HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/2021 - Agenda Packet AGENDA RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:00 PM - May 11, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Please silence your cell phone during this meeting. This meeting will be recorded. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Committee Members are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by calling 425-430-7394 or emailing rentonairport@rentonwa.gov or lmoschetti@rentonwa.gov by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to rentonairport@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86783386658?pwd=SWcrV1hSeVd4TUI5dWV6bGZaSm9jQT09 Passcode 543578 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and enter Meeting ID 867 8338 6658, Passcode 543578 or (3) call 425-430-7394 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 3 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Committee Chair. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Committee except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Committee will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Foundational Inclusion Training Presented by Deputy Administrator Public Affairs Administrator Preeti Shridhar and Inclusion & Equity Consultant Benita Horn. Council required training for city boards, committees, and commissions. 4. AIRPORT STAFF ITEMS a) Director's Report 5. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED None. Page 1 of 64 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT Those wishing to address the Renton Airport Advisory Committee will be called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2021. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws 9. NEW BUSINESS a) New Committee Appointments and Reappointments b) Renton Municipal Airport Operations and Responsibilities 10. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS 11. COMMITTEE CHAIR COMMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: rentonairport@rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 64 RENTON INCLUSION FOUNDATION WORKSHOP OVERVIEW for BOARDS & COMMISSIONS FACILITATOR: BENITA RODRIGUEZ HORN AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 3 of 64 TOPICS COVERED IN THIS SESSION •Highlights of the historical evolution of institutional racism and its legacy today •Exploring how systems of oppression impact experiences and outcomes •Exploring how implicit bias impacts systemic decisions •Reviewing tools available to us that support equitable outcomes Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 4 of 64 FRAMING THIS DIALOGUE •Stay engaged (with webcams on as much as possible) •Listen for understanding •Embrace discomfort (but resist shame!) •Speak personally, for yourself as an individual •Share what you learned, leave the stories of others •Expect and accept non-closure Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 5 of 64 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND GRATITUDE Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates Resource for identifying Indigenous Lands https://native-land.ca/AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 6 of 64 INTRODUCTIONS IN CHAT BOX: •Name •One thing you were hoping to learn in this workshop Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 7 of 64 WHY DISCUSS RACISM TO ACHIEVE INCLUSION? •Racism in the U.S. has left a legacy of disparities and inequities in health, education, housing, employment, income, wealth & other areas that impact achievement and quality of life. •When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, it is a burden not only for them, but for communities, businesses, governments and the economy as a whole. •Racism is only one of the barriers to achieving our goal of Inclusion, as we better understand racism, we better understand all forms of oppression. 6 AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 8 of 64 structural institutional individual Institutional racism: •Policies, practices and procedures that work better for white people than for people of color, often unintentionally or inadvertently. Structural racism: •A history and current reality of institutional racism across all institutions, combining to create a system that negatively impacts communities of color. USING RACISM TO UNDERSTAND OPPRESSION Individual racism: •Pre-judgment, bias, or discrimination by an individual based on race. Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 9 of 64 HISTORY OF GOVERNMENT AND RACE Government explicitly creates and maintains racial inequity. Initially explicit Discrimination illegal, but “race- neutral” policies and practices perpetuate inequity. Became implicit Proactive policies, practices and procedures that advance racial equity. Government for racial equity Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 10 of 64 OUR LEGACY TODAY: THE WEALTH GAP Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 11 of 64 EXPLORING SOCIAL IDENTITY GROUPS AND OPPRESSION Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 12 of 64 THE ESSENCE OF OPPRESSION X XXXXX hierarchy economic/resource access who decides who gets what or who doesn’t get what? © SCOTT WINN, 2016 Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 13 of 64 KEY DEFINITIONS PREJUDICE •Pre-judgment or bias based on a particular identity (race, gender, class, religion, etc.). DISCRIMINATION •Prejudice + Action (when we act on our prejudices). Among other things, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin. Any human can discriminate and any human can be the target of discrimination. OPPRESSION •A system of advantage or disadvantage based on a particular identity. Only those who DO carry systemic power are part of the oppressor group (i.e. white, non -trans male, able-bodied, Christian, wealthy, straight, etc.) and only those who DO NOT carry systemic power can be targets of oppression (i.e., people of color, female and trans, people with disabilities, non-Christian, poor/working class, LGBTQIA, etc.). Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 14 of 64 ELEMENTS OF OPPRESSION Agent group: Greater access to social power. Target group: Limited or denied access to social power. •Social power: Access to resources to enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs or influencing others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life. •Privilege (agent group): Unearned access to resources (social power) available only to some people as a result of their social group membership. Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 15 of 64 EXPLORING OPPRESSION APPLICATION •Instructions: –First, complete the Social Identity Groups and Oppression worksheet as instructed. –Then we will discuss: –What you learned from this activity? –At what points in life do we move from target to agent groups or vice versa? –What impact does intersectionality have? Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 16 of 64 IN SUMMARY •Institutional racism reinforces and sustains multiple forms of oppression •Achieving inclusion means analyzing systems, policies and procedures that may contain unintentional or inadvertent barriers •To improve outcomes, we need to focus on institutional and structural oppression to make changes to systems that affect many people in the community Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 17 of 64 IMPLICIT BIAS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 18 of 64 “Ultimately we believe our decisions are consistent with our conscious beliefs, when in fact, our unconscious is running the show.” Howard Ross, author Everyday Bias: Identifying & Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 19 of 64 •Only about 2% of cognition is available to us consciously at any given moment •Our conscious mind can only process 40 of the 11 million pieces of information that we process at any given moment •We constantly draw on the 98% of our cognition that is unconscious-we fill in the blanks with the millions of pieces not consciously available to us when we perceive the moment we are in. •We are easily susceptible to being primed-our minds look for short cuts We unconsciously think about biases even when we do not explicitly discuss them. HOW OUR MIND WORKS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 20 of 64 DEFINITION OF BIAS •The evaluation of one group and its members relative to another. •We all carry bias or prejudgment. •It is only when we act on our biases that we can create negative outcomes for particular individuals or groups. Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 21 of 64 Source: Unconscious (Implicit) Bias and Health Disparities: Where Do We Go from Here? https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html Explicit Bias Expressed directly Aware of bias Operates consciously Example --“I trust women more than men.” Implicit Bias Expressed indirectly Unaware of bias Operates sub-consciously Example --sitting further away from a man than a woman. TWO FORMS OF BIAS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 22 of 64 HOW IMPLICIT BIAS CAUSES US TO MISS OUR GOALS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 23 of 64 •When conductors were placed behind a screen, the percentage of female new hires for orchestral jobs increased 25% – 46%. IMPLICIT BIAS IN HIRING Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 24 of 64 IMPLICIT BIAS AND SAFETY •Researchers analyzed over 6 decades (1950 to 2012) of death rates from U.S. hurricanes and found: •Feminine-named hurricanes (vs. masculine-named hurricanes) cause significantly more deaths, apparently because they lead to a lower perceived risk and consequently less preparedness. –Average deaths for feminine-named hurricanes 45 –Average deaths for masculine-named hurricanes 23 Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June 17, 2014 Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 25 of 64 IMPLICIT BIAS IN COMMUNICATION 2014 RED CROSS POSTER Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 26 of 64 HOW IMPLICIT BIASES ARE HARMFUL •They influence our perceptions, judgments, decisions, actions and can predict behavior. •They can lead to discriminatory actions in a wide range of human interactions (education, hiring, programs, service delivery, medical care, finance, housing, criminal justice, etc.) Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 27 of 64 THE CHALLENGE OF ADRESSING IMPLICIT BIAS •Suppressing or denying biased thoughts can actually increase prejudice rather than eradicate it. •Research has confirmed that if we openly acknowledge and directly challenge our biases, we can make more progress. •How can we acknowledge and directly challenge what we do not consciously know? Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 28 of 64 TOOLS TO ADDRESS IMPLICIT BIAS •Feedback Mechanisms •Raising Awareness •Use Strategies to Reduce Implicit Bias Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 29 of 64 FEEDBACK MECHANISMS •Seek feedback from trusted sources, family, friends, community. •Seek feedback through consulting with people from backgrounds different than yours, ask for feedback from colleagues, supervisors and others regarding past performance. •Consistently acknowledge and thank people when you receive feedback –keep the channels open. Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 30 of 64 RAISING AWARENESS •Participate in trainings and other educational programs aimed at raising awareness about implicit biases and their impact. •Continuously self-monitor your perceptions, judgments, behavior, decisions, and actions for the influence of implicit biases. •Hold yourself responsible for the negative influence that implicit biases have on your perceptions, judgments, behavior, decisions, and actions. Do not dismiss your accountability simply because implicit biases are triggered automatically without our conscious awareness. •Take an Implicit Association Test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 31 of 64 STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS IMPLICIT BIAS •Refer to the handout: Strategies to Address Implicit Bias •Select one of the Individual Strategies that you can commit to adopting; •Think about which of the Institutional Strategies would help address implicit biases in your Commission.AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 32 of 64 TOOLS FOR EQUITABLE OUTCOMES Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 33 of 64 RENTON BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2026 GOAL OF INCLUSION: Building an inclusive informed city with equitable outcomes for all in support of social, economic, and racial justice.AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 34 of 64 USING THE RENTON EQUITY LENS •A systematic examination of how different groups will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision •Used to eliminate and prevent adverse consequences •Vital for preventing all forms of oppression and remedying social injustices Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates Set Outcomes Involve Stakeholders Gather & Analyze Data Take Action Evaluate Outcomes Report back to Stakeholders AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 35 of 64 RENTON’S EMBEDDED ASSETS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 36 of 64 CITY OF RENTON STAFF Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 37 of 64 RENTON VOLUNTEERS & RESIDENTS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 38 of 64 NEXT STEPS: RENTON EQUITY LENS WORKSHOP Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates City Council Retreat, March 20, 2021 ACTION ITEMS: •Directing all boards and commissions to use an equity lens when developing recommendations for Council AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 39 of 64 QUESTIONS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 40 of 64 Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 41 of 64 SOCIAL IDENTITY GROUPS1 Social Identity Groups Form of Oppression Agent Groups Target Groups Race Racism White Black, Indigenous and People of Color Gender Sexism Cisgender Men Cisgender Women, Transgender, and Intersex Class Classism Wealthy Poor and Working Class Citizenship Nationalism Citizen Non-Citizen Sexual Orientation Heterosexism Heterosexual Lesbian, Gay Men, Bisexual People, Queer Religion Christian Hegemony, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism and other Religious Oppressions Christian Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, Pagans, etc. Physical, Developmental, Mental Ability Ableism People who are Able People with Disabilities Age Ageism Young and Middle-Aged Adults Child, Young Person, Older adult, Elderly Education Elitism Formally Educated Non-Formally Educated 1 NOTE: This model is meant to be illustrative and not inclusive of all social identity groups or forms of oppression. AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 42 of 64 Strategies to Address Implicit Bias Implicit Bias: Individuals Strategies1 1. Stereotype replacement: 1) Recognize that a response is based on stereotypes; 2) label the response as stereotypical; and 3) reflect on why the response occurred. This creates a process to consider how the biased response could be avoided in the future and replaces it with an unbiased response. 2. Counter-stereotypic imaging: Imagine counter-stereotypic others in detail – friends, co-workers, respected community members, even celebrities. This makes positive images more available and begins the process of replacing the negative often inaccurate stereotypes. 3. Individuation: Learn specific information about your colleagues. This prevents stereotypic assumptions and enables association based on personal and unique, rather than group, characteristics. 4. Perspective taking: Imagine oneself to be a member of a stereotyped group. This increases psychological closeness to the stereotyped group, which reduces automatic group-based evaluation. 5. Increasing opportunities for contact: Increased contact between groups can reduce implicit bias through a wide variety of mechanisms, including altering their images of the group or by directly improving evaluation of the group. (ex: learn about other cultures by attending community events and other public educational opportunities like exhibits, media, etc.) Implicit Bias: Practices Institutions can Establish to Prevent Biases from Seeping into Decision-making2 1. Doubt Objectivity: Presuming oneself to be objective actually tends to increase the role of implicit bias, teaching people about non-conscious thought processes will lead people to be skeptical of their own objectivity and better able to guard against biased evaluations. 2. Increase Motivation to be Fair: Internal motivations to be fair rather than fear of external judgments tend to decrease biased actions. 3. Improve Conditions of Decision-making: Implicit biases are a function of automaticity. Think slowly by engaging in mindful, deliberate processing, not in the throes of emotions prevents our implicit biases from kicking in and determining our behaviors. 4. Count: Implicitly biased behavior is best detected by using data to determine whether patterns of behavior are leading to racially disparate outcomes. Once one is aware that decisions or behavior are having disparate outcomes, it is then possible to consider whether the outcomes are linked to bias. 1 http://www.kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/equity-social-justice/tools-resources.aspx, Perception Institute, Patricia Devine, PhD, et al, 2012. 2 http://www.kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/equity-social-justice/tools-resources.aspx, Perception Institute, Jerry Kang, JD et al., 2014. AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Page 43 of 64 February 9, 2021 REGULAR RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MINUTES RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:00 PM - Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Public Works Administrative Assistant Linda Moschetti-Newing called the meeting of the Renton Airport Advisory Committee to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL RAAC Voting Members Present: Ryan McIrvin, Renton City Councilmember & Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Martin Pastucha, Public Works Department Administrator Gordon Alvord, Airport Leaseholders Primary Member Alfred Banholzer, Washington Pilots Association Primary Member Steve Beardslee, Airport-at-Large Primary Member Shane Carlson, Airport-at-Large Primary Member Lee Chicoine, North Renton Primary Member Jeanne DeMund, Kennydale Primary Member Matthew Devine, Talbot Hill Primary Member Jeff Dineen, South Renton Primary Member Harold "KC" Jones, Highlands Primary Member Melody Kroeger, Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace Primary Member Thomas Imrich, Mercer Island Alternate Member (Proxy for Salim Nice) Robert Spitzer, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Primary Member Ryan Tomasich, The Boeing Company Primary Member RAAC Non-Voting Members Present: Eric Johnson, Washington State Department of Transportation Marcie Palmer, Kennydale Alternate Member Bojana Gugulevska, Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace Alternate Member Charles Pepka, Washington Pilots Association Alternate Member Sarah Reagan, Talbot Hill Alternate Member Karen Stemwell, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Alternate Member AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 44 of 64 February 9, 2021 RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES RAAC Members Absent: Kurt Boswell, Airport Leaseholders Primary Member Kenneth Williams, West Hill Primary Member Bob Ingersoll, Airport Leaseholders Alternate Member Ben Johnson, North Renton Alternate Member Chuck Kegley, Airport-at-Large Alternate Member James Young, Airport-at-Large Alternate Member Administrative Staff Present: Leslie Clark, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Anderson, Interim Airport Director David Decoteau, Incoming Airport Director Manny Cruz, Airport Business Coordinator Linda Moschetti-Newing, Administrative Assistant to the Public Works Department (All attended remotely.) ELECTION OF 2021 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON The Public Works Administrative Assistant opened nominations for the 2021 Committee Vice Chairperson. a) The Public Works Administrative Assistant opened nominations for the 2021 Committee Chairperson. MOVED BY MEMBER KROEGER, SECONDED BY MEMBER DEMUND, COMMITTEE APPROVED MELODY KROEGER AS 2021 RAAC CHAIRPERSON. b) The Public Works Administrative Assistant opened nominations for the 2021 Committee Vice Chairperson. MOVED BY MEMBER TOMASICH, SECONDED BY MEMBER BEARDSLEE, COMMITTEE APPROVED RYAN TOMASICH AS 2021 RAAC VICE CHAIR. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020. MOVED BY DEMUND, SECONDED BY TOMASICH, COMMITTEE APPROVED THE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 13, 2020. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Introduction of Airport Director David Decoteau. Public Works Administrator Martin Pastucha introduced the new Airport Director David Decoteau. Mr. Decoteau shared information about his knowledge and experience in the airport industry. Mr. Decoteau is scheduled to start with the city on February 16, 2021. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 45 of 64 February 9, 2021 RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AIRPORT DIRECTOR'S REPORT Interim Airport Director Jason Anderson thanked Mr. Pastucha and the RAAC members for allowing him the opportunity to serve as the Interim Airport Director. Mr. Anderson provided an update on current and upcoming airport and tenant capital and maintenance projects. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT None. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Comments were made by: Mercer Island Alternate Member Thomas Imrich. South Renton Primary Member Jeff Dineen. PUBLIC COMMENTS • Public comments welcoming new Airport Director David Decoteau were made by: Washington Pilots Association Alternate Member Chuck Pepka. Council President Randy Corman. Councilmember Ryan McIrvin. • Public comments on the Airport Rules and Regulations were made by: Diane Paholke. Airport Operators and Pilots Association Primary Member Rob Spitzer. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Terms Expiring May 7, 2021. Public Works Administrator Pastucha reminded the members of terms expiring May 7, 2021 and asked those interested in seeking a subsequent term notify Director Decoteau and Public Works Administrator Moschetti-Newing before March 31, 2021. Mr. Pastucha also reviewed the current vacant positions. NEW BUSINESS AB-21-001 Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws The Committee reviewed the draft RAAC Bylaws and proposed the following amendments: Clean up oversights of duplication of verbiage. Clarify the definition of a Committee quorum. Member Spitzer recommended the requested amendments be made and staff recirculate the draft Bylaws to the Committee for another review to allow them to make further suggestions. The amended draft Bylaws will be reconsidered during the Committee's May 11 meeting. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 46 of 64 February 9, 2021 RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Committee mutually agreed to take this approach. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 6:39 p.m. Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: rentonairport@rentonwa.gov AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 47 of 64 AB 21-002 RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – May 11, 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE:Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws RECOMMENDED ACTION:Committee Concur DEPARTMENT:Public Works Department Airport Division STAFF CONTACT:David Decoteau, Airport Division Director EXT.:7471 SUMMARY OF ACTON: The draft Bylaws were presented to the RAAC at its February 9 meeting. During that meeting the members discussed the document and agreed language erroneously duplicated, defining a “quorum” and alternate member voting required clarification. Those items have been edited as requested. The Committee also expressed interest in an opportunity to conduct a more thorough review of the draft Bylaws and chose not to adopt them at the February 9 meeting, but to bring them back as amended at the May 11 meeting. The Committee unanimously agreed to allow for an extended review period. Two members submitted comments and proposed edits prior to the February 26 review deadline. Staff considered these comments and made the following changes to the draft Bylaws. In addition, the City Attorney Department conducted a more thorough review and made some additional edits. A redlined version of the draft Bylaws is attached, as well as a clean version. Article I.B. Eliminated duplication of verbiage. Article III.A. Clarified language pertaining to a quorum and voting members. Article III.D. Added language to address the option of virtual meetings. A request was also received to entirely remove Article III.F. which addresses attendance requirements. Staff took this request into consideration but feels it is an important tool and in the best interest of the Committee to be able to address potential unexcused absences, especially when they occur consecutively. Unexcused absences can become problematic and create delays in progress of the group. EXHIBITS A. Renton Airport Advisory Committee Draft Bylaws (Redlined) B. Renton Airport Advisory Committee Draft Bylaws (Clean) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws as amended and direct staff to submit them to Council for approval and adoption by Resolution at an upcoming meeting. MOTION: I MOVE TO ADOPT THE RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS AS AMENDED AND DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT THE BYLAWS TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION AT AN UPCOMING MEETING. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 48 of 64 Last updated: 04/28/202104/16/202103/01/2021LM 1 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 CITY OF RENTON BYLAWS OF THE RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City of Renton (“City”) Airport Advisory Committee (“Committee”) has adopted the following as its Bylaws setting forth the rules and procedures deemed necessary to carry out its duties established in chapter 2-17 of the Renton Municipal Code (“RMC”). After approval of these Bylaws by the Renton City Council, Tthe Committee will file a copy of these Bylaws with the City Clerk of Renton. ARTICLE I – ORGANIZATION, PURPOSE, STRUCTURE, ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DUTIES A.ORGANIZATION: The Committee serves the City with respect to issues referred to it concerning the Renton Municipal Airport which is located at 616 West Perimeter Road; Renton, WA 98057. B.PURPOSE: The Committee was established by adoption of city of Renton Ordinance No. 5155 on September 26, 2005. Pursuant to RMC 2-17-4, the role of the Committee will be to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council on matters referred to the Committee by the Mayor and City Council. The primary function will be to provide a forum for members of the community to discuss their concerns directly with airport operators and for collaborative problem solving and resolution of their issues. C.STRUCTURE: VOTING AND NON-VOTING MEMBERS The structure and voting rights of the Committee shall be as provided in RMC 2-17-2 and 2-17- 3, which call for the Committee to be comprised of neighborhood representatives and Airport representatives. In order to preserve the maximum number of votes permitted per represented neighborhood or Airport area, all alternate members of the Committee will be non-voting members. A non- voting member will be permitted to vote only if filling in for an absent regular voting member, as further set forth in these Bylaws. D.ELECTION OF OFFICERS PROCESS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS A Chairperson shall be elected as set forth in RMC 2-17-5. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. The Chairperson may request special Committee meetings and appoint sub- committees. The Committee may also elect a Vice Chairperson using the same election process as set forth for the Chairperson in RMC 2-17-5. The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence of the AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 49 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 2 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 Chairperson, perform the duties and possess the powers of the Chairperson, and, in addition, perform other duties assigned by the Chairperson. The election process for the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson positions will occur annually at the beginning of the Committee’s first quarter meeting. The Chairperson will be elected first and may be elected from either the neighborhood representative group or the Airport representative group. The Vice Chairperson will then be elected from the voting membership group opposite of the newly elected Chairperson to ensure the neighborhood and Airport groups have representation among the Committee officers. The City’s Public Works Administrative Assistant will facilitate the process to elect the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The process shall be the same for both positions and will be as follows with the election of the Chairperson taking place first. 1.Nominations will be opened for election of a Chairperson first. Self-nominations will not be considered for the Chairperson position. 2.Committee voting members may nominate up to one voting member per person. A nominee has the option to decline the nomination if they so choose. Committee alternate members, unless sitting in for a primary member, shall not participate in the election. Non-voting members shall not participate in the election process. 3.Once all nominations have been recognized, the Administrative Assistant will close nominations. 4.Nominees may make a brief statement about their experience and why they would like to serve as Chairperson. 5.The Committee will vote. Nominees will be voted upon in the order in which they were nominated. Voting will cease once a simple majority of the voting members present at the meeting vote in favor of one of the nominees. Voting shall be conducted by voice vote unless a show of hands is required for clarification. 6.Steps 1-5 will be repeated for the process to elect a Vice Chairperson. All parameters of the election shall be consistent with those used to elect the Chairperson, except that the pool of nominations for the Vice Chairperson position shall be limited to the opposite voting member group from the Chairperson, as set forth above. ARTICLE II – RULES OF PROCEDURE A.ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER: Unless otherwise provided by law or modified by these rules, the procedure for Committee meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee has an obligation to the public to be clear and simple in its procedures and in the consideration of the questions coming before it. Therefore, Committee members should avoid invoking the finer points of parliamentary procedure when such points serve only to obscure the issues before the Committee as a whole, and to confuse the audience at public meetings and the public in general. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 50 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 3 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 B.PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chairperson, or in the Chairperson’s absence the Vice Chairperson, shall serve as the Presiding Officer for purposes of running a Committee meeting. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at a Committee meeting, the staff liaison shall solicit nominations for and manage election of a Presiding Officer in the same manner as the election of the Officers as set out in ArticleSection 1.D. The Presiding Officer may vote on any matter before the Committee. C.PARLIAMENTARIAN: A City Attorney Department representative and/or Public Works Administrative Assistant may provide guidance and support to the Presiding Officer on any questions of order. ARTICLE III – MEETINGS A.QUORUM: The Committee has 18 voting members. In order to conduct business Mmore than 50% of the seated authorized voting members shall constitute a quorum at any given meeting. A non-voting alternate member may attend the meeting, and in the absence of the alternate’sa regular voting member and will count toward quorum and will be permitted to vote. The total number of votes at any meeting for the neighborhood representative group or the Airport representative group shall not exceed that group’s number of voting members listed in RMC 2- 17-2. If less than a quorum is 10 members are present at any meeting, the meeting may continue, however no action items will be debated or voted upon; only informational items may be presented. A meeting may be canceled if needed (e.g.,i.e. weather, local, state or national emergency), but may not be rescheduled without a quorum of 10 members present. B. REGULAR MEETINGS: The Committee shall meet quarterly on the second Tuesday of February, May, September and November. The Committee shall have the authority to change its meeting dates and times if necessary, by action of a majority of the Committee at a regular Committee meeting. A meeting schedule for the following year shall be proposed by staff and placed on the New Business portion of the agenda for the final meeting of the current year. The Committee may approve or amend the proposed meeting schedule by simple majority vote of those in attendance. The Chairperson may change, cancel or alter the date of a meeting as needed. The Committee shall have a standard practice of meeting in person at a site determined by city staff. If needed, or directed to do so because of an emergency situation, the Committee will be permitted to conduct business via a virtual platform. Regardless of how the meeting is conducted, all primary and alternate members will be invited to attend and participate as outlined in Bylaws Article I.C. C.SPECIAL MEETINGS: The Chairperson may call special meetings, work sessions and Committee meetings when proper and as necessary with notice to Committee members and the public. Work sessions shall be noticed as public meetings and all Committee members may participate. D.VIRTUAL MEETINGS AND REMOTE ATTENDANCE: Commented: RAAC member suggestion has already been done. I reworded this sentence at the recommendation of the group following the February 9 meeting. Commented: RAAC member recommended changes as inserted/removed. Commented: RAAC member suggests revising to, “If less than a quorum is present . . .” Commented: Staff Agree. Commented: RAAC member suggested removing this so the sentence reads, “. . . without a quorum present.” Commented: Staff Agree. Commented: RAAC member suggested addition be made to cover electronic meetings and specific attention be given to ensuring that all primary and alternate members are able to participate and contribute to electronic meetings. Commented: Staff I relocated to a new Article 1.D below, reworded a little, and added a propose section allowing remote attendance. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 51 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 4 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 1.Virtual Meetings: Although the Committee shall have a standard practice of meeting in person at a site determined by city staff, if needed, or directed to do so because of an emergency situation, the Committee will be permitted to conduct business via a virtual platform if allowed by law. Regardless of how the meeting is conducted, all primary and alternate members will be invited to attend and participate as outlined in Article I.C. 2.Remote Attendance: Any member may attend a meeting remotely if (1) by telephonic access, or by other electronic, internet or other means of remote access acceptable to and arranged with city staff, and (2) if all persons attending the meeting can hear and be heard by the member attending remotely. D.E.NOTICE: All meetings will be noticed by the City Clerk Division at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Each meeting notice shall include the date, time, location and primary agenda topics. In addition, an email notice may be sent to all interested persons providing a link to the City’s website on which the meeting agenda and supporting materials will be posted. If the website is not available at the time of the notification, meeting materials may be sent as attachments to the email. E.F. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Committee members who fail to attend at least 75% of the Committee meetings within a calendar year shall be subject to the following: 1.If the cause of absence is not of an excusable and temporary nature, including, but not limited to, illness, vacation or work necessity, staff shall work with the Chairperson to contact the member and remind the member that attendance is a key responsibility of membership. 2.If the member fails to attend at least 75% of the meetings within the following calendar year, the member may be asked to resign. 3.If the member refuses to resign upon request, the Mayor or designee may recommend that the City Council take action to remove the member from the Committee, upon which occurrence the vacant position may be refilled. F.G. GENERAL DECORUM: 1.Presiding Officer: The Presiding Officer shall preserve decorum and decide all points of order, subject to appeal to the Committee. 2.Members: While the Committee is in session, all members must preserve order, decency and decorum, and no member shall delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Committee or disturb any member while speaking, or refuse to obey the order of the Presiding Officer. Discussion by members of the Committee shall relate to the subject matter at hand and shall be relevant and pertinent to allow for the expeditious disposition and resolution of the business before the Committee. 3.Staff: Members of the administrative staff, employees of the City and other persons attending Committee meetings shall observe the same rules of procedure, decorum and good conduct applicable to the members of the Committee. 4.Public Addressing Committee: Any person who impedes, interrupts, or threatens the proceedings of the Committee may be barred from further audience before the Committee by the Presiding Officer. An individual may not return for the remainder of Commented: RAAC member suggested removing entirety of the “Attendance Requirements” section. Commented: Staff After discussion with staff, recommendation is to retain these provisions. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 52 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 5 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 that meeting unless permission is granted by a majority vote of the Committee quorum in attendance. 5.Use of Email: Email may be used to distribute information to the Committee. Responses to the full group which stimulate dialogue, discussion of pending action items are prohibited; such responses should be made during the next Committee meeting during which a quorum is present. G.H. SETTING THE MEETING AGENDA: City staff will create a draft meeting agenda prior to each meeting. Staff will provide the draft meeting agenda to the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to review and finalize the agenda before the meeting documents are distributed to the Committee members. H.I. ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business for all regular Committee meetings shall be as follows, provided, however when it appears to be in the best interest of the public, the order of business may be changed for any single meeting by majority vote: 1.Call to Order 2.Roll Call 3.Consent Agenda (including approval of previous meeting minutes) 4.Special Presentations and Reports 5.Public Works Administrator’s Report 6.Airport Director’s Report 7.Chairperson’s Report 8.Committee Member Comments 9.Public Comment 10.Unfinished Business 11.New Business a.General Business Discussion Items b.Action Items c.Debate of Items as needed d.Airport Director’s Report 12.Adjournment ARTICLE IV – TERMS AND VACANCIES Terms of Committee members shall be as set forth in RMC 2-17-6. Terms shall run from May 7 to May 6. Should a member need or wish to resign an appointed position prior to the expiration of the term, they shall notify the Chairperson, Airport Director and Public Works Administrative Assistant in writing. The member will receive a written acknowledgment of the resignation. Upon receipt of applications, a recommendation for an individual to fill the vacated position will be presented to the Mayor for appointment. If appointed, the individual will serve out the remaining time of the vacated term. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 53 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 6 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 Upon term expiration, Committee members who desire serving another term may re-apply for their position by completing an application. The application will be considered, along with others received, for a final recommendation to the Mayor. At this time, term limits do not exist. ARTICLE V – ETHICS 1.STATE AND CITY ETHICS CODE/OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT: Members shall follow the City’s Code of Ethics Policy 100-07. Members are also required by RCW 42.30.205 to attend Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) training within 90 days of being appointed and every four years thereafter while appointed to the Committee. Upon completion of the training members shall submit a Certificate of Completion to the City Clerk Division documenting attendance of initial training and subsequent trainings for public officers. 2.CONFLICTS: Committee members are required to indicate whether they have a conflict of interest concerning action items on the Committee agenda. They must recuse themselves of voting on action items if warranted. 3.GIFTS: Members shall not accept gifts from any person having an interest in the work of the Committee. ARTICLE VI – SUSPENSION AND AMENDING THE BYLAWS 1.SUSPENSION: Any provision of these Bylaws may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the Committee members present. The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by voice vote unless a show of hands is required for clarification. The temporary suspension shall remain in effect for the remainder of the meeting. 2.AMENDMENT: These Bylaws may be amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Committee by a vote of more than 50% of the seated votinga quorum of 10 or more of the membership, provided such changes are submitted to all members by the Public Works Administrative Assistant in writing at least four days prior to such meeting. A special meeting may be called for such purposes. All amendments to the Bylaws adopted by the Committee shall be provided in writing to the office of the Mayor and City Council for approval. Such Bylaws shall not be effective until approved by the City Council. PASSED BY THE RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE this THIS _______ 9TH DAY OF _____________, FEBRUARY 2021, AND EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE APPROVED BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL [Date of City Council approval to be noted here: _____________________]. Linda S. Moschetti-Newing Public Works Administrative Assistant Commented: RAAC member suggests removing references to “10 members.” Commented: Staff See suggestion. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 54 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 7 of 7 Rev. 04/28/20214/16/202103/01/2021 Renton Airport Advisory Committee Martin Pastucha Chairperson Public Works Administrator Approved as to form: Leslie Clark Senior Assistant City Attorney AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 55 of 64 1 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 CITY OF RENTON BYLAWS OF THE RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City of Renton (“City”) Airport Advisory Committee (“Committee”) has adopted the following as its Bylaws setting forth the rules and procedures deemed necessary to carry out its duties established in chapter 2-17 of the Renton Municipal Code (“RMC”). After approval of these Bylaws by the Renton City Council, the Committee will file a copy of these Bylaws with the City Clerk of Renton. ARTICLE I – ORGANIZATION, PURPOSE, STRUCTURE, ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DUTIES A. ORGANIZATION: The Committee serves the City with respect to issues referred to it concerning the Renton Municipal Airport which is located at 616 West Perimeter Road; Renton, WA 98057. B. PURPOSE: The Committee was established by adoption of city of Renton Ordinance N o. 5155 on September 26, 2005. Pursuant to RMC 2-17-4, the role of the Committee will be to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council on matters referred to the Committee by the Mayor and City Council. The primary function will be to provide a forum for members of the community to discuss their concerns directly with airport operators and for collaborative problem solving and resolution of their issues. C. STRUCTURE: VOTING AND NON-VOTING MEMBERS The structure and voting rights of the Committee shall be as provided in RMC 2 -17-2 and 2-17- 3, which call for the Committee to be comprised of neighborhood representatives and Airport representatives. In order to preserve the maximum number of votes permitted per represented neighborhood or Airport area, all alternate members of the Committee will be non-voting members. A non- voting member will be permitted to vote only if filling in for an absent regular voting member , as further set forth in these Bylaws. D. ELECTION OF OFFICERS PROCESS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS A Chairperson shall be elected as set forth in RMC 2-17-5. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. The Chairperson may request special Committee meetings and appoint sub- committees. The Committee may also elect a Vice Chairperson using the same election process as set forth for the Chairperson in RMC 2-17-5. The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence of the Chairperson, perform the duties and possess the powers of the Chairperson, and, in addition, perform other duties assigned by the Chairperson. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 56 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 2 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 The election process for the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson positions will occur annually at the beginning of the Committee’s first quarter meeting. The Chairperson will be elected first and may be elected from either the neighborhood representative group or the Airport representative group. The Vice Chairperson will then be elected from the voting membership group opposite of the newly elected Chairperson to ensure the neighborhood and Airport groups have representation among the Committee officers. The City’s Public Works Administrative Assistant will facilitate the process to elect the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The process shall be the same for both positions and will be as follows with the election of the Chairperson taking place first. 1. Nominations will be opened for election of a Chairperson first. Self-nominations will not be considered for the Chairperson position. 2. Committee voting members may nominate up to one voting member per person. A nominee has the option to decline the nomination if they so choose. Committee alternate members, unless sitting in for a primary member, shall not parti cipate in the election. Non-voting members shall not participate in the election process. 3. Once all nominations have been recognized, the Administrative Assistant will close nominations. 4. Nominees may make a brief statement about their experience and why they would like to serve as Chairperson. 5. The Committee will vote. Nominees will be voted upon in the order in which they were nominated. Voting will cease once a simple majority of th e voting members present at the meeting vote in favor of one of the nominees. Voting shall be conducted by voice vote unless a show of hands is required for clarification. 6. Steps 1-5 will be repeated for the process to elect a Vice Chairperson. All parameters of the election shall be consistent with those used to elect th e Chairperson, except that the pool of nominations for the Vice Chairperson position shall be limited to the opposite voting member group from the Chairperson, as set forth above. ARTICLE II – RULES OF PROCEDURE A. ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER: Unless otherwise provided by law or modified by these rules, the procedure for Committee meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee has an obligation to the public to be clear and simple in its procedures and in the consideration of the questions coming before it. Therefore, Committee members should avoid invoking the finer points of parliamentary procedure when such points serve only to obscure the issues before the Committee as a whole, and to confuse the audience at public mee tings and the public in general. B. PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chairperson, or in the Chairperson’s absence the Vice Chairperson, shall serve as the Presiding Officer for purposes of running a Committee meeting. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at a Committee meeting, the staff liaison shall solicit nominations for and manage election of a Presiding Officer in the same manner as AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 57 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 3 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 the election of the Officers as set out in Article 1.D. The Presiding Officer may vote on any matter before the Committee. C. PARLIAMENTARIAN: A City Attorney Department representative and/or Public Works Administrative Assistant may provide guidance and support to the Presiding Officer on any questions of order. ARTICLE III – MEETINGS A. QUORUM: The Committee has 18 voting members. More than 50% of the seated voting members shall constitute a quorum at any given meeting. A non-voting alternate member may attend the meeting, and in the absence of the alternate’s regular voting member will count toward quorum and will be permitted to vote. The total number of votes at any meeting for the neighborhood representative group or the Airport representative group shall not exceed that group’s number of voting members listed in RMC 2-17-2. If less than a quorum is present at any meeting, the meeting may continue, however no action items will be debated or voted upon; only informational items may be presented. A meeting may be canceled if needed (e.g., weather, local, state or national emergency), but may not be rescheduled without a quorum present. B. REGULAR MEETINGS: The Committee shall meet quarterly on the second Tuesday of February, May, September, and November. The Committee shall have the authority to change its meeting dates and times if necessary, by action of a majority of the Committee at a regular Committee meeting. A meeting schedule for the following year shall be proposed by staff and placed on the New Business portion of the agenda for the final meeting of the current year. The Committee may approve or amend the proposed meeting schedule by simple majority vote of those in attendance. The Chairperson may change, cancel, or alter the date of a meeting as needed. C. SPECIAL MEETINGS: The Chairperson may call special meetings, work sessions and Committee meetings when proper and as necessary with notice to Committee members and the public. Work sessions shall be noticed as public meetings and all Committee members may participate. D. VIRTUAL MEETINGS AND REMOTE ATTENDANCE: 1. Virtual Meetings: Although the Committee shall have a standard practice of meeting in person at a site determined by city staff, if needed, or directed to do so because of an emergency situation, the Committee will be permitted to conduct business via a virtual platform if allowed by law. Regardless of how the meeting is conducted, all primary and alternate members will be invited to attend and participate as outlined in Article I.C. 2. Remote Attendance: Any member may attend a meeting remotely if (1) by telephonic access, or by other electronic, internet or other means of remote access acceptable to and arranged with city staff, and (2) if all persons attending the meeting can hear and be heard by the member attending remotely. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 58 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 4 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 E. NOTICE: All meetings will be noticed by the City Clerk Division at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Each meeting notice shall include the date, time, location, and primary agenda topics. In addition, an email notice may be sent to all interested persons providing a link to the City’s website on which the meeting agenda and supporting materials w ill be posted. If the website is not available at the time of the notification, meeting materials may be sent as attachments to the email. F. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Committee members who fail to attend at least 75% of the Committee meetings within a calendar year shall be subject to the following: 1. If the cause of absence is not of an excusable and temporary nature, including, but not limited to, illness, vacation or work necessity, staff shall work with the Chairperson to contact the member and remind the member that attendance is a key responsibility of membership. 2. If the member fails to attend at least 75% of the meetings within the following calendar year, the member may be asked to resign. 3. If the member refuses to resign upon request, the Mayor or designee may recommend that the City Council take action to remove the member from the Committee, upon which occurrence the vacant position may be refilled. G. GENERAL DECORUM: 1. Presiding Officer: The Presiding Officer shall preserve decorum and decide all points of order, subject to appeal to the Committee. 2. Members: While the Committee is in session, all members must preserve order, decency and decorum, and no member shall delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Committee or disturb any member while speaking, or refuse to obey the order of the Presiding Officer. Discussion by members of the Committee shall relate to the subject matter at hand and shall be relevant and pertinent to allow for the expeditious disposition and resolution of the business before the Committee. 3. Staff: Members of the administrative staff, employees of the City and other persons attending Committee meetings shall observe the same rules of procedure, decorum, and good conduct applicable to the members of the Committee. 4. Public Addressing Committee: Any person who impedes, interrupts, or threatens the proceedings of the Committee may be barred from further audience before the Committee by the Presiding Officer. An individual may not return for the remainder of that meeting unless permission is granted by a majority vote of the Committee quorum in attendance. 5. Use of Email: Email may be used to distribute information to the Committee. Responses to the full group which stimulate dialogue, discussion of pending action ite ms are prohibited; such responses should be made during the next Committee meeting during which a quorum is present. H. SETTING THE MEETING AGENDA: City staff will create a draft meeting agenda prior to each meeting. Staff will provide the draft meeting agenda to the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 59 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 5 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 to review and finalize the agenda before the meeting documents are distributed to the Committee members. I. ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business for all regular Committee meetings shall be as follows, provided, however when it appears to be in the best interest of the public, the order of business may be changed for any single meeting by majority vote: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consent Agenda (including approval of previous meeting minutes) 4. Special Presentations and Reports 5. Public Works Administrator’s Report 6. Airport Director’s Report 7. Chairperson’s Report 8. Committee Member Comments 9. Public Comment 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business a. General Business Discussion Items b. Action Items c. Debate of Items as needed d. Airport Director’s Report 12. Adjournment ARTICLE IV – TERMS AND VACANCIES Terms of Committee members shall be as set forth in RMC 2-17-6. Terms shall run from May 7 to May 6. Should a member need or wish to resign an appointed position prior to the expiration of the term, they shall notify the Chairperson, Airport Director and Public Works Administrative Assistant in writing. The member will receive a written acknowledgment of the resignation. Upon receipt of applications, a recommendation for an individual to fill the vacated position will be presented to the Mayor for appointment. If appointed, the individual will serve out the remaining time of the vacated term. Upon term expiration, Committee members who desire serving another term may re-apply for their position by completing an application. The application will be considered, along with others received, for a final recommendation to the Mayor. At this time, term limits do not exist. ARTICLE V – ETHICS 1. STATE AND CITY ETHICS CODE/OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT : Members shall follow the City’s Code of Ethics Policy 100-07. Members are also required by RCW 42.30.205 to attend Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) training within 90 days of being appointed and every four years thereafter while appointed to the Committee. Upon completion of the training members shall submit a Certificate of Completion to the City Clerk Division documenting attendance of initial training and subsequent trainings for public officers. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 60 of 64 Bylaws Renton Airport Advisory Committee 6 of 6 Rev. 04/28/2021 2. CONFLICTS: Committee members are required to indicate whether they have a conflict of interest concerning action items on the Committee agenda. They must recuse themselves of voting on action items if warranted. 3. GIFTS: Members shall not accept gifts from any person having an interest in the work of the Committee. ARTICLE VI – SUSPENSION AND AMENDING THE BYLAWS 1. SUSPENSION: Any provision of these Bylaws may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the Committee members present. The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by voice vote unless a show of hands is required for clarification. The temporary suspension shall remain in effect for the remainder of the meeting. 2. AMENDMENT: These Bylaws may be amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Committee by a vote of more than 50% of the seated voting membership, provided such changes are submitted to all members by the Public Works Administrative Assistant in writing at least four days prior to such meeting. A special meeting may be called for such purposes. All amendments to the Bylaws adopted by the Committee shall be provided in writing to the office of the Mayor and City Council for approval. Such Bylaws shall not be effective until approved by the City Council. PASSED BY THE RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE THIS _______ DAY OF _____________, 2021, AND EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE APPROVED BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL [Date of City Council approval to be noted here: _____________________]. Linda S. Moschetti-Newing Public Works Administrative Assistant Renton Airport Advisory Committee Martin Pastucha Chairperson Public Works Administrator Approved as to form: Leslie Clark Senior Assistant City Attorney AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Page 61 of 64 AB 21-003 RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – May 11, 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE:Renton Municipal Airport Operations and Responsibilities RECOMMENDED ACTION:None. Informational only. DEPARTMENT:Public Works Department Airport Division STAFF CONTACT:David Decoteau, Airport Division Director EXT.:7471 SUMMARY OF ACTON: During the February 9 Renton Airport Advisory Committee meeting (RAAC) a request was made to staff to provide further explanation of the roles of each agency overseeing duties and responsibilities at the Airport. This agenda bill is informational only and no action is required. The Airport Director will provide information outlining the jurisdictions of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), including the air traffic control tower, The Boeing Company and the city. The Director will also provide information about the specific job duties of the Airport staff, such as the Maintenance and Operations Section, tenant/lease management and relations, and the Airport administrative team, including capital project management and engineering. A brief overview of the responsibilities of Airport tenants and leaseholders will also be part of the discussion. EXHIBITS A. Airport Division Organizational Chart B. Airside Inventory STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No action is required. This is an informational discussion only and an opportunity for Committee members to learn more about the Airport and ask questions pertaining to regular Airport operations. AGENDA ITEM #9. b) Page 62 of 64 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Airport Division Administrative Secretary I Vacant Civil Engineer Ill Will Adams Assistant Airport Manager Jason Anderson Airport Maintenance & Operations Supervisor Scott Babcock Airport Operations Specialist Joseph Fioretti Airport Maintenance Worker Donald Kramer Christopher Mesa Business Coordinator Manuel Cruz Public Works -Administrator Martin Pastucha Airport Director David Decoteau {I j PW9 Airport Divison.opx Last Modified 3/2/2021AGENDA ITEM #9. b)Page 63 of 64 Renton Airport Airside NAVAIDS, Pavement, and Equipment List Item Item Description Location Runway Lights City of Renton Edge of Runway 16/34 Taxiway Lights City of Renton Taxiway edge A/B REIL City of Renton Thresholds RWY 16/34 PAPI City of Renton Runway 16/34 Runway Markings/Signage City of Renton Runway 16/34 Taxiway Markings/Signage City of Renton TWY A/B Runway Pavement City of Renton RWY 16/34 Taxiway Pavement City of Renton TWY A/B Ramp Pavement/Markings City of Renton/Private Leaseholders All Ramps- City Maintains City only Rotating Beacon City of Renton Air Traffic Control Tower Blast Fence City of Renton RWY 34 end Obstruction Lights City of Renton/FAA/Private Leaseholders Various Locations, maintained by owner of each leasehold or equipment Perimeter Fencing/Gates City of Renton AOA around airfield ASOS National Weather Service/ NOAA Near Cedar River Hangars Compass Rose Boeing Midfield AGENDA ITEM #9. b) Page 64 of 64