HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA13-001248_MiscC-3562 .1.11'1!:~"":'..,_,~••!IW'f....;"''-'1'11'"1'•~-.."r>"'tJ.1,~I-..Ur:.-......,...,cs.,..,,.~'l-.,l.'tl,l'JO'.L'rr"""'t"·~ JI',,..,.,..,...,.....,,. ~U<'l .... <"rW,,t .... J l"""""'" ~'"'°'""'''· •. ,, .... 1>, ... *-.. ,., • .,,., .... -.<<> .n • .... .,.,,.,_,,.. ..• ,~ •• "'"'' .......... ~..,..,_..,,...,.,_..._,. .. .,,..,.~-,.,.,~M\"t.,.. .. ,,.J-.--. ... ,~ ... ,....,, ....... ,s.,, ..... .,...,.._~,~•·-• 1111:«.,;, .... ,...:n.n..-.1;,_.,- • ,...,,,._ '~• · ,., ,.,..,,. .,,....,,. • .,, "'"t"' I 1,a ,.,..,..,,,,,.,,""' .,.,,.,,.._coc .... ·,sl•.,., ,..,_._ff-ir ,.,._, ~~,, ,·.:..,, .... , .... J.0<.0,'·'"'-'""''"'' I tr .. ~O~<.>"'"-"'""'-C,;,J-•·"!C "-"' L "£". kl r.,.. ..... ,~ ~ '"" .(,;,,. '"t-t Jc:(',;;1...-H.•,:,._.,.:)!IC;:l,ln:':" , \ ~ '"--' ,,u. n,1<,,.-=,o.·,,... '1:t~IU.31.>"IW>'t"" l~C>ir,•.t·Ofl._ "~'-"' .. o;l""·""""'" >="-l' .... \".--K,1"":!IIC.....,.,I 11 .... ~:.-,...,,.._,,,...._,_,.,..,:..11,.,.,.......,,, •. .......,,. ,.,,,wr ''"". _..,..,,... ......... .,.~ ,.,;.,...-:;:,.-. .... ...,.. C> -rr >~ r>: .. r, :O'l" ., ~ '•'"'-·-"·,r1, .. ,.~ ... _.~·.1 ,.. ... :·•cc-...i:>e,'1 ""' r.-J','l.'1'1-Wt:a""""·""''""'""'·r,;:-,t,..,"'"·', "'"'""' ·r,,,v,,., ,u ... -,-,, .. PU --II ... ~ .... ,,._._ """-.,,._w, .......... ..-..C5<: , ...,._, ,...,..,_,,,.~_._.,.., ,.,.,,~"°'""""' ..... ~ . ..,,,_,_,.....,..._,.,..,....,..,,,9..,.,...,l ....... ftl.,...IMl'~.,. ~·Pc or·..-mrH>t"l:f'.,_, $E.·:Jt,.l;Wt,L ;u "J\Ji,ltl(.)','l,l,.~L · 01:};EV,L NCT(;:S ;.·10.ar».c,1,.r.o Dr.:r~l$ •11, l: 'l',{•J·l~-t ~,.!,r.:"l:'1· w, ... ,,...-.-.-:-; APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP .:1-\v,Tr It~ L ;L•.•l;,{Li,l,}lf,.O:T 1r • IC\• ~ ·--'"' -................ "·'' -,:~o::i::~h,t:~-1,, ;°;cc:lC(, inc.. ~~lrtJ~vj C-3562 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP • MJ .i·~ ll · ~ •• \ I I:(: LC•:.~1-\) ,r WI "lH r>.. •• -Ollt>.0 'l'-Jlflll L,. ~-.. , APPENDIX C-3562 APPRAJSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 -· 1 - LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-1 "'."h1s k.;g :o pail .,;,f tl'e rn::irt pr~;m1j ty M-~n,:i~l,..d r:a1ttScer:es, Jnc. :A,E.SI) 'er !he ll!XT'CC: i:ir::>Jt'd ;;_n.~ s.hnL~1 ~e re ad 1oge1!1er 'N,th !hat report (Dr ec:r.ii:lal1> lnterprctatt:-n. h;; w11miilry app·ie~ o:-ly to tlle l_ocafir.n d tlus 1r1:!f'd1 &1 \ti.~ tlrr9 of 8ltca'JF.tum. Sub:su;f;;;c:e ::ond :lol'!a r.iaw-ch.,;fl99 at lh•~ lr.c..1:kn wi::h Iha r,u~ag~ of :ll'r.e. Tri~ d313 p:cscn1c.-: .)fe a 5rnplfii;a;ion '.lf ,1c.tL.1: c.ondi!iOM en:ow·ie,8d. D5SCRIPTION Tnpsoll anfr"OPs"OifF"m""'" Fill El6v. 242feet 2 -Leo~ to med :.in cens2, 'lo'e1y '.l1ois:. ye!lo·Nist' crown, fiie :c :-nediu'Tl SAND, will s:1i:. (ew fire gravel. :;a.Y-. cchb!e~. trar.c dc:)ris -wir~ cind i:;lae:· c (SM) 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 7 a 1, 11 '.4 ,, ,., 16 17 15 1S Recessionai Outw;:i~h r/edivri dc:r.r..c. v~ry moi1;,t. reddis\i trO'Nn, fine: to mc'.::iu-r: St\NO, with r.i t, little fir.et::::, coa·:se grave {8 •. i). ,-- --------- 3oU:,rn of c:.:plr,,r:.llon p)t :i.: rli;ph 1€-~ fee: W':..OJ°\ s!!-9::a,:;e 1:lelo-1: 11 !Peal N.:i-r..a .. k;i. I %-------·-----------------··------ Minter Property King County, WA ~ ~ Asl,odatcd [arth SciencesI lnc. Project No, KE070211A ~ l-~ge~ tly HW-G • ,,,,,, .. ~,.,· 1 1 1 ~1 r~:i ~ --41 ,f.:ii:J 3/2BI07 § ___ -________________ -__ -__ ._ .. _-. _~v:. ___ ._-_'_ .. -_._' ______________ _ APPRAISAL GROUP OFIBE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-2 ----.. ····-•"" ·····--·· ......... --.---------~ -hL.., .og is put~ Inc '1:pa~ P'l'.!Cl!l~d by f.5:-~_;)!.e::! ~onr S_ci!nce,, !11c. fAFS'.} ll:r t."Q 'lll'Tltl:.l p1aj;:d and ::.t.:ud ba ;.;~ t09ettier ,Mt:11'1.:il rar;:ir: f::>t i=t:Tlf:11:!·1:1 11le:m'l:!1.;,:l1t;11 T 11!. iiL:mi:,a;y ~ppl:cs -,.,t, :o lne :o::atl:>n of :h1s 1re,eti at lh~ lime of eicc:.11.:r.i-;lfl fJubm1l;;.ce ::cm:tltons .Tay c~argo st l!'Jb toc;i.ticn w1lh tha p:is~31;;,e l)f t·meo T~.e data ;::r~i;,nted 11rf! "' ~in-pl!.r.11!:01' uf &ct Jal cor,d~icni,. cnc-'1r1~cc DESCRIPTION Elev. 24 6 feet "---······ T::if?S011 ___ _ .. __/ ! 2. ---1 3 4 6 - 6 7 Ledgement Till Mec·,u~ dense, ve•1 rrois~. r.10\:led g;-ay. fine to ::carse SA.',JO, \\,ith silt, ,tt:f: 7.ne :c CO?.rse ;·ave!, trace cobcles (Sl'l- .: j_ 11 12 B~tori of c:,:plorcttk,o ,~l: 11: ~r,lt· 1 I J..,11l wc:ik ~e..pigt' zo1,e, 1; 1ll ~ f1uit a-1J '.' rt,e' \J:., Cr.1~i 1;.i. n 14 1 (: 10 17 19 ·20 <---------------------------------------------~ . ' • ~ r Ii Leg9cd by· n•!l:; f\i:prm:c1 by· Minter Property King County, WA ASt>ociait!d Ear[h Scicn(cs, Inc . Project No. KEU70211A 3:28/07 ------------------------------------- APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-3 -----------·--···-·---- Thi.!.l:ig ·c, p...rt oftt'e ~~::-r.p~r,::irM ty A~~::r!'l~d (11,11ti Sdcnt.:e,;;. :n:; ,'.AESI) 'ur l"e n:imed ~jec.1 c:nd ~hJu;t be re.ad t.)gether w_ tt· u·at ·epo;: l:lr ,e.:;,"!;lel~ lnlcrp1~1at1:n. Tl"1s !;;:.Jm~1a!'} ap:,:ie;; o.-J,· :o the lceat!er·, of th s lr!!!nch .i•. the tirr:e (;! 8!1'.t:sr~.itir,n Sub5u·f.;C£. co ~d hori m.1:yr.h3ng9 atths 1x:at1cn with. trio ra.SS81J~ of tr.-e ; he dat::i ~..,~ert&d a1R A simplfica(io'! !II oct:...a1 ocnci1101u !1cou;te-ed DESCRIPTION FIii ,---+---------·-··--·. -------Elt!v. 255 feet 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 D 11 12 13 14 15 1E 17 18 19 t ' l t oosf!:, 'JCr)· rr•ois~ lo v,e:, m'x:;d, btown. gray, a"\d d.~rk gray, f11e to xa-se SAt\:O v./th si:!. l':!:.e to wiU1 fii1e t::, coa·M ;rc,v~: (Srv1}. --Lod9em·Cut Till Oen~2 grnclini;;: t:;i vc1 y ~i~r.~e. very mo·st graJ, fire to ::oarse SANO, wi~h !1'.·lt, w·~h 'n: ~r. c.:::,a~se g~.:ivel (SM). 0::;tl::irn ::I ·:tf;ltu 1iLivr1 p: ii: d~pt'.: ~ 1.!i fc:cl V'Jl'IR;.; ~Hf!JU\.fi: ZOi'·t'.:~ 3.5 '.(; S f •. cCl. 5-igi"II t,;: mcce•;;t;~ c.a~;ng .lbO',•I= 9-le-:t. ;------------------------------------------( Minter Property ! King County, WA £ 1 ~ . l:>gyn:! 'oy: BVVG J\pr,rc"l!d nv Assod? .. lcd Earth Sciences, Inc. Project No. KE070211A 312Si07 ~---------------------------------------------- APPRA1SAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 ~ ~- ~ ! e " [ LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-4 .. ·---·-------- This 'og ,11-pP.r1 9f!ht r:port p~cc::ie:J lr1 A~toc!3Mi0 ~srtr E_ci;::nr.:.a.i., 1m;. ;A!;,Sl: for lhc 111i1''1e:: ;;,ro;ed a_nd shoub :,e real.! llNelh-ar 'M:t-lhd r!.i,~.rt br <".cMplt!:e 111'.t!fV claltJn His !Lim;nory a~phes c!\I"' tc th~ !m:.:ihot rlll'" a -ronc~ a1 :l'1t Urn~ of ~xca.,·1r:i:in S;ihsu,r-..ice i:onc:: om may ::hang: o: It-is loc:;.tlcn ;o.1:h the pa!!iage ut lme fh.;. :::hr:a pol!=-1:1"111!!.I ii·.: a s1Tplf cat10n ~t ec!L11 .:o.-.d tk:is ~r.i:~1to:cf. E.lcv. 264 feet ·--····-·· ··--.. --------~F~il~I------------~~--------·----' DESC'!IPTION LCOSt'l very moist, b;ov:r·, 'l:1t:! SAND, with silt, trace fin-$ gravel 1 -· 5 Crain l:nes bcdcm.1 :n v,a~hed rock -8 fee: -1/. or. center st 4 ~eel deep :::Oi:foE!Tnent Till s 'Jer,se gradi1g tr, vf::r~· der$C, •,er,. rnr.>=st, irottt!:d gra'I :..::. ·Jr?.y fire to r.oar~n SA\!). \"/itr. s:!t, itt!e tc 'Nith f ne g:avel {SM/ s 10 11 .. 12 e.otk:m or 11rpl:,n1l or p I .tl '.:1!:lh '1 fr.el N·::, se!!r:.n~ Sti::111 ,:o<\'hg ct::.vt.-5 kc: 16 17 1H 1 19 ' ---2'.}------ t r.gged 'If. ewe Appr·::i~-eti hy. Minter Property King County, WA A.ssnciok:d Earth Sciences, Inc. ~.. rn· ~, · ~--) m· ·,, •;;f,;, "". ·1• ·••. . ~; . , . 1 --~ · ...::.. ' ... ').,, .tn:: .•. Project No. KE.070211A 3/281'07 ~ "------------------------------------------ APPRAISAL GROUP Of THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 -' \ '. LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP·S -------------"---·---------· ---- l",is log·:.. pttt oflhe -epr,1 pt!':!r.a·o?.d by Afsocill:u:J E.irl' SciE-n:::e$-Inc. ~t.ES.} for tie "a":"'.e.:! r;:mii,c: rct Mlriud !Ji= ~ca·:: 1:;gether .... 11h lhHI "'1ap=:ir: for c;;im;;>let(: lnlcrp-et.:itkn T!'lls s ... m-ria-y af,plte; :,.nl'( ·, tne 10:=111!011 ur ll"ii. \tc1·ch ;:i.: the tirre ct "!X!"~i ... 31! :,n, Sutsui;.w cord!I o-:; ma'!' :~angs-at lt-.ts .or.ahr:n wi11 :h1:, p.;i:;;;s11;c cf~ nl'.: T'ho;! &.r:a pr;!ser'ltej :.re ii i.ii:ip lulior, of a:tJill «nd1tlr.;n!': Mr.:mr.tr:•ed DESCRIPTION ________ El!"· 2s4 teP.t Gravel Fill and Topsoil ····--Fill .. -----------------I ··--------- Louse, very moisl. br::wr:, fine SANJ, \'di" s·n, litUe-fine :o <.:oars~ wavel tr~ce co.,cre:te n.1:1hle and plzslic. rlram pipe ::e:.i:::'-e::i h ·..vas'1ed roe.< et-..!. feet (SM} Lodgamcnt Till Df.:r~c g1adir:~ lo \.'f':J der.s~. verf rno1~t. gr3y, .:"rne to coarse .S.il..ND, •Nit, silt, -:race 1·)e to caa..-se g1avel (SM). P:-:ily pipe i:-i d tci al 7 fet!l. 1301· .. ;m ur c,cp :iratior p:t ::! ~e;:ith 11 ~eel 12 -, tb se::\:='ii!JC Qr i:':l'lhg 13 14 15 - 16 1B 19 --~-- Minter Property King County, WA A!-snci.ited Ei!rth Scii::m:es, Inc. Lo~i;~ by: &WG Project No. KE070211A Aµ1,rc,·~ by ~~r~11 ~~t~J r~#~i fl¥: ~; Jt1(1J07 t ____________________________________________ _ APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP ~ C-3562 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-6 . ···-·········--···•·· ····---··· . --. --··· -·-...... ···-,-, Ttii11. IOCJ :sp~,l of ltu; rF1r,:1rl pr~;-,:,e-:i ~., P,~.sc:,i,ti;d ;;.ir.,.. Scieflce:; Ire. (1\=.::1: fxth2 ncmed :.i:c]t!d .111d shn.11d ~f! I 1~1tU lt:1;,1:ttil::-r wili1 lh;;l 1ep-.:rl fo~ c"'1ti;:lt=h: i1tc1µ11tt11.H:::r,. Tiis S1,mm;;r'J :111;,plies en ,. I~ the Jccatior. o• t~ls t;,mcti iii :l'H ; tirrc ofcxc11 ... .:t;on. Sub::u,iacc co'id·lior5 mil'I ::han!lf, ill t"ll.i 1:-c.at·u1 w1:1, tt,t1 :n1si..i!]e lj time, The .:.z~a ~es.-n)!;: c>rn a 5i.'Tlplfic:at o-of a~1.:.1· co~d tion~ ~n:::ou·te-?.d OESCRIF'TION El••· 295 leel Fill L:,ose wet, tm>.11 ... n, fine to cn~r~e .S/· .. ND. w;th ~:It. co.-,crate a:'ld a~~hi::llt rubble, wood (IC!;S. !"'O(';ts -sticks~ {St;.1) 2 - 3 4 5 8 9 ·R2Cl?'sSiori"al Ot.:tw.ash Medr..11:1 der.se. ve~y .11oi'::it, gr8;(, silt;• fir.s to coarr.~ SAN:>, with silt. t·ac~ fire !".fra,.·el (Sr~~). 12 13 1c 15 I 17 1S 19 P.ot-om o• F!xtibrnro, ');l <1l de::th 12 r-:~t v.re.=k se,prir;i<! t: tr. 9 le11t Mc;fera;:ite ::,M.,9 c te? f.:l!:!'.. Minter Property King County, WA Assodah~d Earth Scicncesi Inc. Logged oy: D\iVG Appoved by: Projf.c.t No, KE070211A 3i2SI07 ------------------------------------~ APPRAISAL GROUP OF 'THE NOR'THWEST LLP C-3562 ~ i < t, ~ 8 " t 2 - 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I ! I 14 .../ 15 I 16 1;i 18 19 --28 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-7 DESCRIPTION .--~=------· _______ Elev. 275 feet Lod;ement TIii Medit.:m de.,s:: gr:::din:i to der.se, rratlled gray, f.ne tc coarss SAN~, w·tr. silt, li:tle fi:1e t:::-coarse grave! (SM}. '" ----------- eottor-ozcx;,1::lr&for pc'.! 3tce;;th t. feel E,:p'o·EUon ~cr'Tllan:.:d dJe tc sr::a::e C'-nslrair.'S. t-.o s~:::~:ie or i::~1,n9 -------------------·-··--·-------- Minter Property King County, WA Associated Harth Sciences, Inc. Lc9;ed 'j'f. sw::. AJ!prcv~ by: Project No. KE070211A 3128/07 ------------------------------------- APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 ~ £ • • C. LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP-8 Th.s l:ig I!. pail Df !he re:x;rt pr·epareC bv Aseoci.d!id En:'1 Se1emces.. Inc. (AESI) fer the r,amed pr~Jec.t an::: sl;.Jt:.d te r~ac bgelherv.:rth :hiY. lll:ic;rt far :o~·,pte,e in:erprelil.iorg Th!$ s~rr,ryiar, !iPJiles o,lJy to 1,u -oc11.ti.n u! tti;s. tu1rci1 wl th;, time al ~X~\·ato:,, Suts:.r.ioo conc\:ror.s ~av chaRQ:~ LI ~1s. t:ca:·o": wiltlthc S:::tS~aQe cf time. Tr~ date. pl'l!'ssli:e:.: e~;; a .sfrr.p:Jic..;t:on cf ilciu~l e.,mt lir.ri; en:::i\1!llel°ed . DESCRl?TION Elev. 247 feet Gra1r1el Surface -·---·-·-... ,.-· 1 -Loose, very moist to wet. br:)Wr1, fine to coa""Ss SAND, w:tn silt, trace g~vei, drainpipe ba::{fi!ie:i with washed rock at,:, fee: {SM) 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 7 8 9 10 1 • 12 13 1< - 16 17 18 · · Rar::eSsional Outw.ish ---·--- Medium dan~e to de~.5e, ve~; moist, brown, fi;1e tc coarse SAi\O, fcN s.i!t, few fire to c::arM Dra•1el (S\>V}. f:!u!km u' e:.plu:1:1ltt,11 pit 91 d,;µlu 3 fc:cl Wa.ik :1ils+lr1-1-;1o 3 tr. S ll!a.c. Sl:Ht,1 ::avin~ s tn 6 F,3e\ 19 --20--·· Minter Property King County, WA As,s:ociated Earth Sciences, Inc. Project No. KE070211 A 3128107 ·--------------------------------------------- APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST I.LP C-3562 LOG OF EXPLORATION PIT NO. EP,9 l~ T'lls lo; Is pa:": ett'"l!! ~-!p::irt 1:repare1' t':' A~!o.::ialed Ear.h Scier.ces, ~-:c.. (AE51} fo~ t:"c ,ami:.d poiact an:: shoul:i :::tt ,u~ t~gelier Y..if, t,at rl!p<;rt ,~ co~r,re11 ll'Y.iilrpr.ilallo1'. Th!s su:-:-m~r/ :ieip'l!s oniy to th~ ic~.i.:m ,;f 1h:S 1rc:ic.h .:.t ~'le IJnE-o: 11x::a•1.;ticr1 S•.1b:.utt.ilcc coit-.i.mr-s nil)' ::ti.a!'!~!! 3.l lhlS lce.at:in ·1,th t"E p;essage er time. ne-d:ila pce~n:ed a~ a ~mptnca~l:m er :1ct;i;). co~.d.licns cn:.ou:iti:r.cd. DESCRIP1ION Tcpsoil and To~soH Fill Elev. 241 feet I Lodgement 1111 3 MediL1rn de'lse gradirg to ce1se, very r,oist to we".', nettled g;a), fir,e .SAND wit.'1 sil: (SM). .. ~ £ t 5 6 B 9 1" " ....! l;iot'.em nf e)pJrm:it1cn :pl !I.! d!!P'.h 11 ~CO'. 12 \\!~;.!~. S!::'1!:)c!tH! ~P.IOW :'! f~~t Nn ~3,;I~!] 13 14 1 f, 16 -; 1!7 1B i ~ 18 I ' --10 - Minter Property King County, WA Associaled Earth Sdcm:es, Inc.. ~ Log~oo' by: B'!JG ~ '"''°''"'"' ~ ~ ~ ~ ffl Projeol No. KE070Z11A 3(28/07 I I il ____________________________________________ _ APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Associated Earth Sciences, !n:. Date Sampled !Project PrcJP.ct No. 28-Mar-07 '.M nter Properly ~=G70211A Tested B: Colloc1ed By ,~ocation EBJEP No. .MS eG Cnsile F.?-2 /Ocptr. •• Proctor Analysis ASTM 01557, D698 Soil Description SAt\:J tr~cc-gr3•,el si,: Percent _pt:s'09 3;t...• siryvc ASTf11! C 15b? Wc:.t·od C A :\-10 1<1 N!Jmbo· B \,\1ate1 ,A.dded C VJ~ o+ vVel Soil + Mold(:,\ -- D WI. of Mod (lo) E i\/"'1. of Wet Sui! (I~) -· F !v,.r~t De1·sity, (~cf} G ;wt. of P;:~n {lb} ' --· H !'!·II. ur Wet So! + !Fan Iii;) . ,, •NI of llry Seil r Pan (lb) I< Wt cf Wat•· (lie) M WL ot Dry Soll ([:>) -· Moisture C::::n~cn1 . ~-tr1~) 0 ·)ry Dcr.s:i.y {t:i.:.'; I· I 1~·· f e.d 12.,:~3 1r:: 74;) 143.267 I ·r C A:J!.i 3 5~0 :l'.QO 0.270 2 !:!'.\;) 9.5 1108 we! 2:.~:5 '!2.4(~.'.:, iO.S~O • 40.€67 0.4£0 2 42() 2.275 0.?0:, 1.765 1 ~ .:~ 126.2 ' I I 3 dr, 22.ss: 12.40'.".: 0.50:) '.l.4G.'1 2.335 3. ·25 1.83t 6.~ 130.4 r:r a 6 it:c:1 moM: l:: o.:;75 Fo, a I\' rno!d: Z; O C333 I =.::. ===:::=:::::.:::.:-.::-:: ·=======::--=-===--- . ',','s' ',' . " -------------J -1---.-... ~ . r -· Test Results: oitirr,U'll ~/01s:•Jrn Po~ce;1tagt-:1 . ~/axi!2..lr.l D-v ::leiSil\'' 130 t ' 8.J f 32.C i-~zs.o ~ t;: :::::oo • 0 ~ E: ,,;;.o. ; 110.tl .!... __ _ . -·-!- I . __ , --; .. -,=-~~ .. j __ Ccrrnr;\cd Mo:Sture P~1centage: 7.6 C'?rrec:sd 'vlax:1.1um Dry Jensit[._ 13.2.9 m:.:i --t -·--I . 10C.O. --~-1-----...... "--' ~.i--.. -• ,c !i.O 1(},i} 20.'.) 25.U I_ ____ __ moisture '1c:,."llonl, ·~ ASSOCJA TED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP Associ atec: Date Sampled 3121\!20~1 Tested By ~s ----------··-·- Sample m Wet Weight+ Pan Dr~· Waight+ Pan W-0-ight of Pan Weight of Moisture Or~· \,Voight of Soll % Moisture 5.imp!F.! :r.i Wet Weight..,. Piln Drr W~ight + Pc.ir1 Weight of Pnn Weight o! Moisture Dry Weight of Soil % Moi:;:urc Sample ID Wot W~it:rit + Pun Dry \Ncight + Pan Weight dPan Weighl of Moisluro 07y Wel<Jlil of Soll % Mois:i..:rc Sample ID Wet Woighl + Pan Dry Wt.1lgfLt + Pan Weight of Plm Waight :Jf Moisture Dr)' Wulyht of Solt % Moisture C-3562 Earth Sciences, Inc. Projec':: ?roje::t No. Minier Pron,;rlv KC:0700211.~ Location ES/cP No. Orslte ·---· - EP-1 S2 8,5' 453.C 401 . .:, 99.€ 53.6 301.0 H.8 EP-2 7' 329.5 3'.:/.9 180.7 2£.i.G 2::-2.2 12.2 EP-3 9' <HO 3S2.9 1:1.3 31.1 26"!? 11.0 EP·S 10' J2/.0 X;i.5 IJ1 4 2!:.5 2J: 1 12.7 _1oe~1 E?-1 $3 •4• 533.2 467.1 100.6 66.1 3G6.~ 16.C EP-3 S1 3' 377.9 347.J H}1.) 30.9 246.~ 12.5 E?-48' t5S.5 t,22.il 00.!: 36.· 321.~ 11.2 EP-7 S 5' :12(1.!; .!!:9.4 99.i' G1. ~ 359.7 17.l Moisture Content ASTM O 2216 Soll D~scriptlon Various EP-2 3" 36f.5 349.< 99.a ::m.o 249 6 1S.£i EP-3 1-5' 31'?.3 330.9 Ll"l.D 31.4 233.0 13.5 ~p..t. S 12' 331 0 296.5 lDrJ.O 34.:'.i 196.5 17.!:i EP-8 8' 350,1 3i7 5 95.'i' 32.5 221.8 14.6 ASSOC/A TED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Moisture Content ASTM D 2216 ,,:--:,-----,--,.----~------------=--,-.--:~-·------,.,:-....,,..,c-----,--,-------, ·oate Sompled Project 1 Projcc: :-Jo. Soil Oes:c;rfptio.'1 3i'28tLDC7 }.ilr.·.cr Pr:. et:y KE070:;:2 ~ 1A Tested Sy Location ESiEP No. !Dep~ i'v1S ;Cns::e Sarnplo 10 EP·9 4' EP·9 71 Wat Weight+ Pan 318.C 3fN.2 Ory Weight + Pan 2d0.6 325.5 Weigl',! of Pan 93.R 99.5 Wolg.'1t of Moist~!"\; 37 4 58.7 Dry Weight of Sofl 151.3 236.' •.4 Moisture 20.6 24.9 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. C-3562 APPRAISAL GROUP Of THE NORTHWEST LLP - - ~l I • Wig Rea,rdpd Rerucn To: M,-LLC ..... , ... - IJM!-AVS -.w .. ,a171 ,a NI OIi'- fNr 3 No JW, ,Sf STATUTORY WARRANTY DEf»llED BY PNWT Kderenoc: Numben of rdlled docummu: .0-on page ~ of documecn '3 ~ 7,_. 4 bb · Ciran1<1t{1): TOlblo Mno 111d Tami Mao Addilional Nama on~ ..0. of d.ocumeM Granlec(1): Mimer LLC Addilional Nama on page ... of document Lepl IJoscription (-.Villod), Pin. lGIIS-7, B .... 10, .... I.Gls 1-7, -19, l!arlb,gtea """ T...., Val. 15, ... M. Pull !cpl'"' -I of documoot ,._.,,...., Tu Pucel A<mUII Numbu(t): 21-..aUl, 21-.oltMI, \ {). Zl~4,21-11107,onllZl4411M5GCMH ij_ \ \ TIIE GRANTOR T--· • ...,.._°"A-3, 1~. IJld Tomi Mano, bis Clllly wtr, -~ 12, 1954, -nd tnd Wlf• for and in CMlkferalion or Ille ,1111 al T!II Dolliln ucl odw pod MIi ...a..bll! _...._. .. in hand paid, coayeys lfld wuranrt to "fl.., LLC, A Wuld QlrM U.l1cd U.INIJ Corporatlotl lhe folktwtn1 dacrlbed real cslate, situated in 1he C'1WtlY of kfaa, Stile or Washingion: !'Al!SJil.. A: Tu ponioa or Lab .s and 6, BJoct 10, f.&rtin110.D Acre Trae11, ICOOfdiaJ IO the plac 111ereor recorded In Volume l5 of P!III, page 84, In kins County, Wuhifl&lOn, Jyi111 aoudtwes1trly of tbt southWCa1 .,.,,m or Renton Averioc, 1.1 Cltlblilhed by deed nr.orded under llecording Number 71Dll60J,t7. ~B: Th,i pmtioa of Loe 7. Blad: JO, Earlinpm Acre n.:u, ICaJl'di113 to the plll tllereof recorded in Volum, l!ofl'lau.-M, In KmgCounl)', w..........,, 1yi., ... 11t-yorlho ....i,we,i margin of RcnlOft A..-, u tz1ablilbed by deed rcc:orded under Reconfin,: Numb!r 71031601f7. e.t.P&f,L_C: The IOlllh 100 feet or Lot 3; TOGETHER WITH lhooc ponioal of LoU I nl 2, -19. llarlin,ton Ac~ TJ1C11, accord'1q co lbe plat 1hc.reof n:corded in Volume 15 of Plars. page M. in King Coumy. Waahfflllon, lyin1 sowhwuccrly or Ille soudliwr.st m&flin or Rcnron A"'2Wt, u atablllhed by deed ----"'I -7106170187. fAl!JjkD: Thai pan ton of 1AJI 3, Block 19, Eul.laalOn Aue Tnctt, accotdina to lhl: p(• lllmof rec:on:led in Volume 15 of PIiia. PIP' 84, in Kina Cow,!)', Wllbiqlon, lyiq IOUlhweaerly ofdle ilOllhcsc mar,in of Rentc:,n AYCRUC, u aublilllod by derf;f recuntl!II uadct RecordiJII Number 7 J0lJ9JJD1: EXCEPT th, IOlllh 100 lc<t lltem,f. wtllJ..E: Lob •.s.6. and 7, Block 19, earUagton Acre TnlclJ, ~ing 10 the plat dw:reof reoorded to Volume 16 of Plats, pqe 84. In Kill.I Counl.)'. W•hinl,1on: EXCEPT 1h11 poniw or aid Lot 4 lyin1 northeasteri)' of the soulhwest mugin of Rffllon Avenue, as es1abhshed by dttd recorded under Recording Nulllbet 71031601•7. Assesaor·, Pn,pcrty Tu. Patull Accoua1 Numbcr(s); 21""9-0ZIS.o2, 21441Ct-QJ'5-00, 21...., ... 21.-0 ••• ffl, w1 iu• 050001. f(f1'4711 Dakd tbitfill,iaall Day of luly, Ni..._ Hlllldred Ninlty-Nlne ·,c·. ""''ZI,-..... -f < an. 0 MCIPIC .. TIT• • •• - •• - • State or WIIShiagtm 1 County or Kine • I cenl_!y NI r bow or hive wisfactory t'Jidcnc:c lhal T tr Ma, -, Tgpl Myp kll@i lhe persm(jjwbo append before me. IDd said penon(s) acknowledged lhl1..Dlll.1iped !his instrument md acblowledpd ii IO be ..IIIEl8.. rree and \IOJunwy acl (or 1be usc.o. and purposa mmtioned in this iRStrummc:. DATED,~~ l"I<\<\ I \ ::. •••••• ~,11'1 N ,,,,,, (!f::~\i) ~ :, m_.,.._ ; ~ . ..._... . .•. ~·-.. ~ .. ~ .•. ~./ ; .. ~ ........ ~ ..... QI, ,--.-,,, ... ~ _,,- •• Recording Requested by And When Recorded Mail To: Law Offices of Gary 0. Olson 3900 East Valley Hwy. Suite 204 Renton, WA 98057 Certified Copy STIPULATION AND AGREED JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE IN PLAINTIFF'S Reference numbers of related documents: 20071022001118 GrantoJS: MINTER LLC Grantees: VAN MECHELEN, ROBERT R. VAN MECHELEN, MARYL. Abbreviated Legal Description: Por. Lot 7, Bl 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, VIS, P84 Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Numbers: 214480-0500-01 20071212000820.001 . .,., . ... ?' .. , ...... . t) ,.-~i,...,.,. , ..... - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FILED 07 OEC 11 AM 9: 29 ~', ; !-~:; CO U ~-J T Y SUP£1li.OR COURT CLERK KENT: WA 20071212000820.002 CERTIFIED COIPY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN ANJ> FOR THE COUNTY OF KING ROBERT R. VAN MECHELEN and MARY ) 9 L. VAN MECHELEN, husband and wife, ) c7~l-"33G38'·9 "4 NO, o: lnsas ?tiff 10 11 v. Plaintiffs, ) ) ) STIPULATION & AGREED JUDGMENT QUIBTING TITLE IN PLAINTIFFS ) 12 MJNTER LLC, a Washington Limited ) (ClifK5 Ac-tid\ 'f.erv~~ 13 Liability Company, and EVERGREEN ) BANK, a subsidiary of EVERGREEN ) 14 BANCORP, INC., a Washington Corporation,) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ) Defendants. ) JUDGMENT QUIETING TITI,E SUMMARY Judgment Creditors: Attorney for Creditors: Judgment Debtor: Abbreviated Legal Description: Stipulation and Agreed Judgment Quieting Title Robert R. Van Mechelen and Mary L. Van Mechelen Gary 0. Olson Minter LLC and Evergreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen Bancorp Por. Lot 7, B19, Earlington Acre Tracts, Vol. 15, Page 84 LAW OFFICES OF GARY O. OLSON, P.C. 3900 EAST VALLEY HWY. SUITE 204 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-251-93!3 • I 2 3 4 5 20071212000820.003 I. STIPULATION COME NOW the Plaintiffs, Robert R. Van Mechelen and Mary L. Van Mechelen, husband and wife, by and through their attorney of record, Gary 0. Olson; and Defendant Minter LLC, by and through its attorney of record, Dean R. Sargent; and Defendant 6 7 Evergreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen Bancorp, Inc., Pro se, through its Executive Vice s President, Dan Curtis, and based upon the adverse possession claim Plaintiffs have asserted 9 against the Defendants herein, stipulate that title to the following described real property 10 shall be quieted in Plaintiffs Donald Robert R. Van Mechelen and Mary L. Van Mechelen, II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 to wit: That portion of Lot 7, Block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 84, records of King County, Washington, lying Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Lot 7; thence South 87°30'06" East 8.15 feet along the South line of said Lot 7 to the true point of beginning of said line; thence North 00"22' 46" East to the West line of said Lot 7 and the end of this described line. (Consisting of an area of approximately 1,210 square feet.) 19 Defendants Minter LLC'and Evergreen Bank sh~l be forever batredJ'rom claiming any 20 interest in said real property. 21 The parties further stipulate that all other portions of said Lot 7 of Block 19 of 22 Earlington Acre Tracts, other than that portion described hereinabove, shall be quieted in 23 24 25 26 Defendant Minter LLC, subject to the interest of Defendant Evergreen Bank. The parties further stipulate that upon entry of this Judgment, this matter is concluded and no costs shall be charged to any party hereto. Stipulation and Agreed Judgment Quieting Title 2 LAW OFFICES OF GARY O. OLSON, P.C. 3900 BAST VALLEY HWY. SU1TE204 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-251-9313 20071212000820.004 l Law Off_u:es of Gary 0. Olson, P.C. 2 Ji c9 ~JA::::-: 3 Gary O. Olso(i.rSBA 3607 Attorney for Plaintiffs Van Mechelen fz-7&o7 Date 4 5 6 7 8 9 EVl!rgreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen /1-21?-C,? Date :~ Ba~-:?? /~/5 /v) Dati 12 Dan Curtis, Executive Vice President 13 14 15 IL ORDER & JUDGMENT THIS MATTER coming before the Court upon the stipulation of Plaintiffs Van 16 Mechelen and Defendants Minter LLC and Evergreen Banlc, and the Court having reviewed 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 this Stipulation and being otherwise advised in the premises, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: I. Title in fee simple to the following described real property is hereby quieted in Plaintiffs Robert R. Van Mechelen and Mary L. Van Mechelen. That portion of Lot 7, Block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 84, records of King Collllty, Washington, lying Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Lot 7; thence South 87°30'06" · East 8.15 feet along the South line of said Lot 7 to the true point of beginning of said line; thence North 00°22' 46" East to the West line of said Lot 7 and Stipulation and Agreed Judgment Quieting Title 3 LAW OFFICES OF GARY 0. OLSON, P.C. J900EASTVALLEY HWY. SUITE204 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-251-9313 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 lO II the end of this described line. (Consisting of an area of approximately 1,210 square feet.) 20071212000820.005 Defendant Minter LLC and Defendant Evergreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen Bancorp, Inc., their successors and assigns, are hereby forever barred from claiming any right, title or interest in the above described real property. 2. All other portions of said Lot 7 of Block 19 of Earlington Acre Tracts, Volume 15 of Plats, Page 84, Records of King County, Washington, except that portion described in paragraph I above, are hereby quieted in Minter LLC, subject to the interest of Evergreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen Bancorp, Inc. Plaintiffs are forever barred from claiming any right, title or interest in said real property. 3. This Judgment having disposed of all claims asserted herein, following entry of this Judgment this matter is dismissed with prejudice and·without costs to any party. 12 13 DONE IN OPEN COURT this 1\ day of~ , 2007. 14 15 16 ~TCOMMISSIONER 17 18 19 Presented By: Law Offices of Gary 0. Olson, P.C. _.2ioo,c Garyo.oisotf,WSBA#13607 20 Attorney for Plaintiffs Van Mechelen 21 Form Approved; Notice of Presentation Waived: 22 McKisson Sargent & ()liason, P.S. :: &~<w Dean R. Sargent, \vs #j80 · 25 Attorney for Defendant Minter LLC 26 Stipulation and Agreed Judgment Quieting Title 4 BRUCE GARDINER /)-.,2,'? ,(] 7 Date LAW OFFICES OF GARY 0. OLSON, P.C. 3900 EAST VALLEY HWY. SUITE 204 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-251-9313 •, ·.· ,, ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Evergreen Bank, a subsidiary of Evergreen BZ2o;;;? Dan Curtis, Executive Vice President Stipulation and Agreed Judgment Quieting Title 5 200712 2000820.006 ,r,,,;f /o) Date LAW OFFICES OF GARY O. OLSON, P.C. 3900 EAST VALLEY HWY. SUITE 204 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-25!-9313 STATE OF WASHIN County of l<ing ~f t:1e State o-f \ft/a.shlng1: . ~G:.-;~ i hav~ cornp3.ii;)d lMe fo ... ty~., •1.· ~ .. :-;• r t-:::in9, da h0roby certrfy ;:'i.h tho crieJirr:.~i fr.s.trument ilS i~ .-.: ~,<Hr1e a;'.}p;;:::ars on file and d racor,.:: in rny omco, .:it:d that tho ::ern0 i:: . .-.i l:"ue a:1d perfect tmn:-;crfpt o~ said or!g1r;e.; ar;d cf !h~y.•h1::-io ·;·l-w;rt;ot ti·. TSs·r·;~-_~Q~..JY \'VHfEEOF, I i",.1·.,-,3-i'":s;cur;t;-' .!i'C-tmy !'",2.n:J an:J :-:5. i 1.:-f s::.,,r,::l Superior Court .u.t n,y oii·)c;."": ~-i~ f'~DE"\/'}:) thi~"J·.-,,~-,•t- 'J. SHAULIS 20071212000820.007 1111111111111111 20110527000513 "INTERS EMLIN aco 65.N PAG&-001 OFH4 "5/Z7/2fJ11 11:12 ICING COI.IIITY, UA E2493202 IS/27/2111 11: 1.2 ICING COUNTY, MR -..... . SALE sz.see.ee TO PlraMortiMor--~ WASHING TE NSTA RDER RECO s 'S Cover beet IP.CW f.i5.04l Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to yourdooumentmutbe filled in) I. C1. !,!'I: '-I.bl f:\ 'D~D 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) ofDocnmenb assigned or releued: Additional refeft:nc:e #'son page __ of docwnen.t Gnntor(s) Exaaly as name(s) appear on document I. t..lN(DLI< f\-L0\11~ "f.li) • B~t-lE ""1RI~ 1) LO\:>!°" ' 2. Additlooal names on page __ of document. Grsntee(s) Euctly as name(s) ._ on d°"""""t I. "" 11.TTf'i' s bLC 2. Additional names on page ofdO<\IDIClll. Legal deocriplion (abbr.viatod: ;.,. lot, block, plat o, section, township. range) 'll',:rl-l'OflllO,..• 0 ~ lCl' r( 1 !:)LOC~ 10, I; ARl,1N6ll)N ~CU-T?At"/~ ~£{" A1t~>ttP Additional legal is on page __ of documenc AJse&oor's Property Ta• Parcel/Acrount Number D Assessor Tax # riot yet assigned --, -....... ''V -'21~'{90 0?60 The A~erwill rely on the information provided on dm form. 1be staft'will not read the document to vaifv the ....... .._ or comaleteness oftbc ; .. ~ .. infonnadon ...... Yidcd herein'. "I am Up.Ille below ud paying u. additional S50 rererding fee (u provl~ Jn RCW 36.Jl.010 aad refernd to 1111 an emerceaey nonstandard mtameat), becaue Otis doca.meal doa aot meet margin ·aad ronnattlag n!qllirmlea1'o Fartlaermore, I hereby andentaDCI that Ole ree.rdlnc: proceu may cover ap or otJaenrise obscare some part of the text of the orlglaal dMament u • rault oftlllil reqaest." Signature of Requesting Party Note to ,ubmHNir: Do aot ,..a above nor oar addldoaal SSO fee lrtlac doc1u11eat mee:11 m• 'rw1uh1!11HD11 201 lb52foWSi3.60i McKlsson Sargent & Olia son P .S. 1900 West Nickerson St., #209 SeaWe, WA98119 QUIT CLAIM DEED 2011052/000513.002 THE GRANTORS ,Lincoln A. Louie and Anne Marie D. Louie, husband and wife_, tor and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, convey and quit claim to Minter, LLC_, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King_, State of Washington, together with any interest therein which Granter may hereafter acquire: See attached Exhibit "1" Dated: __ y.,,_Z,-'-/-,~,,_0J--'-z,._ __ , 2011. ' ~-=--#..L:- LI STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. County of King ) On this day personally appeared before me Lincoln A Louie, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the Wand purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of Af'e.JL , 2011. SU£ H CHOW NOTA~BLIC STATt:: CF W#SHINGTON :'.::r.:',' ··, : . E iPIFIES JlL f 9 201i NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Stale of Washington, reskfing at oottvue- Commission Expires: 1 16( ( lf:.V 1 1u;;,,,,:1uu~ 1.;1.uu.;1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55. County of King ) ~ On this day personally appeared before me Ann, Marie D. Louie, to me known to be the Individual described In and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ltl'" day of Afri:! '-, 2011. SUE H CHOW NOTAR(P;UBLIC STATE OF ~HINGTON COl.lt<.11$'.:...-"'; !:.(P1RES JULY02011 NO ARY PUBLIC in and for the S . o Washington, residing at ffi' r%"'° Commission Expires: 'j I I! LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 10, EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 84, IN KING COUNTY, WASffiNGTON. LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF RENTON A VE SOUTH. EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR RENTON A VENUE BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 2633591 AND 7103160165. BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. .::v I IV::>£/WV:;J l~.VV'I -..5=-.._c::-/I,-..,=,-.• .E'OO rE"ll:"-r ~Cc:.=-'"',;,, ~C-._..:: / /,_, • 4<>0 l""T OCOJoATJON C,o-r-,-c,~,'-'-di<. ,,y,...,-,-,-va_.,..,.... c.-,-,~ =-----=- A.C:..KNOWLCD9MCNT I") I. r .. hiu Hano 907~ louth ll2nd !It, J8118 uA.11 1011c2n ' WARRANTY DEED ------···-·----------·--·····---- r, ... 01 .,. l.111 ;~i" .. ,.,1 .. ,.1 1J:O,b,h~.OO)P'our 'I'hou111~ rov Hund.1'04 Sa'tW'1t.7'P'in I, 10/.l.OOnnuiu ---· ··-··············-·-··--···-·-···-·--··· . . ~-·--- ".'Id ,,thf•i' _.-,)1u1hlc• c·11t111klrt11li11a, i"hJtv1·~· ____ n111t ••ttt1nt ___ In lfw (',11111?:~ nr .,lnJ, :illll(t 11f W11dtle1tft1, nll lntcrrJl in 1hr foH"'rinJ dr-•rril,rti n,11l-r11.t11tr: f.. pi:,rtion ot Lot 4 1 llloclt 19' & Loh .i, 6 fa 1 1 Hock UI of &i:rU.niton Acre Tncb tn Sec. 13. 'h,p 23 ...... ' E.-. W.H ••• Hcorded in Veil. ~ of Pl•t• ...... 84 :r.cor,h ~f Kln1 County, Wuh, l.7in1 betv.e"Q th• •xh ting s: ly l/W U.ne of -.ntol'I Ave, ; and KI ly of • liM tle1cu-tbed •• :follOIII: · 11a1lnl'llng .tt • ,~tnc. oppotite !r,tu·'• su. 32"+80 ae 1u~1G'd ,i,y Una Count, lutwy Ho-. 11·23·.5•18, 31 f'Ht S'lr lffldn ... lll'ed U rl&J,t angles lr(IIII the HhterltM of Renton Avenue; thence Jf,W 1 ti, to a point Dpposih. E:r.lgr•1 Ste ... )s+oo, .a dtltance of n.s ft .. ,. S,W"'ty vhe.n aeua-c-ed •t-·d'ght •nat.• fm111 HU cutul:Lne; Thncie N'.W'ly paullel vith Hid: ~ntnlb1e to • point oppodt• Enar't StA. :J?+IS a dhtanc. of if.j It., whe,a •u11.1TGd •t right •n1les.!nn Hild. cnter1tnei t'benct N.1f 1 1y to • tllr*lnua oppaatta !nsr 1 , st.a. )&UO, & clhtance r4 44 rt. 1.v, 111 wlten munred •t ri1ht ans.le• hm ,atcl ciltnterltne: uid point b.eti,1 ·on tlle S 11y R/W line of So. 130tJi St. Cont.atnihs 64o+zo20..1ezo+1600 • 6 .. :,a. Sq.Pt.- Maxia\111 vtdth of slopt .. 17 feet Area of 1lop• 31260 1q, ft, R/w RfllTON AVINU£:S(90th Ave, So. tu 76th Ave. So.) /, -'> " ,~ .<:....,.,.;,, ..... ~'rl;,~ ,,! ·: .•i b • part cm,lid•r•Uan tor t..hb "LNnHcl-icm St 11 under1tood:· and~~ th.It, t,ha Orantee wlll N<ion1t.r\le\ t.ha Dl'ant.or• "1Hlne •PPl'O•chH on ~ tin at or nNi' Hi.«hw•r Encin,er• • ! L&t..ha J1i •2'S end. )6+80. · · lt 11 C\IJ'thtr und@r•Lood and Agreed that t.tie Or-ant.on herein. ira1, t-o line Ooun.t7 or lta A1ent.1 t.he rl&flt to ent.tr upon L11f' r.r.ant.ora abutt.lng landt vhffe ')6Cqtaa7 t.o cOl"latnct said app2oac:h1a. ln,1r4•tl1r, Wl'th lhi• Jighl lu lll1tl.:1• 1111 nr1•1•!11110,\· "IDfll'~ f'l~ t"iltll Hd ((ll.._ bf'<'" I~ "hlllliAJ; poprt,ty nll t•,tt•h •idt· ,,t .in-, ,1.,,,1 ._·t,il·h ,,. "'""· ,., 111•.1· t.., roq:l'-fmrl<'d '"''""1nr, ''" '!1-•ilf ...,.1~,-. tll <'Dftf1WD1il1 woth 11.,~.-.t1ml ,.a.n,. amt •p1•,·1(11·•IH,.. .. r,111 li11rh'W•.\· 11urptwtr>,., 11111!1 '" lt1r ,UJllf' 1•111r>11t 11d pu,pote1 111 ir lfM' riiht• hi'l'f"i!1 ,rrM1,1t.J luut tw~•fl •1·•1Hlh'tl hy r111Mf('1111111tiur, f1'•M·1 .. •,ll11 • .., 1U'lll!'t ·~fdlM'nl Dn11al1t •t111a11•11 n( lht-:,;IIOl• ,,r lli.i~lti1.ilnh, · Daled w. ............. !'.L ... ., ..... , ol ......... --,1':!:~---·········-.......... A': I), j~.!L .. Wn,,IM: . .:;r ,, " .. ..,___ 1i . '•••~,,-i.~.r.~~•-•--•-,w .. Jb. ..... ~.,,2.!.1.4........._ _________ _ 1 ; I STATE OF WASIIJ!1t:.;TON COUNTY OF 11NG ... On the. ............... 1.!~ ..... tll.)' or. Ma.uh .... , ia.?.; ...• beJore ~. a Jf°"'7 PU.bUc in an-d for CJ11118l.a.~ of Wu.hlnJtlm, dllJy cortltl'lldonftt find JWOm, pencmiJIJ ~-~'2.~--·· ... ~~.~!~~~!1-.~~-~-~~--~ .. :iH1t ........... __ .... h ............ ,_,,.tc me ~,m loiO ~ Uli lndhtduall, .. . deter~ ffl and..~-~•Y. O'l'l"Ulcd lh, WllhJn 1naLnunt.nl &hd t.ekn~iwledgel ta ~ u.aUhu... .... .dJnecl • ........ ~ .• !,: ........... ·-Md YO!unt&ry ac1 Md ~. '"'~ -11114 pur- l ~If '11.M nntt"1•1 """' th, day and. Yf'l;r flint ~\tin: _' .. , ! • \• • ll ,, N a) .~ .. ~,6.{~.· '4-~ . .e4. .............. . '\~ -.; ,' -~ .' .. , ,."' / "°'" hbil'lc bl nlf ~,., ,,.,, •t ••btlfMt, "·'·.. , .... •' . 'lo,; '•,: I f , \_. • + / ~Jlf 111-~1 .. A'aah.lagi,a .... ~~~ ..... ~,. t/'',\'1 ,\ .. •· •,,,,.._,,,,,,,,,•·' JC(JiR]Or(fflJ,.'l10ff ACIC.HOWLl:DoMZN"r ~W) ST~TII OP WASIDWOTON, f I ... Cou111TY o, K,NO, On this ... _,.,, ............ d•y ol .. . -.......... " .. ----, .... ,. ............. -.. beloi. me Pll"ODlll7 appeared '" ....... ,. .......••. ~ ...... -,_ .. ___ ., ........... ,, ,,,.,, and ,, .• ,, ... , ... ,._,,,,,,,,,,___ : o••M .... --.. .._,-...... . to ... -to be ......... _ ............................................... .Jr.ad ........... __ . _____ ., ____ ., __ _ of the ~tkln lhat f"Xf(Utcd tht rprqoCng lnllrul'r:lenL and acknowledpS u.ld IPlltnunent to bt the 'frfe and l'Oluntar7 act and dml OI Aid corporaUo,n, for t.h~ UNI and ~ lhereln ~e IJcmed, and on oath ,ta.~ it,;1t . .... ,-Ht.homed to U,,CU~ lnllrutnent and that the aeaJ aatse4 II tht .cerponte IIN1 of aid corpM'lluon. '· . ., Olnn under·m1 h&nll Md offlclal tea.I the day and :,ear t&a lhn-t ~ttm:· II"'*-/ l'll&llt ,,. ·aftCf ,.t,;;-;t.. Of 1'~ - ~ al------··-·;---"---... .----- ' I ,::!i fB I 11 ! ~ i J '• ! j,; l ' -~ I ! '. r·-' !!: I I j / i ~ ' r ! ! I~ 11 Q ' I ! ' ~ I ; t~ I J ' I / ~ I I~ i I I (") .~ ~I l ' fa [ ' ' ~ t ~ I ! ' .. 1 j "' ,I 1 ' ' ~l I J ' I ./ I ti -l s I I I -il ' 1 I ,; • I ,. ' ' :l!j ~ ·1 f I ,I I !• j i ' ' s' ' ! i I I 1 ' ' ~ ~ \Ji ' • ~ l ! 6 I / l. I '"'i s ! ~ 1 ~ t Fll[O ~ , ·, co,1 ~4i-•ur Roeof'd t1t Fl ' ~--......... " ...... _ GREAT W£ST£/'1N Te1"rVt~' "' ----1<£1.lll,r..-10~ Tn;ro A [ . Saa tu w•, iue ,r.,.,_ . , e. W.ashrnatutl Cil84n .. _, 115 11W 11 00 -, •. -.... _ ~--.. -----·----.. ·-. ·- ---------- lle,.n C. C1"HU· l.3030 hntort A.1/'C!. 93178 t<,t ~, llock 1ft, u.111..a. 1011 on WARRANTY DEED --------··---------·-.. --...... ·-·········--· .. -~;.-------··-- r1,rth .. ,·on11ih•rn1l1'1111/'(t?SO,OO}_SEVgr{.HUNURED tll"Tr and Not3,oo·'.~.·--..... -.,. .. DoUau . 1 tt_.f ,,H11•r \'dunh\1• r,,.uiidl'ratii.,., ,·nnyr~· ·-· 1mrf Wfll'tHl.,. •• 111 lht-r-il\llll~e.t KhlJ, St1111• Pl W111.ltin~ffll, -.II lnlt•N'•l in IIM" 1"1Jl/11"1tln1t ,r.,•rrlb.•,i ,rnl Plll"!P: That portion of Lot 4·,. n~1c 10 of EnU.01;'tcn Acra TrHta tu l.-c1, U, 1'IIJ 23 R, 1 Ra• 4 1., w.11.1 •• ntordad tn \lol, u of Pl.au, Pat• Ill\ lteotml, of lf.Q County, Wa.h. t.ylnn bttwcn th• e11:tattnt S'ly, 'R/W tine of Rentott Ava, &ad •Jl7 of th fotlVifl.l duc:r:Lbllel Uno: k&i.nnln,r,· at • point 31' a.11•1y wt.on •••ltrOI at iiisht aq:lt11 frcm1 tho centcirlbu, of bnton ,be. , •t f!ngt •, su, 32+80 1 • svrvGyerl b:, nns CO'u:nty .Road Survey Mo. u,.13 .. 5 .. 111; thcmce frm Hid point of ff1trm~· W'h· tD a polnt •t i:ita, 35+00; Hli:I point ,11t111 37,S ft. s 1 ly llhcm •••und at: rtlht an,t .. to •att! caterllni.. · Contaf.nt.na 1,010 s,. Pc, ~ ·width af Sl!O'Jle • • 10., feet 0Area of Slope , .. S40 Sq, Pt. •1• u,,mr' A""11! s. (90th ,s. •. ,. JJth ~ .... s.. > ··~ .lufl'lhrt >l·h!i, Ill.• n,:hl lu llllll!,• 11Ji n1•,•,•,.,.11r~· •lnJW'" r,11' ,•11to, •fkl fill,,; 11pon tl1t• 11bullh1111 P'n,t'tly ft .. _.. 11idt-nt an.~ ,,...,t 111dtidt illl 'In.-, •1"-1111,y hr r1~'lllr11('&.•rl ht<r1•.f1.f1,.,t '"' •11,id Pf1)Jll"'1)', l:n t'd«"'il)' trillh .,.,.,nt1l1rit 11111.11>, 1u11I "'tJl•dCi,•1111,11:1~ tnf' hi,1~°"·,i,· 1'Urp,111t<N, iuul 1 .. ''"' .,..,.. ,i1.111•t •M ,..,-r11 11• l( lh.r ,i~tic11 hrN•in 11,,.,,11,11 h11d ht•1•,i 11r,,.,iff,,j h~ ('olltl1•11111n1i,u1 1ir1"''~"1•1li11J11 1attllrt f:aint-nt Dunulll'! lltah1IL'" nf tlw• Slo11c• of r.•ft!ihi11i,:1u11. Daied tblL-.......... ~J~ ...... day ot ........... ~ .. ~ebruaiz ..... .. ""·-,--,,-.,-.. ""··--·······--·-------.............. 1 , ............................. , .. _______ .... , ............. l I I ,:f· '. STAT& or WASHINGTON COIINTT OF IJNG ... 2Jrd FebnJ.D.r)' 11 , · On Lht.. .. . ... d11;y or , Ut, ..... , befON,ffil'. • Jfot.ary PUbllc In and lot the 8~ or Wuhlnf1,0n, du11 r.ommLwtoned 1111d ~. pencmal11 'lme--~~.!'.~~~ ...... -- .. ~!.~-~-!~.-~.~--~-~~---~~--t,i;-m:~.~~ .. -..... . .... ,.--... ,.... . .. to me ~n· .ta bt the lndltktutJ.f. ... deterlbed tn &nd.~_l' .. uetulrd UM' wU.hln 1rwitnammt 1nd ,~ltn,,wlfdtil lo .. th&l .... ~~-... .Jtaned an« ..std QR wne -. ...... ~~~~ ...... ·-·--Jree aruf ..-olunblry act~~~ 1~;~• UNI and pu1pa1a th -· . h•nd &nd offlel.l1 &nJ thf da.r 1ind :rev am J~ ... ;;;;~ttd{:;;:£.;~. ·~ lt'*'11• •t __ S!;'t.tl• .. ~·t:--... •CORPORA110H ACXN()WLJ:DOMBtn' ftMtW1 OTOH. Coun,,.o, l(J ... On lhl&c .......... ~ . .. day "' . I"" I ... ,. ..... _ .. .,._ .. . --. ................... . .. .... befon me penonal1y 1- and ••••••"••••••••-•••O••••"•-••-,••••••--M-.. ,--.. -....... , ... ,,.,, tc tne ltno,n, tCI be the ........................... ~ .... ·~--.and-.. -.......... ______ , ·---............. " .. -··· ol Lh.t ciarpor,.tton Utai CJlt'CUted lhl! roreg:oJng IMUufflant. and aclmowledftd nkS lnlt.rumeal to tit lh8' -1~ encl mlunt.at) 1ct ind-4t:td or Wd mtp0f'alkm, tar the URt Ind purpo1e1. Uaeretn rnen- tJonc¢ ~-°" oath ttated lhlL ........... ,.--·-·-·-···-··-· ........ ,aulhortaed to nceutt aakl Instrument and 01,en WI~ ~1 hand and official ,eaJ lhe day ~d 1tar Jut. abon fit~ 1971 lt'P. ii; 1ft 8 00 NN.ry h-CINc In •lld ,;-UN-it.. Of ·~ ..,.,,,,, d ·---··--~... ; '-·-··•h•·-"-------·- ~ f j 'b j I. i ~ s 1 i i r I ! i ! I • . if l ! H f J, g ~ ! J .JI .. I . If If I~ I r i I i I I j l I ! , I Fl!~ ro f ~'r r.:,~,:~-.-,t ft,~-~t1'1S.t of GREAT WES rErc:•J TlTl.E 70!i ·r f,1r1 I A-.·r~r Sr:am<.:, W.:.1!.h111u1u11 uu,lo-\ ,._ • F LCD lor HEll"'(Hd N RMUC~\ ;;: GREAT WESTERN TITLE ·, 705 n,irrJ A,:nnut? ' !;CclltlC, WiJ ~hw;;t:.m 90104 llig;blat1d11t tnvubftmit ..CC-,,~ . . 2821 N,E, 8th Pl, -------..-.....U.A,6. 1017 (27) llc:ntont Wo'h. H055 , W ARRAN1Y DEED ,wt, 11/11 1962 ll-14 lM5 ·-··------··· .. ··-········------·--·--··--·--·----··-·-~~-------·--· rn, thr r11111'irl1•r111i,si ,t(.f;2,680.00)Ttro THC\JS)J;J IIOKT Hllff-,lmJ tIO!i'f't' a}.d 10/1.0U ---0111\ar, ....._~..._.w,....,_:..,:-......_, 1·11"~1·.t -.-.. ,11ul Wf'mtlli 1 ••• 1,11h,.• l'on1m1/i,, ~~i •. ~1•k' ol WuhWlrtnn, J" ,i ·ftll i11tl'N"'-t i1111,t, tu11,,win,c .tf'11Nibr-1I tral t1111a11 1 : !'. That portion cf. kltt l &: 2. Block 19 1 1!:.arhn1ton t.cn Trac.h Jn sac, 13, Twp 23 1f., 1&111 4 E., W,K, u r~c:ordod 1.n Vo1, 15 of Plate,. 1-1• 14 record• ot Kint Cct., Vuh. Lyina s.v1 ty of th<' ulattn.g S'ly R/V Una of Renton .\va, • ... £1 1~ of a Hu da•cri .. d •• fol levl: 1.t1tnnhq et • polnt appo1t t-e Enar' 1 Sta, 29 + 26 u ·aurve:,at lPJ' Ktng -count;t Survoy 110. 11•2l•5•11J, Wen -.ea,uf'ed 1t dght 1ngle1 36 feet s.v•i,. fr<a De ccr,UrHM o! bntDll l.w:.; 11,once N~W'ly to • t•t11ilnut At • po!ht Oppo1tte lint Couaty En•r'• s.u. Jl + 41 lA1r.n IICNIMW«Jd at right 11.n,:let .36 .£1.!d s.W 11,. Ct• did Oh\t•rU.n•• Cci~t«ihint 31lO s~. ft. ~ vltltti r,f :.. lbpt :27 feot .\t'e1 of 1lopo 2,IOO ~. Ft. klw RhTOR .\VEffllf: (90th Ave. so. t·o n-"Ch Ave. So.·) Ae I par\ cona:lt!erat.ion tor lhi1 t~~tJon~ k1na County, W'll,lOC\orti acr-11 to conatnact Oi"i"' AXP C:Ct itC'A.i> A7PRCA.;;.m:s ntent:, P'ih laet in tirilltJt, ai. -er Rt.r ~ !ngiJlen'• SUt.J.on• 29•?S and Jlfd1Va7 -.:1nMzt 1 a !t.at.lar, .ll•2S, 1~ 1' hr\ber a:s.r.toad. and agred that. \ht Count7 1111 h•r:ebr. C"11t.f Ui.• r~.,,t t.o ent.er \lp(lft the l"lllhn Qu:tttr,c propert,)" "lrtu1N1 nacHH?"f to coa.,t.l'\l~ ••W lPPRO.\Cfnz~ .·. , P'urUl•i:-.ti Mint: W'l<Mrat.ood AM &grl:M. t.l'a&t ~ the 1~ar.~ that. i,., ~t.oi-,. hiil l\e1n, IUCCHS01°S OJ' aa11cta, ahall u:c:av:ai.t l!'d/• pla04 In Slllb&nk!Ufi~ "'~ t.h.-&NI C~1red. b)" t.hil .S~t MSiJ:UU? t.c-Vi" le.v1.l .,_ .U..-p~ .Q!' the 1bcne Nr1~1.«.•'f) l'lishWaJ' abut.tine tJu1teon, all T"i4bt.e ot· I.he £~\•~ ~•r!'µ,. •M'l l cease and tar-1.ft•"-'• ,, -R. Thh ia bein9' J'•-r•oorcled to ecrreat the 6esc::ript.ion h~retn. ~ ., . . ; \ . ' . : ' . ' .. ).\,,, ..... ~: .... '"- ll'111·tlti.•, •·tlh Ow tb:ht 111 mMk1· MIi rw(·,• .. "JU'" 1!11,111·~ for 1·1>l ... n1ul rill .. \If'"" 1t,,, abltllina fW'ftJW't'O·""' 1•1tdl llitlt• nf 11n,11 r1;11il l'rhWh 111 lh,,,.,, ltt ra")' 111• ,•1111,.ll'tl••lf•rt fl<•t1•t1nr•t ,,n "ll~l fll'40pl'l'h 1 ffl t'Mr1 .. fflit)' Y.ith I\IJltt,1111"<1 pJn;o, '111•1 "l••,1(•·1111,~1, l\,r hiJ!l11tll:\" 1•nr11t••1•,o, 11nd 111 ltll".~J!NI' 1•~h•nt •ltll ,U,JKIN'II illll ,r llu• r.i«bl" lwti'in v1111u1..-I hlt<l i...,,,1 c,·,1ulff',t h~ 1·,11t1li•mnn11nn 1,r111.·N·tlle51, 1rt11lc-i t111inl'lnl 01Mr11in •i11t11l•·~ ,,1,1,~. ~'"'•' .,flll;:1!1hi11,:1 .. 11. Nl•'PI .... ' 1 4 f I l i ' i iB ~ -- (, L :JJ ,? :g ,... I STAtt OF WASIIIIIGTON CO'ONTY OF tiff(; 0,, I>~ ..... . day of t.o me kno'Wn to 'br: Ult I ' ... .... _bolori mt pmonlll1 1pp,am! atl.d •.. ,, ...... -........... _~·-·---·· .. ··-·-··-·-----............. , .................................... _, ________________ , ___________ _ of -lht cor.por'"'1on \ti;•\ t':tt'CUt.ed lhe forqoln1t lnlLrumenl, and ackf'loW'led,fed llid tnat.rwnent tc be Utt· -~-•Ad Wtlunlary nc\ itnd dttd of uJd t-nrpttntlrm, for \hf, me& and purpmet lbeteln men-- -Ucine<l, . .-wii on oa\h •~&cd lhaL ............... -.... . otvm -urulu my hand andi offltlal ,tat I.he dap. and :,ev lad UClve wrl.lten. -------·-------·--···· ......... .,,i... ... _________ ,,_,,._,_,, llof ... l'lllrllt flll..,, /r,fjfu au,,.,~. ·~ °'--i:--... -~---~--.. ----·--·-· ' ."!'., • .. i ~-"' \"" 1~ l l )I! .. ~ I I ,, =! C-!--:-"-, ' i ·-·-' .. d 8 ,.;j ' i \ \ ~ . ~1 .5 [ "' • i ::t:; ::t:: t ' ~ .. f . . Cl ! • i :13: .. i !I : ! I I i I 1 t"<"1 ~ ! • ; ., l I ~l i {Ii f ' ~ I I;) , 'J ·, I l i .: I 1 11 . ' "1" J i I I ~! ~--ii ,_! a t ; I ' I 0-J l ! :, I ! i I l ii i "'! j j 1..: l .!I .,, I ~. ~ .. i I 11 I ~ ~ ~i ~-i~ f j f •' ; ! ~ ;J() l ~, J ··~~:: 5 ! I I S I ' 8 ;i l 'li i ... .it I ~ ,t~ l •DI: .. fw Pl~-""iii;,i,,~f ii, ' J rEE i ,ct~•~to ~-u,/ 1 ~ YOl-•• -....... -.... -... ....... "71,IUII~· 11 oo "' I--.. ,-GE.----111:MII a,: "' o~,~ ~--~~ ---.. ~ .-.;, nO::'a.ic 1971 ,Mj 17 l'M 8 00 .. :,:.,:,~ EU.~ rro"~ • IC!Nt~ 0 • ~ bG Ii Cl) •• C . y & VJ ·. C ~ ... "f 41 -;1~tc,.:iii~,.~ce.:-r>s" 1;=,,.~ (I.ECTtONS•KfiG CO. NH. .... ,_ .!:: :,: 0£,UTl' l.' q; C. cJ 1,.1 LtJ f" .. tu:cn1111 ~0~: . .-,;-.$. ,t ,, ___ J I I . i -- / ---I• Fountatn tihJ~ lllptt9t Church J..ln4$ lteriton AW:, 980'8 V,A,a. 1017 (17), tot ,. llnc:k 19 WARRANIY DSED rnnt.tn 111ble Bll.pU•'i cfi:W"Oh> tnc., Md Tt,c,. ar,11.110, ___ IM!-"'1" ·--·---------~----------- Crut Northweat f'oderal savlnqa , i.o.n l\ .. oichtJ;o11, forNr1y ____ tlJ:I.LtlllfrAJ.._Jaylftg ..., .ldlfJI..Au•dUl9JI •! kll!U1PA~-------- ($1,.J60.oo) n1m,m !MmREI> ann &1111 101100 • -•• - forlht-1?n1u1i;-lc-t1tllon "°·----·-··-----.. ·-· ------·---~ _ Doltlrt ·' nn.t "'-°""" i•111)1111l,lr C'mt111l1h'f11HM, <'nlW(>y ·---,i,d wa"ut ... _ to ~-tr, C-,kmt1 4'rf lUn1, Stato at 111'ublnrtat, 111 IM"l'e'hl ifto lht-fflllfl'll'iR• .iflllMibc-d r.rnl t>l\lnlf': Thlt jNlrt,' ,t1 bf I.Gt: 3 1 llt!1clt. U, Sarlingtoa. ~" t'rdta bi. Sec, 13, 'hip, n N'.,. a,. 4 I., W.H. H N:cc:mlocl bl Vol. 1S of Plats, hp 64 1 recorc1.a 0f'.K1tt& Count,, Vuh: 1)-tq_s.wt1, of the txtsUns .s.•.y 1./U u..-of a.ntorra..,,.~ • •.E•t, of• U:ne Wc:ribed .. follovt: lealnntn, at • potnt optodtt lngr'• s,u. 11 + ill •• ••rvtyed by Uni Co ...... , f Ul•1Jo0!•l8. Wen MalUUd •t :right Nlilu 3fi , .. t l,V 1 ly lfcm. th• can."tltne, of I.en ton Avo. i Thence Jf.V' ty ."to-··. t.etldnQ u • potat -,,O,it• ~"8 CD"9'.lty .!ngtftfftl Sta. 32 + 7l when ... •ur-4 at r.1ahc ·•nalH ::I~ r••t S,W 1 ly bCIII •• ., ... , .. u.... . : : (JJ,,_ Ccmta~nlna l,G.50 Sq. Ft. ll'W 1962 UNToN AVD\11 ,\(,Otft Ave. ,o. to 7'th Av.. So..-) ,?11 lUlderotood and .,.. ... '""t :ti,, !RWtTD boreln llh&U ... _t Ill• exinl"I . IJl'h.Oi.mt at. or n .. r H~l: ... .s. Jl•!it0'«1 .th• i.r,. AM> .alto thuednlnc appro&dl st o,, nur ffiali""J Dl&:iaor'• St.at.ton Jt'tojS on,. tlie lett.. n 1• tu.rUMr 'llndtratood lad. olll'ltd lllat t.bo a,.....,. bOl'ea l!'ll!h I<> Klog Count.J,1 W.111i11£1<>n· O!' it.a -ta t.bo ftlht to Inf.et" llpoll t.h• o,.ant.or, •buttita&' pNptlFV Wbffl ~-.,. f.o;hOOllSVUI N14 AP.PftO.ACHIS. i! fl I/ ti • 1,,i,,1 .. .'r _.i,11 rlw t1,:tlt lo 1nal.1 1 11H ntot'l"AJui,y alorw-11 t,r ~•111 anrl rHl11 -.p,,n ·ti., alHHllllr "'°"'"' «in ·.1•rwtt '"itl" ,, 11r,_\· r•111tl l'l'hlrli i11. 111.~ ,: ut ,..,.\'_ ht-,nm111t!K't«>d tw>, .. n,., t1t1. 1akl ·11tOPGrt1 1 In ennir"-'•kt _w.it.h ~'!,nd1ml 11Jnn11 111tm· 11""1"H'~,itjf11111 .f_>tt ,.ii•'l'II> 1,w...,,.H, aml M t~ ...... ..:leat nd purpo .. , u :it' ·thi> ,irh111 """"'i" .tf'llRtNt "h•l·.~··ir •r1111il'IN1 by -·'""'l•m11J1ltfw, p,111tN1din1• -..de, E1111t,,a1 D01Hln 11:tJ1,CMl1P111. o(u~,-r.i,u,..· •if:1!111•·:~lnd_11t1> . I I I I I ! ' l ! .rrA'lt. OF WASHfN'G'T'ON. 1,., Cn11ti1, of lll!il'\9 j ()n lhD 10th ,l"f l)f Ji!o11rch , If) !l. ~I~ ll)t, I A Mlluy f'\,f\fir In •lld ((If !ht' i'/JI!' l'I( Wnli,11'1,tf"", •htlr t't'llbOli11~11'f'1t 111rt ,....,,n, ~·It, •Pf'ltlftd Rod W'i llio1lfl• .iJ J ....,. Hotv.lndro . 111 I»<' k,.....,.,. 111 t,e ,h~ Y.tw ~/'N>Jf1U ~~, Aaabtant ~·11-1~,r. ·~ti,Tfy, nf !' 1M et1tr-,Hllio'ft I l..1.1 t't\"CUlc-.1 tfw, ''"'#~";t inUNtflrnr, 11h11 .aa-kmiwlnl#J 1hc: .... ii.I hilltulnf:9 ffl ~ thr I a!1 1t1d 1fftl'! r,/ H"l n11rur.,1;. .... fot 1t...,-11\l'\ .tn,I f'I~ 1hmi11 ~lnn":1, p,,},... ~ lfat,d fhat 1wlhnriaeo.l 1" mn,11, 1tw, ••hi "'"'"'Int'"' #11' Oul ri,,.. .-JI .tli,ac,I rn -'ftYl 11 t)w-1w1inrttc-wtl hf 11W "'""'" -............... ,,, ... , '-'• ..... , ..... 1~ ·~~~~-· ,,.~~~3~:ll , · ~-.... -O•-HWO•,••o•tO.. tftlJ#li..,.---~e1c:,. I STATE OP WMIIJNOTON, , ... ~11"1'Y or Knfo, ) On Ud&..,w,-!,!~ .. ~ .. day O,,,,.,,, .. ~~~-~~: .. .!!!~ ... :,_M .. _..,_ .. ,.,_,. 0/o•nbtlott•Dle s,enondy I.PPNl1d Ro,:er. D. __ lflru,,r. and_ Wral.. M. __ 1'Mingar .............. and. •·--· Ol1Y'fffi •. Shotllillc•t.__._ __ -·---.. .. to me known IO 119 \he ___ ---~-.. ~~~.! .. -............ ·--........ _.ffld ___ .!.~!..t:!!_ -·------ or the CCWpon-tlot!. that executed the-lort,o&nr lnatrum~l, .anct ~owleit,ed wd lnttrvment to be I.he f'rte and_ '°hmlarJ' ,ct and dffd of lll9d l!Xlrpor•UM, IQr ·in. ua11 atwl. pW'Jllbla: thmfn··lllfn.. u oath If.a~ tl.a.L..~-~.!:'f~~.-.-............. :. _____ ,aulhorited ta exeeute ta!Tl·tnatiinntnt .... • O 1i-, .,,,_....,...,..et,...W a tpo.•tfeft. · . "'!~-~-·----~ .. --,.., ... ~ '/ ' ;. .~.1.,.:.,... .. .. 4-~.~ """'""~·-·"-··-··:\~·'" ........ 1 "°'"'"''*'•'"fir ~., • ..,.,,.... ~;,:.' .. t~~·<"'-.-· ._., a..lu..\Ut · ---·---- '& ~ ,., ~ -~ ,. ·~-:,j·· . ~' ,~..... . ~' ,, .! 'I ll ~ '~ 2 ! ii .. • ~ ~r I A!l)4JO ~~~~ 'HJll '00 f)M>1•tNOll.,)1J 'f _lt'l'JS:·.>_#U•II0.1,:.0~hO o, & IN 61 WI! IW ""' ,n·-~w. -.. -.. -·:ao .. ., . . .............. ,,,.. nir.i,o,: ;!l I~ I ; I i i ; / J; ,, J :! ~ f f ! ' J ' ~ ' ~1 j i ' .. I ~ '{' I I I j fi !:h:111 !/ ,~ :( M & ;j 1 -r 1 •. I t I! .. ,I Pi /I .i I I I ' I R•rl'Ll.n a. Or~••• 1)0)0 "•nton A~•• s. £AS1l11E117 FOR St.gPp 7 THIS AOREBKEWI ,i&!lf thh ~da1 .rJk,,,/,1,1<Jlxl. bi and bttwean &,e,,~(;.qr.£~,:: CJl'LH-(" h ... llnatt:or ullad tba O!W!TOR !Olld I.ins 01mE1.' ~' n on, hel"11?Ur oiill4_tbe GJWffD:1 . WITHE S31/I'l! t '!:: '1bit IIIIERE43 tbe ORAll'l'OIIShere1n lo th• own•r ot th• t oartdn pa .. ,1 tt ~ lon4 doaoribtd. u follow,, lo•w1t1 .L<>t ~. Blk, 10 "' ~ IIJ'b1t portton or Lot ·h, Blk. 10 or t•rllnstoq Ur• t:ruta £r,i 31!1c, 1), Twp. 2) J.o !1.l s:,.M., u rooordod in Vol. lS Dt 1'htl, P•e:• 6h, -record• or J.lnr. C,,unty, LI) ,, and, WHEREAS it h11 bo•n round necoa11r1 in the oon•t~ua,1on an4 l111J11'0¥Ht.Ot\t or ;1:r.1rrr,,~ AV~. f '-.(it.h Av~. s. t,, 1i tr. Avtl, ~.) to : ... c.o.:.-.~x~o~p~.~.::-:.~.,...,.~.~.,..,.~.~1~a-=p;,.~p~.~.~,~,,....,.~1,..,,~b~.,..,,o~R~Xll""1~o~R~r~.~.::-:.~u~E~,,...,.~.~.,.,.,~lTITi~.~.~~ u tollowtt l'r: :1 1 tt!r1 or l.er."1 Hi rt.. tri wt,tt'1 lytn, 11.djAMl'lt. to an,1 r•rllhl •hh tt:.-, sout1,.,1!lt.,rl rl -ht. ,,. w11· 1 Ir."' rir ii"' r.on J.v~. frti'71 ···-n1•r•,11,. :?itn. P.t-'· lo 'lt".. 11:1 ,,ir, . .,.,,.,1 t;r (" unt:, !tn~ . \•e,-t:o, th-l".l-1;-17,. N0~1 TKER.EF'O"E, in eonaldora~1an ar the pr•lll••~, the .••14 Granto~ h~ro~J 1groe1 that the u,.d 11lor·•1 ftlJ be 1111-ch on bl1 property H bar,~n- beroro 1ot to~th, in conrormJtr with 1tan~rd pl•n• •nd 1pecltlc1tlon1 tor highva7 pur:po101 and to tt,t ~•ae •~ttnt and 9urpo••• •• lt th• r11bt1 herein gran~ed bad b .. n 1oqu1:r.d by aundtM~tt1on proceading1 qndor !llin•nt Do1111ln at~tutea or tbo St1to ot Wt1htngtcn4 I'l' IS 11UTUALLY AGREID AUD ~NDEl!STOOO b7 the p&r.th.1 h•Nto \hit this Euel!lont ·hu .bt'f~n 11 1,.n· to and 1ocu,pted b1 Hid County ·,ub~Ht to end upon th~ toUowt.ria cohdi t.ton, 1 tn,;,w\ t 1 It 1ny plrt or Hid riti;ht _of w1_y)1~1ll bo .ab11ndon1d or!; ahaU ·tc.U• t.o bfl u1ad or rnaifltlinod H • _p•tbllc blgbvay bJ Hid C'ount.7, a:r the .ro11t.o. thnreoof cha11g•d, then u to ;1u.oh part ill ri·t.bto W'ld•r ·tcbh oa•••ent 111111 th~roaftor b• null and vold. ,nd auch port1atla Df auch rlght ot v&J 1hall 1ut01'16tltlll7 re.vert tell the HRAHTOR.;, IV ,r IUIC.COHor•. 9t luignt' without. anJ not.lee btlnP.: r•qn1r~!d. ' :,! u ! .. ,r ,;,....4,,1 y ~r Klnf t · ,(,~ ttartttli. .. • • I I .... ~_,. '9JI m.om ,, • II) TIIII AO-.ad, tbh ..,BL", •t,i4&.p4':!,1;Al; b7 ood ,bovun §~,y~i~• ~· 1/11!~0 hol'oinotur q1ll~ tb• GWTOR,ond ( .. fin& un 1, • W•• n. cm. :re?t,r-o.:Xi"ed th• D!Wf'TEI( ~ IIITllEISBffl I i..n That WH!RJAS 1tbe ORIJl'?OA bor•tn l• th, owner ot tbat eartttft pa:rcal or hnd dHorlbe~ a, tollova, t., .. w1tr lA.l "• Uk. 11 • Lot .s,11,.10 th,t portlee ot I.Ot ,, •lk. 19 ot llr11hgton Acre Traclt •~ .. c.·13, Twp. 2l •••• I &.v."·• u rt.icordtd ,~ Yol, U or 1"iaU, ,,, "'• tfleordt ot lint CDIJft't:,,, Muhf.li1un1 Alao t:bilt P"rtia:n or Im ~. llk, 10 ~r. t.he·-,bav11 duC':rlbel\ PlA't. l)'11\1 south of Covtit:,, load. and. WftEREAS lt. ho been fO'-llld necu.i1.l":r ln tbe.oonuruo.Uon and l"J)rOY•Mnt· or ""tf'e;ys h tshb +Y• :,, te i;,~itfl ~ l · · t~ ~•k• .1lopea·ont ••l prop•r1:y of E e~11: lo~~~&• ,nd flil1, a1 toll&vi1 On a •ttlCl of hnd 1.n rt,i(" width t,1111 •IIJH•flt tO 11ni:t . .-,u\11I v1Ui ll\4 ~u, .. w.tttrly ri~~t of vay Ill'* or lllftton Awi. rtN11.ln.gr1. Jl~, )l•OO ~~ St~; ll••~1 Al•h u~ ~ atrtp t:1 h11 d \ t\. II\ wldtb lylf\R 11dJ•c.,,11t to 11M' pAra11Pl vith th• S~1~...:111.rly rllflt-of•"-'Y llnf' ,nf R.-rtt.i" ""· fror 11!:rt,,:u. Su, llUU, tt> It•, H•\O u 1urwy1u1 by ICl"f. C:O.no ltd. turvey • ito. , ..... j.\ 11, NO!it, 'J1tl::REl'01Ui', !n con.1dtt:r•tton or t,he prec.llea, "the .•nld Grantor hor-1by agriu• t-hlt· t.he uld -1"lDr ,11 Ml1 b• m:ad• en hl• prop•rtr u Mro1n .. before .-et. tcr·t.b, ln conror11d t,y w:Lt.h _ltandH'd plau and· 1pttoiticatlon1 tor h1 ghw•r purpOHI end tn tho 11i11111• •xtftnt and purpoHI ••; lt .~th• rlgt,t.t he.rein gr•nt•d h•d tion -ecqulre-o t.i1 condoNnatlon proc .. dlng1 W·uior" b111ent J>omaln 1Utr.it.e1 "r t.ha State or Wuhlngton, · l? tS MUTllu.LY AGREED AllD UNDERSTOOD by tho P••tldo he .. to tllllt tl\ll E•~eM&nt h11 boon·RlYen to •~d ecooptod b7 111d County aubjoct t.O •nd u~Ofi thG roll~Nln& oohdltiona, to•wl~: lt •hf p1rt or U1d l"lftht or 11111 lhlll be aba:ruton•d .:,.r 1hall ctc.i••• to bit U.1ed Ot' •llnt.ahlod U I pttbllt' h1gh1.•r by Hid C:our,\J', 01" ,t,e ro.uto t.hnr.aot_ :e:hugod;~ t.hon u t.O :,.ueh p1rt d rlgt,t., undu-r th1• 01aemont ebtll eh~reartor b• null and vo1d9 ind aueh portJana ot •~th right.at way ,ball 1ut01111t.htllY r'tt•trt to t.he n11.urrOR/.-f«ti 1uuu1or1,. or aa.dgn.e, "i th.a ut lflf "'°tt.co blin,: rr.-q11l.r~d. t l?I 'k'JTKE!;S w.uu:,)F, 1}? ~~J J :;RA.Jn·~P. hu l:,•t .. : m1tt".' .111 trk•l hU na'l'!tft thl• 21 do:, ,.r ~~m,S<e 195§. ' '..l1 ':'!it-:.i,!W.,1: aoo.1 th\.l d11.y"'1and r-.•1.1• f"1J•iit. •b•vo ~~,Si.~on. ' ) . ~ ) . ~' •nd tor ~h• s,uo er Wuhtngfu;f.fflrag d1!;& ""--~· . .i"" ,~..s. ...... " '-" fl e.., C111tr"MIM *'* --... ---· , .. --·-· ' '' •. ; . ' ~ ,.,..... .. ~ I · .. 0 \ '(£7F; 8 -IJ .. ' .. / Acn. Traci,. accotdiDC t.o tl);a plat ncor-.4 in Yol~e· lf•.t ('11at1 1 .t11e. ~~ in King eountr, W .. ht~gta1 •• l1tni ,outhvuU.rly fat b.nton A~ (~in a~ad,, do -h&ttby Cf't.&U an &:AS"bm:!tt tor ttt.e. aallatenance: ot water 11etv-lce over' that . . . ., ' . portion of ~ above-descrlbe.d property H. !ollow-u S,.ld &IQ,eeant to bo 10 !aet tn· wf.dth an4 to Nit 11araliel t.o ttt. W"elt. wid• of. t.h-j'prope.rty 1.i'net ., Turtnlng no~t~ im~ •outh, 1. nic ltA...111~ ·hcN.by created i.1 for lha use and. ~net'h ot preeoT&t and fut.u ovnere ot tli:at :portion of Lot. 3; Block 19, Earl ln.ctt1T1 A.en Ttact.e, aceot'diac . . . I to plat recordl\d in Vott111• lS of Platt, Paga 84t ln King' Covtlty, ll1thlllf:tol\, ly&..1t .outbvuurly ot Renton-. A"11u• (~ln Ro~); EXCEPT-iha South 1.DO feet tl'i8uof. • ~-,,t. 'm«ttvvlll.:.. .. (\ ........... ...... ,: : th! 'd.-, ot <DaT· ,, . I ··" ····+~1 -. ' r ~ '· <> / . .i:bo .; ,~J.A.:~-;~ . ' : · &u,tr' oe'.s.i ,~1. .... ~ ,u,s. Thia b to C8rtlry that ~n thhf~ d•y of ([)e,"f-;.'!, ~pt!>-, before 11e, . the. under.signed. n Notary I"vblic n Dnd~ the St~l,nt ,1Jnah1~, duly coml.Hloned ahd·awol'I\, ~r•onaUy emit: ~tz c. ~--ni.foa 1 to M known to be tfui persons dcu,crt (I in .ull;t whO e~UhJ the. wHhifl lnstr-uiacnt nnd .11:knowltdged to me th~t 1 k __ algned the•~'. H ·7~t:f 6' voluntary nd nncl c!.e.ed for the use Md purpose!! theu{n Mn£ fte ~ ~S 'llt'f h.'trul :i!\d olf'lctat seal the d.ay ond year in thl• certi.Uca.t,e first abova. writteft. '. /4,d,t!J! ...£~ . IIOT,\RY PUBLl C i• a~ f it.~ . Shte. or 11 : • a ,1 m"ng nt -.f, .,4 fir& e1· • ,. ~ I , . . / I (;0!;1125 il'lll.4808 ,w.31:J i TU"T l'Y.1 .Ji!'! ,1!.•.l.o19•tt• Mid _!.Dna& I!· Johualun ~ Hcl ·, Ph.\!! JO~l!lo..!.. o"1K!r• uf lhe ~,uth IOU l'eel nl' U.11t. ~11>tl.Jo11 •f Lo\ :,, blo~ lG, r..ru11:1i'Ld• Min Tract.a, 11ecordln; tn UK!' pht-1'8'COl'dt.od. ln Yoluao 15 ot PhU.t Pap·&f, ~ Uq Cnu111ti,, ~ns1ilnl,tt.on:, l7lDK WQQ;'Unn),rl.fflJ' ol' )'9'1,ton A•e•ltl (Ooadwla Aa,ad)J do henli,' cnat .. an l:).Jiil:,,lt.NT tor \.iio .. 1n~•nc• oC' water H"lc. DUJ' l.hat.·PQl"tlon al' U. 111'bovc,., 1l1•i,1;:.rlbud prat•~riy .;.,.f rnno"s.1 SJ.id e&J(!M)!,t.. to. be-over ·the uat 10 feet or r..ot. :J, r11,11nlnt: norlh ·n,a -13~nd S:1.t .. \'L Dver' the IIOllf.hi lUO feot. of ldd·IAt· 3, r?u..• Y~\:-;lllt.Jri'T hitr,•', i_~ruri.1-f'd h ro·r Ltw u:IJ:CI an4 lM.'llul'H or p~~L amd J'wt.11ra ,,...,1•:r• ~f' l:h':t ~-r't,;j;j;.'~f t.#li .~, ftlock 1~1 ).a..rll•cto• Aon 1Tl"HU1 acoordtni,: to 11l.1L rl.'card.1."' ln \·otn~ t.6-itt' Pl.ts, rail! &.I, -ln. Kln1t Couu"1, l~thittct,ua, l7hg w11U1,.u:..Wrly i>l' llu11to'J.n .• \w11mli.i ·((4'M>d"'Ln kcmd).; .t:1CP.PT the JlkJnl.hl ioo S'vet. 1.twn,uf • IM,._,, •. , .. -.. ,\'ur ·'I-<• 1~11 ___ (• ·-·~ . :-.r1n rJt~ .· •. ,., .• _/, •· •• ~ :-.11r\n m·:.. . ..$-~ .•. -: •• ~ •• • .•..•• J . 1: ., } ~-.-, rt: ii / . ,µ.·-}f .i,f'"'/Jl"-.. ..l; ... -. ---·-··-··,P:--·· ....... . ' ,; • : . <•', .~-4".,;..;,(>-:J.J~.·.;..: -~ t•A .. ,1.rl_ •••.. ;.1 ... 1,..t,.,CUrrtr\' U11.t.mUt1, ---~· ·,,dft.yor ___ ._· •• ~·.:.;,;~---111 .••.. ,twfoni l ,,- DI•·, 1 It,;• LIIMl\•r ... i l:,IH~I. • Sot .. ., l'uhl It! lll no,l ror .. ~ ... :,t..~t· (!I-" -·~;.·,;. '. _ :'.: --~ :. _::•. ·---· ,J,,J;, ror.rnli,,-l,111••11 ,tnrl 1-,.urn, 1""~"4.i.11o1l I) t:a•~ ______ J!lr'. ,1-; •• ;~j~"?.if.1'. _.,. ,_. , .. _. _, ,,h,1\• Mr! It ••11. ,col~iw 1•u~.tc , ,. ~ •• ,,, i·,,T _u~- ~1...i I,: IJ1·~-.... , • _i, .••••• , ___ 1~~"'i'lil1-'. 1,1.. _______ _ .. , folf'tl lo• ~ord ~-'·1 ltw _ ·"" l•r::;·····~ ,,: .. ~, •.• 1·· P ~ mutt A MOMIS, CO\llty ~- 20060719000834.001 Return to: Qwest 1550 Newport Way NW lnaquah, WA 98027 111111111 :=H.,, o,, 184 DI 22.N w.a•=.!IJZ E2139826 w.a•n.,11,if sW ,.:111:a IPf/lGUl:1 0, 111 RECORDING INFORW..TION ABOVE EASEMENT The undersigned Grantor(s) Minter LLC for and in consideration of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ( $ 1,500.00 ) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and convey unto Qwest Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, hereafter referred to as 'Grantee", whose address is 1801 California St., Suite 5100, Denver, CO 80202, its successors, assigns, lessees, licensees, and agents a perpetual easement to construct, reconstruct, modify, change, add to, operate, maintain, and remove such telecommunications facilities, and appurtenances, from time to time, as Grantee may require upon, over, under and across the following described land situated In the County of King, State of Washington, which the Granter owns or in which the Granto, has any interest, to wit: LOT~ BLK .19.... NEY. SECTION ll. TOWNSHIP~ RANGE _ML Tax Parcel # 2144800467 &!we~+-# 'Wlr0t.JE,()5>tf{)/ SEE EXHIBITS Ail ATIACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Granter further conveys to Grantee the following incidental rights: The right of Ingress and egress CNer and aaoss the lands of Grantor to and from the above- described property and the right to ciear and keep cleared all trees and other obstructions as may be necessary for the Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement area. Grantee shall indemnify Grantor for all damages caused to Granter as a result of Grantee's negligent exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted. Grantee shall have no responsibility for P~>cisting environmental contamination or liabilities. Grantor reserves the right to occupy, use and cultivate said easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the rights herein granted. Grantor covenants that he/she/they is/are the fee simple owner of said land or in whidi the Gran tor has any interest and will warrant and defend title to the land against all claims. Grantor hereby covenants that no excavation. building, structure or obstnJction will be constructed, erected, built or permitted on said easement area and no change will be made by grading or otherwise to the surface or subsurface of the easement area or to the ground immediately adjacent to the easement area. The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. 20050719000834.002 RECORDING INFORMATION ABOVE Any claim. controveray or dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by arbitration In accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitration shall be conducted In the county where the property Is located. Dated this •' i:'1 ___ _.._ _____ .day of Granter: Granter: Granter: Granter: (lndlvldu•I Ac/lnow/adgman~ STATE OF WASHINGTON J }ss COUNTY OF-------J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of ,20_,by [SEAL] Notary Public My commission expires: ___ _ R/W#: tt 1 0 fr f rw f Job#: 51wc172 Exchange: B!!!!!m. County: ..JSiwL NE % Section : 13 Township: 23 N Range: 04 e MinterLLC (Official name of company or Corporation) By ¥-l~ Its [SEAL] (Corporate Acknowledgment) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) }ss COUNTY OF-------} The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t'5 day of h 'Ill , 200 ,-by 20D60719000ll34.003 EXHIBIT "A' A portion of Earlington Acres, Lots 1,2,3 Block 19, Northeast Y. Section 13 Township 23 North, Range 04 East, W.M. , King County, Washington. Said eaHment being South 1 O feet of th• East 10 f88t of lot 2, of the above described property. See Exhibit "'B" attached hereto. Subject to enemants1 covenants and resbictions of record. Special Con1ideration11 or tenns: No equipment exceeding 6 -In height will ba placed on thlo site. Grantee wlll survey easement area. Loi 3 EXHIBIT "B' '! '). ,, I '· ! ·-"," ! Loi 2 "·, ' ! .. "' I ··,. '· ' I Tax Parcel :It:: i', '- 2 144800487 I ··., .,, ~ I I , ''(!I I I Loi I '-::,/. I I ~0-, ~ --_l_ --~ ---' . I T ',, -<I,~ South I 32nd St -------./L -. ------~-~ Io· X Io· Easement Area 20050719000834.004 { .. "' ;( .,/"'-•,:.,.,,, ..• t00607H~D00Z.( . ;l~_,/'" .,t-~,,,,="· .,· r,,-o·-+--..... ------------------------...... ------, .-/·./' f li' ,l·,·' ,,l'·····-,..,.. /'f()/13~ · / .i .fA,•·Pq_rtion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast \ •.. /' .,/'. /,,•· ./.>·········$ection 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East Quarter RECORD OF SURVEY ·~'l-... / .,· ,,-.... ,. Ffillamette Meridian, King County, Washington 0 ~ ... ., ............ . -···· 1',,..~/··/'' _./'/ ,,,,::~>···:;.:::.·.-.; .. ,-. ''} ,;··.,,,· .... :·:.'.? ........ '" f .: .~· .i {/ 3~ ,i. l.,,. ,~' /.,., AAAPMtC SCAt..e: rwlOQ' ... · ...... ,.-[ '\ .......... "'' /. ?' ·-./~ rir· ··la:,ti' ,~, ••• ,'.f . ' - ··::-. ,,,f',,_ .l .f,,, .. ._. ,tl" ( ... 1,. J' · a tao ioo 300 "·-/ /,///,;7_/,,'-:~'-"\ /,) i Sou/:ih'·-,l!!Jot;Ji' Sthlot° ,,,• .,,. y ,.-·",.. / ,, . ··~,.rl-.:: ~f •1~,.~~· .,,rl' ::/_,... -~---..... , ..... , ' ,.,,,, ,''\"''• ,~. -,,._, .. ,,..:. ,•' -c:"'t ~E'.ND ,f ,,,, 1 ,..'' ''•~,,, ~~":. "'\;-.,./ _ ¢....., ........ ,, 9 ·~und M09'fl,i ~Ill Broaa Pln in Concrata I ./ "''!,,. '... ·•--..., ....... ,,,· .l ..... , ,""' t, • ~ re~ & e_,f,, LS #34145 ,/ .,._. ·.,~.... "-.. ~ 7 6 5 4'' ··" 3 ••· 2 _: • di"... 1 ......... ~ ..... a iiiJlb !Sl . .t' thls-.. ~i'.urvey f 1 ~,/'/ .,// .._~.Jb. \~l "'~ "-...... ~, ... , ... ,1•'· t ~:=~r./ :;iPl;Jf. ~,,./"'" ~ I .. ,-/ ,/'rf 1 /r•r ..,..-/1 ~ ......... -... ~::,.,'""·J'"·~· ,,/·'~tff:~tHC~ SURVEY t> ,I ./ ./ ,,• ·' ,, ............ ,., ~~ r~"" / ~ds Afl1''2001022100000> :3; » :,'( .,, ,,., ..... ,. •' .. ' ,t,,. .,l 1 1 11 "·, ... ··,"............. ,...-2·_/'... . ........ % .... ~ i I I LE::L DESCRIPTION ~ ..... ,•' .-1·· ~,1, ·.~ ---~ ~ i Tt£ SOIJJH 10 FEET CJ'" TIE EAST ro F1:ET f1f LOT 2. ·t, ,,..-'" •. / .. ~ ·•i,,., .f ,• ·•·."·Ir "( 1 i" Bl.CO{ 19,. EAFLINiTON ACJE'5.. VOLl..liE 15 OF FLATS, ~.,.,. ___ .... , ,f oJ ·.,.,' _. .. l _' -.;>• , • PAGE 04, FHO"'S O!' K1N6 Gruf1Y, '"'5HI>.GTcr<. I t"'·· '.'.::=:::.· :> ,/· l ./ .. ~', -s ~our..~ ·"I : .,· ,,. .,-.... ,, /j ... #5···1"""'17·., :?:,.__ ·( :? \( ...... ,. ··.-.,~ • .,/' <J ····• . ,, t..,.. \ I;, ,· I~ DRYCO ~'$ CERmCA~ ,~':lj'Ji EQUIPloll.Nf AHD WOHOOOLQ!t'( .:~~:.~r~,l~~;-~;-~s'/t .. /· . s .... ·z:.· .. , .,· o~,, ,. f -s.AL.~·fj-~~ .":· iioo 12thJN/ .• ~ g -.,, . ~~·R>•IWA DRYOO Surveying, Inc ! 12714 VAU.£Y AVENUE UST 51./MffE'.R, WASHINGTON 9f.lJ90 25J.o-826-rooo fa• 253-826-9703 2'> ga._£ 1~s:Ao'> ~ PL..s.Mt• t P1L 1· ~:mW#--. M.wtm ~~ ......... ~....it~ .. ~ ..--.ac..VMJilllldor(••f)~•''S ,c'. -~~Ull~,,w.f, 98091""'"~ :1:·11:2:~et· .r ....... ~ ffllill'7"faa.~_1 ,,,.,)1 I '. --• ,, ··-=----· . J •........ ~ ....... .. .,. ~e.~1.1.r,n\1t4 t>r • .&.4 111 •rttt.en n notice ••nbJ either p1rt7 io t. theotber for the •~l rontnl ot$l. pable up xnot 1h11 1"9.at Lee t.tle llrn1ns and :.!el tJ.n.a CO!llplJIJ' tn,r,tr ot 11.bT 4••1>t7, bb7 JolDa · in Olld ••··ant.a to .11Alc1ng~h• •lthill lt11!l11t (lf uaed to be abat~ooted at oourt hou,e) At. t.a11hfl6 1• ~ blue pr int, r,t to ir..l ap Portland ure I' A ;~h !O 3'1 lun lv 38 .Tuliu, ~rn.r · to Charlotie Parker +++ ae/aoa •. ·' .i'p do 11111te oonatitut.a anc1 appo!At •P -, tr11e aii4 lllwtUl att,' tor me IU1d1n l!f.'/ na !)llloe and atea4 an4 tor rar uaa •no '114tll'1'1t --tol'II 301 inc gl:rS.r~: •1ulg1•&nt1:v. paregra:,h · Jll.11u, Puter kow J'un 17 Ja by .Tul.S.un i'llrker ht 'k .T Tlmnlolltf sap 'It.at• at :2(H!; •• pt. .e~ :)7) 1111 i,;J'1ntt.tnd Lau: • 1,01 D llBlq . ) ••• t1 11«re111 to tel: 11nd 1p b117 I ls de1 1'• .tnkow: I '·/·'' , . '!'rotot 9,blk l0 1 kl'l1n,r,tonAoreT:Niota aocq to plat rao1n..,1 ll plat.a M~,~•~ . ! . and re11trT1.Jla,h011tTer, unto the tp ••t all ooai. ·,•n4 Othe. ., alneral• 1 of fftr ti.Ad 11ponor unde1· thela:1d abt' 4••, and nt.b9 r!cht to awae thtltllllt a,i. 1un1al and or41JIU7 oourae or a1nln«,u4 fN• insn•• and ecr••• to and tr-Qllla4;ix•• tor auo7 Jl1U'PN• , · 'l'he ppistd "IO ot •hfeo hat beMpd andbal pablete or IIOJ't OAt.bl 7th of .. 1110 Ollllllieo 1 84, 1111.tilpd •1t.hln1: 9-pa pa)l• UDl7 8p · o p17 all kx•• and ••••II •h a,,7 be ltTlN or ut4 •s•t ;:re,:v; tro11 41 hot 'J'o • be C17d 11:r r,ood .,n4 11arr101ont 4d rr,4 t1 tle ln• 'lb1• 1• the l8flenc1 •nd totrt1tur.pz"cw1•1ona In ,, ••• 11h tph111 ot1d t.tH,1e:ir111 tob, ne and lte oor 11\0u brto atx b ·lt1 otofa (oor••l l .Tontt•'l'hOJ11p1on lnt'11ttM1,-c,,Co21JMUQ> !I:,' 'I ,l Ryen 1 ta pz,e1tilt11\ And R 1 l>U'lfu:rth 1 u NOf .rotm Ylolt1 · . , kn l)eo 8 34 'b)' Tf kyan and Rf utlwo~h prea anclat010t 114 00.:r•(oor-ton.'b•,t 1'lorenoe Fthin«\on np'll'ru"t• at • (JI iloh 1, 37) Ill 1p R 11 bx 152 8eattl• dno +++ 'i ~ ,. JJ; .a..01t J. • .;.""~~ w ..... ,:;,;,., l/J..t.t ..... v.i" 1-1.4 ~,.4. ... .,,.~ ···~···, ·• • . 1 ubJ to elismnt tor o A 1 t:r di 1 v1t1toy OTt>r the 'S .1, ot th• j South ,e tt or ad pnza, to W uae,d In cc.nn,ot.n with a >:e ae•nt oTar tbft , lil toot or the ~l 'TO tt of lot le, 1n lllk '<r,4 4'\dj a1 t1t\11bli1he4 \,y ln•t r•o undlr aud tilt< lio 1!170116313 nca of kP -rorD---1)900 •"--I!lll t900. -Ali.'\11 M Morrl ton l:,w Aus l 9 ':I? by Anna M l,!olTl 110n, a 1pnat.r b:C llcl,i•r Dolr/ up tor Wn l .. S at II ( 1111 ?lo'f Z 311) tld by !lt.R tlll IIJI ' -··- nont Aug 2 o 87 ,,ug 1'1 3'I i onea-t.hOl!IPIOD l.11•e11baent, <lol'l!l"I !If, a oorp 'to ~nj 1 Jt,nraguohi, on unQJ r man '.p •111 Bill and •P 111111 IJIU-Oh t4ra Dlt 1n lcOWI . ' ,, L .. --- i..ot 4 Bl'« li or xarll naton J,4re 1.'raot•, 1100 w plat throf' reo h, "fol la ot pl:ltl'I pg 64 reoa ot ltow ,1xoepte Jlld re1enlng howo,rer, unto s_p 1at all ooa.l and other aln ,,t aTery It Lnd aJte upon or 1"1411,: t.he · 10::ic,. u bT 4111104, 11d th• rt to nine the ,111 Ln ih• .llllluel and 01·.U,.ary oourae -0f<ml111ng 1 and tr•• tagreas ~I'd egn111 ~ and !rcDI ad preo tor auoh J!Urp 011 fi;;, ter,lu ,,nd oo di tna I pp t,a&. of ,,Ilion th• awa ot •~, baa 'II•• p4 NOP aok nnd the 1,-tl or ad pp shall be J)4 ot tha time• 11114 1n tbe manner nn1 +:i. or Jll)r• en Otpt 1'7 :,7 end ,fl. or 1110l'e on \he l?tb ctar ot each JDO thJ'a.tt•r ::ntil ~• ~111 mo'lnt ot pr1,no a114 int baa bNn p4 ·11th 1nt t.hron trOM dt unt:ll p<l on all 11\llml J.'!!llllllinlq fr,.,111 tille to -: 1ine unpd at 7~ pa 1,y\>l• •··a : · Jp to pay all tu ohlli"ge11 ·ind 111tlllltl lvT1s4 o:r a.11a111ae4 or 11141 eooru• ·,~t 11d prem tror~ ~t llrof · , r11111 to be ored 'II:, 11004 n:all 1t1ff lllead .:ind ti UUI wh•11 td pp full7 ¢ Time ir. eaaonoa of thia cont I toteiture 1>lal In teat i.horf t,ha ad fp l1B1 oauaad thaila pNaent·• to be a:e ,u:d eub,oribecl a d Li its oar j) n,a by lt• ?res Cllld sec thrllnto duly au\ll ~~ 1 ts oorp al to be b.r\lnto ut~d , .To,Cnea-'?hoa:p1::m It..,•at•nt Compan7 b7 T 7 Ryan, it. }Tita oo.rp al o:nd R 'I' Dilworth, 1 ta Seo JtGnJ1 ~wa,suohi kow Au1,; l '7 37 by T 1 Rynn a°' R T D1lworth, l'N,'J aa4 Seo :rapt'1].y of ad oo:rp lot} bt Florene• i:th1J18ton np for ,· n n• 11t. • (na liar 17 tl} · ;nJ. 1: r.,n,.,,guoh1 irt 11 J3C:c.< 1157 A.•""" ... -. IDGl098 r I) A11S 20 3'7 A'QB 12 J7 ~lO, lrl'orrie ·~lllicill\8, lonn "lll1ulllil, JGe 1Ultu C:ol1Uo, • C«i\llll'lne Leah Clal'ke, Lizzie ;,Hoe P1aroe ano. lllod'«en s.lay .\1.ll \4111• beine all t..w legn\aea and 4e'1ls••• ot the e1t of .Tell.e '!iil,liiN • 4tod t<> J.ie ~Y L 'l'ho!11J>SOll and II' c ThO!llpeon, hb tp OT aud qo to Ip tdre PH, in kOWI 'LOt. 14 ,ma g 2/3 ot loi U, Dlk 9 :lraanu'• ;..d/to the C of s, Ix the w '1,15 tt throl!, oond tor at aubJ t.o !111 unp4 l.DCu:nb thron ( l)Or,t.) i i • I ' ! i I • I. , I I • \ ', ,:, .; "' ~'") S2 8 ~ ' . "'~, ...... -,, ...• • ,, GITY OF Rtllffil Ttlf>ORAR) WATER stRV IC£ A.'P.'.C€Hf', ' ,. 1, Wt_ Tpsh Mano tnd wff1, Tocnt AddrH1 _aqz4 South JRnd S\,, $•tit)• {P.n :,~Pit Z, JIU 'M~r(s) et T1pf __ _ lecially d1scr1b1d 11 follew,, 'tell l, 2, l, · ! ' lats 4, 5, 1, ll!ld. 7, Brod: 19 ind thi SOuthtrly portfons bt·Lo~s s. ~' 1t1cl 7, 8.lock -10. of Earl1ngton Aerts: Tract , · for ll)d· 1n cqn11derat1on or \lie Rt<,ton W1ter .O.port,,ont pr1ntt119 1 penott to connect• ~rll'Yffltr ""'tee and/or .. 1n 1n · for tht 1l>O'/f ,pnope.r\f··1>orebf 1111'ff lh•t no pro st, ••• no • 1 • ·p,., , llt1rs 1nd·asSfo,1l; ,,111Ut thi constrvct1nn of, or 1ss1s1111nt ro~ ~ Ptr'Ml"en wtCtnna n Nhich •111 ntCHHr!ly bt constructfd 1r th1 street· to .,.,,. this PP'OPtr.ty. TIiis agl'HMllt rhall b1 1 cov, .. ,t rvon1ns wttt, the land .ind ll>lll .be binding upon all pertlts ln<I their httn and 1u.t9ns until""' Pt111llltnt Wlttl'lillfli to ""'* Ill,, •- descr'lbtd P"'Pt•·t.v h11 l>Hn ..,,,tl'\i<ttd 1nd ·:he u1t-nt roll or.con per PNIPtrQI thlrefort c.rtlfft.d to tht Ctt, Treasurer ft>r colltcUo,,, or PQ!ltnt. I ; "} IN ltlTNtlS Wlt[l<a)F I ..... hereunto Ht ._, """" Ind sul the di)' .•Ind YI•• flrst lboft written. · .: ... : ·· • ~ra,,~~1'~.·M·e..'=-~<2n~ .. ~-~t~·~0;L...~-!(SEA1.) .... ..,_ . ~; ~-~+--,i~'-J'l(=~·L~~.~·~·~'----~(SEAL) ,1·: STAT£ OF IIASIIINaT~l , .. COUNTY Of' ~ING • ... :..;=. . • ,. -~ I, !ll•fnt ;. Melot, · ·,.,' ·.:, • ~otery./>uhlk,j~ ~,Id foi' tM.St"te of Vlsh1no£cin, re11dir.i al Banton • dD htrlby ctrt fy ~ti Ota°ffifr' ·· ···,,.rd day of Sent, , 19'.lL_, ii1rson1i1y appitrtd battn·•;«tP\b •na· I iR!t M.fon .... , to 1111 lcnown to bt the fndm"&llt1(d11crftiiT hirtfn Ind wfio 1Xtc:U£id fni Wh»tft tnstnme"t Ind ICJmOWltdgld 't'1it; '.:_lbty_-e,,.,,,,_,,__ 119ned 11Mf Ht1td tJ'lt tDt as J frtt •nd YOlt,,ntlry· act iiia71id fOI" tht UIII and Plltpolll tht1"1ift """ttoniil. WITH[SS oy h•nd of offfc1' 1. 1111 written. .. ,. .. \.,.:Z~t: .·-- ·.:..1'!", .... ,,.,. . .. .. ' ,· •.. ' 0 ; ,i rn FOR RECORD AT REQui.:,, , , OfilCl Of lltE CIJY ClEflK 'lENTON MUNICJfAL BLDG. :no M!I.I. AVE. so. •ITIIH V Ii n1/l'i1 COVEIWIT TO ANNEX TO TIIE CITY OF REIITON · .. ' :,• jl'.:' • •, · 1·_,.._._'·-~_.7'7¢-_¢_s_,,._~_~_0 __ µ_~_,,,,_0 ____ ,, herelnaftar referred to as 'Owners,• hereby covenant and agree to sign the necessary patltlons for annexation to the City Llslts of the City of Renton, Washington, for the property herein described and on the te,.., .. re fully set forth below. 1, LogaJ D95crlptl9n The legal demlptlon of the property to which this covenant shall apply Is as follows: tu-,-.!,-4, £; t, 7 -,(f~CK, /9 I bac,-~ri¥7 A'Ot'.0:. 7,i&,,4i._ vbt.. I~ OF Pl4;s, Co.WA. harelnafter referred to u 'the pre111ses,' 9S...01;"J4 RF.Cf) F RF.CFF.E CASHSL ilt0%1 IA R.oo ~.(1(1 ,.,,t,...e,.oo 55 2, Bash fgr Coya••nt This covenant to annex Is given as a condition to being permitted to hoot. up to s ... er lftd water ser,lce fro• the City of Renton 'to serve tho pru,tsos. 3. Part!•• lgugd This agr, .... nt and the covenant to annex shall ba binding on tba owner and all parsons subsequently acquiring any right, title or Interest in or to said property raforred to as tha premlsos, and shall lie 1 covenant running with the land. 4. Un rac Pvtnuce lhe owners, the\r he\rs. successors Gt assigns, agree and covenant to sign a petition to annex the 1bove-descrlbll,d pfflllsH unto the tlty of Rent,n at s11<h tia,e 11 the assessed valuation of the subJect premises ts sufficient to qualify under the 751 aethod pursuant to lltll 35A.14.120, together with such other adjoining or cont19uous area. as the City of other petitioners may deterelne. The owners furthar agrea, when so notified by the City, to Pl'OIIPlly circulate and execute such Petition and to camp1y with all the raqulrt11enli of 1111 regarding such annexation. If the owners, their successors or assigns fall to do so, the CUy reserves the right to terminate such utlllty 11rvlcas. s. fU1llll These covenants shall be filed wllh the King County Auditor, l I l I i \ l l l ' l l \ ·t I ..... .. ' e IN WITNESS WHEREOF the owners of the preetses have stgned these covenants ~his __L day of flkr:r-, 19.!lt!. STAT£ OI' WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KJN; ! ss. bf<, c · Ozz«-e.r, On thts day personally appeared before .. 772 544? to me known to be the lndlvldoals{s) dlscrlnd In and llha exocul.ld \hi •Itkin and foregoing lnstnnnent, and admow1edgad that they signed the SIIO as their free and voluntary 1ct and deed, far tho asos and purposes theraln mentioned. GIVEN under 1111' hand and offtclal 1111 this # day of DQ c 1tf:if). f01UIS/COY·ANIIX 5/25/89 ~,,,.,..._,~.._. ... , .• ;;,; . -:~~0,..;:•;1:•:-.;~,....:-:.t;"1.sr~·.,~ ,:. ~:,,,;-,,-:Iii'!/· ···.·,-:·.'-:':":'r:--~\.,;J",.~ ___. --~--: •. 20080819000852.001 Return Address: .:S5c ::l/.,,J..t.. SM:rnc WA Ave. s · 'l<Etoi" ~a~l~!IIIJIII LOUJI OSS 41.N PAGINI OF HZ N/11/Zfll 12:zt ICING COUIITY, MA s PleaK pri•t or--·--lnrorm1tion WA HING T ON STATE RE RDER'SC co over Sh eet (RCW6S.04) Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein}: (all attaS applicable to your documentJllll!l be filled in) I. OA./ 5,Tt£ SA:~ 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'s on page __ of document Grantor(s) Exactly as name(s) appear on docwnent I. t..,,.JeoLJ!.I LCJ i ,;:-' 2. AJJ ,J /L,/ A ,e,· £ lo, ... uf. ' Additional names on page __ of docwnent. Grantee(s) Exactly as name(s) appear on docwnent I. K,,.,JG ('.c, d ,,J r.J ' 7 2. ' Additional names on page of docwnent. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) LOT .3_-Lf 6 l-oc.J::. [u /Jt..A. T £ARl..;,J6_7oA) Ac.RE Additional legal is on page of docwnent. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number :21-I-4RD Q.2.Jlo . D Assessor Tax # not yet assigned The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the infmmation provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to verifv the accn~ or como!eteness of the indexin• information -ovided herein. "I am signing below and paying an additional S50 recording fee (as provided in RCW 36.18.010 and referred to as an emergency nonstandard document), because this document does not meet margin and formatting requirements. Furthermore, I hereby undentand that the recordiD& process may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text of the original document as a result of this request." Signature of Requesting Party Notie to submitter: Do not dl!!n above nor pay addltional $50 fee i£the document meets manin/formattin2 reQuiremenb NOTICE OF OPERATIQN AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR NONCONFORMING ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM ·-··· T .. """"°"' a. 1 ., "e o -o z. a I) ' (j)(.((e, I. \,'We (pl"i"1}u~ U:U..lb 0. /M1J MOOG ~ rhc l1'NTIM d real prcpmy within X.ing County. which is 1ep!:dexri~as fullowa:/.) .it:" ::-_ / 20~ 3-'t £:5.t,Oc.J; Iv t:::_1....-l+T ,cct'KL,,v§_, ~c~ l A confarmins OSS repair was not feasible due to site and/or 80!\ limitations. Due to the nonconformity of the OSS ~yscem, the system i! not authoriud to wppon uiy new buildin1 c:onstnJction, npmsions or major utmrions that may imJ)Kt 1he i;,pnan(ln of tht-OSS m .uco~ wilh the Code of the King COi.Ult)' Boatd of Health, Section I 3.64.01 O and Table 1~.64-J. -4. The owntt undentanda the limits of the nontXJn!Grmi:ng OSS md a~ to mairtWn h Row of sewqe to the OSS ar or below the approved design both in qumitity and wwe stmigth. The owner undentands that failure to adhere to these Jimill rmy cat1~ 1)ffllWUff l)'lllent failure. The Code olthe King County Boud ofHcatlh, Seo1Km tJ.60.00S atablilhca certain rnpoMbilinol of the OSS O!Nllet with ~l to the operation and maintmimce 1J(-.n Dri46itr: ~~ Sy1o1~. ,n fol1DW1. A. The OSS ~ ill respontible for the continuous proper opcntion and maintenance of1hc OSS, and thall: L ~inc the level of solids ad M:llffl in the &eptic tank 1t least once evay three (3) yem fur midmtial l)'ilem with no pm&F arinder mid once i:vecy year ir. pbqi: sriJlder ia. inmlkd and. unlm olhetwise provided in writin1 by the hcallh off,c;cr, once cvcey yev for c:ommen:ial 11yiitems. 2. Employ 1.11 llpl)1'0VCd pumper to mnovc the u::ptage from the tmlk: when tilt IC\'CI of s,ollds and scum indicii~ 1hat ~1 ir ncceiisary, 3. Cause pm'ffltive mainterwmc:c.l"yatem performance mm:1itoring mspectiO!lli io be conducted mi any indicated Sffllke to be petfonned by 111 ~ pcrlOII Id • minimum frequency in accordance with Table I l60-I unless otherwise c&tabUwd by the health officer or the sewqe review committee. 4. Openle md DUlintain 1dl OSS In accordlllnCC with this title, with peninenl altfflllllM syltem guidelines issued by the OOH [State ur Wnhinglon Department of He.aid\] cid with the lffrnVCd OSS owner's opcratm,r: and maintenance instrucrion manual. S. Protect that OSS area tl'\Cludin11; the rnerve area !'Nm: a. CovCI' by fflllCtum or impmiioua ffllllkrial; b. Surface dniftqt'; c. Soil cmnpu:tion, fOT eumplc. by vehicularnaft'l,i; or lhle111ock: md d. Damage by sol.I l'ffl\O\'a.l ll'ld Kfll(le alleration. 6. Direct drains. wcl, a11 fooi:ing or roof drains away from the ami whm-the OSS is located. B. The awner Will not allow: I. Use Of mtroduction of str0ng bates, strong acids or Ofl&nK: ao]Yffltl into 1n OSS for the purpo&e of syatcm cleaning; 2. U" of• iicwag,c: syrlcm additive unless it is specir1e1.Uy approved by the OOH; or 3. Use of an OSS to d:i'POK of waste components atypical of resldmlill w111tewa1er. for example, but not limited ro, petroleum producb, flilints. 1K>lvmbJ, oir pmic:idcll. Oared thia /-0 day of_.c_j=L<.,_/._,J¥----_ _,.7_,__.,.._,?J._.._)i' ~-' 1~.4~'-:?--~ .. :::::. ~~.,., STATEOFWASHINOTON l ,~ COUNTY OF KrNG ) .... -0 On t.bll 10 day or ..J1.,;-1.LAJ .21Xo, bdon me penaaaly 1.-, ,C-,), appnnd l,..tt-.JCCL..N {..£)\...{l~ UNI Ar,.JN f,,..\A.12.(c;. LOUl~ ,w111,t....-11ttbetM l1dhlduakt) *'terfliecl lercln and wlllo a.uutt'II tu fottpl11 lmtramait u hb:llller,iii free u4 volfttary Id aad (leed ror tile •1tt toll pt1rpe1et •11:rdd .tatal. Givenundermyhmdmdofficiaheal.thi, JC"'A- 1 day of • ~. SUE~. HOW NOTA UBLIC STATE Of SHINGTON Cot.~tSSIO~ EXPIA.ES JULYS 2011 ,;,,..,,a;, - Rr.:viscd 10/IMIOO (year/ 20080819000852.002 RETURN ADDRESS: Evergreen Bank Attn: Loan Servi~ Cept 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98101 DATE: Aprll 10, 2008 20080422001719.001 11111111·11111111 20080422001719 mrull.NII Ill DT 51.H .. ,Hi Ti:11 KING C TY, WA DEED OF TRUST PAC1!"1,~ N0RTh"WEST TITLE b141~t},V Reference # (ii applicable): ___________ _ Additional on page __ Grantor(s): 1. Minter, L.L.C. Grantee(s) 1. EvergreenBank 2. PacHic Northwest Title Company, Trustee Legal Description: Ptn. Lots 5-7, Block 10, ptn. Lots 1·7, Block 19, Earlington Acres Tracts, Vol. 15, pg. 84 Addltlonal on page __ Assessor's lax Parcel ID#: Parcel A: 214480-0285-02, Paree! B: 214480-0295-00, Parcel C: 214480-0487-08, Parcel D: 214480-0488-07, Parcel E: 214480-0500-01 THIS DEED OF TRUST Is dated April 10, 20081 among Minter, L.L.C., a Washington limlted liability company, whose address is 13043 Ren1on Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98178 ("Granter"); EvergreenBank, whose malllng address is Eastlake Office, c/o 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98101 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes a& •eenerlclary"); and Pacific Northwest THle Companyi whose malling address ls 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 (referred to below as nrrustee~). DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20080422001719.002 Page 2 CONVEYANCE ANO GRANT, For valuable con!llderatkln, Granter conveys to Tru~ee In trust with power of sale, right of l!!ntry and possMslon and for the ~~!t of \..ender -is Beneficl:;uy, all of Grantor's right, 1111e. and i'llerest in and to the lollowl~ described real Pfoperty. together with all exl!iting or subs.equer-,tty eteeted or affixed buildings, 1mprovemenls and fo:tures; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and dhch rtghts (lneludlng stock in utilities with d~ch or irrigation rights): and ell other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without limitation all minerals, cl, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the "Real Property") located in King County, Slate of WHhlngton: PARCEL A: That portion of Lots 5 and 6, BJoek 1 O, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 15· of Plats, page 84, in King County, Washington, lying southwes1eriy of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as estebllshed by deed recorded under Recording Number 7103160147. PARCEL B: That portion of Lot 7, Block 10, Eeirlfngton Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, In Krng County, Washington, lylng southwesterly of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as established by deed recorded under Recording number 7103160147, PARCEL C: The south 100 feet of Lot 3; TOGETHER WITH those ponlons of Lots 1 and 2, Block 19, Earllngton Acre Trac:ts, ac:c:ordlng to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, in King County, Washington, lying southwesterly of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as establfshed by deed recorded under Recording Number 7106170187. PARCEL D: That portion of Lot 3, Block 19, Eerlingtcm Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, In King County, Washlngton 1 lying southwesterly of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as established by deed recorded under Recording Number 7103190108; EXCEPT the south 100 feet thereof. PARCEL E: Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, page 84, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion of said lot 4 lylng northeHterly of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as estabrlshect by deed recorded under Recordfng Number 7103160147; EXCEPT that portion of Lot 7, block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, in King County, Washington, lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Lot 7; Thence south 87 degrees 30'06" east 8.15 feet along the south line of sak:f Lot 7 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of said line; Thence nonh 00 degrees 22'46" east to the west line of said Lot 7 and the end of this described llne, by King County Superior Court Cause # 07#2-33638-9, and recorded under Recording Number 20071212000820. The Real Property or Its address Is commonly known as 8074 South 132nd Street and 13043 Renton Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98178. The Real Property tax identification number is Parcel A: 214480-028§.02, Parcel B: 214480-0295-00, Percel C: 214480-0487-08, Parcel D: 214480-0488-07, Parcel E: 214480-0500·01. CROSS.COLLATERALIZATION. In add~ion lo the Nole, this Deed of Trust secures all obligations, debts and llabilltles, plus in1erest thereon, of Grantor 1o Lender, or any one or mote of them, as well as 811 claims by Lender ag&:1'191 Grtir'ltor or tJtry one or more of !hem, whether now exisling or herealtet arlsing, wheth&r related or unrala19d to lhe l]urpose of 1he Note. whether v()l1,1nlary or olherwist!, wh&thar due or not i;lue, ditsct or indn'ect determined or und&termined, abso!u1e or contingen1, liquidated or unriquidated. whelher Grantor may be liable lndlvk:luaffy or joln1!y with others. whether Obligated as gua.rantor, Svr'ety, a¢eomrnodation party or o1herw!se, and Wtieth8r t8COV8ry upon silCh amourits may be or hereafter may become barred by any sta!Ute of limitations, and whether the obligation to repay such amouri1s may be 01 hereaf'ter may become olherwise i.n&r'lforceable. Grantot hereby assigns as security to Lender, all ol GranfOf's right, tllle, and tnlerest In and to an leases, Aents, and profits o1 the Property. This asslgrment is recorded in accordance with RCW 95.08.070; the lien crealed by this assignment is intended to tN'I speci1ic, per1ected and Choate upon the recording ol this Deed of Trust. Lender gtEll11S to Grantot, license to collect the Fleots and profits, which llcensa may be revoked at Lender's option and shell be al.Jlornatically revoked upon acceleralion ot al! or part of the lndebtednesi;,. THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURrTV INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GfVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS ANO (B) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND All. OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, ANO THIS DEED DEED OF TRUST (Continued) OF musT. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: 20080422001719.003 Page 3 PAYMENT ANO PERFORMANCE. E>Ccept as otherwise provided In this Deed of Trust, Grantor ShaH pay to lender all amounts securfJd by this Deed ol Tru&I as they beoome di.I&, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perlorm all or Grantt11's obllgatklns under lhA Note, this Deed of Trusl, and 1he Related Ooci.ments, POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY, Grantor agrees that Grantor's possession and use ol lhe Property sha~ be governed by the followiog provisiOrls: Poue:sslcn and Use.. Until the occurrence ol an Eveot of Defautt, Grantor may (1) remain in possesslotl and control of the Property; (2) use, operate or manage the Property; aod (3) collect lh8 Ranls from lhe Property (this priViege i$ a licet1se from Lende. to GrantDf aotommledy revoked upon default). Tha lollowing provisions relate to the use of the Property or to other limHation$ on the Property. The ANI Property 1B not used principally for al}'ICl.lltural pu,poses. Duty ·to Maintain. Grahlof shall maintain the Property in tenantabJe condition and promptly perform au repairs, replacements, and maintenance necrnu.ry to preserve its; valu,;i. Compliance With Environmental Laws. G.rantor represents and wattl'!llnls to lender 1hat (1) OUfJ'lg the period of Grantor's ownership ol 1he Property, tnefe hall been no use, generation, manuiacil,Jl'8, storage, trealrntn1, di!;l)Osal, release or thtealened release of any Hazard:>us Substance by any pel'!lon M, under, about or Iron, the Property; {2) Granto, has oo know~ge a, or reason 10 beli3ve that there l'las been, except as prevlously diselosed to ancl acknowledged by Lender In wrttrlg, (a) any breach or violalion of any El'M'onmenlal Laws, {b) any use, generallon, manufacture, storage, lteatmant, disposal. releat1e or threatened release of any Hazardous Stbstance on, mdN, .about or from, 1he Property by any prior O',vr'l$:l'S or occupants o11he Property, or (c) any actual or threatened ntlgatlOn or claims o1 any kind bY any psrson relating to $ueh l'l"lattera; and (3) E>:cept as p!Wiously dlscioSed lt;I and acknowledged !)y Lender In wrilvlg, (e} neither Grantor nor any tenanl, cootraclo(, agent or Olhe!' authorized user ol 1he Property shell use, generate, manulacture, stor&. treat, dispose ot or releese any Hazardous &lbs.lance on, under, about or from lhe Property: and (b) 11ny .filucil aclivtty shall be conduct«! rl COITf)llance wilh ell applicable federal, state, and local laws, reg!Jetions and ordinances, Including without lmitatiOn an Environmental LaW$. Grantor aUlhorlzes Lender end Its agents to enter upoo lhe Property to rT'Bke such fnspectiOns and tests, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may de&m appropriate to dtt&mine compliance ol the Pruperty with lhls section Of the Deed of Trust AfY/ Inspections or tests made by Lender shaU be for Lender's purposee ooly and shaU not be construed lo c:reate any responsibilty or liability on 1hEI pa1'1 Of Lender 1o Granlof or to any ofuel" person. The representations and warranties ton1ained herein are basfld on Grantor's due diligence In investigating lhe Property 1or Hazardous S\lb$1anc:a. Grantor hereby (1) releases and waives any future Clams against !..ender tor ndernrity or oontrb.Jtion In lhe 0Yenl Gl'tlll"ltor becomss liable for cleanup or other oosts under any such laws; and (2) af78es to Indemnify, defend, and hold harmess Lender against any and all claims, losses, !iablTlliea., <famagee, penanies, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly suslaln or suffer resi.dtlng from a breach of this section ol the Deed of Trusl or es a consequence of eny use, genere.tlon, manufacture, s1orage, disposal, release or threatened release occurring prior to Gmntor's ownership or i1ternl in ltle Property, whether or not the same was or should have been known to Grantor. The provisions of this: section or th& Deed ol Trust, Jnc!udnQ the obligation to ir'ldemnily and defend, $hall sl.lrvive the payment of the Indebtedness and th& satl$factlon and r9C01"M1Yarice of the lien of this Deed of Trust and shl!!IH not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any i'lteresl in Iha Property, whelhar by foreclosure or otherwise. Nuisance, waste. Grantor shad not cause, conduct or pel'ffil arw nuisantil nor COl!VTlil, Pl:rrnit. or sufl81' any strjppng ol or waste on or to the Property or any portloo of the Property. Without limiting the generality of the k>regoing, Grantor wiK not remove, or grant to any other party lhe right to nlmOV11, any mlber, minerals (ncludlng ol1 and gaB), ooal, clay, scoria, son. gravel or rock products without Lel\Of.ir's prior written conaent. Removal of lmprovemema. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any ll1l)r0Vemeflts tram the Real Property without Lender'B prior written consent. Jv. a oondllion ti 1he l'8fTlOVSJ of any lmpr~. lender may require G.rantor to make arrangements sallBlactory to Ulnder to replace sueh lmpt'Ovflments with lmprol/erfl8l"tt$ of at least equal value. Lender's Right to Enlet. Lander and l.Elnder's agents and representatives may enter upon lhe Reel Property a1 all reasonable lfmes lo attend IO Lender's lntefesta and to lri,,peet the Rear Property for pUl'p0$es of Grantor's con,>llance with the terms and conditions of~ Deed of Trust. CompHance with Governmental Requirements. Gre.nlor Shall promptly oorrpy. and sti«ll prornpltf cause oompllance by all agents, tenants oro1her per$0n$ or entities of every nature 'INha.tsoevw who rent, lease or otherwise use or occupy the Property Ir! any manr'ler, with aN laws, ordinances, and ~lions, now or hereafter In effect. of all governmental .aulhQrltles appllcabl& 10 Iha use or oocupancy or tha Property, Including withoul limitation, lhe Americane Wrth Dlsablrltl&6 Act Grantor may oontest in good faith any such law, ordinance,. or r89Jlation and wtthhOICI complanoe during any proceeding, Wudrlg llppl'OPriate appeals, so long as Grantor has notifl9d Lend&r in writing prior to (lohg so and so loog as, in lender's sole opinion, Lender's intefests l'I the Property are not jeopsrdi!ed. Lender may requife Grentor to post adequate secvrhy or e surety bond, reasonably s.atisfacioty to Lender, IQ protect Lendefs lntetest Duty to Protect. Grtmtor agrees l'IE!ither to abandon or le.ave 11nattended the Property. Grantor shall do all othec acts, in addillon to thOSe actB SIN for1h above in lhls secilon, which from the Character and use ot th& Pr'Ot)erty are reasonably necessary to~ and pr9S8M1 the Property. DUE ON SALE -CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, et Lender's option, (A) declare immediately due and payable all sums secured by !hi& DHd ol Trust or (B} lf'ICl'Use !he Interest Ulla provided for In 1he Note or other doei.rttem evidalcing the Indebtedness and Impose such other conditions as Lender dMr'l'IS appropriate, llpOfl lhe sale OJ i:ansl81', without lender's ptiOI' written consent, 0, all or any part of the Real Property, or any interest ~ ttie Real Property. A ·sare or transfer" means the conveyance of Real Property or any right. line or Herest In the Flea! Property; whether lega~ beneficial or equitable; whether voluntary or lovoli.nlary; whether by outright sale, deed, Installment sale contract, land conlraci, oontract for deed, leaseho!d Interest wilh a lerm greater than three f:3) years, lease-option contract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of arry beneflcial lnlerest In or 10 any land lrU6t holdhg 1111& to the Rea! Property, or by any other method of conveyanc:a of an nterest in lhe Real Property. If any Grantor Is a corpora!k;,n, l)lrtnarship or tlmlli:ld liability e0m.oany, lransler also Includes any change in ownership or more lhe.n twenty·l!'.le p&rc:en'I (25%) of Iha voting stoclt, partn8t'Ship interests or limited liability company interests, as the case may be, ol such Gra.ntor. Howwer, this option shall not be 6)1:ercised by Lander l slJCh exercise Is prohibited by lederal law or by WaahingtOn law. TAXES AND LIENS. The lollowlng provisions relating to the laxee end liens oo the Property are part: ol this Deed of TrlJ.filt Payment Grantor shall pay When due (and in all events prior to delinquency) all taxes, special taxin, asa98smenla, charges (including water and sewer). fines and lr'l'fl0$lti0na levied againsl or oo account of the Property, and shal pay when due ah c:Jaims for 'NOJk dOne on or for services rendered or me.1erial furnished to t,e Proparty. Grantor shan maintain the Property free of al liens hav~ prk,rity over or equal to the Interest of Lendar IXlder thiS Deed of Trust, except for the Hen of taxes and assessmentr. not d11e and e:,,:c:ept as ottierw1se provided in this Deed of Trus,1, Righi to C,ontat. C:lra!llQr may wllhhold payment ol any ta>:, assessment or clalm In connection with a good faith ClispUle over !he obligation to pay, so long ;?S Lendat'S lnlel'est 111 the Property 1s notjeoparclled. tf a lien arises or is !Red as a result ol nonpa.ymenL Grarrtor Sh-1-~ within fltteen {15) days after-the lien arises or, ii a li8n is fired, within fifteen DEED OF TRUST (Co ntln ued) 20080422001719.004 Page 4 (15) days after Granter has nolce of. the fmng. secure lhe discharge of 1he lien, or if requested by Lender, deposit wffi'\ Lerder cash or a sufficien! corpara1e su1'81.y bond or other security satisfactrny to Lender in an am::iunt sufficienl to t;flscharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys' fee$, or o\h&t charges that cotJd accrue as a result o1 a foreclosure or sale under the lien. ln any contest, Granter shaff defend i1$elf and Lender and shall salisfy any adverse Judgment before enfercement against ll'le Property. Gran1ol" sha" name Lender as an add!tlonal obliges under any surety bond lurnished in the contest proceedings, Evidence of Payment. Granlor shall upon demand furnish lo Lender satisfactory evidence of paymeni o! the laxes or assessments and shall authortze 1tie appropriale governmental Offlelal to deliver to Lender at any time a written slatemenl of the tl!xes end assessments against the Property. N¢tlce of CanstrucUon. Grantor shalt nolify Lendet at le.!!S! flfteen (15) days befOJe any work is comme()Ced, any services are fumlshed, or any materiels ere supplled to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, m!!lterialmen's lien. or other lien could be anerted on account ot the Y,'O!'k·, seivices, or rna1erials. Granter wAI upor. request of Lender Furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender thal Gra!'IIO!' can end will pay the-cost ol sixh impmvemenls. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The foHawiflg proviSions re!atlng to insuring the Property are a part o1 this Deed of Trust Maintenance or Insurance. Grantor shall prorure and maintain policies of life insurance with standard extended coverage endorsernems on a replacement ba.818 fOf 1he, lull ins.urable vall.18 covering .11.II IITl)fOV811'1ents on the Real Pl'OJ)8rty in an amount sufficient 10 avoid appll~tion ot any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause in favor of Lender. Grenlor Sha~ a~ procure and maintain comprehensive gene,al liability insurance in such coverage amounts as Lel'ld&r may request with Trustee and l8n:le: being named as additional insureds. in such llablllty insurance policies. Additionally, Grank:lr shall rMi'ltein such other Insurance, Including bU1 not limited to hazard, b1.1siness Interruption, and boiler insurance, as Leod8r may reasonably require. Policies shall be written in form, atl'll'lli'lts, coverages and basis reasonably acx:e,ptable to Lender and issued by a company or corrpanies reasonably acceplable to Lender. Grentor, upon request of Lender, will der!V8f to Lender 1rom tine 10 time the Policies or certlflca.188 of insurance In form satisfactory 10 Lender, inclucHng stipulations lhat eov«ages wlll not be car'ICEllled ot diminished without at least len (10) days prior writlen notiee to Lender. Each Insurance policy also shall include an endorsemern providing that coverage in favor ol lender will not be lrll:lalred in any way by 11,ny act, omiss,on or default of GranlOr or any other person. Sh01Jd the Real Property be located in an area designated by lhe Direclol' ol the Federal Emergency Managen,en.t Agency as a special flood hazard area, Grantor agrees lo obtain ani:I maintah Federal Flood Insurance, if available, !or the full unpaid principal balance of the Joan end any prior tiel'IS on 1he property securif"IQ lh& loan, up to the maximum policy limits set under the National Flood Insurance Program, or es o1hen'1ise r8qllll'$d by lender, f:ln<:I 1o mainlain such insurance lor the term Oi the loan. Application of Proceeds. Grantor shall promptly no1ify lender ol any loss or damage 10 the Pro~y if the es1imated cost of Mpair or replacement exceoo's $500.00. lender may make proof of loss if Grantor le.is to dO so within fifteen (15) days of ttle casualty. 'Whether or no! lender's eecurtty i$ lmpelred, l.eflder may, at Lender's election, recefve and retain ttle proceects of any insurance and apply 1ht J)l'OCeeds to the reduction of lhe Indebtedness, payrYle!"lt o! any lief' affectilg the Prooerty, or 1he restoratiOn and repair of the Property. If Lender elects to apply the proceeds to restoralion and rape.if, Grantor shall repair or replace th& damaged or destroyed lr"J"flfOYemenls In a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lendef shaU, upon satisfactory proof of such expendilure, pay 01 relrrburse Grantor from the proceeds !or the re.isonable· cost or repair· 01 restoratiOn if Grenmr is no1 In delaul1 under I his DC?ed o1 Trust Af"ro/ pro·ceects which have nm been dlsbursad within 180 days atler their rec&ipl and which Lender has not committed to the tepair or restoratiori of the Property shall be used first to pay any amol'"rt owing to Lender under 1his Deed of Trus1, than to pay accrued iiteresl, and the remainder, if any, shan be applied to the principal balance 01 the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds after payment in fu9 Of the Indebtedness. such proceeds she.n be paid wllhout Interest to Granlor as Grantor's Interests may appear. Grantor's Report on Insurance. Upon request or lender, howeYer not more than once a year, Grantor shall furnish to lender a report on each existing policy of insurance showing: (1) lt19 name ol 1he insurer; (2} !he risks. inf:lured; (3) 1he amount or the policy; (4) the property insured, lhe then current replacement value of such property, and the manner or determining that value; and (5) th~ expiration da1e o! the policy. Gral'1tor shall, upor, request of Lender. have an hdependen't appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine the cash value re~acemen1 cost of the Pr(IJJ8r1y. LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. II any action or prooeeding Is commenced that woutd malefiaUy affect Lencltr'S il'IUtrest In the Property or if GranlOI" !ails to comply with any provision of this Deed of Trust or any Related Documents, Inell.ding but not limited to Grantor's lailUre to discharge or ~y when doo any amoun1s Gran1or is required to discharge or pay under !his Deed o1 Trust or any Related DOO\Kl'l8nts, Lender on Grantor's behall may {but fflatl not be ob1iga1ed to) take ar,y action that Lender deems appropriate, lnciudlng but not limited to oischergi'lg ot paying all taxes. Hens, s&euri1y Interests, encumbrances and other Clams, at any time levied or placed on the Property and paying aU costs for lnsvring, maintaining and preserving 1he Property. All such eicpenditurilfS incurred or paid by lender tor such purposes wll then bear interest a! !he rate charged under the Note from the oma incurred or paid by Lender to lhe date or repayment by Granlor. Alt such exptn$es will become a part of rhe Indebtedness and, al Lender's option, wll (A) bo payable on demand; (B) tie added to the balance of the Note and be apportioned among e.n<:I be payable with any 1n9ta.llment payments 10 become due durng eitt1er (1) !11e term of any apPlictlb!e insurance policy; or (2) th~ remaining term of tlle Note: or (C) be treated as a balloon payment whic"l will be due and paya~e at the Note's maturity. Toe Deed of Trust also wUI secure payment o11nese amounts. Such fight shall be in addition lo aD othet (,ghts and remedies to which Lender may be entilled upon Defaul! WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to OY'IT18rstiip oi 1ha Property are a part of this Deed of Trust· Title. GrarilOr warr.1m1s ihat {a) Graniof holdS good and markelable tltle of record lo !he Property in tee simp!e, free and clear of all liens and encumbraoces other than those set forth In the Real Property description or in any ~e insurance poflcy, t~le report, or final tlfle opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with tnis Deed of Trust, and (b) Grantor has '11-.fun right, power, and authority lo execute and dollver ttils Deed o1 TNSt to Lender. Defense of TIUe. SU'ojact to the exc:ep11on in the par11graph abcVe, Orilntor warran'tS and will forever defend the li11e to lhe Property against the 1:;iwiul claims of all persons. In the even! any &1..1i0n or proceeding is carrnenced tha1 questi:ms Grantor's ti'tla or ,ne Interest o1 Trustee or Lender ut1der this Deed of Trust, Grantor shall defend the action al Gran1or's expense. Grantor may be lhe nominal party In such proceeding, but Lender shall be ootitlod lo participate in the proceeding al'ld to be represenled In 1l'1e proceeding by counsel OI Lender's CNm choice, and Grantor will l':!eHvei-, or csuse to be delivered, 1o Lender such instruments as lender may request from time to time to pennit sueh participation. compllance With Laws. Grantor warrants that !he Property and Grantor's. use of the Property cortl'Jlies With all e>:lsting ai:9licable !aws, ordinances, ana regulalions of govemmentar authorities. Survival ot Representauon& and Warranties. All rapresentatioris, warranties., and agreerneim made by Gram.or in this Deed of Trust shall survive the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trust, shaU be cOl"lmuhg in na1Uf8. and shall remain In full force and effeet ontH sueh time as Grantor's lndebtedriess shall oe paid in full. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) CONDEMNATION. The loHowing provisions relating to COnd81Tnetlon proceedings are a part of thi's Deed of Trust: 2006042200 I I I 9.005 Page 5 Procaecfinga. II any proceeding in COlldemnation is filed, Granter shall promptly notify Lender in wrffing, and Grantot .shall prM1JUY take such s1eps as may be ne¢essary 1o defend the: aciiorr and obtain the awa,d. Grar1tor may be lhe nomlnal party in su::h procaeding, but Lender shaU be entitled 1o particlpale in the proceeding and to be re:presented in !he proceeding by counsel ot Its own chOiee all at Grantor's expense, and Granto, wHI deliver or cause lo b& detiv91ed to Lender soch instruments and documenta11on as may be requested by lender from time 1o tine to parrnit such partk:lpalion. ApplQtion of Net Praceeds. If all or any J)$rl of the Property is oondemied by eminetrt domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase il lleLJ ol condemnation, Lender may at its elecilon require that all or any portion cA the ne1 pr-ex;Hds of the award be applied 1o the lndebteo"less o, tt1e repeir or restoration ol the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean lhe award aNer payment ol all reasonable costs, e>:penses, and attorneys' fees ·111CUrred by Trns1oo or Lender In comection w~h the cond&mnation. IMPOSmON OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AlJTHORmES. The loHowhg provisions relerlng to goverrmental taxes, tees and charges are a part ot 1his. Deed of Trust Current TaxH, Fe111s and Chatges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shaB execute such documents In additiOn fo 1hs Deed of Trust and take whal&ver o1hef action is requested by lender to perf9ci art<I continue lender's lien on the Real Property. Gt.fll'ltor shah reimburse lendef for ell ta>:es, as described below, together with all exp1mses lnctXred in record'mg, perfecting or continuing this Deed of Trusl, includtng wllhoul liiritation all taxes, 1ees, documentary i,tani:,s, and other charges for recoo:llng or tegiSl:sring !his Deed ot Trust Taxes, The folloWing shal constlttlte Wes to which 1his section applies; (1) a spectfic: tax upon 1tds type Of Deed of Trust or (4lon all or any part of th& Indebtedness secured by lhis Deed of Tl'\.lst; (2) a speoillc lax on Granto, Which Granlor Is authoru:ed or reqLJired to dedLJct from paymenta on the lndebt9dness secured by lhis type of Oeed of Trust; (3) a ta,>1 on this type cA Deed Of Trus1 chargea:bh!!i ag&mt the L8nder or tie holder of ttle Note; and (4) a speeifie tall: ori an or any portiOl'I of the lndebtedne$$ or on paymB11ts of prilc~ and Interest made by Gr&!ltor. suba&quent Taus. JI any tax to which this section appllfls is enacted subSe,quent to the dale of ttva Dood of Trust, 1hls event shall have 1he same effect 88 811 e.,.,nt OI Default, and lend&f may exercise any ot all of Jts avaUabCe remedies for an EVElnt Of Default as providsd below unless Granto, sither (1) pays th& tax before it becomes dellnquent, (II' {2) contests the t8X' as provided above In 1he Texas an(f uens section er"ld deposits with Lender ea.sh or a sufficlenl COJPOrate surety bond or other security satisf&ctory lo Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provtslOns Mlating to this Deed of Trust es e S8(lllflty agl'$0rnent are a part of this Deed of Trust 5ecurtty Agreement ToiS instn.menl shaft constitute e 8ec:tM"lty AgreerneM to the extent any of Ole Property constitutes li)(lur&s, e.nd lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party llflder lhe Unlfo,m Commercial COde as amended fr()ITI 1imeto tme. S.::urtly lntereat. Upon 1"8QU9$1 by lender, Grantor shall take whatever action is reqvested by lender to perfect and continue Lender's sect1rlty iiktrest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to reoordrlg ttvs Deed of Tru!lt In the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorlza11on from Granto,, fil& exaculed counterparts, copiag o,· reprodocllons of this Deed of Trus! as a financing statemerrt. Granlol shall reimburse Lender tor aD expenses incurred il peMC"ling Of confinUing this secLJrity Interest. Upon detaul1, GranlOI" shall not removs,, sever or detach th& Personal Property from 1t"t8 Property. Upon defaiJI., Grantor shall assemble any Personal Property no! affixad to the Pmpe,ty In a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Gr11ntor and Lender and make It available to Lender wilhin three {3} days after receipt OI Wl'itten demand from lender to the extent permitted by applicable law. Addresses. The malif'Q addresses of Grantar fdebto!") and LBndet (S8Ctled party) from which information concerning lhe secLJrlty inte,est granted by tl'lils Deed ol Trust may be obtained leactl es required by 1he Uniform Commercial Code) are as .stated on the first page ol lhis Deed ol Trust. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The ldlowlng provisions telaling lo h.riMr aasurances. and attor'l"ley•in·fact are a part of this Deed of Trust: Further Assurances. At any time, and from lime to time, llpOO request of lender, GraMOI" will make, exeeLJle and i:l~iver, or will cause to b8 made, executec:1 or delivered, to Lender or to lender's designee, and when t«(ueated by Lender, cause to be ll!ed, tecorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at sucl'l litnn and i1 such offices and p~ces as Lender mey deem aw,oprlate, any and an such m:irtgagas, deeds ol trust, security deeds, secmity agreements., rinancilg stalements, continuation S1atemen1S, lnstrumenla of Further assurance, certHlcates, and other documents as may, In 1h11 SOie oplr,on ol LEIB18r, be necessary or de&lrable In order IO efleotuale, compl&te, perfect, conltnie, or preserve (1) Orenlor's obligattms under th& Note, this Deed ot Trust, :itnd the Related Doei.menls, and (2) the ller18 and securtty Interests trea!ed by thB Deed ot Trust as first and prior liens on the Property, whether oc,w O'Nn8d or h9'Mfter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohlJttecl by law or Lender agrees to lhe contrary In writing, Grantot shaU reimburse Lendet for al costs and e>:penSes incurred In connec:tlOn with lhe matters r&ferred to In this paragraph. Attorney-In-Fact. ff Grantor laHs lo do any of 1he lhln:11$ ref&,red" to In Iha prer;$dlng paragraph, Lender may do so toJ and l'l the name of Gtanlor and at Grarltots e>:pense. For suctr pt.WpOSeS, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints lender as Grantor'ti attorney-In-fact fo, the purpose of mllking, executng, delivering, 111/ng, recording, and doing aJI other thing:s as may be necessary Of dnirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to a.ooorrpllsh the matters relerred lo In !he preceding paragraph. FUll PE~FORMANCE. If Grar'ltor pays aff the Indebtedness When due, and othe!wisfl perlorms aa the obligations imposed 1.4X)fl Grantor i.ider this Dsed of Trust, lender shell execute and deliver to TrUS19e a reQuest for tUI 1'9001'11/eyance and shaR execute and deliver to Gran!or .sullable s1alernents o! termlnatiOn ot any financing statement on file evidencing lender's 89Curity Interest In the Ren1s and the PelSOl"lal Prcparty. Any reoonveyance lee shall be paid by Grantor, If pe!'l"Tlihed by apJ'.)lieable law. The grantee In eny reconveyance may be ~bed as the "person or persons legally entill8d !hereto". and 1he reeitala r1 the reconveyance ot any molters or facts shaU be ooncluslVe prool of ttle trU1hlllr'10$S of any such malter$ or lacis. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of the fOll()',llng. a1 l.erldE!r's option, shall constitute an Event Of Default Linder this OMd of Trust: Payment Default. Grantor falls to make any payment when due under the Indebtedness. Other Oefault:B. Grantor fail$ to comply wltl'I or 10 perform any other term, obllgatlon, covenant 01 condition contahed il1 this Deed of TrLJs1 or In any of the Related Oocl.lMe"lts or to comply with or 1o ~ any fern,, obligetlon, oa.oenar'II Of condHlon contained ln 11ny other agreement between Lender and Grantor. Compliance Daf;11utt. Falure IO comply will'\ any ottier tetm, Oijiga!ion, cxwena.nt or condition conlalned In this Deed ol Trust, the Note or In any ol the Related Documents. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20080422001719.006 Page 6 Delaull on Other Payments. Failure of Gr~ntor within the time required by 1tis Deed of Trusl to maktl any payment for ta>:es or insurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent rning cl or to effect discllarg,e of ar'ly lian. Default In Favor of Thlrd Parties. Should Grantor deltuJt Under any loan, extension of credit, security agreerr.ent. purchase or :.al~ agreeme!'lt. or any other agr&ement, in Javor of any other creditor <x person that may materially affeci any of Grantor's property or Grantor's abiity to repay ttie lndetlledness or perform their respec1ive obligations under thls Deed of Trust or arty of the Rela19d Documents. Falae Statements. Arry warranty, represen1ation Of statemenl made or ftlmlshed to Lender by Granter or on Grantor's beliatt under this Deed of Trust or the Related Documents is false or misleading in any materiel respecl, either now or at the lime made or furnished or bl'.!COmes false or mi$1eading al any ~me thereafter. De1ecttve Collalerallutlon. This. Deed of Trust or any of the Related Documents ceases to be in lull force and et1ect (hcluding f8ill,re of any collateral document to create a valid al"ld per'/ected securHy in1erest or lien) al arry.tir'l"I& ai¥J for any reasOl'1. Death or Insolvency. The dlssolulion of Grantor's (regardess of Whetller election to continue is made), ariy member withdraws llom the lin'l~ed llabRity company, 0< any Olhsr termination of GrMtor's e,dstence as a going business or the death of any member, the insolvency of Granlor, the appointment of a receiver for any part of Gran!of's property, any assignment for the benefit of creditors, any type of cred!tor workout or t'he commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy Of insolvency laws by or against 13rantor. Cn,dltot or forlellure Proceedings. Commencemeol Of foreclosure-or for1elture proceedings, whether by judicial proceeding, self-help, repossessiOn or any other me1hod, by any creditor of Grantor or by any ,governmental agency against any property securing the Indebtedness. This lm1udes a garnishment of any of arantor's accovms. includ1i1g oepo$it aCC!l!X'ls, with Lend&!', However. this Even1 cf Default shaU not apply if lhere is e good faith d1spule by Grant°' as to the va1idlty OJ reasonableness of the claim 1M'lieh i9 lhe basis of t!"le credi',0r or !orfeliure proceeding and if Grantor gives Lender written notice of the eredllor or forfeiture proceeding and deposlts with Lender mcnies or e, surety bond for the creditor or forlettute proceeding, in an amoi.rot determined by Lender, in Its sole discretion, as being an adsqua1e r9$8f\19 or bond for t11e dispute. Breach ol Other Agreement Any breach by Grantor under the terms of any other agreement betweef1 Grantor and Lender that is not remedied within any graee periOd provided therein, including whut limitation an,/ agreement concerning any indebtedness or other obligation of Grantor lo Lender. whether e)(isting now or i.eter. Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the pre(:edlng events occus wilt, respect 10 any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or 111ny Guarantor dies 0( becomes incorrpetent, or revokes or disputes the va!idlty of, or liabiHty urider, any Guaranty cl the lnd~rteS$. Jn the event of a death, Lender, at Its option, may, bul Shafi not be required to. permh the Guarantor's estate to assume unconcilllonally the obligations arising under the guaranty in a manner satisfactory to Lender, and, In doing so, cure any Even! of Default. Adverse Change. A ma1eriat e.d'lerse change oocurs In Grantor's financial condition, or Leooef believes the prospect of pa.yrnent or perlormanee of the lndebleclness is in,paired. Insecurity. LQl'ider in good faith believes ltsetf lr1secure. Right to Cure. If a.rry defatit, other than a default !n payment Is curable and ifGrantor has not"b.len given a oolice ol a breach of the same provlsleitl ol this Deed of Trus1 within 1he p,eceding twelve (12) months, It may be cured lf Grantor, after receiving written nolice from lender demartding cure of six:h default: (1) c1.1ros the defaull withln ten (10) days; or {2} II the cure ~ulres more than wn (1 OJ days, irnmedialely initiates sieps which Lend8f deems in Lender's sole d"1scretion to be sufficient lo cure the delautt and tti;reafter conlr"lues end oomple'las all reasoriable and nacesSilry 1,1eps sutticlenl to produce compliance e.s soon as reasonably practlcal. RIGHTS ANO REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. II an Event of Delatll OCCll!"S under 1his Deed of Trusl, at any ti""! thereafter, TrU$tee or Lender may exercise any one or more of the ro1ow1ng r~ts and remedies: Elactton of Remedies. Election by Lender to pursue any temedy shall not excklde pursuit ol 1iny Olher remedy, and an election to mak• e:ir.pendituTes or 10 18.ke action to perform an obligation ol Grantor tmder thiS Deed of Trust. after Gr.antor's failure to perlorm, shall not affect lender't1 righl to decle.re a deraiJt and exercise its remedies. Acoelerale Indebtedness. Lender shall have the riG;rt at Its option to declare the en!IM IMOObiedness immediately due and payable, includ1ng any prepayment penalty which Granlor wouk:l be roo.uired lo pay. Foreclosure. With respect to all or any par! of the Real Property. the Truslee shall have the right 10 exercise !ts power of sale and to foreclose by no11ce and &ale, end l.e!"lder shall tiave ttle righT lo loreclose by JudCial foreclosure. in either case in accordance with and to 1he lull ex!ent provided by applleal:)le law. UCC RemedlM. With respect to a.II or any part or the Personal Property, Lender shell have all lhe right$ and remedies ol a secured party tJnd&r the Uniform Commercle.l COOe. Collect Rents. Lender shall he.ve the righl without notice lo Granter to lake possession of and n'lb.Mge the Property and collect the Rents, including amounts past due and 1,.mpJid, and apply the net proceeds. over amt above Lerider's cosl!l, &.ga'l\St lhe Indebtedness. In furtherance of thiel rlttrt, Lender may requl1e any tenant or ottler user of \he Ptoperty to make payments of rent or use fees d\recUy to Lender. If trte Rents are collected t:,y Lender, then Granlor irrevooabty desllr!ales tender as Grantor's attorney-in-fact to endOl"Se Instruments received in payment Iha~ in th!! name ol Granter and to nego6ate the same and collect lhe proceeds. Paymet1ts by tenants or other users to Lender In response to Lender's demand Sha.II satlScfy the obligations lor which the payments are made, whe'!her or not any proper grounds for the demand existed. Lend&t' may exercise its rights under this subparagraph eithE:tr in person, by agent, or 1hrough a receiver. Appoint Receiver. Lender shall ha"81he right to have 8 receiver appointed to take possession of a! or any pan of the Property, with the power to protect and preserve the Properly, to operate the Property p,ecedlng or pending foreck,)S.ure or sale, and to COiiect the Rants from 1h0 Property end apply the ptoceeds. over and above the cost Of the receivership, agahSt 1he !ndeb1edness. The receiver may seroe without bond !f permitted by law. L&nd&r's rig"!I IO the appointmen1 o1 a receiver shall e)(is-t Whelher OJ not lhe apparent value of the Property exceeds the !ndebteaness by a substantial amo1.mt Employment by Lender shall not dlsqua!l!y a pe,$on rrom seNlng aa a receiver. Temincy at sunerance, If Grantor remains h possession of the Propel'ty attar the Property is sold as provided e.boVe or lender ofherwlse becomes entil!ed to possession of the Property upon default ol Grantor, Granter Shall become a tenarn at suffetance ol Lender or th& purcha!ler ol !he Property and shell, at Lender's option, efthar (1) pay a r~bte rental lor the use-of the Property, or (2) 11eca1e the Properly immediately upon 1he demand of Lender OtMr Remedies.. Trus11M or Lender shall have any o1her right or 11Jmedy ptOVided in 1hls Deed cl Trust or the Note or available at law or in eQuity. Notice of Sale. Lender shaJl give Orantor reasonable notice of the time and plaoe or any public sale ol lhe Personal Property or of the time after which any private sale or Olher in1en(:!ed disposition ol tile F>en;o-ial Properly is lo be made. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20080422001719.007 Page 7 ~sonable noUc::e Shall mean notice given at least ten {10) days before ltle time of the sale or dlspoeltlon. Nr,J sale of the Personal Property may be made in conjlJt'lciil?,n With any sale of 1he Real PrQper\y, Sale of the Property. To lh8 e;r;tent permitted by appllcabkt law, Grantor hereby waives any and all rigm; to have the Property marshaled. In exerciSil'lg its righls and remedie$, the Tr\lstee or Lander shall be free to sell all or any pert of the Property together or sgpe.rately, in one sale or by sepe.rale sales. Lender shall be entitled to bid at any public sale on a" or any portion of the Property. Attorll9Yt 1 Fees; Expen&e9. If Leod81' 1'1$11Mes any $Ult or action to enforce any of the terms of this Deed of Trus1, Lender shall be entitled to recover such sum as the coui1 may adjudge reasonable as attorneya' ftle, a1 trial and upon any appeal. ~her or not any coun action Is involved, and to the eX18nt not prohibited by law, all reasonable expenS8$ Lender Incurs that In Le~·s opinion are MC8$8ary at any lime lot the protecUon of Its Interest or the enforcement or Its rights shan become a pert ot lhe lndebte<rless pe,yable on demand and shall bear Interest al the Note r11te trom-lhe date of the expenditure unU repak:L Expenses covered by this paragraph Include, wilhout limitation, however subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' fOOS aod Lond&r'$ legal exp81188S, whelher or not there is a lawsu~. Including attorneys' lees and expens8S for barl<ruptcy procaedin!JS (hcludiig efk>rl!, 10 modify or vecate any automatic stay or lnjlA'lction), appeal$, and arrt anllclpated posj.Judgment collection servk:as, the cost or see.rctllng records. obtaining tiUe reports (ilclUding foreclosure rllpOl"I:$), sr.wveyors' raporu;, and appraisal lees, title insurance, and fees for 1he Trustee. to 1he extent permll1ed by applicable law. Grarrtor also will pay any G'Ourt costs, in addition to all other sums provided by law. Rlgllb of Trustu. Trustee shall have all of 1he rights and dUllea of Lend Bf as set forlh In this section. POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The lollowing provisions ra1a&lg to the pow~ and obligations of Trustee (pu1Suant to Lender's Instructions) are part of tt,js Deed of Trust: Powers of Trustl!e. In additiOn to aff powers ol Trusltile arising as a rnat1er of law, Trustee shalt have ltlEI power to take the ~lowing actions with respect to lt'l8 Property upon the written request of Lender and Grat11¢r. (a) join in preparing and filing a map or plat r:J the Real Property. lnclu:ilng the dedication ol s1re&ts or 01her rights. to the public; (bl join J1 granting any 98.$&ment or CTM1ing any restriction on lhe Real Property; and (c:) join WI any subordinalion or other agreement af1ecting this Deed ol Trus1 or the lnlerest ol Lender under this Deed of Tnisl. Obllgallona to Notify. Trustee shall nOI be obligated to notify any oth81 party of a pendi'lg sale r.n:fer any other 11\JSt deed or llen, « of any action or proceeding .-i Which 0.rantor, Len:ler, or Trustee shall be a party; i.nless required by appllcab4e law. Of unless the ectioo or proceeding is brought by Trustee. Tn,tSlee. Tr1,!$te,& $haH meet all qualifications requir'ed for Tru&tee under applicable-law. In addition to 1he rights and remedies set forth above, with respect to all or any part of the Property, the Trustae shaU have the right lo foreclose by notice and sale, and Lender sh!llt have the righ1 to foreclose by jucliclel IOl'eclosure. In eilher case In accordance w1tl1 and to the full e>ctenl provided by applicable law. Successor Trustee. Lender, a1 Leod&rll option, may from time to line appoint a suocessor Trus!BB to any Trustee a~inted l.llder ins Deed of Tru&t by an instrunen1 executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded In the office of th& recorder Of Krlg County, State of Washington. l'he r'IStrum&nt shal contai'I, in addition to all other matters required by state law, the names of the onglnal lender, Trustee, arxl Grantor, the book and page Of the Audl1or's File NUT'lber. wt\erf tt\1$ Deed Of Tru,t 19 recorded, and the name and address of &he successor 1rusl8e, and 1he instn.meo1 shall be executed and acknowledged t:l'j Lender or Its sucoessors In Interest The successor ll'Ustee, without COfMJ'J'ance Of 1hO Property, shall succeed to aD the title, power, and duties confer.red upon the Trustee In 1hls Deed of Trust and by applicable law. Tt'ie procedure for sub61itutlon of TrlJSle& sheU govern 10 the exclusion of all other provlSlons lor Slbstilution. NOTICES. Subject 10 applicable law, and eJCcepl for notice required or 81Jowed by law to be given in another 1'!'18.Me(, any rdic:e required '° be gillen IJ'ld8f 1his Deed of Trust, Including wllhout Imitation any ootlce or defal&t and any nollce of 8818 shall be ~ In writing, and thell be etfeclive wheo actually delivered, when actually recewed by tele4acslmlle (unless otherwise required by law), when deposited with a netiMaly reccqrized ovemiglt courier, or, H maned, when deposited in the United State mal, as fi~t cte.ss, certified 04' registered mall po&tage prepaid, di'ected 10 the eddres&as shown near the beglMIOg Of !his Deed of Trust. AH copies of notices of iotecloaure from the holder of any 1181'\ which has priority owr this Deed ol Trus1 Shaft be sen110 Lender's addre,,, a.s Shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trust AfT'/ pert)' mey change Its addrns for notices tnder ll'liS Deed ol Trust by giving formal written notice 10 the other parties, specifying that the pi.rpos,e of the notice is to change the party's address, For notice purposes, Granter agrees lo keep Lendef Informed at all Umes of Grantor's current addr8S!i. Subject to ap~icable law, and eJCcept for notice requited or alOwecl by law to b& given in another manner, if !here is more than one Grantor, any no1ice given by leoder to any Granklf Is deemed 1o be notice given to all Grantots. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The loUO'Nlng miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Oeed of Trust: Amendments. This Deed of Trusl, logether with any Related Docwnante., consHtutes lhe entire understanding and agreement of the parties as 1o the matters set forttl In this Deed ol Trust No alteration ol or amend~ to !hi$ Deed Of Trust shall be efft\clive urieM givel"I In writing and sl(Jled by 1h8 party or partl&s souglt to be charged or bound by 1he alteration or amendment. Annual Reporu. H the Property Is used for purJJOSeS otl",sr than Grantor's residence, Grantor &hall furnish to lender, upon request, a cenifktd siatemen! QI net opeltltlng Income ~celved lrom lhe Property crurlng Grantor'.s previous nBcal year n sveh lorm and detail as lender shaP require. ·Net operallng Income" shan mean all cash receipts. from the Prop8rty less an cash expoodlt1.1res made In conneclion with thEi operation of the PrCl)erty. CapUon Headings. Caption head"ings In 1hls Deed of Trust are for convenience purpose$ only and are not lo be used to ln'l8fpret or deb the provlSlons Of lhlS Deed ol Truat. Merger. There, shall be no merger Of the lnlerest or estaie created by thiS Deed of Trust w.ith any other interest or estate Jn the Property at any tme held by or for the benefi, ol Lender In any capacity, without lhe written ooosent of lendef. Gova,nJng Law, This Deed of Trust wm be governed by 111:deral law applicable to Lender and, lo the extent not prMrnpted by federal law, the laws of lhe Stam of Washington without regard to Its conlllets of law proVislonL This Deed ot Trusl nas been accepted by lender In the state: of Wnhinglon. Choice of Venue. If lh81"e is a lawsuit, GrantoJ agrees ~ lender's request to submit 10 the jurl!ldlc:tlon of lhe couf1:s of King County, S1altl of Washlnglon. No Waiver by Lender. lendef shalt not be deen'!Eld to have waived any rights under this Deed ol Trust mess such waiver Is giv8n In wrllng and signed by lender. N:> delay or omission on the part of lender in exSJcisil'lg any right $hall operaltil as a waiver of sueh righl or any other righ't. A waiver by Lender of a provision of this Deed of T,ust shall not prejudice 0t oonstirute a waiver of L011der's right otherwise to demand stricl compliance with lhat provlston 04' any oCt'ler provision of this Deed ol Trust. No prior wal\/er by Lender, nor any course Of dealing: betYleen Lender and Granier, shan oonstilule a waiver 01 any ol Lender's rights or cf any of Grat\tQ('.S Ol::lliga~ as to any 1uiura tranaactions. WhenevSJ DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20080422001719.008 Page 8 the consent of Lender is required u~ thi9 Det!d of Trust, the-granting of such consent by lender In any Instance shall not constitute contlnulr,g oonsent lo subsequem inst;mcas where suet, eonsont is ,equired and in a!I cases sucti corrsent may be gran1ed or withheld in ttie sole discretiai ol Lender. Severablllty. JI a court of compelerit jurisdlctlon firds any provision ol this Deed of Trust to be Illegal, iwalid, or unmilorcaabla as lo any cil"ClJmstance, thel finding shell not ITltlke the offending provision illegal, invalid, or unenloroaable as to any other circumstanc::8. tr feasible, lhe ot1ending prO'lision shs.q be considered modified so that It beoom8S legal, valid and enfot~able. If the offending provision camot be so modified, rt shall be con~erl!d deleted from 1"1!!. Deed of Trust Unless otherwise required by raw, the illegellity, i!'M;lidity. or unenlorceablllty ol any provision of th~ Oeed oi Trust shan not effoot the legality, va!!dlty or enforceability of any otl1er provision of this Deed of Trust. successors and Assigns. Subject to any llmitalions eta.led in 1hiS Deed Of Trust on 1ransfer Of Grantor's interest, this Deed of Trust shan be binding vpon and lnt.H'e to !he be-n8fl1 of 1he parties, !heir successors and assigns. If ownership of the Prol)l!rty becomes vested 11 a peraon other 1han Granlor, Lender, wtthOut .-.otice to Grantor. may deal with Giilntor's succesSOts wittl reference to this Deed ot Trust and the lndeb18dness by way of 1orbear.ance or extension wllhou! releasing Grantor from the obligatiOns of 1hiS Dead of Trut.t or liability und8f the Indebtedness. Time, 1$ af the EHence. Time 18 ol the essence In the performance of this Deed of Trust. Walwr of Ho~ad EYemptlon. Grantor hereby releases and waives al! riQhts and benefits of the hon'IM1eaci e1Cemption taws of the State of Washington as to a~ lndebtsdn8ss Sl!Cured by this Deed ot Trust DEFINITIONS, The fOIIOwing e!.pilali.2:ed words and terms shall have the followJng meanings. when used In this Deed of Trust. Unless specifieally slaled to the contrary, all references to dollar amo!.lntS 5hall mean amounlS in lawruf money of \he United Slates of America. Worcls and terms used in the singular sh89 ifldl.J<le 1he pfuraf, and the plural st'l811 inciUde the singt.tar, as the context may require. words and terms not otherwise defined In thiS Dee<f of Trus1 shall hava the meanings attributed to Sl..lCh terms In the Uniform CQmmercitJ.! Code: Benefletary. The word "Beneficiary' means EvergTffl1Bank, and Its successors and assign$. Borrower. The WOfd 'Borrower· means Mlnter, L.l.C. and Includes all co·s!gnera and co-makers siprling the Nole and an their succesaors s.nd assigns. Deed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust' mean thiS Deed of Trust among Grantor, Lender, and Trustee, and includes without limitation an assig,mant and security Interest provisions reletlng to !he F'ersooal Property end Rems. Oefaull. The word "Oelau11· means the Detautt set forth in this Deed of Trust In the section tilted "De1aull". EnVfronmental Laws. The words "Environmental Laws· me;i.n any and all state, federal and IOOal slaMes, regulatiorrs and orcllnances relatilg to 1he proteciion of human health or the envifooment, including without limitstion the Comprehe-1'1$ive Environmental Response, COOl)ensaticm, anti Uablily Act of 1980, as amand&cl, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq. ('CERCLA"), the Superfuncl Amen«nenls and RetJ.UlhoriZation Act of 1986, Pl.lb. L. No. 99.499 ('SARA"). the HazardOU$ Mtiterials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Seciion 1801, e1 seq., the Resource COnte:rvation and Recovery Acl, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., or other applicable state or lederal laws, rules, or r&gU8.lloos aclopted pursuant thereto. Event of Default The words "Ev8f1t of Default' mean any of t!'IEI events of default set forth in this Deed" ot Trust in the events of delat'1 section of lhis Deed OI Tru!'lt. Grantor. The word 'Grantor" meEITIS Minter, l.L.C .. GW:lrantor. The word "Guarantor' means any guarantor, surely, or accorrmodatiOn Darty of any or all or the Indebtedness. Guaranty. Th9 word "Gua111nty" meana Iha guaranty from Guarantor lo Lander, 111clud!ng without llml1ation a guaranty ot al or part of the Nole. Haiardous Substances. The words "HtJ.zardous Substances· mean melerials that, because of !heir quantily, concentraliotl or phy!'lical, chemical or i'lfecliOus cnaractel'l9tle$, may caU!le or pru1e a present or potenlial hazard lo human ll8atth or the envirorrnent when Improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured, transported or otherwise handled. The WOl'ds 'Hazardous Subslances" are used in their V8fY broa<klst sense and include WittlOut tlmttation any and e.11 hazardous or toxie svbstances, mata!ials or was!e as defined by or listed under the Environmental Laws The term 'Hazardous Subsltlncas· also inciudea, without lirritation, petl"O!eum and petroleum by-prodvcts or any traetton thf!reol and ebestoe. Improvements. The word "lmprovernenis" meens eH exls!ing and furure ~rovements, buildings. structures, mob~e 1"\omes affixed oo the Real Property, fac~~ies, additions, replacernenlS and other construction on 1he Real Property. Indebtedness. The W'Ord 'Indebtedness· menns all priicfpal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses payabJe under the Note or Relatoo Documenla, together with ell renewal.3 of, extensiorn; of, n'lodif!C(IIIOn!'I ot, consolidalions o1 and substltul!ons for the Note Of Related Documents end any amounts e)(pended or advanced by Lender to discharge Grantor's obflgaffons rx expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Grantor's oo!loations tinder !his Deaci of Trust. logether with Interest on such amounts as prov1ded in this Deed o! Trust Specifqlly, withoul limitation. lndebledn8$S nclucies all amounts thal may be indirecny securoo' by the Cross..COlla1ere!i2.l!tion provision of this Deed ol Trust Lender. The word 'Lender" m&ans EvergreenBank, its successors and assit,'ls. No1e. The word "Note" means 111e promissoty note dated AprH 10, 2008, In the or[gln11I principal amount of $875,000.00 from Grank>r to Lender, togetne1 wtth all renewals ol, extensions of, mcdlflcations of, retinanclngs ol, eonsolkfations of, and substitutions for the pronissory note or ag1eement NOTICE TO GF':ANTOR: THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. Personal Property. The word9 "Personal Property" mean all equipment, flle1ures, and other .artieles ol per"$Onal property now or heretJ.tter ownecl by Gran1or, and now Or her'Mfter at1tJ.ched ot affixed to the Reel -~erty: logeth&r with aU accessions. parts, and additions to, all replacements ol, and all subsliMions lor, any of such property; and togeU18r with an iswes and profits therBCN1 and proc88ds (inch.lding without limHation ail insurance proceeds and refunds Of premiums) from any sale or other ciispo&ltk>n a1 the Property. Property. The word "Property' means collectively the Ru.I Property and the Pt!fsonal Property. Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean th& real property, interesls and rights. as fur1her desQrlbed In this Deed of Trust. Related Documen,s. The words "R111ated Documems" mean an pror.,lssory notes, credit agreemenls, loan agreements. envfroM"l8rrtal agreements, guaranties, security agreernents, mortgagts, deecis of trll!t, security deeds. collateral tnortgages, and all other instruments, agreements and documents, wheltier oow or hereafter existing, executed In connecllon with the lndeb\eclne$S. 20060422001719.009 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 9 Rents. The word ·Ren1s· means aR presem and Mure rents, revenues. Income, issues, royalti88, profits, and other b8nefits derived from the Property. Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Pacific ~t Tltle Company, whose maUing address Is 215 Columbia SI, Seattle, WA 98104 and arrt substitute 0< aucces!IOI' trustees. GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS CF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: MNTER, L.L.C. " • .1 • -~ By, ·~ "' JWJ/ \M_j.)\ Ronald F. Minter, Manager of Mini«, [Le. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNO STM3'I MOIIRIS STATE OF WA NOTARY PUBLIC ) ss STATE Of WASHIN8TON COUNTY OF K: •• ) COMMISSION EXPIRES I lll(;EIIIER 19, 2008 a,'"'' , s.,.. .. , " k: I . 20 !!1__. '"""" ....... """''""'""" Notary Public. personally appeared Ronald F. Minter, Managet or Minter, L.L.C., and personaly known to me or proved to me on 1he basis ol satisfactory ellidence to be a rTl8l'009I' or de$1gnated agenl of the limited liablity corrpany that executed 1he Deed of Trust and acknowledged 1he Deed of Trust to be !he free and V(IIUntary act and deed d the limted llabllity company, by authority of statute, its artieles of organization or Its operat;,ig agreement. for the use,s and pur!X)Se$ therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she Is al.llhorizad to 9X8Ctlt& 1hls Dead ot Trust and in fact executed the Deed ol T1ust en ~~tt ~ the lmiled '.iabllty company. Bv. ~ t(\o-:n,.... Residing at ),,ok,,,,•Jt Notary Publlc In and for th Stata al ~ My commission expires J -i.-1 '9-o8 REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To: ________________ .. T"""" The undersi;ned is the legal owner and holder of an ir'tdebtedness secured by this Deed ol Trust. Yoo are hereby rEq.Jested, upon paymeot of all sums O'Nfng to you, to reeonvey w11hoot warrarny, to the per$Or'I$ entltled thereto, the right, title and Interest now held by you under lh8 Deed of Tn,1$1. Date:----------------Beneficiary: -------- By: _______ _ Its:-------- ,,_,,_._,._,..,.,.,,,."""...,_,_,..,_..._.., __ ·--...... ..-...... ...... oe ....... ,_ Electronically Recorded 20120926000333 Return To: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Collateral Trailing Documents P.O. Box 8000 • Monroe, LA 71203 Assessor's Parcel or Account SIMPLIFILE Page 001 of 018 09/26/2012 10:09 King County, WA DT Number: 2144800280 1'TI) \.., Abb.revlated Legal Description: -k 3-~ 11))k.. \01 "EAx"\;110\.." lk.res Tr"'-\-s, \lol. Sect•on:/Lot:/Block: \ ', J t'"'· l?'l, \'...,...,_ L,, \..)l\ Full lepl description located on J ,J J page:'9. \'b Trustee: irtle Source Inc Deed of Trust 90.00 Definitions. Words used in multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Securlly lnstrumem" means this document, which is dated September 18, 2012, together with al I Riders to this document. (B) "Borrower" is LINCOLN A. LOUIE AND ANNAMARIE.f>. LOUIE, HUSBAND AND WIFE. Borrower ii the trustor under this Security Inst~;;;~ - (C) "Lender" ii IPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A .. Lender is a National Banking Association organized and existing under the laws of the United States. Lender's address is I I 11 Polaris Parkway, Floor 4J, Col';'_mb'ls,_OH 43240 . Lender ii the bcneficiaiy under this Security Instrument. (D) "Trustee" is litle Source Inc. (E) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated September 18, 2012. The Note states that Borrower owes Lender two hundred thousand eight hundred twenty-three and 0011 00 ,,.,...., .. ~NHINGTON4JlngleFMtlij-Famlt,._.llldcltMac.UNFOFNMTRUMENT~_.,,,,. kFORM3048~ ~IO.wFlnlnelll$aNlc:,tt 201209184. ~ ~ P-agttd17 1111111•11111111 Dollars (U.S. $200,823.00) plus interest Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later than October I, 2042. (F) "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the Property." (G) "Loan" means the debt evidenc.id by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument, plus interest. (II) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security lnstrmnentthat are executed by Borrower. The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]: O Adjustable Rate Rider O Condominium Rider O Second Home Rider 0 Balloon Rider O Planned Unit Development Rider D 1-4 Family Rider D VA Rider D Biweekly Payment Rider O Other(s) [specify] (I) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative rules and orders (that have the effect of Jaw) as well as all applicable fmal, non-appealable judicial opinions. (J) "Com11t11nily Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other dwges tlw are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium association, homeowners association or similar organization. (K) "Electronic Funds Transfer " means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Such term includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. (L) "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Section 3. (M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party ( other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) damage to, or destruction ot; the Property; (ii) condemnation or other laking of all or any part of the. Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of the Property (N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, the Loan. (0) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the Note, plus (ii) any amounts under Section J of this Security Instrument. (P) "RESPA "means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.) and its impl~1_11cnting regulation, Regulation X (24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time'to time, or any additional or successor legislation or regulation lhat governs the same subject 20120l1194.0.0.0,40DQ.J2011DISaY matter. As used in this Security Instrument, RESPA refers to all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard to a "federally related mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA. (Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security Instrument Transfer of Rights In the Property. This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrowei's covenants and agreements 11nder this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the COUNTY [lype of Recording Jurisdiction] of King [Name of Recording Jurisdiction] See Attached Parcel ID Number: 2144800280 which currently has the address of 13030 RENTON AVE SOUTH [Street] SEATILE [City], Washington 98178 [Zip Code] ("Property Address"): TOGETI-IER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument All oflhe foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrow~r warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands; subject to any encumbrances of record. nns SECURI1Y INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. Unlfonn Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Prlnclpal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in U.S. currency. However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require 1hat any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; ( c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashiei's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or ( d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated in the Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lendor in accordance with the notice provisions in Section t 5. Lender may return any payment or partial payment if lhe payment or partial payments are insuff"ic ient to bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan current, without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. Ifnot applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim which B01TOwer might have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument 2. Applk:atlon of Payments or Proc:Hds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) interest due under the Note; (b) principal due under the Note; ( c) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. IfLender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Bonower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note. Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the N<>te shall-not ·extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments. 3. Fund, for Escrow Items. B01TOwer shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes and assessments and other items which can attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Propeny, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Section l 0. These items are called "Escrow Items." At origination or at any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Bom>weJ's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In tho event of such waiver, Bonower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender 201Xl91& may require. Borrowers obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Section 9. lfBorrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in accordance with Section IS and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, .11nd in such amounts, that are then required under this Section 3. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount (a) sufficient to permit Lender to apply the Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time specified under RESPA. Lender shall not charge Bonower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the &crow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESPA. If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessmy to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify ll9frower·anequired by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly payments. Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fmes, and impositions allributablc . to the Property which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: ( a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lenders opinion operate -·-· .... 20120t1&l0.0.0.«m-.lZ0110628V .......... ~IAFOR~3<Wa~ ~~id11 1111111111111111~111 to prevent the enforcement of the lien while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedingi; are concluded; or ( c) secures from the bolder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. lflender detennines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in this Section 4. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax verification and/or reporting service used by Lender in connection with this Loan. 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible levels) and for the periods that Lender requites. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a one-time charge for flood zone detennination, certif'ication and tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone detennination and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such detennination or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone detenn ination resulting from an objection by Borrower. If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insiuance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall MMINGfON.SlrlQII F~anni..._.,,....M&UN•OMI INSTIWM!N'T 1/M .. Wllltfl K1uiNr Flnardll 8eMoN 20120t19( be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period,l.ender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shal I be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid tci Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related matters. If Borrower does not respond within 3 0 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower's rights ( other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its condition. Unless it is determined pursuant to Section S that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in coMection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower !lhatl be responsible for repairing or restoring the Property only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Jf the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair or restoration. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable cause, Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave malerially false, misleading, or inaccurate information ot statements to Lender ( or failed to provide Lender with material information) in coMection with the Loan. Material representations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest In the Property and Rights Under this Security I natrumenl If ( a) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument ( such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or ( c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Jnstnunent, including protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, and securing and/or repairing the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to: ( a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceedins, Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change loclr.s, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or aU actions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. lf Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the lca&ehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 1 O. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premimns required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated 2'l120911M. ,......,.. E= '2 fOIIM 3048 110t u.C___. ~ Ptc,e9~; 1111111111111111111 payments that were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a non.refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non·refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non•refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section IO affects Borrower's obliption to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insurance in force from time to time, and may enter into agreements with other parties that share or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on terms and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party ( or parties) to these agreements. These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any ~ of funds that the mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premiums). As a result of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing. may receive (directly or indirectly) amounts that derive from ( or might be characterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provides that an affiliate of Lender tak~ a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to the insurer, the BIT8ltgement is often termed "captive reinsurance." Further: (A) Any such qree1Dents will not affect the amounts that Borrower •as agreed to pay ror Mortgace Iasurance, or any other ter-of the Loan. Sach agreemeats will not incnase the aa1ount Borrower will owe for Mortgage lnsuraace, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. (B) Any 1uch agreeinents will not afreet the rights Borrower h1111 -if any -with respect to the Mortpge Insuraace under the Homeowners Protection Act or 1998 or any other law. These rights may Include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortpae Iaaurance terminated auto1Datically, and/or to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination. 11. AsslgnmentofMlscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid to Lender. lft.be Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. In the event of a total taking. destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amounl of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destru~on.«-loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property Immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by th is Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or If; after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Party (as defmed in the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the third party that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lcnde!'s judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Property are hereby assiped and shall be paid to Lender. All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. 12. Borro-r Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortiz.ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Bonower or any Sll<X'eSSOl'S in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be iequired to commence proceedings against any Successor in InterestofBorrowerortorefuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the · original Bonower or any Successors in Interest ofBonower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons, entities or Successors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Suc:c:esson and Aaalgna Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joint and several. However, any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and ( c) agrees that Lender and any other Bonower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's ohligations11nder this Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefits under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release in writing. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in coonection with Borrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including. but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees. In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are e,q,ressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is fmally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge. 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must i,. in writing:"Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by fll'St class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other means. Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall on 1y report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Ins1nllnent at any one time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to 8o1TOwer. Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. 16. Governing Law; Severablllty; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be construed as a prohibition against agreement by contract. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. ~ Jl.sed .in.this Security Instrument (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice versa; and ( c) the word •may• gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action. 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in the Property• means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed. installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transfem:d ( or if Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or b'ansferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. If Lender exercises lhis option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date lhe notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by lhis Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by lhis Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 19. Borrower'• Right to Relnetate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time poor to the earliest of: (a) five days before sale of the Property pul'SWUlt to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument; (b) such other period as Applicable Law might specify for the termination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or ( c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due Wider this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; ( c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument; and ( d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, shall continue unchanged. Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: ( a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality or entity; or ( d) Electronic Funds Transfer. U pen reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations Wider the Note, this Security Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one ornicire changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer, the address to which payments should be made and any other infonnation RE SPA requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of lhe Note, the mortgage loan servicing obi igations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action ( as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) ofsuch alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to 1ake corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Envirhnmen1al Law" means federal laws and Jaws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located tl¥.lt relate to heal1h, safety or environmental protection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law; and ( d) an "Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, nr otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposa~ storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, or(c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition 1hat adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Haz.ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but not limited to, h32lll'dous substances in consumer products). Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of ( a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Haz.ardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including l>ut not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and ( c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmeotal or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lem!er [Qr.an Environmen1a! Cleanup. Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Leader shall give notice to Borrower prior to aeceleratfon followin1 Borrower's breaeh of any eoveunt or agreement In this Security Instrument (bat not prior to acceleration under Section 18 unlelll Applieable Law provides otherwise). The notke shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cue the default; (c) a date, not less tlian 30 days from the date the notice is aiven to Borrower, by whidl the defanlt mast be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notiee may result In acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property at pnblic anctioa at a date not less than 120 days in the future. The notice shall W'SHINGfON.Slnal,I Ftfllll1,Farnt M_.,Mddt 1i1aC UNFOAM..,.._NT -"""""' ~r:nanclll ..... 201209164. further infol'III Borrower or the right to reinstate after aceeleration, the right to bring a court action to usert the non-existence or a default or any other defense or Borrower to a«eleration and sale, and any other matters required to be Included in the notice by Appllcable Law. If the default ls not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option, may require immediate payment In fun of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demancl and may Invoke the power of sale and/or any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all eipenses incurred in pnrsning the remedies provided in this Seetlon 22, lnelndlng, bot not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs or title evidence, If Lender Invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give written notice to Trustee or the occurrence or an event of delault and of Lender's election to canse the Property to be sold. Trutee and Lender shall take such action regarding notice or sale and shall give such notices to Borrower and to other persons as Applicable Law may require. After the time required by Applicable Law and after publicatloa of the notice ol sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at pubic auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terma designated In t•e notice of sale In one or more parcels ud in any order Trutee determlaes. Trustee may postpone sale or the Property for a period or periods permitted by Applicable Law by public announcement at t•e time aad place fixed in the notice or sale. Lender or Its desigaee may parchase the Property at any sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trnstee's deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied. The recital, ln the Trustee's deed shall be prima lacle evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds or the sale In the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, Including, but net limited to, reasonable Trustee's and attorneya' lees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons leplly entitled to it or to the clerk or the superior court of the county In which t•e sale took place. 23. Rec:onveyanc:e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall sum:nder this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs and the Trustee's fee for preparing the reconveyance. 24. Substitute Trustee. In accordance with Applicable Law, Lender may from time to time appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act. Without conveyance of !he Pmperty;the successor trustee shall suceeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. 25. Use of Property. The Propeny is not used principally for agricultural purposes. 28. Attorneys' Fees. Lender shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs in any action or proceeding to construe or enforce any term of this Security Instrument. The term "attorneys' lees," whenever used in this Security Instrument, shall include without limitation attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in any bankruptcy proceeding or on appeal. ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees tothctcnns and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Borrower •No Applicant 71tle Holder ~ ~~~ B'ate Seal W\SltlNGTON-Sr'IOlt Fll!Mitf-Fame MMWMClcle MIC UNFOIIIM Nl1RI.NENT ,_.. /tri..OIW 3CM! tA11 JE _,.:-;; -YMlra ICluwlr'Awlelal ~ 201209184.0.0.0.«J02..JZ011oea"I' 111111111111111111 Acknowledgment State of Washington Conaty of Kini I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that LINCOLN A. LOWE AND ANN/ MARIE D. LOUIE, HUSBAND AND WIFE h,i.,..- is/are the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/she/they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Exhibit A THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BEWW JS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF Washingron, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE WEST 18 FEET OF WT 3, BLOCK IO, EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT TIIEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME IS OF PLATS, PAGE 84, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR RENTON AVENUE BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2633591; TOGETHER WITH TIIA T PORTION OF WT 3, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WEST 18 FEET; THENCE SOUTII PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID WT A DISTANCE OF 106 FEET; THENCE EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 40 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 2 FEET OF SAID LOT. WHICH IS 92 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE THEREOF; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID WT, 92 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE THEREOF; THENCE WEST AWNG SAID NORTH LINE 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND LOT 4, BLOCK 10, EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 84, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 25 FEET OF SAID WT LYING NORTHERLY OF RENTON AVENUE; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 92 FEET OF SAID WT LYING EASTERLY OF THE WEST 2S FEET; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR RENTON A VENUE BY INSTRUMllNTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2633591 AND 7103160165. Parcel ID: 2 I 4480-0280 Commonly known as 13030 RENTON AVES, Seattlo, WA 98178 However, by showing this addTess no additional covemge is provided ABBREVIATED LEGAL: PTN WTS 3-4, BLK I 0, EARLINGTON ACRES TRACTS, VOL. 15, PG. 84. JJE . Jake Traffic Engineering. Inc. . CTfli .. -- =~~ Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC. PO Box98630 Lakewood, WA 98496-8630 Re: Echelon Townhomes -Renton Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE President 1614 39'• Ave. SW -Seattle, WA 98116 -1503 Tel. 106.762.1978 -Cell 106.799.5691 E-mail jaketraffic@comcait.net July 17, 2013 RECEIVED Delta Trip Generation, Access Review and TIF Traffic Letter SEP 12 2013 CITY OF RENTON Dear Mr. Krakow, PLANNING lliVISIO,~ I am pleased to present this Delta Trip Generation, Access and IFC Traffic Letter for the 50 unit Echelon Townhomes located in the northwest quadrant of the Renton Avenue S./S 132nd St. intersection in Renton. Access to the site is proposed via consolidating 4 driveways into 2 new street intersections with one on Renton Ave.Sand the other on South 132"' Street. I conducted a field review the site and surrounding street system. The study scope was determined pursuant with my correspondence with Kayren Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor of the City of Renton and review of the City's TIA Guidelines for new developments. The City peak hour trip threshold is 20 trips. The general format of this report is to describe the proposed project, calculate the traffic that would be generated by the project, review the site accesses and ascertain the Traffic Impact Fee for the project PROJECT INFORMATION Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the proposed site and surrounding street network. Below is an aerial image of the site obtained from King County I Map: Figure 2 shows a preliminary site plan prepared by Contour Engineering, LLC. The site plan consists of the 50 unit Echelon Townhomes and internal circulation Access to the site is to be via 2 new street intersections with one on Renton Ave. Sand the other on South 132nd Street. Full development and occupancy of the proposed of the Echelon Townhomes project is anticipated to occur by 2014/2015, presuming the permits are issued in a timely manner. \\Ent,ee<2a\c\-f'<O)Cel f,.,,\2013 01<; -<act,elo·, · ovml"'"'"" -Pl)'!~ ,·,oo«""' Corlour ~e1:00\f!<otonlowrh"'1.,•l.ovell-DeltaTG·Slloke.., TIFL.o~er do< COLOR COPY ONLY Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC. July 17, 2013 Page-2- EXISTING ENVIRONMENT Project Site JTE, Inc. The project site is presently developed with the Earlington Nursery facility. Per the Boundary & Topographic Survey the site includes 1,102 sf Nursery Building, a 1,824 SFDU with 586 sf carport and 38,946 sf of greenhouse space. The existing facilities are to be removed from the site to make way for the proposed 50 units Echelon Town homes. Street System The primary streets within the study area and their classifications per the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and other data are as follows: :., Renton Avenue S. :., S. 132nd St. Minor Arterial Collector Arterial Both Renton Ave. S. and S. 132°' St. have posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Renton Avenue South is 4 lanes (2-NB, a TWLTL and 1-SB) with an approximate grade of 8% northbound. South 132°' St. is generally level adjacent to the site with a short upgrade of about 10% approaching Renton Avenue South. Traffic Volumes The City of Renton Traffic Flow Map, 2010 was reviewed and does not include either Renton Ave. S or S. 132°' St. in its data. King County traffic data for 2009 shows that 4,535 vehicles a day use S. 132°' St. and 16,089 use Renton Ave. S. adjacent to the site. Accident H istor:y WSDOT provided 3 years of accident data for the time period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2012 for Renton Ave. S. and S. 132°' St. in the vicinity of the site. The 2012 data is complete through November and the December data being processed. I have reviewed the data provided by WSDOT. The data indicates one incident at the S. 132°' St./8Qth Ave. S. and one incident at S. 132nd St/Renton Ave. S. intersection in the 3- year time period reviewed. No incidents are noted on S. 132"' St. between 80"' Ave. S. and Renton Ave. S. or on Renton Ave. S. between S. 130"' and 132nd Streets. The accident data and review of the site and abutting streets indicate that the streets serving the site are operating satisfactorily. \\Eng,oo,,.<a•_c\-P.of!CI F,>!s\:Wl"l 010 -OcM'cc Jc.,.,v,. ., -PJ:,K P,-,1~, ~o,:oe< -llea\o•\~enlonlo"'1'iorre,-Le,ell-Detu,l~-Sru,"=ce,.s-JIFL.ener OOc COLOR COPY ONLY Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC July 17, 2013 Page -3- STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS JTE, Inc. : I The City of Renton 6 year Transportation Improvement Program, 2013 to 2018 was reviewed. A portion of Exhibit 'A' from the program is depicted to the right. : I' i 13 No TIP project is noted in the immediate vicinity of the project site. 3 TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (existing or entering) inside the proposed development. Traffic generated by development projects consists of the following types: Pass-By Trips: Diverted Link Trips: Captured Trips: Primary (New) Trips: Trip Generation Trips made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination. Trips attracted from the traffic volume on a roadway within the vicinity of the generator but which require a diversion from that roadway to another roadway in order to gain access to the site. Site trips shared by more than one land use in a multi-use development. Trips made for the specific purpose of using the services of the project. The project site is presently developed with the Earlington Nursery facility. Per the Boundary & Topographic Survey the site includes 1,102 sf Nursery Building, a 1,824 SFDU with 586 sf carport and 38,946 sf of greenhouse space. I have taken into account the trips associated with the existing uses and have credited them towards the trips generated by the proposed development. Per coordination with the City the greenhouse area is treated as storage space The proposed Echelon Townhomes is expected to generate the vehicular trips during the average weekday, street traffic AM and PM peak hours as shown in Table 1. The trip generation for the project is calculated using trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 9th Edition, for Residential Condominium/Townhouse, Single Family Detached Housing, Nursery and Warehouse (ITE Land Use Codes 230,210,817 and \',.En!'),.,,,:,a\c\-"1o~c< i'.~<\2()13 016 Echelon lowr,0,i,:,; . "OS• P,"'e,,~, Contou, -fl<n\or\Renlonl:wnhCfll" lo,ell,DelOiTG,51tOl<:~s-TlfLOtl,r <>c: COLOR COPY ONLY ! Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC July 17, 2013 Page -4- JTE, Inc. 150, respectively). All site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips are included in the trip generation values. Based on my analysis, the net new trips generated by the Renton Town homes are calculated to be 86 and 7 trips during the weekday and the PM street peak hour, respectively. Residential projects generate predominantly primary trips. However there would be some captured/pass-by trips that already exist within the vicinity; such as mail delivery, garbage, and other service/delivery traffic. SITE ACCESS Sight Lines: I field reviewed the available stopping sight distance (SSD) and entering sight distance (ESD) at the proposed site access. The SSD was measured to a 2 ft. high object "vehicle tail light" standards. The 2 ft. object height is per the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Per prior conversation with City of Renton, I understand the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) criteria for sight distance is used. The sight lines are summarized in the following table. Renton Ave. S. NB Motorist SB Motorist AASHTO 35 MPH Access approaching 1/S approaching 1/S ----------------------------- Stopping Sight 400'+ 400'+ 275' (downgrade) Distance (ft.) 225' (un"radel Egress motorist looking Egress motorist looking Entering Sight left (to the south) right (to the north) Distance (ft.) 390' 460'+ 440'+ S. 132nd St. Access EB Motorist WB Motorist approaching 1/S approaching 1/S -·------------------250' Stopping Sight 500'+ 500'+ Distance (ft.) Egress motorist looking Egress motorist looking Entering Sight left (to the east) right (to the west) 390' Distance (ft.) 500'+ 500'+ The above table shows the stopping and entering sight distance standards per the posted speed limit at the proposed access intersections with Renton Ave. S. and S. 132°d St. are met; presuming vegetation is pruned. The stopping and entering sight distance values were \\Ea~i,eer2;i\c\ Proie,;t Filo>\2013 01~ . Echelca To~ahom"' F'OO~ >,ooe,t,,s C<satou• -R<nlos,Reo>,n Townh<OTie, L..,,11 Dellill:).SJle""'e>s-ll>Lelle< doc COLOR COPY ONLY Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC July 17, 2013 Page-5- JTE, Inc. obtained from the (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, See photographs below taken at the proposed site access intersections: Renton Ave. S. Access: S. 132nd St. Access Street Connection: The proposed Echelon Townhomes would provide a new street connection between S. 132n, St. and Renton Avenue South. Review of the site, existing street network and aerial data indicates that cut through traffic would be nominal. Access Intersection Review: The project proposal would consolidate the 4 existing site driveways into 2 new street intersections, one with S. 132°d St and the other with Renton Ave. S, constructed to Renton \\£o~,oe"'2•V\-Pco)'CI F,,.,\;;~l' ~1' Cc,e oeiowahOme< Pt(," P,c,,e,, .. s Colltoo, R,,01ca1Rea10eb,nhm," , .. ,11 D•ttal~Sa•k=•-lJi".&n•r OOc COLOR COPY ONLY Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC July 17, 2013 Page-6- JTE, Inc. criteria. City Pre-application Meeting Notes dated June 27, 2013 requested that the need for acceleration/deceleration lane be reviewed. The project site traffic during the PM peak hour is projected at 26 PMPHT's with 17 entering the site and 9 exiting the site. Presuming all site traffic using the Renton Ave. S. intersection I have reviewed the need for auxiliary channelization. Per the WSDOT Design Manual Figure 910-15 "Right Turn Lane Guidelines" a right turn radius would be appropriate. Right turning traffic is well below the minimum 20 PMPHT threshold needed to warrant a right turn pocket. A copy of the WSDOT figure is attached. I have also reviewed channelization for the S. 132nd Street intersection. Neither right turn nor left turn channelization would be warranted. Design Manual Figure 910-12a "Left Turn Storage Guidelines: 2-Lane Unsignalized" was used to ascertain the need for left turn channelization. Daily traffic volumes on S. 132nd St. in 2009 were 4,535 vehicles per day. The PM peak hour typically comprises 10% of the daily traffic; thus about 500 PM peak trips use S. 132nd St. during the PM peak hour. Conservatively assigning all site traffic to the EB to NB left turn movement into the site from S. 132nd St. and review of the 910-12a "Left Turn Storage Guidelines: 2-Lane Unsignalized shows that left turn channelization is not needed for capacity. AGENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The City of Renton has a Traffic Impact Fee program per Ordinance #5670 effective January 1, 2013. The TIF is scheduled to be phased in over time. Review of the phasing schedule indicates a number of land uses are not included. The 2013 TIF is $750 per SFDU and each SFDU generates about 1 PM peak hour trip. I have discussed the City TIF limitations with the City and they recommended simply applying a $750 TIF per net new PM peak hour trip. My trip generation projection identifies 7 net new PM peak hour trips; thus the TIF for the re-development project is determined to be $5,250 based on the City's 2013 TIF rate. Street frontage and access improvements per City requirements will be required. Renton Ave. S. is a Minor Arterial and S. 132nd St. is a Collector and. Renton Municipal Code identifies the standards for streets based on classification. Title IV Chapter 6 provides the Street Standards. Per the RMC a "Minor Arterial" can be between 4 and 7 -lanes and a "Collector" 2 to 3 lanes. Renton Avenue South is 4-lanes adjacent to the site and further to the north it transitions to 3-lanes and to the south it is 4-lanes to 91st Avenue South. No added channelization is needed at the site access on Renton Avenue S.; thus the existing 4-lane street section is appropriate. Based on a 4-lane street section 45.5' of right of way west of the monument centerline is required and the street curb line be set 27' from the centerline. The Plat Survey, copy attached, shows that the existing curb line is 33'+ from the monument centerline; thus exceeding the City requirement. The project proposal is to provide a 5' \\[nllln-2•\c\-Proj<C, ''""~13016 Echekm f'>WOhome, "[;IS< p--,1.,, ~oo\Du, Aeoton\Fr,,ntcml°""ra""esl..,el DellaTG S <e/>w,s, TIFLeru,, cloc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. Mr. Paul Krakow PDSK PROPERTIES, INC July 17, 2013 Page -7- sidewalk and a 4' minimum planter strip, with the back-of-walk at the ROW line. The ROW dedication is to provide the 45.5', south of the access onto Renton Avenue South. North of the Renton Ave. S. access, the dedicated ROW would be increased an additional 2.5-5' to get the 4' minimum planter. Additionally an easement recorded on the plat to the City for the 2.5' separation from the back-of-walk to the ROW line in lieu of additional ROW dedication is proposed. South 13200 Street adjacent to the site is 2-lanes. Observation of street frontage improvements other nearby developments indicates that S. 132nd St. is envisioned to be a 3- lane street. Street frontage improvements on S. 132nd St. would be constructed based on the City standards for a 3-lane Collector. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This letter was prepared to identify the Trip Generation of the proposed project, review the Site Access Sight Lines and calculate the City's Traffic Impact Fee. Based on my analysis the proposed Echelon Townhomes project is expected to generate 86 net new daily and 7 PM peak hour trips. The City trip threshold is 20 peak hour trips, no City classified intersection would be effected by site traffic. Sight lines at the proposed accesses on Renton Ave. S. and S. 132"' St. meet City criteria (some minor vegetation pruning is needed). A traffic impact fee of $5,250 is calculated to be contributed to the City of Renton's traffic impact fee program. Based on my analysis I recommend that Echelon Townhomes be allowed with the following traffic impact mitigation measures. ,-Construct site and site accesses in accordance with applicable City requirements. ,-The existing curb line on Renton Avenue S. exceeds the City requirement. Due to this the project propend is proposing to maintain the existing curb line, install a 4' planter and 5' sidewalk and dedicate ROW based on a 4-lane street with added ROW to the north of the access to keep the sidewalk in the City ROW. ,-Frontage improvements to S. 132nd St per the City 3-lane street standard. ,-Conduct appropriate vegetation pruning at the site accesses ,-Pay lawful traffic impact mitigation fee. The estimated TIF is $5,250. No other traffic mitigation should be necessary. Please contact me at 206.762.1978 or email me at jaketraffic@comcast.net if you have any questions. MJJ: mjj Sincerely, DRAFT Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President JAKE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC \\i'og.,ee<2aV\-P,o,e<t ,, .. s·,.2~13 016 EchelCo T '""''°''""" P;,,,~ P,.,.,.,,~, <;,;,a\,u, -Re,,loa\Re,:o,-ownhomes,CeYelH)el:a-G-SlloA::ces,,llflotter doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION TABLE 1 ECHELON TOWN HOMES -RENTON DELTA TRIP GENERATION, ACCESS REVIEW AND TIFTRAFFIC LETIER TIME TRIP TRIPS TRIPS PASS-BY NET PERIOD RATE ENTERING EXITING TOTAL %/TRIPS TOTAL A. Proposed Townhomes (ITE Land Use Code 230, 50 units) Avera"e Weekdav T = 5.81X 146 (50%) 145 (50%) 291 - AM Peak Hour T = 0.44X 5 (17%) 16 (83%) 22 - PM peak Hour T = 0.52X 17 (67%) 9 (33%) 26 - B. Sin"le Familv Detached Housin (ITE Land Use Code 210, 1 unit) Avera<'e Weekday T = 9.52X 5 (50%) 5 (50%) 10 - AM Peak Hour T = 0.75X 5 (25%) 1 (75%) 1 - PM neak Hour T = 1.0X 1 (63%) 0 (37%) 1 - C. Nurserv /ITE LUC 817, 1,102 sf Averae:e Weekdav T = 68.10X 38 150%) 37 (50%) 75 25%/19 AM Peak Hour T= 2.43X N/A NIA 3 - PM oeak Hour T= 6.94X N/A N/A 8 25%/2 D. Greenhouse Growin<' Snace (ITE LUC 150, 38,946 sf) Avera"e Weekday T= 3.56X 69 (50%) 70 (50%) 139 - AM Peak Hour T= 0.30X 9 (21%) 3 (79%) 12 - PM peak Hour T= 0.32X 3 (25%) 9 (75%) 12 - Net New Traffic = A -B -C -D Average Weekday -34 33 67 - AM Peak Hour ---6 - PM peak Hour ----5 - T = trips; X = number of units or sf; N/A -Not Available A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (existing or entering) inside the study site. The above trip generation values account for all the site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, recreation, and service and delivery vehicle trips. \\Eog,oee<2o \·P,o,.,ct F,.,,\201:IOl~-Cchelon Towohcmeo -PCM P·op,,rt"" Conmur-Ronton\R>nlonlownh,m•• • •·;•II r.011>TG $11M"c .. , TIFLetw oo, COLOR COPY ONLY 291 22 26 10 1 1 56 - 6 139 12 12 86 - 7 JTE, Inc. 100 I I 80 ~ Consider right-tum lane "' H " E ,g > 60 E :, :;: ~ .!i!' a:: Con-right-tum ~ ~ poctet or taper '" ~ ~ " ~ I'---.. -40 6 J: "" i 20 Radius only Pl ~ ~ 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Peak Hour Approach Volume (DDHV) "' Noln: (!) Few __ lone~-UM ... peak hour DDHV (!luough + righl-lum). Few--... high 1p11d highways(~ apNd 48 mp,ew-~ ...... righl-la!>opMk hour-- -(!hruugh + righl-lum). [2J -·•-o1 ... ~-----""rJahl.....,D0HVby20. • TI,-pomd apNd is 48 mp, ew loss • TI,-righMum --is g,ulor lllan40 VPH • 11,-peak hour ---(DOHV) is IHI lhan 300 VPH (3] Few righl-lum _, clesign. Ne Figure QI0-11. (4) Fcwrighl-lum pocbtor-clesign.-F''ll"'9 QI0-!8. (5) Few right-tum lono clesign. -F',gure GI0-17. (9) Few-~. IN G!0.07(3). DNll,nManual M 22-111.02 HONmhr2007 Right-Tum Lane Guldellnes(li) FigUQ 910-15 \\En~aeec;,a,<\-C--oec, F,e<\):J1., 01 C -f'c,0100 lownnom"' P:<;K P,_n~< Con,:r,cr -~nton-,Pon.,nlo....,nom•• I ..,oil C,l,.TG-~11<tk<:<10._ Tlfletto" ooc COLOR COPY ONLY , ---·-NCC:U:..:u• f 1 2S 20 IS -111 DHV•----<1•--•• IZI---- 10 II JTE, Inc. - ----0 a..,.......... • .za.e,-.a ---- ,\Ero ,...-,,,,,.-,,,JP,-, F,~s-.X,;3 C;6 F<Mloo 1""'"""'"' ,rr,, Prca,•r,~, Coo,ccr -R.n,on\Ronwnlo~nM1T••-l.,,•II-D0,1>13-Sitol><:<oss·l1FLonor cloc COLOR COPY ONLY • Project: Echelon Townhomes -Renton Location: Northwest quadrant of S. 132nd St/Renton Ave. S. 1/S , __ .,..._ ' N I NORTH ECHELON TONN HOMES PRELUNARY A.AT APOROOHOF TitE NE I~ 0Fn£ NE 'U40F SECTION U. TOWNINP 23NOATH. RN.aE, E W.M. :-:-·- s.1J,misr CITY OF RENltJN. KINGOOI.NTY. w......aTON PR£UMRY f'I..Af lAV().11 -.. -s:u,,i,,,,.---.-'c- 5IIJ fflJN'tUIJN _, _____ , __ _ _._, ........ _,_,_,._,.,.., ...... _ .. _,,..,_ ... --·"'''"'" ... -::::::::.:::::.·~·:::'""--... -..__, _ ......... d ................ _. .. .,.,.~ ..,._,...,. •• n--n.-._.,,.,.,.,,,,,,,_"" ... , ... --.. ·--.... _,......,, ........... _______ ,,,. ... ,, .......... _ ._, ......... "-• --... -,< ....._, "'"""'~....,.. r ~,-..... .. .,. ......... _ .. ""'' ............ """ .. ..... -.. ........ _ .. _,._ .. ,,_.,. ,. -~ ....... , .... _,,_ .. __ ,. .......... __ .......... _,..,._,.-.ro,. ____ ,..,..,, .. , ""·""'"""'"""" ...... "_ -~-.. ·---···----.. ............. ., ...... ;,n-oH Note: An 8.5 x 11" copy of the site plan i5 included with this Traffic letter JTE, Inc. FIGURE 2 ECHELON TOWNHOMES -RENTON TRIP GENERATION, ACCESS REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETIER VICINITY MAP E N G NEERING•LLC PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR ECHELON TOWNHOMES PLAT SEPTEMBER 2013 l<EC:E!\/ED SEP 121013 Prepared For: NTON CITY OF RE NNING DIViSIO"I YKC PROPERTIES/PDSK PROPERTIES IMC. P.O. BOX 98630 LAKEWOOD, WA 98496 Prepared By: Jamey Barr, Project Engineer Approved By Jeremy F. Haug, P.E., Project Manager Project # 13-047 I hereby state that thi, Preliminary Technical Information Report for Echelon Townhomes Plat has been prepared by me or under my supervision anci meets the standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community of professional engineers. I understamt that the Oty of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability or performance of drainage facilities ,orepared by Contour Engineenng LLC. This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to, or obtained by, Contour E"'9ineering, LLC. These documents are referenced within the te..t of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared 'utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of die industry. \ TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. 0 PR OJ ECT OVE RVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 PRE-DEVELOPED CDNDITTONS .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 DEVELOPED CONDITTONS ................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 1, Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 CONDmONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ............................................................................... 6 SPECIAL RE QUI REM E NTS: .................................................................................................................................. 7 3.0 OFFSITE ANALYSIS (LEVEL 1 DOWNSTREAM BASIN A) ............................................................... 7 TASK 1: DEANE AND MAP 5TuDY AREA: .................................................................................................................... 7 TASK 2: REVIEW ALL AvAILABLE INFORMATION OF THE 5TuDY AREA: ........................................................................ 7 TASK 3: FIELD INSPECT THE 5TuDY AREA: ................................................................................................................. 7 TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND ITS EXISTING AND PREDICTED PROBLEMS: .......................................... 8 4.0 FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN DISCUSSION .... 8 4.1 EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 8 4.2 DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (PART() ............................................................................................................... 9 4.4 FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM (PART D) .................................................................................................................. 9 4.5 WATER QUALITY SYSTEM (PART E) .................................................................................................................. 9 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .............................................................................. 9 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ......................................................................................................... 9 7 . 0 0TH ER PERMITS ......................................................................................................................................... 9 8.0 TESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 9 9.0 BOND QUANTmES, FACILITY SUMMARIES & DECLARATION OF COVENANT ................... 10 9.1 BoND QUANTITY SHEETS ............................................................................................................................... 10 9.2 DECLARATION OF COVENANT .......................................................................................................................... 10 10,0 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL ............................................................................... 10 Appendix "A" Site Plan Developed site Basin exhibit D0M1stream exhibit Appendix "B" Detention and water quality calculations and exhibit 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report accompanies the Preliminary Plat submittal for the Echelon Townhomes Plat project. The project proposal is to subdivide the current 5 parcels of land into 49 townhouse lots and 5 tracts with associated access roadways and alleys. The project fronts Renton Ave to the east and S. 132nd Street to the sout. Along with the on-site grading and drainage system, the development plans also include the improvements to the frontage road Renton Ave N, and S 132nd St. The project also includes utility connections to the City of Renton sewer and water systems. The site information and the analysis used for sizing storm drainage facilities are included within. The 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), along with the City of Renton amendments to that document, establishes the methodology and design criteria used for this project. All storm drainage design has been done according to that manual. The following is a description of pertinent site information associated with the proposed project: Location -NW of Renton Ave S & S 132nd St Intersection Tax Parcel Numbers -214480-(0285), (0295), (0487), (0488), (0500) 1.2 Pre-Developed Conditions Topography -The site topography is steep, from the north to the south toward S 132nd St. The existing slopes vary with the majority around approximately 12°/o. Land use and Ground cover -The site is currently used as the business "Earlington Greenhouse". Existing coverage is greenhouse type structures and a couple small buildings for the business office, along with bare ground and gravel access drives throughout the site. Two areas of vegetation exist to the south along S 132nd St. coverage in those area are grasses, bushes and deciduous trees. Natural & man made drainage patterns -Drainage sheet flows to the south within the site. It appears that runoff continues to sheet flow across the bare ground and graveled areas of the site to the lower laying areas to the south along S 132"0 St where runoff is collected within catch basins along the north side of S 132nd St. A portion of roof drainage from the existing buildings is currently tight lined to the west property line via a 6" ADS pipe where it is Page 2 released onsite to a manmade ditch and conveyed to the south and collected within an existing catch basin along S 132nd St near the West property line of the site. 1.3 Developed Conditions The developed site is to construct 49 townhouse units with a system of access roads and alleys. The site will provide access connections to Renton Ave S, and S 132nd St. Along with utility main extensions and service connections to the Renton sewer and water system. The site is to be graded to drain Storm runoff from the developed yards, driveways, and roadways to the flowline of the access roads. Runoff will then be collected via catch basins and conveyed within a tight lined conveyance system to the downstream detention and water quality facility. Roof drainage runoff is to be collected via gutter systems and routed to the main conveyance system through roof downspouts and underground tight lined roof drainage lines. DEVELOPED BASIN AREAS ROOF PAVEMENT SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY TOTAL IMPERVIOUS LANDSCAPE TOTAL AREA 53,550 SF (1.23 AC) 38,164 SF (0.88 AC) 8,138 SF <0.19 ACl 99,852 SF (2.29 AC) 69,253 SF (1.59 ACl 169,105 SF (3.88 AC) Page 3 Figure 1, Vicinity Map 4 Foite, Goff Wnks ...... .,. _JI ~~ ~ l: • ~ S 12/lth SI S: 128th St .\ \ \ \\ '\ .. , FMO.nt ~ Parl: \ .,. ~ ,I I ~ t ~ ~ "( ~ BRYN MAWR-St!:V\rVAV Sl<yway, I P.irk ! ., S t.1noston Rd S 132t'ld St / ~ ~ < 1 &yu S 122nd St M.w.'f Park ~ ! < ~ .. SW 7th St VICINITY MAP NOTTO SCALE Renton Mumciprat £1 A;,port " ... J .c =·cc ··S 2 Slrd St - \ DOWNTOW"I \\ ~ ~ ·"' 2.0 CONDffiONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Core Requirement: 1. Discharge at the Natural Location: The natural site drainage sheet flows to the existing storm conveyance system to the south along S 132"d St. 2. Off-site Analysis: The site is localized as far as drainage, upstream runoff is collected within the conveyance system within Renton Ave Sand conveyed to the south within the right of way. No upstream flows enter the site. 3. Flow Control: The projects generated runoff will be collected and routed to an underground concrete detention vault. 4. Conveyance System: A system of catch basins and underground tight lined conveyance system is to be constructed to route all runoff to the detention vault prior to release. 5. Erosion and Sediment Control: An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan meeting the requirements of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable City standards will be been prepared and submitted as part of the Civil Construction document submittal package. 6. Maintenance and Operation: A Maintenance and Operations Manual for the proposed storm system is to be prepared and submitted with the Civil Construction document submittal package. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability: According to the 2009 KCSWDM, a Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site Stabilization Financial Guarantee will be required for the project. The Guarantee must be an amount sufficient to cover the cost of any corrective work performed specifically for the project. Prior to release of the guarantee, the applicant must do the following: a. Construct the drainage facilities. b. Receive final construction approval from the County. c. Pay all required fees. Financial guarantee's will be provided at the time of submittal of the final TIR and construction plans and have not been included in this report. 8. Water Quality: Site drainage is to be routed through a pre-treatment, CDS concrete water quality structure prior to the detention facility, as well as treated Page6 for full water quality downstream of detention via a 48" StormFilter Manhole prior to release to the downstream conveyance system. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Special requirement #1 Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements. There are no area-specific requirements for the site. 2. Special requirement #2 Floodplain/ Floodway Delineation is not applicable to this project since it does not lie in or adjacent to the 100- year flood plain. 3. Special requirement #3 Flood Protection Facilities is not applicable to this project, since it does not contain or is adjacent to a mayor stream that has existing flood control or proposes to construct or modify and existing flood protection facility. 4. Special requirement #4 Source Control is not applicable to this project. 5. Special requirement #5 Oil Control is not applicable to this project. 3.0 0FFSITE ANALYSIS (LEVEL 1 DOWNSTREAM BASIN A) TASK 1: Define and Map Study Area: See Appendix 'A' for Downstream Exhibit. TASK 2: Review all Available Information of the Study Area: Area and drainage mapping for the site was reviewed, also information was gathered via field visits, by Contour Engineering. Adequate information to verify the downstream as well as accomplish an inventory of the downstream features and critical areas, has been performed. TASK 3: Field Inspect the Study Area: The site was visited on May 15th, 2013, as well as March 15th 2013. Field inspection of the drainage area, and downstream system was completed. Page7 TASK 4: Drainage System Description and its Existing and Predicted Problems: Runoff is collected within the proposed onsite detention vault and released to an existing catch basin and conveyance system within S 132nd St. Then the downstream corridor is as follows: 1. South, 40 LF 12" cone. @ 6.0% 2. South, 10 LF 12" ADS@ 32.1 % 3. South, 300 feet open ditch 4. East, 280 feet via natural gulch 5. Southeast 690 feet via natural 4.0 FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN DISCUSSION 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology Drainage sheet flows to the south within the site. It appears that runoff continues to sheet flow across the bare ground and graveled areas of the site to the lower laying areas to the south along S 132nd St where runoff is collected within catch basins along the north side of S 132nd St. A portion of roof drainage from the existing buildings is currently tight lined to the west property line via a 6" ADS pipe where it is released onsite to a manmade ditch and conveyed to the south and collected within an existing catch basin along S 132nd St near the West property line of the site. 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology The site is to be graded to drain Storm runoff from the developed yards, driveways, and roadways to the flowline of the access roads. Roof drainage runoff is to be collected via gutter systems and routed to the main conveyance system through roof downspouts and underground tight lined roof drainage lines. Runoff will then be conveyed within a tight lined conveyance system to the downstream detention and water quality facility. The facility is designed to detain runoff and release in a controlled manor to protect the downstream corridor. Page 8 4.3 Performance Standards (Part C) Full drainage review per Table 1.1.2.A, Core Requirements #1-8, Special Requirements #1-5. 4.4 Flow Control System (Part D) Flow control is provided via an underground concrete vault. The vault is designed as a flow-thru structure approximate dimensions of 120' x 40' with longitudinal dividing wall. Toe required detention volume is 51,4307 d. The vault is to be designed per the requirements of KCSWDM Sec. 5.3.3, and Renton Std. plan 236.00. 4.5 Water Quality System (Part E) Water quality pre-treatment prior to detention is provided via a "CDS" precast concrete water quality structure (CDS2020). Full water quality treatment is provided post-detention within a Contech 48" Stormfilter manhole. (See Appendix 'B') 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Conveyance system is to be constructed as 12" ADS -18" ADS pipe with Catch Basins where required. System is sized to meet the requirements of Sec. 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES None. 7 .0 OTHER PERMITS None. 8.0 TESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN TESC is to be completed and submitted with Construction plan submittal package. Page9 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES & DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantity Sheets To be included within final TIR. 9.2 Declaration of Covenant To be included within final TIR. 10.0 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL To be provided as a separate document and submitted with the Civil Construction document submittal package Page 10 APPENDIX A GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 200 ~ I '------J ,,'\_ ,(? > , . . :_. I,/ t , ··~ J. I -:',~ .· -. - :'.];:: ;'l~-] -~~ ·-~ :,...-,., / It .,..., ",_,,ij//// < ---_, : .... ,' / ,,,.,,,,r· '-----,--, _.. ...,,. ~-, ,. ---~~ ----'-- ~ -l ' ' > ROOFS = 42,909 SF (0.98 AC) GRAVEL ROADS = 36,662 (0,84 AC) 1 INCH = 100 FEET ECHELON TOWNHOMES PREDEVELOPED BASIN EXHIBIT DEVELOPED AREA ROOF PAVEMENT SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY TOTAL IMPERVIOUS LANDSCAPE TOTAL AREA GRAPHIC SCALE ----- 53,550 SF ( 1.23 AC) 38,164 SF (0.88 AC) 8,138 SF (0.19 AC) 99,852 SF (2 .29 AC) 69,253 SF (1.59 AC) 169,105 SF (3.88 AC) ECHELON TOWNHOMES DEVELOPED BASIN EXHIBIT ECHELON TOWNHOMES DOWNSTREAM EXHIBIT APPENDIX B um JlidlooµJOO@Oju1 ,.., t=t--t---====~-t 5(£86 VM, l>t00-605-ESl ·xe::1 w z w I t;: 0 z 0 i= -:3NOHd 96?96 'rM 'Q -:1JV!NO:::> "ONI S O 00,\\3~\ll 3U.H3d0Hd ~sod/sJJ: XOB "O"d .LVld Atl\lNIV-.113tld S3~0-dOHd 0~ '1N3ll0 HNMO.L N013H:)3 39'r/Nl~~~~d'r/lNO~.lNO:> n,m3~d :3 llJ! l33HS I ,, ' I / e ! ; : Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Facility Length: Facility Width: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage o Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Detention Vault 84.12 ft 84. 12 ft 7077. 7.25 100.00 51307. 7.25 sq. ft ft ft cu. ft ft 18.00 inches 2 Orifice# Height (ft) 0.00 5.00 Diameter (in) 0.95 2.10 Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.065 0.169 Pipe Diameter (in) 1 2 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) 0.00 100.00 0. 0.000 0.01 100.01 71. 0.002 0.02 100.02 142. 0.003 0.03 100.03 212. 0.005 0.04 100.04 283. 0.006 0.05 100.05 354. 0.008 0.06 100.06 425. 0.010 0.07 100.07 495. 0.011 0.08 100.08 566. 0. 013 0.09 100.09 637. 0.015 0.21 100.21 1486. 0.034 0.33 100.33 2335. 0.054 0.46 100.46 3255. 0.075 0.58 100.58 4105. 0.094 0.70 100.70 4954. 0 .114 0.83 100.83 5874. 0.135 0.95 100.95 6723. 0.154 1. 07 101. 07 7572. 0.174 l.19 101.19 8421. 0.193 1. 32 101.32 9341. 0.214 1.44 101.44 10191. 0.234 1. 56 101.56 11040. 0.253 1. 69 101.69 11960. 0.275 1. 81 101.81 12809. 0.294 1. 93 101.93 13658. 0.314 2.06 102.06 14578. 0.335 2.18 102.18 15427. 0. 354 2.30 102.30 16277. 0. 374 2.42 102.42 17126. 0.393 6.0 Discharge Percolation (cfs) (cfs) 0.000 0.00 0.002 0.00 0.003 0.00 0.004 0.00 0.005 0.00 0.005 0.00 0.006 0.00 0.006 0.00 0.007 0.00 0.007 0.00 0. 011 0.00 0.014 0.00 0.017 0.00 0.019 0.00 0.021 0.00 0.022 0.00 0.024 0.00 0.025 0.00 0.027 0.00 0.028 0.00 0.029 0.00 0.031 0.00 0.032 0.00 0.033 0.00 0.034 0.00 0 .. 035 0.00 0.036 0.00 0.037 0.00 0.038 0.00 2.55 102.55 18046. 0.414 0.039 0.00 2.67 102.67 18895. 0.434 0.040 0.00 2.79 102.79 19744. 0.453 0.041 0.00 2.92 102.92 20664. 0.474 0.042 0.00 3.04 103.04 21514. 0.494 0.043 0.00 3.16 103.16 223 63. 0.513 0.044 0.00 3.28 103.28 23212. 0.533 0.044 0.00 3.41 103.41 24132. 0.554 0.045 0.00 3.53 103.53 24981. 0.573 0.046 0.00 3.65 103.65 25830. 0.593 0.047 0.00 3.78 103.78 26750. 0.614 0.048 0.00 3.90 103. 9 0 27600. 0.634 0.048 0.00 4.02 104.02 28449. 0.653 0.049 0.00 4.14 104.14 29298. 0.673 0.050 0.00 4.27 104.27 30218. 0.694 0.051 0.00 4.39 104.39 31067. 0. 713 0.051 0.00 4.51 104.51 31916. 0.733 0.052 0.00 4.64 104.64 32836. 0.754 0.053 0.00 4.76 104.76 33686. 0.773 0.053 0.00 4.88 104.88 34535. 0.793 0.054 0.00 5.00 105.00 35384. 0.812 0.055 0.00 5.02 105.02 35526. 0.816 0.056 0.00 5.04 105.04 35667. 0.819 0.059 0.00 5.07 105.07 35879. 0.824 0.065 0.00 5.09 105.09 36021. 0.827 0.073 0.00 5.11 105.11 36163. 0.830 0.083 0.00 5.13 105.13 36304. 0.833 0.095 0.00 5.15 105.15 36446. 0.837 0.102 0.00 5.17 105.17 36587. 0.840 0.106 0.00 5.20 105.20 36799. 0.845 0.109 0.00 5.32 105.32 37649. 0.864 0.124 0.00 5.44 105.44 38498. 0.884 0.137 0.00 5.57 105.57 39418. 0.905 0.148 0.00 5.69 105.69 40267. 0.924 0.158 0.00 5.81 105.81 41116. 0.944 0.167 0.00 5.93 105.93 41965. 0. 963 0.175 0.00 6.06 106.06 42885. 0.985 0.183 0.00 6.18 106.18 43735. 1.004 0.191 0.00 6.30 106.30 44584. 1.024 0.198 0.00 6.43 106.43 45504. 1. 045 0.205 0.00 6.55 106.55 46353. 1.064 0. 211 0.00 6.67 106.67 47202. 1.084 0.218 0.00 6.79 106.79 48052. 1.103 0.224 0.00 6.92 106.92 48972. 1.124 0.230 0.00 7.04 107.04 49821. 1.144 0.236 0.00 7.16 107.16 50670. 1.163 0.241 0.00 7.25 107.25 51307. 1.178 0.245 0.00 7.35 107.35 52015. 1.194 0. 712 0.00 7.45 107.45 52722. 1.210 1.560 0.00 7.55 107.55 53430. 1.227 2.660 0.00 7.65 107.65 54138. 1. 243 3. 960 0.00 7.75 107.75 54845. 1.259 5.430 0.00 7.85 107.85 55553. 1. 275 6.860 0.00 7.95 107.95 56261. 1.292 7.390 0.00 8.05 108.05 56968. 1. 308 8.15 108.15 57676. 1.324 8.25 108.25 58384. 1. 340 8.35 108.35 59091. 1. 357 8.45 108.45 59799. 1. 373 8.55 108.55 60507. 1.389 8.65 108.65 61214. 1.405 8.75 108.75 61922. 1.422 8.85 108.85 62630. 1.438 8.95 108.95 63337. 1.454 9.05 109.05 64045. 1.470 9.15 109.15 64753. 1.487 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Target Cale Stage Elev 1 1.42 0.31 0.27 7.26 107.26 2 0.70 ******* 0.22 6.79 106.79 3 0.84 ******* 0.19 6.24 106.24 4 0.87 ******* 0.16 5.77 105.77 5 0.74 ******* 0.05 4.89 104.89 6 0.72 ******* 0.05 4.27 104.27 7 0.56 ******* 0.05 4.02 104.02 8 0.60 ******* 0.04 2.48 102.48 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 1.42 CFS at Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.273 CFS at Peak Reservoir Stage: 7.26 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 107.26 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 51347. Cu-Ft 1.179 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Ac-Ft 7.890 0.00 8.360 0.00 8.800 0.00 9.210 0.00 9.620 0.00 10.000 0.00 10.370 0.00 10.730 0.00 11.070 0.00 11.410 0.00 11.730 0.00 12.050 0.00 Storage (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 51347. 1.179 48056. 1.103 44170. 1.014 40827. 0.937 34631. 0.795 30209. 0.694 28450. 0.653 17549. 0.403 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 12:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0.224 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.273 7.26 1 100.00 0.990 0.049 7 1/07/02 4:00 0.224 6.79 2 25.00 0. 960 0.195 3 3/06/03 22:00 0.195 6.24 3 10.00 0.900 0.038 8 8/26/04 8:00 0.164 5.77 4 5.00 0.800 0.051 6 1/08/05 5:00 0.054 4.89 5 3.00 0.667 0.054 5 1/19/06 17:00 0.051 4.27 6 2.00 0.500 0.164 4 11/24/06 8:00 0.049 4.02 7 1. 30 0. 231 0.273 1 1/09/08 12:00 0.038 2.48 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.257 7.25 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS I I I 0. 003 0.009 0.016 0.022 0.028 0.035 0.041 0.047 0.053 0.060 0.066 0.072 0.079 0.085 0. 091 0.097 0.104 0 .110 0 .116 0.123 0.129 0 .135 0.141 0.148 0.154 0.160 0.166 0.173 0.179 0.185 0.192 0.198 0.204 0.210 0.217 0.223 29333 7610 5814 6048 4608 3169 1909 1456 977 186 21 12 8 4 7 6 7 18 12 11 5 7 9 6 8 10 8 6 9 8 7 6 3 3 3 4 47.836 12.410 9.481 9.863 7.515 5.168 3 .113 2. 374 1. 593 0. 303 0.034 0.020 0. 013 0.007 0. 011 0.010 0. 011 0.029 0.020 0.018 0.008 0. 011 0.015 0.010 0. 013 0.016 0.013 0.010 0.015 0.013 0. 011 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.007 47.836 60.246 69.728 79. 591 87.105 92.273 95.386 97.761 99. 354 99.658 99.692 99.711 99.724 99.731 99.742 99.752 99.764 99.793 99.812 99.830 99.839 99.850 99.865 99.874 99.887 99.904 99.917 99.927 99.941 99.954 99.966 99.976 99.980 99.985 99.990 99.997 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout 52.164 39.754 30.272 20.409 12.895 7.727 4.614 2. 239 0.646 0.342 0. 3 08 0.289 0.276 0.269 0.258 0.248 0.236 0.207 0.188 0.170 0.161 0.150 0 .135 0.126 0.113 0. 096 0.083 0.073 0.059 0.046 0.034 0.024 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.003 0.522E+OO 0.398E+OO 0.303E+OO 0.204E+OO 0.129E+OO 0.773E-01 0.461E-01 0.224E-01 0.646E-02 0.342E-02 0.308E-02 0.289E-02 0.276E-02 0.269E-02 0.258E-02 0.248E-02 0.236E-02 0.207E-02 0.188E-02 0.170E-02 0.161E-02 0.150E-02 0.135E-02 0.126E-02 0. 113E-02 0.962E-03 0.832E-03 0.734E-03 0.587E-03 0.457E-03 0.342E-03 0.245E-03 0.196E-03 0.147E-03 0.978E-04 0.326E-04 Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: 1.42 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 0.273 CFS at 12:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 7.26 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 107.26 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 51347. Cu-Ft 1.179 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.224 0.049 0.195 0.038 0.051 0.054 0.164 0.273 Computed Peaks 2 7 3 8 6 5 4 l 2/09/01 1/07/02 3/06/03 8/26/04 1/08/05 1/19/06 11/24/06 1/09/08 20:00 4:00 22:00 8:00 5:00 17:00 8:00 12:00 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 0.273 7.26 1 100.00 0.990 0.224 0.195 0.164 0.054 0.051 0.049 0.038 0.257 6.79 6.24 5.77 4.89 4.27 4.02 2.48 7.25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0. 091 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 0.009 0.016 0.022 0.028 0.035 0.041 0.047 0.053 0.060 0.066 0.072 0.079 0.085 0. 091 0.097 0.104 0 .110 0 .116 0.123 0.129 0 .135 0.141 0 .148 0.154 0.160 0.166 0.173 0.179 0.185 0.192 0.198 0.204 0.210 29333 7610 5814 6048 4608 3169 1909 1456 977 186 21 12 8 4 7 6 7 18 12 11 5 7 9 6 8 10 8 6 9 8 7 6 3 3 47.836 12.410 9.481 9.863 7.515 5.168 3 .113 2.374 1.593 0. 303 0.034 0.020 0. 013 0.007 0. 011 0.010 0. 011 0.029 0.020 0.018 0.008 0. 011 0.015 0.010 0.013 0.016 0. 013 0.010 0.015 0. 013 0. 011 0.010 0.005 0.005 47.836 60.246 69.728 79.591 87.105 92.273 95.386 97.761 99.354 99.658 99.692 99.711 99.724 99.731 99.742 99.752 99.764 99.793 99.812 99.830 99.839 99.850 99.865 99.874 99.887 99.904 99. 917 99.927 99.941 99.954 99.966 99.976 99.980 99.985 52.164 39.754 3 0. 272 20.409 12.895 7.727 4.614 2.239 0.646 0.342 0.308 0.289 0.276 0.269 0.258 0.248 0.236 0.207 0.188 0.170 0.161 0.150 0.135 0.126 0 .113 0.096 0.083 0.073 0.059 0.046 0.034 0.024 0.020 0.015 0.522E+OO 0.398E+OO 0.303E+OO 0.204E+OO 0.129E+OO 0.773E-01 0.461E-01 0.224E-01 0.646E-02 0.342E-02 0.308E-02 0.289E-02 0.276E-02 0.269E-02 0.258E-02 0.248E-02 0.236E-02 0.207E-02 0.188E-02 0.170E-02 0.161E-02 0.150E-02 0 .135E-02 0.l26E-02 0 .113E-02 0.962E-03 0.832E-03 0.734E-03 0.587E-03 0.457E-03 0.342E-03 0.245E-03 0.196E-03 0.147E-03 0.217 0.223 3 4 0.005 0.007 99.990 99.997 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 1.42 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.273 Peak Reservoir Stage: 7.26 Peak Reservoir Elev: 107.26 Peak Reservoir Storage: 51347. 0.010 0.003 CFS at CFS at Ft Ft Cu-Ft 0.978E-04 0.326E-04 6:00 on Jan 12:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 9 in Year 8 1.179 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.224 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.049 7 1/07/02 4:00 0.195 3 3/06/03 22:00 0.038 8 8/26/04 8:00 0.051 6 1/08/05 5:00 0.054 5 1/19/06 17:00 0.164 4 11/24/06 8:00 0.273 1 1/09/08 12:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 0.273 7.26 1 100.00 0.990 0.224 6.79 2 25.00 0 .960 0.195 6.24 3 10.00 0.900 0.164 5.77 4 5.00 0.800 0.054 4.89 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 4.27 6 2.00 0.500 0.049 4.02 7 1. 30 0.231 0.038 2.48 8 1.10 0.091 0.257 7.25 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 29333 47.836 47.836 52.164 0.522E+OO 0.009 7610 12.410 60.246 39.754 0.398E+OO 0.016 5814 9.481 69.728 30.272 0.303E+OO 0.022 6048 9.863 79.591 20.409 0.204E+OO 0.028 4608 7.515 87.105 12.895 0.129E+OO 0.035 3169 5.168 92.273 7.727 0.773E-Ol 0.041 1909 3 .113 95.386 4.614 0.461E-01 0.047 1456 2.374 97.761 2.239 0.224E-Ol 0.053 977 1. 593 99.354 0.646 0.646E-02 0.060 186 0.303 99.658 0.342 0.342E-02 0.066 21 0.034 99.692 0.308 0.308E-02 0.072 12 0.020 99. 711 0.289 0.289E-02 0.079 8 0.013 99.724 0.276 0.276E-02 0.085 4 0.007 99.731 0.269 0.269E-02 0.091 7 0. 011 99.742 0.258 0.258E-02 0.097 6 0.010 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 0.104 7 0. 011 99.764 0.236 0.236E-02 0 .110 18 0.029 99.793 0.207 0.207E-02 0 .116 12 0.020 99.812 0.188 0.188E-02 0.123 11 0.018 99.830 0.170 0.170E-02 0.129 5 0.008 99.839 0.161 0.161E-02 0.135 7 0. 011 99.850 0.150 0.150E-02 0.141 9 0.015 99.865 0 .135 0.135E-02 0.148 6 0.010 99.874 0.126 0.126E-02 0.154 8 0.013 99.887 0 .113 0.113E-02 0.160 10 0.016 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.166 8 0.013 99.917 0.083 0.832E-03 0.173 6 0.010 99.927 0. 073 0.734E-03 0.179 9 0.015 99.941 0.059 0.587E-03 0.185 8 0.013 99.954 0.046 0.457E-03 0.192 7 0. 011 99.966 0.034 0.342E-03 0.198 6 0.010 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 0.204 3 0.005 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 0.210 3 0.005 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 0.217 3 0.005 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 0.223 4 0.007 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 l ! ! ' ! I ' I i I i I i I A TOP SLAB ACCESS (SEE FRAME AND COVER DETAIL) L ~ PVC HYDRAULIC SHEAR """' FIBERGLASS SEPARATION CYLINDER AND INLET INLET PIPE (MULTIPLE INLET PIPES MAY BE ACCOMMODATED) OIL BAFFLE SKIRT SEPARATION SCREEN ; +1-ss• I MAX. ---t--- PLAN VIEW N.T.S. J,±-t --r· ~, •. __..j I CENTER OF CDS STRUCTURE. SCREEN AND SUMP OPENING J.. , +/-135" """· J>. ~ TOP SLAB ACCESS 60" I.D. MANHOLE STRUCTURE CONTRACTOR TO GROUT TO FINISHED GRADE GRADE RINGS/RISERS tGi »'%:'>5'8~ l 1 !4") (2') PERMANENT POOL ELEV. VARIES {5'-3") MINIMUM CDS2020 DESIGN NOTES COS2020 RATED TREATMENT CAPACITY IS 1.1 CFS. OR PER LOCAL REGULATIONS. MAXIMUM HYDRAULIC IITTERNAL BYPASS CAPACITY IS 14.0 CFS. IF T'rlE SITE CONDITIONS EXCEED 14.0 CFS, AA UPSTREAM BYPASS STRUCTURE IS RE.QUIRED. THE STANDARD CDS2020 CONFIGURATION IS SHOWN. ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AND ARE LISTED BELOW. SOME CONFIGURATIONS MAY BE COMBINED TO SUIT SITE REQUIREMENTS. DESIGNATION CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION (MODEL SUFF1X) G GRATED INLET ONLY (NO INLET PIPE) GP GRATED INLET WITH INLET PIPE OR PIPES -------------· ' CURB INLET ONLY (NO INLET PIPE) '" CURB INLET WITH INLET PIPE OR PIPES ' SEPARATE OIL BAFFLE (SINGLE INLET PIPE REQUIRED FOR THIS CONFIGURATION) w SEDIMENT WEIR FOR NJOEP I NJCAT CONFORMING UNITS SITE SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENTS STRUCTURE ID WATER QUALITY FLOW RATE rCFS PEAi< FLOW RATE (CFSl RETIJRN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW {YRS) SCREEN APERTIJRE 2400 OR 47001 PIPE DATA: I.E. MATERlAI... INLET PIPE 1 INLET PIPE 2 OUTLET PIPE RIM ELEVATION ANTI-FLOTATION BALLAST WIDTH NOTESJS?ECIAL REQUIREMENTS· GENERAL NOTES FRAME AND COVER (DIAMETER VARIES) N.T.S. 1 CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " PER ENGINEER OF RECORD 2. DIMENSIONS MARKED wm-t {) ARE REFEREr-JCE DIMENSIONS. ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY 3. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS REPRESENTATIVE. www.contechstormwater.com 4. CDS WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH All. DESIGN DATA ANO INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. 5. STRUCTURE AND CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO HS20 LOAD RATING. 6. PVC HYDRAULIC SHEAR PLATE IS PLACED ON SHELF AT aonoM OF SCREEN CYLINDER. REMOVE AND REPLACE AS NECESSARY DURING MAINTENANCE CLEANING. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. ANY SUB-BASE. BACKFILL DEPTH. ANO/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFJC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SET THE CDS MANHOLE STRUCTURE (LIFTING CLUTCHES PROVIDED). 3. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN. 5. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE. APPROPRIATE. MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT. HOLDING WATER TO FlOWllNE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED. DIAMETER I HEIGHT I SOLIOSS~RAGE7C· ·i .~ I ~.,.. I ~...;.;.;;--. . I PRECAST CONCRETE WATER QUALITY SYSTEM " SUMP ~•........,•-en.- ! SECTION A-A --·-'"-"····~·~-···· -SOl.lfflONS.. STANDARD DETAIL ~ N,T,S. ~l.i,;«'~:.::·~":,~~-:.'5,:::.-"''·"" -- PVC HYDRAULIC SHEAR PCATIS -~m· """'""' --::::::i 11---------, Ill flow -1111-------------' I A I -1 I I I I ----------------------''----_______ J ---T-r--------.....,--~~~~~~~~ 11 I I 11 I I 11 I I 11 I I 11 I I -II li'x10'ac:ic.anul I I 1e1im::: L~.:-.:-~J PLAN VlmWII NT. S'x10'ap9q 1or ..._ :lCIOO If OIi' o-tartoor ... DESIGN W.S. flow 12· ..... -::.-· I =1=2"=========:::J:=:-1 t L.. ....... NOT- 88CTION .A...A NT• 1. All metal parts must be COITOIIOn resistant Sleal parta mulll be galvanlzed and oaphalt coated (Troe1menl 1 or bollor). 2. Provide water atop al all cut.fn..plaol mnatrucdan joints. Preceatvaults otwll have appm,ed.-rgoal<at-. 3. vaulls <10' wide must 188 r8fflCMlble Ilda. •· Prefabrloatedvoult-moyn,qulra-mod- to suppor1 5' x 10' opering over main Yllult. Allemaltvely, eoceea can be Pf'(Mdad v4a a slda Y9Sllbule as BhcWn. 6. All ~ areas must be within 50' d an 8008M p)lnL ....... ......... 6. For vaults under roadways, the remowble panel must be located OUlllde the travel lanes. Altematlvely, muttlpla standard loelclrlG manhole oovers may be prowkted. Spacing d mantmla COWIJB shall be 12 feet, measured on eenter, tofadlttate rafflOY81 ofaedlmant Ladders and hand-tic>da need only be provided at ttle outlet pipe Ind lrlel pipe, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TYPICAL DETENTION VA.ULT flow STD. PLAN -238.00 MARCH 2008 48"0 INLET PIPE (SEE NO fES 5 • G) BALLAST (SEE NOTE 8) 8'/ 1 2"0 HOPE OUTLET STUB (SEE NOTES 5 < G) MANHOLE STORM FILTER -PLAN VIEW CD CONCRETE GRADE RING INLET PIPE (SEE NOTES 5 ,; G) STEP (TYFI STORMFILTER CARTRIDGE (TYF) (SEE NOTE 2) BALLAST (SEE NOTE 8) _L HEIGHT '-1 30"0 FRAME AND COVER (STD) (SEE NOTE 4) ·, :-.-... .... ,. HOFE OUTLET RISER WITH SCUM BAFFUE 4'-G" MIN (SEE NOTE 7) SEE DETAIL 2/2 MANHOLE STORM FILTER -SECTION VIEW CD ©2006 CONTECH Slormwater Solutions ~~un:~® ~Hi.•'-"= ! STORMWATER ---- -----SOLllTIONS- eontechatormweter.c:om THE STOR.MWATER MANAGEMENT Sto,mf,lter® U.5. PATENT No. 5,322,G2::J, No. 5,707,527, !';o. b,027.b39 No. G,G49,045, No. 5,G24,57G, At-D OTHf'R U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING ORA,. PRECAST 48" MANHOLE STORMFIL TER PLAN AND SECTION VIEWS STANDARD DETAIL 1 "' DATE: 09/26/05 SCALE: NONE FILE NAME: MHSF3-4BPC-OTL DRAWN:MJN CHECKED:ARG GENERAL NOTES ; ) 5TORMFILTER BY CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS; PORTLAND, OR (800) 548-4GG7; SCARBOROUGH, ME (877) 907-8G7G; ELKRIDGE, MD (BGGJ 740-33 i 8. 2) FILTER CARTRIDGE(S) TO BE SIPHON-ACTUATED AND SELF-CLEANING. STANDARD DETAIL SHOWS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CARTRIDGES. ACTUAL NUMBER REQUIRED TO BE SPECIFIED ON SITE PLANS OR IN DATA TABLE BELOW. 3) PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WlTH ASTM C478. DETAIL REFLECTS DESIGN INTENT ONLY. ACTUAL DIMENSIONS AND CONFIGURATION OF STRUCTURE WILL BE SHOWN ON PRODUCTION SHOP DRAWlNG. 4) STRUCTURE AND ACCESS COVERS TO MEET AASHTO H-20 LOAD RATING. 5) STORMFILTER REQUIRES 2.3 FEET OF DROP FROM INLET TO OUTLET. IF LESS DROP 15 AVAILABLE, CONTACT CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS. MINIMUM ANGLE BETWEEN INLET AND OUTLET 15 45°. G) INLET FIFING TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER AND PROVIDED BY CONTRAClOR. PRECAST MANHOLE 510RMFILTER EQUIPPED WITH A DUAL DIAMETER HOPE OUTLET STUB AND SAND COLLAR. EIGHT INCH DIAMETER OUTLET SECflON MAY BE SEPARATED FROM OUTLET STUB AT MOLDED IN CUT LINE TO ACCOMMODATE A 12 INCH OUTLET PIPE. CONNECTION TO DOWNSTREAM PIPING TO BE MADE USING A FLEXIBLE COUPLING OR ECCENTRIC REDUCER, AS REQUIRED. COUPLING BY FERNCO OR EQUAL AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. 7) PROVIDE MINIMUM CLEARANCE FOR MAINTENANCE ACCESS. IF A SHALLOWER SYSTEM 15 REQUIRED, CONTACT CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS FOR OTHER OPTIONS. 8) ANTI-FLOTATION BALLAST TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. IF REQUIRED. BALLAST TO BE SET AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE STRUCTURE. BJ ALL STORMFILTERS REQUIRE REGULAR MAINTENANCE. REFER TO OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR MORE INFORMATION 30"0 FRAME AND COVER (STD) PRECAST MANHOLE STORMFILTER DATA 5 TRUCTURE i D WATER QUALITY FLOW RATE (cfs) PEAK FLOW RATE(< I cfs) RETURN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW ( rs) # OF CARTRIDGES REQUIRED CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE ( 15 0° 7.5 m) XXX x.xx x.xx XXX xx xx MEDIA TYPE (CSF, PERUTE, ZFG) xxxxx MANHOLE STORM FILTER -TOP VIEW ED SAND COLLAR RIM ELEVATION PIPE DATA, LE. INLET PIPE# I XXX.XX' INLET PIPE #2 XXX.XX' OUTLET STUB XXX.XX' ECCENTRIC REDUCER. (BY CONTRACTOR) ANTI-FLOTATION BALLAST XXX.XX' ORIENTATION MATERIAL DIAMETER XX 0 XXX XX" XXX XX" XXX 8" / 12" YES\NO SIZE XXX XX" x XX' WlDTH HEIGHT XX' XX' OUTLET RISER I 2"0 OUTLET STUB MOLDED-IN CUT LINE 8"0 OUTLET STUB NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, PIPE ORIENTATION KEY, BO' OUTLET FIFE (BY CONTRACTOR) COUFUNG (BY CONTRACTOR) (SEE NOTE G) BALLAST GROUT (SEE NOTE 5) (BY CONTRACTOR) MANHOLE STORMFIL TER -OUTLET DETAIL CD ©2006 CONTECH Sk>rmwaler Solutions I i80'-$-0° 270° T!1[ STOlcMWATER MANAGEMENT Stormf1tter® U.S. PATENT No. 5,3?2,G29, No. 5,707,527, No. b,027,639 No. G,G49,048, No 5,G24,57G, A~D OTHF.R U.S. AND fOREIG~J PATENT3 PENDING ~~CH® STORMWATER..---- .__ __ ~SOLUTIONS- PRE CAST 48" MANHOLE STORM FILTER TOP AND SECTION VIEWS, NOTES AND DATA STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING 2 212 contechatorrnwater.oom DATE:09126105 SCALE: NONE FILE NAME: MHSF3-48PC-DTL ORAWN:MJW CHECKED:ARG l C-3562 Geotcchnical Engineeri~g Water Resources Er.vironmcntal Assessme~ts and Remediation Sustainable Development Ser~ices Geologic Assessments Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Ccihw!iy 25 ~tnr_r o/J.11wct1 Suhsurf;:=.:.: Ex.pl,.:raiicn, Ccok:gic Hazarrl, arul Pr~Ern:uary Geotecl:r:kal E:1ginecrirg R:;pm! !VllNTF:R PROPERTY i(ing Cour.ty. \V;s1ing:on P1 epu:--::d for CamWe~t Development, Inc. p,~JCC: C>O. KF.070211,\ .April 26, 2007 RECEl'JED sEP 1 2 zcn CHY Of RENTON Pl A~NIN(-; 0:')ISION APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Associated Earth Science:,, Inc. ~ ,:;--, ~J l--:::-1 ~. . ~ l£J ~ ~ t!¥·ll April 26. 2C07 Project No. KE070211A Cam\Vcst Development., Tnc. 9720 NE 120" Place, Suite IQO Kirkland, Washington 98034 At"..eu.tion: Mr. Bruce Kr.owcton SubjccL Subiurbcc Expioratio:1, Gco1o~ic 1-fat.:::.rd, 2r.d Prelimina:y Geu(~h.Pica: Er.ginc:ri:1g R1!~or ~ !>,-linter Pror:crty Sout:1 132.x: SLr~d a:1tl Rc1.:on Avcm:e .Su11th I< inG Cnuu•.y. \V c...3"hi1:gton l)e;ir Mr. Kno1Nl£on: V1t'r-; arc plcastd lo pn::;e:it the enclosed ~r,pit::; oi Ute n:fe:-em:.ed r::p,Jr' _ T;1is rc;:,orr sur.1..1::.-.riz.:..:~ the! ics·Jlt'-'. ~f our snhsi:rfac.;c cxplora:~or1, gt!'.oln,e:ic hazard, and ~t'otcd1dcal c-I:git:::erh1g studict; :.rniJ offe1 s prdim:nary re:c::,::n.mt;nC.diu:::-; :'or the u~:::ig~ and 1kvz:opmc:Jt ct the propos.c:.l pn1ject. At the lime this repcrt ,,....as writren, no s~:e dcvdopmcnl pbn had Ue-=n formul~tcd, am:: th,:refun:, ~Ii~ rcc.ommcnda~:ons cirnf.:inc.·<l in this rcporr art': p:-:::lmiHary. \Ve should t,~ l.ll1~1wt:tl t0 revk•;r." c-.1r n~rnrnmemiations a:id m::xii')" thl!m, tf approptb.tr., wh:.:JJ a ,.kvdopct:::nt. plan i;, availab:e. W1,; hive er.joyed wnrkir:g \Yi:h yuu on this ~u~y aud an: confid~nl i~1al rh~ rc:c01r.rccnd:1tions prt;St'!Ilkd i:1 t:1!s ::-tport will :iid hi t;u: ~u::ccssfd complell01: of y,::-1:r project. If y,Ju ;,htmlJ lta\.\ .. ' any gue:;!knL~ or if w1.: c~n b~ cf adrlirioral hcip Lo yoc., pk::i.~~ do not l:e'iitatc :n .:al:. .S!n~crcly, .<1.SSOC! An:o EARTH SCIENCES, ]KC. Kirkland, V1iushin~ton ll71'-,t,\,. • ... ~~J.!,.-. •. ------- Kurt D. ·:Ml:':rrim:m. P .Ll. Princip.:l Eugi:icc.'r ~:DM.•Jr Kl-lfiC·Zll/,. • f'i, ... 01,•JIJO'j:'.))l!',r.:r.,.','1., Xirl:~·rVI Ofli<"r • 9: I Fifih .'\;,::-:ia-.·, S:-.rt: iOO • Kir::laud, \X:'A 980].3 .. :t J ('Lt.)} ~P? //Ol • r: (o>.25} 527-;424 hi•n:1· Offo:c • l'Jl l If"!. H~·.1LLAvttm..:, Suit<?~!• F.~rt::t, \V;\ 9820: • l' I (\25:, 2)')-0522 •FI (4.25} 2~J.·:!40S \'l",\",'l'.U...'""!J-'O,Ll.'t!) APPRA1SAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 SUBSUR1''ACE EA'PLORA.TION, GEOLOGIC HAZARD, AI\"D PRELll\lIINARY GEOTRCT-f\lCAL EN'GTh"EERING REPORT l\1IN1'ER PROPERTY King County, \Vashington Pn~pared for: Cam\,\14..-st Dc'velopmcnt, Jnc. 9710 NE 'i2C 111 Place, Suit..: lOO Kirk'.rnd, Wos!Jil:gton 9S034 Prepared i.1y: A!iSOl'iitt.t:d K1rlh Science..,·, Tnc. 91 I 5:r. Av,::r.ue, Suite 100 K:r:{~cnc.l, 'Nashingt.rn1 9~033 425-827-7701 1•~1x: 4?.5·827-542··~ April 2~, 2007 Project Nn. KE0702 l lA APPRAJSAL GROlJP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 A-Ii,ue.r Pny,~rt1 J{ing_, <;o.,i.'!·"', l'/a;hl•1 •.t'.m 1.0 INTR0Dl.:CT101' Suhsi11JDce E.,;plorwion, Gt:!loJit ffauird. tJ.nd P:'e/.!.•J!f11my Ge1,t<;rimfr:al Enginarir:g ,'?.e,;on F,!;ie.£! .. '!,,114 Sile ComHtim;s I. PRCMECT Al\Ll SITE CONDITIONS This repc_..t prcECnts the n::s:.1lls u: ot:r sub.:;;irf<1.:-e e:t:p~orn.rion. geolog:c ha:1..:trC:. aru1 pre!imina~·y gemechr:icaI c1:giuc1.::ring srJdy for the p:o]:05ed new resi:icntial develop!J~t:nt. rigt:rc l presents a "Site am: Ex:p:ora::on Pla:i/' inclur.ling tbe a::-pru.<tl:na~e locatio:1:i; :-,f 'Ulc exploration pit~ cnmplt'.~eJ for thiti .~tuG~·. The conc:u.s~cns and r~~Om.'11end.;dcm-; conrn.~ne1} in ll1i., report s:ioulC be rcYicwcd ar.<l rnrnlitit:Ll, or verified~ if the µ1\::jcct changes from its current coi:riguration . . L LJ'Jrpo.s~_ancl_ Scope Ti.it! purpose of this study wg_::; to pn)'Jide subs.1rfa:.:~~ ~1.11,1 i., be nscL :n the ~~·clim:n.ay desig.:i of tht' prnjtict. 011, ~tudy included a rcv:c'.V of sclcc'.~d gcolcJgic lite.rt.mm. [!X~ava·.'.116 cxp!o:-atint; piti::. and pcrfarm~ng g,eo\..}gic sa:di::'.s to a.!'st.:.'l''i lh\~ ty;ic, lh::::knc:-;.s, distri~ut;c:1, :.::.ml p:-tysil::::f pfnpt..:r1it:.s of ti:::: ~uh-.·,ut"acc s~di1:1c,1t.) ar.d s!J.allov,: Jrou:iC wate:-cc-11:Ji:ior.s. Gcmr:.:d:nical enginci.::r'.ng scu.dk~ we:-e complded h.: lbrmubk our ;eco1rnr.E::K.atior:~ fo: si'.e prcp,m11ina. 1>:!lt' gri..:diug, ,;oust.:uction, .0.11:.i lrcin.:gc. T:1it= r:!pon sur:irr..:.r:i.~s our c1:r:·ert fic}d,vork imC. offers re!.'.<'nm1r:Ekdio1:.; for dc1.•t'.h.1;,-:-1:r.r1t h.:~cd 1):1 onr prescr.t ur.dcrstantlil:g of tht: pm_ic1..:~. \Ve rccomm~.3d ~hit we be aUm-..ed to rcvi~w proj-G~t plan~ priur w rnr.s1ruct!rrn to verify U1at o:u gr.ote.:.:hr.ic:1 e.rgineer~n~ rt:commcndat:ous '.rnYC been correct) ime:rpreted awl incmpc:-ali . .:J into t:,c r:~sig:1 and provide aCd'.tionrJ recornn:..:-;Jdatiors, a!'; ;1ppr:,:1ria:.t: V:::·d:al authori:,,.at.h.1r; tn proc.::;::,j wi:11 tl:is study wa.~ grante:d by "fv1r. Bmci: K:'."lowllon of Carn\Vest l1t>vdopmt::11, Tm:. (('..a:1We:.t.). Tl:is n:-r}[lrt ha:.~ been ;;rcp:;.rcd for tile exch::..ive 'l~~ of Cam'\Vcst and their 2g.er:!.s fc:-spt.>cific 2pp:k.a::ou lu this prnjecc. Within the limitatiom of scc;:e, sclu:tluh::., and budget. our st::rvic~s l1avi.: 1,ccli. pc1·furmcd in a.u:cordanc~ wil·:1 ge11er;'llly ac::cp~cd g~ntccll:1ical e:1ginccring and engir.eering geoluJZV pn::cti..."C." ir. effect in this area m !he :{me uur repor: w:.t$ prep:1ri1d Nu m:ier w:i .. ranty, cxp:-~~s or ir.1plied. is IJJULC. This :cport wn.o.: crnnplctc<l w:t:1 a:1 un1..:crsh:.1.J;:11g of the project basetl ein ar. aer'.al pilotngrapli of the sit•.::: provided by Cnm'.,Vest. l\o si;e ;Jevr~lo[rnt~:11 7)ic:ir,s \vut availa.l,Jc at the time this rc:por1 w;1s; wrirtcr.. \Ve antic.ip~.tc fiat r.h.::; rrnjcct w:It include demoli1i1n cf lhe t::xi~Li:1g buik..!bg.~ on-site ar:d cons.(n:ction of ne•f/ :ll)ffi:.:s, ·-1cces.~ ri'!2tl~, util1lie!:, ar.d oflt!'." typknl ----------=-==--=----·-==----',. ·;c·.c,·o .•. ·--=---== l.fJrir 2f.. 2007 ,·ISS.'J.CU"tFLl i£11RTI! St .. "J2NCE:::.'. Ji\'C. Ull-'G,'Jr. r.EiJtO!i IA! • f'n;~:ti' . .'f.lJ(/'!;J !\~·t.1 ;I'.'' ;Inge 1 APPRAJSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 St1f:Jwj.:ict t,\"J1:nl!io11, Geologic !iawni, am/ Mllun· ProtU!/1:l Pre!Jmi!:ciy Georechnimf Eug6ttering Repon 0_K::!1:0'8e...::c"::'c'1.1"r'!~, ___ v"'~""·'' ... 1i"""'.'"".J1 .. ;--=====-------~-~-~..cJ:!..EJt.~! a11_d Si~e Co11ditfo1.~· 2.Ssociatc'Cl irnp:ovemen:s. Due to t'1e ,kpir.g Darnco of the site. it is likely that low r<tainbg wal1'1, rockt.::rics, or ~egmr:ctal walls wi:l be bcorpcrated irJo tt:e design rn crertt.: nart~r are:1s for homes and roads. 1ltc pruj~c: ~ate iodudc.~ sc•,cral parcels, c.nd :s i:-regularly shai:-ed in ;:lan view. OvcraJ 2.rc;:;. is appro:ximat::ly 4.2 acre:.;. am: o·"eni:1 v~-:-lical rc:ief is ::..pproxir.12.tcly 70 feet. Site g:-aci~s. siu;;·r. ,gener:::l!y dowr: to the south Witt: r.rnder.ate inc:inatio:1,;, The Ki:1g County l:[a? property information tla:abasc:: <lo~s r.ot idenriry ar:y of the sir.::: _:;kreSI a.3 fai:d3:idc hazard areas, anct i( at:?t:ars 1h;H :ht: s:te ,1J.!opes do net meet the Kir.g County d.efi:1ition of la:idsfalc lrn1:nrd a:-:a.,q. 1.oca!;zeC slopes appear to b~ ste~p~r Lian 40 pr-r:.;eGt indi11:;;tint'., l1Lt ti10.,;c-areas s.rc :ypic.:.t:Iy aronml 10 reel laH or ks) ;1mi appe-c1.r t:. be mac.1-m2.dc. A~ the tir.i~ o: our S'.Ihsr:.dacc. exploration program, the si:e wu~ dL'.vt:'..:cpcd w:1h :-: c01wnr:r;:'.:1! p'.;mt ni:.rscry Liar in::luded a sa!cs building, !-il..'vcra1 g:~~nl:011ses, and a dernrl::d hone. We. ur.<lersta:HI th:!t 2. home previously e:<isterl on rte c.;;1:-:t part of ti!:.: ~it~. aJC tll':: rc1~m.:1nts of that home wer:~ dl'm•)lisheil after il burrn::<l. Gravel (.L·ivc.\Y3/ ar:d parting-arc:!:~ provi,:t.d CTCCe<:.~ t) var:ou~ parts vf tl":e si:e. and rnmure trt'es wer~ p:-:.:.:a.:nt i11 iw a:\.:~ c:1 Lhc eL:it part o~-chc ~itc. Tl:e -~b~· appeared to ha-~t: kt::i graded co its current co:1fig1:rmioL th~~ ge:,er;~lly lncl1!de!-rebtivc:y fla~t:..:r t::.!'rrac~~ scparnlt!l; by !:ilop:::s. w~ ~nticipat: that :hcsc ft.nt:.-r tcrra;cs we:rc created by cutting on the upslope side .ar:d filling. or. th:: dc:,wns!npc sid-:. 111is th::ory is .~uppmtc:i by the .sub:;:i:·face conditior~s ob:3e-:-vcd :1: nur c-.x/:1r.:nion piE. NI SUBSURFACE EXP LORA TlON Our fielC 1m1<ly bdt!dctl ~;u:a•1atiu11 of niu-:: <'!~,pl,1rntin11 pit~. TJ:2: exploration locatior.s w:n: ~stimalcrl based on pacing tl:e: distaJJcc from k:ww:1 sice fomures sh,~wn on th~ "Site a:id Exploraticr:1 Plan" {Fit:,ure '.). 'J ':1: trn.:.1liotL~ lf~ i:ur c:-:plor:'.l.tion~ !:f-.oulll ~h,.!rcfore bt'! cor.-'i:.kn:<l approx.:m;Jte. The cxplo:·atinn lngs rue pre.se:ned in rb"': l\r,r;,cnd;:,,, Tl:-.: varim1.'i Lypc:; l):' ~e:Cimcnts, z.;-; we] a~ the deplhs wher0 CiH1r,~;:r.=rlstk..'i or tllc scdi:ri~n:s i.:hangt<.d, are irniit:att:c'. r1r1 11ic cKr;;t ~at!oi: iugs prc/cnt-cJ i.n the Aprcndix, The deplh:; i::1Jic:atcd on the logs wr.er,J concH~ior;s chrn,geG rr-~Y rcp,~5e:nt .~r;c;d.atinnal ,,..arintiou~ bc:·Yt•ce:1 ~c,:ii~r:erH type'-in t!.t..: field. Th>.: :.:0111.:lu.:;iP11~ and rcc0ir[1c:1Liatic,n!i p:.::,.:...-n:~'11 in this ~·cport arc ba.sed oE :he t.:x.p1oration.... cor:tp!eteC: for this srcdy. The L<.nnht' . .:, 11.x:.:ttioc~, ;.Uld depths nf nc.r c:xplor:1ti0:1s were complelN1 withi11 sir-::: an.d hndgera.:-y ct'!n,~rnints. Bi..:caus.:-of the :K.tur~ of e:-..pluratu:·y wnrk ('elow grour:d, extrapolation Df subsurface condi1ion.::. bc:tw:'.c:1 '.\i:U c:xplnration~ i5 r.cce:;sa:-y _ [L !-ihould be llOkd tllat diffcrbg_ subsu:·face condirions :n"'-~·' son:ctime~ te pres~m due w th;,; randoc1 1~.iturr uf dep(),;i:.ion .,;.nd the c.1ltl::-atlon cl' torography by p..:.st grading a:1dior fi:.Jing. Th..: nuturc: and ext•:!t:t of any vririatim:5 betw,een lie field explq:atbm: r:1::iy nm i":cct:anc-ful!y cvide:11 tam.ii l.!ownruL:lion. If vurial:uns a1c ohicrv:::ct a~ that t::rr.e. it may be neCC$!:;1ry :.11 rc-cvalu.ate 5pecific recc':'lmw1cl:1tinn.'> in th'.s :-epcrt a:i:! maki;! apprnpriatc c:1:mge..5. A.pri! 2( 2(,07 A.f:SO( '!ATi:~') EANTJJ ,\'(JE,\'(..'!;.S. i,VG Pagt; 2 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Mhiter Pnpe•:J /t:iup Cmmry, Wr.shin,1?rc,1 SJ,J:ine/u.:e fapi'o,_.1.•1oi!. Geulogfc Hm.ard, ar.d f'relf1iliila1~1 Geoter.hnfc.11' /!)1giMermg Report '·-~~~-.-..:..·:c·-· .. ,·~-========="'p","·v.;;t;,;'';;,';;";;1':;;,;;lS~ii~~c;;;o;;J;t;;;/;;;fi;;;<>;.;,"IS The exploration pits were exc:ivated usbg a trm:k-t1ount~G excav2~or. The pits. pe.r:r.i:ted dire::t, vis11:!l o'oo!!rva:iou o:· s:ibsur:fa.ct cond:tio1:s. ~.fa:~b.:s crr..:ocnt:::rcd in the ::xploration pLc, were stJi.lied aml cla::Eifk:i in the !:eld by an ecginet'ring geoi.t\gist from our firm. A] explor:.it~or. pils Wtm~ hackflllW irrJ.n~diatcly after e-xazr.batior. and fogging. Sclec:ed sa:11p:es 1Nerc then tran.sportcd to our hlhDr;itory f;Jr fJrJ:er vi,ma! da.~sifo .. a'.ion a:1d testing, as necessary. Subsu!'facc co:1::lilfrns .E.t the pt-:)jecr siu..: ~vcn: inlt:rn:d frmr 1he ne:ct :xptcrations acccimpl:s:ted fc;r :hiFi stJdy, visual rcc:mnai5,~ancc of the si:e, :tnd review ::f .s::l:::::.::.t<l g:eo:o,zk lir.ern:nre. ·1 :1c general Uisl:-i~uliun of gcoli.J~ir.:. 1ni:~ i.~ ~1:ow:1 Pu tile ikl:: logs. Tl:c t:x;ilorarions gencrn'.ly c1:-cGl:nt1..·rt.·<l med~um dcru;c sJ~y ta c:ean sane.'., inl~r;,rtteJ a:.,; rece~~ic-w1: :.,111:w·a~h, cvcrlyir.g m~diu.:1 t~!.'.ll.:-l: grildinp, to very deu;e. sil~.y sand ,:..,ifl: grai:ci ;md CJbb~cB, tnterpreil~tl a:::: loCgcir.en~ till. Ex'.~dr.g fi] ,va.s obscr•;e:.l in .six. t-xplor:i·L.111 "."!its tr. deprhs of up tc o;yproxim:in~ly 9 :CcL. Wt:. r:.:.vi;,;•Nct:: p1.a1Jlish~d g.=clngic rn.i)p.ing on Pac{ii,: Nurthwest Cm!f!r for Geofoi;ic: M4ppini 5t:1d!(~s. 2006, Geoiogic !..-fop 'Jf Kfng Cmmq, n·'a\·rJn.i,;·wn, D.U. Booth ;1ml A.P. Wi."her, compikn:, s::i.l'.C l. 1C0,00f. Our 11::c:-pIC:tiltiou o: gi.:oiogic co:1di:ior..s at tht: s:w closely ~orrc:::;:wnds tc these sho•,vc oe tl:e rdr.rr.r.::~d gt:,.:i:Jgi:.: r:1:1:J, The projecr vicinity has ourc:-c:;is of sand:3rcn~ hedrr>d: of :h: Tukv,·ib Ftnruti1.iu. Altl:ough nr:i ht.drncl< ,vas cncoutltcrcd ln our CX?lc:rat:ans, ir Ls pDs~ibli: that ::cd:-ock r.1,1y be ern~P:.r:1.Lcrc:.: hc]ow tt.e itldgei:te:11 r.ill ii~ tkr.per sil,: :1lilily txc:1vation.<:. Typical!y. thG cppcr portion of 1hc beCrock L~ wc~thcrcd and :;nn be rcm,::;v~i with l}·pical earthwork e;.x.avaliou equipmo::ut. Tcp.wif/Gravel Swfir.-:ing \Vr..' cit:served a surtkbl layC'r of wp3oiJ c,r grave: su::-factng: at. sev~:1l of llw cxplorar.icn pi: loc;it~cw:<-; 'l '.n: ol:!ic:-vi;;d sur'.acc :1:-alt!ri:ils and thL;:kr.c-ss.cs are 1:mcd on th~ at~~11..:h1~l cxplorafoc legs. fill soil!:: (those nlll m:tnrnll~1 JJ'.;lcr:d) wt~re-e11:-:1wltcn::d in ~'.:,: ::-xploratior_ p:ts to depth.; of up to lJ fed bc:Dw tbc existin£ grour.d si.:.rface:. \'lost cf the er..isting fill apre,;rcd le c(;n:,;i~t cf sanl •J.·hh ::iill ini:I g.,..,n,el tlii!I. w;1,:, similar in iFadation co th~ nu.tivc site soils, anct li::t:ly odgii:atcd from excavatio:rn on·sitc. Mu:.-;l of tb:: fill c:.1rt111int~d li·1.l~ ·Jr :10 dchris or other <lek:c:-ious m:ittria:s that would prcvc11t i':.s rtu~c i:i structural fill .::.pplic;;,.:.:u1is. One nntahlc --~-------·------------.~-·-------Apr!! /.(1, 2VJJ7 r1.<.snr·1.-1 i !-.'D ,S·JRTH SUENCi:.'S, pu:;_ Page 3 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 ,Wi1ift·t P1·op.:ny !f.~~t,f?tJ!IJilY_. Wc..·s,~ilr;:/01; S1ihswfci:e Etpicra!ic11, G1:o/c;gfc P.a:..a:,J, ;zml Prr;U;1;in:11:; G,co!irduiicr..l .fu19in,·~ri"i8 F..J.pn.•-: Prciert and S!rP. (;;_}•11/1;,i1n .. 1· excepdun Wa.'.i explcration pit EP ·6, wh:ct wr.:a:ned e;,dsting fil: L1at included asph::.lt, c1mcrcte ru:Jb:c, at:d wood wast:;. E;ds:lng fill is ~X?ecreC to 'Je si:ty, moisture-sensitive. a:itl above opt:n:.um moi3tue content for compac:icn ;mrposes. It appear.s that wi:h tl-.e cxccrtion uf till oh,crvcu in EP-6, cxistir:g fill 1:1atcr;al, would be .v,i'.sbk fo: reuse b stn:cnrral f:11 n;:iplication.'! if they nre moi~tme-crnili::om~C. 11:lring d".'y ~ite ,md W::!nther nmdiliuiL.'i, Exining fill Lo:;: nee rccommcnd~d for su?por: or focndatitYi~. and w:n require rened:al prepcmuirm ln ar:::a:i th,11 wm ;upporl pnvi1:g an::i utilities. Va.sh.mt Re,.:~1·sioruz! Ou;·.1-'i.751, Deposits Sediffc:nt:. inrerpre~ed to be rcp:-::scr.ta~l\1c of Vashon rccc::;::;'.0nal om'.\,.:'.!..'-ih '-':er~ enco"Jr .. er:!~~ in th:~·~ cf the explora::on pi:s. The Vashon rec~ssi:j:ml ot:twash sed~mcnrs geu~rarly con:.!:m:::.: of k;1y-,;e gr .1tli:1g w mt:>.lit.:Tll dcn~c, fin:;, to rncdim:i sand wiLt varieibk .,:It and gravel cemt::nt. Recess.ional oucwasl:.. was C.eposited by rivers :flowi..:lg fron-.. Lh1: b<-..se of no~Lhw:r":i-rctrc::..ting :..:r,rn:m.;:tlal gk.cicrs m.:ai tht.': end :Jf t'.1c Vast.on StdJt or :he Fr:B~r Glaciat:on, roug:11y !'.,,08C years ago R~c~s.~innd rn:l\vn.,J-dcp1hil.; an; typicu!ly ::-orr.t:wb,r. :ootit.:-, bu .:.re sui:.lbk ftH supp0It of found::.!itins. Loor sl:ts, a:i,1 .r.1v:ng, with propc-~· prepar:ition. E.:i.:::avm~d rece.:;~i,m:ll or1w.as01 sedi:rcms n.r~ e:<pe::.:~t:<l :o b: m::h:tur~ ·s;;n~i:'.vi.: an~ abov::: optin:.u:1: m,.:,isturc content fer reuse in 5tructm:l :1[ applica::n~~. Many of our exploration pi:s cncoun:c;.::d medit.:m J:.n:s:e guL:i;ig 10 ..,\;ry Ikn,t: ,ilt:1 5<rnJ •NitJi g::::1t:l and col.ibk~. juterprdc:d .;.;; \h:'Shon k:dtc.1~1:::nt till. Thi:: k)dfc1~cnt til! obs~rvcd in our ex;lorl~ions grad(:d from medium Jense :nd brow:1 b n:e we2~hcrct'. zone r1.cu the ~-.ufa.:c to il1'.HSi! h> Vt:':y d~nse arid gray a· deptl· __ T.rn:::gc:n;;i:t lill wa."i dt:~:ositcd J.t Cle base of 2.n .active co:1ti11emal gla(:ier and was sub::;eq·.1e:1tly cor.:ip.-:·,ct~d !::iy the ~·~dght c.if fhc ovt-rlyi!lg glacia'. :c:.:. Lud_gc:ncnt till ty?icJlly pQsse.s.ses high-stre:igtb ar.tl :-:w-ccmpress:bility r:.nrihutes tlnl ar:~ favorab:e ti:,:-support of fi.1ur.dt~tiL\r..:s, [~:K l-ilab.==, ;uu) pr.vbg, wirL popcr rr·~parat:.0:1. LodgcrnL·m till i:-; .:dty ai:d h~ghly tr.1)ismre-sensitive. b (!:·~ pres~:ice of mnldturc ~01J1et1t~ above fht' optimllm moi~:nre coTJem for .:!omp,r:.:tl1,1: pu~t·1:-;.::.:;, k<lg,;rnctit till c::ir: bt!' ea~ily distu:bcd t:y vehicles a.r:d ear:hwcrk cquipmc1t. Cr.rdu' rn:.migemenc o: moistnre·s~u,.,itivc soi;:3, :is rccomr.:icndcd in this rep<':-t. wiil ;";e rn.:;cdt;d :o n.:tlucc the ro~cnti:.1.! for di.5'.ur1a:1.;c ·:::f wet :oJgcmt;nt tili so:ls am.: ccst.s ass::datcC w:t.1 repairbg d:st11rbe,~ soill';. Pi::rd:.ed grouml wa .. er seepap~ was eucot..n·e:-,!:1 i,· ~h vr 1)l:r e.'(pk,mcion pit.~. The obsc::-vcc. ~l:!t[YJge o:L111-rcd in rcc,::~si:mal outwasl~ and f:li scdh~1cr:1s, ant'. wid:b u~1.n~-perrn:-:nhle gnmulu: layL·r:~ within lht' :odg;-;!11:,.;:i: till. [· {·1ouk bt mHc:j that 1b; pn.:.scnc~ a~d C.cpl:1 of s:.::cpa~e m tl:e site may v:;.ry in rcs;,nr.:sc Ui such fac:ors as clw.ngcs in -':iea:;oni prcdp:1,:1:un, aw.l si:t· use. APPRAlSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Sufawface E.q;,!urctim:, GC'Q/o!·ic Ht1:.ard, and M:J:.er Pr.,p•:tc• Pndi,mI,wy GP..1tecJti,ic1,t E,1tr.r!erin.,g R.:port .Kin~ _Cf?u.n:y, c~;.c'"c;'lcc:i'-'1• •• e:"01=1 -----------~~ Pro!eCT mid Silt? Co,..dfil1:•!s 4.3 Laborntorv Test Rcsu:~ Labmalo:-y testing on s~.le:::ted soit samples ~0m exp~oriltiono; wa;;. comph.Jcd iu accordance with the requirorr.er.ts ser font in tlic tpical :cq:icst for proposal is.sued by Carn\\'e,L Lil:ie~atu:-y tesc~ng results are also il:duded i:1 the Appem.Hx. tvfn\lun: c.:outcn: w::.s te~ted in accordance with Amcrh:an. S0r.1ety fnr Te.d,1g and Matt!n·:1.1.s (AST?,r1):D~2216. T;ih~e 1 s.mnmar:,es :h,:: 1noisrurc cor.t.:nt !abvratory results. T,hle l p====F"'"c-==-•• ~ 'C C I 1' p[1ruximatc ,\pproxi.matc Ground Surf.Ice Deµth to lk\irbE: Snil Depth F.:\isc;ng i\foist 11rc (~rmtc.nt J,:;-.plornti{m : El.cv:ntio11 Bc:.:fog Soii Elt\'il.lfon Tested li-=-]'-'o"'t=_,! (reet) -{l'r.,:t} . --~c:.;i:t,.:·====,;'c.f':.:''::t'--+=='-''"":i:~r_c~.~-l E1'·1 _2_4_2 ____ ----'8-'5'---'----'2"3'-'j-"_5 85 i7.8* ~E_-P_-_I _ l------1--------+---'l-·1 ··-·------:Sr," EP-2 246 0.:5 2'"15 . .5 3 lS.frt -==--+---~---·-----·-···· FP-'J 13.2"" _I_ " ' EP-3 __ ':=•·'.c-5'---l---'S'---+----2,n L!.5,. EJ1 .3 l 11.5* EP-J ·--T 11.,}' 3 5 9 --------- "' E~=---f---=2,06-'4--+---''"--259 11.2'~ EP-4 1·1 17.5'~ L__ ··-·-----· _IP·S·---l---·"264 6 258 10 l ll.T" F.P 6 --"'~-+--2,9"5'---+---, 2fo ~~~ --:::5 ~----------2-=~=~-=:-5---'··: ~7: ·1 ·--_-E~: , -"''-'--+--"" ?{9·' -·· l .----c-0 __ __;c;,,;,;·;.,,., -___J t EP-7 ' EP-8 t EP-9 F.P 9 ·' &mpL1 a!J'()~C cpu:1t1m rr1,.1rnrnre rc,::,;n'. The maxinn:m dry dens.ity of on~ soi' :;ample Wil}. Ccwr:nim;d uslng the rrmJLfied Procter· t.:,L pr<x:edure (1\ST~1:IJ 15Yi). The result; n,c ,as follow, i• Tobie 2 l'nhle 2 (Ii ricf -. ;:m:nds ;er .:..;tic foi;t. !l' ]:.:-rx~rtNl r1:s11l1.s .ire l\r!t t:(ir;~1.tet.l l)n g.11~:1 cnmeJt. li.SSOCiAfF.D C.AtffH SC!f:NCES, i?'l°C. Pago 5 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORIBWEST LLP C-3562 Mimer Prope1ty ~Ka:i'~'fi.;C;;o;;;v;;n!;;l';.· ;.;W~";;·~l;.U!;i\!;,;10;;';.' ==-~--=--.~--o:·-· Sulmir{cl·'! E.cpi~1::1iun, GfJv!t.•>:i·h· H11z:mi, m:d Pteii;;.b;:lry G2rXechr.i,:Jl Engiil(!i!ri,rg Rqwrl Gfoi'm~ic f!(:'LiJ!dS r:;~d Mif.gmtrms_ II. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS A'<D MlTIGATIONS The follcwing tli:.cc.ssinn cf pc1<:ctial geoiogic hazards is based on the geologic, sI0pc, a.id sha[ow ground water cor:ditbns, at: observed and <lis..:ussed ht::rei1:. 5.0 LANDS I .rm, 1 IAZARDS_AND MITIGATIONS TopograpUc :nfnrrnati\):l nvailal)l~ at th~ dmc thi~ repor: \V2~ v,:-ilttm w,,s li:rit::d to ae~·ial topographi.:. data o·,:erl:iid 011 the aerial photogra~h o: the sit::-. \Ve c:tso reviewer' the Ki1.g Co1mLy 1111::ip da"'...l.ba..-:c tt:• i11vcstig:itc n:apped geolog:c ha~arcls. The sile. dm.:s no~ b.:::ludc ar..y g:.::ologic:illy hazardm1;:; ar:.:m; i.Je111ifierl hy J:nn:p. Tt.c ~it,; docs :1.ot appe1r to incb.:.de are: . ..; tllat c.xci!t'Ll bnrh /JO per:.::::-nt indinnrio:i :n:.:: 20 fc::.t in heigh~ Isola'.t:U :c::1::; mtiy cxc:.:cd 40 ?e:--cent ind~r.ati:rn and 10 fr::-t in h:·igln. Kir.g Cu".Jnty Cr:d~ dcfir:;~ a St::!~p ~lopi: ':1az.~m: c.n:a :1~ any ar:::a that t::tctt:tl!. b(;t'.1 ,,m pcrcc:1t i.1clinario::1 and :o ft:c>t ju t_~ight; hry,vever, .'ilnr~.<:: .c:t:::epc~ tbrn r~o percen~ inc:in~tion .mJ less thm 20 feer. in t:-r.::i6l~t 1~1ay be-exempted from criticd are~ reg11J~tio11:. u:1d:..:r some circi:.r.ist::rnces. It h ffJ: apir.lon that ch,.:: risk o: cfan-.r.gc to ire: rmrl)~cc:. .'>:ru~u:-~'"i by dc:o:::µ-seatcd J;.rndslic.!ing is IGW due tn g:::n:.:rJl!y moUt::-;.it...:-:-Joi;·::-i:1dinuri,::o~ a::1<l the p:·eser..ce of mct~ium dl'.'J,'it: 1:: dens..: soil.~ ob~t:rvcC at relativc!y st.allnw tkprh ·Jeneai.h the ;iiurf.1..:t:: 1.1:· l.:1c s:tc. Si1a~];)w isobktl slope fdlure':i mny ncct.r fo:J.;1wing o;:c:1dcd perit~ds of inkr,se precipita:fon amJ;\,r strong s.::,~mi:: sh2.king, csp~::i:i.lly i~· sur:'a.:::,! •.vatc: i:; ml'. ·l.::t111trnl.cLl. If proFcrly in;;or;cn.:ed i:Hj: f:nal proj;,;c.:t tksi~1n ai::l :::m~.~uucio,, the rccom:r:cn:!.ation~ in tl1is rep1-:ir .shoch1 '.1dp mitig..:.:t:: shallcw 1.anCshdr: baza,d.:; at t:li~ sin:. 6.0 SUSMK: 11,\ZIIRDS ,:\1'1.D MITIQ,t,Tl_ONS Eartl1i..tunkc:s occur reg:t.i!J!"I)' b the Puget Luw{anJ ~fo~t u .. 1h1:.';;t·. evenrs an.:: rn~1II a:1d ure us11ally nor fol~ by h1trn:.in.<.;. 1-:ov~l.'vct, la;·gc eart:Jqutkes do occ:rr, as evidence~: by tht: '2.tll) 1, 6.R magniLuUt: e,·cut~ the 19(:5, 6.5-magr::itudc cve:it; and lhl' J 949, 7 .2-rn:1g11itu.k-event. The 1949 earttqu:1!(c r.ppe:1Ts to lHr.fi.! hi.::..:h tilt.: b.!.rg:..:st iu this rcgior. during recorded h!s:ory :met waf. cc:utcr{:d in th~ Olyi:1pia .area. Evat1<1tion r.f ~;rt:i.q1:nk::! re1.mn ri.!Ll:~ indl:.:atcs 1.h.u a:i. eartl1quakt of 1h, 1rn1g11 irudc 1~cfl.vca 5 .5 ar:d 6.0 is :i.kcly \vithb a g:h'er: ·/.O~y~ar perioJ. G::nerally, 1!1er<:: arc fo'J! :ypc~ of pmcnli::i.~ geologic :lazanls asso::hiteil -..vit'.1 l..:.r,,:,:: ~cisoic events: 1) sur:"kial gruun~'. rnpfrm:. 2) i-;d.rniica.lly b: .. h.:c.cd :andsfaies, 3) liquefaction. :.;.rn.1 4} g,rn1:1d motio:1. Th:; pM~ntial for each of the~e ~1nzarCs :o a,lvL"~rs:'.ly inpact t..1c propmcd pro:c:::t is d.isc·.1s~cJ bcliHV. -----~·-· Apr•'i 26. W)7 ASS'()O.-!i'F.D ,':,1RT!f S(,JE'VCf;S, L1'1l. Page 6 APPRAJSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 MZi1i¥r Frop,:rt;: §i'.f~ c;~1mi)', _W1.;:d1ingtw: 6.1 Surtichi: Grnuuc1 Re.pr:ure Srii,.rnr/ice l:.:tphi,-.;;,l,111, Gim!r>gir. Ha::.C!rd. awl Prd:mititll;' Gt:oit,·:i,iirni Sugmeerb?g Report Geot,-;1>ir h't.zatds 01_1~ Ui1~:~1it;1?J The neart:.sr k.nt1\vn fa:Jlt zo3e t.: rbi;" pro~cct 5itc is the Scartlc Fat:.lt Zone, located ~p;,roxin.atcly one r.iilc nonr. of tl:c s::e. Sn:dies by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (e.g., Johnrnn f:'.t ~l.. ]99~. Origfrt r1nd Pvol1lli'nn nj' the Sea:tfr Fault a.'id Se~1ttie Basin, Washington, G~ology, v. 22, p.7:-ii..:; ;1nd Johnson eI tl., 1999, Active n~,;ll;nicr of!he Seattle Faull and Ce,ura! PIA}{<JI Sound Wc1shingron -lmplicatioru jar Earrhquake Ha7.ards, Geological Society of A1:1dca Bul:ecin, July 1999, v. 111, n. 7, p. 1042 1053) bve prov'dcd evidence of :-:.urnci..!1 grnuad ruptu:c a}oI:g a northern sp;ay of tie Sear.tie Fault. Ac:orCing to ~be USGS studies. the l.::.te..:1 nmveme'lt of L~r:, faull wi:ls ::.Com i 1 lCO yea:,~ ago \llhen i:'.:!oi:t 20 Fe.ct of 5ur~cl31 dL,;:3lacem?U~ wok plac~. This displaccm~r:1 car: preser . .t:y bt: sr.~n in tb.:: form of :-a.l:,ed, wave-cut beach r~rraces alorg A'k.i Pnht in \Ve.-i Se:1Uk itm! R~storatlc,n Pobt ,11 the south end rif Uainhrk'..gc lslar..d. TJ:c r,::-currencc ir.tcr,r;.1 of n-,ovement along: f'.lese fault sysi:~m~ i~ unkr:own, altboug!J 1t i~ hyputhc~i·;.,;;.! ~o b~ 8e1,·tr..il thciu~.nnd yc~r:L Due to tf'.e s!?q1:~c1t"1.1 ln1~e recun:::11.:c int1.:r·1a.l and the d~s~a:ice from Ll~ sir~ :o th\! c·1:-reutly rr..:c:)gn:z~:~ knits of the SeatLe ht:1:t Zurn·, tlw pn'.t!111ial for f:.Jr'.ici:il gnYJn,1 rc1ptu.c i!: ,o:isiC:cr~tl tc be :o\\• du1 ing. th...: expected !if:: of rhc srrncmrcs. It is QUr opiaio:1 tl:at the. ;isk o:' G;;1m;,;.gc to ti-:,.: prnrc-~eJ slri.:c11m~:; hy <leep ~i:ded, seicrn:..::ally indm:d J.:rnd.slidint~ is lcw 1L1:.: m go;.:11lk JJ 11.ot.lcr.1w sJopc illl::Ji.1ations 9:1C the ?tescccc of oc<li'!.lm dense to denst so:J:=; cbse:-ve-J at de~th b::1.~.1rh the s1:rf1::e cf th~ sitt:. Shaflow l~;ofa'r.'1 sh}pe foilt;re..,; nmy i:1u;ur foiluwin5 slrolig .seiamic s!nki:Jg, espe::ialiy '.f sarface water is not adcq1~ately controlled. '11:c :-ecommcndatiN' .. ~ iJ1 th;s r~rnr-~hou\J. hc.ip to midga:e ~bal:ow lanC~lidc h:u.arJti al :hi~ si:c 6.3 1.is.ucfaL:tion Lit11.cfa:tinn i:-a tcmpo!'ary lns:s in :,;cil .;;hcfil st:·cngfa tl:.1t cai: o.:::cur "1,'hen loose gn.1:ml:ir smh; bclmv fae gnn.:ntl w~1tc:r table are t;;i:,po.scil !'u cycli:: aci::::kr:Loni.,, ~uch a,;;. cl·.os;; ~hac o..:cur tlu:-ine, carthquJk.cs. Th~ obs~rv~<l site. soi'..s: we:-c genaaJy dense ~nd ..:.re nc·{ e,-q.:r:ctcd ro ·:~e prone to liqudaci:01:. ti.4 (hrnnr! Mnti_nn Ba~ed nn th~ ~'.tt: :-1trat'.gia;,l1y ::ud v~sual rccomui~sam:e of the s:i:c, i~ is our opink1n thm :ny 0archquake CamagG to ttc proposed .'itrJcli;r~:-:, ~vhcn fi:umkJ on ~u:La:,J~ bcadng stratJ, wo-alJ he c::1i.~ed hy th.: intcmity ar::<l :i.ccel~r~tior~ nssoi.:.iat::-i.l .... vili1 the eve::1.t urul nol uny vf :b:: ahov~- discussctl impac~3. Strucrurc.l c!esig.1 o'" lmiking.,; s'.1ndLl (ol:rm· 2(-C)J li:ternaticn::-J Bldfrb'ng Codr: (lf!C) stond£1rd:; u~ing Site Class ""C", as drfinrd in T.lbi::: 1615.1.1. Tl;c 2003 IBC seismic dcsigr. panurn;tc.r.s 1~.ir :.ilR\Tl ;Jer:0d (So.:) :111;·: l s~conJ p-::::riod (S1) spec~ral :1ccdcration \1 ~\ut::; were ddcr:nincd by the lar::uJc and tc:1.g!tude of the pro_;:'~.:t 3it~ csing the USGS -···-.,, 1lSWCJATElJ l:.".-iP."J"d SC!Zf.JC!.•:.\ /NC. Pc1g~7 A.PPRA[SAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Sr1!;.;;i;fac.: E."{,'!ora;im, Gcvif;t!h: H:J.Z:1n! ,,nd Millter PrJper!J P.-earir:na,y Ger,r~rf?.i:fcat E:'1;gt1i!'!i!r'i11g Rr.:.p'Jr. Kilt}I Cm111.'i'. l\.'ashin.~'.'~,'-~------=------===~G::.·';;";;;lc;?C:tc-: .~]!J.µ1~:~E..urid i\.!iti:ja!i.:ms N.atit>c~al Sdsm::: Hazard Mapi.ng Project wt:bsite'. Ha:,;ed nn th:; mer.: currc:,,t 200'2 c.l:1tf:., the USGS web5it~ interpoleted grot:nd nrntio:is a: lhe project sitJ to be 1.45g ai:.U 0.5Cg for p:rioCs of0.2 and LO se:::or.ds 1 :-c~pectively, with a 2 pt:rccnt chanc~ of exceeJence in 50 yr=Jrs. 7 .0 EIH\~J()_i'l_]:IAZ/1_!WS A'.\D M!TIGAT!OKS As of O.:toher 1, 2006, the \Vash~n;;m;1 Stat~ Dcpn1m~nr. nr F,t;ology (Ecology) Cor.,•;;rni:thm Stnnn ¥later Ger,eral Pt::ruit {<!isc, lc1ow1 a~, tl:c Na~ional P:}!!utant t)i.'.,;cha;ee E'.i;uinati\rn Syster:1 [NPDES1 permit) re;•Jircs weekly Tcn~por::ry Efn:o:::inn and Scdir..1entation Con1r .. ~J {TES() inspection~ for all iit-;!~-I nr more ac.rt"'.\ ir. size thar discharge stnn:i v:.:itu tn surf.:.c~ \11a,es of the SlJtc. The TESC b:.;p~t:jl1n~ mus! b::: ton1pk:cd hy a Certified f::::::,s:on and Sedirr~em Contr:Jl Lead (CE .. ';.CL} for the du:atio:1 nf the c.OO'.':.'.r!.tcliu11. lFSC rcporti d:) n:)t nr,;cd to be sent to Eco:ogy, b~ll .s'.10ulcl '.w :og_?,-ed inrn t:1: project S:nnn \Vale P:..il]1.Emn Prev11nrion Pl;rn (SViPPP). If the project Cccs :i.oL require a .S\VPPP. fl:e TESC rcp-::,:·ts sho 1J!d :-ic ks::pt in a f'rlc oo-sitt>:, nr by t:It pcnj1 }11JlJer i.:' tilc:-c is :10 fa,:iEty on-site t';;o!c1gy :1·.~c :~qui:'es wcd:Jy tur'.)idity r:1c,dr:,;,r~r.~ by a CESCL of .storr:1 wat<:r ka\.·wg a s:tc for all 5iC~ 5 ac:·c::: or la::-gcr. Ecology r1~(}11ires :i. m,mt:1:y summa1 y rcµLJrt of tbe rurbicEty mor1hmic1{!, :-esulLs (:!f per:'nnucd) signed <,,, t:\C J\"PD.ES pe:mit 1:oljer Tf the mo:1:tn:t:...'. turbidity eq·.1als 01 cx:.:r.:cds 25 r,cphelomc:ric t:irbi1'.i·y urit.~ ~i\-T(T) (Ecology bcnch:r.2rk sta..Jd:i.rcl), :J-.e pruie:.:t bt'sl m,m,1gr.ment prntLi::cs (EJ..tPs; s'.1culC. b~ rr,odi:'ic:.I :o dt·crea.~:,; tl.c tur;)iJ(ty' of s~orm. "','G..!cr lcavir.g rhc site. (h;ingcs mu.l upf,r;;d.L·:s tr; t:ic Br.·:Ps should :11: con~:n1,.1r-:d '.mti~ thi.; weekly 1.urh:dily rco.ding is 25 NTU or lowe:-. If th: :n:H1il;l~t:d turhldity c:-c:·cc.::dK 250 :'iTt·, tbe f('St:lu; must Je rer:or:ecl tn E::::olog_y \vi:J:i.1 21 hours ani.l corrrctlve a::Hnn ft!kt:1~. Ds.i~} ti.I~ bidJy ;non:tmil1g is continued t.:i:t:I lt".t: co:-ri,;;.,:tivt.: ,:cliirn lnw:::r~ ::1: tu:·t:l:..:ity tr: bdow 2.~ NTU. In orct;.:r to :nct.:t the: curre:it Ecology r,::q.1ire:neHIS, c: ·prnr>::rly developed, conslrui.:tcd, ;:nd :n:'tin:a!ncd ermd,);1 ccn1rnl ~la:1 consi~tcnt wi1h tl1e King County standJ.rG.:, and best :mn:ag:::1:1t:1t crosi,Jn cont:ol pn .. ~ke::; will be H'.Qld-:-e:I 1111· this pr::'.jcc:. Asscciate:.l E;.r1h Science.3, Inc. {AESf) is a~·aila;i:c to ::.::si5t tht!: proj,;:ct civLl cngin~e ir. ikvd11pin:~ sitt::·spedfic erosion ,:ontrnl plan.~. Base(. 01. pam. e:<pe:i\!rn::c. it \Y i1i DC :;:1cce!:'.s:1:-y lO 1r..ake adj:.istmer:ts am: pi·o,1 iZ'.,:-: ,:ddirional mc,1s:ircs t;'.) the TESC pl,lC !n onl~r tn ~)pti1;1izi.:: its eff:::ctivc:i~ss. (J]ti:-irntdy, Lie-si:cres~ o~ th~ rESC pl:.in tl.~p:.:ud:-: 0:1 a prn;:i..:.~:ve approacl1 to proj•;i:.:t plannhg i.nd c.:n11t:·n:::tor implc:-ncatajon a:ict ma:n:ennncr. ·n1e t~rni.;'.i:11 pt1t:ntial of t11z :,;{tc soils is h:gh. The mo~t e~fecrive crnsio:i control msagure. h; !hl: maimcm:mcc: of aJequa~e gruunJ {.;ever. 1\.faiHrnining cnvtr :r:cast:res atop cti~mrb~d g:n:.1·1l! p;·ovid~s 1lw grcmc.:.~r rr.:di:ctlut: tiJ CJc rot~rHial gener~::i:.n: 0f 1.JrlJid nn,lff O.!ld scdin:.ent :r.:ins;nn. Duri:ig th::; luca~ 1'1tt ~t:~\~ll {Octobe:· l' th!o"Jgl: Mme~, 3 l"), exp(\<;a.l o:oil ~:loi.:.ld. nul r..:rrntin ur.,covere:J fo:::-more tbm 2 d,:y,.; ~1:,~rst: i~ i~ a.:tively bc;r.g wor~c<l. G:,0~1nr\-::nvt:'!r r'.S.SOCl.11?::D !::.'.i~Tl! SC'ENLE~'. !tii: P8ge 8 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 .Siil;s:t!J,oci! F..:tpfor{~!iw1, Ct!v!vf,!h· Ha:.c,rd, 1i11d Minter Pr.·1p<!rfJ P.r~Uminar;, Caol.l.!d:.rtirnl i{1;gi11e!;r;'ng k.!p,:JT! King Cmmty, Vl~!-;;ili:.:''"''"o""--~~---------------;;G;;H;;;,i;;;,;.,~1;;·":-"H",;;;'';;;";;;'";;'··;.;· ';;::;;;"·;,;' 'a;11,ai:.a,i<s;'r•a;'!!;;;.";;"·~' mt.:asurcs can icd:ide erosion contr;:.] matting, plastic s.hr.:e!ir_g, .straw t:1•Jlch, cresJ.e<l roci or recyc:lecl crmcrcte, o-:-nu1rure hydrn . ..:;ccJ. Flow ·conL,ol messurcs arc nlso esser.tial f,Jr cailectbg anJ cor.trollbg the site rur.off. Flow pa.th:-: across slope..s sbouk. b~ kept ~o lesd than 50 fee: in ore.er to rcCucc the erosion and .sediment tra;i"iporr potcntid of ccncentra:ed tlow. Dir:tlswalc spacing wil: :1r.ed to he sh<::-tened with lm.:reasiag :slope grad.lent. Dicc:lcs ant.I S\\·;;.Jes that exceed a gra;:'..ic1~t of about 7 to IG :Jcr:cnt, dcp-:-n:hng on their flow l~ngth, should bave pro;ierJy.constru~ted c.:t-:eck C.an:s in.srnlled tu redut.:e the now ·.'c:rn::ity 11f tile nrnoff and r~duce r.he: crofii(m po~cntia: wjtl:b -:be ditc!1. Fow paths t!1at at•'.:! :equird :o be cor..stncteC on gradient:, be~wee:1 10 t1J 15 percent sboutd Je plac~d in a ripra:;i :iuc:d sw:::t'.e with rl1e rip:-aF prop!!r'.y siz-:::d :or ~h:: flow co:id:tior.s. How pac!:s co.c.structcd or. ~lop~ graticr.rs stJq,er tha:1 15 pc:rcem !ihould be place:J :n il pi-;1c slope d:-.1b. AFS{ h:. ;1·.;:iibhl:! to aiisist 1Lc: prnjc~t [:ivil cr.gir:ccr in de\'eloping a su'..table erosion ,:on:.r0l plan \Vith proper flow control. S0r.1e tim:-grr!ined si.:rf;;c(~ ~-cil . ..; ;:re the-:·e~u:1 of Tli.itt;r:.i~ ',l,,'~l'.j::ring p~occ~.,~1:,-;, ~hat li;.vc broken L'..uwn pan:uL L.tt,.Tb:.~ i:1w U1cir mlneral con:;01:ents-The;;e m'.nt'.ral ~or.1por.cr.:s can ha\'e an in11erer.: e!ecrrical chz.rg_e. Fki..:.tric:illy ~h~rgcd m:nt:r:d fi::i;,:~ vd[ ai.lrai.:t oppo:=;i:cly cha:gc~ par':!ck'.-.. an.J cnr comhinc-(:1oc,;d3te) :o fmm large:-partklt::.s t!:al wi.l $e:tk ,:mt :,fs:1"1pem;:on. The .3eJir.1rnts produced d:.11·i:1~ the recent gl.-1cia:im1 o:~ P·i~Vl Suun.J :it...:, IJLi\litV:.:::·. ir.ost :nr:unnnly "':h:: ::=u~pcndcd ::.oils t:1at ar: c:ir:-icJ 1::y s.:.te stor:r. \..'::.ter. Tte finc.-~r:,inr:d frnctinn of tte gla~::c1Jy derjvt:t: so:! is n::-frrred t11 a~ '"'rock fln1:1." w'.1i-.::I: 1'! r:rirnari1)" ~ s.ilt-Si2·~d particle..:-·,..v:1.h no c'.,;-clrkal charge. Tte::.c pa:-tit.le~. one~ ::rn~p~:1;:'.ed in wr.tt;r. rn,,y '.1ave settling limes ill pt~riot'.s ot nnn1t:1s, nut hciurs. Therefore, th::: 1kw lengr!: within a t,:::r:1por1r; .scrlin:cm controt L3.p or p~r.d ha:: virtual:y :10 effec: ~m ti:.~ w~ter qua[ty of the disc:m:-~ :;ino~ it is nut g:l'.:•ir:g '.u :;crt!t: m:1 of ~~spcn~ion in t:le time II. lain.:~ to r.ow '."rom one er.ct of tte-pond H:· the Ol.:l~L Rcdu·:tim1 of rurbiCity fron: a consm.:ccio1: site L~ alraos~ c:clrdy a ~L:nction of i:.ov:!r me;i!;i..;re~ ad flow cot :mi. Te.mpnr.ary . .-.edimenl 1:aps c1ml .rxmU~ arc ncccss:1ry to control th-: rclc;-isc rate of be runnff and l1J pr.:::.viU:: a c.:ar2t-.mcnt f::ir P.~nd-sized ,rnd larger i:nL pani~k;s., bu arc v.~ry inc.ff1.:c:ivc at rcd1:dng the tul'bldit'J nf tllc n:r.off. Silt foncing sho'.1:c~ be-uti:ized :1s buff~r protect.on and nnt as a floW·CO'Jt.Wl ne:.i1-aJrc. Sill frndni:; '.'! 1m:m1t tn be pl;~ce:! p:1cllk! •.v·ith W_t1ugraphic C::·nt::ur,-: Lv ~xcvent scCin:.entNlade11 ru1t1ff !10111 leaving a wa:-k i:rcc or e.r.te:in;; a .:-ic:n1i::v~ ure,:. Silt ;'r.'.1:n.:s sho1i!d nm he p~accd to ,.;.rm:~ c.onlour IJJ~es 1.•,-ithout h,w;r.g s~paratc flov.: c.:~!1trnl 111 front of tile s:lt fence. A sw::1ldbcrm comh\n:u:nn sl:o:JL Ce construc~~c !o prnvi~:t: f11JY..." \.'.t..i1:::-,,;I r2.t!1cr tha.1 :et the rnr:o'.l build up hd1i11d the ~ill :\:r1~c ,rnd utilize t11;:.· ~d: fcnct 8.5. tl1,; flow~ccntrul me1=.s.iri::. Runoff flov:ing in front o~ a !:-i1t rer.ce ,,;.:i;I ~tws<·: :.idt'.iiivn~1l cni:-:io:i and usu~lly wi'.l cau~c a t:1i1ur~ of Lilt silt fence. l.npropc.rly installed silr f:11:ing l:zs rhc po:~nti::J ~o camt: a ru:ch larger erosion haz:1rd t:1Jn if lb: .si:i fem:,: \V:ts 1.ol iw;tall~d ar all. Th::: use of silr fencing sf1m1:J Ix.: limited to pron:ct sensitive arc~s. ar:d swale.s ~hould re i.:.:,c::1 • :o p"."r,vide nm,: cc:ntrnl. Ar,rii 26, 1Drr7 !'\\'l~Jd.-. ~'(.(l/•::!i 1., I . f'.•:,,'L-.::1 r,11.l!Ji;:.1.11.•:;.· .·,,·,; t!.l.l'OC!tlTE'D I:.~1RTll SCiENCi"S. !NC. Page 9 APPRAISAL GROUP OF TI!E NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Mi11tet PNperty King (,'r,11r.ty, 11l.:r.rhi.':!gi.:i:t ... 7. I Erosion Hazarc Miti2ation Sd·~wfua bplor.:r.!ix, GroloiJiC Hur.c.ml, MJd Pr~iiminnry Ge.?U:dmir.ai E,igir.i!.!!rf!l,g Rep1m c~ologic Hazards am! Mili.'!~'!iv,is To mit:ga:e the c:-osior. :1:.izards a:tC potentia! fc: of::"~sitc sedim,en: trnn.sport, w~ wot:hl recommend the followin~: 1. 111c \.vi:Her performnncc of a site is dependent or. a wcll-concc:ved plan ~or contrcl of site erosi~n and s~urn: water nindf. It is en.:;it:1 to :<~ep the soil cm ~he grm:nd than to re:wuv~ it fr(11:1 storm v1a:t.:r. The oi,-..r~1er an.:. the design teEr.l shou!d include adec;,:1<-1:e ground~over me.:.i~u:-e~, a:cr:,;s roaJ:,, urn! st..t{1:g arnas in t:1e pl'ajecr biC. to give the s~k.:t:;;d co,~:racror a \vorka'.-:!::: .!iite. Tl:c: selected contractor :1cct:~ to be prup:::.r~<l ltJ implement ~nd maintdn th~ r~qliired r:,easmr;j lo re:.:·.1cc tlh~ 2.1110'11"_ nf expn~....j grrn;rn.!. A j(lt: n::iint;nan;;: ;ila.n s~1ould. be :n place in the event storm •,v:1:cr turbidity mea.suremems are ,greati::r th.m the Ecolop;y st.ltdad:s. 2. All TFSC :11easurcs for a ~.'.vt.·11 :c~a tri hG ~r,H.k:U llT tHht:!'.YiS(': wor:-::.:li sl1oul:.: be :r:srnllcd prior tG any activity wi(1in thm a~ea. The recomm~!r.ded ~c:pttm.:t: of con.::1rur.tion \'1,ithin ;,i glvc:1 .1:"ca wn:..i!j b:.: tc. in:.rn.1:t s:..:U:u.:.;11t u·..1.ps ai:Ji'or ponJs a:-iC: cst1bli.<1 p,;rlTnctcr :icw control prior to .srnrting ma:.;s g;aCing. 3. Duf:c.g tu: wetter n:ontl1s o:' tl1,:: y:;1r, o~ ,,vhcn Llrg,:: sto:-m ~vent:i c!r~ predktul chring the summer :rnJJL'.h~. e;1ch wrnk m~a ,:1oii'cl he f.t;1bib.ect s;:, thz.t if .sho•Ntn:: o:::cur, tlv.: work area :a:1 receive !h~ rain:'aJ w:t:1out e:u:t.ssive erosioQ o-; s(:d:mt~nl '.n1rspnn The n:q11ired ni~a~a.rt::s fri: an Hca tn he ''but~nr.cC.-up'' w:11 dcpcnC. r.,:, ttc t:J;ic of year and the duratio:1 tr.e arew wi:1 be :e:t un work1:::.!. Du:-ing 1h..: ~vinttr mond:.~. areas tliar a.-.:: to be left un-workcU for more Ilia:, 2 d<1;.~ slwuld 8c muli..:hed or covered with plas:i~ During the summc: r.10:;i.ths, sttbfi1tdon will ·.1~1.:ally consi.!>t Gf sed-:·oLin,g th:.: suh1,;.radc. Suc:1 measures will aid in t:le-co:1trac:or's ab:lity :o get back it:w a wor:.. area afte· :t st,:Jrr.1 t'\'Cm. Tb~ ~tabi.!i?:Jrinn pro.;.:e,;.~ ;:1/:m im:111:ics c~~abli~hi[Jg tcm~or~ry storm water crwvcya:1cc ctan.J1cls tLrougl1 \1/o:·k: a:\::as to ro:.ic~ ru1::-ft lo tte ap~roved Lreatmt::nt fadiiri~s. 4. Ali t!i~Lurb:;J areil::; .,i1nulJ !1e 1e:•1cgrtattd :~:r; ~oon >!!'i pmsiblc. Jf it i0 ct:.ts:dc of [1c growing season, t:1c di::turbed areas should b: covered ,1,:ith r:u:!cll, ns ,·e:.:n.~r.,~ml~d Jr: the ern:;lon cni.:;-~>I p~nn S·i::w umlch wovid;:;s tl1e .no . .:;t c<nit·t:'fcc:i\'e :ovc:-mca~i.:re ::mtl :tn be mack win<l-ri:~isr.ar.t w'.th t":1~ appEclttinn of:.t lack::1er a.C'ter il : . .s i1l;11:.:.:::d. 5. Su::facc n.:noff m:d Gischfilgc s;10t:1C :c :.:ontroLcd durbg .ao<l fullo·.ving d;:·.,..~lri:Fr:::nt. lJn~m1trollcd discLtr5:.· 111:-iy pn1:11G'.t! ~rosin:1 and scd'.mcnt trar:~pon. lJr.der no circumst:1r.ces shc,u!j G(~ncentrntcd <lio..:.bages be a[k,wtd m flt)w ov.:r ::;:gniril.:a;n slOJ1L'S. 6. Seil~ that uc tv be reused around 1:1e si~e should be &rort"J h1 std1 ;~ m::n·1c7' a.") in reduce eroslnn fm1::1 tl1e stw..:kpik. Prott:c~ivt.: n1c:trn::-.::.::; m~y :ncJuCe, but ac nc~: ~-------~---~-----"-··· --·--~--rlpn'/16, 2iJfJ7 ,iSSOOAT!:D c.,rn~-!f SCiE . .,.,!Ct-:, I1'·C Pe.gc 10 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Mtu:cr Proper.'}' KiJ!f Ct:i,mrv. Wr.s,'li11.~tan Sitb;'u:fr:.,;e F.xpi!Jr."".Iicm, (ier>lagi,• Hm:.,ud. 3.11d Pre{immar;, Ge{}!edrmcal E1;gi11t!ering Reporr Geotm;k f!t;;;.tuds ar.d .tlit!;atiom fimiied. m, covering witl! pla..,tk .!ih~e~ing, ~hi; use o: :ow ::to:.:Jq;ilc.o.; in flcit ar,.;;,is, or the use o:' straw b'1iesisi:t fe!1.ce.s aro·Jn:1 ?ile perinei:ers. During the period bcr.veen October l" and March 3:", mcsc measures arc rcqt:ire:J. 7. On-site erosion coctrol impectic:is and :crbidity moni!orfag (if require<:} shoe Id be p~rfom1r:d in ac:::or:~1nce 1..vd1 th: Fcology relp'.remeut.s. \Ve~ldy anC mo1thly rcpo,ting to Ecology stm'.d l:e pcrfon:icd on a rcgt:lcr:y scheduled basis. TESC r:mnitoring sho:.i'.d be p?.rt of tt~ Wt!ekly cc,r.strn~tion t~am n~eetings. Tcnporary a:1d pcr:nancnt ~rosion control a~1tl drainage mcas:irc,q sf".ould le adjusted a:1d mabtaincd, as n~essary, al the tirn~ of constructi::i:t. [L i!:i ou:-upinion nut wirh th..-prnpt.:r implemc:nta1ion of Uu~ T.ESC pl:,n.'i :nd by iieh'.-aL{L1",ti11g appropriat·~ mitig:.ition elements (RMP.s) durL-:g comtrJcti:in. as reccmme-ndt..>d. by the ~rosion coJJtroi inspc::.:tor, tile porcntia: a.dvc:-~c in:pacts from cn!.~:on hazards on tl:.c projc:.:t r.iay be mitig:iteJ. -===-~---~~-·---~-----· ip1·ii 26, 'J.(l'J7 ,·l.\~W;C/,·JTF.D EARTH SCIENCES, JNC. Page i I APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 MU1111r Prcpr!T.'y Kint Coufil), Wi?ShinRu.•n SHl'}Witce l:::xy{cra11of;, Geoiug1c Ha;:ard, and Pre:Zmir.ar/ c~(J/edmiccl Er.,;ine~1i1,,: R,J;?11 .·, ·a-.-· '"~...,·~·-=====-.. P_re_t1_,,_:!1~!t1=.~"'-v_es._iK.,' .. ' .. "'c.c-o. ... ·m_"c.'_nd-'a-'!1-"·o11'-'1~~ III. l'RF:Lli\ff'<ARY DESIGN IlliC0:'-,1MENllATJONS 8 .. 0 INTRODUCT!O\" Our exploration imlkar.ei-; th.:i.L, from a gcotc-;;tni..:a! standpoint, the proposed project is foa~iblc provided the rccorru:1cnl'.atioc.s i;vntaim~i! hcrdn a~ propcr:y foiluwed. The bearing .:.itraturr. is sufficicntl~/ shallo\v th!!t ecnvcntional sha:101.v foi.:r.d::itions shoulJ ;;erfun:1 well with proi::i;r sub:i;rnCe prcpar,uion Existing fill ,vn..s ob'k!rv:!d iu e:<i..::Lin.g a:naci:-s on-site 1 nn:.:. wUl re11d::-~ spc-::ial preparativu fur cc-ust:·1:ct.inr. cf new .5truch:.res. Grt·U;ld W:!tcr seepage was :.!:1::::ountereC in se.,,.~r:1'. ,1r our cxrloradons am~ b expt!:.:kd to b~ e11cnL:nt~rcd durir.g consrrucr;nr i:1 signiftcar.r cxca\raliuns. Ornnn,: water M.lS observe::: in c:i..:r exploLL:.tion rh on hz: soutb. p:art c.1~ 1b~ site at lower clcvation.s, ar.cl 1:1:::n:fore rn.:y te a iUcrnr in Ccsigr. cf t:le scorm wati.:r m.::magen:er.: system. 9.0_ SITE PREPARATl0:-1 s:tc prcpa12ti1)n stou!d in:.:lwh: n.::lit: ... al <,( all gra:;-s, (recs. brush, debris, m1d ,my l:r:,~r deleterious mmcri;:ls fnmt s::-u.ct.u2.l a:l!a~. Ali existiag f:11 ;iroiind Mn.::tu:-c.::; rk1t have b~~E 1.kmo:ish,:;i stould bi: nnr_ff.'Cll. H i.!r'.Y hc;1ti11g oil ,:;tor3gi: tJ.1:ks or ctr.er s:milar .i;t::-t:cn1r~~ a.re di~co11er1·d, tl1ey :c:.hcn:.ld he d,.::conuni~slcned and !'emc,vi::.cl in 2c:..::irJa:i:;e witt appli;:Jbk [~oh:,gy regulat:ons. Ex.i::Hi11i .~t-:F~:c sy8:L't11.~, workbg or no~. sh~1u:d be d~::::mnmi!;.,;im1ed ht ac~..:Jn:a,:c~ with KL'l!J County EedtC Dcpa:-tmrnt n.'J,Piation!! a:i'1 removed L~Jrr. bclor,1 plm1ne~: stn.:crures. Any d!!prcs<:101:~ heh1·,v plam::c:=. ::na~ gradc:s .c.au.::.ed ".'Jy d::::ooH-:n:1 ai.:~h-itiC$ should h~ ba.:'.<i"rlktl with 5Lru::-tur::i~ fi[~ a'.'! lb.:.u'l.scd m:de-~he ··s·.rucnnal ?ill" section ofL'lis re=1ort. The c.\i:Hiug top:mll, gra~s. and s;1r.1h~ shoult: b-c n:1m,11~d h")111 area~ ,vhc~e r:cv.,.· b'.Jildhgs, pavin;, or mh~r st:-ucture! .a.re r:la:11::j. The ad:.tal observed in-pLtc~ di:p1h o:~ topsoil ~ml snd m th:~ exploratio11 locations i~ ~rcscr.tet: or. Lhe cx:;:1.oraticn !0.~s in t1c Apren<lix. l\fier stripping, rcmalni:,i rnor.s ar:J ll:u1:1ps .shou:d be :·-:!r.11.ned frcm stru,:tur:•1 2.:-ea.~. Ali ~oi:s d1.:;tmb:d by strippfog a:id i;r~1bbing Opt'.rat:ons slrnuld be r1,;:.:m11~1:ict~d c:.~ des~-rbed bc-luw rn, stru::rurnl fill. Om;t: c.'(:;av,:n:nn to '.iu'.1gr;.:.dc elevation is complct:, e,1st1:ii fill :,;l!l,uld be aCC.ressed. Below huildirg foun<lation Hr~as, \Vt": rtccrr.m::nd rl:at cxi.'i'.ting fi.H Cc reinoved w expose underlying undisturbed ;rntivf. m.1ter'.,1b that arc sL:itable for .:;L-ucr"JrrJ Stl?fHH ~. The rcst:lting st:rfa·:~ s1:ou:c: be pronf-roll~J w'.th a badd dt~mp tn:e:k or n-:h,;;r suitabk ~:.:_l.:ipment. Ar:y so.'1, :'lx,s:. )':ddbg area:-: or arc~~ c:xpo'>ing existing f:11 shouM be :~~::ava1ed to cxp~c suita;1Je 'Je.::ril~l soils. Tht subgrade ~huu!d tht.:r: be :..:a:np2.;;tcd tc at Ji.:ast 95 p~rcenr of rh~ m~:d:fir:JJ. P!"octor maximum dry Ccusity, as C.c.rcr:nined by the-;\ST.:V1:D 1557 tee,~ pr~:-,::cd~re. Structu:-.il till can rhro be phced to a1::1h.!·1e t..l~i,;ir-::d gra.dcs, if needed. h: t.re~:s 1)i' pbnn:d :;)2.Ving, .-:i:ni'.ar p:epar2.tion methods should ht: 11sec'., hv;.~•ever, e.1:c::i·1atir111 ne·~d on:; ::xk:u..1 2 feet hdn\v -·.·~ ASS(,{-:i.JU.r; F.,~R.Tii S(;jE,NCf::.S, /,'~C Page 12 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Mi,i!t.r Pmperty Kfrtp Cv1111ty. Washinw,m Sut.rnrf~ce E.tplcratlml, G~uft:gk Hnzn.rd, and P1·el,'1.•,inmy G~meC:mic41 Engine.:r•1,g R-tpoi~ Preli1•1i11,.1r) n~.~f?.,"! Rec.Jm;1~ena'a~fo12s. plamted ps• .. ing .~11bgr2.dc cl:.!'Vation. \Ve recurrJDe:itl tLU w!Je:·e exisr:ng fiJt; ur:dcrl:e plannt!d grade-sensitive ut:lit:.c:s, s;.ich as g;a'l::cy ~c\ver lines. that fae upp!T 2 ftt:t o~ material hc::,w tile pipe t·c prepared as described above fur paving sub grade,~. Grading chJ.!Jcng·=~ ca~scd by ground \Vate s-cepJge would he s'.,gr.ifl::antly :e.iuced if a :ucoff drElin was ins:a:ted en rt:e upslqpe sjdt.: t,f ~l::.: project pri;;, :v scartir.g other earchvo:-k. !<lt'.ally. the: cutuff dr:?.i!1 wculd be jJ3!a]ed a2 enrly ~6 pos':iihl~ ur.d o..v11ulJ cuvcr th~ cnti:-e northern s:te bour.da:y. H mily be l:er:tficial if the d:-:ib also cxt-~nded a:o:ig the west prnpert}' boundary as f.!r :::outh a.~ a:iy planncC nbs~m:21 t:xca1,,·ation: [1: :.ha{ are:i. D:-1ins shot:ld cons:.-11 of tr,:>:fich~1. 18 im::Jes witl:::, cx:.:ava~etl h-: a dcrtJ-. of at kn.st l foot icto den,:ic s:J.ty so'.ls. umk:rlyiug .any r::ce.<.;sional outwash or fiH 1be tre:i.cl:~~ {i1rn.l<l b~ rmvidcd .,,,:ith a 6-i::lch, perfc.r~;ted dr:iinpipe, graded ~o 11r;.1.;n to ~ suirahle c-!is:hargc, ar:.d backfilled to •,vjt]:iu ! fo11t or ~he g:-~u..,d 8urfa..:c ty washed drab rock. V{c ri::cor..1t~,(~rnl L1rn.' dt.:mot:.L~ he proviC:.~L al ap?t\ipri:i·t: intervr1h l\1 a'.lnw fmurt 111:1:1r.cnancc. In 1.iur opin:Pn, 3tablc ,:-(1nstruction s:opcs shC1uld 1~ ,J.e rc.'>pc;1si"::i~i:y of the ccn[r-21.ctor <llld shouk. :)ej d:.:tern:ir.c3 du'"iog crm.~tructioL. for estLna:'.n£ pu::-poscs, hc:,Neve::-, tcmp,:~a:1, uma1pp,i:-ted t:ut ~lopes. :.:an h~ pl~rnn~d at l.5H:l'i/ (llor::-:on:.11:Vcn:;;i.il) :11 the vi:ca:hercd till, fi:l, and rect':~sio!1al uut,:..·:-1•;;1 ll~11n~its nr.d ot lf!:IV b Ccr.sc, enw~athe::-cd soil. T;lcsc ~lvpt'. an~lcs .:.n: for arc:as w··icrc ground wat~r seepage i~ r:ct e1~c~untered, an<l a~S.J!tlc t!J:it s111·facc wat::r i.~ not a.:tcwed lo tlov-: '1.crrJ.-::.~ lh~ 1ernporory slcpc-face~. E grotncl nr surface water i.s pn:~ent wLe1i tl1c tcmp,.:r11-:,.' c;<;:J.Vjtio::1. s:npes Jre expo.sc.d, tla:.ter siJpc a:1glc3 or tcn:porn:) s~.oring \Vil] he-requirnd. As :~ ry:i.:'.ll with c.1,tlnvcrk opcrntion.;:, some ~loughi:ig ;:,ntl r,1·~·r:liu,g rnr.,y nccu:-, and cul slopes may h~!'.'c lo b!:' ~K:ju::Ht:.i b the field. In adU.itiun. WISH A/OSHA rcg1.:lation5 should bL: followed M. cir tir.i.::s. 9. 3 _.§i~~ Distu:1'~mce Most of jie on-site so~ls cnnu:in fu:~-grail:eil 1r.,~~t:rialt wh~~ll m=1kes :hem :i.:obti..m: ~tTsit'.vc ;:ml f;n1jcc:t !O disturhancc whee \Vet. The :-.or..m1:~tm must u-.e care ~:u:-ll1g site pre?Jratio:t ;.1nJ excavation opc-:;1Uon.s 50 that ~he unC::::r'.ying soib arc no: softened. If r~isturh::nct: occu:~. thc- soft::::r1i.:-d s,:ils st.ould be :-er.1ove~: tr:d the ari3a bn:mg.:'n :n g:-,idc witl: strucl:lrn) fit. U"Jc to tbc silt coi:cc:1: and ex.1sl1:.u; rn1Jbt11Tt: c,:1::::":nt nf !he site soil~, lt \Vill b1' nearly im:;:iossiblt !u t11\~ th-: exi'>.ting soi: a'> strnctu::-ztl :'ill K1le.:;s tin: fi:I ca:, he placed d'Jring favorable dry wee.th~:-co.1di~:0!1S ff con~:rm.::ticm t1tc~ place ln w1ntcr, dryiu.~ is nut ex_pectcd A8'>Dt:l.•lll"fD L~Ri/.1 5G.rr..NC£S, J,\'C, Page 13 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST l ,LP C-3562 Suhs'oir(c.ce E:r:p!or;;rbn, Ge.:.•lu8fr Ila.:.nrd. m:d M;nttT Pn.'per!y Prefi,mM') (i11:1,'cthl!i1~0.l Enginc:z;'i;zg Repcrt .;;K:;;i!IR~<:;;-'~;;;";;''':.\"':.· .;.Y•::'~::·h:::•}c,:~e.:'::"'.:.' ----=-==--==--=-~--~-fr!!Ji!til';:.2'.._~:::•J~n Re1..·9n~'.1er:dn1!/Jm· to h:::: fcasi:.Jie, a:id we amici?ate that aE cf the ex~avated on-site rr.a1eial.s will be unsnirnblr. for struclurai fill applic~1::.vns. [,ven durirg c:lt'Y wezther: site soils excnvatc:C. fo:-instc.!lation of bur:cc utili:i-::~ rr:ight no: t:c s:iitablc fo: uti:ity bac!diE ur:de:· pavbg or other structu'.."es. We ;ecornmend but:geting for t..:rkJi[ of lnrie<l u;ilit"J tre.1chc:::; i1. sln:i..:l!Jr..tl areas with import,~d sdcc.t structural fill. For SU!11llle: cons~r:1crion • .'lignificam, b:i.t 1.ir,avoi<lablt:: effort IP..t!Y h! nee<leC 10 sr.:,iriJ)•, aer::f<!, <H,ct Cry sh~ s0ils tb.1t are above optirr::iri :ncistur..: content: to rc-Cl!cc moi£rnre crmt::nt pr:or rn ::ompactic,n in .suuc1ura~ fill applicmiuns. Tl:e effo::-l n::quired to Cry she soil-:, woultl be r::th:ced (hu: no~ clirni:tar.:;t) if the cutoff driin is i.:lstal1:d, as r:commende<l abo'le. Car~ shou!d be taker. to ~eal 1] eartli1.vork a:em; dt:riI:g mas~ g!:di:1g at th:: :::cd ot" ea::h workday by grf:diug all surfa::es to drain 2nd se~I ing them w:t:i a s:ncott-drum roller. Stockpiled soils t:lar wil~ be re11se<! in stm.::tur:.il nr applit.::1·:{m.l:i shoJ:d he :ove:-ed 1.vhencvcr JJirl i).; p11.i; .. dbll;. L. winter cc-nstruc:tlon is c:-:.;:~.::tcd, cnsted rock fi!l could he used t8 provide construction s~g:ing an:::is, Tht! ::.t:-ip:;x:d -suhl-,-'.rn'-h: shrn:d h:=: nh:::crved 'JY t!1e ;,~enLcch1:ical e1g)nccr, :md should then be cnv:.:rcd 1.vitb a gcct;:tt:tc fobr:c, SL1ch ~s Mi:afi 500X or eqt:i\'ttlt:it On::e ~b~ fabr::..: b pla~:etl, we rccorrm1er:d 1J.r;ius a ::rn:11:ed rock fill J;1y:::r nl k:2.s· lO ir1cht~ thicI. Jr: z.r:-as where constru~ti.)tl equipment t,vi] be i;.scd. 10.0 ST:l.LICTUl'-~L Fll-L S1rucl1.rnl f111 will h;_; r,c:..:cs-:.~ry to CSL:.!blt:~JJ 1..k.-s~ri.::tl gra1..'.:.;':. Althoq~'.1 ~ra.diq~ pla03 ware not available \Vbe:i. this r-apor. w:t1 ,vrii.ten, wt, antkipUe.: rbat .::ar nul fill t~rract:.."= ~cr,a:at~2 l:y rocker::.:~. si.:g1rn;uul walls, o.t c<.sr.~in~placc co:1c:ctc wans. will b::: us~:.: to proC.uce level builCing lors. We .i!ntkir11te-w:.fl b.:::'.gl~t:-; on rJ:c onk:-of:-:) fL.-et that fac::: h11th ct:t.~ a1!d fiHs. \Vhcr~ roc.kerie~ will rcta1in fil: sci:.': g:earer than 3 fee: ;r: he'.ght, they shoeld be geogrid n~inforc:-::t ,1:\d ~r\n::ilructed ir. acrnn~m:c;;: ',"ir:h Sccti:m '. 1.0 o·· 1:1:.~ report. At: references to structu:-J.I fi] in rhi.~ rcpor: rcfot to subg:-:id~ preparation. fill type. pkce-rr..er.r, ;s;d compactic,n of :cnatcri.ils, ;-is <li.sc..:a!:ist,I !,: tl1i.~ ~~:::tion. Jf a p-ercenh:g:t or ::urnpac:.:nn is s11r..:i;ificd und~r annt,cr st.:cr:on of this report, the value-given '.n rhit scct:ion should be us:::::J. Afu:r ftripping, planned cxcava~iot1, ai:d any required ovcrcxcavalic,n have heen perfonuet: to thr:: s:11is;;H;t~•>'.l of rhe ge":oteclt:1:.c3l cniit:et:r/~:l[,inecrir:tf gt:oh·1r,isL 1hc ~~1rfac::: of ~h.:: exposed ground should be rccomp:1Ct~d tc a ::r:n and ·.m;,.-iel<ling :::oncl:tion. If tl:e subg:-..iJe cm:tai11s tnfl mud1 mo:~-tl;rc::, aJ,;quatc r:c.omp~tion may b,::-d:ffo:t:lt or imrossible to obtain i111d stou:d probably :10t be attomp:ed. ]re [;eu cf cccor,1pacdon. the am1 to receive fill ,huulu be blau".,:icd wi~li ·,:.,1::i~hcll rod. or y_uarry ~pal!-~ :a ac: as a capilla1y eJJ<;;J. lJ:.::l1.•,1r.:.-ca t'.1c r:ew fill and the w:-t subgrade. Wh:::rc ~t~ exp•J.'it:ll gro1:rnl remaba sof. and tu.;ttJtr overt'xcava::t::1 is i1qm1cti:.:;:tl, pbc-~mcnt of aa c1:.~i1!rc:-ing m<'lbi1iz::itkm fah::-ic nny ht: n~Cl.'f,SH~Y tc prevent contm:1ii:atior. cf the free-t~raining fayer by .s~l! n:igr:~tim:. fron-i be:ow. -------r.s~u(:iAl'EV EA,'tIH SC!E.Nn.-.:s, iSC. Page 14 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 ,t·unw.,:ace E".piora1to11., G~oiogk Haza~d. 1md Mimi!r Prcp!FJ:.t Prt.'Iw'11!i,y Gu:rerh11ir,1t F..•tgfr.eerir-t Ri!purt ~K;.;i';;;'C"'';,;,:c:.;1;;.t.o!I"i:;. . ._·, -'~--'~~;:'. =hi::"•s:':::"cc"--------------==-'P;,.:1:;:·~~~nil_t~!Y_ !?~J_f:~'.1. f..<t.-::01:1m~;i,Jm!~1.t:.~ Ar strucural fill phced on slopes s:ee?er :han 5H: 1 V slwuli be keyed and benched iI1·0 suitable underjyini native 8oils. Hillside bcr.ches shouU be 3 fe~t or less iu ae:gh~. and arc usually about t[)c w:dth of tt: buUCozer nse:: to cul them (about 6 to 8 fe~t}. The shta:' kt!y at the tee shnul<: be m le.isl S :'ee: '/.':de and 3 :ee! deep. Keying and he:1c:,~ng sb1uld Ce done in accordanc~ with Wa.shing:on State Departn:ci:t or Tran.spor:a1ion (WSDOT) Stcmr'nrd Spet:ifi~.itinn Section 2-03. 3. Si:e so]s consisting of lodgernent liU or n:ccssio:ia: ot.:twasll or irr:poncd. granula: fill appn1vf.:d hy I11e gcowcbr:.ical eng:n:::c: should be u.s,::j for cr:ns::11,:im1 of fill ,lopes Afttr re..:ompa;;ti0n nf the c:<poi;;cd ground is te:;k<l am1 approre::!, or a :=rec-draining :-c,ck course is lni.d, structl!raJ fill r:1:.ty ':it pl~..:t:d 'O t.ttai1: d..::sir::d grades. Structur.:i: fill is defined z::. nor: mganic s~lil, acceprablc to the gcor~d:nical enginetr, placed in llllxia:'J:1: 8-indt I00.1e Efu, whh eac:1 lift being C(X,;1ptictc:ll :n 95 p~rcer.t of A.STivl:D 1557. In tt:e ocw ul' rliad•,,,:ay ~r.d uti:i1y tr~nd1 filllng.. the br:.ckfill should ·'.le ;:::acd an.I compacr~ri :r. ac::nrCancc wit.h King Cnunty code; rind st:imJ;mk Tit..: to~ o;-the co:11p~,:~d fill stou]:.I cxwnC :'Jor::r.nn:~1!y rn:tw::ird a miniini..:m disL'u1ce o! 3 feet bcyo::i;i the ln.::Hio:1.~: vf :h:: pt:rim;;:i.::r :·o,J:tlngs or rc,aJwo.y e~lg~s Jefor~ sk,~i1:g tlov ... ·n iJ~ a maxiurJ1ll a:1gk of 2H. t V. The :::or.trn,.;wr :::ilmuld note rt . .at a1:y prcposc:::. fill goils r:,u~r tc ,~vilh;:nc:d by AES[ :~rior :o fhc:ir use ln fills. T:1is wouk rccp.1:rl! :ha: we bw.;e a 5xnplc of t:'..ti.:.. 11:..!t~ria~ at leat:t i?. hom.s in advance to pcr!'u~m ,1 Prnct;1r ~c.-a a:u~ d:..:tcnr..bc it:i fie:J c::n:pactior s~anda:tl. Tl:e rcs:.i:t.s o:· one s·.1c:1 test arc inc:udccl w:tf_ tbi.':i u~rnr1. !-lc.,,.,..e,t'!:-. :lie ,;;itc ..:oil,~ v.:ricd ccnsid~:-ably in [heir sill cunren: with:n i1itlividu.2.I c.tplciratior. ;:-its and ac·.·os::; :h~ si:e. ·ri:ert:f1~: -~. w.: rccummcnti additional ])roctor testing a.I th;: !ime of ~:-:11.~tructlor:. So:l& in which 1:1i:! a:no:Jnt o"' fr:1e !_'rained m:.u:::ria: {smaJlcr :l:Jn. :he No. 2CO si~·;e) h; _g:rc:Ja tl1::ri appro;.i:na:tc:ly 5 pc-::::~nt (meaITT.ired 0n the mir_;..1$ t<u. 4 sit· .. ~ si1.:::) ~hrm.ld be c.onsid.:~cd r.10:srure-se:.1sitiv:.:. ~ ... lnst on- :;itc soils H::..: cstinrnrcd to comain s:.ihstarc::::illy rr.ore than 5 perv::nt ri:1c:-gr::.ic1td :n!t·::-rial. L".se of moisture-sensitive ~oil j; ::L"."Lit:l.lr:.:.l m:~ ~.hrn..:ld ':,.: lirnit-:U tc fa•;onib:e Cry we;1.:her :md ·1ry lillhg:<Hie cnnUiticm:.;. M1!cl: of the on-site soil~ t.:Omair: sub~t~wi.·:I c'lmont":<; of silt and ar~ considczt..>d moiswr<Hcr~itive 1.1ilcn t:\l:i.l\·atcd and t:.sed as fiL materials. T:1.~ soi: ir.; ~11 of ow· t:xplorntion pits war:; tcstc.! t0 be at or atJcve -0p~lin1:n; mn: . .:·1:rc rnntcn: for compr..ctiun Jt :l:.e tmc of on field ~t;u!y. Con.,.:ruct;.Dr. cquipme:-Lt t:".l'icrsin1 th~ l':ite ·.vl:en 1'.1e ),,(1'.ls ar:.: wet c.:an cm!st; cor:si<l,;.;rn .. hle dis:urbanc:.~. [I' fi'.l i~ pb~ed dur:ng wet wt.:alfJ;r or if1m>:>~r c-:::1:i~ac::r:n i:::anno: be vtrn:nc:cl. a st.k:~t. i:ny-:ort m;;tcrial con~isting ur a clcsn. frcc-drninin~ gravel ar.d/G::-.:::~m: shi~U h,~ \:~ed.. F;·cc.-drainir.g fin cous1sts of no!1-orgat:ic s;}i! •,vitl: the unui:1r or t':H~· grnmcd material lirn'.ted to 5 p~rci:;r.t tiy v..-eigh! wh~:i 1w::1surcrl :-.in tile: minm, No. 4 s:eve fract'.ou a1d i1!. ler!st 2.5 r,cn:cut rcr:i.:ned on Ute Ko. 1 sieve. r!S.~'()C'.(TED .S·IRT!l ~::!Ei'iC!:.'S. i.VC Page 15 APPRA[SAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Mimi' .. Pmr,ury Kin~ Cow:~). \Vhslii1<•;t1;n l 1.0 ROCKERIES Sribwrfa--:c faplor~'.iaH. GecltJgic !h~ard. c..-:.d l'rf!l:1,iir1ur, Gecrccimfral E11gineeril1g Report Pre!i111!11.;ni Vrngn Rt'CO':_~,f~ri<?,~r.i, Rnckerie:; may he used to pr,:;vcnt c~;:.s:on of cut slopes; l:ov.;cver, they are not er.gineered stn.!ct-..ire;;, and we strongly suggest that they net be ·1set'. in place of :-.:t.:ining walls, espi.;cial~J wh,re impc,:talll facilities n:·;: adjaceru :o t.'lcrr:. Buildings st.o.tld ce set cac:, from rock.cries"" fit(;.: a !H: l V lin~ extendir.J i.l?, trn:11 ht: rem bJ.a;e of :he rn:~ery llP:.:s IUil imtrs:."Ct the foo::ng. Rockery con.~tructitm is a:1 a:t :hat C.:pends largely on the 3kill cf the bui:Cer V.,'e would Eke tt') point out ~hm ath011gh roi.:k~rie~ nre common) u . .;el1, tl":ey sumc:timci, r:;quin; n:pa.irs and shm!ld he con:,:dcred long-term ~lintcr.ar.c~ iwms. Ca:.-::-: mu3t ~c e;.:c;cised in selecting a rock source si:icr:: s1.nne of :he !f'..£_teri~t1 pr~::;en::y bdug ;:;up~iliei.l i11 ou .:rt:i. ii:; rn:r and d:.sintcgrate:s in a rela,:vely shcrt peri"<l of t'mc. Sa,qk, of rock co1 be icstcd by AES! prior to thei: cse in rcckcrie...:;. It a rol:kery is spt:ciLld., .::. ft..'\!t b:gh or ks~, it u:m;1\ly wi11 not rtq1.:.ir: a permit. Rockcri:s :hat rctaic. fill soils grca~c:-flan 3 feet in heigh~ st:m:J t,e gecgriJ.reiaforcec.J. Pigu,.:::s 2 :c1:nrl J pn;s:'.:11 gem:r::ili;ed re!nff!~:::ed a:1C ui.reirforr.ed roc~:2ry dcta:ls. for mckcr:cs up to 10 feet int.eight. All ro,kecies should be fou1ded in 1:10<l'mr. den,c or bct:er soi:s enc:ou1roml al depths exctctling l 10 3 feet jn 01:r cxpl0ra.tinn p!:'i. '11w :·u11uwiJ1~ note.:~ prt':~tnt ri.,~kery L:On!-ii:'.tratic:11~. h :iriL11tio.1, tlt cor:.tra::tn:· shou:d confian that hi:; configura!io:1 conforms to :.:.1:r::-:-:m. King Co:.n:ty srccifo:atior . .s. 1. [n are:;;~ w;iere exfs~ing fir is. prr.ser.t, rhe ~HSt' :}f the Tl'.d:c":"y .\hnnld ht: sturtl'J Ii."' cxrnva~!ng a trench i:.o a rnlnimum depth cf 3G i:1c'.1cs ':clo\.V snbgraCe J::o firm. u:1tli.')I 1rb..:d ~101:ml. l'tii.'i tr:.::r;;;h shmJd extend ;J :·, irirn.Jr11 of 1 kc ln c.:.ct dir::;;t.on hcyond Ihc has: mck~. The ~rcnch sb·:.•1Jlt be backftl}ed to a deptf. nf 12 ind::::s bdov,' ex)5iing site gr.:uk wi·h free cr~ining ,;;anrt ,rnd g.rnve! or r.::w,:11!:i ro~k If loose, soft, or Jii.;~urht:d m:itcrial~ exist nt 1hc base of tt.•:: trcr..ch, !bey shou·.c. ,~ rcme,,ed and n.:i_a:.:cd with free Uraining s;,md a~1('. gravd ur t.:n:shtd rri:.:k. Thi~ b;1..:kfill matcial shtuld ·.,c pb:.::d iil lift.; not exc~ediug 8 in::hes :n :oose t1icknc~s a:1t :::·m:;;i.:.cteG ~tJ .i minin:u:r. cf 9) pcrc-c11!. of tt1t: n:oJ:ficil Pruc~or flli!Xi1:1Lm r:e:nsity usiug ASTM:D 155"/ .a~ t:1c standu:-d. The grad..:.tio1: of the ~,m<l and grn.vc: shou1<l be-.such tZ1at of th0 matc:-:~~1 JH1s~ing 11Jc No. 4 s~ct:c, I\lJt more ~ltan 5 pcrc~ut by wclg\1: ~lloulC. :Je finer thin the N1). 2C-O sicv.:-:. 2. Th~ base roi..k .shuukJ hiL'l'C a a:itiinrn:r: •1vld(1 (JX1pc;1..lir..:1:lar w tlLt~ :ine of :he ro.:kcry) n! 40 pcrcc11t o~ th•..: height of tt:c rockery :a:r:d s!-.o'J!d he ccn:c!'td upon tJe zan~ t:f cor.i.pai;r~.d stru.:n:rn: fi!L All rue~!:: shou1J also :i:r::.~t lhe follmvin}; \Vti_;lu :-equirc:mcn:s: Hdght of Rackc:ry Above-5 fret 5 f:cr or lc~s Minimum_1j!eighl ofRo~k 500/2).f)J pournJs. gr~1ded, h:011:ho:tom rnck<:: 500/ 1,000 pounds, grJdcd, top/bo:rnm ro:::ks ~~~~~~·~~~~-~~~~~~~~,.,,-~· Ap1il 26, 2if;7 A,\'.'t~JC!.·lTElJ EART!l SCI!:.:"IChS. !1'vC. Page (6 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Minter I'ropfr/}' ,;;X;;i'.:,.'8.;C;;;':;"";;';.;''~: . .:.~;::"~sl:;;tina,11e;'l;;;Gi;;,I ====· _ .::...."""'-""-"='- SHbrn,:facr! E::p{tm!li,.:n, (}e.9/cg(c Hm.nr1I, m,d Prdiminary Geo:~dmJ.-::al E1igi'nt~ri.1g R~pGi"! ·"··.·-,.~re!j'!}!i_;E,Y D~.lig,: R~W!1!1ll!Jtdar!C!ij' 3. Th~ ruck mj;terial ~bould all b~ .as :-icarly rec~ang-Jlar as possibie. No st1..me shou~d be used that does nut extenC lh.ro1~gh rl1c: wall. The roclr :i;ater.:i.l should be ha::i, sc,und, durable. and free ~om weathered portions, seams, crac:<s. Qr oth~.r deft:cls, The rock dt'.n~ily slmuJC. be a m:ni1:mm o:' 160 pounC.s rer cubic foot (pcf). 4. Rock se!ccdou and tlace:nent s:Iould be s~ch t1:at t:le:-e wi!J be minimum vcid.~. c1r:d in the exposed face of the w.a:J, rn open void3 over R inc~1es across in a:1y dirc::tioo. The roc~8 should he pl.i.icctl in a manncir such tl~at 1:hc longitudi.r..a! ax:s of the rock ,vill bt at rigl:t angles or perper.d!cul.-!r to the :Jc.kery face. Each :-Dck :::h;Ju·.,: be p1r1c:::tl so ::..-J to :ud inw tv••o rocks i11 the lower tic:. After scttir.g c1ch rock cou:-sc, all voids be:,•.:een rhc rocks sho:i[d be ::;hinkc::~: 0:1 the bad~ •,villi qua:-ry ro{;k ro elimiiiatc any void ~i1!Tidem w p~s5 a 2-i,:ch sq~iare probi::. Tt:e rcckery shc"Jld be li:uiteLI to 1:1 feet in t.eighr. 5. A t:rab co:::1.,is1bg or neid, pefor:'lre~1, pclyvinyl c":1loric~c (PVC) pipe enclosed jn a 12-wch-·i,1,•idc, r,ca-gra\'cl trcm:h shou::.1 be pLtccd bcJ-_i.:1d the lo~vcr cumsr or' mck to rerr.ove water and p::-~vt:nt t:1!!' buii=IJ:, of hydrost.-=i,::~ pres.sure behind the w2.l1. This drat,; ~!Iould l)c :lg:11li:1ed to an approved sto.n1 water d:_s;-0s:1: bc:1Lion. Tie temahdcr 0f th:'. willl b:icXfi11 ~hm:kl .:cH':-;i•-t of quarry spulls ·,.~·il\1 a ni;iximi.:m size of 4 inches a:1G a miJ1k1u;H siz: of 2 ia-:t.e:s. This rnmerial should :Je pbr.cd In ..-12 -h~~1 miniu:;J.Gl thiclrne.::G ber,vr.:en t.:1i.: entire wall an:.:. th:.: c..i1 nw.tr.::-id. Th·~ b~d:fi11 mau!rid sh.:-:u'.i be p:accd. in Efts h.l ar: elevati-::n ap?rcx:mat~ly 6 in-::'.!1e.5 bc",nw r:,~ up of cad: course of rock~ n:'j th{;y arc pl1ccC, u.1:J the up'.)r:;r.:10:::t course is placed Any backr1I materlal faltir..g or.to th~ ~e~ring s.11iface of a rnck cot:rse. .~houltl t.e re,r.1vct! before the scttir.g of tl1c next cour,;c. f.. Auy a~pilalt pa.11:ng .sho.1.id. b: slcp~:.: to dra'.r: l\•IJY from ~h.::-:c,ckery. IE addition, the a:eas above rocke;ic.~ sh:,1J:tl bt i: 1.mted w iC1 gra~t J.3 !i.1lur· .1s pn~,., :hie a 'tcr rt.,ckery co;p;1rnc1in:1 to re:-:'.nce crosio:1 ar.d. pr.:widc with a ditch to dir::ct surface water away from tlle rockery .. 12.0 _FOUNDATlONS Spread footings may be useC for C"-.1'.ldiu.,; .'mppnrt wh~~n tht:-y ,m-~ founc.'.ed ...::n approved struc\"unl fill plm:ttl a~ dc.:s:::rihcC: above, or on th-:-glac::i.l soi'.s that are p::eparccl a:; rccom1m.::1h.\;d in this :~r.,u::'t. B1sed an our observ.1.tiom, Sl!irnbh~ fm1rd:ric1 bi;aring :mils arc expt:clt:.£.l apprm.;1mllcly UJ: rn 9 fr:d bc:Dw ti:::-~xisting grm::r.d surfa:::~ wit!·1in [f~t': hLJilding ]ors. Ex.is(ing fill shou~cl he r~rnov1:::} mul r~·ph1cx:J wl'.t1 :;tn1cur;1l fill, a.: Cc..,crih::d ir.. the "Site Preparation" ~:::ctit111 ofthi:: rqrJr:. For rc~idtnti.:J struclucs, f,::-:dngs may te dt>signed for Mt i.lllov.1.2hl:" foai:d;;.tion :mil hclring pres~ur:::: of J,000 pomKb per squ1:·c fom (psf), inclt:.di:lg botl C.Cad and live load~. A1 Apdi 11::, 2007 -.. __ ....._.._---=-=-= ,1S9JC1.fl"c"iJ c~tJiT.t! ::c::r¥CES, PIC Page ; 7 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Si;bsu,1ace E:t.ph;mrion. Geofo-3ic Hav:rd, a1ul Mbirer Prop:!ltj Pre:!::1i.1~q Ga1!t1ci111ic~:i Engme.:rir,g Repori ",;";,,~·~_.;C;:.:o,;;11;;"·;,;:Z..;;P'.;;'';.;'i;.;,u;;;13l;tc;;;,n;... ____ ~-~---------==1:!:1,.i1.,1L•iuJY Des!g,"l R~,71:,;;,,.emla:fo.•:i bcrease of onc-!hird may be us~d :'or short-tcrr..1 v;ind or s~ismic :oa:iing. Perfar..~ler footings should be b·Jried at least 1 g :r.ches ir.to the ,urruur.dug soil for f:cst protcctioc. However, all fuundation.'i n~ust penetrate to the p:-escr:bed ben:-ing strata, a':'ld no foundations shou:d be constn;cred in or iJhovti loo!-:e, orgun:c, n: existing fi:J soils. Antic.ipat~t~ set1kment of fonti:i.gs fnur,de-C., as r::commrnJcd, should be en the ord'=r c-f ~ bch or le.;;s, wifa dlffcrcnt'.at scttlcmcn: of ~ ir.ch or less. :lowever. di5tur":ed tr.r:te:-ial nnt rerr:m•e<l from faoti:'lg tr~ncilt::i pr:o.~ to fcothig ;il:.:icemcm could res:.:i:t in incr~ascC. .se~tlement::L Ali footing area~ .c;houk: be bS?CCtcd by AES[ pric•r tu placing concrete: to verify that the fcurn.btlor. sut,grades ar~ umfo;t:.1rhet1 ar:d constrJc:i;.~n ccnfor:m; t...-: l.le :-~coJJLT.entlmior.t. co:11ained hi this report. Such inspec~:0:1.s :nay '::e :-el;uirt!d by Kins Cc:nnly. Pi::rime:e:· footing drains ~hou1rl he pnwidee'.., a!: d'.scus.,;.cd unCc:-t.1c 11 D:linagc. Com[Cer.Jtiom," s~diori cf this repor:. ['. should he oorc<l that the area hnun<led ~y 1inc1-= Cicc:1c.:.i11g :.i1Pt:1Y..'ard ~t UL l V from a!ly footing musl not imcrnccl ano±cr feating or int~rscct a filtd area thac :'ms nnt w~n comp:a::1:::-: :o a! kJ::,~ 95 percent of ASTivl:D 1557. Ir, rHtrhinn, ,1 1.5H: 1 V i:nc c:rn:m:1!ng dow:1 i:nd -a•;.,ay frnm ;n;y [iwfr1g mt:.."t nlit day!igl:t be:au.sc s:ough:.Ug or r2.vdin~ may evcnnrnry ·1r.ckrm:11,.:: the fo:)!:ng. Thus, foolir._!!s shodd ri:.:r b~ ph:ced n~ar t:1e cdg<.:s u.'" stc.:pt or cuts !n the be,uing mils. 13.0 FLOUR SUPPORT If crawl sp,tt.::t': floors ..:1rc u,;ed, a11 ia1pervicus :-1.oist1r::: barric: should be provided at:ovc :he soil surface within '.he cra.v.'l spare. SJaiJ-o:i.-grad~ fbor~ may '::t t:~r.:d ovt!r m~cLu:i: dcr..;c to very de·1st/h:ml Jliltivc ~()ib. o:-twer structural fiJl plc.;;=:C. as recorr_-ne:i:e:.: in t:1e • Silt Preparativr:" and .. Strncrnra'. Fil!'' sections of 1hil> report. 51.ah·on grac.It: t~ocr.s shct:ld be cast a~np il minimum of 4 :n:hi.!,: d pea gravt.:I tH washed c1-Jstej rock to act a~ a capill.iry brtzl. Th~ floors sllo11l:t ;Jl.;n tc prnMc'ed trom t.:.irr:pne.!:is hy r.;overing 1!1c capilJJry t,:·cak lsy::r 1,vith an impcrvirn:.s moisture ba:-icr '1t knst LO mils in L,i:.,:-tr..e,;;,:.; .14.0 DRAINAGE CONSJDERA'J 10.\.S AU footings, haser.iem w,:.lls, c.ml re'.aiuin!; \•,:111.~ shn11ld he provided \Vith a drain at :he fooli:-1g ekvalit11L D:·aim sbou'.d comdst of rigid, pc:forttcd, PVC pipe sJ:ruttn1l!.!:l h:,i wasl:ed pea gravel Tbt> levd o:· tht perfor:Hlom ir; che. p:pe sl:n,1~j be set dnwnward ar.d at the boi10:n of the· footing at .all locations, ~nd the dn:in c.ollectvrs ::;houkl bt: con~~r'.H:ted with sufficicnc gr:11JicrJ 10 wllow ?,7'avi:y Lli~ci1arge aw::.y from Lie buiidbgs. In add:tion, all foun<latioa we1lls tallcI than 3 fee£ .~hou]d b~ 1:Jlcd witr: c min:mum. ]2 ind1··l:iii.:k, wa.i;;h~d gravel blankci Griin provi<letl :o within l foot of riuisl: grade t:nn ties into (1e fo:)tir.g drab. 1\ pre'."ahric~tt:::d drainage :nat is nnt an accep:1bk Jltcrnat:vc tn the grav,::; :Jla:.1.k~t dr:iin u:iles..; the en.tin~ April 26, 20.")7 ASSO'.'J..ITEO E..~ilTfi SL."iH}lCr.":i. !NC. t)',Jf•J.'cr },'f:(1;11;:!/M • /'TlJ!l'<;r'-'..:J,'UiJ 1',•:~111'" Page 18 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Minta Proper-ry Ki11p C&1m:1.·, Waslr~ip-~01! Sub.!uifaca Exp!or,:;tion. Gtotogic Ha..;ard. wid Pr,:,'i:ni11m:.· CP-oted:n!ci1l E1.it1,mi11J Rcpor: _ ,/1~~~:!}i_~ary_J];~JJllc.,P.;,.tc,COa,"1;,l"n<;a!;,"";a",;'}O;;i;;.!J excavation backfill consisr.~ of fr~e-drain:.Ilg structur-..:..1 fill. Rao:" a:icI surface :unoff sbo~iid r.nt disdtarge into tht" fnr.1i11~~ drain system, bt.:t should be handled by a scpa:1tcy rigid, tightline d,ain. In planning, exterior grs:des adjacent to four.elations sboukl be slopd <lownwaccl away TQ1r. the structu:-c-~ to achieve sc.rfa::~ dr:inagc. These rc~on1.mcndations a.piy to ccnv~t:onal shallm~: fourldation \V~tllS and lands:'.lpa wdh le~s (um atout 4 feet l..'.l11. One shoukl refer tc, the fdllowing ~cclion for wall:1 up to lO f~ct 1a:L 15.0 CAST-l\-PJ.ACE RliTA!Nlt.~lJ \1',\1,1} Al''1) B,\SEMENJ_WAI.,!.~ /\11 hack fill he:J1ir1d Jb1111dnti(ll1 tv2.1:~ ,;y· around fou.:1datio:1 1111'.t..:; slm:ilJ be pla;:cd as per our r~o:nmcndations for structlr3l fit: and as ~~scTihtXl in this ::et.:-::.for. o:" th~ n .. ·;mrL Ile,..iznnta~ly b~1ckf:.1lt'.d wall1:i rh:H an~ fr:..:e t.i yield J.irf:r::.I:y ar lt:J.q 0.1 rer::e:·it nf ch::ir l:.:ight tr..ay be d:::3iJncd u.~ing an equiv:1~-::nt f.1:id cc;ual to 35 J:cf. Ft!.ny :-,:suair.cd. h:..1ri;1.0r?.rnlly bac:l.:fr~d. rigid v:<.111~ that c:umot yic]~: shuu!d be dc.~;gm::(l [~1:· ,n c:q1iival~nt fuid of .'511 pcf. VV1lls with sl1Jpbg b.i~k:ill up £.D a muimum gr::d:ec: of 2.H: [V !fr.ou~d be de:1ig::;1cC UHir..g .i:1 e'1uiva!c:11t [Lti:.l or 55 pd for yic:~tling i.:uLr.litiori::; or 75 pc:· '.i::ir ruHy r~stra~ncJ ccnd'.tion,~. If p,\r:,:ng. areas a:::: nd];iccnt to wnEs, a ~ur:.:harge ecpt:'.'al~nt to 2 feet 0f ,;;oil .':i'.lnuld he wl~c:.:. lll the ','-·all height i:l C.c:croninlng latcra: tcsig11 forces. As required by the 2003 IBC. rctain:ng wall Cesig::::i st::·u:d include r. seismic s·.irch:rtc .?!:!.SSll\'C' in n,'.ilirion to t:lt: {!lfli'ial~m Gui:i p:es~ure~ pres~n:ed .:bove. Cm1sltleriEg the she ~oils :rnC t~1c reo..:mmcndc:::'.. wn[ hackfill :naterials, wz rcccrr.n~nd a scism:c S'Jrd.age p:-c~:rnre o~· 4II and 8H psf, ,•itwr:: 1l b the wr1'.r ~1eigl~I in rc~:I Ji'Jr rltr· activ~ a:id :H·rcst loaJ:ng CGndiriom, respectively. The scisr.i:c ~urcharg: should be o~dclcd as a rectm:g11:ar dh:ributi,J11 with t:1e rcs~1'.t:1nt appli::d al rile: mi1:poir.t of ti1c ·,,ra:ls. The l.1.rcrt1l r•~s~u:-~.i:; pr~.~enrect ahn·.:e ai'~ has!:d on rh= co11CX:n:1s of a t:niform backfill con-sisting of excavated on+sirc soils, or impmed struc1.ur~1l ~ill cc;:npacteC to 90 pt:rcenf ol AS1f\·1:D 1557. A higher •.kgrec oicompacdon is r:.N !'ccommcnded, as ~his w1ll m:::rense the pressure acting on the walls. A lower cor:1p3.:.:tio:::i may result in settkrnent of t!1e sktb-un-gr:1je- nr o!h:.r ~;truernn.:~ 1mpp>rlL'tl abiivc {I.:.: walls. 7lrns, t!1c cornpacti:.1:1 level is critical 2.11d rr.usc be te..<.led hy our f:r:n durL1.g pbc,~tm•nf. S:.1rcbargt':S frem aC:jace1:1 f'\:01ing~ or h~avy CL1nstructio:1 ~quipmci:t ir::.ist be .:.ddcd to the above va!u::s. P.:::rimct-::r footing drnir:::i should bt~ provided for aJ! rclaining w:1]s, ;1s {r_:.,cu.'-:S~<i m:der lhe "Drninng~: Con.~ider:Hion.~' scetior. of this repoct. It is imperative thal p1·op~r dr.::i:lage l)c proYidccl .c;o that ·:1y::frosr2~ic prcs~u:"t:s do nor. :.1t"1 1~k1p agai11st the i.va.11.'L Th:.-. wo:111 invnlvc. iil~:ta!'.ation of a minirmrn, 1-f.:Qt-widc blarket dnin !o whhin 1 foot of fir!ish gra.jc f:)r the fl:L ·.-vall !le:gh: '.tsing Lmpon:!d, •: .. ·a'il:ed gravel agaim-;t the w;1lls. --·-· --~ -· ---~--·----=== Aprl! 20, 2r"~'JI ,fS~'{}('J;ff!;'{J J..,!i-fJ.'l Sf:!Er'ICE'J. l, ... 'C. Pa~c 19 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 Sr.ih.\·o((fcce. f:Xp!ara.i~n. G£cMgir: Fta;;ard, a11d Millttr Prcperty Prelim!.m1ry Georech,ir"rnl E1igineerhig Rip~rt ~K::i·:;i'R._' ;;;Co:;;":;'d;;la,··.;\';;1";;-'·;;;lil;;·i.:,;t!l;;;m~,-------========="'P.;r,;;el;;i';;"':::·";;"'.:Y.;;~~~i..tf:_,.Re__co!-rm:~_:q~ip;~ latccol loads can be resisted by friction be:wee:1 the fouudation and :ha natural glacial soils or supporring strucrura! f:.11 sdl.s, or ~y passive earrh pres;,mre ar.;t.ing on the burit:C. port:ons (1ftt.e fou"Ja,ions. The foundations must be back:Jlcd wlt:i structural fil! aod compacted to at least 95 percent of the maxi:r.uir. dry dern,ity to achieve the pas.i5tve re.~1~~.:i.m.:i; p::-ovitletl 71clO\'-'. \:Ve re:omnend the fol!ov.1 ir.:g aflowable dcs:gn para:netcrs: • Puss~ve equivale:ir fluid = 250 pcf • Ccietli.cie~t of fric:io:1 = 0.30 15.2 Sep1c11taiRetainir.g Wall As an alt..:ru:it-: to rccker~es. .segn:er.:al block rctair..ing wtl:3 may te co:isidcred to accorr:rnociatc site grading Althtmeh no gr.:rting plar. or ret.uin~nr, wull pbmi wen~ availJhtc w:1cn !l1is rcpun wa~ wfrti:.'L, \Vi:! ht~ve ir..:.lad::-d FigJrcs •I, 5, and U. '.\:'hich prO';idc gent!n:I rccorr".111:ndntin:1:; fnr ~egrr:~i:t~l hlrn:.:k :-1:H ... 1hin?." Wi.11\f;. We .(;hou!J bi.: :il'.mvcJ w c-ffcr sirnatio:i-.5pcciii: rcccmmr.:n(;ition~ i; segr.ic:1t:d Jbck reudnir,.4 walls a;~ plarJted for !his prnj,r:cl. 16,Q_ PA VE:v!ENT RECOMMENDATIONS The pavement fer this f:rojec.: i~ ex~c~cd to De supportt·t. b)' ~G<lgerr:c:u t:G sediwcal..:;, r:.:ct:ssioual outw;::.!ih. or st:uctural fi] so'.k T:lese soils should be su:!ablc, wi:!1 prcpc: prep;,ration, to alJO'.'v' tt.c u.se o~ stumlurJ pavb.g .'l~:c-::i.s. T3c Kirig Couniy st:mdr.1rd pnvir,g .c,ection for ~e.-:icl~:irilal ar:ce.:;!-. slree•.s is 2 ir..chci: or c;,~~ .... B aspllal1 concrete paving (ACP) above 4 ir.,hcs of A :·n. Althou&h it is not reqi.:ired by King C0unty, \\it~ recommrmd rhat !\TB ~c plac.:etl ;:ibcl\'e t1 2 inc:l .:hick l.iy:!r o:· crnshr..:U surfacing top e<iursc (WSDOT Scandard Specif:cation 9-03.9[3]). An altcrn,tivc sect'on is 2 i:iches of ACP :tbov~ 1.5 i11d1t:a nf cm.shed ;;11:·fo:::"ing I.Of• COUL'.:.! r1ho•.c! 5 inches o;~ crn!'::h::::d s:irfacing has::- coum (WSDO; 9-03.9[31). All cepfas gi,,n arc con:ptcto1 depths. AJl pavin~ materials, bits;; cotJTS(~ mJk:-id.), an(l p)t1ccmo:Hr pn1cedurt'i !'ihn.1!1: -::c,inply wlth sui:ab:c st1nd~rd spccitications, su:.1 as the \.VSDOT Standard SperUicr.rions for Road, Bridge, and :Mu.ni1.,.-ipal O,nst.rmlion or 0;!1.r.r .suitalil~ ;.;_;:ccific:1c~omc All q1·t.:c.Ut.JI fill :wd all n:1tivc .~;cbgrndes Jes.~ tl~nr: ·1 feet he:mv fin\.shcd g;adt.! for a pl.;.ri:1cU roadwny .shrmlC. ~ co;11~:lc:ed to 95 percen: of tl:e rr~odified P:-{;ctor m:ix~mum dry r:e:1~:1y, ;-is :Jd.:rmincd by A.STM:D t557. PrlCr tc stn:ctJ1al fill pl~ccment or to placc:n{:nt d bast' course 1:1:ir~riiils over nmive .s:1bgradt'..s, the area .sb:)u!d ~e pronf 1\:lkd i:.n.Je:-Lhe obs-=:rv3t:o.1 uf AF.SI wilh a loa:.it:d rtuu;p trui..::k or oli:cr st.:icahk cqui~;n:tnt ~o :c:.entify any sof: or yic.·ld:ns areas. A.ny .sr/i: or yir.ldin6 arc;1.-.· .,h.-}JJ:I bC' rcpd;c( Ficr ti) cr.111t'.r;uing work . . Aprit .:Vi 1C!u7 ASSQ('!1iTE!) EARTH SC!EFCt:S. l:~(.'. Page 20 APPRAISAL GROCP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 5!1lm1:fac.e E.rp~oralfr:r., G~Gfe,gic H,rmrd, w!tl Ui1!1cr Prr.p~rty Prel/J;rma,y Geute!:lmic."Zl El'"6i!:e11·ir.g Re,'1,J.r/ Kzng c_o;11.'!!..:_,_V,~i.,_-i'.?_in"''~!.J_H~--------~~--~ Pre!!m!JUl!"j De!if:m R1:t·cmJm:miriliuns 17.0 PROJECT DESTGN AKD CONSTRUC1]0\.J:!0:i!TORING At the time of lhis repor:, sice dcvclnpmcJt'gradiog plans had not been developed, and our recrm:m!.!t::.da:ions st.oulc be ::or..sideretl pri!Ii:J:iJLary V/e are avaihhlc to pro•1ide adCitional geotcchr.ical consultation a~ the prnje;::t design dcvc:ops and possf:::ly c1umge-.; frm:1 :tat uptin wl1ich this report is based. \\'e n•comine:id ttat A:~sJ perfOrm a g~o:cch:i:cal r,:vicv: of the plans prior tD cnn.'>rruct:on, ln thi~ way, our earthwori and fuurnk.lion rei..:o.:n:Tier:datiom rr.ay be properly inr~rpn:ted ar..d implerr.enttd iu the de~igri. V./-::. are also available r0 provide &entcchoical e:1.ginccilng an.d .monitcdr..g sf.rvic~c t.lt.:rir:g ~uu:.tmction. Tl:c integrity of the foJJnds~icns for bu:Id:ng,; ;ind of :u::u: rnck~rics 1i:.d reta.bing walls dcp~nds on p:upe sh~ preparr.~'.on Jt;J con:::tn.u::.tinn pro:cdures. In .:iCdition, englr:c::rlng <'.c:isions may l::ive ro be r:rnd.:: in :he field in the t=ve:11 that Yhfiatim:s ir, !-;-.1hs:.1rfa:e conditioJs b~c0me app.1rcnt. Coi15tnc·_:o:1 n:tailtorin;; service~ ::ire not part of rhc current .s.:.up(: of 'Ncrk. 1f thes~ :-;,i,;rvi1..::.:s 2.rc dcsir~d. please let cs k;:10·.v, 2.nd we will prcp:ffe ;i en.;;~ propnrnl W:: hav~ enjoyed 1.v{irking \',ith yNr on 1;tis ~ri:dy am\ ;ire ;;011i:di..:r:~ Lirnt :l:csl" pre1:mir..ary rccum:ncmbitinns will ai1i in til..:!'. 1:;uccc.~sful complctbr_ o:' ~our pr\~jcc:. F y:r;i s:lmuld l1avc a:1y c_ucstio,:s or require furtik~r as.;ist::ncc 1 pJc;..se i'.o ::mt h!.!sicaw to :aL Sii1cere!y, ASSOCIATEJJ Jc:All'lll SCIENCES, l'lC. K..irklnnd 1 \Vasltin!:-,'1:0n . ,,;;J;zd!_ --- Bruce W. Gue:izler. P.E.G. Proj~ct Gt!•llogisl 1\ nnchment.~: Hr.,ure I: Pigu;e 2: Figure 3: Piguce 4: Site and Sx;,loratioa Plan (kogri::! 1·(~:~bfon.:cJ H.odr.;rs Detail Unrci:,for<;e::I Rockery Detail St'."f:ll1Cntt(: Rctai:1ing \VaL No:r.s K·.1rt D. Mcrrimua, P E. Prin:ipal Eugir.c::r Figu:-c 5: Figure 6: Scgmer.cai Retabing \V::1[ -Utrier::il Nctc.:o and Sttnt:ar.J Dernil.s Segn:er:t11 Retai:ting \.Vall Dcta:1.s Appcntl'x: Expforation logs l . .a,~oratory Tc~ring Rcsdts ~1ptf! 26. ,?f..1(}7 AS.tcit;J.-ITFTJ !::WT.'-! :3CiE.N(:ES. INC Pag~ 21 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP ! ~-~xr:»L:.S..l:n,<" In .. , ~F~&l@ C-3562 :·n: ~:-.,:;; r<>o:"1 ~ru~cm ru11 t1·1,n:~l>-~1tl'"~ ~IH;.'1J'.G' ....... S~ltt<,Of~'! APPRAISAL GROUP OF TI-IE NORTHWEST LLP ------sc.~·••u:· ,.,,.,_,,., -.'.'."'_.?':' ,,.,.., ..... C-3562 ~AIN 1' w10:::: LAY::R o:-2"-.:rOWJH'-' SP,'U.S A:k:AC'=N'f T:) sorzE!:iY --------------.. ,u r 1:~, -----· N:: RO.i.!.O't,'.A, Y P.\Rt:l,'J3 LOTS CR ?.U·LDL".G FCCTINGS It~ TKIS !'..~=·"-- 1.5 n'P GEOGR.!r> ;E NFORG~J.•ENT LAYE:.,$ E~IS.r..R LJ):1S•J~H Oil ECUAL L-VIN 4• QL,\Mt;:;11:.R PE:.~.'-r..)t-:t, l L.) -{;G1D ::v::, P 1-'l 'NII fl 5' CO'v'ER Al'/J 2"' l:!::lXJ,t,..(! O'-.. l/l.'A3i !~LI ,;:,i:.:ci, :OR.:J'v'IDE \CINI~ tCtfflN:JOUS SLCPE TJ Q_ ":"LET 1 ~·XKEFJF..S tjl['.llrn. l!L.N ,:' SHALL E.!:: CUNcilkUC'1EC er .:;cc-<.s OF GRACUr,.-r::c :!:.IZ::s =~CM ~ •.,V.N TO'! M/1.N, 1·;1p·.,; :ml r:JM TC [JI'. ROC:V.EF.11:.S Of' 5 :)~ L:)WER SH/\t .. SE C:::'.S~~IGTE:.C :)-' 3-'.',t,\N ·-c; 2-'AAN t-RCl't,.' r.c TTC:M TC TOP. ?. IN~il'>:C 11(:N OF s·~BCPAO;;. SOl'..S, GE}GRlC· P"..J'.Cr:t&:"-'· C('1l,iPA:;-1cN o-r;.rwx f Jl!.t..~ f I.L, [{iiCY. f0 ~t-.::rtM-:J.J [ AhU ll~A '.•IAGE 3Y 3ECTECd.JJ::.;..'I.L E:.l',Glni:;C.;; !S Rl:::t;LliP.!:D ,4. 7flE LONG C!i11lE\SiON Of i!i,_L H.:JCKS :3H,1 •.• L CLl-111.t:t:D P[lPCND CULA,r,: T::) THE ',•JA:...l. !:.-'\CH ROCK SH•JJLD EEAP. c~"; r-No RO:'.)(.~ 1~1 ·11r. -1rn u:::.cv.·. f================================== FIGURE ::: '-" l s Associated r:ar!h Scisr,ces, Inc. GEOGr<.ID f<.l::INFORCFD ROCKERY DETA!L m m ~ t!ii O Kltld'~~~~:;~:~;:~TON ;; ------------------------------------'-PRc:0::J=E::C:;-~_:•.:_m:c_.:.K:::::c_c,·:.:' C::2.:.1 ' ___ A_;_ APPRAJSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP C-3562 ,l t 1l C ~ ------------ NOTE:£.: NIJ RO,\DWI<."' PAf~VJ'\G l O""'."S OR )UILD·\G f"CCllNGS: ;r,;e r HIS Akci, ;--·---·"·--· ~ ---- 1. ROCK:CR ES H:Gl![R Tli.l.N ~· :.:-·AU rs-:.t)r,W IHIJC"i~::-01'" l'.CC.-<~ c::-('::P • .,101_,\-:-E:: 512.f:S ='RC-~· 5 ".1AN ,.t: 2-11:\AN, rn.0v 60TI01\1 TO 1::P HCC"<~R 7-S or:~· CR LQ-..VER S•'f,L"-Cl: c:iN~TP.-·CTEO OF 3-V/N TQ =---\.\l,'J f':_nM EO"'.""O'vl ·~o fOI-' ~-lt·JSP2CT!ON Of ,;iUK~MJl, ;•1 ,\C';-11.'l"NT [J~ r~A.-;f.-['(.,"JF,','.: :,re Dl-:i\!N.1\GE. /-'D ;-NISHED ROC"-ERY [1. ... L N(Sl~Jf."1'"~ IS P.EQUlRCD. ::J. HOCI< s;~P ... L BC EOUl~n f,N:-: ,,.,.,·,1[ Ar..~ Nl~A .. M U!:.NS" I ( :)F 10::0 PCU>JCS PEI< ::: .. 61C F"C',CT ,1 Trlr-l I :NC '.}IM~rl:i..Jt,J OF /,LL ~,co~s SH,I.LL SEP _,1..CED P:.RP[".:D:r:tfX! i O "Hr '11/• .• L EACH RCC{ st-cui_c, EEA:0.. Oh T\rY:2: ROCK~. IN TI-I:: IER :l:1 J','.J",! !:. l·~U('.YU~ r "i r..m.: FRCJS1C°Jtl-CO:"'ll RC:L s-RUGTURES t1:)T P.E TAIN N'."; 'I'll.LL:.:: ~"\1 llf-'/\l '.,1.A.TrRlA t1l!-':;i 3E STAeL::C ArJD l='RFF STANCIMG ltl CUT :'f,CE. M,\XML1M 11[;1$·:T er: '3 ~error~ f.:OG1{f-R L~ :;AC1:-:c Ft~L SO'LS. ,. -========================================== r ~ I ,, Assodated Ear_'l Sciences, he. ~mim~t) UNREINFORCED ROCKERY DE 7 A,IL b11N-ER rROPERTY KH\G cou:rY, W.A.SH:NG rON APPRAJSAL GROUP OF THE NORTHWEST LLP F,GUP..E 3 f'HUJl:::CT NO. KE07U..:11A C-3562 ~~·: " .• , ... _.,., ................ ,,..it ... ,i:. ell~.,..._,,.,.,.-.·cr·<>••:Jw,;;,•,,, • ...,.,.,,....-,: ""'T -•~' ~' ..,..,_. •IIU<<•TI _ ................... >R!1 ~~-........ ·~·""""""'"{~-r ..... ---"·~····-···"' e<:• ..-.,,,,. ! "•?Lt•··--""""~ ''"· "r:;:,.,_;-•-•-· ............ ,~l·L .......... 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