ACTION : Council Concur DEPARTM ENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT. : 6520 � � � � � None � ' • � • Mayor Law reappoints the following to the Airport Advisory Committee for terms expiring 5/7/20: • Jeffrey Thomson, Highlands Neighborhood, Alternate position • Matthew Devine, Talbot Hill Neighborhood, Primary position • Robert Moran, South Renton Neighborhood, Primary position • Melody Kroeger, Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace Neighborhood, Alternate position . A. Recommendation to Mayor Law for reappointments to Airport Advisory Committee � ' • � � • Confirm Mayor Law's reappointments of Mr. Thomson, Mr. Devine, Mr. Moran and Ms. Kroeger to the Airport Advisory Committtee. PLIBL�C I�V�RKS DEPARTIVIENT � o cit or � � � M E M � R A N D �J IV� :_�! ! - -- - - � ��� 1��� DATE: Ju ne �, ��17 � U�1 �47 24�1 . . a T�. Denis Law, Mayvr FRDM : �re Zimmerma P blic Vllorks Administrator AY�R�� ���}�� �� M STAFF CDNTACT: Harry Barrett, Jr., A�rp�rt Manager, ext. 7477 SUBJECT': Rentvn Airport AdviSvey Cammittee Membership Reappointments The Renton A�rport Advisory C�mm�ttee has severa� pasition terms that hav� expired. Those p�sition5 ar� as fol��ws: � APP�INTMENT TERM ExPjRAT1�N NAME P�S�TI�IV �ATE DATE Jeffrey Thomson Highlands A�ternate Apr�! 21,ZD14 May 7. 2D17 ���� Matthew Devine Talbot Hil� Primary Septem�er 17� 2��7 May 7, ��17 S�uth R�nton Robert M�ran Primary May 7, ��D1 May 7, 2D17 Rent�n H i i��N{o nte rey Me�ody Kroeger Terrace Alternate Aprii �1, 2Q14 May 7, 2�17 The incumbents ar� �onsidered to be mem�ers of goad stand�ng. Based vn individuai conversativns w�th the in�umbent member� Airport management has determ�ned each of them ha� a desire to �vntinue t� serve an the �ommittee. These members understand and are committed to the �ity's Airpart Master Plan, r�nissian statement and Bus�nes� PIa�: �n addition they hav� demon5trated the ability to anaEyze detailed infnrmatian ta balance competing objectives presented to the �ommittee. The A�rpart management team re�ommends the neighborhood representati�e members be reappainted to th�Er respective p�sitivns on the Rent�n Airport Advisory Committee w�th tQrms set to expire May 7, 2D2D. The Renton Airpvrt Advisory Committee cant�nues ta accept applicatians far two prlmary and four a�ternate positian vacancies. A pr�ss re�ease with infarmation aba�t the pasitivns and appl�catian pr�C�ss has been issued t� the community. ThQ Airp�rt management team wil� be reviewing ail applicativns and w�ll 5ubmit re��mmendativns to fill these va�an�ies in the near futu re. cc: .lay Co��ngton, Chief Adm�nistrative Dfficer !jm Seltr� Transportat�an Systems Director Aprll Alexande�, Executive Assistant 5u�an Camp�ell-Hehr, Administrative 5eeretary H:`Fi1e 5ys1AfR - Airpvrt, Transportation 5erv�ces Division/�1 Admini�tration��� Committees�Alrport Advisory�RAA� - Mem�ershtp�2 - Reappvintments���17 Reappointments/RAAC Reappo�ntment memo - z�17-HB edit�.do�x