HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA17-000175_Report 1City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Boeing Corp. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME Sewer lift repacment, New Fuel spill contaiment, Modify Gate D50 Gate (leased Boeing ADDRESS: 737 Logan Ave n. PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 737 Logan Ave n Renton WA 98055: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206 617-2944) 857 east perimeter rd Renton WA 98055 APPLICANT (if other than owner) KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): NAME: Mark Clement 0723059001 Boeing , 0723059007, Boeing leased COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing EXISTING LAND USE(S): Manufactoring ADDRESS: PO box 3707 MS 1W-09 PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Manufactoring CITY: SEATTLE ZIP: 98124 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER 206 617-2944 UCN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CONTACT PERSON (if applicable): NA . NAME: Mark Clement EXISTING ZONING Urban Center north 2 COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing Co. PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): same as existing SITE ARE~,,(i.Q,s~r_e_feet): 6,618,761 sq. ft ADDRESS: 737 Logan Ave n. ms 96-01 _-' -:·~---.' ,..~ '.i. SQUAfi[fOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICA-TED:none .< : CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 . ·-;~ ..... ·. q. . SQUAR.E l"QOTAeli: OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: •. , .... "-~;·,1,-1J11·•'·'' ·; ! Na . _-,,_,;·. '\-' TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 206 617-PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET 2944 Mark.d.clement@boeing.com ACRE (if applicable): NA Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/mastcrapp.doc 03/29/17 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UN if applicable): PROJECT VALU. ~I 11 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): f.J f, JS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): rJ A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): /VA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 3, 4 l l_ 5 c, t -· NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): l\J A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA -~---------~----·--------------------------- 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION © SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.fl. b ?Jo sq. ft __ sq.ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the followim::i information included) SITUATE IN THE __ QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP __ , RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP ("\ \\vi{ CI e ("I t,fi . I, (Print Name/s) __ . declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) 0 the current owner of the property involved in this application or D the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein conta'1ned and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~'6.~.. > -;,/ -I J Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 11") 4 r V ( 1-emmt signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary (Print · 2 C:\Users\cle mentmd\Docu me nts \2017mastera pp.doc Rev: 08/2015 \. Project narrative BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP RENTON WASHINGTON Replace sewer lift station near 4-42, Fuel spill containment at Apron D, Modify D-50 gate entrance 737 Logan avenue North Renton WA 98055 Parcel 723059001 Replace sewer lift station near 4-42, Fuel spill containment at Apron D, Modify D-50 gate entrance 857 East perimeter Road in Renton WA 98055 Parcel 723059007 Adjacent to the shoreline of the Cedar River Adjacent to Boeing Renton plant site and Renton municipal Airport Master use permit, Environmental Checklist, Substantial Shoreline development permit is the land use permits for the proposed projects. Zoning designation is Urban Center north 2 Boeing Commercial Airplane plant in Renton to the Renton Airport The Cedar River & Lake Washington are the Special site features Sandy silt loam is the soil type. The work is within 200 ft. of the ordinary high water mark of the Cedar River The North area of the Cedar River has abundant variety of fish and wildlife No trees will be removed. No vegetation to be disturbed along the bank No views will be obstructed by the proposed project The project is 100% impervious surface Cost of three tasks is 1,570,000 The project consists of three separate tasks at the Boeing main Renton plant and at the Renton Municipal airport Boeing Fuel spill containment at Apron D, Modify D-50 gate entrance Task one Replace sewer lift station near 4-42, Replace sewer lift station task is just west of the 4-42 bldg underneath the Boeing internal roadway on the east side of the Cedar River Task two Fuel spill containment at Apron D. Modify D-50 gate entrance Fuel spill containment at Apron D is near the Boeing south bridge adjacent to the Boeing access road east of the river Task three Modify D-50 gate entrance Modify D-50 gate entrance is adjacent to East. Perimeter road and west of the Cedar River on Boeing leased airport property. Task one Replace sewer lift station near 4-42 Scope of Wark The scope of work for this task involves replacement of Building 4-42 sewage lift station. This lift station serves Building 4-42, 4-41 and west side of Building 4-20. The new lift station shall be constructed and readied to place on line. During an outage, the sewer pipes shall be switched from the old lift station to the new lift station without impacting the building operations. Design of the new lift station shall take into effect the need to keep the buildings operational except for the switchover. Reroute existing fire line for new lift station The scope of work includes installation of a new vault for collection of sewage, two new submersible sewage pumps, controls and piping. A new 8" sewer line from sewage collected from Building 4-42 and 4-41 will be rerouted to the new 8 ft. sewage lift station vault. A 48" diameter manhole will be installed to collect the sewage upstream of the new vault The 4" discharge line from the new sewage pumps will be connected to the existing 4" sewage discharge line just south of the new lift station. The old sewage lift station will be demolished and filled in after the new lift station is put into service. Impervious surface disturbance is approx. 1900 sq. ft. Task Two Fuel spill containment Apron D Scope of Work The project will add a new fuel containment to the Boeing Apron D which is used for 737 Aircraft stalls. The system is designed to capture any fuel that may be spilled on the apron in an underground holding area. To allow for control and isolation of the storm water flow paths in the event of a spill the existing 72" storm drainage manhole will be replaced with an 84" storm drainage manhole. The replacement will allow for the installation of valves to direct the storm drainage flow. To contain any potential fuel the project will install 2 each new 5000 gallon fuel spill containment tanks The project will replace several short (approx. 7LF each) sections of existing 24 & 12 diameter pipes. The system is being designed to maintain the current operating conditions of the existing system only making modifications to allow for containment and isolation of potentially fuel laden storm flows. The hydrology of the normally operating system will not be impacted by this project. The project will then replace 840 sq. ft. of existing Asphalt pavement, and 750 sq. ft. of concrete pavement for a total of 1,590 total replaced pavement. Task Three Modify existing Boeing Gate D-50 entrance to add a pedestrian walkway path Scope of Work ·1.-' This scope of work for this task involves of removal of a 24ft automatic gate and 60 ft. of existing fencing to create new opening, Remove asphalt and curbing. The Installation of 136 LF of new 7 ft. high fencing, and new 36 ft. wide double swing gate. Add I each traffic control swing arm Replace Approx. 3280 sq. ft. of existing Asphalt Add 2 new concrete steel bollards Add new 3 x 7 exterior door, 4x 4 metal landing, metal stairs and 3x5 awning at existing guard house Relocate 2 each light fixtures 7' high on existing guard shack. Point light fixtures downwards and away from Cedar River IEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLAN RENTON WASHINGTON ROUP Boeing Replace sewer Lift station near 4-42, Fuel spill containment at Apron D, modify gate D-50 gate entrance MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Construction Mitigation Measures & Best Practices: All activities will begin with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP). These practices include: Safety/ Environmental Pre-construction meeting The project will start with Boeing Environmental and Safety preconstruction to mitigate any risk associated with project Proposed Hauling/ Transportation routes Contractors will apply for their own hauling traffic control plans permits related to this project. And will follow a city approved route. Construction. The actual Construction will be accomplished by a Construction contractor. The contractor will call for all required inspections, as well as site pre-construction meeting. The contractor will keep records of any special inspections at the construction site • Flaggers will be used to reduce impacts • Activities will be scheduled during the City of Renton approved hours. • Dump trucks will have a cushion of sand to dampen loading noise. • Trucks will use trailers to reduce the number of trips. • Equipment will be shut off during standby activities to limit noise and exhaust. • Materials will be recycled to the extent possible minimizing debris, hauling and preservation of resources. • Activities will be overlapped as much as possible to shorted duration of overall construction duration. BOEII COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GRO RENTON WASHINGTON Storm Water -TECS Construction will start with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) under supervision of Boeing Environmental personnel. All storm water drain inlets in and around the proposed construction operations and staging areas will be surrounded by oil absorbent padding to mitigate the potential of any hydraulic/fuel leakages emanating from construction machinery entering the watershed As a best management practice, any soil piles resulting from excavation activities will be covered with an impervious material, such as Vis -queen, to minimize and avoid erosion and to prevent silt from entering into the Cedar River Snow, Ice, dirt and mud removal Contractor shall remove snow and ice to the extent necessary to perform the work. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted to remove snow or ice. Contractor shall assure that vehicles are constructed, loaded, maintained and covered as necessary to prevent the deposition of dirt, mud or other debris on public roadways. Dirt mud or debris shall be removed on continual basis. Any dirt, mud or debris dropped by vehicles shall be removed immediately. Dust Control Through the entire construction period the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to dust control all working area and unpaved roads. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted for dust control. The Contractor will accomplish dust control by watering and sprinkling to satisfactorily settle the dust. Contractor shall comply with any requirements imposed by law to prevent fugitive dust emissions. All demolished materials and debris will be stockpiled on site to prevent dust and sedimentation from migrating onto roadways. Contractor vehicles that are transporting materials to and from the site will be required to have tires washed prior to leaving the site. This will prevent dust and sedimentation from entering nearby roadways. Airport Mitigation • A pre-construction meeting will set up with the Airport personnel. • The contractor will set up visual controls, and FOD controls including FOD fence. • Contractor will be in communication with airport tower during construction hours. • Contractor personnel will wear reflective vests on Airport apron at all times. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Boeing Replace sewer Lift station near 4-42, Fuel spill containment at Apron D, modify gate D-50 gate entrance 2. Name of applicant The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, M/S 1W-09 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Mark Clement Facilities Permits/Land use The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIS 96-01 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Ph (206 617-2944) 4. Date checklist prepared: March 2017 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton, Washington State Department of Ecology, 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): July 2017 to December 2017 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None known at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, Explain. Standard Stream Narrative and Habitat Data Report, Geotechnical report and a Technical information report, has been prepared as part of this project and will be part of City of Renton permit records. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 1 3/2912017 State of Washington: Washington State Department Ecology Shoreline substantial development permit review City of Renton/Local: State Environmental Policy Act Review, Renton Land use/ Shoreline, Building & Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description Project Description The project consists of three separate tasks at the Boeing main Renton plant and at the Renton Municipal airport. Replace sewer lift station near 4-42_Fuel spill containment at Apron D, Modify D-50 gate entrance Task one Replace sewer lift station near 4-42, Replace sewer lift station is just west of the 4-42 bldg underneath the Boeing internal roadway on the east side of the Cedar River Task two Fuel spill containment at Apron D, Fuel spill containment at Apron D is near the Boeing south bridge adjacent to the Boeing access road east of the river ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 2 3/29/2017 Task three Modify D-50 gate entrance Modify D-50 gate entrance is adjacent to East. Perimeter road and west of the Cedar River on Boeing leased airport property. Task one Replace sewer lift station near 4-42 Scope of Work The scope of work for this task involves replacement of Building 4-42 sewage lift station. This lift station serves Building 4-42, 4-4 l and west side of Building 4-20. The new lift station shall be constructed and readied to place on line. During an outage, the sewer pipes shall be switched from the old lift station to the new lift station without impacting the building operations. Design of the new lift station shall take into effect the need lo keep the buildings operational except for the switchover. Reroute existing fire line for new lift station The scope of work includes installation of a new vault for collection of sewage. two new submersible sewage pumps, controls and piping. A new 8" sewer line from sewage collected from Building 4-42 and 4-41 will be rerouted to the new 8 ft. sewage lift station vault. A 48" diameter manhole will be installed to collect the sewage upstream of the new vault The 4" discharge line from the new sewage pumps will be connected to the existing 4" sewage discharge line just south of the new lift station. The old sewage lift station will be demolished and filled in after the new lift station is put into service. Impervious surface disturbance is approx. 1900 sq. ft. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 3 3/2912017 Task Two Fuel spill containment Apron D Scope of Work The project will add a new fuel containment to the Boeing Apron D which is used for 737 Aircraft stalls. The system is designed to capture any fuel that may be spilled on the apron in an underground holding area. To allow for control and isolation of the storm water flow paths in the event of a spill, the existing 72" storm drainage a manhole will be replaced with an 84" storm drainage manhole. The replacement will allow for the installation of valves to direct the storm drainage flow. To contain any potential fuel the project will install 2 each new 5000 gallon fuel spill containment tanks The project will replace several short (approx. 7LF each) sections of existing 24 & 12 diameter pipes. The system is being designed to maintain the current operating conditions of the existing system only making modifications to allow for containment and isolation of potentially fuel laden storm flows. The hydrology of the normally operating system will not be impacted by this project. The project will then replace 840 sq. ft. of existing Asphalt pavement, and 750 sq. ft. of concrete pavement for a total of 1,590 total replaced pavement Task 3 Modify existing Boeing Gate D-50 entrance to add a pedestrian walkway path Scope of Work ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 4 3129/2017 • • This scope of work for this task involves of removal of a 24ft automatic gate and 60 ft. of existing fencing to create new opening. Remove?aspbalt and curbing. The Installation of 136 LF of new 7 ft. high fencing, and new 36 ft. wide double swing gate. Add I each traffic control swing arm Replace Approx. 3280 sq. ft. of existing Asphalt Add 2 new concrete filled steel bollards Add new 3 x 7 exterior door, 4x 4 metal landing. metal stairs and 3x5 awning at existing guard house Relocate 2 each light fixtures 7' high on existing guard shack. Point light fixtures downwards and away from Cedar River 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. See above Refer to Neighborhood Map; and Site Map for project location. Legal Description on cover sheet B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other ...... ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 5 3/29/2017 Flat; b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 2°!o; c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Sandy silt loam d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Yes, Liquefaction zone. See Geotechnical report e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. No grading or fill proposed f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Any risks will be mitigated using best management practices & temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) plan will be in place to prevent erosion. These elements may include minimizing exposed soils, stabilizing exposes soils, using erosion control fences and inlet protection g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 98% no change h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Temporary erosion control measures will be used by contractor 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Temporary dust and smoke from construction equip. during normal construction activities. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 6 3/29/2017 • No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Mitigation measures to reduce emissions include ensuring that machines and equipment used during construction are well maintained. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Cedar River which flows into Lake Washington 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, see site map 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. NA 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. NA 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 7 3/29/2017 I ,, No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water runoff (including storm-water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water runoff discharges into the Cedar River through a 6-inch diameter NPDES permitted pipe. The paved area collected by slot drains and conveyed to a treatment system on the Boeing property. After the runoff is treated it is discharged into the Lake Washington through an existing 60-inch diameter pipe. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. NA d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The work conducted under Task 3 will be covered under Construction Permit WAR303562, a SWPPP is developed and appropriate BMP's will be implemented to control erosion. The additional tasks will implement similar controls, such as filter fabric, plastic covering silt fence, straw waddles and street sweeping will be utilized. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8 3/29/2017 ,, t .. ' ' shrubs, grass, pasture, crop or grain, wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, mi/foil other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Migratory Salmon-Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead trout, Coastal/Puget Sound Bull trout in Cedar River, see stream narrative study for detailed list d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: None proposed 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site are listed below: Birds: Mammals: seagulls, crows, eagles, Blue heron Beaver Fish: Coho salmon, Chinook salmon sockeye salmon steelhead and cutthroat trout, native char (bull trout) and long fin smelt b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Puget Sound Steelhead and their status are under ESA, the species is listed as "threatened," as are Puget Sound Chinook salmon and coastal/Puget Sound bull trout c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Yes Pacific Flyway; see 2003 Boeing EIS. Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, coastal cutthroat trout, non-anadroumous rainbow trout d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None proposed 6. Energy and natural resources ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 9 3/29/2017 a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric power b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. None known 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None known 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Contractor mitigation plan, Pre -construction meeting, safety plan b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None, Renton airport nearby 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Temporary noise Construction from equipment, 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction during daytime only ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 10 3/29/2017 !-·.·· 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is fully developed as an aircraft manufacturing and final assembly facility. Renton Airport and Boeing Apron D leased and developed for Pre-flight stalls b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. The Renton Plant and is a large airplane manufacturing and final assembly facility, consisting of many buildings and ancillary uses. Renton Municipal Airport has numerous pre-flight aircraft stalls and aircraft hangars and support buildings. The City of Renton boathouse is adjacent to the site Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? None e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? UCN-2 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? UCN-2 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? The Cedar River and Lake Washington are shorelines of the state and subject to the Shoreline Management Act. The City's Shoreline Master Program (SMP) designates the project area as Shoreline High Intensity and it is in Cedar River Reach A and Lake Washington reaches I and J. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Cedar River, Lake Washington i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 11 3/29/2017 Varies, j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal are compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: No change in existing uses 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or tow-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? No new structures b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None 11. Light and glare a. What type of tight or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day Would it mainly occur? ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 12 3/29/2017 2 each exterior lights above doors at existing guard shack for pedestrian safety between dusk and dawn b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Light are pointed at the ground 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The Cedar River shoreline trail and park are within the general area of the Renton Site. Kayak club, Renton City Boathouse b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: NA 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No structures of historical significance have been identified on the project site. The Washington State Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data does not identify any properties within the project area as being on the historic property inventory or register. Mitigation measures identified below will need to be implemented during construction if archaeological resources are encountered during construction. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 13 3129/2017 b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None have been identified on the project site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Should any unknown archaeological resources be encountered during project activities, ground-disturbing activities will be halted in the area of the find in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 {Archaeological Sites and Resources) and RCW 27.44.020 (Indian Graves and Records). A professional archaeologist will be called in to assess the significance of the find, and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Olympia will be notified so that a course of action can be implemented. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site has access to North 61" Street and Logan Avenue North. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes Metro. 150 yards c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? NA d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. Yes, Renton Municipal Airport, Rail spur f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. None g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 14 3/29/2017 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. None is anticipated. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. NA 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. Electrical power for construction equipment PSE, King County Metro Sewer C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. ~gn~ure:~~~~~-·~-·~~~-~~~·~~~~~~ Mark D. Clement Date Submitted: _______,'3c::...___-....:l,:__'_1_-_l_1 _____ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 15 3/29/2017 DEPARTMENT OF COMll.,JNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----~Renton 0 WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report 4 M Biological Assessment 4 Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description >AND4 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report, Elevations, Architectural 3 AND 4 /\" Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 Flood Hazard Data 4 nM- Floor Plans , AND• nrl Geotechnical Report 2AND 3 ---~ Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 Ch.\ . Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report 4 Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 PROJECT NAME: DATE: COMMENTS: -------------- 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev:08/2015 -.. -~_,....._\ LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 landscape Plan, Conceptual• /). A• r IV -'- Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 legal Description 4 Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 fi(\'\ Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 . Master Application Form 4 . Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 . Overall Plat Plan 4 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 . Post Office Approval , Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan 4 . Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 hr'l Public Works Approval letter, Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 .. Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 2 AND• . > Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 . Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 .. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 1 ••o • N'-"- Topography Map, Traffic Study 2 ~· S) Tree Cutting/land Clearing Plan 4 \)I;~ Urban Design Regulations Analysis• Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 - LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AN0, Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND, Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions 2AN0, Map of View Area 2AN0, Photosimulations 2ANo, This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: h't"\ 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev: 08/2015 ....... ___ _ RentOil NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NDTICE DF APPLICATION: LAND USE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: April 25, 2017 LUA17-DD017S, ECF, SM Boeing Lift Station, Gate Entrance, and Fuel Spill PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for two projects on Apron D at 737 Logan Ave N, the Boeing Plant Site, and one project on Apron A at 616 W Perimeter Rd, the Renton Municipal Airport. The two projects on Apron D would include replacing a sewer lift station and installing a fuel spill containment system. The project on Apron A would only include the modification the D-50 security gate entrance area. Apron Dis zoned UC -Urban Center and Apron A is zoned IM -Medium Industrial. The site is located within the Shoreline Jurisdiction of the Cedar River, Reach A, designated as Shoreline High Intensity. The site is zoned UC -Urban Center. The approximately area of the work would be 6,770 SF and the D-5 security gate entrance modification is the only work that would occur within 100 feet of the OHWM. No new impervious surface would be added to the area and no trees and/or existing vegetation would be removed as a result of the proposed project. The applicant provided a Stream Study, Drainage Report, Habitat Report and Geotechnical Report with the application. PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Ave N, Renton WA 98057-2039 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: April 2, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 26, 2017 APPLICANT: Mark Clement, The Boeing Company/ 737 Logan Ave N, Renton, WA 98055 / mark.d.c!ement@boeing.com / 206-617-2944 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Same as Above PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Construction Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Location where application may be reviewed: Drainage Report, Stream Study Narrative and Habltat Data Report, Geotechnical Report Department of Community & Economlc Development (CED) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Boeing Lift Station, Gate Entrance, and Fuel Spill/ LUA17-000175, ECF, SME NAME:_------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ________________ CITY/STA TE/ZIP:----------- TELEPHONE NO.:---------------- CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: • The subject site has designations of Overlay-Urban Design District C {DESIGN- (); Comprehensive Plan -Commercial Mixed Use (COMP-CMU); Urban Center {UC) on the City's zoning map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-2-llOA; 4-4; 4-6- 060; and 4-9 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. N/A Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Alex Morganroth, Associate Planner, CED - Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on May 10, 2017. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Alex Morganroth, Associate Planner; Phone: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I .. S&EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. 16625 Redmond Way Suite M 124 Redmond, Washington 98052. www.SoilEnvironmental.com (425) 868-5868 Ms. Cynthia Johnson The Boeing Company Cynthia.a.johnson4(w.boeing.com CC: Mr. Michael Sullivan Dear Cynthia: March 18, 2017 Letter Report Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Gate D-50 Modification Boeing Renton Plant INTRODUCTION 2 (' L, ' Soil & Enviromnental Engineers, Inc. (S&EE) has been retained by you to perform a geotechnical evaluation for the above-referenced project. The project will involve re-configuration of the traffic flow through the existing D-50 gate. I understand that new underground electrical lines will be constructed, some minor re- grading will be performed, and new asphalt pavement will be installed. SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The project site is located in the southeastern portion of Renton Municipal Airport. Figure I, which is included at the end of this report, shows the site location. The existing gate is surrounded by buildings, and the site surface is covered with asphalt pavement. The gate is accessed by East Perimeter Road which borders the west side of Cedar river and its levee. The site surface is relatively flat. S&EE performed a previous soil test boring, B-2, at the location shown in Figure I. Based on our knowledge of soil conditions in the area, it is our opinion that the boring data are representative of the subsurface conditions at D-50 gate. The boring shows that the subsurface conditions at the site include fill over alluvial soils. The former is about IO to 11 feet thick and consists of loose to medium dense silty sand, gravel and sand. The alluvial soils include a soft to medium dense silt and sand layer to a depth of about 30 feet, then dense to very dense sand and gravel below. This sand and gravel layer turns into a dense silty sand at a depth of 97 .5 feet. Boring B-2 was terminated in this soil. Rpt1707 S&l·F Ms. Cynthia Johnson March 18, 2017 Page 2 Groundwater was encountered at a depth of7 feet during the drilling of Boring B-2. Based on our experience in the project area, the groundwater depth will vary with season and precipitation, and will fluctuate between depths of 5 to IO feet. CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION General It is our opinion that the proposed project is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized and should remain stable. It is our further opinion that the project will not incur any soil instability. Underground Utility Construction Subgrade preparation and trench backfill should be monitored by a site inspector from our office. All loose soil cuttings should be removed from the excavation sub grade prior to the placement of bedding materials. In the event that soft or loose soil is encountered at subgrade, the subgrade should be over-excavated for a minimum of 6 inches. A non-woven geotextile having a minimum grab tensile strength of 200 pounds should be installed at the bottom of the over-excavation and the over-excavation be backfilled with 1-1/4" minus crushed rock. The geotextile should be installed flat with all wrinkles removed and have 12 inches overlap. The rock should be compacted to a finn a non-yielding condition using a mechanical compactor approved by our site inspector. The onsite soils are suitable for use as backfill. The soils are slightly moisture sensitive. As such, the contractor should protect the excavated soils from rain. Pavement We recommend that all pavement subgrades be proof-rolled to identify areas of soft, wet, orgamc, or unstable soils. Proof-rolling should be accomplished with a heavy (12-ton) vibratory roller, front-end- loader, or loaded dump truck (or equivalent) making systematic passes over the subgrade while being observed by a site inspector from our office. In areas where unstable and/or unsuitable subgrade soils are observed, the subgrade should be over-excavated a minimum 6 inches. Woven geotextile having a minimum 200 pounds grab tensile strength may be necessary for additional subgrade stabilization. The geotcxtilc, if used, should be placed with 12-inch overlaps with all wrinkles removed. Rpt1707 S&EE • Ms. Cynthia Johnson March 18, 2017 Page 3 After proof-rolling, the top 12 inches of the entire subgrade should be thoroughly compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition or at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). The subgrade soil should have adequate moisture content (within +/-2% from optimum) at the time of compaction. Asphalt pavements constructed over proof-rolled and compacted subgrades, as specified above, can be designed with a CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of 15. It is our experience at the site that the typical pavement section consists of 4.5-to 6-inch-thick class B asphalt over 12 inches crushed rock base course. The base course should consist of well-graded crushed rock conforming to WSDOT specifications for Crushed Surfacing, Specification 9-03.9(3). The base course layer should be compacted to a firm and non- yielding condition or at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). • •• I trust that this letter will serve the current need. If there is any question, please call. Enclosures: Figure 1 -Site plan and location of previous boring Log of previous boring Rpt1707 Very truly, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. C.J. Shin, Ph.D., P.E. President \ S&EE llll&ll ,i 41 ~x '?2 :t~ fl From Seattle Revised 03-09 Washington -Renton North 8th and Park Avenue North, Renton, WA 98055 . Dllllt:~Rffl!lll . .-111 Boring B-2 LAKE WASHINGTON Boeing Employees -1.------8 Flying Association 5.45 pJ SITE -swosr SN 7THST i~ From b;t,.-....,._.sw__,_19TH"-4ST §1617 Kent and Auburn w w ~ z § 11 / From BelleVue • Employee gates • AMS Turnstile gates · Fence lines D Boeing property D General parking D Restricted parking @) Bus stop @ Helistop Figure 1 -Site Plan and Location of Previous Boring ·~ l • 0 6 10 15 20 Client: " ~ c~ ~g ·c" ~ aa:: :g :{l ~ '§'§ Ill ~£: 2 18 2 6 ,s i i "' U) BORING 8-2 Soil Description i ACI Asphaltic concrete (5 inches) and base course {3 inches) I i Brown and gray fine to medium sand and fine to medium gravel (damp)(medium dense)(fill) 4 Gray silty fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel and layers of burned ash 11 18 r---, 8 2 5 14 ' 1s r-- 17 ' 12 15 (damp)(very loose)(fill) I' , ' :1'·!:: SM: Gray silty fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel (wet)(loose)(fill) Ii ,i: ! : Iii 'I' : i ! : '; i , I ML Bluish gray silt with thin (1") peat lenses (wet)(very soft) Gray fine to medium sand with trace fine to medium gravel (wet)(dense) (Boring log continued on Figure 2b) The Boeing Company Drilling Method: 6 inches hollow stem auger Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE ,\ib No 802-2 SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2a Building 5-50 "t, ~ .!!l d! £ 0 BORING 8-2 ~o ! ! ·~:rl (Continued) ~ Clo: -!l ~~ @-"' '5"6 (.) ~ ~ !:l Soif Descn·pt;on .s.s "' Gray fine to medium sand with trace fine to medium gravel (wet)(dense) ML Gray silt with peat lenses (wet)(very soft) 2 ,18 ~ , 18 26, 30. 35 Client: 26 18 , 42 12 : 32 : 12 '18 , 24 12 '27 • 10 18 r · , 12 ; 18 : 12 Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE Job No. W2-2 -driller reported gravel below 26 feet Gray medium to coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel (very dense) -6 inches heave, removed before sampling -trace wood fragment at 33 feet Gray fine sand with silt lenses, trace organics (wet)(medium dense) (Boring log continued on Figure 2c) The Boeing Company 6 inches hollow stem auger SPT sampler driven by 140·1b auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2b Building 5-50 • 46 50, 55, 60 Client " ~ " ~ £ .~~ :;J- Cl i ClO:: f " " ~~ ~ 13'6 ~ .s.s "' 8 , 18 ' 18 • 18 : 24 [7 r /. ,, ' LJ : •ii n 13 , ( I l~·~ , 13 18 IA , 22 , 24 ; 2 ' r ---' "' 0 BORING B-2 .Q ! (Continued) "' () rg Soil Description Gray fine sand with silt lenses, trace organics (wet)(medium dense) -driller reported gravel at 44.5 feet Gray fine to medium sand with fine to coarse gravel, little silt (wet)ldense) -gravel layer at 50 feet -gravel layer at 52 feet -low sample recovery because sampler rod was lifted by hammer -lenses of silt and peat at 56 feet -low sample recovery because sampler rod was lifted by hammer (Boring log continued on Figure 2d) The Boeing Company Drilling Method: 6 inches hollow stem auger Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE ..ob lio 802-2 SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2c Building 5-50 "' " ~ t ~ 60 66, 70: 75 80: __ Client j C: ~ s ~8 t 8&? ~ '& ii -Si., E .Q "' CJ E!: "' '42 ,. ~ '40 '5 , 35 l0J I 21 : 18 I 40 '4 '. 50 ' , 63 ' 10 :5{)/4" 1 1 4 ' ~ ' ' M Lj ' 17 , 17 r~ ~ 12 ~ ' -I ---' .!!J 0 BORING B-2 .Q 1 (Continued) "' () ~ Soil Description Gray fine to medium sand with fine to coarse gravel, little silt (wet)(dense) Gray fine to medium sand and fine to coarse gravel, trace silt (wet)(very dense) Brown fine to coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel, trace silt (wet)(very dense) Brown fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel (wet)( very dense) (Boring log continued on Figure 2e) The Boeing Company Drilling Method: 6 inches hollow stem auger Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor; S&EE .lib No 802-2 SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2d Building 5-50 90, 95; 100 Client: i C: ~ ~8 ·c: ~ i act fil~ ?J?J .E "' .£.S 38 i8 38 4 '45 50/6", 10 :50/4" · 6 I 21 1 , 11 ,'50/5", 6 7 18 13 12 17 Drilling Method·. Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE Job No. 802-2 2 € BORING B-2 ~ I !!1 ~ "' () .. g Soil Description "' Brown fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel (wet)( very dense) Inter-bedded layers of gray fine sand and fine to coarse sand with fine to medium gravel (wet)(very dense) Gray silty fine sand (wet)(dense) Drilling terminated at a depth of 99 feet on March 12, 2008. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 7 feet during drilling. The Boeing Company 6 inches hollow stem auger SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2e Building 5-50 DEPARTMENT 01 IMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton E) AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) 1. I, tJ/Vl · /' ·, certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington tha the foregoing is true and correct, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: ·r,rJ. ilA .L / 2. On the I I day of_~1v_,tl_v('._/_VI ___ ., 20 1 , I installed _ _,/ __ public information sign(s) on the property located at for the following project: Project Name 3. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 4. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 8 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code and the City's "Public Information Signs Installation" handout package. \ AJJrur dJ ~ {{/0 t?r-01 CU>, ,J-, Installer Sigature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this fl day of fJ1Y/-I\ CJ./ , 20 c,<()/J- CAROL L. LONGACRE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 15, 2018 {tf.h,_/ I? ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at A :Z-.rVG---Cou. N<'/ I My commission expires on /O -/ 5-).O/ Fr ' 7 D~PARTMENT OF COMr IITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------9-·Renton 0 SHORELINE TRACKING WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov The City of Renton is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology to track and evaluate the effectiveness of the Shoreline Master Program at achieving no net loss of shoreline ecological functions with respect to shoreline projects. The City will use shoreline development tracking information to prepare a Shoreline Master Program report every eight years to comply with the Shoreline Management Act requirements. SHORELINE STABILIZATION 1. Is there currently a bulkhead on your site? D Yes X No; If yes, fill out table below. If no, see "Site Conditions", Section 2 below. What Type of Materials is Your Bulkhead Made of? Linear Feet of Hard Materials: Linear Feet of Soft Materials: Examples of Types of Bulkheads: Hord (e.g. rocks, wood}; Soft (e.g. sand, plants); Combination-soft materials at the water with hord moteriols further inland, or o combination of hard and soft materials at the water. SITE CONDITIONS 2. List the size (in square feet) and type of all structures (1" floor only) on your property (e.g. 2,000 sq. ft. house, 125 sq. ft. greenhouse). Guardhouse at Gate DSO: 360 SF 3. List distance (in feet) from the water to the closest point of each structure. List each building separately (e.g. shed, dock, and carport). Cedar River to Guardhouse at Gate DSO: 165 ft 4. List the size (in square feet) and type of all impervious surfaces (e.g. driveway, parking area, walkway, and patio). 1 C:\Users\clementmd\Documents\Shoreli ne Trac king Worksheet_ 032 717 _RES.docx Rev:08/2016 Impervious surface removed and .laced: 1,900 (4-42 Lift Station)+ 1,59 (Gate DSO) = 6,770 sftotal pron D Spill Control) + 3,280 5. List distance (in feet) from the water to the closest point of each impervious surface (hard surface). @ 4-42 Lift Station: 178 ft @ Apron D Spill Control: 105 ft @ Gate D50: 72 ft 6. Describe the existing vegetation within 100 ft. of the waterline. Estimate the amount (in square feet) of native vegetation. Grass and ornamental plantings (e.g. plants requiring care or grown for decorative purposes) should not be counted. Existing vegetation along the east shoreline of the lower Cedar River adjacent to the proposed project sites consists of a mix of native and ornamental plants, including the trees red alder (A/nus rubra), shore pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta), various willow species (Salix app.), an big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), unidentified species of poplar. Shrubs include nootka rose (Rosa nutkana), flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum), red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), and Forsythia spp., as well as a numbered of unidentified shrub species. All vegetation adjacent to the three proposed project locations occurs in the City of Renton's Cedar River Trail Park. The "native vegetation" cover adjacent to and within 100 feet north and south of the Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Life Station project site is approximately 15,800 square feet, based on the outline of trees in full leaf coverage The approximately 800 feet of shoreline fronting on the Apron D Fuel Spill Containment project site has a vegetative coverage of approximately 25,950 square feet (Figure 2). 7. Will the project require any added fill? If so, how many cubic yards will be added: No added fill is required. IN WATER AND OVER WATER STRUCTURES 8. Are there any in or over water structures on your site (e.g. docks, floats, bridges, mooring piles, boatlifts)? D Yes X No; If yes, fill out the table below. Describe the in-and over-water structures on your site 2 C:\Users\clementmd\Documents\Shoreline Tracking Worksheet_032717 _RES.docx Rev:08/2016 Type Surface Ar __ Light Penetrating Materials (e.g. dock, float, bridge, (in square feet, if (the percentage of the surface mooring pile, boat lift, etc.) applicable) area that is made of material that allows light to reach the water) Existing structures to remain Existing structures that will be removed Proposed structures 3 C:\Users\clementmd\Documents\Shoreline Tracking Worksheet_032717 _RES.docx Rev:08/2016 Washington -Renton North 8th and Logan Avenue North, Renton, WA 98055 1 7 Sl 52 From LAKE WASHINGTON '"' MedirJI BQeing Clink Boeing projects in the Shoreline North Safety , · · 8,idW:.~·· .. . \51/l,~, From Seattle :F,: longacres Park Revised 03-19-15 Boe,ng Employees ---1R----{:J Flying A"oc,at,on Replace // Sewer lift station Renton Fuel spill contaiment _ __.,.__, irpuct. ,.: -6', ~ 1t i D -50 gate ~ Modify ---'''II-~ trance PERIMHER RD AIRPORT WAY +-SlNDST S3RDST -~ 7-106 l'lANMNG ~ISION From Bellevue Triton Towers Two @ • Employee gates • AMS Turnstile gates Fence lines D Boeing property D General parking D Restricted parking @ Bus stop e Helistop m Cafeteria in the building .. . i '"'' :., ··-\~g,.·, '"'· Copyright 201 Sc The Boeing Company. All rights reserved. B C 0 '.£ F A DOVVL Technical Information Report Boeing Commercial Airlines Facility Improvements - Gate D-50: Access Reconfiguration Apron D: New Fuel Spill Containment Vault Building 4-42: Sewer Lift Station Replacement Renton, Washington Shoreline Permit Submittal: March 2017 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING Technical Information Report for Boeing Commercial Airplanes Facility Improvements - Gate D-50: Access Reconfiguration Apron D: New Fuel Spill Containment Vault Building 4-42: Sewer Lift Station Replacement Prepared for: Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle District P.O. Box 3707, M/S: lW-10 Seattle, Washington 98124 Prepared by: ~DDWL 8420 154th Avenue NE • Redmond, WA 98052 Tele: (425) 869-2670 • FAX (425) 869-2679 Shoreline Permit Submittal March 2017 This report has been prepared by the staff of DOWL under the direction of the undersigned professional engineer whose stamp and signature appears hereon. 13726.07 PRELIMINARY Table of Contents 1. 0 PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 1: Tl R Worksheet ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: Vicinity Map .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3: Soi Is Mapping ........................................................................................................................................ 11 2.0 CONDITIONS & REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ................................................................. 14 3.0 OFF-SITE ANAL VS IS .................................................................................................................... 1 7 Figure 4: Project 1-Downstream Outfall to Cedar River ..................................................................................... 18 Figure 5: Projects 2 and 3 -Downstream Outfall to Lake Washington .................................................................. 19 Figure 6: Flood Map ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 7: Hazards ................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.0 FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS & DESIGN ................................ 22 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology ............................................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology .......................................................................................................................... 23 4.3 Performance Standards .............................................................................................................................. 25 4.4 Flow Control System ................................................................................................................................... 25 4.5 Water Quality ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 8: Project 1-Existing Conditions .............................................................................................................. 26 Figure 9: Project 1-Proposed Conditions ............................................................................................................ 27 Figure 10: Project 2 -Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................. 28 Figure 11: Project 2 -Proposed Conditions .......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 12: Project 3 -Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 13: Project 3 -Proposed Conditions .......................................................................................................... 31 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN ......................................................................... 3 2 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS & STUDIES .................................................................................................. 33 7.0 OTHER PERMITS ......................................................................................................................... 34 8.0 CWSPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................................................. 35 ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part A) .................................................................................................................. 35 Scope of Work............................................................................................ . ........... 35 Clearing Limits ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Cover Measures ..................................................................................................................................................... 35 Perimeter Protection ................................... . ........ 35 Traffic Area Stabilization ......................................................................................................................................... 35 Sediment Retention ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Surface Water Collection............. . .......................................................... 36 Dewatering Control ................................................................................................................................................. 36 Dust Control................................................... .. ........ 36 Flow Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 36 SWPPP Plan Design (Part B) ................................................................................................................................. 36 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT .......... 39 9.1 Bond Quantities .......................................................................................................................................... 39 9.2 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch .......................................................... 39 9.3 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control and Water Quality Facilities .................... 39 10.0 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL ............................................................................. 40 Appendix A CSWPPP Plans Appendix B Operations and Maintenance Manual Appendix C City of Renton Sensitive Area Mapping Appendix D Geotechnical Investigation 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Under a single Shoreline Permit Application, Boeing is proposing to improve three existing facilities. These facilities are located within Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The following are the specific project locations: Project 1-Gate D-50: Access Reconfiguration This project is located at the Renton Airport located at 857 East Perimeter Road in Renton, Washington; King County Parcel Number is: 0723059007. Project 2 -Apron D: New Fuel Spill Containment Vault This project is located at the Boeing facility Apron D located at 737 Logan Avenue North in Renton, Washington; King County Parcel Number is: 0723059001, at the south end of the property. Project 3 -Building 4-42: Sewer Lift Station Replacement This project is located at the Boeing facility located at 737 Logan Avenue North in Renton, Washington; King County Parcel Number is: 0723059001, at the north end of the property. These projects will use the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton 2016 Surface Water Design Manual Amendment. These project as a whole will be removing or replacing over 2,000 square feet of impervious surface; therefore a full drainage review will be required. Project 1 is located on the west side of the Cedar River. The area directly discharges to the adjacent Cedar River. For this project threshold discharge area (TDA 1), flow control is not required due to discharging to an exempt water body. Less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS and less than% acre of new PGPS is added therefore this project is exempt for water quality. Projects 2 and 3 are located on the east side of the Cedar River within a single threshold discharge area (TOA 2). Storm drainage from both sites combine to an existing interceptor storm drain system which directly discharges to Lake Washington. This outfall is located approximately 5,200 feet downstream of TOA 1. For TOA 2, flow control is also not required due to discharging to an exempt water body. Less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS and less than % acre of new PGPS is added therefore this project is exempt for water quality. The projects consists of urban land per the USDA soil map. Information Provided: Figure 1: TIR Worksheet Figure 2: Vicinity Map Figure 3: Soils Mapping 4 CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL REFERENCE 8-A TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner The Boeing Company Phone Mark Clement, 206-617-2944 Address ______________ _ Project Engineer _T'--'r.::av'--'is"--'-'N-=-eu=------------ Company DOWL Phone 425-869-2670 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Land Use (e.g., Subdivision/ Short Subd.) [) Building (e.g., M/F /Commercial/ SFR) D Grading D Right-of-Way Use D Other _________ _ Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report [I Full Type of Drainage Review D Targeted (check one): D Simplified D Large Project Date (include revision D Directed dates): March 2017 Date of Final: 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-1 -------------------- Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name Facility Improvement Projects CED Permit# __________ _ Location Township _2_3N _____ _ Range _SE ______ _ Section 7 -------- Site Address 770 West Perimeter Road and 737 Logan Avenue North Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D DFWHPA 0 COE404 D DOE Dam Safety D FEMA Floodplain 0 COE Wetlands D Other D Shoreline Management D Structural RockeryNault/ __ D ESA Section 7 Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) [) Full Plan Type (check D one): Modified D Simplified Date (include revision dates): March 2017 Date of Final: FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 12/12/2016 REFERENCE 8: PLAN RFVTEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 6 SWDM ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type ( circle one): Standard / Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Approved Adjustment No. Date of Approval: Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes / No Describe: Start Date: Completion Date: Re: SWDM Adjustment No. Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan: _____________________________ _ Special District Overlays: __________________________ _ Drainage Basin: West Lake Washington/ Lower Cedar River Stormwater Requirements: Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS [) River/Stream Cedar River -----------D Steep Slope ___________ _ ~ Lake Lake Washington D Erosion Hazard _________ _ D Wetlands ___________ _ D Landslide Hazard _________ _ D Closed Depression ________ _ D Coal Mine Hazard _________ _ D Floodplain ------------D Seismic Hazard _________ _ 0 Other ____________ _ D Habitat Protection _________ _ D FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 12/12/2016 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-2 REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL !NFORMA TION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 10 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Urban Land Flat,< 2% None, 100% Paved [I High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) 0 Sole Source Aquifer 0 Other 0 Seeps/Springs 0 Additional Sheets Attached Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/ SITE CONSTRAINT 0 Core 2 -Offsite Analysis -------- 0 Sensitive/Critical Areas -------- 0 SEPA -------------- 0 LID Infeasibility ----------- 0 Other -------------- 0 ~~===========---=============----- 0 Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: TDA 1 -Project 1 (name or description) TDA 2 -Projects 2 and 3 Core Requirements (all 8 apply): ·-·- Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: 2 Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated: N/A -Exemption 3: Replaced I mpervious Flow Control (include facility Standard: summary sheet) or Exemption Number: Direct Discharge Exemption On-site BMPs: Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control/ CSWPP/CESCL/ESC Site Supervisor: TBD Construction Stormwater Pollution Contact Phone: Prevention After Hours Phone: FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 12/12/2016 Ref 8-A-3 REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) -- Maintenance and Operation Responsibility (circle one): ~/ Public If Private, Maintenance Log Required:~No Financial Guarantees and Liability Provided: Yes I No --··-· --· --·--·--· - Water Quality (include facility Type (circle one): Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basic / Bog summary sheet) or Exemption No. 1 Special Requirements (as applicable): 1 nresno1a u1scnarge Areas coma1rnng < :i,uuu squaref-feer of new or replaced surface Area Specific Drainage Type: SDO / MDP /BP/ Shared Fae. I None Requirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type (circle one): Major I Minor I Exemption I~ 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: N/A Source Control Describe land use: Aircraft parking (commercial/ industrial land use) Describe any structural controls: Fuel, oil containment Oil Control High-Use Site: Yes I No N/A Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Drainage Structures Describe: Project 2 Includes installation of fuel containment facility FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 12/12/2016 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-4 REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION D Clearing Limits D Stabilize exposed surfaces D Cover Measures 0 Remove and restore Temporary ESC Facilities D Perimeter Protection C8J Clean and remove all silt and debris, ensure D Traffic Area Stabilization operation of Permanent BMPs/Facilities, restore 0 Sediment Retention operation of BMPs/Facilities as necessary D Flag limits of sensitive areas and open space IEJ Surface Water Collection preservation areas IEJ Dewatering Control D Other D Dust Control D Flow Control D Control Pollutants D Protect Existing and Proposed BMPs/Facilities D Maintain Protective BMPs / Manage Project ---. --------------------------. ----- Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facility Summary and Sketch) Flow Control Type/Description Water Quality Type/Description D Detention D Vegetated Flowpath D Infiltration D Wetpool D Regional Facility D Filtration D Shared Facility D Oil Control D On-site BMPs [I Spill Control 10,000 Gallon Vault D other D On-site BMPs D Other Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS D Drainage Easement D Cast in Place Vault D Covenant D Retaining Wall D Native Growth Protection Covenant D Rockery > 4' High D Tract D Structural on Steep Slope D other D Other FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 12/12/2016 Ref8-A-5 EFERENCE 8: PL N REV EW FD MS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION RE ORT (TIR) WORKSHEET . . Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Travis Neu 3-29-17 ~--:="'1...--(-:---=- Slgned!Da FIGURE 1 -TIR WORKSHEET 12/12/2016 2017 City ofRenton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-6 PROJECT LOCATION PBQJECJ3 REPLACE BUILDING 04-042 SEWAGE 1~· LIFT STATIOH - PBQJEGJ 2 APRON O • PHASE II FILE NAME ~XHIBIT-VICINITY M/\P.DW3 I ~ I E3 I ~~T~ I I 1 ·-::· ~:: 1 FED.AID PROJ.NO. PLOTIED BY W. HOLDEIJ ~ DESIGNED DY 1\1, WONG EIJTERED BY W. HOLDEN CHECKED BY T. NEU PROJ, E'-IGR. W. HOLDEN REGIONAL ADM. REVISION DATE I BY J =-@ ... DDWL ~ VICINITY MAP BOEING -RENTON SITE GATE D50 REPLACEMENT BLDG. 04--042 SEWAGE LIFT STATION APRON D -PHASE II UTILITIES FIGURE 2 PROJECT LOCATION & VICINITY MAP 470 30' !C'rN 47' 28'S9"N Soi l Map-King County Ar ea. Washington Map Scale: 1: 10,600 { printed on A poitra~ (8.5" x 11") sheet ----=====---------========~ters 0 15J 3JJ ffXl 0C0 ----======---------========F€et 0 fill 10'.Xl xm 3XO Map prqjection : Web Mercator Comer coord inates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 1~ WGS84 USDA Natural Resources :iiii Conservation Service Web Soi l Survey Nati onal Cooperative Soi l Survey FIGURE 3 -SOIL MAP 3/16/2017 Page 1 of 3 47° 30' IO"N 47' 1859"N = Soil Map-King County Area, Washington MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) n Area of Interest (AOI) Soils LJ Soil Map Unit Polygons _,, Soil Map Unit Lines • Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features 1.21 181 )< 0 ~ 0 A. ..i.. '>I' @ 0 V + .... ¢ 9 ff! Natural Resources Conservation Service Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous water Perennial \!\later Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sadie Spot el Spoil Area () Stony Spot ro Very Stony Spot \J Wet Spot 6 Other •• Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation rH Rails -Interstate Highways -US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background • Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection. which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certlfied data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 12. Sep 8, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1 :50,000 or larger. Oate(s} aerial images were photographed: Aug 1, 2011-0ct 6, 2013 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. FIGURE 3 -SOIL MAP 3/16/2017 Page 2 of 3 Soil Map-King County Area, Washington Map Unit Legend King County Area, Washington (WA633) Map Unit Symbol I Map Unit Name I Acres in AOI BeC Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes -------------'--- Ur w Natural Resources Conservation Service Urban land Water Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soll Survey I 0.1 296.0 17.2 319.2 Percent of AOI 0.0% 92.7% 5.4% 100.0%1 FIGURE 3 -SOIL MAP 3/1612017 Page 3 of 3 2.0 CONDITIONS & REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Existing Conditions In general all three project sites are developed, where majority of the ground cover is impervious with concrete or asphalt. Landscaping at the sites is either minimal or non-existent. Utilities such as water, sewer and power are underground. All project sites contain storm drain systems that will not be altered. For Project Site 1, the existing system discharges to a storm sewer (12-in diameter) pipe which goes east under East Perimeter Road and discharges into the Cedar River. No modification to the system is proposed and the existing storm drain system will be kept in service. The Cedar River levee will not be disturbed. For both Project Sites 2 and 3, the existing systems discharge to a storm drain interceptor system which runs north, parallel with the Cedar River eventually discharging to Lake Washington. The interceptor system begins as a 24-inch diameter system which gradually upsizes to a 60-inch diameter pipe. Modifications to the existing drainage system will not impact the flow paths or systems hydraulic or treatment characteristic. The existing system will be modified to allow for the diversion of storm drainage flows should a spill occur into the proposed fuel containment tanks. This is currently accomplished onsite via other methods that will be replaced by the new tanks. Site soils for all three sites are classified as Urban Land Ur. Figure 3 is a soil map from the USDA Web Soil Survey. Full Drainage Review The three projects as a whole has greater than 2,000 square feet of replaced impervious surface, therefore Full Drainage Review is required. All 8 Core Requirements and 6 Special Requirements apply. As part of a single TIR prepared by DOWL, the following drainage review documents the project thresholds based on design that have been done by DOWL (Project Site 2) as well as project information that have been provided by Boeing (Project Sites 1 and 3). Design for project site 1 is being performed by Boeing and project site 3 is being performed by BergerABAM . KCSWDM Core Requirements 1. Discharge at the Natural Location The projects will not modify the existing system and will continue to discharge into their respective storm drain systems which outfalls to the Cedar River and Lake Washington. 2. Off-Site Analysis The project is exempt from an offsite analysis because the minimal existing impervious surface will be replaced with new impervious surface where the rate, volume duration and discharge location will not change per City of Renton Section 1.2.2 Exemption 14 from Core Requirement #2, item 3. There will be no new impervious area added. Impervious surfaces being replaced will be replaced in kind. 3. Flow Control The outfall for Project 1 is located along the Cedar River downstream of the Taylor Creek confluence and meets the City of Renton Section Direct Discharge Exemption from Core Requirement #3. Projects 2 and 3, discharge at a single location into Lake Washington and meets the City of Renton Section Direct Discharge Exemption from Core Requirement #3. 4. Conveyance These projects do not involve new conveyance systems. The projects replace existing impervious areas in kind, where there will also be no modifications to the existing storm drain conveyance and treatment systems. Valves will be installed on Apron D to stop and divert conveyance flows from that apron to the proposed fuel spill containment tanks in the event of a fuel spill however these improvements are designed to maintain the existing conveyance systems performance without increasing or decreasing flows. 5. Erosion & Sediment Control Temporary erosion and sediment control will be provided for the project. Ground disturbance will be relatively minimal and limited to pavement replacement and vault excavation. Dewatering may be a concern on the project. There is potential for contaminated groundwater, if so discharge will be made to the sanitary sewer. TESC is covered under section 8 of this report. 6. Maintenance and Operations Ownership of the existing stormwater system (Boeing Renton) will not change and the current maintenance program will remain in place. The site is staffed 24-hours a day, there is a central monitoring system in place providing for timely notification of problems. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability The project will comply with financial guarantees as required by the City of Renton. 8. Water Quality The projects are below the 5,000 square foot threshold for both TDA's, therefore water quality is not needed. During construction, source control measures will be implemented. City of Renton Special Requirements 1. Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements The site is not located within an area having specific requirements above and beyond the core requirements. 15 2. Flood Hazard Delineation The project site is not within the 100-year floodplain. This project is located Zone X Other Flood Areas, 500-year floodplain per the City of Renton (COR) mapping. See Appendix E. 3. Flood Protect Facilities The existing Cedar River levee will not be disturbed or modified. 4. Source Control This project does warrant source controls. Fuel spill control and containment will be provided for those areas that might hold a fueled or previously fueled aircraft. 5. Oil Control For a redevelopment project, where the threshold of new plus replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces of 5,000 square feet is not exceeded, runoff treatment is not required. Both TDA's are under the 5,000 square feet threshold. 6. Aquifer Protection Area The project is not located in an Aquifer Protection Area Zone per City of Renton Groundwater Protection Areas (printed 11/12/2014) provided in the City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 16 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The project is exempt from Core Requirement #2 Offsite Analysis because the existing impervious surface will be replaced with new impervious surface. Volume, rate duration and discharge location will not change. Survey information was available for each project site, where the existing storm drain systems and outfall have been located. See Figures 4and 5 below. Project 1 is located in TOA 1, which discharges to the Cedar River. Projects 2 and 3 are located in TOA 2, which discharges to Lake Washington located approximately 5,200 linear feet downstream of TOA 1. 17 s·, "'r-r~--'I I , -Ss'-. --,~--« 55 55 ·.---,,-7 _...e--~5-'- ·\:~I ·1.? r---,s 1\11 .I : I ; I ' I ' I . I "' 0 -, "' I -c,f~~~,:~-= ~=-~~~~~~ _:~.:= GATE D-50 j:: 0 'T''J'T-J~w~ ~ N 0 ' "' NOTF· PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOEING FILENAME EXHIBITS D-60G/\TE TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ~ CHECKED BY PROJ. E~GR. REGIONAL ADM. W. HOLDEN ~ ~ ~ W, HOLDEN - RE."!!_SION "' ,.:i.:: I - '·"' I~ It J--~ f ., 1·,~\ P, i]o ~ '. l'f !::. ~f t _ .. __ ... m-... - 0 l,, ' ', ' " a'{}, 5-09 ".ss "-..._ •' 1,\ ""<:",-...;.....;..;.;,,;;;::; .:{~~''Ss, 1 1~· ?', 1.,'{}, ' " ·~·''" ', ' •~•I•"" FED.AID PROJ.NO. IWAS DA]!_ " °' ;); n .... DDWL ~ \. OIJTFAL!,_ \\ Legend --5D-- \ \ 'I_ ~ '-· '\ FlowDlroctlon E>l~tlng Storrn Dr.In Convoyanco S\IKl•rn I I I BOEING -RENTON SITE GATE D-50 REPLACEMENT I FIGURE 4 I ~ ij SCALS INFEST i "ri\M'-JSTREAM OUTFALL TO CEDAR RIVER Legend ~--:":;..,-Flow Dlr&etlon -so-Exlollng Storm Drain r:on.,..y1noe System REPLACE BLDG 04-042 SEWAGE LIFT STATION NOTE: PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOEING FllE NAl,IIE EXHIBIT· OUTFALL TO LAKE WA OWG Tll,IIE DATE PLOTTED EIY W. HOLDEN DESIGNED llY />I. WONG E!!.IERED BY _ W. HOLDEN CHECl<"EO BY T. NElJ PROJ. ENGR. W. HOLDEN REGIONAL ADM. RE\IISION -,:---:.¥~"-::. __ FED.AID PROJ.NO. IWAS DATE I BY --------===-------c::: c:=::::i __)L -~ ===== ~ ~ ~· ,:;::;~,.J; BLDG 04-042 LIFT STATION PROJECT AREA ~DQ~ / 11- LAKE WASHINGTON ~:,--- BOEING -RENTON SITE APRON D -PHASE JI UTILITIES BUILDING 04-042 -REPLACE SEWAGE LIFT STATION FIGURE 5 DOVIINSTREAM OUTFALL TO LAKE WASHINGTON City of Renton Flood Map None 0 1,023 0 512 1,023 Feet WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator _Auxiliary_ Sphere CityofRe1Itons, Finance & IT Division Legend ~ Floodway • Special Flood Hazard Areas (100 year flood) ~ Other Flood Areas (Zone X -500 year flood) Environment Designations O Natural [l Shoreline High Intensity D Shoreline Isolated High Intensity D Shoreline ResidenUal Information Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 3/1312017 FIGURE 6 -FLOOO MAP Th,s map 1s a user generated scat1c o~tput from an Internet mapping site and is for refere~ce on!y Data layers that appear on this map may or ,Tay nol be accurate cu·1ent or othe1w1se reliable THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION None 0 1,023 0 512 1,023 Feet W GS _ 1984_ Web _Merca tor _A ux iliary_ Sphere City of R:etrto fl :.~- Finance & IT Divis ion City of Renton Hazards L egend La ndslide • • VE RY HIGH • HIGH MODERATE UNCLASS IFED Faults Seismic Hazard Areas Enviro nment Designation s D Natu ral n Shoreline High Intensity Info r mation Techn o logy -GI S Rento nMapSu pport @Rento nwa.go v 3/13/2017 D Jurisdict ions ~his map 1s a user ;;enerated s1a t1c output fron~ an lnter·iet r1apmng site and 1s for reference cnl:, Jala ,ayers tt iai apr:ear o n t his map 'llay o; may not be accurate c .. ment or otheM,se rel1ab.e TH IS MAP IS NO T TO BE USED FOR NAV IGAT IO N 4.0 FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS & DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology In general the three project sites are impervious where the pavement grade is relatively flat with slopes between 0.5% and 1.0%. Runoff is collected by a network of catch basins that will not be modified. TDA-1 (Project 1) Project 1 -Gate D-SO: Access Reconfiguration The existing pavement surface consist of patches of asphalt. The 12-inch diameter storm drain system collects runoff from this parking area and runs north easterly to a catch basin across East Perimeter Road, discharging to the Cedar River. Drainage patterns will remain the same and the discharge point will remain the same. TDA-2 (Projects 2 and 3} Project 2 -Apron D: New Fuel Spill Containment Vault The existing pavement surface consist of concrete panels. Within the area of work, Apron Dis collected by a storm drain system located along the west limits of the site. This 24-inch diameter storm drain system discharges to a 24-inch diameter storm drain interceptor system, which conveys stormwater northerly parallel with the Cedar River and then outfalls northeasterly into Lake Washington. Drainage patterns within the site will remain the same and the discharge point will remain the same. Project 3 -Building 4-42: Sewer Lift Station Replacement The existing pavement surface consist of asphalt. Similar to Project 2, the site contains a 24-inch storm drain system. The 24-inch system is parallel with the adjacent interceptor system, but eventually ties into the interceptor system which then outfalls into Lake Washington. The 24-inch pipe discharges to a Type 2 -96" diameter manhole which connects to the 60-inch diameter pipe discharging to Lake Washington. Drainage patterns will remain the same and the discharge point will remain the same. 22 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology TDA-1 (Project 1) Project 1-Gate D-50: Access Reconfiguration This project will involve revising the gate entrance at Gate D-50 near Apron A. Work will involve replacing 3,300 square feet of existing asphalt area and reconfiguring perimeter fencing, new double swing gate entrance, shifting jersey barrier locations, revising pavement markings for both vehicles and pedestrians and relocation of associated utility work. The existing storm drain system for the site will not be revised. Figures 8 and 9 provide the limits of work and location of pavement replacement. • Figure 8: Existing Conditions • Figure 9: Proposed Conditions Table 1: Project 1 -Area Summary New Impervious Surface I 0.00 Acres I Replaced Impervious Surface I 0.08 Acres I TDA-2 (Projects 2 and 3) Project 2 -Apron D: New Fuel Spill Containment Vault This project will involve installing a 10,000 gallon spill containment vault within Apron D. Approximately 1,650 square feet of pavement will be replaced for this portion of the work. This unit will tie into the existing Boeing diversion system which currently includes an emergency spill push button where spill containment involves flooding the apron surface. The manual activation push button will divert the flow from the storm sewer mains serving the stalls to the underground spill containment vault. The main line valves are normally open, the diversion valves normally closed. The containment volume is 10,000 gallons, as required by Boeing criteria. Recognizing that mixing stormwater and spilled fuel is problematic because the containment volume cannot be sized for whatever storm event that might be occurring, the activation of the diversion will remain manual via a panic button. In the event of a spill, the crew can activate the diversion and send the spill to the vault. There will be a fluid level sensor in the containment vault to track potential groundwater intrusion in to the vault. There are actually two vaults, both Utility Vault precast units each holding 5,000 gallons each. The containment vaults will be ballasted with a concrete collar to prevent flotation from high groundwater. Figures lOand 11 provide the limits of work and location of pavement replacement. • Figure 10: Existing Conditions • Figure 11: Proposed Conditions Table 2: Project 2 -Area Summary New Impervious Surface I 0.00 Acres I Replaced Impervious Surface I 0.04 Acres I 23 Project 3 -Building 4-42: Sewer Lift Station Replacement The scope of work for this project involves the replacement of a sewage lift station at Building 4-42. This lift station serves Building 4-42, 4-41 and west side of Building 4-20. This includes installation of a new vault for collection of sewage, two new submersible sewage pumps, controls and piping. Sewer lines from Building 4-42 and 4-41 will be rerouted to the new sewage lift station vault. The 4" discharge line from the new sewage pumps will be connected to the existing 4" sewage discharge line just south of the new lift station. The old sewage lift station will be demolished and filled in after the new lift station is put into service. The project will involve approximately 1,600 square feet of replaced impervious surface. Figures 12 and 13 provide the limits of work and location of pavement replacement. • Figure 12: Existing Conditions • Figure 13: Proposed Conditions Table 3: Project 3 · Area Summary New Impervious Surface 0.00 Acres Replaced Impervious Surface 0.04 Acres Overall, for TDA 2, the two projects will replace a total of 3,250 square feet of impervious surface. This is below the 5,000 square feet threshold for water quality. 24 4.3 Performance Standards Flow Control The project qualifies for the Direct Discharge Exemption per Section, Table 1.2.3.B. The projects will not add any new impervious surfaces. The projects directly discharge to the Cedar River and Lake Washington. There will be no modifications to the existing storm drain system. Conveyance The projects do not modify the existing storm drain systems, or add additional impervious surfaces. Since there will be no change in flow characteristics per City of Renton Section, the existing onsite conveyance systems do not need to be analyzed for conveyance capacity. Water Quality Per City of Renton Section 1.2.8 Exemption 1-Surface Area Exemption, a proposed project or any threshold discharge area within the site of a project is exempt if it meets all of the following criteria: a) Less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS that is not fully dispersed will be created, AND b) Less than Yo acre of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed will be added 4.4 Flow Control System The project site has a direct discharge exemption because it is located near Lake Washington, on the Cedar River. No flow control is proposed. 4.5 Water Quality Per section 4.2 above, the projects within their respective TDA's are exempt based on surface areas being less than 5,000 square feet. 25 An~nna \ 1 1 ', \x No. 779 '\ \ ~ " " ~ ·' ~ 'IN, p · · , ,,vs~-+--J'IN GATE D-50 NOTE: PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOEING FILE NAME EXHIBITS· D-50 GAT.DWG ~ DATE PLOTTED BY DE51GNED BY ENrERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. REGIO~L ADM. W. HOLDEN ls.WONG W. HOLDEN T. NEU W. HOLDEN REVISION I £!tcL. I TOP 26.97 I I~ ~ ~t~~ \ OT 25.0 / JI~ J ~ ~' //f!,}""'< ~ ll>IUn.<nt>IIARn><n11<>FI ii~ », '(}, s ~\ ~~~~ /°1 1~ II ~ 4:_N I ~-1~,\.ri;; I" ~1'., 0 '" DATE I BY _ ___j FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ ~DDWL BOEING -RENTON SITE GATE D-50 REPLACEMENT FIGURE 8 EXISTING CONDITIONS GATE D-50 .,. ~ Q:'. 0 An1enna ~ '::t ~ ~~sl~ ---4 I I '/ I I I I I -_<$'IN I NOTE: PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOEING ~NAME EXKIBl~S-0-6:IGAlE.D\o\/G TIME DATE PLOTIED BY W, HOLDEN DESIGNED BY N, WONG ENTEfiED av w. HOLDEN CHECKED av T. NEU PROJ. ENGR. W. HDLDEN f!EGIONALADM. RE\IISIDN SAN----\ ~ JI NOT FOUND ~ \ !1 i DATE j BY ' ' ' " PROJECT AREA ' FED.AID PROJ.tJO. IWASI ' y -- TOP .93 ~DDWL ~ ' ---1 \ ~ u ' BOE!NG -RENTON SITE GATE D-50 REPLACEMENT FIGURE 9 PROPOSED CONDITIONS I ~ u f!'!LL / [ PROJECT AREA ---~~ 4 I I ITn i1111~. / rn-=-Rt--=--r:-:r,;r -.. -.= ~ le'. .,;,/ t'!l ,,.l7 ~~=.,,--,s ;;!!!"" ==•;l;jt l'"' -~~ ~»-~----&-s--- oJ Ill ,,6!/, ! ! d t7! I / ~- ~ r 11 r • ;/ff---+-t LS: a>Lql I I Hffi !I:-• ~ . fl ti )'.tl ' " ! ! ! ! ·J ! ! l i I J ' ! ,I/ l J l,1 ,!/ /Ii ! " .;1 '! 1/J, ' " ! ! ! ! !J'r ,! ' ,.1•,,-1 1,1 l "" "" 11\. HEE~-, JI I ' • -1~11w~ •" m ), i _LJ 'J ---c ---,,-ss i = /'.!( -~ !I '~ 0 '~ / I 'Ct,--~r-d\----,i. flr~·1 /l(J, .• r:,Jy FILE NAME EXHIBIT -APRCN D PHASE II LJV'IG TIME DATE PLanED BY w. HOLDEN DESIGNED av II. WONG ENTEl!ED BY W, HOLDEN CHECKED BY T. NEU PROJ. ENGFI. W. HOLDEN REGIONAL ADM. REVISION FED.AID PROJ.NO. /AS DATE I BY ~ I•,:-• -' '-i 'i~ -:.:."0---::..-/r' ~} r /, ~ 1K ~ ~ m\ +··+,4-· ,;; !IT ,, m f-+-I 111 = ~ ~ -' ~DDWL c...::.>' ·= ~ ,-.a::_ : I, ' ·- -~, '•'1~ ~ ~-~ "?'--":<~ _,.__ - ) fll" J""' BOEING -RENTON SITE APRON D -PHASE II FIGURE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS I ~ u I ' ~ '' ~,-; "\, • 11f .. 7 I/, I I I !I I .,, .. ,1,, ;;?. -1,,r---- PROJECT AREA~ fiREPLACED IMPERVIOUS FOR FUEL CONTAINMENT 1,650SF IE /.1(1-1~mt-,~·~., ,---~:".~~~ '~1 11 ;)~if\\fR=lf-\{· :"·i .. ·'"-~I/H'""' ;;,!;,I :.ow 1'\:LLL t:: ~ ,, ' ,_ ·1-1-T~1\t\-t-"-+---H--t-H-t----t--t-->-t---t----t-t74rt--t=~-+---i--r '/ 1 I 1 1-1 1 1 s'' W'" . ,._,. --f + IDJ I HH ~Wljr ~....'.. -, 1 - TH-1\ -----~-'. i J / ~ it"-, ii i J I! ''!,! i;1 :::i I~ j ''.[: ~1111:' l~IH=PauJ"TntlltlJmf-~ 111 hi I il11! I IL ~ --' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ;:// ~'· I-' i:,; i, •" // / ., ' fi i' " btJ.i /:;it -' .( ] l ~ ;i ,J:} -- l= ~ ~·· ' _l_U_ I ILJ b "' -1 ::L ----' --... " I,, '':1 ~ '{iA-'- '~ )~-rd\~ / FJLE NAl,IE EXHIBIT ·APRON D PHASE II DWG TlldE DATE PLOTTED BY W. HOLDEN DESIGNED BY N. WO~ ENTERED BY W. HOLDEN CHECKED BY T. NEU PROJ. ENGR. W. HOLDEN REGIONAL ADM, REIIISIDN fh r~: 1-:.·_:_~ _,, -i/'"' H,, -t J--- Iii!! ' ' J ~ "= ''°"'" I "'" I FED.AID PROJ.NO. "' ,if- ,/== -- ~ f-- ,. l'i -- -I .~ ~I ~DDWL ,... "/.)J/ i ,-/f/ 3 __ o I CJJ """ -~,,,,, BOEING -RENTON SITE APRON D -PHASE ll FIGURE 11 PROPOSED CONDlTIONS ~:,,---- ~\\ I \ , \ \ \ ii~~J( REPLACE BLDG. 04-042 SEWAGE LIFT STATION NOTE: PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOEING F!LE ~ME EXklBITS • D4-C<42 LIFT STATION.DV\13 TIME DATE PLOTIEDBY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY ~ REGIONAL ADM. W, KOLDEN II.WONG W. HOLDEN ~ W. HOLDEN ReVl91DN \ ~\ \ I ¥ \ "1 "' ,, ~ "' "' ' \ I>',~<,' ';;o _,. No .. 160-).1 I ~ n ~1 . CB-I u'1 .::.c!-~ ~ RIM 1855 \ \ ~ :\\ INV E 15.06 \ \ iX\ []OT 16.556 9,. \ DOOR 24 No. 560-L CR-ll-4B RIM 18.82 INV N 13.27 INV W 14.37 !NV S 13.27 BOT 11.77 BUILDING 04-042 \' \\ . ' ' PROJECT AREA ~1 t ' <-..,, I \ r \ ' ·1 \ ' ~ r"'''" ,,, .. ' \ \ cs= '™'' \ \ \ \ "' l_ \ ';!, \ '\DOOR 22 \~ ,,. "\ '':°' I ,,..,.. FED.AID PROJ.NO. IWAS ~DDWL ~ DATE " BOEING -RENTON SITE BUILDING 04-042 REPLACE SEWAGE LIFT STATION FIGURE12 EXISTING CONDITIONS I ~ I F \ 9. I j REPLACE BLDG. 04-042 SEWAGE LIFT STATION NOTE: PROJECT IS DESIGNED BY BOE!NG FILE !JAME EXHIBITS -04-{1,12 LIFT STA-ION.DING Tlr.ilE DATE PLOJrED BY W. HOLDEN DESIGNED BY N. WONO ENTERED BY W. HOLDEN CHECKED BY T. NEU l'ROJ. ENGR. W. HOLDEN FIEGID~,H A.OM. REVISION OATE I BY FED.AID PROJ.NO. "' \ \ ~DOWL \\ ~\ BOEING -RENTON SITE BUILDING 04-042 REPLACE SEWAGE LIFT STATION FIGURE 13 PROPOSED CONDITIONS I ~ a 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN N/A 32 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS & STUDIES • A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be prepared under a separate cover. • The project geotechnical report is being prepared by Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. and the final report is not available for inclusion in the TIR at this time. The report will be submitted for the under a separate cover. 33 7.0 OTHER PERMITS This TIR was prepared for the Shoreline Permit application. 34 8.0 CWSPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part A) Scope of Work Earthwork for the projects will be limited to excavation necessary for pavement replacement and vault installation. The existing site is paved, the existing concrete and asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. The project will use commercial filtration tanks during construction for stormwater runoff and dewatering. Clearing Limits The clearing limits will be spray painted with white paint on the edge of the existing concrete panels to be removed. Cover Measures The existing asphalt and concrete will remain in place as long as possible. Any exposed disturbed soil will need to be stabilized at the end of each shift, plastic sheeting is the most practical means of accomplishing this. Perimeter Protection The perimeter will have a temporary safety fence. In the perimeter areas on the downhill side a triangular sediment filter dike is to be installed. This triangular sediment filter dike works similar to a silt fence but can easily be installed on existing pavement. The filter fabric traps the sediment so that it can be removed after reaching a depth of four inches. Traffic Area Stabilization Currently this access is paved, and will be used as existing pavement as long as possible. Once the asphalt is removed, a construction entrance will be installed. If the construction entrance is not providing enough protection then a wheel wash will be ins ta lied. Sediment Retention Given the nature of the site and the high groundwater present, conventional sediment traps or ponds would be problematic. Commercial settling tanks and chitosan enhanced filtration units will be employed needed for projects 2 and 3. Runoff will be collected and pumped from sumps and dewatering flow will be pumped directly into the treatment system. Site soil disturbance on project 1 will be limited and it is not anticipated that the site will generate significant quantities of sediment laden runoff. Project 1 will utilize catch basin socks and localized TESC measures to prevent sediment laden water leaving the site. 35 Surface Water Collection The downstream collection system is in place. The construction area will discharge into the existing system after going through the filtration tanks for project 2 & 3. Surface water collection is not anticipated for project 1. Dewatering Control The commercial tank and filtration system will also be used for dewatering the site. There is high ground water in the project locations so dewatering is anticipated throughout the duration of the underground utility or stormwater work. Hydrologic calculations to establish TESC flow rates have not been performed. Based on past history at this site the dewatering flow will be the governing flowrate in terms of treatment capacity. Treatment capacity will have to match the dewatering pump rate. Based on past experience the dewatering pump rate is estimated to be 50 gpm per pump and there could be multiple pumps employed at once. Treatment will be through a settling tank and chitosan enhanced filter system before discharging into the storm system. The actual flow rate will be a function of the number of dewatering pumps in action at the time. There is potential for contaminated groundwater on the site in which case dewatering discharge will be made to the sanitary sewer. The general contractor will be responsible for monitoring discharge; actual monitoring to be performed by Clearwater Solutions or comparable sub-contractor. Turbidity would be monitored on a daily basis. Dust Control Generally speaking dust is not likely to be a problem. Grading on these project sites will be minimal and the amount of soil exposed at a time will be small. Water will be used for dust control if necessary. Flow Control Flow control will not be provided. The project is located in a direct discharge area. SWPPP Plan Design (Part BJ The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a stand-alone document that describes the Construction Best Management Practices (BM P's). The SWPPP has been prepared under separate cover. The 12 elements and BMPs recommended are identified below: Element 1-Mark Clearing Limits: A temporary safety fence will be installed around the perimeter. The edge of the concrete panel removal area will be spray painted with white paint. The safety fence may be coincidental with the site security fencing. Element 2 -Establish Construction Access: The site is currently paved, the asphalt will remain in place as long as possible. Once the driveway asphalt is removed a construction entrance per the City of Renton standard detail 215.10 could be employed. Sequentially a construction entrance might not be necessary. Wheel washing, street sweeping and street cleaning shall be employed as necessary to prevent sediment from tracking onto the Perimeter Road. 36 Element 3 -Control Flow Rates: This project is located in a direct discharge area for Cedar River and no flow control will be provided. Element 4 -Install Sediment Controls: All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through triangular filtration dikes, storm drain inlet protection or temporary sediment tanks. Element 5 -Stabilize Soils: Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with Plastic Coverings per City of Renton standard detail 213.30 or an equivalent protection. Element 6-Protect Slopes: The site is relatively flat, where there are no slopes. Element 7 -Protect Drain Inlets: Catch basin filters will be installed per City of Renton standard detail 216.30 on all catch basins located within the construction area and immediately downstream of the project areas. Element 8 -Stabilize Channels and Outlets: The stormwater will be treated with commercial filtration tanks before being released into the existing system. Element 9-Control Pollutants: The following measures will be taken: • All vehicles, equipment and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify maintenance. • Fueling will be conducted on hard pavement. • Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. • In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. • Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. • Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work will be prevented from entering waters of the state by implementing Concrete Handling measures (BMP C151), pH neutralization will be utilized if necessary. The following BM P's from the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington will be used: BM P C151: Concrete Handling BMP C152: Saw cutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment BM P C154: Concrete Washout Area BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration BMP C252: High pH Neutralization BMP C253: pH control for High pH Water 5406 Streets/Highways/Applicable BMP's 5407 Dust Control for Disturbed Land Areas and Unpaved Parking Lots 5409 Fueling at Dedicated Stations 5411 Landscaping and Lawn/Vegetation Management 5417 Maintenance for Stormwater Drainage and Treatment Systems 5419 Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment 5424 Roof/Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings 37 5430 Urban Streets Element 10 -Control Dewatering: The water from foundations, vaults, and trenches will be pumped to the filtration tanks, treated and released into the storm drain system. The dewatering flow rate will set the flow rate for the treatment system. Element 11 -Maintain BMPs: All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be inspected, maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Element 12 -Manage the Project: During construction consideration shall be given to removing and replacing the pavement in stages. Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Conditions 54 of the CSWGP. The contractor will update the SWPPP as necessary and keep a copy on site at all times. 38 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities The bond quantities worksheet has not been prepared for the initial Shoreline Permit submittal. 9.2 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch N/ A -These projects will not include flow control or water quality facilities. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control and Water Quality Facilities N/ A -These projects will not include flow control or water quality facilities. 39 10.0 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL The Operations and Maintenance Manual (Appendix B) will be developed in the future submittal. In general, there will be no new storm sewer systems added. Project 2 will provide a new fuel spill containment vault. The manual document is meant to be a standalone document and will be incorporated into the larger Boeing operational program. The final O & M Manual will be published post construction with the as-built drawings and full documentation of equipment cut sheet submittals and manufacturer's maintenance procedures. 40 Appendix A CSWPPP Plans Appendix B Operations and Maintenance Manual Note: The final manual will be published with the record drawings when complete documentation from pump and equipment manufacturers is available. Appendix C City of Renton Sensitive Areas Mapping .. / ,/ ., ... ""- / I .1 'i ' ~~ ' I ·1 )'-' ~ ' ., .t' -, •' , I / I f I ~ l_a __ ~_ Information Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa .gov Prin ted on: 11 112120 14 Data Sources: City of Renton. King County This document is a grap hic representation . not guaranteed to survey accuracy. and is based on the best informat ion available as of t he date shown . This map is intended for C ity di splay purposes only. Coordim:1 !~ Sy.shJm NAO 1983 HARN St;;,taPl8n6 Wa.sl,ingtor, North FfPS 46 0 t Feet ProJeCtlon. Lambert Conformal Conic D1:1turn· North Amencan 1983 HARN (jj Renton City Limns l"9 Education e F ire Stat ion [::J Val ley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas \ _Ji_ " \ \ 0 02\ 0.5 1- 1 1 , Miles ' 1 1 1 Aquifer Protection Zone 1 ~ Zone 1 Mod ified Zo ne 2 \ N t \ \ \ \ I ' .,, 1- j .;.J ./ .,-l'...___ ,4 '· t ,/ / ~, City of Renton Sensitive Areas / \ _J ~.,,I o 0.2s o .s ~ ---------~-------~aii~-~~·_ . .,_'-'_~ ____ ~--~~~~=~=M:ue:s:::::=~~ Informa tion Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Printed on: 11/12/2014 Data Sources: City of Renton, King County This document 1s a graphic representation. not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information avail ab le as of t he date shown. T his map is intended fo r City display purposes only. Cuorri,r,8le System: NAO 1983 HARN StlJlePltme Washmglon North flPS 4601 reel ProJeCr10n: Lamben Conlormal Con:c Datum: Non.h Amencari 1983 HARN Q Renton C rty Limits l"l Educati on (i Fire Station c:J Valley Medical Center Coa l Mine Hazards Seve rity M HIG H C3 MODERATE C3 UNCLASSIFIED -\ \ r l"il I -~-_J City of Renton Sensitive Areas Fl I 'l / ___ 1 _ -l ~ I Fl .. -·-··, I ! ., I I -'~, _f".J - r-' -,....,--"· .... -..... ..: :-·--L..r-) I l"il i Fl --" \ .. I ~ ,/ 0.25 0.5 L_ ___ _& _____ .:.._ _ _.__..._ _____ ___, ___ .....,_,...~_....____~·.___ :"~~ -'---'-------M_il _es ___ ~ lnformat,on rechnology -GI S mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Printed on. 11 112/201 4 Dala Sources: City of Renton. King County Th is document is a graphic representation. not gu a ranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information ava ila ble as of the date shown. This map is intended for City display purposes only. Coordinate System. NAO T98.1 HARN St11tP.Pt11ne WHsh111gt"n Nmth FIPS 4601 Feet Proje,.:ticm· t smtJe,r ConformiJ/ Come Dntum. North American 1983 HARN !_'jl Renton City Limi1s l"il Education 4l Fire Stat,on I:::) Va ll ey Med ica l Center Erosion Hazard Severity ~ High -.-rr Ci1yof , ~ -------1~Bl'J!Dil ~ SE l2NO ST 1,,1ercer \s\and Lake Washingwn !_l c;, ,-·-~,:.;..J' I \ :2 - " ~I .,,···-·-.\ \ f.JE ?ND ST SE 164Tr/ST Benson I SE 164THS7''j ; I l;; ! SE 168THST ~ i '< i:: ~ .. , .......... ) t \. ..-, Newcastle ....... ___ ..., \ ...... ..... Cougar Mounlai"i r -----· ~ -·-------·· SE 192ND ST "' "·I I ~ ··-t··-·. ----·---·---·----~' ~ Put>hc Wo•ks -Surface \'\'ate< U'JJil:y Pnr l Date 11/05'2012 Lake Youngs ~----~-------------------'----.,_..._ _____________ ,.__-l Dala Sw·ces City ofRe.,ton FEMA ~I RM re·,sed '.1ay 16 199!> Effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Le gend r::J Renton City Um ts Zone AE . A. AH. AO· Regulatory C:J Zone X -Non Regulatory 0 0 .2 5 0 .5 1 Miles Cedar ~Ner nood ha.:.rd a1e111 upd11ted w,!t, ~EMA Ce::lw River LOM;;i (Case ~o 06-10-9569P) ap:,roved December 4 , 2U::i6 l"rs i::ocY-nent 1s a ~raphic re:,resentattc'"l '"lot guaranteec to su!"lle)' ai::cur11cy, and 1s base::! on the best nforr'1abon ava1l11~e as ol tri.e dal11 !!.hi:wm -1,1,; rrap 115, 1ntil'!nd~::l lor City d spay purposes only \ \ \ I i i I i i ~ ( i i i ' I I _,,/ ~./ ,, ) \ l"l "--:::-,, ~"--) r _j I . I I ( I . I'! l f ,r .. ·'~, / / / -/ ''I " ~ -t-r I P'l City of Renton Sensitive Areas f I ' ,I l"l l I / \ \ "i l"l ~J " · I \ -----~- ! l., '> . "'""'1 r::;::,... l"I ''--, .,. " . I ~1 j l -;; __ _J~,1--rn • I \ ~;::::::---_J_-1_ __ _L_::~___J_.....mi,__________c:_~~-~;~::""-;-~/ _ '-0 --0-25 ~o11ess l"i 1:~o;mation Technology . GIS ~ _ ~ __ M Pnnted on 11 1121201 4 Landslide Hazard mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Dala Sources: City of Renton. King County ~? Renton C ity Limit s Severity P'l Education -Ve H" h This documen t is a graph ic r -ry 19 to survey accuracy. and is bae{resentation . not guaranteed ~ Fire Stat ion M High available as of l he date sh ed on the best infonm ation City display purposes onlyown . This map IS intended for (:] Ccxmlu1,:1te Syslem: NAO 1983 HARN$! t . ProjeCt:on· Lambert Conto,maf Come 8 ePtenl! W~5h111!;ton North FIPS 4601 Feet 08/um. North Amer1ca11 1983 HARN Val ley Med ical Center Moderate Unclassifie d ~ r City nf - ---------~ _B JJ t011 ® N •· .,. r- .) a I Information Technology -GIS mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Pnnted on: 11 /12/2014 Data Sources: City of Renton, Ki ng County This document i s a graphic representation, not guaran teed to survey accuracy, a nd is based on the best inforrnal ion available as of the date shown. T hi s map is intended for City display purposes only. Coordinate Sys/em: NAO 7983 J-U RN S tatePlane Washington Norrh FIPS 4601 Fccr Pro_JeCr10n: Lambert Conform:,/ Conic Darum : Nonh Ameocan 1983 IIAUN Gj Rento n C rty Limits Pit Ed ucatio n 4'i Fire Station G) Valley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas St eep S lo p e s Per cent Ra n ge >15 % & <=25% >25 % & <=40% ii, >40% & <=90% ii, >90% . ' 0 0.25... 0.5 I 1 -..:\ I I I I Miles Appendix D Geotechnical Investigation S&EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. 16625 Redmond Way, Suite M 124, Redmond, Washington 98052, www.SoilEnvironmental.com (425) 868-5868 Ms. Cynthia Johnson The Boeing Company Cvnthia.a. j ohnson4ral boeing.com CC: Mr. Michael Sullivan Dear Cynthia: March 18. 2017 Letter Report Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Gate D-50 Modification Boeing Renton Plant INTRODUCTION Soil & Environmental Engineers, Inc. (S&EE) has been retained by you to perfonn a geotechnical evaluation for the above-referenced project. The project will involve re-configuration of the traffic flow through the existing D-50 gate. l understand that new underground electrical lines will be constructed, some minor re- grading will be performed, and new asphalt pavement will be installed. SURF ACE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The project site is located in the southeastern portion of Renton Municipal Airport. Figure I, which is included at the end of this report, shows the site location. The existing gate is surrounded by buildings, and the site surface is covered with asphalt pavement. The gate is accessed by East Perimeter Road which borders the west side of Cedar river and its levee. The site surface is relatively flat. S&EE performed a previous soil test boring, 8-2, at the location shown in Figure I. Based on our knowledge of soil conditions in the area, it is our opinion that the boring data are representative of the subsurface conditions at D-50 gate. The boring shows that the subsurface conditions at the site include fill over alluvial soils. The former is about 10 to 11 feet thick and consists of loose to medium dense silty sand, gravel and sand. The alluvial soils include a soft to medium dense silt and sand layer to a depth of about 30 feet, then dense to very dense sand and gravel below. This sand and gravel layer turns into a dense silty sand at a depth of97.5 feet. Boring B-2 was terminated in this soil. Rpt1707 S&t;t; Ms. Cynthia Johnson March 18, 2017 Page 2 Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 7 feet during the drilling of Boring B-2. Based on our experience in the project area, the groundwater depth will vary with season and precipitation, and will fluctuate between depths of 5 to IO feet. CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDA TION General It is our opinion that the proposed project is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized and should remain stable. It is our further opinion that the project will not incur any soil instability. Underground Utility Construction Subgrade preparation and trench backfill should be monitored by a site inspector from our office. All loose soil cuttings should be removed from the excavation subgrade prior to the placement of bedding materials. In the event that soft or loose soil is encountered at subgrade, the subgrade should be over-excavated for a minimum of 6 inches. A non-woven geotextile having a minimum grab tensile strength of 200 pounds should be installed at the bottom of the over-excavation and the over-excavation be backfilled with 1-1/4" minus crushed rock. The geotextile should be installed flat with all wrinkles removed and have 12 inches overlap. The rock should be compacted to a finm a non-yielding condition using a mechanical compactor approved by our site inspector. The onsite soils are suitable for use as backfill. The soils are slightly moisture sensitive. As such, the contractor should protect the excavated soils from rain. Pavement We recommend that all pavement subgrades be proof-rolled to identify areas of soft, wet, orgamc, or unstable soils. Proof-rolling should be accomplished with a heavy (I 2-ton) vibratory roller, front-end- loader, or loaded dump truck ( or equivalent) making systematic passes over the subgrade while being observed by a site inspector from our office. In areas where unstable and/or unsuitable subgrade soils are observed, the subgrade should be over-excavated a minimum 6 inches. Woven geotextile having a minimum 200 pounds grab tensile strength may be necessary for additional subgrade stabilization. The geotextile, if used, should be placed with 12-inch overlaps with all wrinkles removed. Rpt1707 S&EE Ms. Cynthia Johnson March 18,2017 Page 3 After proof-rolling, the top 12 inches of the entire subgrade should be thoroughly compacted to a finn and non-yielding condition or at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). The subgrade soil should have adequate moisture content (within +/-2% from optimum) at the time of compaction. Asphalt pavements constructed over proof-rolled and compacted subgrades, as specified above, can be designed with a CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of 15. It is our experience at the site that lbe typical pavement section consists of 4.5-to 6-inch-thick class B asphalt over 12 inches crushed rock base course. The base course should consist of well-graded crushed rock confonning to WSDOT specifications for Crushed Surfacing, Specification 9-03.9(3). The base course layer should be compacted to a finn and non- yielding condition or at least 95 percent oflbe maximum dry density, as detennined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). • • • I trust that this letter will serve the current need. If there is any question, please call. Enclosures: Figure I -Site plan and location of previous boring Log of previous boring Rpt1707 Very truly. SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. C.J. Shin, Ph.D., P.E. President ' S&EE • • From Seattle Revised 03-09 Washington -Renton North 8th and Park Avenue North, Renton, WA 98055 Boring B-2 i I SITE £':jQ(?- LAKE. WASHINGTON Boeing Employees -'lt--0 Flying Assoclallon swnttsr +-S2NOST J.207 From'. Belleyue Triton Tower Thr~e ,.,,. I Triton Tower Two , I • Employee gates • AMS Turnstile gates ----Fence lines D Boeing property D General parking D Restricted parking @) Bus stop e Helistop I • • Figure 1 -Site Plan and Location of Previous Boring ~ ill l ' 4 6 le 11 • 5 10 15 ,, " '5 20 Client Drilling Method: !! c!I ,; !I 0 ! . ., i 00:: .!! XI :g l fr§ ~ ££ "' , 18 1: 7 ·• , __ ·1 ' ' 18 !. 2 I ' 'I I ., ( ' 18 ,-' : 18 ! I •I I. " '~ : 16 1:7 " . ' ,, ' ' BORING B-2 Soil Descnption j AC' Asphaltic concrete (5 inches) and base course (3 inches) I '.li1l-~ !ni ISMi 11 ' I ! ' ! • ,11 I I Brown and gray fine to medium sand and fine to medium gravel (damp)(medium dense)(fill) Gray silty fine to medium sand wrth fine to medium gravel and layers of burned ash (damp)(very loose)(fill) Gray silty fine to medium sand wrth fine to medium gravel (wet)(loose)(fill) '.,· I Ii i . , --I : T ML' Bluish gray silt wrth thin (1") peat lenses (wet)(very soft) :I ,, Gray fine to medium sand with trace fine to medium gravel {wet)(dense) (Boring log continued on Figure 2b) The Boeing Company f3 inches hotlow stem auger Sampling Method: SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12. 2008 Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2a S&EE Job No 80:l-2 Building 5-50 BORING 8-2 (Continued) Soll Description SP I Gray fine to medium sand with trace fine to medium gravel (wetXdense) ---"! ML, Gray silt with peat lenses (wet)(very soft) ' ~: :·:.-11 ''·' I ,, \1 ' ,, •~> 26 ! Ii '' ; I -driller reported gravel below 26 feet ' 4 ,., , 6 :,:--?I 12 ; ·, ' ' 32 ' \, Gray medium to coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel (very dense) -6 inches heave, removed before sampling 30 36 40 Client Drilling Method: sampling Mettlod: Drilling Date: Drilling Conttaclor: S&EE .kl!> No. 802-2 rJ -trace wood fragment at 33 feet Gray fine sand with silt lenses, trace organics (wet)(medium dense) (Boring log contrnued on Figure 2c) The Boeing Company 6 !nches holk>w stem auger SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer Maron 12. 2008 Subterranean. Inc. Figure 2b Building 5-50 46 • 1 "' 6 16 2' ~ ! ~ .c al! IE '! i,i, I: ss /)J "' .8 BORING B-2 1 (Continued) tl ~ Soil Desaiption Gray fine sand with silt lenses, trace organics (wet)(medium dense) -driller reported gravel at 44.5 feet 3 18 t] 5 16 1 ·11 13 : i" I 50, . 1; 16 22 2 24 55: 60 Client. Drilling Method: Sampling Method: DrilHng Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE JobNo 110:2-2 ~ Gray fine to medium sand with fine to coarse gravel, little silt (wet)(dense) -gravel layer at 50 feet -gravel layer at 52 feet M ) ! -low sample recovery because sampler rod was lifted by hammer Ll -lenses of silt and peat at 56 feet ~ low sample recovery because sampler rod was lifted by hammer (Bortng log continued on Figure 2d) The Boeing Company 6 inches hollow &tem auger SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subteminean, Inc. Figure 2c Building 5-50 i .., ~ ! ,: .8 BORING B-2 i' !i ! ,! J ! (Continued) ,s ~; ! "' ! "!i"!i e tl -E-E .,i ~ Soil Description 60 Gray fine to medium sand with fine to coarse gravel, little silt (wet)(dense) Gray fine to medium sand and fine to coarse gravel, trace silt (wet)(very dense) · 21 '18 ''° • Brown fine to coarse sand and fine to coarse gravel, trace silt (wetXvery dense) 70. 75: ao: Client . 50 , 63 10 50/4'"; 4 Drilling Method: Sampling Melhod· Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor. S&EE .lib No 802-2 Brown fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel (wet)( very dense) (Boring log continued on Figure 2e) The Boeing Company 6 Inches hollow stem auger SPT sampler driven by 1~b auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2d Building 5-50 -g "' !I! ,:, .8 BORING B-2 i, ! ~ 1 11 f "' u .!2 l~ ~ ~ Soil Descnption a, Brown fine to medium sand wrth fine to medium gravel (wet)( very dense) 38 ,e, i:--J 38 a r\:'I 45 , , '1. I ,/ 1: Inter-bedded layers of gray fine sand and fine to coarse sand wrth fine to medium gravel (wetXvery dense) 815 90: 915, '50/6''; 10 :S0,41", 6 , 21 ' 11 50/S"' • 7 ,, -13 ',, ' " 100 . -- Client Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor. S&EE Job No IIUl-2 u n I >, I I-,, . ~ N Gray silty fine sand (wet)(dense) Drilling terminated at a depth of 99 feet on March 12, 2008. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 7 feet during drilling. The Boeing Company 6 inches hohow stem auger SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer March 12, 2008 Subterranean, Inc. Figure 2e Building 5-50 ' ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING STANDARD STREAM STUDY NARRATIVE AND HABITAT DATA REPORT Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Prepared for: The Boeing Company Renton, Washington Prepared by: Amee Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 3500 188th Street SW, Suite 601 Lynnwood, Washington 98037 (425) 921-4000 March 2017 Project No. L Y17160440 ~ .i,, amec foster wheeler TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-amec 1 . foster wheeler Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 EXISTING SEWAGE LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT .................................................. 1 1.2 GATE D-50 ENTRANCE MODIFICATION AND PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ADDITION ........ 2 1.3 NEW FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT AT APRON D ........................................................ 2 1.4 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE 4-8-120C .................................................................... 3 2.0 STANDARD STREAM STUDY NARRATIVE ................................................................. 7 2.1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION ...................................................................................... 7 2.2 VEGETATIVE COVER ............................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Existing Sewer Lift Station Replacement.. .............................................. 7 2.2.2 Gate D-50 Entrance Modification and Pedestrian Pathway Addition ...... 8 2.2.3 Apron D Fuel Spill Containment. ............................................................. 9 2.3 ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION ...................................................................................... 11 2.4 FISH AND WILDLIFE ............................................................................................. 12 2.4.1 Mammals .............................................................................................. 12 2.4.2 Birds ...................................................................................................... 12 2.4.3 Amphibians and Reptiles ...................................................................... 12 2.4.4 Fish ....................................................................................................... 13 2.5 MEASURES TO PROTECT TREES AND VEGETATION .............................................. 15 2.6 No NET Loss OF ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION ........................................................... 15 3.0 HABITAT DATA REPORT ............................................................................................ 17 3.1 HABITATDIVERSITY ............................................................................................ 17 3.2 MIGRATION CORRIDORS ..................................................................................... 18 3.3 SPECIES AND COVER TYPES ............................................................................... 18 3.4 IDENTIFICATION OF DISTURBED AREAS ................................................................ 19 3.5 EXISTING HABITAT VALUES AND FUNCTIONS ........................................................ 19 3.5.1 Temperature ......................................................................................... 20 3.5.2 Water Quality ........................................................................................ 20 3.5.3 Reach Sinuosity .................................................................................... 20 3.5.4 Vegetative Conditions ........................................................................... 21 3.5.5 Floodplain Condition ............................................................................. 21 3.5.6 Habitat Values and Functions at the Project Site .................................. 21 3.6 HABITAT ALTERATIONS AND IMPACTS AND PROPOSED HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM .................................................................................... 21 4.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 23 Project No. L Y1 7160440 mu1Upleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_032917.doc)( Amee Foster Wheeler am~~• foster wheeler Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table4 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) TABLES Small Mammals Reported to Occur Along the Lower Cedar River Birds Reported to Occur Along the Lower Cedar River Non-Native Fish Species Introduced into the Lake Washington/Lake Union System Different Aquatic Life Uses and Their Associated Numeric Temperature Criteria FIGURES Vicinity and Site Maps Aerial Photo of Project Locations (in Red) Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Life Station, Plan View Gate D-50 Fencing and Barriers, Plan View Gate D-50 Paving and Grading, Plan View Gate D-50 Guard House Floor Plan, Plan View Gate D-50 Guard House Exterior Elevations Apron D Fuel Spill Containment Plan APPENDICES Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Lift Station Photo Log Gate D-50 Photo Log Apron D Fuel Spill Containment Photo Log Amee Foster Wheeler ii Project No. LY17160440 mult1pleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx STANDARD STREAM STUDY NARRATIVE AND HABITAT DATA REPORT Multiple Projects Renton, Washington 1.0 INTRODUCTION amec~ foster wheeler As part of the Renton plant transition from the 737 next generation to the new 737 MAX program, The Boeing Company (Boeing) proposes modifications and additions to three existing facilities: replacing a sewage lift station that services Buildings 4-42, 4-41, and the west side of Building 4-40; modifying the Gate D-50 entrance to add a pedestrian walkway; and adding a fuel-spill containment system at Apron D. The sewage lift replacement project site and Apron D spill containment project site are located on the eastern shore of the lower Cedar River (LCR) within the 200-foot shoreline setback zone, while the Gate D-50 modification project site is located on the western shore of the LCR within the 200-foot shoreline setback zone (Figures 1 and 2). The project areas consist primarily of flat, impervious pavement and buildings used for manufacturing support or aircraft parking and are fenced to prevent public access. Each of the three proposed tasks are described below. 1.1 EXISTING SEWAGE LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT The scope of work for this task involves replacement of the Building 4-42 sewage lift station, which serves Buildings 4-42, 4-41, and the west side of Building 4-20. The new lift station will be constructed and readied to place on line. During an outage, the sewer pipes will be switched from the old lift station to the new lift station without impacting the building operations. Design of the new lift station will take into effect the need to keep the buildings operational except for the switchover. An existing fire line will be rerouted for new lift station. The scope of work includes installation of a new vault for collection of sewage, two new submersible sewage pumps, controls, and piping. The existing 8-inch sewer line from Buildings 4-42 and 4-41 will be rerouted to the new 8-foot sewage lift station vault. A 48-inch-diameter manhole will be installed to collect the sewage upstream of the new vault. The 4-inch discharge line from the new sewage pumps will be connected to the existing 4-inch sewage discharge line just south of the new lift station. The old sewage lift station will be demolished and filled in after the new lift station is put into service. The disturbed impervious surface will be approximately 1,900 square feet. No new impervious surface area will be added as part of the proposed task, nor will any new lighting be installed as part of the proposed task (Figure 3). Project No. L Y1 7160440 mullipleprojstreamstudyhab1tatrpt_ 032917 .c!ocx Amee Foster Wheeler The proposed task is expected to begin in July 2017 and to be completed by October 2017. 1.2 GATE D-50 ENTRANCE MODIFICATION AND PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ADDITION The scope of work for this proposed task will include: • Removal of a 24-foot automatic gate and 60 feet of existing fencing to create new opening; • Removal of asphalt and curbing; • Installation of 136 linear feet of new ?-foot-high fencing and a new 36-foot-wide double swing gate; • Installation of one traffic control swing arm; • Replacement of approximately 3,280 square feet of existing asphalt; • Adding two new concrete bollards; • Installation of a new 3-foot by ?-foot exterior door, a 4-foot by 4-foot concrete landing, metal stairs, and a 3-foot by 5-foot awning at existing guard house; and • Relocating two light fixtures ?-feet high on the existing guard house (the light fixtures will be directed downward and away from the LCR). The proposed task will not add any new impervious surfaces, but will only replace existing asphalt and concrete surfaces that will be disturbed during the proposed (Figures 4 to 7). The proposed task is expected to begin in July 2017 and to be completed by September 2017. 1.3 NEW FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT AT APRON D The proposed task will add a new fuel containment system to the Boeing Apron D, which is used for 737 aircraft stalls. The proposed task will include: • Replacement of a 72-inch storm drainage manhole with an 84-inch storm drainage manhole; • Installation of two new 5,000-gallon fuel spill containment tanks; • Replacing 7 linear feet of existing 12-inch and 24-inch-diameter pipes; and • Replacing 840 square feet of existing asphalt pavement and 750 square feet of concrete pavement for a total of 1,5go square feet total replaced pavement. No new impervious surface area will be added as part of the proposed task, nor will any new lighting be installed as part of the proposed task (Figure 8). The proposed task is expected to begin in August 2017 and to be completed by December 2017. Amee Foster Wheeler 2 Project No. L Y1 7160440 mullipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917.doc)( amec~ 1.4 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE 4-8-120C foster wheeler Under the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-8-120C (Submittal Requirements -Specific to Application Type: Land Use Applications), the City requires the following environmental reports to be included with Boeing's permit application submittal for the proposed project: Stream or Lake Study, Standard: A report shall be prepared by a qualified biologist, unless otherwise c;etermined by the Administrator, and include the following information: a. Site Map: Site map(s) indicating, at a scale no smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') (unless otherwise approved by the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee): i. The entire parcel of land owned by the applicant, including one hundred feet (100') of the abutting parcels through which the water body(ies) flow(s); ii. The OHWM determined in the field by a qualified biologist pursuant to RMC 4-3-050L 1 b (the OHWM must also be flagged in the field); iii. Stream or lake classification, as recorded in the City of Renton Water Class Map in RMC 4-3-05004 or RMC 4-3-090 (if unclassified, see "Supplemental Stream or Lake Study" below); iv. Topography of the site and abutting lands in relation to the stream(s) and its/their buffer(s) at contour intervals of two feet (2') where slopes are less than ten percent (10%), and of five feet (5') where slopes are ten percent (10%) or greater; v. One hundred (100) year floodplain and floodway boundaries, including one hundred feet (100') of the abutting parcels through which the water body(ies) flow(s); vi. Site drainage patterns, using arrows to indicate the direction of major drainage flow; vii. Top view and typical cross-section views of the stream or lake bed, banks, and buffers to scale; viii. The vegetative cover of the entire site, including the stream or lake, banks, riparian area, and/or abutting wetland areas, extending one hundred feet (100') upstream and downstream from the property line. Include position, species, and size of all trees at least ten inches (10") average diameter that are within one hundred feet (100') of the OHWM; Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhab1tatrp!_ 032917 .docx 3 amec. foster wheeler ix. The location, width, depth, and length of all existing and proposed structures, roads, stormwater management facilities, wastewater treatment and installations in relation to the stream/lake and its/their buffer(s); and x. Location of site access, ingress and egress. b. Grading Plan: A grading plan prepared in accordance with RMC 4-8-12007, 'and showing contour intervals of two feet (2') where slopes are less than ten percent (10%), and of five feet (5') where slopes are ten percent (10%) or greater. c. Stream or Lake Assessment Narrative: A narrative report on eight and one-half inch (8.5") by eleven inch (11 ") paper shall be prepared to accompany the site plan and describes: i. The stream or lake classification as recorded in the City of Renton Water Class Map in RMC 4-3-05004 or RMC 4-3-090; ii. The vegetative cover of the site, including the stream or lake, banks, riparian area, wetland areas, and flood hazard areas extending one hundred feet (100') upstream and downstream from the property line, including the impacts of the proposal on the identified vegetation; iii. The ecological functions currently provided by the stream/lake and existing riparian area and the impacts of the proposal on the identified ecological functions; iv. Observed or reported fish and wildlife that make use of the area including, but not limited to, salmonids, mammals, and bird nesting, breeding, and feeding/foraging areas, including the impacts of the proposal on the identified fish and wildlife; v. Measures to protect trees, as defined per RMC 4-11-200, and vegetation; and vi. For shorelines regulated under RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program, the study shall demonstrate if the proposal meets the criteria of no net loss of ecological functions as described in RMC 4-3-09002. If the proposal requires mitigation for substantial impacts to the existing vegetation buffer in order to demonstrate no net loss of ecological functions, a supplemental stream or lake study may be required by the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee. (Ord. 5137, 4-25-2005; Ord. 5633, 10-24-2011). Amee Foster Wheeler 4 Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx 114 amec f. Habitat Data Report: Habitat data reports include: a. Site Plan: The site plan shall indicate: foster wheeler i. The vegetative cover types reflecting the general boundaries of the different plant communities on the site; ii. The exact locations and specifications for all activities associated with site development including the type, extent and method of operations; iii. Top view and typical cross-section views of critical habitat/wildlife habitat to scale; iv. The results of searches of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Natural Heritage and Non-Game Data System databases; v. The results of searches of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitat and Species database. b. Narrative Report: A narrative report shall be prepared to accompany the site plan which describes: i. The layers, diversity and variety of habitat found on the site; ii. The location of any migration or movement corridors; iii. The species typically associated with the cover types, including an identification of any critical wildlife species that might be expected to be found; iv. Identification of any areas that have been previously disturbed or degraded by human activity or natural processes; v. A summary of existing habitat functions and values, utilizing a habitat evaluation procedure or methodology approved by the City; vi. A summary of proposed habitat alterations and impacts and proposed habitat management program. Potential impacts may include but are not limited to clearing of vegetation, fragmentation of wildlife habitat, expected decrease in species diversity or quantity, changes in water quality, increases in human intrusion, and impacts on wetlands or water resources. (Ord. 4835, 3-27-2000) Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. l Y17160440 mul\ipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .doc)( 5 amec. foster wheeler This report provides a description of the environmental and habitat attributes of the project site where the proposed project is to occur, as defined by RMC 4-8-120C. Sections 2.0 and 3.0 present the requisite information for the Standard Stream Narrative and Habitat Data Report, respectively. Amee Foster Wheeler 6 Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917.docx 2.0 STANDARD STREAM STUDY NARRATIVE * amec 1 foster wheeler This section presents the standard stream study narrative, providing information about existing habitat conditions and functions of the lower Cedar River (LCR) adjacent to the proposed project site. 2.1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION According to RMC 4-3-05004 (City of Renton Water Class Map), the LCR in the vicinity of the project site is Class 1 water. 2.2 VEGETATIVE COVER Amee Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amee Foster Wheeler) biologists, Jessica Youngblood and Bob Stuart, conducted a site survey on March 23, 2017 to assess habitat conditions and vegetative cover along the LCR shoreline adjacent to and within 100 feet upstream and downstream of the proposed project sites. The project sites are defined as those areas within the 200- foot shoreline zone adjacent to the LCR. The three project sites are currently used by Boeing to support their 737 manufacturing program. The Boeing facilities on the east and west shorelines of the LCR and the Renton Municipal Airport on the west shoreline of the LCR consist primarily of concrete and asphalt surfaces. 2.2.1 Existing Sewer Lift Station Replacement A vegetation survey was conducted along the east bank of the LCR along the City of Renton's Cedar River Trail Park, located just west of Boeing's Bldg. 4-42. The park consists of a vegetated strip immediately adjacent to the riparian area, a sidewalk, and roadway. The survey extended 300 feet upstream and downstream from the proposed location of the new sewage lift station, which aligns with the boat ramp on the LCR within the Cedar River Trail Park. The survey extended 300 feet north and south of this point with photos being taken at 100-foot intervals. Photos were taken looking west, north, and south at each point. In some instances, photos were taken looking downward at specific plants. A photo log for this project area is presented in Appendix A. Figure A-1 in the photo log provides an aerial image showing the locations where the photos were taken. The project boundary on the Boeing property is located approximately 160 feet east of the eastern bank of the LCR. The riparian area along the eastern bank of the river adjacent to and within 300 feet upstream and downstream of the project site appears to have been landscaped with mix of native and non-native vegetation. Invasive species such as Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) (Appendix A, Photos 1, 2, and 10), and Scot's broom (Cytisus scoparius) (Appendix A, Photo 11) were observed at several locations along the eastern shoreline of the LCR adjacent to the project site. Extending north of the boat launch, the shoreline vegetation Project No. LY17160440 mullipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt~ 032917.docx Amee Foster Wheeler 7 consists of several tree species with diameters at breast height (DBH) greater than 10 inches. These include red alder (A/nus rubra) (Appendix A, Photos 3, 5, 6, and 12), mature willow ( Salix spp.) (Appendix A, Photos 7, 8, and 9), shore pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta) (Appendix A, Photo 4 ), and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyffum) (Appendix A, Photo 13). A number of shrub species were also observed including flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum) (Appendix A, Photo 6) and nootka rose (Rosa nutkana) (Appendix A, Photo 11 ). Other unidentified shrub species were also observed (Appendix A, Photo 5). Much of the area between the project site and eastern shoreline of the LCR consisted of manicured lawns and paved pedestrian pathways roadways (Appendix A, Photos 7, 8, and 9). Portions of the eastern bank of the LCR within 300 feet north of the proposed project site consist of timber pile and timber-lagging bulkhead, above which is located a steep bank approximately 20 feet wide where the riparian vegetation occurs (Appendix A, Photo 10). Fresh beaver activity was observed beyond 300 feet north of the boat ramp, just south of Boeing's North Bridge (Appendix A, Photos 14, 15, 16, and 17). The east shoreline of the LCR south of the project site is similar to that north of the project site. The narrow riparian zone is bordered to the east by manicured lawns and a paved pedestrian pathway and roadway (Appendix A, Photos 19, 25, 27, 28, and 29). A number of large tree species that are greater than 1 O inches DBH occur south of the project site and include red alder (Appendix A, Photos 20 to 24), shore pine (Appendix A, Photos 18, 19, 20, and 29), and an unidentified poplar species (Appendix A, Photos 19). A number of shrubs occurred south of the project site including a long band of red osier dogwood (Camus sericea) located approximately 300 feet south of the project site (Appendix A, Photos 25 to 28) and flowering currant (Appendix A, Photo 22). A number of unidentified shrub species were also observed along the riparian zone south of the project site (Appendix A, Photos 21 and 24 ). 2.2.2 Gate D-50 Entrance Modification and Pedestrian Pathway Addition The Gate D-50 project site is located approximately 155 feet west of the west bank of the LCR and approximately 4,600 feet south of the Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Lift Station project site and 480 feet north of the Logan Avenue Bridge (Figure 2). A vegetation survey was conducted from the east bank of the LCR adjacent to and extending 100 feet upstream and downstream of the project site. Appendix B provides a photographic log depicting habitat conditions and vegetation along the riparian zone of the Amee Foster Wheeler 8 Project No. LY17160440 mul\ipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917. docx ~ amec ; foster wheeler west bank of the LCR adjacent to the project site. Figure 8-1 in the photo log provides an aerial image showing the locations where the photos were taken. The riparian zone along the west bank of the LCR adjacent to and 100 feet north and south of the Gate D-50 project site is narrow (6 to 12 feet wide), consisting of a riprapped bank abutting an 8-foot- high concrete flood-control wall confining the width of the riparian zone in this area of the river. Riparian vegetation at the time of the survey was very sparse to non-existent, consisting of unidentified grasses and weeds (Appendix B, Photos 1 to 10). A narrow band of small alder trees was observed on the west bank of the LCR just beyond 100 feet south of the Gate D-50 project site (Appendix A, Photo 7). No trees with trunks greater than or equal to 10 inches DBH are located within 100 feet of the project site on the west bank of the LCR. 2.2.3 Apron D Fuel Spill Containment The Apron D Fuel Spill Containment project site is located approximately 80 feet east of the LCR, and the northern boundary of the project site is located approximately 2,700 feet south of the Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Life Station project site. The Apron D project site is roughly 620 long and separated from the east bank of the LCR by the Cedar River Trail Park (Figure 2). A vegetation survey was conducted along the east bank of the LCR along the City of Renton's Cedar River Trail Park adjacent to the Apron D project site and 100 feet north and south of the project boundaries. Photos were taken of the riparian vegetation at 100-foot intervals along the entire length of the Apron D project site. Appendix C provides a photo log of shoreline photos taken adjacent to this project site. Figure C-1 in the photo log provides an aerial image showing the locations where the photos were taken. Riparian vegetation along the east bank of the LCR adjacent to Apron D is separated from Apron D by a paved pedestrian pathway surrounded by manicured lawns. At the northern boundary of the site there is a hedge of Forsythia spp., as well as an unidentified poplar tree species (>10 inches DBH) and unidentified shrubs (Appendix C, Photos 1 to 3). The vegetation at 100 feet north of the northern boundary of Apron D is nearly identical (Appendix C, Photos 4 to 6). The vegetation at 100 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D is nearly identical to that described in the above paragraph (Appendix C, Photos 7 to 9). Riparian vegetation adjacent to the LCR at this location consists of ferns, unidentified shrub species, Forsythia spp., shore pine, and unidentified tree species (Appendix C, Photos 1 Oto 12). Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabilatrpt_ 032917.docx 9 amec. taster wheeler Riparian vegetation adjacent to the LCR 200 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D consists manicured lawn, alder trees, willows (Salix spp.), shore pine (>10 inches DBH"), unidentified shrub species, and blackberries (Appendix C, Photos 13 to 15). Vegetation closer to Apron D is similar to that already described in areas north of this point. Riparian vegetation adjacent to the LCR 300 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D is nearly identical to that described above at 200 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D (Appendix C, Photos 16 to 20). At 400 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D, there is a group of shore pines (>10 inches DBH) immediately adjacent to the fence separating Apron D from the Cedar River Trail Park (Appendix C, Photo 21 ). Shoreline vegetation at this location consists of manicured lawn, alder trees, unidentified shrub species, and shore pine (>10 inches DBH) (Appendix C, Photos 22 to 24 ). At 500 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D, there are unidentified poplar tree species (>10 inches DBH) and unidentified shrub species immediately adjacent to the fence separating Apron D from the Cedar River Trail Park (Appendix C, Photo 25). Closer to the east bank of the LCR shore pines (>10 inches DBH) dominate the shoreline vegetation with some small willow trees ( Salix spp.) and manicured lawn (Appendix C, Photos 26 to 28). At 600 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D, there are unidentified poplar tree species (>10 inches DBH) and unidentified shrub species immediately adjacent to the fence separating Apron D from the Cedar River Trail Park (Appendix C, Photos 29 and 30). Boeing's South Bridge dominates a portion of the shoreline at this location (Appendix C, Photos 59 and 60). Riparian vegetation at this location consists of manicured lawn, shore pine (>10 inches DBH), some small willows, alder, an unidentified poplar species, and fems (Appendix C, Photos 30 and 31 ). Beyond 600 feet south of the northern boundary of Apron D to the southern boundary of the Apron D project site, the riparian zone is dominated by manicured lawn, alder trees (>10 inches DBH), shore pine (>10 inches DBH), unidentified shrub species, and blackberries (Appendix C, Photos 32 to 35). An unidentified poplar species and unidentified shrub species occur immediately adjacent to the Apron D fence line (Appendix C, Photos 34 and 36). At 100 feet south of the southern boundary of Apron D, vegetation immediately adjacent to the Apron D fence line and east of the pedestrian pathway consists of manicured lawn, an unidentified species of poplar tree (>10 inches DBH), unidentified shrub species, and shore pine (>10 inches DBH) (Appendix C, Photos 37, 39, and 40). Riparian vegetation at this location consists of manicured Amee Foster Wheeler 10 Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917.clocx ,'L. amec~ foster wheeler lawn, an unidentified species of poplar tree, shore pine (>10 inches DBH), and blackberries (Appendix C, Photos 38 to 40). 2.3 ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION Riparian habitats have important ecological functions other than providing habitat for birds and other wildlife. Healthy riparian vegetation protects banks from erosion, influences in-channel aquatic habitats, maintains favorable water temperature for fish through shading, filters runoff, and provides nutrients. Riparian vegetation creates meanders, increases habitat complexity, and can protect against scour during severe storm events. Riparian habitats link upland and aquatic habitats. Upland habitats have a critical role in watershed function and affect riparian and aquatic habitats, particularly in drier, low-elevation sites. The riparian zone along the east bank of the LCR adjacent to and within 100 feet upstream and downstream of the two Boeing project sites located on the east side of the LCR is a relatively narrow vegetated band consisting of trees, shrubs, and manicured lawn. A paved pedestrian trail occurs in this area, as well. A number of invasive species also were observed, as discussed in Section 2.2, above. The riparian zone along the west bank of the LCR adjacent to and 100 feet upstream and downstream of the Gate D-50 project site located on the west side of the LCR consists of almost no vegetation. There are a few small alder and willow trees located more than 100 feet south of the proposed project site and some unidentified grass species. The west bank in this area of the LCR consists primarily of riprap and is separated from the Gate D-50 project site by an 8-foot-high concrete, flood-control wall. The primary ecological functions provided by riparian vegetation along the east and west banks of the LCR within 100 feet upstream and downstream of the project sites include: • Nesting and foraging habitat for birds and small mammals, • Input of terrestrial insects from overhanging vegetation, • Input of allochthonous organic matter (via leaf fall), • Limited erosion control, and • Limited habitat complexity. The LCR is a man made channel created in 1912 when the river was diverted as a tributary to the former Black River directly to Lake Washington. The LCR is channelized and substantially altered, so that there is very limited riparian area to provide all of the potential ecological functions of an unaltered habitat. Riparian vegetation provides very little, if any, shading to the LCR because of the Project No. LY17160440 mullipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 11 amec. foster wheeler dominance of small shrubs and the lack of large trees. Both banks of the river in the project areas are contained within levees and/or flood-control walls, so there is no potential for the creation of meanders or off-channel habitat. Because of extensive development along both banks of the river in the project area (Boeing to the east and west and the Renton Municipal Airport to the west), there is little, if any, transition between riparian and upland habitats. 2.4 FISH AND WILDLIFE This section addresses fish and wildlife species that may use the LCR in the vicinity of the project site. 2.4.1 Mammals No mammals were observed during the site visit; however, signs of recent beaver activity were noted on the east bank just south of Boeing's North Bridge (Appendix A, Photos 14, 15, 16, and 17). Given the level of development in the project area, it is likely that, other than beaver, only small mammals such as squirrels, mice, rats, voles, moles, raccoons, opossums, muskrats. and river otters use the riparian areas along the LCR shoreline adjacent to and within 100 feet upstream and downstream of the project areas. Richter and Azous (1997), conducting small-mammal surveys in a wetland along the LCR, reported 13 species of mammals {Table 1 ). These, as well as other small mammals common to the Puget lowlands, may occur along the LCR adjacent to the project site. 2.4.2 Birds Several bird species were observed during the site visit, including American coot (Fu/ica Americana), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), American robin (Turdus migratorius), bald eagle (Haliaeetus /eucocephalus), an immature gull species (Larus spp.),dark-eyed junco (Junco hyema/is), European starling ( Stumus vulgaris), mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator), and several unidentified songbird species. Richter and Azous (1997) conducted bird surveys in a wetland of the LCR between late May and mid-June in 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, and 1995 to determine distribution and relative abundance. They reported 58 species of birds (Table 2). It is likely that these, as well as other species of birds common to the Puget lowlands, nest or forage in the project vicinity. 2.4.3 Amphibians and Reptiles No amphibians or reptiles were observed during the site visits; however, it is likely that amphibian (e.g., Anurans) and reptile species (e.g., turtles) found in the Lake Washington basin may use the areas within the site vicinity. Richter and Azous (1997) reported the occurrence of six amphibian species in the LCR: Amee Foster Wheeler 12 Project No. LY17160440 mullipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx • Ensatina (salamander) (Ensatina eschscholtzii), • Long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylus), • Northwestern salamander (A. graci/e), • Pacific tree frog (Pseudoacris regilla), • Red-legged frog (Rana aurora), and • Western red-backed salamander (Plethodon vehicu/um). ·! amec* foster wheeler No information was located listing reptile species occurring along the LCR in the project vicinity; however, reptiles listed for King County (King County, 2008) that could occur in the project vicinity include: • Common garter snake ( Thamnophis sirtalis), • Northern alligator lizard (Elgaria coerulea), • Northwestern garter snake ( T. ordinoides), • Painted turtle ( Chrysemys picta), • Rubber boa (Charina bottae), • Slider (Trachemys scrip/a), • Western fence lizard ( Sceloporus occidenta/is), and • Western terrestrial garter snake (T. elegans). 2.4.4 Fish No fish were observed in the LCR adjacent to the project sites during the site visit. The Lake Washington system, including the LCR adjacent to the project site, hosts many fish species, including five salmonid species: Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), coho salmon (0. kisutch), sockeye/kokanee salmon (0. nerka), coastal cutthroat trout (0. clarki clark1), and steelhead/rainbow trout ( 0. mykiss). Anadromous forms of each of these species use the Cedar River system as migratory, forage, nursery, and spawning habitat, so individuals are present in the river both as adults during migrations to spawning grounds and as juveniles (Kerwin, 2001 ). All of these species occur seasonally in the LCR adjacent to the project site. Additionally, there have been isolated reports of coastal/Puget Sound bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus) occurring in the Lake Washington system; however, it is believed that few bull trout occur in the Lake Washington system, if they occur at all. Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead trout, and bull trout are federally-listed species under the Endangered Species Act. Project No. L Y17160440 mul\ipleproJstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 13 amec. foster wheeler Nonanadromous forms of winter steel head (rainbow trout), sockeye (kokanee), and cutthroat trout may also occur in the LCR. Resident rainbow trout spend their entire life in the Lake Washington system. The resident rainbow trout population was sustained with hatchery plants because they rarely successfully reproduce in Water Resource Inventory Area 8; however, releases of hatchery rainbow trout have been all but eliminated. Nonanadromous coastal cutthroat trout also occur in the Lake Washington system and are much more abundant than the anadromous form. Kokanee salmon is the freshwater, resident form of 0. nerka. Some progeny from the parents of anadromous sockeye may also remain in Lake Washington for all or a portion of their lives (residenUanadromous sockeye) (Kerwin, 2001 ). The largest single population of adfluvial bull trout in western Washington is found above Cedar Falls in the upper Cedar River watershed. It is believed that a small number of bull trout pass through the reservoir and downstream hydroelectric facilities to the river reaches below Cedar Falls. However, it is apparently not sufficient to support the establishment of bull trout populations under the current ecological conditions (Corps, 2002). Native char, presumably bull trout, have been observed in the fish ladder viewing pool at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks as recently as 1997, while isolated reports of native char being caught in or around Lake Washington occur every few years. A large juvenile char, again, presumably a bull trout (-250 millimeter, 3 year old), was caught in the LCR in July 1998. An adult char was also caught in the LCR in April of 1993 (Corps, 2002). Based on this information, occurrence of bull trout in the LCR adjacent to the project site is expected to be extremely limited, if they occur at all. Fish exclusion surveys conducted by Amee Foster Wheeler biologists in June 2013 and June 2014 as part of Boeing's North Bridge Replacement project on the LCR identified juvenile Chinook and coho salmon, as well as juvenile steelhead/rainbow trout. Other fish species identified during these surveys included slimy sculpin (Coitus asper), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus acu/eatus), and ammocoetes of an unidentified lamprey species (Petromyzontidae). Species endemic to the Lake Washington system include the northern pike minnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis), peamouth (Mylochei/us caurinus), sculpins (Coitus spp.), and longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) (Weitkamp et al., 2000; Wydoski and Whitney, 2003). Twenty-four non-native fish species (Table 3) have been identified in the Lake Washington/Lake Union system. A number of these species are now believed to be no longer present in the system. Some of these species are known to Amee Foster Wheeler 14 Project No. LY17160440 mult1pleprojstreamstudyllabita1rpt_ 032917 .docx ,Le amec.,,. foster wheeler prey on juvenile salmon (e.g., smallmouth bass) while others are potential competitors with juvenile salmonids for food (Kerwin, 2001 ). 2.5 MEASURES TO PROTECT TREES AND VEGETATION The proposed projects will be confined to the Boeing property and will not occur in areas with existing trees or riparian vegetation. No direct or indirect impacts to riparian vegetation or trees will occur as a result of the proposed projects; therefore, no measures to protect vegetation or trees have been incorporated into the work plan. 2.6 No NET Loss OF ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION The project will result in no net loss of ecological function in the riparian zone of the LCR adjacent to and 100 feet upstream and downstream of the project sites. There will be no change in the area of impervious surfaces within the shoreline zone. Project No. L Y17160440 mult1pleprojstrearrstudyhabitatrpt_ 03291 7 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 15 amec. foster wheeler (This page intentionally left blank) Amee Foster Wheeler 16 Project No. L Y17160440 mulUpleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917.doo: amec~ 3.0 HABITAT DATA REPORT foster wheeler The habitat data report, as required by the City of Renton and described in RMC 4-8-120C, will provide pertinent habitat and ecological function information for the immediate project site where the proposed project is to occur. Sections 3.1 through 3.6 of the report will discuss following: • The layers, diversity and variety of habitat found on the site; • The location of any migration or movement corridors; • The species typically associated with the cover types, including an identification of any critical wildlife species that might be expected to be found; • Identification of any areas that have been previously disturbed or degraded by human activity or natural processes; • A summary of existing habitat functions and values; and • A summary of proposed habitat alterations and impacts and proposed habitat management program. 3.1 HABITAT DIVERSITY The lower Cedar River {LCR) downstream of 1-405 (approximately 1.6 miles) is an artificial channel created early in the 20th century and is completely constrained between levees and revetments. This reach was regularly dredged to prevent flooding from the time of its completion in 1912 until the mid-1970s. Portions of the reach were again dredged in 1999 for the first time since the mid-1970s. Flood-control dredging was conducted during the summer of 2016. In-stream habitat in the reach is almost entirely glide, with little habitat complexity. Land uses prevent floodplain connectivity and have eliminated the potential for re-connection with a natural floodplain or the establishment of a riparian corridor. Channelization and existing land uses also prevent significant large woody debris from accumulating in the channel. The reach is also very low-gradient and depositional, and the substrates have high levels of fine sediments (Corps, 2004; Parametrix and Adolfson, 2010). The shoreline along the LCR adjacent to the project site consists of developed property belonging to Boeing and the City of Renton. With realignment of the Cedar River into Lake Washington in 1912, the zone of sediment deposition was localized through the City of Renton (Perkins, 1994). The vast majority, if not all, of the non- suspendable sediment load is now deposited along this reach because Lake Washington lies at the river's mouth. With the path of the river fixed by armored banks, progressive infilling of the channel resulted. Sediment is continually deposited in the downstream 2 miles of the river and in an enlarging delta in Lake Washington. Project No. L Y17160440 mulUpleprojstreamstudyhabltatrpt_ 032917. docx Amee Foster Wheeler 17 ame~• foster wheeler Aquatic habitat within the LCR adjacent to the project site consists of a low relief benthic habitat composed of small cobbles with some gravel and no boulders. Large woody debris in the stretch of the LCR adjacent to the project site is extremely limited (Appendix A, Photos 14 and 15). River discharge at the time of the site visits in May and November 2014 was approximately 1,000 cubic feet per second and 320 cubic feet per second during the May 2015 visit (USGS, 2017). Channelization of the LCR has eliminated meanders within the lower river, such that the lower 1.6 miles of river consists of a uniform glide habitat with a nearly complete absence of riffles and pools. Habitat diversity along the LCR adjacent to the project site is extremely limited. 3.2 MIGRATION CORRIDORS A query of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitat and Species database (http://wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/phs/) identified five salmonid species that use the LCR as a migration corridor: • Chinook salmon; • Coho salmon; • Sockeye salmon; • Steelhead and rainbow trout; and • Coastal cutthroat trout. Two of the above species, Puget Sound Chinook salmon and Puget Sound steel head trout, are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Bull trout, a member of the char family, may also be found in the LCR and is also listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Population status information and extent of use of this area is currently unknown. Adult and subadult size individuals have been observed infrequently in the LCR (below Cedar Falls), Lake Washington. and at the Locks. No spawning activity or juvenile rearing has been observed and no distinct spawning populations are known to exist in Lake Washington outside of the upper Cedar River above Lake Chester Morse (not accessible to bull trout within Lake Washington) (NOAA-Fisheries and USFWS, 2008). It is unlikely that bull trout use the Cedar River as a migratory corridor. 3.3 SPECIES AND COVER TYPES The almost complete absence of riparian vegetation along the west bank of the LCR and the relatively narrow zone of riparian vegetation along the east bank adjacent to the project sites and the highly developed shorelines along both banks of the LCR severely limit habitat availability and use by Amee Foster Wheeler 18 Project No. L Y17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917.doc:i: amec~ foster wheeler multiple plant and animal species. The concrete flood-control wall on the west bank of the LCR adjacent to the Gate D-50 project site severely limits the width of the riparian zone and eliminates the transition zone from riparian to terrestrial habitats. Typical plant and animal assemblages and associations that would be expected along the riparian corridor of the LCR are, for the most part, very limited or absent along the stretch of the LCR adjacent to the proposed project sites. A query of the Washington Department of Natural Resources' Natural Heritage Program online database (http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/HowTo/ConservationRestoration/Pages/ amp_nh_data_order.aspx) did not identify any plant or terrestrial animal species of special concern in the vicinity of the project site. Critical wildlife species occurring at the project site include those salmonids identified in Section 2.4.4 above. 3.4 IDENTIFICATION OF DISTURBED AREAS The entire project area is highly developed and disturbed. As stated in Section 3.1, the lower 1.6 miles of the LCR is an artificially-created channel with extensive development along both banks. The three project sites are covered in asphalt and/or cement and have various structures, such as office buildings and aircraft hangers. 3.5 EXISTING HABITAT VALUES AND FUNCTIONS The LCR adjacent to the project site has very limited habitat value and is low functioning. A combination of two habitat assessment methods was used to provide a qualitative assessment of the existing habitat values and functions. These habitat assessment methods were the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Wadeable Streams and Rivers (Barbour et al., 1999) and the U.S. Forest Service's Stream Inventory Handbook: Levels I and II (USFS, 2010). Both methods incorporate the use of physicochemical and biological parameters to assess habitat value and functionality. The EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols incorporates both benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages' data in evaluating habitat value and function. For the purposes of this project, neither benthic invertebrate nor fish assemblage data were collected as part of the evaluation process due to the necessity of applying for and receiving the necessary permits to gather such data. The habitat assessment is based on physicochemical conditions observed at the project site: Project No. LY17160440 multiplepro1streamstudyhabitatrpt~ 032917 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 19 • Temperature, • Water quality, • Reach sinuosity, • Vegetative conditions of the stream banks and the riparian zone, and • Condition of the floodplain (e.g., accessibility from the bank, overflow, and size). Each of the above parameters is discussed below. 3.5.1 Temperature Mean monthly water temperatures in degrees Celsius in the LCR at Renton for the period of February 1992 through December 2016 (USGS, 2017) are as follows: • January -6.1 • July-15.7 • February -6.4 • August -16.0 • March -7.6 • September -13. 7 • April -9.6 • October-11.1 • May-11.6 • November -8.2 • June-13.4 • December -6.3 The warmest water temperatures occur during the months of June, July, August, and September; however, even the highest mean monthly temperatures are compliant with Washington State aquatic life temperature criteria (Table 4 ), with the exception of the char spawning and rearing beneficial use. Char (e.g., bull trout) do not spawn in the LCR and it is highly unlikely that they use the LCR as rearing habitat. 3.5.2 Water Quality No site-specific water quality data were found for the project site; however, water quality monitoring has been conducted in south Lake Washington by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Washington State's Water Quality Assessment (303[d) & 305[b] Report) (Ecology, 2012) identified exceedances of water quality standards for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and fecal coliforms in the LCR. No chemical exceedances of state water quality criteria were identified for the LCR adjacent to the project site. 3.5.3 Reach Sinuosity As discussed above, the lower 1.6 miles of the LCR are channelized and much of the shoreline on both banks is restrained by bulkheads. There is no sinuosity within the entire 1.6 miles of the LCR. Amee Foster Wheeler 20 Project No. L Y17160440 mulUpleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx amec~ foster wheeler Stream sinuosity can provide increased habitat complexity through the creation of pools, riffles, and glides, as well as the creation of off-channel habitat. 3.5.4 Vegetative Conditions As described previously, riparian vegetation is sparse along the both banks of the LCR within 100 feet of the project site. As such, habitat diversity and functionality along this reach of the LCR is severely limited. 3.5.5 Floodplain Condition The LCR is an artificially-created channel confined by levees and bulkheads on each bank. Except in extreme discharge conditions, the LCR has very little connectivity with its floodplain and virtually no potential for formation of off-channel habitat within the floodplain. Because of the low gradient of the LCR, it functions as a sediment depositional zone. The City of Renton and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers periodically dredges the LCR for flood-control purposes. The City of Renton conducted flood-control dredging during the summer of 2016. 3.5.6 Habitat Values and Functions at the Project Site A qualitative assessment of the LCR adjacent to the project site indicates that it provides very low habitat value and function due primarily to the sparse riparian vegetation and habitat complexity. 3.6 HABITAT ALTERATIONS AND IMPACTS AND PROPOSED HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The project will not involve any in-water components or work below the OHWM, nor will any portion of the proposed projects occur in the riparian zone of the LCR. The relocation of two lights on the guard shack as part of the Gate D-50 task will not result in light impingement on the adjacent LCR. The guard shack is located approximately 150 feet west of the west bank of the LCR. An 8-foot-high concrete flood-control wall is also located just above the west bank of the LCR. The proposed guard shack lighting will be shielded, directed downward and away from the LCR, and will be 7 feet above the ground, a foot below the height of the flood control wall. The proposed guard shack lighting will not result in any light impingement on the LCR. As a best management practice, any soil piles resulting from excavation activities will be covered with an impervious material, such as visqueen, to minimize and avoid erosion and to prevent silt from entering the LCR and degrading water quality. Given the distances of the project sites from the adjacent LCR, as well as the intervening Cedar River Trail Park with manicured lawns, vegetated Project No. L Y17160440 multipleprojstreams1udyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 21 areas, paved roadways, and paved pedestrian pathways, it is highly unlikely that any runoff from the construction activities at the proposed project would reach the LCR. The three proposed tasks will not change or adversely affect existing ecological functions of the riparian habitat along the LCR. No habitat management or mitigation programs are required for the proposed tasks and none are proposed. Amee Foster Wheeler 22 Project No. LY17160440 mulUpleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx 1-amec r- 4.0 REFERENCES foster wheeler Barbour, M.T., Gerritsen, J., Snyder, B.C., and Stribling, J.B. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, EPA 841-B-99-002, Washington, D.C. Corps -see U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kerwin, J. 2001. Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Limiting Factors Report for the Cedar-Sammamish Basin (Water Resource Inventory Area 8). Washington Conservation Commission, Olympia. King County. 2008. King County Biodiversity Report 2008. King County, Seattle, Washington, http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/animalsAndPlants/biodiversity/king-county- biodiversity-report.aspx (accessed September 1, 2009). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (NOAA-Fisheries and USFWS). 2008. Endangered Species Act - Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation. The 1-405 Tukwila to Renton Improvement Project (1-5 to SR 169 -Phase 2) Lower Cedar River, Cedar River Sixth Field HUC: 171100120106, 171100120302, King County, Washington. NOAA-Fisheries and USFWS, Lacey, Washington, https://pcts.nmfs.noaa.gov/pls/pcts-pub/sxn7.pcts_ upload.download?p_file=F13441/200704219_ 405_trip_03-03-2008.pdf (accessed May 19, 2012). Parametrix and Adolfson Associates, Inc. (Parametrix and Adolfson). 2010. City of Renton Shoreline Master Program Update Restoration Plan. Prepared for the City of Renton, Washington, http://rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/EDNSP/planning/ 4.3%20Final%20Restoration%20Plan%20Uune-1O).pdf?n=247 4 (accessed April 13, 2012). Perkins, S.J. 1994. The shrinking Cedar River -channel changes following fiow regime regulation and bank armoring, in Proceedings of Effects of Human-Induced Changes on Hydrologic Systems. American Water Resources Association 1994 Annual Summer Symposium, p. 649-658. Richter, K.O., and Azous, A.L. 1997. Amphibian distribution, abundance, and habitat use, in Azous, AL, and Horner, R.R. (eds.), Wetlands and Urbanization -Implications for the Future, final report. Puget Sound Wetlands and Stormwater Management Research Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, King County Water and Land Resources Division, Seattle, Washington, and University of Washington, Seattle, http://your.kingcounty.gov/dnrp/ I ibrary /arch ive-docu ments/wl r/wetlands-u rban ization-re port/wet-re pt. pdf ( accessed September 1, 2009). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). 2002. Montlake Cut Slope Stabilization Project Environmental Assessment Biological Evaluation -Lake Washington Ship Canal, Seattle, Washington. Corps, Seattle District, Seattle, Washington. Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabltatrpt_ 03291 7 .docx Amee Foster Wheeler 23 am~~• foster wheeler ---. 2004. Cedar River at Renton Flood Damage Reduction Operation and Maintenance Manual - Cedar River Section 205 (Renton, Washington). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Seattle, Washington. U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 2010. Stream Inventory Handbook: Levels I and II (Version 2.10). USFS, Pacific Northwest Region, Region 6, Portland, Oregon. USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 2017. USGS Surface-Water Monthly Statistics for Washington - USGS 12119000 Cedar River at Renton. Department of the Interior, USGS, National Water Information System, https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/wa/nwis/uv/?cb_all_00010_00060_00065=on&cb_00010=on& cb_00060=on&cb_00065=on&format=gif_default&period=&begin_date=2013-05- 27&end_date=2016-12-31&site_no=12119000 (accessed February 23, 2017). Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). 2008. Washington State's 2008 Water Quality Assessment (303[d] & 305[b] Report). Ecology, Olympia, http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/ wq/303d/2008/index.html (accessed April 15, 2012). ---. 2012. Supplemental Aquatic Life Criteria Information. Ecology, Water Quality Program, Olympia, http://www.ecy. wa. gov /programs/wq/swqs/ Aquaticlife T empS u pp. html#timefra mes (accessed December 15, 2012). Weitkamp, D.E., Ruggerone, G.T., Sacha, L., Howell, J., and Bachen, B. 2000. Factors Affecting Chinook Populations -Background Report. City of Seattle, Seattle, Washington. Wydoski, R.S., and Whitney, R.R. 2003. Inland Fishes of Washington. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, and University of Washington Press, Seattle. Amee Foster Wheeler 24 Project No. LY17160440 multipleprojstreamstudyhabitatrpt_ 032917 .docx TABLE 1 ,1.,. tf>~ amec , foster ' wheeler SMALL MAMMALS REPORTED TO OCCUR ALONG THE LOWER CEDAR RIVER' Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Species Common Name and Scientific Name (Genus species Creeping vole Microtus oregoni Deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus Ermine Mustela ermine Forest deer mouse Peromyscus oreas Long-tailed vole Micro/us longicaudus Marsh shrew Sorex bendirei Masked shrew Sorex cinereus Note(sl 1. Source: Richter and Azous, 1997. p:\boe1ng renton\Jy17160440 mulbple proJecl stream study\reports\streamstudy\lables _ figures\multipleprojstreamstudytable s_032917.docx Montane shrew Shrew-mole Southern red-backed vole Townsend's chipmunk Trowbridge's shrew Vagrant shrew Sorex montico/us Neurotrichus gibbsii Clethryonomys gapperi T amias townsendii Sorex trowbridgei Sorex vagrans Amee Foster Wheeler Page 1 am~• foster wheeler TABLE2 BIRDS REPORTED TO OCCUR ALONG THE LOWER CEDAR RIVER' Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Species Common Name and Scientific Name (Genus soecies American crow CoNus brachyrhynchos Northern pygmy owl Glaucidium gnoma American goldfinch Carduelis tristis Orange-crowned warbler Vermivora celata American robin T urdus migratorius Pine siskin Carduelis pinus Black-capped chickadee Parus atricapillus Pacific-slope flycatcher Empidonax difficilis Belted kingfisher Ceryle alcyon Purple finch Carpodacus purpureus Bewick's wren Thryomanes bewickii Red-breasted nuthatch Sitta Canadensis Brown-headed cow bird Molothrus ater Red-breasted sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber Black-headed grosbeak Pheucticus Red crossbill Loxia cuNirostra melanocephalus Brewer's blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus Red-eyed vireo Vireo olivaceus Brown creeper Certhia Americana Rufous-sided towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus Black-throated gray Dendroica nigrescens Ruffed grouse Bonasa umbel/us warbler Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus Ruby-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula Chestnut-backed Parus rufescens Red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus chickadee Cedar waxwing Bombyci/la cedrorum Sora Porzana Carolina Cooper's hawk Accipiter cooperii Song sparrow Melospiza melodia Common raven CoNuscorax Sharp-shinned hawk Accipiter stria/us Common yellow throat Geothlypis trichas Steller's jay Cyanocitta stelleri Dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis Swainson's thrush Catharus ustulatus Downy woodpecker Picoides pubescens Townsend's warbler Setophaga townsendi European starling Sturnus vulgaris Vaux's swift Chaetura vauxi Evening grosbeak Coccothraustes Violet-green swallow Tachycineta thalassina ves=rtinus Fox sparrow Passarella iliaca Virginia rail Rallus limicola Great blue heron Ardea herodias Warbling vireo Vireo gilvus Golden-crowned kinglet Regulus satrapa Western tanager Piranga ludoviciana Hairy woodpecker Picoides villosus Willow flycatcher Empidonax trail/ii Hermit thrush Catharus gutta/us Wilson's warbler Cardellina pusilla Marsh wren Cistothorus palustris Winter wren Troglodytes hiemalis MacGillivray's warbler Geothlypis tolmiei Wood duck Aix sponsa Northern flicker Colaptes aura/us Yellow warbler Dendroica petechia Note(s) 1. Source: Richter and Azous, 1997. Amee Foster Wheeler Page 2 p:\boeing renton\Jy17160440 multiple project stream study\reports\streamstudy\tables_f1gures\multipleprojstreamstudytables_ 032917 .docx TABLE3 . ,,J \·~~ amec l foster · wheeler NON-NATIVE FISH SPECIES INTRODUCED INTO THE LAKE WASHINGTON/LAKE UNION SYSTEM' Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Common Name Scientific Name American shad Alosa sapidissima Atlantic salmon Sa/mo salar Black bullhead lctalurus me/as Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus Bluegill Lepomis macrochei/us Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Brown bullhead lctalurus nebu/osus Brown trout Sa/mo trutta Channel catfish lctalurus punctatus Cherry salmon Oncorhynchus masou Common carp Cyprinus carpio Fathead minnow Pimepha/es notatus Goldfish Carassius auratus Grass carp Ctenopharengodon idel/a Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush Lake whitefish Coregonus c/upeaformis Largemouth bass Micropterus sa/moides Pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui Tench Tinca tinca Warmouth Lepomis gulosus Weather loach Misgurnus angillicaudatus White crappie Pomoxis annularis Yellow perch Perea flavescens Note(s) 1. Source: Kerwin, 2001. p:\boeing renton\Jy17160440 multiple project stream s\udy\reports\streamsludy\lables _ figures\multipleprojslreamstudytable s_032917.docx Status Uncommon strays Can exceed 1,000 per year Extinct Common Common Rarely caught Rare, may be extinct No observed reproduction Rarely caught Extinct Abundant Unknown Intermittent Triploids only Extinct Extinct Common Abundant Common Abundant No observed reproduction No observed reproduction Uncommon Abundant Amee Foster Wheeler Page 3 am~• foster wheeler TABLE4 DIFFERENT AQUATIC LIFE USES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED NUMERIC TEMPERATURE CRITERIA' Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Beneficial Use Temperature2 (°Cl Char Spawning and Rearing 12 Core Summer Salmonid Habitat 16 Salmonid Spawning, Rearing, and Migration 17.5 Salmonid Rearing and Migration only 17.5 Note(s\ 1. Source: Ecology, 2008. 2. Based on the 7-day average of the daily maximum temperatures. Abbreviation(s) •c = degrees Celsius Amee Foster Wheeler Page4 p:\boeing renton\ly17160440 multiple project stream study\reports\streamstudy\tables_figures\multipleprojstreamstudytables _ 032917 .doc11 Cl z w Cl w _, en w z <( _J a.. 0:: -<( _J <( -(.) 0:: w ~ ~ 0 (.) (!) z -w 0 cc >-u. 0 0 ::E w w<J I-z <C ~ C) w 1-z w ', 1, ___ ....J '1 I 1----\ ','-JI 1-z w :::l ::E -z Cl. -(f) <C ....J 1-w Z :::> 0 u. u \ \ c::: w :s: z WO CJ) - w~ u 1-::s (f) Cl. 1-w LI.. c::: ::J f'U 1:,£T ·-, :iur·f,1 ~,-,.,•itr;· .!,: _1:.:-iT <:l.fl~i\1\Y ~, \:iii, .t~\ , i ,,; .-_, • • Cl) 0.. <( ;i, w t:: Cl) Cl z <( ~ z u > 0 ::! 0 <D ~ ... ~ ,:: ::, ..., 0) 0 i.i: z ·e- a_ ... ~ ;, "' ~ "' _Q! 0 i (l) (l) ro L 0 ii;: ~ (l) µ V, 0 -u a, E 00 I!! m :,:. OJ ~ ~ "' iii (") ~I ~ :, "' u: >-,, :, vi E l ~lll'INO• AERIAL PHOTO OF PROJECT LOCATIONS (in red ) Standard Stream Study Narrative and Habitat Data Report -Multiple Projects By: res Da te: 03/29/1 7 Proj . No. LY17160440 amec foster whee ler ~ Figure 2 g ~ .__ ________________________________________ ___ ~ " ;,; ~I • il, ~ ~ I i :ii _, ~ I - ', ', ' \. ' ' ' ' ' ' " C ; ' ·~ t • 'r \ ' ' \ -~ '· ',' '"'1. \1, ··~, ~· \1 - {. i~ f \i ~I: \:: 1' {,. f 1',, \1:, . t'' ' •" ,,, '' .,,. -,, . _, .. •" -·-.;!,·, _, ,-~~ "• -~--~ . ~ ~ l !} -~ ' -. ~ ' ~ 'It ', ' . ":i ' ·1 ,_ rr..~;,, \~-"'\--, ' ·\ t, ,..,. I '', .......... , I 11 ' I '.' ' ,, ~ . I ......... ,,j \ I • ' ""'-.\ • I ~ ""'-i._1 I,, \ ' ' ' ' ' " j ' ', \ ' ' ~ \ ' ~-~ I . ' ' ' I I ' l ,, I I I ' I \ I ' I \ i \ ,. ' \ \ I t " ' ' ,,, "' ,,. .,, ·-- ~ ',\ ,.-1 1' ,\ I,\ \1 '• i. 1'-' . ··v '. ,,, I ' " - [};c----' ' ' -\,' ' '' •_,i, . 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'_:;([ r11,1 :,.. s::.~r [,. ~ ~ ,}·.:-4,o ~:l~:J;: l /.~~-;,, I~.;[ lJi.~.'.i~ \}.~.;t ·,1;;,yJ <·N..t I, :.~ ~ GATE D-50 GUARD HOUSE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS o, l I I , ~ -_!...:----l\.f·.l,lJJ_ [-1;1,._~"; '>LL ')'Ill, ll"t' !!~:SP.LL f'~f--Fi'fiHL ((JAlE(: WTL ~l.AJ~' & P.A:Ll'.1~; W/M.1_ Standard Stream Study Narrative and .J:::=--'i~:..R :,T~ 1,r(11F-:;r• nwqi :~:-1,rr• ~1.m.1· :-.:r,::-:-; ;,::, Habitat Data Report -Multiple Projects /,~::t•ilr(l ;~F:· F.r',,.-·,o ,\; o\Pf'~C'o'l.i F~l;"Ji;" 'f! 11/Si,'IJI Renton, WA · e--_ IN·~llJ..L ~--... ~ :,.'[; ¥TL :: .... ,n-,,. TC ~-• ..-.~11 [• (T .,,,:;:,:r, .>--~ 1~1\l-1(;1•1 LI" ~'II~ ~ .... ., .. ~. By: res Date: 03/29/17 Proj. No. L Y17160440 ~~:-:-1;c 11~·-.. ~r -,~r ;11P:r t.·r~• '11.r,·1,,-J,.;4 1r~· amec foster wheeler A, Figure 7 : " ~ i 1a ~ Cl CtJ:iil,,R fHvER CO:M~RGlilt.. 'Wi'i,~R~A.·f i ---·-------,.., .... --·~------~---,'"'-_______ _;_______ -·------------··--- • r • • IJ~L~ f RWL~JI_ UN L ~' ,.,.,.. ------·:o !a ' tt:..Li-:_.; j.l,.. 5 ~OJ. !lt.ifi !)I ·:,·r ::.,._i·2----· \ .!I r-rw •,r,-._ Iii : T ~=· ! - Cfl'r 0. '<[~TOS ••Hurc • 1tL05 ·~· lH~f,i "'"" 1 . Pl BLDG 5 -1.1 ZC:: {; ,'J' ti,:, :;;~ :"--:re "'~ ~n· :- ,' r,1n BLOC . .. "' I ~-<H-' ----BLDG ri _ ... ~1 ~-llU LJ, 1' ' . IIHft--J!!.['!:._ 5~!2t. .--,-----.. I ··- --· _ _. EL.DC ~-2(! i • . D TOO. .' <.AIW,,\ ,. ~:-::·· - +-,--... __ ,< ··-· 1....- llJIIQ' )ot?l(llH[ ''l lW-IY ..... tiLJJt, . ·s--•• , I -,c• ,. ......... lllllllllllliii ~. --,,,,•-.. ,s----~--;-(' ,, ,--. ," p ,,,. ,., ,i ' ,,, ~ I( i' ' --, ~ ' .... ~ ! .'ri -,~ .' ' ,l /,i" ! .~ / il ' l.1U!:i.. 5-125 ~\ eu:x; ~ lU ,· / ·J!Lllii I . 5 111 i ., _11•11'L.•.JI . .;,·..:....._ $, ----. " - .lfi. RI nr. ~-100 I ! ' ... ~ ..,....,.- " ,. Ii ' 1 _.lll.tlli ~·, 10~ l-. " " ' f / ,,• i' :~ .:.· I ' ,.._ ,' 'I i'i ~ -"' :t I · I' "' i .if / ,i 1 /i' • I I 'I" ,' .,;,i. I I~ I ...-r.:, .L 1/ ,,2· , 1 I:=! Al nr: -a;.."..L. 1 'if 5-1 l{; --4 · l ~"~'11 ·-·-- / ~~Jj,. ,I ii ¥#'"'-- ,' 0ELCC, !a~?9. .1 ··1 > ,?d .. :· u, -3· ' ·,,·'-'::; ( ' :' ;I. i . ~ i.t , I i, ,. /J' zt .A ,.... '' .-"'Ii,' ·-j/. ,., ,'bU.\; ; ~.-27:' / ' ,' --=------I ~ J,1\ -... .,. __ ... ~,~-..-:....:..~·-...... _ --....... --. ~~--~:._ > ~_-... :::.,. ,~::_'I-Vi -..; / --' ',, l C 'I,· .. \4' ,> .I ro =-._-.' ' '"'""' •. -.. .,, .. . -.. .,,.. swi,,,i ' ',' I APh: ::: t~ D ~: LAr~ 1-0 I ... ,-. t -r -r ,1 11 .... TI .-, •! I I• -: I , ._. !_I. . , -· ' -._ ..... -.. • ._, ' APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PLAN ,_ I I • ·· ·,i-1"" -" ..... I,..-' f I ~-· I am~ W% 1 we.elN l, I I (.P t'o//D'fr',: '.• fufa !.1,.1 tfTr{' :'ti ~-!-:',If 11 ~ (.( .• -If~ urur, .., ... TD...aH::i:. •s.il. Standard Stream Study Narrative and Habitat Data Report -Multiple Projects Renton, WA By_: RES Date: 03/24117 Proj.No.LY17160440 Figure 8 amec. foster wheeler APPENDIX A Bldg. 4-42 Sewage Lift Station Photo Log ~ x "' ;;; ~ ~I !" ~ C> u: c ·5 a. I PHOTO PO INT S ADJACENT T O B LD G . 4-42 Stand ard Strea m Stud y Narrati ve a nd Habitat Data Repo rt -M u ltiple P roj ects Renton, WA ~' 1,, i' amec ~ foster By : res Pro ject: L Y 1 7160440 Phase No.: 01 Fig ure A-1 [ wheeler "'L-----------------------.....L..-------....1..-------...... ---------' Date : 03/29/1 7 (This page intentionally left blank) Ph oto 1 N APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington am ec fos t er whe eler Amee Foster Wheeler Pr oject No. L Y17160440 appendix a photolog_03291 7.docx A-1 amec foster wheele r APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 3 W 100 ft N -Alder tree Photo 4 S 100 ft N -Pine tree >10 ft DBH Amee Foster Wheeler A-2 Project No. L Y 17 160440 appendix a photolog_032917 .docx APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 5 N 100 ft N -Alder tree >10 in c hes DBH Ph oto 6 W 100 ft N -Flowerin currant in fo re round and alder tree in back round ' amec ~ foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheele r Project N o. L Y 171 60440 appendix a photolog_032 917.d ocx A-3 amec foster wheeler Photo 7 W APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Photo 8 N 200 ft N -Blackber and willow Amee Foster Wheeler A-4 Project N o. L Y17160440 appe ndix a photolog_032917.docx Photo 9 APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Photo 1 o 200 ft N -Bul khead ' amec~ foste r whe eler Amee Foster Wheeler Project N o. L Y17160440 appendix a photolog_032917.docx A-5 amec foster whee ler APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Photo 11 W Photo 12 N 300 ft N -Alder tree Amee Foster Wheeler A -6 Renton, Washington Project N o. L Y 17 160440 append ix a photolog_0329 17.docx Photo 13 APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Ph oto 14 NW +300 ft N -Beaver activi t near North Brid e I amec. foster wheeler Ame e Fo ste r Wheeler Project N o. L Y17160440 appendix a photolog_032917 .docx A -7 amec foster wheeler Photo 15 Photo 16 APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster Wheeler A-8 Project No. LY17160440 appendix a photolog_032917.docx Photo 17 Photo 18 S APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington amec foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 ap pe nd ix a photolog_032917.d ocx A-9 amec foster wheeler APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Photo 19 S Photo 20 W 100 ft S -Alder trees Amee Foster Wheeler A-10 Renton, Washington Project No. LY17160440 appendix a p hotol og_03291 7.docx APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Photo 21 N 100 ft S -Alder trees ; unidentified shrub Photo 22 S 100 ft S -Alder tree in back round; flowerin currant to the ri ht ' amec~ foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 appendix a photolog _032917 .docx A-11 amec foster wheeler APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 24 N 200 ft S -Unidentified shrub Amee Foster Wheeler A-12 Project No. LY17160440 appendix a photolog_0 32917.docx Photo 25 Ph oto 2 6 APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects ~~ ~ ~-· ~~ .• ~ .. -f. •:.~ Renton , Washington 1$ amec ~ foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 appendix a photol og_032917.docx A-1 3 ' amec . foster wheeler APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 27 N 300 ft S -Red osier do wood Photo 28 S 300 ft S -Red osier do wood Amee Foster Wheeler A-14 Project No. LY17160440 appe nd ix a photolog_0329 17.d ocx Ph oto 2 9 APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington I amec. foste r wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 appendix a photolog_032917 .docx A-15 amec fost er wh ee ler APPENDIX A BLDG. 4-42 SEWAGE LIFT STATION PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects (This page intentionally left blank) Amee Foster Wheeler A-1 6 Renton , Washington Project No. LY17160440 append ix a photolog _032917.docx amec fost er whee ler APPENDIX B Gate D-50 Photo Log ~ ~ >< "' gj (') i' Cl> Li: c ~ g 0 PHOTO POINTS ADJACENT TO THE GATE D-50 MODIFICATIONS PROJECT SITE Standard Stream Study Narrative and Habitat Data Report -Multiple Projects Renton , WA ii 1~~:~I I I By: res Project: L Y 17 160440 Phase No.: 0 1 Figure B-1 D ate : 03/29/17 (This page intentionally left blank) \ \ "' Photo 1 Ph oto 2 Project N o. L Y17160440 appendix b photolog_0329 17.docx APPENDIX B GA TE 0-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington \. ' _, amec foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler B-1 amec foster wheeler Photo 3 Photo 4 APPENDIX B GATE D-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington 100 ft S ad ·acent to Gate D-50 -Note small alder trees on west shoreline Amee Foster Wheeler B-2 Project No. LY 17160440 appendix b photolog_03291 7.docx Photo 5 APPENDIX B GATE D-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 6 100 ft S ad·acent to Gate D-50 -Note small alder trees on w est bank Project No . L Y17160440 appendix b photolog_032917.docx amec foster wheele r Amee Foster Wheeler B-3 amec foster wheeler Ph oto 7 Photo 8 Amee Fos ter Wheeler B -4 APPENDIX B GATE D-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Project No . L Y1716044 0 appendix b photolog_032917.docx Photo 9 Photo 10 Project N o. L Y 1 7160440 appendix b p hotolog_032917.docx APPENDIX B GATE D-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington ame c foster wheele r Am ee Fo ste r W heele r B-5 amec foster wheele r (This page intentionally left blank) Amee Fo ster Wheeler B-6 APPENDIX B GATE D-50 PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Project No . L Y1 7 160440 appendix b photolog_03291 7.docx amec fo ster wheeler APPENDIX C Apron D Fuel Spill Co ntainme nt Phot o Lo g " ~ ~ O> N ~I ~ :, Ol \i; C: ~ PHOTO POINTS ADJACENT TO APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT SITE Standard Stream Study Narrative and Hab itat Data Report -Multiple Projects U&.!D~.' ~--~-By : re s Renton, WA :, .: Project: LY17160440 -o amec Ph N 01 Fig ure C-1 [ foster ase o.: i '------------------------_._ __ w_h_e_e_le_r ___ ...._o_a_te_:_0_3_12_91_1_7 ___ ..._ _____ _. (This page intentionally left blank) Pho to 1 Photo 2 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington • • ----- ron D -Fors thia to t he left; unidentified shrub to the ri ht amec foster wheeler Amee Foster Whee le r Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx C-1 amec foster wheeler Photo 3 Photo 4 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Amee Foster Wheeler C-2 Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx Ph o to 5 Ph oto 6 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington o lars at left am ec f oste r wheel er Am ee Fo ste r W heele r Proje ct No . L Y 17 160440 appendix c p hoto tog_03 29 17.docx C-3 amec foster wheeler APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Ph oto 7 Ph oto 8 N 100 ft S of N Bounda Amee Foster Whee ler C-4 Renton, Washington Project No . L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx Photo 9 P hoto 10 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington amec foster wheeler Ame e Foster W heele r Project No . LY 17 160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx C-5 amec foster wheeler Photo 11 Photo 12 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster Wheeler C-6 Project No. LY 17 16044 0 appe ndix c photolog _0329 17 .docx Ph oto 13 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Ph oto 14 200 ft S of N Boundar A ron D -Un identi fied shru bs and w ill ows ame c fos t er whee ler Ame e Foster W heele r Project N o. L Y 1 7160440 C -7 appendix c photolog_032917.docx amec foster wheeler Photo 15 Ph oto 16 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster Wheeler C-8 Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx Photo 17 Ph oto 18 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington amec foster wheeler Amee Foster Wheeler Project No . L Y1 7160440 appendix c pho to log _032917.docx C-9 amec foster wheeler Photo 19 N APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Photo 20 S 300 ft S of N Bounda A ron D -Near LCR Amee Fos te r Wheeler C-10 Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog _032917.docx I APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Ph oto 21 E 400 ft S of N Bo unda A ron D -Un identifi ed Ph oto 22 amec foster wheeler Amee Fo ster Wheeler Project N o. L Y 1 7160440 ap pendix c pl1oto log _032917.docx C-11 amec foster wheele r Ph oto 23 Ph oto 24 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Am ee Foster W hee ler C-1 2 Proj ect No. L Y 17160440 appendix c pho tolog_032917.docx P hoto 25 Photo 26 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington am ec fos t er wh eele r Amee Foste r Wheeler Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx C -13 amec foster wheeler Photo 2 7 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington Amee Fo ster Wheeler C-14 Project No. L Y17160440 a ppendix c pho to log_032917.docx Ph oto 29 Pho to 30 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington ~ amec ~ foster wheeler Amee Foster W heeler Project No. L Y 171 60440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx C-15 amec foster wheeler Ph oto 3 1 Ph oto 32 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster W heeler C-1 6 Project No. L Y 1 7160440 appendix c photolog _032917.docx Photo 33 Pho to 34 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington ame c f oster whee ler A m ee Foster W he eler Project No. L Y17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx C-17 amec foster wheeler Photo 35 Photo 36 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster Wheeler C-18 Project No . LY17160440 appendix c photolog_032917.docx Photo 37 Ph oto 38 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton , Washington amec foster wheeler Amee Foste r Wheeler Project No. LY1 7 160440 a ppend ix c photo log_032917 .docx C-19 amec foster wheele r Photo 39 Photo 40 APPENDIX C APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT PHOTO LOG Multiple Projects Renton, Washington Amee Foster Wheeler C-20 Project No . LY17160440 appendix c photo log_032917 .docx r---'-.._ 0 N '-.._ ,.., w !;;' 0 5 ..J 0.. r---I ~ 0 ::,e I 0 N 0 w ~ t- 's ..J "' w '::; ~ z "' <( w :r: (/) <C 0 (/) "' 5' 0 0 -I <C 0.. w (/) I X w w !;;' "' I z ti': / (/) ~ 0 CD t-z <( 0.. "' ? (/) t- :::, "' w 0.. <( 0.. w (/) / z 0 (/) z <C 0.. X w w !;;' "' " "' " / (/) t- 0 w ~ 0 "' 0.. w t- (/) / '-" z "' "' <C 0.. ~ (/) 0 "' >' I z ~ z w "' / z "' i::5 :r: (/) / (/) "' w (/) ::, 0 <I: '-' /' (/) "' w ~ "' 0 / (/) "' w (/) ::, '-' ;:[: / (/) w t- ..J '-' ;:[: / i'.O c'i / 5' z :;:, ______ _., b <;> (J1 I -+'- 0 (0 D PERIMETER ROAD ~---------------~-----------------~c-1 (J1 I _p. _p. C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 ---4 1l-5 ,-----'-13--1 8-2 -8-3 8=------; ----AP--RON-B '------r=;rRE<iNTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ~-APRON-A A 4 A-5 AREA MAP ·~-• """~-;;;'-'VV•>•./"AA.-'-"P -,_v_• VV"/,'",VVVV, ;•/vvV'.Arv',"Vv"·./'/~--vvvv 'vVV'v',v·y•,V,.A,/V>AA/vV'./";VS /vVVV.-Vv·.cv-.A/'/vvvvVV-.A,V -?V•..-v,~-A/'/"/vVV,VVVS~ ~~lei·.· S,S.:Z "'-'V·;VVV-/v ' ~-,'y>/VV', /Y'./VVVV';'-/V ,•/•;VANVv' /V'/VV~"'-'"/VVA.','VV"V'.'vVVV V•/VV°'V'-"/VvVVV 0-'V'/•P-".<'./'/VV ' N•AP/V ,'•.r./v'/Vv'J"/ /v'v'vVV'. ",',"/./'/'/JV'v'.,'VV'VV ./'hV"/' 0/ /VVVVV',,'VVVVvVVV' '!'/V'/ ',/'V'Y'/V~, Vv'.,'"V./ N·vVV-r' /JV" ~,'J'VVV-,'-' V ""' VVV-/V',v-,,;"-,/V ,'VVVy vv-~.,vv'vVVv 0 ,;;;;;-:;::;:, wwwvVVVvVVV 99 VV'v'-'"/v __,..,-..,V~~ •,'.NVV v-,s;-.,vv-,v'.."/VV'/V •/V" ;•/V~ ·-· V ';§ -V • • V • • • -. ·-~- • u, I 0 N A-1 -- •• •• . .,..,,.,. -·· ·-•• ·1"""~· I ~- ~;-;~;;:, ---<yv'Al'/Vvv·v ., -~v /V'/y ,VVV .A.rVVvVVV~ 'V/'," A/V-./V•/ WWWVVV'/ .'VV'. /Vv' vvv ,vv-./VVVV/'fy'./'.,..,...,'v', '-"-" v'V'/ c;•/VVVVVV'JVVVY'.-Vvv'. ./vV' o'/' v'v'~"'/VVVVV"/V •/'/•A, , /VVVVvv·..-vv~-...A, '" ~r. /V'.'VVV-~'/V'V'~~~ ,AAA, V...VvVV'/',vvv'V'J'V'.?VVV>/V AA,'.. v•. VVVVVVV,.<VV'v'h•/..-v'V'./V--'"c ,,. ...... ,-.... ~,'VV-.V-?v'Vv'v'VV' • •/'N"/V"."/'A/V',',-./V'/VV~/'-~ ·/VVV--,VVV"V ./vV',V,.,VVVVV/'• /vVV'./'~~ Jv'/V~~,VV--,' •• 161 5 167 KENT AUBURN '--..._ KING CO. '-..__--'--.~-"'~----' -'-"-~-- TO TACOMA PIERCE CO. PUGET SOUND REGION A-2 A-3 _.::.------ 5-50 S1ADIUM z ISSAQUAH 0 NO SCALE A-6 A-7 -- I , (J1 CJ1 I -..\ I -+'- -(.,.J (.,.J m (Jl I _p. 'O ~ --- WILLIAMS AVE. N. z . z u, . -! I WELLS AVE. N. 1- 1 c.r, A) fTl -! [Tl A) -! [Tl PELLY AVE. N. ~ PARK AVE. N. GARDEN AVENUE N. I \ /1,IA/ : ..... (J1 (J1 I I m -+'- 0 (J1 (.,.J (J1 (J1 I I (J) (J) 0 (.,.J (J1 I ~ _p. ~ :'•.<1 0 •.. z ~.-. <( ~. t~ __J ...... w ::r ' • f---• • r ---·· ' ' \ ' .--'-----L~ •• . ' . ' ~- • • ~ I l ) • • ' I ~\ \ • (r \ ,J I LEGEND: BOEING OWNED PROPERTY RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 D-50 GATE -MODIFY ENTE NCE FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT REPLACE SEWER LIFT STATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE PARCEL 1-80 CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON The following described tract of land is the resultant consolidation of Record Title vested in the Boeing Company. a Delaware Corporation and Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Massachusetts Corporation. covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Reports Number A-253802. A-253803. A-253804, Unit 13, dated January 11, through January 21. 1980. THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 3 IN SECTION 7; AND OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDAN, IN THE CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; AND OF C.H. AOSIT'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND OF BLOCK C. THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 5927582; AND OF CERTAIN SHORE LANDS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHOWN ON SHEETS 3 AND 4 OF THE MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 156371; AND OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD (FORMERLY PARK STREET); AND OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. RAILWAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) RIGHT-OF-WAY. PARCEL ll-8D CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-253196, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM. NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER O THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. PARCEL 111-80 CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-253195, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND OF THE NORTHEAST QUATER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL IV-80 CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-253807, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT N0.2 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH AS DEEDE TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER3261297. NOTE: Parcel bearing description is attached to permit package. (" =R~ !...L "'""-· ./ ·-u. C i l -· n. C ::< Cl. ..- N a, f----------------------..---~----.-----.---.--------------------~--------,----,---------------------.---------.--------------.==------.=~--,-,==---------------------------=====,,,...---,==---==---------l;;; DRAWN DATE SUBTITLE BOEING OWNED PROPERTY SITE CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL B DATE SYM REVISION BY APPROVED DATE SYM REVISION BY APPROVED DATE ACCEPTABILITY A THIS DESIGN AND/OR SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED 737 RATE EXPANSION PROJECTS 01.21.11 11307504 J.ANDRE B 737 RATE READINESS & AIR QUALITY PROGR 11307504 J.ANDRE 06.07.11 IIIIEIND® APPROVED EN DEPT. DATE C SITE ENHANCEMENT WLS 3.23.2017 -- ·~-~··· J.ANDRE 01.18.11 CHECKED AND NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP TITI.E RENTON SITE ENHANCEMENTS CHECKED APPROVED BOEING SITE APPROVED CIVIL MASTER RENTON. WA *** DO NOT TfPE HERE *** --11307504 06.07.11 SHEET b=----.....L-----f---------1fl s SEPA-10 JOB NO. COMP NO. ~ 1-,-,,,-----------f===-------l~ :'i 11307504 ___ c_:__:_c_:__::_c:_:_ ___ ....L _______ -J (!> DWG NO. RTN-RATEEX-SEPA-10 ., , ., ..... ,., ., z . (J ' ( :,= i , ... ,~ "'~-· H.l ' fr: I ' !J. () >-•= •..•• , () SYM 4 A60 ,.. (1'\ 1A10 A110 0 1 A60 ,-----------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-J I I I I I I I I I I I I L_l I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-----------------------------------------------~ 0 0 2 A60 '-.___./ 0 EXISTING ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1 / 4"= 1 '-0" REVSION BY APPROVED DATE SYM REVISION A GATE D50 CREW SHELTER W4892664 SBULL BTS 03.09.17 0 z 3 A60 'Ill BY 4 A60 ~ 1Al0 A110 APPROVED DATE / 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 y ~ A60 y y ,- >-0 y " \.- - -• 0 y ~ " ! I ~----------------------------_¥ _______ i --~---t1 I -I I " I I y I I . I I \\•\···,·····\ ,-J I I I I I I I I I L_l I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-----------------------------------------------~ 0 0 2 A60 '-.___./ 0 0 ' ' ' 0 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN z SCALE: 1/4"=1'-o" ACCEPTAB1Ll1Y DRAWN SBULL THIS DESIGN AND/OR CHECKED I BOEING® - SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED t'.FlWIEE" APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE CHt.CKED APPROVED APPROVED , • - •,...__ NEW CANOPY AND , STAIRS 3 \ A60 DATE 03.09.17 SUBillLE TITLE ARCHITECTURAL MASTER ROOF PLANS GATE 050 CREW SHELTER BUILDING 05-119 COL. A /1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CODE DATE, GENERAL NOTES & KEY SHEET FOR ADDTL INFO. D> CONSTRUCTION NOTES: INSTALL MTL ROOF CANOPY CENTERED OVER NEW DOOR TO MATCH EXIST WOOD CANOPY OR BETTER, SEE ELEV. , t' 'i RENTON, W\ 8 4 0 4 SCALE: 1/8"=1 '-0" , V V" V' v CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL A W4892664 SHEET A160 JOB NO. W4892664 r:i1:r'c:1•1r ·rs '· [_ •. ,,[_ \ f L., APR 2 6 201 CllY OF RLfJT~ Ji\J P!_t.J.Ji\lNC DIVISJC ··J 8:__ __ __:,16 ,.., "' ', "° DATE '° 0 03.09.17 r-----.. • 0, 0 A4 ---.. "° 0 • 0 "' COMP NO. "' "' 05-119-A160 "' 3:c OWG NO. 05 119. A 16Q / ' ' y >-,.. ,- ,- ,- '" y ,- ,- y y y ,- >- >- y y - \\"\\\\\'\\"\\\ -'' i 1111 ...;. "' z .... 1 "' l ! 11 .. Jll::== ~ ' / 1 I I I I - -- - , _ ' I - ' --.. -.. ! -.. .. ' ' _.\, I.;; .. ' ' ' V .. - ! ' i l I NOF\TH ~LEVATION A60 A60 SCALE: 1 / 4" =1 '< O" .1\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NEW CANOPY, STAIRS AND BOLLARD SYM A GATE 050 CREW SHELTER REVISION , BY W4892664 SBULL i I ' I I I ' I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ; I ' I I I I ! ' ' I ' ' R APPROVED DATE SYM BTS 03.08.17 ' ' ' ' ' ' I I ' I ' .J ' ' i ~ ~ L 0 ' --' ,, I ' • ·.: . . ,·', . . .. .. ' ' ~~ . V[J_JI I - I NOTIC!c_ J ·-'""l>£<llll!l1 II ! ---"' '""" ., .,.,...,. - ' I ! I ' I ' I I I' I 11 ' -.. ' .. .• .. . _., .. .. . 2 SOUTH ELEVATION A60 A60 SCALE: 1 / 4"= 1 '-0" REVISION BY APPROVED DATE © 1.- I l"=;iai~ ,, i I j 1 = I ' -• . '. . ' ·, :.; . ,; ~--~ -' ,.. . .• . . -, .· ... ,., ., . -. ; .. ·.·.·' . '. ' .. ,.. 4_ ·' ·., • 1 • • (3\ A60 A60 BOEING® \ \ I ~ \ I \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ ' I I I l!Jo11® '" ,- ,- ,- -~9t1~-~-"'i'=='F_ r'F'i'F'r~ 8 =50 ===-I \,.. STOP Ctietl< .:;::;;:':1- "'-~ I =--::: ,_,.,.,_ Area 'y I 1.......-, 1...----i '-""' --i ,...--J.I ·: ·:::::-'' ./.-' :·:·>-:· 1-'-'L! ..Jl..(_~__l--;;._·_J...JLL.l_Jl.....JI~'"'-LJL_JLJJ-J L -:-_\/.';--.-'. ··: '. ·-i·~ -,-·'. · WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-0" - = ' I I (4'\ A60 A60 5 ~ V ~ 2 ---- 1: , _ , _ -.. , " ' I EAST E~EVATION SCALE· 1 /4" = 1 '~o" . , , , I ' , !I I' , ' I ' ! I ' ~ I I ! ' ' ' ' l ' : ' i i : . I I I 7 I l "-= \\\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ACCEPTABILITY DRAWN SBULL THIS DESIGN AND/OR CHECKED SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE CHECKED APPROVED APPROVED NEW CANOPY, STAIRS AND BOLLARD DATE SUBTITLE GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CODE DATE, GENERAL NOTES & KEY SHEET FOR ADDTL INFO. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: REMOVE EXIST WINDOW. PATCH & INFILL EXT WALL TO MATCH ADJACENT EXIST CONDITIONS WHERE HATCHED, SEE FINISH SCHED. INSTALL INSUL HM DOOR W/LARGE VISION PANEL, SEE FINISH SCHED, SEE DOOR SCHED. INSTALL BOLLARD, SEE CIVIL, TYP. INSTALL PRE-FINISHED COATED MTL STAIR & RAILING W/ADJ STAIR STEP HEIGHTS, SEE FINISH SCHED. SUBMIT SPECS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW & APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL. INSTALL s·w X 3'D MTL CANOPY TO MATCH EXIST WOOD CANOPY OR BETTER. [§_:> LTG FIXTURE -EXT SURF MNT 11 OVAC 1 x4 LED 0 NOTES A CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL DATE 03.08.17 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS W4892664 A 03.08.17 SHEET mLE GATE D50 CREW SHELTER A60 A3 BUILDING 05-119 JOB NO. COMP NO. W4892664 05-119-A60 ARCHITECTURAL MASTER COL. A-/1-DWG NO. "' 9. n - r---'-.. 00 0 '-.. n 0 0 N N "' i ,, ...... , ... ,.·, ,,. '''"··"'-.,,,, .-._. •'·'"''' ·'"' ,.-,,,,, .. ,,"'''~·"' 1 A EXIST HVAC\ UNIT A60 • m ' "' ,· --0" --• B 0 1 1A10 A110 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-o" SYM REVISION A GATE D50 CREW SHELTER 0 0 BY APPROVED W4892664 SBULL BTS A60 '--"' EXIST CONC STEPS BROOM FIN- 0 DATE SYM 03.03.17 2 1'-6~ ' • ; -"- b I -' 0 • "- A -- 3 A60 B 2 1A10 A110 1 1 A60 5 5 ------r.=====================================i:~===:;:::;i;:=r=-~----::::_ --:t:::::::;-t- 0 0 0 A60 '--"' PROPOSED PLAN SCALE: 1 / 4" = 1 '-0" IIDEIND® - 4 '-o· 3' -0~ 1'-6· 0 0 ACCEPTABILITY THIS DESIGN AND/OR SPEClflCATION IS APPROVED APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE DRAWN SBULL C I 0 CHECKED APPROVED APPROV D A60 DATE 03.03.17 SUBTITLE TITLE '----NEW STAIRS AND BOLLARDS LEGEND: s----------1 f--------f REMOVAL BRICK GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CODE DATE, GENERAL NOTES & KEY SHEET FOR ADDTL INFO. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: p ADD INSUL HM DOOR, W/LARGE VISION PANEL, SEE FINISH SCHED, SEE DOOR SCHED, SEE ELEV. 0 INSTALL STAIR & RAILING TO MATCH EXIST, SEE FINISH SCHED, SEE ELEV. CLEAN, PRIME & PAINT AREA W/IN DASHED RECTANGLE, SEE FINISH SCHED. NO CLG SCOPE OF WORK. REMOVE EXIST WINDOW. PATCH & INFILL EXT WALL TO MATCH ADJACENT EXIST CONDITIONS, SEE ELEV. INSTALL BOLLARD, SEE CIVIL, TYP. 2 3 }xllMXX~· METAL STUD & GWB PARTITION DEMOUNTABLE PARTITION FACTORY FENCING KEY PLAN 0 FLOOR PLANS GATE DSO CREW SHELTER BUILDING 05-119 8 4 4 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1' -0" A CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL 8 16 APR 2 6 2017 cr·v o'· r,1,,,,·r('·' i f' i' •• _i ,I J:\l Pl/',Nf\JJ~,JG DIVISION 03.03.17 ,.._ -A W4892664 SHEET '-.. i-,,,.,,=----~----,---------,r-1 n ~ 1A10 JOB NO. W4892664 DWG NO. A2 ~ 1-=~---------j-;;;;-;,,,.;;c,-------;j N COMP NO. ~ 05-119-1010 '" l-=c-=----"-_:_c__:c-=-c._'--'--------'------71 a< ARCHITECTURAL MASTER COL. A-/1-RENTON, W . '' ' . . ' ' ' . ,, ,.,,, ... ·-" .,, .,, . . --··•.:IL'!·'"'-'· ,., .,._ •. ,, ., .. , . •,"' ---· ·, ;. ··fillc"I·--,.,., i·'>-'r,,,,,,-,,t, i'J, .,wl.!l;»<IIE'.Illli CEDAR RIVER COMMERCIAL WATERWAY '!'' ', ' --' ' ·-'- / ' ,; i " I ' ' ' I 'I', i, ' J ;:; ' I ' ' i 1 ; : -·: i_., i ,! " ' ' .. "' ii,·: ; r : ; " ' ! ' ' : J ; ! j : i' ' i r : ! : ·' ' ' ! ' ' I i I ' ' ' ' I ' : i ' I '' Ii, ',1 : :! ,Z ,,o , ' ' ''Q..,, ' ' a::: [i _..: ......... 11; ! : I j " ' ' ' ' I ·1: I :! I ' ' ' : ! ' i i ! i ! i / i ' i ! ' ' I ! ' ' ' ' ' i I ; , ' I ! ' ' ' : ' " ' p : ' i : ' ' i -_J --•---__ ,_ ' , ,I' I : : ' .!: I ( : : 'I ' ' ,, [ 1,! " l ·,. ' ' : .:·1 ' ·:;, " i ,.·i I · I I i :i ' : ,1 ' i i <ii' I i: I •: : ·I' ' " j - '·~ ':t. 1 I • ,i . , ' } ,.,_, ' ,;: : 1· -· : ,. !: ' ' ! :'' d ' '_: ' -' ' --- ' ' ' i ( I__ '; ~- : ' '. -' .--- I I I I I ' I ' . ' v, MARCH 24, 2017 SCALE: 1 " . 20' 20 10 0 SCALE: 1:20 LEGEND srs,--- ' ,, 10 20 40 STORM DRAINAGE LINES TO FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM TYPE 2 LID CATCH BASIN, BOEING COMPRESSED AIR SOLID -OHW----------OHW---------OHW---------OHW--~·--·-------oHW t ----~----OHW---~-----OHW------- ,_, -·-·h·- -.• t -· ! . i !Ji If ' ,: ], [' 1 __________ or1~-----------oHw___________ oHw----------o ,,. ---,--I I BOEING ELECTRICAL ---- -. ------- f. ,; _ _-_, ·.c,c _ =-------·---,, ' --, -. -! ::: -~.: . ---- L ---- : -, --,,_--__ -..,. -~ -_,__ ----- --. - ,'.' . ~--_, r.· '.) . '" ;_ ---~- ' : ' ,'• ; '. ,-; __ ,_ -_, .;, -, ' -- - ·-'-' ,' ' :,- ' ,..,_ - :-.. ~->- -, ' _- -'------- .. :_:'----:,.-- > ,..- ,, . . ,,:___ ·, --. ' i,, " -I ,_, ' ' ( . u ----,··.---------.. , .. ' _·,.'.-(-· ~;-,.-.; ---- -·" ,· ___ ,,_,-- < .·, ..... ' -' ·, ,__ --..-.1.. __ o~w-' '--+''~..,",,.,-.,.,._·,..;;e-,---,-, -'i,'-, oHw oHw----------- " '•i f: ' j ;-i! I I, l , i ! , ' < f' •• :i :' .-.!.. 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'--'l---.--; , '_' .';; - ' ',' --1,.c ~< · ; ,-·, J· , r 'J Ls BLDG --,, ti, · 5-403 -. . .---~·""l/fl;;-·'"'7"--.-1---1 oo' sse ~, .. :it·t:! ,{ I ------100' sse ·''',100 ,sss ---,;---~---.0.,--,-----------;.. , -·:..-,-,._, ' ' ' -, .. , -- ,, .-.-: i ' ' ' ' ' . "' . ' ,, _/ SYM ORIG A B ,· . CITY OF RENTON ATHLETIC FIELDS DATUM 1 ' ' ' i > ! ' i NOTE: ,'- / i.., ·; i / I PLANS PREPARED USING NGVD 29 AS THE VERTICAL DATUM. TO CONVERT TO NAVO 88 ADD 3.556 FEET TO ALL ELEVATIONS. REVISION 737 MAX FLIGHTLINE UTILITIES-APRON D Cl PROJECT APRON D Cl PROJECT -SITE DCN-01 RECORD DRAWING APRON D UTILl1Y REPLACEMENT PROJECT PHASE 2 " ', ' '>·: c~0-_;;:,;,l ' . ' . " ' ) ' i i ,' '.. ' . ,. _ ... , "/ ' i '-~ ' ,·,, BY RT RT RT TWN ,I ' ,.,, I~{' /1:.;f· j ' -. ' ,'' ·~ -.. : .. :·~' ' -------, -------------- ''' ,,,.~ ,,,,,~'' ' _.,' ---' 'I,_ ; --· __ ::;!~.; _______ _ ,., . • -----. --------------- -... : ' ---a;19p;c-- ! _, __ ' '-,.:;- ,=----.. --''i: -- - ' ·----.-.. -- ,. 'I, ' I ; : -J-.. ----,-" '.' ----"· i------ ' :.. . . . .:/.i, --411 r>,i-/ " --~-.. - ,-,. " ' ' ' i -- .• ----- ' :i, ·-(; j; ! ;. ';.~ 5i," ~-- .. . . "1 .!,' ' ' ' -'.-- ' ! " .-. ' ;:_· ' ' .· ' ' -I • ·-·-. ---- ·--- -------. ·-... ' ---····-·· ,__,_ __ APPROVED DATE SYM TWN 12.2L 15 SD 01.14.16 TWN 09.21.16 TWN 04.06. 17 - --,.-·-" . . -~" --------· '' ' ' ' ' ... --L,T _/_ ----------'~- -" -· -,,, ,- ' . ' ----'!>, ' • • • '·;-:-__ :-, .. --·:· ,_ ·--.,--... ,......-.. · ',l .. .. -,-, ' ' "' " ' ,; \•, '.' ' -:i' -I . ',- ', ;_. _; """"'""'""""·~-, ..... ,_ .... ., ......... ,_., __ ,_,, ..... ------------- ; .1 BLDG E:] ···-5-112 " --+--- +-· -t----.• L -__ , ., \ : F~i '. ---------· ---------. ------'- ' -+--- ; ,' . , __ ' I )--;· '· ________ ',. __ -----: -----, " --------, -----··· ----___ ,.. '-i- -1,- ' -----,-----' ' T ' : , j ' .' ft• 1*J ·Q· __ .. ,,_. . e.,./ --,_-;,,;----. ---------·:l,: .ca·r ..... -... ,. --. -----=j;.:.-: ··--'~ ---...... 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' • '' ' , ... ... , REPLACEMENT OF ' EXISTING 72" STORM '"' i! , -, . , i DRAINAGE MANHOLE ,,' WITH 84" STORM ' ' . ·:.-< i DRAIN MANHOLE , ---r~ . -i-i 14 LF 12" DI PIPE@ 1.0% -J ... -------• ' !-" ~ ·-· .. <' ~. : i' ' ,, • ' .--,., :, ; I ..... ' _u, ' l[') -- l ' ,.._ __ -- • 5 LF 12" DI PIPE @ 1.0% ,. I',' ,, " I I 'I r~ . IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS: NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: THIS PROJECT RESULTS IN NO NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REPLACED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: REPLACED ASPHALT PAVEMENT 840 SF REPLACED CONCRETE PAVEMENT 750 SF TOTAL REPLACED PAVEMENT = 1,590 SF C293 .---.-----· ! --------·---.-.... ---~. ---· --·-'·--·--·-~---------------· -----------. ~ --.- ' f'I "1 PROPOSED 10,000 ·························:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:\l}I/:(:f(/:}~:~\}f?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'c i ---. .,. ·i 20 SCALE: 1:20 REVI SION BY -... 'i ,---~ ; ; ( ,;- .. -.------, .. SCALE: APPROVED C 1" - DATE : . -' i" - ' --}. ' f :-.-' _,. 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COMP NO, W3441886 "' r.=""7C:a---------~----~-'---j"' OWG NO. 05-APRON-D-C293 AP ROVED A PROVED CIVIL MASTER REN TON, WA 0 j 0 .~ ~ "" >, C 0 f-' E · "' li) ·~ (/} -, v, I "' ' -' ' \ \ I I \(i ,.__r, I \ \ ' \ I \ \ \ \ J) rJ) ' \ \ ' \ ' \ \ \ \ u·, " u, ' ', ' \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1.J l (._(! \ 1\ \ \ \ \, I \ \ "' 1-~ ,o \ I \ ' \ \ \ \ ' \ I ' I \ ,• '\ \ ,n t~ ,;1 \ ', I I ' \ I \ \ •.fl '" '" \ . \ I \\ \ \ \ \ ,, \ \ \ \ I \ tn ,Jl . ·, \ \ \ ' ' c!• u, \ I ' \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ,,0 . ·.-1c,r·, . \ \ '· I \ \ &, t ~, \ . _\ \ ({l i.(\ i o _\ [j\ <J'. \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ w \ \ \ ' \ I \ ' :J> \, \ ' ·, ' \ \ \ \ \ I \ u ! 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P\ \ BY \ ' ' ', ' \ \ I ~ "' \ ' ' \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ I APPRO VED \ ' cf) -' ' (1 \ \ 2.27.17 · I I · I I ,, ' \ \ : DATE r ---·-... -.... ----·------.,..-. ----·- .. -.. --·-.. --------.. -· .... --.. ---~~--~~~-e--+~~+-~--'-!1-·-·---.. ·---+- --·--. -i-------·-[ .-·+---<j---------' ·-·---' ---------l ------------· --.. -.-------------··· .. -.. 1 .... --.. -·-----·-·-·'---+I .. __ · ~ --I ~I·----·------------·1- , I \ \ ----'!' i ,\ I I J ·,, I \ \ \ \ ' ' \ I \ \ ' ' \ ! \ I \ 1. ' \ \ \\ \. I ' I/' \\ \. «;, \\\· \\ ' ' ... ,\ \ .,\ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ °\ \\\\ \\\ . ' .. \ ---'"'"-'',--C-,1 o. \\\ ' ' I ' . . I \\ \ \ ' . ', \ I 1 \ \ \ \\ \ \, \\ \ ', \ IIDEI.NO® -- DRAWN A ACCEPTABILITY i,;S.;;;EEssm~---+ .. 2_.27_. 1_7 - SU 8T ITL£ LEGEND ---FM---FORCE MAIN PIPE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE BOLLARD 0 @ MANHOLE GENERAL NOTES 1. EXISTING UTILITY ELEVATIONS ASSUMED AND/OR INTERPOLATED BASED UPON AS-BUILT RECORDS AND SURVEY INFORMATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE AND VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY iHE BOEING CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IF .~ DISCREPANCY EXISTS. 2. REFERENCE THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR CONDUITS, POWER, COMM, AND CONTROL PANEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES O> PROVIDE A MINIMUM 6" CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE EXISTING STORMWATER LINE AND THE PROPOSED SANITARY LINE. PROVIDE MINIMUM 6" CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE EXISTING FIRE WATER LINE AND THE PROPOSED SANITARY LINE. RECEIVE APR 2 6 201 7 C ITY OF RE~,!T N PLAN l\il r~(~ DIVIS/Q i 30 % DESIGN REVIEW FEBRUARY 27, 2017 CURRE NT REVIS!ON SYMBOL DA.TE W1911 1354 02.27.17 TH!S DESiGN AND/OR CHECKED 011,1 SPECIFiCATlON IS APPROVED "~ !-------~------NGIN"E7E""~--· GRADING & UTILITY DETAIL PLAN 2.27.1 7-f=7'-------c-=,--c-c--.,.....-------------------ll,Ss,H~ErE!r· _____ ...._ _____ -t-----------1 TITLE REPLACE 4·-42 SEWAGE LI FT STAT IO N C153C C7 APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE C-[' 2 2 ·7 7 1---------!-~-l--~'' L • , ) CRE~C~KflE7D.-----t--~.=....cc...--1 '---·----- I ____ ,__ ----+ ------ : APPROVED ____ .. .J.=""=~ APPR.OVr..D BUILDING 04-042 JOB NO . COMP NO. CIV IL MASTER . DW G NO . RENTON, WA r--- -----0 N -----"' w ~ 0 ,_ 0 ---' o_ r---I ~ " "" I 0 N C> w ~ V) t;, :'S ---' "' w '::; ~ z "' <( w :r: V) c§ V) <9 "' 0 0 -.J: o_ w V) I Q w ~ "' I z f- "' / V) ~ 0 CD f-z <( 0.. "' ? V) f- ::,; "' w 0.. <( 0.. w :::,. z: 0 vi z <( 0.. X w ~ "' r-- "' I'- / f" u w ~ 0 "' 0.. w t;; / (.'.> z ,2 "' <( 0.. <'<! 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V VifVif'/V"V'''..<vVVVv, -.,Y-.,v VVVV' /Vv',Ar;v,.r,r /VVVv -vvv,,v-,0·-.r /V•A/VVVV,'.AA/\. ,a.-v•,.;v•.'VV'.A/VY"•AAA?'./',VV-, /V-.'VVV-A'VV,~/VV"-A/v-A ~zv,.::;~z~oa· u~~~ ~:::;:::::;zvs'Cll-lt..lr'i~0~ /'y'V'-/V'y"V'/VV Ye ,;•11/,•V•/'/VVV'-/" ,AAA/V~J-0,V>J"-/VV",';,;-,,-vv /V'/"/s/V'J'VVV'V•/"J',A0N'/',"if, vVv ' ''-'VV' /V' -'V' ./ '-" />,/'./' .' /V PJ-,AAA V ~,--~ A.~ AA/VV' =,--c(•C/'/v. .,,__,.:;:;:;::;:;::::::. .'VV/ C/VVV'V'/V'V'J'.rvvv•.r- •""'"' ' ~/VVV'/VVV'/'/VVv' ~ ./VV/'/'~v>A. ;°',vVVVV-./VVVY'A/vVVvV ,V/Vv' /V•PAA.A/V" /V"JVV'/V ,Y-.'V'vV'-"-'VV'v"rAr.vvvvvv /VV'V'v',' ,VV'F•VV'""/VV'-/ f/V-, -''.A/'./Vv"v',','V'v°VVVVVVVVY' ' ?,V-./',v'JV>./",VVV A/Vv'/' . --- TO TACOMA •• 181 PUGET SOUND REGION APRON-A '----A-2 _},-3 _A-'!_ _A-~ A-1. - 167 Ul I 0 N KEITT AUBURN -- 5-08 KING CO. PIERCE CO. -- STADIUM z ISSAQUAH @ NO SCALE A-6 A-7 ----- WILLIAMS AVE. N. z . z Ul --! I WELLS AVE. N. 0) --! ( /' ;o (JJ rr1 --! rr1 ;;;o --! rr1 rr1 PELLY AVE. N. --! PARK AVE. N. I . GARDEN AVENUE N. J nl A~ I I /I ,IA/ dl.l.1-.. Ul I -I>- 0 (.,-J Ul Ul Ul I I I 0) 0) 0) 0 Ul (.,-J -.-- Ul I ~ -I>- w :r • ' I---- ' ' • • . ' . , • • ~ • r ' • • • \ -!>- \ 0) --.J l ~ "',,, " ~ -, ____ --" ·---------- ." --------· ( LEGEND: BOEING OWNED PROPERTY RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 D-50 GATE -MODIFY ENTERANCE FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT REPLACE SEWER LIFT STATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE PARCEL 1-80 CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WASHINGTON The following described tract of land is the resultant consolidation of Record Title vested in the Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation and Puget Sound Power & Li9ht Company, a Massachusetts Corporation, covered in the Pioneer Notional T,tle Insurance Company, Limited Liability Reports Number A-253802, A-253803, A-253804, Unit 13, dated January 11, through January 21, 1980. THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 3 IN SECTION 7; AND OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDAN, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND OF C.H. ADSIT'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND OF BLOCK C, THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 5927582; AND OF CERTAIN SHORE LANDS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHOWN ON SHEETS 3 AND 4 OF THE MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 156371; AND OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD (FORMERLY PARK STREET); AND OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. RAILWAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) RIGHT-OF-WAY. PARCEL 11-80 CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-253196, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0 THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 111-80 CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-253195, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND OF THE NORTHEAST QUATER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M_ IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . PARCEL IV-80 CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WASHINGTON The following described tract of land shows record Title vested in The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Report A-2538D7, dated January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDAN OF THE WASHINGTON COOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT N0.2 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH AS DEEDE TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER3261297. NOTE: Parcel bearing description is attached to permit package. () u -· c· :~ :,, z z 0 z "-H. G) 0 ,<:1 < rn '"'Y" ,,, ·-0 •='II 0 z z: :<> '" :,0 """ a., "' = ---., ::,; 0. ..,. N SYM 9. 1--...---------R-E!I-IS-,o-N--------..... --BY--r-AP-PR-O-VE-D--,--DA-TE-.--SY-M--r--------R-EVI-SI-ON-----------,--B-Y-,-A-PP_R_OV-ED-,--D-AlE--r-------------------,----------,,---A-C_C_E_P_T_A_B_IL-11Y---Tr~'iiirii;VN;RrE---"TniDAornTf,.._1-8-.1-1"T"csmuarmrrmLCE---;::;B:::O::-:E;::;;-;IN:-;-;:G;--;:O;-;-WT,';"N~E=D:-;:;P:;:R:;-:O=P;;:E::-;R=TY~-;:;s;-;1T=E=-------rrc'iiuocRR1CENNTT'lticfiii<~ssi1~~1NN5-o-4"ls'sYMiwiiBoiiL--;:::B::-'"TiioAATTf"E------1 ; 11307504 J.ANDRE 01.21.11 THIS DESIGN AND/OR CHECKED AND NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP '"'=aa----..L-------06-'0-7-'1-1---,· g A B C SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED ,,,.,.---+----t=-,---------;:==,-;--=;::-c=====c::c-----------j SHEET ;:::- 11307504 J.ANDRE 06.07.11 BOEING® APPROVED BY OEPT DATE TITLE RENTON SITE ENHANCEMENTS SEPA-10 ! WLS 3.23.2017 BOEING SITE ~Jo=a~Na~. -------r.c=oM"'"P""'No~. ------1~ APPROVED 11 3Q 7 5 04 _J 1-c------------~--------l'-" RENTON, WA DWGNO. RTN-RATEEX-SEPA-10 737 RATE EXPANSION PROJECTS 737 RATE READINESS & AIR QUAUTY PROGR SITE ENHANCEMENT APPROVED CIVIL MASTER *** DO NOT TYPE HERE *** ;,v rr1 () r1-1 =~~.,, .... ~ .,.,,,,,, rr1 C.J ' . " . ~.-, .. . . .. . ' --.. · ---,~---_.,.,,.,.,-.-•, . ' . ' . ' · .. ' ,·~ '" ,-·· ._,.,-,.~ CEDAR RIVER COMMERCIAL WATERWAY . ,-; ' ... --2. / -_, ' ;-_ ' ,_, ' ', ",, l':: ' ' ' ' ! I •,: I !1 ,,: I ·; • i!, ,, ', I' ',, -,- '~, .. : ~<' -. ; ,_ I ' '' : • L, ' /:: i' .,, 'j_: '': ' ' I (t, ' :11;" 'I ii-' . 'I , i(I L: 'I.' , '! ' " ,--- ! ' I I : ' I I ' ' ' I i : ; I I ' ' 1 ' 1 i . I ' I i ' : j '' ,, ' ' ' " : i ! I ' " ' I ' i ! ' t I , 1 • -f., 'O : I 'i' -,,a._1,: ! ' I:: 1,ri.,,,, ! 11..1-' 1:,<(,: ! f ,I: ·L I ' i ' ' : i i ; " i ' ! ' i i _ _ I ! I 1 i ' ' I/ ' ' I ' I _, ,c, ·'-' . _, - ' ' ' ' " ! i ' i ; ! " : i ! 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' ,-,1,. -~- )c '~· -.:· ::, .--, CITY OF RENTON , ATHLETIC FIELDS ' I I ! / ,-, DATUM NOTE: PLANS PREPARED USING NGVD 29 AS THE VERTICAL DATUM. TO CONVERT TO NAVO 88 ADD 3.556 FEET TO ALL ELEVATIONS. REVISION '-, '•. '. '; ' ,. -. ·--. __ --' . .' . ,._ ,, .. _ ';, ',, . .. ' ' -' _., ' a...,,.,,01,-11111 .~ ~ ' i ,kW~ ' -, /,~ ·;._ r ' ' -.. -... " - '' ___ ; ... : ' I ' ':' -'.:.· ::,,_ -_,- ··ci-. -.. ·. ---;~::·-----" -----. " ! -' ' ,' --_-.--· - . .. ---. · -. •:c-:-ii§@ -----~ -a ~"11-.lltii!iM #6 1::;::··----' ... -' .:.~---- -------,' ,.;------ ' ' ,), -. . '_ -~ --" -' ·. -. -------- ,."'>,' ' . ,L- Lr ' _, . . i' -· ,-,-----~,1---- ' ·. i : , ' ffl-ij:!I • • '. "" ... . ,·:· ,! : I ! i : ti. ----.:.---~~w ----,,' ; __ ,_, __ ,_, _i~l_."'if_ J· ,, , ,, -r·i --..:._~_-1 , .. :i · OHW ;,: 'I " 'I •f !'Iii:, 1,. .. , ,,: ,; r,,.·1 -. . , 1 i , I· J; > -r.,-, ; · I ' ; '"1 ' I i •' I I ' ! i 1 '' I,',' ' ---.. ; .. ,·... -.............. ' . ,.. 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REPLACEMENT OF 750 SF OF EXISTING , _-,' CONCRETE PAVEMENT ', J \'. -,7.--- \f/•:, ',, ,\ ·. ,, .tr· , · 1-.. 1 . , PROPOSED 10,000 i : ' ·· GALLON FUEL SPILL • CONTAINMENT TANKS , : l 1 1 .·•· 1. 'aJ ~ , · :Ji' ! ---.. 20 0' SSB =---=--=··= .. :::· :::_:·::::·--,::.---::;:-c-,· -:-""l -200· sss ~--:____,~~~~~~ POSITION i D-1 ' j_ __ --------: --- : I ' , I ' l -------· .... BUFFER ·---' --·· ! -· .. ---·-·-.. ---1-I ' ----------· ----,--- ;_ . \ ! • ~-'."· > '-'..· ! 1 ! ; ' I --1• ·,-- ' ," ' . .:;· _, -·~ SCALE: 1 " = 20 ---· ·!------··-··-----,---- ----+·-----l. ------ ' ' ' .. -----' --------!- PLAN I I --•. i I . +-. -- f' ' ' ' ...... ~ ----~ I ! __ ,, ____ .. ____ ------------------·-------------- A --. . -,--,._ ..... ---·· ·-----~---- ' ---·--_,.j.. -f----·---·-· ·-ct · ' -t ' ' ' -.' l ! I I I I I APPROVED DATE SYM Rc\ll SION BY APPROVED DATE DRAWN WH 3.24, 17 SUBTITLE UTILITIES PLAN, GENERALIZED MARCH 24, 2017 SCALE: 1 " -20' 20 10 SCALE: 1:20 LEGEND ----sTS----STORM DRAINAGE LINES TO FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM , . .., ----------------- -- TYPE LID 2 CATCH BASIN, SOLID BOEING COMPRESSED AIR BOEING ELECTRICAL BOEING WATER BOEING FIRE WATER BOEING DATA PROPERTY LEASE LINE ---1 oo' SSB----1 oo· SHORELINE SETBACK 200' SHORELINE SETBACK ---200· SSB ---- n NOTES:· IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS: NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: THIS PROJECT RESULTS IN NO NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REPLACED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: C293 REPLACED ASPHALT PAVEMENT = 840 SF REPLACED CONCRETE PAVEMENT = 750 SF TOTAL REPLACED PAVEMENT = 1,590 SF ' ' APRON D -( . ----· ----, -' l' --, -' -' ' • • I ' D KEY PLAN SCALE: . NONE r,,·~--, $ .. ~·,1,1, C"'F REV'JTOt.J , .. , , "I· "' .,. '·"'' '· .,,,""" !JIV!S ION ~CWL CURRENT REVISICiN SYMBOL DATE W3441886 3.24. 17 ORIG 737 MAX FLIGHTLINE UTILITIES-APRON D Cl PROJECT RT 1'1/N 12.21.15 IIDEIND® ACCEPTABILITY THIS DESIGN AND/OR l-_ _:S::_P::EC::IFl_:C::AT,::10:'.'.N:_::;IS~AP:::.:_P:_::RO~V,::::ED:::___---IIENi:aiNE'.ER---:t----t,;;:,,c---~---;,:;;:;;;-;;---,:;---,::;.;::;--;::;;,;,----;:;;:;;,.;:.;-~~:;:----------JsHEET E1WNGNINEER ffiLE APRON D FUEL SPILL CONTAINMENT C293 i A APRON D Cl PROJECT -SITE DCN-01 RT SD 01.14.16 APPROVED BY DEPT. DAT£ 3.24, 17 CHECKED B APRON D UTILITY REPLACEMENT PROJECT PHASE 2 1'1/N 1'1/N 04.06. 17 APP OVED CIVIL MASTER RENTON, WA f.,-,~=------------+=~=-------~;:;:;. JOB NO. COMP NO. W344188 6 ~ f==-=----------~-----~----1 DWG NO , 05-APRON -D-C293 RECORD DRAWING RT 1'1/N 09.21. 16 A SITE 05-YD i I ' . ' ' I : X 0 200' OFFSET LINE FROM SHORELINE \ I \ \ 4 -/ I / \ A ~ I \ ~ -- \ \ ~ \~ Antenna \ \ -- IX 0 ( J --( L ===-J .... ----~-0.. 8 (_) + 28.4 I .... -'--..a:0- --~ a.. 3 ----\ ~ ~--11 "' 0 C) 0 F I \ q \ \ .;, \ \ \><. 0 I ~\ G) I I 27.47 -+28.4 \ IX 0 ..., ~-L. n --G--r-_ ---1-- X 200' OFFSET LINE I on :5 ~ I 0:::: • w I--> ::::,::::: .100' OFPSET~INE FROM ~Ftt_lNE X -~-o_ 41.5 I~ \ ul \ I'--......... I \ \ - • I \ --\ --\ j I ' + 27.5 I I I I I I I \ --'-1" - No. 78 H- '-...../' TOP 27 19 ----"-.. FL 18. 5 '-... >< -27+ . --_.. 3 6 GATE 7 9 '--------------~----·-----------i ! 0-50 GUARD / I + E I ,----~ ......... ...., ' -__ __J I I I \ +27.4 / , / / / ~ '\ \ \ -100' FFSET LINE M SHORELINE I ' 'WV ,® ~ 25.4 - ~ CEDAR RIVER ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK ...._ -172 LF Fence D> [p, -'"---D:> [t> [}> GENERAL NOTES 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET C1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES BEGIN 7' FENCE PER DETAIL 7 - C470 C500 END 7' FENCE NEW DOUBLE-SWING GATE (APPROX 36' WIDE) SECURE EXISTING GATE IN CLOSED POSITION WITH NEW SLEEVE IN PAVEMENT FOR DROP ROD INSTALL BOEING-FURNISHED 1 O' JERSEY BARRIER ' 0 .... 4" \ ...., I SAN--------~-==~~=======f-----------~ \ ----"VTsrs1--h===fff~ = [§:> -o 0 INSTALL 5' LONG JERSEY BARRIER. CUT TO SIZE FROM BOEING-FURNISHED 1 o' JERSEY BARRIER. PAINT SAFE1Y YELLOW. 2 ! I 3 I . 61 F ---t SSMH I --I J I--1 -z-w-FIREwv --I NOT FOUND \ +28~ ·0 -+28.3 X 3 7 0 . 1 ~'o'J, l.u ~ I 0CO ~ ~~~~/ I --~= ~~----I ~wv - -----+zs.3 PLAN --GATE 050 SCALE: 1 "= 1 O' -0" \ I I ?I I ~ ~HT /POL I I I I I I FH I -,> LS / 3/ )) w W- / -/ ~GASP 3 28.t No. 856 ' 43.6 36.8 _ INSTALL TRAFFIC BARRIER ARM PER DETAIL ---~ C470 C501 - INSTALL TRAFFIC DELINEATOR PER DETAIL 3 _ ~ p INSTALL BOLLARD PER DETAIL C470 C501 6 C470 C500 -RECEIVED - APR 2 6 2017 C !TY OF RENTON _ PlAf,~!"IING DIVISIO N SHORELINE PERMIT SUBMITTAL FACIL TY DESIGN BY MJS DATE 03.24.17 I i I :"l $! I L----------------,---.-----r----.--~--------'--------',----,---,-----,r-------------.--------,----:-::--=--:=:-=::-=-:--,rnioRli!iiAwNN --!DADATTEE -1SLsuisrsr1TLiii:iE~-----------------iccuuriRRROE:t<r<rREREVJvissim10Nr-[siSYMiMEsioCoL--T50AATETE,-------i c:: BY APPROVED DATE ACCEPTABILITY M. sumLu~vA~N _-t----'o3~.24~. ,__,7 FENCING AND BARRIERS W4892664 _ 03.24.17 :;:. SYM REVISION BY APPROVED DATE SYM REVISION THIS DESIGN AND/OR r.:==----~---,--------i.:::::_ 1-_.:'.SP::;:EC:'.'._'.IFIC~AT~ION:_:IS;..:A~PP:'.;:RO'.:;:VE:'._D -!J'.NGiNi~------t--trnr-------,-~~~~ICm~~-----~ SHEET 8 ENGIN R TITLE REVISE SITE ENTRANCE C470 APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE M. SULLIVAN 03.24.17 ::,i i H CK ~--j---,----j _ . ~ ' RENTON SITE • GATE D5Q ~JO~B N=-o.-W-4-39-25-54-----tcc=oM=P N""0.-------1 ~ _ >==----------------,"' RENTON, WA DWG NO. RTN-YD-GATE D50-C470 -SHORELINE PERMIT W4892664 MJS 03.24.17 IIDE'IND® APPROVED CIVIL MASTER .. , ' •,, \ \ \ ',;, ' ' ~· \ \ \ • --,. \ .\, I \ I ' I ' ' \ \ \ \ .. ,·0. -· ,, . -,_.,_, \ ' \, ' • \ \ \ ' ·\ \ \ \ --~. ' \ \ \ \ \ n ' \ '\- \ \ ' ' \ ', ' \ \ \ ' \ ' \ \ \ !J ) \ ', I \ \ \ ', \ \. ' ·-I ' ' ' 'A ' ,,. \ ', \ \ \ \ ', \ \ ' \ ,, ' \\ ', \ \ ,, \ \,, \ ,, ' \·, \ ',, \ ',\ ', ', \ \ \. 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' \ ' ,, ,, ' ~ " 1 ,'a \ ' ADT COMM LINE \ ' \ \ I ,r 'c..1-\ I ' I ( r.:·, ij'!. ·-·' ' .\ ' \ ', \ ·,: ·;- -1 ·.- ' \ ' -\ I > ·\· ' \ !Ji . :,·u_.; _. \ I I \ ' \ ' \ ul U" ;J1 ' \ \ \ \ I \ (_/J \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ ' \ \ '', YI \ \ 1, \ ', \\ I \ I ', I ,, ' ', \ ', ' \ ' \ \ ' ' ' ' \ \ ' ' \ ', \ \ ' ' \<"' ' ', ', \ \ \ \ \ \ n ' ' \ \ \ ' ' ' REROUTE ADT COMM LINE " ','· ' \ \ \ ---------\ \ -------------~-' I \ \ \,, \ \ ' I \ ', ' \ ' ' I ', ' \ ' ' \\ ' \ \ \ '1\ \ ' ' " \ \ \ ' \\ \ \ \ ' I ,, \\ \ I , ' \ I ' ' ', \ ' ', ', ' ' ' ' \ \ '1 \ I \ \ ', ' \ ' "\4 \ ' ' ' \ \ \ \ '\\\ \\ '' " \ i \ ',' ' \ \ I I ,, '' \\ \ ', \ ' ' ', \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ I ' I ' I ', \\ ' ' \ \ '""' ' ' IL ,/ r:- ' ' ' I I \ \ \ \ . 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POWER, COMM, AND CONTROL PANEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES D> PROVIDE A MIN IMUM 6" CLEARANCE BETW£EN THE EXISTING . STORMWATER LINE AND THE PROPOSED SANITARY LINE. PROVIDE MINIMUM 6" CLEARANCE BETWE EN THE EXISTING FIRE WATER LINE ANO THE PROPOSED SANITARY LINE. 0 LU > 30 % DESIGN REVIEW FEBRUARY 27, 2017 5~cKEil 2·27 .1 7 GRADING & UTILITY DETAIL PLAN CURRE NT REVISI ON SY MBOL W19 111 354 DATE 0'2 2-1 7 . I . , t OV~,J'11·T,'1"1,--2.27. 17 SHEET \IG ]r~EE R --·--· -----·--·r,T;;;IT"1."',-------==--=:-:-..,.--,-,-,--,-,,,.----,,,,.------------------1 ' SEE 2.27.17 REP LA CE 4-42 SEWAGE LI FT STAT ION t---------t---t---licciiHf:'2'_c"K"E~D.-·-----·-·-1-~=~--1 C153C C7 APPROVED ---BUILDING 04-042 JO B NO .. CO MP t>JO . .... ·----·--·+----1---,~.p=p=RDVElJ"-·-.... -... - CI VIL MA STER RENTO N, W.A DW G NO. RTN-YD-C153C _J) lJ', \ \ . I I ', I I ' \. 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WV "0 ~- 25.4 \ \. . 172 LF Fence GENERAL NOTES 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET C 1 . CONSTRUCTION NOTES [t> BEGIN 7' FENCE PER DETAIL 7 C470 C500 . . END 7' FENCE NEW DOUBLE-SWING GATE (APPROX 35' WIDE) [f> SECURE EXISTING GATE IN CLOSED POSIT ION WITH NEW SLEEVE IN PAVEMENT FOR DROP ROD . p INSTALL BOEING-FURNISHED 10' JERSEY BARRIER INSTALL 5' LONG JERSEY BARRIER. CUT TO SIZE FROM BOEING-FURNISHED 1 O' JERSEY BARRIER. PAINT SAFETY YELLOW. INSTALL TRAFFIC BARRIER ARM PER DETAIL 2 · ~ C470 C501 INSTALL TRAFFIC DELINEATOR PER DETAIL 3 . . '--l-,/ C470 C501 INSTALL BOLLARD PER DETAIL 6 C470 C500 ' SHORELINE PERMIT SUBMITTAL FACIL TY DESIGN BY MJS DATE 03.24.17 I I i I ; • d -· -u.. u LU ~ 00 n 0 L---------------.----.-----,----.---,---------'------------,---,---,----,,-----------------,-----,-----::-=:-:-::-:-=---,rn;oRAA'iiwN~--iDiiAiATE~-,-susuirnsrm.Ei'i:E-------------------[cicu)f,iRRm:ENTirRRE'iEVJiisis,cmoN1siSYMEiMBOLoL--f5ioAi'TE'TE~----, ,.._ APPROVED DATE ACCEPTABILITY M. SULLIVAN 03.24.17 FENCING AND BARRIERS W4892664 -03.24.17 $ - REV1SION BY APPROVED BY DATE SYM REVISION I -SYM THIS DESIGN AND/OR '"===-----'----+--------1, 1-~SP:::;EC::'.;IFl::::,CAT~ION~l;_;S A~PP:'.'.:RO::::VE!:_D --ti~EE1<--t--lim~----~~cr,~~'Miri=---------j SHEET 8 APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE 03.24.17 TITLE REVISE SITE ENTRANCE C4 70 i RENTON SITE -GATE 050 rccJO~B N~o.-W-45-92-55-4 ~-tco=•P:-;;-;NDc;--. ----1g r.c.=-c-a--------------1(I) RENTON, WA DWG ND. ' I -SHORELINE PERMIT W4892664 03.24.17 MJS IIDEIND® l APP OVED RTN-YD-GATE D50-C470 CIVIL MASTER 7-oz r-. 1-0 = z~ "' LU --<c <I< 0 ""' 11.. ~ o-0::: ?...'. 0... z ~ i::: 5 -a. u 1 1 J0'-2 112· A ----------r.:================================ EX!ST 1-NAC 4 UNIT A60 • ~ I N ,-------._ B 0 0 1 EXISTING PLAN 1A10 A110 SCALE: 1 / 4" = 1 '-0" SYM REVISION BY A GATE 050 CREW SHELTER W4892664 SBULL 6'-6 1/2· 0 APPROVED BTS A60 ._____,,, DATE 03.03.17 EXIST CONC STEPS BROOM FlN-~--- 0 SYM © REVISION 2 -- © ,.. .' - • 0 I + "'- w ' - z ~ A60 I N BY A --- A60 B 2 1A10 A110 APPROVED DATE 1 0 0 PROPOSED PLAN SCALE: 1 / 4"=1 '-0" ~-BOEING® 0 1 A60 2 A60 ._____,,, ·-.. ,., _.,, .. ,,,_, ''. '" . 5 5 -------- · --o· 3' -o· 1'-6" 3 0 A60 c::c::-=---=---'-j..,J ----------- 0 0 DRAWN DATE ACCEPTABILITY SBULL 03.03.17 THIS DESIGN AND/OR CHECKED SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED APPROVED BY DEPT-DATE H CKED APPROVED APPROV D SUBTITLE TITLE NEW STAIRS AND BOLLARDS LEGEND: ' ' ,9//T/7//,)//%)7//7/T////////A~ REMOVAL BRICK GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CODE DATE, GENERAL NOTES & KEY SHEET FOR ADDTL INFO. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: [}:> ADD INSUL HM DOOR, W/LARGE VISION PANEL, SEE FINISH SCHED, SEE DOOR SCHED, SEE ELEV. I}-----INSTALL STAIR & RAILING TO MATCH EXIST, SEE FINISH ~ SCHED, SEE ELEV. 0 CLEAN, PRIME & PAINT AREA W/IN DASHED RECTANGLE, SEE FINISH SCHED. NO CLG SCOPE OF WORK. REMOVE EXIST WINDOW. PATCH & INFILL EXT WALL TO MATCH ADJACENT EXIST CONDITIONS, SEE ELEV. p INSTALL BOLLARD, SEE CIVIL, TYP. 1 2 3 f--.c ---= X X X X X 1. METAL STUD & GWB PARTITION DEMOUNTABLE PARTITION FACTORY FENCING KEY PLAN 8 4 8 16 ---- SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" A ,.., .. _.1··1 r··;,:: ~"!r-~1·,, )1': ~ ..... ,. .,_,., 1-L...., '' i--'!/\!0 Jt ,hlC., JJVi_)< ·,N <D 0 ,n CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL DATE ~ FLOOR PLANS W4892664 A 03.03.17 " '-._ SHEET "' GATE D50 CREW SHELTER 1A10 A2 -E'.. "' 0 .. BUILDING 05-119 Cl N JOB NO. COMP NO, N ,n W4892664 05-119-1a10 SC SC ARCHITECTURAL MASTER COL. A-/1-RENTON, W DWG NO. ,.. y y ,.. ,.. ,.. ,- y ,- ,--- >- >-,.. ,.. >- >- ,-- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ < ~ 3/ /, ~/ '1 I ! 1 ' ' I ! ,, :i ' I ,.·. V. ~ 1 I I I ' j '. I ---- , - -. I . I • . - '\ ' , V - : 1· i I 'I ' ii ' ' ' 111 I 11 I i 11 I I H ,-( 1'\ NORTH ~LEVATION ,- >-A~O A60 SCALE: 1/4"=1 ', O" ,- ' ' ' ' ' ' NEW CANOPY, STAIRS AND BOLLARD \\\\\\\\ SYM Rt VISION A GATE D50 CREW SHELTER - BY APPROVED DATE SYM REVISION W4892664 SBULL BTS 03.08. 17 .. ,-.----~--_,, .. , .. ,-•;,.ac '''"·""-"••'-'•''•--;·;~,,""" , ... ,_,_ .. , ... ,, , ,a.,,, . ., •.,,•-,, .... ,, ,• -•'•" --,, , IT L 2 A60 A60 I !J ~ i ' 0 =-=;;;a. ;l.!l . ,-,._ •.. -'.:., .. -. I ' IIU I ! I I : ' ',.'( ,. ' . . I I I I i ! I I SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" BY APPROVED DATE !I I - : ' I rll--iL',J.,. _JI-. .1,.._ -+. 1-,J,::~' :;=.• ,=, ==. ,.=, ' . ..· --~ ,,, .,,. -. ··;·'-'' •... · · .. ,.•."-~ .. •_ :,_ 1 ' BOEING® . ' .,_... ..,.~ .. -, .. ,-_ -' .,, ... ~ .. ~~·--·---·=--~-. ,-.· .. -· .,.,., ..... ,,.,~,,,,.,.,...,,, ,", ··---~·, ,,_,_ .>,a,-.·~»·---·· -, ~·-·"'·' '' ,,>a ._.,. - / 3 \ A~O A60 I~ 'I Ill :--:::.~-i =-====· I ~ ~.,. ... 18 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1 / 4"= 1'-0" ACCEPTABILITY THIS DESIGN AND/OR SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED APPROVED BY DEf'T. DATE ·,, ,.c_,•;., ••~-'•••'·-"'"'""d• "hS-,.fo,. '• ,-__ , .•. , CHECKED APPROVED APPROVED I ' ' I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ - I ,- ' -' ' ,- I l----'f -l..-/2 -- ' "-= = ,- I I (4\ ' A60 A60 I 5 ' ---- I , _ , _ ' [ I., , - ' I , ! I i 1 I I ' ., i I .,. ti -' I 1 ' ,- '. I I ', ' 11 I ·~ I i ' '!' I I , I I : i I ' ' / I ! t-'-"'--"'c"-~~~l~~'~~~~i~I ~-1.Y ': ., : : .' j .': ,:.1_ :, , 1 - • -EAST E~EVATION SCALE· 1 /4"= 1 e-Q" . - • - \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NEW CANOPY, STAIRS AND BOLLARD GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CODE DATE, GENERAL NOTES & KEY SHEET FOR ADDTL INFO. [I> CONSTRUCTION NOTES: REMOVE EXIST WINDOW. PATCH & INFILL EXT WALL TO MATCH ADJACENT EXIST CONDITIONS WHERE HATCHED, SEE FINISH SCHED. INSTALL INSUL HM DOOR W/LARGE VISION PANEL, SEE FINISH SCHED, SEE DOOR SCHED. [t> INSTALL BOLLARD, SEE CIVIL, TYP. INSTALL PRE-FINISHED COATED MTL STAIR & RAILING W/ADJ STAIR STEP HEIGHTS, SEE FINISH SCHED. SUBMIT SPECS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW & APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL INSTALL 5'W X 3'D MTL CANOPY TO MATCH EXIST WOOD CANOPY OR BETTER. p LTG FIXTURE -EXT SURF MNT 11DVAC 1x4 LED 0 NOTES APR 2 6, 2017 A CiTY or REfff(.if,l Pl.ANNING DIVISION DATE SUBTITLE CURRENT REVSION SYMBOL A DATE 03.08.17 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS W4892664 03.08.17 SHEET A60 A3 JOB NO. COMP NO. W4892664 05-119-A60 ffiLE GATE D50 CREW SHELTER BUILDING 05-119 ARCHITECTURAL MASTER COL. A-/1-DWG NO. . ... _ ~--.-..... ,._., ... " .,- "' 0 ,..., -.... --.... "' ~ "' 0 0 N N "' 3c 3c ,,, "·'"'""''''~"··,,•,,•, .