HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/2017 - Agenda Bill AB - 1983 GITY C7F � � � . � • ' - • . - - • : - • 1 SU BJ ECT/TITLE: Appointments to Airport Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED ACTION : Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTM ENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT. : 6520 � � � � � None � ' • � • Mayor Law appoints the following to the Airport Advisory Committee: Steve Beardslee, Airport-At-Large, Primary position, filling an unexpired term that expires 5/7/18 (moving from Airport Leaseholders Alternate) Kurt Boswell, Airport Leaseholders, Primary position, term expiring 5/7/20 (moving from Airport-At-Large Primary) Marie Campbell, Airport Leaseholders, Alternate position, filling an unexpired term that expires 5/7/19 (moving from Airport-At-Large Alternate) Bob Ingersoll, Airport Leaseholders, Alternate position, term expiring 5/7/20 (replacing Steve Beardslee) Ryan Tomasich, The Boeing Company, term expiring 5/7/20 . A. Recommendation Memo 6. Applications � ' • � � • Confirm Mayor Law's appointments of Steve Beardslee, Kurt Boswell, Marie Campbell, Bob Ingersoll, and Ryan Tomasich to the Airport Advisory Committee. PUBLIC W�RKS DEPARTMENT D � i�r�f .,� � � � � M E M � R A N D U M DATE: Septem ber 5, 2�17 T�: Denis Law� Mayor � FR�M: Gregg 2�mmerma �ic INorks Administrator STAFF ��NTA�T: Harry Barrett, Jr., Airport Manag�r, ext. 7477 SUBJE�T: Rentvn Munitipal Airport Recommendations f�r App�intments to the R�nt�n Airpart A��risary C�mmittee The Renton Airport Ad�isory ��mmittee �RAA�} currently has four primary �acancies and thr�e alternate �acancies. Following an ap�lication process, �ncluding inter��ews by the Airp�rt Manager and/�r Comm�ttee Chair, � recammend the following appli�ants be appointed to the RAA� committ�e based on specific criteria the indi�idual meets for the recommended pas�tion: Ste�Q Bea rdslee Position �tecammendati�n: Airport-at-Large Primary Term Expi rati on Date: May 7, 2D 18 TheAirpnrt-at-Largepos�tion requiresthatit behefd byan ind��idual w�th an a�iativn background. Mr. Beardslee is being recommended far this pvs�tion based on his exp�ri�ncQ in the aviation industry with the Bo�ing EmpEoyees Flying AsS�ciation. We recomm�nd he b� mo�ed from the Airp�rt Leaseholders Alternate position, which he currently holds, to the Airport-at-Large Primary positian on the RAA�. Kurt Bosw�[I Pvsition R�commendation: Airpvrt Leaseholder Primary Term Expi rat��n Date: May 7, ��2� The Airport leaseholder pvsitivn requires that it be held by an indi�idual whv currently has a I�ase at the Renton Municipal Airport. Mr. Bosweil meets this qualification and we rec�mmend he be mv�ed from the Airport-at-Large Primary pos�tian, which he currently halds, t� the Airport Leaseholder Primary position an the RAAC. Ryan Tomasich Pvsition Recammendati�n: The Baeing �ompany Primary Term Expirati�n Date: May 7� 2�2� The B�eing �ompany positivn on the RAAC has historically h�en held by its �o�ernm�nt Relations staff person. Mr. Tomasich was recently s��ected to fill this pos�ti�n at B�eing. We recommend Mr. Tomas�ch �e appainted to the RAA� to f�l� The Baeing Company position. Denis Law, Mayvr Page 2 of 2 September 5. �n17 Mari� �ampbel� Position Recommendation: Airport Leaseha�der Alternate Term Expiration Date: May 7, 2�i9 The Airpvrt LeasehoEder positian requires that �t �e held �y an indE�idual wha currently has a �ease at the Renton Mun�cipai A�rport. Ms. �ampbell meets this qualifi�ation and we recommend she be mo�ed from the A�rport-at-large A�ternate pos�t�on, whEch she currently haids, tv the Airport Leaseho�der Alternate positivn on the RAAC. Bob 1 ngersvi I Position Recvmm�ndation: A�rpart Leaseho�der Alternate Term Expirat�on Date: May 7, ���D The Airport Leasehvfder pasitivn requires that it be held by an ind��idual whv currently has a lease at the Renton Mun�cipa[ Airpart. Mr. Ingerso�l meets th�s qua�ification and we recommend he be appointed to the Airpvrt LeasehoEder Alternate positi�n on th� RAAC. The Renton Mun�cEpal Airp�rt cantinues t� accept applicat�ons for the Rent�n A�rpvrt AdvRsory Committee. �urrentty all positivns vn th� RAAC are fil�ed, howe��r the c�ntinual process vf accepting appl�Cations will minimiz� th� amount of t�me a pvsitian is �acant in the future in the e�ent a member's status Changes and they are no Ionger ab�e t❑ ser�e an the Committee. ce: �ay Co�ington, Chief Adminis�rative �fficer 1im Seitzi Transportativn 5ysterns DirQct�r Apri[ Alexander, Executi�e Assistant 5usan Carnpbell-Hehr, Administrati�e Seeretary 1 H:/Fi�e 5ys/ADM - PBPIN Adminstration�Admin Sec I��Z017/Memos�diaw raac appvintment rec�mmendations re�ised �90517.docx A�ril Alexander From: rjingersolE7? a�gmai�.com Sent; Sunday, August 27, 2�17 2:25 PM To: April Alexander Subject; Appl�cation for boards, commissians, or committees. The fa l lov�ring re gi strati on was suhmitte d via the �it� o f Renton Web s ite: Data from f�rm "Applicatian for Boards, commissions, or committees" was received on Su.�day, August 27, 2�17 2:�4:4� PM. Boards, comrnissions, comm�ttees � Field Value � B�ardsCommrssions�ommittees Airport Advis�ry �ommittee* � Tit1e Mr. Name Robert J Ingerso�I � � address ���� � � .��., �.�,� �,_ S �ity, �tate, Z�p S ender's Email .� , T, , - �_ i Applieant"s phone � ����� � �� � � A Iicant's a�ternate hone ��,���►�� pP p , . ;_ �4__�._ Renton Resident? �:����� __ � , If so, since when Former Residenee BA Business Whitworth U . 19 �7 ; FA.A Commercial pilots E duc ational B ack ound 1 i c e n s e 19 �8 ; � �ttended various Universities through S�eing for spe�ial curri�ulum related to war� . �C�ll �t��ri Retired The Boeing Co 2DQ4 . Corp VP of Contracts � p PriCinglEstimating 36 years at Boeing in variaus commerciallmilitarylspace proje�ts . Assigned to and lived in 5eattle , wichita , 5t �ceupationBackground L�uis , Huntsville � Houston■ Chi�agfl Boeing Headquarters . Responsibilities included Financ� � Contracts . Pricing and Estimating, Export Licensing . Employer The Boeing Ca . Boeing Employees Tennis Glub. Board m�mber six years . Boeing Employe�s Flying Association, Baard member s�ven years ; current President . �o�llrriurilty ACtiV1t1�S Warked with Al Tally on various civi� fund rais�rs and w ev�nts . Renton Airport Advisory C�mmittee , memb�r four years � 2�D9- 2013 } 1 � Field Value � , � I was r�cently re-elected as President of Boeing Employees � Flying Association � BEFA� . We are a long time tenant at RNT Reasons and I would like to r�join the RAAC ta suppvrt the airport and represent BEF� to the airpvrt and the City of Renton . �an attend day me etings true � �an aitend night me eting s true Emai1 "Appli�ation for boards, Cari7IT11S51�I75, or committees." originally sent to analexander�a.ren#onwa.�,� from r,�'ingersoli77�,�a,�mail.cam on Sunday, August 27, 2Q�7 2:24:49 FM. � � � � � �*���r• � # � � } Hannah L M�I�er From: Apr�� AiQxander ��� �t: Thursday, May ll, 2�17 4:39 PM � � � v: Hannah L Miller Subject: FW: Application f�r boards, commissions, or cammittees. From: ryan.r.tvmas��h�b�eing.c�m [mailto:ryan.r.tomasichC7boeing.cnm� Sent: Thursday, May 11, �017 4:29 PM T�: April Alexander �analexander[a?Rentonwa.go�� Cc: ryan.r.tnmas�ch[c�boeing.cam Subje�t: ApplEcation for h�ards, comm�ssivns, or �ommittees. The follov�ing re��stration was submitted via the �ity �f Rent�n websi�e: Data fr�m form "Applicat�an for Boards, commissions, or committees" was r�ceived on Thursday, May 11, ��17 4:28:37 PM. B�ards, cammissions, �ommittees � _ .r . - - - _ _ , _ � Field Value �ar�s�omrriissi�ns�ommittees Airp�rt Ad�isory �ommittee� � Title Mr. � -- - - , __ �, Nam� Ryan Tomasich addres s e �ity, State, Zip ' .���� , . � �.�,.��,. . . �cant s emax. _ ���������_������ � ���f ���� � r����.���� PP ...� Applic ant's phone Applicar�t's alternate phan� � , - - - -- �_ Renton Resident? false If so, since when . � Former Residence � Educational B ackground � ��Gupatron s�nior Manager , Gavernment �perations , The Boeing Cvmpany � � � �c c up ati onB ackgrv u n d Employer The soe ing �ompany , - , :'ommunity Activities ; �� � Reasons 1 � � r �- _ e �.�.- -�---,._ .�-., - a ,�� - T- �� - -- ^- '-- . i Field �alue � Can attend day meetings true s �an attend night meetings true .��_�.. , Emaii "Applicatian for hvards, c�mmissions, or committees." vriginally sent to analexanderC�rentonvva.�ov from rvan.r.tomasiCh�bo�ing.cam on Thursday, May � �, ��17 4:�5:37 PM. The followin� w�re also sent a copy: rv_an.r.tamasich�boei n,�.com. � � . `_- . ��•� � �. .IPr�: ' � � Y � �.� +� �_y � ti �