HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-15-000713_REPORT 01VOLUME: PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW All P£0Pl.E BY TH[SE PRESENTS THAT WE, 11'£ UNDE:RSlGNED OWNERS Of INJERESf IN THE L...VIO HEREBY SIJBCN\IIOCO, HERESY DECLARE THIS F'LAT TO BE lHE GRAPHIC RCT'R[S£NTAT10N Of' TllE SUllOl,,SlON M.O.OE i<EREB'r'. i.NO 00 HEREBY DWCHE TO THE IJSE OF 'fl.IE PUBLIC FOREVER AU. STllEETS /..ND AVENUES NOT SHO'i,1<1 AS PR1VJ,T[ t<EREON ,-ND OED<CATE THE USE THEREOF FOR Al..l PUSUC P1.1RP0SES NOT INC0N5IST£NT WITH THE USE THEREOF" FOR PUIJUC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, ANO ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE it.LL NECESS.IJIY SI.OPES n;IR CUTS ANO FlUS UPON TH[ LOTS ANO TRACTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGlN!u. REASONABU' GRADING Of' SAJD STl![[TS AAD AVENUES, ANO nJRTH[R DEDICATE .I.NO CONVEY TO mE USE Of Tl,[ P\JBUC AU. THE [ASO,l[NTS ANO TRACTS SH~ ON THIS P\.AT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICAlED nit:R'EON, INCI..U~NC BUT NOT LIMITED TO PAAKS. OPEN S!'ACE. PEDESll!IAN ACCESS, UTlUTIES AND DRAINAGE: UNLESS SUOI E.O.SEMENTS OR TRACTS AAE 5PEC1FlCALLY IDENTIFlEO ON THIS PL.,t,l AS BEING O[(ljCATIO OR CON\1£Y£0 TO A PERSON OR [NTITY OTHER mAN mE PU8LIC, IN l'ltjlCH CASE WE 00 HEREBY omurr ANO CONVEY SUCH STREET'S. EASE\IDIT'S. OR TRACT'S Tl'.l THE PERSOI< OR ENTITi IOD,ITIFlED ;.t,aO FOR lt<E PI.JRPOSE SU.TIO. FURnJER, THE UNO[RSIGt/Etl O'MSERS Of TI,[ Li.NO HEREBY Sl/1101-,0Ul WAI\IE FOR nJEIIISEL\ll'S, nJEIR HEIRS i.ND AS$J,,,..5 AND l<Ni' PERSON OR [NTITi OfRIVING TITI...E Fllot.l nJ[ UNDERS1Gt1E0, ANY ANO All CLAI\IS FOR DA\IAGES .o.C .... NST THE CITY Of RENTON, ITS SUCC£SS0RS AND ASSJGNS WHICl-1 M.O.i' BE OCC.o.SIONEO Bi' THE EST"'8USHUENT. COHSTRUCTIOH. OR MAINTENANCE or ROADS mO/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS V.,THIN nJIS sueo.-.,s.ON OnJER THAN CLAIUS RESI..LTING FROM INit.DWJATI MAINTINANCE BY Tl-IE an Of RENTON. Fl./RnJ[R TH[ UNDERSIGNED 0\llt-/ERS Of' THE LANO HEREBY SUBDIYIOE WAIi/i' FOR THEMSEL\IES THEIR HORS ANO ASSIGNS TO IN:>E\INIF"I AND HO\.O nJE CITi Of RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS ANO ASSIGNS, HARMLESS Fl!Ot.l ANY DAM.O.GE l'ICI.UD•NC AAY COST Of DEFENSE, Cl.AJMED BY PEllSOOS 'MTWN OR V.,ffiOUT TlilS SU801VISl()N TO HA\IE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTIRATIONS Of THE GROUND SURFACE, \/Et;ETATION, 0RAINAC£, OR SURf.O.CE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER Fl._QWS V.,T,JIN nJIS SIJBDMSION. PR0-,0£0, THIS WAI\IE AAD INOEMNIFlCATION SHAU NOT SE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING THE CITl' or RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS. FROM UABIUTi FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN THE \\t<OLE OR IN FAAT FROM TliE 'IEGLIGENCE OF fflE CITY OF RENTON, ITS S\!CC£5SDRS, OR ASSl(;NS. nJIS SU80l~SJ0N. DmCATIDN. WA1\1£R OF QAI .. S AND AGllEEIIIENT TO HO\.O HARMLESS IS MADE V.,T;J mE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH THE DESIRES OF SAID O~EllS IN 'MTNESS l'ltjEREOf, VIE SET OUR HANDS ANO SEALS: BURNSTEAO CDliSTRUCTION UC, A WASHINCTON u .. rrro u...e,un COl,IFANY BY: ITS: ACKNO'M..EDGE~ENTS STATE OF WASHINGTO'I COU~'T OF I I ss I I CERTIF"I nJAT I XNOW OR HA\/£ SATISFACTOllY EVIDENCE Tl<AT IS nJE PERSON ~0 APPEARED BEFORE ME. ANO SAID PERSON ACl<NOV.UOCEO THAT SHE SIGNED THIS INSlRLJO,ENT, ON OAnJ ST.O.TID SHE WAS AUTHOR1zrn TO HECUTI THE 1'1SlRU\IENT ANO ACKNO\\UOCE IT AS THE --0, ---;o BE THE FREE AND V{)lUNTAAY ACT Of Sl.!CH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES l,IENTIONED IN THE INSTRUIIIENT. DAITO -----------2015 S1Gt1ATI..R[· ____________ _ PRINT NAME------------- NOTARY PUBUC IN AAO 'OR THE STAlI OF WASHINGTON MY CO!JO,IS>ON EJ<OIRES· ---------- LEGAL DESCRIPllONS nJE \l,EST 595 72 FUT OF nJE SOUTH HALF Of" THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTIR Of THE N0RnJ\\£ST OUARTIR OF SECTIOO 14, TQl'ltjSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. V.,LLAMETTI l,IERIDIAN, IN KING CWNTY. WASH1NGTOl1. (ALSO KNO\llt< AS Pl.Rea A, KING COONT'I' LOT UNE A0JJST111[NT NUMBER 489033 RECORDED UNDER R(COROINC NUMSER 6400270719. IN KING CQIJNTY. WASHINGTON) REFERENCES I LOT UN[ AO..l.JSTIIIENT PER RECORDING #8-408270719, OATIO AUGUST 27, 1g54, 2. WATER AS-BUILTS PROVIDED BY )(ING COUNTY WA'"ER 01ST1l1CT f90. J. PL'.T Of ~APLEWOOO ESTATES, PHASE 2, PER RECORDING ,f2002112600D001, DATED N0\1[1,1BER 6, 2002 4. Pi.AT OF WIUOWBROOK LANE OER RECORDING if~H08011505, DATED ALJC()ST \, 1994 5. PL'.T OF CEDAA CRES'. ESTA.TIS PER RECORDING f/305220548, DAITO l,IA,Y 22. 197J. 6. SHORT PLAT ~056 PER RECORDING f8',091:.I0561, DAITO S[PTIIIIBER 13, 19~~ 7. PLAT OF H:r.;>iL'.NCS PARK PER RECORDING 1,20060109001255. ()Al[D DEctMSER 21. 2007 ~~ ~g ~,! ~'i' NE ~TH ST ~ f ' ' ' l ' ' "' 2ND L " " 1ST ST VlCINITY MAP '-;OTTO SCALE CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLJC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAIJlt!EO Al'/0 APPIIOl'ED THIS DAY QI' , 2015 ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON ~A YOR EXAMINED AND APPAO\>ED 'lHIS D.o.i' OF , 20!~ "= CITY CLERK EXAMINED ANO APPROl'EO THIS OAi' OI' , 2015. CITY Cl.ERK CITY OF FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFlCA TE I HERESY CERTIFY TH.O.T THERE ARE NO DEUN:JUENT SPECIAi. ASSES51,1E!>TS /I.ND THAT /1.U SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFlEil TO nJE CITY TRE.O.SURER FOR COUECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN COtlTAINEO DEDIC.O.TID FOR STREETS, A.lil'l'S OR OTI-1ER PUBUC USES ARE PAIO IN FlJLL EXAMINED AND APPRO\/Etl THIS __ OAi' OI' ----• 2015. F1NAACE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTY DEPARTI.IENT Of ASSESSMENTS EXAl,IINED AND APPROVE!l 11"1S DAY Qi' ----• 2015. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER OEPUTi KlNC COUNTY ASSESSOR RECORDING CERTIFlCA TE Fll..EO FOR RECORO TH•S DAY Of----• 2015 AT ~M. IN BOOK Of' Of' SUR\IEi'S, PAGE AT THE REQUEST OF A)JS SUR\/C'!1NG AND MAPPING. SUP[RINTENDENT Of' RECORDS KING COUNTY APPROVALS I HEREBY CERTIF"I THAT All PROPERTY TAX(S AAE PAID, rnAT rnrnE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESS1,1ENTS CERTIF1EO TD THIS omcE FOR COl.l.ECTION ANO, THAT All SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS C{RTIFlEO TD nJIS OFFICE FOR C:)U.ECTION ON ANY Of nJE PROPt:RT'I' HEREIN CONTAINED. OEDIC.O.TIO AS SlREETS. ..u.EYS OR FOR OTHER PUSUC USE ARE P.0.10 IN FlJLL EXAMINED "'-'ID i,PPRDVE!l THIS DAY Of ----• 2015. MANAGER, F1NANCE DIYISION DEPUTi SURVEYOR'S CERTIFlCA TE I, ~IT()-j TS. El/AAS, HEllE9i' CERTIF"I THAT Tl-llS PLAT Of' nJE WOOOS AT HIGHLA'IOS PARK IS 6ASED ON AN .O.Cl\JAL SUR\IEi' IN SECTIOO 14. TO~SHIP 23 HORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON: TH.O.T THE COURSES AHO DIS~ANCES AAE SHO~ COflRECTI.Y HEREON, THAT THE MONUMENTS v.,u SE SET AND THE LOTS COONERS STAKED CORRECTLY ON nJE GROUND, AND THAT I HAI/I' FUUi' COIIIPUED V.,Ti< THE PRO~SIONS OF THE PL'.TTING REGUL'.TIONS. MITC>i TS EVAl'IS. PLS CERTIFlCA TI ND. 313011 OWNCR BURNSTIAD CONSTRUCTION 11980 NE 2~nJ ST SIJITI 200 BEl.l.EWE. WA 96005 CIVIL ENGINEER CPH CONSULTANTS 11C1 V.,LLOWS ROAD NE SIJITE 120 REDMOND, WA 96052 -.axl•map.com Axis JOB NO. OATI 07-038 9/10/15 Sur'Vay & Mapping DRAV,'N I\Y CHECJ(f[J I\Y BOOS KE 126th Pl rRM/JM MTSE KIRKIAND, WA 98034 .'i('.ALE ,-TFl..425.823-5700 fAX 425 82:l-67JJO NIA I OF 3 PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK I VOLUME: NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON GENERAL NOTES E\IIDE"1CE OF LANO OCCUPAllON UKE FENCES. SlllUClURES. PAI/ED OR CIIAl'El.£0 SURFACES. LAN0SC4PIN(;, mo ETC. MAY NOT COINCIDE 111TH 11,E DEEDED BOONDAAY LINES. .0.S SHO'M'l ON THIS DRAWING. T1'ERE ARE .o.RE>,$ ON THIS SURVEY APPEARING TO H"'IE 015CR[P4NCIES BETWEEN lli[ OEtDEO BOUNDARY LINES AIIO CERTAIN E\IIDENCE OF OCCUPATION AXIS RECOl,IMENOS ™AT 1}1[ 0'/11,j[R OR POTENTIAL PIJRCl-lASER CONSULT \l<llH l.EC,l,L COUNSEL ~ERE\aER DISCREPANCIES rnsr TO DElERMl"IE HOW BEST TO INTERPRET 11"EIR PROPERTY RIGHTS AND l<ODRESS POTENT1"1. BOUNOAAY DISPUTES. TI11S SlJR\/E:Y OISUOSl:S FACTORS OF RECORtl mo ON THE GROOND UTECTINC THE SIJB£CT PROf'ERTY BOIJNOARY, BUT IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO LEGALLY RES0\.1/E RE\.ATEO PRoPERTY UNE DISPUTES. ¥11iERE Al.l!llGUlllES AAE NOTEO. A:OS REC0UME'l0S TiMT THE O~ER CONSUlT 111TH U::CI\L COUNSEL TO DETERMINE ~ow BEST TO INTERPRET lt<ElR PROPERTY RIGHTS mo 400RESS ANY POTENTIAi. PROPERrt UNE DISPUTES lHE INFORMATION OiP1CTUl ON mis MAP REPRESENTS mE RESULTS OF A SUR'>'!:Y CONCLUDED ON MARC>! 22, 2007 ANO CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INOICATINO T,j[ GENERAL CO"IOITIONS E:(ISTINC .... T THAT Tit.IE. llTLE NOTES tASEi.lEffTS .... ND L.1:C"1. DESCRIPTION ARE BI\SED ON THE PL.!\T QRTIFlCATl: BY O,ICAGO TITI._E INSURANCE COMPI\NY, ORDER NO. IJ31i745, OATEO JANUARY 5, 201~. I\T 8:00 A.J,1 -SUPPU:MENTI\L COl,11,IITJ,IENT fl. DATED MAY 27. 2015 -SUPPLEMENTAL Cet,IMITJ,IENT #2. 0ATE0 ..IJLY 15, 201~ -SUPPLEMENTAL CCt.lJ,IITJ,IENT I~ OATW S<:PTEMBER J, 201~ I THIS PROPERTY IS SU8,l:CT TO EASEi.10,iT ANO mE TEl?J,IS ANO CONDITIONS mEREOF" REC!\R~NC ROAD ANO UTILl71ES, AFl'ECTINC mE soomERL Y AND VIESTERL Y PORMNS OF S,'JO PREMISES. PER INSTRUMENT \INOER KINC COON TY RECORD NG NUMBER ~9!">8267. 2. 1111S PROPERTY IS SUB.l:CT TO COVENANT'S, CONDlllONS ANO RESTRICTIONS CQNTAJNED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OI.IITllNC ANY CO\IENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPQ!,I R .... CE. COLOR, REUC,Q!,I, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STl\llJS, MARITAL STl\llJS. DISI\BILITY. H>J;DICAP. NATIONAL ORlCIN, ANCESTRY, OR S(lU!IC( OF" INCOME, AS SET FOR111 IN APPUC"8L.I: STAIE OR FEOERAL L.!\WS, EXCl'PT TO T,j[ EXTENT Tl-11\T SAID CO\IEN..,.T OR !1£STRICTION IS PERMlffiD BY L.!\W PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COONTY RECOIIDING NUMBER 1!4102S005J. J. THlS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A RFJ.rASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT ANO mE TEflllS ANO CONDITIONS THEREOF, REU:ASINO KINO COONTY rROl,I All F\.llJRE CV.IMS FOR DAMAG(S RESULTING FIIOl,I TI-IE INSTAU.AllQN OF AN INTERCEPTOR DRMN ~ER INSTRO.,t.lENT UNOER XING CO\!NTY RECORO,NC NUMBER M0627004J ~ T>il$ PROPERTY 1$ SUBJECT TO A LATECOMER'S AGRE!:t.lENT ANO 111E TERMS AND CONOlTIONS THEREOF REGAAOING 111E PAYMENT Of COSTS .o.NO EXPD>ISES FOR INSTI\LLATION OF WASTEWATER $'!'STEMS AND APPURT'ENANCl'S PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTI RECOROJNG MUI.IBER 20080JOJ000827 ~-a PERTMNS TO GENERAL .o.ND SPEGIAL TAXES !\ND OTHER TERMS .o.ND CONDITIONS. GPS/CONv'ERSION NOTES PRIMARY CONTROL. POINTS !\NO ACCESSIBL..£ MONUMENT POSITIONS Yl(RE Fl[LO MEASURED UTIUZINC GLOBAL POSITIO/>IING SYSTEM (G!'S) SURVEY TECHNIOUES USING L.l:ICA S'r'S:Et.l SOO EOUIPlolENT MONUMENT POSJTIDNS THAT WERE NOT UIRECTI.Y D!lSER\IEO USING Gf'S SIJR\IEY TECHNIQUES Yl(RE TIED INTO mE CONTROL PC.MTS UTIUllNG lEICA ELECTRONIC TOTI\L STATIONS F'OR mE t.lEASIJREMENT OF BODI ANGLES !\ND DISTI\NCES lt<IS SUR\IEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS mt STANDARDS SET BY WI\C 332-130-090. PLAT NOTES I THE I\RTICLES OF INCORPORATION fOR mE wooos !\T Hll,Hl.ANOS PI\RX HOWEO'fflolERS ASSOCi,,no,, IS ON Fll( ~m T,j( STATE Of WASHINGTON IN OLYMPII\. MEMBERSHIP IN THE \IIO:XlS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEDWNER'S ASSOCUTION AND PA'1.IENT OF DUES OR 011-IER ASSESS1,1ENT SHALL REMAIN .o.N APPURTENANCE TO ANO INSEPI\RA8l.E FROI.I E>.C>i LOT. & TI-IE WOODS AT HJGHLANDS PI\RK HOM£0WNERS AS$QCIAT10N ~Ll MAJNTAIN ALL LANDSCAPING AND AMENITIES ~THIN 111E PROPOSED TRACT •A• fROI.I !\NO INCLUDING THE FENCE OUTWAROS, AND 11-<E QTY Of RENTON ~LL MAINTAIN rm: STORM POND rnou 11-<E F"ENa: INWARD. A ORAJNACE EASEMENT OV::R TRI\CT "A" IS HEREBY GR.o.NTED ANO CONVEYED ~0 mE CITY Of RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR Tl1£ PURPOSE Of CONV!:1'1NG, STORING, MANAGING !\ND FACILITATING STORM ANO SURFI\CE WATER !\PPRO\IEO BY 'Tl11S Pl.AT AND ll<E CITY OF RENTON. TOGEllJER \IITH lt<E RIGl<T FOR THE CITY OF RENTON. trs SUCCESSORS OR A5Sl0NS TO Et!TER SMC DRAINAGE EAS£MEN1 ANO CO\IENANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAJNTAINING, REPM~ING AND IMPR0"1NG THE ORAINAGE FACIUTlES CONTAINED ~ERE1N. L1 TllACl ·a· IS FOR RECREATION PURPOS(S ONLY F'OR ll<E BENEFlT OF All mE LOT OWNERS IN 1111S Pl.AT. EACH LOT OWNER IN 1111S PLAT LOTS (1 THROU(ll-l 14 INCWSl\l'E) SHALL HA\IE AN EOUAL ANO UNO'V:DED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT •s•. THE WOOllS AT HIGHLANDS PAA~ HOl,IEQ\',t,JER'S ASSOCIATION SHALL BE RESPONSIBL..£ FOR mE MI\INTENANCE Of S>.10 TRACT •u•. HOYl(\/DI, SHOUlO ™E HOl,l[O\l,l,IERS I\SSOCIATION fML TO PROPERLY MAINTI\IN TRACT "B" mEN LOT OWNERS Of I\U. 111E LOTS I mROOGH 36 SHALL SE EQUALLY RESPONSlBL.I: FOR 111E MI\INTEN!\NCE Of SMO TRACT "9", & TRAGT "A" IS A P1JB~C STORM ORAINI\C':: TR~CT ~N:> ~EREBY CON\IEYED TO T>lE WO()[]S AT H,G!lLANOS PARK HOI.OEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION IN 111E EVENT 1111\T THE HOA S!10lJLO BE o,SSOl.\lEO, 111EN EI\C>l LOT SHI\LL HI\\IE I\N EQUAL AND UNcll"10t:0 OWN[:~SH-P INTEREST IN TRI\CT "A' AS WELL AS RESPONSIHIUTY FOR 111E MAINTJ;NI\NCE OBLIGATIONS OF mE HOA 111m RESPEGT TO TR~CT .A. 1\$ SET FOR111 HEREIN M£M8ERSH1P IN mE HOA ANO PA'r\lENT OF DVES OR Oll<ER ASSESSMENTS Sl<ALL REMMN AN APPURTENANCE TO !\ND l~Sc.PAA!\EIL..£ rnw EACH LOT. ~ ALL UTIUTY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESER\l'ED FOUAlLY 70 ALL UTIUTIES. B0Tl1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, 'Oil O'fflolERSHIP .o.ND MI\INTENANCE PURPOSES. ALSO SEE "EASEMENTS PROV:SIONs·. FOR FlJRmER OETACLS 6. ~LL 8Ul\.:>ING OOWNSPOOTS, S00'1NC ORI\INS, AND DRAINS FROM ALL lt.lPERV:OUS SURFACES sue,, AS PI\TlOS .•,tiD DRIVEWAYS SHAU. BE CONNECT[]] TO mE PER~ANENT STORM DRAIN oun_n I\S SH01',t,J ON T,JE I\PPRO\IEO CONSTRUCTiot. ORAV.,NGS '---ON Fil( 111m m=: CITY OF RENTON. 1111S Pl.AT SHAJ... OE SUBMITTED \\Ill< mE APPUCATION ']f ANY BUILDING PERI.Ill. ALL CONNECTIONS OF Tl<E DRAINS MUST SE CONSTRUCTED ANO APPllO\IEO PRIOR TO THE FINAL 8\JIL.OING INSPECTION !\PP!WV,IJ_ FOR Ti,OSE LOTc: Tl-11\T ARE DES1Gt1ATE0 f()fl INOIV:OUAL LOT INFlLT!IATION SYSTEMS. WE S'r'STEM SHALL BE CONSfflUCTEO !\T 1-iE TIME Of THE BUil.DiNG PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY •111T!-l PL.o.NS ON FILE In,. ACCESS FOR LOT 1 SIIA~L OE LIMITED TO SHADOW A\IE~\JE NORl'lEAST ONLY 111ERE SHALL BE NO D•RECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO OR nl:Ol,I NORmEAST 2~0 STREET 'M<ICH AEUT IT. fil I\CCE:SS FOR LOT 6 S>IALL 8[ UM11£D TO SHAOOW Al'ENVE NOR111EAST ONLY m[~E SHALL BE ~G OIREGT \IEHICUL.!\R ACCESS -o OR FllOl,I NORll-<EAST mo LANE 111\jlCH AB,JT IT .& I\CCESS FOR LOT 14 SHALL BE cit.llTED TO NORDIEAST ;IND LANE OOLY. HERE S>IALl 8£ NO OIHECl \IEHICUL.AR ACCESS TO OR F,/Ol,I SI-ADOW A\IE NORTI-IEAST \'ll'IICH ABUT IT. VICINITY MAP FOUl,jQ SI.IAL.l PIECE OF NE 4T BROKEN BRASS SURFACE · · H ST (S.E. 128TH ST ) tf "~ " ,· """"' '"'' --N!!a'21'18•w 26n?B' ' \I PLUGGED DRILL HOU: (OJ/07) ' 1J11.J9' ~ 1Jl1 i:i--. -- /" f'OUl,jQ PI.JN()lJ,IARI< IN 3· BRASS I ·-· j FOUND Sl,lil,U. 14 ~~ ~ ~~NtT~~~~Ol:(~:;/2. ';, p!~ si'.::~g ;;;~ 1;l BRASS OISC IH CONC I.ION IH ·,.._::;! O.SI< IN 3• . 0 -(CASE ST.l.t.lPEll "13042{ DOWN : «> DIAMETER CONC ~ uj z 0.7" {03/07) ;;; PLUGGED DRILL ~ • FOU\10 PUNCHMI\RK IN 2--L +HOLi: (03/0~) ~ l'J"./ BRASS OISC IN CQl,jC IN u.i • CASE, D0\1111 0.3'. (03/07) ~ \; • l-' ~ ; FOUNO PUNCHI.IAR~ IN 2" :; "' N•~,,.,,.. ~ ,S::0 < ~ BRASS DIS><: IN CONC. MON. -~O ". -> "' DO'#N 0.3S' IN CASE (OJ/07) 8 595.UO' "'· f'I :r:: -.!j! ,._ FOUNO BARE REBAR, Z 't3 ii . -~ f-; ,. DO'/ltl 0.2·. o.2·s Of NSBiff~J·w "' ~[1r[E ~ I ~ ~ ~ -127~C) "' 713.54' ,., ~a= 16TH CORNER (3/07) lJO!;IJ!l' _ ;;l "' 7 _ · N E NBB-09'1o·w uoe.45' -· · 2ND ST. S.E. 132ND ST u.i u.i FO\!NO PUNCHMI\RK IN u.i FOUND PUl,ji;HM!\RK IN 1-);i° i -n 1-1y~A;~~~ 1~30~f u-j a~~ ~1.r., 1~~~; 1~ c:1~ - '" UJ~' i::UJ<• · 1 ·~S_... DO'#N 0.4' (OJ/07) µj CORNER Of '11-<E NOllll<EAST 1/4 ;> .. <;> I OI' DIE NORTHIIICST 1/4 (OJ/07) w ·1· • 0 . . 0 5 § d C(, ~ -Z ;::!; FOUND J" BR.ISS DISK IN :._: -~4 CONC DOWN 1', ST!\lll'Ell 0 14/15 1U~07) NSB"00'12·w " DRAINAGE NOTES _J_ 2614.Bti' $--- " ALL DRI\INACE EASEI.IENTS MmlN Tl<IS Pl.Al, NOT SHOWN AS "PRIVATE• AAE HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED ,a 111E aTY Of RENTON. A MUNlaPAJ.. CORPORATION, ,oR mE PURPOSES OF CONl'E1'1NC. STORING, MANAGING, AND FACIUTATlt,jC STO!lt.l !\ND SURFACE WATER PER mE ENGINEERING PLAOIS Al'PRO\l'ED FOR THIS PLI.T SY 111E CITY OF Rf:NTON TOG£THER \\1T}j Tl-IE RIG>lT OF REAS0NA13LE ACCESS (INGRESS !\NJ [CRESS) TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE E!\SEMENT rQR T>lE PURPOSES OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MMNTAINING, REPAIRING ANO J~PRO .. NC 111E ORAINACE FI\CrUTIES CONTAINED IHEREJN NOTE: EXCEPT FOR DlOSE FAQUTIES MilCH HAl'E BEEN fORMI\U.Y ACCEl'TEO FOR t.lMNTENI\NCE BY mE CITY OF RENTON, t.lAINTENI\NCE Of DRAINAGE FI\CIUTIES ON PRIVATE PROl'E!1TY IS mE RESPON~B1·..:TY Of THE PAOPER~Y OWNERS(S). I Tl-I( PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT S>l0WN ON I.OT 1 1$ COR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 2 TI-IE PRIVAT'E DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN O'ol LOT J IS fOR mE BENEF'IT OF" LOT ~ TI-IE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LQT 6 IS fOII THE aENEFlT OF LOT 5 T,j[ PRIVATE ORAINAG!'. EASEMENT S>I0\11'1 <Y'I LOTS S ANO 9 15 FOR 111E BENEJlT OF LOTS 7 ANO 8 THE PRIV~TE DRI\INAGE (ASOIENT SH0\1111 (>!,I LOT 11 IS FOR 111E 8ENEF1T OF LOT 10. 111E PRIVI\IE ORI\INI\GE EASEMENT SHOWN ON TIIACT B rs FOR ™E BENErlT OF LOTS 12. TJ AND 14 • PRIVA"i: DRI\INAGE E!\SEMENT Tl-IE OWNER(S) OF PRIVI\TE PROPERTY V.,1111N 1111S p_i,,T ENCUMBERED ~m DRAINAGE EI\SEMENTS SHOWN AS "PRIVI\TE. HERESY GRANT AND CONVEY TO THE CITY OI' RE'ITON, A t.lUMCIPAL CORPORAT,ON. 111E RIGl<T 8(,T NOT 111E OOLIGATlON TO CONVEY OR STORE STORM ANO S()RF'ACE WAT[.~ P(R ENCINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR Tl-IE Pl.AT BY Tl-IE CITY OF RENTON, TOG(T,j[ll 'Mm mE RIG!lT Of REASOOABU: ~=ss (INGRESS ANO EGRESS) TO EtilER SAIO DRAINAGE EAS<:MENT FOR ™E PURPOSE OF 00SER"1NG mAT 11-<( OWNER($) AflE PROPERLY Ol'IB~TI~G !\NO ~I\INTAINING mE ORAINACE fl\CIUTIES CONTAINED 'MmlN SAID D!IMN~GE EASEMENT AND !\RE HEREBY REOU•AEO TO OBTAJti ANY REQUIRED PERMITS FROM me CITY OF RENTON OR ITS SlJCCESSORS AC<:NCY, PRICR TC Flu..JNC, PIPING, CUTTitiG OR REM0"1NG Vl:GETATION (EXCEPT fOR ROUTINE L.ANOSCAl'E MAINTE!li>J;CE SUC!-1 AS LAWN WOWING) IN OPEN Vl:GETATED DRI\INI\GE fACIUTIES (SUCH AS SWALES. CHMINE~S. DITCHES PQ!,10$, ETC.) QR PERfDRMING ANY I\LTERATIONS OR ~ODIFICATIONS TO T,.JE DRAINAGE 'ACJUTIES CONTAINED ¥11Tl11N SMD DRI\INAGE EASEMENT. COl'ENI\NT SHALL ~UN \\Ill< mE LAND A~O IS SIN~NG UPON TI-IE OWNER(S) Of S>.ID PRIVI\TE PROPERTY, mE1R HEIRS, SUCCESSORS ANO ASS,Gt!S. ' mE QTY OF RENT(l!,I SHALL HI\VE Tl-IE RIGHT TO ENTER Tl<E PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEME'ITS SHD~ HEREON TO REl'AJR !\NY DEFIC,ENCl(S ~ 111[ DRAINAGE FI\C,UTY IN Tl-IE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGUGENT IN THE t.lMNTENANGE ~ mE DRAINAGE FACIUTI(S. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE !\T THE O'lll'iER(S) COST. --axl•map.com '. Ax 1· s '"'0 · 07-038 9/10/15 l---+----1 nm ~ Survey&Mepplng DRAWNBt· CHICKEnRY ERM/JM MTSE IJ005NE 126\hPL K!JIJ(L'.ND, WA 98034 TEL. 421.S23-5700 FAX425.813 GIOO N/A SHEET 2 OF 3 PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK I VOLUME: NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON WcST llNF.: OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF TI-IE NOIHHWEST 1/4 SECTION 14, T'wP 2J NORTH, RI.NG[ 5 EAST fQIJNO BARE Rt:BAA, OOMI 0.2· 0.2'S OF 16TH CORNER (J/07) -NB610'4.J"W ,:509_3a-// - ' -w ' TOTAL ' 8,~88 , !!,\OJ ' 8,IOJ ' l!,091! ' 7.D~ ' 7,172 ' •.= " B,064 ' 7,1!.IE . '" 7,775 ' ,-r: I B,5.35 a.,~9 6,286 I SYMBOL LEGEND S SCT STANDARD I.IONUl,IENT • FOUND REBAR ANO CAP AS NOTED o SET RESAA /I.NO CAP "/I.XIS ;i.e.oi," Ell f0Ut10 I.ION!.IMEt/T AS NOTED 2 EASEMENT PRO'>'!SJONS (SEE SHE(T 2) PL..,t,T NOTES (SEE SHEU <) @g)AOORESSES [: ::JPRl\1.0.TE STORI.I ORl,,INAGE EASEMENT ,or BMP TABLE AREA (SOIJARE FEET) MA~ IM~E~'>'!OOS' 10,:: REOUCTION •.72J •.251 4,"57 4,011 4,457 4,Ctl ·-·~ <= J,1!1!1 J,49J .l,945 .l,551 ··-J,964 4,HS .l,992 4,.310 .l,679 4,276 .l,B41! 4,07J .l,666 4,694 4,225 - 4.476 4,026 4,557 •. ,01 -- • KlNC COONTY CODE ~4 ZONING MAX IMPER\/. ARCA· LOT .o.REA < 9,076 SQ. rT -70!( I OT ARE/I. > 9,076 SQ F'T, -55:,: 10:,: IMPER\/ AREA REDUCl\ON 8MP: LOT AREA < 9,076 SQ n -60:0: LOT ,>J,E/1. ;, 9.076 SQ F~. • 45:,: BASIS Of SEARINGS HIJ.O NORTH 81!'21'18" WEST DElWEEN MONU~ENT AT NORTIH•EST CORNER Of SECl\ON 14 & l.l()NUl,l[NT AT NORTH Ol!AATER CORNER Of SECnON H HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAO 8J/91 FOUNO ~/B" REBAR ,k CAP : /1 "CIUJNES 29537" 0.1'S. OF R.O.W., . FOIJNO 5/S" Rf:SAA II, 0.5'S. OF ,em SPLIT (OJ/07) CAP "CIUJ!>IES 295J7" ON FOIJNO t/2" REBAR & CW> L.S R.0.W. 0.4'S. OF 1BTH SPLIT f\765J 2.4'N Of R.O.W .. 2.0'N. (OJ/07) OF 1BTH !PUT UP 0. 7 (OJ/07) CURVE 'rABLE CJRYr oar ... ~ RAOIUS LENGTH C' BWJ.J'.JO" 25.00 .l~ ~4' c2 · 4•,2·21· ,a2.oo 45 65 0 14"25'48" 203.00 51 1J' C4 gno·.30· 25.DO J9 90' cs ss·33·30· 25 oo JB.64' C6 1•55·13· 2C3.00 6.86' C7 12'29'35" 2C3 00 44 2S' CB 6'54'47" 1B2.00 21.96 C9 r;TJ4" 1~2.00 2J 69' C10 60"25'19" 15 00 2B.9B' Cl' 25'01'1.i" 1500 10.,2' C12 ','•6'32" ;:n_DC 7.CY C1.l 91'23'26" '5.50 24.72' -~- ~ ¥ Is GRAPHJC SCALE ~ l""I I I I '" '" " '" '" l" = 40' l ' fOIJNO l/l" REB.o.R II, CAP, S>U,SHEO, 0.2'N. OF R.O.W., 0.2'S. OF 16TH SPLIT (03/07) FOUND PU/4C!iMAAK IN 1-X> BRASS OtSC IN CONC IN CAsl DOWN O.~'. HIJ.O AS SE 1/15 " ' CORNER OF TI-IE NORTHEAST 1/4 Of THE NORTHWEST 1/4 (03/07) www.axl•rnap.Gorn JOB NO. DATE Axis 07-038 9/10.'l 5 Survey & Mapping DRArl'N BY CHECKED BY \3005Nf126thP1 ER..\l/JM MTSE K!llXJA'IO,W/\96034 SC,lli SHm" TEL. 41~ 62J-';700 FAXH5.823·6700 >" ,a· 3 OF 3 /,i ., .. •a 1;!;' ,' !l i ]! J, 'l ,! ' ;, l .. ,, ,, I ,! 11 ,· ! 'I Ii ' I ~ l • 'l ,, !1 ~I I ,i I •. ' •i :0" ~~ II w:.; ~: "':.; l; tj Ii p; 1! !i ~~ '· ~I a; " ' I . , ti ~1 ,. ~k 1H l ~:;:~ ,. 1! .if ·! I" !I !1 ,. ;~ ti '" ' U!:..~ ;3 • cl " 3000311:1 !SV3 )U.:lVd OOOM31d'ffl E • I ! ' ' ~ i I ! ' ' ' ! ili,, ' ., t~ ~E ,!i l~'.:l • • ~r & ; ~1.t~ !"'-~&~ ~~l.,~-t,~§=~! ~ -,;,,," ,!,di ,.:,~-~!!'.:i~ 1:.1,1,, · ! .. l t:,1~~?. ~ i',,lj( i:ri, n ~ ;i~,.&gH~ : l.'~:,,~M.';_l ~:i~t~r~:;; f Q,,1;, .. ,,, ~.,.ic , "'·· }h[ti::'. , ! ' ! ' Ii lilt t' d i ' i ! ' 111 i I I l I! l ,; 3: :ii "' lll ,[ "' ~ ! ~ fil "' ~ ~ ~ !l! I I I ' ~· t D ~l 1 , I j, . ' ,· ,! " il !' ·l !; ~n .. r~ .. ' ~~ 300:)311::1 1S\f3 >U::IVd GOOM31dV~ i· - ·, ',; . I: <[ (I ,, C ~' ,! D .._ _ ___,,. ' > i ' ,. 3: ill .., " .. ,;_ "' :;, I!: .. ~ ti ~ "' ~ 3: " ~ ~ 300:)311=1 ' r ,, :i: . ' ', i: I ' ; l I I ''-i I ' I /, ' ' ' -~ ,., 1;1 '"'1,! 2J lsJ ' ' ' ----, -~ , , , , , 1SV3 )(Hild OOOM3ldi/W ---'" ' ! l ' I ll!,i' d ' ! I ! ! ' i ' ' ' ' ' I (~ I --..., a ! 1- l I I I - '.--' VM 'NO!N3~ NVld 3dV'.JSONV1 1 Vld lS\/3 ~1:1\/d OOOM3ld\/V'I --~---.--- • <; + I I (~ L f,' ' 'r/M 'NOlN3tl N'd"ld 3d'd!lSClNVl lVld 1SV3 ~~Vd OOOM3ldV~ T""" " ...J ' I (~ -,• I -··' ll (1 "-·' ~~~~ ~_j 17' GFIO.TI'R TtU.tl AOOIIIAU 1· WIOI' SOFT Rl,JIIIIEACHAINl()CK TRE[ Tl[ -~~AC>!lilMEN«JmliE ;r_o_~-._v.QPP.:e('1K~l:i,.SP~(~. 1'a.~! _T_Q.119QlJll!cll. ._.,,YER OF' ~LO\.fll_l'E,A _5,f'E~lt:_A llqH5 fQRlil_ T WAT\:l~I_N',, f!IN(;; ~ Tfj£f~ le OVTS•DE Of Tllf:£ S1M£S ~.!~3iQOL.U.6lOl'f.AT5'QES.0!'1'l,Vi1~. CUI, BUl_l!.AP _M,(:!_( FFf9M l_QP 1_() Cl': AOOl~l _ ~!~.''l;fJ.J>µHIJf!',m$_ __ W,-.!1~~1~!1;1EEJ:0.8.€ ~~ISl!l'!.Q,,SOII. pRCQLll'..lyT SOI-. TOW,. lolAX OliNSllY lREt Pl'/ 1()8E fttflEE Ul.1£11 fliE Oll,J,OETEROf" ROOtBAU. SET$ll>Jl;tSP/IIW.Ul 10 11.0JAUNT STREET SET ml'l 1• A80VE GRAUE ASGAOINWJN Nl'llll-EAY FlflM llACl(FII.L N PLJ,Cf.N-IO WUER WWELL TREE PLANTING DETAIL :~ Jt'.1; r4T---itt:: 1JU ii':·, \~ I _i';J/ )1!1..----- ... ·11.-"'iij1 11 ;·, IW".°iW-1_1' l:'.',, : .. ,jl •I: .:. Y· ! ! • 1 ·:\.-. 1j1 , !I!-'II I '--- I A' J ""''"'"""' TOBE17'MOEA THAN !IOOTIW,t l'Ql'I SHRUB$ ANO ,r W1Clefl TMAN "'()(lTSAll FOR GROUNOCO'o'EAS oe.PfM roee SAM( AS ROOTIW..l OR 12" Wttl!.'1 EVER Ill OlliEAT'EI< _ FQfW2' WJI.TER 8ASIN !Cf' Cl l«,)Ot _CR(J'MI BARK W..Cli PU\ SPEC1FICATIONS KEEP .. IJlClt; :1" AWAV FROM STE~ ~""" £XlSlNJ llO!l. tlEEPL~ SCAFUFY AT SIOESOI' PLANT POCl<H -~l<flU._WITH~,W[D_~TIVE_SOll AND FERflllZER Pm SPtC1FICA TIOHS 6ET AT llfrHIGMER HbOIHGl'IOWNINNl,lnSERY Fl'W BACKFIU. IN Pl.AC( ANO WATER IN WlU. (2 \ SHRUB PLAN1:ING DETAIL LANDSCAPE_ CONS!R,_~C~_!il_Q!g C:C.,lraclo, shan familiar 1hem,elves with !he project including all underground V1lliti'3s. All beds to be Mbris and weed ilff prior lo land&e.ape construction. Subg'ilda to tMt 8" below finished grad• lo allow for top,soll and mulch In shrub areas and In a ti' diameter arH around individuaffy planted !Tee$, and 2" bftlow finished grade In hydroseeded areas ln shrub planting and lodividual tr\'18 areas tiP Misting $OIi to d&pth of 1T. Add 3• of 50/50 Cedar Grove Of' Su Mel Material$ (Xllllpo$1/Ulnd mli. Till into tr of e-.;itli"(I soil. Add 3" more of 50/50 Cedar Grove or Sunset Materials oomposl/sand mix. Tin into 8" ot $Oil. Compact soil to 80% lo prever,t settlir,g. ln hydroseeded area track walked native SOIi If SOIi is lenife enough to sustain gras.s, ~lnate with h)"drosooder. geoe,al cootracto, and landSCclpe an:1lite<:I. If $Ofl i, l'\Ol ffflile enough. ti~ 'Z" Cedar Grove <x Sunset Materials oompost Into 6" of emting, soil. Compact soil to 85% to preve11t settl1r,g. coordinale worlc. in oetentiO!'l erea wrth Geoledu'lieal Engineer. Notify owner if existing soil conditions wiU prove detrimental ta plan1 health, even after soil PfllP, such as exCMSM!li day soil, hardpan soil. poor dfalnage, or excessive gravE!I. Pl.inl lrM$ .ind shtl.ab$ p$I' details this sheet Mulch beds and in a 6' diameler area around each indivlduelly planted lrBf:! with '7: of comp-mulch Muk:h is to be frfHt of garbagfl and Weed$ and may roOl contain excessive resin. !Mnln, or other material detrimental to plant g,O'Mn. GenUy loosen fQOl.1 of conteir.er stock that is rootbound pnor to planting. Fen~ize all plants with besl.Psks fertilizer, available at Horizon IAC. 425'a28-45S-1 or Agn--form tablt!lll. Onei padlet!tablel per 1 gallon plant, 2 f* 2 galk:io. 3 per 5 g.ilk)f). ,nd 12 per U'e.!11. E~ly $p.&Cfl pad,:e\a around roolbaoO, 6·8· ~ soil a.ulface. All plants shall oonlorm to Amenca standard for nursery s1od<, ANlA. An plants shall be considered very good or better in twtatlh and form b85ed on industry standanls. Provide one ye3' war,-an1y ror all work starting form date of Hnat accept8!lal. Cooo-tlinate au work wllh General Contractor Planllngs are dl'OO!ilht !oleta<11. Owner i!lhall l)l'ovide .:i temporary imgalion sytlttm per City of Ru-nlOO Coo• 4-4-070.1 2 .. A temporary irrigalion s~lem mvst be ioStalled aod ~1&o lor a mnmum of two ~ars 1ha1 coven all newly plsnted 31'&-!I& per these landseape plarls R-373227 i '""""-1 -' ' .. ---1 11ft -~ 11ft; -~. /,,/~. .,.rt :Of'--~ r-,y Q__ '.>?~::,;i7 lJ,~n-~1: .a,· !·V.IJ ~--~ 1•2-l-:!!llt J-!~2014 z:.=.:.::-=:: ta • ..... -J. ":""'"' - r- <( --' a. r- (/) <( "' w5 "' z a-: 0 <( z a. .,: "' 0 =' 0 ;! 0 w.,: 3: 0 3: ~!~ a. z ... <( j ffi ::; .. a: ~ -==~ r,.J !i,,;-. .:0::-..!":":"",,, l=·~~~ I 1Hn L 1.3 • di • 5t1E£TS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Woods at Highlands Park Final Plat LUA15-000713 ) ) ) FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) ________________ ) Summary 16 The applicant has applied for final plat approval for the Woods at Highlands Park subdivision. The final plat is approved subject to conditions. 17 18 Testimony 19 No hearing is held on final plat applications. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Exhibits The following documents were considered in evaluating the application for final plat: 1. January 12, 2017 staff report with 7 exhibits identified at p. l of the report. Findings of Fact Procedural: FINAL PLAT -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1. Applicant. Bumstead Construction LLC. 2. Hearing. No hearing is required or held for final plat applications. Substantive: 3. Description of Proposal. The applicant is requesting final plat approval for a 14-lot subdivision, as depicted in Ex. 5. The subdivision received preliminary plat approval on January 2, 2013 by the City of Renton. The subdivision is located at 6101 NE 2 Street. 4. Consistency with Preliminary Plat Conditions. The applicant has complied with all preliminary plat conditions of approval, as detailed in the staff report, Ex. I, the findings and conclusions of which are adopted and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in foll. Conclusions of Law Procedural: 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. RMC 4-7-11 O(C) provides that the hearing examiner shall approve all final plats. Substantive: 2. Applicable Standards. The RMC doesn't contain any standards for final plat approval, other than to require that "the final plat shall conform with only minor modification to the preliminary plat." RMC 4-7-110(A)(2). As detennined in Finding of Fact No. 4, as conditioned the plat conforms with all preliminary plat conditions of approval or will be bonded to comply with any outstanding conditions. DECISION The final plat application is approved, subject to the following condition: I. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred with adequate security to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the final plat. Dated this 26th day of January, 2017. FINAL PLAT -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Rights and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-080(G) classifies final plat decision as Type III applications subject to appeal to the City Council. Appeals of the hearing examiner's decision must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. FINAL PLAT -3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® A. REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DATE: January 12, 2017 ·--------------------------~ Project Name The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Par Owner: Bumstead Construction LLC Address: _ -1)~1tJNf 24'h Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 980 5 Contact: ~~ny Br;bwn, Bumstead Construction LLC. File Number: ~-000713, FP Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: I 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Rohini Nair A 14-lot residential subdivision with 2 Tracts on a 4.50 acre site, located within the (R-4) zoning classification. Preliminary Plat LUA 12-018. The project obtained preliminary plat approval on November 9, 2012, a reconsideration decision on January 2, 2013, and a minor amendment on July 12, 2016. The reconsideration decision denied three requests (street modification, primary entry, and alley access) and approved one request (lot width). The minor amendment removed condition of approval number 2 of the preliminary plat, and added four new conditions of approval. 6101 NE 2'a Street, Section 14, Township 23, Range 05 196,188 square feet (4.50 acres) Staff Report dated January 12, 2017 Preliminary Plat Hearing Examiner Decision and Exhibits (LUA12-018) issued on November 9, 2012 Reconsideration Hearing Examiner Decision issued on January 2, 2013 Minor plat Amendment Administrative report issued on July 21, 2016. Final Plat Map ( ,11\}J . , II" J\ {//\ '61 0\/\ Vicinity Map Conditions of Compliance Letter I C. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF}: 1. The applicant, Bumstead Construction LLC., filed a request for approval of a 14 -lot final plat. 2. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated on September 24, 2012 for the subject proposal. HEX Report Woods at Highlands park aka Maplewood Park East final plat LUA 15-0000713/ FP . "\\ ... ,. '" I.•'·\' .I'\ DEPARTMENT OF COM,.,JNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® A. REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DATE: Project Name Owner: Address: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: I a, EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: January 12, 2017 The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat Bumstead Construction LLC 11980 NE 24'h Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005 Tiffiny Brown, Bumstead Construction LLC. LUA15-000713, FP Rohini Nair A 14-lot residential subdivision with 2 Tracts on a 4.50 acre site, located within the (R-4) zoning classification. Preliminary Plat LUA 12-018. The project obtained preliminary plat approval on November 9, 2012, a reconsideration decision on January 2, 2013, and a minor amendment on July 21, 2016. The reconsideration decision denied three requests (street modification, primary entry, and alley access) and approved one request (lot width). The minor amendment removed condition of approval number 2 of the preliminary plat, and added four new conditions of approval. 6101 NE 2°' Street, Section 14, Township 23, Range 05 196,188 square feet (4.50 acres) Staff Report dated January 12, 2017 Preliminary Plat Hearing Examiner Decision and Exhibits (LUA12-018) issued on November 9, 2012 Reconsideration Hearing Examiner Decision issued on January 2, 2013 Minor Plat Amendment Administrative report and Decision issued on July 21, 2016. Final Plat Map Vicinity Map Conditions of Compliance Letter I C. FINDINGS OF FACT {FOF): 1. The applicant, Bumstead Construction LLC., filed a request for approval of a 14 -lot final plat. 2. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated on September 24, 2012 for the subject proposal. HEX Report The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East} Final Plat LUA 15-0000713, FP City of Renton Deportment of Co nity & Economic Development The Woods at Highlands Park (aka M . wood Park East) Final Plat Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA15-000713, FP January 12, 2017 Page 2 of 5 3. Representatives from various city departments are reviewing the application materials to identify compliance with all conditions of project approval. 4. The subject site is located at 6101 NE 2°' Street, Section 14, Township 23, Range 05. 5. The subject site is a (196,188 square feet) 4.50 acre parcel. 6. The preliminary plat (LUA12 -018) received approval from the City of Renton on November 9, 2012. 7. The property is located within the Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the R-4 zoning classification. 8. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 9. The applicant has complied with the following conditions as a result of the preliminary plat approval Hearing Examiner's Decision dated November 9, 2012. I. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issues as part of the Determination of Non-Significant Mitigated, dated September 24, 2012: a. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. dated February 21, 2012. Response: These recommendations along with any subsequent amendments that were required by the geatechnical engineer will be complied with at the time of final plat recording, by the completion of construction of site improvements as provided for on the approved construction drawing. b. The applicant shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicant shall pay the Park and recreation impact Fee at the time of building permit. c. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicant shall pay the current City of Renton Transportation Impact Fee at the time of building permit. d. The applicant shall pay a Fire Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicant shall pay the current City of Renton Transportation Impact Fee at the time of building permit. HEX Report The Woods at Highlands Pork (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plot LUA 15-0000713, FP City of Renton Department of Co, nity & Economic Development The Woods at Highlands Park (aka M_ ,-_ /OOd Park East) Final Plat Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA15-000713, FP January 12, 2017 Page 3 of 5 II. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No_ 8410250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. Response: This condition was removed by the toter approval of the Minor Amendment to the Preliminary Plat, condition no. 1, See Exhibit 4. Ill. A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. Response: The final landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved for construction by the City of Renton with the Construction Permit plans package. A revision to these plans was completed to accommodate the required Minor Amendment to the Preliminary Plat. The installed landscape shall be inspected for approval by the City's Current Planning Project Manager priar to final plat recording. IV. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4-4-130. The above plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. Response: An updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan documents were submitted for review and approval with the Construction Permit plans package. A construction permit was issued based on those plans and supporting documentation. V. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along perimeter ofTract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. Response: The required screening landscaping along the perimeter of Tract A was presented in the form of o final landscape plan and details that were included with the Construction Permit plans package. Those landscaping plans and details for the Tract A plantings were approved with the issuance of the construction permit for the site improvements. Inspection by the City to confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be done prior to final plat recording. VI. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. Response: A current water availability certificate was submitted to the City in conjunction with the Construction Permit application for the project. That availability was accepted as acknowledged by the issuance of the construction permit. VII. Staff will apply the design standard related to primary entry (RMC 4-2-115-3) during building permit review or whenever this issuance is normally addressed by staff. Notice of the staff's decision on application of RMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal right shall be mailed to all property owners on the southern side of NE 2°' St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. Response: The applicable Renton Municipal Code (RMC) design standards for the single-family homes will be reviewed subsequent to the recording of the final plat as part of the building permit process. A decision will be mailed to parties of record with associated appeal rights. HEX Report The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park Eost) Final Plat LUA 15-0000713, FP City of Renton Department of Co, nity & Economic Development The Woods at Highlands Park (aka M , IOOd Park East) Final Plat January 12, 2017 Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUAlS-000713, FP Page 4 of 5 VIII. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-11-040. If the proposal exceeds 3.50 du/acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/acre. Response: The lot widths have been increased to the maximum extent practical and consistent with discussions and engineering plan reviews subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. The current plat configuration conforms to all applicable and vested density provisions of the project's R- 4 zoning. IX. Road C shall be eliminated and Road B shall be extended to Rosario. Road B shall comply with all applicable road standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Road B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Finding of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff to comply with all applicable development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. Response: The public roadway configuration shown on the final plat conforms with the description provided by this condition without any relocation of Road B to the north boundary. The road pattern and lot access provisions are consistent with the direction received from City staff and the plan reviewed and approved with the Construction Permit subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. 10. The applicant has complied with the following conditions as a result of the Minor Plat Amendment Decision issued on July 21, 2016. I. All conditions of LUA12-018 Hearing Examiner Decision for Maplewood Park Preliminary Plat are applicable on the subject project with the exception of Condition of Approval 2, which has been removed. Response: All conditions of the Hearing Examiner's original decision have been complied with as described in the responses above. II. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements. For that portion of the easement located between NE 2'' Street and NE 2'' Lane along the detention pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Renton's satisfaction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot 11, a new access easement shall be recorded per King county's satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easement to King County shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. Response: The final document to relinquish the existing road and utility easements has been drafted. That form has been signed by the owner and is with King County for final signature prior to recording. The required access easement language for the replacement area has been added to the face of the final plat. Official easement recording and relinquishment will be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to plat recording. Ill. An updated landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager with the construction permit revision that identifies landscaping in the re-graded trail area. The landscaping shall include, at minimum, ground cover and shrubs. All landscaping shall be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. HEX Report The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat LUA 15-0000713, FP City of Renton Department of Co nity & Economic Development The Woods at Highlands Park (aka M_ ,-_wood Park East) Final Plat Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUAlS-000713, FP January 12, 2017 Page S of S Response: An updated landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved to account far the revised Tract A easement area and revised pond grading. The plantings shown on this plan have been completed and shall be inspected for approval by the City's Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. IV. Tract A shall be revised, including but not limited to, detention pond regrading, fence relocation, grading changes, and landscaping relocation per the satisfaction of the City of Renton and King County Parks Department. Tract A revisions including revised pond details and revised cross section shall be submitted to the City of Renton as a construction permit revision for review and approval prior to start of construction. The King County easements should be shown and labeled in the plan. The changes in the detention pond and Tract A including, fence relocation, grading, and landscaping relocation shall be completed by the developer, inspected, and approved by the City prior to final plat recording. Response: These improvements will be completed prior to recording of the final plat. V. No variances to the minimum required setbacks shall be issued to allow for a larger and/or standard size building pad for proposed Lot 11. Response: No variances have been requested or granted. I 0. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the City of Renton R-4 residential zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation see FOF 7. 2. The Final Plat satisfies the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process, see FOF 6. I f. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat, File No. LUAlS-0000713, FP as depicted in Exhibit 5, subject to the following conditions: 1. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITIED THIS 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 2017 PLANNING DIVISION HEX Report The Woods ot Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park Eost) Final Plat LUA 15-0000713, FP I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE 11IE HEARING EXA.l\1Il','ER FOR THE CTIY OF RENTON RE: Maplewood Parle East Preliminary Plat LUAl2-018, ECF, PP ) ) } FINAL DECISION } } ) ) ) Summary 16 The Applicant requests preliminary plat approval for a fourteen lot residential subdivision. The preliminary plat is approved with conditions. Street modification requests for Road B are denied 17 without prejudice due to lack of supporting information in the administrative record. Staff will be able to reprocess the request at the administrative level without adding any significant delay to 18 processing of the application. Requests to face homes towards NE 2"d street is deferred to building 19 permit review where it is nonnally addressed. Orientation cannot be addressed at this time because there is no information in the record as to how staff has applied the orientation standards in the past and the orientation criteria are at least partially dependent upon specific housing design, which is not review until building pennit review. Ultimately, although the Applicant is understandably adverse to further design modifications, placing Road B along the northern perimeter of the subdivision would resolve the orientation issues of the subdivision. Such an alternative design would be contrary to regulations that "prefer" alley access, but given the unique circumstances of th'< plat ( only one block of homes between a park and a street), this is one situation where alley access is not ideal. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PRELIMINARY PLAT -l EXHIBIT 2 1 2 3 Testimony City Staff Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Pl,inner, City of Renton 4 Ms. Dolbee described the Maplewood Park East Preliminary Plat. The site is located on the NE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 comer of NE 2nd Street and 152nd Avenue SE (Rosario Avenue NE). The site is a vacant 4.5 acres, zoned Residential 4 (R-4) dwelling units per net acres and is in the Residential Low Density designation in the Comprehensive Plan. ·Toe net density is proposed to be 4.02 dwelling units per acre. Lot sizes vary from 8,135 to 10,926 square feet. Two tracts are proposed, a stormwater tract (Tract A) and a landscape/utilities tract (Tract B). The site contains 271 protected trees of which 18 are proposed to be retained with 103 replacement trees .. The site contains no critical areas. Street frontage improvements would be provided along NE 2nd Street and new internal road systems are proposed. On September 24, 2012 the SEPA Responsible Official issued an MDNS with four conditions. No appeals were filed. One public comment related to traffic was received. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and, as conditioned, will be compliant with the zoning code. The lot widths do no currently conform. The landscape plan does not currently meet the city code with respect to street trees or significant tree retention and/or replacement. There was a road modification request issued on January 3, 2012. New information was subsequently provided that demonstrated a Jack of critical areas on the site. The lack of critical areas triggered street frontage · requirements. Staff is recommending modifications to the requirements of the January 3n1 letter. These include the elimination of Road C, the extension of Road B and the frontage and asphalt width requirements along the internal roads and on 152nd Avenue SE. In response to the Examiner, Ms. Dolbee stated that Road A will still be directly across the street from an existing house. The public comment letter expressed concern about headlight glare on their house from Road A. Staff recommends that landscape screening be provided around the stormwater detention facility on the outside of fencing or along the perimeter of the tract. Police, fire, school, water, sewer and storrnwater facilities are adequate as conditioned. The Applicant is proposing both rain gardens and a stormwater pond in conformance to the 2009 King County Storrnwater Manual. Staff recommends approval of the Maplewood Park Preliminary Plat subject to ten conditions (the original eleven recommended conditions minus condition #5). In response to the Examiner, Ms. Dolbee stated the Applicant will meet the City's required LOS. She also noted the definition of a significant tree is a 6" diameter tree as measured 4' above the ground. With respects to impacts to the house at the terminus of Road A, Ms. Dolbee stated MDNS measures 25 were considered, but that the design as proposed is the best solution. 26 PRELThi!NARY PLAT -2 1 With respect to the extensive changes recommended on the plat by the conditions of approval, Ms. 2 Dolbee stated that though the changes were significant, the Staff felt that the potential impacts of the changes would be to reduce the project's impacts and that the Applicant would not need to apply for a 3 plat alteration. 4 Applicant 5 Tiffany Bro"{n, Bumstead Construction Company 6 Ms. Brown stated they had only had the staff report for three days and that they were frustrated by 7 the extensive conditions. Many of the conditions had not been mentioned in the year and a half since the project had started. They stated that the code table for the R-4 zone allowed lot size, width or depth could be reduced to achieve the allowable density. She stated the plat always looked as it did. 9 Ms. Brown also stated the City said they had no plans for extending Rosario A venue NE. Bumstead 8 pointed out that extension of that road cannot go anywhere because of critical areas. The Applicant l O has always stated there are no critical areas on site or off-site buffer impacting the site. They did not learn until July 2012 that they had to prove there were no wetlands on site. Bumstead agreed lo allow a third party reviewer, Otak, to analyze whether the off-site wetland buffer impacted the subject site. 11 12 The wetland has since disappeared. The Applicant feels they have to completely change their plat at a very late date with little notice. They have gone back to the drawing board three days before a hearing. Ms. Brown stated there is no benefit in these conditions of approval which came out ofleft field. ~s. Brown stated they'd had many meetings with the City and feel they've been led astray by 14 the Staff. 13 15 16 Matt Hough, CP I H, Project Civil Engineer and Planner In response to the Examiner, Yl.r. Hough stated Rosario Avenue NE cannot be extended to the south 17 because of existing development and critical areas south of NE 2"d Street. The same is true north of the project. The two northern parcels are parks parcels which are presently undeveloped. The City stated they had no intention of approving this road to the north. Road A was designed the way it was 19 to allow for connectivity to the north in lieu of extending Rosario Avenue NE. Mr. Hough stated they had this plan layout for 18 months with the exception of modifications in response to the January 3rd 20 letter. They do not see how the footnote to the R-4 table is not applicable here. Mr. Hough stated he could see where Staff had made an effort to minimize changes to the plat, but the changes they have asked for in the Staff Report are new and significant and coming very late in the process. The 18 21 22 Applicant does not see a benefit to the proposed changes. They also note that improving Rosario Avenue NE to the Staffs recommendations will create an off-set intersection that may not be approved by Public Works. Mr. Hough stated they had done what they could do to reduce the impacts of this project while still meeting the density requirements. 23 24 25 26 PRELIMINARY PLAT -3 1 Public Comment 2 Shara Hagerman 3 Ms. Hagerman stated she lived in a home on !3200 (NE znd Street) in the County facing this 4 development. Ms. Hagerman stated her neighborhood is established. She stated she had spoken with Staff about the orientation of the houses. Ms. Hagerman was hoping that the homes would face the street, rather than the backs of the houses. Ms. Hagerman said the City has assured them the houses would face them, but that the Staff Report makes it clear the houses will face internally to the plat. The neighborhood character would be improved by having the houses face the existing streets. Ms. Hagerman said she was worried about the drainage pond. She stated most of the drainage ponds in the area were ugly, large and insufficiently screened. Ms. Hagerman also noted the Staff Report stated the schools in the area are in the Renton School District when they are in fact in the Issaquah School District. 5 6 7 8 9 JO Robert Hagerman 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mr. Hagerman echoed his wife's comments. He wants to look at front doors and front yards, not back fences or driveways. Terry Taylor Mr. Taylor stated he was the person who wrote the public comment letter. He stated Road A is directly across from his house. He is concerned about excessive traffic from this road as they are trying to back out of their driveway. Mr. Taylor stated the location of Road A is very poorly located with respect to his house and the placement of his windows. He is concerned about traffic and headlight gh1re impacting his home. He also does not understand why Road A is located where it is. In response, Mr. Hough stated that the City required a north-south connection that was not Rosario Avenue NE. 19 Mr. Taylor asked what will happen with Road A. The property north of Road A is where the 20 Duwamish sludge was placed when the river was cleaned up. It is now pasture land, though it is designated by King County as park land. Mr. Taylor is not against development, just the impacts to his house. He would like to see Road A farther east to a location that is opposite a more suitable use, 22 such as garages or vacant roads. This development represents a significant change from the way his property has functioned for the 3 8 years he has lived there. Mr. Taylor also noted that NE znd Street has become a cut through route and traffic has been increasing in recent years. 21 23 24 Doug Bomstine 25 Mr. Bornstine lives next door to the Taylors. Mr. Bornstine is also concerned about traffic. He's been 26 working with King County to try to discourage cut through traffic on NE znd Street. The traffic is PRELIMINARY PLAT-4 moving significantly faster than the posted 25 mph or the recommended 20 mph. The road is narrow, unlined and not traffic controlled. Some of the cut through traffic is moving at 60 mph. Mr. 2 Bornstine is working with King County to get cameras installed or additional police presence on the road. Mr. Bornstinc stated the parcel to the north of the subject is not landlocked. It extends to 156th Street. He does not see the need for a north-south connector here. 1 3 4 Rebuttal 5 6 Upon rebuttal, Ms. Dolbee stated that the R-4 zone has residential design standards. The homes are required to be accessed by Road B. The residential design guidelines for primary entries require the 7 house to have wrapped porches and front doors facing and engaging the street. The fronts of the homes will face NE 2 00 Street and Road B will function more as an alleyway for the three southern 8 Jots. NE 2nd Street is the primary street. Road .B has been reduced through road modifications to 9 function more as an alleyway. Lots 6-8 will face the rear of the houses on Lots 12-14. Staff requests a further condition of approval that requires houses to face NE 200 Street. · 10 11 Ms. Dolbee agreed that the children from the houses would attend school in the Issaquah School District. Ms. Dolbee described the frontage .improvements and road designs being recommended by Staff for NE 2•d Street. 13 12 With respect to road alignment and the requirement for a north-south connector, the City anticipates there will be a connection to the property to the north. There are two large parcels there. The City is attempting to preserve the possibility of future connectivity. 1bere is existing right of way on the 14 west side of the parks properties, but north of there are housing developments. Therefore, 152 00 Avenue SE canoot be feasibly extended. The location of Road A is in a much more feasible and 15 likely location for future road connections. 16 Ms. Dolbee read the requirements for reducing lot widths. She stated the City deducts road width 17 when considering density. The City has already allowed two road width modifications to reduce the width of the internal roadway. If the City required the full roadway width of the code, there would be 18 less land available to cowit toward the net density. Ms. Dolbee stated by allowing the roadway 19 modifications and requiring standard lot widths, the plat is likely to maintain 13 of the 14 proposed lots. Whereas in the circwnstance where the City denied the roadway modifications but allowed for 20 reduced lot widths, the plat would likely be reduced to less than 13 lots. The Staff agreed to reduce the street widths to allow for the opportunity for increased density. 21 22 23 24 251 26 Ms. Dolbee stated the road realignment was not a mitigation measure from environmental review and is more appropriately a condition of approval. Ms. Dolbee stated the realignment of Road B will allow for an additional entry to the King County Park land. Staff recommends that the improvements happen within the existing right of way plus an additional three feet. Rosario Avenue NE is currently unimproved. Ms. Dolbee stated the code favors alley configurations. There is no requirement to provide 15 feet of landscaping, the requirement is 10 feet. PRELIMINARYPLAT-5 1 Kayrcn Kittrick, City of Renton, Lead Construction Jnspector 2 Ms. K.ittrick stated Applicants are required to provide frontage improvements along their entire 3 frontage, but the City has recommended reduced requirements and a realigned internal road network. Staff also stated that the location for Road A could potentially be realigned to move it away from its 4 present location. There will be sidewalks and street lights on NE 2nd Street 5 Tiffany Brown 6 Ms. Brown stated the alley load requirement for Lots 12-14 is last minute. She stated they were 7 required to put in a 10 foot landscape tract adjacent to all the public roads inside the sidewalk and landscape strips. The homes do not start for 50 feet beyond the landscaping. Also, the homes are at a 8 different grade and behind privacy fencing and the street trees. The impact of alley loaded lots within the subdivision is much more significant than having the rear of the houses facing 1\1E 2"d Street. she 9 noted an alley is not an alley if only half of the homes utilize it as such and the others front on it. The 1 o Applicant is very concerned that down the road they will be penalized for the oifsd of the Rosario Avenue NE intersection that is being required here. Ms. Brown also stated that the code does not discuss rounding issues with density and that the requirements here are new. 11 12 Matt Hough 13 Mr. Hough stated that the plat has not changed and the City never brought up the Jot width issues. 14 The Jot sizes are larger than required. Road C originally was just a hammerhead. They extended it through to provide pedestrian connectivity. Mr. Hough stated he does not understand the process and !5 that information from the City has changed. The secondary connection is not needed because of 16 intersection spacing and impacts significant trees. The design is better aesthetically and environmentally to leave the Rosario Avenue NE right of way vacant. The discussions with the City 17 had always been a pedestrian connection on Rosario Avenue NE. The Applicant did originally have Road A in another location but the City had them move it. The Applicant thought the road modification they requested included the waiver for the lot width. They also said the City had initially an<l often stated they did not need to extend Rosario A venue NE. 18 19 20 21 Exhibits 22 Exhibits 1-21 listed on page 2 of the October 16, 2012 staff report are admitted into evidence at the 23 24 25 26 public hearing. The following additional exhibits were also admitted during the hearing: Ex. 22: Ex. 23: Ex. 24: Vanessa·Dolbee's presentation. Email correspondence between Staff and the Applicants dated October 23, 2012. A revised interior road network. PRELJMTNARY PLAT-6 1 FINDINGS OF FACT 2 Procedural: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I. Applicant. Bumstead Construction, LLC. 2. Hearing. The Examiner held a hearing on the subject application on October 23, 2012 in the City of Renton City Council Chambers. 3. Project Description. The Applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for a 14 lot single family residential subdivision. The site is located on the NE comer of NF. 2nd Street and 152nd Avenue SE, zoned Residential 4 (R-4) dwelling units per net acres. Lot sizes vary from 8,135 to 10,926 square feet. 40,946 square feet would be dedicated for new public roadways, and a 31,376 square foot stormwater tract is proposed. The net density is proposed to be 4.02 dwelling units per acre. The sile is currently vacant and contains no critical areas. The site contains 271 protected trees of which 18 are proposed to be retained with 103 replacement trees. The project would result in 11 11,000 cubic yards of excavation with I 0,000 cubic yards of fill. Street frontage improvements would 12 be provided along NE 2nd Street and new internal road systems are proposed. The City granted a 13 street modification request, with conditions, on January 3, 2012 to allow for modifications from the City's street code for the new internal streets. With the application the Applicaot submitted .a storm l 4 drainage report, geotechnical report, wetlaod reconnaissaoce, and a traffic study. 15 16 17 18 19 4. Characteristics of the Area. The project site is surrounded on three sides by single-family development. The property adjoining to the north appears to be vacant from the aerial photograph included in the staff report. The surrounding property to the east is within the City of Renton and is zoned R-4. The subject is bordered by unincorporated King County land to the north, south and west. All of the unincorporated King County properties are zoned R-4 by the County. 5. Adverse Im.Jl~Cts. There are no significant adverse impacts associated with the proposal. There are no critical areas on site and a mitigated determination of non-significance has been issued 20 for the proposal. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 6, the project will be served by adequate 21 public services and infrastructure. 22 23 One issue of significant concerns to neighbors was the orientation of the homes along NE 200 Street. Adjacent property owners requested the houses on Lots 12-14 be required to face NE 2nd Street so that the existing neighbors did not have to look at the backs of houses across NE 2nd Street. Staff 24 stated the Primary Entry guidelines (RMC 4-2-115(3)) would require the developer to construct the houses facing the street. The Applicant argued that requiring the houses on Lots 12-14 to face NE 2nd Street would be injurious to the houses on Lots 6-8 who would have to look directly across a reduced 25 26 width road at garages and the backs of houses; whereas there will be a landscape strip, sidewalk, PRELIMINARY PLAT -7 l landscape buffer with street trees, a privacy fence and a grade change between the houses in the plat and the existing neighbors across NE 2•d Street. AB discussed in Conclusion of Law No_ 5, this issue 2 will be deferred to the staff review level where the orientation of housing is more appropriately 3 addressed_ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6. Adequacy of Infrastructure!Public Services_ The project will be served by adequate infrastructure and public services as follows: A. Water and Sewer Service. The site will be served by adequate water and sewer. Water service will be provided by Water District #90. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Pennit Application. Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main located in NE 2•d Street. Extension of an 8-inch sewer main in the new roadways will be required. The subject parcel falls within the assessment area known as the Wyman latecomer Agreement. The Wyman final sewer assessment is $45,948.04. Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. A 6-inch sewer stub shall be provided to each lot. B. Police and Fire Protection. Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; subject to the condition that the Applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. A Fire Impact Fee, based on new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, was recommended as part of the SEPA review, in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code. All new construction must have fire hydrants capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm. One primary hydrant is required within 300 feet of the buildings. Homes larger than 3,600 square feet will require an additional hydrant and may require sprinklers. Final determination will be made by the Fire Department. Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. C. Drainage. Drainage has been adequately addressed through the preparation of a drainage report that proposes storm drainage facilities that staff have determined complies with the standards of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual as amended by the City of Renton. Under existing conditions the site drainage infiltrates as the site is currently undeveloped and forested. The storm drainage and TESC standards for the project are PRELIMINARY PLAT -8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 established by the 2009. King County Surface Water Manual (KCSWM) and City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. The development site is required to provide Basic Water Quality treatment in addition to Level 2 flow control. The Applicant submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Drainage Report ("TIR") prepared by CP I H Consultants, dated March, 8 2012 (Ex. 11 ). Based on the provided TIR the Applicant is proposing to develop an on-site combined detention and water quality pond in conjunction with a series of on-site rain gardens. The drainage report discusses meeting the area specific flow control requirement under Core Requirement #3. Additionally a Level 2 analysis will be required. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Department of Ecology and a Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) would be required for development of the subject site. The provided Geotcchnical Report (Ex. 12) evaluated the on-site soils to determine their percolation rate. Based on the provided Geotechnical Report the whole scale infiltration of development stormwater would not be feasible as the silty-sand with gravel observed in the test pits has a low permeability and typically would not be suitable for infiltration of storm water on a large scale. D. Parks/Open Space. The MDNS for the project requires the Applicant to pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee at the time of final plat recording. The impact fees provide for adequate parks and open space. E. Str.eets. The proposal is served by adequate streets. There are currently no street improvements fronting the site on NE 2nd Street. An undeveloped public right of way borders the subject's western property line (152nd Avenue SE/Rosario Avenue NE). The proposed access to Lets 1-6 would be provided along a new public road, Road A. Lots 11 -14 would be accessed via a new public road, Road B. In addition to Road A and B, the Applicant has proposed a new public road, Road C. As proposed, both Road C and Road A would provide direct access from NE 2nd Street and Road B would ccnnect Road C and Road A through the middle of the proposed development. The residential access road standard for a public street is a 53-foot right of way including five-foot sidewalb and eight-foot landscaping strips on both sides, and two ten-foot travel lanes and a six foot parking lane on one side (RMC 4-6-060(F2)). The City's privite street standards are applicable to streets that access six or fewer lots, provided that at least two of the lots abut a public right of way. Private streets are only allowed in the circumstance where there will be no future traffic and/or pedestrian circulation through the subdivision PRELIMINARY PLAT -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 to or to serve adjacent property. The minimum standard from private streets is a 26-foot easement with a twelve-foot pavement width and an approved turnaround. A street modification was recommended by a letter dated January 3, 2012 by the Development Services Division Director, modifying the street standards for the subject development (Ex. I 0). The proposed modifications are summarized as a 'pavement width of 20 feet, without separate sidewalks" for internal Roads B and C and a reduction in these right of way widths to 20 feet. The letter partially denied the requested modifications and recommended others for approval by the hearing examiner with conditions. The January 3, 2012 modification recommended a reduction in the street width on Roads B and C to 20- feet of pavement with no parking or sidewalks, but with a 6-foot pedestrian walkway marked on one side of the pavement area .. The right-of-way was recommended to be a minimum of 26 feet in width. This modification is primarily consistent with the City's private street standards. The January 2, 2012 modification recommendation also required Road A to comply with City of Renton street standards, resulting in 53 feet of required right-of-way, consistent with a public residential access street. RMC 4-6-060(El) requires the dedication of right of way where the existing width for any right of way adjacent to a development site is substandard. RMC 4-6-060(C) requires the extension full of street improvements along the entire border of any development site adjacent to a public right of way. In this case, the Applicant would be required to dedicate land and construct full street improvements along Rosario Avenue NE/15200 Avenue SE along its entire western border. Staff testified that when the Applicant first applied for the plat, they were under the assumption that a previously existing wetland to the west of the subject property still existed. The Applicant testified they had been under the assumption from the beginning that this wetland did not exist. They stated Staff had told them from the pre-application stage that street improvements along Rosario Avenue NE/152nd Avenue SE would not be required. The Staff testified they did not initially require extension of the street improvements because the presumed wetland and/or its buffer could have been impacted by the extension of Rosario Avenue NE/15200 Avenue SE. Staff requested proof that the previously existing wetland was still there. On July 15, 2012, the Applicant provided evidence that the wetland had indeed disappeared. At the hearing, Staff testified the lack of wetlands and buffers in the project vicinity triggered the code requirement to provide street improvements along all frontages, including Rosario Avenue NE/15200 Avenue SE. Frontage improvements are also required to be constructed along NE 2 00 Street. Staff testified that they were now recommending modified half street improvements to Rosario Avenue NE/152nd Avenue SE which would result in a street extension of only about half the depth of the plat and the need for a dedication. of three feet along the western border. They also recommended Road C be eliminated entirely and the extension of Road B from Road A in the east to intersect with the newly constructed Rosario Avenue NE on the west. Staff justified this request by noting that even though there arc no longer PRELIMINARY PLAT-10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 concerns about a wetland impacting the site, existing development patterns to the north would prohibit Rosario Avenue SE from ever being extended in that direction. Staff indicated the improved Rosario A venue SE to Road B would provide an extra possibility for future connection to the King County park land to the north of the plat. Road A is already proposed to be a public street connecting NE 2nd Street to the King County park property to the north. Staff testified with the exception of these changes, they continue to support the road modifications recommended by the January 3, 2012 letter. Road B would now serve nine lots (Lots 6-11 and 12-14) and be connected to public roads on both terrninuses (Road A and Rosario Avenue NE). The Applicant stated they had been in the design process for 18 months and only found out three days before the hearing that Staff was recommending an almost entirely new street layout and improvements to 152nd Avenue SE/Rosario Avenue NE. The Applicant stated the City had told them in the pre-application meeting and throughout the design process that they had no intention of requiring the Applicant to construct half-street improvements to 152nd Avenue; this is, in fact, why the Applicant had designed Road A to terminate at the northern property boundary. The design of Road A provided connectivity to the King County undeveloped park land to the north in a location that might be feasibly extended to the north. 152nd Avenue SE is located along an alignment that cannot be feasibly extended north due to existing development and critical areas. The Applicant also stated the construction of half street improvements to 152"d Avenue NE will create an intersection misalignment. The Applicant is concerned that the misalignment will not be allowed and that they will be required to once again redesign the plat at a later stage. Staff stated the requirement for the improvements on Rosario Avenue KE was triggered by the new knowledge that there was no wetland in the vicinity of 152nd Avenue NE as there had previously been. The Applicant noted that information was given to the City in July after an exhaustive attempt by the Applicant to prove the lack of the critical area. The Staff had over three months to provide the new road layout recommendations to the Applicant but did not so do before the Staff Report (Ex. 1) was issued three days before the hearing. Some comments were made at the hearing by adjoining property owners related to the location of Road A. Road A is currently designed in such a way that it aligns with the driveway and front windows of the house to the south across NE 2nd Street. The property owner expressed concern regarding his safety when attempting to back out of his driveway and also of the impact of headlights sweeping across his windows. Staff suggested studies show offsetting the new road from the existing driveway would be more dangerous than aligning the two. Another adjacent property owner expressed concern regarding the increasing cut through traffic on NE 2nd Street which has become hazardous in recent years with the increase in cars traveling at higher than posted speeds. Under the preponderance of evidence standard, the Examiner must side on the staff's conclusions on this issue. The City's public works department, which has extensive PRELIMINARY PLAT-11 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 experience in traffic design and safety, has determined that the safest place for subdivision intersections is directly across from driveways and the department has also concluded that NE 2"d St. is adequately designed to accommodate traffic generated by the proposal. The neighbors have not provided any specific evidence to outweigh! this expert testimony. The location of the subdivisions access points and NE 2nd St. is determined to be adequate and to not create any significant adverse impacts on neighboring property owners. The City code requires extension of ! 52"d Avenue (Rosario Avenue NE) with full frontage improvements along the west boundary of the site, adjacent to the existing public right-of-way. City Staff has argued the development of Road A to the north, will accomplish the same purpose by provi<ling a northern connection through the subject site but that they recommend improvements to Rosario Avenue NE to allow for a secondary access to the King County park land should it ever be developed. The Applicant argues the King County Land extends all the way to 156th Avenue SE and that Road A already functions as a secondary connection without the requirement to provide a Jess than full length, half street improvement that creates a misaligned intersection. Staff contents the elimination of Road C and extension of Road B to intersect with the newly improved Rosario Avenue NE will retain a secondary access into the plat while reducing the curb cuts on NE 2 00 Street. The conditions of approval will require street extension along the west boundary of the site (along 152"d Avenue) to extend north from NE 2"d Street to the intersection with Road B. The street improvements in Rosario Avenue NE are further modified to require 20 feet of pavement, 8 foot planter and 5 foot sidewalk on the west side of the street. This would result in the need to provide 3 feet of dedication along the entire western property edge. A condition of approval will require the Applicant to provide an updated plat plan for review and approval by the Development Services Division with the re-designed road system prior to construction permit issuance. F. Parking. Sufficient area exists, on each lot, to accommodate required off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. NE 2nd Street will accommodate parking on both sides. New Road A will accommodate parking on one side. New Road be will no accommodate on- street parking. G. Tree Retention. The Applicant submitted two Arborist reports dated February 14, 2012 and July 24, 2012 (Ex. 16). The Arborist reported the site contains 271 significant trees. Of these, the Applicant's Arborist determined 91 are dead and/or dangerous. 78 of the trees are located in the proposed roadway and 18 are proposed to be retained. The City's Urban Forester and Natural Resources Manager, Terry Flatley, visited the subject site and PRELIMINARY PLAT -12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 reviewed the February 14, 2012 Arborist report. Mr. Flatley presented his findings via e- mail on June 27, 2012 (Ex. 21). Based on the City's Urban Forester's conclusions, 16 trees should be subtracted from the dead and/or dangerous list included in the February 14, 2012 Arborist report, resulting in a total of 75 dead and/or dangerous trees. Based on the number of significant trees, the Applicant must retain the 18 trees proposed to be retained, and provide an additional 114 replacement trees at 2-inch caliper. The Applicant has proposed to plant only 103 replacement trees. The Applicant must provide an updated tree retention worksheet and planting plan that meets the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements. Conclusions of Law J. Authoritv. R.MC 4-7-020(C) and 4-7-050(D)(5) provide that the Hearing Examiner shall hold a hearing and issue a final decision on preliminary plat applications. RMC 4-9-250(C)(2) grants the Community and Economic Development Administrator or his/her designee the authority to approve waivers to street improvements. The waiver is classified as a Type I permit by RMC 4-8-080(G). However, RMC 4-8-080(C)(2) requires consolidated permits to each be processed under "the highest- number procedure". Staff testified that the street waiver request has been consolidated with the 14 preliminary plat appEcation, which is classified as a Type III application by RMC 4-8-080(G). Consequently, the street waiver request is also classified as a Type III application, which is subject to 15 hearing examiner approval pursuant to RMC 4-8-080(0). 13 16 2. Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Designations. The subject property is zoned Residential 4 17 dwelling units per net acre (R-4). The comprehensive plan map land use designation is Residential Low Density (RLD). 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3. Review Criteria. Chapter 4-7 RMC governs the criteria for subdivision review. Applicable standards are quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding c;onclusions oflaw. RMC 4-7-0SO(B): A subdivision shall be consistent with the following principles of acceptability: 1. Legal Lots: Create legal building site.s which comply with all provisions of the City Zoning Code. 2. Access: Establish access to a public road for each segregated parcel. 3. Physical Characteristics: Have suitable physical characteristics. A proposed plat may be denied because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the fi1U1l plat. PRELIMINARY PLAT· 13 l 4. Drainage: Make adequate provision for drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water 2 supplies and sanitary wastes. 3 4. As noted in Finding of Fact 6, this criterion is not satisfied with respect to lot width requirements (RMC 4-2-1 I 0). The Applicant contends the lot layout and widths have not been altered 4 in the 18 months since the plat was originally proposed. It is not clear from the administrative record 5 whether Staff addressed this concern during the review process. The Applicant stated they had 6 7 8 9 10 11 assumed their request for street modifications encompassed a request for the plat layout as presented and that the Staff's recommended approval of the street modifications represented tacit approval of the plat a5 presented. There is nothing in the administrative record or in the testimony that suggests the Staff was aware of or in agreement with the Applicant's assumption that the street modification represented approval of the plat as presented. The Applicant also argued that RMC 4-2-l!OD-11 should apply because a reduction in lot width is necessary to achieve the maximum density on the plat. Staff argues the opposite stating the Applicant could achieve the allowable density without it. In either case RMC 4-2-110 defines a maximum allowable density; it does not define either a minimum density or guarantee that all plat5 will achieve 12 the maxi.mum density permitted under the zone. While it is unfortunate that the issue of the lot widths 13 was not addressed in a more timely fashion, the code requirements have not changed. Condition of Approval 3 requires the Applicant to re-design the plat plan to provide for lots that meet the 14 minimum lot dimensional standards and submit the new plat pl an for review and approval by the 15 Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. The proposed lots comply with all other requirements of the R-4 zoning district as detailed by staff at page 7-9 of the staff 16 report, which is adopted and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full. 17 18 19 20 As noted in the staff report and shown on the preliminary plat map (Ex. 2), each lot will access new Roads A or B. No access will be permitted from NE 2"d Street. As discussed in Finding of fact 6(E), proposed Road C will be eliminated and !52"d Avenue SE will be extended to meet Road B at the western property boundary. As noted in the Findings of Fact 5, there are no critical areas on the property. Consequently, the site 21 has physical characteristics suitable for development. As determined in the Finding of Fact No. 7 and 22 as conditioned, the proposal makes adequate provision for drainage, streets, water and sewer. 2 3 RMC 4-7-080(1)(1): ... The Hearing Examiner shall assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards ... 24 25 5. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the Renton Comprehensive Plan as outlined in Section 1(1) of the staff report, which is incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full. The 26 proposal is consistent with applicable subdi,ision regulations as outlined in detail in the other PRELTh1INARYPLAT-14 1 conclusions of law in this decision. The proposal is consistent with applicable zoning standards and 2 design standards as outlined in Section I(2) and (3) of the staff report, adopted by this reference as if set forth in full, excluding the staff's conclusions regarding lot width. 3 One design standard that was raised during the hearing regarded house orientation. Members of the 4 public expressed a desire to have the houses face NE 2nd Street as their front facade in order to 5 provide a better aesthetic and community feel to the existing neighborhood. The Applicant notes that placing the front facade of the houses on Lots 12-14 towards NE znd Street is problematic, because 6 then the lots on the north portion of the plat will be facing the rear of the houses on Lots 12-14 from a 7 distance of only a 26' road, whereas the southern part of the property will have a landscape strip, sidewalk, 15' landscape buffer with street trees, a privacy fence and a grade change. Staff stated that 8 the houses could be conditioned to face NE 2nd Street based on RMC 4-2-115-3, the primary entry 9 guidelines. 10 It is premature to address building orientation at this time. There is no information on proposed 11 12 13 building design and orientation and none of this information is expected or required during subdivision review. RMC 4-2"115(3) regulates the orientation of single-family homes within subdivisions and provides that "front doors shall face the street and be on the facade closest to the street." Staff testified Road B is proposed to be less than a full street width, so they do not view it as a street in the sense envisioned by R..\1C 4-2-115-3. However, staff's interpretation of RMC 4-2-115(3) 15 14 was "off the cuff' during the hearing and there is no indication whether this interpretation is consistent with past applications and whether the interpretation is supported by the legislative history of the regulation. Further, the required orientation of a home is dependent upon the location of 16 building facades. There is no information in the record on building design or proposed building 17 locations. None of this information is required or expected during subdivision review. RMC 4-2- 115(3) is a building design regulation that should be designed when building design is proposed and 18 can be evaluated, which is the building permit review stage of development. Consequently, the 19 resolution of this building design issue will be deferred to building permit review. The staff will be required to provide notice of this application ofRMC 4-2-115(3) to affected neighbors, so that they 20 have the opportunity to appeal the staffs application should they disagree v.ith it. 21 One option of dealing with the orientation issue would be to relocate Road B to the northern 22 perimeter of the proposal. This would enable the Applicant to orient the homes along NE 200 St. to their neighbors to the south and the homes along Road B to face the park property to the north. Of course, this redesign would have to comply with all City standards and staff would have to determine 23 24 whether the redesign would trigger additional public review. Of course, moving Road B further north 25 will require more frontage improvements along Rosario. If relocation of Road B is considered, staff and the Applicant will have to work out whether the added improvements are worth resolving the 26 orientation issues. PRELIMINARY PLAT-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 RMC 4-7-120(A): No plan for the replatting, subdivision, or dedication of any areas shall be approved by the Hearing Examiner unless the streets shown therein are connected by swfaced road or street (according to City specifications) to an existing street or highway. 6. The internal L~rculation system of the subdivision, as conditioned, connects to NE 2nd Street and 152nd Avenue SE (Rosario Ave NE). RMC 4-7-120(B): The location of all streets shall conform to any adopted plans for streets in the City. 7 7. As discussed in Finding of fact 6(E), City code requires extension of 152nd Avenue (Rosario 8 Avenue NE) with full frontage improvement~ along the west boundary of the site, adjacent to the existing public right-of-way. However, the development of Road A to the north will accomplish the 9 same purpose by providing a northern connection through the subject site. As conditioned, proposed 10 Road C will be eliminated and I 52nd Avenue SE will be extended to meet Road B at the western property boundary. 11 RMC 4-7-120(C): If a subdivision is located in the area of an officially designed [sic] trail, 12 provisions shall be made for reservation of the right-of-way or for easements to the City for trail 13 purposes. 14 8. The staff report and administrative record do not identify any officially designated trail in the 15 vicinity. 16 RMC 4-7-130(C): A plat, short plat, subdivision or dedication shall be prepared in conformance 17 18 19 with the following provisions: 1. Land Unsuitable for Subdivision: Land which is found to be unsuitable for subdivision includes land with features likely to be harmful to the safety and general health of the future residents (such as lands adversely affected by flooding, steep slopes, or rock formations). Land which the Department or the Hearing E=miner considers inappropriate for subdivision shall not be subdivided unless 20 adequate safeguards are provided against these adverse conditions. 21 a. Flooding/Inundation: If any portion of the land within the boundary of a preliminary plat is 22 subject to flooding or inundation, that portion of the subdivision must have the approval of the State 23 24 25 26 according to chapter 86.16 RCW before the Department and the Hearing Examiner shall consider such subdivision. b. Steep Slopes: A plat, short plat, subdivision or dedication which would result in the creation of a lot or lots that primarily have slopes forty percent (40%) or greater as measured per RMC 4-3- PRELIMINARY PLAT-16 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 050Jla, without adequate area at lesser slopes upon which development may occur, shall not be approved. 3. Land Clearing and Tree Retention: Shall comply with RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. 4. Streams: a. Preservation: Every reasonable effort shall be made to preserve existing streams, bodies of water, and wetland areas. b. Method: If a stream passes through any of the subject property, a plan shall he presented which indicates how the stream will be preserved. The methodologies used should include an overflow area, and an attempt to minimize the disturbance of the natural channel and stream bed. c. Culverting: The piping or tunneling of water shall be discouraged and allowed only when going under streets. d. Clean Water: Every effort shall he made to keep all streams and bodies of water clear of debris and pollutants. 9. As discussed in Conclusion of Law No. 4, the land is suitable for development. The property is not designated as a floodplain and there are no streams or steep slopes on site. As discussed in Findings of Fact 8(0), there are significant trees on the site. The City's Urban Forester has made recommendations regarding the number of trees that must be retained or replaced. The Applicant has proposed to retain 18 trees and provide 103 replacement trees at 2-inch caliper. The City code requires 114 additional trees. As conditioned, the Applicant must provide an updated tree retention worksheet and planting plan that meets the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements. RMC 4-7-140: Approval of all subdivisions located in either single family residential or multi- family residential zones as defined in the Zoning Code shall be contingent upon the subdivider 's dedication of land or providing fees in lieu of dedication to the City, all as necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of development upon the existing park and recreation service levels. The requirements and procedures for this mitigation shall be per the City of Renton Parks Mitigation Resolution. 10. The MDNS requires the payment of Park and Recreation Impact fees. RMC 4-7-150(A): The proposed street system shall extend and create connections between existing streets unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. Prior to approving a street PRELIMINARY PLAT-17 1 system that does not extend or connect, the Reviewing Official shalf find that such exception shall 2 meet the requirements of subsection E3 of this Section. 17ie roadway classifications shall be as defined and designated by the Department. 3 11. As discussed in Conclusion of Law 7, as conditioned, the proposed internal street system 4 provides connectivity to NE 2nd Street and 152nd Avenue SE (Rosario Avenue NE) via proposed 5 Roads A and B. Proposed Road A stubs at the northern property boundary. 6 RMC 4-7-ISO(B): All proposed street names shall be approved by the City. 7 12. As conditioned. 8 R:.VlC 4-7-ISO(C): Streets intersecting with existing or proposed public highways, major or 9 secondary arterials shall be held to a minimum. 10 11 12 13 13. The record docs not contain any information on the classification of NE 2nd Street or 152nd Ave SE, though neither road appears to be a public highway or major or secondary arterial. The proposal as conditioned will eliminate proposed Road C, and extend proposed Road B to connect with 152nd Ave SE, reducing the number of connections to the higher traveled road, NE 2°<l Street. RMC 4-7-ISO(D): The alignment of all streets shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works 14 Department. The street standards set by RMC 4-6-060 shall apply unless otherwise approved. Street alignment offiets uf less than one hundred twenty five feet (125~ are not desirable, but may be l 5 approved by the Department upon a showing of need but only after provision of all necessary safety 16 measures. 17 14. As conditioned the road network will be redesigned and submitted for approval by the Public 18 19 20 21 22 23 Works Department. As noted in Finding of Fact 5, the present alignment of Road A could impact the existing house across from the road's planned southern terminus. A condition will require the Applicant and City to review the road location to determine if a better location for the southern terminus can be found that will reduce potential impacts while maximizing traffic safety. R.c1VlC 4-7-lSO(E): 1. Grid: A grid street pattern shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Section. 2. Linkages: Linkages, including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided within 24 and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. Implementation of this requirement shall comply with Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Objective T-A and Policies T-9 through T"l 6 and Community Design 25 26 Element, Objective CD-Mand Policies CD-50 and CD-60. PRELIMINARY PLAT -18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3. Exceptions: a. The grid pattern may be adjusted to a "flexible grid" by reducing the number .of linkages or the alignment between roads, where the following factors are present on site: i. Infeasible due to topographical/environmental constraints; and/or ii. Substantial improvements are existing. 4. Connections: Prior to adoption of a complete grid street plan, reasonable connections that link existing portions of the grid system shall be made. At a minimum, stub streets shall be required within subdivisions to allow fature connectivity. 9 5. Alley Access: Alley access is the preferred street pattern except for properties in the Residential 1 o : Low Density land use designation. The Residential Low Density land use designation includes the I · RC R-1, and R-4 zones. Prior to approval of a plat without alley access, the Reviewing Official shall 11 · evaluate an alley layout and determine that the use of a/ley(s) is not feasible ... 12 6. Alternative Configurations: Offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative configurations. 13 7. Cul-de-Sac Streets: Cul-de-sac streets may only be permitted by the Reviewing Official where due 14 to demonstrable physical constraints no future connection to a larger street pattern is physically possible. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15. As recommended by staff, the Applicant will be required to extend Road B to Rosario and eliminate Road C. This will eliminate the cul-de-sac discouraged by the regulations above and will also foster the grid system encouraged by the regulations. As testified by staff, the connection to Rosario was initially not required because it was believed that wetlands blocked the connection. Since those wetlands were ultimately detennined to not be present, the connectivity required by the regulations above should be implemented. RMC 4-7-lSO(F): All adjacent rights-of-way and new rights-of-way dedicated as part of the plat, including streets, roads, and alleys, shall be graded to their full width and the pavement and sid,nvalks shall be constructed as specified in the street standards or deferred by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his/her designee. J 6. As discussed in Conclusion of Law 30 and as conditioned, subject to the street modification approval (Ex. 10), as amended herein. RMC 4-7-lSO(G): Streets that may be extended in the event of future adjacent platting shall be required to be dedicated to the plat boundary line. Extensions of greater depth than an average lot PRELIMINARY PLAT-19 1 2 shall be improved with temporary turnarounds. Dedication of a full-width boundary street shall be required in certain instances to facilitate future development. 3 17. As conditioned and as discussed in Conclusion of Law 7. 4 RMC 4-7-170(A): Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial 5 6 7 8 9 to curved street lines. 18. As depicted in Ex. 2, the side lines as currently proposed are tn conformance with the requirement quoted above. However, as noted in Finding of Fact 6 and Conclusion of Law 3, the Applicant will be required to re-design and resubmit the lot plan for the review and approval of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance to comply with Jot dimensional requirements. Compliance with this criterion will be reassessed at that time. RMC 4-7-170(B): Each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private lO access easement street per the requirements of the street standards. 11 12 13 19. As previously determined, each Jot will have access to a public street or road via proposed private Roads A and B. RMC 4-7-170(C): The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width 14 requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Further subdivision of lots within a plat approved through the 15 provisions of this Chapter must be consistent with the then-current applicable maximum density 16 requirement as measured within the plat as a whole. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20. Some of the lots of the proposed subdivision do not appear to comply with applicable lot width requirements. RMC 4-2-1 lO(A) requires a minimum lot width of 70 ft for interior lots and 80 feet for comer lots. Eight of the fourteen proposed lots do not meet the lot width requirements. The Applicant testified that the Jot configurations have not changed in 18 months and that Staff had never brought up the Jot width consideration before. Additionally, the Applicant stated they felt that their request for street modification was also a request for relief from the requirement to meet the minimum lot widths. The Applicant noted the lots were larger than the minimum size and met depth requirements. The Applicant argued that RMC 4-2-11 O(D) Footnote No. 11 allows lots to be reduced to 60 feet wide if necessary to meet achieve a density of four dwelling units per net acre. Staff argued the Applicant will meet 4 dwelling units per acre without the variance and also that staff has granted some modifications to street width requirements in order to enable the Applicant to achieve the 4 24 25 26 du/acre density. RMC 4-2-11 O(D) does provide that "lot ... width ... may be reduced ... when due to lot configuration or access, four (4) dwelling units per net acre cannot be achieved''. It is fairly self-evident from the PRELL!\1INARY PLAT -20 1 plat map of the proposal that the lot configuration cannot be altered in any meaningful way to achieve 2 compliance with lot width requirements. Consequently, the Applicant must be permitted to reduce lot widths to 60 feet to the extent necessary to achieve a four dwelling per acre density. Staff testified 3 that the proposal already has achieved a density of four units per acre. Th.ere is no information in the 4 record that enables the Examiner to precisely verify that the density of the proposal has achieved a net density of four units per acre as defined by RMC 4-11-040. Further, if the Applicant is required to 5 revise its plat to expand the lot widths to those required by RMC 4-2-11 O(A), there is nothing the 6 record to suggest that the proposal would continue to have a net density at or more than four units per acre if it already does so presently. For these reasons, the proposal shall be conditioned to require 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 staff to verify that the net density is at four units per acre or more and that if that density is currently achieved that the widths of substandard lots shall be reconfigured to required widths to the maximum possible until a maximum density of 3 .501 dwelling units per acre or more is achieved. As noted in Finding of Fact 6 and Conclusion of Law 4, this criterion is not satisfied with respect to lot width and lot width variation requirements (RMC 4-2-115). Condition of Approval 3, requires the Applicant to re-design the plat plan to provide for lots that meet the minimum lot dimensional standards and submit the new plat plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. The proposed lots comply with all other requirements of the R-4 zoning district. 14 RMC 4-7-170(D); Width between side lot lines at their foremost points (i.e., the points where the 15 side lot lines intersect with the street right-o.fway line) shall not be less than eighty percent (80%} of 16 the required lot width except in the cases of (I} pipestem lots, which shall have a minimum width of twenty feet (20'} and (2) lots on a street curve or the turning circle of cul-de-sac (radial lots), which 17 shall be a minimum of thirty five feet (35'). 18 21. As conditioned. 19 RMC 4-7-170(E): All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-o.f way, except alleys, 20 shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). 21 22. As conditioned. 22 RMC 4-7-190(A); Due regard shall be shown to all natural features such as large trees, 23 24 25 watercourses, and similar community assets. Such natural features should be preserved, thereby adding attractiveness and value to the property. 1 RMC 4-11-040 provides that density calculations resulting in a fraction of 0.50 or greater shall be rounded up to 26 the nearest whole number. PRELIMINARY PLAT-21 1 23. With the exception of the tree retention requirements discussed in Finding of fact 6(G) and 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conclusion of Law 9, no natural features as described above are located at the project site. RMC 4-7-200(A): Unless septic tanks are specifically approved by the Public Works Department and the King County Health Department, sanitary· sewers shall be provided by the developer at no cost to the City and designed in accordance with City standards. Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. 24. As designed and as conditioned, the proposal provides for adequate sanitary sewer facilities in conformance with applicable City sanitary sewer standards as determined in Finding of Fact No. 8 8 · (A). 9 RMC 4-7-200(B): An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all IO su,face water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit fall-width roadway and required slopes. The drainage system shall be 11 designed per the requirements of RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) Standards. The drainage 12 system shall include detention capacity for the new street areas. Residential plats shall also include detention capacity for future development of the lots. Water quality features shall also be designed to 13 provide capacity for the new street paving for the plat. 14 25. The proposal provides for adequate drninage that is in conformance with applicable City drainage 15 standards as determined in Finding of Fact No. 8 (C). -16 RMC 4-7-200(C): Jhe water distribution system including the locations of fire hydrants shall be 17 18 19 designed and installed in accordance with City standards as defined by the Department and Fire Department requirements. 26. As conditioned. RMC 4-7-200(0): All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any 20 utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the 21 planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all 22 23 service connections, as approved by the Department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department. As conditioned. 24 27. 25 RMC 4-7-200(E): Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line 26 PRELIMINARY PLAT -22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 by subdivider as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/or land owner. The subdivider shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the subdivider and shall inspect the conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. 28. As conditioned. RMC 4-7-210: A. MONUMENTS: Concrete permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling comer of the subdivision. Interior monuments shall be located as determined by the Department. All surveys shall be per the City of Renton surveying standards. 12 B. SURVEY: 13 14 15 16 17 All other lot comers shall he marked per the City surveying standards. C. STREET SIGNS. The subdivider shall install all street name signs necessary in the subdivision. 29. As conditioned. 18 RMC 4-9-250(C)(S): Decision Criteria for Waivers of Street Improvements: Reasonable justification shall include but not be limited to the following: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 a. Required street improvements will alter an existing wetlands or stream, or have a negative impact on a shoreline's area. b. Existing steep topography would make required street improvements irifeasible. c. Required street improvements would have a negative impact on other properties, such as restricting available access. d. There are no similar improvements in the vicinity and there is little likelihood that the improvements will be needed or required in the next ten (10) years. PRELIMINARY PLAT-23 I 2 3 4 5 6 e. In no case shall a waiver be granted unless it is shown that there will be no detrimental effect on the public health, safety or welfare if the improvements are not installed, and that the improvements are not needed for current or fature development. 30. Toe dedication requirements of RMC 4-6-060(El) and street improvement requirements of RMC 4-6-060(C) are waived to the extent that they apply to Rosario north of its connection with Road B. requires the extension full of street improvements along the entire border of any development site adjacent to a public right of way. The waiver is justified under RMC 4-9- 250(C)(5)(d) because Rosario is not improved to the north and as determined in the findings of fact it is unlikely that Rosario will ever be improved north of Road B because of development to the north. 7 No detrimental effect on the public health, safety or welfare if the improvements are anticipated by 8 the waiver and the waived improvements are not needed since connectivity to properties to the north is assured by Road A. The administrative record contains absolutely no justification for any 9 10 11 12 13 modifications to the street standards of Road B. There is nothing apparent from the record that establishes how the proposed deviations from Road B standards satisfies the criteria of R..\t!C 4-9- 250(C)(5). Especially as a through street that serves as part of the areas street grid system, there is no apparent reason why Road B should be designed differently than any other residential access street It is far from clear, but one rea,on staff may have justified the Road B waiver is in order to enable the Applicant to achieve a higher density. This by itself does not serve as sufficient grounds to justify a waiver under RMC 4-9-250(C)(5). Since the RMC authorizes the staff to make a final decision on 14 street waiver requests and there may be a valid reason why the requests for Road B deviations should 15 be approved, the requested deviations to Road B standards are denied without prejudice so that staff may review the request on its own and make its own record for establishing compliance with RMC 4- 9-250(C)(5). DECISION 16 17 18 The requested street modifications are approved and denied in part as outlined in Conclusion of Law 19 No. 30. The proposed preliminary plat is approved, subject to the following conditions: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated September 24, 2012. 2. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Plarming Project Manager prior to final plat recording. . 3. A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. PRELIMINARY PLAT-24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4- 4-130. The above plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. 5. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along the perimeter of Tract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. 6. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. 7. Staff will apply the design standard related to primary entry (RMC 4-2-115-3) during building permit review or whenever this issue is normally addressed by staff Notice of the staff's decision on application ofRMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal rights shall be mailed to all property owners on the southern side of NE 2nd St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. 8. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-1 l- 040. If the proposal exceeds 3 .50 du/acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/acre. 9. Road C shall be eliminated and Road B shall be extended to Rosario. Road B shall comply with all applicable road standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Road B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Fimling of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff to comply with all applicable development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. DATED this 9th day of November, 2012. \s\ Phil 0/brechts (Signed original in official file) Phil A. Olbrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-1 l O(E)(9) provides that the final decision of the hearing examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-l 10(E)(9) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A PRELIMINARY PLAT -25 1 2 3 4 request for reconsideration to the hearing e examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-110(E)(8) and RMC 4-8-100(G)(4). A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th floor, ( 425) 430-6510. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes 5 notwithstanding any program ofrevaluation. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PRELIMINARY PLAT -26 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CITY OF RENTON JAN O 7 2013 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON ) RE: Maplewood Park East Preliminary Plat ~ ) ) LUA12-018 ) ) ) RECONSIDERATION DECISION 14 The Applicant has requested reconsideration of the Hearing Examiner's decision on the above- captioned matter. Reconsideration on all issues is denied, except that the Applicant does not have to "round up" on densities in order to qualify for low width reductions under RMC 4-2-11 O(D). 15 16 By order dated November 28, 2012, the Examiner authorized consideration of a reconsideration 17 request filed by the Applicant on November 21, 2012. The Order required distribution of the 18 reconsideration request to parities of record, with responses due 12/7 /12 and a reply from the Applicant due 12/12/12. A response was received from the City of Renton and from Shara and 19 Robert D Hagerman by the December 7, 2012 deadline. A reply from the Applicant was received on December 12, 2012. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The Applicant's requests for reconsideration will be addressed in the order presented: 1. Street Modification. Reconsideration denied. The Applicant justifies its request for a street modification on the basis that it would reduce pavement width, maximize lot count and to provide for a shared pedestrian and vehicular facility. None of these reasons satisfy the requirements of a modification waiver under RMC 4-7-210, which limits waivers to circumstances where required improvements are necessary due to critical areas, steep topography, negative impacts to surrounding properties or lack of similar improvements in the vicinity. The reasons put forth by the Applicant for the waiver could be applied to any subdivision proposal and are not attributable to any unique features of the proposal. Reconsideration -I EXHIBIT 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. Primary Entry. Reconsideration denied. As noted in the Examiner's original decision on this application, the orientation of homes is an issue best left to building permit review where it is traditionally addressed. The Applicant raises a valid concern over having to orient its southern homes towards NE 2nd Street, which would potentially mean that the homes along the northern part of the project will have to face the back homes of the southern homes across an alley. Staff will be in a much better position than the Examiner with specific home design proposals in front of them to engage in the give and take necessary to address the orientation requirements of the code and the impacts to homes along the northern part of the proposal. Further, the record is still devoid of any information on how the orientation requirements have been applied in the past. At hearing, Ms. Dolbee's interpretation of the orientation requirements appeared to have been issued "off the cuff' due to the exigencies of the moment. A more thorough staff evaluation of the criteria along with some history on prior interpretation would be helpful in issuing an Examiner ruling on the ISsue. The notice requirement was imposed in order to provide an opportunity for neighbors to challenge the staff interpretation of the orientation requirements. Although notice is not typically associated with building permit review, the courts have found notice to be a fair requirement when a member of the public has expressed interest in and may be prejudiced by a related future administrative decision during a discretionary permit review. Cf Knight v. City of Yelm, 173 Wash.2d 325 (2011). 3. Lot Width. Reconsideration approved. RMC 4-2-llO(D) shall be construed as authorizing lot width waivers to the extent necessary to reach a minimum density of four units per acre, without rounding up. The Applicant is apparently arguing that rounding up of a density of 3 .5 dwelling units per acre is not appropriate for RMC 4-2-11 O(D), which allows lot width to be reduced " ... when, due to lot configuration or access, four (4) dwelling units per net acre cannot be achieved ... " Condition 8 of the final decision on this application did require rounding up of densities exceeding 3.50 dwelling units per acre pursuant to the RMC 4-11-040 definition of net density. The net density definition computes net density by subtracting streets, right of way, easements and critical areas from the acreage of a development. This appears to be the same exercise in computing net acreage. Although the definition of net density arguably may not apply to computing net acreage, the code is otherwise silent on whether or not to round up on net acreage computations. RMC 4-2-1 IO(D) appears to be based upon Growth Management Act administrative decisions, which provide that densities of at least four units per acre are desirable in urban areas in order to maximize the efficient use of infrastructure. Given this policy basis, it would appear that the liberal application of the lot waiver requirement, i.e. maximizing density by not rounding up, would be appropriate. Reconsideration -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4. Alley Access. Reconsideration denied. Staff have apparently recommended alley access to be added to the plat design if Road B is moved to the northern perimeter of the plat. The Examiner's comments on alley access in his original decision on this application was addressing the desirability of using Road B as an alley in its currently proposed configuration as opposed to moving Road B to the northern perimeter of the plat. The Examiner was not addressing alley access in addition to moving Road B to the northern perimeter of the plat. The latter plat design was not presented to or considered by the Examiner. Nothing in the original decision addresses whether alley access is appropriate or required if Road B is moved to the northern perimeter of the plat. The Examiner also does not have jurisdiction to provide on-going comment and opinion on design revisions for the plat. DATED this 2nd day of January, 2013. OL Phil A. Olbrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-110(E)(9) provides that the final decision of the hearing examiner is subject to appeal to 17 the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(9) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing e examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal 19 period as identified in RMC 4-8-110(E)(8) and RMC 4-8-IOO(G)(4). A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information 20 regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7'h floor, (425) 430-6510. 18 21 22 Affected property owners may request a change m valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. 23 24 25 26 Reconsideration -3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----Jlllllll""'ltenton ® A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: 0APPROVED July 21, 2016 Qsl APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS 0DENIED -------~· Maplewood Park East (AKA The Woods at Highlands Park) Burnstead Construction, LLC, 11980 NE 24th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005 Tiffiny Brown, Bumstead Construction, LLC, 11980 NE 24th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005 Matt Hough, PE, CPH Consultants, 11431 Willows Road NE, Suite 120, Redmond, WA 98033 LUA12-018, ECF, PP Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager --------~ Project Summary: The applicant has requested a minor plat amendment to the approved 14 lot preliminary plat, to amend condition #2 of the Hearing Examiners Decision. Condition #2 requires the relinquishment of existing for road and utilities easements per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The request is to amend the easements located along the east property boundary, running parallel to Rosario Ave. NE, to reduce the width from the existing 30 feet to 9 feet measured from the back of the sidewalk, already constructed. The result would include amendments to the retention design and an adjustment of the landscape screening and fencing around the retention pond. The Preliminary Plat was approved January 2, 2013. Subsequently a construction permit was issued and construction of the site infrastructure and grading has been completed. The applicant is actively pursuing final plat recording, under LUAlS-000713. Project Location: Site Area: NE Corner of NE 2nd Street and 152nd Avenue SE (aka Rosario) 196,188 SF Project Location Map f\.Ainor Plat EXHIBIT 4 City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision MAPLEWOOD.;.PA=RK=EAa:;S;,;T ________________________ _;;,L;;,UA;..l;:;1;..-0;;;1;,;8;:., ;;,EC;;,F,.,, ;.p;...p July 21, 2016 Page 2 of 7 i B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Final Plat Plan (LUA15-000713) Exhibit 3: Minor Plat Amendment Request, dated April 16, 2016 Exhibit 4: Stormwater pond details Exhibit 5: Pond volume verification Exhibit 6: Cross section drawing Exhibit 7: King County Comment Letter, dated May 20, 2016 and E-mail comment dated June 30, 2016. Exhibit 8: Lot 11 Single Family Home Design i C. FINDINGS OF FACT {FOF}: ] 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton received the Preliminary Plat Amendment Request on April 18, 2016. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 2. The Maplewood Park East Preliminary Plat, LUA12-018, was approved on January 2, 2013 for 14 single family lots and two tracts; one for storm drainage and the other for landscaping and utilizes (Tract A and B). The proposal results in a density of 4.02 du/ac. 3. The plat is located on the north side of NE 2°" St just east of 152"0 Avenue SE. 4. The property is in the Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning classification. 5. The approved preliminary plat received an approved utility construction permit and utility and site infrastructure has been completed as of the date of this report. 6. The applicant has requested to modify condition of approval #2, which reads as follows: "The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording". The modification request includes rewording condition of approval #2 to state "The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. In-lieu of relinquishing said easement, Applicant may provide for King County Parks Department nine (9) feet of unobstructed area adjacent to the back of sidewalk running north and south along the west edge of Tract A as mutually agreed between City of Renton and King County Parks Department prior to final plat recording". In order to accommodate a trail for King County, the amendment would also include re-grading of the west end of Tract A and relocation of permanent fencing and landscape screen, adjacent to the storm pond, to provide a level 9-foot clear area at the back of the existing sidewalk along the east side of Rosario Ave. NE (Exhibit 4 and 6). 7. The easements noted by Rec. No. 8410250053, are to King County for a "Perpetual non-exclusive easement for use and benefit of adjoining properties for road and utilities over ... " 8. King County was consulted on the requested modification as it relates to an easement that King County holds. After review of the request, King County provided a comment letter and a subsequent e-mail commented (Exhibit 7). In the comment letter they have indicated the intended purpose for the easement is to develop a multi-purpose regional trail parallel to Rosario Ave NE. Minor Plat Amendment Report 12-018.docx City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST Administrative Report & Decision LUA12-018, ECF, PP July 21, 2016 Page 3 of 7 9. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 10. Minor Plat Amendment Analysis: The applicant is requesting a minor plat amendment pursuant to RMC 4-7-0SOM.3 in order to amend condition of approval #2 of the Hearing Examiners Decision as described above in FOF 6. At any time after preliminary plat approval and before final plat approval, the applicant may submit an application to the Administrator that proposes an amendment to the approved preliminary plat. The administrator shall have the authority to determine whether the proposed amendment qualifies as a major or minor amendment. Based an the submitted request, the City has determined the request is a minor plat amendment, if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the minor plat amendment request, subject to conditions as noted below: Compliance Minor Plat Amendment Analysis ,I' a. Decrease the aggregate area of open space in the subdivision by ten percent (10%) or more; Sta~ Comment: The requested amendment would have no impact on open space. ,I' b. Increase the number of lots in the subdivision beyond the number previously approved; Staff Comment: The result of the requested modification would not increase the number of lots beyond 14 as originally approved. Compliant C. Result in a violation of development standards; if Sta~ Comment: As noted in King County's comment letter (Exhibit 7), King County is Conditions agreeable to relinquishing the existing easement that they hold up to the north of Approval boundary of the paved portion of NE 2"" St. However, they are not agreeable to are met amending the dimensions or purpose of the existing easement north of the paved portion of NE 2"d St, in the area currently identified as the west portion of Lot 11, King County has asked for a new easement as the relinquishment south of Lot 11 would necessitate a new Lego! Description. As King County is not willing to amend the dimension or the purpose of the easement that exists across the west portion of Lot 11, Lot 11 shall be reviewed for compliance with subdivision regulations 4-7-170 Residential Lots, to ensure compliance with subdivision and development standards. The easement is 30 feet in width encumbering the west 30 feet of proposed Lot 11. Lot 11 is proposed to be 72 feet in width. Pursuant to the development standards reviewed with the preliminary plat, the R-4 zone requires a front yard setback of 30 feet; a side yard along the street of 20 feet; interior side yard is 5 feet; the rear yard is 25 feet. Setbacks are defined as the minimum distance between the building footprint and the property line or any private access easement or tract. Side yard along a street is defined as a yard requirement which is neither a front yard nor a rear yard, yet it abuts a street right-of-way or private access easement. Lot 11, would be considered a corner lot as it abuts a public right-of-way, in addition the setback would be measured from King County's access easement. Based on the retention of a King County access and utility easement across Lot 11, the setbacks would be assessed as follows: 30 feet from NE 2.a Lane, 20 feet from the edge of the King. Co. access easement, 5 feet from the east interior property line and 25 feet from the rear. After assessing the setbacks on a 72 foot wide lot, 17 feet in width remains for a building pad for a new home. Pursuant to Minor Plat Amendment Report 12-018.docx City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST Administrative Report & Decision WA12-018, £CF, PP July 21, 2016 ,/ Page 4 of 7 RMC 4-7-170C, lots shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Based an the reminder of 17 feet ta build a single family home, proposed Lot 11 appears to be too small to accommodate this use. However, the applicant provided an elevation and floor plan of a product they have built that is 16 feet 9 inches wide {Exhibit 8). This home would fit in the 17 foot wide remaining area on proposed Lot 11, as such staff is willing to allow Lot 11 to remain, however a variance to the minimum required setbacks shall not be issued to allow for a larger and/or standard size building pad. King County has indicated that the purpose of the easement is to construct a 10 foot to 12 foot paved regional trail parallel to Rosario Ave. NE right-of-way. Following discussions with King County the City is willing to allow King County the use of the 5 foot wide sidewalk constructed along the east side of Rosario Ave. NE to accommodate 5 feet of the trail cross section. King County has requested an additional 9 feet of level graded area within the existing easement area to accommodate King County's cross section standards. The applicant hos identified the area currently constructed as o detention pond would be re-graded, the fence relocated, and associated landscape screening would be moved outside the additional 9 foot clear area for the future King Co. regional trail. With the plat amendment request, the applicant provided Pond Volume Verification calculations (Exhibit 5) identifying that the pond could be re-graded per King County's request and stiil meet the City's stormwater regulations for the proposed subdivision. Based on the provided calculations the changes to the pond is not anticipated to have adverse effects on stormwater and compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The applicant will be required to submit a construction permit revision to amend the detention pond for review and approval, by the City's Pion Review Project Manager, prior to construction of the changes. Stoff recommends, os a condition of the plat amendment, that the revisions to Tract A, including but not limited to, detention pond regarding, fence relocation, landscaping relocation, and cross section, be submitted to the City of Renton as a construction permit revision for review and approval prior ta start of construction. The changes in the detention pond and Tract A including, fence relocation, grading changes, and landscaping relocation shail be completed by the developer, inspected, and approved by the City, prior to final plat recording. The application materials did not identify the final treatment of the level area of the future regional trail. King County does not currently have funding to complete the ! improvements; as such the re-graded area may remain unimproved for on extended i period of time. Pursuant to RMC 4-4-070F.5. all pervious areas shail have landscape treatment. As such, staff recommends as a condition of approval, that an updated landscape plan is submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager with the construction permit revision that identifies landscaping in the re- graded trail area. The landscaping shall include, at o minimum, ground cover and shrubs. All landscaping shall be installed an inspected prior to final plat recording. d. Relocate any roadway access point to an exterior street from the plat; Staff Comment: No roadways or access points would be amended. e. Propose phasing of plat development; or Staff Comment: No phasing of the plot is proposed. Compliant f. Increase significantly any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of the plat on the if Minar Plat Amendment Report 12-018.dacx City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST Administrative Report & Decision LUAll-018, £CF, PP July 21, 2016 Conditions of Approvol are met I. CONCLUSIONS: Page 5 of 7 community or surrounding area. Staff Comment: Based on current conditions, the detention pond, fencing, and associated screening landscaping along the west edge of /Tract A) is located within the existing easement held by King Co. The easement runs parallel to NE 2'd St. and north along Rosario Ave. NE across the detention pond and proposed Lot 11 to the King Co. owned property to the north. In King County's comment letter, they hove indicated that they are agreeable to relinquishing the existing easement, under the following circumstances: 1) a new exclusive easement is recorded to accomplish a 16 foot trail cross section for that portion which crosses the detention pond along Rosario Ave. NE; and 2) a new legal description and access easement is created for the area where the current easement crosses Lot 11. Comment #5 in King County's letter requests that an exclusive easement be required to accomplish a 16 foot trail cross section for that portion which crosses the detention pond along Rosario Ave. NE. After construction, amendments to the detention pond, fence, and landscaping the area where the new easement would be recorded could contain a public sidewalk and curb, landscape planter, and public underground utilities. The City of Renton would not be supportive of an easement that did not provide the City's the ability to maintain our infrastructure. Therefore, staff recommends, as o condition of approval, that any new easement recorded for King Co. trails shall also be reviewed and approved by the City of Renton. Based on King County comments, Condition #2 should be amended to reflect King County's position on easement relinquishment. Staff recommends amending condition #2 to read as follows: "The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements. For that portion of the easement located between NE 2'd St. and NE 2'° Lane along the detention pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Ren ton's satisfaction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot 11, a new access easement shall be recorded per King County's satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easements to King County shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording." 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan designation and the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning classification. 2. The proposed Minor Plat Amendments satisfies six (6) of the six (6) criteria to be considered a minor plat amendment, provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 10. j J. DECISION: The Minor Amendment to Maplewood Park East Preliminary Plat, File No. LUA12-018, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. All conditions of LUA12-018 Hearing Examiner Decision for Maplewood Park Preliminary Plat are applicable to the subject project with the exception of Condition of Approval 2, which has been removed. 2. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject Minor Plat Amendment Report 12-018.docx City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST July 21, 2016 Administrative Report & Decision WA12-018, ECF, PP Page 6 of 7 easements. For that portion of the easement located between NE 2'' St. and NE 2°' Lane along the detention pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Renton's satisfaction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot 11, a new access easement shall be recorded per King County's satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easements to King County shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. 3. An updated landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager with the construction permit revision that identifies landscaping in the re-graded trail area. The landscaping shall include, at a minimum, ground cover and shrubs. All landscaping shall be installed an inspected prior to final plat recording. 4. Tract A shall be revised, including but not limited to, detention pond regarding, fence relocation, grading changes, and landscaping relocation per the satisfaction of the City of Renton and King County Parks Department. Tract A revisions including revised pond details and revised cross section shall be submitted to the City of Renton as a construction permit revision for review and approval prior to start of construction. The King county easements should be shown and labeled in the plan. The changes in the detention pond and Tract A including, fence relocation, grading, and landscaping relocation shall be completed by the developer, inspected, and approved by the City prior to final plat recording. 5. No variances to the minimum required setbacks shall be issued to allow for a larger and/or standard size building pad for proposed Lot 11. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: Jennif~r Henning, Planning Director TRANSMITTED this 21st day of July, 2016 to the Owner/Applicant/Contact: Owner: Bumstead Construction, lLC, 11980 NE 24th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 980055 Applicant: Tiffiny Brown, Bumstead Construction, lLC, 11980 NE 24th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005 TRANSMITTED this 21st day of July, 2016 to the Parties of Record: Sandy & Terry Taylor 15243 SE 132nd Street Renton, VJA 98059 D.E. Blood 3711 Park Avenue N Renton, WA 98056 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks D1vision of Parks and Recreation Property Management Kirg Street Center Building 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 'Ainor Plot Amendment Report 12-018.docx Robert 0. Hagerman 15227 SE 132nd Street Renton, WA 98059 Tom Zywicid 121 Shadow Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059 ·:rfr, /2cre, Date Contact: Matt Hough, PE, CPH Consultants, 11431 Willows Road NE, Suite 120, Redmond, WA 98033 Jim & Linda St. John 6009 NE 1st Circle Renton, WA 98059 Douglas Bornstlne 15235 SE 132nd Street Renton, WA 98059 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST July 21, 2015 TRANSMITTED this 21st day of July, 2016 to the following: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Lillian Watson, Engineering Specialist II Fire Marshal Administrative Report & Decision LUA1Z-Ol8, ECF, PP Page 7 of7 I I<. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION: The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on August 4, 2016. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680), together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RMC 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if .he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex pa rte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Minor Plat Amendment Report 12-018.docx \UIJ'f\-1~.: P.--\U: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK \E 1/~. "IV 1,14 SECTlll\ I~. Til\1\SHII' c3 \ilJ(TH, RA\GE .i EAST, IV.~!.. lli\l.1·1JOU7U L'll· lU· IJ-H!l) I'll~-IM i)t ~JJlt" AO,' :, nr ,c,·. wr '·' ;,c. ~" ., ~~ ·,_, "GP·-. ~AS<; ', AO WT 11~1' T,\BLI'.: "·'~·"' yp ·',".'.3 W'< ~ ~"c <.ll1 •.b'M 4 476 -f~_ -'.-'41 8,1.l9 BMP NOTE ''.C, . ,U Q > >,ih,'l' r: -, • . -~ " ; ~ ' AHP~·. I' -~,,•,A'.1 1' >N • L• S,NI•;" O'jl M, , '~~ •1(J Sll)U" J i -1 P' L C'•jI,,;M, " , •;~ ( ,,,1,~ "'" CITY Of RE\ TO\, 1'.J\(, UJl'\TY, IIASIII\GTO\ BASIS Of BEARINGS 12 · '()l'\/{f..lV,, \'\ li\ll C!;RI E HBLI'.: -'•1;, HORIZONT-'L DA.Tllt.1: 5 13 ADDRESS TABLE ,:is: I.' 01'l ~, .',".C L/,N, -----,---,------,. C'.•l·,a_sf '\ ', CNL ,:,.t r _, .· !(i ['·-;.;· -~ _l'', ·~~ •,14t.<i,N··" ~ ,,,, ~ ' ·.: .• ~::,1~· ,,,· -" L 1·:-i ::::;: "· -·~ --... •' 9- GRAPHIC ~C>-\H -1111! 4 1 t"~ .,o· 1C95T ' ('. ','Al<OAP~ "ONc"r~ • ,, ,,~·~ MJO COP-.,, Json· o ao ·o CJ""''<! 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SOUTI, ~OE Oi' ~E 2ND LA~E ,.~ n-E Fl~E DE~AR"")IENT SUM~ OI.~ AAU LCD.TED NEAA c~r 12 "'-~D "RACJ • .._. '* CURVE 'TABLE CIJR',E D€l. l.._ t. RMIUS LENGTH c, Sl!'J.J'Jc" 25.00 .>a.54' C2 W22'21· 1820C 45.65' C.J 14"25'•B" ,WJ e>:J 51,!J' ~• 91-:16·:io· 2s.oo Jg,go· ! Cl 12"29'.l5" ·g7a:i ~J14 ce o-s~·47• ,ez.oc 21 96' ADDRESS TABLE ,IT I A00RCSS " " " __,,, 200 s:.--NJOW-,._,.r_ >If" 206 Sl1AOOW Al'!: NE; 212 SHAIJOW AVE !<E ~;; :;1 :--i 2·.~ 51-.0.00W AVE NE 612~ NE 2N!l u.t<E 6" 20 NE 2NO u.NE 611~ N< 2ND V,N1: I ::i~~H;:g~ 51;1 NC 2~() 1-Jll;E I 5127 NE 2N!l u.NE 5')0' WATE:R (AS[l,l~T 6 1 (~.5!111 S.f.) ,,.___ () N~ ' • SYMBOL LEGEND $ SET STANDARD MONL'ME:NT 5CT F!5:!!All mo CM' "AXIS "8011" (IC' -SCT 10.00' TO CCR'l£S,) 0 FDl,~Q REEI.O.R AND CAP AS NOTED $ FOI.J~Q 1.'0HUMDIT AS NQTtD c, ORAINAOC CA'inlEJH (SI:E S>JEEf 2) D,. P..AT ~OltS (SEE SHEET :l) Cl.>. -!.~T U~E AOJ./S"ME.Nl REC. NO 8<-082707"9("11) i : OM "~ ~.B" ! 4,Q~ ~~~-~---+---· C9 7".F'J~· "8200 230;· C10 65".1~'19" 25.00 211.:J~' -"M O~RKr,,.G -AWi TIME' WTHlt< flRI:: XFAAlMO<T 131.'l.'P AREA .. ..., .. , I 10 8.780 : 4.Bn " 8,.163 I •.~oo : 12 B,5.:;5 ' U94 I " a;:i9 i ",47~ I 14 a.2ea 4,557 !.951 3.76.l .i.n~----~~' i C11 25""Ji'T2" 2~.:,o !O 91 ! C12 l''Sl'31" 22/CO __ 7~ C13 91"2J'28" 15.~0 24.7'.I.': Axis JOB NO llA!C 07-038 6/7;16 l!k.lrv•y&Mapplng DRA\',"N SY OIECKED BY www.axlarnap,OOil'n I 1s2u t<t. 9Qth sr. EM/JMITO MTSE RfDMOND, w,i, 9l!li52 SGill """' Ta 42S.d23-S700 fAX42>..623-6700 l" = 40' 3 OF 3 NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 14, TWP 23 N, RSE W.M. MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST RENTON KING COUNTY, WA l?f! T~1~-L--~ ::J l~~-L~11<}-Lj~J~~-r I'~ -_, .. 1_ I, ;~JI~: l~~! -l ~ f_~· _Jll J : -1:: -, --i--r-r -1-1--,-1--r r r~--------~~E.4THST.(S.£1;2Bflfst.J-----L~-l_~l 1_ ---L- 111 I •• I I -i , 11·. r,,11· I f 1,111'--;·,---,--------,---------__ _ _ , l I • . . 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I_ : 1-=J ' i ~ J m >< :::c t-1 m t-1 -t 0\ Ii: 1 ii I JT'I·~-] '",--._ ·n-,-~'--'--:~~-· · .L .• ' -i _____ _J • 1 , ,-1 I . , 1 , 1-· : ____ - • , I J I I I , , ; 11 : '11:1 ·~1~i ~S£ 2 : 0 ~1 ;~-~ : I -1 c:_r _ J L , ---7.--.~ ---- I I __ J _ 1 I @ CPIH CONSULTANTS "'·-·Cai·-,.,. ..... _. __ ,.,.-~,~,-~"""' _,,,,,,,,,,..,~,.,,,,,""" MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP """"' /11,RNSlFAC ·:c,,srnucar,, c""N" "' i ra I"'''°'"' ~~~:'}:,\' [Z;_;;;: x,, "' '' ~~ "' "'oo" ---(-- F<X (<)'1 818-7.JoS """'"'""""'" MS SUR<f:1,lW.,,rn.i 1.ms.,·c,Jf"'l<"'-. <111,,,.,,., ,...,,. P,-rc,,F {<25,' Bl5-5'"'1 F,X (<2') a2J•07fXJ A.<;MTED 0011-11008 ' , ' CPH Site Planning Civil Engineering land Use Cansulling Project Monagement CONSULTANTS October 10, 2016 Ms. Rohini Nair Public Works Development Engineer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: The Woods al Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East final Plat} CPH Project No. 0011-11-008; City File #LUA 14-000713 FP Conlirmation of Compliance with Pre/imnary Plat and Minor Modilication Conditions Ms. Nair, This letter is provided as specifically requested by City staff to confirm that the constructed project and final plat for The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat hove been completed in accordance with the applicable conditions of the prelimnary subdivision approval. Each of the conditions of approval and accompanying response of compliance are as follows: CONDITIONS FROM HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION DATED DECEMBER 9, 2012 1. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issues as part of the Determination of Non-Significant Mitigated, dated September 24, 2012: a. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. dated February 21, 2012. Response: The project has been constructed in genera/ accordance with the recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Report (Terra Associates; February 21, 20 I 2) and any subsequent amendments thereto that may have been required by the geotechnical engineer based on actual site condilions. b. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Parks and Recreation Impact lee shall be paid prior lo issuance of the individual building permits for the project. c. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Transportation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Transportation Impact lee shall be paid prior to issuance ol the individual building permits for the project. d. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Fire Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as li431 Wiliom Rood NE, Suite 120 • Redmond, WA 98051 • Phone: (425) 285·2390 • Fax: 141' 1w1w.(phconsultan!s.com EXHIBIT 7 The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-1 1 -008 October 10, 2016 Page 2 of 4 specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Respome: The applicable Fire lmpoct lee shall be poid prior lo issuance of the individual building permits /or the project. 2. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 841 0250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. Response: This condition was removed by the later approval of the Minor Amendment lo the Preliminary Plat, condition no. 1. 3. A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. Response: The final landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved /or construction by the City ol Renton with the Construction Permit plans package. A revision lo these plans was completed lo accommodate the required Minor Amendment lo the Preliminary Piaf. lrupeclion by the City fo confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior lo final plat recording. 4. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4-4-130. The above plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. Response: An updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan documents were all submitted /or review and approval with the Construction Permit plans package. A corutrucfion permit was issues based on those plans and supporting documentation. 5. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along perimeter of Tract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. Response: The required screening landscaping along the perimeter ol Traci A was presented in the lorm ol a final landscape plan and details that were included with the Construction Permit plans package. Those landscaping plans and details /or the Traci A plantings were approved with the issuance of the construction permit /or the site improvements. Inspection by the City to confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior lo final plat recording. 6. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. Response: A current waler availability certificate was submitted to the City in conjunction with the Construction Permit application /or the project. That availability was accepted as acknowledged by the issuance of the construction permit. 7. Staff will apply the design standard related to primary entry (RMC 4-2-115-3) during building permit review or whenever this issuance is normally addressed by staff. Notice of the staff's decision on application of RMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal right shall be mailed lo oil property owners on the southern side of NE 2°d St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. Response: The applicable Renton Municipal Code (RMC) design standards /or the single-family homes will be reviewed subsequent lo the recording of the final plat as parf of the building permit process. 8. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-11-040. If the proposal exceeds 3.50 du/acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as The Woods al Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 October 10, 20 I 6 Page 3 of 4 approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/ acre. Response: The lot widths have been increased lo the maximum extent practical and consistent with discussions and engineering plan reviews subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. The current plat configuration conforms with all applicable and vested density provisions of the proiect's R-4 zoning. 9. Road C shall be eliminated and Road B shall be extended to Rosario. Road B shall comply with all applicable road standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Road B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Finding of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff lo comply with all applicoble development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. Response: The public roadway conliguration shown on the linal plat conforms with the description provided by this condition without any relocation of Road B lo the norlh boundary. The road pattern and lot access provisions are consistent with the direction received from City staff and the plan reviewed and approved with the Construction Permit subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. CONDITIONS OF MINOR AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY PLAT, FILE No. LUA 12-018 (JULY 12, 2016) 1. All conditions of LUA! 2-018 Hearing Examiner Decision for Maplewood Pork Preliminary Plat ore applicable the subject project with the exception of Condition of Approval 2, which has been removed. Response: All conditions of the Hearing Examiner's original decision have been complied with as described in the responses above. 2. The site contains two existing easements for rood and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements. For that portion of the easement located btween NE 2,d Street and NE 2,d Lane along the etentian pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Renton's satisfaction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot 11, a new access easement shall be recorded per King county 1 s satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easement to King County shall be profcided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior lo final plat recording. Response: The linal agreement to relinquish the existing road and utility easements has been completed. That lorm has been signed by the owner and is with King County for lino/ signature prior to recording. The required access easement language /or the replacement area has been added lo the lace of the final plat. 3. An updated landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager with the construction permit revision that identifies landscaping in the re-graded trail area. The landscaping shall include, at minimum, ground cover and shrubs. All landscaping shall be installed and inspected prior to fain! plat recording. Response; An updated landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved to account for the revised Traci A easement area and revised pond grading. The plantings shown on this plan have been completed and shall be inspected for approval by the City's Current Planning Project Manager prior lo lino/ plat recording. 4. Tract A shall be revised, including but not limited to, detention pond regrading, fence relocation, grading changes, and landscaping relocation per the satisfaction of the City of Renton and King County Parks Department. Tract A revisions including revised pond details and revised cross section shall be submitted to the City of Rento as a construction permit revision for review and approval prior to start of construction. The King county easements should be shown and labeled in the plan. The changes in the detention pond and Traci A including, fence relocation, grading, and landscaping relocation shall be completed by the developer, inspected, and approved by the City prior to final plat recording. The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 October lO, 2016 Page 4 of 4 Response: The storm drainage pand has been regraded and surrounding fence relocated to accommodate a level, planted area within the new 8-lool public access easement. These re-graded surfaces have been landscaped in accordance with the approved landscape plan. As-built plans of these improvements have been prepared and provided lo the City with this correspondence for review and approval. 5. No vorionnces to the minimum required setbacks shall be issued to allow for a larger and/or standard size building pod for proposed Lot 11. Response: No variances have been requested. Please contact me directly at (425) 285-2391 or by e-mail at mott@cphconsultants.com ii you hove questions or need any additional information to complete your review and approval of the project. Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you. Enclosures Cc: Tiffiny Brown (Bumstead) copy to file CPH CONSULTANTS October 1 0, 201 6 Ms. Rohini Nair Project Manager Development Engineering City of Renton l 055 S. Grady Woy Renton, WA 98057 RE: The Woods al Highland Park (lka Maplewood Park East) City File No. -LUA 14-000713 FP, CPH Project No. -0011-11-008 Responses to Final Plot Review Comments Ms. Nair, Site Planning Civil Engineering Land Use Consulting Project Management f'\ ·,-t.-} OCT 1 2 ZCHi This letter and the following enclosed information comprise the re-submittal for the Final Plat package for the Maplewood Park East project, l -copy of this response letter 2 -Final Plat Maps, draft for mylar approval (September 29, 2016) 2 -Letter of Compliance with Preliminary Plat and Minor Modification Conditions (October 10, 2016) 2 -Storm Pond Volume Verification (October 10, 2016) 2 -As-built/Record Drawings, C3.04 and C3.20 These documents have been updated or otherwise prepared in response to the City's comments provided in your September 19, 2016 letter. Specific responses to each of the City staff review comments are as follows: Plan Review Comments 1. The AS-Built paper plans of the utility and frontage improvements, with the field changes on the Rosario Ave frontage and Tract A (mentioned in the Minor plot Amendment conditions of approval) should be provided for review. After the AS-Built paper plans are approved by the City, AS-Built mylars are to be provided. Response: The as-built/record drawings related to the pond re-grading (C3.04 and C3.20) have been'{{ i,e_ upd$11ed, and bond copies of those are included with this correspondence. }15 J.v.,;,lf:-"'tj ~ W' f"YC"(c,I.J_ E,. CJ/;. ~ fl!-.b....:(rf4le-" fl,.µ «.rt_ .,~ J,., e,:-t=-. 2. The payment for the d~ferred items should be made. -/ 7 Response: De/erred lee payments will be completed prior lo final plat recording. 3. All field corrections as per the inspector should be completed. Response: All field corrections received by the inspector have or will be completed prior lo final plat recording. 4. Add the following note to sheet 3 of the final plat near the Lot BMP table. "Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the lots created by this subdivision must implement the flow control best management practices stipulated in the approved drainage study and plans No. U l 3002729 on file with the City of Renton and as listed in the table below as well as any 11431 W1lows Road flE, S111te 120 • Rer!r1ond, WA 93052 • Phone: (475:i 785-7390 • Fox: 1:475) 285-7389 www. cphconsu I toms. cc n The Woods at Highland Park Response to Final Plat Review Comments CPH No. 0011-11-008 October 10, 2016 Page 2 of 4 declaration of covenants and grants of easement recorded hereon." Also add note that the reduced impervious Surface and individual lot perforated pipe connection is provided as the Stormwater flow control BMP for the plat. Response: The requested note has been added under the table on sheet 3 verbatim. 5. The Public Access Easement Notes on sheet 2 of the final plat should include the king county recording number for the easement relinquishment. Response: An agreement between King County and the applicant to relinquish the existing easements has been reached and the form of that agreement has been completed. The applicant has signed the form and is awaiting King County's signature. The final executed agreement will be recorded immediately upon receipt from King County, and that recording number will be provided in the Public Access Easement Note section on page 2 of the mylar ver1ion of the final plat. The paper, draft ver1ion of the final plat that is included with this correspondence still shows the recording number blank because the document has not yet been recorded as we wait for King County signatures. 6. The letter of Compliance to conditions of approval of the plat including the conditions of approval of the minor plat Amendment (approval date 7 /21/2016) should be provided. An electronic word formatted letter of Compliance to conditions should also be provide. Response: An complete Letter of Compliance amended to include the conditions of opproval of Ifie Minor Revision to thl' preliminary plat is included with this correspondence and resubmittal package. t(~~ t?f:J w•-U ~ ~ I:. ~- 7. A current Bill of sale for public improvements should be provided. And a current Cost data form for the public improvements built by the project should be provided. Response: A current Bil~of Sale for public improvements will be provided separaw•il eith, p, 'e, I r ... , ""'"' itl, fl .,,,.>'Cbr t .,. Jina/ plat for recording. Ir ~ Co8-t-~ ~-n,, (,,n ( L a.(t o be--.evT J..e.J fi-C: bv-· 8. A maintenance bond should e provided to the e1\y. Response:-A maintenance bond lor public improvements wUI be provided separately a.:J ci,"l:ar prior to-« concc, '"' • fflr-lbe mwb,c, sni,,. ef "'' fi. :a.' p,'t.c fern . £ B· -(1,,..J f /i,..f--~ .. 'j· 9. A maintenance and defect agreement form should be provided to the City. P-ri'o( Response: A maintenance and defect agreement fo'f!!._for public improvements will be provided se;,,.,.,tely wnd efiO.t; pdot to acr ~eRci1uaA# ·«1 ti ; r f&. efthe final plat for recording. 1 0. Pleose confirm that the CC R's reflect all applicable requirements of the plat approvol ond the minor plat amendment. Response: The CCR's have been amended as r~quired to account for the provisions ~-fa gublic access easement ad;acentto Rosario. f:.eeJ w,(( be.. serJI e..f~~ · 11. A check in the amount of $36.04 made out to Champion Express will be required prior to recording. Response: A check in the amount of $36.04 made poyable to Champion Express will be provided with submittal of the mylar version of the final plat for recording, Property Services {Technical services} Comments 1. The space has been added to the face of the plat for the relinquishment of the eosement. Documents have not been nor needed for City review, however the recording needs to occur prior to plat recording or concurrently. Response: An agreement between King County and the applicant to relinquish the existing easements has been reached and the form of that agreement has been completed. The applicant has signed the form and is awaiting King County's signature. The final executed agreement will be recorded immediately upon The Woods of Highlond Park Response lo Final Plot Review Comments CPH No. 0011-11-008 October 10, 2016 Page 3 of 4 receipt lrom King County, and that recording number will be provided in the Public Access Easement Note section on page 2 of the mylar version of the final plat. The paper, draft version of the final plat that is included with this correspondence still shows the recording number blank because the documen~;s.i;;:t .~ yet been reco{ded as we wait /or King County signatures. '/r.e.--ye,~~J\l"-c,J--1 . !,I »t be-~ f n"b-r k f, ruJl. D W 'Y!':-e,o ,.J., r-1 . I Planning Comments I i/ 1. Condition of Approval #2 of the Minor Amendment Decision for Maplewood Park East shall be complied with. The condition reads as follows: 11 The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 841 0250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements. For that portion of the easement located between NE 2nd St. and NE 2nd Lane along the detention pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Renton's satisfaction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot l 1, a new access easement shall be recorded per King County's satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easements to King County shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording." No documentation of easement relinquishment or recording was provided with the final plat. Please provide these documents Response: An agreement between King County and the applicant lo relinquish the existing easements has been reached and the form of that agreement has been completed. The applicant has signed the form and is awaiting King County's signature. The final executed agreement will be recorded immediately upon receipt lrom King County, and that recording number will be provided in the Public Access Easement Note section on page 2 of the mylar version of the final plat. The paper, draft version of the final plat that is ;µJ. M included with this correspondence still shows the recording number blank because the document has not v[J+,.,J/c.. yet been recorded as we wait /or King County signatures. A copy of the recorded easement document k~ will be submitted to the City ~ith the mylar veryion pl th~ final plat. {le-n_{,'r>tvJ:J~ (:.h..l 1 _ ~ r,.,il/ l,e. ~ ("<i'trt' -to +rr<UL {JfiA.:-~"Yi",-t;_~ ,:- 2. Page 2 of the Plat Contains a Notes section titled "Public Access Easemerlf Notes". The recording J' number of the relinquishment was not noted under the first item. Response: An agreement between King County and the applicant to relinquish the existing easements has been reached and the form of that agreement has been completed. The applicant has signed the form and is awaiting King County's signature. The final executed agreement will be recorded immediately upon receipt from King County, and that recording number will be provided in the Public Access Easement Note section an page 2 of the mylar version of the final plat. The paper, draft version of the final plat that is included with this correspondence still shows the recording number blank because the document has not yet been recorded as we wail /or King County signatures. 3. A final landscape plan and tree retention and replacement plan was approved during construction permit review. Prior ta recording an inspection is required for the City to verify compliance with the approved landscape plan as well as the tree retention and replanting plan. Please contact Vanessa Dolbee at 425-430-7314 for an inspection. The inspection shall be completed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to plat recording. Response: Ms. Dolbee and the applicant met onsile Friday, October 7, 2016. Approval of the as-built landscape condition is pending. f..."'J. ~- The Woods at Highland Park Response to Final Plat Review Comments CPH No. 00 11-11-008 October 10, 2016 Page 4 of 4 Please contact me directly at (425) 285-2391 or by e-mail at matt@cphconsultants.com if you have questions or need additional information to complete your review and approval of the project. Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you. Cc: Tiffiny Brown (Bumstead) copy to file CPH Site Planning Civil Engineering Land Use Consulting Project Management CONSULTANTS October 10, 2016 Ms. Rohini Nair OC1 l 'l, LulS cnv Public Works Development Engineer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park fast Final Plat) CPH Project No. 0011-11-008; City File #LUA 14-000713 FP Confirmation ol Compliance with Prelimnary Plat and Minor Modification Conditions Ms. Nair, This letter is provided as specifically requested by City staff to confirm that the constructed project and final plat for The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewaod Park East) Final Plat have been completed in accordance with the applicable conditions of the prelimnary subdivision approval. Each of the conditions of approval and accompanying response of compliance are as follows: CONDITIONS FROM HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION DATED DECEMBER 9. 2012 1. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issues as part of the Determination of Non-Significant Mitigated, dated September 24, 201 2, a. Mitigation Measures, The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. dated February 21, 2012. Response: The proiect has been constructed in genera/ accordance with the recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Report (Terra Associates; February 21, 2012) and any subsequent amendments thereto that may have been required by the geotechnical engineer based on actual site conditions. b. Mitigation Measures, The applicant shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Parks and Recreation Impact lee shall be paid prior to issuance ol the individual building permits /or the project. c. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a T ronsportotion Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response; The applicable Transportation Impact lee shall be paid prior to issuance ol the individual building permits /or the project. d. Mitigation Measures, The applicant shall pay a Fire Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as 11431 W1llcws Road NE, Suite 120 • Redmond, WA 98057 • Plrnrw: (425) 285-2390 • ;ox: (425) 285-2389 www cphconsulton.rnri The Woods at Highlands ParKs (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 October JO, 2016 Page 2 of 4 specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Fire Impact fee shall be paid prior to issuance of the individual building permits for the proiect. 2. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 84 l 0250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. Response: This condition was removed by the later approval of the Minor Amendment to the Preliminary Plat, condWon no. l . 3. A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. Response: The final landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved for construction by the City of Renton with the Construction Permit plans package. A revision to these plans was completed lo accommodate the required Minor Amendment to the Preliminary Plat. Inspection by the City to confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior to final plat recording. 4. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4-4-130. The above plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. Response: An updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan documents were all submitted for review and approval with the Construction Permit plans package. A construction permit was issues based on those plans and supporting documentation. 5. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along perimeter of Tract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plot recording. Response: The required screening landscaping along the perimeter of Tract A was presented in the form of a final landscape plan and details that were included with the Construction Permit plans package. Those landscaping plans and details for the Traci A plantings were approved with the issuance of the construction permit for the site improvements. Inspection by the City lo confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior lo final plat recording. 6. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. Response: A current waler availability certificate was submitted to the City in coniunction with the Construction Permit application for the proiect. Thal availability was accepted as acknowledged by the issuance ol the construction permit. 7. Staff will apply the design standard related to primary entry (RMC 4-2-l l 5-3) during building permit review or whenever this issuance is normally addressed by staff. Notice of the staff's decision on application of RMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal right shall be mailed to all property owners on the southern side of NE 2°a St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. Response: The applicable Renton Municipol Code (RMC) design standards for the single-family homes will be reviewed subsequent lo the recording of the final plat as part of the building permit process. 8. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-l l -040. If the proposal exceeds 3.50 du/ acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as The Woods at Highlands ParKs (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 October 1 0, 20 1 6 Page 3 of 4 approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/acre. Response: The lot widths have been increased lo the maximum extent practical and consistent with discussions and engineering plan reviews subsequent fo preliminary subdivision approval. The current plal configuration conforms with all applicable and vested density provisions of the project's R-4 zoning. 9. Rood C shall be eliminated and Rood B shall be extended to Rosario. Rood B shall comply with all applicable rood standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Rood B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Finding of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff to comply with all applicable development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. Response: The public roadway configuration shown on the final plat conforms with the description provided by this condition without any relocation of Road B to the north boundary. The road pattern and lot access provisions are consistent with the direction received from City staff and the plan reviewed and approved with the Construction Permit subsequent lo preliminary subdivision approval. CONDITIONS OF MINOR AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY PLAT, FILE No. LUA 12-018 {JULY 12. 2016} 1. All conditions of LUA 12-018 Hearing Examiner Decision for Maplewood Pork Preliminary Plot ore applicable the subiect proiect with the exception of Condition of Approval 2, which has been removed. Response: All conditions of the Hearing Examiner's original decision have been complied with as described in the responses above. 2. The site contains two existing easements for rood and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 841 0250053. The applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements. For that portion of the easement located btween NE 2•d Street and NE 2•d Lone along the etention pond, a new easement shall be recorded per King County and the City of Renton's sotisfoction and for that portion of the easement located across Lot l 1, a new access easement shall be recorded per King county's satisfaction. Documentation of easement relinquishment and recording of a new easement to King County shall be profcided to the Current Planning Proiect Manager prior to final plot recording. Response: The final agreement to relinquish the existing road and utility easements has been completed. That form has been signed by the owner and is with King County /or final signature prior to recording. The required access easement language /or the replacement area has been added to the lace of the final plat. 3. An updated landscape pion shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager with the construction permit revision that identifies landscaping in the re-graded trail area. The landscaping shall include, at minimum, ground cover and shrubs. All landscaping shall be installed and inspected prior to foinl plot recording. Response: An updated landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved to account /or the revised Traci A easement area and revised pond grading. The plantings shown on this plan have been completed and shall be inspected /or approval by the City's Current Planning Project Manager prior lo final plat recording. 4. Tract A shall be revised, including but not limited to, detention pond regrading, fence relocation, grading changes, and landscaping relocation per the satisfaction of the City of Renton and King County Parks Department. Tract A revisions including revised pond details and revised cross section shall be submitted to the City of Rento as a construction permit revision for review and approval prior to start of construction. The King county easements should be shown and labeled in the plan. The changes in the detention pond and Tract A including, fence relocation, grading, and landscaping relocation shall be completed by the developer, inspected, and approved by the City prior to final plot recording. The Woods at Highlands ParKs (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 October 10, 2016 Poge 4 of 4 Response: The storm drainage pond has been regraded and surrounding fence relocated to accommodate a level, planted area within the new 8-foot public access easement. These re-graded surfaces have been landscaped in accordance with the approved landscape plan. As-built plans of these improvements have been prepared and provided to the City with this correspondence for review and approval. 5. No voriannces to the minimum required setbacks shall be issued to allow for o larger ond/or standard size building pod for proposed Lot 11. Response: No variances have been requested. Please contact me directly at (425) 285-2391 or by e-mail at matt@cphconsultants.com if you hove questions or need any additional information to complete your review and approval of the project. Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you. Enclosures Cc: Tiffiny Brown {Burnsteod) copy to file . Detention Pond Facility Stage Area 465.6 10813.2 466 11397.7 Active Storage I 468 14186.1 470 17461.1 470.3 17977.3 Total Detention Volume Provided: Total Required Detention Volume: Excess Detention Volume: Safety Factor: CPH Project 0011-11-008 Printed: 10/10/2016 Volume CummVol. 0.0 0.0 4442.2 4442.2 25583.8 30026.0 31647.2 61673.2 5315.8 66989.0 66989.0 cf I 53580.0 cf j<--lnput 13409.0 cf 20% Wetpoof Facility Stage 461.6 Dead Storage 462 464 465.6 Total Wetpool Volume Provided: Total Required Wetpool Volume: Excess Wetpool Volume: Safety Factor: The Woods at Highlands Park Pond Volume Verification Area 4644.6 5323.9 9074.6 10813.2 Volume Cumm 0.0 1993.7 14398.5 15910.2 32302.5 cf 14884.0 cf 17418.5 cf 0.0 1993.7 16392.2 32302.5 117% f·~ ;;-. ._,. ~"!( .,.; \, DC! l 2 ?ij,6 (" ·_. ",-, i '", /.' Parcel Map Check Report Client: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK Date: 8/26/2016 BOUNDARY North:507,636.40' Segment# 1: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,980.47' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,961.78' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,617.19' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,636.40' Perimeter: 1,880.47' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.004 Precision 1: 188,048.00 Prepared by: AXIS SURVEY & MAPPING 15241 NE 90TH ST REDMOND, WA 98052 East: 1,646,028.66' Length: 344.07' East: 1,646,031.1 O' Length: 595.90' East: 1,646,626.70' Length: 344.60' East: 1,646,624.26' Length: 595.91' East: 1,646,028.66' Area: 205, l 26Sq .Ft. Course: S35° 44' 33"E East: 0.003 LOT 1 North:507,728.32' Segment# 1: Line Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,724.79' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,645.21' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,647.95' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: Nl O 50' SO"E RP North: 507,672.94' End North: 507,673.12' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,728.32' Perimeter: 368.12' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: -0.001 Precision I: 36,811.00 East: 1,646,515.54' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,625.02' Length: 79.58' East: 1,646,624.45' Length: 85.16' East: 1,646,539.34' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,540.14' East: 1,646,515.14' Length: 55.20' East: 1,646,515.54' Area: 8,588Sq.Ft. Course: S82° 42' 47"W East: -0.009 LOT2 North:507,724.79' Segment# I: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,728.32' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,802.32' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,798.79' Segment# 4: Line Course: soc 24' l 9"W North: 507,724.79' Perimeter: 367 .07' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.000 Precision I: 367,060,000.00 East: 1,646,625.02' Length: I 09.53' East: 1,646,515.55' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,516.07' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,625.55' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,625.02' Area: 8, I 03Sq.Ft. Course: Noc 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT3 North:507,802.32' Segment# 1: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,876.31' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,872.78' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,798.78' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,802.32' Perimeter: 367.07' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.000 Precision I: 367,060,000.00 East: 1,646,516.07' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,516.59' Length: I 09.53' East: 1,646,626.06' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,625.54' Length: I 09.53' East: 1,646,516.07' Area: 8, 103Sq.Ft. Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT4 North:507,876.31' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,965.22' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,961.79' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,872.79' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' I O"W North: 507,876.32' Perimeter: 396. 98' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : 0.007 Precision 1: 39,697.00 East: 1,646,516.59' Length: 88.91' East: 1,646,517.22' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,626.70' Length: 89.00' East: 1,646,626.07' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,516.59' Area: 9,741Sq.Ft. Course: N20° 15' 50"E East: 0.002 LOTS North:507,893.59' Segment# 1: Line Course: N88c 12' 12"W North: 507,896.95' Segment# 2: Line Course: Noc 24' l 9"E North: 507,970.24' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88c 12' 12"E North: 507,966.88' Segment# 4: Line Course: soc 24' l 9"W North: 507,893.59' Perimeter: 360.58' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.000 Precision 1: 360,580,000.00 East: 1,646,463.71' Length: 107 .00' East: 1,646,356.76' Length: 73.29' East: 1,646,357.28' Length: 107.00' East: 1,646,464.23' Length: 73.29' East: 1,646,463.71' Area: 7,840Sq.Ft. Course: Noc 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT6 North:507,826.94' Segment# 1: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,896.95' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' l 2"E North: 507,893.60' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,849.13' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 39.90' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 35.80' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,849.31' End North: 507,824.32' Segment# 5: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,826.95' Perimeter: 342.74' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: 0.007 Precision I: 34,274.00 East: 1,646,356.27' Length: 70.01' East: 1,646,356.77' Length: 107.00' East: 1,646,463.71' Length: 44.4 7' East: 1,646,463.40' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 25.64' Course: S46° 07' 47"W Course Out: SI O 51' 15"W East: 1,646,438.40' East: 1,646,437.59' Length: 81.36' East: 1,646,356.27' Area: 7,352Sq.Ft. Course: Nl8° 46' 24"E East: 0.002 LOT7 North:507,972.12' Segment# 1: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,970.24' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,826.94' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,828.88' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,972.12' Perimeter: 406.57' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.000 Precision 1: 406,580,000.00 East: 1,646,297.30' Length: 60.02' East: 1,646,357.29' Length: 143.30' East: 1,646,356.27' Length: 60.02' East: 1,646,296.28' Length: 143.24' East: 1,646,297.30' Area: 8,596Sq.Ft. Course: N82° 11' 37"E East: 0.001 LOTS North:507,974.00' Segment# 1: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,972.12' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,828.88' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,830.40' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 13.17' Delta: 7°27'34" Chord: 13 .16' Course In: N0° 11' 45 "E RP North: 507,931.54' End North: 507,831.30' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,974.00' Perimeter: 406.00' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.004 Precision I: 40,601.00 East: 1,646,237.31' Length: 60.02' East: 1,646,297.30' Length: 143.24' East: 1,646,296.29' Length: 46.88' East: 1,646,249.43' Radius: 101.14' Tangent: 6.59' Course: N86° 04' 28"W Course Out: S7° 39' l 9"W East: 1,646,249.78' East: 1,646,236.30' Length: 142.70' East: 1,646,237.31' Area: 8,591Sq.Ft. Course: S42° 35' 30"E East: 0.004 LOT9 North:507,831.30' Segment# 1 : Curve Length: 32.47' Delta: 6°54'4 7" Chord: 32.45' Course In: N7° 39' l 9"E RP North: 508,098.02' End North: 507,837.56' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 28.78' Delta: 12°29'35" Chord: 28.72' Course In: S 18° 28' 11 "W RP North: 507,712.37' End North: 507,843.64' Segment# 3: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,975.89' Segment# 4: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,974.00' Segment# 5: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,831.31' Perimeter: 396.21' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.004 Precision 1: 396,220,000.00 East: 1,646,236.30' Radius: 269.11' Tangent: 16.25' Course: N78° 53' l 7"W Course Out: Sl4° 34' 06"W East: 1,646,272.15' East: 1,646,204.46' Radius: 131. 99' Tangent: 14.45' Course: N77° 46' 37"W Course Out: N5° 58' 36"E East: 1,646,162.64' East: 1,646,176.39' Length: 132.25' East: 1,646,177.32' Length: 60.02' East: 1,646,237.31' Length: 142.70' East: 1,646,236.30' Area: 8,253Sq.Ft. Course: N43° 12' 58"E East: 0.003 LOTlO North:507,975.88' Segment# 1 : Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,843.63' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 22. 3 7' Delta: 1 °56'13" Chord: 22.37' Course In: S5° 51' 18"W RP North: 507,185.29' End North: 507,845.54' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,846.72' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,977.76' Segment# 5: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,975.88' Perimeter: 383.38' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : -0.004 Precision 1: 383,390,000.00 East: 1,646,177.32' Length: 132.25' East: 1,646,176.38' Radius: 661.80' Tangent: 11.19' Course: N85° 06' 48"W Course Out: N3° 55' 05"E East: 1,646,108.87' East: 1,646,154.09' Length: 3 7. 71' East: 1,646,116.40' Length: 131.04' East: 1,646,117.33' Length: 60.02' East: 1,646,177.32' Area: 7,874Sq.Ft. Course: S0° 02' 46"E East: 0.000 LOT 11 North:507,977.76' Segment# 1 : Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,846.73' Segment# 2: Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,849.43' Segment# 3: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,980.47' Segment# 4: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,977.76' Perimeter: 434.64' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.000 Precision 1: 434,640,000.00 East:1,646,117.33' Length: 131.04' East: 1,646,116.40' Length: 86.28' East: 1,646,030.17' Length: 131. 04' East: 1,646,031.09' Length: 86.28' East: 1,646,117.33' Area: 11,303Sq.Ft. Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT12 North:507, 785. 76' Segment# 1 : Curve Length: 7.03' Delta: 1 °46'32" Chord: 7.03' Course In: N3° 37' 47"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.43' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,783.21' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' I 9"W North: 507,670.17' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,672.61' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,785.76' Perimeter: 377.25' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.002 Precision 1: 377,240,000.00 East: 1,646,240.94' Radius: 227.00' Tangent: 3.52' Course: S87° 15' 29"E Course Out: SI O 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.31' East: 1,646,247.97' Length: 68.49' East: 1,646,316.42' Length: 113.04' East: 1,646,315.62' Length: 75.52' East: 1,646,240.14' Length: 113.16' East: 1,646,240.94' Area: 8,535Sq.Ft. Course: Nl4° 32' 20"E East: 0.000 LOT13 North:507,783.21' Segment# 1 : Line Course: S88c 08' 45"E North: 507,780.88' Segment# 2: Line Course: soc 24' l 9"W North: 507,667.85' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88c 09' IO"W North: 507,670.17' Segment# 4: Line Course: Noc 24' l 9"E North: 507,783.21' Perimeter: 370.12' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.00 I Precision I: 370,110,000.00 East: 1,646,316.43' Length: 72.02' East: 1,646,388.41' Length: 113.03' East: 1,646,387.61' Length: 72.02' East: 1,646,315.63' Length: 113.04' East: 1,646,316.43' Area: 8, 139Sq.Ft. Course: N9c 24' 09"W East: 0.000 LOT14 North:507,665.53' Segment# 1: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,667.85' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,780.88' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.26' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'05" Chord: 34.91' Course In: Sl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.27' End North: 507,754.09' Segment# 5: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,676.08' Segment# 6: Curve Length: 10.92' Delta: 25°01'12" Chord: 10.83' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.26' End North: 507,665.53' Perimeter: 362.93' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.003 East: 1,646,459.75' Length: 72.18' East: 1,646,387.61' Length: 113.03' East: 1,646,388.41' Length: 50.15' East: 1,646,438.53' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course Out: S89° 35' 40"E East: 1,646,437.72' East: 1,646,462.72' Length: 78.0 I' East: 1,646,462.17' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 5.55' Course: Sl2° 54' 55"W Course Out: S64° 34' 29"E East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,459.75' Area: 8,286Sq.Ft. Course: N24° 34' 29"W East: -0.00 l Precision I: 362,930,000.00 RIGHT OF WAY North:507,617.20' Segment# I: Line Course: N88° 09' I O"W North: 507,636.41' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' I 9"E North: 507,849.43' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,845.54' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 51.13' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 50.99' Course In: SI O 47' 48"W RP North: 507,642.64' End North: 507,837.56' Segment# 5: Curve Length: 45.65' Delta: 14°22'21" Chord: 45.53' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,830.40' Segment# 6: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,824.31' Segment# 7: Curve Length: 39.90' East: 1,646,624.26' Length: 595.91' East: 1,646,028.66' Length: 213.03' East: 1,646,030.17' Length: 123.99' East: 1,646,154.1 O' Radius: 203 .00' Tangent: 25.70' Course: S80° 59' l 8"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,204.46' Radius: 182.00' Tangent: 22.95' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: SI O 51' 15 "W East: 1,646,255.32' East: 1,646,249.43' Length: 188.26' East: I ,646,437.59' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 35.80' Course In: Nl 0 51' 15"E RP North: 507,849.30' End North: 507,849.12' Segment# 8: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,966.88' Segment# 9: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,965.22' Segment# 10: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,673.11' Segment# 11: Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,672.94' End North: 507,647.95' Segment# 12: Line Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,645.20' Segment# 13: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,617.19' Perimeter: 2,945.99' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.003 Tangent: 25.64' Course: N46° 07' 47"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,438.40' East: 1,646,463.40' Length: 117.76' East: 1,646,464.23' Length: 53.02' East: 1,646,517.22' Length: 292.11' East: 1,646,515.16' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43° 52' 26"E Course Out: SI O 50' 50"W East: 1,646,540.16' East: 1,646,539.35' Length: 85.16' East: 1,646,624.47' Length: 28.01' East: 1,646,624.27' Area: 55,417Sq.Ft. Course: S67° 06' 58"E East: 0.007 Precision I: 187,257.00 ROW INTERIOR PIECE North:507,754.09' Segment# I: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,676.09' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 39.90' Delta: 91 °26'30" Chord: 35.80' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.26' End North: 507,651.28' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,663.25' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: NI O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.23' End North: 507,688.41' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,788.17' Segment# 6: Curve Length: 24.72' Delta: 91 °23'28" Chord: 22.18' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.06' East: 1,646,462.72' Length: 78.01' East: 1,646,462.17' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 25.64' Course: S46° 07' 34"W Course Out: S 1 ° 50' 50"W East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,436.37' Length: 371.34' East: 1,646,065.22' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,066.03' East: 1,646,041.03' Length: 99.76' East: 1,646,041.73' Radius: 15.50' Tangent: 15.88' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: NI O 47' 48"E East: 1,646,057.23' End North: 507,803.55' Segment# 7: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.57' Segment# 8: Curve Length: 39.79' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 39.69' Course In: Sl 0 47'48"W RP North: 507,642.65' End North: 507,794.35' Segment# 9: Curve Length: 56.94' Delta: 14°22'21" Chord: 56.79' Course In: N16° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.43' Segment# I 0: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.26' Segment# 11 : Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'04" Chord: 34.91' Course In: Sl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.27' End North: 507,754.10' Perimeter: 1,073.42' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : 0.004 East: 1,646,057.72' Length: 95.01' East: 1,646,152.68' Radius: 158.00' Tangent: 20.00' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: N 16° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,191.88' Radius: 227 .00' Tangent: 28.62' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: Sl 0 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.31' East: 1,646,247.97' Length: 190.66' East: 1,646,438.53' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43 ° 52' 13 "E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,437.72' East: 1,646,462.72' Area: 55,360Sq.Ft. Course: N61° 31' 30"W East: -0.007 Precision I: 107,341.00 TRACT A North:507,785.76' Segment# 1 : Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,657.61' Segment# 2: Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,663.24' Segment# 3: Curve Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: N 1 ° 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.23' End North: 507,688.41' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,788.17' Segment# 5: Curve Length: 24.72' Delta: 91 °23 '28" Chord: 22.18' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.06' End North: 507,803.55' Segment# 6: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.57' Segment# 7: Curve Length: 39.79' East: 1,646,240.94' Length: 128.16' East: 1,646,240.04' Length: 174.90' East: 1,646,065.23' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,066.03' East: 1,646,041.03' Length: 99.76' East: 1,646,041.74' Radius: 15.50' Tangent: 15.88' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: N 1 ° 4 7' 48 "E East: 1,646,057.24' East: 1,646,057.73' Length: 95.01' East: 1,646,152.69' Radius: 158.00' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 39.69' Course In: SI O 47' 48"W RP North: 507,642.65' End North: 507,794.35' Segment# 8: Curve Length: 49.91' Delta: 12°35'49" Chord: 49.81' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.77' Perimeter: 650.90' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.002 Precision I: 650,890,000.00 Tangent: 20.00' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,191.89' Radius: 227.00' Tangent: 25.06' Course: S80° 04' 19"E Course Out: S3° 37' 47"W East: 1,646,255.32' East: 1,646,240.95' Area: 27,203Sq.Ft. Course:N61° 13'02"E East: 0.004 TRACTB North:507,657.60' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,672.60' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,665.52' Segment# 3: Curve Length: 28.98' Delta: 66°25'19" Chord: 27.39' Course In: N64° 34' 29"W RP North: 507,676.25' End North: 507,651.27' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,657.60' Perimeter: 460.14' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : -0.005 Precision I: 460,130,000.00 East: 1,646,240.04' Length: 15.00' East: 1,646,240.14' Length: 219.72' East: 1,646,459.75' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 16.37' Course: S58° 38' IO"W Course Out: SI O 50' 50"W East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,436.36' Length: 196.43' East: 1,646,240.04' Area: 3, l 97Sq.Ft. Course: S6° 08' 25"W East: -0.00 I Parcel Map Check Report Client: Prepared by: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK 07-038 AXIS SURVEY & MAPPING 15241 NE 90rn ST REDMOND, WA 98052 Date: 6/7/2016 BOUNDARY North:507,636.40' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,980.47' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,961.78' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,617.19' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,636.40' Perimeter: 1,880.47' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.004 Precision I: 188,048.00 East: 1,646,028.66' Length: 344.07' East: 1,646,031.1 O' Length: 595.90' East: 1,646,626.70' Length: 344.60' East: 1,646,624.26' Length: 595.91' East: 1,646,028.66' Area: 205,126 Sq.Ft. (5 Acre) Course: S35° 44' 33"E East: 0.003 RECEIVED JUN 9 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION LOT 1 North:507,728.32' Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,724.79' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,645.21' Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,647.95' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: NI O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,672.94' End North: 507,673.12' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,728.32' Perimeter: 368.12' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0. 00 I Precision I: 36,811.00 East: 1,646,515.54' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,625.02' Length: 79.58' East: 1,646,624.45' Length: 85.16' East: 1,646,539.34' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,540.14' East: 1,646,515.14' Length: 55.20' East: 1,646,515.54' Area: 8,588 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: S82° 42' 47"W East: -0.009 LOT2 North:507 ,724. 79' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,728.32' Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,802.32' Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,798.79' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,724.79' Perimeter: 367.07' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.000 Precision 1: 367,060,000.00 East: 1,646,625.02' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,515.55' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,516.07' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,625.55' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,625.02' Area: 8,103 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT3 North:507,802.32' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,876.31' Course: S88° 09' lO"E North: 507,872.78' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,798.78' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,802.32' Perimeter: 367 .07' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.000 Precision 1: 367,060,000.00 East: 1,646,516.07' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,516.59' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,626.06' Length: 74.00' East: 1,646,625.54' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,516.07' Area: 8,103 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT4 North:507,876.31' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,965.22' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,961.79' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,872.79' Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,876.32' Perimeter: 396.98' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : 0.007 Precision 1: 39,697.00 East: 1,646,516.59' Length: 88.91' East: 1,646,517.22' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,626.70' Length: 89.00' East: 1,646,626.07' Length: 109.53' East: 1,646,516.59' Area: 9,741 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N20° 15' 50"E East: 0.002 LOT5 North:507,893.59' Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,897.10' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,970.39' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,966.88' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,893.59' Perimeter: 370.58' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.000 Precision 1: 370,580,000.00 East: 1,646,463.71' Length: 112.00' East: 1,646,351.77' Length: 73.29' East: 1,646,352.29' Length: 112.00' East: 1,646,464.23' Length: 73.29' East: 1,646,463.71' Area: 8,206 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.000 LOT6 North:507,827.11' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,897.10' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,893.59' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,849.12' Length: 39.90' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 35.80' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,849.30' End North: 507,824.31' Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,827.11' Perimeter: 352.74' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.002 Precision 1: 352,730,000.00 East: 1,646,351.27' Length: 70.00' East: 1,646,351.77' Length: 112.00' East: 1,646,463.71' Length: 44 .4 7' East: 1,646,463.40' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 25.64' Course: S46° 07' 47"W Course Out: Sl 0 51' 15"W East: 1,646,438.40' East: 1,646,437.59' Length: 86.36' East: 1,646,351.27' Area: 7,702 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N50° 38' 32"E East: 0.002 LOT7 North:507,972.35' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,970.39' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,827.11' Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,829.13' Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,972.35' Perimeter: 411.43' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.003 Precision I: 411,430,000.00 East: 1,646,289.88' Length: 62.44' East: 1,646,352.29' Length: 143.29' East: 1,646,351.27' Length: 62.4 7' East: 1,646,288.83' Length: 143 .23' East: 1,646,289.88' Area: 8,944 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: NI0° 36' 24"W East: -0.001 LOT 8 North:507,974.33' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,972.35' Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,829.12' Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,830.40' Length: 23.69' Delta: 7°27'34" Chord: 23.68' Course In: NI O 51' 15"E RP North: 508,012.30' End North: 507,832.70' Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,974.32' Perimeter: 410.99' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.006 Precision I: 41,099.00 East: 1,646,226.89' Length: 63.02' East: 1,646,289.88' Length: 143.23' East: 1,646,288.84' Length: 39.43' East: 1,646,249.43' Radius: 182.00' Tangent: 11.86' Course: N84° 24' 58"W Course Out: S9° 18' 48"W East: 1,646,255.32' East: 1,646,225.86' Length: 141.62' East: 1,646,226.89' Area: 9,009 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: S25° 50' 56"E East: 0.003 LOT9 North:507,832.71' Length: 21.96' Delta: 6°54'47" Chord: 21.95' Course In: N9° 18' 48"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,837.56' Length: 43.14' Delta: 12°29'35" Chord: 43.05' Course In: Sl6° 23' lO"W RP North: 507,647.76' End North: 507,845.14' Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,976.33' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,974.33' Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,832.71' Perimeter: 401.81' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : 0.007 Precision 1: 40,181.00 East: 1,646,225.86' Radius: 182.00' Tangent: I 0.99' Course: N77° 13' 48"W Course Out: Sl6° 13' 36"W East: 1,646,255.31' East: 1,646,204.46' Radius: 197 .83' Tangent: 21.65' Course: N79° 51' 38"W Course Out: N3° 53' 35"E East: 1,646,148.65' East: 1,646,162.08' Length: 131.20' East: 1,646,163.03' Length: 63.89' East: 1,646,226.89' Length: 141.62' East: 1,646,225.86' Area: 8,662 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N6° 12' 06"E East: 0.001 LOTlO North:507,976.33' Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,845.13' Length: 7.99' Delta: 1 °56'13" Chord: 7.99' Course In: S3° 53' 35"W RP North: 507,609.24' End North: 507,845.54' Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,847.17' Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,978.21' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,976.33' Perimeter: 382.24' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: -0.003 Precision I: 382,240,000.00 East: 1,646,163.03' Length: 131.20' East: 1,646,162.08' Radius: 236.44' Tangent: 4.00' Course: N87° 04' 32"W Course Out: NI O 57' 22"E East: 1,646,146.02' East: 1,646,154.09' Length: 52.01' East: 1,646,102.11' Length: 131.04' East: 1,646,103.06' Length: 60.00' East: 1,646,163.03' Area: 7,860 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: S43° 50' 26"E East: 0.003 LOT 11 North:507 ,978.21' Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,847.17' Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,849.43' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,980.47' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,978.21' Perimeter: 406.05' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : -0.001 Precision 1: 406,050,000.00 East: 1,646, I 03.06' Length: 131.04' East: 1,646,102.11' Length: 71.97' East: 1,646,030.17' Length: 131.04' East: 1,646,031.10' Length: 72.00' East: 1,646,103.06' Area: 9,430 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: S80° 35' 09"E East: 0.005 LOT12 North:507,785.76' Length: 7.03' Delta: I 0 46'32" Chord: 7.03' Course In: N3° 37' 47"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.43' Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,783.21' Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,670.17' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,672.61' Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,785.76' Perimeter: 3 77 .25' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.002 Precision I: 377,240,000.00 East: 1,646,240.94' Radius: 227.00' Tangent: 3.52' Course: S87° 15' 29"E Course Out: Sl 0 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.31' East: 1,646,247.97' Length: 68.49' East: 1,646,316.42' Length: 113.04' East: 1,646,315.62' Length: 75.52' East: 1,646,240.14' Length: 113.16' East: 1,646,240.94' Area: 8,535 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: Nl4° 32' 20"E East: 0.000 LOT 13 North:507,783.21' Course: S88° 08' 4S"E North: 507,780.88' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,667.85' Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,670.17' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,783.21' Perimeter: 370.12' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North: 0.001 Precision 1: 370,110,000.00 East:1,646,316.43' Length: 72.02' East: 1,646,388.41' Length: 113.03' East: 1,646,387.61' Length: 72.02' East: 1,646,315.63' Length: 113.04' East: 1,646,316.43' Area: 8,139 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N9° 24' 09"W East: 0.000 LOT14 North:507,665.53' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,667.85' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,780.88' Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.26' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'05" Chord: 34.91' Course In: Sl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.27' End North: 507,754.09' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,676.08' Length: 10.92' Delta: 25°01'12" Chord: 10.83' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.26' End North: 507,665.53' Perimeter: 362.93' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.003 Precision 1: 362,930,000.00 East: 1,646,459.75' Length: 72.18' East: 1,646,387.61' Length: 113.03' East: 1,646,388.41' Length: 50.15' East: 1,646,438.53' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course Out: S89° 35' 40"E East: 1,646,437.72' East: 1,646,462.72' Length: 78.01' East: 1,646,462.17' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 5.55' Course: Sl2° 54' 55"W Course Out: S64° 34' 29"E East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,459.75' Area: 8,286 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: N24° 34' 29"W East: -0.001 RIGHT OF WAY North:507,617.20' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,636.41' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,849.43' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,845.54' Length: 51.13' Delta: 14 °25'48" Chord: 50.99' Course In: S 1 ° 4 7' 48 "W RP North: 507,642.64' End North: 507,837.56' Length: 45.65' Delta: 14°22'21" Chord: 45.53' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,830.40' Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,824.31' Length: 39.90' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 35.80' Course In: Nl 0 51' 15"E RP North: 507,849.30' End North: 507,849.12' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,966.88' East: 1,646,624.26' Length: 595.91' East: 1,646,028.66' Length: 213.03' East: 1,646,030.17' Length: 123.99' East: 1,646,154.10' Radius: 203.00' Tangent: 25.70' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,204.46' Radius: 182.00' Tangent: 22.95' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: Sl O 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.32' East: 1,646,249.43' Length: 188.26' East: 1,646,437.59' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 25.64' Course: N46° 07' 47"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,438.40' East: 1,646,463.40' Length: 117.76' East: 1,646,464.23' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,965.22' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,673.11' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,672.94' End North: 507,647.95' Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,645.20' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,617.19' Perimeter: 2,945.99' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North : -0.003 Precision 1: 187,257.00 Length: 53.02' East: 1,646,517.22' Length: 292.11' East: 1,646,515.16' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43° 52' 26"E Course Out: SI O 50' 50"W East: 1,646,540.16' East: 1,646,539.35' Length: 85.16' East: 1,646,624.47' Length: 28.0 I' East: 1,646,624.27' Area: 55,417 Sq.Ft. (1 Acre) Course: S67° 06' 58"E East: 0.007 ROW INTERIOR PIECE North:507,754.09' Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,676.09' Length: 39.90' Delta: 91 °26'30" Chord: 35.80' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.26' End North: 507,651.28' Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,663.25' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: Nl O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.23' End North: 507,688.41' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,788.17' Length: 24.72' Delta: 91 °23 '28" Chord: 22.18' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.06' End North: 507,803.55' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.57' Length: 39.79' Delta: 14°25'48" East: 1,646,462.72' Length: 78.01' East: 1,646,462.17' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 25.64' Course: S46° 07' 34"W Course Out: SI O 50' SO"W East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,436.37' Length: 371.34' East: 1,646,065.22' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 4l"W East: 1,646,066.03' East: 1,646,041.03' Length: 99.76' East: 1,646,041.73' Radius: 15.50' Tangent: 15.88' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: Nl O 47' 48"E East: 1,646,057.23' East: 1,646,057.72' Length: 95.01' East: 1,646,152.68' Radius: 158.00' Tangent: 20.00' Chord: 39.69' Course In: S 1 ° 4 7' 48 "W RP North: 507,642.65' End North: 507,794.35' Length: 56.94' Delta: 14 °22'2 l" Chord: 56.79' Course In: N16° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.43' Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.26' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'04" Chord: 34.91' Course In: S1° 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.27' End North: 507,754.10' Perimeter: 1,073.42' Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: 0.004 Precision 1: 107,341.00 Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,191.88' Radius: 227.00' Tangent: 28.62' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: Sl 0 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.31' East: 1,646,247.97' Length: 190.66' East: 1,646,438.53' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,437.72' East: 1,646,462.72' Area: 55,360 Sq.Ft. (1 Acre) Course: N61 ° 31' 30"W East: -0.007 TRACT A North:507,785.76' Course: S0° 24' I9"W North: 507,657.61' Course: N88° 09' !O"W North: 507,663.24' Length: 38.64' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.91' Course In: NI 0 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.23' End North: 507,688.41' Course: N0° 24' I9"E North: 507,788.17' Length: 24.72' Delta: 91 °23'28" Chord: 22.18' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.06' End North: 507,803.55' Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.57' Length: 39.79' Delta: 14 °25'48" Chord: 39.69' Course In: Sl O 47' 48"W RP North: 507,642.65' End North: 507,794.35' Length: 49.91' Delta: 12°35'49" East: 1,646,240.94' Length: 128.16' East: 1,646,240.04' Length: 174.90' East: 1,646,065.23' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 24.38' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,066.03' East: 1,646,041.03' Length: 99.76' East: 1,646,041.74' Radius: 15 .50' Tangent: 15.88' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: Nl O 47' 48"E East: 1,646,057.24' East: 1,646,057.73' Length: 95.01' East: 1,646,152.69' Radius: 158.00' Tangent: 20.00' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.73' East: 1,646,191.89' Radius: 227.00' Tangent: 25.06' Chord: 49.81' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.31' End North: 507,785.77' Perimeter: 650.90' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : 0.002 Precision 1: 650,890,000.00 Course: S80° 04' 19"E Course Out: S3° 37' 47"W East: 1,646,255.32' East: 1,646,240.95' Area: 27,203 Sq.Ft.(! Acre) Course:N61° 13'02"E East: 0.004 TRACTB North:507,657.60' Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,672.60' Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,665.52' Length: 28.98' Delta: 66°25'19" Chord: 27.39' Course In: N64° 34' 29"W RP North: 507,676.25' End North: 507,651.27' Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,657.60' Perimeter: 460.14' Error Closure: 0.00 Error North : -0.005 Precision 1: 460,130,000.00 East: 1,646,240.04' Length: 15.00' East: 1,646,240.14' Length: 219.72' East: 1,646,459.75' Radius: 25.00' Tangent: 16.37' Course: S58° 38' lO"W Course Out: S 1 ° 50' 50"W East: 1,646,437.17' East: 1,646,436.36' Length: 196.43' East: 1,646,240.04' Area: 3,197 Sq.Ft. (0 Acre) Course: S6° 08' 25"W East: -0. 00 1 T8l00\.COR OTOPl.l.1108 CSIT111108 CNOT111l08 CUSD11U08 Cl!WS111108 .._ 01WM1l 11D8 AJ:NY20CJ7-07038-ASBIJI 07038 POND EXHJ)llne_ CGRD1U108 I .... ~ i w 0 0 (.) w '~ t3 <( w ~ C[ <( 0.. 0 0 0 ~ w ...J 0.. <( ~ ~ 20) C8l05. IYPf 1-L STA o+J0.09. 11.66' RT RIM•468.7J lf(l8"11')-46 5.4J £(1Bt:)•465.4J . -~ ..:. c, ~ SEEC3.05 NE 1./4, NW 1./4, SEC.1.4, TWP.23N., RGE. 5£., W.M. d fXIST. 16° LCPf ro Rfi/AI\I i --·~ W/SGU) LOOOHG CO',£R STA 0.28.11& I J.BJ' LT CONN. TO DOST. 18" LCPf 0JL ..CRT C11100. IYPf 2-54 • /g)STA 0-.99.87. 10.4J' RT ilff,!..al ,.. I Qi ---------- S881 2'12T a rsJ.,s· !I I 11 9,275 SF f,_--4L ~\Jr ~r-----,lf------~~~~---------w~ SEEC3.02 C LU > -w () LU ~ 2 o~ {D .... 0 = :z § <'-..l LU~ ~o ~ I.I. ~ :z 0~ ::::::::> tz -, -:5 0 '1. 0 Sf'I.I. cam,a. 7E! PfJI CCR sro. Pt.AH 2J7.oo r.:;,. SAIIQJT ROI<)-.£, AND RD'l.ACf fXIST. HAIA PAVOlfHT.· I/IN. \V P>. l,OIOI T Sf CTJCW 70 II.A~ f)(IST. 0 PIPf ()Jll.fT P1IO TECTION PfJI OCTM ON SHffT CJ.102 © APPROX. LMT OF GRADING 0 nff 2 PfRPOIDIC1.JI.. CURB RAIIP PUI ltSOOT sro. DfT. f-.0.15-02 © PIPf INl.£T P110TfCTJCW PUI OCTNI.. ON SHC£T CJ.102 r;-, RQA{)WAY SURl£Y l/allAIEHT MIH CASE PfR COR SID. Pl.AH NO. \!.J HOJI /";;"\ COl(HT ccwc. SW0,,4U( PfR COR sro. Pl.AH HO. f007. IWDTII VVPfR Pl.NI. 0 T'rP. C(Mf}IT CT»IC. 1£1?11CAL CURB AND GUTTfR PfR COR DIIG fOOI Q 6" llfflTf Pie (UNU:SS HOTfD OIHD?IIISC ON Pl.AH) ROOf DRAIN ~ CCX..LfCTION PIPf PfR Cal S1l1. Pt.NI 225.00, APPROX. t.fNCTH AND UPSTRfNJ IH">£RT El£v. PfJI Pt.NI ® nff 2 PfJiPfNOICJ.Jl.AR CURB RAMP PfR ltSOOT SID. DfT. F-.0.15-02 @CD/fNT CCWCRfTf DR1\0t'A Y IYPf J PfR COR SID. Pl.AH F004-4. RUfR TO DR1\0t'AY TABU 1HIS SHffT F<:J? LOCATIONS N/0 IIID TH @ 11/oJI..BOX /HST.ALL>. TION HflQ/80IIH()()I O!l.llO<Y AH() ca.LCCTION 80)( UNIT PfR C0R sro. Pl.AH l/026 ,.;,, GR(1JN{) IIOUHTE:D S1REIT HAM£ SIGN PfR CCI? SID. Pt.NI GQIJ 'C,/ W/ STOP SIGH r.;,. .AJJ»IDON 01ST. WA IDi Sfl/-..cf IN MX:aiOAHa W/ PURl£Y<:I? \!:I STNIDARDS @FIXED 11000EH BOt..LA.RD PU/ cai sro. Pu.H H022 @ llfJIOv.A&E 11000tH BCUAl?I) P£R C<:J? sro. Pt.AH 11021. Co;\ .lllJ1W TrPC 4 OID Of ROA{)WAY IIARl<ER 0&/4-D. SIGH '!V I\ISTALL>.TION PfR Cal sro. Pl.AH G012 (;;;\ Rf\£1?Sf nff 2 CATCH 8.ASIH PfR S1RUC1lJR( PU.CCIEHT ~ OCT.All.. ON 91££7 CJ.102 Q, Flf.CTAHGU.AR BHJIR£CT10HAI.. VANED GR.A Tf PfR CCi1 S1l1. Pu.H 'el 204.JO ® 5a.JO LOCKING uo PfR COR sro. PUJIS l-------------,-----------------------------------------.-------------------1 @')/0 PARKING N/YTll,/f" SIGH 1NSTA1.L£D PfR CCI? SID. PU.H G012 500 490 480 4 70 '60 ,so 4,f() ·0+.0 0 10 20 --VERT. IN FEET 0 20 '° UTILITY PERMIT ---_:s NO. U13002729 HORIZ. IN FEET ~elGUc..tC:..-.-.uc ... ...,_ ~ o; -~ LOW P T STA: o+25.1' LOW PT Q.: 468. 70 P~ STA: o+.f0.00 P\f fl: 468.JO 50.00' IC fXfSTIHG CRAOC I ::,; ... . ~ y .00% • :~~~ ~L -----<.:! ,/< 8= ,_. 0 :- 1-l FRO&/ C81JO SEE CJ;~· 489.10RIW-~ <6>.:z&lf(18'#)·- C8300. Tl1'f: ~Z41f(l8"E)-= Rtl/a "68,,t1 lf(IB'F),,"65-:-;36 ,70 '60 "' oj ~ _c, ~; ~~ o+OO rt," OI S•Q.J.JK s • o.:s~ CS01 IYPf 2-s.· R/11•41():f>l •n.«1 lf(IB'\l')-465.60 lf(IB~)•-4<15.~1 ~ ~ ;; ~ :?; ~ ~ ~ ~ .. o+.o CITY or R[STON Approved by: Da1e: Appro,·ed by: Date: Approved by: Dale: Dole: ~g ::ri o; "' <o ~ .. 1 2 3 4 NO. HIGH PT STA· 1+11.Sll HIGH PT fl.: 4 72. 18 P\f S IA: o+92.22 P\f El.: 472.0 50.00' ~ .,c . :i a I Wfu~':;: joJ ., • .., '!;;' I . L e:. ~~ ~~ ~ ... 0-.80 POND lf~e, ~. :s ;::,_ <'-i ~ ~ ('"'~ :; ~ ... 1+20 CITY Of RENTON PERMIT SU8MITTAL CATCH BASIN LOCATIONS RECORO DRAWINGS 7YPf 1-l 11';91-DIRfCTION VNlfO CRATf ~-~471.JJ lf(12t)·-.5a"''·J6 lf(l2"H)-~ ... ,.., If (12"5 )• 4'-7.,58. 4<I 7. 40 fl£VA 110H AT fXIST. GROUND El.fVATIOO AT flHISHfD CRADC !"-. ~ ~ r:: ~ .. JBS GG RAS ;.'.? .... ... 1+60 S/J0/1 4 ...,,01/H 1/20/16 :;i ;::;_ ... JBS JBS JBS -"'11:>i [',/ANS, Pl.$ -,,,,.. sow.a£ TRACT A RE -GRAD( FOR FUTURE TRAIL AREA IIJH 6n/16 IIJH -PETtR E'IMHS - REVISION BY D.t.TE APPR ~ - 500 ,90 480 ,7o '60 450 440 N/A ·--~--... -- ~::rJIJ.... ~ ~ CITY OF RENTON Plonning/Bu;ld;ng/1'\Jblic Worb Dept. tli2ID.:. I. AI..L DRAIN PIPfS (SD) SHAI.L Bf 12• LCPf UMLSS NOTE:D 01HER111Sf ON PU.HS Cl? PRO.£CT OCTA/1.S. 1. CCWNfCTJCW 10 THf OOI/INSIRVJI DRAINAGC Sl'S7£11 SHALL Bf \f.A PERf<:l?A T[I) PIP( CONNfCTJCW. J. AI..L CA~ BASIN LOCATICWS fl!FD/DIC(D TO CfNTfR Of S1RVCTURE. GR.A Tf PU.COIFJIT SHALL Bf Pffl STRUCTURE PlACOlfNT OCTAi!. ON SHf!T CJ. 102. 4. A1..L CATCH BASIN 51RUCTURfS SHALL Bf P110\o!OfD 11',-??fCTAHGVLAR llfTAI. fRNlf AH() VNICD Gli'A 1f PfR CCi1 SID. P!»tS 204.00 AND 204.20 UHtISS HOltD 07>lfl!111Sf. 5. PA',£JENT RCST<:l?ATION PfR OTY Of RfHTON STAN()AADS 1111.L Bf APPI.ICA&£ 6. STRfET HNI£ SIGHS PfR OTY OF Rf.HTON STAHOAROS WST Bf PRO'MJED AT AU.. PfaJC STF/f.f7 I\ITfRSfCTIONS MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST ~ N IS CP IH CONSUL TANT$ Sile~·CMI~ ln!U.c-6-c•Plq,ct-..- 113,-...._s...Km1~-IIQJ) ~~216-Z*IIF4'.:~&zm •••.c-,.i.c•11111u ,u 1 co• ROA!J>NAV GRAOtNG, DRAINAGE ANO SANITARY SEWER MPROVEMENTS OOADWAY GRADING ANO DRAINAGE PLAN ANO PROFllE I ( / .. TBl.00\...COR OTOP11 1106 CSITU1108 CNOT11U06 CGROllllOEI CUS0111106 CUWSllllOEI keymap OILUM111106 r ~ a a: a. w 0 0 () w ...J u:: t; <( w ~ a: <( a.. 0 0 ~ w ...J a.. <( ~ . NE :1/4, ~W :1/4, SEC.14, TWP.23N. I I I j I 10 I I I I I I I : I : : : I I I : I I I ' I I I / I I I I \ I I ,/ f'O -IIID-11):=.;_~/IIO .___ ----I : ~/ \ / ' ,-- / _.,,,. I , ..... RGE. 5£., W.M. I I 8 9 ll£7PCM) \QUllfS ~ 11£00/RCD OCTEN1K»I IC(_Ullf OCID/7JOH l«Ullf (CF) PR0',1()(1) (CF) J.S·BU/l T IQUM[ (CF) / ' \ ________ ., .... _ ! I ___. ---.., ___ .. __ _ SJ,580 7r.62J 71,06{) 10 .,.,09 ,___ __ ' ' YJ+oc ! ~ 2QI 18" S-0.51~ I N.£ 2NDST. :, Q}) ~ 20 40 P\AN IN FEET UTILITY PERMIT NO. U13002729 ~OJl>t.JCl'tl~U..C..---.,.. -·:.r:·· ,• .. : I I I J I I I I I I I I !-' I I I 12 I '$ POiC) FrHC/NG OON T. TlP£ flAOC wm. J (6' HIGH) I I I.Ml( F£Ha: : 1D) ()i,11( \ I J' ';1 PUii L-20.10-ll500T sro. 1 \ , , -~ 02. APPROX. ~ .... ', -~-------. '· "-.._, .. , ~ RfQUIR£0 WA TD1 OUALJTY WA TD1 QUALITY IC(.1.1.11( J.S·BUll T IQUIIE (CF) t«UII[ (CF) PROl.tDED (CF) H.a« J2,628 J7,.J.!-O NOTE: Ji S-B'JII. T l«INES ~ Pfll STCWIIWMER F?IO C[RllFlC,\ 1IOH t.£m:R DAlrD .AJl Y 16, 2015. 9">lKJt GRJi TED OPDIIHG. v r DIAM. ~T. BAR AT •• ac. 18" CJl,IM. Fl.OW STRUCTURE: JiSSOIBl. Y Pfll C(X) sro. D11C. J-02-D2S ~~ I 4 • fl.BOW 111(+75 D/.ul. ~ 1£-467.10 F1NtSH GRAD£ CS 01 TrP£ 2 ·54' OIAM. CA TCH 0}.5JN ·C'\ CS 01-FLOW CONTROL STRUCTURE -(!!!F NOT TO SCAI.£ 4 ' ElBOW 111/2.00 DIAM. ORJfla /E :468.60 TO CBJOS f(a 46S.60 ~CP IH ~Jl\~ CONSULTANTS Sllrf'llllnl•CM [-.i lnlll!t~. Plqod._. '33 ,_......._S..1.00 I .....,.._ •Wl.ll ,,..1<5&ZJIO 1,111. ~--239 •••.c ,1,01u.•ll11u1.<•• C ITY or R ESTO!'! 1 CITY Of REtlTON PERMIT SUBMITTAL JBS 57 YJ714 JBS ":ii;; [VANS, P\.S Approved by : Date: ? ~,-,-u;n-net.a~ ci.11.r-1 "W'o'I A ,nr -1·-20· ...,zr,:o..:=,_ ;R CI TY OF REN TON MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST J TRACT A RE-GRADE FOR F'\1TURE TRAIL AREA MJH 6n/16 l,IJH """' sow.e.£ Approved by: Date: -PEl[JI E\WCS A pproved by: Date: ~ Approved by: Date: NO. REVlSION BY DATE APPR -APPR<MD ·--,, __ __ --® AOAOWAY GRAOtNO. DRAl'lAGE ANO SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS P1onnin9/Building/Public Worl<s Dept . STORM WATER PONO DETAILS ® AA CHICAGO TI :! COMPANY 701 FIFfH A VENUE, #2300, SEA TILE, WA 98104 RECEIVED JU-1 8 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION I I I 'ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001336745 MAPLEWOOD EAST 06 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT 0 RD ER SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N 1 OF THE SECOND CERTIFICATE BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION CO. Our Title Certificate 01/14/16 at 8:00 A_M_ is supplemented as follows: y PARAGRAPH NUMBER 5 HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: z 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF AB AC FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY l, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2016 142305-9003-00 2133 $ 383,000.00 $ 0. 00 BILLED: $ 4,434.55 PAID: $ 2,217.28 UNPAID: $ 2,217.27 THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THE SECOND CERTIFICATE SINCE JANUARY 14, 2016, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREIN. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS HEREBY AMENDED TO MAY 12, 2016. MAY 19, 2016 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SUPPLCOM/RDA/0999 / I CPH Site P!ann!ng Ci 11il Engineering Lond U,e Consulling Project Management CONSULTANTS January 25, 2016 ~~: ,, i:i''{t Ms. Rohini Nair Public Works Development Engineer City of Renton 1 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park fast Final Plat) -CPH Proiect No. 0011-11-008; City File #LUA 14-000713 FP Confirmation ol Compliance Ms. Nair, This letter is provided as specifically requested by City staff to confirm that the constructed proiect and final plat for The Woods of Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat have been completed in accordance with the applicable conditions of the prelimnary subdivision approval. Each of the conditions of approval and accompanying response of compliance are as follows: CONDITIONS FROM HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION DATED DECEMBER 9, 2012 1. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issues as part of the Determination of Non-Significant Mitigated, dated September 24, 2012, a. Mitigation Measures, The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. dated February 21, 2012. Response: The project has been constructed in general accordance with the recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Report {Terra Associates; February 21, 2012) and any subsequent amendments thereto that may have been required by the geotechnical engineer based on actual site conditions. b. Mitigation Measures, The applicant shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either ot the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Parks and Recreation Impact fee shall be paid prior to issuance ol the individual building permits for the proiect. c. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Transportation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Transportation Impact fee shall be paid prior to issuance ol the individual building permits for the proiect. 11431 Willows Rood t1E, Suite 120 • Redmond, WA 98052 • Pho~e: (425) 285·2390 • F:Jx: (42S) 285-2389 .vw1•1. tplirnmultonis.rnm The Woods al Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 January 25, 2016 Page 2 of 3 d. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Fire Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plot Recording or building permit issuance. Response: The applicable Fire Impact fee shall be paid prior to issuance of the individual building permits for the project. 2. The site contains two existing eosements for rood ond utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 841 0250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. Response: Relinquishment of the referenced existing easements has been completed in-part and is in the process of being finalized. Copies of the formal relinquishment documents will be provided to the City under separate document prior to final plat recording. 3-A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. Response: The final landscape plan was prepared, reviewed, and approved for construction by the City of Renton with the Construction Permit plans package. Inspection by the City lo confirm the installation ol the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior to linal plat recording. 4. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting pion that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4-4-1 30. The obove plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. Response: An updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan documents were all submitted for review and approval with the Construction Permit plans package. A construction permit was issues based on those plans and supporting documentation. 5. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along perimeter of Tract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. Response: The required screening landscaping along the perimeter of Traci A was presented in the form of a linal landscape plan and details that were included with the Construction Permit plans package. Those landscaping plans and detail, for the T racl A plantings were approved with the issuance o/ the construction permit for the site improvements. Inspection by the City to confirm the installation of the plantings in accordance with the approved plans will be provided prior lo final plat recording. 6. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. Response: A current water availability certificate was submitted lo the City in conjunction with the Construction Permit application for the proiect. That availability was accepted as acknowledged by the issuance of the cons/ruction permit. 7. Staff will apply the design stondard related to primary entry (RMC 4-2-115-3) during building permit review or whenever this issuance is normally addressed by staff. Notice of the staff's decision on application of RMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal right shall be mailed to all property owners on the southern side of NE 2°d St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. Response: The applicable Renton Municipal Code (RMC) design standards for the single-lamily homes will be reviewed subsequent to the recording of the final plat as part of the building permit process. I The Woods al Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Confirmation of Compliance CPH No. 0011-11-008 January 25, 2016 Page 3 af 3 8. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-11-040. If the proposal exceeds 3.50 du/ acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/acre. Response: The lot widths have been increased to the maximum extent practical and consistent with discussions and engineering plan reviews subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. The current plat configuration conforms with all applicable and vested density provisions of the project's R-4 zoning. 9. Road C shall be eliminated and Road B shall be extended to Rosario. Road B shall comply with all applicable road standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Road B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Finding of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff to comply with all applicable development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. Response: The public roadway configuration shown on the final plat conforms with the description provided by this condition without any relocation of Road B lo the north boundary. The road pattern and lot access provisions are consistent with the directian received from City staff and the plan reviewed and approved with the Construction Permit subsequent to preliminary subdivision approval. Please contact me directly at (425) 285-2391 or by e-mail at matt@cphconsultants.com if you have questions or need any additional information to complete your review and approval of the project. Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ CPH Consultanfs /.., _i Enclosures ----" Cc: Tiffiny Brown (Bumstead) copy to file ' CPH CONSULTANTS January 25, 2016 Ms. Rohini Nair Public Works Development Engineer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) City File LUA 15-000713 FP, LND-10-0488; CPH Project No. 0011-11-008 Responses to Final Plat Review Comments Ms. Nair, Site Planning Civil Engineering Land Use Consulting Project Management This letter and the following enclosed information comprise the re-submittal for the final plat submittal review for The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat: 2 -Final Plat Maps, full-size (January 22, 2016) 3 -Copies of this response letter (January 25, 2016) 3 -Confirmation of Compliance statement, paper copy (January 25, 2016) 1 -Confirmation of Compliance statement, electronic copy on CD (January 25, 2016) 1 -Deferral Form 1 -Deferral Request (December 15, 2015) 1 -Cost Data and Inventory Form 1 -Bill of Sale Form These documents hove been updated or otherwise prepored in response to the City's comments provided in your October 29, 2015 letter to Ms. Tiffiny Brown. Specific responses to each of the City staff review comments are as follows: PROPERTY SERVICES (TECHNICAL SERVICES) COMMENTS -AMANDA ASKREN: l. Review of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions includes the following: i. I have reviewed the document and have made the following comments, but would advise that the document be thoroughly reviewed and looked at by the applicant as well. Response: The applicant has reviewed and made necessary and applicable corrections to the CC&Rs /or the project. ii. Check formatting and dates throughout the document. There are blank spaces for fee amounts that will need to be filled in as well. Response: The formatting and dates throughout the document have been reviewed and corrected as necessary. Blank lines for "write-in" information will be completed prior to recording to allow for accurate information. 11431 Willows Rood IIE, Suite 110 • Redmood, 'I/A 9B051 • Phone: 14151285-1390 • fox: 1425) 235·1389 www.cphconsultonts.com The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response to Final Plat Review Comments CPH No.0011-11-008 January 25, 2016 Page 2 of 7 iii. Article Ill Easements -Please review and correct. Utility easement listed as 10 feet, but shown on the Final Plat at 9 feet. Also Sanitary and Water Easements not shown on plat. Response: The 9-foot width for the public utility easement as show on the plat is correct. The dimensional reference in the CC&R document has been corrected. iv. Article V Tracts -Please review and correct. Tract B labeled incorrectly in document and Tracts C, D, and F do not appear on plot. Response: Trad references in the CC&Rs have been reviewed and corrected as necessary lo correspond with the plat map. V-Exhibit A and B -Please attach legal and map. Response: The complete Exhibits A and B are included in the updated CC&Rs. 2. Review for final plat approval includes the following, i. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA 15-00071 3 and LND-1 0-0488, respectively, on the final plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Response: The requested City reference numbers and relative type sizes have been added lo each of the updated linal plat map sheets. ii. Please note that the Northwest and North quarter corners of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, WM, are respectively, City of Renton monument numbers l 852 and 2103. Required to show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Response: The Section 14 comer ca/louts on map sheet 2 have been updated lo include the City of Renton monument numbers as requested. iii. Note discrepancies between beorings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Response: Any differences between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated are noted on the enclosed, updated plat maps. iv. The lot addresses will be provided by the city. Note said addresses on the plat drawing. Response: The "Address Table" on plat map sheet 3 has been completed with the lot addresses provided by the City_ v. Do note encroachments. Please indicate if the encroachment shown on the topographic survey dated May 2007 on the east side of property has been addressed. Response: All encroachments mapped previously (i.e-, May 2007 topographic survey) hove been resolved and do not require notation on the lino/ plat. vi. If the abutting properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plat name on the drawing otherwise note them as 'Unplatted'. Response: Plat reference or "unplalled'' text has been added lo the site plan on sheet 3 for all adiacent properties. vii. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" blocks for the City of Renton Administrator, Public Works Department, the Mayor, City Clerk and the Finance Director . Response: The requested approval lines have been added to sheet I of the plat maps. viii. There is a Restrictive Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions document for this plat, please reference the same on the plat drawing and provide a space for the recording number thereof. Response: A reference for the Restrictive CC&Rs has been added lo sheet I of the plat maps. ix. Please provide the easement relinquishments for LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267 and restated by Recording Number 8410250053. Required prior to final plat recording. The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response lo Final Plat Review Comments CPH No. 00 J J • l J -008 January 25, 2016 Page 3 af 7 Response: Relinquishment of the referenced existing easements has been completed in-port and is in the process of being finalized. Copies of the formal relinquishment doc11ments will be provided to the City 11nder separate document prior to final plat recording. x. Sheet 2 Plat Notes Number 5 refers to "Easement Provisions". Unsure what this is referencing. Response: Plat Note 5 has been corrected to reference the access restriction /or Lot 1. PLANNING COMMENTS -VANESSA DOLBEE: Planning Comments Plot Recording l 0-28-15 l. Condition of approval #2 shall be satisfied prior to plat recording. Documentation shall be provided identifying relinquishments of the easements, which was not included in the submittal. Condition of Approval #2 states "The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subiect easements to the Current Planning Proiect Manager prior to final plat recording 11 Response: Relinquishment ol the referenced existing easements has been completed in-port and is in the process of being finalized. Copies ol the formal relinquishment documents will be provided to the City under separate document prior to final plat recording. 2. A final landscape plan and tree retention and replacement plan was approved during construction permit review. Prior to recording an inspection is required for the City to verify compliance with the approved landscape plan as well as the tree retention and replanting plan. Please contact Vanessa Dolbee at 425-430-7314 for an inspection. The inspection shall be completed and approved by the Current Planning Proiect Manager prior to plat recording. Response: The final landscape inspection will be de/erred until alter the maiority of the homes have been completed. See attached deferral letter dated December 15, 2015. 3. Lot Dimensions: Minimum lot size, based on the Examiners Reconsideration Decision, is 7,200 SF, lot 5 is identified at 7,056 SF which does not meet minimum lot size, the lots should be revised to meet the minimum lot size. Response: The rear lot line ol Lots 5 and 6 have been adiusted west to achieve the minimum 7,200 sl minimum lat areas. Minor adiustments in the westerly lines ol Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 were a/so adiusted in response to the Lot 5 and 6 adiustment--still maintaining a minimum 7,200 s/ minimum lot area. 4. Plat Note 3. Last sentences should sate "Lots l -14" instead of "Lots l -36". Response: The Plat Notes have been revised from previous submittals and there is no longer a reference lo "Lots 1 -36". BUILDING COMMENTS -JAN CONKLIN 1. Addresses must be added to the lace of the plat. See addresses attached to this LUA. Response: The "Address Table" on plat map sheet 3 has been completed with the lot addresses provided by the City. FIRE COMMENTS -COREY THOMAS l. Provide additional 'No Parking -Any Time" on the south side of NE 2nd Lane in the lire department bump out area located near Lot 12 and Tract A. Response: The additional signage has been installed as requested. The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response to Final Plat Review Comments CPH No.0011-11-008 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS -ROHINI NAIR: I. Final Plat plan and documents submitted January 25, 2016 Page 4 of 7 i. Please see the attached sample letter format for the Confirmation of compliance with the conditions of the Plat Approval, include the date of the approvals also. Revise and submit the confirmation of compliance for the project in this formal and resubmit. An electronic word formatted confirmotlon of compliance letter from the applicant is to be provided. A pdf version was provided before. Also, the individual responses must also include the sentence that the condition has been complied and how ii hos been complied. All the conditions of approval of the preliminary plat must be complied with prior to sending the final plot for Hearing Examiner opprovat Response: All conditions of the Hearing Examiner are satisfied or in the process of being completed ahead of final plat recording as required. A separate "Confirmation of Compliance" letter documenting how each of the specific plat conditions has been met is included with this final re- submillal. ii. The individual Lot storm water BMP table information should be consistent with the information shown in the approved utility construction permit. Response: The individual lot storm water BMP table has been added to plat map sheet 3 to identify compliance with the voluntary impervious coverage reduction. iii. Declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions • Section 9 of Article I currently refers to the year 2014. Shouldn't it refer to 2015? Response: The CC&Rs have been updated to correct al/ dates and section references. iv. The tracts mentioned in the final plat map should be consistent with the tracts mentioned in the CCR's. Response: The CC&Rs have been updated to correct all Tract references lo match the final plat map pages. v. Please see the attached storm drainage language on plats document. Include the storm drainage notes that are applicable to your project. Response: Plat Note 2 on sheet 2 has been written consistent with the typical notes provided for Tract A. vi. Per the City of Renton code RMC4-6-030, the CCR's should include the note regarding the storm water tract. Please confirm that the note regarding the storm water tract as per the code requirements is included in the CCR's. Here is the drainage tract language below to be included in the CCRs 4-6-030 DRAINAGE (SURFACE WATER} STANDARDS: F. CREATION OF TRACTS AND/OR EASEMENTS, l. Method of Creation for City-Maintained Facility for New Residential Subdivisions with Drainage Facilities that Collect Public Runoff, New residential subdivisions shall place slormwater flow control and water quality treatment ponds, vaults and other similar drainage facilities, along with the required perimeter landscaping, in a stormwoter tract that is granted and conveyed with all ownership and maintenance obligations (excluding maintenance of the drainage facilities) to the subdivision's lot owners, their assigns, heirs, and successors. An easement under and upon said tract shall be dedicated to the City for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing the drainage facilities contained in the slormwater tract. Only the chain link fence (if required by subsection G of this Section), flow control, water quality The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response to Final Plat Review Comments January 25, 2016 Page 5 of 7 CPH No. 00 11-11-008 treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City; maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping in said stormwater tract shall be the responsibility of the tract owner(s). a. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions: Covenants, conditions and restrictions, which are approved by the Administrator, shall be recorded with the King County Recorder's Office prior to recording the plat. The applicant shall provide a copy of the recorded document. These covenants shaJI specify, at o minimum, the following: i. Ownership, maintenance, and repair for the commonly owned drainage tract, landscaping, and facilities (excluding maintenance of the drainage facilities); ii. No modification of the tract or landscaping within the tract shall be allowed without the City's prior written approval. iii. These covenants shall be irrevocable and binding on all the property owners, including their assigns, heirs, and successors. Response: The required note(,) regarding ownership, maintenance, and improvements/repairs oF the Facilities within storm water Traci A are included in the CC&Rs. 1. Utility Improvements Punch list Complete all utility, drainage, paving, grading, street lighting, landscaping, street improvements, including Installation of oil street signs for the project. This includes all punch list items from the Public Works Inspector and/or the City Maintenance Division. Please continue working with inspector, Pat Miller, 206-794-6162. The utility construction permit must be signed off by the inspector prior to recording of the plat. Please ensure all punch list items are complete, the project has a final walk through and permit sign off has been completed. Response: All outstanding construction punch /isl items, including those provided with the City's final plat review letter, have been completed. 2. As-Built Submittal The corrections for the As-Built paper plans shall be provided to the applicant engineer. The corrected paper plans and final mylars of As-built plans must be submitted for our permanent records. The mylars shall be labeled "AS-BUILT" in a large block letters and stomped by a PE or PLS. The As-Built plans should show volume confirmations for the water quality and retention/ detention pond portions. Confirmation of orifice elevations, confirmation of outlet invert elevations, and stamp from the surveyor stating the built volume is more than the required volume to support the development's runoff . Submit a CAD file along with your As-Built drawings. Response: As-built (record) drawings prepared in accordance with City standards were provided lo the City For final approval previously as a separate submilla/ (July 2015 ). That as-built submillal package a/so included the necessary storm waler pond certification leller signed and sealed by a ProFessiona/ Engineer registered in the State oF Washington. Fina/ mylar plans and electronic CAD Files will be provided promptly upon notification lo the applicant and/or engineer that the previous and lino/ versions are approved. 3. Construction Cost Data The Cost Data Inventory Form (based on information from the As-Built drawing) is to be completed and submitted with the Bill of Sale. The Cost Doto Inventory must reflect the actual cost of construction in dollars (value) for each utility the City will own and maintain. The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response lo Final Piaf Review Comments CPH No. 0011-11-008 January 25, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Response: A copy of the completed Cost Data Inventory Form for the proiect is included with this re- submittal package. 4. Bill of Sale The Bill of Sale is to reflect the items and quantities as shown on the Cost Data and Inventory Form. Include sidewalk, curb, gutter, sewer, storm, and storm vault to be owned and maintained by the City. Response: A copy of the completed Bill of Sale for the project is included with this re-submillal package. S. Maintenance Bond A two year Maintenance Bond or Assignment of Funds is required in the amount of 20% of the grand total of the storm, streets, sidewalk, curb and gutter and storm vault costs as shown on the Cost Dato Inventory form. The permit bond will be released upon receipt and acceptance of the maintenance bond or assignment of funds. Response: The required maintenance bond or reduction of the current performance bond for the amount of 20% of the total cost of public facilities as itemized shall be posted prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. Easements Separate utility easements, if applicable will be required to be submitted for review. Easement documents, where applicable, must be submitted, approved, and recorded by the City. Please submit all applicable easements for our review and approval before signing and notarizing by the property owner. We will return for final signature and notarization once our Technical Services Division has approved the legal description and easement form. Please include legal description as "Exhibit A" and map showing location of easement as "Exhibit B". Response: There are no easements for this proiect that require separately recorded documents/instruments. All proposed and necessary easement provisions are encapsulated in the final plat map pages enclosed. 7. All Fees Paid i. All outstanding fees must be paid. Response: All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to final plat recording. ii. Ensure any overtime inspection billed to the job is paid. Response: Any approved overtime inspection costs shall be paid prior to final plat recording. iii. A check in the amount of $31.62 made out to Postal Express will be required prior to recording. Response: A check in the amount of $31.62 made payable to Postal Express will be provided with the submittal of the final mylars for signature. The Woods at Highlands Parks (aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat) Response to Final Plat Review Comments CPH No. 001 1. 1 1 -008 January 25, 2016 Page 7 of 7 Please contact me directly at (425) 285-2391 or by e-mail at matt@cphconsultants.com if you have questions or need any additional information to complete your review and approval of the project. Your prompt response is appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, ~' CPH Consulfunts copy to file DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ( :itY qf COST DATA AND INVENTORY Project Name: The Woods at Highlands. Park City of Renton Development Engineering Plan Review 1055 S Grady Way, 61h Floor For City Use Only City Project Numbers: FROM: Tiffiny Brovm Bumsteal'.I Construclion LLC 11980 NE 24th Street WTR- WWP- SWP- TRO- TED- Renton, WA 98057 _s_e1_1,_w_,_, w_A_,_,_,oo_, ____________________ _ DATE: January 12.2016 Per the request of the City of Renton, the following information is furnished concerning costs for improvements proposed to be installed for the above referenced project. WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Type WATERMAIN Length Size (Inches) WATERMAIN WATERMA!N WATERMAIN GATE VALVES GATE VALVES GATE VALVES FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMaUES (Cost of Fire Hydrants must be listed separately) Engineering Design Costs City Permit Fees Washington State Sales Tax L.F of ------l.F of L.F of L.F of Each of Each of Each of Each of TOTAL COST FOR WATER SYSTEM $ $ $ $ s SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM Type SEWER MAIN PVC $34,000 SEWER MAJN SEWER MAIN DIAMETER OF MANHOLES Length 1,073 l.F. of LF. of LF. Of 8 S22.000 EA of Engineering Design Costs City Permit Fees Washington State Sales Tax (Sewer Stub"line between sewer main and private property line) Size (Inches) 8" 48" $8,000 $1,000 $ $10,000 Type Length STORM LINE LCPE $39,000 1,322 STORM LINE LCPE $6,200 148 STORM FACILITY STORM lNLET LCPE $1,700 2 STORM CATCH BASIN Type 1. 1-L $20,000 16 STORM CATCHBAS!N Type 2 $2,450 3 Engineering Design Costs City Permit Fees Washington State Sales Tax TOTAL COST FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM S75,000 TOTAL COST FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, and street lighting) Street improvements include 2,200 l.F. of curb, gut1er, arid sidewalk along with 3.615 S.Y. of asphai1 pavemenl 13 street light poles were also installed $98,600 SIGNALIZATION: {Including Engineering design costs, City permit fe€s, WA State sales tax) NIA STREET LIGHTING: (Including Engineering design costs, City permit fees, WA Sate sales tax) 13 street light poles $96,000 Size LF. of 12" LF. of 18" EA of EA of 18" EA of Type 1, EA of 48"-54" $10,000 S1000 s $80,350 • s--· ,/ ~:/ .) ~~~!Lill'~-·' ----- -··; 1-l SIG,'!A r u;u: (S.:,;rqtory must !Jc c1uthori1ed ;igenl or (wmr:-r of ,ub1cd development) H·\CED\Dat;,\For m·; I ernpi,1tes\Seif-Hnlp l--l,1ndc:Jt<;\Publ1c '-.\lurks\ COS J DAT A rurm d,.,c 08/1'1 ' Return Address: City C Jerk' s Office City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 BILL OF SALE Proj Name: The Woods at Highlands Park Project File#: Street Tntersection: Property Tax Parcel Number: 1423059003 Address: LUA15-000713 FP NE 2nd Street & Rosario Ave NE 6101 NE 2nd Street Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. Bumstead Construction LLC I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor, as named above, for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and ddivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal propc11y: WATER SYSTEM: Type Length Size (Inches) \Yater Main L.F. of Water Main L.F. of Water Main L.F. of Gate Valves Each of Gate Valves Each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies Each of SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Type Length Size (Inches) Sewer Main PVC 1,073 LF of B" Sewer Main L.F. of Sewer Main L.F. of Diameter of!\.lanholes B Each of 48" Diameter of i\-lanholes Each of Lift Stations Each of STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Type Length Size {Inches) Storm iv!ain LCPE 1.322 LF of 12" Storm i\,[ain LCPE 148 L.F. of 10" Storm Facility Each of Storm lnlct/Ulltlct Pond outlet. inlet 2 Each of 18" - Storm Catd1 Basin Type 1, 1-L 16 E.id1 of Type 1. 1 L ~!anhole Type 2 3 Each of 48"-54" STREET IMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 2.200 L.F. Asphalt Pavement 3,615 S.Y. of or Width STREET LIGHTING: 13 #of Poles -----------13 y this coin-eynnce. Grantor will warrant and dd'i:nd the sale hereby made unto 1hc (irnntcc against all and cn!ry pt!rson or pcrsmh, Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be \Vithin box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) J certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that---------- ___________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTA T!VE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ ------------~----~~ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they wasforerc authorized to execute tbi:! instrument and acknowledged it as the-----------and -~-------of_~~-~--~----to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _________________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: 11:.,J ·1-:l)\l)a1a,Fumb-\ 1.!mpl:lle.~' Self-I kip ! l.i11drn1ts'·.l'l1blic \\ ()l"k~il~I I l. '-i.-\l.l~.dnc Notary Seri[ must be \vithin box COllPOHA 1E FOR..ll OF ACKNOIVU::DG;HENT STATE OF W ,\Sl-IINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ L~ day of (ktnuJ , 20LiL-before me personally rippcarcd -; _, ~ Dt..{/v"!J to rne known to be of tht corporation that executed the within instrument. an( acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/shew.is authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) /YJ4t:f'l 73en ed, J My appointment expires: ; // /ao Dated: / 7 ' DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK THIS DECLARATION AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK ("Declaration") is made on the date hereinafter set forth by Bumstead Construction LLC, ("Declarant"), who is the owner of certain land situated in the State of Washington, County of King, known as The Woods at Highlands Park (hereinafter referred to as 'The Woods at Highlands Park"), which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. In order to ensure preservation of the residential environment at The Woods at Highlands Park, Declarant agrees and covenants that all land and improvements now existing or hereafter constructed thereon shall be held, sold, conveyed subject to, and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, liens and easements, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of such lands for the benefit of all of such lands and the owners thereof and their heirs, successors, grantees and assigns. All provisions of this Declaration shall be binding upon all parties thereof and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and to the benefit of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association and shall otherwise in all respects be regarded as covenants running with the land. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS For the purposes of the Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association, certain words and phrases shall have particular meanings as follows: Section 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns. Section 2. "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association, as provided for in Article X. For purposes of exercising the powers and duties assigned in this Declaration to the Board, this term shall also mean the Initial Board of Declarant, as provided in Article II, unless the language or context clearly indicates otherwise. Section 3. "Properties" subject to this Declaration shall mean and refer to the real property described with particularity in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", and such Other Parcels which may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association. Section 4. "Owner" or "Lot Owner'' shall mean and refer to record owner (whether one or more persons or entities) of a fee interest in any Lot, including the Declarant and participating Builders, but excluding Mortgagees or other persons or entities having such interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation. Purchasers or assignees under recorded real estate contracts shall be deemed Owners as against their respective sellers or assignors. Section 5. "Common Areas" and "Common Maintenance Areas". Common Areas shall mean and refer to any of the real property (including the improvements thereon) owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association. Common Maintenance Areas shall mean those portions of all real property (including the improvements thereon) maintained by the Association for the benefit of the members of the Association. Section 6. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land, excluding tracts, as shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the Properties. Lot shall include the Residence located thereon. Section 7. "Declarant" shall mean BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, and any of its successors and assigns who identifies itself as a successor declarant in a recorded instrument and who assumes all the obligations of THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK as declarant under the agreement. Section 8. "Architectural Control Committee" shall refer to the duly appointed or elected committee of the Board of Directors as outlined in Article XI of this Declaration, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee". Section 9. "Development Period" shall mean and refer to that period of time defined in Article II of this Declaration. Section 10. "Plat" shall mean and refer to the Plat of The Woods at Highlands Park as recorded on ----~~2~0~1~6 in the records of King County, State of Washington, under Recording. Section 11. occupying any Lot. "Residence" shall mean and be limited to single family residences only Section 12. "Other Parcels" shall mean those parcels of land which may be added to the Properties. ARTICLE II DEVELOPMENT PERIOD; MANAGEMENT RIGHTS OF DECLARANT DURING DEVELOPMENT Section 1. Management by Declarant. "Development Period" shall mean that period of time from the date of recording the Declaration until (1) a date twenty (20) years from the date of recording this Declaration or (2) the thirtieth (30th) day after Declarant has transferred title to the purchasers of Lots representing 99 percent of the total voting power of all Owners as then constituted or (3) the date on which Declarant elects to permanently relinquish all of Declarant's authority under this Article II by written notice to all Owners, whichever date first occurs. Until termination of the Development Period, the Property shall be managed and the Association organized at the sole discretion of the Declarant. Section 2. Initial Board. Declarant may, in its sole discretion, and at such times as the Declarant deems appropriate, appoint three persons who may be Owners, or are representatives of corporate entities or other entities which are Owners, as an Initial Board. This Initial Board shall have full authority and all rights, responsibilities, privileges and duties to manage the Properties under this Declaration and shall be subject to all provisions of this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws, provided that after selecting the Initial Board, the Declarant, in the exercise of its sole discretion, may at any time terminate the Initial Board and reassume its management authority under Article II or select a new Board under this section of Article II. Section 3. Notice to Owners. Not less than fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the termination of the Development Period, the Declarant shall send written notice of the termination of the Development Period to the Owner of each Lot. Said notice shall specify the date when the Development Period will terminate and shall further notify the Owners of the date, place and time when a meeting of the Association will be held. The notice shall specify that the purpose of the Association meeting is to elect new Officers and Directors of the Association. Notwithstanding any provision of the Articles or Bylaws of the Association to the contrary, for the purpose of this meeting, the presence, either in person or by proxy, of the Owners of eight (8) Lots shall constitute a quorum. The term "proxy" is defined as "the authority or power to act for another, in person, or by document giving such authority". In other words, an Owner may designate another individual to act on their behalf. The Board of Directors and Officers of the Association may be elected by a majority vote of said quorum. If a quorum shall not be present, the Development Period shall nevertheless terminate on that date specified in said notice and it shall thereafter be the responsibility of the Owners to provide for the operation of the Association. Section 4. Management of Properties During Development Period. Declarant, or a managing agent selected by the Declarant, and/or the Initial Board, shall have the power and authority to exercise all the rights, duties and functions of the Board of Directors and generally exercise all powers necessary to carry out the provisions of this Declaration. Section 5. Purpose of Development Period. These requirements and covenants are made to ensure that the Properties shall be adequately administered in the initial stages of development and to ensure an orderly transition to Association operations. Each Owner accepts this management authority in Declarant. Section 6. Expenditures During Development Period. During the Development Period, Declarant, or any agent of Declarant, shall have the sole discretion to use and consume all or so much of the dues paid in as in Declarant's judgment is necessary or expedient in maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas and carrying out the other functions of the Association. This includes, but is not limited to, any legal fees associated with Declarant, or any agent of Declarant carrying out any duties during the Development Period, including all costs associated with turning over the Association after the expiration of said Development Period. Upon termination of the Development Period, Declarant shall deliver any funds remaining to the Association. ARTICLE Ill EASEMENTS Section 1. Easements for Utilities. An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Verizon, Comcast, Puget Sound Energy, and their respective successors and assigns, over, under, across and upon the exterior 9 (9) feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots, tracts and common areas in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground conduits, cables, pipe and wires with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas television cable and other utility services together with the right to enter upon the lots, tracts and common areas at times for the purposes herein stated. Section 2 Sanitary Sewer Easement. The public Sanitary Sewer easements designated on the plat are hereby reserved for and granted to City of Renton Utility District for the purpose of constructing, reconstruction, operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system, together with the right of ingress and egress for such purposes. The easements shall be free from all structures, i.e. covered parking, deck overhangs, shed, etc. Section 3. Water Main Easement. Public water easements designated on the plat are hereby reserved for and granted to Water District 90 Utility District, together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to excavate, construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or rebuild the water system. The easement shall be free from all structures, i.e. covered parking, decks, overhangs, sheds, etc. No fence or obstruction shall be constructed from the edge of the water meters, fire hydrants and blow-off assemblies which restricts access by the water district. Section 4. Storm Drainage Easements. All drainage easements within this plat, not shown as "private" are hereby granted and conveyed to the City of Renton. A municipal corporation, for the purposes of conveying, storing, managing, and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this plat by the City of Renton together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress) to enter said drainage easement for the purposes of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note: except for those facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by the City of Renton, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owners(s). 1 the private drainage easement shown on lot 1 is for the benefit of lot 2. 2 the private drainage easement shown on lot 3 is for the benefit of lot 4. 3 the private drainage easement shown on lot 6 is for the benefit of lot 5. 4 the private drainage easement shown on lots 8 and 9 is for the benefit of lots 7 and 8. 5 the private drainage easement shown on lot 11 is for the benefit of lot 10. 6 the private drainage easement shown on tract bis for the benefit of lots 12, 13 and 14. • private drainage easement: the owner(s) of private property within this plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "private" hereby grant and convey to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, the right but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per engineering plans approved for the plat by the City of Renton, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress) to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owner(s) are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from the City of Renton or its successors agency, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches ponds, etc.) Or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. Covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owner(s) of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. * the City of Renton shall have the right to enter the private drainage easements shown hereon to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the owner(s) is/are negligent in the maintenance of the drainage facilities. These repairs shall be at the owner(s) cost. Section 5. Miscellaneous Easements and Restrictions. (i) No further subdivision of any Lot shall be allowed without resubmittal for formal plat procedure.; (ii) No Lot or portion of a Lot in the Plat shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of the Lot shall be less than the area required for the use district in which located.; (iii) Street trees have been planted by the Declarant. All street trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owner unless and until City of Renton or its successor agency has adopted a maintenance program. (iv) City of Renton shall be responsible for maintaining all rights-of-way within the Plat; (v) The Association shall establish and periodically update "Rules and Regulations" which shall apply to all Lot Owners within The Woods at Highlands Park. Section 6. Access Easements. The Association and its agents shall have an easement for access to each Lot and to the exterior of any building located thereon during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the purposes stated below. Owners hereby grant to the Association. the Board, and the Declarant, and their individual agents, an express access easement for purposes of going upon the Lots of Owners for the following purposes: (i) The maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvement of any Common Maintenance Areas accessible from that Lot; (ii) Emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to the Common Maintenance Areas or to another Lot or the improvements thereon; (iii) Cleaning, maintenance, repair, or restoration work which the Owner is required to do but has failed or refused to do; and (iv) The removal of Vehicles, goods, equipment, devices or other objects which are parked or stored in violation of the terms of this Declaration. Except in an emergency where advanced notice is not possible, these easements shall be exercised only after reasonable notice to the Owner. ARTICLE IV COMMON AREAS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS Section 1. Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas shall include those portions of all real property (including improvements thereon) maintained by the Association for the benefits of the members of the Association. The areas to be maintained by the Association include park, entry signage and landscaping including water and electric; street trees and mailbox stands. The Association shall have the right and the obligation to maintain the Common Maintenance Areas and shall pay the actual cost of the same from annual or special assessments as appropriate. Section 2. Alteration of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Nothing shall be altered, or constructed in, or removed from the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas except upon prior written consent of the Association. Section 3. Dumping in Common Maintenance Areas. No trash, plant or grass clippings or other debris of any kind shall be dumped, deposited or placed on or within the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. Section 5. Other Maintenance Costs for Association. In addition to maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas, the Association shall also be responsible for the payment of the electric bills incurred in connection with the operation of the streetlights within the Properties until the utility provider for the streetlights directly bills the individual Lot Owners. ARTICLE V TRACTS Section 1. Tract A: is a public storm drainage tract and hereby conveyed to The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowner's Association. The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners Association will maintain all landscaping and amenities within the proposed Tract "A" from and including the fence outwards and the City of Renton will maintain the storm pond from the fence inward. A drainage easement over Tract "A" is hereby granted and conveyed to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water approved by this plat and the City of Renton, together with the right for the City of Renton, its successors or assigns to enter said drainage easement and covenant for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained herein. In the event the HOA should be dissolved, then each lot shall have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A" as well as responsibility for the maintenance obligations of the HOA with respect to Tract "A" as set forth herein. Membership in the HOA and payment of dues or other assessments shall remain an appurtenance to and inseparable from each lot. Section 2. Tract B: is for recreation purposes only for the benefit of all the lot owners in this plat. Each lot owner in this plat (1 through 14 inclusive) shall have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "B". The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowner's Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "B". However, should the homeowners association fail to properly maintain Tract "B" then lot owners of all the lots 1 through 14 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "B". ARTICLE VI MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS AND SITES; DELEGATION OF MANAGEMENT Section 1. Responsibility for Maintaining Common Maintenance Areas. The Association is responsible for maintaining and preserving the character and function of areas designated on the face of the Plat and these covenants as Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas have been set aside for landscaping and community identification purposes and those areas are referred to in Article IV, Section 1 above. Section 2. Repair of Common Maintenance Areas. Any damage to Common Maintenance Areas or improvements thereon, including landscape plantings, sprinkler systems, fences, berms, etc., by the Owners or their children or guests shall be repaired by the Association and the Owner who caused the area to be damaged shall be responsible for reimbursing the Association all costs incurred by the Association for the repairs. The Owner shall be obliged to immediately remit funds for the repair to the Association. If the Owner fails to promptly make payment for such repairs, the Owner shall be charged interest at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum. Section 3. Management. Each Owner expressly covenants that the Board and the Declarant, during the Development Period, may delegate all or any portion of their management authority to a managing agent, manager or officer of the Association and may enter into such management contracts or other service contracts to provide for maintenance and the operation of Common Maintenance Areas and any portion thereof. Any management agreement or employment agreement for the maintenance or management of the Common Maintenance Areas or any portion thereof shall be terminable by the Association without cause upon 90 days' written notice thereof; the term of any such agreement shall not exceed three (3) years, renewable by agreement of the parties for successive three (3) year periods. Each Owner is bound to observe the terms and conditions of any such management agreement or employment contract, all of which shall be made available for inspection by any Owner on request. Fees applicable to any such management, employment or service agreement shall be assessed to the Association or Owners. ARTICLE VII ASSESSMENTS Section 1. Creation of Lien and Personal Obligation. Each Owner of any Lot, by acceptance of a deed therefore, whether it shall be so expressed in each deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association (1) annual assessments or charges; (2) special assessments for capital improvements; and (3) special assessments for legal fees and damages. If the Owner fails to timely pay assessments within thirty (30) days of the date specified by the Association, the annual and special assessments, together with any interest, costs and any reasonable attorneys' fees incurred to collect such assessments, shall be a lien on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with any interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in attempting to collect the assessment, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to successors in title unless expressly assumed by them. The Association shall record such liens in the Office of the King County Auditor. Section 2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Properties and for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Maintenance Areas as provided in Article IV. Section 3. Annual Assessment. Annual assessments shall be levied equally on all Lots. The initial annual fee will be $ per lot. Section 4. Computation. It shall be the duty of the Board to prepare a budget covering the estimated costs of operating the Association during the coming year, which shall include a capital reserve. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the budget, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the budget, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the budget, in person or by proxy, the budget shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the owners shall be continued until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. Section 5. Revised Budget. If the financial circumstances of the Association materially change during any year, the Board may prepare a revised budget for the balance of the year. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the revised budget, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the revised budget, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the revised budget, in person or by proxy, the revised budget shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the revised budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the owners shall be continued until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. Section 6. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy, in any assessment year, a common assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Maintenance Areas not provided by this Declaration, including fixtures and personal property related thereto. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the special assessments for capital improvements, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the special assessment, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the special assessment, in person or by proxy, the special assessment shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. Section 7. Special Assessments for Legal Fees and Damages. In addition to the annual and special assessments authorized above, the Declarant, during the Development Period, or the Association may levy in any assessment year a special assessment for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, (1) the cost of legal fees and costs incurred in legal actions in which the Association is a party, (2) the cost of legal fees and costs incurred in any action in which a member of either the Board or Committee is named as a party as a result of a decision made or action performed while acting in behalf of the Association, or (3) any other reasonable expenses incurred by the Association. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the special assessment for legal fees and damages, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the special assessment, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the special assessment, in person or by proxy, the special assessment shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. Section 8. Uniform Rate of Assessment. Both annual and special assessments must be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots and must be collected on an annual basis. Section 9. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessment; Due Dates. The annual assessments described in this Article shall commence on January 1, 2011. The first annual assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year. After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors shall fix the annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject to such assessments. The due date shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association shall, upon demand and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer or the administrator of the Association setting forth whether the Assessment on a specified Lot has been paid. Section 10. Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments; Remedies of the Association. Any assessment not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Each Owner hereby expressly vests in the Association or its agents the right and power to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such assessments as debts and to enforce lien rights of the Association by all methods available for the enforcement of such liens, including foreclosure by an action brought in the name of the Association in like manner as a mortgage of real property. Such Owner hereby expressly grants to the Association the power of sale in connection with such liens. The liens provided for in this section shall be in favor of the Association and shall be for the benefit of the Association. The Association shall have the power to bid in an interest at foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey the same. The Owner is responsible for payment of all attorneys' fees incurred in collecting past due assessments or enforcing the terms of assessment liens (see Article m, Section 4). No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided herein by non-use of the Common Maintenance Areas or abandonment of his Lot. The Association shall have the right to suspend use of the neighborhood park and suspend the voting rights of an Owner for any period during which any assessment against the Lot remains unpaid for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction of the terms of either this Declaration, the Articles or the Bylaws of the Association. Section 11. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgage. The lien for assessment provided for in this Article shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu thereof, shall extinguish the lien created pursuant to this Article as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer, however, shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments which thereafter become due or from the lien thereof. Section 12. Exempt Property. All property dedicated to and accepted by City of Renton shall be exempt from the assessments provided for in this Article. Section 13. Budget Deficits During Declarant Control. In the event there is a deficit between the actual operating expenses of the Association (but specifically not including an allocation for capital reserves), and the sum of the annual, special and specific assessments collected by the Association in any fiscal year, Declarant, or its members individually, may, in their sole discretion, contribute funds to the Association in order to satisfy the shortfall, or any portion thereof. ARTICLE VIII MAINTENANCE OF LOTS Section 1. Exterior Maintenance by Owner. Each Lot and Residence shall be maintained by the Owner in a neat, clean and sightly condition at all times and shall be kept free of accumulations of litter, junk, containers, equipment, building materials and other debris. All refuse shall be kept in sanitary containers sealed from the outlook of any Lot. The containers shall be emptied regularly and their contents disposed of off the Lot. No grass cuttings, leaves, limbs, branches, and other debris from vegetation shall be dumped or allowed to accumulate on any part of the Properties, except that a regularly tended compost device (approved by the Committee) shall be permitted. The Owners of each Lot shall maintain the lawn and landscaping on the Lot in a condition consistent with the maintenance standards of the plat. This includes, but is not limited to, adequate watering, removing weeds, mowing, edging and fertilizing. This obligation to maintain landscaping extends into the public right-of-way along the front of the Lot. Lot Owners shall maintain any lawn and or plantings in the median strip between the sidewalk and edge of curb. Section 2. Parking of Vehicles: Storage of Goods, Equipment or Devices. There shall be no permanent and/or temporary storage of goods, Vehicles, as defined below, equipment, or devices permitted in open outlook from any Lot or right-of-way. The term "Vehicles" as used herein shall include, without limitation, automobiles, vans or trucks with or without business logo, campers, trucks, busses, motor homes, mobile homes, boats, trailers, portable aircraft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, minibikes, scooters, go-carts, and any other towed or self-propelled transportation type vehicle. The term "Passenger Vehicles" as used herein shall include passenger automobiles, vans, small trucks, motorcycles, and similar type vehicles used regularly and primarily as transportation for the Occupants of the Lot. The term "Commercial and Recreational Vehicles" as used herein shall include, without limitation, vans or trucks with business logos, campers, busses, motor homes, mobile homes, boats, trailers, portable aircraft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, minibikes, scooters, and go-carts. The following restrictions apply: (i) Parking areas shall refer to the number of garage parking spaces. All Vehicles must be parked within garages. Driveway areas in front of garages shall be considered parking areas for Passenger Vehicles only and only to the extent that sufficient parking spaces are not provided in the garage for all the Vehicles used by the Occupants of the Lot.; (ii) No Commercial and/or Recreational Vehicle shall be permitted on the driveway or any other portion of the Owner's Lot, except within a garage, however, Recreational Vehicles shall be allowed to park on the driveway for a maximum forty-eight (48) hour period, for the sole purpose of loading and unloading the Recreational Vehicle; (iii) No Vehicles and/or Passenger Vehicles shall be parked overnight on any right- of-way adjoining any Lot; provided that vehicles belonging to guests may occasionally be parked during the day in the right-of-way adjoining a Lot. (iv) No Passenger Vehicles parked on the driveway may extend over the sidewalk and/or into the right-of-way.; and (v) Owners who have visiting guests intending to stay may secure written permission from the Association. Such a privilege shall only exist, however, after the written permission has been obtained from the Association. Section 3. Lot Maintenance by the Association. In the event an Owner fails to maintain the exterior of his premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner consistent with maintenance standards of The Woods at Highlands Park community, the Association shall, upon receipt of written complaint of any Owner, or upon its own initiative, and a subsequent investigation, have the right through its agents and employees to enter upon the offending Owner's Lot and repair, maintain and restore the Lot and exterior of the improvements on that Lot if the Owner shall fail to respond in a manner satisfactory to the Association within fourteen (14) days after mailing of adequate notice by certified mail to the last known address of the Owner. The cost of such repair, maintenance or restoration shall be assessed against the Lot, and the Association shall have the right to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for labor and materials furnished, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by law. In the event that the estimated cost of such repair should exceed one-half of one percent of the assessed value of the Lot and improvements on that Lot, the Association shall be required to have the consent of fifty-one percent (51 % ) of the Members before undertaking such repairs. ARTICLE IX HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION Section 1. Non-Profit Corporation. The Association shall be a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Washington. The Association may be an unincorporated Association during the Development Period, unless the Declarant elects to incorporate the Association. Section 2. Membership. Every person or entity which is an Owner of any Lot shall become a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to the Lot and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot and shall not be assigned or conveyed in any way except upon the transfer of title to said Lot and then only to the Transferee of title to the Lot. All Owners shall have the rights and duties specified in this Declaration. the Articles and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 3. Voting Rights. Owners, including the Declarant, shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot owned. When more than one person or entity owns an interest in any Lot, the vote for that Lot shall be exercised as the Owners decide to exercise that vote, but, in no event, shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot, nor shall any vote be divided. The voting rights of any Owner may be suspended as provided for in this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 4. Meetings. Meetings shall be conducted in accord with the specifications set forth in the Bylaws of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association. ARTICLEX MANAGEMENT BY THE BOARD Section 1. Enforcement of Declaration. The Board shall have the power to enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the rules and regulations of the Association for the benefit of the Association. The failure of any Owner to comply with the provisions of this Declaration or the rules and regulations of the Association will give rise to a cause of action in the Association (acting through the Board) and any aggrieved Owner for recovery of damages, or injunctive relief, or both. Section 2. Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall be set forth in the Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the Owners in accordance with the Bylaws. All Board positions shall be open for election at the first annual meeting after termination of the Development Period. The terms of the Board are defined in the Bylaws. Section 3. Powers of the Board. All powers of the Board must be exercised in accordance with the specifications which are set forth in the Bylaws. The Board, for the benefit of all the Properties and the Owners, shall enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws. In addition to the duties and powers imposed by the Bylaws and any resolution of the Association that may be hereafter adopted, the Board shall have the power and be responsible for the following, in way of explanation, but not limitation: (i) Insurance. Obtain policies of general liability insurance. (ii) Legal and Accounting Services. Obtain legal and accounting services, if necessary, to the administration of Association affairs, administration of the Common Maintenance Areas, or the enforcement of this Declaration. (iii) Maintenance. Pay all costs of maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas. (iv) Maintenance of Lots. If necessary, maintain any Lot if such maintenance is reasonably necessary in the judgment of the Board to (1) protect Common Maintenance Areas, or (2) to preserve the appearance and value of the Properties and/or Lot. The Board may authorize such maintenance activities if the Owner or Owners of the Lot have failed or refused to perform maintenance within a reasonable time after written notice of the necessity of such maintenance has been delivered by the Board to the Owner or Owners of such Lot, provided that the Board shall levy a special assessment against the Owner or Owners of such Lot for the cost of such maintenance. (v) Discharge of Liens. The Board may also pay any amount necessary to discharge any lien or encumbrance levied against the entire Properties or any part thereof which is claimed or may, in the opinion of the Board, constitute a lien against the Properties or against the Common Maintenance Areas rather than merely against the interest therein of particular Owners. Where one or more Owners are responsible for the existence of such liens, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the cost of discharging it and any costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title search incurred by the Board by reason of such lien or liens. Such fees and costs shall be assessed against the Owner or Owners and the Lot responsible to the extent of their responsibility. (vi) Utilities. Pay all utility charges attributable to Common Maintenance Areas. (vii) Security. Pay all costs deemed appropriate by the Board to ensure adequate security for the Lots and Common Maintenance Areas constituting the residential community created on the Properties. (viii) Right to Contract. Have the right to contract for all goods, services, maintenance, and capital improvements provided. However, such right of contract shall be subject to Association approval. (ix) Improvement of Common Maintenance Areas. Improve the Common Maintenance Areas with capital improvements to such Common Maintenance Areas, subject to the terms of Article VII, Section 6. (x) Right of Entry. Enter any Lot or Residence when reasonably necessary in the event of emergencies or in connection with any maintenance, landscaping or construction for which the Board is responsible. Except in cases of emergencies, the Board, its agents or employees shall attempt to give notice to the Owner or occupant of any Lot or Residence twenty-four (24) hours prior to such entry. Such entry must be made with as little inconvenience to the Owners as practicable and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Board if the entry was due to an emergency (unless the emergency was caused by the Owner of the Lot entered, in which case the cost shall be specially assessed to the Lot). If the repairs or maintenance activities were necessitated by the Owner's neglect of the Lot, the cost of such repair or maintenance activity shall be specially assessed to that Lot. If the emergency or the need for maintenance or repair was caused by another Owner of another Lot, the cost thereof shall be assessed against the Owner of the other Lot. (xi) Promulgation of Rules. Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the members and their guests and establish penalties for any infraction thereof. (xii) Declaration of Vacancies. Declare the office of a member of the Board to be vacant in the event that a member of the Board is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the Board. (xiii) Employment of Manager. Employ a manager, an independent contractor, or such other employee as the Board deems necessary and describe the duties of such employees. (xiv) Payment for Goods and Service. Pay for all goods and services required for the proper functioning of the Common Maintenance Areas. (xv) Impose Assessments. Impose annual and special assessments. (xvi) Bank Account. Open a bank account on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required. (xvii) Easements. Execute any and all covenants, easements, or other necessary documentation relating to the use of Common Maintenance Areas. (xviii) Exercise of Powers. Duties and Authority. Exercise for the Association all powers. duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions of the Bylaws. Articles of Incorporation, or this Declaration. The Board shall have all powers and authority permitted to it under this Declaration and the Bylaws. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give the Board authority to conduct a business for profit on behalf of all the Owners or any of them. ARTICLE XI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 1. Architectural Control Committee {"Committee"). The Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) members. It is not a requirement that members of the Committee be (1) Owners or (2) members of the Association. During the Development Period, the Declarant may elect to exercise and perform the functions of the Committee. If the Declarant elects not to perform this function or at any time elects to no longer perform this function. the Declarant or the Board shall appoint the Committee to function as herein provided. After termination of the Development Period, the functions of the Committee shall be performed by the Board until such time as the Board shall appoint and designate the Committee. The Committee shall be appointed within one month of the election of the Board following the termination of the Development Period. Section 2. Jurisdiction and Purpose. The Committee, or Declarant if a Committee has not been appointed, shall review proposed plans and specifications for accessory structures, air conditioners, fences, walls, hot tubs, sports courts, appurtenant recreational facilities or other exterior structures to be placed upon the Lots or Properties. No exterior addition or structural alteration may be made until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials and location of the proposed structure or alteration have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Committee. The Committee shall also review proposals to change the exterior color of residences in the community. The Committee shall determine whether the exterior design and location of the proposed structure, alteration, or color change harmonizes with the surrounding structures, surrounding natural and built environment, and aesthetic character of other residences in the Woods at Highlands Park community. Section 3. Membership. The Committee shall be designated by the Board. An election to fill either a newly created position on the Committee or a vacancy on the Committee requires the vote of the majority of the entire Board. However, the Board is not obliged to fill a vacancy on the Committee unless the membership of the Committee numbers less than three (3) persons. Section 4. Designation of a Representative. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of its members or a third party to act on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and discretionary judgments. The recommendations of such individuals are subject to review by the entire Committee at the request of any member of the Committee. Section 5. Voting. Committee decisions shall be determined by a majority vote by the members of the Committee. Section 6. Submission of Plans and Specs. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the Committee shall be submitted by mail to the address of the Committee in duplicate. The written submission shall contain the name and address of the Owner submitting construction plans and specs which include, but are not limited to: a site plan, architectural, grading, lighting, and landscape plans. The plans and specifications should contain the following information: (i) Building elevations for all sides of the residence and/or accessory structures with reference to the existing and finished Lot grade. Include foundation, windows, garages, doorways, roof pitch, porches, decks, stairways; (ii) The elevation of the landscaping, retaining walls, and fences with reference to existing and finished Lot grade. Materials, colors, and textures under consideration must be indicated. For proposed fences, retaining walls and rockeries, show relationship to walls, fences, rockeries, and grades on adjacent Lots.; (iii) Drainage flows; (iv) Exterior finish materials, colors, and textures under consideration. Include roof.; (v) Landscape plan. Indicate species of plant material, size and height, and location.; and (vi) Other information which may be required in order to determine whether the standards in this Declaration and the Design Guidelines set forth and referenced to in Article XIII, Section 2, have been met. Section 7. Evaluating Development Proposals. The Committee shall have the authority to establish aesthetic standards for evaluating development proposals. The Committee shall determine whether the external design, color, building materials, appearance, setbacks, height, configuration, and landscaping of the proposed structure harmonize with the various features of the natural and built environment, the aesthetic character of the other homes in the The Woods at Highlands Park community, and any other factors which affect the desirability or suitability of a proposed structure or alteration. Section 8. Approval Procedures. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt of plans and specifications, the Committee shall approve or disapprove the proposed improvement. The Committee may decline to approve plans and specifications which, in its opinion, do not conform to restrictions articulated in this Declaration or to its aesthetic standards. The Committee shall indicate its approval or disapproval on one of the copies of the plans and specifications provided by the applicant and shall return the plans and specifications to the address shown on the plans and specifications. In the event no disapproval of such plans and specifications is given within thirty (30) days of submission, the plans and specifications shall be deemed to be approved by the Committee and construction pursuant to the plans and specifications may be commenced. This provision shall not apply to plans and specifications for homes which will be constructed by Declarant. Section 9. Compliance with Codes. In all cases, ultimate responsibility for satisfying all local building codes and requirements rests with the Owner and contractor employed by the Owner. The Committee has no responsibility for ensuring that plans and specifications which it reviews comply with relevant building and zoning requirements. No person on the Committee or acting on behalf of the Committee shall be held responsible for any defect in any plans or specifications which are approved by the Committee nor shall any member of the Committee or any person acting on behalf of the Committee be held responsible for any defect in a structure which was built pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the Committee. i.) Section 10. Variation. The Committee shall have the authority to approve plans and specifications which do not conform to these restrictions in order to (1) overcome practical . difficulties or (2) prevent undue hardship from being imposed on an Owner as a result of applying these restrictions. However, such variations may only be approved in the event the variation will not (1) place a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the development, (2) impair the attractive development of the subdivision, or (3) adversely affect the character of nearby Lots or Common Maintenance Areas. Granting such a variation shall not constitute a waiver of the restrictions articulated in this Declaration. Variations shall only be granted in extraordinary circumstances. Section 11. Enforcement. In any judicial action to enforce a determination of the Committee, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party's attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, and other costs incurred in connection with such a legal action or appeal (see Article XIV, Section 4). ARTICLE XII LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Section 1. Residential Restrictions. All Lots within the Properties shall be used solely for private single family residential purposes. Private single family Residences shall consist of no less than one Lot. Section 2. Property Use Restrictions. No Lot shall be used in a fashion which unreasonably interferes with the Owner's right to use and enjoy their respective Lots or Common Maintenance Areas. The Board, the Committee designated by it, or the Declarant shall determine whether any given use of the Properties and/or Lot unreasonably interferes with those rights and such determinations shall be conclusive. Section 3. Prohibition of Nuisances and Untidy Conditions. No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted on any Lot or Common Maintenance Area nor shall anything be done or maintained on the Properties which may be or become an activity or condition which unreasonably interferes with the right of other Owners to use and enjoy any part of the Properties. No activity or condition shall be conducted or maintained on any part of the Properties which detract from the value of the Properties as a residential community. No untidy or unsightly condition shall be maintained on the Properties. Section 4. Fences, Walls & Shrubs. Fences, walls or shrubs are, subject to the approval of the Committee, unless they would interfere with easements reflected on the face of the Plat and/or other easements elsewhere recorded. Fences, walls or shrubs shall be subject to the Design Guidelines set forth and referenced to in Article XIII. Section 5. Temporary Structures for Residential Purposes. No structure of a temporary character or trailer, recreational vehicle, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other out buildings shall be used on any Lot at any time as a Residence, either temporarily or permanently. No vehicles parked in public rights-of-way may be used temporarily or permanently for residential purposes. All such structures shall be removed at the expense of the Owner of the Lot on which the structure is located. Section 6. Animals. No animals, other than dogs, cats, caged birds, tanked fish, and other conventional small household pets, may be kept on any Lot. Animals shall not be allowed to run at large. Dogs shall be kept on a leash and all other animals otherwise confined in a manner acceptable to the Board whenever outside the dwelling. Lot Owners shall be responsible for the removal of their animal's waste wherever it is deposited within the Property. Those pets which are permitted to roam free, or, in the sole discretion of the Board, make objectionable noise, endanger the health or safety of, or constitute a nuisance or inconvenience to the occupants of other Lot Owners, shall be removed on the Board's request. If the pet owner fails to honor such request, the Board may remove the pet. Pets shall be registered, licensed and inoculated as required by law. If an investigation of the Board indicates animals are kept in violation of this section, the Board shall give the Owner ten (10) days' written notice of the violation. Such violations must be remedied by the Owner within ten (10) days. Failure to comply with the written notice will result in a fine of $25 per day, plus late fees. The Association shall be entitled to attorneys' fees for any action taken to collect such fines in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV, Section 4. If an Owner violates provisions of this section regarding pens and enclosures on more than two (2) occasions, the Board may require the Owner to remove such structure. Section 8. Delegation of Use and Responsibilities. Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the Bylaws of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association, his right of enjoyment of Common Maintenance Areas to members of his family, his tenants, or contract purchasers who reside on the property. In the event an Owner rents or leases his property, a copy of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association, shall be made available by the Owner to the prospective renter at the time of commitment to the rental agreement. Each Owner shall also be responsible for informing guests and service personnel of the contents of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association as they may relate to appropriate community behavior. Section 9. Trees and Outlooks. No trees, shrubs, or street trees, other than those retained by Declarant when clearing the Properties, shall be allowed to grow to a size which noticeably and unreasonably interferes with a outlook of significance from another residence. In the event an Owner claims a tree(s) and/or shrub(s) unreasonably interferes with the Owner's outlook of significance, the Owner shall notify the Association of such claim. The Board of Directors shall determine whether the outlook is of significance and whether there has been unreasonable interference with the outlook. Should the Board determine that there is an unreasonable interference, it shall notify the Owner of such tree or shrub in writing, specifying the nature of the interference, what should be done to eliminate the interference, and the time in which such action must be taken. Section 10. Protection of Trees. Owners shall not cut down street trees located within the Properties. Owners shall notify the Board of any dead or diseased tree located on their Lot and the Association shall determine if the tree should be removed. ARTICLE XIII BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING RESTRICTIONS Section 1. Plans and Specifications Must be Approved. Any Residence or temporary or permanent structure constructed in the Plat by a builder or Lot Owner other than Declarant, or its members individually, must have their plans and specs reviewed and approved by the Declarant, or Architectural Control Committee, if selected. Section 2. General Building and Landscaping Restrictions. The following general building and landscaping restrictions shall apply to the Declarant, builders and Lot Owners. Declarant has also established design guidelines which Declarant, builders and Lot Owners are subject to. The Design Guidelines are set forth in that document entitled The Woods at Highlands Park Design Guidelines. The Declarant, or Board of Directors after the Development Period, by majority vote, may change or modify the general building and landscaping restrictions and the design guidelines to suit the needs of the Plat. (i) (ii) (iii) Landscaping. Landscaping screening, hedges, and trees shall not be planted on Lots in locations which will adversely impact the safe sight distance at driveways and street intersections, or which unreasonably interfere with outlook corridors of other Lot Owners. Trees shall not be grouped together in such a manner which unreasonably interferes with outlook corridors of other Lots. Yard art must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Dog Runs and Enclosures. Not allowed. Accessory Structures. Accessory structures to the Residence may be temporary or permanent and shall include, but not be limited to, spas, garden sheds, play equipment, tool sheds, doll houses, gazebos, sports courts, swimming pools, tents, air conditioning units, satellite dishes, and flag poles. The Committee shall have full authority to determine what constitutes an accessory structure and if it shall be allowed at all. All proposed accessory structures must be approved, in writing, prior to its installation and/or construction, by the Committee and by the Lot Owners who will be affected by the proposed structure. Accessory structures shall be subject to height restrictions, determined by the Committee. No accessory structures shall be located on the Lot in an area which unreasonably interferes with outlook corridors; the quiet enjoyment of adjoining or affected Lot Owners; or interferes with any retaining and/or keystone wall grids. (iv) Signs. No signs, billboards, or other advertising structure or device shall be displayed to the public outlook on any Lot, except one sign not to exceed four (4) square feet in area, may be placed on a Lot to offer the Lot for sale or rent. All such signs shall be of a quality equivalent to those used by Declarant. Furnished model homes may have more than one sign for advertising purposes. Signs may be used by the Declarant, or an agent of Declarant's, to advertise the Lots during the construction and sale period, however the signs must be located in areas which are not offensive to anyone. The Committee may cause any sign placed on any Lot or any portion of the Properties they feel are in violation of these restrictions to be removed or destroyed. (v) Sport Courts and Swimming Pools. Sport courts and swimming pools must be approved by the Committee. No outdoor lighting shall be allowed unless approved by the Committee. No outdoor activity, including, but not limited to, noise, sports playing, and/or music, shall continue the curfew time established by City Ordinance, if any; otherwise, as dictated by the Association. (vi) Utilities and Satellite Dishes. The wiring of accessory buildings or lights of any kind shall be underground. No radio or television antennae, transmitters, or other similar devices, shall be constructed or allowed on any Lot. Satellite receiving dishes shall be allowed, subject to the review of Committee, however no such device shall be located on any Lot in a location that is visible from the adjoining homes, streets, and roadways, and shall not be located at the front elevation of the home. This includes, but is not limited to, rooftops. The Committee may grant a variance to these location restrictions due to satellite reception problems. Any satellite device must be properly screened. Any violation of these restrictions may result in the removal of such device, at the sole expense of the Lot Owner causing the violation, if not removed within 48 hours after the notice of removal requirement has been delivered to the Lot Owner causing the violation. (vii) Fences. All fences must be approved by the Committee and meet design guidelines. Height approvals may vary. All fences to be built shall be the same color and design as the fences constructed by the Declarant unless otherwise approved by the Committee. All fences shall comply with City of Renton Codes or associated jurisdiction as written now or hereafter amended. See attached exhibit "c", fence detail. Section 3. Permits. No construction or exterior addition or change or alteration of any structure may be started on any portion of the Properties without the Owner first obtaining a building permit and other necessary permits from the proper local governmental authority and written approval of such permits from the Board, Committee or the Declarant. The Committee must approve the plans for all construction or alteration proposals (see Article XI). Section 4. Codes. All construction shall conform to the requirements of the State of Washington codes (building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing) and local requirements required by King County in force at the commencement of the construction, including the latest revisions thereof. Section 5. Entry for Inspection. Any agent, officer or member of the Board, Committee, or the Declarant may, at any reasonable predetermined hour, upon 24 hours' notice during construction or exterior remodeling, enter and inspect the structure to determine if there has been compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. The above-recited individuals shall not be deemed guilty of trespass for such entry or inspection. There is created an easement over, upon and across the residential Lots for the purpose of making and carrying out such inspections. ARTICLE XIV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Covenants Running with the Land. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them for a period of thirty (30) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the individuals then owning Lots has been recorded which reflects their intent to amend the covenants in whole or in part. Section 2. Amendment. This Declaration and the Bylaws may be amended during the initial thirty (30) year period if fifty-one percent (51 %) of the members vote to amend particular provisions of either instrument. This Declaration may be amended during the Development Period by any instrument signed by both the Declarant and the Owners of at least fifty-one percent (51 %) of the Lots, including those owned by the Declarant. The provisions expressly referring to the Declarant may not be amended without the Declarant's approval. The Declarant may, unilaterally, during the Development Period, file for record an amendment to this Declaration legally describing the Other Parcels, as defined in Article XIV, Section 8. All amendments must be filed with the office of the King County Auditor. Section 3. Enforcement. The Association, the Board, or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any legal proceeding, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Section 4. Attorney's Fees. In the event that it is necessary to seek the services of an attorney in order to enforce any (1) provision of this Declaration or (2) lien created pursuant to the authority of this Declaration, the individual against whom enforcement is sought shall be obliged to pay any attorneys' fees incurred. If the Owner fails to pay such fees within sixty (60) days, such fees shall become a lien against the Owner's lot. Section 5. Successors and Assigns. The covenants, restrictions and conditions articulated in this Declaration shall run with the land and shall accordingly be binding on all successors and assigns. Section 6. Severability. The invalidity of any one or more phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections hereof shall not affect the remaining portions of this Declaration or any part thereof. In the event that one or more of the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections contained herein should be invalid, this Declaration shall be construed as if the invalid phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section had not been inserted. Section 7. Rule Against Perpetuities. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Declaration violate the rule against perpetuities, such provision or provisions shall be construed as being void and of no effect as of twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last surviving incorporator of the Association or twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of all the incorporators' children and grandchildren who shall be living at the time this instrument is executed, whichever is later. Section 8. Failure of Board to Insist on Strict Performance No Waiver. The failure of the Board in any instance to insist upon the strict compliance with this Declaration or rules and regulations of the Association, or to exercise any right contained in such documents, or to serve any notice or to institute any action, shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of any term, covenant, condition, or restriction. Section 9. Limitation of Liability. So long as a Director, Officer, or Declarant, acting on behalf of the Board or the Association, has acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct, upon the basis of such actual information as is then possessed by such Person, then no such Person shall be personally liable to any Owner, or to any other Person, including the Association, for any damage, omission, error, or negligence of such Person; provided that this provision shall not apply to the extent the liability of such person for such act, omission, error, or negligence is covered by any insurance actually obtained by the Board. Section 10. Indemnification. Each Director, Officer, and Declarant shall be indemnified by the Association, against all expenses and liabilities, including attorneys' fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed in connection with any proceeding to which such person may be a party, or in which such person may become involved, by reason of holding or having held such position, or any settlement thereof, whether or not such person holds such position at the time such expenses or liabilities are incurred, except to the extent such expenses and liabilities are covered by insurance actually obtained by the Board and except in such cases wherein such Director or Declarant is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance in the performance of his or her duties; provided that in the event of a settlement, the indemnification shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being for the best interests of the Association. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein, have hereunto set their hand(s) and seal(s) this day of , 2014. DECLARANT BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION, LLC, By_~~~~~~~~~~~~ Its _________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55. COUNTY OF K I N G ) On this day of , 2016, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared , of BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said corporation. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at (Print Name) My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY To be provided with Final Recording EXHIBIT "B" MAP OF PROPERTY To be provided with Final Recording EXHIBIT "C" FENCE DETAIL ***If fences are stained they must be stained in Sherman Williams #3522 Ban yon Brown••• FOST 2 "AF "(., I , ,:J, I _) N -. ' 1S 7 ~,-·--·· 2x4 CAF I I I I -+ ·----• 7 "? 0 ~ j 2,•--~/ll~--1,4 L ' :::;, ! ' ' -i ! CB ~ fi=:A l L Fl:NCI: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ',If.' 0' ,(~l ii / ',) ) ;,./ a. ,,. "· ,,, ,rn RIGHT OF WAY USE I DEFERRAL I WAIVER I VARIANCE I FEE IN LIEU APPLICATION Planning Division I Development Engineering Section 1055 S Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7200 I Fax: (425) 430-7231 . --) I . I . I / I) /, ProJect Name: ; /If !( iod.r: al 'NtfAM.1(51 / /v!L Site Address: Alf: cz0r/1 [/ -/-/(ct<,11:vt./o j/yc //JtJ Legal Description of Property: /Ut:1":I, /1/f) l</, cfz;C.f(, Z7,,J/cfif/LJ cR s"f;, Include King Coynty Assessors Parc~No: /£J?,2() 6--ya,1 5-, Applicant: /ju;Ul C*ttr!1/~z,rl.ettc&:C,?c.__) /! ( Phone: .jb,s,,,/<;-o//tl()O l Cell:-------- ,A // ac. ~~ City/State: f:.d(e/::vv uf' Zip: d O<J :'.) Attach a letter of request with this application, stating in detail: 1. Applicable City Code and Sub-ordinance 2. Items and quantities involved 3. Justification for request 4. Amount of time requested 5. Provide a vicinity map (8 Y," x 11") 6. Provide a drawing of the site (8 W' x 11") Mail or drop off the completed application and map/drawing to: Development Engineering Manager City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way, 6'" Floor Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7299 Completed applications will be reviewed and a written determination issued approximately 3-4 weeks from date of receipt of application. You will be contacted if the application is incomplete or if additional _:o??=~~ir:d. 1 ~iW,,____, 1o -iJJ c . c201~ Applicant's Signature For City Use Only Deferral D New Off site Onsite D Excess Rjg_ht of Way_ [l Extension Date Variance n New D Extension '.:J Underground Driveway LJ Slopes n Noise l I Fee In Lieu D Waiver 1J>V t:J December 15'", 2015 Development Engineering Manager City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: landscape, Asphalt Final Lift and Monument Deferral Request for The Woods at Highlands Park (aka; Maplewood Park East) Final Plat: LUA 15-000713FP Ms. Bannwarth, This letter is a formal request to defer the following items until the foundations of the majority of the homes have been completed in the The Woods at Highlands Park but no later than June 2017. We propose reducing the exiting bond to cover these items only. 1) Plat Landscaping. We would like to defer 100% of the landscaping improvements as approved on sheets Ll.0-Ll.3 and install during the home build out of the plat and during seasons more supportive of plant growth. This will eliminate potential damage to the new landscaping that could occur during the construction of homes and cold weather. 2) Final Lift and monuments. We would like to defer the installation of 2,350 SY offinal lift and 8 monuments until the majority of the homes have been constructed to eliminate potential damage to the asphalt caused by heavy equipment entering and exiting the plat during home construction. All other plat improvements are complete and should be transferred to a maintenance bond. Please contact me with any further questions. Thank you, ) -(~~ v({;iu'U ,t_ ,) Tiffiny Brown Director of Land Development 425.454.1900 ext 234 /1'180 N.E. 24th St .. Suite 200, Beller11,,_ ll'A 9SOU5-l571J '/25 ,/5.J !YOO Fa.t: "25 990 N9/ 11-11'1\·. hurnstet1d. c11m , ROSARIO AVE NE (PUBL/9) lD 00 "'I I ,~ I ----~ I I I 1 0, I I l I I ~J -'I .. ... -.. ( ' ' .... ~ ( ~ ~ ___ _J ___ J_ __ J ___ J • • • • • ' • • I -I I • ' N00'24't9"£ J19.W ' Name: BOUNDARY Description: BOUNDARY North: 507636.40' East: 1646028.66' Segment #1 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 344.07' North: 507980.47' East: 1646031.10' Segment #2 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 595.90' North: 507961.78' East: 1646626.70' Segment #3 Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 344.60' North: 507617.19' East: 1646624.26' Segment #4 Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 595.91' North: 507636.40' East: 1646028.66' Perimeter: 1880.47' Area: 205126 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: S35° 44' 33"E Error North: -0.004 East: 0.003 Precision 1: 188048.00 Name: LOT 1 North: 507728.32' East: 1646515.54' Segment #1 Line Course: S88° 09' lO"E Length: 109.53' North: 507724.79' East: 1646625.02' Segment #2 Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 79.58' North: 507645.21' East: 1646624.45' Segment #3 Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 85.16' North: 507647.95' East: 1646539.34' Segment #4 Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'30" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course In: NO I O 50' 50"E Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507672.94' East: 1646540.14' End North: 507673.12' East: 1646515.14' Segment #5 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 55.20' North: 507728.32' East: 1646515.53' Perimeter: 368.12' Area: 8588 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: N87° 05' 44"W Error North: 0.001 East: -0.010 Precision 1: 36438.00 Name: LOT2 North: 507724.79' East: 1646625.02' Segment #1 : Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 109.53' North: 507728.32' East: 1646515.55' Segment #2 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 74.00' North: 507802.32' East: 1646516.07' Segment #3 : Line Course: S88° 09' lO"E Length: 109.53' North: 507798.79' East: 1646625.55' Segment #4 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 74.00' North: 507724.79' East: 1646625.02' Perimeter: 367.07' Area: 8103 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N00° 00' OO"E Error North: 0.000 East: 0.000 Precision I: 367060000.00 Name: LOT3 North: 507802.32' East: 1646516.07' Segment#! : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 74.00' North: 507876.31' East: 1646516.59' Segment #2 : Line Course: S88° 09' lO"E Length: 109.53' North: 507872.78' East: 1646626.06' Segment #3 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 74.00' North: 507798.78' East: 1646625.54' Segment #4 : Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 109.53' North: 507802.32' East: 1646516.07' Perimeter: 367.07' Area: 8103 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.00 Course: N00° 00' OO"E 0.000 East: 0.000 Precision l: 367060000.00 Name: LOT4 North: 507876.31' East: 1646516.59' Segment #1 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 88.91' North: 507965.22' East: 1646517.22' Segment #2 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 109.53' North: 507961.79' East: 1646626.70' Segment #3 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 89.00' North: 507872.79' East: 1646626.07' Segment #4 : Linc Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 109.53' North: 507876.32' East: 1646516.59' Perimeter: 396.98' Area: 9741 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: N20° 15' SO"E Error North: 0.007 East: 0.002 Precision I: 39697.00 Name: LOT 5 North: 507893.59' East: 1646463.71' Segment #1 : Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W Length: 112.00' North: 507897.10' East: 1646351.77' Segment #2 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 73.29' North: 507970.39' East: 1646352.29' Segment #3 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 112.00' North: 507966.88' East: 1646464.23' Segment #4 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 73.29' North: 507893.59' East: 1646463.71' Perimeter: 370.58' Area: 8206 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N00° 00' OO"E Error North: 0.000 East: 0.000 Precision 1: 370580000.00 Name: LOT6 North: 507827.11' East: 1646351.27' Segment # 1 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 70.00' North: 507897.10' East: 1646351.77' Segment #2 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 112.00' North: 507893.59' East: 1646463.71' Segment #3 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 44.47' North: 507849.12' East: 1646463.40' Segment #4 Curve Length: 39.90' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 091 °26'56" Tangent: 25.64' Chord: 35.80' Course: S46° 07' 47"W Course In: N89° 35' 4l"W Course Out: SOl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507849.30' East: 1646438.40' End North: 507824.31' East: 1646437.59' Segment #5 : Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W Length: 86.36' North: 507827.11' East: 1646351.27' Perimeter: 352.74' Area: 7702 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N51 ° 24' 53"E Error North: 0.002 East: 0.002 Precision 1: 348630000.00 Name: LOT7 North: 507972.35' East: 1646289.88' Segment #1 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 62.44' North: 507970.39' East: 1646352.29' Segment #2 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 143.29' North: 507827.11' East: 1646351.27' Segment #3 : Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W Length: 62.47' North: 507829.13' East: 1646288.83' Segment #4 : Line Course: N00° 24' 59"E Length: 143.23' North: 507972.35' East: 1646289.88' Perimeter: 411.43' Area: 8944 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.00 Course: Nl0° 36' 24"W 0.003 East: -0.001 Precision 1: 411430000.00 Name: LOT 8 North: 507974.33' East: 1646226.89' Segment #1 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 63.02' North: 507972.35' East: 1646289.88' Segment #2 Line Course: S00° 24' 59"W Length: 143.23' North: 507829.12' East: 1646288.84' Segment #3 Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W Length: 39.43' North: 507830.40' East: 1646249.43' Segment #4 Curve Length: 23.69' Radius: 182.00' Delta: 007°27'34" Tangent: 11.86' Chord: 23.68' Course: N84° 24' 58"W Course In: NOi O 51' JS"E Course Out: S09° 18' 48"W RP North: 508012.30' East: 1646255.32' End North: 507832.70' East: 1646225.86' Segment #5 : Line Course: N00° 24' 59"E Length: 141.62' North: 507974.32' East: 1646226.89' Perimeter: 410.99' Area: 9009 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: S03° 12' 22"E Error North: -0.006 East: 0.000 Precision 1: 41098.00 Name: LOT9 End North: 507832.71' East: 1646225.86' Segment # I : Curve Length: 21.96' Radius: 182.00' Delta: 006°54'47" Tangent: 10.99' Chord: 21.95' Course: N77° 13' 48"W Course ln: N09° 18' 48"E Course Out: Sl6° 13' 36"W RP North: 508012.31' East: 1646255.31' End North: 507837.56' East: 1646204.45' Segment #2 : Curve Length: 44.26' Radius: 203.00' Delta: 012°29'35" Tangent: 22.22' Chord: 44.18' Course: N80° 01' 12"W Course In: Sl6° 13' 36"W Course Out: N03° 44' OO"E RP North: 507642.65' East: 1646147.73' End North: 507845.22' East: 1646160.94' Segment #3 Line Course: N00° 24' 59"E Length: 131.15' North: 507976.36' East: 1646161.89' Segment #4 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 65.02' North: 507974.32' East: 1646226.88' Segment #5 Line Course: S00° 24' 59"W Length: 141.62' North: 507832.71' East: 1646225.85' Perimeter: 404.02' Area: 8811 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: N89° 08' 04"W Error North: 0.000 East: -0.007 Precision I: 40392.00 Name: LOT 10 North: 507976.36' East: 1646161.90' Segment #1 : Line Course: S00° 24' 59"W Length: 131.15' North: 507845.22' East: 1646160.95' Segment #2 : Curve Length: 6.86' Radius: 203.00' Delta: 001 °56'13" Tangent: 3.43' Chord: 6.86' Course: N87° 14' 06"W Course In: S03° 44' OO"W Course Out: NOl O 47' 48"E RP North: 507642.65' East: 1646147.73' End North: 507845.55' East: 1646154.10' Segment #3 : Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W Length: 60.16' North: 507847.43' East: 1646093.97' Segment #4 : Line Course: N00° 24' 59"E Length: 131.04' North: 507978.47' East: 1646094.92' Segment #5 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 67.02' North: 507976.37' East: 1646161.91' Perimeter: 396.24' Area: 8780 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: N33° 07' Ol"E Error North: 0.006 East: 0.004 Precision 1: 39623.00 Name: LOT 11 North: 507978.47' East: 1646094.92' Segment #1 : Line Course: S00° 24' 59"W Length: 131.04' North: 507847.43' East: 1646093.96' Segment #2 : Line Course: N88° 12' I2"W Length: 63.83' North: 507849.43' East: 1646030.16' Segment #3 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 131.04' North: 507980.47' East: 1646031.09' Segment #4 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 63.85' North: 507978.46' East: 1646094.91' Perimeter: 389.76' Area: 8363 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.01 Course: S85° 18' 33"W -0.000 East: -0.005 Precision 1: 38976.00 Name: LOT 12 End North: 507785.76' East: 1646240.94' Segment #1 Curve Length: 7.03' Radius: 227.00' Delta: 001 °46'32" Tangent: 3.52' Chord: 7.03' Course: S87° 15' 29"E Course In: N03° 37' 47"E Course Out: S01° 51' 15"W RP North: 508012.31' East: 1646255.31' End North: 507785.43' East: 1646247.97' Segment #2 Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E Length: 68.49' North: 507783.21' East: 1646316.42' Segment #3 Linc Course: S00° 24' l 9"W Length: 113.04' North: 507670.17' East: 1646315.62' Segment #4 Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W Length: 75.52' North: 507672.61' East: 1646240.14' Segment #5 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 113.16' North: 507785.76' East: 1646240.94' Perimeter: 377.25' Area: 8535 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N62° 12' 57"W Error North: 0.002 East: -0.004 Precision 1: 377240000.00 Name: LOT 13 North: 507783.21' East: 1646316.43' Segment #1 : Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E Length: 72.02' North: 507780.88' East: 1646388.41' Segment #2 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 113.03' North: 507667.85' East: 1646387.61' Segment #3 : Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 72.02' North: 507670.17' East: 1646315.63' Segment #4 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 113.04' North: 507783.21' East: 1646316.43' Perimeter: 370.12' Area: 8139 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.00 Course: N09° 24' 09"W 0.001 East: -0.000 Precision I: 370110000.00 Name: LOT 14 North: 507665.53' East: 1646459.75' Segment #1 : Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W Length: 72.18' North: 507667.85' East: 1646387.61' Segment #2 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 113.03' North: 507780.88' East: 1646388.41' Segment #3 : Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E Length: 50.15' North: 507779.26' East: 1646438.53' Segment #4 : Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'04" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course In: SOI O 51' 15"W Course Out: S89° 35' 41"E RP North: 507754.27' East: 1646437.72' End North: 507754.09' East: 1646462.73' Segment #5 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 78.01' North: 507676.08' East: 1646462.17' Segment #6 : Curve Length: 10.92' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 025°01'12" Tangent: 5.55' Chord: 10.83' Course: Sl2° 54' 55"W Course In: N89° 35' 41"W Course Out: S64° 34' 29"E RP North: 507676.26' East: 1646437.18' End North: 507665.53' East: 1646459.75' Perimeter: 362.93' Error Closure: Error North: Area: 8286 Sq. Ft. 0.00 Course: N85° 12' 55"E 0.000 East: 0.002 Precision 1: 359110000.00 Name: RIGHT OF WAY Description: RIGHT OF WAY North: 507617.20' East: 1646624.26' Segment #1 Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W Length: 595.91' North: 507636.41' East: 1646028.66' Segment #2 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 213.03' North: 507849.43' East: 1646030.17' Segment #3 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 123.99' North: 507845.54' East: 1646154.10' Segment #4 Curve Length: 51.13' Radius: 203.00' Delta: 014°25'48" Tangent: 25.70' Chord: 50.99' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course In: SOl O 47' 48"W Course ___ : Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 507642.64' East: 1646147.73' End North: 507837.56' East: 1646204.46' Segment #5 : Curve Length: 45.65' Radius: 182.00' Delta: 014°22'21" Tangent: 22.95' Chord: 45.53' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E Course Out: S01° 51' 15"W RP North: 508012.31' East: 1646255.31' End North: 507830.40' East: 1646249.42' Segment #6 : Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E Length: 188.26' North: 507824.31' East: 1646437.58' Segment #7 Curve Length: 39.90' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 091 °26'56" Tangent: 25.64' Chord: 35.80' Course: N46° 07' 47"E Course In: NOl 0 51' 15"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41"E RP North: 507849.30' East: 1646438.39' End North: 507849.12' East: 1646463.39' Segment #8 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 117.76' North: 507966.88' East: 1646464.22' Segment #9 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 53.02' North: 507965 .22' East: 1646517 .22' Segment #10 Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 292.11' North: 507673.11' East: 1646515.15' Segment #11 Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'30" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: S43° 52' 26"E Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E Course (. --· SO 1 ° 50' 50"W RP North: 507672.94' East: 1646540.15' End North: 507647.95' East: 1646539.35' Segment #12 : Line Course: S88° 09' lO"E Length: 85.16' North: 507645.20' East: 1646624.46' Segment #13 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 28.01' North: 507617.19' East: 1646624.26' Segment #14 : Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W Length: 190.66' North: 507623.36' East: 1646433.70' Segment #15 : Curve Length: 56.94' Radius: 227 .00' Delta: 014°22'21" Tangent: 28.62' Chord: 56.79' Course: N80° 57' 35"W Course In: N01° 51' 15"E Course Out: Sl6° 13' 36"W RP North: 507850.24' East: 1646441.05' End North: 507632.29' East: 1646377.62' Segment #16 Curve Length: 39.79' Radius: 158.00' Delta: 014°25'48" Tangent: 20.00' Chord: 39.69' Course: N80° 59' 18"W Course In: Sl6° 13' 36"W Course Out: NOl O 47' 48"E RP North: 507480.58' East: 1646333.47' End North: 507638.50' East: 1646338.42' Segment #17 Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W Length: 95.01' North: 507641.48' East: 1646243.46' Segment #18 Curve Length: 24.72' Radius: 15.50' Delta: 091 °23'28" Tangent: 15.88' Chord: 22.18' Course: S46° 06' 03"W Course In: S01° 47' 48"W Course L_.: N89° 35' 41"W RP North: 507625.99' East: 1646242.97' End North: 507626.10' East: 1646227.47' Segment#19 : Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 99.76' North: 507526.35' East: 1646226.77' Segment #20 : Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'30" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: S43° 52' 26"E Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E Course Out: SOI O 50' 50"W RP North: 507526.17' East: 1646251.77' End North: 507501.18' East: 1646250.96' Segment #21 : Line Course: S88° 09' IO"E Length: 371.34' North: 507489.21' East: 1646622.11' Segment #22 : Curve Length: 39.90' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 091 °26'30" Tangent: 25 .64' Chord: 35.80' Course: N46° 07' 34"E Course In: NOi O 50' 50"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41"E RP North: 507514.20' East: 1646622.92' End North: 507514.02' East: 1646647.92' Segment #23 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 78.01' North: 507592.03' East: 1646648.47' Segment #24 : Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'04" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: N43° 52' 13"W Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W Course Out: NOi O 51' 15"E RP North: 507592.21' East: 1646623.47' End North: 507617.20' East: 1646624.28' Perimeter: 2945.99' Area: 55417 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.02 Course:~_7°02'21"E -0.001 East: 0.016 Precision 1: 146177.00 ************************************************************************ Name: ROW INTERIOR PIECE Description: ROW INTERIOR PIECE North: 507754.09' East: 1646462.72' Segment #1 Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 78.01' North: 507676.09' East: 1646462.17' Segment #2 Curve Length: 39.90' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 091 °26'30" Tangent: 25.64' Chord: 35.80' Course: S46° 07' 34"W Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W Course Out: SOl O 50' 50"W RP North: 507676.26' East: 1646437.17' End North: 507651.27' East: 1646436.37' Segment #3 Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 3 t1 .34' North: 507663.24' East: 1646065.22' Segment #4 : Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'30" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course In: NOl O 50' 50"E Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507688.23' East: 1646066.02' End North: 507688.41' East: 1646041.02' Segment #5 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 99.76' North: 507788.17' East: 1646041.73' Segment #6 : Curve Length: 24.72' Radius: 15.50' Delta: 091 °23'28" Tangent: 15.88' Chord: 22.18' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E Course Out: NOl O 47' 48"E RP North: 507788.06' East: 1646057.23' End North: 507803.55' East: 16460 ... /1' Segment #7 Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 95.01' North: 507800.57' East: 1646152.67' Segment #8 Curve Length: 39.79' Radius: 158.00' Delta: 014°25'48" Tangent: 20.00' Chord: 39.69' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course In: SOl O 47' 48"W Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 507642.64' East: 1646147.72' End North: 507794.35' East: 1646191.87' Segment #9 Curve Length: 56.94' Radius: 227.00' Delta: 014°22'21" Tangent: 28.62' Chord: 56.79' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E Course Out: SOl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 508012.31' East: 1646255.31' End North: 507785.43' East: 1646247.96' Segment #10 Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E Length: 190.66' North: 507779.26' East: 1646438.52' Segment #11 Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'04" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course In: S01° 51' 15"W Course Out: S89° 35' 41"E RP North: 507754.27' East: 1646437.71' End North: 507754.09' East: 1646462.71' Perimeter: 1073.42' Area: 55360 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: Error North: 0.01 Course: S77° 08' 4l"W -0.003 East: -0.012 Precision I: I 05906.00 Name: STORM DRAINAGE Description: TRACT A North: 507785.76' East: 1646240.94' Segment #1 Line Course: S00° 24' 19"W Length: 128.16' North: 507657.61' East: 1646240.04' Segment #2 Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 174.90' North: 507663.24' East: 1646065.23' Segment #3 Curve Length: 38.64' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 088°33'30" Tangent: 24.38' Chord: 34.91' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course In: NOl O 50' 50"E Course Out: N89° 35' 4l"W RP North: 507688.23' East: 1646066.03' End North: 507688.41' East: 1646041.03' Segment #4 Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 99.76' North: 507788.17' East: 1646041.74' Segment #5 Curve Length: 24.72' Radius: 15.50' Delta: 091 °23'28" Tangent: 15.88' Chord: 22.18' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course In: S89° 35' 4l"E Course Out: NOl O 47' 48"E RP North: 507788.06' East: 1646057.24' End North: 507803.55' East: 1646057.72' Segment #6 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E Length: 95.01' North: 507800.57' East: 1646152.68' Segment #7 Curve Length: 39.79' Radius: 158.00' Delta: 014°25'48" Tangent: 20.00' Chord: 39.69' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course In: SOI O 47' 48"W Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 507642.65' East: 16461, 3' End North: 507794.35' East: 1646191.88' Segment #8 : Curve Length: 49.91' Radius: 227.00' Delta: 012°35'49" Tangent: 25.06' Chord: 49.81' Course: S80° 04' 19"E Course In: N 16° 13' 36"E Course Out: S03° 37' 47"W RP North: 508012.31' East: 1646255.32' End North: 507785.76' East: 1646240.95' Perimeter: 650.90' Area: 27203 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.00 Course: S89° 00' 51 "E Error North: -0.000 East: 0.004 Precision I: 644420000.00 Name: LANDSCAPE AND UTILITY Description: TRACT B North: 507657.60' East: 1646240.04' Segment #1 : Line Course: N00° 24' 19"E Length: 15.00' North: 507672.60' East: 1646240.14' Segment #2 Line Course: S88° 09' lO"E Length: 219.72' North: 507665.52' East: 1646459.75' Segment #3 Curve Length: 28.98' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 066°25'19" Tangent: 16.37' Chord: 27.39' Course: S58° 38' lO"W Course In: N64° 34' 29"W Course Out: SOl O 50' 50"W RP North: 507676.25' East: 1646437.17' End North: 507651.26' East: 1646436.36' Segment #4 Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W Length: 196.43' North: 507657.60' East: 1646240.03' Perimeter: 460.14' Area: 3197 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.01 Course: S28° 44' 40"W Error North: -0. 007 East: -0. 004 Precision 1: 45854.00 Denis Lav; March 8, 2016 Ms. Tiffiny Brown Rick Burnstead Construction LLC 11980 24" Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA-98005 - Citv of ' 0 !, Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Subject: The Woods at Highlands Park aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat LUAlS-000713 Dear Ms. Brown: The purpose of this letter is to provide you the second review response comments for the Woods at Highlands Park aka Maplewood Park East Final Plat. The following are the comments from all the departments. Technical Services Comments Amanda Askren has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the corrections resubmit review comments: 1. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Please check the LLA dimension in parenthesis as listed on the west line of the property. 2. Please provide the easement relinquishments for LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267 and restated by Recording Number 8410250053. Required prior to final plat recording. The recording information can be added to the plat or the line can be removed completely if completed prior to final plat printing. Planning Comments Vanessa Dolbee has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the corrections resubmit review comments: 1. Condition of approval #2 shall be satisfied prior to plat recording. Documentation shall be provided identifying relinquishments of the easements, which was not included in tt1e submittal. Condition of Approval #2 states "The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording" Page 1 of3 Renton. City Hall • 1 OSS South Grady WJ.y • Rrnton. Washington 1)805/ • rt,monwa.gov 2. A final landscape plan and tree retention and replacement plan was approved during construction permit review. Prior to recording an inspection is required for the City to verify compliance with the approved landscape plan as well as the tree retention and replanting plan. Please contact Vanessa Dolbee at 425-430-7314 for an inspection. The inspection shall be completed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to plat recording. Fire Department Comments Corey Thomas has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the corrections resubmit review comments: 1. Provide additional 'No Parking -Any Time" on the south side of NE 2nd Lane in the fire department bump out area located near Lot 12 and Tract A. Engineering Plan Review Comments Rohini Nair has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the corrections resubmit review comments: 1. As-Built plan corrections should be provided a) No shading in the utility plan sheets b) Correct the flow structure detail information referenced in the CS-01 Flow Control Structure detail on (3.20. c) Label SS MH as standard manholes in the plans instead of as Type 1 The corrections to the paper plans may be emailed to the plan reviewer. After the City approves the corrections, As-Built mylars should be provided. The CAD file of the As-Built plans should also be submitted. 2. Please confirm the number of new public sanitary sewer manholes in the plans and the number in the bill of sale and cost data form. Currently the bill of sale and cost data form mention 8 new manholes while the plans show 10 new ones. 3. The Lot BMP Table in the final plat plan sheet 3 -Please change the heading of the 10% Reduction column to "Maximum Impervious Surface Allowed After 10% Reduction". 4. After the paper final plat is approved by the City, final plat mylars should be provided. 5. The deferral request response letter was sent by the City to the developer. Please confirm and let us know when you are submitting the deferral surety device {cash, or assignment of funds) to the City. ?age2of3 6. A maintenance bond or Assignment of Funds is required in the amount of 20% of the total cost of the public storm water, streets, sidewalk, curb and gutter, and public sewer costs included in the cost data form. 7. Check made out to Postal express for $36.04 for courier purposes to be given to final short plat coordinator. The fee was recentiy changed and the current amount is $36.04. 8. Any outstanding document (if applicable) must be given and any outstanding fee (if applicable) must be paid. 9. Any field corrections identified by the inspector are to be completed by the contractor. 10. Final plat processing comment-the final plat will be sent for recording after the corrections are obtained, and after Hearing Examiner approval is obtained. Please submit all correspondence and revisions to me and I will forward them to the appropriate reviewer. If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-430-7298. Sincerely, Rohini Nair Project Manager Development Engineering Email: rnair@rentonwa.gov cc: Amanda Askren, Technical Services Corey Thomas, Fire Department Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Brianne Bannwarth, Dev€lopment Engineering Pat Miller, Construction Inspection Page 3 of 3 Denis Law Mayor February 24, 2016 Ms. Tiffiny Brown Director of Land Development Bumstead Construction LLC 11980 NE 241h St Bellevue, WA 98005 I Community & Economic Development Department C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: The Woods of Highlands aka Maple Wood Park East, LUAlS-000713, FP 6101 NE 2°• St, Renton, WA 98057 Dear Ms. Brown: Your deferral requests have been received by the City of Renton, and determination is as follows: Approved items -Deferred until June 30. 2017 1. Installation of final lift has been approved with the following conditions: a. The Temporary Erosion Control Plan (TESCP) measures at Catch Basins (CB's) must be left in place and drainage shall be maintained. Temporary pipe shall be placed under the frame of the CB and will be drained to the sediment sac. b. Utility castings must be adjusted per City of Renton Standard (RMC 400.4). 2. Installation of monuments has been approved with the following condition: a. The monuments and the required survey monument cards shall be provided to the City after final lift. 3. Landscaping on the individual single family lots -The single family individual lot landscaping may be deferred through the Building Permit and does not require a bond. Denied items 4. Landscaping outside the individual single family lots-All landscaping outside of the individual single family lots are required to be installed and should be inspected and approved by City prior to plat recording. (Please note: The winter is an ideal time to plant both trees and shrubs, as such the justification for the deferral is not consistent with typical landscaping practices.) As a requirement of this deferral a security deposit in the amount of $48,000, which represents 150% of the estimated cost of installation of these items, must be received by the City prior to recording of the Woods of Highlands aka Maple Wood Park East. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • According to City code, you have 15 days from today's date to appeal the administrative determination. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of $250.00. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office by calling (425) 430-6510. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Rohini Nair at (425) 430- 7298. ~~~ Brianne Bannwarti Development Engineering Manager cc: Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Rohini Nair, Plan Reviewer Pat Miller, Construction Inspection Supervisor Stacy Tucker, Planning Technician File I Denis Law . IJ S City oL -----~M:a:yo:, ___ .............. ~ J , i_ J ~s( ~r o~,_'i rec \lfil -~--1>c-··t~,--1,;;a, r Community & Economic Development Department October 1, 2015 Tiffiny Brown Rick Bumstead Construction LLC 11980 24th Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 Subject: Notice of Complete Application C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator The Woods at Highland Park aka Maplewood Park East LUAlS-000713, FP Dear Mr. Bumstead: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-73 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rohini Nair Project Manager cc: Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Manager File Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • DEPARTMENT OF COMML. __ TY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----~Rentor1 Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME NAME I---. ---·- Bumstead Construction, LLC The Woods at Highland Park (I\,. I \ ~.ie &.~) . PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE ADDRESS: 11980 NE 241h Street, Suite 200 NE Corner of SE 132'' Street and 152'' Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 CITY: ZIP: Bellevue 98005 I ~- TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-452-1900 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 142305-9003 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residence Tiffinv Brown PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family Residential COMPANY (if applicable): Subdivision Bumstead Construction, LLC EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: Same as above Residential Low Density PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) Same TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING ZONING: R-4 r-·-· CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R-4 NAME: SITE AREA (in square feet): 196,188 Matt Houqh, PE -------------c------------ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): DEDICATED 44,654 CPH Consultants --------····-------------------- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 11431 Willows Road NE, Suite 120 0 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: ZIP: ACRE (if applicable) 4 Redmond 98052 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 14 425-285-2390 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): matt@cphconsultants.com 14 ---·-· --------·--------'-------.---------~------------- 1 C:\lJsf'r s\ l 1ff I ny\1\pplJata \l oca I\Miuo<,of t\ V\/mJow.:. \ l empor ci rv I ntPrnel rl les \Con1 ent.Ou llouk\/\/\ I f-/1 HJ\Maslf:' r /\pp.doc 1-1.Pv. 08/201 S Pt\OJECT INFORMATION (continued) ~--~-----~-----------l NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): per zoning code IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable) 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable) 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 0 NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. applicable): 0 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 0 ---~-·------------- 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES __ sq.ft.I _____________ -sq. ft. I 0 WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach le!lal description on separate sheet with the followin!l information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5E, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP J)~if:-yJo,c,J(ii V I, (Print Name/s') · , declar~ under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) D the current owner of the property involved in this application or D the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature I f J)wr,er/Represent J STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Dated "l ie) ,<; '"" ,---.,._ l(IN~'•,,,, #~~~'ff~''\ f~f§"~o1 AltJ-~\ t ::: i8 ~ ~j ::-; i ' -·-i ~ i \ '°Ila"'"' J~ ff \<J>•-,,,, ~<:,~O: \~~·~·1!,:~ ... -:,§ .,'"~ ,,, . ~-''"~· ":(\'-~ ~ ,,,,,1 OF wf4.S :or..''~ .... '''"''''''''"'" Signature of Owner/Representative \( ~ ,\ Notary (Print): My appointment expires _____ l ::;:-JD l i C:- 2 C:\Use rs\ Tiff1ny\AppData\Local\M 1crosoft\ Windows\ T empora r·y I .1ter·net riles\Content.Outlook\AA 11 7LEU\Mastcr App.dee Date Kev 08/2015 CONSENT DOCUMENT The undersigned being the Board Members of Bumstead Construction LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("the Company") by signing hereunder, does hereby waive notice of the necessity of holding a special meeting called for the purpose of considering approval of certain actions by the Company; and do further unanimously consent to the adoption of the resolutions set forth below. This waiver and consent, which may be accomplished in counterparts, and by facsimile signature, shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote, as of a duly convened meeting of the board members was held. ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC SIGNING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the member has determined it to be in the best interest of the company to authorize specific people, in addition to the managers of the LLC, authority to execute certain documents on behalf of the LLC, now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, that it is necessary to provide authorization for the appropriate manager or authorized persons of the LLC to sign and execute mortgages, satisfaction of mortgages, Deeds of Trust, reconveyances of Deeds of Trust, real estate contracts, Promissory Notes, and related documents on behalf of the corporation. RESOLVED, that it is necessary to provide authorization for the appropriate manager or authorized persons of the company to sign purchase and sale agreements for the sale of a residence. RESOLVED, that the following persons are authorized to sign the above referenced documents. ~.+/JIJ."c ( . .--·-·' - )..-v~,; ~'--'-~ J~...,_,•-~\ \U-i g I A~~ Frederick Bumstead Melissa Kinnee " RESOLVED, that Robert Durr and Melissa Kinnee would require a second person authorized to sign on behalf of the LLC in addition to herself to effectively and legally bind the LLC in connection with the sale and closing of any real estate interest where the sales price exceeds $2,000,000. Dated ---'l><-r) 3-1),._1 '£.,____ T I MEMBER: ;l--,~'--1-~' j~~ JJ.LLr'-'~-"'_,.,.",. Frederick H. Bumstead DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 196,188 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements** Critical Areas* 44,654 square feet -'O'------square feet -'O'------square feet square feet Total excluded area: 2. 44 654 square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. 151 534 square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. 3.48 acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. 14 units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 4.02 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. R:\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\density.doc Last updated: I 1/08/2004 I CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall comply with the four mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated September 24, 2012. B. Mitigation Measures: 1 • The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terra Associates, lnc.1 dated February 21, 2012. 2. The applicant shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code al the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or Building Permit issuance. 3. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or Building Permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall pay a Fire Impact fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code either at the time of Final Plat Recording or Building Permit issuance 2. The site contains two existing easements for road and utilities per LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267, and restated by Rec. No. 8410250053. The Applicant shall provide proof of relinquish of the subject easements to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat recording. September 28, 2015 CPH No.0011-11 -008 RESPONSE/COMPLIANCE The final engineering The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat Matrix plan grading improvements utilized recommendations from the geotechnical report and on-site compaction testing and inspections were completed by the geotechnical engineering during construction in accordance with their report. The impact fees will be paid prior to final plat recording or building permit issuance. The impact fees will be paid prior to final plat recording or building permit issuance. The impact fees will be paid prior to final plat recording or building permit issuance. The easements are in process of relinquishment and will be completed prior to plat recording. Page 1 of 4 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 3. A final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat recording. 4. The Applicant shall provide an updated tree retention worksheet, tree retention plan and planting plan that meet the minimum retention and/or replacement requirements of RMC 4-4-130. The above plan sets and worksheet shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to construction permit issuance. 5. The Applicant shall provide screening landscaping along the perimeter of Tract A. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Construction Permit issuance. Screening landscaping shall be required to be installed and inspected prior to final plat recording. 6. A water availability certificate will be required to be submitted to the City prior to or along with Construction Permit Application. 7. Staff will apply the design standard related to primary entry (RMC 4- 2-11 5-3) during building permit review or whenever this issue is normally addressed by staff. Notice of the staff's decision on application of RMC 4-2-115(3) along with associated appeal rights shall be mailed to all property owners on the southern side of NE 2°' St that are facing the proposal at the time the decision is made. 8. Staff shall determine the net density of the proposed subdivision as defined by RMC 4-11-040. If the proposal exceeds 3.50 du/acre, the Applicant shall, to the maximum extent possible and as approved by staff, increase the substandard lot widths (up to required widths) to reduce the density to 3.50 du/ acre. September 28, 201 S CPH No. OOJ J.J J-008 RESPONSE/COMPLIANCE The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat Matrix The landscape plans were submitted and approved for construction with the final engineering plans. A tree retention pion and ossocioted worksheets were submitted and approved with the final engineering plans for the project. The landscape plans were submitted and approved for construction with the final engineering plans. Water availability was submitted with Construction Permit application and a Developer Extension agreement was executed with Water District No. 90. The prior entry for Lots 1 2-14 will be off of NE 2°d Land. A landscape tract and planting was added along NE 2'' Street for mitigation. The notices will occur during building permits. The lot widths were addressed with the planner during final engineering design. Page 2 of 4 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 9. Road C shall be eliminated and Road B shall be extended to Rosario. Road B shall comply with all applicable road standards unless a waiver is approved by staff. Road B may be moved to the northern perimeter of the plat in order to resolve the home orientation issues addressed in Finding of Fact No. 5 if determined by staff to comply with all applicable development standards and that the redesign would not trigger additional public review. September 28, 2015 CPH No. 0071-11-008 RESPONSE/COMPLIANCE The Woods at Highlands Park (aka Maplewood Park East) Final Plat Matrix The roadway revision was processed with the Construction Permit application as noted. Page 3 of 4 . - + l @ CHICAGO T& COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #2300, SEAITLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5610 (206)628-9717 ' ' -~ -~ l:;ii .,;-.,., llli£e ' !!;1":'- <,• .. I FAX: IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference lo streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. t.lE: 2MO " " .. e:~ :::: ~:- PTN OF THE NE 1/.i OF THE NW 1/.i OF SECTION 14-23-5 ., ' ' '' 1) "" }.'7· 14426D CED, R lll .. .. "'·" ,., .01 • 11-l KC LUI 984076 Cl EST ESTA"ES ... ' ' " 1.)1 84l.0010l83 LOTJ " JI0.01 ' LOT ( ,t I ,. J !3 ;~ ' :;; : .n·""'-~_..,' • >------<., ' • ' ' ' • • 20091230001691.001 RETURN TO: John F. Sherwood, Jr. Peterson Russell Kelly PLLC 10900 N.E. Fourth Street, Suite 1850 Bellevue, WA 98004 ~~111111111111 SOCIUS ~All GR~l0001691 Grantors: Grantee: Legal Description: PACE-I OF "9 ?e.N 12/311/2199 15:22 KINC COI.IITY, 11A E2423830 12/30/29e9 14:58 XI'«. COUNTY UA TA)( I SAI.E 11e.au se.ee QUIT CLAIM DEED I. Frederick H. Bumstead, as to an undivided I O"/o; 2. Joan Bumstead, as to an undivided 6%; 3. Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40%; 4. Kari Hall, as to an undivided 44.6%; 5. Steven Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6%; 6. Do1Ula Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40%; P~E-Hl OF tel 7. Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6%; 8. Janet Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40%; 9. Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided 10"/o; and I 0. Janet Bumstead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren 's Irrevocable Trust, as to an undivided 3% Bumestad Construction LLC Parcel N King Co. Lot Linc Adjusnnent No. 489033/ IGng County Recording No. 8408270719/ records of King County, Washington. Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 142305-9003 4Db4J2 01 Public Record omer. P..1on 0rt1er Searer, Doc: Kt:2009 20091nooorn91 Page 1 OJ 9 created By. r>loedel Primed. 2/1672012 2.51.28 PM PSI • I • 20091230001691.002 QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, Frederick H. Bumstead, as to an undivided 10% interest; Joan Bumstead, as to an undivided 6% interest; Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40"/o interest; Kari Hall, as to an undivided 44.6% interest; Steven Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Donna Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Janet Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided l 0% interest; and Janet Bumstead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren' s Irrevocable Trust, as to an undivided 3% interest, all as tenants in common, for consideration of a transfer from tenants in common to an LLC, in the same prorata share as their interests, conveys and quit claims to Bumstead Construction LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Grantor therein: Paree.I A of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 489033, recorded under King County Recording No. 8408270719, records of King County, Washington. Dated: December~. 2009. Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust Catherine Bumstead tjl.&l& ~u~d J et Burnstelei Notary Acknowledgements attached 406"432.0I Public Record Order. Non-Order Searcn Doc KC:2009 2009r23uuorn91 Page 2 or 9 created ey. 01oe0e1 Prlrited: 416}2012 2:s1:2a PM PSI I • • 20091230001691.003 ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Frederick H. Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ST A TE OF W ASHJNGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Joan Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal thi5<P/ day of J2Lc_., , 2009. ,,, ....... ,,. ~~ ~-~~o&,,, ~ l~~~~ ~~ : 'r NOTMV l;; : ~otsname] : Pia£ : Notary Public ·n and for the State of Washington ~ ~\ =-" ~ fl~ residing at _,:;.!Ui~~--c-r-,r------ '"',,~ 115·~ ~ ... ~ My commission expires: '~,~,,,, -J..µ/.-/,-=-----,,,,. .. ,,,, 406432.01 Public Record or0er. i1J011-0ruer Searct1 ooc. KC.2009 20091230001691 Page 3 Of 9 created By. 01oeoe1 Pfillted. 2/16/2012 2.51.28 PM PSI • 20091230001691.004 ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Scott Hall, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 21 day of JJ< f , 2009. ~·:i~ [print no:;.:e] Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Aelft.1krl _, My commission expires: -~'1,../..,JJ~J,-•~i~---- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Kari Hall, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this.t1 I day of J) C--, 2009. 406432 0 I Order. Non-oraer Search ooc. KC.2009 2009123W0169I ~-,, Notary Public in !IJld for the State of Washington residing at EJ ,~f!,jµ , ( " My commission expires: -7++/~1 J,1~/~;:,.., _____ _ Public Record Page 4 OT 9 ueatea ey. 01oeae1 F1inted. 2/10/2012 2.51.29 Pri PSI • • 20091230001691.005 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ·SS. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Steven Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN YMir my hand and official seal this .2J__ day of l), 12--, 2009. _.,,~·~e;;•,,,, ~,,JJ,, ~ .-i:~~\0/j:i~ 3[Jff;:1 9lJ=ci ; f . ~ : [print not 's name] :. <Jl P\B.IC /~: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington -:.,';-x,:tfr 1~.~'\. '/1::~ residing at_,A'""'~""""""==----~~~-----,,, f <¥w··~··I/',,"'· My commission expires: _J1.1lc.r.t"11..1.µ.,1c:=-----,, ,..1:)P\\'\ ; +,,4 l/11111\I ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Donna Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ,21 day of Jee., , 2009. 406432.01 Order. 1qon~oraer Searcn ooc. Kt.2009 20091230001091 f!1fil;:jfJ.f arne] Notary Public;jn !'!'<I for the State of Washington residing at__,~===='---------- My commission expires: _,.7+_l..,1J'°'f'-<'-=,_c...... ____ _ Public Recor<l Page 5 OT 9 created By. 01oeae1 Pnntea. 2)16)2012 2.51.29 PM PSI • • .. 20091230001691.006 ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) } ss. COUNTY OF KING } On this day perronally appeared before me Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GJV:~,l'l\4rI,~Y hand and offi~ial seal this ,P, day of ]Le_. , 2009. ,,.., .IANEo ,, ~ ~ ... 9-., ~ ,,, -~~;'.' ... ~~~~ I : • ~ y 1,\ ,,,. If • ':i.f. : "' ~ : [print notary{ name) :; ".1. . PlB£ f~ § Notary Publi? ~d for the State of Washington ·-,7~ :tt,,5.~"' '!::',:: residing at ..,{jd,"""'"1/,"'_'lA.,uw.l..,.,,,_~-.------- ~,,,5'it-wAs\-\''~·.'"' Myconunission expires: ~-1'-l,/..11.,.,>-,fa1-' .,,'=~---- ''•11111''' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Janet Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this d!:.J.._ day of k , 2009. ,,,,, .... ,,,, ~.d.~ '',(JANEo ,, -3 .'..:;{fr.~4'{1,... ~~ ;: · ;;r v l;; (f--;,. {print no 's name] ~ '-' ~ § Not~Pub~theStateofWashington : ~ PUU; ~;: res1dmg at_ ~ ". ~ ~•,s. ~'\. / My commission expires: _:;z.,l,..1"'J+f,,.,_.J.-=----- · ~ 0 ,, ,, ·,, ~WA~',,' ,,,,. .. ,,,, 406432.0l Public Record ur0er. Nori=uaer Seam1 voe: Kt.2009 20091230001091 Vitge 6 Oi 9 Ueated BY. btbeciei Printed. 41672012 2.51.30 PM PSI • • .. 20091230001691.007 ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Janet Bumstead, to me known to be the Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust, the trust that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrwnent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said trust, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the same instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this d I day of A a , , 2009. 406432.01 Order. NOh-Ordef Search Doc. KC.2009 20ihi230001691 ~/~.~ -~-~' 6,rint~e] Notary Publ~c;n and for the State of Washington residing at /j etbr1< u My commission expires: _.,_7_,J..,1.-,1-1Jc...i"'h=------ Public Record Page; or 9 uearea By. 010eoe1 Pfiiited. 2/1672012 2:st:30 PM PS I • • I .. 20091230001691.008 QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, Frederick H. Bumstead, aa to an undivided I 0% intCRSt; Joan Bumstead, as to an undivided 6% interest; Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40% inlCIQt; Kari Hall, as to an undivided 44.6% intCl'C&t; Steven Bwmtcad, u to an undivided 12.6% interest; Donna Bumstead, u to an undivided 0.40"/o intcn:at; Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Janet Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided 10% interest; and Janet Bumstead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildrcn's Irrevocable Trust, as to an undivided 3% interest, all as tenants in common, for conaidcrstion of a transfer from 11:nants in common to an LLC, in the same prorata share as their interests, conveys and quit claims to Bumstead Construction LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County ofK.ing, State ofWashington, together wiU, all after acquired title of the Granter therein: Parcel A of King County Lot Linc Adjustment No. 489033, recorded under King County Recording No. 8408270719, records of King County, Washington. Dated: Dccembet;l,2009. Frederick H. (Rick) Bu1111tead f4ih,14,I/, ~tv.wied Catherine Bumstead Butnlilead Grandchildren'• Irrevocable Trust Notary Acknowledgements attached '0602.01 Public Record oroer. NOH·Orcier Search Doc. Kt:2009 20091230001691 Page 8 Of 9 oeated ay. a1oeae1 PHhted! 2/16/2012 2.51.31 PM PS I • • STATll OF ALASKA COUNTY OF ___ _ ) } so. ) 20091230001691.009 On this day personally appeared before me Cath<>rine Bumstead, to me known to be lhe individual dcscrib~ in and who exccut~ the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary aet and deed, for the uses and purposes th<OTCin mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal Jbir Z."',\ZO~ay of ¥~Bt:l'.2009. ?,,-~. ,-:-- 406450.GI Order. NOI\-Oidet Seattrl Doc: KC,2009 2009!230001691 /,./ .,,,.~" <<-" ~ .... ~/,, #P·~~,.;.c• [print notary's name] Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska residing at ""Jt,.!,&Al,. A..LA-:,'CA. My commission expires: :ZI · I\JOV·:Zol\ Public Record Page 9 bl 9 created By. o10eoe1 Printed. 2/16/20!2 2.51.31 PM PSI • • : r; 1/11 ··1f • .... ::,,'_/ I 1·: ·LJ · -:,,.-iS :· J 11\.1 l.!::::I &i @ JJ [!JJ ® lJ ~ lg [NJ lf A\~~[LO©&UO@[ND eu 1, r,t ,c, •~r L~NO OCVflOPM[NT l l~l~IJ~ e,,oe,27 #07J~ e REr.D F 5.00 REV S 15.00 CASHSL •••20.00 '..CJ.:'"d • •"~""• 91104 TEL1 J4'~2,910 !.coal l,c,~erll<lt"'-t • lo lot A .S&w o.-tt .. •'--.-.T ;-.,,._ ~ .. \ cl<t.SC·,~_:i. l 7C".'5 3 i..n4/!t.i Th• South quarter of that portion of the South· half of the . Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14. Town- ship·2l North.· Rang~ 5 East, W.M., in King County. Washington. lying North of the South 30 feet of said South half, TOGETHER WlTH the South 30 feet of the Northeeat quarter of the Northweat quarter of said s~ctiQn: EXCEPT the North 78.165 feet of the East 155 feet thereofi E~CEPr that portion dea~ribed 11 followar Beginning at the North quarter corner of said Section, thence along the center line of said Section South 0029•50• West 1133.20 feet1 thence Worth 11°11 1 32• West 30.0l feet, thence South 002a•so• Weat 78.77 feet to th• true point of be- ginning for thi• description, . thence continuing South 0029•50•. Weat 42.98 feet, thence along A curve to right having a radiua of 35.00 feet: 1n arc di1tance of S5.8Q feet1 through a centrel angle of 910 21 •o.2, thence North aa 0 1o•os• Weat 89.17 feet, thence North o 0 2a•so• East 78.76 feet, thence south aa 0 11 1 J2• East 125 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPT portion deacribed aa follova1 Beginning :lorth 88010•03• West 481.91 feet •nd North 01049,~2· Eaat 30 !eet Crom Southeast corner thereof, thence North 01°49 1 52• East 157.35 feetr I .thence Nortn 88011'32" Weat 83.30 feet, thence south 01049,52• Weat 157.31 fut, thenco Scut!, uo1a•oa• Eaat 83,30. feot to true point of be.ginning. and ;' EXCEPT th• Eaat lQ.faat of the ra,..indar thereof, , n,Perpot UAl non:.,...;j~~i~e: .. ;;;:-;;;;·;~. Ind b~;;·f--it-o_f_a-djoin•. · in; prcperu .. for road :and uUlitiH .over, acr.011 and. upon · .the WHt •no loutll .30 fHt of prcperty:tinein doicribed'; aa .res · ·· auvo~ in inatru .. nt filld under Auditor'• rile 110, snnn:: ~:,;r:1 ,. :,f~~j~'.·'i*~:·.r.n; ·\:; · .~ .... · ... : . ,. ~-.r:.:-~:::..:.~,·~~.,, ~ ... ~~-.. _._ -tiir.M.J.i.:.~fu,,)ll.,•:..-~'VI.:..,.-:, • • ·• /"'- ( i 1>1011 I 1, ,, ,, j~ f '~·. ,· I ' ' I ' j " .. ,· ~ ,-. ~. 'I.": !!! ri,,,:\'' ! ~ . . !."'''.. rd f;.,t(C\.. 'e, ' ' . ' '. l W,'t .... l.J.y, .. -,.·s=t·- •LA \.o,\-\..; .. ._ o.._..,. ·:··,.j';•. ;:_·. Do Kot'.l/r1t~· Below' Thh Lino a Approval ii horby ·ararited 1ubj1cttot · · Cl Ol11pprov1d b1cau111 "' f.ol. " ' ,t.111<· i ... ... , .. ' .... ·.vf; ;, ~ c:< •• ' -;i~ ~ .. ., : r··· ~---- - 1• •. • • ------~--~~--------------==i ~ ,_ 0 \;:.,1,im J\d111 t~·1tl\ . \---- / ( I<-All . .1~ I The North h•lf of the south half of that portion of the South half of th1 Northeast quarter of the Northweat quarter o! Section 14, township 23 North, ~ang, S £11t, W.H., in king County, Washington, lying North of the South JO feet of ••id South half, E~CEPT the East 30 feet thereof for coYnty road. TOGETHER W1TH an easement for road~ay over the South 30 feet of the Northeast qi..an:er of the North ... ·••t quarter of said Section, EXCEPT the tnat )~ feet thcrG~f1 TOGETHER WlTH AND SUBJECT TO an easement for road~ay and Ut!li- tJe1, 1cro11, u~on and ovei the N•1t 30 f~et of the Northeast quarter ol th, North~~•t quarter, EXCtPT the ~Orth 30 f~@t, ANO EXCEPT tho South 30 fe~t: Situate in tho County of Xing, State of Washington. PACE NO. tXHIBII •e• v!~, A. _., ' ~' Perpetual non-exclusive eaaement for use and benefit of adjoining properties for road and utilitiea over, across and · upon·. the West 30 feet of property herein described, 11. re:1er,•ed in instrument filed under Auditor'• Filo No. 5872161. END OF EXHIBIT "B" • • ' . ' , .•;A~"~-;:. . . . RBAL BSTA'Ui C'X'tNTRACT ~ . . ;'" ! ~ ..• : . . ,_.. ,, . ,• /. rm:,~~ ... -....... ~!th ... ,., NoYfaber, 1965, '"-' ANNA IE~GRELL, u to u tmdf<fd1d ont•h•lf '.cterut 15. her ,oparate •state; and ARTHUR :ENUELl 1ndq,uOL'N~ .HATCS, uchlln and I •1 dtd on••fOurth i.r.l!r~u...~~'),1!., ,epar1tt u~u.. ,. JACK C, MARLOWE and M·; .JANE' MARLO E, hh •!~t; •nd LOWELL H. HOLTROP 1nd,.JEAN B, HOLHOP, hh •1fe; ~ ·,.,. ~ Dll "JIV;ru&&T,· WlT:ff:SSETH: T\M U.. 11Da-qr.a tt, al W I.lie ,...,. aad lM ,-dlalw ~ Ill ~-(,-U,.. •'1rr Ille feftowlnt dac:rihftl n'JJ n1.11i, ..Sil,~ "JIPllrtaud,I,, a ~ l ng Cn1a1,, Sta. .r W,lohtnrt•n: 1 The south quarter _r,f that port ton of the south h·a1 f of t~e northeu t :,:.:::-t::; cf !h~ _:-;.;;'th.:;:.! ,:.;,;;rtir of st,:fwil ,~. tvwi\itd~ 2'3 1'11Jt'U1, raoge 5 01st, W,M,, 1n K1n9 County, W•sh1ngton, lying north of the south 30 feet of satd south half; . • · TOGETHER w1th the south 30 feot of the northeast qiarter of the nrirth west quarter of said sectton; EX~E?T the eJst 30 feet thereof for County Ro1d, RESER~ING THEREFROM however, a perpetual non-exclusive e1sement for the u<e and ben~fft$ of adjofnfng prcpertf1s for road end utflftfes over, across and uptin.the w·est JO fe1tt and the South 30 feet of the aforesaiJ Jucrfbed property. ·nu lcT ... ud ~-cf 1Mf. i00111nct.,. 11 lolknn.: ne ~ price it •• • ......................... . [lE VEN THOUSAND Fl VE HUNDRED ANO ~0/1 OOTHS., •• ,11 11 , 500, 00 •. l o.rsn, ,r •~"' ONE TKOUSA~D FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/lOOTKS ............. 1,SOD,00 ••• l""""''"' ~ ,DIJd. I.., l'IQl,)t ..._., Iii llitft'tr, ,cbow~ u,d .. kllaca of ,a&d pa~ peb .,.~ l,a pdd I' lft!laWl; Sixty and No/l00ths ••• -••••••• A 1 ••• , ••••••••• 1 , ••••• o60.00 .••••• Jn.U..ra. 11rmOl'Tl.lJl'Urdauf'r'loptiO., .. ffk1wttMI ·,~th ~·f Ut(ffflblr , \t 65, a:id Sixty and No/100ths: •••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• ts 60.00 ......... , n.iu.,.. or ino~ 1.1 p,.rr.:ha~'• c,pt'°a, 01. 1K tier•ni tlle · 1 5th da,-af ad, ~ cJr.da.r -•Jr. ,111tll I~ b&l111t-t .,1 Wrl J.",ltd:.•• I"'<• al..t.A l&oe 9"'11'a full, pud. n,. ,-rdl4., I\U"Ulo,r .,,_, lo P.1 W,rwt H tJ..: <llboJa1,,l,1,q W.lolke ol Mkl p;.r,;llur pl'lce at'lloent••l 6% p<"l'll:T"'-JWT .... 1111\lrvmtk 15th .. ,., No.vemb~r ,It 65. 1obkll ln1,ml NJ! be, dNl'ucted ft01111 ndi laAIID_..,, r-Y-1 MM! IM IN.luff •f ~.u:• p.7mnot •wlW k. rNutt!M ol pttndp,tl Allp&~·moutot>c-&1dl~,...-...rw.11i..,,.111 National Bank cf Commerce (CENTRAL BRANCH) or•IM11bolbt\pillttl.ltht1tdctNJ41.tft1. ... r111,,,, 510 Olive Way: Seattle. Wuh1ngton. SELLER AGREES to deed releo,e any portion (not to exceed 201 of total property) at ~hfch time purcooser will pay 1n 1ddftional $2,000.00 on the principal balance, and the same far each succe,ding release. • • 1i1 1' wli.,·,, hllr ,.., ~;,1 ,ta\ roht1-I' ·~tiltc". :o u ,~1•1ftl tfflln.<1 Of Cfl•lnft& 111'1drr lf~lrti wlkr k P'l""ll••I,., 111111 101 r,1,1 .. , "' 1,11 ffl~n.:u,""' 011-,r ~Mil("ll.·•· .. 111,.11, ... ,'" .. :• )flit' .... h ... ~ t~ rah IIKII f!I.Ytl!MI" In •tt('l'lt,.Mt ... u11 tM IU'1\IF iM"rr,,I. Ofl!l \.ol~•n ,lf!•11ll, lhf ;,un:hk. •t .hllll l-a"1 rJ.f rif:hl ,.., "'tb 1n~ pa:'l'!Kflb ~.W.ty '" "-¥t lat dtl1u'1, , ... rt'")' PIJ""~o 1111 mutr ,hiU 1'<' JN•lwrt 1e> thr 1•1,.....flh llnt h:S..... oht t~ •"" 111drr d1h «>"t11rt ( 1; I Th• wU,r , .;rN"•, 11p,,t1 NTl't-.lil, j"~ f'lt_..t of 1k p,1~w prQ u.J iatttflt :. ,.,_ ••"l!tr 1b-JH1 -.,«ti\. ,I, to tt:n,tf lfl'i ,\rl""' tn r~1fllll' ,i,1v1,;r,. 1'Uflffh tllrn r.,r lfllhitt u•. fr« d rl'ltllt',;,nr;c.~ rtC'l'p1 IIIJ ·IJ'i;i Cl'li) ·~bf,"(l I<' lht ;11l1<••11tt d rd 11 •iod rftl n1111, ,.., .. ,Atn~ 1117 part 1t1,,1t<>r hl'rT'lhn ,1:u11i-~fit, ~1, ol clo<Ur tbro,i11h '"'" .,..,..,,. 1111'! .. , 1tw.11 ti" "''1..-r, ,,.d ' l~' l.'11!cw .a ,!llrftrlll da.t, • pn•odtd 'or MfflA, tbc p,.irullc,rr tl,all bl ,aUtlNI 11 ~!on o, Mkt :~•I 01111 l!rt rl•lt of ck>oi11i ind 111 n1c'.n pn...,,....,. I,.) k,11.; .. p,:ir-cha .. DOI In 4rf1111l Jlttt'\JMht. TM 1M11'1:U«r ~nu lb k.N-p Iii, Wldln" utl 01h,r ll""r,rnv~- mt"nU "" !oaid r,,11 "tau ~ J,od n,palr ..Ni aol I• perml\ .»u &M not r, 11111,, 1tr pi'l"III!! 1M it..e •f, th, rr1I fl1'tt tor 11;! il!,;ii:1t pn1••• Th, rvnt.awr (o,--.-11An\1, lo s,.7 •·II•~, bul.1U.tion or <omlN~ rh•'fllll fer 1Rtrr, .,....,r, •"rtrklt7, iurba,.t '" ott!P; u1iH1.,· ,1tn.·1t'"• '11r,,ioh(-d It-.1114 rc:al HU!t 1fttt tM dll, pv.rdi.a,cr b 111lllk4 111 po1111e1116n. ('I) 11'1 r11-ot t~ pu~Ul'I' r..u. 111 -u Hof JaJIRllll ~rdl'I pni~ or to ma.lnllhi'la.ur111>4'1, a,. IM,ttbl rff!Vl1oHI, ttw ,..n,,., m.1r r.11h 111(h r,,,rrM11t or tlk'Ct <illdl buu1111Ct, 111d Ill)" JPIIOUftb-,o i:-ld by lhc Klkr, lt,J:lbtt with lnll,nt 1.l IN ,.l,. el I~ ~r lftn1.1m 1ht1~on 1r,,n, (Llltr ni ... y;nrht ,.n,U t.,._~;, .:0.::.,. ,;.v,,1 .:.,k t.; j,;,;;,::....,.; .;..: ;.:::!:-:': !.::::•.~ '-" -1<1o.-,, :--!'•"I,.. I" •"" 11tl,,r Pl.-11\ 1h, M"llf.r ,niih1 lwi\"t bi· l'U'IIHII •f .IIKb dtl1111l. . l101 11mt b of tbt l'WIK'I 111 tMI n1rtt~n. 1flli ii • qr«d 1Mt Jn CJK lhf purchucr ,hall fsll II! cnmfllr wi!h . ,,n!nrn"l ~ny rnndhlnn c,r 1irfttnfUl birrirvl er lo ,nakt ""7 r-,._.,t re(l\l!:icd heffundtr promf)ll)o IL th, tllM ~ U, \1,,, l'l'lln~f Mt<"in tf1;,u,c,I. The -otlltr 1111)' tk: to dffl.l"' 1Q UM' pitc'h•wr'• rif;lllll twrt\lnd:.r urnU1111N, 111d 11pr~ hh ®In•.,, 1U p.1}·m,nt• "'•'"' hy 1hr f"lr,,\,,,., hrrnu1rlc, 1r.d t.11 tmp,l'•~mHl1 p,M~ uro:in lht r1,1.J uote 11',all hr lorl'1te<I 10 IM' .-n., ;i.1 ;1,,ui,!•1 ... 1 '111.•••"· and 1M ..-th-1 ,h•!! h•·, r\rh1 l<> "-tttltf and Uh potw:nk1fl e[ LM "''l tttllf; ind ntt !ft!"'" by tM vlkr 11>( 1ny rl~f,1111 "" 1!\r p.trl nf 11>, punb~-r· ,1,,11 I,,. f1'·h~tl.ll'\I aa • Wt.lvtl i,I 1.n)' svbtr-Q11"11 OCfavlt :S,rvitt u,i,oa pu,d1utr el ill dlm11\d1, 1tnll<U or floll>tt p.pttl w11h rup«I lo J;;f,il'll• and 1,m,tn11ion nl 1111•r~.~,...{• ,i,h1· m.11· h, rn.,(W b,1· Unhff'I Sut~ Mafl, rvt,ta., p!'1'~1.l, RIUffl ,~lpl n11urotfd, dl"rt<"d tq the pur~ha..er tl II~ 1cl,l1+n lar' .nn .. ·n tu 1~, ,...•;..r !lll l1~ ,rlltr't riff!!,.,,.. \i, l,ri11,:: ,ult to u,!oru Illy toflrt.1-111 uf lhla c-n11111c1. lndudlnl" ,uil 1<:, rolltrt anr l"1fm~nl r«111i,rrl hrl't/1.,dtt, 1hr 1ycha.rr -~~ 11 pa1 a """"'"ablt 1,um u 11\o~y·• 1H• 11'111H fl!'>ll a"4 Of'"'"'~ In ,,;nM(ltf'ln .. ,ih ,,;rh •>1it, ... ~,,.,, wm1 iht.11 boo in•dnl In 1.ny juck~nt or &err, ent,"tlf In 111orh wh. If llu Mlk~ ,J,111 hril>l ,ult lo ptCN'11N-an 1djuJ,utlo11 d lh• lrr111ln1linrt !,I lhl' JlllTflillMr', rli:.:~ :. .•. , ... :,·r, ~,,.1 jtt,I~'""''' ,, .:, tnttrni, IM ,,.,rf]1.,.-r I~"" 1n f-1 I n110n .. 1il,-II.Im II attom,~'1 lf"I'• an'1 Jll rn:ol~ 111'1 trr,rno1• 111 ff>nn•fli"" ... i,~ ..,,,.1, ,11it. an,! aJ.n 1hr ru,nn.iibK fn:,t DI .,..._rct,.lnft _i,,<t,, t" 1"1tr,nl"' lh• -:,n,lll~k-n of llt:t 11 L~ ,l1tr •~th ~11lt ;, <u1n11>,11n,l. .. ·lull, 111rn• ,J..1!1 1:.. incl~ i11 •nr judcmtnt or ,Jr,tttt tnttrld 111 11zt:h t11lt I . • ( 1_~ ":~Jo.~£0~ pa= )t,rrlo hm utNled th~ •,:rntnl as~/ L~•.i:1, ~.;::~1:11 ~~~· ,?, (.' /L_,ffi{:, tl...,_ t?,J.J.,_.;1/. .'/'.H /,'tU,·· .z" h . C. Marlowe -urdiiSer "J~.::H~·.~:",·t~o··\:;;:o~p -.. :ur.~ _ascr 22 .~n < 21? .1,r::::, V!) l,;IIII ~. llV I ~ -r-Urchaser A. J~,rlowe • ~urchaser (•HI.I , .. -. .:.·~""' (:5Hl1 ST,\TE oF-•. ~ASH!NGTON t ,-g ...:, 0 N R u-. " O' w ·,J e ·":V 25 1111 8 ~ IJJ ii " c.: • • . ,,,:: D \ ·,)1 - . " . ·:·.'·.~ .• ...... ··)' 94.·10.-~') J;·EC(• F ~~)o,11':,L ,',_\\\~,!'.",~~L:\R1'\'l' tt.1~ ,:,r l.'Oi':DIT!O;;!S, C0VE~~1\NTS '. '"' RE~T!nl1'1,':;s RCG,\Rt)l:,,;G Fl)HM,\'rl01'1 Ot" ,\ ·' ,; t""Il.lT\" L•X:1\L I~',PRO\'~:MEN1' f:l!STRICT I.1 cons1dt'r.1t1on of approval by King Cc1...nty of a :~horl plnt permit/approval fur the property mwlding or Plat} described below, :-1nry P:1trici1;Fyan, A sin2ie womran 1o..inerls} -I ~~~~~~~~~~~~' pro~erty own~rs, hereby covenant and a~re~ as follows: 1, I/W~ are the owners of property within King Cvo~tyj which is leqdllv described as fol.lows: (Legal Description) Th~ ,...,e!ilt 505. n· f~E>t nf thP SoLJtl, hc1lf of thnt portion of the ~outh hnlf of Northeast qunrter of th~ Northwest quarter of Section lG, Town~hip 23 Nerti,, Ran,e 5 Fast, W.M., in Kir~ County ~ashintton, lvl11c north of tl,e ~nuth JO rret of snfrl south hn](. Tn~P~h•r with the $nl1t!~ ti11rtv teet ol thP ~est 595.72 re~t of the N~rthen$t q11nrl:c!r ol tht> Nonhwest quarter of sai<l section. J;?eservinr. therE:!· from hot,:!.'ver, ,1 per;~etllal non exclusive aas:ement for use and benefits of adjoinin~ pro1,crti~s for road And utilities over ~nd across and upon th• ~~st 30 fe~t of the above deserfberl property nnd the south 30 feet ~f above d~scrihrri prop~rty. 2. "C/We have requested the issuance by Ki~g County of the following permit or approval for the above described property: short plat t 1084057 (Jd5 No, or Plat No.) J. ?ursuant to King County Ordinance 5ij28, Section 4, the above d~scribetl permit or approval is exempt from King County's require~ents for fire hydra~ts and water mains. 4. Recognizing the above facts and in consideration of King County's i~suance of the requested permit/approval: I/He hereby agree to join in the execution of a petition for and not to protest, the formation of a utility local improvement distric'..: for purposes of providing water mains and fire hydrants consis- tent with applicable King County standards. For this purpose. I/we hereby designate the manager of the public water district responsible for the local improvement district as our agent authorized tc:, oi9n a petition pursuant to RCW 57.16.060 or our behalf. • . ill . ~ -: ' .f ' ; .. , ,.,· 1h i1' ;,. • • I • " • s. ':'his De..:-L1r.:iti~1!', of conditions, ccvl.3!nar.ts ;, i Restric- tri~ts LS ~ind1ng upon our heirs, assignees And successors in int~ri.:-~t .i~ the ow1wrs of the abovti-describcd t'roperty and is a cove11d11t running with the land. 1. This Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restric- tions sh.!ll not be relea1ed without the express written approval of the K~:19 County Fire Marshal or his succes!"or. OWNER ~Signature) ' 1· ~1,lJ r 0n+ 1.rJ. f ·1 vn L 1.-.li ~ "''I ~ !':'\'~ , '1:!.J., oe ore me persundJ. y ~ppeare~c./))c(.l{j fi{±s1 ('( l\ f;',117/)..___.., to me known to ~e the (individuals) (_r ________ of the corp,nal!ion) described herein and who executed the foregoing ihstrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and p·crposes herein mentioned, d ·~ / ,"itness my han~,Jnd seal hereto affixed the c) . day o.i'-. l,,.'(~(,/)( .:.__ , 19.Jy -· ........ :.'~ ~/lt~c_ ·~. (~ ~t~i~~~-~·~:L Nota,r PUi1c 1.n,and· ~-· the Stat: .'11 lon, re . .S!ding at , .... . • I p . ( , . ,., ' . ~ • .. ' ' ' ~-~- ,·n:;·r'V'\t~~· Pl"ll' fl'·~1·,1i1.1n~1:•11·:N'l' or ·./l•.'i!:H 1.1::1 : C0:!!'>'1'H\IC'l'I0N cnr,T;. T:n;. .vmr:::11~t-lT, mi'ltli~ ,ind cntC'!rcd into thi:=1 ..12.!1!. d,,v nf ,luly, 117), !:>y ,1nt1 bctw11on KtNr. COUNTY liATRR DtriTnICT NO. 90, ..1 ,nunicipal cor~or.:\tion, hereinafter rcr.crrad to l'.!G the "tlistrict" and DURWOOD E. BLOO!l, hcrcin.1ftcr referred to as the "Owner", NIT NESS BT H: THAT \'l'lllrnFJ\f1, thP. O\mnr hns hc:rotnfor<! constructnd .1 t ·.··~m cxpn.noC', certain ir.mrovcmtrnta conaiRting of w.1 tor rr.ai:-::, <1nc.J ..ipriurtcnancas thereto, within the boundnrics of the linter D19trict, l<'inn County, St,1tc of ~'7n.i"hinqton, tn-wit: sr:rn ir'"c. I. ON r;,g,""TJ2nd !1t. F!l.O:-, 156tnliva. S,E, TO 152na' 1\vc. s,i:;. Httr::ml\!1 1 tlln Di~trict, in a.ccmr.daneo 1tith tho prn- vision:1 of llC'·l 35, ?L 020 hil~ .i.qrcc<l thnt tho Owner m.,~.t be rcinbu::::secl for a portion of tho cont of such construction of such wutnr f~cilitics from thos~ owner~ of a<li~ccnt prnn- crticn to s.'.lid const~uction which in nccord with the rules and regul.-:i.tion:. of the District m.'.ly ht! construed to hnvc rccaived benefit thorof.rcn, hut which pror:,~rtioA h.'\vc nnt borne a share of the cost of 9uch iM~rovomcntn aft so installc<l. NOW, Tlll!:REFORE, it in l1r.rohy nutunlly cov~nt1ntcil am.l agreed by and between tho p,1rtint1 h~r~to .,n t'olli,\-m: (1) The Owner dnr!ri horohy covnn,i.nt nnd w,,rr,,n.t th.1t the entire cost or conr1truction nnd int1t,i.l l.1tinn nf Page One • • '.1,1i,: 1:1~,r,,.,,..i.•;1t: '1;:, 1,, .. :11':1.i in ftill, ,H:t.!r>r,li111 ';P L.1,• {2) In conf'ii<lcr.ition of convoy,rn.ce o! !i,iiil i;:111rovam1~nt:> to the !)istrict by thi1 Owner, the District hcrcl1y 4qrec9 that for a purinJ of fiftaan (15) yenr~ fr~~ und .J.ftcr the l~t c.luy of no per non, fir~, or cor,::,orntion beinq th,'l Own!.!r or n.ny of the rc.11 l'.'Jroncrt•, hcrcinnftcr clescrihad elMll be granted a permit or be .1utll- ori2cd to tnp into or U!';G such wntP.r facility for scrvic~ to said hercinnftcr described roal properties without first oaying to tho Distrir;t, i.., .1tldition to any 1rnd all cost!1, charqcs or .'.lsscssracnts m~tlo £or ouch connoctinn or wntcr use for water lines constructed in connection with such URC, in ud<lition to tho irn,,rovomont11 heroin dr:tscrihod, the s\1m of Fivo Dollars and Forty•l::iqht Ccn':.s [~S.48) per front fnot of property adjacent to suid water facilitic.o hcrcinahovc described o~ real prorerty as ~creinafter described. (J) l~ithin sixty {60) days after receipt of such payr.ient by the District, ei']hty-fiv~ per cc.?nt (85\) thereof shall ba paid to tho Own~r, heirR, executors or af:lsiqns a,; ?artial roimburserr.ent for coi:;ts of conBtruction e:wemlccl by th~ Owner for tho construction of said imnrov~m~nt. The District shall h,1.VP. no resoonsil>ility for maintuininq cor- rect uddrcsecfl for such ~;1:1 co and ia the event no adclrcsr. for sai<l desiqnated oayn~ shall b~ dVailablo to the ni~trict within twelve (12) months ft'>llowinq the d.1tc of ,;uch pny- m0nt bein9 in.Ilda, s11id fun,ID sh,,11 rovr.rt to the Mai11tcnnncr Pa.110 Two I • • bur~wnent ~h.,11 c-xi!'it. (4) Thi! r<'!n,,ining fiftn~n per cent (15\) of s.:1i<l p,1yrncnt sh.'.lll be rcti\inccl by the District us and for rch1- bursc0ent of ovcrhearl, record keepinq anrl collection co5ts, and no other charges or assessments therefor shall ht! lovicU againot th~ Owner, or Owner's heirs, executor~ or trnsic_rns. (5) Properties subject to the rflquircments ot t.his Contract arc situated within the boun<l.a.riu~ or tile District in King County, Stntc of Washington, doscrihcd as follOWR J 'l'hc proparty line 180 feet nortl1 of t:1c south line c.f the northca!lt quo.rtcr of the north~cst qunrtcr of Section 14, Township 23, Hilnqe 5 l~.h1 .M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par ti as hare to have set their hands an<l seals thi:i illb._ d.ny of \July, 197). "' ... ~· Page Three • • ~ ."l 0 r- (\J ~ ,-... ST,\n OF WAS11l~r.TON COU~TY OF KING ... ON THIS ~ DAY of July, 1973, penonolly oppeared o. R, O'CONNOR and JIM w. ROHRtR, to mo known to be tho Chair~ man ~nJ Secretary, respectively, of KING COUNTY WATER nISTRICT NO, 90, a municipal corporation thnt executed the forcqoinq in:=ltrurnent, and .:icknowle:dqod the s,1itl instrument to be the free and voluntary uct .1ntl deed of . .said m~n~qipal ,cprrorution ... ' .. for the u,ies a.ml purposes therein rnentionod, anrl on 011th stated that they were uuthorizoJ to oxacuto t.h& said instrument and th,1t tho seAl affixml ia the corriO:t'ate aeal of said municipal corporation. wrn:ESS MY HAND /\ND OFFICil\.L Stl\.L hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above Paqo Four • • ; "' '·- __ , ' ' ,., "' '" 0 e, f~ ,- '" '' ' ' ~- ::; ''.~. '.' '., ... ~ {;:;!•'/'. -~-<~1Yi: ,· ·, ...... ~- 1· 11. 1: :1 ·\ ~· ''"I'' ,)!' '(:"1,') :,J'.r'_.\l, ,;ri;:v·rcr:~ n,··~. 100:• ,,. 3rdt 1',.), !1ox 'JO :.:1,nton, '.'1,l:-,hin~t1")11 ~Ar'J!,S 255-L.IS4? • ~ ... ....... lltCORDED •.••.. OF,·····-·· .. ...... I\! 0U£ST or 197'FE£ ~ ~ II 17 D~ECTOR R[COflos·, E~ECTIOI/$ 'ff.KINO _CCUNTY, V/ASH. }'/;'° • • • RELEASE Of DAMAGE This agreement made ttds Z/97 day of_~-~)u,,.,u1<c:,.._ __ • Jll"I, ; y and bet.ween />fllll'( Are, 72,1,1.v hereinafter calTeTthe CUffiR, aniFK!NG cd0N1Y, ITS EMPLOYEES, here1narter called the GRANTE~: WASHI.iGTON, ANO WI TNESSETH: WHEREAS, THE GRIINTOR represents and warrants that Sllr /~ the owner, tenantl or mortgagee on that certain parcel of land described as follows: The South Half of that portion of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.1 ir, King County, Wa<hlngton, lying North of the South 30 feet of said South Ha 1 f. WHEREAS, t~e GRANTEE is about to approve certain improvement work on that certain parcel of land described as follows: The South Half of that portion of the South Half nf \~e Nnrth!!!t Qu:r!er ~r Lhe Northwest Quarter of Set.t1on 14, Township 13 North, Ran~• 5 East, W.M., 1n King County Washington, lying North of the South 30 feet of said South Ha 1 f. WHEREAS, sa1d improvement involves instal lat1on of an interceptor drain upon the above described property and, WHEREAS, the said improvement work is adjacent to, in the vicinity of, Or" abuts the above described property belo:iging to said G~ANTOR. NOW, THEREFORE, 11 IS HEREBY AGREEO AS FOLLOWS: That the GRANTOA, their succes~ors and 1ssi9ns 1 agree to protcct and save GRANTEE, its tlected and appointed officials and employees, harmless from and against all claims, demands and causes of action of any kind or character, including the cost of defense thr.reof, arising in favor of GRANTEE'S employees of third parties with respect to any damage to land or any structures, or any erosion or loss or limitation of use of property resulting from the improvement described 1n this release. except when due solely and entirely to the fault of King County or its officials and employees. !H WITNESS WHEREOF the saio GRANTOR has hereunto set h,,,4 hand(s) and seal(s} tl\e day and year ffrst above written. WITNESS: slAIE OF wASAINGION ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) GRAN I OR THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this flr(;d•y of ~VN.S , l',1'9. before me, the undersigned, a Notary u 1c in arl for The State of Washington uly commissioned and sworn, personally came 12.. -- o me n wn o e e ndividual who executed the within 1nstrumen~ and acknowledged to me that 41,,.-signed and sealed the same as r free 1nd voluntary act arid"deed for the uses ond purposes ereln mentioned. WITNESS my hand an~ official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. ··"".".·~',) .:~i'-\C..' 0-;t " ng on • • 20080303000827:001 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Title: LATECOMER'SAGREEMENT Projccl File#: PRM-27..0030 Grantor(s): 1. Citv of Renton, a Municioal Cornllration \111111\1\1111111 2008~j300D,~27 ~.ri ,..,12 13/81/ZBtl 11,:,!9 KlllG ~Y, - I Property Tax Parcel Numbers: 142305-9003 I Grantee(,): l. Kevin M, Wvman Compku.; kgal ~c-scr!ptio11 is in fahibi1 "O" of lhis document LEGAL DESr.R\PTION, Portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this j,5'fl'. day of 't~M«tt./'/ , 20 Off, by and between the CITY OF RENTON, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and Kevin M. Wyman, hereinafter referred to as HDEVELOPER"; WHEREAS, the "DEVELOPER" is desirous of installing certain wastewater systems and appurtenances thereto at, near, or within the hereinbelow described property and to connect same to the "CITY'S., utility or road system(s) so that such improvements wiJl constitute an integral part thereat and \VHEREAS, no other property owners or users are presently available to share in the cost and expense of construction of such improvements, and the parties hereto having in mind the provisions and terms of the "Municipal Water and Sewer Facilities Act" (RC.W. 35.91.020, et seq.) and street latecomer', legislation (R.C. W. 35.72.010, et seq.); and WHEREAS, the "DEVELOPER" is willing to pay all the costs and expenses for the installation of said improvements; ~OW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND CONVENANTED BY AND BETWEEN THE AFORESAID PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: Page I Public Record ,.-,.~~ . '/ '' 0 () uroer. Non-uraer Seard1 Doc. Kt.2ws 20000Jmoooa21 Page I of 12 created ey. Dloedet Phnted. 2/16)2012 2.51.23 PM PSI I • • I PRM27-0030: wYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT I. The "DEVELOPER" hereby acknowledges and covenants that he is the owner of the following described property, to wit: See Exhibit 1'A" and the "DEVELOPER" hereby agrees and covenants to cause to have installed the following described improvements, to wit: I. 397 linear feet of 8 inch PVC Sewer Main 2. 2 48 inch diameter manhole 20080303000827.1)02 and such installation to be made in full compliance with all applicable codes and regulations of the "CITY". The "DEVELOPER" further covenants and warrants that all expenses and claims in connection with the construction and installation of the aforesaid improvements, whether for labor or materials or both) have been or will be paid in full, all at the "DEVELOPER'S" expense, and the "DEVELOPER" covenants and agrees to hold the ''CITY" ha-nnless from any liability in connection therewith. 2. The "DEVELOPER" further certifies that the total cost of said construction as hereinabove specified is $88,016.01. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto for the legal description of the boundary line encompassing the lands affected by this latecomer agreement, and see Exhibit uc" attached hereto for the map showing in outline the land affected by such additional charges per the tenns of this agreement. The total amount of the cost of said improvement shaH be employed to determine the pro rata reimbursement to the "DEVELOPER" by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such improvement 1 and who subsequentfy wishes to tap into or hookup to or use said facilities, which tap or hookup shall include connections to lateral or branches connecting thereto, all subject to the laws and ordinances of the "CI~" and the provisions of this agreement. Pagc2 Public Record Dicier. r,,011-oraer searer, Dot. KC.2008 2oos0Jwouos2t Page 2 OT 12 Ueated ey. bloedel Pflf\ted. 410/2012 2.51.23 PM PSI • • I PRM27-0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT The method ofdetennining latecomer payments shall be by: Front foot method The pro rata cost is SU 0.85 per front footage. 3. It is hereby found and determined that the construction and installation of said aforedescribed improvement is in the public interest. 20080303000827 .003 4. The "DEVELOPER" hereby agrees and covenants to convey, transfer, and assign unto the "CITY~' all rights, interest and title in and to said improvements and all appurtenances and accessories thereto, free from any claim and encumbrance of any party whomsoever; "CITY" agrees to accept and maintain said improvement as part of its present system upon approval thereof by the Administrator of the Planning'lluilding/Public Works Department or his/her authorized representative and after inspection of said construction. The "DEVELOPER" further agrees and covenants to execute and to deliver unto the "CITY" any and all documents including Quit Claim Deeds and Bills of Sale that may reasonably be necessary to fully vest title in the "CITY" and to effectuate this conveyance and transfer. The "DEVELOPER" further agrees and covenants to pay unto the "CITY" such service charges or other charges as may be imposed by the "CITY" for use of the improvements for which this agreement is granted. 5. The "CITY" reserves the right, without affecting the validity or terms of this agreement, to make or cause to be made extensions to or additions of the above improvement and to allow service connections to be made to said ex.tensions or additions, without liability on the part of the "CITY". 6. No perSon, firm, or corporation shall be granted a permit to use or be authorized to tap into the facility during the period of 15 years from date hereof, without fifllt paying unto the "CITY", in addition to any and all other costs, fee, and charges made or assessed for each tap, or for the main facilities constructed in connection therewith, or for street, signalizat1on, and lighting improvements, the amount required by the provisiorts of this P,ge J Public Record oroer. NoH-Ot"der Searcn Dot. Kt.2008 2008030300082/ Page 3 or 12 aeateo ey. OIOedel Printed. Z/10/2012 2.51.24 PM PSI • e 2008030300082 I .004 I PRM27--0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT contract except such charges shall not apply to any extension of the main facility. All amounts so received by the "CITY" shall be paid out by it unto the "DEVELOPER" under the terms of this agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, less a 15% administration fee. Furthermore 1 in case any tap, hookup, or connection is made into any such contracted facility without such payment having been f,r.;t made, the legislative body of the "CITY" may cause to have removed such unauthorized tap, hookup, or connection, and all connections or related accessories located in the facility or right-of-way, and dispose of such unauthorized material so removed, without any liability on the part of the "CITY" whatever. It is further agreed, and covenaoted that upon expiration of the terms of this agreement; to wit: 15 years from date hereof, the "CITY" shall be under no further obligation to collect or make any further sums unto the "DEVELOPER". The decision of the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department or his/her authorized representative in determining or computing the amount due from any benefited owner who wishes to hookup to such improvement shall be final and conclusive in all respects. 7. It is further agreed and understood that the aforedescribed improvements to be undertaken and paid for by the "DEVELOPER" have been or are about to be connected with the utilities/transportation systems of the "CITY", and upon such connection and acceptance by the "CITY» through its legislative body, said extension and/or improvement shall be and become a part of the municipal utilities or transportation systems. 8. This agreement shall be placed for record with the King County Auditor's Office within thirty (30) days of final e.ecution of the agreement. 9. Before the "CITY" will collect any latecomer's fee, the "DEVELOPER" will transfer title to all of the improvements under the latecomer's agreement to the "CITY''. The "DEVELOPER" will also assign to the "CITY" the benefit and right to the latecomer's fee should the "CITY" be unable to locate the "DEVELOPER" to tender any latecomer's fee that the "CITY" has received. The "DEVELOPER" shall be responsible for keeping the ragc4 Public Record created By: 01oeue1 Piifited: 2}16}2012 2.51.24 PM Psr' CH'd@r. Non-oruer search ooc. Kc:2oos 20080303000827 Page 4 or 12 • 2008tl30300082T'.005 j PRM27-0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT "CITY" informed of its correct mailing address. Should the "CITY" be unable to locate the "DEVELOPER" in order to deliver a latecomer's fee, the "CITY" shall undertake an independent investigation to determine the location of the "DEVELOPER". Should the "CITY" after a good faith attempt to locate the "DEVELOPER" be unable to do so, then the latecomer's fee shall be placed in the Special Deposit Fund held by the "CITY" for two (2) years. At any time within the two-year period the "DEVELOPER" may receive the latecomer's fee, without interest, by applying to the "CITY" for that latecomer's fee. After the expiration of the two-year period, all rights ofthe "DEVELOPER" to that fee shall expire, and the "CITY" shall be deemed to be the owner of those funds. I 0. When the "CITY" has received the funds for a latecomer's fee, it will forward that fee to the "DEVELOPER" within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds. Funds received by negotiable instrument, such as a check, will be deemed received ten (l 0) days after delivery to the "CITY". Should the "CITY'' fail to forward the latecomer's fee lo the "DEVELOPER" through the "CITY'S" sole negligence, then the "CITY" shall pay the "DEVELOPER" interest on those monies at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum. However, should the "DEVEWPER" not keep the "CITY" informed of its current correct mailing address, or should the "DEVELOPER" otherwise be negligent and thus contribute to the failure of the "CITY" to pay over the latecomer's fee, then no interest shall accrue on late payment of the latecomer's fee. 11. Wh~n authorized by the City Council, a latecomer•s agreement can be granted for a period of up to but not to exceed 15 years. No extensions will be granted beyond the period of time established by City Council. The latecomer's agreement will expire at the end of the period of time established by the City Council. 12. By instituting the latecomer's agreement, the "CJTY" does not agree to assume any responsibility to enforce the latecomer's agreement. The recorded latecomer agreement will be a matter of public record and will serve as a notice to the owners of the potential assessment should connection to the improvements be made. The assessment roll listing the affected properties and the pro-rata potential latecomer charge for each will be on file Pages Public Record Created By. bloaiei Pliiiled. 2/10/2012 2.51.24 PM PSI O"det. NOiFUder Seard\ DOC. KC.2008 200803WW082/ Nge sat 12 • \ PRM27-0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT with the ''CITY". The "DEVELOPER" has responsibility to monitor those parties co~necting to the improvement. Should the "CITY" become aware of such a connection, it will use its best efforts to collect the latecomer's fee, but shall not incur any liability should it inadvertently fail to collect the latecomer's fee. Page 6 Public Record created ey. 01tseue1 Printed. 2716)2012 2.s1.2S PM PSI Of'det. Noh-Order Seartrl DOC. KC:2008 ZW803030W82/ Page 6 or 12 • • 20080303000827.1>07 I PRM27-0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT CITY OF RENTON By: By: Ldw: Denis Law, Mayor ~:,4 WaL&v Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY O!wTNG ) On this~ day of kh---~_, 200g, J ccrtifythnt I know or have satisfactory evidence that Deni S aw · is the person who appeared betori:: me, and who signed this instrltmem, on oam Slated that she was authorized to eJi::ecute the instrument and ftekoowledged AS the Mayor of the City of Renton to be to be lhe fi and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the i tr mcnt. Notary ublic in~ for the State of ashington Notary (Print) S!"''lh;~ f.._ M!'i~ My appointment expires:_~<J~/~;;>~1~lo0="~------ Dated: o -~s--o~ Page 7 Public Record cwaer. l\lOn oroer search Doc: KC:2oos 20000303uuos21 Page I Oi 12 oearea By. 01oeae1 Printed. 2/I0/2012 2:sr:25 PM PSI • 20080303000827:008 I PRM27-0030: WYMAN LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT DEVELOPER By: Notary Seal must be within box. Notary Seal must be within box. Notary Seal must be within box By: INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHlNGToN ) SS COUNTY OF KTNG ) I certify that I know or have satisfitctory evidence that---------\})() roc.w 'i.)'-1~ signed this instrument and wledged it to be hi&'her/their free and voluntary D.ct for the uses and purposes e · oned in I c i !ffffiinen Notary ublic in and for the State of ington Notary(Print) ~.-.'\b,o,. \'., ~"' My appoin ent expires: 11 Jjj)'?,!O Dated: [)-rs oi REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACXNOWLl!.DGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KTNG ) 1 certify that I know or have safo-factory evidence that _____ _ ------------------signed this instrument, on oath stated thqt he/she/they was/were authorizod to ex.ecute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and-------- of t(; be th,;: free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses. nnd purpose5 mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: CORPORA.TE FORM OF A.CKNOWLEDGME/IIT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KTNG ) On this ___ day of ____ ~ 20_. before me personally appcnrcd _____________________ to me known to be of the corporation !hat executed the within instrument, and ocknowleOge 1he said ins1rument to be the free and voluntary net imd deed of said corporation, for the u~ and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath staled that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed i~ the corporate seal of said corponition, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)·--,------------- My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: P11g-e 8 Public Record oruer. Non order searcn ooc: KC:2wa zooao303wusn rage a 01 12 mated ay: bloedei Printed. 271572012 2.sr.20 PM PSI • • EXHIBIT A WYMAN LATECOMER (PRM27-0030) DEVELOPER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 20080303000827:009 Lots 1 -4, inclusive, Cedar Crest Estates, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 95 of Plats, Page 54, in King County, Washington. Situate in th-e Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington. I . Public Record created By: blOedei Pfif\lBJ. 2/16}2012 2:s1:2b PM PSI Order. IQOh-Order search DOC. KC.2008 200803030WtjL/ Page g or 12 • 20080303000827.010 EXHIBITB WYMAN LATECOMER (PRM27-0030) LEGAL DESCRlPTION: The West 595.72 feet of the South Halfofthe South Halfofthe Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington. (ALSO KNOWN AS Parcel A of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 489033, as recorded under Recording Number 84082707 ! 9.) Public Record treated ey. biOal@i Printed. 2/16/2012 2.51.26 PM PSI oruer. IQOII-Order Searrn DOC. KC.2008 200803WW082/ Page root 12 • ... NE 2nd St. ._ / I ~ . l A f I ' -+ -Proposed Sewer Extension -City Limits e Technical Servkes Pl1U1qln1/ilu.t14ing/Publi,c Worka: K. MeFaitQJd January 2007 lur0er. Non-Order seara1 ooc. KC.2008 2ooswo3wosz; Exhibit C Benefited Property -----SE 136th St. Deve oper's Pro 1erty I 0 ' ,! 0 60 120 J:100 Wyman Latecomer Agreement Area (LA-05-003/ PRM27-0030) ,_ Public Record Uedted By. bioedel Pnmeo. 2/10/2012 2.51:V PM PSI Page II bl 12 • • EXHIBITD CITY OF RENTON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL WYMAN LATECOMER Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Property Identification Parcel #l KC Tax Parcel # Legal Description: Form Letters I /bh Name/ Address of Owner BURNSIBAD CONSTI\UCTION CO 11980 NE 24111 ST STE 200 BELLEVUE WA 9800l 14230l-9003 1423053 W l9l.72 FTOFS 1/20FPOROF S 1/2 OFNE l/40FNW 114 • AKA PARCEL A OF KC LOT LN ADJ NO 489033 RECORDING NO 8408270719 Public Record .. --· 20080303000827.lll2 $88,016.01 Assessment Amount $45.948.04 Page I ofl Dtder. ri0n-oraer searcn Dot. Kt:2oos 2ooeo303ows21 Page 12 Of 12 treated sy: blOedel Phhted: 2/1672012 2.51.2} PM PSI . ' • @ V w X CHICAGO TITLh COMPANY 701 FIFfH A VENUE, #2300, SEA TILE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001336745 MAPLEWOOD EAST 06 SUPPLEMENT AL COMMITMENT #3 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N 3 SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER, PURCHASER/BORROWER, BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION CO. Our Title Certificate 01/05/15 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS CERTIFICATE SINCE JANUARY 5, 2015, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED IN SUPPLEMENTAL NOS. 1 AND 2. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS HEREBY AMENDED TO SEPTEMBER 3, 2015. SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 AUTHORIZED BY, MIKE HARRIS SUPPCOM3/RDA/0999 ® s T u CHICAGO TITLc COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #2300, SEA TILE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNlTNO: LOAN NO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001336745 MAPLEWOOD EAST 06 SUPPLEMENT AL COMMITMENT #2 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 2 PURCHASER/BORROWER: BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION CO. Our Title Certificate 01/05/15 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS CERTIFICATE SINCE JANUARY 5, 2015, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED IN SUPPLEMENTAL NO. 1. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS HEREBY AMENDED TO JULY 9, 2015. JULY 15, 2015 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SUPPCOM2/RDA/0999 N CHICAGO TITLn COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #2300, SEA1TLE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOANNO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001336745 MAPLEWOOD EAST 06 SUPPLEMENT AL COMMITMENT 0 RD ER SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER, PURCHASER/BORROWER, R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N 1 BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION CO. Our Title Certificate 01/05/15 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: o PARAGRAPH NUMBER 5 HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS, , 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF 0 • FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES), YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, ASSESSED VALUE-LAND, ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS, GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2015 142305-9003-00 2133 $ 363,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED, $ 4,281.02 PAID, $ 2,140.51 UNPAID, $ 2,140.51 THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS CERTIFICATE SINCE JANUARY 5, 2015, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS HEREBY AMENDED TO MAY 27, 2015 . JUNE 1, 2015 AUTHORIZED BY, MIKE HARRIS SUPPLCOM/RDA/l'999 ~AGO TITLE COMPANY ~ --FfHAVENUE,#2300,SEATILE, WA 98104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: 1336745 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title lo the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $350. oo TAX: $33. 25 Records examined to FEBRUARY 10, 2012 at 8, oo AM By DARYL SAVIDIS Title Officer (206) 628-5610 PLATCRTA./RDA/0999 • • ICAGO TITLE COMPANY .. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1336745 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WEST 595.72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; (ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL A, KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 489033, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8408270719, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.) PLATCRTI./RDA/or-»;I • • CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1336745 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right lo lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for slate workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Waler rights, claims, or title lo water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND D0L1ARS($1000.00). • • ICAOO TITLE COMPANY .. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1336745 A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RESERVED BY: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ANNA ZENGRELL, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE HALF INTEREST, AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE, AND ARTHUR ZENGRELL AND CAROLINA HAYES, EACH AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST, AS THEIR SEPARATE ESTATE ROAD AND UTILITIES SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES NOVEMBER 26, 1965 5958267 B 2. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OCTOBER 25, 1984 8410250053 3. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DURWOOD E. BLOOD FEBRUARY 27, 1974 7402270351 CONTRACT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION COSTS D 4. RELEASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MARY PATRICIA RYAN KING COUNTY JUNE 27, 1984 8406270043 RELEASING KING COUNTY FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM: INSTALLATION OF AN INTERCEPTOR DRAIN PlATC'RTBl/RDA/0999 • .. .ICAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1336745 B 5. LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: KEVIN M. WYMAN CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MARCH 3, 2008 20080303000827 PAYMENT OF COSTS AND EXPENSES FOR INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER SYSTEMS AND APPURTENANCES THE·AGREEMENT SHOWN IN THIS PARAGRAPH CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR MONETARY ASSESSMENTS. THE JURISDICTION SHOULD BE CONTACTED TO DETERMINE IF THERE ARE ANY AMOUNTS OWING AFFECTING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. G 6. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2012 142305-9003-00 2133 $ 316,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 4,304.55 PAID, $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 4,304.55 B NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. z 7. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT OUR SEARCH DID NOT DISCLOSE ANY OPEN DEEDS OF TRUST OF RECORD. IF YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OUTSTANDING OBLIGATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE TITLE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY FOR FURTHER REVIEW. J 8. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC. x 9. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS CERTIFICATE IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDBD WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS, THE PARTIBS RECEIVING THIS CERTIFICATE MOST NOTil"Y THE TITLE INS1JRANCE COMPANY IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. L NOTE l: P1ATCRB2/RDA/Cl999 • eilCAGO TITLE COMPANY PLATCERTIF1CATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1336745 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FOR DETAILS OF THESE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT THE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT WWW.KINGCOUNTY.GOV/BUSINESS/RBCORDBRS.ASPX AND SELECT ONLINE FORMS AND DOCUMl!NT STANDARDS. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT, PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14-23-5, BND OF SCHEDULE B PU\TCRB2/RDA/0099 • j ... ... IN FO International Forestry C O N S U LT A N T S, I N C . ..,. a subs1d1ary ot American Forest Management. Inc 114 \5 Nr \28th SI reel Suite 110. K1r1<1and. 'vVf'.. 98034 • 1.12:1, 8?0-3420 • t~x i425) 820-3437 • wv,w 1nforestryr:om Memorandum To: From: CC: Date: Re: Ms. Brown, Tiffiny Brown, Bumstead Construction LLC Bob Layton 7/24/2012 Maplewood East -Alder and Cottonwood Assessment Per your request I have completed an assessment of the red alder trees and black cottonwood trees at the Maplewood East site in Renton. Tree Summary Tables are attached which identify all of the non- viable trees assessed. The red alder on the property and on adjacent properties to the north and west is in very poor condition. Very few alder trees in the subject area are expected to survive for another five years. The majority are showing signs of decline, evidenced by dead, broken and dying tree tops. Several of the surveyed trees have died, rotted and have fallen down. These are indicated on the attached map as "DOWN". Non-viable trees are shown X'd in "blue" with a "blue" tree number. A total of 62 of the alder trees identified on the survey are considered non-viable and are either dead or in vast decline and are not expected to survive for another five years. These alder trees regenerated on the site after a clearing and grading event, likely 20 to 30 years ago. This pioneer species readily colonizes disturbed spaces. It is naturally designed to grow fast and to prepare the forest fioor for the second generation of longer living tree species. On mechanically disturbed sites, longevity is highly decreased, with decline occurring at around 20 to 30 years or less. Trees at the end of their useful life-spans begin to decline and die back from the top downwards. Once this mortality spiral begins, there are no methods to reverse it. Five cottonwood trees were also found to be in a non-viable and dangerous condition. These small diameter trees have extremely high height to diameter ratios. These are considered dangerous trees as the risk of stem breakage is very high, especially with the development of basal decay as these subject trees have. As I discussed in my original assessment report, there are several high-risk cottonwood trees within the right-of-way of 13200 Street, many of which are completely dead. These need to be removed prior to fall windstorms to reduce the risk of damage or injury. You will note on the attached tree map that I made a few species corrections to the survey. Three of the trees on the subject property identified as alders are actually two big leaf maples and one bitter • Page 1 cherry, all of which appear to be in a viable condition. I also made comments on trees existing within the utility easement along the west perimeter. There are no trees within this easement that have a high retention value. Utilizing the tree map, you should be able to re-work the Tree Retention Worksheet for the property. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance or you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Bob Layton ISA Certified Arborist #PN-2714A Certified Tree Risk Assessor #233 • Page2 /h'/ / 7439 14 red alder 7462 14 red alder 7468 11 red alder 7466 11 red alder 7470 13 red alder 7472 13 red alder /2\-9,9 7469 14 red alder 7442 17 red alder 7473 15 red alder 7479 10 red alder 7472 10 red alder 7489 10 red alder 7485 14 red alder 7488 13 red alder 7495 10 red alder 12)-9,8 7496 15 red alder 12)-8, 1 O 7557 13 red alder /2\-10, 11 7559 14 red alder 7560 11 red alder 7516 11 red alder Prioritv Condition Code 1 Immediate 11 -+ Poor 2 Six Months 5 -10 Fair-Monitor 3 1 year+ 0 -4 Good TREE CONDITION SUMMARY For: Maplewood Park East 15240 SE 132nd ST Renton ~/~ N N 10 58 70 N 13 67 62 N 9 58 77 N 10 66 79 N 11 55 60 N 9 48 64 N 10 53 64 N 14 45 39 N 13 52 48 N 13 52 48 N 12 7 7 N 8 10 15 N 10 62 74 N 14 63 54 N 9 55 73 N 10 50 60 N 11 60 65 N 9 14 19 N 15 77 62 N 12 72 72 / s E Recommendation w I M Monitor-Re-evaluate in 1-2 years Crown 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 5 4 4 No Action Crown Clean Raise Canopy Reduce Canopy HID = height/diameter ratio > 50 potentially hazardous Green % for evergreen species only International Forestry Consultants Date: 7/23/2012 l I Bole l I Roots Inspector: La;i:ton <l*vl/ Comments 3 2 4 3 old broken top, multiple regenerated tops 4 3 3 in decline, wood borer infestation 3 1 4 broken top, in decline 3 1 4 broken top, in decline 3 2 4 dead and broken top 3 2 4 dead and broken top 3 3 4 dead top, in decline 4 3 4 2 dead and broken top 4 3 4 dead and broken top 3 1 3 broken top, in decline 5 5 dead snag 5 5 dead snag 3 4 3 cavity at base, decline 3 4 3 cavity at base, decline 5 both dead, within last couple years 3 4 4 8" is broken snag, 1 O" is in decline, dead top 5 3 both dead 5 4 dead snag 3 2 2 dead top, in decline 3 1 3 dead top, in decline Crown% Condition Score 5 0% 5 severe 4 10-20% 4 poor 3 20-40% 3 moderate 2 40-60% 2 fair 1 60-70% 1 noted 0 70%+ 1 ,;,h/ / 7515 14 red alder 7572 14 red alder 7588 13 red alder 7591 9 red alder 7590 13 red alder 7565 14 red alder 7562 15 red alder 7599 12 red alder 7603 14 red alder 7601 15 red alder 301 9 red alder 7608 11 red alder 7553 '14 red alder 7625 13 red alder 7633 10 red alder 302 11 red alder 303 15 red alder 7642 10 red alder 7644 19 red alder 7647 19 red alder Prioritv Condition Code 1 Immediate 11-+Poor 2 Six Months 5 -10 Fair-Monitor 3 1 year+ O -4 Good TREE CONDITION SUMMARY For: Maplewood Park East 15240 SE 132nd ST Renton ~/~ N N 9 51 68 N 12 35 35 N 11 25 27 N 12 57 57 N 9 45 60 N 10 40 48 N 8 14 21 N 8 46 69 N 10 54 65 N 13 57 53 N 11 76 83 N 12 58 58 N 9 57 75 N 11 46 50 N 11 56 61 N 13 52 48 N 9 41 55 N 10 61 73 N 9 52 69 N 10 56 67 / s E w Recommendation X Remove 0 RD Remove Defect cc DW Remove Dead wood RC EW Remove End Weight CR M Monitor-Re-evaluate in 1-2 years Crown 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 No Action Crown Clean Raise Canopy Reduce Canopy HID = height/diameter ratio > 50 potentially hazardous Green % for evergreen species only International Forestry Consultants Date: 7123/2012 Inspector: Layton l I l I Bole Roots /// Comments 5 4 older dead snag 5 4 dead snag 5 3 dead snag 2 1 3 dead top, in decline 5 3 dead snag 5 4 dead snag 5 5 older dead snag-hungup 3 3 3 dead top, in decline 5 4 90% dead 5 5 extensive basal decay, dead top 3 1 2 in decline, dying top 4 3 dead top, vast decline 5 4 oldei dead tree 3 2 4 broken, dead top 3 3 dead top, declining 3 2 3 dead, broken top 3 4 4 90% dead 4 2 dead top, declining 5 4 5 90% dead 5 4 5 80% dead Crown% Condition Score 5 0% 5 severe 4 10-20% 4 poor 3 20-40% 3 moderate 2 40-60% 2 fair 1 60-70% 1 noted 0 70%+ 1 ,;h/ / 7402 10 red alder 7665 16 red alder 7536 16 red alder (2)-11, 11 7534 15 red alder 7543 15 red alder (2)-9, 10 7546 14 red alder 7542 13 red alder 7541 14 red alder 7524 13 red alder 7483 16 red alder 7486 14 red alder 7488 16 red alder 7482 10 red alder 7480 15 red alder 7474 14 red alder 7675 17 red alder 304 3 black cottonwood 7668 4 black cottonwood 305 7 black cottonwood 306 3 black cottonwood 7643 5 black cottonwood Priori"" Condition Code 1 Immediate 11 -+ Poor 2 Six Months 5 -10 Fair-Monitor 3 1 year+ 0-4 Good TREE CONDITION SUMMARY For: Maplewood Park East 15240 SE 132nd ST Renton ~/#> N N 12 64 64 N 14 62 53 N 11 72 79 N 9 10 13 N 10 65 78 N 8 57 86 N 10 47 56 N 11 62 68 N 11 54 59 N 10 51 61 N 13 61 56 N 8 53 80 N 9 50 67 N 9 9 12 N 9 52 69 N 16 30 23 N 11 105 115 N 16 121 91 N 12 95 95 N 9 80 107 N 13 88 81 / s E w Recommendation X Remove 0 RD Remove Defect cc DW Remove Dead wood RC EW Remove End Weight CR M Monitor-Re-evaluate in 1-2 years Crown 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 No Action Crown Clean Raise Canopy Reduce Canopy HID = heighUdiameter ratio> 50 potentially hazardous Green % for evergreen species only International Forestry Consultants Date: 7/23/2012 1 r Bole 1 r Roots Inspector: Lay_ton ,// Comments 4 2 dead top, in decline 4 3 5 90% dead 3 2 4 3 dead, broken tops 5 5 older dead snag 4 3 3 dead top, in decline 4 2 3 dead top, in decline 3 2 5 broken top 3 1 4 3 broken top 3 2 4 broken top 4 3 5 dead, broken top 3 3 5 dead, broken top 4 2 3 3 dead top 3 1 3 dead top 5 5 older dead snag 4 2 4 dead top 3 4 5 90% dead 3 poor taper 4 basal cavity, poor taper 3 4 suppressed, lean, high risk 3 poor taper 2 3 poor taper Crow_!l_ "f,_ Condition Score 5 0% 5 severe 4 10-20% 4 poor 3 20-40% 3 moderate 2 40-60% 2 fair 1 60-70% 1 noted 0 70%+ 2 FO February 141", 2012 Ms. Tiffiny Brown Bumstead Construction Co. 11980 NE 24th ST, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 Dear Mr. Brown: International Forestry CONSULTANTS, INC. 11415 NE 128th Street, Suite 110. Kirkland, WA 98034 At your request, I have completed an assessment of the significant trees on the Maplewood Park East project site in Renton. The former address of the site is 15240 SE 132nd ST. My assignment is to evaluate the condition of the subject trees and report on my findings. The purpose of the report is to identify non-viable, high-risk trees that should not be retained during the development of the site. A large component of the trees at the site is comprised of red alder and black cottonwood trees. Renton Code RMC 4-4-130 H7 Tree/Ground Cover Retention allows for the removal of these species due to weak wood which is prone to breakage. When performing the condition assessment, these species were ignored. However, it was noted that a large percentage of the red alder that was surveyed is dead or in serious decline. Big leaf maple also makes up a large percentage of species composition at the site. Unfortunately, the majority has developed very poor trunk taper and form. These are young trees, estimated at less than 30 years of age and already have multiple structural defects which include broken tops, major crooks, and forked tops with codominant (equal diameter) stems. Very few of the maple trees make good candidates for retention on a developed site. They all have a very high height to diameter ratio and are very prone to stem breakage during wind or ice/snow loads. They have developed very poor taper due to intense competition with adjacent trees for sunlight. A Tree Map is attached and part of this report. The map indicates the location of non-viable, high-risk trees, which are shaded in "red". A total of 29 trees were found to be in a non- viable condition, mainly due to compromising structural defects. A Tree Condition Summary Sheet is attached which provides specific tree information. The tree numbers correspond with the tag numbers found in the field. The tags on trees numbered #101 through #109 could not be found during the assessment. These trees can be identified in the field by a numbered piece of blue flagging tied near it. Red alder and black cottonwood trees are shaded in "orange" on the tree map. There are several high-risk cottonwood trees in the right-of-way of SE 132"d Street, many of which are completely dead. These are shaded in "blue" and should be removed from the site as soon as feasibly possible. For a Forester Every Day is Earlh Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 1dh, 2012 Page 3 As indicated in the Renton Code, the alder and cottonwood trees should be removed from the site. These species are not suitable for retention on developed sites. The western hemlock trees at the site are also not the best candidates for retention either. Two large hemlock trees at the front of the property were wind-thrown in recent years, indicating a root rot issue. Two others (#7370 and #7676) at the front of the property have developed extensive internal stem decay from past top and codominant stem failures; and are considered non-viable. The Douglas-fir trees at the site are the best candidates for retention. These appear structurally sound, wind firm, and in good health. There is no warranty suggested for any of the trees subject to this report. Weather, latent tree conditions, and future man-caused activities could cause physiologic changes and deteriorating tree condition. Over time, deteriorating tree conditions may appear and there may be conditions, which are not now visible which, could cause tree failure. This report or the verbal comments made at the site in no way warrant the structural stability or long term condition of any tree, but represent my opinion based on the obseNa/ions made. Nearly all trees in any condition standing within reach of improvements or human use areas represent hazards that could lead to damage or injury. Please call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Bob Layton ISA Certified Arborist #PN-2714A Certified Tree Risk Assessor #233 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INC. February 1 d\ 2012 Page 5 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULT~~TS, INC. ~h/ / 7346 17 big leaf maple 7351 10 bia leaf maple 7330 15 biq leaf maple 7331 14 big leaf maple 7275 13 Doualas-fir 101 19 biq leaf maple 102 17 bia leaf maple 103 13 bia leaf maple 7423 14 cherry 104 11 bia leaf maple 7416 13 cherry 105 10 big leaf maple 7413 13 bia leaf maple 7395 14 biq leaf maple 106 9 big leaf maple 107 10 bia leaf maple 108 10 biq leaf maple 7370 11 western hemlock 7378 13 bia leaf maple 7676 17 western hemlock Priori+>• Condition Code 1 Immediate 11 -+ Poor 2 Six Months 5 -10 Fair-Monitor 3 1 vear + 0-4 Good TREE CONDITION SUMMARY For: Maplewood Park East 15240 SE 132nd ST Renton h/~ N N 27 56 25 N 12 53 53 N 15 73 58 N 22 70 38 N 23 84 44 N 10 72 86 N 13 75 69 N 10 83 100 N 8 73 110 N 12 81 81 N 9 71 95 N 13 83 77 N 13 74 68 N 11 42 46 N 11 65 71 N 10 48 58 N 12 46 46 N 24 98 49 N 13 56 52 N 26 38 18 / s E Recommendation w I M Monitor-Re-evaluate in 1-2 years Crown 3 4 2 4 2 2 5 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 No Action Crown Clean Raise Canopy Reduce Canopy HID ~ height/diameter ratio > 50 potentially hazardous Green % for evergreen species only l I Bole 5 5 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 4 3 1 4 1 1 4 2 4 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 5 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 4 5 Crown% 5 0% 4 10-20% 3 20-40% 2 40-60% 1 60-70% 0 70%+ l I International Forestry Consultants Date: 218/2012 ==.c...;..;;;.._ __ _ Inspector: La}'!on Roots /// Comments broken and rotten heavy lean, poor structure clump of 5-15".11",10",7",6" 2 -11" stems, poor structure dead tree, hung up on adjacent tree clump of 3 stems -10" 9" 8", poor structure structural defects, poor form tight clump of 10 stems-5" to 10" in natural decline major crook forked top heavy lean in natural decline fork at 3' 13" 11" codom cavity, forked tops, poor structure problematic lean. poor structure clump of 4 -6" to 11" clump of 10 stems -6" to 10" fork -codominant stems significant decay at 20' at crook, past failure 2 stems-13",12" bulge and seam broken, dead top Condition Score 5 severe 4 3 2 1 poor moderate fair noted 1 ,;,~/ / 7672 14 bia leaf maole 7663 12 bio leaf maole 7667 11 western red cedar 7525 12 bia leaf maole 7523 9 bia leaf maole 7500 15 bia leaf maole 7600 13 bio leaf maole 109 10 western hemlock 7635 18 bia leaf maole Prioritv Condition Code 1 Immediate 11 -+ Poor 2 Six Months 5 -10 Fair-Monitor 3 1 year+ 0 -4 Good TREE CONDITION SUMMARY For: Maplewood Park East 15240 SE 132nd ST Renton h/~ / N s N 14 61 52 N 18 85 57 N 38 97 31 N 19 52 33 N 10 44 53 N 16 66 50 N 19 20 13 N 7 22 38 N 20 76 46 E w Recommendation X Remove 0 RD Remove Defect cc DW Remove Dead wood RC EW Remove End Weight CR M Monitor-Re-evaluate in 1-2 years Crown 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 3 No Action Crown Clean Raise Canopy Reduce Canopy H/D = height/diameter ratio> 50 potentially hazardous Green % for evergreen species only International Forestry Consultants Date: 2/8/2012 l I l I Roots Bole Inspector: LaY!_on /// Comments 3 2 1 4 clump of 4 6 to 14." poor structure 4 2 4 1 clump of 2-18", 15" rotten bases 2 4 4 fork at 36' -3 tops, high risk for breakage 1 2 5 2 broken main leader, structure compromised 1 1 5 broken top, structure compromised 3 5 5 codominant stems, trunk splitting, extreme risk 4 5 broken at 20', complete failure 5 recent dead tree 4 4 4 3 clump of 8 stems-7 are 6" to 10" and one 20", 1 Crown% Condition Score 5 0% 5 severe 4 10-20% 4 poor 3 20-40% 3 moderate 2 40-60% 2 fair 1 60-70% 1 noted 0 70%+ 1 "' (· \ lO.O'; ' " ,.-, ' ' • 1· I' ~· ?Q:~ '· .. ~ ~' :tr.> ,:, { /,p (' ; -~ ..... 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', -. .,.,,_o--·, ~- i' --":-t:..; -Ii-----'f.r __ _ --.. -.,._ -, \ ; ...... \ 1195.IIO' I .>' • \ , ..... ·· ' •· ;., :; ' "'·,,..· ' ' ...... ~·-.•. ,· .·.,., ...... .. . . \ ' \ ~ ,.\ , ' ---- \ SECTI( fl? -'-~""" ' ' ... ,•· \ ·--ii rl \ i• ~ -i~ ~ ,~" , t: ' r S[[ OC'TA.ll !»I" RIQ,fT r "'"°'"°"' ~-....1,.. ,, ' ' \ Plat RLJServations Om:u nu!Jtf D<!111il ~cument Detail Fee Increase -August 1, 2015 Fee Increase -October 9, 2015 New Search Search Results Plat Name: WOODS AT I IIGI I LANDS PARK Reserved: 09/15!2015 Reservation Type: PLAT Reserved By: BURNS J"E,-'\O CONSTRUCTION LLC Status: Reserver.: Expires: 09/15/2016 Comments: Point of Contact Contact: TIFFINY BROWN Address: 1~S8G NE 24TH ST #200 City, State Zip: BE'...LEVUE. WA 980:J5 Telephone: (425'! 45.C:-1SOC Legal Description Section Township Range Quarter 1 Quarter 2 14 23 05 NE NV\i Transactions # Transactlon Date Transaction Type 1 'cJ/15/2:)15 9 29 02 AM l1"1tal Reservator Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. lr1ternet Public Access Module Vers1cn 3.1 Copy~1riht Q 200 I -2003 Hart lri'.eC1vic Ir,:::. All R1gh'.S Reserved WebServ3 Search ~e i,tate of ::_ • Secretary of State I, KIM WYMAN, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION a/an W i\ Non-Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 9/8/2015 UBI Number: 603-539-226 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital ;(;;;~ Kim \Vyman, Secretary of State Date Issued: 9/8/2015 I . - PAGF~ THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK I VOLUMF: NE 1/4, NW J /4 SECTION 14, TOWNSIIJP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NCRTHIIEST 1/• ~~~~,' SECTION 14, Tlf' 23 NORTH. IWICE g EAST """',.. I ,~o:.o.r -I a.1111(3,ml .,,/ .\i MBUl.11GEND ISi Stl ST llilC,WI IIOliUIENT • P'ClMI mM AICI CN' AS IIOTE) 0 Kl 1119M IMl CAP "AXIS 311111" • P'ClMI IIOM.IIENT ,IS NOlD) 0 [M[ll[N'T PIH1IGCN$ (!ill: iH!'1 2) Ji PUT N01ES (E SHEE'T 2) """""""" C::JPRIVA'IC S1tlllll DltMIACE EAS[M()ll LOT BIIP T.Alll.l: = ---• ""~ --,,.- ' ... "'' '"" ' L'M .. ~, ... , ' L•M ,_ ... , • ·-..... .... ' '·"' ""' ·-• 7,172 ,. ... ,.,. ' ... ..... ·-' .,.. '"' -• ,.,,. "'' ,..,. " ,.= ..,,. ,._ " , ... ,= -" ..... ,_ '""' " .,,. ._.n -" ..,., .... , .., . ' -COUl1Y coot: 114 ZQatQ MAX IIIP£JIV. NIU: LOT/IIIEA<t.fflSQ.FT.•70II'. LOT/IIIEA>t.Ol'eliQ.rT.•50ll 10ll: IFEIIY, /IIIEA IIEWC'1llJII W': LOT /IIIEA < t.lml SQ. FT. • - LOT Nl(JI. > 11,WII SQ. n. • - ..,. • C 0 " ~ ~ CT " " ., ., ., ., ..... UJg DELTA 6 -~ ..,,.,,,. aoo ,.. ... 14'27'21" ,.,_oo 4.!i.85' W25"'41" =oo !!11.13' 11'24'30" aoo "'" ..,,.,,,. aoo ,.. ... 1'58'13" =oo .... 12"21'»" =oo 4-1.:M' r.H'4T 1152.00 21.1111' ,.,,.,.. 11!2.00 23.Si' =" '"" m ... 2!1'01'12" aoo 10.a:t r~:52" =.oo '·" 91'2J'm" '"' M.n ~- "' • t:R \Plllt \C.\LE l"'I l"'I I 4{] ,,:, 4U' 1··-w I -11'11!"111 ~I 4 1 {ll..Dll!I S.f.) .......... _,, 3 8ll" l ~-. -.axiemap.oom ;j:'i\~~ ~ JOBNO. IJ.\11 s ~ ~ mm.Axis 07-038 9/10.'!3 :"' ~ DRAWN E\ CHfCUlJ ~. '!.,,~' . .ii• ~ ""Ney & MeppOng j ~-"~ ~ ,.,nn·.\111r,1n~1 l".RM/J~I MTS!". ~l~~L"-~lJ WA ~!QJ4 SC.-\l.f. SHJ-H ~ TfL.iJiijZl-5700 ,·1_\,1'3!i3-6i00 1· .j(I' 301'3 ' -------- r-~~------~- ~ ::; i::, ' h I Survey & Mapping SITE 15241 NE 90TH ST REDMOND, WA 98052 TEL. 425.823-5700 FAX 425.823-6700 I Is I -· ----~----•----------·· •• GRAPHIC SCALE I SE 132ND ST r"---r-------·-1 ------T---T I I --J __ ,.__ -1, --- SE 133RD ST ------I ' ' £ " " • 0 w . ! a1 1 l 0 w ! f ~ ~ •70 r I ,£? 6~ 6' ...1'!2"' SJ,; ' ;----- Q, ~.,-, -----·~ -N.€4NDS!- 8 ~..:.cc~"'-"-~ .ff~-, e u ·-· (!j" a ,, *'T ~ u &•• ... (]"' 8 i ,.,,: .. $ --rr &!:.- i- .4 ~ I ii --------· = • )/ i ~~~-­~ i Lj . .ff ~ ~ -?f -~;=t=-~-,;~-~~~~~->t.. j : ",n" ",,," ",.. ," ' _. f: ("I; i ,: I I ,, Ii! '-t\ • ---1 -i, ~. i\t it?::."}\ ~,,,;\\ ~~,; ~~ .. &~.- -1-----·- <w .,,,~,,"' { Q,,t ",..,f 0 , : "'I "',..," O· {"= • 111 .. I lilfflf GIY_gp Al!lllOfl . 8* ·~· I • \ \_) $,J SIGNIFICANT TREE -OFF SITE TO REMAIN SIGNIFICANT TREE -ON SfTE TO REMAlN SHOWN WITH DRIP LINE SIGNIFICANT TREE ON SITE TO BE REMOVED ~* ~* SIGNIFICANT TREE ON SITE TO BE REMOVED FROM PUBLIC STREET OR PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMEtfl'S.,TRACTS SIGNIFICANT TREE ON SfTE INO!CATED AS DEAD Ofl NOT AGOOO CANIOATE FOR RETENTIOI' PER ARBOAIST'S REPORT. "5 AGRE.ED TO IN HEARING EXAMINER"S REPORT 75 TREES WIU BE COUNTED IN THIS CATAGOAY ,,,. , D ~ F ~.:::\'"_ I/ \' -;.11 \::;:-::,\I,,._ PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREE. 2'" CALIPER MINIMUM. 128 TOTAL PROVIDED ~,/·\: City of Renton TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET 1 Total number o1 trees over 6" in dlameter' on project site: 1. m trees 2. Deduction,: Certain trees are excluded from the retention eak:ulation: Trees that are dead, diseased Of clangerous 2 -"---trees Trees in proposed public streets _M ___ tree, Trees In proposed priYatl!I acc:ess easements/tracts ___ ""'" Trees tn critical areas3 and buffers. ___ tree, Total number ol ..-eluded trees: 3. Sublrad h 2 from HM 1: 2. ~ _____ tr-ees 3. ,i, trees 4. Next, 10 delermina the number of trees that must be retained", multlpty Jin. 3 by: 0.3111.wnesRC,R--l,R_.,"'R"" 0.1 lnal!Dlherrusideiltialzooe,;; 0.05 in all rommeraal and 'ndustriaJ zone,, 4. :Jg 1rees 5. Lisi the number of 6" or larger trees that you are pro~ to retain•: s. •& trees 6. Subtract IIM 5 from llntt 4 for trees to be replat:ed: (I--~--.... ...,.--No~-.. ~- 6.~- 7. Multiply llntt 6by 12" for number of required replac mant Inches: trees 7. ~M inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet addlttonat plantlng requirement: ~re&11p,,,-,w,q..bd) a. 2 inches 9. Divide 11,,. 7by line B lor number ol 111f11-nenl 1ren8: (1-11.5<><~.roo,nd'°"!Olhlno><I-~ per tree 9. m trees ·--... -""911 '1-.-<><~'-""-"""",,__•""""l>l'•-·~--.-dilo<:t.or ~--..... --t,-hQlf 'CrillcelA.rw.M.-..:t,•-.-·!'i<x>q:llal ....... _.__ ... _.,_.-3--0rool NAOt111>11~Cocla(RMCI 'c,,,.,nlori)'--»bll--ol---- 1 ·~"'---·h----·--·h--• -,,..-RMC•-t-1:iotfla ·-ot--.-ot--t>crllcal~.oni:llncl!not--onobt-.. --lhli15"bul .. ~IN/0Tcanb......:tt>-htroo~~ H~"'-'--T ...... !<>.SC,f,ltdp-~~-••t,T-- r -;;z:· .... -? ~:-~ !·,. . ' .. ...,."'~•.··, $'--~ '"""' ~ .. ·-· REYJSJONS BY 5-23-13 ----+---1 8-30-13 1-28-2014 5-23-20[4 Th11Wldocapeplanil~><.•II ,.,...,...,... __ ;,,,,11::...., .. ""bc r..i.:i,,,-m,,;_ c---- g-a (;HA Landscape ...,.chitects 1~17 ><E: l:IO!h SL so.nu. w~ 98115 llil206.!l2:l.l!34fi,;:~) 1-- <( _J (L 1-- (/) <( w z Y'. <( O'.'. _J <( a. o__ ~ UJ 0 ::. 0 UJ 0 (.) <( 3:: ::S ;;: a. . w UJ z _J er: 0 o__ UJ 1-- <( UJ z 2 g: ~ ~ ~ ~CT Ai~--~-"'' DATE: 3-7-12 ~CALE: ON PLAN CRAWN BY: NB b,!00_;_ SHEET: --·· ' J ~~ I I . ---Lf'~~ 11111-~-~ I 0 ~ ::'~·~::'§~ .·· -~' -·-· ... ... •• ~ -~-. . -· --- CD TREE REPLACEMENT PLAN EXHIBIT rLn____J D. "" .. ~~ R-373224 L 1.0 of 4 SHEETS 1:_7,:, ::i_y --,.) BLOCK_COR ITOP111108 :sn1111os ;NOT111108 :GRD111108 :LLSD111108 :UWS-111108 JILUM111108 I 1;j ~ w 0 8 w ....I ;:;:: tii <{ w ;.:: a: <{ a.. 0 0 0 :s: w ....I a.. <{ ~ 00 NE 1/4. NW 1/4, SEC.14, TWP.23N., RGE. SE, W.M. '~~ /~ -"~ r~:~~-· ;~c~~--1~~~~-- 'I . 11 . --/J ~f I -+ ~-·-------<::.:::_~ ~GRADING OAl\.JGHT \\~ UN[ (TYP) ! 1BP£-m, I ,o ________ / 'i 1~-m,1 9 8 7 I BPE--482.4 ] / '- / ~ / ~I ,' I--- Jo+o~j ' :, :1 !I j 'I : : j 1'111, : Io . ,, : Cl1 ~I +- -1 ---- ~ ~ ~1; [ BPE=.f87.0 I 12 ~ 18Pf•-f88.'5 I lii!i~ 13 I flPf-492.2 : 5 I BPE=501.6 ) ' . . 6 IBPE=,fgg_J I 14 \BP£=495.o I i II w 81 ,s T 11 I' I l 1 I I ~t LANDSCJ.PE AN(1]UTIL/1Y TRACT I 11 I ' l m """""'~-=~,,..~~-=~""'--~~!5!!51""'="""""'"~ 11+00 12 ... 0<., ~--------------...,....,.~=---= 1.31-00 ~-----------14-HlO -,-,1;.. I /U"JI ,l.=C 4 I BP[=.501,s I 3 \BP£=499.o I \ I I \\ ''.I I I~ ,~ I~ Ii~ f I l I~ ' 2 i-~ I 1 I Bf'f-•92.a I I ! I \I \I I L l \ ~ \ j .. I,~ l_ ""-,,.,_. . ·lj\ 15 ... 0., 16+00 17~ ~-------~-~-===-·-=tt--.. ~~~=~~~~ .~~~-~-=~~~:~-·-~~~~~~F -~~-.~~~.=-----i-1-----·--. -~ NE 2ND ST ',, ,,/-;·.~·~ ( /. .. ·' . ,;.:. 6 >" ,·/ ~o, r ' t/.-, 6, \ I':' :<p "\ \.':~' ./.fr? ... ·· .: ;f \'' VG? , ,·, '\.l-, ,/ ~-;' '/1y / ', :' ----.. ... (' --<-·'~-/, I, '-"C.'.:.,_ .. .' / I I . J / ( 01) CITY OF RENTON 1 CITY OF RENTON PERMIT SUB~ITTAL JBS 8/30/13 JBS -:'ITCH ~ LEGEND ~ SCARING PAD filVA Tia,/ (Sff NOTf eaow.i lOT NUIJB£R DA'/'UGHT UN£ -420-RN/SHED GRADf" CONTOUR -IO -PRtVA rr SD srslllt = STOOM DRAINAGE: PIP[ C n1'£ 1 CATCH BASIN e rrP! 2 CATCH BASN = 1. BEARING PAD £IL\!AT1et4S (BP£) IS 9,!0llf'I FOO LOT GRADJNG. THE flNISHfD FlOC1? ELE\!.A.TICW (Fff) lllil BE D£T£RM1NfD Bl' iH£ BUIW£R AND NfT!CJPA Till TO BE APPROX. 1 FOOT HIGHER TI-/AH THE BPE. 2. GRADING .AROUND RHAJHED 7RffS SHAil MEET TRff PROTfCTION R£0UIREMENTS SHOWN (W 5HEET C1.01. ,,~_,--,, ... •"""'"""'"'·~""''""" , ..... ·-,~u-"-~...,. ® CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-!>555 CPI CONSUL TAN TS ' s«e F\ww"i • Qi~ Eni:i~ 1''"LarvlUse~·l'!~M.l~ 13,31"'-$1ftl!IOJ-,..l«IJJ -1~1~1·flll,c~);s,;.Z3>:!i •••-eohc,,.,,1ra1,.,om MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST J=o/JO/n Approved b),-· Date. -;;;: SCHAUBLE I -':· JI--1"•30' I-=:,:.~~ :R ~IJ~Tg~ ~ ®""" ROADWAY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS -• Approved by Date -PETER E'IA OVERALL SITE GRADING PLAN C3.00 ----..... 10 -·33 Approved by Date .-..... C.O.aJh!II>"''·'""'"°"' ..... "" <LJ: """""'•".,.."""'IApproved b_'t'___ Date NO. MI.IE~e. SCHR0f.D£R p~ I ............. _-:,; I I Planning/Building/Public Wolics Oept. ----· """""" REVISION 6\' DATE I APPR foS1 of net: .ftf p(loVAL AI-ININININ {:. NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC .. 14, TWP 23 N, RSE W.M. MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST KING COUNTY, WA I REN.TON . , , , __ ----11 ______ 1_ I f' _/ '; 'ljl·IJ ~1-JI J----' ~-'-'--"-----L_ ___L~ (~>--) --... ~ ,___J__ ' It I ---~ ~ ' I ' ~:__, ',-~ ]__ ' ' -. -'l ' _J_(' L --i.1·' \ ___ ' V [-1,. ---..' --, =---=-. 1---1--<_/(--: '! '. I 1--Tl ~--1 --~ _ i~ -1 --: I ----1 ' -,--i )--< \ '-1 -, I . c -, -r__,-----1 a --) _; ,_:_,----~, ·-_j---_, ,_, I ',, ' , ;' ---' ----' l J I 'c---~---_j __ i__J_ > -, I -_; .J --+-· -f-i :_ -'r / 1-1---}--t 1--____ ; U __ J_ : __ -1 __ L_, __ -~ ----.L _ _J --..L ---,------_:_ ------, ---------------"=~ lJ 1 I 1L, . ..· ____ , . __ _r:: --. _[_ _ ·-~i_ ·-.. ·.-____ --.· ---.-. N.~-4THST..· . (S .. E .. 12. 8 .. TH. ST..) _ _ _ -. -1--. _ 1 -T. __ l 1 _______ -, _ ____ __ I _____ -~.-__ -, ... ---1--1 ' _, ,_ ' ~----------C ' I I ' ' ' --------,-----1--, ,--,--1 'Tr--, (-,TTr1 -Ii-,--[-T'-1 r~-:-~-, ,--,-:: ~ I ' ' ' ' ' ' I '~_c :-r-1, I ' ' ' · I -; " " , " ' ~ - .. · -. ·1. T·. j'~ '.I ~'. ' r-.. 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I I' i I' I ![ -1' i I I ' 11----i _ //>1, -r,---, 1----I ' .1: l " ' --'--' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (j i 1 -:1-, 'l-,~\ \<," :::,>-r-----,----:----, ----r·' '. - 1 '' l · : __ --_ ;__;_ J_ L_ LI_./ , __ ,_ -' ----J__c__, -l_ I I I I I I y/ I ! ' I I I I I I ' I ' -----------------------' L -------- : i I· '1 'J J_l 11 I' \ f .'1\LI_,_,_,, __ ---, . -~""'-", _ -,r---p-,,-,-,-.-,-,---------- r Cl I ---:---~ __ ~--.---__ ·-· __ 1_._ --_l__'-----jr--------;,-1,-·,r·Tr,, i I I 1--+-,;--•--,,---1 ,_ ' • ,-----~---~ ;1 1!~,r1r _J,-Jc_-i ' ---1 I . 11 ' I ~ --' ® 0 ,00 "" -I PlAN IN FEET IV1At'Lt.VVU0D PARK EAST NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP OWNEFI/ BURNS!EAD CONST1?UC11()1,1 COMPANY I .lPl>UCAlff 11/IBO .N[ 2'1th ST, SUITE 200 BEUEW£, WA 98005 C P H lllO. DATE REVISION BY Cll PHONE· (4?5) ~-1:oo I Mc 03/01/12 PRWMINARYl'lATSI.HlM!TT/\1.. PC£ JBS FA)(; (425) 8/B-736 -PROJECT SUFM'fOR AXJS SIJRVEY & /,OPP/NG 13005 N£ 1261H Pl.. KIRKLAND, WA 980.34 CON s u LT ANT s PHCW[: (425) 823-5700 Sitl!~•O..F~ ---FAX; (425) 823-6700 ; WU..~·~~ SCALE PRruECTNO [SHE.El I '337lh-!Al!OOI_ ..... _ """"ICl~--uo, l"'>Cl5lJllll.23111 ~•• ,p,,.,,.,.,,i,,,o,. AS NOTED 0011-11-008 -'-~-_1_ ~ . " £ " ·" " . ' . . 0 • i i f i 0 w l 470 .r'/ ! t, I I !" ' I ,-~, (.) ~ .. ,, :''.';c~Q1" );,~:.: ' "11 , · l,.--· ------------\--r;:-:..---: ~ , 0 C -v::i,.,~-:.____--=---"Ey of · I ~ 7.4'"-'i SF 7,7::'5 SF LOT I REPLACEMENT! Jb'EE. TYPICAl, LINE, TYPICAL\ ~;/i - -\ \';.\.... \ L --... - ~~=t~::=-;-=~ ······--- I \~ 1~-_ I • ',,., \ r ,., .::-• :: , r,., I .,_._.. I .::-, :: /~ .::-• :: a;; 5:--;[ : r/ \ ,, 1_,,., , ~"'/:co'· ~o"M,, ,,•~ 1-t " : ,,,,,' 'Y_.,~ ----,, ' " ,, '' ~ /1 , 0 I ' -,r,,~ ''c'\ ,,,,.,, • . ' . I, ' I, O\t\i \~'.)&=, ~\'-t ..... \.(_ -.. < -~-/ . // 0 I ..... ~ ... _-·.''---_/p~ ~';\' 0J""'! '--<~::.-<: ' --~,=:--_~-41_:_1.J::.~~:_;_~- \ i> 1" r,11~ ' ' 9 7,836 Sf I ------. ----............ . I I ""'· 111 8.008 sr 7 I Ii H:. ~~i :~,;i j i :' ,_ i• ------"-c-- 1: '1 ~ I - 1: I ,1 1 1 I 10' YI ALON FRON ,-~~;, --~"~. = t -~ii:·-----~~~~--C! _:_ ~/•:: .. ~.::L __ ~ ~FENCE AT MAXIMUM WA TE I; SURFACE ELEVATION, WITH1 1 • TWO VEHICLl ACU So '.i ~1 I GATES, SEE CIViL DRAWING ! p· 5' WIDE LANDSCAPE\ I RACT :h,i .. ~~ 1 8.46 IY i i 'I 1.J 8.•J!! ~ '\irr· --·-,: ,-;;·---\_ --N..E.-2NDSt-----'°'!,,,W'fJNG,--------------, --_ : TYPICAL ~ -------_L---------i -------· , - PLANT SCHEDULE ' ) °"'"' BOTANICAL NAME -, "' '"" ~ f<MElANCt!IEll 'A~ BRllliA.NCE' AU-.U,,.. BRH.1JANCE SERVICEBERRY "'" ? " CERGIOIPHYl..lut,I ~ICUMI KATSURA TREE "" - " PYRUS CAJ.i..EAYAN,I, CHANTICLEER CHAHTICLEER FLOWEFUNG PEAJI '"'- ') " 1 PINI.JS CONTORT A SHORE PINE .. '"" ---·-- ) " PSEIJOOTSUGA MENZEISII DOUGl).S FIR \JNCllPPED .. '"' ) ~. -------- " ™WA. PI.ICATA EXCEi.SA EXCELS,,, WESTERN RED CEDAfl .. "" e--------- ---- 8 '" ARBUTUS U. CCM.fWJTA COMPACT STRAWBERRY BUS!i "'''- @ ~ IJ'IOfljlA ARBUTIFOLIA 'BRIUIAHTISSIMA' BAIU.Wff AEO CHOKEBEAR'I', MUL TISTEM '"'- El• ~ BElsSERIS 'CRIMSON PYGMY' JAPAl'ESE SAReERRY CRIMSON PYGlolY '"'-30"0.C. ®• ~ BERBEAIS BI.OOFOLIA "NANA' OWAR!' BOX-1..EAFEDMRBERRY "'''-30"0.C . A· " ~ELES X SUPEflBA 'JET TRAIL' JET TRAIL Fl OWE RING QiJINGE '"'-~o, @· " CISTUS SAi. VIIFO..IUS 'PROSTRATUS OWAF!f s.o.GEI.EAF Fl()Cl(AOSE '"'-3D" o.c @) ~-. " COl'HUS l(ElSYll r:l<NAPF RED TWIG DOGWOOD ""'-2•·0.c. e ' CORNU5 SERICEA 'ISANTI' ISANTI Rl:D.QSER DOGWOOD '"'-e. n GENJST,1, PI.OSA 'VMf::OlNEA GOLD' _ Y._ANCCIIJVEA G0L0 CHEEPING ~ ., ' "'-24"0.C. e. ~ K'l'OIW'IGE,I, OUEFICRlllA PEE WEE OWAAF OAKLEAF 1-!YOFIANQEA '"'-36' o.c 3 __ ?_1 MISC"""1"HIJS SINE~S 'MORNING LIGHT' MISCANTHUS M:'.>RNN'.l LIGHT '"'- 9. ~ PENNISETUM ALOPECUAOIDES 'MOUOflY" BLACK Ft.OWl:RING FOUNT Jo IN GFW;S ""' 'i!C'"O.C ® . " PENNISETUM 'tW.ElN DWARF FOUNT,l,IN GRASS '"'-2,4•0.c. e • ,oo PINIJS MUG0 PLMILLIO U>NMIF MUG0 PINE """ 'i!C'"O.C. 3 • M POTENTIU,\ "8EIOTSWOOD WHITE - ABBOTSWOOO WHITE POTENTILL.A '"'--~ --- ~ .. '" ~US 'OTTO LUYl<EN' ono WYKEH tAUREL '"'-l6"0.C 8· Fl.OWEl'l CARPET WHITE Gl'IOIJNOCOVER ROSE" --2a ....... ~ ~ ROSAX~E" 36'"0.C. '" ~ Ttll.UA EMEAA.I.D GREEN EMEIW.D GREEN PYR.A.MIDAUS •• ,~ "' VIBURMJN X SURKW()O()tl MOHAWK" MQWIWI( VlBURNUM '"" 1-. ~ V!8URNUM PLICATUM "NEWPORT' ___ -NEWPORT DWARF oousu;: FILE VIBURNll"" '"'-30'"0.C J "00 ARCTOSTAPYLLOS IN" UA6I "'"6&',GHUSETIS lolASSACHIJSETT Kffill<NNICK ' "'-30'"0.C. .. oo COTOHEASTER DAMMER~ BEAR BERRY COTONUSTER ' "'-30"0.C . "00 RUIIIJS PENT"1..08US "EMEIW.D CARPET E""ERALD CARPET CREEP NG RASPBERFIY -100· -ii·o.c. fVINT GROUNDCOVERS IN ClMUPS OF 50-150 Pl.ANTS. ~T WITH LANDSCAPE ARClirTECT --~ LJ 8* (-rt",-., ' ' ' ' ' "~~/ BASED ON "VAAABLIT'V SOME PI.AN1"SMIGHT NEED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR St.lllAA Gl'IOWfNG Pi.ANfS. lO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCN'E JoRCHITECT ANO OWNER PLWTQUANTITIES SHOWN IN SCI-IEOL(_E OR OH PLAN, WHICHEVER IS GREATER STREET TREES TO BE SlREETTREE FORM A1<0 BRANCl-fEDJ,T A MINIMUM OF 6' HEIGHT '* SHl'IUBS FOR 10' PLANTING AREAS BEH'ND SOEWALX AT LOTS HYOAOSEEDEO WITH DETENTION PONO EROS-ON CON'TAOl SEED ""IX. COORDINATE WITH GEOTEC,kt,NCAL ENGINEER MANTJ,IN 36"MUL(;H RING "ROUIIO IBEES. FFIEE Of tfYOFIOSEEO ADJUST LOCATION Of STREET Tfl.EES TO CONFORM WTTl-1 TI-IE FOLLOWING !r1HNIMU"" SETBACK AEOOIREMEITT'S 6· FROM F1RE HYDR.t.NTS NID UNCERGAOIJNO 1.fT!UTIES HT FROM UTLITY POL.ES. ~IVEWAYS ""ID AU..EYM~INS ~ FROM STREET LIGHTS -40" FAOM THE CORNER OF INTERSECTIONS, STOP SIG~ MIO YIELDS~ Sill'. OIST,1,N:;e TR1Atf3LE ,1, T !NTEBSECTIOHS MEASURE 20' BACK ALONG DIE ADJACENT PROPERn U1'1ES. CONNEC'f Tl10SE TWO POINTS W!THA LINE fO FORM" TRIANGLE THAT IS DIE Sn£ DISTANCE IBIAl«ll..E. l<I-IY PI.NffNGS. EXCEPT STREET TREES. IN THAT AREJo MUST 8£" MAX!t,illJM 30" TAU.. ... T MJ,l\JRITY SIGNIF'CANT TREE ·OFF SITE TO REW.IN SIClNIF,c»(T TREE · ON SITE TO FIEIAAIN SHOWNWITHOOIPLJNE • EXISTINl'.l CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR ' I REVISIONS S-23-13 8-30-13 ~8-2014 --- 5-23-2014 BY T1111llndsalpepl1nilc!...,.111111•1><1II ..-;.... ""'_.,.; ••• " .......... t'< !loklva1r,e,:1 -1'---- ~ GHA Londseope Architects HH ME &Olh St SU.TIU. WA 9~115 TW206.>Z!2.IJ< fAJl;/(llj~~' f- <( _J 0... f- U) <( w ::.::: Ct:'. <( 0... z 0 <( 0 __, a. 0 w <( 3: a. 3: w <( z {) _J en 0 0... 0 f- <( z z :5 w 2 a: ~ S'T•Tt~ ~ -~~.-- DATE: 3-7-12 SCALE: ON PLAN DRAWN BY: NB IJos, SHEET: 1 I . \ ; ------ST~E-E~~EES ANDLANDSCAPING REQUIRED--wrTHI' w----., ' : I~ ~ , THE RIGHT OF WAY, PER, RMC 4-4-070 F, 2 I . -1:ti ~ 0 P 0 LA,N 0 TING PLAN (WEST HALF) jlJL_J @ f ~~ R-37322 S ' . , :: : w·:• = ~ =20-0 , " " ., ::;;t -,;,· a ,.._ BY:~% ;Q f_f':; ~ 2 of 4 SHEETS L 1.1 ., ---,;-;,.;i:;i_;;, s- ' . s f c' . . 0 , . 0 0 . " ? l ! 1 " , . 0 0 . . "' ! , u • I ~ u ~, ~<.:} -/ o/J-~-,1,/ I - ; F ,.:-I\ ~= 7 •=~ E, ---++---- ' ' :/d"~ --'·,v/,,;;-(0--. ; *'1 -. r;· i , I ·11' ,1 , PROPERT . . LINE, TYPICAL -:.;,; s / / RE;:PLACEMENT TREE, l;f ~I TYP:L LOT LINE, TYPICAL----i______: ';:l ~rul i~ 13 a,u;g ·t 10' WIDE LANOSCAP,f,j\REA ALONG PUBLIC STREET FRONTAGES. RMC 4-4-07'0 '---, F.1. LIGHTING, fYPICAt " B.2!16 SF STREET TREES AND LANDSCAPING REQUIRED 1',1THIN THE RIGHT OF WAY, PER, RMC 4-4 070 F.2 --1(-.. ~--.. ---.... ~-~-s.-----e-- t --N~E.2ivos'f --·--.. -I ' ' . i.f--c,>- I ~i · .. v 1-1: Sl, ' ' :·-:-11,·- -:.,,1"" , . -=--::"-• Q 0 \/·\; ;,:~:t:.·.·: __ ·<.. . - _\_\~-,c· • 8.098 SF \ \,: .J.4"' \ \ , \1, \ \ \ \\ \"\ ;:,_:}\\\ .:, '\' It' -;.,,\t =-----=-------. --:''.\ .• \ , ' l 3 8,10., SF ------== 2 a.10J sr s::ic It'"\ 0,,1 \·l~ O' ::, \ '. ,,,::: -;.r11""° 0 \ 1 ,,, .:, . :: _-:-~, ''l ()"'ti ~ \ I {/ i -F :: , ' I/ 1!"'- 8= e :,, =----,~,_ ~~--':[ < ' J ,,, < -~'. \ .'\ i( 1 •=g \'\;\'],- \ ',~'Z..-/~ -~1i-\\_ \ \ '. .:, \ I 1.,~ -:-,;,;,, .:, \ '. ,.,::: ,,',. I ::, (:::\ ··-" ~--=-·~-=,;"-,-:: ,- CD-PLANTING PLAN (EAST HALF) ,~~@ PLANT SCHEDULE Q "'"''' =, =• s•-I u AM£l.,\HCH~ "ALITUMr,1 B1'1JLLW.CE' AlJHJMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY '""- 'I . " CERCIDIPHYU.UM JAPONICIJM MTSURATREE '""-~ " f'fflUS CALLERY ANA CHANTICLEER CtlAN!lGLEER FLOWERf.113 PEAR "'"- 0 ~ PINUS CONTORT4 $.HORE PNE .. '"'-- 7) " PSEUOOTSUGA MENZEISII DOUGLAS F!F! UNCLIPPED " "'"- T) " TliWA PUCA TA EXCELSA EXCELSA WESTERN RED CEOAA .. '""- --~ 8 l. 121 ARB\ITUS U. COMPACT A COMf'ACT §_TJIAWBERRY BUSH '"" e u ARON.A AR8l!Tlf(ILIA 'BRILLIAHTISSM,\' ------ BRILLIANT RED CHOKEBERRY MULTISTEWI '""--- 8· ~ BERBERIS 'CRIMSON PVGMY' Ji\PANESE EWISERRYCRI~ PYGWY "'"-3Cl"O.C. €J • .. BEABER IS BUICIFC1.IA 'No\N.l' DWAAF BOX-1..EAFEO MRBERAV ,.._ .,. 00 @)• " CWlENOWELES X SUP€R8A 'JET TIIAII.' JET TRAIL FLOWERING QUINCE "'"-30" 0.C @· " CISlUS SAL VMFa.lUS 'PROSTRATUS DWARF SAGE LEAF FIOCKROSE ""'-30"0.C. @• '" C0RNUS KEl.SVII DWAAf RED lWlG DOGWOOD ""'-24"0C e ' CORM.JS SERICE,\ 'IS,OJ,ITr - ISAN'TI RED--OSIER OOGWclOO '"" -e . " ,GENISTA PIL.OSll ",IANCOIJVERGOLO' VANCOUVER GOLD CREEf'ING BROOM "'''-~-o.c. e. ~ HYDRANGEA CiUERCIFOI.IA PEE' WEE DWARF (W(Lf"Af' HYDRANGEA '""-lG'"O.C -e " Ml$CANTiiUS SINENSIS 'WOf't"IIHG UGHr MISC#,NTilUS MOANING LIGHT '""- 8· ~ PENNJSETV,,1 ALOPECUAOIDES 'MOUOAY' BlACII fl.OWERIHO FOUNT .IJN GflAS5 '""-30"0.C 0 . " PENNiSETUM 1-IAMEl.N --DWARF FOI...NT"-1"< GRASS -,.._ --24"0.C E),. ,~ ; PINUS MUGO FUIIU.IO DWARF M\.IGO PINE '"'-30""0.C. --- 8 . " F'OTENTIUA .f.8BOTSWOOD Wl-lfTI: .fdlBOTSVIQOCIWHITE F'OTENTl..U. '"'-36"'0.C e. "' PRUHUS 'OTIO LUVKEN" OTTO LUYIIEN L'IUREL '""-36'"0.C e~ " ROSA X WOASCI-NEE' R.OWl:R CAAPET WlllTE G'OJNDCOVER ROSE '"'-36' o.c. ('" ~ THUJ ... EMIEIW...O GREEN EMERAUJ GREEN PYRol.MIDALIS ., ~ ·1 101 • Vl8URNUM X BUR<WOOOll 'MQHAWI<" hlOH.IIWK VIBUFiNUM '"'--~ c-. u VIBURNLM l'UC>.nJM ~EWPORT' NEWPORT DW.o.RF DOUBLE Fl.£ VIBURNUM ""'-30"0.C. -·- ~ ~ AFICTOSTAPYLLOS lN"-URSI w.ssACfiUSETTS w.ssACKUSETTS l(lNNIKINNICK '"'-30"0.C "00 " COTONE,\STER D.\MMERII GEAR BERRY COTONE.O.ST£R '"'-30"0.C 1100 I FIUBUS PEtff,\I.OBUS "£MOW.D c.AFIPET' EMERALD CARPET CREEPING RllSPBEARY '"'-00""0.C I , Pl.ANT GROUNDCOVEAS IN GAOUf'S Of' 50-150 Pl.ANTS. CONSULT WITH LANDSCAPE .o.RCHITECT I BASED ON AVAIL.fdlllllY SOME PUNTS MIGHT NEED TO 8E SUBSTJ11JTED FOR SIMILAR GAOWl<IG PlANTS. TO BE l<PPROVED 1!Y LANDSGAPI, "FlCITTECT ANOOWl'ER CJ PI.Af,ffOUANT!TIES SHOWN IN SCHEDULE 0A ON PLAN. WHICHEVER IS GREATER STREET TREES TO SE STREET TREE FOflM mo BAANCHED AT A MINIMUM Of 6" HEIGHT * SHRUBS F0A 10' PLANTING ARE"5 BEHl"W SIDEWl<U( AT LOTS HYOROSEEOEO WITH OETENT~ PONO EROSION CONTJ\Ol SEED l.l1X. COORDl«TE Wml GEOTEC~ICAI.. ENGINEER Ml<Hfl!lN36"' MIJt.CH RING AAOUND TREES, FREE OF HYOROSEED ADJUST l.OCATIOO OF STREE.T TREES TO CONFOf!M Willi THE FOUOWlNG MINNUM ScTtW::I': REOLWREWEHTS EXESTING CONTOUfl PROPOSED CONTOUR ~:=~'.,':=:-~'::'.:::::::.:;,::::,,,, R 3 7 3 2 2 6 2S' FROM STREET LIG!m; - -tO" FR()lj THE CORNER Of INTERSl:'CT!OtlS. STOf' SIGNS AADYIEtD SIGNS e* (~ \1Y' SITE DISTANCE TRI.\NGLE AT ~SECTIONS MEASURE ZO' 8ACK o'1.0NG THE AO.J..11:{NT"'°,\l t::'·\"' - PROPERTY LINES, CONNECT THOSE TWO POINTS WITH I< LINE TO FORM A. TRWIIGLE Tl!,,l,T 1S THE SITE DIST ... NCE TRINIGLE. ANY PLANTINGS, EX'CEPT STREET TREES, fN 'ni.O.T AREA MUST BE A W.XIMUM 30"TALLAT l,U,TURITY SIGNIFICANT TA:EE OFF SITE TO REIU.IN SIGNIFICANT TREE· OH SITE TO RB.WN St!OWN Willi OJUP ll'-'E ·--·-·--·- .. IXlibi,ii"" . -. 'IIMlllli:is -~ RENTON ' REVISIONS BY 5-2)-13 8-30.-13 1-28-2014 S-23-2014 Th>tww;l,c,p pt...;,~ ,11 d; ... _.,._.,.1,,..,.and ....... ~oldmi!i«I o---.. ., ta GrlA Landscape Archit,,.ds 1•17 NE &>to St SEATTU. ~ !1B'15 1W206.>22l.U. f#.200il:/l!~l f- <( _J Q_ f- rJ) <( w :,,:: O'.: <( Q_ z 0 :'5 0 a. 0 w <t :s: a. :s: w <( • _J (.) z Q_ ~ r? <( z z L '.5 ~ --- ~ -~, -iif.0:: __ =-cvmr,,;,,,, .. _,,, QATE: 3-7-12 SCALE: QN PLAN DRAWN BY: ~B JOB: SHEET: L 1.2 ~ ·-·CIW11NaTY - ~wa& · - 1 .... -· ~-I --·----re·~ ,~.: · ... -I 3of "SHEETS I CD· rz ---;, 3,::,_ -::,_b . j . w " 0 i ! ~ l " : w " 0 i !1 ~ -,_ i ~ 0 ~ u Q 1" WIDE SOFT RUBBER CHAIN LOCK TREE TIE WRAP AROUND EACH STAKE AND TREE 2" _DIA. WOOD S""[AJ(ES, STAKE NEXT TO AOO~L "I "' LAYE~ OF MULCH PER SPECIFIC.ATIONS ____ fOAM 3" WATERING RING __ ~AOUNO TREE 2" OUTSIDE OF TREE STAKES_ EXISTING SOIL 1 :1 SLQPE AT SIDES OF PLANT PIT CLJT BUl_:ILAP BACK FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL --------------. BACKFILL PER PLANT NO~§ __ --------SOIL BENEATH TREE TO BE EXISTING SOIL OR COMPACT SOIL TO 85% MAX. DENSITY TREE PIT TO BE THREE TIMES THE DIAMETER OF ROOTBALL SET STAKES PARALLEL TO ADJACENT STREET ~2"' GREATER THAN ROOTBALL SET TREE 1" ABOVE GRADE AS GROWN IN NURSERY FIRM BACKFIU IN PLACE AND WATER IN WELL CD TREE PLAr-JTING DETAIL FORM 2" WATER BASIN TOP OF ROOT CROWN ~ PL.ANTING HOLE TO BE 12" WIDER THAN AOOTBALL FOR SHRUBS AND 8" WIDER THAN ROOTBALL FOR GAOUNDCOVERS DEPTH TO BE SAME AS ROOTBALL OR 12" WHICH EVER IS GREATER 0 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL BARK MULC~ PER SPECIFICATIONS KEEP MULCH 1-2" AWAY FROM STEM OF PLANT EXISTING SOIL, DEl::!:>L Y SCARIFY AT SIDES OF PLANT POCKET BACKFILL WITH AMENDED NATIY_E_SO_I_L __ _ ANO FERTILIZER PER SPECIFICATIONS SET AT 1/2~ HIGHER THAN GROWN IN NURSERY FIRM BACKFILL IN PLACE AND WATER IN WELL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES Contractor shall familiar themselves with the project induding all underground utilities. All beds to be debris and weed free prior to landscape construction. Subgrade to be 8" below finished grade to allow for topsoil and mulch in shrub areas and in a 6' diameter area around individually planted trees, and 2" below finished grade in hydroseeded areas. In shrub planting and individual tree areas till existing soil to depth of 12". Add 3" of 50/50 Cedar Grove or Sunset Materials compost/sand mix. Till into 8" of existing soil. Add 3" more of 50/50 Cedar Grove or Sunset Materials compost/sand mix. Till into 8" of soil. Compact soil to 80% to prevent settling. In hydroseeded area track walked native soil if soil is fertile enough to sustain grass, coordinate with hydroseeder, general contractor and landscape architect. If soil is not fertile enough, till 2" Cedar Grove or Sunset Materials compost into 6" of existing soil. Compact soil to 85% to prevent settling, coordinate work in detention area with Geotechnical Engineer. Notify owner if existing soil conditions will prove detrimental to plant health, even after soil prep, such as excessive clay soil, hardpan soil, poor drainage, or excessive gravel. Plant trees and shrubs per details this sheet. Mulch beds and in a 6' diameter area around each individually planted tree with 2" of comp-mulch. Mulch is to be free of garbage and weeds and may not contain excessive resin, tannin, or other material detrimental to plant growth. Gently loosen roots of container stock that is rootbound prior to planting. Fertilize all plants with best-Paks fertilizer. available at Horizon Inc. 425-828-4554 or Agri-form tablets. One packet/tablet per 1 gallon plant, 2 per 2 gallon, 3 per 5 gallon, and 12 per tree. Evenly space packets around rootball, 6-8" from soil surface. All plants shall conform to America standard for nursery stock, ANLA. All plants shall be considered very good or better in health and form based on industry standards. Provide one year warranty for all work starting form date of final acceptance. Coordinate all work with General Contractor. Plantings are drought tolerant. Owner shall provide a temporary irrigation system per City of Renton Code 4-4-070.1.2., A temporary irrigation system must be installed and operated for a minimum of two years that covers all newly planted areas per these landscape plans. R-373227 • CINUIIIIII! Wl!lt!Gn' a,-1 ll'MIMII I .. ----1 --IIPl:__1 :*1:r m=~I C 1Y /2-> 7 's,:,. ::t 7 REVISIONS BY 5-23-13 !-30-13 1-28-2014 5-23-2014 Thio........,.plu,no,._.,,...,,o11 d,.......,....,,._.,..,......i....,t,,, r.,ld>"mW. ec---- ta GHA Lcnd•cope AccMech ••n N( Wth St >to.TTlL ... ge, 15 l!ll 1"ti.!u':l2"4 fA< :>Oa.!o:IUG!i1 f- ~ _J o_ f- (/) ~ (/) w w b :::.::: z n:: Cl ~ z o_ < (/) ..J 0 ~ 0 0 w ~ Cl s: (.'.) w z z _J fCC 0 o_ z f- ~ < z ..J w L a. cc --~-~ ~ == ~1:Lt-- DATE: 3-7-12 SCALE: ON PtAN DRAWN BY: NB JOB: SHEET: L 1.3 4 of 4 SHEETS ........ Jamie Schroeder From: Pat Miller [mailto:pmiller@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 7:36 AM To: Tiffiny Brown; Rohini Nair Cc: Rohini Nair Subject: RE: Final Plat Submittal · pv-\,:; J~e-l}Jov-~ Arf v-ovJ_ 1f,_ W.J, of H~rr .,,,,} /hi: J Tapes are completed and all runs were video so please submit for final as requested. From: Tiffiny Brown [mailto:Tiffiny@burnstead.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:21 AM To: Rohini Nair Cc: Pat Miller Subject: RE: Final Plat Submittal Hi Rohini, what is the status? Tiffiny Brown Director of Land Development Bumstead Construction LLC 425.454.1900 ext 234 From: Rohini Nair [mailto:RNair@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 10:46 AM To: Tiffiny Brown Cc: Pat Miller Subject: RE: Final Plat Submittal Hi Tiffiny, Let me check with Pat regarding the field status. The inspector field status approval is required prior to final plat submittal. Sincerely Rohini From: Tiffiny Brown [mailto:Tiffiny@burnstead.com] Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 10:35 AM To: Rohini Nair Cc: Pat Miller Subject: RE: Final Plat Submittal Hi Rohini, Just checking in. Where are we this? Tiffiny Brown Director of Land Development Bumstead Construction LLC 425.454.1900 ext 234 1 ....... .... Jamie Schroeder From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Rohini Nair < RNair@Rentonwa.gov> Monday, August 03, 2015 8:22 AM 'Tiffiny Brown' Jamie Schroeder; Pat Miller; Ryan; Matt Hough Maplewood Park East final plat The inspector has mentioned that the field items have been substantially completed and so, the pre-submittal meeting for the Maplewood Park East final plat can be set up. Let me know when you would like the pre-submittal meeting. I will be out on vacation from August 13th and will be back on September 3'". Sincerely Rohini 1 .... Wednesday, May 27, 2015 City of Renton Jan Illian, Steve Lee Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 King County Water District No. 90 15606 South East 128th Street Renton, Washington 98059-4540 Phone: 425-255-9600 Fax: 425-277-4128 RE: Substantial Completion of Water Mains and Hydrants and Fire Flow -Maplewood Park East -6101 NE 2 ST Renton, WA 98059 -Permit#U 14002996 This letter is to inform you that King County Water District NO. 90 has reviewed the Maplewood Park East Water System and found that the water mains and all appurtenances are installed, operational and installed to the District specifications. The water system can supply over 1000 gpm for duration of more than two hours If you have any questions on this matter, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joshua Deraitus Operations Manager, KCWD 90 cc: Tiffany Brown, Bumstead Constuction Quyen Dang, Stantec Tracy Briggs, TE Briggs Construction Jaime Schroder, CPH Consultants \\kcwd90.loca["nata\Compan) Data\Engincering\Developer Extensions·Substantial Completion\Maplcwood Park East Substantial Completion 5-27-15.doc .... Wednesday, May 27, 2015 City of Renton Jan Illian, Steve Lee Development Services I 055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 King County Water District No. 90 !5606 South East 128th Street Renton. Washington 98059-4540 Phone: 425-255-9600 Fax: 425-277-4128 RE: Substantial Completion of Water Mains and Hydrants and Fire Flow -Maplewood Park East -610 I NE 2 ST Renton, WA 98059 -Permit#U 14002996 This letter is to inform you that King County Water District NO. 90 has reviewed the Maplewood Park East Water System and found that the water mains and all appurtenances are installed, operational and installed to the District specifications. The water system can supply over I 000 gpm for duration of more than two hours If you have any questions on this matter, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joshua Deraitus Operations Manager, KCWD 90 cc: Tiffany Brown, Bumstead Constuction Quyen Dang, Stantec Tracy Briggs, TE Briggs Construction Jaime Schroder, CPH Consultants \\kcwd90.local\data\Compan) Data\Engineering\Devcloper Extensions Substantial Completion\,\llapkwood Park East Substantial Completion 5-27-15.doc PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 The State Environmental Policy Act {SEPA). Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement {EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining ifthere may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). -1 -06/09 P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood _ envchlst.docx For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Maplewood Park East 2. Name of applicant: Bumstead Construction, LLC 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Bumstead Construction, LLC 11980 NE 241" St, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005 Contact: Tiffiny Brown/(425) 454-1900 Ext. 234 4. Date checklist prepared: October 25, 2011 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction of infrastructure in Summer 2012 with home construction to start Fall 2012. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated February 21, 2012. Traffic study prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest, dated February 27, 2012. Arborist report prepared by International Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated February 14, 2012. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Preliminary plat approval, Construction Permit, and Final Plat Approval from City of Renton. General Stormwater Construction Permit from WDOE, King County Water District 90 Developer Extension Permit. -2 -06/09 P:\project\0011\ 11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood~envchlst.docx 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size ofthe project and site. The project proposes to subdivide the subject property into 14 single-family lots with supporting access, drainage, and utility improvements. The subject property is 4.5 acres and currently zoned R-4. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The proposed project site is located at the NE corner of NE 2"" Street and 152"" Avenue in Renton, WA. More generally, the project is located in the NW '/, of Section 14, T 23N, R 5E in King County, Washington. See attached plans for vicinity map and legal description. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, ~ hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other . b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) Approximately 20% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. AgC -Alderwood gravelly sandy loam d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Grading and filling activities are proposed to accommodate the improvements for the 14 single family residences, access and associated utilities. On-site soils will be used for site fills to the extent available and imports fill from local sources will be used for the balance of fill efforts (as required). Following stripping of approximately 6,000 cy, 5,000 cy of structure excavation and 10,000 cy of fill is anticipated based on the current plan. Much of the stripping will be placed on the finished lots. The remainder of the fill will include base materials and pavement required for the roadway section. -3 - P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst.docx 06/09 f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion would be possible during the clearing, grading and construction phases of the project. Loose soils would be susceptible to erosion due to storm water runoff and high wind speeds. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures will be implemented during construction to limit erosion potential. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 45% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR The project proposes the use of temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, in accordance with current standards during the construction phase to mitigate any erosion and sedimentation potential. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During the construction phase, there would be periods of increased dust and vehicle emissions. After the construction phase is complete there would be an increase in vehicle emissions due to the increased number of vehicle trips per day to and from the site. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During the construction phase, the project proposes the use of temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, in accordance with current standards to reduce the amount of dust emissions. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No -4 -06/09 P:lproject\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst.docx 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. The project proposes to collect storm water runoff from roadways and lots in a series of catch basins that will be connected by underground pipes. The pipes will convey this water to a combined water quality and detention pond. This pond will discharge to the open space tract west of the development and the basin eventually flows to the Cedar River approximately one mile downstream via various conveyance systems. -5 - P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\PreplatlCity Forms\Maplewood_envchlst docx 06109 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The project proposes storm water improvements in accordance with the current City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM, 2009). 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: _X_ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other _X_ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other _X_ shrubs _X_ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Existing vegetation, including deciduous and evergreen trees, will be removed to accommodate the development of the site in accordance with current City of Renton standards. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Native vegetation / wildlife habitat will be retained to the extent practical. No additional wildlife preservation measures are proposed. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds~ heron, eagle, songbirds, other ________ _ Mam~<cleei)bear, elk, beaver, other,---,--------- Fish: bass, ~n, trout, herring, shellfish, other ______ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No • 6 . P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_ envchlst.docx 06109 d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity will serve the heating and energy needs of the future residences. Natural gas may also be used for heating. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Site development activities and future residences will comply with applicable local and state laws governing energy systems compliance. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: The project will adhere to current OSHA and WISHA standards during construction. Public water and sewer services will also be provided. Storm drainage discharge from the site will be treated and controlled by an on-site pond facility in accordance with current City of Renton standards. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None -7 -06/09 P. \project\0011 \11 008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood _ envchlst. docx 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Increased noise due to machinery and general construction operations would occur during the grading and construction phase. The project proposes to adhere to normal King County construction hours. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Single family residential properties are located east, west, and south of the subject parcel. Park property is north of the parcel. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. No structures are currently located on-site. A single-family residence was previously located on the northeast portion of the site per aerial photos. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification ofthe site? R-4 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Residential Low Density g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approx. 28-56 (based on 2 to 4 people per dwelling unit). -8-06/09 P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_ envchlst.docx j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The plat is consistent with existing and projected land uses and plans. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. The project proposes 14 individual dwelling units on the property. These dwelling units would likely be characterized as middle-income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s} proposed. Future residences will not exceed the height limits allowed by current zoning code. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No -9 -06/09 P:lproject\0011 \11 008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst.docx c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Maplewood and Coalfield Parks are both located within 0.5 mile of the project site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: A recreation space area is proposed on-site in accordance with City zoning regulations. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Cedar River to Lake Sammamish Trail Site is located north of the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Currently the site is accessed by NE 2•• Street along the south property boundary. The proposed subdivision will access NE 2•• Street from a new access street that will run north-south through the eastern portion of the site. • 10 • 06/09 P:\project\0011 \11 008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst.docx b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The closest transit stop is approximately 0.5 miles from the project site at NE 41h Street & Rosario Ave NE. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The project will provide at least two parking spaces per dwelling unit (i.e., 28 spaces). No existing parking spaces will be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? Frontage widening improvements are required to NE 2"0 Street and a new access road will be constructed heading north from NE 2"0 Street on the eastern portion of the site. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Approximately 134 average daily trips would occur based on an estimated 9.57 trip rate. Peak volumes would occur during peak AM and PM hours to account for work-related commute hours. A traffic analysis has been provided as prepared by Transportation Engineering NorthWest, dated February 27, 2012 with additional details. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The new local roadway serving the subdivision will be constructed to current City Standards (KCRS). 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The additional residences proposed would require support of public services. However, the development is consistent with the city's current land use provisions -including zoning and comprehensive plan designations. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None -11 -06/09 P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Map!ewood_envchlst.docx 16. UTILITIES a. atural gas, anitary sewe septic sys em, o b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The project proposes water and sewer extensions with service provided by the City of Renton and King County Water District #90. Electricity will be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Communication services are planned by Comcast and Frontier. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or illful lack offul isclosure on my part. Name Printed: Date: -12 -06/09 P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst.docx D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (These sheets should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies, plans and ro rams. You do not need to fill out these sheets for ro·ect actions. Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, flood plains, or prime farmlands? Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? • 13 · 06109 P:\project\0011111008\Permit Apps\Prepfat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlst. docx Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand{s) are: 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent Signature:---------------- Name Printed: Date: -14 -06/09 P:\project\0011\11008\Permit Apps\Preplat\City Forms\Maplewood_envchlstdocx RETURN TO: John F .. Sherwood, Jr. Peterson Russell Kelly PLLC i 11~1, /11// If// If II~, II/I //lll./li/l lli1 11 111/'~ifi/.~/j~f /~~1 l~i Ii , 111/i ,,r,, 111111111, i 1i111, 111111, m 1. , , 1 1 1 · I, 1 , , 10900 N.E. Fourth Street, Suite 1850 Bellevue, WA 98004 20091230 . 1 1 ,I I SOCIUS LAU GRo QCD 001691 Grantors: Grantee: Legal Description: PAGE-•01 OF 0 09 70.00 12/30/2009 1~:22 KING COUNTY, UA •,E2423830 12/30/2009 14.58 KIN(;' COUNTY UA T/1~ ' SAL" $10 00 e $0 00 QUITCLAIM DEED I. Frederick H. Bumstead, as to an undivided !0%; 2. Joan Bumstead, as to ari u11divid.ed 6%; J Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40%; 4. Kari Hall, as to an undivided 44.6o/o; .. .. 5. Steven Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6%; 6. Donna Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40%; · POGE-001 OF 001 7. Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6%; 8. Janet Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40%; 9. Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided I 0%; and JO. Janet Bumstead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren's . Irrevocable Trusi, as to an undivided 3% Bumestad Construction LLC Parcel N King Co. Let Line Adjustment No. 489033/ King County Recording No. 8408270719/ records of King County, Washington Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 142305-9003 40MJ2 OJ ' } QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, Frederick H. Bumstead, as to an undivided 10% interest; Joan Bumstead, as to an undivided 6% interest; Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Kari Hall, as to an u_ndividcd 44.6% interest; Steven Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Donna Bumstead, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Janet Bumstead, as .to an undivided 0.40% interest; Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided I 0% interest; and Jan,;t Bumstead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust, as to an undivided 3% interest, all as tenants in common, for consideration of a transfer from tenants in common to an LLC, in th¢ same prorata share as their interests, conveys and quit claims to Bumstead Constructio11 LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Grantor therein: · Parcel A of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 489033, ~ecorded under King County Recording No. 84082707l9, records of King C<l1,1nty, Washington. Dated: December~ I , 2009. \;\~··c;q~~ J mu~Burrktead . .· . K~I~]~·····~~ "'::A-'"ovvv'-4 ·· ~ · I --' Donna Bumstead Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead 1/Lif"ilcxbt.~ c·wd · 0net Bumst a Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust Catherine Bumstead Notary Acknowledgements attached -l0MJ20! .. STATt OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY'OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Frederick H. Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and _who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that h~ signed the. same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN unw,i;r9;: hand and official seal thisd{ / day of]> I:_.. , 2009. STATE OFW ASHlNGTON COUNTY OF KING 1?rJf?t:t%e : .· . · · . [print notary's riame] Notary Pub._lici,i and for. the. St.ate of Washington residing at [71ef/,u.rw · · My commission expires: _.,_Z+/=1.i~Jrc.,_1 ~J----_ .----- ss. ·· On this day personally appcatcd before me Joan Bumstead;• to _me known to be the individual described .in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that s_he signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein tnentioned. 40fl.lJ2 r; I GIVEN under my hand and official seal th1s,Q / day of~ , 2009. -~-~ ~~~~$Le] Notary Public ·n and for the State of Washington .. residing at .,C.&.J""1.dc'.!:i...._--,-...,,-------- M y commission expires: -++--'='--'-"'~---- . ST A TE OF W ASH!NGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Scott Hall, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the. same as his fre.e and .vo·luntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ST A TE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING , 2009. ··~·~1~ ·=:-_.·_··. t.= :• -~ notary's name] Notary Public ih and for the State.of Washington residing at · Aelli1111! _,, · . . My commission expires: --=;;H-1 ,,.1.1'-l/"-'Lb~----- ss. . ·. . .On tbis day personally appeared before me Kari Hall, tome known to_be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument; arid acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. -1()6432 01 GIVEN under my h_and and official seal thisc2 I day of j)_ c_.. , 2009. ···~ ~~ln~ame] · Notary Public in:wd for the St_ ate of Washington ~es1dmg at 8 ti!kt-jlA.1 .. L, ·. · My commission expires: _,_1.,.J~i~J1,__ ~/~:,..., _____ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTYOF KING ss. On this day personally appeared before me Steven Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purpose~ therein mentioned,·· . . GIVEN,1i111fli;r my hand and official seal this ,PI day of "j), C-, 2009. ,,'''-•Ne 0'',,, ~· {i:j_. ·. :$'-. :{ :;ION ,,.l(1', . ., : ·. : . ·. a,.···· . . . ··9. ~ ·:;-· ,>~ ~~~.. ~ ,D~c_ . :8 ~ i ~ ~ilirtot'sname] :_ ~ PIJU f~ § Notary Pubhc in llild for theState of Washington :., ,.~ '"'qr 15 ,tS:"-•. /t~ residing at.,./3=~=-.=·=-·~· -------- ',,,, ?t>w~s'r''~,.,, My commission expires:._ ··-1.,,,.h~:~1'-'J'-'c:c. .. -.-. ____ _ ,,,, 111''\ . STATE OFWASH!NGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On .this day personally appeared before me Donna Bumstead; to me knpwn to be the individual described .in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that s.hc signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned: · · GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ) I day of ){c., , 2009. ·il;~#!!f ~;;;;;;ame] Notary Public.)n iqid for the State of Washington · residing at .. l~ . My commission expires:~ 7/1(/n-. 40MJ2 01 ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTYOF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, to me known to be the individual described in and-who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that h~. signed thi; same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.·. , 2009. [print notary' name l Notary Publi~jn and for .. the St.ate of Washington res1dmg at •. t2.m+1rl<!. .. · My commission expires:-· _·-,.,1J._1u'.i'-J,,..,,'-'_'=~.=. _____ _ STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OFKING ) · On this day personally appeared before me Janet Bumstead,. to me. known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that .. shc signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. · 401)432 01 GIVEN under my hand and of~cial seal this ,fl I dayof J}L , 2009. /~~ · ······.. ~ :;n;;::ame] ~otary Publ~,s;m,~<l for the State of Washington · res1dmg at~--·_· __ · ~------- My commiss'ion expires:__.:_.7../../.-J-"tJ,./c1-·'L"'-;_=------- ST ATE OF W ASI l!NGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. On this day personally appeared before me Janet Bumstead, to me known to be the Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust, the trust that executed the foregoing instrument, and ack.nowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said trust, for' the use·s arid ·purposes therein, mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the same instruinen\. · 4flM32.Ul GIVEN under thy hand and official seal this a?, / day of~J).j.L..jf'---~--· 2009. c-m~···/~~· .·· ')jj;~Rru~(~(_ ,~[print n,;;;;;;;,; e] NotaryPu.blicjn and foi the State ofWashington rcs1d1ng at fj ccu,., u ·· . . My commission. expires: ~7_,_· ~)wi~, 1"'Jc,.1~h"'-----~- , ,, QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, Frederick H. Bumstead, as to an undivided IO% interest; Joan Bumstead, as to an undivided 6% interest; Scott Hall, as to an undivided 0.40% interest; Kari Hall, as to an undivided 44.6% interest; Steven Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Donna Bumstead, as .to an undivided 0.40% interest; Frederick H. (Rick) Bumstead, as to an undivided 12.6% interest; Janet Bumstead, .as to an. undivided 0.40% interest; Catherine Bumstead, as to an undivided I 0% interest; and Janet Bm11stead, as Trustee of the Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust, as to an.undivided 3% iriterest.)aHas tenants in conunon, for consideration ofa transfer fi:um tenants in common to ari LLC, in,the same prorata share as their interests, conveys and quit claims to Bumstead Comitruction LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County ofKing, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Granter therein: Parcel A of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 489033, recorded under King County Recording No. 8408270719, records of King (;ounty, Washington. Dated: December~ , 2009. f 4/Ariu,f, ?~,.s!ied Catherine Bumstead "-.:__·,JJ ·~·· .. · ~-(\ ~\.((.b~~ Donna Bumstead r. ,1 J/£1c1,1odtt.~ e'ZiiP/ • \ .. J'net Bums! a Bumstead Grandchildren's Irrevocable Trust Notary Acknowledgements attached 4064)2 01 ' • ' STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ___ _ ) On this day personally app~red before me Catherine Bumstead, to me known to be the individual describe.<;! .in and .. who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that'she: signed.the same as .her .. free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. · · 406450.0! [print notary's name] Notary Public i[!.Md for the State of Alaska residing at "'\lu1..,8A0. · A..LA6'f:..Ac My commission expires: 2\ : rwJ . 20 l I -----------------------------------------[}fl.JI.Fl"-------------------------------------------------- [)EC L.II.Fl..11. l"ION OF COVEN.11.Nl"S, CON[)ITIONS .11.N[) Fl.ES"Tfl.lC"TIONS FOFl. "THE WOO[)S .11.T HIGHL.11.N[)S P.11.Fl.K THIS [)ECL.II.Fl..11.TION .11.N[) COVEN.11.Nl"S, CQN[)ll"IONS .11.N[) Fl.ESTFl.lC"TIONS FOFl. "THE WOO[)S .11.T HIGHL.11.N[)S P.11.Fl.K ("Declaration") is made on the date hereinafter set forth by Bumstead Construction LLC, ("Declarant"), who is the owner of certain land situated in the State of Washington, County of King, known as The Woods at Highlands Park (hereinafter referred to as "The Woods at Highlands Park"), which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. In order to ensure preservation of the residential environment at The Woods at Highlands Park, Declarant agrees and covenants that all land and improvements now existing or hereafter constructed thereon shall be held, sold, conveyed subject to, and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, liens and easements, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of such lands for the benefit of all of such lands and the owners thereof and their heirs, successors, grantees and assigns. All provisions of this Declaration shall be binding upon all parties thereof and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and to the benefit of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association and shall otherwise in all respects be regarded as covenants running with the land . .11.Fl.TICLE I [)EFINl"TIONS For the purposes of the Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association, certain words and phrases shall have particular meanings as follows: Section 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns. Section 2. "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association, as provided for in Article X. For purposes of exercising the powers and duties assigned in this Declaration to the Board, this term shall also mean the Initial Board of Declarant, as provided in Article II, unless the language or context clearly indicates otherwise. Section 3. "Properties" subject to this Declaration shall mean and refer to the real property described with particularity in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", and such Other Parcels which may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association. Section 4. "Owner" or "Lot Owner" shall mean and refer to record owner (whether one or more persons or entities) of a fee interest in any Lot, including the Declarant and participating Builders, but excluding Mortgagees or other persons or entities having such interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation. Purchasers or assignees under recorded real estate contracts shall be deemed Owners as against their respective sellers or assignors. Section 5. "Common Areas" and "Common Maintenance Areas". Common Areas shall mean and refer to any of the real property (including the improvements thereon) owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association. Common Maintenance Areas shall mean those portions of all real property (including the improvements thereon) maintained by the Association for the benefit of the members of the Association. Section 6. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land, excluding tracts, as shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the Properties. Lot shall include the Residence located thereon. Section 7. "Declarant" shall mean BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, and any of its successors and assigns who identifies itself as a successor declarant in a recorded instrument and who assumes all the obligations of THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK as declarant under the agreement. Section 8. "Architectural Control Committee" shall refer to the duly appointed or elected committee of the Board of Directors as outlined in Article XI of this Declaration, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee". Section 9. "Development Period" shall mean and refer to that period of time defined in Article II of this Declaration. Section 10. "Plat" shall mean and refer to the Plat of The Woods at Highlands Park as recorded on -----~2=0~1~4 in the records of King County, State of Washington, under Recording. Section 11. occupying any Lot. Section 12. the Properties. "Residence" shall mean and be limited to single family residences only "Other Parcels" shall mean those parcels of land which may be added to ARTICLE II DEVELOPMENT PERIOD; MANAGEMENT RIGHTS OF DECLARANT DURING DEVELOPMENT Section 1. Management by Declarant. "Development Period" shall mean that period of time from the date of recording the Declaration until (1) a date twenty (20) years from the date of recording this Declaration or (2) the thirtieth (30th) day after Declarant has transferred title to the purchasers of Lots representing 99 percent of the total voting power of all Owners as then constituted or (3) the date on which Declarant elects to permanently relinquish all of Declarant's authority under this Article II by written notice to all Owners, whichever date first occurs. Until termination of the Development Period, the Property shall be managed and the Association organized at the sole discretion of the Declarant. Section 2. Initial Board. Declarant may, in its sole discretion, and at such times as the Declarant deems appropriate, appoint three persons who may be Owners, or are representatives of corporate entities or other entities which are Owners, as an Initial Board. This Initial Board shall have full authority and all rights, responsibilities, privileges and duties to manage the Properties under this Declaration and shall be subject to all provisions of this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws, provided that after selecting the Initial Board, the Declarant, in the exercise of its sole discretion, may at any time terminate the Initial Board and reassume its management authority under Article II or select a new Board under this section of Article II. Section 3. Notice to Owners. Not less than fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the termination of the Development Period, the Declarant shall send written notice of the termination of the Development Period to the Owner of each Lot. Said notice shall specify the date when the Development Period will terminate and shall further notify the Owners of the date, place and time when a meeting of the Association will be held. The notice shall specify that the purpose of the Association meeting is to elect new Officers and Directors of the Association. Notwithstanding any provision of the Articles or Bylaws of the Association to the contrary, for the purpose of this meeting, the presence, either in person or by proxy, of the Owners of twenty (20) Lots shall constitute a quorum. The term "proxy" is defined as "the authority or power to act for another, in person, or by document giving such authority". In other words, an Owner may designate another individual to act on their behalf. The Board of Directors and Officers of the Association may be elected by a majority vote of said quorum. If a quorum shall not be present, the Development Period shall nevertheless terminate on that date specified in said notice and it shall thereafter be the responsibility of the Owners to provide for the operation of the Association. Section 4. Management of Properties During Development Period. Declarant, or a managing agent selected by the Declarant, and/or the Initial Board, shall have the power and authority to exercise all the rights, duties and functions of the Board of Directors and generally exercise all powers necessary to carry out the provisions of this Declaration. Section 5. Purpose of Development Period. These requirements and covenants are made to ensure that the Properties shall be adequately administered in the initial stages of development and to ensure an orderly transition to Association operations. Each Owner accepts this management authority in Declarant. Section 6. Expenditures During Development Period. During the Development Period, Declarant, or any agent of Declarant, shall have the sole discretion to use and consume all or so much of the dues paid in as in Declarant's judgment is necessary or expedient in maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas and carrying out the other functions of the Association. This includes, but is not limited to, any legal fees associated with Declarant, or any agent of Declarant carrying out any duties during the Development Period, including all costs associated with turning over the Association after the expiration of said Development Period. Upon termination of the Development Period, Declarant shall deliver any funds remaining to the Association. ARTICLE Ill EASEMENTS Section 1. Easements for Utilities. An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Verizon, Comcast, Puget Sound Energy, and their respective successors and assigns, over, under, across and upon the exterior ten (10) feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots, tracts and common areas in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground conduits, cables, pipe and wires with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas television cable and other utility services together with the right to enter upon the lots, tracts and common areas at times for the purposes herein stated. Section 2 Sanitary Sewer Easement. The public Sanitary Sewer easements designated on the plat are hereby reserved for and granted to City of Renton Utility District for the purpose of constructing, reconstruction, operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system, together with the right of ingress and egress for such purposes. The easements shall be free from all structures, i.e. covered parking, deck overhangs, shed, etc. Section 3. Water Main Easement. Public water easements designated on the plat are hereby reserved for and granted to Water District 90 Utility District, together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to excavate, construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or rebuild the water system. The easement shall be free from all structures, i.e. covered parking, decks, overhangs, sheds, etc. No fence or obstruction shall be constructed from the edge of the water meters, fire hydrants and blow-off assemblies which restricts access by the water district. Section 4. City of Renton Storm Drainage Easements. Public Storm Drainage easements designated on the plat area hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to excavate, construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or rebuild an enclosed or open channel storm water conveyance system and/or other drainage facilities under or through the drainage easements. Section 5. Miscellaneous Easements and Restrictions. (i) No further subdivision of any Lot shall be allowed without resubmittal for formal plat procedure.; (ii) No Lot or portion of a Lot in the Plat shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of the Lot shall be less than the area required for the use district in which located.; (iii) Street trees have been planted by the Declarant. All street trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owner unless and until City of Renton or its successor agency has adopted a maintenance program. (iv) City of Renton shall be responsible for maintaining all rights-of-way within the Plat; (v) The Association shall establish and periodically update "Rules and Regulations" which shall apply to all Lot Owners within The Woods at Highlands Park. Section 6. Access Easements. The Association and its agents shall have an easement for access to each Lot and to the exterior of any building located thereon during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the purposes stated below. Owners hereby grant to the Association, the Board, and the Declarant, and their individual agents, an express access easement for purposes of going upon the Lots of Owners for the following purposes: (i) The maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvement of any Common Maintenance Areas accessible from that Lot; (ii) Emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to the Common Maintenance Areas or to another Lot or the improvements thereon; (iii) Cleaning, maintenance, repair, or restoration work which the Owner is required to do but has failed or refused to do; and (iv) The removal of Vehicles, goods, equipment, devices or other objects which are parked or stored in violation of the terms of this Declaration. Except in an emergency where advanced notice is not possible, these easements shall be exercised only after reasonable notice to the Owner. ARTICLE IV COMMON AREAS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS Section 1. Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas shall include those portions of all real property (including improvements thereon) maintained by the Association for the benefits of the members of the Association. The areas to be maintained by the Association include park, entry signage and landscaping including water and electric; street trees and mailbox stands. The Association shall have the right and the obligation to maintain the Common Maintenance Areas and shall pay the actual cost of the same from annual or special assessments as appropriate. Section 2. Alteration of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Nothing shall be altered, or constructed in, or removed from the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas except upon prior written consent of the Association. Section 3. Dumping in Common Maintenance Areas. No trash, plant or grass clippings or other debris of any kind shall be dumped, deposited or placed on or within the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. Section 5. Other Maintenance Costs for Association. In addition to maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas, the Association shall also be responsible for the payment of the electric bills incurred in connection with the operation of the streetlights within the Properties until the utility provider for the streetlights directly bills the individual Lot Owners. ARTICLE V TRACTS Section 1. Tract A: is for storm water detention, water quality and is hereby conveyed to and will be maintained by the Association, except for the maintenance of the public drainage facilities. Section 2. Tract B: is for driveway access, to neighboring properties. Section 3. Tract C: is a landscape tract and for public pedestrian use. Section 4. Tract D: Is a joint use driveway tract for ingress, egress and utilities for the benefit of the owners of lots 10-12 and is hereby conveyed to said lot owners with an equal and undivided ownership interest upon recording of this plat. The maintenance and the costs thereof shall be borne in equal shares by said lot owners. Section 5. Tract F: is NGPA area ARTICLE VI MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS AND SITES; DELEGATION OF MANAGEMENT Section 1. Responsibility for Maintaining Common Maintenance Areas. The Association is responsible for maintaining and preserving the character and function of areas designated on the face of the Plat and these covenants as Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas have been set aside for landscaping and community identification purposes and those areas are referred to in Article IV, Section 1 above. Section 2. Repair of Common Maintenance Areas. Any damage to Common Maintenance Areas or improvements thereon, including landscape plantings, sprinkler systems, fences, berms, etc., by the Owners or their children or guests shall be repaired by the Association and the Owner who caused the area to be damaged shall be responsible for reimbursing the Association all costs incurred by the Association for the repairs. The Owner shall be obliged to immediately remit funds for the repair to the Association. If the Owner fails to promptly make payment for such repairs, the Owner shall be charged interest at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum. Section 3. Management. Each Owner expressly covenants that the Board and the Declarant, during the Development Period, may delegate all or any portion of their management authority to a managing agent, manager or officer of the Association and may enter into such management contracts or other service contracts to provide for maintenance and the operation of Common Maintenance Areas and any portion thereof. Any management agreement or employment agreement for the maintenance or management of the Common Maintenance Areas or any portion thereof shall be terminable by the Association without cause upon 90 days' written notice thereof; the term of any such agreement shall not exceed three (3) years, renewable by agreement of the parties for successive three (3) year periods. Each Owner is bound to observe the terms and conditions of any such management agreement or employment contract, all of which shall be made available for inspection by any Owner on request. Fees applicable to any such management, employment or service agreement shall be assessed to the Association or Owners. ARTICLE VII ASSESSMENTS Section 1. Creation of Lien and Personal Obligation. Each Owner of any Lot, by acceptance of a deed therefore, whether it shall be so expressed in each deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association (1) annual assessments or charges; (2) special assessments for capital improvements; and (3) special assessments for legal fees and damages. If the Owner fails to timely pay assessments within thirty (30) days of the date specified by the Association, the annual and special assessments, together with any interest, costs and any reasonable attorneys' fees incurred to collect such assessments, shall be a lien on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with any interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in attempting to collect the assessment, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to successors in title unless expressly assumed by them. The Association shall record such liens in the Office of the King County Auditor. Section 2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Properties and for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Maintenance Areas as provided in Article IV. Section 3. Annual Assessment. Annual assessments shall be levied equally on all Lots. The initial annual fee will be $ per lot. Section 4. Computation. It shall be the duty of the Board to prepare a budget covering the estimated costs of operating the Association during the coming year, which shall include a capital reserve. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the budget, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the budget, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the budget, in person or by proxy, the budget shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the owners shall be continued until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. Section 5. Revised Budget. If the financial circumstances of the Association materially change during any year, the Board may prepare a revised budget for the balance of the year. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the revised budget, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the revised budget, not Jess than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the revised budget, in person or by proxy, the revised budget shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the revised budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the owners shall be continued until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. Section 6. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy, in any assessment year, a common assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Maintenance Areas not provided by this Declaration, including fixtures and personal property related thereto. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the special assessments for capital improvements, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the special assessment, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the special assessment, in person or by proxy, the special assessment shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. Section 7. Special Assessments for Legal Fees and Damages. In addition to the annual and special assessments authorized above, the Declarant, during the Development Period, or the Association may levy in any assessment year a special assessment for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, (1) the cost of legal fees and costs incurred in legal actions in which the Association is a party, (2) the cost of legal fees and costs incurred in any action in which a member of either the Board or Committee is named as a party as a result of a decision made or action performed while acting in behalf of the Association, or (3) any other reasonable expenses incurred by the Association. Within thirty (30) days after adoption by the Board of Directors of the special assessment for legal fees and damages, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the members to consider ratification of the special assessment, not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting, seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Owners reject the special assessment, in person or by proxy, the special assessment shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. Section 8. Uniform Rate of Assessment. Both annual and special assessments must be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots and must be collected on an annual basis. Section 9. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessment; Due Dates. The annual assessments described in this Article shall commence on January 1, 2011. The first annual assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year. After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors shall fix the annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject to such assessments. The due date shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association shall, upon demand and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer or the administrator of the Association setting forth whether the Assessment on a specified Lot has been paid. Section 10. Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments; Remedies of the Association. Any assessment not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Each Owner hereby expressly vests in the Association or its agents the right and power to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such assessments as debts and to enforce lien rights of the Association by all methods available for the enforcement of such liens, including foreclosure by an action brought in the name of the Association in like manner as a mortgage of real property. Such Owner hereby expressly grants to the Association the power of sale in connection with such liens. The liens provided for in this section shall be in favor of the Association and shall be for the benefit of the Association. The Association shall have the power to bid in an interest at foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey the same. The Owner is responsible for payment of all attorneys' fees incurred in collecting past due assessments or enforcing the terms of assessment liens (see Article XV, Section 4). No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided herein by non-use of the Common Maintenance Areas or abandonment of his Lot. The Association shall have the right to suspend use of the neighborhood park and suspend the voting rights of an Owner for any period during which any assessment against the Lot remains unpaid for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction of the terms of either this Declaration, the Articles or the Bylaws of the Association. Section 11. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgage. The lien for assessment provided for in this Article shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu thereof, shall extinguish the lien created pursuant to this Article as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer, however, shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments which thereafter become due or from the lien thereof. Section 12. Exempt Property. All property dedicated to and accepted by City of Renton shall be exempt from the assessments provided for in this Article. Section 13. Budget Deficits During Declarant Control. In the event there is a deficit between the actual operating expenses of the Association (but specifically not including an allocation for capital reserves), and the sum of the annual, special and specific assessments collected by the Association in any fiscal year, Declarant, or its members individually, may, in their sole discretion, contribute funds to the Association in order to satisfy the shortfall, or any portion thereof. ARTICLE VIII MAINTENANCE OF LOTS Section 1. Exterior Maintenance by Owner. Each Lot and Residence shall be maintained by the Owner in a neat, clean and sightly condition at all times and shall be kept free of accumulations of litter, junk, containers, equipment, building materials and other debris. All refuse shall be kept in sanitary containers sealed from the outlook of any Lot. The containers shall be emptied regularly and their contents disposed of off the Lot. No grass cuttings, leaves, limbs, branches, and other debris from vegetation shall be dumped or allowed to accumulate on any part of the Properties, except that a regularly tended compost device (approved by the Committee) shall be permitted. The Owners of each Lot shall maintain the lawn and landscaping on the Lot in a condition consistent with the maintenance standards of the plat. This includes, but is not limited to, adequate watering, removing weeds, mowing, edging and fertilizing. This obligation to maintain landscaping extends into the public right-of- way along the front of the Lot. Lot Owners shall maintain any lawn and or plantings in the median strip between the sidewalk and edge of curb. Section 2. Parking of Vehicles; Storage of Goods, Equipment or Devices. There shall be no permanent and/or temporary storage of goods, Vehicles, as defined below, equipment, or devices permitted in open outlook from any Lot or right-of-way. The term "Vehicles" as used herein shall include, without limitation, automobiles, vans or trucks with or without business logo, campers, trucks, busses, motor homes, mobile homes, boats, trailers, portable aircraft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, minibikes, scooters, go-carts, and any other towed or self-propelled transportation type vehicle. The term "Passenger Vehicles" as used herein shall include passenger automobiles, vans, small trucks, motorcycles, and similar type vehicles used regularly and primarily as transportation for the Occupants of the Lot. The term "Commercial and Recreational Vehicles" as used herein shall include, without limitation, vans or trucks with business logos, campers, busses, motor homes, mobile homes, boats, trailers, portable aircraft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, minibikes, scooters, and go-carts. The following restrictions apply: (i) Parking areas shall refer to the number of garage parking spaces. All Vehicles must be parked within garages. Driveway areas in front of garages shall be considered parking areas for Passenger Vehicles only and only to the extent that sufficient parking spaces are not provided in the garage for all the Vehicles used by the Occupants of the Lot.; (ii) No Commercial and/or Recreational Vehicle shall be permitted on the driveway or any other portion of the Owner's Lot, except within a garage, however, Recreational Vehicles shall be allowed to park on the driveway for a maximum forty-eight (48) hour period, for the sole purpose of loading and unloading the Recreational Vehicle; (iii) No Vehicles and/or Passenger Vehicles shall be parked overnight on any right- of-way adjoining any Lot; provided that vehicles belonging to guests may occasionally be parked during the day in the right-of-way adjoining a Lot.; (iv) No Passenger Vehicles parked on the driveway may extend over the sidewalk and/or into the right-of-way.; and (v) Owners who have visiting guests intending to stay may secure written permission from the Association. Such a privilege shall only exist, however, after the written permission has been obtained from the Association. (vii) Section 3. Lot Maintenance by the Association. In the event an Owner fails to maintain the exterior of his premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner consistent with maintenance standards of the Chatham Ridge community, the Association shall, upon receipt of written complaint of any Owner, or upon its own initiative, and a subsequent investigation, have the right through its agents and employees to enter upon the offending Owner's Lot and repair, maintain and restore the Lot and exterior of the improvements on that Lot if the Owner shall fail to respond in a manner satisfactory to the Association within fourteen (14) days after mailing of adequate notice by certified mail to the last known address of the Owner. The cost of such repair, maintenance or restoration shall be assessed against the Lot, and the Association shall have the right to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for labor and materials furnished, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by law. In the event that the estimated cost of such repair should exceed one-half of one percent of the assessed value of the Lot and improvements on that Lot, the Association shall be required to have the consent of fifty-one percent (51 %) of the Members before undertaking such repairs. ARTICLE IX HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION Section 1. Non-Profit Corporation. The Association shall be a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Washington. The Association may be an unincorporated Association during the Development Period, unless the Dec/arant elects to incorporate the Association. Section 2. Membership. Every person or entity which is an Owner of any Lot shall become a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to the Lot and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot and shall not be assigned or conveyed in any way except upon the transfer of title to said Lot and then only to the Transferee of title to the Lot. All Owners shall have the rights and duties specified in this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 3. Voting Rights. Owners, including the Declarant, shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot owned. When more than one person or entity owns an interest in any Lot, the vote for that Lot shall be exercised as the Owners decide to exercise that vote, but, in no event, shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot, nor shall any vote be divided. The voting rights of any Owner may be suspended as provided for in this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 4. Meetings. Meetings shall be conducted in accord with the specifications set forth in the Bylaws of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association. ARTICLE X MANAGEMENT BY THE BOARD Section 1. Enforcement of Declaration. The Board shall have the power to enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the rules and regulations of the Association for the benefit of the Association. The failure of any Owner to comply with the provisions of this Declaration or the rules and regulations of the Association will give rise to a cause of action in the Association (acting through the Board) and any aggrieved Owner for recovery of damages, or injunctive relief, or both. Section 2. Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall be set forth in the Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the Owners in accordance with the Bylaws. All Board positions shall be open for election at the first annual meeting after termination of the Development Period. The terms of the Board are defined in the Bylaws. Section 3. Powers of the Board. All powers of the Board must be exercised in accordance with the specifications which are set forth in the Bylaws. The Board, for the benefit of all the Properties and the Owners, shall enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws. In addition to the duties and powers imposed by the Bylaws and any resolution of the Association that may be hereafter adopted, the Board shall have the power and be responsible for the following, in way of explanation, but not limitation: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Insurance. Obtain policies of general liability insurance. Legal and Accounting Services. Obtain legal and accounting services, if necessary, to the administration of Association affairs, administration of the Common Maintenance Areas, or the enforcement of this Declaration. Maintenance. Pay all costs of maintaining the Common Maintenance Areas. Maintenance of Lots. If necessary, maintain any Lot if such maintenance is reasonably necessary in the judgment of the Board to (1) protect Common Maintenance Areas, or (2) to preserve the appearance and value of the Properties and/or Lot. The Board may authorize such maintenance activities if the Owner or Owners of the Lot have failed or refused to perform maintenance within a reasonable time after written notice of the necessity of such maintenance has been delivered by the Board to the Owner or Owners of such Lot, provided that the Board shall levy a special assessment against the Owner or Owners of such Lot for the cost of such maintenance. Discharge of Liens. The Board may also pay any amount necessary to discharge any lien or encumbrance levied against the entire Properties or any part thereof which is claimed or may, in the opinion of the Board, constitute a lien against the Properties or against the Common Maintenance Areas rather than merely against the interest therein of particular Owners. Where one or more Owners are responsible for the existence of such liens, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the cost of discharging it and any costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title search incurred by the Board by reason of such lien or liens. Such fees and costs shall be assessed against the Owner or Owners and the Lot responsible to the extent of their responsibility. (vi) Utilities. Pay all utility charges attributable to Common Maintenance Areas. (vii) Security. Pay all costs deemed appropriate by the Board to ensure adequate security for the Lots and Common Maintenance Areas constituting the residential community created on the Properties. (viii) Right to Contract. Have the right to contract maintenance, and capital improvements provided. contract shall be subject to Association approval. for all goods, services, However, such right of (ix) Improvement of Common Maintenance Areas. Improve the Common Maintenance Areas with capital improvements to such Common Maintenance Areas, subject to the terms of Article VII, Section 6. (x) Right of Entry. Enter any Lot or Residence when reasonably necessary in the event of emergencies or in connection with any maintenance, landscaping or construction for which the Board is responsible. Except in cases of emergencies, the Board, its agents or employees shall attempt to give notice to the Owner or occupant of any Lot or Residence twenty-four (24) hours prior to such entry. Such entry must be made with as little inconvenience to the Owners as practicable and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Board if the entry was due to an emergency (unless the emergency was caused by the Owner of the Lot entered, in which case the cost shall be specially assessed to the Lot). If the repairs or maintenance activities were necessitated by the Owner's neglect of the Lot, the cost of such repair or maintenance activity shall be specially assessed to that Lot. If the emergency or the need for maintenance or repair was caused by another Owner of another Lot, the cost thereof shall be assessed against the Owner of the other Lot. (xi) Promulgation of Rules. Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the members and their guests and establish penalties for any infraction thereof. (xii) Declaration of Vacancies. Declare the office of a member of the Board to be vacant in the event that a member of the Board is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the Board. (xiii) Employment of Manager. Employ a manager, an independent contractor, or such other employee as the Board deems necessary and describe the duties of such employees. (xiv) Payment for Goods and Service. Pay for all goods and services required for the proper functioning of the Common Maintenance Areas. (xv) Impose Assessments. Impose annual and special assessments. (xvi) Bank Account. Open a bank account on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required. (xvii) Easements. Execute any and all covenants, easements, or other necessary documentation relating to the use of Common Maintenance Areas. (xviii) Exercise of Powers. Duties and Authority. Exercise for the Association all powers. duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions of the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation. or this Declaration. The Board shall have all powers and authority permitted to it under this Declaration and the Bylaws. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give the Board authority to conduct a business for profit on behalf of all the Owners or any of them. ARTICLE XI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 1. Architectural Control Committee ("Committee"}. The Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) members. It is not a requirement that members of the Committee be (1) Owners or (2) members of the Association. During the Development Period, the Declarant may elect to exercise and perform the functions of the Committee. If the Declarant elects not to perform this function or at any time elects to no longer perform this function, the Declarant or the Board shall appoint the Committee to function as herein provided. After termination of the Development Period, the functions of the Committee shall be performed by the Board until such time as the Board shall appoint and designate the Committee. The Committee shall be appointed within one month of the election of the Board following the termination of the Development Period. Section 2. Jurisdiction and Purpose. The Committee, or Declarant if a Committee has not been appointed, shall review proposed plans and specifications for accessory structures, air conditioners, fences, walls, hot tubs. sports courts. appurtenant recreational facilities or other exterior structures to be placed upon the Lots or Properties. No exterior addition or structural alteration may be made until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials and location of the proposed structure or alteration have been submitted to and approved. in writing. by the Committee. The Committee shall also review proposals to change the exterior color of residences in the community. The Committee shall determine whether the exterior design and location of the proposed structure. alteration, or color change harmonizes with the surrounding structures, surrounding natural and built environment, and aesthetic character of other residences in the Chatham Ridge community. Section 3. Membership. The Committee shall be designated by the Board. An election to fill either a newly created position on the Committee or a vacancy on the Committee requires the vote of the majority of the entire Board. However, the Board is not obliged to fill a vacancy on the Committee unless the membership of the Committee numbers less than three (3) persons. Section 4. Designation of a Representative. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of its members or a third party to act on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and discretionary judgments. The recommendations of such individuals are subject to review by the entire Committee at the request of any member of the Committee. Section 5. Voting. Committee decisions shall be determined by a majority vote by the members of the Committee. Section 6. Submission of Plans and Specs. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the Committee shall be submitted by mail to the address of the Committee in duplicate. The written submission shall contain the name and address of the Owner submitting construction plans and specs which include, but are not limited to: a site plan, architectural, grading, lighting, and landscape plans. The plans and specifications should contain the following information: (i) Building elevations for all sides of the residence and/or accessory structures with reference to the existing and finished Lot grade. Include foundation, windows, garages, doorways, roof pitch, porches, decks, stairways; (ii) The elevation of the landscaping, retaining walls, and fences with reference to existing and finished Lot grade. Materials, colors, and textures under consideration must be indicated. For proposed fences, retaining walls and rockeries, show relationship to walls, fences, rockeries, and grades on adjacent Lots.; (iii) Drainage flows; (iv) Exterior finish materials, colors, and textures under consideration. Include roof.; (v) Landscape plan. Indicate species of plant material, size and height, and location.; and (vi) Other information which may be required in order to determine whether the standards in this Declaration and the Design Guidelines set forth and referenced to in Article XIII, Section 2, have been met. Section 7. Evaluating Development Proposals. The Committee shall have the authority to establish aesthetic standards for evaluating development proposals. The Committee shall determine whether the external design, color, building materials, appearance, setbacks, height, configuration, and landscaping of the proposed structure harmonize with the various features of the natural and built environment, the aesthetic character of the other homes in the The Woods at Highlands Park community, and any other factors which affect the desirability or suitability of a proposed structure or alteration. Section 8. Approval Procedures. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt of plans and specifications, the Committee shall approve or disapprove the proposed improvement. The Committee may decline to approve plans and specifications which, in its opinion, do not conform to restrictions articulated in this Declaration or to its aesthetic standards. The Committee shall indicate its approval or disapproval on one of the copies of the plans and specifications provided by the applicant and shall return the plans and specifications to the address shown on the plans and specifications. In the event no disapproval of such plans and specifications is given within thirty (30) days of submission, the plans and specifications shall be deemed to be approved by the Committee and construction pursuant to the plans and specifications may be commenced. This provision shall not apply to plans and specifications for homes which will be constructed by Declarant. Section 9. Compliance with Codes. In all cases, ultimate responsibility for satisfying all local building codes and requirements rests with the Owner and contractor employed by the Owner. The Committee has no responsibility for ensuring that plans and specifications which it reviews comply with relevant building and zoning requirements. No person on the Committee or acting on behalf of the Committee shall be held responsible for any defect in any plans or specifications which are approved by the Committee nor shall any member of the Committee or any person acting on behalf of the Committee be held responsible for any defect in a structure which was built pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the Committee. i.) Section 10. Variation. The Committee shall have the authority to approve plans and specifications which do not conform to these restrictions in order to (1) overcome practical difficulties or (2) prevent undue hardship from being imposed on an Owner as a result of applying these restrictions. However, such variations may only be approved in the event the variation will not (1) place a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the development, (2) impair the attractive development of the subdivision, or (3) adversely affect the character of nearby Lots or Common Maintenance Areas. Granting such a variation shall not constitute a waiver of the restrictions articulated in this Declaration. Variations shall only be granted in extraordinary circumstances. Section 11. Enforcement. In any judicial action to enforce a determination of the Committee, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party's attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, and other costs incurred in connection with such a legal action or appeal (see Article XIV, Section 4). ARTICLE XII LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Section 1. Residential Restrictions. All Lots within the Properties shall be used solely for private single family residential purposes. Private single family Residences shall consist of no less than one Lot. Section 2. Property Use Restrictions. No Lot shall be used in a fashion which unreasonably interferes with the Owner's right to use and enjoy their respective Lots or Common Maintenance Areas. The Board, the Committee designated by it, or the Declarant shall determine whether any given use of the Properties and/or Lot unreasonably interferes with those rights and such determinations shall be conclusive. Section 3. Prohibition of Nuisances and Untidy Conditions. No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted on any Lot or Common Maintenance Area nor shall anything be done or maintained on the Properties which may be or become an activity or condition which unreasonably interferes with the right of other Owners to use and enjoy any part of the Properties. No activity or condition shall be conducted or maintained on any part of the Properties which detract from the value of the Properties as a residential community. No untidy or unsightly condition shall be maintained on the Properties. Section 4. Fences, Walls & Shrubs. Fences, walls or shrubs are, subject to the approval of the Committee, unless they would interfere with easements reflected on the face of the Plat and/or other easements elsewhere recorded. Fences, walls or shrubs shall be subject to the Design Guidelines set forth and referenced to in Article XIII. Section 5. Temporary Structures for Residential Purposes. No structure of a temporary character or trailer, recreational vehicle, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other out buildings shall be used on any Lot at any time as a Residence, either temporarily or permanently. No vehicles parked in public rights-of-way may be used temporarily or permanently for residential purposes. All such structures shall be removed at the expense of the Owner of the Lot on which the structure is located. Section 6. Animals. No animals, other than dogs, cats, caged birds, tanked fish, and other conventional small household pets, may be kept on any Lot. Animals shall not be allowed to run at large. Dogs shall be kept on a leash and all other animals otherwise confined in a manner acceptable to the Board whenever outside the dwelling. Lot Owners shall be responsible for the removal of their animal's waste wherever it is deposited within the Property. Those pets which are permitted to roam free, or, in the sole discretion of the Board, make objectionable noise, endanger the health or safety of, or constitute a nuisance or inconvenience to the occupants of other Lot Owners, shall be removed on the Board's request. If the pet owner fails to honor such request, the Board may remove the pet. Pets shall be registered, licensed and inoculated as required by law. If an investigation of the Board indicates animals are kept in violation of this section, the Board shall give the Owner ten (10) days' written notice of the violation. Such violations must be remedied by the Owner within ten (10) days. Failure to comply with the written notice will result in a fine of $25 per day, plus late fees. The Association shall be entitled to attorneys' fees for any action taken to collect such fines in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV, Section 4. If an Owner violates provisions of this section regarding pens and enclosures on more than two (2) occasions, the Board may require the Owner to remove such structure. Section 8. Delegation of Use and Responsibilities. Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the Bylaws of the The Woods at Highlands Park Homeowners' Association, his right of enjoyment of Common Maintenance Areas to members of his family, his tenants, or contract purchasers who reside on the property. In the event an Owner rents or leases his property, a copy of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association, shall be made available by the Owner to the prospective renter at the time of commitment to the rental agreement. Each Owner shall also be responsible for informing guests and service personnel of the contents of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association as they may relate to appropriate community behavior. Section 9. Trees and Outlooks. No trees, shrubs, or street trees, other than those retained by Declarant when clearing the Properties, shall be allowed to grow to a size which noticeably and unreasonably interferes with a outlook of significance from another residence. In the event an Owner claims a tree(s) and/or shrub(s) unreasonably interferes with the Owner's outlook of significance, the Owner shall notify the Association of such claim. The Board of Directors shall determine whether the outlook is of significance and whether there has been unreasonable interference with the outlook. Should the Board determine that there is an unreasonable interference, it shall notify the Owner of such tree or shrub in writing, specifying the nature of the interference, what should be done to eliminate the interference, and the time in which such action must be taken. Section 10. Protection of Trees. Owners shall not cut down street trees located within the Properties. Owners shall notify the Board of any dead or diseased tree located on their Lot and the Association shall determine if the tree should be removed. ARTICLE XIII BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING RESTRICTIONS Section 1. Plans and Specifications Must be Approved. Any Residence or temporary or permanent structure constructed in the Plat by a builder or Lot Owner other than Declarant, or its members individually, must have their plans and specs reviewed and approved by the Declarant, or Architectural Control Committee, if selected. Section 2. General Building and Landscaping Restrictions. The following general building and landscaping restrictions shall apply to the Declarant, builders and Lot Owners. Declarant has also established design guidelines which Declarant, builders and Lot Owners are subject to. The Design Guidelines are set forth in that document entitled The Woods at Highlands Park Design Guidelines. The Declarant, or Board of Directors after the Development Period, by majority vote, may change or modify the general building and landscaping restrictions and the design guidelines to suit the needs of the Plat. (i) Landscaping. Landscaping screening, hedges, and trees shall not be planted on Lots in locations which will adversely impact the safe sight distance at driveways and street intersections, or which unreasonably interfere with outlook corridors of other Lot Owners. Trees shall not be grouped together in such a manner which unreasonably interferes with outlook corridors of other Lots. Yard art must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. (ii) Dog Runs and Enclosures. Not allowed. (iii) Accessory Structures. Accessory structures to the Residence may be temporary or permanent and shall include, but not be limited to, spas, garden sheds, play equipment, tool sheds, doll houses, gazebos, sports courts, swimming pools, tents, air conditioning units, satellite dishes, and flag poles. The Committee shall have full authority to determine what constitutes an accessory structure and if it shall be allowed at all. All proposed accessory structures must be approved, in writing, prior to its installation and/or construction, by the Committee and by the Lot Owners who will be affected by the proposed structure. Accessory structures shall be subject to height restrictions, determined by the Committee. No accessory structures shall be located on the Lot in an area which unreasonably interferes with outlook corridors; the quiet enjoyment of adjoining or affected Lot Owners; or interferes with any retaining and/or keystone wall grids. (iv) Signs. No signs, billboards, or other advertising structure or device shall be displayed to the public outlook on any Lot, except one sign not to exceed four (4) square feet in area, may be placed on a Lot to offer the Lot for sale or rent. All such signs shall be of a quality equivalent to those used by Declarant. Furnished model homes may have more than one sign for advertising purposes. Signs may be used by the Declarant, or an agent of Declarant's, to advertise the Lots during the construction and sale period, however the signs must be located in areas which are not offensive to anyone. The Committee may cause any sign placed on any Lot or any portion of the Properties they feel are in violation of these restrictions to be removed or destroyed. (v) Sport Courts and Swimming Pools. Sport courts and swimming pools must be approved by the Committee. No outdoor lighting shall be allowed unless approved by the Committee. No outdoor activity, including, but not limited to, noise, sports playing, and/or music, shall continue the curfew time established by City Ordinance, if any; otherwise, as dictated by the Association. (vi) Utilities and Satellite Dishes. The wiring of accessory buildings or lights of any kind shall be underground. No radio or television antennae, transmitters, or other similar devices, shall be constructed or allowed on any Lot. Satellite receiving dishes shall be allowed, subject to the review of Committee, however no such device shall be located on any Lot in a location that is visible from the adjoining homes, streets, and roadways, and shall not be located at the front elevation of the home. This includes, but is not limited to, rooftops. The Committee may grant a variance to these location restrictions due to satellite reception problems. Any satellite device must be properly screened. Any violation of these restrictions may result in the removal of such device, at the sole expense of the Lot Owner causing the violation, if not removed within 48 hours after the notice of removal requirement has been delivered to the Lot Owner causing the violation. (vii) Fences. All fences must be approved by the Committee and meet design guidelines. Height approvals may vary. All fences to be built shall be the same color and design as the fences constructed by the Declarant unless otherwise approved by the Committee. All fences shall comply with City of Renton Codes or associated jurisdiction as written now or hereafter amended. See attached exhibit "c", fence detail. Section 3. Permits. No construction or exterior addition or change or alteration of any structure may be started on any portion of the Properties without the Owner first obtaining a building permit and other necessary permits from the proper local governmental authority and written approval of such permits from the Board, Committee or the Declarant. The Committee must approve the plans for all construction or alteration proposals (see Article XI). Section 4. Codes. All construction shall conform to the requirements of the State of Washington codes (building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing) and local requirements required by King County in force at the commencement of the construction, including the latest revisions thereof. Section 5. Entry for Inspection. Any agent, officer or member of the Board, Committee, or the Declarant may, at any reasonable predetermined hour, upon 24 hours' notice during construction or exterior remodeling, enter and inspect the structure to determine if there has been compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. The above-recited individuals shall not be deemed guilty of trespass for such entry or inspection. There is created an easement over, upon and across the residential Lots for the purpose of making and carrying out such inspections. ARTICLE XIV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Covenants Running with the Land. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them for a period of thirty (30) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the individuals then owning Lots has been recorded which reflects their intent to amend the covenants in whole or in part. Section 2. Amendment. This Declaration and the Bylaws may be amended during the initial thirty (30) year period if fifty-one percent (51 %) of the members vote to amend particular provisions of either instrument. This Declaration may be amended during the Development Period by any instrument signed by both the Declarant and the Owners of at least fifty-one percent (51 %) of the Lots, including those owned by the Declarant. The provisions expressly referring to the Declarant may not be amended without the Declarant's approval. The Declarant may, unilaterally, during the Development Period, file for record an amendment to this Declaration legally describing the Other Parcels, as defined in Article XIV, Section 8. All amendments must be filed with the office of the King County Auditor. Section 3. Enforcement. The Association, the Board, or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any legal proceeding, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Section 4. Attorney's Fees. In the event that it is necessary to seek the services of an attorney in order to enforce any (1) provision of this Declaration or (2) lien created pursuant to the authority of this Declaration, the individual against whom enforcement is sought shall be obliged to pay any attorneys' fees incurred. If the Owner fails to pay such fees within sixty (60) days, such fees shall become a lien against the Owner's lot. Section 5. Successors and Assigns. The covenants, restrictions and conditions articulated in this Declaration shall run with the land and shall accordingly be binding on all successors and assigns. Section 6. Severability. The invalidity of any one or more phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections hereof shall not affect the remaining portions of this Declaration or any part thereof. In the event that one or more of the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections contained herein should be invalid, this Declaration shall be construed as if the invalid phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section had not been inserted. Section 7. Rule Against Perpetuities. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Declaration violate the rule against perpetuities, such provision or provisions shall be construed as being void and of no effect as of twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last surviving incorporator of the Association or twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of all the incorporators' children and grandchildren who shall be living at the time this instrument is executed, whichever is later. Section 8. Failure of Board to Insist on Strict Performance No Waiver. The failure of the Board in any instance to insist upon the strict compliance with this Declaration or rules and regulations of the Association, or to exercise any right contained in such documents, or to serve any notice or to institute any action, shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of any term, covenant, condition, or restriction. Section 9. Limitation of Liability. So long as a Director, Officer, or Declarant, acting on behalf of the Board or the Association, has acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct, upon the basis of such actual information as is then possessed by such Person, then no such Person shall be personally liable to any Owner, or to any other Person, including the Association, for any damage, omission, error, or negligence of such Person; provided that this provision shall not apply to the extent the liability of such person for such act, omission, error, or negligence is covered by any insurance actually obtained by the Board. Section 10. Indemnification. Each Director, Officer, and Declarant shall be indemnified by the Association, against all expenses and liabilities, including attorneys' fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed in connection with any proceeding to which such person may be a party, or in which such person may become involved, by reason of holding or having held such position, or any settlement thereof, whether or not such person holds such position at the time such expenses or liabilities are incurred, except to the extent such expenses and liabilities are covered by insurance actually obtained by the Board and except in such cases wherein such Director or Declarant is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance in the performance of his or her duties; provided that in the event of a settlement, the indemnification shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being for the best interests of the Association. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein, have hereunto set their hand(s) and seal(s) this day of , 2014. DECLARANT BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION, LLC, By ____________ ~ Its ________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) On this __ day of , 20014, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared , of BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said corporation. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at (Print Name) My Commission Expires: ____ _ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY VOI.ITMF.: PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGF 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 0£0lCATION KNOW ALL P[OPI.E BY THESE J'RBENTS lHAT WE, lHE IJNOCF!SIGNED OIIINERS Of" t.lTE;Rf:ST lN lHE l.>.NO H£1'11'8T SUBOo\'ICIEO, H(Rra'r [l(CI..AR( MS Pol.AT TO 0C THE GRAPHIC R!cPRES!:NTATIOO Of' Tl£ rullOIO,SIOO 1,0,0( HEREBY, /,W) 00 f!EREB'l' OEOIC,l,TE: TO THE US!: CF 1}£ PUBUC FOREVER ALL SUIEETS ANO AVENUES NOT -AS PRiVATE H(R!c()N AHO oco,c.o:re: 1}£ IJS!: lHEll[Of' FOR ALL Pl,JBUC 1'1.1FlPOS£S NOT lMC\lMSISTENT WITH THE US( Tl<(R(t'f FOR PU!lUC HIG>iWA'r P\.RP0S£S, ANO ""-SO THE RIGHT TO l,IAl(E ALL N(C{SSARY SLOPES FOR C\JIS l>W) Fl.LS UP'ON THE LOIS ANO ffiACT'S SHOIIIN THEFIEOS IN THE ORIGIN""- REASON/1&£ GR..O,NC Of SA.:> smEETS ANO A\CNIJES. AND FURTH£!! OCOICATE .o.t<D CON~ TO THE US!: Of" THE 1'1.181JC ALL THE EASEMENTS ""'° TRACTS SHD ... OM THIS PLAT Fci;! ALL Pueuc Pl,JRl'l)S£S AS lH()ICATEO lH(flE()N, lNCtUO..C BUT NOT UWITEO TO PARKS, OPEN SPAC!:, P(ll(SIRIAN ACCl':SS, IJTIUTIES ANO ORIIINA(;( UNLESS SI.ICH [AS!:MO<TS OR mACTS Ali!' SPECF'IC.t.U.Y l()(Nllflro 00 THIS PLAT "'S OO'lG OEO<CATl:D OR CONVEYED TO A P(F!S()N ci;! ENTIT'r ono lHAN THE PU8UC. IN WH•Oi CASE WE DD HEREBY DEOOCATE AJ,iQ CONVEY SUCH STREETS. EASEWE•rrs. OR mACTS TO TM( P(RS(W OR ENTIT'r IO(NTIFlED ANO fOR THE PIJRl'OSE STATED f!A'ITHER, THE UNDERSaCNW Cr\\tOERS OF THE LAND >iERE9T SU801\'IOCO W.llVE Fci;! TH£MS0.VES. THOR ><El~ ,1,NO ASSGNS ANO .... T PERSON ci;! ENTITY OER1"'1HG nn.e: raou TH( UNOEf!SlCNEO. AN'r ANO ALL CL.llWS CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EX""'l,i((l AHO APPRO\oEll TH'5 __ DAY Of'----• 20\S. A()MINISTR,t,, TQA CITY OF RENTON t.tAYOR FOR 0.WAGE:S ,t,,GI\INST THE CHY OF REIHCt.l, ITS 9JCCESS0RS ANO ASSIGN', WHICH MA'r 0C (lCCASKlN(O BY MATl)R JHt: EST.o.81.JSHYENT, CONSTRIJCI\Cf<, OR Y.llNTENAHC( Of F!OADS AHO/r#I. DR.U.AOC SYSTEl,IS 'MTHlN THS SU80,\,1$l0N OTHER THAN ClAIWS RfruLTING ffi(l,I IHAOEQUATE MIIINTENANC( OY ™E OTY Of RDITllN. FuAJHER TH( UNOERSIGN(D O'IINOIS Of TH( LANO HEREBT SIJOO,O,OC WAJY.: FOR TI-lEYSO.Yi:S THIJR HORS AHO ASS,ONS ro ON()ONN AHO >iOlO Tl<E CIT'r Of 111:NTON, ITS ruca:ssons AAO ASSIClHS, HARMLESS FROM ANT O""'ACE INCI.IXJIHG ANY COST Of" W(NS(. CL.llMEO BT l>l'RSDNS 'MTl<IN CW! 'Ml'liOIJT THIS SIJ00,0,SllJN ro HA\'t: OCEH CAUSED BT ""-TtflATl(),,rS Of THE GROUNO SlJRf'AOC VEOCT,t,,TIIJN. OR.llNAOC, OR ruRFACE CW! SUB-SURfAC( ""'TEA FU1WS ll'THIN TH1S SU80,\'ISIOM. PAO'IOEO, THIS W.llVE AHO IHDOINFICATION SHALL ~T 6E CIJNSTRIJEO A$ 111:lEASIHG JHi CIT'r Of ROITllN, ITS ruccrsst'RS DR ASSIGNS, ffiOl,I UA!IIUTY FDR OAA!.O.CES, INCWDING Tl<E COST Of DEFENSE. R(SIJl.lli.G IN T»( WHCU: OR lN PART Fl!Ol,I Tl<E HE:GUGENCE Of Tl1E CITY Of REHTO<I. ,rs SUCCESSORS. OR ASSIGNS. n-.S SUBDl"'1SION, 0ED1CA1l0N. W.llV[R Of Cl.llYS NIQ ACREEYDH TD HQD HARl,ll.ESS lS MADE MlH lHE FREE CONSENT N<O lH AOCIJROANC.: Will< Tl<E 0(SIR£S Of SAID 0~~. IN 'MINESS W1El!EOf, WE SET OIJR HANQS .lNO SE....S· BIJRl<STEAO CONSTRUCTION LlC. ,t,, W"5>11HGTON UYITUI UASIUTY CQl4PAJ,iT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STA'!E Of W.>$<1,iGT(lH ! IS COUNI Of ----I 1 a;RT!Pf Tli,t,,T I KNOW ()II H,t,,VE SATISFACTOAT EWXNCE Tl;AT IS TH( P£1!SDN ..... o .lPPE.lRED BUORE ME . .lNO S.llO P£RSCW ,t,,Cl<NOWU:OG£0 TH,t,,T SHE SlCN(O TI<IS tNSTRIJM[NT, OS OATH !HATUI SHE WAS AuTHORlzro TO El!'OJTE TH{ lHSTRIJWENT ""(l ACl{NQ'lll.£00( IT A.S THE --~ ---TO aE THE FR([ ANO VCUJN!AAT ACT Of SUCH PART'r FOR Tl<( usrs AND PURPOSES t.ENTI!lNE!l 1H TH( INSTRvWENT. OATEO; ----------~m SiCNAl\JREc ____________ _ f'R1NT H""'E'------------ NOTAR'r PI..Q.JC IN AND F()II THE STATE: Of WAS>tlHOTOM MY C0UM1Si0N (XP,Rf:S. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS THE lll(ST l)S:>.72 FIT! Of' n1E: SOI.J'IM HALF Of" THE SOUTH HAU' Of" THE HORTl<EA.ST QIJARTIB Of" THE NCO'ITHIIIEST QUARTER Of S!:CTIOH 14, TO\INSHIP i.l HORTH, RANGE ~ EAST, 'MLLO.METTE MU!lDIAN, IN KNG CDIJNT"J, W~HOTllN; (Al.SO KNO'IIN AS PARCEL A, KING CCUITY LOT UNE ~STMENT HUMB(R 4890ll R(CORO(Q UNDER R(COf!Dl'iG N1M::1ER M011270?!9. 1H KJNC COUNT'r, WASHINOTON.] REFERENCES LDT UHE A(l.USTMENT P£I! RE:caio.iO ,J8408270719. DATE:D Al.JO.JS! V, 19&1. 2. WATER AS-8UILTS PRO\'IOCO BY KJNO COUNT'r WATER DISJR!CT ffl. 3. Pl.AT Of M-"A.EV.000 ESl,t,,TES, Pl<ASE 2. P(R R£C(IIO!HC f2002111l!000001, 0.0.TUl HD\IEMBEll ~. 2002. •. Pl.AT Of WILLOWBRQOI( LANE PER RECOROING "900801150~. OATE:D AUC\JST ,. ,- ~. Pl.Al Of r.:£0.lll O'!EST ESTATE:S PER REC=NO f1=2~ Q,t,,'1!:0 YAT 22, 197~ 6. SHORT Pl.Al ~ PER RECORDIN(; f1!1<409130~1. DATED SEPTDIBEll 13. 1964. 7. Pl.Al Of ,.CH\.Al<OS Pf\RK PER Rt:COROU•G l2(.()8010G0012~5. OATEO DECEMBER 21, 2007 VICINITY MAP !,"QT TO SC,\! f CITY CLERK EX""'l~Q MO APPRO\IEll THfS OTY CLERK CITY OF FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEll(l!y CEllTIN THAT THERE Ali!' HO OCLlNQIJENT Sl'EQAL ASSESSMDITS AND THAT ALL ~O""- ASSESSWENTS CERnrn:o TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR CQ.L£CT\ON ON NIY PROPERTY HEl!EJH CONTAINED OCOIC.O.TEO l'llR STRUTS, .ll.LEY°S OR OTHER PUBLIC IJS(S ARE P.llO IN FULL EXAMIN.O ANO "'1"f'RD\IE!l THIS D,t,,'r Of ____ , 2015. KING COUNTY APPROVALS KINC: COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED ANO Al'PRO\IE!l mis --DAT Of ____ , 2015. KING COIJ<l"J ASSESSCJI AGCO.A-IT NUMOCR RECORDING CERTlFlCAlE OAT Of ----· 201~ AT ~"· AT TH( REQIJ!'Sl Of UJS SURVE11NG AHO W.loF>PlNG. IIANAGl::R SIJPERIMTDIOCNf Of' RECORDS KING COUNTY APPROVALS I HElaallY CERTifY THAI ALL PR<YERT"J IAAES ARE: PAA), TH~I THERE Ali!' NO 0CUNIJU£Nl SP!'.0""- ASSESSMENT'S CERTIFlED TO THIS Off1CE fOA COLLECTION ANO. Tl1AT "LL Sf'EOAL ASSESSWcHl"o C(RTifi£ll TO THIS OfflCE Fci;! COUECOON ON ANY Of Tl!E PROPERT'r HEl!(IN CONT-ED. CXO,CATEO AS S!Rl'(TS. .ll.LETS ci;! FOR OTHER PUBLIC 1JS( ARE P,t,,(l .. l'UU.. E~AWINED ONO "'1"PRO\IEll THIS __ OAY Of , 2015. MANAGER, FlMANCE OMSlll'< DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFlCA TE I, l,l<TCH TS. (VANS, HEREBY CO?TIF'Y TI-lAT THIS PLAT Of THE YIODDS Al HIGHLAHOS PARK IS BASEC ON ,l,N ACl\JAL SUll'IEY t< SECTION 140 TO'l'NSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE ~ EAST, W.1,1., KING CC\JNT"J, WASHINGTON; THAT THE COUAS(S ANO OISTANCES 1,1!( -CORRECTI.Y HEREON, TliAT THE l,IOHUMENTS YIILL IIE SET NIO THE LOT'S CCW!NEl!S STMEO COl!FIECTI.Y ON TI;[ GROIJHO, AND THAT I HA'IE FU.LY COMf'UED Will< THE P!lO-,SlCt.lS Of THE Pl.ATTINO REOJLATIONS. MUOI T.S. EVANS. f'LS. CERTIFlC.0.TE NO . .l8011 -~ BIJRt<STEAO CONSIRIJOTICt.l lllleO NE 2•TH ST SUITE 200 Bt:LlEWE.WA9BOCY., Cl,,,L (NQN£Ell CP>< CONSULT""TS 11431 WIU.O'IIS ROAi> NE SU1'1!: 120 REOMONO. WA 'l&l~2 www,axlarnap.com JOB NO. D,\TE Axis 07-038 <Ji l0/\5 &urv-v & Mepplng DRAW;>; BY CHECKED BY 1)001 NE lJGthPl ERM/J'.-1 ~fl::iE ~IR~IAND, WA •rno14 ',CAl1', .',HffT IU.4.15.&!l-5/00 F>,,~ -!1S.B23-6700 N/A 1 m~ EXHIBIT "8" MAP OF PROPERTY un • TOTIII.. ' ·-' 8,10J ' "00 . •= ' ,.- • 1.,n ' •= • ·~· ' '·= ,0 7,71~ n '·= " •= " "~ " ,>M THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK I VOLUME: NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SYMBOL LEGEND (. SET STANO.o.RO MOIHJUENT • fOU>IO RE.BAA 4>0 C,l,f' AS HOTEO O sn RE:S.o.R AAO CAP "AllS :l8011" I.D F'OUND IIONUIIIENT AS NOl'EO () EASEMt:HT PFWYISONS (SEE SIIEET 2) 6 l'VIT NOTE'S (SEE SHEET 2) ~AOOR!:SSES C :::]f'RlVATE STORM 0'1-..NAGE EASEMENT LOT BNP TABLE All(A (SQVAAE f'EEJ) MAl IMPE!I\IIOUS• I~ REOUCTIO- 4,723 4,2,1 •• ~? •.011 4,45? 4,0\1 ... ~ <= ,~. .>.49J ,~, ,~, ·-,_ <= ,m 4,JIC "" 4.27& "~ 4,DH ,_ °''~ " " ~ " ~ G " ~ ~ '" ,,, BASIS Of BEARINGS HELO OIORTH e8'21'18" 'IIE'ST 8€1'11£EN MONUW£NT AT HC#UHWEST CORNEil Of SECTION 14 6: l,IONUMENT AT NORTH OIJAIHER CORNER Of SECTION H HORIZONTAL DATUM: N.o.D 11.l~I Cl/RVE TABLE DELTA & ·=· =orn M"~30· 25.00 J6.8•' w:z:r21· 1!2.00 .,.85' 14'25'411" =oo 51.IY 91~·30• >SOO Jll,!11)' 88"Ul0" "00 3$.84' ,~·1~· 20J.OO •M' 1:!79'3!§" 20J.OO H.:!&' 8~'47" 1&2.00 21.111!' r2n,-182.00 U&ll' 515'25'1g• "00 211.118' 25v1·w· "00 !0.9:t Al,la {;RAPH](' SCALr. l"'1 l"'1 j ~o 20 !'" ~ 40' j N!S1112'12"1\1 HIii."' ~I 4 ~ (8.098 S.F) N8!1tl9'10"W l@!,J' PAGF; XO' l ,~, U25 "' l'~'J2" 227.00 1.0~· [~·-''fi,,~ -·-'•map.com ,.,71! 4,028 "' 91-:!J"28" ,~.~ 2,.n· DATE •. ~,1 4,101 ' KING COUNTY COO£ ~4 lONIM!, l,IIJ( IMF'EJIY. M'/£.1'.· ,:, ~ ·' f'~ 1,-,;J ~ Ax1· s ""0 · &ifil, ~o_,_-_o_Js_+-'-'_10_1_1_s-t 1 LOT AREA < g,071! SQ. n. • 70!!; LOT AREA > 9,071! SQ FT.•~ 1o,i; 11.P[RY. AREA REOUCllON IIMP: t~m.\11;*'· LOT AREA < g,0711 SQ. H. • IIOlE LOT AREA > g,o7fi SQ. H. • 4~ "-- ~ Survey & M•ppln9 DRAWN n Ultl'K.Hl B) 11-UIIO.i NC l~oth l'L ERM/JM MTSE Mfti,.!A~O. l>A ~80H TEL 42>.823-5700 fU4~;.3iJ--(l70fl """ L" -40' IHm 3 Of3 EXHIBIT "C" FENCE DETAIL ***If fences arc stained they must be stained in Sherman Williams #3522 Banyon Brown*** POST 2 A xC p ~:1--·- ' lx4 ' -e ,,'7 ~ ~ J = sr I ' ' ! -! EB ~ ~AIL.. F5-NC5- "7 1~ t'::o~--2x4 CAF 2x6,--...i111rr----l;,t4 "---4x4 F05T 2x4---<l'i'l 1~--lx4 Parcel Map Check Report BOUNDARY North:507,636.4050' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,965.4628' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,946.7799' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' I 9"W North: 507,617.1961' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,636.4049' Perimeter: 1,850.462' Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North : -0. 00004 Precision I: l,850,463,000.000 East: 1,646,028.6615' Length: 329.066' East: 1,646,030.9891' Length: 595.896' East: 1,646,626.5922' Length: 329.592' East: 1,646,624.2608' Length: 595.909' East: 1,646,028.6615' Area: 196,187 .88Sq.Ft. Course: S4° 35' 14"E East: 0. 00000 LOT I North:507,728.3174' Segment# I: Line Course: S88° 09' IO"E North: 507,724.7866' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,645.2056' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,647.9506' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.641' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.908' Course In: NI O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,672.9376' End North: 507,673.1144' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,728.3170' Perimeter: 368.119' Error Closure: 0.0005 Error North : -0.00039 Precision I: 736,238.000 East:1,646,515.5438' Length: 109.535' East: 1,646,625.0219' Length: 79.583' East: 1,646,624.4590' Length: 85.156' East: 1,646,539.3472' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.379' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,540.1531' East: 1,646,515.1537' Length: 55.204' East: 1,646,515.5442' Area: 8,587.89Sq.Ft. Course: S43° 52' 25"E East: 0.00038 LOT2 North:507, 724. 7869' Segment# I: Line Course: N88° 09' I O"W North: 507,728.3177' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,802.3158' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,798.7850' Segment# 4: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,724.7869' Perimeter: 367.069' Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 367,070,000.000 East:1,646,625 .0216' Length: 109.535' East: 1,646,515.5435' Length: 74.000' East: 1,646,516.0670' Length: I 09.535' East: 1,646,625.5450' Length: 74.000' East: 1,646,625.0216' Area: 8,103.00Sq.Ft. Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0. 00000 LOT3 North:507,802.3156' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,876.3137' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 09' I O"E North: 507,872.7829' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,798.7847' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,802.3156' Perimeter: 367 .069' Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision I: 367,070,000.000 East: 1,646,516.0673' Length: 74.000' East: 1,646,516.5907' Length: I 09.535' East: 1,646,626.0688' Length: 74.000' East: 1,646,625.5454' Length: I 09.535' East: 1,646,516.0673' Area: 8,103.00Sq.Ft. Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0. 00000 LOT4 North:507,876.3137' Segment# I : Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,950.2149' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,946.7807' Segment# 3: Linc Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,872.7826' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' I O"W North: 507,876.3134' Perimeter: 366.970' Error Closure: 0.0007 Error North : -0.00030 Precision I: 524,242.857 East: 1,646,516.5907' Length: 73. 903' East: 1,646,517.1135' Length: 109.532' East: 1,646,626.5916' Length: 74.000' East: 1,646,626.0682' Length: 109.535' East: 1,646,516.5901' Area: 8,097.71Sq.Ft. Course: S63 ° 39' l 7"W East: -0.00061 LOTS North:507,888.8602' Segment# 1: Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,892.3717' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,955.3892' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,951.8777' Segment# 4: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,888.8602' Perimeter: 350.037' Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 350,038,000.000 East: 1,646,463.6781' Length: 112.000' East: 1,646,351.7332' Length: 63.019' East: 1,646,352.1790' Length: 112.000' East: 1,646,464.1239' Length: 63.019' East: 1,646,463.6781' Area: 7,055.99Sq.Ft. Course: N0° 00' OO"E East: 0.00000 () LOT6 North:507,827.1059' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,892.3713' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 12' 12 "E North: 507,888.8598' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,849.1218' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 39.902' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 35.799' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,849.2986' End North: 507,824.3117' Segment# 5: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,827.1060' Perimeter: 343 .271' Error Closure: 0.0005 Error North : 0. 00009 Precision I: 686,540.000 East: 1,646,351.2718' Length: 65.267' East: 1,646,351.7334' Length: 112.000' East: 1,646,463.6784' Length: 39.739' East: 1,646,463.3973' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 25.640' Course: S46° 07' 47"W Course Out: SI O 51' 15"W East: 1,646,438.3979' East: 1,646,437.5890' Length: 86.362' East: 1,646,351.2722' Area: 7,l 71.82Sq.Ft. Course: N78° 34' 47"E East: 0. 00046 LOT7 North:507,957 .3461' Segment# 1 : Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,955.3883' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,827.1055' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,829.1267' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,957.3454' Perimeter: 381.420' Error Closure: 0.0008 Error North : -0.00070 Precision I: 476,775.000 East:1,646,289. 7672' Length: 62.443' East: 1,646,352.1795' Length: 128.286' East: 1,646,351.2721' Length: 62.469' East: 1,646,288.8358' Length: 128.222' East: 1,646,289.7676' Area: 8,007.78Sq.Ft. Course: S3 l O 01' 12"E East: 0. 0004 2 LOT8 North:507,959.3217' Segment# I: Line Course: S88° 12' l 2"E North: 507,957.3459' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,829.1273' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 08' 45"W North: 507,830.4031' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 23.695' Delta: 7°27'34" Chord: 23.678' Course In: NI O 51' 15"E RP North: 508,012.3078' End North: 507,832.7069' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,959.3216' Perimeter: 380.985' Error Closure: 0.0001 Error North: -0.00010 Precision I: 3,809,840.000 East: 1,646,226.7799' Length: 63.018' East: 1,646,289.7669' Length: 128.222' East: 1,646,288.8351' Length: 39.431' East: 1,646,249.4247' Radius: 182.000' Tangent: 11.864' Course: N84° 24' 58"W Course Out: S9° 18' 48"W East: 1,646,255.3135' East: 1,646,225.8598' Length: 126.618' East: 1,646,226.7800' Area: 8,063.94Sq.Ft. Course: S24° 54' 04"E East: 0.00005 LOT9 North:507,832. 7066' Segment# 1: Curve Length: 21.960' Delta: 6°54'47" Chord: 21.946' Course In: N9° 18' 48"E RP North: 508,012.3075' End North: 507,837.5577' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 44.264' Delta: 12°29'35" Chord: 44.176' Course In: Sl6° 13' 36"W RP North: 507,642.6445' End North: 507,845.2137' Segment# 3: Line Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,961.3606' Segment# 4: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,959.3221' Segment# 5: Line Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,832.7075' Perimeter: 374.010' Error Closure: 0.0014 Error North: 0.00083 Precision 1: 267,150.714 East: 1,646,225.8597' Radius: 182.000' Tangent: 10.993' Course: N77° 13' 48"W Course Out: Sl6° 13' 36"W East: 1,646,255.3134' East: 1,646,204.4556' Radius: 203 .000' Tangent: 22.220' Course: N80° 01' 12"W Course Out: N3° 44' OO"E East: 1,646,147.7297' East: 1,646,160.9476' Length: 116.150' East: 1,646,161.7917' Length: 65.019' East: 1,646,226.7788' Length: 126.618' East: 1,646,225.8586' Area: 7,835.70Sq.Ft. Course: N52° 16' 38"W East: -0.00107 LOTIO North:507,961.3601' Segment# I : Line Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,845.2131' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 6.862' Delta: 1 °56'13" Chord: 6.862' Course In: S3° 44' OO"W RP North: 507,642.6439' End North: 507,845.5441' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,847.4303' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' 59"E North: 507,963.4613' Segment# 5: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,961.3600' Perimeter: 366.226' Error Closure: 0.0005 Error North: -0.00003 Precision I: 732,452.000 East: 1,646,161.7930' Length: 116.150' East: 1,646,160.9489' Radius: 203. 000' Tangent: 3 .432' Course: N87° 14' 06"W Course Out: NI O 47' 48"E East: 1,646,147.7310' East: 1,646,154.0956' Length: 60.161' East: 1,646,093.9642' Length: 116.034' East: 1,646,094.8074' Length: 67.019' East: 1,646,161.7935' Area: 7,774.52Sq.Ft. Course: S86° 45' 57"E East: 0.00045 LOT II North:507,963.4611' Segment# I: Line Course: S0° 24' 59"W North: 507,847.4302' Segment# 2: Line Course: N88° 12' 12"W North: 507,849.4313' Segment# 3: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,965.4624' Segment# 4: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,963.4606' Perimeter: 359.743' Error Closure: 0.0007 Error North: -0.00056 Precision I: 513,918.571 East: 1,646,094.8065' Length: 116.034' East: 1,646,093.9632' Length: 63.826' East: 1,646,030.1686' Length: 116.034' East: 1,646,030.9894' Length: 63.849' East: 1,646,094.8070' Area: 7,405.14Sq.Ft. Course: S4 l O 02' 33 "E East: 0.00049 LOT12 North:507, 785.7628' Segment# I: Curve Length: 7 .034' Delta: I 0 46'32" Chord: 7 .034' Course In: N3° 37' 47"E RP North: 508,012.3074' End North: 507,785.4263' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"£ North: 507,783.2101' Segment# 3: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,670.1729' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,672.6074' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,785.7626' Perimeter: 3 77 .250' Error Closure: 0.0005 Error North: -0.00020 Precision 1: 754,500.000 East: 1,646,240.9433' Radius: 227.000' Tangent: 3.518' Course: S87° 15' 29"E Course Out: S1° 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.3143' East: 1,646,247.9695' Length: 68.494' East: 1,646,316.4277' Length: 113.040' East: 1,646,315.6281' Length: 75.524' East: 1,646,240.1434' Length: 113. 158' East: 1,646,240.9438' Area: 8,535.13Sq.Ft. Course: S66° 40' 29"E East: 0.00045 LOT13 North:507,783.2103' Segment# 1: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,780.8799' Segment# 2: Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,667.8517' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,670.1734' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,783.2105' Perimeter: 3 70.117' Error Closure: 0.0004 Error North : 0.00027 Precision 1: 925,292.500 East: 1,646,316.4271' Length: 72.023' East: 1,646,388.4124' Length: 113.031' East: 1,646,387.6129' Length: 72.023' East: 1,646,315.6273' Length: 113.040' East: 1,646,316.4269' Area: 8,138.57Sq.Ft. Course: N38° 26' 55"W East: -0.00022 LOT14 North:507,665.5252' Segment# 1: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,667.8517' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,780.8799' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.2573' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.638' Delta: 88°33'05" Chord: 34. 906' Course In: Sl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.2704' End North: 507,754.0935' Segment# 5: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,676.0814' Segment# 6: Curve Length: 10.917' Delta: 25°01'12" Chord: 10.830' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.2583' End North: 507,665.5249' Perimeter: 362.925' Error Closure: 0.0004 East: 1,646,459.7523' Length: 72.177' East: 1,646,387.6128' Length: ll3.031' East: 1,646,388.4123' Length: 50.148' East: 1,646,438.5340' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.376' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course Out: S89° 35' 40"E East: 1,646,437.7252' East: 1,646,462.7245' Length: 78.014' East: 1,646,462.1727' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 5.54 7' Course: Sl2° 54' 55"W Course Out: S64 ° 34' 29" E East: 1,646,437.1733' East: 1,646,459.7520' Area: 8,285. 90Sq. Ft. Course: S52° 58' 56"W Error North : -0.00023 East: -0.00030 Precision I: 907,312.500 RIGHT OF WAY North:507,617.1976' Segment# 1: Line Course: N88° 09' 1 O"W North: 507,636.4064' Segment# 2: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,849.4331' Segment# 3: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,845.5458' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 51.126' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 50.991' Course In: S 1 ° 4 7' 48 "W RP North: 507,642.6456' End North: 507,837.5588' Segment# 5: Curve Length: 45.654' Delta: 14°22'21" Chord: 45.535' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.3086' End North: 507,830.4039' Segment# 6: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,824.3126' Segment# 7: Curve Length: 39.902' East: 1,646,624.2605' Length: 595.909' East: 1,646,028.6612' Length: 213.032' East: 1,646,030.1681' Length: 123.987' East: 1,646,154.0941' Radius: 203.000' Tangent: 25.699' Course: S80° 59' l 8"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.7295' East: 1,646,204.4555' Radius: 182.000' Tangent: 22.948' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: S 1 ° 51' l 5"W East: 1,646,255.3132' East: 1,646,249.4244' Length: 188.262' East: 1,646,437.5879' Radius: 25. 000' Delta: 91 °26'56" Chord: 3 5. 799' Course In: Nl 0 51' 15"E RP North: 507,849.2995' End North: 507,849.1227' Segment# 8: Line Course: N0° 24' 19"E North: 507,951.8781' Segment# 9: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,950.2159' Segment# 10: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,673.1148' Segment# 11: Curve Length: 38.641' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.908' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,672.9380' End North: 507,647.9510' Segment# 12: Line Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,645.2060' Segment# 13: Line Course: S0° 24' l 9"W North: 507,617.1977' Perimeter: 2,915.982' Error Closure: 0.0006 Error North: 0.00013 Tangent: 25.640' Course: N46° 07' 4 7"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,438.3968' East: 1,646,463.3961' Length: 102.758' East: 1,646,464.1230' Length: 53.016' East: 1,646,517.1129' Length: 277.108' East: 1,646,515.1528' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.379' Course: S43° 52' 26"E Course Out: SI O 50' 50"W East: 1,646,540.1522' East: 1,646,539.3463' Length: 85.156' East: 1,646,624.4581' Length: 28.009' East: 1,646,624.2600' Area: 54,621.61Sq.Ft. Course: N77° 34' 12"W East: -0.00057 Precision I: 3,070,933.333 ROW INTERIOR PIECE North:507, 754.0938' Segment# 1: Line Course: S0° 24' I 9"W North: 507,676.0818' Segment# 2: Curve Length: 39.899' Delta: 91 °26'30" Chord: 35.797' Course In: N89° 35' 41 "W RP North: 507,676.2586' End North: 507,651.2716' Segment# 3: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,663.2415' Segment# 4: Curve Length: 38.641' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.908' Course In: NI O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.2285' End North: 507,688.4053' Segment# 5: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,788.1639' Segment# 6: Curve Length: 24.724' Delta: 91 °23'28" Chord: 22.185' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.0542' East: 1,646,462.7248' Length: 78.014' East: 1,646,462.1730' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 25.637' Course: S46° 07' 34"W Course Out: SI O 50' 50"W East: 1,646,437.1736' East: 1,646,436.3678' Length: 371.338' East: 1,646,065.2228' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.379' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,066.0286' East: 1,646,041.0292' Length: 99.761' East: 1,646,041.7349' Radius: 15.500' Tangent: 15.881' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: NJ O 47' 48"E East: 1,646,057.2345' End North: 507,803.5466' Segment# 7: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.5678' Segment# 8: Curve Length: 39.793' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 39.687' Course In: SI O 47' 48"W RP North: 507,642.6455' End North: 507,794.3513' Segment# 9: Curve Length: 56.942' Delta: 14 °22'21" Chord: 56.793' Course In: N 16° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.3085' End North: 507,785.4273' Segment# I 0: Line Course: S88° 08' 45"E North: 507,779.2583' Segment# 11: Curve Length: 38.638' Delta: 88°33'04" Chord: 34.906' Course In: Sl 0 51' 15"W RP North: 507,754.2713' End North: 507,754.0945' Perimeter: 1,073.423' Error Closure: 0.0007 Error North : 0.00069 East: 1,646,057.7205' Length: 95.010' East: 1,646,152.6838' Radius: 158.000' Tangent: 20.002' Course: S80° 59' l 8"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.7300' East: 1,646,191.8813' Radius: 227.000' Tangent: 28.621' Course: S80° 57' 35"E Course Out: Sl 0 51' 15"W East: 1,646,255.3137' East: 1,646,247.9689' Length: 190.665' East: 1,646,438.5341' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.376' Course: S43° 52' 13"E Course Out: S89° 35' 41 "E East: 1,646,437.7252' East: 1,646,462.7246' Area: 55,359. 78Sq.Ft. Course: Nl9° 16' 46"W East: -0.00024 Precision I: 1,533,464.286 TRACT A -STORM DRAINAGE North:507, 785. 7628' Segment# I : Line Course: S0° 24' 19"W North: 507,657.6030' Segment# 2: Line Course: N88° 09' IO"W North: 507,663.2409' Segment# 3: Curve Length: 38.641' Delta: 88°33'30" Chord: 34.908' Course In: NI O 50' 50"E RP North: 507,688.2279' End North: 507,688.4048' Segment# 4: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,788.1633' Segment# 5: Curve Length: 24. 724' Delta: 91 °23'28" Chord: 22.185' Course In: S89° 35' 41 "E RP North: 507,788.0536' End North: 507,803.5460' Segment# 6: Line Course: S88° 12' 12"E North: 507,800.5672' Segment# 7: Curve Length: 39.793' East: 1,646,240.9433' Length: 128.163' East: 1,646,240.0368' Length: J 74.904' East: 1,646,065.2237' Radius: 25.000' Tangent: 24.379' Course: N43° 52' 26"W Course Out: N89° 35' 41 "W East: 1,646,066.0295' East: 1,646,041.030 I' Length: 99.761' East: 1,646,041.7358' Radius: 15.500' Tangent: 15.881' Course: N46° 06' 03"E Course Out: NI O 4 7' 48 "E East: 1,646,057.2354' East: 1,646,057.7214' Length: 95.010' East: 1,646,152.6847' Radius: 158.000' Delta: 14°25'48" Chord: 39.687' Course In: SI O 47' 48"W RP North: 507,642.6449' End North: 507,794.3508' Segment# 8: Curve Length: 49.908' Delta: 12°35'49" Chord: 49.808' Course In: Nl6° 13' 36"E RP North: 508,012.3079' End North: 507,785.7633' Perimeter: 650.903' Error Closure: 0.0006 Error North: 0.00050 Precision I: 1,084,840.000 Tangent: 20.002' Course: S80° 59' 18"E Course Out: Nl6° 13' 36"E East: 1,646,147.7309' East: 1,646,191.8822' Radius: 227.000' Tangent: 25.055' Course: S80° 04' l 9"E Course Out: S3° 37' 47"W East: 1,646,255.3146' East: 1,646,240.9436' Area: 27,203.14Sq.Ft. Course: N3 l O 24' 24"E East: 0. 00031 TRACT B -LANDSCAPE AND UTILITY North:507 ,657 .6029' Segment# I: Line Course: N0° 24' l 9"E North: 507,672.6076' Segment# 2: Line Course: S88° 09' 1 O"E North: 507,665.5249' Segment# 3: Curve Length: 28.982' Delta: 66°25'19" Chord: 27.386' Course Jn: N64° 34' 29"W RP North: 507,676.2582' End North: 507,651.2712' Segment# 4: Line Course: N88° 09' lO"W North: 507,657.6031' Perimeter: 460.143' Error Closure: 0.0006 Error North : 0.00018 Precision I: 766,906.667 East: 1,646,240.0367' Length: 15.005' East: 1,646,240.1429' Length: 219.724' East: 1,646,459.7527' Radius: 25. 000' Tangent: 16.366' Course: S58° 38' IO"W Course Out: S 1 ° 50' 50"W East: 1,646,437.1740' East: 1,646,436.3682' Length: 196.433' East: 1,646,240.0373' Area: 3,197.04Sq.Ft. Course: N70° 39' 05"E East: 0.00052 RECEIPT EG00043912 BILLING CONTACT RICK BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC 11980 NE 24th St , 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA15-000713 PLAN -Final Plat Fee Technology Fee Printed On: September 29, 2015 Prepared By: Rohini Nair -------Renton® 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: September 29, 2015 PAYMENT METHOD Check #5947 Check #5947 SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,500.00 $45.00 $1,545.00 $1,545.00 Page 1 of 1 • TBLOCK_COR OTOP111108 I g~g~;ttfia i~ . CUSD111108 L...I ,A} CUWS111108 :o t¥tkeymap ·o OILUM111108 ,UJ ACAD2007-0703&ASBUIL S ..;.J 07038 POND EXH_pline.J ilt7~ CGRD111108 • w I-:::. <( ~ z f-u w w --., . ~ 0 ct: cc Q.. <( Cl.. 0 0 0 3:: w -1 Cl.. <( ~ 11 ' l .I i I 5 1.~~~~ffl 1:J.·~-I--j\J\ -: . -!_r ~ !i -., ' NE 1/ 4, NW 1/ 4, SEC.14, TWP.23N., RGE. 5£., W.M. \ i ('1 ~:o-'r~ r I 1 · ,1 J 2 :'. -~. i c, !I / il1 : r_ ., : I , , • i,i i -~-C ! l] I r---. 'f ·---- ] --· ' __ I'--~ _,. __ ,, fiJj 11--···;~------i-/-· -.-l(:6---li cl , ., i, ,I . , -, {> -~- 'I '--, I 11 , 11 I_ ·---·-------}~------,--1{'.:~l! : i I :i _-;; , · Ii · , , . .->f t'/"I · .--"'-'"/I I I I ,I -- ' I ,·, : II ,1 ii, :l j I fj '1 I I I: :::c- l i_.. r· I -,·' I k "'i "!,):, -. I )~ i, ,r, ···.·1,-.·· 1·,, I \ ii ' ·,,, ,-, i EXIST. J 8" LCP[ TO REMAIN ...,i,,...'"'~1'""'"•,,..,,.-,."'#'-"1•1 r CB300, TYPE 1-L --· 'J W/SOLID LOCKING COVER \ STA O i 28.88, 13.83: LT \ , 0+27.99, 14.38 LT ,, CONN_ TO".EXIST. 18" LCPE CULVERT ) (::;'\/.!:[[ 1+90.51 ROSARIO AV[ NE \.!...J= 30+ 17.51 NE 2ND LANE ,--, f C ,. @CBJ.10 T''Pr 1-L 20 STA 1+64.74, 12.74' RT ~P[ 1-L ·· .. :<. i' f STA Or30.09, !1.'66' Rf/; o[ r 0+30. 33, 11f49' RT! i' ' : i · "'--""l1,· ,,tl"l.u. ""'" . --,.., . , . , . .-. . ,, c~rc;o, i-wt' ;;~s':rw'..,.,~ .. ,;;,~~~ ·· , , · 19 STA 0+99.87, 10.13'rfr CLEAR AREA AT BACK • :"'., / 1 ~-. i , _ __ :.-I ' --, ' . ,' '; , I c . ,----,.-,--' ,-', ' ---' R/M=468. 7 3 , -r) ! I '-....:'' 1E(1a·:.w) _ 465.43 L_J / . 11· _5 .1 /f;~//J lo-)-465. 43--I -----~-1-·;"JI ·· ·, \-·) -:/.::r-i- 7 INT 0-1-0.00 ROSARIO AVE" NE \;...--/ = 10+77.52 NE 2ND STRE l 'J. . I \ ' 11 STA 10+95.48, 21.52 LT, I / .:--- ' (,_--..., ___ ,, r-· - / I ' -'· OE EX/ST._SIDEWALK ~ ~.~ST.A 1+42.67, ~- r ---·"1- , .. 1 -\;:'. \ / / / 41LF 18 LCP[ ,,:~-.;;:----- ! 0 / ' ;' / -s '1.-2-5;/fr 1.13% ,-' j I, ' (. I / TA/0+66,92, 13.33' RT~ , . , 1 1 : / 7-· "\ \3?J}ll, , I . : / I : :_d,q ' .1 .....• --···-, '>,, I ,/. ' ~i '--5, H/GH1 FErCE, 1~ · '·· -SES cc;: .20, · '.'\ · '• , "·... I ' ., '. \· . I "'-. I / -1,.11\-:· ,! I I .. I . . : ,•,\ ~, .. ···/·. :· / / . (-~:\'.:• \ ·-< ' . (! ® .. rl,:-=/ "''M' '1 TR' 11 CT A I llfr,f--'ttt--+-h-· _c'''=--=;:·~:_,i' G , -..JS.. .~ I I -, .M. ,I -'/ f t ,'~ ST~RFY1DBAllAGE I I I . •. ' I I I . ~: ., '.' i1,l I ;' i I ~ ' '1 ' I : • -'--7k'-" -'-' --JI ' / I · "\. ,.\ i _ 1 / -, r, 1. SEEC3.05 I I I ' II I I , 1 1 27,234 SF 1;J I \ cl I / / \' \ COMBINc'D DETEN T/0{1//WETPOND I I .· \ ',, . : I S[[ CJ.2q / / ,,// . \ -. \I_)''. ,, ' / ,I/ -)?" '\ . -,/1'.''I, ;' i ;, --·-1,111 1 : 1 / \ .. q: . ~ / 111ft' 1 CULVERT 0 -STA 1+05.90, 51.37' RT 3 SEEC3.02 1[=46-3:fJ-462.85 __ --,,,_ __ _ ----' i. _) '· -. -- / Eli CB:111., .TYPf. T -0 ------__ _ ...,_,_ .. -El--STA 1+98~43-;-13 70' RT .. _ ·-..... r" ." --S53 "? 2'12"[ .. I ' ··-/ .. , \Jil-r 11:::: z 4c' ,v·J. -~ -----·· el ' / ----·-- ------11 11,298 SF / / -----, .-- _ .. ----~---------·-- I ' / CONSTRUCT/ON NOTES 0) SPILL CONTROL TEE PER COR STD. PLAN 231,00 0 SAWCUT REMOVE, AND REPLACE EXIST. f-lMA PA VEM[NT; PAVEMENT SECTION TO MATCH EXIST. 0 PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET C3.102 0 APPROX. LIMIT OF .GRADING MIN. 0 TYPE 2 PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP PER WSDOT STD. F-40.15-02 DET. 0 PIPE INLET PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET C3.102 0 ROADWAY SURVEY MONUMENT WITH CASE PER COR STD. PLAN NO. H031 ® CEMENT CONG. SIDEWALK PER COR STD. PLAN NO. F007. WIDTH PER PLAN. 0 TYP. CEMENT CONG. VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER PER COR DWG · FOO/ C,;\ 6" WHITE PVC (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLAN) ROOF DRAIN . ~ COLLECTION PIP[ PER COR STD. PLAN 225.00, APPFtOX. LENGTH AND UPSTREAM INVERT [l_[V. PER PLAN Q-. TYPE 2 PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP PER WSDOT STD. DET. '0 F-40.15-02 @c[MENT CONCRETE DRIV[WA Y TYPE 3 PER COR STD. PLAN F004-4. REFER TO DRIVEWAY TABLE THIS SHEET FOR LOCATIONS AND WIDTH r;?, MAILBOX INSTALLATION NEIGHBORHOOD DEL/VERY AND COLLECTION \!.:;I BOX UNIT PER COR STD. PLAN H026 , Q GROUND MOUNTED Sffi[ET NAME SIGN PER COR STD. PLAN G013 '-!.2J W / STOP SIGN r;?\ ABANDON EXIST. WA T[R SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE W/ PURVEYOR \!.::J STANDARDS @ FIXED WOODEN BOLLARD PER COR sm. PLAN H022 ® REMOVABLE WOODEN BOLLARD PER COR STD. PLAN H021. (;',;\ MUTCD TYPE 4 END OF ROADWAY MARKER OM4-D. SIGN ~ INSTALLATION PER COR STD. PLAN G012 C,;\ REVERSE TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN PER STRUCTURE PLACEMENT '-:.v DETAIL ON SHEET CJ. 102 r:;;;,, RECTANGULAR Bl-DIRECTIONAL VANED GRATE PER COR STD. PLAN le:) 204.30 @ SOLID LOCKING LID PER COR STD. PLANS t---------------,------------,-----------------,----~--~--------------------,----------------------1 @"NO PARKING ANYTIME" SIGN INSTALLED PER COR STD. PLAN G0/2 0 VERT. 0 HORIZ. 10 20 20 IN FEET 40 IN FEET 500 490 480 470 460 450 440 . Lu . .. <'.h- . . . kl t:: . · ...•.......•...•.. ~f\=: ..•...•.. VJ () . De: C, . sc< .. C/) ":I . . . . . () Lu . . LOW PT STA· o+ 25: 14 . . •. LOW Pt EL: 4·68. 70 · · PVI STA:• 0+40.00 . PVI EL:' 468.30 • • 50.00' vc • . = -a /-/IGH PT STA: 1+11.58 · HIGH PT [L: 472.18 PVI STA:• 0+92.22. ······················· PVI EL:·· 472.40 50.00' vc' . Ct:<'. ·c:, --a · 0 --a o· · . C)~~-·l()CQ : ·C) ("'.. . LO" ------··-····-a "·;·~--... .__._ cd -. a"" -... ·+-(0 ... : .. '(Q'"" ·+ 0" ('-j . '0,j 1.,Q !'--...'. ,_ ---r:--N . -i~ . Vi Lu . .y,~J: -> · Lu L!.J . . I . - · FINISH GRADE @ · ROADWAY (£ ' . ' .. . . . . + f'.:.. "'<:I-a '1". . . 0 -+-II. . · EXISTING GRADE -o> .... ~: ~ ~ ~ @ ROAD-WA: (£--.\·· .... ~.s._l:% .. "_ 20~ -.. ~ ....... ~, .-=CA=<·==,------·:-_· -c---'-~ "1.00% . . •• ~ •.•. . ,. 7c~--~~-_:.:..::...=-;:::;--:::--=--.c_--'--· ~. ~· ---=al .-. /'.L-----.,, -., ____ , __ _ :.___ .:__c -----, <:;( .j:/· /.:: -~ _,... ' ' ·"='"'-. . . ' . i ·-; v'. :J . 6 <L" ·.·,2". LCP[ ... ···. 34[F' 12,,LCPE .. i' o ~ { -----~~10 -=-· -. C'. . • ' ' ·~-~.·-... -------, 61.c·~·.~---,· ·--S=2.43z'--··-· --·· S=0.45% • 1 . . < ' ' . ' ' ! ' ·--'· · .. ;-_-lfii ;; __ -_-;_ ·. '-,., __ f.- . · _i · I ' , : I , ' · ' CB30fi 'TYPII 1-'-'L .. : . ' FROM CB/30 ___ SEE C3.05cc". ' . ·--c . YPE 2~54': r. ·:·. .81 ' ' -. ··--.. --. ----.................... RIM-·468. 73 IE(18"W) 465.43 CB3QO, TYPE J-,-L 1[(18"E)-465. 43 RIM=468.47 · IE':(i 8"t)-c465. 30 •. .... ·. .... .... 470 • ·26LF. 18" LCPE - ' . S 0.51% 18" Dlj ~. 460· • 52LF S=0.33% • CS01., TYPE 2-54" · RIM=470.07 • · IE(l 8"W)=465.60 .. . 1[(18''N)=465.60 CB1.00, T RIM=471 =466.00 IE(12"S) IE(IB"E) =466.00 IE(12"N) . . . =466,00 29LF IB" • .. --. . . . L0 ~·· 'PE ·· · ·. S· --· l . =9.05% ' : . . <) • ~POND• /[=463.00 ---'---.... ------;--------~-.. -·-------;-----~-- 0-J : oj ' co: "Cj--: .,. __ :a ---C ____ ,_ CBj.:tO, TYPt'_J __ L • __ J W/BI--D/R[CT/ON · VANED GRATE RIM 471: 10 IE(12''E)=467.58 . IE(12"N) . 467.58 ,· · . --.. ' ._ ~ ' . . • CB111, TYPE 1 .·. IE(12"S)=467.58 .. . Fillvt'-471.12 • l[(/2'.'S)=467.l3. iE(B"N) 468.89 . ·ELEVATION AT EXIST.. GROUNO . ("__) : fY) - .. --··· f-ELEVA TION AT FINISHED JRAD_E_•---'----__ . ' . ['.,_ t<; : . t-r) ' rv-) ._0) I'--... 'l() ···---------- ·--c.,j 1·-" -, c, .. '1- 500 490 J 480 470 460 450 440 --~----·-----,-------~----·----·----~---------. -0+40 0+00 0+80 1+20 1+60 I -------·------------ 0+40 ··------------------· - CITY OF llENTO.N 1 CITY OF RENTON PERfvllT SUBMITIAL JBS 5/30/14 JBS SURVEYED: SCALE: ---MITCH EVANS, PLS Date: 2 CATCH BASIN LOCATIONS GG 08 ·01 14 JBS N/A -DESIGNED; 3 RECORD DRAWINGS RAS 1 20 16 JBS RYAN SCHAUBLE Date: 4 TRACT A RE-GRADE FOR FUTURE TRAIL AREA M,JH 6 7 16 M,JH DRAWN, PETER EVANS --O~E INCH --l 5 RECORD DRAWINGS PCE 10 10/16 -- Date: MJH CHECKED, ---·· PE AT f-lJLL SCALE Approved by: ______ _ UTILITY PERMIT Approvedby: ___ _ . - VERTICAL: NAVO 1986 HORIZONTAL: NAO 19.SJ/1991 CITY OF RENTON DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. NOTES: 1. ALL DRAIN PIPES (SD) SHALL BE 12" LCP[ UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS OR PROJECT DETAILS. 2. CONNECTION TO THE DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE VIA PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION. 3. ALL CATCH BASIN LOCATIONS REFERENCED TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE. GRATE PLACEMENT S~/ALL BE PER STRUCTURE PLACEMENT DETAIL ON SHEET C3.102 . 4. ALL CATCH BASIN STRUCTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED W/RECTANGULAR METAL FRAM[ AND VANED GRATE PER COR STD. PLANS 204.00 AND 204.20 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. PAVEMENT RESTORATION PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS WILL BE APPLICABLE . 6. STREET NAME SIGNS PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL PUBLIC STREET INTERSECTIONS. --• 5 ll " 4 9 8 ' ' ----- 2 mACTA STQFIM DRAINAGE l3 14 - KEY NTS RECEr, ED OCT 1 2 016 CITY OF Rt ·JTOflJ PLANNIIJG DI\ SION CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 ~,- i '", ,.Jll. CONSULTANTS Site Planning• Civil Engineering Land Use Consulting • Pmject Management 733 7th Avenue, Suite 100 I Kirkland, WA 98033 ' Phone: (425) 285-2390 I FM (425) 285-2389 www. cph cons ulta nts,com i MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST 1/14/16 ROADWAY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS aEUleooK, PAGE: Df?AWING NO: ROADWAY GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN AND PROFILE C3.04 JAMIE B. SCHROEDER, IF NOT ONE INCH Date: NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR N'PROYED: SCALE ACCORDINGLY APPROVED NO. LJ13002729 Approved by: ____ _ Copy,ight © 2013 CPH Cocsoltants, U.C. ru1 Rights Reser,od A roved b : SHEET, OF, ---------------u.... ....... .J.... ................................................. ...,... ....................... ...i...-....J,. __ ..1.... ...... ..i... ...... ~~;'......-.J..... .................... -J.... ...... ...;;~-..1.... ..................................................... -...... ....J.--....,. ........................ --................................. ______ ,J.,_ll1 sw3~5.J A-NNNNAA TBLOCK_COR OTOP111108 ', CS1T1;J-1108 uJ , CNOT111108 l'\ CGRD:1.11108 0 ;'f CUSD111108 Q : i) CUWS111108 Q )J; keymap • uJ OILUM111108 • ...J ACAD::/007-07038-ASBUIL Su: w ~ z ti w J 0 Cl'. o_ 1- U) <( w '.:::s':'.'. 0: <( a.. 0 0 0 ~ w ...J a.. <( ~ /0+00 0 20 40 PLAN IN FEET ' (_·.J . r~c, ' 'S"""":--., .. ! / I I I I I I /I / ! ( \, ,17t"I r / '-~ , \ ·, / I / \ // / I ' I \ I I / I I I _._ _._ (J--:1 \-U ,-- ~.r i ' '~ I.-\ ' '-~-. . ,~-_) i_LJ __ J r , _, 1.1 3otop·, ~:\ I I I , .,. I ' • CLEAR AREA AT BACK OF, EXIST. SIDEWALK I I I I I I EMERGENCY OVERFLOW SPILLWAY PER DETAIL C3.21 (NO CHANGE) 1/ r:: r_- ':-CJ,_ .I, ,j ' ., . { ·' ------------.. , .:. '-'--. --( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I : I ' ' I I I I I I / \ 11 I -·\RD .-~-I --Rtj---_-_·_,RD~ ,· ,, '1'! 'iF 1'-- ' / ~r ., ., . cl--' r~---~~-,_:_'°'..,' '',---''_:_· ~J--+f--~-~--i.-·l_"_.j\,_~·' l _' _., __ ' __ ., ._' .c__';' __ '' ,I ,_._ \: \ \ I ' ' I I \ ., \ -=----------:'::±------ .\ ' ' -- NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC.14, fWP.23N. RGE. 5£., W.M. I ·. ·. 10 I 8 I ·--- I __ {_g_· ----- -__ ___;/ "' " ,, In 14(G-cC::I ----·;illi.1 --RD--=---S--RD -RO -' I ,, ,. --~ v, [ I ,, --'"4--\--+~- --- -._j·,, 12 \ \ POND FENCING \ CONT. TYPE 3 ( 6' HIG/:1) BLACK VINYL COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE PER WSDOT STD. PLAN L-20.10-02, APPROX .. 635LF --- y -~t ,.j~ ·--'-----;f---~ ' / ,! - !l ' l ., , - ' ., nil' w,; J ' ' \ ' ---·------------·~------== -~'-'-..:......L. ·-~----- . I i I , I CITY OF REN'l'ON Approved by: _______ _ Date: -------- UTILITY PERMIT Approved by: ___ _ Date: ------- NQ, LJ 13002729 Approved by: __ _ Date: -------- Copyright© 2013 CPH Consultants, LLC. All Rights Reserved. A roved b : Date: 11 +40.22, 34. 41' LT · . 1 CITY OF RENTON PERMIT SUBMITTAL JBS 5/30/14 JBS suRVEYED, MITCH EVANS, PLS SCAI..E; 2 RECORD DRAWINGS RAS 1 20 16 JBS DESIGNED, 1-~3'-+-'T~R~A~CT-'--'-A-'--'-R~E:__:::G~R~A~D~E~F~O~R.:._:_F~U~TU~l~~E"--'T~R~A~ILc-'-'.AR~EA=..c.~1-M~J~H'-+~8:;,.c;;.2:<.._:,16::.+-MJH!.....l-.::-:R~YA~N~S~C~H~AU~B~L~E~-,1-~~~~~~ 4 RECORD DRAWINGS PCE 10 10 16 MJH ORAWN PETER EVANS 1----'--+-------__:-===c....:====-----·----· -t--'--'"""'--t=-'-'"--c:+-'-'='-1--...:...::.::::.:...::.:::.::;:.;:._--1 CHECKED: JAMIE B. SCHROEDER, PE NO. APPR APPROVED: APPROVED REVISION BY DATE l___ ON_E _IN_CH_--j j AT FULl. SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY MINIMUM REQUIRED DETENTION VOLUME (CF) 53,580 MINIMUM REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME (CF) 14,844 9''Hx3'L GRATED OPENING, 1 /2" DIAM. VERT. BAR AT 4" O.C. ~ DETENTION VOLUME DESIGN (CF) 66,777 WATER QUALITY VOLUME DESIGN (CF) 30,000 "-L,=i---"----ir-11---I , <' OVERFLOW=470.50 18" DIAM. FLOW STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY PER COD STD. --- DWG. 3-02-025 ----- 18" SD 12" DIAM. SHEAR GA TE W/ LIFT ROD PER COR STD. owe. 237.3 ___,,, cs 01 TYPE 2-54" DIAM. CATCH BASIN ', .,._ "" . ~-- ==,! <o.L~~!':.. " REMOVABLE PIP£ SECTION w/SOLID END PLAT£-__; ,/[f\ CS01-FLOW CONTROL STRUCTURE AS-BUILT VOLUME (CF) 66,989 AS-BUILT VOLUME (CF) •• 32,302.5 ' .. ) A\ 4" ELBOW W 2. 75 DIAM. ORIFICE IE=467.10 _ 4" ELBOW W/2.00 DIAM. ORIFICE IE=468.60 TO CB305 IE=465.60 ' £L=463.60 1.40" DIAM. OR/PIG£ CALL BEfOR.E YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 ·-T "1 ,A CONSULTANTS Site Planning• Civil Engineering land Use Consulting• Project Management 733 7th fltvenue, Suite 100 I Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone: (425) 285-2390 I FAX: (425) 285-2389 www.cphconsuitants.com · VERTICAL: NA'VD 1 '966 HORIZOITTAI..: NAD 1983/1991 MAPLEWOOD PARK EAST 1/14/16 ROADWAY GRADING, DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS f!ElDBOOK: PAGE: DRAW1!'-IG: NO: DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. STORM WATER POND DETAILS C3.20 SHEET: Of: 18 36 A-NNNNAA •• .-'•,,.~~, ' ',-• • ·•"• -.•, ,' ' -·-' • '•""" ~ ,_ "''"'' •• ' ''"' ~-~ a -,.-,0-''"'" ,··--: __ ,• ··--····---,--... ,,,_ -_.;:.. • ;··-- \r' C) L Ul\1LE: ·1)" C' E<'· _.t"-\. -'· .. THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARI( .L{J!\15-0()()713 LNIJ-10-0488 .N.E ···1· /4 'N• '\1\f' 1/4' S''EC"'"'TI'' ,,, N' ·14 T('')\AIN.S"'J'-I'Il) ')~1 NC)I)TI····I.' I)AN'G'E 5 EAS''T' {A/ 'l\1' ' '"' ,. ', ... CJ ,,, , '' '\'. ''I'-'·· ·-\.. ... , \.. ' ~ '~ ., V\, ., Cl'I'y' C)F' I{.EN'":f'ON, I(ING (~C)lJN'T''r1 , VVASJ:-IINGTC:)N DEDICATION l<NOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, Tl-IE UNDERS,GNED OWNER OF It\ TEREST IN TrlE LAND I IERl:BY SUBDI V,OED, rlEF<EBY DECLARE Tri IS PLAT TO B[ 11·1!: GRAPl'IIC R[Pf\[SENT/1 ii ON 01:· I I[ SUBDIVISIO~I MADE ll[fi[EJY, AND DO H[R[BY DEDICATE TO Ill[ US[ or: THE PUElUC r"OREI/ER ALL. STHEr:TS AND 1\\/~NUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE :HEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOS:':S NOT INC0r~SIS7[NT WITI I THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBUC HICH 1NAY PURPOSlcS, IN THE ORIGINAL RE1\SONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVLNUES, AND FURTHER DC:DICATE AND CONVEY TO IHC: USi::_ OF THE: PUBLIC All, THE E,\SEMFNTS AND Tf~ACTS SIIOWN ON TIIIS PLAT "OR All PUBI C PURPOSES AS INDICATED TI-IEf<EON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PI\RKS, OPEN SP/'ICE, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, IJTILITES AND DR/'.11\J/\GE UNLt:'.3S SUCH EASEMEt,ITS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICAL_Y IDEN~IFIED ON ~HIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICP,TED OR CONI/EYED 10 A PER;:iON OR E:NTITY OTHER TrlAN THE PUBLIC, IN WrllCH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICt,TE AND COM\IFY SUCH S7REETS, EASEMENTS, Of~ TRACTS TO THE PERSON Of~ ENTITY IDE~ITiFIED AND FOR THE PURPOS[ STATEU, FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND I-IEf~EBY SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THE1,1S[!_VE~,, IHl::lf, HUf~S AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON Ofl [~lTITY DfRIVll'oJG TITIF Fl<OM THF UNDER:ilGNCD, A~IY A\1D ALL CL/1IM;, FOF, DAM(1GES AGAINST THE CITY DF RENTON, !TS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BC: OCCAS1or,1ED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WI IHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTLER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF f1ENTON, FURTHER THE UNDc:C<SIGt~ED OWNU~S OF THE )\NO hEHE8Y SJBOIVIDE WAI\/E f'OR THEMSE:.V[S. IHEIH l:EIF~::; A N(J AS''Jr'r,,s ·r·cJ 1''Dl'"MN1 FY \N,o HOL [) ·r1-+· (··1 ··1··y c)1'" 0 E-N ·1·c;', 1 1·,, c·uc,,cc,,·op"' A"'C> Ac-:c-, ,.,Ne· H 'R':·'LE·:·,:· f'HrJ·· M t\ .. ~.J'l 0 • ,\f .. _ I •. , __ ., ... I\ I'~, ,J ~J ,.,.,,,.r.:~-,.l, .. ).•"i., .. , 1·~ ,,.1 • .,1,1i,,,.1 ')1 I"\ 'V'l ..,J..:.J, ANY DAMAGE INCLUDNG AN'( CO~,r o:· Dc:f'ENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITH 1 N OR WITHOUT HIIS SUBDIVl~ON l·o· 'I 'VE" BFF~I C/-\U''ET) "'( Al ''I CR 'lf'li')'J':; (JI'" ''1'1,11:-('C><')IJi 10 "'I R·1::·1 CE" V"f'i' ;' A j ,()~' r)n' l"A('f' ()f') <'IJl~F'1\('f' 1JR rh~ ...... ~.,.,.:;, __ a .. Lf .. r,..,. _,.Jr'\1,.,~ ,;J,., \ . ...,_., r_c.J ... ,n .. ,,.l"'it"..,1~,.L_,.,,.:i,, ·-'·-·'1 SUB·-SURFACE wx:TR r:LOWS WJl'IIIN n11s SUBDIVISIO,I. PROI/IDED, THI:~ WAIVE .!.\~ID INDEJAN FIC1\TION SHAU. NOi BE CONSIRUl:D AS F~ELE/1SING !HE C:TY Of' RENTON, ITS SUCCl:SSORS Of~ ASSIGNS, :·ROM LIAElJLIIY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST ry:-DEFENSE, RESULTING IN ThE WHOLI:. OR IN PART FROM THC: N[GLIGC:NC[ OF !HF CITY OF ReN 1 0N, ITS S\JC:CFSSORS, OR ASSICNS THIS SUBDIVIS!OtJ, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS /,~ID /,GREEMENT TO HOL.D f·IAF:fALESS I':, MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIIE DESIRES Of' SAID OWNERS. IN WITN[SS WHEF<EOf', WE SET OUR HANDS A~,D SEAI.S: BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, A WASHINGTON LIM TED LIABILITY COMf"AN" BY: ITS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SIAll Of-WASHINGION COUNT OF I CERT,FY THAT I l<NOW OH H/\VI. SAIISf'ACTOr~Y EVIDENCE: !HAT IS THE PEf~S(J\J WHO APPEAR[D 31:FORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKrlOWUcDG[D TJIAT-SHE S!Gt·IED THIS 1rf;·rmJMF}IT, ON OATH STATED SHE WAS /\UPIOHIZ'::D TO E;<,ECUT,: THE INSTRUMENT 1\ND ,ACKNOWLEDGE IT i\S THE ---·--·-·--·······-o· ------TO BE fclF Fr"(FT A~[) VOIUNTARY ACT or· SUCH P1\f~TY FOR 'HE USES AND PURPOSES MENTON[[) I~! THE INS IT~UMEN :·. DATED: . , ... , 2016. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE OF W1\SHINGTON MY COMM!S:ON EXPIRES: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PI\RCEL A Or" KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUSTM[NT NUMElFJ< 4890:5,\ Rr"COROED ut,JDFR Rr:COHl)ING NUMFlfT, IY\Ocl270719, IN KING COUN IY, WAS'-llNGTOM. REFERENCES 1. LOT Ur~[ AD1JU~l1M[}J r F'EH H[CO!~D NC #B4082i'0719, DATED AUGUST 27, 19B4. 2. W1\fEf~ 1\S-8Ull.",S PfiOVIDED FJY r<IN:; CCUN!Y WA:u;: DISTHICT #~•O. 3. Pl.AT or W APLEW(XlD EST1\TES, PH,\;i[ 2, Pr!~ f\EC01;01NG 1f20021 I 26000001, )1\1 ED NOVI MB[R 6, ?002. 4, PLAT or WI LLOWt3ROOK LIINE PER RECORDING //9408011:)0~. OAIE.D ./\IJGUST l, I '.~94. 5. PLAT OF CEDAf~ Cf~EST ESTATES PER F~FCORDING f13C52205°\8, Dt\TED Mi\'( 22, 1973, 6. SHORT PL,/\T #4840~;6 ;::'Ef~ fEG0f1-D1NC #64D91JO'.i61, DAIED Sl:PT[MBEH 13, 1984, 7. PLAT OF HIGHl)\NOS P1\F~K Pl::R RcCOl~DING //200B010900121:i:J, 01,·ri:o [)[CEMt3ER 21, ;:007. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS THIS rLAT !S SUOJECT TO COVENANTS, CONDITO~lS ,'lrlD RES TH CTIONS AS RECORDED UMDEFl ,\UDITORS FLE ~IUlv\BER _____________ , RECORDS OF !<.ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WOl<KS EX1\MINED /1NO APl"ROVED THIS AD~IINISTRA TOR CITY OF RENTON MAYOR EXAMINED /1NO AfJf-'ROVED THIS ------· DAY or· -------·---------- MAYOR CITY OF RENTON EXAMINED /1ND /1PPROVEO THIS ··········-· _ DAY OF ----·--····-.... , 2016. CITY CLERK CITY OF f~EN fON FiNANCE ADMiNiSTRATOR I lif .. l<!EbY CEr~IIFY TJIAT TH[RC /1,R[ HO DEUNOU[NT SP[CIAL ASS[SSM[NTS AND THAT 1\LL SPECIAL i\SS[SS',lENTS CERTlfll:D TO Til[ CIIY TREASUi~ER fOR COlL::CTON ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CO~lTAINED DEDICl\1TD FOF~ STREETS, i\LUf'S OR OTl-l[R PUBUC USES .l'\RE PAID IN r·uu ... i:'X1\MIN[D AND APPROV!::.D !HIS ·---~-DAY Of' --·-·-----, 2016, --------------------- FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT NO. I 423059003 KING COUNTY APPROVALS ---------------------------------------f(ING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EX/\MINE.D AMO /\PPl'-;OVEO THIS 2016. c,-·:•1;(' (Y)IJ""l'" h S:''E"'''''('"I' n. l'ii ;; ,.,, ~ l"t I n...,.:) _.:."; .. ) J '\. DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER f<ECOf~DING CEF;TIFICATE 1::·11.ED FOR RECORD THIS ...... _,,,. DAY 01: ·--·-·"'-···----, 201 G AT ____ ,M. IN 8001< OF __ , __ 01· SURVEYS, P/\GF ____ ,\T THE REQUC:ST OF AXIS SURVc:YING AND MAPPiNC. MANAGER KING COUNTY APPROVALS I HERIJ:lY C[RTWY THAT AI ... L PROP[RTY TAXES /\R[ f'/\ID, THAT TH[f;:[ AFl[ NO D[l.JNQUENT SP[CI,~._ ASSESSMENTS Ct'.RTIFl[D :o T0 11S Of''IC[ ~OR COL·.[CTIOM /\ND, 1111\T ALL. SPE:CIAL ASSE:SSM[N I ''i ::ER IW.11:D TO !HIS OFFICE FOR COL'..ECTION OM ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, l\i · '""''c' 0" r:r)P (JT' 1 f:r° F''IJf'" IC IJe:"E' AR'-, f;)I\ID J'I F'IUl I __ J_'f..; r;, I-·\ t-1 .. , . ,J-\. .~.:::, ,, t_ ,.· !'~ __ , EX.AMINED /\ND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ______ , J015. MANAU[R, r'INANC[ DIVISIO~J DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, MIF;H T.S. EVAN'S, HEREBY C[f~Tl,Y TIIAT Tt··s Pl.Al OF -hf: 1NQOD5 AT HIGHLANDS PARK IS BP.SEO ON AN t\CTU/'l,L SU!!Vt:Y .N SECTIO~l 1,1, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., f<ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TH.Al THE COUR ·s AND Ol~'i"/1.NC:s ,\RE S IOWN CORRECTLY HEREON, T··IAT frlE MONUMENTS WILL. 8[ SET AND [HI' l .. O [ '.;, COf,N[:RS STN<l:..D COf~RECTLY ON THE GROUND, 1\ND Tl AT I I !AVE FUU.Y COMPLIED V1'1'f ·I TH[ PROVISICNS O:' Ill:: f'L.ATTIHC :c:;:[(;ULATiONS. ·--------~-----------··-__ .. t~I TCH LS. EVANS, PLS. CEl(IIF1CA Tf. NO . .38011 DATE co -1t---- :r: (/) rn \7I c:1N r1·1/ 1v11\P "I ( ·t· "['(1 S' C 1'! 1·;, J J "' ',,,-,," . . .. -.. ~-·" OCT I 2 2016 CITY Of RENTON PLANNING DIVISION . -_ ... "' OWNER ElURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTiON 11980 NI: 24TH ST SUI IT 200 OELLEI/UE, WA 98005 , C VIL ENGINEER CPH CONSULTANTS 11431 WILL.OWS f~OAD NE SUITE 120 REDMOND, WA 98052 www.axismap.com Axis SUrvey & Mapping 152-11 NE 90th St. REDMOND, WA 980D2 ·1·1:1· .c!"JI" ""IJ' · ~'/{Ill _., .,. '-,J.i}""' J ~ ,, rJ ' "" •l 2 :· " ·:, ") ·· f, ""'0(]' · th.i\. ~·),~~ •. ~, )( JOB .NO. ()~ ("')'l ·. 1-L,8 DRA"\VN BY Eivl/J!vl/1"0 S(' \l [:' I,,_, ~ l· ''" .~ .N / ,c\ I) ,, '['f', t"~ ' ' ... 9/29/16 Cl-lECKED BY I\ffSE SHEET .l. OF 3 II •' -, ... • ' - \! CJL tJrvlE: 'I) A(-,,[i· r-\. ~1. ,j. THE WOODS Ar1·, I-IIGHLANDS PARK L,LJ.1\15-000713 LND· 10·· 0488 NE 1/4, NvV 1/4 SECTIC)N 14, 'I'C)v\/NSf-IIP 2:3 N()IZTH, l{i\NGE 5 EASrr·, VV.Nl., Cl'I''r' C)F l<.ENTC)l\J, I<INC; (_:C)l.JN'fY, VV1\SHIN.GT(JN GENERAL NOTES EVIDENCE OF LAND OCCUPATION LIKE rENCt::S. smUCTURES, P1~VED Of~ Gr<AVELED SURr1\C[S, L/\NDSC1\PING, AND ETC. M1\Y NOT COINCIDE WITH illE DEEDE:D BOUNDARY LINES, AS SIIOWN ON THIS DRAWING. TI-IEr<E ARE: ARE1\S ON THIS SURVEY APPEARING TO HAVE DISCREP1\NCIES 8::iWEE~J TrlE DEE!JEI) BOUNDARY LINES AND Ci:R IAIN EVIDENCE OF OCCUPATION. ,'IXIS F:t::COMMl:J\DS !HAT THE OWNER OR POTENTIAL PURCI IASER CONSULT WITH LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREVER DISCREPAl,JCIES EX 1 ST TO DETER~ilNE HOW BEST TO INTERPRET TH Elf~ PROPl:.R IY F!IGH IS A.ND ADDf,ESS POTENTl.6.L BOUNDARY OISPU !ES. THIS SURVEY DISCLOSES c/,.CTOf~S OF R!:COF!U /\NO 01·1 Tri[ GROUND /1.FFECT!NG iii!: SU"ldt.C I PROPERTY BOUNDAf~Y, BUT IT DOES NOT PURF'ORT TO LEGALL.Y f~ESOL 1/E RELATED PROPEFrrY LINE DISPUTES. WHERE AM:IIGUI IIES ARE NOfED. AXIS RECO!,IMENDS Hi.t1T TriE OWN::R CONSUL, WITH l.X.GAL COUNSEL. TO OE"Tf,MINE HOW B[ST TO tt,rn:RPRET THEIR FJfl.OPE.RTY RICH'S /\ND ADDF:ESS /1'lY POTl}fJli\L. P~:OPEHTY UNE DISPIJTl:S. :}IE !NF'ORMA flON DEPICT[D ON THIS MAP REPRESEkfS THE R[SULTS OF A SUH VEY COi';CLIJDED ON MAf<(>I 22, 2007 A~lD CAN ONLY Ell:. CONSIDERED AS INDICATING lrl[ CE~lERAL CONDITIONS EX S !ING /,T TH/\T 'IME. TITLE NOTES EASEMENTS AND LEGAL. DESCf<IPTION ARE OASEIJ O~J THE PL.AT CEf;;TIF CATE BY CHICAGO TITLE l~!SURA~JCE COMPANY, Of<DER NO. 1 J36745, DATED JANU/1RY 14, 2016, Id 8: 00 A.M. •· SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMnlT DATED MAY 12, 201fi. L TIIIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO E.l1SEMENT AND THE "TRtv\S AND CO~IDITIONS THE~:EOF f~EGAf~DING ROAD AND IJ I ILITIES, AFFECTING THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY PORT ONS OF SAID PREMISES. PER INSTf1Uf,l[ff;· UNOEf,: KJHG COUNTY HECOROING NUMBER 595826 7. 2. THIS f>f{OPEHTY IS SIJB.JECT TO CDVl,JIAfJrS, COMOITIONS ,\NO R:~STRCTIOMS COfl Al~J[D IN lr~STf~UMEN , BUT OMI rTIHG ANY COVE}IANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, B.ASED !.,PON RACE, COL.CR, REl.lGION, s1:;(, SEXUAi .. ORIE~HAOl'.)N, l"AMILIAL STA.TU$, MAHITI\L. STATUS, DIS,\BILI: (, HANDIC/\P, NATIOrJAL Of~IGl!s, /\NCESH<Y, OR SOURCE OF INCi')ME. AS SET =oRTH ;(,) APPI .. ICABLE STA rE or~ FEDER/\1 .. L.A\\IS, [XC[PT ro THE EXTENT n-lAT SAID COVEN,\MT (),'~ Rl:STRICTIO~l IS PE.RMiTTE:D OY LAW Pr:R 1~1STRUM[~ff IJl'JD[R KNC COUNTY RECORDING MUMBER 8410250053. 3. THIS PRO?ERTY IS SUOJ[CT TO i\ RELC:ASE or DAM AG[ i1GRC:D"1:NT AND Tl I[ T[f1MS AND CONDIT,ONS !rlEIS:!:.OF, Rf1.FAS1NG !<';ING COUNTY Fi,OM AU. FU !Ul',;'. CLAIMS FfY, DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE ,NSTALL,\TION OF A~! NTERCEPTOR DRAN P[R INSTf<U~![NT UNDEf~ Klt~G COUNTY f<ECORD NG NUMBER 840E.i270043. 4. THIS PRO"EfflY 15 SUBJECT TO A i_ATECOMER'S AGREEME]~ I Ai~D IHE TERMS AND COHDITIONS TrlE:RfOF' REGr.F:or '-lG THE P/1 "M i:~n OF CCSTS Al,JD [XPENS[S FOR I NS"'1\L.L/ITION OF W.i\STEW,\ f[R SYSTEMS AND APPUrf[EN,~.Nc1:s f'ER INSTf.:UMEkl UN)ER KINC COUNTY FECORDING NUMBER 200f30,303000i32. 7. 5-8, PERT.A.INS TO GEN:RAL ANO SPECI.A.L. IAXES AND QTfiER TER!AS AND CONDITIONS. PLAT NOTES 1. THE ARTICLES OF NCOFi::ioR1\TIC~J FOfl TH[ WOODS AT HICHL.ANOS PARf< HJMf:OWNC::f~S ASSOCIATION IS ON l'IL.E WITH TH[ STATl. 01' WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA, ME.Mc1ERSHlfJ IN THE WOODS AT IIIGI LANDS PM;:K HOMEOWNER'S /\SSOCI/\TIOt, /\ND PAYf,,I.ENT oc-DUF:S OR OTHER ASSESSMENT Sr /,1.J l~FMAIN /\N APPURTENANCE TO AND INSEPAf'IA8LE FROM EACr LOT. -RACT 'A' 1:S A PRIVA It STORM DRAINAGE TF~AC I; UPOt~ fHE RECORDIMG OF THIS PLAT, I RACT 'A' IS HEREBY GRANTED ANO CON\1:::YED TO _:,HE 1.VOODS AT HIGHI .. A'·IDS PARK HOMEOWNFF(S /1SSOCIAflON (HOA). 1\N EASEMENT IS '!ERE81' CRA~ITED 1\NO CONVEYED TO THE CIT'r Of' RENTON Cl/ER, U~lDER ANO ACROSS TR/\Cf '11' ro,, THE PUF;POSE Cf' CONV!:YNC, STORi~JG, MANAGING AND FACIL.ITATINC STORM ANO SURF.ACF.: Wi1l:.~: PE:R TH[ ENGINf]':RINC p,_ANS ON Fll,E WiTrl Tl!:: Cl f'( OI f<[NTCI\. Ill': CITY 01'' RENTON l<AS TIIE: RIGHT TO E:NTEF, S/11D STORfAW,ATCR EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECT!t~G, OPER/1TING, llllAic~T1\l.\ll~JG, MPROVING, .AND Rf.:.F'AlfllNG IT'S DRAINAGE F1\Cll.lTl[S CONTI\INED IIIERU~L ONl.'l THE CHAlr·I L NK "'ENCE., FL.OW CONTROi . ., 1/v/\.T[R QUALITY TREAT'.IENT !,ND CO'IVEY/1MC[ Fl',CILITIES WILi BE CONSIJEG:ED FOi,; FORMAL ACCEPTANCE AND MAl~!TENA.NCE: BY THE CITY. MA 1NTENANCE OF ALL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS AND L,'\~l[YSCAPING ON S/\lf) TRACT 'A' SHALL BE THE RESPONSlcliLIT'r OF THE HO.I\. IN TrlE El/ENT -HAT THE HOA IS DISSCLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET ITS Pl\l'.)PERT( TAX O:JUG/1:IDNS, AS EVIDENCED BY MON·-PAYMENT OF Pf~OPERTY T1\XES FOR ,6, PEF~IOD OF EIGHTEE:N (1.8) MONTHS, TH'EN EACH LOT IN THS Sl··Of<"r PL1\T SHAL.L ,'\SSUME A\ID H/\VE /\~l [QU,A~ !\MD lJNOiVIDID O'N~lr:',SHif' l~JT'.:R[ST IN IT~ACI 'A' Pf{EVIOUSL.Y O't.NED f3Y THt: H0/1 /\ND HAVE THE ATTEMDANT FINAN~:IA. AND MAl~JTEJ,11\NCE RESPOl'JS DIUTIES. '.IV\C I '8' IS A LANDSCAPL AND U :IL I Y !RAC I; UPON TH[ F~l:COl~DING o:: TH S :,HORT Pl.AT, TRACT '8' S HERE:3Y GRANTED AND CO'lVEYEO TO THE WOODS AT IIGI iLANDS P.'\RK llOMEOWN[f"fS ASSOCIATION (HOf,). MAINTnU•,NCE OF ALL IMPROv::M[NTS AND 1 .. ANDSCAPING O~J SAID 'lRACT '8' SHALL BE TrlE RC:SP0NS1flill IY OF lHF-HOA. IN TclE EVENT TFAl. THE HOA iS DISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET TS PHOPERT'( TAX 08..IGATlONS, AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMEN'' OF Pl<OPCRTY TAXES FOR 1.\ PEHIOD O" EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS, THE:N E1\CH LO~ IN THIS PU\'f SHALi ASSUME AND HAV, AN [QU/\L AND UNDIVIDED OWNEHSHIP INr::11r::s r IN THE Tl{ACT '8' Pl~E\/iOUSl ,, OW'~ED BY "·I[ HOA AND HAVE llE ATTENDANT IINA~JCIAL. AND MAINTEN,\l'JCE R[Srjor,ISIElll.lll[S. 4. Al.I .. 13UILDII\G DOWNSPOUTS. F'O(J;·rNG DR1\INS, AND lll</\INS FHOM All .. IMP:::~v1ous SURF/1C[S SUCH 1\S PATIOS AN) OHIVEWAYS SHALi_ BE CONNECTED TO 'fl[ PERM,\NENT srORM DHAIN OUTLEf AS SHOWN ON THI'" APP,'.i!OVED COriSTHUCTICN DflAW,NGS //R--:5732,2, -373213, --37321t;, /,hD -373215 ON FILE WITH THE Cl'Y or· f.11:NTOM. THIS Pc.AT SHALL 13[ SUOMITTED ¥/ITH TJ-1[ APPLICATION OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. AU. CO~/NC:CTIONS Or THE DRAINS MUST BF CONSTR.JCTEO ANO APPf,OVED PHiOR TO TJalf: FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. FOR THOSE LOTS Tl'/,T /1RE DESIGNAT:'.) FOR IND.VIOUAL LOT INFIL TfV\TION SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEfA SHAL.L ElE CONSTRUCTED ;\T ThE TIME OF THE BUILDING PE}iM T AND SH ALL. CO\ilPL Y ','~TH PLAN;, ON F'I LE. & ACCESS FOR L.OT 1 S'·IAU. BE LIMITED TO SHADOW AVt:}IUE MORTH[/1ST ON!Y, T·IEf~[ SH/\l .. L B[ NO DIREC"" VEHIClJI_AR ACCESS ro OR FROM NORTHEASf 2ND STl~E[T WIIICH ABUT IT. & ACCESS FOR LOT 6 SI ALL BE LIMITED TO SHADOW AV[NU[ NOR 11·:AST ONLY. Tl 1Cf~[ SI !ALL 8[ NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO OR Ff~OM NORTflE/1.ST 2ND L/\NE WH CH ABU I IT. /~\ ACCESS For~ LOT 14 SHALi. BE LIMITED TO NCR"IHE/1ST 2ND LAME ONLY. THE:RE SHALL ElE NO DIF~ECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO Of~ FflOM SHADOlil<' AVE NORTHE)\ST WHICH ABUT IT. 8. 'NO PAR,<ING ·" ANY flME' Al.ONG IHE SOUTH SIDE OF. Mi': 2ND !_A\IE IN THE FIHE o::PAf(ffAENT BUf,IP OUT Af'ZEA LOCATED N[AR LOT 12 1\r,D TRACT 'II'. EASEMENT PROVISIONS 1. AN E/1S[MENT IS HEREBY GR1\NTED /\1,D l,ESERVED FOR THE CITY OF RENTON, PUGET SOUNO ENERGY COMPANY, QWEST TEL[PI ONE COMPANY, n J:: ,~[GIONAL CABLE TELC:1/ISION COMPANY AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS A,~D ASSIGNS UNOEr~ /\ND ACROSS !HE: '.X fE":IOR 9 FU:: 1· Of ALL LO!S ANO Tr~ACT O !\BUTTING THE ROAD nxONTAGE, THE PURPOSE Of'. IHE E'ASEM[NT IS TO INSTALi., IAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPER/ITr: AND MA.INT,I\IN UND[RGROUl-.;D CONDUl'S, C/1E31.ES A~JD WIRES \\II TH NECESSt,.f<Y FACIL.ITIES /1'./D OTHER EQUIPf,ENT ''OF! THE PURPOSF ::JF' SIRI/ING THIS SU8D1V5ION AHO OTHER PROPERTY WIT·I [lECTRICITY, rl/1 iUR;\I_ c.,\S, TELEPHONE. s,:WER 1\NIJ WATER SERViGE /IMO CABI.E TELEVSIO~L Th[ E,\SEME}r-SHA_L INCi UDE THF r~IGHT ·o FNTFI~ UPOr•l TH UJTS AT ALI flMES FOR Tc·.E PUF{POSES Hl:Rf.lN s r A IED. ArfER ENTRY f>IJR:,U.i\NT TO THESE EAS[M[N rs, THE PROPERTY SHAii.. BF RF'.,TOl~ED /\S ~JEAR AS fJO'.,SIAIE TO ITS ORiGINAL CONDITIOII. NO UNES or~ WIRES FOR THE TRi\NSMISSIOI-I OF ELECTRIC CLRRENT OR FO,~ TEU,PHONE USE OH CABLE !ELEYISION SHi,LL BE PL1\CED OR PERMITTED TO 8[ PLACED UPON l1~IY L.OT UNLESS THE SA,VE SHAL~ BE UNDERGf~OUNl) OH IN col,JDUIT ATT/\Cf·ED TO /;, EJUIU}NG. 2. ,t\N EAStMENT IS HEREBY Cf~ANT[D AND CONV[vED TO TH[ Ci I'( OF RE.NTOl,J AND l<l~JG COUNTY WATE.R D,SH~ICT ~JO. 90 OVER, UNDE'.R t1W) ACROSS IHE [X lf:RIOR 9 ' El'.i OF i\l .. L LOTS AND TRACT 8 /\Bu:·r1NC TH[ ROAD FHONTAGE, TOCE>IER WITH THE ADJOINING Pf~IVATE ACCl:.SS EASEMEl~TS FOf,: IH[ PURPOSE CF CONSTRUCTION, INST1\LLING, RECO~JS1RUC ING. R[PL.ACl~JG, Rl::PAIRING, MAl~H1\INING AND OPERATiNG WATER AND SEWER AMO ALL NECESSAFfi CONr,ECT!ONS ANO APPURTENANCES T l[HCTO, TOGETHER 'NJTH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS THERETO AND :':GRESS", Tl-·ERE FROM FOR THE PURF'OSE OF 1:}JJOYING fLE 1:./ISC:ME.t, f, A'~O ALSO GRANTING 10 lhE GRANTE:E AND TO TH03i: ACTING UNDEI~ OFl FROM GRANTEE THE: USE OF SUCH ADDITIONAL AREA IMMEDIATE.Y AD,;ACFNT TO THE ABOVE £/;,SEMENT AS S!-IAL.L BF REQU'F!ED FOR HIE CONSfRUC'ION OF l·IE WATEFI, SEWEf~ AND STORM SYSTEMS IN THE EA.Sf':Mc:NT, SUCH 1\DDITIONAL AREA TO BE HELD ro A MINIMUM NECESSAI'\'( FOR THAT PURPOSE, !\MD IMMEDIATELY AF"TEf~ THE COMF'l .. ::TION OF" THE: CONS I RJCTION AND INS i ALlATION, OR ANY SUBSEQUEN I El>ITRY UPON TH[ EASEMENT, GRANfEF: SHAL.L RESTO!~[ TH[ Pl~c:MiS[:; AS NEAR AS MAY 8E ro ITS COMDITIO~I IMMEDIATELY BEf''ORE SUCH CONSTRUCT ON OR C::<'~TRY. flit, GR1\N !OR SHAU. f;iETAll'J IHE RGHT TO USE TH[ SURFACE 01 SAID EAS[),E'/T Pf~OVIDING Th A-S,\ID USE DOES HOT iNTERITRE WI IH THE: INS"ALLAflON, MAtr, IENA\JCE OR REPAIR OF J,-ll WA EH AND SEWER SYSTEMS AND PROVIDING THAT NO PERMANENT BUILDl~,GS OR STRUCTur~:::s Ar~E EF:ECTED ON S,\!D E1'\SEMENT. VICINITY MAP FOUtiD SMALL PIECE OF BROKEN BRASS SURFACE N.E~, 4'rJI S'f. (S.E. 128'I'J-.I s·"·1··.) 10\-/11 • · t:::-/1 r:.::::]-_ ___ N88'2l 'I 8'",y 2622. 78' 11 r DISK IN 3" DIAME'TER CONC PLUGGED DRILL HOLE (03/07) IS [~ 14 1311.39' ··-,---r::::::( .-i /JJ ·r \\FOU. NO PUNCHMARf< IN 3" BRASS I LHJ. 39 ' PIEC~o~~DB~~tf~ . ~-:; --- ;'; }~ ~ DIS::: AT SURFACE (03/07) BRASS SURFACE i:,J 0 ; <-D Cl ff OF RENTON MONUMENT '.'.:: DISK IN ,'3" r a, r~ 18"2 •o ii) DIAMETER CONG Cl ,·-,o cJ • >','" ,o . . ' " '..t • o ~ ,1; <.o PLUGGED DRILL trJ 0 . r, 1 z FOUNJ PUt~CHMARK IN 1-1 /2" -o ( / 7) .....; I I ''I H LE 03 0 !'~ , .. ,, . . " • " I BRASS DISC M COMC MON IN -CITY OF RENTON ,., (/') F~~;'Al~S,,lDl~l~cc~UIANA,;<o!t~. 2.l'J G,.---CASE STA\IPED "#30427" DOWN , MONUMENT 2103. ~ • i.),, " ,.;, V l',\, j '\ r O 7' (03/07' ---WJ CASE, DOWN 0.3'. (05/07) ! ' ; ;'1 11o ~--·----:--i,J '':> \ O·, c·,o ,-' ...-• Nq~ ,j f'OUND PUNCHMAf<K IN 2 -:; ;! Naa·12·12"w ,ri r') ""1., \ ~) oci"~~r:\~;3~\S~~ l~A~~N(~J3 M;gi)·-\ ~~r--'') __ s __ g_s ... s .. ·o_· --·-·----·-.. -.~ ~ ~ , •.•. :' \ FOUNCJ BARE REBAR, z 1:3 (c" ll"'i."r""[E.;.: -.. -~; ~ ,:s)Li Li C g ~ , .. \0 . ...:..,.. ("-J ·~ ' r, -· ' .,J i J ' ,: "tj-,.r:· t.n };, '.'.! -.,. .~ 11-1 CORNER (3/07) l30g.:iB' \ t'l ,~~ :';[ .,_.. 1 • --'" _ ,.,,,. c 585.91' ···-71:'.:',,•' .. ' . ' .. ' ... 5 ~ 1279.30'(CALC). er, -c . .) · ' ·· N88'09'10"\1/ 1.109,45' -·--(;) .... fNr I:;), ? NfI) S' Fr·· - ,.-.., i ,L,. -1 • ·' s (·,' ·1 ·'1)ND. S'rf' .. ., ·-"'~ --~,.;....,/ C ~ wJ wj • • z (/) ' 0 [:ll "''·"' ? U) .,,.. <f (', ~~ ~ .. 1 ~ W,.l ~ ';2 .-l ~ F'OlJND PUMCHMARK IN 1-1/2'' 8RASS DISC I~; CONG IN CASE STAMPED ":5-::J427". DOWN 0.4' (03/07) • u.i ' µ.i > <( H z FQl; ND PUNCHMAF!K IN 1-!2" BRASS DISC IN CONC l~J CASE,.) DOWN 0.9'. HELD AS SE 1/16 CORNER CF TI·lE MORTHEA.ST 1/4 Of THE NOl~THWEST l/4 (03/07) ,..., ..,.., Z ;:!: FOUND 3" BRASS DISK IN (",j ,n ,-{ .""-' 1 14 ,,.. CONC DOWN 1 ', STAMPED ~fl ~ "lt,/15 1958~~'07) I I\ 6f1Co' 12··w " . __ _J__ (i 2614.86' ,~·--- LJ FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 1-1/2" / Bf~ASS DISC IN CONC MON IN j CASE STAMPEO "#S/5t>5", DOWN 0.45' (03/07) J -...,,,,, ~ I}~ r,;) (''-{ ~ ., FOUND 3/8" BRASS "J,, i:o l'IN IN CONC IN CASE,, r.o 6 DOWN 1.2' (03/07) \,N~;t 14 \ [....~ ·::-J DRAINAGE NOTES 23 ALL. C·R/1INAGE EASEMD; IS WITHIN THIS PL.AT. NOi SIIDWN A'.3 "PRIVt\TE" ARE HEcHEBY GRANTED AND CONVl:,YI]) TO THE CITY OF RENTON. I\ MUNICIP,11,_ CORF'OR/,TiO~l. FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONVEYING, STORING, MANAGING, AND F1\CIL1 IATING STORM /IND SURI' r,c1;: W,\TEH PEI, THE ENCINE~RING PL.ANS I\P!0 f~OVl~D FOR THIS PL.AT BY lllE CITY 01:· Re:N IOIJ l'OG1~·1HER WITH ,lll,: HIG·IT OF REASONABL.E ACCESS (IMGRE~iS ./\ND EGl~ESS) "CJ ENTER SAID DR/\IN1\CE F/1SE'MEN r FOH ""HE Pur~POSES OF l~!SPEC J'ING, OP[f~;\TING, MAINTAINING, F,EPAIRINC AND IMPHDVING IHl DRAiMAGE FACILITIES COMTAIN[D THEF{EIN. NOTE: '::XCEPT FOR THOSE FACILITIF:S WHICH HAVE BEEi\ FORMALLY ACCEPTED FOR MAINTENANCE BY THE CII Y OF RENTOM, MAINTENAMCE OF ORAIN,\GE FACILITIES CN PRIVATE PROPERT'( IS THE: RESPONSIBILITY OF T!IE PF~OP!:.I:: IY OWNl:.f?S(S). 1,~) Ill PHIi/A IE. DRAl~,AGE EASEME.NI SHOW~I OH LOI 1 IS l'OR: TH[ BENEFIT 01' Lor 2. '-. ' 1._ ,.;) TI '[' Pnl'/AT[ DRt\lf<AGE [ASEMi:.MI SHOW~J 01'1 L.OT 3 •.('• FOR HIE OEHEf--1:· Of' ._QT 4. ,2 I 1 _, ,,...) 0i) ri T PrilVA !E ORAi ti AGE [ASEME.N r SHO'NN OH LOT 6 ;s FOR THE BE-],J EFI ' OF .. OT 5. I\,'"' :4< 'fHE PHIVATE OR Al f,,/\GE EASEMENT SHOWN ori IOTS a AND 9 IS FOR !'HF (jrNl''FiT OF 1 err<· 7 I\ND e.. "' ' ,) (5) TH[ Pf~IVATE DRAlt,AGE EASEMEHT SHOWN 01,1 l.OT 11 IS FOR THE BENFFIT OF IOT 10. 'r) THF PRI\/A TF [lf< Ai/<a i\Gr [AS[MFNT SHOWN ON TRACT 8 I e F0f{ THE: BFNFTIT c,c JOTS 12, ~j ~5 AND '!4 i, ') "' ,_. * P!<iVATE DR,'\NAGE El1SEM[l'JT: TH[: 0\/lriER(~,) OF PF1iVATE PF~OPE,\T'f WITHIN TIIIS l~Li\T E~ICUMBE.RED WITH DfV\INAGI: EA:::EMENTS SHOWM AS "PRIV/,T[" HEF<,IlY G,V\rlT AND CONVEY TO THE CITY OF fi:ENTO~I. A MUNICll'l1L COHflOl11\TIOI.J, THE RIGHT lllJT NOT THE 01:lLIGATIOM TO CONVEY Of< :,TORE STOf~M A~il) SURf''1\CE INATl:f~ PEf< Et~CIN[[l~ING Pl.i\NS /\PPI\OVED rop TH[ PLAT BY THE CITY OF R::NTON, fOGEl'·IE:R WITH THE r<IGH I Of l<l::ASONAl~L[ AGC[:ss (INGRESS AND E:Gm~:ss) TO ENTER SAID ORAINAG[ EASDA[NT f"OR rJIE PUf~POS': OF OBSE:RVIJ,JG THAT TH[ OWNER(S) AR[ PflOP[R!Y OP[RAT!NG AND MAIMTl\!NING Tri[ DRAINAGE '0 ACILlflE'.3 CONIAlf./EO WITHIN S/\ID DfV,IHAGE EASEMENT AND ARE HEREBY REQU:RED TO OBTAIN ANY llEQUIRED PERf,11 TS rr~OM Tl I[ CITY OF RENTON OR ITS SUCCESSORS 1\G[NCY, PRIOI~ TO FILLING, PIPING, CUTTING CR REMOV:NG V'cGETATION (EXCEPT FOR ROUTINE L,\NDSCI\PE MAIN It.NANCI: SUCH AS LAWN MOWING) N OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE FACILITl[S (SUCH 11.S SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCH[S PONDS, ETC.) OR F'ERFGRM NG l\~j'( ALE.RATIONS OR MODIFIC1\TIO'lS ro TII"' DRAIMAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED WITHIN SAID Df~/1.INAG[ [ASIEME,rr. COVEl'IANT SH,\I .. L Rl.Ji'J WITH Ill[ '. .. AND AND IS BINDING UPON THE OWMER(S) OF SAID PRIVAIE PHOPU,TV, IHEIR HElr~s. SUCCESSORS AHO ASSIGl·~s. ,, THE Cl [Y Of" I~['/ ION SH.AL.L HAV[ THE RIGHT TO ENTf'R TH[ PRIVATE Dr~AINAGE EASEMEMTS Sh OWN h[Rl:0~~ -o ,~l::P/\IR /1NY DEFICl':'.NCIES OF TII[ DF~AINAG[ ACI.JTY IN fll[ EVE~!T TH[ Ol'IN:R(S) IS/!1f~E NEGUGENI IN iii[ Mf',II\T[NANCE cw Tf-'E [)f~AINAG[ FACILITIES. THESE HEPAlf~S SHt,LL 8E AT !HE OWNl:.R(';;) co>;;: I. PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT NOTES THE .30.0' l':ASEMFNT l{)R ROAD & UT'l_r:1 :S PER IJ.A1,89033, RECORDING MUMBERS 5872161, 5958267 ANO RESTAIED EY RECORDNG NUMElET~ 8410250053 H/1S B[EN RELINQUISHED P[R INSIRUtvlE:MT UNDER KltlG COUNTY RECORDIMG ~.1Ui.18ER " . . , ........... ···-,-··-·----.... , THE E/1SEM[~H SriOWN OVER THE WESTERLY 8.00 FEET OF TRAC. A AND :"r·IE WEST::RLY 30,00 FEET OF LOT 11 ARE HER[BY GRANT CD TO THF PUBL.C !"QR PUBLIC /\CCESS UPON R[CORDATION OF 1-ilS PLAI. 9PS/CONVERSION NOTES PRIMilRY CONTROi. POINTS /\~JO i\CC[SS OLE MONUt,1ENT POSITIONS W[l~f" FIEl.D fAEASUHl:D UTILIZING GLOBA ... POSIT ONING SYSTEM (CPS) SURV[Y fECHt~IQUE'.:, USING UJC/1 SYST[M 500 EQUIPMENT. MONUME}JT POSITIONS TrlAT WERE N:)T DIRE:CTLY OBSERVED USING GPS SIJRVf'Y T[CHNIQUE'S wr::r-n: ll[D INTO "HE COI-ITROl, POINTS UTII.IZING Lt:ICI\ ELECTRONIC TOTi\L STATIOMS l'OR IHE IIEASUF<EMENT O' 80TH ANGLES AND DISTANCES, Tr!IS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS TH[ STANDARDS S[T DY WAC 3.32-12',0-090. www.axlsmap.com . Axis survey & Mappino l. 52°11 NE 9Dth St.. REDMOND, \\'A 980S2 ··1'El ,i "> c 0 .:, ·,1 . "7c c·1 .. ~~~->,r..11ru..,., ;,;i ) ll ''X J)C ''?'3· 670(1 f~ t ··-.;).Ci··-' ,, JOB NO. DATE 07-038 B/29/16 DRA\VN BY CHECKED BY Eivl/ JtvI/'f O J\ffSE SCALE SHEET NI i\ 2 OF 3 ,.;,-.. ' . ,,. " . -t{) 0 I.JI -- \/OLiJlvlli: ·p \(''f,'· r\. _r -'" THE-WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE l '/4 . r / ·1 /4 SE· ('"'[I··r· .N ] 4 ,-re·· '"'!Nrs·· [-l}{J ') ·1 Nc··)1·-TI-f' I)ANG''E· 5 'EA ·,T liv·· IV[ . · 1 , .I\ v\ . I . .. ,. _ _ .. _} ... . , J v, L . . • .1 ""· ·-1 _ z . , '" . ... . . ... . .~s .. , v •..• , LLJ1\J_ 5-OOC> 713 LNL1· t(} 0488 C l ... f'( ()f·' I<.ENTC)l\f, l(ING (~'.(J lJN'T'Y j vVI\SI--IIN GT'C)N UNPLATTED BASIS OF BEARINGS HELD NOR TH 88'21 '18'' WEST (l[fWEErl MONUME~IT ,\ I NoF: n-lWEST CORNEf~ OF SicCTIO~I 14 & MONUM'cNT 1\T NORTI I QUAfrlER C01<i\ji:J1 Of' SF CTI ON 1 .:\ HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD 83/91 9.o· UTILIT'( "·" ' c"" _ ,~ • """ ,e·w -j,,.... """" l.A.,Elil.N f 5 R:: 26.:f J'''i (7,840 S.F.) /, I 26.s· W..l z - • ,- 0, 00 co 0 0 Axis • C;I{/\PJ:-HC SC/\l.E __ : =--·=~:: l-~---~~J ..... ___l__J --·-· -·---·--··~------~ r· 1)· .,) 4 (9,741 S.F.) 3 2 (8,103 S.F.) 2 '" ,) 0 . C') () 50 l "= 50' \ Lor 1 i<ING COUNTY SHORT Pl AT 484056 WEST LIN[ OF THE ;; ;; NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE ,wl f'-J (•II· 12 ,., 13 LiJ , J'i") O-.)) & 14 NORTHWEST 1/4 • ,_ ;::; 5; ~· '""' .. .:t .... D SECTION 14, TWP 23 ti I , NORTH, HANCE 5 EAST ~ '··, . .., --.-f--,--1 8 FOUND BARE REBAR, DOWN 0.2' . PUBJC ACCESS EAS~MENT LLl ::: (J) ~ ;t f•f 0 .,. -~ (H,:}3E', S.F,) ( 8, 139 S.F.) TRACT B ..-1ri235· 0 ~,- f-f) "l;J" r----f"'~ ~-C z (FJ,286 S.F.) ~ 0 o:j f··· .. 'l!:t l{) "'' ;::: I 26.5' 26.5' 1 .... ANDSCAP,: AND UTILITY-I 75.ti2' .. , --~--::-7 2.02· .. \. 72.Hl' 10' /j . " 1 (8,588 SJ.) (YJ u') (;t) r-- , 174.90' (.3 ,,97 S.F.) · ~ -~=:-~·--. -,1:;·1·i-v.::.r·J.·-;-_J'J-r•·,"w • 0 -r ---.. +----Iii J I'·'-. -"'+---------'..'...::.::· .:......-----,---:-:--:---~~-,,-:·: :_1~5::,:,0~oc== ' ., -" 219. 72 ·(G\ JJ,~--l---'--···----""'.~ .. --\;-, " , r0.2'S OF 16TH CORNER (3/0.7) Na~r10'43"w >c -____ __J_~9.36~~- o '-!.J L"-'-. f 1 9 6 . 4 .-, • , r~" <".1 ..__ I lf) I NR8'09 1 O"W '71 -, • ---·--.. -. • I () ./ ··-N88'09'10"W ~ 28.0' ROW ., -' .. ,,, 9.0' UTILITY] ' ---+-.....;.;r...:.:::~:....::,......;B;.::5:::,-~16~·-~/r-. -------- . /\ ..• -DEDI c.,A ·n ON [· f\'".:,[· /,' [·,1 ·1· f -":: . .......:.:f :,_1··r-·--------------------.l-----~~lL--~-II J' 28.0' ROW No·24'19"E , .,,;_-:, 4~,c, 87' ·- '·,"-y' .• -' ---;~5.9~°sPf;;~~;;:T;".:--::-;:~~;-:::~..:· :;;\ ~:__.:.;·,~· 6~0~~· ~O=E:D:ICI,A~T:IO~N--=28:, 0:1_· ..:-·:-1. "'0 N88'09'1 O"W g '( ~.,. -·-~, · · , . 0 "1 '·, • • 100 -;""" g 5 · 5 ·91 sP) s1:: 1321\Jt) S'flll:E'r ·· ---·--11 ,, "• 71].96' (713.:'>2'':iF')V ~/~-,.. r-:-:::::--::::-:::;-:::;::;-;:-;-;::-;;--;:;-;:::-;:;--·--------(PUBLIC) ~l 300,,,,,_ FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 2" BRAS~, -----·--·---------30' ' .. ___, -------'•-DISK IN CONCRETE MONUMENT FCUND 5/8" f<E8Af< & ('AP /; 1 \ ' DOWr~ 0.35' IN CASE (03/07) "CRQt,ES 29537 .. o. 1'S. Of R.O~ \V., .1 FOUND !j/B" FlEBAR & "-,,. ~OUND '/2" -~EBAFl &: CAP, 0.5'S. OF 16TH SPUT (03/07) / GA; "CF10N.-Es 29537"' Orl '--:iM~SHE(·D, o.~ N.~ OF fto-.,w • -7 FOUND PUNCHMARK F.OIJ,'.,lc.J_ ·7 I (2", RE(Bt\l~ & c •. A~ L.S. / RO. W. -0.4'S. OF 16TH SPLIT 0-2 .) . ..JF 161 H :;,PUT (0,)/0.) BRASS DISC IN CONC IN CASE, LOT BMP TABLE >------------------··----------------·--l LOT /'.\REA (SQUARE Fffl) 1---------~---------~---------·--~--~-~-~·-----l f,! TOT A.'. MAX 1MPEF~VIOU'c' M/,XIMUM IMPEF~VIOUS SUR'.:' ACE t,LLOWE.D 1\F IEFI 10% flEDUG'II OM ·~~~,~-·~~•••••••-~"'"~• .. -u~•• -••M~-·-~-'"'"-'"=•-M••~--~-·~-•••••-•~ ••~=-~•••-=•-•a,a~M~-~H .. -M., ... -.. ~~am,~a--"""'"-~"'"''"•~•'0<••--••••~--- 1 8,58BJ_ . 4,723 3,136::l . ' . ..... .. .. .. _ -·-""""' .. -' ' ' ·--··-··---·-·--·--··--....................... ---.. --·--···--·-·-·! ? a,10:s /3,10:1 4 9,741 5 7,840 4,457 4,4:57 4,312 "'''lf' J,O "1') 4,383 ::1, 528 ------- ! ' . • 1--,~-n~-r-~~-"""~-----""'"-·--~ ~.,,,~,.,~~-c•,a,<SWW-•----~-·-•--•••=----•-••"•'; 6 7,352 4,044 f----1-------,-------------·----~---"=-· -·-.. ------· -· l 8,596 8 8,591 9 8,253 7,728 4,725 4,539 ~'i. B6FJ 3,866 ' C----f--· ---1--~-~~--t------~----~---J 10 7,874 4 331 ' 3,543 11 11.:10:s 6,217 5,08f3 e---+-"" ___ "'"' --·-.... ,,,.,. .. ··------·-··-·---·--······· ,. ______ ,, ________ __ 12 8,53t:, 4,694 3,841 13 8,139 4,476 3,66.3 14 8,286 4,557 BMP NOTE SINGLE FI\MllY Rf:SIDEhCES flND OTHE:R lfM'f:;ovEMtC:NTS CONSTRUCTED ON THE l.OTS CI\EATED BY !HIS 5IJBD1Vl'.S ON MUST IMPLEMENT THE qow CON'f~OL BEST MANI\GC:M[~ff F'RACT.CES Sflf''ULAfED IN Ill[ APPROVED ORAII\AGE STUDY AND F'l.A~ .. ~; ND. U 13002729 O~J FILE WITH THE CiTY OF RENTON AND AS LISTED IN THE T/IBLE ABOVl AS WELL AS AMY DECU'\f<ATIOf'J OF COVEN1\NTS AND GRANT$ o~ EASEMEN'.$ RECORDED HEREON. THE H[DUCED IMPEJ,VIOUS SURFAC[ AND INDIVIDU/\l. LOT P[RHJfV\Tt:D Plf 1 !: CONNECTION IS Pi,;OVIDF:D AS THE STOF~MW1\TEf~ FLOW COi'HF~OL BMP F'OR THIS PLAT. 17 6 , · I F Rf \I\ -oN ((l3/0·) DOWN 0.9'. HELD AS SE 1/16 t/ l:j Y 2.4 f', J , J. ., ;J., , ' I OF 16TH spui; UP 0.7 (03/07) CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 id, 'N() PiJU([N(; -iu\fY Tll'vIE' ALONG T'lE SOUTH SIDE OF NE 2ND LANE IN THF Flr~E OEPAR'·~,lENT BUMP OUT ARE,'\ LOCI\ rE[1 NE/\F: LOT 12 !\NO n,·f\CT ' " ' ,·~ ~'r ,, t--"LOi'#~9DRES!)~t~l,-E:_ .... ·· r·-............ ··-... .. .... . . . . .. ...... -. ·-··---·-··-·-·· 1 200 SH/100\'.' /NE i'JE CURVE TABLE ···zu~~VE--·--cr:L:r-;;·--~----r~-Aoi1Jsr,::1:~ic·:;1·1- ····--~~----~--~-~~~---·-~·-~~ "~ . ·-"'~"''" .. '. ---··-··--~-----·~----.-~-~------~--~ Cl ~,,·3~··,o" 2·.~.00 ·,q'" ,· •...;·,;...i J ·~) ,.; ,,:.1a:-_). I(;, ti" 2 106 SH;\OO'N /NE NE -·----~ ··---------~~ 3 21 2 SHAOO\"/ AVE NE C2 14·22'21" 1 a2.oo 4:i.6t,' 2' El Sl-11\DO'il/ AVt NE _. ____ ----~----·m••-•' 14'25'48" 20:5.00 51.13' 91 '26'30" 25.:)iJ 39.90' -------·-----·f--·-----.. ----- _;''I;_:: -,_,,.} 55·33· 30" 2ti, :x.1 B 6120 NE .2ND L.1\1,':. ·"'-·-·~ ... ·--·-~-~·~ ...... -·.--~-~.-~-----·-·~-"--·~-------·--~'" ~1 6114 ME 2MD LA~,:c --------. ---------s- _,.. .. ·-----·-.--~·-----·-~---~-----·· .. ~-~·-~~-... --~ C6 1·c).;r·13" 661.Bo 22.37' 10 6108 ME 2ND LAt,,C: f---- ,-~~-f-~-------12 ---. 6121 NE 2ND LAN[ 12'29'35" 1:31.9,J 28,78' 1 1 6102 NE 2ND I ANF C7 6127 NE 2ND LANE ---"···· ·1 .. , ,J ('8 '" 6'J,i't.7" 269.11 .32.'17' 14 61:53 NE 2ND LANE C9 7'27' 34" 1 CI. I", 13. 17' _ _, ............... , .. ___ ··-·--· ·--- -----f--·----·--------+------- CH) 66'25'19·' ? UC 28.913' C11 25'01'12" 25.CC 10,92' Ct2 I ' 0 6' 32" n ''/7 {)(J ~t i.. ,'... ' ,, ' /.03' -·--·----·----·-+---·---·-------·· (., ! I "" ,.,, (,·J ") '''20" ~;l (.. '-,) CJ OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 (03/07) Sr]vIBOL LEGENI1 ~ SET STANDARD MONUM::NT e SET REBAR 1\ND CAP "1\XIS 38011" (10* -Sl:T 10.00' TO COR~ER) 0 FOUND REBAR AND CAP AS NOTl:D Ef) FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED 0 DRA:NAGE EASEMENT (SEE SHEET 2) D:_, PLAT NOTES (SEE SHEET 2) I_LA -· LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT REC. NO. 84082 7 0719( R1) www.axismap.com Axis Survey & Mapping 15241 NE 90th St. REU\IOND. \VA 98052 ·1·i,1· ,1·· ,-"2· 3·. ,,,.,c,o· '·'" ,. ,!.,).CJ ,, '.J [1,, ~· -[/~ 'J2' ·3. ''7()0 ,1, __ ,"\ ,.~,1-~. -~· I) JOB .NO. 07· 038 DRA\VN BY f]\'1/Ji\1/'fO ''(' ·\l'J! .) .f ·. .• 1" -40' DATE D/29/16 CHECK.ED BY l'vl'I'SE SHEET 3 C)F 3 VOLUME: PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS AND TRACTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE AND CONVEY TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE AND CONVEY SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF RENTON. FURTHER THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDE WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE INCLUDING ANY COST OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVE AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN THE WHOLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY: ITS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNT OF ----- l l ss l I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED THAT SHE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE IT AS THE OF ____ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: -------------~ 2015. SIGNATURE: ________________ _ PRINT NAME: ________________ _ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS THE WEST 595.72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; (ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL A, KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 489033, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8408270719, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.) REFERENCES 1. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PER RECORDING #8408270719, DATED AUGUST 27, 1984. 2. WATER AS-BUIL TS PROVIDED BY KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90. 3. PLAT OF MAPLEWOOD ESTATES, PHASE 2, PER RECORDING #20021126000001, DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2002. 4. PLAT OF WILLOWBROOK LANE PER RECORDING #9408011505, DATED AUGUST 1, 1994. 5. PLAT OF CEDAR CREST ESTATES PER RECORDING #7305220548, DATED MAY 22, 1973. 6. SHORT PLAT #484056 PER RECORDING #8409130561, DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1984. 7. PLAT OF HIGHLANDS PARK PER RECORDING #20080109001255, DATED DECEMBER 21, 2007. "'-I >~ )>~ < (}1 <u, NE 4TH PL fTl (}1 fTl Ol (/) -I (/) -I NE 4TH ST fTl :r: fTl :r: NE 4TH ST ~ "O NE 13RD CT -I> ~ co )> ~ (}1 -I (/) (J1 co I 0 Ol -I 0 :i! :r: )> < 0 p) )> fTl :;o )> < (/) z r?i fTl fTl fTl (/) C ~ (/) fTl ( fTl - J ( ( )> 0 SE 132ND ST NE <C fTl -SE 133RD ST 2ND PL z zO / NE -fTl -< 1ST PL SE 2ND PL f-- SE 2ND ST NE - 1ST ST SE 2ND CT SE 2ND PL VICINITY l\1AP NOTTO SCALE -,/ -· - CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ------, 2015. ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON MAYOR EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ______ , 2015. MAYOR CITY CLERK EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF------, 2015. CITY CLERK CITY OF FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COLLECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED FOR STREETS, ALLEY'S OR OTHER PUBLIC USES ARE PAID IN FULL. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ______ , 2015. FINANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF------, 2015. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER: RECORDING CERTIFICATE DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR FILED FOR RECORD THIS __ DAY OF ------, 2015 AT _.M. IN BOOK OF ___ OF SURVEYS, PAGE ___ AT THE REQUEST OF AXIS SURVEYING AND MAPPING. MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS KING COUNTY APPROVALS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND, THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE ARE PAID IN FULL. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF------, 2015. MANAGER, FINANCE DIVISION DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, MITCH T.S. EVANS, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL SURVEY IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY HEREON, THAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOTS CORNERS STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND, AND THAT I HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PLATTING REGULATIONS. MITCH T.S. EVANS, PLS. CERTIFICATE NO. 38011 DATE CIVIL ENGINEER OWNER BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION 11980 NE 24TH ST SUITE 200 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 CPH CONSULTANTS 11431 WILLOWS ROAD NE SUITE 120 REDMOND, WA 98052 SEP 2 9 2015 www.axismap.com Axis JOB NO. DATE 07-038 9/10/15 Survey & Mapping DRAWN BY CHECKED BY 13005 NE 126th PL ERM/JM MTSE KIRKLAND, 'NA 98034 SCALE SHEET TEL. 425.823-5700 FAX 425.823-6700 NJA 1 OF 3 VOLUME: PAGE: THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON GENERAL NOTES EVIDENCE OF LAND OCCUPATION LIKE FENCES, STRUCTURES, PAVED OR GRAVELED SURFACES, LANDSCAPING, AND ETC. MAY NOT COINCIDE WITH THE DEEDED BOUNDARY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. THERE ARE AREAS ON THIS SURVEY APPEARING TO HAVE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DEEDED BOUNDARY LINES AND CERTAIN EVIDENCE OF OCCUPATION. AXIS RECOMMENDS THAT THE OWNER OR POTENTIAL PURCHASER CONSULT WITH LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREVER DISCREPANCIES EXIST TO DETERMINE HOW BEST TO INTERPRET THEIR PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ADDRESS POTENTIAL BOUNDARY DISPUTES. THIS SURVEY DISCLOSES FACTORS OF RECORD AND ON THE GROUND AFFECTING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY, BUT IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO LEGALLY RESOLVE RELATED PROPERTY LINE DISPUTES. WHERE AMBIGUITIES ARE NOTED, AXIS RECOMMENDS THAT THE OWNER CONSULT WITH LEGAL COUNSEL TO DETERMINE HOW BEST TO INTERPRET THEIR PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ADDRESS ANY POTENTIAL PROPERTY LINE DISPUTES. THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF A SURVEY CONCLUDED ON MARCH 22, 2007 AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE GENERAL CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT TIME. TITLE NOTES EASEMENTS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE BASED ON THE PLAT CERTIFICATE BY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ORDER NO. 1336745, DATED JANUARY 5, 2015, AT 8:00 A.M. -SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #1, DATED MAY 27, 2015. -SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #2, DATED JULY 15, 2015. -SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #3, DATED SEPTEMBER 3, 2015. 1. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF REGARDING ROAD AND UTILITIES, AFFECTING THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES. PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 5958267. 2. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITIING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY LAW PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8410250053. 3. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A RELEASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, RELEASING KING COUNTY FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE INSTALLATION OF AN INTERCEPTOR DRAIN PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8406270043. 4. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF COSTS AND EXPENSES FOR INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER SYSTEMS AND APPURTENANCES PER INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20080303000827. 5-8. PERTAINS TO GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS. PRIMARY CONTROL POINTS AND ACCESSIBLE MONUMENT POSITIONS WERE FIELD MEASURED UTILIZING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) SURVEY TECHNIQUES USING LEICA SYSTEM •. 500 _EQUIPMENT. 'MONUMENT POSITIONS THAT WERE NOT DIRECTLY OBSERVED 'USING 'GPS .SURVEY TECHNIQUES ·WERE TIED INTO THE CONTROL POINTS UTILIZING LEICA ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATIONS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF BOTH ANGLES AND DISTANCES. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STANDARDS SET BY WAC 332-130-090. PLAT NOTES 1. THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. MEMBERSHIP IN THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION AND PAYMENT OF DUES OR OTHER ASSESSMENT SHALL REMAIN AN APPURTENANCE TO AND INSEPARABLE FROM EACH LOT. £ THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION WILL MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPING AND AMENITIES WITHIN THE PROPOSED TRACT "A" FROM AND INCLUDING THE FENCE OUTWARDS, AND THE CITY OF RENTON WILL MAINTAIN THE STORM POND FROM THE FENCE INWARD. A DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER TRACT "A" IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING, STORING, MANAGING AND FACILITATING STORM AND SURFACE WATER APPROVED BY THIS PLAT AND THE CITY OF RENTON, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND IMPROVING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED HEREIN. & TRACT "B" IS FOR RECREATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL THE LOT OWNERS IN THIS PLAT. EACH LOT OWNER IN THIS PLAT LOTS (1 THROUGH 14 INCLUSIVE) SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "B". THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT "B". HOWEVER, SHOULD THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FAIL TO PROPERLY MAINTAIN TRACT "B" THEN LOT OWNERS OF ALL THE LOTS 1 THROUGH 36 SHALL BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT "8". &, TRACT "A" IS A PUBLIC STORM DRAINAGE TRACT AND HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. IN THE EVENT THAT THE HOA SHOULD BE DISSOLVED, THEN EACH LOT SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "A" AS WELL AS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS OF THE HOA WITH RESPECT TO TRACT "A" AS SET FORTH HEREIN. MEMBERSHIP IN THE HOA AND PAYMENT OF DUES OR OTHER ASSESSMENTS SHALL REMAIN AN APPURTENANCE TO AND INSEPARABLE FROM EACH LOT. 5. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED EQUALLY TO ALL UTILITIES, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, FOR OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. ALSO SEE "EASEMENTS PROVISIONS", FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 6. ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS, AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS #--------ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. THIS PLAT SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNECTIONS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. FOR THOSE LOTS THAT ARE DESIGNATED FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME OF THE BUILDING PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY WITH PLANS ON FILE. ffi ACCESS FOR LOT 1 SHALL BE LIMITED TO SHADOW AVENUE NORTHEAST ONLY. THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO OR FROM NORTHEAST 2ND STREET WHICH ABUT IT. & ACCESS FOR LOT 6 SHALL BE LIMITED TO SHADOW AVENUE NORTHEAST ONLY. THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO OR FROM NORTHEAST 2ND LANE WHICH ABUT IT. & ACCESS FOR LOT 14 SHALL BE LIMITED TO NORTHEAST 2ND LANE ONLY. THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO OR FROM SHADOW AVE NORTHEAST WHICH ABUT IT. VICINITY MAP FOUND SMALL PIECE OF BROKEN BRASS SURFACE - / DISK IN 3" DIAMETER CONC 11 _ PLUGGED DRILL HOLE (03/07) 10 JJ 11 N.E. 4TH ST. (S.E. 128TH ST.) N88'21 '18"W 2622. 78' 15 w . ioN "'1-0 ii:> oi rm o~ o~ z ,-.. 14 1311.39' FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 3" BRASS ·~ DISC AT SURFACE (03/07) . ~ FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 1-1/2" . iri BRASS DISC IN CONC MON IN E, . CASE STAMPED "#30427" DOWN 0. 7' (03/07) FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 2" BRASS DISC IN CONC IN CASE, DOWN 0.3'. (03/07) 0) '<I" FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 2" . ~ BRASS DISK IN CONC. MON. LO DOWN 0.35' IN CASE (03/07) ,,_ L 1311. 3 FOUND SMALL 14 I . I") PIECE OF BROKEN BRASS SURFACE DISK IN 3" _, • '<I" • DIAMETER CONC · ~ ~ PLUGGED DRILL O • w. • r--.. 0) 0 ;;:j C/j +HOLE (03/07) ~ • . . w g; ~ 'oi < ~ . -:.... ~ . ~ " N88'12 12"W 5" I') g r---~5~95~,.;;:,90~·----- z . • t') o· t') Ol t"l. b ~ I'-• 0 0) ~ ~~u~ ~ ~ • FOUND B~RE R~BAR, 2,~ --~yDOWN 0.2. 0.2S OF N88 •10 ,43 .W --~~ ~ \0 N Ir) 713.54' g ..-I I") I') N I') -~ ~ -·-16TH _COR_NER (3/07) 1309 _36 • _ ~ ~ 1279.30'( CALC) (;t*"H_:ft------...1...L_ N88'09'1 o"w 1309.45 • S.E. 132ND ST ~ N.E. 2ND ST. ,,-... ~~ i v3 • ~ g; ~ < ~ ::J ~ ~ FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 1-1 /2" BRASS DISC IN CONC IN CASE STAMPED "30427" DOWN 0.4' (03/07) • ~ • C/j FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 1-~" BRASS DISC IN CONC IN CASE, DOWN 0. 9'. HELD AS SE 1 /16 CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 (03/07) w • a, LO LO t"l Ol Ol ~ 5" t') 0 ~ 0 z ~ 00 Z ~ FOUND 3" BRASS DISK IN "-' 1 14 /CONC DOWN 1', STAMPED / "14/15 1958" (03/07) _J_ I~ 15 N88'00'12"w· DRAINAGE NOTES I ., '\ 2614.86' ED --1141- ' ) T ·w 'fr) • ON •. '<I" FOUND 3/8" BRASS u'j co PIN IN CONC IN CASE,~~ .•• ~· DOWN 1.2' (03/07) ~ 14 23 ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENTS WITHIN THIS PLAT, NOT SHOWN AS "PRIVATE" ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONVEYING, STORING, MANAGING, AND FACILITATING STORM AND SURFACE WATER PER THE ENGINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR THIS PLAT BY THE CITY OF RENTON TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF REASONABLE ACCESS (INGRESS AND EGRESS) TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND IMPROVING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. NOTE: EXCEPT FOR THOSE FACILITIES WHICH HAVE BEEN FORMALLY ACCEPTED FOR MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF RENTON, MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS(S). ~ 11 ) THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 1 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 2. >-12) THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 3 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 4. ,~) THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 6 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 5. ,~ THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 8 AND 9 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 7 AND 8. ,~ THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 11 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 10. @ THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON TRACT B IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 12, 13 AND 14. * PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: THE OWNER(S) OF PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN THIS PLAT ENCUMBERED WITH DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN AS "PRIVATE" HEREBY GRANT AND CONVEY TO THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, THE RIGHT BUT NOT THE OBLIGATION TO CONVEY OR STORE STORM AND SURFACE WATER PER ENGINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR THE PLAT BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF REASONABLE ACCESS (INGRESS AND EGRESS) TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBSERVING THAT THE OWNER(S) ARE PROPERLY OPERATING AND MAINTAINING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF RENTON OR ITS SUCCESSORS AGENCY, PRIOR TO FILLING, PIPING, CUTTING OR REMOVING VEGETATION (EXCEPT FOR ROUTINE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUCH AS LAWN MOWING) IN OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SUCH AS SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCHES PONDS, ETC.) OR PERFORMING ANY ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT. COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND IS BINDING UPON THE OWNER(S) OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. * THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER(S) COST. SEP 2 9 2015 DJ A0.1.i..;;.•,a"' 1,-_;\,,,,,,«.•t www.·ax1smap.com ...... JOB NO. DATE uAxis 07-038 9/10/15 /j DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ,i' 4, /I Survey & Mapping ~ 13005 NE 126th PL ERM/JM MTSE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 SCALE SHEET TEL. 425.823-5700 FAX 425.823-6700 N/A 2 OF 3 '" THE WOODS AT HIGHLANDS PARK NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SYMBOL LEGEND ~ SET STANDARD MONUMENT e FOUND REBAR AND CAP AS NOTED 0 EB BASIS OF BEARINGS HELD NORTH 88"21'18" WEST BETWEEN MONUMENT AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 & MONUMENT AT NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 14 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD 83/91 VOLUME: PAGE: 2 SET REBAR AND CAP "AXIS 38011" FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED EASEMENT PROVISIONS (SEE SHEET 2) PLAT NOTES (SEE SHEET 2) (XXXX) ADDRESSES C =1 PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~---I, 63.85' 67.02' 0 TO BE ~ RELINQUISHED 65.02' 63.02' N88i2'12"W 595.90' 62.44' 112.00' 9.0' UTILITY~ '--- ~ EASEMENT 26 .5 , N 0 / 53.02' 26.5' Zli-,. }J.l 5 8 ~ ~ 8 111 ~ 8 ~ . 8 ~ > ~ ~ (7,401 S.F.) ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ c,i (7,056 S.F.) <O / rT1 w . Ol n N <D co N ~ ~ 1 z ~ :: !_'".: Nco· v----_:_N.:.::8::=s:-:·1:::2·~12~·_:w:._ __ .,,---6 0~ '"""4 W (7,775 S.F.) z .,. 7 w 1 > Ol N 9 lO <D -:.i-<O 8 N N • 0 ~ ~ 40' 0 Ol I') " 20' 0 1" = 40' N88'12'12"W 109.53' 4 (8,098 S.F.) 40' . 0 0 .i= " 0 • I ~ ~ 'bi 112.00· .,=3 ~ ""....,. ....... 0 1<--1 O> 9.0' UTILITY z (8,008 S.F.) ::;: I ':;' , , ~ _ o-1'...:N.:..:8:::8:...:'0:::9:....:'1:_::0~"W~_'._1~09~.~53::.' __ _J, I ;; _LASEMENT pi ~ '°~ :;;.. ~ r,__2 '·1 (7,836 S.F.) z (8,064 S.F.) l.1=6"8' 45" 0 " & " m ;:> ~ f'I C6 z N ~ I') ~ 0 s = co VJ Ot---'5'--t-6-3-8-,---1 --+~ L=27.74' fi=14.22'21" IO 6 ~ . "- 0 z ~ · 3 60.16' • --=..,.__-L=43.40' '° / ~ ~ ~ I 123 99' t C7/ (4J :;::::---4-__ . (7,172 S.F.) Ii/ I st-/ 0::: · '° CJ ...._ ca T _/ : • " ,. N88'12'12"W 135.94' ~ -....::..C~-c~9 ~~; 3 ~ 9 ~·4~3~·~ C 4~-)~Ti6i27·4~7~' ;;~==~8~6::_:.3~6~' ==-:: ?,.',ff, -'-., '·-1 123.44' -· L\:c 14 •2s·4a• NE 2ND LANE 188.26' -b~~:9ci_c-. VJ . 7.50' ~ '° -·' R==1ao.so· Ll""14·22 ·2 r ~ W'" g,'? 'f-.. :: ,o / N L"'45 46' 0 · (PUBL_IC~) ___ N88'08'45"W 240.98' "' '.,'!:> \ ""' " 3 (8,103 S.F.) . 0 0 ..f " A 0) I{) • 0) -'1 0 ¢;..-<·:r,IB"eiu~~~~N;;---0·;;=;:;::::-:.~-4 ''""204.so· ' _ N " ., m ~ N 8B ·09' 1 o" w 1 09. 53 • ~ 1 N88"12'12"W 95.0J' fl-14'25' 4 }c"'</4'2~;"2S/,J.JO' _l() ___ ----/-"l ~ ''rt-....:_:_::_::_::::__:~'.'.._~":::::'._ _ __), I 1 12 O' ROW 8" l==5694' j C\I <~ I ~9.0' UTILITY CN IV) ' L==.39,79• Ll""/2"J5'49• . 190.66' N , Ii'~ (Jo> I w ~ EASEMENT 30'---i--i---'-/~Di[~~~1i~)N -t~49.9J' -· -'(_<'12 68.4~9' -----'-72.02' -50.15' '"~6'c9:'-fa·6'l?. ~ . WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4- SECTION 14, TWP 23 ~ NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST n . <O -------i.ro. o. ~ i !zv'.M 9.0' UTILITY \ I'-' TRACT A <O EASEMENT ,~. ~ 0 " I') . ~ Ol Ol N w • 0) ~ -:.i- ~ w • Ol ~ -:.i- I'-' STORM DRAINAGE (27,203 S.F.) 0 0 z z 30.0' EASEMENT FOR ROAD &UTILITIES ,__,____._PER LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267 AND RESTATED BY REC. NO. 8410250053 > I (TO BE RELINQUISHED UPON RECORDATION) ~ co • N <O 12 (8,535 S.F.) 13 (8,139 S.F.) w • & n Ol • I 0 ~ 14 . ""' . st-~ n ~ 0 IO ~ IX) (X) ~ 0 (8,286 S.F.) z " " ~ 26.5' 26.5' 0 0 .i= " ~\ 1 \ '-.:..- • Ol o~ "! -st' IO f'-. I[) 2 (8,103 S.F.) N88'09'1 O"W 109.53' ffi 1 0 0 .i= " co IO m w • 0) ..... ':.t f'I 0 z 80' . . FOUND BARE REBAR, DOWN 0.2' ro.2·s OF 16TH CORNER (3/07) - TRACT B /,,. 162.35' LANDSCAPE AND UTILITY---,~~~7~5:.'.:..5~2='=JJ~b~-;;;-7~2~. 0~2~·~-:::::---J---...~~~~-"--7&J;ff' 174.90' (3,197 S.F.) --N88'09'1 o"w 2 • ~ 72' 18 : _ ---1s.oo· 19.72 ~ t I --\.::Vbn. 1196.43' ~ -J' 28.0 , ROW N88'09'10"W 371.34' _ ~ (8,588 S.F.) " • 0\k/-.____ --N88'09'1 O"W 85.16' ,.-N88"1 O' 43"W 1309.36' LOT -.... ~·- 30' 30.0' EASEMENT FOR ROAD &UTILITIES PER LLA489033, 5872161, 5958267 AND RESTATED BY REC. NO. 8410250053 (TO BE RELINQUISHED UPON RECORDATION) 30' LOT BMP TABLE AREA (SQUARE FEET) 9.0' UTILITY j DEDl9ATION EASEMENT 459.87' . 0 I') Naa·o9•1 o"w 595. 91 • FOUND 5/8" REBAR & CAP "CRONES 29537" o.1·s. OF R.O.W., 0.5'S. OF 16TH SPLIT (03/07) CURVE TABLE FOUND 1 /2" REBAR & CAP L.S. #17663 2.4'N. OF R.O. W., 2.0'N. OF 16TH SPLIT UP 0.7 (03/07) -·- NE 2ND STREET (PUBLIC) FOUND 5/8" REBAR & CAP "CRONES 29537" ON ~ ' R.O.W. 0.4 S. OF 16TH SPLIT (03/07) CURVE DELTA I:,. RADIUS LENGTH # TOTAL MAX IMPERVIOUS* 10% REDUCTION C1 88'33'30" 25.00 38.64' 1 8,588 4,723 4,251 C2 14'22'21" 182.00 45.65' 2 8,103 4,457 4,011 4,457 C3 14'25' 48" 203.00 51.13' 3 8,103 4,011 C4 91 '26'30" 25.00 39.90' 4 8,098 4,454 4,009 7,056 3,881 3,493 cs 88'33'30" 25.00 38.64' 5 6 7,172 3,945 3,551 C6 1 '56'13" 203.00 6.86' 7 8,008 4,404 3,964 C7 12'29'35" 203.00 44.26' 8 8,064 4,435 3,992 CB 6'54' 47" 182.00 21.96' 9 7,836 4,310 3,879 C9 7'27'34" 182.00 23.69' 10 7,775 4,276 3,848 C10 66'25'19" 25.00 28.98' 11 7,405 4,073 3,666 C11 2s·or12" 25.00 10.92' 12 8,535 4,694 4,225 C12 1 ·45'32" 227.00 7.03' 13 8,139 4,476 4,028 C13 91 ·23'28" 15.50 24.72' 14 8,286 4,557 4,101 * KING COUNTY CODE R4 ZONING MAX IMPERV. AREA: LOT AREA < 9,076 SQ. FT. = 70% LOT AREA > 9,076 SQ. FT. = 55% 10% IMP ERV. AREA REDUCTION BMP: LOT AREA < 9,076 SQ. FT. = 60% LOT AREA > 9,076 SQ. FT. = 45% \ I 28.0' ROW N0'24'19"E _ __. DEDICf TION 28. 01' 136.04' Cl I') -.. BY REC. NO. 841 0250053 30.0' EASEMENT FOR ROAD 713 54' o & UTILITIES PER LLA489033 . n 5872161, 5958267 & RESTATED FOUND 1/2" REBAR & CAP, SMASHED, 0.2'N. OF R.O.W., o.2's. OF 16TH SPLIT (03/07) FOUND PUNCHMARK IN 1-Xt BRASS DISC IN CONC IN CASE, DOWN 0. 9'. HELD AS SE 1 /16 CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1 / 4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 (03/07) SEP 2 9 2015 -·· www.axismap.com ~-~Axis _:..y Survey & Mapping 13005 NE 126th PL KIRKLAND, WA 98034 TEL. 425.823-5700 FAX 425.823-6700 JOB NO. 07-038 DRAWN BY ERM/JM SCALE I" 40' DATE 9/10/15 CHECKED BY MTSE SHEET 3 OF 3