HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA15-000376_Report 1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT of MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Company (if applicable): I Phone Number: Kolin Taylor KBS Development Corp 206-755-5404 Applicant Mailing Address: City: [ ~t~o5 12320 NE 3th St. #100 Bellevue PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Parcel Number: Zoning Designation: Windstone Lot 4 Residential Design Modification 9477580040 R-4 Project Location: 1509 Lyons Ave NE Brief Summary of Request: KBS Development is requesting a Residential Design Modification from the roof pitch and belly band design requirements for the proposed single-family house located at 1509 Lyons Ave NE. Please list the code section you are requesting a modification from and the "Standards" for that specific code. Write the points of justification and reasoning to grant the modification. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Roofs" Justification: KBS Development is requesting to design Standard: this proposed single-family home with a 4:12 roof pitch, One of the following is required for all development: rather than the required 6:12 roof pitch. This home on l. Hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve (6:12) lot 4 Windstone Div 5 was designed by Troy Clymer, a pitch for the prominent form of the roof lead architect at Architects Northwest and reworked at (dormers, etc., may have lesser pitch), or KBS Development direction by Sarah Weight also of 2. Shed roof. Architects Northwest. The design was purposefully drawn to incorporate the lower roof pitch and sleek overhangs to be true to its modern architectural styling. The stone masonry detail in the center of the homes entry is accented by varying siding materials including Smooth Hardi panel and 8 inch bevel siding sustaining the character and modern styling that should attain the standards intended by the building and design code set by the city. Code Section: 4-2-llSE.3. "Architectural Detailing" Justification: KBS Development is requesting a Standard: modification to eliminate side and back belly band as it If one siding material is used on any side of the dwelling is inappropriate to the design of this home due to its that is two stories or greater in height, a horizontal modern style and form. band that measures at least eight inches (8") is required Our intent is to have a mixture of Classic-Transitional between the first and second story and Contemporary-Modern homes in Windstone V. This seems to be a good trend that you are seeing in many of the nicer Seattle neighborhoods and also in Eastside neighborhoods today like Harrison Street in Issaquah Highlands. We plan to do a high level of finish materials both interior and exterior for all of our homes in Windstone V and hope to be a good representation of a finer Renton home neighborhood. In addition to this form, the following attachments are required: • Site plan and elevations (8.Sxll size) • Built example photos (if available) RMC 4-9-250D.2 Criteria for Modification of the Standards. The requested modification must also meet the following criteria: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. Original copy is difficult to read. Please see Exhibit 4 for signature. Applicant Signature: _______________ _ Date: __________ _ DEPARTMENT OF COl\rmllUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For City Use Only DECISION: Project Number: LUAlS-00037§ Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Windstone Lot 4 Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project Number LUAlS-000376, MOD is approved. [3J Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) :±. . I /, {,rL11, .. / June 8. 2015 ~ tA,c\; '· ... 4 :..,;_., <.,.j J Jennifer Henning, Planning Director/ Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: Not Applicable The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on June 22, 2015. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. This decision expressly approves the specific request(s) to: reduce roof pitch to a 4:12 pitch and remove the belly band between the first and second story on the proposed house located at 1509 Lyons Ave NE. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted opplicotion materials, ore excluded from this approval and would be subject to the Renton Municipal Code in effect at the time of building permit application. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Wickstrom, at 425.430.7312 or awickstrom@rentonwa.gov. : ' ' .,, ......... z() , . ' ' 1-• <( ! : > : UJ • _J l UJ EXHIBIT 1 ~ .. ';' D D,, , I I : •z () . !:c > ill .....l ; ill ~KBS Real Estate Develof and lnve KBS Development Corp • KLIS l!I, LLC May 27, 2015 Modification Request for: 1509 Lyons Ave NE Renton 98059 Lot 4, Windstone Div V Chip Vincent Angelea Wickstrom City of Renton CED Dear Chip and Angela, This letter is to request a modification of the Building Guidelines in regard to roof pitch of 4;12 as designed to be consistent with the particular styling of this home. This home on lot 4 Windstone Div 5 was designed by Troy Clymer, a lead architect at Architects Northwest and reworked at KBS Development direction by Sarah Weight also of Architects Northwest. The design was purposefully drawn to incorporate the lower roof pitch and sleek overhangs to be true to its modern architectural styling. The stone masonry detail in the center of the homes entry is accented by varying siding materials including Smooth Hardi panel and 8 inch bevel siding sustaining the character and modern styling that should attain the standards intended by the building and design code set by the city. Our intent is to have a mixture of Classic-Transitional and Contemporary-Modern homes in Windstone V. This seems to be a good trend that you are seeing in many of the nicer Seattle neighborhoods and also in Eastside neighborhoods today like Harrison Street in Issaquah Highlands. We plan to do a high level of finish materials both interior and exterior for all of our homes in Windstone V and hope to be a good representation of a finer Renton home neighborhood. Tha.nk,11_gua f9r vu -co . ideration, ~/ . /, I •.. .;,v _ __-/.~ / •· x~~ Y--Y . , - /Kolin Tayldr /) KBS Development EXHIBIT 2 12320 NE 8th St. Suite [00. Bellevue. \VA 98005 EXHIBIT 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 ANO R-8 ZONES EVALUATION FORM & DECISION P!annmg Dntfr;;fon l l)S:1 ~.;uulh Grady \/1J'.~v-r.:i:of1ton, 1~VA 9'8C.S7 !Jfl(J~K'' 42:S-430-7200 L1:•r: 4·z:.:, !l"J.0··7231 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION /~pp:!it"ant N~1rY1t::~ . KoJl~. T1:1y!or Com1),)ny (.:f upµJkabfe~: ~3S De·~·elcip_i._ncnt c~~P r'hunc Numb?r: ;:'.(16 l55-5··1C4 ..:'.:Iµ: App!itJnt r ... 1a.1ling 1\ddress: 12320 N!: g•:-i St. #"100 PROJECT INFORMATION : CJt•r tlctle•t1ue 984.XJS -------,, .. -.... ------- ; Project Narn~; Parcel ;'~wnber~ \11/ir::dstonl? tot 4 He~,,JJL!nt1a! DP:sign r,/:-od f,J..:ut:or_, ---··; :1477~S0040 Pr<1 ject tr)1.:,i.1:tion: 1 :Sf.-() L v·ot:,s Ave \IL. 3; ,ef Si.;mmary flt Hr>qu(·;>t: KBS DevP.1opmi=i-nt ~,:; (1~·qu{'~ting a R.i-"..,idt?nti~)I :,)1,;:.,;gn Mn{'jific,:-ition from the root pitd1 1..1tld bd ij, b a.nd dPr.ip;n req u in..: rrH.'.nts tor t!':~ fl rooosc,d ::;i nglc-ta m ily h ou ~1: lucdtcd at 1 .509 :;.'/On'..1-A.vc NE . . . ,,.__ "~·-,---""" ----------·~"-"'·---·------- PIP.ase li~t !he code section ya,; .)le requesting a modifiC,>t,on from and the ·~tandards" for that specific code. Write the points of justiFication and reasoni.ng to grant the modification. Code Sect"ion: 4 7 l.l)L.3. ···Root.~" Standard: 1his prop-c~t:d :.:.111gk>tami?y h:}fr~e ·.v 1 lh d •t:t/ r~:10t pitch. rJr1c of th£ foJlowinr.: is r"l::'-qum.:d for ~d d~-....·t-iloomf.:'nt: rather th.:rn 1:~;e r,:.::quired 6-:1;: roof prtch. Thi~ h0rr1,e -1.Jn -, t?rp ur gdbl-Pd with ~,t l<t.:ist <l ~ix to twe!1Ji" j6:1J:I· lot 4 \fi/ind'.-";tti~e Liiv 5 wds dt?r;fgne,-d bv Tru 1t Clym~r 1 J: p1tu, fur the prom!nt'.'nt form of ltw r0ot k."rJd mt.:'hitP-::t ;=;t Atthlccts No;.·-tt;•.Ne-,:;t .Jnd r~workP.d :1t luor:nc:s. etc,, m.1·~ h.:-ivi::• lt•:..!:ter pitch), nr KB-'S DP·~·i?!npment d1r~ctian bJ1 S.1r~)h. \.V~1ght also nt Shi..:-d :oot. : Architpct:::; Northwr.:::.t. I he de.sign WJ-S. purpo~r.::fully dr:1wn to l"Ku:r;mratP th~ <owr:r root pitch Jnd ::ileek ov.i:,th.Jf'1::_~::,, :o b-e truP. tn it5 f~10Ccrn archi:t:•,ctu1\1I '.J..t'jlling. The -:;.tone n1<.1::ionry det.1il ,n the ccnrnr ottht> horr11::~ l!ntr:.,. Lt:; ~t":(.fM<:-rJ l:;y varl'·in~ ::\ding '.'Ttdteria!i ind.;d1r:e ;::;rnooth H".1rdi ;},.)r\,t.!l clnd 8 1nr..:h t.J-cvcl ::.i,,:iinr; s,.1::-.t..i rnng the:-'."'.h.1r.)<:i:r ~Jn;J .'.TIOd-?rr, :;t_,,lu~g that ·:/h1ulii ,.HL.m1 the stc:r:c.1r-::l5 nlendcrl by tht=! iJL!'.ld ing and c~-s 1f;n Lode ~-::~t by th,::. <" ,t,, EXHIBIT 4 Code Section: .r. 2 115E-3. '·';\ri:hite·::tur:JI DcL..lii:ng" Standard: !t anf" r;idii)i:, ,n.dterid! is u:::ed an ~,fly :;.,d,.= of the dwel!ing thJt i$ t\\ltt :.t.uri(:''.-i or gr~;1,tr.er '.r) !ics,ghtr d hDri:rontiJ u~rnd th;at m.Pa:i::ure-·s ;:rt lrid'.it eight fr1ch~e; pi''] is t~quncd ~.:ir.:.tv1t!en the :ir-c:;t .1nd ·:.;~~·tor:rJ. ::.tory Jusrifi(dt1un: \BS Di?•1Pl~)prnent b. u..::qr.;ies:ring :1 modi fit<ltiu n to f':limin;)te '.!1de cl nd back b~ II·; h;, ild .) s 11. i-; :r1t.1;opropriatP t~ tht.:• dr.:'.ie:jjn of This horne du:e lo its mDde.m style ,,nd form. (}Hr intr.:nt ,~ tc-hav? .~1 mi~t1.m.: uf Ga:;.i:;ic:.Tr3fl'\ition:.ili .1ntl (orih~mporary~MoiJ~rn hom,Ps. in ·1).lindst,:::n~ './. Th is -s.e,:~:1:i. tc., be a ;:,,:::od tr1;r1U that !(OU art? .s:r-r ir,B In m;;iny of H1e nicer St?;,tii~ nt;1t'Jtbvrhcmds and ;;dsQ !fl CJstside ncigh:borhoo05. toddy lik~~ Harri::;;on Str{·ct m l.:;.~.1.qu,;1:h Hi~~hl.and'.i. ·~!\·~ r:d(1n to dn a hiE:h l·i='ve-! of fin1::,.h matPrials both 111tcrior and t:>-xt<.'"Df for ,;;111 of our horn::·-:;. \11 ii'/ind.;;,tone V ,.md hope to be ,1 t:<H.:d rcpresent.1.tk1n of a tinii:'r Hen kn1 home :-ie-jghb(nl1t.1od. 11'1 addition to this form, the following attad1ments .lr<l' required: • Site plan and elevations (8.Sxll size} • B.,ilt e~ample photos (if available) llMC 4· 9-ZSOD.2 Criteria for Modification of the St.and;rn;l:;. The rt:-(ltH::i.t.t.:.:d mod.ificntkm must Jbo rrH.:.!t::t Lh~!-toilm,ving criter 1 ~.: L VV;II rnt!ci. the ot:,j-Pct:ive~ .Jrtd sJfety, functlon .. apJ}e·JX(H)-t~, cDvlronme,nt.JI J)!'Otcction and m,)intJil'tdb1lity nHcnCc-d by the Cnde f"t'(Ju1rcmcnt::,;, ba.i::;~d upon sound ~n.gJneeriing jude.ment: and 2 ')\/dI not be in.iuriou<; to othe:1 pr'opr2rtyl.ir>:;:1 in :-he-\..•!ti,)it't'; and 3 .. Ctrnform tn the, i0tenl and JYurposP of the Code-; ,.1-nd 4. C.:tr1 bP. o;;ho\"n to be ,1us.r;1fit::d a.nd requi(i:?-d fl)f the use: and :i;itu.1rion n1tcndc:d; .~-nd :,. \!Viii not Geatfl ,1dvi:ir~~1~ :rnp,,H:b tooth-Pr property(n~5) in the 'l.ridniiiy DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES EVALUATfON FORM & DECISION /1, nn '.it.'.'! r,t ;\J.1;··nr: Kuffn T~v!or .. ~pplic,.rnl Ma1ling AddrF--ss: l '.l.JZO N.!: ~{' St. tt1{10 Planning D1',ision 1 f)')~ )u1.nh Grady \~J;r•,i-F:~fltOri, 1/1/4 9'8057 !-'!'101·1~: ,:zs-430-7200 r:nc 4l5 430~723.1 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION -----· ! C(in11),:m•; (,i JppH:cabl-eJ: ~35 Dt?;,,·eloo.n1~;1t Co!?, PROJECT INFORMATION i,.i·h!;r1l! Numb~,~ ;:tJ6 i.:..~S.-54C•.,l .. -----,--- ! l:ip: '. 98·Ll{]5 Frojcct Nam<?~ Pan::t;ll Numbt.:c • \1Vi.~d.~tDn€' ~ ot 4 H1.i:,1d_~nti_~_!_ C'?.,:;lgn Mod:,fa.:ulro!f ___ j 1J477~8(1()40 Project CotrlUon: 1.·~D·() l ·;ons Ave 'JL 3 ~ :~f St...:mma rv 11f H~t/ 1,1~:·':i.t: !<.BS Dr.vplopmtl-nt :~ r1~q ue~ting a R?-;.ide-ntid I ,)e-::.ign ~~1oditk:t1tior, f~ om th P. root pit( h .. inJ bcl!•,' baf!d dPr:;i_::,n n:,qu;r,,.:mi.:nts tor th!!-' f)rop-o::.cd ':i-1nalc:-famil 1; hou~r: !uc.:JtcC: at 1.r,09 '.·;on~ A•-·c ~JE. Pi .. ase list t~e co<ie ... crion you s1,e requesting a moditi<:.11ion from and tne ·S:tandanji·· tor th;,i-spmlk ~~ct-~ Write the points of justification and reasoning to gr~nt the m.odification. Code Section: 4 ~~ lt:,L.3 ... ·Rc:•c:it:i:;'' 5t.inclarcf: Chi'.: tl lh~ iOJrPNing ;5 :··,~quw.:-d fo_r ,d Ct1VPIC!;f.lff'rt:r·{:: ' : "'P ~Jr ~.Jbli~C viit-h ,1t k.•.:ist .:) ::.ix to t\veh.iP J6:1 J.I prl,::-1 frJr thr. promlnPr1t f,Jt1n of the root lc-o:·ncr'.-i. etc.,. ma\• i~.)vt' lt'.;::.er pitch!, ir Sh.!j :oot. DATE I ' NAME Jennifer T. Henning Vanessa Dolbee Sabrina Mirante Angelea Wickstrom ,1.1t:tifo.-:,1t10-n: KBS Df'•.•o?fi~ftr'rll'nt 1:i. r~~quf',:;t'.ng f":'> dejir::_n :hi::; pmpD~t:U ;.:.111ttk::·tamU1; l1r::-rne ·N..tJ1 ,:1 ,t:L/ r-:-iof pitch. rafr1Pr th.111 the 1,"..'.'q:uirnd 6:1.~ f(iof ;.11lth. ';hi~ -icJff1C en let 4 'vVir,d:i;;to:1~ IJ'iv 5 -..vas d1.:>1(F,'ied bv rruy Clympr1 ;) k'.'ud ;.irc:1:tP.ct ;?f .~vchitecb Northwest .:ind reworked ,1t VSS o~~ ... ·~lnpmf.'nt Uirer.:tk:m b•,• C:.:H.;:rh 1Nt!!~ht aJ~n ,jf . .;rchiter.t;;; NL1rthwc:-'.:!1. l he d(!~~i-;n w,1-;; ow l)'J::,.eh..;ily 1:!r;v,....,n tu 111t..:oroorat? th~ 'm""·cr :oot p;tch ,:md i,ler:'k .:-:1v?tn.1n:?.~-:.o La.: true ro ;~.-_; r-:oc'c rn a rc.h i~r"ftJJ! ,JI '.. t·y Ii ng. Tht=--.,.,t1>n 1~ ,~·1J ~onr~· df!t.1il m r.hc cent~: );tthfl' hwn.!!1 ~ntrf li:: :-iC:U'l)li.:'tJ ~V \•':H··(ng 5,d1r1g matt!rial:=:. '.n,:k1d:r:t: '..;::mmth 1-!~rdi ;)::tr·s1.:I dnd 3 nr.:h Devel _:;idir:~ 5JJ:.;atJ·r:mg t:'.li? :~'.'1.1r.1i::--,.i::r dnU ·n:.Jd?.rr, ~t 111t:~g :hat ,;:;:-Jn:Jlrl ~.:if.l,.;1n th: -~t'~nc.1.-::l-:; 1;i1crdcd :J·t rhF! :h1.ld1ng r:1ni CP.Sif'!!"t (:_;,:J~ '.,0:~! by t:-':P ( t,,