HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/2021 - Agenda Packet AGENDA RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:00 PM - Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Please silence your cell phone during this meeting. This meeting will be recorded. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Committee Members are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by calling 425-430-7394 or emailing rentonairport@rentonwa.gov or Lmoschetti@rentonwa.gov by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to rentonairport@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83673193766?pwd=V2ZHWkRycnNEdkU1elFDenc4REYzZz09 Passcode 606556 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and enter Meeting ID 836 7319 3766, Passcode 606556 or (3) call 425-430-7394 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 3 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Committee Chair. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Committee except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Committee will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Renton Equity Lens Training Presented by Equity, Housing, and Human Services Administrator Preeti Shridhar and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant Benita Horn. Council required training for city boards, committees, and commissions. 4. AIRPORT STAFF ITEMS a) Director's Report 5. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED a) None. Page 1 of 28 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT Those wishing to address the Renton Airport Advisory Committee will be called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2021. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) None. 9. NEW BUSINESS a) Airport Rules and Regulations Update Presented by Diane Paholke b) Student Outreach Program Presented by Chair Kroeger. Discussion only. c) Airport Centennial Celebration Presented by Airport Director David Decoteau. Discussion only. d) RAAC Term Limits Presented by Chair Kroger. 10. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS 11. COMMITTEE CHAIR COMMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: rentonairport@rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 28 THE RENTON EQUITY LENS Workshop for Boards and Commissions, 2021 FACILITATOR: BENITA RODRIGUEZ HORN AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 3 of 28 TOPICS COVERED IN THIS SESSION •The case for using the Renton Equity Lens •What is meant by the term “equity lens” •How the Renton Equity Lens supports the city’s goal of Inclusion •Considerations on when and how to use the equity lens •Practice application Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 4 of 28 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND GRATITUDE https://native-land.ca/ Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 5 of 28 CASE FOR USING RENTON EQUITY LENS INCLUSION:Building an inclusive informed and hate-free city with equitable outcomes for all in support of social, economic, and racial justice. •Achieve equitable outcomes by eliminating racial, economic and social barriers in internal practices, city programs, services, and policies such as hiring and contracting AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 6 of 28 GOVERNMENT HISTORY OF RACIAL OPPRESSION Government explicitly creates and maintains racial inequity. Explicit Policies Discrimination illegal, but “race- neutral” policies and practices perpetuate inequity. Implicit Policies Proactive policies, practices and procedures that advance racial equity. Proactive Policies Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 7 of 28 THE ESSENCE OF OPPRESSION & INEQULITY X XXXXX hierarchy access to resources who decides who gets what or who doesn’t get what? © SCOTT WINN, 2016 Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 8 of 28 •“Closing the gaps”so that race does not predict one’s success, while also improving outcomes for all •To do so, we have to: Set Universal strategies for everyone Set Target strategies to focus improvements for those worse off Move beyond “services”and focus on changing policies, institutions and structures RACIAL EQUITY MEANS: Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 9 of 28 HOW THE RENTON EQUITY LENS SUPPORTS INCLUSION Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 10 of 28 •Issue-based •Help individuals negotiate existing structures. •Solutions “transact” with institutions •Short-term gains for communities, but leave the existing structure in place Transactional Approaches •Cut across multiple institutions •Focus on policy and organizational culture •Alter the ways institutions operate •Shifting cultural values and political will to create racial equity Transformative Approaches Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 11 of 28 HOW DOES THE RENTON EQUITY LENS WORK? •A systematic examination of how different groups (based on race, gender, ability, age, gender identity & expression, etc.) will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision •Used to eliminate and prevent adverse consequences •Vital for preventing institutional oppression and remedying social injustices Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 12 of 28 WHAT THE RENTON EQUITY LENS DOES •Proactively seeks to eliminate inequities and advance equity •Prioritizes transformational change (decision-making processes) over merely relying on transactional change (products of decisions) •Centers those most impacted by inequities in decision-making processes to achieve equity for all. •Documents inequities to establish baseline to measure progress •Identifies clear goals and objectives, measurable equity outcomes •Develops mechanisms for successful implementation Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 13 of 28 CONSIDERATIONS FOR USING Mission, vision, and strategic planning Hiring, promotion, pipeline, and other HR processes Contracting policies and procedures Program and service development Protocols for community interface Board and commission composition and retention Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 14 of 28 Frits Ahlefeldt Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 15 of 28 Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates RENTON EQUITY LENS PROCESS Set Outcomes Involve Stakeholders Gather & Analyze Data Take Action Evaluate Outcomes Report back to Stakeholders AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 16 of 28 •Engaging stakeholders most impacted. •What you hope to see in the community / organization? Desired Outcome •Gather and analyze community/organization baseline indicators Data •What decision / policy/practice are you going to enact? •How will you evaluate? Action •What impact did it have? Did it get you closer to desired outcomes? •Reporting back to stakeholders. Outcome Evaluation RENTON EQUITY LENS DECISION- MAKING Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 17 of 28 APPLYING THE RENTON EQUITY LENS (see handout) Policy on Considering Internal Candidates (NOT A CITY OF RENTON POLICY) •Our city values opportunities to hire from within the current staff. For any employee position expected to last for more than one year (whether a new or continuing position), the city will first consider any internal candidates before external candidates. •Internal candidates will be offered a window of at least one week to apply for the position. •Internal candidates will be reviewed prior to the position being publicly announced. •The process for consideration of internal candidates shall be determined on a case -by-case basis by the hiring manager. •As is the case in an open hire, the final decision making authority regarding hiring rests with the Administrator. •Internal candidates who are not offered a position via the process of consideration of internal candidates are welcome to apply for the position in the open hiring process. •Short-term employees are not eligible for consideration in the internal candidate process. Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 18 of 28 1 •Desired results/outcomes 2 •Engage stakeholders 3 •Gather/analyze data 4 •Take action 5 •Implement and evaluate outcomes 6 •Share outcomes with stakeholders RENTON EQUITY LENS PROCESS APPLICATION (see handout) Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 19 of 28 APPLYING AN EQUITY LENS: (when you don’t have enough time to use the tool) •What are the social, economic, and racial equity impacts of a particular decision? •Who will benefit or be burdened by the particular decision? •Are there strategies to mitigate unintended consequences? Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 20 of 28 YOUR THOUGHTS: •What policies, processes, programs, or services currently under consideration by your Board or Commission might benefit from the use of the Renton Equity Lens? Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 21 of 28 RESOURCES: •Driving Toward Equity: Racial Equity Tools (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4yOV8apmlw •RaceForward: Racial Equity Impact Assessment Toolkit https://www.raceforward.org/practice/tools/racial-equity- impact-assessment-toolkit •Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE): Tools and Resources https://www.racialequityalliance.org/tools- resources/ Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 22 of 28 QUESTIONS Developed by Benita R. Horn & Associates AGENDA ITEM #3. a)Page 23 of 28 Renton Equity Lens Application Page 1 RENTON EQUITY LENS PRACTICE APPLICATION Reference: City of Renton Goal of Inclusion: Building an inclusive, informed and hate-free city with equitable outcomes for all in support of social, economic, and racial justice. Policy on Considering Internal Candidates (NOT A CITY OF RENTON POLICY) • Our city values opportunities to hire from within the current staff. For any employee position expected to last for more than one year (whether a new or continuing position), the city will first consider any internal candidates before external candidates. • Internal candidates will be offered a window of at least one week to apply for the position. • Internal candidates will be reviewed prior to the position being publicly announced. • The process for consideration of internal candidates shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the hiring manager. • As is the case in an open hire, the final decision making authority regarding hiring rests with the Administrator. • Internal candidates who are not offered a position via the process of consideration of internal candidates are welcome to apply for the position in the open hiring process. • Short-term employees are not eligible for consideration in the internal candidate process. STEP 1 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – DESIRED RESULTS/OUTCOMES • Describe the policy, program, practice, or budget decision under consideration. • What are the intended results and the long-term equity outcomes? • What does this proposal have an ability to impact? STEP 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – ENGAGE STAKEHOLDERS • Who are the community members most impacted by this project? Have you already involved community members? • What has your engagement process told you about the burdens or benefits for different groups? • What has your engagement process told you about the factors that produce or perpetuate inequities? • What additional outreach or engagement needs to take place? STEP 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – GATHER/ANALYZE DATA • Will the proposal have impacts in specific geographic areas (neighborhoods, areas, or regions)? What are the racial, gender, age, etc. demographics of those living in the area? AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Page 24 of 28 Renton Equity Lens Application Page 2 • What does population level data tell you about existing racial inequities? What does it tell you about root causes influencing racial inequities? • What performance level data do you have available for your proposal? • Are there data gaps? What additional data would be helpful in analyzing the proposal? STEP 4 DICSUSSION QUESTIONS – TAKE ACTION • Given what you learned from the data and stakeholder involvement, how will the proposal increase or decrease social, economic and racial equity? Who would benefit from or be burdened by your proposal? • What are potential unintended consequences? What are the ways your proposal could be modified to enhance positive impacts or reduce negative impacts? • Are there complementary strategies you can implement? How can existing partnerships be strengthened? • Are the impacts aligned with your community outcomes defined in Step #1? STEP 5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – IMPLEMENT AND EVALUATE OUTCOMES Is your plan: • Realistic? • Adequately funded? • Adequately resourced with personnel? • Adequately resourced with mechanisms to ensure successful implementation and enforcement? • Adequately resourced to ensure on-going data collection, public reporting, and community engagement? • What partnerships do you need for success; community groups? Other institutions? • How will impacts be documented and evaluated? Are you achieving the anticipated outcomes? Are you having impact in the community? STEP 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – SHARE OUTCOMES WITH STAKEHOLDERS • What are your messages and communication strategies that will help advance equitable outcomes? • How will you continue to partner and deepen relationships with communities to make sure your work to advance inclusion is working and sustainable for the long haul? AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Page 25 of 28 May 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:00 PM -Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL RAAC Voting Members Present: Ryan McIrvin, Renton City Councilmember & Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Martin Pastucha, Public Works Department Administrator Alfred Banholzer, Washington Pilots Association Primary Member Shane Carlson, Airport-at-Large Primary Member Lee Chicoine, North Renton Primary Member Jeanne DeMund, Kennydale Primary Member Matthew Devine, Talbot Hill Primary Member Jeff Dineen, South Renton Primary Member Melody Kroeger, RAAC Chair & Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace Primary Member Thomas Imrich, Mercer Island Alternate Member (Proxy for Salim Nice) Abhijit Patil, Benson Hill Alternate Member Robert Spitzer, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Primary Member Ryan Tomasich, The Boeing Company Primary Member RAAC Non-Voting Members Present: Randy Corman, Renton City Council President Kim-Khánh Văn, Renton City Councilmember Agnes Fisher, FAA Eric Johnson, Washington State Department of Transportation Vincent Nguyen, Highlands Alternate Member Marcie Palmer, Kennydale Alternate Member Sarah Reagan, Talbot Hill Alternate Member Karen Stemwell, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Alternate Member Administrative Staff Present: David Decoteau, Airport Division Director Jason Anderson, Assistant Airport Manager Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 26 of 28 May 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Linda Moschetti-Newing, Administrative Assistant to the Public Works Department Gemma Gibbons, Airport Intern SPECIAL PRESENTATION Foundational Inclusion Training Presented by Deputy Administrator Public Affairs Administrator Preeti Shridhar and Inclusion & Equity Consultant Benita Horn. Council required training for city boards, committees, and commissions. AIRPORT STAFF ITEMS Director's Report CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED None. AUDIENCE COMMENT Those wishing to address the Renton Airport Advisory Committee will be called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2021. . UNFINISHED BUSINESS Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws NEW BUSINESS New Committee Appointments and Reappointments Director Decoteau reviewed the recent reappointments and new appointments to the RAAC. Reappointed Members: Alfred Banholzer, Washington Pilots Association Primary Member Melody Kroeger, Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace Primary Member Robert Spitzer, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Primary Member Karen Stemwell, Aircraft and Owners Pilots Association Alternate Member New Members: Robert Rovai, Benson Hill Primary Member Abhijit Patil, Benson Hill Alternate Member Vincent Nguyen, Highlands Alternate Member Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 27 of 28 May 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Renton Municipal Airport Operations and Responsibilities Director Decoteau provided an overview of the Airport's organization chart, staffing, and the responsibilities of each staff member. He also explained the extent of responsibilities as they pertain to the airfield. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS COMMITTEE CHAIR COMMENTS The Committee Chair had no comments. ADJOURNMENT Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: rentonairport@rentonwa.gov May 11, 2021 REGULAR RENTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Page 28 of 28