HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-15-000766_REPORT 01,~ 79" 78 C it y of Reril o n S yrhu Il l Sh o r t Pi o l ·(J--··----------- J,.,.,....str C\i:T AIL ··11c«TI1(:\~--- .,,, OL Q(:K ~OF:l ffR"' ~ --...... \ -=-~ .. -.-_..~--\f c1Jn<l 3/·f" 'jr d~e si.o11<:e i11 r,rc:c1R[Hi-.1<: r~o VOL /PAC( _] _____ ] LAHD US[ ACTION M0.~:-119 -SH P I LAMO m ... CGl<O MO. L!:!U..=.2Q=.QW ~ u:,i.hu!l !1)(1 d,\oy -S/15 /~8 / i\ -=r;<:_;;; ---1 N.E 6 th Place ------------,..__ ~JI I LOT AREAS lot,,r 1 r,t -9 .fi.:'.2 ::; 1. ± o r 0 .. 72 ocr e~ LOH 1 --4 ,8 16 s .f. t· o~ 0.11 ('JUer.: :t '.;CA LL I inch., J U !l rnnr.--, -.··1 3G' _1 ·-=.1= f.O' n • I 0 ~ 3 0 ' b 0 LJj <' ~ "l:: C: -2 0, ·§ ,_ <'tl ::t .)0" ~ \ 1 0 I I _ .. l , -fJ 1,) T • ~I ~ f ~~:}~:9 ;,., ,1 ~~~ .\ ,. I I I ilT ? ;;: 4.(J J6 :. ... J. J L;r O. l oc,es ± LOT ADD RESSES POR1!(')N OF _3 :~_.1/4 o f S_Vl_\/4 . S._~--T _~_N. R_5___E . WM L< 1T 1 l ~>T 2 G l 5 lr1de-x A1:e. N[ ....:. 6 1.) ln,fox A-,·e t-JE one -1:!Y!..1/4 o f _~"_l /~. s .... 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WM 1 •\ C+l)' o l Hcn\Ol"I 1-1,;,n K.393 (C it y o f R. t'nlo n N Sf.022.4 10 F' 3CJ R111 (.1 .:) ' C""O\l f"ld J/8"' :,;,.., w/pm 1,"l Concri.'lt: 1n t.O'S•~ 10/03 I ~ '\ I ---·----j I \ y<.0\'\00 ()\8\ 0 \e el r l'\O ?. G offe C \""c\S ·, ,11si·•" r\lg\1 v' ·_ so . I ---- "" I~ • ... :: Q. :l c • C 2 j ~ -.c. fc'I ~: SUR VE Y N O TES . -~~- p,, .... ()t >!-f' ',Ill~<' I F,dd <lul1J kl( t',1s s urv '!y wo-s o lo l ,;iincd b '/ dueL.I i i':'l:J 111<C"o!,·.J!":r~n\s Pngulor •;nd !111,cc r 1elo t 10 ..,-sh,p ~ ... er e m ~·u su,c •~ wi t h u iqH .. 011 l~T:;;7.~;, thcc.,dvli '.e 0 11<.J 1::l~c lt'o n 1c IT'e'.Js u r inq dCYiS:c. :;ur,plenu.:ntf:d b> u ~:~t! tq : 1ro •Nf~L' rn~tl O<l'5 ~•st-d ,n p 12'rk,((t'I n9 this S•Jr 'JCj' fl"l('C'I S o , UV~C(Hb. tlt,e :;lnr,.Jo1(!<; coHt.irne(I in w:,,C ).Yl-150-090 J -S Ii w ~.l Z 2 o • >·. ··\,i,"' ,) -~ .. , ~ '~-- \:~~ ·/ .. 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Bt-!for.,. c:omm~ncm;i cvno:;l1l 1<:t1(',n trl "Q'~i ,,g I e.1..:ovatm n or r emo w1I o_f e>:•st ing struc tur,e,s. coll o locat ,r,q :.c,vi (,;a m , '"' ll,11 h:,f lHl<.;,.;1gru 1m d u t 1l,ty lo~o t 1<>riS ~ ~ . 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Bi.:JC-:t-; 2 4. C.i..~I \L C ILO Pl.t.1 (1" RfM 7mJ Hl\i ltl /,NDS ~1\.' 2, l,C CORDI MG 10 TH~ P L:..T ll!LHi.r)f" R[CORfiEO 11-t V0l 'l!.~E S7, P t,Gt.S 92 H !RC·UG~i 'J~. IIICl \JStV[. UJ i..:11 11., ((;UNh . \'/1,C:.t-Hr!GTV~J P LANNING NOTES l FUI.L i'M CLL AH [,, """1.632 ~ f ± 1,.>r 022 CClt'S i zo:,.,1tff~ ,.. R-iO (l(N $H ',' -Y 1 O(IISIT · /.!.L\".'•'U) = R : 0 PROPERTY NOTES 1. THF. PROl"'l.:H I Y l!i !.iUOJf:CT TO THE RtCHT OF l HE PUHLIC JO M..\l(E l~ECE SSA=:Y SLO~Es FOR (;UI S A:HJ ~·l I S U PQ:.j sr.,o ?~l:WS!:S IN THE REA~Ot-JAUI F. On:IG!l-1,\L GRAD1t1 G O F S l H!:l: l S . •\\,T NUES. ,\l ln $ MID R Or,DS AS OEOICA I ED \U TH I; PL,"T , RESTRICTIVE COVEN,~:VT •. E ACH L()T li·J lHlS SHOR I r u,.T S UII.IITE() 10 ONE m ~.1:::llllKI l H IIT PER l01' ~ L A NO SUf-/VI YOl~·s C E F:TIFI C1>.T[ dOj ot .. 2 0. 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LJAlS-000766 LA.NO RE CORJ NO LN0-20 -05 31 OWNER S J ECLARA TI ON : ExoMir.ed one cc c ro,.ed ~his ____ co:,, ot ___ , 20 __ _ P UB_IC WOR-<S <\D Y NISTRA TCR E::,i :,T1ined one oppro"ed this ----day of __ , 2C Assessor J ePUti Assessor P:.:c.-o un t N•.irnb er 7227800655 KNOW ALL MEN BY iHESE PR ESENTS iHAT WE T...,E UN0£~$jCN £:; 0 v.t.iE;5tS) Of' INTERES-IN THE LAND HER E N DESCRIBED 00 ""IEREBY MAKE A SHOR-SU BDl\.1SION rnEREOF' P URSUAW -o ::icw 58.17.060 AN D O~CL AR( THIS SHORT :,LAT -o BE THE GR A PHI ::: R~PRESEN TATON o::-SAME AN D TH A T SA rO S U80MS10N S II.ADE 'N1 TH T-f' FREE CONSENT AND N ACCORD A t-.C E 'Mri T'-,E J ES IRES Of TH:: OVt'NER(S) LEGAL DESCRIPTION LO I Sc, 8LOCK 2"4. CQR=llC H.D PLA I O; LllN"ON .. IGHL A.._,Ll5 NC-. 2. ACCORDING TO THE PL A T THER(Of R[coqoED N VOLUM!: 5 7, P AGES 92 -HRCUGII 98, 1'-'CLJSl ,'E. IN Kl '-G COUNTY, 'NASHIN:'.;~ON IN 'H TNE:.SS 'l'l'HERLm 'ht: s::: l OUR H,\NO~ "N:.:: S'::ALS vYACl-+ESLAV SYR3U NA.TALY A SYRBU SI_.. 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T ... ~ IN'jTRJI.ICNT S T.._T[ COU"l "'r' OF -· 04.TED ----------- S1Gt,,t,TURE Of" NOTARY PUBU::: _ P'F11NT[0 f\AM( Of 'IOUJl1' =>UO..JC TITLE __________ _ MY APgOINNENT E)(PR~S----~ ··--· ·----\ ss I C[RTIF'" n-fA" I ,<I\OW OR HA\{ S>,T1S[AC.0R'T E~O(NC( i""A" SICNEO TH S OE:~CA TION 4.NO •CKNO~EO:::CO T TO BE (1'-IS/HER} •R£E A.NO VOlUNl-'~"' AC~ ~OR Ne: USES AAO PUfiPOSES t,1[~TIONE O IN ~E: l'IS1'RUMENl C-'l!O ==--------- SIGNAT\.R[ Of "IO"AA'r' P\.B !JC _ i:>ftlNftQ N.4.t.i[ (Y NOT'-RY PUBL C "~----------- M'r' 4.~P:>IN~~NT E:XP RES RE CORD El'<'S :::crni.1:::A E PROPERTY NOTES 1 THE PROPERT" IS SUBJEC T TO rM E Rl:..i...,I OF TH E PUBLIC TO MAKE NECESSAA" SLOP ES ~OR ~UTS AND FILLS l.PON SAID PR EMISES IN THE REASONA BLE ORIGINAL GRADl '-G o~ STREETS AVE NUES, ALLEYS AND R OADS AS DE DICATED IN THE PLA" 2 RESTRICTI VE COVENANT. ~ EACH LOT IN TMIS SHORT :ll.AT 5 LIM ITED TO ONE D\l'JE LLING UNIT PER LOT.' _A'lD SU R VEYOR'S C ER -IFl:::ATE : ... ·1 'R Ff.')' f'OH: •i eo f or recoro :I" s do~· o f .2C ::H. M This $'I. ort Plot correctl y ·epre,en ~, ::i svrvey r1odl:! by I N ,.,t.:,l yo :m:! Vyl'.lch iP:slci v SyrbL Me er under 'YIY dir ection '.n c c rformor c e ....-il'"1 t he P u Ho~ llt.1 r e qu1r e rn ert:; o ' Me opo r opr iot e Slat e 0'"1d County ~(N-ON, w;. ;JS0 56 S l::itu~e o n :.! Odin(m CP. in ;,~ in c ook.. ..ot ...... ot pc ge. .ot the r ecuest o• Mg, s·~pi·· ~t-·R~~o1ds Certif ca~e "./~ ~-------·--- POR TION or SW 1 /4 of SW 1 /4 S. 9 T 2.1 N R . 5 L WM i----' ----' ' ----·---., ---., . an:J _l'iY.!J /4 cf _~~1/4, S._J_ T..?_~N., R -~E.. W.M . I ' ,) VICINITY "'~' 1H -------......__ ·--·-----~le:? . ~ " i, Ii l!t "-.__ cl ,: 0 z ~ .-y~~ ~,, .... , 0~ :3"k• ~v~ ("{ ~~t ~";..<!@ Gtr,4 lu.,:t! r-e z 0 ,. ;;; ~ j t5 "" ~ _j 5 SCHROE T ER ~LAND SU RVE Y IN G t"~-~ :.S'::.l·>~.AL L i\\) ~J,... ,::_ ·:-.;,~':; i-'.O. Box 013. S •ol<iur""s t , 'w'::,,~""ton 99062 (206 > ?42 -6 62'1 r.o : <?06>2•3-%79 lc 11r1 ~ATE 10/?/08 JOB NO 541/22 t-----u:,;r_ ','t.._c, 10/4 /08 ;-''-'0 t..C •·,C QB,Je6sp Q W', 8 Y SH £ET , 2 OF (:H,(Q _ 8" R,-wis,-d 6/.30/16 City of Renrnn S yrou 11 Short ::iot -<>--- J .,, SFF' O=-TA IL -\OR TH[A.Sl V -9LO::K ::;QR'\iE~- ~\ -1 \...+ curio 3/1..~ bridge spike in mmholt roocway -11 sited S /15/08 ~ECORDING NO. j vo_./NGE LAND us~ ACTIJN NO. LUA15-000766 L A N D RECORD NO. I NP 20-0531 ~ 1\ 1- '" ~ LU <'. ~ q: i -~ ~ 30' \ \\ ~ \ NE. 6th Place LOT AREAS SCALE: I Inch • 3 0 ft [IJJJ] LOT 1 -4,793 s .' . .i M 0.11 acres± 2~: LOT ? -4,8 4 2 s 1. ± o r O 11 acres ± P:CRTION OF " .. I Tot al Lo: = 9 ,635 s .f. ± or 0 .22 acres ± LOT ADDRESSE S 3"7~c ;;;=' . _'i~_1 /4 o f __ S_W_J/4 . s-~--T._~_N ., R._~_E . W.M . on j _'i_'t,1_1 /L of_~w_:_1/4 , S _;}_ -;~N . R _~E .. WM . j r L::>T LO T 2 6 · 5 Index . .\\le NE = E · 3 In dex Ave. NE @ [)(i !?inq 0 ~ Q_E;TA IL· NORT HEAST BLOCK CORNER ~~~ "' 'j .., r ~;u;~i;!~ :ii~~e~~=~;io~O~lt~~~~.~;t~: 10 N88'59'00"W 10 2 .5' (Ptc.!_ --~-~.9) _ wcod !enc' o -==1-...,_--s-_ea·sWE®"·-=i; 4 .. ~ -102so · t~) I f 2s o ·--1 _,.,.......·--set reoa· w/ccp in grcve1 or1ve ... oy I / Ave. N.E ::md N.f . 6 t n P oce (v isited j 9 /l5/~8) [ 25M' S89'52'34"W(c ) S89'51'55"W(r>) r-260 06'(m) 26 0 CS '(,: • t ....-....---125.00' (Pto: -He d) -· - Foue d 3/4' ,. dgo sp,=-k"t ospholt 'OO::t.,,oy -',tiited 9 /15 /0 B __ • cho,., !i-,k f ence 1s 1 O'---' I O ·, i ""est o' set rieo cr w/cop 57.8" ---.~--. :e LOT 1 .2... :,e ; 8 N88 '59':)o·w (Plo t -He o) ;'.; ~ N .E. 6 th Place ' S68"59 o::·e: .n N c n oin rik 'ence 1s O 4~ west o f set r ebcr ... /co:, ch ain I nk f erce corr.er is · .o· soutl" 9 -=, it1 '# -Ne•· •.o t L,ne ~ ,;-=, l ~ i, t 5 S8 8 '59'01'" I ; K ·~ o 1 -to2 .s0'· t. '_+ ~ •3 p~ ~ £8 e2 .. g·~ ~;.J~ LOT2 ~t ;~ ,. ~· ~ t · 30.CO' -r-r -- L [GO,D ~ Concr!1e Monumeri~ n C:.ise 0 )( .. s et rebor w/cop f23604 SET TacM 1n L ead o· "0·1 & Dislo; ::-ound :>ipe or rebor PA~CEL B0 U'J0 A'1'Y & N!;.W LO" LINES STREET C EN T[RL NE. f.ost el"d c h o 1n lin~ "'" -2"_r:· fenc t! 1s ·m h 'le cover eo ~ ~ 1 I 588'59 '0 1"/'rP) I lLJ --- .~-•-10-2 50-'P) o«c vr• 1 • ~ - . 17 1' <'. --il OT·,(R PARCELS & E.AS£MEN-, IN fS Street ce'lter\in e rort r edge :onc·ete • d cive•o,· ,, 0 3' ,owt, I (I) I 6th Street ,:i t set ·ebor 1111,/cop ~ ~ N.f:.. 6 >< ~---,,, ;) ' I r.e('lto('I d t>\e\ o~ i co((ec\~\8(\as ~~~-~111i·•' 0,g I 1 j 11: ~j -~ ,._ . ,::. "' II; SURVEY NOTES: ~-=-I f"iel o dote to r tnis s .J •,..ey -.,,os c ~~oined b y ::lirect f ielc Meost..rement s cc ~ I An gular ,:rd linecr re otionsh ios -N ere -nec :,,med witt, o TooCO"\ CT5225 , O ] u,eodol1~e cr,d electronic rieas.J'ng device. supplemer ted oy o s:eel tooe. ~ ~ x Tro11erse rr,e tl'tods \.:Sed i, perforM ing 1r 1, s ur~·e:, M eets or e•ceeds :he Z U 0 s:cricorcs c ontcined in WAC .332 -130-0 90 • -:; /:- 2 BASIS Of BE.A~ING: g; N 2, I 8 7 25' C ·-:n 0 ,._ ,w ~ 0 " p p 5 z HELC NORTH 01·;)1 '00~ EAs-(REF. ::::cRRECTED P L A-o r RE\TON <( !'1 OI H1GrLA.N 0 S N O 2 . \'Jl. 51/92-98). BE TWEEN f"OL NO '"40 N U~ENTS AT N[ rJ) 9 ~ 5TH P_ACE/INDE X AV( NE. "'O O ~ :, ~En:REN CES § : : CO'<RE:·rn PLAT OF REN T~N H CHc ANDS NO 2. VOL . 57/92-9B. E ._S ,S REN TON SHORT PL.\-VOL 1-'5 /247. R(N -o, SHORT PLAT "C ,LIJ -~ 157 /166; REN TON SHO~-PLA.-239/"27; =t EN-ON SH ORT UJ .Jl ~ P1,..A '"' VOL. 236/100. e f 0 z ~I l I I ATTJJfrlir~ NORTH MERIDIAN O[R CORREC C:0 PLAT o :-~'0 1TON ~IC·LA\OS, VOL . 57 /92-98 L wes t 1/4 CO'ne~ Sec. 9, T2JN, R 5E, W_)J City of Renton ~:n. fJ98 (C ty o f Re nton N 56022.410 C 39 8113.6 '4 ) =-ov ,..d 3 /6 .. pr, w/pm i'"I CO"lc ~ete in c ose visit ed 1'.)/J8 \ ;; .:,~. i ~~-"~.;.. ~~· ~ \ CONTROL \ "'.E\ ~~ nt , I rour,d 2· oross dslt: wi x· 1/ stamped ·LS236' J -1994·· 1r C".oncrete 1n cose -~ 'Southwest corn er Se:::. 9, T:23....,, R5E. 'N M. City o f Re nton •..io,-i N6 12 (N 55213.302 398098 867) Fo1..!"l d 3 /8 ~ p 'n ,,/pM i"l conc·ete ir c ase v isited 10/06 - ourd 2" bco» d i>< ./'"X"'-... ,, ~,'" ____ J v,ited 9 /1 5 /0 8 SI HV>T 'OH I ; • S~o SC H R? ~-T E~R "il. LAN,° -~~ ~VEV I NG , ~ (s:orr-ped--S23613 ,994 · r ~ . N::1 toyoon0Vy<:che sk11Syrbu ;!}f;e~:'otJ\o,~~ ~P_F:.:-,_l)f\li,. _h,r-.,,1 .:.I if-~ 1 concret e l "I case -...-is t eo ·~ ;;? P .O. Bex 225· cc (f' . °r i ~ PD, B<J)( tn:J St'C.hU'"it, \luhlr,g~on 98062 :c?J&l 2'•l-6&21 Ft.)( (~0~)2"3-%79 9 /15/CB N .E. 5th Place --. N88'58'5_0"w (r,) S(NTO,, ~• 980~5 ' OWN BY !DATE 10/7/08 .<Je NO 5 <•/n -----~ ----_ _ -----=--9015 (m ) \\\•-~-/,I. lcw _ __ r -.2!:io .qs · <~) 260.0~ ---::_ I ~~// ,tti ~ :ir_L;::10/4/08 :.,,-.,.f. 1,. OB086sp ' · PR[_1MIN;.~v · 2 '- 1B859 3::; v,, (m ) N89"59'oo"w (P 'o t ~ so1·59 ·40-w(n ) so1 ·::,1·o o·w {P)-......--~~ CHK:. 9Y I SCALE I s:..i s:n ________ 6_9_J_._{_m_)_6_.s_,_._(_0 } -Re ,.-fs ec 5/3:::/i6 , ,-= J O' c r __:______J HANSON CONSUL TING October 20, 2016 City of Renton Jan Illian Plan Review Section 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA. 98055 Subject: Syrbu III Short Plat Dear Jan: 360-840-9519 Enclosed are two copies of the plans containing the corrections outlined in the attached final review sheet. The redlines have been corrected by the surveyor and the landscape plan has added the tree protection measures. T he required utilities have been installed. A fee in lieu of has been granted for the street improvements. Pl ease review the submittal of the plans for final recording and Jet me know if there i s anything else you need and when to bring in the mylars. Thank you. Since)'ely, 1 j, y~/nt.-c· 11-24t 7f~J ~ ·· James C. Hanson !CANT ADVISORY NOTES TO AF LUA 15-000766 ~--------ItentOll ® Application Date: October 21, 2015 Name: Syrbu II Short Plat Site Address : 615 Index Ave NE Renton, WA 98056-3710 ENG -Final Short Plat Submittal Review Version 1 I August 31, 2016 Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-73691 aaskren@rentonwa.gov Review completed in electronic format on short plat. Please see attached redlines for comments. Plannlng Review Comments Contact: Jill Ding I 425-430-6598 I jding@rentonwa.gov 1. Please add the following tree protection measures to the Planting and Tree Protection Plan: Protection Measures During Construction: Protection measures in this subsection shall apply for an trees that are to be retained. All of the following t ree protection measures shall apply: a. Construction Storage Prohibited: The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. b. Fenced Protection Area Required: Prior to development activities, the applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees or at a distance surrounding the tree equal to one and one quarter feet (1.25') for every one inch ( 1 ") of trunk caliper, whichever is greater, or along the perimeter of a tree protection tract. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees,· or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four ( 4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees . c . Protection from Grade Changes: If the grade level adjoining to a tree to be retained is to be raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock wall or rock well around the tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree's drip line. d. Impervious Surfaces Prohibited within the Drip Line: The applicant may not install impervious surface material within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained . e. Restrictions on Grading within the Drip Lines of Retained Trees: The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the greater of the following areas: (i) the area defined by the drip line of the tree , or (ii) an area around the tree equal to one and one half feet ( 1 1/2') i n diameter for each one inch (1 ") of tree caliper. A larger tree protection zone based on tree size, species, soil , or other conditions may be required. (Ord. 5676, 12 3 2012) f. Mulch Layer Required: All areas within the required fenci ng shall be covered completely and evenly with a minimum of three inches (3") of bark mulch prior to installation of the protective fencing. Exceptions may be approved if the mulch will adversely affect protected ground cover plants. (Ord. 5676, 12 3 2012) g . Monitoring Required during Construction : The applicant shall retain a certified arborist or licensed landscape architect to ensure trees are protected from development activities and/or to prune branches and roots, fertilize , and water as appropriate for any trees and ground cover that are to be retained. h. Alternative Protection : Alternative safeguards may be used if determined to provide equal or greater tree protection. (Ord . 5676 , 12 3 2012) 2. Please remove the footprint of the duplex from the final short plat map. Ran :August31, 2016 Page 1 of 1 ~ First American -- King County Title Team First American ,rtle Insurance Company 8 18 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Phn -(206)728-0400 (800)826-77 18 Fax - 818 Stewart St, Ste. 800, Seattle, WA 98101 Fax No. (866) 904-2177 i I_; I_ Fax No. (866) 561 -3729 EMAIL: TITLEKINGWA@firstam.com Pat Fullerton (206) 615-3055 Peter Child (206) 336-0726 To: J Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove LN Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Attn: Kelly Cornwall (206) 336-0725 Curtis Goodman (206) 615-3069 Municipality Title Officer Re: Property Address : 613 Index Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 Jennifer Salas (206) 615-3011 Kathy J. Turner (206) 336-0724 File No .: PAK683411 Your Ref No.: Supplemental Report 1 of the Second Report Dated: July 8, 2016 at 8:00 A.M . Commitment/Preliminary Report No. PAK683411 dated as of October 07, 2015 (including a ny supplements or amendments thereto) relating to the issuance of an American Land Title Association Form Policy is hereby modified and/or supplem en ted as follows: There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our Commitment/Preliminary Report dated 10/07/2015 at 7:30 a.m. except as noted below and the Commitment date has been extended to July 8 , 2016: Paragraph no.(s) 1 and 2 of our Commitment/Preliminary Report has/have been eliminated. Page 1 of 2 Date: Jul y 14, 2016 File No.: PAK683411 {kac} The following paragraph no(s). 4 has/have been added to our Commitment/Preliminary Report to read as follows: 4. General Taxes for the year 2016. The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinq uent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 722780-0655-03 1st Half Amount Billed: $ 1,215.95 Amount Paid: $ 1,215.95 Amount Due: $ 0.00 Assessed Land Va lue: $ 162,000.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 21,000.00 2nd Half Amount Billed: $ 1,215.95 Amount Paid: $ 0 .00 Amount Due: $ 1,215.95 Assessed Land Val ue: $ 162,000.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 21,000.00 First Am e rican Title I n surance Company ~~~ Kelly Cornwall, Title Officer Page 2 of 2 ... 08086output (2) • 1 ' _, .... I", i r, .J l 1 _ ~ J L ~ ! ~ Pa ge 1 Figure PROJECT: 08086 Name: FULL LOT Course: S 88-59-01 E Distance: 102.50 Course : S 01-01-00 W Distance : 94.00 Course: N 88-59-01 W Distance: 102.50 Course: N 01-01-00 E Distance: 94.00 Perimeter: 393.00 Area: 9634.99 0.22 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses & COGO Units) Error of Closure: 0.000 Course: S 90-00-00 E Precision 1 : 393000000.00 Figure Name: LOT 1 Course: s 88-59-01 E Distance: 102.50 Course: S 01-01-00 W Distance : 46.76 Course: N 88-59-01 W Distance : 102.50 Course : N 01-01 -02 E Distance: 46.76 Perimeter: 298.52 Area: 4792.59 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses & COGO Units) Error of Closure: 0.001 Course: S 25-32-20 w Page 1 , . 08086output (2) Precision 1: 273269.74 Figure Name: LOT 2 acres Course: S 88-59-01 E Course: S 01-01-00 W Course: N 88-59-01 W Course: N 01-00-59 E Perimeter: 299.48 Area: 4842.41 Distance: 102 .50 Distance: 47.24 Distance: 102.50 Distance : 47.24 0 .11 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses & COGO Units) Error of Closure: 0.001 Course: N 13 -59 -36 E Precision 1: 293632.16 Page 2 • A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC Certified Arborists Forestry Management from the Ground Up Tree Risk Qualified DATE: 07/14/16 Prepared for: Sam Syrbu 613-615 Index Av Ne Renton WA Assignment: 'l :-1 i I , c, ---· \..o Provide a Level 2 Risk assessment along with General health and Critical Root Zone (CRZ) for 1 Douglas fir on the back of the lot by the fence. TIME FRAME 5 years. Purpose: 1) This report is intended to identify tree defects that may pose a risks to the above home(s), neighboring home sites, as well as the owners and their guests. 2) provide reasonable mitigation options to reduce risk to acceptable levels. 3) To document tree hazards for obtaining A tree cutting permit if one is required. (additional ISA risk assessment forms are available if needed) 4) Provide a Critical Root Protection Zone, to minimize construction impacts to the tree. Site: A Residential building lot. Soils are moderate in depth and well drained. No other relevant site conditions were noted. Methodology: To evaluate the trees for risk and prepare this report I drew upon my 25+ years of experience in the field of arboriculture and my formal education. Following the protocol established by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Best Management Practices (BMP) for Risk Assessment ANSI A300 part 9 and Construction Part 5 The site was assessed for any noted condition that may have a negative impact on the local forest including but not limited to: 1) history of tree failure (wind throw) 2) Change in Wind Patterns 3) soil depth 4) Soil Hydrology 5) grade changes 6) fungal fruiting bodies/decay pathogens. I performed a level 2 risk assessment on the subject tree(s) and: 1. The crown of the tree(s} were examined for current vigor. Inspecting the crown (foliage, buds and branches) for color, density, form, and annual shoot growth, limb dieback and disease. Branches were inspected for cracks and other defects, as well as needs for remedial pruning. 2. The bole or main stem of the tree was inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insects, bleeding, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects include crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments, and excessive sweep. 3 . The root collar and roots were inspected for the presence of decay, insects and/or damage, as well as if they have been injured, undermined or exposed, or original grade has been changed. A level 2 Basic is the standard assessment that is performed by arborists in response to a client's request for tree risk assessment. Inspection tools included: binoculars, hypsometer, mallet, trowel, & probe were used. Risk Ratings are a sum of: Likelihood of failure + Likelihood of impacting a target + Consequences of target being impacted. Dan iel@AbcArborists.com 509-953-0293 12402 N. Division #294 S okane WA 99218 ISA PN-7970A 1 Pa e Syrbu 613-615 Index Av NE Renton WA Observations: On 07/13/2016 I visited the site and noted: 1 Douglas Fir "Pseudotsuga menziesii" along the Fence line. Diameter 37" Height 102' Spread 35' Tree appears in good Health and Vigor. No Decay was found in the trunk/Root crown from testing. As limb sheading in high wind is a "failure profile" of the fir tree, this is the only noted Risk associated with the tree at this time. Risk Rating is Low. CRZ: The Critical Root Zone (CRZ) is 18' in all directions from the trunk of the tree. This may be reduced on the eastside of the tree to accommodate construction needs, but shall be done under the direct supervision of a Certified Arborist. Fencing: Construction fencing (chain link or like fencing is recommended) shall be installed along the established CRZ prior to commencement of site clearing and shall remain in place for the duration of the project. At no time shall any vehicle or equipment be allowed inside the CRZ/Fencing. No placing or stock-piling of any material of any kind shall be allowed inside the CRZ/Fencing. Root Pruning: Any roots encountered of 4" in diameter or greater, shall be cut with loppers, pruners, reciprocal saw or like device to provide a clean smooth cut. At no time shall 4" or greater diameter roots be ripped or torn. Exposed roots shall be covered with wet burlap or like item to keep roots from drying out and shall be covered as soon as reasonably possible. Recommendations: The tree is in good health and vigor, and with reasonable construction practices there is no reason that this won't be a long term viable specimen . Retain the tree, establish the CRZ per instructions. In the event the CRZ is to be reduced from 18' the use of Cambistat, prior to construction will improve the trees drought tolerance and lessen construction impact to the tree. Assumptions & Limiting Conditions Prepared by Daniel Maple ISA Certified Arborist Tree Risk Qualified 1. A field examination of the site was made for this report {date referenced in report.) Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources in a timely fashion. Therefor all data has been verified to the best of my knowledge, the certified/consulting arborist can neither guarantee o r be held responsible for the accuracy of information provided by any outside sources . 2. Any and all information provided in this report covers only the t ree's that were examined and reflects the conditio n of those tree's at the time of inspection. Thi s inspection is limited to a visual method of the trees in question, excluding any core sampling, probing, dissection. or excavation. There is no guarantee nor warranty, expressed or implied that any deficiencies or problems of the mentioned trees may not arise in the future. 3. All drawings, sketches, and photographs submitted with this report, are intended as visual aids only, and are not exact to scale. They should not be construed a s engineering or architectural report of surveys unless noted and specified. 4 . The ce rtified arborist/consulting arborist is not required to give any testimony or to attend court for any reason considering this r eport unless subsequent contractual agreements are made. 5 . Any alterations made to this report or loss automatically invalidates this report. 6. Unless required by law otherwise, possession of this report or a copy of this report does not imply right of publication or use for any purpose by anyone other than the person for whom it was created for, without prior expressed written permission and verbal cons ent of the certified/cons ulting arborist. 7. The report and values/opi nions expressed, represent the opinion of the certified/consulting arborist, and the arborist fees are in no way contingent upon r eporting any specified values, stipulated results, t he occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon finding to be r eported. Daniel@AbcArborists.com 509-953-0293 12402 N. Division #294 S okane WA 99218 ISA PN-7970A 2 Pa e DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------.........-ff entOil ® ADMINISTRATIVE STREET MODIFICATION [g) APPROVAL D DENIAL PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: ZONING CLASSIFICATION: PROJECT LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Syrbu Short Plat LUA 16-000386 Jan Illian, Plan Reviewer Vyacheslav Syrbu 1917 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 RlO-Residential (10 DU/AC) 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Pursuant to RMC 4-9-2500 the applicant is requesting an Administrative Modification from RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards to leave the existing Index Avenue NE street section as is and replace the existing sidewalk in-kind. BACKGROUND: Index Ave NE is classified as a residential access street with an existing right-of-way width of 50 feet (as per King County Assessor's Map). The existing traveled way width is 24 feet with an approximate 4-foot wide sidewalk. The minimum street width for a residential access street is 53 feet. To meet the City's complete street standards, street improvements including a pavement width of 26 feet, curb, gutter, an 8 foot planter strip, 5-foot sidewalk, and storm drairiage improvements are required to be constructed in the right of way fronting the site per City code 4-6-060. To build this street section one and half feet of right of way will be required to be dedicated to the City fronting the site in Index Ave NE . EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Site Plan Oty of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Syrbu Short Plat (613 and 615 Index Ave NE)-STREET MOD/FICA noN Admin . Modification Request Report & Dedsion LUA16-000386 Report of June 6, 2016 Page 2 of 3 ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: The Section 4-6-060Q.1 allows the Administrator to grant modifications provided the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-2500.2): Compliance Street Modification Criteria and Analysis .,/ ~ ~ ~ a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these polici es and objectives. Staff Comment: The Community Design Element has applicable policies listed under a separate section labeled Streets, Sidewalks and Streetscapes. These policies address walkable neighborhoods, safety and shared uses. Considering that the project frontage represents less than half a residential block and a 10-foot landscape strip is required along the project frontage, two specific policies support the decision to leave the existing street section. These policies are Policy CD-102 and Policy CD-103 which state that the goal is to promote new development with "walkable places," "support grid and flexible grid street and pathway patterns," and "are visually attractive, safe, and healthy environments." The requested street modification is consistent with these policy guidelines provided that the existing sidewalk is replaced with a 5-foot wide sidewalk meeting current ADA standards and is tinted to match the color of the existing sidewalk. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Staff Comment: Provided that the existing sidewalk is replaced with a 5-foot wide sidewalk meeting current ADA standards and is tinted to match the color of the existing sidewalk, the requested street modification with meet current ADA standards and is consistent with the surrounding street section. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: The modification request, if all conditions are met, meets the standards for safe vehicular and pedestrian use. d . Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code . Staff Comment: This modification provides a safe pedestrian route in and around the existing neighborhood. Qty of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Sy,bu Short Plat {613 and 615 Index Ave NE}-STREET MODIFICA T10N Report of June 6, 2016 Admin. Modification Request Report & Dedsion LUA16-000386 Page 3of 3 e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and ~ Staff Comment: See comments under criterion 'd'. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity . ~ Stoff Comment: See comments under criterion 'c'. DECISION The proposal satisfies 6 of the 6 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D.2 for the requested modification if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, the street modification for the Syrbu Short Plat, Project Number LUA16-000386, MOD is approved subject to the following condition of approval: 1. Replace the existing sidewalk with a 5-foot wide sidewalk meeting current ADA standards. The new concrete shall have a pigment introduced into it to more closely match the connecting sidewalk. · Brianne Bannwart Development Engineering Manager T l Date The decision to approve the modification will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton , 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5 :00 pm, on June 20, 2016. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall-7th Floor, 425.430.6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Jan Illian, at 425.430.7216 or jillian@rentonwa.gov. 'PROPOSED RENTION SHORT PLAT FOR atalya and Vyacheslav Syrbu _____ _ I I I I I ------<ij) Ml rwo, w/cop In c,o..r-y 10 I 1l 4 0, -o~f111c•z_ chak\ Ink fenc. b 1.0' -t of Mt ".-..4, ,~gl rello• w/cop I 57.8' > ~ 7 , 1 1 1 l !Ii LOT1 TI!4 ~ t chol, lfnk fet1 ee II 0.4' weM OfNl-o/QOf> 9 I I I I e .. t end c11o1n 11n11 f..,c;o Is on IIM 6 -----I -, Fcond •INI oup tod< In Oll)l>dl 0,05' •"1 & 0.04' •-th o1 cdculotO<I c-po,,ltlon I ~ ~el'tof' ~ ~10\0 i tlO· 9,1 Co "t't~'f\\0(\os ,Joi• iSf'9i· 8 ------------ 7 25' jd ..... ,..c 25' r?X ~ ~ NORTH MERIDIAN PER Pl.AT Of' CORRECTtO Pl.AT OF RENTON HIOHI.AHOS, VOt.. 57/92-98 Ll=GAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5, BLOCK 24, CORRECTEO PlA T Of' R£NTOH Hl<X.ANOS NO. 2. ACCOllOIIIO TO lliE Pl.AT THEREOF' RECOROEO IN V\'.l.UME ,1, PACE S 92 lHROJCH 98, INCI.USIVE. Ill KING COUNTY, WAS!IINGTON . ELEVATION DATUM ElEVA TIOH DA TUM PER CITY OF RENTON CONTROi. MONUW!:NT NUMBER 812: rouNo J/8' COPPER Pl.UC W/Plol IN COHCRCTE ON CASI: -SOUlli'«ST CORNER SC. 9 , T2JN, R,C. W.M.; El£VATIOH • 79.259 METERS HA~ COHVERTEO lO rEET (INnff ) I iaall • IO ft. !/ ~ C.:: .. GRAPHIC SCALE " t .. j i LEGEND ~ Conor,te WorNJm,nt In CoN )( Tock In Load or Nail a Diak 0 Set rebcr w/ca,, f2Je04 • round pipe "' ,obor Ji% Hydront OU, Pow., ~• 4 Evtr~en Tnt:t • Cclch Botln $ H Wer monhole ·~o woter meter NOTE: SANITARY ANO STORt.l SEWER LOCA TI OHS f"ROM Cl1'Y Of REH TON -s-..... ,,. ""- 1':CHHICAl. SER>ICtS MAPS -Q-QOS lN -• --wat.,-tr.e -Sb--1tON'I dr-ori UM 1t--f pc,,,,r pol• w/Ught ---PAA<:n 800NOARY a NEW LO T LINES -----STREET CENT!:RUNt: --O'll1EII PARCt:1.5 a EASEMEHT UN(S _,, TJw loce:taan ot ~ u .-..n ~ tN MJtn pr-operly haYt Me,\ ~ ,.,... ~ f"'kcrdil. Vi, c&ftl'IO't =~~~w:.=:::-,.= i:l -,:~~·.:e.~~ Nr~ Of" ~~: ~ar::J =l'~~::~.~ul~ ... ;It wtth • ltN MCO!'ld UwocklU1 .. •nef tltctr~ dllnlnet ..... ~ deYlct, Al!Ol.,_,,lff' b)' • •1NI tap.. m c°",°""'' .. .,.., havt ....,._ lrittf"pc,Lawd ... , .... " •pot .thatklntl, t::. ~ ::-:::~ .• :..-~: ,:;::Y~ ... U-toodwwe -. el pu-t,t• ._. ~ ~ ,..,., e.ctPftl" NNon °"')'• and ... not •~ to •"'I .,.._Ill 1t*-tl ~• •~t IP,prff• _.c.,.11'1cattcn 9)' tt.. \.,.i • ..-..,,..-. i S.. Short Pto1 fo, H"'1ionlol Con lrol ~ ~J°'~.~5~ttlov s~ REHTOI<, WA. 9eo56 Schroeter Land~ Surveying PROF'ESSIONAL LANO SURvEYORS ,.A loN 113, s...hw'tt, V•~14n 9811,1 <!06> .lfl-6621 f'AX C!06)tif>-'61, DATE (flEU>) 10/4/08 OATt (OFTIC(} 10/7 /D8 1B1T i. J08 I 541/22 PROJECT NO. 08088 SCALE t "-'JI/ OWG 81' jL-4_se;c. TWP. RO. If i ty o" Rentori Cll Y OF RENTON A P P ROVALS· I K ING COUNTY OfPARH,ffNT OF ASSESSMFNTS ,rbsJ Ill Short Plat E,a~ined anc app ,:<ed 1"1s ____ doy ot __ . 20 ___ I E,omined ond-=:~::_·~~=~~a:_:~~~--:~----IND USE ACTI ON NO. LUA15-000766 .,D RECORD NO I ND 20 0531 ?U9LIC WOR,<S A0 1.41N!STRATOR Aui,siJor 0 WNERS DE CL AR.A -ION : <NOW AU. MEN BY ThESE PRES(NTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED O~>.ERS(S) OF INITREST IN THE LANO HEREIN OESCR18ED 00 HEREB Y "4 AKE A Sr-'OR-SUBOIV1SJCN THEREOF >uRSUANT TO RCW 58.17.050 AND DECLARE Trl lS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC RE:PRf5fNTATI0N OF' SAME AND THAT $Al0 SU80!VIS10N IS MAD( WTH THE FREE CONSENT ANO IN ACCOR;ANC[ 1.-H THE DESJRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WI TNESS 'ft'H(R(C>=" W( s£-OUR HANDS AND s ::ALS: ,JVACHESLAV SYRB-· NATALYA SYRAU srAn:. Of-~----------l ) ss COJNT"Y Of" _______ ) I curnr!" THAT I Kf'.C'N OR HA\l't S.t.TISf"M:TORY ['11'0£.NC[ T}i ... f SICH£:O THIS oro::A TIOH AHO ACl(NO'Wt_f oc.£1) IT -:-n 9( (MIS,M(R) "R(i ....,.0 'JOUJHT>JI Y A::T F~ TH UX:S ANO Pu!l:P:)S(S 1r,1[,1r,cflON[C IN n-t( IHSmWCNT. 0.1.rr..n ----------siGHA""UflE CJf ~i!i{O ~~c 0r~------- 1'110T.I.Al' FllJBUC --------Tin.E __________ _ M" APfJOIN"fMENT ExPlflES ----- .. ~YAs.ses5-o,--- r Account Number 7227800655 --·---· ---- LE GAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5, BLOCK 24, CC~RECTED PLAT o= RENTON H GHLANDS NO. 2. ACCORDING ,C THE PLAT THEREO• RECORDED IN VOLU ME 5 7. P,GES 92 TliROUGH 98. INCLUSIVE, iN K ING CCU ... TY. WASt-tl NCTO,~. PROPERTY NOTES 1. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE R IGHT OF THE PU8UC. TO MAKE NECESSAA:Y SLOPES FOR curs ANO F"!ll6 U?ON SAIO PREMISES IN THE REASONABLE OOtCltNAL GRAv!NG Of STREETS. AVENUES. ALLEYS AND ROADS AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT 2 RES TRICT/VE COVENANT: "EACH LOT l N THIS SHORT PLATS LIMITED TO ONE DVYELLING UNIT PER LOT.~ RECORD IN G NO. I VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _i~_l /4 o f --~W_J/4, s._g_ __ l ._~_N., R._s __ E .. W.M . I 01d _'l_l~'..1/4 cf_~_1/4, S._~-T.l~N , R._5_E., W.M. VICIN ITY n1s lli:_9TH ST.a.TE CY" l ) ss cou irY OF ______ ) I CEflTlfY THAT I 11.HCW!f OR rlA'-! SAT'fSf,t,CT~Y EVIOE.HC( --4,t,T stGNEO 7h15 D£~CATI0!'. .4.ND -'10.'iOW...EOGEO IT TO B[ (HIS/HER) Fft!:E A.'IIC· 'v'OlUtH-'~Y .i.CT r~ ™E JSES A"IO PURPOSES WCNTIONEC IN NE 1NSTRUME.HT. o,TOl ~~-------- SIGH,t,TJRE 'Y ~~1~ ~lfa-------- N,JTAl'lY ';I\JBUC --------Tin.E __________ _ WY .1,PPOl~Tl,4[.•,n EICP1RE<.i ----- RE CO ~DER'S C:ERTI F tCA TE LAN D SURVEYOR'S C ERTI FI CATE filed for ~ecord this ......... day of ....... ,20 ...... at ..... M in boo<.. . . .. of. ..at poge ..... ot t h e request of Th i s Shcrl P so t correc~ly reorcscnts o survey mo,:,e by me or L.noer my dlri:u:tion r c onforrr qnce yr,ith l h f! re11uirements oi the oppr-opriate Slate ona Ccvrity Sta h. te a nd Ordinance in .......... , 20 Mgr. ····s~·D·t: ·~·;-·Re·c·o;d; .. Cer tificote No. (..._ , .. -::-:: ts".:> .::., l r-.... ) C_.) ;,_)) Sl -'UVr._"y FON: Nototya ono Vyc.cheslo11· Syrbu P O. Aox ??:°>t ~EN TON, ¥.A 98056 --,:: @ ~ 1:1 ,J w (;) < ~ _j 5 SCHROE TER ~LAND SURVE Y ING FRCFESSIC>r-.AL LA~) S.JRVt"O":S P.O. Box 813. S1t(lti.xs;t, 'w'Uhf"Qton 98Cf>2 (Z06) 2'<12-6621 FAX (206)2'43-967 O\AI'\ BY l a w CHKO. 9Y Revi:;eC 6 /30/16 DAT E 10/7/0~ JOB NO. ~41/22 OATF f"/fi O 10/4/08 FF?O..JE..CI 1\:0 . 0!:!086,p SH EC' 1 Of I I ! RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE Ci ty of Renton ~ Syrou 111 Sh ort Pi ct ~-----. ----1,_ '+ound J/•" b,1dge sp,e ;n LAN D USE AC TI ON N O. LUAJ5-00;J766 1 i,,-SEE Dcl,\IL "NOG "HE A~I . a,p,oll ,oodwoy -v·stted LAND RECORD NO. LN0-20-0531 i BLOCK CORNER" ;; 9/15/08 NE 6th Place LOT AREAS SC~LE · 1 Inc h • :50 ft. [lllU C 30' so· . PORTION or -~~-1/4 o' --~i:._1/4 , S._~--T _~_N ., R._~_E .. W.M. , and _t::!_~1 /4 of _~~1/'-, S._J _ T.3.~N ., R_5_E., W.M. l ~ l otcl Let = 9 .635 s' ± or 0.22 ocres ± .OT 1 ; ~.793 s f :t or O 11 ocres ± 25' "OT 2 = 4 .84 2 s f ± or 0.11 acres ± r i " LOT ADDRESSES I ~ I LOT 1 ; 6 15 Index Ave I',( @ i LOT 2 = 613 i ndex A ve NE s 30' 8 u.i <'. ~ <I:: c:: Jg, ·~ ~ 30' \ ~ \ 10 Exlstlr JHou!fl flnC o ,, 'j "' s e t reD cr w/ccp in grove! dr1ve "'<l)' DETAIL: NORTHEAST BLOCK CORNER ~ 1 1619 ,ss·sg·oo·w '~", 0 ~ • ·0 2.s· (Pict -Heid ) ~_jaa·s~_ .¥:. 2s.o·--j --------,-10 2 .50' (P) a - cnair !ink ter,c e i s 1.0' ~7.8' --4'!+ we!t a' set rebar w/cap -'<> OT 1 -v; L 12.•· ):21 I / f"ourid RR s?1ke (ben t southerly) r 4• p ,pci r,ser O ir tersectlo"I ot -am"li;~on /15/08) l 25 00 S89'S2'34·~:o) S89'51'55"W(ri) L___ 260 0 5'(m) 260 05'(c) t ve NE' end NE Eth Place: {¥1s11 ted -)... ~-12500' (Plat -~c',-. --~ o N8e·59·oc·w (Pie' -H;,,d) " . (~ saa 59 oo ·c: ~ N.E. 6th Place Found 3/4. brid~e s~ike i., ospl-ott ~oad wO)' -visi ted 9 /15/09 -----=- \(l .-.. ~ r-.e ..., Lo: line -~ .2 :r ~ 1 I 5 $88'59'~"£ r C ( ,q I" ., I -102 .so· ' .8[ p .. ~ §J~ cq ~ LOT2 ~ 'u"~ ci-u.E j :ro. I -I ~.~ o::8 gi3 ~I d)~ ...: V '" 0 0: -30:o·o··.:-1.,--.,------------ 1 ---------il ~ L~a~~,:: Mcn vme nl ;n Cose I ~ set r ebcr w/ccp 1 2 360 4 NORTH SET T eek in ... cod or Nail &: Disk e fo1.1nd pi pe or reo::,r loA[RICIAN PER CORRECTED PLAT OF' RENTON 0 X chain llnk fonc e is 0.4'- .,..ei!I I of stil rebo: w/ccr, Eost end chain lit, fen::e s en line covered or«~' -· •• • PARCEL 80UNOARY & NEW LOT LTNES HIGHLANDS. VO' •. 57 /92-98 ---STR EET CEN TER.IN[ OTHER PARCELS & EASE M'::~H LINES _.,,/t ¥riies t i /• comer Se:;. 9 . T23N, RS(, W.M. 2C5', ~--- ~ cnoin lir,k •ericc come· la 1 o· soutti 102 50' I p) J -. S88'59'01 "e(~' \ UJ -' 171 ' <'. 9 ncrth edc;e ccncrete (2) driveway is 0.Y sot.Jlf" '.::lo. o• set rebor ..,./eop ,q:: >< j 6 ; ~ r.e(lto(I d f)\'3\ o '2 ,100\e AS ~o. 1~~··' (,0' . n\'3(\V ,•'· ~ r\lg 1---~ 8 7 25 " It S~reet ccmte~linc ~ City of Rcn :on Mon. l.39B (City of Renton J~h_stre•• j' ~ SURVEY NOTES: 1- -a, 1. Fiel ::1 dct c fer t his survey was obtaned by drect 11eld meo11-,rerrer.t!. rt: 8 }~ / ·§ A-igular o-id linear r elationsh lps were m eas 1..rr ed w/1t, o Tooco"l CTS225 , Q ~ -...: ~ theodolite ond eieclrer'lic meosu<i"lg device, supi;:l erri er'l lCd oy o steel tape. W >-a:: ~ ~ Trover:,e methods used ·,., perfar-nk19 this survey Meets or e~ceeds tne Z 5 0 E O st:Jn:fords contair,ed in WAC 332-' 30-090. , ;: ;;, ._.. ·@ 2 SASIS OF BEARING: g: N £ / 0 "' HEL: NOR 1H Ol'Ol'oo· EAST (REF CORRECTED PLA T OF RENTON <( !" "' 1 ~ ~ Hl~H-ANDS NO. 2. VOL. 5 7 /92-98), BE TWE EN four-v o M ONU \.t ENTS AT N( c.r, ~ ~ r,.. 9 5 TH P _ACE;i NOCX A \I! NE. "O ~ :2 p 3 REFE RE NCES C: _ " ~ COSRECT£0 PL AT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO. 2, \/OL ~7 /92-98. ~ .5, I RENTON SHOR T PLAT VOL. 145/24 7; RENTON SHCRT ?L AT '"O ~ -... '57/168. RENTON SHORT PLAT 239/127; RENTON SHORT UJ ,i o PLAT \/0' .. 2~6/100. ~ ~ N 56022 410 S J9811J.61 4 ) r ound 3/8~ pin .,./pm h concrete in case visi ted >O/OB \ ~ . "'-'· '°d'. _.)..>. ~ ~~ \ CONTROL ~ ~ r- l·~ -:.>1 ~) nts ~ I (-: ,.J-) / Sou:ti 'tlli·nl cor-ier Sec. 9, T23N, R5E, W.M . I City of Ren ~on Mon. f612 {N 5~21.3.302 398098.887) j / Found 3/8. pi-i w/..im in concrete ii'\ cose - Founo 2· brcss d:s..: .,,.,x· vis teo i0/08 stomped ·l5236\3-1994" ,,., j I ccncrete in cose -El, ~-I • rs~:~~e~-.. ~~;s;6~3~1;/;!-,n / concrete In cose -vis·ted ~ $? v;,;ted 911 5108 ~[ -~-.1,-,,-, v-,,-_. y-,,-.()-J<-, ---, -----~1 S_C_H_R=-0-E_T_E_R~~=-L_A_N_D __ S_U_R_V_E_Y_I _N_G__, Notatyo ar'ld Vyachesl av Syrt u + P .O. Bo, 2251 I RENTON, WA. 9 905& PROffSS J~AI LArs.) SJ'l,·~YORS P:l Bo• 813, Seo.nvrs~. ,.io.P"llr'IQt on 9806.? c2:J6> 2'42-6621 FAX (2~>243-%7 9/15/08 N.E. 5th Place ...._ 260 .0E ' (r,) 260.0C' (Plo t) N88'59'3C"W (m) S89'59'00"W (Plot) Nae·:a·so·w (rn) A0.1 5· (m) ---=-- S01"59'-.o"w(m) s01·0,.;-.. ~~ {of 6 .93' (m) 6 94· (P) ------- :;WN . tJY lc·N CHKD BY Revised 6/30/16 -,_ ·--··-C:<4 ~""" DA T£ 10/1/0tli DAT[ ~1£t-D 10/4/0 8 ,.OB NO-5 41 /22 DRC)lCT NO OB0B6sp SCALE 1· ~ 30' SHEET 1 2 I ~F ______j l - HANSON CONSULTING July 22, 2016 City of Renton Jan Illian Plan Review Section 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA. 98055 Subject: Syrbu III Short Plat Dear Jan: 360-840-9519 All of the conditions for the Syrbu III Short Plat have been met. 1. The existing duplex has been removed. 2 . The duplex has been removed. 3. A detailed landscape plan has been prepared meeting this requirement. The duplex has been removed. The landscaping will be installed as part of the construction of the new houses. 4. See landscape plan. 5. An arborist report is attached. 6. Tree planting will be done as part of the construction of the new houses. The required utilities have been installed. A fee in lieu of has been granted for the street improvements. Please review the submittal of the plans for final recording and let me know if there is anything else you need. Thank you. -_,. .. ----.. ··----·------·"'·-~··. ·- • •• •• -_.. .• • --~ • -·-··--# • _. ·. :.·"'""·;-; ·, --·,~.: -·, .... . DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Rentoo OeYekJprnent Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton. WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 2. Oeduc::tions: Cer1ai1 areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets-square feet square feet square feet Total excluded area: 2. 0 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: .. 3 . 9 w.a 2. 4 . . Z 2 I : i : I · Jl 2 5 ?Oi6 1 square feet square feet b. ) 5. NllJlber of dwelling units or 1ols planned: 5 . Z units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net denalty. 6 . 'l I = dwelling units/acre *Critical AnNIS ant defined • ·Areas det8nnlnad bJ the City 1D be not suitable for development and which ant subject to the City9s Crtllcal Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protectad slopes. wetlands or ftoodways." Critical arw buffers are not deducad/excludad. ** Alleys (public or private) do not liave to be excluded. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _ .......... ~R'entOil ® WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov lu ll O c-,. •t: £i>{vlJ LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Ar~14st'Repo~~ .. :i: . ,•.' ' . .,,_ .. -.. . .. _ .--... ·: .. · . ·: .-... _' , ...... _,t·.~ . :;;; ·.-' -... "'-~ ' . Biological Assessrrient ·4 · ,,, ',·+ 'n .: . .· Calculations 1 Construction Mitigation Description 2AN04 Density Worksheet• . . ~ -. ~ , .• . : ..; . . : ~ Drainage Report 2 ·7.• Environmental Checklist 4 'Existing Cove~an~,{R~~ordedCopy}'r~.~: :--· ... ; --. . ~ Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AN04 Floodl-iazard Data 4i-. . ~ .. ,· Floor Plans 3AND4 Geotechnical Report-2~1.03 Grading Elevations & Plan , Conceptual 2 Grading· Elevation.s & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report 4 _ lmpro'f;~m.erit O~ferral 2 Irrigation Plan. WAIVED BY: ' fo ;,. ;~~· .· .· .•./ ·.,·;· ' . -, • ,·.1o • •• J· ... JD •"'. .. JD MODIFIED BY: COMMENTS: . ... ·, ~ Waivedp,rovided no workwould. occur within the.:drip line:of existing,trees. r-' ~ ' •. · . .I .. ' .·, .,',. . ''5 :· . -~-· ,. • ·-.! •. · . ..;-•. • •• · ... -~ '... : ~ . ,,• ,. , ,, PROJECT NAME : _r..:.S~~~:f::.R~K:uUa....-------- DATE : __ L6&.'tt2~21~'...:.-£.tS::::....... ______ _ 1 \, I\ a •i ----A\ ,a,:-'""-···-' ,.,_.,.. __ L _\ ,r'\ •1v1n 1v11 •n\~.-L. .. ,at-:..--..... 1..-~•----..J --· ,...,, ·---'. ·--·' ___ ,...__ _...,_ ,.. ....... nn/-,n•~ LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: King County Assessor's Map·:lr:td !cating Site:.s _ . :. ·. . . . Landscape Plan, Conceptua14 WAIVED BY: · L:ands~~:pj_~~. Detanicti i(;, __ ·-. ,.· • ' ·:-( •••• -•• c •. ·,·· : ... : legal Description 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions. Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Overall Plat Plan 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Plat Name Reservation 4 ·.·. :::· ... ) ·~·:'... . ··-: Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 PublicW_orlcs Appro~a, ~tter i:-\·:·: . . ,· . ' ... . ~ . ' . ~-. . ' -... ;.-";'; -~. - Rehabilitation Plan 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site PlarrzAND:4 ·> · ,_ -• · · , ........ -~-. Stream or Lake Study, Standard4 Stream or'LakeStudy;:Supple.m~ntal C --· . . . ,. . . -·· .. . Stream or lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profile~ 2, •. Title Report or Plat Certificate 1AND4 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/1.,and Clearing Plan 4, : Urban Design Regulations Analysis4 Utilities Plan, Generalized '2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigat_ion Plan, Preliminary 4 JD .. :,_--_ _-- ·:_ ·. -: .. :. : JD '·· ...... 2 . I-· MODIFIED BY: '·.·-- ,. . ~ . . •' . COMMENTS: ,. _.,· ·::.-:.· . . .. , . _ _. : _ _. -: .} ---' ' . ',, "-: . . ~ . . .. -_. n-··· f"'ln/-.n4r LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: . Wetlands Report/Delineatiqti ·, '"-•. .. :· .. . .,,-... Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 ANO 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2AN03 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2AN03 Map of View Area 2AN03 Photosimulations 2AN03 This Requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning .. WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: ,..JD · . . . " .. .·.~ -" h' • ..• 3 ,-.\, , ___ , • •·-4' • --n-..._, 1 ---t\ • •=-----A\ ,a ,:-~-····' ,.,_..,... __ 1,..,.\ 1M ••v1n,~ •n\ r .. --. .. ,a,_:. ·---··L-~•----..J--· COMMENTS: ... ... • --1 , ....... . . ' . DEPARTMENT OF COMM ITV ------~"lentOil ® AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION DECISION: REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Owner/Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: D APPROVAL ~ APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS D DENIAL December 1, 2015 Syrbu Ill Short Plat Vyacheslau & Natalya Syrbu, 1917 Jones Avenue NE, Renton, WA 98506 Ji m Han so n, Hanson Consulting, 17446 Mallard Cove Lane, Mt Vernon, WA 98274 LUA15-000766, SH PL-A Ji ll Ding, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting Preliminary Short Plat approval for the subdivision of an ex isting 9,632 square foot (0.22 acre) lot, zoned Residential-10 (R-10), into t wo lots. An ex isting duplex is proposed to be removed from the project site and single family residences would b e constructed on the new lots. Proposed Lot 1 would have an area of 4,793 square feet and Lot 2 would have an area of 4,842 square feet . The proposed lots would both have areas of 4,816 square f eet. Access to the new lots is proposed via residential driveways off of Index Avenue NE . No critical areas are mapped on the project site. Pre li minary Short Plat approva l was previously granted on th e project si te under LUA08 -119, however the application expired. As part of the previous short p la t approval, a fee i n lieu of constructing frontage improvements was granted. 613 and 615 Inde x Av e nu e NE 0.22 acres Project Location Map Admin Report City of Renton Deportment of Comr SYRBU II/ SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adr -rotive Short Plat Report & Dec ision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 ~ 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Short Plat Plan Ex hibit 3: Planting and Tree Retention Plan Ex hibit 4: Utiliti es/Drainage/Grading Plan Ex hibit 5: Draina ge BMP s Plan Ex hibit 6: Draina ge Report (October 20, 2015) Exhibit 7: Nei ghborhood Detail Map Exhibit 8: Geotechnical Report (August 21, 2015) Ex hibit 9: Advisory Notes to Applicant Ex hibit 10: Cl-73 Building Height I C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner{s) of Record: 2 . Zoning Classification : 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics : Vyac he slau & Natalya Syrbu 1917 Jones Ave nue NE Renton, WA 98506 Residential -10 (R-10) Residential High Dens it y (HD) Duplex a. North: Residential Single -Family and Duplexes (R-10} b. East : Residential Single -Family and Duplexes (R -10} C. South: Residential Single-F amily and Duplexes (R -10} d. West: Residential Single-Family and Duplexes (R-10} 6. Site Area: 0.22 acres I 0. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning An nexa tion Sy rbu 11 Short Plat Approva I (Expired) E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities Admin Report Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A LUA08-119 Ordinance No . 5758 57 58 1246 N/A Page 2 of 19 06/22/2015 06/22/2015 04/16/1946 11/14/2008 City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT b> =~============'e!!91~===L=U=A=1=5=-0=0=07=6=6=, S=H=P=L=-A- December 1, 2015 Pa ge 3 of 19 a. Water: The project site is located in the City of Renton water service area. There is a 6-inch water main w ithin the existing roadway (Index Avenue NE). b. Sewer: There is an existing 8-inch sewer main, which currently serves the property, within the right-of-way of Index Avenue NE. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are no improved storm systems fronting the property. All surface water drains into the North Renton Sub-Basin area. 2. Streets: There are no sidewalks, curb or gutter fronting the lot, although there is a paved right-of-way. 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1 . Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4 -6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4 -7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivision 5. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element II H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on October 21, 2015 and determined the application complete on November 2, 2015. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 2 . The project site is lo ca ted at 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE . 3. The project site is currently developed with an existing duplex and detached shed, proposed for removal. Deve lopment in th e R-10 zone is subject to Site Pl an Review, however in accordance with RMC 4-9-200C.2.b development that is categorically exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Re v iew is exempt from Site Plan Review, except "where existing dwelling units are included in a development proposal for new dwelling units, whether crea ted by subdivi sion or other means". The current proposal which includes the removal of the existing duple x would be exempt from Site Plan Review, however if the applicant decided to retain the existing duplex, the proposal would require Site Plan Review as they would be including existing dwelling units in a proposal for new dwelling units. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval, that either a demolition permit be obtained and all inspections completed for the removal of the existing duplex and all accessory structures prior to recording of the short plat, or an application be submitted for site plan re v ie w and a decision issued prior to recording of the short plat. 4. Access to the site would be provided via residential driveways onto Index Avenue NE. Admin Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page 4 of 19 5. The property is located within the Residential High Density (HD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 6 . The site is loca ted within the Residential -10 (R-10) zoning classification. 7 . There is one significant tree loca ted on site, which the applicant is proposing to retain. 8 . No critical areas are mapped on th e project site . 9 . The applicant is proposing to begin construction in spring of 2016 and end in the summer of 2016. 10. No public or agency comments were received during the 14-day public comment period. 11. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address is sues rais ed by the proposed development. The se comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report . 12. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Residential High Density (HD) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map. HD unit types are designed to incorporate features from both sing le -fam ily and multi-family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, have close access to transit service, and efficiently use urban services and infrastructure. Lands designated HD is where projects w ill be compatible with existing uses and where infrastructure is adequate to handle impacts from higher density uses. The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis Goal L-H: Plan for high-quality residential growth that supports transit by providing ./ urban densities, promotes effic ient land utili zat ion, promotes good health and physical activity, builds social connections, and creates stable neighborhoods by incorporating both built amenities and natural fe atures. Goal L-1 : Utilize multiple strategies to accommodate residential growth, including: • Development of new single-family neighborhoods on large tracts of land outside the City Center, ./ • Development of new multi-family and mixed-use in the City Center and in the Residential High Density and Commercial Mixed Use designations, and • Infill development on vacant and underutilized land in established neighborhood s and multi-family areas . ./ Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive . ./ Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development. ./ Policy L-49: Address privacy and quality of life for existing residents by considering scale and context in infill project design. 13. Zoning Development Standard Compliance: The site is classified Residential-IO (R-10) on the City's Zoning Map. The Residential -10 Zone (R -10) is established for high -de nsity residential development that will provide a mix of residential styles including sma ll lot detached dwellings or attached dwellings such as townhouses and small-scale flats. Development promoted in the zone is intended to in crease opportunities for detached dwellings as a percent of the housing stock, as well as allow some small- Admin Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Administrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 20 15 Pag e 5 of 19 scale attached housing choices and to create high-quality infill development that increases density while maintaining th e single family character of the existing neighborhood . The zone serves as a transition to higher density multi-family zones. The proposal is compliant with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance R-10 Zone Develop Standards and Analysis Admin Report Density: The density range permitted in the R-10 zone is a minimum 5.0 up to a maximum of 10.0 dwelling units per net acre. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right -of-way, and private access easements. Staff Comment: As discussed below under streets, FOF 16, the proposed short plat will be required to dedicate 1.5 feet of right -of-way for the installation of frontage improveme nts along Index Avenue NE. After the deduction of 1.5 feet of right-of-way, the project site would have a net area of 9,491 square feet (9,632 sf gross site area - 141 sf right-of-way dedication= 9,491 sf net area). With two lots, the proposal would arrive at a net density of 9.10 dwelling units per acre (2 units / 0.22 acres = 9.10 du/ac), which is within the density range permitted in the R-10 zone. Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot size permitted in the R-10 zone is 4,000 sq . ft. for detached d we llings. There is no min i mum lot size for attached dwellings. A minimum lot width of 40 feet is required (50 feet for corner lots) and a minimum lot depth of 70 feet is required . The following table identifies the proposed approximate dimensions for Lots 1 and 2 Proposed Lot Lot Size (sq. ft.) Lot Width (feet) Lot Depth (feet) Lot 1 4,793 46.76 102.50 Lot 2 4,842 47.24 102.50 Staff Comment: The Jots as proposed would comply with the minimum Jot size, width, and depth requirements. Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-10 zone are as follows: front yard is 20 feet except when all access is taken from an alley then 15 feet; side yard is 4 feet for detached units, for attached dwellings the side yard is O feet for attached sides and 4 feet for unattached sides; side yard along the street 15 feet; and the rear yard is 15 feet. Staff Comment: The existing duplex has a front yard setback of 20.5 feet, side yard setback of 12.4 feet and 17.1 feet, and a rea r setback of 57.8 feet and therefore complies with al/ setback requirements of the R-10 zone. The applicant indicates that the existing duplex is proposed to be removed; the setback requirements for any new structures on the site would be verified at the time of building permit review. Building Standards: The R-10 zone has a maximum building coverage of 55% and a maximum impervious surface coverage of 70%. A Code Interpretation (Cl-73) (Exhibit 10) was adopted regarding building height requirements. In the R-10 zone, a maximum building height of 2 stories with a wall plate height of 24 feet is permitted. Roofs with a pitch equal to or greater than 4:12 may project an additional six (6) vertical feet from the maximum wall plate height; common rooftop features, such as chimneys, may project an additional four (4) vertical feet from the roof surface. Non- exempt vertical projections (e.g., decks, railings, etc.) shall not extend above the ma ximum wall plate height unless the projection is stepped back one -and -a-half (1.5) City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admiriis trative Short Plat Rep ort & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 20 15 Compliant if condition of approval is met Admin Re port Page 6 of 19 horizontal feet from each fai;:ade for each one (1) vertical foot above the maximum wall plate height. Wall pl ate s supporting a roof with only one (1) sloping plane (e.g., shed roof) may exceed the stated maximum if the average of wall plate heights is equ al or le ss than the maximum wall plate height allowed. Staff Comment: Height information of the exis ting duplex was not included with the formal land use application materials. The duplex has a building footprint of 1,595 square feet and the shed has a building footprint of 77 square feet resulting in a total building footprint of 1,672 square feet. The existing building coverage on the project site is seventeen percent {17 %), which complies with the building coverage require ments of the R-10 zone. The project site has a total impervious surface area of 2,023 square feet, which results in an impervious surface coverage of twenty one percent {21 %}, which complies with the impervious surface coverage requirements of the R-10 zone. If the applicant decides to retain the existing duplex, the applicant will need to submit information verifying that the duplex complies with the height requirements. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant either provides information demonstrating that the existing duplex complies with the building height requirements or obtains a demolition permit and completes all required inspections prior to short plat recording. Bu ilding height, building coverage, and impervious surface coverage for any new residential structures would be venfied at the time of building permit review. Maximum Number of Units per Building: No more than 4 units per building. Staff Comment: There is one duplex on the project site with a total of 2 units, which complies with this requirement. Compliance with the max imum number of units per building for any new residential structures would be verified at the time of building permit review. Landscaping: The City's landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) require a 10-foot landscape strip alon g all public stre et frontages. Additional minimum planting strip width s between the curb and sidewalk ar e established according to the street de v elopment standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover, are to be located in this area when present. Spacing standards shall be as stipulated by the Department of Community and Economic Development, prov ided there shall be a minimum of one street tree planted per address . Any additional undeveloped right-of-way areas shall be landscaped unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. Where there is insufficient right-of-way space or no public frontage, street trees are required in the front yard subject to approval of the Administrator. A minimum of two trees are to be located in the front yard prior to final inspection for the new Sin gle Family Re sidence. Staff Comment: A Planting and Tree Retention Plan (Exhibit 3 ) was submitted with the project application . The p lanting plan includes a 10-foot lands cap e strip a long the projec t site's Index Avenue NE frontage, however 7 feet of the landscape strip is within the public right-of-way resulting in 3 feet of onsite landscaping. The Planting and Tree Retention Plan (Exhibit 3) includes the installation of the following plants within the landscape s trip: serviceberry trees, dwarf maiden grass, kinnikinnick, heart/ea/ bergenia, red daylily, daylily, autumn joy sedum, crimson pygmy dwarf burnin g bus h, harbor dwarf nandina, bush cinquefoil, and little princess spirea. The City 's landscaping regulations require a 10-foot onsite landscape strip as well as landscaping of all areas City of Renton Depo r tment of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Adminictrotive Short Plot Report & Decision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Compliant if condition of approval is met Admin Report Pa ge 7 of 19 of undeveloped right-of-way. Therefo re, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a detailed landscape plan (in compliance with RMC 4-8-120012) be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit application. The detailed landscape plan shall include a minimum 10-foot onsite landscape strip along the site's Index Avenue NE street frontage in addition to the landscaping proposed within the undeveloped right- of-way abutting the project site. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval. Th e landscaping shall be installed prior to final short plat approval, unless a demolition permit is obtained for the removal of the existing duplex and all inspections completed, then the landscaping shall be installed prior to final building inspection for the new residential structure(s). Staff also received comments from the City's Community Services Division expressing concerns that street trees along Index Avenue NE could interfere with existing overhead power lines. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that consideration to the existing overhead power lines be considered when selecting appropriate street trees for the project site, please refer to the Approved Tree List available at www.rentonwa.gov. Tree Retention : The City's adopted Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations require the retention of 20 percent of trees in a residential development. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant tree s on slopes greater than t we nty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inche s ( 18") caliper. Priority Two : Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergro wt h can be pres erved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous tre es; and Other significant non - native trees. Priority Three : Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and / or co ttonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. A minimum tree density shall be maintained on each residentially zoned lot. Lots de ve loped with detached single family dwelling units in the R-10 zone are exempt from the minimum tree density requirements. For multi -family development, the minimum tree density is four (4) significant trees for every fi ve thou sa nd (5,000) square feet. The tree density may consist of ex isting tree s, replacement trees, trees required pursuant to RMC 4-4-070Fl, Street Frontage Landscaping Required, or a combination. Any protected tree, w hether retained or newly planted , that is in excess of the individual lot's minimum tree density shall not contribute to the total number of trees that are required to be retained for the Land Development Permit. Staff Comment: The submitted Planting and Tree Retention Plan (Exhibit 3) identifies one existing fir tree on the project site, which is proposed to remain. The proposal to retain the only protected tree on site would result in the retention of 100 percent of the existing trees; which is in compliance with the minimum number of trees required to be retained. Under the previous preliminary short plat approval decision (LUAOB- 119 ), concern had been expressed regarding the health of the existing fir tree and a condition requiring the submittal of an arborist report had been imposed on the short plat approval. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that an arborist report be City of Renton Department of Comm11Qity & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Adm;"istrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 ,/ Page 8 of 19 submitted prior to final short plat approval evaluating the health of the existing Douglas fir tree. If the Douglas fir is determined to be in good health th en protection measures as outlined under RMC 4-4-130H9 shall be provide for the subject tree to prevent any possible further harm to its health, if it is not in good health replacement trees shall be provided in compliance with RMC 4-4-130H1e. if the existing duplex is to remain on the project site, the proposal will need to comply with the minimum tree density requirements and install 4 (minimum 2 inch caliper) trees for every 5,000 square feet of Jot area on the project site. If the existing duplex is removed, compliance with this requirement would be verified at the time of building permit review for the new residences. Th erefore staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a tree planting plan be provided prior to final short plat approval demonstrating compliance with the minimum tree density requirements. The plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval. All trees shall be installed prior to final short plat approval. If a demolition permit is obtained and all inspections completed prior to final short plat approval, compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Any retained trees in excess of the minimum tree density requirement on an individual lot are required to be located within a tree protection tract. If the existing duplex is removed and individua l single family residences are constructed on the new lots, then this section would not be applicable as the minimum tree density requirements do not apply to detached single family development in the R-10 zone. if the existing duplex is retained, compliance with this standard would be verified prior to final short plat approval. Parking: Parking regulations require that a minimum of two parking spaces be provided for each detached dwelling. Parking regulations require that a minimum and maximum of 1.6 spaces be provided per 3 bedroom or large dwelling unit; 1.4 spaces per 2 bedroom dwelling unit; and 1.0 space per 1 bedroom or studio dwelling unit. Driveway cuts are required to be a minimum of 5 feet from property lines and ne w driveways may be a maximum of 16 feet in widt h at the property lin e. Maximum driveway slopes sha ll not exceed fifteen percent (15%); provided, that driveways exceedi ng eight percent (8 %) shall provide slotted drains at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garage/res iden ce or crossing any public sidewalk. Staff Comment: Based on the existing driveway locations shown on the Planting and Tree Retention Plan (Exhibit 3), it appears that the driveway located on Lot 1 would comply with the 5-foot setback requirement, however it is unclear whether the 2 required parking spaces are provided on site. It appears that the existing driveway on Lot 2 would maintain a 4-foot setback from the property line, which is Jess than the minimum 5-foot setback required. if the existing duplex is to remain on the project site, the proposed short plat would not increase an existing non-conforming situation, therefore the proposal would not be required to alter the existing driveways. If the existing duplex is removed, compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. 14. Design Standards: Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4 -2-115) are applicable in the R- 10 zone. The Standards implement policies established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with Site Design Standards must be demonstrated prior to approval of the subdivision. Compliance with Residential Design Standards would be verified prior to issuance of the Admin Report City of Renton Department of Commvflity & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admi-:strative Short Plat Report & Decision WA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page 9 of 19 building permit for the new residential dwellings. The proposal is consistent with the following design standards, unless noted otherwise: ,/ Compliance not yet demonstrated N/A N/A Admin Report Lot Configuration: Developments of more than four (4) structures shall incorporate a variety of home sizes, lot size s, and unit clusters. Dwellings shall be arranged to ensure privacy so that side yards abut other side yards (or rights-of-way) and do not abut front or back yards. Lots accessed by easements or pipestems shall be prohibited. Staff Comment: The proposed lots would have front yards oriented to the east towards Index Avenue NE. No side yards would abut front or back yards and no easements or pipestems are proposed. Garages: Garages may be attached or detached. Shared garages are also allowed, provided the regulations of RMC 4 -4 -080 are met. Carports are not allowed. One of the following is required; the garage must be: l. Recessed from the front of the house and/or front porch at least eight feet (8 '}, or 2. Detached and set back from the front of the house and/or porch at least six feet (6'). Additionally, all of the following is required : 1. Garage design shall be of similar design to the homes, and 2. If sides of the garage are visible from streets, sidewalks, pathways, trails, or other homes, architectural details shall be incorporated in the design. If shared garages are allowed, they may share the structure with other homes and all of the following is required: 1. Each unit has garage spa ce assigned to it, and 2 . The garage is not to be located further than one hundred sixty feet (160') from any of the housing units to which it i s assigned, and 3 . The garage shall not exceed forty four feet (44') in width, and shall maintain an eight foot (8 ') separation from any dwellings. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Standards for Parks: For developments that are less than ten {10) net acres : No park is required, but is allowed. For developments that are greater than ten (10) net acres : A minimum of one one - half (.5) acre park, in addition to the common open spa ce requirement, is required . Staff Comment: Not applicable Standards for Comment Open Space: Developments of three (3) or fewer dwelling units: No requirement to provide common open space. Developments of four (4) or more units: Required to provide common open space as follows: 1. For each unit in the development, three hundred fifty (350) square feet of common open space shall be provided. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admin•0 trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page 10 of 19 2. Open space shall be designed as a park, common green, pea -patch, pocket park, or pedestrian entry easement in the deve lopment and shall include picni c areas, space for small recreational activities, and other activities as appropriate. 3. Op en space sha ll be lo cated in a highly visible area and be eas ily accessible to the neighborhood. 4. Open space(s) shall be contiguous to the majority of the dwellings in the development and accessible to all dwellings, and shall be at least twenty feet (20') wide. 5. A pedestrian entry easement can be used to meet the access requirements if it ha s a minimum width of twenty feet (20') with a minimum five feet (5') of sidewalk. 6. Pea-patches sha ll be at least one thousand (1,000) square feet in siz e with ind iv idual plots that measure at le ast ten f eet by t en feet (10' x 10'}. Additionally, the pea-patch shall include a tool shed and a common area w ith space for compost bins. Water shall be provided to the pea-patch. Fencing that meets the sta ndards for front yard fen ci ng shall surround the pea-patch with a one foot (1') landscape area on the outside of the fence. This area is to be landscaped wi th flowers, plants, and/or shrubs. 7. Grass-crete or other pervious surfaces may be used in the common open space for the purpose of meeting the one hundred fifty feet (150') distance requirement for eme rgency vehicle access but shall not be used for personal vehicle access or to meet off-street parking requirements. 8 . Storm ponds may be used to meet the common open space requirement if designed to accommodate a fifty (SO) year storm and to be dry ninety percent (90%) of the year. Stafl Comment: Not applicable Standards for Private Yards : Developments of three (3) or fewer dwelling units: Each indivi dual dwelling shall have a private yard that is at minimum six hundred (600) square feet in size. Backyard patios and reciprocal use easements may be included in the calculation of private yard. Developments of four (4) or more dwelling units: Each ground-related dwelling shall Compliance ha ve a private ya rd that is at least two hundred fifty (250) square feet in size with no not yet dimension less than eight feet (8') in width. demonstrated An additional two hundred fifty (250) square feet of open space per unit shall be added to the required amount of common open space for each unit that is not ground related. Staff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. However, the new lots appear to provide enough room to accommodate a private yard. Sidewalks, Pathways, and Pedestrian Easements : All of the following are required: Compliance 1. Sidewalks shall be provided throughout the neighborhood. The sidewalk not yet may disconnect from the road, provided it continues in a log i ca l route demonstrated throughout the development. 2. Front yards shall have entry walks that are a minimum width of three Admin Report City of Renton Department of Comm 11 '1ity & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Adminictrative Short Plat Rep ort & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A Decemb er 1, 2015 Compliance not yet demonstrated Pa ge 11 of 19 feet (3') and a maximum width of four feet (4'). 3. Pathways shall be used to connect common parks, green areas, and pocket parks to residential access streets, limited residential access streets, or other pedestrian connections. They may be used to provide access to homes and common open space. They shall be a minimum three feet (3 ') in width and made of paved asphalt, concrete, or porous mater ial such as : porous paving stones, crushed gravel with soil stabilizers, or paving blocks with planted joints. Sidewalks or pathways for parks and green spaces shall be located at the edge of the common space to allow a larger usable green and easy access to home s. 4. Pedestrian Easement Plantings: Shall be planted with plants and trees. Trees are required along all pedestrian easements to provide shade and spaced twenty feet (20') on center. Shrubs shall be planted in at least fifteen percent (15 %) of the easement and shall be spaced no further than thirty six inche s (36") on center. 5. For all homes that do not front on a residential access street, limited residential access street, a park, or a common green: Pedestrian entry easements that are at least fifteen feet (15 ') wide plus a fi ve-foot (5') sidewalk shall be provided. Staff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Primary Entry: Both of the following are required: 1. The entry shall take access from and face a street, park, common green, pocket park, pedestrian easement, or open space, and 2. The entry shall include one of th e following: a. Stoop: minimum size four feet by six feet (4' x 6') and minimum height twelve inches (12") above grade, or b. Porch: minimum five feet (5') deep and minimum height twelve inches (12") above grade. Exception: in cases where acce ss ibility (ADA) i s a priority, an accessible route may be taken from a front driveway. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Fa~ade Modulation: Both of the following are required: 1. The primary building elevation oriented toward the street or common green shall have at least one articulation or change in plane of at least Compliance two feet (2') in depth; and not yet 2. A minimum one side articulation that measures at least one foot (1') in demonstrated depth shall occur for all facades facing streets or public spaces. Compliance not yet demonstrated Admin Report Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of bu ilding permit review. Windows and Doors: All of the following are required: 1. Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically, rather than City of Renton Departme nt of Community & Eco nomic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admifl i ctrative Short Plat Report & Dec ision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page 12 of 19 horizontall y, and 2. Vert ical w indows may be comb ined together t o c re at e a large r wi ndow area, and 3. A ll doors sha ll be made of wood, fibe rglass , metal, or g la ss a nd trimmed w ith three and one -ha lf in ches (3 1/2") minimum h ead and j amb trim aro und the door, and 4 . Screen doors are permitted , and 5. Primary e ntry doors shal l face a street, park, common g ree n, pocket park, o r p ed estrian easeme nt and shall be paneled or ha ve ins et w indows, and 6. Sliding g l ass doors are not p ermitted along a front age e leva tion or an e le va tion facing a pedes trian easement. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of b uilding permit review. Scale, Bulk, and Character: A l l of the following are required : 1. The primary building fo rm shall be th e dominating form a nd e lements su ch as porches, principal dormers, or oth e r sig nifi can t feat ures sha ll n ot d om inate, a nd 2. Primary porch plate heights shall be one story. Stacked porches a r e Compliance allowed, a nd not yet 3. To differentiate the same m ode l s and e levati o n s, diffe r en t co lo rs shall be demonstrated used,and 4. For singl e family dwellings, no more than t wo (2) of th e same model and e levatio n sha ll be built on the same block frontage an d the same model and e l evat io n sh al l not be abutting. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at t he t ime of building permit review. Roofs : Both of the fo ll owin g are required: 1 . Prim ary roof pitch shall be a minimum six t o twelve (6:12). If a gab le roof is used, exit access from a th i rd floor must face a pub lic right-of-way for Compliance emergency access, and not yet 2. A variety of roofing colors sha ll be used w ithin t he development and a ll demonstrated roof material sha ll be fire retardant. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance Eaves : Th e fo ll owi ng is required: Eave s sha ll be at l east twe lve i n che s (12") w ith h orizontal fascia or fa scia gutter at least five inches (5") deep on the face of all eaves. not yet demonstrated Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance I Architectural Detailing: A ll of the fo ll owi ng a re required: not yet Admin Report City of Re nton Department of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admif'ictrative Short Plat Report & Dec ision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A Dec emb er 1, 2015 Page 13 of 19 demonstrated l. Three and one-half inches (3 1/2"} minimum trim surrounds all wi ndows and details all doors, and 2. At l east one of the following architectural details sha ll be provided on each home: shutters, knee braces, flo wer boxes, or columns, and 3. Where siding is used, metal corner clips or corne r boards sha ll be used and shall be at minimum two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in w idth and painted. If shutters a re used, they sha ll be proportioned to the window size to simulate the ability to cover them , and 4 . If co lumn s are used, th ey sha ll be round, fluted , or strongly related to the home's architectural style. Six inches by six in ches (6" x 6") posts may be allowed if chamfered and/or banded. Exposed four inches by four inches (4" x 4") and six i n ches by six in ches (6" x 6 ") posts are prohibited. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Materials and Color: Al l of the following are required: l. Acceptable exte rior wa ll materials are: wood, cement fiberboard, stu cco, stone, and standard size d brick three and one -half inch es by seve n and one-half inches (3 1/2" x 7 1/2") or three and five eighths in ches by seven and fi ve -eigh th s in ches (3 5/8" x 7 5/8"). Simulated stone, wood, stone, or brick may be used to detail homes, a nd 2. When more than one material is used, changes in a vertica l wall, such as from wood to brick, shall w rap the corners no less th an twenty four Compliance inches (24"). The material change shall occur at an internal co rner or a not yet lo gical transi tion su ch as aligning w ith a window e dge or chimney. demonstrated Material tran sition shall not occur at an exterior corner, and 3. Multiple co lors on buildings shal l be provided. Muted deeper tones, as opposed to vibrant primary colors, shall be the dominant colors. Color palettes for all new structures, coded to th e home el evat ions, sha ll be submitted for approva l. 4. Gutters and downspouts sh all be integrated into the color scheme of the home and be painted, or of an integral color, t o match the trim co lor. Staff Comment: Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Mail and Newspapers: A ll of the following are required: l. Mailboxes shall be clustered and located so as to serve th e n eeds of USPS w hile not adversely affect in g the privacy of residents; Compliance 2 . Mailboxes shall be lo ckab le co nsi sten t with USPS standard; not yet 3. Mailbo xes shall be architecturally enhanced with materials and details demonstrated typical of the home's architecture; and 4 . Ne ws paper box es shall be of a design that r eflects the charact er of the home. Sto ff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of Admin Report City of Renton Deportment of Commuriity & Economic Development SYRBU /If SHORT PLAT Adminictrotive Short Plot Report & Decision LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page 14 of 19 building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Hot Tubs, Pools, and Mechanical Equipment: Hot tubs and pools shall only be located in back yards and desig ned to minimize sight and sound impacts to adjoining property. Pool heaters and pumps shall be screened from view and sound insulated. Pool equipment must comply with codes regarding fencing. Compliance not yet Staff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Utilities: Utility boxes that are not located in alleyways or away from public gathering spaces shall be screened with land scapi ng or berms. demonstrated Staff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Dumpster/Trash/Recycling Collection Area : Both of the following are required: Compliance not yet demonstrated 1. Trash and recycling containers shall be located so that they have minimal impact on re sidents and their neighbors and so that they are not visible to the general public; and 2. A screened enclosure in which to keep containers shall be provided or garages shall be built with adequate space to keep containers. Screened enclosures shall not be located within front yards. Staff Comment: Compliance with this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. 15. Critical Areas: No critical areas are mapped on the project site. 16. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: RMC 4-7 Provid es review criteria for the subdivisions. Th e proposal is consistent w ith the following subdivision regulations if all conditions of approval are complied with: Compliance Subdivision Regulations and Analysis Access : Each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by a shared driveway per the requirements of the street standards. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveways shall not exceed nine feet (9') and double loaded garage driveways shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). ,/ Staff Comment: Both lots would have direct access to Index Avenue NE, which is a public s treet. There ore no garages on the project site. The existing driveways each have a width of 10 feet, which would not exceed the maximum width permitted for a double loaded garage. If the duplexes are removed from the project site, driveway widths for the new residential structures would be verified at the time of building permit review. ./ Blocks: Blocks shall be deep enough to allow two tiers of lots . Staff Comment: Not applicable. ./ Lots : The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the De ve lopment Standards of the R-10 zone and allow for reasonable infill of developable land. All of the proposed lots Admin Report City of Renton Department of Community & Eco nomic Development SYRBU fl/ SHORT PLAT Adminictrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 ,/ Pag e 15 of 19 meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. Staff Comment: The proposed lots are rectangular in shape and oriented to provide front yard areas facing Index Avenue NE, a public street. See previous discussion on lot dimensions under FOF 13. Streets : Th e proposed street system sha ll extend and create connections between existing streets per the Street Standards outlined in RMC 4 -6 -060 Street Standards . Staff Comment: The existing right of way width in Index Ave NE, fronting the site, is 50 feet. Index Ave NE is classified as a residential access street. The minimum street width for a residential access street is 53 feet. To meet the City's complete street standards, street improvements including a pavement width of 26 feet, curb, gutter, an 8 foot planter strip, 5 foot sidewalk, and storm drainage improvements are required to be constructed in the right of way fronting the site per City code 4-6-060. To build this street section one and half feet of right of way will be required to be dedicated to the City fronting the site in Index Ave NE. Under the previous short plat approval {LUAOB-119), which expired on November 14, 2013, a fee in lieu of installing frontage improvements was granted. As the decision regarding the fee in lieu was granted in conjunction with the previous short plat decision, this decision expired with the expiration of the short plat. Therefore, the proposed short plat shall be required to provide the above discussed street frontage improvements and right-of-way dedication . A Traffic Impact Fee would be required for the future houses. The 2016 Transportation Impact Fee is $2,951.17, credit would be given for the existing duplex. The fee in effect at the time of building permit application is applicable to this project and is payable at the time of building permit issuance. Relationship to Existing Uses: The proposed project is compatible with exist ing surrounding uses. Staff Comment: The project site is currently surrounded by a variety of existing duplexes and single family residences. The proposal to subdivide the subject property and either retain the existing duplex or remove the duplex and replace with single family residences would be compatible with the existing development pattern in the neighborhood. 17. Availability and Impact on Public Services: Compliance Availability and Impact on Public Services Analysis Police and Fire: Poli ce and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; subject to the condition that the .,/ app licant provides Code required improvements and fees. Fire impa ct fees are applicable at the rate of $495.10 per sing le family unit, credit would be given for the existing duplex. This fe e is paid at time of building permit iss uan ce. Schools: It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this proposal at the following schoo ls: Highlands ,/ Elementary, McKnight Middle School and Renton High School. Students attending Hi g hlands Elementary School would walk to school along the following route: north along Index Avenue NE to NE 61 h Place where they would walk west along NE 61 h Place to Harrington Avenue NE w here they would wa lk north along Harrington to High lands Elementary School. Students attending McKnight Middle School wou ld be bussed to Admin Report City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT Admir ;'trotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 20 15 ,/ ,/ Admin Report Pag e 16 of 19 their school. The closest stop is located approximately 0.19 miles from the project site at Harrington Avenue NE and NE 7'h Street (along the same route students walking to Highland s Elementary would walk). Students attending Renton High School would be bussed to school. The closest sto p is located approximately 0.3 miles from the project site at Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 5th Place. Students would walk south along Index Avenue NE to NE 5th Place where they would walk west to the intersectio n of NE 51 h Plac e and Edmond s Avenue NE . There appears to be adequate area along the walking routes to Highlands Elem e ntary and the bus stops to provide for safe walking conditions. A School Impact Fee , based on new single-family lots, will be required in order to mitigate th e proposal's potential impacts to the Renton School District. The fee is payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code. Currently the fee is assessed at $5,541.00 per single family residence, credit would be given for the existing duplex. Parks : A Park Impact Fee would be required for the future houses. The 2016 Park Impact Fee is $1,887.94, credit would be given for the existing duplex. The fee in effect at the time of building permit application is applicable to this project and is payable at the time of building permit issuance . Storm Water: An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Staff Comment: A Drainage Report (Exhibit 6) dated October 20, 2015, prepared by Offe Engineers, was submitted with the short plat application. The report complies with the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. Alf core requirements have been discussed in the report. Bas ed on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions. The project is exempt from flow control as the proposed two lot short plat will not create more than 0.10 cfs during the 100 year storm event in the developed condition. One existing duplex is proposed to be demolished and two new homes will be built on each new Jot. As proposed, the two lot short plat is subject to Small Project Drainage Review. However, the project is required to install full frontage improvements including a minimum of a 12 inch storm line in Index Avenue NE. This improvement will trigger Targeted Drainage Review. A revised TIR will be required at construction permit submittal. A geotechnical report (Exhibit 8), dated August 21, 2015 was provided by Robert Pride PE, Geotechnical Engineer. Two test pit excavations were dug one at the rear and one at the front of the site. The results of the excavations showed that the soils found on site included fill material consisting of topsoil with fine silty sands and sands for the first 3 to 5 feet in depth. The medium dense soil will support infiltration using infiltration trenches to collect the roof runoff and impervious surface area created from the new homes. An infiltration value of 25 min/inch should be used in the design and sizing of the facilities. The soils are suitable for limited infiltration. Surface water system development fee is $1,350.00 for the new lot. Credit will be given to the existing home. Water: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There is a 6 inch ductile iron water main in Index Ave NE. The 6 inch water main can provide 1,400 gpm. The project is in the 320 water pressure zone. There are two 3/4 inch domestic water meters serving the existing duplex. Separate water meters shall be provided to each new Jot. The system development fee for water is based on the size of the new domestic water City of Renton Departmen t of Community & Economic Development SYRBU I/I SHORT PLAT Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A December 1, 2015 Page17of19 meter that will serve the new home on the new lot. Fee for% inch or 1 inch water meter is will increase to $3,245.00 in January 2016. The fee for a% inch meter installed by the City is $3,250.000. This is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures. A minimum of one new hydrant will be required to be installed. Sanitary Sewer: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8 inch sewer main in Index Ave NE. A separate side sewer stub shall be provided to each new lot. Side sewers shall be a minimum 2% slope. There is an existing side sewer to the building. ,/ System development charge (SOC} for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic meter(s). Sewer fees for a %" meter or 1 inch meter will increase to $2,242.00 per new single family lot in January 2016. This is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. This parcel is subject to the payment of a special assessment for sewer. East Renton Interceptor SAD is $224.52 per new lot. Credit will be given to the existing duplex connected to sewer. I . CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential High Density {HD) Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation, see FOF 12. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential -10 (R-10) zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 13. 3 . The proposed short plat complies with the Residential Design and Open Space Standards provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval , see FOF 14. 4. There are no critical areas mapped on the project site. 5. The proposed short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as establi shed by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 16. 6. The proposed short plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein, see FOF 16. 7. There are safe walking routes to the Elementary school and school bus stops, see FOF 17. 8. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed short plat, see FOF 17. I J. DECISION: The Syrbu Ill Preliminary Short Plat, File No. LUAlS-000766, as depicted in Exhibit 2, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall either: a. Obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for the removal of the existing duplex and a II accessory structures prior to recording of the short plat; or b. An application shall be submitted for site plan review and a site plan review decision shall be issued prior to recording of the short plat. 2. The applicant shall provide information demonstrating that the existing duplex complies with the building height requirements or shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections prior to short plat recording. 3. A detailed landscape plan (in compliance with RMC 4 -8 -120012) shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit application. The detailed landscape plan shall include a minimum 10-foot onsite landscape strip along the site's Index Avenue NE street frontage in addition to the landscaping proposed within the undeveloped right-of-way abutting the project site. The detailed landscape plan Admin Report City of Renton Department of Comm .. ~ity & Economic Development SYRBU If/ SHORT PLAT Dece mber 1, 20 15 Admiflistrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A Page 18 of 19 shall be submitted to the Curre nt Planning Project Manager for review and approva l. The landscaping shall be installed prior to final short plat approval, unless a demolition permit is obtained for the removal of the existing duplex and all in spections completed, then the lands ca pin g shall be in stalled prior to final building inspe ction for the new residential structure(s). 4 . Consideration t o the existing overhead power lines shall be considered when selecting appropriate stre et tree s for the project site, please refe r to the Approved Tree Li st available at www.r e ntonwa.go v . 5. An arborist report shall be submitted prior to final short plat approval evaluating the he a lth of the existing Douglas fir tree. If the Dou g la s fir is d et ermin ed to be in good hea lth the n, protection measures as outlined under RMC 4-4-130H9 shall b e provided for th e subject tree to prevent any pos sible further harm to its he alth, if it is not in good health repl aceme nt trees shall be prov ided in compl i ance with RMC 4-4-130Hle. 6. A tree planting plan shall be provided prior to final short plat approval demonstrating compliance w ith th e minimum tree density re quirements. The plan shall be submitted to the Current Plannin g Proj ect Manager for re view and ap pro va l. All trees shall be insta lled prior to final short plat approval. If a d emo lition permit is obtained and all inspections compl eted prior to final short plat approval, compliance with thi s sta ndard would be verified at the time of building permit review. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION : SIGNATURE: TRANSMITTED this 1st day of December, 2015 to the Owner/A pplicant/Co ntact: Owner/Applicant: Vyacheslau & Natalya Syrbu 1917 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 9850 6 Contact: Jim Hanson, Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove lane Mt Vernon, WA 98274 TRANSMITTED this 1st day of December, 2015 to the Parties of Record: No parties of record TRANSMITTED this 1st day of December, 2015 to the following: Chip Vin ce nt, CED Adm inis t ra t or Brianne Bannwarth, De v elopment Engineering Manager Jan Conklin, Development Services Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Admin Report 11.jJ j2JJJr- Date City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development SYRBU Ill SHORT PLAT December 1, 2015 Adrr'-'strative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA15-000766, SHPL-A Page 19 of 19 K. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION: The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the de cis ion date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on December 15, 2015. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14- day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680), together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton , 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 . RMC 4 -8 -110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information reg ard ing the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. EXPIRATION: The administrative short plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7 -070.M. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision , there w ill be no further extension of the appeal period . Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision . The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Admin Report m >< ::c 1-41 m 1-41 -I 9'J f --- ,1t·. ,ii htc ll ''·'ll _, ,.l'l ;u , I '',I ,.:,r t Pl,1 l ,\t,l 2 u:[ ~ .... H (,1 /\J t,;() ~_!_2.. ~~l"~;.:0-1 ...... ..!:::.lJ.=_&-_!l"i'\1 ~---4 I '.HPI ,.-------------i -· ~sf f fl.AL. · r1c~-Hl ~r -·-- • uu.,:(,,., c...u\r,.LRM ~; N.E. 6th Place ... ~··/\ -· -~:r ·..._, H,r I .3/4 tnd,j"-' •.;,1, e 1~ -1 ,J ,1.l 1<1l t H.O<J"'IJi -'J/1';;1,,•I;, ?'. LOT AREAS lr.,1.il v i -').l,.~:;, s . C 1 or O ::• O• rt.:::.. 1 •)i 1 4.t'.16 s f -t 0 1 ~l 11 <l(ft:·; I L~J' :,: -4 .fHb '.i 1 .i O( 0 .i' oc, .... :; ::t Rh c.)~C.1'JC NO ..,,:,J._t. r·o~T"J·~ 0 1· _-3~_1 /4 o f _to~ /PA•.'E 1 m..:h • JV n. =--T" !( .. I _I.......":::J "' R _'.:.. ... 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I . ·1-·-. .I ~ 1,· n 1· r ; .. -t ·,J 1 unr,rt<.,/U1,o1,J •1 . ,i,,,,1,~, I',.,.~• 0..:: t ..;~, .. \:' / -I , fl ~ Cl!. \Pl//(' S('.·\I L ~ , ,-4 ;, 1(.1 It.•'! j .. , .. ~1CNC"~~ ro·• 4-',' t .ri;,~ I·· .. , .. I"· ----~·'}·,, \fl, ~ L-L~l, NAfALYA ANO VYACHESLAV SYRBU svnou III si-ten r P L A r DRIANAGE BM P's 613 IN OEX AVENUE N[ ---1 IC-•,;,• t:...... .. r 1 )11 ) .. -, 1 1 ;~ ,; ·\ Syrbu III Short Plat PRE 15-000307 613 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington 98056 King County Tax #722780-0655 DRAINAGE REPORT Octo be r 20, 2015 Prepared for: Jim Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washington 98274 (360) 840-9519 office j chanson@frontier.c o m Prepared by: Offe Engineers, PLLC Darrell Offe, P.E. 13932 SE 159th Place Renton, Washington 98058-7832 ( 425) 260-3412 office d arrell.offe@comcast.net ' EXHIBIT 6 Entire Document Available Upon Request J ::o 79 78 =• .. " 77 ~ SYRBU II SHORT flT EXHIBIT 7 ~_...--~ Robert M. Pride, LLC August 21, 2015 Mr. J runes Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon; WA 98274 Re: Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Residences 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Hanson; Consulting Engineer This report presents the results of our site investigation for the proposed residences to be constructed on Lots 1 and 2 located on the west side of Index Avenue NE in Renton. It is understood that the proposed buildings will be located on the east side of the lots and will have driveway access from Index Avenue. The purpose of this report is to document existing subsoil and geologic conditions, and to provide design recommendations for site development and foundation design. References include geologic mapping by Booth, et al and previous geotechnical investigations performed in this area of Renton. Site Conditions This property is occupied by an existing structure at the south end of the site. There is an existing pond on the NW comer of the property that holds shallow water from prior rainfall, and it is understood that this pond will remain in place. There is a gentle slope --. ------rlsirrguvfrorrrthe·NWttYSE'corner oftheirruper Ly witlra-rise'irrelevatiorrofabout-28 feet. Geologic research shows that this property is underlain by Vashon Recessional deposits ( Qvr) that will provide satisfactory support for each of the two residences. These lots are covered with three feet of loose fill soils that are underlain by loose topsoil and then medium dense recessional silty sands. Two hand auger test borings were drilled to confirm depths to bearing soils, and they are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1. Summary logs of the subsoil conditions are described below: HA-1 Located at the rear of the 615 duplex unit o.o to 3.0ft FILL-Silty Sand; grey brown, dry, loose; 3.0 to 3 .5ft Topsoil -Silty Sand with organics; loose, grey 3.5 to 5 .0ft Silty Sand; brown, slightly moist, medium dem encountered; Robert M. Pride, LLC EXHIBIT 8 Entire Document Available Upon Request ADVISORY NOTES TO APPi LU A 15-000766 Application Date: October 21 , 2015 Name: Syrbu 11 Short Pl at l\NT PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use of Site Address: 615 Ind ex Ave NE Renton, WA 98056-3710 Version 1 I Engineering Review Comments Contact: Jan Illian I 425-430-7216 I jillian@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: WATER Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There is a 6 inch ductile iron water main in Index Ave NE . The 6 inch wate r main can provide 1,400 gpm. The project is in the 320 water pressure zone. There are two 3/4 inch domestic waters se rving the existing duplex. SEW ER Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8 inch sewe r main in Index Ave NE. ST ORM There is a limited drainage conveyance system in Index Ave NE. STREETS There is a 4 foot s idewalk fronting the site in Ind ex Ave NE. CODE REQUIREM ENTS WATER 1. Separate wat er meters shall be provided to each new lot. 2. System development f ee fo r wate r is based on the size of the new domestic water meter that wi ll serve the new home on the new lot. Fee for 3,4 inch or 1 inch water meter is $3 ,090.00. Fee w ill inc rease to $3,245.00 in January 2016. 3. Fee for a 3i inch meter installed by the City is $3,250.000. This is payable at the time th e utility const ru ctio n permit is issued. 4. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delive ri ng a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the st ru ctures. A minimum of one new hydrant will be required to be installed. SEWER 1. A separate side sewer stub shall be provided to each new lot. Side sewe rs shall be a minimum 2% slope. There is an existing s ide sewer to the building. 2. System development charg e (S DC) for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic meter(s). Sewer fees for a 3A" meter or 1 inch meter is $2,135.00 per new s in gle family lot. This is payab le at the time the utility construction pe rmit is issued. Fee will increase to $2,242.00 in January 2016. 3 . This parcel is subject to th e payment of a special assessment fo r sewer. East Renton Interceptor SAD is $224.52 per new lot. Credit will be given to th e existing duplex connected to sewer. SURFACE WATER 1. A drainage report dated October 20 , 2015, prepared by Otte Engineers, was submitted with the site plan application . Th e report co mplies with the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapte rs 1 and 2. Al l core requirement have been discussed in the report. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Co ntrol Standard, Existing Conditions. The project is exempt from f lo w contro l as the proposed two lot short plat will not create more than 0.1 O cfs during the 100 year storm event in the developed condition . One existi ng home will be demolished and two new homes will be built on each new lot. As proposed , the two lot short plat is subject to Small Project Drainage Review. However, the project is required to install full frontage improvements including a minimum of a 12 inch st orm line in I ndex Ave NE . This improvement will trigger Targeted Drainage Review. A revised TIR wil l be required at construction permit subm itta l. 2. A geotechnical report, dated August 21, 20 15 was provided by Robert Pride PE , Geotechnical Engineer. Two t est pit excava tions were dug in the rear and front of the site. Resu lts show soils found three to five f eet in depth was fill materi al cons isting of topsoil with fine silty sands and sands. The medium dense soi l wi ll support inf iltration using infilt rat ion trench es to collect the roof run off and impervious surface area cre at ed from t he new homes . An infiltration value of 25 min/inch should be used in the design and s izing of the fac ilities. The s o ils are suitable for li mited inf il trat ion. 3. Surface water system deve lopment fee is $1 ,350.00 for the new lot. Credit will be given to the existing home. TRANSPORTATION /STREET 1. Existi ng right of way width in Ind ex Ave NE fronting the site is 50 feet. Index Ave NE is classi f ied as a residential access street. M inimum s treet width for a residential street is 53 fee t. To meet the City's complete stre et sta ndards, s treet improvements inc lu ding a pavement wi dth of 26 feet , curb, gutter, an 8 foot planter strip , 5 foot sidewalk , and sto rm drainage improvements are required to be constructed in th e right of way fron t ing the site City co d e 4 6 060. To build this street section o ne and half feet of right of way will be re quired to be de dicated to the City fronting th e site in Index Ave NE . 2. The short plat was previou sly approved in 2008 with a fee in li e u of in stal ling fro ntage improvements. Sinc e th e s hort plat exp ired , the decis io n is no long e r va lid. 3. Current traffic impact fee is $2 ,214.44 pe r new sin gle f am ily lot. Pay ment of th e transportation imp act fee is due at the time of iss ua nc e of the building permit. Traffic impact fee will increase to $2,951.17 in Ja nuary 2016. Cred it will l:>0 ..,;,,on '" +h ... ~"'-"---'· -'-· 4. Street lighting is not required for a 2 lot s hort plat. EXHIBIT 9 Ran: November 30, 2015 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPL LU A 15-000766 ~NT PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I Engineering Review Comments Contact: Jan Illian I 425-430-7216 I jillian@rentonwa.gov 5. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9 ') and double loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16 '). GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Separate permits and fees for side sewer connection, water meter and storm connection will be required. 2. All construction ut il ity permits for drainage and st reet improvements will require separate plan submittal. All util ity plans shall conform to the City of Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 3. Rockeries or retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will be require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans shall be submitted for review by a li censed engineer. Special Inspection is required . 4. A tree removal and tree retention /protection plan and a landscape plan shall be included with the civ il plan submittal. Transportation Engineering Rev iew Comments Contact: Brianne Bannwarth I 425-430-7299 I bbannwarth@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: The applicant is req uesting a fee in lieu from RMC 4 6 060F.2 "Minimum Design Standards Table fo r Public Streets and Alleys " to avoid construct ing the required 0.5 foot curb and gutter, 8 foot wide planter st rip , and a 5' sidewalk along the west side of t he Residential Access street (Index Avenue NE ) along the project frontage . The existing sidewalk along Index Avenue NE is in disrepair and does not meet cu rre nt ADA standards. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the fee in lieu and supports the construction of the complete st re et sta ndard with a storm drain aqe extension to the upstream property boundary for future co nnection. Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Cyndie Parks I 425-430-7521 I cparks@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Minimal impact on Po li ce Services. Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach I 425-430-6619 I LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. Inc lude 8 foot wide planting strip between sidewalk and c urb to include one street t ree that matures at a small height due to overhead powerlines. I Recommendati o ns: 2. Parks Impact Fees per Ordinance 5670 applies. Fire Review -Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas I 425-430-7024 I cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations : Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire impact fee s a re currently applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single family unit. Credit will be granted for the removal of the existing duplex. Code Related Co mm ents: 1 . The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm f ire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Exi sting hydrants can be counted toward the requirements as long as they meet current code including 5 inch sto rz f ittings. There is one existing up to date hydrant within 300 feet. Due to existing 6 inc h wate r main , if the home exceeds 3 ,600 sq uare feet , an approved f ire sprin kler sys tem would be req uired. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are existinq. Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: I have re viewed the prelimin ary short plat submittal and have the following comm ents: Information needed for fina l short plat approval includes the following: Note the new City of Renton land use action number and land record numbe r, LUA 15 000766 and LND 20 0531, respectively, on the final short plat s ubmittal. The typ e size used for the land record nu mber should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Do note encroachments, if any. Ran: November 30, 2015 Page 2 of 3 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPi LU A 15-000766 \NT PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use of ' ' Version 1 I Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov Do include a "LEGEND" block for the s hort plat drawing, detailing any symbols used thereon. On the final short plat submitta l, remove all re fe ren ces pertaining to utilities faci liti es, trees, co nc re te, grave l, decks and other items not directly impactinq the subdivision. Th ese item s are provided only for preliminary approval. Ran :November30,2015 Page 3 of 3 Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY /CODE INTERPRETATION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY /CODE INTERPRETATION#: Cl-73 -REVISED MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS: REFERENCE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: 4-2-110.A, 4-2-110.B, 4-2-110.D, 4-2-115, 4 -11-020, and 4-11-230 Residential Building Height (RC thru RMF) Erratum Statement: Cl-73 implemented changes to the method of height measurement for structures in the RC through RMF zones. This erratum statem ent affects the two-story limitation for R-14 zoned properties by increasing it to three. Docket #116 advocates for increased height and story limits for select zones, including the RMF zone. The R-14 zone is transitional between the R-10 and RMF, and therefore R-14 standards are intended to offer a compromise between the restrictions of the R-10 and the allowances of the RMF zone. By limiting wall plate height to 24' yet allowing three stories, the R-14 zone would provide an appropriate transition between the R-10 and RMF zones with respect to building height. By definition, the current method to determine a building's height is to measure the average height of the highest roof surface from the grade plane (i.e., average grade). The maximum height allowed in the RC through R-14 zones is 30 feet (35' in the RMF). The implementation of a "maximum hei g ht" (RMC 4-2-110.A) as applied to roofed buildings is inconsistent and contradicto ry with the intent and purpose statements of Title IV related to residential design (RMC 4-2-115). Further, regulating the height of non-roofed structures is unenforceable by Title IV (except for Building Code). The ambiguity and contradictory aspects of the code ex ist for two reasons: 1. Height is mea su red to the midpoint of a roof; a 2. Flat roofs are able to be as tall as buildings witl increases the building's massing. EXHIBIT 10 H:\CED\Planning\ T it le IV\Doc ket\Adm inistr ative Po licy Co de ln t erp ret ati on\CI-73\Code l nterpr e1 Entire Document Available Upon Request DEPARTMENT OF COMM ITV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION DECISION: REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Owner/ Applicant: Con tac t : File Number: Pr oject Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: D APPROVAL Novembe r 30, 2015 Syrbu Il l Short Plat Vyach esla u & Natalya Syrbu, 1917 Jones Aven ue NE, Re n to n, WA 98 Jim Han so n, Hanson Consu lting, 17446 Malla rd Cov e Lane, Mt Ve rnon, WA 98274 LUA15-000766, SHPL-A Ji ll D ing, Senior Planner The applica nt i s requesting Prelimin ary Short Plat approval fo r the subdivis ion of an existing 9,632 square foot (0 .22 acr e ) lot, zoned Re sid e ntial-10 (R -10), i nto two lots . An existing duple x i s proposed to be removed from the p ro j ect site and sing le fam i ly residences wou ld be constructed on the new lots. Proposed Lot 1 would hav e an area of 4,793 sq u are f eet and Lot 2 would have an area of 4,8 42 square f eet. Th e propose d lots woul d both have areas of 4 ,816 square feet . Access to the new lots i s proposed via residentia l driveways off of Inde x Av e nu e N E. No critical are as are mappe d on th e project site. Prelim inary Short Plat approval wa s previou sly g ra nted on the project si t e under LUA08-119, however t h e applicat i on exp ired. As part of the previous short pla t approva l, a fee in lieu of constructing frontage im provements was g ranted. 613 and 615 Ind ex Avenue NE 0.22 acres Project Location Map Admin Report .~~ NOTICE OF APPLIC ~~9,~~ A W.utt:r A;,~llotlcnhu bHn filed and KU Pl•~.,.,:.:::::=: .. :luU:,n ffld tfte flk~ {CtDJ -,Wlmi'l&Oh,aJClftoflheGtyof -enton,' • Publl,A.pp,a.-.i._ O,.ft DfNOTla OF APf'UC.ATIOff: DATE Of AP PU CAnON: OCTOBER U. 2DU "'"-'Af: c:.~._/\u1t1lip: ______ _ ~o!UlNGAXll.US ---------- THE~flO°"lNO : --------- I, J 1·/1 1) /, , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted in -2_ -nsp icuou s places o r nea r by the desc ribed propert y on CERTIFICATION Date :--....f~I _/ ~_/_/ 5 ___ _ CO UNTY OF KING 55 Signed:#8 #j-· .,.._ ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON I certify that I know or ha ve sa tisfactory evidence that ::r; I\ '}); s ig n e d thi s in strument and acknowledged it to be hi s/h_e_r_/-th_e_ir_fr_e-e_a_n_a--r--,-u-nt_a_r._y_a_c_t_fo_r_t_h_e_ Notary (Print): My ap po intm e nt expi re s: Auq v--<f J "i ;}.( I ] -----~u ------,7r---------- On the 2"d day of November, 2015, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application and Acceptance documents. This information was sent to: Jim Hanson Vyacheslav and Natalya Syrbu 300' Surrounding Properties (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) Applicant Owner See Attached Notary (Print): ____ __.._l±""'o'-'l ..... _k __ y...._..o'---'-'VJ._.t;""'VS .... -'------------- My appointment expires: U At:§w+-Q'1r Jot 1 Syrbu Short Plat LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A t empl ate -affidavit of service by mailing 7227501915 7227800631 7227800700 ALANO STEFAN E ANDERSON TROY M & DEBBIE A BAUER ono E JR 2724 NE 6TH PL 227 BELLEVUE WAY NE PMB 154 17211190TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98056 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 RENTON, WA 98058 7227800645 7227800645 7227800715 CHRISTENSEN RONNY CHRISTENSEN RONNY COMBS JEFF SHANE+SKYE LYNN 625 I NDEX AVE 627 Index Ave NE 2914 NE 6TH ST RENTON, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98056 7227800690 7227800690 7227800720 Current Reside nt Current Resident Current Resident 644 Harrington Ave NE 642 Harrington Ave NE 614 Index Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 7227800700 7227800700 7227800671 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 651 Index Pl NE 653 Index Pl NE 570 Harrington Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 7227800670 7227800635 7227800635 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 568 Harrington Ave NE 2803 NE 6th Pl 2801 NE 6th Pl Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 7227800620 7227800620 7227800720 Current Resident Current Resident CUTIING LARRY D 549 Index Pl NE APT A 549 Index Pl NE APT B 16919 150TH AVE SE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98058 7227800680 7227502030 7236300055 DAO EMILIE DAVIES SHANE & SUSAN DINH TUNG DONG+HONG THANH P PO BOX 40462 21333 SE 277TH PL 516 HARRINGTON AVE NE BELLEVUE, WA 98015 MAPLE VA LLEY , WA 98038 RENTON, WA 98056 7227800610 7227502055 7227800695 FAULKNER KELLY M FREDERICKS MARK L+KIMBERLY HIRAY SWAPNA 2915 NE 6TH ST 5432 111 TH PL SW 6412 164TH PL SE RENTON, WA 98056 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 BELLEVUE, WA 98006 7227800685 7236300060 7227800620 HUMPHRIES scon w INTHASONE BOUNTHIENG+VANDY JONES TROY+JANA 634 HARRINGTON AV NE 513 INDEX AVE NE 547 INDEX PL NE RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98058 SEATILE, WA 98056 7227800605 7227800721 7227800615 LEIGH TON RONALD l+CALL Y A LI ZHI CHUN & MARY Y FONG LONG ARTHUR F 14112 SE 167TH ST 2628 NE 25TH ST 12201 SHOREWOOD DR SW RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98056 SEATILE, WA 98146 7227800650 MATHEWS STEVEN L 10311 CADENA CT SPRING, TX 77379 7227800730 MCCREADY KRAIG A+SHELLEY R 626 INDEX AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227800725 MILO ENTERPRISES LLC 620 Index Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 7227800600 P NELSON FAMILY 2 LLC 12418 83RD AVES SEATTLE, WA 98178 7227502065 PIECZATKOWSKI ERIKS 2716 NE 5TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 7227800630 SKYWIRE PROPERTIES LLC 227 BELLEVUE WY #PMB-154 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 7227800675 STEWART DANIEL R 576 HARRINGTON AV NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227800665 VILAYSAN DUANGCHAN 551 INDEX AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227502060 ZARATE FELIPE 569 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227502015 MAXWELL KATHERINE L 2709 NE 6TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 7227502045 MEJIA DANELIA MOLINA+VIANA 603 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227800660 MITCHELL KAITLIN+MITCHELL D 2224 NE 24TH ST RENTON, WA 98056 7227800690 PENALOZA WILLIAM 16213 142ND AV SE RENTON, WA 98058 7227502025 REBHUHN NIKOLAUS K 15070 SE 44TH ST BELLEVUE, WA 98006 7227502020 SMITH JAMES F 2713 NE 6TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 7227502050 THOMPSON WARREN I & REBECCA 577 HARRINGTON NE RENTON, WA 98055 7227800635 WEI KENNETH K PO BOX 2374 RENTON, WA 98056 7227800705 MCCORMICK RESIDENTIAL RENTA 191 MAPLEWAY DR SELAH, WA 98942 7227800725 MILO ENTERPRISES LLC 622 INDEX AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 7227800625 NOYOLA DIGNA A 2912 NE 5TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 7227502040 PETERSON LAVERN 607 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON, WA 98055 7227800670 SAECHAO MUANG WEUN 3220 S DAWSON ST SEATTLE,WA 98118 7227800640 SMITH JEFFREY S+SUSAN S 16611 SE MAY VALLEY RD RENTON, WA 98059 7227502035 TIMMERMAN GREGORY E 2514 NE 5TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 7227800710 YU YAN Z 12422 SE 4TH PL BELLEVUE, WA 98005 Jim Hanson J. Hanson Consulting LLC 17446 Mallard Cove Ln Mt. Vernon. WA 98274 Vvacheslav and Nata Iva Svrbu 1917 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Vvacheslav and Natalva Svrbu 1917 Jones Ave NE Renton. WA 98056 Terry Flatley Plan Review Routing Slip Plan N umber: LUAlS-000766 Name: Syrbu II Short Plat ~ C ~ ~ %' ~ \~ ~~-o& ~ ~-P. d \',; .... ',\ : : .. ..... ·1 \ -= ..:..:· __ ·:f/ Site Address: 613 INDEX AVE NE ~_,>. ~ 0 Description: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Short Plat approval for the subdivision of an existing 9,~uare foot (0.22 acre) lot, zoned Residential-10 (R-10), into two lots. An existing duplex is proposed to be removed from the project~ and single family residences would be constructed on the new lots . The proposed Jots would both have areas of 4,816 squ are feet. Access to the new lots is proposed via residential driveways off of Index Avenue NE . No critical area s are mapped on the project site. Preliminary Short Plat approval was prev iously granted on the project site under LUA 08-119, however the application expired . As part of the previous short plat approval, a fee in lieu of constructing frontage improvements was granted . Review Type: Community Serv ices Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 11/02/2015 Date Due: 11/16/2015 Project Manager: Jill Ding Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environ mental Health Water Energy/Natura l Resources Plants Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/GI a re Hi stori c/Cu l tural Pres ervati on Recreation Ai rport Env i ron men ta I Uti I i ties 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornm ental Impacts above . Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments . Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations . Correction/Resubmit -I h ave rev iewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or re submit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections . Include 8-foot wide planting strip between sidewalk and curb to include one street tree that matures at a small height due to overhead powerlines. ~fd OIY)/~ ?"---~a,,,tu.___ sa ){) ~ 1!-12-15 Leslie Betlach Plan Number: LUAlS-000766 Plan Review Routing Slip Name: Syr bu II Sho rt Plat 1k 00 , ~ ~ %,~., --~o '// <q/~' <Y ~ ~~ d ''..,, Site Address: 613 INDEX AVE NE ~~ ~ 0 Description: The applicant is r equesting Preliminary Short Plat approva l for t he su bdiv ision of an ex isting 9,~~uare foot (0 .22 acre) lot, zoned Reside ntial -10 (R-10), into two lots. An existi ng duplex is proposed to be removed from t he project~ and single fam il y res idences wou ld be cons tru cted on the ne w lots. The propose d lots wou ld both have areas of 4,816 squa r e feet. Access to the new lots is proposed via re sidential d ri veways off of Ind ex Ave n ue NE. No critical areas are mapped o n th e project site . Prelimina ry Short Plat approval was previously granted o n the proj ect site und er LU A 08-119, howeve r the application ex pired . As part of t he previou s short plat app rova l, a fee in lieu of co nstru cti ng frontage im provements was granted . Review Type : Date Assigned: Co mmu nity Services Review-Ve r sio n 1 11/02/2015 Date Due : 11/16/2015 Project Manager: Ji ll Ding Environmental Im pact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Energy/Natu ral Resources Plan t s Housing Land/S horeline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Lig ht/Glare Hi stori c/Cultura I Preservation Recrea tion Airport Envi ronme nta I Uti Ii ti es 10,000 Feet Transportatio n 14,000 Feet Pub Ii c Service Recomme ndation -Comments that impact the p roject in cl ud ing any of the Enivo rnmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project t hat need to be made before the review can be co mpl et ed and /o r requesting submittal of add itional documentation and/or resubmitta l of ex isting documentation. What statuses should be used : Rev iewed -I have rev iewed the proj ect and have no com m ents . Reviewed with Com ments -I ha ve r ev iewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendatio ns . Co rrection/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the app lica nt needs to submi t and/or re subm it documentation and I have added corrections in Co rrections. /?tJVJl4-,,,v171!7a,:/-r ~(/rA,,na,,nV-. 6~ ~ Signature of Director o r Authorized Repres entative Date Terry Flatley Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: LUAlS-000766 Name: Syrbu II Short Plat 1k C>Q , ~ ~ %,~ / ~ \.~ ~c; o<JJ ~ ~~ d ,~ f .•• \_lit. Site Address: 613 INDEX AVE NE ~ ~ 0 Description: The appl icant is requesting Preliminary Short Pl at approval for the subdivision of an existing 9,~uare foot (0.22 acre) lot, zoned Res idential-10 (R-10), into two lots. An existing duplex is proposed to be remove d from the project~ and single family residen ces would be constructed on the new lots. The proposed lots would both ha ve areas of 4,816 square feet . Access to the new lots is proposed via res idential driveways off of Index Avenue NE. No critical areas are mapped on the project site. Preliminary Short Plat approval was p r eviously granted on the project site under LUA 08-119, however the application expired. As part of the prev ious short plat approval, a fee in lieu of constructing frontage improvements was granted . Review Type: Community Ser vices Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 11/02/2015 Date Due: 11/16/2015 Project Manager: Ji ll Ding Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Env i ronm enta l Health Water Energy/Natura l Resources Pia nts Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aestheti cs Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/Glare Hi sto r lc/Cul tura I Preservation Recreation Ai rport Envi ronmenta l Utilities 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Eni vornme ntal Impacts above. Correction -Cor rection s to the project tha t need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used : Re viewed -I ha ve r evie we d the proj ect and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. 17;//J~ ..--nj?acr'r ror~a,nc.,_ 6~~ Include 8-foot wide planting strip between sidewalk and curb to include one street tree that matures at a small height due to overhead powerlines. Signature of Director or A uthorized Representative Date Denis Law M ay o r November 2, 2015 Jim Hanson J Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Ln Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Community & Economic Development Department C.E. "C h ip"Vi nce nt, Administrator Subject : Notice of Complete Application Syrbu Short Plat, LUAlS-000766, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Hanson: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-6598 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ?jj1{;[}u Jill Ding Senior Planner cc: Vyaches Lau Sy r bu / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way , Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov -· NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: November 2, 2015 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Syrb u Short Plat/ LUA15-000766, SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Preli mina ry Short Pla t approval fo r t h e subdivis ion of an existi ng 9,632 square foot (0.22 acre) lot, zone d Residenti al -10 (R-10), into two lots. An existing dup lex is pro posed to be removed fro m the proj ect site and single fam i ly residences would be constructed on the new lots. The proposed lots would both have areas of 4,8 16 sq uare fee t. Access to the new lot s is propose d via resid ential driveways off of Index Avenue NE. No critical areas are mapped on the project site. Pre lim inary Short Plat approval was previously gran ted on t he project site under LUA08 -11 9, however the application expired. As pa rt of the previous short plat approva l, a fee in lieu of const ructing frontage improvements was granted. PROJECT LOCATION: 613 & 615 In dex Ave NE PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Sho rt Plat APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON : Jim Hanson, J Hans on Consult ing/ 17446 Mallard Cove Ln ./ Mt. Ve rnon, WA 98274/ 360 -840-9519/ j chanson@frontier.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 16, 2015. If you have questions about this proposa l, or wis h to be made a party of re cord and receive add itional notifi cation by mai l, contact the Pro ject Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who submits w ritten comments will automatically beco m e a party of record and w il l be notified of any decis ion on this projec t. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: OCTOBER 21, 2015 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION : NOVEMBER 2, 2015 (,~'i j a:l[ F[im:m. ·" ;rr?).jij~ i~~~; ttr\r:, FiJ/ ··r~,. ·, If you w ou ld l ike t o be made a party of record t o receive further inform ation on this pro posed project, comp lete this form and ret urn to : City of Renton, CED, Planni ng Division, 10 55 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Fi le Name/ No.: Sybru Sho rt Pl at/ LUA15-000766, SHPL-A NAME: ------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS:------------------City/St ate/Zip:------------ TELEPHONE NO .: --------------- DEPARTMENT OF COMMU Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------~R"entOll@ Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: \I ·y AC;/e s .t.A-J 5 Y P.3c.t 0 ~ Bu TIT .::'"'.);,,/it.,~ j>L-1,f-~ ADDRESS: / 1/7 ,)01v~ /p;}tC A/E PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND Z IP CODE: ¢; i3 ff 1(:,16 IN])87-A Jt:: 4 £ C ITY: J).EAJ rof..l ZIP: 9E06-t, TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2.c>&.-, __ c1 2,.L"'J -85B7 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 7 z --2,, ·7t.00 , c>6£-_;:;. o.~ APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME : EXISTING LAND USE(S): ;:;u_ p LG 'f. COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): .5itJ<l(,_,._t.$ ~/}-t,.;{ , ..... -1.,1 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: ,Lo.4 l') ;:ili(JS ,.,.. '1 /J7'-'-'-I Pt..-G: /~f;.SJDt;;-nfJ 4 t... PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY : ZIP: (if applicable) IV A TELEPHONE NUMBER: EX ISTING ZONING : J2 .._ I~ CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): Al /'t NAME: JJN\ J-IIJNS~JJ SITE AREA (in square feet): q_ w3Z- ..\ ft;,tu.s .v CoA.:!.L1..CJ1w t:: ~ .... c COMPANY (if applicable): D SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: ;\1 1-t ADDRESS: IJ'H{o .117,1 uA P.v ~t}~ L10 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: }//1- c1TY : 1vrr V£i2wCJ~) an+ Z IP : 98;;.)'f-PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (i f applicable) cf ( TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) ~-81()-·'rs ,c;_ J c:...,;/,tJ,O.J (:',A) '-e' r,4D,<Jt (i:-1 .• CU/71 2 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): )J,A- 1 L ............. f f---.6.--···---··'··-'--J-..Jr:1 __ /n .. _: ____ /nnn1a1/r.r-,,rr,·n,/r A naat"" n111&1 .. 11a.1r-/ ___ .,._ _____ J __ n ...... t'\nJ-.f'\1 r .. P"'0JECT INFORMATION (continued) ,-----'------~'--------------, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 2 .. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): /'-J A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQ UARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): A._1/.\ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N ' /,\ SQ UARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): X-)p 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORE LINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) __ sq .ft . __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq .ft. SITUATE IN THE ~ QUARTER OF SECTION _2___, TOWNSHIP ;;).3 , RANGE 5 , IN THE CITY OF RENTON , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP V y0tc 'ne? lo. V $ .AJt\. t ~ I ya. 5 yr ~0. I, (Print Name/s) __ , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) 0 t he current owner of the property involved in this application or O the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information erewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have s~ctory evidence that -'-' 1Y'-~-c ft{: __ r_LA_v_+ ___ --+----4;....._-'- acknowledge it to be his/her~free and voluntary act for the uses and pu Dated ;:s:a-.:111:0;~i.,,ei~ Notary Public State of Washington KIM VY TRAN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES March 03, 2018 Notary (Print): My appointment expires: 2 . - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----~ ItentOil ® WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS "' 0 l ( • \ '; ·, ! ,. - Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: COMMENTS: Arborist Report 4 JD Waived provided no work would occur within the drip line of existing trees Biological Assessment 4 JD Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 JD Construction Mitigation Description 2AN D4 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural 3AND4 Environmental Checklist 4 JD Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1 AND 4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 Flood Hazard Data 4 JD Floor Plans 3 AN D 4 Geotechnical Report 2AN 03 Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Re port 4 JD Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 PROJECT NAME : DATE : //0 --2£' --1S 1 r.\ I ·--__ \ I • --_, A --"-"'-\I -__ ., I, .! ---.., -.£.\ \. J !-..J -•. __ \ .... _.,..._ -L -\ 1 r-\ &I I/ 1n .,, .. •n\ r . --L.-.I A ,_:.·---·. L.-: ...... _ • __ --.J --· n_ ... n n 1-.n .. r- LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS : BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 '~:, Landscape Plan, Conceptual 4 Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 Legal Description 4 Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 JD Map of Existing Site Conditions4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan 4 JD Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval 2 Plat Name Reservation 4 Piat Plan 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 Public Works Approval Letter 2 Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 2AND4 Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 JD Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 1 AND 4 Topography Map 3 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 2 r .\ I , ____ \ I·--... \ A __ ,..._ .. _\ I ---•\. A : _____ .c..., ,111 :_..J _____ \ .... _ ... ,.. __ L _\ ,.-, klVlf'\"'" ·"' r. ·-1... .. ,.,_:,. ____ ,L._:.._.__. __ --..I--·· n ..... nn/-.n,.,... LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineati on 4 Wireless : Applicant Agreement Statement 2AND3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Le ase Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 M ap of Existing Site Conditions 2AND 3 Map of View Area 2AND 3 Photo simulations 2AND 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY : BY : JD 3 ,..._\ • •----\ t , ___ \ A--""-•-\ 1 ---•\ a. •=-.. ---La.\ t 111,:_ .J-...... \ 111.1 ...... r--.-L. _,,,-\au,, rn n,a 111n\ ,-___ L .. , a,_: .... --·-L-:~-•--_ .. .J .-..... COMMENTS : n ...... nn /"*\n 4 r- PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Syrbu II Short Plat 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE PRE 15-000307 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division May 21, 2015 Contact Information: Planner: Jill Ding, 425.430.6598 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Jan Illian, 425.430.7216 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430.7024 Building Department Reviewer : Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the ---~--project.---You-will.-need-to.-submit-a-copy-of-thiS-packet when you apply. for-, land-use --~--~------ and/ or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). I ' Fire & ~mergency Ser"i~es Department DATE : TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM 5/12/2015 12:00:00AM Jill Ding, Senior Planner Corey Thomas, Plan Review/Inspector (Syrbu II Short Plat) PRElS-000307 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is l,Oo~· · um for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceed . 3,600 are feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is equired within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1;500 gpm. Existing hydrants can be counted toward the requirements as long as they meet current code including 5-inch storz fittings . There is one existing up to date hydrant w · 00-feet. Due to existing -1 ater main, if the home exceeds 3,600 square feet, an approved : e s rinkler system would be required. 2. The fire impact fees are curren e rate of $495.10 per single family unit. Credit will be granted for the removal of the existing duplex. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are existing . Page 1 of 1 .DEPARTMENT OF C0~11 'VlUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM : SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM 5/21/2015 12:00:00AM Jill Ding, Senior Planner Jan Illian, Plan Reviewer (Syrbu II Short Plat) PRElS-000307 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non-binding and may not subject to modification and/or concurrence by official city decision-makers . Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal . The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. Water 1. Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There is a 6-inch ductile iron water main in Index Ave NE. The 6-inch water main can provide 1,400 gpm. The project is in the 320 water pressure zone. 2. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of all structures. There are fire hydrants in the vicinity that may be counted towards the fire protection of this project, but is subject to verification for being within 300 feet of the nearest corner of all buildings. 3. ydrant(s) counted as fire protection will be required to be retrofitted with a 511 quick disconnect storz fitting if not already in place. -. -vs · em-dev elopmennee fo n;,v ater 1s based -on thn ize of-tne new c:10-mestic waTer mefennat wiWservetnE - new home on the new lot. Fee for %-inch or 1-inch water meter install is $3,09 . Cre 1 · be given for th tw -· estic waters serving the existing duplex. If the size of the meter increases, dditional may be owed . 5. Fee or a 4-inch meter in stalled by the City is $3,075.00. Sanitary Sewer 1. Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main in Index 2. Sy stem development fee for sewer is based on the size of the n at serve the new home on each new lot. Sewer fee for a %-inch or 1-inch meter install i $2,135.00.00 per lo . e fee will increase to $2,242.00 per new lot in January 2016. A separate sewer stub w1 e r e provided to each lot . . This pare · ·ect to the payment of a special assessment for sewer. East Renton Interceptor SAD is $224 .52 per new lot. redit will be given to the existing duplex assuming it is connected to sewer . Storm Drainage 1. There is no drainage conveyance system in Index Ave NE . 2. A drainage plan and drainage report will be required with the site plan application. The report shall comply with the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapter 1 and 2. All core and any special requirements shall be contained in the report. Based on Page 1 of 2 the City's flow control map, th e falls within the Peak Rate Flow Co1 I Standard, Existing Conditions .. The drain epur t wil follow the area specific flow control requirements under Core Requirement# 3 . 3. A geotechnical report fo the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability with reco men propriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer shall be submitted with the application. 4. Surface water system development fee is V,350.00for eachnew ~red it will be given to the existing home. Fee will increase to $1,485 .00 in January 2016. ( ., Transportation /Street (2' 1. Existing right-of-way width in Index Ave NE fronting the site is 50 feem. x Ave NE is classified as a residential access street. Minimum street width for a residential street ·s 53 f et . To meet the City's complete street standards, street improvements including a pavement width of 26 et, curb, gutter, an 8-foot planter strip, 5-foot sidewalk, and storm drainage improvements are required to be constructed in the right of way along both side of the road per City code 4-6-060. To build this street section one and half feet of right of way will be required to be dedicated to the City f ite in Index Ave NE. 2. Applicant may apply for a waiver or a f e in lieu since th existing 4 foot sidewalk fronting the site does not meet City Code. Dedication of ri ht o way w1 e required. 3. Current traffic impact fee· $2,214.44 p r new single-family lot. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance oft e--u1 ding permit. Traffic impact fee will increase to $2,951.17 in January 2016. Credit will be given to the existing duplex. 3. Street lighting is not required for a 2-lot short plat. 4. The maximum width of single loaded garag_~ dr'veway shall not exceed nine feet (91) and double-loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen fee (16'). General Comments 1. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. Separate permit and fees will be required for the water meter installation, side sewer connection and Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M May 21, 2015 Pre-Application File No. 15-000307 Jill Ding, Senior Planner Syrbu II Short Plat, 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The project site is located on the west side of Index Avenue NE, between NE 6th Street and NE 6th Place and is addressed as 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE. The total area of the subject site is 9,632 square feet (0.22 acres) and zoning is Residential -10 dwelling units per · ~··~·-· ··--~~ac-re-(R-:YO)~ne-app icant ,s proposingl:o su5c1Tv fclethe site ihto·2 re siaent,al lots-for me··fi.ifure - construction of single family residences. The proposed lots would each total 4,816 square feet in area. Access to the proposed lots would be provided via residential driveways off of Index Avenue NE. No critical areas are mapped on the project site. Current Use: An existing duplex is proposed to be removed. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is zoned Residential-10 dwelling units per acre (R-10). The density range allowed in the R-10 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 10.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The area located within dedicated right-of-way, private access easements/tracts, and critical areas would be deducted from the gross site area to determine the "net1' site area prior to calculating density. The proposal for 2 lots on the 0.22 acre site would result in a net density of 9.1 dwelling units per acre (2 lots/ 0.22 acres::; 9.1 du/ac), which is within the density range permitted in the R-10 zone. A density worksheet would be required at the time of formal land use application. h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps \2015 preapps\15-000307.j ill\15 -000307 (r-10 2 lot sho rt plat).doc Syr bu II Sho rt Pl at , PRElS -000307 Pa ge 2 of 4 May 2 1, 20 15 Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-llOA, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "R-10 standards" here in). Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth-The minimum lot size permitted in the R-10 zone is 4,000 square feet for detached dwellings. Minimum lot width is 40 feet for interior lots and SO feet for corner lots; minimum lot depth is 70 feet. The proposed lots would have approximate lot areas of 4,816 square feet each. The proposed lots would have widths of 46.76 feet (Lot 1) and 47.24 feet (Lot 2). The proposed lots would have a depth of 102 .5 feet. The proposed lots would comply with the minimum lot size , width, and depth requirements. Building Standards-The R-10 standards allow a ma ximum building coverage of 55 % of the lot area. The ma ximum impervious coverage in the R-10 zone i s 70%. Bui lding height is restricted to 30 feet. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. The proposal's compliance with the building standards would be verified at the time of building permit review . Setbacks -Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line, private access easement, or tract. The required setbacks for the R-10 zone are : Front yard : 20 feet. Rear yard: 15 feet. Side yards : 4 feet. Side yards along streets: 15 feet. The proposed lots would provide adequate area for compliance with the required setbacks. Setbacks would be verified at the time of bu ilding permit review. Building Design Standards -The proposed structure would be subje ct to the Re sidential De sign Standards outlined in RMC 4-2-115 . The proposal's compliance with the residential design standards would be verified at the time of building permit review. Access/Parking: Access to the lots is proposed via residential driveways off of Index Avenue NE. Ea ch lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles . Dr iveways: The ma ximum driveway slopes cannot exceed 15%, provided that driveways exc eeding 8% are to provide slotted drains at the lower end of the driv ew ay . If the grade exceeds 15 %, a variance is required. The ma ximum width of single loaded garage driveways shall not exceed nine feet (9') and double loaded garage driveways shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). Landscaping -Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be land scaped with native, drought-resistant vegetativ e cover . The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet. In addition, two trees are required within the front yards of lots, which do not have frontage along a public street. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4- 4-070) for further general and specific landsc ape requirements. A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of Short Plat application . Fences/Retaining Walls: The ma ximum height of any fence, hedge or retaining wall shall be seventy two inches (72"). Fences, retaining walls or hedges shall not exceed forty ei ght inches (48") in height w ithin the front yard or side yard along a street setba ck. h :\ce d\plann ing\current pl a nning\prea pps\2015 pre apps\15-00030 7.jill\15-0 00307 (r-10 2 lot short p la t ).doc . ·• Syrbu 11 Short Plat, PRE15-0( Page 3 of 4 May 21, 2015 Significant Tree Retention: A Tree Retention/ Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 20 percent (20 %) of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. Detached single family development in the R-10 zone is exempt from the minimum tree density requirements. Therefore, all retained trees are required to be located within a tract. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches ( 18") caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and Other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. Critical Areas: No critical areas are mapped on the project site. Environmental Review: Short plats of 9 or fewer lots are exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review. Permit Requirements: The proposal would require approval a4m· · rative short plat. The administr:ative,_5hort-plat-requesL w.ould _be .. _tevi . ~within__an estimated ti frame of six _to eight weeks. The fee for a short plat application ill be $2,060 ($2,000 plus 3% echnology Fee). Detailed information regarding the land use a 1ded in the attached handouts. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once Preliminary Short Plat approval is obtained, the applicant must complete the required improvements and dedications, as well as satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before submitting for Final Short Plat review. Once final approval is received, the plat may be recorded . The newly created lots may only be sold after the plat has been recorded. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, impact fees would be required. Such fees would apply to all projects and would be calculated at the time of building permit application and payable prior to building permit issuance. The fees are as follows and may change year to year: • Transportation Impact Fee -$2,143.70 per new single-family house; h:\ced \planning\cur r ent planning\preapps\2015 preapps\15-000307.jill\15-0 00307 (r-10 2 lo t short plat).doc Sy rbu II Sh o rt Pla t , PRElS-0003 07 Pa ge 4 of 4 May 21 , 2015 • Park Impact Fee -$1,395 .25 per new single-family house; and • Fire Impact Fee -$479 .28 per new single-family house. A handout listing the impact fees is attached. A Renton School District Impact Fee, which is currently $5,541 (2015) per new home, would be payable prior to building permit issuance. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Note: When the formal application materials are complete, the applicant is strongly encouraged to have one copy of the application materials pre-screened at the 6th floor front counter prior to submitting the complete application package. Please call or emai l Jill Ding, Senior Planner at 425-430-6598 or jding@rentonwa.gov for an appointment. Expiration: Upon approval, the short plat is valid for two years with a pos sible one year extension. h:\ced \pl an nin g\c urrent pla nning\prea pps\2015 preapps\1 5-00030 7.jill\15-000307 (r-10 2 lot sho rt plat).doc CI'I OF RENTON Denis Law, Mayor Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator February 24, 2009 Mr. Jim Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washington 98274 Re: Syrbu I1 Short Plat 613 & 615 Index Avenue NE Renton , WA Dear Mr. Hanson: lJ r 2 , On February 18 , 2009, the Development Services Director granted your application for a fee-in-lieu of the installation of offsite improvements cons is ting of sidewalk, curb, gutter, and storm drainage fronting the site on Index A venue NE. The fee for improvements has been calculated as follows: FEE PER SQUARE YARD #SQUARE (SY) OR LINEAL YARDSOR ITEM FOOT(LF) LINEAL FEET EXTENDED COST Sidewalk fronting Index A venue NE 68.00 /LF 94LF $6,392.00 Curb and Gutter Index A venue NE 86.00/LF 94 L F $8,084.00 TOTAL FEE-IN-LIEU OF DUE CITY OF RENTON $14,476.00 This fee must be received by the City prior to recording of the short plat. According to City code, you have 15 days from today's date to appeal the administrative determination. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Cl e rk and require a filing fee in th e amount of $75.00. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's o ffice by calling (425) 430-6510. -------------~ 1055 South Grady W ay -Renton , Washington 98057 @ T h is paper conla,n s 50% recyded material. 30% oost consum<>r A H EAD OF TIIE <.:URVE Syrbu II Short Plat February 24, 2009 Page2 of2 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Rick Moreno, Civil Engineer at (425) 430-7278. Sincerely , ffi~ Linda Moschetti Administrative Assistant Public Works Department c c : Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Neil Watts, Development Services Director Rick Moreno, Engineering Specialist ;/ /,' I HANSON CONSUL TING September 28, 2015 City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA. 98055 360-840-9519 Subject: Surbu III Short P lat application, 613 and 615 Index Ave NE, Renton WA. Dear Planning Staff: This letter outlines the application for the Surbu III Short Plat at 613 and 615 Index Ave NE. Renton WA. The proposal is to subdivide a .22 acre parcel into 2 residential lots. The site contains a duplex building which will be removed. The current zoning of the site and surrounding area is RIO. Subdividing into 2 lots will have a net density of 9 .1 dwelling units per acre. The property fronts on Index Ave NE. Both lots will access from Index Ave NE. A 6 " water main is located in Index Ave NE. There are existing curbs gutters and s idewalks fronting the property which will remain. A fee-in lieu of has been granted for the property. (see attached) There is an existing fire hydrant within 300 feet to serve the project. The two existing water services will be used, one for each lot. An 8" sanitary sewer main is located in Index Ave NE. with two existing stubs which will be used for the new lots. Storm water from the driveway paving and roofs of the new houses will be collected and infiltrated on-site.-(Seedramage plan) . ... . . The existing parcel is 9,632 square feet in size. One additional lot will be created. The lots will be more than the minimum of3000 square feet. The proposed density is 9.1 units per acre. (See density worksheet). One single family r esidence will be constructed on each lot. The tree retention plan sows an existing tree which will remain. A ten foot landscape strip along Index Ave will be provided. Two trees per lot will be planted with the construction of the houses. We appreciate the city's review and approval of this application for a two lot subdivision. If you have any questions please contact me at 360-840-9519. Sincerely, y,·~[4 {_ 11:~ James C. Hanson / 11 , SYRBU II SHORT PLAT Syrbu III Short Plat 613 Index Avenue NE 2 Single Family Residence CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION Proposed Construction Dates (begin and end dates}: Start of construction is proposed for Spring 2016 with the demolition of existing structures and installation of storm sewer extension. Completion of work should be near the beginning of summer 2016. Hours and days of operation: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday or as otherwise allowed by City of Renton. Proposed Hauling/ Transportation routes: Materials and labor to the site are proposed off of Index Avenue NE. The minor amount of improvements will minimize the amount of construction t raffic on Index Avenue NE. Measures to minimize construction activities: Minor amount of necessary improvements to storm system will reduce the construction activities on this project. Special hours: No special hours are necessary to complete construction. Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: A traffic control plan will be provided at time of issuance of utility permit. The roadway grid system in this area will minimize the impacts to daily traffic if temporary road closure is necessary for the storm system connection at Index and NE 6th Place . Once a contractor is selected, a traffic control plan will be submitted and approved prior to the pre-construction meeting with the City of Renton. -DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton OeYek>pment Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 42S-430-n31 1. Gross area of property: 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets- Private access easements- Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 2. 3. square feet square feet square feet 0 9to3 2 square feet square feet 4. Divide·//ne 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. -Z Z acres -.... -----, ,.,,....,. 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. Z units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6 . 9. I = dwelling units/acre *Critical .Al98S are defined as ".Antas det&rmined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the Citys Critical Areas Regulations including vary high landslide 81988, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. -Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. 1 Last updated City of Renton TREE RETENTION 21 l WORKSHEET 1. Total number of trees over 6" in diameter1 on project site: 1. I trees --------'---- 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerous2 trees ----- Trees in proposed public streets trees ---- Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts trees ---- Trees in critical areas3 and buffers trees Total number of excluded trees: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 2. 3. ----- trees ------- trees ------- 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4 , multiply line 3 · by: 0.3 in zones RC , R-1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 in all other residential zones 0.05 in all commercial and industrial zones 4. • / trees • / __ ::........ ___ _ 5. List the number of 6" or larger trees that you are proposing5 to retain 4 : 5. I trees 0 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (If line 6 is less than zero, stop here. No repl acement trees are required). 6. __ -____..;.•_9......__ __ trees ... J 7. Multiply_/ine_6-b"f-1~foLnumbeL alre_quked.replacemenUnches_;~---- 7. -/tJ. 2, 8 . Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Mi nimum 2' cal iper trees required) 8 . -/(2. 8 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6 : (if remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole num b er) inches t, 2. inches per tree 9. trees ------..--C> ? ' Measured at chest height. '· Dead . diseased or dan gerous trees must be certified as such by a forester, regi stered la ndscape archi tect. or certified arbori st. and approved by the City . 3 · Critical A reas. s uch as wetlands, streams, floodplains and pro tected s lopes. are d efin ed in Section 4-3-050 of the Renton Munici pal Code (RMC). • Count only those trees to be retain ed outside of criti ca l areas and buffers. 5 Th e City ma y re quire mod ifi ca ti o n of the tree retention plan to ensure reten tio n of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a •-Inches of street trees, in ches of trees added to cri ti cal areas/buffers, and inch es of trees retained on s ite th at are less than 6" but are greate r th an 2" can be used to meet the tree repl acement requirement. H: Di vi s iorV FonnsiT rec Retenti on Wo rks heet 11 /07 Robert M. Pride, LLC August 21, 2015 Mr. James Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt Vernon, WA 98274 Re: Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Residences 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Hanson, Consulting Engineer This report presents the results of our site investigation for the proposed residences to be constructed on Lots 1 and 2 located on the west side of Index Avenue NE in Renton. It is understood that the proposed buildings will be located on the east side of the lots and will have driveway access from Index Avenue. The purpose of this report is to document existing subsoil and geologic conditions, and to provide design recommendations for site development and foundation design. References include geologic mapping by Booth, et al and previous geotechnical investigations performed in this area of Renton. Site Conditions This property is occupied by an existing structure at the south end of the site. There is an existing pond on the NW corner of the property that holds shallow water from prior rainfall, and it is understood that this pond will remain in place. There is a gentle slope rising up from the NW-to SE-comerof th~ropertywith--a-riseirrelevatiorrof about 28 fe et . Geologic research shows that this property is underlain by Vashon Recessional deposits (Qvr) that will provide satisfactory support for each of the two residences. These lots are covered with three feet of loose fill soils that are underlain by loose topsoil and then medium dense recessional silty sands. Two hand auger test borings were drilled to confirm depths to bearing soils, and they are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1. Summary logs of the subsoil conditions are described below: HA-1 Located at the rear of the 615 duplex unit o.o to 3.0ft FILL -Silty Sand; grey brown, dry, loose; 3.0 to 3.5ft Topsoil -Silty Sand with organics; loose, grey brown, dry; 3.5 to 5.0ft Silty Sand; brown, slightly moist, medium dense; no groundwater encountered; Robert M. Pride, LLC Page 1 v;.,J,1-,.-.rl \AT/\ OQ()'JA HA-2 Located on the rear of the 613 duplex unit o.o to 3.1ft FILL -Silty Sand with gravel; grey brown, dry, medium dense 3.1 to 3.5ft Topsoil -Silty Sand with organics; grey brown, slightly moist, loose; 3.5 to 5.5ft Silty Sand; brown, slightly moist, medium dense; no groundwater encountered; Geotechnical Recommendations On the basis of our geologic research and subsurface soil investigation, the proposed building foundations will need to extend down to the medium dense native soils that exist about 3.5 feet below existing grade. Continuous and spread footings may be designed for a soil bearing value of 1500 psf where they are supported on the medium dense native soils. Depths to final bearing soils may vary from the rear to the front of these two lots, and field verification of the bearing soils will be required during site excavation. Concrete slabs will need to be supported on a 12 inch compacted fill layer that has been placed over proof-rolled fill soils. It is recommended that 10 mil plastic sheeting be placed under the interior floor slab areas for moisture protection. All concrete slabs must be properly reinforced and contain construction joints to control concrete shrinkage cracking. A subdrain system does not need to be installed around the perimeter of the structure foundations due to the pervious nature of the underlying native silty sands. Storm water can be directed into the existing storm drain system in the street, or into infiltration trenches on the property. Based on King County Surface Water Design Manual Table 4.5.2, these subsoils have been classified as "fine loamy sand" and they have an infiltration rate of 25 min/inch for infiltration desig_n. Summary Field construction services should be considered an extension of this initial geotechnical investigation, and are essential to the determination of compliance with the project drawings and specifications. Such activities would include site and foundation excavations; subgrade preparation for foundations and floor slabs; and fill placement and compaction. Our conclusions, recommendations and opinions presented in this report are based on 1) our interpretation and evaluation of the results of the test borings, 2) confirmation of the actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction, and 3) the assumption that sufficient observation and testing will be provided during appropriate phases of the work. The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted principles of geotechnical engineering as practiced in the Puget Robert M. Pride Page 2 v; .. t,.1.,,...,1 '1T i\ OQf\1,1 Sound area at the time this report was submitted. We make no warranty, either express or implied. Please call me if you have any questions, or you wish to discuss this report in greater detail . Respectfully, Robert M. Pride, P. E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer dist: (1) Jim Hanson encl: Drawing No. 1 rmp: HansonlndedxRes1 Robert M. Pride Page3 v; .. 1,1 ..,,..,-1 ,1r A OQ/Yll1 ,- r, ~ ! . . l! ; ~ L... r, ........ -(-,-,,,...~ . ';; .• ,'..,11.,;'~ ..... ,,_,;;--, ; 4 ' ·a----::--c , ~ : ~ 'ii 1· I.· <·~i:;i :-o•--..• ~..,.. ~ i;-!c · .. -\ i ...... . .:::-.._,o ~-:: \J' ...... e.-', :-, • ·-. i --~,.:..,::n_ ~ . .r------------· · ..... _ .-...----------.!~ 25. 0. --~.· -~!!\. ~-f"!-7 ~-:' /-i \ I • \-._ I •.,.J.-, •.. ,.._; \_.r-} ~ _..., \ fence --~·/ Proposed Residences 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington Robert M. Pride, LLC u driveway is C.3' scu:h crf set r ebcr w/cap SITE PLAN L Project No. Drawing No. 1 Consulting Geotechnical Engineer Syrbu III Short Plat PRE 15-000307 613 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington 98056 King County Tax #722780-0655 DRAINAGE REPORT Octo ber 20 , 201 5 Prepared for: Jim Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washington 98274 (360) 840-9519 office jchanson@frontier.com Prepared by: Offe Engineers, PLLC Darrell Offe, P.E. 13932 SE 159th Place Renton, Washington 98058-7832 ( 425) 260-3412 office da rrell.offe@comcast.net Table of Contents • Technical Information Worksheet • Section 1: Project Overview • Section 2: Drainage Review Requirements (CORE requirement review) • Section 3: Special Reports and Studies • Section 4: Other Permits • Section 5: Declaration of Covenant(s) City of Renton TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner: Natalya & Vyacheslav Syrbu Address: 613 Index Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Phone: Project Engineer: Darrell Offe, P.E. Company: Offe Engineers, PLLC Address/Phone: 13932 SE 159th Place Renton, WA 98058 ( 4251 260-3412 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Subdivision X Shott Subdivision D Grading D Commercial D Other ________ _ Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name: Syrbu Ill Short Plat Location Township: 23 North Range: 5 East Section : 9 Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D DFW HPA D Shoreline Management D COE 404 Rockery D DOE Dam Safety Structu ral Vaults D FEMA Floodplain Other D COE Wetlands Pa rt 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Commun ity North Renton Drainage Basin Lake Washington Part 6 SlTE CHARACTERISTICS D Riv er 0 Floodplain D Stream D Seeps/Springs D High Groundw ater Table D Critical Stream Reach D Groundw ater Recharge D Depressio ns/Swa !es D Other D Lake D Steep Slopes Part 7 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Qvr 5-15% D Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE D Ch. 4 -Downstream Analysis D D D D D D Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION D Sedimentation Facilities D Stabilized Construction Entrance D Perimeter Runoff Control D Clearing and Grading Restrictions D Cover Practices D Cons truction Sequence D Other Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities minor LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION D Stabilize Exposed Surface D Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities D Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris D Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities D Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas D Other Part 1 D SURFACE WATER SYSTEM D Grass Lined Dispersion Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel D Energy Dissipater D Depression 2009 City of Renton Manual D Pipe System D Wetland D Flow Dispersal D Open Channel D Waiver Compensation/Mitigati D Stream on of Eliminated Site D Ory Pond D Regional Storage Detention Brief Description of System Operation: New catch basin installed within Index Avenue NE to provide outfall from proposed project. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Cast in Place Vault D Retaining Wall Rockery> 4' High D Structural on Steep Slope D Other Limitation Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Drainage Easement D Tract D Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my know e the information provided here is accurate. Section 1: Project Overview The following drainage review is for a two-lot short plat located along Index Avenue NE and NE 6 th Place in the Highlands Area of the City of Renton. This review is based upon the 2009 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual and the City of Renton Amendments. The proposed development is to subdivide an existing parcel into two individual lots. There is an existing duplex structure with a driveway on the property. These features will be removed to provide space for two new single-family houses and access. The property is flat with very little grade towards Index Avenue NE . The soils were found to be Vashon Recessional deposits having characteristics of fine, loamy sands. These soils allow for minimal infiltration of runoff. The proposed developed stormwater mitigation will be to provide limited infiltration of runoff in the rear of the two lots and provide a perforated pipe connection to the City storm system. 613 Index Avenue NE // ... -,;:~l ,,., Ii'. ,.,I .:f..7{7. /., /W' · .. /, _611 / r "U!J /"-. i .2'. /.' /•6071 7.09 "· / /---j03 ''·v-L .s / -. Ol ' .--. C > / .. / ·,\ ---~-~::-~·.~ / _ .. ---·577,:: l / ... : I I I / 1 ,L -5-7a ~ . I ~ I __ .,.,. ,,.-----.. I 1--.... -.. --~ '-... j .. ----]-' ·. sc;-9--. ./ ... e; / i 576 5 (574 \ • J70 \ I I \ \ ', ~51 ! ! ~ ! \ ··-I ._62~ ------6i9--i • : ti I , ~,o I \ ! 4>16 1.------l I • : i ~--· I J-914 I · .608--I I l. Nt ~m .?I-----·_i ... .....__~------------ ____ .. ! B i--:i~/--~·;rf" : 12 I ' ' I 'ss6\ ~ --.~ss· J . 27J2 j 2~16\ / I ; . / i. ___ ./ ~__.,----- \ t' . \ . -I ,1•0~---1 ::j: ! I -. I ------l I/ --. --. ---/ 2912'r··-. I NE 5th Pl ,, ___ J __ ---~--- .,,.-,··~-· .. ----- / I t120 .,.212.1 • / -L-J ! ·., ___ .. ·' .. 2916 ----~--.~ I i I l .. 2905 ....... -, ... , ..... j .;1 6 i 513 i ' I .. I I I 'r----·--\------_ii r----1 . ~13 [ l ! ti.; i J l ~I QJ 1--------· --\ I . .;09 [ -l i ------------.:i: ~os§1 ...... c:: ! 'i ', l ~u \ ~09 ~ ' .. \ \.-·--J _____ ... -------\ JOS ~05 \_ ~~':,_ J.---_,, 0:, ~\ ~-, JOS ··- Tne ilformatlon incl.J ded on this map has been compled by King County staff from a variety ol $0U(Ce s an d is subiect 10 ci\ange Wthcut net.ice. King County makes oo repr~e rtatia1s o r wa rrartles . exp re ss or implied , as 10 accura cy, compl.eteness. tinel ness. cc riJhls to the use cJ such infotrrati oo. This docurrenr ~ ,u: Intended for use as a survey pf<:x!oct. King Courty shal not be l a ~B for any g eneral, special, ildirect, incidenta I, orcorosequen~a damages ,ncluding, but not linited to, lost reve rues or b st p,ofits resulting from the use a misuse of the informatb n contained en this map. My sale of this map orinfamation on this m ap is p-dlb1tad excert by w ri tten pernissioo of King Carnty. Dat e: 1 0/20/2015 Notes : ._2913 ..... ·, .. 2919 '., ' ----·-----11' j09 I ~-. ' . \ 624 ·1 i --~ -. r·-i II i I /05 I \ ------1 r-· ·-. ·! I 2936 . /01 1 1 ., I I --1 I --------:_-:_·_·-,, '. ·--=-~::::.:.---, i·:_·.-:: ~:,s i -i•7 i I .. I I ·, l ---- I ---, ~ 1 .608 i--1 ---:~-~ ' ti I...; .. • . . :;a I .. --1 .. _, :--604 r··· --. I, tli . 621 I ' ~ .. : ~ 6 -00 ~----j I ii I 6"17 ' i ~ t I -~I ---'--·--·-566 -----~ . I ., 1 583 ; . 4j lr-···-·i,_. r--560 l ., \ ------\ --.-\ .. \ J62 i J79 ~63 i 1 t -·----·--1 r i \ ', . ._, ,./ ·-.,..,_ ·-... ....... __ J__ __ - i "54 ! } ~30·-1 \/ '"' is• /~:~-ss1 '' '--, / .. i _:_ ----------------r ,;2 3 !_ ______ J I J.920 .-,i \ .._2926 ';· .. -~" ' .} 000 :-.._ ,· ' ·" \. N A L ____ _ I i17 j ____ _ '· I ~11 ~ King County GISCENTER Section 2: Drainage Review Requirements Project Characteristics: Total Site Area = 9,633 square feet Offsite Improvements: Installation of a 12" storm pipe extension Total Improvement: Value of re-development in excess of $100,000 Developed Impervious = 4,500 square feet (new plus replaced) Drainage Review: Based upon Table 1.1.2.A., the project drainage review meets "Full Drainage Review'~ Sections Attached: Core Requirement #1 -Discharge Natural Location Core Requirement #2 -Offsite Analysis Core Requirement #3 -Flow Control Core Requirement #4 -Conveyance System Core Requirement #5 -Erosion & Sediment Control Core Requirement #6 -Maintenance & Operations Core Requirement #7 -Financial Guarantees & Liability Core Requirement #8 -Water Quality Special Requirement #1-Other Adopted Requirements Special Requirement #2 -Flood Hazard Area Delineation Special Requirement #3 -Flood Protection Facilities Special Requirement #4 -Source Control Special Requirement #5 -Oil Control l. l.2 DRAINAGE REVIEW TYPES AND REQUIREMENTS lGURE 1.1.2.A FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING TYPE OF DRAINAGE REVIEW REQU Is the project a single family residential or agricultural project that results in 22 ,000 sf of new and/or replaced impervious surface or 27,000 sf of land disturbing activity, AND meets one of the following criteria? • The project results in .,10,000 sf of total impervious surface added since 1/8/01, 5 5,000 sf of new imperv surface, and 535,000 sf of new pervious surface (for RA, F, or A sites, new pervious surface is s 52 ,500 sf or remainder of site if ?:65% is preserved in native vegetation). OR • The project results in 510,000 sf of total impervious surface added since 1/8/01 and new pervious surface is s 35,000 -3.25 x new impervious surface (for sites 222,000 sf, use 2.25, and for RA, F, or A sites, increase by 50% or use remainder of site if ;;>:65% is preserved in native vegetation), OR • The project results in s4% total imperv surface and 515% new pervious surface on a single parcel site zoned RA or F, or a single/multiple parcel site zoned A, and all impervious area on the site, except 10,000 sf of it. will be set back from natural location of site discharge at least 100 ft per 10,000 sf of total impervious surface? No Does the project result in ?:2,0 00 sf of new and/or replaced impervious surface or 27,000 sf of new pervious surface, OR is the project a redevelopment project on a parcel or Does the project have the characteristics of one or more of the following categories of projects (see more detailed threshold language on p. 1-15)? combination of parcels in which new No 1. Projects containing or adjacent to a flood, erosion, or steep sfope hazard area; projects within a Critical Drainage Area or Landslide Hazard Drainage Area; or projects that propose 27,000 sf (1 ac if project is in Small Project Drainage Review) of land disturbing activity. plus replaced impervious surface totals 25,000 sf and whose valuation of proposed im provements (excludi ng required mitigation and frontage improvements) is >50% of the assessed value of existing improvements? Yes Yes 2009 Surface Wate r Design Manual 2. Projects proposing to construct or modify a drainage pipe/ditch that is 12" or larger or receives runoff from a 12" or larger drainage pipe/ditch. 3. Redevelopment projects proposin in improvements to an existing high-use site. No Reassess whether drainage review is required per Section 1.1 .1 (p . 1-9). 1-11 ~:t)( .. i;J~·\J,;{;~:r.' ~::.·_?.:~a~'.\ ;;z.,. -_.;:/>:)·-,.-:·";,:.~/ '.·,~/ ;, ,('.°CARGE PROJECT.DRAINAGE ' '. ~11t1¥Ilt 1~1,~';f J111: , , ,,c~:. ,•', .• 1/9/2009 Core Requirement #1 -Discharge at Natural Location The subject property sheet flows towards Index Avenue NE to the east. The drainage flows across the property then east into Index Avenue Ne; then along a raise asphalt edge into a City catch basin located at the southwest corner of the property within Index Avenue. The existing catch basin within Index Avenue is not at an elevation that could serve the developed drainage runoff. The proposed natural discharge from the property is to set a new catch basin and extend a new 12" storm pipe from the middle of the intersection of Index Avenue and NE 5th Street (City CB #114215) to replace the existing catch basin; but at a lower serviceable elevation. The discharge from the developed runoff will then connect to this new catch basin. Core Requirement #2 -Offsite Analysis The property will direct discharge into the City storm system. The system downstream of the project was walked and reviewed . The downstream system is completely tight lined between the outlet from the property to NE J1h Street and SR 900 (Sunset Way) -0.8 miles downstream. A quarter (1/4) mile downstream would the intersection of NE 6th Place and Edmonds Avenue NE (phot number E). The downstream system consists of type 2 structures with sold locking lids within the centerline of the roadways ·with inlet structures along the flow line. The system was not accessible due to the lids being locked. There does not appear to be a capacity issue over overtopping of the existing system along the route viewed. '<!" '<!" Ol 0.... -...134728 'J '502 ,· --~1'7:··,i;-;;·,r. 1"' i' ',ua ' i ,--·-·, J~5{1;S' ,oo5 , •. , ......... W ~~ (,,\ 1' f·' ..... '--J;~'~6 '2S08 -,~ .. ' • • , < • E] . . f 11<180 '. 114179---ti~' '001 . ·\ . · 134689 ruB~34692 « , Ji)i ". f 134729 ' 134730 ~ 1'347J4 2512 • ~-, • • .• -~ ·' 114182 t;li , 134658 -O<"'--=--.....---o&-' 2925 • . . ' . JO l2 ·· I i,--135992 ·n VI 13-1931 · • _ ~J" + ~13 I .._ !.. .-0 \ ; '( -2917..--" • 134698 f,> • 1 .. 2 ... , ~13;1z.32-------134 735 ;-»20~6 00-/ _____ • -Jn Cl .( h l:!.11 41 81 _ [-/.,.0_1 _ • .--( )0,8 134 687/ ..... /'~1346911 .\ ,201,· •• 1 ·))011 13473 1 • .-134 133'--._~.135'.oe ,. 20.. ----.. · ~-1,34634J 13683710 05 20 ,, 20n ; • • \ ,o« @~ H ~ \, ' ~ • • .,~ 13J7B~503 •/ 1Jo1735'WJoi<... -.....@ 134738 2608 ' .' ·--•• , • 0 ! 1 • ---' • \ 3070 ,1 346851'.(,v /134688 H C -"-·, .. _i '-/. · ;21J o9 134 737 ° -' ·" 26 1'·;a1e , 'r ... \ 1 : ... -1 ~ lOOO 134683 ~-x V-· JOll 115273 '1" F3 ._-.: ......... · • · ,_ 251 3/ -~134739-..134741/ -,22 I . , · -· I I 1• ..• / · I-• 1 \ •. 134 68 1 ....... ......--~ 134686 c:1''"""" , :..t::-ttO 134 927110 ,! m _ '••• ·-.,~_2s 1s . -...__ ~~9-!· 134665 l .TI O.... ·, ' l_m-o ____ @ '"'"',,---;4· 3020·;··-. 0!!' a o ,""'~.-\. 135991fr' :1 1 f -;-· · 2603 ~J:'1 740 '®q,__1~347474f/ u 134 666 134670, 13'167 1••• j 28 12 \m o 13:;;~ 134680 ~~ -~ ~ JDZ5 • , • 03 ti p 6'--.~ \ ••---.1I 163922 e7 G80 050 ' '(1.,>r 1 I.._ -· .. :~ ;_--~· • ' , • lo I\ · I '_, '1 --· •• ; : 26 13 '13474 2 134744 l34 668,'.':~-:::-'t:,v;r.i,134675 :J,134575tr"-'@ ..... u --\. 13'1682 .30'.•· \ ...• -· .-·. 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NE•4th•St NE,4 th•St 133,48 o :J 133746 e • G>4!ile@~ El•• • o ~~ -i· , / /'133153¥1!1'.!37(5 , ~-----~133749 __ 113025 a -:-@-113016 --n 11 3021 • , , 133751 ..--. 260. 2609 2611 • , t Ci' -... O , -=_.---0 11 41,1 all e / ~ 25 13 1 26 13 7fi 1D '-..•........___ i ,,,.-.. · 1 f ~' r n,,d133m ,· : · , .,· -~ '--·'·· 20 "_ _. ...-, '·..... ,-.. r e,34788 _,,1"(114152 ··e; ! 1 'tf,71:\ _!:1!35 IT13463G ·· d o _ '-..._...-, . ~ .' 11 2832 ! 2020 fJ,, .. :<. .'t" 3m j /~- • 41 --0 (0 ~ (X) N 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 4 • ' • 4 • • • 4 4 4 4 • ~ ~ f ' ( VIEWING SOUTH ON INDEX AVENUE NE {project on right side) ® STORM OUTFALL AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY W/IN INDEX AVE. NE ® INTERSECTION NE 5TH PLACE / INDEX AVE. NE © VIEWING WEST AT INT'X NE s™ ST. / INDEX AVE. NE ® NE 6TH STREET / EDMONDS AVENUE NE © ~- ~ NE 7TH STREET/ ABERDEEN AVENUE NE Core Requirement #3 -Flow Control The property is located within the City of Renton Peak Rate Flow Control Standard (Existing Site Conditions) basin. Based upon the City Drainage Manual, the following steps are required to determine the mitigation of storm water runoff of the developed project: Full Dispersion -N/G (no good) -The property does not have adequate flow path lengths to allow for full dispersion; Full Infiltration -N/G -The soils have been classified by the Geotechnical Engineer as "fine loamy sa nds" with a low permeability rate. These soils are not adequate for full infiltration per the Drainage Manual. Limited Infiltration -The use of dry wells in fine loamy sands is allowed per Section C.2.3.3 for 230 cubic feet of gravel for 1,000 square feet of impervious runoff. Limited Infiltration Runoff: Design Criteria: For lots < 11,000 square feet in size; greater than 10% of the site area must be treated for limited infiltration . Site: total = 9,632 square feet < 11,000 (okay) Therefore: 9,632 * 0.10 = 963 square feet of impervious runoff must be treated Proposed Design: Treat 500 square feet of roof area on each lot (1,000 sq. ft. treated > 963) using limited infiltration dry wells in rear of each lot. Dry Well Design: Manual Requirements: 230 cu. feet per 1,000 square feet impervious runoff -pro rate for 500 square feet on impervious runoff -230/2 -115 cubic feet of gravel per dry well. Design: eac h dry well will contain 5' x 5' x 5' deep of gravel OR 125 cubic f ee t > 115 required (okay ) Evaluate for Flow Control using the mitigated limited infiltration design: Attached is the lot area breakdown of existing and developed conditions. From this information, the KCRTS model was used to compute the existing and developed runoffs from the project. Existing Condition (runoff) 100 year -0.059 ds Mitigated Developed Condition (runoff) 100 year -0.071 ds The diffe rence between 100 year "Mitigated Developed Condition" and "Existing Condition" is 0.071 -0.059 = 0.012 ds. The "Mitigated Developed Condition" runoff if less than 0.10 ds during a 100 year storm event. Therefore, based upon the City Drainage Manual , the threshold for Flow Control has NOT been achieved -NO Flow Control required. SF 72.,r, St !.,!1-:e \V:, ;t>4.•19tu~ Reference 11-A I' sr: 60'!·1 s, Flow Control Standards _ j Peak Rate Flaw Control Standard (Existing Site Conditions) [3 Flow Control Duration Slandard (Existing Site Condit.ten,) c-: R Flow Control Duration Standard (Forer.teo Conditions) % l ' -Flood Pro blem Flow ,. [ J Unincorporat@d Klng County F lowCcnlrol Standards .., _,,_, L,._J Ren1on City limits -·-·, L._ .. i Potential A.nnexal!cn Arn "'il \ j J /r'? l '-,,,.,~==-=·-=~,"'=-""•-•·=-~~=-=-~-~--. ~=v~,-~.-~. ~, -.. --, . .,l=, Dale : 01109/20 14 Flow Control Application Map w@c 0 2 •-===--=::i-----• Miles et C.1.3 APPLICATION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS FIGURE C.1.3.A FLOWCHART FOR DETERMINING APPLICATION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS No Is the project on a sitellot smaller than 22,000 square feet? Apply one or more of the following to impervious area .: 10% of site/lot for s/teAot sizes .::11,000 sf and ~ 20% of site/lot for siteAot sizes betv.leen 11 ,000 and 22 ,000 sf (For projects located in critical aquifer recharge areas these impervious area amounts double): 1. Limited lnflltratlon (Section C.2.3),4-- 2. Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) 3. Rain Garden (Section C.2.5) 4 . Permeable Pavement (Section C.2.6) 5. Rainwater Harvesting (Section C.2.7) 6 . Vegetated Roof (Section C.2.8) 7. Reduced Impervious Service Credit (Section C.2.9) 8. Native Growth Retention Credit (Section C.2.10) Notes: Is it feasible and applicable to implement full dispersion far the roof area as per • Se . C .2.1? · easible and applicable to implement ----JI' full Infiltration of the roof runoff as per Section C .2 .2? required. Note: Any proposed connection of roof downspouts to local drainage system must be via perforated pipe connection per Section C.2.11. No flow control BMPs are required for new pervious surfaces. . . . Comply with last note box below. The projec t must be a site/lot greater than or equal to 22,000 square feet? Is it feasible and applicable to implement full dispersion on all target Impervious surface as per One or more of the following BMPs must be implemented Section C.2.1? for target impervious surface not addressed with full No dispersion or with full infiltration of roof runoff: Is it feasible and 1. Full Infiltration (Section C.2.2) 2. Limited Infiltration (Section C .2.3) No applicable ta implement 3. Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) full infiltration of the 4. Rain Garden (Section C.2.5) roof runoff as per 5. Permeable Pavement (Section C.2.6) Section C.2 .2? 6. Rainwater Harvesting (Section C .2 .7) Yes Yes 7. Vegetated Roof (Section C.2.8) Is there any remainin g target 8. Reduced Impervious Service Credit (Section C .2 .9) Yes impervious surface not add ressed c:g::.:.·...:N:.:.a::ct:::.iv:..:e:...G.=..:..;ro:..:wth:c.::.:..:Rc:.e:..:t:.::e.:.:n::.:.ti.::.on:..:,...::Cc:.re.::.d:..:ic:..t -"S:..:e:.:c:.::li.::.onc:...=C..:c.2=·..:..10=-----'.._ __ --l with full dispersion or w ith full infiltration of roof runoff? ote: No No furlher BMPs required. Note: Any proposed connection of roof downspouts to local drainage system must be via perforated pipe connection per Section C.2.11 . Flow control BMPs are required for all new pervious surface when it exceeds 35,000 sf. Flow control BMPs must be applied in the following order of preference: 1. The feasibility and applicability of full dispersion as detailed in Section C.2.1 must be evaluated far all new pervious surfaces . 2 . For those pervious surfaces not addressed in Requirement 1 above. one or more of the following BMPs must be implemented: Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) Rain Garden Section C.2.5 Note: The following extra water quality provisions must be implemented if the proj ect results in 5,000 sf or more of additional pollution generating Impervious surface from which runoff is not fully dispersed in accordance with Section C.2.1: 1 . Reduce existing or proposed pollution generating impervious surface so that the 5,000 sf threshold is not triggered. 2. Provide water quality facilities designed by a licensed civil engineer in accordance with Section 1.2.8 of the SWOM. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-17 1/9/2009 Calculations Existing Condition Tota/Area Impervious Pervious Area Breakdown (sq. feet) (sq. feet) /sq. feet) Subject Property 9632 Duplex Unit 1595 Dr iveway/parking area 353 Shed 77 Landscaping Q 7607 2025 7607 0.221 0.046 0 .175 Acres Acres Acres EXISTING CONDITION RUNOFF Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File :syrbu iii (existing condition).tsf Project Iocation ·Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0. 027 0.018 0.033 0.015 0.019 0 .028 0 .026 0 .059 ;computed Peaks ; + I ~:~;::J:·,y,-;'."';:,\+~'CI 4 7 2 8 6 3 5 1 2/09/01 l/05/02 2/27/03 8/26/04 10/28/04 l/18/06 11/24/06 l/09/08 2 :00 16 :00 7 :00 2 :00 16 :00 16: 00 3:00 6 :00 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.059 1 1 00 .00 0.033 2 25 .00 0 .028 3 10 .00 0.027 4 5.00 0.026 5 3 .00 0 .019 6 2.00 0.018 7 1.30 0 .015 8 1.10 0.050 50.00 0.990 0 . 360 0.900 0 .800 0.667 0 .500 0.231 0.091 0.980 J Syrbu III Short Plat Area Breakdown October 20, 2015 (1) Developed Condition Lot Area Impervious Areal!_reakdown (sg_. feetl (ftg_. feet} Lots Lot 1 4816 House, walkways, patio 1950 Driveway 300 Landscaping Lot 2 4816 House, w alkways, patio 1950 Driveway 300 Landscaping (2) ** Mitigated Impervious Surl'aces (sq. feet} 500 500 Developed Conditions Impervious surfaces Pervious surfaces (lawn) (3) Impervious Surl'ace Runoff (sg_. feet) <{1}-(50%*2}> 1700 300 Q 2000 1700 300 Q 2000 4000 5632 9632 ** -lot mitigation includes "limited Infiltralon" of 500 square feet of roof area (credit 50% impervious runoff) Pervious (sg_. feet} (50% *{2}) 250 0 2566 2816 250 0 2566 2816 Acres 0.092 0.129 0.221 DEVELOPED CONDITION RUNOFF F l ow Frequency Ana l ysis Time Series File :syrbu iii (developed condi tion).tsf Project location :Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (C FS) 0.034 0.025 0.041 0 .025 0.031 0.036 0 .0 37 0.071 '.Cor~puted Peaks ; ·':( I ~~,:-r;.?i;--r;r.1;~?1.: ;_~ I 5 7 2 8 6 4 3 1 2/0 9/01 l/0 5/02 2/27/03 8/26/04 1 0/28/04 l/18/06 10/26/06 l/09/08 2:00 1 6 :00 7:00 2:00 16:00 1 6:00 0:00 6:00 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.071 1 100.00 0 .0 41 2 25.00 0 .037 3 10.00 0.036 4 5.00 0.034 5 3 .00 0 .031 6 2.00 0 .025 7 1.30 0 .025 8 1.10 0.061 50.00 0 .990 0 . 960 0.90 0 0 .800 0 .667 0.500 0 .231 0 .091 0 .980 J. Proposed BMP's C.2.2 FULL !NFILTRA TION FIGURE C.2.2.C TYPICAL DRYWELL INFILTRATION SYSTEM / ~ flow Roof Downspout roverfl ow Splqsh Block ~ flow Fine Mesh Screen r-Catch Basin ;,( (Yard Drain) DRY WELL PLAN VIEW NTS Catch Basin (Ya rd Drain) DRY WELL SECTION NTS Min.4" dia. PVC Pipe Sides of Hole Lined with Filter Fabric 2009 Surface Water Design Manua l -Appe ndix C C-47 0 48 Inch Diameter Hole Filled with 1112-3"Washed Drain Rock Mark Center of Hole with 1" Capped PVC or Other mea ns Flush with Surface t Min. 1' above Seasonal High Groundwater Table -t 1/9/2009 C.2.3 LIMITED INFILTRATION C.2.3 LIMITED INFILTRATION Limited infiltration is the use of infiltration devices from Section C.2.2 in soils that are not as permeable as the medium sands or coarse sands/cobbles targeted for full infiltration in Section C.2.2. These less desirable soils include fine sands, loamy sands, sandy loams, and loams, which tend to be more variable in permeability, more frequently saturated during the wet season, and more prone to plugging over time. While full infiltration may be possible under the best of these soil conditions, in the long run, these conditions will conspire to limit average infiltration capacity to something much less than that of full infiltration. Therefore, using limited infiltration as specified in this ~ection will not be credited the same as using full infiltration as specified in Section C.2.2. Applicable Surfaces Limited infiltration may be applied to any impervious surface (e.g., roof, driveway, parking area, or road) subject to the minimum requirements and design specifications in this section. Operation and Maintenance See Section C.2.3.5 (p. C-50). C.2.3.1 REQUIRED SOILS REPORT In order to properly design limited infiltration devices, a soils report is required to identify the depth to impermeable layers (i.e., hardpan) and to the maximum wet season groundwater level. See Section C.2.2. l (p. C-41) for more details on this report. In many cases, this report will have already been prepared as required in Sections C.1.3. l and C.1.3.2 for lots where full dispersion is not feasible or applicable to target impervious surface per Section C.2.1. C.2.3.2 MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LIMITED INFILTRATION The minimum requirements for limited infiltration are the same as those for full infiltration, except infiltration depressions are excluded and existing soils in the location of the infiltration device may be fine sands, loamy sands, sandy loams, or loams as opposed to only medium sands or better. Note that gravel and medium sand soils used for full infiltration correspond to Soil Types JA, JB, 2A and 2B in the Soil Textural Classification system used for onsite septic system design; fine sands are Type 3; and loamy sands, sandy loams and loams are Type 4 soils. Silt and clay loams, and cemented till (hardpan) are not suitable for limited infiltration systems. C.2.3.3 USE OF GRAVEL FILLED TRENCHES FOR LIMITED INFILTRATION The specifications for use of gravel filled trenches for limited infiltration are the same as those used for full infiltration, except that every 1,000 square feet of tributary impervious surface requires different trench lengths as follows: (a) 75 feet if the soil is a fine sand/loamy sand, (b) 125 feet if the soil is a sandy loam, or (c) 190 feet if the s oil is a loam. C.2.3.4 USE OF DRYWELLS FOR LIMITED INFILTRATION The specifications for use of drywells for limited infiltration are the same as those used for full infiltration, except that every 1,000 square feet of tributary impervious surface requires different gravel volumes as follows: (a) 230 cubic feet if the soil is a fine sand/loamy sand, (b) 380 cubic feet if the soil is a sandy loam, or (c) 570 cubic feet if the soil is a loam. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/9/2009 C-49 SECTION C.2 FLOW CONTROL BMPs C.2.3.5 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIMITED INFILTRATION 1/9/2009 If the limited infiltration flow control BMP is proposed for a project, the following maintenance and operation instructions must be recorded as an attachment to the required declaration of covenant and grant of easement per Requirement 3 of Section C .1.3.3 (p. C-18). The intent of these instructions is to explain to future property owners, the purpose of the BMP and how it must be maintained and operated. These ins tructions are intended to be a minimum; DDES may require additional instructions based on site- s pecific conditions. Also, as the County gains more experience with the maintenance and operation of these BMPs, future updates to the instructions will be posted on King County's Surface Water Design Manual website . 0 TEXT OF INSTRUCTIONS Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (best management practice) called "limited infiltration," which was installed to mitigate the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or all of t he impervious surfaces on your property. Limited infiltration is a method of soaking runoff from impervious area (such as paved areas and roofs) into the ground. Infiltration devices, such as gravel filled trenches , drywells, and ground surface depressions, facilitate this process by putting runoff in direct contact with the soil and holding the runoff long enough to soak most of it into the ground. To be successful , the soil condition around the infiltration device must be able to soak water into the ground for a reasonable number of years. The infiltration devices used on your property include the following as indicated on the flow control BMP site plan: 0 gravel filled trenches, 0 drywells. The size , placement, and composition of these devices as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval either from the King County Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King County. Infiltration dev ices must be inspected annually and after major storm events to identify and repair any physical defects. Maintenance and operation of the system should focus on ensuring the system's v iability by preventing sediment-laden flows from entering the device. Excessive sedimentation will result in a plugged or non-functioning facility . If the infiltration device has a catch basin , sediment accumulation must be removed on a yearly basis or more frequently if necessary. Prolonged ponding around or atop a device may indicate a plugged facility. If the device becomes plugged, it must be replaced . Keeping the areas that dra in to infiltration devices well swept and clean will enhance the longevity of these devices. For roofs, frequent cleaning of gutters will reduce sediment loads to these devices. 2009 Surface Water Des ign Manual -Appendix C C-50 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL C.2.11 PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION Perforated pipe connections are intended to convey concentrated runoff from impervious surfaces (usually roof runoff) directly to a local drainage system while providing some infiltration of that runoff in the process. They are required for any pipe connection of roof downspouts to the local drainage system regardless of the extent to which flow control BMPs are required or being used onsite. Perforated pipe connections are intended to provide for some infiltration during drier periods (late spring through early fall), which may help dampen the flashiness of stream flows in developed areas and provide some groundwater recharge. During the wet winter months, however, this BMP likely provides little or no flow control benefits. Therefore, it is not credited with mitigating target impervious surface. Applicable Surfaces Subject to the minimum design requirements below, the perforated pipe connection may be applied to concentrated runoff from any impervious surface or non-native pervious surface. Operation and Maintenance See Section C.2.11.2 (below). C.2.11.1 MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Figure C.2.11.A (p. C-81) illustrates a perforated pipe connection for a typical single family residence. Impervious areas larger than 10,000 square feet and non-native pervious areas larger than 35,000 square feet may require larger pipe to adequately convey flow s and should be designed by a civil engineer. Perforated pipe connections must be installed according to the following requirements: 1. Where possible, the perforated pipe connection must be placed in native soil to maximize infiltration of water, and must not be located under impervious surfaces, except as a last resort. 2. The gravel filled trench must be at least I 0-feet in length for every 10,000 square feet of impervious surface or 35,000 square feet of non-native pervious surface from which runoff is conveyed. 3. The perforated portion of the system may not be placed in a critical area buffer or on slopes steeper than 25%. Any proposed placement of the perforated portion on slopes steeper than 15% or within 50 fee t of a steep slope hazard area or la11dslitle hazard area must be approved by a geoteclwical engineer or e11gi11eering geologist unless otherwise approved by the DDES staff geologist. 4. For sites with septic systems, the perforated portion of the system must be down slope of th e drain field primary and reserve areas. DDES permit review staff can waive this requiremen t if site topography clearly prohibits subsurface flows from intersecting the drainfield. 5. The perforated pipe connection must not create flooding or erosion impacts as determined by DDES. If the system discharges toward or is near a landslide hazard area, erosioll hazard area, steep slope hazard area, or a slope s teeper than 15%, ODES may require evaluation and approval of the proposal by a geoteclmical engineer or engineering geologist. C.2.11.2 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Jfthe perforated pipe connection flow control BMP is required for a project, the following maintenance and operation instructions must be recorded as an attachment to the required declaration of covenant and grant of easement per Requirement 3 of Section C.1.3.3 (p. C-18). The intent of these instructions is to explain to future property owners, the purpose of the BMP and how it must be maintained and operated. These instructions are intended to be a minimum; DDES may require additional instructions based on s ite-s pecific conditions. Also, as the County gains more experience with the maintenance and operation of these BMPs, future updates to the instructions will be posted on King County's Surface Water Design Manual website. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/9/2009 C-80 C.2.11 PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION Cl TEXT OF INSTRUCTIONS Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (best management practice) called a "perforated pipe connection," which was installed to reduce the stormwater runoff impacts of some or all of the impervious surfa ce on your property. A perforated pipe connection is a length of drainage conveyance pipe with holes in the bottom, designed to "leak" runoff, conveyed by the pipe, into a gravel filled trench where it can be soaked into the surrounding soil. The connection is intended to provide opportunity for infiltration of any runoff that is being conveyed from an impervious surface (usually a roof) to a local drainage system such as a ditch or roadway pipe system. The size and composition of t he perforated pipe connection as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval either from the King County Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King County. The soi I overtop of the perforated portion of the system must not be compacted or covered with impervious materials. FIGURE C.2.11.A PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TRENCH X-SECTION NTS PLAN VIEW OF ROOF NTS 2009 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-81 slope- to road drainage system 2' X 10' V level trench w/perf pipe 1/9/2009 Geotechnical Report Robert M. Pride, LLC August 21, 2015 Mr. James Hanson 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Re: Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Residences 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Hanson, Consulting Engineer This rep01t presents the results of our site investigation for the proposed residences to be constructed on Lots 1 and 2 located on the west side of Index Avenue NE in Renton. It is understood that the proposed buildings will be l ocated on the east side of the lots and will h ave driveway access from Index Avenue. The purpose of this report is to document existing subsoil and geologic conditions, and to provide design recommendations for site development and foundation design. References include geologic mapping by Booth, et al and previous geotechnical investigations performed in this area of Renton. Site Conditions This property is occupied by an existing structure at the south end of the site. There is an existing pond on the NW corner of the property that holds shallow water from prior rainfall, and it is understood that this pond will remain in place. There is a gentle slope rising up from the NW to SE corner of the prope1ty with a rise in elevation of about 28 feet. Geologic research shows that this property is underlain by Vashon Recessional deposits (Qvr) that will provide satisfactory support for each of the two residences. These lots are covered with three feet ofloose fill soils that are underlain by loose topsoil and then medium dense recessional silty sands. Two hand auger test borings were drilled to confirm depths to bearing soils, and they are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1. Summary logs of the subsoil conditions are described below: HA-1 Located at the rear of the 615 duplex unit o.o to 3.0ft FILL -Silty Sand; grey brown, dry, loose; 3.0 to 3.5ft Topsoil -Silty Sand with organics; loose, grey brown, dry; 3.5 to 5.0ft Silty Sand; brmvn, slightly moist, medium dense; no groundwater encountered; Robert M. Pride, LLC 13203 Holmes Point Drive NE Page 1 Kirkland, WA 98034 HA-2 Located on the rear of the 613 duplex unit o.o to 3.1ft FILL -Silty Sand with gravel; grey brown, dry, medium dense 3.1 to 3.5ft Topsoil -Silty Sand with organics; grey brown, slightly moist, loose; 3.5 to 5.5ft Silty Sand; brown, slightly moist, medium dense; no groundwater encountered; Geotechnical Recommendations On the bas is of our geologic research and subsurface soil investigation, the proposed building foundations will need to extend down to the medium dense native soils that exist about 3.5 feet below existing grade. Continuous and spread footings may be designed for a soil b earing value of 1500 psf where they are supported on the medium dense native soils. Depths to final bearing soils may vary from the rear to the front of these two lots, and field verification of the bearing soils will be required during site excavation. Concrete slabs will n eed to be supported on a 12 inch compacted fill layer that has been placed over proof-rolled fill soils. It is recommended that 10 mil plastic sheeting be placed under the interio r floor slab areas for moisture protection. A11 concrete slabs must be properly reinforced and contain construction joints to control concrete shrinkage cracking. A subdrain system does not need to be installed around the perimeter of the structure foundations due to the pe:rvious nature of the underlying native silty sands. Storm water can be directed into the existing storm drain system in the street, or into infiltration trenches on the property. Based on King County Surface Water Design Manual Table 4.5.2, these subsoils have bee n classified as "fine loamy sand" and they have an infiltration rate of 25 min/inch for infiltration design. Summarv Field construction services should be considered an extension of this initial geotechnical investigation, and are essential to the determination of compliance with the project drawings and specifications. Such activities would include site and foundation excavations; subgrade preparation for foundations and floor slabs; and fill placement and compaction. Our conclusions, recommendations and opinions presented in this report are based on 1) our interpretation and evaluation of the results of the test borings, 2) confirmation of the actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction, and 3) the assumption that sufficient observation and testing will be provided during appropriate phases of the work. The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted principles of geotechnical engineering as practiced in the Puget Robert M. Pride 13203 Holmes Point Drive NE Page 2 Kirkland , WA 98034 Sound area at the time this report was submitted. We make no warranty, either express or implied. Please call me if you have any questions, or you wish to discuss this report in greater detail. Respectfully, Robert M. Pride, P. E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer dist: (1) Jim Hanson encl: Drawing No. 1 rmp: HansonlndedxRes1 Robert M. Pride 13203 Holmes Point Drive NE Page 3 Kirkland, WA 98034 \ ,.~ .. • . ..:._) ·~r J: .... ,; t" I 1 .; .. ··---.,...,; . •., .. • l. Proposed Residences ! V h J ~,.~L LOT2$ :• c;rt ~! -ec,SE! ,-i ,,.;, 10 ·0,1 ""-\I i~ .,.JI •' ~ -._. l '°-' .,.• ,.,,. ::xis ·~I:1(: t Ho ~J ~~{~ -rl .,.-.. -- : ff!~~; SITE PLAN 613 and 615 Index Avenue NE Re nton, Washington RobertM. Pride, LLC i . t :?.Q. 5 ' l r l ; i ! . _______ L _ I~ i Project No. DrawingNo. 1 Consulting Geotechnical Engineer Core Requirement #4 -Conveyance System The proposed on-site conveyance improvements will include a new catch basin in the southeast corner of Lot 2 with a 6" storm pipe parallel to Index Avenue NE to serve Lot 1. A new 12" storm pipe will then be placed out to the curb line in Index where a new catch basin will be set. The new catch basin will then have a new 12" storm pipe installed to connect to CB#114215. This Report is for preliminary short plat approval. If the alignment of the new storm system is approved; then at the time of final engineering design, the new storm system will be checked for pipe sizing. Core Requirement #5 -Erosion and Sediment Control A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan implementing the Best Management Practices will be included within the final engineering plan submittal. The project does NOT exceed the State Department of Ecology requirements of clearing/grading over 1.0 acres in size. Core Requirement #6 -Maintenance and Operations The on-site storm systems will be owner and maintained privately. The maintenance and operations for this system will be included within the Declaration of Covenants for the individual BMP's provided on the project. The new storm system within Index Avenue NE will be publically owned and maintained . Core Requirement #7 -Financial Guarantees and Liability The Financial Guarantees and Liabilities will be required prior to the project being finalized by the City of Renton. Bond Quantity worksheets will be provided at time of final engineering plan submittal . Core Requirement #8-Water Quality The proposed project will include the installation of two (2) new driveway approaches equaling a total of 600 square feet of pollution generating impervious surfaces; 2 each -15' x 20'. The project is exempt from water quality requirements under Section of the Drainage Manual. Section Surface Area Exemptions: a) Project creates less than 5,000 square feet of new PGIS b) Project creates less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS c) Project has less than 35,000 square feet of PGPS Special Core Requirements Special Requirement #1 -Other Adopted Requirements There are no other adopted site specific plans for this property Special Requirement #2 -Flood Hazard Area Delineation The proposed project is NOT located adjacent or near a 100-year flood plain Special Requirement #3 -Flood Protection Facilities The project does not rely on a flood control facility as part of the discharge to Lake Washington Special Requirement #4 -Source Control This project is a single-family residence . It is NOT a commercial project subject to possible pollutants. Project is exempt from source control. Special Requirement #5 -Oil Control The project is NOT a high-use site or the re-development of a high-use site. Project is exempt from oil control. Section 3: Special Reports and Studies None at this time Section 4: Other Permits None at this time Section 5: Declaration of Covenants The proposed storm water BMP covenants will be provided as part of the final engineering plan submittal for City review and approval. ,·..:. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC . 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Title Officer, Curtis .Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Rob Chelton(robchelton@pnwt.com) unit No. 12 FAX No. {206) 343 -1330 Telep~one Number {206)343 -1327 Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washington 98274 Attention: Jim Hanson Your Ref.: syrbu Plat Title Order No. 683411 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submi tted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, was~ington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States courts holding terms in said county, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the follow i ng described land : As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN : VYACHESLAV SYRBU and NATALYA SYRBU, husband and wife SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B , attached hereto .• CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.50 TOTAL CHARGE : $272 .50 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: October 8, 2008, at 8:00 a .m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASH I NGTON, INC. Curtis Goodman Title Officer Unit No . 12 ' J t i I i l PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 Order No. 683411 The land referred to in this certificate is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 5, Block 24, Correction Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, page 92, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 683411 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2 . Public or private easements, or claims of easements , not shown by the public record .. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government . 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; {b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (cl water rights, claims or title to water. 7 . Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer , water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien . 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes . I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 683411 1 . Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YBAR:_ TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2008 722780-0655-03 2100 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE : Land: $121,000 .00 Improvements: $107,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $2,229.27 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $2.10 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $2,241 .35 PAID: $1,120.68 TOTAL DUE: $1,120.67 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: t AMOUNT: DATE D : RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER : Vyacheslav Syrbu and Natalya Syrbu, husband and wife Chicago Title Insurance Company Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Liberty Financial Group, Inc. $165,000.00 September 21 , 2005 September 23 , 2005 20050923003660 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the &&!lie can be discharged or as&Ullled should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Dick Chase Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. D0/20050923003659 TO : Hanson Consulting 215 Columbia Stn:ct Seattle, Washington 98104 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Attn: Jim Hanson Ref .• Syrbu Plat ·SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 PNWT Order Number: 683411 The following matters affect the property covered by this order : • A Pull Update of the Plat Certificate from October a., 2008 through February 2, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • Paragraph 2 of the commitment is/are out, 2008 taxea are paid in full. • The following has been added as paragraph 4: 4 . GENERAL AND SP8CIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IP UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID : YEAR: 'l'AX ACCOUNT NUMBBR: LEVY CODE : 2009 722780-0655-03 2100 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $132,000 .00 Improvements: $118,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $2,488.51 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $2.10 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $2,500.59 PAID: $0,00 TO'l'At D0Ei $2,500.59 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since October 8, 2008, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. ·-Dated as of February .5, 2009 at 8:00 a.m . RC. PACIFIC NORTBWBST TITLE COMPANY Sy: curti• Goodman Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-13~7 Correction Plat, Renton Highlands# 2 57/92 ,. 1·, ..... r .. 1 -.. - ':" 7 lli z ~ ~~; I i ' ~i I i ii \ 8 uJ \ -· ;a! I, -! ' ~" ;~ PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No . 683411 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is_not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets· and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon . "! .. ::= .. . « • N t First American King County Title Team First American rltle Insurance Comp,my 818 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Phn -(206)726-0400 (800)826-7718 Fax - 818 Stewart St, Ste. 800, Seattle, WA 98101 Fax No. (866) 904-2177 Fa x No. (866) 561-3729 EMAIL: TITLEKINGWA@firstam.com Pat Fullerton (206) 615-3055 Peter Child (206) 336-0726 To: Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Attn: Kelly Cornwall (206) 336-0725 Curtis Goodman (206) 615-3069 Municipality Title Officer Re: Property Address: 613 Index Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 Supplemental Report 1 Jenn ifer Salas (206) 615-3011 Kathy J. Turner (206) 336-0724 File No.: PAK683411 Your Ref No.: Dated: October 07, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. Commitment/Preliminary Report No. PAK683411 dated as of October 8, 2008, at 7:30 a.m. (including any supplements or amendments thereto) relating to the issuance of an American Land Title Association Form Policy is hereby modified and/or supplemented as follows : There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our Commitment/Preliminary Report dated October 8, 2008 at 7:30 a.m. except as noted below and the Commitment date has been extended to October 2, 2015 : Page 1 of 2 Date: October 07, 2015 File No.: PAK683411 (kac) The following paragraph no(s). 1 has/have been added to our Commitment/Preliminary Report to read as follows : 1. General Taxes for the year 2015. The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 722780-0655 1st Half Amount Billed: $ 1,054.90 Amount Paid: $ 1,054.90 Amount Due: $ 0.00 Assessed Land Value: $ 152,000.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 14,000.00 2nd Half Amount Billed: $ 1,054.90 Amount Paid: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 1,054.90 Assessed Land Value: $ 152,000.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 14,000.00 First American Title Insurance Company \'\~~ Kelly Cornwall , Title Officer Page 2 of 2 ~ P.-IL"IFIC NOl\'TH W ES T T ITU! C-,mp.ny of \V~i~. l,-.c. TO: Hanson Consulting 2 15 Colu mbia Street Seattle, Wa shington 98104 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Attn: Jim Hanson Ref.# Syrbu P l at SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 PNWT Order Number: 683411 The following matters affect the property covered by this o rder: • A Full Update of the Pla t Certifi ca te fro m October 8, 2008 through February 2, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the fo l l owing : • Paragraph 2 of the c o mmi t ment is /are ou t , 2008 taxes are paid in full. • The following has been added a s paragraph 4 : 4. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARG ES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, I F UNPAID: S ECOND HAL F DELINQUE NT NOVEMBER 1, I F UNPAI D: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE : 2009 722780-0655-03 2 100 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE : Land : $132 ,000 .00 Improvements: $1 18 ,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GE NERAL TAXES: $2 ,488.51 SPEC IAL DISTRICT: $2.10 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $2 ,500.59 PAID: $0.00 TOTAL DUE: $2,500.59 • There has been no c hange i n the ti t le t o the property covered by this order s ince Oc tobe r 8, 2008, EX CEPT t he ma tters n o t ed he r einabove. Dated as of Feb ruary 5, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. RC PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Curtis Goodman Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seatt l e, Washington 98104-1511 Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Ass i stant Title Officer, Rob Chelton(robche1to n @pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206 )343 -1330 Telephone Number (206)343 -1327 Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washi ngton 98274 Attention: Jim Hanson Yo ur Ref.: Syrbu Plat Title Order No. 683411 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Co mpany has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of Ki ng County , Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and fro m su c h examinat i on hereby certif i es that according to said records the title to the following d e scribed land: As o n Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN: VYACHESLAV S YRBU and NATALYA SYRBU, husband and wife SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on S chedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.0 0 $ 22 .50 TOTAL CHARGE: $272.5 0 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: October 8, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST T ITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, I NC. Curtis Goodman T itle Officer Unit No. 12 PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 Order No. 683411 The land referred to in this certifi cate is situated i n the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 5, Block 24, Correction Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2, accordi ng to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, page 92, in Ki ng County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTI ONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Orde r No. 683411 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements , not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other mat te rs which would be disclosed b y an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any l i en, or right to a l ien, fo r services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5 . Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores o r bottoms of nav igable rivers, lake s, bays, ocean or sound , or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established o r changed by the United States Government . 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or except i ons in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights , c laims or tit l e to water. 7 . Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable o r matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any , preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. I n dian triba l codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, inc luding, but not limited to, eas ements or equitable servi tudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B P age 2 Order No. 683411 1 . Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cut s or fills upon said premises i n the reasonabl e original grading of stree t s, avenues, a l leys and roads, as ded icated in the plat. 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARG ES : FI RST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HAL F DELINQUENT NOVE MBER 1 , IF UNP AID : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY COD E: 2008 722780 -0655-03 2100 CURRENT ASS ESSED VALUE: Land : $12 1,0 00 .00 Improvements: $107,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $2,229.27 SPECIAL DISTRICT : $2.10 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $2,241.35 PAID : $1,120 .68 TOTAL DUE : $1,120.67 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF : GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED : RECORDED : RECORDING NUMBER: Vyacheslav Syrbu and Natalya Syrbu, husband and wife Chic a go Title Insurance Company Mortgage E lectronic Registration Sys tems, Inc., solel y as nominee for Liberty Financial Group, Inc . $165,000.00 S e p tember 21, 2005 Sep t ember 23, 2005 20050923003660 The amo unt now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured . EN D OF SCHED ULE B Title to this proper ty was e xamined by: Dick Chase Any inq uiries should be directed t o one of the t i tle officers set forth in Schedule A. D0/20 050923003659 Correction Plat, Renton Highlands# 2 57/92 I .. .. ~ 11 ,,.,.. -064S i~ ..... I"' ·"' 4 ~ 1 ~ 'c )IIJ'M ., -r 2035 ,.,.a - 0650 ~ 10 Cl),_ _____ .. uJ ... ""'° ~ --Cll'II -- 0680 : 0675 H 89-20-JO E 02 . 54 e "''"' .,, "' C .... .. .... rl """ - 7 5 ;; 0655 ... "' PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Company of W ashington, Inc . I I I I I I I I I ' J ' Order No . u-o If 0710 ~ 5 "' "' 0 a, 683411 i l I ' I i . + IMPORTANT : This is n ot a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to s treets and o ther lan d . No liabi l ity is assumed by reas o n o f re l iance hereon. ... "' "' "' n ' N DEPARTMENT OF C -IMUNITY ANO ECONOMIC DL. _LOPMENT AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN Planning Division 1055 Sou t h Grady Way, Rent on , WA 98057 Ph one : 4 25-430-7200 I www .r entonwa .gov STA TE OF WAS HINGTON ) ) ss CO UNTY OF KING ) X t£.rrt\ ~G-ES duly sworn on oath, de p o ses and says: 1. On the 2 l bein g first Sy~BL-l ill s ·fu0 Plf\1 Project Name V VftC-:M;ESLfiL<_, SyRf{,tL Owner Name 2. I ha ve attached a copy of the n ei ghbo rh ood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the lo cat ion of th e installed sig n. 3. This/th ese pub lic information sign(s) was/were co n st ructed and in st alled in locations SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thi s :;i_ ( 7 d ay of __ ()~'~ct-· ~--20 I ~- ~'''""''''' ,,-.: 0 1, ~ .... ~\'t( ~I'. ', 0::-) . "'''''""'''• <"), L £ _ .§"';~\OH l..t~1111 -r --0 -·.s ;,r,.,, 3 ff~• o1 "•>-~\ .... :::o ~ flt~ ~ ~u -·-§ ~ ~ .. ,c., :Z ~ (/1 1 "•" ,4 = ,0 , ,;..'1 ,,.:-" ', ,,, 8 .o ,-... ~ ... c, I ...,>,, lrll ,,, . ' ,, ,~ 1\\\\\\\\''' ,~ '·· OF w~s't- My commi ss ion expires on __ ~_-_(.__-_I__._] ____ _ 6 H :\CE D\Data \Fo r ms-T emplates \Self-Help Ha ndo uts\Pla n ning\pubsign.d oc Rev:08/2015 RECEIPT EG00044973 BILLING CONTACT Vyachesla v and Natalya Syrbu 1917 Jones Ave N E Renton, WA 98056 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 15-000766 PLAN -Short Plat Fee Technology Fee Printed O n : Octobe r 21 , 2015 Prepared By: Angel ea Weihs I{ CITYOF ~ ____________ ... en ton ~ TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transacti on Date: October 21, 2015 PAYMENT METHOD Check #1338 Check #1338 S UB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $2 ,000 .00 $60 .00 S2 ,060.00 $2 ,060.00 Page 1 of 1