HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1KENNYDALE FIBER OPTIC CONSULTANT EVALUATION – FEBRUARY 2018 DATE: NAME OF APPLICANT/FIRM: _____________________________________________ NAME OF RATER: EVALUATION OF WRITTEN SOQ / PROPOSAL Review the firm's Statement of Qualifications / Proposal, and evaluate the following elements, based upon the scoring system described below. Use the following scoring while evaluating each aspect of the SOQ / proposal: Inadequate = 1, Acceptable = 2, Good = 3, Excellent = 4, Outstanding = 5 (multiply by weighting factor) Qualifications and Expertise of Proposed Team Members as Related to the Requirements of THIS Project (Interceptor restoration/rehabilitation/replacement within a stream corridor): 1 Project management experience and technical expertise of proposed Project Manager / Team Leader. Weighting factor = 2. (e.g. Good = 3 x 2 = 6) 2 Design and construction experience of proposed electrical engineer. Weighting factor = 2. (e.g. Good = 3 x 2 = 6) 3 Design and construction experience of proposed civil engineer. Weighting factor = 1. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 4 Proposed staff’s experience with and knowledge of Federal, Washington State, King County and City of Renton laws, rules and codes as they pertain to this project. Weighting factor = 2. (e.g. Good = 3 x 2 = 6) 5 Planning, design and construction experience of other proposed staff. Weighting factor = 1. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 6 Quality of work on previous Renton projects; knowledge of Renton standards (if you know of no previous work for Renton, score a 2 on this item). Weighting factor = 1. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) SUBTOTAL: Firm's/Team's Resource Availability: Weighting factor = 1, all items. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 1 Technical materials, specialists (including location of specialists). 2 Time availability of key staff. SUBTOTAL: KENNYDALE FIBER OPTIC CONSULTANT EVALUATION – FEBRUARY 2018 Project Management: Weighting factor = 1, all items. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 1 Experience indicates that consultant produces on time and within budget. Verified by contacting references. 2 Structure of team compatible with City, easy to work with. 3 Overall apparent project management ability. SUBTOTAL: Project Approach: Weighting factor = 1, all items. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 1 Approach to project is compatible with City practices (preparation of scope of work, breakdown of project into tasks and milestones, adequate field and background research, etc.) 2 Approach to communication with client. 3 Adequacy of quality control practices (do senior engineers perform quality checks, is there an adequate quality control program described?) 4 Overall approach to project. SUBTOTAL: Special Considerations: Weighting factor = 1, all items. (e.g. Good = 3 x 1 = 3) 1 Special qualifications outside of previous categories (if there are none, enter a 2). 2 Affirmative action, enter a 2 if the firm is a registered MBE, WBE, or DBE firm, and a 0 if not, or if unknown. TOTAL SCORE, WRITTEN PORTION: KENNYDALE FIBER OPTIC CONSULTANT EVALUATION – FEBRUARY 2018 DATE: NAME OF APPLICANT/FIRM: NAME OF RATER: ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION – IF USED Evaluate the following elements, based upon the scoring system described below. Use the following scoring while evaluating each aspect of the oral presentation: Inadequate = 1, Acceptable = 2, Good = 3, Excellent = 4, Outstanding = 5 Key Personnel Skills and Abilities 1 Judgment and insight. 2 Technical skills and knowledge. 3 Leadership. 4 Communication skills (listening and speaking). 5 Overall skills and abilities of key personnel SUBTOTAL Qualifications and Expertise of the Firm / Team: 1 Applicable work experience demonstrated and discussed. 2 Demonstrated technical experience of staff proposed, (familiarity & experience with methodologies, technologies). 3 Knowledge of regulatory environment (SEPA, ESA, WDFW, Army Corp, pertinent RCW & WAC, King County SWM and others). 4 Interest in work, willingness to accommodate the City. 5 Project experience matches City's needs. 6 Overall qualifications and expertise of the firm / team SUBTOTAL: KENNYDALE FIBER OPTIC CONSULTANT EVALUATION – FEBRUARY 2018 Firm's/Team's Resource Availability: 1 Confirmed time availability of key staff proposed. 2 Key proposed staff appears to be easy to work with. 3 Other, and overall resource availability of firm / team SUBTOTAL: Project Management: 1 Appropriate experience and expertise of project manager. 2 Team has worked together before. 3 Structure of team seems easy to work with, capable of working with City staff. 4 Overall apparent project management capabilities. SUBTOTAL: Project Approach: 1 Approach to project compatible with City practice (preparation of scope of work, breakdown of tasks into goals and milestones, adequate field and background research, etc.). 2 Emphasis on communication with client. 3 Adequacy of quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) program (regularly performed by a senior engineer with the firm?) 4 Overall project approach SUBTOTAL: TOTAL SCORE ORAL PRESENTATION: