HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA15-000147_Report 1DEPARTMENT OF --MMUNITY rf CityoL, .· 6'>s AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT J\B.llIDJ.\ 11~~; MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 ·. APPLJ.CANTCPNTACl"]NFORMATIQN .. ::;;;; •..... Applicant Name: Company (if applicable): Phone Number: 425-646-4415 Dalton Smith Greenleaf-LaRosa LLC Applicant Mailing Address: City: 846 108th Ave NE #200, Bellevue WA 98004 Bellevue -,- ..... · . . ,r PROJECl"lNfORMAT10N ... . Project Name: Rosa Meadows Plan Type 3.2 Residential Design Modification Project Location: 1507 S 28th St, 1432 S 28th St, 1417 S 28th St, 1414 S 28th St Parcel Number: 4192200140,4192200050, 4192200190,4192200020 Zoning Designation: R-8 Brief Summary of Request: We would like to request modification to the residential design requirements so that we can build houses with a more contemporary/modern style. We believe that these houses will present nicely as a neighborhood and will attract homebuyers to Renton. Please list the code sectk!!l¥!11A are l't!Cl~tilll•a m!ldJficatl~ from and the "Stab~ards" for that specific c!lde. Write the l)()lnts of J1,15tifjc~t[o!'I and,.~~li!!'l!!'j~ JranUhemodlficatlon. . ·•······ ', ',, ,/,_,,,,,_."" __ ,,,, ' Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Roofs" Standard: One of the following is required for all development: I. Hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve (6:12) pitch for the prominent form of the roof (dormers, etc., may have lesser pitch), or 2. Shed roof. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Architectural Detailing" Standard: Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. Three and one-half inch (3 1/2") minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors, or 2. A combination of shutters and three and one- half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all windows, and three and one-half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all doors. Justification: We are proposing to use various roof forms with roof pitches lower than 6:12 in order to compliment the modern style of the homes. Multiple roof forms and pitches will be used throughout the plat to ensure that the subdivision has variety. No two identical house styles will be placed abutting each other within the subdivision. Justification: We are requesting approval of window trims that are narrower in some locations and absent in others in order to harmonize with the modern design of the house. We are also not putting shutters on the windows in order to keep with the modern theme of the subdivision. We are using a variety of paint colors in order to accent different architectural elements of the home in place of trim detailing. We are using 3 base colors, 1 trim color, and 1 door color. See color schemes. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Architectural Detailing" Standard: If one siding material is used on any side of the dwelling that is two stories or greater in height, a horizontal band 1 that measures at least eight inches (8") is required between the first and second story Justification: We are seeking approval to not use a horizontal band on the sides of the houses. Instead, we have accented areas around specific windows in order to harmonize with the modern style of the homes. We are using a variety of paint colors in order to accent different architectural elements of the home in place of trim detailing. We are using 3 base colors, 1 trim color, and 1 door color. See color schemes. In ;;iddltlori to this form, the following attachmenwareJWlulretil: • Site plan and elevations (8.Sx11 size) ·· • Buflt ex;;imple ptiot~ {If available) RMC 4-9-250D.2 Criteria for Modification of the Standards. The requested modification must also meet the following criteria: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. Date:__,_~-..c.<c;,_M;_S-___ _ DEPARTMENT OF c ____ MUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For City Use Only Project Number: LUAlS-000147 DECISION: Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-25002 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Rosa Meadows Plan Type 3.2 Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single- family residential structures (Plan Type 3.2), Project Number LUA15-000147, MOD is approved. [XI Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied {See attached staff comments) ' .. -r,f.\i·',. -- \:::, '__f \.\.': J \, " t:7 -\'. "/ -March 6, 2015 Jennifer Hennfng, Planning Dir°ector Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: Not Applicable The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on March 24, 2015. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Wickstrom, at 425.430.7312 or awickstrom@rentonwa.gov. ! I EXHIBIT 1 f\ ._.... \ 'f f"4-3. 2. LAROSA I RESIDENCE 3 D D D D EXHIBIT 2 "'30 4:).2-41),,1. 4'1400' ' NORTH V'lE5T 4:'.l~bO' 4,:;,; SOUTH .,, - AVERAGE &RADE PLANE NORTH (434.00' + 436.00') I 2 = 435.00' l"IE5T: (434.00' + 4:33.00') I 2 = 4:3:3.5Gl SOUTH (433.00" + 435.50') I 2 = 434.25' EAST: (435.50' + 436.00') I 2 = 435."15' SUM, l;i3B.50' / 4 = 434.6:3' MAX. HEIO'HT: 434.63' + 30 = 4"14.63' PROPOSED HEIGHT· %2.16' -OK IMPERVIOUS CALCULATION, LOT AREA. 4511 S.F ST!~Uc::'.iTRE (INC;L ROOF Ov'E~Af.6), 2242 S.F GONCi.:.cTC DRIYD'\A.,... 254 S.F GQ1'jc;RETf= 51DEAALK5, 122 5.F. TOTAL IMPERVIOU5 AREA 2blt> 5.F. Sis OF LOT AR.EA, Sb.04 % ALLO.-£D ll"!F'ERVIOVS AREA 99t>9.2S 5.1" Sis OF LOT AREA, ". -·~ 4~00' /. EAST .... ~495.50' - V ~---------,oo•,ow• c ~= 1· 4~ --' r·r~~::E I j) ,J " a ~1 ·-~J~~~--· ...... . --~ ~ .... 5"-0"' ~.i "j ------------- i g 1 ,. ,. 0 •' --.. ~a·"-:It. I e,~ w:;, 5I.JloB EL . ..as.oo•J! It -10'-0"~T- I /I - ~ CONNECT 4'" PVC ROOF .. !£ FNDN DRAINS TO EXIST. STORM STUB .. _l_ ...---\..., E:XIST. STORM 5T1JB I OK . . ·i" S __3BTH_~TREET --. -·--,--·-• _____ , __ --· ..,,, .,, ..., LE:<;:,AL DESCRIPTION PARGEL A LOT "7, SLOGK I, AKER'S FN<.MS NO. 5, Ac:.GQROI~ T( TI1!:REOI", RECORDED 1N VOLUME 40 OF PLATS, PAGE GOUNTY i"!ASHINGTON PARCEL 6· LOT e,, 19LOCK I. AK.ER'S FARMS NO 5. AGCORDIN5 T( THEREOF, RECORDED IN YOLlJME 40 OF PLATS. PA5f GOI.JNTT" l"iA$HIN5TON. PARCEL G LOT <I, BLOC.K I, N<ER'S f"ARMS NO 5, AGC-()RDING Tc THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 40 OF PLATS, PAISE COUNTY ~S>HINGTON, CXC.CPT THC PORTION DESC.RIB FOLLO~~. !JC61NNIN5 AT THC NORTHEAST GORN.ER or THENGE SOUTH ee,"16';}"!" ~ST, ALONG THE NORTHERL LOT. A 015TANGE OF l!l~.1"1 f"CCT TO THC TRI.JC FOINT, THENCE GOtfflNUINIS SOJTH e,e,•11:,•3q• Jf'IEST, ALON5 Si" LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANC.E OF 60 FEET, THENCE EAST. A OISTA.Nt:'..E OF <15 FEET, THENC-E NORTH e,e,•11:,• DISTANCE OF 00 FEET. Tl-£NC.E Ni:';)RTH 1"4~'21" l"U:5T, OF qs FEET TO THE TRlJE POINT OF l:3E61NNING- p,,,fl,C.U. O· THAT F'ORT10N OF LOT q, BLOC.K I, AKER'S FARMS N<:: AGGORDIN6 TO THE PLAT THER.EOF, RECORDED IN YI PLAT5, PAGE ::.n. IN KIN6 C.OUNTY Y\ASHIM6TON; 6E6'1N NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT q, THENGE SOUTH ! ALOl',6 THC NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DI STAN FEET TO Tf.tE TRUE POINT OF ElEG-INNING; THENCE GON" OO"lb';l"!" VQ::ST, ALONG SAID NORTHERL 'f LINE OF SA DISTANCE OF 80 FEET; TI-ENGE SOUTH 1"43'21" EA.ST, ~ FEET; THENC.E NORTH ee,"lb':::i<I" EAST, A Dl5TANC,E THENc;.E NORTH 1•43'21" ~ST. A DISTANc;.E OF q5 FEE POINT OF EIEGINNI~ _.....---"----C,ONSTRIJC. TION ENTRANCE ·~ ... LOT COVERAGE (STRUCTURE), ~ ~- LOT AREA 4511 5.F ---· --· ------- 1-'AIN FLOOI'/. (INC,L C'A~EJ· 1"1:;!2 $.F GQVERED PORCHES, 220 5.1". -. ---·-----------· TOTAL LOT ~E, 1q52 5.F. Sl; OF LOT AREA 4:;l.2"1 ~ "' ALLO.-£D LO"'" COVERAGE· 225550 5.F. Sis OF LOT AR.EA, 50. t~E.Fk~------ ' I ~ ;;a' , d) :I: U) i I!),_ ::> u ow ...J ,_ ....1- ::>" uu UI °' ~< ' ' J I I ! : ~ •U·l ~ ,.o:i..: i~ Ji~ ~H' 8~'; ~Hl ~ E 0 I • ,L, .,z ~., e ~H6! ~ ~ oU "' "' ~ "' ...J DO ... :~~' l;. ' i' ; "' GIN 'E..; GI C I!! "' C!) ii: 11 ~ , '3 Site Plan m >< :c 1-1 0, ~ w IA1.1 %00 ~ --_____""NO~RTH~ . .44100' --,---------1<e,ei,•'6'20"E S0.00' -----------'i' -: LEGAL DESCRIF'UQ_N P~ELA· L.OT ""!, BL.Oc.K I, Al<EFl:'5 F,o..f'I.M5 NO. 5, AC.C.O~IN6 T( THEREOF. RECOFl:OED IN VOL.UM!:' 40 OF PL.ATS, PP.GE vOUNTY V'IA5HINGoTON. l 171 _~_':_;-~ ~~~1 PARCEL B, LOT f!;, BLOCK I, AKER'5 FARMS NO 5. A<'.Z.ORDIN(S. Ti TICREOF, RECORDED IN VOL.UM!:' 40 OF PLATS, PA(S.E COUNTY r-.A5HINGTON. PARCEL C, LOT <I, BLOCK I, ,l>,KEF<:'5 FAFl:i'-15 NO. 5, AGGORVIN6 H TH!:REOf. RECOFl:OEP IN VOLUM!c 40 OF PL.ATS. PAGE COUNTY l"\A5HIN6TON, EXCEPT THE !"O~TIQN DE5C~lf;I FOLL01"6, 8E61NNINC> AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER Of THENCE SOUTH 66°11!, '3<1'" l"IEST. ALONG THE NORTHERL LOT. A DISTANCE OF ;!5~_1, FEET TO THC TRJ.fE FOINT THENC,1: C.ONTINI.IING 50.ITH e.6'16'9'1'" l'IE5T, ALONG 5.1' LINE OF SP.ID LOT, A Dl5TANC.r: or e,o rr:CT, THr:NC-r: v<EST I __ )-SOUTH AVERAGE GRADE PLANE NORTH (44-b.OO' + 44r.oo') I 2 a 446.SO' !'CST, (446.00' + 446.00') I 2 = 446.00' SOI.ITJ-1, (446.00" + 44-r.oo·J / 2: 446.50' EAST, (44"'1.00' + 44-r.oo'} / 2 = 'f4-r.oo· alr-1, 1;1e.6.00' / 4 : 456.60' MAX. HEl~T 4-% :,O' + ~ ~ 416.50' f'~~D HE:16!-IT· 411 t,t,' -OK EAST '44-r.oo· CONNECT 4" PVC ROOF 4 DRAINS TO EXIST. STORM & q NDN TUB " q l ~:1 1 i i :• I ii ., i!' ~\ ,, ~l \ --~:,, f-!,•,m FLOOl'i: EL +'ieOO' <'llAAME ~I ~,te EL "441.oc>' <'11-....iloe l-0 51....<a a.. 44b.50' --'F.::.'C-"-=r=-= .. ='::::::.-,· .----- -1;;-0-~ ' I ' ' ! \i ii •Q i;; ' ' I ' I i I ' __ i. i \ I ••• EAST. A DISTANC-E or "15 n::r:T, TICNGr: NORTH ee,0 16' Dl5TANC.E OF 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1"43'::21" ll'E5T, OF ~ FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARC.ELD THAT PORT10N OF LOT "°I, BLOCK I. AKER'S FARMS NC AGCORDIN6 TO THE PLAT T!-EREOF, REC-ORPED IN V< PLATS, PA6E .:n. IN KIN<:, c:-cu,,ITY ~5HIN,l,>TON; BEGIN NORTHEAST GORN.ER OF SAID LOT "°I; THENCE 50.JTH I ALON6 THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. A Dl5TAN FEET TO THE l!IWE POINT OF ElE&INNll'IG>: THENCE CON" f!;l!,0 16'3<1" l'IE$T. ALONG SAID NORTHERI.. Y LINE OF SA DISTANCE OF W FEET,THENGE SOUTH 1'4-?,';;I" EAST. ot5 FeET; TIENCE ~TH e,e,•1t,'3'1' EAST, A DISTANCE THr:NC-C NORTH 1°43';;1• V'iEST, A D15TANC-E OF '15 FEE POINT or BE6INNlN6. IMPERVIOUS CALCULATION, .i ,' .... I M 116'16':20" ~1!>0.00 \ •.. -------C:.-ONSTR!JC.TION ----------..---•• , " .....-ENTRANCE L.OT AREA· 4500 S.F $TRI.JC.TR£: (IN(;.L ROOF OVERHANG)· 224:;, 5.F GONC-RETE DRl\113"1A'T", 2S45F CONCRETE 51DEi"'IALK5 122 5.F TOTAL IMPERYIOI.J5 AREA 2618 SF !it, Or I.OT Afi!'A 51:>.l&>ll!i OS ALLOl"EO IMf'ERViOUS AREA, 3315 5 F % OF 1.-0T Af'if:A .,,. LOT COVERA&E (STRUCTURE), L..OT .... REA MAIN FLOOR (INCL &ARA6EJ- COVERED PORCHES, ---------- TOTAi... LO.,. COVERAGE:· It, OF LOT AREA ALL.Or-ED LOT C.OVERA,;;E"· It. OF I...OT Af';LEA 4500 5F 119:;, $_F ;;;;o 5.F 1"75;:l 5.F. 4336 511; OK 22!;;0 5.F ,0. -EXIST. STORM STIJB -+--_ S _2BTH _S_IR_l=ET_ .L,.~-,~-,-~ ,--- _,;ITE: F),,_AN (I) S(.AJ..E-I' ~ 20' ::c ~ l!) ~ ::, u ow ..... ~ ....1- ::, z uu UI °' i~< ' J ! ! ;!•·t "'§• "Ll !ill! ~ ~ ·• I Ii -s ~ i ~ t 3 !' ~ .E 8'ii-~ :;;~ ~ E 0 I a C ! 0 !u f~ £~ j "' ~ 0:: "' ..I 5 .., a, C ic -"' "'N "' QI • :;: C .., ID c QI c .... B f~ 0 C Q) (!) Q. ..I 0: 2 ii E i3 Sile Plan iA1.1 -...,.,,,. - Y<EST .... ,.,. AVERAGE GRADE PLANE NORTH· (450.25' + 4SI.OO') I :2 " 450.6~' N:ST, (450.25' + 451.50') I 2 " 450.f>i' S01JT1; (4~.oo· + 451.00'! I 2 " -451.50' EAST, /45150' + 451.00') I 2" 451.25' SUM. 1,804.25' / 4 • 451.06' MAX. HC16-HT, 451.06' + 30 = @l.ot,· PROPO=>ED HEl,s,t-lT, 418.11 -OK IMPERVIOUS CALCULATION, LOT AREA 5TRUC-TR!: (l~L ROOF OVER.HAN6J, CONCRETE ORIVEHA'I", C.ONC-RETl: SIOEJ'iALKS, TOTAL IMP!::RYIOUS Afl.EA % CIP LOT AREA, Al.LO)";EJ;I 11"'1F'ERVIOUS AR.EA, st, Cir LOT AREA, 5000 5.F 2242 5.F 91<1 5.F <14 5.F 2,1s s.~ :3"15000 5."' '5. - NORTH 50.JTH I- "' ~ ll) ;r: <il N ll) 8 EXlrr-~OR~-STU~- ""'""' EAST .... .,.,. - LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A LOT "1, BLOC.K I, AKER'S FARMS NO 5, AC.COROIN6 TO THE PLAT n-+EREOF. RECORDED IN VOLUME 40 OF PLATS, PAGE .:11, IN KIN6 CC'UNTY V'iASHINGTON. PARCEL 6 LOT e. 6LOC.K I. AK.ER'S F,>.R,M5 NO. 5. AC-CORDIN6 TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECOfitDED IN VOLUME 40 OF PLAT5. P,11,..GE: ::n, IN t-'.IN6 COUNTY riA5HIN6TON PARCEL C LOT "I, eLOC.t<; I, AKER'S FARMS NO 5, AGGORDING TO THE Ft.AT THERr::or, RECORDED IN vow~ 40 OF P'...ATS, PAGE ::n. IN KIN6 COUNTY V'IA5HIN6TON, EXCEPT "11-£ POR.TION DESCRIBED AS FOLLO~ OC61NNIN6 AT THE NORTHEAST C.ORNER OF SAID LOT "I, THENCE: SOUTH OO"lb':3"1' .-.EST, ALON6 THE NORTHER!... Y LINE OF SAID L..OT, A DISTANGC or l:l5.11 rc:cr TO THI: TRUE POINT OF BE61NNIN.S; THENCE CONTl1'&.JING SOUTH e,e,"16'3"1'" V'IEST, ALON6 SAID NORnERL"T' LINE OF SAID :.OT, A DISTANCE OF 80 FEET; THENGE 50.JTH 1"49':;>I" EAST, A DISTANCE OF "15 FEET. THENGE NORTH f,f,0 16'9<!" EAST. A DISTANCE OF e,o PEET, THENC.E f.lORTH 1•49•21· ....e5T. A 015-,-ANCE CIF <15 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 9E6iNNINi:!:i. PA~EL V· THAT PORTION OF LOT 'I, BLOCK I, AKER'S FARMS NO 5, AC,G.O~ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 40 OF f'!..ATS, PA5E 2i, IN J<;.iNG COUNTY MSHINGTON; 13EGINNING AT THE NOf;!.THf:AST C.Ol'ilNEl'it OF SAICJ LOT <I; THEMC-E SOUTH 88"16'3<1' ~ST, ALONG THE ~Tl-lE~'f LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF l:,Sli FE'!:CT TO THE ffllJE POINT 01" BEGINNING; THENCE GONTINJING SOUTl-1 e,e,•1t,"3<1" ~ST, ALON6 SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF /!:JO FEET, Tf+ENC.E SOUTH 1"49'21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF '15 FEET, Tl-lENCE NOR.Tl-I e,e,"16'9<1" EAST, A VISTANCE OF e,o F!:ET, THEIIICE NOR.TH 1"4!3'21" ~ST. A PISTANC;E OF O!:S FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 6E61NNIN6 20'-0" 20'-0" ------___ 60~--------------t----------r RAINS TO EXl5T_ 5TO~:.::: ,oo=· I ---,-1 ,"-------1--------------------6 + ' -' i ' l i \~ I ' V J. __ , ~=r,-i i • : I ' ; 7 !L \1 \ ~ L -+--_ !i J~ · ·· ii 1 I~ -~._ -,...,AJ~~n_-.sc, \::: la: : .. --~-t ! • I~ &, ~\ I ,I : ! ~ 91 6AfV.6!"1+1~n._==_ · 19 I I" ~i 6AIV¥WSIA1:1n ~700' I~ ~' i\ :: \ : i I t! T \ ! LOT COVERAGE 1 ~, L (STRUCTURC), ---~---_____;g_ . ' , I lil,• ' I •.. ·\ ,~,i : 1-----__ 1::_ ----~-----::;.:::;_-:_ ______ -, ---r, __ ~ LOT AREA MAIN FLOOR (INCL G-ARA6EJ COVERED FORG-HES. 5000 S.F 1132 S.F. 220 S.F GONSTRUC TION ENTRANGE I = 51LT F TOTAL LOT GOY'ERA6E, % OF' LOT AII\EA, Al.LOl"ED LOT COVERAGE· st, Cir LOT AREA, 1<!52 S.F 3"1.04 llf, OK 2500 S.F. '°' \_--1 ,;ITE Fj,,_AN ([) -~"~-"---20'-- I :::C: V) I!) >- :::, u ow _.I-! _J- :::, "' uu UI" ::E < ' ' ! ii : ll .. ll·i ~ 0 iii C ' " ii!!l l~ jj H I ~;! ~ ! ~~ !' '1 3 8~-~ ~J ~ E 0 I • C • C ' 0 oU -- :~ ,, " f '. ca "' 0 a:: ca ...J C o!I 1§, C ... :c ca ~ GIN "' cMs:t ;a:: Cl) C: T" c' GI ca .. 2 C .. _ 0 "' C) 11. ...J O'.'. . E • E 0 8 Site Plan JA1.1 444.00' --4b.OO' NORTH -- S 2BTH STREET 1"1EST EAST T•---•·---__ , ------/_--,_-C-O~STRUCTION v· r---: EN'RANGE EXIST.STO_RM~STIJB~-~~--_-_ -\FJo--~>\[i __ ---- , _,;___ lsw•>o'• ~=·--1. ,. I . \ I , ) -, -- 1 ' -444.oo~· - &OUTH AVERA0E 0RADE PLANE - NORTH· (444.00" + 446.00') I 2 :a 445.00' l-'t:5T· (444.00'-+ 444.00') I 2 "' 444.00' ~' (444.00" -+ 446.00') I 2 "' 445.00' EAST, (446.00' + 446.00') I 2 "' 446 00' 5(./M, 1.100' / 4 "' 445.00' MAX. HE16HT, 445.00' + ~O = 41'5.00' PRoPOSEO HEIGHT 412.IT -OK LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAR.GEL A, LOT '"'I. 6LOGK I. AA~'5 FAAJ-e NO. 5, AGGO!'WIN6 TO THE F'LAT TI-1E~OF, fl.EGO~D IN VOLU"'1:' 40 OF F'\..ATS, PAGE :n, IN KING GOl,)NTY .-t.A5HINGTON PARG-CL 9 LOT I?,, BLOCK I, AKER.'S FARMS NO. 5. ACCCRDIN6 TO THE P ... AT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLU!-E 40 OF PLATS, PA6E 21. IN KIN6 C.OUNTY l"tA~IN<STON PARC.EL G LOT<!, BL.OU. I, A"-1:R'S FAFtKS NO. 5, AGGORDING TO TI-lt: PLAT TI./ERf.OF, Rf.CORDED IN VOLUME 40 or PLAT5. PAGE 21, IN KING C.QI.INTY .-t.ASf,,INGTON, EXC.EF'T THE PORTION DE5c.RIBED AS FOLLOJ'll5, BEe>INNING AT THE NORTHEAST GORN.ER OF SAIC, LOT "I: TI./ENC;.E ~TH e,e,•11:,·~• ~5T, ALON'5 THE NO~THl=~Y L.INE OF 5AID LOT, A D15T""-Nc:E OF 155.li FEET TO THE TRJJE POINT OF ElEG·NNIN.So, THENCE WNTll'l.111"'5 50\JTH e,e,•11:,~q" lliEST. ALONG SAIQ NORTHERi... Y LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCc OF e:>O FEET;n+ENGE 50UTH 1"4:=!'21" EAST, A DISTANC.E: OF "15 FEET; THENCE NORTH e,e,•1E>'9'!" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 00 F!::ET, THENCE NORTH 1°43'21" NEST, A DISTANCE OF "15 FEIT TO THE "!RuE POINT OF ElE61NNIN6. PARC-EL D THAT PORTION OF LO-"· E3LOGK I. AKER"S FARMS NO. S. Ac-<;Oi.:Dlf-16 TO THE P...AT .HEREOF. REC-ORDED IN VOLUME 40 OF PLATS. P*E :n. IN KIN(;, ,::.o.JNTY V'!AS!·OIO:,,TON, e!:G-INNIN(;, AT THE NORTHEAST CORN.ER OF SA,D LOT "I: n;ENGE SOVTH t,f,'lt,'5<!" l"IE5T, ALON<5 THE NORTtil:~Y L,NE OF 5Alr.:> LOT. A Dl5TANGI:' OF ·:;l5.l'"'I FEET TO THE TRUE PO•NT or Bl=GolNNiNc,,; THENC.I: WNTtNJIN(;, e,QI.ITH e,e,•1~'::,q• l"iEST. ALON'5 5A!D NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A D15TANGf: OF~ FEE-, THENCE 50\JTI./ 1°4::,'21" EA5T, A Dl'5TANGE OF "15 Fl=ET; Tl-11::NG-E NORTH e,e,•11:,·::,q• EAST, A D15TANC.E OF 00 FEET; THENGC f',IC)f'l.TH 1•43·21· ~ST, A DISTANCE Of" "IS FEET TO THE TRIJE POINT OF 61:GINNINGo '446.00' C..ON.NEGT 4" PVG ROOF f. FNDN DRAINS TO EXIST. STORM 5Tt1B IMPERVIOU$ GALGULATION, LOT AREA STRLJCTRE (lr,.(C.L ROOF OVERHANG) C.ONC.RETE DRiVEJ,NAY, CONCRETE SIDEl"'IALKS, TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA, % OF LOT AREA ALLOJ,',IED IMFERVIOU5 AREA, % OF l-OT AREA 4500 Sf 2234 SF 221 SF 120 S.F 2515 5.F 57.22 % 3::515 5.F 1S % LOT GOVERA0E (5TRUGTVRE!, ____ _ LOT AREA 45oo S.F HAIN FLOOR (INCL GARA6EJ 1'"'132 SF. 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I j Site Plan ]A1.1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For City Use Only DECISION: Project Number: LUAlS-000147 Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Rosa Meadows Plan Type 3.2 Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single- family residential structures (Plan Type 3.2), Project Number LUA15-000147, MOD is approved. 1:8'.J Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) March 6, 2015 Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: CONCURRENCE DATE March 10 2015 Not Applicable NAME INITIAL/DATE Jennifer T. Henning 1"\ \[ 3-I0-15 -• ~ 'C -. ·- .Sa~,!"ina r,li1?,tte .. ,Jc.. 3-I0-15 Angelea--wickstrom r\\,\1 3-I0-15 The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on March 24, 2015. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Wickstrom, at 425.430.7312 or awickstrom@rentonwa.gov.