HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel_14 Randall Chun 40Group Northwest Diary of Right of Way Activities 7 Acquisition ❑ Relocation Assistance ❑ Property Management R/W No.: 14 Phone No.: Owner: 808-230-5307 Chun, Randall and Eva "Chun Family Living Trust, Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Toki Chun Trustees Tax Parcel No.: Other: Business: chunrandall@hotmail.com Location of Subject: 4628 NE 12th St,Renton WA 98058 Mailing Address of Subject: 17024 160th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058 Date Activities 11/9/19 Parcel assigned to Sonja Davis, Senior Acquisition Agent, RES Group NW 3/20/20 Unable to locate a phone contact for subject owner. A letter requesting contact mailed to owner's mailing address. 3/23/20 Phone call from owner, Randall Chun, late in the evening. He confirmed that he received the letter. He inquired about the project and I explained the project over the phone. He had a hard time visualizing the acquisition area and I suggested that I will ask the project engineer to come and stake the acquisitions and I will come back out to walk it with him. He agreed that would be very helpful. I told him that I will follow up with an email in the morning so he can see the corner of the property that will be impacted by the project. 3/24/20 Email sent to owner with a street view photo of his property and right of way plan sheet pertaining to his property and recapped the last nights conversation regarding project impact to his property. Mr. Chun, It was pleasure speaking with you last night,per our conversation last night please take a look at the attachment. • Chun Property Photo:current side will move towards your property about Sft, utilities that are currently located in that area will be move to the new permanent easement area (fire hydrant, street light, and installation of below grade stormwater treatment filterra system) • Fee acquisition is required at the corner of the property to bring the sidewalk ramp to the new ADA standards, new hawk pedestrian signal and boxes will get relocated to this area. Project will need small fee area at the corner, 5ft of permanent easement, and 5ft of temporary easement to provide a work area for the contractors. Please take a look and give me call so I can walk you through the drawings. 3/27/20 Phone message left with owner for a call back 3/30/20 Phone call with owner and I offered to meet him out at the property to present the offer and explained the project more in detail. He still had a hard time He requested that I mail him the offer packet so he can review it before we meet. 4/1/20 Mailed offer packet via certified mail, USPS. 4/2/20 USPS delivery confirmation 9505 5162 0995 0092 4124 04 4/3/20 Follow up email to owner confirming delivery of the USPS and ask that he contact me and the surveyors staked the acquisition area. Phone call from the owner and a in person meeting at subject property for this afternoon. Meeting with owner at subject property. We walked the frontage of his property and 'I explained the acquisition in detail, referenced by the staking locations. He was very concerned about his trees near the acquisition area, he was concern that the project will disturb the tree roots and in the after he will be left with dying trees. I told him that his trees appear that it is far enough away that the project would most likely not make any impact. Now that acquisitions are marked, it has become clearer where his property line should be. The owner had thought his property line was at the back of the sidewalk but according to the staking its about 2 feet back of the sidewalk. After walking out the utility easement and the TCE, we confirmed that some of the trees are within the TCE area but I told him that 5 feet of TCE is to provide an additional work area for the City's contractors. He also complained that the road noise is very loud, including the pedestrian crossing narrator and asked if I could ask the City to turn the volume down a bit. He said he can hear it from the inside of the unit facing the street. He also said the project will bring the road closer which means it will bring kids and loitering on his property. I explained that the road is not getting any closer since the there will be 5feet of bicycle lane in between. He replied, regardless the sidewalk will be closer to his building and his tenants will be losing privacy. He talked about the project installing a fence at the back of the utility easement in the after. I replied that I will inquire with the City and let him know. 4/13/20 Phone call with owner he is very concerned about his trees and he was very insistent that the project cut down the trees near the acquisition area. I told him that if he is that concern please mark the trees he has in mind and I will relay the message to the City. 4/16/20 Phone call from the owner letting me know that he went out and marked approximately 10 trees. I agree to meet with him on his property tomorrow. 4/17/20 Meeting with owner out at the property. The owner had marked 10 trees that he wants to cut down per the project and would like the project to install a fence for privacy. I took notes and pictures of the trees to discuss with the City. In the interim I told him to get few fence bids. 4/23/20 Phone call with owner asked he had a chance to get some bids for fencing. He said he did not have the time this week and but on his to do for next week. 4/30/20 Phone call with owner he confirmed that he met with one of the fence contractors this week and a will meet with another early next week. 5/11/20 Email from the owner: Ms. Sonja Davis, I have been reviewing several items, 1) Fence bids - I have several bids that average $3500 + tax for a wood/cedar fence. I would like wood since it has better sound absorbing properties,provides more privacy and looks more pleasing than chain-link for a residential area. A chain-link fence would be roughly the same cost when slats are added for privacy. I hope "we" can convince the City that the noise level will be louder than before because cars will normally drift or could drive closer to the curb if a) no bicyclists are present and b) cars will also move closer to the curb when turning left from Duvall on to NE 12th St. Duvall Ave has become a very busy and noisy street with loud and speeding cars and motorcycles where speeding and loud noise levels are not enforced. Thus, moving the sidewalk 6 ft closer to my building will create more noise and less privacy for tenants. The "hawk" pedestrian signal crossing where many Hazen students and pedestrians congregate also does create more noise and less privacy for my property&tenants. 2) Tree removals - 2 smaller trees were removed leaving 8. Besides the 2 large trees identified for removal near the water meter, I would like to request 5 trees at the NE12th corner of the ADA area be removed because the new sidewalk will be too close or impinge on the tree trunk and roots which can cause damage and disease or death to the tree(s) after construction. Further, the existing tree root patterns could expand and lift or crack the ADA sidewalk and be a liability if ADA sidewalk users are injured. The #8 tree near the Albertsons fence should also be removed since it could also be damaged during construction and potentially become diseased and/or die after construction or later. 3) New Property line -I would like to fully understand the location of my property lines with the new sidewalks (before and after) and also understand where the location and borders of the ADA triangular area (Fee Acquisition) will be and my new property line(s). This will enable me to understand the easements (utility and TCE), title insurance and revised or new warranty deed (ownership). 4) I have been told by the City of Renton that item 3 (new property lines) are determined by City and I would get a PoC by e-mail. I'd welcome your help in this matter. 5)I would also like to clarifythat I(seller) do not have to pay any broker's or other commissions or fees incurred by Seller in connection with sale of Easement(s) and Fee Acquisition areas. Item 5.6 in Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement. Thank You. Regards, Mr. Randall Chun Followed by another email stating Ms. Davis, Per City offer letter, it says "I have the right to request the City appraise my property anytime prior to accepting offer." How do I request appraisal? Reply email requesting that he call me and I will assist in requesting an appraisal. Phone call with owner, I told him that the valuation for his property rights were done by an appraiser and the City's appraisal will be done in a before and after conditions. Meaning that the appraiser will consider what his property will be worth in the after the project and before. I continued and went down the list from his email and address his concerns and questions including the commission language in the Purchase and Sale, which does not apply to our transaction. I confirmed with owner that I am working with the City and they are agreeable to cutting down some trees, but they are awaiting confirmation from the planning department. Additionally, I am working on reimbursement for the installation of the fence, but he will need to provide me with an actual bid to present to the City. Owner wanted to request that the City come out and mark his property lines. I replied that is something City will not do; he can hire a surveyor to that, but the City's surveyor will only mark the project lines. Follow up email to owner with pictures indicating the trees marked to be remove. • 5/21/2020 Administrative Settlement Recommendation to remove 8 trees on his property and additional compensation of $3,938.77 for fencing approved by the City. Revised Purchase and Sale to include the items sent to owner for his review and requested to schedule a signing meeting. 5/22/2020 Email from the owner requesting confirmation that the City will cover the cost of re- landscaping the TCE area. Asking for the City locate the new property line at the corner. Reply email with project planting sheets showing the landscaping activities on subject property and picture of the existing staking where it clearly shows the new property line at the corner of 12th St and Duvall Ave. Additionally, attached a sketch provided by the surveyor, showing the location of the staking, which also provides property lines. Mr. Chun, I went back out to the property this afternoon and took pictures of exiting staking that shows your property line. Also, below is the sketch provided by the surveyor, showing the locations of the staking. I can meet you out on the property to show you where these stakes are. The City's easement documents has following property restoration clause: Grantee shall, at its sole cost and upon completion of the work within the Easement Area,fully restore the surface and subsurface of the Easement Area and any public or private improvements disturbed by or destroyed during the execution of the work, as nearly as practicable, to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. Additionally, I am attaching the City's draft planting sheet showing the area to be restored and from the plan they will be planting some Mt. Vernon Laurels. 5/26/20 Phone message left with owner for a call back to confirm that he now has all the information that he's requested. 5/27/20 Left a phone message for a call back. Email from the owner stating that I need to correct the Real Property Voucher to include the fence bid and inquired about filling out the W-9. Phone call to owner and told him that I will make sure that voucher gets updates for the signing and provided instructions on filling out the W-9. Signing meeting scheduled for 5/29 at LOAM at the subject property. 5/29/20 Signing meeting at subject property. Mr. and Mrs. Chun executed SWD, TCE, Construction Memo, and other relate documents. 6/5/20 Sent an email requesting to meet because I need to get the Real Este Excise Tax Affidavit again. 6/9/20 Email from the owner agreeing got meet 6/10 at 11AM and list of questions. Which I followed up with answers for him in red. Ms. Davis, I got your msg and I'd like to meet Wed 6/10/20 at 11 am at the property ? I have a,few questions to verb since I want to trust that I know what I'm signing. 1. You had mentioned the Real Estate Excise Tax(REET)Affidavit was to reduce the assessed property value for RE taxes. Is this correct? Yes, in the amount of 275 SF of land being sold to the City. 2. Thus, there was 1 REET form for the 275 SF(Fee Acquisition)for$11,000 ? Yes, the City is exempt from paying the taxes 3. There was a 2nd REET form for the Permanent Utility Easement for$8080 ? Yes, the City is exempt from paying the taxes 4. Is this correct that I pay Excise Tax ? Per WA Dept of Revenue, the Excise Tax is 1.1% and"It's paid by the seller to the escrow agent or the attorney responsible for closing the deal, who then pays it to the government."This Transaction and the City is exempt from '• paying the taxes 5. Will Property Tax correspondence be also sent to me (e.g. Box 3 of REET) ?It will be send to the buyer(the City) Also for the City of Renton, Public Works License to Construct (Le. says enter property and modinj. You mentioned the form was only to grant permission to enter my property. But it also states "Mods"for 3 trees on attached diagram and cut down to level with existing grade. However, there are 8 trees and wanted to verb construction supervisor wont use diagram and proceed in ' haste, in the event you go on to another job. (They are using pictures I've submitted identijiing the trees that you've marked) I. Also states, tree stumps cut down to level with existing grade would mean that workers grind stumps down to level of existing grade. I want to trust and verb workers or contractors will not leave stumps rising 3-4 inches above grade level after cutting trees with chain saw. Currently we call for the contractor to remove the stumps to "finished grade level", meaning they will not stick out of the ground, but the root ball will remain. 2. When will the paperwork be prepared and signed to ensure identified trees are cut down and grind stumps to level with existing grade? The license to Construct and the P&S agreement clearly states that that there will be 8 trees being cut down. I trust you are trying to do your best, so I just want to understand how we proceed so it will be a win-win outcome w/me and the City. I don't want to go into too much detail, but want it to be clear on what the City will do during construction, since their famous saying is "we only do what the contract says". I've bought houses but never had to negotiate this type of contract. So, I'm trying to "trust but verb"and learn as I go. Hope I wont have to.pay REET tax at 1.1%,please verb. Regards, Mr. Chun 6/10/20 Meeting with owner to resign the REETA. Follow up email with a copy of the license to construct for his record, which gives the contractors rights to be on his property to take the tree down. I hereby cert5 that the written instruments secured and forwarded herewith embody all the considerations agreed upon between me and the property owner; agreement on said instruments was reached without coercion,promises other than those shown in the instruments, or threats of any kind whatsoever by or to either party; I understand that the parcels are to be secured for use in connection with a Federal aid highway project;I have no direct or indirect present or contemplated future personal interest in the parcels or in any benefit from the acquisition of such property. Sonj Da is - Date Sonja Davis From: Sonja Davis Sent: Wednesday,June 10, 2020 12:37 PM To: Randall Chun Subject: FW: Paperwork for signing Attachments: 14_Chun-LTC.pdf Mr. Chun, Please see attached License to Construct. This documents is to provide access to your property NOT COVERED by the Temporary Construction Easement to cut down the 3 trees that is outside of the project limits. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From:Sonja Davis Sent:Tuesday,June 9, 2020 9:39 AM To: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Subject: FW: Paperwork for signing Mr. Chun, Please see my comments in red below and I will see you tomorrow at 11 AM. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From: Randall Chun<chunrandallc hotmail.com> Sent:Tuesday,June 9,2020 5:24 AM To:Sonja Davis<Sonia@resgnw.com> Subject: Re: Paperwork for signing Ms. Davis, I got your msg and I'd like to meet Wed 6/10/20 at 11 am at the property? I have a few questions to verify since I want to trust that I know what I'm signing. 1. You had mentioned the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)Affidavit was to reduce the assessed property value for RE taxes. Is this correct ?Yes, in the amount of 275 SF of land being sold to the City. 2. Thus, there was 1 REET form for the 275 SF (Fee Acquisition)for$11,000?Yes,the City is exempt from paying the taxes 3. There was a 2nd REET form for the Permanent Utility Easement for$8080 ?Yes, the City is exempt from paying the taxes 1 4. Is this correct that I pay Excise Tax ? Per WA Dept of Revenue, the Excise Tax is 1.1% and "It's paid by the seller to the escrow agent or the attorney responsible for closing the deal, who then pays it to the government." This Transaction and the City is exempt from paying the taxes 5. Will Property Tax correspondence be also sent to me (e.g. Box 3 of REET) ? It will be send to the buyer (the City) Also for the City of Renton, Public Works License to Construct (i.e. says enter property and modify). 1. You mentioned the form was only to grant permission to enter my property. But it also states "Modify" for 3 trees on attached diagram and cut down to level with existing grade. However, there are 8 trees and wanted to verify construction supervisor wont use diagram and proceed in haste, in the event you go on to another job. (They are using pictures I've submitted identifying the trees that you've marked) 2. Also states, tree stumps cut down to level with existing grade would mean that workers grind stumps down to level of existing grade. I want to trust and verify workers or contractors will not leave stumps rising 3-4 inches above grade level after cutting trees with chain saw. Currently we call for the contractor to remove the stumps to "finished grade level", meaning they will not stick out of the ground, but the root ball will remain. 3. When will the paperwork be prepared and signed to ensure identified trees are cut down and grind stumps to level with existing grade? The license to Construct and the P & S agreement • clearly states that that there will be 8 trees being cut down. I trust you are trying to do your best, so I just want to understand how we proceed so it will be a win- win outcome w/ me and the City. I don't want to go into too much detail, but want it to be clear on what the City will do during construction, since their famous saying is "we only do what the contract says". I've bought houses but never had to negotiate this type of contract. So, I'm trying to "trust but verify" and learn as I go. Hope I wont have to pay REET tax at 1.1% , please verify. Regards, Mr. Chun From:Sonja Davis<Sonia@resnnw.com> Sent: Friday,June 5, 2020 10:08 AM To: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Subject: FW: Paperwork for signing Sorry,wrong attachment. It's the one that looks like the attached, I will fill it out before I come back out. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From:Sonja Davis Sent: Friday,June 5, 2020 10:05 AM To: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Paperwork for signing Mr. Chun, 2 The City would like me to get this document resigned so they can counter sign. Whereas I had countersigned the attached. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 27, 2020 5:53 PM To:Sonja Davis<Sonia@resgnw.com> Subject: Paperwork for signing 1) I looked at the Real Property Voucher Agreement" and the settlement amounts need to be updated to add the wood fence reimbursement. 2) IRS Form W-9. I will add my name as shown on my Tax Return to line 1 and add my SSN. Do I also have to add my wife's name (as shown on Tax return) and does she also sign W-9 ? Thank You, Mr. Randall Chun 3 Sonja Davis From: Sonja Davis Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 4:26 PM To: Randall Chun Subject: RE:4628 NE 12 St- Request Approximate Marking of New Property Corners (or pins) along Duvall Ave and NE 12th St corner Attachments: Chun Staking.docx; Chun planting.pdf Mr. Chun, I went back out to the property this afternoon and took pictures of exiting staking that shows your property line. Also, below is the sketch provided by the surveyor, showing the locations of the staking. I can meet you out on the property to show you where these stakes are. The City's easement documents has following property restoration clause: Grantee shall, at its sole cost and upon completion of the work within the Easement Area,fully restore the surface and subsurface of the Easement Area and any public or private improvements disturbed by or destroyed during the execution of the work, as nearly as practicable, to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. Additionally, I am attaching the City's draft planting sheet showing the area to be restored and from the plan they will be planting some Mt.Vernon Laurels. 2601T 0 2501i 416650 416.2iu LOT 4 xlluar1uA e e . ,�_ ■ AIN 8002269014 APFI515970009525018 l7 J 416.762 412 .802 CHUN, RANOIALL KING BEU do EVA T MUD XHUB 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 Air , 26019 417.'25020 � � ! 7Q8Jd if -418Z'3014 8.881 .118 1"91 411 XHUB 25012 418.876 f XHUO — -- — 25018 NE1, ST 415.541 ' • XHUB • • Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 10:25 AM To:Sonja Davis<Sonja@resgnw.com> Subject:4628 NE 12 St- Request Approximate Marking of New Property Corners(or pins)along Duvall Ave and NE 12th St corner Ms Sonja Davis, Thank you for negotiating the revised cost proposal to remove 8 trees, selected by me and compensation of an additional $3,938.77 for a fence. Per our earlier telecon,trees# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 (on your attached photo) would be removed. Trees#6 and #9 have been cut down. I would like to request approximate location of my new property lines or corners (e.g. pins) in the event of a sale or neighbor dispute: 1) NE corner of Duvall and the Albertsons fence and 2) SE corner diagonal property line from Duvall to NE 12 St for the triangular fee acquisition area of 275 SF.. I have an idea or can guess at property lines, but I respectfully request the City of Renton identify these new property lines or corners as they are purchasing and redefining a portion of my property. I would also like to ensure the proposal states City of Renton will cover the cost and re-landscape the areas from the inside border of new sidewalk to the left and right sides of the Temporary Construction Easement (TCE). Re-Landscaping of construction areas would extend from the NE corner along Duvall and south to corner at NE 12th St, and include the diagonal boundary between Duvall and NE12th St. Landscaped ground should slope from the TCE toward sidewalk for proper rain water runoff(i.e. away from building) and landscaping should include shrubs (e.g. rhododendrons and azaleas) and beauty bark as a ground cover. This clause would prevent landscaping from becoming a non-agreement oversight after construction. Regards, Mr. Randall Chun From:Sonja Davis<Sonja@resgnw.com> Sent:Thursday, May 21, 2020 2:43 PM To: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Wood Fence Cost Estimate for 4628 NE 12th St. Mr. Chun, The City of Renton has agreed to remove 8 trees,selected by you and compensate additional $3,938.77 for a fence to be built on the back of the permanent easement area after the construction of the project. Please see attached revised Purchase and Sale,section 1. Purchase Price: 2 I would like to schedule a signing as soon as possible. Please let me know a convenient time and place for you and your wife. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 18,2020 4:07 AM To:Sonja Davis<Sonja@resgnw.com> Subject:Wood Fence Cost Estimate for 4628 NE 12th St. Ms. Sonja Davis, Per our telecon, attached is the wood fence cost estimate from Secoma Fence ($3938.77 =$3580.70+ 10% Tax). Secoma is an established fence Co. that works from Seattle to Tacoma. Regards, Mr. Randall Chun 3 • e }1 sr o r'"'r ti'r t .fit sw T` `,-- • "/ '� =at.�.t4'4 7 r,,, si.+ y''v.2-4 i171N f k,i12�r,. r'rW`::r''. r�.E1 s • ,.1 ti �)!'7r.%. .'Xr. ��,, �` �J's. .�• • t„.....• 44,, iiCp`� `p ;h i x 4 .tea +-. • lM ;fi 4n, i. liv....24,2 4dr„rreli'fl ',II ',� .C+.ri ...,._ ,A ^ ase e r r,,,z,. ! ,�s'�• . ,A ''. yL Syr ,, „ �`• ., ,t. ti � I J, � �' Sr�, "t ", T Rf.�s giE7, �'1 l . rC -.Pt t a r 'i '. ss, a-r,..t ' L• ` ,4 ;:t +. r +�' .s' ` .r •yr t ��;�,,'t•�;,r rt#`+�.d r*ti 'z.,�; f. •� • ' 4,,, FS' .�.i ,: ,. a. i , -3 ,. 42,,.+ F Y}t ..0 • u ^° aF @fib t i ` qt f `s ,C-c' < r . -' 'K+ a S` V k w - j 1_ '+r �F4 .,„A` r. ;yr a awy, r ) w rsr4. } 3 +p• J/,... ? i'r}"e •;.• r` �� Y+ *.jr`�+ { fk r u >?, ri �4 Csr�'..` b � ,'4.y L, i` p t .f M+' 'v t,,r„ it a. yrr W`'.4 ti,( 0. Y n,/.. V s x x".b ' i 1• § t a » 1'+ YS . .14`,�1y, CF f { Ai'r�•:t 1 I,,- +4 tI' i �.��5`+..i�it ",- `r. «.-1, i q,, zi.:•L�3.. r,h<. t�+ VA': t ,,, a z ! ? 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',l'�.»* #25019 on Duvall Ave c4� property line along Duvall Ave#25014 LEGEND: - EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN IX W �`rY ' Y A fry•'YV ----_--_ - _ ..--'�°�'�Amaeg FILTERRASVSTEM) W - - �0'--_.- _._ - 9 tRE. ® F w • ' ` e T m PLANT LEGEND: N w aDUVALL AVENUE NE o LITTLE-LEAF LINDEN m o <1:4.;. Lt. at''1 1. Aw (1�'.1 f8,..1 :wT(1 ".66R{{ {j i �'riR .lw•nY4i•,..))'.....):1 • _ 916+00 — 1 — 9171I°° _I _ 918 p`~j 'VANESSA'PARROTIA v�iiZii f {a.{:f: IaOLO(it {. ;1411i� 4( l4-1-MSYkkt ".Ti !J (: ?{'t'Y` &iY (�7.M4 — ¢ ( + )} Z W z U m n n v m a A A . s m AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM Q m .1- Ea ��` ....::.:s'.: T,gams STAR MAGNOLIA Sf:��:;:::::::••:•5S5t''!A•S•0. O VARIEGATED MAIDEN GRASS PLAN ifiN SCALE IN FEET O ABBOTSWOOD POTENTILL 0 20 90 0 STELLA D'ORO DAYLILY ` / ( ) ® KELSEY REDTWIG DOGWOOD -�� N I�� f� :.:.1 MEDITERRANEAN HEATH N W �N`\ ;4ti MT.VERNON LAUREL W !ir ram\\\\ D / �� Z _ i \.tea `` \ i :. �/ !�� -_- w SYNTHETIC TURF 7 t 7 __•..._.,_ - S•'.. _�..1.�_�•..._..'" I P _ _ _ cr.t L-ii:.y HYDROSEED LAWN-2" W N �I► - -.4W ..w.! DEPTH APPROVED TOPSOIL c w 00 + al ^S NOTES: Q �0 919+00 920+00 921.00 9n� Q 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED TO 100 _ 923 1- THE SATISFACSON OF THE La.. I — OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE/OWNER. Z DUVALL AVENUE NE z 0 2. NO MATERIAL U N N X x I = SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE I- �' APPROVAL SEES `� � >a�.�.....," Z PLANT SCHEDULE DETAILS,•�' 11 `�rE`.�� � GENERAL NOTES, _._. • J'�' ET LS�FOER t••,••••••i'1 _- J O " L_- _ - T 3 LANDSCAPEBELISSHALLRECEIVE I2" •-- ,4-.�5 --L' _ DEPTH TOPSOIL.ALL HVDftOSEED r i:C _ �."� 4i { AREAS(PROPOSED AND INCIDENTAL) PLAN SHALL RECEIVE 2"DEPTH TOPSOIL. SCALE IN FEET \�/ 4. HYDROSEED SHALL BE SMOOTH ® BLENDED INTO ADJACENT EXISTING 0 20 40 LANDSCAPE ,,,, �� :YRYr`D CITY OF RENTON DUVALL AVE NE DAMNING NO LS3 .., DRAWN M. OM I1: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PPW[CTNO. MAITTAAAS 1 1' A< .I DESIGN NBBY DC NOT TRANSPORTATION OMSION Parametrix. 100%REVIEW SUBMITTAL FED AID NO. °' DR CONSTRUCTION PLANTING PLAN i Y I oaolNwR: [MC NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION STA 913+00 TO STA 923+00 DATE: MAY>02u NUMBER REVISION DESCRIPTION BY APP. DATE ';y� BEE ruxvevTPonS-554,R ..•..-.�-.m. °'" BY. DATE: SHEET 3 OF 9 SHEETND �_Or_ wo og°e a PLANT MATERIAL LIST '1,„',,,;:;?...;,,.o,;o MULCH AREA FOR SPACING CONTINUOUS OUTER ROW OF I 3°HT WATERING 13 MAGNOLIA STELIATA STAR MAGNOLIA 2.CRL,12-14'MIN.HT.,B&B,PER PLAN ADJUSTMENT / PLANTS SPACED"X°ON CENTER BASIN BERM 16 OSTRYAVIRGINICA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2°CAL.12-14'MIN.HT.,B&B @ 25'0.C. AND SET BACK FROM THE PLANTING PIT `.7' FLAWING BED EDGE 2 3"X„ ROOTBALL I= ` y FERTILIZER TABLETS. 12 PARROTIA YPNFSSA' VANESSA'PARDE N 2"CAL,12-14'MIN.HT.,B&B @25'0.0 } 2/3-X / SHALL BE A MIN DEPTH I --.654 .. iI II 2°-6"DEPTH 15 TILIACORDATA UTRE-LEAF LINDEN 2"01L.12-14'MIN.HT.,B&B@25'O.0 } OF TWICE THE 8�11 }�.��... EDGE OF PLANTING BED ROOTBALL DEPTH 4,1 BACKFILL SOIL MIX 834 CORNUS SERI[EA'KELSEYII' 'KEISEV'0.EDTWIG DOGWOOD SGAL CONT.@2'O.C. , �•��4• Aa- I== FOLD BURLAP BACK 1135 ERICA XDARLEYENSIS'MEDITERRANEAN PINK' 'MEDITERRANEAN PINK'HEATH } 1'11 � jjj } 1 GAL.[ONT.@38'O.0 ♦�� � . FROM TOP HALF OF 270 HEMEROCALUS'STELLA D'ORO' 'STELLA D'ORO'DAYULY IGAL CANT.@2'O.C. ��� ��� } -OTBAL ROOT BALL AFTER 160 MISCANTHUS SINEN5IS'DIXIELAND' VARIGATED MAIDEN GRASS 2 GAL CONT.@4'O.C. -} it0.A/}\/}\ �:`: {- } } WIDTH PLACING SHRUB IN 29 POTENTILIA FRUITICOSA'ABROTSWOOD' 'A800TSWOOD'POTENTILLA 3 GAL CONT.@2'O.C. -1-\/-1\/'h\/}\�-F,C—/-I'\P....„,� ���T 6" 6" 6 PLANTING PIT 1555 PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS'MT.VERNON' 'MT.VERNON'LAUREL 1 GAL CONT.@ 12'D.0 }-4--}-}°T}- } • MIN MIN MIN MIN TRIANGULAR SPACING WITHIN 2/3"X` PLANTING PIT SHALL BE A PLANTING BED MINIMUM OF 2 TIMES THE ROOT-BALL WIDTH AT BASE NOTE: SPECIFIED PLANT SPACING="X" OF PIT&3 TIMES ROOTBALL REMOVE TREATED OR SYNTHETIC INDMDUAL PLANTS REPRESENTED AS: } WIDTH AT FINISH GRADE BURLAP COMPLETELY )CONTAINERIB&B) GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES PLANT SPACING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 1. REFER TO THIS SHEET FOR PLANT INSTALLATION DETAILS. NO SCAR NO SCALY 2. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO VERIFY EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A THOROUGH CLEANUP FOR HIS/HER RESPECTIVE WORK,DAILY AND AT PROJECT CLOSE-OUT. A. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS.DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED BRIBE CONTRACTOR AND/OR QUAUFIEO INSTALLERS/TRADES ACCEPTABLE TO / MULCH THE SOLE SATISFACTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER AND AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. S INSTALL12"DEPTH IMPORT TOPSOIL TYPE A IN ALL PLANTER STRIPS AND MEDIANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE ALL PLANTED AREAS TO NATIVE SOIL PRIOR TO TOPSOIL INSTALLATION.THIS EXCAVATION SHALL BE PAID AS°ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCLUDING HAUL".EXCAVATED VOLUME SHALL BE REPLACED WITH SELECT BORROW COMPACTED TO 8O%MAX DENSITY.SEE CIVIL SHEETS FOR PLACEMENT AND GRADING OF SOILS FOR INTERIOR OF MEDIAN. ROOTBALL i ' 6. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET STANDARDS SET FORTH IN TH E LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN .2a•r. STANBACKFILL SOIL MIX '--�IIIM HAVE SURD TANG 260.1)AND WASHINGTON STATE STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK ORDER NO.1617.ALL POINT MATERIALS SHALL 3 �.� HAVE SUFFICIENT ROOT DEVELOPMENT TO ASSURE SURVIVAL AND HEALTHY GROWTH CONTAINER GROWN PLANT MATERIALS ARE _a�/jy�l./11 �- REQUIRED TO HAVE SUFFICIENT HOOT GROWTH TO HOLD THE SOIL INTACTWHEN REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER,BUT SHALL NOT - 1 1 FERTILIZER TABLET - BEROOTBOUND. lu -. ��y owl,O 2 BVC WOOD TREE 3" 3" o_ i - I O y� ()- 7. PRIOR TO BARK MULCH PLACEMENT,ALL SHRUB BED AREAS SHALL BE TREATED WITH A PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE.FOLLOW ALL GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL CHAINLOCK '�,�r�CIO°0I _ SEARED(MIN 6'HT) MANUFACTURER'S APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS.PRE.EMERGENT HERBICIDE SHALL BE EIANCOXL2G 0R APPROVED EQUAL NO SCALE TREE TIES ` B.�I �' 2"MULCH IN BASIN 8 BARK MULCH SHALL BE INSTALLED TO DEPTH OF 3 INCHES IN ALL NEW PLANTING AREAS.PRIOR TO MULCH PLACEMENT GRADE ,�I FINISH GRADE SHALL BE BROUGHTTO A UNIFORM LINE WITH NO SURFACE IRREGULARITIES WATERING BERMS AROUND PLANTS SHALL BE HAND 2" COMPACTED AND OF A SMOOTH AND EVEN GRADE PRIOR TO MULCH PLACEMENT.MULCH SHALL BE WATER-COMPACTED UPON PLACEMENT. I �I� 3"HT WATERING BASIN BERM 9. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE CONSIDERED FOR PLANTS OR OTHER MATERIALS DURING THE BIDDING PROCESS. 3„�� 10 CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE HAS BEEN / PLANTING PIT ROOT- �I—I1 I�I�n` FERTILIZER TABLETS GRANTED.OWNER SHALL THEN ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBMIFS FOR MAINTAINING ALL PLANTS IN HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION ` SHALL BE A BALL '�I~�I �r 11'11�•FOR THE LIFE OF THIS PROJECT. MINIMUM OFDEPTHn. IL= FOLD RACK BURLAP TWICE THE L�II� iir.---fir.lig,' � T,I ROOTBALL IIRII rK < 11=I- FROM TOP 2/3 OF 11. LANDSCAPE MATERIALS&4UANTITIES WILL BE HELD ADJUSTED TO FIT ACTUAL CONDITIONS IF NECESSARY.COORDINATE -f DEPTH II`I�.116.I �I Ault ROOT BALL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND REVIEWS W/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 11=11-TAW TAW i11.� BACKFILL SOIL MIX IrPLIN!4 11)u Ir l eI 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL HYDROSEED ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. V COMPACTED MOUND OF TOP SOIL BACKFILL SOIL MIX ROOBALL TOP DRESSING AS CALLED OUT 7 BERM WATERING TROUGH SI NOTE: EXTRUDED CURB REMOVE TREATED OR 6" BERM PLANTING PIT-SHALL SYNTHETIC BURLAP BE A MINIMUM OF TWICE COMPLETELY. REMOVE \ THE ROOTBALL WIDTH AT ANY SOIL AND/OR MULCH SOW WEED FABRICAl I OR.p T1 xtI P q I P I I I I DIAMOND PRO FESCUE TURF BASE OF PIT k 3 TIMES AWAY FROM TREE CROWN FOD HAIL �INFILL T°DEPTH DURARTLL INFILL \ ROOTBALL WIDTH AT AFTER INSTALLATION t#; ; _: L 4I r i FINISH GRADE �1 L:.r.,'.' '.,;.ri :r:r.,:,yye.:..:...-.s.,;h.;.:A.T.:.; DECOMPOSED GRANITE NOTE: - 1 COMPACTED TO 9D%3"-4" 1.INSTALL 6" BERM IN ALL ISLAND PLANTING AREAS. RETAIN TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL ...:%s..j;:...:r;,:..�:!7U:-.!+..-..:.:._!.i 4J,,:. DEPTH OR 3 8 MINUS 'N�'r.Iigtr-'-ry';,i=�siVii.Irgtr T,vIF r Ir 2" ALONG CURB FOR TOP DRESSING. No WALE —11=Tf.=Tf,If.—.11 _ •r _ _I_ .1—I _I NATURAL SOIL 2.PLANT SHRUBS TOWARDS CENTER OF ISLAND AS SHOWN ON PLANS. SYNTHETIC TURF SECTION TYPICAL MEDIAN PLANTING NO SCALE NO SCALE BDA Y D CITY OF RENTON DUVALL AVE NE DRAWING NO. LS8 COP,: �Z DMWN BY. DSB PUBLIC PP +Ia C WORKS OIECrNO. ]nBBgB ERRERDESIG BY. Dct 100%REVIEW SUBMITTAL RANSPORrADOry DIVISION _ Parametrix Feu AID NO. F HECK BY: - Nor FoamNsRRAASory LANDSCAPE DATE. -�' •4o��„� PRO.NW, CRC NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NUMBER REVISION DEscRIPnoN BY APP. DATE �� RIE PALSTSRRSABS.iSaw4 ."-..,....-� "" BY. DATE SHEET8 OF9 SRLET NO.SDI= Sonja Davis From: Sonja Davis Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 5:23 PM To: Randall Chun Subject: RE:Appraisal of 4628 NE 12th property re: Duvall Ave NE project Attachments: Duvall Ave NE_Chen Trees.pdf Please see attached picture indicating the trees. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 11,2020 6:27 AM To:Sonja Davis<Sonja@resgnw.com> Subject: Fwd:Appraisal of 4628 NE 12th property re: Duvall Ave NE project Ms. Davis, Per City offer letter, it says"I have the right to request the City appraise my property anytime prior to accepting offer." How do I request appraisal ? Regards, Mr.Chun From: Randall Chun<chunrandall@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020, 5:40 AM To: sonia@resgnw.com Subject:Status of 4628 NE 12th property re: Duvall Ave NE project Ms. Sonja Davis, I have been reviewing several items, 1) Fence bids- I have several bids that average $3500+tax for a wood/cedar fence. I would like wood since it has better sound absorbing properties, provides more privacy and looks more pleasing than chain-link for a residential area. A chain-link fence would be roughly the same cost when slats are added for privacy. I hope "we" can convince the City that the noise level will be louder than before because cars will normally drift or could drive closer to to the curb if a) no bicyclists are present and b) cars will also move closer to the curb when turning left from Duvall on to NE 12th St. Duvall Ave has become a very busy and noisy street with loud and speeding cars and motorcycles where speeding and loud noise levels are not enforced. Thus, moving the sidewalk 6 ft closer to my building will create more noise and less privacy for tenants. The "hawk" pedestrian signal crossing where many Hazen students and pedestrians congregate also does create more noise and less privacy for my property&tenants. 2)Tree removals- 2 smaller trees were removed leaving 8. Besides the 2 large trees identified for removal near the water meter, I would like to request 5 trees at the NE12th corner of the ADA area be removed i because the new sidewalk will be too close or impinge on the tree trunk and roots which can cause damage and disease or death to the tree(s) after construction. Further,the existing tree root patterns could expand and lift or crack the ADA sidewalk and be a liability if ADA sidewalk users are injured. The#8 tree near the Albertsons fence should also be removed since it could also be damaged during construction and potentially become diseased and/or die after construction or later. 3) New Property line- I would like to fully understand the location of my property lines with the new sidewalks (before and after) and also understand where the location and borders of the ADA triangular area (Fee Acquisition)will be and my new property line(s). This will enable me to understand the easements (utility and TCE),title insurance and revised or new warranty deed (ownership). 4) I have been told by the City of Renton that item 3 (new property lines) are determined by City and I would get a PoC by e-mail. I'd welcome your help in this matter. 5) I would also like to clarify that I (seller) do not have to pay any broker's or other commissions or fees incurred by Seller in connection with sale of Easement(s) and Fee Acquisition areas. Item 5.6 in Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement. Thank You. Regards, Mr. Randall Chun 2 Sonja Davis . From: Sonja Davis Sent: Friday,April 3, 2020 8:07 AM To: 'chunrandall@hotmail.com' Subject: FW: City of Renton_Duvall Ave NE Parcel 14_Chun parcel Mr. Chun, Per our phone conversation I mailed your offer packet via USPS Priority Mail and is showing that it was delivered yesterday. Will you please confirm that you've received the packet. Also, I've just been notified that the project surveyor was out on the property last evening to mark/stake the acquisition area. I would like to arrange for a time to meet you out at the property. Please call me at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Sonja Davis 425-577-2184 From:Sonja Davis Sent:Tuesday, March 24, 2020 10:26 AM To:chunrandall@hotmail.com Subject:City of Renton_Duvall Ave NE Parcel 14_Chun parcel Mr. Chun, It was pleasure speaking with you last night, per our conversation last night please take a look at the attachment. • Chun Property Photo:current side will move towards your property about 5ft, utilities that are currently located in that area will be move to the new permanent easement area (fire hydrant, street light, and installation of below grade stormwater treatment filterra system) • Fee acquisition is required at the corner of the property to bring the sidewalk ramp to the new ADA standards, . new hawk pedestrian signal and boxes will get relocated to this area. Project will need small fee area at the corner,5ft of permanent easement, and 5ft of temporary easement to provide a work area for the contractors. Please take a look and give me call so I can walk you through the drawings. Best Regards, Sonja Davis, R/W-RAC D:425-577-2184 Email:sonia@resgnw.com 1 Nroup Northwest4W 2 TITLE SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Duvall Avenue NE PROJECT PARCEL NO.: 14 TAX PARCEL NO.: 516970-0095-07 OWNERS: Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Title Company: Chicago Title Insurance Company Order No.: 00995779-16 Preliminary Report Date: November 19,2019 Supplemental No. 1: Supplemental No.2: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Subject to: May Creek Flood Control Zone District,flood control works under the recording no. 5943056 2. Subject to: Underground Communication lines,Pacific NW Bell, under the recording no. 8105070495; north I Oft of said premises 3. Subject to:Underground electric transmission and distribution, PSE under the recording no. 8105200693 4. Subject to: CC&Rs, City of Renton Short Plat 330-79, Central Highlands Plaza Short Plat 1: under recording no. 8002269014 5. Subject to: Temporary Water Service Agreement under the recording no. 8104130450 6. Subject to: Common Roof Agreement under the recording no. 8108270186 7. Subject to: Right of King County to make slopes for cuts or fill per condemned in Superior Court Cause No. 701162 8. Delete: General Taxes, set over clause in deed. 9. Delete: No deed of trust found on property 10. Delete: Information only 11. Delete: Terms and condition of the Trust under the recording no. 9403211665 • FE' .:n u 9,4'1 ;,L,; 2L:Ji4 LSI E rF 1C..W :=CENTRAL HIGHLANDS PLAZA SHORT PLAT 1 22-183 .:tN'THE.'S E. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4, SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23, NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. '„ RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .q n • 330 - 7? K.C,A"S MERMAN -` ... o�A.ROMA SCALE 1"•Gd �•„„ DESCRIPTION. :`- 1,-4.4-z• -.-- .--..,,2-_._,�4_ .4 • ..E.... I •O•0.37'11" 0 TRA4TJl,J.P,MAR•JlAL6 TIAQY - )„ • :a.,.�- --_�_•... � R:I4HO ::. D U VA L AV E. N.E. AGCOCD1u4 lb FIAT RECORDED • -1` ` •- �� L•iDl. -- Li I.19.32•E 452'07' __-*_— W VOLUNG 5E,PARE 00 RECORDS Ai...,,. .<` 1 :� 4. _ OF KIIIA COUNTY,VIASH WOTDU� ,(1. 14'0.19,' .-... -f'Vwi :•.•,:• .''Q - N 'tc DY{GPP THAT PO RIION CDMVGYOD '•iM 9� •:;� v ti5 TO CW4 COUNTY FUR ROAD,RECOROR P •b• {.•16>1.7�'. TL UUDGE AUDITORS FILL NA 4d1400 6v,••• .. • _ •-122.Oa' • O O is AND Miff THAT PORTIOU;CDNDGNLIED .- y , - R•2S• 1-'d FOR ROAD IN SC.CAUSE No..T42207 ,od% ( iV O• • L`i9. 4e p 7,4107 AND 7O1162.AND EXCEPT t.1ro• �.� 0 O d':A ., Q Y-25.or S > no.SOUTH 2OFRGTCOUVGYBD Tb R ` : Si-.. $ •- - _ 11 Q �~ THG CITY Of MELON FOR STREET `-12,o)^ S M• d • yr' t • RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FETE Po 0 -- • N d A (/� T7O921O67B,AND P.YLLFC"NATPDRDOM - - 6 CONVEYED 7b TRIO GTTY or RENTON,RECoRLYD 1 9?_.J` •. -• UN ,3 DER AUDITOR'S FILE No.771/1CD657. .. " JTp io _. 145.06' ..C4'n O • .,..n. :N 1•14'Gb E A,�;,, ' y • �: .,:-1---,'"I'Z o:.. D •:' 'a Eil P O b.._ a]' _ ` ......op ••• ..,.}yE7T LIUa TKAeT 6.j kJ 1., ]69.37' .IIQOO' .- 2p!` CERTIFICATE O M ,WO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WEyTME•UNDERSIGNED..-pDF•THE OWNER(S) 4 . IN FEE SIMPLEO THE LAND HEREBY PLATTED IN THIS SHORT PLAT.:: `A �c ( i., _ s SURVEYORS::•'CERTIFACATE ,;= - -. :{ = THIS NAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS ASURVEM'MADE BY.;TIE OR UNDER alyofa,„,Y MY DIRECTION Itl'DONF21RIIANCE WITH THE'REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVALS s-.tis SURvEY'RECORDING ACT AT THE:REQUEST OF C.$;•1•01os4.f,2TOC. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1(AMINED AND APPROVED THISI�DAY OF Fed A.D. IA& • STATE OF WASHINGTON —•-----------=--=._.-•__-•- - • • �i SE, / /.1', ,+i.. �navh,,!..'. �- ! r �- COUNTY OF KING yc.... • Q - DIRECTOR, DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT DR THIS'PA DAY OF Di Gf-A7EG• A.D. CERTIFICATE CA �.2�a • - ' D • ERMINED AND APPROVED.-TN15/9 DAY Of F� A.D. 19g 191QSEFORE ME THE-UINDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY EXPIRATION DATE,0-6--SD "" hr, _ APPEARED e•E./AVe./C55 �'SOQa F. LeVC./MSS '• r 1W6' _ `— (/. i- TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) WHO SIGNED THE ABOVE - • -• •-- CERTIFICATE AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO PIE THAT they SIGNED THE SAME RECORDING CERTIFICATE 80022690/4 _ .;'- `I ryTHAFREI ENGINEER ' AS 74.o i' FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. EXAMINED AND-'APPROVED'THIS/9.-DAT'OF fiL�.-'--. A.D. 19� WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE FILED FOR RECORD TH IS, _r_DAY OF FE6 A.D. WRITTEN. 19fQ. AT,. -P.M., IN BOOK_2Z,—OF SURVEYS ON PAGE /83 .• • AT THE REQUEST OF .YEAr OYLER _ NNING I CTOR'.- "" "-i`` �.f qq�,�-__ AND THE CITY OF RENTON. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS AY OF .D. 1§SO , • `7.-,`.j,...'" NOTARI PUBLIC OR THE STATE OF CLINT G. EIS 0 At —LA/AZ�III IIK N ar7(4 F'S 4 E1/ if fiOfi -a� "'--S"---.. .- - ,.;+ „ WASHINGTON RESIDING AT.. MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS DEPUTY COUNTY ASSESSOR '''' KING COUNTY ASSESSOR _ JOSEPH P. MARSHALL TRACTS. I_,; C..:NFI WALTERW.WEEDIN SCALE I"•200' REGISTERS-0 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER S LAND SURVEYOR • DESCRIPTION THIS PLAT OF JOSS PH P.MARSHALLTRACTS COVERAND INCLUDES ALL OF THE EAST I/2 OF THE 9.W.1,4 OF SEC.3.TW P.23N.R.SE•WM,EXCEPT THE COUNTY ROADS. ALL COURSES AND DIMENSIONS ARE AS SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT ALL MONUMENTS ARE AS SHOWN ON FACE OF THIS PLAT. DECLARATION. ,,, A 7 ,' I'_ I- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I,THE UNDERSIGNED.JOSEPH P.MARSHALL.ONN ER . IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY PLATTED.HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT OF JOSEPH P.MARSH- . ALL TRACTS. i "I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL THIS_L3 DAY OF_PFil L,A.D.1942 F: JOSEPH P_MARSHALL_ ///6 rR,IR N67•re•/3'F T99E I! •T4 pu PPED 2- IPE 76a./) 9C0-85 '3e'P 6L£� CAPPED a IS ry I N I ACKNOWLEDGMENT ^ STATEOFCALIFORNIA N97.3S'I9"w N67•)J•/9^w COUNTY OF LOS AN GELFS�SS >aen Ir Sro.eo THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 15Tij DAY OF T.RJ A.D.1942,BEFORE ME.THE UNDER- SIGNED.A NOTARY PUBL IC.PERSONALLY APPEARED JOSEPH P.MARSHALL TO ME KNOWN TO BE • THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DECLARATION.AND WHO ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE SIGN ED ANDSEALED THE SAME AS HIS VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR USES AND IQ Cj 2 ^ PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFF ICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. 7.B❑.DICK COI•N el•AA•2!•W Nel•Ir'n"W lJ A 72a J/ sO GRiPUOLIC//I o FORM£STATE or._RETINMG-__- . K' Sf0 9B NOTARY PUDLIG,NAND FOR ENE COUNTY OF I/ 0 9 LOGANCELES.S&APIRCSCALIFORNIABE• I MYWYMISS'lON EXPIRf59EPTEMRER I>/9r0 i\F yI • 13 a 41 v 3 N — w4.0AS, RESTRICT IONS. X^ N,,, A'• NO LOT,OR PORTION OF ALOT OF THIS PLAT.EXCEPTING THOSE LOTS WHICH ARE HEREIN- Nel•mvrw Nansr3rw sal.Is i'- AFTEBRESTRICTED TO BUSINESS USE.SHALL BE DIVIDED ANOSOLD OR RESOLD.OR OWNERSHIP et r. 703.90 •U. P.900 33/.v IC CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED.WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OFANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL •_I BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT STATED ON THIS PLAT. ^° ^ • ALL TRACTS IN THIS PLAT ARE RESTRICTED TO S-I.-SUBURBAN DISTRICT USE.AND ARE I2 M1 ZI.^ .W 5 SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION CI 6494 AND ANY FUTURE AMENDMENTS l' THERETO. 5 Dry FA_ N6e•0.•;a-9,6e2.rc j Na6-02.39"w ^ EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS S9TH DAY OF DUNE A.D.1942 C l � ' p y a 4-A '.. r. TOM SMITH `e •,nI • ± 6Lo,te CNAfRNAN BOARD GP COUNTY WUL/SEtosePS .•9.Y 10 W w I I O6 II . I A.zS'L lI' E4.MER.�SENNE4'C•---------7. / a.� • II ib�L CLERK WARD OF COUNTY GOMMISS/°NEPS �' o c t66 4t VII ,N I5T';e 4.'0, v =� /p3•, 1 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS_g6TH DAY OPJUNC,•A.D.1942• i 'f6)1�F!)�� RR Ia�0 a "DEPUTY COUNTY ROAD ENC/NEra— -VIRG fOUNTY ROAD L:DIVEER. ��/ ., .a 6 n ..azS,G D• _ •59 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN PLAT OF JOSEPH P.MARSHALL TRACTS.IS HEREBY � DULY APPROVED BY THE KING COUNTY PLANNING COMM ISSIONTHIS_7 DAY OF DULY A.D.I942 a9 m '°� OTWAY PARDEE CLINTON S.HARLEY 0- -- SECRETARY CNAIRYAN - • DON S.JOHNSON , V - PLANNING EEGN,EERANDEXECUTIVEO,FICER i W^ • 9 8 7 a 3250442 t. ^ i c a FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE KING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION THIS _e_DAY OF TLL y_A.0.1942 AT 30_MINUTES PAST 8 9 A.M.AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 -- OF PLATS.PAGE.3Q.L RECORDS OF KING COUNTY.WASHINGTON• ROBERT A.MORRI S DY_j+jiT.R.W ILL.AMS KING LOUNTY SSSITOF-- CAPPED //S LOP_SEC S OEROTY COVNT'AUOATOR 2�-PIPE 329.73 3.D.73 )E9.73 l COR Naa•39•04•C 21e.92 ICONC.MSN• .:'1.. t,:. i I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT OF JOSEPH P.MARSHALL-TRACTS IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 3.'IW P.ESN.R-SE..W.M. THAT THE DISTANCES COURSES AND ANGLES ARE SHOWN THERE ON COR RECTLY:THAT THE MONUM ENTS HAVE BEEN SET AND LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND I THAT L HAVE FULLY • COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE STATUTES AND OFTHE REGULATIONS GOVERNING . PLATTING. WALTERW.WEEDIN w.,,,F REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE.Nt IV RENEWAL C.ITS-/942 S; i • APRIL 6-Aura #� s ilr] This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described Land in relation to adjoining streets,natural boundaries and other land,and is not a survey of the land depicted.Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement,if any,the Company does not insure dimensions,distances,location of easements,acreage or other matters shown thereon. SUBDIVISION Guarantee/Certificate Number: Issued By: 0095779-16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Revision 2nd Guarantee CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Parametrix herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue,Suite 2700 Seattle,WA 98104 President Countersigned By: Attest: Sty) Authorized Officer or Agent • Secretary Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 1 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-i-19-0095779-16 GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0095779-16 , CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY REVISION 2nd Guarantee '. . `ISSUING OFFICE: ::.: Title Officer: Seattle Builder/Unit 16 Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue,Suite 2700 Seattle,WA 98104 Phone: (206)628-5623 Main Phone: (206)628-5623 Email: CTISeattleBuilderUnit@ctt.com SCHEDULE A Liability $1,000.00 $350.00 $35.35 Effective Date: November 19, 2019 at 08:00 AM The assurances referred to on the face page are: That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said.real property is vested in: Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4, 1994 subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 2 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-1-19-0095779-16 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Lot 4 of City of Renton Short Plat No. 330-79, being Central Highlands Plaza Short Plat No. 1, as recorded under King County Recording No. 8002269014, being a portion of Tract 8, Joseph P. Marshall Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 30, in King County,Washington. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 3 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-1-19-0095779-16 GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0095779-16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY REVISION 2nd Guarantee SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 4 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-1-19-0095779-16 GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0095779-16 ' CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY REVISION 2nd Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Easement(s)for the purpose(s)shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: May Creek Flood Control Zone District Purpose: Flood control works Recording Date: October 20, 1965 Recording No.: 5943056 Affects: Fifteen feet on either side of the center line of Honey Creek 2. Easement(s)for the purpose(s)shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation Purpose: Underground communication lines Recording Date: May 7, 1981 Recording No.: 8105070495 Affects: The north 10 feet of said premises and other property 3. Easement(s)for the purpose(s)shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Puget Sound Power&Light Company, a Washington corporation Purpose: An underground electric transmission and/or distribution system Recording Date: May 20, 1981 Recording No.: 8105200693 Affects: The easterly, southeasterly and southerly 10 feet of said premises and other property 4. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements,and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on City of Renton Short Plat 330-79, Central Highlands Plaza Short Plat 1: Recording No: 8002269014 5. Temporary Water Service Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: April 13, 1981 Recording No.: 8104130450 6. Common Roof Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: August 27, 1981 Recording No.: 8108270186 7. Right of King County to make slopes for cuts or fills upon property herein described as condemned in Superior Court Cause No. 701162. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 5 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-1-19-0095779-16 GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0095779-16 ' CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY REVISION 2nd Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) 8. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year(amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2019 Tax Account No.: 516970-0095-07 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $329,100.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $257,900.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: $7,375.96 Paid: $7,375.96 Unpaid: $0.00 9. The search did not disclose any open mortgages or deeds of trust of record, therefore the Company reserves the right to require further evidence to confirm that the property is unencumbered, and further reserves the right to make additional requirements or add additional items or exceptions upon receipt of the requested evidence. 10. Any unrecorded leaseholds, right of vendors and holders of security interests on personal property installed upon the Land and rights of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the terms. 11. Terms and conditions of the Trust under which title is held. END OF EXCEPTIONS NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or ' are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Note A: Your application for title insurance was placed by reference to only a street address or tax identification number. Based on our records,we believe that the legal description in this report covers the parcel(s)of Land that you requested. If the legal description is incorrect,the seller/borrower must notify the Company and/or the settlement company in order to prevent errors and to be certain that the correct parcel(s) of Land will appear on any documents to be recorded in connection with this transaction and on the policy of title insurance. Note B: Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Lot 4, City of Renton S.P.#330-79, 8002269014. Tax Account No.: 516970-0095-07 Note C: Note: Any map furnished with this Guarantee is for convenience in locating the land indicated herein with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of,reliance thereon. END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 11.22.19 @ 08:45 AM Page 6 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622481-SPS-1-19-0095779-16 o . i File for Record at Request of: ' INSLEE,BEST,DOEZIE&RYDER,P.S. AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: • am= Douglas L.Phillips Inslee,Best,Doezie&Ryder,P.S. • 777 108th Avenue N.E.,Suite 1900 "' P.O.Box C-90016 '' Bellevue,WA 98009-9016 i ... (206)455-1234 s • .. STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED i . THE GRANTORS,RANDALL CHUN and EVA CHUN,for and in consideration of • transferring property to a living trust for the benefit of Grantors, convey and warrant to -. RANDALL KING BEU CHUN AND EVA TOKIE CHUN, TRUSTEES OF THE CHUN FAMILY LIVING TRUST UIT/A dated March 4, 1994,the following described real estate, ;' situated in the County of King, State of Washington, including any interest therein which Grantors may hereafter acquire: i Lot 4 of Short Plat No.330-79,according to the Short Plat Survey y recorded under King County Recording No.800226-9014;Situate a CO in the City of Renton,County of King,State of Washington. ' C4 N SUBJECT TO; Easements,Reservations,Restrictions,Covenants N and Conditions,if any. v Dated this T day of March, 1994. e,44ubit 1u . • . Randall Chun • i q200--,6_,...atztet... . Eva Chun • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that RANDALL CHUN and EVA • CHUN are the persons who appeared before me,and said persons acknowledged that they signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. 4 / 'Dated./ a _ � � .. iiefftwer ...".... . • fl .: f?....„7".(7.0yzoginf,. ...i. . .. .. . , . • . riot, .. • . , ,.. • Notary 'ric in :,•• for the State of Was Commission Expires: ‘e-?-€"7-6 PAWMnDLP oas+rsr.ai -r` .1. ' Ei364097 03/L'i/i994 .00 .00 .1A":: O • ;, ..•�;=;;t =:717: ±t a ,sue s ; iM1 -;';.p.'.r "�.-`L....................................=; - - �J,. YNj,+_ ,.,Er K' - n'3� ..2 '• `,cQ" ..�'Yt.M,,.4-�-r'.`'.n., 1:.� -i._ii:���vt'ti.'•.`^:'''-ti - -TM;`'�'-q+i?•�e- — ;';,F_�•r:ar. --.F;'4,T,�x—,' 'fi,_?---a.,..nya�,"s'1^ _ __,",�'�,� .,� .,,-.,:, �,.. - nmay..:: -, . ,:_;... .t:.- "i:. -i'" tea„ - - n'a'l!„ - ',x•. ..-,-.-,-.1".'. .-.:,,. _ .._�' *' :. n- )�.CT LY+:i l:"" ��1,: �:.6L.,..1.^ -v�'ti., "� :,2 _..•i'a,c, ,J�..41.,-v . '�:_r:' e.,, i--, ,H•.', �; �,=� r among:�)Letz-'��St3'�:�?r,&K-:`-_ ,-a.,t-•��� ,,. ,,,v .` j :13626,sunset'....,„ -,as P 0•' -r t '.��F-n:,: :`-4.�,. ,.xV,-.: ,nM ryc'-: X'.4� :7T...it-75�5:' - .`; '1 ��;n Tni�'.sr �;�'s�e'ae .,his.' ':��'��' say'-oP•�� ,• :,..---,,,-..,..•,:,, .'19 5 - S`•' x a-create-MuniRi el. , .:=t,'..',,.b.:=. - ,��`{}?i$N7�'D133'.,;..347 0' r , *�'.. ,t n p �''_-.. - 'V� ~��: ,.•'- !• -•- ;�' + r'°-:Gorporatibn`5s the'State of Nash'it�gtob,`under•..thS aathorit'y'of:ebapter 4.43Y,' ..: :,_ - �� Session Laws„'of19%1, of thegtate of Washington, ,a S.W.E,..'that fi.ret party, in oonaideret n-ni':_. J.,0 -:_.�- ' v� ., receipt bf,mTitch is'gichiowledgad; and-the,benefits Which,will accrue to-the-' • .+ ,., . land of.-G,entorVby'the exercise of the rigbta•herein'granted; do hereby,, •' : remise,•release,end forever grant unto-the''Grantee,'its successors.and - :'N' -_ Assigns, an__easeisent and right-of-way for`'the.purposes hereinafter stated. -:� to include an area within the banks of:the constructed channel and a•strip: . ' of lend'30-St. in width that is 15 ft. on either.,side of center line of •$cney Creek, on the following described property; r k portion of Tract 8, Merahall, dos. P. Tracts as recorded in Vol.. 38, :> ' \pi - Page 30, Plat records-of King*County, Washington In Sec. 3, Twp. 23 N.A. 5£.W.M. . s - ' - : .1 S - - _ Said • easement and right-of-way are forithe following purposes:: - ' The right to--enter upon the above described land to construct, reconstruct, 1"'-. - 7 maintain and repair'a,drainage.channel and/or-other flood control works, ,• g • ;, including all -appurtenances thereto, together with right to trim, cat, fell ' ••and•remove all such-trees, brush and'other natural growth and obstructions ' its are necessary to provide:adequate clearance and to eliminate inter-er- • ' i " ,once-.with, ar hazards to the etreotureg. " ,d•• •' Vhe considerat;on.above mentioned, is accepted as full,compensation to • the•exexcise of-the rights above granted.' ' • •i, - " ' 7.1....., "To have•and'tb hold,.all and singular, the,-;aid easement end right,•oZ- • oa •• way, together with appurtenances,:unto Grantee,.its successors and assigns. a_ - -IN WITNESS.WIERSOF the Grantors hereunto set 77r :,-hand, the day • i, end year above written. • . Gr tor. ' ' " !. Grantor S f i :i, .STATE OF WASSINGTON)es.' . -. -. . '• ` On this day appeared ? icbefore me•' e / C •/ o//1,n '- a c . L .'a- 4'me-[mown ta.be the'individual s'•described'in and pfig execut'ed-the-tore : -... .-� going-:going andi.' gcngMledgertO.,me,that 4 f signed the same _ � • x: :-,s':-;'-'- -.;r,1::', "µ9A--.,'734' �•- ..:;,free,:a :%olbhtVrY.:a0Y,,f1 d': oe, or.-:the usaa'.and, pux'p413ha.-therein muntioneda, , ' - '+`'m '::'• y : n :V '_ ' .q : :r:• d '` ,;.7n`3 '_ J 1 ?:. ,`•• . •' ,ti -1....h �= &tve........ dber:'? ..bAn3*and_ floi6l:eeel,:thie .$.f7-' ay,--01i � •�>.!':.'-'• 6$ • ,F, p ..: .,- . , , . . . j oft p ILIbEi:i:.iii:li tf b tut �r t ,.',=" per„-! , ":''',..rt...... ..,-,.',;"1.:-.:::;-...,;;;;.-: d : t ng4" FfD 2.= '; , -- '.C '„ ^,i:" :V. '>, -,'y.-.>a1;4=:� � 'S':::`.+.i.:a'..:=',•tr . •'yv'eGy�: ;c.r:,;'-,:i- a . .; j � "a c'4 tri `v, Yl'+ -;I �f�a �Yssld d' •ir ., _- -`:r�t...G ia•(�, ,w � 'E ' �i '�e.'s�, ..SA.'fa"+.^�„ lek'�sy.r,'- -. 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' r" 1 Cr.A seal, ,/pt3c' a//6r�r O/1 d•r9.8/'y= 7y93 KNOW ALL MEN SY THESE PRESENTS: • • I For good and valuable consideration,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,the undersigned hereby grants a perpetual easement to Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company,a Washington Corporation,its successors and assigns,with the right to place,construct,operate and maintain,Inspect,reconstruct,repair,replace and keep clear • UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION LINES • with wires, cables, fixtures and appurtenances attached thereto, as the grantee may from lime to time require, upon, across, over and/or under the following described property • situated In KCMG county,state of WASItINGTON , I', The North (N) ten (10) feet of the following described property: 1 CD Lots 3 and 4 of Renton Short Plat No. 330-79, Auditor's File No. 8002269014 — described as follows; • � I Tract B, J.P. Marshall Tracts according to Plat recorded in Volume 38, Page • - I 30, records of King County, Washington, except that portion conveyed to King County i - for Road recorded under Auditor's File No. 6414d0 and except that portion condemned for road in S.C. Cause No's 742207, 741907, and 701162 and except • the South 20 feet conveyed to the City of Renton for street recorded under • Auditor's File No. 7709210678 and except that portion conveyed to the City ; • ' ' of Renton, recorded under Auditor's File No. 7711160657, Southeast Quarter I , • • 41`'us5 , '•S,r: of Southwest Quarter (Mt SS . +F�) of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, I .';P*,;-41 '"' W.M., King County, State of Washington. i ;_Nnm ONI) ry' ':.l; <' ' • SNOI1J313 2 SO?1003H .;r., llo `_:� 4n•Re'l•g1f'Ili?1AR 1% F�'CISE TAX NOT REQUIRED • . il.d } t� - i ti•MI at'0i L dfd /,�' ����IfinG Co,�aeoris Division x k i t-7t12'IH t G30a033 i �Y •• 4 u %J.__ p:nitY • a Ctq F4° :f �3 y1�-•s%".¢ii Grantee shall at all times have the right of full and free Ingress to and egress from said property for all purposes herein . l i'i'I i; mentioned,and to remove at time,an or sit of thet.t.+s• � UNDERGROUND anyOMMUNILATION LINES I•_.' °i',-¥L . and/or wires,cables,fixtures and a'� - ;�^,,�,�uf appurtenances from the said property,with the understanding that grantee shall be 1 /••'i I:;aF; t_ ;` responsible for ail damage caused to grantor by the exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted. rC' 1e6 ' The rights,conditions and provisions of this easement shall Inure to the ben it of and be binding upon the heirs, Ye .r•J•�,',',� . wt; executors,administrators,successors and assigns of the respective parties heret . • d I? r.;, In witness whereof the undersigned has executed this Instrument is a of 4?.•i - -,19 1. '� e9f��i1l'�t �. I r - ....;,4II Witness: By: j ):3 ink: f f c?,,d. 81�'05/07 tk0�95 G ?, t;4,-. REM, F 3.00 :,j • �y } CASHSL *.infoh3,00 a ti h ' g 22 (Individual Acknowledgement) (Cor orals Acknowled ement) i?q., 0.' STATE OF STATE OF el./ .6/�/A)G7.. ,� „ ! two,.i • COUNTY OF ss,} COUNTY OF / I�/1� ss, L, '': ;:,'�_�:,,''•, 1 get- On this day personally appeared before me On this day of A/ 2-.'// ,19 ./, ._ t i aAar sti, before pe Iersonali/y'appeared . •-••-• }7 F.;r,.,,,',I S /./ (/L.C./Z!C i/ -..'-*--..,`- • /il/ i I to me known to be the individual_described In and who executed I ' r i��a the within end foregoing instrument,'and acknowledged that p , aI1b '4 r( signed the same as free and to me k awn to be ntg / %/ -'-" dyf 1-..7•11i voluntary act and dead, for the uses and purposes therein Z7.69.,2 L/2/d/./ 1,.(� , f;5i r 1 P•tr,i'll r't''IC ,•Q itl. Olden under my hand and official seal this day of the corporation th executed the foregoing Instrument,and • • h 't tttg•r f ��u '• of ,tg acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary sot and - Ri y�t p. deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein y� i/13 mentioned,and on oath stated that "' Yo.a. exef i-. N y Notary Public In and for to authorized to execute said Instrument. -- �{� " fr ' FORMA xiuv .. 1 residing at In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my F r , - ... a ::: • • • Public In end for stets of l //i/✓G7o.n! jti+'., ' r Pacifto Nortbweet Bed �q1g . i residing at o`��4L } UC G' __•• It:f.4 .,‘ ... ay-..9,..L....r< if avz Thi• 7 7 $4 .- :. .....i u„.s.>„,. i•i,.,+4o.;:G r&:'' ..._n.^orx. . • 3: . F • ir s•w • j. S;� J`'. `�l, g, i:. 1l • '" • j I ., . a PUGET EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM • POWER CLARKRICH, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION, AND SECURITIES • INTERMOUNTAIN, INC., AN OREGON CORPORATION AS MORTGAGEE 1-••D . • •• ("Grantor"herein),grants.conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER&LIGHT COMPANY,a Washington cor- , . pomtion("Grantee"herein),for the purposes hereinafter sot forth a perpetual easement under,across and over the fol. ` lowing described real property(the"Property"heroin) KING County,Washington. • CO • ON PARCEL "A": Lots 3 and 4, as delineated on City of Renton Short Plat { No. 330-79, recorded under King County Recording No. 8002269014, being a CD O portion of Tract 8, JOSEPH P. MARSHALL TRACT'S, according to Plat • • IN recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 30, in King County, Washington; and O PARCEL "B": Lots 2 and 3, as delineated on City of Renton Short Plat c0 No. 331-79, recorded under King County Recording No. 8002269015, being a portion of Tract 9, JOSEPH P. MARSHALL TRACT'S,according to Plat • a• y. I recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 30, in King County, Washington. t +`��r- Situate in the Countyof King, State of Washington • 'a.,., I+ Located in the Southeast 1 4 of the Southwest 1 4 of Section 3, '`':,,�'t;o Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. / j , t . .R Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property(the"Right- )' i1:'i of Way"herein)described as follows; , 4 ii A-Right-uf4Wty feet-la-width-having- -- •fee-ofetteiiwkkhvx-eael+aide.efaeeriter`- • i z { line-,leave ltad-as-felfowes- "+ `' •;t _ 81."05/20 90693 E '. ' ;'- `j' RECC+ F 4.SCE ` Iti CRSHSL ****4.50 The easterly, southeasterly, westerly, southwesterly and 22 • , • southerly 10 feet of the above described Property. rl ILED FOR �s°CORD AT REQUEST OF: f I AUGET POWER lie EXCISE TNC NOT fret);^,::.7 T i aI. REAL ESTATE DIVISIONr' o o, t i PUGET POWER BLDG. r" f''r• .! BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98009 Ey t) %t'�J • 1)yg' ATTENTION: GEORGE LERTKANTTlHAM 'i 't l;i-r:1` 1.Purpose.Grantee shell have the right to construct,operate,maintain,repair,replace and enlarge an underground electric �,. :' ' transmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right-of-Way together with all necessary or convenient ap- '•'14=:+r'. i purtensnces therefor.which may include but are not limited to the following:underground conduits,cables,communication - • ' ' i �1 !` %1� lines;vaults,manholes,switches,and transformers;and semi-buried or ground mounted facilities.Following the initial con- struction of its facilities,Grantee may from lime to time construct such additional facilities as It may require, C+��i i) `I 2.Access.Crenate shell have the right of access to the Right-of-Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exec- �(�`i'•:,e I else its rights hereunder,provided,that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exer- - .)it cis°of said right of access • . :� . • - , .• 3.Obstructions;Landscaping.Grantee may from time to time remove trees,bushes,or other obstructions within the Right- ' . ; )) of-Way and may level and grade the Right-of-Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes set forth In r' r.'"•-;- paragraph;,�,-,• i hereof,provided,Ihal following any such work,Grantee shall,to the extent reasonably practtcahlo,restore the r .;.r, Right-of-Way to the condition it was immediately prior to such work.Following the installation of Grantee's underground • 1,ry facilities,Grantor may undertake any ordinary improvements to the landscaping of the Right-of-Way,provided that no trees or other plants shall be pieced thereon which would be unreasonably expensive or impractical for Grantee to remove and 3 1,.� restore. • • I �1 4.Grantor's Use of Right-of-Way.Grantor reserves the right to use the Right-or-Way far anypurpose'`I 'lM •. g y. g y par se not inconsistent on t eat with , the rights herein granted,provided:that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure en the Right- of-Way which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted;that no digging,tunneling or other form of con • - 9' struction activityshall be done on the Property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities an the •t A. 'ilr P P S f t; ', Right-of-Way,or endanger the lateral support to said facilities;and that no blasting shell be done within 15 feet of the Right-of- V Q'i ti: Way. , a � �u rt: �hfr 5.Indemnity.By accepting and recording this easement,Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any • 11 rt 0. and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which maybe caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights (`t ;"�: t �' herein granted;provided,that Grantee shell not he responsible to Grantor far any Injuries and/or damages to any person c' i"'°'t``'l� caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. .l"' .1:I'i "' `, e.Abandonment.The rights hereto granted shall continue until such thee as Grantee ceases to use the Right-of-Way for e 'r,ti4i+ I 1: period of five(5)successive years,In which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Gran- . . • f(3- tar,provided that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason'of Grantee's failure to Initially Install its • r `' .,,s t facilities on the Right-of-Way within any period of time from the date hereof., ,.:. f...''-',!err.- • . • s, •�y`g^--t _:.T•', 7.Successors and Assigns.The rights and obligations of the parties shall.fnore in the benefit of'and bo binding anon their ,4) ,,•i respective successors and assigns.KJ 44 • , y ,8v� ' 760777 235/11 �� . : • neasr toe .• I —�.i;- , • • :1 • k' ":•': t . ;: Ai I ', • , DATED this 6IN day of mat a 1 ,19�, i GRANTOR • t SECURITIES INTERMO TAIN, INC. CLA IC 7r1CC. �( n f....Azt ,...0, tyrr3en, O�@t President O Bn + set BY: Q Marilyn S. Lang, Asst. Secret y c RECOROFD 1HI+.i DAY . • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) MAY 211 2 07 PH 111 • SS COUNTY OF ) t3l I'i,,- lt': uhOF RECORDS&ELECTIONS SING,:OUN'Pi On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the individual_described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged that signed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, I. r•q �• GIVEN under my hand and official Beal this day of ,19 i Ia 'a ! ' r i Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, • t, 1 residing at ' 1 -, , •') STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 3 i;•.°. 1;ti't, SS ` a' „'I, , COUNTY OF KING CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT [ tr r,b :'t3t On this 6th day of -May ,19_EL_,before me,the undersigned,personally appeared _ k 1^,"1 • Gladys Petters en and Marilyn S Lang a :'�. v' to me known to be the Aest. Vice President and Assistant Secretary ,respectively,of t. ) 0, r the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, :y, SECURITIES INTEAMDU�TAIIa INC. • i j 11; and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein f1: J 9% mentioned,and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the sold instrument and that the I tt.•, I seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation, i Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and ye first above written. ..t.€t .F. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, ' � . Ii residing at Rarlmnn& S t tr; t'3, q �i„ • J t Publicthe• Notary in and for State of Washington, +4, .i• - l residing at • :- • 1 l g`... 1 = STATE OF WASHINGTON I 'it: COUNTY OF RING SS CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT J A'. On this 1P__day of I+/1 et-'J ,1e ,before me,the undersigned,personally appeared " `5. OR to 2 .. 1 f } 5 and y— -� � to me known to be the F%es 1.4.-.._k end ,respectively,of .i CT.ARRRS('H TNf'_ F , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, t 11..v f,jij1 and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein J',. :1-' 90: ,I mentioned,and on oath stated that Ftr i S —authorized to execute the said Instrument and that the 't; t } f'i,{� seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation, - ,� a 'w�' y`�,���� Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year/ lirst above written, , / Ai-'. ---4,..,....„,......._ ___. ,. . • ... • , . t f_.•, 4+ xt Nolary Publi,A.and trr he Sta of}VA)hington, .j`�tii q!t 1 11 residing at f'i 1/L� a u_ fNGL OILS l ,...,'V.'I V . . 5 1�, x3,2 .,. "v ty S� "qxkii , j' 1,:::.W.,‘..:. tL kiY, • .--.-- --,--. ..... . -.• .• .:' ......... ...-::". :2.. FCB•e.G.ta o 9.i 41 ely...Zi:6;.:5.11 LSI.E a 1B5..; .. .. : . . .. .:.:.' CENTRAL HIGHLANDS PLAZA SHORT PLAT 1 22-182 :,. ...... . ..:, ". ..- ... •• ...• ..... ° IN THE%S E 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4, SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23, NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .1.'* :: .• , .. 330 - 7? %.C.A N.S. MERIDIA ... - E:CALE l'•G.O. o•YeOGGAG. --"47-0.-... ---..... ......... . . . . . -..... .. co. . . .., • — .___________.e ...: v .„ . DESCRIPTION .:- ..:- '44.4717". ----.7.-...,=,.4:-.-.:': P.I 4... . •'' '-" -4". ; 4,5-37'11^ ca reA4T8,4.4..MARSCAct 1:6CT5 :-. •• rei ::. - •• . -PC.1413.6,::. DUVAL- AVE. NE. ..I AOCORDIUG To PLAT ILECORDED •:. ,.-.' .,.: .--1 If _ Al 1"IT 5g.::e 4 ba.07* ,..,:'il,-..,...,/7-:; t • lb VOLUM&513,PAGE 50 WORDS ..."••.•::: :, ;QC'. '.-. .,...' ,.....- - or K1114 COUPON;WASH11.14700.1,' . • '4l.. ExOspr THAT po¢710.1 CohiVayet, . (II \ -:„.a.....: -:-:': ! '1.... ••••1..'1 .f.-. ' • ii 11 To colf,COUNTY MR R0,143,12E03R0E0 C 4. •.... '.•:••• 322.ob. 64.90. i`i VAIDIX ADM/DRS FAL 1J4 calie.80 , --Z.e..-- •'..... • .-•• -.•-: I..74 AND EXCEPT THAT PORD01.1,50.101W4.1ED • .... .• .. FOR ROAD al 5C.CAUsE A145.74/201, eft,e)rc:(.1/ ri .......,,,,. .7...1107 A110 761u.2.GINC,61e4SIPT „...Vo ',IA-N\ ,.....a.... ® '.-.......4 0 .... • .I.• .:..... ..• ... •.. 71 i• q.is.acir." ail . , TWO 500TH GO FRET CoLIVRYGD lb ‘1' A tO.i".. • ---. .r, .,:f•• THS OTT OP RELITON Foes-MAST •• . • . . • RECORDED 1.4.10E0 AMATORY FAA Ho A,03 L to .- .. • .. .. -•:;._..:. N; (' ) :1 0) 71092i0416,AND EXCS.P1-7MAT FMMON . C.04V6YED TO THE CITY OF goaTaW,GECoZoco \ cre2P-''t, . .• • •• ., ., LIAllgr2 ADC/Toll%FILL Alo,77/1/LOGST. IP .... ... ''''',:•.,;:'. :::Q.) :..i: ZI1 in ta z.00\ .,0 .• 147.04. ..:;.. ..::'. ..........'.....'''...,,41'..•19 I. 4.58'6 7,.,t1reil;.. • \l''' ...:•. • 1.Arx,N t•14'5tytt. °I:a1.1.' .., ,:. ......,.. r •,..,..,,.... .. .:-.:... ,..--'.. . •-• --- • •.,.. -•-..... ....-- s.,. • -. .:,-...... .,, .. •• : .•• • ,-,-,. ...-,. -.,......,--- ...., •• .:• 4 - %. . ..„.... , .:•• ......, L.,. ..... , ...••• ..-.. •00 ,,,i, .• -., q''. • ,, ...0 .., ,,, :.- -;::. ,.........--' - ....... :.•:- t„-• z .,-, .:.• \ ... ,.:•-• .. .,..:, ...•••• . •. • .••., ...., 0 55, -,.. -%. 1J 1.14.5Gre 7A.9.37'.,.:- -.‘":•"- "-.... 204 . •• . •';';-. :':: ' ‘1,r.aO\• .. • M CERTIFICATE '-',... o • ;:,.:. .„. Vis HEREBY CERTIFY THAT mL1_,TRE‘UIDER.SIOMAD,-2ii&THE 151NER(S),:i ' . '-',.1-j ' . IN FEE SIMpLE-0Q THE LAND HEREBY PLATTED IN THIS SHORT PLAT.;•' „.1, .... ..- .•.• ....- .• z-- -.(.,,,J,,,,,2/• ,.., - — .. •• -'''' ...- ....: . • .„.. --.. SUOYEYORS..:-DERTIFACATe .-:::.....---.: 1.- 1°90 THIS NAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE er.iiE OR UNDER ••••• 4..V6170W:so,* MY DIRECTION Ifi'CLINEAMANEE WITH THE-REQUIREMENTs OF THE a-40,1 • •,. SURVEylIECORDING ACT AT THE-11EQUE.Sf OF cslovKL‘ssit4osoc. ."..... .....A..P P.13.9..V.ALS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ---...,,,. ..,..- . .-.- - .:-- ,EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS /9 DAY OF ... ...45 A.D. 7.9jEt STATE OF WASHINGTON ----------- ----=----:' , ,... --.... . SS. Ei. .1:• .......cr..: ..:..:• ---WK;-"ek'‘-'4-......-•— COUNTY OF KING ' 4/. .--r..,K.4„...4.a..... --.,... ., —.. - •. yi....----.-•DIFECTOR, DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 44/DAY OE/›..DC.41•4D.c. A.D. CERTIFICATE No.'A5,Ed _ •:,. ,,•••• . . .. .. ' EgAMINEG AK;APPROVED THIS_e_DAT.i.IF /c-,-* A.D. 19A) 19.6_REFoRe HE THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY EXPIRATION DATE..e-S.-go ..-..,. Ilili.9....a. APPEARED e.6-/AY eleSS 'V"Teet4 F. Love/R.55 ,-.. 41bileiv- . :::: ...,' ''..!. ••••• - • ' • _..,______ TO ME KNOWN TO RE THE INDIVIDUAL(S)WHO SIGNED THE ABOVE .... •• RECORDING CERTIFICATE 8002269014 '',- .i: .:. .:' ....:- .1RAFF te ENGINEER '''.... CERTIFICATE AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT The SIGNED THE SAME AS TAD.;" _FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. EXAMINED AND:APPROVEWTHIS/?.T.DAT,oF ...011-.Z.--- A.D. 141 FILED FOR RECORD THIS_26:-LDAY OF irge A.D. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. . 198.12... AT !re., IN BOCK 22_OF SURVEYS DR PAGE /83 ... . AT THE REQUEST OF I?,,., OYLPY2 -,-,..,.„J.- • W140 Cidir-,,,x..7 :co:. ......,• ••• ,5.. ... ..., .•••••••7..";.:':"....:::,....f, AND THE CITY OF RENTON. *LrA§Ct D 1§Re ^"•-•- EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS -DAY OF " . ... _ c• •.... ... ..../...\ :: .... ...... 111A.,- :. - .:. .-.•:., NOTARO PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF CI I HiT G. FL 5010 _ JAALii_LitiLIE s OSVL-1—iiiii/CLEV I-I-/4,4°6 - 1.4,--,. . ... . .L. ' ''.." -, '1::,,,•:. ,:'`-:,...• WASHINGTON RESIDING AT-120h,• MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS DEPUTY COUNTY ASSESSOR A' KING ci:iiiiiiASSESS0?-: ., • •-• ,•.?" • -''.... . .. ... .... . .-.,..- - :,f.....„..,:' .:•Y ...:• ,,, ..i: ' • ••• s.:5.- -•.. .. .':-.1:-..„•::.•::' ( �� . - i' CLARKRICH, INC, ''y P.O. BOX 964 RENTON WA 98055 84 1 CITY OF RENTON • TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT ( DATE March 3 ., 19B1 C ` 3. I, We Siegfried Ulirich , owner(s) of Address Tap 0 legally described as follows: - I c° Lots 2 and 3 Short Mat 331-79 and Lots 3 and 4 Short Plat 330-79 ' ` i Central Highlands Plaza, S.W. 1/4 Section 3-23-5• t, ! p • • f..9Niv r SN0113317 s SQ?IU:13H 81/04/13 #0450 D i ' ,n nt^ • : :,..1,1.> RECD F 3.00 , i ' LZ CASHSL a:***3.00 • f`, . ,i;. . + oh li@, II �I ad 000000.00 1rhi -,�_�; I AVt1:;iHl u30H0:13H I • K : ::.-. .-,: : t:, . i for and in consideration of the Renton Water Department granting a permit to connect a , ' A,� i ; temporary'water service and/or main in N.E. 12th Street for the i • , .': - '• y above property hereby agree that no protests can be made by above part , their heirs t V,•_ . and assigns; against the construction of, or assessment for a permanent watermain which • ;t - will necessarily be constructed in the street to serve this property. • .F`,i,d 7 • $ s. : ,t .(' ,:.(i This agreement shall be a covenant runningwith the land and shall be bindingupon . 'F a.J411-.1z ' all parties and their heirs and assigns unti the permanent watermain to serve hepabove. ` , ' ,..;,:'"'~1;;,.. ' a described property has been constructed and the assessment roll or cost per property +-;::,,,•r;.;,; ;',; . • r p1 a! ; therefore certified to the City Treasurer for collection, or payment. •'•`. ;° �i 1.T' 4'fiti IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have'hereunto set my h nd a eal the day and year first above y it k °. ° written. ti. a 'Ib!'� r L I:t.:_::..aa.:. j4 :i :.n: s tY•r.,. I `� `iii I (SEAL) ..:.,.' u•:_::,t is .fir ::.,-;; '.i:r"„T;' . ITl;t r ', I _ (SEAL) :4,.,.lk,],.0.,. ;: ., h,J,i±"r �q ii uy(q i, STATE OF WASH INGTON) a��rrn, . COUNTY OF KING ;s a .,•,-y, ,yr.i Il?ww�e E. /7'>ofo� a Notary Public in and for the State of •,;,,,;..5•:,; •• ., w Washington, residing at ,l,,, C',,., , do hereby certify that on this .ge:C - :•..,,,..,,'••''` . 1 day of 71-At .dA, 19 V , feersonal I y 2p eared before me ie c� "`� _,,o°: `,. ii//,.ic4 , to me known to be the individbal(s) .e cribed ,''_ to :_,;";' ; �. (' +¢.'t1 f herein and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that signed and sealed the same as a._ free and voluntary act and deed for the ,( 9 s{ `7,-;,r,,'._s-.• } y uses and purposes therein mentioned. -• T1�( WITNESS myi. +.:;= ;. .,., 'I 75 . handof official seal the day and year in this cer ificate first above i i�w isin ,t, written. g , �' miftf .? ! "1 t.,;: , ii•ti, ,:':![,,,..:,,,;.i.. .,i; • • j� ,i1.... Nola y Public in and for h State .of _ ti ,gip , FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST Washington, residing • },� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEAN Y ?t9 2 a.ti . RENTON MUNICIPAL BIOG. ,:, Wit., 1I k''• 200 MU AVE. SO. k ;f.' ' '. t i,� •kt `V`;1 i,_I ON, WA 98055 .. f,t.�;.,` ` '; .• 15s „x s :.• I. • V } .. .. ... _. r.>r�J a .c:1:'s, :?7 • {h( � ....,{�,�' ,. t` {y rl� . .e 1 � r `t . . Y c, . . , .. . . .. . . . . , . • .. .,• . . . . . . . . .. •• - . ; - • . • • : , • . . ... . I . • ' . • •. . ._ . • • _.-.!,!•:,..77,-....,,:_,,,,„„y.,..L.:,.........,. .•:• . •-•-•,-..i,.... _. . • „ . . .. . • , . 7 i ,,...•.,„ . -. . ,• , . . . •. •-• ' - •-• • - .. / - . • •. • • .. .. :.•.:._Y"4A% • ..;:".,,:A REMO AT ;;,t. :u.:,;;;[,T,1 :: " CONINDOWEALTii le,ND IME: . • P1 INSUTIVICI r.:0;..1PAti? . . MONO MI M OM num,.13.13 Pi • :,.,.:-: COMMON ROOF AGREEMENT •.,:t -• •71 • --.-.;...1 . CLARKRICH, INC., a Washington corporation, hereby . . A . agrees as follows: . . , . , . • . , .1f, ',•• .',-. , WITNESSETH : . - - • . That CLARKRICH, INC., a Washington corporation, is i.;,; •. •• • t q ... • • ,;'• ' .1 '5 ':..:-.• the owner of the following described real property: . . . egigtilF4. '''':. • . Lots 3 and 4 as delineated on King County Short • Plat No. 330-79 being CENTRAL HIGHLANDS PLAZA ' • . . . SHORT PLAT NO. 1 as recorded under King County 0 Recording No. 8002269014, being a portion of . 4'' . 41 Tract 8, Joseph P. Marshall Tracts, according ;.t.: 1'..,••.:'' ,..D.ill rNI to plat recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 30, . . : . . in King County, Washington. . . -: ::.•: : •'',,,'-:':-I! J. .. . , p•;-1 L:''.•.• .,..,...;'.•::.•.'ill "./ That there exists on said property a common roof covering a carport. • ,!:i •:':,--, '..,•',Y1i (N Said roofline is on the common border of Lots 3 and 4 above. :'.•*.j•:'...-' -''::%:• Ai, '0'*" . • WNi (N) I- • • i i CLARKRICH, INC., a Washington corporation, agrees to maintain : ',-'„_!, ::y1:•::.:.::.,.:,:,..z,:!,, \i-.._ 1. . •-; ' '474.::VM01:.1 (\r) said roof against normal wear and tear and insure said roof • , i. .. . .. - -- ',,;;;"- 1,•,:,'4' .: i . against any and all damages. ,. 4 ,Ikk ;:Mti!ir.,::;:i;' •-.Li i --6;').;!•?.*Itie-Zi! This Agreement shall be binding on the Grantor herein, its heirs, successors and assigns. .. . . -: ' ,, -': ::, -?*• , K;tig),,,:0!:."4 .• . . . . ' .1i •A•11:N. .:,?..!,;M:;I IN WITNESS OF 'd Gran r has hereunto set its . , .e.,-t•„:9•A,,:,::1,:,!.1W•11 . . . . . • . .. hand and seal thi :S74 day o , 1981. ' • -; ''''in'V:?::.,0,-• 1 c\\ r‘ 1 A • ' k!'s.10 ,0,1,• ic . . .' ' ' : •.:5.A•;4;;;::;•;'.','4' ) CL4R4C , 1 ., ••,• 41',,,,,Pr'-'n,;.?4, . A Wasiin 51. o oration ':'. .:...i;zki.:,,,::.•,..,;.:,0 1 ( '. 1 \\4, .. , .• •:'' '" i IWO?, Si g rie Ilrich, President .••':: • ey'-e,!'- 16qi l • . , .. . '• .• •'•' i'5'igg-.`4';-.'.: 1 , '• thirit44;VI 4 r BY A 7) : iii /Mail,. • • 4d. . •. - •.-.,144*;.:4-4:1 Marilyn/N. ulirich, Secretary - . ••••lic..Wtsip, '';':i 1:.: ' , ••' '4,V?4;t141A' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • .. " - • A";:f•W:!'),4-:‘1..! ) ss COUNTY OF KING . . _, ., iiv,:;;; ;;,k4,,:i: .••••.i .. . k• ':. ''. • VitOke41,:i On thig2"-N day oakUlhAAAA , 1901, before me, the ti : -f-in; 410 Viel ; undersigned, a Notary Public in anci\ or the State of Washington, I.? • • , -• .,::'11,?t,..'•.;,.;„,;•:,t, ; duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared SIEGFRIED U..•••• . ;::;,;.?!..*Afta:i ; ;,.• . ULLRICH and MARILYN N. ULLRICH, to me known to be the President i•;;: .3 agli.t• : ri, . . . . 51 and Secretary respectively of CLARKRICH, INC., the corporation • .. • !:'.-.014,14TRM : ''' '_ ''.*„(P,4•1*V•7;411.i 1. -•—. 174Ar!"0;1Y1:::,':. .'.! 0. .. ,-,:irg.,...,4,..::0,,,,1„:•, " , •' • . .-,...!;i-..,••.,.....,1•:,..t,i;...•.:i%•.:•1.....,::.:.,;:.',.;•,: :•ii:,:.: ......_. ...... ..... . . . ,,-. _ , • . • . • -,.:::'. : . . . t:'•••=;.:44.4.. i.i,.•:-.•' •- ., . • . . - •••••';');:1-;. r.'?il . . ' . • 'IP A.:,-;,-i;;);;.i :•:....4...‘:••' • • ' . .4t.f.r4.1; ;14.-:• . ...A$. . ' .e.F•• • •.6)4'\ • . , ' . • ,. . '. • . ., .,. • . • . • . - . • , ;... ' '.. - f , that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the • said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of• said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instru- • ment. 1r i WITNESS my hand and o%ciO.e•,1 ,I-reto . fixed the • • day and year first above written. . • '"i;f NOTARY PLUM, S'n n. •r t e state • • ; ' :,;; F RL of Washingto , re.,idin• at Renton. r 'N • y.r.1.,L9 ?tS'r -Via;e:,;.. 7.'; -- i'll'i 1 ' . .'':'.'''':' ' - =I �� • 1T • • 1 • ,,ic•y >r •7. �� '�'�f: • .. _ '}.:-. Tyr 1'aY • Ant-RPCIMSC Page 1 of 1 RPCI 516970009507 I041317 DOC: 09/28/16 REVALUE ST:CURNT ACTIVE CHUN RANDALL KING BEU+EVA T489999 MARSHALL JOS P TRS 17024 160TH AVENUE SE 04/13/17 LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT RENTON WA 98058 PLAT NO 330-79 RECORDING NO 8002269014 SD PLAT DAF - TRACT 8 LOT:8 BLOCK: LAST LEGAL J P MARSHALL TRACTS LESS ST HWY IS 6 LESS CO RDS RY OY BILLED PAID INTEREST PENALTY AMOUNT DUE 04/13/17 17 6,637.57 .00 .00 .00 6,637.57 16 5,869.09 5,869.09 .00 .00 .00 1 15 4,788.08 4,788.08 .00 .00 .00 14 5,123.22 5,123.22 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL: 6,637.57 RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV LAND IMPS TAX BILLED PAID P A 18 T 2100 297,700 155,300 .00 .00 17 T 2100 297,700 155,300 5,739.59 .00 F 16 T 2100 289,900 153,100 5,856.39 5,856.39 15 T 2100 282,100 95,900 4,775.38 4,775.38 1 14 T 2100 250,700 108,300 5,115.94 5,115.94 RPCI 516970009507 I041317 JUMP CODE: ADDITIONAL DATA P/N ENTR I 4/13/2017 Ant-RPCITRL Page 1 of 1 YEAR RECEIVABLE TYPE LEVY FEES BILLED PAID AMT ACRE BENEFIT 17 FIRE DISTRICT 9363 885.28 .00 17 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 3.25 .00 17 CONSERVATION 9430 9.45 .00 16 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 3.25 3.25 16 CONSERVATION 9430 9.45 9.45 15 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 3.25 3.25 YEAR RECEIVABLE TYPE LEVY FEES BILLED PAID AMT ACRE BENEFIT 15 CONSERVATION 9430 9.45 9.45 14 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 2.10 2.10 14 CONSERVATION 9430 5.18 5.18 DATE NUMBER AMOUNT INT/PENALTY YEAR DISTRIBUTION receipt data 10/31/16 282322 2,934.54 .00 16 1 05/02/16 131449 2,934.55 .00 16 10/31/15 413878 2,394.04 .00 15 05/04/15 352548 2,394.04 .00 15 11/03/14 231772 2,561.61 .00 14 04/30/14 369427 2,561.61 .00 14 RPCI 516970009507 1041317 JUMP CODE: P/P ENTR 4/13/2017 4-0 4111. U.S.BANK OF WASHINGTON 19-10 • RENTON BRANCH 1250 -0 1 0 CITY OF RENTON VENDOR# DATE NUMBERE CHECKAMOUNT * '44 cs 7 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 015551 07/02/2020 385302 $**27,838.77** 1055 S.GRADY WAY 3. 4 RENTON,WA 98057 k. Phone:(425)430-6919 A � Phone:(425)430-6930 VOID AFTER 6 MONTHS PAY *****EFT PAYMENT NOTICE ONLY-DO NOT CASH ***** PAY CHUN, RANDALL K �i"41.a�.u, �� l�k B ..Ea', TO THE 17024 160TH AVE SE MAYOR ORDER RENTON, WA 98058 NON—NEGO`+ i `E FINANCE&IS ADMINISTRATOR II'0 38 5 30 2111 ': L 2 5000 LO 51: L 5 3 500 6 98 3 L8n■ PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CITY OF RENTON,WA 98055 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK NO.385302 INVOICE NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION P,O.NUMBER DISCOUNT/RETAIN AMOUNT Duvall Lot 14 06/19/2020 TCE,WARRANTY DEED, EASEMENT, LOT 0.00 27,838.77 • 27,838.77 V Group Northwest Acquisition and Relocation Services Administrative Settlement Recommendation Date: May 18,2020 To: Flora Lee, Transportation Design Project Manager, City of Renton CC: Cindy Clark,P.E.,Parametrix From: Sonja Davis, Senior Right-of-Way Consultant, RES Group NW Subject: Administrative Settlement Recommendation City of Renton,Duvall Avenue NE Tax Parcel No.: 516970-0095-7 Project No.: 14 Owner: Chun Family Living Trust,Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Chun Trustee The City's Original Offer dated 4/1/20: $23,900.00 Owner's Proposed Counter Offer dated 5/14/20 : $3,938.77 Amount of Proposed Total Settlement: $27,838.77 BACKGROUND and SUMMARY OF NEGOTIATION • On April 1, 2020, an offer was made to owners via Certified Mail,the owner is elderly and due to COVID 19,social distancing measures in place made it difficult to meet with the owners physically. The City's offer of$23,900.00 consisted of$11,000 for 275 SF of land in fee, $8,080.00 for 404 SF of land in a Right of Way Easement, $2,796.80 for 437 SF of land in a Temporary Construction Easement(TCE), and$2,000.00 for two large trees within the acquisition area. • The negotiation with the owner ensued as soon as he received the City's offer packet. The owner voiced his dissatisfaction with the City in general and raised his concern regarding increase traffic and pedestrian noise along the Duvall Ave and the noise level of the existing HAWK signal. He was very concern about the health of the trees within the acquisition area, he insisted that the construction near the trees root system will damage the trees and requested that the City to remove the trees as part of the project. The owner requested that the City stake the acquisition area and we agreed to meet at subject property after the staking. • On April 15,2020,the owner met at the subject property to walk the acquisition area after staking. After the owner's realization of the true location of the property line, he had thought the existing back of sidewalk marked his property line but in fact it is approximately 5 feet further back of the sidewalk. He insisted that he would need some type of privacy/noise barrier for the benefit of his tenants. At this time,the owner marked up to 10 trees that he felt the tree roots would be impacted and damaged by the project, some of the marked trees did not seem to be healthy and were topped • On April 23, 2020,the City agreed to compensate for the fence and instructed the owner to seek a fence bid to be built on this property at the back of the Right of Way Easement area, after the completion of the project. • On May 11,2020,the owner requested the City to appraise his property,as stated in the offer letter. Additionally, he confirmed that he retained a professional fence bid of$3,938.77 and he was still very insistent on his stance on having the City remove the trees within and around the acquisition area as part of this negotiation. fdpGroup Northwest Acquisition and Relocation Services • On May 14, 2020, after further negotiation with the owner and the City,a settlement was reached for additional compensation of$3,938.77 and to remove up to 8 trees within the acquisition area. The owner agreed to forgo the request of a separate appraisal report on his property. RECOMMENDATION/JUSTIFICATION The proposed administrative settlement figure of$27,838.77, which is$3,938.77 above the original offer amount, representing the cost of the proposed fence, will expeditiously conclude the purchase of the property rights needed within the critical project timeline. As discussed with the City the proposed settlement is a low dollar amount compared to the risk of litigation and delays of the project. Time is of the essence,therefore this settlement is recommended,as it is reasonable and represents prudent use of the public funds.There is fairly high risk of the cost being higher than the proposed settlement if the purchase is delayed or the matter referred for litigation. As documented above, I find that proposed settlement request to be consistent with the law and is reasonable,prudent,and in the public interest. Recomm- ••:•- I, \lym....„ So 'aS i /e r Acquisition Agent Date RES ... NW Administrative Settlement Approved: i 5/21/2020 Jim Sei ,Transportation Syst s Director Date Public orks City of Renton !I CHAIN LINK'*WOOD*ORNAMENTAL IRON �ri Pe"'"r" „t'd' r. �,v ntial&CommercialIC. � ,,, and/ Superior Workmanship . __ .,- C .,. ,.'_' C ra- , quality?Materials 7720 Pacific Hwy E Contractor Lic#SECOMFI 176B1 insurarttce>Wrk Milton.,WA 98354 *FinancingAvailtile* (253)926-860,0; F:(253)926-3007 DATE ttiS'-7-c.7C) '1-800=422=6828 ATTN. ,*,,(� �0 0 -sales@secomafence.com PHONE SOSr 30 , SUBM,ITTED,T0 10• (y .C�`vn EMAIL �h✓n✓kkievfn�tl ei6. A-rr)c a l+ \ JOB:ADDRESS j%f 4441444-•. a.:4wloi'%34 'ADDRESS We ipropose to furnish all'necessary,labor and material in:accordance"with the.plans and specifications below and subject•tothe following terms and conditions: ECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . IRON/PV(E'DAR`)CHAIN.LINK BK Kt( . Footage g I. , Footage` Height ' ' Height slats Stylet55 "ga Wire galy Tube Stk'F-W-'.black Posts` %X9 Gate'Post . ' Tulin Stk FW ,Stringersc�kl./L 4 Terminals green. , • .. • . • • • • • • • • Tube,,Stk,FW.• Boards'/Wos� ,. . line Posts brown Tube'Stk FW Caps .z1 f((:/ Top Trim . - BW ' up•/-in,%out '. •' '`.�"'-,-c 1 , Ridge,Cap , , Bottom , '`Gates,,/^ , Gates • Gates ;,/•"'-"7. Gates' Gate:Footings p Terfninal Footings t' Line;Post Footings " - ."d : ' . . ' Max Post Spacing . •• , • , . To Grade Stairstep 1 Facing,,In 0 'out . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Metal.Base Q Airline`f • UNDERGROUND OBSTRU,GTIONS'LOCATED?- Yes 0 Na 0 Notesc • If order is not placed within 10.days frOli date Of proposal contact.us regarding'increased costs. Abovespecifted work to be completed SUBTOTAL- for;the stun total of " Qom, TERMS: 1/3 DOwR'payment due.prior to start' Contract Terms and Conditions must SALES.TAX ` ' 5S.p'7 of work. Balance due upon completion. be signed for contract to be valid . , ' TOTAL 40 t3`1 3tgl:'>! , ",4':.:'""`�'' ;DOWN salesman N PAYMENT The above Prices,Specification andl � C $ y4 conditions are Satisfactory-and BALANCE DUE, are her,'eby accepted., PURCHASER - DATE Accepted for Co. 6/19/2020 Landmark Web Official Records Seal Instrument Number:202006170(11310 Document:WD Rec:$107.50 Page-1 of 5 Excise Docs:3052031 Selling Price:S0.00 Tax Amount:S10.00 Record Date:6/17/2020 11:11 AM Electronically Recorded King County,WA • After Recording,Return to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 V�ANTY DEED Grantors: Randall ip np Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun :1! ily Living Trust Grantee: City of Reri,o' p a municipal ow ation of the State of Washington Abbreviated Legal Description: Lot 4,City of l erfton S.P.#330-79, 8002269014 Additional Legal(s) Exhibit A and B,aM1 ched hereto and made partof • Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 516970-0095-07 Duvall Ave NE Project THE GRANTORS, Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4. 1994,for and in consideration of sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convey and warrant to the City of Renton,a Washington municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, for the use of the public, the real property described and attached hereto as Exhibit A and illustrated and attached hereto as Exhibit B, situated in City of Renton, in King County, Washington,under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its right of Eminent Domain. • • Also,the Grantor requests the Assessor and Treasurer of said County to set over to the remainder of Tax Parcel No.516970-0095-07,the lien of all unpaid taxes,if any,affecting the real estate herein conveyed,as provided by RCW 84.60.070 DATED this ..)..c' day of Atfrlead, ,2020. 1 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaName&quickSearchSelection=# 1/5 6/19/2020 Landmark Web Official Records Sear.. - Instrument Number:20200617001310 Document:WD Rec:$107.50 Page-2 of 5 Record Date:6/17/2020 11:11 AM King County,WA GRANTOR(S): Randall King Beu and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By _ �'�` 76;19 eglityr Randall King Beau atm Its ! V 4ee By_ 4/1,jiM,/ Cktt-fit,/ Eva Tokie Chun its 700. t>lAscepted and Approved itClof Renton Its Y7x pQ.1tion Director__....___ Date_M y 30,2020 2 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaName&quickSearchSelection=# 2/5 6/19/2020 Landmark Web Official Records Searc Instrument Number:20200617001310 Document:WD Rec:$107.50 Page-3 of 5 Record Date:6/17/2020 11:11 AM King County,WA STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed,for the uses • and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this,f day of jA ,20 O. ® _ SOT 9s 414,(3.) ublicy, u?�%p�AUBuc ti^� printed Natne °l° WASN��0 4e�%%"%� My appoinfrz expires.•/ -/9f 12.3_ 3 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaName&quickSearchSelection=# 3/5 6/19/2020 Landmark Web Official Records Searc Instrument Number:20200617001310 Document:WD Rec:$107.50 Page-4 of 5 Record Date:6/17/2020 11:11 AM King County,WA EXHIBIT A RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E.,W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE NOVI ST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19`44' 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DW U V,(:NUE NORTHEAST TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAIa TERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 01'19'44' WEST 7.73 FEEL POINT ON A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 2 e 1,FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CU•'' YD SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.27 FEETi.T11 TOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'OO'37'; % THENCE NORTH 38'43'25' EAST 41.18 FEET (rI THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 275 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z O o. 4,644E �V.Fril C j • R i ' , 4.;;• ,`.3 k9 ss 5"3NA11.0 ASS& 4 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaName&quickSearchSelection=# 4/5 6/19/2020 Landmark Web Official Records Searc.. Instrument Number:20200617001310 Document:WD Rec:$107.50 Page-5 of 5 Record Date:6/17/2020 11:11 AM King County,WA EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03,T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA �I P.O.C. I z ( APN 5169V 4095 ) 1P4 + w . CHUN, RANDALL KING4U lc EVA T d 462B NE 12TH 59 41 ' I Q LOT 4 ®® ��C't D CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330CI �i A. AFN 8002269014 rzt ! T.P.O.B. y / `� SOr19'44'W / o i 7.73' 2 d =39.27' --- - R=25.00' i ,. I TOTAL AREA o N 30. FMnlig 275 SO. FT. =30 �arawoeStrax LEGEND P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT rop--9` ✓� T.P.O.B. TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING "a 4, Ica%'' r/7 ���/// /14 RIGHT OF WAY ACOUSITION AREA — — EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY WE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY LINE a m 'b,,, A, 46889 v ..a° —- - - CFNiERUNE a Fs��tsT$ .-.__--—_-.--—_ — PROPERTY LINE ‘11���MAL LAND--" ( APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER grn/ty 5 Parcel No. 5 1 6970-0095-07 https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaName&quickSearchSelection4 5/5 Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doct t:EAS Rec:S110.50 Page-1 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM - Electronically Recorded King County,WA After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE Grantor(s): Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Grantee(s): City of Renton Legal Description: Lot 4,City of Renton S.P.#330-79,REC.#8002269014 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 516970-0095-07 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Duvall Avenue NE Project This Temporary Construction Easement (the "Construction Easement"), is made and entered into this 0-9 day of JAG( , 20 ,by and between Randall King Beu Chun j and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, ("Grantor"), and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation("City"or"Grantee"),its successors and assigns. For Good and Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, as the owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit "A" —Entire! Parcel ("Property"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, does hereby grant to the City,a four hundred and thirty seven(437)square foot temporary easement area for minor l clearing and grubbing and excavation and fill and construction purposes in, on,over,through and across that portion of the Property described on Exhibit "B" (Easement "Area") and depicted on Exhibit"C", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, for the purpose of Temporary Construction Easement; protecting existing public and private Iimprovements in the immediate vicinity of the Project area; and repairing, restoring and/or; reestablishing any improvements disturbed while undertaking the Project activities described above. The temporary rights granted in this Construction Easement shall be effective upon! execution by the parties. Grantee and/or its contractors shall provide forty-eight (48) hours ! notice to the Grantor of its intent to commence construction. The temporary rights granted to ! the Grantee shall automatically terminate and be null and void(i)twenty four(24)months after the execution of this easement or(ii) upon restoration of any existing improvements disturbed 1 Page 1 of(g)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Docr rt:EAS Rec: $110.50 Page-2 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Country, ,IA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ! s by the Grantee within the temporary easement area,whichever is later,but in no event later than 1 December 31,2023. The Grantee agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Grantor from and against any and all claims,losses or liability,for injuries,sickness or death of persons,including employees of the Grantee,or damage to property,arising out of the exercise of Grantee's rights under this Construction Easement or any willful misconduct or negligent act,error,or omission of the Grantee, its officers, agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, or employees, in connection with the Grantee's activities authorized by this Construction Easement,provided, however,that: (a) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless shall not extend to injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the sole willful misconduct or sole negligence of the Grantor; and (b) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless for injuries, sickness,death or damage caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee and the Grantor, or of the Grantee and a third party other than an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee(including an officer, agent,contractor or employee of the Grantee). Grantee shall, at its sole cost and upon completion of the work within the Easement Area, fully restore the surface and subsurface of the Easement Area and any public or private improvements disturbed by or destroyed during the execution of the work, as nearly as practicable,to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. It is the intention of the parties that this document be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressed. This Construction Easement and covenants herein shall be recorded with the King County Recorder,shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties, : their successors,heirs and assigns. Grantor covenants that it is the lawful owner of the above-described property and has I authority to convey such easement. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Construction Easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Renton, unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing by the City of Renton. i s i Page 2 of(Si)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doci It:EAS Rec: $110.50 Page-3 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Count„ :7A PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPI RARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Dated: _fnav- c2q , 20„20 Grantor: Randall King Ben Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By .R&%J & 7\,t t1 CIANI - i Randal l King Beu11 Ch>� Its 1"ti 1 ,, .e_, By 4.4-1 Eva Tokie Chun Its Accepted and Approved City of Renton By ,. i Its Transporta _irertor Date May 30,2020 Page 3 of($)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doct it:EAS Rec: $110.50 Page-4 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Count`;, ,/A PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING j On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust on behalf of the Chun Family Living Trust,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this day of 204)* \l7b$, .Jul1111 sw \AOTARY '; 4 Printed . ame PUBIS) i� N o�,o� UBL ryJs<_ Residing at rK eat s \�a,?= tt IL OF wilts My appointment expires 149.0 Irg4 . • I , Page 4 of(2)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doci It:EAS Rec:$110.50 Page-5 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Counti„ .TA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXHIBIT "A" ENTIRE PARCEL • • i I • • Page 5 of(8)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FORCO.....'YTY RECORDE,..S S._..„,.,...,: ..... COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doci 1:EAS Rec: $110.50 Page-6 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Count,, .JA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT I) EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE ND. 199403211665) LOT 4 OF SHORT PLAT NO, 330-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 800226-9014; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. I ; { { I a K�1A I ONAL� 2 /2 Zo-19 I . 6 ( Page 6 of(3)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doci' t:EAS Rec:$110.50 Page-7 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Count„ :.'A PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXHIBIT"B" TEMPORARY CONSTUCTION EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DESCRIPTION SW 114 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA - j A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE NORTH 88'48'55" WEST 5.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 0119'44' WEST 84.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'25' WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'19'44' EAST 90.61 FEET TO SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'55" EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 437 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. o i/P 1 a Goo • 61vio L9lAti0 6 a Page 7 of(Z)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. Instrument Number: 20200611001019 Doe nt:EAS Rec: $110.50 Page-8 of 8 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:40 PM King Coun_„ SA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT { EXHIBIT"C" GRAPHIC DEPICTION EXHIBIT C TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E.,W.M. . CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA P.O.C. E T.P.O.B. • . : , S88'48'55'E / I i N88'48'55'W 5.00' 4 { 5.00' I ^1i Li' i ( APN 5169700095 ) o/ v LLI CHUN, RANDALL KING BEU do EVA T 10 s,/ I > 1 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 /4 J I -/ a' F LOT4 �c�"j CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 PAFN 8002269014 I • S38 43'25'W / I , 8.23' / I • • TOTAL AREA• • 437 SO. FT. 0 N a0' 1�-3O, i LEGEND Para i trhm P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ,,,0 WI kEA,,,F� ' �_t��Yi OP use •vl,� , T-P.0.8. TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING ..Q",`P0.� A�> ...1 k 17///"///////i TES'Por cnaN .L. / 4I,: • r — EXISTING RIGHT OF TRAY LINE ✓'. a• C -5 46889 •& 1 _. _ __ _ --r_ CENTFRUNE sos �'cr T%R�' 0. 471,1At UO0'Jr ( APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER "'�"`/`20 P19 ,, ,,, • • Page 8 of(B)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 • • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Doc. LEAS Rec: $111.50 Page-1 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM - Electronically Recorded King County,WA EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED BY KAREN GREAGOR,DEPUTY After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE Grantor(s): Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Grantee(s): City of Renton Legal Description: Lot 4,City of Renton S.P.#330-79,REC.#8002269014 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 516970-0095-07 I Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A f � RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Duvall Avenue NE Project The Grantor(s), Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun fFamily Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4, 1994, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,does hereby grant and convey unto the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, and its successors and assigns (the Grantee), for use by the public forever, from the property legally described on Exhibit"A"—Entire Parcel(the"Property"),attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, , a permanent right of way easement, for the purposes described below, over, in, on, along, across,through,below and upon,the portion of the Property legally described on Exhibit"B", (the "Right of Way Easement") and depicted on Exhibit"C", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Grantee and its agents,designees and/or assigns,and the public,shall have the right at such times as deemed necessary by Grantee, to enter upon, over, under and across the Right of Way Easement to inspect, construct, reconstruct, operate, use, travel on, maintain, repair, I replace and enlarge the public rights-of-way for all public purposes,including but not limited to, motorized and nonmotorized vehicular travel lane, landscaping, sidewalks, street lights, utilities (including without limitation water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas, telecommunications, cable and fiber optics, either owned or operated by Grantee or those utilities which provide service to Grantee or its citizens and are operated by permission of Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 1 of(7)Pages Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Docu t:EAS Rec:$111.50 Page-2 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count.,, .IA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY pitIGHI OF WAY EASEMENT Grantee through franchise or permit)appurtenant slopes,cuts,fills and retaining walls,together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore. • THIS EASEMENT is executed and delivered and said easement is granted upon the following conditions to wit: I ' 1. The Grantor,its heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns,hereby releases the Grantee, its agents and employees, assigns and successors from any and all liability for damage to the remaining lands resulting from this conveyance, and construction and maintenance of the right of way,provided the Grantee, its agents and employees, assigns and successors shall, as soon as practicable, after construction of the retaining wall and all subsequent alterations and repairs thereto, restore all property to the Grantor to a neat and presentable condition. 2. Grantor shall not interfere in any manner with the easement rights granted to Grantee and the public in this Right of Way Easement. Without limitation, Grantor shall not(1) erect or maintain any buildings, structures, or improvements within the Right of Way Easement; (2) disturb the lateral or subjacent support of the roadway, sidewalks, utilities and other improvements and uses of the Right of Way Easement by Grantee, or undertake any form of construction or other activity that may disturb or damage the roadway, sidewalks, utilities, or other improvements or uses of the Right of Way Easement by Grantee;or(3)plant trees,shrubs, or other vegetation having deep root patterns that may cause damage to or interfere with the use of the streets,sidewalks, or utilities. 3. The rights granted herein shall not be construed to interfere with or restrict the Grantor, its heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns from the use of the Property outside of the Easement Area for the construction and maintenance of property improvements outside of the Easement Area. 4. This Right of Way Easement and the rights, obligations and covenants stated in this Right of Way Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee. This Right of Way Easement shall be recorded with the King County Recorder's Office. 5. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Right of Way Easement is hereby , tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon City of Renton unless and until approved hereon in writing by City of Renton. Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 2 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Docu t:EAS Rec: $111.50 Page-3 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count,, „rA. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Dated ,20 2-0, Grantor: Randall King Bea Chun and Eva Tokie Cbun,Trustees of the Chun Family Livil g Trust By_ King •el.! Chun Its 7711-16.4 By Eva Tokie Chun Its 771Irk Accepted and Approved City of Rento 7-7 Its Transportation*rector Date May 30,2020 Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 3 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Doc] t:EAS Rec: $111.50 Page-4 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King County, „'A PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust on behalf of the Chun Family Living Trust,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED thisc2q day of (SEAL) „ca.. / ... S269s '\ IA Printe�ame OTARY s .4" g e Residing at /'^K� ® C PUB\-``" PI` c.P 14 4, 5�ti= �' ;� My appointment expires /b/c O/ 3 Expot°° OF WRS�\:o Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 4 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Docu t:EAS Rec:$111.50 Page-5 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count , ..rA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT EXHIBIT"A" ENTIRE PARCEL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 199403211665) LOT 4 OF SHORT PLAT NO. 330-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 800226-9014; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. , wAs 'Pita '•1 cr 46889 ,s, e As6ks,;:rois T V.Ossf filtt WIA L a^20-if Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 5 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDF.R'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Docu t:EAS flee: $111.50 Page-6 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count,, .:A PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE•RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY RIGHT OF WAY FASFMF.NT EXHIBIT"B" RIGHT OF WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITORS FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'25" WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'19'44" EAST 84.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'55" EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 404 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. I i I ' S4 � /I1 4� ¢ 46889Azo yo s� • °NAL LAND 3� Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 6 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 DocE t:EAS Rec:$111.50 Page-7 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count , ..A 1 • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY • RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT EXHIBIT"C" GRAPHIC DEPICTION FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA S88.48'555.0'0E.--\\ .......).,..- T.P.O.B. 1 UJ ( APN 5169700095 ) Z CHUN, RANDALL KING I3EU & EVA T 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 —/ P 5 1 LOT 4 I , , CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 I AFN 8002269014 11 43'825.21/43.1 T, SM. ...., i 00, / t NE 12th ST . I ...... _ _ 4, 1 TOTAL AREA o vi 30. ...1/1431 404 SQ. FT. i'•-=30' 1 Ilaarametrix „.._„......„,....,.._ , _.. . LEGEND N6 ..,..n IN.A. Ke----a...,\ T.P.O.B. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING . fit oy WAS1-41c2,..s. I 1 / ./.:4 REMANENT EASEMENT ARF.A EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE .. ,.. PROPOSED PERMANENT EASEMENT UNE •' ., 12).. 44./PC VLSI'09- , —--—--—-—--— PROPEIrY LINE °NAL tAtO - ( APN0)0516r( )* CENTERUNE ---)0(X XX KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER mst, Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 7 of(7)Pages , .. .... , . . , PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Docu t:EAS Rec:$111.50 Page-8 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Count,, ..'A mama Name , 516970-00a5-07 0 738,000.00 Mailing Address ® 0.00 City/State/Zip 0.00 Phone No.(Including area code) ® 0.00 ' Street address of property', 4629NE 12th St • This property is located in Renton ,. El Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from another parcel,are part of a boundary line adjustment or parcels being merged Legal description of property(if more space is needed,you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) Sea Attached- -1;' Select Land Use Code(s): • List all personal property(tangible and intangible)included in selling price. . • 92-Mutants family tesidense(Residential,multiple.2-4 units) N/A enter any additional codes: , (See back oflast page for instructions) YES MO Was the seller receiving a property tax exemption or deferral ❑ ❑ under chapters 84.36,84 37,or 84 38 RCW(nonprofit Ifclaiming an exemption,list WAC number and reason for exemption: organization,senior citizen,or disabled person,homeowner 458-61A-206(2) • with limited income)? WAC No.(Section/Subsection) Reason for exemption Is this prcpeny predominantly used for timber(as classified under ❑ Q RCW 84.34 and 84.33)or agriculture(as classified under RCW Exercise of Eminent uomain 84 34 020)?See ETA 3215 6": YES NO Is this property designated as forest land per chapter 84.33 RCW' 0 0 Type of Document Right of Way Easement Is this property classified as current use(open space.farm and 0 1:: Date of Document 5-29-20 agricultural,or timber)land per chapter 84,34 RCW? Is this property receivin special valuation as historical property ® ID per chapter 84 26 RCA'? If any answers arc yes,complete as instructed below Gross Selling Price $ 0.00 (1)NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE(FOREST LAND OR CURRENT USE) Personal Property(deduct) $ 0 00 NEW OWNER(S)i To continue the current designation as forest land or Exemption Claimed(deduct) $ 0 00 classification as current use(open space,farm and agriculture,or timber)land. you must sign on(3)below.The county assessor must then determine if the Taxable Selling Price $ 0.00 land tmnsferredcontinues to qualify and will indicate by signing below.lithe land no longer qualifies or you do not wish to continue the designation or class'. Excise Tax:State ficstion,it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due Less than S500,000.0I at 1.1% $ 0.00 and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale.(RCW 84 33 140 or RCW 84 34.108).Prior to signing(3)below,you may contact your local county from$500,000.61 to S1,500.080 at 1.28%$ 0.00 - asscssor for mote information. From$1.500.000.01 to$3,80O.0110 at 2,75% $ 0.06 This land ® does El does not qualify for continuance. Above S3 000,000 as 3.0% $ 0.00 Agricultural and timberland at 1.28% $ 0.00 Total Excise Tax.State S 0,00 DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE 1 _ 0.0050 l Local $ 0.00 (2)NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE(HISTORIC PROPERTY) *Delinquent Interest:State $ 0,00 • NEW OWNER(S)•To continue special valuation as historic property.sign(3) below.if the new owners)does not wish to continue,all additional tax caleo- Local $ 0.00 toted pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW,shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the lime of sale. *Delinquent Penally $ 0.00 (3)NEW OWNER(S)SIGNATURE Subtotal $ 0.00 *State'Technology Fee S 6.Q0_ *Affidavit Processing Fee $ 5.00 PRINT NAME Total Due $ 10,00 A MINIMUM OFS10.00 IS DUE ON FEE(S)AND/OR TAX °SEE INSTRUCTIONS Gi I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY TIIAT TIIE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT ' SignaGrantor.of ,.a i. i I s Signature of /' GsanlOrar Grantor's Agent k a Grantee or Grantee'sA eat • r,,,,, tl ,gyp � � / l Y >��Name(print) �,,I• .1 , !� ; /.r Name(print) o (t U�e S J r.t Z Date&city of signing ZA) Date&city of signing 6/11/2020 Renton,WA b Perjury:Perjury _ punishable tin the state correctional ,,. ... .... . ... than ..,..........„ ., �: J ry , ry is a class felony which is by imprisonmen_ . correctional institution for a maximum tern of not more than five years,or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars($5,000.00),or by both imprisonment and line(RCW 9A 20020(IC)). REV 84 000 Ia(12/6/19) TI IIS SPACE-TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER . Instrument Number: 20200611001042 Doci rt:EAS Rec: $111.50 Page-9 of 9 Record Date:6/11/2020 1:50 PM King Coun.,,, .iA PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE•RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT EXHIBIT"B" RIGHT OF WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 0119'44* WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'251' WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0119144" EAST 84.08 FEET TO THE NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'551° EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 404 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. gi WA Sir 4%, — •' 4 711. 45889 49 sTs0 o ‘VA L Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 6 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY , . . 7.1 C 0 Cl, W 17 — ,_ .- ._ 3 o KIRKLAND i c a �, 721 4TH AVE y KIRKLAND, WA 98033-9998 �° 0 3 n s) x• 544144-0238 d (800)275-8777 c 3 m 33 ro �0 --_-_- 04/01/2020 03:36 PM --__.-_-- + .` s 0 D° 0 Product Qty Unit Price �- a 2 g 6 Price m ma 0 PM 1-Day 1 $7.50 $7.50 fl 0 (Qomesti (RENTANWA 98058) _ S y ;�'";s:, ( eight:0 Lb 7.40 0z) c Expected Delivery Day) o :" . (Thursday 04/02/2020) 7 3' I (LISPS Tracking ID Pi i (9505 5162 0995 0092 4124 04) ', 7. l - In urance $0. )0 c 0< , H Up to $50.00 included) Z 9 g a'° ® N ,�j 2 _ Total -$i.50 < o=o P LI Ed D j Credit Card Remitd $7.50 N - (Card Name:VISA) _ (Account #:XXXXXXXXXXXX0527) 1 o g (Approval #:001231) (Transaction #:488) 4.1 (AID:A0000000031010 Chip) a (AL:VISA CREDIT) K (PIN:Not Required) m �m 1 - K m In a hurry? Self-service kiosks offer < g quick and easy check-out. Any Retail Associate can show you how. 111 Text your tracking number to 28777 t e (2USPS) to get the latest status. x . Standard Message and Data rates may apply. You may also visit www.usps.com LISPS Tracking or call 1-800-222-1811. • t Armondo Pavone % 41".y Mayor FNTO� Public Works Department OFFER LETTER March 20, 2020 Chun Family Living Trust, Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun Trustees 17024 160th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 RE: Project Name: Duvall Avenue NE Tax Parcel No: 516970-0095-07 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chun: As you likely are aware,the City of Renton is proceeding with the Duvall Avenue NE Project. As part of the project,the City needs to purchase a part of your property and/or certain property rights related to the property located at 4628 NE 12th Street, Renton and identified as King County Assessor's tax parcel number 516970-0095-07.A copy of the map or"Right of Way Plan"is attached. By law the City must pay you for the property and/or property rights acquired from you,unless you choose to donate the land the property to the City.The purpose of this letter to explain to you the basis for the City's offer in order to reach an agreement with you regarding the purchase of the property needed for this project. In those cases where property rights being acquired involve a payment greater than $10,000 and less than $25,000, the City administratively establishes the amount offered. This administrative offer is based on market research performed by a person having sufficient understanding of the local real estate market. You have the right to request the City appraise your property any time prior to accepting the offer. An administrative offer of$23,900.00 is being made for your property or property rights. This offer consists of: • $11,000.00 for 275 SF of land in Fee • $8,080.00 for 404 SF of land in Right of Way Easement • $2,000.00 for two large trees within the acquisition area • $2,796.80 for 437 SF of land in Temporary Construction Easement 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Chun Family Trust Page 2 of 2 March 20,2020 The basis for this offer is contained in the attached report.Payment for your property and/or property rights will be made available to you approximately 30 to 45 days after you accept the City's offer,provided that there are no delays in closing the transaction. You may wish to employ a professional appraiser or realtor to evaluate the City's offer.If you do so,we suggest that you employ a well-qualified evaluator so that the evaluation report will be useful to you in deciding whether to accept the City's offer.The City will reimburse up to$750.00 of your evaluation costs upon submission of the bills or paid receipts. Please understand that every effort will be made to come to an agreement regarding this offer. However,if mutual agreement cannot eventually be reached through a voluntary negotiation,the City acting in the public interest,may use its right of eminent domain to acquire the property rights for the public use.In conformity • with the Washington State Constitution and laws,the City's legal counsel will file a condemnation suit to .. obtain a"Court Order of Public Use and Necessity",and a trial will be held to determine the just compensation to be paid for the property and property rights acquired. This action is taken to ensure your rights as an individual property owner and the rights of all City of Renton's taxpayers are equally protected. If you have personal property presently located on the property being acquired by the City that will need to be moved,however the City will reimburse you for the cost of moving it through the Relocation Assistance program. We have attempted by this letter to provide a concise statement of our offer and summary of your rights.We hope the information will assist you in reaching a decision.Please feel free to direct any questions you may • have to the City's representative from RES Group Northwest,Sonja Davis at(425)577-2184.We look forward to working with you and we would appreciate a response to this offer at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION Jim Seitz Director Receipt of this letter is hereby acknowledged.I understand that this acknowledgement does not signify acceptance or rejection of this offer. Date: ' Signature `t Y ©A, Enclosure: Administrative Offer Report ,..._...__.... .......__ _....._�_.__.._____._. _ ..__....._..�._._. M' of 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov ,41 �T a+ REAL PROPERTY VOUCHER AGREEMENT AGENCY NAME I hereby agree to the terms and conditions listed below and hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the items and City of Renton amounts listed herein are proper charges,that the same or Renton City Hall any part thereof has not been paid,and that I am 1055 S. Grady Way authorized to sign for the Claimant: Renton,WA 98057 (Sign in Ink) Phone: (425)430-6400 GRANTOR or CLAIMANT1 By: . ,. • Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Owner/Authorized Representative Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Date: 17024 160th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 Phone: Re: City of Renton—Duvall Avenue NE TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 516970-0095-07 PROJECT PARCEL NUMBER: 14 In Full,Complete and Final Payment and Settlement for the Title or Interest Conveyed or Released,as Fully Set Forth in Attached Documents: AMOUNT Statutory Warranty Deed Dated: For All Lands Convey: +$00.00 Fee 275 SF @$40.00 +$ 11,000.00 Right of Way Easement 404 SF @$40.00 @ 50% +$ 8,080.00 Temporary Construction Easement(TCE)437 SF @$40.00 @ 16% +$ 2,796.80 For All Damages: 2 Trees +$ 2,000.00 Less Special Benefits: Statutory Evaluation Allowance JUST COMPENSATION $23,900.00(r) Legal/Administrative: +$00.00 • Other Items: Deductions: FINAL SETTLEMENT $23,900.00 SUBTOTAL $23,900.00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE PAID: $23,900.00 Right-of-Way Agent: Sonja Davis By: Date The City of Renton agrees to the terms and conditions listed above. By: Date • REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Agreement") is made as of the date this instrument is fully executed by and between Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4, 1994, ("Seller"), and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation ("Buyer" or "City"), for purchase and sale of a fee acquisition, a permanent right of way easement, and a temporary construction easement over a portion of that certain real property situated in King County, Washington, legally described on Exhibit"A", attached hereto (the"Property"). The fee acquisition consists of 275 square feet and is legally described on Exhibit `B", attached hereto (the "Fee Acquisition"). The permanent right of way easement consists of 404 square feet and is legally described on Exhibit "C", attached hereto (the "Easement"). The temporary construction easement consists of 437 square feet and is depicted on Exhibit "D", attached hereto (the "TCE"). Collectively, the portions of the Property encumbered by the Easement and the TCE are referred to as the`Basement Areas." 1. PURCHASE PRICE: The total purchase price for the fee acquisition, easements, and improvement within the acquisition area is Twenty-three thousand nine hundred and No/100 Dollars($23,900.00)("Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price consists of the fee acquisition valued at $11,000.00, Permanent Easement valued at $8,080.00, the TCE valued at $2,796.80, and $2,000.00 for any improvements located within the acquisition areas. The Purchase Price is payable at closing in cash. 2. CONVEYANCE OF TITLE: 2.1 Easements: At closing, Seller will execute and deliver,in a form acceptable to Buyer,the Permanent Easement conveying and warranting good and marketable title to the Easement free and clear of all defects or encumbrances except for the lien of real estate taxes and drainage service charges not yet due and payable and those defects and/or encumbrances (if any) identified on Exhibit "E" attached hereto (collectively, "Permitted Exceptions"). Additionally, the Seller will execute and deliver to Buyer a temporary construction easement for a period of twenty-four (24) months commencing forty-eight (48) hours after City of Renton and/or its contractors provide written notification to Seller of its intent to commence construction. 2.2 Title Insurance: At closing, Buyer shall receive (at Buyer's expense) an owner's Standard ALTA policy of title insurance, dated as of the closing date and insuring Buyer in the amount of the Purchase Price against loss or damage by reason of defect in Buyer's title to the Easement subject only to the printed exclusions appearing in the policy form and any Permitted Exceptions. 3. CONTINGENCIES: 3.1 This Agreement is subject to the following contingencies: A. None B. None Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 1 of 11 3.2 Removal of Contingencies: Buyer shall have a period of 60 days from the date all parties have signed this Agreement to remove all contingencies. Buyer may remove such contingencies by sending written notice thereof to Seller pursuant to Paragraph 7 herein. If the contingencies are not removed within this period, this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. RISK OF LOSS: Seller will bear the risk of loss of or damage to the Fee Acquisition and Easement Areas prior to closing. In the event of such loss or damage to the Fee Acquisition and Easement Areas, Seller shall promptly notify Buyer thereof and Buyer may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement by giving notice of termination to the Seller. • 5. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS: Seller represents, warrants, and covenants to the Buyer at the date of execution of this Agreement and the date of closing that: 5.1 Authority: Seller, and the person(s) signing on behalf of Seller, has full power and authority to execute this Agreement and perform Seller's obligations,and if Seller is a corporation, all necessary corporate action to authorize this transaction has been taken. 5.2 Leases: The Easement Areas are subject to a lease between and , recorded , and any unrecorded leaseholds, rights of vendors and holders of security interest on personal property installed upon said property, and right of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 5.3 No Material Defect: Seller is unaware of any material defect in the Property. To the best of Seller's knowledge, the information regarding the Property as provided by Seller is complete, accurate,true and correct and does not fail to state any fact without which such information would be misleading. 5.4 Debris and Personal Property: Seller will remove all debris and personal property,prior to each closing, located on the Easement Areas (if any) at Seller's cost and expense, and Seller will indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all claims and expenses arising from such removal. 5.5 Contamination: Seller represents and warrants that he/she/it has not caused or allowed the generation,treatment, storage,or disposal of hazardous substances on the property,nor caused or allowed the release of any hazardous substance onto, at, or near the Easement. Seller is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding the handling of hazardous substances, has secured all necessary permits, licenses and approvals necessary to its operation on the Easement Areas,and is in compliance with such permits. Seller has not received notice of any proceedings, claims, or lawsuits arising out of its operations on the Easement Areas and, to the Seller's knowledge, the property is not, nor has it ever been subject to the release of hazardous substances. 5.6 Fees and Commissions: Seller shall pay for any broker's or other commissions or fees incurred by the Seller in connection with the sale of the Easement and Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all such claims for commission and/or fees. Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 2 of 11 5.7 Indemnification: Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer, its employees,agents,heirs and assigns,from and against any and all damage,claim,liability,or loss, including reasonable attorney's and other fees,arising out of or in any way connected to the breach of any representation or warranty contained herein. Such duty of indemnification shall include, but not be limited to damage, liability, or loss pursuant to all federal environmental laws, Washington State environmental laws, strict liability and common law. 5.8 Ownership; Non-Foreign Status: Seller owns the Property and has the right to sell the Property, and is not a foreign person as defined by the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, IRS Section 1445(b)(2) ("FIRPTA"), as amended. 6. CLOSING: 6.1 Time for Closing and Closing Agent: The sale will be closed in the office of the Closing Agent not later than twenty-one (21) days from the date all contingencies set forth in Paragraph 3 herein have been removed, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Buyer and Seller shall deposit in escrow with the Closing Agent all instruments, documents and moneys necessary to complete the sale in accordance with this Agreement. As used in this Agreement, "closing" and "date of closing" means the date on which all appropriate documents are recorded and proceeds of the sale are available for disbursement to Seller. The Closing Agent shall be: Chicago Title Insurance Company 701 5th Ave, suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 6.2 Prorations: Closing Costs: Seller will pay real property taxes prorated through the date of closing. Buyer will pay the premium for its owner's title insurance policy,the cost of recording the Easement, Wall Easement and TCE from the Seller, real estate excise taxes (if any are due) and the Closing Agent's escrow fees. 6.3 Possession: Buyer shall be entitled to possession of the Fee Acquisition, Easement, and TCE at Closing. 6.4 Closing Obligations of Buyer: On or before Closing the Buyer shall deliver to the Closing Agent the following: 6.4.1 All funds required to be paid by Buyer under this Agreement, in cash. 6.4.2 A Closing Statement in form and content reasonably satisfactory to the parties. 6.4.3 A Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit executed by the Buyer in the form required by law. 6.4.4 Any other documents necessary to effect the transaction contemplated in this Agreement. Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 3 of 11 6.5 Closing Obligations of Seller: At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Escrow Agent the following duly executed and acknowledged documents (where appropriate): 6.5.1 The Easement, Wall Easement, and TCE required under Paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement. 6.5.2 A Closing Statement in form and content reasonably satisfactory to the parties. 6.5.3 A FIRPTA certification. 6.5.4 A Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit executed by Seller in the form required by law. 6.5.5 Any other documents necessary to effect the transaction contemplated in this Agreement. 7. NOTICES: All notices, demands, consents, approvals and other communications which are required or desired to be given by either party to the other under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered or sent by United States regular mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by email transmission, addressed to the appropriate party at its address set forth below, or at such other address as such party shall have last designated by notice to the other. Notices, demands, consents, approvals, and other communications shall be deemed given when delivered, or three days after mailing, or on the day that an email transmission is received,to or at the following addresses: TO SELLER: TO BUYER: Randall King Beu Chun City of Renton &Eva Toke Chun Trustees Public Works Department 17024 160th Ave SE Attn: Flora Lee Renton, WA 98058 1055 South Grady Way Telephone: ( ) - Renton, WA 98057 Email: Telephone: (425) 430-7303 Email: FLee@Rentonwa.gov 8. GENERAL: This is the entire agreement of the Buyer and Seller with respect to the Fee Acquisition, Easements and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements between them, written or oral. This Agreement may be modified only in writing, signed by Buyer and Seller. Any waivers under this Agreement must be in writing. A waiver of any right or remedy in the event of a default will not constitute a waiver of such right or remedy in the event of any subsequent default. This Agreement is for the benefit of, and binding upon, Buyer and Seller and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be considered an original instrument and all of which together will be considered the same agreement. Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 4 of 11 9. WASTE; ALTERATION OF EASEMENT: Seller shall not commit waste on the Easement Areas,nor shall Seller remove trees or other vegetation, coal,minerals or other valuable materials nor shall Seller substantially alter the surface or subsurface of the Easement Areas without the express written consent of Buyer. 10. SURVIVAL OF WARRANTIES: The terms, covenants,representations and warranties shall not merge in the deed of conveyance, but shall survive closing. 11. TERMINATION OF OFFER: This offer shall terminate if not accepted by Seller on or before 12. EFFECTIVE DATE: The Effective Date is the date of the last Parties' signature below. Signed in duplicate original. • BUYER: City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation By: Its Date SELLER: Chun Family Living Trust, Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By: By: Randall King Beu Chun Eva Tokie Chun Its: Trustee of Chun Family Trust Its: Trustee of Chun Family Trust Date Date EXHIBITS: Exhibit A, Property Legal Description Exhibit B, Fee Acquisition Legal Description Exhibit C, Permanent Right of Way Legal Description Exhibit D, Temporary Construction Easement Depiction Exhibit E, Permitted Exceptions Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 5 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 199403211665) LOT 4 OF SHORT PLAT NO. 330-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 800226-9014; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. log of Ra$£Nti% hie �y r' 41 . J ' /30 g468899 40�°� Rss/NA IS LAN Qs\ /Z-Zo-l9 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 6 of 11 EXHIBIT "B" FEE ACQUSITION LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 7.73 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.27 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'00'37"; THENCE NORTH 38'43'25" EAST 41.18 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 275 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Kea a`snfs°1 .1 '�FS`�k�lSTE4�'9 4a`� 44.41. jLIAO Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 7 of 11 EXHIBIT "C" PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'25" WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'19'44" EAST 84.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'55" EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 404 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. M' KEwAsiti.M " yr` � -o SIB �'o,� 46889 �A. . /STI �� J SCWAI LANa Wp119 • Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT "D" TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DEPICTION P.O.C. T.P.O.B. . S88'48'55'E / N88'48'5511 5.00' / 5.00' (/ I APN 5169700095 ) CHUN, RANDALL KING BEU & EVA T w/ > I 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 v• / J ram Q LOT 4 z• / t CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 / AFN 8002269014 / S38'43'25W 823' NE 12TH ST TOTAL AREA 437 SQ. FT. o1,1 30' 1"=30' LEGEND Parametrix ,'" M IC �,�P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT E T.P.0.B. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING y te. oy HA3g�NcJV�c\ //////////////A TEMPMRA COREA STRUCTION ;�I„ µ y //° EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE -o ofcr CENTERLINE 9o'Fs g�.1 STY. 49 9JP��o — — PROPERTY UNE sioNAI LAND APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER /PZo"l9 Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 9 of 11 EXHIBIT "E" PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS/TITLE REPORT Title Company: Chicago Title Insurance Company Order No.: 00995779-16 Preliminary Report Date: November 19, 2019 1. Subject to: Flood control works, May Creek Flood Control Zone District, under the recording no. 5943056 2. Subject to:Underground Communication lines,Pacific NW Bell, under the recording no. 8105070495; north loft of said premises 3. Subject to: Underground electric transmission and distribution, PSE,under the recording no. 8105200693 4. Subject to: CC&Rs, City of Renton Short Plat 330-79, Central Highlands Plaza Short Plat 1, under recording no. 8002269014 5. Subject to: Temporary Water Service Agreement, under the recording no. 8104130450 6. Subject to: Common Roof Agreement, under the recording no. 8108270186 7. Subject to: Right of King County to make slopes for cuts or fills per condemned in Superior Court Cause No. 701162 Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page 10 of 11 After Recording,Return to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 WARRANTY DEED Grantors: Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Grantee: City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington Abbreviated Legal Description: Lot 4, City of Renton S.P.#330-79, 8002269014 Additional Legal(s) Exhibit A and B, attached hereto and made partof Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 516970-0095-07 Duvall Ave NE Project THE GRANTORS, Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4, 1994, for and in consideration of sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convey and warrant to the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, for the use of the public, the real property described and attached hereto as Exhibit A and illustrated and attached hereto as Exhibit B, situated in City of Renton, in King County, Washington,under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its right of Eminent Domain. Also, the Grantor requests the Assessor and Treasurer of said County to set over to the remainder of Tax Parcel No. 516970-0095-07, the lien of all unpaid taxes, if any, affecting the real estate herein conveyed, as provided by RCW 84.60.070 DATED this day of , 2020. 1 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 GRANTOR(S): Randall King Beu and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By Randall King Beau Chun Its By • Eva Tokie Chun Its Accepted and Approved City of Renton By Its Date 2 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this day of ,20 Notary Public Printed Name Residing at My appointment expires 3 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 EXHIBIT A RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 . RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 7.73 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.27 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'00'37"; THENCE NORTH 38'43'25" EAST 41.18 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 275 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 0�>1 of��$���„� J FS 'po 46889 9 ��STSO Q, J 4:1 LAND 4111�1 4 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 EXHIBIT B . RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA / I P.O.C. I .. W Z ( APN 5169700095 W CHUN, RANDALL KING BEU & EVA T Q 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059I cn Q O-I � LOT 4 a CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 AFN 8002269014 T.P.O.B. ��/ S01'19'44°W I .� 7.73' ti� 1 / e e=90'00 37° =39.27' R=25.00' I A 1 TOTAL AREA 0 N 30. 3— 275 SQ. FT. Parametrix LEGEND % P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ( 41_•Nd B-M�i8T.P.O.B. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING QA ��a91./ G/ rl��l�ll�������1����A RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AREA ' GDD ►�': , — — EXIS11NG RIGHT OF WAY LINE S�" 1 PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY LINEll' \ Q1STY.S o �! - - - CENTERLINE 9�AF 4,4 �,4io • —--—--—--—--— PROPERTY UNE ss1°NAL LAND -. F ( APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER q/iI j/q �T 5 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE Grantor(s): Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust Grantee(s): City of Renton Legal Description: Lot 4,City of Renton S.P.#330-79,REC.#8002269014 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 516970-0095-07 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Duvall Avenue NE Project The Grantor(s), Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, under trust agreement dated March 4, 1994, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,does hereby grant and convey unto the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, and its successors and assigns (the Grantee), for use by the public forever, from the property legally described on Exhibit"A"—Entire Parcel(the"Property"),attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, a permanent right of way easement, for the purposes described below, over, in, on, along, across,through, below and upon, the portion of the Property legally described on Exhibit"B", (the "Right of Way Easement") and depicted on Exhibit "C", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Grantee and its agents,designees and/or assigns,and the public,shall have the right at such times as deemed necessary by Grantee,to enter upon, over, under and across the Right of Way Easement to inspect, construct, reconstruct, operate, use, travel on, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge the public rights-of-way for all public purposes, including but not limited to, motorized and nonmotorized vehicular travel lane, landscaping, sidewalks, street lights, utilities (including without limitation water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas, telecommunications, cable and fiber optics, either owned or operated by Grantee or those utilities which provide service to Grantee or its citizens and are operated by permission of Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 1 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Grantee through franchise or permit)appurtenant slopes, cuts,fills and retaining walls,together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings ' and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore. THIS EASEMENT is executed and delivered and said easement is granted upon the following conditions to wit: 1. The Grantor,its heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns,hereby releases the Grantee, its agents and employees, assigns and successors from any and all liability for damage to the remaining lands resulting from this conveyance, and construction and • maintenance of the right of way, provided the Grantee, its agents and employees, assigns and successors shall, as soon as practicable, after construction of the retaining wall and all subsequent alterations and repairs thereto, restore all property to the Grantor to a neat and presentable condition. 2. Grantor shall not interfere in any manner with the easement rights granted to Grantee and the public in this Right of Way Easement. Without limitation, Grantor shall not (1) erect or maintain any buildings, structures, or improvements within the Right of Way Easement; (2) disturb the lateral or subjacent support of the roadway, sidewalks, utilities and other improvements and uses of the Right of Way Easement by Grantee, or undertake any form of construction or other activity that may disturb or damage the roadway, sidewalks, utilities, or other improvements or uses of the Right of Way Easement by Grantee;or(3)plant trees,shrubs, or other vegetation having deep root patterns that may cause damage to or interfere with the use of the streets, sidewalks, or utilities. 3. The rights granted herein shall not be construed to interfere with or restrict the Grantor, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns from the use of the Property outside of the Easement Area for the construction and maintenance of property improvements outside of the Easement Area. 4. This Right of Way Easement and the rights, obligations and covenants stated in this Right of Way Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee. This Right of Way Easement shall be recorded with the King County Recorder's Office. 5. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Right of Way Easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon City of Renton unless and until approved hereon in writing by City of Renton. Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page2of(7)Pages - ---------------------------------- ----------------------- PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Dated: , 20 . Grantor: Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By Randall Randall King Beu Chun Its By Eva Tokie Chun Its Accepted and Approved City of Renton By Its Date Parcel No.516970-0095-07 Page3of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT STA 1'E OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust on behalf of the Chun Family Living Trust,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this day of ,20 (SEAL) Notary Public Printed Name Residing at My appointment expires Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page4of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. - — ------------------------------------- --- RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT EXHIBIT "A" ENTIRE PARCEL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 199403211665) LOT 4 OF SHORT PLAT NO. 330-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 800226-9014; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. �O we ee %tr." 2 u • 44 4, 46889 �"� • �Os �4c7 S T E'er s�OHAL LAN9 4 /2-Zo-/9 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 5 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT 1 EXHIBIT "B" RIGHT OF WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. . CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 77.55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF DUVALL AVENUE NORTHEAST; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'25" WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'19'44" EAST 84.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'55" EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 404 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 9wA \ 8j cj/� /304, 88R9 otSTE Q' °NAI LAND 5J k,'il`l9 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 6 of(7)Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------'--------------' ------------- RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT EXHIBIT "C" GRAPHIC DEPICTION FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA -- - - - - SBB'4855.1 00' I —_ 5. T.P.O.B. ri I W APN 5169700095 ) Z CHUN, RANDALL KING BEU & EVA T W 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 p Q 1- v- --I_ o, J o `p j 1 z = . LOT 4 0 CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 1 AFN 8002269014 i 1 S38'43'25'W 8.2S / . I1 NE 12th ST i - - I — A TOTAL AREA 0 N 30' 404 SQ. Fr. 3 Parametrix LEGEND M. KE T.P.O.B. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ]QQ-�of AAsej�o/j �/��/��������������/�A PERMANENT EASEMENT AREA '( 5 vIt: y .�/ EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE / .► • �i1 1 l� PROPOSED PERMANENT EASEMENT LINE % -o 4. 4. 1. - CENTERLINE 12,,E 46889 0 ,�-ao —-- — PROPERTY LINE FSS�o�l S TRR�S.S2- NAL LAND APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER qq//1 /9 Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 Page 7 of 7 Pages PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. . After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE !Grantor(s): Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust 1 Grantee(s): City of Renton Legal Description: Lot 4,City of Renton S.P.#330-79,REC.#8002269014 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 516970-0095-07 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Duvall Avenue NE Project This Temporary Construction Easement (the "Construction Easement"), is made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust, ("Grantor"), and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation("City"or"Grantee"), its successors and assigns. For Good and Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, as the owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit "A" — Entire Parcel ("Property"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, does hereby grant to the City, a four hundred and thirty seven(437) square foot temporary easement area for minor clearing and grubbing and excavation and fill and construction purposes in, on, over, through and across that portion of the Property described on Exhibit "B" (Easement "Area") and depicted on Exhibit "C", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, for the purpose of Temporary Construction Easement; protecting existing public and private improvements in the immediate vicinity of the Project area; and repairing, restoring and/or reestablishing any improvements disturbed while undertaking the Project activities described above. The temporary rights granted in this Construction Easement shall be effective upon execution by the parties. Grantee and/or its contractors shall provide forty-eight (48) hours • notice to the Grantor of its intent to commence construction. The temporary rights granted to the Grantee shall automatically terminate and be null and void(i)twenty four(24)months after the execution of this easement or (ii) upon restoration of any existing improvements disturbed Page 1 of(7)Pages Parcel No.516970-0095-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT by the Grantee within the temporary easement area,whichever is later,but in no event later than December 31, 2023. The Grantee agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Grantor from and against any and all claims,losses or liability,for injuries,sickness or death of persons,including employees of the Grantee,or damage to property, arising out of the exercise of Grantee's rights under this Construction Easement or any willful misconduct or negligent act, error, or omission . of the Grantee, its officers, agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, or employees, in connection with the Grantee's activities authorized by this Construction Easement, provided, however,that: (a) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless shall not extend to injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the sole willful misconduct or sole negligence of the Grantor; and (b) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless for injuries, sickness,death or damage caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee and the Grantor, or of the Grantee and a third party other than an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee (including an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee). Grantee shall, at its sole cost and upon completion of the work within the Easement Area, fully restore the surface and subsurface of the Easement Area and any public or private improvements disturbed by or destroyed during the execution of the work, as nearly as practicable,to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. It is the intention of the parties that this document be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressed. This Construction Easement and covenants herein shall be recorded with the King County Recorder,shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, heirs and assigns. Grantor covenants that it is the lawful owner of the above-described property and has authority to convey such easement. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Construction Easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Renton, unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing by the City of Renton. Page 2 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Dated: , 20 Grantor: Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun,Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust By Randall King Beu Chun Its By Eva Tokie Chun Its Accepted and Approved City of Renton By Its Date Page 3 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 I PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Randall King Beu Chun and Eva Tokie Chun, Trustees of the Chun Family Living Trust on behalf of the Chun Family Living Trust,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the . uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this day of ,20 (SEAL) Notary Public Printed Name Residing at My appointment expires Page 4 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXHIBIT"A" ENTIRE PARCEL Page 5 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. I- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT l I i EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 199403211665) LOT 4 OF SHORT PLAT NO. 330-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 800226-9014; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. R$of A65girk>/„A G 'p, R 46889 %„NALS LAND SJ4, C /2-20 Page 6 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXHIBIT"B" TEMPORARY CONSTUCTION EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION , EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #330-79 RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 8002269014, KING COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE NORTH 88'48'55" WEST 5.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 01'19'44" WEST 84.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 38'43'25" WEST 8.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'19'44" EAST 90.61 FEET TO SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH 88'48'55" EAST 5.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 437 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. .1WAJj14/ Grgy�l'� • ,:I 4, 46889 4. ‹ipoi HAis LM s,s0 `. a&if Page 7 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT j EXHIBIT "C" GRAPHIC DEPICTION ' EXHIBIT C TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SW 1/4 OF SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M. ' CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WA P.O.C. T.P.O.B. S88'48'55°E P I N88'48'55"W 5.00' / 5.00' 1 I w /o Z ( APN 5169700095 ) Si/ot W CHUN, RANDALL KING BEU & EVA T . / Q 4628 NE 12TH ST 98059 / Q CD a 01 LOT 4 0 CITY OF RENTON S.P. #330-79 AFN 8002269014 1 S38'43'25'W / 8.23' P' NE 12TH ST 1 I TOTAL AREA A 437 SQ. FT. 0 N 30' ti 1'=30' LEGEND Parametrix P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT I.A. KF T.P.O.B. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ; �Q�Fo° WASB4,./is / TEMPORARf CONSTRUCTION c 5r . y//////////// EASEMAREA �';,•� _ Alt — EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE 's . Qi c ----_-.------ PROPEERTY UNE ' Po��ss°NAsB Law�SJ���o APN XXXXXXXXXXX ) KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER Page 8 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 516970-0095-07 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. October 29,2019 Property Owner 17024 160TH AVENUE SE Renton WA 98058 Re: Duvall Avenue NE Tax Parcel Number:5169700095 Property Address:4628 NE 12th St, Renton,WA Dear Property Owner: The City of Renton has been developing the Duvall Avenue NE Project.The project consists of a roadway improvement project that will improve traffic and public safety along Duvall Avenue NE,a four-lane, high volume arterial. The project will repave the road, install center medians with landscaping, and complete the existing patchwork of curbs/gutters/sidewalks for a consistent streetscape. The majority of the new improvements will be constructed within the existing City right-of-way but for a small number of properties the City of Renton will require additional property and/or temporary easements to construct the new improvements.We have determined it will be necessary to acquire a small portion of your property and/or temporary construction easement for this project. In that regard,the City would like to introduce you to those firms that are working with the City on the project. The firm providing the overall engineering design is Parametrix.Additionally, RES Group Northwest,an independent real estate consultant to the City will be reaching out to you to discuss the acquisition. The City of Renton is committed to working closely with you to fully understand your concerns and provide the appropriate assistance. A representative from RES Group Northwest will be contacting you in the next few weeks to set up appointments to meet with you and to provide you with an opportunity to discuss specific information regarding the project impact to your property. If you have any questions before that time,or if you anticipate that we would have any problem contacting you, please call Sonja Davis, RES Group Northwest at(425)577-2184,or me at City of Renton at(425)430-7303. Sincerely, Lyja.ya. Flora Lee, PE, PTOE Transportation Design Project Manager ADMINISTRATIVE OFFER SUMMARY - PARCEL 14 Project: City of Renton-Duvall Avenue NE Plan Sheet: 11 of 73 Plan Approval Date: 6/19 Revision Date: N/A Federal Aid Number. N/A Tax ID No: 516970-0095 Owner: Randall Chun Location: 4628 NE 12th Street,Renton,WA 98059 Before Area: 15,673 SF After Area: 15,398 SF Acquisition Area: Slope/ Fee: 275 SF Wall/Utility Easement: 404 SF (area) (type) (area) Current Use: Multifamily(Four-Plex) Zoning: Commercial(CA) Highest and Best Use: Continued use of existing improvements Effects of Acquisition: The subject consists of a rectangular-shaped lot located at the northwest corner of Duvall Avenue NE and NE 12th Street.The site is improved with a 3,268sf four-plex constructed in 1981.The proposed acquisition consists of a small,triangular-shaped fee taking in the southeast corner of the property,a total of 275sf;a five-foot strip along the easterly property boundary that will be encumbered with a permanent wall,slope and utility easement,a total of 404sf.In addition to the fee and permanent easement acquisitions,an additional 5-foot strip will be encumbered with a TCE to allow contractors access to the site while street improvements within the abutting Duvall Avenue NE right-of-way and for construction of a retaining for a period of 24 months,a total of 437sf.The TCE is valued at 8%/year,or 16%for the full term.Project maps indicate clearing and grubbing will be located entirely within the right-of-way/proposed permanent easement area.The removal of two trees is anticipated. Sales relied on: Sales 7-9 contained in data package dated: 7/17/19 Subject sold within the last 5 year. No If yes,is sale included in data package? N/A If no,explain why not ACQUISITION COMPENSATION Land in Fee: 275 $40.00 $11,000.00 (unit value) Easements Slope/ 404 Wail/Utility $40.00 50% $8,080.00 (area sf) (type) (unit value) (%) 437 TCE $40.00 16% $2,796.80 (unit value) (%) Improvements: Trees 2 $1,000.00 ea $2,000.00 (type) Value (unit value) Damages: Total: $23,876.80 Worksheet Date: 7/17/19 Total(Rounded): $23,900.00 Prepared By: (~`1-tit "' C "'� Date: 7/17/19 1 I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and/have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 2. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from this report. 3. I affirm that the valuation problem is uncomplicated. I concur in the value estimate herein. I authorize an Administrative Offer be made in said amount as Just Compensation. Date: 1/ �! f�/ q This farm is prepared in con once ifith Federal fand dSState policy and procedures,under the Uniform Relocation Act It does not constitute an SUBJECT PARCEL 14 e:IS" AI • ' s 3, •• ..04: -c" 4, •'Qv 1 ,, 100it • .,. ,, .d. ... ,...,.. , :.,..,. ,,.., . . -,.:. ,,,,-..... ., Ar., $;.,....--- 1.: ‘7, .. ..17; .- ,, i!.,,,. . . _,.., . , • .,4.4. \ -... " 1"!. .' -1-0 . ' .••;., ,..".1: s'77." .''''''')1114.414‘4, • '‘'. .'+. rip 'orro ..- ''4.1:7' in .„ ' '''.. il ' 7...„ ..';'•• '..., ' , ••• e• .••• '*3141(L‘ "lr• '"'•• i •. . *If f f.... %rlip IV . '` .• .'iikif : / XV,:*k 4r.1(••. 4,.:',,,k,,",- . ,- ,.. ,.„„, ,irik ,N1 *A •t,''"' ..t.-'''' • ,t•Yvi ';`-' 4 .0triS ...4.. 4.,r•••• Attiotil.••.•41i iii.1, . Ailirr• ' „is.. ,...1:„,„; ..- 2. f . 4 •• imp•., ..ft , .4." • 1,,,z1 4, - - 40:tie VI r',, AtTriA 'ler , 4*.iiiimhaiiveN ,.. - ilmv., "--"NIL >I' ti........ os;c. -<.* • . - i, •-< ?414 ., i le ttk. . ... . . . Photo - 'Fir, ..t.,,,,,_.-...- f.,, 4111; . . ;."4" ''• ' ". f ., ,_ ....... oil 4‘kt •X ___ ir *-- v t 4 . - 1 '4' • , ', f i fr•, .v 1 . ' •:''' f„ • -• .;'' '• . ' s' .4,k - - , .... • .,' ., ,.. ,... s,. . • , .. I . ' •".,.• • f l'"1 ,„...- ' . ‘ 4., •iit•, • — _ Aerial Photo/Map Market Data - Comparable Sale 7 (1)ADDRESS or LOCATION: 4502 NE 4th Street,Renton,WA 98059 (2)SALE SKETCH AND PHOTO ARE ON FOLLOWING PAGE (3) a. Access: Direct from NE 4th Street b. Use at Sale: Residential c. H&B Use: Commercial d. Zoning: CA e. Dimensions: Rectangular f. Site Area(sf): 24,095 g. Sale Date: 3/23/2018 h. Price: $400,000 i. Instrument Type: Warranty Deed j. Terms: Typical k. Ex.Tax#or AF#: E2920323 I. Seller. Yuhan Luo m. Buyer: 4th Creek Meadows n. Confirmed with: Forest Gu Phone#: 425-999-3008 o. Confirmed by: Greg Goodman p. Date Inspected: 7/17/19 (4)LEGAL DESCRIPTION or TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 102305-9068 (5)PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS(description at sale,confirmation information,changes since sale,etc.): a. The property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection between NE 4th Street and • Bremerton Avenue NE. The site is rectangular in shape and generally level. At the time of the purchase,the property was improved with an older single-family residence that was considered to be of no contributory value. Subsequent to the purchase,the buyer has commenced planning for the redevelopment of the site with 24-unit apartment building. b. Confirmation Data and Comments: (6)ANALYSIS: ITEM Contribution Market Value Land: $400,000 $16.60 Building Improvements: $0 $0.00 Site Improvements: $0 $0.00 Other: $0 $0.00 TOTAL SALE PRICE,$/SF $400,000 $16.60 COMPARABLE SALE 7 .1 t k v, n -n..swrrr Photo yr` 1 • ."� ( ! , •y. TtT! f t' yj 4 �'.Sr°. ` it ti Olt, • *rye r, 4 ,r,r Aerial Photo/Map Market Data - Comparable Sale 8 • (1)ADDRESS or LOCATION: 254 Union Avenue NE,Renton,WA 98059 (2)SALE SKETCH AND PHOTO ARE ON FOLLOWING PAGE (3) a. Access: Direct from Union Avenue NE b. Use at Sale: Residential • c. H&B Use: Commercial d. Zoning: CA e. Dimensions: Rectangular f. Site Area(sf): 73,694 g. Sale Date: 2/21/2018 • h. Price: $1,550,000 i. Instrument Type: Warranty Deed j. Terms: Typical k. Ex.Tax#or AF#: E2915647 I. Seller. Four Seas Group m. Buyer: Wwx2 Limited LLC n. Confirmed with: Henry Ung Phone#: 206-941-3652 o. Confirmed by: Matthew Sloan p. Date Inspected: 7/17/19 (4)LEGAL DESCRIPTION or TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 518210-0011,-0012,-0014 (5)PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS(description at sale,confirmation information,changes since sale,etc.): a. The property is located on the east side of Union Avenue NE,south of Ne 4th Street The property, which is comprised of three separate,but contiguous tax lots,is mostly rectangular to slightly irregular in shape and mostly level. At the time of the purchase,two of the tax lots were improved with older single-family residences and associated outbuildings. These structures were,however,considered to be of no contributory value. Subsequent to the purchase,the buyer has commenced planning work for the removal of the existing structures to make way for redevelopment of the site with a mixed-use. The rear portion of the site has slopes and may be impacted by a stream buffer,resulting in a net usable area of about 50,000sf,with equates to about$31/sf. b. Confirmation Data and Comments: (6)ANALYSIS: ITEM Contribution Market Value Land: $1,550,000 $21.03 Building Improvements: $0 $0.00 • • Site Improvements: $0 $0.00 Other. $0 $0.00 TOTAL SALE PRICE,5/SF $1,550,000 $21.03 COMPARABLE SALE 8 e . 4 • �._. ■■ �, , " I '''''I'''' III ill III II I I _ • . .::°- .. l'....'. ...."...-'7.vi.' .. .`•'�. �P.+.�avr' .; m : s l 1 •` r i as�AP '7a`r` S Photo 4 • R .. ' .. Ph , "I r �'"_'. _ ,, {rye M' 74i 4 , 1 ... "''' z ' 4, . �s. -"a• I 1 —,1 i art ii M} R ,a ', dig• _ Aerial Photo/Map Market Data - Comparable Sale 9 (1)ADDRESS or LOCATION: 3123 Sunset Blvd NE,Renton,WA 98056 (2)SALE SKETCH AND PHOTO ARE ON FOLLOWING PAGE (3) a. Access: Direct from NE Sunset Blvd aand NE 12th Street b. Use at Sale: Car Wash c. H&B Use: Commercial/mixed-use d. Zoning: CV e. Dimensions: Irregular f. Site Area(sf): 17,059 g. Sale Date: 10/13/2017 h. Price: $940,000 i. Instrument Type: Warranty Deed j. Terms: Typical k. Ex.Tax#or AF#: E2895168 I. Seller. John/Cheri Zavaglia m. Buyer: Kiddie Research LLC n. Confirmed with: Tom Graff Phone#: 206-441-7900 o. Confirmed by: Greg Goodman p. Date Inspected: 7/17/19 (4)LEGAL DESCRIPTION or TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 042305-9155 (5)PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS(description at sale,confirmation information,changes since sale,etc.): a. This is the October 2017 sale of a somewhat irregular-shaped corner lot at NE 12th Street and NE Sunset Blvd.The site is level and at-grade with all utilties available.The property was developed with an older car wash considered to be of no contributory value.The buyer plans to develop the site with a day care. b. Confirmation Data and Comments: (6)ANALYSIS: ITEM Contribution Market Value Land: $940,000 $55.10 Building Improvements: $0 $0.00 Site Improvements: $0 $0.00 Other. $0 $0.00 TOTAL SALE PRICE,$/SF $940,000 $55.10 COMPARABLE SALE 9 y t • ; n + - *� ? I ir:• � ' ' h , AN,.. r , 4 F- / fit fy • Photo 4' ate`, • !"" 1 w ,t 4 A. 0..* ' 4.,,,, ,,V11,_ , . ., . A it. . ... ..,..... .... ��i La. 4 ,..7. : . y N. lf*:::'" • 4. ' ' ; i:g. ... ` •••"..;"' ' .) ' $ ' r)/ ?:.„1„,:.„,. .,,..•.-. 0. Aerial Photo/Map