HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 11/13/2017 AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:00 PM - Monday, November 13, 2017 7th Floor, Conferencing Center & Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. Legislative Priorities in Conferencing Center a) Key Priorities at a Glance 2. Inclusion Update in Council Chambers at approx. 6 pm a) Presentation City of Renton – 2018 Legislative Agenda Key Priorities at a Glance Address Public Safety – Fund Critical Needs  Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) training slots: Renton will actively support a Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) request to add $526,000 in funding in Fiscal Year 2019 for two additional Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) training classes; Enhance Quality of Life  2017-19 Capital Budget: Renton urges legislators to act early in the 2018 Session to enact a 2017-19 Capital Budget. The City wants to ensure the budget retains $3.05 million for Phase II and Phase III construction of the Sunset Neighborhood Park as a catalyst for revitalization and quality affordable housing efforts in the Sunset Area. While the City’s No. 1 Capital Budget objective is to retain the Sunset Neighborhood Park funding, the City will also be asking legislators to be open to the possibility of capital funding either in 2018 or 2019 toward the $15 million Family First Community Center project in Cascade/Benson Hill.  Affordable Housing, Homelessness Prevention, Mental Health: Renton will actively work to enhance existing funding sources and add new tools to help local communities address affordable housing needs and homelessness, and to combat mental health and opioid challenges in urban-core cities. Specifically, the City will support:  Legislation to increase the Document Recording Fee for homeless services;  A 2018 bill modeled after SHB 1797 from the 2017 Session. That bill was designed to provide cities and counties with new local funding options for housing and homeless-shelter capital facilities;  A $106.7 million allocation toward the Housing Trust Fund in the 2017-19 Capital Budget. Work for Fiscal Stability  1 percent property tax structural modification; retain state-shared revenues: In 2018, Renton will continue to strongly support a structural modification in property tax statutes to tie annual growth to an inflationary index rather than to a 1 percent limit that prevents cities and counties from keeping up with year-to-year increases in the costs of delivering services. Additionally, the city will work with AWC and others to ensure protection of state- shared revenues and existing distributions that are vital to helping cities meet their obligations. These include liquor, marijuana, and municipal criminal justice assistance. Invest in Transportation  Interstate 405 Toll Lanes – Continued Authorization: Renton will be an active player in urging the 2018 Legislature -- either through a bill or through budget provisions – to extend the authorization of I-405 express toll lanes to enable Renton-to-Bellevue lane capacity to be added and to ensure a dedicated lane for Sound Transit Phase 3 (“ST3”) Bus Rapid Transit services that is due to debut in 2024;  Funds for Bronson Way Bridge Seismic Upgrade and Repainting: Renton will work with area lawmakers and transportation leaders to secure $3 million in the Fiscal Year 2018 Supplemental Transportation Budget for seismic upgrade and painting work on the Bronson Way Bridge, as part of a State Route SR 900 ‘turnback’ agreement. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) City of Renton – 2018 Legislative Agenda “Support/Oppose” & “Track/Monitor” Budget and Fiscal Matters  Renton urges the 2018 Legislature to refrain from imposing new unfunded or “under- funded” mandates on local governments, and to protect local revenue authority that is critical to enabling cities to provide core services their citizens depend upon;  Renton will work to assure that any 2018 legislation on B&O tax ‘apportionment’ is revenue- neutral and achievable for cities. Criminal Justice/Public Safety/Fire/Courts  Renton is prepared to oppose 2018 legislation that would make drug and property forfeitures more difficult and burdensome. These forfeitures are an important tool in helping to address illegal drug activity in the community and throughout South King County;  Renton has strong concerns with “Justice Reinvestment Initiative” (JRI) legislation that would put new resource and law enforcement burdens on local communities;  Renton will closely track and monitor legislation growing out of a study of how the state could potentially implement a statewide relicensing program for those who have committed Driving While License Suspended (DWLS) offenses. The City will want to ensure such a program does not cancel out successful relicensing and payment plans – or absolve drivers of insurance requirements -- in individual jurisdictions;  Renton will want to ensure that any 2018 bill on use of police body cameras include Public Records Act provisions to put reasonable limits on who may request “body cam” video data and information;  Renton will join District and Municipal Court Judges in working to protect Operating Budget funds for Court Management System (“JIS”) computer upgrades;  Renton will closely track legislation – either emanating from Olympia or in response to Initiative 940 – on police “use of force” in criminal cases;  Renton will support legislation that gives law enforcement agencies more ongoing, affordable, and predictable access to the use of naloxone as a last-resort treatment for opioid- addicted offenders on the streets; Economic Development/Infrastructure  Renton supports passage of 2017-19 Capital Budget funding that enables re-capitalizing of the Public Works Assistance Account so that the state retains a low-interest loan program for basic infrastructure needs throughout Washington;  Renton is prepared to oppose legislative efforts in 2018 that would remove the current flexibility of cities and counties to use lodging tax revenues toward festivals and special events that bring people into the community and induce new spending and visitation;  Renton will closely track any legislative initiative, growing out of a legislatively-directed study, to examine the merits of establishing a State Infrastructure Bank;  Renton will support Capital Budget funding and grants for stormwater, including initiatives to make the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) account more sustainable and less prone to revenue spikes and reductions due to fuel prices;  Renton will support key Capital and Transportation budget grant programs for cities such as the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP), Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF), Safe Routes to Schools, Bicycle-Pedestrian grants, etc.; AGENDA ITEM #1. a)  Renton is prepared to support 2018 legislative initiatives to re-establish state funding and partnerships for economic development incentive programs such as the Local Revitalization Financing program (LRF) or the Local Infrastructure Assistance Tools (LIFT) program;  Renton will support 2017 legislation allowing local governments expanded use of “Small Works Rosters” and/or expanded bid limits to do small-scale infrastructure and public works jobs in-house. Environment/Natural Resources  Renton will support legislation to provide local communities and state agencies with more regulatory authority, and more ability to require advance notification, with respect to enhancing oil-train safety;  Renton will support legislation to expand the “Product Stewardship” program – specifically for prescription drugs and certain types of paints; Housing  Renton is prepared to support legislation that gives cities more tools to ensure foreclosed- upon or abandoned homes are not left neglected or unattended to. Land-Use/Growth Management Act (GMA)  Renton is prepared to support 2018 legislative initiatives to better enable the development community to construct market-rate condominiums to provide additional housing affordability options in the wake of acute affordable housing challenges facing the Puget Sound region. Local Government in General/Miscellaneous  Small-cell technology: Renton applauds the development of a new small-cell wireless system, known as “5G,” that will further enhance the ability of individuals and businesses to communicate instantly in a nation and in a world becoming increasingly dependent on this type of 21st Century technology. The City also supports efforts to standardize and streamline the permitting process for 5G. However, Renton strongly opposes legislation that would undermine local rights-of-way authority, local control, and the ability of cities and PUDs to recover fair market value for the use of that valuable right-of-way;  Public Records Act (PRA): Renton is committed to public records openness and transparency. The City, along with the AWC and others, will monitor studies and reviews of recent PRA modernization bills to ensure that they can be reasonably implemented;  Renton is prepared to support legislative initiatives that can help reduce costs for cities and counties, or make service delivery more efficient; Personnel, Pension, and other Human Resource Issues  Renton will join the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and other local government and business organizations in opposing legislation that would add new costs and requirements to employee benefit programs without accompanying funds;  Renton will join others in opposing legislation that would expand “presumptive disease” laws and definitions in the area of Workers’ Compensation claims;  Renton urges the Legislature to refrain from bills or budget initiatives that would result in increased employer/employee pension rates. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Transportation/Transit  Renton is prepared to support legislative initiatives to enhance funding for Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) programs. Water Supply  Renton is prepared to support 2018 legislation clarifying that, with respect to the use of reclaimed water, any provision of service must come only after agreements are struck with water utilities that provide day-to-day supply to residents and businesses;  Renton is prepared to support a “Foster fix” bill in 2018 that re-establishes the ability of water-supply utilities to forge agreements with the Department of Ecology on mitigation, and particularly out-of-kind mitigation, as a way to assure long-term supply while protecting instream flows and the natural environment. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) InclusionPresented by Preeti ShridharCommittee of the Whole Meeting |November 13, 2017AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 2017 Renton Multicultural FestivalTwo‐day event on September 22 at Carco Theatre and September 23 at Renton Pavilion Event Center & Piazza Park•The festival featured music and dance performances, arts and crafts, storytelling, ethnic food and more•It was a huge hit. Over 2,600people came from all over the region!AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Program HighlightsEngagement with attendees•Brought people of different ethnicities, ages, genders, religions, sexual orientations and social economic status together to embrace our diverse community•Built bridges and broke down barriers among these various communitiesDrummers invited kids on stage to play the drums Sikh community taught people how to wrap a turbanDancers showed people how to dance and explained what it meantAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Program HighlightsSingers sang in their native language and explained the meaning and historyEthnic food trucks gave people the opportunity to try international foodCultural booths allowed people to explore and learn about different countries through art and crafts, traditions, fashion, jewelry and storiesAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Program HighlightsCarco TheatreTwo stages at Renton PavilionStorytelling TentMayors Inclusion Task ForceAGENDA ITEM #2. a) PerformersWorld‐class performances by local and international talent, which included dance, music, instrumental, martial arts, pageants and more!AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Marketing Highlights35marketing pieces were produced from our comprehensive collateral planPrinted marketing pieces were distributed to 205partnerships, community locations, businesses, schools, hospital and clinics, referral services and more6ads targeting Renton’s biggest ethnic groups were featured in popular newspapers4press releases highlighting different elements of the festival were sent to 34local, regional and international media outlets 4issues of Byte of Renton sent to 22,851subscribers3videos showcased our commercial, social media promo and storytelling threadAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Marketing HighlightsEvening Magazine featured us in a segment that was broadcasted to 1,278,000monthly viewersEvening is the top‐rated local magazine show in the countryOur social media campaign increasedengagement across many communitiesEx: This Tinikling video by the Filipino Club reached82,556people with 4,313reactions, comments & sharesPosts on our Twitter wall reached 195,000peopleSTAR 101.5 broadcasted over 92 commercials for us to 700,000weekly listenersThe station is the top adult station for 30+ yearsAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Other events - Unity MarchPromote understanding and improve positive relationships with law enforcement, youth and communitySeptember 28 at Piazza Park AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Other events - Under Our SkinCommunity dialogue on raceNovember 2at7 p.m.Renton Community CenterAGENDA ITEM #2. a) In ProgressAdministrative Services Department working on a comprehensive plan to improve access to city purchasing and contracting servicesCity Purchasing and Contracting Services Inclusion Tactical PlanAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Human Resources Tactical PlanIn ProgressDecember Quarterly Managers Meeting –training focused on inclusive recruitment and hiring practicesAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Equity Lens•Reviewing citywide policies and programs where equity lens can be used•Developing guidelines for use and identifying additional policiesIn ProgressAGENDA ITEM #2. a) Inclusion Training•Completed implicit bias training for new employees•Developing citywide Cultural Competency training for 2018•Language Line training refresher in 2018In ProgressAGENDA ITEM #2. a) In ProgressRegional Equity Group•Discussions to consider 2018 regional equity conferenceAGENDA ITEM #2. a) 2018 PlansAGENDA ITEM #2. a) QuestionsAGENDA ITEM #2. a)