HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/2016 - Agenda Bill `"'' "�r` AGENDA ITEM #8, b) AB- 1790 CITY OF -._�r....r•/'""�` � � ' � �� . •- � . � . SUBJECT/TITLE: Reappointments to City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Benedetti, Rochex, Swift RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTM ENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT.: 6520 . • . . • N/A • ' • � • Mayor Law reappoints the following to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: � Ms. Angelina Benedetti,for a term expiring December 31, 2019 • Ms. Dana Rochex, for a term expiring December 31, 2021 • Mr. Rod Swift, for a term expiring December 31, 2017 : A. Memos to Mayor Law recommending reappointments � • • � � • Concur with Mayor Law's reappointments of Ms. Benedetti, Ms. Rochex and Mr. Swift 3 , irrrr �; • Dennis Saxman,Seattle,expressed support for the women affected by the apartments that no longer accept Section 8 vouchers. He noted that he has been a Section 8 voucher holder since 2002. He added that landlords may lose a few dollars of profit, but that is nothing compared to the suffering and loss of being homeless. • Peter Manning, unknown,expressed support for the women affected by the apartments that no longer accept Section S vouchers. He stated that this type of action has occurred in other places under the guise of gentrification or urban renewal, but is really just about Black removal. He urged Council to pass legislation that will protect these women and families from losing their homes. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the ConsentAgenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of October 24, 2016.Council Concur. b) AB-1790 Mayor Law reappointed the following individuals to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Ms.Angelina Benedetti for a term expiring 12/31/2019, Ms. Dana Rochex for a term expiring 12/31/2021,and Mr. Rod Swift for a term expiring 12/31/2017. Council Concur. c) AB-1793 Mayor Law appointed the following individuals to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Diane Dobson and Ryan Hammond for terms expiring on 12/31/2017,and Robert Prather for a term expiring on 4/30/2017. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. d) AB-1780 Administrative Services Department submitted a request for utility billing adjustments for Valley Medical Dental, lLC at 4300 Talbot Rd.S,and recommended approval of the adjustment in the total amount of$2,223.94. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB-1782 Administrative Services Department recommended approval to hire a Senior Systems Analyst at Step E of salary grade m24, effective 11/16/2016. Refer to Finance Committee. f) AB-1789 Administrative Services Department recommended approval of the 2016 year end 2015/2016 Biennial Budget amendments, increasing appropriations in the amount of $9,233,273 with the total amended budget to be$695,345,360 for the biennium. Refer to Finance Committee. g) AB-1794 Community& Economic Development Department submitted the proposed 2016 Title IV(Development Regulations) Docket#12 amendments and summaries to commence the annual review processes. Refer to Planning&Development Committee and Planning Commission. h) AB-1781 Community Services Department recommended adopting a resolution to approve Amendment L to the existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and The City of Renton to accept$450,000 in grant funding for the May Creek Greenway Open Space Acquisition;and reallocate grant funds in the amount of$450,000 back to the Parks Impact Mitigation Fund and the 2007 King County Proposition 2 Levy Fund. Refer to Finance Committee. November 7, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES '"� � AGENDA 1TEM #8. b) . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ci�yof AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D Q��O� �� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 25, 2016 T0: Denis Law, Mayor • FROM: C. E. "Chip"Vincent,CED Administrator SUBJECT: Reappointment to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board:Angelina Benedetti The original appointment for Angelina Benedetti was in April 2012. She consistently demonstrates a commitment to her positions and to the fulfillment of the City Center Plan. She has the ability to participate fairly and equitably while representing the community at large. I recommend that she be reappointed to a new three year term, expiring on December 31, 2019. RECEIVED �cr 2 7 zois �a�or��s o�Fic� h:\ced\planning\community planning\city center\advisory board\appointments&reappointments\benedetti reappointment-3 year.doc . : `"" °�` AGENDA ITEM #8, b) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY p �►�of�O� � AND ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT �,) M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 25, 2016 TO: DeniS Law, Mayor FROM: C. E. "Chip"Vincent, CED Administrator , SUBJECT: Reappointment to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Dana Rochex The original appointment for Dana Rochex was in April 2012. She consistently demonstrates a commitment to her positions and to the fulfillment of the City Center Plan. She has the ability to participate fairly and equitably while representing the community at large. .� I recommend that she be reappointed to a new t�year term, expiring on December 31, 2021. �ECEivEa 0 C T 2 '� �t116 M,4YOR�s oF�ic�. h:\ced\planning\community planning\city center\advisory board\appointments&reappointments\rochex reappointment-5 year.doc i "`�" '""� AGENDA ITEM #8. b) � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY � �� �f�O� � AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 25, 2016 TO: Denis Law, Mayor , FROM: C. E. "Chip"Vincent,CED Administrator SUBJECT: Reappointments to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Rod Swift The original appointment for Rod Swift was in April 2012. Rod has consistently demonstrated a commitment to his position and to the fulfillment of the City Center Plan. He has the ability to participate fairly and equitably while representing the community at large. I recommend that he be reappointed to a new one year term, expiring on December 31, 2017. RECEIV�a 0 C i 2 �� 2016 MRYOR'S OFFIG� r h:\ced\planning\community planning\city�enter\advisory board\appointments&reappointments\swift reappointment-1 year.doc A � , E , +�y►` .�` • Dennis Saxman,Seattle,expressed support for the women affected by the apartments that no longer accept Section 8 vouchers. He noted that he has been a Section 8 voucher holder since 2002. He added that landlords may lose a few doilars of profit, but that is nothing compared to the suffering and loss of being homeless. • Peter Manning, unknown,expressed support for the women affected by the apartments that no longer accept Section 8 vouchers. He stated that this type of action has occurred in other places under the guise of gentrification or urban renewal, but is really just about Black removal. He urged Council to pass legislation that will protect these women and families from losing their homes. CONSENT AGENDA Items Irsted on the ConsentAgenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of October 24,2016.Council Concur. b) AB-1790 Mayor Law reappointed the following individuals to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Ms.Angelina Benedetti for a term expiring 12/31/2019, Ms. Dana Rochex for a term expiring 12/31/2021, and Mr. Rod Swift for a term expiring 12/31/2017. Council Concur. c) AB-1793 Mayor Law appointed the following individuals to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: Diane Dobson and Ryan Hammond for terms expiring on 12/31/2017,and Robert Prather for a term expiring on 4/30/2017. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. d) AB-1780 Administrative Services Department submitted a request for utility billing adjustments for Valley Medical Dental, LLC at 4300 Talbot Rd.5, and recommended approval of the adjustment in the total amount of$2,223.94. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB-1782 Administrative Services Department recommended approval to hire a Senior Systems Analyst at Step E of salary grade m24, effective 11/16/2016. Refer to Finance Committee. f) AB-1789 Administrative Services Department recommended approval of the 2016 year end 2015/2016 Biennial Budget amendments, increasing appropriations in the amount of $9,233,273 with the total amended budget to be$695,345,360 for the biennium. Refer to Finance Committee. g) AB-1794 Community& Economic Development Department submitted the proposed 2016 Title IV(Development Regulations) Docket#12 amendments and summaries to commence the annual review processes. Refer to Planning&Development Committee and Planning Commission. h) AB-1781 Community Services Department recommended adopting a resolution to approve Amendment L to the existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and The City of Renton to accept$450,000 in grant funding for the May Creek Greenway Open Space Acquisition;and reallocate grant funds in the amount of$450,000 back to the Parks Impact Mitigation Fund and the 2007 King County Proposition 2 levy Fund. Refer to Finance Committee. November 7, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES �" `""� A GENDA ITEM #8, c) AB- 1793 CITY OF M ---�.� r� e���� � • ' -• 1 • � . SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointments to City Center Community Plan Advisory Board RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Planning& Development Committee DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT.: 6520 . • . . • None ► • • � • Mayor Law appoints the following to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board: • Ms. Diane Dobson, for a term expiring December 31, 2017 • Mr. Ryan Hammond,for a term expiring December 31, 2017 • Mr. Robert Prather,for a term expiring April 30, 2017 : A. Memos to Mayor Law recommending appointment B. Applications for Boards, Commissions or Committees � • � � � • Confirm Mayor Law's appointments of Ms. Dobson, Mr. Hammond and Mr. Prather to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board. � � AGENDA ITEM #8, c) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY p ^��0� ,�, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � M E M O R A N D U M RECEIVED DATE: October 20, 2016 T0: Denis Law, Mayor , �1 2016 FROM: C.E. "Chip"Vincent, CED Administrator M OR'S OF�lCE SUBJECT: City Center Community Plan Advisory Board The City Center Community Plan Advisory Board currently has a position that has been vacated by Kim Sweet,who has moved to Alaska. Kim had served as a representative of the South Renton neighborhood on the Advisory Board. The City has received an application from a member of the community and staff is recommending he be appointed to the Board. Robert Prather is a resident of the South Renton neighborhood and his dedication to the betterment of the City Center Community Planning Area will be of great benefit to the Advisory Board. Staff recommends Robert Prather be appointed to the vacant position on the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board, expiring April 30, 2017. "'�'` `'�'' AGENDA ITEM #8. c) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY p ^ ���0� .� AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT « M E M O R A N D U M � DATE: October 20, 2016 T0: Denis Law, Mayor � FROM: C.E. "Chip"Vincent, CED Administrator SUBJECT: City Center Community Plan Advisory Board The City Center Community Planning Board currently has open positions and the City has received applications from two members of the community that staff are recommending be appointed to the Board. Both Diane Dobson and Ryan Hammond live and work in the City Center. Diane is a resident of the North Renton neighborhood and works Downtown in an office and Ryan is a resident of South Renton who has recently opened a new business in Downtown. Both Diane and Ryan have demonstrated dedication and commitment to the betterment of the City Center Community Planning Area and will be of great benefit to the Advisory Board. Staff recommends Diane Dobson and Ryan Hammond be appointed to positions on the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board, each for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2017. RECEIVED OCT 27 2016 MAYOR'S OFFIC� r ' ` "�"` `"�"` AGENDA 1TEM #8. c) April Atexander ,,r�rom: dmd821 @aol.com ��nt: Monday, March 10,2014 8:43 PM o: April Alexander Cc: dmd821 @aol.com Subject: Application for boards, commissions, or committees. The following registration was submitted via the City of Renton website: Data from form "Application for Boards, commissions,or committees" was received on 3/10/2a14 8:42:40 PM. Boards, commissions, committees __�_ �_____ _._________. __�_�_____ Field � M� Value _ _ _ . �._ _ - -- --- - - . ._ . . __..._ _._. __. _ . __ __ __ � - - - - - BoardsCommissionsCommittees 1 ` Title �Ms. � �� � Name��� {Diane Dobson �� v�M address J ;806 N Riverside Dr City, State,Zip ��Renton � u , __�.___.__. _.__.._.._.______.�.__...�_�__ »_�__.---------------_..-----.--- - - ----- _ -. Applicant's email �dmd821 na�,aol.com ---.---_�_�__�.�--_ _._-----_.._.___.________.__�_ _... .___. ._._ _ _ _ .. --- - �Anplicant's phone F42S8909176 ` pplicant's alternate phone '4258909176 Renton Resident? ;true ...._._.__-- -._�.__._------ __, _.._____. ..._. _.__._._. ..---- - ------__.___.----. ._ _- ---------. _ .____.,.. ... _ . _. _ .._ .... . If so, since when �1975 _ ____,_ ______..___._-.---.___.._...----_��_--.-----.�.__.._..__ ___.___ _ _ .._.____...__.__.__.__._.___ _ . Former Residence ' ;1993 Liberty High School Graduate ��� ��� Educational Background E some post high school education at Highline Community College �then Seattle University �CCupati0ri ;1. Lead Paralegal ` r� °2. Reservationist �1.~ 1989 - current Wyman K. Dobson, P.S.� � �� , Lead Paralegal !2. 2007 - current Alaska Airlines OccupationBackground � Reservationist ;3. 2003 - 2010 Head Aquatics Coach - Hazen High School Head Swim & Dive Coach Employer 1. wyman x. Dobson, P.s. ___ �_..____-------.—��,_.�___----- 2. Alaska Airlines —.--..�-•---- .___�.-----_._____._.__..�____� �1993 - current Renton Lions Club �mmunity Activities ' ;PAST: lions Club International Zone Chairperson 1 � `'"r'' AGENDA ITEM #8, c) Field �. Value ' i� ;Nishiwaki Sister City Committee (daughter of founding member)� �Cuaultla Sister City Committee (founding member) �Renton Clothing Bank Advisory Board (former secretary) � €Renton School District - volunteer � �THIS APPLICATION IS FOR THE COMMUNITY PLAN ADVISORY BOARD.�� 2 � �do not see the appropriate selection option at the top of this , €application for this board. � ! iI would like to take a more active role in the Community Plan ;Advisory Board. I work in downtown Renton (229 Williams Ave �S) and live in North Renton (806 N Riverside Dr) so the ReSSons �development of this plan is critical to both my work and !personal life. Having been a resident for my full 38 years ;and coming from a founding family of the City of Renton, I �have a wealth of history, knowledge and information that I can ibring to the committee as well as personal interest in seeing ;this committee succeed and function to the best of it's �ability. .. _......- - -- -�_ ____.,.. . ..._ . ._. _ .._- - --- - - - -.. ....__ ... . . _ -- - ._ ._ _. __. . -- Can attend day meetings ,true , Can attend night meetings M ;true � � ��J �� � Email"Application for boards,commissions,or committees."originally sent to analexander(c�rentonwa.�ov from dmd821(c�aol.com on 3/10/2014 8:42:40 PM.The following were also sent a copy:dmd82l�aol.com. _1 �,1 { � 2 �' � AGENDA ITEM #8, c) Hannah L Miller From: April Alexander ,nt: Wednesday,August 24,2016 4:32 PM �o: Hannah L Miller Subject: FW:Application for boards,commissions,or committees. Mr. Hammond is actually applying for Community Plan Advisory Board—City Center(that's what it says at bottorn of application)...april From: ryanhammondarts@gmail.com [mailto:ryanhammondarts@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday,August 24, 2016 4:12 PM To: April Alexander Cc: ryanhammondarts@gmail.com Subject: Application for boards, commissions, or committees. The following registration was submitted via the City of Renton website: Data from form"Application for Boards, commissions, or committees" was received on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 4:11:55 PM. � Boards, comrriissions,committees Field ( Value i �._�oardsCommissionsCommittees ICommunity Plan Advisory Board* �I�I�I� I Title I Mr. ( �Name `Ryan Hammond I — — �{ address 719 S 4th st ! City, State, Zip I Renton ;Applicant's email ryanhammondarts @ Qmail.com I Applicant's phone I2065188573 l Applicant's altemate phone !4252551002 I Renton Resident? I true If so, since when 2010 �Former Residence Boise, ID I Educational Background I2.5 year apprenticeship, otherwise self-taught Occupation �Entrepreneur, Tattoo Artist From the age of 14 I have worked in many different industries from cooking to automotive but began pursuing my current OccupationBackground career as a tattoo artist at the of 1s. I have owned my own � shop since March 2016. �, Employer Self: Handsome Devil Ink I 1 � . � . a � � • �/) ; Field Value I � Downtown clean up, Pop-Up Downtown, South Renton neighborhood ;Community Activities meetings, Return to Renton vendor, Poker Run sponsor, ifrequent City Center businesses. This is a great opportunity to participate in and contribute , � to the positive changes in the community that I live and work � �Reasons in. � � (This is intended for the Renton City Center) �Can attend day meetings true �Can attend night meetings true _ i Email "Application for boazds,commissions,or committees."originally sent to anatexander@rentonwa.gov from rvanhammondarts@�mail.com on Wednesday,August 24,2016 4:11:55 PM.The following were also sent a copy: r�anhammondarts @gmail.com. -,, a .....� � .., � ". � 2 ¢ ° `''�''" � AGENDA ITEM #8. c) Hannah L Miller `C3( From: April Alexander � Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:47 AM �FYo: Hannah L Miller Subject: FW:Application for boards,commissions,or committees. Fram: PrathersCa�Comcast.net[mailto:PrathersCa�Comcast.netl Sent:Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:36 AM To: April Alexander Cc: Prathers@Comcast.net Subject: Application for boards, commissions, or committees. The following registration was submitted via the City of Renton website: Data from form "Application for Boards,commissions, or committees" was received on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:36:08 AM. Boards, commissions, committees Field Value _. BoardsCommissionsCommittees Community Plan Advisory Board* -Benson Hill � � i itle �Mr. _ �� Name Robert Prather _� r----------�_____�.T--.---------�---____._.�.__------,.`_- ------ ---�.1 address �633 Smithers Ave �-----------�--- –_ __-- ------ ----------- ---___— __ __ �City, State,Zip �Renton, Wa, 98057 ,Applicant's email Prathers�Comcast.net Applicant's phone 425-351-8531 Applicant's alternate phone Renton Resident? true ( If so, since when 1993 Former Residence Educational Background Four years of concentrated studies in communications at Washington State University. Occupation Buyer OccupationBackground ,Employer Bellegrove Medical, Redmond, Wa � Member of the Tollycraft Boating Club ,Ori1lriUriityE�Cti.Vitles Member of the South Renton Neighborhood ��� 1 y � n �"` "�'"` A GENDA I TEM #8. �c) � Field Value I would like to get involved in issues and planning of �Reasons Renton's CITY CENTER by providing a voice from the South � Renton Neighborhood. (Can attend day meetings false � ��� Can attend night meetings true __ _! � Email"Application for boards,commissions,or committees."originally sent to analexander cr.rentonwa.�.ov from PrathersCc�Comcast.net on Tuesday,May 17,2016 936:08 AM.The following were also sent a copy:Prathers@Comcast.net. �„_...,� i ) 2