HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/2011 - Agenda Bill . � • � CITY OF RENTON COUNCILAGENDA BILL � � � � Subject/Title: Meeting: Appointment to Parks Commission Regular Council - 18 Apr 2011 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Application for Boards-Commissions-Committees Executive Staff Contact: Denis Law, Mayor Recommended Action: Refer to Community Services Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law appoints the following to the Parks Commission: Ms. Marlene Winter, 2731 Mountain View Ave N, Renton, WA 98056, for an unexpired term expiring June 1, 2013 (position previously held by Ron Regis). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Winter to the Parks Commission. April 18, 2011 • Renton City Councii Minutes � Page 117 Citizen Comment: Smith - Shelby Smith (Renton)stated that she is upset about the possible relocation of Relocation of Downtown the downtown library. She remarked that believes its current location over the Library river is irreplaceable, and would be a devastating loss to the community. Ms. Smith encouraged residents who hold her same opinion regarding the library to join forces in an effort to protect it. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Special Council Meeting Approval of the Special City Council meeting minutes of 4/11/2011. Council Minutes of4/11/2011 concur. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of regular City Council meeting minutes of 4/11/2011. Council 4/11/2011 concur. Appointment: Park Mayor Law appointed Marlene Winter to the Park Commission for an unexpired Commission term expiring 6/1/2013 (position previously held by Ron Regis). Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 11-044, Benson Road 16" City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/12/2011 for CAG-11-044, Benson Road Water Main Replacement, RL 16"Water Main Replacement project; nine bids; engineer's estimate Alia Company $715,347.08; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, R.L.Alia Company, in the amount of$591,738. Council concur. Community Services: 2011 Community Services Department reported submission of nine grant Neighborhood Grant Program applications for the 2011 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommended funding six projects totaling$48,171. Refer to Community Services Committee. Utility: 2010 Long-Range Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the 2010 Long-Range Wastewater Management Wastewater Management Plan. Refer to Utilities Committee. Plan MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Zwicker presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the contract and Utility: Partial Requirements authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Partial Requirements 50-Year Water Supply, Seattle contract,a 50-year(2012-2062)water supply contract with Seattle Public Public Utilities Utilities to provide the City of Renton with long-term water to meet the City's future needs. MOVED BY ZWICKER,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 119 for resolution.) Utility: Automated Water Utilities Committee Chair Zwicker presented a report recommending Meter Reading System, United concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the contract and Pipe &Supply authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute the contract with United Pipe and Supply, Inc., in the amount of$2,388,861.08,to provide all system components for an Automated Water Meter Reading system,including the hardware, software,training City staff, project management, and consulting services. MOVED BY ZWICKER,SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. r i � � Tami Dauenhauer � From: April Alexander �. :nt: Monday, February 14, 2011 4:11 PM i"a: Tami Dauenhauer Subject: FW:Application for boards, commissions, or committees. From: marleneCa�marienewinter.com Irr�ai(to:marlene@marlenewinter.com�] Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 3:55 PM 70: Aprii Alexander Cc: marleneCo�marlenewinter.com Subject: Application for boards, commissions, or committees. Tlie follo�i�iiig registration rvas suhtnitted ��ia the City of Rentoil�vebsite: Data from form"Appiication for Boards,COII11111SS1011S,OT COIIlI111fteeS�� �vas received ou 2/14/2011 5:54:43 PM. Boards,conunissions, CO2I1I111ttEeS I+ield Va[ue BoardsConuilissionsConunittees :Parks Commission'� � '.tle :Ms. N1me Marlene «�inter address 2731 Moutaiu Vie�v Ave North City, State,Zip Renton,WA 98056 Applicant's emaii mai•lene cr,marlenewinter.com Appiicant's phone 425 4174722 ���plicant's atternate pl�one Renton Resident? ;true If so, since��rhen ;1975 Foruier Residence Los Angeles, California Bachlors Degree in Human Resources- University of California EducationalBackgcound at Northridge, MBA Courses at Seattle university �CCLtp3fiori Human Resource Consultant €or Aerospace Clients Retired Human Resources Vic Fresident of Korry Electronics a OccupationBackground $10o Million Dollar Division of Esterline Technologies- 20 years Deputy Director of the i•�ashington State Human Rights Commissiion-- 12 years. , 'jttlployel Self Employed . Renton Community Foundatian Board Member Volunteer at Campbell C011llll�lillly ACli��ltlQs Hill Elementary 2 days a week for last 3 years- Frist grade i • � � i � _ _ -- _ --_ _ - Field Value - -- - . .._...- - - Reading and Math Tutor Communities in Schools Mentor 3 years Renton Off Leash (I2iIFF) founding member Volunteer litter pickup along Lake Washington Bivd, Coulon Park, Cedar River Park Fund Raising Activities for Renton Political Candidates ProBono Human Resource work for Social Service Agencies and AT-Risk Schools Over the last few years I have gotten to know Terry Hagashiyama, Kris Stimpson and Kelly Beymer, (hope spelling is �correct} and have been inspired by their dedication and zest - �for Renton. I am an avid park user, live next store to lovely ReaSo11S Coulon Park and visit the Cedar River Park often. I do my volunteer part to maintain these areas and thought that joining the Board would be a good way to learn more about Renton Parks. Can attend day meeti�igs frue Can attend nigl�t meelii3gs �true Ett�ail"Appiication for boards,co:nn�issions,or co�a�mittees."origi��ail��seut ta analexander a,rentonn�a.�ov from marlene(r�marlei�etivin[er.com o►i 2/14/20 i 1 5:5�:�3 PM.The folto�viEig were also se«t a copy:mar[ene cdmarEene��inter.com. � 2 . , Apri) 25,2011 � Renton City Councii Minutes Page 127 CED: Libraries Construction Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval Agreement, King County of an interlocal agreement with the King County Library System (KCLS) Library System regarding the construction of two KCLS libraries within the City. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Lease:Suite 200 Liberty Park Community Services Department recommended approval of a two-year lease Community Center, Birthday agreement in the amount of$600 per month with Birthday Dreams for Suite Dreams 200 of the Liberty Park Community Center. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: City Community Services Department requested authorization to waive City Center Center Parking Garage Fee Parking Garage fees in the total amount of$6,200 for volunteers working at the Waiver Requests 2011-2012 Piazza Renton events,the 2011 Farmers Market, and the 2011 Return to Return Benefit Car Show. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM 7.e. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Item Community Services Department recommended adoption of a resolution 7_e. establishing a Sister Cities Affiliation policy. �^��^��'�^^���� Community Services: Establish Council President Briere remarked that this topic requires additional Council Sister City Affiliation Policy discussion prior to the adoption of the resolution. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.e.TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Taylor presented a report regarding changes to Public Safetv Committee the Transit Center regulations. This ordinance clarifies that a disregard of any Community Services: expulsion notice is a crime and could result in criminal prosecution. The Expulsions&Criminal Trespass Committee further recommended that the Council suspend its rules and ' at Transit Center, Code advance the ordinance to second and final reading immediately after first Amendment reading and declare an emergency, in order to have the provisions of this ' ordinance become effective upon passage. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 128 and 129 for ordinance.) Community Services Community Services Chair Palmer presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Marlene Winter to the Park Appointment: Park Commission for an unexpired term expiring on 6/1/2013. MOVED BY PALMER, Commission SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CED:2011 Neighborhood Community Services Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Program recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the following project grants: 1. Highbury Park Homeowners'Association-Project consists of painting house numbers on front face of curb to make addresses more accessible to the public and emergency vehicles. $1,313 2. LaCrosse Homeowners'Association- Expansion of an existing community garden. This year fruit-bearing plants will be added to be shared by all. Any extra produce is shared with a local food bank. $2,303 3. Liberty Grove Homeowners'Association- Project consists of revitalizing the entrance into the neighborhood by landscaping and installing a . , � • COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE APPROVE� BY COMMITTEE REPORT ���� �QI,.JNCIL ' April 25,2011 ��t�--�--=_- -�" Appointment of Marlene Winter to Parks Commission (April 18, 2011) The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Marlene Winter to the Park Commission for an unexpired term expiring on June 1, 2013. Marcie Palmer, Ch ir /,,-, � ara.d�-Lo man, Vice Ch _� —�.��— ' Rich Zwicker, e�m�ber cc: Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator � � CIrY OF RENTON PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS The City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners' meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm in the 7th floor conferencing center, Renton City Hall, unless ' otherwise noticed. The February,June, and September 2011 meeting dates have been ' changed: The February meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 2"d at Renton City Hall, 7tn Floor Conferencing Center, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA at 4:30 pm. The June meetin will be held on Wednesda June 15th at Renton Cit Hall 7th Floor g Y, Y , Conferencing Center, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA at 4:30 pm. The September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at Renton City Hall, 7tn Floor Conferencing Center, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA at 4:30 pm. ' The Park Board meetings are open to the public. For further information, please contact Sandy Pilat, 425-430-6600. ��c.u.-�.�- C�a�2z�o-�--� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter January 7, 2011 Account No. 50640 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the CIT1'OF RENTON PIiBLIC NOTICE BOARD OF Renton Re orter PARK COMMISSIONERS p The Cit}� of Renton Board of Park Commissioners' meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm m the 7th a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of floor conferencing center, general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Renton City Hall, unless other- rior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to, ublished in W+Se noticed. The February, P P p June, and September 2011 the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King meetmg dates have been Count Washin ton. The Renton Re orter has been a roved as changed y' g p pp The February meeting will be a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of held on Wednesday, February Washington for King County. a„d ac Renton c�n- Hall, 7th Floor ConYerencing Center, 1055 , The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues South Grady way, Renton, wa of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was at 4:30 pm. re ularl distributed to its subscribers durin the below stated eT'lOCl. The June meetmg will be held g y g P on Wednesda June 15th at , y, The annexed notice, a: Renton City Hall, 7th Floor Public Notice G adyreWay,g entonr WA ats4 30 pm. The September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September was published on January 7, 2011. �cn at Renton c�ry Hall, 7th Floor Conferencing Center, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA at 4:30 pm. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is Tne aa��: Board meetings are open to the public. •the Sum Of $91.00. ,_.�. '`���' ��.;;;, For further information, please I � contact Sandy Pilat, 425-430- ' ``,� �Y 6600. / � �� - �� `��,,•.vk�; Bonnie I.Walton a�'' f�°i��7"Gl� . f _ . � W . Ci Clerk R'; Ty ', ` �CQ' Published m Renton Reporter on �� i� nda M. Mills , � , � Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter .- � �anUary�,-o>>.#asoo3g. Subscri ed and swor o me this 7th day January, 2011. � _' .� � � �' �.l -�.° Kathy Dalse, N tary Public th'e tate of Washington, Residing in Covingto ,Washington P. O. Number: � STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF RENTON , NOTICE OF ORDINANCES , ADOPTED BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Foltowing is a summary of ordinances Adopted by the Renton Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal City Council on November z2, Advertising Representative of the zoio: ORDINANC�NO.5580 An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, amending Renton Reporter Subs�ection 2-9-6C, Penalties, of Cha ter 9,Parks Commission,of Title II(Boards and Commissions) ' and ChApter 18, Penal Code, of Title VI (Police Regulations), a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of ro amend and �oa;fy ���m;�a� � violations of Park Rules and general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Regulations. prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in Effective: 12/26/2010 the En lish lan ua e continuousl as a weekl news a er in Kin ORDINANCE NO.5581 g g g Y Y P P g An Ordinance of the Cit of Y County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as Renton,Washington,establishing a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of the Property Tax Levy for the year 2011 for general City operational w1S�llrigtOri fOT'Klrig COUllty. purposes and increasing the levy The notice in the exact form annexed was ublished in re ular issues amount by one percent (1%> of � P g the legally permissible tax levy of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was from 2010. regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. Er�e�c��e: iviizoio ORDINANC�NO.5582 The annexed notice, a: An Ordinance of the City of Public Notice Renton, Washington, amending Section 5-11-], Utility Tax, of Chapter 11, Utility Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. was published on November 26, 2,OIO. 4260 entitled �°Code of General Ordinances of the Ciry of Renton, Washington",to amend the utiliry tax rate imposed on Water Utility •The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is Enterprises. the sum of $129.5�. EffeO�RDINANCEN0.5583 ,..,j, S ��'''��;;, An Ordinance of the City of r �, � ' , . - , L�G G � _ _ �...'a,��. fi, Renton, Washington, adopting "'��'"''' ' �'f. [he biennial bud et for the ears ' '-r;�.�'',;'�� !� 8 Y inda M. M111S :=y`'.`._ ' `��, ,` ; 2011/2012, in the amounts of ,_ ` << , c,��.; j $224,863,236 and $219,932,000, Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter �' ' _ ,. � respectively. ; ' Effective: 12/1/2010 Sub cr' ed and swo to me this 2 r :� ci ' 6th day November, ZO 1 O. , . �\ :_ � :: Complete text of these ordinances `'�, ' ,`�` '�_.'�; �j _ is available at Renton Ciry � G r` � `y Hall, 1055 South Grady Way; };; a' �r%'� ' �a�� `� and osted at the Kin Count !, � .� _ c.� -� P S Y athy Da g, o ary Publi or the State of Washington, Residing °���, `�;- �,i�``'��:` Libraries �n Renton, ioo M;u lri COVIri Ori,Washington ''°.,��.,.•...•,'•`�' Avenue South and 2902 NE 12th Street. Upon request to the City P. O. Number: eierk's office, (425) 430-6510, copies will also be mailed for a fee. Bonnie I.Walton,City Clerk Published in the Renton Reporter on November 26,2010.#436468.