HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 03 CAG-16-063, Adden #3-18 MIL Washin State I1 Departmentngtoof 71rafisportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 3 Patantetrix,Inc. Original Agreement Number 1019 39th Ave SE,Suite 100,Puyallup,WA 98374 CAO-16-063 Plane: 253-604-6739 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date T18-8-1-102(037) 6/21/2016 December 31,2019 Project We New Maximum Amount Payable Duvall Avenue NE $601,467(this supplement increased by$22,300) Description of Work Engineering services for design improvements on Duvall Avenue NE to restore the paved surface,and fill in missing non-motorized facilities such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes,illumination,and channelization As outline in attached Exhibit A-1,this Supplemental Agreement Number 3 will add property/Right of Way acquisition services to complete the design of the project. The Local Agency of City of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Parametria.Inc and executed on 6121/2016 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-16-063 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1,SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The Scope of Work described in Section II of the Agreement is amended to add the Scope of Services described in the attached Exhibit A-I. II Section IV,TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, Is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: Completion date is extended from December 31.2018 to December 31.,2019. Ill Section V,PAYMENT,shall be amended as follows: Additional services added by this Supplemental Agreement Number 3 increase the maximum amount payable by$22,300 making a new maximum amount payable$601,467.See attached Exhibits"A"thru A-2. as set forth In the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By:Parametrix.Inc. By:Greve Zimmerman.PW Administrator 12 muttant Signature ,, r on/ 3/ .3 ) te DOT Form 140-003 Revised 0912003 Exhibit"A" Summary of Payments Basic Supplement#3** Total Agreement* Direct Salary Cost $157,325 $1,718 $159,043 Overhead $295,774 $3,283 $299,057 (Including Payroll Additives) Direct Non-Salary Costs $74,150 $16,783 $90,933 Fixed Fee $51,918 $516 $52,434 Total $579,167 $22,300 $601,467 * Basic Agreement figures include Supplemental Agreements No. 1 and 2. ** .See Exhibits A-1 and A-2. • DOT Form 140-063 Revised 0912005 Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work - Supplement 3 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Renton Transportation Systems Division (AGENCY), as part of its Capital Improvement Program, has identified improvements on Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard to restore the paved surface,and fill in missing non-motorized facilities,such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes, illumination,and channelization. The AGENCY has hired Parametrix (CONSULTANT) to provide design services. Since the time of the AGREEMENT, signed June 21, 2016, several key scope items have changed. AMENDMENTS No. 1 and 2 includes these changes to the scope and schedule. This AMENDMENT NO. 3 contains additional work to assist the City with acquisition of two parcels. The Scope of Services below includes new work only. SCOPE OF SERVICES The CONSULTANT will assist the AGENCY by providing the following services: • Right of Way acquisition for two parcels. Assumption(s) • The project schedule assumes that this design and right of way aquisition phase of the project will be completed by September 30, 2018, However, the overall completion date of this AGREEMENT is June 30, 2018 to account for future supplements to the AGREEMENT which may include construction assistance. • Right of Way and easement acquisition will be limited to providing assistance to the AGENCY for dedication of a portion of two parcels: o Parcel 1 is located on the northwest corner of Duvall Avenue and NE 12'h Street. A small triangular easement acquisition will be included for the installation of HAWK signal equipment and one fire hydrant. o Parcel 2 is located immediately north of Parcel 1 and will consist of a 5 foot permanent slope and utility easement to allow for a fill slope, some walls, streetlights and hydrants. Parcel 2 will also have a 10 foot Temporary Construction Easement (TCE). The Scope for these right-of-way services is included in Tasks 1 and 4(Parametrix effort) and New Task 11 (Real Estate Services Northwest effort). City of Renton 214-1779-878 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements: 1 March 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Scope of Work PHASE 1 —PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DESIGN WORK Task 1 —Project Management(Notice to Proceed (NTP) through June 30, 2019) Additional work as part of AMENDMENT NO. 3 includes contracting with and coordination with Real Estate Services Northwest,a subconsultant. Task 4—Public Outreach (Two months post-NTP through September 30, 2018) Additional work will include: The CONSULTANT shall assist the AGENCY in obtaining dedication of right-of-way and easements for the two Parcels listed above. Assumption(s) • The CONSULTANT will be responsible for preparing agreements, negotiating and recording documents. • Task 4 accounts for the Parametrix portion of the acquisition.effort. The effort completed by the SUBCONSULTANT,Real Estate Services Northwest,is included under a New Task 11. Deliverable(s) Deliverables are modified as follows: • Legal Descriptions and accompanying exhibits(2)in PDF format. Task 11 —Right of Way Acquisition—Real Estate Services Northwest(March 2018 through September 30, 2018) Real Estate Services Northwest has developed a separate scope of services, attached at the end of this document. City of Renton 214-1779-878 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements: 2 March 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Scope of Work Exhibit A-1B a Group Northwest Acquisition and Relocation Services February 21,2018 SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Parametrix, City of Renton, Duvall Ave NE Pavement Preservation Project PROJECT OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF WORK Parametrix., is the (PRIME) consultant with RES GROUP NW (RESGNW) serving as a sub-consultant on the project for City of Renton.The City of Renton,Duvall Ave Pavement Preservation Project requires a partial acquisition from two commercially zoned properties. The proposed project will widen Duvall Ave NE 5 feet to the west with new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and walls. Improvements to the existing storm drainage, illumination, and relocate and modify HAWK signal at NE 12th Street. It is not anticipated that the acquisition will impact current utilization of the property. The project is currently funded with Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funds. Federal funds are not currently involved in the project. To ensure the City's ability to use blended funds in the future all acquisition activities will follow Federal Highways Administration policies and procedures as well as all applicable federal,state and local laws, including,but not limited to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Police Act of 1970 and its amendments,49CFR Part 24,and state Revised Guidelines and by reference the WSDOT Right of Way Manual part 1 and 2. Preliminary Right-of-Way Services PROJECT FUNDING ESTIMATE(PFE)AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFER SUMMARY(AOS) Following review of the right-of-way plan, Valbridge Property Advisors will prepare a PFE and AOS for the impacted parcel. The PFE report will utilize consistent comparable sales and valuation techniques. AOS will be written for those acquisitions valued under$25,000 in the PFE. TITLE REVIEW,CLEARING AND CLOSING RESGNW will review Prime supplied title reports for affected parcel and provide Title Review Memo identifying all potential encumbrances to project team members. RESGNW will assist in clearing the necessary encumbrances prior to closing, if feasible. RESGNW will assist in facilitating in-house closing on low impact parcel or manage closing through escrow should those services become necessary. Acquisition Services RIGHT-OF-WAY DOCUMENTATION,NEGOTIATIONS AND CLOSING RESGNW will assist the City in developing all right-of-way documents/offer letters in accordance with the City's right-of-way procedures manual for acquisition of impacted properties. RESGNW will draft the acquisition documents using City approved forms or V.' any forms that are created directly by City staff for pre-acquisition review by the WSDOT LPA coordinator,only if necessary, before any offers are made to property owners. RESGNW agents will act in good faith at all times and never coerce owners in an attempt to settle the parcels. All negotiations will start with an in-person presentation of all offers when feasible. We will identify property owner issues,concerns and differences early on and document that information in the 191.3 6Street,Kirkland.WA 98033 624 S Londe, Street#202,Seattle,WA 98134 ph 206 457 5681 I wv, resgrwv.com (V Group Northwest • Acquisition and Relocation Services individual parcel negotiation diaries. RESGNW will work with City staff throughout the negotiation process with the property owner until settlement is reached on each parcel. RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATION RESGNW will assemble the project's final parcel files and draft the supporting certification memo and property interest's summary. RESGNW will maintain constant contact with the local WSDOT LPA coordinator throughout the project, follow the WSDOT LAG manual and Uniform Act guidelines, and use the prescribed right-of-way documents with as little deviation at possible. Cost Estimate Payment to RESGNW for its professional services is not dependent upon outcome, the amount or terms of any agreement reached for the property, or on any contractual arrangement between the City and any • third party. Prime agrees to compensate RESGNW for actual professional services rendered as follows: Our fees for services are calculated based upon the applicable hourly rates for those professional who perform the work-at-hand. The billing rate is $114.51 per hour for all tasks performed under this agreement. In addition, necessary travel time and mileage will be billed at the,current year's.IRS standard mileage reimbursement rate. Job Classification Direct Labor Rate Overhead(53.21%) Fixed Fee(30%) All-inclusive Rate Senior ROW Agent $62.50 , $33.26 $18.75 $114.51 PRELIMINARY FUNDING ESTIMATE AND AOS SUMARIES Valbridge Property Advisors $3,500.00 NEGOTIATIONS R/W Acquisitions 45 hours per parcel 90 hours @$114.51 per hour=;$ 10,305.90 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10 hours @ @114.51 per hour=$1,145.10 TITLE REVIEW AND CLEARANCE/CLOSING • Senior Acquisition Agents: 8 hours per parcel 16 hours @$114.51 per hour=$1,832.16 ODC:Estimated Mileage and Postage Reimbursement $250.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $16,783.16 Parametrix RES GROUP NW 1913 6th Street,Kirkland,WA 98033-624 S Lander Strep t#202,Seattle,WA 98134- ■ ph.206.457-5681 • www.resgnw.com N In m' G Q O is k o 0.WEV w V C 5. H C U • 4 • • l6uen lue1uno3y n m o u; Q o a� elleLPIN Perwde0 g - s I 'S M -N M swot. 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