HomeMy WebLinkAboutCED Planning File r r��� ��� ��~����� ���� ��.�'�`��� E� �, > .� " '�' ,� Department of Community and � Economic Development � ,�.� Denis Law,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator ��.�,��,1.;�1� ��,�.�_��_�.��:.��.��.,��� �..�t.:�z,,���� ..i - DEVECOY OF RENTONICES AUG 19 2008 LONG R�NGE PLA�ING August 14, 2008 RECEIVE� SUBJECT: MORE ADDRESS CORRECTIONS AT LIBERTY ANNEXATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please note the following address changes due to a mistake on my part: OLD COUNTY ADDRESS BAD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS PARCEL NLJMBER 15305 SE 137TH PL 6202 SE 3RD PL 6201 SE 3'd PL 3295900250 15311 SE 137TH PL 6208 SE 3RD PL 6207 SE 3'd PL 3295900260 15317 SE 137TH PL 6214 SE 3RD PL 6213 SE 3`d PL 3295900270 15323 SE 137TH PL 6220 SE 3RD PL 6219 SE 3`d PL 3295900280 15329 SE 137TH PL 6256 SE 3RD PL 6255 SE 3�d PL 3295900290 15331 SE 137TH PL 6262 SE 3KD PL 6261 SE 3�d PL 3295900300 Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you to all of you who check my work. This is a tough job and I'm not always perfect as you can see. Sincerely, � Jan Conklin Energy Plans Examiner Development Services Division Telephone: 425-430-7276 #1:uti 1ltr --- __ _ ..�-V-� �. 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98057 �� -____d___ � � � � � �\ 1�t r�.,.. ,..,.. ....,,,, ..,, ._,.,.,� --� — .,.- �t�r..�n c�t- ;Fi r_ c u rav N ��� r� CI'T�' �F' �.��TT'�I� * t: �- �� Department of Community and _,� Economic Development 1�� �,� Denis Law,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator r ,�T� y ��I AUgUSt 1 g, ZOOg SUBJECT: ANOTHER ADDRESS CORRECTION AT LIBERTY ANNEXATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please note the following address correction in the Liberty Annexation: COUNTY BAD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS Parcel # 15936 SE 139TH ST 6836 SE STH STREET 6736 SE STH STREET 6084200100 Sincerely, Jan Conklin Energy Plans Examiner Development Services Division Telephone: 425-430-7276 #1:utilltr __._---� 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057 � � �v � � � A}-,l�..iD nF THE CURVF: �This paper contains 50%recvcied matena�.30%,aost con=�mer t � i -� Washington State Boundary Review Board a�� For King County Yesler Bi�ildirig, Room-�82; 400 Yesler Wny, Seattle, WA 98104 Plrorie: (206) 296-6800 • Fnx: (206)296-6803 • ltttp://znzvzv.metrokc.goz�/nririexntioris May 12, 2008 � �� MAY 1 3 2008 City of Renton City of R�nton Attn: Rebecca Lind, Economic Development, Long Range Planning Manager Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: NOTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL FILING File No. 2274 - City of Renton - Liberty Area Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: We have received approval from King County engineering staff of the legal description for the above-referenced Notice of Intention. The Notice of Intention is now considered complete and has been officially filed effective: May 12�2008. You will be advised of any further changes in the status of the Notice before the Board. Please be aware that any future final ordinance or resolution on the proposed action must incorporate the legal description approved by King County engineering staff, including any revisions made in response to the engineering staff review. Sincerely, , Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Atch: King County Road Services Division letter dated May 6, 2008 cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council (w/o atch) Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services (w/o atch) FORM 12 , , r` '� ��,/' REC�tV�'� �°�'� ���'��� i�IAY 12 2008 Road Services Division Department of Transportation WA 3t�te Bounp�ry r;r..,�+w KSGTR-0231 �O�fd Fp�Wn��p 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 May 6, 2008 Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Boundary Review Board YES-BR-0240 RE: City of Renton—Liberty Area Annexation, BRB File 2274 Dear Ms. Blauman: Thank you for the opportunity to review the revised legal description for the proposed Liberty Area Annexation to the City of Renton transmitted with your May 1, 2008 letter. Staff reviewed the enclosed revised legal description and found it satisfactory and complete. Please see my previous letter, dated March 14, 2008 for a detailed listing of King County Road Services Division's property research and findings. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Keller, Vacations and Boundaries Engineer, at 206-296-3731, or via e-mail at Nicole.Keller(a�,kin c�unt�gov. Sincerely, � G� dia Reyno - ones Manager Project Support Services LRJ:NK:mr Enclosures cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the King County Council (w/ enclosures) Paulette Norman, P.E., County Road Engineer, Road Services Division Delite Morris, Senior Engineer, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division Debbie Clark, Administrative Specialist, llepartment of Assessments Robert Nunnenkamp, Property Agent, Department of Natural Resources and Parks Daisy Tamayo, GIS Specialist, Department of Assessments Nicole Keller, Engineer II, Engineering Services Section, Road Services Division �,.��,o.M -� Washington State Boundary Review Board �,�� For King County Yesler Buildi�ig, Room �02, 400 Yesler Wr��, Se�tfle, WA 98104 P�ione: (206) 296-6800 • Fax: (206)296-6803 • http://wTvw.metrokc.gov/annexntions May 1, 2008 TO: Lydia Reynolds-Jones Department of Transportation Manager, Project Support Services KS C-TR-0231 FROM: Lenora Blauman, Executive Secretary SUBJECT: REVIEW OF REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION File No. 2274 - City of Renton - Liberty Area Annexation Your office recently advised us of the need for clarification and/or revision of the legal description submitted with the above Notice of Intention. Enclosed is the revised legal description we received in response to your original review. Would you please review the revised legal description for compliance with your suggestions and report your findings to our office at your earliest convenience? Your assistance in correcting legai descriptions, in order to avoid future difficulties, is greatly appreciated. Enclosure: Revised Legal/Correspondence stamped May 1, 2008 cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council (w/o enclosures) FU R�1 9 . � � R�CEIVED �(AY 1 -2008 WA State Boundary Review Board For King Co. L�BE1tTY ANNEXATION LEGAL nF,�3�RIPTION . 1'hose portions of the Soudnvest, Nprtheast and Southeast quarters of Section 14, the Southwest and Northwest quarters of Sec:tion 13,the Northeast quarter of Section 23, and th.e NorEhwest c{uurter af Section 24,of Township 23 North, Range 5 F:ast, W.M., in King Cnunty, Washington, described as follows: 13eginning at the Southwest corner of that portivn of the Gity�f Renton as annexed by CJrdinence No.S t40,said carner also being at the point of inte�rsection of the westerly right of way margin of Ra.4ario Avenue SB(I SZnd Avenue SE}with the westerly extension of thc southarly right of way of 9E 2od Place( SF, 136`h St); f�ence easterly and narlherly along the existing limit line of the City of Renton per said ordinance co sn intersection with the nortli line of the south 130 feet of I.ot 5,Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as recurded in Volume l7 of Plats, Page 60, recc�rds of saicf counfy; thcnco east along said north line to the inte►s�etion wrth the east line of said Block 2; thence narkh along said easi line to the intersection with the westerly extension of dle n�rth line of Southeast 132nd Place as dedicated for the subdivision�f Weglin's T'irst Additinn as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats,Page 6,reconds of King County, Washington; thence east alang said notth line and its easterly projection to the intarsection with tfie wast tine of BJock 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre 7'racts as per plat filed in Yolume 1 S of Plats, Pnge 91,recards of King County, Wash.ington; thence south along said west line,also being the easterly right of way margin of 160'h Avenue Southeast,to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of[.ot l, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County,Washington; Ihence southeasterly along said curve ro the north margin of South�ast 136'"Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Nurst; thence easterly along said north margin of Soutfieast 136`"Street and the south line of' said (}erry Nurst to the beginning oF a curve located at the southeast corner of Lot 10. }31ock 2 of the subdivision of Derry liurst; thence northeasterly along said curve to the H�est margin of lb2"d Avenuc SE,as shown an said subdivision of Derry Hursr thence northerly along said msrgin and its northerly extension to an intersection widi the wesrerly extansian of the north line of the south 30 feet of Tract 7 of Block 1 of Cedar Park Pi��e Acre 7'racts as recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Psge 91, said rocords; thence enstcrly c+long said westerly extension and said north lino and its easterly extension tn an intersection with the enst nturgin uf 164�'Avenue SF; thencc southerly along said casterly margin to the intersecfion widi the south linc of tha n<���thwest quarter of Section 13, 1'ownship 23N., Range SE., W.M. thencc westerly to the east quarter comer of Section 14.Township 23N., Range SE., 1�l'.M.. said point also being the west querter corner of Section 13; �hciicc se�uth alun�; the enst line of taid Secti�n 14, seid east line also being the �vest liiie �f Section 13. ��� its inter.sectiun with the suuih line of the nortfi 30 feet of snid Section 23 also bcing on thc sauth margin of SoutJicast 144`� Street; s IIIC'II�C 11�csterly alonb said �c>u�h margin to an anglc point iii said �nargin as dedicated tor road by tl�e subdivisiun of Brianvc�c�d South 1�0. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plals, I'a�c 74. reccfrds of King Caunty,Weshi.ngtan; tlience souCherly and ��-esterly along south margin dedicated road to the interseciion witl� the tiuutherly extcnsion of thc cast linc af 81ock 3 of Said Cedar Park Five Acre�I'raot�; thenec;northcrly ulong said soutl�er(y extension and the e�ast line thereof to the north line of' [.ot 7 of said �31ack 3; thence ��esterly alang said north line to the west line of said t3lock 3; U�ence ;outherly along said west linc to the intersection afthe easterly extension of the north linc of Caml�vood as per plat filcd iz�Vviumc I l I of Plat�, PAges 99 to 100.records 4f King C'ounty, Washington; thence�vesterl��along said north line nnd its westerly projcction to the inlersection�vith the «�estc;rly right of way margin af 156`�A�venue SE; thence nortlierly along said westerly �uargin to an intersection with the sauth line of l.c�t 3, Block 2 of Cedar River Five Acre Trac[s as recprded in Valume 16 of Plats, Page 52, said records; thence westerly atong said south line and its wc;sterly extension to an intcrsectian tiith Ihe westerly right oCway of 154d'Avenue SB; thence northerty along said westerly margin to an intersection with ttie south line of Highlands Estates�s recorded in Volume 212 of Plats, Pages 10—13, said ►�ecards; thence Hesterl� along said south line and its westerly extension to en intersection with the wcsterly right of w�ay of�152°`'Avenuc SE; thznce northerly along c��id wesrerly tnargin to the point of beginning; I'OGFTHER 14`ITH that portion of 164�'Avenue SL• dedicated by the subdivision of Serena Park as recordcd in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 and 73, said records; Al_SU'['OGI:1'1{ER VVITH the west 30 fect of the south 30 feet of the Southwest quaricr of� Scction 1?,'row�nship 23 NorUi. Range 5 East, W.M., in King County,Washington, ALSO TCK;T;THER W1Tf I the�+est 30 fect of the nortl�30 feet ofthe Northwest quarter of Scction 24."�c��.nship?3 Nnrth, Ran6c 5 ['.ast, W.M., in King County, Washington. All situate in King County. 1�'ashingion. ,,:.�.. :��sC�'�� EN H �v c�r INT.E �,Q�'o� ��Sh, o � �� s Oew�wnwc�.RS � t Z(IZ Ra�lroad A>>enuc� :'1 urrh q l��e►]l, T1�A 9�4�jZ y 38965 p �`� ?53-81.�-Iy0! !'hnnc� '�sra�,Fsfst�P`` �,�Q � 2i3-,�1.�-190�Y !•�,_r 4� _�� � �• ExoIAES i^P4-�.'LY"J , s1,2S;�':�.1�•'..."� . � � �.%� � Liberty Annexation Public Hearing Boundary Review �oa�d ApNil22, 2008 . � �� � '� ��:ti=. �, � = ; ,. __�__, .. Mertrtl II-Phese II�'�., � . ^..-�.. ';h� � 52 7 Acrea ,.... ���-., ; . y`t• r�'l . t..1 ~_�,. ,�..-_ �� . ' �^` r �r �t � i_ �" al+f h� � � � ;-� ; � �� � - I �" a ���� � ubeny_--I a � � � � �se_raa�� , . � � " �� ,, � •4�n � ��,y r. � � � � i��,_ '�Y-"�'� �.,�. '"xa 7�X t _ ,�" Ct°-' c •�� �v�� `T i ,,,.,,� f�` , a'i�5'� � -1� �+° �„,. I� ' t.�� `�s�'v � ' `�a .. e���\ ���� �r 1 � j tr�v��Xy� �`�i `-'�`,��'`--.- _ ��.�,�`"' � l�y ` .as. ,��r��� �_,-� � i �� r�.,� ' `_' ,,''` ` � � 3,�' �,4.�„���,�t�",� � � � +r': n `r�w�aa n4�e sam�, �)i^ 1 Y � i��1� 1 �� �� t �9/ACf85 ' , ."ir� , � }� � .t`� �1..��+,�� "�? � �. ,!�� � �! . ..�, _., + ��, Z �+ .�r�.5 ��;, 4 ��{ • 1 i���1 .:"� T � � � Re0'Mq ` -::�+1f � G---_ 223 9 Aaes : � �.I �1 $_1 "�.. FNr `�� `���"" �,v ��,:� ts�+'t�zsaa�-f y� ,� sefa ,: � :: : . .-. .sEis3o-csr ._.. , _.. �, , ' ,. , i - . ... ,� ; .. •� ��.� . - , � � _ . ..•, � � - .___._._: � � � . . �. �r� � ; r ._ .. � r � . ,: ' .:_ ' � � c i _ -1 �. � 2S � - , ' -�_ �- - _. �Sf t.un ae �.. �. �. :: :.�...� SF t3�m P! ... , -1 . ; , , � � � , . .. : t .�,._ �. ry i Jd..J._.i.t... s � "Q�"��et_ � ; � ; Q . , � >�_.:._..._..s � �L� i ' � �' ,� ��- - ti , _ � ---_ ; � ; i- -' ...,..�....+.-..Y..... SE f37Hi R SE 1J71h PI '� y�..- f ' • �. SiP tJAp1 h`. - � `�' f � � � � , ...,. ._� a � ._ . _ - =SEf�YeMPf �».....�... ...,_ o � � . .:" �; sSE73905R m } . . � .., _ � ; � ; .._--- __.. sEuomsr.! _-- ' d , s�t'ro�P' ` # � ; � . �� ! - �� SE 1tlafPl < � _ _ . 7t '' -` -� y R _� � A Y .o : � � _ � - ' � � ,� � F � � �, , �„z,��r � .��...�. ; - , � �� l_.. ..�......w _ p s��s � �.. _.__ _.3 � ' � _ se t,ure sr ; � �J� ,t� , ��� � _ - ��- - ��` 3 � �si a�nra�'� i � � i � "� " :� - � �. " ' `9�, .__ ��.rwm se �' .. ..I _. , , ' ' "_ -- ..:..._..._..�........c Liyintl Liberty Annexation Area �Departnent ot CanmuNry Q cRy L�nx. i� 8 Eca�omic Devdopment Q ue.q�nna.een awnuy N�P��e15M.HSninstiNa Mn�erre.M�an.%a�n.qTPmtaHn �y AplX6.� M1 h QUN�ndaMileuW�y a .'!io inM . .. ... �reei� +.s.mo ; Highlands Estates , ��` '�",, a :��<.� � �� �. i � .,, � .�� ;� �,�`.�,. • $.7 acres in size ' • Receives sewer from Renton � . � • Within Re � �� � , Schc��� ��� , � �. p:;.� i� � �� �� � ��-����� ,, � � � � �<:� �-. .:�� :� �:�.� EX1St111g C011C�1t1011S • PAA - Within Renton's Potential Annexation Area • Location—East of 152 Ave SE, west of Liberty High School, north of SE 144th St and south of SE 133rd Street • Size - + 199.73 acres, including abutting street ROW • Uses - ± 269 single-family detached dwellings • Boundaries— annexation site abuts Renton on its northwestern boundary, near SE 136th St and SE 156th Ave SE Existing Conditions - Structures 5 New Subdivisions � - Highland Estates — (55 du) - Evendell (73 du) � - Hamilton (23 du)� - Lakeridge(20 du) - Pietrie (38 du) . i�. �; -.���,� '�, , �, I�, �`� ' "� �� � , .., _ �� ,� , 4..r ,�' ���,�� �'`�, �.�,, `� "`'�'*'^�r..., �, � �� '� �`r . �'�� ' �' -n .��F�"'"�:, k'§���,'�' r,._ y �� 1��:.. t�i ^' «�� ���� ..����-x� �.w �tk�^P -t �"�r s^ � . .i di6� �;���' .d2...� �� .h� � � �� ��� i. � � �� rE � �� . 1'.� . , � '�E i �, . I � < ._ .. . . .. f. a��k8'. �',fi�i,�s.�'"�'' ��� •,:+w„3;!?'�+�r < . -`=�Fr'liil�+*n..i.�« View northwest from 150th Avenue SE and �E 142"a Street . EX1St111g C011C�1t1011S - Environmental • Topography-relatively . flat with±4.9%slo �� �� �� ;��� from west to e �� ��.�� �� r � Ravine trave�� � ,���'�'�'��� � � . �,�� i •�, ;:�, �,.:. western half� � �� ,-a t �`�;;,:_ annexation site � -!�►��� f ��� - , ` w�.�: .� ,. • En�ironmental �� n�I� �}�'I f e.�, .� � .� constraints—potentia� � � . � �. ea ,� �.- _�, . _.�,. . -.,,. �c� erosion area in south- east corner 199.73 acre �iew looking north east along SE area 137th Place showing modest�ic�pe _;:;,. �T... ` � .�. �. ,.� � :�. �#.. , �, � _:.� . . v=. ,� ,°',:: �: ,� �� �� l"��- �. . . : ; , . , , , ..� View looking east along SE 138�'Street at new housing in Evendell � � � �� � Existing Conditions - Public Services � �-.« ��s�„r ;e.. � :, f .� • Fire—Within Fire Distriet�� � "��� �� � � ��` , (changes to City ser�?it�� �` �����'�`�� � f ��'�� �" I ,�:=:� �", ��,_"� �p, • Utilities � i — Within Water District 90 Service Areas(no change) — Within Renton Sewer �� Utilit Service Area no chan e ��� Y � � ) �w� ,� � .. • Schools � — Within Renton and Issaquah '� '" ,� School Districts (no change) � ; � . King County Comp Plan Designation and Current Zoning I���_ .: . � �{ � ■ � �.�� ��e � K.G Land Use Map - Urban Residential4-12du/ac ' -u - a � � • � r. � � K.C. Zonin� - � R-4-Residential4 du/ac � (bonuses to 6 du/ac) ••� 6-'� — 10 acres yields<60units �, SITE � � � �- ���� , C County Zoning Map ;,-...,; �"� ' € ��., � � i ,> u�� Ilai d�f Renton Comp Plan Designation and Proposed Zoning � �� � � ' i Renton Comp Plan Land '�` � Use Map - Residential Low Density ' � (RLD) Likely Rentt�n Zonin�- ' � R-4 (m�. 4 dulnet acre) 10 acres yields+36 units r � SITE ��� Renton Comp Plan Land Use Relevant City Annexation Policies • Polic,y LU-36. Encourage annexation where the availability of infrastructure and services allow for the development of urban densities. • Polic,y LU-37. Highest priority areas far annexation include lands that are available for urbanization under county zoning and developed areas where Renton is able to provide basic urban services and local governance. • Policy LU-41. Promote annexations of developed areas with a residential population already using City services or i�pacting City infrastructure. Relevant B oundary Review Board Objectives Prese�vation of natural No rhange neighborhoods and communities Use of physical boundaries Uses City and parcel boundaries Creation and preservation Service area boundaries of logical service areas previously agreed to by a�����ts P�evention of abnormally City boundary is interim ir�egular boundaries pending other annexations within Ci 's PAA Relevant Boundary Review Board Objectives Dissolution of inactive Not applicable. There special purpose districts are no inactive special purpose districts Adjustment of impractical Boundaries are interim. boz�ndaries City policy is to annex all of its PAA Incorporation as cities or Annexation site is in towns o�annexations to C�ty's designated PAA cities or towns of arid as such is urban in unincorporated area which character are urban in character Fiscal Impact Analysis • General Fund cost and revenue implications • Assumes potential of+ 326 single-family homes at full development • Assumes new assessed home value of $500,000 • Assumes 269 single-family detac�ed , �� ��• �� dwellings currently on c�r ap�r4ved / � � � � � . �: n � --.��� � � Fiscal Impact Analysis Current Full Development Development Revenues $415,521 $505,491 Costs $379,952 $483,454 Surplus/ $35,569 $22,037 Deficit ; � ,r ` �:: Estimated one-time arks develo ment cost of$287 /.279 � P P , Conclusion • This annexation: • Furthers City Business Goals by ensuring higher quality development and the efficient provision of urban services • Is generally consistent with City annexation policies • Is generally consistent with the Boundary Review Board's objectives • There would be a small annual revenue surplus at full development • Except for surface water and parks no major service issues were identified Request The Boundarv Review Board — Approve the 60% Direct Petition for the Liberty Annexation � � l 8� �� � ��� '� ,,. � � �,: Q�+� ��,'%' �' � �3 ��� ¢b � � ��� � � � � � �, . -� Washington State Boundary Review Board ��� For King County Yesler Buildirig, Room 4�2, 400 Yesler Wr�y, Senttle, WA 98104 Phone: (206)296-6800 • Frrx: (206)296-6803 • http://wzuw.metrokc.gov/nrY�iexntiotrs . .� March 5, 2008 ;:... � . MAR 0 6 20Q� �ity c�f �Zent��n ��' �•�mic Development, City of Renton Neight�c;;x;nds &Strategic �ianninq Attn: Rebecca Lind V Long Range Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: REQUEST FOR REVIEW File No. 2274 - City of Renton - Liberty Area Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: Enclosed is a copy of a request received by the Boundary Review Board for a public hearing on the above-referenced file. The Board is expected to discuss the date for the Public Hearing at their March 13, 2008. Regular Meeting. If you have any comments to make regarding scheduling of the hearing, please transmit them to this office prior to the meeting. You will be notified of the date and time of the public hearing. Sincerely, ���� � Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Request for Review cc: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Metropolitan King County Council Dave Wilson, Elections Division Debra Clark, King County Department of Assessment Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Project Support Services Paul Reitenbach, Department of Development and Environmental Services Gwen Clemens, King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning �����` ��� CITY C��' RENTON • � �� ,�- . � 1 — � Denis Law,Mayor �����.r�,`l. February 28, 2008 RE��.tVED State of Washington Boundary Review Board for King County FEB 2 9 2008 Attn: Lenora Blauman,Executive Secretary Yesler Building, Suite 402 �yq gtAte Boundary Review 400 Yesler Way Board For King Co. Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO EXPAND THE CITY OF RENTON CORPORA.TE LIMITS BY ANNEXATION Dear Board Members: As required by Chapter 36.93 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the City of Renton hereby gives notice of intention to annex territory hereafter referred to as the "Liberty Annexation". This annexation is proposed under the 60% Direct Petition method in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 35A.14 of the RCW. This annexation would incorporate into the City of Renton approximately 193 acres of territory for the provision of urban services. To assist in your consideration of the proposed action, the required articles and exhibits are enclosed and numbered in accordance with the Board's suggested format. T'he City would like to invoke the Board's jurisdiction so that a public hearing can be held on this proposed annexation. Enclosed please find a check for $50 Notice of Intent filing fee. The $200 fee for invoking jurisdiction will follow. Should questions arise during the review of the information and exhibits provided with this Notice of Intention to Annex, please contact Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager, at (425) 430-6588. Please send notices and other communications regarding the proposed annexation to: Rebecca Lind,Long Range Planning Manager Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 T'hank you for your consideration. Sincerely, � De is aw Mayor cc: Jay Covington,CAO Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind 1055 South Cradv Wav-Rentoa Wach,'n¢tc,n QRn57_�a�5�a�n._�tnn i FeY in�c�n�n���� R E N T C� N r s+' -� Washington State Boundary Review Board ��� For King County �'esler Bitildirig, Roont�, 400 Yesler Way, Senttle, WA 98104 PJrorie: (206) 296-6800 • Fc�x: (206)296-6803 • http://zuwzv.rrietroke.gov/rr�ifiexrrtioris March 14, 2008 � v MAR 17 2008 �i'cy cr �:t�n�on Clty of RentOn Economic Development, Attn: Rebecca Lind, Neighborhoc�ds £�atrategic Planning Long Range Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 IN RE: NOTICE OF HEARING File No. 2274 - City of Renton - Liberty Area Annexation Please see attached Notice concerning dates for a public hearing to consider the boundaries of the above-referenced file. Sincerely Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Notice of Hearing cc: Address on file label(s) CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Form HE2 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON— LIBERTY AREA ANNEXATION FILE NO. 2274 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY will hold a public hearing at the hour of 7:00 PM on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. If required Thursday, April 24, 2008 has also been set aside. The hearing will take place at the Renton Technical College, 3000 NE 4�' Street, Renton, WA, Building 118, Room I-118. The purpose of the hearing is to consider proposed annexation to the City of Renton of an area known as "Liberty" all in King County, Washington and more generally described as: To reclassify certain Real Property within the Maplewood Heights neighborhood, described as portions of Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, VVillamette Meridian in King Cdunty, Washington, located Southerly of SE 132°d Place, Westerly of 164�' Avenue SE and Maplewood Heights Park, Northerly of SE 144�'Street, and Easterly of 152°d Avenue SE and Maplewood Park. A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS ON FILE AND AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. The Boundary Review Board conducts all meetings and hearings in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring other disability accommodations or special assistance should contact the Boundary Review Board staff at least two business days prior to the meeting. The Boundary Review Board telephone is 206-296-6800. For TTY telephone services, please call 71 l. Each request for accommodations or assistance will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availabiliry of resources and the financial ability of the Board to provide the requested services or equipment. DATED at Seattle, Washington, this 14w of March, 2008. WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY n.,tisvnw-r`J Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary �. =� Washington State Boundary Review Board � For King County Yesler Bi�ildirig, Room���00 Yesler Wny, Senttle, WA 98104 Pjiofie: (206) 296-6800 • Fnx: (206) 296-6803 • littp://wzvzv.metrokc.gov/a►iriexatio�is March 3, 2008 � � �� MAR 0 5 2008 City a� �entc�n Cit of Renton Economic Deve�opment, Y Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Attn: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: SUMMARY File No. 2274 - City of Renton - Liberty Area Annexation Dear Ms. Lind: Enclosed is the Summary prepared by Boundary Review Board staff for the above-referenced Notice of Intention. The Summary will be sent to the Boundary Review Board members, along with the Notice of Intention, as part of the agenda packet for the next regular monthly Board meeting. If you see any corrections or clarifications which should be made in the Summary, I would appreciate hearing from you at (206) 296-6801. Sincerely, � ��n, Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary Enclosure: Summary FORM 11 SUMMARY FILE NO. 2274 Thomas Guide Map No. 657 Date Received: 0?J29/08 Date Completed: 0?J29/08 Date Distributed: 03/03/08 ENTITY City of Renton Date Filed: ACTION Petition/Resolution by Renton City Council for Land Annexation Expiratcon 45 Days: 04/14/08 TITLE Liberty Annexation Board Meeting:04l20/06 Introduction; The City of Renton, at the request of citizens, proposes annexation of the Liberty Area. The annexation has been proposed by the pefition method (RCW 35A.14). The City has invoked jurisdiction to permit public review of the annexation proposal by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County, an independent,quasi-judicial agency.) Location The Liberty Annexation Area is located on the eastern edge of the City of Renton. The Annexation Area is generally bordered on the west by the City of Renton. The remainder of the Annexation Area is bordered by Unincorporated King County.More specifically: o The northern boundary is generally formed by SE 133`d Place(if extended) o The southern boundary is generally formed by SE 143`� Street and SE 144"' Street; o The western boundary is variously formed by 152nd Avenue SE, 154"'Avenue SE,and 156�'Avenue SE o The eastern boundary is variously formed by 160"' Avenue SE and 164"' Avenue SE L.a�nd Area 193 acres Land Use Exisfina:Approbmately 269 Single Family Homes Pronosed Future:326 Single-Family Homes Population Exisfinq:Approximately 619 persons Pronosed Future:Approximately 750 persons Assessed Valuation $133,666,100 County Comprehensive Plan Designation Residential Use—Urban Density(R-4—R-12) County Zoning R-4 (Primary Zoning Designation); R-6 (Permits 4 -6 dwelling units per gross acre plus bonuses and transfer of development rights) City Comprehensive Plan Proaosed: Residential Uses(Low Density Single-Family Residential) City Zoning Proposed: R-4 (Four dwelling units per net acre) District Comprehensive Plan Not appiicabie. District Franchise Not applicable Urban Growth Area (UGA) The Liberty Area is located within the Urban Growth Area as identified under the State Growth Management Act, King County Comprehensive Plan and City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. SEPA Declaration The Liberty Area was addressed in an Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Liberty Annexation is exempt from SEPA pursuant to RCW 43.21C.222 ENTITIES/AGENCIES NOTIFIED: King County Council Member(s) Reagan Dunn King County: Clerk of Council, Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES), Department of Assessments, D2partment ofi Transportation (DOT), State Department of Ecology (DOE), King County "911" Program, Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys' Office, King County Records and Election Division, Fire Marshal Division, Historic Preservation Program, Puget Sound Regional Council, Community and Human Services, Public Health Department Cities: Not Applicable Fire Districts: King County Fire Protection District No. 25; Eastside Fire and Rescue (District No. 10) Water Districts: King County Water District No. 90; City of Renton Public Works Department Sewer Districts: City of Renton Public Works Department School District: Renton School District#403; Issaquah School District#411 SUMMARY (File No. 2274) The City of Renton proposes the annexation of 193 acres, known as the Liberty Area, as prescribed by RCW 35A.14. The Liberty Area Annexation is proposed based upon a Resolution by the Renton City Council (dated January 2008)approving a plan to incorporate this territory. With the annexation application based upon the Resolution, the City of Renton has invoked jurisdiction at the Boundary Review Board. The City is seeking a public hearing in order to provide an opportunity for Liberty Area citizens to participate in the review process for the proposed annexation. The Liberty Annexation Area is located on the eastern edge of the City of Renton. The Annexation Area is generally bordered on the west by the City of Renton. The Annexation Area is bordered on the north, east and the south by unincorporated King County. The Liberty Annexation Area is located on the eastern edge of the City of Renton. The Annexation Area is generally bordered on the west by the City of Renton. The remainder of the Annexation Area is bordered by Unincorporated King County. More specifically: o The northern boundary is generally formed by SE 133�d Place(if extended) o The southern boundary is generally formed by SE 143�d Street and SE 144�h Street; o The western boundary is variously formed by 152"d Avenue SE, 154�h Avenue SE, and 156`h Avenue SE o The eastern boundary is variously formed by 160`h Avenue SE and 164`h Avenue SE The unincorporated Liberty Area is included in the "Land Use ElemenY' of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. The Plan was established in 1995 and has been updated annually since that initial adoption. Based upon that Comprehensive Plan and pursuant to RCW 35A.14, the City proposes annexation of the Liberty Area. The proposed Liberty Area Annexation would be consistent with the City of Renton Plan (e.g., Annexation Policies and Land Use Policies), including those provisions relating to land development, service provision, and mutual social and economic benefits—e.g., L-5.2.1, L-5.3.2, L-5.4, and L-5.6.) The City of Renton reports that the proposed Liberty Annexation also conforms to the State Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.) For example, the annexation is supported by RCW 36.70.20, which requires community planning goals, for urban growth, services and infrastructure, and environmental preservation. Additionally, the application reportedly is consistent with RCW 36.70A.020 (1), encouraging development in urban areas where there are adequate public services. It is also consistent with RCW 36.70A.020 (12), which calls for public services to support permitted development. Annexation would permit the City of Renton to establish land use designations and zoning standards for Liberty. The City proposes residential designations that permit less intensive uses than those designations established by King County for the Liberty Area. Thus, annexation would permit development of primary land uses and corollary public services (e.g., roadways) as envisioned in RCW 36.70A and as appropriate to the Liberty Area. More specifically: • As established by RCW 36.70A, ��pon annexatior� of the Liberty Area, the City is prepared to provide development review services and general administrative services to the annexation area under local, regional, and state standards At present Liberty is substantially developed with approximately 269 homes. There are opportunities for redevelopment and new development which could bring a total of approximately 326 single-family homes to the Area. • As established by RCW 36.70A, upon annexation the Liberty Area will be governed by the City of Renton's critical areas ordinances. The City of Renton is prepared to provide environmental review (including evaluation and regulation of environmentally sensitive areas.) Environmentally sensitive areas in and near to Liberty would also be preserved with the proposed annexation. Further, the Liberty Annexation is reported to be consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan. Following are examples of King County Comprehensive Plan/Countywide Planning Policies that are addressed by the proposed Liberty Annexation: FW-13:Cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to Urban Areas. LU-31: The County should identify urban development areas within the Urban Growth Area LU-32: The County should encourage cities to annex territory within their designated potential annexation area LU-33: Land within a city's potential annexation area shall be developed according to local and regional growth phasing plans U-203 Land within Urban Growth Area is encouraged to support the preponderance of population and employment growth. U-301 King County should work with cities to support annexations within the Urban Growth Area when consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan. U-304 King County should support annexation prop�sals �vi�en such annexation would accommodate urban densities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Liberty Annexation is reportedly consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.93 (Boundary Review Board Regulations). For example, this annexation would be consistent with Objective 1, which calls for the preservation of neighborhoods. This area is linked to Renton by social fabric (e.g., similar land uses, regional and local open spaces and by natural/built geographic features (e.g., Liberty terrain). This annexation would also reportedly be consistent with Objective 3, which calis for creation of logical service areas, and Objectives 4-7, which call for the achievement of reasonable boundaries for a jurisdiction. The subject territory within these borders is specifically established for annexation by Renton under the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan (approved by the State of Washington in 1995). Further the boundaries of the proposed annexation area reflect citizen interest in affiliation with this local jurisdiction. With annexation to Renton, all services and land use regulations for the Liberty Area reportedly may be efficiently coordinated under unified regulatory authorities administered by a single local government unit. Upon annexation, the City of Renton will include the Liberty properties in its Service Area. The City of Renton has planned and can provide urban services to the area either directly or via agreements between the City and service providers. For example, the City of Renton will assume responsibility for provision of fire/emergency services to the Liberty Annexation properties through a contract with Fire Protection District No. 25. The Renton Police Department would serve the residents of the Liberty Area. King County Water District No. 90 will continue to provide water services to the area. The City of Renton would provide sewer services to the Liberty Area. The City has sufficient capacity to accommodate the build out of the estimated remaining developable land in the entire proposed Liberty Annexation Area. Liberty Area citizens would continue to have access to local and regional parks and recreation areas, human services, and law and justice facilities. However, Renton officials report that this area is generally underserved with respect to these facilities based upon standards established by the City of Renton. The City estimates a one-time cost of$230,260 to upgrade these facilities. The City of Renton Library and the King County Library would be accessible to citizens. Area students would continue to be served by the Renton School District and the Issaquah School District. Area students would continue to be served by the Renton School District (or, if applicable, by the Issaquah School District.) This annexation would also reportedly be consistent with Objective 8, which calls for inclusion of urban areas within municipalities. Annexation would permit citizens to affiliate with a local government and thus to participate in the local government process. ,** The City of Renton has reportedly conducted fiscal analyses related to the proposed Liberty Annexation. Study findings report that existing facilities and services in the Annexation Area are generally adequate although, in some respects, less than levels of service provided to citizens of Renton. Upon annexation, the City of Renton reports the intention to provide municipal resources to serve the area in a manner that will address impacts on cost and adequacy of services, finances, debt structure or rights of other governmental units. The City is committed to hiring staff as necessary to ensure equivalent levels of service for the Liberty Area both at current development and at estimated maximum development. Further, study findings indicate that the costs of services will be essentially offset by property taxes, standard service fees, and other revenues based on population. For example, upon annexation, property owners will assume their share of the regular and special levy rate of the City for capital facilities and public services. More specifically, if the City were to assume responsibility for this Area at current levels of development and current staffing levels, expenditures are estimated to be 379,951 and revenues are estimated at $409,520. Thus, a revenue surplus would be achieved at an estimated $35,569 each year (based upon 2007 values). At full development, expenditures are estimated at$483,455 and revenues are estimated at $505,491. At that time, there would continue to be a revenue surplus but that surplus would be reduced to $22,037 per year(based on 2007 values). The City reportedly supports the Liberty Annexation so that citizens may participate in local governance and so that Renton may serve citizens of the area. . , Liberty Annexation Units Po ulation AV Existin dev. 211 485 $83,576,100 , ` Full dev. 268 616 $114,926,100 Assumptions: 2.3 persons/new SF household $396,100 AV/existing unit(including mobile homes) $500,000 AV/new SF home Rev�riiies:::: ::::::: Total revenues Existin Full Rate Existing :::;::$�'E8;��7:<1:7: Re ular lev $235,808 $324,262 2.82148 Full :: : $43bt03$;O7 Excess lev $5,225 $7,185 0.06252 State shared revenues Rate er ca ) Existin Full Li uor tax $3.93 $1,906.05 $2,420.88 Li uor Board rofits $7.41 $3,593.85 $4,564.56 Gas tax- unrestricted $23.69 $11,489.65 $14,593.04 MVET $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cam er excise $0.75 $363.75 $462.00 Criminal 'ustice $0.22 $106.70 $135.52 Total $17,460.00 $22,176.00 Miscellaneous revenues Rate Existin Full Real estate excise* $48.57 $23,556.45 $29,919.12 Utilit tax"'' $133.20 $28,105.20 $35,697.60 Fines &forfeits'' $17.53 $8,502.05 $10,798.48 Total $60,163.70 $76,415.20 ' Per capita ** Per housing unit- based on $2,220 annual utility billing @ 6%tax rate Gos�s::::::::::::::::::::::::: Total ongoing costs Per ca ita Existin Full Existing :::::$285�398::03. Contracted Services Full :_:::::::$3��;1Q7:;$�'; Alcohol $0.19 $92.15 $117.04 Public Defender $4.68 $2,269.80 $2,882.88 Jail $8.56 $4,151.60 $5,272.96 Subtotal $6,513.55 $8,272.88 � Court/le al/admin. $66.92 $32,456.20 $41,222.72 Parks maintenance'' $14.90 $7,226.50 $9,178.40 Police $276.89 $134,291.65 $170,564.24 Road maintenance"" N/A -�.' Fire*''' $1.25 $104,470.13 $143,657.63 Total $285,396.03 $376,107.87 ''See Sheet Parks FIA *"See Sheet Roads FIA *"* Rate per$1,000 of assessed valuation (FD#25 contract) Net fiscal impact Existing ;,;;:::;;$33f�&7:'I� Parks acquisition &development(from Sheet Parks FIA): Full ':::::' '�53;��0<��: Other one-time costs: Parks acquisition % development(from Parks Sheet) Total one-time costs: :::;:::;:;$23a;26�;�¢ Revised 8-29 per Finance Memo . ...,,. Liberty Annexation w/Highland Estates Units Po ulation AV Existin dev. 269 619 $109,740,100 Fuil dev. 326 750 $133,666,100 Assumptions: 2.3 persons/new SF household $396,100 AV/existing unit(including mobile homes) $500,000 AV/new SF home Reviertiu��::::::::::::::: Total revenues ... Existin Full Rate Existing:::;!:;;;;�4;1�;�21;:1:�: Re ularle $309,629 $377,136 2.82148 Full ':::::;:::$5U5;431;�3 Excess lev $6,861 $8,357 0.06252 State shared revenues Rate ( er ca Existin Full Li uor tax $3.93 $2,432.67 $2,947.50 Li uor Board rofits $7.41 $4,586.79 $5,557.50 Gas tax- unrestricted $23.69 $14,664.11 $17,767.50 MVET $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cam er excise $0.75 $464.25 $562.50 Criminal 'ustice $0.22 $136.18 $165.00 Total $22,284.00 $27,000.00 Miscellaneous revenues Rate Existin Full Real estate excise" $48.57 $30,064.83 $36,427.50 Utilit tax"" $133.20 $35,830.80 $43,423.20 Fines &forfeits' $17.53 $10,851.07 $13,147.50 Total $76,746.70 $92,998.20 * Per capita *' Per housing unit- based on $2,220 annual utility billing @ 6%tax rate Gos�s::::::::.:::::::::::::::: Total ongoing costs Per ca ita Existin Full Existing ;:':::;$379x��'�::T3: Contracted Services Full ::::::::::$4$:3;�53:�3: Alcohol $0.19 $117.61 $142.50 Public Defender $4.68 $2,896.92 $3,510.00 Jail $8.56 $5,298.64 $6,420.00 Subtotal $8,313.17 $10,072.50 Court/le al/admin. $66.92 $41,423.48 $50,190.00 Parks maintenance' $14.90 $9,223.10 $11,175.00 Police $276.89 $171,394.91 $207,667.50 Road maintenance"* N/A $12,422.00 $37,266 Fire*"" $1.25 $137,175.13 $167,082.63 Total $379,951.79 $483,453.63 *See Sheet Parks FIA "*See Sheet Roads FIA "*"' Rate per$1,000 of assessed valuation (FD#25 contract) Net fiscal impact Existing :::::::$35f5fi9>3fi Parks acquisition &development(from Sheet Parks FIA): Full :::::::' '�2�;(��7`:�1: Other one-time costs: Parks acquisition % development(from Parks Sheet) Total one-time costs: '::'::'��$7;�*9;i�(� Revised 8-29 per Finance Memo �y�, �,.t � ,�r�� �_� .'s� �'�'���"�' �_��` �� ����� ����: ��;.t��s �� � _ �w ,�,. ` 'a�.. .��=u �'��e.==- Denis Law, Mayor �l� --'�'r' .�-.�,��,��.,..�.,.,�. :- :� �* ,� t ��...,.�„� February 28,2008 State of Washington Boundary Review Board far King County Attn: Lenora Blauman, Executive Secretary Yesler Building, Suite 402 400 Yesler Way Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: NOTICE OF INTENTION TQ EXPAND THE CITY OF RENTON CORPORATE LIMITS BY ANNEXATION Dear Board Members: As required by Chapter 36.93 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the City of Renton hereby gives notice of intention to annex territory hereafter referred to as the "Liberiy Annexation". This annexation is proposed under the 60% Direct Petition method in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 35A.14 of the RCW. This annexation would incorporate into the City of Renton approximately 193 acres of territory for the provision of urban services. To assist in your consideration of the proposed action, the required articles and exhibits are enclosed and numbered in accordance with the Board's suggested format. The City would like to invoke the Board's jurisdiction so that a public hearing can be held on this proposed annexation. Enclosed please find a check for $50 Notice of Intent filing fee. The $200 fee for invoking jurisdiction will follow. Should questions arise during the review of the information and exhibits provided with this Notice of Intention to Annex, please contact Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager, at (425) 430-6588. Please send notices and other communications regarding the proposed annexation to: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, a De is aw Mayor cc: Jay Covington, CAO Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind -` ��y `""�'�� , �...�, _______,__...__--- ---------_.�.._�____---------------------___---.--_---------- -——___ - � . �4 �� �� � � ��,� 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)430-6500/FAX(425)430-6523 - � .. _. __ _.� .. � � _ f � . � U.S.BANK OF WASHINGTON 19-10 RENTON BRANCH 1250 TY p CITY OF RENTON N U��� � � ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 041946 02/22/2008 ' 269465 �"'***''****�0.00 ♦ � � 1055 5.GRADY WAY RENTON,WA 98057 �,�N��� Phone:(425)430-6918 VOID AFTER 6 MONTHS Fax: (425)430-6855 PAY Fifty Dollars and No Cents PAY STATE OF WASHINGTON BOUNDARY ��� TOTHE REVIEW BOARD FOR KING COUNTY n�a,YOR ORDER 400 YESLER WAY- STE 402 oF SEATTLE, WA 98104 �' FiNA CE&IS ADMINISTRATOR u'0 269465u' �: L 25000 L05�: L5 3 500698 3 L8n' PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CITY OF RENTON,WA 98055 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK N0.269465 `��G`.�Plt7kA�ER' �3AT�-;'' 'i. .;�` '�se.��,�=,F�` :C�.�'F`IFI'IQt!' $`s" �:�t'•:i?.� R;�Y'� =P.�1'.l`lUNiBER2.:,S•, ri-,Ckt5C0UN`t1R�'t'AtJ�I'Y.;_ °„.s`�'.'.a:�AM�tlt�t't'?i,,'��f�:� LIBERTY 02/15/2008 FILING FEE FOR LIBERTY ANNEXATION 0.00 50.00 50.00 . NOTICE OF INTENTION PROPOSED LIBERTY ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON I. BACKGROUND/MAPS 1. The description of and reason for seeking the proposed action: The proposed action is to annex approximately 193 acres to the City of Renton. Annexation is sought by the proponents to develop under City of Renton regulations and processes and to receive Renton public services. The annexation was initiated through the 60% Direct Petition method under RCW 35A.14.120, 130, 140, and 150. The proposed annexation area is located in the SE quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. 2. Copies of the Renton City Council minutes for actions taken relative to the proposed annexation: A. Exhibit A: Certified minutes of the July 9,2007 public meeting of the Renton City Council accepting the Aster Park Annexation 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation Proceedings petition and authorizing the circulation of the 60%Petition to Annex. B. Exhibit B: Certified minutes of the January 28, 2008 public hearing of the Renton City Council accepting the 60% Direct Petition to Annex and declaring the City's intent to annex the area, subject to the actions of the Boundary Review Board. 3. Exhibit C: Certification of Sufficiency for the 60% Petition to Annex made by the King County Department of Assessments dated November 26, 2007. 4. Exhibit D: Legal description of the proposed annexation boundaries. 5. Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.222, annexations are exempt from SEPA. 6. The following maps are enclosed: A. Exhibit E: King County Assessor's maps (two sets) displaying the proposed Liberty Annexation boundary. B. Exhibit F: Vicinity maps displaying: 1) The proposed Liberty Annexation boundary. 2) The City of Renton existing corporate limits relative to the proposed annexation area. 3) All major streets and other major physical features. 4) The boundaries, including future service area boundaries, of all cities or special service districts having jurisdiction in or near the proposal. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County . ` �'roposed Liberty Annexation r 02/26/08 Page 2 NOTE: The City and County library service area boundaries are coterminous with the City's corporate boundary. 5) King County Urban Growth Area and City of Renton Potential Annexation Area boundaries established under the Growth Management Act. C. Exhibit G: A map of the current City of Renton corporate limits upon which the proposed Liberty Annexation boundaries have been delineated. D. Exhibit H: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations. II. FACTORS THE BOARD MUST CONSIDER 1. Overview A. Population: The population of the proposed annexation area is estimated to be about 750 persons at full build out based upon 2.3 persons per household and a total of 326 households. The City of Renton population as of Apri12007 was 60,290. B. Territorv: The proposed annexation area includes approximately 193 acres. C. Population Densitv: The proposed density at buildout is approximately 3.89 persons per gross acre. , D. Assessed Valuation: The current assessed value of the properties proposed for annexation is approximately $109,740,100. At build-out in 10 years, this is estimated to increase to $133,666,100. 2. Land Use A. Existin : Existing uses include 269 single-family detached homes with an estimated population of 619 persons. New subdivisions include Hamilton Place, Nichols Place, Evendell, and Liberty Grove. B. Proposed: The annexation is proposed to facilitate the development of these properties for single-family residential uses at up to four(4)units per net acre. 3. Comprehensive Plans/Franchise(s) A. Conformance with Countywide Planning Policies adopted bv King Countv: The proposed action is consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies in general, and the following policies in particular: LU-31 In collaboration with adjacent counties and cities and King County, and in consultation with residential groups in affected areas, each ciry shall designate a potential annexation area. Each potential annexation area shall be specific to each city.... LU-32 A city may annex territory only within its designated potential annexation area. All cities shall phase annexations to coincide with the abiliry for the ciry to coordinate the provision of a full range of urban services to areas to be annexed. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County , Proposed Liberty Annexation ' 02/26/08 Page 3 The City of Renton has designated a Potential Annexation Area in the City's Comprehensive Plan. (Exhibit H) Renton has the ability to provide a full range of urban services to the area proposed for annexation and is the designated sewer service provider for the East Renton Plateau. LU-33 Undeveloped lands adjacent to that city should be annexed at the time development is proposed to receive a full range of urban services. Development of single family detached homes has occurred in many portions of the potential annexation area. There are several vacant or redevelopable parcels in the area that are expected to develop with the City of Renton R-4 zoning regulations and guidelines over time. Upon annexation the full range of urban services will be available to the annexation area. FW-13.Cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to urban areas either directly or by contract. Renton is prepared to provide a full array of local urban services to the area including sewer, water, police, fire, local government and an array of other community services. Renton is the designated sewer purveyor for the site and Water District No. 90 is the designated purveyor of water under agreement with King County and the City, for the site. The site will remain in the Renton and Issaquah School District. B. Kin�Countv Comprehensive Plan/Ordinances 1) King County Planning under the Growth Management Act. The subject area is designated Urban - 4-12 du/ac in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is identified as being within Renton's Potential Annexation Area on the County's Potential Annexation Areas Map. King County planning efforts under the Growth Management Act have included ensuring that development in the Urban Growth Area occurs at urban densities and with urban level services available. The City of Renton has planned for urban densities for this area and can provide urban services within its negotiated service areas should annexation occur. 2) The following adopted King County Comprehensive Plan policies specifically support the proposed annexation: Chapter Two, Urban Land Use, Section II.B, Directin�Growth to Cities and Urban Areas U-203 King County should encourage most population and employment growth to locate in the contiguous Urban Growth Area in western King County, especially in cities and their potential annexation areas. Annexation would allow the City of Renton to provide the area with other urban services in addition to wastewater, such as police, libraries, parks, and local government. Chapter Two,Urban Land Use,Section II.C,Urban Growth Area Tar�ets U-208 King County shall provide adequate land capacity for residential, commercial and industrial growth in the urban unincorporated area. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County , ` Proposed Liberty Annexation . 02/26/08 ' Page 4 This land capaciry shall include both redevelopment opportunities as well as opportunities for development on vacant lands. R-4 zoning on the subject properties lowers the capacity represented by the existing King County zoning, which is R-4 and R-8. Renton's R-4 zone would result is approximately 20 percent less capacity than allowed under the current County zoning without bonuses and approximately 47 percent less capacity than allowed under the current County zoning with bonuses. This is because Renton calculates density based upon net acreage and the County's calculates density based upon �ross acreage. An estimated 107 units could be provided under the County's R-4 zoning (with bonuses) and approximately 57 new single-family detached units could be provided under Renton's proposed R-4 zoning. Chapter Two, Urban Land Use, Section III.A, Plannin� with Kin� Countv's Cities for Future Annexation U-301 King County should work with cities to focus countywide growth within their boundaries and should support annexations within the Urban Growth Area when consistent with the King Counry Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Planning Policies. U-304 King County should support annexation proposals when: a. The proposal is consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan; b. The proposed area is wholly within the Urban Growth Area and within the city's designated Potential Annexation Area (for annexations); c. The city is planning for urban derisities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies and King County land use plans; and, d. Adopted Countywide goals and policies for urban services, environmental and cultural resource protection will be supported. The proposal is generally consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The area proposed for annexation is wholly within the Urban Growth Area and within Renton's Potential Annexation Area. The City's Comprehensive Plan policies and development regulations support countywide goals and policies for urban densities, urban services and environmental and cultural resource protection. The proposed R-4 zoning is urban, medium lot zoning, which will achieve urban densities and efficiencies consistent with adopted countywide goals and policies for urban services. 3) Adopted King County Comp Plan desi ng a�: The adopted King County Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the proposed annexation area is Urban Residential Medium, 4 - 12 du/ac on the western portion of the site. These designations are implemented with the County's R-8 Zone at the westernmost portion of the area and the County's R-4 zone on the remaining area. 4) Comparison of City and Count�regulations for sensitive areas, etc: With annexation, King County ordinances and regulations would be supplanted with W�shington State Boundary Review Board for King County , Proposed Liberty Annexation ' 02/26/08 Page 5 those of the City of Renton. City of Renton ordinances and regulations applicable to the proposed action include the following: a. Repulations for the protection of sensitive areas: The City of Renton's Critical Areas Ordinance (RMC 4-3-050) describes permitted and prohibited activities and uses, waivers, modifications and variances, and additional criteria and permit processes for development in critical areas. Critical areas regulated by the Ordinance include aquifer recharge areas, flood and geologic hazard areas, native habitat and wetlands. Although specific regulations vary, Chapter 21A.24, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, of the King County Code provides comparable regulatory protection of sensitive areas. The City of Renton Critical Areas Ordinance is available upon request. b. Regulations for the preservation of a�ricultural or other resource lands: Regulations preserving agricultural uses are not applicable to the subject area, as the proposed annexation area is not within any of the agricultural districts identified for first, second or third priority for the purchase of development rights. Further, the property is not designated for agricultural production or other resource lands in the King County Comprehensive Plan and is not currently under agricultural use. The City of Renton does not have a program authorizing transfer or purchase of development rights. c. Preservation of Landmarks or Landmark Districts: The City of Renton has no regulations comparable to Chapter 20.62, Protection and Preservation of Landmarks, Landmark Sites and Districts, in the King County Code. However, no landmark sites or districts are known to exist in the subject annexation area. d. Surface Water Control: The City of Renton has adopted the 1990 KinQ Countv Sur�ace Water DesiQn Manual, by reference, in the City's Drainage (Surface Water) Standards (RMC 4-6-030) as the design standard for surface water control in development projects. Higher standards such as those of the 2005 Kin�n� Surface Water Design Manual, Level 2 standard are often applied through environmental review. C. City of Renton Comprehensive Plan/Franchise 1) Citv Planning Under the Growth Mana�ement Act Renton City Council adopted the current Comprehensive Plan in 1995, consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan was updated in the 2004 Mandated Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan Review. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies Potential Annexation Areas, including the area currently proposed for annexation, and shows land use designations for such areas. (See Exhibit H, City of Renton Land Use Designations) The proposal is consistent with the Land Use Element policies of the Renton Comprehensive Plan that support annexation of lands: • that are within Renton's Potential Annexation Area where the availability of infrastructure and services allow for the development of urban densities (Objective LU-1); Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County , ' Proposed Liberiy Annexation . 02/26/08 � Page 6 • that are vacant and subject to development pressure (LU-319.85); • that are available for urbanization under county comprehensive planning,zoning, and subdivision regulations(LU-37.5); • for which the City of Renton should logically be the primary provider of urban infrastructure and services (LU-36); • that would include those who already use City services or who impact City infrastructure(LU-41); and • that includes environmentally sensitive areas and vacant land where future development could adversely influence the environmental and land use character of Renton(LU-42). 2) PAA status and PAA agreements with other cities, if anv: The City of Renton has an adopted Potential Annexation Area. This area includes three sub-areas, which are shown on Renton's Comprehensive Plan and on the King County Interim Potential Annexation Area Map. The City has also negotiated a PAA boundary agreement with the City of Kent. No PAA agreement was necessary for the area currently proposed annexation. 3) Required Comprehensive Plan amendments, if anv: No amendment to Renton's Comprehensive Plan is necessary to process the current proposed annexation. 4) Comprehensive Plan approval date: Renton's current Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted on February 20, 1995, with annual amendments in subsequent years. The latest, 2004 Mandated GMA Comprehensive Plan Review was completed in November 2004. 5) Required franchises to serve area: No franchise will be required for the City of Renton to provide services to the subject area. 6) Pre-annexation Zoning A�reements: The subject area has not been the subject of a pre-Annexation Zoning Agreement. 7) Proposed land use desi ng ation: The subject area is designated Residential Low Density in the City's Comprehensive Plan. R-4 zoning, at a maximum of four units per net acre is proposed to supplant both the existing King County R-8 and R-4 zoning, consistent with the adopted Residential Low Density land use designation upon annexation. Under Renton's annexation process, zoning is adopted concurrent with the adoption of the implementing annexation ordinance. 4. Planning data A. Revenues/Expenditures This analysis identifies the General Fund revenues and costs associated with annexing the subject properties as they are currently developed, as well as estimating the annual fiscal impact of their full development at some undetermined point in the future. "Full development" does not equate to the absolute zoned capacity. Rather, it includes an assumption that a portion of the subject properties will not develop within the foreseeable future due to market farces and the choices of individual property owners. All assumptions regarding revenues and costs are based on existing standards or other comparable data, but actual results are likely to vary from these estimates. In general, Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed Liberty Annexation • 02/29/08 Page 7 costs associated with utilities have been assumed to be supported by the rates charged for those services. Assessed Valuations Units Population (est.) Assessed Valuation Existin conditions 269 619 $109,740,100 Full develo ment est. 326 750 $133,666,100 *Assumes new single-family detached home value of$500,000 per unit. 1) Estimated City Expenditures City Services Current Full Development Development Contracted services $8,313 $10,073 Road Maintenance $12,422 $37,266 Fire Protection $137,175 $167,083 Police Protection $171,395 $207,668 Parks Maintenance $9,223 $11,175 Court, Le al and Other $41,423 $50,190 Total ongoing costs $379,951 $483,455 2) Estimated Citv Revenues to be a� Current Full Revenue Source Development Development Regular Pro erty Tax Lev $309,629 $377,136 State-Shared Revenues $22,284 $27,000 Miscellaneous Revenues $70,746 $92,998 Excess Le $6,861 $8,357 Total revenues $409,520 $505,491 3) Estimated Net Fiscal Impact Net fiscal impact Existing $35,569 Full $22,037 4) Estimated Countv revenues lost: It is estimated that revenues generated from King County road and library levies, excluding library bonds would be reduced. 5) Estimated reduction in County expenditures: It is estimated that there would be a reduction in County expenditures to be recognized areas such as in road maintenance, police response and patrol,and animal control. 6) Estimated fire district revenue lost: The area proposed for annexation lies within Fire District No. 25. The City currently provides fire services under contract to Fire District No. 25, so there is no estimated loss to the fire district. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed Liberty Annexation 02/29/08 , ' Page 8 7) Estimated fire district expenditures reduced: The area proposed for annexation lies within Fire District No. 25. The City currently provides fire services under contract to Fire District No. 25, so there is no estimated expenditure reduction. B. Services 1) Water Service The proposed annexation is within District No. 90's water service area. This service area would not change as a result of the proposed annexation. a) Direct/Contract: The area will continue to be served by District No. 90 for the foreseeable future. Future development in this latter area will have to notify District No. 90 regarding water availability and obtain a certificate of water availability prior to future development. b) Stora�e locations/Capacitv: The zoned residential capacity under the existing King County R-4 and R-8 zoning on the site is higher than the capacity under the City of Renton's R-4 zoning. Since population growth under the City of Renton's proposed R-4 zoning is less than that allowed under the County's zoning, the District's capacity should be more than adequate for the water demand generated by any post- annexation development in the subject area. The change in zoning that would occur upon annexation of this area would, theoretically, increase starage capacity for Water District No. 90. c) Mains to serve the area: Water District No. 90 will require developers to extend mains into the annexation area as part of their future development proposals. d) Financing of proposed service: This will be financed by developers and normal user fees for existing and new residents. 2) Sanitarv Sewer Service a) Direct/Contract: Sewer service would be provided directly to the proposed 193-acre annexation area by the City of Renton. b) Mains to serve area: The City of Renton currently provides sewer service to the Highlands Estates, Evendell, and Liberty Lane subdivisions, as well as to several other residential areas in north and middle portions of the site. It does not, however, serve the southern portions of the proposed annexation area. c) Disposal: Sewage disposal will be through METRO's treatment facilities. d) Capacity Available: Renton's sanitary sewer system has sufficient capacity to accommodate full buildout of the proposed annexation area with an estimated 326 single-family detached homes. e) Financin�of proposed service: Improvements within this annexation area would be anticipated to be made through developer extensions or Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County Proposed Liberiy Annexation � 02/29/08 Page 7 costs associated with utilities have been assumed to be supported by the rates charged for those services. Assessed Valuations Units Population (est.) Assessed Valuation Existin conditions 269 619 $109,740,100 Full develo ment est. 326 750 $133,666,100 *Assumes new single-family detached home value of$500,000 per unit. 1) Estimated Citv Expenditures City Services Current Full Development Development Contracted services $8,313 $10,073 Road Maintenance $12,422 $37,266 Fire Protection $137,175 $167,083 Police Protection $171,395 $207,668 Parks Maintenance $9,223 $11,175 Court, Le al and Other $41,423 $50,190 Total ongoing costs $379,951 $483,455 2) Estimated City Revenues to be ag ined Current Full Revenue Source Development Development Regular Property Tax Levy $309,629 $377,136 State-Shared Revenues $22,284 $27,000 Miscellaneous Revenues $70 746 $92,998 Excess Le $6,861 $8,357 Total revenues $409,520 $505,491 3) Estimated Net Fiscal Impact Net fiscal impact Existing $35,569 Full $22,037 4) Estimated County revenues lost: It is estimated that revenues generated from King County road and library levies, excluding library bonds would be reduced. 5) Estimated reduction in Countv expenditures: It is estimated that there would be a reduction in County expenditures to be recognized areas such as in road maintenance, police response and patrol, and animal control. 6) Estimated fire district revenue lost: The area proposed for annexation lies within Fire District No. 25. The City currently provides fire services under contract to Fire District No. 25, so there is no estimated loss to the fire district. Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County , Proposed Liberty Annexation 02/29/08 ' Page 8 7) Estimated fire district expenditures reduced: The area proposed for annexation lies within Fire District No. 25. The City currently provides fire services under contract to Fire District No.25,so there is no estimated expenditure reduction. B. Services 1) Water Service The proposed annexation is within District No. 90's water service area. This service area would not change as a result of the proposed annexation. a) Direct/Contract: The area will continue to be served by District No. 90 for the foreseeable future. Future development in this latter area will have to notify District No. 90 regarding water availability and obtain a certificate of water availability prior to future development. b) Storage locations/Capacitv: The zoned residential capacity under the existing King County R-4 and R-8 zoning on the site is higher than the capacity under the City of Renton's R-4 zoning. Since population growth under the City of Renton's proposed R-4 zoning is less than that allowed under the County's zoning, the District's capacity should be more than adequate for the water demand generated by any post- annexation development in the subject area. The change in zoning that would occur upon annexation of this area would, theoretically, increase storage capacity for Water District No. 90. c) Mains to serve the area: Water District No. 90 will require developers to extend mains into the annexation area as part of their future development proposals. d) Financing of proposed service: This will be financed by developers and normal user fees for existing and new residents. 2) Sanitary Sewer Service a) Direct/Contract: Sewer service would be provided directly to the proposed 193-acre annexation area by the City of Renton. b) Mains to serve area: The City of Renton currently provides sewer service to the Highlands Estates, Evendell, and Liberty Lane subdivisions, as well as to several other residential areas in north and middle portions of the site. It does not, however, serve the southern portions of the proposed annexation area. c) Disposal: Sewage disposal will be through METRO's treatment facilities. d) Capacity Available: Renton's sanitary sewer system has sufficient capacity to accommodate full buildout of the proposed annexation area with an estimated 326 single-family detached homes. e) Financin� of proposed service: Improvements within this annexation area would be anticipated to be made through developer extensions or Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County . Proposed Liberty Annexation � 02/26/08 Page 9 homeowner extensions in the future when residents decide they want sewer hook-up. 3) Fire Service a) Direct/Contract: Fire District No. 25 currently provides fire suppression services to the annexation area and will continue to do so far the foreseeable future. b) Nearest stations: The nearest station to the annexation area is fire station 16. c) Response time: Response time to any point within the proposed annexation boundaries could range from four to seven minutes. Fire Station 16 is approximately seven minutes from the subject site. d) Staffin : Station 16 is fully manned, with three firefighters on duty per shift. e) Major equipment: Major equipment located at Station 16 includes one engine and one aid car. fl Certified EMT/D-Fib personnel: All shift personnel at Station 16 are certified EMT/D-Fib. g) Fire Ratin�: Renton's fire rating is 3.0, as determined by the Washington State Survey and Rating Bureau. h) Source of dispatch: Valley Communication 911 service is the source of emergency vehicle/aid dispatch. 5. General A) Annexation aQreements for extensions of service: No applicable annexation agreements are in effect for the subject area. B) Topo�raphv and natural boundaries: The site is relatively level with a grade change toward the south. The topographic change is such that the elevation around SE 136`n Street is approximately 500 foot elevation and descends to 400 foot elevation at near SE 143`d Street. This elevation change occurs over approximately 2,000 ft, making the slope 5%or less on average. C) Projected 10-vear r�owth: The area is projected to grow to 750 people living in 326 single family detached residential units over the next ten year period. D) Munic�al or community services: With annexation, the property owners and residents would have access to a full range of urban services including police, fire, parks, libraries, community services, the City's neighborhoods program, annual community events, and readily accessible local municipal government. E) Potential delavs in implementing service deliverv: The area is currently underserved in regards to park facilities according to the City's adopted level of service standards. This shortfall is identified in the City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan update. Staff estimates a one-time cost in excess of parks/recreation mitigation fees of$230,260 as Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County • Proposed Liberty Annexation , 02/26/08 ' Page 10 well as on-going maintenance costs of $9,223 for new parks associated with this annexation. The current waste hauler would continue to provide solid waste removal for seven years after annexation, according to state law. At that time, the area would then be included in the contract with the City's waster hauler. With the exception of parks and solid waste removal, no delays are expected in implementing service delivery to the area. City departments reviewing the annexation proposal indicated that they would be able to adequately serve existing and future development. F) Evaluation of adequacy, costs, or rates of service to area: Existing services to the area appear to be adequate. As additional development occurs in the proposed annexation area, demand for services will increase. It is assumed that the cost of such services will be largely offset by property taxes, charges for service, and other revenues based on population. If the City were to assume this annexation at current levels of development it would have a surplus of an estimated $35,569 per year. At full development, in an estimated ten years, the City would realize an annual surplus of an estimated $22,038 per year. Services provided by King County, such as sheriff and road maintenance would become services provide by the City of Renton. School district boundaries will not change as they are not affected by annexation. As a result, the subject area will remain within the Renton School District and Issaquah School District. III. OBJECTIVES The proposed Liberty Annexation generally complies with all of the objectives of the Boundary Review Board. These include the following: 1) Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities. No detrimental impacts to existing neighborhoods or communities are anticipated to result from the proposed action. The subdivisions of Highlands Estates,Evendell, and Liberty Park are to be annexed entirely. 2) Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways and land contours. The proposed annexation includes and is bordered in small part by Rosario Avenue to the west, SE 136`" Street to the north,parcel lines to the east, and SE 144`h Street and parcel lines to the south. 3) Creation and preservation of logical service areas. City staffs that have reviewed the proposed annexation have stated that the proposed boundaries appear to represent logical extensions for the provision of City services. Also,the Countywide Planning Policies state that cities are the appropriate providers of local urban services to Urban Areas such as this. The proposal would,therefore, further both the intent of the City annexation objectives and Countywide Planning Policies. Was�ington State Boundary Review Board for King County , Proposed Liberty Annexation 02/26/08 Page 11 4) Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries. The boundaries do not create abnormally irregular boundaries. Whereas the resulting boundaries are somewhat irregular these are anticipated to only be interim as the City grows east to the adjacent Urban Growth Boundary along '148`''Avenue SE. 5) Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas. Not applicable. 6) Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts. Not applicable. 7) Adjustment of impractical boundaries. This annexation is not being undertaken to adjust impractical city boundaries. 8) Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas, which are urban in character King County has designated this area for urban development. 9) Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. Not applicable. No portions of the proposed annexation area are designated Rural or designated for long term productive agricultural or resource use in the King County Comprehensive Plan. fini - CERTIFICATE t, the urrdersigned City Clerk of the �City of Renton, Washington, certify Exhibit A that this is a true and correct copy of �� i 7 9 07. Subscribed and sealed this� ay o�G�-z��200� ���'�lt�rt,c,�'.d. �c City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Ivleeting July 9, 2007 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kathy Keolker called the meeti'ng of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;DAN CLAWSON;DENIS LAW; COUNCIL117EMBERS MARCIE PALMER; DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN KATHY KEOLKER, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative ATTENDANCE Officer;ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; PETER HAHN, Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator-Transportation; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Administrator; SUZANNE DALE ESTEY,Economic Development Director; DON ERICKSON, Senior Planner;TERRY HIGASHIYAMA,Community Services Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH, Parks Director; PETER RENNER,Facilities Director;GERALD RERECICH,Recreation Director; DEPUTY CHIEF CHUCK DUFFY,Fire Department; COMMANDER CHARLES MARSALISI,Police Department. PROCLAATATION A proclamation by Mayor Keolker was read declaring the month of July 2007 to Parks and Recreation Month- be "Parks and Recreation Month" in the City of Renton and encouraging all July 2007 citizens to join in this special observance as recreation and parks programs enhance quality of life by contributing to a healthy lifestyle, increasing communication skills,building self esteem,teaching life skills,and providing places for enjoyment. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Community Services Administrator Higashiyama accepted the proclamation with appreciation. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Liberty, 156th accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public meeting Ave SE&SE 144th St to consider the 10%Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Liberty Annexation; 184.2 acres,including the abutting street right-of-way,located east i of 154th Ave. SE,west of Liberiy High School,north of SE 144th St.,and south , of SE 134tt�St. Economic Development Administrator Pietsch explained that the subject annexation is the first area in the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area to be considered for annexation since the Preserve Our Plateau Annexation (POPA)was defeated at the 2/6/2007 Special Election. He noted that the annexation is being brought forward by property owners representing more than ten percent of the area's assessed value. Senior Planner Erickson reported that the site is the western portion of what was , the POPA area. The site's topography is relatively flat with a 4.9 percent slope running��est to east. A potential erosion area exists in the southeast corner. Mr. Erickson stated that public services are currently provided by Fire District #25, Water District#90,Renton sewer, and the Renton and Issaquah school districts. July 9, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 238 Continuing, Mr. Erickson explained that the area's existing King County zoning is R-4 (four dwelling units per gross acre), and the City's Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Residential Low Density, for which R-4 (four dwelling units per net acre)zoning is proposed. He reported that the proposed annexation is generally consistent with relevant City annexation policies and Boundary Review Board objectives. Mr. Erickson further reported that the fiscal impact analysis indicates a surplus of$53,930 at full development, and an estimated one-time parks development cost of$230,260. Mr. Erickson stated that the annexation proposal serves the best interests and general welfare of the City. He noted that the Utility Division suggests using King County's 2005 Surface Water Design Manual, Level 2, for future development. Mr. Erickson said staff recommends that along with accepting the 10%petition and authorizing circulation of the 60%petition, that signers of the 60%petition support property owners within the annexation area assuming their proportional share of the City's existing outstanding bonded indebtedness. He pointed out that the proportional share for the entire area totals $5,225. Correspondence was read from Gwendolyn High, 13405 158th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, asking that residents of the annexation area be excused from being required to accept a share of the City's current outstanding bonded indebtedness. Correspondence was read from the following Highland Estates subdivision residents requesting that the subdivision be included in the Liberty Annexation area: Alice Chung and Michael Tena, 15308 SE 136th Lane, Renton, 98059; Annaliza Metra-Cruz, 13602 153rd Pl. SE, Renton, 98059; Scott and Wendi Higginbotham, 13727 153rd Pl. SE, Renton, 98059; and Santhosh Pillai, 15315 SE 136th Lane, Renton, 98059. Public comment was invited. Claudia Donnelly, East Renton Plateau Community Council President, 10415 147th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059,pointed out that a majority of the POPA area residents voted against annexing to Renton on 2/6/2007. Regarding the covenants to annex, she noted that when questioned, Economic Development Administrator Pietsch indicated that while much of the annexation area has covenants that require support of the annexation, the annexation will still be dependent on those property owners to sign the 60%petition. Ms. Connelly further noted that for the POPA election, residents did not have to vote on the issue of assuming a proportional share of the City's outstanding voted indebtedness. She pointed out that staff is now recommending that property owners assume their fair share of Renton's indebtedness. Responding to Mayor Keolker's inquiry, Ms. Donnelly indicated that she does not reside in the subject annexation boundary. Sally Nipert, 14004 156th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, noted that the City of Renton has grown a lot, traffic is horrible, and the roads do not support development. She further noted that residents have already said they do not want to annex. Lynn Wilmot, 13900 160th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, expressed her surprise that this area is once again up for annexation to Renton so soon after the POPA issue was voted down. Ms. Wilmot questioned why the annexation area is such an odd shape, and why Liberty High School was not included in the area. July�, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 239 Mr. Pietsch indicated that the annexation boundary was brought forward by property owners representing 10 percent of the assessed value of the area, and the City did not design the boundary. He noted that historically, Renton has grown incrementally by annexation as property owners have been interested in joining the City. Regarding Liberty High School, Mr. Pietsch explained that a Superior Court decision found that school district property could not be included in the petition method of annexation and therefore schools are required to annex to cities on their own. He noted that development in the area will allow the extension of the City sewer line to Liberty High School, and regardless of whether the school annexes, the sewer line extension could occur within the next couple of years. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Councilman Corman objected to having property owners pay the proportional share of the City's existing outstanding bonded indebtedness, pointing out that Benson Hill Communities Annexation-area residents are not being asked to assume the City's bonded indebtedness. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 10%NOTICE OF INTENT PETITION FOR THE LIBERTY ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE THE CIRCULATION OF A 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX SPECIFYING THAT SIGNERS SUPPORT FUTURE ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA.* Mr. Pietsch brought to the Council's attention the conespondence received from Highland Estates residents in support of adding the subdivision to the Liberty Annexation boundary. He pointed out that the 8.7-acre subdivision is located immediately�vest of the annexation area and contains 58 houses. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THE HIGHLAND ESTATES SUBDNISION TO THE ANNEXATION AREA. CARRIED. *MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. APPEALS Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Planning&Development regarding the appeal of the Seahawks' Headquarters and Training Facility site Committee plan (SA-06-073). The appeal deals with a minor modification of the permitted Appeal: Seahawks height of the Seahawks' training facility. The height is less than that perniitted Headquarters &Training in the zone. The height reviewed and approved by the environmental review Facility, Football Northwest, committee (ERC) was 120 feet, less than the height after the minor modification SA-06-073 of 115 feet. Minor modifications are controlled by City Code Section 4-9-200I. The Hearing Examiner found that all of the elements of that City Code section have been met. The Hearing Examiner originally approved the site plan with an elevation of 111 feet for the training facility. On appeal, the Hearing Examiner conditioned the minor modification on the planting of between 12 and 24 trees of a reasonable specimen size at maturity. The Committee recommended that the City Council affirm the decision of the Hearing Examiner with respect to the granting of the minor modification, but insofar as the additional conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner, the Committee recommended that the City July 9,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 2"40 Council find that the Hearing Examiner made errors of fact and law by conditioning the minor modification on the planting of trees. To that end, the Committee recommended that the Hearing Examiner's decision be affirmed as to the minor modification but modified by adding three findings of fact as follows: 11. Increasing the building's height to a full 115 feet would only create a 3 percent increase. At 113 feet, the likely end result,the overall site massing would only increase by 1.5 percent. The change in elevation would be unnoticeable from the appellant's home,which is three-quarters of a mile away on Mercer Island. 12. Requiring the applicants to plant evergreen trees along the lakeshore fa�ade of the building would be nearly impossible in that there are emergency fire access lanes along that area. Furthermore, there are structural and utility- based issues which would need to be completely overhauled and re- assessed in order to comply with this condition. 13. The Seahawks moved the facility back from the shoreline to preserve the view from the Misty Cove condominiums. The planting of trees shoreward of the facility would do much greater harm to the adjacent view of the Misty Cove residents than it would benefit Mercer Island residents. The Committee further recommended that conclusions 5, 6, and 7 be stricken and replaced with the following conclusions, and the decision be modified to grant the minor modification without condition. 5. However, since the change in elevation would be indistinguishable from appellants'property, and otherwise meets all the requisite criteria of City Code Section 4-9-200I, there is no basis to condition the minor modification. 6. Because the ERC did not condition the project when it was greater in elevation than the current elevation with the minor modification and the Hearing Examiner did not condition the original site plan approval, there appears to be no authority to impose conditions on this minor modification. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appeal: The Landing, Harvest Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Partners, SA-06-071 regarding the appeal by Harvest Partners regarding The Landing site plan(SA- 06-071). The Committee met on 7/5/2007 to consider the appeal brought by the applicant, Harvest Partners of the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated 5/22/2007. This matter stems from an appeal by Brad Nicholson and Alliance for South End(appellants) of the site plan approval for The Landing. The Hearing Examiner heard the appeal and rendered a decision on 5/22/2007. The Hearing Examiner's decision affirmed the Development Services Director's approval of the site plan for The Landing project in most respects but reversed the Director's approval of certain specific elements in the The Landing site plan. The City of Renton filed a request for clarification. On 6/5/2007, appellants and Harvest Partners filed separate requests to reconsider with the Hearing Examiner. On 6/6/2007, consistent with a settlement between appellants and Harvest Partners, appellants, through their attorney, withdrew appellant's request for reconsideration and they notified the Hearing Examiner that they did not oppose July 9,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 241 the request for reconsideration submitted by Harvest Partners. Thereafter, the Hearing Examiner, on 6/12/2007, issued his reconsideration and his clarification. In his reconsideration, the Hearing Examiner upheld his earlier decision,which had denied several modifications previously granted by Development Services Director Neil Watts. In addition to the oral presentations at the Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed the file, including the Hearing Examiner's decisions, the letter submitted by the Hearing Examiner dated 7/3/2007, the motions and briefs therein, as well as the written submissions by the parties to the Committee. The Committee also reviewed appellants' withdrawal of their request for reconsideration and their statement of support for applicant Harvest Partners' request for reconsideration, filed pursuant to the settlement agreement reached by the parties. Finally, the Committee considered the submission by Peter Buck, attorney for appellants, dated 6/27/2007, which made it clear that the settlement by the parties was intended to be a resolution of all appeals, including the site plan appeal. The documentation submitted to the Hearing Examiner was not as clear as Mr. Buck's correspondence of 6/27/2007. In light of the evidence, the Committee finds that the decision of 5/22/2007 was not a final order. Further, the Committee finds that the Hearing Examiner did not understand and could not have understood the breadth of the settlement entered into by the parties. The Committee finds the Hearing Examiner no longer had a case or controversy before him. At that point the appeal was moot. The Committee finds itself in the same situation. The Committee recommended that the City Council vacate the decisions of the Hearing Examiner, dated 5/22/2007 and 6/12/2007, and dismiss the appeals related to the site plan approval. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2007 and beyond. Items noted included: � Residents are invited to help shape the future of the Renton Public Library by completing a questionnaire about library services by July 21. The survey is part of the City's Library Master Plan process. � BNSF Railway Company opened construction bids for four railroad bridge replacement projects in Renton: the Cedar River Bridge, the Rainier Ave. Bridge, the Shattuck Ave. Bridge, and the Hardie Ave. Bridge. The first project—Rainier Ave. Bridge—will begin August 11. As a result, Rainier Ave. will be closed August 11 through August 15 between S. 3rd St. and S. 7th St. AUDIENCE COMMENT Linda Sarthurak, 17504 155th Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, noted the City's Citizen Comment: Sarthurak - preliminary costs associated with the Benson Hill Communities Annexation and Benson Hill Communities the funding made available from King County and the State via Senate Bill Annexation, S 200th St& 6686 (authorizing a local sales and use tax that is credited against the State sales 128th Ave SE and use tax). She questioned whether the funding via Senate Bill 6686 can be used for initial purchases of equipment. Chief Administrative Officer Covington confirmed that the funding can be used for capital purchases. July 9,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 242 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 7/2/2007. Council concur. 7/2/2007 Community Services: 200 Mill Community Services Department requested approval of a work authorization Bldg Seismic Evaluation, with Gensler& Coffman Engineers in the amount of$42,550 for a Tier 2 Gensler& Coffman Engineers seismic evaluation of the 200 Mill Building, and approval of the associated geotechnical evaluation in the estimated amount of$23,000. Council concur. Development Services: Gong Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Short Plat, ROW Dedication, dedication for additional right-of-way at the corner of Jones Ave. NE and NE Jones Ave NE, SHP-06-141 24th St. to fulfill a requirement of the Gong Short Plat. Council concur. Public Works: SE Maple Planning/Building/Public Works Department requested approval of a Road Valley Hwy Property Purchase Right-of-Way and Slope Easement and Purchase and Sale Agreement with for SR-169 HOV AnMarCo at 1915 SE Maple Valley Hwy. related to the Maple Valley Hwy. Improvements Project (SR-169) HOV, 140th Way SE to SR-900 project. Purchase price is $514,800 and WSDOT will reimburse the City the estimated amount of$232,000. Council concur. Airport: Bahr Aero Operating Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an operating permit Perrriit & Sublease and agreement with Bahr Aero for an aircraft business at the airport, and approval of the sublease agreement between Aerodyne, LLC and Bahr Aero. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Airport: Kenmore Air Harbor Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an operating permit Operating Permit& Sublease and agreement with Kenmore Air Harbor, Inc. for an aircraft business at the airport, and approval of the sublease agreement between Beaver Hangar Corporation (BHC), Inc. and Kenmore Air Harbor, Inc. Refer to Transportation (Aviation�Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Conunittee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Ron Dohrn Utilities Committee fee waiver request associated with the vacation of a portion of Aberdeen Ave. Vacation: Aberdeen Ave NE, NE. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to Dohrn, VAGOS-003 deny Mr. Dohrn's request to waive the appraisal and compensation. The Committee further recommended that the petitioner submit an appraisal and pay the City fair compensation for this right-of-way. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding the purchase of Finance: Maintenance Task EMMS (Enterprise Maintenance Management System) software and contract Management Software, InFor approval. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff Global Solutions, Interim recommendation to approve a contract with InFor Global Solutions, Inc. in the Project Manager amount of$494,102 as negotiated from the RFP (request for proposals) response, and the hiring of a limited term project manager. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fire: Fire District Liaison Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Position concurrence to approve the proposed creation of a new City of Renton employee position of Fire District Liaison to provide administrative support for King County Fire District#25 and the Renton Fire Department. MOVED BY July�,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 243 PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 261331 - 261796 and two wire transfers totaling $3,918.69630; and approval of 315 Payroll Vouchers, zero wire transfers, and 709 direct deposits totaling $2,325,070.89. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 03-167, Enterprise Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding extension of the Maintenance Management contract with Weston Solutions, Inc. for EMMS (Enterprise Maintenance System, Weston Solutions Management System). The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an extension of Weston Solution's contract in the amount of$150,000 to assist in the implementation of the EMMS project. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Persson asked the Administration to investigate a citizen Finance: Business License, complaint regarding a business license issued to Red Storm Towing located on Red Storm Towing NE l Oth St. He indicated that the business may be inappropriate for the neighborhood because the idling trucks' diesel fumes enter neighboring houses. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:58 p.m. k�2YY�r�c� `s�. �.(�Gz�'.t0� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann July 9, 2007 RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING . � July 9, 2007 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/16 Benson Hill Communities Annexation (Nelson) 6 p.m. Prezoning COMMIJNITY SERVICES MON., 7/16 Tyler Morse Appointment to Library (Corman) 5:30 p.m. Board FINANCE (Persson) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (Briere) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 7/16 2006 International Fire Code Adoption; (Law) 4:30 p.m. Marine Patrol Contract with Mercer Island TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (Palmer) UTILITIES (Clawson) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. � � CERTIFICATE � � . I, the undersigned City Clerk of the Exhibit B Cety of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of �,.....,:� M:M„/.S►�a8/oS . Subscribed and seaied this�day of Feb, ,20� ,�u92�� /•In _ City C1�r� RENTON CITY COLJNCIL Regular Meeting January 28, 2008 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Denis Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF MARCIE PALMER, Council President;RANDY CORMAN; GREG COUNCILMEMBERS TAYLOR;KING PARKER; DON PERSSON. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER TERRI BRIER�. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN,City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,Ciry Clerk; GREGG ZINIMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Administrator; SUZANNE DALE ESTEY, Economic Development Director; DON ERICKSON, Senior Planner; LESLIE BETLACH, Parks Director; MARTY WINE,Assistant CAO; FIRE CHIEF/EMERGENCY SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR I. DAVID DANIELS and DEPUTY CHIEF ROBERT VAN HORNF,, Fire Department; DEPUTY CHIEF TIA1 TROXEL and COMMANDER KATIE MCCLINCY, Police Department. PROCLAI�ZATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring February, 2008, to be Renton Heart Month- "Renton Heart Month" in the City of Renton and encoivaging a(1 citizens to February 2008 participate in this jmportant community risk reduction campaign. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAI��IATION. CARRIED. Fire ChiefBmergency Services Administrator Daniels accepted the proclamation. Soroptimist International of A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring January 29, 2008, to be Renton Day - 1/29/2008 "Soroptimist International of Renton Day" in the City of Renton and encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance as the organization is celebrating 60 years of service to the Renton community. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Soroptimist International of Renton board members Maridy Roper and Barbara Downs, and life member Toni Nelson accepted the proclamation with appreciation. SPECIAL PRESENTATION King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn,District 9, gave an update on his King County: Update, efforts on the King County CounciL He stated that he will continue to fight for Councilmember Reagan Dunn I-405 and SR-167 improvements on a regional level,and he reviewed his work on the Transparency in Taxation measure, Initiative 25, King County elections facility siting in Renton, Pratt River Valley Wilderness area preservation, DDES (King County permitting agency)reform,EMS levy, flood control, and Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park community retention. Councilmember Dunn said he will continue to work on regional transportation improvements,improving capacity on Maple Valley Hwy.,meth (methamphetamine) and landlord/tenant reform,DDES reforn�, King County government reform and fiscal responsibility,removal of dry docks located in Lake Washington near Renton, Renton Transit Center safety, and annexations. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Dunn for his work on retaining the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park and his interest in the Renton community. January 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 24 NOMINATIONS FOR Mayor Law explained that eleven individuals applied for Council Position No. VACANT CITY COUNCIL 2, vacated by Dan Clawson. Candidate interviews were conducted during a POSITION#2 special Committee of the Whole meeting on January 22. The Mayor reviewed the selection process, noting that after the candidates are nominated, Councilmembers will ballot until a candidate receives a majority of four votes. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL OPEN NOMINATIONS FOR THE VACANT COUNCIL POSITION NO. 2. CARRIED. The following candidates were nominated: PALMER- Rich Zwicker. CORMAN - pass. TAYLOR-Rich Zwicker. PARKER- Kimberly Unti. PERSSON - Larry Sleeth. There being no further nominations, it was MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS. CARRIED. Each councilmember explained �vhy he or she nominated or supported a particular candidate. BALLOTS: 1. PALMER- Rich Zwicker. CORMAN - Rich Zwicker. TAYLOR- Rich Zwicker. PARKER-Kimberly Unti. PERSSON - Larry Sleeth. Votes: 3 Zwicker, 1 Kimberly Unti, 1 Larry Sleeth. 2. PALMER- Rich Zwicker. CORMAN - Kimberly Unti. TAYLOR- Rich Zwicker. PARKER - Kimberly Unti. PERSSON - Larry Sleeth. Votes: 2 Rich Zwicker, 2 Kimberly Unti, 1 Larry Sleeth. 3. PALMER- Rich Zwicker. CORMAN - Rich Zwicker. TAYLOR- Rich Zwicker. PARKER-Rich Zwicker. PERSSON- Rich Z�vicker. Votes: 5 Rich Zwicker. Having received a majority of the votes, Rich Zwicker was appointed to the vacant City Council position. Mayor Law announced that Mr. Zwicker will be sworn in at the next regular Council meeting on February 4. The Mayor and Councilmembers thanked all of the candidates for applying, and encouraged them to continue to serve the Renton community. PUBLIC HEARING Prior to opening the public hearing, Mayor Law wished Senior Planner pon Annexation: Liberty, 156th Erickson good luck in his retirement starting January 31, and thanked him for Ave SE & SE 144th St his 21 years of service to the City. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the 60% Petition to Annex for the proposed Liberty Annexation; 192.9 acres, including the abutting street right-of-way, located east of 152nd Ave. SE, west of Liberty High School, north of SE 144th St., and south of SE 133rd St. Mr. Erickson stated that 269 single-family detached dwellings are in or planned for this relatively flat site. He noted that the City is aware of the site's surface water drainage issues and will use its highest drainage standards for any future development. Mr. Erickson indicated that public services are currently provided by Fire District#25, Water District#90, Renton sewer, and the Issaquah and Renton school districts. January 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 25 Mr. Erickson reported that cunent King County zoning is R-4 (four dwelling units per gross acre). Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Residential Low Density, which was prezoned R-4 (four dwelling units per net acre) in 2007. Turning to the fiscal impact analysis, he estimated a surplus of $35,569 at current development and a surplus of$22,037 at full development. The one-time parks development cost is estimated at $287,279. In conclusion, Mr. Erickson stated that the annexation proposal is consistent with relevant City annexation policies and Boundary Review Board objectives. Public comment was invited. Arthur Campbell (King County) spoke in favor of the annexation. He requested adjustment of the boundary so that SE 144th St. extends the entire length of the southern side, and incorporation of his neighborhood, located south of Maplewood Heights Park, into the annexation. Mr. Campbell pointed out that clearer boundary lines will benefit the City. Responding to Mayor Law's inquiry, Mr. Erickson indicated that at this stage of the process, the boundary cannot be adjusted. Mr. Law asked that staff discuss annexation options with Mr. Campbell. John Ching(King County) stated that due to retention ponds located along 160th Ave. SE, he has noticed a substantial increase in surface water runoff that originates from the ponds and flows directly into his backyard. Indicating that that King County is working on minimizing the flo�v of surface water to his property, Mr. Ching asked that the City continue to work on this problem should the area be annexed. Don Gragg(King County) expressed concern regarding the inerease in surface water runoff due to new development, saying that the matter should be resolved prior to annexation taking place. Fred Jaques (King County) requested that the northern boundary be extended to SE 128th St. He submitted the signatures of six parties who want to be included in the annexation. Robert Wilmot (King County) voiced concern regarding the irregularity of the annexation area's boundaries, and asked that the annexation be reconsidered at a later time. Charles Jackson (King County), stating that he represents the board of directors for the homeowners association for the new Evendell subdivision, indicated that the residents lack infornlation about the annexation as the developer of the subdivision signed the annexation petition. He expressed concern regarding the effect of the irregular boundaries on the provision of police services. Mr. Erickson explained that the covenants to annex run with the land, and the property buyer accepts the covenants by purchasing the property. He reviewed the advantages of being a Renton resident. There being no further public comment, it�vas MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 60% DIRECT PETITION FOR THE LIBERTY ANNEXATION, AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO SUBMIT THE NOTICE OF INTENT PACKAGE TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. January 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 26 ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report. Items noted included: � Map Your Neighborhood Facilitator Training on January 30 at Renton Technical College will train residents to organize meetings with their neighbors to define resources and needs they may have during a disaster. � The Renton Community Organizations Active in Disaster meeting will be held on January 31 at Renton Technical College. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1/14/2008. Council concur. 1/14/2008 Committee of the Whole Approval of Committee of the Whole special meeting minutes of 1/22/2008. Special Meeting Minutes of Council concur. 1/22/2008 Appointment: Planning Mayor Law reappointed Yong Lee to the Planning Commission for a three-year Commission term expiring 1/31/2011. Council concur. City Clerk: Quarterly Contract City Clerk submitted quarterly contract list for period of 10/1/2007 to List, 10/1/2007 to 12/31/2007 12/31/2007, and expiration report for contracts expiring between 1/1/2008 and 6/3 0/2008. Information. Court Case: Patrick J Gress, Court Case filed by Patrick J. Gress regarding seizure of personal property by CRT-08-001 the Renton Police Department on 3/23/2006. Refer to City Attornev and Insurance Services. CAG: 06-008, Activity Community Services Department submitted CAG-06-008, Activity Buildings Buildings ADA Upgrades, ADA Upgrades; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Regency NW Construction pay estimate in the amount of$137,258.71, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$15,737.58 to Regency NW Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 07-102, Downtown Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Wayfinding System, Sea recommended approval of Addendum No. 2 to CAG-07-102, contract with Sea Reach Ltd Reach Ltd. for developing a Downtown Wayfinding System, to extend the term through 3/1/2008. Council concur. Budget: 2008 Amendments Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of the 2008 Budget amendment ordinance, which amends 2008 Budget expenditures by $12,169,435. Council concur. (See page 28 for ordinance.) Vacation: Whitworth Ave S, Technical Services Division reported receipt of appraisal performed for the TEAM Properties, VAC-07- vacation of a portion of Whitworth Ave. S., south of S. 4th St., and requested 002 Council accept the appraisal and set compensation at$9,500 for the right-of- way (VAC-07-002; petitioner TEAM Properties, LLC). Council concur. Transportation: F1exPass Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Program, King County& King County, Sound Transit, and Pierce Transit to continue the F1exPass Sound Transit& Pierce Transit Commute Trip Reduction Program for City employees in the amount of$34,980 for 2008-2009. Council concur. Utility: 2008 Long Range Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Waste��ater Management Plan, of$33,829 with Carollo Engineers for services related to the development of the Carollo Engineers 2008 Long Range Wastewater Management Plan. Council concur. January 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 27 Utility: 2008 Wastewater Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an adjustment to the 2008 Capital Improvement Program Wastewater Capital Improvement Program to fund the Denny's Lift Station Funding Adjustments Rehabilitation Project in the amount of$400,000 and the White Fence Ranch Sanitary Sewer Extension Project in the amount of$1,100,000. Approval was also sought to reduce the Stonegate II Lift Station Project funding by $1,500,000 to accommodate the needed funding for the two new projects. Council concur. Utility: WashWise Rebate Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Program, Portland Energy of$30,910 with Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. for implementation of the Conservation 2008 WashWise rebate program in Renton. Council concur. Streets: Houser Way S et al Transportation Systems Division requested approval of closure of Houser Way Closures, BNSF RR Crossing S. between Main and Burnett Avenues S., along with Wells Ave. S., Williams Improvements Ave. S., Burnett Ave. S. and S. 4th St. intersections at the BNSF railroad crossing for replacement of railroad tracks. Closure dates vary from January 28 to February 15. Council concur. (See page 28 for resolution.) MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Palmer presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Committee of the Whole the agreement for fire and emergency services and joint operation of facilities Fire: King County Fire District with King County Fire District#40. The Committee recommended that the #40 Interlocal, Additional resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement be Employees, 2008 Budget presented for reading and adoption, and that the ordinance amending the 2008 Amend Budget be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page for 28 resolution and ordinance.) . Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee regarding changes to City Code 10-12-26 for truck route expansion. The Transportation: Truck Route Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve Designation, Houser Way the ordinance designating Houser Way Bypass (Houser Way N. from Sunset Bypass & N 8th St& Logan Blvd. N. to N. 8th St.); N. 8th St. (Houser Way N. to Logan Ave. N.); and Ave N Logan Ave. N. (N. 6th St. to Park Ave.N.), as official truck routes. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this nlattei- be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 28 for ardinance.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 268246 - 268638 and three wire transfers totaling $4,305,726.93; and approval of 163 Payroll Vouchers, one wire transfer, and 680 direct deposits totaling $2,329,047.06. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 07-189, Burnett Linear Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding the Burnett Park Phase II, Evergreen Linear Park Phase II project bid award. The Committee recommended Landscape & Construction concurrence in the staff recortunendation to award the bid, including two additive alternates, to Evergreen Landscape & Construction, Inc. in the amount of$228,363.30 to remove and replace cracked and heaved sidewalks, and to install new irrigation and landscape. The Committee also recommended the following: January 28, 2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page�28 • Authorization for$75,000 from the Transportation Division (317.012194.016.5950.0000.67.000006). • Authorization for$50,708 and$12,000 from cost savings from completed 2007 projects 316.000000.020.5940.0076.63.020065 and 316.000000.020.5940.0076.63.000001 respectively. Funds to be carried fonvard in future budget amendment. • Utilization of$75,000 from the Custer Fund. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement.* Councilmember Persson explained that the Renton Community Foundation Custer Fund is money that was left to the City for parks projects by Charles L. Custer. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3927 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary street closures of Houser Way Streets: Houser Way S et al S. (between Main Ave. S. and Williams Ave. S.; and between Wells Ave. S. and Closures, BNSF RR Crossing Burnett Ave. S.), Wells Ave. S. (at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Improvements Company tracks), Williams Ave. S. (at the BNSF Railway Company tracks), and Burnett Ave. S. and S. 4th St. (at the BNSF Railway Company tracks). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRiED. Added A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Resolution #3928 agreement for fire and emergency medical services and joint operation of Fire: King County Fire District facilities with Fire District#40 by the City of Renton Fire and Emergency #40 Interlocal,Additional Services Department and authorizing the hiring of 31 full time equivalent Employees, 2008 Budget employees. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALI��ER, C�UNCIL Amend ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/4/2008 for second and final reading: Budget: 2008 Amendments An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton annual 2008 Budget as adopted by Ordinance 5325, in the total amount of$12,169,435. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/4/2008. CARRIED. Transportation: Truck Route An ordinance was read amending Section 10-12-26,Truck Routes, of Chapter Designation, Houser Way 12 of Title X(Traffic) of City Code by adding new streets as designated. Bypass &N 8th St& Logan MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COLTNCIL REFER THE Ave N ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/4/2008. CARRIED. Added An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget and authorizing 31 Fire: King County Fire District additional staff positions as a result of the contract with Fire District#40 to #40 Interlocal, Additional provide fire and emergency services to the district. MOVED BY PERSSON, Employees, 2008 Budget SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COtTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR Amend SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/4/2008. CARRIED. January 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 29 NEW BUSINESS Council President Palmer reported receipt of correspondence from Michele M. Citizen Comment: Williams - Williams(Renton) regarding the safety of children when they walk to and from Pedestrian Safety, Edmonds McKnight Middle School,particularly the intersection of Edmonds Ave. NE Ave NE/16th Ave NE and 16th Ave. NE. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Councilmember Persson noted that this is one of the areas planned for the traffic enforcement cameras for red light and speeding enforcement. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:29 p.m. ��'rr�,r,.t� ,�1• �.c�GzC'� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann January 28, 2008 RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR . Office of the City Clerk � � COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING . January 28, 2008 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/04 Emerging Issues in Public Safety (Palmer) 6 p.m. *Council Conference Room* Approximately Fire District#40 Contract; 6:20 p.m. Highlands Task Force Update *Council Chambers* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 2/04 CANCELLED (Briere) FINANCE (Persson) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (Parker) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 2/04 CANCELLED (Taylor) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Corman) UTILITIES NOTE: Comnuttee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. � , Exhibit C � King County Department of Assessments AccounHng Division Scott Noble 300 Fourth Avenue,ADM-t1S-0725 A,SSG�SSOY Seattle,WA 98iO4-2384 (206)Z96-5145 F'AX(2d6)296-01D6 Email:sasessocinfo@kingcounty.gov http://www.kin¢countv.eov/assessor/ ANNEXATION PETITION CERTIFICATION THIS I5 TO CERTIFY that the petition submitted October 26, 2007 to khe King County Department of Assessments by Don Erickson, Senior Planner for the City of Renton, supporting the annexation to Renton of the properties described as the LibertyAnnexation, have been examined, the pxoperty taxpayers, tax parcel numbers, and assessed value of proper�es lis#ed �hereon carefully cornpax�ed with the King County tax roll records, and as a result of such examination, found to be sufficient under the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Section 35A.01.040. The Depart�ment of Assessment5 has not verified that the signature on khe petition is valid through comparison with any record of acival signatures, nor that the signature was obtained or submitted in an appropriate time frame, and this document does not certify such to be the case. Dated this 26� day of November, 2007 � ��� S+cott Noble, King�oun�y Assessor ' Exhibit D LIBERTY ANNEXATION . LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14; Thence east along the south line of said Northeast quarter to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington. thence north along said west line to the intersection with the north line of the south 130 feet of Lot 5 of said Block 2; thence east along said north line to the intersection with the east line of said Block 2; thence north along said east line to the intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Southeast 132°d Place as dedicated for the subdivision of Weglin's First Addition as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington; thence east along said north line and its easterly projection to the intersection with the west line of Block 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91, records of King County, Washington; thence south along said west line to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said curve to the north margin of Southeast 136�' Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Hurst; thence along said north margin of Southeast 136�' Street to the Southwest corner of Block 1 of said Subdivision of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence east a.long the south line of said Block 1 and its easterly projection to the intersection of the east line of said Section 14; thence south along said east line to its intersection with the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 23 also being the south margin of Southeast 144`�' Street; thence along said south margin to an angle point in said margin as dedicated for the subdivision of Briarwood South No. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said margin to the intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of Block 3 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence north along said east line to the north line of Lot 7 of said Block 3; 2 O1 p' _., c W H � SE-1�30th_St_W � �in� ,�� '+ -- �� �.. $ w _ � ' ' wyf � � - SE�131sf'Sh�b W '� t l ~I w ° y > . i ti e, r � —�-;t NE•2nd St �, SE'132nd`St m i — � � �°� -d,�C _$ e ^ � '} � ' — � b ^` �~ C r � � � �M } — �'� � +` �--3 ��1�33rd P/ {�+.,,^y-. , t�1�F�l� __..._��� _ � \� .�- `� I { E SE •�4 t - r — �~�����-�,� f � SE•134th St S -2 d�� i j�j r�, y -- 'i� � = SE{135th�St ��y �. S '136 -S --- ! u S� '� .... _..,�.....__:_�:�� - ---.. f. . ______.�__..,. f ...._._ __- i ; � �a't __.v... SE"136th-St -- _� -...�,..___ .—.�.,� � a _ _ , s ,! — �� ��^ ��a--� � ;; .�___�� � �_________ ;; � �._ ; w _' I �.____ I '' -- y' i i. a � --" L�--"u_-_,, -- d, ; E a . �'s , ��, y ; � SE137thP! },' ;t ^��> Q _ - ' --___-' , ,.-�..__...._,-. i m ; � . �- -�- ;� ,'o�____.___..__= _ � , � � , � 1 �C_"'._____. �i'ii11'aNii�Q, ___ _ _ - ' #i. ��C � ' � , . > ' .,...... S 38th-Pl f---" _____., , .. �' li f d^? � -�.,...,-:,' j � j E"138t/r ^ ; .__.,,_._.., ,�._,. , � -St ____..---__�_ sFtii�rx��xy� � ��.____ � 1 y . j � i > � � "'SE139th�P/�_�; ' j s ? --� `` � � �"- . , - - � } ji ,� n ,, �N ! i �..._._ N �f � .a I I ' � a �'�� �� E _ _ � �� � . i ; v�i r m ` _. : I � m� -�'1� _� s�la2ndsr ,y� _ — __ '�`f f yJ `'W ` ti.. ,(,r/� SE-143rd St ' �`� • f�� f y -- E-143id'P�� ' (\�� ` 4" y V `�. 'j y � � � `r -v� _ : �•, SE-144th-St _ ----� f } — , 1� i '� E'1%14th�Pl -�F^ � ,`�� S� T ,r� A� ��`\ SE`145th St f , S�c'7 `�,/'1 J+__ W �._� y r'�`.`.�l a ti.. '��A� ti+ � .a'a '^�. � `„� `w. ^ �. 1 "` 1 _�_�—_,y �. � '.- W � W h � y s ' 4 y f`�-. �, m $ 4 i" ^ � - _� t t i — -�- ^ LibertyAnnexation Area Us.�,c Economic Development, • Neighborhoodsand Exhibit F1 : Proposed Annexation Boundary ��z Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A Johnson,Planning Technician �������- N !Liberty Annexation Boundary �.n i.� � i����� �s_ra City Boundary February 15,2006 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 1:10,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2008 the City of Renton ali nghts reservzd. No warrantfes of any sort,induding but File Name:H:\EDNSPIGIS_projectsViberty_annex\ not limited m accuracy,fitness or merchantability. F1_proposed_annex_boundary.mxd ' accompany this product � i � ;� o f+ . �,�. i «,9� ;� • w * • ... 3jAi• `` � T �'t• . ��� ��• �q �*��+y�f �� ' '�°, �,' �'L �R � � , t �7'y��4� a� �+ �:� ��� � R, �i� •r�...� ';, 4 5 f�� �...r ��...y � i, �t � rti "•' v.r..i 1 � �� t�,ti• �.�...1 j + D i terway �„ "� � t ��y� t'w..��.� A.ay�:'" p"'�� e.p ^'�• '_"■ '��a�.��� "'� •`� �..� L. ..`Y� 9�� �' ' �i�e i � i';�._ � c�� r„�. :.... i���r�d Gre mef� � i * �'"°'�'"'•+�+.....,� 1 � r �..�.. � . .,.,�-,,. i �P _..1 ' i 5�?�.w � � ,,. ' i � ; w..�.. „`;:!. �,,,...f'� a,t'F �..�......�,,._.._.. • � j I.ak '�- s n�e � i.a� .�;d 4 � � �,,��,,,.p.,,. •�� >b;��}4�'�. :,,i:k,�'�;;�u,. ��•� .,a��r%�y ,iYh�� ���4� ' '.:��•' ��.: ;€e.�: . Pan ake ��;.,a.. ;y���;:.1•:�:.: Liberty Annexation Area �,� � Economic Development, ��. � Neighborhoodsand Exhibit F2: Existing Corporate Limits z Strategic Planning Alex P ietsch,Ad mini strator A Johnson,Planning Technician �iu��� N ������� Liberty Annexation Boundary February 15,2008 -� '�� .._. `.,_ i City Limits 0 2,250 4,500 9,000 Feet 1:72,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2008.the Cdy of Rentr>n File Name:H:\EDNSP�GIS_projectsViberty_annex\ all rights resen,ed. No warran6es of any sort,induding but F2_existing_corporate_limits mxd not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,acmmpany this product. i,� , �,. �n:s � .r :�r�. i ��'" h� 1 . � ��x>4 �<.:�;� ::;. ' ,�"'ti�� ' � , ,;.0.. 1 "'� > �^�s, I �;s , �.,. "��` «:. :ya �� c:�. �':�� .4q f �'"�YA�`k'q�� F+y"`x�a "t'� �� � � .���`.w,;o � �_ —' I �, , �`�ti e� �I t ,;ky� t�, � �s LJ ,�.� �w �� ��� .�' �'_ s � � � i � , �-- � i . �_ �' i '_ _J � `��1 L-� L__ ••� � ..r•1 � _ � �- . � - i ` —�__�i _r���s ♦ � _ ` SR �.. t � i �`�L �_.�J � '�a i � _�_ i � �; �1 I i I � � __J � i i _i � �� i --�� �:<: �,�:. :'i�_�'i=�:%''r,.+; : ,.: ....., (~-i ,.� ,e�ki;:x-�;. �� �^�l� ' 4"S.:�'i's'�.,.:�z �&a;�• �i `r�;�. �;" �fy,.. Pant ake A'�'''�` i, `:�";�',,,t',F,�;��^x Liberty Annexation Area �,� o Economic Development, ,�; Neighborhoods and Exhibit F3: Major Streets and Major Physical Features �� z Strategic PLanning Alex P ietsch,Ad mini strator A Johnson,Planning Technician ,�,.,�,,, �_..._r Liberty Annexation Boundary N ���1 February 15,2008 L���; City Boundary � 0 2,250 4,500 9,000 F� Produced by City of Renton(c}200$, 1:72,000 the City of Renton alI nghLs reserved No warrarities of any sort,including but File Name:H:IEDNSP�GIS_projectsViberty_annex\ not limited to accuracy,fitness or mer�hantability, F3_ma�or_s7eets_major�hysical features.mxd accompany this product � ,� ``w--�,��,,ti „ `'i ---,.� �.J ,.'� � � >' ����:'� L �''�' ;:"�::`�:�:�`. � � ��_ ��x. "�°`��` � ..:fi„?';:...:�5;'A �� ! �`` ��;.��'�: 1 rjy • k �3��..��5..� 4 , -"'' {;�' iy, '�` t�� ,.�k,', Y. �as:9 ,R. - p"; 'A•.'g��,;. 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Pant` ake �`a;�? + ' �+i�ii '6`. �.,,�:,.uw,<=s�.:;j5;., C+ ee.^ :�.�2��.,�. :'.�,1'.�.' >f�.+ .� EconomicDevelopment, Liberty Annexation Area ��. °� Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4a: Fire Service Area Boundary ��z Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A Johnson,Planning Technician ' ��� ' LibertyAnnexation Boundary N �.. ..� � � Ciry Limits February 15,2008 � �'���� Fire Station Service Area 0 2,250 4,500 9,000 Feet 1:72,000 Produced by City of Rerrton(c}2008.the City of Renton File Name:H:1EDN SPIGIS_projectsV iberty_annext all rights resereed.No warranties of any sat,including F4_fire_service_area_boundary mxd but not Iimited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product .,;e,.; � -'_.--"—..� , / / �' � . •.,` r.._—...� �n :�1^ '•v L D • � ��.��������+. COALCREEK ,� Q .. .,�, y'� � D ��,�,t' � . 1+ 2 �� ,".`s^": ��t� � �... � ;:a�;�,;",�^.;�.;�°'�r �� ;PIAY CREEK � 'y i ,..._._ — �: �•�,� �e$y q� �r ._...�..__. i . ,� a=;.a x ,ix�p�, ,. . ,. t.._— ..---._.. �X.; � r.. � s<;�•<<,��.,,gy.� ���� 1 .• � _ � � a �;�;��v�n:,,, �...f" � I ... �,�,.5,:,`.�:�Cx•• • m �" a.'�a�;.�. °,� .�..��^Y"��'!"'b��'�a�� .� . i 4%�.`• .�'.�'�"� d G�' "?" �',. I A yKk•.'\ia>�_� '��'�. 9. ,d' r ��y` : "�.:r; `.`'h.1.,, ";N:�;;.c:r;^, v. .. —;� y _.� �x�,;',c;�v'.;,,Y' ..z.: � � . :P��F�'�G �� �. NORFOLK S� "F�,:;�� '�.'* �����A {";a:;; � �� S �,�;r5`��„�i,s ��� f � � "H a„s;ry, :.Y:,g,,.a.:�.��:'���`' "ti ti... �\:�;'<;' �.�, ." i l '"y �, ,�=�d;:y'r%;;�'"'`'' RENTON ESI-2 � � E x�,4?,.�p.,, /� 7 [ �'� �') � BRYN MA � .,�` �� / �� . . E � � �� � r— 1 � '� � � � �.......��i � '••� � G9� r)tR... �EI � � I^"ti.�f j �...�.,.�...�. f' ;� � � � �- � �/`�`.,�+,,.'�� �`�,,,,;i �� _ �--t,r•1 �...r...ti.....v ��. .,`, �'�_.J �� �,�,,,,i ti,r'� ..,� � ��.—� RENTON CEDAR� j � �.._.., i �..�•ti� � t,.,__,__,_,�.� RENTON ESI-1 �` �`~ � .� t �� ��..�L...�..�-.� �.� •�.. � '� � ;nr#4frt`�"�'+:.µl ��w�I' � � � .r�. � ��..,... �.�� � � � . �.��.� :.��� ..�l TUKWILASOUT � � � � � SOOSN o � ��..�. � � � '1 � p � r � RENTON �„ � ti � 4 � �� � � .,` O "'� ' r r� �V ���� r � CEDARMAD r4•"' �—...---�I � ` N r , � r� p0 � L..._..._; �.:� . � � .� .c3 ~�4�1 `� .,� � �"•.� ' '�'" ���� �1. `1 �----...---._..._.I..�, `�=. i !'�'~� � `1 � ; � 1 r SOOSCENT �, I `•� ; �`'�^'�.� l � ir.,���-..,.j �� :, j ULID/C2 1 F ? `�'f�`�'��' 4� t ULID1 i.�.�• 1/C2 I j >',.;?:"ia, �. � ! , ��-...; . � � ' �-- 'z�.�.::,`��;, •._ i.r,� _i ±�:,:,� .. , ,., r ,, ` � iA.4�4 4u•'�d;tilk�� ,�.! I.J f Pant' �e ;�:��,�.:='.' ..ti _. •y�y,�;,'. s� o EconomicDevelopment, Liberty Annexation Area ��. � Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4b: Sewer Service Area Boundaries � Strategic Planning Alex P ietsch,Ad mini strator A Johnson,Planning Technician ��...� N �_...� Liberty Annexation Boundary � t---�Cit Limits Febraury 15,2008 ���� y ..��..� �_...�,Sewer Service Boundary 0 2,2so a,soo s,000 j__..ul Sewer Districts F� i:�2,o00 Produced by City of Renton(c)2008.the City of Renton File Name.H:�EDNSPlGIS_pro�ectsViberty_annex\ ali nghts reser�d.No warranties of any sort,including but F4b_sewer_service_area_k�oundary.mxd not limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,acoampany this product. �1��, -�,�:��... ;;�" 't Coal Creek � Water District }� ri ,x� � � 1 �.;„" �. � � � ,� 7 � ..,,;. �'�` �, s;�;k. .y ;'�` �_ � �" ` �;� >; —+� � e� � '` ; .,��. . {� �7 '�; i �y 1 �..` � �J �+ f _.,,j i ...! � 1 � V1Fater District yway WatCr� �—�� i 90 � S rvice Distric�.�^ �! �'_I�•.'..�,./`'-`•,�+ ;� :i_.. ��'`�.r.. -� �.�: � City of Tukwila �i i..,�•z ! Water District �� `'� � � ``�"� � 1 I 1 City of Kerrt � .. Water District 1 � � Cedar River � �._1 � 1 � Water District i --�I� ��� '�• :t'c'• '..����.� v � / � � SOOS Cf22k � j Water District �� �L—.. I .:.�,;° F�. `., -� �j �kd.';�ai��, '��� �i��,•xt ,,+��, &Y``�;.. Pan1 I.ake _ ;,�i;;t.a���s�. � ,,,,�.,,p _�;�: ,:��;t��?:�; � ��7 '.;'Y,•:��� °piC'.i�� 2,;,�^�a�in w�lx F.l. l,� Economic Development, Liberty Annexation Area ° Neighborhoods and Exhibit F4c: Water Service Area Boundaries �� z Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A Johnson,Planning Technician N �__� Ciry Boundary ,_...—: February 15,zoos �.._..,� Liberty Annexation Boundary � V1Fater Service Districts 0 2,250 4,500 9,000 Feet 1:81,000 Produced by City of Renton(c)2008.the City oF Renton File Name:H:\EDNSP;GIS_projectsViberty_annex\ all rights reseraed.No warranties of any sort,including but F4c water_service_area_boundary.mxd not limited to accurao�,5tness or merchantability,acmmpany this produd �k�.. � � � �. =:k � �.:�. . � »:. ���. n �` �. r_'.�_1 ��� �� �'� �i� �� ���� ��'� .�;:,. j��.. ��� �s ti '�, I .v � , xs��.` , ',�u^; ; ,t';,'aay".�..;�, m.��� "%'"�.?,'.,�"�%."'�tr'"� '"s''.. 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U�l U-� '�' �� �� qq n f�tf� � � } `� � ,�� a � d /j����� ' � � � u t s �,I� ! � .s� � ,� 4✓� " S� �4,�t,��t SE 747th Si @2007 NAViEQ C92007Microsof[Corp. -� Page 1 of i Donald Erickson-FW:Liberty Annexation Legal Description . _ .�.���:g:, .� From: "Curtis G. Schuster"<battlecat@msn.com> To: "'Donald Erickson"'<Derickson@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: OS/03/2007 11:32 AM Subject: FW:Liberty Annexarion Legal Description CC: "'kolin T"'<kolint@johnlscott.com>,<bobru@johnlscott.com>,<curtisschuster2@hotmail.com>,<typender@comcast.net>, "'Dave Petrie"'<DavePetrie@comcast.net> Don, Attached is the legal description for the Liberty Annexation. I want to get the process started right away. I'm quite sure that the origina� 10% is covered with the existing covenants to annex for Hamilton Place, Evendell, Nichols Place, Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. (probably more like 50%) Anyway, please let me know what the next step I need to take on this will be. Thanks, Curtis From: Steve [mailto:Steve@cpsurvey.com] Sent:Thursday, May 03, 2007 11:13 AM To: battlecat@msn.com Subject: Liberty Annexation Legal Description Curtis, Attached is the legal description for the Liberty Annexation. Please contact me if you have any comments or questions. Have a good day. Regards, Stephen H Woods, PLS � � � 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way,WA.98003 (253) 813 - 1901 (253) 813 - 1908 Fax (253)261 -5740 Mobile No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version:7.5.467/Virus Database:269.6.2/785-Release Date:5/2/2007 2:16 PM No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467/Virus Database:269.6.2/785-Release Date:5/2/2007 2:16 PM file://C:�Documents and Settings\derickson�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM OS/09/2007 � � ���Fi Mqy r ��Q Annexation Review Form r��r�sp� 6200� n�t,o� Sy�,r ms [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ) 60% Annexation Petition e o,� TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�r shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144th Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156tn Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th. 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Departmen Divisio Tgh�sPo�'t-�►Tiow SysrEw�.s 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your department/division? �IO. E"'�'OWGVGMf i1NMCI'DuS $�� UJITKIh l� �'�o�SNNe.ra�7o�'1— ' �Ne� �n a�� ,�t.�rccv v��w 8 ys h.o'� N1 t.Q.f-p� C�f y �f'l��oa ��a�ss �lso ac�a ua.� �e kf�-o�F'-uJa y de{s ne� ex�s f o.� se vc�-�( s-�i�r�� o co..s�c� a s� Sec_-fr� �eQ�ia� <<� a�l�c�tw s`f��+'ds. � 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? y�S• /vNwttho�,ts eX/3�/n9 ST"eGfS' �+Jl�it� 'f'�lP ZN`It.rZ-�oh 2h�s doKofi tia�ve v'oaedi�y wcd�s a�►cl pgve��,� �,i�k�ss •�e�i� C�f y Re,�fa� s�aHclsvds. .41so ��.�6 c�t'�f��, akd s��ewa,ll� 1 s !t ws.�'Ted �kd a`�' s �� o a �t9 pa- c l ca�z �s. S�e'� 1���i�l4•.J t�' �to�r�c-�xls�; excc�' a-�'� �w jo�.a-�zoots. l�Ci �ou�.'7�. aK� �t 4'�}► o�IC�ew,'{ar� G�av.� �deri-fi��d �5�-f-� dv�K�e S� as a .�zJo� Hor-fl.�sou� �'v�nsper�'z,�to�► �'�ct 1��• w ttk •�fu�t w �c��k.�K, � a �Vc -�z�te. sec�� (q..�-�r� lawer��ics a �e-�zy �%�F.-��t ��,te�. �4f- � -��+.e we �h.�{iG�af,� �f`li�f �.c�r�d�N.� s�{-� -fa �►t.��7� ��'�► �� ��'�� S'��a�ds f d I1c� a n7/ +t e� �n c.t� 8 Gc�'�'S S�4� w l-K,.�h �1,.c aK►lexa-kow a r�ca r,v �( b e ���i,e �c peK.s.� �'exrs�i� P�"°p�'�` dwAers aMd ar new ��uelo�pmewf". � �v�d� e�s�.�`�s �Z ��)� �h� � � � G� aK r� ��� � y o � � -h �fi H��,�- �- y. Qcl��-�to�+�� �••��wv�e�►�•c�,.�,`�t �deK-�-�i'e1 by er�ie+. �Crn� �4K-1y o� (Zcw� �a ��ro�c nu�G�betl+�d ccrcklZ,-�c ek �Ke.l�.d.�- -}� � D oK S2�e i� i-ay,cM��s sHc�i tHs�����x o�a P�� / �► P ,, � �'►'�c sca��(, af �fi�� �s�t�.�v� s����z,nd f�la�� �'E ��f�cL.�oq�- �h� �nr�a l�z-��fln �a -�t''a�ic. �'�•�� a� �.� /S�o�fh.A�vc SF..�/S!� 1363� S�e�� i��sc�-��K. T� sr-�Pe s�� c�s�'o��.esc i�p�ve,Kc�� havc ��-6e�K�e;�e�..�.�•��. 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? Yes. 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? �dd c��oKa.( `r'�a.tis p�-�.�t oh SYs�en�.s s`�'Z�'woc�td�t'b� r�q k���- �..o4seYrer� o�kt� r�ce�►`f`a�Pro�sed gkne.��?�ia�s �ourl�ec� r,�t� �t�s ��c art.Neaca�ra� �r-�z rnzY ,�ru l��� fli� h.e�aC-For adal�f�o�l sta�F (�ra�i,� eaas�i� s�-r+ec-�s -� L�� ���e.�,-b�► s+'���ds a��ti�, .�w �oc.�-t ac�.csJ s�rt��'s uJ��.�� �►t p.oP.J�� ��.uxa�a� a.� �vo� bc � � t,,��t�r.se of ex�s�r� �ro�� o�xcr�s aRd�� xc� �y�qP'� �„cw�Y cor�s a ssocca'�4a� r��� ex►S`�/k� akc� �'�ta-e new Sf�+Cc�' ���t,-h„� a� n� f�-� r�•�s �<<� b� �n��r��ed bY � G.''�- � 4 �oa•'��►n�c�c�. B�c��s�e ��Q st�e a-F �s proPose� a K��a-{y e� c�P le�/ �u�-}-�i sevc�21 r�ec.�,� aKd pfo�ase�.l zKr�,t�cZ�ron.s��rs cssu�, u��«� Mzr �PC►L Y1 A SP� n•-Fk� �vi s�-f s�.a«� 6-�. add he sse.c� a�s�h . Los�S a.S�Socc�e� r.vi-�'dt rv�2lN'��a�� �cxls'{�K� �d ncw ��� C,�1'�'�� �avc�eh.'�` �a.�cta.�s �� S/�,ta�� �-r.�-�nz� rcq RzJe� ��( YtGW �j.�tG S't�M3�s �'H� a�So ht� �s 6t c..KSt�•-t�v 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? � � �y �, �!� e,a1fiK � '�CS• 'Cke ��}y wo�.�U assu�t owM�rs� ov res �st��l� ,� . 'R��s we�.�d n�c.l•�� �tw s��-s wrf�4t-t-k.�prop6sc•t a�a-;�.� ��z, r•,es�►o�+�rl��I��h► �� �xcs-ir.•� 3� Ke�v �_aL�t co��+,•l psvc�ce..�.i--�'arlrc�.ys and s���s�,s-��-na»�e. s� .�eJ s^�'��l l��.�t��aKd h.�w �rs�t� 'S�J•�a.1J. N• P n u•+ a,�rt�r•.t_,,,{-s o ��w c l�.t ses wau(c( bt �1�*i�� zs a v�a�� ,�-f�.� �J�s/ fcd i.nntxl� •t 6. woul�allterhate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) S �i(J,� �'1'1 Y! h O GD/t G�Ph S GU�T 1 '��- �a�-t�s�'l�,t �S GGcI�i'�It,�� 5 � pv�posed. I General recommendation and comments: �..e �,7j1SP sJ-��al Syt,f�'+t-S �l V�S'�eh �1 S <t a GoHGG�S I���r��►+� �het�Gr fLc�s yp��ose�1 �.�n.��c�--14�� �ocs br c�oes f�� bcr.��. Signature: �U�'��- Date: S 23 D TRA�K►. sy:'rE,�►s �tv. QFM1 Ew toatAnu�To�t , Y � � ` . f � ..�...._._"'.... .,... .�.... ._. Annexation Review Form ' � ' �(�Y 1 7 2C07 [X) 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Anne��tibl� Pe i ion a _: � TO : Building Surfac Water Utility Fire Water �- —µ Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144th Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156th Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: \�' l-'`Z�/C' � 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your departmenUdivision? �� (Over) r i 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? N� 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? �� � �` . 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of thi annexation? , iT�.�- �.a R G��u��� �� r �'-���c�c.-�� S��r� �� C �' S ,� �,:�.s�. � � �I�SQn� �- C • � r � � 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? ✓� J 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) � � General recommendation and comments: C,�/� �� �'l dl�� �- � Signature: � G�'�° Date: 'J ��/ ����■.rJ 1��112�1IU �11L�ii�lZ`Z! a� '�.��� � . •�..���,� \� � '��� �--- �� ia .�--.� d�� �..�: :: :. � ►: �:/�iZJ� il►'/r: ~ '• ���1�''�� ------ •�� :" ::m auum�� "I���1: ��II��1 /I�1111 ��IIIIII 1 �,� ..m �u��u�� �;:�►`�I.r�� �� C�� ' � �1���'� �,� � �����1� �IIII �-T �ri i � ������ . • i � ii i �� �.. �11�1 , �� ' II-��IIIIe �����E� �.■. �����t ������ - �� 1 �� i: : ��I�r , �� � ����,,��n�� � :������ � � � . . 1 �� � — �� �� � ;;►i����y�::� =11�� :�����i� _ ■ � 1�� iEi��3� ���� ,`��,�• � � � �� �.. � ---� - J� � ♦♦ �I � � - -- _ �� �������� �� �� � � ■ �� j �� � ,=�'=::�:� ;`�,,•,;�.`� �� ...� �e�o�Er� �: ;:► 1�,� ■ 1 � �I.�c�, � � � w �� 1 'YL"�'� ,11��� �����/�� �� �r ■ � ., ��■��� � • ��� � �� � = ��I��� =� � � � ..�������� � ��.. �111■���_.`! .�� �� �i11: :1�1� u��a��3� �:��I��i ,�, � �i � ■���: �- . . - �_ ;���111111111: �� :��oE� � ��._.■ � 1 //II�E� � �� ��L.;. : =�' .� '= 1������ " - � � ■ � � �����c� ' � _nt � �_ - �� ....�� - ����� ' �,��= � � A � :����� �� 1"�,�'�� ii: . ... � �►■ ��l� • _ - 111►����'�,, y:��O�y � - �� E.�'�:���: � � � � - =..1.��� ► ��"'illl' ' ' �' _ .. - .��1���IT,] �..•�.���.� � �..��� ������. 7��- •. � .. � - . � � �/��F� .�I`!�'ilfi� ��i�l�mun.. � �' . ��1���, ��I„ � � � � � • . . .1 � ♦ �� �A� ��f1�73�i� �e.n ..� " � � ����E� ' � ' � �• �i����mnu.� - �� ��� ��� ' � �""'� � � � � �� - a � ���� ���f�� :������ � � � � � � ����� , � . � .1111 1111 e�� ■1111 ; , . �- . . , ,,,,,,;.: ■... .�������� ..�._ . - � .. � . 1� ' S `�1���C ����� �+w�iil�i�r� NiI��N�/� ���. �, ,,,,, „ � �� � � � ��IIID� � ����:��+�r��`,,,��� ■���1�i+�►.= i �''���� � �� ;�' �1�� . � , , iiim�u�� � :11��i="i�:�- . , � ����111�� �E�il��[��1f7��� •a �, � ,,.: - - '� ,,,. a ■� �� � ♦ii�y�� �Il��l�� �+ � � �� " : ����I � ��-,�-i �� �L/�2`i�',����r������ � �s� sa � �• . .�n .I��������1��� �A �� IL�1�il�1"3rtr�i;� ��I � �a .. .. . � ��,.� QII��I►�i�\y ����E,�l���i�;�'s� � :� ��.��� � - �� ��� � � - � �t,: :� j���� ����i���/����� , ., IF�i�� � �,�iE�i�€L• � � . � ii��E���1■ : :C �� ��-E, ��G��� :i��r�i��� � *���1�� ' �� r�oi �� y ��►� �� �� �� 1�1�� � �'R /►� :o �� �r ����E� �� �� �� �I��� � �II ..• �. - -a -�- .�, .� .. . r � ■.�.� � � � Eo�E3���.� ���•�`� �� p� ������.�� .. .. .���� ■�� �: �■�—�■- ■" ' � ���� : � �t.n ��N �:�o �����■��i�i� �i�ii �i a���� i i91L'� .Vi1�� ,�i�� � � ;1111111� :� :� �►� �� �� � � �,1' .s r� � � �� �� �� �,'.� �. ..,w �'\,nC�,� ��� '1/I/ � r. _ =,� �� �� � �� �� ���� �� �.. �,.:i �.:u � ,� /1 / � ��V►�t►�' �■ ����� i� �d �%� �� �C �i i'� !���� ' '� /�/I� [Y�iL'!�J L7i���� �_j\ I� ��� �� �� ��� 11� 11� �o �■� ��/ �� �� �� �� ��'� � , �������■1r� ii��� � ���� ��= �1 ■�� �, ' �-►--���.. �►�� ��������\ ■ � � � �����������■ ���� �� '� ■1�'`�e�-" �M � � �� \������ ■� � � • ■ � ��' ••��..T+ •� _��a �t�G��,.�,-�== =('► !,.■■ ����- -- - . � b � 111: �� I � ���+ �� i � //� �l�'w,■� � ,�, � �� ����� � ���I ��r /������■� � � ��� �`� �` �� ����/ 1i�3�� �, � `�..� �c� iw ��� �/ t��71]�i i3lIL'� ' �1111111�/ / � .. � ���� ���/111I�1�� '��1�� �+�',,�� C� :� E�!������� ��� ����l� � �i�� 1,����,�/ � ���, ���' �/��� � � �� �i i�s+ i ... ,� � �''� " ��� � 1 ' !��/\�� �� �� �,� � - ♦ �♦fr� a�/ �� (� �1 E�iL'��i��'/i �� �� �� � 1� / ��`, � �� � /� �� �� i� i � � I �11���� � .. ���������� �� �� �� � y � � � �..�•—%_ ��� ��'��jl�•i���_�� �►� vi i� i � � /1������\�-- � � � � � � 1 111 111 � � ' ��• -• • - . • ` - - • � . �. .. „ � � , � . �. . . . ' �� •. • :• • � � � Y LIBERTY ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14; Thence east along the south line of said Northeast quarter to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington. thence north along said west line to the intersection with the north line of the south 130 feet of Lot 5 of said Block 2; thence east along said north line to the intersection with the east line of said Block 2; thence north along said east line to the intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Southeast 132nd Place as dedicated for the subdivision of Weglin's First Addition as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington; thence east along said north line and its easterly projection to the intersection with the west line of Block 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91, records of King County, Washington; thence south along said west line to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of Lot l, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said curve to the north margin of Southeast 136`h Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Hurst; thence along said north margin of Southeast 136th Street to the Southwest corner of Block 1 of said Subdivision of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence east along the south line of said Block 1 and its easterly projection to the intersection of the east line of said Section 14; thence south along said east line to its intersection with the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 23 also being the south margin of Southeast 144`h Street; thence along said south margin to an angle point in said margin as dedicated for the subdivision of Briarwood South No. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said margin to the intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of Block 3 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence north along said east line to the north line of Lot 7 of said Block 3; : thence west along said north line to the west line of said Block 3; thence south along said west line to the intersection of the easterly extension of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington; thence west along said north line and its westerly projection to the intersection with the west line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; thence north along said west line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100,records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`h Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. __s.�T N H ��Q��F N A S y��p�� C.I3� .�.��'.�" � � a . : �� � C,a�R�s..P.S i o a 202 Railroad Avenue North �, q�,3B965�� Q�� Kent, WA 98032 slpN �I51 E�` �o 253-813-1901 Phone A� �pN0 253-813-1908 Fax exaiaes 5-23--?��'�7 Donald Erickson - Liberty�Park-annexation-10%.052507�doc � Page 1 � -r Attachment to Annexation Review Form For Proposed Liberty Annexation 10%Notice of Intent Reviewing Department:Water Utility Engineering by Abdoul Gafour(x7210) May 25,2007 1. Does the annexation represent any unique or signi�cant problems for your departmenUdivision? The proposed annexation is within the water service area of King County Water District No.90 (W.D#90). 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? The applicants shall contact Water District 90(425-255-9600)and request a certificate of water availability from the District prior to any development within the annexation area. Based on information from the District's 2004 Comprehensive Water System Plan,there are existing and old and undersized 4-inch and 6-inch water mains within the proposed annexation area.,that would not be able to deliver the required minimum fire flow demand of 1,000 gallon per minute required for residential development,unless these water mains are replaced with larger size mains. 3. Does this proposed expanded annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? Not applicable. The proposed annexation is within the water service area of King County Water District No.90. 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this enlarged area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? It is anticipated that developer's extensions of Water District 90's water mains will be required to provide water for fire protection and for domestic use for development within the annexation area. The applicants shall obtain a certificate of water availability from KCWD#90 prior to any proposed development within the annexation area. 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? No. Ownership of water mains owned and operated by KCWD#90 District will remain the same within their water service boundary. The District currently does not have a franchise to operate its water facilities within the City limits and rights-of-way. IWould alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services?(If yes,please indicate on the attached map.) Page 1 of 2 H:�File Sys\WTR-Drinking Water Utility\WTR-03-Correspondence�Annexation-review\Liberty-Park-annexation- 10°/a.052507.doc�,AG Donald Erickson - Liberty-Park-annexation-10%.052507.doc Page 2 . . No. Water service boundaries are established by existing coordinated water system plan and comprehensive water system plans General recommendation and comments: Applicants shall contact KCWD#90 and obtain water availability certificate prior to any development within annexation area. Please notify WD#90 regarding proposed annexation. KCWD#90 15606 SE 128"'St Renton,WA 98059 Attn:Tom Hoffman—Manager 425-255-9600 Signature: Date: Mav 25,2007 Abdoul Gafour Water Utility Supervisor Page 2 of 2 H:\File Sys\WTR-Drinking Water Utility\WTR-03-Correspondence�Annexation-review�L,iberty-Park-annexation- 10%.052507.doc�AG � Annexation Review Form [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexation Petition TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�r shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144`h Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156tn Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: �U�'�-r ��L�'� ��,►��_a.,-.-� � 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your department/division? �1r.,.e.s� c�.rc-C- 5 e..��-ro.-��c�.�. o-E ,S'etle.� c..�..,�� . �e ,,j.�l 1�.�..�.ac� r �.rr-c�.c.,� '� s-�c�oc..VC r c�tl�.�. cU..t� --�.rd.��..�s'� C:�rc�-a--S -t 1�..-� �e �.�:.� <�,��Y• tZ�.. „ � �.�.3 e �,c-e. 2��p �o�5 �-�,�F ��L\ �,..���o b e ���-�. q,'� Le.�-�� trn�e �.. �r e�.r- tJ e �.o v.�-�- �.� -t-tti�e-���,¢'`` `�� �? t�`Lo� -�-s�.- ��, � ke L..e�r �..,���{ ,-: �.e o�. ��..s� t,Jov..�.�e. cc�v�.�cc.�.. . ��e-�d�.S c�..�'-� �^-� {�-�-^-�-��.. "'�' ��"- l cuc-e.. -E�.�� d f ..��.�-r- -�1�.+�-y ���,�. v..-c.c.�.-�,�...�.:�-'��-1,S'��-\�..�.. s 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? � l 4,r.��, '�c��t�� ���"�"e S ti r�t�-�L 41c.'�cT' S�t '�c-�-���. (�� � �j pQ�'`� �i.-�t�'�C'�" ��-S 'I.LA�- �Q.�-� w.ai.i ti,�'��� 2��t-c"� �. t �-� .,.s ..�� b � s� v,.�E�'c�-� �o�� �o c-cs�atc +,,�..,� �o S.�c--�..�� �.��,..�.y . 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your departmentldivision? ��S 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? � t'��'c b"� 1�.0 �.9 t.�C'_" l ��2.1-a.,'�Zs�' 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? `/�S ` S�,Y,�-� r S-��,,,�, � ���,,.e�, � S ��,.�.,o,,Q� � S b��r.v�� � U^_� S -�,� � . ��' � �G� C-� . 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) �(�S General recommendation and comments: . � ,�3 _ �� Signature: Date: ����■■■�� �������11�\I►L�;�Z' �I ����� '�'• ; :i7 - �- : ��- ■ aii ��..���11� ��11�N ���� iiii u'Q�'" ■ �� �� � � 1,I,■���� ���.��. . � �� �■ � �� � �.�� i ii�11 1'I"�r'�►�jr�� ������� ��11=1111 �� --� �II/� ~ �' �: _ � t ..�u �uuu�� ��=. �. �� � • � r .. � � .���.�� ����.,,�. �.:: —� _::=-� 1 . . :�IIII! I�I ��. .. . ��:r� • � --- ■���� _ �■■ .. . I-��IIIIe ii'���� 1�.■. ����11 ���� � . �"�..� 1 � i: : �■�� � 1 � , _ v�i1,�/11;"'�' �� � ���111 ' � � _ � . � ��� 1 �. ■' t� 1'i i ■■ v;, ����� — I � ������.r � �„ iEi�73� ���� ,���,� � � .� � �►i����y�;�� p111 : --: , . - J� ,�"` ♦♦ `I ' `� � ���i�••:■ �i�:: , „n,� 11111111 �� �� � � ■ �' � �t�� � '�=P:�iG�,� ���. �� ,���� . �� ...� iEilD�E1�! �■ ii� �� • � 1 � �■���� �`"'i�,► ���1� � �.�II�! .► '�r� � � '111����� �■ =.• ♦ � . � ��, � �������� .II��� � � 1 + � �"' ■�J �111����_,� ■�� ��. ..�I: :1�1� u��a��3e �� � ��►��I��i �! � � �111: �- -���111111111111: � :� � � � � ____ 1 � %//��E� � ��� ����.p : ���� : �� � i��iDE� �J �� • � 1 - �= lw���/����� ��� � • a�11�/C� -'�� - `,�:�III `�;� � �����: � '"� ��� �� ' -, �. ♦� y � r �!`!m��R� • .. ,�'-�� �: . ••• � 1 D���� � (�ir���■ � � � i �►■ f��� • /11\ � • �j���- �� �►.i"��:�` �■ � � , � �,►��I��� :.. - .f,:11111�I �O ��� : p � ■�w � � �""� � ■ � � � �91`l�:IIG� �i�i�,1�mnii: � �!� e��f�l���� ?t��� ��I � � � � � /II�Ei " ' � ������ . • � - . �11� � ���i�����mn:� - �� �� �� �� 11'��� 11"r � � � .,_ �!�������a�� ....�.� ���� . . •• ■ . . .1111 , , � .��..�. � .1111 -1 � . .� . �.� .. �.......::_ ����__ . � 1111 . � -- . . ,,,,,,,�_ .�.. .__�:����� ..,.. �, - �� � �, � , ,. �:� - i_,.,,,_ ����� �,,,,:�;�a� ��,������ �„�1■ �� ��� '�- � � � � inii��: � ����.�.�`K�� �i�l.:,�!' ��:�3i�� � � �1 1� ■ ' �I�� . � ����111�� �E�l����,�1���� n�� '� �F � �='.-- . . .. � � �� � , � '11��I;�.i�: - ��ii���� 11l��l�IiM � �� �i ,� ...�.� . �■��, :�■.., �"'� r� ��.��x��►,�f�,�������� ��1 .- '� �.� .� . . �� ���/���� �., �r��,�:�., , � ' �� ��1� � �� Q�1���I►�i��� :����Ffll���i�i�t� � �_� I��i�ir'1-r--=� �� E'+ v • •, ,��r�:'��� ����� �■�� ■t+� �;.�.�'- �����-�i Ct'������1/w�1A� � - ���L�'F�'t�i�,' � •• � �� � �i1■ .. .r� �� �E �� ��I '�i 7�� �� � 1.. ��. ��+ �� �� � �► /: :i 'i�i �i�iii��/�� � r �111��•.� �i �• a -�= .■.� : :� :: : ■�i� i ::: . � ;: �,��i� .. _., 's ��♦ �o �� �� ������ � ►��� � 1�•�+ � ��, �� . .. .. .� � � .. 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TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`�'Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. -_3.�T N H ��Q��F M A S y��0�� C�1ITTRB � � u . ". _.. � ���� � � r,�a�as�..Ps. � o 202 Railroad Avenue North �, q�,38965�p Q�� Kent, WA 98032 sjpNq�1 SL p 0 `'� 253-813-1901 Phone 253-813-1908Fax EXPIRES�J-23��'�7 .� Annexation Review Form [X] 10°/a Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexation Petition TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�r shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144th Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156tn Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your departmenUdivision? f� (Over) �. 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? ' r� N 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your departmenUdivision? ��5/ 71�I � s /�� v� � �� I rl c/1�� C A�-Ls !�- 5 e�2Jt,�� ��� s� G-� ���— 2� � �� . 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? Q�S I�G�&�f13� �! Q'��n�5 � ���f l,� , 2. �o��� or-,����{s� ���,��.vm�. rb � � ��c�,s w�,�.o � ��,�� '�� � S��c,� �v ��s �r�. 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? � 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) N� General recommendation and comments: V �—_ �/ / Signature: J�' �`���� �� Date: �( �1 � � �x �� ��������J 1��11:�11�� �uL�1��� �I ����� � . ►�..�.:17 '��� � aii ��..���� ��11�N ��� iiii G � r: ■����� �1I/� '-�-~ i "I,■•�u ������ a �� �■ •yu a�mu��� '1'„�1: ��11��1 �//I�I� ��IIIIII I �'� �' ; ..m �mum� n��I�1�� '� � D ' �111�1� �1111 i �:: �'�� ��■� . . . � � �. � �) - --' � =������ ��� � ... ����� _ -�■ :: : ■■ -������e ;,���:�<� �.. ..���� _::� _ - .�� 1 �' :: : ��I:ri � �� � c,`'!,��II;�'� �► p ���III � � _ � ■ 1 �� � — ■I �� � �►i�"��y�,::. , =111� : ������. : � � �t�� i����3� ���� ,`��� � � � I� �. . � - .- - - --�� � ♦� �I ' �� �, � II�..�■ � �� � 111111/1 �♦ �\ \� � ■ �' 1 �� �'�����: ������� . �� �� iL��l��Er1 .i �� ' � � 'u��.�iC��;, ��■��� �� ���..i6�o►e�,♦ . � . � — ����_ �������� �� ���► �Y ■ � � � �111�1��� - � ��,� �� ��11" � .�a �I/��■ �� � � � ;�;:��I�ii � ��.. �Ill;iii=`' '=' �111111111111� �� :, � . � .1�1� u��a��3� ,�,�_ 1 � i� ..�� ���6..�'. :��: : ;_' w�� - .. :�oE� � � � 1 ,�//II�E� . �i� � :.al�ti �• �_ � I������ �1� _��/�� � � ■ ��.. •■ • a �11��Gi �Q� � t,1�� � � :�t���e���� � '"�,�' �� �: . ... � � � � � i �►� ���� • - 111►—,���, 0�:1����y � � � �.."''""'�E:.,���!� � �; ' � � - � =►��I/�� .. - .��11111�� ��������i� � ��i..��� ����� ■ �► .�""� � � � //I�Ei � ,r1`11�Ir� ���i�1�u�m��• � ra ��� 7 �� �1� • � : ■��IE� . � - • " � �i��iu��m�:� � �e1 ��� :��F7� �e.�t��.�11'��� 11"� �"� � ' r � � "" ' '', . - ����� ��3�7� ��� iiiin - i���� �� � � !� � : �� �� ���� , • �� . . �111111.� ��� ��:�::��i, ����C i „ � 'I�17 L`j� � �� =� ' �-111�-= � '��1i1�� �� �1i1�� �.�■ „ ,,, , �� � � ,��IIIC� ���::�:���4� ����%�n,�i C ��;��7 � � „ „ ■- ��I� . � ����111�� �E� ,. . iiimw�� ; -;■:-- . .� � � �� � ■ � !��[�IOS�� � �Il��i,;..i�: ���i���� �Il�!�!� �+ � �, J .�� � �'�� :I���� �� �� �Ll�xiz,T'y�����n��� �� .. � .- "'i' �� � � `� °�1���1►7� �:: . ♦. �������� �!! ��� 1�1I�l�1'",#�r�,��,�;_� . .. Q ��\� .�� ��I���i��s� � , ., ,�,,�:�:��'�i �i[� � .� — _ �t� �� �►�►� :����i��������� ���E��iL' � :• �� �=�� � ���E���1�/� i� ���+'_�,', �a �� �� ��I� ��'�i°i,7�� � - ..���1���� �■. � �- �� v ■ � �.. � �� ��►�•� � �i r�► � ■... � ����� �► -o �� �.. ■■■■�� �� ■.� .. ./.■■ � �■�■� �� ��Ii� .. �%r►� �II �' ,� ,r'�, �� ��..y �� �� � r �� ���� � � . �11� "r� �� �� � �� �� ■�� �� ��� ,■■�� • � �,�, � ' EOCJl���� �� �I�N �:� �o ��������� ii �i !a�'��� i '� � �IIIIIIir.�, �� �� i►/� �: �C C� �� � w , '��ii1� ����� � � � � � � ���� � �n �� � �� �� �,��' �� �� ��� �,�`�1 ��� ����// �� �.v.�� � ��� �� ■ � �� �� �►�.. �� �� �•� �ay � �71 �� / �� �■ �%��� �� id �I�� C.�. :� �� �� ���� , ��' ��II: �9�iL'!�J L�i���� ���� '� ���c �� �� � � �111 �1� �o ��� ��% ""� �� �i i� !u u� ��•� ( ����������►� ����� � �•,��. �a i � �,� �, I ►��.. �►�� ��������\ ■ � ( � ����������I■ ���� �1 ,� ■�d iM � � �� � �� �\/���w� � � � . ■ � ���I��T+ � ��Q �i�G��a������� i \��� � �� �' r� �� � 1 • �,+ �� � � �� ����/ ,1/ Ll�,�!�� �('► � ���1� �� ����� � ���I��■'� �����■��� � �1�� �� ' � �� ��� �� ��� � �, � `��� � ` , ���IIIII '� r� � �..� c".�" �w C � Cw'�t��1L'7�i E'�I�lIL��la�l� �1111111�/ , .�li��,rl�►� •u �•,•, ��� == ;• ��.�,.... :.. . . ,. 1 � � ���1 � ..��� =��:� � ■■■�.��I� .: := ="' = . ... ►�'� 1�1�� �•►� :■ rr���������a.: :: :: :� : �. . � �.�' '•■.J '' .. -- =� = = _ ����%�� ������������� �� �� �� � �i ii ( � �...�� I,I��M���i�__��–��I . �a � �� '�� .�� _��� �� �►v� �� � � � � � � 1 111 111 � � ' •�• -• � - . • � - - • � .- �. _ .� ... _ � J . � �� •. • :� � � � � LIBERTY ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14; Thence east along the south line of said Northeast quarter to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington. thence north along said west line to the intersection with the north line of the south 130 feet of Lot 5 of said Block 2; thence east along said north line to the intersection with the east line of said Block 2; thence north along said east line to the intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Southeast 132nd Place as dedicated for the subdivision of Weglin's First Addition as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington; thence east along said north line and its easterly projection to the intersection with the west line of Block 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91, records of King County, Washington; thence south along said west line to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of Lot l, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said curve to the north margin of Southeast 136`h Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Hurst; thence along said north margin of Southeast 136`h Street to the Southwest corner of Block 1 of said Subdivision of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence east along the south line of said Block 1 and its easterly projection to the intersection of the east line of said Section 14; thence south along said east line to its intersection with the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 23 also being the south margin of Southeast 144th Street; thence along said south margin to an angle point in said margin as dedicated for the subdivision of Briarwood South No. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said margin to the intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of Block 3 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence north along said east line to the north line of Lot 7 of said Block 3; thence west along said north line to the west line of said Block 3; thence south along said west line to the intersection of the easterly extension of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington; thence west along said north line and its westerly projection to the intersection with the west line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; thence north along said west line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`�'Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. _3.�� ��Q�oN H F wnsyw°o�� ��� 1r.NT.E � �;3 . ': � ; � c��,�..r.s. , o 202 Railroad Avenue North �, q�,36965�� Q�'� � Kent, WA 98032 sl�Nq�1 S�pN0 `'J 253-813-1901 Phone 253-813-1908Fax EXPIRES�J-23��'��'7 � . . �������D Annexation Review Form M �� ��'2�07 '�A� � ; [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexation P�T����'��Ms UTILITY SY�i 1�� TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144`h Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156tn Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: l�U �'�1�- �,�1(.# 1,'� 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your department/division? �)'� ��� �V► , C�► !�►r�t� (Over) 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) General recommendation and comments: ti �`� �D� � ��°� ,� ����1 � � �, M o� Signature: ��°�" ��`'` Date: � 'S /2�� Attachment to Annexation Review Form For Proposed Liberty Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Reviewing Department: Water Utility Engineering by Abdoul Gafour(x7210) May 25,2007 1. Does the annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your department/division? The proposed annexation is within the water service area of King County Water District No. 90 (W.D#90). 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? The applicants shall contact Water District 90(425-255-9600) and request a certificate of water availability from the District prior to any development within the annexation area. Based on information from the District's 2004 Comprehensive Water System Plan,there are existing and old and undersized 4-inch and 6-inch water mains within the proposed annexation area.,that would not be able to deliver the required minimum fire flow demand of 1,000 gallon per minute required for residential development,unless these water mains are replaced with larger size mains. 3. Does this proposed expanded annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? Not applicable. The proposed annexation is within the water service area of King County Water District No. 90. 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this enlarged area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? It is anticipated that developer's extensions of Water District 90's water mains will be required to provide water for fire protection and for domestic use for development within the annexation area. The applicants shall obtain a certificate of water availability from KCWD#90 prior to any proposed development within the annexation area. 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? No. Ownership of water mains owned and operated by KCWD#90 District will remain the same within their water service boundary. The District currently does not have a franchise to operate its water facilities within the City limits and rights-of-way. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes,please indicate on the attached map.) No. Water service boundaries are established by existing coardinated water system plan and comprehensive water system plans Page 1 of 2 H:\File Sys\WTR-Drinking Water Utility\WTR-03 -Correspondence\Annexation-review\Liberty-Park-annexation- 10%.052507.doc\AG General recommendation and comments: Applicants shall contact KCWD#90 and obtain water availability certificate prior to any development within annexation area. Please notify WD#90 regarding proposed annexation. KCWD#90 15606 SE 128`''St Renton,WA 98059 Attn: Tom Hoffman—Manager 425-255-9600 �� � � Signature: � !�'�Oti Date: Mav 25, 2007 Abdoul Gafour Water Utility Supervisor Page 2 of 2 H:\File Sys\WTR-Drinkmg Water Util�ty\WTR-03-Correspondence\Annexation-review\Liberty-Park-annexation- 10%.052507 doc\AG ��������J l�u�c�11II �11L�i�1�'Z� a� ��••� �'' :i7 '�� � ii ���..��16���D �i■� i: ��QQ'�■���� �II/,� � i "I,����� �-���. � �.�� .' ::m auum� "'���1: ��11��1 �I�1�1� � 11111�1 � ' ..��� ��������0 "`'*►��1�. � � =' , •IIII,, �„ � .� � �'': ��_� �� �� �/���� �111��� �IIII�ET �.. � , �.. ��I�I � �■■ �� � � ■.. � ��1111a ii��,��� �.■. ������ � ii�� . • . �� 1 '� i: : ��I r�, 1 �� ��!���n,��n :► _�.�i�� � � � . . 1 ��� � — �� '� � ;�'►�� ��y�-�� —11I� � ������� � � �,�� i��0�3� ���� ,`���•�'„ � � � I� �.■ � � �p � . -.�� � �♦ �I ' � � � I1����■ i��� �� 11�11111 �� �� \� � � �' 1��i� "�� ���. �� �1• �� �■� fL��I�i�Er1 �i �ii� � • 1 ' � � '��.GC�,� ■����� ♦,.,��G,,�,♦ � � III�� .i ...Y � � . ,. . -�i��� . �.��.��■ � 1 -.1������'� � �.. ��i iiY� . ...�. � : �■ .� .Ii��� � � �i,:�����i �■ � �� �III�������,� ■�� �....�. ..i11. .1�1� u������e '�� � � / �� ��i ���'Ir:�:��� =": .= �� �1���11111111: �� :��oE� _ ��_._._. � j � //��E� . �� . � a� - � 1������ � � � � � . a�1�1/Gi — ��Il �� �� �-- �1� ������ �� ,"� '-�� �� ����w� ,, ,� �= �' . •�• � � �� �' � � �i����R���� � �' � ��� ���� • 111����',, j:�����y � �� �.��:���: � � ' ■-" � _ , �,►��I��� � � _ . . - .��11111T.�� �V������� '� r..��� ����1�� ■ �' - I� � "� � - i � �/I�F� � .r1�11'IIG� ���i�1�unm• . � � • � i� ��� • � � ���IE� • • - • " � �i�����umn:� � ,,� �'�� ��: �.a1��.IIII��� II"r �'I� � I � �- . �a ����� ���`� :������ � � i ■ � � ����� � i �! 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�I�1� �� ����� � ���I���r �������■� • 11�� �� ' � ��� ��� �` `��� 1111/�/I111�I�v'��� ��� �,,;:,� .�� CW `• w,���t��■: E3�ic��i���� :1111111��� I > � `1,,. �i I �� � E�.�� ����� ��� � � ♦ /,,���, '� � ���� ��� �%��� � \ � �� ��� ��� i . ... 1/�t ''''��I�� a��� i�' ii E�i����� ii �� �� ■i �,% I �i,, ���i�� �L���'/t� ��i ii �'i � ■f'-'i� � ��I�i�� '� �������\�� �� �i i� i � � • � �;, � !� � � � �.�.�s —/��/�������-- ����I���� �t� �►v� �� � �a � � � � � � � 1 111 111 � � ` ... -. • . • �• � ,�. �- J '� •. • i• • , , 1 LIBERTY ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14; Thence east along the south line of said Northeast quarter to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington. thence north along said west line to the intersection with the north line of the south 130 feet of Lot 5 of said Block 2; thence east along said north line to the intersection with the east line of said Block 2; thence north along said east line to the intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Southeast 132"d Place as dedicated for the subdivision of Weglin's First Addition as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington; thence east along said north line and its easterly projection to the intersection with the west line of Block 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91,records of King County, Washington; thence south along said west line to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said curve to the north margin of Southeast 136th Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Hurst; thence along said north margin of Southeast 136th Street to the Southwest corner of Block 1 of said Subdivision of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence east along the south line of said Block 1 and its easterly projection to the intersection of the east line of said Section 14; thence south along said east line to its intersection with the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 23 also being the south margin of Southeast 144`h Street; thence along said south margin to an angle point in said margin as dedicated for the subdivision of Briarwood South No. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said margin to the intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of Block 3 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence north along said east line to the north line of Lot 7 of said Block 3; t thence west along said north line to the west line of said Block 3; thence south along said west line to the intersection of the easterly extension of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington; thence west along said north line and its westerly projection to the intersection with the west line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; thence north along said west line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`�'Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. --;-�J N H ��Q�DF M A g y��p�� . ����,� � Q rs' . : ,r il�►' l � , , � C,aa�tbrq�Gv�.P.S� i o 202 Railroad Avenue North s, q�,36965�p Qa� Kent, WA 98032 slpN �l S T E�` �� 253-813-1901 Phone A� L AN� 253-813-1908 Fax exPiaEsS-23.?CC r � r �������� Annexation Review Form MAY 1 p 1���� e�Tv or-R==rvTon� [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexatiop-��ii�ti�tr6TEr�ns TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�r shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144`h Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156tn Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation � 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: " ,�T� ���-Tir� L t�"t u.�""y 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your departmenUdivision? �d j �c-���� �i�T" � ��tz- ��'<:�,lic�.,�''�.�.� �,�,t� /�'i.��-���.i�f ���l� � �� �"-�-�/��L.����-€��7.��- `� �- ����- (Over) , ` 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the ar a? !� L�l.-�p�r�'z l.� , � ��. 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? �%�' ������ �`����c�� ����� G 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? ' iC�i.l- 1,��Ct� I�-�r L���� ���-i,�+.(�:�- ��%.� �� ���-ct�r�k.1���� 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another juri diction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? �; ��� ���v��� 1 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) ��� ��'�-�� ��%�.y � �' �.. �- ��e General recommendation and comments: �� ������ � Signature: - Date: � I� � ����u�_=� 1��11:�11II �11L�i1�11`l� �� •����� � ` ,m�.y7 '��' ' � aiii ��..���11� �r11�i1 ��■�a ii �■ � r: ■����� �II/f' � i "�,••��� �����. • �•�� i' ••u� u�unm� "I���1: �III��I II/I�I� � 1111111 �� ' ..��� �.�����n� ;.=���Ir� �� 'ii • , � '1����� �,� .■ .� � I �: II�.�����J ����.,�T �:: _ =-� . . ;,. ��: =: : ,��:r � ■■ � ■�����e � �--- .���� _ -•• �1 ■�11� E ... ����1� C��� � ,�,�� •. . � ■- ��c��i'1 ,�� - �r � ���111 � �� � � �i : � ■� I � � _ �� �'' "►i�;,'��y�n'-:. �111� = =�=���� � �t�� ��0�3� ���� ,`�II�.� .. � i ��' :`���i:.� - -- � -. � --�� �.. �������� ►�.� � � � , � ,� :���:� ����i� �� .':� ilil��Ei� :: ��.► �� ■ �' ����� � ��►�,� �■■��� .,.,,���►,�.. , �' � 111��� �� �� ���► .�. • / 1 ���11�1�� �� ��� `� '���'._ �� � � ������ �%�A� �� ■ � _ � �:...�i� i� .��� i:ii`�:;,-��:��: .=?-' ;�::":':���: ii� -oE� .�� ru������ :�_ . ; i , ////�E� . �� � .._��� a��_ � 1� ��� ��� _����: � ��� .■ � a�11�/Ci `Q�� t,1�: ���n��m� � 1"�,�' �� �: . .•• � �►�'1��� • 111 � �:', Oj�I����y � � �..'ri'�=���: ; � � ' � � � j �' � �..1111 ��� .. - .a:1����.j��....�.�i:� — ��.�1� ������� 7�/. I� '� 'e�' ' � � � //I/Ei � 51�1�l1:IR� i�i�1unuu.. � �Ar ��ilF�3�i� ��1.''.�It ��111 � � � � � ���IE� • • - • � � � ���i��mmn:� ��3 ��� ��� ,' � � � .......�� �� . . ��i� i��. .11ll � t __ . . � � � _ �����'�_.�� .������ � .1111 �11 � . �, . � �` .... �. � .. �� �e�� 1111 _. . . ,,,,,,,.: __�__��r �.. „ .� � . ,■ = �� - `_��„__ ��. �-■■�:��,;; M�,r���� ; ���� �� ����� ' i� � ' � ����� � '"fElll►� �� !1111 • „ � . ��III�� ��.:�.«.;�� M� ���,�„C ��:��'� � � ...��;.__ � � � ■ ' �1�� . � ����111�� �E�lI����i�1�1�� iiim�n�� � :Mi�'Mi;�:rR. - ��ii11 i !1!�!���r' �"'�...� �s�.,-i �i i� �� � �■ � ����1 �� � ��/��i�T,�' � �� •' � � � . � ��� � ��������� � � iQlMt�i�N i� � .. �a . . .��trr�t��..a .- . 1 L ¢���.?'..�- :���E,������;�t� � �r�i■ ���r�y �yw���1f'se►'�:� .*• �:,�-� �� - �� ���� � • �si�YMAii��•iEii��� A �� �t�'. ���� � � ii��i� 1 ��� =� � /� ������11�w���1 ""'��l1���� � � �� � �� � ����� � �� �� �� � � �i �� 11��� � .. �.. ��+ �E �� ��I� ��'�i'''7�� " ■ � �� .� �� ��►�•� .► �. .i r�► � �� �� � �'r �►� �o �� �� ����E� �� ■� .■ ■►��� � ��� /�� ��j �'tl '��+ �� �i ii ii i� r ��� ���� � � . �� � � �OC1E���� '4, �� �w �e�, ������r�� �a �� f� 11 ��� � ,� r �111 � �b �,��.�., �J �o ��������rr ��I �� a��� �uii ' ' �� ����� � � � �� � ' �1111111� i� :� i►� �� �� �� �� � '. ■� � �n �� �� �� �� �- w �V� � � �,� �� ,� �._� � �� �� �� �� �� ��� �'r��� \ � �. ■ ��� �� ��, ���� �� �� �..-a �.� � .�,a �I ��r ��I// � ��V►�t►� � �■ �I� ..� i� �� ��� C� �� �� �� ��� �,. , �� ��/I� ��iL'!]7J �7i���I ~�� ���t � �� � � -a �r.� �n �� �� �� �� �� !1� 1ii�C' , ����� � 1���1 ��I = �1� �� ' � 11111� �o ��� ��► � � � � �'r ( ����������►� ��► � � .r � �� � �■� � ���►�1� .�►�� ��������\ ■ � ( � ������������ ���� �� '� ■1d �d � � �� � �� �������� � � � • ■ ��r��,a� � �� ��►:� � �10 �IG�I��� �� �� . ��■� .� �� �., �� �■, � ♦ ♦� 1� � 1�� �� �w � ., I �� ��������� � ���� �� � � •�+1; i � � � � i�'� �`��� ,i�� id i`�� � ���� � � ♦ � s� . �� 1111/ � � � � �► c����. E�l�c- 1111111�r � ♦ III����►�v� � ��♦ �,� �� _� � �,►�� �����■ . �� I � � ��� 1�� �i I „� � �w �� ��■�► ����� ��� � � � � .,����,r� � ,..� �..� ::::. � . : .. .,: :�� : ... �.-. I''��♦Ir� a��� :�' ii E�iL���� :: :: :� : � 1�,/ rr,n i,� � ���� L��i�Q/� ii i� i� i � � ( o�1���� �� .. �������\�� �� �� �� � y � � � �.,..��—�i�1������_���!ij��u c�� yi �� i � � • ' � ' � • 1 111 111 � � ' •�• • ` • � _. • . .� ,�. � 1 . � �� •. • :• . III J t � LIBERTY ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14; Thence east along the south line of said Northeast quarter to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Block 2 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington. thence north along said west line to the intersection with the north line of the south 130 feet of Lot 5 of said Block 2; thence east along said north line to the intersection with the east line of said Block 2; thence north along said east line to the intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Southeast 132nd Place as dedicated for the subdivision of Weglin's First Addition as per plat filed in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington; thence east along said north line and its easterly projection to the intersection with the west line of Block 2 of Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts as per plat filed in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 91, records of King County, Washington; thence south along said west line to the beginning of a curve located at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the subdivision of Derry Hurst as dedicated per plat filed in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 74, recards of King County, Washington; thence along said curve to the north margin of Southeast 1361h Street as dedicated by said subdivision of Derry Hurst; thence along said north margin of Southeast 136`h Street to the Southwest corner of Block 1 of said Subdivision of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence east along the south line of said Block 1 and its easterly projection to the intersection of the east line of said Section 14; thence south along said east line to its intersection with the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 23 also being the south margin of Southeast 144`h Street; thence along said south margin to an angle point in said margin as dedicated for the subdivision of Briarwood South No. 4 as per plat filed in Volume 91 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; thence along said margin to the intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of Block 3 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts; thence north along said east line to the north line of Lot 7 of said Block 3; � " s thence west along said north line to the west line of said Block 3; thence south along said west line to the intersection of the easterly extension of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington; thence west along said north line and its westerly projection to the intersection with the west line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; thence north along said west line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`�'Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. .-��J �Q��N H F MASy��p� �i'Bi�'�,�i ��r •: �+�tS� ���� � f.o�l�Y�ts.A�oc,P.S. i o 202 Railroad Avenue North �, q�,36965�� Q�� Kent, WA 98032 sf�Nq�I S�ANO `'J 253-813-1901 Phone 253-813-1908 Fax Exaiaes 5-23-?�'��'7 �..iit�t r,�����ti RECEIVEO Annexation Review Form MAY 16 2007 [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexation PetitionBUILDING DIVISION TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularl�shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136 h Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144th Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156th Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: Mav 15, 2007 Comments Due: Mav 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation • 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: � � 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your departmenUdivision? ��/� ` . � (Over) 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? !" � 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? . � P,�'�- ��'`�'"`' � 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? f/l�l�. 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) vr���. General recommendation and comments: Signature: � , Date: �lr 7�a "7 ����u�-J L n�=�IIII �1►L��Z� a� '���� � . � .. .:i� �' � � i�ii �.�--.�11� �`11�N ���" :. .'�'�'' �- 1 �� � � "I,::�u �����. . � �� i■ �■������ �1I//' '�m auuu��� "'"�,~I. ��II��� I�II��� �IIIIIII I -' • �.�'� i' �: ..w �uumn ��_�►�Ir�. �.� � �. �� . , II-������- ����ri����== :��� = CC=-' � � :������ ��� ��: == = 1�:�I , � ��IIIIe ..�n. <� � =■�G■� �• .. . ,■I.. 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TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, lying northerly of the westerly projection of the north line of Carolwood as per plat filed in Volume 111 of Plats, Pages 99 to 100, records of King County, Washington ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of 164`�Avenue Southeast dedicated for the subdivision of Serena Park as per plat filed in Volume 124 of Plats, Pages 72 to 73, records of King County, Washington. All situate in King County, Washington. .--.��:J N H �vQ�pF NASy���O CB� .���'.� � ��� � � �c�� , � �M+o..p5� , o 202 Railroad Avenue North �, q�,38965�� �a� Kent, WA 98032 slpy �I S T EQ 50 253-813-1901 Phone . q� �pN0 253-813-1908 Fax EXPIRES�J-23�'����1 i, _ ' .. Annexation Review Form [X] 10% Notice of Intent [ ] 60% Annexation Petition TO : Building Surface Water Utility Fire Water Utility Parks Wastewater Utility Police Transportation Public Works Maintenance Current Planning FROM : Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning SUBJECT . Liberty Annexation Location : The proposed 184.2-acre irregularly shaped Liberty Annexation is located along both sides of SE 136th Street west of Liberty High School and north of Se 144th Street. It abuts the City in its northwest corner. Most of the annexation area is east of 156'n Avenue SE. It is located in Renton's Sewer Service Area and Water District#90's service area. The western half of the area is in the Renton School District and eastern half is in the Issaquah School District. Date Circulated: May 15, 2007 Comments Due: May 25th, 2007 General Information Area : 184.2 acres Street length : 15,700 lineal feet Assessed Value : $58,497,600 Estimated Population : 485 people Current Uses: Residential : 211 Dwelling Units Commercial : N/A Industrial : N/A Public : N/A Comp Plan Designation : Residential Single Family Future Uses: : 57New Single-family Detached Units Future Po ulation • 131 eo le Reviewing Department/Division: SURFACE WATER UTILITY 1. Does this annexation represent any unique or significant problems for your department/division? The proposed annexation is within the Cedar River basin. The annexation area is nearly fully developed, although a few large lots could be platted. Development of at least one plat is underway at this time Storm system infrastructure is present in nearly all arterials. Side streets primarily convey stormwater through ditches, with the exception of new plats. Updates to older areas could require the expenditure of capital funds and increase staff resource demands. (Over) We recommend requiring use of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual Conservation Flow Control Standard (level 2) and water quality treatment standards be required for any new development within the proposed annexation area; or the City adopted standard at the time of development, if it is a higher standard that will better control the quantity and quality of storm water runoff from new construction within the proposed annexation area. King County presently maintains flow control and water quality facilities located in the Evendell, Nichols Place, Hamilton Place, & Liberty Grove plats. A detention tank, pond are maintained at Liberty lane and a tank is maintained at the Serena Park neighborhood also. Renton would assume maintenance of these facilities. Renton would also assume maintenance and repair responsibilities for the storm water infrastructure located within the added three miles of roadway. 2. Are you aware of any problems or deficiencies in existing infrastructure or service provision to the area? King County has documented complaints related to flooding in the past, all of which were resolved. No recent complaints are documented. The annexation area is in the Drting Hill� s�,b-basin of the Cedar RiveLBa_sin The area drains to Orting Hills creek that flows down steep slopes into the Cerla___ r River The Cedar River Basin Plan identified erosion, habitat and sedimentation problems along Orting Hills creek. The application of stricter flow conservation level 2 flow control standards and water quality treatment is needed to prevent these problems from being made worse as the area develops. 3. Does this proposed annexation represent a logical extension of services provided by your department/division? The proposed annexation would be a logical extension of the Renton's Surface Water Utility services. 4. What additional facilities or staff would be required to serve this area? Can you identify any other costs the City would incur as a result of this annexation? When the proposed annexation area is developed, additional public storm systems will be constructed that will increase the Surface Water Utility maintenance needs. The demands for maintenance of infrastructure from this annexation, other annexations, and new development within existing City limits will incrementally require additional resources. At some point, additional maintenance resources will be required. Based on e current annual operation and maintenance costs of $238 er for the whole city, the o eration and maintenance or 184.2-acre Libert annexation �= �.g�YU(��� is estimated o be $43,289 per year. This includes cost for bo e maintenance an engineering personnel in the Surface Water Utility. Existinq revenue from the 211 �jn,qle-familv residential homes within the anr�exation ar�is e�imated t�$1_ 4`,.483 per year. 5. Would the City assume ownership or responsibility for facilities currently owned or managed by another jurisdiction? Would new agreements or franchises be required as a result of this annexation? H:�File Sys\SWA-Surface Water Section Administration\SWA 26-Annexations�I,iberty�REVUFORM lOPCT.doc King County presently maintains storm water flow control and water quality facilities in the Evendell, Nichols Place, Hamilton Place, & Liberty Grove plats. A pond, tank, and trenches are maintained at Liberty lane and a tank is maintained at the Serena Park neighborhood. Renton would assume maintenance of these facilities. Renton would also assume maintenance and repair responsibilities for the storm water infrastructure located within the added three miles of roadway. 6. Would alternate boundaries create a more logical annexation for provision of City services? (If yes, please indicate on the attached map.) No alternate boundaries are recommended. General recommendation and comments: � Signatur . Date: ��� �J� Cc: Lys Hornsby Micheal Stenhouse Richard Marshall H:�File Sys\SWA-Surface Water Section Administration\SWA 26-Annexations�I.iberty�REVLTFORM lOPCT.doc � � � �� � �� , �������� � � , � � i\ N�� � � L1�S�i5i3 ak���`��' .....,., {�?�'�1 ���„£G?G�.SC����`—'-`�� � f�- = , ,' �s• � �►,. � .\ ° �: i . � 4 _.,�i ��• °���� ° ; ' ,. � . ��C'}�€,a�_ � _ "�' � �,«`".a_.«,,,..,.. �� � ^` � ��.� �t�d�5�14 e � � . .,. _ .�, A3 r ��� l��� �; _< � � � � t \ ,;.. �� �; ' .�; ��� }:. t ; " .��,' + :. ; zr ; �.'� .,� #�,-o ##w�....�-�`�°��� � � 4�� ��. x : . _... . ��".` - ,-., :, _ �� � ... .� ..�.,. , �� � �- . � :� ,'� � t . _ . _ . . � �� . �_ .,_. � �" .. °� �._. a� ; �� �� � �,,4�,� r , y � � '�1��T� �_, � , _. �. �--'-� � � �r � �� �'„��-� ... �„ c� +�7 . � � � � � � r fi��_:. �: � .��..7 a�-. ��_ �i'�` �...� ', � 's �. �' �. .: ��; � � � �.� � �� . ,.� . .;. ..... �. ��.,,—.�.,�, � e ,�x e ��4�2C$�.� ,�. � �� .„,„�, �.., � . �� � :: Is . ..._ ' ;�.",� x }...«�, ,�3 §.. 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The��information 5ncluded on fhis map fias been canpi�od by King County staft from a variety of source§and Ss 5ubjed to change without notico:King� � � � � � Cou�ty makes no rcpresentations or warranties,express or irnpiied,as tn accu�acy,compbteness,timeliness,or rights to the use of such information. This document ts r,ot intended ior use as e survey product.King CQunty shall not 6e trable tor any general,special,indirect,incidentai,or consequential � damages inctuding,but not limited to,bst revenues or IosE profils resulUng from the use or misuse of the informatian cof�(ained on this map.Any sale oi ��ng Coun�y. this map or informafion on this map is prohibited except by v.�ritten permission of King County. . . . . Date:5l231200� Source:King County iMAP-Stormwatar{http Bwww,�petrokc.goyJGlSiiMAP).,_,. � � �^'���' � �. �'� <- � � �� � � � �_ ��, ��; ..m..., : - �3 � .�C tl�t�`,'Yi� � � Qa�� � ,����" a� � �� $�', f,�„� �, . 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This document is not intended for use ds a survey product.King Count�snall not bc•liable for any general,special,indirect,incidental,or consequentiai a � damages including,but not limited to,lost revenues or lost profits resuitmg from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale Ot � King County. this map or intormation on this map is prohitiited except by written permission of King CounTy. �Date:5l2412007 Source:King CouNy iMAP-Stormwater(htlp://wxnv.metrokagov/GIS/iMAP) � ,�' �.;�,r"D �„� 3'" t� r � y:. ..�. ' �r�:� �#°'{.Y��',:.'�. , ��. � " �_ �+v . 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Briarwoo ¢ � � SE 134th t. ¢ - Elem -- o ; .o _ �, � ; � � � �- 34th St U ' J` O � - O � Q ---_____. _..--�� aplewo� : ,� - � ' �_--� - -L t.- SE 2nd PI ; Heights �_ _^ - 'r' �--,-- - �= (�—� � _� i , �_ ,L . � �€ 13 th t. , u , °' �_ Park ' Park ' �� �,� � � � �� �� �' � Park _ w �- � � ��e — — � - � �'� i-- ��, - w ---�_ Park f P. - ¢ _ N —� � - � _ w Liberty � °' S 9t - � _—_ H.S. s --�� -� _ ¢ . ' � � `� s � � t _ - � - � — - -- i - tf� --__ N ---_ W � � � L=_ _ Park - , n — � �- -� 2n St. � ---- ---�. ,s � � , � -_T __ w - — ,�— ���'� — — - - �d - �-_ ,--'' _ ,J - �- � � _. �-' -- _ SE � 144th t. - -r- I __ � _ S 1 � I. -- t � �. w - t � ,_ -'-, _ m - � —=-I � � � Maywood ,��, � _ �6 t P M.S. - _� ., - �-- � ' � - E14t 1 �, , , `'" ., >,, Libel�t Annexation o l000 Z000 Y Pro osed Annexation Area Exising Comp Plan � p Gti�Y o,{, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning City Limits I . �r�o00 Alex Pietsch,Administrator L .�'� , Urban Growth Boundary C.E.Feasel � N.t� 13 June 2007