HomeMy WebLinkAboutCED Planning File -� Washington State Boundary Review Board ayb For King County Yesler Building, Roorri49z, 400 Yesler Wat�, Se�rttle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 296-6800 • Fax: (206) 296-6803 • http:%/zazvzv.rnetroke.gov/nrtriexrrtions January 15, 2008 �������� JAN 2'�,2003 City of Renton Economic Development, City of Renton Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Attn: Don Erickson, AICP Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Renton, WA 98055 IN RE: NOTICE OF HEARING File No. 2270 - City of Renton - New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Please see attached Notice concerning dates for a public hearing to consider the boundaries of the above-referenced file. Sincerely r Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Notice of Hearing cc: City of Renton, Attn: Rebecca Lind, Planning Manager CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Form HE2 � y -� Washington State Boundary Review Board �,�� For King County Yesle�r BTtilc�irig, Room�400 Yesler Wrry, Senttle, WA 98104 Pliorie: i206) 296-6800 • F�zx: (206)296-6803 • ltttp://zoze�zv.rrietrokc.gov/anriexatioits January 7, 2008 City of Renton Attn: Don Erickson, AICP Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: SUMMARY File No. 2270 - City of Renton - New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Dear Mr. Erickson: Enclosed is the Summary prepared by Boundary Review Board staff for the above-referenced Notice of Intention. The Summary will be sent to the Boundary Review Board members, along with the Notice of Intention, as part of the agenda packet for the next regular monthly Board meeting. If you see any corrections or clarifications which should be made in the Summary, I would appreciate hearing from you at (206) 296-6801. Sincerely, Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Summary FORM 11 . . : � �� ���.. �' ������g � �/� . �� �� ��2������ � � SUMMARY ✓k?ll�G'vvv! - �/���'��w"F ���n FILE N0. 2270 Thomas Guide Map No. 656 , �'(� � --�...JL/�'lLj```� Date Received: 01/03/08 Date Distributed: 01/04/08 ENTITY City of Renton Date Filed: ACTION Petition for Land Annexation Expiration 45 Days: 02/17/08 TITLE New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Board Meeting: 01/10/08 Locafion Tne ��ew Life - Aqua Barn Annexaiion is located on the east side of the City of Renton. The northern boundary of the Annexation Area is generally formed by Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) and the Maplewood Golf Course. The southern- most boundary is generally formed by SE 160th Place (if extended). The western boundary of the Annexation Area is adjacent to the City of Renton (generally formed by 136th Avenue SE.) The eastern boundary is generally located at 164th Place SE (if extended). The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area is located wholly within the Urban Growth Area designated by King County. Land Area Appr ixo mately 375 acres Land Use Existing uses include 371 single-family detached homes, 297 condominiums, 237 apartment units, and approximately 268 manufactured home sites. A pending residential project, will add another 45 units and 261 people to the New Life—Aqua Barn Area. Population Approximately 2217 persons Assessed Valuation Current: $225,643,700. Estimated Future: $266,968,700 County Comprehensive Plan Designation Urban Residential Use (4-12 dwelling units per gross acre); Commercial CounfyZoning R-4, R-6, and R-12 residential zones. (Note: With bonuses, the R-4 zone allows up to 6 units per gross acre, the R-6 zone allows up to 9 units per gross acre, and the R-12 zone allows up to 18 units per gross acre.) as well as the Neighborhood Business (NB)zone. City Comprehensive P/an/ Designafion Current Designation: Residential Single Family Low Density(RLD) Proposed Future Desipnation: Residential Low Density (RLD), Residential Medium Density (RMD), and Residential Single Family (RSF); Neighborhood Business 1 � � ' � . Zoning Designation Proposed Desiqnation: RC-Resource Conservation (1 dul5 acres);RMH (Residential Manufactured Homes); R-4 (4 dwelling units net/acre), R-8, (8 dwelling units net/acre), and R-14 (14 dwelling units net/acre). District Comprehensive Plan City of Renton Comprehensive Sewer District Plan (See Note#2) District Franchise No franchise is required for the City to provide services to New Life — Aqua Barn Area. Urban Growth Area (UGA) The site is located within the Urban Growth Area as identified under the State Growth Management Act, King County Comprehensive Plan and City of Renton Comprehensive Plan SEPA Declaration The proposed annexation is exempt from SEPA pursuant to RCW 43.21 C.222 ENTITIES/AGENCIES NOTIFIED: King County Council Member(s) Reagan Dunn King County: Clerk of Council, Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES), Department of Assessments, Department of Transportation (DOT), State Department of Ecology (DOE), King County"911" Program, Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys' Office, King County Records and Election Division, Fire Marshal Division, Historic Preservation Program, Puget Sound Regional Council, Community and Human Services, Public Health Department Cities: Not Applicable Fire Districts: King County Fire Protection District No. 25; King County Fire Protection District No. 40; City of Renton Fire Department Water Districts: Cedar River Water and Sewer District Sewer Districts: Cedar River Water and Sewer District School Districts: Renton School District No. 403 Other Entities: Fairwood Municipal Initiative 2 a f SUMMARY (File No. 2270) The City of Renton proposes the annexatio f approximately 374 acre o this jurisdiction. This area includes the adjacent SR-169 right-of-way as we as internal streets of � .�.� `p.�1�Vt, �-�, c��1�lYa5 r The annexation was initiated throu h the 60% Direct Petition method under RCW 3�A.14.120, 130, 9 140, and 150. Annexation is sought by the proponents to develop under City of Renton regulations and processes and to receive Renton public services. City officials adopted a Resolution in support of this action in December 2007. The New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation is located on the east side of the City of Renton. The northern boundary of the Annexation Area is generally formed by Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) and the Maplewood Golf Course. The southern-most boundary is generally formed by SE 160th Place (if extended). The western boundary of the Annexation Area is adjacent to the City of Renton (generally formed by 136th Avenue SE.) The eastern boundary is generally located at 164th Place SE (if extended). The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area is located wholly within the Urban Growth Area designated by Kii�g County. City of Renton officials report that an approximately 73-acre portion of the 374 acre proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation (two residential developments generally located west of 140�h Way SE and near to 160`h Place SE) is also designated by the proponents of the new City of Fairwood for inclusion in that proposed jurisdiction. In order to serve the interests of the citizens of the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area, the City of Renton has invoked jurisdiction of the Boundary Review Board (in conjunction with the Notice of Intention) to request a public hearing for the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation before the Boundary Review Board. *** City officials report that the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation is included in the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan "Annexation ElemenY' and is located within the Renton Potential Annexation Area. The proposed action is reportedly consistent with City of Renton Comprehensive Plan policies addressing annexation, including those provisions which call for inclusion of urban areas within the City and provision of services to incorporated areas. More specifically, the City's Comprehensive Plan supports: ■ Annexation of lands that are designated for urbanization under King County Comprehensive planning, zoning, and subdivision regulations (LU 37.5) ■ Annexation of lands for which the City currently provides services or which impact the City's infrastructure (LU-41) • Annexation of lands that can be served by available infrastructure (LU-1) ■ Annexation �f lands for which the City of Renton should logically be the primary provider ef urban infrastructure and services (LU-36) ■ Annexation of lands that include environmental sensitive areas where...developrnent could adversely influence the environmental and land use character of Renton (LU-42) Presently the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is essentially fully developed with residential uses including 371 single-family detached homes, 297 condominiums, 237 apartment units, and approximately 268 manufactured home sites. A pending residential project, will add another 45 units and 261 peopie to the New Life—Aqua Barn Area. The New Life—Aqua Barn Area also includes public uses (e.g., New Life - Aqua Barn Area). Most of the subject area is designated Urban Residential 4-12 dwelling units/acre in the King County Comprehensive Plan. Much of the steeper sloped hillside area is designated Urban Residential— Low and a portion of the area to the west near the Cedar River is designated King County Owned Open 3 > i Space. The annexation area is also shown as falling within Renton's Potential Annexation Area on the County's Interim Potential Annexation Areas Map. King County planning efforts under the Growth Management Act have included ensuring that development in the Urban Growth Area occurs at urban densities and with urban level services available. The City of Renton has pianned for development/redevelopment and services at this levei of urban density. Because the annexation site is basically built out no substantial change in land use is likely. The City, however, is considering a Comprehensive Plan amendment that would change a portion of the existing land use designation from Residential Low Density (4 dwelling unit/net acre) to a combination of Residential Low Density (RLD), Residential Medium Density (RMD), and Residential Single Family(RSF)to better reflect the type and densities of existing developments. The City of Renton is prepared to provide development review under Renton Zoning Regulations that establish standards that wili guide ongoing uses and redevelopment on New Life - Aqua Barn properties. In addition, the City is prepared to provide environmental review to New Life - Aqua Barn based upon local, regional and state regulations for protection of environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., Critical Areas Ordinances; Drainage/Surface Water Standards.) The City of Renton is reportedly prepared to provide local governance and urban services (directly or by service contract) to the New Life — Aqua Barn Area including police, surface water management, road maintenance, land use and transportation planning, community services, development services, and most importantly as follows: Storm Water Management: The City of Renton has adopted the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, by reference, in the City's Drainage (Surface Water) Standards (RMC 4-6-030) as the design standard for surface water control in development projects. Higher standards may be applied through environmental review. The City frequently requires mitigation based upon the County's 2005 Surface Water Manual for Conservation Flow and will adopt next year the Washington State Department of Ecology's. 2005 Ecology Stormwater Manual. Water Services: The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation is located within the Cedar River Water and Sewer District, an independent water district, serving the area. Water service would not change as a result of the proposed annexation. Sewer Services: The Cedar River Water and Sewer District also is the designated sewer service provider for this area. However, much of the development in this area is currently served by septic systems and would likely remain on septic service until redevelopment occurs at which time connections would be provided to sanitary sewer service. (Note: The City would contracf for Cedar River Water and Sewer District to provide sewers if New Life -Aqua Barn property owners request connections to the sewer system. Additionally, the City of Renton would provide sewers if the King County Health Department, which has jurisdiction over sewage management, declares the septic systems to be inadequate or hazardous and deems sewers to be necessary to protect public health and welfare.) Emergency Services: Upon annexation, the Renton Police Department would replace the King County Sheriff as the provider of services to the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Area. The area proposed for annexation lies within both Fire Districts #25 and #40. The City of Renton currently provides fire protection service to a portion of the area under contract with Fire District 25. The Renton Fire Department currently provides fire services and medical emergency services to the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area under a contract with Fire Protection District #25. Upon annexation, the City of Renton would continue to provide fire services and emergency services to New Life -Aqua Barn Area. 4 0 , Other Community Servrces: Both County and City library facilities and recreation facilities would be available to the community. The City would provide either directly(or by contract with King County)for law and justice services, public health services, and other human services. Citizens would be able to access local recreational facilities at rates established for residents of the City. There would be no change in School District boundaries. Chiidren of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area would continue to attend schools in Renton School District No. 403. *** The City of Renton reports that the proposed annexation conforms to the State Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.) For example, the annexation is supported by RCW 36.70.20, which requires community planning goals, for urban growth, services and infrastructure, and environmental preservation. Additionally, annexation reportedly would be consistent with RCW 36.70A.020 (1), and RCW 36.70A.020 (12), which encourage local jurisdictions to govern, permit appropriate development, and support corollary public services/facilities in urban areas. Environmentally sensitive areas would also be preserved under the provisions of this annexation. Further, the New Lifie - Aqua Barn Annexation is reported to be consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan. Following are examples of King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies that are addressed by the proposed New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation: LU-31: The County should identify urban development areas within the Urban Growth Area LU-32: The County should encourage cities to annex territory within their designated potential annexation area LU-33: Land within a city's potential annexation area shall be developed according to local and regional growth phasing plans U-203: Population growth should be encouraged in Urban Growth Areas U-208: Land capacity shall be provided for residential, commercial and industrial growth U-301: Growth within urban areas should occur in cities; County should support annexations to direct growth to cities. U-304: Growth should be focused within city boundaries. FW-13: Cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to Urban Areas. *** The proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation is reportedly consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.93 (Boundary Review Board Regulations). For example, this annexation would be consistent with Objective 1, which calls for the preservation of neighborhoods. This Area is linked to east Renton by social fabric (e.g., similar land uses and open spaces, shared sense of community) and by natural/built geographic features (e.g., Cedar River, Cedar River Park, Maple Valley Highway.) The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation would also reportedly be consistent with Objective 3, which calis for creation of logical service areas, and Objectives 4-7, which call for the achievement of reasonable boundaries for a jurisdiction. More specifically: ■ The New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation Area is located immediately adjacent to the City of Renton. • The New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation Area is established for annexation to Renton under the City Comprehensive Plan. ■ The City of Renton has planned and can provide urban services to the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area either directiy or via agreements between the City and service providers (e.g., water, storm water, sanitary sewer, emergency services, law and justice, public health, parks and recreation). ■ New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area residents have petitioned for annexation in order that all services and land use regulations affecting their area may be efficiently coordinated by a single local government unit. 5 � The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation would also be consistent with Objective 8, which calls for inclusion of urban areas within municipalities. Annexation would permit citizens to affiliate with a local government and thus to participate in the local government process. The City of Renton has conducted fiscal analyses related to the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area in order to identify General Fund revenues and costs associated with governance of/service to the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. The analysis was conducted for the existing full development scenario based both upon the current year and estimated future years. Studies estimate City expenditures at$1,267,624 and revenues at $1,234,628. City officials state that the annexation is not anticipated to have a significant impact upon the community. More specifically, the addition of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area is not expected to have a significant impact on cost and adequacy of services, finances, debt structure or rights of other governmental units. City officials report, however, that existing services to the area are less than City standards. As a result, it is anticipated that upon annexation the demand for services will increase. Because the area is essentially built-out it cannot be assumed that the cost of such services will be offset by increases in property taxes, services charges and other revenues based on population. Upon annexation, property owners will assume their share of the regular and special levy rate of the City for general capital facilities and public services (e.g., road maintenance, fire protection, police protection, parks maintenance, law and justice). It is anticipated that the City of Renton wilf have to subsidize this area at an estimated annual cost of around $115,504 in 2007 dollars. If New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area residents decide that they wish to have other local services, and the City of Renton is designated as the service provider, it is likely that Local Improvement Districts will be developed to address costs to property owners for standard connections and services. Future capital needs and costs will be established and funded through the Renton Capital Investment Program and other funding systems as appropriate to the service (e.g., water, sewer service). For example, the area is adequately served with existing public park facilities, however, a number of these have not been improved sufficiently to meet the City's existing level of service for parks and recreational facilities identified in the City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. Because the area is essentially built out the City will be receiving little in terms of future Parks Mitigation fees from new constructi�n. As a consequence, staff estimates a future one-time cost, prorated to this annexation, would be approximately$518,036. No other major service issues have been identified. The City of Renton supports this annexation in order to serve citizens of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area and the greater community. 6 . � i Y �. III. OBTEC'TIVES 1. Preservatioj� of�iatural»eighbos•leoods and cont�ncrnities. No detrimental irnpacts to existiiig neighborhoods or commtuiities are anticipated to 1-esult from the proposed action. In fact, the proposed aruiexation�vill unify most uf the development along the south side of the Renton—Maple Valley High�vay(SR 169), including Maple���ood Gardens, Maple���ood Addition, IVlolasses Creek, Pioneer Place, Wonderlatid Estates, and Valley Faire No. 3 neighborhoods. 1. Use of ph}:sical borrndaries, li1CZL(Cllltg bllt 1201 Il))t1fCll ZO IIOCIICS Of fVCIf�Y, {tightit�a3�s and lan�contocirs. The proposed annexatiou boundaries follow the existing city limits on tlie iiorth and west as well as physical boundaries such as the Renton—Maple Valley Highway(SR 169) on the north, and the top of the Cedar River valley wall, on the south. 2. Creation aftd preservatiofi of logical ser►�ice areas. City staff has stated that the proposed area�vould represent logical extension of city services that Renton is the designated service provider for. An independent water district (Cedar River Water and Sewer District) currently provides water and sewer service to the area and this service is not scheduled to change. Under state law garbage service would not change for seven years. The Countywide Planning Policies state that cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to Urban Areas. The subject proposal would further both the intent of the Board's Objectives as well as that of the Countywide Plaiming Policies. 3. Prevention of ab�tormally irregular bouridaries. The boundaries do not create significaiit peninsulas or islands of unincorporated land. A small peninsula of land on the north side of 140`�'Way SE that includes 96 units in the Elliott Farm subdivision would remain. For��hatever reason, a majority of these residents have opposed annexation at this time. 2. Discouragement of fnultiple incorporations of smad! cities a��d encacr:ageni�>>tt of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated tirban areas. A portion of the proposed annexation has been included in the proposed City of Fainvood. RCW 36.93.116 provides for the consideration of an annexation within a proposed incorporation area if tlie petition initiating the annexation is filed nirlety days or less after t}ie petition proposing incorporation ��-as filed. 3. Dissolertion of ii�active speeial ptrrpose districts. Not applicable. There are iio inactive special purpose districts known to exist in ttle proposed annexation area. 4. Adjustment of irnpracticnl bounda�•ies. The annetation of the New Life - Aqua Bar�i area �vill result in a more logical city boundaries for both the City of Renton, and possible future City of Fainvood. Renton 7 � . ti ' . surrounds the subject anne�cation site on tlu-ee sides already and deals�vith C'edar River floodplaili issues on a regular basis. "l,he ��nly direct access to the arulexatic��1 site, located on the south side of the Cedar Ri�er, for a future City of Fair«�ood would be thruugll 140°' V�Jay SE. 5. Incorporation as cities or tofvits or a�r�texatioti to cities OY tOlVi1S of u�iinco��orated areas which are urba�: iii character Kiiig County tias designated this area for urban development. Annexation is consist�nt �vith this objective. � 6. Protectioii of agricultcrral an�l riira! lands tivhic/i are desigt:ated for lo�Tg te�•s�� productive ngricultuYnl arid resource use b�� a comprehexsive plan adopted by the coainty legislative authorit��. Not applicable. No portions of the proposed annexation area are desigiiated Rural or designated for loiig ternl producti�e agricultural or resource use in tlie ILirig Courlty Comprehensive PIar1. As noted above, most of the annexation site is already developed. Q . � , _ ._ ,. r � , � . _ � , _ ? � � � _ �{ �.� - �. _ - � � � � - ��u� r� _ o . w . . � _ � , � � , � � � �' r � � �` : , , • � .� . - ; ; � .. ..�� ... . , . .� Z • " . .... � '� : . ' � , .. , -. . , . , , , : � �-\ � `". � . �. :.. . ,,. , � : , . '�. . . ., . �, , ... �. � . • � . � . . �. . .. '- . ; -� ..� . . . . . :,>. � -. � �< . 'f- s . / , - �. . . . ...�: • ;"� . �,��., . ; � : �,:,, . . � � . ..: '. . . . ..... . . � ; . , -. . . . , � . �, , � „ , , ��_ . �. � � ; : , .�_„r/ .r.�, � . ; � .. .. . , . ,� . . � , / .. ...._ , . < ,. , . . . � . , . , , . ___ � . . .. . � k . � 'r`ti+.,�� . .. _ � � � �. ... .. '��. �� � . . 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CPS # 2007-M-03 and Concurrent Prezonin - Ma le Valle H Corridor o 1200 2400 9 P Y WY Exhibit #1 - Vicinity and Critical Slopes 1 : 14400 O Study Area - - City limits Econornic Dewelopment,Neighboitroods&Sttategic Plenning � >40%Slope — • — Urban Growth Boundary ♦r��l♦ AlezPiedch,AJministratw � C.E.Feasel u i s��iy zom � ; S 1 I. — t w v, t P w � � � � � � t P � � � Q�� E14t t �� f SF ✓ � 0 � / � S� F, ��s R �_ R n ton _ P e �� MaPle �ollel' NW r � j ve S � � i , ;N . � 439� ,� � �Tj _ SE Reriton M 5 � nes �e ..;�r � , � – -- �- i�' � SC) ' � _ � I _�- � 4399 = _ - - , , - � , � _- � ��� `� � �` ' ; �__ I � _ r- ��?, - � . �5,dn �, � , � o P ., �' , � � �� �� �� ' _�_ i 5160 Q, ; s � h , , � � ��o � _- -1 _ � � � � :,:_�., �' New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation o i5oo 3000 Levy Codes: 4398, 4399 and 5160 - - City Limits � Levy Code-4398 p +ti��: Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning — . — Urban Growth Boundary Levy Code-4399 1 : 1 0��� Alex Pietsch,Administrator c.e.Feasei O Study Area O Levy Code-5160 �NTO� 12 July 2007 -� Washington State Boundary Review Board For King County Yesler Buildirlg, Roorri 402, 400 Yesler Way, Se�ttle, WA 98104 Pytorte: (206) 296-6800 • F�x: (206)296-6803 • ltttp://zvzou�.metroke.gov/aiirrexatiorts January 4, 2008 City of Renton Attn: Don Erickson, AICP Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: REQUEST FOR REVIEW File No. 2270 - City of Renton - New Life- Aqua Barn Annexation Dear Mr. Erickson: Enclosed is a copy of a request received by the Boundary Review Board for a public hearing on the above-referenced file. The Board is expected to discuss the date for the Public Hearing at their January 10, 2008, Regular Meeting. If you have any comments to make regarding scheduling of the hearing, please transmit them to this office prior to the meeting. You will be notified of the date and time of the public hearing. Sincerely, ;� �� Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Request for Review dated December 22, 2007 cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Metropolitan King County Council Dave Wilson, Records and Elections Division Debra Clark, King County Department of Assessment Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services Paul Reitenbach, Department of Development and Environmental Services Elissa Benson, King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning x � �.`�Y o� CITY JF REN'3''ON � �- � Economic Deve�opment, I�Teighborhoods and , �� Str�tegic Plaru�ing ��N�� Denis Law,Mayor Alex P�Etsch,AdminXstrator December 22,2007 REC�IYLt) State of Washington ��N � �Q�8. Boundary Review Board for King County Attn: Lenora Blauman, Executive Secretary �A�o�d�r King�u��y� Yesler Building, Suite 402 4U0 Yesler Way � Seattle,WA 98104 - Subject: NOTTCE OF INTENTION TO EXPAND T�E CITY OF RENTON CORPORATE LINIITS BY ANNEXATION Dear Board Members: As required by Chapter 36.93 of,the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the City of Renton hereby gives notice of intention to annex territory hereafter referred to as the "New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation". This annexatfon is proposed under the direct petition method in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 35A.14 of the RCW. The,petition has been certi�ed by the King County Deparhnent of Assessments, This annexation' wouid incorporate into the City of Renton approximately 374 acres of territory for the p�ovision of urbari services. To assist in your consideration of the proposed action, the �equired articles.and exhibits are enclbsed and numbered in accordanee with the Board's suggested format. Because a small portion of the subject annexation area is also included in the propose� Fairwood Incorporation area;the Gity would like to invoke the Board's jurisdictio,n so that a publia hearing Can be held on the implications of withdrawing this +89-acre area consisting.of approximately 173 single- family detached dwelling units from the proposed incorporation. We will file a brief before the hearing explair.ing our reasons for requesting this change. Enclosed please find a combined check for$250 for the $50 Notice of Intent filing fee as well as the$200 fee for our requested review. Should questions arise during the review of the information arid exhibits provided with this Notice of Intention to Annex, please contact Don Erickson, AICP, at (425) 430-6581. After January 31, 2008 please send notices and other communications regarding the proposed annexation to: Rebecca H. Lind,Planning Manager Departrnent of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057 R E N T O N AHEAD OF THE CURVE �This paper contains 50%recyded material,30%post consumer i o ,� Boundary Review Board 2 oiio2i2oos RECE[V�D ,�AN 3 2008 WA State Boundary Review Thank you for your consideration. Board For King Co. Si ce ely, Alex Pietsch Administrator cc: Denis Law,Mayor Jay Covington,CEO Rebecca Lind Don Erickson PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CI'PY OF REI9TON,WA 98055 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK N0.267665 ,`�.�,`.lP1�C�I�lM&ER�:�: ,�.���._�� .i � ,:,5;:.<.t3ESt;RtF7Kk�1« ;a�,,,.x�,'r.�;�t�;.. ,,:'�'a 1?E�.�Ft pt�fk.tt+�s',<;';,;..; �.;.. & R � ftMdUN'��� Filing Fee 12/19/2007 New Life Aqua Barn annexation filing & 0.00 250.00 r ♦ `� 6 � RECEI T N° - 5 6 213 Date /1 o � 1 � N Received From � OC p�o r p��¢ Addr �---- �z�� �� § a--s� 0 �`C Z Y� moun �,y��_ � � � iv-OC m p¢ ��� ��W�� Cash C �o�-� �L� C- C L N � For Y� � W r CheC eference OO � Other By: Q nature 250.00 �ti`���� o CITY OF RENTON � �s �- � Economic Development, Neighborhoods and � � Strategic Planning Denis Law,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator ��N�O December 22,2007 State of Washington Boundary Review Board for King County Attn: Lenora Blauman,Executive Secretary Yesler Building, Suite 402 400 Yesler Way � Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO EXPAND THE CITY OF RENTON CORPORATE LIMITS BY ANNEXATION Dear Board Members: As required by Chapter 36.93 of,the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the City of Renton hereby gives notice of intention to annex territory hereafter referred to as the "New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation". This annexation is proposed under the direct petition method in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 35A.14 of the RCW. The petition has been certified by the King County Deparirnent of Assessments. This annexation would incorporate into the City of Renton approximately 374 acres of territory for the provision of urban services. To assist in your consideration of the pr�posed action, the required articles and exhibits are enclosed and numbered in accordance with the Board's suggested format. Because a small portion of the subject annexation area is also included in the proposed Fairwood Incorporation area, the City�vould like to invoke the Board's jurisdiction so that a pubiic hearing can be held on the implications of withdrawing this +89-acre area consisting of approximately 173 single- family detached dwelling units from the proposed incorporation. We will file a brief before the hearing explair.in�our reasons for requesting this change. Enclased please find a combined check for$250 for the $50 Notice of Intent filing fee as well as the $200 fee for our requested review. Should questions arise during the review of the information and exhibits provided with this Notice of Intention to Annex, please contact Don Erickson, AICP, at (425) 430-6581. After January 31, 2008 please send notices and other communications regarding the proposed annexation to: Rebecca H.Lind,Planning Manager Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning City of Renton 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 1D55 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057 R E 1V T O N AHEAD OF THE CURVE �Thispapercontains50%recycledmateria1,30%postconsumer .1 � Boundary Review Board 2 O l/02/2008 Thank you for your consideration. Si ce ely, Alex Pietsch Administrator cc: Denis Law,Mayor Jay Covington,CEO Rebecca Lind Don Erickson -T NOTICE OF INTENTION PROPOSED NEW LIFE -AQUA BARN ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON I. BACKGROUND/MAPS 1. The description of and reason for seeking the proposed action: The proposed action is to annex approximately 374 acres to the City of Renton. Annexation is sought by the proponents to develop under City of Renton regulations and processes and to receive Renton public services. The annexation was initiated through the 60% Direct Petition method under RCW 35A.14.120, 130, 140, and 150. The proposed annexation area is located in the Section 22, 23, and 24, all in Township 23 North,Range 5 East,King County, Washington. 2. Copies of the Renton City Council minutes for actions taken relative to the proposed annexation: A. ExhibitA: Certified minutes of the June 4, 2007 and the June 11, 2007, public meeting of the Renton City Council accepting the 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation petition for the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation and authorizing the circulation of the 60% Direct Petition to Annex. B. Exhibit B: Certified minutes of the December3, 2007 public hearing of the Renton City Council accepting the 60% Direct Petition to Annex far the New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation declaring the City's intent to invoke the Boundary Review Board's jurisdiction to consider this annexation in light of the proposed Fairwood Incorporation. 3. Exhibit C: Certification of Sufficiency for the 60% Petition to Annex, by the King County Department of Assessments. 5. Pursuant to RCW 43.21 C.222, annexations are exempt from SEPA. 6. Exhibit D: Legal description of the proposed annexation boundaries. 7. The following maps are enclosed: A. Exhibit E: King County Assessor's maps (two sets) displaying the proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation boundary. B. Exhibit F: Vicinity maps displaying: 1) The proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation boundary. 2) The City of Renton existing corporate limits relative to the proposed annexation area. . t ►, Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 2 3) All major streets and other major physical features. 4) The boundaries, including future service area boundaries, of all cities or special service districts having jurisdiction in or near the proposal. NOTE: The City and County library service area boundaries are coternunous with the City's corporate boundary. 5) King County Urban Growth Area and City of Renton Potential Annexation Area boundaries established under the Growth Management Act. C. Exhibit G: A map of the current City of Renton corporate limits upon which the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation boundaries have been delineated. D. Exhibit H: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations. II. FACTORS THE BOARD MUST CONSIDER 1. Overview A. Population: The population of the proposed annexation area is estimated to be about 2,217. The area is considered to be already built out. However, Phase 2 of Molasses Creek Condominiums project, will add another 45 units and 261 people sometime in the future. The City of Renton population as of Apri12007 is estimated to be 60,290. B. Territory: The proposed annexation area is approximately 374 acres, which includes the adjacent SR-169 right-of-way as well as internal streets of the New Life � -Aqua Barn subdivision. C. Population Density: The population density of the proposed Annexation area is estimated to be about 5.93 persons per gross acre. Net densities are estimated to be around 8.03 du/acre. D. Assessed Valuation: The assessed value of the properties proposed for aruiexation is $225,643,700. 2. Land Use A. Existing: Existing uses include 371 single-family detached homes, 297 condominiums, 237 apartment units, and approximately 268 manufactured home sites. B. Proposed: Because the annexation site is basically built out no substantial change in land use is likely. The City, however, is considering a Comprehensive Plan amendment that would change a portion of the existing land use designation from Residential Low Density (4 du/net acre) to a combination of Residential Low Density(RLD), Residential Medium Density(RMD), and Residential Single Family (RSF) to better reflect the type and densities of existing developments. �e Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 3 3. Comprehensive Plans/Franchises A. King County Countywide Planning Policies The proposed action is generally in conformance with the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by King County in response to the Growth Management Act and the following policies in particular: LU-31 In collaboration with adjacent counties and cities and King County, and in consultation with residential groups in affected areas, each city shall c�esignate a potential annexation area. Each potential annexation area shall be specific to each city.... LU-32. A city may annex territory only within its designated potentiul annexation area. All cities shall phase annexations to coincide with the ability for the city to coordinate the provision of a full range of urban services to areas to be annexed. The City of Renton has designated a Potential Annexation Area in the City's Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit H). Renton has the ability to provide a full range of urban services to the area proposed for annexation. LU-33 Undeveloped lands adjacent to that city slzould be annexed at the time development is proposed to receive a full f�ange of urban services. Not applicable in this case since the annexation is considered to be 95 percent developed at the present time. Renton has been the major fire service provider for much of the area under contract with Fire District No. 25. Fire District also serves a portion of it. FW-l3. Cities are the appropriate providers of local rrrban services to urban af•ens either direetly or by contract. The City of Renton is prepared to provide local urban services to the area including police, surface water management, road maintenance, land use and transportation planning, community services, development services, and most importantly, local governance. B. King County Comprehensive Plan/Ordinances 1) King County Planning under the Growth Management Act. Most of the subject area is designated Urban Residential 4-12 du/ac in the King County Comprehensive Plan. Much of the steeper sloped hillsides are designated Urban Residential — Low and a portion of the area to the west near the Cedar River is designated King County Owned Open Space. The annexation area is also shown as falling within Renton's Potential Annexation Area on the County's Interim Potential Annexation Areas Map. King County planning efforts under the Growth Management Act have included ensuring that development in the Urban Growth Area occurs at urban densities and with urban level services available. The City of Renton . � Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 4 has planned for urban densities and can provide urban services to the area should annexation occur. 2) King County Planning Policies: The following adopted King County Comprehensive Plan policies specifically support the proposed annexation: Chapter Two, Urban Land Use, Section II.B, Directing Growth to Cities and Urban Areas U-203 King County should encourage most population and employment growth to locate in the contiguous Urban Growth Area in western King County, especially in cities and their potential annexation areas. Annexation would allow subject properties not already fully developed to devel�p within the City of Renton. It would also bring this existing relatively high density area into a city where it can receive urban services. Chapter Two, Urban Land Use, Section II.C, Urban Growth Area Ta_�ets U-208 King County shall provide adequate land capaciry for residential, commercial and industrial growth in the urban unincorporated area. This land capacity shall include both redevelopment opportisnities as well as opporti�nities for development on vacant lands. Proposed future zoning for the subject properties would support a density somewhat less than the capacity represented by the existing King County zoning but comparable to what already exists within the 374-acre area. The current net density for the mostly built-out annexation site is approximately 5.93 units per acre. Chapter Two, Urban Land Use, Section III.A, Plannin� with Kin� County's Cities for Future Annexation U-301 King Coz�nty should work with cities to focus counrywide growth within their boundaries and should support annexations within the Urban Growth Area when consistent with the King Coisnry Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Planning Policies. U-304 King Counry shoi�ld support annexation proposals u�hen: a. The proposal is eonsistent lvith the King County Comprehensive Plan,- b. The proposed area is wholly within the Urban Growth Area and within the city's designatecl Potential Annexation Area (for annexations); c. The city is plan�2ing for urban densities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the Countywicle Planning Policies and King County land use plans; and, Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 5 d. Adopted Countywide goals and policies for i�rban services, environmental and cultural resource protection will be supported. The proposal is generally consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The area proposed for annexation is wholly within the Urban Growth Area and Renton's designated Potential Annexation Area (PAA). City of Renton Comprehensive Plan policies and the City's development regulations support the countywide goals and policies for urban densities, urban services and environmental and cultural resource protection. 3) Adopted Land Use Designation/Zoning: The adopted King County Comprehensive Plan land use is implemented by the R-4, R-6, and R-12 residential zones, as well as the Neighborhood Business (NB) zone. With bonuses, the R-4 zone allows up to 6 units per gross acre, the R-6 zone allows up to 9 units per gross acre, and the R-12 zone allows up to 18 units per gross acre. 4) City regulations supplanting County regulations: With annexation, King County ordinances and regulations would be supplanted with those of the City of Renton. City of Renton ordinances and regulations applicable to the proposed action include the following: a. Regulations for the protection of sensitive areas: The City of Renton's Critical Areas Ordinance (RMC 4-3-050) describes perniitted and prohibited activities and uses, waivers,modifications and variances, and additional criteria and permit processes for development in critical areas. Critical areas regulated by the Ordinance include aquifer recharge areas, flood and geologic hazard areas, native habitat and wetlands. Although specific regulations vary, Chapter 21 A.24, Environmentallv Sensitive Areas, of the King County Code provides comparable regulatory protection of sensitive areas. The City of Renton Critical Areas Ordinance is available upon request. b. Regulations for the�reservation of a�ricultural or other resource lands: Regulations preserving agricultural uses are not applicable to the subject area, as the proposed annexation area is not within any of the agricultural districts identified for first, second or third priority in purchase of development rights. Further, the property is not designated for agricultural production or other resource lands in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is not currently under agricultural use. The City of Renton does not have a program authorizing transfer or purchase of development rights. c. Preservation of Landmarks or Landmark Districts: The City of Renton has no regulations comparable to Chapter 20.62, Protection and Preservation of Landmarks. Landmark Sites and Districts, in the King County Code. However, no landmark sites or districts are identified in the King Counry 1983 Newcastle Community Plan or are known to exist in the subj ect annexation area. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 6 d. Surface Water Control: The City of Renton has adopted the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, by reference, in the City's Drainage (Surface Water) Standards (RMC 4-6-030) as the design standard for surface water control in development projects. Higher standards may be applied through environmental review. The City frequently requires mitigation based upon the County's 2005 Surface Water Manual for Conservation Flow and will adopt next year the Washington State Department of Ecology's. 2005 Ecology Stormwater Manual. C. City of Renton Comprehensive Plan/Franchise 1) City Plannin�Under the Growth Management Act (GMA� Renton City Council adopted the current Comprehensive Plan in 1995, consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. This plan was recently updated as part of the 2004 Mandated GMA Comprehensive Plan Review. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies Potential Annexation Areas, including the area currently proposed for annexation, and shows mostly a Residential Low Density (RLD) land use designation, that would allow R-4 zoning in the lower, buildable areas (see Exhibit I, City of Renton Land Use Designations). It should be noted that the City, however, is currently processing a Comp Plan Amendment for this area that would include Residential Medium Density (RMD) where higher density apartments and condominiums have recently been built, Residential Single Family (RSF) where existing single-family subdivisions have been built, while retaining the RLD designation on areas having steeper slopes and limited development potential. A portion of the former Aqua Barn site, near the intersection of 152°d Avenue SE and SR-169 was redesignated a year ago Commercial Corridor (CC) abutting the highway, with RMD in the middle of the site currently occupied by condominiums and apartments, and RLD on the steeper slopes to the south. The proposal is consistent with the Land Use Element policies of the Comprehensive Plan that support annexation of lands: • that area within Renton's Potential Annexation Area where the availability of infrastructure(Objective LU-1); • that are vacant and subject to development pressure(LU-37.3); � that are available for urbanization under county comprehensive planning, zoning, and subdivision regulations (LU-37.5); • for which the City of Renton should logically be the primary provider of urban infrastructure and services (LU-3�; • that would include those who already use City services or who impact City infrastructure(L U-41); and � that includes environmentally sensitive areas and vacant land where future development could adversely influence the environmental and land use character of Renton(LU-42). Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 7 2) Potential Aruiexation Areas/AQreements: The City of Renton has adopted Potential Annexation Areas. These areas are identified in Renton's Comprehensive Plan and on the King County Interim Potential Annexation Area Map. The City has negotiated a PAA agreement with the City of Kent. No PAA agreement was necessary for the area cunently proposed for annexation. 3) Adoption of Comprehensive Plan: Renton's GMA Mandated Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted on February 20, 1995, with subsequent annual amendments. The state has reviewed Renton's 2004 Mandated GMA Comprehensive Plan Review update for consistency with the provisions of the Growth Management Act and approved it. 4) Relationship of proposal to Comprehensive Plan: Although no amendment to Renton's Comprehensive Plan is necessary to process the proposed annexation the City has been working on map amendments for this area that will better reflect the growth that has occurred since the early 1990's. The current land use designation for this area is predominantly Residential Low Density (RLD), which would provide for a maximum of 4-du/net acre in buildable areas and 1 du/net acre or less in areas that are deemed environmentally sensitive. At the time this area was originally mapped by the City in the early 1990's, the RLD designation was the closest single- family land use designation that would fit the area. However, during the last decade there has been considerable new development under the County's zoning. The City is currently processing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for this area that would change the existing land use designation on the developed or developable portions of the Residential Low Density (RLD) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) and Residential Single Family (RSF). This change will allow higher density zoning more comparable to that of the County to be applied to areas having higher densities. The existing RLD desiguation would be retained on environmentally sensitive areas such as those with steeper slopes. These new designations more closely reflect the area's existing built-out net density of approximately 5.93 units per acre. Staff anticipates that these Comprehensive Plan amendments will be adopted in December 2007. When the New Life — Aqua Barn annexation area comes into the City at a later date, it most likely will be zoned R-4, R- 8, R-14, and Residential Manufactured Housing (RMH), consistent with these new land use designations. 5) Franchise A�;reements: No franchise will be required for the City of Renton to provide services to the subject area. The Cedar River Water and Sewer District will provide sewer and water service. 6) Pre-annexation Zonin��reements: The subj ect area has not been the subject of a pre-Annexation Zoning Agreement. However, the current Comprehensive Plan Amendments being processed for this area would prezone it consistent with these new land use designations. Prezoning would become effective on the date of annexation. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 8 7) Current or proposed land use desiQnation/zoning� The subject area is currently designated Residential Low Density (RLD) in the City's Comprehensive Plan. As mentioned above, Renton's R-14, R-8, and R-4 zoning are proposed to supplant the County's existing R-4, R-6, and R-12 zoning, consistent with the City's proposed new land use designations for this area. Under Renton's annexation process, zoning is adopted concurrent with adoption of the annexation ordinance. 4. Planning data A. Revenues/Expenditures This analysis identifies the General Fund revenues and costs associated with annexing the subject properties as they are currently developed, as well as estimating the annual fiscal impact of their full development at some undeternuned point in the future. "Full development" does not equate to the absolute zoned capacity. Rather, it includes an assumption that this existing built out area is unlikely to be subdivided in the future, especially if the cunent land use designation is changed to Residential Low Density with a maximum density of 4 units per net acre. All assumptions regarding revenues and costs are based on existing standards or other comparable data, but actual results are likely to vary from these estimates. In general, costs associated with utilities have been assumed to be supported by the rates charged for those services. Units Population(est.) Assessed Valuation Existing conditions 1,173 2,217 $225,643,700 Full develo ment(est.) 1,233 2,478 $266,968,700 1) Estimated Citv Expenditures Current Full Cit Service Develo ment Develo ment Contracted services $29,774 $33,280 Road Maintenance $11,200 $11,750 Fire Protection $282,055 $333,711 Police Protection $613,865 $686,133 Parks Maintenance $33,033 $36,922 Court, Legal and Other $148,362 $165,828 Total ongoing costs �1,118,289 $1,267,624 Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 9 2) Estimated Citv Revenues to be Gained Current Full Revenue Source Develo ment Develo ment Regular Property Tax Levy $650,756 $769,938 State-Shared Revenues $58,418 $65,295 Miscellaneous Revenues $356,505 $399,395 Total $1,065,679 $1,234,628 Excess Levy $14,107 $16,691 3) Estimated Fiscal Im�act to Cit� The proposed annexation is estimated to cost the City of Renton $52,610 annually in 2007 dollars and reducing to $32,966 in 2007 dollars, at full development. Because the site is substantially developed these figures are not anticipated to lessen dramatically in the future. 4) Estimated reduction in County revenues: The estimated reduction in County revenues would be $506,798 at current development (road and library levies, excluding library bonds). 4) Estimated reduction in Countv expenditures: The estimated reduction in County expenditures is anticipated to be minimal, as less thaii 25% of the annexation area is in King County roadways. 5) Estimated reduction in Fire District revenues: The area proposed for annexation lies within both Fire Districts #25 and #40. The City of Renton currently provides fire protection service to a portion of the area under contract �vith Fire District 25. Of the $1.50 per$1,000 in assessed valuation levied by Fire District 25, all but $.25 per $1,000 is remitted to the City under the contract. The Administration is currently pursuing negotiations with Fire District 40 on developing a similar contract for services for areas outside the City. The estimated reduction in fire district revenues is $264,193 per year. 6) Estimated reduction in Fire District expenditures: The estimated reduction in expenditures by Fire District #25 and #40 is anticipated to be approximately$282,055, if the City takes over service for both districts. B. Services 1) Water Service The proposed annexation is not within the Renton's water service area. The New Life - Aqua Bam Annexation is located within the Cedar River Water and Sewer District, an independent water district, serving the area. Water service would not change as a result of the proposed annexation. VVashington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Amiexation 12/13/2007 Page 10 a) Direct/contract: There currently is no contract between the City of Renton and the Cedar River Water and Sewer District for the City to provide service to this area. Any change of service would have to be negotiated with the parties involved. b) Storage location/c�acit� The Cedar River Water and Sewer District appears to have sufficient capacity to continue to serve the subject annexation. Because it is mostly built-out, future demand is not considered to be an issue at this point. If asked to serve the area, Renton has adequate water facilities that could serve the proposed annexation area. Immediately west and north of the site there is a 196-pressure zone, and the City has deep wells across SR- 167 at the Maplewood Gold Course. c) Mains to serve area: A 16-inch City of Renton water main runs along SR-167 at the north of the annexation site. d) Pressure station location and flow: The zoned residential capacity under the existing King County zoning is slightly greater than the capacity under the City's R-8 zoning. Since the projected population growth for this already built-out area is minor, the Cedar River Water & Sewer District's capacity should be adequate to serve the area. Similarly, Renton also has the capacity to serve the area but is not the designated service provider for this area. 2) Sanitary Sewer Service a) Tvt�e: The Cedar River Water and Sewer District also is the designated sewer service provider for this area although much of the older area remains on septic and likely would continue to remain on septic until redevelopment is proposed. b) Mains to serve area: An existing eight-inch line currently connects the METRO line that runs along SR-169 to a point near SE 152°d Avenue SE, where the new bridge intersects the highway. This main is more than adequate to serve the subject area. c) Gravity/lift station: Because much of the area's relative elevation is greater than that of the existing main along SR-169 most the will be served through a gravity fed system. d) Disposal: Sewage disposal will be through METRO's South Treatment Plant in Renton. If residents still on septic decide in the future to connect to sewer, it likely will be through a Local Improvement District. The estimated cost in 2007 dollars is $9,500 to $12,750 per lot. e) Capacit� Cedar River Water &Sewer District's sanitary sewer system has sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed annexation area. 3) Fire Service Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 11 Two fire districts, Fire District#25 and Fire District#40, currently serve the subject annexation area. The Renton Fire Department currently provides fire suppression services under a contract with Fire District #25 and is currently in discussions with Fire District 40 for the provision of similar contractual services. Following annexation, the City of Renton would directly provide prevention and suppression services to the proposed annexation. a) Station locations: The annexation area is located between Fire Station#16 in Fire District 25 and Fire Station #41 in Fire District 40. Fire Station #16 is located at 156"' Avenue SE and SE 12g`n Street in Renton's East Plateau PAA area. Fire Station #41 is located at 14810 SE Petrovitsky Road. b) Response time: Response time to any point within the proposed annexation boundaries could range from five to eight minutes. Since a portion of the annexation area is already served under Fire District #25's service contract with the City, response time should not change for that portion. Response time in the portion of the annexation area served by District #40 would remain the same or improve under a contract with Renton. District #40 currently has a rating of 5, whereas the Renton Fire Department has a rating of 3, which is notably higher. c) Personnel: Station #16 is also fully manned and has three firefighters on duty per shift. Station #41 has two engines, one aid car, and five firefighters on duty per shift. d) Equipment: Major equipment located at Station #16 and Station #41 include two 1,500 gallon per minute pumpers and one aid car at each station. e) Certified EMT/D-Fib: All shift personnel at both stations are certified EMT/D-Fib. fl Fire ratin�: Renton's fire rating is three, as deternuned by the Washington State Survey and Rating Bureau and District #40's fire rating is four. g) Source of dispatch: Valley Coinmunication 911 service is the source of emergency vehicle/aid dispatch. 5) Geiteral A. Existing; annexation agreements: No annexation agreements are in effect for the subject area. B. To�ography and natural features: The subject area is generally flat along the valley floor with slopes of 25% up to 40% or more along the valley walls. As a result erosion control and slide prevention are on-going concerns. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 12 C. 10-year .r� o�projections: The area is too small to make reasonable inferences from large-area growth forecasts. Because the area is basically built-out the City projects only 45 new condominium units (Molasses Creek, Phase 2) in addition to an anticipated 20 or 30 new units if the Wonderland Estates manufactured home park site redevelops. D. Municipal or community services: With annexation, the property owners and residents would have access to a full range of urban services including: locally elected government; city libraries, parks and recreational facilities; classes at the community center; nationally certified police force; locally oriented planning, land use and enforcement staff; locally oriented transportation planning staff,' and, 24/7 utilities and street maintenance staff. E. Potential delavs in implementing service deliver� Because the area is chiefly already built out new delivery systems are not anticipated at this time. Existing police, fire, and local governance will change upon annexation but continue to serve the area. The area is adequately served with existing public park facilities, however, a number of these have not been improved sufficiently to meet the City's existing level of service for parks and recreational facilities identified in the City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. Because the area is essentially built out the City will be receiving little in terms of future Parks Mitigation fees from new construction. As a consequence, staff estimates a future one-time cost, prorated to this annexation, would be approximately $518,036. No other major service issues have been identified. The current waste hauler would provide solid waste removal far seven years, in accordance with State law. The area would then be included in the contract with the City's waste hauler. With the exception of parks and solid waste removal, no delays are expected in implementing service delivery to the area. City departments reviewing the annexation proposal indicated that they would be able to adequately serve existing and future development. The Cedar River Water and Sewer District is expected to continue to provide water and sewer service, and has indicated no obstacles to service delivery. F. Adequacy of existin� services: Existing services to the area are less than City standards. As a result, it is anticipated that upon annexation the demand for services will increase. Because the area is essentially built-out it cannot be assumed that the cost of such services will be offset by increases in property taxes, services charges and other revenues based on population. It is anticipated that the City of Renton will have to subsidize this area at an estimated annual cost of around $115,504 in 2007 dollars. Fire suppression services provided by the City of Renton under contract with Fire District #25 will not change as a result of the proposed annexation. They will merely be transferred from District #25 to the City of Renton. Similar anangements are under consideration with Fire District #40 to possibly continue service to this area under contract. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 13 III. OBJECTIVES 1. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities. No detrimental impacts to existing neighborhoods or communities are anticipated to result from the proposed action. In fact, the proposed annexation will unify most of the development along the south side of the Renton—Maple Valley Highway(SR 169), including Maplewood Gardens,Maplewood Addition, Molasses Creek,Pioneer Place, Wonderland Estates, and Valley Faire No. 3 neighborhoods. 2. Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways and land contours. The proposed annexation boundaries follow the existing city limits on the north and west as well as physical boundaries such as the Renton—Maple Valley Highway(SR 169) on the north, and the top of the Cedar River valley wall, on the south. 3. Creation and preservation of logical service areas. City staff has stated that the proposed area would represent logical extension of city services that Renton is the designated service provider for. An independent water district (Cedar River Water and Sewer District) currently provides water and sewer service to the area aiid this service is not scheduled to change. Under state law garbage service would not change for seven years. The Countywide Planning Policies state that cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to Urban Areas. The subject proposal would further both the intent of the Board's Objectives as well as that of the Countywide Planning Policies. 4. Prevention of abnorfnally irregular bourldaries. The boundaries do not create significant peninsulas or islands of unincorporated land. A small peninsula of land on the north side of 140`�'Way SE that includes 96 units in the Elliott Farm subdivision�vould remain. For whatever reason, a majority of these residents have opposed annexation at this time. 5. Discouragement of inultiple incorporations of small cities and encourage�nent of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily popt�lated icrbaft areas. A portion of the proposed annexation has been included in the proposed City of Fairwood. RCW 36.93116 provides for the consideration of an annexation within a proposed incorporation area if the petition initiating the annexation is filed ninety days or less after the petition proposing incorporation was filed. 6. Dissolution of ittactive special purpose districts. Not applicable. There are no inactive special purpose districts known to exist in the proposed annexation area. 7. Adjustmetit of impractical boundaries. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation 12/13/2007 Page 14 The annexation of the New Life-Aqua Barn area will result in a more logical city boundaries for both the City of Renton, and possible future City of Fairwood. Renton surrounds the subject annexation site on three sides already and deals with Cedar River floodplain issues on a regular basis. The only direct access to the annexation site, located on the south side of the Cedar River, for a future City of Fairwood would be through 140`�' Way SE. 8. Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character King County has designated this area for urban development. Annexation is consistent with this objective. 9. Protection af agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the coztnty legislative authority. Not applicable. No portions of the proposed annexation area are designated Rural or designated for long term productive agricultural or resource use in the King County Comprehensive Plan. As noted above,most of the annexation site is already developed. Finis � Exhibit A.1 . CERTIFICATE �,t��e undersigned C�tY C�on,�ert fy City of i�znton,Vdashingt t��a� this is a tr)���y°07 Subscr'tbed �� Y ,2�� �tta sea►��this�.daY °f—�-- �NTON CITY COLTNCIL Regular Meeting City C1c�rt� June 4,2007 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayar Kathy Keolker called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS MARCIE PALMER;TERRI BRIERE; DENIS LAW; DAN CLAWSON. CTTY STAFF IN KATHY KEOLKER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative ATTENDANCE Officer;LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Administrator;DON ERICKSON, Senior Planner; MARTY WINE,Assistant CAO; DEPUTY CHIEF/FIRE MARSHAL LARRY RUDE, Fire Department; CHIEF KEVIN MILOSEVICH, Police Department. SPECIAL Following a display of photographs of the Farmers Market from past years, PRESENTATIONS volunteer co-managers Nancy Hoben,Linda Middlebrooks, and Meri England Community Event: Farmers reported on this year's Farmers Market,�vhich takes place on Tuesdays from Market June 5 through September 18 at the Piazza. Ms. England pointed out that 42 vendors have registered for the market,and she thanked the City,the Renton Chamber of Commerce, and all the volunteers for their cooperation. I�Zs. Middlebrooks stated that in addition to the market vendors,the market ' features a children's booth,master gardener's booth, information booth,and entertainment booth. Ms. I�oben reviewed the promotional efforts for the Farmers Market, which include posters,brochures,banners, a website, and e-mail marketing. School District: Hazen High District Superintendent Mary Alice Heuschel announced that Renton School School &Renton High School District students have recently won state titles for three events. Renton High State Title Winners School senior Jason Harris was recognized for winning the state javelin championship. The Hazen High School drill team members were recognized for winning two state championships for drill and pom. Finally,Hazen High School's soccer team members were recognized for winning the state 3A championship. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation:New Life-Aqua accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public meeting Barn, Maple Valley Hwy to consider the 10°/o Notice of Intent to Annex petition for the proposed New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation; approximately 297 acres, including the SR-169 right-of-way, located south of the Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park along the Renton-Maple Valley Hwy. (SR-169). Senior Planner Erickson explained that the annexation area was previously considered as part of the Maplewood Addition Expanded Annexation,but was dropped from consideration in response to the State Supreme Court's decision regarding the Boundary Review Board's(BRB)authority to expand annexations without property owner input. He reported that the site is basically built out, with a potentia141-lot single-family subdivision, and a proposed 100-unit townhouse-type development replacing a 95-unit mobile home park. Mr. Erickson stated that the environmental constraints of the area include steep slopes on the south,the potential flooding of areas near the Cedar River,and the June 4,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 188 ' existence of the City's sole source aquifer along SR-169 and primarily west of 140th Ave. SE. Public services are provided by Fire Districts#25 and#40, Cedar River Water and Sewer District, and the Renton School District. He reviewed the existing King County and Renton comprehensive plan land use designations, noting that Renton is currently evaluating its land use designations for this area. Continuing, Mr. Erickson reviewed the annexation's compliance with relevant BRB objectives. Turning to the fiscal impact analysis, he estimated a surplus of $120,139 at current development and a surplus of$69,654 at full development. The one-time parks development cost is estimated to be$336,089. Stating that the annexation proposal serves the best interest and general welfare of the City, Mr. Erickson relayed staffs recommendation to accept the 10%petition and authorize circulation of the 60% annexation petition. Economic Development Administrator Pietsch pointed out that the 100-unit development proposed for the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park site has vested under King County regulations; therefore, for presentation purposes, redevelopment of the site is assumed. He also pointed out that areas south of the annexation boundary are part of the proposed Fairwood Incorporation's second effort. Mr. Pietsch indicated that some parties may want to become a part of this annexation, noting that Council has the ability to expand the boundaries. Correspondence was read from Mark Lauderback, 14068 SE 158th St., Renton, 98058, expressing opposition to expanding the annexation area to include his neighborhood, Maple Ridge Estates, primarily for the reason of public safety. He pointed out that emergency response times will increase as the City's police and fire stations are located further away from his neighborhood than the current responding stations. Public comment was invited. Loran Lichty, New Life Church Associate Pastor, 157ll 152nd Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, stated that the church is the annexation proponent. He indicated that the church has an 80-year history with Renton, and he is very excited about the possibility of being a part of the City. Bill Hulten, 13836 SE 158th St., Renton, 98058, said he has spoken on the interests of homeowners in the Maple Ridge Estates area becoming part of the City since the expansion of the Maplewood Addition Annexation's boundaries was first being considered. Mr. Hulten relayed that he recently conducted a telephone poll of Maple Ridge Estates homeowners,noting that a majority of those he spoke with supported annexation to Renton. He expressed support for expansion of the annexation's boundaries to include his neighborhood. Jerry Puckett, 15260 Oak Dr., Renton, 98058, stating that he a resident of the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park, expressed appreciation to those who assisted in the resident's efforts to try to save the mobile home park. He voiced support for the annexation, thanking New Life Church for conducting the petition drive. Raymond A. Breeden, Sr., 15279 Maple Dr., Renton, 98058, resident of Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park, expressed support for the annexation and offered his assistance to New Life Church to help with the petition. June 4,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 189 Antoinette Pratt, 13964 SE 156th St., Renton, 98058, requested that Council expand the annexation to include the Maple Ridge Estates neighbarhood. Responding to Council inquiries, Mr. Pietsch confirmed that at this time, Council can expand the annexation boundary and then authorize the petition for property owner's signatures that represent 60%of the property value of the expanded area. Mr. Pietsch pointed out the risk that the annexation could fail due to a boundary expansion. He said it is unlikely that Maple Ridge Estates property owners have enough time to file their own annexation petition, and pointed out that they can ask to be removed from the Fairwood Incorporation area through the BRB. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Discussion ensued regarding the consequences of adding the Maple Ridge Estates or Elliott Farms Subdivision areas to the annexation's boundary, the vesting in King County of the proposed development for the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park property, the assessed valuation of the properties, and the consequences of allowing more time for parties to discuss the possibility of including Maple Ridge Estates. In response to Council inquiries, Mr. Lichty noted the church's intent to set the assessed value total level as low as necessary to try to accomplish the task, and its desire to move quickly and obtain signatures for the 60%petition within 30 days. Mr. Lichty said he favors working with Maple Ridge Estates; however, he wants to be convinced that a high percentage of the homeowners are interested since a lack of support could detrimentally affect this effort. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL TABLE THIS ISSUE UNTIL THE NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Council requested more infortnation regarding the following: annexation interest level of Maple Ridge Estates homeowners, status of the development of the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park, and annexation interest level of property owners within the current annexation boundary. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2007 and beyond. Items noted included: � The Sam Chastain Memorial Fund,through the Renton Community Foundation, has donated$2,000 to the City of Renton Scholarship Program. � Washington State Department of Transportation has selected Renton to receive $230,000 in State funding through the Pedestrian &Bicycle Safety Program. The funding will be used for intersection improvements at Rainier Ave. S. and S. 4th Pl. � At the recent City of Renton Spring Recycling Day event, 545 households were served and more than 107 tons of recyclable material and 880 gallons of household hazardous waste were collected. June 4,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 190 � AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, Highlands Community Association Vice President, PO Box Citizen Comment: DeMastus - 2041, Renton, 98056, expressed appreciation to those who helped cleanup the Trail Cleanup Behind overgrown trail located behind the Highlands Library last Saturday. Highlands Library CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 5/21/2007. Council concur. 5/21/2007 CAG: 07-072, Central Plateau City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/22/2007 for CAG-07-072, Central Plateau Interceptor Section 2, Rodarte Interceptor Section 2; six bids; engineer's estimate $1,887,648.64; and Construction submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Rodarte Construction, Inc., in the amount of$1,865,890.97. Council concur. CAG: 07-078, City Shops City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/15/2007 for CAG-07-078, City Shops Roof Replacement Bldg A-1, Roof Replacement Building A-1; six bids; engineer's estimate $100,000; and Stanley Roofing Co submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Stanley Roofing Co., Inc., in the amount of$113,632.90. Council concur. Plat: Highlands Park, Rosario Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Ave NE, FP-07-016 Highlands Park Final Plat; 73 single-family lots on 18.1 acres located at the 200 block of Rosario Ave. NE and Vesta Ave. NE. Council concur. (See page 191 for resolution.) Plat: Shy Creek, SE 2nd Pl, Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the FP-07-002 Shy Creek Final Plat; 61 single-family lots on 16.14 acres located in the vicinity of SE 2nd P1. and Jericho Ave. NE. Council concur. (See page 192 for resolution.) Community Services: Heritage Community Services Department recommended approval to use $35,000 in Park Construction & Union project savings from the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park structural repairs Ave NE Guardrail Safety project to complete the Heritage Park construction project(CAG-06-044) and to Barrier Fund Transfer install a future wood guardrail safety barrier along Union Ave. NE. Council concur. Development Services: Collier Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Short Plat, ROW Dedication, dedication for additional right-of-way at Lind Ave. SW to fulfill a requirement Lind Ave SW, SHP-06-140 of the Collier Short Plat. Council concur. Annexation: Marshall, Duvall Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave NE&NE Sunset Blvd submitted a 60%Petition to Annex for the proposed Marshall Annexation, and recommended a public hearing be set on 6/18/2007 to consider the petition and R-8 zoning; 7.6 acres located west of Duvall Ave.NE and north of NE Sunset Blvd. Council concur. Annexation: Aster Park, NE Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Sunset Blvd recommended a public hearing be set on 6/18/2007 to consider the proposed Aster Park Annexation and R-4 zoning of the 19.85-acre site located along the south side of NE Sunset Blvd. and west of 148th Ave. SE. Council concur. EDNSP: Multi-Family Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Housing Property Tax recommended approval of the revised multi-family housing property tax Exemption, The Sanctuary exemption agreement for The Sanctuary project(near intersection of N. I Oth St. and Park Ave. N.)to reflect the new ownership entity of the project. Council concur. June 4,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 191 Human Resources: 2007 Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval of Group Health Cooperative the 2007 Group Health Cooperative medical coverage contracts for LEOFF I Medical Coverage Contracts Retirees and all active employees. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: I-405 (I-5 to Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with SR-169) Stage 1 Widening, the Washington State Department of Transportation for a City of Renton project WSDOT coordinator for the I-405, I-S to SR-169 Stage 1 Widening Project. Refer to Transportation Aviation� Committee. Utility: SW 34th St Culvert Utility Systems Division requested approval to transfer$150,000 from the Lake Replacement Project Fund Ave. S./Rainier Ave. S. Storm System Replacement Project account to the SW Transfer, Budget Amend 34th St. Culvert Replacement Project account. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Briar Hills Sewer Utility Systems Division requested approval of an agreement with King County Facilities Transfer, King Water District#90 for the transfer of sanitary sewer facilities in the Briar Hills County Water District#90 area from the district to the City. Council concur. (See page 192 for resolution.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Ron Dohrn, 3767 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, Citizen Comment: Dohrn- 98056, requesting waiver of the certified appraisal and compensation fee Aberdeen Ave NE Vacation, requirement for the approved vacation of a portion of Aberdeen Ave. NE (now VAC-OS-003 112th Ave. SE); VAC-OS-003. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Law presented a report regarding traffic Public Safety Committee enforcement cameras for red light and speeding enforcement. The Committee Police: Red Light School Zone recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to implement the use of Photo Enforcement Program traffic enforcement cameras for red light and speeding enforcement at selected school zones. The Committee also recommended approval of the cooperative purchasing agreement with the City of Seattle to enable the City to use the ageement's master contract provisions to execute a contract with American Traffic Solutions. The Committee also recommended adding a new Section 10-12-15, Traffic Safety Cameras, to City Code. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding the cooperative purchasing agreement with the City of Seattle be presented for reading and adoption, and that the ordinance regarding the City Code addition be presented for first reading.* Pointing out that this is the first of many conversations the public will hear about the traffic enforcement camera program, Councilmember Law said he is very impressed with how the cameras work. He assured that the public will have plenty of advanced warning. *MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 192 for resolution and ordinance.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3879 A resolution was read approving the Highlands Park Final Plat consisting of Plat: Highlands Park, Rosario approximately 18.1 acres located between Rosario Ave. NE and Vesta Ave. NE Ave NE, FP-07-016 and SE 2nd PL MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. June 4,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 192 ' Resolution#3880 A resolution was read approving the Shy Creek Final Plat consisting of Plat: Shy Creek, SE 2nd Pl, approximately 16.14 acres bounded by Hoquiam Ave. NE,Jericho Ave. NE, NE FP-07-002 2nd St., and SE 2nd Pl. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3881 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Briar Hills Sewer interlocal agreement with King County Water District#90 related to the transfer Facilities Transfer, King of sanitary sewer mains, manholes and appurtenances, from the district to the County Water District#90 City of Renton. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3882 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Cit�lerk to enter into an Police: Traffic Safety Camera interlocal cooperative purchasing agreement with the City of Seattle in order to System Cooperative jointly bid the acquisition of goods and services, including a turnkey traffic Purchasing, Seattle safety camera system. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/11/2007 for second and final reading: Police: Red Light School Zone An ordinance was read adding a new Section 10-12-15, Traffic Safety Cameras, Photo Enforcement Program of Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title 10 (Traffic) of City Code by authorizing the use of automated traffic safety cameras to detect certain traffic infractions; adopting the standards and restrictions regarding use of traffic safety cameras in RCW 46.63.030 and RCW 46.63.170; and setting the monetary penalty for an infraction detected by an automated traffic safety camera. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/11/2007. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5289 An ordinance was read amending the 2007 Budget by transferring$340,000 to CAG: 07-053, Renton Village the Renton Village Storm System Project expenditure account from other Storm System, Laser surface water utility expenditure accounts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Underground& Earthworks, SECONDED BY LAW, COLTNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Budget Amend ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Diane Paholke, 243 W. Perimeter Rd., Renton, 98057, voiced her support for Citizen Comment: Paholke- the traffic safety camera program, and inquired as to how the program will be Red Light School Zone Photo expanded. Councilmember Law stated that if the implementation of the initial Enforcement Program cameras is successful, the program will be expanded into other areas. He noted that the program's goal is to change people's driving habits. Councilmember Corman pointed out that the cameras will be installed at McKnight Middle School, Renton High School, and Talbot Hill Elementary School, and he agreed that if successful,the program will be expanded. Citizen Comment: DeMastus - Sandel DeMastus, PO Box 2041, Renton, 98056, expressed her support for the Light Rail use of light rail in this area. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:37 p.m. 1����'7'�vl.c.� �� (�(J�%C�t-o�'� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann June 4, 2007 RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 2007 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/11 Cable Franchise Renewal Update; (Nelson) 6 p.m. Annexation Petition Guidelines COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 6/11 1% for Art from Transportation Projects (Corman) 5:30 p.m. FINANCE MON., 6/11 Vouchers; (Persson) 4:30 p.m. Official Newspaper Designation; Group Health Cooperative Contracts PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT THURS., 6/07 City Code Amendments re Tree (Briere) 2 p.m. Retention; Highlands Task Force Update PUBLIC SAFETY (Law) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) WED., 6/06 WSDOT Project Coordinator Agreement (Palmer) 4 p.m, for I-405, I-5 to SR-169 Stage 1 Widening Proj ect; Customs Facility (briefing only); Local and Regional Transportation Issues Update; AcuWings Letter (briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 6/07 SW 34th St. Culvert Replacement Project (Cla�vson) 3 p.m. Fund Transfer NOTE: Committee ofthe Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. Exhibit A.2 CERTiFI�.AI E I, the �ndersigned City Clerk of the C ity of�?vnton, �Jashington, certify tl�at khis is a true and orrect copy of Counc�,l,�i�{cs �"�� o y . Subscrib�d and seaied ti�is �9 day of oV , 20� � � City�;iert: RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 11,2007 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kathy Keolker called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS MARCIE PALMER; DENIS LAW; DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN KATHY KEOLKER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative ATTENDANCE Officer;ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk;ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Administrator;MARTY WINE,Assistant CAO; PREETI SHRIDHAR, Communications Director; CHIEF I. DAVID DANIELS,Fire Department;DEPUTY CHIEF TIM TROXEL,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2007 and beyond. Items noted included: � Weekend overflow parking for users of the boat launch at Gene Coulon ' Memorial Beach Park is available along Houser Way N. and at the south end of Boeing parking lot#1 l,beginning June 9. � The Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park swim area and Kennydale Beach Park will be closed on June 18 in order to conduct the application of an aquatic herbicide. The herbicide will be applied below the surface of the water to treat and remove Milfoil, a non-native weed that chokes out native plants and can entangle people,boat propellers, and fishing lines. � Beginning June 16, SW 34th St. (on the east and west side of the creek)will be temporarily closed to through traffic in order to facilitate removal of the existing culverts and installation of the new box culvert for the SW 34th St. Culvert Replacement Project. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jerry Puckett, 15260 Oak Dr.,Renton,98058, spoke on the matter of the New Citizen Comment: Puckett- Life-Aqua Barn Annexation, commenting that he is looking forward to New Life-Aqua Barn annexing to Renton. He thanked the City and New Life Church for their efforts. Annexation,Maple Valley Hwy Citizen Comment: Hulten- Bill Hulten, 13836 SE 158th St.,Renton, 98058,stated that last week,Council New Life-Aqua Barn asked about the interest of the Maple Ridge Estates property owners in annexing Annexation,Maple Valley to Renton as part of the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation, if the boundary was Hwy expanded to include the neighborhood. Pointing out that he does not want the neighborhood's inclusion to negatively affect the annexation effort,I�4r.Hulten reported that the data he collected shows the strength of the interest of a strong majority of the property owners,and a formal petition would yield signatures from homeowners representing greater than 60 percent of the assessed valuation of the neighborhood. However,he noted that the data is not as complete as he would like it to be. ' June 1 l, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 198 Continuing, Mr. Hulten reported that of the property owners who were reached over the past week, 83 percent of the assessed valuation of the property owned by those expressing interest in annexation is represented. Of the total assessed valuation of Maple Ridge Estates, 55 percent is represented by respondents expressing interest in annexation. Mr. Hulten expressed his hope that Maple Ridge Estates will become part of the City of Renton in the near future. Citizen Comment: Dideon- Scott Dideon, 14013 SE 159th Pl., Renton, 98058, voiced his support for New Life - Aqua Barn including Maple Ridge Estates in the New Life- Aqua Barn Annexation. He Annexation, Maple Valley noted that a majority of the neighborhood's homeowners voted against the Hwy Fairwood Incorporation. Citizen Comment: Lichty- Loran Lichty, 15711 152nd Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, representing New Life New Life- Aqua Barn Church, the proponent of the New Life- Aqua Barn Annexation, expressed his Annexation, Maple Valley appreciation for the efforts ofprevious speaker Bill Hulten to determine the H�vy interest of the Maple Ridge Estates residents in annexing to Renton. He noted his hesitations to include the neighborhood in the annexation as follows: 1) the goal of 60 percent favorable property value by Maple Ridge Estates was not met; 2) the lack of specific response from the 25 properties located beyond Maple Ridge Estates that are only accessible through the neighborhood; and 3) the opposition by the individuals seeking to include Maple Ridge Estates into a future city incorporation is unknown and not currently in opposition of the subject annexation. (See page 199 for discussion concerning this matter.) CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion«hich follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 6/4/2007. Council concur. 6/4/2007 AJLS: Library Capital Assets Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department requested approval of re Annexations, King County an agreement with King County Rural Library District regarding the transfer of Rural Library District library capital assets in the event of certain annexations. Council concur. (See page 202 for resolution.) Court Case: Wendall Woodall Court Case filed on behalf of Wendall Woodall as Assignee of Edmonds Plat, as Assignee of Edmonds Plat, LLC, by Nathan James Neiman, seeking damages allegedly due to the City's CRT-07-004 negligence in failing to notify Edmonds Plat of the fire suppression system requirement prior to construction of a residence at 1758 Newport Ave., which resulted in demolition and construction in order to retrofit the residence with a sprinkler system. Refer to Citv Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services: White Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Meadow, ROW Dedication, dedication for additional right-of-way on Meadow Ave. N. to fulfill a Meadow Ave N, SHP-06-159 requirement of the White Meadow Short Plat. Council concur. Finance: Joint Purchasing Finance and Infortnation Services Department recommended approval of an Agreement(Voicemail), WA agreement with Washington School Information Processing Cooperative to School Information Processing allow the purchase of voicemail system software and services from Verizon. Cooperative Council concur. (See page 202 for resolution.) Fire: Assistance to Firefighters Fire Department recommended approval of the appropriation and expenditure of Grant, Purchase of Self- funds in the amount of$429,420 granted by the Department of Homeland Contained Breathing Security Assistance to Firefighters to purchase firefighter personal protective Apparatus, Budget Amend equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and large diameter hose for fire engines. Approval was also sought for the purchase of SCBA from sole source vendor SeaWestern Fire Fighting Equipment in the amount of$375,000. Council concur. (See page 202 for ordinance.) June 11,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 199 � � Fire: Emergency Management Fire Department recommended approval of an agreement with the Washington Performance Grant, WA State State Military Department to provide Department of Homeland Security Military Department, Budget Emergency Management Performance Grant funds in the amount of$66,714, Amend and approval for appropriation and expenditure of the funds to support the emergency management program. Council concur. (See page 202 for resolution and ordinance.) Plat: Brookefield North, Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Brookefield Hoquiam Ave NE, PP-07-012 North Preliminary Plat; 15 single-family lots on 2.17 acres located at 1154 and 1160 Hoquiam Ave.NE. Council concur. Utility: Surface Water Utility Utility Systems Division recommended approval to adopt a Surface Water Master Plan Utility Master Plan upon completion of review. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Water Use Efficiency Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Plan, RW Beck of$92,999 with R.W. Beck, Inc. for development of a Water Use Efficiency Plan. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REMOVE Annexation: New Life-Aqua FROM THE TABLE THE NEW LIFE - AQUA BARN ANNEXATION. Barn, Maple Valley Hwy CARRIED. Economic Development Administrator Pietsch stated that the decision before Council is whether to move forward with the New Life- Aqua Barn Annexation boundary as is, or to expand the boundary to include the Maple Ridge Estates area. He pointed out that as far as he knows,the property owners of parcels located south of Maple Ridge Estates, the only access for which is through Maple Ridge Estates, have not been contacted regarding their interest in annexation to Renton. Mr. Pietsch also pointed out that the inclusion of the Elliot Farms subdivision is not recommended. In response to Council inquiries, Mr. Pietsch stated that Maple Ridge Estates cannot pursue annexation on its own as it is not timely, and the subdivision is not located directly adjacent to the City. In regards to the subject annexation, he explained that once the 60%petition is circulated,the signatures collected are good for 180 days. Mr. Pietsch indicated that Maple Ridge Estates can ask the Boundary Review Board(BRB) for removal from the Fairwood Incorporation's boundaries. Mr. Pietsch further noted that the Elliott Farms subdivision will not technically become an unincorporated island and most likely will not be included in the subject annexation by the BRB. Councilmembers Persson and Clawson each noted the difficulty of the decision. Mr. Corman inquired if anyone was present in the audience who resides in the subdivision to the south of Maple Ridge Estates and can discuss the road that accesses the subdivision. Sylvia Dailey, 13970 SE 159th Pl., Renton, 98058, noted that her residence is located on the street in question, as well as her son's (previous speaker Scott Dideon). She explained that the reason the area was thought to be a separate subdivision is because the 25 properties are called View Point at Maple Ridge Estates. Ms. Dailey reported that she and her son visited homes along SE 159th Pl. and the majority of those they spoke with expressed interest in annexing to Renton. She indicated that the data that previous speaker Bill Hulten collected included View Point and Maple Ridge Estates. � June 11,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 200 Bill Hulten, 13836 SE 158th St., Renton, 98058, clarified that the data he presented only reflects the homeowners in Maple Ridge Estates. Councilmember Clawson also noted the difficulty of the decision,pointing out the possibility that the annexation may fail if not for the addition of Maple Ridge Estates. In response to Councilmember Palmer's inquiry as to who has been contacted in the subject annexation and what their positions are, Mr. Pietsch replied that he did not know who the proponents have talked to. He voiced his understanding that proponent Lichty was waiting for Council authorization of the 60%petition prior to going out into the community. Regarding the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park property, Mr. Pietsch stated that in October 2006, King County received a complete development application that vests the property owner to the existing King County development regulations. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXPAND THE ANNEXATION BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE MAPLE RIDGE ESTATES, WHICH INCLUDES VIEW POINT AT MAPLE RIDGE ESTATES.* Councilmember Corman agreed with Councilmember Clawson saying that including Maple Ridge Estates may make it more likely that the annexation would be successful. Council President Nelson expressed concern regarding the extra burden on the proponents if the annexation boundary was expanded. Mr. Corman commented that Maple Ridge Estates residents should be responsible for collecting the signature for the Maple Ridge Estates area. MOVED BZ'CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES TO ALLOW MR. LICHTY TO MAKE HIS COMMENTS. CARRIED. Loran Lichty, 15711 152nd Ave. SE,Renton, 98058, emphasized that New Life Church will support whichever decision Council makes. He clarified that in the Maple Ridge Estate's data collection, 101 of the 157 homes were reached; thus the 83 percent represents 101 households when in reality the 60% annexation petition �vill be based on 157 homes. Mr. Lichty estimated that a boundary expansion will delay the signature collection process by approximately one month. Continuing, Mr. Lichty noted the difference of a homeowner expressing an opinion for informal data collection versus actually signing an annexation petition. He commended Maple Ridge Estates residents for their efforts and for their level of organization. Saying that he sees both sides of the matter, Mr. Lichty noted the lack of contact he has had with property owners in the current annexation area; therefore, he does not have a good gauge as to their interest in annexation. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE CERTIFIED 10%NOTICE OF INTENT PETITION AS MODIFIED WITH THE INCLUSION OF MAPLE RIDGE ESTATES; AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF A 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE EXPANDED ANNEXATION AREA; AND SUPPORT FUTURE ZONING CONSISTENT WITH CURRENTLY PROPOSED 2007 COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THE AREA. CARRIED. June 1 l,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 201 • Committee of the Whole Council President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Planning: Minimum minimum annexation size guidelines. The Committee was briefed and Annexation Sizes recommended that no changes be made to the current annexation practices at this time. However, the Administration is encouraged to track the costs and revenues generated by annexation activity and request budget increases to ensure the sufficient provision of services to all areas of the City as annexation occurs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COLJNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 259842 - 260190 and three wire transfers totaling $2,484,379.94; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 144, zero wire transfers, and 680 direct deposits totaling $1,272,762.44. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 259842 - 260799 and six wire transfers totaling $5,873,252.52; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 304, zero wire transfers, and 1,364 direct deposits totaling $4,305,742.92. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: 2007 Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Group Health Cooperative concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual review of the Medical Coverage Contracts Group Health Cooperative medical coverage agreements as follows: LEOFF 1 (Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters) Retirees (Contract Nos. 0057500 and 4057500); and all other City of Renton covered employees (Contract No. 1162600). Funding was previously approved by Council in the 2007 Budget. The revisions are applicable to all three of the renewal contracts. As in prior years, Group Health does not send confirming contracts for signature until mid year. The Committee further recommended that the MaYor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding Committee Renton Municipal Airport policy priorities and examining alternatives. In April Airport: Development Policy and May of 2007,the Corrunittee reviewed the key policy recommendation in Priorities, Examining the 2005 Renton Municipal Airport Development Study adopted by the City Alternatives Council in June 2005. The Committee has made a number of revisions in the development policies and recommended their formal adoption by Council. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plannin� & Development Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the tree Planning: City Code Amends retention and removal ordinance. The Committee further recommended that the re Tree Retention ordinance be prepared for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES � June 11, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 202 Resolution #3883 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Ci Clerk to enter into an AJLS: Library Capital Assets agreement regarding disposition of library capital assets from the King County re Annexations, King County Rural Library District to the City of Renton in the event of certain annexations. Rural Library District MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COLTNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3884 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Ci . Clerk to enter into an Finance: Joint Purchasing interlocal joint purchasing agreement with the Washington School Information Agreement (Voicemail), WA Processing Cooperative in order to jointly bid the acquisition of goods and School Information Processing services. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COLTNCIL Cooperative ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3885 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Ci_ Clerk to enter into an Fire: Emergency Management interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Military Performance Grant, WA State Department and Department of Homeland Security, entitled "Emergency Military Department, Budget Management Performance Grant(EMPG), Contract#E07-363." MOVED BY Amend PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/18/2007 for second and final reading: Fire: Assistance to Firefighters An ordinance was read amending the 2007 Budget by using $429,420 from the Grant, Purchase of Self- Fund 000 fund balance for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the Renton Contained Breathing Fire Department. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Apparatus, Budget Amend REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/18/2007. CARRIED. Fire: Emergency Management An ordinance was read amending the 2007 Budget by using $66,714 from the Performance Grant, WA State Fund 000 fund balance for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the Military Department, Budget City's emergency management program. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY Amend CORMAN, COiJNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/18/2007. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5290 An ordinance was read adding a new Section 10-12-15, Traffic Safety Cameras, Police: Red Light School Zone of Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title 10 (Traffic) of City Code by authorizing Photo Enforcement Program the use of automated traffic safety cameras to detect certain traffic infractions; adopting the standards and restrictions regarding use of traffic safety cameras in RCW 46.63.030 and RCW 46.63.170; and setting the monetary penalty for an infraction detected by an automated traffic safety camera. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:03 p.m. �6h'c.Y�t,c ,� (.(/GZ��^-� Bonnie L Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann June 11, 2007 RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk � COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 11, 2007 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/18 Emerging Issues in Community Services (Nelson) 5:30 p.m. and Public Safety *Council Conference Room* Approximately Renton Results Update 6:30 p.m. *Council Chambers* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 6/18 Fund Balance Reserves and Annual (Persson) 5 p.m. Capital Improvement Plan PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (Briere) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 6/18 Emergency Preparedness (Law) 4:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Palmer) UTILITIES (Clawson) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. , CERTIFxs��=��L Exhibit B 1, the u�dersigned City Clerk of the City of Renton, �`Jashington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of �'o�tn�r'!A1inutes '�3�oy . Subscribed and seale:� this/3�'day of I�c. , 20 0�' ���vrt,�.c �• �G'-�"-�'"� RENTON CITY COLINCIL City C:ier'.�c Regular Meeting December 3,2007 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kathy Keolker called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS MARCIE PALMER;TERRI BRIERE; DENIS LAW. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN KATHY KEOLKER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative ATTENDANCE Officer;ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; PETER HAHN,D�puty Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator-Transportation;BOB HANSON,Transportation Design Supervisor; MICHAEL BAILEY, Finance and Information Services Administrator; ALEX PIE3'SCH, Economic Developrrtent Administrator; DON ERICKSON, Senior Planner; MARTY WINE,Assistant CAO; PREETI SHRIDHAR,Communications Director; CHIEF I. DAVID DANIELS and DEPUTY CHIEF ROBERT VAN HORNE,Fire Department; COMMANDER CHARLES MARSALISI,Police Department. SPECIAL Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Zimmerman reported on the PRESENTATIONS City's response to flooding issues as a result of heavy rainfall,which began on Added December 2 arid measures approximately 5.6 inches. He reviewed the areas Public Works: Flood Response affected by the flooding and the resultant road closures,noting that flooding Update problems are not anticipated along the Cedar or Green rivers. Mr. Zimmernlan further reported that power was restored to the 950 customers who experienced a power outage in the Renton vicinity, and that the water main break at 39th St. and Oakesdale Ave. SW was repaired. Pointing out that the Governor of Washington has declared a state of emergency,Mayor Keolker stated that a resolution has been added to the Council meeting agenda regarding declaration of a local emergency,which positions Renton to receive reimbursement funding from the federal government. (See page 423 for resolution.) Added Fire Chief Daniels announced that in response to the heavy rains, the Fire: Emergency Operations Emergency Operations Center was activated at 10:30 today, and he described Center Activation, Fire at how the Fire Department prepared for and responded to incidents. Chief Rainier Ave McDonalds Daniels reported that a three-alarm fire occurred at the MeDonald's located at Rainier Ave.N. and N.Airport Way. Noting that no one was injured,he indicated that the fire investigation will begin tomorrow morning. Fire: Emergency Response Fire Chief Daniels stated that a recently adopted State law requires the Fire Times Department to include service delivery objectives in written policies; annually evaluate level of service,deployment delivery,and response time objectives; and provide a written annual report that includes steps to comply with standards. He explained that response measures are defined as turnout time: time beginning when units receive notification of the emergency to the beginning point of response time;and as response time: time beginning�vhen units are in route to the emergency and ending when units arrive on scene. December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 414 . In 2006, Chief Daniels reported that the Fire Department's average turnout time was within two minutes and sixteen seconds, ninety percent of the time; and the average response time was within six minutes and forty-five seconds, ninety percent of the time. He reviewed the arrival times of emergency vehicles to various types of incidents. Concluding, Chief Daniels detailed the plan of action that will be undertaken to meet the State requirements, and noted that the department currently has the best average response time in South King County. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Budget: 2008 Annual City of accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing Renton to consider the City of Renton 2008 Budget. Finance and Information Services Administrator Bailey reported that the budget necessary on an ongoing basis for the Benson Hill Communities Annexation, which is just under$9 million and adds 90 employees to the City, was blended into the proposed 2008 Budget. Public comment was invited. Terry Persson(Renton) provided and reviewed an analysis of the percentage increases in property taxes levied by the City of Renton since 2002, noting a purported 9.5 percent projected increase for 2008. Pointing out that the rate of total spending increase from 2001 and 2006 totals 29 percent, indicating an inflation factor of 14 percent, he stated that the City is currently spending at double the rate of inflation. Mr. Persson expressed concern that double-digit inflation may be a consistent pattem, saying that money from new construction should be added to the pool to lower property taxes. Mr. Bailey explained that the City does not yet have new construction or annexation figures from King County for 2008. In order for the City to realize all the value of additions to the tax base as a result of development and new construction, the figures are overestimated knowing that the King County assessor will plug the correct number in as long as it is lower than �vhat was estimated. In regard to the rates of increase, Mr. Bailey noted that the development that has driven the property tax increases above the one percent increase on existing tax base that Council has held itself to over the years, also translates into additional costs. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 419 for Committee of the Whole report.) Annexation: New Life-Aqua This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in arn, Maple Vallev Hw� accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing to consider the 60%Direct Petition to annex for the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation; approximately 374 acres, including the SR-169 right-of-way, located south of the Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park along the south side of Renton-Maple Valley Hwy. (SR-169). Senior Planner Erickson reviewed the annexation background,pointing out that Council expanded the boundary to include Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge Estates on 6/11/2007, and that the 60% Direct Petition was certified by King County on 11/9/2007. Mr. Erickson further reviewed the environmental constraints of the area, which include the existence of one of the City's sole source aquifers. He stated that public services are provided by Fire Districts#25 and#40, Cedar River Water and Sewer District, and the Renton School District. ' December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 415 Continuing, Mr. Erickson relayed that the City's proposed 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments include land use map designation changes for this area. He pointed out that the Fairwood Incorporation petition does overlap this proposed annexation on a portion of the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point areas. Mr. Erickson said the fiscal impact analysis indicates a deficit of$38,502 at current development and a deficit of$15,755 at full development, assuming the building of a 45-unit condominium development and retention of all existing development. The estimated one-time parks development cost is $498,712. Mr. Erickson reported that the proposed annexation is generally consistent with relevant Boundary Review Board criteria and City policies for annexation. He noted that the Utility Division suggests using King County's 2002 Surface Water Design Manual, Leve12, for future development. Public comment was invited. Loran Lichty (King County; annexation proponent), Bill Hulten (King County; Maple Ridge Estates Homeowners Association Vice President), and Ross Osborne (King County) spoke in favor of the annexation. Mr. Lichty expressed concern about the property overlap with the Fairwood Incorporation petition. Jean Bean (King County), Molasses Creek Association President, pointed out that some residents of the Molasses Creek community are against annexation. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE CERTIFIED 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE EXPANDED NEW LIFE - AQUA BARN ANNEXATION AREA, AUTHORIZE THE ADMIMSTRATION TO SUBMIT THE NOTICE OF INTENT PACKAGE TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD, AND SUPPORT FUTURE ZONING CONSISTENT WITH CURRENTLY PROPOSED 2007 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THIS AREA. CARRIED. Correspondence was entered into the record from David L. Halinen, Halinen Law Offices, P.S. (Fircrest), who represents Aqua Barn Ranch, Inc., expressing support for the annexation. Streets: Duvall Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Closure, Road Improvements accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing Project to consider the temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900) to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period from February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator-Transportation Hahn stated that this project involves the widening of the roadway from two to four lanes and relates to the project in the City of Newcastle that involves the improvement to May Creek Bridge, as well as the widening of the Coal Creek Parkway segment in Newcastle. He gave an overview of the upcoming staff presentation, noting the large amount of concern that exists in the community regarding this project. Transportation Design Supervisor Hanson described the proposed detour routes, and the school bus and local access routes. He stated that the project entails the following: roadway widening from two to four lanes; undergrounding of all December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 416 • utilities; sidewalks; water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage improvements; landscaping; street lighting; irrigation; and signal installation at NE 21st St. Mr. Hanson reviewed staff considerations concerning the timing of the various phases of construction, including coordination with the utility companies, and school children access to buses. He indicated that if the roadway is closed to through traffic, the estimated time of construction is one year. If through traffic is maintained on the roadway, the estimated time of construction is two years. Mr. Hanson pointed out that during certain parts of the construction project the roadway must be closed; and if through traffic is maintained during the project, flaggers would constantly be stopping traffic. Tom Noguchi, with Mirai Associates, Inc., presented a traffic analysis of the existing traffic conditions and volumes in the area, and a summary of traffic conditions for each construction management option. Using a simulation model, he displayed the traffic conditions that would occur if Duvall Ave. NE were to be closed during construction, and if Duvall Ave. NE were to remain open during construction. Mr. Noguchi concluded the following: closure of Duvall Ave. NE would significantly increase traffic on Union Ave. NE; both closure and open options would not significantly increase travel time for neighborhood residents; and traffic on neighborhood streets would increase under the open option. Continuing, Mr. Hahn noted that affected residents will have east/west access to Union Ave. NE and Field Ave. NE, and that the businesses in the vicinity of Duvall Ave. NE and NE Sunset Blvd. will be accessible the entire time. Mr. Hanson reviewed the traffic and safety measures to be undertaken, including: minimization measures on Union Ave. NE,particularly in the area of Sierra Heights Elementary School; stop sign installation at SE May Valley Rd./148th Ave. SE; traffic signal modification at 148th Ave. SE/SR-900; refuge lane at Field Ave. NE/SR-900; signage; truck traffic limitations on Union Ave. NE; police presence at Union Ave. NE and NE 24th St.; speed tables on NE 24th St.; and timing signa] adjustments. Mr. Hahn reviewed the public outreach that will be conducted during the project, including a web page (www.duvallxentonwa.gov), traffic signage, telephone hotline, early proactive information, and media. In conclusion, he reviewed a brief comparison of the "open" and "closed to through traffic" options for the construction project. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:43 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:51 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Clawson previously excused. Stating that the Transportation (Aviation) Committee discussed this matter last week, Councilmember Corman noted that many of the items on the mitigation plan, such as police presence at the school, were added since the committee meeting was held. Correspondence was read from the following individuals: Reshma Shah (Renton), Brad Zylstra(Renton), Eugene Chow(Renton), Maxine Leese(city of residence unknown), Michael F. Donnelly and Claudia R. Donnelly (King County), Glenn Gesell (Renton), and Rebecca Gallagher(Renton). Comments and concerns included: increased traffic through Summerwind and Sierra Heights neighborhoods; increased traffic impacts on Sierra Heights Elementary School students; length of time of the full closure; safety of children; affected ' December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 417 businesses negatively impacted; lack of notice regarding project; lack of traffic mitigation measures; proposal to put four-way stop at SE May Valley Rd./148th Ave. SE will create a larger traffic backup; suggestion to keep roadway open and concentrate construction on one direction at a time; increased litigation risk; and disruptions and delays to school children busing. Public comment was invited. The following speakers commented on the proposed closure: Eric Walrod (Renton), Clement Novinski (King County), Mike Jacklin (Renton), Jennifer Young (Renton), Jill Gifford (Renton), Bob Blayden (Renton), Sally van Boheemen (Renton), Rich Crispo (Newcastle), Rob Nichols (Renton), Don Joss (Kent), Debra Rogers (Renton), Hylan Slobodkin (Renton), Anita Cheung (Renton), Yolanda Chow (King County), Lusine Gharibyan (Renton), and Stan Kawamoto (Renton). Concerns expressed regarded the project timeline, as the NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. NE iritersection project took longer than projected; speeding traffic on Union Ave. NE; closure of the May Creek Bridge by the City of Newcastle during its construction project; increased traffic on SE May Valley Rd. causing safety problems; backups on SR-900 when traveling from Field Ave. NE to SR-900; increased visibility of the elementary school due to closure detour route; decreased attendance at elementary school activities; timeliness of bussing school children; children's safety; and lack of notice about closure. Other concerns expressed included the expected increase in traffic in the already congested school zone on Union Ave. NE; impact on affected area residents; lack of citizen input; lack of notification to affected businesses; increased traffic on SE 95th Way that backs up on Union Ave. NE; underestimated effect of closure on the elementary school; inconsistent results from the traffic analysis; and flawed traffic analysis. Suggestions made included opening up the emergency access road that connects the Stonegate and Summerwind neighborhoods; opening the roadway on «eekends; flexibility during construction to take into account the changing traffic patterns and to make necessary adjustments; conducting some construction at night; having one-way trafftc southbound on Union Ave. NE and one-way traffic northbound on 148th Ave. SE; closing the roadway in tlie summer due to less traffic at that time and to allow for completion of the preliminary construction work; and installing speed deterrents on Union Ave. NE. Requests voiced were for driveways to remain open at the mall located at Duvall Ave. NE/SR-900 and that good access be maintained to the driveways; for a left-turn lane on southbound 148th Ave. SE to SR-900; for a temparary signal light at Coal Creek Parkway SE/SE 95th Way; and for project completion in a timely manner. Comments expressed indicated that progress needs to continue; better roads are needed; traffic congestion is already problematic; businesses located on Duvall Ave. NE will be negatively affected; and more study and discussion is needed. Other opinions were that the amount of traffic that accesses and leaves the Summerwind neighborhood has been underestimated, particularly left-hand turns onto eastbound SR-900, and that the lack of parking on Union Ave. NE negatively coincides �vith the elementary school's small parking lot. Councilmembers and City staff made the following comments during the audience comment portion of the meeting: police �vill be present at Sierra December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 418 • Heights Elementary School during peak times in the morning and afternoon; the City of Newcastle will not close the May Creek Bridge during its construction project; traffic modeling showed that if Duvall Ave. NE was closed, the Summerwind neighborhood would be less affected by pass-through traffic; and assurance that communication and access will be maintained to those who front Duvall Ave. NE so that individual needs are met when work is conducted on the driveways. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 422 for further discussion.) APPEAL Council President Nelson announced that the Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding the Grant Ave. Townhomes Site Plan appeals will be presented at the Appeal: Grant Ave next Council meeting. Townhomes Site Plan, Jones & Kovach Architects, SA-07-018 AUDIENCE COMMENT Howard McOmber(Renton) stated that a Highlands neighborhood caroling Citizen Comment: McOmber- party will be held at the Highlands Neighborhood Center. He indicated that Highlands Neighborhood there is no City involvement and that everyone is welcome. Caroling Party CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 11/26/2007. Council concur. 11/26/2007 Appointment: Advisory Mayor Keolker reappointed the following individuals to the Advisory Commission on Diversity Commission on Diversity: Sandel DeMastus, for a ternl expiring 12/31/2008; Raymond Lam, for a term expiring 12/31/2009; and Charles Thomas, for a term expiring 12/31/2009. Council concur. Legislature: 2008 Council Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Agenda & Statement of Policy recommended approval of the 2008 State Legislative Agenda and Statement of Positions Policy Positions, which serve as guidance for staff for the State legislative session. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Fire: Department Name and Fire Department requested authorization to change its name to Fire and Responsibility Changes Emergency Services Department, to change the administrator's title to Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator, and to establish and define the four sections of the department's organizational structure. Council concur. (See page 423 for ordinance.) Human Resources: Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended Reclassification of Positions reclassification of positions, effective January 2008, in the Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services; Finance and Information Services; Human Resources and Risk Management; Economic Development, Neighborhoods and � Strategic Planning; Community Services; PlanningBuilding/Public Works; Fire; and Police Departments. Refer to Finance Committee. Police: Jail Inmate Health Police Department recommended approval of a contract with Occupational Services, Occupational Health Health Services (Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County) in the amount Services of$186,958 for health services for Renton jail inmates for 2008. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ' December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 419 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Committee of the Whole the proposed Benson Hill Communities Annexation. The Committee Annexation: Benson Hill recommended that the City annex certain territory,effective 3/1/2008, Communities, S 200th St & comprising of approximately 2,406 acres generally bounded by the City of 128th Ave SE Renton corporate boundary on the west and north, SE 192nd St. and S. 200th St. on the south, and on the east generally along 128th Ave. SE. The Committee found that all requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by election method have been met. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance annexing the Benson Hill Communities area be presented for first reading. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 423 for ordinance.) Budget: 2008 Annual City of Counci] President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Renton adoption of the 2008 Budget ordinance. The Committee recommended adoption of the 2008 Budget as proposed in the Mayor's preliminary budget with the following changes: • Remove the following from recommended appropriations and place as reserves of fund balance for further review by the Council: 1) $50,000 for the IKEA Perfornling Arts Center; 2) $200,000 for floating dock removal; 3) $200,000 for the Low Income Housing Initiative; 4) ,$10,000 for neighborhood harbecue. • Add the follo�ving items to the 2008 Budget appropriation: , ; 1) $12,000 for banners in the do�vnto�vn; �} 2) $14,000 for interpreter services in the Human Services programs. • Reduce intennittent salaries in Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department by $14,000. • Make the follo��ing adjustinent in estimates: 1) increase solid waste fund revenues by $462,000; 2) reduce the Equipment Rental capital expenditures by $692,000; 3) increase the estimate of proceeds from the bond sale in tlle Utility Funds by $11,819,435 and authorize the replacement of the bond debt service reser��e with a surety purchased during the bond sale transaction. • Move the following capital projects into the 2008 CIP (Capital Improvement Plan): 1) Houser Way improvements for $350,000; 2) demolition of the 820 Building at the airport for $290,000. The Committee recommended appropriations related to serving the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area as follows: • On-going budget appropriations of$8,968,034, including the addition of 90.6 FTEs (full time employees), and $2,738,670 one-time costs. Note: additional recommendations on one-time costs and capital improvements may be made by staff during the year. The Committee recommended a total, balanced 2008 Budget of$234,638,924. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding these matters be presented for first reading.* At the request of Mayor Keolker, her memo to the Council concerning the Neighborhood Program barbecues was read into the record. The memorandum indicated that while support for the Neighborhood Program is appreciated, the inclusion of$10,000 in the budget proposal to purchase a new barbecue for the program is not necessary. The memo detailed the reasons why the barbecue December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 420 ' should not be purchased, including: the City's current ownership of two propane-fueled and one pellet-fired barbecues; the efforts of staff to consolidate the neighborhood picnics; the additional picnics expected with the annexation of the Benson Hill Communities area can be accommodated without double- booking; the lack of staff to host multiple picnics on one night; and the current lack of storage space for City equipment. The Mayor's memo concluded that the expenditure is not justified due to so many pressing unmet needs, and urged that Council reconsider this proposal. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Briere, Council amend the Committee report and remove the $10,000 for the barbecue** Councilmember Persson explained that when the newest barbecue was purchased, the oldest one should have been surplused. He opined that both propane-fueled barbecues should be surplused, as the pellet-fueled barbecues are safer and are preferred by the users. Councilmember Corman supported Mr. Persson's volunteer efforts with the barbecues, noting that with the annexation the timing is appropriate for the purchase. Council President Nelson commented on the potential danger of operating the propane-fueled barbecues. Councilmember Law suggested placing the item into reserves of fund balance for further review by Council. **Motion failed. *MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT BY MOVING THE $10,000 FOR NEIGHBORHOOD BARBECUE INTO RESERVES. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Communitv Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in Mayor Keolker's appointments to the Municipal Appointment: Municipal Arts Arts Commission as follows: Doug Kyes, for an unexpired term expiring Commission 12/3 I/2008 (position previously held by Roosevelt Lewis), and Frederick Lund, for a term expiring 12/31/2010 (position previously held by Patricia Riggs). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. EDNSP: 2007 Neighborhood Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Program Grants 2007 neighborhood grant projects (second round). The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the following grant awards: 1. Clover Creek Homeowners Association - Restoration of open space located at the northwest end of the bridge on N. 27th P1. ($3,377). 2. Honey Creek Homeowners Association - Restore traffic circles to original design by adding new plants and conditioning the soil ($1,002). The Committee also recommended approval of funding for the following administrative newsletter applications: 1. Kennydale Neighborhood Association: Annual printing for a newsletter printed quarterly and mailed($1,890). 2. Summerwind Homeowners Association - Annual printing for a newsletter printed quarterly and mailed ($279). 3. Tiffany Park Neighborhood Association- Annual printing for a newsletter printed quarterly and distributed door-to-door($769). � December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 421 The second round of applications totaled $7,317, with the remaining balance of $452. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 266537 - 266884 and one wire transfer totaling $159,489.82; and approval of zero Payroll Vouchers,zero wire transfers, and zero direct deposits totaling�-2�1. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO TAKE OUT THE $382.29. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE AMENDED FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee on Committees Council President-Elect Palmer presented a Committee on Committees report Council: 2008 Committee recommending the following Council committee chairnlanships and committee Assignments assignments for 2008: Community Services Committee: Terri Briere, Chair; King Parker, Vice Chair; Randy Corman, Member. Finance Committee: Don Persson, Chair; Terri Briere, Vice Chair; King Parker, Member. Planning and Development Committee: King Parker, Chair; Dan Cla��son, Vice Chair; Greg Taylor, Member. Public Safety Committee: Greg Taylor, Chair; Randy Corman, Vice Chair; Don Persson, Member. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Randy Corman, Chair; Don Persson, Vice Chair; Dan Clawson, Member. Utilities Committee: Dan Cla��son, Chair; Greg Taylor, Vice Chair; Terri Briere, Member. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plannin�& Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Committee regarding the Highlands Study Area rezone correction. The Committee Planning: Highlands Study recommended that Council adopt the rezoning of the parcels located between Area Zoning Correction, Olympia Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, south of NE 12th St. in the Highlands Monroe Ave NE area, to Residential Multi-Family zoning in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the recommendations of the Highlands Task Force on zoning. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 423 for ordinance.) Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Amendments recommending concurrence in the staff and Planning Commission recommendation to approve the 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments and concurrent rezones as shown on the matrix entitled "2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments," summarized as follows: • 2007-M-01 —Alan Kunovsky applicant; Map amendment to change Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial December 3, 2007 Renton City Council I�linutes Page 422 > Neighborhood (CN) with CN zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to parking. • 2007-M-02—O'Farrell Properties, LLC&City of Renton applicants; Map amendment to change Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial Corridor with Commercial Arterial zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to business districts. • 2007-M-03 —City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation site. • 2007-M-04—Robert Cave & John Cowan applicants; withdrawn. • 2007-M-OS —David Halinen applicant; Map amendment to change Employment Area- Industrial with Heavy Industrial zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning. • 2007-M-06—City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to Benson Hill Communities Annexation site. • 2007-M-07 —City of Renton applicant; denied. • 2007-T-O 1 —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment to update Capital Facilities and Transportation elements to reflect housekeeping changes. • 2007-T-OS —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment, updating the Land Use Element, to the Residential Low Density land use designation to allow Residential Manufactured Home as an implementing zone. The Committee recommended that the ordinance for all Comprehensive Plan amendments and all concurrent City Code Title IV text amendments be presented for first reading. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Applications 2007-M-01, Park Ave.; 2007-M-02, Rainier Ave.; and 2007-M-O5, QIP and Viriu properties; be presented for first reading. The ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Communities, that was annexed into Renton as part of the Hudson Annexation will be presented for adoption in January 2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in the portion of Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Coinmunities, that will be annexed into Renton as part of the Benson Hill Communities Annexation will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of annexation, 3/1/2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in Application 2007-M-03, Maple Valley Hwy. Corridor, will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation, estimated as 4/1/2008. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 423 and 424 for ordinances.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Streets: Duvall Ave NE A resolution was read authorizing the temporary total closure of Duvall Ave. Closure, Road Improvements NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way.* Project Councilmember Persson recommended holding the resolution for one week due to the concerns raised during the public hearing, such as parking at Sierra Heights Elementary School, signal light timing at NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. � December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 423 NE,police presence on Union Ave. NE, and four-way stop at NE 24th St./Union Ave. NE. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL HOLD THE RESOLUTION UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING.* Council discussion ensued regarding the additional review by staff of concerns and ideas, and it was agreed that the matter would be discussed at the Transportation (Aviation) Committee on December 5. *MOTION CARRIED. Added A resolution was read declaring a local emergency, as conditions of peril to the Resolution #3921 safety of persons and property have arisen within the City caused by a storm Public Safety: Declaration of with heavy rains. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Local Emergency ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/10/2007 for second and final reading: Fire: Department Name and An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Fire Department, of Title III Responsibility Changes (Departments) of City Code by changing the duties of the Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator and to change the responsibilities of the various department divisions. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Budget: 2008 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2008 in the total Rentori amount of$234,638,924. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Utility: System Development An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Adrninistration and Enforcement, Charges of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code to allo��� for adjustments to System Development Charges. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED B�' CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read annexing approximately 2,406 acres of property Communities, S 200th St& generally bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary on the west and 128th Ave SE north, SE 192nd St. and S. 200th St. on the south and on the east, 108th Ave. SE, the eastern edge of Boulevard Lane Park, the western edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128th Ave. SE, if extended, but including Renton Park and Charles Lindberg High School; Benson Hill Communities Annexation. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Planning: Highlands Study An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Area Zoning Correction, within the Highlands Study Area from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per Monroe Ave NE acre)to RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zoning; LUA-06-128; CPA 2006-M- 06. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read adopting the 2007 amendments to the City's 2004 Amendments Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 424 • Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Amendments, CN Zone Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Parking Regulations regulations regarding the location of required parking in the Commercial Neighborhood zone. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Amendments, Business Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code to amend the Districts Regulations regulations regarding the Rainier Business District Overlay and the decision criteria for stand alone residential in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget business districts. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Amendments,Allowing R1�1H Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by allowing to Implement RLD Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) zoning to implement the Residential Low Density (RLD) land use designation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Rainier Ave An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Rainier Ave. Properties, R-10 to CA, CPA properties from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) to CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning; LUA-06-161; CPA 2007-M-02. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Virtu Property South An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Virtu property of Sunset Blvd, RM-F to R-10, south of Sunset Blvd. from RMF (Residential Multi-Family)to R-10 CPA (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M- O5. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARWED. Rezone: QIP Property South of An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the QIP property Sunset Blvd, IH to R-10, CPA south of Sunset Blvd. from IH (Heavy Industrial) to R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M-OS. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Park Ave N An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Park Ave. N. Properties, R-10 to CN, CPA properties from R-10 (Residential -ten dwelling units per acre) to CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning; LUA-06-160; CPA 2007-M-01. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. The following ordinance �vas presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5323 An ordinance was read providing for the 2007 year-end budget amendments in Budget: 2007 Year-End the total amount of$4,141,991. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY Amendments LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 425 NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER Finance: Gambling Tax GAMBLING TAX REVENUES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Revenues CARRIED. Council: Meeting Cancellation MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COtJNCIL CANCEL (12/17/2007) THE 12/17/2007 COLTNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. AUDIEIVCE COMMENT Mary Urback (Puyallup), representing O'Farrell Properties (2007 Citizen Comment: Urback- Comprehensive Plan amendment; Rainier properties), expressed her pleasure 2007 Comprehensive Plan regarding working with staff on the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. Amendments She commended staff for educating both the applicant and the public on the amendment process, noting that community involvement is encouraged. ADJOURNNIENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:34 p.m. �/11LrYt/rI.GG �- (.,(/G2�.f�0�"' Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 3, 2007 RFNT�N CTTY COi1NCiL CnMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk • COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 3, 2007 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/10 Emerging Issues in Economic (Nelson) 5:30 p.m. Development and Transportation *Council Conference Room* Approximately Legislative Priorities 6:30 p.m. *Council Chambers* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 12/10 Reclassification of Positions (PerssQn) 4:30 p.m. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT THURS., 12/06 CANCELLED (Briere) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 12/10 CANCELLED (Law) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) WED., 12/OS Basketball Hoops on Public Right-of- (Palmer) 4 p.m. Way; Local & Regional Transportation Issues Update; Duvall Ave. N. Temporary Closure UTILITIES THURS., 12/06 CANCELLED (Clawson) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless othenvise noted. • Exhibit C a King County DepaMmeat of Assessments Accounting Division Scott Noble 500 Fowth AvenUe,ADM-AS-0725 Assessor Seattle,WA 98104-2384 (2t16)296-5145 FAX(20�296-0106 Email:assessor.info@ldngeanaty.gov http://www.ki ngcountv.2ov/assessor/ ANNEXATION PETITION CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the petition submitted October 25, 2007 to the King County Department of Assessments by Don Erickson, Senior Planner for the City of Renton, supporting the annexation to Renton of the properties described as the New LifeAqua Barn Annexation, have been examined, the property taxpayers, tax parcel numbers, and assess�ed value of properties listed thereon carefully compared with the King County tax roll records, and as a result of such examination, found to be sufficient under the pxovisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Section 35A.41:Q4Q. T'he Department of Assessments has not verified that the signature on the petition is valid through comparison with any record of actual signatures, nor that the signature was obtained or submitted in an appropriate time frame, and this document does not certify such to be the case. Dated this 8� day of November, 2007 ��� Scott Noble, Kin County Assessor Exhibit D NEW LIFE -AQUA BARN ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands included within the subject annexation area are situated in Sections 22, 23, 24 and 27, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., King County, Washington, said annexation area being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeasterly margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR169, P.S.H. #5), and the"THREAD" of the Cedar River in the Northwest quarter of said Section 22, said point also being on the Renton City Limits as annexed under Ordinance No. 4156; Thence southeasterly along said existing City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 4156, and the northeasterly right of way margin of said SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway to the west line of Government Lot 2 in the Northeast quarter of said Section 22, where said City Limit Line follows the northerly right of way margin of the abandoned Burlington Northern (Pacific Coast) Railroad right of way; Thence continuing southeasterly along said City Limit Line and said northerly right of way margin to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 149`h Ave. SE, in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence leaving said City Limit Line and continuing southeasterly, along said northerly railroad right of way margin, crossing 149`h Ave SE and 154`h Pl SE to the intersection of said northerly railroad right of way margin and the easterly right of way margin of 154"' Pl SE, said intersection also being a point on the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) line; Thence southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right of way margin and said UGB line, to a point on the northeasterly right of way margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR169,P.S.H. #5), in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southeasterly along the various courses of said northeasterly right of way margin and said UGB line, to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24; Thence southerly along said parallel line and said UGB line to a point of intersection with a line perpendicular to said west line, said perpendicular line beginning at a point on said west line 50 feet south of the northeast corner of Tract A of Valley Faire II, as recorded under Volume 131 of Plats, Pages 39 -43, records of King County,Washington; 0232b(Aqua Barn Mnex).doc -1- June 13,2007 Thence westerly along said perpendicular line and said UGB line to the west line of said Southwest quarter, said west line also being the east line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 23; Thence northwesterly along a line parallel with the north line of said Tract A, a distance of 350 feet; Thence northerly along a line parallel with said east line, to the north line of said Tract A; Thence generally westerly along the various courses of the north line of said Tract A, to the west line of said Southeast quarter, said west line also being the east line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southerly along said east line, to the southeast corner of said subdivision; Thence westerly along the south line of said subdivision to the southwest corner thereof; Thence northerly along the west line of said subdivision, to the northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of said Southwest quarter, said northwest corner also being the southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thence westerly along the south line of said subdivision, to the SE corner of Tract J, Pioneer Place, as recorded under Volume 226 of Plats, Pages 51 - 56, said records; Thence westerly along the various courses of the south line of said Tract J, to a point on the west line of said plat, said west line also being the east line of Elliot Farm, as recorded under Volume 180 of Plats, Pages 4- 15, said records, said west line also being the east line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thence northerly along said east line of said plat, said east line also being the east line of Tract G and Tract E, both of said plat, to the most easterly northeast corner of said Tract E; Thence westerly along the various courses of the northerly line of said Tract E, to a point on the easterly right of way mazgin of 140`h Way SE, in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly along said easterly right of way margin, to an intersection with the south line of said Section 22; Thence westerly along said south line, crossing said 140`h Way SE, said south line also being the south line of Maple Ridge Estates, as recorded under Volume 134 of Plats, Pages 9 - 16, said records, to a point on the east line of Lot 2, View Point at Maple Ridge, as recorded under Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 32- 35, said records; 0232b(Aqua Bam Mnex).doc -2- Jurie 13,2007 Thence southerly and westerly along the boundary lines of Lots 2 through 9 of said plat, in the Northeast quarter of said Section 27, and the westerly extension thereof, crossing 140`h Ave SE, to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 140`h Ave SE, in the Northwest quarter of said Section 27; Thence northerly along said westerly right of way margin, to an intersection with said south line of said Section 22, said south line also being the south line of said plat; Thence westerly along said south line of said Section 22 and the south line of said plat, to the southwest corner of Lot 13 of said plat,in the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence generally northerly along the various courses of the west line of said plat and the west line of Maple Ridge Estates, Division 2, Phase 3, as recorded under Volume 163 of Plats, Pages 64 -66, said records, to the northwest corner of said plat, said northwest corner also being a point on the south line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence westerly along said south line, to the most southerly southeast corner of Tract J, King County Boundary Lot Adjustment No. LO1 L 0026,as recorded under King County Rec. No. 20010730900003; Thence westerly, northwesterly, northerly, northwesterly and westerly along the various courses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines of Tract J, to a point on the western boundary thereof, said point also being the southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary line adjustment, in Government Lot 9 of said Section 22; Thence southwesterly,westerly and northwesterly, along the various courses of the south line of said Tract L to the southwest corner thereof, said southwest corner also being a point on the east line of that property conveyed to King County under King County Recording Number 9810304345; Thence southwesterly and southeasterly, along said east line, to an intersection with the centerline of Molasses Creek; Thence northwesterly along said creek centerline and its northwesterly extension, to an intersection with the Renton City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 5243, said line also being the "THREAD"of the Cedar River; Thence northeasterly along said City Limit Line and the "THREAD" of the Cedar River to the point of beginning. 0232b(Aqua Bam Annex).doc -3- Jurie 13,2007 • r.auiui�r.t W ,�( �5�,�,��\� y W I � ,�A'� SE_142nd-St � SE_942nd�St � 5� , , � Q a; - `(` —�SE,142nd_St "\ `� i w - - - �'i , �'�' '1� ' � � __ v, � SE 143rd St � � sF144fh St � � ^ � �� -- �` \ <��-�� ' _ � •w i SE-144th St \` �-�/ ''���� � ` I ? ^ I � � �� \ ti� �, �\'"� l i SF_lqsth-P � �� � ^ 145th St '� y�r � I '� ✓ ' � rv �", '� �ysE ' "_ ��--��i�f'� � � � --- ,\`� � � - � ( ,(" �� -- .� � J f I 1 % � I � �� � I =' , — I ♦i��� ;- l + /' \ � � St ' \ � ,,"••..�,,,.+*`r i' � �� Qy. �Z..%/ � � t�� )��SE,1�9�h - 1.. _-` `-� - p,.ie SE � b,C,\'y', , -- �;.,-��i. i y � i� - (ir_- _-�_/�eryf t ��'�r �y /� /� -�\ r r„ ��� - -- o �ap/e_Va//e ^ � �� ��.����\ — , -_, _ �1'.Rd. 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P� �, :-�. ,pve \ � � �� n a `c � kx� + t I . ��s�/�l. ': � Sg 111s, � �- �1a6tn , ,�>�. �,�/.��rs`f%' l , r` `t �� .i New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation �ti,�Y o� Economic Development, ,� . Neighborhoods and Exhibit F1 : Proposed Annexation Boundary �.� Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Pianning Technician Legend N ;�...:..; �__o�� City Boundary November20,2007 New Life-Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet 1:16,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007, the City of Renton all rights reserved. No warranties of any sort,including but File Name:H:IEDNSPIGIS_projects\new_life_aqua_barnl not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability, F1_proposed_annex_boundary.mxd accompany this product. LAallrtla� a � +} �1 �� . r . , �i 1. (,_ ' f���l i l . �,� i � 1 . �' � 1E I I , -- �/� 1 � �� � \' LakeWashington ��` ��—��—�����.���—_I �. 1 �`• 1 ., ` ; � ?! I� 1 y '� , - y�'' - -�..__-. . �t.,�--�- i �'? ..r� ';` � �� i ;: ��.t � ';:. �' � - '�: � � - �� `;� i ' �~_. •`�--- 3 �.! �=~``. --- — _ �--� ���. :,� ,.. ,� `�--.. � — � a.\, . � �'� .�-���:�. ;. `{ l�r�'' � ^� Re� ,. -.c;.�-, i: �G�� 1� 1 �w;—�__�_1 �, � �. �� � � r dr_�L � � � � � � �� �� � � ��� � '� � S'�. Y�.�r��������� � � ,,.. � �� / � I ,� j 1 , --�� �t r..t'� , �/.`. . 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I m „ ' �' + � )�- I l f> I � ! � o ,�.; — /' � '�c, 88th °'� �!' .� 8`9fn � r. � � ,,/ �.� ! � 'LfaY VaUe � Lake Washington �� Id05 2�rn�.r^_�---� r —,,,_� y y m�foo `1, � h � � \ � � E ; I w o 1 ,t; i Is� t�, c5�` I ,,( 1,;, ~ e� �J � Renf� �O '�J ��'rS � Y � j y a9uah a YV a' � a � � � d @1 -_ ! � c 0 .�,,i �7 ' tt � � tS_<.�_ 9 � ':, o, � 4th � 128th "' srd 1 �:' J ` ' ,(,�� - �� 0 ' .�`�,/ 2nd � ! 15 f'.:,-�. `� ! Sunse� "-_ - 1 ' v`Oi ��-,.:.,�� _ .__i � onSre^ � -� � 'f,, _-. Q ��� 7th � �dA/e ��c� =-- `aiie �--� � Y t `` 6rady ,,.::� s� ��r i; 1 1-005 �� '�;�.� � ,,, � SO��hcenter_, �� � m a ' � , rr �." '__ �<o<z �Y` �1. ' � J Puge1 �,_�_ �— - - Y _ � � ~ � :: � m ���� Strande R � � 27th � , + � b� � � � + � ,s� , t m � m ` � a is b 1 y I Q � r� nsrn r,, �art A z� ��� 80fh 43rd � e�`��i/y.� � " 'v. '�. °' ��c ? �_, � J s �yo� 1;' v ��,�1 �. � � ro J � i r _ � m � ---- 1 192nd 192nd � +:"�196th � � - . ,F° � �i�_�, 1 �. : 2ootn�r� � t f �.� ` , � � ' P '. �_/1_ _.,�:,"-. � � - `R+ ..�''s f� Zoatn �,�.' `' r' New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation U�,�Y o� Economic Development, , � , Neighborhoods and Exhibit F3: Major Streets and Major Physical Features �.z Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator Leg e n d A.Johnson,Planning Technician N Q New Life -Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary November 20,2007 1 � L___� City Boundary 0 2,250 4,500 9,000 Feet Produced by City of Renton(c)2007, 1:72,000 the City of Renton all rights reserved. No warranties of any sort,including but File Name:H:\EDNSPIGIS_projects\new Irfe_aqua_bami not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability, F3_major_streets_major_physical_features mxd accompany this product. �auiui�r.».a � 1 _ . , !"i�; � 1� �J/--'�—� • ., l �!r` 1 j r� \f ' � 3 �, � � � \1 l4ke�G � S� k �J 4,��i� � ��� ' i---, d'ro� �, � ���-..�.."""`�- __ �. ; � � � � � E � �----� �u �,`? ;- �, � >_ Station 12 ��' r �� District No.10 .t�...,� �, '`'�.,.w.�7 �'`"' � ,� j � � � �i `� �� District No.20 � '``�� £`� � � ��� _3 's - " -=..�) �� ' r'� i �� �._w..._�.�..___� '��� �'`� _._.,...._, .m---� � t ,?' __ � g�_ Station 11 � ' ! � i' �\ � 1 i..»_,.y, } `� �t •�R,�,��3_Po �N � u.,...._.,�,,,_._4 � �.__._.... - � 9 , ; Station 16 '- - _�, " „ , ! � : wrF___ .� � ���.z� District No.25 � ' �.��� �. �..� G ,�` �._.....__�� ..�: r �,'�,,,�.. . r. _�,._.._.m...__ �"'�\ Y,.3.-„' >I.. +� �5,�\ 3 Station 14 �.,.� � �� � � ' � Station 1�..� �. _...__._�..��_ �@_k��- , � `{ �' t � R..irJ �+'..F � €� � ��,a � 4`� �i'� _i�� .. ,� ; = j,� District No.40 � �' � Station 41 �xl„_ f -r �` .:��..����..�� • ° s,. � `".'; � a I , � - r✓ ' �- ,� ��.s' /�: A.,"�: <: / L/ ',, � -—,:, � District No.43 ' �V�` �--__--.. / __ /,�_,._ ; � �° 1.� ,� . / �� 4 { oyc � ,�,� r:'�, a .. $ � i �. -�_. ,�� � oa ,;. � j DistriCt NO.37 y � r.`�' � I ``` ��-- �f � Station 42 f �_; �' - New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation �,�Y o Economic Development, ��• Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4a: Fire Service Area Boundary � Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planni�g Technician Legend N Q New Life-Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary ���City Boundary November 20,2007 --�-- Fire Stations Service Area � Fire Districts 0 2,200 4,400 8,800 Feet 1:81,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton File Name:H:IEDNSPIGIS_projects\new_life_aqua_barnl all rights reserved.No warranties of any sort.including F4_fire_service_area_boundary.mxd but not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. ' �:xhibit r'.4.b � �' 4 � � � m D ''� ' ' ' �1 COAL CREEK �c r ..`,' _ �1 1 MAY CREEK i� Lake Washington . ..r.��.. �� J` 1 � NORFOLK ` � _ W RENTON ESI-2 � ..rr BRYN MA 't� � i �?� �. ��; '� ����;. ,�r i ?�s ,. r' oEi� � . ; ��� _ � ..�t 3 � � � +� ! r J � k �� RENTON CEDAR .� r� RENTON ESI-1 -� � �~ i :, J� �, ��f.. R '.. .•�..� . '� � -- �a� �a.- .�-h �F �i� , _ � `1:., � C ���,� m TUKWILASOUTFj�'' � SOOSN � ` O RENTON � �' � J t�' �o � CEDAR MAD `� ' '~�� O�,pt�`2 � ,. SOOSCENT ULID/C2 ULID1 �..,�.�1(C2 �' �¢ `, � r �� �, 6� ¢� .'?�J.�-.,. "�_ ��Y o Economic Development, N ew L ife - Aq u a B a rn An n exati o n �• '� Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4b: Sewer Service Area Boundaries ��$ Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator Legend A.Johnson,Planning Technician � � City Boundary N I���..� � New Life-Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary November 20,2007 '"�"": �_..,j Sewer Service Boundary 0 2,25o a,5oo s,000 0 Sewer Districts Feet 1:72,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton File Name:H:\EDNSPIGIS_projects\new life_aqua_baml alt rights reserved.No warranties of any sort,induding but F4b_sewer_service_area_boundary.mxd not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. L'Alll�Jil 1`.'YSl 1• " �' t/ ,f f��. . ` " ;� -� `�` ` Coal Creek ,`' ``� � ��� �� Water District } . '��,, i`' 1 � I � �'" 1 � ? . _ - . ��� j _ � - �� ��j� �.. � ;t, � . 4��`'` . �i�. � ---- �.._ �fi �� + _` `, :,� � (r. - -- �-ti,;.,,�� . �,_�—y���� � �'`---' ,� • ,��, � __-:_ r` -- ( '1':. '...�� '` r�� 1; :,, _ � P' � � Water District �� ` kyway Water� `�u gp S nrice Di ric� � � ��` . '��� _. `='�� < �� f` - ,��.,�r_ City of Tukwila `y, � Water District '�a �� ��,k � n , , � _ � �' �J ;; �� ��' _ �� <4v^ � � - __- ��-°..,,. -�; � City of Kent j � � Water District r � Cedar River '`?�.i � Water District 1 � ��......�—_��—..�� 1 , k � �� Soos Creek � Water District � _.__3 �+ �•,; ,'{ ,; ,:, ; '�,,, d ( �,�`,, P, ,, � �.° ` � �::": n` ._�',�., � . {�: '. ;i:.4,'. :.�;ii �' �. . - \ _. 'f. 1 New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Uti,� o� Economic Development, ��• Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4c: Water Service Area Boundaries z Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planning Technician Legend N (���� �__� City Boundary November 20,2007 Q New Life-Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary 0 2,25o a,5oo s,000 � Water Service Districts Feet 1:81,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007;the City of Renton File Name:H:IEDNSPIGIS_projectslnew life_aqua_baml all rights reserved.No warranties of any sort,including but F4c_water_service_area_boundary.mxd not limited to accuracy,ftness or merchantability,accompany this product. • r.xuiuii r.� t � f , �'t ; % � , `� `1.. ; ,. �, ; .. i , ,` . _ f, i '�, 1 � �� f. r�y ,` �!�_ � Luke Wushi,ngion --- a._��..�` �1 '�.� � ,, � � 1 1 I , �� I :., ;; - r_, '�`� �.,�`j }`�i i i ' � � ;l - � . - 1 � r`� ���. � 1 �. �•.�`+ �� i --- +� �^� --= 1� >>, , _', � e �' _I _ �__� � ``;� .��"_,�t�4�r�.. _ �-_ �. t� 'P �`� �; � ,.: _' + .. .:���.. .._ �. f—t,y f_� -=_ �''' ..� ~~-�J =✓, r_1 ti.i` � r�� .' I ;;f�� i I ;;i 1 `:t_ I s �1 '' I �;`_ _',� j _ ,�.� + �,--- __�r� �� �,� �f � f _ :�� `r'f �����. . .- �. New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Uti,� o� Economic Development, o Neighborhoods and Exhibit F5: KC UGA and Renton PAA ��z Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planning Technician Legend N � j City Boundary �._ November 20,zoo� Q New Life-Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary QUrban Growth Act Boundary 0 1,5003,000 6,000 9,000 Feet Proposed Annex Area-Renton 1:72,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton Flle Name:H:\EDNSPIGIS_projects\new_life_aqua_bam\ all rights reserved.No warranties of any sort,including but F5 KC GA RentonPAA.mxd not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. La�iu►i v. , r' +,f< ,. 1,� � � . �{N �%. �i .... � ` ± rf�' ' ' I ` f' / I j^ I �: �! , �;� � , � �`""ti ' „LakeWashington ��, �—.,t_, _.,.�_,.__� _� �� i _ , , 1", 1 } � 1 i 1 �:_._- _ - M��t�� ;� �;, 1—_I '',; ��f`� •; I h ii I —� �'i' ~I �;_:.,:"� -�: 1 , � '�:.� I � �� t '_ � I - �^ � 1 ".. -: �"���.....,� _ _� •.^ t"' �-_- I \¢' ` -...A � -�....; �i� 'r� �� .r.., �<� V, fr' `� 4_ ,\�. ��� -� � ;`` � s', �,;a�� ;' � �'i +`°� ;` .s�^. ,'` f (�, r�� .._,� �-'n. ��` f J�' ����� ,��� �. y�'� j � ���J— e. � � r 1 r1 � •,�� 1 !f '� (! � � ' +'� `;•i� ,i� ti��r�����_� w r )I � � J � _ " 7 � `�Z � ' -...___ =.�_'3� � � .' 11" �.r f� i ' t�l��� ,: tQ ' .� ,, t1� '.'�E, � �..," 6 �., � .. ��:.' . �` ,+ New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Us,�Y o Economic Development, ���• Neighborhoods and Exhibit G: Proposed Corporate Limits � Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planning Technician Legend N ����� �___� City Boundary November 20,2007 � New Life -Aqua Barn Proposed Boundary 0 1,5503,100 6,200 9,300 Feet 1:72,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton File Name:H:\EDNSPIGIS_pro�ectslnew life_aqua_barn\ all rights reserved.No warranties of any sort,including but G_proposed_corporate_limits.mxd not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. y �<„i�i�{kr��,ra;,' 'a K" '��:_:':` W � � -` s�",�s SE 143rd St `rF144th St y ro '. 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' � 3- No Change 14- RLD to RS/RLD with R-8/RC Zoning -��/ ",�`, ' 4- RLD to RMD with R-14 Zoning 15- RLD to RMD with RMH Zoning i ' ', , ; ,-- , , . . 5- RLD to RMD with R-14 Zoning 16- RLD to RMD with R-4 Zornn ; � ` _ ; — ,�, 3 ._� � 9 �— � % T �,`�� —,�;� � 5A- RS to RLD with R-4 Zoning 17- RLD to RMD/RLD with R-14/RC Zoning �`� � � 6- RS to RLD with R-4 Zoning 18- No Change / �./ � J��; /� � � � � � ;l � � 7- R3 to RLD with R-4 Zoning 19- No Change :.. , = ` ' ` 8- RLD to RMD with R-14 Zoning 20- No Change _. :r '. .._..�, % . , ` . � , 2 , ' ; , 9A- No Change 21 - No Change �' f � 96- No Change 22- No Change �� 5 �O 9C- No Change 23- RLD to RS/RLD with RMH/RC Zoning 3 g 10- No Change 24- No Change 11 - RLD to RS with R-8 Zoning 25- RLD to RLD with RMH Zoning 9A B �� 13A `�`"'�-��� 12- RLD to RS with R-8 Zoning 5A ���., gC )12 � � �.. ``-` 16 _ � �� � � 14 � � � � � 6A 15 20 _!` _ -�' �� �- �_ � ___�_____' L J'=�" 21 � Y5 ~ � 17 23 �1' ;: J'�~`\� ' i � � 7 22 �._�� ' > � ,�;'� �L� „ '� -`�__�--- � ,' J`.f,' . �. . . � �'1 (\.. . �_. '..� . . . � . . .. ` ' ' ,4. , � ,. , ...... �,�� D��� ��� �` �� � � �� � � � . _ . . ,. , ,. , . : �--- , . _ ; ,,. � . . GPA # 2007-M-03 and Concurrent Prezoning - Maple Valley Hwy Corridor o �oo0 2000 Exhibit # 7 - Proposed Land Use Designations �and Use 1 : 12000 � CC-Commercial Corridor � RLD-Residential Low Density �ti o,t, Economic Development,Nei borhoods&Strate ic Plannin Stud Area . . Alex Piecsch,Administrator � g g � RMD-Residential Medium Density y � C.E.Feasel L� RS-Residential Single Family Subdivisions .r 18]uly 2Q07 - Washington State Boundary Review Board ��a For King County Yesler Buildifig, Room�@2, 400 Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 296-6800 • Fax: (206)296-6803 • http://wwzv.ntetrokc.gov/rrnnexntiorts January 30, 200$ City of Renton Attn: Rebecca Lind, Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: REQUEST FOR REVISED LEGAL DESCRII'TION File No. 2270—City of Renton—New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: Enclosed please find a copy of the letter from King County Engineering sta.ff regarding the legal description submitted as part of the above Notice of Intention. If you are in agreement with the corrections and suggestions made in the letter, please submit a revised legal description to our office as soon as possible. The corrected Iegal description must be used on all future documents related to this proposal. We suggest you direct any questions concerning the County Engineering recommendations to Nicole Keller, Road Services Division, at 206-296-3731. Sincerely, , �✓ Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: I,etter from King County Road Services Division dated January 18, 2Q08 cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council (w/o enclosures) Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services(w/o enclosures) FORM 8 Y R�C�IV�,D Kir�g Cour��� dAN 3 0200� Road Services Division wA State B Department of Transportation Board F undary ReVjaw KSC-TR-0231 or King Co 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 January 18, 2008 Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Boundary Revie��v Board YES-BR-0402 RE: Citv of Renton—New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation BRB File 2270� Dear Ms. Blauman: Thank you for the opportunity to review the legal description for the proposed New Life Aqua Barn Annexation to the City of Renton transmitted with your January 4, 2008 letter. Staff reviewed the enclosed legal description and found it coincided with the enclosed highlighted map. The legal description was found to be unsatisfactory and in need of corrections. The proposed annexation boundary encompasses areas that are located within the pending Proposed City of Fairwood Incorporation, Boundary Review Board File No. 2258. The recommendations contained in this letter do not attempt to resolve the overlapping boundaries. The City of Renton will need to coordinate with the representatives of the proposed City of Fairwood to resolve these issues. In addition to resolving the common boundary between pending annexations, staff recommends the following revisions to the New Life Aqua Barn legal description, as per the attached red-lined copy: Page 1, Paragraph 5: Where it reads: "Thence leaving said City Limits Line and continuing southeasterly, along said northerly railroad right-of-way margin, crossing 149th Ave SE and 154th Pl SE to the intersection of said northerly railroad right-of-way margin and easterly right-of-way margin of 154th Pl SE, said intersection also being a point on the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) line;" It should read: "Thence leaving said City Limits Line and continuing southeasterly, along said northerly railroad right-of-way margin, crossing 149th Ave SE and 154th Pl SE to the intersection of said northerly railroad right-of-way margin and easterly right-of-way margin of 154th Pl SE;" /�•�1201M Lenora Blauman January 18, 2008 Page 2 Page l, Paragraph 6: Where it reads: "Thence southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right-of- way margin and said UGB line, to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR-169, P.S.H. #5), in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23;" It should read: "Thence southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right-of- way margin, to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR-169, P.S.H. #5), in the Southwest quarter of�aid Section 23;" Page 1, Paragraph 7: Where it reads> "Thence southeasterly along the various courses of said northeasterly right- of-way margin and said UGB line, to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24;" It should read: "Thence southeasterly along the various courses of said northeasterly right- of-way margin and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) line, to an intersection with the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24; Thence southerly, along said west line, to the northeasterly right-of-way margin of said SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR-169, P.S.H. #5); Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly right-of-way margin and said UGB line, to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24;" Page 3, Paragraph 6: Where it reads: "Thence westerly, north�vesterly, northerly, northwesterly and westerly along the various courses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines of Tract J, to a point on the western boundary thereof, said point also being the southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary line adjustm'ent, in Government Lot 9 of said Section 22;" It should read: "Thence westerly, northwesterly, northerly, southwesterly and westerly along the various courses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines of Tract J, to a point on the western boundary thereof, said point also being the Lenora Blauman January 1 S, 2008 Page 3 southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary line adjustment, in Government Lot 9 of said Section 22;" When reviewing legal descriptions for annexations, staff attempts to identify islands of unincorporated County and/or marginal road rights-of-way that may have been overlooked by the City in developing the legal description. For this particular annexation, there are no annexable unincorporated islands of public road right-of-way that have been excluded from the proposed boundary description. The following is a list of existing parcels, which are segregated by both the proposed incorporation boundary and the Urban Growth Boundary Line: • #2323059028 —Ceda:Rive:Trail Site • #2323059029—private property The following plat is segregated by the incorporation boundary: � Elliott Farm, Volume 180, Pages 4-15 The following parks are within the incorporation boundary: � Portions of the Soos Creek Trail Site • Portions of Cedar River Trail Site The following parks and parks' properties are abutting and adjacent to the incorporation boundary: � Portions of the Soos Creek Trail Site • Cavanaugh Pond Park This annexation does not include any King County-maintained bridges. There are no new streets within the proposed incorporation boundary that remain under maintenance-defect bonds with King County, as posted by the developer for the required two-year maintenance-defect period. The following list of tax lots within the proposed incorporation boundary are parcels of land owned by King County, as identified from County GIS data. We recommend that these parcels be researched to determine whether King County should retain ownership interest after incorporation. Lenora Blauman January 18, 2008 Page 4 King County (non-RSD) Parcels (tax lot#) • 2223059161 • 2223059028 • 2223059012 • 2223059164 • 2223059163 • 6806100750 • 8856890280 • 8856920740 The following list of tax lots within the proposed incorporation boundary are parcels of land owned by King County Road Services Division, as identified from County GIS data. We recommend that these parcels be researched to determine whether King County should retain ownership interest after incorporation. Road Services Division's Parcels (tax lot#) • 2223059159 • 2314300990 The following is a Road Services Division's mitigation site, currently associated with a King County project: • 140th/132nd Ave. SE—Road Widening, Wetland Enhancement The following address is a location of a King County-maintained off-road stormwater facility within the proposed incorporation boundary: • SR-169 & 140th Way SE, Mapleridge Estates If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Keller, Vacations and Boundaries Engineer, at 206-296-3731, or via e-mail at Nicole.Keller@kingcounty.gov, Sincerely, � hW� Lydia Reynolds-Jones Manager Project Support Services Lenora Blauman January 18, 2008 Page 5 LRJ:NK:mr Enclosures ' cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the King County Council (w/enclosures) Paulette Norman, P.E., County Road Engineer, Road Services Division Delite Morris, Senior Engineer, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division Debbie Clark, Administrative Specialist, Department of Assessments Robert Nunnenkamp, Property Agent, Department of Natural Resources and Parks Daisy Tamayo, GIS Specialist, Department of Assessments Nicole Keller, Engineer II, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division � Eghibft D . ���CC,��� ���i +� i'�a� I p� � NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIP'fION The lands included within the sabject anneacation area aze situated in Sections 22, 23,24 and 27,all in Township 23 North,R,an$e 5 East,W.M.,King County,Washington, said annexation area being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intcrsection of the northeasterly inargiu of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway(SR164,P.S.H.#5),and the`THREAD"of the Cedar River in the Narthwest quarter of said Section 22, said point also beiag on the Renton City Limits as anneaced unde,�Ordinanc�No.4156; Thence southeasterly along said existing City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 4156, and the northeasterly right of way margin of said SE Renton-Meple Valley Highway W the west line of Government Lot 2 in the Northeast quarter of said 5ection 22,where said City Limit Line follows the northerty right of way margin of the abandoned Burlington Northcrn(Pacific Coast)Raikoad right of way; Thence continuiag sontheasterly along said City Limit line and said northerly right of way margin to an intersecrion with the westerly right of way margin of 149`�Ave. SE,in the Soutfiwest quarter of said Secdon 23; Thence teaving said City Limit Line and confinuing southeasterly,along eaid northerly railroad right of way margin,crossing 149"'Ave SE and 154`�PI SE to the iptcrsectioa of said northerty railroad right of way margin and the eastcrly right of way mar,gin of 154�' Pl SE,��-etrte�ecctieH-als�b�i�g�a . . , Thence southeriy along tha southerly extension of said easterly right of way margin and � ��iae, to a point on the northeasterly right of way margin of SE Renton-Maple V ley Highway(SR169,P.S.H.#5),in the Southwest qua�ter of said Sectiott23: �e. V�lx�� U�=� �3cv.��cl�.�/ Cuc-���1��v�e t�+` Wcs+ I'►��o�'-�1� 5oU�1�►� �� � sG:�d� s • r'-- Thence southeasterly along the various c es of said northeasterly right of way margin�.�,-�,�'z„y�-��,�,y�, ' ' to an intersection with a liae 201 feet east of and parallel with the c����i0.,� � west line of the Southwest quarter of said Se.ction 24; htie.St (M�,�to { Thence southerly along said parallel line and said UGB Iine to a point of intersection with���'�'�`� '� � a line perpendicular to said west line, said gerpendiculaz line beginning at a point on said �"W�'�'�'�'��`� � west liae 50 feet south of the nartheast corner of Tract A of Valley Faire II, as recorded SO��d� SE Re,,,��v►— under Volume l31 of Plats,Pages 39-43,records of King County,Wastungton; hAp��,le. Vp1�.� ��n �S�- �b"�,�SN:�s 74tev�c� so���� 0232b(Aqua Bern Annex).doc -!- JUIIB I3,200�a\� �;��. V1U✓��- ec.St�.l�t r'i�1,�4-��- FILE N0. 2270 - CITY OF RENTON - NEW LIFE - RQUA BARP! ANNEXATIaN aK� �a`t� V�'P�L., -}u av� �v��c.t�c��,v Thence westerly along said perpendicular line and said UGB line to the west line of said Southwest quarter,said west line also being the east line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 23; Thence northwesterly along a line paratleI with the north line of said Tract A, a distance of 350 feet; Thence northerly alang a line parallel with said east line,to the north line of said Tract A; Thence generally weste.rly alang the various courses of the north line of said Tract A,to the west line of said Southeast quarter,said west line also being the east line of the , Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southerly along said east fine,to the southeast comer of said subdivision; Thence westerly aiong the south line of said subdivision to the southwest camer thereof; Thence northerly along the west line of said subdivision,to the northwest comer of the Southwest quarter of said Southwest quarter,said noithwest corner also being the . southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; � Thence westerly aiong the south line of said subdivision,to the SE corner of Tract 7, Pioneer Place,as recorded under Volume 226 of Plats,Pages S1 -56, said recurds; Thence westerly aloag the vatious courses of the south line of said Tract J,W a point on the west line of said plat,said west line also being the east line of Elliot Farm,as recorded und�r Volume 1 SO of Plats,Pages 4- 15,said records,said west line also being the east line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thence northerly along said east Iine of said plar, said east line also being the east line of Tract G and Tract E,both of said plat,to the most easterly norrheast corner of said Tract E; Thence westerly along the various courses of the nottherly line of said Tract E,to a point on the easterly right of way margia of 140"'Way SE,in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quacter of said Section 22; Thence southeasterly,southerly and southwesterly along said easterly right of way mazgin, to an intersection with the south line af said Sectian Z2; Thence westerly along said south line,crossitag said 140t°Way SE, said south line also being tfie south line of Maple Ridge Fstates,as recorded under Volume 134 of Plats, Pages 9- 16, said records, to a point on the east tine of Lot 2,View Pvint at Maple Ridge, as recorded under Valume 151 of Plats,Pages 32-35,said records; oz326(Aqua sun Anna,c).aoc -2. June 13,2007 Thence southerly and westerly along the boundary lines of Lots 2 tluough 9 of said plat, in the Northeast quarter of said Section 27,and the westerly extension thereof,crossing 140`�Ave SE,to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 140`�Ave SE, in the Northwest quarter of said Secdon 27; Thence northerly along said westerly right of way margin,to an intersection with said south line of said Section 22,said south line also being the south line of said plat; Thence westerly along said south line of said Section 22 and the south line of said plat,to the southwest comer of Lot 13 of said plat,in the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence generally northerly along tho various courses of the west line of said plat and the west line of Maple Ridge Estates,Division 2,Phase 3,as recorded under Volume 163 of Plats,Pages 64-66, said records,to the northweat comer of said plat,said northw�st corner also being a point on the south line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter af said Section 22; Thence westerly along said south line,to the most southerly soaiheast corner of Tr�ct J, King County Boundary Lot Adjustrnent No.1A1 L 4026,as recorded under King County Rec. No. 200107309Q0003; Thence westerly, northw�sterly,northerly,-`�in��b�r�sterly and westerly along the various courses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines af Tract J,to a point on the western boundary thereof,said point aiso being thc southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary line adjustment, in Government Lot 9 of said Section 22; � Tfience southwesterly, westerly and northwesterty,alnag the various courses of the soutfi► line of said Tract L to the southwest comer thereof,said southwest comer also being a point on the east line of that property conveyed co Kin.g Covnty under King County Recording Number 9810304345; Thence southwesterly and southeasterly,along said east line,to an intersection with the centerline of Molasses Creek; Thence northwesterly along said creek centerline and its northwcsterly extension,to an intessecdoa with the Reaton City Limit Liae as annexed ander Ordivance No. 5243,said line also being the"THREAD"of the Cedar River; Thence northeasterty along said City Limit Line and the°`THREAD"of the Cedar River to the point of beginning. 02326(Aqua Bam Anoex).doc -3. 7une 13,2007 � PARKS ACQUISTION AND MAINTENANCE COST CALCULATION SHEE Needs: NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN ANNEXATION Acquisition of land for new neighborhood &community park Development of new neighborhood &community parks Maintenance of neighborhood &community parks Assumptions: $60,000 per acre for land acquistion $125,000 per acre for development(both neighborhood &community parks) $6,000 per acre to maintain neighborhood parks $7,000 per acre to maintain community parks 1.2 acres/1,000 for neighborhood park(LOS in Comprehensive Park Plan) 1.1 acres/1,000 for community park(LOS in Comprehensive Park Plan) 1614 population after 10 years (projected growth) 807 housing units after 10 years (projected growth) $530.76 per single family unit mitigation fees 160 New units Per capita annual and one-time costs: One-time Costs: Acquisition: Neighborhood: 1 " 1.2/1000 * $60,000 = $72.00 Community: 1 * 1.1/1000 *$60,000 = Development: Neighborhood: 1 " 1.2/1,000"$125,000= $150.00 Community: 1 " 1.1/1,000"$125,000= Total one-time costs: $425 per capita $358,308.00 Mitigation fees: New units " $354.51 = $56,721.60 Acquisition &development costs minus mitigation fees: $301,586.40 Ongoing costs : (1 ' 1.2/1,000 " $6,000) + (1 '` 1.1/1,000*$7,000) _ $14.90 (park maintenance) On oin costs Maintenance Cost : $24,048.60 . • r , ROADS MAINTENANCE CALCULATION SHEET FOR SCENARIO A Zone AREA Linear feet R-4 0 0 (assumes 155 linear ft/ac) R-5 0 0 0 (assumes 150 linear fUac) R-6 0 0 0 (assumes 150 linear ft/ac) R-8 0 R-8 0 R-8 0 R-8 0 R-8 0 R-8 10 0 (assumes 145 linear ft/ac) R-10 0 0 0 (assumes 140 linear ft/ac) 9,200 Estimated total linear feet of new roadway Existing 0 0 0 Total linear feet of existing roadway $0.00 Annual cost for existing roadways Total 9200 Total estimated linear feet of roadway at full development $11,500 Annual roadway maintenance cost at full develop. Revised 8-29-03 per Finance Memo �. , Page 1 of 1 Donald Erickson - Mark Lauderback's Email �... .r .:.�. H�.�.:_ _...�����:.��.v,f:��.:��,�,������w��:=.�.�::�_�::..;.. �.�::.�,: . ......r. ...�:��� .�.,,:�:e����.. __�� . �� .���� From: Donald Erickson To: Hulten, Bill Date: 08/24/2007 3:11 PM Subject: Mark Lauderback's Email CC: Lichty, Loran In his email of August 23, 2007 Mr. Lauderback states that residents will continue to have pay fire and library levies at the same rate they do now. This is not true. Whereas, residents will continue to have to pay on these two voter approved levies they will only have to pay the debt portion but not the operating portion of them. The later is the largest portion of these levies that residents are now paying. In Taxing District 4398 residents now pay 0.50/$1,000 of AV for the voter approved library district levy and $1.09/$1,000 of AV for the voter approved fire district levy. Upon annexation the levy rate for the library district will drop to $0.07/$1,000 of AV and the levy rate for the fire district will drop to $0.20/$1,000 of AV, for a total of$0.27/$1,000 of AV for both, not the purported $1.59 used in Mr. Luaderback's example. Thus, there is a savin s of actually $15.27 on a home with a $300,000 AV for the first seven years, not a tax increase of$380.03, as he suggests. After the first seven years this savings is anticipated to increase to approximately $188 annually as we showed in the Renton Annexation Report for Levy Taxing District 4398. Regarding the difference between Renton response time and Fire District 40 response time to the Maple Ridge Estates Neighborhood, Renton Fire staff estimate a difference of 1.15 minutes between Fire Station 16, at the intersection of SE 128th Street and 156 Avenue SE, and Fire Station 41, at SE 180th Street and 108th Avenue SE. Regarding Renton voter approved bonded indebtedness, this is currently less than $20 per typical household and is expected to be paid off late next year in the first part of 2009. These bonds were for Gene Coulon Memorial Park and senior housing. The current rate is less than 0.0623/$1,000 AV or $18.76 on a home with a $300,000 AV. I hope this helps to clarifies these issues. Please feel free to share this information with others. Don Erickson file://C:�Documents and Settings\derickson�i,ocal Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 08/24/2007 ' - \; ", ��. . � , ,� „ ; , ' ! � . . ' -_ -- � • � ' --. _ ;/,, �, -- ` - . � ----- , , ' " ,��, . - . ,. .. --� - — , � - � --- �� - �� � _ � � , , � . _.. , ! �' \ � _ - ' - � �d�t{@W04d 0 QEit -. - �, I - � ; ,: . . � , . , , �'`�`� - ' .r � . ' . , � . - ',�'' . . , i __._ � _ ' _ �-�� ._. _" y � ,- -' . ., , ' ��`%�^¢f � , � . ' . _ _.� , - w i'4th Sf � yt , . . ��� . � ' cP �- - . ",Z� '� .. � �-._ ' ' � ``� i�ti•. 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' ' �\ ' �'' ' `-'-_ . '"� �_ " . � '. , - . ' � �Benson Hill CommunitieS B e n�o r� N�11 Parks and Open SpaCe N �Levy Code Areas _ � � W�E �I�I���'�,�� 5 � o�o.oea oi oz oa oa Mi19a r��� .. ' �ww+��l - 2007 Residential Impact of Annexation Analysis - Benson Hill Communities Average Annual Utility Taxes and Fees (4) L@V code areas that fall into each 1'OD Unincorporated City of Renton Group A: 4250,4398 (3,132 residential parcels) Phone $ - $ 22 Group B: 4175,4260(1,642 res. parcels) Electricity $ - $ 57 Group C: 5045, 5092 (434 res. parcels) Gas $ - $ 82 Group D: 5100, 5107 (29 res. parcels-See note 6) Cable $ - $ 36 Grou E: 5090 3 res. arcels Cellular $ - $ 32 Water $ - $ - Surface Water Management Fee $ 111 $ 69 Cable Franchise Fee (5%) $ 30 $ 30 TOTAL UTILITY TAXES AND FEES $ 141 $ 328 Average Annual Service Rates(5) Garbage $ 247 $ 161 Sewer&Water $ 815 $ 815 TOTAL RATES $ 1,062 $ 976 Group A Group 8 Group C Group D Group E Unincor orated Ci of Renton Unincor orated Ci of Renton Unincor orated Ci of Rento Uninco orated Ci of Rento Uninco orated Ci of Renton Components of Property Tax Levy Emergency Medical Services 0.21 OZ1 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 Library (1) 0.50 0.07 0.50 0.07 0.50 0.07 0.50 0.07 0.50 0.07 Hospital 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 Fire (1) 1.09 0.20 1.09 0.20 1.35 - 1.09 0.20 1.35 - Water - - - - - - - - - - Schooi 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 Flood - - 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 - - - - Road/Unincorporated Area 1.75 - 1.75 - 1.75 - 1.75 - 1.75 - City levy - 2.88 - 2.88 - 2.88 - 2.88 - 2.88 Consoiidated Levy (2) 3.85 3:85 3:85 3;85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 .................................... ..................................................................................................................... (per$1000 AV)Total Levy Rate 11.41 11.22 11.45 11.26 12.44 11.79 12.14 11.95 12.40 11.75 Median Assessed Value $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300 000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Property Taxes: $3,423 $3,366 $3,435 $ 3,378 $3,732 $3,537 $ 3,642 $3,585 $ 3,720 $ 3,525 Utility Taxes $ 141 $ 328 $ 141 $ 328 $ 141 $ 328 $ 141 $ 328 $ 141 $ 328 Service Rates $ 1,062 $ 976 $ 1,062 $ 976 $ 1,062 $ 976 $ 1,062 $ 976 $ 1,062 $ 976 Fire Dist 40 Benefit Charge(3) $ 164 $ - $ 164 $ - $ - $ - $ 164 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL TAXES/RATES/FEES $4,790 $4,670 $4,802 $ 4,682 $4,935 $4,841 $ 5,009 $4,889 $ 4,923 $ 4,829 Savings from Annexation: i20 1� �94 i20 �94 NO7ES:All numbers are annual and represent 2007 estimates. (1)Following annexation,residents would be responsible for the debt portion of the library and fire district property tax levies,but not the opereting portions. (2)The KC consolidated levy includes state,port and county-wide levies. (3)Fire District 40 benefit charged based on 1,850 sq.ft.single family home with 410 sq ft garage. (4)Utility taxes and rates based on estimated average annual household utility usage(3 persons). Renton levies a 6%tax on utilities. (5)Garbage rates only apply if the property owner is signed up for garbage collection service;there is a seven-year grece period before one would be required to sign up for garbage service in Renton. Soos Creek Water&Sewer District service assumed. Applicable taxes included. (6)Levy area 5107 pays an additional $0.041/$1,000 AV to the Green River Flood Zone distrid;this is unaffected by annexation. ' 7/18/2007 " King County Office of Management Budget a , .� • • Page 1 of 4 Donald Erickson - Renton Annexation of the Maple Ridge Estates Neighborhood ._...,:.,,...;.a�::.;� .<s.�•�;`a., ..,.•:.:....�.•.;.:;�.,p;:*r�,a:;°;.xs•s,»„ .. . ..�.... , .�sw �.:,oi�e3;�;�•_•._,� ... • �,,..-•v�>..�„<u,�,a.n�y:�<Ys::�;.„..:..:.:.::..� ':, u�8 ���'Pw.�`?S . . .�^^�'::'�!�rc�'En(a�'saaF..tia�:A�.m.ra.:�;..5�, e . .;z::....i•\�R'�'v�� ..�...r.. .......,,�,.. From: mark lauderback<marklauderback@yahoo.com> To: Annexation<annexation@METROKC.GOV>, <bhulten@comcast.net>, <jimnsue4u@comcast.net>, <Derickson@ci.renton.wa.us>, <Apietsch@ci.renton.wa.us>, <reagan.dunn@metrokc.gov> Date: 08/23/2007 6:09 PM Sub.ject: Renton Annexation of the Maple Ridge Estates Neighborhood Dear Ms. Clemens, Thank you for addressing my concerns. Regarding taxation, the City of Renton provided a, "Renton Report" in which they advised the tax saving would be appx $185.00 annually by annexing into Renton. This number included the savings by the garbage service Renton would eventually provide, (which will not take effect unti12014). Subtracting Garbage, the difference caused by garbage service, the savings would $96.97 for the first seven years of annexation, (until the current garbage service contract expires and Renton can take over this service). This was based on a house assessed at $300,000 Computing the fire and library levies, on the same example (1.59 X 300) is a total of$477.00. So if i subtract the $96.97, "SAVINGS" BY ANNEXING INTO RENTON, our neighborhood will have AN ACTUAL TAX INCREASE of$380.03 once annexed, (until these levies are paid offl. Please advise once your have the information regarding when we will no longer have to pay these levies. Regarding Fire and Police service. I have an e-mail from Mr. Alex Peitch that states, "Effectively, there will be no change in fire service". This is very different from your below, "fire services will be provide by the City of Renton Fire Department". There is no government service more important than public safety and neither King County nor the City of Renton are in agreement of who will provide this service once we are annexed? The Maple Ridge Estates home owners association President is Sue Daily; the Vice president Bill Hulten. They are coincidentally the same neighbors who are pushing the initiative to annex into Renton. Our news letter has advised they have already gained the signatures required in our neighborhood to proceed with annexation. They gained these signatures by promising a tax savings and that the difference in Fire Response time as, "negligible". I have copied in both Sue Daily and Bill Hulten in this e-mail. I trust they will notify all of those in our neighborhood that our taxes will substantially increase as a result of annexing into Renton. I am also copying Mr. Alex Peitch and Don Erickson from the City of Renton who have provided the report and answered my questions. I am also copying Reagn Dunn, our King County Councilman with these concerns. Sincerely, Mark Lauderback An�aexation <annexation@METROKC.GOi�wrote: Mr. Lauderback— Thank you for contacting us regarding your annexation questions. The following is in response to the list of questions you e-mailed to the King County Annexation Initiative. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 206-296-1017 or the City of Renton staff at 425-430-6500 or 425-430-6575. file://C:�Documents and Settings\derickson�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 08/24/2007 . . - Page 2 of 4 1. Can the City of Renton annex our neighborhood AFTER the King County BRB has already decided to NOT include us Renton's pending annexation? Yes, the City of Renton can move forward with annexation of your neighborhood; however I am not clear which BRB decision you are referencing. If you can provide me with details about your reference, I will be better able to respond to your full question. 2. Renton is advising their debts are manageable and they are in, "sound financial shape." From Renton's own website, they show that they are in over$90 million dollars of long term debt. As far as cities in King County, does Renton rate above or below average compared to other cities? Does King County have any data relating to the long term debts of other cities? King County does not keep information regarding the long term debt of cities. Following is a response to the question "What about Renton's bonded indebtedness?" which may help in responding to your question: ➢ What about Renton's bonded indebtedness? In 2006, Renton had issued $25 million in general obligation debt and $48 million in utility system and golf course debt. This is a manageable amount, as evidenced by an upgrade in the City's bond rating in 2006. The fact that a City has debt is just a fact. Like people and households, governments borrow money to pay for investments that will benefit the community over a long time, and must have the capacity to pay it back. 3. If Renton is able and does annex my neighborhood, are there certain levies/or bonds that I will still have to pay to King County in addition to Renton's city taxes? If so,how much and for how long? My property tax account number is 510445-1100-08. Your property is located in Levy Code Area 4398. The following chart provides details regarding the components of your property tax levy, rounded to the nearest cent. Levy Code Area 4398 City of Uninco orated Renton Components of Property Tax Levy Emergency Medical Services 0.21 0.21 Library(a) 0.50 0.07 Hospital 0.56 0.56 Fire (a) 1.09 0.20 Water - - School 3.45 3.45 Flood - - Road/Unincorporated Area 1.75 - City levy - 2.88 Consolidated Levy(b) 3.85 3.85 ................................................................................ (per$1000 AV) Total Levy Rate 11.41 11.22 (a)Following annexation, residents would be responsible for the debt portion of the library and fire district property tax levies,but not the operating portions. (b) The KC consolidated levy includes state,port and county-wide levies. I am waiting for responses to my questions about how long residents would continue to be responsible for the debt portion of the library and fire district property tax levies. As soon as I get a response, I will pass that information along to you. 4. King County currently maintains 140th Way which is the eastern border of the Maple Ridge Estates. If our neighborhood annexes, will Renton then be responsible for maintenance, (plowing snow, mowing the right of way, picking up garbage, etc).? file://C:�Documents and Settings\derickson�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 08/24/2007 . . � Page 3 of 4 If Renton includes 140th Way within their annexation area they will be responsible for maintenance. 5. Renton has stated that if they annex us Fire/Police responses will be, "negligible" in comparison to what King County is currently providing our neighborhood. How can this be correct when Fire District 40's station and the King County Police substation are considerably closer? Thank you for any information you are able to provide. Current Fire services are provided by your Fire District. If your area annexes to Renton your fire services will be provide by the City of Renton Fire Department. The City of Renton Police Department intends to add additional staff and patrol districts as needed for annexations. I suggest you contact the city for details regarding their plans for fire and emergency service response. Gwen Clemens Fiscal Analyst Regional Governance Group 206-296-1017 .._... . .. . _ _ From: mark lauderback [mailto:marklauderback@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:04 PM To: Annexation Subject: Renton Annexation of the Maple Ridge Estates Neighborhood Dear King County, I am a resident of the Maple Ridge Estates neighborhood which is, (was)part of the proposed city of Fairwood. Just recently, the City of Renton has advised that we are now included in their annexation process. I have been in communication with various personal in Renton's Economic Development Department and received two, "Reports" they have published. I am requesting specific information from King County on the following issues: 1. Can the City of Renton annex our neighborhood AFTER the King County BRB has already decided to NOT include us Renton's pending annexation? 2. Renton is advising their debts are manageable and they are in, "sound financial shape." From Renton's own website, they show that they are in over$90 million dollars of long term debt. As far as cities in King County, does Renton rate above or below average compared to other cities? Does King County have any data relating to the long term debts of other cities? 3. If Renton is able and does annex my neighbarhood, are there certain levies/or bonds that I will still have to pay to King County in addition to Renton's city taxes? If so, how much and for how long? My property tax account number is 510445-1100-08. 4. King County currently maintains 140th Way which is the eastern border of the Maple Ridge Estates. If our neighborhood annexes, will Renton then be responsible for maintenance, (plowing snow, mowing the right of way,picking up garbage, etc).? 5. Renton has stated that if they annex us Fire/Police responses will be, "negligible" in comparison to what King County is currently providing our neighborhood. How can this be correct when Fire District 40's station and the King County Police substation are considerably closer? Thank you for any information you are able to provide. Sincerely, file://C:�Documents and Settings\derickson�I,ocal Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 08/24/2007 .. . � Page 4 of 4 Mark Lauderback 14068 SE 158th Street Renton, WA 98058 Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel todav! Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile_search that__�ives._answe.rs, not web links. file:UC:�Documents and Settings\derickson�I,ocal Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 08/24/2007 S 1 I. — t � �, t P w � � � � � 6t P � � �� � Q� E14t 1 �� t SE � Jo � �. n�s R SERnton Pe R-14 M�p�e �olley Hw � R-14 a' \ RC � R-8 ve S � � � RC %A, � TT,�� , RC � SE nes ` � Ren ton , S J __._._- ___ M p�e � � RMH R-14 -� �� RC — R-14 —__— � �=% RMH - - -- — R-14 - � R-4 t 15 th I RC ' 0 P Q� S � h I � � or � s �� / � E 1 P J � / � Ma le Vallev Hwv Corridor ° 1°°° 2°°° � ./ �J Zoning Land Use (2007-M-03) Proposed LU and Zoning CA-Commercial Arterial CC-Commercial Corridor 1 : 120�� RC- Resource Conservation � RLD-Residential Low Density R-4-Residential 4 du/ac � RMD-Residential Medium Density Gti�Y �,,�, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning R-8-Residential 8 du/ac 0 RS-Residential Single Family � � � Alex Pietsch,Administrator R-14- Residential 14 du/ac „�,— ,� C.E.Feasel RMH - Residential Manufactured Homes Study Area �NT� �1 June 2007 rponald Erickson - Renton City Council testimony 061107.doc � Page 1 � _ b � • 1 / ,r_....._.,,... Renton City CounCi! 6/11/07 .�.-- � President Nelson, members of the Council, Madame Mayor thank you for another opportunity to come before you to share the interest on the part of homeowners in Maple Ridge Estates in becoming part of the City of Renton. Last week, you asked us to spend some time with the proponents of the current New Life/Aqua Barn annexation effort as well as asking us to bring to you hard data regarding the amount of interest which exists on the part of the homeowners in Maple Ridge Estates in becoming part of the City of Renton. A group of interested MRE homeowners did take the opportunity to meet with Mr. Lichty and if we move forward in a combined effort a strong and positive working relationship will be in place. Before I share the data we have gathered, I'd like to provide a little background information regarding how we came to where we are tonight. As I shared with you last Monday night, our neighborhood was the strongest voice against the establishment of a new city of Fairwood, voting approximately three to one against incorporation. When some of us who had been advocating for annexation into the City of Renton learned that the New Life/Aqua Barn proceedings were underway we wanted to learn if that might be an opportunity for us as well. The first information we received was that the New Life group was not interested in talking with us and the reason given was that they feared that a lack of , sufficient interest in the part of our homeowners might put their ability to successfully be annexed to the city in jeopardy. We began some initial exploring of whether it might be in our best interest to initiate our own 10% petition as a separate action. By doing so it was felt we could avoid the same potential issue as the New Life group is concerned about—in this case the possibility of petitions representing 60% of the assessed valuation being signed by MRE homeowners only to have the combined annexation effort being unsuccessful because of an insufficient percentage of signatures generated from the New Life/Aqua Barn area. Advocates for a separate petition suggested it would allow us to control our own destiny. Donald Erickson - Renton City Council testimony 061107.doc Page 2 However, subsequent to that we learned that the new incorporation move on the part of to Go Fairwood group precluded a new and separate MRE 10% petition because of the timelines set in motion by their filing for a second attempt at creating a City of Fairwood. Maple Ridge Estates being included in the New Life/Aqua Barn annexation boundary is a worthwhile decision only if there is good reason to believe homeowners representing 60% or greater of its assessed valuation are interested in seeing it happen. If we are unable to bring you to a point of believing that the MRE homeowner's interest is at a level that will contribute to, not take away from the current New Life/Aqua Barn effort then Maple Ridge Estates should not be included. We do not want to negatively impact the New Life/Aqua Barn annexation effort. However, we believe the data we are presenting tonight does show the strength of the interest of a very strong majority of the MRE property owners and that a formal petition would yield signatures from homeowners representing greater than 60% of the assessed valuation of the development. However, the data is not as complete as I'm sure you would have liked to it be and it certainly isn't as complete as those of us wanting to become a part of the City of Renton would like it to be. We have spent this past week and particularly this past week-end attempting to contact every property owner in the Maple Ridge Estates development. We have utilized data acquired through your Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department to track what percentage of the assessed valuation is represented by the property owners who have indicated an interested in being annexed by the City of �I Renton. For purposes of this analysis, our homeowners are put into three categories: 1) Homeowners who signed a petition stating that "As a property owner in the MRE development I/we support annexation to the City of Renton" or they have sent an email so indicating; 2) Homeowners who we have been able to contact and they have either stated they are not interested in being annexed to the City of Renton or they said they needed more information before they could make a decision; 3) the third category Donald Erickson - Renton City Council testimony 061107.doc Page 3 of homeowners are those we were unable to either reach by phone or to talk with at their home. For those of us wanting to become a part of the City of Renton the good news is that of the Maple Ridge Estates homeowners we were able to reach, 84% either signed a petition or emailed an expression of interest in being annexed to the City of Renton. This group of homeowners who did respond positively by signing the petitions or emailing represents 83% of the assessed valuation of the property owned by those who we were able to communicate with. The disappointing piece for us is that despite multiple visits to every residence we didn't reach on the first attempt, there are still approximately 36% of our homeowners that we were unable to contact and determine their interest or lack of interest in annexation to the City of Renton. When the property values of the entire Maple Ridge Estates is included, the total value represented by the petitions and emails which we have to leave with you tonight represents 54% of the assessed valuation of Maple Ridge Estates. We believe that since 84% of those we were able to communicate with want to be annexed to the City of Renton, that even if those we were unable to reach turn out to have a lower level of interest, a full petition drive would still yield greater than 60% of the overall assessed valuation and make a positive contribution to the New Life/Aqua Barn annexation effort. Nevertheless, as I indicated earlier, if you believe the inclusion of Maple Ridge Estates in the New Life/Aqua Barn annexation effort runs the risk of negatively impacting the outcome of that effort, your decision to not expand the annexation boundaries would certainly be understood. Thank you for your consideration of our request and are hopeful that we will have the opportunity to become part of the City of Renton in a timely manner. I I . . � - Washington State Boundary Review Board �,�� For King County Yesler Building, Roont�8-2�, 400 Yesler Way, Serrttle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 296-6800 • Fnx: (206) 296-6803 • http://wzvw.rnetrokc.gov/nnnexrrtions March 14, 2008 � � MAR 17 2008 City of Renton City of Renton Economic �evelopment, Attn: Rebecca Lind, Neighborhoods &Strateqic Planniny Long Range Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: CLOSING LETTER FOR RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION File No. 2270 - City of Renton - New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: We are writing to advise you that the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County has now completed the Resolution and Hearing Decision, as specified in RCW 36.93, to approve the above referenced proposed action filed with the Board effective: Januarv 3, 2008. The Resolution and Hearing Decision for this action is enclosed for filing as prescribed by RCW 36.93.160(4). An appeal period to Superior Court has been established, as mandated by RCW 36.93.160. The appeal period to Superior Court will close on April 14, 2008. In order to finalize the proposed action, the applicant must address the following requirements, where applicable: 1. Compliance with the statutory requirements and procedures specified in the I�Totic,: cf Intention; 2. Sewer and Water district actions and some other actions are also subject to approval by the Metropolitan King County Council. If the Council makes changes to the proposal, the Board may then be required to hold a public hearing. 3. Filing with King County of franchise application(s), as required, accompanied by a copy of this letter. 4. Filing with King County of permit application(s), as required, accompanied by a copy of this letter. . Page two continued, March 14, 2008 Form HE8 5. Notification to King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning, in writing, of your intended effective date of this action. This notification should be provided as early as possible. Please send this information to Gwen Clemens, Office of Management and Budget, 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200, Seattle, Washington 98104, and 6. Filing with King County Council of: (1) one certified copy of your final resolution or ordinance accomplishing this action; and (2) a copy of this letter. This document should be filed with the Clerk of the Council (Attn: Ms Anne Noris), King County Courthouse, Room 1025, Seattle, Washington 98104 If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact our office at 206.296.6800. Sincerely, Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Attachment: Resolution and Hearing Decision, dated March 13, 2008 cc: Ms. Anne Noris, Clerk of Council Ms. Debra Clark, King County Department of Assessments Ms. Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services Mr. Dave Wilson, Elections Division Mr. Paul Reitenbach, Department of Development & Environmental Services Ms. Gwen Clemens, Office of Management and Budget King County E-911 Program District(s): King County Fire Protection District No. 25 King County Fire Protection District No. 40 Cedar River Water and Sewer District Renton School District No. 405 Fairwood Municipal Initiative t . � h . PROCEEDINGS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION IN RE: CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. 2270 NEW LIFE -AQUA BARN Proposed Annexation King County, Washington I. PUBLIC HEARING OVERVIEW On January 3, 2008, the City of Renton submitted to the Washington State Boundary Review Board a Notice of Intention (File No. 2270) to annex the New Life — Aqua Barn Area. The New Life-Aqua Barn Area, with a total territory of 374 acres, includes 79.9 acres of land (Maple Ridge Estates and View Ridge Estates) that overlaps properties which are also established for incorporation into a proposed new City of Fairwood. The Notice of Intention is based upon a "property owner" petition (including petitioners representing approximately 60°/o of land value in the total 374 acre territory and approximately 70% of land value in the Maple Ridge Estates and View Ridge Estates). The petitions were submitted pursuant to RCW 35A.14. Renton's City Council adopted the petition for annexation in December 2007. The City of Renton describes the proposal for the New Life -Aqua Barn Area as follows: • The northern boundary of the Annexation Area is generally formed by Maple Valiey Highway (SR 169) and the Maplewood Goif Course. • The southern-most boundary is generaily formed by SE 160`h Place(if extended). • The western boundary of the Annexation Area is adjacent to the City of Renton (generally formed by 136�h Avenue SE.) • The eastern boundary is generally located at 164"' Place SE (if extended). The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area is located wholly within the Urban Growth Area designated by King County. With the filing of the Notice of Intention, the City of Renton invoked the Board's jurisdiction requesting a public hearing in order to provide citizens an independent forum to obtain information and comment upon the proposed New Life—Aqua Barn Area Annexation. The Board held a public hearing on February 26, 2008 to consider the proposal by the City of Renton to annex the New Life—Aqua Barn Area (374 acres). .�. The Board is responsible, under State of Washington law, to: (1) examine the record (e.g., application materials; technical studies; fiscal studies; regulatory analyses; other documents, exhibits, statements and testimony); (2) determine the specific policies and guidelines are applicable to the proposed action; (3) review and balance these elements; and (4) take the action that best advances those elements. The Board reviewed File No. 2270 in accord with RCW 36.93. (Local Governments — Boundaries — Review Boards). The Board directed particular attention to RCW 36.93.170 (Factors) and RCW 36.93.180 (Objectives). The Board considered RCW 36.93.150, the authority for modification of annexation proposals The Board also considered RCW 36.70.A, the Growth Management Act, the King County Comprehensive Plan, the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, together with other applicable state, regional, and local regulations and guidelines. 1 . n On the basis of the testimony, evidence, and exhibits presented at said hearing, and the matters on record in File No. 2270, it is the decision of the Board that the action proposed in said Notice of Intention be, and the same is, hereby approved to inciude the New Life - Aqua Barn Area of approximately 374 acres. The legal description of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area, as approved, is attached hereto and marked as "Exhibit I", together with a map showing the boundaries of the area herein marked as "Exhibit il." Ii. FINDINGS The Board finds that State Law (Chapters 36.93 RCW, RCW 36.70A, RCW 35A.14, et seq.); the King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies; the Renton Comprehensive Plan and its enabling regulations (e.g., zoning code) apply to consideration of the City of Renton Notice of Intention for the New Life —Aqua Barn Area (374 acres). The Boundary Review Board finds that the record for File No. 2270 provides documentation (e.g., governance plans and policies; analysis of service capacity; fiscal studies), evidence of community notification, and certification of petitions and/or legislative action. The findings are sustained by this record and are sufficient to support review of the City of Renton New Life—Aqua Barn Area Annexation. The record supports a finding that the City of Renton New Life - Aqua Barn Area proposed annexation is consistent with the provisions of 36.93, RCW, 36.70A RCW, the King County Comprehensive Plan, and the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. The following is a review of applicable legal authorities on which the Board based the review and preliminary decision for proposed annexation to the City of Renton of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area /New Life -Aqua Barn Area. RCW 36.93.170 FACTORS AFFECTING THIS PROPOSAL The Boundary Review Board finds the following Factors (RCW 36.93.170)applicable to the proposed City of Renton New Life -Aqua Barn Area. A brief review of key issues related to each applicable element is presented below: RCW 36.93.170(1�POPU�ATION AND TERRITORY The Board finds the following factors to be applicable: Population Density; Proximity to Other Populated Areas; Land Area/Land Uses; Comprehensive Land Use Plans; Topography, Natural Boundaries and Drainage Basins; Likelihood of Significant Growth in the Area During the Next Ten Years; and Population Density/Proximity to Other Populated Areas/Land Area/Land Uses. ,,,� The entire New Life -Aqua Barn Area lies within the Urban Growth Area delineated by King County. The State Growth Management Act and the King County Comprehensive Plan provides for transfer of lands in the Urban Growth Area to a local jurisdiction. County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies call for contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). Policies also establish cities as the appropriate providers of local governance and urban services (e.g., FW-13, CO-1, CO-3; LU-31 - LU-34, LU-36). King County Policy LU-31 requires cities to designate potential annexation areas to include adjacent urban lands and to eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. Policy LU- 32 calts upon cities to incorporate lands within annexation areas into city boundaries. Further, the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is included in the "Annexation Element" of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and is located within the Renton Potential Annexation Area. The proposed action is based upon Renton Comprehensive Plan policies addressing annexation, including those provisions which call for inclusion of urban areas within the City for local governance and encourages annexations in areas where urban infrastructure and services are available for development at urban densities and contiguous to City boundaries (e.g., Land Use Policies LU-1; LU-36; LU-37; LU-41 and LU-42). � The evidence shows that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.93.170 (1)as this territory is unified—and linked to the City of Renton --with respect to: • Physical Elements: The New Life - Aqua Barn Area is characterized by numerous environmentally sensitive areas. New Life - Aqua Barn Area is located on a valley floor. The valley includes areas that contain variable topography and habitat areas. Near to the New Life—Aqua Barn Area is a steep ridge classified by the U.S. Geological Service as a landslide hazard area. The valiey is in a floodplain that is created by the Cedar River which traverses much of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. A sole source aquifer underlies territory linked to the New Life -Aqua Barn Area. ■ Social Elements: New Life - Aqua Barn Area is an urban community that is characterized by a relatively uniform population density. The community is proximate to other populated areas. Land development (e.g., residential uses, commercial uses, public spaces) are similar throughout the local community and similar to land uses within the adjacent City of Renton. The City of Renton recognizes that the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is substantially developed with residential uses and limited commercial uses. The City also recognizes that there is land suitable for redevelopment or new development with residential uses and/or commercial uses. There is also opportunity for enhancement of public facilities. Thus, the City planned for growth at urban levels of density in the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. City pians establish standards to guide ongoing uses in this Area following annexation. Future residential development would reportedly be generally similar to and compatible with existing housing in terms of zoning, levels of density (equal to or less than currently permitted density), and design requirements. The City also recognizes and has pianned for the management of New Life - Aqua Barn Area critical areas (e.g., Cedar River, valley floor, sloped terrain, floodplain, and sole source aquifer). Renton has in place an approved Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Regulations, and a Critical Areas Ordinance that includes provisions to manage these lands for protection of built areas and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. These regulatory controls include (but are not limited to) land use development/density standards, public services programs (e.g., water service, sewer service, storm water management)and standards for maintenance of open space/vegetated areas. With annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area there would be an opportunity to immediately provide consistent and coordinated development plans, environmental protection standards, and public services throughout the entire New Life -Aqua Barn Area community. RCW 36.93.170(2) MuNiciPA�SERviCEs The Board considered the following factors to be applicable: need for municipal services; effects of ordinances, governmental codes, regulations and resolutions on existing uses; present cost and adequacy of governmental services and controls in area; probable future need for such services; costs; effect on the finance, debt structure and contractuai obligations; and prospects of government services from other sources, and rights of other affected governmental units. Following is a brief review of key issues related to these factors. The New Life -Aqua Barn Area now requires a range of municipal services and facilities. Service policies are established by the State Growth Management Act and the King County Comprehensive Pian. For example, King County Policy FW-13 states that cities are the appropriate provider of local urban services to Urban Areas. Policies FW-29 and FW-30 address the need for jurisdictions to plan for and coordinate services. Additionally, annexation is appropriate under Countywide Policy CO-1, when a jurisdiction has "identified and planned for (a)full range of urban services". In accordance with the State Growth Management Act and the King County Plan, the City of Renton has developed policies — through the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Service Plans, and other regulatory authorities — for serving all properties within its corporate boundaries. Upon annexation of New Life -Aqua Barn Area, the City of Renton would immediately include the newly 3 incorporated area in the municipality's Service Area. Then, as is customary, the City can provide—either directly or by contract — a full array of specific service plans and programs for public services including: water service, surface water management, sewer service, fire service, police service, emergency medical services, utilities, road maintenance, law and justice services, human services, libraries, and parks and recreation services. These services can be provided in response to citizen requests for new services or to supplant failing systems. More specifically: Storm Water Management: The City of Renton has adopted the 9990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, by reference, in the City's Drainage (Surface Water) Standards (RMC 4-6-030) as the design standard for surface water control in development projects. Higher standards may be applied through environmental review. The City frequently requires mitigation based upon the County's 2005 Surface Water Manual for Conservation Flow and will adopt next year the Washington State Department of Ecology's. 2005 Ecology Stormwater Manual. Water Services: The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation is located within the Cedar River Water and Sewer District, an independent water district, serving the area. Water service would not change as a result of the proposed annexation. Sewer Services: The Cedar River Water and Sewer District also is the designated sewer service provider for this area. However, much of the development in this area is currently served by septic systems and would likely remain on septic service until redevelopment occurs at which time connections would be provided to sanitary sewer service. Emergency Services: Upon annexation, the Renton Police Department would replace the King County Sheriff as the provider of services to the New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation Area. The area proposed for annexation lies within both Fire Districts #25 and #40. The Renton Fire Department currently provides fire services and medical emergency services to the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area under a contract with Fire Protection District #25. Upon annexation, the City of Renton would continue to provide fire services and emergency services to New Life -Aqua Barn Area. Other Community Services: Both County and City library facilities and recreation facilities would be available to the community. The City would provide either directly (or by contract with King County) for law and justice services, public health services, and other human services. Citizens would be able to access local recreational facilities at rates established for residents of the City. There would be no change in School District boundaries. Children of the New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation Area would continue to attend schoois in Renton School District No. 403. .,�, The City of Renton conducted fiscal analyses related to the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area in order to identify General Fund revenues and costs associated with governance of/service to the New�ife - Aqua Barn Area. The analysis was conducted for the existing full development scenario based both upon the current year and estimated future years. Studies estimate City expenditures at $1,267,624 and revenues at$1,234,628. City officials state that the annexation is not anticipated to have a significant impact upon the community. More specifically, the addition of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Area is not expected to have a significant impact on cost and adequacy of services, finances, debt structure or rights of other governmental units. If New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation Area residents decide that they wish to have other local services, and the City of Renton is designated as the service provider, it is likely that Local Improvement Districts will be formed to address costs to property owners for standard connections and services. Future capital needs and costs will be established and funded through the Renton Capital Investment Program and other funding systems as appropriate to the service (e.g., water, sewer service). 4 The King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies permit — and encourage — annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. A consolidated annexation provides for a more logical municipal service area. The City can provide cohesive policies, standards, coordinated programs and operations to the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. Coordinated services are more efficient and less costly to both government and citizens. RCW 36.93.170(3) EFFECTS OF PROPOSAL The Board considered the following factors to be applicable: mutual economic and social interests, and local government structure. Below is a brief review of key issues. The New Life - Aqua Barn Area is contiguous to — and shares mutual social and economic profiles with — the City of Renton. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area would promote a viable community because new citizens would be able to participate in local governance — inciuding land use planning, service planning, fiscal planning and planning for public amenities to serve the community. Coordinated integration of citizens of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into Renton would preserve social organization, support economic health, and protect public safety and welfare. Annexation of the New Life—Aqua Barn Area is also consistent with the King County Annexation Initiative which calls for annexation of urban lands to local jurisdictions at the earliest feasible date. City officials testified that the City of Renton is prepared to govern and to provide fuil services to this community. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton promotes strong and unified local government. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area would promote a viable community because new citizens would be able to participate in local governance — including land use planning, service planning, fiscal planning and planning for public amenities to serve the community. Coordinated integration of citizens of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into Renton would preserve sociai organization, support economic health, and protect public safety and welfare. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT Pursuant to RCW 36.93.157, Boundary Review Board decisions must be consistent with three sections of the Growth Management Act: • RCW 36.70A.020 Planning Goals � RCW 36.70A.110 Urban Growth Areas • RCW 36.70A.210 Countywide Planning Policies In this matter, the key Growth Management issues involve the Countywide Planning Policies pertaining to land use and municipal services (RCW 36.70A.020 and RCW 36.70A.110). The Growth Management Act policies that guide the provision of public services and relevant to the proposed Annexation include: • RCW 36.70A.020 (1) Urban Growth: Encourages development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided e�ciently. • RCW 36.70A.020 (2) Reduce Sprawl: Reduce inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling low- density development. • RCW 36.70A.020(10)Environment: Protect and enhance the environment and quality of life. ■ RCW 36.70A.020 (11) Citizen Participation and coordination in the planning process and ensure coordination between communities/jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts. • RCW 36.70A.020 (12) Public Facilities and services: Ensures that adequate public services and facilities are available to serve land developments • RCW 36.70A.110(1/6)calls for each county to designate an urban growth area. • RCW 36.70A.110(3)directs urban growth to areas with existing or available public services and facilities. 5 • RCW 36.70A.110(4)states that"(in)general, cities are the units of local government most appropriate to provide urban ...services." • RCW 36.70A.210(1)calls for cities to be primary providers of governmental services in urban growth areas. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton would effectively address Growth Management Act criteria for incorporation of urban areas. RCW 36.93.180 OBJECTIVES The Boundary Review Board has considered RCW 36.93.180 (Objectives), as follows: RCW 36.93.1H0(1)PRESERVATION OF NATURAL NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITIES The evidence establishes that the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is a "neighborhood" as that term is defined by case law as "either geographically distinct areas or socially... distinct groups of residents". The New Life -Aqua Barn Area, in its entirety, exhibits many features that support its link with the City of Renton. The New Life - Aqua Barn Area is connected to the City of Renton by geographic features inciuding variable terrain characteristics (a valley floor formed by a steep ridge), the Cedar River, a floodplain, a sole source aquifer, and linked open spaces. New Life - Aqua Barn Area and the adjacent City of Renton community are primarily residential in character. The citizens have similar demographic characteristics. Residents of the City and the New Life - Aqua Barn Area use common community facilities — schools, roadways, libraries, shopping centers, parks, and recreation facilities. The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan establishes New Life - Aqua Barn as a Potential Annexation Area. Accordingly, the City of Renton is the jurisdiction designated to govern New Life - Aqua Barn Area. The City included the New Life - Aqua Barn Area in community planning programs in order to guide its growth and to provide coordinated services. The City of Renton has existing plans, programs, statutes, and guidelines that will provide appropriate levels of development, public services, and public amenities that will serve the citizens and address the natural environment. The Board recognizes that a portion (79.9 acres) of the New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation overlaps with a proposal now before the Board for a new City of Fairwood (File No. 2258). Testimony established that, based upon historic studies and currently available data, there would be minimal impact from inclusion of this area in the New Life — Aqua Barn Annexation (and concomitant exclusion of this territory from the City of Fairwood). The City of Renton has plans, programs, statutes and guidelines that will provide for both routine administration and emergency management necessary to preserve environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., valley floor, steep slopes, landslide areas)within and near to the New Life -Aqua Barn Area. The evidence shows that upon annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area, the City of Renton would provide property owners/residents a voice and a vote in planning for the future preservation and development of their community. Community representatives demonstrate interest in participating in establishing plans to effectively govern and serve this area as a part of a unified community. Lying within the boundaries of the New Life — Aqua Barn Annexation Area lies Elliott Farm, designated as a landmark in 1990. King County Countywide Planning Policies (e.g., FW-25, CC-1, CC-2) require that such historic resources be accorded protection by all jurisdictions. The City of Renton stated its intent to work with the County to ensure preservation of this area. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton advances the objective of preserving the naturai neighborhood as this action would encourage more effective connections to the jurisdiction. State Growth Management policies (RCW 36.70A.020) support the annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton. 6 King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies support the annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton. For example, County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies call for contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). King County Policy LU-31 requires cities to designate potential annexation areas to include adjacent urban lands and to eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. Policy LU-32 calls upon cities to incorporate lands within annexation areas into city boundaries. Additionally, annexation is appropriate under Countywide Policy CO-1, when a jurisdiction has "identified and planned for(a)full range of urban services.. . . " The Board finds that the annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area will advance RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 1. RCW 36.93.180 (2� USE OF PHYSICAL BOUNDARIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BODIES OF WATER, HIGHWAYS,AND LAND CONTOURS Based upon its physical boundaries, the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is appropriate for annexation to the City of Renton. The annexation comprises reasonable physical boundaries, including co-terminus borders, rights-of way, and individual property lines. State Growth Management policies (RCW 36.70A.020) support the annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton. The evidence shows that King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies support the annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton. For example, County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies call for contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). King County Policy LU-31 requires cities to designate potential annexation areas to include adjacent urban lands and to eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. Policy LU-32 calls upon cities to incorporate lands within annexation areas into city boundaries. The City of Renton established New Life - Aqua Barn Area in its Comprehensive Plan as a Potential Annexation Area; therefore, the City of Renton is the jurisdiction designated to govern New Life - Aqua Barn Area. Annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton will create and preserve logical, discernible neighborhood boundaries. Citizens would benefit by stronger neighborhood links resulting from annexation and by uniform governance available to the community. The Board finds that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 2. RCW 36.93.180(3�CREATION AND PRESERVATION OF LOGICAL SERVICE AREAS Approval of the annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton will advance the objective of creation and preservation of logical service areas. The evidence shows that the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is linked to the City of Renton by the built environment — i.e., similar types of land uses and levels of density, by common physical elements (e.g., roadways); and by critical areas (e.g., Cedar River, topographic features —valley floor and sloped terrain; floodplain; sole source aquifer). Annexation of the New Life -Aqua Barn Area will create and preserve logical service areas by including a greater number of properties in the City of Renton's service area thereby enabling the design and the implementation of efficient, consistent, consolidated service programs throughout the greater community. The City of Renton has existing plans that identify the City as the authority responsible for provision of public services and public amenities that will protect the built community and preserve the natural environment. These plans include, but are not limited to, the: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Sewer Plan, Comprehensive Water Plans, Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan). The City also has specific plans and contracts for provision of emergency services, including fire prevention, policing, medical aid, as well as an array of public facilities and amenities. More precisely: • The City of Renton has specific plans, programs, statutes and guidelines that will enable the City to immediately provide accessible local government to the New Life -Aqua Barn Area. 7 • The City of Renton has specific plans, programs, statutes and guidelines that allow the City to immediately provide a full array of services to the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. Services include fire prevention, policing, medical aid, storm water management, and utilities. Water service and sewer service are also available to all properties. The City also provides law and justice services, housing services, and human services programs. Services also inciude parks and recreation facilities, libraries, and other public amenities. • The City of Renton has specific plans, programs, statutes and guidelines that will provide for both routine administration and emergency management (e.g., land maintenance, storm water management, flood control) necessary to preserve environmentally sensitive areas within and near to the New Life -Aqua Barn. The State Growth Management Act and the King County Comprehensive Plan support the annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton. The evidence shows that annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with State policies (RCW 36.70A) and County policies that provide for transfer of lands in the Urban Growth Area to an established local jurisdiction in order to ensure that citizens benefit from reliable governance and service. King County Policy LU-31 requires cities to designate potential annexation areas that include adjacent urban lands and eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. The City of Renton established New Life - Aqua Barn Area in its Comprehensive Plan as a Potential Annexation Area; therefore, the City of Renton is the jurisdiction designated to govern New Life -Aqua Barn Area. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton is consistent with County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies that call for contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). Policies that establish cities as the appropriate providers of local governance and urban services (e.g., FW-13, CO-1, CO-3; LU-31 - LU-34, LU-36) also support the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Area. The County supports annexation of urban areas because it does not have sufficient resources to efficiently manage and serve unincorporated islands. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton would create a logical local governance plan for the greater community. Under the aegis of the City of Renton, a singie established local jurisdiction, citizens would receive the benefits resulting from coordinated, efficient, and reliable land development, public service programs and public facilities. Citizens will benefit from the City of Renton's regulation and preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas that exist within the New Life - Aqua Barn Area and link to the City of Renton. The Board finds that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 3. RCW 36.93.180(4) PREVENTION OF ABNORMALLY IRREGULAR BOUNDARIES The evidence shows that the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is similar to -- and linked with -- the built community in the adjacent City of Renton. The Area is characterized by environmentally sensitive areas extending to (and impacting) the City of Renton. Approvai of New Life - Aqua Barn Area would result in boundaries which are regular on the northern, western, and eastern boundaries. The proposed southern boundary of the New Life — Aqua Barn Area is irregular in that the annexation area is bisected by a peninsula of properties (Elliott Farms Subdivision) which is not included in the New Life — Aqua Barn Area. City of Renton officials testified that it weicomes citizens interested in joining the City but its policies do not provide for City officiais to solicit community members to annex to Renton. Thus, it is the citizens who defined the specific boundaries of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. Should citizens of nearby unincorporated areas (e.g., Elliott Farms Subdivision) wish to annex into Renton, the City would be wiiling to include those citizens. At present this community has expressed no interest in joining Renton, but has expressed interest in joining a proposed City of Fairwood. 8 The evidence shows that, aithough the borders of the New Life — Aqua Barn Area are not geometrically regular in form, the proposed boundaries are plausible based upon current interests of affected property owners and future plans for incorporation of urban areas into local jurisdictions and the topography of the area where the otherwise irregular boundaries lie. Moreover, the New Life — Aqua Barn annexation is part of an overall plan by the City of Renton, to assemble ali territory within the jurisdiction's Potential Annexation Area into an incorporated community. Thus, ultimately, with connection to a new City of Fairwood or, a future annexation to the City of Renton, regular boundaries should be achieved in this area in keeping with RCW 36.93.180. The evidence shows that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton would also incrementally advance the State Growth Management Act and the King County Comprehensive Plan policies. Annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with State policies (RCW 36.70A) providing for transfer of lands in the Urban Growth Area to an established local jurisdiction in order to ensure that citizens benefit from reliable governance and service. Further, County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies contemplate contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). For example, King County Policy LU-31 require cities to designate potential annexation areas to include adjacent urban lands and to eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. The City of Renton identifies New Life - Aqua Barn Area in its Comprehensive Plan as a Potential Annexation Area; thus, Renton is the jurisdiction designated to govern the New Life - Aqua Barn Area. Evidence shows that the County would have preferred that the New Life — Aqua Barn Annexation Area include the adjacent Elliott Farms Subdivision as such inclusions would provide for a more regular boundary and improved service levels to the area. However it is recognized that the residents of this area declined to join in the annexation. Further, it is possible to continue service to the Elliott Farms Subdivision. As a result, the County is not willing to work to compel annexation at this time. New Life - Aqua Barn Area includes boundaries that are reasonable and necessary to facilitate coordinated land uses, offer effective, efficient provision of services, and preserve critical areas for the benefit of the greater community. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to Renton would enable uniform local governance and coordinated services under a single local jurisdiction. The Board finds that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 4. RCW 36.93.1 SO(5�DISCOURAGEMENT OF MULTIPLE INCORPORATIONS RCW 36.93.180 (5) is not applicable to File No. 2270. RCW 36.93.180(6� DISSOLUTION OF INACTIVE SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS RCW 36.93.180 (6) is not applicable to File No. 2270. RCW 36.93.180(7�ADJUSTMENT OF IMPRACTICAL BOUNDARIES Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to the City of Renton would create more practical boundaries to enable coordinated governance. Annexation would place the natural environment and built environment under City jurisdiction, thus creating uniform governance of this community. Evidence shows that the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Area annexation wouid promote a cohesive community that will facilitate participation in local governance. Annexation of the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton would also permit the City to work with citizens to achieve: • coordination of land planning and management activities (e.g., implementation of uniform land uses and development standards); • effective and e�cient provision of public facilities and public services; • coordination of maintenance and emergency management for environmentally sensitive areas. For example, the proposed boundary will create confusion for emergency service providers 9 Evidence shows that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into the City of Renton is consistent with State Growth Management Act and promotes the King County Comprehensive Plan policies. Annexation of New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with State policies (RCW 36.70A) policies that provide for transfer of lands in the Urban Growth Area to an established local jurisdiction in order to ensure that citizens benefit from reliable governance and service. County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies call for contiguous orderly growth of local jurisdictions (e.g., U-304, U-208, U-301, U-304.). King County Policy LU-31 requires cities to designate potential annexation areas to include adjacent urban lands and to eliminate unincorporated islands between cities. The City of Renton identifies New Life - Aqua Barn Area in its Comprehensive Plan as a Potential Annexation Area; therefore, the City of Renton is the jurisdiction designated to govern New Life - Aqua Barn Area. The New Life - Aqua Barn Area has boundaries which are practical and necessary to facilitate coordinated land uses, promote effective, efficient provision of services, and preserve critical areas for the benefit of the greater community. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area to Renton wili enable uniform local governance and coordinated services under a single local jurisdiction. The Board finds that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 7. RCW 36.93.180 (8� INCORPORATION AS CITIES OR ANNEXATION TO CITIES OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS WHICH ARE URBAN IN CHARACTER The entire New Life—Aqua Barn is located within the Urban Growth Area established by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The New Life - Aqua Barn Area designation as an "urban" area is also supported by the State Growth Management Act. The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan includes the New Life - Aqua Barn Area in its Potential Annexation Area and designates this territory as an urban area. Approval of New Life - Aqua Barn Area is appropriate based upon the direct associations between this unincorporated area and the City of Renton. These links are based upon the similar existing/future built community and the connected environmentally sensitive areas. This association is germane to both existing land characteristics and future designation/use plans for the New Life -Aqua Barn Area. The evidence shows that the territory proposed by the City of Renton for New Life - Aqua Barn Area includes lands that are suitable for annexation to a local jurisdiction in accord with statutory mandate (e.g., RCW 36.93, the State Growth Management Act, and the King County Comprehensive Plan, et seq.). Immediate annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area into Renton would promote uniform governance, development, and public services/facilities appropriate for this urban territory. The Board finds that annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances RCW 38.93.180 - Objective 8. RCW 36.93.180 �9� PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LANDS FOR LONG TERM PRODUCTIVE AGRICULTURAL/RESOURCE USE RCW 36.93.180 (8) is not applicable to File No. 2270. III. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FINDINGS AND DECISIONS The Boundary Review Board conducted review and deliberation of File No. 2270 based upon the record of written documents and oral testimony, in keeping with applicable state, regional and local regulations. The Board focused upon RCW 36.93 (Boundary Review Board Enabling Act); RCW 36.70A (Growth Management Act); King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Policies; City of Renton Comprehensive Plans, RCW 35A.14 (Annexation of Cities); RCW 35.02 (Incorporation of New Cities) and 10 , . other relevant regulations and guidelines. As prescribed by statutory mandate, the Boundary Review Board considered the following options: ■ The New Life - Aqua Barn Area Annexation (374 acres) could be accepted as initially proposed by the City of Renton, if this action advances the provisions of RCW 36.93 and other applicabie regulations (e.g., State Growth Management Act, the King County Comprehensive Plan and the Renton Comprehensive Plan). ■ The New Life - Aqua Barn Area could be modified to reduce the area for annexation by ten percent (37 acres), if the proposed modification advances the basic requirements of RCW 36.93 and other applicable regulations (e.g., the State Growth Management Act, the King County Comprehensive Plan, and the Renton Comprehensive Plan). • The New Life - Aqua Barn Area Annexation cou�d be denied in its entirety if annexation fails to advance any of the objectives contained in RCW 36.93 and other applicable regulations. *.� The record for File No. 2270 is detailed and extensive. The parties provided considerable materials supporting their positions. The Board reviewed the complete record to come to a decision for the proposed New Life -Aqua Barn Area (374 acres). The Boundary Review Board finds that: • New Life - Aqua Barn Area/New Life - Aqua Barn Area annexation proposal was evaluated according to the criteria established in RCW 36.93.170. Annexation of the New Life -Aqua Barn Area is consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.93.170 (1); RCW 36.93.170 (2)and RCW 36.93.170 (3). • New Life - Aqua Barn Area/New Life - Aqua Barn Area annexation proposals were evaluated according to the criteria established in RCW 36.93.180 as follows: RCW 36.93 NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN AREA�374 ACRES� OBJECTIVE 1 - PRESERVATION OF NATURAL ADVANCES CRITERION AS ANNEXATION INCLUDES ALL NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITIES PROPERTIES IN A NATURAL COMMUNITY SEEKING AFFILIATION WITN THE CITY OF RENTON OBJECTIVE Z-USE OF PHYSICAL BOUNDARIES ADVANCES CRITERION AS IT COINCIDES WITH PROPERTIES iN THE COMMUNITY SEEKING AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF RENTON AND CONSISTENT WITH ESTABLISHED COMPREHENSIV PLAN BOUNDARIES OBJECTIVE 3 - CREATION AND PRESERVATION ADVANCES CRITERION AS AUBURN CAN SERVE ENTIRE OF LOGICAL SERVICE AREAS AREA TO PROTECT PUBLIC WELFARE. OBJECTIVE 4 - PREVENTION OF ABNORMALLY ADVANCES CRITERION AS IT COINCIDES WITH PROPERTIES IN TH IRREGULAR BOUNDARIES COMMUNITY SEEKING AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF RENTON- THEREFORE MOVING FOEWARD TOWARD THE ULTIMATE ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULAR BOUNDARIES TOSUPPORT A UNIFIED COMMUNITY AND STREAMLINE SERVICE PROVISION OBJECTIVE 5 - DISCOURAGEMENT OF MULTIPLE ADVANCES CRITERION AS ANNEXATION,RATHER THAN INCORPORATIONS INCORPORATION,IS PROPOSED FOR THIS AREA. OBJECTIVE F> - DISSOLUTION OF INACTIVE DOES NOT APPLY SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS OBJECTIVE 7 - ADJUSTMENT OF IMPRACTICAL ADVANCES CRITERION AS IT COINCIDES WITH PROPERTIES IN BOUNDARIES THE COMMUNITY SEEKING AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF RENTON-THEREFORE MORE PRACTICAL BOUNDARIES ARE CREATED TO SUPPORT A UNIFIED COMMUNITY AND TO STREAMLINE SERVICE PROVISION I1 , ' 1 . RCW 36.93 NEW LIFE–AQUA BARN AREA(374 ACRES� OBJECTIVE H – INCORPORATION .OR ADVANCES CRITERION AS IT COINCIDES WITH ANNEXATION TO CITIES ....OF UNINCORPORATED PROPERTIES IN THE COMMUMTY SEEKING AFFILIATION URBAN AREAS WITH THE GTY OF RENTON — THEREFORE ACHIEVING PROGRESS TOWARD INCORPORATION OF TNE ENTIRE DESIGNATED URBAN AREA INTO A LOCAL JURISDICTION. OBJECTIVE 9 – PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL DOES NOT APPLY AND RURAL LANDS... • New�ife - Aqua Barn Area annexation proposals were evaluated according to the criteria established in the State Growth Management Act(1�CW 36.70A). Annexation of the New Life -Aqua Barn Area is consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.70A. • New Life - Aqua Barn Area/New Life - Aqua Barn Area annexation proposals were evaluated according to the criteria established in the King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with the provisions of the King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies. • New Life - Aqua Barn Area annexation proposals were evaluated according to the criteria estabiished in the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with the provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. ■ Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area is consistent with other applicable statutory mandates (e.g., RCW 35A.14, et seq.) IV. CONCLUSION Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn Area advances the objectives established in the Boundary Review Board Act (RCW 36.93), Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), King County Comprehensive Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, and other state and local guidelines for annexation of urban areas. The Boundary Review Board approval of the City of Renton Notice of Intention to annex the New Life - Aqua Barn Area (374 acres) is timely based upon the City of Renton's current and historical commitment to guide development and provide municipal services to this area. Annexation will enable the City of Renton to provide a harmonious efficient plan for the governance of the built community, preserving the environment, and protecting public health and welfare. (Note: Under state law, the City of Renton musf adopt an Ordinance or Resolution a(firming the New Life -Aqua Bam Area Annexafion following action by the Boundary Review Board. Under state law, the City must confirm the action as approved by the Boundary Review Board. Alternatively, the Council may decide not to pursue the acfion. However, the City cannot modify the bounda�res that have been approved by the Boundary Review Board.) l � L NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY THAT, for the above reasons, the action proposed in the Notice of Intention contained in said File No. 2270 be, and the same is, hereby approved as described in Exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ADOPTED BY SAID WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNtTY by a vote of_�_in favor , _�' in opposition, and 'Z, abstentions, on this 10 day of April, 2008, and signed by me in authentication of its said adoption on said date. WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY ' /� u � Claudia Hirschey, Chair FILE this � day f � h(Z..0 f`-1 , 2008 BY: Lenora Blaum , Executive Secretary 13 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT I CITY OF RENTON NEW LIFE -AQUA BARN AREA: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION AREA BOUNDARIES EXHIBIT II CITY OF RENTON NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN AREA:MAP OF ANNEXATION AREA BOUNDARIES 14 �02�18/,2008 KON 13� a7 PAx aZ5a307300 Clty ot xenton �6/EON6P �vv��uv� EXI�BIT ! � N�'�V Y.I�E-AQUA BARN ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIP'TION The lands included within thc subject anncxation area are situated in Sections 22,23, 24 and 27,all in Township 23 North,Rangc S East, W.M., King County, Wask�i,ngton, said anncxation azea being more particulazly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intcrsection of the northeasterly margin of S�Renton-Maple Valley Highway(SR169,P.S.H.#5), and the"THREAD"of the Cedar River in the N�rthwe�t qi�arter of said Section 22,said point also being on the Renton City Limits as ' annexed uzader Ordinance No.4156; � Thence southeasterly along said existing City Limit I,ine as annexed undez Ordinauce � No.4156,:u�d the northeasterly cigbt of way mazgin,of said SE Renton-Maple Valley '. Highway to ti�e west(ine vf Gove�unent�,ot 2 in the Northeast quarter of said Section ; 22,where said City�iwout Livae follows tk�.e raoztherly right of way margin of the abandoned Burlin�tvn No�thern(Pacific Coast)Railroad right of way; Thence continuing southcasterly along said City Limit Linc and said northerly right of way margin to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 149m Ave. SE,in th�e Southwest quarter of said Section 23; i Thence leaving said City Limit Line and concinuing southeasterly, alpng said northerly j railroad ni�t of way margin, emssing 149°'Ave SE and 154n'Pl SE to the urtersection of I said northerly railroad right of way margin and the easterly right of way nnargin of 154'h + Pl 5E;said intcrscction also bcing a�oint on thc Urban Growth Boundary(IJGB)line; Thcnce southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right of way margin and said UGB line,to a point oF cusp on the noctl�easterly right of way margin of SL Renton- Maple Valley Highway(SR169,P.S.H. €t5),in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; T6ence southeasterty along the various courses of said noetheasterly right of way rnargin and said UGB line, to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the � west line of the Southvvrst quarter of said Section 24; � � Thence southerly along said parallel line and said UGB Line to a point of interscetion with I a line perpeudiculaz to said west line, said pccpendicular lin�e beginning at a point on said � west line 50 feet south of the northeast comer of Tract A of Valley Faite II, as recorded under Volume 131 of Plats, Pages 39 - 43, records of King County,V✓ashi.ngton; I 01J2c(A�u�Bum Anncx pv BRB 1-SO-2a0P)ckc � - FebTUNy 1 S, Z008 I I 02/18J2008 MON 13� 4T FAX az5a307300 CltY Of ROntOn D$/EON6P �vvar005 � TheQce westerly along said perpendiculaz line and said UGB line to the wcst line of said Southwcst quarter,said wcst line also bein�the east linc of the Southeast quarter of said Section 23; Thence northwesterly along a line parallel with the north line of said Tract A,a distance of 350 feet; Thence northcrly along a (ine pazallel with said cast line,to the north line of said Tract A; Thence generally weste�ly alon�the various courses oF the notth li.ne of said Tract A,to the west line of said Southeast quatter,said west line also bcit�the cast line of the Southwest quartar of said Section 23; Thence southerly along said east line,to the southeast coracr of said sutxi�vision; Thencc westerly along thc south line�f sai,d subdivision to the southwest comer thereof; ' Thence nottherly along the west line of said subdivision,to thc northwest comcr of thc I Southwest quartcr of said 5outhwcst quarter,said n�rthwcst comcr also heing the so�theast comer of the Northeast quartec of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thencc wesecrly elong the south line of said subdivision,to the SE cornes of Tract 1, Pionecr Place,as recorded under Volume 226 of Plats,Pages 51 -56,said records; Thence westerly along the various courses of the south line of said Tract J, to a pvint on thc west line of said plat,said west laue also being thc cast line of Elliot Farm,as recorded under Volurne 180 of Plats,Pages 4 - 15,said records,said west line also bcing i the east line of the Northwest quarter uf thc Southeast querter of s�id Section 22; � I Thence northerly alon6 said e�st line of said plat, said ea�t line also bcing the east line of Traet G and�'ract�,both of said plat,to the most easterly northeast comer of said Tract E� � Thence westerly alon8 thc various eourses of the northerly line of said Tra�t E,to a point on the easterly right of way margin of 140�'Way SE, in the Northeast quarter of the , Southwest quaricr of said Section 22; Thence southeastcrly,southerly and soutl,westerly�1oug said casterly right of way ; mar�in, to an intcrsection with the soutl�line of said Sxtion 22; � Thencc �sterly alon� said south line,crossing said 140`��Way SE,said south line also bein�the south lin,c of Maple Ridge F,states,as recorded under Volume 134 of Plats, i Pages 9 - 16, said records, to a point vn the east linc of Lot 2, View Point at Maple Ridge, 1 as recorded under Volume 161 of Plats, �'ages 32-35,said records; � � I 0272t(Ayuu Bum Ann«pct HRH 1 30 2W6)doc -2- FCbrus�' I S,2�Qg � � - 42�18/7008 MON 13: a7 Ft►x G25a307300 City Of RlntOn 06/EON6F 1�005�005 Thence southerly and westerly alon�the boundary lines of Lots 2 through 9 of saad pint, in tlae Nortk�east qua�ter o�said Section 27,and the westerly extension thereof,crossazzg 140�'A�e SE,to an intersecrion with the wcstuly right of way margin of 140'h Ave SE, in the Northwest quarler of said Section 27; Thence north�rly along said westerly right of way margiun,to a�n intersection with said south line of said Secrion Z2, said souch line also bei�g tbe svuth line of said plat; Thence westerly along said south line o('said Sectzon 22 and the south line of said plat,to the southwest comer of Lot 13 of said plat,in tlne Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence generally northerly along the various couzses of the west]ine of said plat and the west line of Maple Ridge Estates, Division 2, Phase 3,as tccorded under Volume 163 of Plats, Pages 64-66, said records,to the northwest cvrncr of said plat, said norkh,west corner also being a point on the south line of the Northeast quartcr of the Southwest quarier of said Section 2Z; Tbence westerly Along said south linc,to the most southerly southeast comer of.Txact J, Kin�County Boundary Lot Adjustment No. LO1 L OOZ6,as recorded under Kiug County Rcc.No,20010730900003; Thence westerly,northwesterly,northerly,southw�cstcrly and westerly along the various courses of the southetly and westerly boundary lines of Tracl J,to a point on the westem boundary thereof,said point also being the southeast corner of Tract L of said boumdary i line adjustment, in Govemment Lot 9 of said Secrion 22; Thence soutl�westexly, westexly a�d nvzthwesterly,alon�the various courses of the south ' line of said Tract L to the southwest comer thereof,said s�uthwest comer a]so being a point on tbe east line of that property coaveyed to King County under King County , Recordit�Nwnber 9810304345; Thence southwesterly and southeasterly,along said east line.to an intersection with thc centerline of Molasses Czeek; Thencc norihwcsterly along said creek centerline and its nocthwesterly extension,to an i intersection with thc Renton City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 5243, said , tine also btin.g the"TI-iREAD"of the Cedar River; 7�encc northeastcrly along said City Limit Liac and thc"!`H�AD''of the Cedar River to Ihe point of beginning. ( � i 0232c(Aqua Bam Mncx per BRB 1-30•2DC8)doc -7- Fcbfuary 1 5,200A � I EXHIBIT II •. ._ , _�1. . 4- -- � `ft -- ' -'--' - -- , �: .�: �y- �.117MaFSl----:'r._ �- : e�� - ��:�i i-t- ~ �- � ��Fr_L�I�CSr - - - j(�7 t � � __ �- �, � 8�1!1 _ _�:'� . . _ra . _ _i..� --'--_ . �'i`� , , I -Ji__ �� �- - �'_,:` i ; (10 (�� �-,�, __�_- ,-;� � � �� - ___ T:;_ -,:�:-;_.-�- -- j�:��_��l= , � _ 'I V �' �ir-!� � . � - -;{?-,"-; � '�I_� - - - - : << � �� .� � � . :� ��_ _� � , :�_ �....____-•... �E�..al,',s ',_ . -_; �-- - _ 1 �_- - i = _(_ • -�- ��r1 . .....:..- f a.` . ~_�'r� `�;.'r- , _.-- - ^1= `� � � � F- t�f t � - _ -} J��NTt� � --� - --i' i���-l; � :i_ S/'( �� . " ' --._. .��' �. - __ -- 'i . � !i__ _ .t- __i ✓ � � . � -'!--' t i -lli _V� I � il.�. � _ i � . �'.)_ � ' �' � � � � - I _ : � .j` ; i _ �...�.._._. -- . \. 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Y � � � �� •f i � .-i`. .�.' i. �.:•. ` '(. - ' ,. y � � � -'s.' _•.`�'�.• 1 -_, `C' :'r ~ •' -Y � � � t'���\`•;:�` � �. . � ~� 5 1 it�� � :;�' � �.;: - �,.; � `;' � _ :,= `�- �:�} , _ '� ' � L.. :_.�:,, r. t '' � Z� �:�-�;~' '� �r.� � � .., � �� �� � F ' .. �-` :�Ll.. - '� �. '�i r' -L '�, i�� s �� `: _a ' .�, y�� ,.,y '`''` ' 7 >- � .c .x ' � b-• ..� �, y[` w� ..�•, ,� ~l� l-,��. � _� '����v.� w..:�j� � ,. � � il-' <� �. ,',`. � , �� - 7y� ��• � � � - �fi.s.5_ " i.. _ � IY � <6'k" "tr +, _ - 4� ��+�� ��,! '� � - `^�:;�-, - - "" • m Annexa�on w L�fe - Aqua Ba Ne ��n goundarY �°"������ Ea�h�t�F4: P�c�pos�d ' ' Straibegic PLanni�A ���,� Leg�d A Jdriwr�,PI�^�TiChNda� f FR�,..•► ��1A1d8�Y , � N i._.,.�....� �P�� BoundarY � Q �v Life-Aq�a �r„�r ao.zom 0 5ao �.� _�.000r . , _ ..� - - - _ :. , :�. :..:-.-. . �:�s,aoo � � �= : .:.. • • EXHIBIT II , . � _.,..._-----+- , ,;. ` - , _ i- "- - , - � ,I-_ -- . t1. �fs►`'�'��i-}�1`�-r� � ' �." r'"=�- ' -1 , _.. _ _eL��tsznd sY - -� j ky�✓ �-'-~SFti?a�'t �' '�l�tw.4 ' r----r �Q� . � .���, '_ +i� ,�r- -: rt��-i- -F '__ ;aa1 ; _ �.a;+- , � ---����(7y t , � •— �,�.. -1 _, �j�\-__ _1_ t'_'_ ^� _ -r;� I . � _'_ ""'r-�� 5�,,� ; � �' ;�_ t��- ' � �.�� �L.._:` � ' �� '_ - ..i'_,'. � � _�t li i� �' .t' � ^ ' �� i -l.lr i -'� i a�r+l.�i _ __--_- ,�'��.i`� _-; ; -s-..i��_ ..-J.1� ' t � . � � 1 -�T_!_!�. - !� ry }- " _"1 � � _._ j- - - FOf ,�' � � - r_ -- , '�i -- _s�-�- � —- � -L _1 `` � 'L � � � . � - -- � �-�'' r- __ --i �:; "j� , ' � _ � . .:�. .;� � � , � ' :1 ' i• i . � i . : i -- _:- '-j {` i --- '+,~-,- 1 � . . _" ' �. _"_ ; i ' � � ; i � , %� i . ! i . � ,.." _; i � __" L= ''f _ -.{' _': �?_'�_�'_`F" ' _ .r` � i _ . !: � - i � � i �-i - - - / �-� - - 1 -'--- ��,1 �-" �.. - ,-'- -� -�' �'--'- � -i;' :i�•` i-`-- ` �'---- i:. �-.' e,\ j�� '� �' ! I j i �i $E. ;i _' ,��.�,,, i ' Q ' 4 .� ----�' --- �.... .--- + i_. S �Ft""'�� �. � j-- .�- .,. --'- , ' �- ' . ,P i � ; E_ � �_ _ - q�4n,y+� I �`+-��' � . I � �-- ' � �-- - - -�- ry�y� I - i � , �.; ,_ -, � - - _ �' `, _--• � , I__l- `�s- � -1 F,��� ' / � �w�, � 'L � � � �r "� -- - �'PO' I +►d - ����1 "� ',�'=��� a _ _;__ ' , �\ � - � ..4_� � - - - - _=---- � - a - �E+apa r, te- -- �'-� _...SE Y� � i dt . , i � i i - -- _--- -- -- -- � g ----- i ' �;:i- -�.� ..� i _� -- ., ' � i __,..,��-- �i , I `. .1`f�'�i'�`-_ ; � !) �, 1.� ! � �� � ~'`--��' '' �` '�"`'-r-= '�"•��'.;.,- D '-� 1 ._� 1 ` � � , �.._.___,. `��; ,'; `:} - } `_ -�_ ,_ � --1 ; T _ _'.-. -- �_--� � � ., - �-- , ,� I i '�'"----�----.___-- '�_ � " i t� '-7'i-�i i�` _f�'!;i jy,i: .f.�� -J 1 -_-__— ---��`_�_ .:_s�• T�.{� - 1+ ti�,yr _ � , ' . . ..� '"111 ,F_,.1 � f �' ��..�� ''T��S'_� ``?y,� �l� .'{` '^ I-�-I.Y �•. "�p _C"� __ ( :l"�: ;::,.'t_;_i,._ 1 7i � .i'�, ��. � 't�. 'i -.,�.":'-- --- � .-i'.<• �.� �.� . � '�` . 'ti: �_Y�.•`.� �'- i � r `. �'��: ` Ot.'. -.�,.� {�� �fl:�.'-j:t.`•'�`. �I� - �.::. �i1,r :.� (. , 1 � i:l�\� :i'� ' ` f _ '�`,_. �_ -�-r^,.t � 1 �, \- � - �'i,�,{ 1 �•. `t� S V� `•/ `t�`" . �t -� (� �y`` �t` � ` ' � ._ .�.� ,_ - - _ t . .J:�.i __�____�____ _��� 7- `� .S''� . `/ll.'�_ L!f �'� I�i j J � .B�..: '' I., 5� 7 ' :;4- t" `1"'; ,`: - a �rral- .� � -..�-�.'r',I t N'a+ '- .u t' •+^-L. . ., .�� �il� �L{ _ ` tt ,� �� s�i �_-�y,•�, ,`• � , `� � '', ���+ y' -- -` `�— ,_4 (r� s �_,� ,Y '� C� � } 1 <- ,,' , i' � - � �,� � ,� _ �.� ?i�',` - �-''� ' � ���4-�.- -'t��, �'' "bti`'._ `' ',� •'J , .�yy -• 7., ``' .�,yi:�,. - F '� .�...' "�` '�.�•(� n ' _ 1 . _�, 1} .--:��' i _! _4t. •,�T ;� :�" '�T� - � �� .F�.< s_ - 1 r._ : _',r,.,.. J,-•.�!' - - '�; ,lf,-`� '�: -'; 4� ,��f,^�r`� � - New l.ife - Aqua Bam Annexation Y �°"°m'�o�Ve'°''�"�, �hib�F4: �fopos�d�nnexation BoundarX .� . Nei9hbocheads a� Straitegic PLanniitg a@x�n,n��.tor �„�,pd a.�a,reor+.�ann�Tecn� r..�__.y C�Bou�dary N r...e �• ���o.zoa� � Q We�v Ufe-Aqua Bam Proposed Boundary W o �cao �.000 �.� �:�s,000 .. ,. . -.. . . .. - .� . � r -� Washington State Boundary Review Board For King County Yesler Buildirig,Room 402, 400 Yesler Wny, Senttle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 296-6800 • Fnx: (206)296-6803 • http://www.metrokc.gov/nnrtexrttioris �", March 5, 2008 � MAR 0 6 2GC� City �f ���tc�n City of Renton Econamic C;eve����m�nt, Neighborho��as &Straiegic Plannin_� Attn: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: NOTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL FILING File No. 2270 - City of Renton - New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: We have received approval from King County engineering staff of the legal description for the above-referenced Notice of Intention. The Notice of Intention is now considered complete and has been officially filed effective: Januar,�, 2008. You will be advised of any further changes in the status of the Notice before the Board. Please be aware that any future final ordinance or resolution on the proposed action must incorporate the legal description approved by King County engineering staff, including any revisions made in response to the engineering staff review. Sincerely, Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Atch: King County Road Services Division letter dated March 4, 2008 cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council (w/o atch) Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services (w/o atch) FORM 12 � r . �'�� RECE[1��� ���� �o���t� I�IAAR 4 2008 Road Services Division WAState Boundary�ev��w Department of Transportation BOard For King Co, KSGTR-0231 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 March 4, 2008 Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Boundary Review Board YES-BR-0240 RE: City of Renton—New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation (BRB File 2270� Dear Ms. Blauman: Thank you for the opportunity to review the revised legal description for the proposed New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation to the City of Renton transmitted with your February 28, 2008 letter. Staff reviewed the enclosed revised legal description and found it satisfactory and complete. Please see my previous letter, dated January 18, 2008 for a detailed listing of King County Road Services Division's property research and findings. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Keller, Vacations and Boundaries Engineer, at 206-296-3731, or via e-mail at Nicole.Keller@metrokc.gov. Sincerely, , � � � Lydia Reynolds-Jones Manager Project Support Services LRJ:NK:mr Enclosures cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the King County Council (w/ enclosures) Paulette Norman, P.E., County Road Engineer, Road Services Division Delite Morris, Senior Engineer, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division Debbie Clark, Administrative Specialist, Department of Assessments Robert Nunnenkamp, Property Agent, Department of Natural Resources and Parks Daisy Tamayo, GIS Specialist, Department of Assessments Nicole Keller, Engineer II, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division ��,.��z�>M d2/18/2008 MON 13: 47 F� aZ5a307. City o= xenton D6/EON�P �vv�ivv� EX.��BIT 1 ' ]V�'�V Y,1�'E-AQUA SARN ANNEXAT�ON LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands included within the subject anncxation area are situated in Sectioz�s 22,23,24 aad 27,all in Township 23 North,�t.angc 5 East, W.M., King County, Wask�i,ngton, said anncxation area being more particularly dcscribed as follows: Beginning at the point of intersecrioa of the northeastetly margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway(SR169,P.S.H.#5),and the"THREAD"oF�he Cedar River in the , Narthwest qt�arter of said Section 22,said point also being on tbe Renton City Limits as ' annexed uz�dez Ordinance No_4156; I Thence southea,sterly along said existing City Limit i.ine as annexed under Ordinance � No.4156,and the r�ortheasteTly cight of way m�axgin of said SE Renton-Maple Valley � IIighway to Wc west line of Gove�xunent T.,ot 2 in the Northeast quarter of said Section 22,where said City�,iumi.t�.ivae follows the noz�er�y riglit of way margin of tiie abandoncd Burlin�ton Northern(Pacific Coast)Railroad right of way; Thence continuing southcastesly along said City Limit Linc and said northerly right of way margin to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 149m Ave. SE,in ; t�e Southwest quarcer of said Section 23; ! �'}�ence]eaving said City Limit Line and conhinuing southeasterly, alpng said northerly j railroad zi�t of�'vaY maT'gin,crossing 149°'Ave SE and 154u'PI SE to the imecsection of I said northerly railroad right of way margin and the easterly right of way rnazgin of 154�h + Pl SB;said intcrscction also being a�oint on thc Urban Growth Soundary(IJGB)line; 'ThGnce southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right of way mazgin and said UGB line,to a point of cusp on the noctlieasterly right of way margia of S�Renton- Maple Valley Hi�hway(SR164,P.S.H.#5),in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; T6ence southeasterly aton�the vazious coucses of said nvrtheasterly right of way margin � and said UGB line,to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the t west line of the Southwest quarter of said Scction 24; � ( Thence southerly along said parallel line and said UGB line to a point of intecscction with I a line perpendicular to said west line,said perpendicular line beginn.ing at a point on said t west line 50 feet soutb�o�tk�e northeast comer of TrAct A of Valley Faire ll,as recorded � under Volume 131 ofPlats,Pages 39-43,records o�Kinb County,Washington; � � 0232�{ayur enm Ann�x t�eRB 1-30-2ooR).cioc -�- Febtvaty 15,2008 ( I I J02/18/2008 KON 13: 47 F� az5a307. City ot xenton D&�EON6P Imaoaiovs . Theuce westerly along said perpendiculaz line and said UGB line to the wcst line of said Southwest quarter,said wcst line also bein�;the east linc of the SoutheAst quarter of said Section 23; Thence northwesterly along a line paca11e1 with the north line of said Tract A,a distance of 350 feet; Thence northcrly along a line pazallel with said cast line,to the north line of said Tract A; 'I'hence generally westedy along the various courses oFthe north line of said Tract A,to the west line of said Southeasi quarter,said west iine also bcit�the cast line of the � S�uthwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southerly along said east line,to the southeast corner of said sut,division; Thence westerly along thc south line�f said subdivision to the southwest comer thereof; ' Tlaence northerly along the w�est line of said subdivision,to the northwest corner of the I Sputbwest quarter of said Southwcst quarter,said�orthwest comcr also heing the southeast corner of the Northeast quarte�of the Southe�st quarter of said Section 22; Thence westerly atong the south lire of said subdivision,to the SE corner of Tract.1, Pioneer Place,as recorded under Volume 226 of Plats,Pages 51 -56,said records; Thence westerly along the various couc�es of the south tine of said Trac�7,to a point on thc west line of said plat,said west lane also being the cast]ine of Elliot Farm,as recorded under Volume ]80 of�'lats,Pages 4-15, said records,said west line also bcing i the east liac of the Northwest quarter uf the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; i Thence noriherly along said east line of said plat, said eas�t line also being the east line of � Traet G and Tract�,both of said plat,to the most easterly nottheast cvmer of said Tract E; � Thencc westerly along thc various courses of the northerly line of said Tract E,to a point on the easterly right of way margin oF 140`�Way SE,in the Northeast quarter of the . Southwest quartcr of said Section 22; Thence southeasicrly,souiherly and sautl,westerly along said casterly right of way � marsin,to an intcrsection with the soutu line of said Section 22; ( Thence westerly alon�said south line,crossing sAid 140`"Way SE,said south line also � being the south linc of Maple Ridge F,states,as recorded under Volume 134 of Plats, i Pa�es 9- 16, said cecords,to a pc�int o�n the east line of Lot 2, View Poi.nt at Maplc Ridge, � as recorded under Votume 161 of Plats,Pagcs 32-35,said reeords; � i 0232c{Aquu Bum Anna per 8KB 1-30-2008)doc -2- FCbruery I S,?��g � � � p2�18�2008 NON 13: a7 FAx az5a3o�3. City Of RsntOn D6/EDN6p 1�005/005 Thence southerly and westerly alons the boundary lines of Lots 2 through 9 of sai,d p1At, in tlae Nork�east quarter o�saiid Section 27,and the we�teriy extension thereof,crosszz�g 140�'Ave SE,to an intersecrion with the wcstc,rly right of way margin of 140'h Ave SE, in the Northwest quarter of said Section 27; Thence northerly aloag said westerly right of way mazgi�n,to an intersection with said south line of said Secrion Z2,said south line also being the south line of said plat; Thence westerly along said south line aCsaid Sectzo�22 and the south(ine of said plat,to the southwest corner of Lot 13 of said plat,in t1�e Southwest quarter of said Seetion 22; Thence generatly northerly atong the various couzses of the west line of said plat and the west line of Maple Ridbe Estates,Division 2, P6ase 3,as rccordcd under Volume l 63 of Plats, Pa�es 64-66,said records,to the northwest corncr of said plat, said north,west corner also being a point on the south line of the Northeast quartcr of the Southwest quarter of said Section 2Z; Thence westerly along said south line,to the most southerly southeast comer of Tzact J, Kin�County Boundary Lot Adjustment No.LOI L OOZ6,as recorded under Kiug Cownty Rcc.No.20010730900003; Thence westerly,northwesterly,aortherty,southw�cstcrly and westerly along the various conrses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines of Tcact J,to a poin!om the westem , boundary thereof,said point also being the southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary r tine adjustment,in Govemment Lot 9 of said SecLion 22; Thence sout��westerly,westex�y a�d c��zthw�ly,along the various courses of the south ' li�e vf sadd Tract L to the southwest corner thereof,sazd svuthwest comer also being a point oz�the easl line of thal property conveyed to King County under King County , Recording Nwnber 9810304345; Thence southwesterly and soutlaeasterly,along said east line.to an intersection with thc centerline of Molasses Czeek; Thenee norihwesterly alan.�said creek centerline and its nor[hwesterly extension,to an i intersection with the Renton City Limit Line as aanexed under Ordinance No. 5243,said ; line also bein�the"TI�READ"of the Cedar Rivcr; ; "l�encc noctheastcrly along said City Limit Linc and thc"fHCtEA17"of the Cedar River to the point of beginning. � I � � i 0232c(Aqua Barn Mncx per BRB 1-30-2008).doc -3• Fcb�uafy 15,2008 � I I ���d�- ��� Proposal :F� ' ■��F A�e��t� � 't�s. �fi:����1� � .� , _ � , �� ,.: . ` '� � � . � � `' ��nent) ■Single farnily, condominium, multi- .� �� family, mobile home park ■Commerciai development 10 acres - � ■9mail shopping center in the permit r�view process '�`' . �, New Life — Aqua Current Renton Annexations. Barn Annexation , Public Hearing �'� February 26, 2008 ��9� �� s" ":�::;� � Current New Life —Aqua Barn History of Annexation Review Annexation Proposal �■ Annexation area previousiy considered as � part of the Maplewood Addition—Expanded "� �Annexation ■Area dropped from Maplewood Addition in ! respanse to November 2006 State Supreme i� Court decision regarding BRB's authority to e�and annexations without property owner input ■, ■ Separate annexation submitted in April 2007 �; : Expanded Annexation Approved � Background, continued � by $R$ 2��( ■ 10% Notice of intent Petition submitted in "'"�'' April 2007 ����' � � ����, ■ Proposal expanded to include Maple Ridge �;�'; Estates and View Point Estates ' ■ 60%Direct Petition submitted on October 23,2007 ,� �� ■ 60%Direct Petition certified on November 9, 2007 � -.>: !I ■ Ciry Invoked Jurisdiction December 22,2007 �;� $�"�`" to allow review of the 89 acre area included within the Fairwood Incorporation proposal ix � ��� Existing Conditions �a Area of Proposed Annexation » ■ AfAA-Within Renton's Potentia�Annexation with Overlapping Boundary �� ■ Locatian-sou#h of Mapleavood Gatf Caurse �;�,; and Ron Regis Park alo�south sic#e of Renton-Maple VaAey Highway(SR 169) �` � I , ■ Size-+374 acres,including SR 169 ROW � � �;� ■ Uses-Single family, condominium, multi- � '�� family, mobile home park and commercial ��„�'� � development; ■ Boundaries—annexation site abuts Renton on ;���f ,� � its northern boundary and a portion of its western boundary � � e,, . ,�� � � Area Within the Proposed �IrI�� B � ��� Fairwood Incorporation .. �.�_. � Boundary Incorpo'ration $oun ary' " ` ■79.9 Acres � ■ �nexation submitted within 90 days of incorporation filing ' ■Two Subdivisions Fully Developed -Rcw ss.ss.��s —Maple Ridge Estates —Fairwood Incorporation Filing Oct.22,2007 —Vi@W POi�t at M8p12 Rld9@ —Maplewood Annexation Filing Oct 23,2007 „��, . ��l�esiden#s supported at�neXr3tion Over � � � 79�9 acres is below the 10% modification inCo�pOrdtiOn threshold for the Fairwood Incorporation —RCW 36.93.150(2) �� -Propedy owners signing the 6�D°k�titi�on �'� , � �� -Fa�rwood a,rea: a,oso.2s acres •70°k of assessed vatue af V'new P4int — 10%threshold: is 405.3 acres �' • 65%of assessed value of Maple Ridge � �`' '�' � City of Renton Requests Sensitive Areas for the 374 Acre Proposal Removal of the 79.9 Acres ftom the lncorporation Soundary and approval of ' :, processing the 374 Acre Annexation ahead of ,. + the proposed Incorporation —Renton can provide efficient local services to this � area —Renton can address environmentai,surface water .�� � �� management and aquifer protection issues �v. �aF . � —Hillside runoff impacts the urban portion of the Cedar River corridor —Renton helped fund and adopted Lower Cedar , ■ River Basin Plan.And 2002 County Surface Water Design Manual ,�` �� Topography for the 374 Acre Proposal � Environmental Constraints �s Steep slopes to the south dictate where � : development has occurred along valley floor ■ County has allowed density to be transferred �r ' from steeper slopes to vailey floor resulting `� in mixed single-family/multifamily development '° ■ Areas near Cedar River subject to potential flooding w - ■ City's sole source aquifer(APA#1)along SR-169 and primarily west of 140�'Ave SE � � � - � � :� r� � u'e� District is designated water and sewer purveyor (no changeJ �2� � �.,� „ • Schools .'�' ��`� -Within Ite�s � � school Disti3ct (�m'change)' ,�' View looking southeast on SE 153'�Place at neN�Pioneer Place Subdivision ;''' � ��� � _�n � '��e� � ��� � � t�ns �. : King County City of Renton ���� �'� �-' �� ■ Urban Res.—Med, ■ Residential Low 4-12 du/ac Density A � ■ Neighborhood Bus. ■ Residential Single �, Center Family ' �k ■ County Owned ■ Residential Med. �����` '` ��� Open Space Density � � � � : � � � ■ Commercial View looking southeast across New l,ife�Church p` �iOfflC�Of Sr in�,s:Apor�mcnis . ^ ': King County Comprehensive �I Plan Land Use Map Land Use Related Conclusions ��R, ■ Renton's Adopted Comp Plan Land Use Map designations in 2007 to reflect �� �,�"'�"` ' existing uses developed under the King ;4 � J i" County Gomprehensive Plan : ■ Area was pre-zoned in 2007 to reflect these changes � ■ Consistent zoning will be available to . property owners upon annexation �' Renton Comprehensive Plan and Compliance with Relevant Boundary Pre-Zoning Review Board Objectives �x ■ Preservation of natural No change ��- neighborhoods and communities � ■ Use of physical boundaries Uses City and physical boundaries such as SR-169 �`� ■ Creation and preservation of Service area boundaries logical service areas previously agreed to by districts ����,� ■ Prevention of abnormally City boundary rs interim �: irregular boundaries pending other annexations within City's PAA `-`; -- -- Compliance with Relevant Boundary � Consistent with Growth Review Board Objectives Management Act � � � RCW 36.93.157 ■ Dissolution of inactive Not applicabie. There special purpose districts are no inacfive special ' Annexation Area is � Zoning provides for purpose districts �' Urban urban townhouse, Boundaries are interim. Within Renton PAA single family and ■ Adjustment of impractical City policy is to annex � commercial boundaries all of its PAA ,,., , Renton's Proposed Zoning achieves development ■ Incorporation as cities or Annexation site is in urban densities ■ Low density towns or annexations to City's designated PAA designations are cities or towns of and as such is urban in unincorporaYed areas which cHaracter '��� environmentally are urban in character �' constrained ;�'. .. r�„ . �. r,. ". � � _ .,_., _ �� .... : _ S ... . Objective LU-I � "� SuppoR annexation of areas that can be efficiently �,;�, PoliCy CA-7 P�oteCt - Renton Designated provided with infrastructure and services,or habitat f1etWOrkS 8t environmentai sensftive have environmental constraints � jUfiSdiCtio118) areas as Residentiai � Cit can rovide efficient cost effective services ` boundaries Low Density with � Y P Resource Conservation = Area has environmental constraints � Policy CA-10 zoning surface water,storm water,aquifer issues that • Renton ado ted Cedar impact Renton Maintain or enhance River Basin Plan and � Gateway into Renton from the east WBtef qu8lity 2002 King County Surtace Water Design �" Manual � �' !' � CPPs continued r: County Comprehensive Plan - LU-31 Designation ■ LU-32 A City may ;■ Polic U-205 -No itiogicai service of PAA which shall annex only within its Y area-irrterim.City �� not overlap designated PAA and �`■ Illogicai service area � intendsto annex phase annexation to � island entire PAA. coincide with Distinct economic -�ssumed due to iand provision of urban gain at the exclusion use and services of other areas environmental issues —Renton's PAA does —The area is in � Low deflsity —No island not overlap and is Rentods PAA and residential where no —City is service shown on Renton's the City is prepared environmental provider north and ��Y,� �; Com rehensive Pian � to provide urban west p services constrai�ts Map �� —Low density has constraints ! � �x�,, ��� Consistency with King County �� Fiscal Impact Analysis CO111pPe�leriS1V0 Plari ■ General Fund cost and revenue implications � ' ■ POIiCy U-204 —Area is within the �' —Assumes potential of+45 new condominiums in annexation pAA Phase 2,Molasses homes at full deveiopment � C011sistetlt with —A small area is being —Assumes potentiai of+100 new townhomes � CPPs and State reviewed by the BRB —Assumes new assessed value of$280,000 for Growth pursuant to RCW new condominiums and/or townhomes M8f18gG'111@i1t ACt 36.93.116 '��"� �°��� —Assumes retention of all e�stin multi-famil when area is within _ y the annexing city's � ,� �. PAA and is not part �, � ��{ .;,'` "�,,�� " :: x"' of a contested area + � "' � �, ��. .. _ . ., .. , ..... . . ��- � �; Fiscal Impact Analysis Conclusion (continued) Current Full Development Development ' ' Property owners in the 79.9 acre overiap -- — area support annexation Revenues $1,079,786 $1,251,319 =' • The BRB has authority � • to act on the New Life Aqua Bam Annexation Costs $1,I 18,289 $1,367,074 within the 90 day window prior to processing � the proposed incorporation.(RCW 36.93.116) Surplu5/ ($38,502) ($15,755) • to modify the boundary ofthe proposed DeflClt incorporation(RCW 36.93.150(2)) •=�1i► Estimated one-time parks development cost of$448,7i2 � � �; . � Conclusion � :�� � A _• Approve processing the entire proposed - Generally t�nsistBnt lniath City New Life Aqua Bam Annexation ahead of anne�tion poliC� ths�airwood incorporation < • CenErdlly Consistent with • Remove the 79;H Rcres pc�tt�on of th� proposed annexatian it fi�om the�ain�+ood • Boundary Review Board Objectives � ����ration area • CPPs • Approve the 374 acre proposed New Life • County Comprehensive Plan Aqua Barn Annexation ■ �i � � � �C/ . � � � x >� ' I �'".�' �. ?-►� �. � ��� �� � �'�� � � � 1 � ��— 11itlf��k�v-y-(� bi�,��b�Vii s": � r . � !I�• � - [ � .. i p _- --- ' T�$ '� �m.....svj��Zr�y�ps - ��.�1'�k �a�� � i�i I �1�N1,���� �—�s� [(�� � ,������@ ��11�@IP�'cx�^ �x :�� '� i � A ' � - i � ..�.� � �� :a�� ;a��9�.R►" �: TII �, �IG�iI19161hE�kJ���'z:�f.;����' �1i16 � I�RR: # �4; �,,a.�,�� � a� �3"• �, �ur.�ar.s�„�/� �iRl�!•�� r �1 Y�l6i � . , �' �������r��o�:A�r�4i#�g���q � �,n..:�z s --.,��� �a i�u��:a�n ,� ��..�:���,�t i�l���r�d� � ..� ��4' �-�'� �e ,�,,, -- ���:���,�,�������►�, � �� � '�' � ��. 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Q �� .. �j�tri u ar n�r c ,$ �, ���"� � :� S q'I�,�, �a� �I�E�ipii��i O���Ufe�i r 'at����C_�'w �'�J���.15�30 :a�r7 � �� .� �`� .� Iw�.�l5+ ..���_ ��rn�err �i.����If,y��_ I �- ���11'r�V"�t;��s�i A�!IitLMgA«#�, �. .T a"�ICe_.� ,�/.,.R __[Y'agx�:xe�c w�u�x� � � 1 � I � I • � � / / / / � / ^ I � � � � � � ::—s;• �. • :• �. , ' :: :r:�: � • � � �' ' �� �� ��� • / / 1 ' ' ' � • • °� . � • • • 11 ��,�Y o� CIT� OF RENTON ` � �s �- � Economic Development, Neighbor�oods arid � Strategic Planning �� �0,� Denis Law,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator N February 1, 2008 Michael Marchand, Chair Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County 400 Yesler Way,Room 240 Seattle, WA 98104 SUBJECT: NEW LIFE–AQUA BARN ANNEXATION FILE NO.2270– EXPANSION OPTION 1 S.UPPORTING DATA Dear Mr. Marchand: Thank you for the opportunity to submit our brief on this annexa�ion. We have included a discussion as to why we believe the 76.9-acres that are included in the proposed Fairwood incorporation should be.deleted. The City of Renton at its 10%Notice of Intent public meeting added this area in response to testimony from residents living in the l�✓Iaple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions. Over 65 percent of the prqperty owners within these two subdivisions signed the 60%Direct Petition to annex to Renton. Staff has also review the Incorporation Petition and could only find 6 signatwres of residents in these same two subdivisions. It is also important to ppint out that,with the exception of these two subdivisions,this is.the same annexation area that the Board reviewed and approved in June 200b tiut which the City abandoned after the Washington State Supreme"Court's ruling of November 2006 regarding the Board's authori.ty to expand the Rose Hill Annexation. , The City of Renton is hopeful that the Board,after careful consideration,will agree that: • The 76.9-acres comprised of_the Ma}�le Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions should be�aken out of the proposed Fairwood Incorpbration boundary, since the residents of these two subdivisions overwhelmingly support annexation to Renton and have been includ'ed in the New Life=Aqua Barn Anriexation before you. As the attached brief indicates,the City of Renton is akeady providing police and fire service in the area to the west and north across SR-169 and is familiar with many of the environmental issues this area faces. As a consequence,the Ciry is in a position to provide efficient,high quality services to residents and businesses in the area. Renton is in the-process of negotiations with Fi"re District 40 over providing fire service for the Fairwood area. ��— \L'T1LiC'D\D A A\A .� �T.r t•€e,h4iaz�zrn1�A.�'1'raas ltr Ol 31�'18.d.. � � R �T �T 1055 South Grady Way-�2entan,Washington 9$057 i " E lr T 0 lr . AfiEAD .OF THE CURVE �This paper contains 50°h recycied material,30%post consumer - Michael Marchand y February 1,2008 .. Page 2 of 2 If the Board or staff has questions regarding this submittal,please contact Rebecca Lind,Long Range Planning Manager, at 425.430.6588 or rlind(a�ci.renton.wa.us. Sincer ly, � , ���---� Alex Pietsch, Admin�strator Attachment cc: Jay Covington Rebecca Lind H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexarions�New Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Trans ltr O1-31-08•doc\ . WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY REPORT FOR NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN ANNEXATION HEARING February 26,2008 1. Request The City of Renton respectfully requests that the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County approve the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation as proposed and in doing so, remove approximately 76.9-acres that are also included in the proposed Fairwood Incorporation boundary. The overlapping area includes both the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions. 'The City believes that this change will result in the more efficient delivery of urban services to this area. One of the major reasons for the City Council adding this 76.9-acres to the originally proposed annexation boundary at its consideration of the 10%Notice of Intent petition was the high number of residents who expressed a preference for becoming part of the City of Renton rather than becoming part of a smaller, less viable, new city. In terms of those signing the 60% Direct Petition to Annex, signatures representing more than 65 percent were gathered from the Maplewood Estates subdivision and over 70 percent from View Point at Maple Ridge Estates subdivision. II. Background and Facts The majority of the 374-acre subject site was initially included in the expanded Maplewood Addition Annexation, which the Board reviewed and approved in June 2006. With the Washington Supreme Court ruling of November 9, 2006, in their Interlake Sporting Association vs. the Boundary Review Board for King County ruling regarding the Board's authority to expand the Rose Hill Annexation, the City decided not to effectuate that annexation and proceeded with two separate annexations. The City received a Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation for approximately 297- acres in April 2007 (Exhibit 1, Vicinity Aerial). The Renton City Council authorized the circulation of a 60% Direct Petition in June 2007. The latter was received back by the City in October 2007 and certified by the County in November of that year. In December 2007, the Council authorized the Administration to submit the Notice of Intent package to the Boundary Review Board. Near the middle of December 2007, the City notified the Board of its intent to expand its corporate limits by annexation and at that time invoked jurisdiction so that the Board could hold a public hearing to provide citizens with an opportunity to express their opinions on the proposed annexation and the minor modification of the proposed Fairwood incorporation boundary. Among the concerns of the City are the following: 1) Whether a potential City of Fairwood would be as capable as the Ciry of Renton of providing effective and efficient services to the76.9-acre area in question? Regarding the issue of providing efficient local services in an urban unincorporated area, it is apparent that if the original annexation site is expanded, as proposed in this application, it would allow Renton to serve not only those properties fronting on SR Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for � New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing February 26,2008 + 169 but also those along the west side of 140`� Way SE north of 1615` Street, if extended. Additionally, if voters approve the proposed incorporation of Fairwood this time, Fairwood would not be faced with the financial burden of serving this relatively isolated area. 2) Whether a potential City of Fairwood would be as capable as the Ciry of Renton in addressing environmental, surface water management, and aquifer protection issues associated with hillside runoff impacting the urban portion of the Cedar River corridor to the north? Regarding environmental and surface water management issues associated with the Cedar River corridor,the City of Renton helped fund and has adopted the Lower Cedar River Basin Plan. The City has also adopted King County's 1998 Surface Water Design Manual and regularly uses the 2002 Surface Water Design Manual, Leve12 or higher standards when mitigating surface water impacts in steeply sloped areas such as Maple Ridge Estates. It is unclear what standards a new city would incorporate. 3) Whether residents of Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge support annexation to the City of Renton or prefer incorporation into a possible City of Fairwoad? Property owners representing more 65 percent of the assessed value of Maple Ridge Estates signed the 60% Direct Petition to Annex to Renton and property owners representing more that 77 percent of the assessed value of View Point at Maple Ridge also signed the 60% Direct Petition to Annex to the City of Renton. By comparison, our review of the 10% Petition to Incorporate indicated that there were only six signatures from these same two areas. This would appear to indicate that the vast majority of residents living within these two subdivisions prefer annexation to Renton rather than becoming a part of a much smaller new city. 4) Whether the 76.9 acre expansion areas is below the 10 percent threshold for the Boundary Review Board medication of the proposed incorporation boundary RCW 36.93.1 SO(2)? The total acreage in the proposed Fairwood Incorporation boundary is 4050.29 acres. The 10 percent modification threshold for this area is 405.3 acres. The 76.9 acres expansion area is well below this threshold. III. Consistency with Applicable Objectives of the Boundary Review Board City Council and City staff have analyzed the proposed 374-acre annexation in light of Boundary Review Board criteria and found that it generally meets both the policy intent and criteria the Board must implement. Pursuant to RCW 36.93.180, the decision of the Board shall attempt to achieve the following relevant objectives: 1. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities. Annexation of the New Life - Aqua Barn will reinforce preservation of natural neighborhoods since it does not segregate existing subdivisions or residential complexes, and allows those wishing to become a part of the Renton community to do so at this time. As noted above, the majority of property owners in both Maple Ridge 2 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�New Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js - Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing . February 26,2008 Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions indicated a preference of joining Renton rather than being forced into a potential new city. 2. Preservation of physical boundaries, including but not limited to, bodies of water, highways,and land contours. The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation, as proposed, uses physical boundaries that include both a river, a highway, and land contours. The proposed annexation site is bordered by the Renton - Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) on its north, and the Cedar River on its western boundary, and top of the upper ridge of the Cedar River valley on its southern boundary. Both Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge are on the downhill side of the bluff that overlooks the Cedar River Valley. 3. Creation and preservation of logical service areas. The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation as currently proposed does create logical service areas for basic services such as potable water, sewer service, police, and fire protection. Two fire districts, Fire District 25 and Fire District 40, currently serve the 374-acre annexation site. Renton currently provides fire and emergency services to District 25, under contract and would either take over this portion of District 40 or allow it to provide services to the area under contract. The Cedar River Water and Sewer District currently provides water and sewer service to the area. This would not change with annexation. One area of notable change would be in police services. Currently, the area is served by the King County Sheriffls office, which allocates a minimum of one officer per shift. Renton maintains a standard of allocating 1.6 officers per 1,000 residents, which is higher that what the County allocates. This is reflected in the 2006 figures for critical dispatches. The County Sheriff's average response time was 5.39 minutes versus 2.71 minutes for Renton Police. Upon annexation,the City of Renton would take over policing of this area. The proposed annexation would have no impact on existing school district boundaries. The annexation site is located within the Renton School District and would continue to be so. Because it is chiefly built out, no significant impacts to schools in the area are anticipated from this annexation. 4. Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries. The proposed boundaries appear to be logical with the possible exception of a 65-acre area on the east side of 140"' Way SE. There is a small, somewhat geographically isolated, enclave of two smaller subdivisions, which have preferred, apparently, to remain unincorporated. It is unclear whether residents of this area would support incorporation since less than 4 percent signed the 10% Notice of Intent petition to incorporate. 5. Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cites and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas. The proposed 76.9-acre expansion of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation with the inclusion of the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions would reduce the proposed population of a potential City of Fairwood by an estimated 421 persons. The current estimated population for the potential City of Fairwood is still over 20,000 persons with this proposed annexation. 6. Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts. 3 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�New Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for � New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing February 26,2008 4 There are no inactive special purpose districts within the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation area or its proposed expansion areas. 7. Adjustment of impractical boundaries. The City of Renton has a vested interest in overseeing existing and new development occurring along the walls of the Cedar River Valley because of surface water runoff, erosion, and flooding that impact the Cedar River and its tributaries, and adjacent parklands. The City is also concerned about potential uphill impacts on its sole source aquifer that lies adjacent and just below the Cedar River. The City is also concerned about land use compatibility with its 150.5-acre municipal golf course and 35.7-acre park adjacent to this annexation, along the north side of the Maple Valley Highway. Controlling both sides of this major corridor would result in a much more practical boundary by ensuring compatible land uses 8. Incorporation of cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas,which are urban in character. The area is designated "urban" and is located within Renton's designated Potential Annexation Area. However, it is marginally urban in character with an average density of only 6.6 units per gross acre. This is because of its environmental constraints, which preclude significant development anywhere other than the valley floor, south of the highway. The subject annexation and its potential expansion area face three options: remain in unincorporated King County, annex to the City of Renton, or incorporate as part of the proposed City of Fairwood, if no change is made. 9. Protection of agriculture and rural lands which are designed for long term productive agriculture and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. None of the 374-acre annexation area is designated on the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as "Agriculture". Lands on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway east of the new Cedar River Bridge at 154"'Avenue SE, are on the "ruraP' side of the Urban Growth Area boundary and are designated "Agriculture" on the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Similarly, lands on the south side of the Maple Valley Highway east of 164`" Avenue SE, on the rural side of the Urban Growth Area boundary, are also designated"Agriculture". IV. Decisions are to be consistent with the Growth Management Act(RCW 36.93.157) County planning under the Growth Management Act(GMA)relates to this proposal in that King County views the subject annexation area as urban and has adopted maps that place it within Renton's UGA and its PAA. Renton's proposed zoning, like that of the County, achieves urban densities consistent with GMA. V. The Annexation is consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies RCW 36.93.157 requires the Boundary Review Board to comply with the Countywide Planning Policies. Relevant Countywide Planning Policies and the City's response follows: Policy CA-7. Adjacent jurisdictions shall identify and protect habitat networks that are aligned at jurisdictional boundaries. Networks shall link large protected or significant blocks of habitat within and between jurisdictions to achieve a continuous countywide network. These networks shall be mapped and displayed in comprehensive plans. 4 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�IVew Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js • Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for ° New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing • February 26,2008 King County and Renton have worked together to protect the area east of the Maplewood Golf Course as a Greenbelt/Urban Separator. This designation allows a maximum of four dwelling units per net acre and includes provisions to promote clustering of new dwellings in this zone, further enhancing open space habitat. Although the City has recently updated its Comprehensive Plan to better reflect the existing level of development within the annexation area primarily along the highway, it has retained its RLD land use designation for all areas that are considered to be environmentally sensitive. Upon annexation, the steeper hillsides primarily along the southern portion, will be zoned the RC zone, which allow only one dwelling unit per five acres. Policy CA-10. Jurisdictions shall maintain or enhance water quality through control of runoff and best management practices to maintain natural aquatic communities and beneficial uses. Renton has adopted the Cedar River Basin Plan, which recommends solving problems at their source, and suggests land use prescriptions and development restrictions. The Plan also often imposes, at the project level, in sensitive areas subject to erosion and flooding, Level 3 Flow Control Standards from the 2002 King Counry Surface Water Design Manual. Policy LU-27. Urban separators are low-density areas or areas of little developrnent within the Urban Growth Area. Urban separators shall be defined as permanent low- density lands, which protect adjacent resource lands, Rural Areas, and environmentally sensitive areas and create open space corridors within and between Urban Areas, which provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. As noted above, the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates that portion of the expanded Maplewood Annexation north of SR-169 "Urban" and east of the City as "Greenbelt/Urban Separator". Renton has designated this same area Residential Low Density (RLD). Typically, RC or R-1 zoning would be applied here. R-1 zoning allows a maximum of one unit per net acre. RC zoning allows a maximum of one unit per ten acres. Renton sees this area as a lower density open space corridor separating the East Renton Plateau PAA to the north, from the more densely zoned residential areas along the south side of SR-169 and the Fairwood area to the south (see Attachment"A"exhibits). Policy LU-31. In collaboration with adjacent counties and cities and King County, and in consultation with residential groups in affected areas, each city shall designate a potential annexation area. Each potential annexation area shall be specific to each ciry. Potential annexation areas shall not overlap. The subject expanded annexation site is part of Renton's designated Potential Annexation Area. Renton's PAA does not overlap that of any adjacent jurisdiction at this time and is shown on Renton's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Policy LU-32. A city may annex territory only within its designated potential annexation area. All cities shall phase annexations to coincide with the abiliry for the city to coordinate the provision of a full range of urban services to areas annexed. The expanded New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation area is located within Renton's Potential Annexation Area and Renton is ready to provide a full range of urban 5 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�lVew Life-Aqua Bam�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for ' . New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing February 26,2008 '' services to this area including police, fire, sewer, and surface water management, to mention only a few. Policy CC-6. A regional open space system shall be established to include lands which: a) Provide physical and/or visual buffers such as open spaces, which help to separate incompatible uses, distinguish the Urban and Rural Areas, define Urban Growth Boundaries, or establish the character of a neighborhood, community, city, or region. The expanded New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation area is designated primarily as Urban Residential,4-12 du/ac, on King County's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and as Residential Low Density and Residential Medium Density on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Renton anticipates much of the corridor along the Cedar River, including the Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park, functioning as an urban separator between the more urbanized areas to the north in the East Renton Plateau and a potential City of Fairwood to the south. b) Provide active and passive outdoor recreational opportunities which are compatible with the enviroramental and ecological values of the site; and/or The area to the north of the expansion area currently is used far active/passive outdoor recreational use; i.e.,Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park. These facilities are particularly sensitive to adjacent and nearby land uses. c) Contain natural areas, habitat lands, natural drainage features, and/or other environmental, cultural, and scenic resources. The New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation includes habitat lands and drainage features, including those particularly related to the Cedar River, such as Molasses Creek, which flows through a portion of it. VI. The Annexation is Consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan King County views the 374-acre New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation, as well as the areas to the north, south and east, within the Urban Growth Area boundary, as "urban" and has adopted maps that place it with within Renton's designated PAA. Below is a listing of relevant County Comprehensive Plan policies related to annexations: Palicy U-204. King Counry shall support annezation proposals that are consistent with Countywide Planning Policies and the Washington State Growth Management Act, and when the area proposed for annexation is wholly within the annexing city s officially adopted PAA, and is not part of a contested area. The subject annexation site and its possible expansion are consistent with Countywide Planning Policies identified below and the Growth Management Act, and is not part of a "contested area," being within Renton's officially adopted Potential Annexation Area. However, a smaller portion of it is within an area that is being considered for possible incorporation and is being reviewed by the Boundary Review Board, pursuant to RCW 36.93.116. 6 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�New Life-Aqua Bam�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js r - Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report far ' New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Hearing • February 26,2008 Policy U-205. King County shall not support annexation proposals that would.• 1) Result in illogical service areas; 2) Create unincorporated islands unless the annexation is preceded by an interlocal agreement in which the city agrees to pursue annexation of the remaining island area in a timely manner; 3) Focus solely on areas that would provide a distinct economic gain for the annexing ciry at the exclusion of other proximate areas that should logically be included; 4) Move designated Agricultural and/or Forest Production District lands into the Urban Growth Area; or 5) Apply zoning to maintain or create permanent, low-density residential areas, unless such areas are part of an urban separator or are environmentally constrained, rendering higher densities inappropriate. The current annexation proposal does not necessarily create illogical service areas. The current proposal also does not create an unincorporated island. Although the subject area would require a subsidy, the City has expressed a willingness to assume this because of land use and environmental issues (aquifer protection, flood control, water quality, etc.) that are important to it. The proposed incorporation of Fairwood raises questions as to which jurisdiction can best provide appropriate services to the "urban" portion of the surrounding Lower Cedar River Basin/Maple Valley corridor. The subject annexation site is already adjacent to the City of Renton to its north and west where that city is already providing police, fire, and emergency services as well as general governmental services including governance, parks and recreation, maintenance and the like. Both the proposed annexation area and the 76.9-acre area that overlaps the proposed Fairwood Incorporation boundary are with the Cedar River Water and Sewer District. Most of the 76.9-acre expansion area is located within the Renton School District. Approximately nine single-family parcels in the southeast corner are in the Kent School District. VII. The Annexation is Consistent with Relevant King County Ordinances and Policies: a. King County Code 13.24 Sewer/Water Comprehensive Plan. King County's Sewer/Water Comprehensive Plan designates the Cedar River Water and Sewer District as the sewer service provider for the 374-acre New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation area. The proposed annexation area and its possible expansion would adhere to established goals and policies regarding sewer and water established in Renton's Long Range Wastewater Management Plan, 1999, and the City's latest (2004) comprehensive update to its Comprehensive Plan. The proposals discussed here are also consistent with King County's Comprehensive Plan Technical Appendices as they relate to water and sewer providers in this area. At the current time, there is no anticipated change of service in either the original or possible expanded annexation area. b. King Countv Ordinance 15051§157 Critical Areas. Pursuant to GMA, the County has adopted development regulations that protect the functions and values of critical areas, including wetland, fish, and wildlife habitat conservation areas, critical groundwater recharge areas, frequently flooded areas, and 7 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�New Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Report for ' . New Life-Aqua Bam Annexation Hearing February 26,2008 � geographical hazardous areas. King County's Comprehensive Plan policies call for a mixture of regulations and incentives to be used to protect the natural environment and manage water resources. Regulatory approaches include low-density zoning in environmentally constrained areas, limits on impervious surface, stormwater controls, and clearing and grading regulations. RCW 36.70A.172 requires local governments to include best available science (BAS) in developing policies and development regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas, and to give special consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries. The City of Renton's Critical Areas Ordinance (Ordinance 5137) describes permitted and prohibited activities and uses, waivers, modifications and variances, and additional criteria and permit processes for development in critical area. Critical areas regulated by the City's ordinance include aquifer recharge areas, flood and geologic hazard areas, native habitat, and wetlands. Although specific regulations vary, they are comparable to the County's Critical Areas Ordinance. The City of Renton's Aquifer Protection Ordinances (Ordinances 4851 and 4992) restrict uses above its sole source aquifer and the aquifer's recharge area. As noted above, a portion of this recharge area is located in the origina160.5-acre annexation area, as well as the three expansion options shown in Attachment"A". VIII. Conclusion: The proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation appears to be consistent with applicable Boundary Review Board Objectives, and with applicable provisions of the 1990 Growth Management Act, Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan, and King County Ordinances and Policies. A small portion of the 349-acre annexation site, some 76.9-acres, overlaps the proposed Fairwood Incorparation boundary. Property owners within this area overwhelming supported annexation to the City of Renton,whereas only a handful of residents of this area signed the Petition for Incorporation. Because of the area's proximity to Renton and its location within the Renton School District as well as Renton's recognized high level of service it should remain with the proposed 349-acre annexation area. Similarly, because of the Renton's experience and familiarity in dealing with environmental issues such as surface water management, aquifer protection, slope containment, and erosion control, Renton appears mare qualified than an untested city in dealing with these issues. As a consequence, the City of Renton respectfully requests that the Board modify the proposed Fairwood Incorporation boundary to delete this 76.9-acre area that includes the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions. 8 H:�EDNSP�PAA�Annexations�New Life-Aqua Barn�BRB Hearing Brief#2.doc\js