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LUA-08-093 (2 OF 3)_Report 02
" .. -.. • • Goll, Shirle From: Goll, Shirley Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:30 PM 'legals@seattletimes.com'; 'linda.mills@kcjn.com' Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Thanks (Linda, the Renton Reporter) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DDES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057 -5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING & RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION Request: File # & Name: Formal Subdivision L04P0034 Applicant: Liberty Gardens Subdivision Location: Site located on 162°' Ave SE postal city Renton Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for dev. S/F detached residences Project Manager: Chad Tibbits 206.296-7194 Hearing Date and Time: July 17, 2008 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DDES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DDES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this 25 1" day of June, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ ODES Application File: L04P0034 S.Times Acct. :'llo. 078871004 1 .. Goll, Shirley From: Jenni Malarz umalarz@seattletimes.com] on behalf of Kathleen Baldwin [kbaldwin@seattletimes.com] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:07 PM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Thank you -we'll have it ready! Jenni for Kathy Baldwin Seattle Times Legal Notices 206-652-6018 legals@seattletimes.com From: Goll, Shirley [mailto:Shirley.Goll@kingcounty.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:30 PM To: Legals; linda.mills@kcjn.com Subject: Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Thanks (Linda, the Renton Reporter) Please confirm receipt. Page I of2 Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PEBI\IIIT HEARIN!'., &_RE:G_QMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISI_ON Request: File# & Name: Formal Subd iv is ion L04P0034 Applicant: Liberty Gardens Subdivision Location: Site located on 162nd Ave SE postal city Renton Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for dev. S/F detached residences Project Manager: Chad Tibbits 206.296-7194 Hearing Date and Time: July 17, 2008 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DDES, Hearing Room 06/l 9/2008 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 .. ; Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DOES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this 25th day of June, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ ODES Application File: L04P0034 S.Times Acct. '.'lo. 078871004 06/19/2008 Page 2 of2 Page 1 of2 Goll, Shirley From: Jenni Malarz Umalarz@seattletimes.com] on behalf of Kathleen Baldwin [kbaldwin@seattletimes.com] Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 9:11 AM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Kathy is out of the office so I received your notice. This is $61.92 for printing on 6/25 in the Seattle Times. Thank you, Jenni for Kathy Baldwin Seattle Times Legal Notices 206-652-6018 legals@seattletime_s._com IQN9COUNTYDEPT.OF YElDf'MENT ,&. ElfVIRO JIPIENT AL SER "1C ES (DOES Nt~Ai,e;S:W, R~1t,;,-~ WA ~-ti212 NCJTlCEOF PERMIT H~I & RH:OJI\MEll~TICIN L.AJE ~ SBl'WEES 11:ll'q~t: Fom·,JISi..t-di).'~ion Filcl=& ~ LO<lfv,)2,:1 A"'&cmit Liberfy L'.;arO:n :,.,t,,:J;.., ea, L.acatioe: Site l)(,;rt~ on 16:J", A•~ SE ~·oskl 1, ify R=tor, p~ S,_t,.jr)-'~ '*,pr:;Q(, $ ·;S..:i,=,Ior.ed R-<I nb ~IVt'l k, •:k·~.S.F ,:Je'IJ,j",e,:l ~jj~~ fcml~~ C r.;.:l Tit~i tlco"ll!II DIiie a.i Tiae.: Jul Jl, 2CCci:at9::,),::r.-. U>C<Jr.oa ot P'l!Nic: Heic11111S: ODES, H=rl"l3 RVOfl'l 90) Od.=::lolc A~,:; SW R=t«\.WA9:SCC:if-ti2U ~l.Recoa~-ID Hea"IIS EJE•iacr ,,:.,ppr 1•.t· ;e.: t to ,or,:l itior6. Coa-.t Procat~: C r,-~ ,;,r, 1",e,x-v·~,c;1eorer, t-::i')g a~~1'!-:I b),' K~,g CCY"l'tt DDES, L,Jr.:I l.J~-:: ::"-::r~ic~ Oit'' ~i,:o,at1",eo:klr= I~~ ~,'I!.: p,_t, li7'¢:l ttii~ ~Sit. d·;i-~ ,;,f J,..... '"" From: Goll, Shirley [mailto:Shirley.Goll@kingcounty.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:30 PM To: Legals; linda.mills@kcjn.com Subject: KC DDES, 6/25; Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Thanks (Linda, the Renton Reporter) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DDES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT 06/20/2008 & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES {DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEA~IIIIG & RECOMl'/IENDATION LAND USE SERVICES D!VISION Request: File# & Name: Formal Subdivision L04P0034 Applicant: Liberty Gardens Subdivision Location: Site located on 152nd Ave SE postal city Renton Page 2 of2 Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for dev. S/F detached residences Project Manager: Chad Tibbits 206.296-7194 Hearing Date and Time: July 17, 2008 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DOES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County ODES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this 25th day of June, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DDES Application File: L04P0034 S.Times Acct. No. 078871004 06/20/2008 Page l of2 Goll, Shirley From: Linda Mills [lmills@reporternewspapers.com] Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 9:26 AM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: Re: Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Hi Shirley, I have received your notice (re: file #L04P0034) to be published in the Renton Reporter on Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Thank you, Linda Linda Mills Legal Advertising/Obituary Representative Reporter Newspapers -Sound Publishing 19426 68th Ave. So Ste A Kent, Wa 98032 253-234-3506 legals@reporternewspapers.com or paidobits@reporternewspapers.com From: Goll, Shirley [mailto:Shirley.Goll@kingcounty.gov] To: legals@seattletimes.com, linda.mills@kcjn.com Sent: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:29:36 -0700 Subject: Legal ad request for L04P0034 Notice of Hearing Thanks (Linda, the Renton Reporter) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING & RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION Request: File # & Name: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Project Manager: 06/20/2008 Formal Subdivision L04P0034 Liberty Gardens Subdivision Site located on 162nd Ave SE postal city Renton Subdivide approx. 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for dev. S/F detached residences Chad Tibbits 206.296-7194 Hearing Date and Time: July 17, 2008 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: ODES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County ODES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this 25th day of June, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DOES Application File: L04P0034 S.Timcs Acct. No. 078871004 06/20/2008 Page 2 of2 lotice of Decision- Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division SEPA Threshold Determination and Notice of Recommendation & Hearing 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 File No.: L04P0034 Project Name: Liberty Gardens Subdivision ODES Project Manager Chad Tibbits, 206-296-7194 Email: chad.tibbits@metrokc.gov Applicant: Project Location Project Description: Permits Requested: David Petrie 811 S. 273rd Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 The property is located on 162nd Avenue SE, approximately Y. mile south of the 162"a Avenue SE and SE 136 1h Street intersection. Subdivision of approximately 8.95 acres into 36 lots for the development of single family detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed Jots range in size from approximately 5,900 to 9,350 square feet. Formal Subdivision Department Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner Approve, subject to conditions Date of Public Hearing: July 17, 2008, 9:30 am DOES Hearing Room -first floor 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 SEPA Threshold Determination: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Issued June 20, 2008 The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a written report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner two weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. Persons wishing to receive a copy of the report should contact DOES at the address listed below. Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Appeal procedures will be stated in the Examiner's written decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. A public hearing as required by law will be held to consider the approval of this application. If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the public hearing on this matter will be postponed. Interested parties will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled hearing. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Comment/Appeal Procedure on SEPA Threshold Determination: Comments on this SEPA determination are welcome. This SEPA determination may also be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on July 7, 2008, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250.00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall also file a Statement of Appeal with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on July 14, 2008. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. Further, the Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) at the following address: Date Mailed: June 20, 2008 DDES--Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 .: ,: r·QPY . ~-,-_-, ._,, If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Planner at the phone number listed a If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TTY). . :® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 February 9, 2005 • '· Notice Board & Posting Procedures Instruction Package Notice of Application L04P0034 In accordance with King County Code Section 20.20.060, enclosed you will find instructions, specifications, and materials in order to meet the notice of application posting requirements of the County. Please read these instructions carefully and take action quickly to order your notice board sign. Your notice board sign can be ordered through a sign painter, using the information supplied on page 2 of the enclosed "Notice Board Requirements." The cost of the sign is the responsibility of the applicant. Further processing of your application is dependent upon fulfilling the notice of application posting requirement. When your sign is in place, attach the colored laminated notice of application along with the plastic envelope ( containing extra copies of the notice of application) to the notice board as depicted on page 1 of the instructions. Maintain a supply of notices within the plastic envelope throughout the comment period. The posting sign/notice board must remain in place throughout the duration of your application. Immediately upon completion of the above instructions, complete the enclosed affidavit of posting and return to the Department of Development and Environmental Services, Land Use Division, Current Planning Section, at the address shown above (envelope enclosed). Failure to comply with posting requirements may be cause for a delay in the processing of your application. If you have any questions, please call the Land Use Services Division at (206) 296-6600. Enclosures: Notice Board Requirements-Application Laminated Notice of Application Waterproof Vinyl Envelope containing copies of the Notice of Application Affidavit of Notice of Application Posting form/LUSD return envelope Notice Board & Posting Procedures Instruction Pkg.-NOA 8/8/01 MAIN FIL~ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 L04P0034 -Liberty Garden Subdivision DOES Project Number AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING !,, _____________ ~, hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application D Other --------------- on the day of , 2005, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): I) 3) I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. Signature This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. CPSFORMS/AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING,DOC 7/27/99 NOTICE BOARD REQUIREMENTS- NOTICE OF APPLICATION King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1212 Per King County Code Section 20.20.060, a notice board must be prepared and posted for your land use application. Please prepare and post in the following manner: Notice Board Size and Text Specifications The notice board shall be constructed to the specifications described below. The notice board shall display the information shown in the figure. Board Construction: The notice board shall be constructed with 4' x 4' plywood. Professionally prepared plastic notice board overlays, permanently affixed to the board are permissible. Notice boards may be reused but they must be clean and show no evidence of former wording. 1. Lettering style: Helvetica or similar standard typeface 2. Lettering size: Title should be 3" capital letters (NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION). Other letters should be 2" letters except on the 8%" x 14" laminated paper providing the details of the proposal. See illustration below for use of capital and lower case letters, and placement of laminated paper and vinyl jacket. 3. Lettering: Black (permanent ink or silk-screen) 4. Background Color: White 5. Logo: King County emblem, in black 6. Laminated Notice of Application on a legal size sheet which provides information regarding the proposed land use application. TO BE SUPPLIED BY Land Use Services Division (LUSD) (see enclosed). 7. Legal size waterproof vinyl jackets with a fold flap, and wrap string. TO BE SUPPLIED BY LUSD (see enclosed). The applicant must make copies of the Notice, place them in the vinyl jacket, and maintain a supply of copies throughout the posting period. 4 FT ® NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Call (206) 296-6600 Type of Action: Proposal: File No.: NOTICE OF APPLICATION 8.5" X 14" LAMINATED 4 FT EXAMPLE COPIES OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN VI NYLJACKET Notice Board Requirements-NOA B/8/01 Pg 1 Standards for Locating and Installing Notice Board .. The notice board shall be located and installed to the specifications described below. Number of Notice Boards required for this application: ONE ( 1 ) Special Instructions: _________________________ _ Notice board shall be located: Place the board along the frontage of 162nd Ave SE • Midpoint on the site street frontage or as otherwise directed by LUSD staff to maximize visibility. • At a location 5 feet inside from the street property line; a notice board structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback provisions, provided that no notice board is located not more than 5 feet from the property line without approval from LUSD staff. • So that the top of the notice board is between 7 to 9 feet above grade. • So that it is easily accessible and totally visible to pedestrians. The applicant shall erect the notice board by solidly setting the post 12 to 18 inches into the ground; or structurally attached it to an existing building. Two 4" x 4" 8-foot-long (minimum) posts and four washers, bolts and nuts (3/8-inch diameter and bolts are 5-inches long) shall be used to install the notice board. Installation Certification The notice board(s) must be installed within 14 days after Land Use Services Division has determined that the application is complete. The enclosed "Affidavit of Posting" must be signed, and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days following the date of posting. Maintenance and Removal of the Notice Board The applicant shall maintain the notice board in good condition throughout the application review period, which shall extend through the time of the final county decision on the proposal and the expiration of any applicable appeal periods. If the notice board is removed, LUSD review of the land use application may be discontinued until the notice board is replaced and has remained in place for the required period of time. TO BE FILLED OUT BY LUSD STAFF NOTICE BOARD TEXT INFORMATION (To Be Given to the Sign Painter) Type of Action: Formal Subdivision Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.98 acres into 38 lots for the development of single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. File No.: L04P0034 Liberty Garden Subdivision NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217. Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 2 ., Number of sign boards required: 1 Location of sign boards: 1 Board along the frontage of 162"d JI.venue SE. Formal Plats A. Cities within 1 mile to be notified: Renton B. Airports within 2 miles to be notified: None Mail Notice to: 1) Affected Tribes * 2) Applicant 3) Community Groups * 4) DOT, if adjoins State highway * Always included as a notice recipient (off of the STR list). Planners Posting Board lnstrx.doc l Affidavit of Publication 2977656 / 3 State of Washington, Counties of King and Snohomish, Daniel S. O'Neal being duly sworn, says that he/she is the Authorized Agent of Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times and representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, separate newspapers published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington: that they are newspapers of general circulation in said Counties and State; that they have been approved as legal newspapers by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties; that the annexed, being a classified advertisement, was published in: Newspaper Publication Date The Seattle Times 2/14/05 ~The Seattle Post-_lccn,,t"'elccl i=g,e"-nccceccr _____ __c_2=/-'l--'4--'/0"'5 __________ ______, And not in a supplement thereof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed and/or distributed in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers during all of said period, and that said newspaper or newspapers were regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. K1NG·co=u~.,=,~,,D~ •• =T. ~ CiEVELOPMENT & ~ ENVIRONMENtAL SERVICES 1. /7 ,oo ... g>.~f,',l,. SW, '/ j Renfcitl, WA fl05S-111, :,No1'1clt·oF. LANP USE J:1:ERMIT APPLICATIONS --------~-------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 ~t day of l'11farch, 2005 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Seattle R°tCIUEST: FO.l~MAL SUBDIVISION FIie: L STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on Monday, 2/14/05 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum uf S259.75 at the rate of $35.00 per inch for the first publication and NIA per inch for. e.;tCJ'J. SJJbs~~ent inse-rtion. ,t. 'f' A [__--· Lily Nguyen Legal Actveftising Representative, King County Journal Subscribed and sworn to me this 14th day of February, 2005. A (~ ,11111111111111,,1 ~ -,,,,, ME,4 11/// ---"=-'---~------------,a,c'' -~ ":: ..... ,,,,G,y,,, /,',c ' Q·"'°'· •• , \or, C '•• ''",.(,. ~ Tom A. Meagher ~ .t..:, .• ,i,ss -t.o •. 1 ~ Notary Public for the State of Washington,jesi~l'l'\tA<ifl,.';,o\ W~ington Ad Number: 858314 P.O. Number: =: : -•-1 = Cost of publishing thi.s notice includes an a'gi~~~t SllPl\'ij\,~ f 5 j ~....,·.. ;1,/I...;,,::::: /_,, I/' •, • .f.f,4_,~ i(f:!,,• 0 ;::; "/ ,0 ,0 T 2, 0 , ~· ~ '8-..... 0 ......... y..\'-~ ///11, f: w A. s ,,,,,-... 11111111111111\\\ KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton1 WA 98055-1219 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS REQUEST· FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: L04P0033 Applicant: Dennis Johnson, Fremantle Development Inc, Location: Located on SE 305th Pl SE, via the entrance to the plat of Kingsley Meadows off of 124th Ave SE. Proposal: Subdivide approx. 5.22 acres into 20 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 REQUEST FORMAL SUBDMSION File: L04P0034 Liberty Garden Applicant; David Petrie Location:Located on 162nd Ave SE, approx. mile south of the 162nd Ave SE & SE 136th St. inter- section. Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.98 acres into 38 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 REQUEST· FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: L04P0035 Kendall Ridge Applicant: Jeffrey Hamilton, Kendall Ridge LLC Location: Located on the eastern side of 132nd Ave SE, approx. 600ft. south of the 132nd Ave SE & SE 304th St intersection. Proposal: Subdivide approx. 30.17 acres into 109 lots for single- family detached residences in the R-6-SO, R-1-SO & RA-5-SO ,ones. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 COMMENT PROCEPJJRES· Com- ments on the above files are now being accepted by King County DDES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Phone: 206-296- 6600. Published in the King County Journal February 14, 2005. #858314 • Rogers, Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Rogers, Carol Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:09 AM 'Legals'; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com' Legal ads for publ. on Monday, 2/14 Please confirm receipt. Please publish the accompanying, legal notice in your newspaper on MONDAY. February 14. 2005, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please call or fax me immediately. Submit your invoice and 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to Accounts Payable, as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records. and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton. WA 98055-1219 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: Applicant: Location: Proposal: L04P0033 Dennis Johnson, Fremantle Development Inc. Located on SE 305" Pl SE, via the entrance to the plat of Kingsley Meadows off of 124" Ave SE. Subdivide approx. 5.22 acres into 20 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 ==--====-------======----------------------------------------------------- REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: Applicant: Location: L04P0034 Liberty Garden David Petrie Located on 162°' Ave SE, approx. Y. mile south of the 162°' Ave SE & SE 1361h St. intersection. Proposal: Subdivide approx. 8.98 acres into 38 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 ====--=================----=========---==---------====--------------------- REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: Applicant: Location: Proposal: L04P0035 Kendall Ridge Jeffrey Hamilton, Kendall Ridge LLC Located on the eastern side of 132°' Ave SE, approx. 600ft. south of the 132°' Ave SE & SE 3041h St intersection. Subdivide approx. 30.17 acres into 109 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO, R-1-SO & RA-5-SO zones. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 COMMENT PROCEDURES: Comments on the above files are now being accepted by King County DOES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Phone: 206-296-6600. Published this 14th day of February, 2005 cc: Accounts Payable, Administrative Services Division, DOES Application File(s): L04P0033; Hazel View application notice. L04P0034; Liberty Garden application notice. L04P0035; Kendall Ridge application notice. Seattle Times acct #078871004 1 soc Rogers, Carol From: Legals [legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 10:43 AM To: Rogers, Carol Subject: RE: Legal ads for publ. on Monday, 2/14 Hi Carol -your legal ad will run Mon 2/14 for $129.56 Thanks ladybyrd -----Original Message----- From: Rogers, Carol [mailto:Carol.Rogers@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:09 AM To: Legals; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com' Subject: Legal ads for publ. on Monday, 2/14 Please cq_nfirm receipt. Please publish the accompanying, legal notice in your newspaper on MOND)~Y. i=!lbru~y__M.,_2005, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please call or fax me immedia__!gly. Submit your invoice and 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to Accounts Payable, as soon afte_r__public_ation_jls possil:!111, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055-1219 NOTJCE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS REQUEST: F08MAL_SUBD1VISION File: Applicant: Location: Proposal: L04P0033 Dennis Johnson, Fremantle Development Inc. Located on SE 305th Pl SE, via the entrance to the plat of Kingsley Meadows off of 124th Ave SE. Subdivide approx. 5.22 acres into 20 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 Page 1 of2 ------======----====-------=========-==========-========================== REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: Applicant: Location: Proposal: 02/09/2005 L04P0034 Liberty Garden David Petrie Located on 162nd Ave SE, approx. Y. mile south of the 152nd Ave SE & SE 135th St. intersection. Subdivide approx. 8.98 acres into 38 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. .soc Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 R_l;QUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISIQr,J_ File: L04P0035 Kendall Ridge Applicant: Jeffrey Hamilton, Kendall Ridge LLC Location: Located on the eastern side of 132nd Ave SE, approx. 600ft. south of the 132nd Ave SE & SE 304th St intersection. Page 2 of2 Proposal: Subdivide approx. 30.17 acres into 109 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO, R-1-SO & RA-5-SO zones. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 gOMMENT PROCED_LJRES: Comments on the above files are now being accepted by King County DOES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Phone: 206-296-6600. Published this 14th day of February, 2005 cc: Accounts Payable, Administrative Services Division, DOES Application File(s): L04P0033; Hazel View application notice. L04P0034; Liberty Garden application notice. L04P0035; Kendall Ridge application notice. Seattle Times acct #078871004 02/09/2005 Q.i B,.eply ~ Reply to All f+P Forl'l'_ard a 't' ~x: ····~ CZ). From: Tom Meagher [tom.meagher@l<ingcountyjournal.com] Sent: Wed 02/09/2005 8: 14 AM To: Rogers, Carol Cc: Subject: RE: Legal ads for publ. on Monday, 2/14 Good Morning, Carol! I have received your email, and will publish the notice (Re/Files L04P0033, L04P0034 and L04P0035) in the 2/14JIJ5 edition of the King County Journal. Thanks very much, Carol. .. have a great day! Tom Meagher Legal Advertising Representative King County Journal Newspapers Phone: 425-453-4296 Fax: 425-635-0602 -----Original Mess age---- Fnm: Rogers, Carol [mailto:CarolRogers@METROKC.OOV] Sent: Wednesday, Febiue:y09, 2005 8:09 AM Te: 'Legals'; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjoumal.com' Subject: Legal ads for publ on Monday, 2/14 Wednesday, Feb 09. 2005 10:45 AM User: plancrog Computer: OE217953 Os: Windows NT Version: 5.1 A V ® Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division NotPte of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Applicant: David Petrie File #: L04P0034 -Liberty Garden DOES Planner: Trishah Bull 811 South 273'° Court Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Telephone No.: 206-296-6758 Project Location: Date Application Filed: December 29, 2004 Date Determined Complete: January 26, 2005 The property is located on 162"" Avenue SE, approximately Y. mile south of the 162"a Avenue SE and SE 136th Street intersection. Project Description: Subdivision of approximately 8.98 acres into 38 lots for the development of single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 7,000 to 15,000 square feet. The applicant's proposal also includes a proposal for right-of-way vacation that, if approved, would increase the acreage to 9.74 acres. Permits requested in this application: Formal Plat Relevant environmental documents are available at the address below: Drainage study, Environmental checklist Development regulations to be used for project mitigation, known at this time: KCC 21A, including sensitive area regulations, road standards, and 1998 Surface Water Design Manual Consistency with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County Codes, including those noted above Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: Road Vacation A public hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner is required for this application. Notification of the public hearing date will occur approximately 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a report and recommen- dation to the Hearing Examiner two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of recommendation. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the planner at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Mailing Date: February 18, 2005 --=------=-----====-=-==----=========================== Please send me notification of the public hearing and other official notices concerning this application. File No. L04P0034 -Liberty Garden ( Please print ) Name: ________________________________ _ Address: _______________________________ _ Telephone No.: ------------- .. ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 L04P0034 -Liberty Garden Subdivision ODES Project Number AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING l, ';)f\ VIP p E -t ·R \ ~ , hereby affirm t!-i..:::.t ! have pcE:ted the follo,ving: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application D Other ~-------------~ on the 20 day of FEi §&uA~r , 2005, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): 1) 3) I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. ~~Q .. c::..:__o ~Jdk Si ature This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. CPSFORMS/AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING.DOC 7/27/99 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services OA<-DE-0100 9CO Oakesdale Avenue Southwest K.enton, WA 98055 King County Department of Developmcnl and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue S0uthwes1 Renton. Washington 9R055-1219 '(( .. ··'·\.· ·,·, ,, .... ~. ,/ (:. k~ ',s I ~ ' . !. 2 2. ~: ". ,_.:' ,. '\-'.' Ii .. '.\\~J' .._ (", .. t f ,~ ,·) ·~ •·:,. R: . ...__._, ~ .. ;._..:.::,. >J..._' ~· -.,......: t~ ~ -! _·(" ' •.•• ·~ -- ::,:_Ji, I C) ·r.' -.,,~ :-l ,, . ' r,. :...-·1 !''0 ( ' '3,~~~~~~ \. ':2_ \ r-:: II,/, ,i .. 1,11,,, ,I, I,, I, i,,, ,II .. I,/,, ,I 11,1,, I J,,1,1, .. , I ,II t ' King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 Application Number(s): Application for Land Use Permits Alternative formats available upon request KC. D.D.E.s. Date Received: (Stamol DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS DIVIDER I (We) request the following permit(s) or approval(s): 0 Building Permit 0 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit 0 Clearing & Grading Permit 0 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit 0 Temporary Use Permit 0 Shoreline Variance 0 Binding Site Plan 0 Shoreline Redesignation 0 Site Development Permit 0 Zoning Variance 0 Boundary Line Adjustment 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Short Subdivision 0 Reuse of Public Schools ~ Formal Subdivision 0 Special Use Permit 0 Urban Planned Development 0 Zone Reclassification 0 Plat Alteration 0 Site Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment 0 Plat Vacation 0 P-Suffix Amendment 0 Road Variance 0 Special District Overlay Removal 0 Drainage Variance or Adjustment 0 Reasonable Use Exception 0 Right-of-Way Use Permit 0 Public Agency & Utility Exception I, David M. Petrie , being duly sworn, state that I am the owner or (print name) officer of the corporation owning property described in the legal description filed with this application and that I have reviewed the rules and regulations of the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) regarding the preparation and filing of this application and that all statements, answers and information submitted with this application are in all respects true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. During the review of this application, it may be necessary for DOES staff to make one or more site visits. By signing this application form, you are giving permission for these visits. If it is rental property, the owner hereby agrees to notify tenants of possible site visits. /J ' ~~-' David M. Petrie ~-~~ z.1, o.t; c><f printed name s1gna ure 811 S. 273rd Ct. mailing address Des Moines, WA city state 98198 zip corporation or company name (253) 946-6619 telephone If applicable, state below, the name, address and telephone number of the authorized applicant for this application as shown on the Certification and Transfer of Application Status form filed with this application. Same as Above name Engineer is Contact telephone Application for Land Use Permit(s) lc-app-luper mailing address city IJti,"-"te:,,. .g;ip .•. ,., wt'•· .. ~ N-n't' ~ ··~;,,, .. ~;<\,.j,J~·"' Page 1 of 2 2/11/02 ' For Formal Subdivisions only: Liberty Garden Name of Subdivision Paul Morrow Registered Land Surveyor Mel Daley Engineer David M. Petrie Developer Land Surveyor's Certification I hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been inspected by me and conforms to all rules and regulations of the platting resolution and standards for King County, Washington Signed:~ DMP Engineering Name 726 Auburn Way N., Auburn WA 98002 Address and Zip (253) 333-2200 PH. (253) 333-2206 FAX Telephone Number DMP Engineering Name . 726 Auburn Way N., Auburn WA 98002 Address and Zip David M. Petrie 'Name · 811 S. 273'd Ct, Des Moines, WA 98198 Address and Zip (253) 946-6619 Telephone Number Land Surveyor Seal Date: _?::.=ll-"Qtc'-"="---=*+-------- Note: Application forms and submittal requirements are subject to revision without notice. " I' ; ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 General Information Preliminary Subdivision Applications: Instructions Alternative formats available upon request The following is a summary of the preliminary subdivision application process and a description of the application submittal requirements. The information required for a preliminary subdivision application is necessary in order to evaluate the merits of a proposal with applicable County and State regulations and to assess the potential environmental impacts. The environmental checklist will be the basis for determining if an environmental impact statement will be required prior to any approval of a proposed subdivision. An application will be evaluated on the basis of the information provided by the applicant, the King County Comprehensive Plan, pertinent provisions of the King County Code, site inspection, testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, and comments submitted by interested public agencies. Copies of the King County Codes and Comprehensive Plan are available for inspection at the ODES Permit Center and at the Main Branch of the Seattle Public Library. King County Codes and other development regulations are also available on the Internet via the King County Web site at http://www.metrokc.gov/. Questions related to preliminary subdivisions may be answered by calling or contacting: Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Telephone: 206-296-6600 Pre-Application Conference A pre-application conference with Land Use Services Division (LUSD) staff is required prior to filing a subdivision application. Pre-application request forms and instructions for filing a pre-application conference request are available at the DOES Permit Center. A filing fee is required at the time a request is made, the amount to be determined at the time of the filing and based on the latest adopted fee ordinance. LUSD staff will schedule the pre-application conference within thirty (30) days from the date of the request. Filing an Application A subdivision application must be filed in person at the ODES Permit Center. An appointment with a Zoning Technician is required to file the application. Please call 206-296-6797 to schedule the appointment. The minimum submittal requirements necessary to file the application are described below, under Application Documents. LUSD staff has twenty-eight (28) days from the date of filing to determine whether or not the application is complete. An application that fails to meet the submittal requirements described herein will be deemed incomplete. Notice of Application Fourteen (14) days after LUSD staff determines that the application is complete, a public notice is issued as follows: Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Preliminary Subdivision Applications • Instructions lc-ins-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 A. LUSD sends out a notice of application to property owners within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. If the area is rural or lightly populated, the notice must be mailed to at least 20 different property owners; or, in other appropriate cases, the Division may determine it is necessary to notify additional property owners. B. A notice of the application will be published by LUSD in the official county newspaper and another newspaper of general circulation. C. The applicant is required to install a notice board, which must be placed in a conspicuous place on the property throughout the permit process so that it is visible to people passing by the property. Additional notice boards may be required as determined by LUSD. The cost of the board is the applicant's responsibility. LUSD will send the applicant written instructions regarding the specific requirements for the notice board. D. Notice of the application is also provided to anyone who writes to the Division requesting information regarding the proposal. Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Proposed subdivisions are subject to the procedural and substantive requirements of SEPA (see WAC 197-11 and K.C.C. 20.44). Prior to the public hearing on the subdivision, ODES will issue its SEPA threshold determination, which is appealable to the Hearing Examiner. If the ODES determination of non-significance (DNS) or mitigated determination of non-significance (MONS) is appealed, the SEPA appeal hearing is combined (i.e., heard at the same time) with the subdivision hearing. Public Hearing A public hearing will be held by the King County Hearing Examiner at which time all evidence supporting or opposing the proposal will be heard. LUSD will issue a written report and recommendation 14 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. As mentioned above, if a SEPA appeal is filed, the SEPA appeal hearing will be heard by the Hearing Examiner at the same time as the subdivision hearing. If other applications, such as a rezone, shoreline substantial development permit, and/or street vacation are proposed or required in conjunction with the subdivision, they may be scheduled for the same hearing. The Hearing Examiner will render a written decision, which is appealable to the King County Council. Appeal Affected parties may appeal the Hearing Examiner decision on a preliminary subdivision to the King County Council. The Examiner's report includes information on the method of appeal available and the time limit within which an appeal must be filed. Preliminary Approval/Disapproval Preliminary approval or denial by the Hearing Examiner is final unless appealed to the King County Council. If appealed, the King County Council will render a final decision. An appeal of the Council's decision may be filed with the King County Superior Court. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Preliminary Subdivision Applications -J.nstructions lc-lns-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 Page 2 of6 -.. . , ' " ' -; Final Approval 14 5100 -O \ 4 0 -O!CSO The final plat must be recorded within sixty (60) months of the effective date of the preliminary approval. Application Documents Required for Submittal The following documents are required to be submitted at the time an application is filed J rder to be determined complete. Land Use Permit Application: Complete and submit one original plus two (2) copies. J,. Assessor's Map(s): Submit one set of current Assessor's maps of the property to be subdivided, including adjoining properties under the same ownership as the property being subdivided. The map(s) must cover all properties within 500 feet of the subdivider's ownership. Outline the boundaries of the proposed subdivision in red. Outline adjoining ownership in yellow. If Assessor's maps are stamped "see enlargement," include the enlargement copy with your application. Prints of the Assessor's maps must be ordered from the Department of Assessments, Room 700A, King County Administration Building, 500 -4th Avenue, Seattle, WA, phone 206-296-7300. Legal Description: Submit three (3) copies, typewritten on sheet size 8-1/2" X 11 ", white bond paper. The legal description of the subject property may be obtained from the office of the King County Assessor. The legal description must correspond precisely with property outlined in red on the Assessor's map. Proof of "Legal" Lot Status: Submit documentation of the date and method of segregation of the subject property. Environmental Checklist: Submit twenty (20) copies. Please refer to instruction on the Environmental Checklist form. The applicant will be contacted by the Land Use Services Division if additional information is required. Failure to respond may cause postponement of consideration of your request. If an EIS has been prepared for this proposal, please submit three (3) copies with your application. Certificate of Water Availability: Submit three (3) copies. Preliminary approval for the creation of a new water system in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Coordinated Water System Plan or for the connection with a private well from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health; or The Certificate of Water Availability form concerning water availability to the site must be given to the appropriate existing water purveyor (water district; city; water association) to complete and then returned with this application. At the top of the form, a space is provided for a description of the site. In this space, the legal description of the site should be inserted or attached on a separate sheet if it is too lengthy. For sites located in the Urban Growth Area, if the development is not proposing to be served by an existing or new Group A water system at the time of construction, a Certificate of Future Connection must be given to the appropriate Group A water purveyor to complete and then returned with this application. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Preliminary Subdivision Applications -Instructions lc-ins-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 Page 3 of 6 /,. Certificate of Sewer Availability/Septic Availability: Submit three (3) copies. a. For sites located within the Urban Growth Area: The Certificate of Sewer Availability form concerning sewer availability to the site must be given to the appropriate agency (sewer district, city) to complete and then returned with this application. At the top of the form, a space is provided for a description of the site. In this space, the legal description of the site should be inserted or attached on a separate sheet if it is too lengthy. b. For sites located outside the Urban Growth Area: Preliminary approval for individual or community on-site sewage disposal systems from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health must be submitted with this application. 8. Preliminary Plat: Submit thirty-five (35) prints of the proposed plat prepared by a licensed land surveyor (RCW 18.43). In addition, submit one plat map reduced to fit on an 8-1 /2" X 14" sheet. 15. 16. All prints shall be folded so they will fit into a legal file folder with the name of the subdivision visible. The information on the plat checklist must be shown on the face of the preliminary plat. Fire District Receipt: Obtain from the fire district. Submit three (3) copies. Level-One Drainage Analysis: Submit eight (8) copies. Transportation Certificate of Concurrency: Submit three (3) copies. Subdivision Density and Dimensions Worksheet: Submit three (3) copies. Certificate/Affidavit of Critical Areas Compliance: Submit three (3) copies. Applicant Status Form: Submit three (3) copies. Variance decisions required per King County Code 21A. if applicable: Submit three (3) copies. A list of other issued or pending permits or decisions related to the proposal: Submit three (3) copies. 17. Preliminary Application Fees: Consult the current fee schedule or discuss with 18. \Ag. ~o. J DOES staff for the appropriate fees to be paid at the time of application. - Pre-application Credit Form or Pre-application Meeting Waiver Form: Submit one (1) copy. Title Report: Submit three (3) copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of application, showing all persons having an ownership interest, a legal descriptioi;i describing exterior boundary of application site and listing all encumbrances affecting the site. Field Topographic Base Map: Submit eight (8) copies of field topographic base map. Conceptual Drainage Plan: Submit eight (8) copies of a conceptual drainage plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington. This plan must show the location and type of the existing and proposed flow control facilities existing and proposed water quality facilities and existing and proposed conveyance systems (2.2.1 1998 SWDM). Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes - Preliminary Subdivision Applications ~ Instructions lc-ins-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 Page4 of6 - j 22. Additional Information: Any additional information, such as sketches, engineering reports, petitions, photographs, etc., that may clarify or explain the proposal or will assist in assessing the potential impact may be submitted with the application. The Land Use Services Division or the Hearing Examiner may at any time request additional information or studies for these purposes. Provide eight (8) copies of any additional information. The following must be shown on the plat: v{ ~- ~3. J4. th. J6. Jr. va. \fa. ._/ 10. ~1. ~2. i3. J14. 015. ;;6. !i 18. Name of proposed subdivision with a limit of 32 letters and spaces. Name, address, phone number, signature, and seal of registered land surveyor and registered engineer. Name, address, and phone number of developer. Name, address, and phone number of owner. Section, Township, Range of subdivision. Acreage of subdivision. Number of lots, units, and proposed density. Existing zone classification. Proposed use (i.e., townhouse, single-family detached) . Means of sewage disposal; if sewer district, include name. Source of water, if water district, include name. School district. Fire district. Telephone service. Power source. Legal description -type or print. Field topography and verification. Vicinity map showing sufficient area and detail to clearly locate the subdivision in relation to surrounding roads, parks, rivers, and municipal boundaries with its scale. North arrow and scale. Recommended scale -1" to 100' or 1" to 50'. Indicate by a heavy line the boundaries of the subdivision. Use heavier line weight for streets so they will stand out from the lots and contour lines. Dimension all lots and streets to the nearest foot. Label all streets, existing and proposed. Identify areas of proposed dedication and purpose. Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Preliminary Subdivision Applications -Instructions lc-ins-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 Page 5 of 6 J.. J. J· j. J.i6. Ja. v49. Verified field survey, with contour intervals of either 2 feet or 5 feet (see Surface Water Design Manual for specifics) within the boundaries of the proposal. For land inside the urban growth boundary, contour intervals shall be at 2-foot intervals when slopes are 15% or less and 5-foot intervals for slopes exceeding 15%. Show all existing structures and parcels in their appropriate locations both within the proposed subdivision and within 100 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision. Indicate whether or not the on-site structures will be removed or relocated. Number lots consecutively from 1 to the total number of lots. Locate and show all critical areas and hydrologic features within 500 feet of the boundaries. Indicate if streams are intermittent and the limits of any wetlands. Estimate the limits of the 25-year floodplain for streams and 100-year floodplain for rivers. Provide names of all water features and all drainage basins served by or containing these features. Designate any qualifying critical area per K.C.C. 21A.24 as a tract and include appropriate buffers and BSBLS. If tracts are to be set aside for nonresidential uses or reserved for future development, label such tracts and indicate their proposed use. If electrical transmission lines cross the subject property, show locations of poles and towers. Place all regional utility lines crossing the site in tract(s). Provide adjacent existing zoning. Identify substantial grading required outside of proposed or existing right-of-way. Show site distance for entry to all county roads. Show existing and proposed sewers, water mains, culverts, or other underground facilities within tract. Show location, widths and names of all existing, adjoining, or prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks, and other public open spaces. Show any existing easements on the subject property. Provide title documents for existing easements along with descriptive recording instruments. Show location of all physical and legal description encroachments affecting the boundary between the application site and the adjoining parcels. Encroachments may be from the application site onto the adjoining parcels or from the adjoining parcels onto the application site. Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Preliminary Subdivision Applications -Instructions lc-ins-psubap.pdf 12/07/04 Page 6 of 6 .... I. soc DDES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 December 29, 2004 Summarv of Char!!es and Pavments Applicant: PETRIE, DAVID 811 S 273RD CT DES MOINES WA 98198 Charges Description 253-946-6619 Bldg FireFlow Review Counter Service Fees Deposit Based on Est Hrs SUB TOTAL CHARGES: Pa 'ments Description Check# SUB TOTAL PAYMENTS: BALANCE: Checklogid Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: Permit Type: Status: Payee Date Entered Page 1 of 1 L04P0034 PRE-PLAT APPLIED Amount $211.31 $483.00 $34,776.00 $35,470.31 Amount $0.00 $35,470.31 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DDES at the time of application. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before ODES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. ·~ ·~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A,,enuc Southwest Renton, Washington 98055~1219 (206) 296-6600 1TY (206) 296-7217 FOR CURRENT OWNER Is): Certificatio 3' Transfer of Applicant Status Alternative formats available upon request I, Rahul B. Petrie & Arvind J. Petrie . (print name) hereby certify that I am an/the owner of the property which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized by any and all other owners of the property to make this certification and transfer any an all rights I/we have to apply for this permit or approval to the person listed below. I, therefore certify that David M. Petrie (print name) is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. By being the "applicant." that individual assumes financial responsibility for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I certify under nail of pe ry under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Owner (s) Date Signed FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, David M. Petrie , (print name) hereby certify that I am the "applicant" for this permit or approval. I shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. I accept financial responsibility for all fees associated with this permit or approval and will receive any refunds. My mailing address is: David M. Petrie -Applicant Des Moines. WA ____ 98198 I certify under penalty of perJury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. a ... ~ '3V Oc..,-c 2-LJD"r ' ~cant Date S19ned OR FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, __ , hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of __ , a corporation authorized in the State of Washington and that this business association is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. The mailing address of this business association is: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Applicant Date Signed Certification & Transfer ot Applicant Status lc-cer-trap~tat ·:11,102 t•age ·1 or 2 K.C DD ES ; • f ' • NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: 0 I authorize this department to return plan directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. DMP Engineering 726 Auburn Way N. Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 333-2200 Phone (253) 333-2206 Fax Attn: Hans Korve Certification of Applicant Status lc-cer-apstat.pdf 03/25/02 Page 2of 2 Liberty Gardens King County DMP # 01-540 /~k\ -,-°\ /. Legal Description: JL~ ··,.,_;/ Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, in King County, Washington. IS VESTED IN: RAHUL B. PETRIE and ARVIND J. PETRIE, each as their separate estate \ ' I L. 1,<.C D.D.E.S Cedar Park Five-Acre Tracts -------<l:) ...... . ' ,. -r 0 .'ii z l. ... , ' ,. • ' : • ' ' ~i ::s-,. ' ,,. " ~' ' 2.,.,. .• :, ~~ .. ~~7 15/91 l:)-,_ .... , ~J· -.;.C\J 4 ,-"·"'-~ ' ' -0 ~ 411111(" ; ;: • "' ~: ' ' ,r· k' <..ru..,,,$~ •'" wl •. "' ' !; .. • . ....... • :i ' ~ l{',w (..r_,_) .\-~!,O &...r.~ .. ~r,1. " 141'!>.~3<>"1 ,....s ... ,.., ...... u,., . ~ . ' 11 LOT,o 4 '! ' ~ ,,,•', •• • :l, I ,, ~"·•z ,;; ~-=11:i,-..,,,.r~~ • ' ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Building Services OMslon .. 900 Oakesdale Aveaoe Southwest Alternative fonnats available Renton, Washington 98055-1219 ~ _ 206-296-6600 TTY 206-29a-m, upon request 0 . I::.; (r'' s n ;11; ,lc/ ~ King County Certificate of Sewer Availability ~; l;g u 2 ; 04 l5 L_Qj This certificate provldes the Seattle King County Department of Public Health and the Department of Development and Environmental Services with information necessary to evaluate developmenl proposa s. Do not write in this box name D.D.E.S. D Building Permit 0 Short Subdivision "){, Preliminary Plat or PUO ( o· Rezone or other ___________ _ Applicant's name: --~J.ao:::.~=="=<c;...=-:::4?ei~~="-'¢1c;;..'-'~=::....----------------- Proposed use: B t!-kzt,.& :f""".o.+WL?:f 'fCM:' Location: _,l-"4J'-'...>';Li,_...,{b7,u.L:.~""-.L.:r4Y:.J'....oQ""-""f&,=-----ll.=c4z"'"'-£.._.q)=---__.P,"-'-'/4:--"-='~'-..f--"----'t2,a.V.£Z"""-"'l)'--- (attach map and legal description if necessary) Sewer agency information: 1. D a. Sewer service will be provided by side sewer connection only to an existing size sewer ____ feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed use. OR 2. ~ a. OR D b. 3. ~ a. OR D b. 4. Agency name Sewer service will require an improvement to the sewer system of: )it.(1) /PP() !;t:: feet of sewer trunk or lateral to reach the site; and/or ~(2) The construction ofa collectlon system on the site; and/or O (3) Other (describe) _________________________ _ The sewer system improvement is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city. Annnexatlon or Boundary Review Board (BRB) approval wilJ be necessary to provide service. J<!w~k:;<~ Title '° Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes sewer availability form b-cert-sewer.pdf 05-19-2003 .. , .. ~;::.@.· ~'-· =a~ CITY41>F RENTON. . Kathy K.eolk.er· Wheelec, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.;Administrator July 1, 2004 Dave Petrie 8ll S. 273'd Ct.·. · Des Moines, WA 9.8198 SUBJECT:··. · SANIT',\RY SEWER AVAILABILITY -LIBERTY GARDENS . 38 LOT PLAT-'-KCPlDNOl45750-0145 & 0150, DAVID PETRIE Dear ~-Petrie: This letter shall serve as notific:a.ti6n ofailadditicmal one0 year extension tb your original ... ·· availability provided to you ont):iis proje5t $la~ed April 5> 2002 .. This availabifityshall be ·· valid through April 5, 2005. All other conditions contained within the original availability . and suppk:mental ietter shall0apply: •. · . . • . ar 'ngtliisJ~ttbripfoitsri.contactme at (425) 430~7212, ';' r·j J~ ,.;.._~., K.C o.o.E.S . ··· ... ·.·• • i i . i/ < • < A<AJ~·~· cw, <Lrl H U'ile Sys\WWP -Wastc\Vater\WWP-03-0000 Corresp~ndence-:1aste~atcr\dmc\Sewer Mail LibertyGar~"."~o· ·N·. ·. . . · . : . 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 . · .·· · I\.: C l:'\I .l .. · · . . ~ . -' . ·-· · ·AHEAD· OF THE CURV.E · \l:1-This paper c.c,ntains 50% recycl8d _materia ·, 30% post consumer -'II VJ\.lt '-''1 ~111 ; ~ ~ ci ,5 -;:: ~ ~i i ~Ill. 1_1 • -d ~ ;;: ~ SE IJBir SI -~ V, ~ j;.------1 ~ [< NTWO SE IJ8th Pl, SE 139ln P1. , f ·~,/ - -~ C ! '--, SE I J2nd St !l ,' SE.I-~ 130th St.~ s,J !list St. =s= SEIi] 13:tidst SEIi~ ~1-~ - _Sf ll§lh St ~Ii 1! I ~r_l :/l' SEillh?I O'li ~\I -1! IHI 1 ,~J81b PL ~111 1~ 139th Pl. ~1-1 b • ------""' I ~, --11 "'' BASIN THREE ~~ ~!!. g[ ilis' 13 ,1,i ~I 51 :1!' C ~ :e I~ -,, ~ I k--Jt I liber1 ; 11 1 1 Lane § Ii t)sl, -, ~ik : 11 111 ~, /j 111 ! £ 148th St -- PROPOSED SEWER BASIN BOUNDARY ----CITY LIMITS -, -URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY _________ / / r ,C--~ I ~ ~i I (,, • ' ~ ,1 7'-' 11 ~Ii~ c.n <1 ,!_> I I · ~'! ~ nse "'" I n s IJ2ndSt I luo·. l~ , I \ I· ,g. ----. ·-L ·-1 =.· ,ij 1~. \._ . 1'sE tJJcdPI '_ . .,•. ~ I I "="' , ~ ilsc~w, <. . ~ ' · • , IJ St · , /1/ 111 I . i ----• '· ;;; · SE t36!h St I /'s t ' ~ i ~ ~[ 1J61h~LS1 \ \! ~~ 1 _,,_ """" \~ r .... / • ~, ~. "'I - I ~ ~ v I ii \\ ~ ;;; :e ' . -I BASIN FOUR ~I, . SE 1401h SI -~ I I\ rt 14:nd SI \ ~ -cS ;::· /----//7.-' 'l/ ~ --~-_..---·< / ' -_,/_-;:::.------·. J~ :::-:'--...../...--------,;;~ • --, . -___________ ...------- ~ ~ < 5 0 "' II / I \ ' S[ ~R" ·'ol\\ ~\ f \ / "'" >~. \11£)1\15-0I~~ I . EAST CEDAR RIVER BASIN \.,.,J SEWER COLLECTION REPORT 1 "'· .. FiGIJR-E 11 ~-,-·;• . .,,.--"' . ._/~ ____ .,, . ,_; -------------~--,~~ '" SANITARY SEWER OPTION B ,~ ....... ..__~ - <® King Countv Dt'1;art1ne1it ofDcvelop1nent and Envirmunental Services '.JOO ( lakt•:,d.ilt• .,\n'llUl' Rrn!O!L W,\ !mO.'i5-l:219 Fire District Receipt 1 ~-- Fire District# __ :.._::"\_· _d __ _ Name of Pro1ect / Proposal _--.-,'--=' =---' _J~"--",v,._'----:-t--'--7+-__ 0,.__~'-a-..=----"j=-,,;\_::::· ~r..._-________________ _ 1 " ·2 1 f\ -c < r=-/.l 10 rt---;::, / Location of Project / Proposal -~'-"=-'--==---l\'-'C'-\'---+r:1--l-'v'-<'--_s~·"=,-=-----''---2:.==----'--i='------'-I-'-·'------ (Address, parcel number, tax account number, legal description)' •one of these required for processing of application -TWN_--=2~?::,=--~~ ~ RNG. ______ _ KROLL PAGE ____ _ Name of Applicant _To__._-=-,,,J"'--'1 l::.A ___ 0+1 _,_e___,_1_.l'c_•\=--:. _____________________ _ Address of Applicant _ _.5~·=--l \ __ s_ .. -----<-A'--'--=t-'----3._,_l_-"'c'-,.__· ~-"'--I=-'"-='-•• _._rt_'\:i=--"-'-'e,..,.:;.,.__ _ _1,l.<e,U=-:..A_,___<,,w"'-'-'11'-'-'8 -J ~-)•> Telephone Number --£="...c2:J-"<·---6~S-=-':::,=---'-__,_3,_2, __ _,,2.~c=co=-=c)=---------------- Description: Type of Project/ Proposal D~ ,,,.-0'Subdivision D Conditional Use D Unconditional Use Check appropriate box(es) ['Apartment/ Multifamily C::: Commercial / Industrial [, Retail '.J Residential: Single Family Residence :J Other (describe) D Short Subdivision/ Short Plat D Rezone D Planned Unit Development D School / Classroom lJ Storz couplings required on Fire Hydrants Issuance of this receipt does not imply an approval, disapproval nor review of referenced project/ proposal. This receipt shall be valid for 30 days from date of signature. 91,;, ., (I,,. ·~~ 7) 1:,tu if :If;? :S I ~ , 4Dm>i . As;;; sfu._ rd: c.., Title Distribution: White: Applicant (see below) Yellow: King County Date /' .-.-, \. l" .--... ':' ' ' ,' f' _' Fire District: mSiljte/Jqw cbpyla: , .• King County Building Services Division ,. ! Building Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue fol ;;§1 [? i :=' :, -, -1 = r:::-,, Renton, WA 98055-121~ n1' ,j = --11 i I Pink: Fire District Note Applicant: at the time of application to ODES the white copy must be presented with project/ proposal submittal. 0178 (Rev 9'9T\ n. I U1 Attn: Fire Engineering '· -· _ . , K.C. D.D.E.S. TO: Daley Morrow and Poblete, 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 Attn: Ref,# Paul Morrow 01-540 :~'""'\ - l·c;. ' < LfU Inc. cz:::: :: s KC, D,D,E.S, 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 OF A SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE CC: David M. Petrie 811 South 273rd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 PNWT Order Number: 577159 Seller: Buyer/Borrower: Petrie The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Plat Certificate from October 4, 2004 through November 22, 2004 at 8:00 a.rn. has disclosed the following: • Paragraph 2 of the commitment is/are out, 2004 taxes are paid in full. • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since October 4, 2004, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of November 29, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. GG PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Mike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 -,-.. ~ !~~"'-Oc . -,,~ PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY I -' V& OF WASHINGTON, INC. <:$j )<~--J / <, <.:..._/_y, 215 Columbia Street "'-.:;-· OO,t --' / Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 "<-~ / / Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com} CJ--::::::.~ ,: Title Officer, CUrtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com} //~ ... ·,:::::·.,..._ ,/ Title Technician 1 Annette Strate (annettestrate@pnwt.com) I~ ~ Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Daley, Morrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Title Order No. 577159 CERTIFICATE FOR Auburn, Washington 98002 Attention: Paul Morrow Your Ref., DMP Job No. 01-540 GENTLEMEN, SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A FILING PROPOSED PLAT In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the Collllty Auditor and Collllty Clerk of King CoU11ty, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said Collllty, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, in King County, Washington. IS VESTED IN, RAHUL B. PETRIE and ARVIND J. PETRIE, each as their respective separate estate SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX, $200.00 $ 17.60 TOTAL CHARGE, $217.60 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: October 4, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 KC. r ,--. MAIN FILE Ct1\:'' Liberty Gardens King County DMP # 01-540 ii Legal Description: Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4 1 Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, in King County, Washington. IS VESTED IN: RAHUL B. PETRIE and ARVIND J. PETRIE, each as their respective separate estate /' 12 w i-~ n .P1 ;:o l".Q.,./·1 ~\,u--7 lc:..... l ~ ,,-;---... 1~ #'~r Cedar Park Five-Acre Tracts l:) ...... 2.,, .• ,. ,l_..1_,~ i .. ,., .... ' ,) ' ' I f- ,,. ,~r,.~~ .. ,.., >1••·"'. e..,., !\liAlfll flllE COPY " "' • •. • ;; GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 577159 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate sur,.;ey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. Order No. 577159 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 1. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: July 15, 1993 9307159001 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR, 2004 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE: 145750-0145-0l 6870 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $138,000.00 GENERAL TAXES: SPECIAL DISTRICT: TOTAL BILLED: Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT $1,668.69 $1. 86 $5.00 $1,675.55 BILLED PAID, $837.78 (continued) TOTAL DUE: $837.77 .. Order No. 577159 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID, YEAR: 2004 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE, 145750-0150-03 6870 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $138,000.00 Improvements, $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $1,668.69 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.86 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $1,675.55 PAID: $837.78 END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Jeff Olsen TOTAL DUE: $837.77 Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. Cc: David M. Petrie/Des Moines JXB/20040810002776 .. Cedar Park Five-Acre Tracts 15/91 -----l:) ..... ,, ,, 4 -,, ... 4,:,. \'.:) '. ,,,,, 01·. . 'qi -; :,;;; l_ ' ·H· ..-, :~s :, .. ' •: • 1 . ,,-.~ ,.. -~· ,.,rP' 11 ,_JI, •·' \~ -.,o• ,,.; ~-' (d"~*·"""" <.s,,+. .. -5".J-w -~ ~ ['--, I.., w l.., 'f ~ ' ";1: 'f Q, r •i ~ ' 6 ~ ,, ..... :• • .. ZQ z : ..... v .. ' ' l..J ,0 ~ l; 1,or,:6. I/Iii" ~·011~ Cd"-,a~ Ir oi!5/I --,;-...r: .... • ,~~ 2-"7·•" ""r HM•<>O ,+ •. J'.. /119-· ... e.,., ! 0 7 ,:1,,b 0\1~ • . . ,,, . . ; l ,o,;.• ,' :'~~ . Si ' ..... ~ 01'-" :~ I ,.., •• l! Cl. > • \ ~s7 ,-: ,;,:;;-... -~., ·7!'. 'o~1tr11 i ' ' PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 577159 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT; This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. "'"' ~ ' ' --0 :;:: "' wl <ri "-,, < :c ,- ~ < - ~ ~ N ;; N • . , '"\., ... "• \. '•. REr_: EIVED l JC:' l : 2004 1 /BY: -. • MAIN FILE COPY .. , ... ::-= .. ,, ........ f;t'\.L Sft.l12~S. SB8 '~'!" P A 52.S.~l/f'.,l~:HJ PLAi:1---:0--- /-i~ .. ----,------.1-' • I I I _J i~· ua(rnTY llAl-iE ym __ 11'.i p;;_ :!iii;,; i ,, . ·. I .,-_,-p I 1· I ---\'" I ,-I , -, __ ,---· :.: .~-~4~-\,;~~~-\,,,-~-l~:~.----~ :: .. _>· I k~ •6 ~ MO,-_}:'_.rt: •, •... .;t{ ~(::" , ,> !v. \1uu'r•"W 11(.u..""" :;;~~· ~s. :(~00.11<1' PLtl'.>' §J iii'. ~ <ThAo >< .,.,_,:-" • "-~ ~ t~ ./ ~ ~~ I ~i-PARCEL 1 ~!~ i f!I\ ;_ *-~c ""'","" vj~I! Cl 4!'"""~"'-'' ""'-""'' ''"""'" ·~:,: ,..,i-;~ ' . ::~,. "l"t -g1 ·I" 0' .. --'"" -j5 ';I.! ,..... .,··· P~R~EL 2 ~ ! 1~ ,~ ,,• e•~ _ ...... I · .......... -_.:, --'I ( ! ;;,_ "_'". -; .. _ .. _,._ , ,,,.,. ,,,;!<" o ti---· ! d(_.,;z 0.4' Na:',· ' .t' ~ ;.' . .1:108.{I' .(--:,ctBi~-:1:1+4J':.:.'·' -:: . !;. ~'2.:rJO·w MEAS. su.i,' we...s. (e~O•' Pt.A •. ~ ~I::: "'°'o,· ./· xi.01· -;~. __ :-< •,,.• Ftl. flf;8Afl IE RftlAR. CAP :,f~ ;·,. 1:!:;. ,:: , r111NG (11826 r!WNG -,rms . '1 ,,•' ,·,. O~ UN (01SWR8ai)''•,,. ,~ ---~ • ..,:, '', 0.8' SOUTH v, .(·,' ,:::> 1.r IIE"ST L ,,,,t~ "''"'· -.. ,,"·$i;l(J'TH ~ OF S£/1:'H-2J-.'1 '-',,_._.,.~~,~~fgs~~dST ~/-.,,,,,·.. . .. '-:·,,, .... ,·': LECiiAL DEBCRIPTION PARCEL 1 11UCT ii, 91.0CI( ~-Cfl!AR PAAK Fl\.£ J.CJIE 1RAC1'.S, .',CCORDl,-;G TO TH£ PUT TH=or ff!COMJ£t) iJ, llOI.UUE 15 OF Pl.ATS, PA.GI£ tl. R[COl'WS OF l<JNG COUHTY; lt'A~INGTCN. S111/A'IZ: iJ, rn£ COW.TY OF JONG, STAJ'I: OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 2 TRACT "-,JU.00( of, CfIIAR PARK Fl\£ AC!lE 11MC1!, ~~-~,~~: ... :r:t~~t ~ti C'OUl-/-fr: ll'A~Tl:W. ~~rr'1/i·.1fit'. COONT'I OF KJHQ, STA1E Of' WASlf/l/GroN. -'" .,,,, . . ,,' -i'" LEG~ND ,dr.,. ~ P~T MCWM~t~Sf .C!AiNE 1mf' ~ .. FOl!No.-~/,lEHT W TIOH c'· ••SH fl~·-... .CNl·-W. P.t..S. fii91' .:·· • .. S£T 1·xr· Hl.l8 (UNE OM.YJ/· .:·· NOTE: A FlEU) SIJR',IT W..\S PERFORMED lllll-l ..\ ;S;X-SECOND TOTAL STA'llCN USING ST.liNDAAD TRA\'EJ!Sf wtll-lOOS NTii flf"SUl.l'WC ct.0SIJR£S EXCUIJING WIN/l,/IJ/,l >.CCUR.-ICY STAADA/WS SET l'ORiH sr lllf Di'lf.5JDN OF WQNURING OF THC D£1'ARTl4HT Of' NATURAi. R£S00R0CS. - IND£)( LOCATION SEC. 14--2J-.!i '~ -~7:iif1~ ~~ _,,,, lb 3~; '',,.'·'.f· Jij~ .. ,O' 14 IJ S[. CDR stC. H-2.l-.5 °!::..B~"»lf P.I.A1).__J.'li..H,' ~64..ll FV MONUMDlr IN CASE S.E. 1UTH BT. 2 H (WAY 19/,1/!J RECORDER'S CERTIFlC.1.l'E .~.(:J.ZJS:::2at:J/ nw for r con! thlo..tf.::-d<ly o~~ 1tjil_ o(~~ 1n bool.F.::1 ............... t pog~.o1 th• '9CIU .. 1 01 ooOHO•oo!fl~,•U•Tl.•••••••••H lUJ':i,----D I.lg,. ~-~ Supt: of R~orda SUR\IEVOO'S CfRTflCATE t,, q ""'"""11J:1~: by edly ,.,,,_, lormanco " th Th.,;";d:;~;=;.~ "'R!:-cn; .i.~1 --~-~-• m, .._~,, " •t .s.:i'OO~-----·-------·;;,,?,'.?~ r,oq,.,u\ol. •.... ~. . '~~ ~.MJ! .... 19.RJ ... .• 1 91 · Corlllk,olt No ... · ... I ~ ;:o >·:i '_, (- CJ; .~, \~i ~ J,. ! ! ,-., >'J < c:J = t:11 = __gJ X0 ~~ smz~s.=1,s~P!M Joi ~ -'2-'.Gtl M~S. (52-'.DO ~..-0-----~ /-1~ i"·•·----..i-' ' I I I ~ ,/ i~· ue:irn-r··/"tt.,,HE VOi .. 1r; i'G. :>i)f:>1 }~ f.C' 17.l••l'-\"lol 5 1•1 ........ , ... --"' ,,·· ~ ,: .. :::.:4-.'.'._L,,-~;,L,-,:-I--.-,----..l-'.._ -~ ..... .,-···· :-/ ,.,,._ LEGAL OEBCRIPTION PARCEL 1 11UC1 5, 81.0CK 4. C£D,l,R P.4RK f1\IE' A.= Jl'r/1.CTS, ,j,CCORt:J/"10 JO n-K PLH T/ifR(Of' Rf:CORDED W VOi.mi[ f$ OF PUTS, p,j,(;£ ti. RECORDS OF ,a,,u; OOUIITY, ..... ~CTGW. / 1 ,::_.;:t't'' ,.--·-"<) / ... ,,,/' ~ .. , /' -~ ,00,' .-::·· --.•. , .,.,' .,-··b~¢-·14-2J-1' . P£R Pl.A): OF 1m:rtisrws ,s1 <~+~, ~j. ')m,~·u·w ~~~··~·-"~··-~='-; ~ '"" -''-.-1~·~ I ~i-PAR~EL 1 , ~:ti· .SIJ1/,j,J'E IN Tk£ CDUNrr' OF IOHC, $f,j,J'E OF lt',j,SHINGTON. PARCEL 2 /,.CC • ro : THc PU. T 7HCl!EOF R£COR0£0 IN "'"~'·· _oac_ -t. a:llAII' P.4RK mt: A.Cfff' rucrs; KILUJ.I U Cf' Iiµ 75, p,j,G( ii, R£C0R0S OF kWG' COOli-P,';. ll'~~TDN- ~TW, 7E' .li•Hfu: COUNTr OF !(JNG, ST/1.l'E OF !US>ANGT!W. If I . j~ ,1!~ . .. fi1, !\ ~ :·""'' ;,'<"'·">< ,,,,,. --,,.:.,,.,· ,.,,.,,.,,.:\+( \::i! ,,. --~1 ... ,,,:':' = -""" 'I(;< ''"' .,. '"'" "I· ,. jlii"~ ,, . ' ... ,., ~lj5 .... ··~1 ~ < ,...... . -J'~RCEL 2 . . • ~I~ ., _ti"::· , ........ -· ,,,/;. W;J' :~., --~.:.:~?" ~·•7' --~:}f ~---.-" ~ i::,, ·:,,. ,, .. -..... .tlO!I.D' . 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( tII ;:o >-< f•rj I = ,· 0 r, \ _, ;--· :r:, -r--.., < C::) = t11; +'-- tJJ I PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwtif2 1--=, ,c Title Officer, Curtis Goodman ( curtisgoodman@pnwt. /_:,, \::j L~ U ':_./ /2, [::"\ Title Technician, Annette Strate (annettestrate@pnwt "~) -,/['I) / , --1 r~--I_): Un1 t No. 12 ui:·., .' _ ~ ,~,.., ..... _ ( ... ~ / FAX No. (206) 343-1330 ~- Telephone Number (206)343-1327 K.c ,.. r'i S-· '·'·. f.t:: s Daley, Morrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Title Order No. 577159 CERTIFICATE FOR Auburn, Washington 98002 Attention: Paul Morrow Your Ref.: DMP Job No. 01-540 FILING PROPOSED PLAT SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, in King County, Washington. IS VESTED IN: RAHUL B. PETRIE and ARVIND J. PETRIE, each as their respective separate estate SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX, $200.00 $ 17.60 TOTAL CHARGE: $217.60 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: October 4, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 , GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 577159 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. I Order No. 577159 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 1. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: July 15, 1993 9307159001 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2004 145750-0145-01 6870 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $138,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $1,668.69 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.86 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $1,675.55 PAID: $837.78 (continued) TOTAL DUE: $837.77 J Order No. 577159 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2004 145750-0150-03 6870 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $138,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $1,668.69 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.86 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $1,675.55 PAID, $837. 78 END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Jeff Olsen TOTAL DUE: $837.77 Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. Cc: David M. Petrie/Des Moines JXB/20040810002776 ') Cedar Park Five-Acre Tracts 15/91 .. -I 0 .'l! ~- '~ ,,~.,,,.,. (},~-;,N ,,;. . .,.,,(,. ~ ' 0 z ;I ' ~' ' ···~ Iii~~- k' ,,, •, \f), I ! ,,• l----":.._ _ _L ____ ... , ..... c,·•~"'-----"c,~----1 ~ <~ ... s: .. •'" wl '" ~.,,.,. 7?> t40.'5~<•<? , ..... s-... /ii&-· LIi. &4,,, PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 577159 Company ofWashmgton, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. I :;, <J1 N ) , Following Recordmg Please Rstum to: Rahul & Arv1nd Petne 811 So 273rd Court Des Momes, WA 98198 ,,.--~ 2004081 0002776,001 111111111111qJ· ., . , 20040810002776~ :~Ut OF NZ QCC ZO oe <:;,, ea11e;-2ee4 111. 11 ,;-...... t<:ING COUNTY, YA ''-~'- E2061540 "" eane,zeM us u "-""-/ Kf= COUNTY, ~ ea 'V SAL.E se .. PAGIEIM':1 DF Del QUIT CLAIM DEED Grantor RA.HUL a PETRlE, as Second Successor Trustee of the Irrevocable Trust Agreement f.;,r the Benefit of Rahul B. Petrie and Arvlnd .J, Petrle, dated Apnl 30, 1997 • Grantees: RAHUL B PETR1E and ARVIND J PETRIE, as equal Benef1c1anes of the Irrevocable Trust Agreement for the Benefit of RahuJ B. Petrie and Arvlnd .J. Petrie, which terminated on July 25, 2004, as single men, as their separate property Tax Parcel Numbers 145750-0145-01 and 145750-0150-03 Abbreviated Legal Descnption Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91 Reference Numbers of Documents Referencing Former Trust 9408310893, 20000801000287 The GRANTOR, RAHUL 8 PETRIE as Second Successor Trustee of the lrrevocable Trust Agreement for the Benefrt of Rahul B Petne and Arv1nd J Petrie, dated Apnl 30, 1997 for no. cons1derat1on conveys and quit claims to Rahul B Petne, a smgle man, and to Arvlnd J. Petne, a single man, each wrth an und1v1ded half-interest in the following descnbed real estate, situated m County of King, State of Washington as foHows Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, According to the plat thereof recorded m Volume 15 of ?lats, Page 91 1 Records of King County, Washington, Situate in County of King, State of Washington This Oeed 1s given for the purpose of comply,ng with Section 7 4 of sa,d Trust, as follows Section 7 4 Emal P•stnbutton Trustee shall dustnbute to eac:h beneficiary thell' shan, of the und,stnbuted trust estate. when each beneflClmy respectively reaches the age of twenty-one (21) years (DOB of Rahul B Petne 1s December 13, 1981, DOB of brother Arvmd J Petrie rs July 25, 1983) Dated th,s ~day of August, 2004 RAHUL PE.lRIE STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) 1 ' 20040810002776.002 On the day abOve 1ndtcated personally appeared before me RAHUL B PETRIE, known by me to be the Second Successor Trustee of the Irrevocable Trust Agreement for the Benefrt of Rahul B Peine and Arvind J Petrie dated Apnl 30, 1997 or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the md1v1dual described 1n and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such Trustee on behalf of said Trust for the uses and purposes therein mentioned GIVEN under my hand and seal this.@. day of August, 2004 2 '. ' '~ ~ ,.; u f- ~ l " ~ ,_ .J \ . • • ' r ·. , ' I , , -, . i j 1--"--'''• ·.,..c· ~-l f--~""-'----11 \ ' i ·, ,/• I t· I \ ' > ' ->7 -~-..... I / ' ' I ,-:.:...,.:.....d..__j f-,--~---l i I ... : i >O .. i • , '· . • 4 I I 2 I Iii,: ~ ' ( t 5 I f-"'-.-.~-..J i 3 i ~ ~-~~-~~r;:-5 i I i i q I j J, R i I I s I I I i. I.f- l ' I i '• i I • 7 0 . ' 2 ' . • ·:5 ~ u 5 7 ,. _. '!.: ,:,. • , . i < Ci • I u 4 f-;.. ;~ . , I ~ '; ., -,, i ' ·-I ) . ' • i I i 7 i I • i I L.L..,d:,,"'-...J• ..JI -~~~GAD------;;+~~-... ,..,-., lH ·<.=W"~ TTf.:D • • TRACTS. 6000WIN .i; COMFl"'NY C',...,.._ ,:,.,.,,,,.C',.:J _.,. .... ~ -.... 0£.SCR&P'TION ACKNOWL-1:.DGl~E:.NT .5/okd~sJon! ~ C,,.,,iy of /Mg J"'~- 1, M. M Hclme~ a nolory putf1c in and /er the ~Ir; tf fK:;dtJ!'{J/on .tcti:IIT'l.9 ()/ ~llh .ii & a/)()vc mmt:d av,,ty anddflle. at& e,a,n. t!M»lor<:d, ..:,JKYn, and qvo/Jl.ed, do We~ cerll/y /nt:71 en In~ 1911. l7<?Y al" J11nc A.DIS07. ~,~ f'M µ,r~onol!Y. (}~ ~.FHmm/1 tnf7 C.J . .:J=ilh. lomt:.p:r· .:,ono/f!J known IC Ix Im pr=i<lcnt c,nq ..xorla-y ~!,mtf of /he !n::af1, LaJ/1 .;&rilr1;19 Cb~ /1,e CDrpt:YOhon h:71 C,,l'CCtAW hi ,.,.,,,,., ~um~!. (TKf ~ O?e .x~ ocknqw/«lqco ~ .xJ1i:l ~rtm1enf h be Ille /;,:e and l'Ofunlo'!f ot:I a1d (feed cf !ht! .:,o,d corpcn7lton KT fix:. LOO tno' pvr~ 111,;rcin menhancd, ar; en 0':7/h ~IM hJof hey ~ a:lhar12.¢ lo erccvib .:,c,d n,/rvmu1t ar,d /!;al h ~ o/ftJ',xt ,.:, !ht! a:rpcvo/r; ~I ef !ht:_ .:,old cvporot.tn G,"'°" IH/der ~ htnl amt of/iQ0/$41 h~.,dog ond yuir_c_1:~,'url1ficok /ir:.::=Q'rd. • ·"'" l Ab!aq Pvblie li1ond for Im ~, .5/t:ik or ,Jy~ton tN10 :~-~ A-._= ;,1; ;,.:~ ;·· rG.:J/d1nga10C0111:;. /5,:,,nli?r!d'_~· bioye4 #ii~; .B;({~ r:/Jvm: A D.l!J07 :---. .-·,\ ... By .:yt.Ma~iar, :· .·· . '\ ./:..' 7. Deputy ..Ju.- 0 veya,--... .... \ '· ·~ . A L. J/a/cnlint; Catnty .5ur~ 6.;__;;)~ ~ opprot'fXI~~ Hie /3,xud CS Coun!y Cvnm,-",~-' lm~CBlh Qoy of' ..:Mf: ,1-"D 1!}07 I ."· -. ", : ,,-• ·,. ..\ '"· 1 Don. R.At;ronorn ,}f/'e.,;i,:J by , · , · ' Choir,non . . . J A'k:j,d acoar ly. RJ Hv.::,,'ng D<pv/JI ! ' ' I /, i ·v~ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) File Number: ___________ _ Affidavit Concerning Sensitive Areas Compliance Alternative formats available upon request Q. = '"r" ,c=.· n 7 r?~ \;;(c':!)_':,_ ·::i~ : __ n ·! •.. .,. ... 'la "0'1. ,, ,..,~ ·~L.t...··lr £.;ii, .. "'1 K.C 0.0.E.S Application Name: Liberty Gardens / Petrie Preliminary Plat Project Location: -~1~4=2x=x~-~16=2~"0~A~v~e~. ~S=E~~S=E~--1~4~-~2~3_-_0~5~------- The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That the affiant is competent to be a witness herein; 2. That the affiant is the applicant for the above project; 3. That to the best of the affiant's knowledge the sensitive areas on the development proposal site have not been illegally altered; and 4. That the affiant has not previously been found to be in violation of sensitive areas regulations for any property in King County, or alternatively, that if there have been any violations, such violations have been/are being cured to the satisfaction of King County. ~ / A-«-b ·< ,...., 2.~ {k-t:: o 1'-IVC(.5 J. ,',. f tz,,._ Date and Place (City and State) Applicant Signature I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING SENSITIVE AREAS COMPLIANCE lc-aff-sacomp 11/02/01 Page 1 of 1 \ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Purpose of the checklist Web date: 10113/2005 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) CHECKLIST For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW Chapter 43.21 C, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions, An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for the applicants This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations such as zoning, shoreline and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. A. Background 1. Name of the proposed project, if applicable: Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens -----· REVl~i"ON. 2. Name of applicant: t·JiAIN r'ILE COPV 12424.002.doc lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 1 of 19 Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. on behalf of Mr. David Petrie 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 18215 -72nd A venue South Kent, WA 98032 Contact: Wayne Potter (425) 656-7435 4. Date checklist prepared: March 3, 2008 (Revised) ------'---------'------'------------------- 5. Agency requesting checklist: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Approvals and permits 2008, with construction in 2008/2009. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? D Yes 12J No If yes, explain. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. • Level 1 Downstream Analysis (prepared by DMP Engineering) • Traffic Study (DN Traffic Consultants) • Wetland Analysis (B-12 Associates) • Level 3 Downstream Analysis (prepared by Ed McCarthy, P.E.) 12424.002.doc lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf f 0/13/2005 Page 2 of 19 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? D Yes 1:8:i No If yes, explain. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The following is a list of permits that may be required for this proposal: 1. Preliminary Plat Approval 2. Traffic Concurrency 3. SEPA Determination 4. Construction Approvals for Storm, Road, Water, and Sewer 5. Grading Permit 6. NPDES Permit 7. Forest Practice Permit 8. Final Plat Approval 11. Give brief complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) The subject property is approximately 8.98 acres in size and consists of two legal lots. The site is vacant and has a mixture of third growth forest with an elevation change of 46 feet from the southwest quarter of the site to the northeast quarter of the site. The average slope on the property is approximately 15 percent. The developer is proposing to develop the project for 36 single-family lots that would include the construction of all required infrastructure for single-family use (see attached preliminary plat map). 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site or sites. Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications to this checklist. 12424.002.doc The subject property abuts 162nd Avenue S.E. (not open), which is approximately 1,300 feet from the intersection of S.E. 135th Street and 162nd Avenue S.E. For exact location, please see attached vicinity map and legal description. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 3 of 19 To be completed by applicant B. Environmental elements 1. Earth 12424.002.doc a. General description of the site (check one} D Flat J:8:J Rolling [8:J Hilly D Steep slopes D Mountainous D Other: b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent of slope)? The steepest slope on the site is approximately 15 percent. c. What general types of soil are found on the site (i.e., clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck}? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The project site appears to be underlain by glacial till. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Maps (1973) classify the site as AgC, known as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? D Yes (SJ No If so, describe. e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. At this time, the approximate quantity of filling or grading is not known. However, the project has been designed to a balance the fill and cut so that there is no import or export from the project site. The purpose of any grading is to create buildable pads for the proposed single-family homes, as well as the construction of proposed infrastructure. Any import of soil will be for unsuitable soil found in utility trenches or due to poor weather conditions. lc-ckl·SEPA.pdf 10113/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 4 of 19 To be completed by applicant f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? [81 Yes D No If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur as a result of clearing and construction. During construction, there will be disturbed native soils that will be exposed to potential erosion depending upon weather conditions. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (i.e., asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 70 percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces (roads, driveways, and buildings) upon the completion of the project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: As required by King County, the developer will need to prepare a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan to address impacts as a result of clearing and grading. Typically, this would include mirafi silt fencing, rock checkdams, construction entrance(s), and a temporary storm pond. Additionally, the use of hydroseeding, plastic, and jute matting may be used depending upon the time of year construction begins. These measures will be inspected by King County to ensure compliance with the King County regulations, as well as the maintenance of these erosion control devices. 2. Air 12424.002.doc a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known? During the construction of the project site, there is the potential of airborne dust as a result of grading. Upon the completion of construction, the typical emissions to the air would be from automobiles, home heating, and other miscellaneous maintenance equipment. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? D Yes [81 No If so, generally describe. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Eva I uation for Agency Use Onlv Page 5 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: If required during the construction of the project, the contractor will utilize water trucks to control airborne dust during the summer months. Additionally, construction equipment will be required to utilize proper emission control devices as required by law. 3. Water 12424.002.doc a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? ~ Yes D No If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There is a Class II wetland and a Class III stream in the southwest corner of the site. Please see Wetland Report prepared by B-12 Associates dated November 19, 2004, and supplemental report prepared by Chad Armour. LLC dated November/December of 2006. 2. Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? ~ Yes D No If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes. The proposed project will require work over and adjacent to the Class II wetland and Class III stream (see attached Preliminary Engineering Plans) on site and crossing the Class III stream on I 62nd Avenue S.E. several hundred feet south of the project as a result of improvements to the off-site right-of-way. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 6 of 19 To be completed by applicant 12424.002.doc 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? D Yes [2J No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 1 00-year floodplain? D Yes [2J No If so, note location on the site plan. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? D Yes [2J No If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn or will water be discharged to groundwater? D Yes [2J No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. There will be no groundwater withdrawn as part of this project. Furthermore, stormwater will not be discharged into the groundwater because the on-site soils do not support an infiltration system. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (i.e., domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals: ... ; agricultural; etc.) Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans expected to be served by the system or systems. There will be no waste material discharged to the groundwater from domestic sewage. The project site will be utilizing a City of Renton-approved sewer system. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 7 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Water runoff (including stormwater): I. Describe the source ofnmoff(including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any. Include quantities, if known. Where will this water flow'' Will this water flow into other waters'> If so, describe. During storm events, stormwater will be created as a result of on-site impervious areas. The method of collection of the stonnwater will be an on-site storm system designed to collect water from all rooftops and footing drains into the on-site storm system. The water will be conveyed through a series of catch basins and storm pipe to a storm pond (underground vault) designed in accordance with the 1998 King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM). This water will then be discharged to a natural pre-developed location and rate. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? C2] Yes D No If so, generally describe. Water from the storm pond will enter ground and surface waters. However, the project site will be required to provide water quality treatment in accordance with the SWDM prior to any discharge. For further information, please see attached storm drainage control plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: A Level 1 drainage analysis (prepared by DMP Engineering) and a Level 3 drainage report (prepared by Ed McCarthy,P.E.)are available for review. These reports analyze the required on-site detention requirements as well as analyzing the downstream drainage basin. The SWDM requires that the project engineer analyze impacts to downstream drainage systems and make recommendations with respect to any proposed measures to improve off-site drainage. Please review the drainage reports for any potential required measures to help reduce or control surface water impacts. 4. Plants a. 12424.002.doc Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: IS] Deciduous tree: !aided, lmaplel, aspen, other IS] Evergreen tree: llliJ, lcedarj, pine, other; ~lh-em~lo_c_kj IS] Shrubs IS] Grass D Pasture D IS] Crop or grain Wet soil plants: other lcattaill, !buttercup!, lbullrushl, !skunk cabbage!, Water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other Other lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10113/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page8of19 To be completed by applicant b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The site is currently wooded with third growth evergreen and deciduous trees. Approximately 80 percent of vegetation will be removed or altered as a result of this project. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no known threatened or endangered species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: As required by King County, we will be providing street trees for the on-site public road and road improvements to 162nd Avenue S.E. Furthermore, we are providing a proposed park, as required, that will include landscaping and recreational opportunities. In the future, each individual homeowner will be providing ornamental landscaping, as desired. 5. Animals 12424.002.doc a. Check or circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site: C8:J Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, !songbird~, other C8:J Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other (small field rodents and rept1lesJ D Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? D Yes iSJNo If so, explain. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/f 3/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 9of 19 To be completed by applicant d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: The subject property is located within an urban area and, upon the completion of this project, there will be minor impacts to the existing wildlife. However, this site docs not support any known endangered species. Upon the completion of the project, there will be limited areas such as the park, storm pond, and sensitive areas for urban wildlife. 6. Energy and natural resources 12424.002.doc a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The project will require and utilize electrical and natural gas energy for heating needs. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? D Yes [2J No If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: As required by the Washington State Energy Code, all homes will be built in accordance with these requirements to help reduce energy impacts. lc-ckl·SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 10 of 19 To be completed by applicant 7. Environmental health 12424.002.doc a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of tire and explosion, spill or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? D Yes cg] No If so, describe. 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (i.e., traffic, equipment, operation, other)? There arc no known types of noise that exist in the area that will affect this project. However. typical noise found in this area would be automobile traffic. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or long-term basis (i.e., traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. On a short-term basis, the type of noise created from this project will be construction by heavy equipment. The level of noise is unknown at this time; however, the appropriate muffler systems, as required by the State, will be provided on construction equipment. On a long-term basis, the types and levels of noise will be that of an urban single-family subdivision. This would include automobiles and maintenance equipment. The hours that these noises would typically be created would be during daylight hours. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: As required by the State of Washington, all construction equipment and vehicles will be equipped with the appropriate mufflers to reduce and control noise impacts and construction hours will be limited per County regulations. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdl 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page11of19 To be completed by applicant 8. Land and shoreline use 12424.002.doc a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is vacant and abuts property (large parcels) b. Has the site been used for agriculture? D Yes [8J No If so, describe. c. Describe any structures on the site. Not applicable. d. Will any structures be demolished? D Yes [8J No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? If so, what? The project zoning is R-4 (low density, 4 dwelling units per acre). f. What is the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the site? The King County Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Urban Residential, 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 12 of 19 To be completed by applicant h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? ~ Yes D No Is so, specify. B-12 Associates has identified a Class II wetland and a Class III stream on site. Please see the wetland analysis prepared by B-12 Associates and supplemental report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 90 people will reside or work on the completed project site, assuming 2.5 people per household. J. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide 36 new single-family homes for future residential use. However, the existing single-family home will be eliminated. k. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The subject property will be compatible with surrounding properties that are single-family homes on small to large parcels. The homes on this project will be compatible with the adjacent homes and meet all required zoning regulations as outlined in the R-4 Zoning Code. 9. Housing 12424.002.doc a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. Thirty-six single-family homes in the high-income range will be provided. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Eva I uation for Agency Use Only Page 13 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide additional housing for the area and will not have any housing impacts. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure or structures, not including antennas? What is the principal exterior building material or materials proposed? The tallest height of any proposed structure within the project will not exceed the required 35 feet. as outlined in the R-4 Zoning Code. The principal exterior of the buildings will be wood products. including wood composite products. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Not applicable. 11. Light and glare 12424.002.doc a. What type of light and glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The typical light and glare created from a single-family subdivision will be lighting created from each residence as well as street lighting. Typically. these lighting impacts will be during the evening hours. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? D Yes [8J No If yes, explain: lc·ckl-S EPA. pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 14 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are no known off-site sources of light or glare that may affect this project. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: There will be minor impacts created by the light and flare from this project. However. all street lighting will be properly located and designed to have minimal impact to the adjacent properties. 12. Recreation 12424.002.doc a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Near to the subject property (to the northeast) is Issaquah School District property (Liberty High School) that will provide off-site recreational opportunities. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? D Yes [8J No If so, describe. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, in any: King County will require that on-site recreation be provided for the future residents of the plat. Additionally, a pathway is being provided for access lo Liberty High School that does provide after-hour recreational opportunities. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 15 of 19 To be completed by applicant 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, the national state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? D Yes t8J No If so, generally describe. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Not applicable. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable. 14. Transportation 12424.002.doc a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The subject property will gain primary access from 162nd Avenue S.E. and will be required to ensure half-street improvements along the project frontage as the extension of 162nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 144th Street for secondary access. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? D Yes t8:i No If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The distance to the nearest transit stop is 0.13 miles, at S.E. 144th Street and 161st Avenue S.E. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 16 of 19 To be completed by applicant 12424.002.doc c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Each single-family home will provide a minimum of two on-site parking spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? [2J Yes D No If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The project will require the construction of a new public roadway on-site and along 162nd Avenue S.E., which would include curb, gutter, and sidewalk. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail or air transportation? D Yes [2J No If so, generally describe. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Please see the Level II Traffic Report prepared by DN Traffic Consultants dated October 31, 2006. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, in any: In addition to providing the on-site road improvements, this site will be required to contribute additional funds through the Mitigation Payment System (MPS). The MPS fees are collected either at Building Permit or prior to final plat approval. These fees are collected to help improve local roadways or intersections as deemed appropriate by King County. These payments are to help offset traffic impacts as a result of this project. Additionally, the Level II Traffic Report indicates that a pro rata share of the improvements at the 148th Avenue S.E./SR-900 intersection. lc-ckl·SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 17 of 19 • To be completed by applicant 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (i.e., fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? [2J Yes D No If so, generally describe. As a result of this project there will be an increased need for public services such as fire protection, police protection, health care, and schools. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: The Issaquah School District requires the payment of a school mitigation fee to help reduce the impact to the public school system. Furthermore, upon the completion of this project, each individual homeowner will be paying property taxes that will be provided to the general fund to help offset impacts to public services. 16. Utilities 12424.002.doc a. Check utilities currently available at the site: l2J Electricity l2J Natural gas l2J Water l2J Refuse service l2J Telephone l2J Sanitary sewer D Septic system D Other: b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The project will require the extension of approximately 800 lineal feet of sewer line to provide sewer service for the subject property. ll is anticipated that the sewer line will be an 8-inch line and constructed within a public right-of-way or through private properly to serve the site. However, if necessary. an on-site pump station may be required and dictated by the City of Renton. Currently, there is an existing water main on 160th Avenue S.E. This water main will be extended within the site, as well as other dry utilities (cable TV, phone, etc.). lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 18 of 19 C. Signature The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Date submitted Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 12424.002.doc lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 19 of 19 ; n i -~~ ""'> ~ ~u;;: ~ -:H ~ ~ ! I I m ' ' C ~ i II I 1mm I ; ~ ~ i1!1 ~ ~ ~ iH~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,:: ,:: , i ;g ~---.-~.:;,: ! /\/\/\ i.?;;rn~;;! E ,, , . ._, ,,,.,.\,-•••·.,·-~··••, ~ ~ C ' m ~ ~ 1a21s 72NO AVENIJE. SOUTH K~NT. WA 96())\ [-1?~)251-6122 (-12';)1~1-87i>,: f"M -· -~--- DAW, M. PETRE 811 S 273f0 CT DES MCIIES, WA 96198 (253) 946---ffln9 - /..0 PREI....MNAAY Pl.AT MAP OF 3S "JIit HI08 L 3S "JAY JSILI Ii; Q.. < ~ !§ -Ill rs ~ ,. z 1 -0 'i > 3S "JIN HIWI 1 1 ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 4 CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, IN KING COUN1Y, WASHINGTON. ~~ i ~ /XI' ~ ~ ·" ··"" PRELIMINARY OAADINQ AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTlON e TOWNSHP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, WM KING COUl'IT'I'. WASHINGTON _,,..- •we,., .. j;··.A-c. f\_-.A. _.,..._,,., .... •"' -~TC--~,.;,--> '---" ::_~~-_;7'~~~j!_r_~ft M~~ --~~~i: ~ _::r:::':~:: • ~~, .,, -;.-- • -1! .' '. . / ·1:r·/. 'J'!.'' /it"~,)~/--i ' : \ ~ 32 TI ._;,;17, .. , + 7', \,a!·';' ,: 31 . ..,,, •, ··iiii . './·'i <Ji>:,. ,· ·' 1'il --~ ·1a· 21 " nf~ _...., .. -<.,_ ~-;:,;,,:~-' ' .-:::J ,.r-:.J •11 :-.-cc·_ _{: i ! _.-k::;_:;::,<,,;.""J,, '~:t"' ; L-10:_ -"~'' ,~·; :;.co,>;_~:,'.'~"H c,csa1_,.. :;,~~: \-:;'.f;';Jr· -~ ti" ',-,_ .. -,-.. ----. !~ """""""''"':~ .•.,o,coasllo,,,,o,-oco-' {;.~'1."~?,;l,~t ~;,":.::_· 'i;,!!ffi!f'" _/ >C•JTV<'L r<c• ~•' ae:,aro,c,,,o,s, ,,,.,., .. ,,.,,,, .. :r TYPICAL ACCESS TRACT SECTION '/ "' ,:: -,r-- T'l'ACAL ON-SiTE P\JSUC ROAD SECTION =;, i""'c !I, .l I !!:li 1 ! II I j 11! 1,111 1 i~ 1;~1 1~ I ~ t; I I ~ i; ! I! 11~![/ ciii(/)~ i'i h !, ~ i I E i 1 i ! h § !! ' l 11 ~"' -_ '""" I !;H !1 .et>' , "',, -r~· "' t : . 'a. .. :c0•· l ~ ~' ,, 1l • • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Purpose of the checklist Web date: 10/13/2005 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT {SEPA) CHECKLIST For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW Chapter 43.21 C, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for the applicants This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly with the most pr cise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully to the best of you knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or pr ject plans without the need to hire experts. II you really do not know the answer, or ii a question does not pply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now m y avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations such as zonin , shoreline and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the gov rnmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all arts of your proposal even I you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach a additional information at will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency tow ·ch you submit this hecklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably lated to deter ning ii there may be significant adverse impacts. A. Background 1 . ... ~·· 2. Name of applicant: Barghauscn Consulting Engiheers. Inc. on behalf of Mr. David ! 12424.002.doc lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 etrie RECE1VED NOV 2 2 2006 t\lNG COUNTY L!~NQ use: SEHVICES 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 18215 -72nd A venue South Kent. WA 98032 Contact: Wayne Potter (425) 656-7435 4. Date checklist prepared: November 19. 2006 (Revised) ------'----------'-------'----------------- 5. Agency requesting checklist: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Approvals and permits 2006, with construction in 2007. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? D Yes C2l No If yes, explain. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. • Level I Downstream Analysis (prepared by DMP Engineering) • Traffic Study (ON Traffic Consultants) • Wetland Analysis (B-12 Associates) 12424.002.doc lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 2 of 19 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? k".J Yes D No If yes, explain. A proposed street vacation of the west I 5 feet of I 64th Avenue S.E. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The following is a list of permits that may be required for this proposal: 1. Preliminary Plat Approval 2. Traffic Concurrency 3. SEPA Determination 4. Construction Approvals for Storm, Road, Water, and Sewer 5. Street Vacation 6. Grading Permit 7. NPDES Permit 8. Forest Practice Permit 9. Final Plat Approval 11. Give brief complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) The subject property is approximately 8.98 acres in size and consists of two legal lots. The site is vacant and has a mixture of third growth forest with an elevation change of 46 feet from the southwest quarter of the site to the northeast quarter of the site. The average slope on the property is approximately 15 percent. The developer is proposing to develop the project for 37 single-family lots that would include the construction of all required infrastructure for single-family use (see attached preliminary plat map). 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site or sites. Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications to this checklist. 12424.002.doc The subject property abuts 162nd Avenue S.E. (not open), which is approximately 1.300 feet from the intersection of S.E. 135th Street and 162nd Avenue S.E. For exact location, please see attached vicinity map and legal description. lc-ckl·SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 3 of 19 ' "i . -.Ii ~'!! - ~ \ ~·, ~~f ~!t~ ~!ij~ . ' I =-/ ;;;-(_ __ ,, . ~ \ ' . • !J~i !i! !'' ~8~ '!'i _, t~!i -'~ ., l:,r~~ ~!~~ ''! fr :~ ;.;,F~ "~~j ,, ~i •. ! :1 ·, ,, .,:1 ' ' DAVV M. PETfE 8ft S 273F[) CT DES MOIES, WA 9898 (253)94<H;619 . .,,._,,, .,,., ,· ,-, ,...,.-,~ .,,, '"" '" ''" c,s..,, . , .. ~,,., ,.,, '"''' ,,....._ .•,u ,,,_., ~ .. ,,-.., ,,:,:,-~.., ~!!f> i;:=~ ~ ~~ 11,;~ ' ' > £ ~ 0 z 0 1~ ::; txi ;i ~ 0 O 8;: ~ ~~ ~ " ~ !~ ~ ·~ >o a~ g! ~ • ~~ " z ' ~ " < ' ~ ',! p _m ' • ~ .~ \, < ~;:,; 7' "!:"'' t·~ ii z .:1 'l ~ ~ ,.,-'! ' 5!~~ ~t -h· ~ ·::. * ::1---------.... PFEL.MNARY PLAT MAP OF UERTY GAFOENS " ~ C ~ 0~ ~· " > ' < > a 3S 3/# Hl081 3S 3/# lSILI 0... < 3S ~ Iii I Ill I;; f ~ z rg -0 /JI > 3S J.,V ~I LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 4 CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. To be completed by applicant B. Environmental elements 1. Earth 12424.002.doc a. General description of the site (check one) D Flat [2J Rolling [2J Hilly D Steep slopes D Mountainous D Other: b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent of slope)? The steepest slope on the site is approximately 15 percent. c. What general types of soil are found on the site (i.e., clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The project site appears to he underlain by glacial till. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Maps ( 1973) classify the site as AgC, known as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? D Yes [8] No If so, describe. e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. At this time, the approximate quantity of filling or grading is not known. However, the project has been designed to a balance the fill and cut so that there is no import or export from the project site. The purpose of any grading is to create buildable pads for the proposed single-family homes, as well as the construction of proposed infrastructure. Any import of soil will be for unsuitable soil found in utility trenches or due to poor weather conditions. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 4 of 19 To be completed by applicant f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? 12<;] Yes D No If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur as a result of clearing and construction. During construction, there wilJ be disturbed native soils that will be exposed to potential erosion depending upon weather conditions. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (i.e., asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 70 percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces (roads, driveways, and buildings) upon the completion of the project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: As required by King County, the developer will need to prepare a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan to address impacts as a result of clearing and grading. Typically, this would include mirafi silt fencing, rock checkdams, construction entrance(s), and a temporary storm pond. Additionally, the use of hydroseeding, plastic, and jute matting may be used depending upon the time of year construction begins. These measures will be inspected by King County to ensure compliance with the King County regulations, as well as the maintenance of these erosion control devices. 2. Air 12424.002.doc a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known? During the construction of the project site, there is the potential of airborne dust as a result of grading. Upon the completion of construction, the typical emissions to the air would be from automobiles, home heating, and other miscellaneous maintenance equipment. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? D Yes 12<;] No If so, generally describe. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 5 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: If required during the construction of the project, the contractor will utilize water trucks to control airborne dust during the summer months. Additionally, construction equipment will be required to utilize proper emission control devices as required by law. 3. Water 12424.002.doc a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? [2J Yes D No If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There is a Class II wetland and a Class III stream in the southwest corner of the site. Please see Wetland Report prepared by B-12 Associates dated November J 9, 2004, and supplemental report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC dated November/December of 2006. 2. Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? [2J Yes D No If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes. The proposed project will require work over and adjacent to the Class II wetland and Class III stream (see attached Preliminary Engineering Plans) on site and crossing the Class III stream on 162nd Avenue S.E. several hundred feet south of the project as a result of improvements to the off-site right-of-way. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 6 of 19 To be completed by applicant 12424.002.doc 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? D Yes ~ No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? D Yes ~ No If so, note location on the site plan. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? D Yes ~ No If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn or will water be discharged to groundwater? D Yes ~ No Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. There will be no groundwater withdrawn as part of this project. Furthermore, stormwater will not be discharged into the groundwater because the on-site soils do not support an infiltration system. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, it any (i.e., domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals: ... ; agricultural; etc.) Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans expected to be served by the system or systems. There will be no waste material discharged to the groundwater from domestic sewage. The project site will be utilizing a City of Renton-approved sewer system. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Eva I uation for Agency Use Onlv Page 7 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Water runoff (including stormwater): l. Describe the source of runoff (including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any. Include quantities, if known. Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so. describe. During storm events, stormwater will be created as a result of on-site impervious areas. The method of collection of the stormwater will be an on-site storm system designed to collect water from all rooftops and footing drains into the on-site storm system. The water will be conveyed through a series of catch basins and storm pipe to a storm pond (underground vault) designed in accordance with the 1998 King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM). This water will then be discharged to a natural pre-developed location and rate. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? D Yes D No If so, generally describe. Water from the storm pond will enter ground and surface waters. However, the project site will be required to provide water quality treatment in accordance with the SWDM prior to any discharge. For further information, please sec attached storm drainage control plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: A Level I drainage analysis has been prepared by DMP Engineering and is available for review. This report analyzes the required on-site detention requirements as well as analyzing the downstream drainage basin. The SWDM requires that the project engineer analyze impacts to downstream drainage systems and make recommendations with respect to any proposed measures to improve off-site drainage. Please review the Level I drainage analysis for any potential required measures to help reduce or control surface water impacts. 4. Plants a. 12424.002.doc Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: [SJ Deciduous tree: ~. ~. aspen, other [SJ Evergreen tree: @, ©edarj, pine, other; "lh_e_m~lo-c~~ [SJ Shrubs [SJ Grass D Pasture D [SJ Crop or grain Wet soil plants: other ©attail!, !buttercupj, !bullrushl, !sKunk cabbage!, [SJ Water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other D Other lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 8 of 19 ~~ r a 50' ~ --'~' ,~ .A ..• PRfa.lM!NAAY OAADINO AND STORM DAAINAae PLAN OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 6 TOWt,,SHIP 22 N. RANGE 5 E W.M KINQ COUNTY, WASHINOTON " ~.-. ' f' "" .. • ' ' , • r f'\-~' ,IO!.::-'s--7-----=o-,-. --··,t;ct;';-·~---~;,-. -,+ .. ~,.,--"'-,~~·s..&.._..;,:·_ .:~ _,-.;_· <;::---- V -, ... -/)--. ,, --L • .,>· )ti· ... ·---='> / ~----•., ~ )'j . ID ,i./ ~ n " --1-. ·--~;'. \ \ -- ' -/ ---:fo. ' -1 __ ,. ,. ,. . 2~- f4 " ---~ V ,-----,_ __ '-"--~- I t,· (JJ __ ...., __ ~_ i :l,;.· ' ,.,,.,.(W"'-"!l,-"'""",...,..,..,.,,, .. , .. , >o"'' ''°""'''"""'" "''"''"''""'' ,;.~'..'.'., :.~~,;'iJf°'" • -i -s.: ~. ' oif',r ~- ''"'~'.,:·-~,:ri.~ '~~:;~.~;~?1~ :_.,:;:;'<';::.ir .:;.~..::.. =.1.;~;';.Ji _/ '-'''""' ·,c., ... ,., .,,,, . .,_/ '.&~:~~~,"',:\'~'r!' \~,". ---1- ?>1!,., "'" / ·>/£).p T'fi:>JCAL ACCESS TRACT SECTION -~ !"I "°""'" "°" '°' r ,~-/ TYPICAL ON-SITE PUBLIC ROAD SECTION ,'-;· Se --:,= -- I ~ ~ I i 11,! u 1~ '.1 I 'I r~ . ' --' ! 0 ! ' ~ ·1 :I ~ !-i ~ fi 0 ~ g h ~ i E ; ! i i! l \ ~ 11 !I Ii ; " ! :it! ;;it !! ~i\ ~ l 1$,"'e\eo•~ l ij ' " ~ N' 0 To be completed by applicant b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The site is currently wooded with third growth evergreen and deciduous trees. Approximately 80 percent of vegetation will be removed or altered as a result of this project. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge. there are no known threatened or endangered species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: As required by King County. we will be providing street trees for the on-site public road and road improvements to 162nd Avenue S.E. Furthermore, we are providing a proposed park. as required. that will include landscaping and recreational opportunities. In the future, each individual homeowner will be providing ornamental landscaping, as desired. 5. Animals 12424.002.doc a. Check or circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site: [SJ Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, !songbird~, other [SJ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other (small field rodents and reptiles) D Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? D Yes [81No If so, explain. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 9 of 19 To be completed by applicant d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: The subject property is located within an urban area and, upon the completion of this project, there will be minor impacts to the existing wildlife. However, this site does not support any known endangered species. Upon the completion of the project, there will be limited areas such as the park, storm pond, and sensitive areas for urban wildlife. 6. Energy and natural resources 12424.002.doc a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The project will require and utilize electrical and natural gas energy for heating needs. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? D Yes [8] No If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: As required by the Washington State Energy Code, all homes will be built in accordance with these requirements to help reduce energy impacts. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 10 of 19 To be completed by applicant 7. Environmental health 12424.002.doc a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? D Yes [2J No If so, describe. 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (i.e., traffic, equipment, operation, other)? There are no known types of noise that exist in the area that will affect this project. However. typical noise found in this area would be automobile traffic. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or long-term basis (i.e., traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. On a short-term basis, the type of noise created from this project will be construction by heavy equipment. The level of noise is unknown at this time; however, the appropriate muffler systems, as required by the State, will be provided on construction equipment. On a Jong-term basis, the types and levels of noise will be that of an urban single-family subdivision. This would include automobiles and maintenance equipment. The hours that these noises would typically be created would be during daylight hours. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: As required by the State of Washington, all construction equipment and vehicles will be equipped with the appropriate mufflers to reduce and control noise impacts and construction hours will be limited per County regulations. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page11of19 To be completed by applicant 8. Land and shoreline use 12424.002.doc a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is vacant and abuts property (large parcels) b. Has the site been used for agriculture? D Yes 1:2] No If so, describe. c. Describe any structures on the site. Not applicable. d. Will any structures be demolished? D Yes 1:2] No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? If so, what? The project zoning is R-4 (low density, 4 dwelling units per acre). f. What is the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the site? The King County Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Urban Residential, 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre. g. It applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA. pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 12 of 19 To be completed by applicant h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? [2J Yes D No Is so, specify. B-12 Associates has identified a Class II wetland and a Class III stream on site. Please see the wetland analysis prepared by B-12 Associates and supplemental report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC. 1. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 93 people will reside or work on the completed project site. assuming 2.5 people per household. J. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide 37 new single-family homes for future residential use. However, the existing single-family home will be eliminated. k. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The subject property will be compatible with surrounding properties that are single-family homes on small to large parcels. The homes on this project will be compatible with the adjacent homes and meet all required zoning regulations as outlined in the R-4 Zoning Code. 9. Housing 12424.002.doc a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. Thirty-seven single-family homes in the high-income range will be provided. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. Not applicable. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 13of 19 To be completed by applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide additional housing for the area and will not have any housing impacts. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed stn:1cture or structures, not including antennas? What is the principal exterior building material or materials proposed? The tallest height of any proposed structure within the project will not exceed the required 35 feet, as outlined in the R-4 Zoning Code. The principal exterior of the buildings will be wood products, including wood composite products. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Not applicable. 11. Light and glare 12424.002.doc a. What type of light and glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The typical light and glare created from a single-family subdivision will be lighting created from each residence as well as street lighting. Typically, these lighting impacts will be during the evening hours. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? D Yes [gl No If yes, explain: lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 14 of 19 To be completed by applicant c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are no known off-site sources of light or glare that may affect this project. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: There will be minor impacts created by the light and flare from this project. However. all street lighting will be properly located and designed to have minimal impact to the adjacent properties. 12. Recreation 12424.002.doc a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Near to the subject property (to the northeast) is Issaquah School District property (Liberty High School) that will provide off-site recreational opportunities. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? D Yes i:8] No If so, describe. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, in any: King County will require that on-site recreation be provided for the future residents of the plat. Additionally, a pathway is being provided for access to Liberty High School that does provide after-hour recreational opportunities. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 15 of 19 To be completed by applicant 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, the national state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? D Yes r2] No If so, generally describe. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Not applicable. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable. 14. Transportation 12424.002.doc a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The subject property will gain primary access from 162nd Avenue S.E. and will be required to ensure half-street improvements along the project frontage as the extension of 162nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 144th Street for secondary access. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? O Yes r2J No If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The distance to the nearest transit stop is 0.13 miles, at S.E. 144th Street and 161st Avenue S.E. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 16 of 19 To be completed by applicant 12424.002.doc c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Each single-family home will provide a minimum of two on-site parking spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? ['><:] Yes D No If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The project will require the construction of a new public roadway on-site and along 162nd Avenue S.E., which would include curb, gutter, and sidewalk. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail or air transportation? D Yes ['><:] No If so, generally describe. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Please sec the Level II Traffic Report prepared by DN Traffic Consultants dated October 31, 2006. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, in any: In addition lo providing the on-site road improvements, this site will be required to contribute additional funds through the Mitigation Payment System (MPS). The MPS fees are collected either at Building Permit or prior to final plat approval. These fees are collected to help improve local roadways or intersections as deemed appropriate by King County. These payments arc to help offset traffic impacts as a result of this project. Additionally, the Level II Traffic Report indicates that a pru rat a share of the improvements at the 148th Avenue S.E./SR-900 intersection. lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Only Page 17 of 19 To be completed by applicant 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (i.e., fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? 1:81 Yes D No If so, generally describe. As a result of this project there will be an increased need for public services such as fire protection, police protection, health care, and schools. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: The Issaquah School District requires the payment of a school mitigation fee to help reduce the impact to the public school system. Furthermore, upon the completion of this project, each individual homeowner will be paying property taxes that will be provided to the general fund to help offset impacts to pub I ic services. 16. Utilities a. b. 12424.002.doc Check utilities currently available at the site: IZl Electricity IZl Natural gas IZl Water IZl IZl IZl D D Refuse service Telephone Sanitary sewer Septic system Other: Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The project will require the extension of approximately 800 lineal feet of sewer line to provide sewer service for the subject property. It is anticipated that the sewer line will be an 8-inch line and constructed within a public right-of-way or through private property to serve the site. However, if necessary, an on-site pump station may be required and dictated by the City of Renton. Currently, there is an existing water main on 160th Avenue S.E. This water main will be extended within the site. as well as other dry utilities (cable TV, phone, etc.). lc-ckl-SEPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Evaluation for Agency Use Onlv Page 18of 19 C. Signature The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Date submitted Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 12424.002.doc lc·ckl-SEPA.pdt 10/13/2005 Page 19 of 19 C:1-54J L 1berty c;<11Geri Pr0i1in rary ,..:12-t V.:ir~g Cou,1ty SE;:,;., Clseck.lis1 Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all govemmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help King County and / or any other agencies with jurisdiction to identify impacts from a proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help King County decide whether an EIS is required. A BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Liberty Garden 2. Name of proponent: David M. Petrie 3. Address and phone number of proponent and contact person: Proponent: Contact Person: 4. Date checklist prepared: November 5, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: King County, DOES David M. Petrie 811 S. 273"'. CT Des Moines, WA 98198 (253) 946-6619 Phone Hans Korve DMP Engineering 726 Auburn Way North (253) 333-2200 Phone (253) 333-2206 Fax 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Application Submittal .............................. November 2004 Public Hearing .......................................... December 2004 Final Action ............................................... February 2005 Engineering Submittal ............................ April 2005 Site Grading .............................................. June 2005 Final Plat ................................................... September 2005 '<.C D. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes please explain. No. 1 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY \ ' ,\ : ',' I 01-540 Liberty Garden Prelimi;1a1· Plat '\:rg Count)' SEPA Checkl:si 8. List any information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The following information will be prepared and submitted under separate cover or is available in County files: • Level 1 Downstream Analysis, • Conceptual Drainage Plan • Traffic Study, DN Traffic Consultants • Wetland Analysis, B-12. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by this proposal? • Vacation of a portion of 162"" and 164"' Ave. SE 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Traffic Concurrency Street Vacation SEPA Threshold Determination Preliminary and Final Plat Approval Clearing and Grading Permits Building Permits King County King County King County King County King County King County 11. Give brief, complete description of the proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The proposal is to subdivide two lots, totaling approximately 8.95 acres into approximately 38 single-family lots, open space, internal plat roads and access tracts, in the R-4 zone. The Applicant is also applying for the vacation of approximately .79 acres of County Right-Of-Way (ROW). This would increase the project site to approximately 9.74 acres. The vacation will include portions of 162"0 and 164°' Ave. SE. 12. Location of the proposal. Provide a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if available. The subject proposal is situated on two lots and portions of County ROW , totaling approximately 9.74 acres, located within the jurisdictional boundaries of unincorporated King County in the SEY, of Section 14 Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The site is located on parcel(s) 145750-0145 and -0150. Please refer to the Preliminary Plat map for the legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map. 2 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 01-:'.i40 Liberty GarCJen Pre111n riary Pia; King Cour.ty SEPA C!"1tc!<.i,st B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one):! flat l. lrollingj, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous. The site has a gentile slope to the southwest with several A TV paths eris- crossing the property. An unimproved road is evident along the existing 164'" Ave. SE ROW. The site is vegetated with third growth deciduous trees with a mixture of shrubs and understory plants. A small intermittent stream is located in the southwest corner of the site, adjacent to the 162"" Ave. SE ROW. A small Class II wetland has been identified in association with this intermittent stream/ ditch. A larger wetland has been identified approximately 50' off-site south southwest. Slopes across the majority of the site are less then 10%, with the steepest slopes along the intermittent stream bank. Please refer to the preliminary plat map for contour information. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? According to the field topographic survey, the steepest slope on the site is approximately 15% +-located along the intermittent stream. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, and muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to the US Soil Conservation Service Soil Map, the site is primarily Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgC) (6-15%).The soil is moderately well drained. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Map, there are no unstable soils within the project site. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Grading of the site will be necessary to modify the site for stormwater drainage flow. The exact quantity of grading is not known at this time, however, it is anticipated that the grading activities would be designed to balance and not require import or export of soil f_ Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Some erosion could occur on-site as a result of construction activities; however, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to be approved by King County will be employed to reduce erosion impacts. All 3 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Ot-54() Libc"r:y G8rdt.'n Pre!1mi11c:1ry Pi~t K:ng Cou:'ty SEPA Chec<.;J1st 2. Air construction during the wet season will comply with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix "D" concerning site coverage techniques. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Due to the preliminary nature of the plans, the exact percentage of impervious surface associated with this project is currently unknown. The subject proposal will not exceed the maximum impervious surface area as required by KCC 21A.12.030 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: During construction, the contractor will follow an approved temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan meeting KCC standards. Typical measures, which may be employed, include the use of silt fences, straw bales, and temporary storm drainage features. Hydroseeding exposed soils and cleared areas after construction will also reduce the potential for erosion. All construction during the wet season will comply with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix "D" concerning site coverage techniques. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Construction: Emissions and dust particulates generated primarily by construction equipment will be produced during the construction phase of this project. The amount of emissions to the air will be minimal and will occur during the actual construction of the development. Long Term Air Quality: Long-term air impacts would be those typically associated with residential land uses. Sources of long-term emissions and odor could include vehicle emissions from increased vehicle use generated by the new residential units and emissions from wood burning fireplaces (if permitted). The additional vehicular emissions in these areas are not anticipated to concentrate and therefore are not anticipated to create a health hazard to the residents or surrounding areas. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. 4 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 01-540 Liberty Garder· Prei::n:1ary Plat K:niJ CVJ'lty SEPf\ Cllec-.J1st c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3. Water If particulates become suspended during construction, frequent watering of the site during the construction phase of the project would be used to help control dust and other particulates generated on the site. This will be accomplished in accord with Appendix "D" of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, and wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Folio, there are no recorded streams or other water bodies on the subject site. The site is not within any 100 year flood plain. Field reconnaissance however identified a Class two wetland and Class Ill stream in the southwest corner of the site. Please refer to the attached Wetland report. Access to lot #38 is through an existing stream crossing. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes. The described stream and wetland have an associated 50' maximum buffer. Lots 25,26 ,29, 30 and 38 as well as portions of the proposed internal plat roads are proposed outside the required buffers, but within 200 feet of the wetland. The proposed access to lot #38 will involve the filling of approximately 2,523 Sq. Ft of wetland and buffer. Buffer mitigation is proposed on site. Please refer to the following question ant the attached wetland study. · 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Access to lot #38 is through a proposed expansion of an existing stream crossing along 162"d Ave. SE. Expansion of the crossing will result in a wetland and buffer fill of approximately 2,523 Sq. Ft. and the installation of a culvert for the effected portion of the intermittent stream. A proposed mitigation of 2,881 Sq. Ft. is proposed. The amount of fill may be minimized during the engineering phase of the project, depending on the final design and chosen construction techniques. This crossing expansion is the minimum necessary to gain access to lot #38. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 5 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 01 "540 Liber:y Gar,ien ~rel,m,nary Plat K:ng Coun:y SEP.A. Chec~l1st 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year fioodplain? If so, note location on the site plan According to the King County Sensitive Areas Maps, no portion of the site lies within the 100-foot floodplain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, agricultural; etc.) Describe the general size of the system. the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable}, or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None known at this lime. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water fiow? Will this water fiow into other waters? If so, describe. On-site storm water runoff will primarily be generated from roadways, residential structures, and associated driveways. Storm water will be collected in catch basins within the roadways and/or tight-lined from residential roof tops and conveyed to a proposed detention facility located on the project site. Please refer to the Level One Report for further details. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Some pollutants normally associated with residential development could enter the surface water; however, the amount would be minimal since the on-site drainage will be conveyed to a water quality and detention facility in conformance with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The storm water runoff will be collected and conveyed to a detention facility(s) that will be designed and constructed in conformance with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Plants 6 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY :y -540 L:be-rty Garde11 Pr2i:r:v1<1ry Plat K:n~, Co'..i::(,1 SE;-:,A ChecrJ1c:,t a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: evergreen tree: fir, cedar, hemlock, pine, other shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bu/lrush, skunk cabbage water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other: b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The site is currently wooded with third growth evergreen and deciduous trees. Off road vehicle tracts are present throughout the site. The majority of existing vegetation will be removed during the grading process. Tree and vegetation removal will be kept to a minimum when possible. Vegetation within the wetland buffer area will be removed in association with the Lot #38 Crossing. The applicant proposes almost 3,000 Sq. Ft of buffer mitigation to offset this intrusion. Please see the attached wetland report. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. There are no known threatened or endangered plant species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The proposed preliminary plat anticipates retaining existing trees when possible, The new single-family residences will provide new landscaping including lawns, shrubs, and ornamental trees. Native vegetation will be utilized, where appropriate. Some additional trees and vegetation will be incorporated into the storm water facility where appropriate. Additional landscaping will be added as part of the wetland mitigation proposal. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: rodents fish: bass, perch, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None Known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: 7 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY O :-540 L oerty Garden P1el1rn·r,ary Plat K1Pg County SEPJ'.. Checkl:st Installation of native landscaping throughout the plat will provide coverage and habitat for urban tolerant wildlife. Additional planting in the wetlands and buffers will enhance the existing habitat. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electrical energy will be the primary source of power serving the needs of the project and natural gas will be made available for the purpose of healing and other needs associated with residential living. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The residential buildings that will be constructed as a result of this project will meet or exceed the applicable single-family residential energy conservation/consumption requirements in King County and the International Building Codes. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. It is unlikely under normal working conditions that environmental health hazards would be encountered. All project-related construction will meet or exceed current, County, State and Federal laws. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. In the event that environmental health hazards are encountered or occur during construction, all appropriate precautionary measures will be employed. Any emergency situation would be addressed by the existing resources of Fire District #25. 8 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY o: .54c Liber:y Garden Prel1nn~ary .::Jlat King Co0nty SEf'A Ch::!ck:1st 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: State regulations regarding safety and the handling of hazardous materials will be followed during the construction process. Equipment refueling areas would be located in areas where a spill could be quickly contained and where the risk of hazardous materials entering surface water is minimized. On-site management will be equipped with mobile communications equipment at all times to contact emergency services in the event of an incident. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? There are no dominant sources of noise in the project vicinity. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-tenn basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-term impacts would result from the use of construction equipment during site development. Construction would occur during permitted construction hours and in compliance with King County noise standards. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction activity will be limited to permitted construction hours and construction equipment will not be allowed to idle for continuous periods of time, which will help to mitigate the impacts of potential construction noise. Hours of operation will be posted on-site. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently made up of two undeveloped lots. Adjacent land uses consist of a low density single-family residence. Maplewoods Heights Park is located northeast of the site. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. It is not believed that the site was utilized for agricultural production in the past. c. Describe any structures on the site. NA d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? NA e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? 9 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Oi-~40 Libe~y Garden Pre! rn,'.1ary f-Ji,c,t King Ccu:ity SEPA C'10-cki!St The project site is zoned R-4 (Low Density Residential, 4 dwelling units per acre). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? According to the King County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the area is designated -Urban Residential. (R-4 to R-12) g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. According to the 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Folio the project has no environmental sensitive areas. However, field investigations conducted by B- 12 Associates, identified a small Class 3 intermittent stream and an associated Class 2 riparian wetland. A second wetland was also identified off site, to the west of 162"d Ave. SE. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Assuming 2.5 persons per household, approximately 98 people would reside in the proposed project. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide 38 ~ housing units. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project will be developed in accordance with applicable King County development and land use codes to ensure the project is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and applicable development regulations in effect at the time of a complete Preliminary Subdivision application. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 38 ~ middle-income housing units will be provided. 10 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY C 1-540 L:llerty Garden D1el1m::,ary Plat K1r'g County S!::.PA Check!1sr b. Approximately how many units, if any would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Adherence to the comprehensive plan and growth management planning goals of King County would ensure that housing development is consistent with those policies stated in the applicable land use plan. 1 0. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? No specific building plans are included with this project; however, it is anticipated that houses built on the site would conform to the King County development regulations and be limited to a height of 35 feet in accordance with 21A.12.030. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Development of the site would result in a change to the visual character of the site for the nearest existing residences and roadways to that of a single- family neighborhood area. No significant views would be obstructed. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The site plan has been developed to provide a site design layout consistent with the development regulations in place for the R-4 zone. The proposed project incorporates landscape and open space areas in accordance with King County development regulations. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light and glare from the completed project is anticipated to be that typically generated by single-family residences, mainly occurring during the evening hours, and be associated with vehicle headlights, streetlights and residential unit lighting. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not under normal circumstances. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: 11 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY C 1-540 Liberty Gar.Jen Prelimir;ary Plat King Coumy SEPA Checki:st Installation of street trees along the street frontages and landscaping in open space areas will help to alleviate some of the light and glare created by streetlights, headlights and residential unit lighting from the adjacent properties. The proposal will only install those street lights approved by King County. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Liberty High School is located northeast of the project site. The school has many recreational fields. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. The project would not displace any existing recreational uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: The proposed project will provide a minimum of 390 square feet of open space/recreation area per single-family lot (14,820 SF) pursuant to 21A.14. The applicant proposes to construct recreational facilities on site or pay the appropriate fee-in-lieu of recreational facilities to offset any potential adverse impacts of the project. The current proposal is to construct tennis or sport courts on top of the proposed storm water vaults, in addition to providing tot- tot facilities. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. To the best of our knowledge, there are no landmarks or evidence of any significant historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural resources known to be on or next to the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: If any such historic or cultural evidence is encountered during construction or installation of improvements, work would be halted in the area and a state- approved archaeologist/historian would be engaged to investigate, evaluate and/or move or curate such resources, as appropriate. 14. Transportation 12 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY ()~ -5<Hl liberty Garden Pre:i:-r.1r1ary Pia: Ki,1g CoG1':y SEP.Ai Checklist a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The proposed project will take primary access from 162"" Ave SE. No additional connections are possible with the surrounding development pattern and topography. The applicant is proposing to vacate the remaining portions of 162"" Ave. SE and the portion of 164th Ave. SE which adjoins the project site. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes. The nearest transit stop is located near the corner of SE 144th St. & 164th Av. SE, approximately .14 miles away from the project site. The Metro bus rout providing service to that stop is #111. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? None. The proposed project will provide parking in private driveways, garages and on-street parking. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Yes, the proposed project will require dedication of additional public right-of- way along the east half of 162"" Ave. SE and construction of internal circulation roads and access tracts. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Assuming 10 trips per household per day, the completed project will generate 380 new vehicular trips per day. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The applicant or subsequent owner(s) will comply with Title 14 of the King County Code, which contains provisions for payment of MPS (Mitigation Payment System) Fees. Applicant will either pay the MPS fee at the time of final plat application or at the time of building permit application. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid will be the fee in effect at the time of plat application, and a note will be placed on the face of the plat stating, "All Mitigation Payment System Fees required by Title 14 have been paid." 13 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY C"i-540 Liberty G:.'iroen Pre'iinnary Plat K1ng County SEPA Check!1st If the second option is chosen, the MPS fee paid will be the fee in effect at the time of building pennit application. Contributions to projects listed in the MPS program may receive credit towards the MPS payment due. The estimated MPS fee for this project at the time of application will be, based on a 38 (new) unit subdivision. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The completed project would result in an increased need for police and fire protection as well as emergency medical service. Additional recreational and school facilities will also be required to address the increase in demand for recreational opportunities. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. The project will be designed and constructed with adequate water pressure, properly located fire hydrants and roadways constructed to allow adequate access for fire, medic and police protection vehicles. Increased property valuation will result in increased taxes generated to support public services. The proponent will pay necessary school and traffic mitigation fees to offset the potential impacts to the school and transportation system. The project is located in the Issaquah School District #411. The current school impact fee is $3,924 per single-family unit. Assuming 38 new units, the total school impact fee would be $149,112. Recreational facilities will be constructed on site in accordance with the requirements of 21A.14 to offset the potential impacts on the existing recreational system or a fee-in-lieu of those facilities will be offered. 16. Utilities a. Indicate utilities currently available at the site: Electricity, Natural Gas, Water, Telephone, Sanitary Sewer, Septic System, Refuse Service, Other. 14 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY • 01-540 L,nerty GarJen firei1:n;nary Piat King County SEP.-"\ Check!ist b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Water System -Water District #90 Sanitary Sewer System -City of Renton -Extension of a 10" sewer main in 162"d St. SE from the Plat of Liberty Grove. Storm Water - Electricity: Natural Gas: Telephone: Refuse Service: Cable TV: Fire Dist: C. SIGNATURE King County Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy Qwest Robanco AT&T Broadband #25 The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. the lead agency is relying, o1them to make its decision. Signature: Date Prepared: i ·:~,,,?- Hans A. Korve Planning Manager DMP., Inc. November 5, 2004 15 I understand that FOR AGENCY USE ONLY King County Road Services Division Department ofTransportaLion 201 South Jackson Street Seacclc. WA 98104-3856 TYPE OF CERTIFICATE 0 ORIGINAL 0 CONDITIONAL October 20, 2004 Certificate # 01620 File Number: 04-10-11-01 Exoires: October 20 2005 CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY D Specific conditions are described on the reverse side of this certificate. Pursuant to King County Code, Chapter 14.70 as amended, this certificate confirms that the level ofservicc standard used in the Transportation Concurrency Management program has been satisfied and sufficient road capacity is reserved for the development project described below. IMPORTANT: This certificate does not guarantee a development permit. Other transportation improvements and mitigation will be required to comply with Intersection Standards, Mitigation Payment System, King County road standards, and/or safety needs. 1. Applicant Name and Address: Hans Korve, DMP Inc. 726 Auburn Way North, Auburn, WA ii 2. Property Location: a. Property Address: 141xx 162nd Avenue SE b. Development Name: Liberty Gardens c. Parcel Number: 1457500145,150 3. Type of Development Permit To Be Requested: Formal Plat 4. Proposed Land Use: Single Family Residential 5. Zone Location and Reserved Units: K.C D.D.E.S a. Concurrency Zone: 763 Community Planning Area: Newcastle i. Commercial Project-Total Square Feet: 0 ii. Multi-family-NumberofUnits: 0 iii. Single family -Number of Units: 55 6. This Certificate is subject to the following general conditions: a. This Certificate of Concurrency runs with the land and is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same property for the stated development, subject to the terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. This Certificate of Concurrency is not transferable to any other property and has no commercial value. This Certificate Expires: October 20, 2005 unless you apply for the development permit described above, prior to that date. If this requirement is not met the King County Department of Transportation reserves the option to cancel your certificate and capacity reservation. When you apply for a development permit with King County's Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES), bring this Certificate of Transportation Concurrency as part of the development application package. If you have any questions, please call (206) 263-4722. Linda Dougherty, Director, Road Services Dl1',,. .... _.,, Department of Transportation King County, Washington Liberty Gardens King County DMP#Ol-540 )/ " Pending Issue List • Petition for Vacation of a County Road (162nd & 164th Ave. SE) • Proposed Stream Crossing for Lot #38 t w King County SUBDIVISION DENSITY & DIMENSION CALCULATIONS Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206 296· 7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. File Number (To be filled in by DDES) PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum density, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correctly applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the density and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Title 21A). This worksheet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local, state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for additional information and revisions. You may call 206-296-6600 to find out how to arrange for a pre-application conference. Worksheet Prepared By: _G::..:_. W=a"-y"'ne'-'-P-"ot"'te"'·r _____ ~--------Date: March JO, 2008 (Print Name) Subdivision Name: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Residential Zoning: R-4 -----------~ If more than one Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone classification exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and the area within each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200. PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THIS FORM I. Site Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.1172) also see (K.C.C. 21 A.12.080): Site area (in square feet) is the TOTAL horizontal area of the project site .. ·lo).·o [;" rT, 1,_-.J r; '. _-·.--.. l_ilJ ,'-,,'"' ,,~ i, 1v1 isr~) \filRE \ '\S\ONJ ._IL MAY{! 2 ?[Y:j~'~ L-j J 24~4.(>04.dnc _,\J -{.CDIJF-.: \~ .. u \' \ ,tic-cal-subden.pdl ~//,; f'/1.. £copy 11/28/2007 Page 1 of 6 Calculation: __ _____c8cc.9c_c5c_c_ac'--.---Gross horizontal area of the project site __ 3_89_._8_6_2_,~'l-· _ft_. ~ Site area in square feet NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 8.95 ac. Site area in acres NOTE: When calculating the site area for parcels in the RA Zone, if the site area should result in a fraction of an acre, the following shall apply: Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. Example: If the site area in acres is 19.5 acres (less the submerged land and less the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for public right-of-way) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is allowed. (See K.C.C. 21 A.12.080) II. Base Density (K.C.C. 21 A.12.030 -.040 tables): The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. 4 du/acre Ill. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding (K.C.C. 21 A.12.070): The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables). 8.95 site area in acres (see Section 1.) X ___ _c4 __ ~ base density (see Section 11) ------ = 35.8 or 36 allowable dwelling units ------~ Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and B. Fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2.75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.070(E).) IV. Required On-site Recreation Space (K.C.C. 21A.14.180): This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on property designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use development if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by multiplying the recreation space requirement per unit type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21 A.14.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X 170 square feet X 170 square feet X 12424 004.doc _____ proposed number of studio and one bedroom units ____ proposed number of two bedroom units _____ proposed number of three or more bedroom units + + Recreation space requirement ::: fc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 2 016 Required On-site Recreation Space Continued Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments developed at a density of eight units or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X ---~36~--proposed number of units 14.000 sq. ft. Mobile home parks shall provide recreational space as follows: 260 square feet X ------~ proposed number of units V. Net Buildable Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.797): This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: + + + + + areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in excess of sixty (60') of width critical areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to remain undeveloped areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not limited to, retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and swales ______ areas required by King County to be dedicated or reseived as on~site recreation areas. ------ Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C. 21A.14.180 (see Section IV) regional utrlity corridors, and other areas, excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped _____ Total reductions Calculation: site area in square feet (see Section1) ------- Total reductions ------- Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is square feet to -------acres by dividing by 43,560 = Net buildable area in acres ------- VI. Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060): The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum density is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) by the net buildable area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum density percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. The minimum density requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21 A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 located within the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) Calculation: -----~ base density in du/ac (see Section II) X ______ Net buildable area in acres (see Section V) 124::'4 00--Ldoc X minimum density % set forth in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 or as adjusted in Section VII minimum dwelling units required lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 3 of 6 VII. Minimum Density Adjustments for Moderate Slopes (K.C.C. 21A.12.087): Residential developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21 A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buildable area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net buildable area(s) within each of the following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value= + sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7 .5% median slope value = + + sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value= + + sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17 .5% median slope value = + + sq. ~-~-----f1 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value= + + sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= + + sq. f1 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value= + + sq. ft 35-40% slope Increment X 37.5% median slope value= + Total square feet Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope Calculation: total square feet adjusted for slope divided by total square feet in net buildable area weighted average slope of net buildable area % {Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Use the table below to determine the minimum density factor. This density is substituted for the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21 A.12.030 table when calculating the minimum density as shown in Section VI of this worksheet. ... -- Weighted Average Slope of Net Minimum Density Factor Buildable Areals\ of Site: 0% --less than 5% 85% 5% --less than 15% 83%, less 1.5% each 1 % of averaae s/ooe in excess of 5% 15% --less than 40% 66%, less 2.0% for each 1 % of averaoe slope in excess of 15% EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR MINIMUM DENSITY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MODERATE SLOPES: sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value::::: + 10,000 sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value::::: 750 + + 20,000 sq. ft 10-15°1~ slope increment X 12.5% median slope value::::: 2,500 + + sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17 .5% median slope value ::::: + + sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.'5% median slope value::::: + + sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value::::: + + sq. tt 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value::::: + + sq. ft. 35-40% slope increment X 37.5 % median slope value + 30,000 Total square feet 3,250 Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope 3,250 Total square feel adjusted for slope divided by 30,000 Total square feet in net buildable area .108333 Weighted average slope of net buildable area 11 °/o (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Using the table above, an 11 % weighted average slope of net buildable area falls within the 5% --less than 15% range which has a minimum density factor of 83%, less 1.5% for each 1% of average slope in excess of 5%. Since 11 % is 6% above 5%, multiply 6 times 1.5 which would equal 9%. Subtract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum density factor of 74%. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. 12424.004 due lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 4 of 6 VIII. Maximum Dwelling Units Allowed (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040): This section should be completed only if the proposal includes application of residential density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) or transfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is calculated by adding the bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units calculated in Section Ill of this worksheet. The maximum density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposals with 100 percent affordable units. The maximum density permitted through transfer of density rights is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development. base density in dwelling units per acre see (Section II) X 150%:::: _______ maximum density _____ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X ______ site area in acres ______ _ maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 200% = _______ maximum density maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres ______ _ maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives with 100 percent affordable units (K.C.C. 21 A.34) base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 150''.;-'o:::: _______ maximum density maximum density in dwelling unlts per acre X ______ site area in acres ______ _ maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density transfers (K.C.C. 21A.37) Calculation: + + base allowable dwelling units calculated in Section Ill ------ ------bonus units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.34 ______ transfer units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.37 ______ total dwelling units (cannot exceed maximum calculated above) IX. Minimum Lot Area For Construction (K.C.C. 21A.12.100): Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21 A.32: A In the UR ar1d R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments, zero-lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A, F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5,000 square feet; and 2. Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) J 2424 004 doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 5 of 6 • ·• X. Lot Width (K.C.C. 21 A.12.050(6)): Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameter within the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). Lot Width Circle I l ·-·-·-·-·-· Lot Width Measurement Check out the DOES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits J 2424 004.Joc lc-cal-subden.pd1 11/28/2007 Page 6 of 6 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 K.C. D.D.E.S. Subdivision Density and .. Dimension Calculations Alternative formats available upon request File Number (To be filled in bv DOES) ::LIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS! Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum density, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correctly applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets t~d.ensity and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Title 21A). This work~eet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local/state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short / subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They m7y save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for additional information and revisions. You may call (206) 296-6600 to find out how Q · arrange for a pre-application conference. 11 , ~ ) ~~\ Worksheet Prepared By: Hans Korve Date: 09/01/04 / ~ n O , (Print Name) 11 J;V" ' 1 1 Subdivision Name: Libe Garden Petrie Prelimi Plat I Jt Comprehensive Plan Lan Zoning R If more than one Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone clas · ,cation exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and t area within each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divis!ed by a zone bounda , transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the p of K.C.C. 21A.12.200. Please complete only the applicable portions of this form I. Site Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.1172l a1so see (K.C.C. 21A.12.080): Site area (in square feet) is the gross horizontal area of the project site, less submerged lands as defined by K.C.C. 21A.06.1265, and less areas which are required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for the public rights-of-way. + = -~O __ square feet in submerged land (any land below the ordinary high water mark -see K.C.C. 21A.06.825) _ _cO,,__ __ square feet in perimeter rights-of-way which will be required to be dedicated (area 30 feet from center line of road) -~D~-Total * All existing Density and Dimension Calculations Brandon Meadows 04/01/04 Page 1 of 6 Calculation: II. 389.862+-( existing) Gross horizontal area of the project site 424 274+-(proposed) Gross horizontal area of the project site with requested street vacation. All future calculations will be based on assumed approval of street vacation. O Total submerged lands and rights-of-way 424 274 Site area in square feet NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 9.74 Site area in acres Base Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables): The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. R-4 du/acre III. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding (K.C.C. 21A.12.070): The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables). 9.74 site area in acres (see Section 1.) X __ 4.,___ base density (see Section II) = _ __,,3""9 __ allowable dwelling units Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and B. Fractions below .SO shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2.75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.070(E)). Subdivision Density and Dimension calculatlons Liberty Gardens 08/30/04 Page 2 of 6 IV. Required On-site Recreation Space (K.C.C. 21A.14.180): This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on property designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use development if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by multiplying the recreation space requirement per unit type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21A. l 4.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X ___ proposed number of studio and one bedroom units NA 170 square feet X proposed number of two bedroom units + 170 square feet X proposed number of three or more bedroom units + Recreation space requirement = Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments developed at a density of eight units or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X _3~8~_ proposed number of NEW units = 14 820 Mobile home parks shall provide recreational space as follows: 260 square feet X ___ proposed number of units = v. Net Buildable Area {K.C.C. 21A.Q6.797}: This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: + + + + + = 0 ____ Areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in excess of sixty (60') of width 41196 -~--Sensitive areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to remain undeveloped -~--Areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not limited to, 24,000 900 ---- ---- retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and swales Areas required by King County to be dedicated or reserved as on-site recreation areas. Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C. 21A.14.180 (see Section IV) Regional utility corridors, and ___ other areas, excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped Total reductions 66,096 --- Calculation: 424 274 66,096 = 358,178 = 8.2 site area in square feet (see Sectionl) Total reductions Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 Net buildable area in acres Subdivision Density and Dimension calculations Liberty Gardens 08/30/04 Page 3 of6 VI. Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060}: The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum density is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) by the net buildable area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum density percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. The minimum density requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 located within the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) Calculation: _4~---base density in du/ac (see Section II) X 8.2 Net buildable area in acres (see Section V) _8~5~0A~o __ X minimum density% set forth in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 or as adjusted in Section VII _2=8 ___ minimum dwelling units required VII. Minimum Density Adjustments for Moderate Slopes (K.C.C. 21A.12.087}: Residential developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buildable area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net buildable area(s) within each of the following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: ____ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value = NA ----sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= + ----sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value = _____ + ----sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value = + ----sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = + --~ sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= + ____ sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value= + ____ sq. ft 35-40% slope increment X 37.5% median slope value = + ----Total square feet Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope Calculation: ~N~A ___ total square feet adjusted for slope divided by total square feet in net buildable area ____ weighted average slope of net buildable area ____ % (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) I I I I II I Use the table below to determine the minimum density factor. This density is substituted for the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table when calculating the minimum density as shown in Section VI of this worksheet. Weighted Average Slope of Net Minimum Density Factor Buildable Area(s) of Site: 0% --less than 5% 85% 5% --less than 15% 83%, less 1.5% each 1 % of averaqe slope in excess of 5% 15% --less than 40% 66%, less 2.0% for each 1 % of averaqe slope in excess of 15% Subdivision Density nnd Dimension Calculations Liberty Gardens 08/30/04 Page 4 of 6 EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR MINIMUM DENSTIY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MODERATE SLOPES: ___ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value= .. 0,000 sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= __ 7_50 ___ + 0,000 sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value = _1,_50_0 ___ + sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value= + --- ---sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = + sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= + --- sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value= + --- ---sq. ft. 35-40% slope increment X 37 .5 % median slope value = + 3Q,OOO Total square feet 3 250 Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope ':;o Total square feet adjusted for slope divided by 30,000 Total square feet in net buildable area .108333 Weighted average slope of net buildable area -11 % (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Using the table above, an 11 % weighted average slope of net buildable area falls within the '.i% --less than 15% range which has a minimum density factor of 83%, less 1.5% for each 1 % of average slope in excess of 5%. Since 11 % is 6% above 5%, multiply 6 times 1.5 '.•,hich would equal 9%. Subtract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum density factor of 74%. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. JUI. Maximum Dwelling Units Allowed (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040): This section should be completed only if the proposal includes application of residential rlensity incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) or transfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is calculated by adding the bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units ralculated in Section III of this worksheet. The maximum density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposals with 100 percent affordable units. The maximum density permitted through transfer of density rights is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development. base density in dwelling units per acre see (Section II) X 150% = maximum density --- . __ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = .. 1 <:<irnum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) ~--base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 200% = maximum density ____ maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = . . . ,mum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives with 100 percent affordable units (K.C.C. 21A.34) ·---base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 150% = maximum density --maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = i,,.•xirnum dwelling units allowed utilizing density transfers (K.C.C. 21A.37) Calculation: + + ~NA~---base allowable dwelling units calculated in Section III bonus units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.34 ----- -----transfer units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.37 total dwelling units (cannot exceed maximum calculated above) Subdivision Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Gardens 08/30/04 Page 5 of 6 IX. Minimum Lot Area For Construction CK.C.C. 21A.12.100): Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21A.32: x. A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments, zero- lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A, F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5,000 square feet; and 2. Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A.12.0SO(B)): Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameter within the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). 30 Feet \ Lot Width Circle l-, ·-·-·-·-·-·- Lot Width Measurement Subdivision Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Gardens 08/30/04 Page 6 of6 llULI., TRISHAH PROJECT MANAGER II MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER III DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-OIOO DII\SMORE. LISA CURRENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR MS: OAK -DE-OIOO DDES I LlJSD DMP ENGINEERING 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN. WA 98002 GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW DDES I LlJSD MS: OAK -DE-OIOO LANGLEY, KRIS TRAFFIC ENGINEER DDES/1.USD MS: OAK -DE-OIOO PETRIE, DAVID M. 8 I I S. 273RD CT. DES MOINES, WA 98198 ROGERS. CAROL CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK-DE-()100 WEST, I.ARR Y GEO REVIEW DDES / LUSD MS: OAK -DE -0100 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04POOJ4 L04P0034 L04POOJ4 L04POOJ4 L04P0034 L04POOJ4 L04POOJ4 WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEER DDES /LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 L04POOJ4 7695500330/L04P0034 BOLANOS ROBERT+ DEBRA 14220 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500106/L04P0034 BRENDON MILTON M GEROS VIRGINIA M 18225 SE 128TH RENTON WA 98055 PL50/L04P0034 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 7253700080/L04P0034 CORGIAT LINDA B 16039 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 UAC-FC/L04P0034 FOUR CREEKS UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL PO BOX 3501 RENTON WA 98056 7253700150/L04P0034 GOOD VERNON W 16024 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 4306500120/L04P0034 GROVER RAYMOND E+MARYHELEN 16203 SE 137TH PL RENTON WA 98056 7695500300/L04P0034 HAUCK DAVID+SHEILA 16416 SE 143RD PL RENTON WA 98055 1323059095/L04P0034 KING COUNTY 500 KC ADMIN BLDG 500 4TH AV SEATILE WA 98104 1457500095/L04P0034 LEE STEVEN P 13802 160TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500096/L04P0034 BOWDEN EDWARD & SHARON I 3939 SE 10TH PL RENTON WA 98058 7253700130/L04P0034 CHING JOHN KW+NENITA L 16038 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 4306500100/L04P0034 COLLIER-KERSTITTER DEBRA+ MICHAEL S KERSTITTER 16219 SE 137TH PL RENTON WA 98056 7695500340/L04P0034 DILL! SHELLY A 14216 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98092 7253700100/L04P0034 GAMMELL NORMAN D+PAYNE-GAMM PATRICIA A 16043 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98056 7253700120/L04P0034 GRAGG DONALD B 16046 SE 142 PL RENTON WA 98055 4306500110/L04P0034 HAAS MICHELET 16211 SE 137TH PL RENTON WA 98059 7695500210/L04P0034 HELFENSTEIN RICHARD 14303 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 7695500350/L04P0034 LAMB MAVIS l 14212 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500154/L04P0034 MAY ALVIN 16238 E 144TH RENTON WA 98055 1016000050/L04P0034 BOYDSTON RUTH 816 S 216TH #305-T DES MOINES WA 98198 PL33/L04P0034 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 7253700070/L04P0034 CORGIAT LINDA B 16039 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 7695500220/L04P0034 ELLIS PAUL D & ELIZABETH 14307 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 7253700090/L04P0034 GAMMELL NORMAN D+PAYNE-GAMM PATRICIA A 16043 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98056 7253700110/L04P0034 GRAGG DONALD B 16046 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98055 7253700160/L04P0034 HARRIS LORRIE T 16018 SE 142ND RENTON WA 98055 1323059038/L04P0034 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DIST #411 565 NW HOLLY ISSAQUAH WA 98027 1457500160/L04P0034 LANGDON RICHARD & TERI 14201 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 1457500157/L04P0034 MAY ALVIN 16238 SE 144TH RENTON WA 98055 -' . 1457500100/L04P0034 MCNAIR DANNY M PO BOX 18914 SEATILE WA 98118 7253700140/L04P0034 MORRIS ROBERT J JR 17320 452ND STE EATONVILLE WA 98328 1457500159/L04P0034 RITCHEY MICHAEL A+CHRISTINE 14225 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500110/L04P0034 SMITH GERALD C 8524 5 125TH RENTON WA 98055 CG2/L04P0034 SUSAN SULLIVAN 24311 SE 47TH ST ISSAQUAH WA 98029 7253700040/L04P0034 TONDA DAVID R 16021 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 1457500155/L04P0034 WILLOCK ELDEN 14303 164TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 1457500140/L04P0034 MIYA KEITH L+ANN E 223 BREMERTON AV SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500135/L04P0034 NGUGEN ANN M PO BOX 5111 KENT WA 98064 7253700060/L04P0034 SANTINI MICHAEL T 16027 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 7695500200/L04P0034 SMITH WARREN G+MARILYN R 14302 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 7253700020/L04P0034 TASA THOMAS L 16011 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98055 4306500090/L04P0034 VANKOOTEN KENNETH D & WENDY L 16227 SE 137TH PL RENTON WA 98059 1457500101/L04P0034 WILMOT ROBERT C+CAROL LYNN 13900 160TH SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500156/L04P0034 MOHR NORBERT W 16224 SE 144TH RENTON WA 98055 4306500070/L04P0034 REYNOLDS WILLIAM B+DEBBIE S 16241 SE 137TH PL RENTON WA 98059 7695500230/L04P0034 SIMONS ALLEN W & CHARLENE 14313 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 SD8/L04P0034 STEVE CRAWFORD, NEW CONSTRUCTION ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT #411 565 NW HOLLY ST ISSAQUAH WA 98027 1457500097/L04P0034 THATCHER JESSE T +ERIN N 13817 162ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 7695500320/L04P0034 WEST CHRISTOPHER A 16404 SE 143RD PL RENTON WA 98059 1016000060/L04P0034 YETIRA PHILIP NORMAN 14248 161ST AV SE RENTON WA 98059 . ~- . (E Rc,:con) FD25 (Spring Glen) FD40 Fire Protection Dist #25 Fire Protection Dist #40 P.O. Box 2925 10828 SE 176th St Renton WA 98056-0925 Renton WA 98055 MS: KSC-NR-0600 MS: KSC-TR-0431 KC27 Water & Land Res. Div Gary Kriedt King County Dept. of Natural Res. KC Metro Envirn. Planning Steve Foley LI15 LI20 Fairwood Library Highlands Library 17009 -140th Av SE 2902 NE 12th St Renton WA 98058 Renton WA 98056 LI23 Documents Dept. Librarian LI24 Kent Regional Library King County Library System 212 --2nd Av N 960 Newport Way NW Kent WA 98032-4482 Issaquah, WA 98027 LI36 ATTN: Edward White PL18 Renton Li bra ry Kent Engineering Dept 100 Mill Av S 220 -4th Av S Renton WA 98055 Kent WA 98032 PL19 City of Renton PL33 Kent Planning Dept Economic Development Dept. 220 -4th Av S 1055 S. Grady Way Kent WA 98032 Renton WA 98055 Clinton G. Marsh, Director Fae. & Const. Dept SD9 R. Stracke, Facilities & Ping SD13 Kent School District# 415 Renton School Dist # 403 12033 SE 256th St. Bldg B 1220 N 4th St Kent WA 98031-6643 Renton WA 98055 Administrator SES Environmental Review Section ST2 Kent Sewer Utility WA State Dept of Ecology 220 -4th Av S PO Box 47703 Kent WA 98032 Olympia WA 98504-7703 Habitat Biologist, Rod Malcom TRl Russ Ladley, Fisheries Biologist TR2 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Puyallup Tribe 39015 -172nd Av SE 6824 Pioneer Wy E Auburn WA 98002 Puyallup WA 98371 TR3 Fisheries Habitat/Environment TR5 Snoqualmie Tribe Suquamish Indian Tribe PO Box 280 PO Box 498 Carnation WA 98014-0280 Suquamish WA 98392 .,. -~-- . Richard Young Tulalip Tribe 7615 Totem Beach Rd Marysville WA 98271 Public Works Dtr Kent Water Dist 220 -4th Av S Kent WA 98032 Soos Creek Water/Sewer Dist PO Box 58039 Renton WA 98058-1039 Coal Creek Utility District 6801 132nd Place SE Newcastle, WA 98059 WA State Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 WA State Dept. of Ecology NW Regional Office 3190 -160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 WA St. Ecology Dept/WQSW Unit Linda Matlock PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland, WA 98033 TR4 WD23 WD41 WD57 WD12 Cedar River Water/Sewer Dist 18300 SE Lk Youngs Rd Renton WA 8058-9799 City of Renton, Public Works Dept. WD32 Development Services Div. 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 WD55 Water Dist #90 15606 SE 128th St Renton WA 98059-8522 WD58 Water Dist # 111 27224 -144th Av SE Kent WA 98042-9058 WA State Dept. of Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. Division P.O. Box 43155 Olympia, WA 98504-3155 WSDOT NW Region SnoKing Area MS-240 15700 Dayton Ave No. PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Roger Dorstad PO Box 375 Redmond, WA 98073 ® Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Not!e of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Applicant: David Petrie File#: L04P0034 -Liberty Garden DOES Planner: Trishah Bull 811 South 273'd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Telephone No.: 206-296-6758 Date Application Filed: December 29, 2004 Date Determined Complete: January 26, 2005 Project Location: The f roperty is located on 162"d Avenue SE, approximately Y. mile south of the 162" Avenue SE and SE 1361h Street intersection. Project Description: Subdivision of approximately 8.98 acres into 38 lots for the development of single-family detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 7,000 to 15,000 square feet. The applicant's proposal also includes a proposal for right-of-way vacation that, if approved, would increase the acreage to 9.74 acres. Permits requested in this application: Formal Plat Relevant environmental documents are available at the address below: Drainage study, Environmental checklist Development regulations to be used for project mitigation, known at this time: KCC 21A, including sensitive area regulations, road standards, and 1998 Surface Water Design Manual Consistency with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County Codes, including those noted above Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: Road Vacation A public hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner is required for this application. Notification of the public hearing date will occur approximately 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a report and recommen- dation to the Hearing Examiner two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of recommendation. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the planner at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217 (TIY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Mailing Date: February 18, 2005 -----------------------------========================== Please send me notification of the public hearing and other official notices concerning this application. File No. L04P0034 -Liberty Garden ( Please print) Name: ---------------------------------- Address: --------------------------------- Te I e phone No.: ------------- ,. ~! ~ 0 0 0-t ~ 0 i-1 ~ I § @ • \~~\ '·~~::~J -' 1_u_1-I"\ c~ s, ..,,. § c-J er> c-,1 ' ,) \w 0 1111.\'1 -----I @S1 en. ~ p Cl 0 ·:.i PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF SE 1/ 4, SE 1/ 4, SEC. 14-T23N-RSE, W.M. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON J}§f..'Y ,.,,;;P~ >-'·\ ~tS ,,.-• I ~· SEC. 13, T-2JN. R-~. W.M. ----· af'~~ SEC. H, T-23N, R-5E, W.M. ·-,~.:~~:&s_~~; ,./~~---:~ ,,· "~~ ·:·~~Wt~1,-t7):·-/5t:::~:';~ :;;::;·::_''.: .. l64~h A~e. 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PEIBE bl S\'~··a in,o C,cp· r,[~ ~:~Sb, "'·'"'"':-TON ~~195 '"-,"l Ne ·,~!, 94"-F&iq :r,1) 5/~-:,·u .,..;;; ,'l)!j~ l'REl.MNARY f'LAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS =""" :~--- TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS For The Plats of THREADGILL/CA VALLA/LIBERTY GARDENS October 31, 2006 Prepared by: Gary A. Norris, PE, PTOE ON Traffic Consultants PO Box 547 Preston, WA.98050 Eagle Creek Land Development LLC do Randy Goodwin. 13701 SE 253"' Street Kent, Washington 98042 !EXPIRES NOV i 2 2006 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al TABLE OF CONTENTS IN1R0DUCI10N ...................................................................................................................................... l PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... l EXISTING CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 4 SE 128"' Street .................................................................................................................................... 4 160'" Avenue SE ................................................................................................................................. 4 SE 136th Street. ................................................................................................................................... 7 16200 Avenue SE ................................................................................................................................ 7 Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities ............................................................................................................ 7 Transit ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Traffic Volwnes ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Level of Service ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Definition ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Collisions ............................................................................................................................................. IO Planned and Programmed Improvements .............................................................................................. 11 FUTURE CONDffiONS WTilIOUT PROJECT ...................................................................................... l l Backgronnd Traffic Volumes ................................................................................................................ 12 Level of Service .................................................................................................................................... 12 FUTURE CONDITIONS WTilI PROJECT .............................................................................................. 14 Traffic Volwnes ................................................................................................................................... 14 Project Trip Generation .................................................................................................................... 14 Trip Distributioo/fraffic Assignment ................................................................................................... 15 Level ofService .................................................................................................................................... 15 Other Issues ......................................................................................................................................... 18 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 2I TRAFFIC MmGATION ......................................................................................................................... 2I DN Traffic Consultants Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared to address King County's request for a Level 2 traffic impact analysis for the proposed plats of Threadgill (L05P0026), Cavalla (L06POO I), and Liberty Gardens (L04P0034). The three plats are located on the east side of 162nd Avenue SE between SE 135th Street and SE 142nd Street in the Renton Highlands area of King County. A vicinity map is presented in Figure I . King County requested the following information be provided as part of the TIA: • AM and PM peak hour level of service analysis at five study area intersections: o 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street o 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street o 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street o 160th Avenue SE/SE 13~ Street o 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street • An assessment of the project's impact at the following high accident locations o SR 900/1641h Avenue SE o 160th Avenue SE/SE/SE 128th Street o 162nd Avenue SE/SE !28th Street • An assessment of the potential volume on SE 136th Street with the proposed connection between 164th Avenue SE and 168th Avenue SE This report summarizes the process, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis performed to address these issues. PROJECT DESCRIPTION King County requested the analysis evaluate the cumulative impact of three proposed single family plats. The plats include Liberty Gardens, Cavalla, and Threadgill. The plat of Threadgill is located between 162nd Avenue SE on the west and 164th Avenue SE ( extended) on the east; SE 135th Street ( extended) on the north and SE 136th Street ( extended) on the south. The proposed plat contains 15 lots on 4.01 acres or 3.75 dwelling units per acre. The plat is zoned R-4 which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. Access to the site is provided via 162°d Avenue SE which will be improved as part of the plat improvements. All 15 lots are served by an internal access provided by a single 420 foot cul-de-sac which runs east west from 162nd Avenue NE. A site plan is presented in Figure 2. The plat ofCavalla is located between 162nd Avenue SE on the west and 164th Avenue SE (extended) on the east; and SE 138th Street (extended) on the north and SE 140th Street on the south. The plat of Cavalla is proposed for 34 lots. The plat contains approximately nine acres and is zoned R-4 which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. Access to the site is provided via DN Trqffic Consultants Page 1 ON TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _L_ -----___ J__.,'1~--_) -T------------------ ' : : i~i'. ';' ~.;:.+ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -,----------r----_____ _. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I,..-...... ..,."" i I ...,,.,,. : : .~~ ' ' ' ' ' ' __ _J __________ !. ___ _ DN TRAFFIC CONSULT ANTS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _,,. .•. _.,_..,.....,_,..,._TIii,. __ ....,, .... .-~ .............. _"""'" ~,,. ___ """ ____ . ._...,...., -·~·-..... --,~:.:::'.'"'" ... ~r-"'"""~--.... ..,,. ..... -..... -.. ...,.,. ___ _,_ .. :::::::·E-2-- :------------------~ : \ : : ,;,,1,; : \ \ : ___________ J __________________ ~_ t--~--~-- SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 ' ____ J ' ' ' ' ' ' I -"=-4·-: -- ··=-""" ,------- ' ' ' ' ' : i t--: t -------i ' .... ---j •• ..... I ,----, I I I ' I I I I PLAT OF THREADGILL Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al 162nd Avenue SE which will be constructed as part of the plat improvements. Internal access is provided by two public roads and seven dedicated tracts. Public Road "A" runs east-west and intersects with 162nd Avenue SE on the west and Public Road"B" on the east. Public Road "B" runs north -south terminating in a cul-de-sac on both ends. A site plan is presented in Figure 3. The plat of Liberty Gardens is located between 162nd Avenue SE on the west and 164th Avenue SE (extended) on the east; and SE 140th Street (extended) on the north and SE 142nd Street on the south. The plat of Liberty Gardens is proposed for 38 lots. The plat contains 9.47 acres and is wned R-4 which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. Access to the site is provided via 162"d Avenue SE which will be constructed as part of the plat improvements. Internal access is provided via SE 140th Place which runs east west terminating in a cul-de-sac; 163'd Avenue SE which runs north -south intersecting with SE 140th Place on the north and SE 141" Place on the south; and SE 141" Place running east-west and terminating in a cul-de-sac on both ends. A site plan is presented in Figure 4. All three plats are expected to be fully occupied by 2008, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site; identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections; and identification of proposed transportation improvements in the area. Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include 162"d Avenue SE, SE 136th Street, and 160th Avenue SE. SE 128th Street provides regional access to the site. These roadways are discussed in the following section. SE 128'h Street SE 128th Street is a four lane principal arterial which runs east-west from approximately l 42"d Avenue SE to SE May Valley Road. West of 142nd Avenue SE, SE 128th Street becomes NE 4th Street within the City of Renton and continues west to Jefferson Avenue NE where it becomes NE 3rd Street terminating at I-405. In the vicinity of the plat the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide. There are asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with 160th Avenue NE. There are left-tum lanes at the intersections with 156th Avenue SE and 148th Avenue SE. Traffic control includes signals at 148th Avenue SE, 156th Avenue SE, 168th Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor intersection streets including 160th Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. 16dh Avenue SE 160th Avenue SE is a two-lane neighborhood collector that runs north-south from approximately DN Traffic Consultants Page4 33 ........... "-., ..... \, 32 .._ ___ ' "' "' '-·-, 31 \ -~ \ ON TRAFFI C CONSULTANT S \ \ " "-'-, ~,_ i '·, ... _ ·," '"--"-- '"· ·-- '\ \ \ (i -. \ \ 25 ' \ \ \ \ \ ... -......, -,, ", \ \ 24'"-. \ ·," ', ·,, SITE PLAN FIGURE 3 23 ···, -----· --- 4306500070 -., t 22 __ ) 20 / 'i! / / 1 I / . ~ _______ __,_l --1 ··. J 18 I I \ \ \ \ ' I ,.___ --··" 19 PLAT OF CAVALLA \ \. I i I' / / J / . tJ7/:c, I,-, ' . .-' ( ,i ,., 100' , / / C J_..-.--- // // / I fj I RI \ ( ~ /' ,) ) ./·r' /' / ri: ;[ \ / /7 ,/ / / .,; I I/?' g /[/ r,o·a7"~. ·o '\.. ·---...... •. I .1 p -~ ~ :,J C-"4 / ---;x. c-• . \ '1 ' 1· i 1i I~\ ! \ . / \ i \ ', 1P1' \ t. \ f n/ "' 1 I . __ .. )20 /1• ~ :' ... I t / ~ ..... -4 / / ;, 211 (. . 1 // ,/ r r: ?S· ,. r ~2 'II ; - -,w-_. "' sr /u / f-• .-: () ~ 0 ;"'-.!4 100' \ 27 ,-o:~·( g: ' >-g5' j \ 65' ~j i I/ u~ i,/i "'~ ' . I ' 12· /,,\ f \ 64' ~· J---.+~ ~ ( \ \ I ;,, .,~ ,,. ? e I / / i , I / · 1Y'>( i \ ,,.._,_/ / ' ~ ~ :' ( 32(/1 r II I L __ ~ '-,-...__, " ------.~ \-....._ , ..... , 20· j 20· -....... .... .1 ·--,..,,_ ' --~-i-----/,,. " • -. I\ ) !\ // / 36···/ / ( 100·( \ ~--, 37 ) 1.£ ,' \ ') I \/ --- 1--. <;,"\ ' ·, ' ' ~ \ .. .... \ 1 \ TRACTS / STORM D~AINAGE~CRE>iJON -/ . '. I / ) . f 26 ·, '· I 25 ~:t I ', ' I I ~ (I) z w LL. a 0 a::: <( I-<..? <( .....J >- 0... I-a::: w OJ .....J z <( _J """ CL w a:: ::, w CJ I-LL. -(/) (/) 0 I- LL. z LL. <( <( I- a::: .....J I-::, (I) z z 0 0 0 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al SE 128th Street to SE 144th Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder. In some locations, the roadway has drainage ditches on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128"' Street, SE 144th Street, and on the minor side streets along the corridor. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. SE 136h Street SE 136th Street, in the vicinity of the plat, is a two-way local access street that runs east and west from 156th Avenue SE to 162nd Avenue SE. The county has requested the three plats consider extending SE 136th Street between 164th Avenue SE and 168"' Avenue SE. The existing roadway is approximately 18 feet wide with unpaved parking strips in front of the homes on both sides of the street. Traffic control includes a stop sign at the 156"' Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE intersections. The speed limit is 25 mph. J62"d Avenue SE 162"" Avenue SE, in the vicinity of the plat is a two-way local access street which runs north - south from SE 134th Street to a point approximately 500 feet south of SE 137th Place. It is expected that 162"d Avenue SE will be extended to the south per King County Road Standards as part of the proposed plat. There is currently no traffic control along the corridor. The speed limit, although not posted, is 25 mph. Transit/Non-Motorized Faeilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128th Street and SE 144th Street. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast comer of 160th Avenue SE and SE 128"' Street. During the week, service for Route 111 runs from 5:45 AM to 8:00 AM and from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 20-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6"45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE 128th street, Lake Kathleen Drive, SE 144th Street, and 156th Avenue SE Monday through Friday. There is no weekend service. Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Traffic Volumes The existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes at the analysis intersections was determined from AM and PM peak period turning movement counts collected during October 2006. The analysis intersections as requested by King County include: DN Traffic Consultants Page1 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al o 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street o 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street o 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street o 160th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street o 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street The existing AM and PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 5. Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F that indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay less than or equal to I 0 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay ofless than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS F is an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. Level of service was calculated using Synchro TM 5. 0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis is shown in Table 1. King County has adopted level of service E as the county road capacity standard for all intersections. According to the County Code, any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOS E for the without project condition, the developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. DN Traffic Consultants Pages -(572) 666 f (57) 431 (370) 601 -1 i (134) 336 l ~ ~ °' ., 0 .... i'e-.i ~ ~ "' -"' ---j tl (10) 12 _J (1) 1- (18) 20 l (3) 4 _J (3) 4- (11) 10 l SE 12Bth Street Les> 6 -ca) 1 ,(3) 5 1 t i ~~~ ~ ~ !2'm'e. "' ~ lti (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK ~ON L ~'ol''ol' (0) 4 ----(555) 933 j fl ,(8) 47 (1) 15_J 1 t ~ (793) 768 -"' l (14) 56 -,_ ~ o' ;'_ T gi-:i! -- w "' w • , "' C • f , <( C f ;:; <( a ~ ~ j l -(563) 373 (5) 21 _J (169) 581- w "' • , C • > <( ;:; w "' .. :" • a w "' • , C ~ <( w V, ;:; m • ~ , C <D SE 132nd Street Ii • ~ > w "' • a C ~ <( SE 134th Street > <( <( ~ 1,5 "' :£ :£ SE 136th Street Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 2006 TRAFFIC VOLUME PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS FIGURE 5 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al Table 1. 2006 Level of Service LOS Intersection Traffic Control AM Peak PM Peak 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street Signal2 C(21.0) D(38.8) 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street Stop Sign1 C (24.5) F(67.5) 160th Avenne SE/SE 128th Street Stop sign1 D(25.4) F(51.l) 160th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street Stop Sign1 A(9.l) A(9.6) 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street Stop Sign1 B(l0.7) A(9.6) (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle I -Level of seIVice for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the moveruent with the highest delay. 2 -Level of seIVice for signal controlled intersections represents the total intersection. As shown in Table 1, all analysis intersections operate at an acceptable level of service during the AM and PM peak hours with the exception of the 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street intersection during the PM peak hour and the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection during the same time period. Both intersections currently operate at LOS F during the PM peak. Collisions The latest available three year accident history at the analysis intersections was provided by the King County Department of Transportation (KCDOT). A summary of collisions at each analysis intersection is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Three Year Collision History Intersection 2002 2003 2004 Total Accident Accidents Rate' 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street 4 4 4 12 0.463 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street 0 0 0 0 0 160th Avenue SE/SE !28th Street 5 2 4 ll 0.531 160th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street 0 0 0 0 0 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street l l 0 2 0.018 1) Accidents per million entering vehicles As shown in Table 2, there have been a total of twelve collisions at the 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection during the three year analysis period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, DN Traffic Consultants Page 10 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al 2004. Of these collisions, six (6) were right angle, two (2) were rear end, two (2) were left turn related and one ( 1) hit a fixed object. There have been 11 collisions during the three year analysis period at the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection. Of these collisions, five (5) were rear end, five (5) were left turn, and one (1) was a right angle. There have been two collisions at the 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection. Of these collisions, both were rear end accidents. Although there have been a significant number of accidents at the analysis intersections, an accident rate of0.531 accidents per million entering vehicles for the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection; 0.463 accidents per million entering vehicles for the 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection; and 0.018 accidents per million entering vehicles for the 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection is significantly less than the statewide average for similar intersections of0.9 to 1.3 accidents per million entering vehicles. Planned and Programmed Improvements According to King County 2006 Update to the 2004 Transportation Needs Report there are three transportation improvement projects identified in the vicinity of the site. These projects include: • Project OP-INT-28: 196th Ave SE & SE 128th St/Way. Operations improvements to be determined including evaluation for tum lanes. Estimated Cost $640,000. • Project OP-RD-21: SE 128th Street From 168 Ave SE to End of 169 Avenue SE. Need for capacity improvements, turn channelization and improved sight distance. Estimated Cost $1,071,000. • Project HAL-16: 160th Avenue SE & SE 128th Street. High priority need for safety improvements including the addition ofleft-tum lane in the westbound/eastbound direction. Estimated Cost $388,000. • Project #401104: 128th Street & 196th Avenue SE. Safety improvements to be determined. Estimated Cost $3,272,000. • Project# SW-28: 196th Avenue SE & SE 128th Street/Way. Safety improvements to include construction of a traffic signal. Low Priority. No cost estimated provided. • Project #ITS-28: SE 128th Street ITS form 148th Avenue SE to May Valley Road. Provide Intelligent Transportation System improvements which could include cameras; vehicle detection; synchronize signals; communications. Estimated Cost $3,819,000. FUTURE CONDIDONS WITHOUT PROJECT The future conditions without project analysis provide a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersection. Threadgill et al is expected to be fully occupied by 2008, market permitting. Therefore, 2008 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. DN Traffic Consultants Page 11 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2008 without project condition include the 2006 existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes plus area-wide traffic growth. There were no "pipeline" projects identified in the vicinity of the site as all three plats are considered in this analysis. A growth factor of 6. 0 percent per year was applied to the 2006 existing counts to represent area- wide growth. The 6.0 percent factor was obtained by comparing PM peak period counts conducted in 2004 against those conducted in October 2006. Six percent is a relatively high annual growth rate considering the region as a whole is only growing at a rate of three percent per year. It is believed that traffic volumes may have grown significantly during the last two years to "catch up" with other areas as studies done in the 2004 time horizon indicated volumes had actually declined on the SE 128th Street corridor. Six percent was applied in this analysis to represent a "worst case" assessment. The 2008 without project AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes are shown in Figure 6. Level of Service The 2008 background without project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersections was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 3. Table 3. 2008 Without Project Level of Service Intersection 2006 2008 w/o Project AM PM AM PM 156"' Avenue SEISE 128"' Street' C(21.0) D(38.8) C(29.9) E(55.5) 156"' Avenue SE/SE 136"' Street1 C(24.5) F(67.5) D(29.0) F(l22.4) 160"' Avenue SE/SE 128"' Street1 D(25.4) F(5U) E(36.l) F(96.6) 160"' Avenue SE/SE 136th Street1 A(9.l) A(9.6) A(9.2) A(9.7) 169th Avenue SE/SE 128"' Street1 B(I0.7) A(9.6) B(l 1.0) A(9.8) (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle l -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. 2 -Level of service for signal controlled intersections represents the entire intersection. As shown in Table 3, with the addition of the growth in background traffic, the level of service at the 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection during the PM peak hour has dropped from LOS D to LOSE; the LOS at the 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street intersection dropped from LOS C to LOS D during the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour degraded from LOS F with 67.5 seconds of vehicular delay to 122.4 seconds of vehicular delay; and the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection dropped from LOS D to LOS E during the AM peak and from LOS F DN Traffic Consultants Page 12 -(416) 749 f {151) 484 (643) 676 ----1 r {64) J78 ----,_ T l!l :2 si -- "' -o"' L ~'N'N' (0) 4 ----(624) 1049 j ! l f <9> 5J (1) 17 _j -i t r- (891) 863 ----l ,. I (16) 6J ----,_ "' ~ ::J l ~Sj -- ~ L ~~ --1 j l -(633) 419 (6) 24 _j (190) 65J ---- SE 128th Street ~ "' ..,.~~ Lc1> 1 ~-~ "' "' "' ----co) 1 j ! l f (J) 6 (11) 1J _j 1 t r (1) 1 ----"' ~ ,-. (20) 22 t --~ ~ t2'NS? "' -e. (3)4 _J 1 tr (J) 4- (12) 11 t (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS "' t)j "' "' "' "' • a • • "' C a , • • C C > • ~ a < > C < < • £ "' > £ < 0 ~ "' "' '." "' • "' £ '." • , '." "' SE 132nd Street , C ~ C • • > > < < £ £ "' "' '." '." SE 134th Street SE 136th Street Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES W/0 PROJECT FIGURE 6 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al with 51. l seconds of vehicular delay to 96.6 seconds of vehicular delay. The LOS at the remaining intersections remained the same during both time periods. FUTURE CONDffiONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2008 with project condition include 2008 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic generation for the three plats. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Threadgill et al was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single- Family Dwelling Units, Land Use Code 210 presented in the Seventh Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 2003. There is an existing mobile home on Threadgill property which will be removed as part of the short plat. Since the unit is the sole mobile home on the property, for trip generation purposes it was treated as a single family dwelling unit. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Threadgill et al is presented in Table 5. Table 5 Trip Generation AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Threadgill 15 sfdu's 220 II 3 8 15 10 5 Existing Units l sfdu's 10 I -l l l - Threadgill Net Impact 210 10 3 7 14 9 5 Cavalla 34 sfdu's 325 26 7 19 34 21 l3 Cavalla Net Impact 325 26 7 19 34 21 13 Liberty Gardens 38 sfdu's 364 29 8 2l 38 24 14 Liberty Garderui Net Impact 364 29 8 21 38 24 14 NET NEW TRIPS 899 65 18 47 86 54 32 As shown in Table 5, Threadgill et al is estimated to generate a total of 899 new daily trips, 65 new AM peak trips and 86 new PM peak hour trips on the surrounding street network. Of these, the plat of Threadgill contributes 210 new daily, l O new AM peak, and 14 new PM peak hour trips; Cavalla contributes 325 new daily, 26 new AM peak, and 34 new PM peak hour trips; and Liberty Gardens contributes 364 new daily, 29 new AM peak, and 38 new PM peak hour trips. DN Traffic Consultants Page 14 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al Threadgill is credited 10 daily, one AM peak and one PM peak trip resulting from an existing mobile home on the property. Trip Distributionffraffic Assignment Traffic assignment for the proposed plats was based on the trip distribution/traffic assignment results used for the previous Liberty Gardens traffic impact analysis prepared by this consultant. Based on the results of that analysis, 66 percent of the project generated traffic for each of the three plats was assigned to and from the south on 160th "Avenue and 34 percent was assigned to and from the north. This assignment however, was modified based on travel time studies conducted for Liberty Gardens and the plat ofEvendell (also conducted by this consultant), in response to expected delays for northbound left turns at the stop sign controlled intersection of 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street. As a result, northbound traffic on 160th Avenue SE destined westbound on 'SE 128th Street is expected to head west on 'SE" 136th Street to access the signal at the 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection rather than head north on 160th Avenue SE to avoid the left turn delay. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for the cumulative AM and PM peak hour project-generated trips for each of the three plats is presented in Figure 7. A summary of the 2008 with project AM and PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 8. Level of Service The 2008 with project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection were calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. The existing condition and 2008 without project AM and PM peak hour level of service are provided for comparison. Table 6. 2008 With Project Level of Service Intersection 2006 2008 w/o Proj 2008 w/Proj AM PM AM PM AM PM 156th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street' C(2LO) 0(38.8) C(29.9) E(55.5) C(29.9) E(57.7) 156th Avenue SF1SE 136th Street1 C(24.5) F(67.5) 0(29.0) F(l22.4) 0(27.7) F(l25.9) With signalization2 B(l4.5) 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street1 D(25.4) F(51.1) E(36.l) F(96.6) E(36. l) F(l02.3) With signalization2 A(5.7) 160th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street1 A(9. l) A(9.6) A(9.2) A(9.7) A(9.9) A(lO.O) 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street1 B(l0.7) A(9.6) B(ll.O) A(9.8) B(l l.l) A(9.8) (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle l -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. 2 -Level of service for signalized intersection represents the entire intersection. DN Traffic Consultants Page 15 (4) 10-1 "' §; S£ 126th Street !17%1 L<s> s ~ L<6l • --(8)6 l r<J2> 21 (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK r w u, • a C ! r<2> s -3 (4) 10 t r (2) 2- "' 8 (2) S"'.j tNE ..JI.. 17% w s7 (4) w (7) w V, V> • • a C a ~ C • < > < 5 ~ w 0 V, ':'. ':'. • a SE 132nd Street C ~ w 5 V, • "' a ':'. C • > < t~e < """J 5 ~-<D ':'. 5 "' ':'. SE 134th Street c"'J t-SThreadgill (46) .d! 51"' SE 136th Street (17) ~~J ~j Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street AM PEAK PM PEAK TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT THREADGILL 10 3 7 14 9 5 CAVAli.A 26 7 19 34 21 13 LIBERTY GARDENS 29 B 21 36 24 14 DN TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS PROJECT GENERATED FIGURE 7 TRAFFIC PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS -(416) 749 f (151) 484 (686) 647 -1 r (64) 378--._ ' ;!i ~ .., -o.,. L ~N~ (0) 4 ~~~ -(6H) 1049 j t l ,c11> 61 (1) 17_J i t r (891) 863 -'° "' ., (20) 73 --._ "'~"' ' ~.en ~ ~ ~ L <O~ .:::..:::. (0) 1 j l -(634) 422 (6) 24 _j (192) 655 - SE 128th Street ~ ... ~~ L N' ~ l'i' (15) 13 ~~~ -(o) 1 j t l ,(3)6 (11) 13 _J (1) 1- (20) 22 f .... 1tr ,-..u>N L -..;-~ ro-(15) 4 ~~~ -(12) 9 j t l f (35) 22 (3) 4 _J 1 tr (3) 4- (12) 11 f ( XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK DN TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS w "' iJl • , • C , • C > ~ <( <( £i 0 ~ ~ ~ SE 1.32n d Street £i <o "' SE 134th Street w w "' "' • • a , C C ~ • > <( <( £i £i 00 <o ~ ~ Cavalla iJl • a C • > <( £i m ~ SE 1 J6th Street £i m <o Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITH PROJECT FIGURE 8 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al As shown in Table 6, the 2008 level of service with the thtee plats remains the same as the 2008 without project level of service during the AM and PM peak hours. The intersections of 156th Avenue SE/SE136th Street and 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street have an LOS F during the PM peak period. With the addition of a traffic signal at both locations the level of service improves to LOS Bat the 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street and LOS A at the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection. The LOS at the remaining intersections remained the same during both time periods. Other Issues Project Impact at High Accident Locations As part of this analysis, King County requested an assessment of the thtee plats impact at "high accident locations" in the vicinity identified as 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street, 162"d Avenue SE/SE 128th Street and SR 9001164th Avenue SE. The impact in terms of PM peak hour traffic is discussed below. 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street During the latest available thtee year period, the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection has experienced 11 collisions resulting in an accident rate of0.531 accidents per million entering vehicles which is significantly less than the statewide average for similar intersections of 1.3 accidents per million entering vehicles. The thtee proposed plats are expected to generate a total of 23 PM peak hour trips thtough this intersection. This compares to a total 2006 PM peak hour volume thtough the intersection 1891 vehicles. The 23 project generated PM peak hour trips include IO eastbound right tum trips, eight westbound left tum trips, and 5 northbound right turn trips. Of these trips, 44 percent (38/87 = 0.44) are generated by Liberty Gardens, 39 percent (34/87 = 0.39) by Cavalla, and 17 percent (15/87 = 0.17) by Threadgill. 162nd Avenue SE/SE 128th Street The thtee plats will contribute approximately 13 PM peak hour trips to the 162"d Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection. Of these trips, six are generated by Liberty Gardens, five by Cavalla, and two by Thteadgill. These volumes were determined using the percentages discussed above for each of the thtee plats. 164th Avenue SE/SR 900 Based on the trip distribution/traffic assignment analysis conducted for this project, it is estimated the three plats will contribute five PM peak hour trips to this intersection and three AM peak hour trips. Forty four percent of the impact is created by Liberty Gardens; 39 percent by Cavalla; and 17 percent by Thteadgill. Project Impact on SE I 3(/h Street Extended King County requested the traffic analysis identify potential volume on SE 136th Street between 164th Avenue SE and 168th Avenue SE. Currently, SE 136th Street does not exist in this section. DN Traffic Consultants Page 18 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al To address this issue an evaluation was made of existing traffic assignment patterns in the area, speed limits on critical corridors, and volume of trips generated in the impacted area. The result of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process used for these three plats was employed in this evaluation. Specifically, the trips were assigned 66 percent to the south; 17 percent to the east of 160th Avenue SE; and 17 percent to the west of 156th Avenue SE. The generation of these values is discussed in the Trip Distribution/Traffic Assignment section above. It was observed in the traffic counts conducted for this analysis that traffic volumes drop approximately two thirds between the 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection and the 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection. This led to a further refinement of the trip distribution to the east of six percent to the north on 164th Avenue SE, six percent to the east on SE 128th Street, and five percent on 168th Avenue SE which runs south of SE 128th Street. The five percent on 168th Avenue SE is generated in consideration of Liberty High School located at the intersection of 168th Avenue SE and SE 136th Street. With the opening of SE 136th Street betweenl64th Avenue SE and 1681h Avenue SE, traffic generated in this area will have the option of using SE 1361h Street in lieu of SE 128th Street and SE 144 th Street, parallel roadways through this area. The evaluation included an assessment of trips generated by the existing houses along the SE 136th Street corridor between 168th Avenue SE and the existing tennini of SE 136th Street in the vicinity of 166th Avenue SE. Secondly an assessment of trips bound to the north east was made followed by trips bound to 164th Avenue SE; trips bound to SE 128th Street west of 1561h Avenue SE, and trips bound to the south of the study area via 1691h Avenue SE east of Liberty High School and 160th Avenue SE. The number ofresidences within the study area was determined by using a satellite aerial photo from Google. A travel time analysis of the various routes was conducted using the prevailing speed limits on the available street network. The speed limits included 45 mph on SE 1281h Street; 35 mph on 1561h Avenue SE; and 25 mph on 160th Avenue SE, 1691h Avenue SE, and SE 144th Street. The speed limit on 168th Avenue SE is posted at 30 mph with a second sign to the south requiring 20 mph when children are present. To address this condition, an average speed limit of25 mph was employed in the evaluation. It was assumed that the time penalties associated with the signalized intersections of 168th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street and 156th Avenue SE/SE 1281h Street would be the same for similar movements. It was also assumed that there would be no left turns from the unsignalized intersections accessing SE 128th Street because of the lack of acceptable gaps. Based on the travel time analysis, the following conclusions were reached. • All dwelling units (17) along SE 136th between 168th Avenue SE and its western tennini will use SE 136th Street between 168th Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE. This results in 17 (17 units* 1.01 trips per unit) PM peak hour trips on SE 136th Street. • For trips destined to 1641h Avenue SE north of SE 1281h Street, the dividing line isl64th Avenue SE extended to 'SE 136th Street such that all trips generated east of that point will head north on 168th Avenue SE and then west on SE 1281h Street and all trips generated west of that point will head north on 160th Avenue SE and then east on SE 128th Street to access 164th Avenue SE. Since there are the same 17 residential units in this area as DN Traffic Consultants Page 19 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al identified above the result is no additional trips to SE 136th Street. There is also no reduction in trips through the "high accident locations" on SE 128th Street. • For trips heading east of 168th Avenue SE on SE 128th Street, the dividing line is the mid point between 162..i Avenue SE and 163n1 Avenue SE on SE 136th Street such that all trips generated east ofthis point will head north on 168th Street and then head east on SE 128th Street. There are two additional single family residences between 164th Avenue SE extended and the midpoint between 162"d Avenue SE and 163n1 Avenue SE resulting in no new trips to SE 136th Street assuming 1.01 trips per unit factored by six percent representing the distribution to the east of 168th Avenue SE (2 sfdu's*l.01 * 0.06 =0.12). The trips generated by the two residential units would be eliminated from the 'high accident locations" on SE !28th Street. • For trips heading west of 156th Avenue SE on SE 128th Street, the dividing line is midway between 166th Avenue SE extended and 167th Avenue SE extended such that all trips generated east of this point will head north on 168th Avenue SE and then west on SE !28th Street and trips generated west of this point will head west to 156th Avenue SE and then north to SE 128th Street. This results in three of the 17 residential units using 168th Avenue SE thereby generating no new trips on the corridor. This however would result in a reduction of approximately two (14 sfdu's * 1.01 * 0.17 = 2.4) PM peak hour trips through the "high accident locations" on SE 128th Street. • For trips heading to the south, the dividing line is the 169th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street intersection such that all trips generated east of this point will head south on 169th Avenue SE to SE 144th Street and then west to 156th Avenue SE and trips generated west of this point will head west to 160th Avenue SE and then south to SE 144th Street. Under this scenario, all trips generated along the SE 136th corridor between 164th Avenue SE and 169th Avenue SE will head west on SE 136th Street and then south on 160th Avenue SE. In addition, traffic generated along 168th Avenue SE between SE 136th Street and SE 128th Street will use SE 136th for access to the south via 160th Avenue SE. This also includes traffic generated on east -west streets which access 168th Avenue SE between 164 th Avenue SE and 169th Avenue SE. The net impact is 40 additional single family dwelling units will use SE 136th Street. This results in an additional 27 (40 sfdu's *1.01 *0.66 = 27) PM peak hour trips. Reassignment of these trips is unlikely to impact the "high accident locations" on SE 128th Street because they most likely currently use 169th Avenue SE for access to SE 144th Street thereby avoiding SE 128th Street. • The other factor impacting trips on the proposed SE 136th Street connection includes school trips. The western boundary of Liberty High School is 158th Avenue SE which is 10 blocks from the high school. Currently these students are bussed to the school. With the extension of SE 136th Street all of the students west of the school could potentially walk as they would live within the one mile "no bussing'' area although some would drive and some are driven by parents. Even so, if SE 136th Street is constructed between 164th Avenue SE and 168th Avenue SE it is expected that vehicular trips to the school will be reduced. An assumption of school trips from this area based on the assumption there are 120 single family dwelling units in the area between 158th Avenue SE on the west, SE 144th Street on the south and SE 132nd Street on the north and 0.2 high school students DN Traffic Consultants Page20 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al per household which yields 24 high school students. Using ITE trip generation rates for high school students (0.53 trips during AM and O 15 trips during PM), yields 13 AM trips and four PM peak hour trips which could be potentially removed from SE 128th Street although many of these trips are likely being made via SE 144th Street and 169th Avenue SE. The conclusion of this analysis is that the PM peak hour volume on SE 13 6th Street in the section between 164th Avenue SE and 168th Avenue SE is expected to be in the range of 40 to 50 trips or a daily volume of379 to 474. In addition, based on the travel time analysis, traffic generated by the proposed plats would not use this roadway except for an occasional trip to Liberty High School or Briarwood Elementary. It is unlikely the extension of SE 1361h Street would provide any measurable reduction in peak hour trips through the "high accident locations" on SE 128th Street. CONCLUSIONS The three plats of Threadgill, Cavalla, and Liberty Gardens will not create a significant adverse impact on the surrounding transportation network. The three plats will add a total of899 daily, 65 AM peak and 86 PM peak hour trips to the surrounding network. The 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street intersection and 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street intersections currently operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour. With signalization of these intersections in 2008 with the project, both intersections will operate at relatively high and acceptable levels of service. All other intersections are within acceptable limits. It should be noted that the individual plats do not generate sufficient volume through these intersections to warrant mitigation according to King County's 30/20 rule. The three plats will contribute PM peak hour traffic to the existing "high accident locations" on SE 128th Street. The three plats will add a total of23 PM peak hour trips to the 160th Avenue SE/SE 1281h Street intersection and 13 PM peak hour trips to the 162nd Avenue SE/SE 1281h Street intersection. In addition, the plats will contribute five PM peak hour trips to the 1641h Avenue SE/SR 900 intersection. The relative share is 44 percent for Liberty Gardens, 39 percent for Cavalla, and 17 percent for Threadgill. An evaluation of the impact of extending SE 1361h Street between 1641h Avenue SE and 1681h Avenue SE indicates that such a connection would realize a volume ofup to 474 vehicles per day. However, it is unlikely that it would produce any measurable reduction of trips on SE 1281h Street through the "high accident locations" of 1601h Avenue SE and 162nd Avenue SE. There were no other project related traffic issues identified. TRAFFIC MITIGATION The three plats will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of of$186,093 based on $2,139 per unit (87 units) for concurrency zone 452. Of this Threadgill would pay $32,085 based on 15 units, Cavalla would pay $72,726 based on 34 units, and Liberty Gardens would pay $81,282 based on 38 units. DN Traffic Consultants Page 21 Traffic Impact Analysis Threadgill et al In addition to the MPS fee, the three plats will be required to pay a pro rata share of the cost of the improvements at the 148th Avenue SE/SR 900 intersection based on their impact to the 164th Avenue SE/SR 900 intersection. No other mitigation is required. DN Traffic Consultants Page 22 Traffic Impact Analysis DN Traffic Consultants Threadgill et al TECHNICAL APPENDIX for THREADGILL ET AL Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Street/156th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:45 AM -7:45 AM Date Collected: 10/9/06 EBLT EBT EBRT ... m ., a. :z <( CJ) C: :;::; -~ w <O 0 0 "' 0 572 57 WBLTffi34 WBT 370 WBR 0 NBLT~75 NBT 0 NBRT 392 SBLTEE SBT 0 SBRT 0 1900 .<= 1 (!) ,:, C: ::, 0 ~ ~ (.) m m n ., ·o ~ a. -::, 0 .<= -s Q) 0 0 "' CJ) ,:, m e .<= I- .ll! 1 m u V, C: Q) t! "' (!) >, 1:: Q) .a ~ 0 0 71 643 1 1 2 7 64 rn§l§aaa OObldB§B EEEE§§§ 236 2136 2 4 6 n Q) ·o ~ a. .<= -s Q) 0 0 "' 0 647 64 "' Q) "' "' ~ 0 n "' u. ::, m -~ (.) ::, ~ ~ ::, 0 I I--C: -"' "' "' e Q) "' a. a. 0.66 11.80 ~~ ~~ ~~ Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:30 AM -7:30 AM Date Collected: 1014106 EBLT EBT EBRT "' .. a, a. ::;;; <( C) " i w <D 0 0 "' 1 793 14 WBLTm WBT 555 WBR O NBLTrn9 . NBT 0 NBRT 50 SBLTrn SBT 2 SBRT 9 1463 .<= ~ e C, " " ::, e Sf 0 .. CD 0 98 2 ffi EE 181 t, a, ·o ~ a. -::, 0 .<= §! a) 0 0 "' 1 891 16 I 6~4 I I! I 11~0 I 1644 Cl) " a, "E "' ·a, " "' ~ .<= I- .!!l ~ "' u C, ~ a, .0 :::; 1 1 2 §§§ §§§ §§§ 2 5 6 t, a, ·o ~ a. .<= §! a) 0 0 "' 1 891 20 VJ a, "' VJ ~ 0 t, "' lL ::, CD -~ 0 ::, ~ ~ ::, 0 ::c I--" -"' "' (I) e a, (I) a. a. 0.92 0.50 ~~ ~~ §ij e3 Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Street/169th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:30 AM -7:30 AM Date Collected: 10/5/06 EBLT EBT EBRT -"' "' Q) a. ::iE <( <D a a "' 5 169 0 WBLm WBT 563 WBR 0 ,:;: 3' e (') u C: :, 0 ~ 'if 0 "' m 1 21 0 I 1~ I 0 Q) "i5' ~ a. -:, 0 ,:;: ~ CX) a a "' 6 190 0 16~3 I "' Q) "' "' ·5, u "' ~ ,:;: I- ~ j "' (.) "' C: Q) "E "' (') ;>, "I:'. ., .a ::J 0 (I) ·e a. ,:;: ~ 00 a a "' ~ 0 0 "' u. ~ :, 0 I -"' "' Q) a. :, m -11 0 :, ~ I--C: Cl) 0 ~ (I) a. 6 0 1 1 192 0.92 0.70 0 §§§ 16~4 I ~~ NBLTrn ffiffi§§§ffi~~ NBT 0 NBRT 0 SBLT rn rn rn §§§ rn ~~ SBT 0 SBRT 14 752 93 845 0 1 2 848 Threadgill Et Al SE 136th Streeti156th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:45 AM -7:45 AM Date Collected: 10/11/06 EBLT EBT EBRT -"' ., "' a.. ~ <( CD C: .:, "' ~ <O 0 0 N 10 1 18 .c: ~ e ('J -c, C: :::, e ~ c;) "' m 1 0 2 u "' ·e a.. :5 0 .c: -~ "" 0 0 N 11 1 20 "' C: "' "E "' ·c, ('J "O ., "' ~ .c: I- >, t "' .Q :::; WBLffi ffiffi§§§ WBT 0 WBR 6 NBLT~ 11~3 I SE §§§ NBT 829 NBRT 9 0 SBLT~ I~ I I 2!1 I §§§ SBT 188 SBRT 2 1072 133 1205 1 3 4 "' "' "' "' u (I) "E' a.. .c: ~ "" 0 0 N ~ 0 u "' u.. ~ :::, 0 I -"' "' "' a.. :::, m -"' -"' c;) 2 I--C ~ "' 0.. 11 1 0.92 0.50 20 I 1~ I ~~ SE 0 ~~ 3 ~~ 211 2 1213 Threadgill Et Al SE 136th Street/16oth Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:30 AM • 7:30 AM Date Collected: 10/9/06 ESLT EST ESRT -"' "' Cl) a. ::E 4: en C: ~ ;l3 <D 0 0 N 3 3 11 WSLTm WBT 4 WSR 8 NSLTrn2 NST 48 NSRT 1 SSLTrn SST 42 SSRT 5 140 ,:; ~ 0 ~ (9 0 Cl) ·e a. -"CJ C: :, e ~ 0 "' ID :, 0 .c ~ 00 0 0 N 0 3 0 3 1 12 <I) Cl) <I) <I) <I) C: Cl) "' "' (9 >, -e -2:l ::; 0 Cl) ·e a. ,:; ~ 00 0 0 N ~ 0 0 "' IL ~ :, 0 I -"' "' Cl) a. :, ID -~ 0 :, ~ I--C: Cl) 0 ~ Cl) a. 3 3 0.66 11.80 12 Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Streetl156th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM Date Collected: 10/9/06 EBLT EBT EBRT -"' "' "' a. ::;; a. Cl C: ~ Jl co 0 0 "' 0 601 336 WBLTm31 WBT 666 WBR 0 NBLTWd09 NBT 0 NBRT 122 SBLT rn SBT 0 SBRT 0 2365 .c j e Cl "O C :, 0 ~ '?2 0 "' [O 0 75 42 tl "' ·e a. -:, 0 .c: ~ co 0 0 "' 0 676 378 <I) ., <I) <I) ·c, "O "' ., ~ .c: I- .!!! oi > ., 0 <I) C: ., ~ ., Cl >, 1:! ., .c ::J tl ., ·e-a. .c: -~ co 0 0 "' ~ 0 tl "' IL ~ :, 0 :c -"' "' ., a. :, [O -<I) -"' 0 :, ~ I--C ., 0 ~ ., a. 0 2 4 4 686 0.89 0.50 378 Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 5:00 PM -6:00 PM Date Collected: 1014/06 EBLT EBT EBRT -"' "' Q) a. :::;; a. O> C: ., <I) ·x w CD 0 0 "' 15 768 56 WBLTm7 WBT 933 WBR 4 NBLT003 NBT 2 NBRT 29 SBLTrn SBT 0 SBRT 12 1891 £:. j e <.!) "CJ C: ::, 0 ~ O> -"' 0 "' (Xl 2 95 7 ffi rn 234 0 Q) ·e a. -::, 0 £:. ~ CIO 0 0 "' 17 863 63 I 1~ I 2125 U) C: Q) 1:! "' O> "CJ "' Q) ~ £:. f- .!l1 ~ "' 0 <.!) >, t Q) .0 ::J 2 4 4 BBB §§§ §§§ 4 9 10 <I) Q) "' <I) 0 Q) ·e a. £:. -s: CIO 0 0 "' ~ 0 0 "' IL ~ ::, 0 I -"' "' Q) a. ::, en -~ 0 2 f--C: Q) e Q) a. 17 863 0.88 2.50 73 Threadgill Et Al SE 128th Street/169th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 5:00 PM -6:00 PM Date Collected: 10/11/06 EBLT EBT EBRT -"' "' Q) a. :;i; a. C) C: :;::: (I) ;lj "' 0 0 "' 21 581 0 WBLT~ WBT 373 WBRT O .c i C, 0 ., 'i5' ~ a. --a C: :, e ~ 0 "' m ::, 0 .r::. ~ "" 0 0 "' 3 24 72 653 0 0 I~ I 14~9 , (I) Q) (I) (I) 'c, -a "' ., ~ .c: 1-- .!!! j "' u (I) C: a, 'E "' C, ~ Q) .0 :::; 0 Q) 'e' a. .c ~ CIO a a "' ~ 0 0 "' u.. ~ :::, 0 I -"' "' Q) a. :, m uj -"' 0 2 1---C Q) e Q) a. 24 1 1 655 0.92 0.70 0 §e3~ 1 4 ~ I ~§g NBLTrn ffiffi§§§ffi~~ NBT 0 NBRT 0 SBLT~ rn I 1~ I ~~~w§g~ SBT 0 SBRT 15 990 123 1113 Threadgill Et Al SE 136th Street/156th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 5:00 PM -6:00 PM Date Collected: 10/10106 EBLT EBT EBRT .,,,_ "' "' a.. :a; a.. O> C: :;:, .,, ;n (0 0 0 N 12 1 20 WBLT~ WBT 1 WBRT 6 NBLT~3 NBT 341 NBRT 15 SBLT~O SST 821 SBRT 4 1259 .c ~ 0 ~ C) -0 C: ::, e ~ 0 "' (D 1 0 2 I 1~2 I 156 u "' 0 ~ a.. -::, 0 .c ~ 0) a 0 N 13 1 22 ~ 1415 .,, C: "' "E a, C) >, t: "' .c ::i 2 3 u "' ·a ·~ a.. .c ~ 00 a a N 13 1 22 22 923 4 1421 VJ Q) VJ .,, ~ 0 u "' u. ::, (D 'ii, .,,,_ 0 ::, ~ ~ ::, 0 I I--C: .,,,_ "' "' e (D (D a.. a.. 0.77 0.00 ~~ ~~ ~~ Threadgill Et Al SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:30 PM -5:30 PM Date Collected: 10/9/06 EBLT EBT EBRT ... "' Cl) a. :; a. "' C: ii ·x w co 0 0 N 4 4 10 ,=; ~ e (.9 ,::, C: :::, 0 ~ a, "" <.) OJ ID 0 0 1 0 Cl) ·e a. -:::, 0 ,=; ;: IX) 0 0 N 4 4 11 "' Q) <I) <I) <I) C: Cl) l:! "' (.9 >, t "' .Q ::J 0 "' ·e-a. ,=; -~ IX) 0 0 N ~ 0 0 "' LL ~ :::, 0 :r: "" "' "' a. :::, ID -xi <.) :::, ~ I- "E <I) e <I) a. 4 4 0.53 0 11 WBLm ffi rn §3 rn rn rn ~ ~ WBT 3 WBR 0 NBLTrn EE I~ I §bdbd Eij ~~ NBT 25 NBRT 0 6 SBLT~ rn 1 6 : I §§§ I ~E9 SBT 60 SBRT 6 7 118 15 133 10 34 38 5 Threadgill et al SE 128th St/156th Avenue SE L an e Configurations tf. lt tt lt 7' 2006 Existing AM Peak October 2006 ~1f~~~~~~lii~'e'j%,,~14~~-ii~Y!@~,Nj~~-J?~~-.. ~~g~~~~-lD~,,~~· ....... i :.:.~~~~~~.¥.t...,~. Lan e Width 11 11 11 11 11 11 --··. . . . . . . • ,4 , L ane Util. Factor Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-S T 51 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/156th Avenue SE +- La ne Configurations +~ "i tt lj 't ~~~~~~~WKif@'@~~~friG"'i;)~I~ffl;i~~· ... . ~~~~-~~~-~"!t~i-. Lane Width 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 .09 0.50 0.33 0.33 2008 w/o Project AM Peak October 2006 · . !r;~.,,."'°.···•#§V''l~~~ffi"W.~'iG"~-ll~~l ,_i -w,.~11-~~~1.~-~~~~1-w~~ Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 3.0 . 3.0 3 .0 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/156th Avenue SE Lane Configurations ~-····· Lane Width Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 0 .95 1.00 2008 w/Project AM Peak October 2006 '- -~~~--Volume (vph) . ·-· 64I 64 151 41 ~ 130 441 um-~~ Adj. Flow (vph) 703 70 164 452 467 479 2% 2 % 2% Protected Phases 4 3 8 2 . '.· ~ Actuated Green, G (s) 14.7 4.0 22.7 14.9 14.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.32 0 .09 0 .50 0.33 0.33 vis Ratio Prat c0.25 c0.10 0.13 0.27 Progression Factor : ,1( '--:~ ~ {: 1 .!,_, j • I : •";,f,.._( • • • • • I -• '. ' • • • -• -------~ .. <.. ----·---'-'-------·-----· ________ .._ __ •• • Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 66.6% Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/156th Avenue SE Lane Width 11 Lane Util . Factor 0.95 -~\.. Flt Protected Protected Phases 4 -~: Actuated Green, G (s) 22 .1 Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 11 11 11 11 11 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 3 8 2 . ~ 19.8 45.9 13.0 13.0 2006 Existing PM Peak October 2006 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th SU156th Avenue SE Lane Util . Factor Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 ~·-1~,~ . Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 2008 w/o Project PM Peak October 2006 ~--i--~-Volume (vph) 676 378 484 749 235 13 7 ~W;.~~~~~~~i , ljl~~--~ Adj. Flow v h 735 411 526 814 HeavyVehicl~s {%) 12 % 12% 2% 2% 2% 2% Protected Phases 4 3 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 27 .1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0 .35 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot c0.39 -)ai~··OO': .· ·~: ,. . -· vie Ratio 1.12 -··oo· "",i ' ~ • ;: Progression Factor 1.00 UBII-~." _':;,, Delay (s) 93.3 93.3 i'ffii 8 ,(j ' ~~ . ~ HCM Volume to Capacity ratio G ary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 24.0 55.1 15.1 0.31 0.70 0.19 3.0 3.0 3.0 c0.31 0.24 c0 .15 0 .34 1.00 66.8 4.6 29.0 36.5 1.00 15.1 0.19 3:0 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/156th Avenue SE 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 .a Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 ~,-. Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 0 .95 1.00 2008 w/Project PM Peak October 2006 -., -Volume (vph) 686 378 484 749 241 137 __ :_.~ ;i -,.,~ ~dj. Flow (vph) 746 411 814 262 149 Protected Phases v/s Ratio Prat ,,,.~ Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 4 c0.39 3 c0.31 1.00 1.00 67.4 8 2 0.19 3.0 3.0 ~ 0 .24 c0.15 0.34 0.79 1.00 1.00 4.6 41 .8 37.3 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE -+ Media n storage v~h) t 2006 Existing AM Peak October 2006 Intersection Capacity Utilization 38 .3% ICU Level of Service A ~~if~i~~w.t. ' ~~.fil.~:Cl~J"' Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Rep ort Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE +- 0% :@ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 ~~~mY;SURll if211~lWt~f ~ --,·. ;;:·~~Ji~~~ . . . ;t4i _ ~ . l Pedestrians ~ .,, m Walking Speed (ft/s) ~~ . . . Right turn flare (veh) tF (s) --cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Total 485 502 349 339 97 15 Volume Right Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 36.1 19.9 0.92 2008 w/o Project AM Peak October 2006 t 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 --~- -Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.6% ICU Level of Service A Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Av enue SE "' Median storage veh) vC 1, stage 1 cont vol 4.1 tF (s) 2.2 """ -~· cM capacity (veh/h) 910 Volume Total 485 506 351 Volume Righ_t 0 0 .00 0.02 0.0 0.0 0 .6 0 .0 4.1 7.5 103 339 104 15 68 ' 0.48 0.0 36.1 20.2 6.5 4.0 92 2008 w/Project AM Peak October 2006 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 3.3 3.5 4.0 3 .3 520 109 90 657 -Intersection Capacity Utilization 44.9% ICU Level of Service A Gary Norris GARRYS8ELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE Grade Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians If Walking Speed (ft/s) --§~~~ Right turn flare (ve h) ~- Median storage veh) Volume Total Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 4.1 2 .2 677 59 .3% 0% 0.92 0.92 4.1 7.5 2.2 3.5 753 74 ICU Level of Service 0 % 0 .92 6.5 4.0 52 2006 Existing PM Peak October 2006 0.92 0.92 --.··;a--m --, ' .. · . V.' :~- 6 .9 7.5 6.5 3.3 3.5 558 60 •. 'It •. t A Synchro 5 Repo rt Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE -+ Grade 0% 0% 2008 w/o Project PM Peak October 2006 t + 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 ---Pedestrians Volume Total 488 538 628 574 66 16 -.-t!iflDlllllflJ!Jiif~'='·. · ~ -·-~-.. ~ . .€) ~~A..i ~-' Volume Right 0 68 0 4 36 14 "" Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.32 0.08 0 .34 0.67 0.08 0.9 0.0 2.2 0.0 96.6 25 .3 0.4 96.6 25.3 ~:.1!- ~ •• Intersection Capacity Utilization 72 .0% ICU Le vel of Service C Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE Grade 0% t 2008 w/Project PM Peak October 2006 + Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking ?peed (ft/s) Median storage veh) vC1, stage 1 conf vol tC, single (s) e. cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Total Volume Right Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 4.1 2.2 606 488 548 636 0 0.03 0 .9 0.4 77.6% 7.5 2.2 3.5 678 49 574 72 16 4 41 14 0.09 0.0 102.3 26.2 102.3 26.2 ICU Level of Service 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 4.0 3.3 3.5 4 .0 3.3 34 510 38 32 463 ~ .... ,, ,.. . ' ' ---..-·---~'~-.. ' ,.. ~·. ··-. . --- C Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/160th Avenue SE -Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ·.~,~· '.it ~ .•. 'Jt ·_ Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1035 0 0 1210 0 --· Protected Phases 4 8 II A ctuated Green, G (s) 21.6 ~~,r~1~··. ~~~ ,~1:.-~~- Actuated g/C Ratio 0 .59 . -. v/s Ratio Prot ~· HCM Volume to C apacity ratio 0 .57 Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 2008 w/Project PM Peak w/signal October 2006 t 2 6 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th SU169th Avenue SE Lane Configurations ~~l':",9,~)t-~h:. Grade Peak Hour Factor 0.92 !iliirl\Wm- Pedestrians . a Walking Speed (ft/s) ... . Right turn flare (veh) vC1, stage 1 conf vol -····!l~t .: ~ tC, single (s) 4.1 f"~~M~~,i;fl:'lIJ,~· ~!~t:l~~~. tF (s) 2.2 ~~:,i,>'~ ~fil"'1i..~ cM capacity (veh/h) 963 Volume Total Volume Right Control Delay ( s) Approach Delay (s) Gary Norris GARRYS8ELL-ST51 0.8 0.3 0% 0% 122 408 0 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 6.8 6.9 364 690 204 16 15 0.12 0 .03 0.0 10.7 10.7 2006 Existing AM Peak October 2006 "~w.~,·~ ··:~. "'~" .. ~ ~~J1~~~-,w-~~~;~ ~ ,· . ~ · .. :-,. -· .. ·~--~~~-"!'c~., ·"'"' .· .• Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/169th Avenue SE 2008 w/o Project AM Peak October 2006 Lane Configurations ~~((,, ~\I' Grade Pedestrians Walking Speed (ft/s) Right turn flare (veh) tC, single (s) tF (s) cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Total Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 4.1 2.2 ·~::- 902 75 -+ 6 .8 6.9 3.3 652 138 459 229 18 ICU Level of Service A !J-.'.ffiii:l\.'Ri~~~t.~ft~~~~~ ':i, -~J-~t~~itt&.~~ Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/169th Avenue SE Walking Speed (ft/s) -a· ". Right turn flare (veh) ·r .. Median storage veh) tC, s ingle (s) -tF (s) '"' R cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Total Volume Right L Volume to Capacity 'i.'"i e . , Control Delay (s) G a ry Norris GARRYSBELL-ST 5 1 76 139 .459 ¥ 0% 230 18 2008 w/Project AM Peak October 2006 Syn chro 5 Report I Threadgill et al SE 128th St/169th Avenue SE -+ +- Peak Hour Factor 0 .92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Right turn flare (veh) it" Median storage veh) vC 1, stage 1 conf vol tF (s) cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Total 233 421 270 135 16 0 0 0 0 16 ~i1i1i\~~ii"""l'Si;)~W ~lil~.z&-~ri~~ · ·:;;..o:-~~~~~i~~ -~·. Volume Right Volume to Capacity 0 .02 0.25 0.16 0.08 0.02 j.Q•iB'1iUf;ffli'aiitlliiJi0~~rt"'-'··.-· ..... -w .. ,, Control Delay (s) 1.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 9.6 Approach Delay (s) 0 .3 0.0 9.6 , . i.lll! Intersection Capacity Utilization 31.6% ICU Level of Service Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 2006 Existing PM Peak October 2006 .. A Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/169th Avenue SE Grade ' . ~ ·I,! Peak Hour Factor Right turn flare (veh) ~-~ Median storage veh) vC 1 , stage 1 conf vol Volume Total i,i Volume to Capacity -Jffl . ' Control Delay (s) Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 0 % 0 % 263 473 304 153 0 0.02 1.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0% 18 0 .02 9.8 9.8 2008 w/o Project PM Peak October 2006 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 128th St/169th Avenue SE VolumeTotal 263 475 306 154 18 ~~'W}~~bY~~6J~f•l11'~~1)\V~~ ;1 ~~-~------,:,;.~Wc.~··•,:r~-e\~-.a; Volume Right O O O 1 18 ~k:illi~if~B~P~~ti~~~"l'-!l,~~'lil . ii!'~~\<.~<t~-B~~~ Volume to Capacity 0.02 0 .28 0 .18 0.09 0.02 -~~1liJI··"'.· Control Delay (s) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 9.8 ~.a\~ ,Al% 'W.':~,;_{'1A'®~~~~"'Wfill -.. "'--~~!it~,-~. Approach Delay (s) 0.4 0.0 9.8 Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 2008 w/Project PM Peak October 2006 -. . ~~~ ~~- ··--- A ~K~~~ ,M~~~- Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/156th Avenue SE Peak Hour Factor ~-,' ,. Pedestrians a _. Walking Speed (fUs) ... Right turn flare (veh) ir. Median storage veh) Gary Norr is GARRYSBELL-ST51 +-t 2006 Existing AM Peak October 2006 Synchro 5 Report \ Threadgill et al SE 136th St/156th Avenue SE Peak Hour Factor 0 .92 ~m.ffi'.~t!t,;··· ~~~~~(~.- Pedestrians Volume Left Gary Norris GARRYS8ELL-S T 51 7.1 3.5 91 12 -+ 6.5 4.0 3 6.2 7.1 6.5 3.3 3.5 4.0 697 87 114 0 4 0 6.2 3.3 234 5 2008 w/o Project AM Peak October 2006 t .., ~ ' t .,, .. -~~~e.'e:' 0 % 0 % .·.:··- 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.61 0.61 0.61 . 6 ·----,'.~4,,·_ ..... . . . . . 4.1 4.1 2.2 "' ·, -·~":,~·~,.,,~~"'- 1210 593 0 0 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/156th Avenue SE Lane Configurations ~ ~ l+ Ill-.. "_, ... -,,, .· -·· ... ··. ;:;.~-,. ~ . ( _-, ~ _. °'i:t . _ ~ • • 0 ~ . : ... ~ 6lril'; . -.... '.i ' -~ ~ ,.ti( .:ro -t:"~ . . Grade 0% 0% 7.1 6 .5 6.2 3.5 4.0 Volume Left 12 3 0 4 0 5 " cSH 193 87 234 1210 1700 593 Queue Length '(ft) 16 3 6 0 0 ·,a<tr, ,. .riif~ .....,~-.,;;- D E C A B 0 0 1700 1700 0 0 2008 w/Project AM Peak October 2006 -593 ··''W~ ~ ' .. : .~--. , . ·- Approach LOS D ~~~~-~~-t~ ...... -. '.· .. ·1. ··~i,.~~> Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report I Threadgill et al SE 136th St/156th Avenue SE Peak Hour Factor Pedestrians ., ~alking Speed (ft/s) Right turn fl are (veh) Median storage veh) vC1, stage 1 conf vol Volume Left ,, cSH Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 6.5 6.2 7.1 13 6 0 16 0 33 0 0 92 44 283 509 1700 1115 1700 1700 2006 Existing PM Peak October 2006 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/156th Avenue SE +- Grade 0 % 0 % _ 2008 w/o Project PM Peak October 2006 t + 0 % Peak Hour Factor 0 .9 2 0.9 2 0.92 0.88 0 .88 0.88 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.61 0.61 0.61 ---.·---~ ' . •. . ~~""".·~ . -. . . iA Pedestrians Righ_t turn flare (veh) Median storage ve h) vC1 , stage 1 confvol tC, single (s) Volume Left Approach LOS Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 7.1 6.5 6.2 3 .5 4.0 3.3 34 147 14 7 F F ~- 7.1 6.5 6.2 4 .1 4.1 3.5 4 .0 3.3 2.2 2.2 ~ 28 47 579 439 1064 19 36 _;~ 0 439 1064 3 3 B A Syn chro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th SU156th Avenue SE +- Grade 0% 0% t 0 % 2008 w/Project PM Peak October 2006 + 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0 .88 0.80 0.80 ·-0.80 0.61 0.61 0.61 Pedestrians tC, single (s) cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Left cSH . I Queue Length (ft) Lane LOS Approach LOS Average Delay ~~~-~il-~ID!t ~~~~~~JHV.\<?-lt~ Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 7.1 6.5 3.5 4.0 33 46 14 7 64 28 64 19 F F F F 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4 .1 ~ 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2 .2 147 28 47 579 439 1064 0 19 0 36 0 0 319 439 1700 1064 1700 1700 w,,,r-."' · ,tii.,.~~~~w.ra~~f.lmfi"~~~~~ ~,· iJJ~~~~~~.w~~~ 4 3 0 3 0 0 C 3.2 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th SU156th Avenue SE Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 39 0 Protected Phases 4 (\ctuated Green , G (sL :Si .:. Progression Factor Approach Delay (s) 401.4 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.85 Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 7 16 0 8 241.4 2008 w/Project PM Peak (with signal) October 2006 t 19 500 0 36 1513 7 2 6 0.7 6.1 --,.,EIJ~"". --· ·-·~ · · , . es · · .1,i1,511 ...... ICU Level of Service D ·= -~~~~~~.;.~;M~~~'L~m :_.~~-~1%~~;~.?i!'il~~~ Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th SU160th Avenue SE Grade '•. ~- Right turn flare (veh) 'E.' ' Median storage veh) Ii). vC1, stage 1 conf vol tC, single (s) 0% ~- 7.1 6.5 4.0 0% 6.2 7.1 4.1 3.3 4.0 3.3 2.2 -~,,-~ 756 1020 812 754 1015 1555 WIIJW-.!--1 Volume Left 3 3 13 O . i1~~.itt'1r-;f:'~' .· . .,,. .1~:i~~J';~:· ... cSH 923 888 1555 1552 --~~-~ Queue Length (ft) 2 1 1 O Lane LOS A A A t 0% 2006 Existing AM Peak October 2006 + 0% 4.1 ~~ti~rt~~~~~iiWii'~-i!i,~~{h:~:itM~dil.~~~-·-m '=>lliii.~~b'{'~\f.N-~1~ r,J?-~~~~.J§ti~~~~~~-~itiit~~Ni~~ Approach LOS A A Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/160th Avenue SE Pedestrians Walking Speed {ft/s) Ri ght turn flare (veh) !1-££&2-~ Median storage veh) vC1, stage 1 conf vol ~- !{'& tC, single (s) r tF (s) I cM capacity (veh/h) ,t .. cSH Queue Length (ft) Lane LOS tt.. Approach LOS Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 2 2 0 2008 w/o Project AM Peak October 2006 t + Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al . SE 136th St/160th Avenue SE Pedestrians a ~alking Speed (ft/s) Median storage veh) vC 1 , stage 1 conf vol tC, sin9le (s) cM capacity (veh/h) Volume Left cSH Queue ~ength (ft) Lane LOS s-~- \.: ~ t Approach LOS Gary Norris GARRYS8ELL-ST51 7.1 · 6.5 3.5 4.0 749 717 3 898 2 A A 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 1013 769 721 998 4 .1 2.2 1547 2008 w/Project AM Peak October 2006 --4.1 ·~i'-2.2 1527 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/160th Avenue SE Pedestrians Volume Left Gary Norri s GARRYSBELL-ST51 4 0 5 2006 Exi sting PM Peak October 2006 ,I Synchro 5 R eport Threadgill et al SE 136th St/160th Avenue SE 2008 w/o Project PM Peak October 2006 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians . Median storage veh) tF (s) ·~ ,r cM capacity (veh/h) Lane LOS ~~~~~rir&,··-~. f~ ~,~ , Approach LOS Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 7 .1 6.5 3.5 4.0 848 767 4 A A ;-- -i 6.2 7.1 6.2 4.1 4 .1 3.3 3.3 2.2 984 ~· 0 Synchro 5 Report Threadgill et al SE 136th St/160th Avenue SE t Lane Configurations ~ ' :,;a . . . jlJ~ ',i .• ,:;.;.,?~..;.,: ~ -- . • .• -,,_..~,C'1i:t'"·-=-· 'Iii "'. ~.~ ......... ,,;l',,'!., .. Grade 0% 0% »' .. -~·.~--.~ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 .92 0 .92 tF (s) cM capacity (veh/h) Average Delay 3.2 ~--~ ·rm~-~· --··· W',.%.,"(S--~~~~-~-ii-··=rtmt~·· . i.© · ' • ,_ 1.fi Ii · ·.· \t.0 ¥-tef.lO'. o • a Jm .' · : e ·. riee _"· · ,;,, ·_ • ~ -~ ~J "i:i · t.t,~ .. ~-· ,~--• ~~~~"" \: M Gary Norris GARRYSBELL-ST51 2008 w/Project PM Peak October 2006 Synchro 5 Report Accident Rate Analysis Threadgill et al 169th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street Intersection Rj = (A*10"6)ff*(V1+V2+V3+V4) Rj = Rate of Accidents/million vehicles entering intersection A = Accidents recorded in T days T = Period (days) for which accidents are counted (usually 365) Vl, V2, etc= Avg annual daily traffic on each leg If only have peak hourly volumes multiply by 10 to get a daily volume A= 2 T= 1095 Vl = 6020 V2= 3730 V3= 150 V4= 0 . Vt= 99000 Rj = 0.018 Accident Rate Analysis Threadgill Et Al *6Gth Avenue SE/SE 128th Street t5G,-lfi Intersection Aj = (A'10"6)/T'(V1+V2+V3+V4) Aj = Rate of Accidents/million vehicles entering intersection A = Accidents recorded in T days T = Period (days) for which accidents are counted (usually 365) V1, V2, etc = Avg annual daily traffic on each leg If only have peak hourly volumes multiply by 10 to get a daily volume Rj= A= T= V1 = V2= V3= V4= Vt= 12 1095 9370 10970 3310 0 23650 0.463 2002 PDO 4 I 2003 INJ PDQ INJ 4 I 2004 PDO INJ 4 I 0 Accident A.ate Analysis Threadgill et al 160th Avenue SE/SE 128th Street lntersectio n l"lj = (A *10"6)ff*(V1 +V2+V3+V4) l"lj = Rate of Accidents/million vehicles entering intersection A = Accidents recorded in T days , = Period (days) for which accidents are counted (usually 365) V1, V2, etc = Avg annual daily traffic on each leg If only have peak hourly volumes multiply by 10 to get a daily volume A= 11 2002 2003 T= 1095 PDO INJ PDO INJ V1 = 8390 5 I 2 I V2= 9840 V3= 540 V4= 140 Vt= 18910 Rj= 0.531 2004 PDO INJ 4 I 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS For LIBERTY GARDENS May 14, 2004 Prepared by: 811 S. 273'd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 ' K.c. D.D.E.s. Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... I PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... I EXISTING CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... I Roadways ............................................................................................................................................... I SE 128"' Street. ................................................................................................................................... 4 160th Ave SE ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities ............................................................................................................ 4 Transit. ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Non-Motorized Facilities .................................................................................................................. 4 Traffic Volumes ................................................................................................................................... 5 Level of Service............................... . ......... 5 Definition........................................................................................................ . ...... 5 Accidents .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Planned and Programmed Improvements ........................ . . ......... 7 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITIIOUT PROJECT. . ... 7 Backgronnd Traffic Volumes ................. . . ...... 8 Pipeline Projects ................................................................................................................................. 8 Level of Service................................................................................ . ... 8 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITII PROJECT .................................................................. . Traffic Volumes. Project Trip Generation ................................................. . Trip Distributionffraflic Assigmnent .................................. . Level of Service ................................................. . Sight Distance Analysis ........... . CONCLUSIONS ... TRAFF1C IMP ACT MITIGATION ................................................................... . DN Traffic Consultants . .. 10 . ..... 10 .. 10 .. 10 .. II . .. 11 . 14 . .. 14 ·, Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared to address the traffic impact analysis guidelines of King County for the Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens located at 141XX 162nd Avenue SE in the Renton area of King County. A vicinity map is presented in Figure 1. King County Ordinance #11617 requires a traffic analysis of the project impact at all intersections that receive 20 percent and 30 peak hour project generated trips. Based on the trip distribution/traffic assignment for this site, no arterial intersections are impacted by the project. The plat of Liberty Gardens was considered as a pipeline project in previous traffic analyses prepared for proposed developments in this area including Evendell (Concurrency File# 01-05- 14-02), Liberty Grove (Concurrency File# 02-05-08-01), and Nichols Place (Concurrency File# 02-05-10-02). Liberty Gardens previously had a concurrency certificate which recently expired. The applicant is pursing another certificate at this time. This report summarizes the process, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Liberty Gardens is a preliminary plat consisting of38 single-family detached homes. The proposed plat is located on 9.74 acres in the Renton Highlands area of King County. The current zoning is R-4 which allows 4 units per acre or 39 units on the 9.74 acre tract. The property is bounded by 162"d Avenue SE (extended) on the west; 164th Avenue SE ( extended) on the east; SE 138th Place ( extended) on the north; and SE 142°d Street ( extended) on the south. Liberty Gardens will offer a single point of access to 162"d Avenue SE at the northwest comer of the property to l 62"a Avenue SE. The plat is expected to be fully occupied by 2007, which for the purposes ofthis analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. A preliminary site plan is presented in Figure 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site; identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections; and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include 162"d Avenue SE, SE 136th Street and 160th Avenue SE. SE 128th Street provides regional access to the site. These roadways are discussed in the following section. DN Traffic Consultants Pa!!,e I PARK 1!:>2NO ··~~~-',~----SI SE t56m ·sr ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 _'v.- , SE ii MA, HEi l.l0It! PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS DN TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS """7Sl"W ""'" (N89'25'30"W ROS) ( SITE PLAN FIGURE2 0 a PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens SE J 28'h Street -· SE 128th Street is a 4-lane principal arterial which runs east-west from approximately 142nd Avenue SE to SE May Valley Road. West of 142nd Avenue SE, SE 128th Street becomes NE 4th Street within the City of Renton and continues west to Jefferson Avenue NE where it becomes NE 3'd Street terminating at I-405. In the vicinity of the plat, the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide. There is asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with 160th Avenue NE. There are left-tum lanes at the intersections of 156th Avenue SE and 148th Avenue SE. Traffic control includes signals at 148th Avenue SE and 156th Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor intersecting streets including 160th Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. J6dh Avenue SE 160th Avenue SE is a two-lane neighborhood collector that runs north-south from approximately SE 128th Street to SE 144th Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder. In some locations, the roadway has drainage ditches on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128th Street, SE 144th Street, and on the minor side streets along the corridor. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. SE 13 6'h Street SE 136"' Street, in the vicinity of the plat, is a two-way local access street that runs east and west from 160th Avenue SE to 162nd Avenue SE. The roadway is approximately 18 feet wide with unpaved parking strips in front of the homes on both sides of the street. Traffic control includes a stop sign at the 160th Avenue SE intersection. The speed limit is 25 mph. 162"d Avenue SE 162°d Avenue SE, in the vicinity of the plat, is a two-way local access street which runs north/south from SE 134th Street to a point approximately 500 feet south of SE 137th Place. It is expected that 162°d Avenue SE will be extended to the south per King County Road Standards as part of the proposed plat. There is currently no traffic control along the corridor. The speed limit, although not posted, is 25 mph. Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128th Street and SE 144th Street. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast comer of 160th Ave SE and SE !28th Street. During the week, service for Route 111 runs from 5:45 AM to 8:00 AM and from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 20-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5 :00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE !28th Street, Lake Kathleen Drive, SE 144th Street, and 156th Avenue SE Monday through Friday. Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. DN Traffic Consultants Pa,;e 4 Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens Traffic Volumes The existing PM peak hour traffic volume at the analysis intersection was determined from a PM peak hour turning movement count collected May 12, 2004. The existing PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F that indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay less than or equal to I 0 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay ofless than or equal to IO seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS F is an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. King County has adopted a level of service E as the county road capacity standard. According to Ordinance # 11617 any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOSE for the without project condition, the developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. As stated previously, no intersections meet the impact criteria. However, to illustrate the impact of the project in the area, a level of service analysis is provided for the SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE intersection which provides access to the arterial street network in the area. Level of service was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis is shown in Table I. Table 1 2004 Level of Service Intersection Unsignalized SE 136th Street/160th Ave SE WB' (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle Traffic Control 2004 Existing LOS Standard Stop Sign A(8.5) E 1 -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. DN Traffic Consultants NOTE: SE 134th Street SE 136th Street ---f-J+'==-.:.:.=:..::..:c=-----j N-L "' -4 t l l O tr SE 136TH STREET FROM 156TH AVE SE TO 160TH AVE SE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THE PLAT OF EVENDELL. NOTTO SCALE ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 2004 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE3 SE 128th Street SE 137th Place ,SITE (XX) -PM PEAK PER HOUR PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS Traffic lmpac/ Analysis Liber/y Gardens As shown in Table 1, the SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE intersection currently operates at a high (LOS A) and acceptable level of service. Accidents The latest three-year accident history data was obtained from King County for the SE 136"' Street/160th Avenue SE and SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE intersections. The SE 128th Street/1601h Avenue SE intersection was included as it was identified as a high accident location in a recent study conducted by the County. The latest three-year accident history included the period from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2002. A summary of the three-year accident history is presented in Table 2. Table 2 Three-Year Accident Historv Number of Accidents 2000 2001 2002 Accident Average Intersection PDO lNJ PDO INJ PDO lNJ Rate' Rate2 SE 128th St/160"' Ave SE I I I 3 2 3 0.70 0.90 SE 136th St/!60th Ave SE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I -Accident rate per million entering vehicles 2 -Average accident rate for type of intersection per WSDOT As shown in Table 2, a total of eleven accidents have occurred at the SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE intersection during the three-year period. However, the accident rate for the analysis intersection is below the state average for similar intersections. There have been no reported accidents at the SE 13 6th Street/l 60th Avenue SE intersection during the latest three year analysis period. Planned and Programmed Improvements A review of King County's Planned and Progranuned Transportation Improvements indicate the following transportation improvement projects planned in the study area. King County's 2001 Transportation Needs Report (TNR) • SE !28th Street (168th Avenue SE to East of 169"' Avenue SE), NC-119. This project includes improvement to sight distance and channelization to provide turn Janes. The project is a low priority. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT The future conditions without project analysis provide a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersection. Liberty Gardens is DN Traffic Consultants Page? Traffic Impact Analysis liberty Gardens expected to be fully occupied by 2007, market permitting. Therefore, 2007 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2007 without project condition include the 2004 existing PM peak hour traffic volumes, plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the site, plus area-wide traffic growth. A growth factor of 1. 0 percent per year was used based on a review of recent PM peak hour traffic counts in the study area. Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Liberty Gardens. According to King County, there are numerous pipeline projects in the vicinity of Liberty Gardens. Trip generation for the pipeline projects is presented in Table 3. Table 3 Pipeline Projects PM Peak Hour Trips Location Land Use Total In Out King CounJ.y 14624-161" Ave SE 3 sfdu's 3 2 I 13606156th Avenue SE 11 sfdu's 11 7 4 13305 160"' Avenue SE 22 sfdu's 22 14 8 13815 160"' Avenue SE 24 sfdu's 24 16 8 13612 160"' Avenue SE 60 sfdu's 61 39 22 139XX 162°d Avenue SE 5 sfdu's 5 3 2 158"'/SE 136"' Street 75 sfdu's 76 49 27 160"'/SE 136"' Street 36 sfdu's 36 23 13 TOTAL 236 sfdu's 238 153 85 As shown in Table 3, there are eight pipeline projects identified by King County in the vicinity of the project site. Trip distribution/traffic assignments for the pipeline projects were obtained from traffic analyses prepared for each project Figure 4 presents a summary of the background growth and pipeline trips for 2007 without Liberty Gardens. Level of Service The 2007 background without project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using SynchroTM 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. DN Traffic Consultants Page& SE 134th Street SE 136th Street ----+H---------1 NOTE: SE 136TH STREET FROM 156TH AVE SE TO 160TH AVE SE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THE PLAT OF EVEN DELL. SE 128th Street SE 137th Place NOTTO SCALE (XX) -PM PEAK PER HOUR ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 2007 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE4 PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS "' Traffic Impact Analysis Table 4 2007 Without Project Level of Service Intersection Unsignalized SE 136"' St/160th Ave SE WBI EB 1 (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle 2004 Existing A (8.5) Liberty Gardens 2007 Without Project LOS Standard E A (9.8) I -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 4, the SE 136th Street/160"' Avenue SE intersection will continue to operate at a high (LOS A) and acceptable level of service in 2007 without the project. FUTURE CONDIDONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2007 with project condition include 2007 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic to be generated by Liberty Gardens. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Liberty Gardens was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single- Family Dwelling Units, Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Liberty Gardens is presented in Table 5. Table 5 Land Use Liberty Gardens 38 sfdu's Trip Generation AWDT 365 Total 29 AMPealc In 7 Out Total 22 38 PMPealc In 25 Out 13 As shown in Table 5, Liberty Gardens is estimated to generate 364 daily, 29 AM peak hour and 3 8 PM peak hour trips in the 2007 horizon year. Trip Distributionffraffic Assignment Traffic assignment for Liberty Gardens was based upon recent turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project, specifically the SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE intersection. By virtue of the limited access to developments located east of l 60'h Avenue SE, this intersection provided a DN Traffic Consultants Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens reasonable estimation of PM peak hour traffic patterns for developments located east of 160th Avenue SE, in the vicinity of the proposed plat. Based on the PM peak hour patterns, 66 percent of the project generated traffic was assigned to and from the south on 160th Avenue SE and 34 percent was assigned to and from the north. However, based on travel time studies conducted as part of the analysis for other developments in this area, to avoid the delays at the stop sign controlled intersection of SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE, northbound traffic on 160th Avenue SE traffic destined westbound on SE 128th Street is expected to head west on SE 136th Street to access the signal at the SE !28th Street/156th Avenue SE intersection rather head north on 160th Avenue SE to use the stop sign controlled SE !28th Street/160tl' Avenue SE intersection when SE 136th Street is completed from 160th Avenue SE to 156th Avenue SE as part ofEvendell. Traffic assignment patterns for the pipeline projects were obtained from traffic impact analyses prepared for each respective development. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for PM peak hour project-generated trips are presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2007 with project PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. Level of Service The 2007 with project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro1M 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing condition and 2007 without project PM peak hour level of service are provided for companson. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6 2007 With Project Level of Service Intersection 2004 Existing 2007 Without Project 2007 With Project LOS Standard Unsignali,.ed SE 136th Street/160th Ave SE WB' EB1 (xx) Seconds of delay per vehicle A (8.5) E A (9.8) A (10.0) I -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 6, the SE 136tl' Street/160th Avenue SE intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service in 2007 with the project. Sight Distance Analysis There were no sight distance issues identified in regards to the proposed site access. DN Traffic Consultants Page 11 NOTTO SCALE ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 17% a, l 17% SE 128th Street 4 4 SE 134th Street ~ SE 136th Street L2 --2 SE 137th Place ,s mj 1:: r :, w w (/) (/) • ~ J 0: " £ C SITE 0 N <O ~ ~ (XX) -PM PEAK PER HOUR PROJECT GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURES PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS NOTTO SCALE ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS SE 134th Street SE 136th Street 2007 WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE6 SE 128th Street SE 137th Place SITE (XX) -PM PEAK PER HOUR PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS Traffic Impact Analysis Liberty Gardens CONCLUSIONS The plat of Liberty Gardens will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The plat will add approximately 364 daily, 29 AM peak hour and 38 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. As determined from the analysis, the SE 128"' Street/160"' Avenue SE intersection does not meet the King County threshold definition for project impact conditions. This would require 30 PM peak hour project generated trips and 20 percent of the project generated peak hour trips. However, to demonstrate the level of project impact, a level of service analysis was provided for the SE 136th Street/160"' Avenue SE intersection. This intersection was estimated to operate at a high (LOS A) and acceptable level of service for the existing, 2007 without, and 2007 with project conditions. A review of the 2000-2002 accident history at the SE 136"' Street/160"' Avenue SE intersection indicated there were no accidents during the latest available three year period. The latest available data (2000-2002) was also provided for the SE 128"' Street/160"' Avenue SE intersection. This intersection was identified as a high accident location (HAL) in a recent safety study conducted by King County. Although there were 11 accidents during the last three years, the accident rate is less than the average rate for similar intersections in the State of Washington. There were no other project related traffic issues identified. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Liberty Gardens will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of $81,282 based on $2,139 per unit (38 units) for concurrency zone 452. No other traffic mitigation is deemed necessary. DN Traffic Consultants Page 14 Traffic Impact Analysis DN Traffic Consultants Liberty Gardens TECHNICAL APPENDIX for LIBERTY GARDENS Location: SE 136th St. & 160th Avenue SE Checker: DLN Weather: Sunny Date: 12-May-04 Start Time: 4:15 PM 15 Min. Adj Factor; F(adj)= 1.0000 (15 mini# of minutes counted) END TIME 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM RIGHT 0 - 0 0 0 ~------ 0 0 -- 0 0 FROM: NORTH THRU LEFT 13 2 13 1 --- 13 1 12 2 13 2 21 3 16 4 0 0 TOTAL TRUCKS 15 1 14 0 ------ 14 0 14 1 15 0 24 1 20 0 0 0 Cityrrown King Co. Job: Liberty Gardens Pk Hr: I 5:00 PM 6:00 PM FROM: EAST RIGHT THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 3 0 0 3 0 ----- 3 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·-------~ 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- PK HR O 62 11 73 2 4 0 0 4 0 Adj HR L____::0 _ _.___:6:::2 _ _,__:_1.,_1 _L.__7:....:3:...__.____;2=-_. __ 4:..._-1..._..::.0c__--'--.::.0_...,__4.:___,__..::.0:...__, END TIME 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM RIGHT 10 7 -- 7 8 1---------- 5 10 7 0 FROM: THRU 10 7 7 8 5 10 7 0 SOUTH LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 20 0 o 14 0 o 14 0 0 16 0 o 10 0 ,. ----- 0 20 0 -- 0 14 0 0 0 0 ------- FROM: WEST RIGHT THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 0 0 o 0 ·- 0 0 0 0 o ------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 --------·---· --- 0 0 o 0 0 -------- 0 0 0 0 0 -------- o 0 0 0 0 ------ 0 0 0 0 0 PK HR 30 30 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adj HR ~-3'--'o _ _,____;3_0 _ _._---'o'--_.__6"'0'--_,__o=----1.-_;o'--_._--=o _ __.__ _ _:..o_...,_---'o=--_,_--=o'--_, END 15 Min TIME TOTALS 16:30 38 Time 16:45 32 Start -End hr vol pk hr? 17:00 29 16:15 17:15 130 no 17:15 31 16:30 17:30 117 no 17:30 25 16:45 17:45 131 no 17:45 46 17:00 18:00 137 YES 18:00 35 17:15 18:15 106 no 18:15 o DN Traffic Enterprises INTERSECTION: PEAK HOUR: DATE: SOURCE: 0 0 0 0 Peak Hour Factors: Percent Trucks & Buses: SE 136th St. & 160th Avenue SE 5:00 PM 6:00 PM f;lf//;7J/#i!H# WPA PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL LEG VOLUMES 73 34 0 4 0 41 62 60 PEAK HOUR APPROACH VOLUME MOVEMENTS 73 0 62 11 RIGHT THRU LEFT LEFT NORTH RIGHT THRU WEST EAST THRU RIGHT SOUTH LEFT LEFT THRU RIGHT 0 30 30 60 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS DERIVED FROM COUNT From North: From South: From East: From West: Total From North: From South: From East: From West: 0.76 0.75 0.50 n/a 0.74 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% n/a SB NB WB EB SB NB WB EB 4 0 4 0 DN Traffic Enterprises Liberty Gardens SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM Date Collected: 05/12/04 EBLT EBT EBRT Cl C: i w .... 0 0 N 0 0 0 WBLTffl WBT 0 WBR 4 NBLTBE NBT 30 NBRT 30 SBLT~1 SBT 62 SBRT 0 137 .c j 0 ~ Cl "' u Q) "C C: :::, B ~ a. e C> Q) C: -"' " "' ID -Q) a. a: 0 6 0 0 0 3 "' u Q) ·e a. :, 0 .c ~ .... 0 0 N "' C: Q) " "' Cl >, t Q) .0 ::J u Q) ·e a. .c ~ .... 0 0 N ~ 0 u "' IL ~ :::, 0 J: -"' "' Q) a. Q) "' "' :::, ID -"' -"' " :::, ~ f-- "E Q) " ~ Q) a. 6 6 0 0 3 3 King County Transportation Concurrency Pipeline Projects near 141xx 162nd Ave SE .. status >tJ.·•.· E'ile., .·;;J C•i,ttit:•,;;,;ll:'toJ:!erty:Address,.·;:;,'s~T;~;;FSJ=J:!li\itsj'fillE'•.,Olji!!ll*'§9¥J;t'~ APPROVE 00-11-30-01 14624-16151 Ave. SE 3 0 0 Single Family Residential APPROVE 01-05-14-01 13606 156th Ave. SE 11 0 OSi11gleE'amlly Residential APPROVE 01-10-30-03 13305160th Ave SE 22 0 0 Single E'amiliResiclentfal APPROVE 02-05-10-02 13815 160th Avenue SE 24 O O_~in!JleFamily Residential APPROVE 02-05-21-02 13612 160th Avenue SE 60 O O Single E'amily Residential APPROVE 02-06-07-04 15217/15221 SE 128th 28 0 O.Single E'amU{~~side~tfaj EXEMPT 02-12-12-01 SR-169 & SE 152nd Avenue o O 3700 Gas Station/Convenience Store BUILT 95-03-16-01 13825 -156 Ave SE 1 0 0 Single E'amily~~s,i,~Ei,rit,ial - L01P0016 L02P0611 -.. -. --- L03P0015 L03P0005/L03P0006 L01P016 L95S0020 EXEMPT 95-03-29-02 13430 144th Avenue SE o O O Elementary School Replacement BUil T 96-03-25-01 · 164 SE & SE 132 4 0 0 Single Family Resicfontial ··-·· .. L96S0036 BUILT 96-10-30-01 16655SE136St O O 172464'HighSC1iool _,, BUILT 97-09-25-02 14415 SE 144 St 3 0 . '6'Single Family ResldentiaT TRANSFER 98-03-30-01 SE 128 & SE 136/148 SE & 156 SE 300 0 o:::;ingleFamil:(ResidenUal_ EXEMPT 98-07-02-01 15221 SE 128th St O O O Office & Machine Shop EXEMPT 98-09-29-01 12811164th Av SE O O 4000f~ezone/~~irni1B§,iipiial. -- APPROVE 99-12-14-01 13615154th Av SE 69 0 0 SingleF~mjly~~si.CJential APPROVE 99-12-21-01 139XX 162nd Av SE 5 0 0 Single Family Residential_ . G Norris 5-5-04 B96C0196 L98S0001 LOOP0009 . -··· ·-·---.. ---- LOOP0023 763 763 763 763 760 764 760 760 763' 763' 761' 760 760: 763' 760 763 May 5, 2004 Page I 01 l Dariel Norris From: To: "Gary, Norris" <garyn@gsassoc~nc.com> <dbn54 7@comcast.net> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 5:36 PM Subject: FW: Accident History -----Original Mes.sage----- From: Scanlon, Jodi [mailto:Jodi.Scanlon@MITROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 8:44 AM To: Gary, Norris Subject: RE: Accident History Gary, Here is your accident information. Per usual, please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Jodi SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE 01/01/2000 -12/31/2002 160thAve Se &Se 128th. St Sorted by <DA TE;TIME;ACC#> QUADRANT CASE ID DATE TIME ACCSEVERITY PEDAGE WEATHER LIGHTING ROAD COLLISION TYPE DIST AN STREET 1 STREET 2 4 00-10333701/04/2000 9:45 Injury Ace 0 4 00-103338 04/03/2000 17:30 Property Damage 0 ST 4 4 ST 4 4 4 ST 4 4 4 4 01-145879 02/25/2001 11:00 Injuiy Ace 0 01-145483 04/23/2001 17:45 P10perty Damage O 01-145634 04/25/2001 17:.35 Injury Ace 0 01-312306 12/05/2001 20:20 lnjucy Ace O 02-310100 01/02/2002 18:57 Pwperty Damage 0 02-312387 02/22/']JJQ2 16:20 Pmpe[ty Damage 0 02-170165 03/15/2002 12:00 Injury Ace 0 02-31249104/20/200215:30 Injury Ace 0 02-396003 09/15/2002 15:20 Injucy Ace 0 SE 136th Street/160th Avenue SE Ovea:ast Daylight Dry OD one It tum one sb:alght O 160TH AVE SE SE 128TH ST aear/Partly Clou Daylight Dry SD both straight one stop RE O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH Gear/Partly dou Daylight Dry Right angle 0 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH ST Clear/Partly Gou Daylight Diy SD both straighl one stop RE O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH Clear/Partly Oou Daylight Dry SD both sUai.ght one stop RE O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH ST Raining Dark street light Wet Right angle 0 160TH AVE SE SE 128TI I ST Ove[cast Datk street light Dry SD both straight one stop RE O 16011--I A VE SR SE 128TH Overcast Daylight Wet SD both strai.ght one stop RE O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH ST Overaut Daylight Wet OD one It tum one straight O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH ST Clear/Partly Oou Daylight Dry SD both st.mifPt one stop RE O 160TH A VE SE SE 128TH ST Clea.i:/Part1y Oou Daylight Dry OD one lt tum one strai.ght O 160TH AVE SE SE 128TH ST 2 ~) () '2.. G /.) ·2_, No collisions in 3 years at this intersection poo J_!V:i l \)(,) 0 I lh) 0 L /0-.l 5/11/2004 II I 11 · Ill South King County ;-=',d,~f;.,,i._Ji,,c-'c,,,;~,c,,:;~~~µ:.i. __ :.i_:.i__:..J,_...C.::...£::..:-42.::..:2,,~~1~z?,~'""'.'-::!j]~;;i~{,1~~/;;fl!:\1~;!·f[J~"G~-·~-""~z-,;'M';:1:· ~-~· . ~···tra1i\sff.Ltfr,(~~~~~1t:~.1JL'.W 116 AVE SE@ SE 208 ST 01 High King County Roads Provide Right I urn Lane ~.t:u.£,on:;i ! . CONCURRENCY NEED H-272 1S 116 ST@24AVE S O High King County Roads Realign Intersection $214,245 $1,029.000 300_400!~~62 S 120 ST IDES MOINES W( MILITARY RD 0.4, High -· -' -.. """- ! l~c;-140 1124AYESESE192ST SE208ST I 1' High I -.• ------··---------"~··""·"· I I King County Roads I King County Roads ' $4,388,400 SC-158 124 A-Ve SE SE 288 ST !SE 304 ST 0.9 IMediurr · i I j King County Roads I I King County Roads f SC-228 124 AYE SE @SE 304 ST 01 ]Low ] ti6-AvE S~---.. tSKYW/J.5( 0.37 "c,1High----tKTng county-R0ads \construct wa1kwaY1Pathway ; PARK I..... ,Pedestrian Crossing Slgnals + H-2s6 ·-ts-124 sr· I I OIHigh----~------- 0.37 King County Roads __ _,SE 304 ST lsE 320 ST 1 i I Medium I King County Roads jconstrucd:::.urb, Gutter, Sidewalk SC-147 -+p_2-_4_A_ve_s_E__ S ----~---( 1f Medium King County Roads H-255 S 126 ST RENTON AYES 74 PL S SC-168 128 AYE SE SE 168 ST PETROYITSK [YRO NC-119 ~ i168AYESE EOF169AYE I SE 1sc;-144 ,132A :sE288ST SE304ST I I I I 0.071 0.431 0.07! 0.9 I ' ~ -- ' High King County Roads High King County Roads kow I King County Roads I Medium I King County Roads Construct Bike Lane Construct Curb, Gutter, Sidevo,alk Widen Roadvo,ay Construct Bike Lane Construct Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Improve Sight Distance Turn Channels Widen Roadway Provide Left Tum Lane Construct Bike Lane Pave Shoulders Construct Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk $400,000 L $358,110 $4,339,755 $268,065 $1,129,185 sR-16~~1s.1-a1-. ----461 High I city oi"K~.-n-,---+l~n-,e-rco-nnect Traffic Signals --;----$~6~8~1~,0~30 1 King County Roads CONCURRENCY ~EED ____ _,SC-211---132 / 140 AYE SE IKENT KANGLEY SIGNAL INTERCONNECT RD SC-55.22 I I I 140 / 132 AVE SE PH II CONST -40019i!sc-201 j140 AYE SE@ SE I I IPETROYITSKY RD i SC-202 140 AYE SE @SE 181 ST 401195]SC-55.10 1140 /132 AYE SE --- Adopted 2001 TNR SE 196 ST :SE 208 ST 1140 AVE sC--l°i43AYE SE SE 176 ST iSE 196 ST I -~J~_ High King County Roads ' 0.3j 40 High \King County Roads 0 High King County Roads 1.231 I High King County Roads i i Turn Channels Upgrade Traffic Signal Construct Bike Lane Pave Shoulders $1,703,610 CONCURRENCY NEED 1 ••.. I Turn Channels All Legs i $7,662,173 Construct Bike Lane Construct Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk CONCURRENCY NEED Provide Left Turn Lane CONCURRENCY NEED Widen to Four Lanes Plus Two- Way Left Turn Lane Traffic Signal Construct Bike Lane Construct Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk '! CONCURRENCY NE.,.E,,.D,_ __ __1.. $10,047,780 2004 Existing Traffic Liberty Gardens Lane Configurations 9i9H9in1t,f!I Grade Volume (veh/ri) Peak Hour Factor Hpu rl)(flol'i ra.l(l. (\/eh/h) Pedestrians Lane.•)Nidth (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) percent Blocka.gf Right turn flare (veh) Medi<lnJype Median storage veh) yC,conflicting vp\urJ1e vC 1, stage 1 conf vol vC2; st@tl 2 cofif vdl tC, single (s) t9,,2stage :/s) tF (s) pOtjueue free % cM capacity (veh/h) 0% 0 0.92 0.92 Nc:ir'le 1,40 4,9 6.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 .100• {00 846 1020 t 0°/o ,30 0.92 0.92 0.92 4.1 1537 0.92 PM PEAK HOUR May 141 2004 m"~,m,1,,;;,0't'"'4!4"·"W'-iillii1>,"IUBJnrol'l<l'llik"e!a''lfJl~ll1,ill!~•':®11:..._11if-,.,;if!!iiili>l1'11&fll!i1JRJlF!!illfil1G:iffili;ffi!iilligg;~K&ti1l ffl!!~~~~~~!Ei!tJ'¥J;:.1!4]~ffllt1Ultli!il!!liti21i@~fuli!dS!Zilllliffi~~Hh~:W;f'@!p'li!f,h'2:f;,t,Ml~~@'0f~ifY;~lfMK~ V olu ine T Ota.I 4 . 65;; 79 . . .. .. ... . . ..... .. .. .. . Volume Left o O 12 V9luTT1e Right 4 33 0 cSH Voluine toCapaoity Queue Length (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approaci;l Delay M Approach LOS 1020 0.00 0 8.5 A 8.5 A lntersection,Capadty Utilization garrysbell-st51 1700 1537 0.04 0.01 0 1 0.0 1.2 A 0.0 1.2 14.4% ' 1Ctl LeyeFof Serv.ice A Synchro 5 Report Page 1 2007 w/o Project Liberty Gardens -t PM PEAK HOUR May 14 1 2004 ~~-~""'-"llllillmii•fflll!lll~'o;f'~!il!!E(l:3~')"13~m~~~im~-T~~!l;i"l'I' fffi]¥i~~~s~D'\5' ~!ll~~",1WW:1i~J~IR~"·'~· ... ~~~ .l!._i~~~ll~&l Lane Configurations 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ §ign,'f)<m!r,,1 ' 'Stop" · • _;,";::,, ,J•§lop;..,.,;,;:; ''' .Aree''i i:;fee!<';:;;t;:< Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% li,li:il~1J1e{v§t\lt\) . ?!l. 14'" T B4•!;: :11 6 0 3 '.·\O Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 fjoii(fy flgyti'f)tEli(vE,hlh);; ,.; <:26 7 ;!0;• 3 0 Pedestrians i..ati1iVVl~ffJ'(I!/ Walking Speed (ft/s) Pe/c,ent}Bloc:l<age_ Right turn flare (veh) Mfcii;Jian;olyp§" None . Median storage veh) VGteoflf!ipti,;ig V()IUl)le 242 252 ; 97 ?3§1'> g40 , Ei<l, vC1, stage 1 cont vol v¢2,st@e'f@co~fvoi, ·. tC, single (s) i<:i, g stage,( s) , IF (s) p()_queuefree % cM capacity (veh/h) 7.1 3.5 99 691 6.5 4.0 00. 634 6.2 3.3 3.5 3.3 •JOO 100 :roo .99 959 700 643 1013 1489 2.2 ., .. _)),9'' 1528 li&l--i-~ii1l1E~l--JIIT~llllllffllllll._i'ITTf~I! vd1t1foe"1'0\ar , · · ·· · · 10 ·· · f . \.la ti'll · · · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· · ·· · · ·· ··· · ···· · · · ····· ····· · ·· · ··· ···· · · · · ··· · ··· · · Volume Left 7 O 26 15 VolJme,fligh\ . 3 ;7 3.5 :12 cSH 762 885 1489 1528 Vol~me to Capacity 0.01 . 0.01 :!l.02 0.01 Queue Length (ft) 1 1 1 1 Controlj)elay (s) 9.8 9:1 ; 2.1 LO Lane LOS A A A A AJ?J?roach Dsilay(s) 9.8 9.1 2.1 1.0 Approach LOS A A ,_l!o'>ll11'1ll!"'"'lilil'"*'.wlf""'l~i,i;,.Dl.Jlr~iil'~!lssli!;'!;'ii!4ii;!'~·!il;5;111!-issill!.!!l'illfflf!lll--!!!!!i'~i~~-~i!!Jt Mi!!mt~L~-~,\9&L.J}D~1t@dn!i!ffl!hlWfl~t~~lli1HfL" ,,, , 3K.mz@~!wlMt&1&d,1~~~,,~-~ ,JiL '"~!lillfltl®f ,~~W!£L __ Average Delay 2.1 Intersection CapacitYUtilizatioti ·1 :ZA% · JCLJ;Level. of Service garrysbell-st51 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 2007 w/Project Liberty Gardens --t PM PEAK HOUR May 14 1 2004 ••!i'"~~,-~1:,,";'-Bffl;1ffi'ffi!!~ia~~o~l·i:i"l~li1fi!i!~mKfflml!!!i;''""!~''~!4''?l!lS&'1!11,"1~ !!;!",,t~~~ ,,,,.,.B'81:.mi'!~~~~!ra~ft'm,J~JflijfalfrfEf,m[uimlf~~~~~ Lane Configurations 4 4 4 4 S/gnJ:;orlf'91 .st§lt ,,(!.}$lgp ,.; ,,;; ,,, , .;••.,, ~ref · ·.···•··.·· ;; Eree • 'f;.fi!'' i;rud:!'> (veh/h) O% O% 8 . •24 °J; . . .•• ll, .. ]i;f f~ ~' cj) Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hcjufly flpw rate (ven/ril 91 12 Pedestrians L<1l\§l'V\'i~tlr (ft) ... ,, .. ,., .. · Walking Speed (ft/s) f>eic'iartt Blockage Right turn flare (veh) tvl§di<)b type · NpheY< · · · Median storage veh) vC:,cpQf/iptlngvoluJll~(i ''270 ., 286 · 9i';. , 262 91 vC 1 , stage 1 con! vol 1102, ista§ei:2 c:onf vol IC, single (s) 4. 1 tC, 2 stage (s) IF (s) 2.2 4.0 3.3 2.2 pO queue free % 98 99 \99! .; i'\18 cM capacity (veh/h) 1504 656 671 620 1000 1489 Volume Left 7 10 v&1wrne Right cSH 733 754 Volurneto.·Capacity· 0.01 0;03 Queue Length (ft) 2 Control Delay (s) 10.0 9.9 Lane LOS A A Approash Delay (s) 0 10.0 e:9 Approach LOS A A Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization garrysbell-st51 26 .. ,54 1489 ·•m.02 1 ·r.a A 1 2.6 19.'3% 23 12 1504 0.02 1 A l.4 !CU Le\iel orsl'frvic.e A Synchro 5 Report Page 1 .. <:i "-! " ht le " 11,~ 1 o'o ~ .. " 'l a . " Cl\~ ~"' II/ "4 0 "l"l " I\ a .. h''°,.: 11 ~ It " ti,· .s-,~.,, ~o '-oo. B" ----r • ~ .. V " .. ~~ " "' .. j .. ~ 7 .,11, " V • Ill .. ' • :ii "' "' q; C:•' II/ , II "l °'o.8 "'" t ~ .. V ~ ' Ill "' ll ~ ~ ST. -, \~ </) /~ lJ '< /\-, 1Z:::: a. <( :i w. "' ~ " ~ 0::: .... II ~ .. Om~ ~-~ U) -w "1 "' :c -l V w ><~ "' w II) U) k~. <( ,() /~· ... "1 V 4-ft,t;. <.s-.s,,1.,0~.> oil/'5 ~02.-~ ' k~ I!'. ~'I • ,. . _,,. "' . , ... ~.... . c,o _x L ,,,9,.,.,,.0 L() WI !\I OCTj c:.iN -ni 1 l 0 z ('Y) wl U1 w > <( :s: Ul --------------.... ·.s-.e9.a'--- ® King County ~.q.23QS902"9 1,&1:S.TJ!L Co1mly Boundary ~ Streets Patt:eJ Incorporated Area /V Fish and Ditch Wil:llife Neh«>rl SAO St1'8.am ~ o ... , ~2?e--sn.ii: /V CJZ2Samcnd ,// """"' (oYC./ Home News Services legend UOO.bSkd D Lakes and Large RMI rs Ezl FDadway D 100 Yeaf fl:Jodplain m SAO \t\'eUiind E:31 SAO Landslide ffl SAO Coal Mme ll'li:1 SAO SeiSme: SAO Ero$Dn LandSide Hazard Drai1age Ama m --,_, Comments Search ,~,o .. ··--. M¥MO?SC :· - , ' ~ 7695500,~ information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without ootice. County makes no representations or vwananties, express or implied, as to accmacy, complel&nass., til,teli~. or rights to the use of such · n. KirQ County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, ilcidenlal. or consequential darrmges includq, ~ not Hniled to, st revenues or lost profits resulting ftom the use or misuse oftha information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or inkw11ation on · ma is · exce wrid&n · · n of Co lg_ng c_o_ll.illY. I GIS Center I Ne~ I ~ry~ I Q:!.mments I Search By visiirlg this and other King Colriy 'Wl9b pages, you expressly agree lo be bound by terms and conditions of the sile. The details. SENSITIVE AREAS INFORMATION EXHIBIT F Map Output ® King County SlNels Parcel J-,/ F.ish and Ditch Lakes and large Rivets Home News Services Comments Search Legend WLRO Ofainage Complaints ~ Topo Contouts {5n) information inciuded on 1his map hos-· compile<l by King County stall fl<>m • variety of sau,ces and is subjod to change wi1hoUt notice. County makes no rep,-esentations or warranties, expntss or in1)1ied, as to acic:\.ncy, completeness, unelness, or rights to the use of such Jlnlom,atio· n. King County shal not be liable for any -'· spodal, indnct. -1. or __.tial c1a.._ including, but not limhd to, st revenues or lost pro&s resulting from the use or rrisuse of the information ,contained on 1his map. Any sale of this n¥1P or information on is nw is exce 'Mllen · n of · Co King County I GIS Cente_r I Ne>NS I Services I Comments I Search Bf visimgthis and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bol.W\d by terms and conditions oflhe site.~ details. SWM Division Drainage Investigation information EXHIBIT G ------------------·--~-- JRi. 0.2001 5:0,4PM KC I.JJ<D -t-0.642 ... P:3/'9 . ~UNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVIS1ellf DR.AffiAGE INVESTIGATION REJ;'ORT Pago 1!. INVESllGATIOtH!EQtJEST .--1·,,,, /. (/:--L/ Date: /}qf;>' ~~,j by: FloNa. 97-,JQ(p LotNo:. i/ . Block NO: o:he.-ag~ lnvolvBd: No _Reid lni,astlgatlon Needrd _~- . -• • • fl,,Do,A1 b}"YWtMmwr t'i ¥§¥Ff-t@AA@Af¥WfWJ¥00~@:4*tttf&4.™ .2£_~ Z-3. ~ Parcel Na.. 7.2 5:;;1,,_0//0 !<roll ?i? £' · ·Thllr=t,lew@5?p'. 1)4. & _T ___ R_ -• 01d 2/5f-f.. Basln .LQf · Counci Olst / 2 Cho,ge No: _ Lead agency has bBEtl notmed= Pmbl~m has been corrected.. -_::_:cN'c-o~pro=bl~em~has~7b~ee_n...,.ld~e7ntifi"'· "'ed.,------apccrioc:::r-;;1m=ti=-'ga=ti=cn:-:ad=dcc=sc:cs=es:-:pco,o;:-•t -S-•F.a# • Priv.;de problem r NOAP w,71 no: consJder b~CBuse...r .-_. ---~al.at'" originatu;; onshe and/or on nalghboring parccl • Location Js outside SWM seNice· Ne.a. -·• . DATE Cl.OS'=.o,_i_,}J~_5;.:2 hr---{2.. /J._;,i_,-_ _·_O!her(Specify), .. . r1c1Jrf· mU' Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD '- '- '- '-.. .. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. t- t- ~ ~ t t e f f! 41 J~. 8.2001 5:04PM KC~ Compl:ullt 97-206; Don GIZW:&. 16o46 SE 142"" Pl, llenton In-vcstigatcd b)' · s~ Groom 0n o 1/14/97 P.4./9 Dvr~ G.rq:: hw lived at fui:: a~ ~ locMi.OI1 &Ulcc the early 605. (.'!m-house w;;i,s SK::COnd buill !11 the rievelapment). Surface &tocm: WlltU :Uows bepn flooding lus g,u,qc approxim.ndy fi""C ye.an a.go. Al his own c:xpa,..s:1!: at 'lha1 time. he brought a back hoe m.10 cut a dnina&c ditch ahq: tbt: back' side of Im propecty. "Illis open trax:h ~ "Jd.icf during~ precipitatiOlJ lffl'!r2ts 5tUfaoc: ~ mines aronnd" his property. Storm ~t~ does breech the lOp occasiooan,,. The diccb. !ills: ~ up and he cl:c.u-5 the ditch m dcwi5 that 1loatt 6cr,lrn .and ttduoes.f1ow • .Be walks the dr.rina,:e ditch during" darm C'Yttltll (be wasn't af'Ol.llld:Eor the lest storm cvcDf) to oosc:rve its functioruslity as a precanti.on as wdt. FL:: wan:t5 tbc dninagc to oontimJe down 160~ Ave SE iDsti::ad.. or a ~ system anrond bis a.nd. Deigbbar"1 _ptOpc::rty. Apparmdy, as devdopmc:o1 DOrtb oCltis pn,pe:tty ku incn:::ascd addidonaJ :nwoais wncemrakd in:tn the dr.linagc along 160• A-n SR and ~tty rum·IQ his property_ I60°' Ave SE_ St~:ndi:a,1p•Jrt.a, nmoff.:&om l~ A-v,: SE ~KC! Imo this: uca.. ~ perc.obtion. &egg g,id the land om't be~ hec:zusc they doa't have the ~on for :iufihratiDq, gf xptic s.yslCmS". SE 142"" Place --. -. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I Jff't. e.200.1 5:05PM KC '-LRD N0.642 P.7/3 Mr-Gra.gg i.• ~nc-.rned about continuing upstreaml dilt.-.lopa:r,ent •hi.ch typica11y rft,e\ll.ta, .i.n •ore e-ur.t"ac-wat...r -fl~• ~gh hi.• drai..-naga di.tch lUld occae1.ooail.y i.nto hi.• y....rd~ :t eir::pL,11.Lned. that for .l.a.rg~ dli!"f"Rl.Opmenta Vh8re 1DO:c-e than ~.ooo •qu~xe f• .. t cf .imperv.Loue eurfe.e,ae ar• cOZ'U!rtructed~ the daval.opar• • englnee.:c :i..• onl.y requ..i.red "t;o rev.Lew_ tbff drain.age ~---· a c-11.pacity up to one qua..rt..r o-r .._ •.11e do-rnetren111. t'rom thR proposed plat•• outl.et pol.nt. :J'or ai.ngle boPtc•it••,, tb.,,re. .S..e :D0%111A1..ly no down~ an.a..lyai.e requj..red •i..nce th~ i.• u-.al..ly ].ea• tb..n 5,000 equau:-e :feat c:f new .i.&pe~i.0<:1e -=~•cei;11 eonet:nteted. ::t ...gqeat.ed that Kc. craqg l.ook fox baval.o.-ent ;is:lgiuii a1onq .160th DDrt.h of hi.a b.c--Nha:n h• .... new aignl'I, .h• can att.•nd pul:tl.ic he.ar.lngB and wx:i..to& l.ettere expJ::*•eip,g hi-• con.ce.rna and out.l.1.ni.nq hi• clrai..na.ge impaet111. Ro eol.uti.011 to thi..• drainage pr::obl-wae 1.d.enti.fi.ad. :Mr. C-ra~ r~•t4d that we cl..ean out blu dral.nage di.tch. We o:t:f:e.rcd to cl.oan out: part of hi• ditch J..f ou.r contractor e:a.n get. the n11coe11.-ry equipment froin G::r:-.aqq• a dri..vew.a.y into 1c.b ... di.tch. 3 ml.£ i N~OZO\!J E~Q\?:Ei:::ZIH{t Y ..;';. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD . ..T~-0_2001 5=04Pt1 kB:: HDAP ZVALU'ATJ:ON :FOR c:oMl"LAl.tl'? lfO. 9"7-0206 GRAGG 16046 A 14.2:tm PLACE JlDTOII 235-0168 rra7.,D EV&L. 3-7-~7 BT l.'1.A)i( HBYER.S. OLD Pl:LKS, JKaS BP.f711POOW!lz PJ.-.aa -the att.a.ehed, dr~ complai_n:t: i.11vwut.Lgat.i.on report dat:...:l 1-~4-97 by Sean Orooe- F.IJID:IMJ6: Si.nee th.,. probl .. .,,.-t• a.l.1 o:f the HD.AP project cri.teri.a 1..i.a~ be.low, .it qu:al.1-£1.e. for and h-11.11 been. iov~•ti.gated undctr the JII.OJU> progr.,.. • J"be prot>l.-ai.te ie lt'.i:t:.hi.n the SliK •ervioe ara• and dne1111 not 1..n...-olve a~ Oou.nty (XC) cod• vi.ol&ti.on. • 1'bR pr1:1b1ea •it••~• evidence o~ or reported l..oca1:i%,ad fl.ood.lng,. eroaion and/or ~1-entat.ton vi-th.in thlfll off ro-.d drainage .yatRSa on pr~v.te rea.i.dentinl a»d/or ~rcial propart.y due in part to l•ter upatre-4e~1op:nen.t • • Tll,e p:c-o~l.esa i.a c•u•ed by aurface w11.ter .from .o:ra tha.o one adjo~~lng property. soXLS: Accord~-'"} to th• ~ eoil• -p, tbe •ite i.o 1ocated .i.n the fq.llowing tioi.l aei;.oci..liltion: AI-DERWOOD ASSOCIAT:J:OII:: Xoderata1y -11 dr•i.ned. undQ..la.t.ing to Zli.J.ly soil• t:ha.t h&ve d•nue, vr;7:y al.owly permeable g1aci.e,..l t:.i._ll. at a. c)apth of. 20 t:o CO .i.nC"haa; on upland::, and ter.racos .. :I. ar.e,t vi.t..h Kr. Gragg on H.4.rch. 7th and tou:r8d h.1.e property_ A.a develoi-nt oonti.nu•• 1..o. t::b. appro3C"i.toate 60 acre dr•d . .nage b-.in :north of hla property·. ,nore. dra.inagtill water hac be.en rout-ed •OU.th into the pon4 1ocated ju8t KW of hi..G property which tbe.o. drai.xu, •.a.at •nd tK>Utb aroqntJ the edqlii! of hii;. prope.J,ty_ 1 TTl\£ Drainage Complaints -Fl"om the Files of KCWLRD JU'!.. 8.2001 5:05PM KC <LRll N0.&42 P."-"' -----,._=_ ...... -~ He ~equeeted that th~ d.rain•g• f10'W'~ng •outn aiong tne eaet nid• of 160th Av.nue Sll: be r~ted. •tr&ight eoutb alo~g tbe eaat aide of 160~ p,a.,u:. SE !..,2nd Pl•c• rather thaA the current route ...tu.ch rl.ov• ••rt and sO'll.t:h around. hi• F°~.rty. Kr. C.r-gg ata.t:..od that --ral.. Long t•X".9' rlli'•1.dent• ha,,. told hinl the dr~ ~ t.O CJ.ow &tL"a.i.9ht aoutb alo11.g tha ..,...t and •••t •id~• of 160 all~ way dOWD to SE 144th. X 9tatQd that may be true. but th .. ex1rt1.ng d.rai.n&ge ~ttern i.• old ~ cannot ba r~vi••d bacauue it ie conuiderad ~.be eatab1~eh.ed dr&1-ft~ pattern for hl• ttrua. I: .:-e-vi...:Wftd bi.a and hlu two nei.ghbor·• dr~ rela.ted. lmp.acta and aco.ri&d tba probl.em at 14 wi.th bia 9araga aD(]. -XX-i.c ~ imp,a.,;t• and ya.rd daanv• to two ~-. Al.though. ~ 1aat £-y.ar• b>l...-,,. lJ,,a,o.n onpecial.J.y -t -.nd b•d, r r•ted tho event frequency-at l.O ~-once av,a~ 2-5 yeA.r• uhi.ch i.• S\Y curtt....te 0£ the frequency of bow often hi.a --rt:ci-c •Y•t-wi1l. 1-•~1-y ilapa.ct.-4 OY&!:l': tho 1ong term. Ar. cragg-at.a~ tha.t hi.u pmaped ect".t"luent sapt-1-c •y•t-has ""°rkRd t:i.ne :ror tbe -rt.rat l.5 ye&ra. llownwerr he ha• ~ up r.our pa:mp6 "i.tbi..n the l.ast thrwe ~ara. dus to the .1.nc:reaoed gro~torr :C1~ J,..nto bi.• •epti.c tank/dr&i.n:Ci.el.d area. Proal hi.u wet/dry eee.oon obnervatinna1 he i.• con.vi.nee.d that ~•t or. the ~ter cc::NDeD :f"roa the di:-ai.nnge dit:.ch lacatod just a.bo?e h.i..D di:: .u.n.:f i•ld _ wa ravi.ewvd way• o~ protecting hi.s eeptic draidfia1d f:J;om the ~ of g~oundwa.t,er froor, the uph.i.11 pODd and dra.i..nsga ditch. w ... di.•C11•eed wayo to ec~i the earthen d~tch it•~l£ Qai..ng a p1a.ti.c li~ or• 1-rge h.ir..l:f i:-ound or fu1J. pi.pe •ecti.Dni• aloD9 about 50 :r-t o;f di.tch at>o-hi11 d.i:-ainf.i.eld-I point&d out that con11i.der..t)le greundwater a\ay atill £1ow ~rotn north to south b,Q,1°"' th.. ditch •~ion oo that •ealing tbe d~t~h ~ay not eo1ve the prob1...:D- Depending on ~ depth to b.Jlrdpan, &J1 .i.mpervi.ouo vertical. l.ayur-o:( plagtic o,:-1-ntoni.t6 Plurry .located uphi.11 o~ hi.a dr~infi.eld be~~n hiP dra1.n~.i.el4 a.ad the ditch would probab1y be t.ba --..~•at and ,0011t e:t"fective eol.uticw LO thia probl--Thi• i~pervi.oq• la~r WO'l.lld run fron. Lhe qround •urfaco down to the hardpan layer vbcre i.t woo.la be kay11d down i...nto tne ha.rd pan layer. Becau•e such a l..a.yer woul.d .re11tri.ct th• flCN o:f ground water, higher groundwater J.evela mi.ght reault i.n thie pllrt of Gragg•e: yard vi.th more groundwater •urfac.1.ng du:r;ing oehe vet ••••on v,;rpecia1ly J1Q.ar eacb end of •uch &n i.mparw.iou.1111 wall. rcu,ul.ti.nq in t110ru -t eeaaon aur:Cacoe ,.ra.tur oQep~ej flow• ~ icy con.di ti one on porti..on11 o~ Mr. cragg"s dri.veway. .l"Or a:Ay work th.io cl.oee to th& drai.nfiu}d. any yard dr•i.n or i.mpervi.ouB faci1i.ty of thie k.i.nd wauld h.ave to be revi.ewe<l and a~ftd. by the icing County Ha•1th DBpartment {Wnyn@ oisen at 296-9737). 2 mLE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD :r:-~ I . Ag8 /· I I I I ==.,,,.~jJh~.,,·s,;··aa·~· I • . : -~ : ' I I I I --:CJS,ti.,;,-==ba=."~\.. -••••• : ··15·· I I I I I I I I I I AgC o=::.7_-- 14 ...... ~ · "" . " II -·.11 -.:: . ' ' . . . - --· . __ EvB • i " • -~ . "· -~ .. AgD AgC I I I I I I I I I I I ., ... ------. -· .. · __ ..._--i....:. ... .-_ ....... · ___ -:- I BM 574 . . -. SOILS MAP EXHIBITH SCALE: 1"=2000' t • II • • • • • ' \ ... Pc i-t " • ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... 'i h\ §lllDl Lower Cedar Rlvar Locatior Drainage ID component Type, Name, and Size see Type: sheet flow, swale, map stream, channel, pipe. Size: diameter, width 1 400LF CHANNEL 100LF OF 2 DISPERSING CHANNEL 3· 50LF VEGETATED AREA 4 ROCK DAM 40'X5'X3' 5 DETENTION FACILITY 130'x40' 3:1 SLOPES 6 55LF 18" CMP 7 TYPE I CB 8 122LF 18" CMP 9 TYPE I CB 10 31 SLF 18" CMP 11 TYPE I CB 12 206LF 18" CMP LIBERTY GARDENS OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Drainage Distance from Component Slope Site Discharge Description drainage basin, 114 mlle=1,320 ft vegetation, cover, depth, (%) (Fn tvne of sensitive area SOUTH 4' WIDE 2' DEEP 1-2% PROPERTY LINE WOODED AREA 2.0% SOUTHWEST OF PROPERTY BLACKBERRY BRUSH 2.0% 500-550 PARTIALLY COVERED NIA 550 IN BLACKBERRY BRUSH GRASS LINED 0.5'% 550-680 UNDER SE 144TH ST. 1.0% 680-735 5.2' DEEP NIA 735 ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 735-857 7.5' DEEP NIA 857 ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 857-1173 6.4' DEEP NIA 1173 ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 1173-1379 SEE EXHIBIT C Site Visit 1012312003 Weather CLEAR Existing Potential Observations of Field Problems Problems Inspector, Resource Reviewer, or Resident constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of overtopplng, scouring, bank sloughing, problem, overflow sedimentation, Incision, other erosion COLLECTS WATER FROM NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE NORTH SHEET FLOW WATER FROM NORTH AND CARRIES EROSION OF FROM CHANNEL. MAY NEED SEDIMENTS NATIVE SOIL SOUTH STABILIZATION NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE VEGETATION AND EARTH LINED NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE WATER FILTRATION NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE GOOD WORKING CONDITION NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE GOOD WORKING CONDITION NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (N,S,E) 18" CMP OUTLET (\N\ 18" CMP NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE OUTLET WEST INLET (E) 18" CMP NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (SW) 12" CONC. OUTLET fW'I 18" CMP NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (E) 18" CMP OUTLET fWl 18" CMP NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER LIBERTY GARDENS OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE iUJD.i. Lower Cedar River 'LocatiOI Drainage Drainage Distance from Existing Potential Observations of Field ID component Type, Component Slope Site Discharge Problems Problems Inspector, Resource Name, and Size Description Reviewer, or Resident see Type: sheet flow, swale, drainage basin, 1/4 mile=1,320 ft constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of map stream, channel, pipe. vegetation, cover, depth, (%) (Fn overtopplng, scouring, bank sloughing, problem, overflow Size: diameter, width tvne of sensitive area sedimentation, Incision, other erosion 13 TYPE I CB 4.5' DEEP NIA 1378 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (E) 18" CMP OUTLET IWl 18" CMP 14 40LF 18" CMP ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 1378-1418 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER 5' DEEP INLET (E) 18" CMP 15 TYPE I CB LOCKING GRATE NIA 1418 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (N) 12" PVC OUTLET lWl 18" CMP 16 130LF 18" CMP ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 1418-1548 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER 17 TYPE I CB 4.5' DEEP NIA 1548 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (E) 18" CMP OUTLET lWl 18" CMP 18 154LF 18" CMP ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 1548-1703 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER 19 TYPE I CB 4.5' DEEP NIA 1703 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (E) 18" CMP OUTLET Mfl 18" CMP 20 174LF 18" CMP ALONG ROADSIDE 1.0% 1703-1877 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE AC PAVEMENT COVER INLET (E) 18" CMP 21 TYPE I CB 4.9' DEEP NIA 1877 NONE VISIBLE NONE VISIBLE INLET (N) 12" CMP OUTLET lWl 18" CMP ,' SEE EXHIBIT C ' ' "' r- ? A ~ ' ' \ ' ' 0 ' ~I ,) ( \ I ~ Site Plan of Liberty Gardens EXHIBIT J SCALE: 1" = 100' iii I ''• "' z 0 , -- w :::, z w '" w ::, z w '" w > <( " I "' w I-g "' ~ SE 14 SE 136TH STREET SE '137TH a z N ~ I ~ I 161ST AVENUE -/SE 162ND AVENUE SOUTHEAST S;& ~ SE y.51"\-\ § ~ SE 146TH PLACE "' m 23 z C: m % *' 111 161ST COURT SOUTHEAST \, ~ I-; w ::, z w > <( r .... ~~ 135TH STREET w '" w I ~ "' S0lJTHEAST PLACE ZONE X ~ w I- ::, "' z"" w WW ~~ "' ::, w I g SE 143R0 u i :'.I ptACE a. I .... "' ~ I-,___ "' "' <( :3 w 1 IE .... ::, :::, 0 0 SE V, 145TH "' STREET .... w "' ::, "" z w w I w '" .... u ::, :'i 0 "' n. w j a. r I-I I ~ I-lo "' ~ ~ SE 147TH l--162ND COURT S0U1HEAST SE 132ND STREET r I-a, ~ SOUTHEAST 134TH w w "' "' w w ::, ::, z z w w '" '" I " b z N " " 136TH \ \ 138TH STf .... "' <( .... w "' I "" I-w ::, I 0 I- "' ::, 0 "' SOUTHEAST w w ::, z ::, w z > w <( '" SOUTHEAST I \;; ~ .... V, E SOUTHEAST .... V, c1i iE ::, 0 "' w u :'i FEMAMAP n. •• :r: EXHIBIT D j , .... \e SCALE: 1"= 500' STREET 169TH AVENUE SOUTI-tEAST ="-0, , ( \ I I \ ) ' \ \ I "' \ ... \ ' I '-,, ' ·i 'c ~ 2 :Z II o' & s ' g \ ' \.. ,-•At,:arm1 '-"-' ', \ ' " ' '-- I § . ~ / § / / / I ' :i' '·- '" 8 ""' !.~ "' ':' --,, "---' '·, ' ',_, \ \ )I /" / / I / II ,/', ~,/// / I I !/ / / a/;/ /,, / / /',/' // / ,/ / / I II , /' / I H"l,\Y"HIIIII ,/· I _.. ... .,,..,,. .. - / / ) \ \ II / .• -,n:11111 / _./ _,/ ~ -~ ~ -.._ '-. "- / ·' / / - I l.n,iM~r' I ~ LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GARDENS CLIENT: David M. Petrie 811 South 273'd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 Phone: (253) 946-6619 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 PROJECT: 01-540 DATE: Nov. 12, 2003 TASK 1: TASK2: TASK 3: TASK4: TASK 5: Appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 1 O. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Gardens TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Gardens development will include two separate parcels, located approximately 630 feet north of the intersection of 144th Avenue SE and SE 162"d Street (if extended). The property is between 162"d Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE (if both streets were extended). The north half of the site is parcel 1457500145, while the south half is parcel 1457500150. The parcels are located within the SE quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. There are no existing structures on site. The site is mostly covered with trees and shrubs. The site has a total area of approximately 9 acres, and generally drains to the south. There is a Class 3 intermittent stream in the southwest comer, with associated Class2 riparian wetland surrounding the stream. A wetland and stream analysis report, dated September 9, 2002, was prepared by B-twelve Associates, Inc. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SGS). On-Site Drainage Analysis The site has an average slope of approximately 1 O percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow, which is then collected by a channel carrying water southwesterly. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, the site receives runoff from approximately 1 O acres. The upstream basin consists of woods, brush and a portion of the play field of Liberty High School. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern and eastern property line. Water also enters the site via the stream at the southeast comer of the site. The stream will be separated from the development area by a SO-foot buffer. Since the stream and its upstream basin will not affect the proposed development, this basin will not be discussed in detail in this report. Downstream Drainage System Description The project site is within the Lower Cedar Basin of the Cedar River Basin. The site presently discharges into an earth-lined channel at its south property line. Water then flows southwesterly to the eastern side of the162"d Avenue SE ROW and disperses into sheet flow south, within the 162"d AVE SE ROW. Further south, water passes through a rockery dam located approximately 150 feet north of the north ROW line of SE 144th ST. Water then enters a small detention pond within the 162nd Avenue SE ROW. From the detention facility, water is conveyed across SE 144th Street via 18" CMP culvert. Water then travels west within 18" conveyance facilities along the southern side of SE 144 th Street. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of thirty-eight single-family residential lots within the two parcels. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be part of the development. Stormwater facilities will be provided, and will be sized per the guidelines with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design ManuaL The new detention facility will be constructed in the south portion of the site, and will be sized per the Level 2 Flow Control criteria. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the stream at the southwest property corner. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. 2. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat Evendell Plat is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of SE 136111 Street and 160111 Avenue SE. We also reviewed the Level I Off-site Analyses for Liberty Grove and liberty Grove Contiguous. The two plats are located in the northwest and southeast corners of the previously mentioned intersection. The three projects are required to upgrade downstream facilities, but does not affect liberty Gardens. 3. Sensitive Areas Information We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a stream with associated wetlands has been identified in the southwest corner of the site. A wetland and stream report, dated September 9, 2003, was prepared by B-twelve Associates, Inc. 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information A map showing the location of the different drainage complaints within the area is included in this report as Exhibit G. There is only one drainage complaint within Y. mile downstream. Complaint No. 97-206 is attached. The complaint is about off-site flows impacting the property. Discharge from the site will bypass this property, and will therefore not affect said property. Furthermore, since no complaints have been made since 1997, it appears that the problem has been fixed. 5. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. I TASK 3: Field Inspection The conveyance facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility was inspected. The following was performed as part of the inspection. 1. 2. 3. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review Please see Exhibits G and I and also Task 2 of this report. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems There were no existing or potential problems identified. 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping. Scouring, Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation 5. See Exhibits I Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit, there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use. Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures See Exhibits C and I. 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 At the time of the site visit, the tributary Plll~ins \jescribed in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. -· · ' .. · · · ' . 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area There were no neighbors available during our site visit. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on October 23, 2003. The sky was clear that day. 1. 2. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description Drainage System Descriptions: As previously stated, runoff from the site and upstream areas leaves the site at the south property line and travels south. The individual drainage components are listed in Exhibit I, and are shown in Exhibit C. Except for the stream that enters the adjacent property to the south, the remaining downstream conveyance facilities are with public ROW. Problems: Most of the conveyance components are in good condition and have adequate size. There is some erosion in Point 2. (See Exhibits C and I), which may have to be stabilized. TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems This development involves the creation of thirty-eight single-family residential lots within the two parcels. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be part of the development. Stormwater facilities will be provided, and will be sized per the guidelines with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The new detention facility will be constructed in the south portion of the site, and will be sized per the Level 2 Flow Control criteria. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the stream at the southwest property comer. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. / I r SE 136TH ST SE 137TH PL ;:i tx w w V) V) w > w w ti > > <( <( 0 SITE I z I- N OCl co co I---~ ~ w I V) I --I- sj-w I co > ~ <( SE 144TH ST I w I-V) I'- co -1 ~ 0... VIONITY MAP sck..E.: 1*-900".f EXHIBIT A \'J r DRAINAGE BASIN MAP EXHIBIT B DN,'; J . ·. 1 [Traffic Consultants! PO Box 547 Preston, WA 98050-0547 425-392-1308 Date: April 17, 2007 To: Ty Pendergraft RECEIVE:!) JUL l ' ··: ,, ! Luu/ From: Subject: Eagle Creek Land Development Gary A. Norris, PE, P T.O.E. DN Traffic Consultants Threadgill/Cava Ila/Liberty Gardens Response to KC Traffic Comment KING COUNTY I.AND USE SERVICES This memorandum was prepared to address a question raised by Kris Langley KCDOT, at the February meeting of the Threadgill ct al applicants with King County DOES. Specifically, Kris requested an evaluation of the following: If signalization were warranted at the 156'" Avenue SE/SE 136'" Street intersection would: 1. Would some of the southbound traffic demand shift rrom the 162"" Avenue SE/SE 144'" Street/156'" Avenue SE/SR 169 route to the SE 136'" Street/156'" Avenue SE/SR I (i9 route? 2. What is your professional opinion about the reduction along 162"'1 Avenue SE and the increase along SE 136'" Street, if any? To address these questions, I will respond in the order they arc presented. SignalizatiQ!l First, the questions are based on the premise that signalization would be wan-anted. A review of the prevailing traffic volumes and the MUTCD traffic signal warrants indicate the mtersection docs not meet applicable warrants in the 2008 with project volume scenario. Warrants considered included Warrant I -Eight Hour Wanant, Condition A and B; Warrant 2 -Four-Hour Vehicular Volume; Warrant 3 -Peak Hour; and Warrant 7 -Crash Experience. (There have been no accidents during the latest three year period evaluated). Projecting the 2008 with project volumes at the eunent growth rate (6 percent per year), signal warrants would be met in 17 years or approximately 2025. Unless, the County is willing to consider signalization without warrants, it is unlikely that a signal will be constructed in the time frame of this development proposal. Southbound Traffic Shift If the SE 136th Street/156'1' A venue SE intersection were signalized, it appears that the anticipated delay for eastbound and westbound traffic will be significantly higher than it currently is under the two-way stop scenario. As presented in the TIA (Technical Appendix), the approach delay for the eastbound and westbound traffic under the two- way stop control is 125.9 seconds and 63.9 seconds respectively. With signalization this increases to 401.4 seconds and 241 .4 seconds respectively. This condition results from an optimized signal timing which seeks to minimize overall intersection delay. Since the eastbound and westbound PM peak hour volumes are insignificant, 36 and 20 vph respectively, compared to the north and south bound traffic, 415 and 949 vph respectively, Syncro seeks to minimize the delay by providing more "green tin1c" to the north -south movement while the cast -west movements wait. Therefore, if the signal were to operate in an optimized manner significant delay would be realized on SE 1361 " Street which would compel the motorist to seek other routes. An evaluation of the travel time via both routes indicates under nmmal circumstances, where the delay realized at the SE !36'h Street/156'' Avenue SE intersection didn't have such an imr,act on route selection, the plat of Threadgill would select the SE 136!1' Strect/156" Avenue SE route to SR 169 whereas the other two plats, Liberty Gardens and Cavalla would select 162nd Avenue SE. This is based on the assumption that the motorist will select the minimum travel time path. Obviously, human nature doesn't always work that way. If the extension of 162nd Avenue SE is not constructed, then the SE 1361 " Street/156'" Avenue SE route has the faster travel time for all three plats and it is assun1cd. Professional Opinion Regarding Divers~on Based 011 the foregoing analysis and previous analysis of traffic flow patterns in this area, it 1s my opinion that traffic from these plats bound to/from the south and SR 169, will always seek alternative routes to the 156'" Avenue SE/SE 136 1h Street route because of the delay encountered at this intersection. The construction of l62"d Avenue SE will not change this conclusion although it will ofter a faster travel time for Cavalla and Liberty Gardens. The plat of Threadgill will not benefit from the construction of 162nd Avenue SE other than through the provision of another alternative route. I hope this addresses the question in a satisfactory manner. If you have any questions, please call me at ( 425)765-572 l or by e-mail at gary.norris@comcast.net. Thanks, Gary 2 (643) 676 - (64) 378 t -(416) 749 t (151) 484 11 ~ L 00/ ~"" (0) 4 ----(624) 1049 j t l r<9) 5J (1) 17 _J 1 t ~ (891) 863 -I (16) 63 t <0-L .::...::.. 1 j l -(6JJ) 419 (6) 24 _J (190) 653 - SE 128th Street f;l ... _~ L ;:.~.;-(7) 7 ----(0)1 J+Lr<3)6 (11) 13 _J (1) 1- (20) 22 t 1tr lo ,_ "' L ';c'~ 0 (9) 0 ----(4) 3 j t l t(3) l (3) 4 _J (3) 4- (12) 11 t 1tr (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK DN TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS w V, • 0 C • > " £ ;,; ~ w V, • 0 C • > " £ 0 :" £ 0 ~ w V, • 0 C • > <C 5 w ~ V, :" • SE 132nd Street 0 C • > < 5 ~ :" SE 134th Street Threadgill Cavalla w V, • 0 C ~ < £ "' :" w V, • 0 C ~ < £ rn :" SE 136th Street w V, • , C ~ < Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES W/0 PROJECT FIGURE 6 PLAT OF THREADGILL CA VALLA LIBERTY GARDENS ( 4) 10 -----1 SE 128th Street 117%/ L(s> 6 .:: L (sH e ---(sJ 6 l .(32) 21 (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PIA PEAK i w V, • ' C • > -< £ <D '." .(2) 8 ---(1) J (4) 10 t i (2) 2 ----- "' (2) 2"'J J,.,e d 117%/ w 5'" (4) w {7) w w V, V, V, • • • ' , C ' C u C • > • > " > " " £ w £ £ w V, 0 :. V, m :" • :" :" • ' ' C SE 132nd Street C • ~ > " Jwg ~~e " ~J £ £ "' <D :" :" SE 134th Street S"'J (46) .d!. ~-2Threadgill SE 136th Street THREADGILL CA VALLA LIBERTY GARDENS Cavalla w V, • ' ~ " £ m w Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street AM PEAK PIA PEAK TOTAL OUT IN TOTAL OUT IN 10 3 7 14 9 5 26 7 19 34 21 13 29 8 21 38 24 14 ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS PROJECT GENERATED TRAFFIC PLAT OF THREADGILL CA VALLA LIBERTY GARDENS FIGURE 7 (686) 647 --+- (64) 378 f (1) 17 _J -. t r- (891) 863 --+-I I (20) 73 f (6) 24 _J (192) 655 --+- SE 128th Street ;:i .... ~~ L (15) 13 EE.ff .__ (0) 1 j i l ,(3) 6 (11) 13 _J i t i (1) 1 --+-"' .., " (20) 22 f -., -_..,_ .,_o -~-=-e " .-...(D;;:.i L -~ -(15) 4 ~ ... "' ---...-(12) 9 j i l ,(35) 22 (3) 4 _J (3) 4 --+- (12) 11, ( XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK DN TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS w w "' w "' "' w • , • • "' C , 0 • • C C > ~ • 0 .,: > C .,: .,: ~ ;; w ;; < 0 ;; w "' ;" ~ "' • m ~ ;" • 0 ;" <D 0 C ~ SE 132nd Street C • ~ > < .,: ;; ;; 00 ~ ;" ;" SE 134th Street SE I 36th Street Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITH PROJECT FIGURE 8 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS : i :; : I j; I lj ' ' ii !j: ,, ' ~' ~!ii \",l e :i " !I I , I ,,~ "'I 'Jl m PRIVATE AGREEMENT RECEIVED JUL 1 1 2D07 KING COUNTY i A~I[) usr= SERVICES 162nd Ave SE Extension to SE 144t11 ST. I f"\Anoo~ and SE 136111 ST Intersectlon at 156" Ave SE L,..V'TT'" ~ KBS, Rabul B. and Arvind J. Petrie & Eagle Creek Land & Development The following agreement is entered into between Rahul B. and Arv:ind J. Petrie, as individuals ["Petrie"], KBS Development Corporation, a Washington Corporation ["KBS"], and Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ["Eagle Creek"], and collectively with Petrie, KBS and Eagle Creek: "Developers"] as of May 10, 2007. I. Properties/Purpose. A. Petrie is the owner of that real property described in Exhibit A ["Liberty Gardens"]. B. KBS is the contract owner of that real property described in Exhibit B ["Cavalla"]. C. Eagle Creek is the contract owner of that real property described in Exhibit C ["Threadgill"]. D. The Developers have applications for residential subdivisions submitted to the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services ["King County"] for each of the above properties ["Properties"], and have already been or will be required to provide certain mitigation for their Properties impacts on the surrounding road improvements as part of the King County environmental review process. The purpose of this agreement is to develop a mechanism for collectively providing the required or agreed upon mitigation improvements and allocating the costs related thereto. 2. Acting Committee. Each Developer shall appoint one representative to a committee to act on behalf of the Developers ["Acting Committee"] and the Acting Committee shall act by majority vote to determine all matters to be done under this Agreement. 3. Road Improvements and Mitigation. To comply with the required SEPA mitigation and or agreed upon road improvements that may be required by King County for the intersection at SE 136"' St and 156th Ave SE as well as the extension of162nd Ave Se beginning at the SW comer of Liberty Gardens continuing South until SE 144"' St, the Developers shall cooperatively •' design, pennit, and install the improvements approved by the County, and shall jointly provide the funds required for such costs, which may include but shall not be limited to the cost of the following ["Mitigation Costs'l 162 Ave SE Extension and SE 136"' St and 156"' Ave SE Intersection I. ROW Improvements; 2. Storm water detention; 3. Landscape mitigation; 4. Engineering design and jurisdiction review fees; 5. Financial guarantee and insurance premiums; 6. Design work and studies by professional consultants; 7. Legal fees. 8. Additional improvements required by King County or City of Renton during the design review and/or construction process. 9. Removal and/or relocation of power or light poles. 10. Signalization if deemed necessary. 11. Channelization. 4. Alternative Design. In the event an alternative design can be approved by WSDOT and King County at a lesser cost, all parties agree to pursue the alternative and share in the costs for this action based on the pro-rata share methodology as defined below. 5. Pro-rata C.Ontributions. Each Developer agrees to fund a pro rata portion of the Mitigation Costs, as such costs become due, based on the number of units created from each Developer's Property as those lots to the total of such lots for all Properties. Currently, the lots are agreed to be as follows for each Property: Liberty Gardens; Cavalla: Threadgill: 37 Units 34 Units 15 Units Based on the agreed number of units above, the following percentage of the Mitigation C.Osts ["Mitigation Cost Percentages"] shall apply to the Properties: Liberty Gardens: Cavalla; Threadgill: 6. Revision to Percentages. 43% 40% 17% By executing this Agreement, the Developers agree to the above percentages for the Properties. However, it is also agreed by the Developers that the number of such Page 2 of 12 Initial ~ ~ ap ~ Kl[ 1o/~/•1 '/1'(01 f.//S,Q/ If ¥~1 b'~' 01 percentages per Property shall be recalculated upon: [i] upon any new property becoming subject to the same or similar mitigation requirements as for the Properties as part of such new property's SEPA review by King County and the owner/developer/applicant becoming a party to this Agreement. The recalculation of Mitigation Cost Percentages at the above times shall use the same methodology as above, and any changes shall result in a recalculation and adjustment among the Developers of Mitigation Costs previously paid [with amounts owing among the Developers to be paid within one month) and shall apply to those costs accrued after the date of such review and adjustment Provided, however, in the event that the number of units for any Property falls below the threshold to be subject to mitigation requirements by King County: [i] the units for that Property shall not be considered in the total units for determining the applicable Mitigation Cost Percentages accruing after such review date; and [ii] the units for that Property shall be utilized on a one-time basis to calculate an adjustment among the Developers for previously accrued Mitigation Costs; and [iii] the Developer of that Property shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement with respect to that Property after such review date other than for any adjustment of Mitigation Costs previously paid or due prior to such review date as a result of an adjustment of the percentages. 7. Reimbursement ofMitication Costs Throughout the ROW improvements design, review, and construction process, it is anticipated that Mitigation Costs will occur and be borne by one Developer. The Developers agree that invoices for all such work will be submitted to the other Developers for a pro rata reimbursement based on the Mitigation Cost Percentages. Payment shall be due within one month of receipt of the invoice, unless another timeline is agreed upon by all parties in writing. All invoices shall be sent to the Managing Developer and checks will be disbursed at a monthly committee meeting 8. Disputes over Reimbursement of Expenses. In the event that a dispute arises over the expense reimbursement provided for in Paragraph 8, the party or parties disputing the reimbursement amount shall provide the party or parties requesting the reimbursement amount written notice stating the basis for the dispute. The parties will then have 30 days to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved during that time, the parties agree to arbitrate that dispute through the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service in Seattle, Washington or a similar service that is agreeable to the parties. The arbitration shall be set within 30 days of the deadline for informal resolution of the dispute. The substantially prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and costs as set forth in Paragraph 17. 9. Future Latecomers Agreement. King County currently has adopted road latecomers process (RCW Ch. 35.72. The Developers agree to pursue the adoption of a road latecomers ordinance with King County and/or city of Renton. If successful and reimbursement is collected from other benefited property owners, it is agreed to by all parties that reimbursement shall occur based on the Mitigation Cost Percentages at the time of the reimbursement Page 3 of 12 Initial 4!l, a_ .ae_ ~ JM '-/r(o7 f/JS(o'f 1,11s,or r:1b ,{i-o? 10. Contractor to Construct Jnwrovements. The parties acknowledge that the intersection improvements will most likely occur during the spring/summer of 2008. It is also probable that all projects will have received construction approval by this time. The parties agree that Requests for Proposals for the construction of the mitigation improvements will be sent to a minimum of three pre-qualified contractors for cost comparison. The selected contractor shall be approved by all parties prior to beginning work on the project. Management of the contractor will be determined by agreement of the Developers prior to construction including pro-rata reimbursement of management expenses accrued by the managing Developer. Anticipated cost over runs and/or change orders greater than $10,000 shall be approved by the Developers prior to approval for payment 11. Tjme is of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence in performing all acts required by this Agreement 12. Authority. The Parties each represent and warrant that they have full power and actual authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out all actions required of them by this Agreement. All persons executing this Agreement in representative capacities represent and warrant that they have full power and authority. 13. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications called for or contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to have been duly given by mailing the same by first-class mail, postage prepaid; by delivering the same by hand; or by sending the same by telex or telecopy or email, to the following addresses, or to such other addresses as the parties may designate by written notice in the manner aforesaid, provided thai communications that are mailed shall not be deemed to have been given until three business days after mailing: Rahul B. and Arvind J. Petrie c/o Dave Petrie 811 Sooth 273rd Ct Des Moines, WA 98198 KBS Development Corporation 12320 NE 81 Street #100 Bellevue, WA 9800S Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC 13701 SE 253rd St Kent, WA 98042 14. Governing Law. This Agreement is entered into under the laws of the state of Washington, and ifit becomes necessary to interpret or enforce any of its t.enns, it is the intent of all parties that the laws of the State of Washington shall apply. 15. Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. All parties shall submit and not object to jurisdiction and venue in the King County Superior Court, State of Washington. in connection with any claims arising out of this Agreement 16. Binding Effect; Assignability. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legatees, representatives, receivers, trustees, successors, transferees and assigns. 17. Attorneys' Fees. Should it be necessary for any party to this Agreement to initiate legal proceedings to adjudicate any issues arising hereunder, the party or parties to such legal proceedings who substantially prevail shall be entitled to reimbursement of their attorneys' fees, costs, expenses and disbursements (including the fees and expenses of expert and fact witnesses, whether or not they testify in any proceeding) reasonably incurred or made by the substantially prevailing parties in preparing to bring suit, during suit, on appeal, on petition for review, and in enforcing any judgment or award, from the other party or parties. 18. Severability. This Agreement does not violate any federal or state statute, rule, regulation or common law known; but any provision which is found to be invalid or in violation of any statute, rule, regulation or common law shall be considered null and void, with the remaining provisions remaining viable and in effect. 19. Cooperation in Execution of Documents. The parties agree properly and promptly to execute and deliver any and all additional documents that may be necessary to render this Agreement and/or the documents executed pursuant to the Exhibits attached hereto legally and practically effective. This paragraph shall not require the execution of any document that expands, alters or in any way changes the tenns of this Agreement 20. Headings Not Controllin2. The paragraph headings included herein are for reference only and are not a part of this Agreement. The headings shall not control or alter the meaning of this Agreement as set forth in the text. · 21. Countemarts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of identical counterparts, notwithstanding that all parties have not signed the same counterpart, with the same effect as if all parties had signed the same document. All counterparts shall be construed as and shall constitute one and the same agreement. 22. Equal Opportunity to Participate in Draftin~. The parties have participated and had an equal opportunity to participate in the drafting of this Agreement. No ambiguity shall be construed against any party based upon a claim that that party drafted the ambiguous language. 23. Incomoration ofExhjbjts. Any exhibits referred to in this Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth here. 24. Waiver. Any of the tenns or conditions of this Agreement may be waived, but only by a written notice signed by the party waiving such terms or conditions. A waiver or any breach of, or failure to enforce, any of the tenns or conditions of this Agreement shall not in any way affect, limit or waive a party's rights to enforce compliance thereafter with each and every term and condition of this Agreement. 25. Statute of Limitations. All claims or causes of action arising out of this Agreement must be brought within one year after they accrue. Failure to bring suit within this time period shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. 26. Final and C.Omplete Agreement. This Agreement together with any exhibits attached hereto constitutes the final and complete expression of the parties on all subjects. This Agreement may not be modified, interpreted, amended, waived or revoked except in writing signed by all parties. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements, discussions and representations on all subjects including without limitation. No party is entering into this Agreement in reliance on any oral or written promises, inducements, representations, understandings, interpretations or agreements other than those contained in this Agreement and the exhibits hereto. 27. Full Understanding; Independent Legal Counsel. The parties each acknowledge, represent and agree that they have read this Agreement and the Exhibits attached; that they fully understand the terms thereof; that they have been fully advised by their legal counsel, accountants and other advisors with respect thereto; and that they are executed by them upon the advice and recommendation of their independent legal counsel. EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE the date first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into thia Agreement effective as oftbe last date first set forth below. Rahul B. Petrie Liberty Gardens -Owner 6/15/c,7 Arvind J Petrie Date Libe er -! (,, ·l'i·o1 Date , RobertW. Ruddcifi,8ecretary Date K.BS e ment Corp. I Goodwin, Managt ember Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC Page 7 of 12 Initial ~ ~ C!L e,/ i;/11 l{ir,M-{i/~("1 Exhibit A Liberty Gardens Property Legal description Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, records of King County. Otherwise known as Tax Lots 145750-0145 and 145750-0150, 4.16 acres band 4.5 acres at South 164th Ave S.E. and S. E. 142nd Street between Renton and Issaquah. Situate in County of King, State of Washington. Page 8 of 12 Initial /2J,). ~ OP ~-./ fil -£l.;, ,~ .• ,,,. __ kl't,;7 ~-(f·tr/ Parcel No. 14575-0135 (Nguyen) Exhibit B Cavalla Property Legal description Tract 3, Block 4, Cedar Park 5-acre tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, Records ofIGng County, Washington. Situate in King County, Washington. Parcel No. 145750-0140 (Miya) Tract 4, Block 4, Cedar Park 5-acre tracts according to the plat thereof recorded io Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, Records of Kiog County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of the East 30 feet of the South 658.23 feet of the North 687.48 feet of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W .M., as vacated by King County Ordinance No. 4406 recorded under Recording No. 7908150748 adjoiniog said premises. · Page 9 of 12 Initial W (}_ .&_ 0,.,1) _fil ,1~1-,~,., ul<••• ;;;n b-Cf,c/\ Exhibit C ThreadglII Property Legal description TRACT 8, BLOCK 1, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLATS THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax I.D. number: 145750-0040 Page 10 ofl2 . ) Initial il.U $£_ 0.~ ~ i(?i\' £h, • • • • ,',ON.-// 1'6 07tg,ot STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Rahul B. and Arvind J. Petrie are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATED this ]Ji_ day of 'J v.11e--, 2007. -. ' ~~~ (Print Name),M;' Residing at Das ~ My appointment expires:( cn J l I STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Randall Goodwin is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authori2:ed to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act of Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC a-Washington limited liability company, for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATED this }L day of :J"u (,1 £ , 2007. STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) Page 11 ofl2 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kolin B. Taylor is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATEDthis ~ayof :1Uf/[ ,,,,ii."mm-1, STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) , 2007. Residing at KS?{/;'? ,4.,,{> My appointment expires: fr ·3c) Jf I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Robert W. Ruddell is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act ofKBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. . 7)/_ DA TED this _!.!._ day of _~:J~U~(V'.~/[ __ ~, 2007. "'''"'''''' ~!:ff:: Residing at I (Jrt'J<L fta'42 My appointment expires: g' cJ{J ·oq Page 12 ofl2 ' ' ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (Washington State Wetlands Identification & Delineation Manual, 1997) B-TWEL VE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street, Suite C Kent, Washington 98032 (253} 859-0515 .,...,/-,.//.i Project Name/#: A/.-,c Date: ei)-17;0; Investigator: .¥~ Data Point: r:,t:lk-/ Jurisdiction: ~') {", State: i,.,-A-Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage% 1. !V""-'i: c~i ~ T· F~ 2. TJ....-.,1'!:, l ),)~h.. 'F rA-c- 3. /Z¥6-~=,f .. L..1r .5 .l'i<l4.. 4. .R ...._"""""2vl;~ ,...,.~·t ff-F/k<v 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: / ,j) Hydrophytic vegetation criteria mett'.fd No Marginal Comments: l'tM+.--/ SOILS Mapped Soil Series: On Hydric Soils List?: Yes @?Drainage Class: D?th(O in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture I. . / P'lfl.. z/1 /,-.._ _ill. ill. - lll. - in. Organic soil_, Histic epipe(lon _, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed _, redox concentrations_, red-Ox depletions_, pore linings_, iron concretions_, mmtganese concretions_, organic matter in swface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) . (' /.-,..,..._, .,.) I Hydric soil criteria me~ No Basis: Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data , inundation , saturation , watermarks __ , drift lines __ , sediment deposits __ , drainage patterns ,:,.,S5-...-:, ¢7 ""1.__; Wetland hydrology criteria met:@)No Basis: ti"<-.... s .......... Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: Growing Season? :'wN Wetland hydrolo~IN Hydrophytic vegetation:~ Hydric soils&N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: ~ No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (Washington State Wetlands Identification & Delineation Manual, 1997) B-TWEL VE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street, Suite C Kent, Washington 98032 {253} 859-0515 Project Name/#: ?e,/r,~ Date: q ·n-ot_ Investigator: ,f;/ s,J.,I Data Point: p;>#-z Jurisdiction: k:,' ::, C, d State: -~ Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage% ~: "Ij,;~-;;,,{:~t},/J::-.. r H4-Cv ff F,tcv' 3. r'~ /_,~ c---+.. s:: F;<tr v . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Comments: c:> Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yesa«)) Marginal SOILS Mapped Soil Series: On Hydric Soils List?: Yes No Drainage Class: Dith(Oin) Malrix color Redox concentralion color Texture _m. ,,1~+:F Lf_in. /tNl"f-Jt'.3 ~,,..""--# /- in. - _in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_. gleyed_, redox concentralions_, redox depletions_, pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. I \,.. J ' '; .)-r., rt' Hydric soil criteria met: Yes @Basis: ,-.,e, Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation . saturation , watermarks __ , drift lines __ , sediment deposits __ , drainage patlerns . 1',....J1 e..lc. Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes® Basis: .f::::!.&J { Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7' depth: Grow®eason?~ Hydrophytic vegetation:_@ Hydric soils: Y W~d hydrology: ~ Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes o · .. ··-_, ... '.~--. ' ;.!· . . .. , .... ·· r/_ . ' ,__ - I I " . ·1·· ·: ' ·~,~~· ... ! blltl~MmM~HfSi .. &~ -_,.··· ' "· ,•'' t . I .·,\~~t~\ .,.,--/,. '..".i-----~ ... ,.,\_;- --~-.. ··/\!({::'~:,~·· 'IIMIFILE•COPY ) ,. )f _·,.: .. ~(}-· /::_i. ,.'-L-,, -/tfr~t:\f ' .J --~ \:'f~J: ~}:-· I'. \Cf -;'-;);-~/ B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. LIBERTY GARDENS CRITICAL AREAS ANALYSIS REPORT & CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. 1103 W. Meeker Street, Suite C Kent WA 98032 KING COUNTY, WA Prepared For: Mr. David Petrie 811 S. 273 n1 Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 November 19, 2004 (Revised) B-12 Job #Al-186 Phone: 253-859-0515 Fax: 253-852-4732 B-12 Wetland Consultin , Inc. 1103 W. Mleker St Kent, WA 'HJJ2.-o151 LIBERTY GARDENS CRITICAL AREAS ANALYSIS REPORT and CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION (v)253-65f)-0515 (~ 25.'M52-4732 This report describes jurisdictional wetlands and streams observed on the Liberty Gardens (Petrie) property, a roughly square, 8.9-acre property located off l 64'h Avenue SE in unincorporated King County, Washington. The site is surrounded by a school to the east, residential and undeveloped forest to the south, undeveloped forest to the west, and residential properties to the north. The site contains a small Class 3 intermittent stream with associated Class 2 riparian wetland surrounding the stream. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Ed Sewall ofB-twelve marked the wetland edges and the centerline of the stream on the site on September 12, 2001. Darcey Miller verified the delineation on September 28, 2004. Soil colors were identified using the 1990 Edited and Revised Edition of the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Kollmorgen Instruments Corp. 1990). The wetland on site was identified using methodology described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (W ADOE, March 1997). This is the methodology currently recognized by King County A Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Company RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation Liberty Gardensl#A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 19, 2004 Page 2 and the State of Washington for wetland determinations and delineations. The wetland area identified would also be considered wetlands using the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987), as required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. All wetland edges were marked with pink wire flagging numbered sequentially and were subsequently surveyed by DMP, Inc. Data points were marked with orange and black-striped flagging and were labeled DP# The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual and the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual both requires the use of the three-parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands. A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (F AC), facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators of wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. Streams were identified by the presence of a natural, defined channel that contains flowing surface water at some time of the year. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation Prior to visiting the site a review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted. Resources reviewed included the King County Soils Survey, King County Sensitive Area Folio, and the National Wetlands Inventory. 3.1.1 Soil Survey According to the Soil Survey, King County Area, Washington (Snyder et al 1973), the site is entirely mapped Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (AgC). This soil type is a moderately well-drained soil formed in glacial till. RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation Liberty Gardensl#AI-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 19, 2004 Page 3 :,: : 1 .. ,,--..;._ ....... : -'' S / T 1= ., . : I'. , I • , • King County Soil Survey map • I i Alderwood soils are not considered "hydric" soils according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No.1491, 1991). 3.1.2 National Wetlands Inventory Map (NWI) According to the National Wetlands Inventory map for the site, there are no wetlands or streams on or near the site. ·~· .. National Wetlands Inventory Map 3.2 Field Observations 3.2.1 Uplands The site is characterized with a gentle slope down to the south and west. Several ATV paths cross through the site. An unimproved road follows the east property line with existing utilities visible (water valves, hydrants). RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation Liberty Gardensl#A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, inc. November 19, 2004 Page 4 The site is vegetated with third-growth deciduous tree cover comprised primarily of 6" -8" dbh big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), with red alder (A/nus rubra) also common. Understory species include salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis ), Indian plum ( Oemlaria cerasiformis), hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), sword fem (Polystichum munitum), salal ( Gaultheria shall on), and bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum ). Soil pits excavated within upland areas revealed a dry, gravelly loam with a color of IOYR 3/3. 3.2.2 Wetlands A narrow Class 2 wetland with a small intermittent channel located within the wetland crosses the southwest comer of the site. (See Sheet W-1.) There is also a Class 2 wetland located offsite to the west of the northwest comer of the site. Wetland A/B & Intermittent Stream Wetland A/B (flags A 1-A 11 and B 1-B 11) consists of a narrow strip of forested wetland located within a topographically defined valley. A small, intermittent channel is located within this wetland. The stream flows off-site to the south. A small footbridge crosses the wetland/stream complex approximately 50' east of the western property line. The wetland is characterized by an overstory of red alder and cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) with salmonberry, lady fem (Athyriumfilix-femina), and manna grass ( Glyceria elata) in the understory. Soil pits excavated along the edge of this wetland revealed a black (I OYR 2/1) loam that was dry during our late summer site visits. The stream channel, a narrow (12") gravel/soil bottom channel was also dry during our site visits. Wetland A/B is a small, forested wetland and would be classified as PFO IC (palustrine, broad leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded), according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). Wetland A/B meets the criteria of a Class 2 wetland due to the forested wetland class. The narrow intermittent stream appears to be a Class 3 intermittent channel with no fish use. Class 2 wetlands have a 50-foot buffer measured from the wetland edge, as well as a 15-foot BSBL measured from the buffer. Class 3 streams have a 25' buffer measured from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) or top of bank, as well as a 15-foot BSBL. Wetland C RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation liberty Gardens!#A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. November 19, 2004 Page 5 The portion of Wetland C that we flagged (numbered C l-C6) is the east edge of an off- site wetland. The western-most point of the wetland is located approximately 50' west of the west property line, and is within the ROW for 162"d Ave SE. Walking trails were observed through the wetland and buffer. This wetland is dominated by immature alder, salmonberry, and lady fem. Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed a mucky loam with a soil color of 1 OYR 2/1. Soils were dry during our dry season inspection of the site. Wetland C is a young forested wetland and would be classified as PFO 1 C (palustrine, broad leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded), according to the US Fish and Wildlife Wetland Classification methodology (Cowardin et al. 1979). The wetland also has areas of scrub-shrub. Wetland C meets the criteria of a Class 2 wetland due to the forested wetland class. The wetland is a moderate-value feature, as the forested canopy is immature. In addition, the trails running through the wetland and buffer lower the overall value. Typically, Class 2 wetlands have a SO-foot buffer measured from the wetland edge, as well as a 15-foot BSBL measured from the buffer. 4.0 FUNCTIONS AND VALVES Both Wetlands A/Band Wetland Care immature, forested wetlands that provide typical functions of small, forested wetlands. Wetland A/B serves to store and attenuate stream flows from the small intermittent stream as well as provide a riparian corridor of habitat through the southwest comer of the site. Both wetlands provide habitat to forest-dwelling species in a semi-urban area, and Wetland C also provides some storage of runoff. 5.0 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project is a 38-lot residential plat. (See Sheet W-1.) All proposed development on the site will be located outside of the sensitive areas and the buffers, except for the driveway to Lot 3 8. This lot, located in the southwest comer of the site, may be accessed only by crossing a narrow Class 2 wetland and a Class 3 stream. The crossing will occur at the location of an existing path and footbridge. Mitigation will include the addition of buffer area and planting of native vegetation. The County is also requiring road improvements in the right-of-way of l 62"d Ave SE, located in the northwest comer of the site. 5.1 Driveway Crossing RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation liberty Gardensl#A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. November lY, 2004 Page 6 We believe that the driveway crossing the wetland/stream meets the requirements of the "Driveway Crossing Wetland" and "Stream Crossings" portions of the King County Code (Sections 21A.24.330.N and 21A.24.370.G). The road crossing is necessary, as no other alternative is practical. The impact will be minimized in that the bridge will avoid direct wetland and stream impacts. In addition, the driveway at each end of the bridge will be supported by retaining walls, so as to avoid fill slopes that would extend into the wetland and buffers. The wetland hydrology and flood storage capacity are not expected to change; the bridge will allow the hydrology to continue to flow through, and wetland will not be filled. The stream crossing will also comply with the King County Code, Section 2 lA.24.370.G in that the design employs a bridge so as not to disturb the stream flow. The stream is not considered a salmonid stream; therefore, the crossing will not affect ESA species. The bridge footings will not be placed below the OHWMs of the stream. The crossing, because it is a bridge, will not diminish the flood-carrying capacity of the stream. This crossing will be the only crossing of the sensitive area. 5.1.l Impacts Analysis and Conceptual Mitigation Plan The impacts to the sensitive areas associated with the crossing will be fairly minor. As noted above, the proposed crossing is at the same location as an existing path and footbridge. The driveway crossing will impact a small portion of the Class 2 wetland (35 8 sf) only in that the bridge will be located over it. (See Sheet W-1.) Approximately 20 linear feet of stream will be located under the proposed bridge. The driveway areas on each end of the bridge will be a maximum of 20' wide, and therefore will affect a total of 2,165 sf of buffer. This width will include both the driving surface and the retaining walls. Additional construction details will be provided in future engineering plans. The impacts associated with this construction activity include minimal loss of wildlife habitat functions and an insignificant loss of water quality functions. Vegetation to be affected in the sensitive areas is mainly scattered herbaceous and shrub plants, as well as several evergreen and deciduous trees. However, all efforts will be made to avoid trees during driveway construction. Stormwater storage capacity is not significantly impacted, as the culvert will maintain the historic hydrologic flow. The mitigation opportunities on the site are very limited, as the majority of the site is densely forested. Mitigation for the impacts to the sensitive areas includes buffer addition and the enhancement of buffer areas near the driveway. Areas that are currently scrub-shrub or deciduous forest will be planted with scattered conifers. Buffer addition for the buffer impacts will be provided at a I: I replacement ratio (mitigation: impact), and will therefore be approximately 2,165 sf. Buffer addition for the wetland/stream impacts will be provided at a 2: I replacement ration (mitigation: impact) and will RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation Liberty Gardensl#A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. November /9, 2004 Page 7 therefore be approximately 716 sf. Therefore, approximately 2,881 sf of buffer addition is proposed adjacent to the buffer southeast of the bridge. Sensitive area signs will be located every 75' along the buffer edges. We believe that this mitigation will replace lost functions and values of the impacted areas, and will provide additional protection to the sensitive areas. 5.2 Road Improvements The County is requiring road improvements in the right-of-way of 162"d Ave SE, located in the northwest comer of the site. The proposed road will be 24 feet wide, with curbs on both sides and a sidewalk along the east side. Therefore, the total construction area will be approximately 40 feet wide. The new road will be located within approximately 6,186 sf of the 50-foot wetland buffer of offsite Wetland C. As discussed above, this Class 2 wetland is of moderate value. The buffer that will be impacted in the ROW contains primarily salmonberry and young alder. Possible mitigation for these impacts could include wetland or buffer enhancement in the offsite portion of the sensitive area, either in the undeveloped ROW or in the adjacent lot. We believe that this enhancement would provide additional protection and value to Wetland C. The applicant would have to obtain permission from the adjacent landowner (west of the site) before formally proposing this type of mitigation. It is our opinion that B-12's sensitive area delineation and the proposed Mitigation Plan comply with the County's requirements and with Section 21A of the King County Code. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us at (253) 859-0515. Sincerely, B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetland Ecologist CC: DMP Inc., Hans Korve File: dm/Al 186-Ubcrty Gardens/Al 186-WA-BufferAve.doc ~~c<J/3 /At!~ Darcey B:--Miller Wetland Ecologist RE: Wetland Report/Conceptual Mitigation Liberty Gardens/ff A 1-186 B-12 Wetland Consulting, !nc. REFERENCES November 19, 2004 Page8 Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79-31, Washington, D. C. Daubenmire, R. 1959. A canopy-coverage method ofvegetational analysis. Northwest Science 33:43-64. Diers, R. and J .L. Anderson. 1984. Development of Soil Mottling. Soil Survey Horizons, Winter 1984, pg 9-15. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. King County Code Hitchcock, C. and A. Cronquist. 1976. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Munsell Color. 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Baltimore, Maryland. National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. USDA Misc. Pub!. No. 1491. Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). 1988. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida. Reed, P.B. Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May 1988. .. • CIVIL LNGINLLRiNC:l, LJ\NL PJ,Nl~ING, SUYVI-YING, CI\Vll~ONMI-NTAI srnv1c~s May 2, 2008 Courier De/ive,~r Mr. Chad Tibbits ProJ eel/Program Manager II Current Planning Section King County -DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Resubmittal of Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens King County File No. L04P0034 Our Job No. 12424 Dear Mr. Tibbits: I am enclosing the following documents for your use in reviewing the revised Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens. 1. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised preliminary plat map (Sheets Cl through CS) prepared by Barghauscn Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised preliminary park and landscape plan and significant tree retention plan dated March 12, 2008 and prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised Environmental Checklist prepared by Barghauscn Consulting Engmeers, Inc. 4. Ten (I 0) copies of the revised Project Density Worksheet prepared by Barghauscn Consulting Engineers, Inc. The enclosed plans have been revised as a result of eliminating our request for the road vacation (west half of 164th Avenue S.E.). In doing so, we have reduced the number of lots to 36 based on the density calculations. The road layout and location of the combined storm drainage and recreation tract remain the same. We have simply revised the lot areas and configurations. The enclosed Environmental Checklist and density worksheets have been revised in accordance to the lot reduction. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me. Thank you. Respectfully, G. Wayne Potter Senior Planner GWPidm/ath [ I 2424c.008.doc] enc: As Noted cc: Mr. Dave Petrie (wienc) Mr. Daniel K. Balmclli, Barghausen Consultmg Engineers, Inc. Mr. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. BRANC~ OFFICES + O_YMPIA, WA t rACOMA. WA + S/\CR1WE~HO, CA t TE c~ ~ 182"572NOAVCNUl:. sou1r· KENTWP,920:32 {42t)2ti'-622:C::' (4?5;1?~1-87r.t2 ~ 3 •t1ww.barnl1ausen com (/ ~ ® t Ki'lg County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division * * * ** *· * ** ** * * * *** ** * ***t M PORT ANT*********************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: Project Name: FROM: ~ f&{Jpy-, Barghausen Engineers C pany Name / Contact Person Telephone No. (425) 251-6222 TO: cw·---r:c-th;ts Date Received by LUSD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped off: .,._, = = = ::a:: ;,<: ""'" 0 ·< I 0 N 0 ,.... J> :x V, <?. :-_, '"<!l"'f ,.,, .. rn ''"I ,. - f\' -~,t fY': C) Other:-------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 05-30-2002Page 1 of 1 Goll, Shirley From: Claussen, Kimberly Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 12:59 PM To: Goll, Shirley Cc: Tibbits, Chad; Mariano, Arlene; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen Subject: FW: DDES Public Disclosure Request fyi From: Attebery, Tim Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 12:55 PM To: Dinsmore, Lisa; Claussen, Kimberly Cc: Sandin, Randy Subject: RE: DDES Public Disclosure Request Page 1 of3 Spoke to Debi Eberle this morning. We are going to do a monthly public disclosure for these folks now. Apparently, the group changed their mind. Kim is off the hook with regards to the status reports, From: Dinsmore, Lisa Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 1:24 PM To: Attebery, Tim; Claussen, Kimberly Cc: Sandin, Randy Subject: PN: DDES Public Disclosure Request Tim -your guidance please. Kim will be on vacation from the 19th to the 31st. Thanks, Lisa From: Debi Eberle [mailto:mtcdebi@msn.com] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 1:21 PM To: Spohr, David Cc: Claussen, Kimberly; Attebery, Tim; Dinsmore, Lisa; Miles, Joe; Whittaker, Bruce; Mariano, Arlene; Tibbits, Chad; Sanders, Jim; Langley, Kristen; Keller, Nicole; McMurdo, Craig; Norman, Paulette; Kara, Fatin; Warden, Stephanie; Taniguchi, Harold; highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com; mtcdebi@msn.com Subject: DDES Public Disclosure Request Dear Mr. Spohr, II\! F!' ~ rQPV I am writing to you at the suggestion of Gwendolyn High. I am Debi Eber'f/,'vp of'CARE where Gwendolyn is President. Gwendolyn spoke to you on 3/10 and described the proposed alternative to our Public Disclosure Request that Mr. Attebery proposed. We declined his offer (see attached copy of that email). Yet, as you see below, at the very least, Ms. Claussen has not been made aware that Mr. Attebery's offer was declined and that the full and official Public Disclosure Request is what we expect and for which we are still waiting. Additionally, please see the other attached copies of our outstanding and on-going Public Disclosµre Requests. We still have not received any reply from DOT and according to our calculations; the dea~e for our notification of when information will be made available for our review has now passe<;Vfor our request of 3/6/2008. ! \i I I \ I ~ • 03/18/2008 \~ f / Page 2 of3 We fully understand that your plate is likely very full, but we would very much appreciate your assistance in interfacing or facilitating more effective communication of our requirements to DDES and DOT staff in regard to our outstanding and on-going Public Disclosure Requests. If you are not able to assist us, please recommend to whom we might correctly address this request for help. We would be most grateful to learn what we have failed to do to properly and effectively request public records. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for all your time and assistance. Debi attached: 3/6/2008 DOT Request 3/6/2008 DDES Request 3/12/2008 Email Declining Mr. Attebery's offer 3/13/2008 DOT Request 3/13/2008 DDES Request 3/14/2008 email requesting status on 3/6/2008 DOT Request Ms. Eberle - I've been asked to provide an update on the following projects, in lieu of a public disclosure request per conversation between yourself and Tim Attebery of DDES - The following information associated with the plats of Cavalla (L06P0001) and Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) has been submitted to DDES and will be available for review by the end of next week (March 21st) L06P0001 -Revised preliminary plat map & landscape plan Revised SEPA environmental checklist Level 3 stormwater mitigation report Revised plan for 162nd Ave SE road extension L04P0034 -Level 3 Downstream drainage report Revised plan for 162nd Ave SE road extension note, the road vacation application has been appealed to the King County Council -if you have questions re this vacation please contact Nicole Keller at King County Dept. of Transportation L07SA561 -This application has been withdrawn . 'i\\N FILE coPV L07P0009 -This project is currently on hold pending the submittal of additional information by the applicant. The deadline for this submittal has been extended to April 11, 2008 LOSP0026 -Preliminary Plat hearing has closed and is pending with the Hearing Examiner. The file for this project is currently at the Hearing Examiner's office. Please let me know if you have further questions. I can be reached at 206-296-7167. Thank you. 03/18/2008 -----Original Message----- From: Debi Eberle [mailto:mtcdebi@msn.com] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:50 AM To: Attebery, Tim Cc: "bJg_h la nds_neighJIQifilgllJg_tm_aJL.co~mStepha n Le._Ward~n "@king co lJltty,gov; Miles, Joe; Dinsmore, Lisa; Tibbits, Chad; Sanders, Jim; "Bruce. Wh itta ker@kingcou flli'.govKristen. La ngley"@kingcounty.gov Subject: DDES Public Disclosure Request To Whom it May Concern: With this email, we initiate a new series of Public Disclosure Requests. We will renew this request each week for the next sequential time period. We request all records (correspondence, emails, plans, schedules, notes of meetings and phone calls, and any other category of information) in all formats (electronic, hardcopy and all other media) created, generated or received by King County related in any way to the proposed extension of 162nd Ave SE and/or to the following DDES file numbers: L05P0026: Threadgill L06P0001: Cava Ila L04P0034: Liberty Gardens L07SA561: SEATTLE REDEVELOPMENT LLC L07P0009: Heritage The period to be covered by this request shall be all inclusive thru today's date of March 13, 2008. This request is submitted by: CARE -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell PO Box 2936 Renton WA 98056 H ighla nds_neig hbors@hotma ii .com Contact: Debi Eberle -Vice President Phone: 425.226.9946 FAX: 425.226.6520 Please inform us via response to this email of the date on which these requested materials will be made available for review and copy. Also, please let us know if any further information is necessary from us. Thank You, Debi Eberle C.A.R.E. -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell ... doing what we can, with our neighbors, for our community ... www.highlandsneighbors.org 03/18/2008 Page 3 of3 r Goll, S1i1rlE:.\."--------------------------------- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Claussen, Kimberly Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:58 PM Bull, Trishah; Henoch, Lanny; Goll, Shirley Tibbits, Chad; Mariano, Arlene; Dinsmore, Lisa FW: DOES Public Disclosure Request Please see below --this has been modified and no longer a public disclosure request, we will be providing monthly updates instead -in the event this group would like to view the files, a request can be made through the records center and files should be forwarded to that section. Shirley -2 of the files have a bunch of new info that came in this week, as stated, this info should be logged in the main files by next wed/Thurs 3/19-3/20. Chad should be able to forward this info to you by Monday or Tues. The Threadgill file is currently at the Hearing Examiner's office and not available for review at DDES -I indicated it was not currently available, but if persistent, please forward the CARE group the Examiner's office. Also road vacation appeal info requests & road variance info should be forwarded to KCDOT. -----Original Message----- From: Dinsmore, Lisa Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:51 PM To: Claussen, Kimberly Subject: RE: DDES Public Disclosure Request Kim -thanks for sending this. How do they review the files/information? Please let Lanny, Trishah and Shirley know what is going on in case anything comes up while you are gone. Thanks, Lisa -----Original Message----- From: Claussen, Kimberly Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:40 PM To: mtcdebi@msn.com Cc: Attebery, Tim; Dinsmore, Lisa; Miles, Joe; Whittaker, Bruce; Mariano, Arlene; Tibbits, Chad; Sanders, Jim; Langley, Kristen; Keller, Nicole Subject: RE: DDES Public Disclosure Request Ms. Eberle - I've been asked to provide an update on the following projects, in lieu of a public disclosure request per conversation between yourself and Tim Attebery of DDES - The following information associated with the plats of Cavalla (L06PD001) and Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) has been submitted to DDES and will be available for review by the end of next week (March 21st) L06POOD1 -Revised preliminary plat map & landscape plan Revised SEPA environmental.checklist Level 3 stormwater mitigation report Revised plan for 162nd Ave SE road extension L04P0034 -Level 3 Downstream drainage report Revised plan for 162nd Ave SE road extension note, the road vacation application has been appealed to the King County Council -if you have questions re this vacation please contact Nicole Keller at King County Dept. of Transportation L07SA56l -This application has been withdrawn L07P0009 -This project is currently on information by the applicant. The extended to April 11, 2008 hold pending the submittal of additional ~ ' ,~a,;o• ,o, ch,o """"'''"' ~e ~.~ ~~ ,nAIN FILE COPY l ./ r--• L05Poo1t -Preliminary Plat hearing has closed and is pending with the Hearing Examiner. The file for this project is currently at the Hearing Examiner's office. Please let me know if you have further questions. I can be reached at 206-296-7167. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Debi Eberle [mailto:mtcdebi®msn.com] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:50 AM To: Attebery, Tim Cc: 11 highlands_neighbors@hotmail.comStephanie.Warden 11 @kingcounty.gov; Miles, Joe; Dinsmore, Lisa; Tibbits, Chad; sanders, Jim; 11 Bruce.Whittaker@kingcounty.govKristen.Langley 11 @kingcounty.gov Subject: DDES Public Disclosure Request To Whom it May Concern: With this email, we initiate a new series of Public Disclosure Requests. We will renew this request each week for the next sequential time period. We request all records (correspondence, emails, plans, schedules, notes of meetings and phone calls, and any other category of information) in all formats (electronic, hardcopy and all other media} created, generated or received by King County related in any way to the proposed extension of 162nd Ave SE and/or to the following DDES file numbers: L05P0026: Threadgill L06P0001: Cavalla L04P0034: Liberty Gardens L07SA561: SEATTLE REDEVELOPMENT LLC L07P0009: Heritage The period to be covered by this request shall be all inclusive thru today's date of March 13, 2008. This request is submitted by: CARE -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell PO Box 2936 Renton WA 98056 Highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com Contact: Debi Eberle -Vice President Phone: 425.226.9946 FAX: 425.226.6520 Please inform us via response to this email of the date on which these requested materials will be made available for review and copy. Also, please let us know if any further information is necessary from us. Thank You, Debi Eberle C.A.R.E. -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell ... doing what we can, with our neighbors, for our community ... www.highlandsneighbors.org 2 Page I of2 Goll, Shirley From: Dinsmore, Lisa Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:34 AM To: Attebery, Tim Cc: Goll, Shirley; Claussen, Kimberly; Tibbits, Chad; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request: DOES file Numbers L04P0034 and L06P001 Tim, Please send this email to all of LUSD (as well as in the future for plats and short plats, please send the email to all of LUSD) -there are many people working on each application and that way they will be notified of the request. Shirley -do we even have the files or does the examiner? From: Attebery, Tim Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:44 PM To: Attebery, Tim Cc: Warden, Stephanie; Miles, Joe; Dinsmore, Lisa; Tibbits, Chad; Sanders, Jim; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen; Kara, Fatin Subject: RE: Public Disclosure Request: ODES file Numbers L04P0034 and L06P001 All, Please get me all of your records (e-mail included) by Feb. 21st. Thanks. Tim Attebery ODES Public Affairs Director From: Highlands Neighbors [mailto:highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 1:57 PM To: Attebery, Tim Cc: Warden, Stephanie; Miles, Joe; Dinsmore, Lisa; Tibbits, Chad; Sanders, Jim; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen; Kara, Fatin Subject: Public Disclosure Request: DOES file Numbers L04P0034 and L06P001 To Whom It May Concern, I apologize for the formality of this communication. Normally we try to keep our correspondences on a much more conversational tone, but on advice of our attorneys, we submit this Public Disclosure Request today. This is the first one we have submitted a request quite this way. Please let me know as soon as possible if additional information, documentation or anything else is necessary to correctly and successfully request this information. Also, please let us know if we need to break this into separate requests for the different application files and/or for the personnel in the separate departments. Requesting Party: Gwendolyn High -president CARE -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell PO Box 2936 Renton WA 98056 H_ighlands _ neighbor_s@hoJl_lletil.com 425.917.0117 (home) 02/01/2008 llAAIN FILE COPY Page 2 of2 425.226.6520 (fax) Requested Information: We request the opportunity to review and copy all correspondence to and from the applicants (including all submitted plans, letters, drawings and other documentation and records of interaction in electronic, faxed or hardcopy formats) regarding the proposed extension of 162nd Ave Se for the Liberty Gardens and Cavalla subdivision applications at your earliest convenience. DOES file Numbers: L04P0034 and L06POOI A hardcopy version of this request follows via US Mail to: Tim Attebery, Public Affairs Director Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Please let us know when this information will be made available. Thank you for your time and assistance, Gwendolyn High C.A.R.E. -Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell ... doing what we can, with our neighbors, for our community ... www.highlandsneighbors.org 02/01/2008 ,r ... .. ~&HA(i,s-CIVIL ENGIN!:ERING. LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING ~V"~-'": ~ (I ' ci 9z. ' ~ ,s,(... ·. --le-~· <:>-, '6-~ l\'G£NG\~ Mr. Chad Tibbits Project/Program Manager II Cun-ent Planning Section King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 March 11, 2008 RE: Submittal of 162nd Avenue S.E. Plans (Revised) King County File No. L04P0034 Our Job No. 12424 Dear Mr. Tibbits: I am enclosing the following documents for your use in reviewing the revised Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens. l. Eight (8) copies of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Recommended Stormwater Mitigations prepared by Ed McCarthy dated March 3, 2008 2. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised extension plans for 162nd Avenue S.E. prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. The proposed extension plans of I62nd Avenue S.E. to S.E. 144th Street remains the same; however, revisions were made in accordance with comments received for the plat of Liberty Gardens, Cavalla, and Threadgill. Furthermore, the extension plans also incorporate the recommended stormwater mitigations pursuant to Ed McCarthy's report, which has been enclosed for your review. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me. Thank you. GWP/dm/ath l 2424c.()(J9.doc enc: cc: As Noted Mr. Dave Petrie (w/enc) Respectfully. ~JJ~<J3 G. Wayne Potter Senior Planner I~~,·\~\\ ---' .I ' ~. '·. __ / Mr. Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. ~\A\N FILE COP'{ 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH BRANCH OFFICES + OLYMPIA. WA KENT,WA98032 (425)251-6222 1425)251-8..Lt;(~~ 1 + TACOMA. WA + SACRAMENTO. CA + TEMECULA. CA ·\ www.barghausen.com . @· Kl~ig County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ***********************IMPORTANT*********************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Date Received by LUSD Project No.: Ltfl f° 00 3'/ Project Name: /_,1 .f:»x-ry l?AfWS FROM: ~~ , Barghausen Engineers Compny Name I Contact Person Telephone No. (425) 251-6222 TO: (:{:/Al) -,i 88;'73 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: ,:lS Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify ltem(s} dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please spectty item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit ;,,: r: II' • ,., (/) ...., = = = ::r _:i-:., _.,, ,, ::r 1:-_J ~ <» Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped off: MAINfJLE COPY ,-r~ /·•--·-· I I j {) t'f) ··< r11 -- Other: _____________________________________ _ PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important Thank you. LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 05-30-2002Page 1 of 1 Road Services Oivlsion ._·,, ::,;::,·J August 8. 2007 David l,l. Petric c. o Daniel K.Balmelli Barghausen Consulting Engineers. Inc. l 8215 -72nd A venue South Kent. WA 98032 RE: Vacation ofa Portion of 164th Avenue SE File V-2578· Petitioner: David M. Petrie Dear Mr. Petrie: :< ::: [1JlF: '.' In compliance with the King County Council"s letter of October 10. 2006. the Department of Transportation·s (DOT) Road Services Division (RSDJ staff has investigated the petition named abow. The petition meets the criteria set forth in the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 36.87. which establishes the right of property owners to petition a County legislative body for rhe , acation of road right-of-way. The results of the DOT" s examination of the proposed vacation of a portion of the 164th Avenue SE right-ot:way. including the RSD staff recommendations. are comained in this letter. The RSD is not able to approve your petition for road vacation at this time. The 164th A venue SE right-of-way is located within the City of Renton·s Potential Annexation Area. The City of Remon has reconunended against rncating the subject portion of right-of-way. as it could adwrsely impact the funire zoning. density. and development within the area. Additionally. King County Departments of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) and Development and Environmentai Services have also recommended against vacating the subject portion ofright-of- \\Tty ut this time. lhc 164th Avenue SE right-ot:way abuts Maplewood Heights Park and Liberty High School. located to the east and north of the subject right-of-way. DNRP is in the process of transferring the o\\nership of Maplewood Heights Park to the City of Renton. The City of Renton has deemed the subject right-of:way necessary for future public access to the park property and continued pedestrian access to the park property and Liberty I !igh School. Therefore. in considering the facts and recommendations from affected agencies, RSD staff finds that the right-of-way cannot be deemed useless to the public road system and that the public would nut benefit by an approval to vacate that portion of the 164th Avenue SE right-of-way at this time. MAIN FILE COPY David M. Petrie August 8, 2007 Page 2 The RSD is prohibited by state law from recommending approval of a vacation for a right-of-way that has not been deemed useless to the public road system. This letter serves as your "NOTICE OF DENIAL" in accordance with King County Code 14.40.015. This notice is final unless you file a written appeal including a $200.00 administrative fee with the Clerk of the King County Council within 30 days from the date of this letter. Your written appeal must specify the basis for the appeal and any supporting arguments. All appeals are processed in the same manner as vacations recommended for approval. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kelly Whiting, Supervising Engineer, at 206- 296-6522 or via e-mail at Kelly. Whiting@kingcounty.gov. Sincerely, c:Rccffl lbz17\Gv~ Paulette Norman, P .E. County Road Engineer cc: David M., Petrie, Petitioner Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services Group, Engineering Services Section (ESS), Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOn Kelly R. Whiting, P .E., Supervising Engineer, ESS, RSD, DOT Nicole Keller, Vacation and Boundaries Engineer, ESS, RSD, DOT 1 I I r-- L_ -- -·· -- . w VJ LI, > <( -----,------ 1--(J! LlJ (./) LlJ > <( a z "' en ~ ~ LlJ > <( a z "' en ~ F'CTF E # 145750-IJ 145 PCTPIE #145750-0150 • LlJ (./) LlJ > _<( I f--.,. tD ~ I V-2578 ~.847 SOFT / i ---~-----· ~- :,c 1 ~ ~Rn DI , -I _-_-j ~ ======~==========================' RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION For informational Use Only 164th Avenue SE Vacation File V-2578 SE Section 1-:, TJw~1·;h1p 23 North, Range 5 Ec1st KC Ma,n\ained Roads 1hl' r.Dr•.-J:nn,:i~~ er, N,,~,c, r1'1tbHno::<~Jll•J~J >nl Cto.ntl' 11311'1'71\ 11~9"" 01'KUCl'I SU II ,U,Jr,cJ ll~t Mf'O.llnob ~hi Ci;a.rit,m.;u rn<~rtRl"ll!llcn: rJ -·~····''l>"'lOI' hl~lt'd.~ l;,i,;;,:uo:, .a;,r,11tf~C><' I. l'Mlh!,l,C:.,l'jf\11 ~h,'IRC'l"IU,,lnbr>,~JC' 111\1 COL.l\frlt'idl rdb, v,1,1, tr ll"l1 ~,.,.1,1, lp:::!-'I. t-,,1!~-<-l.lrdlu,111.<>' atnrt ... <'f.111 oD!'._..,;,, r..:l .. ,w-~.h.t.-.:1 IM11r4 b.1¢rlf@.lt.-...Jor IClflpt::1r.r~nU"Q f<:n N '-'H a"'"""'~ r.. lnbl•::ilcnca,...,....J ,n NI "'::!Sa "Y 131' o,1"11 If\~ /J IYS:Hn,U:<)<n l"ff "'~ ~ ~n:ni.i,d 9COl~J Sltn ~ur~ll1lcnQf It'll C::a.nlt + ) PRIVATE AGREEMENT -E-·-:c:-1VED t<-\..... r- JUL 11 2007 162nd Ave SE Extension to SE 144"' ST. and SE 1361b ST Intersecdon at 1561 • Ave SE , , ~ING"~~~~0icES KBS, Rabul B. and Arvind J. Petrie & Eagle Creek Land & Developtt\.e~tu"'-· The following agreement is entered into between Rahul B. and Arvind ~ f'(X)* individuals ["Petrie"), KBS Development Corporation, a Washington Corporation ["KBS"J, and Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ["Eagle Creek"), and collectively with Petrie, KBS and Eagle Creek "Developers"] as of May 10, 2007. I. Pro,ierties/Pumose. A Petrie is the owner of that real property described in Exhibit A ["Liberty Gardens"]. R KBS is the contract owner of that real property described in Exhibit B ["Cavalla"]. C. Eagle Creek is the contract owner of that real property described in Exhibit C ["Threadgill"). D. The Developers have applications for residential subdivisions submitted to the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services ["King County") for each of the above properties ["Properties"], and have already been or will be required to provide certain mitigation for their Properties impacts on the surrounding road improvements as part of the King County environmental review process. The purpose of this agreement is to develop a mechanism for collectively providing the required or agreed upon mitigation improvements and allocating the costs related thereto. 2. Acting Committee. Each Developer shall appoint one representative to a committee to act on behalf of the Developers ["Acting Committee"] and the Acting Committee shall act by majority vote to determine all matters to be done under this Agreemenl 3. Road Improvements and Mitigation. To comply with the required SEPA mitigation and or agreed upon road improvements that may be required by King County for the intersection at SE 136"' St and 156th Ave SE as well as the extension of 162nd Ave Se beginning at the SW comer of Liberty Gardens continuing South until SE 144"'St, the Developers shall cooperatively design, permit, and install the improvements approved by the County, and shall jointly provide the funds required for such costs, which may include but shall not be limited to the cost of the following ["Mitigation Costs"]: 162 Ave SE Extension and SE 136th St and 156th Ave SE Intersection 1. ROW hnprovements; 2. Storm water detention; 3. Landscape mitigation; 4. Engineering design and jurisdiction review fees; 5. Financial guarantee and insurance premiums; 6. Design work and studies by professional consultants; 7. Legal fees. 8. Additional improvements required by King County or City of Renton during the design review and/or construction process. 9. Removal and/or relocation of power or light poles. 10. Signalization if deemed necessary. 11. Channelization. 4. Alternative Design. In the event an alternative design can be approved by WSDOT and King County at a lessee cost, all parties agree to pursue the alternative and share in the costs for this action based on the pro-rata share methodology as defined below. 5. Pro-rata Contributions. Each Developer agrees to fund a pro ram portion of the Mitigation Costs, as such costs become due, based on lhe number of units created from each Developer's Property as those lots to the total of such lots for all Properties. Currently, the lots are agreed to be as follows for each Property: Liberty Gardens: Cavalla: Threadgill: 37 Units 34 Units 15 Units Based on the agreed number of units above, the following percentage of the Mitigation Costs ["Mitigation Cost Percentages"] shall apply to the Properties: Liberty Gardens: Cavalla: Threadgill: 6. Revision to Percentages. 43% 40% 17% By executing this Agreement, the Developers agree to the above percentages for the Properties. However, it is also agreed by the Developers that the number of such Page 2 of 12 Initial ffl1. ~ ~ ~ j(gt 1o/c/01 '/lror ;///i,07 If ¥c1 (,-~· 01 percentages per Property shall be recalculated upon: [i] upon any new property becoming subject to the same or similar mitigation requirements as for the Properties as part of such new property's SEPA review by King County and the owner/developer/applicant becoming a party to this Agreement. The recalculation of Mitigation Cost Percentages at the above times shall use the same methodology as above, and any changes shall result in a recalculation and adjustment among the Developers of Mitigation Costs previously paid [with amounts owing among the Developers to be paid within one month] and shall apply to those costs accrued after the date of such review and adjustment. Provided, however, in the event that the number of units for any Property falls below the threshold to be subject to mitigation requirements by King County: [i] the units for that Property shall not be considered in the total units for determining the applicable Mitigation Cost Percentages accruing after such review date; and [ii] the units for that Property shall be utilized on a one-time basis to calculate an adjustment among the Developers for previously accrued Mitigation Costs; and [iii] the Developer of that Property shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement with respect to that Property after such review date other than for any adjustment of Mitigation Costs previously paid or due prior to such review date as a result of an adjustment of the percentages. 7. Reimbursement ofMjtigation Costs Throughout the ROW improvements design, review, and construction process, it is anticipated that Mitigation Costs will occur and be home by one Developer. The Developers agree that invoices for all such work will be submitted to the other Developers for a pro rata reimbursement based on the Mitigation Cost Percentages. Payment shall be due within one month ofreceipt of the invoice, unless another timeline is agreed upon by all parties in writing. All invoices shall be sent to the Managing Developer and checks will be disbursed at a monthly committee meeting 8. Disputes over Reimbursement of Expenses. In the event that a dispute arises over the expense reimbursement provided for in Paragraph 8, the party or parties disputing the reimbursement amount shall provide the party or parties requesting the reimbursement amount written notice stating the basis for the dispute. The parties will then have 30 days to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved during that time, the parties agree to arbitrate that dispute through the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service in Seattle, Washington or a similar service that is agreeable to the parties. The arbitration shall be set within 30 days of the deadline for informal resolution of the dispute. The substantially prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and costs as set forth in Paragraph 17. 9. Future Latecomers Agreement. King County currently has adopted road latecomers process (RCW Ch. 35.72. The Developers agree to pursue the adoption of a road latecomers ordinance with King County and/or city of Renton. If successful and reimbursement is collected from other benefited property owners, it is agreed to by all parties that reimbursement shall occur based on the Mitigation Cost Percentages at the time of the reimbursement. Page 3 of 12 Initial ~ {tJ1_ .ae__ ~ Jm( i./r/07 b(1S(ol f,/ISW L<1b 41f,o? l 0. Contractor to Construct Improvements. The parties acknowledge that the intersection improvements will most likely occur during the spring/summer of 2008. It is also probable that all projects will have received construction approval by this time. The parties agree that Requests for Proposals for the construction of the mitigation improvements will be sent to a minimum of three pre-qualified contractors for cost comparison. The selected contractor shall be approved by all parties prior to beginning work on the project Management of the contractor will be determined by agreement of the Developers prior to construction including pro-rata reimbursement of management expenses accrued by the managing Developer. Anticipated cost over runs and/or change orders greater than $10,000 shall be approved by the Developers prior to approval for payment 11. Time is of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence in performing all acts required by this Agreement 12. Authority. The Parties each represent and warrant that they have full power and actual authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out all actions required of them by this Agreement. All persons execnting this Agreement in representative capacities represent and warrant that they have full power and authority. 13. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications called for or contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to have been duly given by mailing the same by first-class mail, postage prepaid; by delivering the same by hand; or by sending the same by telex or telecopy or email, to the following addresses, or to such other addresses as the parties may designate by written notice in the manner aforesaid, provided that communications that are mailed shall not be deemed to have been given until three business days after mailing: Rahul B. and Arvind J. Petrie c/o Dave Petrie 811 South 273n1 Ct Des Moines, WA 98198 KBS Develorment Corporation 12320 NE 8 1 Street #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC 13701 SE 253n1 St Kent, WA 98042 14. Governing Law. This Agreement is entered into under the laws of the state of Washington, and ifit becomes necessary to interpret or enforce any of its tenns, it is the intent of all parties that the laws of the State of Washington shall apply. 15. Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. All parties shall submit and not object to jurisdiction and venue in the King County Superior Court, State of Washington, in connection with any claims arising out of this Agreement 16. Binding Effect: Assignability. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legatees, representatives, receivers, trustees, successors, transferees and assigns. 17. Attorneys' Fees. Should it be necessary for any party to this Agreement to initiate legal proceedings to adjudicate any issues arising hereunder, the party or parties to such legal proceedings who substantially prevail shall be entitled to reimbursement of their attorneys' fees, costs, expenses and disbursements (including the fees and expenses of expert and fact witnesses, whether or not they testify in any proceeding) reasonably incurred or made by the substantially prevailing parties in preparing to bring suit, during suit, on appeal, on petition for review, and in enforcing any judgment or award, from 1he other party or parties. 18. Severability. This Agreement does not violate any federal or state statute, rule, regulation or common Jaw known; but any provision which is found to be invalid or in violation of any statute, rule, regulation or common law shall be considered null and void, with the remaining provisions remaining viable and in effect. 19. Cooperation in Execution of Documents. The parties agree properly and promptly to execute and deliver any and all additional documents that may be necessary to render this Agreement and/or the documents executed pursuant to the Exhibits attached hereto legally and practically effective. This paragraph shall not require 1he execution of any document that expands, alters or in any way changes the terms of this Agreement 20. Headings Not Controllin2. The paragraph headings included herein are for reference only and are not a part of this Agreement. The headings shall not control or alter the meaning of this Agreement as set forth in the text. 21. Countemarts. This Agreement may be executed in any nwnber of identical counterparts, notwithstanding that all parties have not signed the same counterpart, with the same effect as if all parties had signed the same document All counterparts shall be construed as and shall constitute one and the same agreement. 22. Equal Opportunity to Participate in Draftini:. The parties have participated and had an equal opportunity to participate in the drafting of this Agreement No ambiguity shall be construed against any party based upon a claim that that party drafted the ambiguous language. 23. Incorporation ofExhjbjjs. Any exhibits referred to in this Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth here. 24. Waiver. Any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement may be waived, but only by a written notice signed by the party waiving such tenns or conditions. A waiver or any breach of, or failure to enforce, any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not in any way affect, limit or waive a party's rights to enforce compliance thereafter with each and every term and condition of this Agreement 25. Statute of Limitations. All claims or causes of action arising out of this Agreement must be brought within one year after they accrue. Failure to bring suit within this time period shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. 26. Final and Complete Agreement This Agreement together with any exhibits attached hereto constitut.es the final and complet.e expression of the parties on all subjects. This Agreement may not be modified, interpreted, amended, waived or revoked except in writing signed by all parties. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements, discussions and representations on all subjects including without limitation. No party is entering into this Agreement in reliance on any oral or written promises, inducements, representations, understandings, interpretations or agreements other than those contained in this Agreement and the exhibits hereto. 27. Full Understanding: Independent Legal Counsel. The parties each acknowledge, represent and agree that they have read 1his Agreement and the Exhibits attached; 1hat they fully understand the terms thereof; that they have been fully advised by their legal counsel, accountants and other advisors with respect thereto; and that they are executed by them upon the advice and recommendation of their independent legal counsel. EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE the date first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement effective as of the last date first set forth below. Rahul B. Petrie 1 Date Liberty Gardens -Owner ~ &t?t 6/15/07 Arvind J Petrie Date Libe er -! b ·/f-o--Z Date , Rm1dall Goodwin, Manag1 ember Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC Page 7 of 12 Initial £M: a._ tJL &/ ~111 1(15,ibt {i/!,/o-, Exhibit A Liberty Gardens Property Legal description Tracts 5 and 6, Block 4, Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, records ofKing County. Otherwise known as Tax Lots 145750-0145 and !45750-0150, 4.16 acres band 4.5 acres at South 164th Ave S.E. and S. E. I 42nd Street between Renton and Issaquah. Situate in County of King, State of Washington. Parcel No. 14575-0135 (Nguyen) Exhibit B Cavalla Property Legal description Tract 3, Block 4, Cedar Park 5-acre tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, Records of King County, Washington. Situate in King County, Washington. Parcel No. 145750-0140 (Miya) Tract 4, Block 4, Cedar Park 5-acre tracts according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 91, Records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of the East 30 feet of the South 658.23 feet of the North 687.48 feet of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., as vacated by King County Ordinance No. 4406 recorded under Recording No. 7908150748 adjoining said premises. Page 9 of 12 Initial ~ J}_ JlL ~1"1 JJr[ I Ir/.-I ... ,,.,._ Ult;.~~ ... I n ,1:f..-</1 u# Exhibit C Threadgill Property Legal description TRACT 8, BLOCK I, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLATS THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax I.D. number: 145750-0040 Page 10 ofl2 Initial PU ~ ()~ i l(?;t°' fi9;;.. · · · · , .. ~,-~ // t~0 ~t,01 STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KlNG ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Rahul B. and Arvind J. Petrie are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATED this~ day of '.'.:} 1,1.11e.., , 2007. ~~)~1-~ Residing at Das ~ My appointment expires:! m ) I I STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Randall Goodwin is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authori7.ed to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act of Eagle Creek Land & Development, LLC a ·Washington limited liability company, for the uses and pmposes mentioned in the instrument DATED this 1L day of Tu t1 f , 2007. STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) Page 11 of12 • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kolin B. Taylor is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act of KBS Development Corporation, a W asbington corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATED this /1571ay of ::1Uf/{ ,,,,'-"mffii1 , 2007. Residing at v<;;E?U(t,4<£> My appointment expires: !? ·3t' elf STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Robert W. Ruddell is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the act ofKBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument -=-y_u_tv_~_~, 2001. ~~ (PnntName) VMcf,.! { C;...' Ne Residing at 1(~11:rNq] My appointment expires: g c] 0 · oq Page 12 of 12 ' .. ' D N tfraffic Consultants! PO Box 547 Preston, WA 98050-0547 425-392-1308 Date: To: From: Subject: April 17, 2007 Ty Pendergraft Eagle Creek Land Development Gary A. Norris, P.E., P.T.O.E. ON Traffic Consultants Threadgill/Cavalla/Liberty Gardens Response to KC Traffic Comment RECEIVED JUL 1 1 2007 KING COU~!TY U'.\ND USE Sl::RVICEEO L01P0034 This memorandum was prepared to address a question raised by Kris Langley KCDOT, at the February meeting of the Threadgill ct al applicants with King County DOES. Specifically, Kris requested an evaluation of the following: If signalization were warranted at the 156'' Avenue SE/SE 136th Street intersection would: I. Would some of the southbound traffic demand shift from the 162"' Avenue SE/SE 144'" Strcct/156'" Avenue SE/SR 169 route to the SE 136'' Street/1561 " Avenue SE/SR 169 route'! 2. What is your professional opinion about the reduction along 162"'' Avenue SE and the increase along SE 136'" Street, if any'! To address these questions, I will respond in the order they are presented. Signalization First, the questions are based on the premise that signalization would be warranted. A review of the prevailing traffic volumes and the MUTCD trafiic signal warrants indicate the intersection does not meet applicable warrants in the 2008 with project volume scenario. Warrants considered included Warrant 1 -Eight I-lour Warrant, Condition A and B; Warrant 2 --Four-I-lour Vehicular Volume; Warrant 3 -Peak Hour; and Warrant 7 -Crash Experience. (There have been no accidents during the latest three year period evaluated). Projecting the 2008 with project volumes at the current growth rate (6 percent per year), signal warrants would be met in 17 years or approximately 2025. Unless, the County is willing to consider signalization without warrants, it is unlikely that a signal will be constructed in the time frame of this development proposal. Southbound Traffic Shift If the SE 1361h Street/156'" Avenue SE intersection were signalized, it appears that the anticipated delay for eastbmmd and westbound traffic will be significantly higher than it currently is under the two-way stop scenario. As presented in the TIA (Technical Appendix), the approach delay for the eastbound and westbound traffic under the two- way stop control is 125.9 seconds and 63.9 seconds respectively. With signalization this increases to 401.4 seconds and 24 l .4 seconds respectively. This condition results from an optimized signal timing which seeks to minimize overall intersection delay. Since the eastbound and westbound PM peak hour volumes arc insignificant, 36 and 20 vph respectively, compared to the north and south bound traffic, 4 l 5 and 949 vph respectively, Syncro seeks to minimize the delay by providing more "green time" to the north · south movement while the east -west movements wait. Therefore, if the signal were to operate in an optimized manner significant delay would be realized on SE 136'" Street which would compel the motorist to seek other routes. An evaluation of the travel time via both routes indicates under notmal circumstances, where the dclav realized at the SE 136'h Street/156'h Avenue SE intersection didn't have such an unpac{ on route selection, the plat of Threadgill would select the SE l361h Strcet/l56'h Avenue SE route to SR 169 whereas the other two plats, Liberty Gardens and Cavalla would select 162"" Avenue SE. This is based on the assumption that the motorist will select the minimum travel time path. Obviously, human nature doesn't always work that way. If the extension of 162"' Avenue SE is not constructed, then the SE 1361 1. Street/156',. Avenue SE route has the faster travel time for all three plats and it is assumed. ProfessionalOpmion Regarding Diversion Based on the foregoing analysis and previous analysis of traffic f1ow patterns in this area, 1t 1s my opm1011 that traffic from these plats bound to/from the south and SR 169, will always seek alternative routes to the 1561 h Avenue SEISE 136'" Street route because of the delay encountered at this intersection. The construction of I 62"d Avenue SE will not change this conclusion although it will offer a faster travel time for Cavalla and Liberty Gardens. The plat of Threadgill will not benefit from the construction of l62"d Avenue SE other than through the provision of another alternative route. I hope this addresses the question in a satisfactory manner. lfyou have any questions, please call me at ( 425 )765-572 l or by e-mail at gary.norris@comcast.net. Thanks, Gary 2 (643) 676 - (64) 376 t "' "' .... ~~ EE5: j t l (11) 13 _J (1)1- (20) 22 t -(416) 749 t (151) -184 SE 128th Street L(1) 1 -(0)1 .(3) 6 1 t i ~ ~ C: _..,_ ..,_o --~-=- ~ <3H_1 1 ti (3) 4 ---+-0 00 0 (12) 11 -----,_ ;:;;, ;::_ ~ ' ......... --.e (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK "' -o"' L §'RR (0) 4 ----(624) 1049 J • L .--(9) 53 (1) 17 _J 1 t i (891) 863 -'° "'::l (16) 63 -----,_ ;::_ o' _ ' ::i-:g -- w "' w • a "' C • • > a C " ~ £ " 0 £ ~ -'°-L .:::..:::. I j l -(633) 419 (6) 24 _J (190) 653 - w "' • , C ~ " ;a w .. "' ~ • w "' • a C • > <( w ;a "' • m , ~ C ;; a SE 132nd Street C • "' • > > <( <( ;a £ w w ~ '.'! SE 134th Street SE 135th Street Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street ON TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES W/0 PROJECT PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS FIGURE 6 ' . (4) 10 ----1 <O SE 128th Street l17%l L<s) s ~ L -;;,-(6) 4 -.._ (8) 6 l .(32) 21 (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK i (4) 10 t (4) .(2) 8 i "' £ 0 <D s7 (7) :JJ SE 132nd Street ~J ~~g SE 134th Street (2) 2 ___. £ <D <D S"'J ~-SThreadgill ( '46) ..d1 .._ (1) 3 £ m <D SE 136th Street £ 0 <D THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS Cavalla w "' • , i ., £ m <D Liberty Gardens SE 144th Street AM PEAK PM PEAK TOTAL OUT IN TOTAL OUT IN 10 3 7 14 9 5 26 7 19 34 21 13 29 8 21 38 24 14 ON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS PROJECT GENERATED TRAFFIC PLAT OF THREADGILL CA VALLA LIBERTY GARDENS FIGURE 7 (686) 647 --- (64) 378 f ~ "'"' .... -"' EE.5: j t l (11) 13 _j (1) 1 --- (20) 22 f ~ -(416) 749 f (151) 484 ii SE 128th Street L (15) 13 -<o) 1 ,(3) 6 1 t r ~ :3 c:: _,..,_ ,..,_o -"'-,..,-.e. ,-....<DN L -~-(15) 4 "' .... "' ----(12) 9 j t l ,<35) 22 (3)4_J 1 tr (3) 4 ---0"' (12) 11 --, ~ ::.: l .-..,.. n -.,, - (XXX) -AM PEAK XXX -PM PEAK -- ,.., -o"' L s--(0) 4 c~~ -(624) 1049 j t l ,<11) 61 (1) 17_J 1 tr (891) 863 -"' "' ill (20) 73 --, _::: S - w "' • 0 C • > < 5 ' I"') ....... I"") ,.., "' -- w "' • a C ~ < £ 0 '!'. ~s L<oi 1 j l -(634) 422 (6) 24 _j (192) 655 __. w "' • a C ~ < ~ w "' '!'. • w "' • a C ~ < w "' 5 "' • 0 :£ w SE 132nd Street a • ~ C > ~ 5 0 w SE 134th Street < .: 5 5 "' w '!'. '!'. Cavalla Liberty Gardens SE 144-th Street SE 136th Street 5 "' w DN TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 2008 TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITH PROJECT PLAT OF THREADGILL CA VALLA LIBERTY GARDENS FIGURE 8 - r j i: )j li I' jl .1 I ' f ' ' ' j i UJ : I (/) I ' w > <t: I 1- (£) l() ' ' ' I ' I I\ I ' I ; I I I\ I : I ; i t I; \' I I i . I : W ' i'' ' t ' . i l . t I I ! j I ; I : I t ! i : I ! : : II 1; 1 , •. . ij I I I I I l I I t ' i I Ii I I, ;, ' !j i i i1 1 i I ; (/) w > ' <t: I 1- <0 l() Ms. Tnshah Bull. Planner II King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Current l'lanmng Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue s_w_ Renton_ WA 98055-1219 RE: Additional Information for Liberty Garden Kmg County File No. L04P0034 Our Job No. l 2424 Dear Ms. Bull: Cl'JI'_ ENGl~EERING. LA.ND PLA.N~JING. sunvEYING. ENVlllONlv1ENTAL SErlVICES July 11, 2007 COURIER DELIVERY '-J'\ i, --_ ---------------------------Ml REVISIONJ __ , .. --·-· ---·----. ·---~ . L04P00~ I am enclosing: the following information in response to the february 28, 2007 plat screening meeting with KCDDES staff: I. Ten ( 1 OJ copies of the S.E. 144th Street Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Plats ofCavalla, Threadgill, and Liberty Gardens prepared by Ed McCarthy dated June 15, 2007 2. Ten (10) copies of the traffic and road information prepared by D.N. Traffic Consultants addressing trafiic issues raised at the February 28, 2007 meeting by Senior Engineer Chris Langley 3. Ten (10) copies of the Cavalla. Liberty Gardens, and 162nd Avenue S.E. road extension mitigation plan prepared by Chad Annour, LLC dated May 17, 2007 4. Ten (] 0) copies of the executed private agreement between the developers of Liberty Gardens, Cavalla, and Threadgill with respect to 162nd Avenue S.E. extension and S.E. 144th Street and S.E. 136th Street intersections dated June 18. 2007 5. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised prelimmary plat plans (Sheets Cl to C6 and PI.I to PL2J dated July 10. 2007 6. Twenty-five (25) copies of the revised extension plans for 162nd Avenue S.E. dated October 23. 2006 At the February 28, 2007 meetmg, the developers of Threadgill, Cavalla, and Liberty Gardens met with KCDDES staff to discuss the cumulative impacts to traffic, stom1, and critical areas. The enclosed information adequately addresses the plat screenmg comments dated April 5, 2007. Please note that we have provided the mitigation payment pursuant to KCC 21A.24.l37. Also included is the mitigation payment for impacts to the extension of 162nd Avenue S.E. I am confident that the enclosed information adequate addresses the plat screening comments. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (42t,) 2ti1 -6222 (i'.25) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES + OLYMPIA, WA t TACOMA, WA + SACRAMENTO, CA t TEMECULA, CA www.barghausen.com Ms. Trishah Bull, Planner II King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Current Planning Section -2- If you need additional information, please contact me. GWP/dm 12424c.007.doc enc: As Noted cc: Mr. David Petrie Respectfully, c)d»~ G. Wayne Potter Senior Planner Mr. Curtis Schuster, KBS Development Corp. Mr. Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. July 9, 2007 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division * * * * * * * ** ** * ** *********IM PO RT ANT*********************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: 0_. Li~ '2/rJlfJe_,./ Project Name0 1-or 'DQ3~ FROM: ( ;o: W~l,(_ f&+&, Barghausen Engineers Company Name I Contact Person Telephone No. (425) 251-6222 Date Received by LUSD ~ [E (G [E ~ ~ [E ro·1 JUI:: I I 2007 /..h!J K.C. D.D.E.S. / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat / Plats Please specify item(s} dropped-off: , ~~~ ~r~~~PI.., (J I I it ,,' f I l.t-"t lli!,v Lo line Adjustment Permit "~ ~.st!:' Please specify item(s} dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s} dropped-off: Clearing/ Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped off: Other:-------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s} will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-<lropoff.pdf 05-30-2002Page 1 of 1 . ~1.:) • .,. tf"• . .'/ 7 • ' • . .\?\ ' _,,-: -••.J \. I. .... .: '>(, \ \·' ' r' . ~ 1 • ""'-. ;\'.~ ,.- ·. ':·. ·.1·~"":,•, ,,,,-."'AW,,~.t ,.,L '. 1-•y. -~"; .• l"" t",4'i. • i) ,~i .•• ,... • ,:" .. ,j. • -. MAIN FILE COPY REVISED FIRE ENGINEERING CONDITIONS LIBERTY GARDENS SUBDIVISION Permit Approval Conditions Document Fire System Review Tracking Number: L04P0034 The following conditions apply to the Fire Engineering approval of the above referenced preliminary plat: AA02 MUDD Any questions regarding the fire review of this plan should be directed to: Bill Mudd, Fire Engineering Supervisor Telephone: (206) 296-6785. *** SPRINKLER REQUIREMENT *** All future residences constructed within this subdivision are required to be sprinkled NFPA 13D unless the requirement is removed by the King County Fire Marshal or his/her designee. The Fire Code requires all portions of the exterior walls of structures to be within 150 feet (as a person would walk via an approved route around the building) from a minimum 20-foot wide, unobstructed driving surface. To qualify for removal of the sprinkler requirement driving surfaces between curbs must be a minimum of28 feet in width when parking is allowed on one side of the roadway, and at least 36 feet in width when parking is permitted on both sides. FHOl FIRE HYDRANT W ATERMAJN PERMITS A separate permit is required for the installation of water mains and/or fire hydrants. Submit three (3) copies of drawings and specifications to DOES Building Services Division Permit Service Center for a permit application. Review and approval by Fire Engineering Section is required prior to installation. Plans shall include, but are not limited to; pipe sizes, pipe type, valves/fittings, thrust blocks and/or rodding and material listings. Fire hydrants shall be installed per K.C.C. Title 17 Water mains shall be installed and tested per A WW A standards and/or NFPA#24 (STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS AND WATERMAINS); as applicable. Ref. 1001.4 UFC NOTE: UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, ANY W ATERMAIN OR FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS ON BUILDING PLANSillRA WINGS HAVE NOT BEEN REVIEWED OR APPROVED. FH74 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Preliminary Fire Engineering approval has been granted based upon the following information provided. To obtain final Fire Engineering approval, the following item(s) must be submitted to the DDES permit service center; reviewed and approved: Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page I of2 . . • I. Certificate of Water Availability. (Provided by appropriate water purveyor). Valid one year from date of signature. Minimum acceptance flow shall be 1000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure. IL Three copies of plans indicating: A. Fire hydrant(s) location -measured by vehicular travel distance. (K.C.C. Title 17) Residential 1. 700 ft. maximum spacing. 2. Not more than 350 ft. from each lot. B. Watermain placement (K.C.C. Title 17) 1. Source (i.e.) supply connection. 2. Main sizes identified. C. Fire access roads Ref. IFC, Sections 501 through 503, 2003 addition I. Minimum 20 ft. wide unobstructed -13'6" vertical clearance, unobstructed. All-weather surface, able to withstand 25 tons. 2. Fire access roads in excess of 150 feet (dead-ends), must have a tum-around area. Required turn-arounds must be a minimum 80-foot diameter.[INCLUDING TEMPORARY TURNAROUNDS] 3. Fire access roads must provide 20-foot minimum inside turning radius and 40 outside turning radius when said roads change direction. 4. Fire access roads shall not exceed 15% grade. 5. The required width of any fire apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum required widths and clearances established under this section shall be maintained at all times. D. Marking when required, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Ref. IFC, Sections 501 through 503, 2003 edition FH77 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Final plat approval requires an inspection and approval of the fire hydrant and water main installation by a King County Fire Inspector, prior to recording. Call [888)546-7728 to schedule an inspection; after a permit to install has bee obtained from DOES; Fire Protection Engineering. Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page 2 of2 .. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 January 1 1, 2007 David M. Petrie 811 South 273'J Court Des Moines WA 98198 Dear Mr. Petrie: .. The original work budgeted for Liberty Garden Short Plat (L04P0034) was established at 328 hours for review time. At this time, staff review will likely exceed the original estimate due to revisions and modifications to the layout of the project. As noted by disclaimers in the original pcm1it fee estimate, additional fees may be assessed based upon changes in the project and/or incomplete submittal information. The following is a summary of original budget hours and estimated additional hours to finalize the preliminary review phase of the project. Total Original Estimated Hours 328 Revised Estimated Hours 378 The change in estimated hours will result in an additional 50 hours for review. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees or the preliminary review process, please contact me via e-mail at cynthia.moffitt@metrokc.gov, or by telephone at 206-296-6792. Sincerely, 4c~ 1'/r=--=- cynthia Moffitt Project Manager Jll Current Planning Section cc: Trishah Bull, Project Manager II, Current Planning, Land Use Services Division (LUSD), Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Kim Claussen, Project Manager III, LUSD, ODES Lisa Dinsmore, Supervisor, LUSD, DOES Bruce Whittaker, Engineer, Engineering Review Services, LUSD, DOES Larry West, Geologist, Critical Areas, (CA), LUSD, DOES Nick Gillen, Wetland Scientist, CA, LUSD, DOES Application File Trishah Bull, Planner II King County Depa1tment of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 J CIVIL ENGINEERING. L.Ar-.JD PLA.NNING. SURVEYING. ENV1RONMFNTAL SERVICES August 11, 2006 RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2JDo KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES RE: Request for Additional Submittal Time for Additional Information Plat of Liberty Gardens King County File No. L04P0034 Our Job No. 12424 Dear Trishah: As you know, we have been hired by David Petric, property owner and developer of Liberty Gardens, to finalize and resolve several outstanding issues. Approximately 1 month ago, we met with you, as well as several other DOES staff members, to discuss the overall issues relating to the plats of Liberty Gardens, Cavalla, and Threadgill. The County has determined that a secondary access will be required to serve these projects. We recently completed an analysis of two access scenarios and reviewed Nick Gillen, Bruce Whitaker, and Kristen Langley on Tuesday, August 8, 2006. We have been asked to complete additional research; therefore, we are requesting an extension to the resubmittal deadline for this project. Should you have questions or need further information, please contact me at this office. Thank you. GWP/dm/ath 12424c.002.doc enc: As Noted Respectfully'f1rT7';"~ ---- ~) G. Wayne Potter Project Manager cc: David Petrie Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers. Inc. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES + OLYMPIA. WA + TEMECULA, CA + RANCHO CORDOVA, CA www.barghausen.com , King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ******** ** *************IMPORT ANT*********************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: Project Name: FROM: TO: LO'-/Poo3'{ /;./Hl,/e fl~ , Barghausen Engineers Company Name I Contact Person Telephone No. (425) 251-6222 //(l/Jk,/.. 3t..l ( Date Received by LUSD ~~.~7}!.~~ K.C. D.D.E.S. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped off: Other:------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. ~ MAIN ftLE COPY (\. \\, 1 LUSO Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 05-30-2002Page 1 of 1 A \\ \ / y i ~-' --, ., C VIL CNGINEERING. LA.ND PLJ\NNING. SURVt:Y'NG, ENV 1 RONMENTAL SrRVIC[S November 22, 2006 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Ms. Trishah Bull, Planner II Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Resubmittal of Additional Information and/or Studies Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens King County File No. L04P0034 Our Job No. 12424 Dear Ms. Bull: RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2006 KING COUNTY i_AND USE SERVICES I am enclosing the following documents for your use in reviewing the proposed plat of Liberty Gardens_ L Twenty-five copies of the revised plat map, road/drainage plan, and park plan prepared by Barghauscn Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2. Ten copies of the 162nd Avenue S.E. extension plan 3. Ten copies of a Level II Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by DN Traffic Consultants dated October 31, 2006 4. Twenty-four copies of the revised SEPA Checklist dated November 19, 2006 For your use in reviewing the enclosed documents, the following is a brief summary to the Plat Screening Transmittal letter dated May 24, 2005. Recreation Space: Per KCC 211\. 14.180, tlze proposed plat is required to provide 390 square feet of recreution space per lot. Provide a conceptual recreation plan indicating tlze type of improvements (i.e. sport court, play structure, benches, landscaping, etc.) proposed. For developments of 26-50 dwelling units, at least nvo or more <f the recreation facilities listed shall be provided in addition to the tot lot or children's play area: a. playground equipment; b. C. sport court; sport field; d. tennis court; or '_.: .,; ,: LILE "'Of"( '· .. ii-·,_t~"' r_ .... V e. any other recreation fi1cility proposed by the applicant and approved by the director. Response: As required by KCC 2 lA.14. 180, we have provided a preliminary park and landscape plan that incorporates two play structures. Please note the project is proposing an underground 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES + OLYMPIA, WA + TACOMA WA + SACRAMENTO, CA + TEMECULA, CA www.barghausen.com King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Ms. Trishah Bull, Planner II Current Planning Section -2-November 22, 2006 vault for stormwater facilities and, therefore, we are utilizing the surface area for the required park open space. Drainage: It appears that the downstream path has been recently altered on the adjoining property to the south. Please reevaluate the downstream and include the revisions in the Level I Ojji·ite Analysis. Revise the Task 5 Mitigation for any capacity or other problems found. The offsile swale (item 2) is described i11 the Level I Analysis as a detentionjacility. The swale is 1101 a ji,rmal detention facility. It conveys flow to an existing 18 inch culvert that flows under S 144th St. Drainage does appear to backwater in this area, hut not as a formal detention system. Please evaluate this system for adequate capacity and include adequate mitigation per Task 5. Please note that the upstream pipes are 36 inch culverts. Please show the predeve/oped subbasins offsite and onsite. A drainage diversio11 adjustment may be required to combine the onsite }lows into one detention facility. Response: This office has performed an investigation to determine if the downstream path has been recently altered on the adjoining property to the south of Liberty Gardens. It was determined there was no revision to that downstream drainage path and exists much as it was called out in the off-site analysis for Liberty Gardens prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc., dated November 12, 2003. If you are referring to the off-site analysis prepared for the Cavalla plat, which is immediately upstream of the Liberty Gardens plat, they do not conflict with each other and both confirmed each other's downstream analysis. It is not known at this time how much flow is conveyed into the depressed area on the north side of S.E. 144th Street at 162nd Avenue S.E. As you indicated, it is not a detention pond but a depressed area that tends to back up water due to the fact that its outlet pipe is higher in elevation than the bottom of the depressed area. Further analysis would have to be performed to determine the exact drainage basin contributing runoff to this depressed area. The survey for this project has indicated that the upstream pipes are 24-inch diameter CPEP along the north side of the lots north of S.E. 142nd Place and that the pipes underneath S.E. 144th Street are 15-inch CMP. The off-site analysis found the pipes under S.E. 144th Street to be 18-inch CMP. Should this be determined to be a problem with conveyance at this depressed area, one means of providing mitigation for what may appear to be flow control problems in the upstream basin would be to upsize the pipes from 18-inch CMP to 24-inch CPEP on S.E. 144th Street. The two proposed projects immediately on the east side of 162nd Avenue S.E. north of S.E. 144th Street, known as Cavalla, and this project (Libe11y Gardens) are both providing Level 2 Flow Control for detention on both sites. In addition, the roadway improvements to 162nd Avenue S.E. have Level 2 Flow Control provided as well. That amount of flow control should be enough to prevent runoff from the developed site impacting the downstream drainage course any more than it does under existing conditions. During the heavy rains in the early of November 2006, this office visited the depressed area to the north side of S.E. 144th Street at 162nd Avenue S.E. and it was overtopping King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Ms. Trishah Bull, Planner II Current Planning Section -3-November 22, 2006 the berm around the depressed area and flowing out into the roadway of S.E. 144th Street. Impacts to S.E. J 44th Street were determined to be minor; however, runoff was coursing westerly toward the ditch on the north side of S.E. 144th Street, as well as being conveyed by pipes draining the pond to the south side of S.E. 144th Street where it is also conveyed in a westerly direction. In accordance with the last paragraph of your drainage review comment, we have attached herewith the pre-developed on-site basin map for the Liberty Gardens site that shows 8.64 acres of pre-developed area on site. This project is proposing Level 2 Flow Control with downstream point of compliance for a small bypassed area of 162nd Avenue S.E. south of the proposed detention facility tie-in. The upstream pre-developed basin map is also attached herewith. The majority of the upstream basin is located on the Cavalla site, which will ultimately route all runoff from Cavalla into a wet/detention pond prior to discharge into the conveyance system in 162nd Avenue S.E. and will not impact the Liberty Gardens site at all. The total upstream basin contributing runoff to Liberty Gardens under developed conditions will be less than 3 acres and is located immediately cast of the project site within Maplewood Heights Park. Roads: The following frontage and ojfsite road improvements are required for this subdivision. Please provide conceptual road and drainage plans for these improvements. a. FRONTAGE: the entire frontage of the subdivision along J62"d Ave SE shall be improved to the urban 1h-street standard with a temporary tumaround at the south boundary. b. OFFS/TE: !62"d Ave SE from the north plat boundary to the existing road pavement ( south boundary of Liberty Lane) shall be improved to a full width rural neighborhood collector. c. OFFS/TE: 162"'1 Ave SE ( south boundary of Liberty Lane to SE 136'" St) and SE I 36'' Street( I 62"d Ave SE to J 6(/' Ave SE) shall be improved to a minimum 22 Ji pavement width with a 4 ft gravel shoulder on one side. The SE 136'" Street improvements may be eliminated (l constructed by others. Response: Following the submittal of this project, the preliminary plat of Cavalla (L06P0001) and Threadgill (L05P0026) were submitted to King County for review and approval. Subsequently, we have met with King County to review the cumulative impacts of these three projects, as well as alternative access routes. Furthermore, King County required that a Level II Traffic Impact Analysis be prepared showing the impacts of all three projects and analyzing various intersections. Enclosed for your review is a Level II Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by DN Traffic Consultants for the plats of Threadgill/Cavalla/Liberty Gardens dated October 31, 2006. This Traffic Impact Analysis analyzed intersections as required by King County staff. Furthermore, several options with regard to secondary access were analyzed and reviewed with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Ms. Trishah Bull, Planner II Current Planning Section -4-November 22, 2006 King County. With this application we are submitting the preferred option of extending 162nd Avenue S.E. to S.E. 144th Street. A plan and profile of this proposed extension has been enclosed for review and approval. Wetlands: The wetland areas were flagged and surveyed however the flagging for Wetland C is no longer there. Wetland C will need to be re-flagged and verified. Please contact Nick Gillen at 206-296-7141 after the re-flagging is completed. Response: It is our understanding from the previous engineer (Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc.) that this information was provided to King County and reviewed by Nick Gillen. As a result of the revised plat layout, approximately 2,686 square feet of wetland and approximately 15,538 square feet of buffer will be disturbed as a result of the extension of 162nd Avenue S.E. We have provided an increase in the on-site stream/wetland buffer of 16,868 square feet of buffer makeup area. With respect to the lost wetland area, we are proposing to provide a wetland mitigation payment. This option was discussed with Nick Gillen at the King County meeting several months ago. A report on the impacts of Liberty Gardens frontage improvements is being prepared by Chad Armour, LLC and will be submitted to King County under a separate cover letter. Furthermore, as a result of the extension of 162nd Avenue S.E. for the plats of Liberty Gardens, Cavalla, and Threadgill, a stream enhancement plan submitted under a separate cover letter. Please note that we have also enclosed 24 copies of the revised SEPA Environmental Checklist. As discussed, the preliminary plat of Liberty Gardens has been revised based on comments received from King County with regard to secondary access, frontage improvements, and the proposed street vacations. We have revised the preliminary plat and associated documents accordingly. GWP/tcp/ath J2424c.005.doc enc: As Noted cc: Mr. David Petrie w/e>JJ<-- Respectfully, G. Wayne Potter Project Manager Mr. Curtis Schuster, KBS Development Corporation Mr. Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. A Ii Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. . Map. Output {@)"King County pg_(.t/~VE,L -PE[/ 0N5f TE ~A.SIN MAP iMAP Page 1 of 1 he information included on this map ha s been compiled by Ki ng County staff from a variety of sources and is subject l o change w ithout notice. Ki ng County ma kes no representations o r warranties , expres s or implied . as to accu racy, completene ss , timelines s, or rig hts to the use of s uch information . King County ha ll not be liable for any genera l, special, indire ct. inci dental, or consequential damages including, but no t limited to, lost revenues o r lost p rofits resulting from he use or misuse of the in formation contained on this map . A ny sale of this m ap or information on this ma p is prohib ited except by w ritte n p erm is sion o f King ounty . Date: 1 1-21 -2006 Source: Ki n Count iM A P -Proper! Info rmation http ://www.metrokc. ov/G IS/iM AP http ://www 5. metrokc.gov/scrvl et/com.esri.esrimap .Esrimap?Servi ceN ame=ovcrvicw &Client Ver. .. 11/21/2 006 ·Map_ Output ·@)' King County PR-t.pl:v£u -?€0 tAPS,fLCAM ~l\~IN iMAP Page 1 of l MAP he information i nclud ed on th is ma p h as been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sour ces and is su bject to change with out notice. King C o unty makes no rep resentati on s or warranties, exp ress or im p lied , as to accurac y , co m p leteness, timelin ess, or righ ts to the use of su ch informati on. King County shall not b e li able fo r any general, speci al, ind irect, incidenta l, or co n seq ue ntial dama ges includ ing , b ut n ot li mited to, lost revenues or lost pro[its res u lt ing fro m he use or misuse of t he i nfor mation con tain ed on this map. Any sa le of this map or infor mation on t his map is p rohibited except by w ritten per m iss ion of King County . Date : 11-2 1-2006 Sou rc e : Kin Count iMAP -Prop ert ln [ormation h ttp ://www .metro kc. ov/GIS /i MAP http://www5.rnetrokc.gov/s crvlct/com.csri.csrirnap.Esrimap?ServiceN ame=ov ervi ew&Clie ntVer ... 11 /21 /2006 ~· dmp, inc. December 09, 1005 1 " "'~ Trisha Bull, Planner II King County ODES 900 Oaksdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens Application No. L04P0034 Dear Ms. Bull: • •• DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE,INC. ENGINEERING-PLANNING-SURVEYING 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 (253)333-2200 FAX (253)-333-2206 On October 14, 2005 I sent a letter requesting an extension for the subject project mainly based on no response from our May 10, 2005 request for Road Vacation for portions of l 62"d and l 64'h Ave SE. As of this date we have not received a reply from you nor have we heard anything regarding the Road Vacation. At this time we need to request an open ended extension based on 60 days after we receive information regarding the Road Vacation. I would appreciate a timely response to this request. Sincerely: DMP, Inc. (._, .. ,~_(_'' .. , L~ v·'t.' \.. (::-, Mel L. Daley,"'P.E. Cc: Petrie £~" CIT OF RENTON Kathy Keolkcr-Wheeler, Mayor March 17, 2005 Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Trishah Bull 900 Oakesdale Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator SUBJECT: NOTICE OF APPLICATION, FILE #L04P0034/L1BERTY GARDEN Dear Ms. Bull: Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing and commenting on this project proposal. Renton's Planning/Building/Public Works Department comments are as follows: I. The proposed project is located within the Water District #90 water service area and City Sewer is available for 38 lots. 2. The proposed development is within Renton's Potential Annexation Area. Therefore, we request the following: • Right-of-Way for all streets within the development site should conform to City of Renton standards (i.e. minimum of 42-foot width versus the 40-foot width proposed on the Preliminary Plat Plan). • Street improvements (roadway pavement width and thickness, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street lighting, etc.) for the street system within the site and along 162nd Ave SE abutting the site should be installed in accordance with City of Renton standards. Sincerely, I G~ 1r11rm&t!!:!:----- Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. cc: Neil Watts Jennifer Henning Lys Hornsby Sandra Meyer ------,-0-S_S_S_ou_t_h_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y_--R-en-to_n_,_W_a-sh-in_g_to_n_9_8_0_5_5 ______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF TIIE CURVE DATE: TO: CC: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 7, 2005 Jim Gray/Fire Department Lys Hornsby/Utility SystemsW Sandra Meyer/Transportation V Lesley Betlach/Parks Director Alex Pietsch/EDNSP Gregg Zimmerman; P/B/PW Administrator Jennifer Henning; Development Planning King County DDES Notice of Application L04P0034/Liberty Garden CITY or:-:~;":1'.J re,!-.• ,_IE"ll!C 1iv;·;::,, ,-, \lfi Attached is a copy of the subject Notice of Application. Comments are due to King County ODES. See the attached Notice for Details. Please submit comments to Gregg's office in a timely manner. Attachment .. ® Department of Development and Environme ntal Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton , Washington 98055-1219 App licant: David Petrie File#: L04P0034 -Liberty Garden ODES Plan ner: Trishah .Bull 811 South 273"' Court Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Te lephone No .: 206-296-6758 Project Location: Da te Appl ication Filed : December 29, 2004 Date Determined Complete : January 26, .2005 j The property is located on 162"d Avenue SE, approximately Y. mile south of the 162"d Avenue SE and SE 136th Street intersection. Project Description : Subdivision ofapproximately 8.98 acres into 38 lots for the development of single-family detached residences In the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 7,000 to 15,000 square feet. The applicant's proposal also includes a proposal for right-of-way vacation that, if approved, would increase the acreage to 9.74 acres. Pe rmits requested ·in this application: Formal Plat Rele vant environmental documents are available at the address belo w: Drainage study, · Envi ronmental checklist Deve lopment regulations to be used for project mitigation, known at th is time: KCC 21A, including sensitive area regulations, road standards, arid 1998 Surface Wate r Design Manual Consistency with applicable County plans and reg ul ation s: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance w ith all applicable King County Codes, including those noted above Other permits not included in this applicatio n, known at this time: Road Vacation A public hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner is required for thi s appl ication. Notificatio n of the public hearing date wi ll occur approximately 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. The Department of Dev elopment and En v ironmental Services (ODES) w ill issue a report and recommen- dation to the Hearing Ex aminer two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled public heari ng . F ol lowing the close of the publi c hearing , the Hearing Examiner w ill issue a written decision wh ich may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Details of the appeal p rocess w ill be in clud ed in the notice of recommendation . Any person wishing additional informatio n on this proposed project should contact the planner at t he phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. You may review the application and any environmental documents or stud ies in our Renton office . NOTE: If you require th is material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, p lease call 206-296-6600 (vo ice) or fo r hearing impaired 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services D ivision 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Mailing Date: February 18, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------- Please send me no ti ficat io n of th e public hearing and other official noti ces concerning th is appl ication. File No . L04P0034 -Liberty Garden ( Please print ) Name: ________________________________ _ Address: _______________________________ _ Teleph one No.: ------------- >( I 0 " • • •• L04P0034 JI f?.. \ ''8 I> \ JI ,, ~ \ \ I \ I I I I 010-540 ® King County Department of Development and Envlronmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME lS NECESSARY Date Received by LUSD FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: L_ C) y POD oi4 Project Name: l I h:0, T7 WJ&S, FROM: l)V\Af -kSs r1,6ru~ iE'. (.ru ~ a '0, fl ~.;· .r-;;::,, ~ ls 'i!./ I.Cc I! : FEB 1 O 2005 1 l!/ Company Name / Contact Person Telephone No.: Js 3 33:S ?.. ?.-<?o TO . ---r {' 1,sh .. ..(,.__ I?,"'-I l ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) C) l/ C:) / '2__ Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped-off: K.C. D.D.E.S. Other: -----------------------+!~"'"/,-v-, ·_· __ I~----- \ 7~ PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project nu r.Jllerefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff. pdf 05-30-2002 Page 1 of 1 <® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 February 4, 2005 David Petrie 811 South 273rd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 RE: Notice of Complete Application for Application Time Periods Application No. L04P0034 -Liberty Garden Date Filed: December 29, 2004 Dear Mr. Petrie: The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on January 26. 2005 the Land l\,· Sc'!'\ 1c,·, lJ111,1,111 determined that the above-referenced application is complete under current rcqu1rclllc'11t, lur a complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for permit processing specified in King County Code 19A and 20. Supplemental information may be requested by the Division, as necessary. for the continued review of your application. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However. the colllplnit, and iclcl ol analysis required to review your project and available st:rtT 1Tsnurc,·s II ill :11r,·,·1 the· :1c1t.:tl :,·11.·11 time. The timclinc can also be impacted by one or more or· the following • any request made by the Division for additional information • changes or revisions requested by the applicant • mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock • preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement • failure to post the property • resolution of land use decisions appeals If you have any questions about your application or the posting requirements, please cu11lact n1·s" e11 (206) 296-6758. Sincerely, l wtuuv f5u1L 1 ah Bull, Planner ent Planning Section Letter.frrn/c'<C:l\-!,TP.Jt:· ·:!/1~·/S :·1n cc: Hans Korve, DMP Engineering 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98003 Kim Claussen, Planner III, Current Planning Section, LCSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section. I .l!Sf) Application file Letter. frm/NCA-ATP. ltr 9/12/97 mh 03 010-540 )> PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS Permit Approval Conditions Document Fire System Review Tracking Number: L04P0034 The following conditions apply to the Fire Engineering approval of the above referenced preliminary plat: AAOl EICHHORN Any questions regarding the fire review of this plan should be directed to: Paul Eichhorn, Fire Engineering Supervisor Telephone: (206) 296-6741. FHOI FIRE HYDRANT W ATERMAIN PERMITS A separate permit is required for the installation of watermains and/or fire hydrants. Submit three (3) copies of drawings and specifications to DDES Building Services Division Permit Service Center for a permit application. Review and approval by Fire Engineering Section is required prior to installation. Plans shall include, but are not limited to; pipe sizes, pipe type, valves/fittings, thrust blocks and/or rodding and material listings. Fire hydrants shall be installed per K.C.C. Title 17 Watermains shall be installed and tested per A WW A standards and/or NFPA#24 (STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS AND W ATERMAINS); as applicable. Ref. 1001.4 urc NOTE: UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, ANY W ATERMAIN OR FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS ON BUILDING PLANS/DRAWINGS HA VE NOT BEEN REVIEWED OR APPROVED. FH74 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Preliminary Fire Engineering approval has been granted based upon the following information provided. To obtain final Fire Engineering approval, the following item(s) must be submitted to the DDES permit service center; reviewed and approved: I. Certificate of Water Availability. (Provided by appropriate water purveyor). Valid one year from date of signature. Minimum acceptance flow shall be 1000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure. II. Three copies of plans indicating: A. Fire hydrant(s) location -measured by vehicular travel distance. (K.C.C. Title 17) Residential 1. 700 ft. maximum spacing. 2. Not more than 350 ft. from each lot. B. Watermain placement (K.C.C. Title 17) 1. Source (i.e.) supply connection. 2. Main sizes identified. C. Fire access roads Ref. IFC, Sections 501 through 503, 2003 addition 1. Minimum 20 ft. wide unobstructed -13'6" vertical clearance, unobstrncted. All-weather surface, able to withstand 25 tons. Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page 1 of2 ' 2. Fire access roads in excess of 150 feet (dead-ends), must have a tum-around area. Required tum-arounds must be a minimum SO-foot diameter **********Including temporary turnarounds************ 3. Fire access roads must provide 20-foot minimum inside turning radius and 40 outside turning radius when said roads change direction. 4. Fire access roads shall not exceed 15% grade. 5. The required width of any fire apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum required widths and clearances established under this section shall be maintained at all times. D. Marking when required, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Ref. IFC, Sections 501 through 503, 2003 edition FH77 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Final plat approval requires an inspection and approval of the fire hydrant and water main installation by a King County Fire Inspector, prior to recording. Call [888]546-7728 to schedule an inspection; after a permit to install has bee obntained from ODES; Fire Protection Engineering. Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page 2 of2 ® REQUEST FOR SCHOOL INFORMATION PRELIMINARY PLATS King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: January 5, 2005 TO: Issaquah School District FM: Kim Claussen, Project Manager Ill RE: Proposed Plat of Liberty Gardens (File No. L04P0034) The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the plat map received by the Land Use Services Division on December 29, 2004. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following information: Which schools do you anticipate the students living in this subdivision would attend? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle _______________________ _ Sr. High. ____________________________ _ Will the students walk or be bussed to these schools? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. _______________________ _ Sr. High __________________________ _ If the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that information is not available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle _______________________ _ Sr. High __________________________ _ Other Comments: ___________________________ _ Please complete this form and return it by February 4, 2005 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call me (206) 296-7167. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Kim Claussen, Project Manager Ill 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Form96/SPRS/ReqSchol.Inf clc 1/6/2000 CHAD ARMOUR, LLC May 16, 2007 Mr. Curtis Schuster KBS Develofment Corporation 12320 NE 8 Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Subject: Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan Cavalla Preliminary Plat King County, Washington Dear Mr. Schuster: 6500 126"' Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006-3941 (425) 641-9743 (425) 643-3499 (fax) chad@chadarmour.com IUL '1 1 ")"'17 -I L,,l/l ,ZINC COUN1'( ,j1f·.Jl' usr-SEHVICE~ The following plan presents our approach to mitigating for unavoidable impacts to the buffer of a Category Ill wetland. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN KBS Development Corporation (Proponent) proposes to construct 34 single-family homes on the 9.4-acre Cavalla site (Figure 1). To do so, it will be necessary to construct a new road (162"ct Avenue SE). The road will impact a total of 887 square feet (sf) of Category Ill wetland buffer (Table 1 and Figure 2). We understand that the planned development is subject to the King County (County) Critical Areas regulations. We also understand that the Proponent proposes to make up for unavoidable impacts to the buffer using the Mitigation Reserves Program. CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN The plan is to: • Fill a portion of the wetland buffer; and • Pay the County a fee to create a 887 sf wetland buffer off of the site. EXISTING CONDITIONS According to B-12 Wetland Consulting (2004) a wetland is dominated by immature red alder (A/nus rubra) trees, salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) shrubs, and lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) is located off of the site near the southwest corner of the same. Based on our functional assessment, the wetland functions as a Category 111 wetland (Attachment A). The buffer extends into the proposed 162nd Avenue SE right-of-way. Assuming that the provisions of KKC 21A.24.325A3b apply, constructing the road will unavoidably impact a total of 887 sf of wetland buffer. CONSTRUCTION PLAN The plan is to pay the County the equivalent fee to enhance a degraded off-site buffer covering 887sf. C:/Jobs/BCE/Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter.doc Chad Armour. LLC 1 Cavalla Mitigation Plan King County, Washington a based on a drawing prepared by B-12 b Assumes a 50 ft buffer (exercise the buffer reduction option) Off-Site Buffer Enhancement We assume that: • It will be necessary to purchase urban land; KBS Development • A total of 12 trees and 24 shrubs will be installed in a degraded buffer at a rate of 0.041 plants/sf (Table 2); • A mixture of native herbaceous plant species will be broadcast seeded and hydroseeded on the degraded buffer; • 1 snag and 1 log will be installed in the degraded buffer; and • Compost will be added around each of the installed plants in a circle 3 ft in diameter and 3 inches (in) deep, and the site will be irrigated by way of a permanent irrigation system (Attachment B). MONITORING The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for monitoring the off-site buffer for at least three years following installation . The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for monitoring associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. MAINTENANCE The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for maintenance of the off-site buffer during the three year monitoring program . The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for maintenance associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. C:/Jobs/BCE/Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter.doc Chad Armour, LLC 2 05/16/07 Cavalla Mitigation Plan King County , Washington KBS Development Table 2 -Plant and Habitat Amenit Installation Guidea 1 a 887 sf; to be made up off s ite acco rd ing to KK C 21A2 4.137 Resource Mitig ation Re serve b total av erage density is 0 .041 plants/sf CONTINGENCY PLAN The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program "Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet" to allow for a contingency plan should deficiencies in the off-site buffer be discovered during the three year monitoring program . The "fee-in-lieu " revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for contingency measures associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. SCHEDULE The Proponent anticipates paying the "Fee-In-Li eu" at the first available opportunity following the receipt of the necessary approvals from the County. We understand th at this may be after Preliminary approval and prior to construction. LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of th e work completed in the same or similar localities , at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property . This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. It should be noted that mitigation planning is an inexact science. Biological professionals may disagree on the nature and extent of mitigation plans . Final acceptance of this mitigation plan is the responsibility of the permitting authority. Accordingly, the mitigation plan developed for this plat should be reviewed by the C:/Jobs/BCE/Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter.doc C had Armour, LLC 3 05/16/07 Cavalla Mitigation Plan King County, Washington KBS Development appropriate permitting authority prior to committing to detailed planning and design activities . Any questions regarding our work and this plan, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely, Chad Armour, LLC W,4____- Chad Armour Principal Attachments: Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure 2 -Site Plan Attachment A -Wetland Rating Form -Western Washington Attachment B -Mitigation Reserves Program , Fee -In-Lieu Worksheet cc: Wayne Potter, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Nick Gillen , King County DOES C:/Jobs/BCE/Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter .doc Chad Armour, LLC 4 05/16/07 FIGURES ON TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS VI Cl t\JI TY tv1 AP FIGURE 1 ',-,'. (',_ --· :......... ··--':; ; PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVA LLA LIBERTY GARDENS '#;, ,, I I ~:, J~J l'MlC=-' I ~,v,cc, - 1.::i:.'653~12t. I tJl'~t!i:.: ,_ _;;. ·, 1- ' ? ,~- / .. ~~-v trlA G; 'I, ' s-onM·PC,,,.v Buffer R eductio n Area V (887 S F ) \\ 50' ~ ____j ~ Wetland 1~ Buffer ":-.'i I I -I I, _:_\" --~·' , N I I I f ?.6 3 I I I>' I A>'" -,AlC~t I ~ r.J .. €~:.:;.r.:r; I ,,,_.,:~.n,, I .. 6 / '· , ' I l '· "- ' 7~ 24 • Cavalla n ,j .. CII " i·. i-~ ' ·, .. , _ ___,...._..,._\ ___ . ~-~ s ~ ' .: ' ~·'-: .. FJ,neicl.'i 1451>~ fUP.Of 'OS'--.) ,..l A 1 (>I,=-l IHl~HlY V/l 1:XN:: -u: "'~~14,.r.cc 3.1 ; Liberty Gardens 0 I I I I r .,,c::_ > I Pf\~CF, t I , <JC65CC JBC !t r ... 1C65CCO/'J I ' I ?.3 22 :>! < .. ;/ ' J:IAC/ ·11· p.4,..,,< " ' .•. ' ' ' ·•. '· ' ~ ,K <·<; , / . . , ' .. ':. ,"-' f HAC f 'H' /. ' ' ' )l .. ~c;::-,:-. ---------~ . J' \ ,--,. t;; " ' ' ' 100 ·i ,/,' ' Sc al e in F ee t I FIGU RE 2: SITE PLAN KB S-Cavalla Site Kin g County, Washingto n OATC: 05/16/0 7 10: 12om OWC HAM[: G: \p,o je ct\Oicn b\cwmour\1<8S -16 2nd AY<_Covotlo _ l"h,eodrrl\Cowalo02.d"'J Chad Armour, LLC 6500 126th Ave nue SE Bellevue. Wa shing t on 98006 ATTACHMENT A Wetland Rating Form Wetland name or number WETLAND RATING FORM -WESTERN WASHINGTON Version 2 -Updated July 2006 to increase accuracy and reproducibility among users Name of wetland (if known): Date of s ite visit: .!iJ!:_c.t/v 5"' Rated by ci6 £ t1r""4.,\.Ar Trained by Ecology? Yes_No /oateoftraining . ·--- SEC: fl TWNSHP: 2-} Ji RNGE: 5e,_ l s S!r/R in Appendix D ? Yes /No_ Map of wetland unit: Figure__ Estimated size __ _ SUMMARY OF RATING Category based on FUN/CTIONS provided by wetland I II III IV Category J = Score >=70 Category U = Score 5 I -69 Category IJJ = Score 30-50 Category JV = Score < 30 Score for Water Quality Functions Score for Hydrologic Function s Score for Habitat Functions TOT AL score for Functions Category based on SPECIAL CHARAft'TERISTICS of wetland I_ II_ Does not Apply_/_ Final Category (choose the "highest" category from above) I ::i#=1 Summary of basic information about the wetland unit Estuarine Natural Herita e Wetland Bo Mature Forest Old Growth Forest Coastal La ooo Interdunal None of the above Wetland Rating Form -w estern Washington version 2 Flats Freshwater Tidal Check if unit has multiple HGM classes rese nt August 2004 Wetland name or number Does the wetland unit being rated meet any of the criteria below? If you answer YES to any of the questions below you will need to protect the wetland according to the regulations regarding the special characteristics found in the wetland . . --. ~ . ' . . :_· :· >l : _.' . ·, :~ ,! ·: -;· ~ ' ' ~ -~ . -_. '· : .. ; '· : '. -. · .• ;:-. ; ·.-1 _. .• ' • ·,: ' .• , ••• . r a - ~ -. . . • --u ..... _· __ ·_ -• • __ • / .J _i~_ .. :.-~.-C .... ·j ~ ,1,j ~ ··~ ._ •• ~ •• ·f. ~~.--~ _ _. ,,J~ ..1·:..:_,J_.\~--~~--. ----~----·: ____ .., SPl. Has the wetland uni/ been documented as a habitalfor any Federally listed Threa/ened or Endangered animal or plant species (TIE species)? For the purposes of this rating system, "documented" means the wetland is on the appropriate state or federa l database. SP2. Has the wetland unit been documented as habilatfor any State listed Threatened or Endangered animal species? For the purposes of this rating system, "documented" means the wetland is on the appropriate state database. Note: Wetlands with State li sted plant species are categorized as Category I Natural Heritage Wetlands (seep. 19 of data form). SP3. Does the wetland unit contain individuals of Priority species listed by the WDFW for the state? SP4. Does the wetland uni/ have a local significance in addition lo ils functions? For example, the wetland has been identified in the Shoreline Master Program, the Critical Areas Ordinance, or in a local management p lan as having special significance. To complete the next part of the data sheet you will need to determine the Hydrogeomorphic Class o[the wetland being rated. The hydrogeomorphic classification groups wetlands into those that function in similar ways. This simplifies the questions needed to answer how well the wetland functions. The Hydrogeomorphic C lass of a wetland can be determined using the key below. See p. 24 for more detailed instructions on classifying wetlands. Wetland Rating Fonn -western Washington version 2 2 August 2004 Wetland name or number Classification of Wetland Units in Western Washington ~ •• --------~_-,_ 0 ' ·-•-.. -::-=-,-..,.-•-rT~---~· .... -.• ••·:----.... ----.. :--~----, ' • -• • --' ' -• • • • • ' • ·-• '' , • ., ·, : ' ' : (. \ ~ ' { ' • I • ·, ' • I .-: : • • I !- --. -. . -~ . . .. , .. . ' ' . ' . -. . - .... l -• ---· •• ______ ....... --· ----·-·--·--~-----__ _._ --•• •• ---·-~-"'-----------. 1. ~water levels in the entire unit usually controlled by tides (i.e. except during floods)? ~go to 2 YES -the wetland class is Tidal Fringe If yes, is the salinity of the water during periods of annual low flow below 0.5 ppt (parts per thousand)? YES -Freshwater Tidal Fringe NO -Saltwater Tidal Fringe (Estuarine) If your wetland can be classified as a Freshwater Tidal Fringe use the forms for Riverine wetlands. If it is Saltwater Tidal Fringe it is rated as an Estullrine wetland. Wetlands that were called estuarine in the first and second editions of the rating system are called Salt Water Tidal Fringe in the Hydrogeomorphic Classification. Estuarine wetlands were categorized separately in the earlier editions, and this separation is being kept in this revision. To maintain consistency between editions, the term "Estuarine" wetland is kept. Please note, however, that the characteristics that define Category I and 11 estuarine wetlands have changed (see p. ). 2. The entire wetland unit is flat and precipitation is the only source (>90%) of water to it. ~dwater and surface water runoff are NOT sources of water to the unit. 8, go to 3 YES -The wetland class is Flats If your wetland can be classified as a "Flats" wetland, use the form for Depressional wetlands. 3. Does the entire wetland unit meet both of the following criteria? _The vegetated part of the wetland is on the shores of a body of permanent open water (without any vegetation on the surface) at least 20 acres (8 ha) in size; ~At least 30% of the open water area is deeper than 6.6 ft (2 m)? ~goto 4 YES -The wetland class is Lake-fringe (Lacustrine Fringe) 4 . Does the o6tire wetland unit meet all of the following criteria? ____:tjThe wetland is on a slope (slope can be very gradual), __ / 'The water flows through the wetland in one direction (unidirectional) and usually comes from seeps. It may flow subsurface, as sheetflow, or in a swale without /distinct banks . _/_ lThe water leaves the wetland without being impounded? NOTE: Surface water does not pond in these type of wetlands except occasionally in very small and shallow depressions or behind hummocks (depressions are usually <3ft ~and less than l foot deep). NO -go to 5 C~Y The wetland class is Slope Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 3 August 2004 Wetland name or number 5. Does the entire wetland unit meet alJ of the following criteria? __ The unit is in a valley, or stream channel, where it gets inundated by overbank flooding from that stream or river __ The overbank flooding occurs at least once every two years. NOTE: The riverine unit can contain depressions that are filled with water when the river is ot flooding. go to 6 YES -The wetland class is Riverine 6. entire wetland unit in a topographic depression in which water ponds, or is saturated to the surface, at some time during the year. This means that any outlet, if present, is higher than the interior of the wet/~, NO -go to 7 ~The wetland class is Depressional 7. Is the entire wetland unit located in a very flat area with no obvious depression and no overbank flooding. The unit does not pond surface water more than a few inches. The unit seems to be maintained by high groundwater in the area. The wetland may be ditched, but has no obvious natural outlet. NO -go to 8 YES -The wetland class is Depressional 8. Your wetland unit seems to be difficult to classify and probably contains several different HGM clases. For example, seeps at the base of a slope may grade into a riverine floodplain, or a small stream within a depressional wetland has a zone of flooding along its sides. GO BACK AND IDENTJFY WHICH OF THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMES DESCRIBED IN QUESTIONS 1-7 APPLY TO DIFFERENT AREAS IN THE UNIT (make a rough sketch to help you decide). Use the following table to identify the appropriate class to use for the rating system if you have several HGM classes present within your wetland. NOTE: Use this table only if the class that is recommended in the second column represents 10% or more of the total area of the wetland unit being rated. If the area of the class listed in column 2 is Jess than I 0% of the unit; classify the wetland using the class that represents more than 90% of the total area. Depressional + Riverine along stream within boundary De ressional + Lake-frin e Salt Water Tidal Fringe and any other class of freshwater wetland Depressional De ressional Treat as ESTUARINE under wetlands with special characteristics If you are unable still to determine which of the above criteria apply to your wetland, or if you have more than 2 HGM classes within a wetland boundary, class ify the wetland as Depressional for the rating. Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 4 August 2004 Wetland name or number D D D D D 1. Does the wetland unit have the potential to improve water quality? D 1.1 Characteristics of surface water flows out of the wetland: Unit is a depression with no surface water leaving it (no outlet) points = 3 Unit has an intermittently flowing , OR highly constricted permanently flowing outlet points = 2 Unit has an unconstricted, or slightly constricted, surface outlet (permanently flowing) points = I Unit is a "flat" depression (Q. 7 on key), or in the Flats class, with permanent surface outflow and no obvious natural outlet and/or outlet is a man-made ditch points = I (If ditch is not permanently flowing treat unit as "intermillently flowing ") F't(>viqe ·. hoto or drawin S 1.2 The soil 2 inches below the surface (or duff layer) is clay or organic (use NRCS ~~ ¢ YES points= 4 NO oints = 0 D 1.3 Characteristics of persistent vegetation (emergent, shrub, and/or forest Cowardin class) Figure_ Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, vegetation > = 95% of area points = 5 Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, vegetation >= 1/2 of area points = 3 ~ Wetland has persistent, ungrazed vegetation >= 1/10 of area points = I J Wetland has persistent, ungrazed vegetation <I/JO of area points = 0 r.,,ta __ of:(l o\'Vardin v · etation classes DI .4 Characteristics of seasonal ponding or inundation. This is the area of the wetland unit that is ponded for at least 2 months, but dries out sometime during the year. Do not count the area that is permanently ponded. Estimate area as the average condition 5 out of JO yrs. Area seasonally ponded is > 1h total area of wetland Area seasonally ponded is > '!. total area of wetland Area seasonally ponded is < Y. total area of wetland --7 D Total for D 1 Add the points in the boxes above I ~ I ~-~-------------------------------------..----D D D 2. Does the wetland unit have the opportunity to improve water quality? Answer YES if you know or believe there are pollutants in groundwater or surface water coming into the wetland that would otherwise reduce water quality in streams, lakes or groundwater down gradient from the wetland. Note which of the following conditions provide the sources of pollutants. A unit may have pollutants coming from several sources, but any single source would qualify as opportunity. -Grazing in the wetland or within 150 ft -Untreated stormwater discharges to wetland 7 Tilled fields or orchards w ithin 150 ft of wetland A stream or culvert discharges into wetland that drains developed areas, residential areas, / farmed fields, roads, or clear-cut logging X Residential, urban areas, golf courses are within 150 ft of wetland Wetland is fed by groundwater high in phosphorus or nitrogen -Other ---------------- YES multi lier is 2 NO multi lier is I Multiply the score from DI by D2 Add score to table on . I Wetland Rating Form -we stern Washington version 2 5 Aug ust 2004 (seep. 44) multiplier JO Wetland name or number D D D D 3. Does the wetland unit have the potential to reduce flooding and erosion? D 3.1 Characteristics of surface water flows out of the wetland unit Unit is a depression with no surface water leaving it (no out let ) points = 4 Unit has an intermittently flowing, OR highly constricted permanently flowing outlet points= 2 Unit is a "flat" depression (Q. 7 on key), or in the Flats class, with permanent surface outflow and no obvious natural outlet and/or outlet is a man-made ditch points = I (Jj ditch is not permanently_flowing treat unit as ·• intermittently flowing ") Unit has an unconstricted. or s lightly constricted, surface outlet (vermanent/y /lowinf!) points = 0 D 3.2 Depth of s torage during wet periods Estimate the height of ponding above the bottom of the outlet. For units with no outlet measure from th e surface of permanent water or deepest part (if dry). Marks of ponding are 3 ft or more above the surface or bottom of outlet points = 7 The wetland is a "headwater" wetland" points = 5 Marks of ponding between 2 ft to < 3 ft from surface or bottom of outlet points = 5 Marks are at least 0.5 ft to < 2 ft from surface or bottom of outlet points = 3 Unit is flat (yes to Q. 2 or Q. 7 on key) but has small depressions on the surface that trap water points = I Marks of ponding less than 0.5 ft ooints = 0 D 3.3 Contribution of wetland unit to storage in the watershed Estimate the ratio of the area of upstream basin con tributing surface water to the wetland to the area of the wetland unit itself. The area of the bas in is less than IO times the area of unit The area of the bas in is IO to I 00 times the area of the unit points = 5 points = 3 The area of the basin is more than I 00 times the are a of the unit points = 0 Entire unit is in the FLA TS c lass noints = 5 1---=::.:.:..:..:;..;;;.:.:.:..;;..;.;;;..:.:.:..:.:.:~.=.:...:....:..:=---:=:.::.....-----------------..i:;,.:;.:.:.:.:.::....._;:__-1., __ --- D Total for D 3 Add the points in the boxes above I ~ I ~--1------------------------------------....... -----D D 4. Does the wetland unit have the opportunity to reduce flooding and erosion? (seep. 49) Answer YES if the unit is in a location in the watershed where the flood storage, or D reduction in water velocity, it provides helps protect downstream property and aquatic resources from flooding or excessive and/or erosive flows. Answer NO if the water coming into the wetland is controlled by a structure such as flood gate, tide gate, flap valve, reservoir etc. OR you estimate that more than 90% of the water in the wetland is from groundwater in areas where damaging groundwater flooding does not occur. Note which of the following indicators of opportunity apply. ~etland is in a headwater of a river or s tream that has flooding problems -Wetland drains to a river or stream that has flooding problems -Wetland has no outlet and impounds s urface runoff water that might otherwise flow into a river or stream that has flooding problems ~~~ltiplier is 2 NO multiplier is J -TOT AL -Hydrologic Functions Multiply the score from D 3 by D 4 Add score to table on p. 1 Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 6 August 2004 multiplier Z- Pages 7 through 12 are not applicable Wetland name or number H 1. Does the wetland unit have the potential to provide habitat for many species? H 1.1 Vegetation structure (seep. 72) Check the types of vegetation classes present (as defined by Cowardin)-Size threshold for each class is 'i4 acre or more than I 0% of the area if unit is smaller than 2. 5 acres. __ Aquatic bed __ Emergent plants __ Scrub/shrub (areas where shrubs have >30% cover) __ Forested (areas where trees have >30% cover) If thefinit has a forested class check if 1The forested class has 3 out of5 strata (canopy, sub-canopy , shrubs, herbaceous, moss/ground-cover) that each cover 20% within the forested polygon Add the number of vegetation structures that qualify. If you have: Map o(Cb~fdin vegetatiM ciasses H 1.2. Hydroperiods (seep. 73) 4 structures or more 3 structures 2 structures I structure points= 4 points = 2 points = I oints = 0 Check the types of water regimes (hydroperiods) present within the wetland. The water regime has to cover more than 10% of the wetland or~ a cre to count. (see text for descriptions of hydroperiods) __ Permanently flooded or inundated 4 or more types present points = 3 points = 2 point = I points= 0 __ Seasonally flooded or inundated 3 types present __j.)ccasionally flooded or inundated 2 types present __ / S, aturated only I type present ____;Permanently flowing stream or river in, or adjacent to, the wetland __ / Seasonally flowing stream in, or adjacent to, the wetland __ Lake-fringe wetland = 2 points __ Freshwater tidal wetland= 2 points Map of hydroperiods H 1.3. Richness of Plant Species (seep. 75) Count the number of plant species in the wetland that cover at least JO fi 2 • (different patches of the same species can be combined to meet the size threshold) You do not have to name the species. Do not include Eurasian Mi/foil, reed canarygrass, purple loosestrife, If you counted: > 19 species List species below if you want to: 5 -19 species < 5 species Canadian Thistle points= 2 points = I points = 0 ¢ I Total for page~ Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 13 August 2004 Wetland name or number H 1.4. Interspersion of habitats (seep. 76) ~igiire . -~ : Decide from the diagrams below whether interspersion between Coward in vegetation classes (described in H I.I), or the classes and unvegetated areas (can include open water or mudflats) is high, medium, low, or none. None = 0 points Low = I point Moderate = 2 points ~ [riparian braided channels] High = 3 points NOTE: 1 f you have four or more classes or three vegetation classes and open water the ratin is alwa s "hi h". Use m_a of Cowardin ve _ talion clci~ses H I .5. Special Habitat Features: (seep. 77) Check the habitat features that are present in the wetland The number of c hecks is the / number of points you put into the next column. _{_.V,irge, downed , woody debris within the wetland (>4in. diameter and 6 ft long). _/_Slstt~anding snags (diameter at the bottom > 4 inches) in the wetland __ Undercut banks are present for at least 6.6 ft (2m) and/or overhanging vegetation extends at least 3.3 ft (Im) over a stream (or ditch) in, or contiguous with the unit, for at least 33 ft (]Om) __ . Stable steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver or muskrat for denning (>30degree slope) OR signs of recent beaver activity are present (cut shrubs or trees that have not yet turned grey/brown) __ At least Y4 acre of thin-stemmed persistent vegetation or woody branches are present in areas that are permanently or seasonally inundated. (structures for egg-laying by amphibians) __ Invasive plants cover less than 25% of the wetland area in each stratum of plants NOTE: The 20% stated in early printings of the manual on page 78 is an error. Comments Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 H 1. TOT AL Score -potential for providing habitat I Add the scores rom Hl.1, Hl .2, Hl .3, Hl.4, Hl.5 14 August 2004 Wetland name or number H 2. Does the wetland unit have the opportunity to provide habitat for many species? H 2.1 Buffers (seep. 80) Choose the description that best represents condition of buffer of wetland unit. The highest scoring criterion that applies to the wetland is to be used in the rating. See text for definition of "undisturbed. " l 00 m (330ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% of circumference. No structures are within the undis turbed part of buffer. (relatively undisturbed also means no-grazing, no landscaping, no d a ily human use) Points= 5 -~O m (330 ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water > /:~% circumference. Points= 4 -50 m ( 170ft) of relatively undisturbed veg etated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% circumference. Points= 4 100 m (330ft) of rel atively undisturbed vegetated areas , rocky areas, or open water > 25% circumference, . Points= 3 50 m ( 170ft) of relatively undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water for > 50% circumference. Points= 3 If buffer docs not meet any of the criteria above No paved areas ( except paved trails) or buildings within 25 m (80ft) of wetland > 95% circumference. Light to moderate grazing, or lawns are OK. Points= 2 No paved areas or buildings within 50m of wetland for > 50% circumference. Light to moderate grazing, or lawns are OK. Points = 2 Heavy grazing in buffer. Points = 1 Vegetated buffers are <2m wide (6.6ft) for more than 95% of the circumference (e.g. tilled fields, paving, basalt bedrock extend to edge of wetland Points = 0. Buffer does not meet any of the criteria above. Points= 1 Aerial · hoto showin .· buffe.r:.s H 2.2 Corridors and Connections (seep. 81) H 2.2. I Js the wetland part of a relatively undisturbe d and unbroken vegetated corridor (either riparian or upland) that is at least I 50 ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs, forest or n a tive undisturbed prairie, that connects to estuaries, other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at least 250 acres in size? (dams in riparian corridors, heavily used gravel roads, paved roads, are considered breaks in the corrid~r. . YES = 4 points (go to H 2 . 3) NO go to H 2.2.2 H 2.2.2 Is the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed an n roken vegetated corridor ( either riparian or upland) that is at least 50ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs or forest, and connects to estuaries, other wetlands or undisturbed upland s that are at least 25 acres in size? OR a Lake-fringe wetland, if it does not have an undisturbed corridor as in the questio~v ? YE, points (go to H 2.3) NO = H 2.2.3 H 2.2.3 Is t e wetland: within 5 mi (8km) of a brackish or salt water estuary OR within 3 mi of a large field or pasture (>40 acres) OR within I mi of a lake greater than 20 acres? YES = 1 oint NO = 0 oints Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 15 Total for page G August 2004 Wetland name or number H 2.3 Near or adjacent to other priority habitats listed by WDFW (seep. 82) Which of the following priority habitats are within 330ft (JOOm) of the wetland unit? NOTE: the nections do no! have to be relatively undisturbed. se are DFW definitions. Check with your local DFW biologist if there are any questions. iparian: The area adjacent to aquatic systems with flowing water that contains elements of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems which mutually influence each other. __ Aspen Stands: Pure or mixed stands of aspen greater than 0.8 ha (2 acres). __ Cliffs: Greater than 7 .6 m (25 ft) high and occurring below 5000 ft. __ Old-growth forests: (Old-growth west of Cascade crest) Stands of at least 2 tree species, forming a multi-layered canopy with occasional small openings; with at least 20 trees/ha (8 trees/acre)> 8 J cm (32 in) dbh or > 200 years of age. __ Mature forests: Stands with average diameters exceeding 53 cm (2 I in) dbh; crown cover may be less that 100%; crown cover may be less that 100%; decay, decadence, numbers of snags, and quantity of large downed material is generally less than that found in old- growth; 80 -200 years old west of the Cascade crest. __ Prairies: Relatively undisturbed areas (as indicated by dominance of native plants) where grasses and/or forbs form the natural climax plant community. __ Talus: Homogenous areas of rock rubble ranging in average size 0.15 -2 .0 m (0.5 -6.5 ft), composed of basalt, andesite, and/or sedimentary rock , including riprap slides and mine tailings. May be a ssociated with cliffs. __ Caves: A naturally occurring cavity, recess, void, or system of interconnected passages __ Oregon white Oak: Woodlands Stands of pure oak or oak/conifer associations where canopy coverage of the oak component of the stand is 25%. __ Urban Natural Open Space: A priority species resides within or is adjacent to the open space and uses it for breeding and/or regular feeding; and/or the open space functions as a corridor connecting other priority habitats , especially those that would otherwise be isolated ; and/or the open space is an isolated remnant of natural habitat larger than 4 ha ( I 0 acres) and is surrounded by urban development. __ Estuary/Estuary-like: Deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands, usually semi- enclosed by land but with open, partly obstructed or sporadic access to the open ocean, and in which ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater runoff from the land. The salinity may be periodically increased above that of the open ocean by evaporation. Along some low-energy coastlines there is appreciable dilution of sea water. Estuarine habitat extends upstream and landward to where ocean-derived salts measure less than 0.5ppt. during the period of average annual low flow. Includes both estuaries and lagoons. Marine/Estuarine Shorelines: Shorelines include the intertidal and subtidal zones of beaches, and may also include the backshore and adjacent components of the terres trial landscape (e.g., cliffs, snags, mature trees, dunes, meadows) that are important to shoreline associated fish and wildlife and that contribute to shoreline function (e.g., sand/rock/log recruitment, nutrient contribution, erosion control). If wetland has 3 or more priority habitats= 4 points lfwetland has 2 priority habitats = 3 points If wetland has J priority habitat= J point No habitats = 0 points Note: All vegetated wetlands are by d efinition a priority habitat but are not included in this list. Nearby wetlands are addressed in auestion H 2.4) Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 16 August 2004 Wet land name or number H 2 .4 W etland Landscape (choose the one description of the landscape around the wetland that bes t fits) (see p . 84) There a re at le ast 3 other wet lands with in Y:z mile, and the connecti ons bet ween them are relatively undisturbed (li g ht grazing between wetlands OK, as is lake s hore with some boatin g, but connecti ons should NOT be bisected by paved roads, fill, fields, or other development . points = 5 The wetland is Lake-frin ge o n a lake with little di s turbance and there are 3 othe r lake-fringe wetlands w ithi n Y2 m il e points = 5 T here are at least 3 othe r we tl ands within Y2 mile, BUT the connect ions between them are disturbed points = 3 The wet land is Lake-fringe on a lake with disturbance and there a re 3 other lake-fringe wetland wi thi n Y:z mile points = 3 There is a t least I wetl and within 'h mile . points = 2 There are no wetlands wi thi n Yi mile . poi nt s = 0 H 2 . TOTAL Score -opportuni ty fo r providing habitat Add the scores from H2.l ,H2 .2, H 2.3, H2.4 TOT AL for H l fro m page 14 Total Score for Habitat Functions -add th e points for H I , H 2 and record the resu lt on Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 17 p. I Augu st 2004 -3 ----- I JC) I I --------...:> ----- l :{' Wetland name or number CATEGORIZATION BASED ON SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Please determine if the wetland meets the attributes described below and circle the appropriate answers and Category. '~~1~l1f.(: 1~~~~~~~1J'ti'"Jf/:,'!J ' . SC J .0 Estuarine wetlands (seep. 86) Does the wetland unit meet the following criteria for Estuarine wetlands? -The dominant water regime is tidal , -Vegetated, and -With a salinity greater than 0.5 ppt. YES = Go to SC I. I NO / SC I.I Is the wetland unit within a National Wildlife Refuge, National Park, National Estuary Reserve, Natural Area Preserve, State Park or Educational, Environmental, or Scientific Reserve designated under WAC 332-30-15 J? YES = Cate o I NO o to SC 1.2 SC J .2 Is the wetland unit at least I acre in size and meets at least two of the following three conditions? YES = Category I NO = Category 11 -The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, filling, cultivation, grazing, and ha s Jess than I 0% cover of non-native plant species. If the non-native Spartina spp. are the only species that cover more than J 0% of the wetland, then the wetland should be given a dual rating (I/JI). The area of Spartina would be rated a Category II while the relatively undisturbed upper marsh with native species would be a Category I. Do not, however, exclude the area of Spartina in determining the size threshold of I acre. -At least 3 /4 of the landward edge of the wetland has a I 00 ft buffer of shrub, forest, or un-grazed or un-mowed grassland. -The wetland has at least 2 of the following features: tidal channels, depressions with open water, or contiguous freshwater wetlands. Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 18 August 2004 .: . ~ ' . -~:. ~ ... .... <'~ • • • t ~---~~;' ~-~ :i,-~ ::;~{:~;~.;~:.¥ Cat. I Cat. I Cat. II Dual rating I/II Wet land name o r number SC 2.0 Natural Heritage Wetlands (\·ee p. 8 7) Natural Herita ge we tland s have been id entifi ed by th e Wa s hin gton Na tural Heritage Progra m/DN R as ei th er hi gh qu a li ty undi stu rbed wet land s or we tl ands that su pp ort st at e Threa tened , Endangered, or Sens iti ve plant specie s. SC 2.1 Is th e wetl and unit bein g ra ted in a Secti on/fown ship/Range th a t co ntain s a Na tural He rit age we tl a nd? ,o/,:is question is use d to screen out most sites before you need to cont acy:~H f>IDNR) Sff/R in fo rmati o n from Append ix D or accessed fr om WNH P/DNR web s it e _ YES __ -co ntact WNHP/DN R (see p. 79) and go to SC 2.2 NO SC 2.2 I las DNR id e nti fi ed th e we tl and as a hi gh qual ity und ist urb ed we tl a nd or as or as a s ite w ith s tate th rea tened o r e nd ange red pl ant spec ies '/' YE S = Cat ego ry I NO _.../_ nn ro t a Heri tage Wetland SC 3.0 Bog s (seep. 87) Docs th e we tland unit (or any part of the unit) meet both th e c ri ter ia fo r so il s and vege tati on in bo gs? Us e the key below to identify if the we tland is a hog. If y ou am·wer yes you will still n ee d to rate th e wetland based on its Jun ctio ns. I . Does the unit ha ve o rga ni c so il horizons (i.e. laye rs o f organi c so il ), e it her pea ts or mu cks , th at co mpose 16 in ches or more o f th e fir s t 32 in ches of th e so il pro fil e? (S ee Append ix B for a field ke y to ident ify o rga nic soil s)? Ye s - go to Q. 3 No -go to Q . 2 2. Does the unit hav e orga ni c so il s. ei th e r pea ts or mu cks th at are less than 16 inc hes de ep over bedroc k, or an im pe rm eable hardpa n s uch as c lay or volcanic as h, o r th at a rc fl oatin g on a lake or pond ? Ye s -go to Q. 3 No -ls not a bog fo r purp ose o f rat in g 3. Does the unit have mo re than 70% cove r o f mos ses at ground leve l, AN D oth e r plan ts, if present , co ns is t of the "bog" s pec ies lis ted in Tab le 3 as a s ignifi cant component o f th e veg etati o n (m o re than 30% of th e tot a l shrub and herbaceous cove r cons ists o f spec ies in Ta ble 3)? Y cs -Is a bog fo r purp ose of rat in g No -go to Q. 4 NO TE : If you are un ce rt a in abou t the ex tent of mosses in the und e rstory yo u ma y sub st itu te that c riteri on by mea s urin g the pH o f th e wa te r that see ps int o a hole du g at least 16" deep . If the pH is less than 5.0 and th e "bo g" plan t species in Tab le 3 ar e prese nt , th e we tland is a bo g . 1. Is th e unit fo rested (> 30% cover) with s itk a spruce , subalpine fir , wes tern red cedar, wes tern he ml ock, lodge pole pin e, q uakin g aspen , Eng lemann 's spru ce, or wes tern whit e pin e, WITH a ny o f the s pec ies (o r comb in ati o n of species) on th e bo g s pe c ies p lant li st in Tabl e 3 as a s igni fican t co mpone nt o f th e ground co ve r(> 30% coverage 0(7.'otal shrub/herbaceous co ver)? 2. YES = Ca tegory 1 No_ Is not a bog for purp ose o f ra ti ng Wetl and Rat ing Fo rm -western Washing to n version 2 19 A ugust 2004 Cat. I : ,..:.. . '", ' Cat. I Wetland name o r number .. ~ ~· . ·.~,: · .... : •' , . .. ·, SC 4.0 Forested Wetlands (seep. 90) Does the wetland unit hav e at lea st I acre of forest that m eet one of these criteria fo r the Department of Fish and Wi ldlife's fores ts as priority h ab itat s? {(you answer yes you will s till need lo rate !h e wetland based on ifs functions. -Old-growth forests : (wes t o f Cascade cres t) Stands of a t least two tree species, forming a multi-laye red canopy with occas iona l s mall openings; with at lea s t 8 trees/acre (20 trees/hectare) that a re a t leas t 200 years of age O R have a diameter at breast height (dbh) of 32 in c h es (8 1 c m) o r m o re. NOTE: The criterion for dbh is based o n measurement s for upland forest s. Two-hundred yea r o ld trees in wetland s wi ll often have a s maller dbh becaus e their growth rate s arc oflc n slower. The DFW c rite ri on is and "OR" so old-growth fores ts do not n ecessari ly ha ve to have trees of this diamete r. -Matu re forests: (we s t of the Cascade Cres t) Stand s where the largest trees arc 80 -200 years o ld OR have average diamete rs (dbh) exceeding 2 1 inches (5 3cm); c rown cover may b e le ss that I 00%; decay , d ecad e nce, numbe r s o f s nags, and quantity or large downed mat eria l is ge nera ll y le ss than that found in o ld-growth. L Y ES = C ategory I NO not a forested wetl a nd with s pecial c h aracteris ti cs SC 5.0 Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons (seep. 91) Does the wetland meet all of the fo ll owin g c riteri a of a wetlan d in a coastal lagoon? -The wet land li es in a d epressio n adjacent lo marine waters t hat is wholl y o r partially separated from m arine waters by sandbanks, grave l banks, s hin g le , o r, les s frequently , rocks -The lagoon in which the wetland is loca te d contain s s urface wate r that is saline or bracki s h(> 0 .5 ppt) during "i!;,os ,of the year in a t least a p o rti o n of the la goon (need,;; to be measured n r the bottom) YES = Go to S C 5.1 NO_· no t a wetland in a coastal la goon SC 5. I Does the wetland meets all of th e fol lowing three conditions? -The wetland is re lative ly undis turbed (ha s no diking , dit c hin g , filling , cultivati o n , grazing), and has less th an 20 % cove r of invasive p lan t species (see li s t of in vasive spec ie s on p . 74). -/\t least 3/t of th e landward edge of th e wetland has a I 00 ft buffe r of s hrub, fo res t, or un-grazed or un-mowed grass land . -The wetl a nd is la r ger th a n 1/10 acre (4 350 square feet) YES = Category I NO = Category II Wet land Ratin g form -western Washington version 2 2 0 August 2 00 4 Cat. I Cat. I Ca t. l1 Wetland name or num ber SC 6.0 lnterdunal Wetlands (,·ee p. 93) Is the wetland unit we st of the 1889 line (a.I so cazle th e Western Bo und ary of Up land Ow ne rship or WOUO)? YES -go to SC 6.1 NO_:__ not an interdunal we tl and for ratin g If you answer yes you will still need to mte tlte wetland bw;ed on its functions. In practi ca l tenn s that mean s th e fo ll ow in g geo gra phic areas: • Long Beac h Penin s ul a-land s we st of SR I 03 • Gray land -Westp ort -land s west of SR I 05 • Ocean Shores -Copa I is-lan d s wes t o f SR 11 5 a nd SR I 09 SC 6.1 Is th e wetland one acre or la rge r, o r is it in a mosa ic of we t land s th a t is o nce acre or lar ge r? YFS = Ca tego ry II NO -go t o SC 6.2 C II at. SC 6.2 Is the unit be t wee n 0.1 an d I ac re , or is it in a mosa ic of wet land s th at is between 0 . J and I acre? YES = Cate gory Ill Wetl and Rating Form -western Washing t on vers ion 2 2 1 A ug us t 2004 Cat. Ill ATTACHMENT B Mitigation Reserve Program Fee-In-Lieu Worksheets ® Mitigation Reserves Program Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet Cavalla ODES Pemut# King County Dale 5/10/2007 Preoared bv: Chad Armour, LLC PLANT MATERIALS' Type Unit Price Unit Quantity Description Cost PLANTS· Potted. 4' diameter, medium $5.0 Each 12.0C $ 60.00 PLANTS: Container, 1 ga»on. medium soil $11.50 Each 12.0 $ 138.00 PLANTS. Container. 2 galen. medium SO!l $20flf1 Each 12.0C $ 240.00 PL/WTS Container, 5 ganon, medium soil $36.0C Each $ PLANTS: Seeding, by hand $0.50 SY 49.0 444 sf $ 24.50 PLANTS Sips (wilbw, red-osier) $2.0( Each $ - PLANTS Slakes (wiAow) $2.00 Each $ - ' All costs Jflclude installatiori TOTAL $ 462.50 INSTALLATION COSTS ( LABOR, EQUIPMENT, & OVERHEAD) Type Unit Price Unrt Cost Compost vegetable. delivered and spread $37.88 CY 3.00 3 ft rad around ea plant; 3 in deep $ 113.64 Decompacling 1i1Vhar(f'an, medmm, to 6' depth $1.57 CY $ Decompacling l~llhar~an, medium, to 12' depth $1.57 CY $ - Ferti~ze, slow release tablets. 30gm/tree $3.21 Each $ Hyd'oseedlflg $0.51 SY 49.0 444 sf $ 24.99 Labor, ge-neral (landscapmg) $25.0C HR $ Labor, general (consfrucfon) $37.00 HR 16.0 867 sf (0.02 ac) $ 592.00 Labor. Consultant, supervising $55.nn HR to.O 887 sf (0.02 ac) $ 550.00 Labor· Consultant. on-site re-design $95.f]( HR $ - Rental ol decompaci1ng machinery & opernfor $70.6 HR $ Sand, coarse buddets. delivered and spread $42.01 CY $ Slaking material (set per tree) $7.0C Each 12.01 $ 84.00 Surveying, line & grade $250.01 HR $ - Surveying, topographical $250.01 HR 8.00 $ 2,000.00 Walermg, 1"olwa!E!f,50'soakerhose $3.62 MSF $ - lrriga1ion ~ temporary $3,000.nl Acre $ - Irrigation -buried $4,500.111" Acre 0.02 $ 90.00 Tit mg topsoi, lisk has10w, 20hp tractor. 4" --6" deep $1.02 SY $ - TOTAL $ 3,454.63 HABITAT STRUCTURES' ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Fascines ('Mflow) $ 2.00 Each $ - Logs, !cedar). v1'root wads, 16' -24' dam., 30' tong $1,000.0 Each 100 $ 1,000.00 Logs (cedar I We rool W:ids, 16'-24' dam .. 30" $400.0C Each $ - Logs, 'No root wads. 16'-24' diam., 30' long $245.0 Each $ Logs wJ rool wads, 16'-24" dam., 30' long $460.01 Each $ - Rocks. one-man $60.tv' Each $ - Rocks, two-man $120.0C Each $ - Root wads $163.0C Each $ - Spawning gravel, type A $22.rv CY $ We'tr-kig $1,500.00 Each $ - Wer -adjustable $2,000.rv Each $ Woody debris, large $163.00 Each $ - Snags -anchored $400.0( Each 100 $ 400.00 Snags-on site $50.00 Each $ - Snags -imported $800.00 Each $ - • All costs include delivery TOTAL I 1,400.00 • EROSION CONTROL ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Bacl<f~I and Compaction-embanio:meni $ 4.89 CY $ Crushed surfacing, 1 1/.4' mmus $30.0 CY $ . D~ching $7.0 CY $ Excavalion, bulk $4.0 CY $ Fence, sill $1.6 LF 30.0 887 sf (0.02 ac) $ 48.00 Jule Mesh $1.2 SY $ . Mulch, by hand, straw, 2• deep $1.27 SY $ . Mulch, by hand, 'Mlod chips, 2' deep $3.2! SY $ . Mulch, by machme. straw, 1' deep $0.32 SY $ . Piping, temporary, CPP, 6' $9.31 LF $ Piping, temporary, CPP, 8' $14.nr LF $ Piping, temporary, CPP. 12' $18.~ LF $ Plasfic covering, 00\m thick. sandbagged $2.0C SY $ R~ Rap. machine placed, slopes $33.98 CY $ RockConstr_ Enlrance 100'x15'x1' $3,000 00 Each $ . Rock Conslr. Entrance 50'x15'xt' $1,500.00 Each 0.33 887 sf (0.02 ac) $ 495.00 Sediment pond riser assembly $1,695 11 Each $ Sediment trap, 5' high berm $15.5 LF $ . Sedment rap, 5' high berm w/spilway incl. riprap $59.6( LF $ Soo:iing, 1' deep, level ground $5.24 SY $ . Sodfing, 1' deep, sbped ground $6.4 SY $ . Straw bales, place and remove $600.0( TON $ . Haufing and disposal $20.00 CY $ . T opso( dehvered and spread $35.73 CY $ I TOTAL $ 543.00 GENERAL ITEMS ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Fencing, chain fflk. 6' high $18.8! LF $ Fencing, chain ink, cornel' IX)sfs $111.1 Each $ Fencmg, chain ink, gate $277.6' Each $ Fencing, spblrail, 3' high (2·rniQ $10.5 LF 30.01 887 sf (0.02 ac) $ 316.20 Fencing, temporary (NGPE) $1.2( LF $ . Signs, sens~ive area boundary $2.5( Each 1.00 $ 2.50 (TOTAL $ 318.70 OTHER ITEMS MAINTENANCE AND MONTIORING Percentage of Construction Cost Unit (Construction Cost Subto tal) TOTAL NOTE: Proj~cts w ith multipl e permit r equirement s may be required t o have lonncr monitoring and maintenance terms . This will be eval uat ed on a case-by - case basis f or deveropment appltcat1ons.. Monitonng <'.Ind rnaintanc.:e ranges may $ 6,178.83 Cost $ 5,560 .95 .,,.---=,-,.-....,--..,,,,.,.....,,.,...,--,--,---,--::-:--.---b-:ce,...a.,,..ssessed a nywhere f,,..r.,.or_n_s,...,,,to=l O~y_,,e,...ar,..s_. -.----------,,.--,----,--,--,...,...,--..,..,.-~ 2,160.00 2,880.00 EACH $ 289 .8 0 Marn tenance and Monnor ing lnspect1on. final $1 44.9 EAC H 4 ·00 $144.90/hr $ 579.60 TOTAL $ 5,909.40 Unit Cost Unit Quantity Descriptio n Cost LAND COSTS $ 56,000.00 Acre 0.02 $ 1,120.00 LONG TERM SITE MANAGEMENT Unit Cost Unit Quantity Number of years $ 1,700.00 $ 85.00 Acre 1 20 MITIGATION RESERVES PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION COSTS Total $20,469.18 CHAD ARMOUR, LLC May 16 , 2007 Mr. Curtis Schuster KBS Develo~ment Corporation 12320 NE 81 Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Subject: Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan 162nd Avenue SE -Proposed Extension King County , Washington Dear Mr. Schuster: 6500 126th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006-3941 (425) 641-9743 (425) 643-3499 (fax) chad@chadarmour.com JUL 1 1 2007 KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES The following plan presents our approach to mitigating for unavoidable impacts to the buffer of Type 3 streams. We first looked for the opportunity to make up lost area on the site . Then, assuming that off-site mitigation is necessary and possible , we estimated the cost to rehabilitate an off-site degraded buffer. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Three different plats, Cavalla, Liberty Gardens , & Threadgill , are soon to be the location of single-family homes (Figure 1 ). Access to these plats is primitive or non-existent and will need to be constructed and upgraded. The preferred alternative to access these three sites is to construct a half a road (162 nd Avenue SE) extending north from SE 144th Street. This road will be about 625 feet (ft) long and connect with the soon to be constructed 162nd Avenue SE along the western boundary of the Liberty Gardens Preliminary Plat (Figure 2). The road extension project for the three development proposals is being managed by KBS Development Corporation (Proponent). We understand that the streams associated with the 162nd Avenue SE extension is subject to the sensitive areas ordinance . We also understand that because there is not enough area available on site to make up for unavoidable impacts, additional mitigation will use the Mitigation Reserves Program . MAft'J Fll.E CQpy EXISTING CONDITIONS A Type 3 stream flows down the 162nd Avenue SE Right of Way (Figure 2 -Primary Type 3 Stream). The drainage originates north and west of the Right of Way (ROW). It is alternately located in a roadside ditch and buried culvert adjacent to 158th Avenue SE , SE 1361h Street, and 1601h Avenue SE before it is discharged to the Smith property (Parcel No . 145750-0110). After flowing across the Smith property initially as sheet flow and then in a culvert/ditch system, it is discharged to an "engineered " ravine adjacent to Rich Lea Crest. Here the walls of the stream are short and steep and lined with quarry spalls. The stream turns south when it meets the 162nd Avenue SE ROW and flows through a deep narrow ravine . The stream discharges to an engineered (i.e., constructed) stormwater detention pond that is connected to an underground stormwater conveyance system that presumably discharges to the Cedar River. C:/Jobs/BC E/Cavalla/Fee In-L ie u Letter .doc Chad A rmour. LL C 05/1~ ~j 162nd Avenue SE Extension Mitigation Plan King County, Washington KBS Develo pment Another Type 3 stream (Secondary Type 3 Stream) flows into the northern or upper end of the storm water retention pond . This stream crosses Liberty Gardens and a cleared area to the south before joining the Primary Type 3 stream. Stream Buffer The plant communities in the 162nd Avenue SE ROW adjacent to the stream include immature forest, a thick tangle of blackberry shrubs, and mowed grass. The buffer adjacent to the stormwater pond along the lower -250 ft of the ROW generally supports grass and a few Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesi1) trees. From the po nd's eastern slopes and a point about -100 ft to the east the plant community includes a few deciduous trees growing through dense Himalayan blackberry (Rubus d iscolo r ) shrubs . The upper or northern -300 ft of the ROW is the location of an immature forest composed of big-leaf maple (A cer m acrophyllum), Douglas-fir , black cottonwood (Popu/us b a lsamifera), and red alder (A/nus rubra) trees growing among a thick tangle of shrubs , including blackberries . In one location the back of a home and associated out building in Rich Lea Crest are located within a few feet of the west bank of the Primary Type 3 Stream . CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN The plan is to: • Straighten the Primary Type 3 Stream ; • Route the Secondary Type 3 Stream through a culvert; • Enhance the remaining available buffer following road con stru ct ion ; and • Pay the County a fee to enhance buffer off of the site. CONSTRUCTION PLAN The site is too small to accommodate mitigation entirely on the site . As such , the plan is to enhance as much of the degraded on-site buffer as possible (-15,000 square feet [sf]) and pay the County the equivalent fee to mitigate for buffer impacts that cannot be achieved on the ROW by enhancing 14 ,500 sf of degraded off-site buffer (Table 1). On-Site Buffer Enhancement We assume that machine encroachment will be limited to trackhoe excavators used to install snags and place logs. We also assume that most if not all of the crushed shrubs and herbs will naturally recover . We further assume that: • The blackberry shrubs will be removed to expose bare mineral soil and prepare the area for planting ; • A total of 71 conifer and 54 deciduous trees will be installed individually 11 ft on center (OC) to increase tree density (Table 2); • A total of 490 shrubs will be installed in clumps 5 ft OC to promote a robust native shrub layer; • The ground will be co vered (:2:80%) with at least three different native herbaceous plant species ; and • A total of 2 snags and 2 logs will be installed. C:/Jobs/BCE/Cava lla/Fee In-Lie u Letter.doc 2 05/16/07 Chad Armour, LLC 162nd Avenue SE Extension Mitigation Plan King County , Washington K BS Dev elopment 15,000 Fee In-lieu Off-site buffer make u 14 ,500 a bas ed o n Preliminar y Roa d Improvement Plan a nd Profil e of 162 nd Ave nu e SE Exten s ion b stream cha n nel occ upies -2,500 sf Off-Site Buffer Enhancement We assume that: • It will be necessary to purchase urban land; • A total of 120 trees and 4 75 shrubs will be installed in a degraded buffer at a rate of 0.041 plants/sf (Table 2); • A mi xture of native herbaceous plant species w ill be broadcast seeded on the degraded buffer; • 15 snags and 11 logs will be installed in the degraded buffer; and • Compost will be added around each of the installed pl ants in a circle 3 ft in diameter and 3 inches (in) deep, and the site will be irrigated by way of a permanent irrigation system (see Mitigation Reserves Prog ra m, Fee-In -Lieu Worksheet). MONITORING The Proponent will monitor the on-site mitigation area s for at least three ye ars following installation in th e summer. The Proponent has include d costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program , Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for monitoring the off-site buffer for at least three years followi ng installation . The "fee-in-lieu " revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal con stitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for monitoring associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts . C:/Jobs/BCE /Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter .doc Chad A rm ou r, LLC 3 05/16/07 00 ::r :....:.. !ll c.... a. 0 :t> g 3 o3 0 () c:: m .... -.. . () rru r,:: ()~ iii" ,; {1) {1) ::l r er C: r (l) :::i {1) .... Cl. 0 Cl .l>- 0 ~ _. ~ --.J Table 2 -Plant and Habitat Amenitv Installation Guide Total On-Site Buffer Off-Site Buffer 27 6-8 ft; 11 ft oc 52 27 6-8 ft ; 11 ft oc Dou las-fir Pseudotsu a menziesii 71 36 6-8 ft : 11 ft oc western red cedar Thu ·a licata 70 35 6-8 ft; 11 ft oc Total Trees 245 125 I Cornus stolonifera 193 Ma/us fusca 193 965 a 15 ,000 sf; to be enhanced on-site b 14,500 sf; to be made up off site according to KKC 21 A.24.137 Res ource Miti gation Reserve c total av erage density is 0. 041 plants/sf 120 ;:,;;_. -· en ::, N co :::, a. o:t> 0 < C (l) ::, ::, -c ~ (l) ~ (/) ru m ~m -· X ::, -co ro -::, 0 (/l ::, -· 0 ::, ~ a-: co Q) ::::!: 0 ::, "tl w :::, A CD (/) 0 co < (l) 0 "O 3 (l) ~ 162nd Avenue SE Extension Mitigation Plan King County, Washington KBS Development MAINTENANCE The Proponent will maintain on-site mitigation area as follows : • Remove weeds for three years after installation. Weeds include non-native vegetation, particularly Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), and evergreen blackberry (Rubus laciniatus); and • Replace trees and shrubs that die during the 3-year monitoring program to maintain the minimum 80 percent survival rate . The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for maintenance of the off-site buffer during the three year monitoring program . The "fee-in-lieu " revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for maintenance associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts . CONTINGENCY PLAN If there is difficulty achieving the performance standards for the on-site mitigation , the Proponent proposes to work with the County to develop a contingency plan. Contingency plans can include, but are not limited to: regrading , additional plant installation , erosion control , and plant substitutions of type , size , quantity, and location . Such a contingency plan shall be submitted to the County by December 1 s t of any year when deficiencies are discovered. The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program "Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet" to allow for a contingency plan should deficiencies in the off-site buffer be discovered during the three year monitoring program. The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for contingency measures associated with the proposed buffer fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. SCHEDULE The Proponent anticipates executing this plan at the first available opportunity following the receipt of the necessary approvals from the County . Assuming construction occurs the summer of 2007, the first monitoring event will occur the following spring . For on-site mitigation , the Proponent will submit a monitoring report to the County as indicated previously . Maintenance will occur within four months following submission of the monitoring report. Subsequent monitoring, reporting , and maintenance will follow the same schedule during the subsequent years . LIMIT A TIO NS Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed . It is intended for the ex clusive use of KBS Development Corporation , Mr. Dave Petrie, Eagle Creek Land Development, LLC, and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied , is made. C:/J o bs/BC E/Cavalla/Fee In-Lieu Letter .doc Chad Armour, LLC 5 05/16/07 162nd Avenue SE Extension Mitigation Plan King County , Washington KBS Deve lopment It should be noted that mitigation planning is an inexact science. Biological professionals may disagree on the nature and extent of mitigation plans. Final acceptance of this mitigation plan is the responsibility of the permitting authority. Accordingly, the mitigation plan develope d for this road e xtension should be review ed by the appropriate perm itting authority prior to committing to detailed planning and design activities. Any questions regarding our work and this plan , the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely , Chad Armour, LLC CLJA- Chad Armour Principal Attachments : Table 1 -Buffer impact and makeup are as Table 2 -Plant and Habitat Amenity Installation Guide Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure 2 -Site Plan Attachment A -Mitigation Reserves Program , Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet cc: Wayne Potter, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Nick Gillen , King County DOES C:/Jobs/BCE/C avalla/Fee In -Li e u Letter.doc Chad A rmour. LL C 6 05/16/07 FIGURES ON TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS / VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS Liberty G~rdens i i r I I I / / / //-; I ---L~ J/ /! -1/ f JI /// //// / / ---~ / / --- / / / -I ------~ / / ///: / / / _-/ / ///---:-/ // // ---t/ / / __ //-.,,,-------i // / <flt../ / r~--/ w~ F< -"''STIN G I I I --I oo1 BRID GE I I I I I / I / I I I l J • i f 1 Secondary Type 3 Stream I I / I J ----1 ....... __ ~ -----" .,.__ " ---\ I \ ', \ '- \ \ \ \ . ----' ~ ----__.e _ /, - --• C'•' /v, :, -"' v'___, i I I -' V .. v' " " 3W -~, '&.· '"' "' '1', <J> ' I ---' ci ,, -':,. 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Con1amer, 1 gallon, medium soil $11.5 Each 198.Q( $ 2,277.00 PLANTS Container, 2 gallon, medium soi! $20.0 Each 199.0( $ 3,980.00 PLANTS Container, 5 gaTion, medium soil $36.fll Each $ PLANTS Seeding, by hand $0.5( SY 806.0 7,250 sf $ 403.00 PLI\NTS SIPs {willow, red-0s1er) $2.00 Each $ . PLANTS Slakes (willow) $2.00 Each $ ' All costs include installation TOTAL $ 7,650.00 INSTALLATION COSTS ( LABOR, EQUIPMENT, & OVERHEAD) Type Unit Price Unit Cost Compost, vegetable, delivered and spread $37.88 CY 39.0 3 ft rad around ea plant; 3 in deep $ 1,477.32 Decompacting till/hardpan, medium, to 6' depth $1.57 CY $ . Decompacting lill!harq)an, medium, to 12' depth $1.57 CY $ . Feriili2e, slow release tablets, 30gm/lree $3.21 Each $ . Hydroseeding $0.51 SY 806.00 7,250 sf $ 411.06 Labor, general (landscaping) $25.00 HR $ . Labor, general (construc1ion) $37.0 HR 16.00 14,500 sf (0.33 ac) $ 592.00 Labor Consunant. superv1s1ng $55.00 HR 1000 14,500 sf (0.33 ac) $ 550.00 Labor: Consultant. on-srte re-design $95.00 HR $ Rental of decompact1ng machmery & operator $70.65 HR $ Sand. coarse builder's, dehvered and spread $42.06 CY $ . Staking material (set per tree) $7.01 Each $ . Surveying, line & grade $250.0( HR $ . Surveying, topographical $250.01 HR 8.00 $ 2,000.00 Watering, 1' of water, 50' soaker hose $3.62 MSF $ lrriga1ion -temporary $3,000.0( Acre $ lrriga1ion -buried $4,500.01 Acre 0.33 $ 1,485.00 Hllng tops Di, clisk harrow, 20hp tractor, 4' -6' deep $1.02 SY $ TOTAL $ 6,515.38 HABITAT STRUCTURES• ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cos1 Fa seines (willow) $ 2.00 Each $ . Logs. (cedar). YI root wads, 16"-24' diam. 30' long $1,000.0( Each 3.00 $ 3,000.00 Logs (cedar} rJo root wads, 16"-24" <tam. ,a $400.0( Each 8.00 $ 3,200.00 Logs, rJo rool wads, 16'-24' ciam .. 30'1ong $245.0 Each $ logs wl root wads, 16'-24' dam ,Wlcng $460.0( Each $ . Rocks, one-man $60.f"II Each $ Rocks, two-man $120.0C Each $ . Root wads $163.0 Each $ . Spawnmg gravel, type A $22.00 CY $ . Weir. log $1,500.0( Each $ Weir· adjustable $2,000.0 Each $ Woody debris, large $163.0C Each $ . Snags -anchored $400.0 Each 15.00 $ 6,000.00 Snags· on site $50.00 Each $ . Snags -imported $800.0C Each $ . • All rnsts include de\rvery TOTAL $ 12,200.00 • EROSION CONTROL ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Backfill and Compaction-embankment $ 4.89 CY $ - Crushed surfacing, 11/4' minus $30.00 CY $ - Ditching $7.0, CY $ - Excavation, bulk $4.0C CY $ - Fence. si" $1.60 LF 120.n. 14,500 sf (0.33 ac) $ 192.00 Jule Mesh $1.2E SY $ - Mu!ch, by hand, straw, 2' deep $1.27 SY $ - Mulch, by hand, wood chips, 2' deep $3.2 SY $ - Mulch, by machtne, straw. 1' deep $0.32 SY $ - Piping, temporary, CPP, 6' $9.3 LF $ - Piping, temporary, CPP, 8' $14.0 LF $ Piping, temporary, CPP, 12' $18.00 LF $ - Plastic covering, 6mm 1hick, sandbagged $2.0 SY $ Rip Rap, machine placed, slopes $33.9 CY $ - Rock Constr Entrance 10D'x15'x1' $3,000 00 Each $ Rock Constr. Entrance 50'x15'x:1' $1,500.00 Each 0.66 14,500 sf (0.33 ac) $ 990.00 Sedrmenl pond riser assembly $1,695 11 Each $ - Sediment trap, 5' high berm $15.57 LF $ - Sediment lrap, 5' high b!lfm wlspilmy incl. riprap $59.SC LF $ - Sodding, 1' deep, level ground $5.24 SY $ - Sodding, 1' deep, sloped ground $6.4! SY $ Straw bales, place and remove $600.0 TON $ Hauling and d~osal $20.00 CY $ - T opsrnl, delivered and spread $35.7 CY $ - I TOTAL $ 1,182.00 GENERAL ITEMS ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Fencing, cham lmk. 6' high $18.89 LF $ - Fencing, chain link. corner pos1s $111.1" Each $ - Fencing. chain hnk, gate $277.63 Each $ Fencing. split rail, 3' high (2"1"ai!) $10.54 LF 120.0( 14,500 sf (0.33 ac) $ 1,264.80 Fencing, temporary (NGPE) $1.20 LF $ - Signs, sens~ive area boundary $2.50 Each 1.00 $ 2.50 I TOTAL $ 1,267.30 OTHER ITEMS Mobiliza lion Con tingenc y MAINTENANCE AND MONTIORING Mainlenance and Monrto ring Inspection. fina l LAND COSTS LONG TERM SITE MANAGEMENT M ITIGATION RESERVES PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION COSTS (Construction Cos t Subtotalj Percentag e of Const ruct io n C os t Unit $ $ 10 % 30% TOTAL NOTE: Projects w i th multi p le perm,! r equirements may be r equired to h ave lon ger monito ring and rn21 i ntenance tenns. This w 111 be evaluat ed on a case-by - case basis for development appli cations. Morn t onng and maintance ranaes m ay be assessed anywher e f r om 5 t o 10 years. 6 .00 (8 hrs 90/hr . (1 O hrs $90/hr) EAC H EAC H 4.00 $144 .90/h r TO TAL Unit Co st Un it Quantity Desc r iption 56 ,0 0 0 .00 Acre 0 .333 U nit Cost Unit Qua ntity Number of y ea r s 85 .0 0 Acr e 1 20 $ 28,814.68 C os t $ $ 2,881.47 $ 8 ,644.40 $ 40,340.5 5 $ 4,320.00 $ 2 ,8 80 .00 $ 3 62.25 $ 5 7 9 .60 8 ,141 .85 ~ _-:, ~.--':-:l':"l.~Y,~;-1 Co st $ 18,648.00 $ 1,700.00 ~,-.. ,--- Total $97,645.08 CHAD ARMOUR, LLC 6500 126'" Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006-3941 (425) 641-9743 (425) 643-3499 (fax) _ _ --1 chad chada_.,mour,co~-n-\'N 1 May 16, 2007 Mr. Dave Petrie 811 South 273'" Court De Moines, Washington 98198 Subject: Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan (revised) Liberty Gardens Preliminary Plat (L04P0034) King County, Washington ,~ ' . fr' ' \ \ ~ :\~, l ·0 \ U ___ _ ,.,r.o ---------~--- REC E !VE D JUL 1 1 2007 KING COUNTY U\NO USE SERVICES Dear Mr. Petrie \.J)4pQD~t We revised our conceptual mitigation plan based on information provided to us by Mr. Nick Gillen in the meeting we had on February 28, 2007 and the fee-in-lieu spreadsheet on March 14, 2007. As you will recall, we chose the fee-in-lieu option to mitigate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands because the area available on the site for mitigation is the location of a mature forest. The following describes our approach in revising the conceptual mitigation plan including the estimated cost to construct a wetland off of the site. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Mr. Dave Petrie (Proponent) proposes to construct 37 single-family homes on the 8.95- acre Liberty Garden site (see Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens). To do so, it will be necessary to construct new roads and storm management facilities (see Preliminary Grading and Storm Drainage Plan of Liberty Gardens). The road will impact a total of 2,387 square feet (sf) of Class 2 wetland and 14,840 sf of buffer (Table 1 and Preliminary Plat of Liberty Gardens). It will also impact an intermittent stream that flows through one of the wetlands and across the site. We understand that the planned development is vested under the King County Sensitive Areas regulations. CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN The proposed mitigation plan is to: • Protect a portion of the wetland associated with the intermittent stream; • Protect the intermittent stream; • Protect the associated buffer; • Fill a portion of two wetlands and associated buffer; • Increase the width of buffer adjacent to wetland adjacent to the stream to make up for lost buffer; • Enhance the buffer makeup areas; and • Pay the County a fee to create a 7,161 sf wetland off of the site. -------------------------------+--- C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 1 05/16/07 Chad Armour, LLC ~ 0.fJ Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan King County, Washington Table 1 -Wetland and buffer impact and makeu areasa ' based on Preliminary Grading Plan (revised) of Liberty Gardens b 961sf + 1,426 sf • ' to be made up according to KKC 21A24.137 Resource Mitigation Reserve d 8,379sf + 6,207sf+ 254sf EXISTING CONDITIONS Mr. Dave Petrie According to B-12 Wetland Consulting (2004) and our observations over the last several years, the upland forest is composed of an overstory of mature big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), red alder (A/nus rubra), western red cedar (Thuja plicata), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesi1), and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). The understory supports salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), Indian plum (Oem/eria cerasifonnis), hazel nut (Cory/us comuta), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), salal (Gaultheria shallon), and bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). Wetland AIB (Southern Wetland) The southern wetland is a Class 2 wetland that consists of a narrow strip of forest adjacent to a Class 3 intermittent stream (8-12 Wetland Consulting, 2004). The wetland supports an overstory of red alder and black cottonwood (Popu/us ba/samifera) trees. The understory supports salmonberry, lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina), and tall mannagrass (Glyceria elata). Wetland C (Northern Wetland) The northern wetland is a Class 2 wetland dominated by immature red alder trees, salmonberry shrubs, and lady fern (B-12 Wetland Consulting, 2004). Mature Trees In the Reduction and Makeup Areas As indicated on Table 2 and the Significant Tree Retention Plan of Liberty Gardens, 20 medium-to large-sized deciduous and conifer trees will be lost due to the proposed development. To offset this loss, a total of 21 medium-to large-sized deciduous and conifer trees will be protected in buffer makeup areas. C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 2 Chad Armour, LLC 05116/07 Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan King County, Washington • see Significant Tree Retention Plan for details CONSTRUCTION PLAN Mr. Dave Petrie We developed this plan to mitigate for lost wetland and buffer area and functions by assuming that a 7,161 sf wetland will be created off of the site and 14,840 sf buffer will be enhanced on the site. We used the general guidance for completing fee-in-lieu worksheet for offsite mitigation construction costs (Attachment A) to determine the materials and labor to construct a wetland (King County, Undated). Table 3 illustrates the suggested plants and habitat amenities to be installed in the created wetland and enhanced buffer. Off-Site Wetland Creation We assume that: • It will be necessary to purchase urban land; • A total of 92 trees and 205 shrubs will be installed in the created wetland at a rate of 0.041 plants/sf (Table 3); • A mixture of native herbaceous plant species will be broadcast seeded on the wetland creation area; • 9 snags and 6 logs will be installed in the wetland creation area; and • It will take 4 hours to deconsolidate the soil, compost will be added around each of the installed plants in a circle 3 feet (ft) in diameter and 3 inches (in) deep, and the site will be irrigated by way of a permanent irrigation system (Attachment A). On-Site Buffer Enhancement In the buffer enhancement areas, we assume that machine encroachment will be limited to trackhoe excavators used to install snags and place logs. We assume that the crushed shrubs and herbs will recover. We also assume that: • A total of 38 western red cedar trees will be installed 20 ft on center to increase the density of conifer trees in the buffer make up areas; C:/Jobs/BCE/Petne/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 3 Chad Armour, LLC 05/16/07 Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan _IS~ng County, Washington Mr. Dave Petrie Table 3 -Plant and Habitat Amenit Installation Guide Quantit Total Wetland Buffer Scientific western red cedar Thu·a licata various 0.041 I/sf 92 92 0 western red cedar Thu·a licata various 20 ft oc 38 0 38 --·-- Total Trees 130 92 38 . . -----~ ----"-... -. _ -r:~~ ·~J~-::~~; ;i.~-~~ ~ ~;;1~1 ;1J~f.,,~~-~::.-____ ~ -------~ -·~~·~ --~--'-• -----~ ---- black Lonicera twinberrv involucrata various 0.041 pl/sf 41 41 0 ·--------- clustered Rosa rose pisocaroa various 0.041 pl/sf 41 41 0 Pacific Physocarpus ninebark caoitatus various 0.041 pl/sf 41 41 0 --··-------------------~ red-osier Camus dogwood stolonifera various 0.041 pl/sf 41 41 0 western crabaoole Ma/us fusca various 0.041 pl/sf 41 41 0 - Total Shrubs 205 205 0 ·-. . . -. -. -. -= ,·----,--------. ' "' -----._ ,--_.,, ·---~ ---· .. ... --' ------" ------. . .. .. . . Tellima frin ecu randiflora seed broadcast X X great Stachys beton coo/e i seed broadcast X X large-leaved Geum avens macro h //um seed broadcast X X "'""" ----- tall manna GI ceria e/ata seed broadcast X X tufted Deschampsia hair rass ces itosa seed broadcast X X water Oenanthe 16" to 24" dbh; 30' Sna s Ion 28 9 If-·-~----------+-~------+----+-~· 19 16" to 24" dbh; 30' Los Ion 21 6 15 • 7,161 sf; to be made up off site according to KKC 21A.24.137 Resource Mitigation Reserve ' 15,004 sf; to be made up and enhanced on-site C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 4 Chad Armour, LLC 05/16/07 Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan King County, Washington Mr. Dave Petrie • It will not be necessary to install shrubs and herbs because a dense layer of shrubs and a robust assemblage of herbs are present in the buffer enhancement areas; • 19 snags and 15 logs will be installed; • The snags and logs will come from trees harvested on the site; • A signed split-rail fence will protect the Southern Wetland, the intermittent stream, and associated buffers. MONITORING The Proponent will monitor the on-site mitigation areas for at least three years following installation in the summer. The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for monitoring the off-site wetland for at least three years following installation. The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for monitoring associated with the proposed wetland fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. MAINTENANCE The Proponent will maintain on-site mitigation area as follows: • Remove weeds for three years after installation. Weeds include non-native vegetation, particularly Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass, and evergreen blackberry; and • Replace trees that die during the 3-year monitoring program to maintain the minimum 80 percent survival rate. The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet to allow for maintenance of the off-site wetland during the three year monitoring program. The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for maintenance associated with the proposed wetland fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. CONTINGENCY PLAN If there is difficulty achieving the performance standards on the site, the Proponent proposes to work with the County to develop a contingency plan. Contingency plans can include, but are not limited to: additional plant installation and plant substitutions of type, size, quantity, and location. Such a contingency plan shall be submitted to the County by December 1 '' of any year when deficiencies are discovered. The Proponent has included costs in the Mitigation Reserves Program "Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet" to allow for a contingency plan should deficiencies in the off-site wetland be discovered during the three year monitoring program. The "fee-in-lieu" revenue that the County will receive in conjunction with this Proposal constitutes the full extent of the Proponent's responsibility for contingency measures associated with the proposed wetland fill and subsequent mitigation efforts. C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 5 Chad Armour, LLC 05/16/07 Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan King County, Washington SCHEDULE Mr. Dave Petrie The Proponent anticipates executing this plan at the first available opportunity following the receipt of the necessary approvals from the County. Assuming construction occurs the summer of 2007, the first monitoring event will occur the following spring. The Proponent will submit a monitoring report as indicated previously. Maintenance will occur within four months following submission of the monitoring report. Subsequent monitoring, reporting, and maintenance will follow the same schedule during the subsequent years. LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this mitigation plan prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of Mr. Dave Petrie and his assigns for specific application to the referenced property. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. It should be noted that wetland mitigation planning is an inexact science. Biological professionals may disagree on the nature and extent of mitigation plans. Final acceptance of this wetland mitigation plan is the responsibility of the permitting authority. Accordingly, the wetland mitigation plan developed for this plat should be reviewed by the appropriate permitting authority prior to committing to detailed planning and design activities. REFERENCES B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. 2004. Liberty Gardens Critical Areas Analysis Area Report & Conceptual Mitigation Plan, King County WA. Prepared for Mr. Dave Petrie, 811 S 273'd Ct., Des Moines, WA 98198. King County. Undated. Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet. C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised).doc 6 Chad Armour, LLC 05/16/07 Liberty Garden Revised Mitigation Plan Mr_ Dave Petrie King County, _Wa_s_h_in~g,_to_n _________________ ~ Any questions regarding our work and this plan, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned_ Sincerely, Chad Armour, LLC CLL4~ Chad Armour Principal Attachments: Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure -Preliminary Plat Map of Liberty Gardens Figure -Preliminary Grading and Storm Drainage Plan of Liberty Gardens Figure -Significant Tree Retention Plan of Liberty Gardens Attachment A -Mitigation Reserves Program, Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet cc: Wayne Potter, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Nick Gillen, King County DOES C:/Jobs/BCE/Petrie/Fee In-Lieu Letter(revised)_doc 7 Chad Armour, LLC 05/16/07 ON TRAFFIC CONSUL TAN TS i -· '1i.lXJIJQ H --· 11 ·-·.;. .l's.ll:»o sy VI Cl NI TY tvLi\P FIGURE 1 PLAT OF THREADGILL CAVALLA LIBERTY GARDENS ATTACHMENT A Mitigation Reserve Program Fee-In-Lieu Worksheets ® Mitigation Reserves Program Fee-In-Lieu Worksheet L04P0034 DOES Permrt# King County Date 5/16/2007 Prenared bv: Chad Armour, LLC PLANT MATERIALS• Type Unit Price Unit Quantity Description Cost PLANTS: Pot1ed. 4' diameter. medium $5.00 Each $ PLANTS: Con1ainer. 1 gallon. medium soi! $11.i:.r Each 74.0 $ 851.00 PLANTS· Con1amer. 2 gaHon, meditHTI soil $20.00 Each 74.00 $ 1,480.00 PL.ANTS Container, 5 gallon, medium soil $36.0( Each 74.0 $ 2,664.00 PLAN1S Seedtng, by hand $0.5 SY 795.nt 7,161 sf $ 397.50 PLANTS S1'1s (willow, red-osier) $2.0 Each 74.0 $ 148.00 PLAN1S s,akes (willow) $2.0 Each $ • Al! costs include installation TOTAL $ 5,540.50 INSTALLATION COSTS ( LABOR, EQUIPMENT, & OVERHEAD) Type Unit Price Unit Cost Compost, vegetable. delivered and spread $37 81 CY 20.0( 3 ft rad around ea plan!; 3 in deet $ 757.60 Decompacling till/har(llan, medium. lo 6' deplh $1.5 CY 150.00 $ 235.50 Decompacting 1111/ha,dpan. medium, 1o 12' dep1h $1.57 CY $ . Fertrnze. slow release table-ls. 30gm/tree $3.21 Each $ Hydroseeding $0.51 SY 0.00 hand seeded $ . Labor. general (landscaping) $25.0I: HR $ . Labor. general {construchon) $37.00 HR 16.00 7,161 sf (0.16 ac) $ 592.00 Labor Consultant, supe1vising $55.or. HR 10.0I 7,161 sf (0.16 ac) $ 550.00 Labor: Consultant. on-s~e re-design $95.nr HR $ . Rental of decompactmg machmery & operalor $70.65 HR 6.00 assumed $ 423.90 Sand, coarse builder's. delNered and spread $42.0E CY $ S1ak111g material (se1 per 1ree) $1.0, Each 920( $ 644.00 Surveying, line & grade $250.0( HR $ . SurveyH19. !opograph1cal $250.0( HR 8.00 $ 2,000.00 Wate1mg, 1' of waler, 50' soaker hose $3.62 MSF $ . Irrigation -temporary $3,000.0C Acre $ . !rrigal10n -buried $4,SOO.nr Acre 0.16 $ 720 00 Tilling lopsoil. dsk harrow, 20hp tractor, 4'·6" deep 795.0( 7,161 sf: strip & stockpile topsoil $1.02 SY and then reapply $ 810.90 TOTAL $ 6,733.90 HABITAT STRUCTURES' ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Fasc1nes (winow) $ 2.00 Each $ logs, (cedar). Vf root wads, 16'-24' Oam., 30' fong $1,000.nr Each 3.00 $ 3,000.00 logs !cedar) W'o1oot wads. 16"-24' dam JO' $400.0 Each 3.00 $ 1,200.00 logs, Worootwads. 16'-24" dam .. 30' long $245.01 Each $ logs wt root wads, 16' .24• dam., 3a long $460.0 Each $ . Rocks. one-man $60.fl( Each $ Rocks, two-man $120.0 Each $ . Root wads $163.0 Each $ Spa'Wlling gravel, type A $22.<" CY $ . w~, k,g $1,500.n. Each $ Weir -adplslable .$2,000.rx Each $ Woodf debris, large $163.0( Each $ . Snags anchored $400.0( Each 9.00 $ 3,600.00 Snags on srte $50."' Each $ Snags imported $800.0 Each $ •At/costs include delr...ery TOTAL $ 7,800.00 • EROSION CONTROL ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cost Back!dl and Compac1ion.ernbankment $ 4.89 CY $ . Crushed surfacing. 1 114' mmus $30.0C CY $ . Drtching $7.0: CY $ . Excavat100, bulk $4.o, CY $ . Fence, sill $1.6( LF 85.0I $ 136.00 Jule Mesh $1.2< SY $ . Mulch. by hand, straw, 2' deep $1.2 SY $ . Mulch, by hand, oood chips, 2' deep $3.2! SY $ . Mulch, by machme. straw. 1" deep $0.32 SY $ . Piping, 1empo,ary, CPP, 6' $9.3( LF $ . Piping, temporary, CPP, 8' $14.flj LF $ . Piping, 1emporary, CPP, 12' $18.00 LF $ . Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged $2.01 SY $ . Rp Rap, machine placed. si:ipes $33.9! CY $ Rock Constr Entrance 100'x15'x1' $3,000.00 Each $ . Rock Conslr Entrance 50'x15':d' $1,500 00 Each 0.33 7,161 sf (0.16 ac) $ 495.00 Sedftnent pond riser assembly $1,69511 Each $ . Sediment trap, 5' hitJh berm $15.5" LF $ . Sedmenl trap, 5' high berm wfspillway incl. riprap $59.6( LF $ . SoddITTg, 1' deep, level ground $5.24 SY $ . Sodding, 1' deep, sloped ground $6.41 SY $ Straw bales, place and remove $600.0( TON $ Hauling and disposal $20.U< CY $ . Topsoil, de~vered and spread $35.7 CY $ ITDTAL $ 631.00 GENERAL ITEMS ITEMS Unit Cost Unit Cos1 Fencing. chain ~nk, 6' high $18.89 LF $ . Fencing, chain link, corner posls $1111 Each $ . Fencmg. cham link, gale $277.6, Each $ . Fencmg. spl~ rail, 3' high (2-rnl) $10.54 LF 85.0( 7,161 sf(0.16ac) $ 895.90 Fencing, temporary (NGPE) $1.20 LF $ . Signs, sens~ive area boundary $2.50 Each 1.00 $ 2.50 (TOTAL $ 898.40 OTHER IT EM S Con lingency MAINTENANCE AND MONTIORING Perce ntage of Con struct io n Cost 30% Unit (Constructio n Cost Subto tal) TOTAL NOTE : Project s w i t h multiple permit requi rements may be r equir ed t o have $ 21,603.80 Cost 2 1 ,603.80 2 .160.38 $ 6,481 .14 $ 30,245.32 longer m orn to ring and m a1 11temrnce t erms. This will be evalu~ted on a case-by - cas.e basis for developrnen1 applic .::,t1 om.. Morntonng and m aintan ce ranges rna y be assessed a n ywhe r e f rom S t o 10 years. l:;,,;;;;;::-:::=,:-::-:-;:-,-;:--,-;--,;,;::-::-,--:-,-=--,----,-T,-,---e-:;-:-=:c;T-:-,-";:,..,-,::="'"'.7-:-r.,~'""'=,c:-,.:=:c,:-;,, = "'r.c'S"~:-;-:-:""""':::;~~::'<.=::::C-;;:T,;T,:::--C~ :~, annual Maintenance and Mon tari ng Inspec ti on. fina l LAND COSTS LONG TERM SITE MANAGEMENT MITIGATION RESERVES PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION COSTS Unit Cost $ 56,00000 U nit Cost $ 85.00 EAC H EACH Unit Acre Unit Acr e •' .;.. :'.iii- .SF Quantity 0.1 6 Quantity 1 2,700.00 3,600.00 724.50 579.60 7 ,604.10 De script ion Cost So uth/Urb a n $ 8,960.00 Number of yea r s $ 1,700.00 2 0 ~---- : I Total $70,113.22 .. . / TYPES 3 and 4 LOG SHEET (Format Plat, Rezone, Special Use, Shoreline Redesignation) FILE NUMBER: L04P0034 HEARING DATE(S): _ w1J..-J.µ 1 C),..'i\"'-'------- PLAT/PROJECT NAME: LIBERTY GARDEN CONTINUA"1CE HEARING DATE(S), ___ _ PLANNER: Trishah Bull PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO.: ~C)i .._ 0,':}5 \ ENGINEER: Bruce Whittaker RELATED APPLICATION & FILE NO. APPLICATION FILED (date): 12/29/04 COMPLETE APPLICATION (date): 1/26105 EXAMINER DECISION/REC: ________ _ APPEAL FILED: D NO D YES date: _____ _ A. COUNCIL ACTION: ________ ORDINANCE NO.: __ _ EFFECTIVE DATE: _____ _ HEARING DATE(S) _____________________________ _ 1. D NOTICE OF APPEAL 2. D APPEAL ARGUMENTS \ _ _y HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTIONS 1. '9(PREHEARING CONF. NOTICE 2. §IL HEARING NOTICE date(s) 7 l 11 loi_ date(s):~ 3 ::,t_ PREHEARING ORDER datc(s): ____ _ 4 D CONTINUATION date(s): ____ _ 5. D REPORT date(s): ____ _ 6 D RECONSIDERATION date(s): _____ _ 7.~PPEAL SUMMARY~, -z A l\(;i·h u.. ~ f Af\ w: date(s): ____ _,_ 6...±~ ·. , / 1s/oi ~ DDES STAFF ACTIONS date mailed: _____ _ date mailed: 1 l o::.,\()1 \ 1. D CONTINUATION NOTICE 2. ~REPORT 3. D ADDENDUM REPORT date mailed: _____ _ 4. "A. TRANSMITTAL TO EXAMINER (POR's/DOCS/STUDIES) date sent: (i:, / JL} ~C 5. ~PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER EMAIL TO THE KC CLERKS OFFICE dalesent: (~;91~ ~ SEPA REQUIREMENTS CJ THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: --1:L_~S =, DATE ISSUED: _(2,..._,\1-1~...:rii-J.cll-l~U""''--~ DATE 500' RADIUS/AGENCIESIPORS/STAFF SENT: _ ,.(.ll_"ht\'-~"""'-j+'~""-,_C),..,~, _____ \ ___ \ ___ _ ~ APPEALFILED: p(.YES ONO LO'[F\R'.X)'t ~PPELLANTS: ~C~, -i::Au,-1-l\-¥'-'-P-00--------date received: --17-(µ,(od,.;,3+1p"='!c.J---- date received: _______ _ date received: _______ _ ~;SA,.ARGUMSNTS/,r!t~~ ~~L~~ ~<Le_" L06f\~7 date received: _-_'J<-.1/-o~~l-+-/.,.c .... 'l+--- / I date received: ---"------ date received: _______ _ L04P0034 &UBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT 1. NOTICE OF APPLICATION / a) AFFIDAVITOFPOSTING/POSTINGPACKAGESENT o7b/d£ REC'D d2$3;0S- b) LEGALAD SEATTLE TIMES date(s)sent: ,=2-9-<::)5 datepublished: ~/y"__.,::j5 LOCALS date(s) sent:d-f-M date published: c:2-/'/--c:JJ c) 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date(s) sent: d 1/ds- 0 NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION/PUBLIC HEARINt , , a) LEGALAD SEATTLETIMES date(s)sent:. (5 datepublished:~h_ LOCALS~~) sent: .·yte published: ~L b) 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date sent: 'R. \ 4a \Ji-- 'l\1 h}APPLIC TION Date received: December 29, 2004 l/ 1. INTAKE CHECKLIST 2. r{'fPPLICATION FEE 3. 8 j<PPLICANT DESIGNATION FORM 4. r,£ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5. ~ssEssoR'sMAPs:(d') ::J,: 1b\1;:,_-:,,':u5 ,j Sc !L 1 c±? ~r; 6. E1fERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY 7. r/ CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY 8. D PRELIMINARYHEALTHAPPROVAL 9. D fERTIFICATE OF FUTURE CONNECTION 10. r£ J1'RE DISTRICT RECEIPT 11. rlfpITE PLAN/PLAT MAP 12. 0 )'£GAL LOT PROOF 13. cf)>ENSITIVE AREA AFFIDAVIT 14. ti!!' }NVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 15. cf JRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY 16. ~ LEVEL ONE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS 17. 13'1JTHER ~o /$~;; fs.r· T'/ e= = -131/. 5)00)0'6 18. D WAIVER(S) ____________ _ &ADDITIONAL PLANS/MAPS DATES RECE VED: ..,..,.,. CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN / Z, /z.,;_ "cJ"i( 2. WETLANDMITIGATIONPLAN L ·~ REVISION NO. 1 i/ lct':J, l) (_{i ~ REVISION NO. 2 'f /)JI'~ ') v REVISION NO. 3 s/a~Jog ( ' 6./REVISION NO. 4 ,..I J \ / .j y A l.-{ OTHERMAPS '=-"--l.l4'c...!.+-L~-:l. MNq J K:.J--·/LE ~{V(l / J/01}--P '/-' a ),-4:~"""'+'-""4-;..;--r~i-tu.c-'-J.:"f-T:i_++.L.L.f-,,.,...t , :=:: :; ~~16'n rev J. a-)ro/o8 d) _________________ _ e). _________________ _ !) _________________ _ L04P0034 • 6)PECIAL STUDIES V WETLAND/STREAM REPORT DATES RECEIVED 1zhf# 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ~-TRAFFIC STUDY QGENERALCO 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I___,~~.~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. l..l!i!:id..!.l,f!;L;l.£':f~~~0ii!c£12'.....:~~~~~~~~o,_::J:.2.i[[J_'1:::1.._~~~~r...____ __ _ ::: ~...u.Jµ:l.:+-l~__::ti,~~.\.fJl'I/_J~~~i\,11.~~~~~W~-----._,,_--\. ~ 1 13. t 'l \\\\IS' 14. 15. I /ot 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ---------------------------- 26. ---------------------------- 27. ---------------------------- 28. ---------------------------- 29. ---------------------------- 30. 31. ---------------------------- 32. 33. 34. 35. OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov July 17, 2008 ORDER GRANTING PETITION TO INTERVENE; NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE; AND NOTICE OF TENTATIVE HEARING DATES SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance Location: Applicant: Appellant: 162nd Avenue Southeast, approximately 1/4 mile south of the 162nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street intersection David Petrie represented by Wayne Potter Barghausen Consulting Engineers 18215~72nd Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Telephone: (425) 251-6110 Facsimile: ( 425) 251-8782 C.A.R.E.~Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage represented by Gwendolyn High PO Box 2936 Renton, Washington 98056 Telephone: (206) 888-7 I 52 Email: highlands_ neighbors@hotmail.com King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) represented by Chad Tibbits and Alex Perlman 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7194 and (206) 296-7222 Facsimile: (206) 296-7051 The Applicant and ODES having no objection to the Petition by the Appellant C.A.R.E to intervene in this proceeding on the application for preliminary plat approval, the Petition to Intervene is granted. L04P0034--Liberty Gardens On Tuesday, August 5, 2008, at 2:30 p.m., in the Department of Development and Environmental Services Hearing Room, 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washington, a prehearing conference on this appeal will be opened for the purposes of: • Identifying/clarifying the appeal issues; • Considering the need for discovery; • Scheduling hearing dates and times and prehearing deadlines; and • Addressing such other procedural matters as will assist in the efficient conduct of the hearing. 2 Any primary party wishing to reschedule or continue the prehearing conference shall submit to the Hearing Examiner's Office such request in writing accompanied by the written concurrence of the other primary party. Without such agreement, any request to reschedule will not be granted without a showing of good cause. The parties are hereby advised that the dates of August 19, 2008 and September 4, 2008 are possible dates for the hearing on this appeal and application for preliminary plat approval. Those dates should be reserved pending the scheduling of the hearing at the August 5, 2008 prehearing conference. Mediation of disputes is available pursuant to King County Code Section 20.24.330 and the Rules of Mediation. If you are interested in mediation, contact the Office of the Hearing Examiner for a copy of the Rules, or obtain the Rules by visiting our web site at www.metrokc.gov/mkcc/hearingexaminer. ORDERED this 17th day of July, 2008. 1;,,rres/1~. O'Connor aunty Hearing Examiner pro /em NOTE: If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the proceeding on this matter will he postponed. Parties of record will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled proceeding. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Sign language and communication material in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice at 296-1000 (TDD number 296-1024). PTD:vsm L04P0034 PHC Attachment ---••••• • ••• •.!!!,.• RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE KING COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER Rule Vil!. PRE-HEARING CONFERENCES A. Purpose and Initiation Pre-hearing conferences promote efficient case management by providing an informal process for early identification of issues and resolution of procedural matters in complex cases. Evidence generally will not be received at a pre-hearing conference, except when required in order for the examiner to rule on a motion. (Pre-marking and introduction of exhibits to which there is no objection may occur at the discretion of the examiner.) The examiner, on motion of any party or upon his/her own motion, may convene a pre-hearing conference to: I. Identify, clarify, limit or simplify issues. 2. Hear and consider pre-hearing motions. 3. Schedule hearings, identify parties and witnesses, determine the order of and limits upon testimony, obtain stipulations as to facts and law, identify and admit exhibits, order discovery, and consider and act upon any other matter which may aid in the efficient disposition of the hearing. B. Requests for Conference A motion to convene a pre-hearing conference shall be made to the examiner as soon as the need for a conference is recognized by the moving party ( at least 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing date), and shall state the reasons for the request, including any motions to be presented. For good cause stated in the motion, the examiner may consider a request that fails to meet the 21-day requirement. For hearings authorized under KCC 20.24.080, a motion by any party for a pre-hearing conference shall be granted if timely. However, unless consented to by all parties or otherwise ordered for good cause by the examiner, no pre-hearing conference on an appeal can be convened later than 45 days after receipt of the statement of appeal by the hearing examiner's office. C. Proceedings at Conference A party who has received timely notice of a pre-hearing conference shall identify al the conference any pre-hearing motions not previously made which he/she intends to make. Parties or interested persons may also file timely written pre-hearing motions for consideration at the pre-hearing conference. Failure to make or disclose a motion which was available to the party at the time of the conference may be grounds for its denial if subsequently made. D. Pre-hearing Order Following a pre-hearing conference, the examiner shall issue an order specifying all items determined at the conference. The order shall be binding upon all parties and interested persons who received timely notice of the conference. Revised March 31, 1995 July 17, 2008 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination ofNon-Significance I, Venetta Mangaoang, certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I transmitted the Order Granting Petition to Intervene; Notice of Prehearing Conference; and Notice of Tentative Hearing Dates to the following parties of record and interested persons: Barghausen Consulting Engr Barghausen Consulting Engr. Marshall Brenden Attn: Wayne Potter Attn: Daniel Balmelli PE 18225 SE I 28th 18215 -72nd Ave S 18215 -72nd Ave. S. Renton WA 98059 Kent WA 98032 Kent WA 98032 Nenita Ching Linda Corgiat DMP Eng., Inc. 16038 SE 142nd Pl 16039 SE 142nd Pl. Attn: Hans Korve Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 726 Auburn Way N. Auburn WA 98002 Debbie Eberle Patty Grammell Don & Andrea Gregg 18225 SE 147th St 16043 SE 142nd Pl I 6046 SE 142nd Pl Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Gwendolyn High Richard & Teri Langdon Lozier Homes, Corp. C.A.R.E. 14201 -164th Ave. SE Attn: Jennifer McCall P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98059 1203 -I !4th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Bellevue WA 98004 David Petrie Michael Ritchey Curtis Schuster 81 l S. 273rd Ct. 14225 -164th Ave. SE KBS III, LLC Des Moines WA 98198 Renton WA 98059 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. I 00 Bellevue WA 98005 Seattle KC Health Dept. Kolin Taylor Gregg Zimmerman E. Dist. Environ. Health 12320 NE 8th St, # !00 City of Renton 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98005 1055 S Grady Way Bellevue WA 98007 Renton WA 98057 L04P0034-Liberty Gardens Steve Bottheim Trishah Bull Kim Claussen DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Lisa Dinsmore Nick Gillen Shirley Goll DDES-LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley Alex Perlman Chad Tibbits DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Steve Townsend Larry West Kelly Whiting DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DOT-Rd Svcs MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS KSC-TR-0231 Bruce Whittaker DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 [81 EMAILED to all County staff listed as parties of record/interested persons [81 deposited with the United States Postal Service, with sufficient postage, as FIRST CLASS MAIL in an envelope addressed to the non-County employee parties of record/interested persons at the addresses indicated on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. [81 sent via County INTEROFFICE MAIL to County staff on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. DA TED July 17, 2008. /vsm L04P0034 PHC CRT Vonetta Mangaoang Legislative Secretary 2 NOTICE TO PARTIES OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98 !04 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov July 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination ofNon-Significance Location: Applicant: Appellant: King County: 1111AiN FILE COPY 162nd Avenue Southeast, approximately l/4 mile south of the 162nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street intersection David Petrie 811 South 273rd Court Des Moines, Washington 98198 Telephone: (253) 946-6619 C.A.R.E.-Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage represented by Gwendolyn High PO Box2936 Renton, Washington 98056 Telephone: (206) 888-7152 Email: highlands_ neighbors@hotmail.com Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) represenled by Chad Tibbits and Alex Perlman 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7194 and (206) 296-7222 Facsimile: (206) 296-7051 The Hearing Examiner has been informed that the SEPA Determination of Non-Significance issued for this subdivision on June 20, 2008 has been appealed by C.A.R.E. The Hearing Examiner will conduct a scheduling conference at the time and location previously scheduled for the hearing on the application for preliminary plat approval. Therefore, the parties are hereby advised: · L04P0034-Liberty Gardens 2 Notice of Scheduling Conference. A scheduling conference will be held for this appeal and preliminary plat application at: · 9:30 a.m. Thursday, July 17, 2008 Department of Development and Environmental Services Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest, Renton, Washington (The public hearing on this preliminary plat application, previously scheduled for July 17, 2008, will not be held on that date.) ORDERED this 15th day of July, 2008. . O'Connor · g County Hearing Examiner pro /em NOTE: If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the proceeding on this matter will be postponed. Parties of record will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled proceeding. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Sign language and communication material in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice at PTD:vsm L04P0034 NOT2 296-1000 (TDD number 296-1024). ---••••• •••• ••••• - July 15, 2008 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 ~ LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance I, Vonetta Mangaoang, certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I transmitted the Notice to Parties to the following parties ofrecord and interested persons: Barghausen Consulting Eng. Marshall Brenden Linda Corgiat 18215 -72nd Ave. S. 18225 SE I 28th 16039 SE 142nd Pl. Kent WA 98032 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 DMP Eng., Inc. Gwendolyn High Richard & Teri Langdon Attn: Hans Korve C.A.R.E. 14201 -164th Ave. SE 726 Auburn Way N. P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98059 Auburn WA 98002 Renton WA 98059 Lozier J-[omes, Corp. David Petrie Michael Ritchey AttJJ: Jennifer McCall 811 S. 273rd Ct. 14225 -164th Ave. SE 1203 -I 14th Ave. SE Des Moines WA 98198 Renton WA 98059 Bellevue WA 98004 Curtis Schuster Seattle KC Health Dept. Gregg Zimmerman KBS III, LLC E. Dist. Environ. Health City of Renton 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. I 00 14350 SE Eastgate Way 1055 S Grady Way Bellevue WA 98005 Bellevue WA 98007 Renton WA 98057 Steve Bottheim Trishah Bull Kim Claussen DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Lisa Dinsmore Nick Gillen Shirley Goll DDES-LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley Alex Perlman Chad Tibbits DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 L04P0034---Liberty Gardens Steve Townsend DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Kelly Whiting DOT-Rd Svcs MS KSC-TR-0231 [2] EMAILED to all County staff listed as parties ofrecord/interested persons [2] deposited with the United States Postal Service, with sufficient postage, as FIRST CLASS MAIL in an envelope addressed to the non-County employee parties ofrecord/interested persons at the addresses indicated on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. [2] sent via County INTEROFFICE MAIL to County staff on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. DATED July 15, 2008. /vsm L04P0034 NOT2 CRT Vanetta Mangaoang Legislative Secret 2 .. OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov June 26, 2008 NOTICE OF HEARING SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 Location: Applicant: LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application 162nd Avenue Southeast, approximately 1/4 mile south of the 162nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street intersection David Petrie 811 South 273rd Court Des Moines, Washington 98198 Telephone: (253) 946-6619 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) represented by Chad Tibbits 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7194 Facsimile: (206) 296-7051 ,~,'\lN FILE COPY A public hearing has been scheduled on this proposal for 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2008, in the Department of Development and Environmental Services Hearing Room, 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washington. Any primary party wishing to reschedule the hearing for a different time or location must make a request in writing to that effect and must obtain the written concurrence of all other primary parties, which shall be submitted to the Hearing Examiner's Office at the above address within seven (7) days of the date of this notice. Primary parties include the applicant, property owner, and responsible County agency. (Other persons likely to be directly and substantially affected by County action on this proposal may request "party" status by submitting an intervenor petition to the Hearing Examiner. See Hearing Examiner Rule of Procedure X.A.) Agreement to reschedule this proceeding shall constitute waiver by the parties of procedural time limits for its occurrence. A pre-hearing conference may be requested by any primary party prior to July 3, 2008. Hearing Examiner Rule YID, which is included with this notice, governs pre-hearing conferences. lfyou are a L04P0034--Liberty Gardens 2 party to this proceeding and believe a pre-hearing conference should be held prior to the public hearing, submit your written request with specific reasons in support thereof to the King County Hearing Examiner. To promote efficiency in the conduct of hearings and to eliminate surprise, pre-hearing exchange of information is encouraged by the Rules of Procedure. Any person is entitled to receive, at cost, copies of documents in the County file. Application may also be made to the Examiner to direct exchange of other significant information by any person or agency. Mediation of disputes is available pursuant to King County Code Section 20.24.330 and Rules of Mediation. Please contact the Office of the Hearing Examiner if you need a copy of the Rules of Procedure or Rules of Mediation, or obtain the Rules by visiting our web site at www.metrokc.gov/mkcc/hearingexaminer. ORDERED June 26, 2008. Peter T. Donahue King County Hearing Examiner NOTE: If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the proceeding on this matter will be postponed. Parties of record will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled proceeding. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Sign language and communication material in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice at PTD:gao L04P0034 NOT Attachment 296-1000 (TDD number 296-1024). -••••• •••• ••••• --- " ·. .- RULES OF PROCEDURE OF TIIE KING COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER Rule VIII. PRE-HEARING CONFERENCES A. Purpose and Initiation Pre-hearing conferences promote efficient case management by providing an informal process for early identification of issues and resolution of procedural matters in complex cases. Evidence generally will not be received at a pre-hearing conference, except when required in order for the examiner to rule on a motion. (Pre-marking and introduction of exhibits to which there is no objection may occur at the discretion of the examiner.) The examiner, on motion of any party or upon his/her own motion, may convene a pre-hearing conference to: 1. Identify, clarify, limit or simplify issues. 2. Hear and consider pre-hearing motions. 3. Schedule hearings, identify parties and witnesses, determine the order of and limits upon testimony, obtain stipulations as to facts and law, identify and admit exhibits, order discovery, and considef and act upon any other matter which may aid in the efficient disposition of the hearing. B. Requests for Conference A motion to convene a pre-hearing conference shall be made to the examiner as soon as the need for a conference is recognized by the moving party (at least 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing date), and shall state the reasons for the request, including any motions to be presented. For good cause stated in the motion, the examiner may consider a request that fails to meet the 21-day requirement. For hearings authorized under KCC 20.24.080, a motion by any party for a pre-hearing conference shall be granted if timely. However, unless consented to by all parties or otherwise ordered for good cause by the examiner, no pre-hearing conference on an appeal can be convened later than 45 days after receipt of the statement of appeal by the hearing examiner's office. C. Proceedings at Conference A party who has received timely notice of a pre-hearing conference shall identify at the conference any pre-hearing motions not previously made which he/she intends to make. Parties or interested persons may also file timely written pre-hearing motions for consideration at the pre-hearing conference. Failure to make or disclose a motion which was available to the party at the time of the conference may be grounds for its denial if subsequently made. D. Pre-hearing Order Following a pre-hearing conference, the examiner shall issue an order specifying all items determined at the conference. The order shall be binding upon all parties and interested persons who received timely notice of the conference. Revised March 3 I , 199 5 CONDUCT OF HEARING (Excerpt from Examiner's Rules, effective Marrh 31, 1995) XI.B Presentation of Evidence ... 2. Admissibility of Evidence a. Except as otherwise provided by these rules, evidence will not be limited by the Washington Rules of Evidence (ER). Any trustworthy oral or documentary evidence may he received, including reliable hearsay. However, the examiner shall exclude testimony or evidence which is unreliable, unduly repetitive, irrelevant, immaterial or privileged, and may use ER as a guide when making evidentiary rulings. b. Opinions of lay witnesses on matters normally within the purview of qualified experts ordinarily will not be excluded, but lack of qualification shall be considered when giving weight to such opinions. c. The examiner may admit excerpts from public documents or from books, studies or reports when the remainder of such material is either irrelevant or unnecessary for an adequate understanding of the issue. d. Copies of documents may be accepted as evidence, provided, that the examiner may exclude copies when there is reasonable doubt as to authenticity. e. In proceedings where a penalty, forfeiture or similar divestiture of legally cognizable rights is sought by King County, the examiner may apply the Washington Rules of Evidence to govern the admissibility of evidence, and may require adherence to other rules applied in the Superior Court for King County to assure that due process oflaw is afforded to the parties. 3. Exhibits a. Copies of documents submitted as exhibits must be legible. b. A rare or one-of-a-kind exhibit which is held by a King County agency, and which cannot be conveniently reproduced, may be entered in the hearing record by reference. Examples of such exhibits include, but are not limited to, official zoning, land use or conununity plan maps or aerial photographs. If practical, duplicate reduced copies should be provided as an exhibit when possible to do so without excessive cost. c. Physical evidence may be excluded by the examiner, even though relevant, on the basis of an unreasonable custodial burden if other relevant evidence having equivalent probative value is available. The examiner also may require the substitution of photographs or reduced size copies for exhibits which are difficult to store, and written or oral descriptions of water, rocks, dirt, or other objects, instead of the actual items. Photographs, maps, charts, illustrations or similar materials which are mounted for presentation purposes shall be removable from their mounting and capable of being stored within a legal size filing cabinet drawer, unless reasonable need for submission of an exhibit not susceptible to reduction is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the examiner. (For charts, photo montages, and similar materials, a common method to meet the requirements of this rule is to attach the item(s) presented to a plain paper backing prior to mounting on poster-board, so that the evidence can be readily removed from the poster board for storage.) d. Exhibits accepted into the record shall not normally be returned to parties, except that the responsible county agency may act as the official custodian of the case file. The examiner may order the return of an exhibit when there is no public or private need for retention by the examiner or responsible County agency. .. . . • DIRECTIONS TO DOES HEARING ROOM 900 OAKESDALE AVE SW, RENTON SOUTHBOUND I-5 EXIT I 57 -Martin Luther King Way Tum RJGHT onto 68'h Ave. S. 68'• Ave. S. becomes MONSTER RD. SW Monster Rd turns into OAKESDALE AVE SW DOES is on your left (building 900) NORTHBOUND 1-5 EXIT 154 to l-405/W A-518/Burien/Renton Stay right to l-405/Renton/Belfevue l-405 EXIT I to WA-181/W. Valley Hwy. LEFT onto W. Valley Hwy/SR 181 RJGHT onto East Grady Way • LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW DOES is on your right (building 900) NORTHBOUND SR 167 Northbound under the 1-405 overpass LEFT at SW 7th St. (2"' light) LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW ODES is on your left (building 900) -·· I~ ,.,,.,.. \...L--1 Fl»! ll"}rlll SOUTHBOUND I-405 EXIT 2 to WA-167/Auburn/Rainier Ave. Follow to SR-167 (Valley Fwy.) north LEFT onto SW Grady Way RJGHT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW DOES is on your right (building 900) NORTHBOUND 1-405 EXIT I to Interurban Ave. S/West Valley Hwy LEFT at light at ramp bottom (north under l-405) RJGHT onto SW Grady Way LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW ODES is on your right (building 900) N s 11 \ G:\working\Misc\Hex\DDES directions.doc June 26, 2008 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application I, Ginger Ohrmundt, certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I transmitted the Notice of Hearing to the following parties of record and interested persons: Barghausen Consulting Eng. Marshall Brenden Linda Corgiat 18215 -72nd Ave. S. 18225 SE !28th 16039 SE 142nd Pl. Kent WA 98032 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 DMP Eng., Inc. Gwendolyn High Richard & Teri Langdon Attn: Hans Korve C.A.R.E. 14201 -164th Ave. SE 726 Auburn Way N. P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98059 Auburn WA 98002 Renton WA 98059 Lozier Homes, Corp. David Petrie Michael Ritchey Attn: Jennifer McCall 811 S. 273rd Ct. 14225.-164th Ave. SE 1203 -I 14th Ave. SE Des Moines WA 98198 Renton WA 98059 Bellevue WA 98004 Curtis Schuster Seattle KC Health Dept. Gregg Zimmerman KBS III, LLC E. Dist. Environ. Health City of Renton 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. 100 14350 SE Eastgate Way 1055 S Grady Way Bellevue WA 98005 Bellevue WA 98007 Renton WA 98057 Steve Bottheim Trishah Bull Kim Claussen DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Lisa Dinsmore Nick Gillen Shirley Goll DDES-LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley Chad Tibbits Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 . ' • ' L04P0034----Liberty Gardens Larry West DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Kelly Whiting DOT-Rd. Srvcs. MS KSC-TR-0231 Bruce Whittaker DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 12<:] EMAILED to all County staff listed as parties ofrecord/intercsted persons 12<:] deposited with the United States Postal Service, with sufficient postage, as FIRST CLASS MAIL in an envelope addressed to the non-County employee parties of record/interested persons at the addresses indicated on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. 12<:] sent via County INTEROFFICE MAIL to County staff on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. DATED June 26, 2008. /gao L04P0034 NOT CRT ~-~ Ginger Ohrmundt Legislative Secretary 2 King County DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER July 17, 2008-PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 A.M. DDES Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 Phone: (206) 296-6600 PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS FILE NO: L04P0034 A. B. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO: 2008-0351 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for a subdivision of8.95 acres into 36 lots for detached single-family dwellings. The proposed density is 4 dwelling units per acre. The lot sizes range from approximately 5,900 to 9,350 square feet. See Attachment 1 for a copy of the proposed plat map. GENERAL INFORMATION: Applicant: Engineer: STR: Location: Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: David Petrie 811 S. 273rd Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Barghausen Consulting Engineers 18215 72nd Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032 425-251-6222 14-23-05 Located on 162nd Avenue SE, approximately Y. mile south of the 162nd Avenue SE and SE 1361h Street intersection. R-4 8.95 acres 36 Density: Approximately 4 units per acre Lot Size Range: Approximately 5,900-9,350 square feet in size Proposed Use: Single Family Detached Dwellings Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: King County Water District No. 90 Fire District: King County Fire District No. 25 School District: Issaquah School District No. 411 Complete Application Date: January 26, 2005 C. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The Subdivision Technical Committee (STC) of King County has conducted an on-site examination of the subject property. The STC has discussed the proposed development with the applicant to clarify technical details of the application, and to determine the compatibility of this project with applicable King County plans, codes, and other official documents regulating this development. As a result of preliminary discussions, the applicant presented the Technical Committee with a revised plat on May 2, 2008. The primary modifications include: eliminating the proposed road vacation along the west half of 1641h Avenue SE. D. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENT AL SIGNIFICANCE: E. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21 C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination of non-significance (DNS) for the proposed development on June 20, 2008. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was not required prior to proceeding with the review process. Agencies, affected Native American tribes and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for 14 days. The DNS was not appealed by any party, including the applicant, and it has been incorporated as part of the applicant's proposal. AGENCIES CONTACTED: I. King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks: No response. 2. King County Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering preliminary approval has been granted. 3. Issaquah School District No. 411: The comments from this district have been incorporated into this report. 4. City of Renton (sewer): The comments from this district have been incorporated into this report. 5. King County Water District No. 90: The comments from this district have been incorporated into this report. 6. Washington State Department of Ecology: No response. 7. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife: No response. 8. Washington State Department of Natural Resources: No Response 9. Washington State Department of Transportation: No response. 10. METRO: No response. 11. City of Renton: Letter dated March 17, 2005 (Attachment 2). The City of Renton has requested street improvements be in accordance with the City standards. However, this property is located within unincorporated King County jurisdiction and King County standards apply. 2 FILE NO: L04P0034 F. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 1. Topography: The site is undeveloped and as an average slope of20% generally draining to the south. 2. Soils: Alderwood gravely, sandy loam surfaces soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973. AgC -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 6-15% slopes. Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil has a moderate limitation for foundations, due to a seasonally high water table and slope. 3. Wetland/ streams: A Revised Critical Areas Analysis Report and Conceptual Mitigation report was prepared by B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated November 19, 2004. A Class II wetland located in the southwest comer of the property will be required to have a 50-foot undisturbed buffer as measured from the wetland edge. This has been identified on the revised site plan as Tract A. A Class ill stream is located within the on-site wetland and will have a 25-foot undisturbed buffer as measured from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). Both wetland and stream and their buffers will be placed in a Sensitive Areas Tract (SAT) for long term protection. Signage and fencing (four foot high, split- railed cedar or similar) will be required along the SAT boundaries to clearly mark the extent of the tract. A 15-foot building set back line (BSBL) is required from the edge of the SAT and will be shown on all affected Jots within the proposed subdivision. Additional sensitive/critical areas include an off-site Class II wetland and a Class III stream. These additional areas are primarily located within the unimproved right- of-way known as 162"d Avenue SE. Improvements of 162"d Avenue are required for plat approval, thus unavoidable impacts to sensitive/critical areas and their buffers shall occur. Impacts to sensitive areas for road improvements may be allowed per KC 2 lA.24. However mitigation will be required. Construction techniques such as retaining walls maybe required at such crossings or improvements to limit impacts. A final mitigation plan will be required during . . . engmeenng review. Sensitive area tract boundaries must be clearly marked with bright orange construction and silt fencing prior to construction or site clearing activities. The boundaries shall remain marked until construction is complete. Hydrology may not be altered either during or after development. A hydrology analysis may be required during engineering review to show how the hydrology will be maintained after and during site development. Work within the OHWM may require an HPA from the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. It will be the applicant's responsibility to coordinate with WDFW to determine if an HP A is needed. The site lies within the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. 4. Vegetation: This site is moderately wooded with a second and third-growth mixture of coniferous and broad-leafed trees native to the Pacific Northwest and second-story vegetation, and groundcover consists of Northwest native species including salal, sword fem, berry vines, and grasses. 5. Wildlife: Small birds and animals undoubtedly inhabit this site; however, their population and species are limited due to nearby development. Larger species may visit this site on occasion. No threatened or endangered species are known to exist on or near the property. 3 FILE NO: L04P0034 G. H. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The property is located in an urban area of King County. Surrounding properties to the southeast are all single-family detached residences. Liberty High School baseball field is located northeast of the property. Properties directly adjacent to this site to the north, west and east are undeveloped. Currently this site is undeveloped. The property is located southwest of Liberty High School and east of the City of Renton. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: I. Lot Pattern and Density: The proposed lot and street layout is in conformance with King County Code (KCC) 21A (Zoning). The plat's proposed density of 4 dwelling units per acre is in conformance with KCC 21.A and the R-4 zone. 2. Internal Circulation: The site will access 162"d Avenue SE, and will be served by SE 1401h Place, 163m Avenue SE and SE 141 '1 Place all urban minor access roads ending in a cul-de-sac. 3. Roadway Section: The roads will be designed and constructed to the urban standards of the 1993 King County Road Standards. 4. Drainage: The Liberty Gardens subdivision is located in the Orting Hill Subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The site is subject to the Level II flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. Level III Flow Control is proposed by the applicant to address downstream drainage problems in the area. The existing site drainage generally sheet flows from the northeast to the southwest, leaving the site along the south property line in an existing water course. The flow continues offsite to the southwest, combining with another drainage course in the unopened l 62"d Ave SE R/W. The downstream continues south through a ponding area in the unopened R/W, to SE 1441h Street. The drainage then enters a cross culvert under SE 144'h St and turns to the west along the south side of SE 144th St in an enclosed pipe system. The enclosed pipe system continues west, past l 56'h Ave SE, continuing west eventually outfalling to Tributary 0307. Tributary 0307 then turns south and outlets to the Cedar River. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in Tract B in the southwest portion of the site. Separate underground detention/water quality facilities are proposed for the offsite road improvements. A Level III Downstream Drainage Analysis prepared by Ed McCarthy P.E., was received July 02, 2007. A letter with additional Recommended Stormwater Mitigations was received March 11, 2008. Several capacity and drainage problems were identified in the area. The applicant is proposing Level III Flow Control to address the downstream drainage problems. This is appropriate mitigation per Core Requirement 2 of the KCSWDM. The applicant is also proposing to construct 162"d Ave SE to connect to SE 144th St, including related offsite drainage improvements. I. TRANSPORTATION PLANS: 1. Transportation Plans: The subject subdivision is not in conflict with Transportation, Non-motorized and Trails plan. 2. Subdivision Access: The site will gain access from 162"d Avenue SE by the internal plat road of SE 1401h Place. 3. Traffic Generation: It is expected that approximately 360 vehicle trips per day will be generated with full development of the proposed subdivision. This calculation includes service vehicles (i.e., mail delivery, garbage pick-up, school bus) which may currently serve this neighborhood, as well as work trips, shopping, etc. 4 FILE NO: L04P0034 4. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under the criteria in King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management; 14.80, Intersection Standards; and King County Code 14.75; Mitigation Payment System. a. King County Code 14. 70 -Transportation Concurrency Management: The Transportation Certificate of Concurrency dated October 20, 2004, indicates that transportation improvements or strategies will be in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six (6) years, according to RCW 36.70A.070(6). b. King County Code 14:80-Intersection Standards: During review of the J'1at a High Accident Location (HAL) "'.as identified at the intersection SE 128 1 Street and 1601h Avenue SE. In order to address the incremental impacts of the development of the Liberty Gardens plat, and the cumulative impacts with other pending development proposals in the area (Threadgill, DDES File L05P0026, and Cavalla, DDES File L06POOOI), on the High Accident Location (HAL) at the intersection of SE 1281h Street/ 1601h Avenue SE), the Applicant will be required to individually or jointly with other developers in the area construct an offsite extension of 162nd Avenue SE in general conformance with the conceptual plan submitted to ODES ( dated: July 2, 2007) for the plat of Cavalla, from the current south terminus of 162nd Avenue SE (near the SE 138xx block) to SE 144th Street. These improvements will include no less than 22 feet of roadway paving, plus all associated appurtenances, and all storm drainage conveyance/ detention/treatment facilities as determined by DDES. These improvements will also include a tight-lining of the existing water-course located on the westerly half of the 162nd Avenue SE right-of- way. (KCC 14.80.030B) Note: a multi-party agreement between the three pending plat applicants (Threadgill, Liberty Gardens, and Cavalla) has been reached to implement this requirement. Portions of this improvement are located along the frontage of the Liberty Gardens and Cavalla plats, and will require additional roadway frontage improvements as conditions of both plat approvals. c. King County Code 14.75 -Mitigation Payment System: King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), requires the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee (MPS fee) and an administration fee for each single-family residential lot or unit created. MPS fees are determined by the zone in which the site is located. This site is in Zone 452 per the MPS/Quartersection list. MPS fees may be paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred until building permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the applicable fee ordinance at the time the fee is collected. J. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Schools: This proposal has been reviewed under RCW 58.17.110 and King County Code 2IA.28 (School Adequacy). a. School Facilities: The suhject subdivision will be served by Briarwood Elementary School, Maywood Middle School and Liberty High School all located within the Issaquah School District No. 411. b. School Impact Fees: Issaquah School District No. 411 requires that an impact fee per lot be imposed to fund school system improvements to serve new 5 FILE NO: L04P0034 development within the district. Payment of this fee in a manner consistent with KCC 21A.43 will be a condition of subdivision approval. c. School Access: 162"d Avenue SE, from the north subdivision boundary to SE 1361h Street shall be improved to provide a minimum 22-feet of pavement (two l 1-foot wide lanes for vehicular traffic) together with one of(or, combination- depending upon the location) the following shoulder improvements for school- age pedestrians on the east (plat) side of 162nd Avenue SE: • A minimum eight (8) foot wide paved shoulder (for a total of 19-feet of pavement from the centerline of 162nd Avenue SE, with 11-feet of pavement on the west side of the centerline) • An urban-type shoulder design: concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks ( for a total of 16-feet of pavement from the centerline of 162nd Avenue SE, together with concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, with 11-feet of pavement on the west side of the centerline) • A minimum five (5) foot wide paved pedestrian walkway, together with sufficient paving to install an extruded curb to provide a two (2) foot shy distance between the edge line of the traveled-way and the roadway-side face of the extruded curb, with the paved-width noted for vehicle traffic. • A graded gravel shoulder shall be provided on the west side of the road the full limits of this section of 162nd Avenue SE. 2. Parks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is Maplewood Heights Park, located at 168th Avenue SE and SE 140th Street Renton, WA. K.C.C. 21A.14 requires subdivisions in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. At this time, the applicant is proposing to provide suitable recreation space Tract B. The Subdivision Technical Committee concurs with the applicant's proposal. 3. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from King County Water District No. 90 indicates that water is presently available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be reviewed and approved per King County Fire Flow Standards. K UTILITIES 1. Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a public sewer system managed by the City of Renton. A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated July 1, 2004, indicates this sewer provider's capability to serve the proposed development. 2. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by King County Water District No. 90. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated December 29, 2004, indicates this district's capability to serve the proposed development. L. COMPREHENSIVE AND COMMUNITY PLAN: I. Comprehensive Plan: This plan is governed by the 2004 King County Comprehensive plan which designates this area as Urban. The proposed subdivision is not in conflict with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 6 FILE NO: L04P0034 2. Community Plans: The subject subdivision is located in the Newcastle Community Plan. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with the goals, guidelines and policies of the Newcastle Community Plan. M. STATUTES/CODES: If approved with the recommended conditions in this report, the proposed development will comply with the requirements of the County and State Platting Codes and Statutes, and the lots in the proposed subdivision will comply with the minimum dimensional requirements of the zone district. N. CONCLUSIONS: 0. The subject subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the conditions for final plat approval. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the subject subdivision, revised and received May 2, 2008, be granted preliminary approval subject to the following conditions of final approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication that includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density and minimum density requirements of the R-4 zone classification. AU lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone classification or shall be shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environment Services. Any/all plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction ofDDES prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 6. The drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage design shall meet Level III Flow Control and Basic Water Quality requirements in the KCSWDM. 7. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards(KCRS): (Note that portions of the below l 62"ct Ave SE road improvements are also conditioned with the plat of Threadgill L05P0026 or to be conditioned with the plat ofCavalla L06P0001.) a. 1401h Place and 163'd Ave SE shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard. The portion of SE 1401h PL east of 163n1 Ave SE( 7 FILE NO: L04P0034 to the cul-d-sac) shall be improved at a minimum to the urban minor access street standards. b. SE 141 st Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban minor access street standards. c. FRONT AGE: 162nd Ave SE along the subdivision frontage shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard on the east side of the centerline. The west side shall be improved with an 11 ft min. driving lane. A graded gravel shoulder shall also be required on the west side of the frontage. d. OFFSITE ROAD/WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS: 162"d Avenue SE, from the north subdivision boundary to SE 136'h Street shall be improved to provide a minimum 22-feet of pavement (two I I-foot wide lanes for vehicular traffic) together with one of ( or, combination -depending upon the location) the following shoulder improvements for school-age pedestrians on the east (plat) side of 162nd Avenue SE: • A minimum eight (8) foot wide paved shoulder (for a total of 19-feet of pavement from the centerline of 162"d Avenue SE, with I I-feet of pavement on the west side of the centerline) • An urban-type shoulder design: concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks (for a total of 16-feet of pavement from the centerline of 162"d Avenue SE, together with concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, with I I-feet of pavement on the west side of the centerline) • A minimum five (5) foot wide paved pedestrian walkway, together with sufficient paving to install an extruded curb to provide a two (2) foot shy distance between the edge line of the traveled-way and the roadway-side face of the extruded curb, with the paved-width noted for vehicle traffic. • A graded gravel shoulder shall be provided on the west side of the road the full limits of this section of 162nd Avenue SE. e. OFFSITE ROAD/WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS: 162"ct Avenue SE, from the south subdivision boundary to SE 1441h Street shall improved to a minimum 22-foot paved width, plus urban shoulder improvements on the east side of the roadway in general conformance with the conceptual roadway improvement plans received March 11, 2008 or as approved by DDES. Any design elements of the roadway alignment: plan or profile, that requires either a variance reviewed through the office of the DDES Development Engineer, or a Variance reviewed through the office of the County Road Engineer, shall be subject to a requirement of having an approved variance before the approval of the engineering plans. Any plan/profile design elements that are not consistent with the KCRS, and are not approved/conditionally-approved through one of the two variance processes noted, shall require redesign. • A graded gravel shoulder shall be provided on the west side of the road the full limits of this section of 162nd A venue SE. • An existing water course enters the unopened 162nd Ave SE R/W from the west, at approximately the south property line(adjoining the north line of the Gragg property at 16046 SE 142nd St). An appropriate inlet structure(cage type or as approved by DDES), for this drainage course shall be designed and shown on the engineering plans. • The new drainage conveyance system for this improvement at 162nd Ave SE and SE 144th St shall be designed to route potential overflow to the west 8 FILE NO: L04P0034 along the north side of SE 144th St. Note that the existing overflow route is to the west at this location. f. The joint use driveways and private access tracts shall be improved per Section 3.01 and 2.09 of the KCRS. These Tracts shall be owned and maintained by the Lot owners served. g. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 8. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 9. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at the final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 10. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 2 lA.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent ( 50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to the recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 11. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in K.C.C. 21A.24. Permanent survey marking, and signs as specified in K.C.C. 21A.24.160 shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers ( e.g., with bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. 12. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements which apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from K.C.C. 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. Wetlands a. The Class II wetland shall have a 50-foot undisturbed buffer as measured from the wetland edge. b. The Class III stream located within the on-site wetland shall have a 25-foot undisturbed buffer as measured from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). c. Both wetlands and streams and their buffers shall be placed in a Sensitive Areas Tract (SAT) for Jong term protection. Signage and fencing (four foot high, split-railed cedar or similar) shall be installed along the SAT boundaries to clearly mark the extent of the tract. d. A 15-foot building set back line (BSBL) is required from the edge of the SAT and shall be shown on all affected lots within the proposed subdivision. e. Additional sensitive/critical areas include an off-site Class II wetland and a Class III stream. These additional areas are primarily located within the unimproved right-of-way known as 162"d Avenue SE. Improvements of 162" Avenue are required for plat approval, thus unavoidable impacts to sensitive/critical areas and their buffers shall occur. Impacts to sensitive 9 FILE NO: L04P0034 areas for road improvements may be allowed per KC 21A.24. However mitigation shall be required. Construction techniques such as retaining walls maybe required at such crossings or improvements to limit impacts. A final mitigation plan shall be required during engineering review. f. Sensitive area tract boundaries shall be clearly marked with bright orange construction and silt fencing prior to construction or site clearing activities. The boundaries shall remain marked until construction is complete. g. Hydrology may not be altered either during or after development. A hydrology analysis may be required during engineering review to show how the hydrology will be maintained after and during site development. h. Work within the OHWM may require an HPA from the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. It will be the applicant's responsibility to coordinate with WDFW to determine if an HP A is needed. 1. The engineering plans shall be routed to Critical Areas Staff for review of compliance to the above conditions. Alterations to Streams or Wetlands If alterations of streams and/or wetlands are approved in conformance with K.C.C. 2 lA.24, then a detailed plan to mitigate for impacts from that alteration will be required to be reviewed and approved along with the plat engineering plans. A performance bond or other financial guarantee will be required at the time of plan approval to guarantee that the mitigation measures are installed according to the plan. Once the mitigation work is completed to a DDES Senior Ecologist's satisfaction, the performance bond may be rep laced by a maintenance bond for the remainder of the five-year monitoring period to guarantee the success of the mitigation. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance and monitoring of any approved mitigation. The mitigation plan must be installed prior to final inspection of the plat. 13. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITNE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 14. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of K.C.C. 21A.14.180 and K.C.C. 21A. 14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.). 10 FILE NO: L04P0034 a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., location, area calculations, dimensions, landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of engineering plans. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 15. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 16. Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and K.C.C. 21A.16.050): a. b. C. d. e. f. g. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the county has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES iflocated within the right- of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at (206) 684-1622 to determine if 162nd A venue SE is on a bus route. If 162nd Avenue SE is a bus route, the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. h. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. 17. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on the current county fees. 18. To implement K.C.C. 21A.38.230 which applies to the site, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan (and engineering plans) shall he consistent with the requirements of 11 FILE NO: L04P0034 K.C.C. 21 A.38.230. No clearing of the subject property is permitted until the final tree retention plan is approved by LUSD. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with K.C.C. 2IA.38.230.B.4. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction materials is prohibited within the fenced areas around preserved trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.38.230.B.4.d.(2). A note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that the trees shown to be retained on the tree retention plan shall be maintained by the future owners of the proposed Jots, consistent with K.C.C. 21A.38.230.B.6. (Note that the tree retention plan shall be included as part of the final engineering plans for the subject plat.) Q. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: R. I. The subdivision shall conform to K.C.C. 16.82 relating to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. 3. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but is not limited to the following: a. Forest Practice Permit from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. b. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from WSDOE. c. Water Quality Modification Permit from WSDOE. d. Water Quality Certification (401) Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. TRANSMITTED TO PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: BARGHAUSEN ENGRS 18215 72ND AVES KENT WA 98032 BOTTHEIM STEVE SUPERVISOR CPLNLUSDMS OAKDEOIOO BRENDEN MARSHALL M. 18225 SE 128TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 BULL TRISHAH PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CARE C/0 GWENDOLYN HIGH P.O. BOX 2936 RENTON WA 98059 CLAUSSEN KIM PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CORGIAT LINDA 16039 SE 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DINSMORE LISA PPM IV CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 DMPENGINEERING 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WA 98002 12 FILE NO: L04P0034 GILLEN NICK ENV SCIENTIST CASLUSDMS OAKDEOlOO GOLL SHIRLEY ASII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 HEARING EXAMINER LANGDON RICHARD & TERI 1420 I 164TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98059 LANGLEY, KRIS SR ENGR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 LOZIER HOMES JENNIFER MCCALL 1203 114TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 PETRIE DA YID M. 811 S. 273RD CT. DES MOINES, WA 98198 RITCHEY MICHAEL 14225 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059-7515 SCHUSTER, CURTIS G. KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP 12320 NE 8TH ST SUITE #100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT E. ENVIRON HEALTH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 TIBBITS CHAD PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 TOWNSEND STEVE SUPERVISOR LUIS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 WEST LARRY ENV SCIENTIST CAS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 WHITING KELLY KC DOT RD SERV DN MS KSC TR 0231 WHITTAKER BRUCE SR ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ZIMMERMAN GREGG ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 13 FILE NO: L04P0034 .-,. . Ii u '. '! i I I 1B! :c:c:ci:: ••• " ...... ! 'r i l 11 11m11 i '"iii' IE ~ ,!l ! ! iji C ~ t---~~ Jl--c-i:-JIF ! ' ' ' ' i!!~l! .. ;! ' ' \REVISION\ • DAVD ..._ f'ET1iE an a 27'3FO CT DES uotES,. WA 98198 (253)94&--6619 PfELMNARY fl.AT MAP OF U3ER1Y CWllENS I ,. ,:,e, Kathy Keolhr-Wheeler, Mayor CIT. OF RENTON Planninr !ding/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator March 17, 2005 Department of Development and.Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Attn: Trishah Bull 900 Oakesdale Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF APPLICATION, FILE #L04P0034/LIBERTY GARDEN Dear Ms. Bull: Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing and commenting on this project proposal. Renton's Planning/Building/Public Works Department comments are as follows: I. The proposed project is located within the Water District #90 water service area and City Sewer is available for 38 lots. 2. The proposed development is within Renton's Potential Annexation Area. Therefore, we request the following: • Right-of-Way for all streets within the development site should conform to City of Renton standards (i.e. minimum of 42-foot width versus the 40-foot width proposed on the Preliminary Plat Plan). • Street improvements (roadway pavement width and thickness, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street lighting, etc.) for the street system within the site and along 162nd Ave SE abutting the site should be installed in accordance with City of Renton standards. Sincerely, I G~ 1r:i1rrnlll!~ Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. cc: Neil Watts Jennifer Henning Lys Hornsby Sandra Meyer ATTACHMENT~~~~ I OF--:::p/-;:-;AG=E-------- PAGE n _____ ~ -------10_5_5_S_ou_t_h_G-ra_d_y_W_a_y---R-en_t_on-.-W-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-98_0_5_5 _______ RENT Q N @ This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ,. ' ... Date of Issuance: Project: Location: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Determination Of Non-Significance (DNS) for Liberty Gardens (DDES File No. L04P0034) June 20, 2008 Request is to subdivide 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for single l\,mily JetacheJ residences and a tract for combined drainage and recreation. The lots range from approximately 5,900-9,350 square feet. The property is located on 162'"1 Avenue SE, approximately V. mile south of the 162'"1 Avenue SE and SE 13G1h Street intersection. King County Permits: Fom1al Plat County Contact: Proponent: Zoning: R-4 Chad Tibbits, Project Manager lI1 chad. ti bb1ts~omctrokc.go, (206 J 2%-7194 David Petrie 8 I I S 27 3 d Ct. Des \1oincs, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Suhhasin: Lower Ceder Ri\er Section/Township/J{ange: 14-23-05 Notes: \ A. This finding is based on review orthc project site plan, environmental checklist, level one drainage analysis, and other documents in the file. B. The drainage facilities will be designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. C. Issuance of this threshold detennination does not constitute approval of'the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes which regulate dc,·clopment acti I itics. including the Uni form Fire and Bui I cling Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design \fonual, and the Sensitive Areas Regulations. D. As a requirement of compliance \\ith the 1993 King County Road Standards, the proposed subdivision is required to extend, or linancially panicipatc with other developers, 162nd Avenue SE --from the subdivision boundary to SE 144th Street in general compliance with preliminarv plan and profile drawings submitted to the Department. With Code authority (the 1993 KCRS, adopted by reference at KCC 14.42 with Ord. 11187) outside of SEPA-rclatcd trans po nation codes (KCC 14.80) to require this impro\crncnL a condition of'approval to construct/share in the cost of the construction --via a Mitigated Dl\S --is not needed nor appropriate. Therefore, the requirement "ill be incorporated in st;if'l's recommended conditions ofappro\al report. Final engineering ·· ·.i~iN FILE COP'i ' .. Libcrtv Gardens -UJ4PlJ"J4 fone 2lJ, 2008 Page 2 details of the road alignment and associated improvement is pending upon the submittal of engineering plans following a grant of preliminary approval. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal docs not pose a probable significant adv·ersc impact to the environment. This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197-11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The responsible official finds this infomiation reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The kad agency has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and con1prehensivc plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21 C.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals Written comments or any appeal of this threshold determination must be stamped received by King County before 4:30 PM on July 7, 2008, Appeals must be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. Appeals must be in writing and state the perceived effors in the threshold determination, specific reasons why the determination should be reversed or modified, the harn1 the appellant will suffer if the threshold detem1ination remains unchanged, and the desired outcome of the appeal. If the appellant is a group, the ha1111 to any one or more members must be stated. Failure to meet these requirements may result in dismissal of the appeal. Comment/appeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for comment/appeal: Responsible Official: ,,_i lG Ah u) J f)I ;J l fDY S?E've Bottheim, Supervisor Cu ent Plannin2 Section L nd Cse ServiZes Division : '.)-] _()( ;() ::i l)\ 4:30 PM on July 7, 2008 S250 check or money order made out to the King County Office of Finance King County Land C se Services Di vision 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 ATTN: Current Planning Section (o · 'J,O Date Goll, Sh'irley From: Mangaoang, Vanetta Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:45 AM Goll, Shirley To: Subject: RE Just FYI FW: ? FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. Hi Shirley, We got the fax;-) Vonetta -----Original Message----- From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:32 AM To: Hearing Examiner Cc: Ohrmundt, Ginger Subject: Just FYI FW: ? FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. I just faxed over the POR list w/Ord.# & copy of NOH & SEPA DNS -I will get the Hrg Examiner's file over to you hopefully tomorrow morning via interoffice mail. .. does this work okay? Please let me know if the fax does not go through and I will send again, okay? Thanks so much Shirley 6-6796 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: 2008-0351 Pedroza, Melani On Behalf Of Council, Clerk Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:52 AM Goll, Shirley Tibbits, Chad RE: , FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:48 AM To: Council, Clerk Cc: Tibbits, Chad Subject: 7 FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. I was wondering if you had the proposed Ord.# for above plat as I need to process the information needed for the hearing over to the Examiner's office? Thanks again Shirley Goll ASII 6-6796 From: sent: To: Cc: Subject: Goll, Shirley Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:SO PM Council, Clerk Tibbits, Chad; Bottheim, Steve; Hearing Examiner L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. Please have the attached ordinance introduced. Your office does not need to do a legal ad. Call me if you have any questions and please let me know what the number will be. Thanks, Shirley Goll, ASII CPLN/LUSD 6-6796 « File: A L04P0034 Agenda to COC.doc » « File: A L04P0034 HEAR COVER MEMO TO COC.doc » « File: A L04P0034 Plat Ord request to COC.doc » .. tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 ITY 206·296-7217 FAX COVER SHEET TO: Ginger FAX NO.: 206-296-1654 PHONE NO,: 206-296-4660 Total numbers of pages including this cover sheet: ~ Date: ~ \ -~~ \ D'8 From: Shirley Goll Sender's Name Time: Phone: 206-296-6796 Sender's Phone Permit Name/Number: L04P0034 LIBERTY GARDENS SUBDIVISION Parties of Record list. applicant name & address, property location and SEPA DNS issued 6/20/08 COMMENTS: Hearing date is set for July 17, 2008 SEPA appeal period ends 7/07/08 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER -# 2008~ o ~15 \ Exam1nerFaxCover.doc • TRANSMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING PARTIES OF RECORD FOR L04P0034 BARGHAUSEN ENGRS 18215 72ND AVES KENT WA 98032 BOTTHEIM STEVE SUPERVISOR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 BRENDEN, MARSHALL M. 18225 SE 128TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 BULL TRISHAH PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CARE C/0 GWENDOLYN HIGH P.O. BOX 2936 RENTON WA 98059 CLAUSSEN KIM PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CORGIAT LINDA 16039 SE 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 Dl'.'JSMORE LISA PPM JV CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 DMP ENGINEERING 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WA 98002 GILLEN NICK ENV SCIENTIST CAS LUSD MS OAK DE (llOO GOLL SHIRLEY ASll CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 LANGDON RICHARD & TERI 14201 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 LANGLEY, KRIS SR ENGR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 LOZIER HOMES JENNIFER MCCALL 1203 114TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 PETRIE DAVID M. 811 S. 273RD CT. DES MOINES, WA 98198 RITCHEY MICHAEL 14225 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059-7515 SCHUSTER, CURTIS G. KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP 12320 NE 8TH ST SUITE #100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT E. ENVIRON HEALTH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 TIBBITS CHAD PPMlll CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 TOWNSEND STEVE SUPERVISOR LUIS LUSD MS OAK DE CJlOO WEST LARRY ENV SCIENTIST CAS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 WHITING KELLY KC DOT RD SERV DIV MS KSC TR 0231 WHITT AKER BRUCE SR ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ZIMMERMAN GREGG ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Determination Of Non-Significance (DNS) for Liberty Gardens (ODES File No. L04P0034) Date of Issuance: Project: Location: King County Permits: County Contact: Proponent: Zoning: R-4 June 20, 2008 Request is to subdivide 8.95 acres, zoned R-4 into 36 lots for single family detached residences and a tract for combined drainage and recreation. The lots range from approximately 5,900-9,350 square feet. The property is located on 162 11 d Avenue SE, approximately Y,. mile south of the 162 11 d Avenue SE and SE 136'h Street intersection. Formal Plat Chad Tibbits, Project Manager III chad. ti bbi ts@metrokc.gov (206) 296-7194 David Petrie 811 S. 273'" Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Ceder River Section/Township/Range: 14-23-05 Notes: A This finding is based on review of the project site plan, environmental checklist, level one drainage analysis, and other documents in the file. B. The drainage facilities will be designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. C. Issuance of this threshold determination does not constitute approval of the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes which regulate development activities. including the Uniform Fire and Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and the Sensitive Areas Regulations. D. As a requirement of compliance with the l 993 King County Road Standards, the proposed subdivision is required to extend, or financially participate with other developers, 162nd Avenue SE --from the subdivision boundary to SE 144th Street in general compliance with preliminary plan and profile drawings submitted to the Department. With Code authority (the 1993 KCRS, adopted by reference at KCC 14.42 with Ord. 11187) outside of SEP A-related transportation codes (KCC l 4.80) to require this improvement, a condition of approval to construct/share in the cost of the construction --via a Mitigated DNS --is not needed nor appropriate. Therefore, the requirement will be i nco111orated i 11 staffs recommended conditions of approval report. Final engineering .Liberty Garder,s -L04POO~ Jµne 20, 2008 Page 2 details of the road alignment and associated improvement is pending upon the submittal of engineering plans following a grant of preliminary approval. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal docs not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment. This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21 C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197-11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The lead agency has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36. 70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21 C.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals Written comments or any appeal of this threshold detennination must be stamped received by King County before 4:30 P:VI on July 7, 2008. Appeals must be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. Appeals must be in writing and state the perceived errors in the threshold determination, specific reasons why the detem1ination should be reversed or modified, the harm the appellant will suffer if the threshold determination remains unchanged, and the desired outcome of the appeal. If the appellant is a group, the harm to any one or more members must be stated. Failure to meet these requirements may result in dismissal of the appeal. Comment/appeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for comment/appeal: Responsible Official: TD-LOGO 2i98 4:30 PM on July 7, 2008 $250 check or money order made out to the King County Office of Finance King County Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 A TIN: Current Planning Section (o· ?-,0 · Wo '6 Date , ~otice of Decision- Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division SEPA Threshold Determination and Notice of Recommendation & Hearing 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 File No.: L04P0034 Project Name: Liberty Gardens Subdivision ODES Project Manager Chad Tibbits, 206-296-7194 Email chad.tibbits@metrokc.gov Applicant: ProJect Location Project Description: Permits Requested: David Petrie 811 S. 273'd Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 The property is located on 162°d Avenue SE, approximately'!. mile south of the 162°a Avenue SE and SE 1361 h Street intersection. Subdivision of approximately 8.95 acres into 36 lots for the development of single family detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 5,900 to 9,350 square feet. Formal Subdivision Department Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner: Approve, subject to conditions Date of Public Hearing: July 17, 2008, 9:30 am ODES Hearing Room -first floor 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 SEPA Threshold Determination Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Issued June 20, 2008 The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a written report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner two weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing, Persons wishing to receive a copy of the report should contact DOES at the address listed below, Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Appeal procedures will be stated in the Examiner's written decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. A public hearing as required by law will be held to consider the approval of this application. If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the public hearing on this matter will be postponed. Interested parties will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled hearing. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Comment/Appeal Procedure on SEPA Threshold Determination: Comments on this SEPA determination are welcome. This SEPA determination may also be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner, A notice of appeal must be filed with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p,m, on July 7, 2008, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250,00 payable to the King County Office of Finance If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall also file a Statement of Appeal with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p,m. on July 14, 2008, The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that decision, Further, the Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of AppeaL Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeaL Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) at the following address: Date Mailed: June 20, 2008 DDES--Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Planner at the phone number listed above, If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TTY). Goll, Shirley From: Sent: To: Cc: Pedroza, Melani on behalf of Council, Clerk Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:52 AM Goll, Shirley Tibbits, Chad Subject: RE: ? FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 2008-0351 From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:48 AM To: Council, Clerk Cc: Tibbits, Chad Subject: ? FW: L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. I was wondering if you had the proposed Ord.# for above plat as I need to process the information needed for the hearing over to the Examiner's office? Thanks again Shirley Goll ASI I 6-6796 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Goll, Shirley Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:50 PM Council, Clerk Tibbits, Chad; Bottheim, Steve; Hearing Examiner L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. Please have the attached ordinance introduced. Your office does not need to do a legal ad. Call me if you have any questions and please let me know what the number will be. Thanks, Shirley Goll, ASII CPLN/LUSD 6-6796 « File: A L04P0034 Agenda to COC.doc » « File: A L04P0034 HEAR COVER MEMO TO CDC.doc» « File: A L04P0034 Plat Ord request to CDC.doc» MAIN FILE COPY 1 .. . Goll, Shirle From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Goll, Shirley Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:50 PM Council, Clerk Tibbits, Chad; Bottheim, Steve; Hearing Examiner L04P0034 REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. A L04P0034 Agenda to COG.doc; A L04P0034 HEAR COVER MEMO TO COG.doc; A L04P0034 Plat Ord request to COG.doc Please have the attached ordinance introduced. Your office does not need to do a legal ad. Call me if you have any questions and please let me know what the number will be. Thanks, Shirley Goll, ASII CPLN/LUSD 6-6796 A L04P0034 A L04P0034 HEAR A L04P0034 Plat ienda to COC.doc (:OVER MEMO TO ... Ord request to ... 1 w King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov PRELIMINARY PLAT AGENDA HEARING EXAMINER FOR METROPOLITAN-KING COUNTY COUNCIL LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION, BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK KING COUNTY DDES HEARING ROOM 900 OAKESDALE A VE SW, RENTON WA July 17, 2008 -PUBLIC HEARING 9:30 a.m, or as soon thereafter as possible FILE NO. L04P0034-LIBERTY GARDENS SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST Owner: Address/Phone: STR: Location: David Petrie 811 S. 273'd Ct., Des Moines, WA 98198 Phone: 253.946-6619 SE 14-23-05 Located on 162'd Ave SE approximately Y. mile south of the 162'd Ave SE and SE 136 1' St. intersection. Postal City Renton Land Measurement: 8.95 Acres Proposed Use: Fire District: School District: Subdivision of approximately 8.95 acres, zoned R-4, into 36 lots for the development of single family detached residences. No. 25 # 411 Issaquah School District ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov DATE: TO: FM: RE: June 19, 2008 Anne Norris, Clerk of the Council King County Council Steve Bottheim, Planning Supervisor Land Use Services Division Introductory Ordinances for Preliminary Plats Attached are Introductory Ordinance(s) for the Hearing Examiner's agenda scheduled for public hearing, as follows: File Nos. L04P0034 LIBERTY GARDENS SUBDIVISION scheduled to be heard on July 17, 2008 A copy of the hearing agenda for each item is also attached for your information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 296-7144. Attachments .. title .. body AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain property located on 162nd Ave SE, approximately% mile south of the 162nd Ave SE and SE 1361 h St intersection, Postal City Renton, at the request of David Petrie, department of development and environmental services file no. L04P0034 • Jotice of Decision- Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division SEPA Threshold Determination and Notice of Recommendation & Hearing 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton Washington 98057-5212 File No .. L04P0034 Project Name Liberty Gardens Subdivision DOES Project Manager Chad Tibbits, 206-296-7194 Email chad.tibbits@metrokc.gov Applicant ProJect Location Project Description Permits Requested David Petrie 811 S. 273'd Ct. Des Moines, WA 98198 253-946-6619 The property is located on 162nd Avenue SE, approximately 11. mile south of the 162"d Avenue SE and SE 1361 " Street intersection. Subdivision of approximately 8.95 acres into 36 lots for the development of single family detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 5,900 to 9,350 square feet. Formal Subdivision Department Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner Approve, subject to conditions Date of Public Hearing: July 17, 2008, 9:30 am DOES Hearing Room -first floor 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 SEPA Threshold Determination: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Issued June 20, 2008 The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a written report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner two weeks prior to the scheduled public liearing Persons wishing to receive a copy of the report should contact ODES at the address listed below. Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Appeal procedures will be stated in the Examiner's written decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to DOES. A public hearing as required by law will be held to consider the approval of this application. If the Renton School District announces a d1str1ct-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the public hear:ng on this matter will be postponed. Interested parties will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled hearing. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. CommenUAppeal Procedure on SEPA Threshold Determination: Comments on this SEPA determination are welcome. This SEPA determination may also be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on July 7, 2008, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250.00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall also file a Statement of Appeal with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on July 14, 2008. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decis10r1 being appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. Further, the Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) at the following address: Date Mailed: June 20, 2008 DDES--Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 MAIN Fi' ;:: COPY If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Planner at the phone number listed above. If you require this material in braille, audio cassette. or large print, call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TTY). ~ \457500158/L0',1'0034 ALL WINE ROBERT A+GEORGAL YN 16254 SE 144TH ST RENTON WA 98059 7253700130/L04P0034 CHING JOHN KW+NENIT AL 16038 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 7253700070/L04P0034 CORGIAT LINDA B 16039 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 7253700090/L04P0034 GAMMELL NORMAN D+PA YNE-GAMM PATRICIA A 16043 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98056 7253700\ \0IL04P0034 GRAGG DONALD B 16046 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98055 UAC-MV/L04P0034 GREATER MAPLE VALLEY AREA COUNCIL P.O. BOX IOI MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 7695500210/L04P0034 HELFENSTEIN RICHARD 14303 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 1323059095/L04P0034 KING COUNTY 500 KC ADMIN BLDG 500 4TH AVE SEATTLE WA 98104 \457500095/L04P0034 LEE STEVE'/ P 13802 I 60TII A VE SE RENTON WA 98059 14575001 OO/L04P0034 MCNAIR DANNY M PO BOX 18914 SEATTLE WA98118 7695500330n,04P0034 BOLANOS ROBERT+ DEBRA 14220 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 RN/L04P0034 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 7695500340/L041'0034 DILL! SHELLY A 14216164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98092 7253700140/L04P0034 GIBBONS ALLISTER M+MANDY J 16032 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 76955003\0/L04P0034 GRAHAM DEAN L+KERRI L 16410 SE 143RD PL RENTON WA 98059 7253700160/L04P0034 HARRIS LORRIE T 16018 SE 142ND RENTON WA 98055 SD8/L04P0034 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT #411 STEVE CRAWFORD, NEW CONSTRUCTION 565 NW HOLLY ST JSSAQUAH WA 98027 7695500350/L04P0034 LAMBMAVlSJ 14212 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500154/L04P0034 MAY ALVIN 16238E 144TH RENTON WA 98055 1457500156/L04P0034 MOHR NORBERT W 16224 SE 144TH RENTON WA 98055 1457500106/L04P0034 BRENDON MIL TON M GEROS VIRGINIA M 18225 SE 128TH RENTON WA 98055 RN/L04P0034 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 7695500220/L04P0034 ELLIS PAUL D & ELIZABETH 14307 165TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 7253700150/L04P0034 GOOD VERNON W 16024 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 J0\6000070/L04P0034 GRAI 1AM DEBRA J 14250 161ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 7695500300/L04P0034 HAUCK DAV!D+SHEILA 16416 SE 143RD PL RENTON WA 98055 14575001 J5/L04P0034 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 NE 8TH ST #100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 1457500160/L04P0034 LANGDON RICHARD & TERI 14201 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 1457500157/L04P0034 ~AY ALVIN 16238 SE 144TH RENTON WA 98055 7695500360/L04P0034 NEARFRANKJ 14206 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 7695500270fl,04P0034 PARHANIEMI RICHARD W+JANET 16409 SE I43RD PL RENTON WA 98059 1457500 l 59/L04P0034 RITCHEY MICHAEL A+CHRISTINE 14225 164TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 1457500110fl,04P0034 SMITH GERALD C 8524 S 125TII RENTON WA 98055 145750009711,04P0034 THATCHER JESSE T+ERIN N 13817162NDAVESE RENTON WA 98059 I457500I55/L04P0034 WILLOCK ELDEN 14303 I64TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 • 1457500150/L04P0034 PETRIE RAHUL B 811 S 273RD CT DES MOINES WA 98198 7253700060/L04P0034 SANTINI MICHAEL T 16027 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 10I6000040/L04P0034 SUGIURA ARNOLD 14241 161ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 7253700040/L04P0034 TONDA DA YID R 16021 SE 142ND PL RENTON WA 98059 145750010Jfl,04P0034 WILMOT ROBERT C+cAROL LYNN 13900 160TII SE RENTON WA 98059 1016000050/L04P0034 PO'fl'ER RICHARD W+URSULA E 14244 161ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 7695500230/L04P0034 SIMONS ALLEN W & CHARLENE 14313165THPLSE RENTON WA 98056 CG2/L04P0034 SUSAN SULLIVAN 2431 I SE 47TH ST ISSAQUAH WA 98029 7695500320/L04P0034 WEST Cl IRISTOPHER A 16404 SE 143RD PL RENTON WA 98059 1016000060/L04P0034 YEHRA PHILIP NORMAN 14248 161ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 BARGHAUSEN ENGRS 18215 72ND AVES KENT WA 98032 BRENDEN, MARSHALL M. 18225 SE 128TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 BULL TRISHAH PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CARE C/0 GWENDOLYN ll!GII PO IlOX 2936 RENTON WA 98059 98059 CLAUSSEN KIM PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CORGIAT, UNDA 16039 SE 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DINSMORE LISA 'StlfEllYISOR CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 DMP ENGINEERINU 726 ALIJIJRN WAY NORTH i\UBURI\, WA 98002 GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW ODES/ LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 1r-all-0008] , L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L041'0034 L04P0034 GOLL SHIRLEY ASII Cl'I.N LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 KC HEARING EXAMINER'S OFFICE ATTN: GINGER OHRMUNDT MS YES CC 0404 L041'0034 LIBERTY GARDEN PLAT LANGDON, RICHARD & TERI 1420! 164THAVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 LANGLEY, KRIS TRAFFIC ENGINEER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 LOZIER HOMES JENNIFER MCCALL 1203 114TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 PETRIE, DA YID M. 811 S. 273RD CT DES MOINES, WA 98198 RITCHEY, MR. & MRS. MICHAEL 14225 164111 AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059-7515 SCHUSTER, CURTIS G. KBS DEVELOPMENT COIU' 12320 NE 8TH ST, SUITE # I 00 BELLEVUE WA 98005 SEA!TLE KC HEAL TH DEPT E. ENVIRON HEALTH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L041'0034 l.04P0034 L04P0034 TIBBITS· CHAD J>PMlll CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 l'OWNSEND STEVE SUPERVISOR LUIS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 WEST, LARRY GEO REVIEW DOES/ LUSD MS: OAK -DE -0100 WHITING KELLY KC DOT RD SERV DIV MS: KSC -TR-0231 WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEER ODES /L\ISD MS: OAK -DE-0100 ZIMMERMAN GREGG ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 >r-all-00081 L041'0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 L04P0034 FD25 FD40 Fire Protection Dist #25 Fire Protection Dist #40 P.O. Box 2925 10828 SE 176th St Renton WA 98056-0925 Renton WA 98055 UlS MS: KSC-TR-0431 KC27 Fairwood Library Gary Kriedt 17009 -140th Av SE KC Metro Envirn. Planning Renton WA 98058 U20 U23 Highlands Library Kent Regional Library 2902 NE 12th St 212 --2nd Av N Renton WA 98056 Kent WA 98032-4482 PL18 Documents Dept. Librarian U24 Kent Engineering Dept King County Library System 220 -4th Av S 960 Newport Way NW Kent WA 98032 Issaquah, WA 98027 PL19 Kent Planning Dept City of Renton PL33 220 -4th AvS Economic Development Dept. Kent WA 98032 1055 s. Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Director Fae. & Const. Dept SD9 Facilities & Ping SD13 Kent School District# 415 Renton School Dist # 403 12033 SE 256th St. Bldg B 1220 N 4th St Kent WA 98031-6643 Renton WA 98055 Administrator SES Environmental Review Section ST2 Kent Sewer Utility WA State Dept of Ecology 220 -4th Av S PO Box47703 Kent WA 98032 Olympia WA 98504-7703 TRl Muckleshoot Tribe/Fisheries Division Russ Ladley, Fisheries Biologist TR2 39015 -172nd Av SE Puyallup Tribe Auburn WA 98002 6824 Pioneer Wy E Puyallup WA 98371 TR3 Snoqualmie Tribe Fisheries Habitat/Environment TRS PO Box 280 Suquamish Indian Tribe Carnation WA 98014-0280 PO Box498 Suquamish WA 98392 TR4 WD12 Tulalip Tribe Cedar River Water/Sewer Dist 6700 Totem Beach Rd 18421 SE Petrovitsky Rd Tulalip WA 98271 Renton WA 98058-0552 Pu~lic Works Dtr Kent Water Dist 220-4th AvS Kent WA 98032 Soos Creek Water/Sewer Dist PO Box 58039 Renton WA 98058-1039 Coal Creek Utility District 6801132nd Place SE Newcastle, WA 98059 WA State Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 WA State Dept. of Ecology NW Regional Office 3190 -160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 WA St. Ecology Dept/WQSW Unit Linda Matlock PO Box47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland, WA 98033 Muckleshoot Preservation Program 39015 172"d Ave SE Auburn WA 98092-9763 WD23 WD41 WD57 City of Renton, Public Works Dept. Development Services Div. 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Water Dist #90 15606 SE 128th St Renton WA 98059-8522 Water Dist #111 27224 -144th Av SE Kent WA 98042-9058 WA State Dept. of Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. Division P.O. Box 43155 Olympia, WA 98504-3155 SnoKing Area MS-240 15700 Dayton Ave No. PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 WD32 WD55 WD58 Roger Dorstad rcvd back in U.S. mial no forward 1/08/08 POBox375 Redmond, WA 98073 Scott Williams WA Dept of Archaeology P.O. Box 48343 Olympia WA 98504-8343 Communit Alliance to Reach Out & Engage Hearing Examiner King County Hearing Examiner's Office 400 Yesler Way-Suite 404 Seattle WA 98104 Fax: 206.296.1654 July 3, 2008 Liberty Gardens Preliminary Plat Application L04P0034: Notice of SEPA Appeal Dear Mr. Examiner, P.O. Box 2936 Renton, WA 98056 highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com 206.888.7152 With this letter, Community Alliance to Reach Out & Engage (CARE) submits Notice of our intent to Appeal the SEPA Determination Non-Significance issued by DDES on June 20, 2008 for the Liberty Gardens Preliminary Plat application (L04P0034). Gwendolyn High, our president, will represent CARE in this matter. If a fax number should prove necessary, please call 425.226.9686 before you send anything so that the machine can be made ready to receive. Text presented in this document inside boxes is quoted from the Hearing Examiner's Rules of Procedure. IV. FILING REQUIREMENTS A. Notice of Appeal Notices of appeal to the examiner, together with any fees required by ordinance, are to be filed in accordance with applicable provisions of the King County Code or other governing statute, ordinance or regulation. Timely filing of the notice of appeal and appeal fee (if required) is a jurisdictional requirement; appeals which do not meet the filing requirements cannot be considered bv the examiner. CAR E's submission of this Notice of Appeal to the Office of the Hearing Examiner and to DDES, along with delivery of the required $250 filing fee in person to DOES today meets the Hearing Examiner's Rules of Procedure timeliness requirements. IV. FILING REQUIREMENTS C. Content 1. Notice of Appeal The notice of appeal must identify clearly and specifically: • The action or decision appealed, including the date thereof; • The County department, division or office which took the action or made the decision; • The name and address of the appellant; • The name, address, telephone and fax number of the attorney or other representative, if any, for the appellant; • If more than one person joins in a single appeal, a single representative of all of the persons joining as aooellants is reauired to be named for orocedural purposes. CAR E's Notice of Appeal meets all the Content requirements of the Hearing Examiner's Rules of Procedure. If there is any insufficiency or error in any of our submissions, CARE looks forward to notification and begs to opgg~\~ubmit c1t1zens. O \5 ~ \S co:rections. We are not experts or lawyers and submit all documents, testimony anm~~ ~tr~°t.§1 nd Hardcopies of all documents submitted today are being forwarded to all parties toda emlli~e_nl) qS2_Ui or hand delivery. Please feel free to call me at home (425.917.0117) with any comments and/or quesiions. T~ you for 1your time, 11nd attention, K.C. D.D.E,i-1\, .(J('C r ( ~J~µ\.--.--,---N~-c,C «""""',j,f MAINFILECOPY luoitr) 1'r Gwendolyn High/ d r_ 0; ·,f'') " ~: /~ 'f' President ~ ,,, • &( / ,;) I certify under penalty of erjury pursu::t ::he laws of the State of Washington that the forego I true a d c~ ). ~ 3 ( ~ -30--l -----------~ ® ;efGt- King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest R~nton, WA 98057-5212 /Jffc4,( ~~ L-o <f poo3'{ ''L,·bc,i,1l!j (:;wtd?n~ // Received from {!.. ' fl I f-, ~ Chanqe $ Money Order 0645 (Aev. 2/07) •,...lZIWII@ No. 196755 Date: 7/:3/2tJtJf /7 $ l!so. 0) Project#: ----- Parcel#: __________ _ By: t-sc~ • 11-r, f • • Goll, Shirley From: Mangaoang, Vonetta Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 12:49 PM Goll, Shirley To: Subject: RE: L04P0034 Notice of Canceled Hearing Thanks Shirley;-)) -----Original Message----- From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:59 AM To: Mangaoang, Vanetta Cc: Tibbits, Chad; Perlman, Alex; Claussen, Kimberly; Bottheim, Steve; Ware, Robert Subject: RE: L04P0034 Notice of Canceled Hearing Importance: High Vonetta, I was able to pull all of the notices out of the mail room and all POR's including staff. Thanks Shirley Robert, one large brown envelope was stamped and ready to go in the mail and I had to pull it sorry that is the one that was sitting on the table behind your desk in the stamped mail area. Steve, since this notice is not going out per the Hrg Examiner's e-mail above can you please send a request to the HELPDESK asking them to please remove the pdf file from project no. L04P0034 called "L04P0034 not cancelled hrg mid 7/15/2008"? Thanks Shirley From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Importance: Mangaoang, Vanetta Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:40 AM Goll, Shirley Tibbits, Chad; Perlman, Alex; Claussen, Kimberly; Bottheim, Steve RE: L04P0034 Notice of Canceled Hearing High Morning Shirley, Chad and Alex, Examiner O'Connor asks that you not issue the notice you attached below, since it is in conflict with a notice he intends to issue this afternoon. Please, if possible, pull the notices from the outgoing mail and delay further action until receiving his notice. Thank you, Vonetta -----Original Message----- From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:25 AM To: Hearing Examiner Cc: Tibbits, Chad; Perlman, Alex; Claussen, Kimberly; Bottheim, Steve Subject: FW: L04POD34 Notice of Canceled Hearing This is going out in the U S mail today 7 /15108 hard copy is in interoffice mail Just now so I missed the runner, sorry. Here is electronic copy I have mid to all POR's, 500', STR & BIG 11 copies. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Shirley, Tibbits, Chad Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:38 AM Goll, Shirley Claussen, Kimberly; Perlman, Alex L04P0034 Notice of Canceled Hearing MAIM PILE CQpy 1 Here is the electronic version of the Notice for you to use. I've put the hard copy in your basket. Thank you, Chad « File: L04P0034 Notice of Canceled Hearing.doc » 2 Goll, Shirley From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hello, Mangaoang, Vonetta Tuesday, July 15, 2008 2:43 PM Bottheim, Steve; Bull, Trishah; Claussen, Kimberly; Dinsmore, Lisa; Gillen, Nick; Goll, Shirley; Langley, Kristen; Perlman, Alex; Tibbits, Chad; Townsend, Steve; West, Larry; Whiting, Kelly; Whittaker, Bruce; dave petrie; 'Highlands Neighbors' L04P0034/Liberty Gardens: Notice to Parties L04P0034 NOT2.doc; L04P0034 NOT2 CRT.doc Please find attached the document(s) referenced above and a certificate of service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ~ ~ L04P0034 L04P0034 NOT2 NOT2.doc (125 KB) CRT.doc (SO KB) Thank you, Vanetta Mangaoang Legislative Secretary King County Hearing Examiner 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: (206) 296-4660 Fax: (206) 296-1654 TTY: (206) 296-1024 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-J 654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov July 15, 2008 NOTICE TO PARTIES SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance Location: Applicant: Appellant: 162nd Avenue Southeast, approximately 1/4 mile south of the 162nd Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street intersection David Petrie 811 South 273rd Court Des Moines, Washington 98198 Telephone: (253) 946-6619 C.A.R.E.-Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage represented hy Gwendolyn High PO Box 2936 Renton, Washington 98056 Telephone: (206) 888-7152 Email: highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) represented by Chad Tibbits and Alex Perlman 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7194 and (206) 296-7222 Facsimile: (206) 296-7051 The Hearing Examiner has been informed that the SEPA Determination of Non-Significance issued for this subdivision on June 20, 2008 has been appealed by C.A.R.E. The Hearing Examiner will conduct a scheduling conference at the time and location previously scheduled for the hearing on the application for preliminary plat approval. Therefore, the parties are hereby advised: · L04P0034-Liberty Gardens 2 Notice of Scheduling Conference. A scheduling conference will be held for this appeal and preliminary plat application at: 9:30 a.m. Thursday, July 17, 2008 Department of Development and Environmental Services Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest. Renton, Washington (The public hearing on this preliminary plat application, previously scheduled for July 17, 2008, will not be held on that date.) ORDERED this 15th day of July, 2008. James N. O'Connor King County Hearing Examiner pro tem NOTE: If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the proceeding on this matter will be postponed. Parties of record will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled proceeding. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Sign language and communication material in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice at PTD:vsm L04POOJ4 NOT2 296-1000 (TDD number 296-1024). ---••••• •••• ·.=:!:!.· July 15, 2008 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearex@metrokc.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L04P0034 Proposed Ordinance No. 2008-0351 LIBERTY GARDENS Preliminary Plat Application and Appeal of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance I, Vonctta Mangaoang, ce1iify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I transmitted the Notice to Parties to the following parties of record and interested persons: Barghausen Consulting Eng. 18215 -72nd Ave. S. Kent WA 98032 DMP Eng., Inc. Attn: Hans Korve 726 Auburn Way N. Auburn WA 98002 Lozier Homes, Corp. Attn: Jennifer McCall 1203 -114th Ave. SE Bellevue WA 98004 Curtis Schuster KBSIIl,LLC 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. 100 Bellevue WA 98005 Steve Bottheim DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Lisa Dinsmore DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Marshall Brenden 18225 SE 128th Renton WA 98059 Gwendolyn High C.A.R.E. P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98059 David Petric 811 S. 273rd Ct. Des Moines WA 98198 Seattle KC Health Dept. E. Dist. Environ. Health 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98007 Trishah Bull DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Nick Gillen DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0 I 00 Alex Perlman DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Linda Corgiat 16039 SE 142nd Pl. Renton WA 98059 Richard & Teri Langdon 14201 -164th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Michael Ritchey 14225 -164th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Gregg Zimmerman City of Renton I 055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Kim Claussen DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Shirley Goll DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Chad Tibbits DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0 I 00 L04P0034-Liberty Gardens Steve Townsend DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0 l 00 Bruce Whittaker DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES-LUSD MS OAK-DE-0 l 00 Kelly Whiting DOT-Rd Svcs MS KSC-TR-023 l [3J EMAILED to all County staff listed as parties of record/interested persons [3J deposited with the United States Postal Service, with sufficient postage, as FIRST CLASS MAIL in an envelope addressed to the non-County employee parties of record/interested persons at the addresses indicated on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. [3J sent via County INTEROFFICE MAIL to County staff on the list attached to the original Certificate of Service. DATED July 15, 2008. /vsm L04P0034 NOT2 CRT Yanetta Mangaoang Legislative Secretary 2 , Page I of3 Goll, Shirley From: Mangaoang, Vanetta Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1122 AM To: 'Highlands Neighbors' Cc: Goll, Shirley; Tibbits, Chad; Bottheim, Steve; Perlman, Alex; Claussen, Kimberly; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen Subject: FW: CARE Status Update: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Public Disclosure Requests and other information Hello Ms. High, Fyi--According to DDES, they've received your Notice of Appeal and appeal fee, but not your Statement of Appeal, which is due 7/14/08. Please review the email below for more details ... Thank you, Vonetta Mangaoang Legislative Secretary King County Hearing Examiner 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone, (206) 296-4660 Faxc (206) 296-1654 TTY, (206) 296-1024 -----Original Message----- From: Goll, Shirley Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 9: 16 AM To: Hearing Examiner; Ortiz, Cathy Cc: Tibbits, Chad; Bottheim, Steve; Perlman, Alex; Claussen, Kimberly; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen Subject: FW: CARE Status Update: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Public Disclosure Requests and other information Vanetta and/or Ginger, we have received the statement of appeal and fee which was submitted on 7/03/08 -the appeal period for this submittal ended 7/07/08; but the statement of appeal must also be submitted to DOES by no later than 4:30 pm on Mon. 7/14/08. I have received the appeal file from downstairs under our tracking actno.L08AP007 today 7/08/08 and it contains the Notice of Appeal and fee receipt only. I will route this file on to Alex Perlman PPMIII CPLN/LUSD as he handles SEPA appeals for our section at this time. Thank you, Shirley A Goll ASII Current Planning Section/LUSD 206.296-6796 From: Tibbits, Chad Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 8:51 AM To: Goll, Shirley; Claussen, Kimberly; Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen ;), k Subject: FW: CARE Status Update: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Public Disclosure Requests and other n :J \) information y 07/17/2008 , Page 2 of 3 -~ Importance: High She still needs to submit her Statement of Appeal by close of business on July 14, 2008. From: Mangaoang, Vanetta Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 8:47 AM To: 'Highlands Neighbors'; Hearing Examiner; Tibbits, Chad; dave petrie Subject: RE: CARE Status Update: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Public Disclosure Requests and other information Importance: High Good Morning Ms. High, The following message is from Examiner O'Connor: "'The Hearing Examiner will respond to your July 3 request after receiving notice from DDES that a Notice of Appeal and Statement of Appeal have been filed with DOES within the required time limits. Note that these documents must be received by DDES on or before the close of business on the dates they are due. Electronic transmission may not be sufficient under applicable code or rules." If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email our office. Thank you, Vonetta Mangaoang Legislative Secretary King County Hearing Examiner 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone, (206) 296-4660 Fax, (206) 296-1654 TIY, (206) 296-1024 -----Original Message----- From: Highlands Neighbors [mailto:highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 7: 15 AM To: Hearing Examiner; Tibbits, Chad; dave petrie Subject: CARE Status Update: Liberty Gardens (L04P0034) Public Disclosure Requests and other information Good Morning, All, As of late yesterday afternoon, we have now received the materials from KC DOT in response to our Public Disclosure Request of June 9 for the period ending June 9, 2008 and the DDES PreliminaryReport to the Hearing Examiner for the subject application. We have begun to review and analyze this new information. However, we have still received no response to our new Public Disclosure Requests submitted to DDES and DOT on July 1 for the period of June 9 to July 1, 2008. We still await notice of when these materials will be made available. We are hopeful of hearing today as it is our understanding that today is the response deadline under the state open records laws. Thank you, 07/17/2008 - Gwendolyn High C.A.R.E. -Community Alliance to Reach Out & Engage ... doing what we can, with our neighbors, for our community ... 206.888. 7152 07/17/2008 Page 3 of 3 395 . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . : . . · · 30' · · : : : ¢_: : : : : : : : : : . · · 30'· · ' ..... . .... . ' : . . ···········································~·-··········· .... : ......... • 18 . CPEP · • • • • • • SECTION A~A • • • • • • • S<;ALE: 1" 1 O' 1:1 • • • 1 ".-5'. V . R/W C/L 30' 30' (HALF ROW) 7' 5.5' 22' PAVING 6' 3:1 MAX. SLOPE CONC. WALK 2% 4" CEMENT CONC. •• 6" GRAVEL BASE MIN. MORE MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS 0 VERT. CONC. CURB & GUlTER 4.5' EX. GRADE ----, 4" THICK GRAVEL \ SHOULDER \ '--3• COMP. DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONC. '--1 1/2' MIN. COMP. DEPTH CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE. 2 1/2' MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR HALF STREET IMPROVEMENT (SECTION) NOT TO SCALE V R/W ;-- / EX. DITCH PRELIMINARY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND PROFILE OF E SE EXTENSION A PORTION OF THE SE 1/ 4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. uJ z :J ~ uJ r-- 0.. "' i1 : -. -Z~. - •... uJ .... . 0 . .•.. ·<?, < .. a Iii WET/DffiNTION VAULT 80x20x5 LIVE MAX W.S.=381.0 STATIC W.S.=376.0 BOlTOM EL=371 .0 REPLACE EX. CB WITH NEW CB 6 Tl'PE 2-72' MH STA: 36+05.57, 1 .01' LT RIM=378.54 IE=373.87 (E.J<. 16" CMP S) IE=374.75 (EX, 12' CONC. E) STA: 34+18,26, 26.89' LT IE=3r4.37 (24' NW) IE=382.0± IE=3/4.37 (12" NE) INSTAl.1-WING WAllS AND RIPRAP NEW 47 LF 18" NEW C§H4, TYPE I RCP CULVERT STA: 3ciHiO, 16.61~-lf·-7 @ 9.54% ___ --·· Sffi-PJ\f)f:ILE / , rf-=:~=-"'··-' ---rt---. EX. 1 \ "'-._, ----------'-"--"-"'"77"'1'-/....-',,---·~ --~ - J CB 9 TYPE 2-48' CB 8, TYPE 2-48" -STA: 32+54. 14, 19.59 RT ~IM=399.96 IE=395.00 (18' N, S) '"'-)> 185 LF 18' CPEP @ 9.46% EXISTING DITCH 162ND AVE SE PLAN VIEW • PVI STA • • 31+2$ · · · PVI ELEV = 415.80 • · · · · · · · · · : A.D. = · -10.01 · • · .... • • K • . 29.98 • • . . . SCALE: H: 1 "=50', V: 1 "=5' STA: 34+37.78, 15.99' RT RIM=382.05 IE=377.50 (1 a• N, NE) IE=377.50 (24" S) 129 LF 24" Dlf1 @ 1.831' NEW CB#S, TYPE I STA: 35+59.27, 16,61' LT SEE PROFILE 65 I ii 42 LF 18' DIP @ 1 .83% •.. • ..•.. •~.,;.: -· :...· ...:.....:.:......:......:......:....;...:.....:......:......:...:...· :...• ;.:3~0::!!0.~00::..,' ..!V~C :...• :...• ·..;...-----,----..,...--· _. -;· ' · · · · • .. ' ·a:, . . : . . . :::i ' . ·LC) . ' . ·"' . . . . • . . + "' . ,... .. • 00 ..•. · .•.. -~ ... 't ...•.. . <ii CJ· : : : : ••• ·~ ~·. ,---~. . •. ".t(i9,: •.... ~ .... •·· :--,..__ . . . . . . . . . ·"' . 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"' "' · · ·en GJ : . ·~ ~-.. . . · PVI STA = ~3+90 · · · · · • • PVI tLtv ...: 364.00 • • . . ·.··:--.··--.·: ·_-AD:.·: ·_7;49:· ··:····:· ··········:··· : : : : : : : K : : 2~,6~ : : · : : • : • • : . . . . :·-..... . ' '· . : . i. .... • 200:oo·vc•••••••••• . . ' . . ' ' . ·?>.· . : . . . . (!> • .. ·«.• : : . \ . . . ........ . . O 18 ....... . -~ ~; ....... . .~ ~· ••...... <ii ,: I o c:,1 : .:iii .. /li \ . . : ·\·. . ~. . ................. . 0 .. ' ....... \ . : . . . >. : . . . . ? . . . \~ EX1Slli.G GRADE . • • • • • • : 'Oa . . \ • • AT It. R/W ... \ . \ .. \ .. . . . ' .. o -~ .... . . . . ·I") • • en: .. .... ~·.: l"'"J: . ' ' .... U) ~J .. ... '.u o: .. .a; i':'.i• . · LOW POINT ELEV = 377 .93 · · · ..... ' ... ' . ' ......... : . l· ' LOW POINT STA ·ai ·35+59 27 · · • · • : • • • • • ' • • • : • • • • •• • • • • : • 1 • ·. ···PVl··STA =·35+40·--············: i· • • PVI tLtv • . 377.24 • .... • • • . A.O. • 6.51 • · · · .K..: 15.~7· · .. · · .. • .. . ..................... . \ .. . . . : • • • : PROPOSED GRADE • . . • • : : : 100:00· vc : : : • : ... . . ' : ~· . . ·' ' . C """' • . · · · · B B · ,.,,-E ·2-4B · · · · • · · • • : : ~ • J:2+54,14, 19,59 .RT : . . RIM=399 .96 . . . • lE 395.0C) (18" N, SJ .. 162ND AVE SE• . • .... ·pRo· FIL.E . • ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : ... . .. SCALE:. ·H· ., • ..:.so· V: , •• o'• . -. . . . . ' . ' . ' .. ' . . . . . . • • • IE~374.0. AT It R/W EX, DITCH ... ... • STA:: 34+18.26, 26:89' LT · · · · IE ;}82.b:l: (16' SW) o:,: . v: .. ,. . •. :re. . · · ·o v: · . . . . . . ·O) C'i: . ' . . . ltJ . . . ' ·+ i:o: .... }-It) .. : ......... u, . . r,,,.: ......... "CD .. ~-..... ; -....... 0 . . . ' .. -, ,-,: .... :::c l") .. : ~: ......... :. . '·v, ~·,.: ·i.· .. !; +·.: >• ......... • . . . ·o • ·,· .. ..,.·ID·.• m• . . . . . . . • ·a; • 1 . .-I"' . • . . . . : : I: : : w· :<(: : : ... 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CB RIM=378.62 IE=373.13 (18" CMP N) IE=373.72 (12' CMP E) IE=372.97 (18" CMP W) EX. 18" CMP CB 10, TYPE 2-48" STA: 35+66.95, 15.82 RT RIM=377.63 IE=375.14 (24" N, S) 425 420 410 405 400 395 390 385 380 375 . _.,,. • ' --·,c;' ' MAIN FILE COP't' REVISION LIB~.~~~!.~@ t,lr\R j_ , ,~v·18 K.C, 0.0.E.S. • ~ ~ ::, . -, ~ . . Q. Q < • 0 ~""" z ffl co w ti O') O') -~ <O ~ 0 (0 I 0.. a: ~ (0 ~ • Cl) "q" ~ w O') C\I 0 z ....... 00 0 f6 -~ &i ~ C\I 0 -Cl) w 0 rn • -0 ·o C N w -Q_ I st N st N --N O' • -u 1' ~ I st N st N -N . rn • -u "' o_ I st '" tj- N ~ N rn • -0 _o I C 0 -u rn • -0 _Q I st N st N . -N rn • -u +• o_ I tj- N tj- N ~ N -© " X z ~ VJ :5 --" 0 "' m "-w °' 1---------1 xi ' 0 .. .s 0 m C • u 0 0 0 'E u N U, 'C ll ~ VI 0 • :,: ~ ~ z ! II ' 0 I 1---------1~ 0 if) 1---------100 0 0 01 '-.. n -;;- en ~ v E L Q I 7 ~ N ,-· / z 0 VJ z w S< Cu I w VJ w :;: 0 z N co E © L ~ 1----"T'"----,,t •;;; N '1- N I; ~ ..... ~ / .Q w E l-, 0 ::, ~ 0 z 0 0 .c N .Q C\I "'G""b / 0 ., ..... 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(_) 25· '-' z ;= 01 >< w ll! ... 1 ~ SE 132ND SE. -132/IO f'I.Sf"' f SE 132/lO .., ~ l'l ~ ~ ,2 8 ST vi ,.,. id ... ""~ ----~--~ ""'-, r'l ?:11.;i; SE 133 134TH .... sr "-s, , 134IB g S ~ ~ SE 135Ttt' ..... " \:. I I ..., SE '"" 13= ' 'tasa,;--1-~-'-"S.--L-"" I ~i ]] 17:JOO i-1 ?:, VICINITY MAP SCALE, 1"=1/4'± SITE INFORMATION= OWNERS DEVELOPER ENGINEER/SURVEYOR PARCEL No.'s ACREAGE OPEN SPACE NUMBER OF LOTS Pl~OPOSED USE SANITARY SEWER WATER SCHOOL DISTRICT ZONING TELEPHONE POWER m l<IOTII ST I42NO ST RAHUL 8. PETRIE ARVIND J. PETRIE 811 S. 273rd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 (253)945-6519 DAVID M. PETRIE 811 S. 273rd Court Des Moines, WA 98198 (253)946-6619 DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 (253) 333-2200 145750-0145,-0150-03 8.95 ACRES (EXISTING) 9.74 ACRES (PROPOSED) 14,820 (REQUIRED) 17,493 s.f± (PROVIDED) 38 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL/DETACHED CITY OF RENTON K.C. WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 411 R4 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS PUGET SOUND ENERGY PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF SE 1/ 4, SE 1/ 4, SEC. 14-T23N-R5E, W.M. SEC. 13, T-23N. R-5E, W.M. --- SEC. 14, T-23N, R-5E, W.M. NORTH YERTICAL DA TUM: PER NAVD 1988 CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK BENCHMARK: BRASS DISK 1/sl CONCRETE MONUMENT IN THE INTERSECTION OF S.[ 142ND PLACE AND 155TH AVE. S.E. EL=408.64 MERIDIAN: HPGN 83/91 P~R KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL f!ASIS OF BEARINGS: THE S. LN. OF THE SE 1/4, SEC, 14-T23N-R5E, W.M. BEARING N88'37'40"W LEGEND 0 -o-- -o-- TELEPribNE RISER WATER VALVE FIRE fltDRANT UTILITY POLE GUY Al1ICHOR CHAINLINK FENCE WOOD PENCE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I I / ( ,7 /~ AE DISTRICT ···-~~-x \\1RE F~NCE · \.-'~"'f 1_.,:,·~,-:/;,.,.;,_;;-, ·.--i;.'.'.:·t:::.fi~:!,i(fa;:~);;',cf;t;i:l&tt·,,i)}·.:-}~."'.{~~,,.l~,~J~~~~t~:~rJJi;[~~t~~~J,T!!i~Jti1·~~t,,1iJ~~~_,tt~~:~ .--· -------WE TLA~l·o BOU 'I DARY , • · , · • )! ~" "-,_; .. ¥.,_ '•"'""'< ,.·,.-. ""'''"""°*"",.,e,~·:"J::\CC= .. •-"""'·"-, .. .-, ·-· ·.-· ' _ _. ... · -, 1· NATURAL GAS PUGET souNo ENERG~ ' · ... , · ·· ~,,.,, • 1,:.,,c,.~,.i i~,,~q0c!i.~rE suRFAcE . > . CABLE lV COMCAST CABLEVISION 1,' ' : , ... :;.i GRAVE~ SURF ACE I LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 4 CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ROS ~ SFR PAVED ~URFACE PER RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDING No. 9307159001 TAX Pl\flCEL NUMBER SINGLE ['AMILY RESIDENTIAL LOCA TIQN IS APPROXIMATE CONIFER TREE DECIDUOUS TREE NOTES= 1. 2. 3. ., 4. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES SHOWN HEREON ARE THE RESULT OF AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY DMP, INC. IN M Y OF 2000. P.L.S. No. 22962 ADJOINING STRUCTURES LOCATION AND SIZE APPROXIMATE. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 5DO FEET OF THE SITE BOUNDARY ARE ZONED R-4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. PLAT CERTIFICATE, ORDER No. 577159, DATED OCTOBER 04, 2004 WAS RELIED UPON FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF THE VESTING OF TITLE TO THE LAND COMPRISING THIS PRELIMINARY PLAT, WHICH ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT CERTIFICATE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. A. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9307159001. NO WARRANTY IS HEREBY MADE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY AND/011 COMPLETENESS OF SAID PLAT CERTIFICATE. 5. THE WETLAND BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON WAS DELINEATED IN THE FIELD BY B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC,, ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2001. , :. '" ; ""''' -___ , ,_; ,: ,-.., ·,•·s. -•., ,, .,, , ,.: "-'·· ,,_ , ... , .. -, •. Q_ ,_, .. , ,. . ..,,,, .. ,, -.. , ._,, ,, s ., ,.,,,-," .. ~., ,, , .. c>. , ••• ,, ,,.,., .,-,.,,_, •. ",·,a, , ·• '"·' ,, ,. """· ·~· -.. -~·,·•· h.-,·, , -•' -,, ., ,. . ,_,__ ,. , .. "" ,v,, ., ., --"'"'·" ' " ' . . ' •... "" (j ("·) ~·.} 04 APR 05 ( IN FEET ) \ \ \ I I J - -- - -- ' 1 inch = 50 ft. Oji Poo c...4 ' . ' . ' • ·. fJ_,? L !:•-, .. ,2-».....: _ DEc 2 9 2a04 D K.c. o.o.E. ' DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN,\ WASHINGTON 98002 PHONE: (253),333-2200 (FAX)333-2206 incorporated ENGINEERING -SURVEYING LAND PLANNING CL/fJIT 811 PROJECf DAVID M. PE IRIE SOUTH 273rd COURT, DES MOINES, WASHINGTON PHONE No. (253) 946-6619 (FAX) 529-2110 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY 1" = 50' Pr<AmN< 01540PP1 .DWG 17 DEC 04 JOB/ 01540 98198 S11E£r _L __ OF 2 @ LO I 0 I 50 0 - GRAPHIC SCALE 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 !t. 200 ·t;ii'.-,'.C,.i ;,jJ.\ ,~L• .0 .,···.,. • ·-.·\-,./.~,-,: /: ,; __ ,.- -. .· . ' N ~ L() LO ~ 0 (!) -~ \ LO 'Sj-Lf) \ .I -er --.. ,,.r co ~ lO ~ tj-/ tj-~ . /."< "" ~ CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF SE 1/ 4, SE 1/ 4, SEC. 14-T23N-R5E, W.M. FND 2" BRASS DISK W/PUNCH IN 4" X 4" CONC. 164th Ave. S.E. UNIMPROVED KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON / 19 7,845 s. I.a- / / \ EXPIRES, JAN. 9, 2006 SiA~P NOT VAUO IJttt.ES..5 ~GHEO AflO OA'lED • I --· I I ~ \;,< I .. -_,_._ .. , . ··-' . ,,. -.. ' .. / -.;-:',' . ,, .. . · ' ..• " J ~\ 23 --;% I :.:.> < · 6,090( , ::>fi: .,.-A1w>" J < :--:' ; ----- EXST. BLDG. ~ ---· FND REBAR & CAP #11926 ~TRACTD PEDESTRIAN ACCESS "\ 2,101 s.f.± / I _........ '\ O_........ 24 8,125 s.f.± \ CB (TYP.) .- I ------- I J "-,1; --\ I I I ~ Co Cb ,,, -", V ''41-\t, REV. NO. DATE -----------------·~·---- •. cc- DESCRIPTION APPROVED ALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. CLIENT DAVID M. PE I AIE 726 AUBURN WAY N. AUBURN, WA. 98002 PHONE: (253)333-2200 FAX: (253)333-2206 811 SOUTH 273rd COURT, DES MOINES. WASHINGTON 98198 PHONE No. (253)946-6619 FAX No. (253)529-2110 PROJECT LIBERTY GARDENS ENGINEERING -SURVEYING CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN \ LAND PLANNING ~=:=,:=,.,,=,:=A=S M=P L=D==:=::=::'=N=01=~=. =1 o=.5=· ~=·0=0=4=:=::=,:'="'=CO=N=i1=E:=:=~A=L==~.,-~-"':-,:-J~:-:_-_:+_-1 ~ \ lnoor-porated 1:\PROJ£Cf\01-540\~o~il;,l,,,il. ; ------------------------ l ' -· INSTALL VENT PIPING""'--' TERMINATION BOX / <<< \\"\ """ "\"\ """ """ """ """ """ 20 """ """ """ --/ __ / VEEDER ROOT ALARM MONITOR SYSTEM CD _,f <) J - <) • • ·,._ . 2D,OOO GAL REG. UNL CD FILL, STAGE I VAPOR RETURN AND GAUGE (TYP.) sidERGENCY PUMP ;~IUT-OFF SWITCH 2• OW FRP --s7~1"'9'" PRODUCT LINES • . ·-·---·. , . ISLAND BUMPER POST (TYP. EA. DISPENSER) (DUAL HOSE PER SIDE BLENDING 3+0 PRODUCT MPD) (TYP. 3) 19 6 2 DW FRP 0. ----. .;,:) '~ 0 6 19 2 DW FRP 2" DW FRP (]7'.X:l!J9D-_j PRODUCT LINES 'C "' .,., . 4 "-6" -~,. ~> .{···}' 19 6 3 DW FRP ® --- 0 ~,fI1 D (DUAL HOSE PER SIDE BLENDING 3+1 PRODUCT MPD) (TYP. 3) & -- 6 19 3 DW FRP . ·-' ~ -·, . . . ,·-. . ., ,, . \ 19 6 3 DW FRP 19 7 2" DW FRP PRODUCT LINES EMERGENCY PUMP-~ SHUT-OFF S\\1TCH (OUIDOOR) . -, ---I . ' .. '-.. . /.:,-.· CdTolPrH (800) 227-2800 TWO WORKIIG DAYS BEFORE Y DIG Piping Legend & General Notes: PIPING LEGEND -3" OVER 2" DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS PRODUCT PIPING ' 3" OVER 2" OR 4" OVER 3" F.G. DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING 3" OVER 2" F:G. DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS VENT PIPING ' G EXIS11NG UNDE~GROUND U11Ll11ES (WATER, GAS, TELEPHONE, SEWER) NOTE: v CONTRACTOR ASSU~ES RESPONSIBILITY TO ASSURE THAT TH(OPERABLE SYSTEM MEETS THE DESIGN INTENT AND THE CONTRACTOR IS PERMlffiD TO ADJUST PIPl~G LOCATIONS BASED ON AClUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES. ,i • PRODUCT, VAPOR ANO VENT PIPING JS TO SLOPE TOWARD TANK 1/8• PER FOOT MINIMUM, 1/4• PER FOOT PREFERRED. SIPHON PIPING TO SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT. (' • SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPING IS SHOWN BY NOTE ONLY, ·Nor GRAPHtCALL Y. ALL PRODUCT VENT AND VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TO BE DOUBLE CONTAINMENT P!PE. :) 1 i * IT IS THE INTENT OF THIS DESIGN TO PROVIDE A TANK & PIPING SYSTEM FOR CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF AU. TANK & PIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTS. ALL DOUBLE WAU. Pf{9DUCT, VENT AND VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING SHALL BE MONITORED VIA CONTINUOUS VACUUM MONITORING. AU. TANK.,,. TURBINE SUMPS, Fill. SUMPS, DISPENSER SUMPS AND VENT TRANSITION SUMP SHALL fiE MONITORED BY .CONTINUOUS HYDROSTATIC SENSORS. AU. TANK ANNULAR SPACES SHAL4 BE MONITORED fly CONTINUOUS HYDROSTATIClSENSORS. ALL MONITORING DEVICES & SYSTEMS SHALL BE CE,11FlED FOR USE IN NEVADA. 1 Tank & Piping lnstDllation .No{es: I CI) INSTALL ONE (1) 20K REGULAR UNLEADEQ, ONE (1) 12K/10K PREMIU~ UNLEADED/DIESEL DUAL COMPARTMENT DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS TANKS 111TH CON11NUOUS M'lillTORING OF HYDROSTA11C ,\NNULAR SPACES BY "VEEDER Roar TLS-350 TANK AND PIPING MONITOR AND ALARM SYSTEM. Alb TANK SUMPS SHALL BE DOUBLE WALL FROM COLLAR TO THE BOTTOM OF TANK SLAB. SUMPS SHALL BE INDl"1DUALLY CON11NUQiJsLY MONITORED BY "VEEDER Roor MINI HYDROSTA11C SENSORS AND STANDARD LIQUID SENSORS 11ED INTO THE TLS-350 TANK i,: PIPING MONITOR AND ALAijM SYSTEM. TANKS TO BE SET MIN. so· BELOW FINISH GRADE. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDl110NAL INfORMA110N. TANKS TO BE ANCHORED U11LIZING XERXES SUPPLIED DEADMEN ANCHORS AND S11RAPS. TANK INSTALLA110N & AN9flORING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE 111TH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLA110N INS11RUC110NS. I : Q) INSTALL A 7" MIN. REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB OVER TANKS. SURFAtE WATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM EACH MANHOLE BY FORMING A CONCRETE CROWN 111TH A 1~1/2" DROP IN 18" FROM THt EDGE OF THE MANHOLE RING TO THE SURROUNDING SLAB ELEVA110N. TANK SLAB SHALL BE THICKENED AT TANK SUMPS TO BEfJUST BELOW TOP OF TANK SUMP'S SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TERMINATION. CONS11RUCT SLAB PER Cl"1b SLAB INSTALLA110N DETAILS. 'l CD INSTALL (3) 4" EVR PHASE I APPROVED DUAL POINT FILL ADAPTERS :'AND CAPS. (1) AT EACH TANK, AND (1) AT DIESEL FILL BOX. ' (D INSTALL (2) 3" EVR PHASE I APPROVED UUAL POINT STAGE I VAPOR'•:RECOVERY ADAPTERS AND CAPS. (1) AT EACH GASOLINE TANK. @ INSTALL ONE (1) 2 HP FIX SPEED TURBINE EACH OF THE (3) UNOERGROUNO STORAGE TANKS. INSTALL VACUUM SOURCES IN ALL TURBINES FOR VACUUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. TURBINE SYSTEMS TO BE EQUIPPED 111TH 3 GPH ELEC11RONIC LINE LEAK DETEC110N. LEAK DETECTORS ARE TO BE TESTED FOR THE 3 GPH LEAK DETECTION PRIOR TO START UP. CON11RACTOR TO PR0"1DE TEST DATA AT THE 11ME OF PUNCH UST. SET TURBINE INTAKES AT 5" FROM BOTTOM OF TANKS, TURBINES TO BE EQUIPPED 111TH INTAKE FILTER SCREENS. CON11RACTOR IS TO LABEL TURBINES AND CON11ROLLERS AS TO WHICH PRODUCT nli,y SERVE. CD INSTALL 3" INSIDE 4" DOUBLE WALL FIBEflGLASS STAGE II VAPOR RECOVERY HEADER FOR "HEALY" VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM. SLOPE 1/8" PER FOOT MINIMUM TO TANKS. INSTALL 3" TQ 2• REDUCING TEES WHERE HEADERS BRANCH TO DISPENSERS. CON11RACTOR TO INSTALL 11RACER 111RE WITH VAPOR PIPING. TESTING OF VAPOR liNES SHALL BE PERFORMED' PRIOR TO BACKFILL. PRIOR TO PAVING AND BEFORE STATION OPERATION. THE VAPOR LINE'S INTERS1111AL SPACE SiiALL BE CON11NUOUSLY VACUUM MONITORED. (I) INSTALL THREE (3) 2" INSIDE 3" DOUBLE WALL FRP GASOLINE SUPPLY LINES TO DISPENSERS. PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICA110NS ANO INS11RUC110NS. PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED 111TH A SLOPE OF 1/8" PER FOOT FROM THE FURTHEST DISPENSER SUMP DOWN TO THE TURBINE SUMPS. CONTRACTOR TO lflif;TALL TRACER WIRE wtlH PRODUCT PIPING. TESTING OF PRODUCT LINES SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO BACKFILL, PRIOR TO PA"1NG AND BEFOR~ STA110N OPERA110N. PRODUCT LINES INTERS1111AL SPACES SHALL BE CON11NUOUSLY VACUUM MONITORED AND 11ED INTO THE "VEEDER-ROOT' TLS~350R CONSOLE. (]) INSTALL "VEEDER ROOT' TANK AND LINE ALARM CON11ROL PANEL MODEL # TLS-350R IN BUILDING AT NORMALLY OCCUPIED LOCA110N IN BUILDING. SEE ARCHITECTU~AL ANO ELEC11RICAL DRA\\1NGS FOR EXACT LOCATION. (D INSTALL THREE (3) 2" INSIDE 3• DOUBLE WALL FRP VENT LINES. SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT (1/8" PER FOOT MINIMUM) TO TANKS AS SHOWN. CON11RACTOR TO INSTALL 11RACER 111RE \'ilTH VENT PIPING. THE INTERS1111AL SPACE OF EACH OF THE VENT LINES SHALL BE CON11NUOUSLY MONITORED "1A A VACUUM SENSOR 11EO iNTO THE "VEEDER-Roar TLS-350R CONSOLE. THE DOUBLE WALL VENT PIPING SHALL BE TERMINATED IN A DOUBLE WALL VENT TERMINA110N SUMP THAT 111LL BE HYDROSTA11CALL Y MONITORED AND 111LL ALSO HAVE A LIQUID SENSOR INSTALLED. @ TERMINA110N POINT OF TANK VENTS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 12' ABOVE GRADE AND NOT 111THIN 5' FROM ANY BUILDING OPENING OR PROPERTY LINE THAT CAN BE BUILT UPON. VENT RISER~ SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE 111TH UNIFORM FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS. INSTALL TWO (2) SPARE 1" CONDUITS FROM GASOLINE VENT RISEF, TO BUILDING FOR MONITORING AND FUTURE TANK DIAGNOS11C REQUIREMENTS. (TI) INSTALL THREE (3) 3/4" RIGID CONDUIT!j FOR SUBMERSIBLE PUMP POWER. (ONE FOR EACH TURBINE). NOTE THAT THE LAST 2 FEET OF ALL CONDUIT ENTERING TURBINE, Fllb1 DISPENSER OR VENT TRANSITION SUMPS SHALL BE P\IC COATED RIGID CONDUIT. @ INSTALL TWO (2) DUAL FLOAT TANK ANtJULAR SPACE HYDROSTA11C MONITORING SENSORS. @ INSTALL BALL FLOAT/VALVE EX11RACTOR ASSEMBLIES FOR VENT, STAGE I ANO STAGE II VAPOR RECOVERY. @ INSTALL .1 GPH MAG PROBE TANK LEVEL GAUGES AT EACH .. NEW FILL. SUMP LOCA110N. @ TANKS SHALL BE PROPERLY MARKED AMQ TAGGED 111TH STAND"il.IiD API IDEN11FICA110N MARKINGS AND BRASS TAGS AT FILL MANHOLES. '-,t/"'•-· . ; __ .... . ' '.' ', -' ; , " ,, -~ _INS.T~LL_.(3} GIL~ARCO, ENCORE· SERIES (.i+o) SINGLE HOSE PER SIDE_ AND 0(3,-'ijiLBARco· ENCORE SERl'Es (3+1) DUAL HOSE PER SIDE, ' -. c,.,,-MUL1l~PRODUCT DISPENSERS AS SHOWN, .DISPENSERS TO BE,FITTED ~TH "HEALY" VAPOR ASSIST STAGE II HOSES, NOZZLES AND BREAKAWAY VALVES PER NEW CARS EVR AND ISD Pflf\SE II EXECU11VE ORDER. DISPENSERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED BY CON11RACTOR 111TH HEALY PUMPS & VEEDER-ROOT ISD FLOW METERS. CON11RACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING HOSES, NOZZLES AND BREAKAWAYS. INSTALL UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT INCLUDING PRODUCT AND VAPOR SHEAR VALVES ANO t)ONITORING SENSORS. DISPENSER SUMPS SHALL BE DOUBLE WALL TO AT LEAST THE BOTTOM OF CONCRETE DRIVE SLAB AND HYDROSTA11CALLY MONITORED. THE LAST 2 FEET OF ALL CONDUITS ENTERING THE DISPENSER SUMPS SHALL BE PVC COATED RIGID. SEE SHEET{; TK5-1 & TKS-2 FOR TYPICAL 1NSTALLA110N DETAILS. START UP BY MANUFACTURER REPRESENTA11VE. GENERAL CON11RACTOR TO PURGE LINES 111TH A MINIMUM OF 200 GALLONS THROUGH EACH HOSE/NOZZLE. ANY AIR POCKETS OR START UP PROBLEMS DUE TO IMPROPER INSTALLATION OR INCORRECT 111RING TljAT DES11ROYS ELEC11RONICS 111LL BE BILLED BACK TO THE CON11RACTOR. AFTER PURGING THE PRODUCT LINES OF AIR AND BEFORE VAPOR RECOVERY TES11NG, CON11RACTOR IS TO REPLACE THE FACTORY INSTALLED GASOLINE FILTERS 111TH NEW FILTERS. \ @ FILL AND STAGE I VAPOR RECOVERY RISERS SHALL BE GROUNDED TOI PREVENT STA11C DISCHARGE DURING FILLING OPERA110NS. GROUND ROD SHALL BE DRIVEN IN NA11VE SOIL @ ALL NEW PIPING AND TANKS TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS AND INSTALLA110N INSTRUC110NS. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS FROM THE TANK SUMP TO THE VAPOR RECOVERY MANIFOLD ANO_ MAN PRODUCT LINES OR SHALL PROVIDE AT LEAST 4 FEET OF STRAIGHT FRP PIPE RUN BEFORE A CHANGE OF DIRECTION OF MORE THAN 30 DEGREES • ' @ INSTALL OVERFILL ALARM & ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sll1TCH, ESQ AND MAINTENANCE RECEPTACLE IN LOCA110N SHOWN. ALARM AND S\\1TCH TO BE LOCATED TO PROVIDE AN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW TO TRUCK DRIVER. PROVIDE BOLLARD PROTECTION OF FREE STANDING POLE. • --· ; j ~ ;; ,·' I~ I ' Compliance Notes: I 1. ARCHITECTURAL AND Cl"1L ORA\\1NGS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE FOR REFERENCING ALL DIMENSIONS, PROPERTY LINES, ELEVA110NS AND EQUIPMENT LOCA110NS ] 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ANO CONDl110NS SHALL BE CHECKED AND VERIFIED IN ([HE FJELD BEFORE STAR11NG ANY WORK. ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE CALLED TO THE ATTEN110N OF THE OWNERS E11NEER FOR HIS DECISION BEFORE PROCEEDING 111TH THE WORK. • 3. GENERAL CON11RACTOR SHALL OBTAIN NECESSARY PERMIT FROM APPLICABLE AGENCIES FOR EXCAVA110NS OF 11RENCHES 5'-o" OR MORE IN DEPTH INTO 111HICH A PERSON IS REQUIRED TO DESCEND. t 4. AN UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND PPROVED BY GOVERNING AGENCY PRIOR TO TANK OPERATIONS . 5. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPA11BLE 111TH USE FOR THE INTENDED P!POSE AS PER NA110NALLY RECOGNIZED CODES, LOCAL CODES AND GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. --6. THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM SHALL BE COMPA11BLE 1111Hj THE PRODUCT STORED. _ _ 7. ALL MONITORING DE"1CES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S srECIFICA110NS. _ _ <;..n ~ \~ 8. GENERAL CON11RACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PR0"1DE 72 HOUR (TYPICAL) N011FICA110N TO GOVERNING AGENCY PRIOR TO TANK \l!!i, ii"~''::] -~ INSTALLA110N. I t""' \I:;~ "°' 9. TANK AND PIPING SYSTEM TO BE INSPECTED BY OWNER'S THIRD PARTYi\NSPECTOR & GOVERNING AGENCY AT FOUR (4) \,I ill ti '!.t\\iv SEPARATE CONS11RUC110N PHASES (SEE SPECIFICA110NS): .\VI.- A. TANK AIR TEST BEFORE SET11NG IN HOLE AND SOAP TEST. . 0 X;,,S, B. TANKS AND PRIMARY PIPING HYDROSTA11CALL Y OR PNEUMA11CALLY JESTED FOR 30 MINUTES. ., C, \), ' C. INSPEC110N OF ALL SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, INCLUDING TES11NG. I~ ACCORDANCE 111TH !'' MANUFACTURER'S GUIDELINES. ! D. FINAL INSPEC110N INCLUDING ALL POR110NS OF THE LEAK OETEC1101 SYSTEM. 10. ALL TANK SUMPS AND UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT SUMPS SHALL BE HYDROSTA11CALLY TESTED (LAKE TEST) 111TH STANDING WATER TO TOP OF REDUCING COLLAR FOR A PERIOD OF 24 HOURS TO INSURE THAT THE SUMPS ARE WATERTIGHT. RECORD THE TEST RESULTS AND SUBMIT m OWNER. \ 11. TANK SYSTEM, LEAK DETECTORS AND MONITORING SYSTEM INTEGRITY TE1TS FORWARDED AND APPROVED BY GOVERNING AGENCY PRIOR TO TANK SYSTEM BEING PLACED IN OPERA110N. I 12. PRIOR TO FUEL BEING PUMPED. STA110N MUST HAVE VEEDER ROOT FUN<mONAL AND MONITORING ANNULAR SPACES OF TANK AND DISPENSER SUMPS. -J 13. PAYMENT OF ALL APPLICABLE UST OPERATING FEES SHALL BE SUBMlmD TO TH \GOVERNING JURISDICTION WtTI·HN 30 DAYS Of lHE FINAL INSPECTION. :1 14. E"1DENCE OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO GOVEFf1NG AGENCY (BY TANK OWNER). 15. TANK TEST METHOD: BEFORE THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK IS PL~ED INTO USE, THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLA110N USING ONE OF THE FOLL0\\1NG ETHODS TO DEMONS11RATE THAT THE TANK SYSTEM IS PRODUCT 11GHT: 1) ENHANCED LEAK DETEC110N ELD TEST (11RACER 11GHT n<) BY PRAXAI.~ OR LICENSED AFFILIATE. 2) AN INERT GAS PRESSURE TEST THAT HAS BEEN CER11FIED BY A THlru PARTY AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD 3) A TEST METHOD DEEMED EQUIVALENT TO ENHANCED LEAK OETEC110N OR AN INERT GAS PRESSURE TEST BY THE BOARD IN REGULA110NS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE CHAPTER IN TH~CODE. 16. REFERENCED CODES SHALL INCLUDE 2003 IFC. \ 17. FIRE SAFETY DURING CONS11RUC1l0N SHALL FOLLOW 2003 IFC. FIRE EX1l~GUISHERS SHALL BE PR0"1DED. THE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS TO REMAIN IN SER"1CE AT ALL 11MES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL TH\ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BE LEFT OUT OF SER"1CE OVERNIGHT. ' ' )%:i:E"t •-_-~cc.,. J~ ~~~~~~~. "'"'"~~" ·o,§:1;::;:;;:;;:;;, ow=.c lt?fNt ·c.lhA: ,.,.w,;,,;,,;,:oe ,#;cw».+.+. ,.,.,;,-;,:cc;c,, ~OWff-•'• ~<•Wffff0Y0Y , ,wuc•oo ,, <•ll{'"{'"''"' 0 "'>W·WN . """"'"'"' :;;c-;-;:;0>,! ............ . ,.· ...... . ; . . ..... . ~,.· .. . , _____ ... . c,c,Cffffff,YcY •.>.wff.,.+., • c,c,,"g,+,c,, 0-CCC",C c,c trp:s~r UdGd 1iUHli :±);;cc ·,~~c~· '".~;;~~~~· '~----------"~~~~" ~~~~~,~, Cc~~~~" cce,~>" .·· ·;;;;;·-----~----······ ---FOODS --- 500 WEST CAPITOL AVENUE WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95605 P.O. BOX 15618 SACRAMENTO, CA 95852 1:1:lJ j{EVISIONS A 0311310a ~ RALEY'S REVISION =f,-c ---------------------........ • .-.. -.. ~ ~ -.--.• .. • .. • ...•• ''··'·""'«·'! 'icAND PLANNING AND DESIGN SPECIALISTS" j8215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 (425) 251-6222 ~ pHEET TITLE UST AND PIPING INSTALL SITE PLAN BCE #13343 Eill PROJECT NAME RALEY'S #160 ill&I DRAWN BY li!]J SCALE AS SHOWN ill&I DATE 14 DECEMBER 2007 TK1-1 SHEET OF . -. i .: : ' ' ' --·--~ -·.: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, FND 2" BRASS DISK W/PUNCH IN 4" X 4" CONC. L{) 0 "i" ~ • 8 8,277 s.f.± 7 7,690 s. f.± 0 0 ~ ~o, 8 L{) • ~ O'. 3: ~-----~~"' ~' f-----------1 , r--------1 OD'--.--, ..-n ~ (.C) co ~ ~ • • Ol CX) OX) CX) -2:,z • 0 ,... 6 7,002 s.f.± 100' 5 7,002 s.f.± ----100·--- 0 ,... 4 7,002 s.f.± ----100·--- 3 7,002 s.f.± ----100'--.---, 0 ,... 'tRACT A~ PED~STRIAN ACCESS 950 s. f.± PROPOSED STREET VACATION 19,673 s.f.± 655. 72' 20' Q_ ..c +--' Cl 0 iJj -tj-0 "-,--0 8: ' w . en 18' 40' • a:, "' .... ~ ~I 0 ,... ·.--.. >;' .. -_,, 12 8,895 s.f.± • "' "' 17 8,903 s.f.± L-----''--13s'-----__, a·--~~ 118'----~ I ;-----118'-t--~~ • 13 / 16 7,895 s.f.± f:! 7,758 s.f.± 105'---~ 14 7,211 s.f,± 79' ----108'--+r-, 0 ,... 15 7,263 s.f.± 81' g 163rd Ave. S.E. 0 "' 0 "' PROPOSED 250' 0 "' 81' 79' ,,,,-----'----, r-------1,-__ 34 7,225 s. f.± 105'---- 35 7,352 s. f.± 0 ,... 33 7,206 s.f.± ----105'---lr,"' 0 32 ,... 7,217 s. f.± R ~ 20' 20' "' "' ~ 20' 0 ~ ~ 7' /'.__ T CT B TRACT C--, PEDE§TRIAN ACCESS 965 s.f.± ,.i J T USE DWY O· 1,393 s.f.± s:'o, 28 7,222 s.f.± 2'i 27 ~ 6,593 s.f.± 23 6,090 s.f.± ~TRACT D PEDESTRIAN ACCESS 2,101 s.f.± 24 8,125 s.f.± • STORM MANHOLE---~ RIM=404.7 " IE=399.2f 15 C.P.E.P. N) CB IE=400.9 1s:; C.P.E.P. No) ~-RIM=412 ., " IE=394.1 36 C.M.P. S) IE=409.8(15 C.P.E.P. S) 15" C.P.E.P. IE=4Q4.7 FND REBAR & CAP #11926 }--------L{) 87' TRACT E •7' d STORM DRAINAGE/RECREATION 17,493 s.f.± -~·-,- 0oT\ ~ "i~ 53'---, 29 7,719 s.f.± 15' 26 8,381 s.f.± 0, "' 25 7,948 s.f.± -_c,_o·:,·· · -t] ':: .. \,· ·-'""-"'."''"•10'.:·--- CL-14 ,_ -.... -.. . . . -. -~,---,.-'°;·"·~c•.-0,'•",i,,~,, . • .. -~·.,,,, --... ,_.-,•,--.-·.,, · --,- O -PROPOSED BUFFER ADDITION AREA - 2,881 s.f.:t '----CLASS 3 STREAM 2 7,002 s.f.± PROPOSED ACCESS & c/J ROAD TO BE IMPROVED PER KING COUNTY (40' MAXIMUM WIDTH TO INCLUDE DRIVING SURFACE, CURB, AND SIDEWALK) ~---100·--~ 1 &l 7,506 s. f.± 0, "' 0 0 ,.., 20· 20' R ----- '· ... ,: . : ,: . . :-:-: . : /: ,: ,: . : . : . e -............... , ······,l>{J 0 "' / / / ~:: 162nd • Ave.~ s. ~ i • • • • i,'oc,'o~ /.:.:.:,:,:.: .WN!MPRO~l;D:.: .............. - I I' o I "' I I PROPOSED BUFFER IMPACT (6,186 SF) _., . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . C-5 ,lfl WETLANDC (OFFS/TE) C-2 105' 36 7,352 s.f.± -- 105'---- 37 6,817 s. f.± 100' 112' 31 7,946 s.f.± ~---94'---t-..J 30 8,278 s. f.± 80' PROPOSED STREET VACATION 14,767 s. f.± C-1 ----------------------------------------- ' ' ' • "' UTILITY EASEMENT A-2 ~. ., 125' PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACT· 358 s.f.:t 00"13'36"eC' 657.40' • (N00'24'01 "W ROS) f!:] ~------139• N00'23' 36" E 491.17' 38 15,268 s.f.± . --~ I . -~ · O o 0 . "' "' 0 n A-1 8-1 c·,:,,-c·~-~- "< ';,r;C~;"'~""'-~""}_-;~.ii~'..e,'· '. ,~-: '.c:; .. :,:ic~ .. .;;1-:):,.'/~L-_'.,~-: {, .,,, -~\.::'f.·--. -·,a .-;,' _::'J.: :· <:·~;.·:f:.~:~:.t~:J__·;·_:>:.YJ,;>--e:· .. _·:'..->~--i~".' _'.,:,:, -__ : ~~--'...-a' --~:-~c.;·--~-_;.j_';:;,',, ~:;'::'.~-;iu;*j/'.;;~--~r~,,j;·"ii_v,_,\c0-:~ ,·- PROPOSED BUFFER IMPACT· 2, 165 s.l:t -----------" ----~ ; -"-·'os~ ~- • ~~'-<·.- • I 0 25 50 75 SCALE: 1" = 50' . I ' a~ --. ) I NOTE: MITIGATION WILL INCLUDE BUFFER ENHANCEMENTPLANnNGS CONIFERS WILL BE PLANTED IN LESS DENSELY VEGETATED AREAS. NOTE.' PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN AND BASE SURVEY INFORMATION ;1 PROVIDEDBYDMP INC .. },.i,,."""'"'·-''"'---,_C--··-:"-·, ... -... ,__ , --,--··- • •• ·, . I \ 100 B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. 1103 West Meeker Street, Kent, Wa 98032 253-859-0515 Fax 253-852-4732 V) z D ,-; V) ,-; > w Cl:'.'. <] <] <] <] Job No. Af-186 Designed by: DBM Drawn by: CML Checked by: Date: NOV. 2004 SHEET W-1 OF ' ' ...... ' r-----------------------------------------------------------------------.. "---------------,-....,......,.--,-t-r-,-------- PRELIMINARY PLAT MAP 1· = 50' 25 50 SEC. 13, T-23N, 1---- SEC. 14, T -23N, 100 R-5E, W.M. -~--- R-5E, W.M. 0 " PROPOSED WETLAND I AREA TO BE DISTURBED I 961 s.f.± PROPOSED BUFFER IMPACT AREA 8,379 s.f.± ~ ~------ WETlAND LINE OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/ 4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. PROPOSED BUFFER IMPACT AREA 3,155 s.f.± WETLAND AREA TO BE DISTURBED 1,426 s.f.± I PROPOSED BUFFER IMPACT AREA 3,051 s.f.± KING COUNTY, WASHINCiTON \ 24 6,361 s.f.± \ I \ ' \ -· \ \ ,! ; \ ---+-----'e--------''----· I \ ) _/ .. ) ' I I i/. "' \;. ' I • ! ( ! ! ) ! _c __ .. r---... ~ ···-··-··~--4os---·, • -·-· .. :!> :!> r;,, \ ' ---. I '._ 1 0 ·"; --------------- .. . \ \ \ \ ' \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' • • ) \ ·' . ) ~ ' ' SE 128TH ST VICINITY MAP TRACTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK •e CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RcCORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS PAGE 91 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGroN. ' ' ' I VERTICAL DATUM= 11 UTILITTES/SERVICES NAVO 1966 · · PER Cl1Y OF RENTON SUHVEY CONTROL NETWOR~;° SEWER: BENCHMARK: ' BRASS DISK IN CONCRET~ MONUMENT IN THE INTERSECTION • OF S.E. 142ND PLACE AND 156TH AVF_ S E ·\ EL~40B.64 • • • Cl1Y OF RENTON 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 96055 (425) 430-6652 ~ .-0 z MERIDIAN= HPGN 63/91 PER KING COUN1Y SURVE;y CONTROL BASIS OF BEARINGS= THE S. LN, OF THE SE 1/4, SEC. 14-T23N-R5E WM BEARING N8B"37'40"W ' • ' ENGINEER/PLANNER BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. 16215 72nd AVE. SOUTH ' KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 FAX (425) 251-6762 CONTACT: ALI SADR/ WAYNE POTIER OWNER/DEVE!LOPER RAHUL PETRIE/ DAVID M, PETRIE 611 S. 273RD CT DES MOINES, WA 96196 (253) 946-6619 INDEX TO SHl=ETS= · -' C10F5 PREWMINARY PLAT ~AAP , ... ', ,.- C2 OF 5 PRELIMINARY ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 OF 5 PRELIMINARY ROAD PROFILES C40F5 PRELIMINARY ROAD. IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND PROFILE • C50F5 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MAP PL1 OF 2 PRELIMINARY PARK,'AND LANDSCAPE PLAN PL2 OF 2 SIGNIFICANT TREE RE I ENTION PLAN WATER: POWER: NATURAL GAS: TELEPHONE: CABLE: FIRE: SCHOOL: KING COUN1Y WATER DIST. #90 15606 SE 126TH ST. RENTON, WA 98055 ( 425) 255-9600 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 105 156TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE, WA (800) 321-4321 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 105 156TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE, WA (BOO) 321-4321 QWEST 450 110TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE, WA 98003 CABLE: COMCAST 4020 AUBURN WAY N AUBURN, WA 98002 KING COUN1Y FIRE DISTRICT NO. 25 12923 156TH AVF_NUE SE RENTON, WA 96059 (425) 255-5151 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DIST. #411 565 NW HOLLY STREET ISSAQUAH, WA 96027 (425) 637-7000 ' -i-;,, .• ' ' MAit~ FILE COP'/ [ffirn©@~W@@ !'•iAY O 2 2008 K.(;. O.D.E.S. NOTES 1. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 145750-0145,• 0150 2. SITE ADDRESS: 162ND AVENUE SE & SE 140TH PL 3. GROSS SITE AREA: B.95 ACRES (369,996 SF), 4. EXISTING USE: VACANT 5. PROPOSED USE: 36-LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 6. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. PROPOSED ZONING: R-4 B. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENCE 4-12 DU/AC 9. REQUIRED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 30 FEET 10. PROPOSED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 65 FEET 11. BUILDING SETBACKS/HEIGHT LIMITATIONS: FRONT (STREET): 10 FEET GARAGE: 20 FEET SIDE & REAR YARDS: 5 FEET BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM: 35 FEET 12. AVERAGE LOT AREA: 6,990 SQ. FT. 13. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY: DALEY-MORROW-POBLffi, INC., DECEMBER 2004 BUFFER MAKE-UP TABLE BUFFER IMPACT AREA 14,565 S.F. (162ND AVE. S.E.) BUFFER MAKE-UP AREA 15,004 S.F. (TRACT A) NET BUFFER INCREASE +415 SF TRACT TABLE TRACT USE AREA (S.F.) A SENSITIVF_ AREA 52,463 B STORM DRAINAGE/RECREATION 20,110 C JOINT USE DRIVEWAY 2,613 D JOINT USE DRIVEWAY 1,072 E TRACT E 1,070 F TRACT F 1,001 ROW 59,136 . (;'..,5 ..._ TOTAL TRACT AAEA/R'YN 137,434 S.F. 3.15 AC. TOTAL LOT AAEA 252,559 S.F. 5.80 AC. TOTAL SITE AAEA 369,998 S.F. B.95 AC. AVERAGE LOT AAEA 6,990 S.F. .. , w ffi a.. • ::E 0 ~. 0 u. 0 CJ) z w 0 cc ~ ~ w CD ::J .c, I 'T N 'T N -N 1-----------if "O ~ .s C • 0 0 N ., 'C II 0 • ::r: ~ CL I .,,. N .,,. N -N 1-----------1~ I ~ 0 (/) C 3 e 0 CO X 0 I ~ -" 0 I 0 II ' ~ 0 0 U) "' co 0 0 01 "- $ w E ~ 2 0 0 0 I " ;;' N -~ 0 C E <D L CL 1------,------1.:: N .,,. .0 0 , LO '" -3 'o 8 N c31 ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==---======::__J ___ _l __ _:j, :;'; ' .. ~. ,.,,, "" ,_.,_, '" ' 1· = 50' D 100 JO dO! 12" SD 38 --- PRELIMINARY GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN OF LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/ 4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. \ ,~ _.,,~" --·~\ '\.. ) CB 3 \\ \\,,/ KING COUNTY, WASHING·roN CB / 12" SD / / / s 27 f' \ j !,008 s .. I \ , ' ! J I II I I 12· /so I .,... i ' , ' V ' / l 26 / .c,913 s.'/.1 I i { I \ i ~-, \ I '\ , \ \ \ AU ! / I \ I \ EA 0 6,5/5 s.f.± 23 5'x1 o· (lYP.) GRATE 24 6,36'1 s.f.+ \ /\ < i •.• --· ... ·-•---.• I J .,-Bl)FFER/WETlA~O,···' ENHANCEMENr· AREA /. 5,26.2., s'J.± / ,-;.j I /· ,/ / / \ -· ' -. ' ·-,_, ';, ' ,. ' \ ,•, ,;,,, \ 20' -0" -] \\34 6,49~ sJ.± /./'/----"---·-.. CB 10 lYPE 2 (l'(P.) \ l i }1 o· -o" 1 O' O" -·--·· \ ,, ' 35 ,..-/ .. •" ly(99 ( \ \ \ \ \ \. ~36 ~-,.,,~" ~ ·--, ,,/,859 s.f.± ··, 12'f SD "'--; ,PROPOSED WALL // CB 7 ' OB B AR AVE) ! ., .'-,'\" : . ' \ i~\ ~ , . ... .••.. . .. I \_ l o' .,,, -_ --~ :·:~-\'._~· ,. . " :::-,-f:·?·4·-=:,___ ™ --·;:r1 i! -'· • ,;::·_.;'."..;-·1· i -?- / i ,.: -: •-c.:c'-"-'''·", ' ,f· , Ir' ,,., {PROPOSED ;ilFFSITE ROAD , .. , i i ' ,., ·ii7 i.! ,·· I'.'<. EXT[NSION FOR! 162nd AV!)'SE'. i /-7 '2 '.:;l ··' ,. ,">.. '-" , ' / SEE/SEPARATE 1PLAN) \ i . , ;. ~-\ \, •:. ' .... '\ / / , ,-,,,-,,,_;, ~ / I , q;; '<"' -t,cA~\ · _..--,, , ,..,\J , ,;-"'>.. ,.. 1;;.."<j-. , B <.J / ,,, . . . ~ 5' -0" MIN, i ,_11111= 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS s1 ASPHALT CONCRETE ,~- ' " 4" MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH 1 __ / ASPHALT TREATED BASE ADDITIONAL TREATMENT MAY BE_/;, REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS SEE SEC. 4.02 12' -0" 1 • -o· TYP. FT. 5" CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (TYP.) ROLLED CURB. SEE DWG. NO. 3-002-_,. =I I 1=--1 IT---' ' 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS B 1 __,, ASPHALT CONCRETE 4" MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH 1 __ ./ ASPHALT TREATED BASE ADDITIONAL TREATMENT MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS SEE SEC. 4.02 TYPICAL ACCESS TRACT SECTION 40' NOT TO SCALE 12· -0" , ' _, ' ,--, 1-1--=:I I 1=11 SUBGRADE SLOPE 0.02 FT./FT. TYPICAL ON-SITE PUBLIC ROAD SECTION NOT TO SCALE 1 -0" TYP ,,_ ,. 11 ' I ·- ·- 0 ~z CJ ~ ~w 0 CJ <( <( a: z CJ -<( ~ z~ -a: ~o w ti; a: a.. w ~ a.. • ~ 0 ~ 0 0 z IL 0 V, .w 00 zs; -"' Zw 5"' 0. :;;;! Cl !a: zw ::"'i :::. z ·O 0"' z--> "'z ww w Z· -0 Cl z ti c'.;j ~ ii: ;;, :::, 0"' O' • 'O .D I C 0 'O ' O' ~ 'O .D I "' N "' 0, ~ X z 2 ~ 0 "' [O C. w °' X I 0 I - II ' 0 I -w 0 0 U) "' CL N ,n N - ro 0 0 N ,, "'' ~ ,0 ill E C' ~ w -~ 0 0 -/ C' 0 C E 2' ~ 1------,,------1-;;:' N 'q' L .ll E :, z .c ~ 01 LO -/ m 0 0 0 0 N -/ CL C\I 0 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l _____ J ____ :JJI ~ l l ....... U1 -u 0) ~ :c Co) ['] 0 :c :r:1"110 --rl> ' m< II "' 0 m <: I Cl) ~, I m "' V) -u Cl) () I" :c m "' 0 ....... I I J] ~ -. r w 11· m -I "' 0 -u ,c; I r -' II "' g; + g "' -+ g ~ + 8 8: + 8 g: + g "' .... + 8 g: + 8 :1, + 436.1 435.48 432.0 433.58 429.4 429.56 428.0 425.44 425.4 421.48 421.4 421.00 419.2 421.1 419.28 421.9 419.86 421.0 420.44 421.4 421.02 421.1 421.09 420.0 420.16 419.4 418.72 418.6 417.27 :!:t 0 :!:t 0 ~ t 0 :!:t OJ ~ ® ~ ! · ROW STA.-:49+80.00 · : · \ : : · . ' . . ,) ... · • iNTERSECTION itc SE 144TH Pl. :.iJ • STA. 5.0+00.00 · · · · )&J : : : SVCS: 50+ 12 .. BVCE: 435.24 /7 • · · · EVCS: 50+62 • / / : : : • : : OCE: 432.68 ·1·. . / . . . . . . . I,. . .. G)... . ................ : ...... . ·sl! "O • . . ....•.. . g el: • : : . : : ·(: : . : : -a . I . ·>a·: ... . -;, U1 . . . . .<o ... : ' . ' . ITI ~ ...•.... r<"c .•. ::•\p: K:::: ..... ;:::~--- '"""'/" ······>.:G').f'Tl··· ....... 7' ·5!! X .. . . . , .... r<"'O u, .. ' "/ ..... :f'TI 2· . ... en· . r : O r -o: · ' SVCS: 51 +88 ,e ,e . . . . . . . . ., . .,, .,, . • ' . . -:s;; -::s; 0 -:U: · , / · BVCE: 422.;32 · , . ;». ri1 . . z 0. . • ....... . .......... "' :,;:.c,~ "' ... z 0 0 .• ,-1 '-+ . . . . .,. "' b. ,, . ff. ' . ' ~ rri( q . ...._ .. ·11 ·11· ~ ~• --. <. ca· o· · ·01 ·11· : EVCS: 52+38 o "' ~ ~ ~ ~ iL / ·-N. INTERSECTION ~ SE 141ST Plj~ . EVCE: 420.76 . . :,; "' ~ ~ · · · · · STA. •52+50.00 · · · , / · · :::J "' :!:t OJ :!:t 0 : /: · ROW ST~ 52+20.00 · ~ :!:t OJ -ROW. STA 54+54.00 . t OJ ® t 0 ~ . P\11 STA • = 55+26 I PVI ELEV = 419.00 I I . . .I. -. . I . . . . . \ : . ·1 .... -' .. ' ' . " . ' ....... . . ' .. ' ' :.-. . . ... .• ,~: I: : : : : : :::K_:: : . . ~ . . ~ . ,:,!;£~· . ·/ ... ···> u,·· ,• . rE=).c::, =!· ,("') :z. . "'· • INTERSECTION 't. 163RD AVE SE ·~··· . : : aves: 57+00 . STA 55 +9s.55 . . . . \ .... BVCE: 421.02 ' . ·1 . . ... . I . . . . . t I • . . r I I 1,., ... . ..., . . /· ' .. ::5!!,,;::1··· . gel: .. '/ ..... "''c· S·: 58 00 .•.. ""ti ........ -C.-V' • -+ ·>·O·--· .7' u, · .A· · · · EVCE: 420.16 ,<') 9 . . . . . . . . I ,. 1: .. • • • • ., • I ; I : . . . . ' i . . . I I . . . "': : ~J l-t ! .. / .. ' ..... ,. . . . . .. ' ..... : .. -.. ' .. : . . . . . . ' ~ ! I -I "' -I G) :2 I ..... :,,.:;>-~~-c a bfTl zO !'J II. M~-;Z C 11<> ;;..;i ow~,un~PJ ~~bit°;~II~ .J,,. ..... + tn II 0) ~ -....I .ti,. 0 + "' "' -CD • " -a "' I :( " )> :2 ~ "' "' b ,.., ~ 0 . r l:, II ll !;,! l> 0 po 1 11II < 0 O> .p,.. 01 o t.,.t iv ""~ 9 v,I ~ ,-· . "' ~ " ~ -u Cl) ~ :cm "' 0 ....... I I .,, .i:,., -o -: r -I 11· m °' I 0 ,c; I -u r {-" ' .: II u, ... 0 + 8 ... -+ 8 ... N + 8 ... "' + 8 t + 8 ... "' + g 427.3 428.3 429.54 432.0 428.72 431.3 429.51 430.0 430.71 431.2 431.90 438.2 433.09 436.2 434.29 436.1 435.48 436.1 436.67 437.5 437.87 441.2 440.4 .i:,,. . . . -. OJ ~ ....... ·~ ....... .t,. .. ·~. . ... ·~ ....... ·(.) .. .t,.. .t,. ..... , . (,)--. . . 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' . .•. \ .. «>· . . .. • : \: .. : ... ··\········ • .. CUL-'DE'-SAC . . \ ••••••••••• . . . . ..;.. . . .. 7· ..... ·. :srA::44.+97.54 ·.· :··. ·•··.··: ·.··:··· . . . -. . .. ' . . . I .. .i:,,. ~ ~ .t,. -·~· ~ (.) :t •• ~ •• . m·····. o· I OJ O OJ 0 0 N "d (JI fa; i;-s .i.:'J ''"'' :8~ 01 0 [lLI-0 )> -u 0 ~ -0 z 0 .,, -I I m Cl) m 7' -::::: z .i:,., C) 0 0 .,, 0 Cl) cm zo ~ ::! -0 0 :E z )> 0) Cl) -I ;;;i;; 0 z :E 9. z 0 CJ) z ;;;i;; -u I\,) I\,) z :c )> z C) m 01 m - :E • s::: • ~ ~ ~ ~ ·---~...... 8. ,, ... ~~ ........... , ........... . . t . :--"-~""'-""'""""''~ ... --:,<;;,,:,.-1'!>,-·""'.-"":'~""'(...,:-:""':,ljj .~'"'."':\.J.t· :··,(11· 'i:'"":,n:-:.,:i.0~si,·..,.,:..-,:~-......._,,,;; . ·., .. ,:,:·. ·· · ..,--·---··-.. ~... . ~--;-·~ _.----"" --- Job Number 12424 Sheet C3 -Of 5 ~GHA<,\\\ /IJV' .. .. ,z,;f •. L · .. · \ $ = (') . 0 0 -1-~ u> . ' v • c,· ~ )' ,.,~ IJ.tG ENG\~'<, File:P:\ 12000s\ 12424\preliminory\ 12424-pgm I .dwg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... • ......... • . , •• ) • ~ STA = 59+44,20 /. · : ·.· PVI ELEV = 4'16:00 416.6 415.5 I · ROW STA. 59+96.00 · · . ''. --·' ..... 8 OJ :!:t 0 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX :!:t OJ CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~ l>S Designed __ _ NO Drown Checked WW Approved DKB ~--·-- Dote 11/21/06 ~ Scale: Horizontal 1 ·=50' Vertical N/A For= Date/Time:3/3/2008 12:51 PM Scale:1" ~ 1' BWOLLASTON Xret. , zl 2424-b.dwg, don-b.dwg, zl 2424-p.dwg . DAVID M. PE I RIE 811 S 273RD CT DES MOINES, WA 98198 (253) 946-6619 5 3/3/08 MCG AS DKB REDUCTION 36 LOTS 4 2/3/08 MCG AS DKB REVISED PER KING CO. REVIEW. 3 7/6/07 MCG AS DKB REVISED PER KING CO. COMMENTS 2 3/21/07 NO AS DKB REVISED PER COMMENTS FROM NICK GILLEN, KC DDES •1 11'1"1 /'1'5/'1:ISI 'SGii I'S 0KB REVISED PER GOUNl'f REVIEW No. I Date Title: By Ckd. Appr. Revision PRELIMINARY ROAD PROFILES FOR LIBERTY GARDENS -u :c m r -s::: -z )> ~ 0 :c .,, 0 )> 0 -u :c 0 .,, -r m Cl) z I7' 01 )>- d rz "Tl 0 <.f) () )> (.fJ 0 r P1 -; 0 :0 C mz ~~ -z s::: m "'U -:oO o:r: <m mo s::: :0 mI zo -; 0 0 0 0 r r m 0 -; 0 :0 Job Number 12424 Sheet C4 5 --.. ··-of ---- o,:: cr, (/) "' r .. z"< ' 0~ <;) -0 ,:: I (/) om "' r<l )> r"' ~ -"; X o"' r<1 r 0 o"' r<1 zO ~ ,:: oc r<1 -;,, e"i eel r<1 r<1 Oo 1~ z ,:: 0 UJO z 0 r<1 z u 0 r<l ,:: z 0 0 "' z r<l <;) ru-........__ 'C •• 1~ () I',.) 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Revision Title: PRELIMINARY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND PROFILE FOR LIBER I Y GARDENS "'U :0 m r -s::: -z )> ~ :::0 0 )> 0 -s::: -u ::IJ 0~ "Tl m ~ m z -; "'U r )> z )> z 0 "'U ~ "Tl -r m I I ' .. _,, ' ' '' < ,,. '"r "' ' 1112.0::1: -0 .. ' -· -~ " .,~ >~0 g ·a \ 50 so a ~ 15000 s 0'05 ' :l..2000 S on5 ~· a 0 1<1476 SF" :::: .. 002Q._. '<:!' rs ·-T -57 W · -.-m I 0 121 c;:....~-------z 1• .. 100· 0 50 100 200 ~ - 401.68± ~ • w 3 • 401.68± " CE R 1457500100 ® @) --== ~- 1457500097 . ' @ 0 "' • @D PARK 2· : 1457500101 V, ~-@ 1>0:.@ " V -. w. .. ~ = PUBLIC ROAD FIVE ACRE ' ' ' ' 1457500135 l© ' i@ ' i <'.593.p> 596.N . ' ' I T~ACTS i ' I ' I: i 1457500140 ' @ ' ® ' ' ' ' ' i ' '1 i " " " " I! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ii " " " " Ii " " " " " " " " ~I ~I 59~.91 I r---------,...;'6-00;,;;,8;;6>._ ________ -1307 .82 ----..,..----.,...----r---.i I I <593.91> " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ..,._....:::60<):;:;,,Sr--~,....-----.. Ii L<lJ'1 ,J~~L>, c· 1457500106 594.04 :<602.115:, @ @ -. 1457500110 ® @ <594. 18> 9602 SF , 3 ,~J ,-~o SF ~,eoo30 ~ S 89-34-39 E125. 7 69 I I ' 'ro f/JG 101 ~0 I.... ~ -·,, ' '0 1 1§069 Sri ' - 10309 SF , 10240 S j 0010 OO?n ) ,...~; ~ 0060 z tvYll'\ _" ml m ~ ., 7 ~ ~ ' 0 z, 30 "' i ! 01 I 45! i i i ' ' i 1------J, ' i ~ ! ' ' 1------J[ i ' ' Si J~\?is> i "' 0/) 1 "' ' TRACTC i ~ \ ~ 4,.)49 AC <594. 1a> i oifo ----605.04 i ..,.. ......... _~"""lr-~----,19,• i 148.54 i I 11457500160 I I : l1i I ici @ i !;! 11457500154 ,I ® i ~ i ' ........... ' N ! ® l : ! I I 1457500159 I -~ i !" If?. i ~ ~ I I ® 1457500156 @) <59<1. :1> i i IJJ --------------~----------------------------sgz--:1 --L--------------------• ---· ~ 01 r:nl" ~ I 4-. .f{ii ' ' 4.29 AC 0156 ' 0 I i z I l 1457500157 IM 1457500155 ' ,, ' '" i @ I @ I@ I @ i !KCSP~ 108701, •• '13073 SF,~ u,ff I I t ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MAP FOR LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 22 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. 1323059038 G) @ 1323059095 ® @ DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC & PLAT RECORDING FOR WAl.KWAY PUFIFIOSES 2107 SF ,o go 30 76955 0360 @ ® N 88-:39 E ;JTR, A 1 ,s>"?s 7695500330 <'> ® • "' ·,~ @ 769550 0320 ® @ BO. a2. 769550 0270 @ KING COUNTY1 WASHINGTON .. ' -' z 0 "' ~ ' 0 • ~ ' -0 "' ~ w . ' m ~ ' ·-0 z ING ESS. EGRESS, DRAIN. S U ILITIES (LOT'S 34&35) 769550 0340 CD @ 1.~B. '32. ·-· 769550 0300 @ ~ " 0 ' 0 ITT ln 0 M " ' 0 0 z m tj 0 " 18 s,j1:R 'v0t. 124172 o· .o 15.154 ,S " ' 0280 "' ,I. '>'",9, • V, ,? tj 2 ,6~ ~ \ I I I. I, '' I ' I I I I i ! 18.69 769550 0230 @ ,? fo 1 ti; 15003 SFo 0240 0 " e? "' S°?~Q ~ ~ 1:5003 s~~ 0250 N 87-3 ·~19 W . 'i5 : "' ,,t? ~ z '" - '~ 0 0 " ' ~ ' '" tj 0 tj • " 0 ' ,n uJ!~ " ol 6 0 0 0 i tj z :,: t;, ., ~ 0 •. 1 1323059038 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DIST #411 16655 S.E. 136TH STREET RENTON, WA 98059 2 1323059095 KING COUNTY RENTON, WA 98059 3 7695500360 FRANK J. NEAR 14206 164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 4 7695500350 MAVIS J. LAMB 14212 164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 5 7695500210 RICHARD HELFENSTEIN 14303 165TH PLACE S.E. RENTON, WA 98509 6 7695500220 ELIZABETH & PAUL D. ELLIS 14307 165TH PLACE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 7 7695500340 SHELLY A. DILLI 14216 164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 8 769550330 DEBRA & ROBERT BOLANOS 14220 164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 9 7695500320 CHRISTOPHER A. WEST 16404 S.E. 143RD PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 10 7695500310 KERRI L. & DEAN L. GRAHAM 16410 S.E. 143RD PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 11 7695500300 SHEILA & DAVID HAUCK 16416 S.E. 143RD PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 12 7695500230 CHARLENE & ALLEN W. SIMONS 14313165TH PLACE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 13 7695500270 JANET & RICHARD W. PARHANIEMI 16409 S.E. 143RD PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 14 147500155 ELDEN WILLOCK 14303164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 15 1457500159 CHRISTINE & MICHAEL A. RITCHEY 14225 165TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 16 14575001(l(j TERI & RIGHARD LANGDON 14201 164TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, liVA 98059 17 14575001 !:ifl ALVIN MAY 16238 S.E, 144TH STREET RENTON, WA 98059 18 14575001!:i? ALVIN MAY 16238 S.E, 144TH STREET RENTON, VVA 98059 19 1457500156 NORBERT W. MOHR 16224 S.E, 144TH STREET RENTON, \/VA 98059 20 101600004b ARNOLD ~UGIURA 14241 161filT AVENUE S.E. RENTON, VVA 98059 21 10160000gb RUTH BOYbSTON 14244 161§JT AVENUE S.E. RENTON, VVA 98059 22 10160000()0 PHILIP Nc:JRMAN YETIRA 14248161filT AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 23 101600007() DEBRAJ.GRAHAM 14250 161ST AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 24 7253700040 DAVID R. TONDA 16021 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 25 7253700060 MICHAEL T. SANTINI 16027 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 26 7253700070 LINDA B. CORGIAT 16039 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 27 7253700080 LINDA B. CORGIAT 16039 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 28 7253700090 \ ' PAYNE-GAMM & NORMAND. GAMMELL 16043 S.E. 142ND PLACE 1 RENTON, WA 98059 29 7253700100 \ PAYNE-GAMM & NORMAND. GAMMELL 16043 S.E.142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 30 7253700110 DONALD 8. GRAGG 16046 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 ' 31 7253700120 DONALD B. GRAGG 16046 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 32 7253700130 NENITA L. & JOHN K.W. CHING 16038 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 33 7253700140 ROBERT J. MORRIS JR. 16032 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 34 7253700150 VERNON W. GOOD 16024 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 35 7253700160 LORRIE T. HARRIS 16018 S.E. 142ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 36 1457500110 GERALD C. SMITH 14120 160TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 37 1457500106 MIL TON M. BRENDON 14020 160TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 38 1457500100 DANNY M. MCNAIR 13928 160TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 39 1457500101 CAROL LYNN & ROBERT C. WILMOT 13900 160TH AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 40 1457500097 ERINN. & JESSE T. THATCHER 13817162ND AVENUE S.E. RENTON, WA 98059 41 1457500135 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 NE 8TH ST., SUITE 100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 42 1457500140 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 NE 8TH ST., SUITE 100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 ' ~ 2 .!! C C 0 u N V) -~ 0 :,:: en z w ~ a: <( 0 C, LL ~ 0 0 a: ~ en 0 0 -II • - ~ :J a u ~ '2 z ~ .I! C 0 "' .w (.0 (.) z6: ZW z"' :s-' a_<( Cl t- z 15 :s~ ·O (.0 a:: z--> a:: z l!J w z " -(.0 (.0 z z-w r;:; =-5' >::, (.) "' o_ X w LO -0 Q'• ~ -0 '" Q. I "'" N 'T N -N 'f -0 -Q. 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' _, " l ~><I \ / ' ...... -· •" / / / / ,,.-,· / / ,/ / • • .·-' I / I.,• ,,,- ' ' ,' ,,, ,,' ,, ,,-· 7 ' 6 / I ( / I I -,· _·_. /, ,,/ I i . 3 ' ' / / • • / , _,,- • ' / /"" ,.-- ' ~· / / •' ·' / / ' t /t.,,-, ' • • / .,,-,.·· •' ,, .. . 1-, /: ' i ) ' l i : . ':,---lt"TI' ·--·""". ... "" ,··· _ .... ',, . I _/ / / / / /' / / :10/ ' . . . ~ / ',_,. ~· ' / . • ' / \ ·/ ;' / ' / lOl; I I / ,! ,, / _,/ ,,, .. -~-.34 I , . L,..-, 'i I / /' ,', { . I .... • . I ' / i ,, I , / .. --"\_. . / I ' ' / --~ -,,--! i / ,/ / / • • ' ' ' ' / ' ; .-·-::/ ". _, .-·· / ' . ! ' ' / ' ' 1 ... / _m--···•-· ' '"' ""'"" ·• ···1 .. • . / '•, f i • •• ·I' { i ··--". \ . ,'-w' '•. \ ........ _, 35 . / ' • '\{;_, :-' _i"\. /' ___ ,- / ' •. / • / ; ; ""'--/ . -.. -.0 . ..., ,. "'~"' "'"''' . .-, '·"· @) \ CALCULATIONS SITE AREA- ZONE- ' ,/- ; / / / / / • .-c ( ./ ' / • ' ' ' ' / •' ! ' i ,' ·11· . / i / ./' ./ : / !/ ,, / i' \ STREET TREE -SEE STR~,.c/c.·-' ---- \ TREE LAND CAPE PJ~~~ , . TYPICAL / ' ' / ' ' ,• ' ' I 12 , 16 ' I ' ' I ' ' ' ' / ' \ -,_ . ' \ 15 . " • / ; .... / \ ; J ' '· .\ '•' ' \ '; . '·,. ' ; '\.; 3.·.·2· \·"> '<'; 31 ' "·· •,. ·-..... ', r •-,_ ' ' ·,. ·, '• " ' ., ,. 30\ ·· ... j ' \ / . \_ -/ . ·· ...... ~-/ ~/ -·: .. _-/:;;_;:;.e,;\ _,,.,,- . """ ..... """ ... , .. _,, .... " ""' --. ""'"' / ,..·29,/ """"'V ,._,_/ ,' • C ,•' -~--- _ .. - /" • ' ·-,_ ' 28. '; ·--.,_ -,,_ 0 '' • ·' ... / .. ' --... / // • ' 8.95 AC. R4 ! I ' I 1'=50' TOTAL TREES INVENTORIED (SIGNIFICANT & OTHER)- SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS/PLAN: 266 0 25 50 100 ~~ - THE GREATER OF: 10 TREES PER ACRE- 5% OF TREES- TOTAL SIGNIFICANT TREES REQUIRED- 90 13.3 90 TREES 6 TREES 3 TREES -, .. - 18 ( ! j I )· / ,/ ! /.· ,. ,•" ,-'' -· .... ' LIBERTY GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SE 1/ 4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. 19 i I ' ., ' .. ,, ,· I I / / / ' / / '', ···20 · , . / .. ··•· ...... •" . '' _,,,, ! / i. ··" .. .-· . - "" -·--'' . / I .:21 ..-·· _,,•' -- 22 ' . KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DECK DRAINAGE WAY -TYPICAL \ 18" HIGH RETAINING WALL ! ,,,,:,•,:,'' ', ---·---\---·---·--\ ------ . ' ' ;_ r.····· -~,_c_· +,' -"'c-~--· .s,-·· ~~~.-,J..-. .L-', .. ~. . ' .. _ ... ~·rt=l =±· •·-·==·~pq~ ic"-'fr=~~· .•• \.1.· .· ... / ... ' . ,''' ' '·, ,, r L!/ •. ,::_' , ' ': .. : . ' : ' n -,-. ~. 0. . ,-; ' ~f '·1++* , ' . . ,. ' ,-. ' . ' ' . ' ' . .. -'l . • _ .. , ', ', :, 4" WIDE, WHITE PAINT MARKINGS I STORM DRAINAGE VAULT ;. SEE CIVIL PLANS , "·"' ~ VAULT SLAB WITH ASPHJLT PAVING SLOPE .5% TO ' DRAINAGE WAYS I "----BASKETBALL POLE/BACKBARD/HOOP ASSEMBLY: SPORTSPLAY BASKETBALL' SET #541-616. SURFACE MOUNTED TO VAULT LID (OR EQUIVALENT) (1 TOTAL REQUIRED) PLAYSCAPES NORTHWEST (1-800-982-1484) Sf 1281H ST 6 VICINITY MAP SE 132ND ST SITE NT8 0 STATE OF WASHINGT N REG ED LANDS RCHITECT INC. ,, 1i; C /' 23 I 27 lf-.,,-.r' 1 -._ ,., ,,.--26 '>· . :'? ' ' :;:· _ _.•.,,. )/ . _:, :\ ·' '. \' .-H-+H '. ., ' :-: ,·. '· :. i ;:\ :/':):-> ~.~~==,:~;;: THUR M. SEIDEL CERTIFICATE NO, 706 (VALID ONLY 111TH SIGNATURE) • p ' "· :/" ' J, .. ,.J . • ,, .,• _}" , / i . ,• '\ ; TRACT 'B' STR M DRAINAGE/ RECREATION A ~A 24 SEE THIS SH.E T FOR ENLARGEMENT . . 25 f / .. " ' ' • ' • SIGNIFICANT TREE INFORMATION FROM SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION PLAN BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. SHEET PL2, DATED 11-06-06. -' '--~-. ; --,-) .. , ' . • • ; / ' ' ; i ... ;·~1; , .. ' . ,-. ' 'i ·, .. _ • w • Cl) ' . . SIDEWALK & ...... +. SCALE: 1" = ' VAULT LINE -- -· / " ' CONCRETE PAVING -~.'",;,,_,· .;..' __ _,. ,,_, .-y 20' .. -,- :// _,,,,.. Af .; r --'f ' / --,-; / _, ' ..-,, .. ,Y ,(,1' _.-fl / I / .' ' ' ' ~;. '• '> .. I ' .. -' ' . . .. ,_; .. , ' ,. /\' •-, ... _, ~ • UFFE / ,-,~--PLAY EQUIPMENT: / MAK ~EA\,,"'--' k:, . , ,:/ , / ' / / / .•.. /._ .. __ , ... ,·; . <>-.>-·, ' . -: ,/·' -.. .. .-,-·. ..1-·"- /', i ,;'\ . / ' BARNSTORM MQFA 1001P (AGE GROUP 2-5) SURFACE ON VAULT LID (OR EQUIVALENT) (1 TOTAL REQUIRED) i<OMPAN UNIQUE PLAYGROUNDS (800-426-9788) WITH ADA RUBBER PAD PAVING PLAY ZONE PER MANUFACTURER'S \VRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS : TYPICAL ~--BENCH: MOUNTED PRESTIGE/PROFILE SERIES PP301(P) SURFACE MOUNTED TO VAULT LID (OR EQUIVALENT) (1 TOTAL REQUIRED) WABASH VALLEY, NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, INC. (425-313-9161) ' L.· ' .,._ _, .. l ,, I .... , ····~--· l ' ._:~ . TRACT 'B' RECREATION AREA LANDSCAPE PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND l SYMBOL 0 ' ... "'"'"" 50 SCALE BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES TREES: CORUNS KOUSA / KOUSA DOGWOOD (SIGNIFICANT TREE REPLACEMENT) PRUNUS SERRULATA 'KWANZAN' / KWANZAN FLOWERING CHERRY {SIGNIFICANT TREE REPLACEMENT) PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII / DOUGLAS FIR (SIGNIFICANT TREE REPLACEMENT) ~ STREET TREE 0 SHRUBS: CISTUS HYBRIDUS / WHITE ROCKROSE CEANOTHUS 'JULIA PHELPS' / JULIA PHELPS CEANOTHUS COTONEASTER LACTEUS / NO COMMON NAME MISCANTHUS SINENSIS 'MORNING LIGHT' / MORNING LIGHT SILVER GRASS GROUNDCOVERS: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS KINNIKINNICK UVA-URIS / SIZE CONDITION 3" CAL. 8&8 3" CAL. B & B 3" CAL. 12'-14' 8 & B HT. 21· -24" CONTAINER 21" -24" CONTAINER 21· -24" CONTAINER 1 GALLON 1 GALLON SPACING AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN 4' o.c. 6' o.c. 6' O.C, 3' o.c. 24" o.c. QUANTITY 6 5 7 53 22 35 20 40 AS REQ'D REMARKS MULTI-STEM, 3 -5 TRUNKS. ·~ STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY " GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, 6-FOOT STANDARD. STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN. UN-CUT LEADER SEE STREET TREE PLANS, SHEET PL 1 HARDENED GROWTH HARDENED GROWTH HOLD 2' FROM BORDERS CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PARK FURNITURE AND PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS, PLAY EQUIPMENT TO COMPLY WITH IPEMA (ASTM) AND CPSC STANDARDS. MINIMUM PLAY ZONE STANDARD FOR CONTROLLED PLAY PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALLATION TO PROVIDE NO LESS THAN 12" GREATER PLAY ZONE THAN MINIMUM STANDARDS. 2. THIS PLAN SPECIFIES PARTICULAR FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE DESIGN. ALTERNATE FURNISHINGS, EQUIPMENT, Al~D PROTECTION TO BE, AT A MINIMUM, OF COMPARABLE EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS. AGE. AND PLAY STANDARDS . 3. PROVIDE ALL LABOR. MATERIALS. AND INSTALLATION AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE WORK AND RELATED WORK SHOWN ON DRAWINGS, AS REQUIRED. 4. PRIOR TO ORDERING/CONSTRUCTION, SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND MANUFACTURER CUT SHEETS FOR OWNER'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL 5. COORDINATE ANO SCHEDULE ALL WORK WITH OWNER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND OTHER TRADES AS REQUIRED, 6. PROVIDE EXPERIENCED SUPERVISION OF ALL ELEMENTS OF THIS WORK. 7. ALL CONSTRUCTION SUBGRADES TO BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT. 8. CROSS PITCH ALL WALKS AND PADS 2 PERCENT. 9. PLAY AREAS TO HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM PLAY STRUCTURES. 10. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED VERTICAL AND FLUSH WITH PAVING SURFACE. 11. EXPANSION JOINT FILLER TO CONFORM TO ASTM D994, MINIMUM 20' ON CENTER. 12. CONTROL JOINTS MINIMUM 5' ON CENTER. 13. ALL CONCRETE WORK TO BE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH. TOTAL SIGNIFICANT TREES RETAINED (1 CREDIT)- TOTAL SIGNIFICANT TREES RETAINED (2 CREDITS)- TOTAL SIGNIFICANT RETAINED TREE CREDITS-12 TREE CREDITS '' ,',',',,',',',,I ,,,,,,.,,,,,., .... ,.1 :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,',',',',',',',',',', ~,,,,,,,,,,,,!,',~ 14. ALL CONCRETE WORK TO BE A MINIMUM 3 1 /2" THICK AND STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. COMPRESSION REPLACEMENT TREES REQUIRED: {ASSIGNED 12" DIA.) 3" CALIPER OR GREATER AT 2" CREDIT PER 1" EXIST.- LESS THAN 3" DBH AT 1: 1 RATIO CREDIT - REPLACEMENT TREES: STREET TREES PARK TREES SIGNIFICANT REPLACEMENT TREES TOTAL SIGNIFICANT REPLACEMENT TREES 156 TREES 00 TREES 78 TREES 48 TREES 18 TREES 91 TREES 157 TREES RECREATION CALCULATION (KCC.21.A.14.190.E) LOTS PROPOSED - AREA REQUIRED - AREA PROVIDED - 36 X 390 SF = REC. TRACT "B" - 36 LOTS 14,040 SF 20.267 SF 3 FACILITIES LAWN HYDROSEED COVER LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND SIGNIFICANT TREE REPLACEMENT LANDSCAPE PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES TREES: THUJA PUCATA 'EXCELSA' / EXCELSA WESTERN RED CEDAR EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE SIZE CONDITION SPACING QUANTITY REMARKS 3" CAL. AS SHOWN 91 12"-14' HT, STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN, UN-CUT LEADER 9 TO REMAIN, SAVE. AND PROTECT 15. ALL ITEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN LINE, LEVEL, AND PLUMB. 16. INSTALL BENCHES PRIOR TO PAVEMENT SURFACING. 17. INSTALL ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO PLAY SURFACING, 18. DURING CONSTRUCTION ALL WALKING AND WORK AREAS TO REMAIN OPEN FOR USE AND MAINTAINED IN A CLEAN SAFE CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. 19. LEAVE ALL WORK AREAS, FURNISHINGS. AND EQUIPMENT/STRUCTURES MOPPED CLEAN. 20. LEAVE PLAY SURFACING COMPACTED, LEVEL, AND CLEAN OF ALL DEBRIS. 21. AT FINAL ACCEPTANCE PROVIDE OWNER WITH ALL GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES, 22, PARK TO BE PROVIDED DESIGN-BUILD AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. REVIS -· N C 0 1 d z FACILITY REQUIREMENT -TOT LOT + 2 FACILITIES - FACILITIES PROVIDED -SPORT COURT SPORT FIELD TOT LOT 1 1 1 G'7c K.C. 0.0.E.S. TOTAL FACILITIES PROVIDED -3 l _, ________ ., _______________ _ -------------------------~-------------·---------------------·--------·--------------------------------------- ., -,,, .... ' .. , ,., -.. . .. ,_ ' ..... , ... 1.. "' ., .. ,:-.. ,.,,..,;.,~~>·h<.· ,. . ........ , ___ •. ,.' w -~ D.. • ::? 0 ~ 0 ~ N ~ ~ N en ~ u "' Q ' .,,. N .,,. N. ~ N w z z m cc w :r: u ui </) Le w rr X I Le w "' 1------------tx Lei Lu .. w 0 .x !l Cl C W 2 b 'L z 0 :,: ';{I "' X I "· w 0c' X I Le w 1------------t°" X w -,g I ' a I - II 0 I ~----------- I 1- :::J 0 U) V1 .w C, <.) z--E< zw j"' 0. :;;! Cl>-z Z :'.'i ~ z ·O C, a:: Z5 a:: z Ww w z --C, c., z z-w c;:; _J > -a:: > ::, <.) V1 w 0 0 </) <D ~ 0 "' 0 a N " "' -~ [L I .,,. N .,,. N / C' 0 C E "' ' Q / 1------~-----lst ij C'II ..... -t .c Ul ..... ;;' N / "' 8 -0 0 N :J ~ / D.. [L r---------------------------------------------------""!""'"~------------=--------------"""'"'.'.'.'--------------------------,----.,-----------...-·--·--.......-....----------. LIBERTY GARDENS Sf 128TH ST ' SI REET TREE: LANDSCAPE PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND SYMBOL NOTES= BOTANICAL / COMMON NAM ES TREES: THUJA PLICATA / WESTEJ1N RED CEDAR (SIGNil'ICANT TREE REPLACEMENT) ACER GL.ABRUM / ROCKY MOUNTAIN MAPLE (SIGNlflCANT TREE REPLACEMENT) EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE SIZE CONDITION SPACING 3" CAL. 35' O.C. 12'-14' HT. QUANTITY REMARKS 12 STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; f>!URSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCH~!) AT 6' (NATIVE) 3" CAL. AS SHOWN 36 STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCH~ii AT 6' (NATIVE) 9 TO REMAIN, SAVE AND PROTECT. SEE PRi:LIMINARY TRACT '9' STORM DRANAGE / RECREATION AND TREE REPLACEMENT DRAWINGS PL-1 THRlJ PL-2 1. STREET TREES ARE Si !OWN AT 35' ON CENTER SPACING, WHERE POSSIBLE. ADJUST INSTALLATION LOCATIONS TO CLEAR CONSTRUCTED DRIVES, LIGHTS, AND UTILITIES AS NOTED BELOW. TREE CLEARANCES: DRIVES -1 o·, LIGHT -15', FIRE HYDRANTS -1 o·, METERS & SEWER LINES -8', STREET INTERSECTIONS -50'. 2. STREET TREE LAYOUT IS BASED ON PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS OF DRIVEWAYS AND UTILITY CLEARANCES. NOTED, DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATIONS. NO LESS THAN SPECIFIED QUANTITIES WILL BE INSTALLED. 3. ALL PLANTINGS TO BC PLANTED DURING FALL TO WINTER MONTHS (OCTOBER 1st TO MARCH 31st). 4. ALL PLANTINGS TO BC PROVIDED SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING DURING SUMMER MONTHS FOLLOWING PLANTING. 5. PROVIDE A 3' DIAMEfCR MULCH RING AROUND EACH STREET TREE. FIRE HYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE SIDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CURB A PORTION OF THE SE 1/ 4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 0 25 50 100 ~ _,.- ... ,.< ,., ., ,., ... .... ---.. ,, '"" ' . ......... ,' . ""''''' ' .... '" . ·-: ,'. .. ,J---. "" ...... . . ..... vr:::; '";'· I -. .,··· ,,· ''~""""" ······~·''"-"'::,.).;:,., ... -,t=,--"---,,"---..,.c:.,.....-,..:..--. ,/ / / LC.,.,,.. ,. ,. . , ... 'i ;:,,_.: ·-, .. / ·' . . ,/'' ,. . ' • ,,-•'. ' . ' ' __ .. , •.... , ,.---·· ' 7 / ' /_..,·· // 9 ..... .. ' . ·' . /•"' ' "' "' ". ' .-.. .. • \ ' ' ,,, f }···· ·:,.,~· ,, .'., . ;;: .. ' .._,"." '' _,._ , .... f" !... ; / .... ,. •_:/ "" "''' "''/ ., " .,., .. ·'"r••• E ~.- i • ! • ' ' ·- •,' /" ·, ' ' \_ ' 12 \ ' . • i \ ! • i j • ./ / • 16 / j i j ' /.-· ! ," ,. ' ', .. ' .,.-... ,.-- ,-,._/ •' 71:~~M-r-+-L-~· " • • ·"\i)r,-0'<">{ "_" :. ' ' 4' PROXIMITY TO CURB/SIDEWALK INSTALL 8' -1 O' ROOT BARRIER TYPICAL LUMINAIRE "'-· 15' MIN. NOTE 1.--.L-_/ STREET TREE STANDARDS 10' MIN. 10' MIN, PLAN KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DWG. NO. 5-009 STREET TREE PROVIDE LEVEL WATER BASIN D CJ " 2: 1 MAX y . «s,'«'.~-> 1;,.//!- () 0 "'b <:) ~c,O () STREET TREE LOCATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 4'-0" MINIMUM -TYPICAL ,;~-::0 PLANTER' "~ STRIP >0 ' + 50' MIN. . ;~'k:::::,···· 50' MIN. 8' -1 Q' ROOT BARRIER TYPICAL (SEE NOTE 5.) VERTICAL CURB LINE AT INTERSECTION STREET .. ROOT BARRIER -SEE STREET TREE STANDARDS -TYPICAL NOTES: 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. PLANTING STRIPS WILL BE APPROVED ONLY AS PART OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN IN WHICH PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMPATIBILITY WITH UTILITIES, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2. IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE APPROVED: A. MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST EDGE OF VERTICAL CURB SHALL BE 4 FEET. B. TREES SHALL BE STAKED IN A MANNER. NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. C. IN CASE OF BLOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR B FEET IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 3. ON BUS ROUTES, PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH METRO SERVICE PLANNING. PHONE 684-1622. 4. SEE SEC. 5.03. 5. TREES LOCATED WITHIN 4' OF STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ROOT BARRIERS PLACED ADJACENT TO AND ABUTTING STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS. BARRIERS OF 8' -1 Q' LENGTH ARE TO BE CENTERED ON EACH TREE. THE BARRIER SHALL EXTEND FROM 1" BELOW TOP OF CURB FOR 1 B" MINIMUM, VERTICAL DEPTH. PRUNE DAMAGED TWIGS AFTER PLANTING--------------~ PLACE IN VERT. POSITION: DOUBLE LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED---~ NOTE: KEEP ROOTBALL MOIST AND PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES. HOLD CROWN OF ROOTBALL AT OR JUST ABOVE FINISH GRADE. PROTECT TRUNK AND LIMBS FROM INJURY. BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION. REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES & CONTAINERS, REGARDLESS OF MATERIAL. (2) LODGELOPE STAKES, PLUMB WITH ELASTIC CHAIN-LOCK --, TYPE OR RUBBER GUYS TIED IN FIGURE EIGHT: REMOVE AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON I i PROTECTIVE WRAPPING DURING SHIPMENT TO SITE & INSTALLATION ---, !1,-e!ill~-tt REMOVE AT COMPLETION OF PLANTING LAWN PLANTING: PROVIDE 3'0 "NO GRASS" TREE RING & 3" DEEP --... MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED) IN WELL. HOLD BACK FROM TRUNK 8" TO 1 O" FINISH GRADE .. , .. ,, ,· PREPARE PLANTING BED PER SPEC'S; AT MIN., LOOSEN AND MIX~ SOIL TO 1 B" OR DEPTH OF ROOTBALL AND 4 TIMES BALL DIA. REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES, AND CONTAINERS _________ _/ SCORE ROOTBALL AND WORK NURSERY SOIL AWAY FROM PERIMETER ROOTS SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED BASE OR COMPACTED MOUND UNDER BALL PENETRATION TO SUBBASE (+) 24"---------------./ STREET TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE . I --------------···---··-·--·------------------------------------------------------- z " "' ;; ' ""·" . ,._,~ ,,_.i" --c,. _/ . -'--I / / . ' ; ... ' ' _/ / / / ! ' j ' /' • ,/ ii. ::;.• /.····· / ' . / / .. / "'-·· ,•' ... ·, •,.J / ' ; ,· ! / ' ,.., .. ,. //;' ' f;--7~-----f'-, ·,---,-·, ' .......... ,/ ,./ "/ ... . i ; -· \-!! '. , f ' . ,,. ' ,. «.;\ " ' , < • • / 'q ,,. : . : '' .-. ' T( i ,.,_: .......... ···· 1 ~---- • 14 / " /,· /) -.. "-.. ·· .... , _____ ' ; \ ! ' -~ . ·. ·1. -\, ·' • ;·;, ....... ; ,.· ..•• ·.•· -: '• r, .,., ·•.·1l '1"' ...... \ \ '/ 163RD AVE. $]$:" / '<·· u;; ,·r; ' .... '• ,._ ' ',,, •··· 33 ! " .. ,.,.-...... ' ,., 3-2 • i ! ' ! . ·--·--'''''"" ·-.' ,_ / /' ··29 '' ·' . . ' . ,.-. ··-, ... '·· ' -------------------------·---· ! i • / / ' ; • . - 15 ' \ ; 31 ' • ,· ' . •. \ i ,? ck,--· 1. •. '1 , f /;'" . ,.-,.,,· lf j'•' • / // ,, . / ,!. " . . . / / :/ / 27 I ; \ ' -SE: IJ2NO ST SE I TH H SI 144TH ST ITE SE 148TH S7 VICINITY MAP / . ,• ' :: . •, ~ . J:'..sr) ' ' -· '" ,{;;,·'~:w,·!, /,,,,,.,,, "'"' ,/ / _./ / / ... 26 / ' ./'"'"'"' ,/ / ' ! " ... ,,..·-' .. . ,t:·--,., ''} : •/ . ! \ 22 "'"" 23 24 ' ! • • • / ! b:~ .... '. .. :,., ___ _ ,. . . . . ,, ...... , .... : _r :· \ '; ,;,, : ,_,_.' :" ' ; ·. l . .-. , -' . ,, ' ' ... ,~,-·,. ,._ .... ,_ .: " .. __ .. FOR TRACT "B' LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS SEE-TRACT '8' STORM DRf,INAGE/REGREATION AND REPLACEMENT TREE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS PL 1-PL2 ... '' .--,-~ ' ' -. ' ,., .. • • <:. ' -\.·; LAHL:.---" .. a. '" -· a·,.,,,•••. .· "' , .... -·. ,' ,, l . ---· •"' ,.,· _.,-·· -----~'/ , ......... ''" ,,.-•'' / / ,' ,; ' .. , .... , .. .,, .,.,," ., . . . ' "' ' '," , .. ' .,.·., .. ,/ •. :,;·:·;,, ~' ·/; ~-.· .. •. ,.'.-,< ,, .... -., "~-.. ., .. ' ;;.,:· _ _:'.:;'.;,;i:;;. STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ITECT ~/ / ARTH\# M. SEIDEL CERTIFICATE NO. 706 (VALID ONLY WITH SIGNATURE) • :l1 u 0 z w ~ a.. • ~ 0 ~ I I-() O> O> <( <O 0 == <f> a: ~ <O C') Cl) 'q" r-,.. w O> C\I z --Cl) 0 fa ,...CIO,... ~ C\I Cl) ....... w 0 -N ~-----------1 ·:;; C -~ t: < '-z ~ X w z z [D IY w I u 1------------1~ (/) I I-::, 0 (/) " -8 V) • L,J <.'.l u z-_> z 0:: z L,J :::5 V) a. ...J ~ Clz z L,J ::5 ::; z ·O <.'.l 0:: z--> 0:: z L,J L,J L,J Z• -<.'.l <.'.l z z- L,J ti ...J > -0:: > :0 u V) "-w IY X I II ' - -0 - <X) 0 0 N ...... n 0 E .? 0 0 -/ :C 0 C E w C Q ~-----.------1'~ ~ E a z .0 0 .., ,... '"" . " •N / ~ 0 .... :o 0 0 N ~ -/ [L