HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-06-086_Report 01r
Lake Washington
Lake Wg~-J9i1NMilfoil Control
0')-~,<; Economi c Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Pl ann ,n g
+(~ )+ Alex Piet sc h.Administrnjtjl O 7 2006
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Date: November 17, 2006
To: City Clerk's Office
From: Holly Graber
Subject: Land Use File Closeout
Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City
Clerk's Office.
Project Name: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
LUA (file) Number: LUA-06-086, ECF, SME
AKA's: Lake Washington Milfoil Control
Project Manager: Jennifer Henning
Acceptance Date: " July 31, 2006
Applicant: City of Renton
Owner: City of Renton
Contact: City of Renton -Jerry Rerecich
PIO Number: 334210-3580, 052305-9010, 07235-9007
ERC Approval Date: July 31, 2006
ERC Appeal Date: August 21, 2006
Administrative Approval:
Appeal Period Ends:
Public Hearing Date:
Date Appealed to HEX:
By Whom:
HEX Decision: Date:
Date Appealed to .Council:
By Whom:
Council Decision: · Date:
Mylar Recording Number:
Location: 616 W. Perimeter Road
Comments: Shoreline Exemption Management Permit issued August 28, 2006
Jody L. Barton, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising
Representative of the
King County Journal
a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general
circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date
of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language
continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King
County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the
Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County.
The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the
King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly
distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed
notice, a
Public Notice
was published on August 7, 2006.
The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum
of$1.2J.80. ------
Le'g;,f Advertising Representative, King County Journal
Subscribed and sworn to me this 7"' day of August, 2006.
/!.,JD C!'rrt2z-1 1 Q7
B D Cantelon
Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Kent, Washington
PO Number:
'l ,';.'
] ~) '
., ~ --, r ":::;-1
,~ '
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The Environmental Review Com-
mittee has issued a Determination of
Non-Signlficance-Mitigated for the fol-
lowing project under the authority of
the Renton Municipal Code.
Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
Location: 1) Renton Seaplane Base
at Renton Municipal Airport, 616
\V. Perimeter Rd: 2) C',-ene Coulon
Memorial Beach Park, 1201 Lake
Washington Blvd. N'.; 3) Kennydale
Beach Park, Lake Washington
Blvd at :t,.,'_ 36th Street. Description:
City of Renton Parks Department
proposes to conduct milfoil control
annually for ten ! 10! yearr1 in Lake
\Vashington via the application of
an aquatic herbicide. Milfoil is an
aquatic weed that grows in warm
weather and may eventually reach
the surface of the water under
ideal growing conditions. It can
inteifere with swimmers and
boaters ability t-0 use the water-
ways due to a potential for entan-
glement. Tt can alflo attach to boat
propellers and may be transported
to other bodies of water.
Appeals of thH environmental
determination must be filed in writing
on or before 5:00 PM on August 21,
2006. Appeals must be filed in writing
together with the required $75.00
application fee with: Hearing Exam-
iner, City of Renton, 1055 South
Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055.
Appeals to the Examiner are governed
b.v Cjty of Rent.on Muniripal Code Sec-
tion 4-8-110.B. Additional information
regarding the appeal process may be
obtained from the Rent-On City Clerk's
Office, t125) 4:-!0-6510.
Published in the King County ,Journal
August 7,2006.#861257
Planning/Building/Public Works Department
Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator
Jerry Rerecich
City of Renton -Community Services
1055 S Grady Way
Renton, WA 98055
SUBJECT: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
LUA06-086, SME, ECF
Dear Mr. Rerecich:
This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended on August 21, 2006 for the
Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance · Mitigated for
the above-referenced project.
No appeals were filed on the ERC determination. This decision is final and application for the
appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation
Measures outlined in the Report & Decision dated July 31, 2006.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286.
For the Environmental Review Committee,
ty fr, {pr 1i/l, ~
Jennifer Henning
Project Manager
cc: Karen Walter/ Parties of Record
-------,o-5-5-So_u_th_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y __ -R-en-to_n_, W-as-h-in_gt_on-98_0_5_5 ------~
@ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer
APPLICANT: Jerry Rerecich
City of Renton Community Services
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98055
City of Renton
Lake Washington at Coulon and Kennydale Beach Parks
PROJECT NAME: Milfoil control
PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks a Shoreline Exemption to treat approximately 3 acres of Lake
Washington with Renovate 3, Tricolpyr TEA annually for 10 years.
PROJECT LOCATION: Lake Washington between the Renton Municipal Airport and Kennydale Beach
Park. Near the addresses of 616 West Perimeter Rd., 1201 Lake Washington Blvd. N. and 3600 Lake
Washington Blvd. N.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE 1/4 of Section 31 Township 24 Range 5 in the City of Renton, King
County. SW 1/4 of Section 5 Township 23 Range 5 in the City of Renton, King County. N 1/2 of
Section 5 Township 23 Range 5 in the City of Renton, King County.
SEC-TWN-R: NE3 l-24N-5E and 5-23N-5E
TAX ACCOUNT NOS.: 0723059007, 334210358001, and 3344500775
An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the
proposed project described on the attached form for the following reason(s):
/ Removing or controlling aquatic noxious weeds
The process of removing or controlling aquatic noxious weeds, as defined in RCW
1 7.26.020, through the use of an herbicide or other treatment methods applicable to weed
control that are recommended by a final environmental impact statement published by the
department of agriculture or the department of ecology jointly with other state agencies
under chapter 43.2 lC RCW.
f Policies of the Shoreline Management Act.
The Master Program.
Page lof2
-I , ;t-
(\)ec ( ( lu U I
Neil Watts, Director
Development Service Division
II 7 c
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2 O(' [
To appeal this determination, a written appeal--accompanied by the required $75.00 filing fee--must be
filed with the City's Hearing Examiner (1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, 425-430-6515) no
more than 14 days from the date of this decision. Your submittal should explain the basis for the appeal.
Section 4-8-110 of the Renton Municipal code provides further information on the appeal process.
Vicinity Map
Page 2 of2
Lake Washington
Lake Wa$_J~i!n;Mr~~cMilfoil Control
uY----!?.<1 Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning
+(Am)'• Alex_Pietsch,_AdministrjtfL Q ] 2006
\~,-::.::,; li. Del Ros.mo [=::J Affected Areas f:'N---:fO 29 June 2006
0 1000 2000
F 4 I & zp:::::::~ rn
I : 12000
August 28, 2006
Ms. Karen Walters
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, Fisheries Division
39015 -172nd Ave SE
Auburn, WA 98092-9763
t-UA 00 -08'0
Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department
Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator
Subject: Milfoil Control for Lake Washington (LUA06-086, SME, ECF)
Dear Ms. Walters,
Thank you for your comments regarding the Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated issued
for the proposed milfoil control program in Lake Washington. In your letter you raise several
concerns regarding the DNS-M and the Environmental Checklist. Specifically, you request
analysis of other methods to control milfoil, analysis of the impacts on upland areas, and impacts
on adult salmonids, beach spawning sockeye, and invertebrates. Your letter also requests that the
State Environmental Policy (SEPA) Checklist be modified to disclose the exact area of shoreline
to be treated; the genus, species and stem density of the plants to be treated; the specific
restrictions that will be observed, including fish timing windows; and, whether an archaeological
study has been conducted in the area.
The DNS-M evaluates the proposal that City of Renton is planning to use for milfoil control at
two of its swimming beaches (Coulon and Kennydale Beach Park), a boat launch (Coulon), and
the seaplane base. This approach could be used as often as annually, for a period of up to I 0
years. However, it is unlikely that the use would occur this often. This in-water treatment will
only be used during those years when conditions warrant; that is, when the water temperature
results in growth of the milfoil, such that it potentially interferes with and/or endangers
swimmers, boaters, and float plane use. The selected chemical has been approved for in-water
application by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The chemical would only be applied
by a licensed applicator, under restrictions of the Department of Ecology (DOE), Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and Environmental Protection Agency. Since this is
not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), no analysis of alternatives was conducted. A I 0-
year time frame was proposed, as this is the timeframe that Department of Ecology's approval
would be valid. The DNS-M does not evaluate impacts on upland areas because the application
would be in-water, utilizing a spray boom. No upland vegetation would be affected. Impacts to
fish were considered in the Washington Department of Ecology's Final Supplemental EIS which
was consulted by the City's responsible official, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC),
during its review of this proposal. The beneficial impacts to the salmon ofremoving the milfoil
-------l-0-55_S_o_u_th-C-ir-ad_y_W_a_y ___ R_c-nt-on-,-W-a-sh-i-ngt_o_n-98-0-55 _______ ~
AHEAD 01' THt. cT.:RvE
were considered to outweigh the short-tenn impacts from use of the chemical. The ERC also
discussed the importance of relying on the fish windows established by Washington Department
offish and Wildlife, and any other restrictions that might be imposed through the
licensing/regulation through Department of Ecology. The ERC acknowledged that if there comes
a time when the use of the chemical is not allowed for this situation, then other methodologies to
control the milfoil will be considered.
Your letter also contains comments regarding the SEPA checklist. The exact amount of
shoreline was not estimated, rather the approximate area in the lake, which is 3 acres. The milfoil
to be treated is Eurasian milfoil. There is no replanting mitigation that will be required. The fish
windows may change from year-to-year, therefore, they were not disclosed; rather, the fish
windows imposed by WDFW will prevail. Finally, since there is no disturbance of the upland
area, and because the areas to be treated are entirely underwater, no cultural resources
assessment or survey was required.
Thank you for providing these thoughtful comments. Please feel free to contact Leslie Betlach,
Renton Parks Director, at (425) 430-6619 if you have additional questions regarding the proposal.
Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP
Current Planning Manager
cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director
Leslie Betlach, Parks Director
Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Manager
Jennifer Henning
Project Manager
Fisheries Division
39015 -172'd Avenue SE• Auburn, Washington 98092-9763
Phone: (253) 939-3311 • Fax: (253) 931-0752
August 21, 2006
City of Renton, Development Services Division
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98055
RE: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington LUA06-086, SME, ECF, Mitigated Determination of Non-
Significance (MONS)
Dear Ms. Henning:
The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (MITFD) has reviewed the above referenced
environmental checklist and the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the referenced project
above. This project proposes to treat about 3 acres of Lake Washington along the Renton Seaplane base at
the Renton Municipal Airport; Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park; and Kennydale Beach Park using
Tricolpyr TEA, annually for IO years to treat milfoil. The attached comments are in the interest of
protecting and/or restoring the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe's fisheries resources.
In general, since the City intends spray these areas annually for the next IO years, then the City should
develop a milfoil management plan for the areas covered by this proposal and use non-chemical means such
as mechanical/manual methods and/or nutrient controls that would be less harmful to salmon and their
We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this proposal and would appreciate a written response to these
comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at (253) 876-3116.
0~J/f\ ~----
Karen Walter
Watershed and Land Use Team Leader
Cc: Susan Powell, ACOE Regulatory Branch
Kelly McLain, WDOE Water Quality Program
Stewart Reinbold, WDFW, Region 4
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division
Comments to the Milfoil Control Proposal by the City of Renton LUA06-086
Specific Comments to the DNS-M
August 21, 2006
Page 2
The DNS-M fails to discuss other methods that may have less potential adverse impacts to listed chinook
salmon and their habitat, such as manual/mechanical removal of the aquatic plants proposed to be treated.
The DNS-M should describe and document an integrated vegetation management approach, as discussed in
Washington Department of Ecology's (WDOE's) Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for
Freshwater Aquatic Plant Management (2001 ), by including a decision matrix that evaluates and select vegetation
control measures from a list of manual/mechanical/biological and chemical methods in order to ensure that strategy
chosen for the next IO years is the one that will result in the least amount of impact to salmonids. The environmental
checklist lacks documentation of rationale for the proposed use of herbicide treatment in this area over
manual/mechanical methods of control. Without the analysis, the proposal may result in significant adverse impacts
that could otherwise be avoided.
The DNS-M lacks an analysis about the potential for any upland areas that are newly planted with native
vegetation that may be adversely affected and result in additional impacts to salmonid habitat.
The DNS-M also lacks an analysis of the potential for application of the proposed herbicides to affect adult
salmonids that will be holding or otherwise in the project area during application. For example, according to the
application, the die back of treated Eurasian Milfoil could result in dissolved oxygen (DO) sags that are induced
from plant die-offs in the project area, which may adversely adult salmonids. There may also be cumulative impacts
that occur due to, including but not limited to the following: high water temperatures; low dissolved oxygen levels;
degraded habitat from native plant die-offs; herbicide runoff from land uses; and slower chemical degradation times
due to any localized anaerobic aquatic conditions.
There is no analysis in the DNS-M about potential impacts to invertebrates, which provide food for salmon, from
adverse impacts due to herbicide treatments. Freshwater macroinvertebrates, such as mussels and crayfish also
represent shellfish resource interests of the Tribe.
The DNS also fails to consider potential impacts to beach spawning sockeye that may be in or near the site.
Specific Comments on the Environmental Checklist
The response to question A.12 should include exactly how much shoreline will be treated with the proposed
84a. The checklist fails to note any information, data, etc. detailing the genus, species and stem density of the
proposed plants to be treated. The checklist also fails to note if there are any newly planted sites as required to do so
as mitigation under a Section 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers that may be adversely affected by this
85d. The checklist should be modified to state the specific restrictions that will be observed per Table 2 in
the general NPDES Permit W A-994000, including restricted use subject to fish timing windows referenced
in Table 2.
B 13a and b. The applicant responded that these questions do not apply to this proposal; however, there is no
indication that either the applicant or Ecology has conducted a survey to determine if historical or cultural
sites exist in the application area. Native people lived along Lake Washington and there may be
archeological and cultural properties on or near the site. These questions do apply to the proposal.
Planning/Building/Public Worlcs Department
Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator
"'"'y 0
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·~ + j:l-,P. Kathy Keolker, Mayor ?i>N'fo,";.i---------------------------
August 2, 2006
Washington State
Department of Ecology
Environmental Review Section
PO Box 47703
Olympia, WA 98504-7703
Subject: Environmental Determinations
Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by
the Environmental Review Committee (ERG) on July 31, 2006:
Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
LUA06-086, SME, ECF
1) Renton Seaplane Base at Renton Municipal Airport, 616 W.
Perimeter Rd; 2) Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, 1201 Lake
Washington Blvd. N.; 3) Kennydale Beach Park, Lake Washington
Blvd at N. 36th Street.
City of Renton Parks Department proposes to conduct milfoil control
annually for ten (10) years in Lake Washington via the application of an
aquatic herbicide. Milfoil is an aquatic weed that grows in warm weather
and may eventually reach the surface of the water under ideal growing
conditions. It can interfere with swimmers and boaters ability to use the
wateiways due to a potential for entanglement. It can also attach to boat
propellers and may be transported to other bodies of water.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on
August 21, 2006. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with:
Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner
are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the
appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510.
If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7286.
For the Environmental Review Committee,
Jennifer Henning
Project Manager
cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division
WDFW, Stewart Reinbold
David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources
WSDOT, Northwest Region
Duwamish Tribal Office
Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance)
Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program
US Army Corp. of Engineers
Stephanie Kramer. Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
_E_nc_lo_s_ur_e ___ l_O_SS_S_o_u_th-Gr-ad_y_W_a_y ___ R_e_n_to-n,-W-as-h1-.n-gt-on-9-80-5-5-------~
@ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHFAO OF THE CCRVE
City of Renton -Parks Department
Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: City of Renton Parks Department proposes to conduct milfoil control
annually for ten (10) years in Lake Washington via the application of an aquatic herbicide. Milfoil is an aquatic
weed that grows in warm weather and may eventually reach the surface of the water under ideal growing
conditions. It can interfere with swimmers and boaters ability to use the waterways due to a potential for
entanglement. It can also attach to boat propellers and may be transported to other bodies of water.
LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1) Renton Seaplane base at the Renton Municipal Airport, 616 W
Perimeter Road; 2) Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, 1201 Lake Washington Blvd. N: 3) Kennydale Beach
Park, Lake Washington Blvd at N 36 1
" Street.
LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton
Department of Planning/Building/Public Works
Development Planning Section
The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse
impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).
Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of
Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified
during the environmental review process.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on August 21, 2006.
Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton,
1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code
Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's
Office, (425) 430-6510.
Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator
Planning/Building/Public Works
Terry Higashiyama, Administrator
Community Services
August 7, 2006
July 31, 2006
7/?1/a0CT~ ~ £c,._
Date Larry Rude, Interim Fire Chief
Fire Department
11 11\A..)\-~ _· ""----__ e J ( ( 0(( _
Date Alex Pietsch, A ministrator
City of Renton
Department of Planning I Building I Public Works
ERC MEETING DA TE: July 31, 2006
Project Name:
Project Number:
Project Manager:
Mil/oil Control in Lake Washington
LUA06-086, ECF, SME
Jennifer Henning
Project Description: City of Renton Parks Department proposes to conduct mi/foil control annually for ten (10)
years in Lake Washington via the application of an aquatic herbicide. Mi/foil is an aquatic
weed that grows in warm weather and may eventually reach the surface of the water under
ideal growing conditions. It can interfere with swimmers and boaters ability to use the
watenways due to a potential for entanglement. It can also attach to boat propellers and may
be transported to other bodies of water.
Project Location:
Exist. Bldg. Area gsf.'
Treatment would cover an area totaling about 3 acres and would occur in 3 locations:
1) near the seaplane base at the Renton Municipal Airport; 2) at the swimming beach and
boat launch at Gene Coulon Park; and, 3) at Kennyda/e Beach Park.
Treatment would be accomplished by spraying the three areas with a spray boom that would
be lowered beneath the surface of the water to a depth of six feet (6). The proposed product
is Renovate 3, Triclopyr TEA, EPA #62719-6791. Typically after the application the mi/foil will
wither and die, thus reopening the watenway. After application there is a 12-hour window in
which beaches are closed to the public (if the application takes place during swim season).
Spraying typically occurs during the summer, but the window for spraying is determined by the
Washington Department of Ecology.
The proposal requires $EPA Environmental Review and a Shoreline Exemption, pnor to
approval by Department of Ecology.
1) Renton Seaplane Base at Renton Municipal Airport, 616 W. Perimeter Rd
2) Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, 1201 Lake Washington Blvd. N.
3) Kennydale Beach Park, Lake Washington Blvd @ N. 36"' Street
NIA Site Area: NIA
Cizv of Renton PIE/PW Department
Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
vironmental Review Committee Sta.ff Report
L{JA-06-086, SME, £CF
Puge :! of 4
Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials
make the following Environmental Determination:
Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period.
Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period
with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period.
Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period
with Concurrent 14-day Appeal Period.
Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period
followed by a 14 day Appeal Period.
1. The applicant (or contractor) shall follow label instructions for the application of the Triclopyr TEA. as
recommended in the FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr TEA (May, 2004)
2. The applicant shall comply with the restrictions imposed by Department of Ecology and Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife for application of the aquatic herbicide.
3. The applicant shall contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to ascertain if any
endangered bird or animal species may be affected by the application of the chemical to the water body in
question. Efforts should be made to avoid effects on migratory and nesting birds by coordinating with
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
4. The applicant shall close the affected swimming beaches for 12-hours after application of the milfoil
eradication chemical or as recommended by Washington State Department of Health guidelines.
In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those
project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and
environmental regulations.
1. Water
Impacts: Each of the areas intended for milfoil eradication are within Lake Washington, which is a shoreline of
Statewide Significance. Lake Washington is used for recreational and commercial boating, swimming, and seaplane
traffic. Milfoil is an invasive aquatic weed that grows in warm weather and may eventually reach the surface of the
water under ideal growing conditions. Eurasian water milfoil interferes with the navigation, recreation and aesthetics of
the lake. It may pose safety problems for swimmers and boaters, and can attach to a boat's propeller and be
transported to other water bodies that are otherwise clear of milfoil.
The proposal to apply an aquatic herbicide to eradicate the milfoil would be conducted once each year for ten years. A
spray boom would be lowered beneath the surface of the water to a depth of six (6) feet. The product that would be
applied is Renovate 3, Triclopyr TEA, EPA #62719-6790. Typically this application will cause the milfoil to wither and
die, thus reopening the waterway.
In May, 2004, Washington Department of Ecology issued a Final Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for Permitted Use
of Triclopyr TEA. Triclopyr is an aquatic herbicide that is used to selectively control nuisance aquatic plants such as
milfoil. According to the Final EIS (FEIS) the chemical dissipated rapidly and has a half-life in water from less and one
City of Renton PIB/PW Department
Mi/foil Control in Lake Washington
1vironmental Review Committee Staff Report
LUA-06-086, SME, ECF
Pa;.:e 3 o(4
day to approximately seven and one-half days. The FEIS notes that only about 20 percent of a water body is treated
at any one time, based on areas designated for priority control. This is because the chemical causes plants to die, and
the dead weeds decompose, decreasing the dissolved oxygen in an area, and reducing the oxygen available for fish to
survive. The suggested mitigation is to follow label instructions for the product at the recommended concentrations.
Staff recommends that the applicant (or contractor) be required to follow label instructions for the application of the
Triclopyr TEA as recommended in the FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr TEA (March 2004 ).
Mitigation Measures: The applicant (or contractor) shall follow label instructions for the application of the Triclopyr
TEA, as recommended in the FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr TEA (May, 2004)
Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations.
2. Plants & Animals
Impacts: The applicant submitted copies of the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Chinook
Salmon Conservation Plan (Volume 1, July 2005), and the Nearshore Habitat Use by Juvenile Chinook Salmon in
Lentic Systems of the Lake Washington Basin (Annual Report, 2003 and 2004 ). According to the reports, juvenile
Chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) habitat use occurs in the nearshore areas of Lake Washington.
Juveniles migrate into the south end of Lake Washington either as fry or fingerlings between February and June.
Juvenile fish rear and migrate north along the Lake Washington shoreline in shallow habitat. Chinook smolts typically
enter saltwater between May and July. Adults return to the watershed between June and September. In addition, the
Environmental Checklist submitted by the applicant indicates that Coho, Steel head and Sockeye salmon are present in
the areas that would be treated for milfoil. Puget Sound Chinook are listed as "threatened" under Endangered Species
Act (ESA), while Steelhead and Coho are proposed for listing under ESA.
Invasive aquatic plants such as milfoil can increase habitat for predators of juvenile Chinook salmon, such as bass and
perch. Eradication of the milfoil is considered to benefit the salmon protected under the Endangered Species Act.
Eradication of milfoil would be anticipated to benefit the juvenile Chinook in the nearshore habitat, as predator habitat
would be reduced.
The proposed method of milfoil control is through the application of triclopyr. According to the FEIS for Permitted Use
of Triclopyr (WDOE, May 2004 ), most fish species are tolerant of triclopyr TEA. In addition, triclopyr TEA is considered
to be extremely safe for use in the presence of threatened and endangered salmon id game-fish. Suggested mitigation
is to use the chemical as directed on label instructions. Staff has recommended this as a mitigation measure under
Section 1 "Water", above.
The FEIS also concludes that triclopyr and its products used as aquatic herbicides do not pose a significant acute or
chronic risk to wild birds, provided that the product is applied according to label instructions. The FEIS recommends
that applications of triclopyr should not be allowed if large populations of birds use shorelines in the water body to be
treated for nesting until after nesting is complete. Another mitigation measure would be to time applications to avoid
migratory waterfowl and other bird species that use certain water bodies during migration. Staff will recommend that
the applicant contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to ascertain if any endangered bird or
animal species may be affected by the application of the chemical to the water body in question. In addition, it is
recommended that efforts be made to avoid effects on migratory and nesting birds by coordinating with Washington
State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The U. S Environmental Protection Agency has approved the chemicals that would be applied (EPA# #62719-6791)
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife determine the appropriate fish windows in which the eradication
chemicals could be applied. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant be required to comply with
the restrictions imposed by the other agencies including Department of Ecology and the Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife.
Mitigation Measures:
1. The applicant shall comply with the restrictions imposed by Department of Ecology and Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife for application of the aquatic herbicide.
2. The applicant shall contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to ascertain if any
endangered bird or animal species may be affected by the application of the chemical to the water body in
question. Efforts should be made to avoid effects on migratory and nesting birds by coordinating with
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
City of Renton PIB/PW Department
Mi/foil Control in Lake Washington
Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations
2. Parks and Recreation
1vironmental Review Committee Staff Report
LUA-06-086, SME, ECF
I'uge 4 ,~f'4
Impacts: Gene Coulon Memorial Park public swimming beach and Kennydale Beach Park public swimming beach are
open to swimmers throughout the summer season. The FEIS notes that the only health concern from application of
triclopyr is minor eye irritation and exposure to children immediately after applications. The risk of eye irritation and
overexposure for children decreases rapidly because of dilution. The Washington State Department of Health has
recommended a 12-hour restriction for re-entry into triclopyr treated water to assure that the eye irritation potential and
any other adverse effects will not occur. The applicant has stated that use of the water by swimmers would be
restricted for 12 hours following application of the aquatic herbicide. This could impact use of the swimming beach for
one day each at Coulon Beach Park and Kennydale Beach Park, if the spaying occurs during the summer season.
The eradication of milfoil is considered beneficial for swimmers, as the risk of entanglement in the milfoil would be
It is anticipated that the Parks Department will post signs at the swimming beach notifying users of the spraying and
the date(s) of the beach closure.
Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall close the affected swimming beaches for 12-hours after application of the
milfoil eradication chemical or as recommended by Washington State Department of Health guidelines.
Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations.
The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental I Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where
applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or
Notes to Applicant.
...1S____ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File.
__ Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report.
Environmental Determination Combined Comment/Appeal Process: Comments on the proposal
must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., August 21, 2006. Written comments should be directed to
Jennifer Henning, Project Manager, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., August 21, 2006.
Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of
Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton
Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the
Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510.
Lake Washington
Lake W~~J~i-~Milfoil Control o 1000 2000
~---~~ Economic Deve_lopment, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning ~~-m
• ~ '• Ab P,elsch,.Admrn,st,JUL Q 7 2006 1 ; 12000
l'fi~ )< G. Del Rosano ~ Affected Areas
~N°fO 29 June 2006
Augusl 2, 200E
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: City of Renton Parks proposes lo apply an aqvat1c herb1c1de to cortrol m1lfoJ
Trealment wou,d occur at 1 ) Tl)e seap,ane base at Renton Mun,c,pal Airport. 2 j Gene Cou·,on Park boat launc~ and
sw1mm1ng teach and 3 ) Kennydale Beach Park. M,1!011 ,S an aquat,c weed that grows m warl'T' weather and ma·1
esentJally reach lhe surface of tt"e wate, under ,Cea I growing cond,uons It can interfere wit~-sW,mmers and beaters abl'll\l
lo use the wale'Ways dJe to a potenl1al for entanglement II oar also a\lach to boat propellers and T1ay be lranspcrted to
other bcd,es cf water Treatment wculd occur or.ca annually 'or a period ol ten years. Treatment would co,er an area
totaling about 3 acres
Treatment ,muld be a~compl,shed ty spraying :he three areas with a spray boon> (hat would be lowered benealh the
surface ol (he water to a depth of six feet 16"). Th<:! proposed product 1s Reno,•a1e 3 Triclopyr TEA, EPA #62719,6i91
Typically after the appl,cm,on the mi!fml will wither and ~1e, thus reopening lhe "'aterway After ap.p'icatkm there ,s a 12.
hour window i1 which beaches are closed to the public (If the appl1cat1on takes place during swim seaso~1 Spraying
t1p1cally occurs during the summer. but the window !or spray,ng 1s determine,,: 'Jy the Washington Departrr,enl cf Ecology
and Washington Department of F;sh and Wildl1/e
PROJECT LOCATION: Seaplane base at Renter, Mumc1pal Airport Gene Coulon Par< (sw,m%ng beach
and boat laJnch), & Kennydale Beach Park swimming area
DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M), As lhe Lead Agency. \he C1\y of Renter has
detecm,ned that s1gn,fr::.anl environmental ,mpac\s are i;nl,kely to result from the propo5e~ pro1ec: and therefore .and
Environmental Impact Statement 1.i:IS) ,snot required Comr1ent periods for the pro1ect and \he DNS-M are 1nleg,ated
into a single comment period A 14-oay appea! ,s runrisg c::,ncurrentl'I ,,,,th the Notice of Ap::,licat1on.
APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jel'f',' Rereclch, City of Fl;enlon Park• Dapartm•nl;
T•I; (425) 430-8615; Eml: Jrereclch@cLn,nton.wa.us
Permi\s!Re~iew Requnted· Envlrnnmenial (SEPA) Review, Wnhlnglon State AquJtic Pl~n &.
Alon Man1g,m,nt General Permii
Other Permits which may be required: Shoreline Exemption
Requested Stud/He
Location whef9 application may
be '9Ylewed:
Zoning/Land Un:
Lake Wash·ngto~/CeoarlSammam,sh Watershad (WRIA 8i Chinook
Salmon Conservat,on Plan (Volume 1. July 2005). and :he Nearshore Hab,ta: Use
by Ju,·eni!e Ch1ncoK Salmon 1n Lent1c Systems of the Lake Wash;ngton Bas,n
(Annual Re pert. 20J3 and 2J04), FE',S Jar Perm,1ted Use of .,.riclopyr {WDOE
May iC.04}
Plannlng/Bul\dlng/Publ!c Worka Department, Oevelopmeni Servlen
OIYl1lon, Sixth Floor Renton City Hill, 1055 Sou!h Grady Way, Renton, WA
The subJecl s1les are designated E'Tiolo1ment Area-lMust',al 1Seapla~e Base)
Res1dent1a: Low Dens1t/ (Cou,on Par</ /J, Resideat,al Sirgle "a'fltly IKennydale
Beac~ Park) on lhe City ar Renton Comprehensave Land Use Map and IM-P. R-1
IP}. & R-8 on thae C1tys Zon,ng Map
EnHonmental Documents !hat
Evaluale \he Proposed Pro1ect Environmental [SEPAi Checklist, FEIS 'or Permitted Use of Triclopr IWDOE,
May 2004)
De,·elopment Regulations
Used For Project Mitigation TM ~rojoct w1ll l:;e subJ&:l to 111e City's SEPA ordinance, Shoraline Regulations
and ot~er appl,caDle codes end regulations as appropriate
Mitigation Measures: The folla""mg .M1t19at;on Measures have been imoosad on the proposed project
These M1Ugat1on Meinures address pro:ec\ ,mpacts not covered by existing
codes and regulations as cited above
The appt,cart \Or contractoc) shall follow label instructions for the appl1catbn of 1he Triclopyr TEA, as
re,,:ommenoed 1n the FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr TEA {May. 2004)
T1e appl,~ant shall comply w,th the restrictions imposed ty Department of Ecology and Washington
Department of F:sh and \'\11ldl1fe for apolicat1on of tne aquat,c herbicide
The applicant shall contact Wash1ngtor, Oepa1ment of Fish and W1ldl1fe n order to ascertain ,f an1·
endangered bird or ani'r1al species may be attecte:I by the appl,cat1on of the cher11cal to the waler tody 1n
question Efforts shou1d be TJade to a,c,d eflects on m:gratCr/ ard nestmg birds by coordinat1n~ with
Wash:ngton State Department of Fish a~d W1ldl1fe
The applicant shall close the affected sw1mm1ng beaches for 12-hours after ap~l1cat,on of the milfo,I
eradication chemical or as recommended by Wash1ngtor State Department of Health gu,del,nes
Comments on the above application must be •ubmltled In writing to Jennifer Henning, Project Manager,
Development SarvicH Dlvlalon, 1055 .south Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, .by 5:00 PM On Augu11 21, 2006. If 1·ou
ha·,e quest,ons about tn,s proposal. or wish to be made a party o! reccro and receive a:ld,bor,al not1!1cat,cn by mail contacl
the Pro1ect Man~ger Anyone who submits wri1ten comment, wl'I automat1call)" become a party of record and w,11 be
not1r1ed of any dec,s,on on this project
Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated
The City or Renton Env.ronmental Review ComlT'1ttee (ERC) has determinoo that the pro~sed act,on does not have a
s,gniflcant adverse l'Tipact on the e~v1ro~ment
CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (425) 430-651 0
CONTACT PERSON: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager, Tel: (425) 430-7286;
Eml: jhennlng@ci.renton.wa.us
I you would like to be made a ~arty ol record to receive further information on this proposed project. complete
his form and return to. City af Renton Development Planning, 1055 So. Grad)' Way, Renton, WA 98055
~ame/Fi'.e No M1llo11 Control in Lake Wash1ngton/LUA06-086, SME, ECF
I, 'Alf: me,p , hereby certify that , 1 copies of the above document
were posted by me in _:f_ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on ,,,'"y'~~N\\111 11 .::-'a\.. " It, 1,, ~ i-.,.-. "'"'\:.H1t1, <¥ f/
DATE: "if· 2 ·Ob SIGNED: =~-"--:;,/ ',h· ,¢,.,,~ ~
/ -.,.~, ,,.,,,,, ~~.~ -::0 .. .,._, ·r,1. ~"{.: : ;:;'() -~i
ATTEST Subscnbed and sworn before me, a Notary Publtc, m and for the State of Washmgton res1dmg m::: ~ -• -~ ~
~{fl~ .,0 : -~ --'~ Uf!JLlv ff~:
7offi;Vifs1:1rnct;~~,\~~~F WASl'I' ,,,
_pP=·'u~~+.,.,,~·~-· on the dayof Q4,wJ
On the 2nd day of August, 2006, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope
containing ERC Determination, NOA, Environmental Checklist, PMT's documents. This information
was sent to:
Surrounding Property Owners
../f r
(Signature of Sender)·-----,,, -
'-= -=
See Attached
See Attached
~ 'J . ~
Project Name: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
Project Number: LUA06-086, SME, ECF
template -affidavit of service by mailing
Dept. of Ecology •
Environmental Review Section
PO Box47703
Olvmoia, WA 98504-7703
WSDOT Northwest Region •
Attn: Ramin Pazooki
King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240
PO Box 330310
Seattle, WA 98133-9710
US Army Corp. of Engineers •
Seattle District Office
Attn: SEPA Reviewer
PO Box C-3755
Seattle, WA 98124
Jamey Taylor•
WDFW -Stewart Reinbold •
c/o Department of Ecology
3190 160th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98008
Duwamish Tribal Office•
4717 W Marginal Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106-1514
KC Wastewater Treatment Division •
Environmental Planning Supervisor
Ms. Shirley Marroquin
201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. •
Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer
39015 -172"' Avenue SE
Auburn, WA 98092
Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •
Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert
39015 172"' Avenue SE
Auburn, WA 98092-9763
Office of Archaeology & Historic
Attn: Stephanie Kramer
PO Box 48343
Olvmnia, WA 98504-8343 '
i Depart. of Natural Resources
PO Box 47015
Olympia, WA 98504-7015
KC Dev. & Environmental Serv.
Attn: SEPA Section
900 Oakesdale Ave. SW
Renton, WA 98055-1219
City of Newcastle
Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson
Director of Community Development
13020 SE 72"' Place
Newcastle, WA 98059
°'""''"' J Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP.
Acting Community Dev. Director
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032-5895 .
Metro Transit
Senior Environmental Planner
Gary Kriedt
201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431
Seattle, WA 98104-3856
Seattle Public Utilities
Real Estate Services
Title Examiner
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900
PO Box 34018
Seattle, WA 98124-4018
Puget Sound Energy
Municipal Liason Manager
Joe Jainga
PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W
Bellevue, WA 98009-0868
City of Tukwila
Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official
6300 Southcenter Blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and
cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application. •
Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send
her the ERC Determination paperwork.
template -affidavit of service by mailing
I -,
__ J
PO BOX 96189
500 4TH AV
905 N 36TH ST
903 N 36TH ST
PO BOX 1456
904 N 36TH ST
~y o"@~,¢;
+ -:m + ~~~
August 2, 2006
LUA06-086, SME, ECF
Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: City of Renton Parks proposes to apply an aquatic herbicide to control milfoil.
Treatment would occur at: 1.) Tl).e··seaplane base at Renton Municipal Airport; 2.) Gene Coulon Park boat launch and
swimming beach; and 3.) Kennydale Beach Park. Milfoil is an aquatic weed that grows in warm weather and may
eventually reach the surface of the water under ideal growing conditions. It can interfere with swimmers and boaters ability
to use the water-.vays due to a potential for entanglement. It can also attach to boat propellers and may be transported to
other bodies of water. Treatment would occur once annually for a period of ten years. Treatment would cover an area
totaling about 3 acres
Treatment would be accomplished by spraying the three areas with a spray boom that would be lowered beneath the
surface of the water to a depth of six feet (6'). The proposed product is Renovate 3, Triclopyr TEA, EPA #62719-6791.
Typically after the application the milfoil will wither and die, thus reopening the waterway. After application there is a 12-
hour window in which beaches are closed to the public (if the application takes place during swim season). Spraying
typically occurs during the summer, bunhe window for spraying is determined by the Washington Department of Ecology
and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
PROJECT LOCATION: Seaplane base at Renton Municipal Airport; Gene Coulon Park (swimming beach
and boat launch), & Kennydale Beach Park swimming area.
DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has
determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project, and therefore and
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required. Comment periods for the project and the ONS-M are integrated
into a single comment period. A 14-day appeal is running concurrently with the Notice of Application.
July 7, 2006
July 31, 2006
APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jorry Rereclch, City of Renton Parks Department;
Tel: (425) 430-6615; Eml: jrerecich@ci.renton.wa.us
Pennits/Revlew Requested:
Other Permits which may be required:
Requested Studies:
Location where application may
be reviewed:
Zoning/Land Use:
Environmental (SEPA) Review, Washington State Aquatic Plan &
Algae Management General Permit
Shoreline Exemption
Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Chinook
Salmon Conservation Plan (Volume 1, July 2005), and the Nearshore Habitat Use
by Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Lentic Systems of the Lake Washington Basin
(Annual Report, 2003 and 2004), FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr (WDOE,
May 2004)
Plannlng/Buildlng!Publlc Works Department, Development Services
Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA
The subject sites are designated Employment Area-Industrial (Seaplane Base).
Residential Low Density (Coulon Park), & Residential Single Family (Kennydale
Beach Park) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and IM-P, R-1
(P), & R-8 on the City's Zoning Map.
Environmental Documents that
Evaluate the Proposed Project Environmental (SEPA) Checklist, FEIS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr (WDOE,
May 2004)
Development Regulations
Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Shoreline Regulations
and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate.
Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures have been imposed on the proposed project.
These Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing
codes and regulations as cited above.
• The applicant (or contractor) shall fallow label instructions for the application of the Triclopyr TEA. as
recommended in the FElS for Permitted Use of Triclopyr TEA (May, 2004)
• The applicant shall comply with the restrictions imposed by Department of Ecology and Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife for application of the aquatic herbicide.
• The applicant shall contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in order to ascertain if any
endangered bird or animal species may be affected by the application of the chemical to the water body in
question. Efforts should be made to avoid effects on migratory and nesting birds by coordinating with
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The applicant shall close the affected swimming beaches ·for 12-hours after application of the milfoil
eradication chemical _or as recommended by Washington State Department of Health guidelines.
Comments on the above apli:ation must be submitted In writing to Jennifer Henning, Project Manager,
Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on August 21, 2006. If you
have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact
the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be
notified of any decision on this proje,ct.
Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated
The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has determined that the proposed action does not have a
significant adverse impact on the envir~[lment
CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (425) 430-6510.
CONTACT PERSON: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager, Tel: (425) 430-7286;
Eml: jhennlng@ci.renton.wa.us
If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete
this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055.
Name/File Na.: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington/LUA06-086, SME, ECF
July 31, 2006
Jerry Rerecich, Parks Department
Jennifer Henning, Development Services dlV\
Subject: Milfoil Control in Lake Washington
LUA06-086, SME, ECF
The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the
subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is
accepted for review.
Also, on July 31, 2006, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) completed their
review of the subject project and issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-
Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERG Report and
Decision, Section C for a list of the Mitigation Measures.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before
5:00 PM on August 21, 2006. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the
required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South
Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of
Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal
process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510.
If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all
parties notified.
Please contact me, at 430-7286, if you have any questions.
Acceptaru::e Memo 06-086
Printed: 07-13-2006
Payment Made:
1055 S. Grady Way
Renton, WA 98055
Land Use Actions
Permit#: LUA06-086
Receipt Number: R0603526
Total Payment:
07/13/2006 06:01 PM
Current Payment Made to the Following Items:
Trans Account Code Description Amount
5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 1,000.00
Payments made for this receipt
Trans Method Description Amount
Payment IOT R ZULAF 1,000.00
Account Balances
Trans Account Code Description Balance Due
3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee
5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees
5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers
5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat
5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees
5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review
5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat
5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat
5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD
5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees
5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment
5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks
5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone
5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt
5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev
5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval
5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review
5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees
5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee
5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend
5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies
5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable)
5954 604. Special Deposits
5955 000.05.519.90.42.l Postage
5998 Tax
Remaining Balance Due: $0.00
Transfer Number: -------
General Description:
Date: //!0/0&l
/<eA/lf,v.J ~ RefrlovcJ...,(tcrn+.m-W--)41:o µ}~
Department To Be Charged (Transfer Out-From) P/6i/pi,J Ai{pt:
Description Account Number WO/Function Amount
f /,., .,,A ; ,., 1 -f-~rn,,; ! . --,f-;-· -. ,,c1,v,.1Yn. DI 1. l'1-II.. ;;;o.,.11.r: 'ti cJdl~/Y,5/{ n /OC(},00
D I ~
/1 /I
Department Authorization: /ck,. (' /'.,!!£/ . V // l//
Department To Be Credited (Transfer In -To) f' / 8 / rkJ OW: ~C,0/
~ J
Description Account Number WO/Function Amount
h --UT..tf .I DAi ~ -~I im. '3<f5. 71(. co. a:Kl::f //JOO, iJO
White: Finance Department
Yellow: Department to be Oiarged
Pink: Department to be Credited
Lake Washinton Milfoil Control
ADDRESS: 1055 South Grady Way
Renton ZIP: 98055
1. Kennydale Beach Park
Lk. Wa. Blvd. @North 361h St 98055
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-430-6600
2. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park
APPLICANT (if other than owner)
1201 Lake Washington Blvd. North 98055
3. Renton Municipal Airport
NAME: 616 West Perimeter Road 98055
COMPANY (if applicable):
1. Kennydale Beach Park 334210358001
ADDRESS: 2. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 334450077501
CITY: ZIP: 3. Renton Municipal Airport 072305900705
1. Kennydale Beach Park, Vacant(Park, Public
CONT ACT PERSON Swimming beach)
NAME: Jerry Rerecich
2. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Park, Public
Swimming Beach
COMPANY (if applicable): City of Renton
Recreation Director
3. Renton Municipal Airport, Air Terminal (float plane
Kennydale-RSF, Coulon-RLD, Airport-EA-I
425-430-6615 jrerecich@ci.renton.wa.us (if applicable): NA
Q: web/ pw/ devserv / forms/p 1 ann in g/mastcrapp. doc 07/07/06
BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA
2. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park R-1 (P)
BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA
3. Renton Municipal Airport IM(P) BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA
BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA
PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NA
applicable): NA
SITE AREA (in square feet): NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA
Total treat men! areas is approximately 3 acres, or PROJECT VALUE: NA
130, 680 square feet. There will be four treatment
areas, all about the same size. the swimming area at IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF
Kennydale, the swimming area and the boat launch at ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE
Gene Coulon, and the sea plane area at the Airport. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable):
ACRE (if applicable): NA D SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES 130,680 sq. ft.
NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NA D WETLANDS sq. ft.
NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NA The land along the rim of Lake Washington is considered to
be a Seismic Hazard area, but the project site (in the lake) is
not. There is also a fiood hazard area on the shoreline
adjacent to the project site at the airport, but the entire
project site is in the water. As a result, the entire project site
is within the shoreline.
(Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included)
Q: we b/pw / devserv/forms/p I rum ing/mastcrapp. doc 2 07/07/06
List all land use applications being applied for:
1. Environmental Review 3.
2. Shoreline Exemption 4.
Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $
I, (Print Name/s) ,)€-f'r--j f\. t r,e <2_ ;' c_h , declare that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property
involved in this application or ....t..c.::_ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing
statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Signature of Owner/Representative)
(Signature of Owner/Representative)
Q: weh/ pw / devserv / fonns/pl ann ing/ma.~terapp. doc
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,j t', t fe k( t( C I(:. / \
signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their f~e and voluntary act for the
uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Notary (Print)_,~J .. o~'~)c~·~-,LJ~_,;LLLZ~-~<; __ ~c-· Lt~ILzL· -
My appointment expires:
3 07/07106
. . . . ·. ·. REQUIREME;N'fS: > < ...•. · .... ·•····.. . .BY: >. BY: . . . •. < COMME.NTS:
. . ' ·_·
Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4
. . ·.·· .
;"_. ·:= .
·.· .. ··•·· ........ •. .··.· .. ·.·.... .. . . ••.• ......•..... · .... ·.··. ··. ·· ... · .·
·-·::·.·.· ·: ::·, '.: ·.'::'' .. :· ·:·.· ·--:... ·:_' ·. _:_ .·,' :
Plat Certificate or Title Report 4
Plaf:NSffi·E:{R-e.servatib-0::4: ,_:::· -· -· =·.=.:,:: _ .. : :-=<· -__ -_·= ·_··< -=-= .. : ._ .. :.<:·.:=-::<=· · · .. ·_-· · :.:: ·. ··=:: ::;:·; = =· · -'::::-, ·-
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Pre-Application Meeting Summary 4 n1\1
Rehabilitation Plan 4
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Site Plan 2AND• ~/--ow ,qe,vi· I fy'('.iY;, ~ itpp0~hn-,.__,
S!i~llrll P(Lake Study; Sta11clar4f > < I < . / . ·• ··. ·· ? ~ / ··• > i~ ~vri'U Wt#tf j 1{;,.tz~trt
/1,l'l I ., Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental• u I V , ,
siream or Lak!l Mjiigation Pl.i11 f ·•·•· ·. ··· •• · · ·. · · • . · ·•· • · • ·• ·· .·• ·· · · < ·. ·· .•... ) i · · · ·····.,;; · · ..... ·. · ·• . • < • ·• •. · ··• , \ ... ·. ·. •· · · ·· . · ... ····. · ·. •• • .• ·i · · · .. ·· ··· • · •• ·· · • i
Street Profiles 2 t··" .. ·=·-'-:·=·--t)-'--.. M---, ___ .. .... -...... .:_:::=·-':·-·==_-:.,-.. = -·-··-_ .. -. :c.-:c::.:c::-:-:: .. :,, __ ... :,, .-'.·:·. ,-:· __ .... :.-.. : · .. __ ,. ____ -=-=.:-. _·=-:' •. --·-·:-'-'=. : .. -.(1:p<:>grap _Y-· -clP?: .. -.. :=<·= .. -:,. _= .. =·=:---->-=-·,_.-·-__ -., -··TN.-~-.=.: ._:.-.:1":.:=:<·· .. =-:.:-··· ... , ... ·.=-' =._,.: --= ----·, .. :_ ... .-< .. , ..... _ _ _ .... -.=-:=
Traffic Study 2 ~
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Urban Center Design Overlay District Report 4
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Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 3TY1
Wetliin4& Mitig;;,tion Pllcin; f'(,:,Jihiiil~iy;( ·.····.·· ·.·.··•· •..• ·.·••··••··•·••·• ............ ,)'i!'J •.•.. · ··.. < < · .····. ·.· .. ·.·.·.•··••· < • ..•..•........ · · < ...... .
Wetlands Assessment 4 o'f1
Wireless: .. . • . • • •. < ••• I•> < ·. • •• • .i • •• < • .. . .........•..• •• • •<
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Applicant Agreement Statement zAND3
Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3
Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3
Map of View Area 2 AND,
Photo simulations 2 AND,
This requirement may be waived by: , •• I t1"l.e.~(V\11h"1 W, j IL:.;/ u/,ffyd(
1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: (....81'-C,, LN p-., ~ JD 'f"
2. Public Works Plan Review Section Jr, .£ , ( ''·, 1-00 (,
3. Building Section DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DATE: ---'"'-'-""""-'--=-~~T~--------
4. Development Planning Section CITY OF RENTON
JUL O 7 2006
Q;\WEB\PW.OEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waivers.xls 2 05/22/2006
REQIJIREM12Nts .. : .. · ..................
Calculations 1
Coloredfy1apsfor Display I .•.
Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4
Density Worki;heei 4 .
Drainage Control Plan 2
Draina.ge R¢pott 2
Grading Plan, Detailed 2
Landscape Plan, Detailed 4
lle~al Dei;tnpuqn .;
Map of Existing Site Conditions 4
Neighbl)rh()l)i:I DetaJI Map • ••
.. BY: BYf
This requirement may be waived by:
1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: v~kw-a$~,.~f11,i i,ui(J,i I C4~-hl(
2. Public Works Plan Review Section
3. Building Section
4. Development Planning Section
' ~ . "':·,.:., . ' .
' .. ' • __ ,..~ N ... ~'
DATE: ___ {J_.(_t-lt/(f---0_(, __ _
Lake Washington Milfoil Control Narrative
The purpose of this project is to eradicate milfoil from selected portions of Lake
Washington that includes the bathing beaches at Kennydale Beach, Coulon Beach, the
boat harbor at Coulon Park and the seaplane area adjacent to the north end of Renton
Milfoil is an aquatic weed that grows in warm weather and may eventually reach the
surface of the water under ideal growing conditions. Often time's milfoil grows so
prolifically that it prevents waterways access due to entanglement. Milfoil is also easily
attached to boater's propellers and may be inadvertedly transported to other bodies of
water that are otherwise clear of milfoil.
The size of the area to be treated is approximately three acres.
No improvements to the area will be done other than to treat the milfoil. Treatment of
milfoil will be accomplished by spraying the aforementioned areas with a spray boom
that will be lowered beneath the surface of the water to a depth of six feet. The product
being used is Renovate 3, Triclopyr TEA, EPA #62719-6790. Typically after the
application the milfoil will wither and die, thus reopening the waterway. After application
there will be a twelve-hour window prior to allowing the beaches to open to the public if
application takes place during swim season.
The estimated cost of this project is approximately $10,000.00.
JUL O 7 2006
City of Renton Development Services Division
1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231
JUL O 7 2006
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to
consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the
quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the
agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be
done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required.
This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal.
Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your
proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most
precise information known, or give the best description you can.
You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases,
you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need
to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write
"do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary
delays later.
Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark
designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can
assist you.
The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of
time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal
or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your
answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant
adverse impact.
Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not
For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the
checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal,"
"proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc07/07/06
1. Name of proposed project, if applicable:
Lake Washington Milfoil Control
2. Name of applicant:
City of Renton
3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:
1055 S. Grady Way
Renton, Wa 89055
Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director
4. Date checklist prepared:
June 30, 2006
5. Agency requesting checklist:
City of Renton
6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable):
Annually to begin in 2006 for ten (10) years during the window as allowed by State of Washington
7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected
with this proposal? If yes, explain.
8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared,
directly related to this proposal.
The Washington State Department of Ecology has completed a Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement on Aquatic Pesticide Permits. It can be viewed at
9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals
directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain.
10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known.
City of Renton Environmental Review, City of Renton Shoreline Exemption, Washington State
Aquatic Plan and Algae Management and General Permit,
11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the
project and site.
The proposal includes the application of an aquatic herbicide to control milfoil overgrowth
in three locations in Lake Washington. Locations include the sea plane area at the Renton
Municipal Airport, the swimming beach and boat launch areas at Gene Coulon Park, and
the swimming beach area at Kennydale Beach Park. Combined, this represents a three
acre application, roughly divided into equal size areas between the four locations.
Application will occur a maximum of one time per year. The duration of this project is ten
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 2
years. The pesticide is FDA approved and will be administered in accordance with best
management practices and all Department of Ecology Conditions.
12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise
location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and
range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries
of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if
reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not
required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this
Legal Descriptions and Map attached to Master Application.
1. Kennydale Beach Park-Lake Washington Blvd and North 36t11 Street. NE Y. OF SECTION
2. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park -1201 Lake Washington Blvd. North. SW Y. OF
3. Renton Municipal Airport-616 West Perimeter Road 98055 NORTH Y, OF SECTION 2
a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous,
other _____ _
NA-Project entirely within the waters of Lake Washington.
b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?)
c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat,
muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any
prime farmland.
NA-lake bottom.
d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so,
e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed.
Indicate source of fill.
f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 3
g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project
construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any:
2. AIR
a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile,
odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If
any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known.
b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so,
generally describe.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any:
a. Surface Water:
1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-
round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type
and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into.
The application will be done in Lake Washington, at the Gene Coulon Memorial
Beach Park swimming area, the Kennydale Beach Park swimming area and, the end
of the runway for the Renton Municipal Air Port.
2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described
waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.
Yes, see attached
3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from
surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected.
Indicate the source of fill material.
C:\Documents and Settings\jrerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 4
4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan.
No, the entire project is within the water. However, the land adjacent to the site at
the Renton Municipal Airport is considered a flood plain.
6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so,
describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.
b. Ground Water:
1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give
general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other
sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following
chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of
such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of
animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve.
c. Water Runoff (including storm water):
1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and
disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water
flow into other waters, If so, describe.
2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe.
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if
a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site:
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 5
__ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other
__ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other
__ grass
__ pasture
__ crop or grain
__ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other
_L water plants: water lily, eel grass,~other
__ other types of vegetation
b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered?
No vegetation will be removed, but the purpose of the project is to prevent milfoil
overgrowth, so milfoil growth will be affected.
c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site.
Puget Sound Chinook -threatened
Steelhead and Coho-proposed under ESA
d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance
vegetation on the site, if any:
a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known
to be on or near the site:
Birds:<fiawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, otheD~--------
Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other _________ _
Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _Chinook, Coho, Steelhead and
b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site.
Puget Sound Chinook -threatened
Steelhead and Coho-proposed under ESA
c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain
d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:
Per DOE guidelines, the treatment is limited to 2.5 ppm a.e. for the treatment area per
annual growing season to provide the strongest protection of beneficial native plants that
provide habitat for juvenile salmon and other aquatic life in the wetlands, estuaries, and
marshes into which the treated water may flow.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 6
a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the
completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating,
manufacturing, etc.
b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so,
generally describe.
c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal?
List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:
a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk
of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this
proposal? If so, describe.
The chemical produce used in this project is approved by the FDA to treat and prevent
milfoil overgrowth. Proper application procedure, according to best management
practices and DOE conditions/guidelines should not pose any toxic risk.
1) Describe special emergency services that might be required.
2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any:
Product will be applied according to best management practices and DOE conditions and
guidelines. This includes applying the product under the water to prevent aerial drift,
limiting the application of the product to the recommended level during the annual
growing season, and closing recreation areas for at least 12 hours after application.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 7
b. Noise
1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic,
equipment, operation, other)?
2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a
short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)?
Indicate what hours noise would come from the site.
3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any:
a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties?
Kennydale Beach Park is currently a public recreation site adjacent to a residential
neighborhood and rail right-of-way. Coulon Park is currently a public recreation site
adjacent to residential, commercial, and industrial uses. The Renton Municipal Airport is
in industrial use as an airfield, and is surrounded by primarily industrial and commercial
b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe.
c. Describe any structures on the site.
The site is completely in the waters of Lake Washington, but there are structures and
docks extending over the water for boat launch, swimming area, and walkways.
d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what?
e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?
Kennydale Beach Park-R-8 Residential-eight units per net acre. Gene Coulon Park-RC-
Resource Conservation. Renton Municipal Airport-IM-Industrial Medium.
f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site?
Kennydale Beach Park-RSF (Residential Single Family), Gene Coulon Park-RLD
(Residential Low Density), Renton Municipal Airport-EA-I (Employment Area-Industrial).
g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site?
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 8
This area is designated as a Significant Water of the State.
h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so,
None of the project site has been classified as environmentally sensitive. However,
adjacent to the Renton Municipal Airport site, the land is within the 100 year flood plain,
and all the adjacent land along the Lake Washington Shoreline is in a Seismic Hazard
i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project?
j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace?
k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any:
I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land
uses and plans, if any:
This project ensures that the adjacent land use can be used as intended. Overgrowth of
milfoil could potential impair the use of the adjacent park and recreation and airport
facilities for their intended purposes.
a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle,
or low-income housing.
b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high,
middle, or low-income housing.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:
a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the
principal exterior building material(s) proposed.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 9
b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any:
a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly
b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views?
c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any:
a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?
Shoreline uses such as swimming, boating, fishing. Parks and recreation uses
including play structures, trails, athletic fields and courts, and picnic areas.
b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe.
Boat launch and swimming uses would be restricted for 12 hours after the
application of the product.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation
opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any:
Application would occur during "off hours" to minimize the disruption of
recreational uses.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 10
a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local
preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe.
b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or
cultural importance known to be on or next to the site.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any:
a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the
existing street system. Show on site plans, if any.
b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the
nearest transit stop?
c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the
project eliminate?
d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or
streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or
e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation?
If so, generally describe.
f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If
known, indicate when peak volumes would occur.
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Mitfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 11
g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:
a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire
protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe.
b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any.
a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service,
telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other.
NA-The site is entirely within the waters of Lake Washington and is not served by
utilities. However, there is a sewer line that runs through a portion of the
application area in the Kennydale Beach Park site. It should not be affected.
b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and
the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be
I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and
complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance
that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or
willful lack of full disclosure on my part.
Name Printed:
C:\Documents and Settings~rerecich\Local Settings\Temp\Milfoil Enviromental check sheet.doc 12
-.::,. . ,'
JUL O 7 2006
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nearshore Habitat Use
by Juvenile Chinook
Salmon in Lentic
Systems of the Lake
Washington Basin
Annual Report, 2003 and 2004
March 2006 By Roger A. Tab or, Howard A. Gearns,
Charles M Mc Coy III and Sergio Camacho
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Western Washingto n Fish & Wildlife Office
Lacey, Washington
Seattle •
Utilities ~ ••'-1° Funded by Seattle Public Utilities (City of Seattle) and
the City of Mercer Island
Roger A. Tabor, Howard A. Gearns, Charles M. McCoy IIl 1, and Sergio Camacho 2
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office
Fisheries Division
510 Desmond Drive SE, Suite I 02
Lacey, Washington 98503
1Present address: Mason County, Planning Department, PO Box 279, Shelton, WA
2Present address: University of Washington, College of Forestry Resources, PO Box
352100, Seattle, WA 98195-2100
In 2003 and 2004, we continued our assessment of juvenile Chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) habitat use in the nearshore areas of Lake Washington and
Lake Sammamish. Additional work was conducted in Lake Quinault to study habitat
features that are rare in the Lake Washington basin and serve as a more natural "reference
system" to Lake Washington. Juvenile Chinook salmon are found in Lake Washington
and Lake Sammamish between January and July, primarily in the littoral zone. Little is
known of their habitat use in lakes, as ocean-type Chinook salmon rarely occur in lakes
throughout their natural distribution. Research efforts in 2003 and 2004 focused on
juvenile Chinook salmon distribution, residence time and movements, shoreline structure
use (woody debris, overhanging vegetation, and emergent vegetation), depth distribution,
use ofnonnatal tributaries, feeding at the mouths of tributaries, abundance at restoration
sites, and behavior of migrating smolts. Data on Chinook salmon habitat use were
collected primarily through snorkel surveys.
We repeatedly surveyed nine index sites in 2003 in south Lake Washington to
examine the temporal and spatial distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon. We surveyed
four sites on the east shoreline, four on the west shoreline, and one on Mercer Island.
Similar to 2002 results, the two sites closest to the Cedar River had substantially higher
densities of Chinook salmon from the beginning of February to the end of May than the
other seven sites. Overall, the abundance of Chinook salmon displayed a strong, negative
relationship with the shoreline distance from the mouth of the Cedar River to each site.
Juvenile Chinook salmon were present on Mercer Island on each survey date.
To better understand the residence time and movement patterns of juvenile
Chinook salmon, we conducted a marking study at Gene Coulon Park. Approximately
100 Chinook salmon (mean, 45 mm fork length) were collected from each of two sites
and each group was marked with a different color of dye and were later released where
they were captured. At 1, 7, 15 and 21 days after release, we snorkeled the entire
shoreline of Gene Coulon Park at night to look for marked fish. Results indicated many
Chinook salmon remain in a small area. We never found any Chinook salmon that had
moved more than 150 m. The median distance moved within the study area remained the
same from day I to day 21 but the number of marked fish observed declined
substantially. Therefore, it is possible that some fish moved outside of our survey area.
We continued to monitor restoration sites, both pre-and post-project, to help
determine iflake-shoreline habitat can be improved for juvenile Chinook salmon rearing.
A restoration project at Seward Park was completed in December 200 I. The restoration
site as well as other Seward Park shoreline sites were surveyed in 2002-2004 and
compared to 2001 data. Numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon were generally low for
each year. Overall, we found no evidence of increased Chinook salmon use of the
Seward Park restoration site.
We also continued to collect baseline information at Beer Sheva Park and Martha
Washington Park. In addition, we also began collecting baseline data at Rainier Beach
Lake Park and Marina and the old Shuffieton Power Plant Outflow site. The boat ramp
area at Beer Sheva Park had high densities of Chinook salmon, and there appear to be
sufficient numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon at Beer Sheva Park to rear at the mouth of
Mapes Creek if it were restored. Overall, restoration sites close to the mouth of the Cedar
River likely have a higher chance of success than further north sites because juvenile
Chinook salmon are substantially more abundant near the mouth of the Cedar River than
at more northerly sites.
Both day and night surveys were conducted to better quantify the water depth of
the area where juvenile Chinook salmon are located. Daytime surveys consisted of
surface observations of juvenile Chinook salmon feeding at the surface. Surveys were
conducted once every two weeks from February to June. Nighttime surveys were
conducted once a month from March to May and consisted of a series of perpendicular
snorkel/scuba diving transects between 0-and 3-m depth. During the day from February
19 to April l 4, Chinook salmon were only observed in water between 0-and 0.5-m deep.
From late April to June, surface feeding activity by Chinook salmon was observed in
progressively deeper water and by June most activity was observed in an area where the
water was between 2-and 3-m deep. Results of nighttime surveys clearly showed that
juvenile Chinook salmon progressively shift to deeper waters as they grow.
In 2002, we surveyed 17 tributaries and found juvenile Chinook salmon are often
present at the tributary mouths. We surveyed six tributaries in 2003 and 2004 to
determine if Chinook salmon forage on prey items that come into the lake via the
tributary and how storm events affect the diet and abundance of juvenile Chinook
salmon. Under baseflow conditions, differences in the diet between the lake shore and
the tributary mouth were not pronounced; however, Chinook salmon at tributary mouths
do appear to utilize prey from the tributary to some extent. Chironomid pupae and adults
were the most important prey at both the tributary mouths and lakeshore sites. However,
benthic and terrestrial insects were more prevalent in the diet at tributary mouths than at
lakeshore sites. The diet breadth was usually higher at the tributary mouths than along
the lakeshore. Tributary mouths appeared to be especially valuable habitat for Chinook
salmon during high streamflow conditions. Tue diet breadth was much broader at high
stream flow than during base stream flow conditions. A large percentage of the diet during
high streamflow conditions consisted ofbenthic prey such as chironomid larvae and
oligochaetes. These prey items were a minor component of the diet at tributary mouths
during base streamflow conditions and at lakeshore sites. At May Creek, we were also
able to demonstrate that the abundance of Chinook salmon can increase during a high
flow event.
Of the 17 tributaries examined in 2002, Johns Creek was by far the most used by
Chinook salmon. We continued surveys of Johns Creek in 2003 and 2004, to determine
the spatial and temporal distribution of Chinook salmon within the tributary. We
surveyed the lower 260 m of the creek once every two to three weeks. Results from
Johns Creek indicated that Chinook salmon extensively use this nonnatal tributary from
year to year. They use slow-water habitats and moved into deeper habitats as they
increased in size. Density of Chinook salmon in the convergence pool was considerably
lower than in pools and glides upstream. The convergence pool is larger and deeper than
the other habitats and has very low water velocities. Also, other fish species, including
predators, were often present in the convergence pool and rare or absent in the other
An overhanging vegetation/small woody debris (OHV/SWD) experiment was
conducted in Gene Coulon Park in 2003. We compared the abundance of Chinook
salmon at two shoreline sections with OHV and S WD to two sections with only SWD
and to two sections where no structure was added. The site was surveyed during two
time periods; March 24 through April 9 and May 2 through 16. During daytime in the
early time period, we found a significantly higher abundance of Chinook salmon at the
OHV/SWD sites than the other two shoreline types. Large numbers of Chinook salmon
were located directly under the OHV. At night, no significant difference was detected.
Also, there was no significant difference during the late time period (May 2 through 16),
either day or night. Results indicated that overhead cover is an important habitat element
early in the season; however, an additional experiment is needed to determine if OHV
alone is used as intensively as OHV is in combination with SWD.
Because large woody debris (L WD) and emergent vegetation are rare in Lake
Washington, we examined their use by juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault.
Nearshore snorkel transects were surveyed in 2004 during a 2-week period in April and a
2-week period in June. The nearshore area was divided into one of five habitat types:
open beach, bedrock, emergent vegetation, L WD, or tributary mouth. During the April
daytime surveys, tributary mouths generally had higher numbers of Chinook salmon than
the other habitat types and bedrock sites often had a lower number. Beach, emergent
vegetation, and LWD sites were not significantly different from each other. Within L WD
sites, juvenile Chinook salmon were often resting directly under a large piece of L WD.
There was no difference in their nighttime abundance between habitat types. In June, few
Chinook salmon were observed during the day except at tributary mouths. Apparently,
Chinook salmon were further offshore during the day. At night, they were abundant in
the nearshore area but there was no difference in their abundance between habitat types.
Earlier Lake Washington work in June 2001 indicated that Chinook salmon can
be observed moving along the lake shoreline. In 2003 and 2004, we undertook a more in-
depth sampling approach to determine when they can be observed. Additionally, we
wanted to collect information on their behavior in relation to piers. In 2003 and 2004,
weekly observations (May-July) were conducted at one site, a public pier near McClellan
Street. Observations at other piers were only conducted when large numbers of Chinook
salmon had been seen at McClellan Pier. The timing of the migration appeared to
coincide with the June moon apogee, which has been also suggested to be related to the
passage of Chinook salmon smolts at the Ballard Locks. When migrating Chinook
salmon approach a pier they appear to move to slightly deeper water and either pass
directly under the structure or swim around the pier. The presence of Eurasian milfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum) appeared to cause juvenile Chinook salmon to be further
offshore in deeper water. The top of the milfoil appeared to act as the bottom of the
water column to Chinook salmon. At some piers with extensive milfoil growth, Chinook
salmon were located on the outside edge of the pier and the pier had little effect on their
A summary table is presented below which lists various habitat variables and
displays conclusions about each variable for three time periods (Table I). The table was
developed from results of this report as well as two earlier reports (fabor and Piaskowski
2002, Tabor et al. 2004b ).
TABLE 1.--Summary table of juvenile Chinook salmon habitat use during three time periods in Lake
Washington. Summary designations are based on 2001 (fabor and Piaskowski 2001), 2002 results (Tabor
et al. 2004b) and 2003-2004 results presented in this repon. (++ indicates a strong preference+ indicates a
slight to moderate preference;= indicates no selection (positive or negative); -indicates a slight to
moderate negative selection; --indicates a strong negative selection; ?? indicates that no data is available;
and (?) indicates that only preliminary data is available. Sand/gr. indicates sand and gravel.
February -March Aeril -mid-Ma;r mid-Ma)'. -June
Habitat variable Da)'. Night Dar Night Da)'. Night
Water column depth (m) 0.2-1.3 0.1-0.5 ?? 0.2-0.9 (?)0.5· 7+ (?)0.2· 7+
Location in water column entire bottom middle/top bottom middle/top (?) bottom
Behavior schooled, solitary, schooled, solitary, schooled, ??
feeding resting feeding resting feeding
Distance from shore (m) 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 variable variable
Substrate sand/gr. sand/gr. ?? sand/gr. ?? ??
Slope <20% <20% <20%, <20% ?? ??
Bulkheads ?? ?? ??
Rip rap ?? ?? ??
Small woody debris + + ?? ??
Large woody debris + ?? ??
Overhanging vegetation ++ + (?) = (?) =
Overhead structures + (?)-(?)-(?) --
Emergent vegetation + + (?)= (?) =
Aquatic marcophytes (?) + (?)-(?) -(?)-(?) -(?) -
Tributaries (law gradient. small ++ ++ + + + +
streams, and close to natal stream)
Tributary mouth ++ ++ ++ ++ + +
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. viii
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. I
STUDY SITE ..................................................................................................................... I
CHAPTER 1. INDEX SITES .......................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2. RESIDENCE TIME AND MOVEMENTS ......................................... 15
CHAPTER 3. RESTORATION SITES ....................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 4. DEPTH SELECTION ........................................................................... 33
CHAPTER 5. FEEDING AT TRIBUTARY MOUTHS ............................................ 38
CHAPTER 6. USE OF NONNATALTRIBUTARIES .............................................. 54
EXPERIMENT ............................................................................................................... 67
CHAPTER 8. LAKE QUINAULT SURVEYS ........................................................... 72
CHINOOK SALMON IN LAKE WASHINGTON ..................................................... 8 I
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................. 88
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 89
List of Tables
Table Page
TABLE 1.--Summary table of juvenile Chinook salmon habitat use during three time
periods in Lake Washington ...................................................................................... v
TABLE 2. -Distance from the mouth of the Cedar River and habitat characteristics of
index sites surveyed in southern Lake Washington, February to July, 2003 ............. 7
TABLE 3. -Streamflow conditions (cfs) at six tributaries used to determine the
abundance and diet of Chinook salmon at the tributary mouths in south Lake
Washington and south Lake Sammamish ................................................................ 41
TABLE 4. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at the mouth ofKennydale
Creek, 2003 .............................................................................................................. 45
TABLE 5. -Diet overlap indices (C) and diet breadth indices (B) of the mouth of
Kennydale Creek and a lakeshore reference site, Lake Washington, 2003. . .......... 46
TABLE 6. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon along the shoreline of Lake
Washington and at three tributary mouths of Lake Washington, April 2003 .......... 47
TABLE 7. -Diet overlap indices (C) of tributary mouths in Lake Washington and Lake
Sammamish .............................................................................................................. 48
TABLE 8. -Diet breadth indices (B) of tributary mouths and lakeshore reference site in
Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish ................................................................. 48
TABLE 9. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at three locations (one
shoreline site and two sites at the mouths of tributaries) in south Lake Sammamish,
April 16 to 21, 2003 ................................................................................................. 49
TABLE 10. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at the mouth of May Creek,
2004 under two stream flow conditions .................................................................... 50
TABLE 11. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at the mouth of Taylor Creek,
March 2004 under two streamflow conditions ......................................................... 51
TABLE 12. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon in Johns Creek, 2003 ......... 63
TABLE 13. -Diet overlap index (C) and diet breadth index (B) of juvenile Chinook
salmon from Johns Creek and Lake Washington, 2003 .......................................... 64
TABLE 14. -Dates surveyed and general habitat conditions of south Lake Washington
piers used to observe migrating juvenile Chinook salmon in June 2004 ................. 81
List of Figures
FIGURE 1.--Map of the Lake Washington basin showing the major streams and lakes.
Cedar Falls is a natural barrier to anadromous salmonids ........................................ 3
FIGURE 2.-Location of index sites in south Lake Washington used to study the temporal
and spatial distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon .................................................. 6
FIGURE 3.-Relationship (logarithmic function) between the mean juvenile Chinook
salmon density and the shoreline distance to the mouth of the Cedar River in south
Lake Washington, 2003 .............................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 4.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) at four east shoreline sites and
four west shoreline sites in south Lake Washington, 2003 ....................................... I 0
FIGURE 5.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) along two depth contours; 0.4
m (solid line) and 0.7 m (dashed line) at two sites in south Lake Washington, 2003
................................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 6.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m2) at three Mercer Island sites
and two east shoreline sites, Lake Washington, February to June, 2004 ................. 12
FIGURE 7-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) at two shoreline sites in south
Lake Washington, February to June, 2002 to2004 ................................................... 13
FIGURE 8.-Map of south Lake Washington displaying the shoreline of Gene Coulon
Park surveyed (balded line) to determine movements of juvenile Chinook salmon,
March to April 2003 ................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 9. -Number of marked Chinook salmon observed I, 7, 15, and 21 days after
release (March 24), Gene Coulon Park, south Lake Washington, 2003 ................... 17
FIGURE IO-Map of south Lake Washington displaying the overall shoreline area (dashed
lines) where marked Chinook salmon were found for each release group ............... 18
FIGURE 11. -Median distance (m, ± range) moved from release site of two groups of
marked Chinook salmon, Gene Coulon Park, south Lake Washington, 2003 .......... 19
FIGURE I 2. -Frequency of the distance moved (20-m increments) from the release site
by marked Chinook salmon for each survey date, Gene Coulon Park, south Lake
Washington, 2003 ..................................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 13. -Number of marked Chinook salmon in Gene Coulon Park (south Lake
Washington) that moved away from and towards the mouth of the Cedar River,
March-April 2003 ..................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 14.-Location of snorkel transects in Seward Park, Lake Washington, March to
July, 2002. Sites 3a and 3b are the completed restoration site, a substrate
modification project finished in December 2001 ...................................................... 23
FIGURE 15.-Map of south Lake Washington displaying restoration monitoring sites
(Martha Washington Park, Beer Sheva Park, Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina,
and Shuffieton Power Plant Outflow), and the experimental overhanging vegetation
(OIN) and small woody debris (SWD) site ............................................................. 25
FIGURE 16. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon (number/JOO m) observed at night
along three shoreline areas of Seward Park, south Lake Washington, 2003 ............ 26
FIGURE 17. -Monthly abundance (mean number per 100 m of shoreline) of juvenile
Chinook salmon observed during night snorkel surveys of six shoreline sites in
Seward Park, south Lake Washington, 2001-2003 ................................................... 27
FIGURE 18. -Mean abundance (number observed per 100 m of shoreline) of juvenile
Chinook salmon at the restoration site (open bars, site 3) and other sites (shaded
bars, sites 1,2,4,5,6 combined) in Seward Park, south Lake Washington, April-June
2001-2003 ................................................................................................................ 28
FIGURE 19. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon (number/JOO m) observed at night at
four sites (shoreline transects) of Seward Park, south Lake Washington, 2004 ....... 29
FIGURE 20. -Abundance (number observed per I 00 m of shoreline) of juvenile Chinook
salmon observed along the Beer Sheva Park boat ramp transect, south Lake
Washington, 2002 and 2003 ..................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 21. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/I 00 m of shoreline) at two
adjacent shoreline transects (undeveloped and marina shoreline) at the Rainier
Beach Lake Park and Marina, March-May 2003, south Lake Washington .............. 31
FIGURE 22. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/I 00 m of shoreline) at two
adjacent shoreline transects (undeveloped and marina shoreline) at the Rainier
Beach Lake Park and Marina, February to June 2004, south Lake Washington ..... 31
FIGURE 23. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/I 00 m shoreline) at the
Shuflleton Power Plant Outflow (steel wall) and an adjacent sandy beach area, south
Lake Washington (2003) ........................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 24. -Percent of surface activity observed within six depth categories (m) at
Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington, 2004 ............................................................ 35
FIGURE 25. -Selectivity values (Chesson's a) of surface activity within six depth
categories (m), Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington, 2004 .................................... 35
FIGURE 26. -Nighttime water column depth (mean± 2SE) of juvenile Chinook salmon
in Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington, 2004 ........................................................ 36
FIGURE 27.-Location of two south Lake Sammamish tributaries studied to examine the
diet of juvenile Chinook salmon at tributary mouths, March to June, 2003 ............ 39
FIGURE 28.-Location of four south Lake Washington tributaries (Taylor Creek, May
Creek, Kennydale Creek, and Kennydale Beach tributary) studied to examine the
diet of juvenile Chinook salmon at tributary mouths ............................................... 40
FIGURE 29.-Photos of sites used to collect juvenile Chinook salmon to examine the diet
at tributary mouths and lakeshore sites. The upper photo is of the mouth of
Kennydale Creek and the lower photo is of the beach seine being deployed at the
lakeshore reference site for Kennydale Creek .......................................................... 42
FIGURE 30. -Total number of Chinook salmon caught with a beach seine at the mouth of
three tributaries of south Lake Washington, 2004 ................................................... 44
FIGURE 31.-Photos of glide habitat (upper photo) and the convergence pool (lower
photo) of Johns Creek, Gene Coulon Park ............................................................... 55
FIGURE 32. -Outlet of Culvert Creek, Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington, April
2003 ........................................................................................................................... 57
FIGURE 33. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in the lower 260 m of Johns
Creek in 2003 and 2004 ............................................................................................ 58
FIGURE 34. -Mean fork length (mm,± 2 SE) of juvenile Chinook salmon in the lower
260 m of Johns Creek, 2003 .................................................................................... 58
FIGURE 35. -Mean water column depth (m) where juvenile Chinook salmon were
located in the index reach of Johns Creek, 2003 and 2004 ...................................... 59
FIGURE 36. -Density (number /m2) of juvenile Chinook salmon in three habitat types in
the lower 260 m of Johns Creek, 2003 and 2004 ..................................................... 60
FIGURE 37. -Water column depth (m) where juvenile Chinook salmon were located and
maximum depth of two scour pools in the index reach of Johns Creek, February-
May, 2004 ................................................................................................................. 61
FIGURE 38. -Mean water column depth (m) in scour pools and glides (environment) and
the mean water column depth where juvenile Chinook salmon were located in those
habitats, lower Johns Creek, February-May, 2004 ................................................... 61
FIGURE 39. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon in Johns Creek per stream length in
the convergence pool and the stream reach immediately upstream of the
convergence pool ...................................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 40. -Abundance (number perm) of juvenile Chinook salmon in Culvert Creek
(inside culvert) and at two nearby shoreline transects in Lake Washington, 2004 ... 64
FIGURE 41.-Placement of Scotch broom used to experimentally test the use of
overhanging vegetation by juvenile Chinook salmon .............................................. 68
FIGURE 42. -Mean number (±range) of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in three
habitat types during an early and late time period, Gene Coulon Park , south Lake
Washington (2003) ................................................................................................... 69
FIGURE 43.-Photo ofa group of juvenile Chinook salmon within a overhanging
vegetation/small woody debris (OHV/SWD) structure, March 27, 2003. Within this
structure, Chinook salmon were more closely associated with the OHV ................. 70
FIGURE 44. -Location ofnearshore transects used to study habitat use of juvenile
Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault, 2004 .................................................................. 73
FIGURE 45. -Photos oflarge woody debris habitat (upper photo) and emergent
vegetation habitat (lower photo) of Lake Quinault.. ................................................. 74
FIGURE 46. -April daytime nearshore abundance to I m depth (mean± 2SE; top panel)
and shoreline density (mean± 2SE; lower panel) of juvenile Chinook salmon in
Lake Quinault, 2004 ................................................................................................. 77
FIGURE 4 7. -June nighttime nearshore abundance to I m depth (mean± 2SE; top panel)
and shoreline density (mean± 2SE; lower panel).ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in
Lake Quinault, 2004 ................................................................................................. 78
FIGURE 48.-Location of south Lake Washington piers used to conduct visual
observations of migrating Chinook salmon .............................................................. 82
FIGURE 49.-Conducting visual observations of migrating Chinook salmon at the
McClellan Street pier, Lake Washington .................................................................. 84
FIGURE 50. -Percent of Chinook salmon schools occurring in half hour intervals
between 0730 h and 1100 h, McClellan Pier, Lake Washington ............................. 84
FIGURE 51. -Number of Chinook salmon schools observed on June 16, 2004 between
0600 hand 1200 hat McClellan Pier, Lake Washington ......................................... 85
FIGURE 52.-Photo ofa group of juvenile Chinook salmon moving along the shore at
McClellan Pier, Lake Washington, June 2003 ......................................................... 86
Juvenile ocean-type Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) primarily
occur in large rivers and coastal streams (Meehan and Bjomn 1991) and are not known to
commonly inhabit lake environments. Consequently, little research has been conducted
on their habitat use in lakes (Graynoth 1999). In western Washington,juvenile Chinook
salmon inhabit three major lakes, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish and Lake
Quinault. These lakes are used as either a migratory corridor from their natal stream to
the marine environment (mostly in June) or as an extended rearing location before
outmigrating (January-July) to the marine environment. Prior to 1998, little research had
been conducted on juvenile Chinook salmon in the lentic environments of the Lake
Washington system. Initial work in 1998 to 2000 focused on macrohabitat use and
indicated that juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Washington are primarily restricted to the
littoral zone until mid-May when they are large enough to move offshore (Fresh 2000).
Subsequent research in 2001 focused on mesohabitat and microhabitat use (Tabor and
Piaskowski 2002). Results indicated juvenile Chinook salmon were concentrated in very
shallow water, approximately 0.4-m depth, and prefer low gradient shorelines with small
particle substrates such as sand and gravel. Armored banks, which make up 71 % of the
Lake Washington shoreline (Toft 2001), reduce the quality and quantity of the nearshore
habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon. In 2002, research efforts focused on juvenile
Chinook salmon distribution, shoreline structure use, use of non-natal tributaries, and
abundance at restoration sites (Tabor et al. 2004b).
In 2003 and 2004, we continued to examine the habitat use of juvenile Chinook
salmon in the nearshore areas of Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish. Additionally,
we began an investigation of habitat use in Quinault Lake, a relatively pristine
environment. This report outlines research efforts which focused on juvenile Chinook
salmon distribution, use of small woody debris (S WD) and overhanging vegetation
(OHV), use of non-natal tributaries, and abundance at restoration sites.
We examined habitat use of juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Washington, Lake
Sammamish, and Lake Quinault. Lake Washington is a large monomictic lake with a
total surface area of9,495 hectares and a mean depth of33 m. The lake typically
thermally stratifies from June through October. Surface water temperatures range from
4-6EC in winter to over 20EC in summer. During winter (December to February) the
lake level is kept low at an elevation of6.l m. Starting in late February the lake level is
slowly raised from 6.1 m in January to 6.6 m by May I, and 6. 7 m by June I. The
Ballard Locks, located at the downstream end of the Ship Canal, control the lake level.
Over 78% of the lake shoreline is comprised of residential land use. Shorelines are
commonly armored with riprap or bulkheads with adjacent landscaped yards. Man-made
overwater structures (i.e., docks, piers, houses) are common along the shoreline. Natural
shoreline structures, such as SWD and large woody debris (LWD) and emergent
vegetation, are rare.
The major tributary to Lake Washington is the Cedar River, which enters the lake
at its southern end (Figure 1 ). The river originates at an approximate 1,220-m elevation,
and over its 80-km course falls 1,180 m. The lower 55 km are accessible to anadromous
salmonids. Prior to 2003, only the lower 35 km were accessible to anadromous
salmonids. Landsburg Dam, a water diversion structure, prevented Chinook salmon from
migrating further upstream. A fish ladder was completed in 2003, which allows access
past Landsburg Dam to an additional 20 km of the Cedar River. The escapement goal for
adult Cedar River Chinook salmon is 1,250; however, this goal has not been met in recent
Historically, the Duwamish River watershed, which included the Cedar River,
provided both riverine and estuarine habitat for indigenous Chinook salmon. Beginning
in 1912, drainage patterns of the Cedar River and Lake Washington were extensively
altered (Weitkamp and Ruggerone 2000). Most importantly, the Cedar River was
diverted into Lake Washington from the Duwamish River watershed, and the outlet of the
lake was rerouted through the Lake Washington Ship Canal (Figure 1). These activities
changed fish migration routes and environmental conditions encountered by migrants.
The existence of a Chinook salmon population in the Lake Washington drainage prior to
1912 is not well documented.
Lake Sammamish is within the Lake Washington basin and is located just east of
Lake Washington. Lake Sammamish has a surface area of 1,980 hectares and a mean
depth of 17.7 m. Most of the shoreline is comprised of residential land use. Issaquah
Creek is the major tributary to the lake and enters the lake at the south end (Figure !). A
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife salmon hatchery (Issaquah State Hatchery),
which propagates Chinook salmon, is located at river kilometer 4.8.
The largest run of wild Chinook salmon in the Lake Washington basin occurs in
the Cedar River. Large numbers of adult fish also spawn in Bear Creek, a tributary to the
Sammamish River, which connects lakes Washington and Sammamish (Figure I). Small
numbers of Chinook salmon spawn in several tributaries to Lake Washington and Lake
Sammamish. Most hatchery production occurs at Issaquah State Hatchery. Chinook
salmon also spawn below the hatchery in Issaquah Creek and other adults are allowed to
migrate upstream of the hatchery if the hatchery production goal of returning adults is
met. Additional hatchery production occurs at the University of Washington (UW)
Hatchery in Portage Bay. Production goals are 2 million for Issaquah State Hatchery and
I 80,000 for UW Hatchery.
Adult Chinook salmon enter the Lake Washington system from Puget Sound
through the Chittenden Locks in July through September. Peak upstream migration past
the locks usually occurs in August. Adult Chinook salmon begin entering the spawning
streams in September and continue until November. Spawning occurs from October to
December with peak spawning activity usually in November.
o 3 e 18 ---24
~lometers •rm~ -
FIGURE 1.--Map of th e Lake Washington bas in showing the major streams a nd lakes. Cedar Falls is a
natura l barrier to anad romou s sal rn o nid s. A fi sh ladder facilit y at Landsburg Dam is operated to all ow
passage for a ll salmonids except sockeye salm on. LWSC = Lake Washing ton Ship Canal. The location of
the basin wi thin Washing to n State is shown .
Fry emerge from their redds from January to March. Juvenile Chinook salmon
appear to have two rearing strategies: rear in the river and then emigrate in May or June
as pre-smolts, or emigrate as fry in January, February, or March and rear in the south end
of Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish for three to five months. Juvenile Chinook
salmon are released from the Issaquah State Hatchery in May or early June and large
numbers enter Lake Sammamish a few hours after release (B. Footen, Muckleshoot
Indian Tribe, personal communication). Juveniles migrate past the Chittenden Locks
from May to August with peak migration occurring in June. Juveniles migrate to the
ocean in their first year, and thus Lake Washington Chinook salmon are considered
"ocean-type" fish.
Besides Chinook salmon, anadromous salmonids in the Lake Washington basin
includes sockeye salmon (0. nerka), coho salmon (0. kisutch), and steelhead (0. mykiss)
Sockeye salmon are by far the most abundant anadromous salmonid in the basin . Adult
returns in excess of 350,000 fish have occurred in some years. In comparison to other
similar-sized basins in the Pacific Northwest, the Lake Washington basin is inhabited by
a relatively large number of fish species. Besides anadromous salmonids, there are 22
extant native species of fishes in the Lake Washington basin. An additional 27-28
species have been introduced, 20 of which are extant.
In addition to the lentic systems of the Lake Washington basin, we also examined
the habitat use of Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault, a natural 1,510 ha lake located in
north Grays Harbor County, Washington and part of the Quinault Indian Reservation.
The lake is approximately 6.3 km miles long and its outlet is at river kilometer 53.7 on
the Quinault River. The mean depth is 40.5 m and the maximum depth of the lake is
approximately 73 m deep. Similar to Lake Washington, Lake Quinault has steep-sloping
sides and an extensive, flat profundal zone. Some recreational and residential
development has occurred on the shores of Lake Quinault but the level of development is
minimal in comparison to Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish. Very little of the
shoreline of Lake Quinault is armored and few docks are present. Besides the Quinault
River and its tributaries, Chinook salmon have also been observed spawning in Canoe
Creek, Zeigler Creek, Gatton Creek, Falls Creek, and Willaby Creek. Preliminary
information suggests that Chinook salmon fry enter Lake Quinault later in the year than
in Lake Washington, probably due to the colder water temperatures of the Quinault River
and other natal tributaries and thus the incubation time is longer. The average
escapement for the past ten years of adult Chinook salmon above Lake Quinault is
approximately 1,500 fish . Juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault may also come
from the Quinault Indian Nation hatchery located on Lake Quinault. Approximately
300,000 to 400,000 fish are released annually. Because they are released in late summer,
they would not be present when we conducted our surveys in April and June. Besides
Chinook salmon, Lake Quinault is also an important nursery area for coho salmon and
s ockeye salmon. Unlike Lake Washington, few introduced fish species are present in
Lake Quinault. The only introduced species we observed was common carp (Cyprinus
In 2003, we continued our surveys of index sites in south Lake Washington to
detennine the temporal and spatial distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon. Index sites
were initially surveyed in 2002. Results indicated that, from January to June, juvenile
Chinook salmon were concentrated in the two sites closest to the mouth of the Cedar
River. Because of cooler water temperatures in 2002, movement to more northerly sites
may have been delayed. We repeated surveys of most of the index sites in 2003 to
examine the level of variability between years and to determine if cooler temperatures in
2002 reduced movements to more northerly locations.
Index site surveys were continued in 2004 on a limited basis to provide additional
information for the City of Mercer Island. The city is planning to remove some aging
sewer pipes along the shore of northwest Mercer Island; however, little is known about
the abundance of Chinook salmon at this location.
2003 surveys.--Twelve index sites were surveyed in 2002; however, in 2003 we
reduced the number of sites to nine so a two-person crew could easily get all the sites
surveyed in one night. Of the nine sites, four were on the west shoreline, four were on
the east shoreline and one was on Mercer Island (Figure 2). Sites typically had sand and
small gravel substrate and a gradual slope; nearshore habitat that juvenile Chinook
salmon typically prefer. Many of the sites were public swimming beaches. Habitat
conditions of each index site were measured in 2002 (Table 2). Index sites were
surveyed once every two weeks from February 4 to July 7. At each site, we surveyed a
50-to 125-m transect depending on the amount of high quality habitat available (sandy
beach with gradual slope). Two transects were surveyed at each site, 0.4-and 0.7-m
depth contour. Surveys were all done at night. Snorkelers swam parallel to shore with an
underwater flashlight, identifying and counting fish. Transects widths were standardized
to 2 .5 m (0.4-m depth) and 2 m (0.7-m depth). Snorkelers visually estimated the
transect width and calibrated their estimation at the beginning of each survey night by
viewing a pre-measured staff underwater.
Fish densities (Chinook salmon/m2
) were calculated by dividing the number of
Chinook salmon observed by the area surveyed for each site and transect. A regression
was developed between Chinook salmon density and distance of each site from the mouth
of the Cedar River.
ti'JI' D ~,
,J ······ ·ii .... r litl . ;·~ a{~ : }' .. ~
FIGURE 2.-Location of index sites in south Lake Washington used to study the temporal and spatial
distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon. In 2003 (January to July), we surveyed four sites each on the west
and east shorelin·es and East Mercer site on Mercer Island. In 2004 (February to June), the north Mercer
and northwest Mercer sites were surveyed as well as the East Mercer, Kennydalc Beach, and Gene Coulon
Beach sites. The Cedar River, the major spawning tributary for Chinook salmon in south Lake
Washington, is also shown.
TABLE 2. -Distance from the mouth of the Cedar River and habitat characteristics of index sites
surveyed in southern Lake Washington, February to July, 2003. The distance from Cedar River is an
approximate length of the shoreline from the mouth of the Cedar River to each site. The number of piers is
the number of overwater structures or piers along the transect; each pier was perpendicular to shore and
was approximately 2~3 m wide.
Distance from Transect Substrate Distance to Bulkhead
Shoreline Cedar River length I m depth length Number
Site (km) (m) Sand
Gravel Cobble (m) (m) ofeiers
113• Street 0.5 121 60 38 2 12.5 63 5
Pritchard Beach 5.7 78 98 2 0 23.3 0 0
Seward Park Beach 12 53 94 6 0 22.9 16.5 0
Mt. Baker 17 122 38 41 21 11.3 0
Gene Coulon Beach 1.3 60 100 0 0 18 0 0
Kennydale Beach 4 73 64 36 0 15 60
Newcastle Beach 9.4 66 75 16 9 19.6 0 0
Chism 13each 15 50 88 JO 2 13.3 19.3 0
Mercer Island
East Mercer 7.6 73 56 27 17 14.4 23 2
2004 surveys.--In 2004, we surveyed two new sites on the northwest part of
Mercer Island (North Mercer site and Northwest Mercer site) as well as three original
index sites (East Mercer, Kennydale Beach, Gene Coulon Beach; Figure 2). Surveys of
the original sites enabled us to make comparisons between the two new Mercer Island
sites and other areas of south Lake Washington. Both of the northwest Mercer Island
sites had a steeper slope than the original index sites. The North Mercer site was along
the shoreline of two residential homes. The transect was 92 m long (70-m bulkhead
length) and the substrate was mostly sand and gravel. The Northwest Mercer site was
located from Calkins Landing to Slater Park (two public beaches) and included four
private residential homes that were between the two beaches. The transect was 140 m
long (118-m bulkhead length) and the substrate was mostly sand and gravel. All five
sites were surveyed once every 2 weeks from February to June. Sampling at each site
was done through nighttime snorkeling and survey protocols were the same as in 2002
and 2003.
2003 surveys.--In general, results of index sites in 2003 were similar to 2002 (Tabor et
al. 2004b). The mean abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon from February 4 to May 27
was negatively related to the shoreline distance from the mouth of the Cedar River
(Figure 3). The data was best fit with a logarithmic function (abundance (y) = -0.137ln
(distance(x)) + 0.36). During this time period, the two sites closest to the Cedar River
(I 13th Street and Gene Coulon) had substantially higher densities than the other sites on
most dates (Figure 4). Unlike 2002, large numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon were
observed in February. Large numbers were observed as early as February 4 and were
present at all sites except Mt. Baker and Chism, the two furthest north sites. A high
streamflow event in the Cedar River from January 31 to February 6, coupled with a high
adult return in 2002 had apparently resulted in large numbers of fry moving downstream
in early February, which were also observed at the fry trap (Seiler et al. 2005a).
In June, there was no relationship between Chinook salmon abundance and
distance to the mouth of the Cedar River (Figure 3; log regression, r2 = 0.0012).
Generally, Chinook salmon abundance in June was higher on the west shoreline sites
(Figure 3; mean, east= 0.14 fish/m 2, west= 0.33 fish/m 2) but they were not statistically
different (Mann-Whitney Utest = 2.0, P = 0.83).
From February to April, densities of Chinook salmon were usually considerably
higher in the 0.4-m transect than the 0.7-m transect. For example, at the two southern
sites (Gene Coulon and I 13th St.) the density in the 0.4-m transect was 3.2 to 77 times
higher than in the 0.7-m transect (Figure 5). In May and June, Chinook salmon were
commonly found along both the 0.4-and 0.7-m depth contours.
2004 surveys.--Few Chinook salmon were observed at the sewer replacement
sites on Mercer Island (north and northwest sites) until May 24 (Figure 6). Substantially
more Chinook salmon were observed at the east Mercer Island site than at either of the
sewer replacement sites. Between February 7 and May I 0, juvenile Chinook salmon
were observed at the east Mercer Island site (mean density, 0.045 fish/m2) on each survey
night; whereas they were only present on 2 of 8 nights at the northwest site (mean
density, 0.0042 fish/m 2) and on I of 5 nights at the north site (mean density, 0.0008
fish/m2). On June I 0, several Chinook salmon were observed at each Mercer Island site
and the density at each site was substantially higher than at the two east shoreline sites
(Figure 6). Many of these fish may have been Issaquah hatchery fish, which had been
released in late May.
Abundance of Chinook salmon at Gene Coulon and Kennydale in 2004 was
generally lower than either 2002 or 2003 (Figure 7). Peak abundance in Gene Coulon
was 1.14 fish/m2 in 2002 and 0.80 fish/m 2 in 2003; whereas it was only 0.27 fish/m 2 in
2004. In contrast, 2004 abundance of Chinook salmon at the east Mercer Island site was
generally the same as or higher than 2002 or 2003.
'E 0.6 y = -0.137Ln(x) + 0.36 • r2 = 0.81 -"' 0.4 0
:E 0.2 u
0 X
0 5 10 15 20
Distance to Cedar River
0.08 June y = 0.0005Ln(x) + 0.026
'E 0.03 r2 = 0.0012 -X "' 0 0 0.04 0 0 0
:E u 0.02 • •
• 0
0 •
0 5 10 15 20
Distance to Cedar River
FIGURE 3.---Relationship (logarithmic function) between the mean juvenile Chinook salmon density and
the shoreline distance to the mouth of the Cedar River in south Lake Washington, 2003. The February-
May density represents the mean of nine surveys dates from February 4 to May 27. The June density
represents the mean of June 9 and June 23. Sites include four west shoreline sites (open circles), four east
shoreline sites (solid diamonds) and one site on Mercer Island (cross mark). The distance to the Cedar
River for the Mercer Island site includes the distance from Coleman Point to South Point (see Figure 2).
1 West shoreline
N 0.8
E :;z 0.6 --+--113th St.
0 .. -o-. -Pritchard 0
E 0.4 -...--&sward u ,o. 0.2 -->< --Mt. Baker 'O.
Feb Mar Apr May Jut
1 East shoreline
N -+-Gene Coulon E :;z 0.6 -•. o-.. Kenny dale 8 -....--NeY.castle C 0.4 6 0 •• .. -·><·-Oiism
0.2 t) -•• o ..
'o-··"°··-o .. ,
Feb Mar Apr May Jui
FIGURE 4.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) at four east shoreline sites and four west
shoreline sites in south Lake Washington, 2003. Data represents the mean of nighttime snorkel transects
along two depth contour,; 0.4 and 0. 7 m.
1.6 Gene Coulon beach
N 1.2 E ~
0 0.8 C
O_·:_:·o-···-0. ·o 'o .•
Feb Mar Apr May Jun
1.6 113th St
N 1.2 E ~
0 0 0.8 C
0. .
. . . . o· .-. o-. -. -o·
Feb Mar Apr May Jun
FIGURE 5.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) along two depth contours; 0.4 m (solid line)
and 0.7 m (dashed line) at two sites in south Lake Washington, 2003
0.3 IVlercer Island
E 0.2
:iz --+-East 0
C ·-~ 6 0.1
0 -Feb Mar Apr May Ju
0.3 East shoreline
E 0.2
:iz 1==~001 0
6 0.1
O·O ·o.
Feb Mar Apr May Ju
FIGURE 6.-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) at three Mercer Island sites and two east
shoreline sites, Lake Washington, February to June, 2004. Data represents the mean of two nighttime
snorkel transects (0.4-and 0.7-m depth contours).
I 0.8
0 0.6 0
:E 0.4
Gene Coulon beach
Feb Mar
_.o, X
' .
···X"· 2003
b-x .. ~--~--~~~ ...... x-+-------------
Apr May Jun Jul
0.20 East Mercer Is.
N 0.15
I \
/ I
/ I
lq X. • IX I X I \ ,/\.. A.··' I • ,, .._'!It -:.x· "\
I \ : ,, a-:..,. ~--\
· • ·X· • • 2003
~l-x ... ~/ ~~x···x
0.00 +---+-----~--~--~--~-~
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
FIGURE 7-Juvenile Chinook salmon density (number/m 2) at two shoreline sites in south Lake
Washington, February to June, 2002 to 2004. Data represents the mean of two nighttime snorkel transects
(0.4-and 0.7-m depth contours).
Similar to results of 2002, juvenile Chinook salmon were concentrated in the
south end of Lake Washington from February to May. Washington Department of Fish
and Wildlife conducted a beach seining project in Lake Washington in 1998 and 1999
and observed the same trend that we observed (Fresh 2000). Shortly after emergence,
juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Coleridge, New Zealand were found 240 m away from
the mouth of their natal streams. After a couple of months they were found about 740 m
away from the natal stream but absent at 7 km away (Graynoth 1999). Therefore, it
appears that the lake shore area near the natal stream is an important nursery area for
juvenile Chinook salmon. In Lake Washington, the major part of this nursery area
appears to be roughly from Pritchard Beach on the west shoreline and the mouth of May
Creek on the east shore and the south part of Mercer Island. The distance from the mouth
of the Cedar River to the edge of the nursery area is around 6 km. North of this area, the
number of Chinook salmon would be expected to be relatively low until mid-May or
June. Because Chinook salmon are closely associated with nearshore habitats from
February to May, restoring and protecting shallow water areas in the south end would be
particularly valuable. Shoreline improvements in more northern locations would be
beneficial, but the overall effect to the Chinook salmon population would be small in
comparison to restoration efforts in the south end.
In Lake Quinault, juvenile Chinook salmon in April were relatively small but
appeared to have dispersed around the entire lake. Lake Quinault is much smaller than
Lake Washington and there are natal systems on the east and south shorelines and every
shoreline area is probably within 7 km of a natal stream. However, even at our sites that
were the furthest from a natal stream, juvenile Chinook salmon were relatively abundant.
Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault may disperse around the lake faster than in Lake
Washington because of habitat conditions. Most of the shoreline of Lake Quinault
appeared to have good quality habitat (small substrates and gentle slope) for juvenile
Chinook salmon. In Lake Washington, much of the shoreline is armored with riprap or
bulkheads, which may be a partial barrier to juvenile Chinook salmon if they are moving
along the shore. Juvenile Chinook salmon may also disperse faster in Lake Quinault than
in Lake Washington if prey availability is lower. In Lake Washington, prey abundance
appears to be high (Koehler 2002) and thus Chinook salmon may be less inclined to
Our results of surveys of index sites appear to be in general agreement with the
Cedar lliver WDFW fry trap results with one notable exception (Seiler et al. 2004; Seiler
et al. 2005a; Seiler et al. 2005b). In early February 2003, a large pulse of Chinook
salmon was observed in the lake and at the fry trap. Similar to fry trap results, we
observed fewer juvenile Chinook salmon in 2002 than 2003 and they moved into the lake
later in 2002. However, a large pulse of Chinook salmon was observed in late February
2002 at the fry trap but we did not detect it in the lake. Instead, we did not observe large
numbers of Chinook salmon at the southernmost index sites until late April. Similarly,
we did not observe a pulse of Chinook salmon in early February in 2004. In 2002 and
2004, juvenile Chinook salmon fry may have remained near the mouth of the river or
perhaps they dispersed rapidly around the south end of the lake. Little is known about
the movement patterns of Chinook salmon fry as they enter the lake.
Introduction and Methods
Little is known about the residence time and movement patterns of juvenile
Chinook salmon in south Lake Washington. In 2003, we undertook a study to test the
feasibility of conducting a mark-recapture study and collecting initial data on Chinook
salmon movements. Preliminary testing of the marking technique was conducted on
juvenile coho salmon at the USFWS Quilcene National Fish Hatchery in February 2004.
We tested different methods of marking including syringes and needless injectors
(Microjet and Panjet). Also the dye was placed in different locations of the fishes' body
including the caudal fin, dorsal fin, and other locations. Overall, syringes appeared to
provide the best mark. They took longer to apply than injectors but the mark was more
visible. Placing the mark in the caudal peduncle area appeared to be the best location.
Collection of Chinook salmon in south Lake Washington was done with a beach
seine on March 25 at two Gene Coulon Park sites: the swim beach and the north
experimental site (Figure 8). We marked approximately 100 fish at each site. The
caudal peduncle of each Chinook salmon was marked with a photonic dye that was
injected with a syringe. The swim beach fish were dyed yellow and the north Gene
Coulon fish were dyed red.
After release, locations of marked fish were determined through nighttime
snorkeling. To maximize the number of fish observed over a large distance, we
conducted nighttime snorkeling transects along one depth contour at 0.4 m. Except for a
few inaccessible locations, we snorkeled the entire Gene Coulon Park, a shoreline length
of approximately I, 700 m. The shoreline was divided in 100-m transects that were
established in 200 I as part of our random transect survey to determine substrate use by
Chinook salmon (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002). Residence-time snorkel surveys were
conducted 1, 7, 15, and 21 days after marking. The location where each marked fish was
found was flagged and the shoreline distance to the release site was determined. The
number of unmarked Chinook salmon was also counted within each 100-m transect.
A total of210 juvenile Chinook salmon were marked and released on March 24.
One hundred and eight were marked yellow (mean, 46.0 mm FL; range, 40-60 mm FL)
and 102 were marked red (mean, 43.9 mm FL; range, 38-57 mm FL). A total of 113
marked Chinook salmon observations (65 yellow and 48 red) were made for the four
snorkel surveys. Twenty-nine percent of the all marked fish released were observed one
day after release. For both groups, the number of marked Chinook salmon we observed
progressively declined from the first survey (I day after release) to the fourth survey (day
21 after release) (Figure 9). For the four survey dates, 60 of the 113 (53%) total marked
fish observations were made on March 25, one day after release.
• ;.
FIGURE 8.---Map of south Lake Washington displaying the shoreline of Gene Coulon Park surveyed
(bolded line) to determine movements of juvenile Chinook salmon, March to April 2003. The release site
(open circles) of each group of dye-marked fish is also shown.
"' 0
C :c
"O ..
" E -0 ..
March 25 April 1 April 9
Survey dates
April 15
FIGURE 9. -Number of marked Chinook salmon observed 1, 7, 15, and 21 days after release (March
24), Gene Coulon Park, south Lake Washington, 2003. One hundred and eight yellow-marked fish were
released at south part of the park and 102 red-marked fish were released at the north part of park.
Marked Chinook salmon that were observed after release did not move
appreciably from the release site. All marked Chinook salmon we observed had moved
less than 150 m from the release site (Figures IO, 11, and 12). Movement from the
release site occurred both towards (south to southeast) and away (north to northeast) from
the mouth of the Cedar River. However, slightly more fish appeared to move away from
the Cedar River than towards the river (Figure 13). On all dates, the distance moved by
fish that moved towards the Cedar River appeared to be similar to those that moved away
from the river (Figure 13) except on day I, when red-marked fish that moved away from
the river had moved substantially further than those that had moved towards the river.
Unmarked Chinook salmon were observed along the entire shoreline surveyed. The total
number of Chinook salmon we observed ranged from 3,424 on March 25 to 1,779 on
April 9. Similar to earlier sampling in 2001, their abundance appeared to be related
strongly to shoreline armoring (rip rap or bulkhead). In the seven transects that were
mostly armored, the number of juvenile Chinook salmon was three times lower than in
transects that had little or no annoring (Mann-Whitney Utest = 9.0; P = 0.005).
Additionally, large numbers of Chinook salmon were present on the boat ramps, as was
observed in previous years.
'I ... , e
FIGURE IO-Map of south Lake Washington displaying the overall shoreline area (dashed lines) where
marked Chinook salmon were found for each release group. The perpendicular lines to shore indicate the
boundaries of the shoreline area where marked Chinook salmon were found. The bolded line is the
shoreline area of Gene Coulon Park surveyed. The release site ( open circles) of each group of dye-marked
fish is also shown. Marked Juvenile Chinook salmon were released on March 24, 2003, and snorkel
surveys were conducted 1, 7, 15, and 21 days after release.
160 g o Yellow
"C 120 II Red CII >
E 80
C: 40 ,fl
March 25 April 1 April 9 April 15
Survey dates
FIGURE I !.-Median distance (m , ± range) moved from r elease s ite of two groups of marked Chinook
salmon, Gene Coul on Park, south Lake Washington , 2003 . Fis h were released on March 24. On e hund red
and eight yellow-marked fis h were released at th e south part of the park and I 02 red-marked fis h were
re leased at the north part of park.
c 40
Q. 20
March 25 Ap ril 1 April 9
Survey dates
April 15
o0-20 m
1121-40 m
•41-60 m
1!161-80 m •> 80 m
FIGURE 12. -Frequency of the d istance moved (20-m increments) from the release site by marked
Chinook salmon for each survey date, Gen e Coulon Park, south Lake Wash ington, 2003. F is h were
re leased on March 24. Data were combined from two release gro ups.
.E .c
E ....
March 25 April 1
• Away from river
11B Towards river
April 9 April 15
Survey dates
FIGURE 13. -Number of marked Chinook salmon in Gene Coulon Park (south Lake Washington) that
moved away from and towards the mouth of the Cedar River, March-April 2003. Fish were released on
March 24. Data were combined from two release groups.
Results of the residence time investigation indicated many Chinook salmon
remain in a small, localized area; however, it is possible other Chinook salmon moved
outside our study area. Some of the marked Chinook salmon had moved over 80 m after
1 day and therefore, may have left the study area by the next survey, which was 6 days
later. Because the median distance moved remained the same from day l to day 21 and
the number of recaptures was greatly reduced, it would seem reasonable that some of the
marked Chinook salmon remained close to the release site and another substantial portion
of the marked fish moved a relatively long distance by moving outside the survey area.
Results of index site surveys in February 2003 also indicate that some Chinook salmon
are capable of moving a long distance in a relatively short period oftime. For example,
we observed Chinook salmon on Mercer Island as early as February 3 in 2004 and they
were first captured in the Cedar River fry trap on January 18 and large numbers of fry
were not observed at the trap until January 29 (Seiler at al. 2005b). Therefore, Chinook
salmon fry appear capable of moving approximately 8.5 km (Cedar River trap to Mercer
Island) in two weeks or less.
In general, the movement patterns of Chinook salmon in Lake Washington may
be similar to patterns observed in other salmonids and other fishes. Fausch and Young
( 1995) reviewed several studies of fish movements in streams and concluded that often a
large percentage of the fish population is resident but a substantial percentage move a
considerable distance. The authors suggested that often these long distance movements
are not known unless some type of radio telemetry project is undertaken. In Lake
Washington, detecting long distance movements of juvenile Chinook salmon in February
through April would be difficult because the fish are too small for radio tags.
Use of marked fish and snorkel surveys appeared to be an effective method to
determine residence time, but to accurately determine the overall movement and
residence time of juvenile Chinook salmon, a larger, more involved study is needed.
Marking more fish would increase the probability of observing marked fish at locations
that are a fair distance from the release site. Probably 1,000 to 2,000 fish would need to
be marked to effectively estimate movement patterns. Enlarging the survey area would
help determine if some fish are moving long distances. Besides increasing the number
marked and enlarging the survey area, additional work needs to be done on the marking
technique. We did observe a few marked Chinook salmon that appeared to have some
type of injury in the caudal peduncle due to the marking process. Further testing of the
location of the mark, type of mark, and marking instrument needs to be conducted.
Introduction and Methods
We continued to monitor restoration sites in 2003 and 2004. A total of five
locations were surveyed: Seward Park (Figure 14), Martha Washington Park, Beer Sheva
Park, Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina, and the old Shuflleton Power Plant Outflow
(Figure 15). Except for one site in Seward Park, surveys were conducted to collect pre-
project baseline information. The only restoration project that has been undertaken thu,s
far was a substrate replacement project in Seward Park.
Seward Park. In December 2001, the City of Seattle and the Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) deposited 2,000 tons of gravel along a 300-m shoreline section in the
northeast part of the park. This shoreline section was divided into two equal sections.
The north section (site 3b) received fine substrate and the south section (site 3a) received
coarse substrate. The general size composition of the substrate was 0.5 to 5.0 cm for the
north section and 2.5 to 15 cm for the south section. The new substrate extended out
approximately 5 m from shore.
Pre-project snorkel surveys were conducted in 200 I and post-project surveys were
initially conducted in 2002. Results from 2002 indicated that few Chinook salmon were
present in Seward Park sites and no increase in the use of the restored site was observed.
Surveys were conducted in 2003 and 2004 to continue monitoring of the restoration site
and determine if the use of the restoration site may have been somewhat reduced in 2002
because of cool water temperatures, which may have limited Chinook salmon movements
to northerly locations such as Seward Park. Also, Chinook salmon may have avoided
the restoration site because of low prey abundance associated with the new, clean
Similarly to 200 I and 2002, snorkel surveys in 2003 were conducted at the
restoration site as well as five additional sites in Seward Park (Figure 14). The additional
sites served as controls and enabled us to make between-year comparisons of the
restoration site. Also, the other five sites are potential restorations sites and the survey
data could serve as baseline information. The restoration site and the five control sites
were the same sites used in 2000 by Paron and Nelson (2001) to assess the potential for
bank rehabilitation projects in Seward Park.
In 2003, we continued nighttime snorkeling surveys of the six sites in Seward
Park. A total of nine night snorkeling surveys were completed on an approximate
biweekly schedule from 19 February through 30 June. Survey protocols in 2003 were the
same as restoration project monitoring survey methods used in 200 I and 2002 (Tabor and
Piaskowski 2002; Tabor et al. 2004b). Surveys were conducted at a depth contour of0.4
m water depth.
In addition to the six sites surveyed in 2000 to 2003, two supplemental sites (S-1
and S2) were also surveyed in 2003. We expected the abundance of Chinook salmon at
site S-1 would be the highest of any site in Seward Park from February to May because
the site had high quality habitat (gradual sloping beach with sand substrate) and was the
closest to the Cedar River of any site in Seward Park. Thus, this site should indicate the
maximum number of Chinook salmon that would be possible at any restoration site in
Seward Park. Site S-1 was surveyed five times from April 7 to June I 0. The other
transect (S-2) was located in the southeast corner of the park and was identified by park
managers as a potential site for a substrate replacement project. Site S-2 was surveyed
seven times from March 26 to June 30. Snorkeling procedures of the supplemental
transects were the same as the other transects.
Surveys of Seward Park sites were also conducted in 2004; however, only four
sites were surveyed (sites I, 3, 5, and S-1) and they were only surveyed once a month
from February to June.
-'"'·kll·-,-· .. ..-1 .... "",.._,.,
ll;'I I) lU !fi
..,.L J& I
FIGURE 14.-Location of snorkel transects in Seward Park, Lake Washington, March to July, 2002.
Sites 3a and 3b are the completed restoration site, a substrate modification project finished in December
2001. Sites I through 6 are the original sites used in 2000 to 2003. Sites S-1 and S-2 are supplemental
sites surveyed in 2003. In 2004, only sites I, 3a, 3b, S, and S-1 were surveyed.
Beer Sheva Park.-At Beer Sheva Park, the City of Seattle has proposed to
daylight the mouth and lower I 00 m of Mapes Creek, which currently is in a culvert and
enters the lake a few meters below the lake surface. We continued our monitoring of
Beer Sheva Park in 2003 to provide an estimate of the temporal abundance of juvenile
Chinook salmon in the vicinity of Mapes Creek. Only the boat ramp area was surveyed
in 2003. Results from 2001 and 2002 indicated that most of the Chinook salmon were
present on the boat ramps and few were present in other park locations where fine soft
sediments (silt/mud) predominate. The boat ramp site was 65 m long, which included
four boat ramps totaling 42 m and a 23-m shoreline section at the south end of the boat
ramps. The average distance from the shore to one-meter depth was 6.9 m. Eight night
snorkeling surveys were conducted from February to June. Beer Sheva Park was not
surveyed in 2004.
Martha Washington Park.-Martha Washington Park was surveyed in 2002 and
2003 to provide the City of Seattle with baseline information on Chinook salmon
abundance. We surveyed one 80-m long shoreline transect from March to May.
Substrate was composed predominately of boulders and cobble with some gravel. Riprap
was present along the entire shoreline except for two small coves that were each about 6
m long. Within the small coves, small gravel was the predominant substrate type. All
surveys were conducted at night. Snorkelers swam close to the shore along the 0.4-m
depth contour. Because of the steep slope, we were able to survey from 0.0-to
approximately 0.9-m depth. In October 2003, the Seattle Parks and Recreation undertook
a restoration project at Martha Washington Park; 61 m of shoreline in the south part of
the park was restored by removing riprap and adding gravel and L WD. No post-project
monitoring of this site was conducted in 2004.
Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina.-The Seattle Parks and Recreation owned a
small, old marina at the south end of Rainier Beach. The marina was removed in 2004
and modifications to the shoreline to improve habitat conditions for juvenile Chinook
salmon began in summer 2005. We began snorkel surveys of the marina in 2003 to
provide the city with baseline information on Chinook salmon abundance. Baseline
surveys were also conducted in 2004. The Rainer Beach site was separated into two
transects: a 100-m transect within the marina and an adjacent undeveloped shoreline
transect (150 m long) south of the marina. The shoreline of the marina transect consisted
mostly ofriprap and bulkhead. The substrate of the undeveloped shoreline transect was
mostly small gravel; however, the southernmost 20 m was riprap (because no Chinook
salmon were observed in the riprap and it did not represent an undeveloped shoreline, it
was not included in the final calculations of abundance). The shoreline was vegetated
with various trees and shrubs; however, there was little vegetation that provided overhead
cover. A depth contour of0.4 m was used for both transects. In 2003, night snorkeling
surveys were conducted on four dates from March to May. In 2004, surveys were
conducted once a month from February to June.
Shuffieton Power Plant Outflow.-The City of Renton has proposed to build a trail
between Gene Coulon Park and the Cedar River Trail Park. Part of the project includes
restoring a shoreline section that is currently a steel wall that is part of the old Shuffieton
Power Plant outflow channel. Because the power plant has been demolished, the outflow
channel is no longer needed. Proposed restoration work includes removing the steel wall
and replacing it with a more natural shoreline that could improve fish habitat conditions.
Snorkel surveys of the proposed restoration site were conducted in 2003 to provide the City
of Renton with baseline information on Chinook salmon abundance. This restoration site
area was divided into two transects: one transect along a steel wall for approximately 200
m and another transect along an adjacent sandy beach cove (approximately 70 m long).
The cove is located south of the west end of the steel wall. Night snorkeling was
conducted proximal to the wall. The sandy beach transect depth contour was 0.4 m. The
site was only snorkeled on 2 nights in 2003: April 8 and May 6.
FIGURE 15.-Map of south Lake Washington displaying restoration monitoring sites (Martha
Washington Park, Beer Sheva Park, Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina, and Shuffieton Power Plant
Outflow), and the experimental overhanging vegetation (OHV) and small woody debris (SWD) site
(Chapter 7).
E 3
:i? 2 0
C :c u 1
March April May June
FIGURE 17. -Monthly abundance (mean number per 100 m of shoreline) of juvenile Chinook salmon
observed during night snorkel surveys of six shoreline sites in Seward Park, south Lake Washington, 2001-
2003. ND = no data
At site 3b (small substrate), there appeared to be a slight increase in Chinook
salmon abundance in 2003 from the pre-project abundance; however, at site 3a (large
substrate) the abundance appeared to be reduced (Figure 18). The ratio of Chinook
salmon at site 3 to the other sites combined was 0.46:1 in 2001; therefore the expected
mean abundance of Chinook salmon at site 3 in 2003 would be I .5 Chinook salmon/I 00
m of shoreline (mean abundance of the other sites 1,2,4,5,6 was 3.4 Chinook salmon/100
m of shoreline). The observed abundance in 2003 was 0.8 in site 3a (large substrate) and
2.1 Chinook salmon/JOO m of shoreline in site 3b (small substrate). No increase in
abundance at either site 3a ( expected 0.4; observed 0.2 Chinook/I OOm of shoreline) or
site 3b (expected 0.4; observed 0.3 Chinook/I00m of shoreline) was observed in 2002.
During the first three surveys of supplemental site S-1 in 2003 (April 7 through
May 6), a total of76 Chinook salmon were observed and their abundance was higher on
each date than any other site in Seward Park. On two of these three surveys, more
Chinook salmon were observed at site S-1 than the other sites combined. Only six
Chinook salmon were observed at site S-1 during the last two surveys in 2003 (May 22
and June I 0) and their abundance was similar to other sites in Seward Park.
The high abundance of Chinook salmon at site S-1 is likely due to better habitat
conditions, specifically the sand substrate and gradual slope and the site is closer to the
Cedar River than other Seward Park sites. The abundance at S-1 was also substantially
higher than the Seward Park beach index site (Figure 2)(mean abundance April 7-May
12, 2003, site S-1, 19.5 fish/100 rn, index site, 7.1 fish/100 rn), which has similar habitat
conditions but is approximately 3. 7 km further away from the Cedar River than site S-1.
A total of 23 Chinook salmon were observed at site S-2 during seven surveys in
2003 (March 26 to June 30). In general, abundance of Chinook salmon was similar to
that of site I which was close by and had similar habitat conditions.
3.: J
E 3
0 2.5 0 ....
~ 2 0
C 1.5
(.) 1
Other Site 3
Other Site 3a Site 3b
s ites
Other Site 3a Site 3b
FI GURE 18 . -Mean abundance (number observed per JOO m of shorel ine) of juvenile Chinook salmon at
the resto ration site (open bars, s it e 3) and other sites (shaded bars, si tes 1,2,4,5,6 combined) in Seward
Park , south Lake Washington, April-June 200 1-2003. Site 3 is located on the northeast side of Sewa rd
Park. Site 3a is the southern section o f s ite 3 th at rece ived large gravel and cobble while site 3b is the
northern section that received small gravel.
Seward Park , 2004. -From February to April, no Chinook salm on were observed
at any of the five s ite s (I ,3a, 3b, 5, S-1) surveyed in Seward Park in 2004. In contrast,
large numbers of Chinook salmon were observed at most of these sites in May and June
(Fig ure 19). More Chinook salmon were observed at site 1 than the other three s ites
combined. On both May I I and Jun e 4, 37 Chinook salmon were ob served. Prior to
2004, the hi ghest number of C hinook salmon observed in May or June at site I was 9 fish
and at all sites the hi ghest number was 13 fi sh . At th e restoration site (sites 3a and 3b),
no Chinook sa lmon were observed throughout the study period.
Beer Sheva Park. 2003.-Eight night snorkeling surveys were con ducted at Beer
Sheva Park (boat ramp transect only) from February 19 to June 30. C hinook salmon
were observed on each s urvey date (Figure 20). Similar to 2002, the highest abundance
occurred in May. The mean abu nd a nce (March-June) of Chinook salmon was
substantially higher in 2003 (51 fish/100 m) than 2002 (33 fish/100 m) but differences
were not significant (Wilcoxon s ign rank te st; Z = 1.2; P = 0.25).
E 30
0 25 D5
0 -•3 -.ll:: 20 0 m1 0
·= 15 ~S-1 .c u 10
i::' '<;f" ..-..-'<;f"
cc .c. ..-(1)
2 () ·;:: >-C ..-C. .... cc ::J .0 ..-cc <t: (1) ~ ~ -,
FIGURE 19. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon (number/JOO m) observed at night at four sites
(shoreline transects) of Seward Park, south Lake Washington, 2004. Site 3 is the restoration site and
includes two transects; site 3a (large substrate) and 3b (small s ub strate).
120 • .. ···•···2002 . '
0 100 -o-2003
0 -:i2 80
0 60 0
C :
.r:. u 40 :
20 ....• , . .. . •• 0
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
F IGURE 20. -Abundance (number observed per 100 m of shorel ine) of juvenile Chino ok salm o n
observed along the Beer Sheva Park boat ramp transect, south Lake W ashington, 2002 and 2003.
Martha Washington Park. 2003. -In 2003, a total of 40 juvenile Chinook salmon
were observed along the 80-m-long transect during four night snorkeling surveys. In
contrast, only two Chinook salmon were observed during three surveys of the same
transect in 2002. This transect was surveyed from March to early May in both years.
Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina, 2003. -Four night snorkeling surveys
were conducted at the Rainier Beach site from March to May 2003. On all survey dates,
the abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon at the undeveloped transect exceeded that of
the developed marina transect (Figure 2 l ). On average, their abundance was four times
higher on the undeveloped transect than on the marina transect. The mean number
observed was 85 Chinook salmon (65 fish/I 00 m shoreline) on the undeveloped transect
and 20 Chinook salmon (20 fish/I 00 m shoreline) on the marina transect.
Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina, 2004. -Five night snorkeling surveys were
conducted at the Rainier Beach site from February to June 2004. Substantially fewer
Chinook salmon were observed at the Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina site in 2004
(Figure 22). In 2003, a total of 420 Chinook salmon were observed; whereas in 2004,
only 57 were observed. In 2003, the number of early migrants from the Cedar River was
195,000 (Seiler et al 2005a), whereas in 2004 it was 67,000 (Seiler et al 2005b). In both
years, the highest number of Chinook salmon at the Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina
site was observed in March; in 2003, I 46 Chinook salmon were observed along the
undeveloped shoreline and in 2004, 32 were observed. Similar to 2003, most Chinook
salmon in 2004 were along the undeveloped shoreline transect.
Shuffleton Power Plant Outflow, 2003. -Two night snorkeling surveys were
conducted at the Shuffleton Power Plant Outflow in 2003. On both surveys, the
abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon was substantially higher at the sandy beach
transect than along the steel wall (Figure 23). Because of the gradual slope of the sandy
beach area, we only surveyed a part of the nearshore habitat while we were able to survey
the entire nearshore area of the steel wall because of its 90° slope and depth. Therefore,
the difference in abundance between the two transects is probably greater than shown in
Figure 23.
E 80 0
32 60 0
C 40 :E u
March 20 April 17 April 24
Survey dates
D Undeveloped
FIGURE 21. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/JOO m of shoreline) at two adjacent
shoreline transects (undeveloped and marina shoreline) at the Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina, March-
May 2003, south Lake Washington.
E 25
0 20 0
32 15 0
0 ·= 10 .c u 5
Feb 11 March 9 April 1
Survey dates
D Undeveloped
May 19 June 4
FIGURE 22. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/JOO m of shoreline) at two adjacent
shoreline transects ( undeveloped and marina shoreline) at the Rainier Beach Lake Park and Marina,
February to June 2004, south Lake Washington. ND -No data
0 80
32 60 0
0 ·= 40 ~
8-April 6-May
Survey dates
o sandy beach
msteel wall
FIGURE 23. -Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance (number/JOO m shoreline) at the Shuffleton Power
Plant Outflow (steel wall) and an adjacent sandy beach area, south Lake Washington (2003).
We surveyed a variety of potential restoration sites in 2003. Because juvenile
Chinook salmon are concentrated in the south end of the lake, restoration projects in that
area would most likely be more beneficial than those in other areas of the lake. The
Shuffieton Power Plant Outflow is much closer to the mouth of the Cedar River than the
other sites and thus would probably be a better site for a restoration project. The habitat
at this site is highly degraded; there is little shallow water habitat or riparian vegetation
due to the steel wall. Both Beer Sheva Park and Rainier Beach Lake Park are relatively
close to the mouth of the Cedar River and good numbers of Chinook salmon appear to be
present and thus these sites would be good restoration sites. Chinook salmon were
abundant at the Beer Sheva Park boat ramps in 2002 and 2003 and therefore, there should
be several juvenile Chinook sahnon in the area to use the mouth of Mapes Creek if it is
daylighted. The undeveloped section of Rainier Beach Lake Park appeared to have good
quality habitat due to its small gravel substrate and gentle slope. This site could be
improved, however, with some additional shoreline vegetation (e.g., willows Salix spp.)
to provide overhead cover as well as small woody debris for structural complexity.
Certainly, the marina shoreline could be improved with the removal of the armoring and
replacing it with small substrates and some riparian vegetation on a gentle sloping bank.
Seward Park has been surveyed for the past five years (2000 by USA COE and
2001-2004 by USFWS) and during that period the nearshore abundance of juvenile
Chinook salmon has been relatively low at all six sites. Even at the best location in
Seward Park (supplemental site S-1 in the southwest comer of other park), the abundance
of Chinook salmon in 2003 was 1.4 to 6 times lower than the undeveloped restoration
transect at the Rainier Beach Lake Park. Restoration projects in Seward Park will have a
positive effect on Chinook sahnon habitat but the effect will most likely be small.
Detailed information on the water depth of the lake where juvenile Chinook
salmon are located has not been available. Preliminary work conducted in 2001 consisted
of one nighttime scuba survey and a few visual daytime observations in May and June
(Tabor and Piaskowski 2002). [n 2004, we examined the water column depths used by
juvenile Chinook salmon during day and night. At night, we could survey Chinook
salmon by snorkeling/scuba diving because the surveyor can get close enough to the fish
to accurately measure the fishes' depth. During the day, juvenile Chinook salmon are
difficult to survey because they avoid snorkelers/scuba divers, especially after March.
Other techniques that could be used during the day, such as vertical gill nets, pop-up nets,
or hydroacoustics are either very harmful to the fish, are labor intensive, or are ineffective
during some part of the sampling period (February to June). One technique that appeared
to be consistent throughout the sampling period (February to June) and was unobtrusive
to Chinook salmon was visual surface observations. When the water is calm in the early
morning, Chinook salmon can be observed feeding at the surface. Chinook salmon
appear to feed extensively on surface prey such as chironomid pupae and adults (Koehler
2000). Also, Chinook salmon are concentrated in the south end of Lake Washington and
are the most abundant fish species present in many areas. Therefore, we felt it was a
reasonable assumption that the vast majority of surface feeding would be Chinook
salmon. Also, we assumed that the number of feeding events at the surface was related to
Chinook salmon abundance. The water column depth (surface to bottom) where Chinook
salmon were located was estimated by determining the location of feeding fish.
Visual surface observations were conducted in south Lake Washington at the
swim beach in Gene Coulon Park (Figure 2). Observations were only conducted at dawn.
The evening before observations were conducted buoy lines were laid out to delineate
depth contours (0.5-, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-m depth). The lines were laid out parallel to
shore and each line was 20 m long. The next morning, if the water was calm, visual
observations were conducted. The observer counted the number of times a Chinook
salmon surfaced between the depth contours. Observations were made from shore for 15
minutes. Surveys were conducted approximately once every 2 weeks; however, some
surveys had to be moved to the next week because of weather conditions. We used
results of index snorkel surveys at the swim beach to determine the abundance of
Chinook salmon in relation to other fish species. Because the depth categories had
different areas, we used Chesson's selectivity index to make comparisons (Chesson
At night, Chinook salmon are inactive, appear to be resting near the bottom, and
can be easily approached. Therefore, we used snorkeling/scuba diving transects to
measure their depth distribution at night. A series of transects were conducted at night
that were each perpendicular to shore. The depth from O to I m was surveyed by a
snorkeler and the depth from I to 3 m was surveyed by a scuba diver. Each time a
Chinook salmon was located, a weighted flag was placed at that location. After the
snorkeling and scuba diving were completed, each weighted flag was retrieved and the
water column depth was measured. Nighttime surveys were conducted once a month
from March to May in the north part of Gene Coulon Park. At this location the distance
from shore to 3-m depth was approximately 14 m. Water depths where Chinook salmon
were located were compared between months with an AN OVA and Fisher's LSD test.
Beach seining was also conducted shortly after each survey to collect information on the
sizes of Chinook salmon.
From February 19 to April 14, all surface activity at dawn was observed in the
shallowest section (0 and 0.5 m deep; Figure 24). Feeding activity was observed in
deeper and deeper sections from April 27 to June 2. By the last date, June 2, feeding
activity was observed primarily between 2 and 3 m, and some between 3 and 4 m, but
little between 4 and 5 m. Results ofChesson's selectivity index (a) indicated the same
trend (Figure 25).
We assumed that that the vast majority of surface feeding was Chinook salmon.
From February 24 to April 13, approximately 70% of the salmonids observed at Gene
Coulon swim beach during night snorkeling (index site surveys) were Chinook salmon.
The rest were almost all sockeye salmon fry, which were considerably smaller than
Chinook salmon. Sockeye salmon appeared to feed somewhat at the surface but their
feeding activity was barely noticeable and was not counted. From April 26 to June 7,
65% of the salmonids were sockeye salmon and 35% were Chinook salmon. Therefore
some of the feeding activity may have been due to sockeye salmon, which were
considerably smaller and closer to shore than Chinook salmon. Based on the size of the
fish we observed feeding at the surface, we felt most of the feeding activity was from
Chinook salmon. In some cases, fish were observed jumping completely out of the water
and all of these fish appeared to be Chinook salmon. Threespine stickleback
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) and prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) were also common
throughout the study period but it is doubtful if they were feeding at the surface to any
significant degree.
Nighttime water column depths were measured for a total of 117 juvenile
Chinook salmon (March 10, n = 31; April 7, n = 40; May 12, n = 46). Snorkel surveys
indicated the same general pattern as dawn visual observations. In February, the mean
nighttime depth was only 0.2 m (range, 0.12 to 0.48 rn). In April and May, Chinook
salmon progressively used deeper waters; however, none were ever observed between I
and 3 m deep. Water column depths were significantly different between each monthly
sample (Figure 26; ANOVA and Fisher's LSD; P < 0.001).
-60 C:
"' ~
"' 40 a.
Feb Mar
: , ;,
• I\
I \
, I \
,J \
/, \
I ',
\ 0 . \
Depth category (m)
....... 0.5-1
FIGURE 24. -Percent of surface activity observed within six depth categories (m) at Gene Coulon Park,
Lake Washington, 2004. Observations were made from shore at dawn.
f 0.6
0.2 . ··--·---.. -----.............................. ..
Feb Mar Apr May
Depth category (m)
--.... · 0.5-1
... 9 ... 3-4
FIGURE 25. -Selectivity values (Chesson's a) of surface activity within six depth categories (m), Gene
Coulon Park, Lake Washington, 2004. Observations were made from shore at dawn. The dashed line
indicates the level of selectivity if all depth categories were used at random.
0.80 -E -.c: 0.60 .... a.
E 0.40 ::,
0 u ...
Cl) 0.20 j
0.00 --
mean length (mm)
tv'arch 10 l>pril7
42.7 50.0
tv'ay 12
FIGURE 26. -Nighttime water column depth (mean± 2SE) of juvenile Chinook salmon in Gene Coulon
Park, Lake Washington, 2004. Bars with different letters are significantly different (ANOVA and Fisher's
LSD; P < 0.001). The mean length of Chinook salmon on each date is also given. Data were collected
along perpendicular snorkeling/scuba diving transects between 0-and 3-m deep.
Observations of both day and night depth distribution clearly showed that juvenile
Chinook salmon progressively shift to deeper waters as they grow. Juvenile Chinook
salmon in riverine environments have also been shown to inhabit deeper waters as they
increase in size (Lister and Genoe 1970; Allen 2000; R. Peters, USFWS, unpublished
data). The same general pattern has been shown in several other fish species including
salmonids as well as non-salmonids. Mcivor and Odum (1988) and Ruiz et al. (1993)
demonstrated that predation risk for juvenile fish decreases in shallow water. Power
(1987) suggested small juvenile fish inhabit very shallow water because they are
especially vulnerable to piscivorous fishes and less vulnerable to wading birds because
juvenile fish are very small. As juvenile fish grow they shift to deeper waters because
they are less vulnerable to fish and more vulnerable to wading birds. In Lake
Washington, small juvenile Chinook salmon may be in shallow water to avoid cutthroat
trout ( 0. clarki') and prickly sculpin which are important predators in the littoral zone
(Nowak et al. 2004; Tabor et al. 2004a). When they increase in size they may become
more attractive to wading birds such as great blue herons (Ardea herodias) but less
vulnerable to piscivorous fishes.
The last survey (June 2) indicated some juvenile Chinook salmon had moved into
water that was 4-5 m deep but no feeding activity was observed in deeper waters. Recent
results of ultrasonic tracking at Gene Coulon swim beach (May 24 to June 5, 2004)
indicated some Chinook salmon may be in water> 7 m deep (M. Celedonia, USFWS,
unpublished data). However, only fish greater than 100 mm FL were tagged. Fresh
(2000) also found that Chinook salmon are further offshore in the upper pelagic area after
mid-May. Thus our results may reflect the water column depth for the portion of the
population that still inhabits the nearshore area and could be a gross underestimate for the
entire population. Chinook salmon that are further offshore may be difficult to observe
because they may be spread out over a large area. Also, their surface activity may be
reduced because the abundance of surface prey may be lower at offshore areas and
Chinook salmon often switch to feeding on Daphnia (Koehler 2002) as the season
progresses. After mid-May, the use of visual observations to determine the location of
Chinook salmon may be problematic.
Little is known about the importance of nonnatal tributaries for juvenile Chinook
salmon. The lower sections of many small tributaries to Lake Washington are in culverts
and enter the lake several meters below the lake surface and thus, are oflittle value to
juvenile Chinook salmon which inhabit shallow nearshore areas of the lake. Restoring
these streams to their natural location may provide additional habitat. In 2002, we
surveyed 17 tributaries of Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish (Tabor et al. 2004b).
Results indicated that Chinook salmon can often be quite abundant at the mouths of
tributaries. Additionally, K. Fresh (NOAA Fisheries, unpublished data) found that the
abundance of Chinook salmon may be much higher at the mouth of tributaries following
a storm event. In 2003 and 2004, we surveyed six tributaries to determine if Chinook
salmon forage on prey items that come into the lake via the tributary and determine how
storm events affect the diet and abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon.
The six tributary mouths that we examined included: Tibbetts Creek and
Laughing Jacobs Creek in Lake Sammamish (Figure 27) and Taylor Creek, Kennydale
Creek, Kennydale Beach tributary, and May Creek in Lake Washington (Figure 28). Our
goal was to sample each tributary mouth once during base flow and once during a high
flow event. Each time a tributary mouth was sampled, streamflow (Table 3) was
measured according to TFW stream ambient monitoring protocol (Pleus 1999). Stomach
samples of Chinook salmon were collected primarily during late March or April. Each
time a tributary mouth was sampled, we also collected stomach samples of Chinook
salmon from a lake reference site to compare their diets. All six tributaries were sampled
in 2003 during base streamflow conditions. Because there were few storm events in
2003, we were only able to survey one of the tributaries, Kennydale Creek, during high
streamflow conditions. At Kennydale Creek, we also surveyed once a mouth (base flow
conditions) in 2003 from February to June to determine if there is any type of temporal
effect. In 2004, we sampled May Creek and Taylor Creek during a high flow event as
well as during base flow conditions. An additional sample was also taken in 2004 at
Kennydale Creek during base flow conditions.
FIGURE 27.-Location of two south Lake Sammamish tributaries studied to examine the diet of juvenile
Chinook salmon at tributary mouths, March to June, 2003. Issaquah Creek, a major spawning tributary and
hatchery release site for Chinook salmon, is also shown.
FIGURE 28.-Location of four south Lake Washington tributaries (faylor Creek, May Creek, Kennydale
Creek, and Kennydale Beach tributary) studied to examine the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon at tributary
mouths. Also shown are two nonnatal tributaries (Johns Creek and Culvert Creek) that were also studied to
determine their use by juvenile Chinook salmon (Chapter 6). The Cedar River, a major spawning tributary
for Chinook salmon, is also shown.
TABLE 3. -Streamflow conditions (cfs) at six tributaries used to determine the abundance and diet of
Chinook salmon at the tributary mouths in south Lake Washington and south Lake Sammamish.
Streamflow was measured shortly after fish were sampled. Fish were sampled once during base flow
conditions and again under high flow conditions if possible.
Lake Streamflow (els)
Tributary Year Base flow High flow
Lake Washington
Kennydale Cr. 2003 0.51 4.80
2004 0.47 ND
Kennydale Beach trib. 2003 0.01 ND
May Cr. 2003 30.43 ND
2004 12.86 39.20
Taylor Cr. 2003 2.12 ND
2004 0.94 4.58
Lake Sammamish
Laughing Jacobs Cr. 2003 8.27 ND
Tibbetts Cr. 2003 19.24 ND
Chinook salmon were collected primarily with beach seines (Figure 29). At the
small tributaries, Kennydale Beach tributary and Kennydale Creek (Figure 29), one beach
seine set was conducted, whereas at the other larger tributaries, 3 to 4 sets were usually
done to cover the entire delta area. In 2003, we used two seines depending on the size of
the fish. When Chinook salmon were less than 60 mm FL, we used a small seine that
was 5.7 m long and 1.2 m deep with a 2-mm stretch mesh and had no bag in the middle.
The larger net, used when Chinook salmon were> 60 mm FL, was 9.1 m long and 1.6 m
deep and a 1.5-m deep by 1.8-m long bag in the middle. The entire net had 6-mm stretch
mesh. In 2004, only one seine was used because it was effective in sampling various
sizes of Chinook salmon. The net was 9.1 m long and 1.8 m deep with a 1.8-m deep by
1.8-m long bag in the middle. The mesh size in the wings was 6-mm stretch mesh while
the bag was 2-mm stretch mesh. In the event that few Chinook salmon could be collected
at a particular site, we collected additional Chinook salmon for diet analysis with small
dip nets while snorkeling at night.
Captured fish were identified and counted and IO Chinook salmon were
randomly-selected for diet analysis. The IO Chinook salmon were anaesthetized with
MS-222, the fork length was measured, and their stomach contents were removed
through gastric lavage. Stomach contents were put in plastic bags, placed on ice, and
later froze.
In the laboratory, stomach samples were thawed, examined under a dissecting
scope, and divided into major prey taxa. Aquatic insects and crustaceans were identified
to family, while other prey items were identified to major taxonomic groups. Prey groups
were counted and then the wet weight was measured. Each group was blotted by placing
the sample on tissue paper for approximately IO seconds and weighed to the nearest
0.0001 g.
FIGURE 29.-Photos of sites used to collect juvenile Chinook salmon to exam in e the diet at tributary
mouths and lakeshore si te s. The upper photo is of the mouth ofKennydale Creek and the l ower photo is of
the beach seine being deployed at the lakeshore refere nce site for Kennydale Creek. At th e mouth of
Kennydale Creek, a small delta was present, which was u sed to sei ne juvenile Chinook salmon.
To describe the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon, we followed the procedures of
Cortes (1997) and Liao et al. (200 I). For each prey group in each sample, we detennined
the percent weight (%W), percent number (%N), and percent occurrence (%0). A
percent index of relative importance (%IRI) was then developed for each prey group:
!RI = %0; (%w; + %N;) and, %!RI = 100 · IRI;
i =I
To help compare the diet between samples, we also calculated Schoener's diet overlap
index (Schoener 1971 ):
where Cxy is the index value, Pxi is the proportion of food type i used by Chinook salmon
at site x and py; is the proportion of food type i used by Chinook salmon at site y.
Researchers commonly use an overlap index level of0.6 or less to indicate a significant
difference in diet (Zaret and Rand 1971; Johnson 1981). Comparisons were made
between tributary mouths and lakeshore reference sites, as well as between high and base
streamflow conditions at each tributary mouth.
A diet breadth index (B; Levins 1968) was also calculated to detennine if
Chinook salmon utilize a wider variety of prey types at the tributary mouths in
comparison to the lake shore:
where p; is the proportion of the diet represented by food type i. Diet breadth index
values range from 1 (no diet breadth: only one prey type in the diet) to infinity. Values
less than 2 indicate little diet breadth.
Catch . -In 2003, beach seine catch rates of juvenile Chinook salmon at tributary
mouths and lakeshore sites were extremely variable between sites and between day and
night. During the day, we were able to catch Chinook salmon at some tributary mouths
but not at lakeshore reference sites. At some lakeshore sites, we could visually observe
Chinook salmon but they could easily avoid the beach seine. At tributary mouths, they
could be collected more easily, likely because the water was turbid or they retreated to
the tributary mouth where they could be easily encircled with the seine. Because of the
difficulty of collecting Chinook salmon at most lakeshore sites during the day, we
collected Chinook salmon in 2004 at one site in Gene Coulon Park where they were
known to be abundant.
Nighttime s ampling was conducted at a few tributary mouths . Although n ight
sampling was logistically more difficult, it appeared to be less variable than daytime
sampling. At night, Chinook salmon were collected at each sampling location; however
not enough sampling was conducted to make any meaningful comparison between
tributary mouth and lakeshore sites.
During high flow conditions, the number of Chinook salmon caught at the mouth
of May Creek in 2004 was substantially higher than during base flow conditions.
Additionally, nine cutthroat trout (range, 147-190 mm FL) were caught during the high
flow event while none were caught during the base flow condition. In contrast to May
Creek, more Chinook salmon were caught under base flow conditions than during high
flow conditions at the mouth of Taylor Creek (Figure 30). Different types of seine nets
were used at Kennydale Creek in 2003 and thus catch rates could not be compared
between streamflow conditions.
Diet.-In 2003, monthly samples (February to June) were collected at Kennydale
Creek and a lakeshore reference site in Gene Coulon Park. Chironomid pupae and adults
were the most important prey item for each sample date at both sites (Table 4). Other
than chironomid pupae and adults, little else was present in the lakeshore diet for
February to May, making up at least 89% of the diet by weight. The same was observed
in the April and May diet at the mouth ofKennydale Creek. The March diet sample
included a large seed pod that probably offered little nutritional value. If the seed pod is
excluded from the analysis, chironomid pupae and adults made of87% of the diet by
weight. The March sample at the mouth of Kennydale Creek was taken during a high
flow event yet there was no significant difference in the diet between the lakeshore
sample on the same date and between the base flow sample taken in April (Table 5). In
February, a large number of springtails (Collembola; 43% of the diet by number and 19%
by weight) were present in diet at the tributary mouth but were absent in the lakeshore
diet. Springtails are primarily inhabitants of soil and moist vegetation but some species
inhabit the neuston oflentic systems (Christiansen 1996). Streams may act as a dispersal
mechanism. Because springtails were absent from the lakeshore diet, it indicates
Chinook salmon may have been feeding on prey items that originated from the creek
watershed. Besides chironomid pupae and adults, the June tributary mouth sample
included a large number of emerging mayflies (Caenidae; 38% by weight) and the
lakeshore sample included large numbers of chironomid larvae.
"' 50 l
0 g 40
is 30
.8 20
§ 10 z
May Creek
a Base flow
Taylor Creek
FIGURE 30. -Total number of Chinook salmon caught with a beach seine at the mouth of three
tributaries of south Lake Washington, 2004. Each bar represents the number caught on one sampling
effort; at May Creek three sets were conducted during each flow condition, and four at Taylor Creek.
TABLE 4. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at the mouth ofKennydale Creek, 2003. Samples from March 12 were collected under high
streamflow conditions. The other dates were collected under base streamflow conditions. n = number of stomach samples analyzed; the range of
Chinook salmon lengths is also given; %N = percent number; %0 = percent occurrence; o/oW = percent weight; %IR1 = percent index of relative
importance. Samples on February 19 were combined together in the field and %0 and %IR! could not be calculated.
February 19 March 12 ----April 3 May8 June 3
n = 8, ran2e = 38-43 mm FL n = 6, range• 41·52 mm FL n • 10, range= 45-54 mm FL n = 10, range• 57-76 mm FL n = 10, range• as-103 mm FL
Prey group %N %0 %W ~IRI %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI
Chironomid pupae and adults 53.4 77.3 87.2 83 71.3 84.B 98.3 100 97.4 99,6 73.7 100 97.6 87.4 46.4 90 52.3 50,6
Chironomid larvae 1.1 0.9 1.2 17 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 O.B 10 0.1 0,04 3.1 BO 1.5 2.1
Other aquatic diptera 0.5 0.5 3.5 50 2.8 2.0 0 0 0 0 0.5 20 0.2 0.1 1.4 50 1.2 0.1
Ephemeroptera 0.5 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 10 0.05 0.01 24.0 90 38.4 31.9
Collembola 43.4 18.6 0 0 0 0 O.B 10 0.1 0.03 0.1 10 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0
Other aquatic insects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0.1 10 0.1 0.01 0.1 10 0.4 0.03
Homoptera (Aphididae) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 30 0.2 0.1 0.4 10 0,2 0.03
Other terrestrial insects 1.1 1.4 1.2 11 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 1.5 60 0.9 0.7 1.1 50 0.9 0.B
Cladooera -Daphnia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 10 0.0 0,01
Other crustaceans 0 0 2.3 17 0.2 0.3 0 0 0 0 1.0 50 0.4 0.4 4.4 90 0.2 2.4
Hydrachnida 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.8 100 0.4 11.3 18.1 90 0.1 9.4
Oligochaeta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 4,7 87 25.5 12.9 1.1 20 2.5 0.4 0.2 10 0.1 0.01 0.9 10 4.9 2.,
TABLE 5. -Diet overlap indices (C) and diet breadth indices (B) of the mouth ofKennydale Creek and a
lakeshore reference site, Lake Washington, 2003. Streamflow data were collected close to the mouth of the creek.
ND = no data. Diet overlap index less than 0.6 indicates a significant difference. Diet breadth index values can
range from I (no diet breadth) to infinity. Values less than 2 indicate little diet breadth.
Streamfiow Diet overlae index (Cl Diet breadth index (8)
Date (cfs) trib. mouth and lake shore tributary mouth lake shore
February 19 0.55 0.78 1.58 1.02
March 12 4.80 0.74 1.97 1.25
April 3 0.51 0.94 1.05 1.14
May8 0.20 0.98 1.05 1.05
June 3 ND 0.70 2.37 3.17
Three other tributary mouths in Lake Washington were sampled in 2003, which included
Kennydale Beach tributary, May Creek, and Taylor Creek; however, we were only able to survey
each site under base streamflow conditions. Chironomid pupae and adults were the most
important prey item for each tributary mouth as well as the lakeshore reference sites (Table 6).
Chironomid larvae and terrestrial insects were more important in the diet at each tributary mouth
than at the lakeshore reference sites. However, there was no significant difference in the diet
between the tributary mouths and lakeshore sites (Table 7). The diet breadth index was higher at
the tributary mouths than the lakeshore (Table 8).
In Lake Sammamish, the mouths of Tibbetts Creek and Laughing Jacobs Creek were
sampled in April 2003. Chinook salmon were also collected at one lakeshore reference site,
Lake Sammamish State Park boat ramps. Similar to Lake Washington, the diet of Chinook
salmon in all Lake Sammamish sites was dominated by chironomid pupae and adults. In contrast
to Lake Washington, Daphnia made up a substantial portion of the diet of Chinook salmon in
Lake Sammamish sites (Table 9). In Lake Washington, Daphnia usually does not become an
important prey item until June (Koehler 2002). The diet at the mouth of Tibbetts Creek was
somewhat different than the lake shore (overlap index= 0.68 and a higher diet breadth index).
The diet at the creek mouth included several chironomid larvae, mayfly nymphs
(Ephemeroptera), oligochaetes, and terrestrial insects. The diet at the mouth of Laughing Jacobs
Creek was similar to the lakeshore (Tables 7 and 8).
Several water mites (Hydrachnida) were often found in stomach samples, especially in
samples collected in May and June. At the mouth ofKennydale Creek (May and June), they
represented about 20% of the prey by number and %!RI was approximately I 0%. Ingested water
mites were quite small and were generally much smaller than any other prey item. They were
probably larval water mites, which are parasites of aquatic insects, especially larval dipterans
such as chironomids (Smith et al. 2001). Therefore, they probably were not a true prey item of
Chinook salmon.
TABLE 6. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon along the shoreline of Lake Washington and at three tributary mouths of Lake Washington,
April 2003. n = number of stomach samples analyzed; the range of Chinook salmon lengths is also given; %N = percent number; %0 = percent
occurrence; %W = percent weight; o/olRI = percent index of relative importance.
Lake shoreline Kennydale Beach trib. May Cr. Taylor Cr.
n • 20, ran2e • 45-84 mm FL n = 6, ran~e = 5g.. 73 mm FL n • 11, ran~e • 56-74 mm FL n = 10, ran2e = 44-62 mm FL
Prey group %N %0 %W %IR1 %N %0 %W %IR1 %N %0 %W %IR1 %N %0 %W %IR1
Chironomid pupae and adults 93.4 95 92.9 97.3 92.7 100 74.7 92.2 73.3 90.9 65.1 75.8 76.8 80 82.0 88.8
Chironomid larvae 2.7 55 0.7 1.0 5.7 50.0 14.7 5.6 8.5 90.9 17.1 14.0 10.5 60 2.6 5.5
Other aquatic diptera 0.1 5 0.05 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.8 27.3 1.4 0.4 0 0 0 0
Ephemeroptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.7 54.5 4.0 2.5 1.1 10 1.1 0.1
Collembola 0.4 15 0.1 0.0 0.5 33.3 0.3 0.1 2.7 36.4 1.3 0.9 2.1 10 0.2 0.2
Other aquatic insects 0.1 5 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 2.4 36.4 1.6 0.9 0 0 0 0
Homoptera (Aphididae) 0 0 0 0 0.5 33.3 1.0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other terrestrial insects 1.1 15 0.6 0.1 0.3 33.3 8.9 1.7 2.1 36.4 2.0 0.9 4.2 30 6.5 2.2
Cladocera -Daph nia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other crustaceans 0.2 10 0.7 0.05 0.2 16.7 0.4 0.05 0.3 9.1 0.5 0.04 0 0 0 0
Hydrachnlda 1.0 25 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.8 18.2 0.01 0.1 1.1 10 1.4 0.2
Oligochaeta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 9.1 0.2 0.02 0 0 0 0
Other 1.0 40 4.6 1.2 0 0 0 0 5.1 63.6 6.6 4.5 4.2 40 6.3 2.9
TABLE 7. -Diet overlap indices (C) of tributary mouths in Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish.
Comparisons were made between two different streamflow conditions and between a lakeshore reference
site and the two flow conditions. Samples were collected in either March or April in 2003 and 2004. Diet
overlap index numbers in bold indicate a significant difference in diet (C < 0.6). ND= no data.
Diet overlap index (C)
Lake Base flow High flow Base flow
Tributary Year and lake shore and lake shore and high flow
Lake Washington
Kennydale Cr. 2003 0.80 0.74 0.71
2004 0.70 ND ND
Kennydale Beach trib. 2003 0.76 ND ND
May Cr. 2003 0.66 ND ND
2004 0.82 0.69 0.67
Taylor Cr. 2003 0.90 ND ND
2004 0.74 0.34 0.45
Lake Sammamish
Laughing Jacobs Cr. 2003 0.87 ND ND
Tibbetts Cr. 2003 0.68 ND ND
TABLE 8. -Diet breadth indices (B) of tributary mouths and lakeshore reference site in Lake
Washington and Lake Sammamish. Samples were collected in either March or April. ND -no data. Diet
breadth index values can range from I (no diet breadth) to infinity. Values less than 2 indicate little diet
Diet breadth index (B)
Lake Base flow Hi9h flow
Tributary Year tributary mouth lake shore tributary mouth lake shore
Lake Washington
Kennydale Cr. 2003 1.05 1.14 1.97 1.50
2004 2.49 1.42 ND ND
Kennydale Beach !rib. 2003 1.70 1.12 ND ND
May Cr. 2003 2.17 1.12 ND ND
2004 1.55 1.35 2.45 1.47
Taylor Cr. 2003 1.47 1.26 ND ND
2004 1.74 1.35 4.09 1.47
Lake Sammamish
Laughing Jacobs Cr. 2003 1.65 2.01 ND ND
Tibbetts Cr. 2003 2.88 2.01 ND ND
TABLE 9. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at three locations (one shoreline site and two
sites at the mouths of tributaries) in south Lake Sammamish, April 16 to 21, 2003. n = the number of
stomach samples analyzed; the range of Chinook salmon lengths is also given; %N = percent number; %0
= percent occurrence (%); % W = percent weight; %!RI = percent index of relative importance.
Lake shoreline Laughing Jacobs Cr. Tibbetts Cr.
n -10, ran2e = 60-85 mm FL n = 10, range = 52-80 mm FL n = 11, range -53-74 mm Fl
Prel 2roue %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W
Chironomid pupae and adults 69.7 90 67.1 B1.3 65,8 100 76.5 81.6 48.9 100 56.3
Chironomid larvae 4.1 50 0.9 1.6 4.8 100 3.1 4.5 19.1 63.6 2.7
Other aquatic diptera 0 0 0 0 0.1 10 0.02 0.01 2.1 18.2 0.2
Ephemeroptera 0.1 10 0.2 0.02 0 0 0 0 8.5 45.5 8.0
Collembola 0.4 20 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other aquatic insects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,2 18.2 5.4
Homoptera (Aphididae) 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other terrestrial insects 0 o 0 o 0.2 20 0.1 0.03 4.3 36.4 10.8
Cladocera -Daphnia 16.6 40 19.3 9.5 27.2 50 8.2 10.1 1. 1 9.1 0.04
Other crustaceans 5.5 40 0.7 1.6 0.4 20 0.6 0.1 0 0 0
Hydrachnlda 2.5 50 0.1 0.9 1.1 30 0.2 0.2 3.2 18.2 0.1
Oligochaeta 0.3 10 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 o 0 0 o
other 0.8 60 11.7 4.9 0.4 50 11.3 3.4 9.6 54.5 16.6
In 2004, two tributaries, May Creek and Taylor Creek, were surveyed under high
streamflow conditions as well as base streamflow conditions. During high streamflow
conditions at May Creek, the percent of the diet of chironomids pupae and adults
decreased from base flow conditions, while the percent of chironomid larvae,
oligochaetes, and mayflies increased (Table I 0). The diet at May Creek during high flow
conditions also included some prey items that are usually only found in flowing waters.
These prey items included the immature stages of rhyacophilid caddisflies, black flies
(Simuliidae), and heptagenid mayflies. Diet breadth was approximately 60% higher than
at the lakeshore and base flow condition (Table 8); however, the diet overlap index was
not significantly different (lakeshore, 0.69; base flow, 0.67). Cutthroat trout (n = 9) at the
mouth of May Creek during the high flow event were foraging primarily on terrestrial
prey items, which included terrestrial isopods or sow bugs (36% by weight), oligochaetes
(28%) and insects (4%).
Several larval longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) were consumed by Chinook
salmon at the mouth of May Creek on April I (baseflow conditions), which represented
8% of the diet by weight. Much of the consumption oflarval smelt was observed in one
individual (64 mm FL), which had consumed 29 smelt. Adult longfin smelt have been
documented to spawn in May Creek (Moulton 1974; Martz et al. 1996).
TABLE IO. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon at the mouth of May Creek, 2004 under two
streamflow conditions. Base streamflow samples were collected on March 31 and April I and the high
strcamflow samples were collected on March 26. n = the number of stomach samples analyzed; the range
of Chinook salmon lengths is also given; %N = percent number; %0 = percent occurrence; o/oW = percent
weight; %IR1 = percent index of relative importance.
Base flow High flow
n = 10, range = 40-64 mm FL n = 10, range= 51-62 mm FL
Prer ~roue %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI
Chironomid pupae and adults 62.7 100 79.7 85.6 56.7 100 61.2 70.1
Chironomid larvae 3.7 40 1.6 1.3 17.9 70 16.0 14.1
Other aquatic diptera 0 0 0 0 2.2 30 1.8 0.7
Ephemeroptera 1.5 20 1.0 0.3 5.2 50 4.6 2.9
Collembola 4.5 30 0.8 1.0 2.2 20 0.5 0.3
Other aquatic insects 0.7 10 4.6 0.3 3.0 30 4.3 1.3
Homoptera (Aphididae) 0 0 0 0 0.7 10 0.8 0.1
Other terrestrial insects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cladocera -Daphnia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other crustaceans 0.7 10 0.3 0.1 0.7 10 0.2 0.1
Hydrachnida 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oligochaeta 0 0 0 0 8.2 90 6.1 7.7
Other 26.1 50 11.9 11.4 3.0 60 4.4 2.7
The diet at the mouth of Taylor Creek during high streamflow conditions was
significantly different than the lakeshore on the same date as well as Taylor Creek during
base flow conditions (Table I I). Chironomid larvae were the most important prey item
and represented approximately half of the prey items consumed. Other prey items
included chironomid pupae and adults, oligochaetes, springtails, and mayflies. The diet
breath index was 4.09, which was higher than any other creek mouth or lake sample.
Supplemental surveys of Kennydale Creek and Taylor Creek were conducted on
April 20, 2004. Chinook salmon were also collected at a lakeshore reference site, north
Gene Coulon Park. At the mouth of Taylor Creek, little else was present in the diet
except chironomid pupae and adults (97% by weight). Chironomid pupae and adults
were also the dominant prey item at the mouth ofKennydale Creek (58% by weight) and
the lakeshore reference site (83% by weight). However unlike Taylor Creek, aphids
made up a substantial part of the diet (Kennydale Creek, 25% by weight; lakeshore, 7%
by weight).
The lack of a large difference between the diet of lakeshore and tributary mouth
fish may be because chironomid pupae and adults are an important dietary item
regardless of location. Even in an upstream location of Johns Creek, chironomid pupae
and adults were the most important prey item (Chapter 6). The high composition of
chironomids in the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon has been observed in both lentic
(Johnson 1983; Koehler 2002) and riverine systems (Becker 1973; Merz and Vanicek
1996; Martin and Saiki 2001; Petrusso and Hayes 2001; Sommer et al. 2001). To
determine the origin of ingested chironomids from Lake Washington Chinook salmon,
we may need to identify them to genus or species to determine if they are largely lake
dwelling or stream dwelling prey. Samples of stream drift would also add information on
the types and sizes of potential prey entering the lake from the stream.
In general, juvenile Chinook salmon appear to be opportunistic feeders. They
consume a wide variety of prey items and probably can quickly switch to a locally
abundant prey source. Chironomids are extremely abundant in the nearshore areas of
Lake Washington (Koehler 2002) and it's not surprising they are important in the diet of
juvenile Chinook salmon. As other prey items become abundant, Chinook salmon
continue to feed on chironomids but also prey on these other prey items. For example,
Chinook salmon did not feed heavily on mayflies of the family Caenidae until June when
the mayflies were emerging. In Lake Ontario, Johnson (1983) found that subyearling
Chinook salmon fed predominantly on fish eggs when emerald shiners (Notropis
atherinoides) were spawning; however, in another year, Chinook salmon were collected
prior to spawning of emerald shiners and they preyed predominantly on chironomids.
Because juvenile Chinook salmon are opportunistic feeders, they can forage at the
mouths of tributaries and take advantage of a wide variety of prey types from both the
lake and tributary.
In 2002, we found strong differences in the diet between Kennydale Creek mouth
and lakeshore (Tabor et al. 2004b). The diet overlap index was 0.17 and diet breadth was
much higher at the tributary mouth (B = 9.0) than the lakeshore (B = 1.2). In contrast,
differences between tributary mouth and lakeshore samples were generally small in 2003
and 2004 except during high flow events. The sample collected at Kennydale Creek in
2002 did not appear to be during a high flow event. Also, weather records do not indicate
any measurable precipitation during the 2 days before the sample was taken. In 2002,
Chinook salmon at the mouth ofKennydale Creek were collected at night with small dip
nets on the interior part of the delta, close to the tributary mouth. Samples in 2003 and
2004 were collected primarily during the day with a beach seine, which sampled the
entire delta area. Therefore, Chinook salmon that are closer to the tributary may be
feeding to a larger extent on prey from the tributary and fish on the outer part of the delta
may be feeding primarily on prey that originated in the lake. Additionally, Chinook
salmon collected at night near the mouth may include some fish that were foraging in the
stream ( convergence pool) during the day and then moved downstream to rest in quiet
waters of the delta. In the Cedar River, small Chinook salmon appear to move to low
velocity sites at night and rest near the bottom (R. Peters, USFWS, unpublished data).
Tributary mouths appear to be especially valuable habitat for Chinook salmon
during high streamflow conditions. Chinook salmon appear to respond both functionally
(change in diet) and numerically (change in abundance) to increased streamflow. At all
three tributary mouths, the diet breadth was higher at high streamflow than at base
stream flow conditions. A large percentage of the diet during high streamflow conditions
consisted ofbenthic prey such as chironomid larvae and oligochaetes. These prey items
may become more available due to streambed scour and prey are displaced downstream.
At May Creek, we found the abundance of Chinook salmon can increase during a high
flow event. An increase in prey availability as well as flow may attract Chinook salmon
and other salmonids such as cutthroat trout. At Taylor Creek, we were unable to
demonstrate an increase in Chinook salmon abundance due to an increase in streamflow.
Taylor Creek is much smaller than May Creek and thus the amount of prey and attraction
flow is most likely less. Also, May Creek may have been easier to sample with a small
beach seine than Taylor Creek because the delta of May Creek is confined between two
riprap banks and fish may be easily encircled with a beach seine.
Introduction and Methods
The lower reaches of several nonnatal tributaries were s urveyed in 2002. Juvenile
Chinook salmon commonly used the tributary delta area s within the lak e but the y were
on ly found in the lotic environments of a few tributaries (Tabor et al. 2004b). Nonnatal
tributaries that had a high abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon were small-to medium-
sized streams, which had a low gradient and were close to the mouth of the natal system .
In 2003 and 2004, we surveyed Johns Creek and C ulvert Creek to coll ect additional
information on the use of nonnatal tributaries. Johns Creek was surveyed to determine if
the tributary is used extensively from year to year and to collect some in fo rmati on on
C hinook salmon habitat use th at could be used to design restoration projects of other
nonnatal tributaries. For example, the City of Seattle has propo sed to daylight the mouth
and lower 100 m of Mapes Creek (currently in a culvert and enters the lake a few meters
below th e lake surface), yet littl e information is available on what type of habitat
conditions would be best for Chinook salmon. In 2004, we also surveyed Culvert Creek
because it is also a small, low-gradient creek that is close to the mouth of the Cedar
River; however, the creek is located entirely within a culvert. The creek is located
approximately 0.65 km north of Johns Creek.
Johns Creek. -Johns Creek is located in Gene Coulon Park in the southeast
comer of Lake Washington, 1.5 km from the mouth of the Cedar River. Typical winter
streamflow is about 0.8 cfs (Tabor et al. 2004b). Juvenile Chinook sa lm on use the lower
460 m of the stream (Tabor et al. 2004b). Upstream of this, there are two equal-sized
streams that appear to be completely in culverts.
In 2003 and 2004 , we repeatedly surveyed the same 260-m long reach that was
surveyed in 2002 (Tabor et al. 2004b). The downstream end of the study reach was the
lake. There was no deve loped delta unlike other tributaries to Lake Washington. The
upstream end was a large culvert near the entrance to Gene Coulon Park. The study
reach was delineated into habitat units, which were eithe r classified as a convergence
pool, scour pool, glide, or riffle. The convergence pool was the lower 61 to 136 m of the
index reach that the water level was directly influenced by the lake leve l (Figure 31 ). As
th e lake rose from February to June, the convergence p oo l grew progressively larger.
Scour pools were other pools up stream of the convergence pool that had a maximum
depth > 0.35 m . Glides or shallow pools were other s low water habitats t hat had a
maximum depth < 0.35 m (Figure 31 ). The maximum pool depth of 0.35 m was adapted
from Timber-Fish-Wildlife (TFW) stream am bient monitoring methodology (Pleus et al.
1999). For a stream the size of Johns Creek (5 -to -I 0-m bankfull stream width), the
authors recommended pools have a residual pool depth of 0.25 m (residual pool depth =
m ax. poo l depth -outlet pool depth). Because the outlet depth of pools was
approximately 0.1 m deep, we used a maxi mum pool depth as > 0.35 m. Riffles were
areas that had noticeable surface turbulence with increased water velocities. Length and
width was measured for each habitat unit. The maximum depth and average depth was
also determined for each habitat unit.
FIGURE 31.-Photos of glide habitat (upper photo) and the convergence pool (lower photo) of Johns
Creek, Gene Co ulon Park. In the background of the convergence pool photo is Lake Washington.
Fish surveys of Johns Creek were conducted during the day primarily by a
snorkeler who slowly moved upstream and counted fish. In small-and medium-sized
streams, juvenile Chinook salmon appear to be easily observed and counted during the
daytime. At night, the snorkcler's light is usually close to the fish and often causes fish
to scatter, thus making it dimcult to count the fish. Pools and most glides were surveyed
by snorkelers. In 2003, shallow habitat units (riffies and some glides) that were too
shallow to snorkel were surveyed through surface observations by walking slowly along
the stream bank. Because fish are often difficult to observe in riffles when using surface
observations, we used electrofishing equipment to sample this habitat in 2004. The
number of Chinook salmon and other fish were recorded for each habitat unit. At the
location of individual or groups of Chinook salmon, we also measured the water column
depth (surface to bottom). In 2003, surveys of Johns Creek were done once every 2
weeks from March to June while in 2004, surveys were conducted once every 3 weeks
from February to May.
Stomach samples of Chinook salmon from Johns Creek were also collected in
2003 to compare their diet to Chinook salmon collected from the lakeshore. Chinook
salmon in Johns Creek were collected with a small beach seine. Lakeshore fish were
collected at a site in the north end of Gene Coulon Park, approximately I km from the
mouth of Johns Creek. Stomach samples were taken once a month from the end of
February to the end of May. Fish processing, laboratory analysis, and data analyses for
stomach samples were done the same as tributary mouth sampling (see Chapter 5).
Culvert Creek. -In addition to Johns Creek, we also surveyed a small unnamed
creek or seep in Gene Coulon Park (Figure 27). It begins on the east side of the railroad
tracks about 100 m from Lake Washington. Except for a section under the railroad
tracks, the upper 35 m are daylighted. Sixty-five meters from the lake, the creek runs
through a small drain and drops 2.1 m into a culvert. The lower 65 m was available to
juvenile Chinook salmon and was located entirely in a culvert (Figure 32), thus we
referred to this creek as Culvert Creek. The outlet of the creek is along a riprap bank
(Figure 32). The creek has a small sandy delta. The delta has a steep gradient similar to
the riprap bank. In the summer and fall, the creek is usually dry. During the winter and
spring, base stream flows appear to be approximately 0.04 cfs.
Snorkel surveys were conducted along four transects at this location: 1) creek
(entirely inside culvert), 2) delta (4 m long by 3 m wide), 3) an adjacent 18-m-long riprap
shoreline and, 4) a 14-m-long gravel beach 40 m north of the creek's mouth. The length
of the creek that we were able to snorkel varied with lake level. In February, the lake
level was low and the lower end of the culvert was perched above the lake level and the
creek was one long riffle. We assumed no Chinook salmon could use the creek during
this time period. As the lake rose, water was backed up in the culvert and we were able
to snorkel inside the cu lvert . Transects were surveyed four times, approximately once
every three weeks from March to May.
FIGURE 32. -Outlet of Culvert Creek, Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington, April 2003.
Johns Creek. -In both 2003 and 2004, large numbers of juvenile Chinook
salmon were present in the index reach of Johns Creek in February and March (Figure
33). Peak abundance was 632 Chinook salmon on March 5, 2003. Numbers gradually
decreased from late March through May and few Chinook salmon were present by the
beginning of June. In February, the mean length of juvenile Chinook salmon in Johns
Creek was approximately 40 mm FL and by the end of May they averaged 74 mm FL
(Figure 34). As they grew they used progressively deeper areas of the creek, from 0 .28 m
in February to approximately 0.5 min May (Figure 35).
"" 600
§ 500 1=~:1 :c _ ...
0 400 •• '5 ..
1l 300
5 ~-
z 200 ••
100 .....
Feb Nar f¥)r Nay Jun
FIGURE 33. -Number of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in the lower 260 m of Johns Creek in 2003
and 2004. Data are based primarily on snorkel counts. Habitats that were too shallow to snorkel were
surveyed with surface observations or electrofishing surveys
70 e 60 g
.c 50
°' 40 !
i: 30
~ 20
Feb Nar Nay Jun
FIGURE 34. -Mean fork length (mm,± 2 SE) of juvenile Chinook salmon in thelower260 m of Johns
Creek, 2003. Fish were collected with beach seines.
-o-2003 I~••••••.
···•··· 2004 : -0.5
Q. 0.4
"' C .Ji
0.3 •.... -.•.
Feb Mir />pr M3y Jun
FIGURE 35. -Mean water column depth (m) where juvenile Chinook salmon were located in the index
reach of Johns Creek, 2003 and 2004. Figure only includes dates when at least l O Chinook salmon were
A total of only six Chinook salmon were collected in riffles ( only sampled in
2004). They were collected in February and early March and were located in small
pocket water behind boulders. Juvenile Chinook salmon density was highest in glides in
February and early March. In both 2003 and 2004, the density in the beginning of March
was about twice as high in glides than scour pools. The density in glides declined
dramatically in late March and after the beginning of April, few Chinook salmon were
present in glides and those that were present were almost always under overhanging
vegetation. In April and May, the density in scour pools was 3 to 65 times higher than in
glides. Juvenile Chinook salmon were present in scour pools throughout the study period
(Figure 36). In February, they were located in shallow areas of the pool such as the edges
and tailouts. After February, they were found in deeper water and by the end of March
they were usually in the deepest part of the pool (Figures 37 and 38).
Similarly to scour pools, Chinook salmon were present in the convergence pool
throughout the study period, albeit at a much lower density (Figure 39). Chinook salmon
in the convergence pool were usually close to the edge and associated with shoreline
vegetation. One notable exception was in February, 2004 when most Chinook salmon in
the convergence pool were located under the footpath bridge. Large numbers of juvenile
Chinook salmon were also observed under the bridge in 2002. The March and April
abundance of Chinook salmon in the convergence pool was higher in 2004 than 2003,
even though the abundance in all habitats combined was higher in 2003. To compare the
use of the convergence pool to the rest of the index reach, we calculated the number per
stream length because the convergence pool is wide and Chinook salmon do not appear to
use the large area in the middle of the stream channel. The number of Chinook salmon
per stream length was 3 to 26 times lower in the convergence pool than the rest of the
stream in 2003; however, in 2004 it was only 2 to 7 times lower (Figure 36). The water
column depth used by Chinook salmon in the convergence pool was similar to the
average depth available. The deep areas(> 0.9 m deep) of the convergence pool did not
appear to be used extensively by Chinook salmon. Instead these areas were often
inhabited by large trout or largemouth bass (Micropterns salmoides), which may have
influenced the distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon.
1: -1.5 -"' 0
.!: 1 .c
1: 1 --"' 0 0.8
C 0.6 6 0.4
-....-Scour pools I
• • •D• • • Gficfes
-• • . -Comergence pool
[], 0-...
.... -.:.:::::..z&
Feb M:lr Ppr M:ly Jun
o· -....-Scoor pools
• --D· • • Glides
-.•. -Comergence pool
----. -..... -. ----. -· :._. ~.
Feb Jun
FIGURE 36. -Density (number /m 2) of juvenile Chinook salmon in three habitat types in the lower 260
m of Johns Creek, 2003 and 2004. Density in riffles is not shown because few fish were observed. Note
different scales between years.
.o-----. ·O· ••••.• o, •.• --Pool A -max. depth
---a---Pool A-Olioook
-Pool B -max. depth
02 d ---t.--. Pool B -Olioook
Feb lllbr
FIGURE 37. -Water column depth ( m) where juvenile Chinook salmon were located and maximum
depth of two scour pools in the index reach of Johns Creek, February-May, 2004. max. depth=
maximum depth.
g 0.4
i .., 0.3
C m 0.2
... ...
Feb lllbr
FIGURE 38. -Mean water column depth (m) in scour pools and glides (environment) and the mean water
column depth where juvenile Chinook salmon were located in those habitats, lower Johns Creek, February-
May, 2004. Figure only includes dates when at least IO Chinook salmon were observed.
:;; 3 g
C' 2 o' 6
1 X-.
Feb Illar
---o-2003 -upstream readl
· · · o---2004 -upstream readl
-:<-2003 -comergence pool
· · ·:<· · -2004-con.ergence pool
0 •. ---0.
FIGURE 39. -Number ofjuveniJe Chinook salmon in Johns Creek per stream length in the convergence pool and
the stream reach immediately upstream of the convergence pool. The length of the convergence pool and upstream
reach varied depending on lake level. The entire stream reach was 260 m. The upstream reach included riffles,
glides, and scour pools.
Other salmonids in Johns Creek consisted primarily of sockeye salmon fry. Other
fish observed in Johns Creek included trout, prickly sculpin, coastrange sculpin (C.
aleuticus), threespine stickleback, juvenile brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), juvenile
suckers (Catostomus sp.), juvenile sunfish (Lepomis sp.), juvenile peamouth (Mylocheilus
caurinus), and largemouth bass. Salmonids and sculpins were found throughout the index
reach and throughout the study period; whereas, the other fish species were observed
primarily in the convergence pool in May and June.
In general, the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon in Johns Creek was similar to the diet
from Lake Washington. Chironomid pupae and adults had the highest %IRI on each sampling
date in both Johns Creek and the lakeshore (Table 12). However, on two of the four dates
(March 20 and April 22), the diet in Johns Creek was substantially different than the lake shore
at north Gene Coulon Park (Table 12). In Johns Creek, chironomid pupae and adult made up
less than 30% of the diet by weight on both dates, whereas they made up over 80% of the diet
from the lake shore during that time period. On March 20, oligochaetes were the most
important prey item by weight and on April 22 other terrestrial invertebrates ( centipedes,
isopods, and gastropods) made up over half of the diet by weight. The diet breadth index was
also much higher for Johns Creek fish than the lakeshore fish on these two dates (Table 13).
TABLE 12. -Diet composition of juvenile Chinook salmon in Johns Creek, 2003. n = number of stomach samples analyzed; the range of Chinook
salmon lengths is also given; %N = percent number; %0 = percent occurrence; %W = percent weight; %!RI= percent index of relative importance.
Samples on February 21 were combined together in the field and %0 and %IR! could not be calculated.
February 21 March 20 April 22 May30
n = 10, ran§!e s: 37-45 mm FL n = 11, range• 47a54 mm FL n = 10, range= 4s.54 mm FL n = 10, range ;:I 72a81 mm FL
Prev group %N %0 %W %1Rl %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %1RI %N %0 %W %!RI
Chironomid pupae and adults 63.9 . 47.0 36.8 90.9 18.6 39.3 67.3 80 26.8 57.8 58.5 100 75.8 71.7
Chironomid larvae 11.5 . 4.0 8.8 45.5 3.6 4.4 3.6 10 0.3 0.3 30.8 100 6.2 19.7
Other aquatic dip1era 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ephemeroptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Collemba 11.5 5.0 16.7 72.7 1.5 10.3 1.8 10 0.1 0.2 0.5 20 0.5 0.1
Other aquatic insects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 10 5.9 0.4
Homop1era (Aphididae) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 60 1.1 0.9
Other 1errestrial insects 6.6 4.0 0.9 9.7 0.3 0.1 3.6 20 5.0 1.3 5.8 90 6.7 6.0
Cladocera -Daphnia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other crustaceans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 10 0.0 0.03
Acarina 0 0 1.8 9.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.3 10 0.0 0.01
Oligochaeta 0 0 24.6 45.5 46.7 25.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other terrestrial invertebrates 0 0 0.9 9.1 7.9 0.6 12.7 60 55.9 31.6 0 10 4 0.2
.ilihtt 6.6 40.0 9.6 81.8 21.3 19.8 10.9 50 11.9 8.7 1.0 40 3.7 1.0
TABLE 13. -Diet overlap index (C) and diet breadth index (B) of juvenile Chinook salmon from Johns Creek and
Lake Washington, 2003. Lake Washington Chinook salmon were collected in the north part of Gene Coulon Park,
approximately I km from Johns Creek. Diet overlap index numbers in bold indicate a significant difference in diet
(C < 0.6). Diet breadth index values can range from I (no diet breadth) to infinity. Values less than 2 indicate little
diet breadth.
Diet overlap index (C) Diet breadth index (B)
Date Johns Cr. and lake shore Johns Cr. lake shore
February 21 0.70 1.98 1.02
March 20 0.21 3.39 1.25
April 22 0.29 5.03 1.05
Mal30 0.62 1.71 3.17
Culvert Creek. -A total of only five Chinook salmon were observed in Culvert Creek
(inside the culvert); however, the amount of available habitat was relatively small. The few
Chinook salmon observed inside the culvert were located close to the downstream end of the
culvert (mouth of the creek), presumably because light levels at the mouth were higher and more
conducive for foraging. Few other fish were observed inside the culvert. Out of four surveys,
only one sockeye salmon fry, one small trout, and three sculpin were observed. No Chinook
salmon were ever observed on the creek delta. Instead other fish, such as largemouth bass,
prickly sculpin, pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), and small trout, were usually present. Few
Chinook salmon were observed along the riprap transect. On three of the four surveys, large
adult bass (either largemouth bass or smallmouth bass M. dolomieu) were present. Other fish
observed included trout, pumpkinseed, and large prickly sculpin. The highest abundance of
Chinook salmon (#Im) was observed along the gravel beach transect (Figure 40). Except for
some small sculpin, few other fish were observed along this transect.
1.4 --• --Gra.el shoreline
E 1.2 --Oeek (inside cul.ert) -1 .:t: • -• ll· .. Riprap shoreline
0 0.8 C:
E 0.6 l)
' '
0.2 . #./1--••.••.•• ..
0 ........ t,·
M3.rch P,:>ril Mly
FIGURE 40. -Abundance (number perm) of juvenile Chinook salmon in Culvert Creek (inside culvert) and at
two nearby shoreline transects in Lake Washington, 2004.
Johns Creek.-Results from Johns Creek indicated that Chinook salmon extensively use
this nonnatal tributary from year to year. Several nonnatal tributaries of Lake Washington and
Lake Sammamish were surveyed in 2002 and the number of Chinook salmon found in Johns
Creek was higher than all the other tributaries combined. Johns Creek appears to be an ideal
nonnatal tributary because it has a low gradient, is a small-to medium-sized stream, and is close
to the natal system, the Cedar River. Preliminary results from Lake Quinault in 2004 indicate
there are also several nonnatal streams that are used by juvenile Chinook salmon. We plan to
conduct additional surveys of these streams in 2005 to identify important factors that influence
their use of these streams. In the lower part of the Fraser River, British Columbia, juvenile
Chinook salmon used nonnatal tributaries that had low gradients and had no fish barriers such as
waterfalls, culverts, bridge footings, or flood control gates (Murray and Rosenau 1989). The use
of the lower reaches of nonnatal tributaries by juvenile Chinook salmon has also been
documented in the upper Fraser River system in British Columbia (Scrivener et al. 1994), the
Taku River system in Alaska (Murphy et al. 1989) and the Umpqua River system in Oregon
(Scarnecchia and Roper 2000).
Based on the habitat use patterns of Johns Creek, a suitable stream for juvenile Chinook
salmon should have a wide variety of habitat features, which would take into account the change
in habitat use of Chinook salmon as they grow. Shallow, slow water habitats(< 0.35-m depth)
or glides were used extensively in February and early March. We also observed small Chinook
salmon in pocket water ofriffles, thus using cobbles and small boulders in riffles might provide
additional rearing habitat. After late March, Chinook salmon were usually in deeper pools but
we did not observe them in pools greater than 0.9 m depth. Throughout the study period,
juvenile Chinook salmon appeared to often use overhead cover.
The density of Chinook salmon in the convergence pool was considerably lower than in
the upstream reach. Low density in the convergence pool may be due to a combination of
suboptimal habitat conditions and presence of other fish species. Much of the convergence pool
had riprap banks and there was little woody debris and little riparian vegetation to provide
overhanging cover. Potential predators of Chinook salmon, such as largemouth bass,
smallmouth bass, large trout, and prickly sculpin, were commonly observed in the convergence
pool, thus Chinook salmon may avoid this area. Besides predators, the convergence pool also
had large numbers of potential competitors Guvenile peamouth,juvenile sunfish, threespine
stickleback, and prickly sculpin), which could reduce the food available for Chinook salmon. In
the upstream reach, few other fish species were present and the habitat conditions appeared to be
better than the convergence pool.
Culvert Creek.-Although few Chinook salmon were present at Culvert Creek, it does
provide evidence that small creeks or seeps could be potential Chinook salmon rearing habitat.
The number observed at Culvert Creek in 2004 was higher than the number observed in 2002 in
much larger tributaries such as May Creek (Tabor et al. 2004b). Use of these small tributaries
has not been well documented; however, in the Nooksack River system, Chinook salmon fry
were frequently caught in several spring seeps and small tributaries but not along the river edge
(P. Castle, WDFW, unpublished data). Use of these small tributaries in Lake Washington is
probably most beneficial for newly emerged fry. These tributaries would provide shallow water
habitat and large predatory fish would most likely be absent. As they grow and move into deeper
habitats their use of these small tributaries would be greatly reduced.
The number of juvenile Chinook salmon in Culvert Creek may actually be high
considering the poor condition of the habitat. The creek could be significantly improved if it was
daylighted and riparian vegetation was planted. Additionally, the creek delta was adjacent to
riprap and the abundance of predatory fishes (bass and large sculpin) appeared to be much higher
than at other tributary deltas. Any stream restoration project would probably also need to include
removing the riprap. If the creek was restored, perhaps it could support as many as 50 juvenile
Chinook salmon (based on densities observed in Johns Creek).
In 200 I and 2002, habitat manipulation experiments were conducted in Gene Coulon
Park to test the use of small woody debris (SWD) by juvenile Chinook salmon. In all
experimental tests , no preference for SWD was found (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002, Tabor et al.
2004b). However during snorkel surveys, juvenile Chinook salmon were found to extensively
use natural small woody debris when associated with overhanging vegetation (OHV) in south
Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish . Since no preference was shown for SWD by itself
during experimental tests, then OHV may be an important element of preferred habitat for
juvenile Chinook salmon. Jn 2003, we conducted the final phase of our habitat manipulation
experiments by examining the use ofOHY in combination with SWD.
We used the same site in Gene Coulon Park that we used in 200 l and 2002 (Figure 14 ).
The shoreline was divided into six 15-m shoreline sections: two with SWD, two with OHY/SWD
and two with no structure of any kind. The structures within the SWD only sections and
OHV/SWD sections were 8 m long and located in the middle of the 15-m shoreline section. In
the sections with OHV, we placed four fence posts in the water at a 0.3 m depth and then a rope
was tied between them, approximately 0.4 meter above the water. Scotch broom (Cytisus
scoparius) cuttings (1.5 to 2 m long) were then laid down such that the base of each cutting was
close to the ed ge of the shore and the top part of the cutting rested on th e rope (Figure 41). The
cuttings were anchored with sand bags on shore and cable ties along the rope. The small woody
debris consisted of tree branches placed in two rows parallel to shore. Each row was
approximately I to 2 m wide. The rows were approximately 1.5 m apart, which allowed room
for a snorkeler to swim between the rows. Small woody debris was placed along 0.4 and 0. 7 m
depth contours and was tied to ge ther and anchored with sand bags. Snorkel surveys were
conducted within each shoreline section. Surveys were done during both day and night. Surveys
were done along the 0.4 m depth contour. At the beginning of each snorkel survey, the
temperature (0 C) and light intens ity (lumens/ft2) was measured. Light intensity measurements
were taken at the water surface with an International Light Inc., model IL1400A
During the day, Chinook salmon were active and often moved away from snorkelers. To
get a more accurate count and insure that snorkelers did not push fish into an adjoining section,
two snorkelers s lowly swam toward each other from the outer edges of each shoreline section.
After s urveying each section, snorkelers compared notes on fish observed and adjusted fish
counts to reduce the likelihood that fish were double counted. At night, shoreline sections could
be surveyed by one s no rkeler. Fish were inactive and usually did not react to the snorkel er.
Occasionally, a Chinook sa lmon was startled but usuall y only swam away a short distance in any
direction. Therefore, it was possible for a fish to have moved into an adjoining section, but we
considered thi s number to be in s ignificant in comparison to the total number of fi sh observed.
Within each shoreline section with structure, we also estimated the number of Chinook salmon
FIGURE 41.-Placement of Scotch broom used to experimentally test the use of overhanging vegetation by
juvenile Chinook salmon. Small woody debris was also placed next to the Scotch broom on the lake side.
that were closely associated with OHV or SWD or were located on the periphery of the structure
(3.5-m shoreline length on each side of the structure).
We conducted the experiment during two time periods, an early period (March 24 to April 9) and
a late period (May 2 to 16). To compare between treatments, we used a one-way analysis of
variance test (ANOV A).
A total often daytime surveys were conducted during the early time period between
March 24 and April 9. On each survey date, both the OHV/SWD sections had a substantially
higher number of Chinook salmon than any other section. The daytime abundance of Chinook
salmon was significantly different between shoreline types (Figure 42; AN OVA, F = 87.7, df =
2,3, P = 0.002). Results from a post hoc Fisher's LSD test showed a significantly higher
abundance in the OHV/SWD sections than either the SWD sections or open sections. No
difference was detected between SWD and open sections. Large numbers of Chinook salmon
were often observed directly under OIN (Figure 43). On average, 86.7% of the Chinook salmon
within the OHV/SWD sections were most closely associated with the OHV part of the structure,
while 6.3% were associated with the SWD and 6.8% were in the open on the periphery of the
structure. Three nighttime surveys were conducted during the early time period. There was no
significant difference in nighttime Chinook salmon abundance between shoreline types
(ANOVA, F = 5.6, df = 2,3, P = 0.098). However, 46% of all the Chinook salmon were present
in the open sections and 65% of those within sections with structure (OHV/SWD and SWD)
were located in the open, away from the structure.
During the late time period (May 2-16), seven daytime and four nighttime snorkel
surveys were conducted. There was no significant difference in Chinook salmon abundance
between shoreline types during either the daytime (Figure 42; ANOVA, F = 0 .02, df= 2,3, P =
0.98) or nighttime (ANOVA, F = 6.0, df = 2,3, P = 0.089). Unlike the early time period, few
Chinook salmon used OHV during the daytime of the late time period. On average, only 7.2% of
the Chinook salmon within the OHV/SWD sections were mos t closely associated with the OHV
while 30.2% were associated with the SWD and 62.6% were in the open on the periphery of the
structure. During the early time period , only 17% more Chinook salmon were observed at night
than during the day; however, twice as many were observed at night as during the day during the
late time period. This suggests that either snorkelers were less able to observe the Chinook
salmon during the day of the late time period or many of the Chinook salmon were further
offshore during the day of the late time period and not close to snorkelers.
160 March 24 -April 9
0 120 0
..c. 80
0 o Day, n = 10 -0 40 a Night, n = 3 :;t
~() ~() 0<:::-
~,0 0 0~
100 May 2 -16
~ 80 0
C 60 ..c.
0 40 ~·~ o Day, n = 7 -0 20 a Night, n = 4 :;t
~() ~() 0<:::-
~,0 0 0~
FIGURE 42. -Mean number (±range) of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in three habitat types during an early
and lat e time period, Gene Coulon Park, south Lake Was hington (2003). Bars represent the mean of two replicates.
n = the number of snorkel surveys used to calculate the mean number observed for each replicate. OHV =
overhanging vegetation; SWD = small woody debris.
FIGURE 43.-Photo of a group of juvenile Chinook salmon within a overhanging vegetation/small woody debris
(OHV/SWD) structure, March 27, 2003. Within this structure, Chinook salmon were more closely associated with
the OHV.
A variety of different surveys from Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, and Lake
Quinault have indicated that overhead cover (alone or in combination with small woody debris)
is an important habitat feature for small Chinook salmon. In March 2001, small Chinook salmon
were often found under south Lake Washington docks during the day (Tabor and Piaskowski
2002). No SWD was present under these docks. Surveys of natural OHV /SWD sites in Lake
Washington and Lake Sammamish found large numbers of small Chinook salmon were often
present (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002; Tabor et al. 2004b). In Lake Quinault, we also found
Chinook salmon directly under L WD and OHV. In 2004, we undertook a field experiment to
test its importance, and results clearly showed that large numbers of Chinook salmon use sites
with overhead cover. Use of overhead cover by juvenile Chinook salmon has also been observed
in Cedar River (R. Peters, USFWS, unpublished data). Brusven et al. (1986) used an artificial
stream channel to test the importance of overhead cover and found it was an important habitat
component for juvenile Chinook salmon. Meehan et al. ( 1987) covered sections of a side-
channel of the South Fork Salmon River and found the number of juvenile Chinook salmon was
substantially higher in the covered sections than open sections.
The use of overhead cover has also been documented for other juvenile salmonids.
Juvenile Atlantic salmon preferred overhead cover when light levels were greater than 300 ft-c
(Gibson and Keenleyside 1966). Fausch (1993) found juvenile steelhead selected habitat
structures that provided overhead cover; however, juvenile coho salmon did not select overhead
cover. The use of overhead cover has also observed in adult salmonids such as brown trout,
rainbow trout, and brook trout (Gibson and Keenleyside 1966; Butler and Hawthorne 1968).
The main function of overhead cover for juvenile Chinook salmon was most likely
predator avoidance. It would seem unlikely that Chinook salmon selected the overhanging
vegetation because of food availability. In our experiments, we used freshly-cut scotch broom
and it's doubtful if there was any increase in prey abundance. Besides, there probably would not
be enough food production for the large number of Chinook salmon in such a small area.
Chinook salmon associated with the overhead cover were inactive and did not appear to be
actively foraging. In contrast, fish in open areas were often observed foraging. The overhead
cover probably provides a visual refuge from avian predators as well as fish predators. Helfrnan
(1981) proposed that fish utilize overhead cover because they are better able to see approaching
predators and it is hard for predators to see into the shade.
Similar to 2002 results, no significant difference was detected between experimental
SWD sites and open sites. Overall, there was fives times as many fish in the SWD sites as the
open sites; however, there was large variability between survey dates. For example, on seven
occasions, there were no fish in a SWD section but on four occasions were more than 30 fish.
Small woody debris does not appear to provide resting habitat like OHV/SWD but still may be
important as a refuge from predators. Chinook salmon may retreat to the SWD if a predator
approaches and only use the SWD for a short period of time until the predator has moved away.
The addition of SWD adds structural complexity and may reduce the foraging ability of
predators (Glass 1971).
In May,juvenile Chinook salmon were rarely found associated with OHV or SWD.
Previous work in Lake Washington also indicated Chinook salmon do not appear to extensively
use cover as they increase in size (Tabor et al. 2004b). In the Cedar River, juvenile Chinook
salmon were located further from cover as they became larger (R. Peters, USFWS, unpublished
data). Allen (2000) also found that juvenile Chinook salmon in the Yakima River were further
away from instream cover as they grew larger. As Chinook salmon grow they inhabit deeper
waters and may not need to use cover. Deeper water may act a visual barrier from some
predators such as avian predators. Gibson and Power (1975) found that juvenile Atlantic salmon
used overhead cover in shallow water but if they were in deeper water it was not used.
Additionally, juvenile Chinook salmon may not need to use cover because they will have much
faster burst swimming speed as they increase in size (Webb 1976) and thus can quickly move
away from some types of predators. Alternatively, juvenile Chinook salmon may be further
away from cover in May but complex structures such as OHV and SWD may still be important
as a refuge from predators. As Chinook salmon increase in size and have faster burst swimming
speed, they can move further from cover and still be able to retreat to cover if a predator
approaches. For example, in 2001 we observed a large school of juvenile Chinook salmon
feeding offshore in the open but later they quickly moved to OHV/SWD that was close to shore
when they were pursued by two mergansers (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002).
Some habitat features such as L WD and emergent vegetation are difficult to study along
the highly developed shorelines of Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish because they are
rare. Outside of the Lake Washington basin, the only other major run of ocean-type Chinook
salmon that spawn above a large lake in the State of Washington occurs in the Quinault River
above Lake Quinault. In 2003, we conducted a preliminary investigation of Lake Quinault to
determine if the lake could be used to study the habitat features that are rare in the Lake
Washington basin. A few day and night snorkel surveys were conducted in April and July.
Large numbers of Chinook salmon were found along the lake shoreline and the lake had large
areas with L WD and emergent vegetation. Additionally, the shoreline is relatively undeveloped
and the only introduced fish species is common carp, which do not appear to be abundant.
Therefore, the lake appeared to be an excellent site to study juvenile Chinook salmon habitat use
in a pristine lentic environment and examine some habitat features not found in the Lake
Washington basin.
Chinook salmon habitat use was studied during two periods in 2004; one in late April and
another in late June. The nearshore area was divided in one of five habitat types (Figure 44):
open beach (gentle slope) with small substrate (sand and gravel), bedrock and large substrate
(steep slope), emergent vegetation (Figure 45), LWD (Figure 45), or tributary mouths. Except
for deltas of some small tributaries, we only used nearshore areas where the shoreline habitat was
the same for at least 50 m.
The maximum transect length was 120 m. Only one area of the lake had bedrock and
three transects were established at this location (Figure 44). These transects were surveyed on
each study period during both day and night. Seven tributary mouths were chosen, three (Gatton
Creek, Falls Creek, and Willaby Creek) are spawning streams for Chinook salmon, the other four
tributaries are considered nonnatal streams. For the other three habitat types, we used a stratified
random sampling design to select transects to survey. Sampling consisted of both day and night
snorkel surveys. We tried to survey the same transects on each study period during both day and
night; however, we were not able to survey a few transects due to time constraints or weather
issues. On low to moderate sloping shorelines, two depth contours (0.4-and 0.7-m depth) were
surveyed, while on steep sloping shorelines only one depth contour (0.4-m depth) was surveyed.
Chinook salmon (separated into those greater than and less than 60 mm FL) and other fish were
counted along each transect. A habitat survey was also done at each transect. Information
collected included: substrate type, length, slope, and amount of structure (woody debris or
emergent vegetation).
FIGURE 44. -Location of nearshore transects used to study habitat use of juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake
Quinault, 2004.
FIGURE 45. -Photos o f la rge woody d e bri s h abita t {up p e r pho to ) a nd em e rge nt vegetat io n habitat (lowe r photo)
of Lake Quinault .
We compa red d a y and ni g ht C hinook sa lm o n counts w ith a s ign ran k tes t. The
abundanc e of fi s h at eac h s ite was calculate d two s eparate ways ; I ) nears h o re abunda n c e
(number o f fi s h per J 00 m of sh o re lin e), a nd 2) sh o relin e d e n s ity (n umber o f fish p er m 2). The
n earshor e a b undance is th e estima t e d number of fi sh t o I -m d e pth a nd is based o n fi s h c o unts
a lo ng o n e o r tw o tran se c ts (depend in g o n t h e bo tto m s lope) and th e n ex p a nd e d b a sed o n the
dis ta n ce fr o m th e s ho reli n e to l -m d e pth . The sh o re line de ns it y is th e numbe r of fi sh a lo ng the
0.4 -m t ra nsect. We used a tran se c t w id th of 2.5 m for the 0.4 conto ur d e pth a nd 2 m for the 0.7-
m depth contour, which are the same widths us ed for index sites in Lake Washington (Chapter
1). Abundance of fish in different habitat types for April and June were compared with an one-
way ANOV A and Fisher's LSD test. Separate tests were performed for the nearshore abundance
(#/100 m of shoreline) and shoreline density (#/m2).
In April 2004, large numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon were observed during both day
and night. Comparison of sites that were surveyed day and night (n = 12) indicated there was no
difference in the number of Chinook salmon (sign rank test, P = 0.39). Of all day and night
transects in April (n = 47), there was only one day transect where no Chinook salmon were
observed. In June, few Chinook salmon were observed during the day except at tributary
mouths. Overall, significantly more Chinook salmon were observed at night than during the day
in June (sign rank test, P = 0.002). No Chinook salmon were observed along 11 of the 25 (44%)
day transects. In contrast, Chinook salmon were observed along every night transect (n = 26).
Both daytime nearshore abundance (number/100 m of shoreline) and daytime shoreline
density (#/m2) of juvenile Chinook salmon in April was significantly different between habitat
types (Figure 46; ANOVA, df = 3,7; #/100 m, F= 4.2, P = 0.008; #/m2, F= 6 .6, P = 0.001).
Results of a post-hoc Fisher's LSD test indicated that tributary mouths general1y had higher
numbers of Chinook salmon than the other habitat types and bedrock sites often had a lower
number (Figure 46). Beach, emergent vegetation, and L WD sites were not significantly different
from each other. The abundance of Chinook salmon in emergent vegetation sites was highly
variable, which appeared to be due to differences in the type of emergent habitats. Sites with
soft, silty sediments and a gentle slope tended to have a lower abundance than sites with a
sand/gravel substrate and a moderate slope. If emergent sites are removed from the ANOV A
model, the nearshore abundance at L WD sites becomes significantly higher than at beach sites as
well as bedrock sites. Within L WD sites, juvenile Chinook salmon were often resting directly
under a large piece of L WD.
Only 12 transects were snorkeled at night in April. No significant differences were
detected between habitat types for either number/I 00 m of shoreline (ANOV A, F = 3 .1, df = 3, 7,
P = 0 .099) or shoreline density (ANOVA, F= 2.1, df= 3,7, P = 0.19). However, the average
number/I 00 m of shoreline at bedrock sites was considerably lower than the other habitat types.
Ninety percent of Chinook salmon observed during the day in June were at tributary
mouths. The number of Chinook salmon/m was 1.14 at the tributary mouths; whereas it was
only 0.02 at the other sites. Chinook sa lmon were observed at all tributary mouth sites (n = 6)
but only observed at 5 of 19 (28%) other sites. Because no Chinook salmon were observed at
most sites except at the tributary mouths, no statistical test was preformed. At tributary mouth
sites, most Chinook salmon were located directly in the current, close to where the stream enters
the lake.
The nighttime nearshore abundance(#/ 100 m of shoreline) of Chinook salmon in June
was not significantly different between habitat types (ANOVA, F= 7.4, df= 4,21, P = 0.001).
Similar to April surveys, the nearshore abundance in emergent sites was also highly variable
between sites. If emergent sites are removed from the ANOVA model, abundance at beach sites
and tributary mouths becomes significantly higher than at bedrock sites. The June nighttime
shoreline density (#/m2
) was significantly different between habitat types (ANOV A, F = 3.1, df
= 3, 7, P = 0.099). Results of a post-hoc Fisher's LSD test indicated that tributary mouths
generally had higher shoreline densities than the other habitat types and bedrock sites had lower
shoreline densities than beach sites (Figure 47).
Chinook salmon observed in June were a wide range of sizes. There appeared to be two
distinct groups, a group of large individuals that were approximately 70-90 mm FL and a group
of smaller individuals (45-60 mm FL). We made separate counts for each group. We divided
them into two size categories (less than and greater than 60 mm FL). During the day, Chinook
salmon were mostly observed at tributary mouths and 68% were large Chinook salmon. The
large Chinook salmon were located in the current of the tributary and slightly offshore, while the
small Chinook salmon were located close to shore on the periphery of the delta. The few
Chinook salmon observed at the other habitat types during the day were all small. At night, 69%
of the Chinook salmon were small and there was no large difference in the ratio of small to large
Chinook salmon between the habitat types.
At many sites, we also observed large numbers of juvenile coho salmon. Small juvenile
coho salmon and coho salmon presmolts were observed in April, while in June only juvenile
coho salmon were observed. Most juvenile coho salmon appeared to be smaller than Chinook
salmon and were more closely associated with L WD, especially during the day. During the day
in April, the number of juvenile coho salmon per shoreline length was 0.63 fish/m for L WD
sites, whereas it was 0.23 fish/m for beach, bedrock, and emergent sites, combined. No coho
salmon were observed at the seven tributary mouth sites. At night in April, the highest
abundance of coho salmon was observed in beach sites, 0.91 fish/m. Coho salmon presmolts
were observed primarily at night at beach and tributary mouth sites. Sixty-six percent of all coho
salmon observed during the day in June were in L WD sites. The abundance of coho salmon at
LWD sites was 1.0 fish/m; however, at the other sites combined it was only 0.14 fish/m. At
night in June, good numbers of juvenile coho salmon were observed in each habitat type. The
highest abundances were observed in L WD (0.88 fish/m) and tributary mouth sites (0.80 fish/m).
Besides juvenile Chinook salmon and coho salmon, other fish commonly observed
included speckled dace (Rhinichthys cataractae ), threespine stickleback, prickly sculpin, trout,
and suckers. Speckled dace were especially abundant at night. During the day, they appeared to
usually be closely associated with some type of cover such as woody debris or emergent
vegetation; while at night, they were in the open areas of each habitat type. Large numbers of
threespine stickleback were observed in emergent vegetation sites as well as beach and tributary
mouth sites. A few small sculpin (< 75 mm TL) were observed during the day; while at night,
large numbers of small and large(> 75 mm TL) sculpin were observed in all habitat types. Trout
were observed primarily at night. The only place we observed large trout(> 150 mm) during the
day was at tributary mouths. Adult suckers were observed primarily at tributary mouths ( day and
night) and juvenile suckers were observed at night primarily at beach and emergent sites.
E 400 g
-300 "' 8
C 200
6 100
E -"' 1 ~ 6 0.5
FIGURE 46. -April daytime nearshore abundance to I m depth (mean± 2SE; top panel) and shoreline density
(mean± 2SE; lower panel) of juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Quinault, 2004. Bars with different letters are
significantly different (ANOV A and Fisher's LSD; P < 0.05). Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of
~ 400 ,...
; 300
E -..,.
C 0.5
FIGURE 47. -June nighttime nearshore abundance to I m depth (mean± 2SE; top panel) and shoreline density
(mean± 2SE; lower panel) of juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Quinaul~ 2004. Bars with different letters are
significantly different (ANOVA and Fisher's LSD; P < 0.05). The ANO VA test was not significant for the
nearshore abundance (top panel). Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of replicates.
Except for tributary mouths, few significant differences were observed in the use of
different habitat types in Lake Quinault. Lack of pronounced differences may have been due to
small sample sizes and high variability in Chinook salmon abundance between sites. There is
little bedrock shoreline in Lake Quinault and only three bedrock sites were established. The
abundance of Chinook salmon at bedrock sites was substantially lower than other habitat types,
yet we detected few significant differences between bedrock sites and other habitat types.
High variability in the April surveys may have been due to differences in the distance to
natal streams. For example, sites in the northeast comer of the lake near the mouth ofQuinault
River appeared to have a higher abundance of Chinook salmon than other sites. Adjusting the
counts of Chinook salmon based on distance to natal streams would be difficult because there are
several natal streams spread around the east and south shoreline of the lake. In June, Chinook
salmon were probably well distributed around the lake and distance to the natal stream probably
had little influence on their abundance.
The abundance of Chinook salmon at emergent vegetation sites was highly variable.
Much of the variability appeared to be due to the substrate type and bottom slope. Sites with
sand and gravel substrates (hard substrates) tended to have a higher abundance (1.5 times higher
in April and 21 times higher in June) than emergent sites with silt and mud (soft substrates).
Areas with soft substrates also had a more gradual slope than areas with hard substrates. In 200 I
and 2002, we made some preliminary observations on the use of soft substrates (silt and mud) by
juvenile Chinook salmon in Lake Washington (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002; Tabor et al. 2004b),
which suggested that they tend to avoid this substrate type. Results from surveys at Beer Sheva
Park provided further evidence that Chinook salmon do not extensively use soft substrates. The
reasons why soft substrates are avoided is unclear. We hypothesized that Chinook salmon may
avoid soft substrates in Lake Washington because these areas may have a higher density of
predators such as largemouth bass and brown bullhead. However, in Lake Quinault these
predators do not occur. Soft substrates also appear to have a higher density of macrophytes than
other substrate types and Chinook salmon may prefer a more open environment. Other possible
explanations include competition with threespine stickleback, which were predominantly found
in emergent vegetation sites with soft substrate. Other potential competitors, including speckled
dace and juvenile coho salmon, were also common in these sites. Also, the soft substrate sites
appear to often have higher turbidity than other sites which could reduce foraging success of
juvenile Chinook salmon.
In comparing fish abundance, we assumed that Chinook salmon could be observed
equally between the different habitat types. However, it is certainly possible that there was some
degree of bias. The distance at which a fish will react to a potential predator (reactive distance)
may be much longer in open areas than in complex habitats such as L WD and emergent
vegetation sites (Grant and Noakes 1987). Alternatively, fish can be difficult to observe in
complex habitats because they can easily hide from the observer. Additionally, emergent
vegetation sites with soft substrates appeared to have higher turbidity from wave action and/or
common carp activity, which may also have reduced our ability to observe juvenile Chinook
salmon. Some additional sampling techniques such as beach seining could be employed to
confirm the results but other techniques may also have some bias between habitats types.
Although we did not document a strong preference for L WD or emergent vegetation in
Lake Quinault, these habitats may still be more beneficial than open beach habitat if survival
rates are higher in structurally complex habitats. The addition of L WD or emergent vegetation
adds structural complexity and reduces the foraging ability of predators (Glass 1971 ). Research
in warm-water systems has been found that structural complexity is important for survival of
many species of juvenile freshwater fishes (Savino and Stein 1982; Werner and Hall 1988).
Tabor and Wurtsbaugh ( 1991) concluded that nearshore structural complexity improved the
survival of juvenile rainbow trout in reservoirs because trout strongly selected this habitat feature
and improved survival was demonstrated in a pond experiment.
The benefit of L WD in Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish has been debated
because it may provide valuable salmonid habitat but it may also be used extensively by
smallmouth bass and other introduced predatory fish. Fresh et al. (200 I) found that smallmouth
bass occurred primarily in areas with cobble and were usually near some type of structure such
as a dock. Smallmouth bass generally prefer areas with a steep sloping bottom (Hubert and
Lackey 1980). Therefore, LWD could be placed in areas with fine substrates and a gentle slope,
which is what juvenile Chinook salmon prefer. However, LWD sites with a gentle slope could
also be used by largemouth bass. At a natural OHV/SWD site (gentle slope with sand substrate)
in Lake Washington we observed juvenile Chinook salmon for a few weeks until an adult
largemouth bass was observed. Another possible management scenario would be to only have
LWD placed in the south end of the lake. From February to mid-May, juvenile Chinook salmon
are located primarily in the south end of the lake. Smallmouth bass and largemouth bass do not
appear to become very active until May when water temperatures are greater than 10°C and by
then many of the juvenile Chinook salmon have moved into deeper waters. Also, by only having
the L WD in the south end, the total population of bass in Lake Washington may not increase
Experiments in Lake Washington in 200 I (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002), 2002 (Tabor et
al. 2004b), and 2003 (Chapter 7) indicated SWD is not preferred habitat for juvenile Chinook
salmon. Similarly, L WD was not strongly preferred over open beach areas in Lake Quinault. It
is difficult to make comparisons between the SWD and L WD because they were not directly
compared in the same study. However within L WD sites, juvenile Chinook salmon were
commonly located directly under pieces of LWD that had a large diameter. Therefore in Lake
Quinault, L WD may be more beneficial than SWD because it provides more overhead cover.
Small woody debris provides some structural complexity but provides little overhead cover.
Ideally, a study of different diameter woody debris would be valuable to determine the best size
of woody debris to use in restoration projects. A simpler approach would be to measure the
diameter of the piece of woody debris that Chinook salmon were associated with and compare to
the sizes of woody debris available.
Introduction and Methods
On June 19, 2001, several schools of Chinook salmon were observed migrating along the
Seattle shoreline of Lake Washington (Tabor and Piaskowski 2002). Observations were made
from a pier at Stan Sayres Park. These schools were observed swimming north in approximately
2.1-to 2.5-m deep water and as they approached the pier they moved to deeper water (3.1-m deep
water) and swam around the pier. Occasionally, we looked for migrating Chinook salmon at this
pier and other piers during the months of May and June in 2002 but no Chinook salmon were seen.
In 2003 and 2004, we undertook a more systematic sampling approach to determine when they can
be observed migrating along the shore. Additionally, we wanted to collect additional information
on their behavior in relation to piers. In 2003, weekly observations (May-July) were conducted at
one site, a public pier near McClellan Street. This site was selected because no other piers were
nearby to alter the fishes' behavior and the offshore end of the pier was relatively deep (9.5 m)
compared to other piers. The pier is perpendicular to the shoreline and is 42 m long, 2.4 m wide,
and 0.45 m above the water surface. There were few aquatic macrophytes at this site. Additional
observations were also taken on June 26, 2003 at Mt. Baker Park and Stan Sayres Park when
juvenile Chinook salmon appeared to be abundant. In 2004, the McClellan Street pier was again
monitored weekly in May through July. In addition, several other piers (Table 14; Figure 48) were
surveyed within a few days of the moon apogee when we expected juvenile Chinook salmon
would be abundant (De Vries et al. 2004).
TABLE 14. -Dates surveyed and general habitat conditions of south Lake Washington piers used to observe
migrating juvenile Chinook salmon in June 2004. Percent slope was measured from the toe of the shoreline
annoring to the offshore end of the pier. Milfoil density is a description of the density of Eurasian milfoil; A=
abundant; R = rare or absent.
Shoreline Length Distance from Width Maximum Milfoil
Site Dates surve~d
West shore
(m) shore {m) (m) deeth (ml Sloe!:(%) densi!r
Beer Sheva boat ramp June 17 12 12 1.9 1.9 15.7 A
Island Drive June 17 20 20 1.5 3.5 15.7 R
Seward Parle June 18 26 19 2.4 4.2 22.1 A
Stan Sayres Park June 17 32 32 2.5 2.6 7.7 A
Mt. Baker Park June 16,17,18 74 50 1.8 7.5 15.0 A
Jefferson Street June 15,17 59 42 2.4 7.5 18.0 A
Madison Park June 17,18 25 25 3.7 3.0 10.4 R
Edgewater Apartments June 17 9 9 9.0 2. I I 1. 7 A
East Shoreline
Chism Park June 18 39 34 2.4 3.5 8.2 R
Mercer Island
Groveland Park -A June 18 65 32 1.8 7.3 22.8 A
Groveland Park -B June 18 28 19 2.8 3.0 12.9 A
FIGURE 48.-Location of south Lake Washington piers used to conduct visual observations of migrating Chinook
salmon. The McClellan Street pier was surveyed weekly from May to July, 2003 and 2004. The other piers were
only surveyed during the peak migration period in June.
Observations were conducted primarily in the morning when the water was calm and fish
could be easily observed. On windy days, no observations could be conducted. Observations
were made by standing on the pier and observing schools of Chinook salmon as they swam near
the pier (Figure 49). The time each school was observed and th e direction they are swimming
was noted. The size of each school of Chi nook salmon was categorized as either small(< 50
fish), medium (50-10 0 fish), large ( 100-200 fish) or very large (> 200 fish). How Chinook
salmon responded to the pier was determined by estimating th e depth of each school as the
approached the pier and the depth they were at as they past under or around the pier.
Su rface observat ions at the McClellan Pier were conducted once a week fro m May 21 to
July 3 in 2003 and May 19 to July 9 in 2004. During the first five surveys in 2003 (May 21 to
June 18), few juvenile sa lmonids were observed and no obvious movements were seen.
Similarly in 2004, few Ch inook salm on were observed until June 16. On June 26, 2003 and June
16, 2004, large numbers of sal mon ids were observed moving along the shoreli ne. Based on fish
size and date, we assumed they were juvenile C hinook salmon. Snorkel surveys conducted in
2004 also indicated th ey were Chinook salmon . To better understand fish movements, we
conducted additional surface surveys during the period when Chinook salmon were abundant.
The timing of the migration appeared to coincid e with the moon apogee, which has been also
suggested to be related to th e passage of Ch in ook sa lmon smelts at the Ballard Locks (De Vries et
al. 2004).
When Chinook salmon were abundant at McClellan Pier, we took extended observations
to coll ect additional information on migrating Chin ook salmon. In 2003, extended observations
were conducted twice (June 26 and July 1) and in 2004 they were co nducted three times (June 16
to 18). On all five dates, observations were conducted from at least 0730 h to 1100 h (F igure
50). Peak number of schools was observed between 0800 hand 0830 h and the lowest
abund ance was at the end of th e s urvey between 1030 hand 110 0 h. H o wever, resu lts of an
ANOV A test indicated there was no significant difference in abundance for any ha lf hour period
between 0730 hand 11 00 h. Additional observations were conducted if weather conditions and
personnel schedu les permitted. On one date, June 16, 2004, we were able to make observati ons
from 0600 h to 1200 h (Figu re 5 1). On thi s date, few schools of Chinook salmon were observed
before 0730 h and after l I 00 h. Observations on other dates showed th e same general trend;
little activity before 0700 h and a reduction in activity after 1100 h or 1200 h.
FIGURE 49 .-Conducting visual observations of migrating Chinook sal mon at the McClellan Street pier, Lake
20 ....
C 15 Q)
(.) ...
Q) 10 a.
l:) ~'
FIGURE 50. -Percent of Chinook salmon school s occurring in half hour intervals between 0730 hand 1100 h,
McClellan Pier, Lake Washington. Bars represent the mean percent of five dates, June 26, 2003, July 1, 2003 and
June 16 to 18, 2003 .
1/) 14 0
0 12 .s::. u 10 1/) -0 8 ...
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FIGURE 51. -Number of Chinook salmon schools observed on June 16, 2004 between 0600 h and 1200 hat
McClellan Pier, Lake Washington.
At McClellan Pier, Chinook salmon were observed moving along the shore in both a
northerly and southerly direction. In 2003, we observed 64% of the schools moving in a
northerly direction; whereas, in 2004 we observed 85% moving north . Combined (2003 and
2004), 47% of the schools were small (0 to 50 fish), 36% were medium-sized (50 tolOO fi sh),
16% were large (I 00-200 fish) and 1 % were very large schools (> 200 fish).
A s Chinook salmon approached McClellan Pi er they were typically in water that was 1.5
to 2 m deep (Figure 52) and 12 to15 m from the shore . When they got to within 3 to 4 m of the
pier, they swam to deeper water and us ually swam under the pier where the water depth was
about 2.1 to 4 .5 m deep . On a few rare occasions, fish did not go under the pier but headed into
deeper waters and appear to turn around and head in the opposite direction. After most fish
s wam under the pier, they usually swam back towards shore and returned to the same depth as
they were before encountering the pier. On some occas ion s, Chinook salmon continued to move
to deeper water after they past under the pier. We could not tell if they eventually returned to the
FIGURE 52.-Photo ofa group of juvenile Chinook salmon moving along the shore at McClellan Pier, Lake
Washington, June 2003. Water depth at this location was about 1.7 to 2 m deep.
Besides McClellan Pier, we surveyed 11 other piers. They were all surveyed close to the
moon apogee, the time period (2003 and 2004) when Chinook salmon were abundant at
McClellan Pier. The location of juvenile Chinook salmon appeared to be related to the presence
of Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum). Ifmilfoil was present, Chinook salmon were in
deeper water and further from shore; however, the depth of Chinook salmon above the milfoil
appear to be similar as the total water column depth if the milfoil was absent (i.e., McClellan
Pier). Therefore the top of the milfoil appeared to act as the bottom of the water column to
Chinook salmon. Mil foil was absent or rare at four locations, McClellan Pier, Beer Sheva Park,
Island Drive, and Madison Park, and the mean water column depth of Chinook salmon before
encountering the pier was 2.1 m. In contrast, the mean water column depth of Chinook salmon
at piers with milfoil was 4.0 m. At Edgewater Apartments and Stan Sayres Park, the top of the
milfoil was close to the water surface along the entire length of the dock and few Chinook
salmon were observed. At Groveland Park, Jefferson Street, and Seward Park, milfoil was close
to the water surface along the length of the dock except at the offshore end of the pier and
therefore Chinook salmon were only seen at the end of the dock and they did not appear to
change their behavior in response to the pier. Movement of Chinook salmon to deeper water as
they approached the pier was observed at Mt Baker and Madison Park piers. At the Island Drive
pier, Chinook salmon were observed moving closer to shore as they approached the dock. This
was probably caused by other nearby docks, which may have caused Chinook salmon to be
further from shore.
When migrating Chinook salmon approach a pier they appear to move to slightly deeper
water and either pass directly under the structure or swim around the pier. Most likely they
move to deeper water as a way of reducing their predation risk. Both smallmouth bass (Fresh et
al. 2001) and largemouth bass (Colle et al. 1989) can be found directly under piers. As Chinook
salmon approach the pier, they probably have a difficult time seeing under the structure and bass
may be better able to see approaching prey fish (Helfinan 1981 ). In deeper water, Chinook
salmon will probably have more space to avoid a bass predator. Also, Chinook salmon may
move to a greater water column depth and will be further away from the pier and thus there may
be more ambient light to help detect the presence of a predator.
Our results appear to support work by De Vries et al. (2004), who found that Chinook
salmon smolt emigration past the Ballard Locks was related to the moon apogee. However, in
2003 we only detected movements on or shortly after the June 25 apogee. In contrast, De Vries
et al. (2004) observed most Chinook salmon emigrated shortly after the May 28 apogee and little
movement was observed after June 25. Taken together, these results suggest that there was a
large movement of Chinook salmon following the May apogee and then a much smaller
migration following the June apogee. Why we did not observe any Chinook salmon activity on
or shortly after the May apogee in unclear. Water temperatures were cooler in May and Chinook
salmon may have behaved differently and selected deeper water and were further offshore.
Although visual observations of migrating Chinook salmon can provide useful
information, it does have several limitations. Observations can only be conducted when the
water surface is calm; this usually means surveys can only be conducted in the morning hours.
Only a small area near the shore can be effectively surveyed. Fish in deeper waters are hard to
observe. There also may be large differences between observers. The observer may also have
some influence on the behavior of Chinook salmon. To get a more complete picture of the
behavior of migrating Chinook salmon other techniques are needed. Tracking fish with acoustic
tags and obtaining accurate positions appears to be the most promising technique. Efforts in
2005 will focus on this technique.
We wish to thank Heather Tschaekofske, Dan Lantz, Hilary Collis, Mark Celedonia, and
Sharon Vecht of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Chris Sergeant of University
of Washington for all their assistance with snorkeling observations and beach seining collections.
Kitty Nelson, NOAA Fisheries and Joe Starstead, City of Seattle made many of the observations
of migrating Chinook salmon. Keith Kurko, Julie Hall, Andrea Buchanan, Maggie Glowacki,
Melinda Jones, Gail Arnold Coburn, City of Seattle; Stewart Reinbold, Washington Department
offish and Wildlife (WDFW); and Kit Paulsen, City of Bellevue made additional observations
of migrating salmon during the pear emigration period. We also thank Scott Sanders and Steve
Dilley, USFWS, for making the maps and formatting this document. Dave Zajac, Roger Peters,
and personnel at the Quilcene National Fish Hatchery, USFWS assisted with the residence time
study. Dave Seiler, WDFW provided information on emigration of Chinook salmon in the Cedar
River. We thank John Slaney, Leslie Betlach and Gene Coulon Park personnel of the City of
Renton for their assistance. Kevin Stoops, City of Seattle, assisted with our sampling efforts of
Seward Park. We also thank the personnel of the Barbee Mill Company for their assistance with
the May Creek sampling. Larry Gilbertson and Ed Johnstone, Quinault Indian Tribe assisted
with our sampling efforts in Lake Quinault. Bob Wunderlich, USFWS; Keith Kurko and Julie
Hall, City of Seattle; and Larry Gilbertson, Quinault Indian Tribe provided valuable suggestions
for the study design and reviewed an earlier draft of this report. Funding for this study was
provided by the City of Seattle and City of Mercer Island, and administered by Julie Hall and
Keith Kurko, City of Seattle and Glenn Boettcher, City of Mercer Island.
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Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office
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510 Desmond Drive SE, Suite 102
Lacey, Washington 98503-1263