HomeMy WebLinkAbout031124 Audience Comment - Quinn v r ki n - /etu//e tie", C.o,o n, 3////Zb Z'f Handout#1-Analysis of City Tonnage and Diversion Rates City of Renton Full Yr-2023 1 0/0 of %of 2023 TONNAGE BY TYPE Tonnage(Total all Types) Full Yr-2022 Total Full Yr-2023 Total ommercial Single-Family 33,185 45% 32,092 44% _30,847 Commercial 30,279 41% 30,847 42% Multi-Family 10,169 14% 10,008 14% Total 73,632 100% 72,947 100% 2 %of %of Multi-Family, Tonnage(by how Disposed) Full Vr-2022 Total Full Yr-2023 Total _ 10,003 Garbage(landfill) 45,237 61% 45,699 Recycle 13,808 19% 13,312 18% In 3 Fan'Rlr 2 092 Food Scraps/Yardwaste 14,587 20% 13,936 19% Total 73,632 100% 72,947 100% 2023 TONNAGE BY HOW DISPOSED 3 vs Prior Food Scraps/ Diversion Rate Full Yr-2022 Full Yr-2023 YR Yardwaste Single-Family 66% 65% -1.0% 19% Commercial 16% 15% -0.2% Multi-Family 16% 15% -1.0% Garbage Pct Recycled or Food Scraps/ Yardwaste of Total Disposed 38.6% 37.4% 1.2% (landfill)6 4 Missed Opportunity^ Full Yr-2022 Full Yr-2023 Tons of Recycle&Food Scraps/ Yardwaste in Landfill 30,309 tons 30,618 tons Each month Renton sends to landfill 2552 tons that could have gone here ,M. "4„.'-ti, � � r o- » � ".-, %of what's dumped in '1 ., . "`6 10 �•*'� ^=�.` - '- t.% landfill could Fe..44 , . - a.. be diverted °��:: Pr -^-. - '^ _. to recycling '� „4- " ' -..:z,.' a' , '# or compost^ ,' 5 How Many Pickup Sites Do Not have a Recycle or a Food Scraps/Yardwaste Container Garbage No Recycle No Food Scraps/ Container Container Yardwaste Container Single-Family 24,567 (9) Commercial 1,303 (381) .i1�'.iO Multi-Family 404 - 411i21> ^This is estimate based on King County 2022 Waste Characterization and Customer Survey,2/3's of what is put in landfill could have been diverted *Rolloff tonnage is applied to primary source category if provided. It is typically generated by open top dumpsters,some businesses,apartments and construction sites or home renovations Paul Quinn 11206-515-9165 I I firstnonviolence@pm.me Handout #2 - Recommended Actions to Improve City Diversion Rates City of Renton What We CAN do to Improve Diversion Rates NOW CITYWIDE Include, in each newsletter sent to residents,the most current diversion statistics and tips to improve their rates 1 of recycling and composting Initiate a program to provide to each household and business a free indoor recycling container and free 2 CountertopKitchen Scraps container (typically p (yp y your disposal company will help defray costs) Change Pickup Schedules to have garbage picked up every other week while retaining every week pickup for 3 recycling and compost SINGLE-FAMILY 2 Pass a City Ordinance to require all 346 remaining single-family homes to utilize a food scrap/yardwaste barrel Start a pilot with 100 residents where diversion advisors review weekly contents of trash, recycle, compost 3 containers and provide feedback to improve accuracy of material disposal BUSINESS Pass a City Ordinance to require all businesses serving the public to make available a recycle container. This would 1 include some of the 381 remaining businesses Require each business to work with disposal company to assure all public-facing disposal containers match the 2 colors used by residents. This would increase accuracy of disposal of materials. Pass a City Ordinance to require all businesses serving the public to make available a food scraps container. This 3 would include some of the 1246 remaining businesses MULTI-FAMILY Pass a City Ordinance to require all 377 remaining multi-family locations make available a food scrap/yardwaste 1 container What We CAN do to Improve Diversion Rates In Near Future In the next disposal contract or amendment, require this: Require that each container picked up (a) be identified (using RFID tag or number already on container) and (b) weighed before being dumped into the truck. This Pickup &Weigh program would facilitate improved diversion rates by pickup location. (this technology already exists,see handout 113) Once in place,this program would help each person understand how they are doing in comparison to their neighbors (like PSE does now) Paul Quinn 11206-515-9165 I I firstnonviolence@pm.me Handout #3 - Pickup & Weigh And Why We Need It City of Renton Why should we make changes in landfill diversion now? Pickup & Weigh, which weighs each container emptied by the disposal company, provides individual weight information to city residents and businesses, helping us move from a "toss and forget" mindset toward making better choices. We all know that feedback through measurement works because our water, electricity, and gas are all metered,helping us to moderate our use.We wouldn't want to pay for other people's use of water or power, yet we are now paying disposal fees based on container size and not weight.This is not fair and fails to incentivize landfill diversion. Would PSE ever try to base our energy bill on the size of our houses? Does the water district base charges on the size of the pipes entering our homes? It just makes sense that our disposal fees should be based on weight usage and not on container size. Pickup&Weigh effectively meters our actual use of the disposal utility, providing a basis for charges that are fairer. Why incentivize diverting waste from the landfill? Landfill diversion is cheaper for haulers as they will be charged for less tonnage put in the landfill. These savings should be passed on to residents *PucErSOUND ENFRGY and businesses when they reduce trash and increase their recycling and Your energy use composting. We should reward people for making better recycling and ataglance aimeino V aw..a composting decisions. f. How you compare to others �y�.Malq How do we incentivize residents and businesses to divert from the Aot landfill items which can be recycled or composted? f .a Lets provide each of us with information about how we're doing relative to comparable locations,just as PSE is already doing. ito Is Pickup&Weigh even possible? Does the : ,.�' � ktx, technology exist? READY TO WEIGH} Yes! A company in Renton, WA, Loadman - Creative < • d - , Microsystems, Inc., has the product right now. An article from WasteAvantage Magazine, titled, ' "Waste Haulers Get on Board With On-Board Weighing' shows that this approach is ready now. A notable quote from this article: "Anything less than real-time feedback is inaccurate and prevents customers from making immediate changes." Pickup&Weigh Benefits the City In Several Ways 1. Lowers landfill tonnage 2. Lowers greenhouse gas emissions 3. Lowers costs to residents and businesses 4. Lowers costs to disposal companies t https://wasteadvantagemag.com/waste-haulers-get-on-board-with-on-board-weighing/ Paul Quinn 11206-515-9165 I I firstnonviolence@pm.me