HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA89-112 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 5 1 0 6 7 Kathleen Hoover ,being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the VALLEY DAILY NEWS • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition DT.ily newspapers published six (6) times a week. That said newspapers are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King County, Washington. The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Kent Edition Renton Edition x x , Auburn Edition , (and not in sµPplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers • during the below stated period. The annexed notice a P Ub i i c N o t i c A (Notice of Public Hearing) R4125 was published on May 4 . 1990 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of Subscribed and sworn before me this 21 s t day of May 19 9 0 ,‘;e7 tary Public for the State of Washington residing at Auburn, King County, Washington VON N87 Revised 4/89 PLANNING DIVISIOh1 CITY OF RENTON JUL 161990 7 i I \. 371 A__ c.:-._/...,.--- / i/. / , /./.'/:7' . ! )) //:..(-•'<, / •/ 4 _ ' /A00* , 17 s� x 33 i ••�,----.... ` X�7 17 X 7 •1' k Je ---„,_____, L________. --1.-1". 110.•........-„:,---- _/ ( MONSTER \\ ROAD) .,��Z�? \\ ,lt / t V\IX..._.1 N'N\I ------........ L )r" f. v i_jJ 7 1 i , -� --�'� � ., `� ; -- , \ -- ... ----t---..-► .. , \\ cI-,___._,____, _i__,_,_____T____, ,,,, _,\ i .,--2*-.:4,,, • I-oWe_R FASI tJ 1 i I 4. „t - ' \\ . \ ,, • \\\: • •-, / . %\ \ k\ ; 1 ' _ •-•-••--...... 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Dbaibo Project Engineer BEN Mq \ G oti WASNA, GI=A Mann, P.E. cc 4, Vice President max*er, ��srE � SiONAI.E‘k GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY OAKSDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WASHINGTON E-4563 September 27, 1989 Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 - 136th Place Northeast Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (206) 643-3780 222 East 26th Street, Suite 103 Tacoma, Washington 98411-9998 (206) 272-6608 TABLE OF CONTENTS E-4563 Page INTRODUCTION 1 Project Description 1 Scope of Services 1 SITE CONDITIONS 2 Surface 2 Subsurface 2 Groundwater 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 General 3 Site Preparation and General Earthwork 5 Foundations 6 Dock-High Retaining Walls 7 Slab-on-Grade Floors 8 Settlements 8 Surcharge Program 9 Excavations and Slopes 11 Rockeries 11 Site Drainage 12 Utility Support 13 Pavement Areas 14 • LIMITATIONS 15 Additional Services 15 Appendix A - Field Exploration Appendix B - Laboratory Testing Appendix C - Rockery Guideline Earth Consultants, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS (con't) ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Test Pit and Boring Location Plan Plate 3 Legend Plates 4 through 6 Boring Logs Plates 7 through 15 Test Pit Logs Plates 16 through 17 Grain Size Analyses Plate 18 Atterberg Limits Test Data Plate 19 Retaining Wall Drainage and Backfill Plate 20 Typical Monitoring Plate Detail Plate 21 Schematic Structural Fill Plate 22 Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Earth Consultants, Inc. C -�rt Earth Consultants Inc. �I lkii Geotechnical Engineers,Geologists&Environmental Scientists September 27, 1989 E-4563 _ Mr. Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 1100 Eastlake, Suite 210 Seattle, Washington 98109 Dear Mr. Garrison: We are pleased to submit herewith our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Eland Distribution Facility, Oaksdale Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washington." This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study was outlined in our July 19, 1989 proposal. Our study indicates that the site is underlain by soft compressible material consisting predominantly of clayey silts to a depth of approximately eleven (11) feet. Based on the encountered conditions, and the results of our analyses, we believe that the proposed structures can be supported on conventional footings provided that a surcharge program is first satisfactorily completed. These recommendations, along with other geotechnically related aspects of the project, are discussed in more detail in the text of the attached report. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you during this initial phase of project development, and we look forward to working with you in the future phases as the project comes to fruition. In the meantime, should you or your consultants have any . questions about the content of this report, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. L---/ Glen Mann, P.E. Vice President GM/NTD/sar 1805.136th Place N.E.,Suite 101, Bellevue,Washington 98005 222 E.26th Street, Suite 101,Tacoma,Washington 98411-9998 Bellevue(206)643-3780 Seattle(206)464-1584 FAX(206)746.0860 Tacoma(206)272-6608 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT More construction problems are caused by site subsur- technical engineers who then render an opinion about face conditions than any other factor. As troublesome as overall subsurface conditions,-their likely reaction to subsurface problems can be, their frequency and extent proposed construction activity, and appropriate founda- have been lessened considerably in recent years,due in tion design. Even under optimal circumstances actual large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ conditions may differ from those inferred to exist, The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in because no geotechnical engineer, no matter how the Geosciences. qualified,and no subsurface exploration program, no matter how comprehensive,can reveal what is hidden by The following suggestions and observations are offered to help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays, earth, rock and time.The actual interface between mate- cost-overruns and other costly headaches that can rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report occur during a construction project. indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevent the unanticipated, but steps can be taken to help minimize their A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING impact. For this reason, most experienced owners retain their REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET geotechnical consultants through the construction stage, to iden- tify variances, conduct additional tests which may be OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS needed, and to recommend solutions to problems encountered on site. A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- face exploration plan designed to incorporate a unique SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS set of project-specific factors. These typically include: the general nature of the structure involved, its size and CAN CHANGE configuration; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; physical concomitants such as Subsurface conditions may be modified by constantly- access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities, changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- and the level of additional risk which the client assumed neering report is based on conditions which existed at by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions program. To help avoid costly problems, consult the should not be based on a geotechnical engineering report whose geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors adequacy may have been affected by time. Speak with the geo- j which change subsequent to the date of the report may technical consultant to learn if additional tests are affect its recommendations. advisable before construction starts. Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and otherwise, your geotechnical engineering report should not natural events such as floods,earthquakes or ground- be used: water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions •When the nature of the proposed structure is and,thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical changed, for example, if an office building will be report. The geotechnical engineer should be kept erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refriger- apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to ated warehouse will be built instead of an unre- determine if additional tests are necessary frigerated one; •when the size or configuration of the proposed GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE structure is altered; PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES •when the location or orientation of the proposed AND PERSONS structure is modified; •when there is a change of ownership, or Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet •for application to an adjacent site. the specific needs of specific individuals. A report pre- Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility for problems pared for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- which may develop if they are not consulted after factors consid- quate for a construction contractor, or even some other ered in their report's development have changed. consulting civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, this report was prepared expressly for the client involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" by any other persons for any purpose,or by the client ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES for a different purpose, may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the client should apply this report for its Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions intended purpose without first conferring with the geotechnical only at those points where samples are taken,when engineer. No person should apply this report for any purpose they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- other than that originally contemplated without first conferring sequent laboratory testing are extrapolated by geo- with the geotechnical engineer. !I A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING der the mistaken impression that simply disdaiming re- REPORT IS SUBJECT TO sponsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing MISINTERPRETATION the best available information to contractors helps pre- Costly problems can occur when other design profes- vent costly construction problems and the adversarial sionals develop their plans based on misinterpretations attitudes which aggravate them to disproportionate of a geotechnical engineering report.'Ib help avoid scale. these problems,the geotechnical engineer should be retained to work with other appropriate design profes- READ RESPONSIBILITY I sionals to explain relevant geotechnical findings and to CLAUSES CLOSELY li review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to geotechnical issues. Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively , on judgment and opinion,it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted daims being lodged against geotechnical 1 BORING LOGS SHOULD NOT BE consultants.To help prevent this problem,geotechnical engineers have developed model dauses for use in writ- SEPARATED FROM THE ten transmittals.These are not exculpatory clauses ENGINEERING REPORT designed to foist geotechnical engineers' liabilities onto 1 someone else. Rather,they are definitive clauses which Final boring logs are developed by geotechnical engi- identify where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities 1 neers based upon their interpretation of field,logs begin and end.Their use helps all parties involved rec- (assembled by site personnel)and laboratory evaluation ognize their individual responsibilities and take appro- of field samples. Only final boring logs customarily are priate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely included in geotechnical engineering reports.These logs to appear in your geotechnical engineering report,and should not under any circumstances be redrawn for inclusion in you are encouraged to read them dosely.Your geo- architectural or other design drawings, because drafters technical engineer will be pleased to give full and frank may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. answers to your questions. Although photographic reproduction eliminates this problem, it does nothing to minimize the possibility of OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO contractors misinterpreting the logs during bid prepara- I tion. When this occurs,delays,disputes and unantici- REDUCE RISK pated costs are the all-too-frequent result. Your consulting geotechnical engineer will be pleased to To minimize the likelihood of boring log misinterpreta- discuss other techniques which can be employed to mit- Lion,give contractors ready access to the complete geotechnical igate risk. In addition,ASFE has developed a variety of ' engineering report prepared or authorized for their use. materials which may be beneficial. Contact ASFE for a 1 Those who do not provide such access may proceed un- complimentary copy of its publications directory. 11 II it I ' 11 1 Published by I AsFeTHE ASSOCIATION i 1 OF ENGINEERING FIRMS PRACTICING IN THE GEOSCIENCES 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G 106/Silver Spring, Maryland 20910/(301) 565-2733 0788/3M 11 II 1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY OAKSDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WASHINGTON E-4563 INTRODUCTION Project Description The subject site is located in Renton and is bounded to the north by Oaksdale Avenue Southwest near the intersection of Monster Road, to the east by an existing cardboard manufacturing plant, and by Union Pacific railroad to the west and south (approximately as indicated on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1). The site is low lying currently about six feet below Oaksdale Avenue Southwest. The general area appears to have been leveled and partially filled in the past. The purpose of this study is to explore the existing subsurface conditions at the site and, on this basis, to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. At the time our study was performed, the site, proposed building locations, and our exploratory locations were approximately as shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. We understand from our discussions with your architect, Mr. Bob Fadden, that you plan to construct two warehouses, one of approximately two hundred and twenty thousand (220,000) square feet in plan area, and the second approximately forty-eight thousand (48,000) square feet in plan area. The structures are to be concrete tilt-up panel construction and will have a dock-high floor. Although no specific design information is currently available, based on our experience with similar construction, we have estimated the maximum total dead plus live loads to be as follows: • Wall loads - 3-1/2 kips per lineal foot • Column loads - 150 kips • Slab loads - 300 pounds per square foot (psf) If any of the above design criteria change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, we recommend that Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) be retained to perform a general review of the final design. Scope of Services We performed this study in general accordance with the scope of services outlined in our July 19, 1989 proposal. On this basis, our report addresses: -_ i Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 2 -- i • Subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; • Suitability of existing on-site materials for use as fill, or recommendations for imported fill materials; • Site preparation, grading and earthwork procedures, including details of fill placement and compaction; • Short-term and long-term groundwater management and erosion control measures; • Foundation bearing capacity and resistance of lateral loads for conventional foundations; • Estimates of potential total and differential settlement magnitudes and their rates; • Surcharge fill construction and monitoring program; and • Parking area and access roadway design pavement sections. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project only for the exclusive use of Bruce Blume and Associates and their representatives. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. SITE CONDITIONS Surface At the time of our field exploration, the site was covered by dense long field grass. The site is essentially flat and is relatively low-lying, currently about six feet below the bordering road. No structures are present on site, nor is there any evidence that any have been on the property in the past. Wetland areas are apparently present in the central portion of the property. These areas were relatively dry with no evidence of stagnant water, indicating that the underlying material is providing good drainage towards the Green River. We understand from our discussions that these areas will be kept in their natural state. Subsurface The site was explored by drilling three (3) borings and excavating sixteen (16) test pits at the approximate locations shown on Plate 2. Please refer to the Boring logs Plates 4 through Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 3 6, and the Test Pit logs, Plates 7 through 15, for a more detailed description of the -, conditions encountered at each location explored. A description of the field exploration methods and laboratory testing program is included in the appendix of this report. The following is a generalized description of the subsurface conditions encountered. All of our exploratory borings and excavations in the building areas encountered a thin surficial layer of loose silty sand topsoil. This layer, typically about six to eight inches thick, contains a variety of small roots and rounded gravel. It is unsuitable for support of foundations, floor slabs or pavements and cannot be used as a structural fill. Further, it should not be mixed with materials that are to be used as a structural fill. Underlying the surficial topsoil layer, we generally encountered a loose to medium dense silty sand containing some gravel, which becomes silt in some localized areas. Beneath this material we found interlayered soft to stiff silty clay and clayey silt, .and loose to dense silty sand and sand. Typically, the density or consistency increased with depth. The clayey materials are susceptible to compression under load. We also excavated five Test Pits (TP-101 through 105) in the knoll located just to the southeast of the southern building pad. The purpose was to determine the suitability of the in-place materials for use as a structural fill elsewhere on the site. Beneath an approximately six inch thick surficial sod layer, we found medium dense to dense silty sand extending to the depths explored. The lower materials appeared to be a weathered sandstone. While these soils are suitable for support of a conventional warehouse-type structure, they are not suitable for use as a structural fill. In our opinion, the soil contains too large an amount of fines (silt and clay sized particles) and is highly susceptible to degradation when wet. Groundwater The groundwater levels observed while drilling and excavating range from approximately ten •to eleven feet below the existing surface and are shown on the boring and test pit logs. The groundwater level is not considered static; thus, one may expect fluctuations in the level depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the water level is higher in the wetter winter months, typically October through May. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our study, it is evident the site requires a substantial amount of fill to raise the site to design subgrade elevation. Since there is no on-site fill source, the fill must by necessity be imported from elsewhere. Placement of this fill, combined with the Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 4 proposed building loads, is estimated to cause a relatively large amount of settlement in the soft compressible soils immediately underlying the site. Such settlement is likely to lead to structural damage. To avoid this, we recommend you employ a surcharge fill to pre-induce as much settlement as possible before construction begins. While it would be most helpful to surcharge the pavement and parking areas of the site as well as the building pads, this is not normally a standard, or practical, activity. We do, however, strongly recommend the site fills be placed and compacted under strict engineering control to verify they are competent. This will help reduce the settlement potential. In our opinion, once the site fills are placed and a surcharge fill program has been satisfactorily completed, the proposed buildings can be constructed generally as planned. We recommend they be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the compacted structural fill. Post-construction settlement are expected to be relatively small and within this form of structure's tolerable limits. Current development plans call for the protection of an existing "wetland" area located in the generally central part of the site. Since site fills will closely border this wetland area, you must construct competent and stable fill slopes and protect the toes of the slopes from water softening. This can be accomplished by appropriate vegetation or a protective surfacing material. Because of the relatively soft and compressible soils underlying most of the site, utility installation may pose some minor construction difficulties. We recommend all utilities be provided with flexible connections to allow for settlement related movements. Although groundwater was not encountered at shallow depth, and considering the site grade will be raised by about ten feet, we believe it prudent to include both short and long term drainage control measures in design and construction. Such measures should include, but need not be limited to, perimeter footing drains, downspout tightlines, site grading, shallow • swales and earthen berms. We explored a portion of..the knoll which is located just to the southeast of the site as a potential fill source. Our exploration indicated the materials are very fine grained and susceptible to severe disturbance when wet. As a result, we do not believe they are suitable as a fill source. However, in the event you plan to construct an additional building in this area, the soils should prove suitable for support of a tilt-up type structure, particularly if built in the drier summer months. The in-place soils will likely require some. degree of recompaction prior to such construction, and will need to be protected against the elements. These, and other geotechnically related aspects of the project are discussed in more detail in the following sections of this report. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 5 Site Preparation and General Earthwork Stripping and Clearing: The building and parking areas should be stripped and cleared of all existing vegetation, existing utilities, and any other deleterious material. We estimate that on.the average, stripping depth of about six inches will be repaired. Stripped materials should be removed from the site and disposed. They should not be mixed with materials to be used as structural fill. Subgrade Preparation: Following the stripping and excavation operations, structural fill can be used to bring the building site to the desired subgrade. A typical detail for a structural fill mat is provided on Plate 21. The soil surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs are to be placed should be proofrolled and compacted to a reasonably non-yielding condition. Proofrolling helps to determine the presence and approximate areal extent of any soft or unstable soils. If any soft or unstable areas are encountered, they should be moisture- conditioned as appropriate then recompacted. If after recompaction they remain soft or unstable, they should be overexcavated to a depth that will provide a stable base. Typical- ly, a depth of two to three feet is adequate for this purpose. The overexcavated unsuitable material should be removed, disposed and replaced with structural fill. These operations should be performed under the continuous observation of ECI's representative. Structural Fill: Structural fill is defined as any fill placed around or beneath buildings, floor slabs, pavements, walkways, or any other load-bearing areas. Ideally, but particularly for wet weather construction, structural fill should comprise an organic-free, granular, free-draining material with a maximum particle size of three inches. It should contain less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay-sized particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). During dry weather, any organic-free, compactible material meeting the above maximum size criterion may be used. Structural fill under footings, floor slabs, and pavements should be placed in thin horizontal lifts. Lifts should not exceed eight inches in loose thickness for heavy compactors, and four .inches for hand-held compactors. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). - I Fill under walkways should be placed in similar thin horizontal lifts and, with the exception of the upper twelve (12) inches, be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum density. The top twelve (12) inches should be compacted to at least 95 percent maximum density. Any fill or native soils disturbed during construction should either be recompacted or overexcavated and replaced with compacted structural fill or crushed rock. To facilitate the compaction process, we recommend that all fills, including the on-site soils if used, be placed at or near their optimum moisture content. If fill soils are on the wet side of optimum they are likely to be difficult to compact. In this case they should then be replaced with a free- draining granular import fill, or should be dried until they can be adequately compacted. Drying can be achieved by aeration or by intermixing lime or cement powder to absorb. excess moisture. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 6 As part of our site exploration, we dug four test pits in the lower slopes of a knoll located just to the southeast of the site. These pits were dug in an effort to determine the suitability of the in-place soils as a structural fill material on the lower lying site. Based on the conditions exposed, we do not believe the material on the knoll are suitable for use as a structural fill. They contain a significant amount of fines (silt and clay sized particles) and are highly susceptible to deterioration when wet. Excavation, movement and replacement and compaction are likely to be difficult, if not impossible. Thus, it is virtually certain that you will need to import materials form an outside source. When you have retained an earthwork contractor, and he has selected a pit from which he intends to import fill materials, you should retain us to visit and examine the pit, to acquire representative fill source samples and to perform the appropriate laboratory testing to determine the materials suitability. Providing this is done early enough in the scheme of construction, it will be possible to modify fill or compaction recommendations or even to change fill the source, if necessary, before you are committed to performing the earthwork. You should provide a contingency in your budget and schedule to accommodate this critical service. Foundations Based on the encountered site conditions and the preliminary building design criteria, we believe that conventional footings supported on compacted structural fill can be used, provided that a surcharge program to induce settlement is successfully performed. The surcharge program is discussed in more detail in a subsequent paragraph. Once the preload program is successfully completed, the conventional footings can be designed on the basis of the following criteria: • Allowable bearing pressure, including all = 2,500 psf dead and live loads. • Minimum depth of perimeter footing; below = 18 inches adjacent final exterior grade. • Minimum depth of interior footings; below = 12 inches top of floor slab. • Minimum width of wall footings = 18 inches • Minimum lateral dimension of column = 24 inches footings • Estimated total post-construction = 1 inch, or less settlement Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 7 • Estimated post-construction differential = 1/2 inch, or less settlement; across building width A one-third increase in the above allowable bearing pressures can be used when considering short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Lateral loads can also be resisted by friction between the foundation and the supporting compacted fill subgrade or by passive earth pressure acting on the buried portions of the foundations. For the latter, the foundations must he poured "neat".against the existing soil or backfilled with a compacted fill meeting the requirements of structural fill. We recommend the following parameters be used in design: • Passive pressure = 300 pcf equivalent fluid weight • Coefficient of friction = 0.35 As mentioned earlier, we also explored the lower portion of the knoll located just to the southeast of the site. While the materials are not suitable for use as a structural fill in wet weather, the area is capable of supporting construction of similar nature. In our opinion, a "typical" concrete tilt-up building can be constructed on this area provided care is exercised during design and construction. Such a building could be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the carefully recompacted and densified in-place soils. The design parameters outlined above should prove applicable. However, we recommend you retain us to evaluate any design plan before proceeding to allow us to verify that the conditions can support the proposed construction. Dock-High Retaining Walls We understand that dock-high retaining walls may be constructed along portions of the perimeter of the buildings. We recommend they be designed to resist lateral load. imposed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of forty (40) pcf if they are allowed to rotate 0.002 times the height of the wall. If the walls are prevented from rotating, we recommend that they be designed to resist lateral loads of sixty (60) pcf equivalent fluid weight. These values assume that no vehicular, floor or other surcharge loads will act on the wall. If such loads are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressures. We assume that the walls will be backfilled with a suitable free-draining material. Typically, wall backfill should consist of materials similar to structural fill. Wall backfill should have a maximum size of three inches, be organic-free, and have a maximum of three percent fines (materials passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). Twenty-five (25) to seventy (70) percent of the particles should pass the No. 4 mesh sieve. A typical wall backfill detail is provided as Plate 19. Earth Consultants, Inc. I � Eland Distribution Facility 3 September 27, 1989 Page 8 Page 8 As an alternative to free-draining wall backfill, you may wish to consider the use of a geotextile drainage product such as "Miradrain". In either case, we recommend the installation of a drain line along the base of each wall. These drains are discussed in more detail in the Site Drainage section of this report. Slab-on-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors can be used with conventional foundations provided that the preload program is satisfactorily completed. The slab should be supported on compacted structural fill. Any fill or native soils disturbed by construction activity should either be recompacted or excavated and replaced with compacted structural fill or crushed rock. To allow for moisture build-up on the subgrade, the slab should be provided with break consisting of a minimum of four inches a capillary of free_draining sand or gravel. We also recommend that a vapor barrier, such as a 6-mil plastic membrane, be placed over the capillary break beneath the slab to reduce both water vapor transmission through the slab and the resultant moisture related damage to interior furnishings. Two inches of damp sand may be placed over the membrane for protection during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. It will also help prevent cement paste bleeding down into the underlying capillary break through joints or tears in the vapor barrier. An alternative means of slab support, if recompaction efforts are thwarted by poor weather, is the use of a cement-bound granular fill pad. This would incorporate intermixing between about four and seven percent portland cement powder, by weight, into the upper twelve inches of the dock high site fill. The cement-bound fill is then appropriately moisture- , conditioned and compacted. This will provide an approximately one foot thick layer of essentially weak concrete on which to build the slab. It is not unusual to achieve twenty- eight (28) day compressive strengths in excess of twelve hundred (1200) pounds per square inch with this form of construction. Typically, the cement bound fill will provide an allowable soil bearing in excess of three thousand (3,000) psf. If you wish to pursue this option further, we will be available to provide more specific design parameters. Settlements Based on the nature of the materials underlying the site, the need to a substantial lace amount of structural fill to achieve design site grade, and p proposedbstmtia lf construction, the buildings are likely to undergo a relatively largeamount of settlement.r This settlement is of sufficient magnitude to cause structural damage. The surcharge program should be designed to pre-consolidate the compressible soils found in the upper eleven (11) feet of the site, such that the surcharge would apply loads greater than those possible under normal fill and building loads. Resulting settlements from the surcharge program should be about the same magnitude as the estimated settlements. A Earth Consultants, Inc. ' Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 9 smaller settlement than estimated could be interpreted that the clayey silt have been pre- - consolidated and soil conditions are better than anticipated. Conversely, a larger settlement than that estimated could be interpreted that the soil conditions are worse than anticipated, and additional measures should be taken to obtain satisfactory results. Surcharge Program We estimate the settlement under the combined building and fill load to be on the order of six (6) to seven (7) inches. Differential settlement could be about half this magnitude across the building width. To avoid this, we recommend you perform a preload surcharge program to pre-induce as much settlement as possible before construction begins. Current plans call for up to about ten feet of fill, generating a load on the order of twelve hundred (1,200) psf on the original site subgrade. This fill load will cause a certain degree of settlement to occur before any building is constructed. In addition, there will be the proposed floor slab load, presently estimated at about three hundred (300) psf. Although settlements under this load are substantially smaller than those generated by the fill, they are still of sufficient magnitude to cause slab damage. The damage is typically in the form of slab cracking, warping or separation. To prevent settlement under the slab load, the surcharge fill should be of a weight that is at least equal to, but preferably greater than, the slab load. In this case, a minimum surcharge thickness of two and one-half feet will approximately equal the maximum proposed floor load. To further decrease the potential for post-surcharge and construction settlement, an additional six inches to one foot of surcharge can be added. One means of reducing the cost of a surcharge program is to use a "rolling surcharge". This can be achieved on two separate ways. Either the surcharge fill material is to be used as a structural fill elsewhere on the site after the surcharge program is completed, or the surcharge fill can be used first on one building pad, then on the next. This approach requires less surcharge material than that required to settle both building pads at the same time. Surcharge material should conform to the requirements of structural fill, described earlier in this text, if the material is to be used as a fill elsewhere on the site. Regardless, the fill should have a minimum unit weight of one hundred and twenty (120) pcf. The surcharge should extend for a distance of at least ten (10) feet beyond the building perimeter. From this point, the surcharge fill should be sloped at an inclination of 1H:1V, or flatter, down to the site grade. Based on the conditions observed in the field, and the results of our selective laboratory tests and our engineering analyses, we estimate the settlement s is induced by the combined site and surcharge fills will take between about ten (10) and twelve (12) weeks to complete. However, the only reasonable accurate means of verifying the time rate is to perform a surcharge monitoring program. This program will include setting settlement monitoring markers on the existing site subgrade before any fill is placed, then monitoring them through Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 10 completion of fill placement, then on until settlements cease or are considered within the building's tolerable limits. More specific details of this program are presented below: • Settlement markers should be placed on the native subgrade of each building pad before any fill is placed. We recommend six markers within the larger building footprint and four in the .smaller. ECI can supply and install these markers. (A typical detail is provided on Plate 20.) • A baseline reading is obtained on each marker and is referenced to a temporary benchmark located on a feature that will be unaffected by the fill-induced settlements. • The structural and surcharge fills are thenplaced. Settlement g e t readings are taken at relatively short intervals during this process, since this phase generates a relatively large amount of rapid settlement. • Once the fill operation is completed, readings are obtained on a periodic basis, typically on a weekly to bi-weekly basis, until the settlement ceases or is judged by the geotechnical engineer to be within the structure's tolerable limits. • Each set of settlement readings are plotted graphically against time to determine the magnitude and rate of activity, and are matched against the predicted magnitudes and rates. This allows us to verify the accuracy of earlier estimates and to make any appropriate modifications. We recommend ECI be retained to acquire the settlement readings. If you prefer to use another entity to collect these readings, we recommend you provide the data to us as quickly after their acquisition as possible for plotting and interpretation. This will help avoid any misinterpretation or misunderstanding about the success of the surcharge program. You should also understand that completion of primary settlements under the surcharge program does not complete total settlement. The clayey soils underlying this site are also likely to undergo long-term secondary settlement. This form of settlement continues 'over a much longer period, perhaps several years. This form of settlement occurs as air and water is slowly squeezed out of the soil by the fill and building load. The greater the weight of the surcharge fill, the less impact this is likely to have on the structure. Secondary settlements can be as much as about fifty percent of the primary settlement. Your structural engineer must consider this in his design. One last concern in the settlement monitoring program concerns the maintenance of settlement markers. Given that there will be a significant earthwork operation on this site to construct the site and surcharge fills, there will be a lot of earthwork traffic. This traffic can be a significant threat to the integrity of the settlement markers. In our experience, earthwork equipment (dozers and trucks) often demolish markers at a very high rate. This adds to the project costs in that they need to be replaced and makes the information Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 11 obtained less reliable. To avoid this scenario, we recommend your project specifications include a requirement that the earthwork contractor is required to immediately replace any damaged settlement marker and have the settlement readings re-obtained at his own cost! This has, in the past, helped maintain the integrity of the monitoring program and has made the earthwork contractor more conscious of the client's needs. Excavations and Slopes While no major excavations or slope construction efforts are anticipated in construction, you should be aware that in no case should excavation slopes, including utility trenches, be greater than the limits specified in local, state and federal safety regulations. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in depth should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than 1H:1V. If slopes of this inclination, or flatter, cannot be constructed, or if excavations greater than four feet in depth are required, temporary shoring may be necessary. This shoring will help protect against slope or excavation collapse, and will provide protection to workmen in the excavation. If temporary shoring is required, we will be available to provide geotechnical shoring design criteria, if requested. Since it is apparent that fill slopes will be constructed and extend out to the edges of the wetlands, we recommend the toes of these slopes be protected. A vegetative cover, or placement of a graded rock filter material, should be sufficient for this purpose. All temporary slopes should be protected against the elements. Installation of a shallow swale or low earthen berm along the crest of each slope should be adequate to collect and redirect water to a positive and permenant discharge. The slope face should be covered with a pegged or sandbagged in-place impervious sheeting. Over the long term, the slopes should be seeded as quickly after construction as possible with a suitable rapid growth and deep rooted vegetation. Your landscape architect can provide a suitable seed mix. The seed should be maintained in-place with a sprayed mulch, with the possible addition of a pegged in-place jute matting or geotechnical fabric. This will help keep the seed and mulch on the slope surface until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. Rockeries • If you elect to use a rockery to protect the perimeter of the site, you should understand that a rockery is not a retaining wall in the sense one would consider a' reinforced concrete retaining wall. A rockery is primarily to protect the exposed soil surface against erosion and weather damage. However, if a rockery is properly constructed, by virtue of its mass it will provide some degree of retention. The larger the rocks used, the more mass and, therefore, the greater the retaining ability. Rockery construction is, to a large extent, an art not entirely controllable by engineering methods. Because of this, it is imperative that your rockeries be constructed by an II Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 12 ri n exile e ced contractor with the equipment and capability to construct rockeries of a similar nature to those you require built. To help you in this ,respect, we have provided a current copy of the Associated Rockery Contractors (ARC) Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines as Appendix C. We recommend that your contractor closely adhere to the recommendations contained in that document. In the event that a rockery exceeds the maximum height acceptable to the City or County, or if the rockery is to be constructed against a new fill, we will be available to provide the necessary engineering and monitoring services. Site Drainage We do not expect the site groundwater levels will present any major construction-related problems. However, the site should be graded such that surface water is directed off the building site. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs or pavements are to be constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be roller-sealed at night to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades should allow for drainage away from the building foundations. We suggest that the ground be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent for a distance of at least ten feet away from the buildings except in areas that are to be paved. If seepage is encountered in foundation excavations during construction, we recommend that you slope the bottom of the excavation to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge, such as a nearby storm drain. Although the groundwater level was recorded several feet below the existing site grade, and considering the site grade in the building pad areas will be raised several feet, we still firmly believe drainage control measures installed at the time of construction are the most economical insurance against long term water or seepage related problems. Because of this, we recommend you install footing drains around the building perimeter. These drains should consist of a four-inch minimum diameter, perforated or slotted, rigid drain pipe laid at, or just below, the invert of the footing with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. The drain line should be bedded on, surrounded by, and covered with a free-draining washed rock or other free-draining granular material. Once the drains are installed, with the exception of the upper twelve (12) inches, the excavation can be backfilled with a granular fill material. The surficial twelve (12) inches of fill should consist of compacted and relatively impermeable soil. It can be separated from the underlying more granular drainage material by a layer of building paper or visqueen. The surface should be sloped to drain away from the building wall. Alternatively, the surface can be sealed with asphalt or concrete paving. A typical detail is provided on Plate 22. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drain system. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge. We recommend you Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 13 install sufficient cleanouts at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tightline systems. We recommend the appropriate locations of subsurface drains, if needed, be established during grading operations by ECI's representative, at which time the seepage areas, if present, may be more clearly defined. Based on the general grain size, we have estimated a coefficient of permeability (K) for the materials overlying the relatively impermeable clayey soils. The K value is likely to be on the order of 2.4x10-2 inches per hour. For the underlying clayey materials, we estimate the K value to be more on the order of 1.2x10"3 inches per hour. Utility Support Utility lines installed in fills or native soils should use either APWA Specifications 61-2.02 and 61-2.03, or the specific manufacturers' recommendations, for both rigid and flexible pipe bedding. Utility trench backfill is a major concern in preventing settlement activity along utility alignments, particularly in pavement areas. It is important that each section of utility line be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to make sure support is provided around the pipe haunches. Fill should be carefully placed and hand tamped to about twelve (12) inches above the crown of the pipe before any heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the trench backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve (12) inches. Trench fill, where not supporting a structure, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The upper twelve (12) inches should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density. If utility trench excavations encounter soft and easily compressible soils at invert elevations that cannot be remedied by placement of the bedding material, it may be necessary to perform some overexcavation and replacement of unsuitable materials. Typically, an .overexcavation depth of about two feet is sufficient to provide a "bridge" across soft and compressible soils. The overexcavation backfill should be crushed rock or clean compact structural fill. In addition, to help accommodate any post-construction settlement, we recommend all underground utility lines include flexible joints. The trench width in soft soils should be at least three pipe diameters. This will allow for placement of sufficient bedding and/or fill material to laterally support the pipe. Depending on the actual nature of the in-place soils, it might also be prudent to wrap the bedding material in a geotechnical fabric. This determination should be made at the time of construction. However, you should include a contingency in your budget and schedule to accommodate this possibility. We also recommend you consult us once the final utility layout has been determined to . reevaluate the above recommendations. At that time it might prove possible to more accurately determine the specific nature of utility trench treatment. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 14 Pavement Areas The adequacy of site pavements is strictly related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. If this is inadequate, no matter what pavement section is constructed, settlement or movement of the subgrade will be reflected up through the paving. In order to avoid this situation, we recommend the subgrade be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation section of this report. This means at least the top twelve (12) inches of the subgrade should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum thy density (per ASTM D- 1557-78). It is possible that some localized areas of soft, wet or unstable subgrade may still exist after this process. If so, the unsuitable materials may require overexcavation and replacement with a compacted structural fill or a crushed rock. Depending on the nature of the prepared subgrade at the time of construction, it may also be necessary to use a geotextile fabric to separate pavement materials from the underlying subgrade and to help strengthen the pavement section. A Mirafi 500X, or approved equivalent, should be suitable for this purpose. As mentioned earlier, because of the amounts of fill to be placed over this site and the settlement susceptibility of the underlying native soils, long-term settlements in both building and pavement areas should be expected. The building area settlements can be controlled to some degree by the use of a surcharge fill program. While it is not normally an economically feasible step to surcharge the parking and roadway areas, we recommend you give this some consideration. The greater the loads applied to the pavement area fill before construction, the lower the risk of settlement damage to the pavements over time. This option might be achievable if a rolling.surcharge program is used. On the assumption that it will not be economically feasible to surcharge the pavement areas, we urge you to make sure that the fill in these areas is placed and compacted under our full-time observation and of suitable material. On this basis, we have provided you with two alternative pavement sections for the lightly trafficked access and parking areas, and for the .more heavily trafficked truck access and loading areas. In the more lightly-loaded areas we recommend the following: • Two inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over four inches of Crushed Rock Base (CRB) material, or • Two inches of AC over three inches of Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) material. For the heavier truck-traffic areas, we have made some assumptions about site usage, pavement life and site traffic. We assumed the pavement life to be ten (10) years, that truck traffic would be essentially confined to one lane in each direction, and that traffic could double within the pavement life. We estimate the pavement subgrade would have an equivalent "R-Value" of about sixty (60). On the basis of these estimated criteria, we used • Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 15 the State of Washington Flexible Pavement Design Method to determine a suitable pavement design section. As a result of this analysis, we recommend the following: • Three inches of AC over six inches of CRB, or • Three inches of AC over four and one-half inches of ATB. If the above design assumptions appear incorrect to you, or if you have more detailed and accurate traffic criteria, please provide the information to us so that we can re-analyze these heavier pavement sections. If we are not provided further data, we will assume these data in our analysis to be correct. Because of the general nature of the site soils and the time of construction, we recommend you select the ATB pavement section. This will not only provide you with a competent "blacktop" surface that will help protect the site from construction activity, but will also provide a clean, dry and competent surface on which to store and protect construction materials. It has also been our experience that in spite of its slightly higher initial cost, this form of surfacing requires considerably less maintenance either during or after a winter construction period. LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing, engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our experience and engineering judgement. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. .The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings and test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between borings and test pits may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services We recommend that ECI be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications. This will allow us to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design plans and in the construction specifications. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 16 We also recommend that ECI be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. Because of the settlement-sensitive nature of this project we do not accept responsibility for the performance of the foundations or earthwork unless we are retained to provide these services. it Earth Consultants, Inc. f - f f — 1 a � � l I eT x APPENDIX A E-4563 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our field exploration was performed on August 15, August 22, and September 13, 1989. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling three (3) borings to a maximum depth of thirty nine (39) feet below the existing grade and excavating seventeen (17) test pits to a maximum depth of eleven (11) feet below existing grade. The borings were drilled using a truck-mounted Acker drill rig. Continuous flight, hollow stem augers were used to advance and support the boreholes during sampling. Approximate boring and test pit locations were determined by taping from property corners. The boring and test pit elevations were determined by interpolating between contour lines shown on a Topographic and Wetlands Survey by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. for job #89219, dated 6/19/89. The locations and elevations of the borings and test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geotechnical engineer from our firm who classified the soils encountered and maintained a log of each boring and test pit, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System which is presented on Plate 3, Legend. Logs of the borings are presented on Plates 4 through 6; and the Test Pit Logs are presented on Plates 7 through 15. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and selective tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. In each boring, Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed at selected intervals in general accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1586. The split spoon samples were . driven with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer freely falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the last twelve (12) inches of penetration are called the "N-value". This value helps to characterize the site soils and is used in our engineering analyses. The density or consistency of the soil exposed in the test pits was estimated based on the effort required to excavate the soil, the stability of the trench walls, and other factors. Representative soil samples were placed in closed containers and returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Earth Consultants, Inc. • • \ il-m-E--=1- rvury rNi iv J I ) LASTWOOD v/ LP ''' y - T'L. z �' ill ' ' � �FOUNTAIN ST �N o' . x...::,:':. :•. � v a � O- ai!2l" ST' uT S a LEO I $T — .Sato :71••.. •• Qv P. v S �� ` � s m '112TH ST \1 „5 r _I Q,° S o 113ni \ S a �/1•\H; S I > N r Q L �� J W, S 114TH r. ST Q • • \\ J sr S AVDN a ST I a� o —< �� � A 014; • e lLr I x • N N II J O 0: • S IISTHcn ST r x� N. Sr • s v,F' '-e.. I 2T.AUDUSTA 6 i > ` a 3 (j s 11s1� P�' �s \\ rq q < >0 Sr- 115TH ST >. o u> \a >s-SA ST >MS''', i ' N ST :�5116TN ST •--�-- -r� S Q TM 99 1S < qST J Q Q; S • 117TH $T 19�S SI�STHST �=y> a S S I ' S IIB ST _ ¢ 14 I 2 '6TH. et Pza '' (�6t, -_- 11 S-'& NS-1-- qy-� --- { * j ;i; ; - '1_ — � 1 I- —v'<• lu" S. I 260`'."P}TI �car .5 1• NIR La r( SKY�A1!:::P/;5:,M12y :: SKY "� Y a a S 124 ST © I S u' I S 124TH w f Y c;,:7p-�h' S a • • .:: 8 125TH 5T 'rr A Q`' .::y`;'K n 'rJ U Q S 125TH ST 1'1'4::.'i�. h 0I>- > - 13f CEM.FS m a ti I �. N ST 6F I I::.�SH.. S ` LIB s •....r•• ;Pb.i:.7 .....,•: ' S�r2STH IA > 'PO 1 qe 5. H ,pose; T i',_.:.r.. • I ST Q V ON I 61 -T "•.• EARLINGTON '.•• %`u.;. i.j^ 1- S • < N I i' in \?- ., ' —— in°— _ 4 //-For a�' :n:r- • S—12— -2 2P S 1 PL T (O —.n •0-1". F ....s.:` r!", ''`is • 91. PL na '1 S 128TH 1' S�, w?'yi;;f:•': 1.E :..n ..;;'1�'' \ 4. :0 x S¢ 129TH>ST > is :^ L'-'� ^:;,:` ..4;L;: _C'fi�`' ,}.: .' ..• h. $T � 4 I '>Si29TH" PL a Sa 129TH ST < :1-:.:74e i glil.' ., S 130TH ST x S ' i1 ,1,- ••B _- S1i r- S P • Fy'..,•s:y _:rl f 1. L,:;:' F s I . x x o %� 0. 1'".i 41' 9(' ITIST xST S ., LANGSTON PT RD lD '1`•-• Sum ! lyn l#;•.7 SP,' rAwDRA C'O S O ST S 1715T CT .m ,9r N.. . ;, ., 1MND ST S I 133RD SST S • 'i l i''. 4.e: r 4 •1;:F.:4" 139 rH 397E I15SH TH�'1�1 . , : :;';TIC;. i : 'osier '''~=-�_:,:, s s 135T ::. , lyr ;T•i > i :. :% 4:.: _IMEM x 1 ;H G.. ji:.: a� "`.\ _ 4. ��S 113TH ST o° 4 DI N3 sasru 1 a 0 xi- 4 9iy-, :.`r :,..• CD y :� -, .,1: •s �,� >Iyl � sq`9L' '";� ro4tr'Se''1. s IBCt�I>;ST, �. ''-N I 0 o NaN>I'm .'.9P 1 T S 1�5� .„.4"Eli:s•tl t\G RIVER.•''• :=DT^' EARL 142ND Y �S ¢I [y2/8 r't•^ `..\ "i / !�/ I ✓R. I 5 5 ;s .N L ..'N SN• � s,.... DST \,. ,__'.,�p`�•� �'• M Q" ST '.''i�`��PtF.: \\ S 143R1 EARLIAOi1Wi'.., c. N n d r 144 HST r. GOLF'COURSE I )1_ —I S 1461 H ST ,n a _' !-_:`, I M DEN t co r. :PARK::: . 1, • ._--_. A '>.� S 147TH Sr B,�— N ••>•....i!' : ?\ iT.,, 11 4D. . RJ Reference: , King County / Map 34 • By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 1988 //I '*. Vicinity Map •' Earth Consultants Inc.i' ����, •. - Eland Distribution Facility ceoTe hnlcal Engineers.Geologists 14 Environmental sdT-nIL is • King County,Washington Proj. No. 4563 : Drwn. GLS Date Sept '89 ':. Checked ND Date 9:'22/89 Plate I 1 L.. I _- I __ I __ TEST PITS /0/-/05 LOCATED __ EAST OF STUDY AREA. SEE - TEST PIT LOGS FOR FURTHER IT Mit �-5 DATA. • • 4111R1 N 1P-6-__-_--(-_,i.N.___..__, \ Bldg. B 16 W TP-4 S ® B-1 10 -N2 14 r:±_= Z \. 1P-11\ A= s°°leM W \ O 50 100 200ff. ( ..______ \ Mi j \ Q ZP-12 L J \ WETLANDS J \ • <C LEGEND TP-3 \ • Y Bldg. A J� �� 16 S B-I Approximate Location of Q '—� 10 �_• ECI Boring, Prvj. No. ;. O J E-4563 , Sept. 1989 14 12 mi 1 P-I Approximate Location of 16 1P-7 ECI Test Pit, Proj. No. �-l� ® WETLANDS l `_ E-4563 , Sept. 1989 )_.i lP-2 ® B-2 /./.\/. ®TP-101 Approximate LoaTion of � � ( ECI Test Pit, Proj. No. �. L f.,__/ E 4563, Sept. 1989 Proposed Building i I Existing Building -g I I Vp-I ___l ® B-3 Reference Job No. 89246.01 - - - - - - - -- -- - - Schematic Grading a Utility Plan By 1... C.:•-,,,,,--____,,,,, ........... i • Doted ush 8/24 69 Hitchings; Inc. • _---.. iA 'p 411\ Boring and Test Pit Location Plan �• Earth Consultants Inc. Eland County; Facility `t 1//J G•otrrhnkal h]rglneters.Geologists&hlrvirau tal Scientists King Washington • Proj No. 4563 Drwn. GLS Date Sept. '89 Checked ND Date 9/22/89 Plate 2 1 • MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SYMBOL ° ° ,.m.e o •°°• •4 •"°• •o GW Well-Graded Gravels,Gravel-Sand Gravel • •o so.e. oo And Clean Gravels .... 09... ' 'O •°•'.'O _°...0. •o gW Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Gravelly (little or no fines) : :.: :0: :.: : r.zp Poorly-Graded Gravels,Gravel- Coarse Soils ► • •- • •- • gp Sand Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Grained Soils More Than 111 i�. li!!� GM gm Silt Silty GravelsMixtures,Gravel Sand- 50% Coarse Gravels With *III Fraction Fines(appreciable ,� Retained On amount of fines) /1' GC Clayey Gravels, Gravel-Sand- No.4 Sieve r gC Clay Mixtures Sand o °o ° o° ° SW Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly And Clean Sand o°°o ; pO °° SW Sands, Little Or No Fines Sandy (little or no fines) -.;......... ... More Than Soils ; SP Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly 50% Material : :7: Sp Sands, Little Or No Fines Larger Than %'� �'��! No.200 Sieve More Than • Size 50/ Coarse Sands With •• SM SM Silty Sands, Sand-Silt Mixtures Fraction Fines(appreciable Passing No.4 amount of fines) //Pell SC Sieve SC Clayey Sands, Sand-Clay Mixtures ML Inorganic Silts&Very Fine Sands,Rock FlourSilty- ml Clayey Fine Sands;Clayey Silts w/Slight Plasticity Fine Silts Grained And Liquidess Than Limit CL Inorganic Clays Of Low To Medium Plasticity, Soils Clays L 50 CI Gravelly Clays, Sandy Clays, Silty Clays, Lean I III I II I I OL Organic Silts And Organic I I I 01 Silty Clays Of Low Plasticity • More Than MH Inorganic Silts, Micaceous Or Diatomaceous Fine mh Sand Or Silty Soils 50% Material Silts Liquid Limit Smaller Than And • CH Inorganic Clays Of High No.200 Sieve Clays Greater Than 50 Ch Plasticity, Fat Clays. Size �//////^ OH Organic Clays Of Medium To Hig • h //////�/' oil Plasticity, Organic Silts (///////� Highly Organic Soils - , �.. =f PT Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils ,y_.,. •_ pt With High Organic Contents Topsoil Humus And Duff Layer Fill Highly Variable Constituents The Discussion In The Text Of This Report Is Necessary For A Proper Understanding ' ' Of The Nature Of The Material Presented In The Attached .Logs ' Notes': . Dual symbols are used to indicate borderline soil classification.Upper case letter symbols designate sample classifications based upon lab- oratory testing; lower case letter symbols designate classifications not verified by laboratory testing. I 2-0.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER C TORVANE READING, tsf IL SHELBY RING TUBE SAMPLER OR qu PENETROMETER READING,tsf P SAMPLER PUSHED W MOISTURE, percent of dry weight SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED pcf DRY DENSITY,pounds per cubic ft. 1 Q WATER LEVEL (DATE) LL LIQUID LIMIT,percent aWATER OBSERVATION WELL PI PLASTIC INDEX Earth LEGEND Consultants Inc. • -. Geotechnical Engineering and Geology IProj. No. 4563 1 Date Sept'89 Plate 3 BORING NO. 1 Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Elev. 11±* (N) (Graph CS Soil Description Depth Sample Blows (oW) Ft. I1:3:I:if:: :f:l Gray silty SAND with gravel, moist, ii :: medium dense :: ::< sm Gray SILT and fine sand, moist, loose - ': : >::.: - 7 28.3 cl-ml Gray-bluish silty CLAY, moist, - medium stiff 5 45:7 - I _ to ::;••,;1• sm Dark gray-black silty SAND, wet, :::;<.a dense 20 • 31 - ..L •>• 15 - :..• •...�:` • - 25 29.9 .. :ti:1:.ti:::L :: : ••r•:• - 20 • •:...,••,--::. 23 3 3 ,. •. •J.. : - 25 -becomes sandy and dense :: ': - 28 24.7 . •' .:i '' sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand - I 12 29.7 with shells, wet medium dense - *Elevation interpolated between contour — 35 ''••`' ':::% lines of Bush, Roed & Hitchings - ::„. ::` Schematic Grading and Utility Plan, job • #89246.01, dated 8-24-89 14 33.7 Boring terminated at 39 feet below existing grade. • i Groundwater encountered at 12 feet during drilling. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of. information presented on this log. ��!" r ����� BORING LOG 1 oI Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY i - ' `, C r�xc chnical Engineers.t rs,Geologists sts&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 45631 Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND 1 Date 9-21-89 f Plate 4 BORING NO. 2 Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Elev. 12± (N) Graph �S Soil Description D(ft)h Sample Blows (%) • Ft. sm Gray-light brown silty SAND with gravel, !? I moist, medium dense Gray silty CLAY, moist, stiff 12 1.3 5 /'ci_m Gray silty CLAY, moist, soft 4 8.5 -traces of peat 10 A. / 4 sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand, wet, loose 11 1.4 • • 15 • • Z 7 43. 4. 20 ��� cl Gray CLAY, wet, firm - stiff Dark gray-black silty SAND, wet, 23 c1.5 dense —25 sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand 27 25 with shells wet medium dense Boring terminated at 29 feet below existing grade. Groundwater encountered at 11 feet during drilling. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and • judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. • "it .f�� BORING LOG Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ,''I Gentechnfa l Engineers.Geologists&Environmental.Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked ND Date 9-21-89 Plate 5 BORING NO. 3 ' Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Elev. 15± •(N) Graph CS Soil Description Depth h Sample Blows (%V) Ft. >ii:..;: y. sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, moist, - i. :::ii . `` loose - medium dense, with some roots _ I 7 14 - 5 ml Gray-light brown fine SAND and silt, _ -T 5 31.1 moist, loose _ 10 SZ ml Gray and brown SILT and fine sand, wet, _ 8 35.E .medium stiff — 15 f:i.L• �� • `...J' ' sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand, L:: 6 31,8 ; wet, loose - ••:!::': - 20 - 1-cl Gray SILT/CLAY, wet, soft to medium stiff :c ::' : ' sm Dark gray-black silty SAND, wet, ......J . -'••L'l-�• dense _ 25 :'::::;: :•..•:•. r 4: •, ' 2 9 24. 2 Boring terminated at 30 feet below existing grade. Groundwater encountered at 11.5 feet during drilling. • • Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and • judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. ���� BORING LOG 01-4 Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Ili ,i Geotechnical Engineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 6 • TEST PIT NO. 1 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Bev. 15.5± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) I 0 sm-ml Gray silty SAND and silt, moist, medium dense • 30.5 5 -increasing moisture 20.2 10 _::: • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. _ No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. • • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of -- information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 2 Date 8-15-89 Bev. 15.5± 0 sm Gray silty :SAND, moist, medium dense 5 ml SILT and fine sand with clay, wet, medium dense 35.2 • 10 sm Graysilty SAND, moist, medium dense • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 • 4i'r ��� ��� TEST PIT LOGS �� II (%V 1J�� , Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION ` Geoterhnical Engineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WON FACILITYTON Proj. No. 4563 1 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 Plate 7 TEST PIT NO. 3 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Bev. 14± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 x t'�. sm Gray silty SAND, moist, medium dense f::c: 5 --*::,4 — c1-ml Gray silty SAND with clay, moist, medium dense 29.2 - ml Gray silty SAND with fine clay, moist, medium - dense • 10 — 31.3 • Test pit' terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. • _ No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of.other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility tor the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 4. Date 8-15-89 Elev. 14± 0 _ . sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, moist, medium dense :'::,:-•--r to dense • 5 - ii:.. .{•: ml-cl DarkgraysiltySAND with clay, moist, medium 28.4 dense 10 — / -increasing clay content • 36.9 _ Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 • le ( TEST PIT LOGS i/��� ��� i� i Earth Consultants Inc.%��� Cero,echnical Engineers.Geologists l4 Environmental Scientists ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITYKING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND 1 Date 9-21-89 I Plate 8 TEST PIT NO. 5 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Elev. 17± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) iliV. sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, dry - moist, medium j.i.: dense • .:: I 1 — :i -some clay and decomposed organic debris 5 . y%�`lcl-ml Dark gray silty SAND, moist to wet, medium dense cl Dark gray-bluish CLAY with some fine sand/silt, moist soft to 35..5 medium stiff 1 10 / 38.1 — • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of . information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. • 6 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 11± 0 sm Gray silty SAND, dry. - moist; medium dense. :1, cl-ml , Silty CLAY, moist, soft with some red stain 5 and 'organic debris 45.8 �f cl Bluish CLAY, moist, medium stiff I • 936 10 :+.. :• sm Black silty SAND, moist, medium dense 27.1 — Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 10 feet during excavation. ' 15 iit a 4 TEST PIT LOGS irEarth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY _1 1 Ofl'ki GeotechnicalEngineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 - Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 9 TEST PIT NO. 7 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Elev. 13± Depth • W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) �::'�tt �: sm GraysiltySAND, dry - moist, medium dense —I•�•ia:+atill.? 1 �'/V cl Gray CLAY, moist, medium stiff with red/brown %/ stain and decomposed roots 29.5 • 5 34 10 4— Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. • — • No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time end location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. • Logged By ND TEST PIT .NO. 8 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 14.2± 0 a::: •}.� •�• sm Gray silty SAND, dry, medium dense _ 0 cl-ml CLAY with fine silt, wet, soft to medium stiff '•with red stain and small roots . — 38.4 5 — 39 • 10 _ Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. — No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 • • i/�!" ��� Uq TEST PIT LOGS 11Ir `�,‘ Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Geotcxhnicaltingi eers.GeologLsis&EnvironmentalScieniLsts KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 1'0 TEST PIT NO. 9 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Elev. 12.5± • Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 .#1. ,._, T:�i sm Gray silty SAND, dry, medium dense - %cl-ml Gray CLAY with some silt, moist, medium stiff - 43.8 5 — cl Bluish CLAY, wet, soft to medium stiff / 36.2 - Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. _ No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 - Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of , information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. _ - 10 Date 8-15-89 Bev. 11.5± 0 • •• :ti. .>: sm Gray silty SAND, dry - moist, medium dense. Y,/ cl-mi Gray CLAY/SILT, moist, medium stiff with red stain 5 , I 38.5 • - -traces of peat at 9' l' 10 — 4 54.3 - Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. _ No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. . -- 15 • • i/�t� '���� iIA TEST PIT LOGS Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY • ��ht IIIl' F) Geotechntcal Engineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS 1 Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 Plate 11 TEST PIT NO. 11 • Logged By ND • Date 8-15-89 Bev. 16.5± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 is t:i:: _:�:a:.:'s sm Light brown silty SAND with gravel, dry, ::0 dense - 18.1 sm Gray silty SAND, moist - dry, dense 17.5 5 —..,;?::::; sm Gray silty SAND with CLAY and peat, moist - wet, �-' ::t medium stiff -{ 24.2 . 10 ' _ Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. - • • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 12 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 16.5± ' 0 _ 3 sm Light brown silty SAND with gravel, dry, dense 6.7 is - _' sm-pt Gray dark silty SAND with peat and boulders, - moist, dense 5 — - Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. 10 — No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 iAN AV A\ TEST PIT LOGS �1 �,`, Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Geotechnical Engineers.Geologists&Environmrnal Scirntisis KING COUNTY, WASHINGOTN Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 Plate '12 • • TEST PIT NO.. 101 Logged By SD , Date 9-13-89 'Elev. 40± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 ::liii (6" of SOD) `-.:::tii SM Tan to brown siltySAND with angular g gravel and ti: ::: rock moist medium dense 14 #i ': White silty SAND, little angular gravel, moist :::,: •:,: dense 5 — Sedimentary structure (oxidized) visible in `- :,_•.::,;; soil/rock -',`:'•`:: thin bands •of ochre oxidation 10 ::2•:::::: SM •� r:••• (weathered sandstone) - . 'Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade.. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 10 — . 15 • Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By SD TEST PIT NO. -102 Date 9-13-89 Elev. 50± 0 _ • 'i. (6" of SOD) . : SM Tan to brown silty SAND, some gravel, moist, 14 medium dense I ri �i:i� Gray to brown silty SAND, some• • gravel, partially "'•.:: 5 J` cemented , medium dense �: :J sm Grayish white silty SAND, moist, dense :ill - i (weathered sandstone) - • Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. 10 — No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 d�!`� ��� i(!�� TEST PIT LOGS (I% Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �►��� echoicalEngineers.Geologss&EnvironmentalSciemisis KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Prjoj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked SD Date 9-21-89 Plate 13 • • TEST PIT NO. 103 Logged By SD 4, r Date 9-13-89 Elev. 35± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 : 1rr}:p. (6" of SOD) i; — :1::r:j:Cti ;;::1 sm Tan to brown silty SAND, some gravel, moist, medium dense to dense - ; :: Brownish white silty SAND, moist, dense 5 — . .t 14 SM Grades to white silty SAND, moist, dense - :l: with ochre staining (weathered sandstone) - Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. • No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 10 — • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By SD TEST PIT NO. 104 Date 9-13-89 Bev. 25± 0 tr`' ' �" • ..an. � Tan to brown silty SAND with gravel, moist, � medium dense (topsoil) -J:::}€:; Light brown silty SAND, moist, medium dense - i, sm .Grades to an orange silty SAND, moist, medium • 5 —:•: dense to dense, ochre (oxidation) staining . •- ::ii• (weathered sandstone) _ ,Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. :No• groundwater seepage ecnountered during excavation. 10 — • 15 • • u��i/��� A�� TEST PIT LOGS 4011 `�,`� ) Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Geotechnical Engineers,Geologists&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Pfoj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 I Checked SD I Date 9-21-89 I Plate 14 1 TEST PIT NO. 105 , • Logged By SD Date 9-13-89 Bev. 20± Depth (ft.) USCS .Soil Description (%) EEiitim (6" topsoil) sm Tan silty. SAND, moist, dense sm White silty SAND, moist, dense ss White SANDSTONE, slightly weathered, very hard 5 — Test pit terminated at 3.5 feet below existing grade. : No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 10 — • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of ' . information presented on this log. • • r p • TEST PIT LOGS Earth Consultants& Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Geotechnical Engineers.Geologists Environmental Scientlsts KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked SD Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 15 • A P • P E N D X r B p ,, heiiX APPENDIX B E-4563 LABORATORY TESTING General We conducted laboratory tests on several representative soil samples to verify or modify the field soil classification of the units encountered and to evaluate the material's general physical properties and engineering characteristics. A brief description of each of the tests performed for this study is provided below. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual boring II log or on a separate data sheet contained in this Appendix. However, it is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. All of ! our recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their use in guiding our engineering judgement. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of thirty (30) days following completion of this report unless we are otherwise directed in writing. Soil Classification As mentioned earlier, all soil samples are visually examined in the field by our representative at the time they are obtained. They are subsequently packaged and returned to our Bellevue office where they are independently reexamined by one of our engineers and the original description is verified or modified, as necessary. With the help of information obtained from classification tests, the samples are described in general accordance with the Unified Classification System, ASTM Test Method D-2487-83. The resulting descriptions are provided at the appropriate sample location on the individual boring or test pit log and are qualitative only. The attached Legend, Plate 3, provides pictorial symbols that match the written descriptions. Moisture Content Moisture content tests were performed on the samples obtain from the borings and test pits. The purpose of these tests is to approximately ascertain the in-place moisture content of the soil sample tested. The moisture content is determined in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D-2216-80. The information obtained assists us by providing qualitative information regarding soil strength and compressibility. The results of these tests are presented at the appropriate sample depth on the boring and test pit logs. - l Earth Consultants, Inc. Particle Size Analysis Detailed grain size analyses were conducted on several of the shallow soil samples to determine the size distribution of the sampled soil. The test is performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D-422-63. The information gained from this analysis allows us to provide a detailed description and classification of the in-place materials. The results are presented on Plates 16 and 17, and classification symbols are provided as part of the appropriate individual sample descriptions on the boring logs. Atterberg Limits Because of the large amounts of fines in some of the sampled soils from the field, we deemed it necessary to perform several Atterberg Limit tests on the finer materials to determine the soils plasticity characteristics and as an aid in accurate classification of the soils. These tests include the liquid and plastic limits which were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Methods D-423-66(72) and D-424-59(71), respectively. The Plastic Index, the difference between the liquid and plastic limits, is then determined. The results of the liquid limit provide a measure of the tested soils shear strength and is analogous to the direct shear test. When coupled with the plastic index, the results help us to classify the in-place soils on the basis of these soil characteristics. The result of these tests are presented on the Plate 18, Atterberg Limits Test Data. • Earth Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING-IN INCHES -I NUMBER-OF-MESH-PER-INCH.-U.S.STANDARD- —GRAIN-SIZE_IN_MM- ___ N v ao O O p 00 00 0 0 Q O N O co O O O O to I. (q N .-'- .-c7 vi N �• O00 N M t0 DO N O O O O O O O O O O O o 100 •-�* �—' . ;_t d 80 1 20 ® tri m rggu © m l'fA n nm 70 • ' so Z � ` n g'Wags —i \\\ 22 w,0. m6040 - ai IV Z n crz f• rit DO 50 - •0 50 73 Ow (111 CO !n O. -< m M ao 60 o m W 4 , 6 L —I so �o m p 20 80 -1 Z • 0 10 90 aN til ui ti _ al COH Z 0 I 1 ( 1 1 1 1 I I (11 1 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 100 Z d O O O O O O O O O CO W a Cl N .- 00 CD. a Cl N , O CO .7 Cl N M O M N 1•- 0 0 0 00 (O . ClN ' 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0 U D M N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ' 0 0 0 0 O O Z c o y COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES CD ,Z 7d COBBLES GRAVEL SAND H H N cn F< w m CDO ct H z Boring or DEPTH Moisture op z D KEY Test Pit No. (ft.) USCS DESCRIPTION Content (%) LL PL W M ® n N 0 B-1 22.5 SM Silty SAND 33 -D H H m 0 H a—.-- TP-1 8 ML SILT with sand 20 H H 0 ......••-. TP-11 4.5 ML Sandy SILT 17.5 rn •—•— TP-12 6 SM Silty SAND 19.5 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS - - SIZE OF-OPENING-IN INCHES- i NUMBER-OF-MESH PER INCH, U.S.STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM ,..„402.841+ ; p 0 w .t m No �- N N v 00 N °D v O f0 O O O 0 0 O p O c0 d' M N O O 0 0 O O ��` 100 CD ct m N C.- .-c'�-1(�t �..-....• - 00.- '- N M in(.0 CO'- O O O O p O. O. O. O. O O. L]'_ 0 • 90 0N II _ . . 10 n W LL,J m 80 , 20 0 • \ m ycon m 70 , 30 n pg z %. m z Ia.r m 60 I".11 40 "I Li 0 . n,n m 0 ° tomDU ;. 32 Q�' 50 .� 50 ea 9 co _ • N m '< _ _ � I 1 mfrasm °'a m 40 `\ 11 60 Co „, . �--I 30 70 • m -v = p 20 _ 80 ...1 2 - 0 td 10 90 A N - w Z d 0 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I l i I I I I I I I l I I III I 100 O O O O O O O O O 00 CD Cr m N '-r7 00 O Tr. m N t- CO (D Ct m N O (D m O N U 0 0 0 00 0 V m N r• • 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O �.n 0O H D m N 1- GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ' ' 0 0 0 0 O 0 11) IA COARSE I FINE COARSE 1 MEDIUM I FINE m 1-3 H COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES i-. W NI rn m 0 H r P OZ Boring or DEPTH Moisture 00 . x z D KEY Test Pit No. t.) USCS DESCRIPTION Content (%) LL PL r l0 H hi ..‹ z > CO y H m —o 0 TP-101 2 SM Brown silty SAND with gravel 14 or ET Z H L--— TP-101 8 SM White silty SAND • 10 CD 1- H ❑ TP-102 2 SM Light tan silty SAND 14 •--•— TP-103 5 SM Cream color silty SAND 14 100 80 x 60 1 2 >- i H Q i- 40cn • 20y €679— CL-ML 6-0 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Natural Key Boring/ Depth Soil Classification USCS L.L. P.L. 1?I. Water Test Pit (ft) Content • B-2 17.5 Sandy SILT ML 25 22 3 A TP-2 6.5 SILT ML 27 27 0 -- i • TP-3 6.5 Lean CLAY, silt CL-ML 25 21 4 i O TP-4 10 SILT ML 30 29 1 0 Atterberg Limits Test Data 1,, 4 Earth ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �p •i Consultants Inc. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Engineering and Geology 1 I I Proj. No. 4563I Date Sept'89 Plate 18 • SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • I . • ' . lull= rlal a- D Ili - •▪ °,• ° . •. o !•b• •o'• •.•0; o ° ..,;.•0.•0 ,Do ., III=11) '� e,�,,'.o '. '' .•o, III 1 ft. min. 1ft.min. Compacted Subgrade LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. o..' 'P•'." Free draining, organic free granular material with a maximum =•° size of 3 inches, containing no more than 5 percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). Impermeable visqueen barrier or other impermeable material approved by geotechnical engineer. Weephole and drainage pocket as described below. Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with Operforations or slots facing down; tight jointed; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Drain line should be bedded on. and surrounded with free draining 1 inch minus rock or pea gravel, as desired. The drainrock may be encapsulated with a geo- technical drainage fabric at the engineers discretion. NOTES: • For free standing walls, weepholes may be used. Surround weep- - holes with no less than 18 inches of 1 inch minus rock. 04 I' Earth RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE AND BACKFILL Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consulting Engineers,Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental Scientists Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Date Sept'89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-891 Plate 19 SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING Ar ✓ r ✓ r ✓ r r r ................................. ......................... ........................ as r ............................................................................................. ..................................................................................... is>: .... iiiiY i ::::::•:::::'::'::::'ii::>:s:: ':i::yQ•i:'i;:':::;{:::�:':•+i:t:;{4:'ii:i';?'i;• ?:':':'.�:':':':•:•:•':: • I I i-ui ir--1i1.:::::::.: NOTES: • Base consists of 3/4 - inch thick, 2 foot by 2 foot plywood with center drilled 5/8 - inch diameter hole. • Bedding material, if required, should consist of Traction Sand. • Marker rod is 1/2- inch diameter steel rod threaded at both ends. • Marker rod is attached to base by nut and washer on each side of base. • Protective sleeve surrounding marker rod should consist of 2- inch diameter plastic tubing. Sleeve is not attached to rod or base. • Additional sections of steel rod can be connected with threaded couplings. • Additional sections of plastic sleeve can be connected with press - fit plastic couplings. • Steel marker rod should extend at least 5 inches above top of plastic sleeve. • Marker should extend at least 2 feet above top of fill surface. TYPICAL SETTLEMENT MARKER DETAIL Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consulting Engineers,Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental Scientists Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS I Date Sept 89 Checked SD Dated 9-21-89 I Plate 20 SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING FLOOR SLAB ,.T 7-1-• �! b.. II =11 .�. _ • • III ' •• III=III I `. .1;. •�4;. I.Q .• •s �..1 '�,. •.�• ..• -. ... .-. .. . • — ill I I 1 o _9 0 1 l I (I( =III 111=111=])1=11)= 111-111- 111):.I i11 )l _� »1=--1'I: I'..:_:I I/1 H) =111 := -n1=1�1_10 Ti=i 1- I l —11I NATIVE SOIL I1 I I I 1 111 LEGEND • '' :<` Free draining, organic free, granular material with a maximum size of 3 inches, containing. no more than 5 percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve] or other material approved by geotechnical engineer. Capillary break consisting of not less than 4 inches of free draining sand or gravel, typically overlain with a visqueen vapor barrier. In:Al, Footing drain surrounded with washed rock. °o b' NOTES: • Structural fill should extend a lateral distance beyond the footing perimeter equal to or greater than the depth of fill, D : feet. • Depth of structural fill beneath capillary break and slab, H = feet. • Structural fill should be placed in thin loose lifts not exceeding 10 inches in thickness. Each lift should be compacted to no less than the degree specified in the site preparation, and earth work section of this report. No additional lift should be placed until compaction is achieved. • Excavated cut slopes should be at a stable angle, and should meet all local, state and national safety requirements. • Excavation subgrade should be recompacted before placing any structural fill. Geotechnical fabric may be required if subgrade is soft or unstable. at geotechnical engineers discretion. SCHEMATIC STRUCTURAL FILL Earth .• Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY\ i '• It. Consulting Engineers,Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental Scientists Proj. No. 4563 f Drwn. GLS I Date Sept'89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-89 Plate 21 • SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING 0 0 o O °O , SLOPE TO DRAIN ;,:,.: � o o , ° •o 00 °o 6 inch min. o 0.° °° 0 O ..• �• . • .e •••O. •° a .p. • • '• ••. Lp••"• •• •• • p•• • : "+ ° • • s,:Q.; ' O• " •. . •• 0 ° o 0 18 inch min. _',o;':°• .••.o•• •.. .o4I•• , .o Q.o - • :0: �• •.O.••• •1• •• `i•.••• :I••!•••• •' . ° O o a 4 inch min. • •: '. ° °° ° ° ° ' diameter .•'•O'• :. .�''• O• •'. ,A•.'�°• -o ° ° ° ° 0. ,o j I 2 inch min. 2 inch min./ 4 inch max. 12 inch min. LEGEND " Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability , A - material. _••• . walls ; Section 9-03. 12121 , or Fine Aggregate for Portlind Cement Concrete ; Section 9-03.1 121. ODrain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed ; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains into footing lines. — — — Impermeable visqeen barrier or other impermeable material approved by Geotechnical Engineer. • Earth TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL 10411i consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consulting Engineers.Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental Scientists Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS I Date Sept'89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-89 Plate 22 II ( 1 C P P E N D 1 X -- C ARC o4.s.sociated Tacker" Contractors P.O. Box 1794 Woodinville, Washington 98072 (206) 481-3456 or (206) 481-7222 ASSOCIATED ROCKERY CONTRACTORS STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES 1.01 Introduction: 1.01.1 Historical Background: These standard rockery construction guidelines have been developed in an effort to provide a more stringent degree of control on rockery materials and construction methodology in the Pacific Northwest. They have been assembled from numerous other standards presently in use in the area, from expertise provided by local geotechnical engineers, and from the wide experience of the members of the Association of Rockery Contractors (ARC). 1.01.2 Goal: The primary goals of this document are to standardize the methods of construction for rockery rockerys over four feet in height, and to provide a warranty for the materials used in construction and the workmanship employed in construction. This standard has also been developed in a manner that makes it, to the best of ARC's knowledge, more stringent than the other standards presently in use by local municipalities. 2.01 Materials: 2.01.1 Rock Quality: All rock shall be sound, weathering resistant, angular ledge rock. The longest dimension of any individual rock should not exceed three times its shortest dimension. Acceptability of rock will be determined by laboratory tests as hereinafter specified, geologic examination and historical'usage records. All rock delivered to and incorporated in the project shall meet the following minimum specifications: a. Absorption Not snore than 2.0%for igneous and metamorphic rock types. Not more than 3.0%for sedimentary rock types. b. Accelerated Expansion (15 days) (CRD-C-148) *1, *2 Not more than 15% breakdown c. Soundness (MgSO4 at 5 cycles) Not greater than 5% loss (CRD-C-137) • • d. Unconfined Compressive Strength Intact strength of 15,000 psi, or greater for igneous and ASTM D 2938-79 (reapproved 1979) metamorphic rocks, and 8000 psi or greater for sedimentary rock. *1. The test sample will be prepared and tested in accordance with Corps of Engineers Testing procedure CRD-C- 148, 'Method of Testing Stone for Expansive Breakdown on Soaking in Ethylene Glycol." Test requirements of not more than 15 percent breakdown will be computed by dividing the number of individual pieces of initial sample suffering breakdown (that is, separating into two or more pieces) by the total number of initial pieces in the sample. *2. Accelerated expansion tests should also include analyses of the fractures and veins found in the rock. Many problems associated with rockenv failures arc related to the rock fractures and veins found within the rock and not the rock itself. 4/4/89 Page 1 2.01.2 Frequency of Testing: Quarry sources for rockery rock shall begin a,testing program when either becoming a supplier or when a new area of the source pit is opened. The tests described in Section 2.01.1 shall be performed for every four thousand (4000) tons for the first twelve thousand (12000) tons of material blasted and removed to establish that specific rock source. The tests shall then be performed once a year or at an apparent change in material. If problems with a specific area in a pit or with a particular material are encountered, the initial testing cycle shall be restarted. 2.013 Rock Density: Recognizing that numerous sources of rock exist, and that the nature of rock will vary not only between sources but also within each source, the density of the rock shall be greater than one hundred fifty- five (155) pcf. Typically, rocks used for rockery construction shall be sized approximately as follows: Rock Size Rock Weight Small to large 50-200 pounds one man Small to large 200-700 pounds two man Small to large 700-2000 pounds three man Small to large 2000-4000 pounds four man Five Man 4000-6000 pounds Six Man 6000-8000 pounds Two and one-man rock, and sometimes smaller, are often used to fill surface gaps along the top of the completed rockery to create an aesthetically pleasing surface. This is an acceptable practice provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that the owner prevents people from climbing or walking on the completed rockery. In rockeries over eight feet in height, it should not be possible to move the large sized rocks (four to six-man size) with a prybar. If these rocks can be moved, the rockery should not be considered capable of restraining any significant lateral load. However, it is both practical and even desirable that smaller rocks, particularly those used for "chinking" purposes, can be moved with a prybar to achieve the "best fit". 2.01.4 Submittals: The rock source shall present current geologic and test data for the testing for the minimum guidelines described in Section 2.01.1 on request by either the rockery contractor, the client, or the applicable municipality. 3.01 Rockery Construction: 3.01.1 General: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the skill and experience of the builder. A rockery is a protective system which helps to retard the weathering and erosion process on an exposed cut or fill soil face. While by its nature (the mass, size and shape of the rocks) it will provide some degree of reten- tion, it is not a designed or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete retaining rockery would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependant on the size of rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height of the rockery being constructed. The larger the rock, the more competent the rockery. To accomplish this, all rockeries in excess of four feet in height should be built on a "mass" basis. To provide a competent and adequate rockery structure, all rockeries constructed in front of either cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height should be bid and constructed in accordance with these standard guidelines and the geotechnical engineers supplemental recommendations. Both the standard guidelines and the supplemental geotechnical recommendations should be provided to prospective bidders before bidding and the start of construction. 4/4/89 Page 2 The same geotechnical engineer should he retained to monitor rockery construction and to verify, in writing, that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with this ARC standard and with his supplemental recommenda- tions, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable materials. 3.01.2 Geotechnical Engineer: The geotcchnical engineer retained to provide necessary supplemental rockery construction guidelines shall be a practicing geotechnical/civil engineer licensed as a professional civil engineer in the State of Washington who has at least four years of professional employment as a geotechnical engineer in responsible charge, including experience with fill construction and stability and rockery construction. The geotechnical engineer should he hired either by the rockery contractor or the client. 3.013 Responsibility: The ultimate responsibility for rockery construction should remain with the rockery builder. However, rockeries protecting moderate to thick fills, with steep sloping surfaces above or below them, with multiple steps, with foundation or other loads affecting them, protecting sandy or gravelly soils subject to ravelling, with seepage or wet conditions, or that are more than eight feet in height, all represent special conditions and require consultation and/or advice from qualified experts. 3.01.4 Workmanship: All workmanship is guaranteed by the rockery contractor and all materials are guaranteed by supplying quarry for a period of six years from the date of completion of erection, providing no modification or changes to the conditions existing at the time of completion are made. 3.01.5 Changes to Finished Product: Such changes include, but are not necessarily limited to, excavation of ditches or trenches within a distance of less than 1.5 times the rockery height measured from the toe of the rockery, removal of any material from the subgrade in front of the rockery, excavation and/or removal of material from any location behind the rockery within a distance at_least equal to the rockery's height, the addition of any surcharge or other loads within a similar distance of the top of the rockery, or surface or subsurface water forced, directed, or otherwise caused to flow behind the rockery in any quantity. 3.01.6 Slopes: Slopes above rockeries should be kept as flat as possible, but should not exceed 2:1 (Horizon- tal:Vertical) unless the rockery is designed specifically to provide some restraint to the load imposed by the slope. Any slope existing above a completed rockery should be provided with a vegetative cover by the owner to help reduce the potential for surface water flow induced erosion. It should consist of a deep rooted, rapid growth vegetative mat and typically will be placed by hydroseeding and covered with a mulch. It is often useful to overlay the seed and mulch with either pegged in-place jute matting, or some other form of approved geotechnical fabric, to help maintain the seed in-place until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. 3.01.7 Monitoring: All rockeries constructed against cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height shall be periodically monitored during construction by the geotechnical engineer to verify the nature and quality of the materials being used are appropriate, that the construction procedures are appropriate, and that the rockery is being constructed in a generally professional manner and in accordance with this ARC standards and any supplemental recommendations. On completion of the rockery, the geotechnical engineer shall submit to the client, the rockery contractor, and to the appropriate municipality, copies of his rockery examination reports along with a final report summarizing rockery construction. 3.01.8 Fill Compaction: Where rockeries are constructed in front of a fill, it is imperative that the owner ensure the fill be placed and compacted in a manner that will provide a competent fill mass. To achieve this goal, all fills should consist of relatively clean, organic and debris free, granular materials with a maximum size of four inches. Ideally, but particularly if placement and compaction is to take place during the wet season, they should contain no more than five percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). All fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding ten inches in loose thickness. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor), before any additional fill is placed and compacted. In-place density tests should be performed at random locations within each lift of the fill to verify this degree of compaction is being achieved. 4/4/89 Page 3 3.01.9 Fill Construction and Reinforcement: There are two methods of constructing a fill against which to build a rockery. The first, which typically applies to rockeries of less than eight feet in height, is to overbuild and then cut back the fill. The second, which applies to all rockeries in excess of eight feet in height, is to construct the fill using a geogrid or geotechnical fabric reinforcement. Overbuilding the fill allows for satisfactory compaction of the fill mass out beyond the location of the fill face to be protected. Overbuilding also allows the earthwork contractor to use larger and more effective compaction equipment in his compactive efforts, thereby typically achieving a more competent fill mass. Cutting back into the well compacted fill also typically results in construction of a competent near vertical fill face against which to build the rockery. For the higher rockeries the use of a geogrid or geotechnical fabric to help reinforce the fill results in construction of a more stable fill face against which to construct the rockery. This form of construction leads to a longer lasting and more stable rockery and helps reduce the risk of significant long term maintenance. This latter form of construction requires a design by the geotechnical engineer for each specific case. The vertical spacing of the reinforcement, the specific type of reinforcement, and the distance to which it must extend back into the fill, and the amount of lapping must be determined on a rockery-by-rockery basis. 3.01.10 Rockers, Keyway: The first step in rockery construction, after general site clearing and/or general excavation, is to construct a keyway in which to build the rockery. The keyway shall comprise a shallow trench of between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches in depth, extending for the full length of the rockery, and inclined back slightly towards the face being protected. It is typically dug as wide as the rockery (including the width of the rock filter layer). If the condition of the protected face is of concern, the keyway should be constructed in sections of manageable length, that is of a length that can be constructed in one shift or one days work. The competency of the keyway subgrade to support the rockery shall be verified by probing with a small diameter steel rod. The rod shall leave a diameter of between three-eights and one-half inch, and shall be pushed into the subgrade in a smooth unaided manner under the body weight of the prober only. Penetration of up to six inches, with some difficulty, shall indicate a "competent" keyway subgrade unless other factors in the geotechnical engineer's opinion shall indicate otherwise. Penetration in excess of six inches, or of that depth with ease, shall indicate a "soft" subgrade and one that could require treatment. Soft areas of the subgrade can be "firmed up" by tamping a layer of coarse quarry spalls into the subgrade. 3.01.11 Keyway and Rockers, Drainage: On completion of keyway excavation, a shallow ditch or trench, approxi- mately twelve (12) inches wide and deep, should be dug along the rear edge of the keyway. A minimum four- inch diameter perforated or slotted ADS drain pipe, or equivalent approved by an engineer, should be placed in this shallow trench and should be bedded on and surrounded by a free-draining crushed rock. Burial of the drain pipe in this shallow trench provides protection to the pipe and helps prevent it from being inadvertently crushed by pieces of the rockery rock. This drain pipe should be installed with sufficient gradient to initiate flow, and should be connected to a positive and permanent discharge. Positive and permanent drainage should be considered to mean an existing, or to be installed, storm drain system, a swale, ditch or other form of surface water flow collection system, a detention or retention pond, or other stable native site feature or previously installed collection system. 3.01.12 Rockery Thickness: The individual rockery thickness, including the rock filter layer, should be at least 40 percent of the rockery height. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the rockery "designer" the individual rocks should be arranged in a single course which, when measured to include the filter layer, is equal to the required rockery thickness. 4/4/89 Page 4 3.01.13 Rock Selection: The contractor should have sufficient space available:so that he can select from among a number of stockpiled rocks for each space in the rockery to he filled. Rocks which have shapes which do not match the spaces offered by the previous course of rock should be placed elsewhere to obtain a better fit. Rock should be of a generally cubical, tabular or semi-rectangular shape. Any rocks of basically rounded or tetrahedral form should be rejected or used for filling large void spaces. Smaller rocks (one to two-man size, or smaller) are often used to create an aesthetically pleasing "top edge" to a rockery. This is acceptable provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that people are prevented from climbing or walking on the finished rockery. This is the owner's responsibility. 3.01.14 Rock Placement: The first course of rock should be placed on firm unyielding soil. There should be full contact between the rock and soil, which may require shaping of the ground surface or slamming or dropping the rocks into place so that the soil foundation conforms to the rock face bearing on it. As an alternative, it is satisfactory to place and tamp crushed rock into the subgrade to tighten it up. The bottom of the first course of rock should be a minimum of twelve (12) inches below the lowest adjacent site grade. As the rockery is constructed, the rocks should be placed so that there are no continuous joint planes in either the vertical or lateral direction. Each rock should bear on at least two rocks below it. Rocks should be placed so that there is some bearing between flat rock faces rather than on joints. Joints between courses should slope downward towards the material being protected (away from the face of the rockery). 3.01.15 Face Inclination: The face of the rockery should be inclined at a gradient of about 1:6 (Horizontal:- Vertical) back towards the face being protected. The inclination should not constructed flatter than 1H:4V. 3.01.16 Voids: Because of the nature of the product used to construct a rockery, it is virtually impossible to avoid creating void spaces between individual rocks. However, it should be recognized that voids do not necessarily constitute a problem in rockery construction. Where voids of greater than six inches in dimension exist in the face of a rockery they should be visually examined to determine if contact between the rocks exists within the thickness of the rockery. If contact does exist, no further action is required. However, if there is no rock contact within the rockery thickness the void should be "chinked" with a smaller piece of rock. If a void of greater than six inches exists in the rear face of the rockery, it should be "chinked" with a smaller rock. 3.01.17 Filter Laver: In order to provide some degree of drainage control behind the rockery, and as a means of helping to prevent loss of soil through the face of the rockery, a drainage filter shall be installed layer between the rear face of the rockery and the soil face being protected. This filter layer should be at least twelve (12) inches thick; and for rockerys in excess of eight feet in height, it should be at least eighteen (18) inches thick. It should be composed of four inch minus crushed rock, or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. If one of the rockery rocks extends back to the exposed soil face, it is not necessary that the filter rock layer extend between it and the soil face. In the event seepage is encountered emanating from a protected face, we recommend the use of a well-graded filter layer. We do not recommend the use of a geotechnical fabric for other than coverage of relatively small and isolated seepage areas because it has been the industry's experience that the filter fabric tends to clog rapidly. This quickly leads to a buildup of hydrostatic pressure which can subsequently cause failure and collapse of the rockery and is to be avoided. This clogging is apparently due to the virtual impossibility of achieving full contact between the soil face, fabric and rock filter material. If full surface contact cannot be achieved, there is often a tendency for the soil materials to flush from the protected face into the "pockets" in the fabric which leads to the aforementioned clogging. 4/4/89 Page 5 3.01.18 Surface Drainne: It is the owner's responsibility to intercept surface drainage from above the rockery and direct it away from the rockery to a positive and permanent discharge well below and beyond the toe of the rockery. Use of other drainage control measures should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the geotechnical engineer prior to bidding on the project. w 4N�I cotyiy -r orefe,*ram ��. 4/4/89 Page 6 O.0 O 0 O • DO 4 � D 0 D O T a a A O 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 D op ; 4 Do D D A l D O O D O O O 0 O 0,00 O O 0 ''';�!�r:�••.::.�iisi:ii•:::::::::::::::i::•i:•i:i'r:i:vi:ii:S�:i•i:•ii:•:�iii:i OOOD 0 p 00 0 O O O 0 �i:�ii'}i::�i':'�iii:i iii�;:?i?;%:•i:�ji'�iii:�'�:v'L'v:?:ii}i::}iiiii:�?ii:�:�': , O D p 0 0 D__ Z Z 1 O O O I O D O 00 O O O O \ O O O e 0 o • :2:S:i>:'•,'.: ��:Ioi!r:.. 1MiR.1!�... .: ��: 6 � 0o•000 o.D o T DO 00 p OA O Z2 P A O O O D O p / 0 00 O H O 00 00.0.O D .O :;; M..;;;i:::::::::::.�:ii:•::i:ti::•:4i:::.�:�::{ivii:•:i:�:i•iiiiii::3: 5 . \ 0 O O O O O D D � Z 2 .O O Dp. D'• •O O • D O 0 O D OD O•O • O6 •O O.O Z • •O• 1 1 / .. • a e.. i ppE B ► LR L • EGEND Crushed rock filter material ranging between 4 and 11/2 inches in size and free • O O ' .°o:e o.. of organics, with less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing • • the No. 200.mesh sieve). Compacted structural fill consisting of free-draining, organic-free material with a maximum size of 4 inches. Should contain no more than 5 percent fines (described above), compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D-1557-78 maximum density.. -_ Tensar SS-1 geogrid, Mirafi, or equivalent reinforcement approved by geotechnical engineer. • OPerforated or slotted drain pipe with 4 inch minimum diameter bedded on and surrounded by crushed rock filter material, described above. • ® Designates size of rock required, i.e. 4 man. • NOTES • All fill should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness. Each layer should be compacted to no less than 95 percent of maximium dry density, as determiried by ASTM D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). • With exception of upper layer, geofabric reinforcement should be wrapped around exposed fill face and lapped back beneath overlying fill layer a distance of at least 2 feet. • Thickness of crushed filter rock layer, B, should be no less than 18 inches. • Depth of burial of basal layer of rock, D, should be no less than 18 inches. • Length of reinforcing geofabric, LR, shall be feet. • Geofabric reinforcement layer spacing Z, and Z2, shall be and feet, respectively. • Height of rockery, H, should not exceed feet. TYPICAL DETAIL FILL CONSTRUCTION ROCKERY MORE THAN 8 FT. HEIGHT. Proj. No. Drwn. • I Date Checked I Dated I Plate I Y ) ) > 1 > •.L'i ) )) Y Y I �♦ ) J �10. O > Y > > )}� �y> ,/:,x } ya> ) . J xv. • y T' >' r ) x)� v' b y=,n > ) > > ) } )> Y� } 4 1 ) } ),�YV1 >l hj �'1 . > r ) r Y ) Y ',Y, ) •♦ e › ti k � > rs.. .cr > '>))>>>)' .) >'ti.'\�y''\� ♦ >�-.yr >. 0+4 ,) ♦ ,') `, ) 2> rya • ) s Y >' . , . ...fit iY B - 4 LR - • L0 >• LEGEND '..ode:. Crushed rock filter material ranging between 4 and 1'12 inches in size and free of o: bs•-0 organics,with less than 5 percent fines(silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). n Compacted structural fill overbuild. Compacted structural fill consisting of free-draining, organic-free material with a maximum size of 4 inches. Should contain no more than 5 percent fines(described above), compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D-1557-78 maximum density. OPerforated or slotted drain pipe with 4 inch minimum diameter bedded on and surrounded by crushed rock filter material, described above. ® Designates size of rock required, i.e.4 man. NOTES • All fill should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness. Each layer should be compacted to no less than 95 percent of maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D-1557-78(Modified Proctor). , • Thickness of crushed filter rock layer, B, should be no less than 18 inches. • Depth of burial of basal layer of rock, D, should be no less than 18 inches. . • Height of rockery, H,should not exceed feet. TYPICAL DETAIL i FILL CONSTRUCTION I ROCKERY 8 FT. AND LESS IN HEIGHT. I i I- Proj. No. Drwn. 1 Date Checked I Dated I Plate 1 • tailiar_III= ® er` f----dr '♦ 'b s. 1 MY.4::..? IV:" 6 7 ...,,, api. .. ..A .......,.. 4ir i Hay. °•: (� ..4- i - '-•--ram �°•..a,, •. _ -'♦ ! _ ° am if t II .W . III / ..r ' �.�I, 14 ' ,Ti D ` r _ ♦ • 3 —I-1B f - Fig. A. ROCKERY SECTION Fig. B. ROCKERY ELEVATION SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NOTES: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the The long dimension of the rocks should extend back skill and experience of the builder. towards the cut or fill fence to provide maximum stability. A rockery is a protective system which helps retard the Rocks should be placed to avoid continuous joint planes in weathering and erosion process on an exposed soil face. vertical or lateral directions. Each rock should bear on two While by its nature(mass, size and shape of the rocks)it or more rocks below it,with good flat-to-flat contact. will provide some degree of retention, it is not a designed All rockeries over 4 feet in height should be constructed on or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete basis of wall mass, not square footage of face. retaining wall would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependent on the size Approximate Approximate of the rock used;that is,the mass or weight, and the height _ Size Weight-lbs. Diameter of the wall being constructed.The larger the rock,the more 1 Man 50-200 12-18" competent the rockery should be. 2 Man 200-700 18-28" Rockeries should be considered maintenance items that 3 Man 700-2000 26-36" will require periodic inspection and repair.They should be 4 Man 2000-4000 36-48" - located so that they can be reached by a contractor if 5 Man 4000-6000 48-54" repairs become necessary. 6 Man 6000-8000 54-50" Maximum inclination of the slopes above and behind Reference: Local quarry weight study using average weights rockeries should be 2:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). of no less than six rocks of each man size conducted in Minimum thickness of rock filter layer B=12 inches. January, 19BB. Minimum embedment D=12 inches undisturbed native soil LEGEND: or compacted fill placed in accordance with report Drainage materials to consist of clean recommendations. • �*" !k ;. angular well-graded quarry spalls,with 4-inch Maximum rockery height H= feet. '`' . 1e maximum size, or other material approved by Rockeries greater than 8 feet in height to be installed the geotechnical engineer. under periodic or full time observation of the geotechnical Surface seal; may consist of impervious soil engineer. .•.. ...... `:' ''. , or a fine tree draining granular material. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the rockery Undisturbed firm Native Soil. "designer," all rocks placed in the lower two-thirds of the wall should be 5 to 6 man rock,4000 lbs. or laroer. Rocks ilmleiam,--:-_- ttl Drain pipe; 4-inch minimum diameter, placed above this level should gradually decrease in perforated or slotted rigid plastic ADS pipe size with increasing wall height using 3 to 5 man rock, 0 laid with a positive gradient to discharge 700 to 6000 lbs. under control well away from the wall. TYPICAL ROCKERY DETAIL NATIVE CUT, ANY HEIGHT OVER 4 FT. • Proj. No. Drwn. J Date Checked i Date y Plate DISTRIBUTION 3 Copies Bruce Blume and Associates 1199 Eastlake, Suite 210 Seattle, Washington 98109 Attention: Mr. Jim Garrison 1 Copy Lance Mueller and Associates 130 Lakeside, Suite F Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Bob Fadden Earth Consultants, Inc. O- --" / wort q REST IV•Prr,' 'C (\pe aA ESDALE A O.sW _ ,.� . • ' E%5T r\ iiER sloEwALK PER fJi JRE L.I.ea Mt. ..i . •. F"/ � ..P.RIaE ArlitII��y REIYATE � ��g q• - \,.. 6Y/sr POLE So w �50 3-4E . - P \ - y i m_�wwuu wwwo /� Iy _ ` 4N m% 1�� I y I �I �,- N Y Y ""'•"'"' or I•n..oa� ..w45a e-8-'..�uti--I---� isr. m r _� -OAKESDALE A✓ENUE S.W.L—Jy e —/��'E % \,_ ,— ' ¢ S G• �-`- R•xS\ .� R.25 Q.2- �l.V-` 7/,n,, 3'P 'er — _ - •••,...4=-... . _ ;,,��.�. iz: \ nrtr�R.t>amr,^ �-w ' l _ m��. _ •"..r�—� ` � ,,fz '-illp H0.LP-/e• vim. Li _ �. _. i' - -"'"A +j'a� "p ro / 5�, - '-_ -.'^,___ si IP' :� Q ..�./ .•:v ,E�q:o �' C:\ o re.n5o \ fAo ^9k0 /f ''..''(q ./.fir. fv7 _tes- ----„u... _.i1i zie GP(s'� s: I• �" eo+iu�K neEPR PEa��v'.z`o°s I ?_ Sil1 v< ci,/ �%r �,n o .. i, `",.�.•-"" <- "}0n� ^ ;: � m �Ar',AJ,i> LEGEND z '/i ,^.� BtY _ ♦..MPEI V ti' :I LLSC9PT/ON E31'MEOL F-G�,.pLG'- I Mini i 7G•.[5.5P i.E.IS50: ,Y f'J' - {j / 1. in mil Q 1.5.13:10 I�El25 Pj iP ,rye{ i 4 .- FFDP6CIY LINE /fir► t 0 L A. —— CH..//AWL, ': pr,••/e c„Pe% t(oG » o...., s /roLP-/o•,.so•. I\ 1 ',+p a �"• u O' EX/STCONTO(/R -(�'�� ox TE.2.T s• •> �„� - IE.l2/-)9 y ..J q'�-..e .r .H � ..q.... t%... q..i .4 :(,V d•J�` I „ I. I PROPOSED OJN(OUR CI Z 45 ii ' I 55' I 55' I 55' I 55' I I 55' I 55' /S$' ,57' q0�--"P 4H' \ ~, I PROD �g5 O w Jn// �(, �lb \ • I PRDPOS2O SPOT ELEVATION cc J Y, I- ` /-" ' J�I ZI' PROPOSED G.CONC.CURS =U ' 1 "P / D/RECT/ON OF ORR/NACE —-- lA _ IX/6r ESE OF H7VENENr mI w �¢/ IX/5T.Jr(TJR/✓/A A/N 'kilt (i< _-- yI_ h7' PROPOSED SJORM OR9/N -_ GICE P R O P O S E o B I L D/N -III I ;� ) ® .a`, PROPOSED/NLET(MPE r)—�\ // • I WPROPOSED/NGET(TYPEII) Q / FINISH FLOO Ole: d o-0 'II P �% / NE4VY PVMT.SECTION ��tt \ / / / \Nl NOR-'/•�dL FVMT SCZnOil i / •i , •1) I`,\-• j ' [s../O�YPE�543) / I�I 1� .aN y b/Q. /.sH / 7/' (iY / 4,- s e 1��`` �"` -- `+-� ____ rn • amG oolJNsva.T(m•Imc) l •_= -E i I i ✓ \i` .. �.} RA/N LEADER f / N I .O ; \ §2'C=t) EEP aril \� miter \I.. I =� � \ .. `' �si�',I,? rv...xP•n:w,Q.7 £s: Wy`.�+ •. Fy■ o • �`7 Q r t; :.-' C 'D t, :, s 'A ��. ? E-' BELT I OY ]G-K Vf ( RO,.5A E'.� y�Ili, 1I1 BI OF 1 LTRATI ON aiWALE `p GAL) {..i. 3OL.P.-18. I - 0 ,. u F ••� C.H..i9(TYPEII-54•J aR C v l...=/. r(Jf��. }!� TG./bAe 0 ' 6,.. C0/, (K'uTe.HELoy 3 y/ �'!' NNT t [E If.2o yE�CTYPEll-50•J C E doh _• "� `I a' N\� CB.0 e(#a-9F) ri 4E.IP°.YD Aeii '8_�■. ,.. . .w0� • i� / e:i o-bray- A.. fj�d —.— ,t7 I I �� m CH.�2(MPEa-aq'J � % ,•'�• I CH.+I/(TYPE II-4B IYI' I ■ TE.21.00 `\ • i LF..;:.'/d-. "I'D••24r@'--40. 5• G J.'.//,/ m O� -' \2 Q U n \\ UV,557-5,p• 'a�` I E Q }� ` �'•'!9�•. Y4',.y 30L.F.-�'• Ji' O/L/WATER SEP-"� RI-TRAP 1.., ( .-.. .. N3 4\ . b �.^..U17• O. . J FE.9.94 -•I 2 I (` '.•.‘,. y ��/�/��f/ ... V.C.ssT- •OIL/ / 1PD LL..4 w/OE �a� /�� ! qrC , I O Z Z \ \�t,` ! WATER 57- -•TOR Q /a p ICE VICINITY MAP ��: ! a t Pen?' ( �oy Pa6.04,05 au o�sNUGe ` j i I I .e e a r. Z it. 3 ` 4 , ' n RIP-RAP X W`ETIANns .AiI �� _ .1 I uumniiOtt �".6,` ••.yt� //fi �` b l 1I e./ab o♦ • / 1 ' ' n -31 .\ 16,„-t- i `\ , A>1x L.`� ?LV I/E Bc'fYOM OL 54/dLE EL a9 \c...,.. .....' �. �/.. I rta G5L9Y ..'� �1((�� �. IN r`'��lG j'�'TJ�� AI7�F.1\Yy, �` ���{{{ 'I, RUNEo ,� ,} �ii'tl yl , 8=AP , "�L —,,,, .., 1 ' t \I\ � , /' a� \ �.9 � 1 I �. •<aEGT IOw Y-Y l� * 2 �i � `151T.� a A 111 \ a. •• eoi.omOL•s0.4LE da / / J / - -- • // • I_• u DOE --:- . ■r \\‘‘� E..9.6 /� I Yr J�� \ E(CEOP ly �,e •— 7� �' '' O.LM. K.MR. .1,_� \ \,1��WEFLM'OS 3 / \ —_-- P�<�f...:nc, ... :.. �i ,, 3 PFPRof.LIMIT OG MI0RK L111E 2-'[0-90 /•�90'•3-21-90 C') -�C.I' ` \\�✓ .lo,-e:.w weK 6�I�ROAGur1EJ,- '' foaAs�.W.lo''sRiwi.i w a �— I I CALL 48 HOURS 31\ a WEo I.IITJIw DK.bJA�PJ U6'.LAJps PLJW IS ARTOF ybRIL LIMIT. ) ' i x (SE6 SweGLIARbE RAN LOR LINnS) % / BEFORE YOU DIG �89246.04 1 1.800.424.5555 c-2 c • ti/ / , ''',-?-7,6:4-7:-,•. ::=., f /' er gl:AtZairv4kli,A 1 1 r, 8 i 2A i 4, 2 ,. 1.,... „..-,,,,..r,GROLJN9 -...„ J (I Li) 1 r \CD tl..:1 A.57r.-.] _ ;-1-:.. -,7:-,,,'.-- - . .0 k'SkW 5,§si 1 /A R.; . ,.... 4 .-t- .•/ -,,, il_____J- -4, , - . • , . 11 ' , .: .....-- i"21.0.2". 88O •• - - '•r.:.. "er..,5;-^ ./.. .__. ••',5e,,,, 410' ,,,::.,;•: - •i 4- ':(-l'i ,-,-,--1 • :C.) - -•,:. ___ -,- I ! I .17.-• -\'' ,:,-- ',,,,. 1. 4 1 "•:•-1 • ____. i - • fil.!, I I i . \• LEASE.4.1.,. - . . if -*--',-,'-'3,, ;.,_.). ,.. 1 ...-.•:- ,-.. ( I r---------.-.,.„.,_____ •-••• :...r.„ ''"---) .7 41‘. ,.\\ , ::::.i., ,, ,''' '•'''('' "/ • . ., 1-1 1 • 1 . • . , , --, / • ' \ \'at; / / A.,„ //".. ';. / . • . ,.; ( 1 , , . ,,- , I Lirr711- - ----1 ' ; • ' '' '---' >>•I \ „ .. • • •\ \ / / ' a 5 ' '••//.• ./ „ .. .., I i I . \ ''',... .,'.. • ! \; /:' '‘.. \ C ',' , .I ! I••,•-'-',,-----.--- `• \• ••-•:----, ,•:•.., , ,_-_, _21-f._\.„_.., ,.,.. 191,... "on i> \:, , .._ , , / / 77'' Q 1 .,.. . I';.555.,.... ‘ ''.::. '...'‘.' , ',(1' I ov., o... ,";\' '\>, • ', \'','..11 , / ,, \ • / 1 , ' -- -.;) Zt."1;;•''-`;''-• , ‘ . ‘'';'',,.":1,‘• ir- '\ .,.,, ________/„„t..,- - , .„---/ -1.- :...:trn.,r-.i,.-1-.1.•grz..1.:,11--•-•'''''''''" \,,"\..„.,N • i \ .'>. 12:_,Th........--..-.-.......' • t. /".. , ..,' eno•n:r'enh 0.03 : ...i.'1.21%‘..Ji.,..=....b..... • ../ Section 12 and .In said township sod range, It- Z1 '' I 13-. S.Y.2,...'..... `,.,`,.i.,,..•[•' • . • E< -As.•••• ./\ /' _....,-/-- , , , Aiql...... ri.....J.:--->,.../>-,- , ,_..,,, ,_..._ ri. V. ,,.ft...,..0......; - ''' • 14.8, )... .t .I 7/ir ..---' / / / „ „, , •rtharr,Pacific Bolt U.right-of-we. Mance northweaterly sod northerly aiong said right-of-way and aye.U..•aaterly boundary of land convoyed to ChIcepo•nilwaulae• a',,- , F 11.1 6 '., IN,‹• , g,.%,.,,,(--"'s`----7'.::,"'. /Vt.,/-'-'"-.''' ,,,,. , and se.p..1 Railway Company(nom Chicago.Mlle*,St.Paul ond Pocific Railroad Cowpony,for its[soloed vys line.2475.00 feet. morm or leo,to the south In.of Black River in Section 13,said townahlp•nd rangO1 el . ,, , ,,, . ,- ...„..- 4, oouthuomterly margin of said County Road No.0, them.oouthesaterly,along the meutherly margin of said road. Z td I . . „...1, ,,,J .44 i .„....i ,,G, 1450.00 foot.mato or les,to the trim point of beginning, $ .0- agl-GG A' t. / 7_,7_----,,,-..."7.;* ..' - ' '...' ,, ,...." ./),, •1! 1 , .„,,,,..., ISSINO•1,45 that portion of Covarneent iota i.5 and 6.Soot..24. q / ' and M.north..guortor of..northwoet quarter of aald Section 7 ,. •••,,,.•..•••,-..... -., • ---, . , /---• '2 ,--,, •,.. '.;.-':// ' /',./Y = ,____,..-- ,•••4 24.and Government Lots 5 a.6.In section 13 and of the bed of H L''''''• \s,--- 1 ,' 5_ / , --- I ---, \•//r/ \ ,/,' ----". --0' lalcs ohovn on Government plat.all in Township 23 North.Range• goat,M.M.In el,County.Washlogtoo.iYing botwoon Count,Rood D /(?, i 'i ,.,.. • •••' ,' ' '1' - .-.V7"1'•.,:l ." --'\,,,/\A„,,/,' .?,2"7 /23 .4,---_, -,-,' No.8 and the might-of-way of NorMarn Pacific R-----y company and Chicago,Milwaukee um st...Rai.,co6Pany), 8f:Ter:r:rs.2:70Lall:aient:'attl'Ztv:nnrerte‘hr: El al - /4 _ , • .,- ,,,,, "<-. 49 thence eouth 2°30.34.west.916.42 feet to the point of beginning, 'ill I I,.....r,. thane.south 52,12'00.east.445 foot.note or lege.to tho westerly' ,RATmnem.M......1,'''''-'. O•.......--- . ev . margin of Roost..goad. - . I .,....;:,0(.3./ t ea 0,,,,,,,, .----•'..( *...- ,..04. ---- ,r,„, ---'1,P''-"...-. ''''''" 1. e'd w.....along said weaterly margin south 16•34.04.-----21.37 feat thence mouth-----rii.1...ch..r.of said nerve concave to th. .! e oPs7 / ii.;:\ 1 • • . ...„ t. ......5., ......",-ovv • ‘, ,,,,, , Mance moat/masterly along the six of said cu,ve concovo Pa Me. I.1! .„..,:‘,...... . ....,.......'" ......„........".--- ..-- '10' . '0' •outh-----41.01 foot; ' • 1...„. ..............."..--1,...---'' '48•='.4.11...7.I, thencs north.tr r rr ea...229.70 feet to the point of bogioning: •=.f,IT,11„ortz.....:1°.::trl.ztl7g,,,M,147%,:ult •T.:Zrtri.•;"6717.:-.1E-11:7.::::i - ''''''M".'''' demoribed ao follows. fi.........., ._.__.........................r...S•4....- a,,,,...0, J°6 ".:...•:;..":."."V...7==...••""'"""' Comeanoing at the mouth...It coiner of maid Section 12. DI ; ',.. ‘....••pertA 29°51.vela,114.7 foots RP' I.so.hcaor r•o. s.1: `:=L:=;:t.'4Z.?."'"''''.""-" than°.north 66°21'nest.153.9•1••ti ••••••...... ..., utenc•sou.64•57.-----to a fol..on Me a...fly margin of tho . ''...:',;:a.,••-•••-•-•-•,...-.. - pf.,/,otamt ere ' "'" Chicago.Milwaukee.St.Paul arci Pscific Railroad Company CD . 5,--.1.15.4.ca, 114 rleozni and the ten.point al beginninin :12 i \A CI r -- -- ,,e-r-rt-&,0^le•iss ':r.7.;'..'"It"...".'"-`""''""'"'- Ail: .11.•,..F..,5,4 2...L/.I.dare, ..„..,.n,...„,......,„.., .......„. a.rei,ree..t.sew.ea ewe.tame.'al wile to thenco northesaterly along maid-----rly margin of the ocage. Milwaukee.St.Paul and Pacific Railroad Company ihtf-way. 200 feet.wore or leoo.to•point co Me acmemrly eargin of 7 L Lo.c i 1• ittith- - ir , . ,..,fre/O.-5.15,1,15 o.F. 5.zo...11r4O,-MP 7..t..7.t."..tn...r,==,7••••••••‘•"•".. Tract 33.Renton Shorolands god Supplement.records of Xing County. a aliE t .................-........ ...„. -,,,-,11-7„,,,..„-_,1,,,---:;... ,7-7;z1.--- --...., .4 s...,..ze, , . 4: gonoe.LO515••9 ::::::.",=."*"•"•"".•" •ttr........V.M11=7;::::.V.n•"""-• ..tr.':.,. liot:g....12;"TV.1!;:i=f,Lleteir's';.t.n.... itlitir P: 'f . s.er-c./MOispoorp.03‘31154 t::::%:::11.!:aterly along maid wootorly margin of county Rood . L 3.8 1 __Mo,8:104 foot.more or lona.to•point.whIch boar.north : IR'' ',,,,'.'1.1•11j.-i isilk::.:1 , S I T E MA1,1 l Mg:ffg;r:-Inst .r--...-...---n.A.r.--a-r_--...z--- E o ; •:tt.t.=..•."...tt',...trf...=.:::Vi.72: . ,517.......-.5..5.5... ,11 -411‘7-A2-tc:.Tejrrots.11. • ,.......................... - C 0 the,oenier.of which ern.north 25°21.49.ea•t.an km*diotance.oi 50.74 feet; . tif.Z1.'4'*°1-1.56.g.5. ..'........t.7.,.troL"Tr.1:::.n.T.V.'''''''...‘.. ':aere..Z.....'ler...a47.17:71,7.:=•m=m.:1 Menem•long•c.r.to the rill.having•rad..of 467.26 feet the 754.%iggShini!ria,. Al Nile....St.,.L...Po......rood Coo..right-of-wol, .4‘..08,RoPd. Fl.o.5!AO,•GO. ..=."7 t:r..crin-=---------17:iiim:::;7"'"r"'. Imr•••••ir .T 1 /. / PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME OTT SIZE REMARKS 5' .., . I • - LIQUIDAMBAESTYIZALIFLAIV5\45Er(*PI 56 Ir 5112Alt.,1011ZUNK,FAILL.HEN.:71 ® PIN U5 IVIAIZA/M151K IAN PINS Is 5,.6. RILL 4 SWAY . 1 •I't t - • CI. I _ e AGER ..IKON/eLIM/VINE.MAPLE - -.,. MuLTI-TRUNK e "UNIFERUZ(....,01ZU1.45A7HOLLYWCOB 17 24.3e mail-%E.N . i E2 /.0KNOS•A'OLONIFE.r.P/W5 C.C4WCON 'N r3CAt- FILL 4 Risi.ly • 1 r2 Xi < EXISTING STORAGE 0 ;.10Loto.,c.US blhLDLOK/OLEAN SPRAY I 31 1 3L,AL PULL 59,15HY • 4. 1. 4 I EXISTING BUILDING = C.0.1,1L1HE.RIA SHALLOIV 5A1....0.1„, I I 14;rAL, ,'0.6. EZZ221 PYPERILUM Lie.e..iNIIVIST.JOHNWOR'r! 4' 9'O.L. -- Irki ,ll.LI1L.!!1!1!i iilL1.1 ; ,LL.';' S: le ".. _. ___ e , 5 3e...., PSL.0 DLY—Ili IIIiIiiii;Hii.; i rt..0 .31 wHd,..,,',/,,E0:17:g..t::Eu.X:1 9171:LE 0,,E.AT 1,1 ON ,_ ii • --- " --- ,‘, _, • Ot . gp.ii.v..., NOTE -NI M.5.:5 WA 'IS FROM KEN1GN 5ANL,A.L,KAVEL.,OR WM0,1E1,5401. •U',. _.: a - 7-- C'1...".-7- (:::- .;fr .:--5.=..= ''' 4 D • Igly_ . .t.t.. -• ,.. • ,,,., ..a tk il., HALF COURT BASKETBALL —.- kv /.., .,.. ull!if , ...., h. ..V.....................7 • 1, f 11.1 :.,..1, BUILDING B .1 -I r 0:1•-12"TREES.,....^..,_. -I / i „...-' a• '.t , r .•--- 'o, 0 6 / . .. ., I //• ,..."........--.."-......."'a I , ,''' \0 IC r•n.PO I. f---- mff 24'BERM , rla-e- .--V-.........''''...... 4 ).. • , CC ,, . CD , / WETLANDS TO REMAIN BUILDING A 'C. WETLANDS TO REMAIN-, 0 . .... 0 °I'-• •.: . ,/(5.0-' ..•-, / : '....... . ••'Illyz,i-)••''• il 01 .. ‘ , ‘ 111 j ) / =. > - SAVE EXISTIN. TREES 4 . "...... Z ...,-)., ....,., ...>.....„...„,.......-- - ; ,.... C ' III6 I— __ __- t .()PINIC AREA..._,-.. 0 rr i.(.1)67 n .....„..... .60C° 1 1 ' .5 eWili 0.1...........ea , •00, .1, < 1 ..-.1 ,.__0_._-,..-.. .....®-CL. ....,,........ mut.1.452 5.....•ra•moir mu..45 4,.....4, 0 II PF/51 le III WINO V.IF 1 I A I WM., Z 1=ItR,TZ%r1.1 , 11P9 A.I.SW!.crKitorN•Ar new ,.,,,, 1.1.1.EVII,11441,...wc5 Z i h I..5.410 ew AI IT < _, 9 e ,...,..,........ • !I. _--,.., ,............q,...... :1,,.. ..,c., , I5.)/555T.555/.nro A 1;7:ingieij...;', ,;,',... < E 1 ..". 'I '',14., ..,......,...D. • Zr.4%.,.=Tr..." 0 SCALE 1.:40'-0. 12 pi i .4.: -t ua ... Mo. .A TREE/9111.113 El. TREE/STAKING C TYPICAL GROUNDCOVER SPACING IN OED AREAS . NTE IN LAWN AREA. NM L-1 WS il DESCRIPTION 4 d i UM toe m mE Rlmrzal mAIm..0 m n n No m,FY.:4 ELT V.v. u NM CO en vawaTON uv Tm ±? Exlzrri 66a• a�Es. smrmTiT mum es�mvvmaa for aAI� m 1�,Twrs�e x>rYoem0043 tor 1,IN aml�002=='• AS n1 �a GoN N N � COMmICIs AT THE x4,m NORTH COWER aem09 SECTIONS ur.®x n SAID 32403211. NC II N j in(� !% p•ly oe Ye2umu0 M To ei]226:489 WEST,ALTAIG THE T.VES OOVO STILL NORTH N.IRO Or O.en,an�r a$E Go 0 6.t•.�.eE 6ie\9/ 2, O w.o _ y x•xi•x•e.sr.ALONGAND 9ssxWOVaLLr wae,MARGINe,x.SILL n� Cc oxx•L[HALM $YYYJJJ m i .• 6q�.s z b co.LI'Oz:" E ° S ZT• n9.14 C��6iRu0 m0lO OI•N�SI.6E.n,INS aYOOinsELLi65wcu,Eason600 V Y� Tag y ti zd-o 9% �� �' a• '•a••r•o�,b 1) J/ 2� zz2•Tcz r¢s: SOme 88as'm•OUTH •03 VEST x 636.33 9,.6I ru[ x®sovnselai NM ] .sr ° • O1Os.381 313.6 r¢i;MACE NOM 1•Ix•60•2WWar 6x.90 MT TO TROT MINT Or ;� 1 = 1,121.,E THENCE amm ea m•m•.9aT xa,.D ..nTamm amR ii o1'oE:�'31•E `� �• QD'` O.i5 u8[a TEE E S.233 imam or TES m �� a4 v MO TACITIC ec a COMM IIS.],si M-vs Tung m e Cm9R•n 28•11:3329rsr U $ ``` COuL. '6• SAID Ells,MT AND Yogic SAID E6xeI.T McCIN 57.49 FM,lawn m ax9 ? ; 10�•0 x°EPSEMEUT Tn \\`� e,0. VEST MSG SLID E.smuT wau IM.01 M To T; MT 19 MMHG i.98 FE.AND ALONG a..m'E"'E'cea"uo m eovrc'c fA O Iy n°"6 3�O e0O �\ Hqr 3 P^ v t K vE w.rc 6's]m'e 140 TIGHT RATING•RADIOS Ores,6•ma[usa9ii.aw SAID GURU loz.ea MT; (j> TOv m ° uE. THENCE NORTH 60Y1•02•EmT 60.63 MT;Txtlm YORm]6•I,O 9•EAST 47.6O FU 1 ICI A —��b O h TO A POINT ON TES YD TOM SEIs OSa'cmrc w91a•RADIUS OF V236.17929.00 LAST:THENCE 99.99*8,THE 401EN.ROAD .0roln F E MD Or MU mks me SAID T.TAR POI.OF 11.112300; .53 A. TO A POINT .1vN� 6,0��5 �\ M� 0\1 1 1 / Al!,19 n...... Iz O 323-414. ? $3g i '.`]'. \5 L `6=_\ -% amrzED To: nuceSTUART TITse 4 CoNTANT Cmr.Yr or xemu c. - m R "MS IS To 1 \ VEILS 2303 IN •v I 6 ``\ \ ______,•� `\I\\��— [v �1 I�/ .D1i2.Ire rt� `Y ru1.E]'rxeee0r. AS DEFIiLDRraam MD ~JxL M'r Gli W a wfs 6.xD9)De�a. c f 1 IAM rwDTlm. vs ma 233. 4me C I I \p ��i 1 �[O 7-\, ���N erreessm OR m G • 1. o \1 r wE LA 05 7.,,e $ \ 9:1.-----o-Pr ngri I a. s c.- o`� \I �/ i a'° _uor<Iw1x 1_v..rul-1 ��'; Je' s I \ \ ' n /e�y 1° tea... ., eoo- • e CCbE� . .I . .2 ti /i b' ar 1 �... \•.l� Ed�Vx I \ -F'D �� / '' vo4 Ve¢,r1ca... .A IQ z a ' \ o� • f' w�l o u e c '' .;EMI:cg]m` • �� �E a,.1.--06E . 5 V Lprn`°X> PAR ON I-nGli*F 00Gls E1._E•n a n.z.z> v' v I C 1 x0'Srw1TAL,8Ew arws Ex+/\Y" �II`�i Q•6• D� 13 zac 1;0 I \ CC\\ 8605020860 %'" L A.2E,6.= 450,002 Sa.F.10.33Ae.2 'S A J II"b\ ` ' \\\lam /-�' °Pa•;�i� If000 2s • cw-nor-r �,,.p 4'i \y 1 yp / //��-7��y� �e a;1 �77 JJ'65 aril y \6"✓\ / ��E. 2.0. •v/ 26' L=6>.ay 6L UV Chieayo, M _6Z— Lb bAN I .I'-5d es-lo,w I"-50 • .99 ZI9.01 C-IA- 8 '.ILLN Id..Fleet" -I..pi � > '�~` . �„� ZeZT lwoY O LEGENDT�♦ sac. 11A 4e do 0 1;� \.1�`" ... DESCRIPTION 9YM00. +\. RY \ �?•'± 11pO....,, O-, I .�y� . _�, 41_G- O L ' - _--_ .,`.., �. i� PROPERTY LINE —.._ '4. ./.� e k. 1 % ,, *T' YI 40- " ,.C� ,e,_ y i '� ' /¢2 LOT LINE r.': i1K `��'. \'."'''';"-' fl M_7_ •. ••-•1 ' _ � r W `\ r PROPOSED DUILDINCl UNE ) tt�ti,'• (.'� - "-'SIT.)= 1='AlaJ— • 'w.. �+_ \ \,j o EXIST:CONTOUR /16__� ,C i�Fl., I 1. (.5 g Z 011O _ s / - ,i\'P2, iu G.. G_ / PROPOSED CONTOUR —� IIl.1 , � . r w \ 1DND {a ♦ RBNOVE � / .,l R1DCPe LINE .: y� a.... �...o WO k / r (I v �1'.,,.a .� Ih ••2 /SI, // O'p1 \� / O \ err EXIST.SPOT ELEVATION (uL 31 I I I • 6�T a c. L6.�E N o \ ,.. _ L7¢ \r •�—�—\ 7•-M / O \ OI SEE \`\Y NE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 2 P ' �, ^14� `:3,21 i. `z 6b/ IF) • !�' �'�_ eao \ DETAIL) \� ROW LINE ELEVATION \y �� '� /�: .✓,n I _ — \P l- ti \ •RI_ P �4 ROCK DVJI / _ ..�e'''�y .,x I • O / J / J 1 /�. 4—_^\s�a� `. sy �`` \ 2 ,e Ps DIVERSION DITCH i �`'4A ,L.Y�:.:.: !� H g \ -,, ^'` II A'I SILT FENCE ,-.---�.- VIGINI•fY M44P =OC FI ' 1 .0. �.� PROP"O 13UILOIN5 ND" ,\B P\ \9�\ rn \,I ��� \ N 2:1 SLOPE UNLESS OIIHOVISE = r=zaoo• otJ¢ 1 o RCHA LFV.25.0 \\ ( /»reD) Q w �/ SEE ARGN/TECT _A \ JO?, ' 1, PSE N nFa♦ricrAfr \,.\. y' REINFORCED PILL I 0 LI IIF . r4 \pMENnOMS al EXIST.RAILROAD TRACTS I I I- 0 w CC � NAG,. \�i _MO � J I{I -� �.` I \ \ ).-- I — / N- I d POND r•J y U •J �\I`'• r� y'� \ I \ fl r ?'r;�� SEE DeraL sltt.¢ EU 103 co 1 \ y p li I\ o� \ `\o' \ REINEOKEV Fill., o F siti ^E I ' ,/ \ I•� _ I,t,'7: ' FOR DETAILS' � ,yI D V 1! WUTLue. sire es ven w mxx r:refl vnue +e -j, \ �',-\ SNCa PTN1N LI 1{'y OF WE LANDS � /I. eal ROOSTER ROAD svoruven0� j 9 I IZ \ $TI. SALT FWrP[:{E6 p6T.� OMR A ADDRESS. DUCT BUM AND CORM. 1.6 NORM CANAL ,SINTE lijA:11) rl\ I ' ;1'(' \`I ~C• O /// etAp RReeAREvOx Sno.re Hwdwtsa�5 me[flrx mev0flPa• \ \ v°� \ r uS qq rlO \ I \ iiild.r; I. PRPq SE1J \I 'Arm of \ P3 /LO/NC7 •• \`� ��:�LL\ W / r/ \\ /� ' sas 3 71`°-Z uoz-,zo«rL«.L-D.«.ruH to 11, •: 14e°$ SUILCA3.p�er maws 7E ELEV. B �__ z_r r a �`� j / bb 'A �a'J6 y�\ \ P��R oND aME sroAsl �\•r.,•"b e. ��- �y.{ �% B�ENGb ARCB... N ue. of C4 d ,f'' 3 O.•.ICE60pA.R�.�d\ o....ysc.w�e A•,E. d_y . `�,•'7°• ` \ '/ 1 ''1/ 1.V./. N=0�0E�0�'ON'ECbEe J V 6 L - e 82.C•I4S \ 9 A 1.\\ I I IR, { POND I �I 1�yI \' .. V L- ,1 o or �x N\. I \ \7: ? \ J r • Pa�y'A MATS,'w v v 12.......1,M oRIA0,"�.D o 1- ¢z J 3:1 �, OF eJ¢B.✓r NOR AILIPt6.T.1.x Go¢N.vz W e~g IA' 1 a' \ J r\ \ - O / /• OF GO,+Ga6TE,BPVWE QrF�2-iN_e%..•,.K Z �Iy�1 e P.�..s=r oN w,o., M.A.E+--e.. 3z. r. J_ y I,C \I• �• 4/II 7\ / \ C \INI \N i 0 � L.ci.ss LINE 1 U M Q IC 6 IIJ I\ / LSIT.2 \ \Y n ,4.2E/--=600.4r14 CQ.F.O¢ 15.8067..l2F/. W f . \ ;1 • ,;", �\ ,1 I\ / s °'\} �% ,,:e::/ '` SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION EARTHWORK 5 2 y L' I \ I /.WS(LIMITS OF GSARINC. SUSSRADE OLKEIOE BUILOINO.4fi+ O F- W (Yf .../.'' [11-r-� 60 G.Y. 'A o I \\ N\ v n•ee�� 21NSTAI.L SILT FENCED. ILL L'J,000 G.+' p < m y` 31NSTALL TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION EUIwIUG 6LIMGC4[aEl W j .W ` \ \� V //t *'''� L=67.49 ENTRANCE. F,w+75,310 G.Y. �by DO C.!6LDv."A, 14.•210 CI!P}tT'ETD G E4ILCIN6 7u¢G4A.2GC1 // Z¢ \ I t/R 4DITCHE L7 OPP�5RE pRA1WIfjE DIVERSION < V)O 4> . I Q: N� DITCHES M.FILL-.42,31.o c.Y�3'i,o5a 4Y OLDr;:'A,a,200 cY.CL[R6:'� (n W F I y\•. —- j� TsrR{1CTSEOIMENT PONDS W�trIreRATED QuP++T, t,.--fitri ^Iue 1 Ebr1✓wrB F fA ° Q.4 O \ �.I' aI �/� $lR dTLE15 AND DIVER:ION ITCNIS. ,,Ia BE uS o p51wl 6u O¢a�'�APIMAats O¢LL p \ y P� 6RLL ANO CaPADE SITE TO SUIGRADE ELEVATION. 2 .0 —�. y- ew Vfmt Ne6 nTm 7.'..eeeEC Te • 7SEED DISTURDE0 AREAS. I aJlw sznol aPu Fez cAPCr Ls�PT,o.Ic _6-Z— on qOr, NOM OINTMccOIL TO SO..A OLSCNPTION OP SAPLING O O "^' •-^ u0 e\mRs OP r®a OPERATION TO 3-„.70 ROOM M TOR APPROVAL O PRIOR TO mATION T wHE een OP I - ',' / I'.3d / A0-449 PLANT LEGEND :< �SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME • OTT SIYE REMARKS b y t {6 0 LI(VUR:AMMAR STTKKIFLU//SWEEi/-NM 3(. Pr SiRA14Hi1KuNK.FULi.IWU* ''It t Q PIW NY - i a j O AMR.DIRONATUM/VINE.MAPLE i2 5-4' MULTI-TRUNK m i p =uNI PERUS L•'4OI UUOSA%HOLLYWOOD IT 2•••%° MULTI-STEM LOKNuA:1oLONIFEr4'KEDTWy DO4W 9 1,3E5L PILL 4 EDSNY OSS y. s�1 wyy ( -EXISTING STORAGE p IIOLOn15/..Us DIULOLof(/GLEAN SPRAY 31 j 34AL. PULL 4 BUSHY :p• "E -'d EXISTING BUILDING i (TAUUHERIA SHALL ON/SALAL 1161AL 3'O.L. I -- ® 1-yPERILUM LALLINIUI/NT.MHNWORT" Y- 3'O.Z. [r'_-3 HYDROSEED EXIUTIN4 YE4ETA11ON • I 'VI l:Li1111:it I., I WHERE D151LIRi'/ED Illllt I,'''..•I 5OD �L _I I I• 1 �` __ -_-_ 3. _• 0 I T,.ENV-AGuiW)U I/A RI4N+'E 9 44A1. FULLL S$IIR I q� . llaI LL...I;I .I.il l�i I. .. i _••__ • , , .., ��! ,' `. b] to-OL -U. el ...• - 1 _ - �. 71 NOTE 7OII.Mlx:5 WA, `ut PRDM A'rNfGN 5AND 44kAYEL,OR AFPROWD E rUAL ,I I: . _ tNI ; \' ' Egg i� rc • - �� 'if ��` " HALF COURT BASKETBALL 1 .�-y ;� t." `.. _ _J l`'•`,- ••o•''J\ A di > Q' 7_� 1 I J I>t D'-I2'TREES.� BUILDING B ,I / y 1 / O • i Z O• I.). 2.'BERM O `'sin) �F}-c.: _ Q i CC 1. WETLANDS TO REMAIN O BUILDING A 1P` ` WETLANDS TO REMAIN-v CL 'fib i1/ la • - BATE EXISTIN• TREES - '// F Z / - Z •Z ',GPICNIC AREA Cr .IT PN\LPOAO •J EpN . - NDPt� pIp JPJNGTD� Z A :.M 1.L urwl. Q e N*1 L..V1.4 8 � ,/ ..hi !` WW-{{,// wr:L ow*Mows J ,� n ©_� `� MAW wW.OV.X.N•.n. . \,� MAW.vwAeq.eL.o. a i . - ''-T'-� 1 L aiM A> ear 111iA / .Row.. R90 i.4 `". Z MI Nps�/�u�R E �w Xugp( !I ez,Asi,r� .RgNxT pill 'NL1PI1 ..HFN..f.m1 US I Ce r ,1: 0. , m=j"'..i w•,` . r*1 r.Llrw pw:� ►n.'wh ennowai fA I '.. p SCALE I•so'-o' aGrr L i ..m 1.r : r•" ww Z p VZ r Rw ', Co ...A KING B. TREE/STAKING c TYPICAL GROUNDCOVER SPACING IN RED AREAS M. 1N LAWN AREAS MT. We L-1 .!, TOF/ -4' 4' cnt3N -rst\ tib; —I (f. I .---- M E _ - - — - NNIvniNo) ------ '0 ON - 6' 02 E. IsI 4 0 02 0 0 ‘ i i , r, 33 ...------ > .._ a. -.---•,-. 74 7 . ; . 3:/ E°.? , _--- . -.:-`,;• -4 •• ry 1 .' , 0, . ,. M 5,C. ••• 'r:61 1.'''''..' / , —I ,r z 14 il. rIi 0. 0 4 4, ' Z, ,,. ..., .-I ..--- ,..- 0 k . .• ?A. Zr° • ,a• • Z :MN c'rR I , 13 l' r 0 ii / . . 1 Z r . 1 !7, 0 • _1 co 1 M (v- (-• : i , i ..1. . 17 I I 41_ 0.11 ' -a 5 \ 0 • .o. \ i !" t.), o I 's c" p‘ 6\ 0 E • P 5. ( Ill I1 , __5 ' D. 1 L..eirrTere I, i> P ' \ P ' a ES - . ., 0 i . r lil..\ CS VIZ qU r a I • E. C. I re 0 •t 1 , !...P, 4,J 13 A _ . \ ,.....„ iiIiii 1 • F ..1 10 1 c , 4 ..,_... ., .o, 0 ., ai_ -.„ ,• $ 4. , ,•• IS —r ' -----_ , ---•••,,., • n: ''. ::f,',;.!1•ii6,i W• •, ,, ..(•.: - ...o to:, 4 Z ttE1 L 1ii tli ;I -'-.:1 •F Ts iN- —co I('‘i 1\li C'o '6' ;" 080 ;00 •2 2 t: = • • , A , 41 q551gri E 511 fq1i:2E24 11E1 11144 W 211111 EE 14 12 1 g gti ..1 4 5'i I;!..R 42:4 gi -R E1 5 2i 5-, i..IE IN 51 i 11 0 i al 2 1 1 7 r -'-1- .1, ° g _ , -_ g_1,_r:,_ I g 6i!lgRI Pi III .6 U' 2g .16 !I ° 6 1:6 ii I 2 j:_.:40:51 il. i.PFlq. 9 . 's .5 ' g '§§ g li g i . , c, 0 p.-6 I _._ 1• , ,, --c ck E 1:?4?..la gi V;a°,i,10 11 1 g,i4 is 50 1;„ i ;E.12.„ 14 .., 4 P. tig"E Pi E!1;g1;.61 1 ;IN il E4;12. E ; h i= _ a ,-,. ,,,,., , r, IT/t;1 E _,_ p I 4, '! -, ...,t .,clig .i: _,,,.„.0 E Si f,..In;gg. 1r E1 5 . V lig .°Ii3 s•1 2 al 13 R. g F:n i'4 1 Eg g5 0 1RR .1 .'' ' . ° o ..„E .4 . 6.. ,i1. :,4-,- E el °E' " 1E ;1'22 a2 c`r tl.' - ,I- iig- i.•_ 5. ;-, - "ts 0 [, to;4• 5.ila 52 s ai 5 5 g I ....„7. c...: -°' '.'•c?•,-.1. ; otE1' g ;a. 24 PE - i l'1.,-; ! g 7 ;• ; 2- g; 7: f .IMI > sr2'E , i; 1; I; r - al Eg5 a i! E. 1511. 4 pl `,'. .1?4 L ai T..3 1.,. 2 .1501 % . Cr ‘ :A' i! i: ki, -:,I: (.—„,....„,1AL•ff I • i'; Eta 4. h 05/11 le i 0.E.!En 15 In 5 5 ;a ii ,....• I t wg I SURCHARGE AND EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN q) el • ' ,,,,ealar., N _o -0- `.1' N (. DISTRIBUTION FACILITY /11;k: BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC. re..%. CIVIL ENGINEERS&LAND SURVEYORS ' SEAL ' la i OAKESDALE AVE.S.W.a MONSTER RD. .0011.Mm SOOS MINOS AVE EAST NI b P 2 RENTON. WASHINGTON SEATTLE,WA 9E1102 ‘1,t:..,o. L.4 / FOR BRUCE BLUMEBRH 12061 323-11,1,1 ....... cr., k. c� bdo ti @ D rr04 I A r, 1‘ el- _ o s in / ' L. fli Z./ m .> i q i o ./.. 6 _. m -4‘) M01-45TSFZ 1ROAD S.W. •tr q11 �O • . me I DISTRIBUTION FAGIt-ITY Fold • Job no. 7 lance mueller PIS UC,E_ LU Mf✓ Cc drawn e & associates b0 hi arctects aia Re N N TO , v�/r°�H I NGTohI checked 130 lakeside• le we.h.9E1122.206 325 2663 date no. revision date 0ID TO III m °r 3 o N P s m o N G, � o r"- --m p -- t_ r: • �..�.' k° 6. / m�m m ;v : // gn —I n oa on i ip m :;; , z ) aR Z o$ 40 4 ^ z 14. a R� 1Zl I G We or« r m i 0 1 m 2 1 —1 °0 d I i 6 a gII L i €' II P o y \\ 0 66LJ IT pp o ry P P j X C P - in I1 U E P It1 P L C C.ji P p 5 P I: ;aL D � Wawa D. I m o F - M - DI 0/ P o 11 ¢c'lii. O gi -\ fF E' V F Q ���� o 8 �1[ o Ili It 1 G i's b 1 �A. m r -r - '1 �'L+ __ r 4 m meA.B iq ppozp / -,_ N N N N N u i n Dig o hi IN, O N , S "Co G N A S` m Z1. i� iFe A l5 �_ - `� _- o N -4 s cD o N 4 s 0) 0 $ S'Sc $ aS0g6 HH Ni2 IH Sa _ ey 5 rr • u irilie 0 I�:a® aia 1l Nin H Pli I1 ep @ €11 E l „ �_ ; T A 6 L eecEl.a� l ` °5152:61!.g c3Hggl�fi6.o a 3°3�®� icp8?file 6 n i ' � N.a @ L l .N. .1: g.pl.HIsG1a g 51111.1, '0 in ®$1 fig 41 l H e p I; � r A N_o_ 1a_ia•5 °l 5a saa fi I ail l He > s $ i5E; l-Fsp5c5imE.=1 A°fiHH6 6l g�g i� n o'2':'- - 8 a E g? a €H 5 m A �t St. c c B9 le H c 83E� �� .�A � fi m a = a- _ Q,@ la.°l 5 as E IW 5fi H iq a l� 5a 5- fi 8 i ; ;i/ Mmig l l g5.55Q124 er P: @ @i l a5 fia H H O ,� --R�,' E 5• �,€3 E s aH � g 5a Ill �i fi 5H fic g 5 0 i ?' .n.0,: a 51°'al EH 23• E l s Q 1 ON d e,5x iI = -1' ,' Seg:'sl Gpi'°&-'s 51555 °IPS 'igs E /� _ 5 . ,,y' .e 5H 55s°I'Se @A H • - �tr! �� ! '61 �fic $ �a �° L D 40 l�..s r r r r •a a p e °°� EK.a 54!.?g.: . fid 5-- $ S e- e� S '•: r r � $ Garzweou»c) HeH�o�se nl llHHa�llle H 3:665a il 11 fi aH !� ti, gP f. ..J I e d1i (\j,SURCHARGE AND EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN drop M <i e DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Fat BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC. e¢p0' ° i i OAKESDALE AVE.S.W.B MONSTER RD. CIVIL ENGINEERS 8 LAND SURVEYORS SEAL N 9 Na9 MM°H AVE EAST SEATTLE.WA 9910 ° FORRSNTON, WASHINGTON a v arm,vL..i r-L no BRH 4. eNG O� W FOR BRUCE BLUME wanaw. .� m�L .... ha913234166 �SHING'6 EAL EKH IT MATC i it ,e I J 9 ri �MD r.A s FOR weese eem s 6e eDiman.cmnAID6 ePre>WOOER DAsereD A6]n t. / w oTa. >s.( � yJ/L Ex1N•li V I4 x. Aw1iAa APVA aPECI1IGTIDas 6EaIDw]-T o \C—11� I I N� // ,N Tu In o! s aa) cfis sxAlA 66 AeaA srlwvAwv eux wo.I pV �V /( �.(E..�z) os. www w w xr..I I T'=20' =I �i �� (,IE'e+ialee'BUJ..) P. e-6iecw6CGA6 A PLEuBSLE PIrei(Pu DUP'L a I'"°6iw 1 I II O /y/ // ais Plea o 6 INCHES ABOVE Pleei.Pli . MOP.SPOON PIOTH FM SOP OF PIPE TONE SO BOITON N �_�� ` /,,. �Q� N�'P�E '\ I PLUS IFORTY NSIDEI DIAMETER. ABOVE TEL PIPE 2Aw6.TUBE Is BO LIMIT TO TRENCH V g W T1 \ ?Q � - • I I I II I t 1 l �\ \\ ♦ Ex IST 4`BJI4o We /R t. = I / N / I I =:. \ ♦ 1, >_ w , \ \ z,, I 5 S ,, J �S. =In • // / iiiiT— -'.II \\ \ I �-t I S y n i / C 11 4 r eseo.o-I.wE\—\\— —--———-----—— \I Ea w I a I ...T P-a,�„ei.I 2'P..,.---- -----_K --, OIli z '1 ' MATCH I�NE M I— —Pao 2O.. E.SEMEJ • I D \-- -PPavas et_I-IJb _Iou------ ---__, 02 r Yf S'S ---_-�—E 15.4..¢... �w I 1 , L -- - c--- 4 - Q 2'ie I.G O'SS B o.e% I.E IS.12 -1'1% • _ ,r 245.4 0•CS a..4-/. • I T `rl I Imo _ —_I-__—__ I.c b•Cse2% I@Y.a b°s� � _-_ .___ _ —___ �-'2 \ r ___ m S _ O __- - X /I 1��D IJ�PUMP G4ONH�TION - -� --\ I -� N ^^e,,„, Gar. 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BEfORE YOU OE s 2..g ^ �'rr�/a. rOn q Aw0/ I //nr e_ r.•)rr nArco/ i //I br 6wr. -s I 1100a245555 �„c-4e 8 coN-nNUEt. BEI- '..- 5Px6tKG-•4 Wv .LPL r�.�1 ig IS �lo'� I / / �' M1• �1 4 g/ '��... / LLLLLLIII o 2 Z Q ' 2 - 8 V O9•� • P�OPOS E� IL�INCo 41� ; NO I QLiti % � ' t 5rA?KQGv-fC£�(MJr)R.) ��n ` �.V' +V\�/� , — - a 25 L.F...M.P.G.,.� MJS�. �' a.• bib 1. y "-.��"' �/ �g ?� Ji 5 I�as^E•.E (p�r L)) mow,,w".v..lwl� �� C) 1� /.�L. ?f�lY- o��.� /!�-"" \n, Ic'o.�iG wE�.,olti6 nJ ILL/ y =�J O • 46�BEl.,vp(l�'1.1 Fly) --_`_`- __ ice' /� U.(11- rV $' Ir;F�eBlG4,9g v1-"x - /��R'i�� ! alQ 0 111 • --->-<------- ——•- ------ -- ------ ----- ------ - \I ,..i Gli 1—yo-ep.,,,crl.l..R.) ' I�I Esea+v FLwU) I-ro'BE,JOG^.O co.....• Aoc.41,16 • PLW PO6EG. au II_o INr-. IG - -_- -��3GS L-F�•12 P.I.P`9 G',-. 52 --- -..Jl --- 9 3. at .. /� —IS Fhn-f.(1YP.) O w " i C.o. #9CTYPEIX-a4'9 • @0.34% n/ �.� W T-E:16./0�0ti C.F3.e/�(TYPE y� n' l�SDEC9.9 %cN); I tj t J •3 la //•20 , . .<+/PL aG"s'P'1 I2•NTR.Ik.'1.9 \ iv I — C.g.#s(TYPE.r--S4'} • 7 / E- !4 to• „ 0 @ n / I.E. /S so Niz 1'• ilt% gg PRO PO LiE� I3uIL-�IM�o -1 ( - I J r LIv I--Iz�fe✓=�✓,.,/ I1.5eG/�,sG_ i Ro55iN(.,CWT..BEION� / �uic v+u.GvynJ"N� / R .-G. Ola / I� I N ' \ 24.40 2,W��.E�I�b '1. / 11 { d'�'w��o SLF. 24"' 132E-F. 24u@O.'_�1/ ,o U FTX 3 O / V U.Y.C. 557- fJ% 30 �% r OIL/WATER.SScrPE R /- — - i-9a-Be.JvG•I.I.ri>.. q. (7.c-9 \ �n E. y.94- /l IIN+oCe+lv(FUFu) • N y ' 12.LW.dlo 1•=zo' 3-2(F10 Go.,c IN6. 1 G• ,,YY�� / / NorE:REFER To Fi Iz11 GRpolrJv `\/ BEFORE YOU `\1\ / \� \` ^ / I - SS— 5 101E-/ P�>.J ZIT.G-2 Foa tvREcISE 6RnvESI ^' ^1,� I ��1111CYW W so .�/.C. 7- / II 09 za6.o4 1100.424.5555 _e_gv a • • _ 1.________r____4.. ,_,-,•••,,,,,,,,c,) 1 i ___ -_L___di- , ___ t e#,i, :_ 44, •y'�--icy.— -l_re�:lsAhfsxa<au � 'Ns: ^1` ( . , l-rQ.Fcx MJALAV,.._ } ( r! ,fir xd l' Q..a/\�• - C\\\. �\ o%,/ �_ coNc.9LKGra1.v/ �I 1 J//01 l� fReoc d L,JC"= - _ o___' R' �"'��__ C' Ij 2 • ,�'I! ��' j\/\�-\��'j{ � - � (k / -_ '/SZ' c�'P /S1^` '`70Z� - _ �.� -- • N ZQ NNW , / j ' -'^- _ - - -,e. [�'\ a ,(/� [RasS,J[n iR OEION k ..., , r, ;1 / 1; I ✓ ( ! { - -''\-- "` PR°P g•ss - - O->-12''VTR.IE.14.5_ lbZ� N -/ , --------,,--i,.___,,.__.4.111.01WOMMIIIILMF/ e S cur. o is cQ,. - - - g .�t� �� \ i /' 4 2a _2 A NN� ®' �t2� p' 1 ® 4 .� • 0 w g % 1 IJQ•0 w- • li, e U i/ N0111.10k ltm0 Na.U . I �\: , _ - +-5 \ql) _ \�1\` V 2Gli , , .,1, , i t.f!, SEE SHEE711 N0.C 4 E/ IL i tl/' -_ _ $EE I NBET NO.05 - '-®. -" y r III:y;', .W.= .*... -- tl • 411111 ...., • �1 �m. x 14. 4 f+''-_� � ,�.-.l FILL li II�.IM� II f+'' r�l CI• ufw- fit— �� � 11i - CROSS-DU a FL)VERTICAL TAPPING TEE 8 VALVE "-' \\\ ::".•�.'.,7e r®, 2-BLIND FLANGES ONE TAPPED 2` 2-PLUG WITH TEMP CROSS IMJ z FL)VERTICAL 2'PLUG CUT ,, •• `\^'^'�'•'^^'• y,°g L �.. 'y�v 2-CORP STOP BLOW OFF ASSY 2 BLIND FLANGES ONE UPPED 2' PLUG W/TEMP BO ASSY �� -��flit, + _ ®qan.d, . 2"PLUG BLOCK AS REQUIRED 2"CORP STOP BLOCK AS REQUIRED '-t",- ®. .�.a Et? BEFORE BEFORE "' ��- v I; 4 .u° 2i DETAIL,FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY W 7.".....—.----. ,..rjillikal .,.• AFTER PRESSURE AND PURITY d II ._.- --..- i T il IIIII i1 AFTER PRESSURE AND PURITY REMOVE EXISTING BLOCKING s O N , 3 CONNECT TO TAPPING VALVE W/ CONNECT TO EXIST W/ `•ry�`� N _'- II� NIPPLES NIPPLEISI "�IIAI SOLID SLEEVE(LP) SOLID SLEEVE ILPI 0 AFTER AFTER 4�" y`if{I14slY.�l . ; w 1 I DETAIUWATERCONNECTION TYPE II DETAIL'WATER CONNECTION TYPE IV @�'m W,�• �uum., t 2 DO VIEW 10°DETECTOR DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY ° -� - 6°STANDPIPE W/4-2.1/2°NOZZLE «' -^^ FV2°9 2°WATER SERVICE DETAIL 0.c.M. z M•z CROSS CONNECTION-BACKFLOW PROTECTION ASSEMBLY a2 G.E "" O�,����, a- I'-20' 3-21-90 • ACTS:REFER To FI,JISU SRADI,JW e 1. CALL 48 HOURS PLA.J so,,-2 f PREGSE SRAVES, w..��..__ ! you De 892Q(,OQ 'n,�o 0 1-000424.5555 c-6 0, , 6 SEE SWEET NO.C`6 R I I— r 3N 4 Q .. 1 k bW ✓? NU 1,..40 / I I I U ---- , HessI I — L j6 `9r / j il wW2zn ° / e N / Q I vio a I 9_, w lP // / I ' ' a N j <_. 6i— , � ! / gI P l �A W /-21APY/NCyCF ?j 1 t , / s z , I l /-COAL.BL IND =o Ix I I _ / , 1 y � , -I 2 SE,, ERC — N r 1 / D7WTYPe2ZSHT.C&) { i 1 1 1 I I — 11 — -1 % • a 1 II W z k 11 w ill I o w 1 , 1 i :,______., „,,,1 , 0. i, \/I Z co 2 co m •' tGli 4\ - / BUJ I J��l r o 230 LF—/2"Q/.P GL.SL ` b �, 2b.�5±n 3i.34±�W-212-c� CII:t . I.:'7;/ FINISH FLOOR � a • ? / 4I / r i I I %/ N f + j I 1 4(.—_— C vo;:, . .f'� •- -__—_ '�c,,,,m+� k� /rx.— i._—i— _ — �a�y+y�C�`�_L i'-�,��� ,.i'\ ... �., �,,, J T / �-��� '.vwe�9 9 / °�°--`/ le. �h"� , �r�— PIS~12 � U ik 4,0 ! �_� / YY IJ,SJ ,.1 N I II I I I I at Z ~V F 3 �- 1 F� _ / , 12 y —I W U ybPV'N 3Sr c�\ --� e rn °� ° •"`] irb-- �d7 ( O :1r Cc \ R=.41 n5 /5-ESMf.(>YV� ... __ m z j j 1cc1g`���� '-2•TEB(re / F "! 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D.- as i Igness ate Er elleffr bR.UCE aLLIME CO, a...n arChiteCte aia RENToN , was NinGTON lJ' 'Ian ioeooide•oeottt.wash.IMMO,•20171328 2553 dote P.O ...loran cloy K. _!_1 fff A 0 G D F G H J Q w : I 55%o" 5�-d 5d-o" 6 C.O.S..-0;3 -0' Z = a 4V- 6 • • ' U m Ny • 4 Lfiod/S.p rw-I.QA' A_L$ 9-3 oil- a 'L.M.'Nw..w✓opA, `I f 0.T.x--- „��or cg(-�NMYauuooT - I 0 i I I C_1 - - II I -; - --- r— \ - --- - � t r sfs .yn"Zrrt C ' I �\' ' r w tir�r~04 ct _4 T w _� e ` 7 F—T �r�sr 44 c ..�. —_ _— _ III TM_ = J,�, I _ _ -_-- - -- -_- --Y- GCFA a _ 1 7rb.1"GNG 0 ,o THI= 4MR AMA - Q„ +u F0•-roI HALA Js �el �� - V o.1pe"isATE•- ,T --T.-- -- -- n4scY�YF cFopYvtun { _ rol tag 41) '-- 2Q zd„ ND — —I— — _ 5^ _ ._ _ _ _ _.. _ _ r ---- --- 9---.r—=_MnJ.G"�O.LI.IE� _ I — -� _ram ,Maw bfJ4Y.lK w-T u._� --- _ --_ la z 4.11 I a^M1.Is.z:,.i.:e - _ __ - {_y -'�J •9 P+w."esr�wwrt m h_� �:l' krRi- F.Nr1W» ftc:e Tew) -T ^� ..":,evgE' ��rgglrl4 ! STAGW6�—� m 1`a lib dfP.r:r 4 n. 1-- ---- -i (wirJ Anw.•q � dd.,..m V 'm m • w -♦ El: 017; rrl MAP1TAdEdm. . m I Elf L L _____ __ :it�e�6iNs 1 T: {.I V�wTcs�a".aoe 1 +7 01 w N 1 c'FG ss,,,o • ;R.e�. 1z:o r*.mtr T.a 1.,11 fi m dl i E—FEWr11.kw �...si 4 4., q' I1', q('.a' `_1 1bAOt I. 4 4 4.q' 4 1 I _ „Wn 3 -- m o' i .:..• - �1 TTPI'-AL PM. -1-IrKA, bAr t -I-Tr:Dnyl` _ a �1\ � L ti -j r kuna 1...�s cwei. I I I I I 1. ._ q• 3�® 11w.,,,..,tR FP.. CO Cm d o I _I n_^�— Joexz'- oc_d' — 1 i PAKTIAL FLOOF� YLAI\l V .. I I.I7rC4-H Az n a— p Hi-..,.. F. mm CD NV IJ 1dyA�dd ommm s 6g. 7m1 a. 0 1 0 �, aaa a a �, I NId1�d2...44' a g E IT r, 1 I yq.11...wy z Li1, ,.,,n.'i.,r i II, 1 --— ----1" d^ Ti?1'.1.4 s rlw„iJ— o L 7 1 n ,opd sr 7dvx '1.�ro h led.tlw,4,4 y -i .pr,LLtal,,.M,,.wI, 0 IV -Al her z� 0 mD ©" - Z r, N © I �, m w __ i__. I: _ I _ E. ' —c NIV1--,n--, id-. 1. -11I.1" .. ;a `--" 1--zl.-I,, dr�,..+wz i1; .--. 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I11 .. ..1 1 < 'ART IA L ..,TI-1 .LEVAT I N [Ti 412 i _) 03 el 3.a 1 a - - I I 1 c • ,L3, isgs 0:....t . • A5 • L!.' III • III l III III UI' Ill. III I I ='iI.i1.1 i ��., ■■■I. F. IIIIIIII F k F_ 6 ■■■ I ����� 11 . a 1 11 ,m■■■ k 1 0 1 S 1 II 0 F. 11 I. cin 0 0 ����� 1I o 1. L z ,1'I z 11111 Ill o ill MI I111II • ��iii El■■■ BLDG. p,EXTEKIGK ELEVATIONS PISTRIDUTIow FAGILIT7 PoK D B Knee mueller Pf,RUCE P LUNIE CO. a.°w W 0-s eeeoeiete$ architect8 eie 7.E JTTN I WASH I NlGTON— .nxkea 130 I.k..1a.•.eet6..r..N.9612E•300 325 2503 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE LA - CAG-98-080 AGREEMENT SATISFYING AND RELEASING RESTRICTIVE COVENANT REQUIRING PARTICIPATION IN A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this rg. day of <TUAie 1998 by and between the City of Renton (CITY) and Seattle Area Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry Journeyman and Apprenticeship Training Trust, B & G,Renton Partnership and Eland Building Limited Partnership (collectively hereinafter"PROPERTY OWNERS"). WHEREAS, as part of land development PROPERTY OWNERS entered into a restrictive covenant filed under Auditor's File No. 9009271241 which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, that restrictive covenant required PROPERTY OWNERS to participate in a local improvement district for the improvement of the adjacent roadway and transportation infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the CITY is ready to begin adjacent transportation infrastructure .. improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties have determined that it would be more advantageous to have a direct payment of funds to the CITY for the PROPERTY OWNERS' share of those transportation improvements rather than going to the expense and trouble of forming a local improvement district; NOW,THEREFORE, the parties.do agree as follows: 1. The CITY, as the benefited party under restrictive covenants filed under Auditor's File No. 9009271241 ("The Covenants") does hereby satisfy and release the Covenants in full as AGREEMENT -Page 1 they relate to the following real property described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. PROPERTY OWNERS will pay to the CITY the total sum of$180,000 plus the cost of undergrounding power on Monster Road adjacent to the PROPERTY OWNERS' property which is estimated to be approximately $9,000 but not to exceed $10,000. This cost of undergrounding represents the portion that must be paid by the CITY to Puget Sound Energy representing the portion of the total costs of undergrounding not paid by Puget Sound Energy but required to be paid by the CITY or PROPERTY OWNERS as part of an undergrounding project pursuant to the tariffs of the Washington State Utilities and_Transportation Commission. These amounts will be paid as follows: A. $90,000 upon execution of this agreement. it B. The remaining $90,000 plus the actual cost of undergrounding not paid by Puget Sound Energy, which amount is estimated to be $9,000 but not to exceed $10,000, one year after date of execution of this agreement. . DATED this 'M' day of ,IG O E , 1998. CITY OF RENTON By: . Mayor sse Tanner AGREEMENT -Page 2 • THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this day of NM, , 1998, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally.appeared JESSE TANNER, to me known to be the Mayor of the City of Renton, a municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated,that he was authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. cbckwk NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the state of Washington. Notary: 16UQA.ck(A tkA'SW My appointment expires: 9,1401- p1 -_ TTEST BY: Marilyn J. et r en, City Clerk SEATTLE AREA PY,UMII3ING AND PIPEFITTING INDjJSTRY JOURNEYMAN AND APPRENTICES G TRUST By B &.G RENTON PARTNERSHIP ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY MONSTER ROAD BUILDING CORP TION, ITS GENERAL PARTNER - - ea.„,4 , y By city15:26:as. AGREEMENT-Page 3 . SA-11L-0. E1 viLE r . RECORD AT REQUEST 07 , • OFFIC _ HE CITY CLERK - • RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. E,Arial T A • 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 AGREEMENT TO WAIVE PROTEST OF FORMATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT III DISTRICT AND/OR OFF-SITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS . ii AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN B & G LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF RENTON TO WAIVE PROTEST OF FORMATION OF AN LID AND/OR OFF-SITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS DUE TO POTENTIAL REALIGNMENT OF OAKSDALE AVE. SW RIGHT-OF-WAY. (See Exhibit B for Potential Roadway Ij Realignment) . WHEREAS, B & G Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (B&G) , and Eland Building Limited Partnership, a 1 � Washington limited partnership (Eland) , are the Owners of certain real property located in the City of Renton, ;I Washington, the legal description of which is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property") ; and 1 -i WHEREAS, the real property owned by B&G and Eland which W,i;ll �,� i, be developed for Warehouse uses will have an impact on th"e"- need for street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one b.alf �) r roadway improvement, sanitary sewer line extension, and:. -, •_; undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication: ' .:. :) distribution lines currently on Oaksdale Avenue SW; and.,:-.y -- :i.; WHEREAS, as a condition of the Determination of Non- •.. . ;� cy Significance (Mitigated) issued under City of Renton File.•.NO. -• ECFG.-112-89, owners are required to proceed with design anc�. :� construction of off-site improvements prescribed by City- ordinance, and whereas it has been determined to be in the best interests of the City and property owners to defer such II improvements until the City completes it's design analysis of the alignment of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. , owners or any subsequent owners agree to participate in a local improvement district as authorized RCW 35.43 for the above stated improvements, when such local improvement district is formed in the future. Should the City determine realignment will not occur within ten (10) years from the date of this agreement, lighting, to roceed with street the property owner agrees p g P P Y curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway, improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical 'and communication distribution lines abutting the Property subject subject to owner' s rights pursuant to paragraph 5 herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby` agreed as follows: N , 1. Owners acknowledge that state and city law provide that 'I'I the City may require certain real property improvements to be made by Owners as conditions of, and to mitigate ' Page 1 90,09/27 %1241 C RECC' F 14. 00 RECFEE 2. 00 CPSHSL ***1 h..00 S5 u J 031 b00(1 G . 54 I . 9S`. 47. 61 effects of, development, and further acknowledge that the consideration for this Agreement shall be approval of development on the Property without requiring Owners to make such improvements until a. future date as determined by the City of Renton and as described herein. 2 . Owners acknowledge that the City has discussed and plans to form a local improvement district to improve Oakesdale Avenue SW to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines on Oaksdale Avenue SW. 3 . Owners acknowledge that the Property would be specially benefited by the improvement of Oaksdale Avenue SW to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one- half roadway improvements,: sanitary sewer line extension, vq and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines and agree to participate in the aforementioned local improvement district, which shall be formed for the purposes of providing such. 4 . Owners acknowledge that if the existing right-of-way alignment is retained in the local improvement district final design analysis of Oakesdale Avenue SW fronting the the Property that the owners agree to dedicate ten (10) feet of right-of-way to Oaksdale Avenue SW to accommodate the required one-half roadway widening and, if no local improvement district is formed within ten (10) years from the date of this agreement, to proceed with design and construction of street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines abutting the Property subject to owner's rights pursuant to paragraph 5 herein within ninety (90) days upon written request from the City. 5. Owners waive their right to protest the formation of any local improvement district formed for the purposes set forth in paragraph (3) above; and limited to the improvements described above, provided, however_, owners shall retain the right to protest the following: . a. The method of assessment; and b. The amount of assessment and special benefit to the Property; and . c. The '.boundaries of the local improvement district and the total amount of the local improvement Page 2` district cost. 6. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be filed and recorded in the records of King County, Washington and shall be binding upon the Owners and subsequent property owners, their successors, and assigns. DATED this /' 7 day of , 1990.• il OWNERS: B & G L TED PARTNERSH ri is it ELAND BL LDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP w� By: G�2 It Q CD ACCEPTED BY CITY OF RENTON: By: UV\�_._U } APPRO AS TO E)RM: NI \_;. Lawrence J. Ter n City Attorney - Page 3, ACKNOWLEDGED THIS / DAY OF FlIcurt , 1990. ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership By Mons er Road Building Corp. , a Wa ingtonCorporation By Title: i B & G NTON PARTNERSHIP, a Wa gton limited • rship B - �i�Ghir ti uce M. Blume, •- -n ging General Partner 7 L STATE OF W-sn rlrry1 rry ) ss. COUNTY OF On this 9 day of RU3L)S—f— , 1990, before me the undersigned, a Notary Publidn and for the State of (,�)"sh11 Ai , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared !1/hL . , to me known to be a General Partner of B & G RENTON PARTNERSHIP, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed , the day and year first abo 'i ten< �.�����������►1�� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State pN q�+++�, or Waington,=\� esid � t ti Y �p �►�,��s'9z %. My commission expi es: tkOTA PUBLIC F a, 61:A r0- -9.•b rr gyp= • II I 1"Pes WASOTI STATE OF W g G J O nJ ) !� ss. COUNTY OF A/4 CG ) On this TR day of P.U[�U S % , 1990, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of 1 )A51-0.40GT'o nJ , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared s 1 c W. c AvJ A 4 IR , to me known to be the President of Monster Road Building Corp. , the corporationa that executed the foregoing instrument as the general partner of ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. w . l+ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for he State k or Washington, residing at My comms.ssio expires: /z Zr 4/ C�2 CD • • O ' 9 II - BUST -)ED & HITCHINGS. Irvc. EXHIBIT B PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, . TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.H. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY . DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 , IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1,214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH. j 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN. ARC OF 31°04'57", AN ARC LENGTH 139. 14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE .SOUTH. O1°24 ' 51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 268.00 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33' 12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.1)4 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTH 1 28°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET;. THENCE NORTH 20°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.68 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6°57'18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°41'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74°13'19" 'EAST 47.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17°19'04" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 26.53 FEET TO A.:POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1°22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°22'43" EAST 450.00. FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 450,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Hire; • • FACILITY ,�VE1 BLUME DISTRIBUTION��� OF S � RENTON, WASHINGTON BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 Z FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ' •: ALH/SURV. 34 c1STE.0,o Liao B ROED & HITCHINGS, INc. PARCEL 4: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, S TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, .DP,SCR COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87 26 48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33112" WEST 115.03 FEET;- THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST .95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST 105.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH . 1°22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON- TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 66°59'43" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250.59 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, ;RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 48°12'23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH r/+ 9°O1'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 612,566 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. T Hire y BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY !I / �, RENTON, WASHINGTON NT of W s4'� BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 4.. ' ;.ii o I FEBRUARY 7., 1990 • �441 2 ALH/SURV. 34 • t4) • a :1 ./s/s `' 04,E • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: July 28, 1994 T : Blume Distribution (SA Q 12-89 O Q ) • FROM: Lenora Blauman SUBJECT: Blume Distribution Center(Improvements to the Plumbers and Pipefitters Site) Purpose: A meeting was held between Lenora Blauman and Jesse Johnson, representing the developer of the Plumbers and Pipefitters (PP) complex to consider a request by Mr. Johnson to waive a Hearing Examiner requirement for pedestrian access to and along the project site. Discussion: Mr. Johnson reports that the project site has been subdivided into two distinct parcels under different ownership since the approval by the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Johnson has completed the required pedestrian access on the PP site, however, the other property, belonging to Sid Eland, has been developed with only a portion of the required pedestrian linkage. Mr. Johnson reports that he cannot get an occupancy certificate without the completion of the path, but, as the uncompleted portion of the path is not on the PP site, he cannot construct the path either. He is requesting that we waive the Hearing Examiner condition. Staff explained to Mr. Johnson that the Hearing Examiner must formally review any request for a change in the plan, because the Hearing Examiner initially established the plan. Under City law, the staff cannot remove a Hearing Examiner condition. Staff advised Mr. Johnson that completion of the path should be handled directly between PP representatives and Eland representatives. The City cannot negotiate a solution between two private parties, but staff would be available to provide support and consider ideas for resolution of the issue. Summary: ' Mr. Johnson will meet with Eland representatives to try to arrive at a solution to this problem and will notify staff if further assistance is needed from the City. cc: Jim Hanson Kayren Kittrick Mark Pywell �• CITY OF RENTON sal Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 25, 1996 Mr. Jesse Wm. Johnson Lance Mueller&Associates/Architects 130 Lakeside, Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 Subject: Plumbers and Pipefitters Training Center, LUA 89-112-SA,ECF Dear Mr. Johnson: I have reviewed the revised landscape plan and parking layout. The proposed changes are under a 10% change to the approved site plan and therefore do not trigger additional site plan approval before the Hearing Examiner. The changes, as reflected in the plans received March 21, 1996, are approved. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 235-2518. Sincere, Jana Huerter Land Use Review Supervisor cc: Bob Arthur 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES L./\/\/\ I aln�of�nrraN :._,..._...- t n 9 AR CHIT E C T S • A I A MAR 2 1 '098 March 20, 1996 BU LoiNci DivisION Ms. Laureen Nicolai CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS TRAINING CENTER Dear Laureen: Per our telephone conversation on March 18th, please find the attached site plan that will establish the parking count for the building at 174 stalls. I am aware that the site plan used for the.Hearing Examiner's report indicated 210 stalls. The permitted site plan indicated 159 stalls for the project. The 174 stalls is an additional 15 stalls over the permitted site plan. In addition, please find the attached revised landscape plan reflecting the current parking layout. If you have any additional questions or if I can be of assistance to you please feel free for call me at 325-2553 X114. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER &ASSOC! TE / CHITECTS Jesse Wm. Johnson JWJ:Im encl. cc: Greg Fox plumber.Itr 130 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE. WA • 9E3122 • C206) 325-2553 • FAX: (206) 326-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS • 11 r IC/pcp LANCE MUELLER E. AS �,CIATES )k.Q(Aiiti.l ' A R C H I T E C T S A I A O CITY OF RENTON EC IVED, March 20, 1996 n e E 11 .X '1 f2 Ms. Laureen Nicolai ` CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS TRAINING CENTER Dear Laureen: Per our telephone conversation on March 18th, please find the attached site plan .that will establish the parking count for the building at 174 stalls. I am aware that the site plan used for the Hearing Examiner's report indicated 210 stalls. The permitted site plan indicated 159 stalls for the project. The 174 stalls is an additional 15 stalls over the permitted site plan. In addition, please find the attached revised landscape plan reflecting the current parking layout. If you have any additional questions or if I can be of assistance to you please feel free to call me at 325-2553 X114. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER &ASSOCI TE C.HITECTS Jesse Wm. Johnson • JWJ:Im encl. cc: Greg Fox plumber.Itr 130 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE. WA • 98122 • C206] 325-2553 • FAX: (206) 32S-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS LANCE MUELLER & AS CIATES LES- CITY OF RENTON C E I V A R C H ITECT S • A I A �? NPR, 2 6 1993 March 20, 1996 BUILDING DIVISION Ms. Laureen Nicolai CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS TRAINING CENTER Dear Laureen: Per our telephone conversation on March 18th, please find the attached site plan that will establish the parking count for the building at 174 stalls. I am aware that the site plan used for the Hearing Examiner's report indicated 210 stalls. The permitted site plan indicated 159 stalls for the project. The 174 stalls is an additional 15 stalls over the permitted site plan. In addition, please find the attached revised landscape plan reflecting the current parking layout. If you have any additional questions or if I can be of assistance to you please feel free to call me at 325-2553 X114. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER &ASSOCI TE CHITECTS Jesse Wm. Johnson JWJ:Im encl. cc: Greg Fox plumber.ltr 130 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE. WA • 9E 1 22 • (208) 325-2553 • FAX: C2067 328-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS LANCE MUELLER & AS.�..CIATES ? . CITY OF RE V ED', A R C H I T E C T S • A I A MAR y 93(A.�m 1 March 20, 19963 BUILDING DIVISION Ms. Laureen Nicolai CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS TRAINING CENTER Dear Laureen: Per our telephone conversation on March 18th, please find the attached site plan that will establish the parking count for the building at 174 stalls. I am aware that the site plan used for the Hearing Examiner's report indicated 210 stalls. The permitted site plan indicated 159 stalls for the project. The 174 stalls is an additional 15 stalls over the permitted site plan. In addition, please find the attached revised landscape plan reflecting the current parking ' layout. If you have any additional questions or if I can be of assistance to you please feel free to call me at 325-2553 X114. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER &ASSOC! TE CHITECTS ..ems-cam Jesse Wm. Johnson • JWJ:Im encl. cc: Greg Fox plumber.ltr ;1 30 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE, WA • 951 22 • C2O6] 325-2553 • FAX; (206]•328-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS BRUCE BLUME &COMPANY REAL ESTATE September 2 , 1992 Mr. Mark Pywell PLANNING DIVISION c/o City of Renton Planning Department CITY OF RENTO►N 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 SEP 0 3 1992 RE: SA-112-89 {E+ try CU) Dear Mr. Pywell: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 10, 1992 referencing the above noted project. Subsequent to your letter, a copy of which I presented to the property owners, we discussed your proposed conditions. At present we see no problem with the content of the letter with the exception that the December, 1992 building permit submittal date requirement may be unrealistic. Currently, the owners are just beginning the design and planning stages and we anticipate a minimum of two months of design review, re- drafts, approvals and so forth. As I mentioned by phone yesterday, the owner of the property, the Seattle Area Plumbers and Pipefitters Trust is a non- profit organization comprised of labor, management and operations people. In order for this facility to accomplish the desired task, the design must receive above standard internal review by all parties. As a result, we anticipate a longer than normal owner design and review process. Given the above, I am requesting your reconsideration of the December, 1992 submittal deadline contained in your letter. I propose an alternative submittal deadline of March 1993 . I believe the extra three months will provide adequate protection to avoid unforeseen delays whether they be in owner design and review or requested City clarifications. Please respond to me at your earliest opportunity in order that I timely advise my clients. Thank you. Sin prely, /1146 QtAiko,\. Jartles D. Garrison cc. Jack Moss James Massart Lance Mueller 2825 EASTLAKE AVENUE EAST, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98102 (206)324-1800 FAX (206)324-6150 CIT' OF RENTON Olmaa Hearing Examiner Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J.Kaufman August 29, 1994 Mr. Jesse Wm. Johnson Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside, Suite 250 Seattle WA 98122 Re: CITY FILE NO.: SA-89-112, (BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY) PLUMBING& PIPEFITTING TRAINING FACILITY Dear Mr. Johnson: In response to your August 22, 1994 letter, this office has enclosed a copy of page 6 of the Hearing Examiner's May 29, 1990 decision on the above referenced matter. A copy of the conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is also enclosed. These documents outline the requirements and conditions imposed on the site plan. If you need additional information, please submit specific questions. Sincerely, $() Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner FJK/dlf 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2593 LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES cnECuo Ism.,\/\/ AR CHI T EC T S • A I A A G 2 5 1994 August 22, 1994 HEARING E AMIN ER Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: FILE#SA 89-112 PLUMBING & PIPEFITTING TRAINING FACILITY Dear Mr. Kaufman: Is a property required to comply to the conditions placed on the property by a previous H.E. report? I am asking this question due to the following items: 1. Said property has been subdivided and has been sold to a second party. 2. Compliance of H.E. with conditions would require work being extended beyond the new property to the adjoining property. Please respond as soon as possible to the above questions. If there is any additional information that we can provide feel free to call. Thank you for your information and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Y LANCE MUELLER &ASSO IATES RCHITECTS Jesse Wm Johnjot._ JWJ:Im PLUMBERS.LTR 130 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE. WA • 98122 • (206) 325-2553 • FAX: (2063 325-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann,Administrator August 10, 1992 Mr. James Garrison Bruce Blume & Co. 2825 East Lake Ave. East, Ste. 310 Seattle, WA 98102 SUBJECT: SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Garrison: We have reviewed the site plan submitted for the proposed development of the building for the Plumbers and Pipefitters. It appears that the proposed building fits does not create a change to the original site plan that would require the submittal of a new site plan application. The proposed development will need to comply with the conditions of approval established by the Hearing Examiner, the mitigation measures established by the Environmental Review Committee and all relevant City Code-requirements and standards. It has been over two years since the project was approved by the Hearing Examiner. However, the fact that this would be a phased development was discussed at the public hearing without a firm phasing schedule being established. As your representative did approach the City about the time that the two year period was expiring, we feel it to be reasonable to allow you to proceed with the submittal for a building permit as long as this submittal can be accomplished prior to the end of this year. I would also note that your submittal must comply with all relevant City Code requirements which would include but not be limited to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Elements of the design that were based upon previous code-requirements may need to be amended in order to comply with the Codes and Ordinances that have been developed since the original approval date. These matters would be resolved through the building permit process. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 235-2550. Sincerely, Mark R. P I Project Manager cc: Jesse Johnson Lance Mueller&Associates 130 Lakeside Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 plum ttr/leters 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 CITY !F RENTON , (� Office of the City Attorney Earl er Mayor Lawrence J. Warren. •mod CITY OF RE F g ON JAN 0 7 19 2 January 7 , 1992 Cc 9 Y CLERK'S OFFICE , ITO: Ron Nelson, Building Official FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE : Hold Harmless and Release Agreement - Eland :Building Limited Partnership Dear Ron: I have reviewed the above-referenced document and the same is 'approved as to legal form. G7tc Lawrencee J. Warren LJW:as . cc : Mayor Clymer 'A8 . 78 : 21 . J1 III Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street -Renton, Washington 98057- (206) 255-8678 HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE AGREEMENT This Hold Harmless Agreement is executed this ?Z day of January, 1992, by Eland Building Limited. Partnership ( "Eland" ) . Recitals A. Eland is the owner of the real property ( "Property" ) legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Property is part of Blume Distribution, Facility (the portion of which is located on the Property the "Project" ) which is the subject of City of Renton File Nos . 'ECF-112-89 and SA-112-89 ( "Application" ) . B. The Application seeks site plan approval of the Project, a warehouse/office complex, including one structure, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . C. On April 11, 1990 , the Environmental Review Committee of the City of Renton issued. a Revised Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated for the Project, which included inter alia, Condition No. 6 requiring a "Hold Harmless" Agreement insuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the City of Renton' s issuance of site preparation/building permits and a certificate' of occupancy for the Project , Eland agrees as follows: 1 . Hold Harmless. Eland covenants and agrees that it will , for the life of the Project, protect, defend and hold the City of Renton harmless from and against, and hereby releases the City from and against, any and all claims , demands , losses , damages , costs , charges, liabilities and attorneys ' fees arising from any damage occurring to the site or improvements located 'on the Property resulting from flooding on the Property, including, but not limited to, any flooding or damage to the site or improvements .on the Property resulting from the existing retention or detention pond located on and adjacent to the Property; however, nothing herein shall require Eland to protect , defend or hold the City of Renton harmless from, or to release the City from, the consequences of the City of Renton' s 01/02/92 -1- sole negligence, the sole negligence of any of the City of Renton' s agents or employees, or. the consequences of any future development around the existing retention or detention pond. 2 . Agreement to Run With the Land. The burden of this Agreement shall be deemed to run with the land and shall be enforceable against Eland and its successors and assigns , including, without limitation any present and future owners of the Property or any portion thereof . ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership By: Monster Road Building Corp. , a Washington corporation, its general partner By S ' d W. land, President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on this 3 day of January, 1992, personally appeared Sid W. Eland, Jr . to me known to be the President of Monster Road Building Corp. , a Corporation, to me known to be a general partner of Eland Building Limited Partnership, the limited partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation and said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and an oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument . Witness my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Publ`i. in and fo hectate of Washington, residing at nkorks, \ �n My commission expires : 1Z.\lC3\9 Z GEF-315 01/02/92 -2- • EXHIBIT A • • • THAT.:-FORTIQN OF THE SOFT.,QPUTER AND' GOVERNMENT LOT. 1., S. t J ON --2 4, • •TOWNSSP 2:3 .NORTH, RANGE 4 UST,: WILLANETTZ MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY:, • WASHINGTOW AND T .. SOW, .QUAKER AND GCTERRMENT LOT 6, S t:C:t'ZON 13 , TOWNSHIP 23• NORTH, RANGE. 4 . EASfir WTT AXETTR MERIDIAN, ALL IN RING - . COUNTY, W.ASBI TON, MORE' PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:. • CUrsrte.'2.CIIcG. AT THE 'QUARTER CORNER! BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 14, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; . THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26'43" WEST, . ALONG, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEES' ItTHE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO► • 3, Cam•' MONS-rzat .ROAD• SOATEWEST 'AND NOW ENOWN AS. `y:L'73LL HILL ROAD: THENCE. s0L= 32 DEGREES 29'51" FAST, .ALONG SAID WESTERLY. YARGIN 83.34 ME TO A POINT OF TANGENT .CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A . • RADIUS Of 256.4E F I . -THENCE SOTITHEAVERLY ALONG: SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ARC OF 31 DEGREES . 04 'S7', .AN ARC IJENGTH 139.1"4`..'� 'EET TO A POINT WHICH •IS 30 FEET WEST2RLY, PF.RPENDIC LAR TO SAID CENTERLINE; OF STEEL HILL ROAD; SCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 2.4'51w: EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268,00 - FEET; ' • THENCE SotlTH 8S DEGREES 3E'09" WEST 436.55 'FEET; Z ZN E SOUTH 02 DEGREES 33' 12" WEST 115.03 .7 ; • • THENCE SOUTH .70 DEGREES 05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; • . TEENCZ SOUTH 83 DEGREES .37'17 u WEST 105.38 FEET; THENENCZ NORTH. 1 DEGREES 2 2,.4 3" .WEST 437.9 0 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Off' BEGI ZING; . • THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES. 03'09i' WEST 283. 04 .FEET; THENCE SO.J.rf 34 DEGREES• 28'10 0' WEST 490.44. PFZT TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN or THE. CHICAGO, MILWADKEE, sT'. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OP WAX; THENCE NORTH 28 DEGREES .171'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 . . FEET;. THENCE ON A•CURVE TO THE RIGHT HALVING A RADIUS OF 4.11.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID' EASTERLY MA GIN 57.49 FEET1. THENCE NORTH 20 DEGREES 1Z' 33# .WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 • FEET; • ' • THENCE ON .A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523. 88 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 SET TO A POINT OS. A NON-TANGN'A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET, .TEE RADIUS POINT of WHIM MARS NORTH 6 OEGR,£FS 57'18"' WEST, . THENCE L':.STiRLY ALONG SAID CURVE '102.86 FgET; THENCE.NORTH $3 DtaRzEs 42'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; . THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" EAST 47.60 FEET 'IQ A POINT. ON TEE so T.iBERLY MARGI NN OF CHARLES MONSTER CQL=N Y ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99, ?sea'. THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17 DgaftErs '64* EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID. CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 PEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES, 03'0,9" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTM'RY Y MARGIN. 47 0. 9 3 FEET; .. THENcxs s.0y4'4 1 DEGREES 56'SX10 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTL LI'MAIN 10.00 THEScE NORTH 88 .DEGREES 031094 FAST ALONG SAID souTTIERLX MARGIN 26,53 PEST. TO A POINT WHICI BEARS NORTH 1 Draw= 22'43" WEST FROM. T&E TRUE POINT OP BEGIVNII4G i TUN= SOUTH 1 DEGREES 22''43" EaaW 450.00 FIV2 TO TH$ TRUE PAINT OF • BEt3IN3rING. • . • . . • • TOTAL P:04 CONFERENCE REPORT& - � � U.! • COMPENSATION AGREEMENT NAME OF PROJECT: Jpl�,l� ,4""�/ ie#j°S A r c '0l4 , DATE OF CONFERENCE: 7' Z 7 PROJECT WORK ORDER NO. r START TIME: 13cEND TIME: TOTAL# OF MINUTES: ALL PERSONS ATTENDING SIGN BELOW NAME AND TITLE ADDRESS ORGANIZATION PHONE /1/ al;it/ // !i'l%Y be, �no'�! 23.E—�5 f - �6=tS0v� �lw .2 tiCED�.5-4N 'Are- 41aftki y32(.% t°Z 3v4-- 1�6d t4/W 43nisit. GA4 4- 32s zss - ze-)6-7t-t& 7,6/22_ COMMENTS: AGREEMENT: The undersigned agrees to pay $75.00 per hour for each future hour of City Staff review time prior to formal application. Applicant to be billed on a monthly basis. Payment shall be due within 15 days of receipt of statement. Payment in full must be received before future services can be provided. Name (Printed) S': ature date 1 /O Address S —, li(m— 6,e2-a. tp/confrpt/PJP/bh / 1! I I 1 I ' , • . •• „ • . . - �„ } -.sctsr«YiaL-ix 1 D ..,-,: ''',.N.Ni, - ;.6 • . .I / /../ ./ .///y..v.s---; ...,;,1 - ~ . : •t C.) Y. -r f'l l L\ r 1. 21 _ . - :4 r�, ;., Q7 i - - . 1 Post•ItN brand fax transmittal memc ,_ ' , -`r-_ :_ • maigrrAlZigir7iffrc' a-.- — Co. Af►- .o.v.,' Cc. . _ -- " - _- - Depl. Mk j; r' aG:tcc: , {Fax —., _ __ f ;,• f 0 `f c a cy) 3JJ r CD Lt-i �. .. z >- I� a_ U :ems r__, .-.. -_-- - ' .._ r • r • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: April 27, 1992 TO: Gregg Zimmerman Randall Parsons FROM: Mark Pywell SUBJECT: Blume Construction Attached are the latest drainage plans for the Blume projects. This plan is suppose to allow them to develop lots 3 and 4A. They already have a plan submitted for lot 3, a warehouse development, and will soon be submitting an application for a building to be used by the Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Union on lot 4A. From past discussions it seems to me that the drainage plans need to be finalized before we can consider the site plans. If these plans do not provide the information you need or if you feel they are inadequate please let me know so we can decide on a course of action. Thank you. PRODUCT 23902 ( ees/Inc.,Groton,Mass.01471.To order PHONE TOLL FREE 1 a-800.2259 -ti ` Pi A PARKWOOD GREEN INC. ,C ` r JIER E 7 " n LaG�g'C1 � U 12510 128th Ave. NE KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98034 jj��' gry DATE JOB N'O .. ���> Phone 821-1922 �"' k k • �1 i � �' .,. ATTENTION 1Y RE: _._ ..._L.i 1—.1.774.1�....� �--< c . rtiza E � —t1 / fit. Vi---i J7 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings /Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION _ 1 1 _ 1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: or approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution s requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ,`--1CT--ice P- S THE- ?.19%i=Q E_Tt._ @-1 cD f 1.4r-1-1 CZ,V- YGC-/t� -A?p- a��. • d N�a.C�� <- -� • 'A—a U�S e✓LTI�►cc) 1- E r►r-4 i5 M P 1--- p (�`k— , o 1 "r-iorlr . 'tom - 0.1 iArl.v ._ lac.,hc l I-iEN -p cc1`1FI Fi as=-ter c Ebcc?- �--k L.Q- T c�,iA ? \t S t C_ c?\. iT 14V— COPY TO I SIGNED: \ - l ?t )c.) If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. BUSH, ROED & HITCHIPI ', INC. r� �V1 ISdwIU1 /� Civil Engineers/Land Sur is L� � CIF uQw I 2009 Minor Avenue E. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98102 DATE �� JOB NO w(� I /'� /s%Jw (206) 323-4144 FAX 323-7135 ATTENTION teeter TO L.I D t ee0 o 1)144 1 RE. I Ile # i Y r- 8 Zoo Mill 41.e. so. .6.4.,SULtrvt) Re /oi , w14 98655 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ❑ Under separate cover via 1454 Mall the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION lead, 1--z9-1 z re rDIf pri47ids shochi% revised l-epis PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 1 1991 HECciVED THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment CI ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO _ri ()soil D `r /� SIGNED: dal/ wz.azts le, v - PRDDUCT240-3 /n e/Inc.Dmmn,Mass.01471 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. • oir E ENviRoNmENTAL ii DECLARATION ECF;SA-112-89 APPLICATION NO. PROPOSED ACTION BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRUCE BLUME • The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. • GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS The property is located at 601 Monster Road. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ( E.R.C. ] HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION CDOES XDOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT flWILL XWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 20, 1990 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION cmy I:RUC E 1'1AR O 21990 1I ' 1 . &COMPANY REO Et-V V March 2, 1990 Lenora Blauman City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Wa. 98055 Hand-Delivered Re: Renton Property Dear Lenora: The purpose of this letter is to confirm the uses which will occupy the large building at 601 Monster Road in Renton. The building will be occupied by two (2) major companies. First, Sid Eland Corporation, which will own the property effective April 30, will occupy approximately 157 , 000 square feet of warehouse space. Sid Eland is a beverage distribution business which will not be storing any beverages or liquor with an alcohol content of more than 20%. Second, Container Corporation of America, will occupy approximately 50, 000 square feet with the possibility of up to 60, 000 square feet with subsequent reduction of Sid Eland by 10, 000 square feet. Container Corporation of America will be storing broken down cardboard boxes (i.e. McDonald' s Happy Mcal, Nords trans) . Should you have any questions, please call me or Jim Garrison. Ve y ly yours, e . Blume 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 BRUCE BLUME &COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS February 26, 1990 9 y� KA�FJ��3 NG. MOON Lenora Blauman CIRRENTON Senior Planner FEB a i op c/o City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, Wa. 98055 is?. , "k,,1; � Dear Lenora: • Per our phone conversation today, attached is the copy of our traffic study which you requested. Sincerely, Ji Garriso 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 066 7- '.r-.rian-sq 83- NNNNMNNNINMNNNNNNNAINNNNNNIXINNNNNNNWNXN.NNNNNNIINN NNNNNN I NNNIIIIMM1 NI NNNNNNNNNNINWNNNNNNNNNNN11144 N9NNNMNMHINNINNNNNNN!HNNiNRIN1iNNNiff.yi • -' LI?IO br.3 MCP L.LINZMW as?' 0=r02Id INTVra-PATo 1U.WI2 '7El" man 23 El- mowntmumnsimm111pA1imainIp10111WIN11111iR11meimummrot111p11orniwomemmemmitumuMWn01NM41 nramila tneun1unwa1111t10g1O1M1�E1111111t1111lltIN1mminaternonnurnmu111Y0orn. rtmenu11tlImtmo I1NOX11M1eOO11O111pIM1 NNIINNNNNNIINNNNNNNdXffiPNN111HMN11NNNNNININNNIN�IINH}IitINHIMNiNHiNMIPNMINIIXN pNNMNNNNXXNNNiMN11 NHINNipNNN14NINNNINN}fNHNNNNINNNNiINNINNNINII{NIN!gpNN1NNNN!NHIN1 ..TOGrB cTJ'J'Er..t1 / - z CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Scope of the Report 1 Project Description 1 Existing Land Use 3 Existing Transportation Facilities 3 Transit Service 4 Planned Transportation Improvements 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes 5 Existing Level of Service 5 Background Level of Service 9 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 14 Site Generated Trips 14 Trip Distribution/Assignment 15 Total Volumes With Proposed Project 19 Level of Service With Project 19 Signal Warrant Analysis 19 CONCLUSIONS 21 REFERENCES 22 FIGUF4ES 1 . Vicinity Map 2 2 . Existing Volumes 6 3 . Background Volumes 13 4 . Site-Generated Traffic 18 5 . Total Traffic With Site 20 TABLES 1 . Level of Service Definitions (Signalized Intersections) . . . 7 2 . Level of Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections . . . . 8 3 . General Level of Service Descriptions 10 for Unsignalized Intersections 4 . Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections 11 5 . Estimated Trip Generation, Bruce Blume & Company, 16 Proposed renton Site j 4 r -. INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to describe the traffic related impacts of constructing a distribution facility for Bruce Blume & Company on Oakesdale Avenue, S.W. in the City of Renton. Figure 1 shows the location of the site for proposed development . Specific traffic related issues discussed in this report include: o Existing land use and traffic conditions in the project study area o Estimates of trip generation, distribution, and assignment for the proposed development o The impact of the proposed site development on traffic operations at key intersections and site driveways PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bruce Blume & Company is proposing to build a new distribution facility in northwest Renton on a vacant site on the south side of Oakesdale Avenue, S.W. The proposed development will consist of two buildings with a total of approximately 267 ,400 square feet of floor space. Building A, located adjacent to Oakesdale Avenue S .W. will have approximately 218, 300 square feet of floor space, including 16, 000 square feet of general office space. Building B is located at the back of the site and will contain 49, 100 square feet of distribution floor space. A total of 251 , 400 square feet will be used for the distribution activities . All of the office space in Building A and approximately 152, 300 square feet of distribution space in Building A will be used by a single user that intends to consolidate its current activities at other sites into the proposed site. The remaining 50, 000 square feet of distribution floor space in Building A will be used as a ' storage facility by a nearby organization. The floor space in Building B will be occupied by atenant that is assumed to have ' operating characteristics similar' to the distribution activities in Building A. The current site plan calls for three site access driveways, all from Oakesdale Avenue S.W. The center driveway would serve the majority of truck movements to/from the site, while the easternmost driveway would provide access for, the general office space. The eastern driveway will also serve as a truck access to Building B, which will include 49, 100 square feet of floor space. The western driveway will provide supplemental access for truck trips generated by Building A activities . 1, �6'41 A 1 f tv, /A. .y(9 i y 4 h ibc.' 9� c 13111� 6�4*, ,y 7......, ..... .. ft° . 31 I $ 0 I a N �y t % 1 t� s. 3 Th 0 N •� to IA Z a LIND IA y �E :,,, ,,.A.eamit.PE r o 0 v\ EXISTING LAND USE Much of the land in the site vicinity is vacant . Adjacent to the proposed site, just to the east , is the Container Corporation of America facility, which includes general offices and light industrial uses . Just to the west of the proposed site is an existing gravel/concrete recycling operation. South and east of the site is Metro' s Renton Wastewater Treatment Plant . EXISTING TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Direct access to the proposed site is provided by Oakesdale Avenue S.W. , which becomes 68th Avenue South and connects with Martin Luther King Way South approximately 0 . 7 miles northwest of the site. East of the site Oakesdale Avenue extends to an intersection with S . W. Grady Way, then passes under Interstate 405 with a temporary termination at S .W. 16th Street . Southwest 7th Street intersects with Oakesdale avenue approximately 0 . 5 miles east of the proposed site. Access to Interstate 5 and to Interstate 405 is via Oakesdale Avenue and Grady Way to the south and east of the site . Access to Interstate 5 , north, is also found via Martin Luther King Way to the north and west of the site. Following is a brief description of key access facilities for the proposed site. o Oakesdale Avenue S . W. Beginning at S .W. 16th Street , Oakesdale Avenue is a five-lane facility, with two lanes in each direction, plus a center lane that is used for left turns or as a center median. The cross-section includes curbs and gutters . This section extends north and west , with signalized intersections at S .W. Grady Way and S .W 7th Street . Sidewalks are on both sides between Grady Way and S . W. 7th Street . North of S.W. 7th Street there is a sidewalk on the north/east side only, and south of Grady Way, there are no sidewalks . The five lane section ends approximately at the east boundary of the proposed site. At this point, Oakesdale Avenue narrows to a two-lane facility, with open ditch drainage, and no sidewalks. Oakesdale Avenue becomes 68th Avenue, South, crosses the Burlington-Northern Railroad, via an overpass , and extends in a northerly direction to the intersection of Martin Luther King Way, South. Traffic on 68th Avenue South is controlled by a stop sign at this intersection . o S .W. Grady Way: Between Interurban Avenue and Rainier Avenue South, Grady Way is a four- to five-lane facility with two lanes in each direction and a left-turn lane. The cross-section generally consists of curbs , gutters , and sidewalks ; however, west of Oakesdale Avenue, there 3 is a sidewalk on the north side only. In addition to the traffic signal at Oakesdale Avenue, there are also traffic signals at the intersections with Interurban Avenue, Powell Avenue, Lind Avenue, and Rainier Avenue, South. Access to Interstate 405 is available from Grady Way both at Interurban Avenue and Rainier Avenue, South. o Martin Luther King Way, South: This facility becomes Sunset Boulevard in the' City of Renton. West of 68th Avenue it consists of a four-lane roadway, with two lanes • in each direction, and it has open ditch drainage, with no sidewalks . At its intersection with 68th Avenue, South (Oakesdale Avenue extension) , there is no left-turn lane for westbound traffic. Even though the demand for this movement is low, vehicles attempting to turn are exposed to rear-end accidents when stopped in the left lane . The above cross section continues east to Stevens Avenue. At Stevens Avenue, the section widens to allow for left turn lanes , and includes curbs , gutters , and sidewalks . There are traffic signals at Rainier Avenue, Hardie Avenue, and at Stevens Avenue. There is also a traffic signal at South 129th Street . The speed limit outside the City of Renton is 50 mph. o S .W. 7th Avenue: East of its intersection with Oakesdale Avenue, this facility provides a four- to five-lane roadway, with curbs , gutters , and sidewalks . It extends east to Rainier Avenue, where there is a traffic signal . There is also a traffic signal at Hardie Avenue. TRANSIT SERVICE There is no existing transit service on Oakesdale Avenue, adjacent to the site . The nearest transit services are on Martin Luther King Way and Grady Way. PLANNED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS Conversations with the City of Renton indicate that there are plans to extend the five-lane section on Oakesdale Avenue from its present terminus near the proposed site northwesterly to the intersection of 68th Avenue and Martin Luther King Way, generally along the existing 68th Avenue alignment . There are no detailed plans for this improvement . It is potentially implementable within the next 5 to 10 years . It is also understood that traffic signal warrants are met at the intersection of 68th Avenue and Martin Luther King Way, and that a traffic signal will be installed at that location when funding becomes available. 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS PEAK-HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Consultations with City of Renton staff resulted in collection of a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic volumes at two intersections in the site vicinity: Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way and 68th Avenue/Martin Luther King Way. Manual turning movement counts were conducted by Kittelson & Associates at these two locations between 7 : 00 and 9: 00 a.m. and between 4: 00 and 6: 00 P.M. on a typical weekday. The peak hours at both locations were the same, 7: 00 to 8: 00 a.m. and 4 : 00 to 5: 00 p.m. Figure 2 shows the peak hour turning volumes at these two locations . EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE Level of Service (LOS) is a concept developed to quantify the degree of comfort ( including such elements as travel time, number of stops , total amount of stopped delay, and impediments caused by other vehicles) afforded to drivers as they travel through an intersection or roadway segment . Recent research has determined that average stopped delay per vehicle is the best available measure of the LOS at a signalized intersection. As defined within the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (Reference 1 ) , six grades are used to denote the various LOS ; these six grades are described qualitatively for signalized intersections in Table 1 . Additionally, Table 2 identifies the relationship between level of service and average stopped delay per vehicle. Using this definition , a "D" LOS is generally considered to represent the minimum acceptable design standard. For signalized intersections , LOS defines the quality of the traffic flow, but does not necessarily describe the overall design adequacy of the intersection to accommodate the traffic volumes being analyzed. As an example, a good LOS can be achieved even when the volume/capacity ratio for the intersection exceeds 1 . 0 . Similarly, there are conditions under which a poor LOS is achieved even though the volume/capacity ratio for the intersection is well below 1 . 0 . Therefore, all signalized intersection evaluations contained in this report provide both the calculated LOS and the calculated volume/capacity ratio for each intersection. Thus , the reader is provided with a complete description of the expected operating conditions for each intersection that is analyzed. The calculation of LOS at an unsignalized intersection requires a different approach. The 1985 Highway Capacity Manual includes a methodology for calculating the LOS at two-way stop-controlled intersections . For these unsignalized intersections , LOS is defined differently than for signalized intersections in that it is based upon the concept of "Reserve Capacity" ( i . e. , that portion 5 t • O CG yr W anl'] 4�- IL Rh Z a s \ VT „4 ZI %\ N N 3.V / . .� o ` gym (cf) ...-- N • (4/ . ¢ ii-- 468 hI 4 4`ife ,._?. v 9 6 ' ‘/0%° Oi l'°'S Ogif) 14 * VI ' .e_____ _S '1r / . 3S9//49 _ R. ,1. IPEAI< Nova — F/ G u I E E_ . IF Pl. 17e4 14 14002 . _ ZX/ s. T/e/G V 0 L. (J/11 d'S b , TABLF} 1 LEVEL OF SERVICjjE DEFINITIONS (SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS) Level of Service Traffic Flow Characteristics A Very low average stopped delay, less than five seconds per vehicle. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most vehicles do not stop at all . Short cycle lengths may also contribute to low delay. B Average stop delay is in the range of 5 . 1 to 15 . 0 seconds per vehicle. This generally occurs with good progression and/or short cycle lengths . More vehicles stop than for LOS A, causing ' higher levels of average delay. C Average stopped delay is in the range of 15 . 1 to 25 . 0 seconds per vehicle. These higher delays may result from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths . Individual cycle failures may begin to appear in this level . The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level , although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. D Average stopped delays are in the range of 25 . 1 to 40. 0 seconds per vehicle. The influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression , long cycle length, or high volume/capacity ratios . Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines . Individual cycle failures are noticeable. E Average stopped delays are in the range of 40 . 1 to 60 . 0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths , and high volume/capacity ratios . Individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences . F Average stop delay is in excess of 60 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be unacceptable to most drivers . This condition often occurs with oversaturation. It may also occur at high volume/capacity ratios below 1 . 00 with many individual cycle failures . Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such high delay levels . Note: A signal cycle failure is considered to occur when one or more vehicles are forced to wait through more than one green signal indication for a particular approach. 7 TABLE 2 LEVEL-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Stopped Delay Per Level of Service Vehicle (Sec) A <= 5 . 0 B 5. 1 to 15 . 0 C 15 . 1 to 25 . 0 D 25 . 1 to 40. 0 E 40 . 0 to 60 . 0 F > 60. 0 8 of available hourly capacity that is not used) . A qualitative description of the various service levels associated with an unsignalized intersection is presented in Table 3. A quantitative definition of LOS for an unsignalized intersection is presented in Table 4. The reserve capacity concept applies only to an individual traffic movement or to shared lane movements . Once the capacity of all the individual movements has been calculated and their LOS and expected delays determined, an overall evaluation of the intersection can be made. Normally, the movement having the worst LOS defines the overall evaluation, but this may be tempered by engineering judgement . An "E" LOS is generally considered to represent the minimum acceptable design standard;. Past experience with the unsignalized analysis procedure indicates this methodology is very conservative in that it tends to overestimate the magnitude of any potential problems that might exist . This is especially true for minor street left turn movements . Therefore, the results of any unsignalized intersection analysis should be reviewed with this thought in mind. The results of the existing LOS calculations at the two key intersections considered in this study indicate the following.: o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way - a.m. peak : Delay = 26 . 5 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 698 Level of Service = D - p.m. peak: Delay = 32 . 2 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 751 Level of Service = D o Martin Luther Kinx way/68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 5 Level of Service = E - p.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = —75 Level of Service = F At the signalized intersection of Oakesdale Avenue and Grady Way, the existing LOS is at the D level in both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours . LOS D is generally considered to be acceptable for peak hour operations in urban areas . BACKGROUND LEVEL OF SERVICE Traffic volumes in the site vicinity are constantly increasing due to increased development in the area and due to more trips being made by individuals residing in the region . Since the proposed facility will not be completed and occupied until the Fall of 1990 , estimates of traffic growth between the present time and the time of occupancy have been considered. Experience by the City of Renton indicates that this type of traffic growth has been averaging approximately 3 percent per year. Thus , the traffic volumes shown 9 • TABLE 3 GENERAL LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS FOR UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS LOS General Description A - Nearly all drivers find freedom of operation - Very seldom is there more than one vehicle in the queue B - Some drivers begin to consider the delay an inconvenience - Occasionally there is more than one vehicle in the queue C - Many times there is more than one vehicle in the queue - Most drivers feel restricted, but not objectionably so D - Often there is more than one vehicle in the queue Drivers feel quite restricted E - Represents a condition in which the demand is near or equal to the probable maximum number of vehicles that can be accommodated by the movement - There is almost always more than one vehicle in the queue - Drivers find the delays to be approaching intolerable levels F - Forced flow - Represents an intersection failure condition that is caused by geometric and/or operational constraints external to the intersection 10 TABLE 4 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA for UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Reserve Capacity. Level of Expected Delay to (pcph) Service Minor Street Traffic >400 A Little or no delay 300-399 B Short traffic delays 200-299 C Average traffic delays 100-199 D Long traffic delays 0- 99 E Very long traffic delays * F * When demand volume exceeds the capacity of the lane, extreme delays will be encountered with queuing which may cause severe congestion affecting other traffic movements in the intersection . This condition usually warrants improvement to the intersection. • 11 in Figure 2 , for existing conditions have been increased by 2 percent to account for traffic growth from now until the time of occupancy of the proposed site (8 months ) . The resulting traffic volumes at the two key intersections under consideration are shown in Figure 3 . LOS was re-calculated based on these background traffic volumes . The results of the analysis are shown below. o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way - a.m. peak: Delay = 27 . 0 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 712 Level of Service = D - p.m. peak: Delay = 33 . 1 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 767 Level of Service = D • o Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 4 Level of service = E p.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = -77 Level of Service = F 12 G3/vn -7oA . c .;an6/� /— 'vn0ty PJfrPa •A/ 'b' 61//65s ;, 1/0 • h 4 0 ,C) '0 CI q� c i\qi)/(4 7-- Ai • z. X q °2/7(7) co . cT ,,, .("3> IN / 0 CI �� k _ . ('4 gdfjr.7, 2, hretov ... ..... 0 .4,7i,oz,s, CA -t. • . z 'r c7-7-i,ob. 6ea E: iA o O V\ TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Morning and evening peak-hour trips , as well as daily trips , generated by the proposed development were analyzed as follows : o The total number of future daily, morning peak hour, and evening peak hour trips both in and out of the proposed site were estimated for complete buildout of the site. o Background a.m. and p.m. peak hour volumes were estimated for the two key intersections for the time of anticipated occupancy of the site in the Fall of 1990. o Site-generated traffic predicted for weekday morning and evening peak hours were assigned to the road network serving the site and added to the background traffic volumes . o The movement of traffic to and from the Container Corporation of America facility, adjacent to the proposed site, was examined to obtain an estimate of trip distribution patterns within the study area. o Traffic demands at each of the two key intersections were analyzed to identify capacity or level of service deficiencies under assumed conditions after site occupancy in the Fall of 1990 . SITE GENERATED TRIPS Estimates of total daily, a.m. peak hour, and p.m. peak hour driveway volumes for the proposed facility were developed based on empirical observations at similar distribution facilities located throughout the United States . These empirical observations are summarized in a standard reference manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (Reference 2) . Since a large part of the proposed site will be occupied by the consolidation of identical existing operations at other sites , it was possible to measure some aspects of trip generation at these facilities in order to verify the published rates . Interviews with operators of existing operations to be moved to the proposed sites were made. The interviews indicated that the primary site user has 35 company vehicles that are used to distribute goods from the warehouse to various outlets in the Seattle area. Generally, these vehicles are loaded at night and are ready to be dispatched early each morning. Records indicate that , on the average, about 80 percent of these vehicles make one round trip ' to/from the warehouse each weekday. Company records also show the number of truck arrivals each day during 1989 to the warehouses to deliver large loads of goods . From this information, an estimate of daily truck travel to/from the proposed site was made. To verify the truck travel data from company records, field observations were made at existing operations . The truck trip ' generation estimate made from records indicated a range of total is } truck trips between 70 and 86 daily trips . Field observations between the hours of 7 : 00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m. resulted in a total of 86 total truck trips , which verifies the upper end of the estimate made from company records . Because all of the existing sites dp not include employee parking on- site, it was not possible to make accurate field observations to verify employee and visitor trips to these sites . However, estimates of trip generation for general offices should provide a reasonably accurate estimate of these trips . In addition, Kittelson and Associates previously performed field studies of a site with similar operations to the one currently under consideration, and found that estimates based on employees in a general office matched observed values for the p.m. peak hour (Reference 3) . The Institute of Transportation Engineers ( ITE) trip generation rates include a choice of alternative development parameters . In the case of a distribution (warehousing) facility, the alternative rates included are: trips per square foot of floor area, trips per employee, and trips per acre. When specific plans are available, the selection of either floor space or employees is usually made. Calculations of trip generation for the proposed site were made using both the ITE floor space and employee trip generation rates . The results of these calculations were compared with field data collected at the existing sites of operations to be moved to the proposed site. This comparison indicates that trip generation based on floor space results in trip generation totals much higher than those observed for the existing operations . Trip generation based on employees is much closer to observed results . Since detailed information is available for the movement of trucks to and from the existing sites , this data was combined with trip generation rates for offices , based on the number of employees , to arrive at a realistic estimate of trip generation for the proposed facility. The resulting trip generation estimate is summarized in Table 5 , along with trip generation estimates based on ITE trip generation rates for floor space and employees . TRIP DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT The distribution of site-generated trips for the proposed facility onto the roadway system serving the site was estimated through an examination of the movement of traffic to and from the adjacent site occupied by the Container Corporation of America. As a result of this review, it is estimated that 85 percent of the site-generated trips will-- use Oakesdale Avenue to the south and east and the remaining percent of site-generated traffic will use 68th Avenue for site access . The site-generated trips were assigned to the two key intersections based on this trip distribution pattern. The site-generated trips were further assigned to these intersections , based on existing turning movement ratios at the two intersections . Site-generated trips are shown on Figure 4. 15 TABLE 5 ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY PROPOSED RENTON SITE ASSUMPTIONS : Building A: Total Square Footage - 218, 300 Office Square Footage - 16, 000 Warehouse Square Footage - 202 , 300 Total Employees - 120 Drivers - 45 Office Employees - 25 Warehouse Employees - 7 Outside Sales - 43 Future work stations - 8 Building B : Total Square Footage - 49, 100 Office Square Footage - 0 Warehouse Square Footage - 49, 100 Total Employees - 17* Drivers - 15* Office Employees - 0 Warehouse Employees - 2* Outside Sales - 0 * Estimate based on Building A. TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES : Based on Square Footage: Building A : Office: 347 trips per day, a.m. 42 , p.m. 44 Warehouse: 1 , 045 trips per day, a. m. 115 , p.m. 150 Total : 1 , 392 trips per day, a. m. 157, p. m. 194 Building B : Warehouse: 240 trips per day, a.m. 28, p. m. 36 Total , Buildings A & B : 1 , 579 trips per day, a.m. 185 , p.m. 230 Based on Employees : Building A: Office: 211 trips per day, a.m. 23 , p.m. 22 Warehouse: 292 trips per day, a.m. 26, p.m. 31 Total : 413 trips per day, . a.m. 49, p.m. 53 Building B : Warehouse: 66 trips per day, a.m. 9, p.m. 10 Total , Buildings A & B : 479 per day, a. m. 58, p .m. 63 16 TABLE 5 (CONTINUED) ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY PROPOSED RENTON SITE Based on Combination Truck/Employees : Building A: Truck Trips : Container Corp. of America ( 1) 2 Large Trucks 22 Delivery Vans 64 Total Truck Trips (Daily) 88 Total Truck Trips (a.m. ) 15 Total Truck Trips (p.m. ) 6 Employee Trips: (2) 416 per day, a.m. 50 , p.m. 48 Total trips : 502 per day, a. m. 65 , p.m. 54 Building B : Truck Trips : Large & Delivery (Daily) 28 Truck Trips : Large & Delivery (a. m. ) 5 Truck Trips : Large & Delivery (p.m. ) 2 Employee Trips : (3) 66 per day, a.m. 9, p. m. 10 Total Trips : 94 per day, a.m. 14 , p.m. 12 Total , Buildings A & B : 596 per day, a. m. 79, p.m. 66 (4) ( 1) Estimated truck activity to serve the 50 , 000 square feet of floor space in Building A that is to be used for storage only. (2) Includes office workers , warehouse workers , drivers , outside sales , and visitors . (3) Includes warehouse workers and drivers . (4) This estimate of trip generation was used for the following traffic impact analysis. Note: Above calculations assume that only 25% of outside sales staff comes to the office each * day (current operation) . 17 O . J co V. aril k--- Z a ,9 � ,if -4 5/3.4- -- Cl 3 3 04 . '‘3:). /////27—Av , 1 t ir ` N 0 � a o i fr. l _. ,‹ ......1 \ icg sz) .....__ _).. kl 20_ ,k -vilk 141.061 A Op VJ I ,� 14 c o / . _. R. '11. PEA1-‹ Novi _ . F/ GuR6 Pn. PE414 14ov2 _ S/7E- Gea6g4re9 TAF-/G TOTAL VOLUMES WITH PROPOSED PROJECT To evaluate the impacts of the additional site-generated traffic on the two key intersections , the site-generated trips were added to the background volumes shown in Figure 3 to arrive at total estimated traffic volumes at these two locations following site occupancy in the Fall of 1990. These volumes are shown on Figure 5. LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT A level of service analysis using total estimated traffic volumes was made for the two key intersections under consideration. Following is a summary of this analysis for the two key intersections . o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way - a.m. peak: Delay = 27. 3 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 738 Level of Service = D - p.m. peak : Delay = 33 . 4 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 786 Level of Service - D o Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 1 Level of Service = E - p.m. peak : Reserve Capacity = -83 Level of Service = F SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS Conversations with Renton City staff have given . the understanding that a traffic signal is currently warranted at the intersection of • 68th Avenue South and Martin. Luther King Way South. The results of a.m. and p.m. peak hour turning movement counts made for this study confirm that signal warrants are met based on the peak hour volume warrant described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Reference 4) are met during the p.m. peak hour. During the p.m. peak hour, 2106 vehicles approached the intersection on Martin Luther King Way (both directions) and 138 vehicles approached the intersection on 68th Avenue. The peak hour volume warrant is met when at least 1800 and 100 vehicles approach an intersection with geometries like the one under consideration. la .` 1 VN 0 J C'+ \S\ 3,ali) .49/ ?— wit/ ti t • 1 *s- W cull H 8 iS Z. vl a s N 1 CO4 45/55 3aZ / Ii‘ 3• 3rV22 Je• !ay\ zz9 N /14 /„.,..,..... 2/ q • ems- A t t a ,6,!,,ir �. ___.' �,- -.4- �\Je-� V 9 el 'Vl @ /4 edi 'Ir''' - ---. .S ' b i ._ i 1:1. /1. PE4K 11ova F/GUg 5 P /'?. 17E414 f-covlZ iy • CONCLUSIONS Based on the traffic impact analysis described in this report , it is concluded that the roadway system within the study area can accommodate the additional traffic volumes resulting from the distribution functions envisioned for the proposed site. The peak hour traffic volumes expected to be generated by the proposed site have very little impact on the key intersections analyzed in this study. A traffic signal appears to be warranted at the intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Avenue, with or without the proposed project . Following installation of the signal , all of the proposed site access drives and nearby key intersections evaluated are expected to operate within acceptable service levels upon occupancy of the site in accordance with the proposed development plan. 21 ti REFERENCES 1 . Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report No. 209, 1985 . 2 . Institute of Transportation Engineers , Trip Generation Manual, Fourth Edition, 1988. 3. Kittelson & Associates , Inc. , Traffic Report, Alaska Distributors Company, Proposed Renton Facility, 1989. 4. U. S . Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 1988. 22 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: February 26, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Community Development Department FROM: Clinton E. Morgan, Transportation Systems Engineer C�"// SUBJECT: Blume Distribution Facility SA-112-89/601 Monster Road SW Traffic Report by Rittelson & Associates Attached, please find a revised cost estimate for Item 1 of the Development Application Review which is enclosed for your convenience. The major changes are in the building square footage and trip rate for the office space. A copy of the TRAFFIC REPORT should be forwarded to King County to allow any comments they may have regarding the intersection of Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue. The intersection operates at E level in the AM peak and F level in the PM peak with a reserve capacity of 83 . The intersection does meet a traffic signal warrant. If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know. CEM:ps Attachments CC: John R. Ralston Customer Service CEM298 w , 0 Blume, Distribution Facility SA-112-89 Revised 2-26-90 1. Proposed development is located in the Grady Way Corridor Transportation Benefit Zone. Therefore, there is a transportation impact assessment fee as follows: BUILDING A o Warehouse space - 202, 300 Trip rate 4.882/1 per sq. ft. Cost per trip: $185. 00 202, 300 X 4 . 882/1000 = $987. 63 ' ::987. 63 trips X $185. 00 = $ 182 ,711. 29 o Office space - 16, 000 sq. ft. * Trip rate 11.404 (Office park) Cost per trip: $152 . 00 * Note: ITE office general suggest using office park when you have mixed use facility 16, 000 X 11.404/1000 = $182 .46 182 .46 trips X $152 . 00 = $ 27, 734 .53 TOTAL FEE BUILDING A: $ 210, 445. 82 BUILDING B o Warehouse space - 49, 100 sq. ft. Trip rate $4 . 882/1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip: $185. 00 49, 100 sq. ft. X 4.882/1000 - $239 . 71 trips ,239.71 trips X $185. 00 = $ 44, 345/65 SUMMARY FOR ITEM 1: Building A $210,445. 82 Building B $ 44, 345. 65 GRAND TOTAL FOR BLDG. A & B $254,791. 47 Revised Transportation Benefit Zone fee is $254 , 345. 65. CEM:ps CEM298A { I • L RENI. ,a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE'14RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ' ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE > ��-�viE .a'.,..,. ` J itme�v;.Distribu't3:on Facil it n.,,. . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:'The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking_ and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is. vacant .and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use.. LOCATION:. c60'1'=Monste'ra r g< TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 `ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED' HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU D (iansportation � DPOLICE DEPARTMENT 2 2 M2J LS�L50 V LSD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION DEC 11 4 1989 PLANNING DIVISION I SHORT RANGE 4 • ' LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS' TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED • More information needed per attachment. al d ae 9 e el,is. �-- I ivD .� � I • • • • (4111 020 DATE ;719 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZE REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 1 Blume Distribution Facility ' SA-112-89 601 Monster Road SW 1. The proposed development is located in the Grady Way Corridor Transportation Benefit Zone. Therefore there is a transportation impact assessment fee as follows: Building A a) Warehouse space - 269,000 sq. ft. Trip rate 4.882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185.00 269, 000 X 4.882/1000 = 1313.26 trips 1313 .26 trips X $ 185. 00/tr $ 242 , 953 . 10 b) Office space - 18, 000 sq. ft.I^ Trip rate 22.77 trips pdr �0.00 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 152.00 �/ 18, 000 X 22 .77/1000 - 09.93 trips 409. 93 trips X $ 1 00/trip = $ 62 , 309. 36 $ 242 ,953 . 10. + , 309. 36 = 305 262 6 4.al f(e� �r Bldg. A v 6 Building B Warehouse s - 49 sq. ft. Trip ra 4.882 rips per 1000 sq.. ft. Cost pe t $ 18�. 0 4 , 1 0 X 4. 8 /1000 = 239.71 trips 239.71 trip .X $ 185. 00/trip = $ 44 , 345.65 $ 44 , 345.65 Total fee for Bldg. B Summary for Item 1: Building A $305,262.46 Building B $ 44,345. 65 Grand Total Bldg. A & B $349, 608. 11 2 . Truck hauling hours restricted during AM and PM peak hours: a) AM peak hour 7 to 8:30 AM b) PM peak hour 3 :30 to 6 PM 3 . Bonding for street cleaning required. Recommend $ 5, 000. 00 minimum amount. (Estimated minimum truck trips for fill only 9,900 trips) . 4. Traffic impact study required per transportation systems guideline. Guidelines are available in the City's Traffic Engineering office. 5. Curb, gutters and sidewalk plans required. In addition, street improvement plans on Oakesdale Ave SW for off-site improvement. 6. Provide street lighting plans to City standards for Oakesdale Ave SW as part of off-site improvements. Street light plans to extend the length of property frontage to Oakesdale Ave SW. 7. Developer required to initiate undergrounding of the overhead electrical and communication conductors (power & telephone) abutting to Oakesdale Ave SW property frontage (also called main distribution system for power & telephone) . 8 . Proper sight distances for all driveways must be confirmed by a licensed engineer. Must meet AASHTD standards Driveway width 30 feet passenger vehicle usage Driveway width 40 feet large truck usage 9. Throat of driveway to be designed for high volume of traffic entering and exiting. Driveway designed to meet ITE standards. Detailed driveway drawing required showing throat distances, curb radius and proposed turning lanes from Oakesdale Ave SW. Note: Oakesdale Ave SW will be relatively high speed and high volume when fully developed. This should be considered when designing driveways. 10. Developer to establish a commuter information center for transit service, ride match service, and van pools. BUSH, ROED&HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle.WashIngton 98102 Area 206/323-4144 Fax 206/323-7135 February 9, 1990 Mr. Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning Division City of Renton Planning Department 200 South Mill Street Renton, WA 98055 Re: Blume Distribution Facility (Container Corporation of America) Dear Mr. Erickson: Enclosed are legal descriptions and a map for a proposed segregation of the above site into four parcels. All parcels will contain no less than five acres each. Please review the material at your earliest convenience and furnish us with a letter indicating that the proposed segregation does not violate the present subdivision ordinance of the City of Renton. We will need to furnish a copy of the letter to the County Assessor. Sincerely, Arthur L. Hitchings ALH/cd Enclosures cc: Mr. Jim Garrison, Bruce Blume & Company CIVIL ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS _ TOTAL PARCEL: .De"ED DESc,eipr/oAi AssE�scuz? 7;4)4 LOT 8 BEGINNING AT IRON BOLT MARKING THE CENTER OF SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 0°03'30" WEST, 2622.11 FEET TO QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE SOUTH 89°34 '43" WEST, 1137 . 00 FEET , MORE OR LESS , TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, (NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 1740.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC BELT LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY (NOW CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY) FOR ITS REVISED WYE LINE, 2475.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH BANK OF BLACK RIVER IN SECTION 13, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SOUTH BANK, 85.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO . 8 ; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD, 1450.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; (BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 5 AND 6, SECTION 24 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24, AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 5 AND 6, IN SECTION 13 AND OF THE BED OF LAKE SHOWN ON GOVERNMENT PLAT, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD NO. 8 AND THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY AND CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY); EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF, IF ANY, WITHIN THE BED AND SHORES OF THE BLACK RIVER AS THEY WERE SITUATED WHEN SAID RIVER CEASED TO BE A NAVIGABLE STREAM; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 24 , WHICH IS SOUTH 87°29'26" EAST 1156.77 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 2°30'34" WEST 916.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 53°42'00" EAST., 445 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF MONSTER ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 18°34'04" WEST 31.37 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS NORTH 71°25'56" WEST 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, 128.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°22'04" WEST 121.88 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS SOUTH 42°37'56" EAST 250.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST 91.01 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN NORTH 48°15'O1" WEST 420.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8°59' 17" EAST 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°14' 18" EAST 219.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; \• 3 1990 A -i TOTAL PARCEL CONT D ALSO EXCEPT A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 29°51' WEST 114.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66°21' EAST 153.9 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66°57' EAST TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY 108 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33, RENTON SHORELANDS 2ND SUPPLEMENT, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33, 33 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8 (KNOWN AS MONSTER ROAD); THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, 104 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 74°13' 19" EAST, FROM A POINT WITHIN SAID TRACT OF LAND WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7202010402 AND GRANTED TO KING COUNTY FOR THE P-1 DRAINAGE CHANNEL,. SAID POINT BEING DESCRIBED BY WASHINGTON STATE LAMBERT GRID COORDINATES (NORTH ZONE) N 176, 376.52, E 1, 650, 378.61; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 25°21'49" EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 50.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74°13' 19" WEST 68.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°41'02" WEST 60.83 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 15°46'41" WEST AN ARC DISTANCE OF 108.45 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE , ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 24 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY RENTON, WASHINGTON BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ALH/SURV. 34 ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. • PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN: KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, THENCE NORTH 87°26'48"WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 887.90 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST. AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED UNDER RECORDER'.S NO. 8702100643, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 88°02'28" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 16.02 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 524.90 FEET AND ALONG. SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 194.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°45'53" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 147.08 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 842.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 81.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 65°13'10" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 257.10 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF 72ND AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643 RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 70.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 24°46'50" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 24.57 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 82.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°05'23" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 81.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 449,985 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. //"(`'"4.1 BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY fef0 L HI 1// RENTON, WASHINGTON � • m '' ' w BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 ;4 Ak' / MARCH 22, 1990 ALH/SURV. 34 6 ;`�;a;' ;'•.;,Y i. cyan • BU`; ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1,214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET, AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH O1°24'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 437.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.45 FEET TO. THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY'; THENCE NORTH 28°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.68 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6°57'18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°41'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74°13' 19" EAST 47.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 'FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17°19'04" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAIDSOUTHERLY MARGIN 26.53 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1°22'40" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°22'40" EAST 450.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 450,000 •SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. //// 'r" '" BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �'�� �0. ' f"r44: RENTON, WASHINGTON ���� ' ~ BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 ' GF 1 • MARCH 22, 1990 I. 0 ( ` ALH/BURN. 34 4 • _ 7F±li�ly 7C�n, 2'i`; / . 14,y0 BUS. ., .ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 3: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24., TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24',51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33' 12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4°58' 17" EAST 410=.23 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE 202.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53°39'22" EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 44.5.21 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 310,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. �R H `O W 4' BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY 4� OF _ S;, RENTON, WASHINGTON `" 1% BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 FEBRUARY 7, 1990 $ ALH/SURV. 34 `'%p''"L Li 1';, SjJ;,i'� I" i 1i trti TON "ir='iRr 19;lli • BUS. _ - COED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 4: • THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG- SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33' 12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05' 34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37 ' 17" WEST 105.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.45 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, • MILWAUKEE , ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT—OF—WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250. 37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 58°59'44" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250.58 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER' S NO. 8606190933 , RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 48°12 ' 23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420. 25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9°O1'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58' 17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 612,557 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. orrrr.L HI�.dr BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ff 4`2, ��. , RENTON, WASHINGTON �SS42,,0 �j { BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 ,rcr. ,` MARCH 22, 1990 �� ` ALH/SURV. 34 ys AlLM t?: zi4 >kGN • .• r 10/1V-- Yle641 • START COORDINATE FILE:J89219 LENGTH = 504 POINTS; TIME ON FILE: 12 16 43 BLUME-CONTAINER CORP tint JOB #332 7S47 S-- Ant#tt##t#tt#►t COGO #tt######t### /!J FROM TYPE BEARING DISTANCE TO NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION START 286 -461.34046 1,546.78624 • 286 INV NW 53 39 22 445.21 287 -197,49550 1,188.18091 • 287 INV SW 46 16 56 219.70 290 -349.33165 1,029.39213 290 INV SW 9 01 55 125.00 288 -472;78177 1,009.76899 288 INV SE 48 12 23 420.25 289 -752.85710 1,323.08651 RADIUS PT 258 -863.94748 1,547.46440 DELTA- 57 20 41 R= 250.37 A= 250,58 C= 240.25 T= 136.92 P.C. TO P,T. 289 INV SE 2 19 58 240.26 291 -992.91428 1,332.86547 291 INV NW 66 09 33 57.38 292 -969.72144 1,280:38160 RADIUS PT 259 -23.17329 1,698.66514 DELTA 27 01 59 R= 1034.85 A= 488.26 C= 483.74 T= 248,76 P.C. TO P.T. 292 INV NW 52 38 32 483.74 293 -676,19272 895.87506 RADIUS PT 316. 10,79859 1,740.43936 DELTA 5 11 57 R= 1088.69 A= 98.79 C= 98.76 T= 49.43 P.C. TO P.T. 293 INV NW 36 31 35 98.76 294 -596.83344 837.09599 294 INV NW 33 55 36 776.20 295 47.22054 403.87444 295 INV NW 28 11 33 305.79 302 316.73323 259.40842 RADIUS PT 303 511.24906 622.29295 DELTA 8 00 00 R= 411.73 A= 57.49 C= 57.44 T= 28.79 P,C. TO P.T. 302 INV NW 24 11 33 57.44 301 369.13001 235.86861 301 INV NW 20 11 33 156.01 300 515.55547 182.01630 RADIUS PT 304 696.31690 673.50999 DELTA 45 51 23 R= 523.68 A= 419.12 C= 408.03 T= 221.51 P.C, TO P.T. 300 INV NE 2 44 09 408.03 299 923.11639 201.49158 " RADIUS PT 282 1,586.16114 120.60761 DELTA- 8 49 23 R= 667.96 A= " 102.86 C= 102.76 T= 51.53 P.C. TO P.T. - t: 299 INV NE 78 38 00 102.76 298 943.36905 302,23604 ' ` 298 INV NE 83 41 02 '60.83 297 950.06119 362,69681 :.,. ;,<..., •`', 297 INV NE 74 13 19 47.60 296 963.00419 408.50334 s RADIUS PT 305 1,191.16029 479.64316 P.G. TO P,T.- 296' INV,SE 82 18 53 79.98 "° 952.30834 487,76493 269 INV NE 88 03 09 470.93 968.31230 958.42292 270 INV SE 1 56 51 10.00 271 958.31808 958.76275 271 INV NE BB 03 09 42.55 343 959.76409 1,001.2881E RADIUS PT 325 435.16728 1,019,12624 DELTA 21 1058 R= 524.90 A= 194.06 C= 192.96 T= 98.15 P.C. TO P.T. 343 INV SE 81 21 22 192.96 342 930.76405 1,192.05354 342 INV SE 70 45 53 147.08 341 882,30883 1,330.92261 RADIUS PT 326 86.62533 1,053.28685 DELTA 5 32 43 R= 842.73 A= 81.56 C= 81.53 T= 40,B1 P.C.' TO P.T. - 341 INV SE 67-59 32 81.53 340 851.75653 1,406.51214 340 INV SE 65 13 10 257.10 335 743,99461 1,639.93831 RADIUS PT 336 703.13822 1,621.07683 DELTA 90 00 00 R= 45,00 A= 70.69 C= 63.64 T= 45.00 P.C. TO P.T. 335 INV SE 20 13 10 63.64 337 684,27674 1,661.93322 337 INV SW 24 46 50 24,57 339 661,96915 1,651,63486 RADIUS PT 333 586.52323 1,815.06042 DELTA- 26 12 45 R= 180.00 A= 82.35 C= 81.63 T= 41.91 P.C. TO P.T. 339 INV SW 11 40 27 81.63 338 . 582.02512 1,635.11663 338 INV SE 1 05 23 81.81 283 500.23303 1,636,67240 283, INV SE 1 24 51 601.75 284 -101.33623 1,651.52326 RADIUS PT 257 -107.66599 1,395.12138 DELTA 20 00 00 R= 256.48 A= 89,53 C= 89.07 T= 45.22 P.C. TO P.T. 284 INV SW 8 35 09 89.07 285 -189.41257 1,638.22524 285 INV SW 18 35 09 286.89 286 -461.34046 1,546.78624 AREA 1822542,95 SF 41.839E ACRES • • Mk-CU- • START 346 71.58079 1,006.62780 346 INV NW 1 22 40 887.90 344 959.21967 985.27743 344 INV NE 88 03 09 16.02 343 959.76409 1,001.28818 RADIUS PT 325 435.16728 1,019.12624 DELTA 21 10 58 R= 524.90 A= 194.06 C= 192,96 T= 98.15 P.C. T0,P.T. 343 INV SE 81 21 22 192.96 342 930.76405 .1,192.05354 342 INV SE 70 45 53 147.08 341 882.30883 1,330.92261 RADIUS PT 326 86.62533 1,053,28685 DELTA 5 32 43 R= 842.73 A= 81.56 C= 81.53 T= 40.81 P.C. TO'P.T, 341 INV SE 67 59 32 81.53 340 851.75653 1,406.51214 340 INV SE 65 13 10 257.10 335 743.99461 1,639,93831 RADIUS PT 336 703,13822 1,621.07683 DELTA 90 00 00 R= 45.00 A= 70.69 C= 63.64 T= 45.00 P.C. TO P.T. 335 INV SE 20 13 10 63.64 337 684.27674 1,661.93322 337 INV SW 24 46 50 24.57 339 661.96915 1,651.63486 RADIUS PT 333 586.52323 1,815.06042 DELTA- 26 12 45 R= 180.00 A= 82.35 C= 81,63 T= 41.91 P.C. TO P,T, 339 .INV SW 11 40 27 81.63 338 582.02512 1,635.11663 338 INV SE 1 05 23 81,81 283 500.23303 1,636.67240 283 INV SE 1 24 51 268,00 347 232.31466 1,643.28646 347 INV SW 88 35 09 436.55 348 221.54088 1,206,86943 348 INV SW 2 33 12 115.03 349 106.62509 1,201.74492 349 INY SW 70 05 34 • 95.47 350 74.11607 1,111.97510 350 INV SW 88 37 17 105.38 346 71.58079 1,006.12780 AREA 449985.91 SF 10.3303 ACRES • 4-)e. CEL START 352 509.35417 996.09804 • 352 INV SW Be 03 09 283.04 354 499.73557 713,22622 354 INV SW 54 28 10 490.45 353 214.71520 314,09281 353 INV NW 28 11 33 • 115.75 302 316.73323 259.40842 RADIUS'PT 303 511.24906 - 622.29295 DELTA ; 8 00 00 R= 411.73 A= 57.49 C= 57.44 T= 28.79 P.C. TO P.T. 302 INV NW 24 11 33 57.44 301 369.13001 235.86861 301 INV NW 20 11 33 156.01 300 515:55547 182.01630 RADIUS PT 304 696.31690 673.50999 DELTA . 45 51 23 R= 523.68 A= 419.12 C= 408.03 T= 221.51 P.C. TO P.I. 300 INV NE 2 44 09 '408.03 299 923.11639 201.49158 RADIUS, PT 282 1,586.16114 120.60761 DELTA- 8 49 23 R= 667.96 A= 102.86 C= 102.76 T= 51.53 P.C. T4 P.T. 299 INV NE 78 38 00 102.76 298 943.36905 302.23604 298 INV NE 83 41 02 60.83 297 950.06119 - 362.69681 297 INV NE 74 13 19 47.60 296 963.00419 408.50334 RADIUS' PT 305 1,191.16029 479.64316 DELTA 19 15 55 R= 238.99 A= B0.36 C= 79.98 T= 40.56' P.C. TP P.T. 296 INV SE 82 18 53 79.98 269 952.30834 . 487.76493 • 269 INV NE 88.03 09 470.93 270 968.31230 958.42292 270. INV SE 1 56 51 10.00 271 958.31808 - 958.76275 271 INV NE 88 03 09 26,53 '344 959.21967 985.27743 344 INV SE 1 22 40 450.00 352 509.35417 996.09804 AREA '450002.65 SF 10.3306 ACRES Ir I ` START 346 71.58079 1,006.62780 346 INV NE 88 37 17 105.38 350 74.11607 1,111.97510 350 INV NE 70 05 34 95.47 349 106.62509 1,201.74492 349 INV NE 2 33 12 115.03 348 221.54088 1,206.86943 348 INV NE 88 35 09 436.55 347 232.31466 11,643.28646 347 INV SE 1 24 51 333,75 284 -101.33623 1,651.52326 RADIUS PT 257 -107.66599 1,395.12138 DELTA 1 20 00 00 R= 256.48 A= 89.53 C= 89..07 T= 45.22 P.C. T . P.T. 284 INV SW 8 35 09 89.07 285 -189,41257 1,638.22524 285 INV SW 18 35 09 286.89 286 -461.34046 1,546.78624 286 INV NW 53 39 22 445.21 287 -197.49550 1,188.18091 287 INV SW 46 16 56 202.01 345 -337.10597 1,042.17763 345 INV NW 4 58 17 410,23 346 71.58079 1,006.62780 AREA 309996.90 SF 7.1165 ACRES i START 346 71.58079 1,006.62780 346 INV NW 1 22 40 437.90 352 509.35417 996.09804 352 INV SW 88 03 09 283.04 354 499.73557 713.22622 354 INV SW 54 28 10 490.45 353 214.71520 314.09281 353 INV SE 28 11 33 190,04 295 47.22054 403.87444 295 INV SE 33 55 36 776.20 294 -596.83344 837.09599 RADIUSIPT 316 10,79859 1,740.43936 DELTAH 5 11 57 R= 1088.69 A= 98.79 C= 98.76 T= 49.43 P.C. TO P,T, - 294 INV SE 36 31 35 98.76 293 -676,19272 895.87506 RADIUS'PT 259 -23.17329 1,698,66514 DELTA-1 27 01 59 R= 1034.85 A= 488.26 C= 483.74 T= 248.76 P.C.. TO P.T. 293 INV SE 52 38 32 483.74 292 -969.72144 1,280.38160 292 INV SE 66 09 33 57.38 291 -992.91428 1,332.86547 RADIUS1PT 258 -863.94748 1,547.46440 DELTA 57 20 41 R= 250.37 A= 250.59 C= 240,26 T= 136.92 P.C. T0 P,T, 291 INV NW 2 19 58 . 240.26 289 -752.85710 1,323.08651 289 INV NW 48 12 23 420,25 288 -472.78177 1,009.76899 288 INV NE 9. 01 55 125,00 290 -349,33165 1,029.39213 290 INV NE 46 16 56 17,69 345 -337.10597 1,042.17763 345 INV NW 4 58 17 410.23 346 71.58079 1,006.62780 AREA 612557.46 SF 14.0624 ACRES � 1 f / / BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, I —Yc( o� Engineers/Land Surveyor \ \ V LIEUM OF in' 2009 Minor Avenue East SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98102 • DATE JOB NO. (206) 323-4144 2-09-90 89719-4 ATTENTION Jerry Lind RE: TO City of Renton Planning Blume & Company .,::+i FE3i21990 2 l L L5 L: U WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached 0 Under separate cover via CA/ the following items: ❑ Shop drawings cYPrints 0 Plans 0 Samples ❑ Specifications O Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 letter and legals for distribution to Don Erickson (Parcels 1 through 4, total parcel description) \13 drawing THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval ❑ Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: CD for Art Hitchings PRODUCT 240-3 /A B/Inc,Groton,Mass.01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. BUSH, ROED& HITCHINGS, INc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle,Washington 98102 I FEB i21990 Area 206/323-4144 n Fax 206/323-7135 !Fax I'll l February 9, 1990 Mr. Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning Division City of Renton Planning Department 200 South Mill Street Renton, WA 98055 Re: Blume Distribution Facility (Container Corporation of America) Dear Mr. Erickson: Enclosed are legal descriptions and a map for a proposed segregation of the above site into four parcels. All parcels will contain no less than five acres each. Please review the material at your earliest convenience and furnish us with a letter indicating that the proposed segregation does not violate the present subdivision ordinance of the City of Renton. We will need to furnish a copy of the letter to the County Assessor. Sincerely, L, r Arthur/ . Hutchings . ALH/cd Enclosures cc: Mr. Jim Garrison, Bruce Blume & Company CIVIL ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS I - BU5H, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 4: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33'12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05' 34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37 ' 17" WEST 105. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22°43" WEST 437.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON- TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 66°59'43" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250.59 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 48°12°23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420. 25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9°O1'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°16°56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 612,566 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. L.HI re tp , BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY .0 4 W S i A RENTON, WASHINGTON Q: O lfriA* BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 4� = ,i �` I FEBRUARY 7 1990 EOi a ALH/SURV. 34 -‘41 , - 4- , ,..,44 s' _• slphAl LAND SlD¢ 0, BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. TOTAL PARCEL CONT'D ALSO EXCEPT A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 29°51' WEST 114.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66°21' EAST 153.9 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66°57' EAST TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY 108 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33, RENTON SHORELANDS 2ND SUPPLEMENT, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33, 33 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8 (KNOWN AS MONSTER ROAD); THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, 104 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 74°13'19" EAST, FROM A POINT WITHIN SAID TRACT OF LAND WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7202010402 AND GRANTED TO KING COUNTY FOR THE P-1 DRAINAGE CHANNEL, SAID POINT BEING DESCRIBED BY WASHINGTON STATE LAMBERT GRID COORDINATES (NORTH ZONE) N 176, 376.52, E 1, 650, 378.61; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 25°21'49" EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 50.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74°13'19" WEST 68.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°41'02" WEST 60.83 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 15°46'41" WEST AN ARC DISTANCE OF 108.45 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 24 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY RENTON, WASHINGTON BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ALH/SURV. 34 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22'43" WEST 887.90 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 88°02'28" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 16.02 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 524.90 FEET AND ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 194.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°46'34" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 147.08 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 842.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 81.46 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 65°13'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 259.10 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF 72ND AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643 RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 70.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 24°46'09" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 24.57 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 82.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°20'37" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 81.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 317,772 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. . HiT�/f�,,;�� BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �. OFiV1V'� RENTON, WASHINGTON lot., A BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 P. ''�' ' o FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ,, z > ALH/SURV. 34 el J Pi' '0 ) 41F �F'48TER�0�'a�? ��w LAt+9 5�111 A� I - BUE ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1,214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ARC OF 31°04'57", AN ARC LENGTH 139. 14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH O1°24 ' 51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22°43" WEST 437.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTH 28°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.68 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6°57' 18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°41'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74°13'19" EAST 47.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17°19'04" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 26.53 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1°22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°22'43" EAST 450.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 450,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 60\O L Hire, ..; • BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY f.tS-4,0V ' ; RENTON, WASHINGTON BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 o_ y FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ,J , ALH/SURV. 34 - a BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 3: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4°58'17" EAST 410.23 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST. ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE 202.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53°39'22" EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 445.21 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 310,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 0 ' N) HI To 4' , BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY 6; � W S,y RENTON, WASHINGTON A. 4M.1; BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 ' 1 c FEBRUARY 7, 1990 ALH/SURV. 34 s��Qr 5�;.♦t�9 • • , BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INc. TOTAL PARCEL: BEGINNING AT IRON BOLT MARKING THE CENTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 0°03'30" WEST, 2622. 11 FEET TO QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE SOUTH 89°34 '43" WEST, 1137.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, (NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 1740.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC BELT LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY (NOW CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY) FOR ITS REVISED WYE LINE, 2475.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH BANK OF BLACK RIVER IN SECTION 13, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SOUTH BANK, 85.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO. 8; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD, 1450.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; (BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 5 AND 6, SECTION 24 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF. THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24, AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 5 AND 6, IN SECTION 13 AND OF THE BED OF LAKE SHOWN ON GOVERNMENT PLAT, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD NO. 8 AND THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY AND CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY); EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF, IF ANY, WITHIN THE BED AND SHORES OF THE BLACK RIVER AS THEY WERE SITUATED WHEN SAID RIVER CEASED TO BE A NAVIGABLE STREAM; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 24, WHICH IS SOUTH 87°29'26" EAST 1156.77 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 2°30'34" WEST 916.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 53°42'00" EAST, 445 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF MONSTER ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 18°34'04" WEST 31.37 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS NORTH 71°25'56" WEST 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, 128.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°22'04" WEST 121.88 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS SOUTH 42°37'56" EAST 250.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST 91.01 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN NORTH 48°15'O1" WEST 420.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8°59'17" EAST 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°14'18" EAST 219.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; t\ - • Trza��Pic Report XtHHHNIBIIHNINNNi4Ni111NiNH11W111111NNHMM11H 1M1141MIMIXHHNIHi1XNINININNWIHHIHIIXIHNIN1111HHIHIININN11N11NIHINHNHNI111111 1101NNXNHIINNNNX11111111HHHIHNIIHWNIHNINYIHHHNUIHXNIIOMNI IHHNIHXNIHIHIM1NHIHHIHHHHINNIXNNNIIHIHIIIHIINHINIMMIli1 IMPS4111WN444411NWIIUI4UNWW14UI4W{411W144RIIU411UIMIIIII14411W4W4401WY444WWI1.11.141^•1^11Wltl\I4WWry4411441444414\1411 M4WN414WWIMWI4 MUSI YWY4WII MI.1YIW444W4U411W4U14411l1.11.Ig1..11111m W4\\4NU4 1111 4 111U441111 • BR LICE' BL UME 8c COMPANY I 1='101::'0SEr> RENTON FACILITY • • • FXvMHNHNXNNNNtlI11HXXHNINININIXIiNIHXNNIINIHiIHiiHIHtHIHHN HIINH4HIIIXHHHIXIINHHNNHNHHNHHXIHIHHINNHIINNNHHNIIIIHNIXtl1111HIHI1IIHNXXNINHHHNINNINNIN11HH11NXNWHiXINiHIHNHNtlHIHN1INIHXHHHIIXIHNNHHHNIIitHIHHXIHff11NXNHNIINNiXHHtlHNHHNINHHHHH1Nf Ki t t e1 son 8s _A. IS 1E1 t e s February, 1990 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Scope of the Report 1 Project Description 1 Existing Land Use 3 Existing Transportation Facilities 3 Transit Service 4 Planned Transportation Improvements 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes 5 Existing Level of Service 5 Background Level of Service 9 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 14 Site Generated Trips 14 Trip Distribution/Assignment 15 Total Volumes With Proposed Project 19 Level of Service With Project 19 Signal Warrant Analysis 19 CONCLUSIONS 2] REFERENCES 22 FIGURES 1 . Vicinity Map 2 2 . Existing Volumes 6 3 . Background Volumes 13 4. Site-Generated Traffic 18 5 . Total Traffic With Site 20 TABLES 1 . Level of Service Definitions (Signalized Intersections) . . . 7 2 . Level of Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections . . . . 8 3 . General Level of Service Descriptions 10 for Unsignalized Intersections 4 . Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections 11 5 . Estimated Trip Generation, Bruce Blume & Company, 16 Proposed renton Site INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to describe the traffic related impacts of constructing a distribution facility for Bruce Blume & Company on Oakesdale Avenue, S.W.( in the City of Renton. Figure 1 shows the location of the site for proposed development . Specific traffic related issues discussed in this report include: o Existing land use and traffic conditions in the project study area o Estimates of trip generation, distribution, and assignment for the proposed development o The impact of the proposed site development on traffic operations at key intersections and site driveways PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bruce Blume & Company p y is proposing to build a new distribution facility in northwest Renton on a ;vacant site on the south side of Oakesdale Avenue, S.W. The proposed development will consist of two buildings with a total of approximately 267, 400 square feet of floor space. Building A, located adjacent to Oakesdale Avenue S .W. will have approximately 218, 3001 square feet of floor space, including 16, 000 square feet of general office space. Building B is located at the back of the site and will contain 49, 100 square feet of distribution floor space., A total of 251 , 400 square feet will be used for the distribution`; activities . All of the office space in Building A and approximately 152, 300 square feet of distribution space; in Building A will be used by a single user that intends to consolidate its current activities at other sites into the proposed site. The remaining 50, 000 square feet of distribution floor space in Building A will be used as a storage facility by a nearby organization. The floor space in Building B will be occupied by a, tenant that is assumed to have operating characteristics similar: to the distribution activities in Building A. The current site plan calls for three site access driveways, all from Oakesdale Avenue S.W. The center driveway would serve the majority of truck movements to/from the site, while the easternmost driveway would provide access for; the general office space. The eastern driveway will also serve as a truck access to Building B, which will include 49, 100 square feet of floor space. The western driveway will provide supplemental{ access for truck trips generated by Building A activities . 1 ®s'Gi/ A l 1 N /fl- .9 zn /J ' . • arl. 5.. Ay- h ibc4 i 9� c 1-°1 6 c9-se& 1y -` 7.,.. eto 0 . , / z Limp h k -"------ /6: eforitE - ` c z. 0 0 gN EXISTING LAND USE Much of the land in the site vicinity is vacant . Adjacent to the proposed site, just to the east , is the Container Corporation of America facility, which includes general offices and light industrial uses . Just to the we'st of the proposed site is an existing gravel/concrete recycling, operation. South and east of the site is Metro' s Renton Wastewater Treatment Plant . EXISTING TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Direct access to the proposed siteis provided by Oakesdale Avenue S.W. , which becomes 68th Avenue South and connects with Martin Luther King ,Way South approximately 0. 7 miles northwest of the site. East of the site Oakesdale Avenue extends to an intersection with S . W. Grady Way, then passes under Interstate 405 with a temporary termination at S.W. 16ti Street . Southwest 7th Street intersects with Oakesdale avenue approximately 0 . 5 miles east of the proposed site. Access to Interstate 5 and to Interstate 405 is via Oakesdale Avenue and Grady Way to the south and east of the site. Access to Interstate 5 , north, is also found via Martin Luther King Way to the north and west of the site. Following is a brief description of key access facilities for the proposed site. o Oakesdale Avenue S . W. ;Beginning at S .W. 16th Street , Oakesdale Avenue is a five-lane facility, with two lanes in each direction, plus a center lane that is used for left turns or as a center median . The cross-section includes curbs and gutters . This section extends north and west , with signalized intersections at S . W. Grady Way and S . W 7th Street . Sidewalks are on both sides between Grady Way and S.W. 7th Street . North of S .W. 7th Street there is a sidewalk on' the north/east side only, and south of Grady Way, there are no sidewalks . The five- lane section ends approximately at the east boundary of the proposed site. At this point, Oakesdale Avenue narrows to a two-lane facility, with open ditch drainage, and no sidewalks . Oakesdale Avenue becomes 68th Avenue, South, crosses the Burlington-Northern Railroad, via an overpass , and extends in a northerly direction to the intersection of Martin Luther King Way, South. Traffic on 68th Avenue South is controlled by a stop sign at :this intersection. o S .W. Grady Way: Between Interurban Avenue and Rainier Avenue South, Grady Way is a four- to five-lane facility with two lanes in each direction and a left-turn lane. The cross-section generally consists of curbs , gutters, and sidewalks ; however, west of Oakesdale Avenue, there 3 • is a sidewalk on the north side only. In addition to the traffic signal at Oakesdale Avenue, there are also traffic signals at the intersections with Interurban Avenue, Powell Avenue, Lind Avenue, and Rainier Avenue, South. Access to Interstate 405 is available from Grady Way both at Interurban Avenue and Rainier Avenue, South. o Martin Luther King Way, South: This facility becomes Sunset Boulevard in the' City of Renton. West of 68th Avenue it consists of a four-lane roadway, with two lanes in each direction, and it has open ditch drainage, with no sidewalks. At its 'intersection with 68th Avenue, South (Oakesdale Avenue extension) , there is no left-turn lane for westbound traffic. Even though the demand for this movement is low, vehicles attempting to turn are exposed to rear-end accidents when stopped in the left lane. The above cross section continues east to Stevens Avenue. At Stevens Avenue, the section widens to allow for left turn lanes , and includes curbs , gutters , and sidewalks . There are traffic signals at Rainier Avenue, Hardie Avenue, and at Stevens Avenue. There is also a traffic signal at South 129th Street . The speed limit outside the City of Renton is 50 mph. o S .W. 7th Avenue: East of its intersection with Oakesdale Avenue, this facility provides a four- to five-lane roadway, with curbs, gutters , and sidewalks. It extends east to Rainier Avenue, where there is a traffic signal . There is also a traffic signal at Hardie Avenue. TRANSIT SERVICE There is no existing transit service on Oakesdale Avenue, adjacent to the site. The nearest transit services are on Martin Luther King Way and Grady Way. PLANNED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS Conversations with the City of Renton indicate that there are plans to extend the five-lane section ; on Oakesdale Avenue from its present terminus near the proposed site northwesterly to the intersection of 68th Avenue and Martin Luther King Way, generally along the existing 68th Avenue alignment. There are no detailed plans for this improvement . It is Potentially implementable within the next 5 to 10 years . It is also understood that traffic signal warrants are met at the intersection of 68th Avenue and Martin Luther King Way, and that a traffic signal will be installed at that location when funding becomes available. 4 • EXISTING CONDITIONS PEAK-HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Consultations with City of Renton staff resulted in collection of a. m. and p.m. peak hour traffic volumes at two intersections in the site vicinity: Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way and 68th Avenue/Martin Luther King Way. Manual turning movement counts were conducted by Kittelson & Associates at these two locations between 7 : 00 and 9: 00 a.m. and between 4: 00 and 6: 00 P.M. on a typical weekday. The peak hours at both locations were the same, 7: 00 to 8: 00 a.m. and 4: 00 to 5: 00 p.m. Figure 2 shows the peak hour turning volumes at these two locations . EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE Level of Service (LOS) is a concept developed to quantify the degree of comfort ( including such elements as travel time, number of stops , total amount of stopped delay, and impediments caused by other vehicles) afforded to drivers as they travel through an intersection or roadway segment . Recent research has determined that average stopped delay per vehicle is the best available measure of the LOS at a signalized intersection. As defined within the 1985 Highway capacity Manual (Reference 1) , six grades are used to denote the various LOS ; these six grades are described qualitatively for signalized intersections in Table 1 . Additionally, Table 2 identifies the relationship between level of service and average stopped delay per vehicle. Using this definition , a "D" LOS is generally considered to represent the minimum acceptable design standard. For signalized intersections , LOS defines the quality of the traffic flow, but does not necessarily describe the overall design adequacy of the intersection to accommodate the traffic volumes being analyzed. As an example, a good LOS can be achieved even when the volume/capacity ratio for the intersection exceeds .1 . 0 . Similarly, there are conditions under which a poor LOS is achieved even though the volume/capacity ratio for the intersection is well below 1 . 0 . Therefore, all signalized intersection evaluations contained in this report provide both the calculated LOS and the calculated volume/capacity ratio for each intersection. Thus , the reader is provided with a complete description of the expected operating conditions for each intersection that is analyzed. The calculation of LOS at an unsignalized intersection requires a different approach. The 1985 Highway Capacity Manual includes a methodology for calculating the LOS at two-way stop-controlled intersections . For these unsignalized intersections , LOS is defined differently than for signalized intersections in that it is based upon the concept of "Reserve Capacity" ( i . e. , that portion 5 0 m I V- iVi 44 • "Z. a ..9 o 3 op ,d 3Z/5/ _— �n - N r 1"�'2% 3• 3s/._�r + r , ,.,, „s„ , . / _______ ti,, 1 J e. . c .j -i ., , -----...... o ` � t Nt ca. tD ii g zo 3 4 tz 1-1 il , hi iy, -P' , .. 4. , u)(// /4 - _S - .1-'7' / . 9/fci?/ _. �. /7. f EA'< Imo'0 cj a ! G u g C P fi, ?E4 14 i--A?v2 .. ZVQLns TABLE 1 LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS (SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS) Level of Service Traffic Flow Characteristics A Very low average stopped delay, less than five seconds per vehicle. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most vehicles do not stop at all . Short cycle lengths may also contribute to low delay. B Average stop delay is in the range of 5 . 1 to 15. 0 seconds per vehicle. This generally occurs with good progression and/or short cycle lengths . More vehicles stop than for LOS A, causing higher levels of average delay. C Average stopped delay is in the range of 15 . 1 to 25 . 0 seconds per vehicle. These higher delays may result from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths . Individual cycle failures may begin to appear in this level . The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level , although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. D Average stopped delays are in the range of 25 . 1 to 40 . 0 seconds per vehicle. The influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression , long cycle length, or high volume/capacity. ratios . Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines . Individual cycle failures are noticeable. E Average stopped delays are in the range of 40 . 1 to 60 . 0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths , and high volume/capacity ratios . ? Individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences . F Average stop delay is in excess of 60 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be unacceptable to most drivers . This condition often occurs with oversaturation. It may also occur at high volume/capacity ratios below 1 . 00 with many individual cycle failures . Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such high delay levels . Note: A signal cycle failure is considered to occur when one or more vehicles are forced to wait through more than one green signal indication, for a particular approach. 7 TABLE 2 LEVEL-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Stopped Delay Per Level of Service Vehicle (Sec) A <= 5 . 0 B 5. 1 to 15. 0 C 15 . 1 to 25 . 0 D 25. 1 to 40 . 0 E 40 . 0 to 60 . 0 F > 60 . 0 8 of available hourly capacity that is not used) . A qualitative description of the various service' levels associated with an unsignalized intersection is presented in Table 3 . A quantitative definition of LOS for an unsignalized intersection is presented in Table 4 . The reserve capacity concept applies only to an individual traffic movement or to shared lane movements . Once the capacity of all the individual movements has been calculated and their LOS and expected delays determined, an overall evaluation of the intersection can be made. Normally, the movement having the worst LOS defines the overall evaluation, but this may be tempered by engineering judgement. An "E" LOS is generally considered to represent the minimum acceptable design standard. Past experience with the unsignalized analysis procedure indicates this methodology is very conservative in that it tends to overestimate the magnitude of any potential problems that might exist . This is especially true for minor street left turn movements . Therefore, the results of any unsignalized intersection analysis should be reviewed with this thought in mind. The results of the existing LOS calculations at the two key intersections considered in this study indicate the following: o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way - a.m. peak: Delay = 26. 5 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 698 Level of Service = D - p.m. peak: Delay = 32. 2 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 751 Level of Service = D o Martin Luther King way/68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 5 Level of Service = E - p.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = -75 Level of Service = F At the signalized intersection of Oakesdale Avenue and Grady Way, the existing LOS is at the D level in both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours . LOS D is generally considered to be acceptable for peak hour operations in urban areas . BACKGROUND LEVEL OF SERVICE Traffic volumes in the site vicinity are constantly increasing due to increased development in the area and due to more trips being made by individuals residing in the region . Since the proposed facility will not be completed and occupied until the Fall of 1990 , estimates of traffic growth between the present time and the time of occupancy have been considered. Experience by the City of Renton indicates that this type of traffic growth has been averaging approximately 3 percent per year, Thue , the traffic velthae §hewh 9 TABLE 3 GENERAL LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS FOR UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS LOS General Description A - Nearly all drivers find freedom of operation - Very seldom is there more than one vehicle in the queue B - Some drivers begin to consider the delay an inconvenience - Occasionally there is more than one vehicle in the queue C - Many times there is more than one vehicle in the queue - Most drivers feel restricted, but not objectionably so D - Often there is more than one vehicle in the queue - Drivers feel quite restricted E - Represents a condition in which the demand is near or equal to the probable maximum number of vehicles that can be accommodated by the movement - There is almost always more than one vehicle in the queue - Drivers find the delays to be approaching intolerable levels F - Forced flow - Represents an intersection failure condition that is caused by geometric and/or operational constraints external to the intersection 1'0 TABLE 4 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA for UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Reserve Capacity Level of Expected Delay to (pcph) Service Minor Street Traffic >400 A Little or no delay 300-399 B Short traffic delays 200-299 C Average traffic delays 100-199 D Long traffic delays 0- 99 E Very long traffic delays * F * When demand volume exceeds the capacity of the lane, extreme delays will be encountered with queuing which may cause severe congestion affecting other traffic movements in the intersection. This condition usually warrants improvement to the intersection. • 11 in Figure 2 , for existing conditions have been increased by 2 percent to account for traffic growth from now until the time of occupancy of the proposed site (8 months) . The resulting traffic volumes at the two key intersections under consideration are shown in Figure 3 . LOS was re-calculated based on these background traffic volumes . The results of the analysis are shown below. o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way - a.m. peak: Delay = 27 . 0 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 712 Level of Service = D - p.m. peak: Delay = 33 . 1 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 767 Level of Service = D o Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 4 Level of service = E - p.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = -77 Level of Service = F • it 12 S3/vn -'°A dfvnQ Jai'bg. ._ ._ _ . .... vno Lf w�r� 7• ' ;/ d 1 - . .;an9/� /— 7no� >ic,iPZ/ .bw •� I . ._. 61//6SS r✓ 07 04. �D� �� VI 8 y 20()tiff . ' or - . ' 7--- - \,.. .„k 4 1-•\;? ' O • dl �� LI y Z/ —'V v2 i _7 61 :gi`'' .t. - . J4* (f43 tvz/bv to .- 0, 2.zoir arro.7. " / .c ) t E; r. 5//0I Uj tl z Ciw 114 ! rrh .i eA-06 �� /6. p ------ \ \ `E w 4 O tiiN i 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Morning and evening peak-hour trips , as well as daily trips , generated by the proposed development were analyzed as follows : o The total number of future daily, morning peak hour, and evening peak hour trips both in and out of the proposed site were estimated for complete buildout of the site. o Background a.m. and p.m. peak hour volumes were estimated for the two key intersections for the time of anticipated occupancy of the site in the Fall of 1990 . o Site-generated traffic predicted for weekday morning and evening peak hours were assigned to the road network serving the site and added to the background traffic volumes . o The movement of traffic to and from the Container Corporation of America facility, adjacent to the proposed site, was examined to, obtain an estimate of trip distribution patterns within the study area. o Traffic demands at each of the two key intersections were analyzed to identify capacity or level of service deficiencies under assumed conditions after site occupancy in the Fall of 1990 . SITE GENERATED TRIPS • Estimates of total daily, a.m. peak hour, and p.m. peak hour driveway volumes for the proposed facility were developed based on empirical observations at similar distribution facilities located throughout the United States . These empirical observations are summarized in a standard reference manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (Reference 2) . Since a large part of the proposed site will be occupied by the consolidation of identical existing operations at other sites , it was possible to measure some aspects of trip generation at these facilities in order to verify the published rates . Interviews with operators of existing operations to be moved to the proposed sites were made. The interviews indicated that the primary site user has 35 company vehicles that are used to distribute goods from the warehouse to various outlets in the Seattle area. Generally, these vehicles are loaded at night and are ready to be dispatched early each morning. Records indicate that , on the average, about 80 percent of these vehicles make one round trip to/from the warehouse each weekday. Company records also show the number of truck arrivals each day during 1989 to the warehouses to deliver large loads of goods . From this information, an estimate of daily truck travel to/from the proposed site was made. To verify the truck travel data from company records, field observations were made at existing operations . The truck trip generation estimate made from records indicated a range of total 14 truck trips between 70 and 86 daily trips. Field observations between the hours of 7 : 00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m. resulted in a total of 86 total truck trips , which verifies the upper end of the estimate made from company records . Because all of the existing sites do not include employee parking on- site, it was not possible to make accurate field observations to verify employee and visitor trips to these sites . However, estimates of trip generation for general offices should provide a reasonably accurate estimate of these trips . In addition, Kittelson and Associates previously performed field studies of a site with similar operations to the one currently under consideration, and found that estimates based on employees in a general office matched observed values for the p.m. peak hour (Reference 3) . The Institute of Transportation Engineers ( ITE) trip generation rates include a choice of alternative development parameters. In the case of a distribution (warehousing) facility, the alternative rates included are: trips per square foot of floor area, trips per employee, and trips per acre. When specific plans are available, the selection of either floor space on employees is usually made. Calculations of trip generation for the proposed site were made using both the ITE floor space and employee trip generation rates . The results of these calculations were 'compared with field data collected at the existing sites of operations to be moved to the proposed site. This comparison indicates that trip generation based on floor space results in trip generation totals much higher than those observed for the existing operations . Trip generation based on employees is much closer to observed results . Since detailed information is available for the movement of trucks to and from the existing sites , this data was combined with trip generation rates for offices , based on the number of employees , to arrive at a realistic estimate of trip generation for the proposed facility. The resulting trip generation estimate is summarized in Table 5 , along with trip generation estimates based on ITE trip generation rates for floor space and employees . TRIP DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT The distribution of site-generated trips for the proposed facility onto the roadway system serving the site was estimated through an examination of the movement of traffic to and from the adjacent site occupied by the Container Corporation of America. As a result of this review, it is estimated that 85 percent of the site-generated trips will use Oakesdale Avenue to the south and east and the remaining 15 percent of site-generated traffic will use 68th Avenue for site access . The site-generated trips were assigned to the two key intersections based on this trip distribution pattern. The site-generated trips were further assigned to these intersections , based on existing turning movement ratios at the two intersections . Site-generated trips are shown on Figure 4 . 15 TABLE 5 ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY PROPOSED RENTON SITE ASSUMPTIONS : Building A: Total Square Footage - 218, 300 Office Square Footage - 16, 000 Warehouse Square Footage - 202, 300 Total Employees - 120 Drivers - 45 Office Employees - 25 Warehouse Employees - 7 Outside Sales - 43 Future work stations - 8 Building B : Total Square Footage - 49, 100 Office Square Footage - 0 Warehouse Square Footage - 49, 100 Total Employees - 17* Drivers - 15* Office Employees - 0 Warehouse Employees - 2* Outside Sales - 0 * Estimate based on Building A. TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES : Based on Square Footage: Building A : Office: 347 trips per day, a.m. 42, p.m. 44 Warehouse: 1 , 045 trips per day, a.m. 115 , p.m. 150 Total : 1 , 392 trips per day, a. m. 157, p.m. 194 Building B : Warehouse: 240 trips per day, a.m. 28, p.m. 36 • Total , Buildings A & B: 1 , 579 trips per day, a.m. 185 , p.m. 230 Based on Employees : Building A: Office: 211 trips per day, a.m. 23, p.m. 22 Warehouse: 202 trips per day, a.m. 26, p.m. 31 Total: 413 trips per day, a.m. 49, p.m. 53 Building B : Warehouse: 66 trips per day, a.m. 9, p.m. 10 Total , Buildings A & B : . 479 per day, a.m. 58, p.m. 63 TABLE 5 (CONTINUED) ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY PROPOSED RENTON SITE. Based on Combination Truck/Employees : Building A: Truck Trips: Container Corp. of America (1) 2 Large Trucks ' 22 Delivery Vans 64 Total Truck Trips (Daily) 88 Total Truck Trips (a.m. ) 15 Total Truck Trips (p.m. ) 6 Employee Trips : (2) 416 per day, a.m. 50 , p.m. 48 Total trips : 502 per day, a.m. 65 , p.m. 54 Building B : Truck Trips : Large & Delivery (Daily) 28 Truck Trips : Large & Delivery (a.m. ) 5 Truck Trips: Large & Delivery (p.m. ) 2 Employee Trips : (3) 66 per day, a.m. 9, p. m. 10 Total Trips : 94 per day, a.m. 14 , p.m. 12 Total , Buildings A & B : 596 per day, a.m. 79, p.m. 66 (4) ( 1) Estimated truck activity to serve the 50, 000 square feet of floor space in Building A that is to be used for storage only. (2) Includes office workers , warehouse workers, drivers , outside sales , and visitors . (3) Includes warehouse workers and drivers . (4) This estimate of trip generation was used for the following traffic impact analysis. Note: Above calculations assume that only 25% of outside sales staff comes to the office each ' day (current operation) . 17 V� Q J \- to , ,I �,t4td y� 9rtl ti h . h n►a17 lam- .-: �— sZ. a s 5/3 of/ 'if 14k 3 3. /// 4 to 6.//z 0 li) ' o o / 3 JIt o� t 1 r v a ..,, . .......i 4) , ,_ qi . .. , , , wore pkie- A Op 4k, to el q's 4. 14 .e„... .S , ri / . j 9//49 • _. R• /1. f� A E "< f�'a _ . F/ Go R 6 P /`?, PEAK I4o v2 S/TE C"NE g 4 TE P M. 4F6/G TOTAL VOLUMES WITH PROPOSED PROJECT To evaluate the impacts of the additional site-generated traffic on the two key intersections, the site-generated trips were added to the background volumes shown. in Figure 3 to arrive at total estimated traffic volumes at these two locations following site occupancy in the Fall of 1990. These volumes are shown on Figure 5. LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT A level of service analysis using total estimated traffic volumes was made for the two key intersections under consideration. Following is a summary of this analysis for the two key intersections . o Oakesdale Avenue/Grady Way a.m. peak: Delay = 27. 3 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0. 738 Level of Service = D p.m. peak : Delay = 33 . 4 seconds per vehicle Volume/Capacity = 0 . 786 Level of Service = D o Martin Luther King Way/68th 68th Avenue - a.m. peak: Reserve Capacity = 1 Level of Service = E - p.m. peak : Reserve Capacity = -83 Level of Service = F SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS ' Conversations with Renton City staff have given the understanding that a traffic signal is currently warranted at the intersection of 68th Avenue South and Martin, Luther King Way South. The results of a.m. and p.m. peak hour turning movement counts made for this study confirm that signal warrants are met based on the peak hour volume warrant described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Reference 4) are met during the p.m. peak hour. During the p.m. peak hour, 2106 vehicles approached the intersection on Martin Luther King Way (both directions) and 138 vehicles approached the intersection on 68th Avenue. The peak hour volume warrant is met when at least 1800 and 100 vehicles approach an intersection with geometrics like the one under consideration. i / S 7Y1 /M 1.dd 0121/ 7 / C - 2/nail ?/YQI '/1/ 6fi//6S£ ' / S-- • h0 1�0 c 40 (to 1\gt4---j'. 7-- . ‘ Ak O A Q) -- N y S2/ 1 \ 4/ a /Z x o i 7) / cb o �` 422 / •?(N'a \° „1 9,'Z/77/ N �Z2fiE .z 2o-E/��/ (/a tA 5 8 1.) u, Z Limp rn.1 14 7 .\ ri gE (Z AL)6 5 /6 VI t2A`' t-\ r o 0 kl1 • CONCLUSIONS Based on the traffic impact analysis described in this report , it is concluded that the roadway system within the study area can accommodate the additional traffic volumes resulting from the distribution functions envisioned! for the proposed site. The peak hour traffic volumes expected to be generated by the proposed site have very little impact on the key intersections analyzed in this study. A traffic signal appears to be warranted at the intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Avenue, with or without the proposed project. Following installation of the signal , all of the proposed i site access drives and nearby key intersections evaluated are expected to operate within acceptable service levels upon occupancy of the site in accordance with the proposed development plan. it e, ' REFERENCES 1 . Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report No. 209, 1985 . 2. Institute of Transportation Engineers , Trip Generation Manual, Fourth Edition, 1988. 3. Kittelson & Associates , Inc. , Traffic Report, Alaska Distributors Company, Proposed Renton Facility, 1989. 4. U. S . Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 1988. i • 22 lance mueller & associates architects PLANNING DIVISION February 5, 1990 CITY OFRE,NroN FEB — 91 Ms. Lenore Blauman CITY OF RENTON .: EIVE ,� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: SID ELAND/BLUME RENTON Dear Lenore: I met with Jim Gray of the Renton Fire Prevention Division on Friday to reveiw the required fire flow now that we have received the available flow data. The required fire flow for a III—N building on this site will be 7500 gpm and for a type II—N building will be 5750 gpm. The available fire flow at the site is 5640 gpm at 8 cubic ft. per minute. After discussing this with Glenn Gordon and Jim Gray, we have two options based on the required fire flow. The first choice is to build a type III—N building with a 4—hr. fire wall at 106,000 s.f. or the second choice is to build a type II—N building with no fire walls. Either one of these options will not change the site or building design. The option selection will be made at the time of permit submittal. Based on this data, we request that our project be immediately posted for environment review. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS Bob Fadden Associate BF:nk cc: Glenn Gorden Bob Raichle Jim Garrison Sid Eland 130 lakeside • suite 260 • Seattle,washington 99122 • 206/325-2653 • fax:[206]326-0554 lance mueller ale,cal • senior associates:robert olscheweky,eileen furney associates:robert fadden,micheel gelbreith,richerd herniah,robert wells a washington corporation furnishing architectural services by end under the supervision of registered architects 7EP [715: 1911 aE BR .H . 2 32.1.: 71a'15 P. 1/4 • PLANNING DIVISION (0040't*e- 2 Fi0ED & HITCHINGS, INC CITY OF RENT()N ) CIVil. ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS del 111 FEB 5 „ oc avemNon. AVE: ,sr SEATTI,, ,WA a.sica • u A • *MI , • Area: 20Ei 222-4144 RECEIVED Esx . 206/32 -.7135 TELei.:;()MMUNICATIONS COVER SHEET Date THf . T:31:ON C(jNSISTS OF PAGES. (Including this Cover Page.) Ti-FIS TANSM1SSION TO(. • • •. . , trOMFIFIR: cct .• • MATION TC..T.b/M71Z: • IS FROM: • • • . 6 • 1 , tv ll • • • ..1NY -.MESE P,61.0ES1-1.-,.::.7 NOT LEGIP.L. ,OP IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES,PLEASE CONUACT 0,1'Ft ,ERATOP SOON PrISala.,...(20:6)323-4144 • Job No. - • • • r Lb k7 ''JU 14;c,-j bt<&H RECEIVED • FEB - 5 1990 mess feeling February 1, 1900 Mr. Bob Reed Bush,Roed, & Hitchints, Inc. PLANNING DIVISION 2000 Minor Avenue East CITY OF RENTON Seattle,WA 98102 FEB 5 1990 milkm n BRUCE BLUM PROJECT F 1AO 1 ANALYSIS RECiEl VC IN Dear Mr. Reed; A computer analysis of the City of Renton's Water System was performed for the purpose of determining the available water supply to fight a fire(fireflow) at the site of the proposed Coewinet Corporation Warehouse located on 601 Monster Road. This letter summarizes the results and procedures used to determine the fireflow capability of the City's System to fight a fire at this location. The analysis is bated on the existing City of Renton Water System,with the addition of the following proposed water system improvement: A 12-inch diameter watermain loop beginning at the existing 12-inch diameter watermain in Monster Road approximately 650 feet south of Oakesdale Avenue SW and connecting to an existing 12-inch diameter watermain dead end in Oakesdale Avenue SW approximately 800 feet west of Monster Road. The proposed improvement need to determine the fireflow capacity for the project is displayed on the attached figure. The results of the analysis indicate that the fireflow capacity of the City's System with the improvement is approximately 5,640 gallons per minute (GPM)at a residual pressure of 20 psi in the watermain located at the west side of the loop (see Node A on attached figure). Where the Water System was experiencing pipeline water velocities in excess of 8-feet per second, the corresponding flowrate was reduced so that the velocity of the water in the pipeline was less than the Insurance Services Office (ISO) maximum velocity criteria of 8-feet per second. Operating the system with velocities in excess of 8-feet per second may result in physical damage to the water system. The fireflow capability for this analysis was computed using the Insurance Services Office (ISO) criteria, which is used by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau,the local rating company.' In accordance with ISO criteria,the Water System was simulated experiencing a maximum day demand with the single largest source of supply,Well No. 8, out of service (e.g., due to failure,maintenance, etc.). A summary of the operational conditions used in the analysis follows: • • Minimum, service pressures of 30 psi in the service area during normal demands and 20 psi during fire demands. • Well Nos. 1R, 2R, 3R and 9 are in operation, while Well No, 8 is out of service, • Springbrook Springs is supplying the Water System at 1,300 gpm • Talbot Hill Reservoir is in operation experiencing 3 feet of drawdown. 1410 Market Street, P.O. Box 1180, Kirkland, Washington '.r.3033 (206) 827-6400 F LLB U5 , �M 14:c4 cl •3 71 �. h'..14 • Mr. Bob Rood February 1, 1990 Page 2 • ' 'rho figure which summarizes the irefiow analysis is attached for your reference. A copy of the computer output has been retained in this office for future reference. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this analysis. Sincerely, RH12 ENGINEERAVG, P.S. Tom C. b g,.Staf4i Engin:eer. Attachment: Figure r k.h Vl`, 'ski 14:c4 LjK&H LUh .Jc f L D I-. 1. r 12' (..4.3) „........,.,„.66,1 LEW* 6.3.1. ..-,,.., .,eins 12.4a. 1..Z11 Wait 3cai GAF 1 a L,)1 -a—Ri M .UAKESDALE AVE SW i;i 441 11 1 .„�,.....' FIRE LOCATION 8, , N. / rt� o � �. ME RO CY- ' "S7 • DISPOSAL op 4 4' ,'r 4 4.,3, , i 1 Ii, . . .. ,11 a. ,...c,„..,) . . , 1 • . i . $jFiVoEE . LLME PROJECT FIREFLOW_LA.VALYSIS AVAILABLE CAPACITY : 5962 GPM 0 20 PSI BERATED CAPACITY � 4�_ '1! @ 20 PSI d 1 Derated capacity bosed on maximum velocity of water e� � , in h e pipeline of 8 fe t per second. RH7 o,r R141G,RS. / /I- DI RH2 ENGINEERING, P.S. LL,rr [ OF U Q 1�6rA�l�]EITIM L - 1410 Market Street P.O. Box 1180 KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98033 DATE 2/2/90 JOB NO. 1299.00 (206) 827-6400 ATTENTIONMs. Lenora Blauman RE: To CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT 200 Mill Avenue South PECAN ogti DIVISION orr'der DCPITh Renton, WA 98055 FLL 5 Ow REcoyfFn WE ARE SENDING YOU a Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans 0 Samples ❑ Specifications 0 Copy of letter LI Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Bruce Blume Fireflow Analysis THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ll For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints LI For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Enclosed is the results for the Bruce Blume Fireflow Analysis (Container Corporation Warehouse) performed by RH2 Engineering for Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. COPY TO SIGNED: Tom Lindberg renmirr74a2 nm, rmmn M man_ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. . • ill ='; :'I,�,�. i _1 ' ,�,i'•1',. is�',:' ... i,!� '•� � ;: ' S1299.00 (.299) Engineering February 1, 1990 PLANNING DIVISION Mr. Bob Roed � ,_. ; : � ;; CITY OF PIeNTOP,9 Bush,Roed, & Hitchings, Inc. 2009 Minor Avenue East FEB5 7990 Seattle,WA 98102 l SUBJECT:' BRUCE BLUME PROJECT FIREFLOW ANALYSIS Dear Mr. Roed: A computer analysis of the City of Renton's Water System was performed for the purpose of determining the available water supply to fight a fire(fireflow) at the site of the proposed Container Corporation Warehouse located on 601 Monster Road. This letter summarizes the results and procedures used to determine the fireflow capability of the City's System to fight a fire at this location. The analysis is based on the existing City of Renton Water System, with the addition of the following proposed water system improvement: A 12-inch diameter watermain loop beginning at the existing 12-inch diameter watermain in Monster Road approximately 650 feet south of Oakesdale Avenue SW and connecting to an existing 12-inch diameter watermain dead end in Oakesdale Avenue SW approximately 800 feet west of Monster Road. The proposed improvement used to determine the fireflow capacity for the project is displayed on the attached figure. The results of the analysis indicate that the fireflow capacity of the City's System with the improvement is approximately 5,640 gallons per minute(GPM)at a residual pressure of 20 psi in the watermain located at the west side of the loop (see Node A on attached figure). Where the Water System was experiencing pipeline water velocities in excess of 8-feet per second, the corresponding flowrate was reduced so that the velocity of the water in the pipeline was less than the Insurance Services Office (ISO) maximum velocity criteria of 8-feet per second. Operating the system with velocities in excess of 8-feet per second may result in physical damage to the water system. The fireflow capability for this analysis was computed using the Insurance Services Office (ISO) criteria, which is used by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau, the local rating company. In accordance with ISO criteria,the Water System was simulated experiencing a maximum day demand with the single largest source of supply,Well No. 8, out of service (e.g., due to failure, maintenance, etc.). A summary of the operational conditions used in the analysis follows: • Minimum service pressures of 30 psi in the service area during normal demands and;,.,, 20 psi during fire demands. • • Well Nos. 1R, 2R, 3R and 9 are in operation, while Well No. 8 is out of service. a. • Springbrook Springs is supplying the Water System at 1,300 gpm • Talbot Hill Reservoir is in operation experiencing 3 feet of drawdown. • 1410 Market Street, P.O. Box.1,180, Kirkland, Washington 98033 (206) 827-6400 Mr.Bob Roed . I '',, February 1,'1990 Page; . The figure which summarizes the fireflow analysis is attached for your reference. A copy of the computer output has been retained in this office for future reference. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this analysis. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, P.S. - Torn C. Lindberg; Staff Engineer Attachment Figure i ; r ' 0 • 12° 12° ® 12° 53 3027 GPM 110 8.6 FPS OAKESDALE AVE SW 12' N aat I r o�? I Mm 0 ^I�FIRE LOCATION ell„ NODE "A 2945 GPM N1 a 8.4 FPS / 12° - - - - � METRO ei 12. CID DISPOSAL <t• 0 H aas BRUCE BLUME PROJECT FIREFLOW ANALYSIS AVAILABLE CAPACITY : 5962 GPM © 20 PSI DERATED CAPACITY : 5640 GPM © 20 PSI * * Derated capacity based on maximum velocity of water 1/26/90 in the pipeline of 8 feet per second. RH2 ENGINEERING,P.S. //a - q a ® CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering January 31, 1990 PLAN RING pIV/SION Robert M. Roed, P.E. OF Bush, Roed & Hitchings FEB RENrpN 2009 Minor Ave. E. 5 /990 Seattle, WA. 98102 Re: Blume Co. Distribution Facility Oakesdale Av. SW & Monster Road Renton, WA Dear Mr. Roed: I have checked over your proposed control of runoff for the Blume Distribution Facility, given to me by Dick Anderson. Based upon King County Drainage Standards, which are accepted by the City of Renton, the storage requirements for a closed depression are a 100 year/7 day design storm, by use of the SCS Hydrograph method. The calculations that you sent were for wetland storage, with infiltration of the soil taken into account. These calculations will have to be revised to accommodate a 100 year/ 7 day storm. The infiltration rate must be supported by a Soils Engineer Report. Since there will be significant impervious area added to this development, it will be necessary to provide baffled oil/water separators before the runoff enters the wetland area. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 235-2631. Very Truly Yours, -Y./t44, J1 /1,, Kim D. Scattarella Storm Water Engineering Specialist BLUME/KDS:lf cc: Dick Anderson Lenora Blauman 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 4'o ® CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering January 31, 1990 Robert M. Roed, P.E. Bush, Roed & Hitchings 2009 Minor Ave. E. Seattle, WA. 98102 Re: Blume Co. Distribution Facility Oakesdale Av. SW & Monster Road Renton, WA Dear Mr. Roed: I have checked over your proposed control of runoff for the Blume Distribution Facility, given to me by Dick Anderson. Based upon King County Drainage Standards, which are accepted by the City of Renton, the storage requirements for a closed depression are a 100 year/7 day design storm, by use of the SCS Hydrograph method. The calculations that you sent were for wetland storage, with infiltration of the soil taken into account. These calculations will have to be revised to accommodate a 100 year/ 7 day storm. The infiltration rate must be supported by a Soils Engineer Report. Since there will be significant impervious area added to this development, it will be necessary to provide baffled oil/water separators before the runoff enters the wetland area. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 235-2631. Very Truly Yours, "%/1-; Kim D. Scattarella Storm Water Engineering Specialist BLUME/KDS:If cc: Dick Anderson Lenora Blauman 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile 12(16) 2a5-251a • 141:51. FROM BRUC:E BLUME AND CO. TO 2352513 P.01 ±;i0 RUC E BLUNI.,E PLAVNgP'Y's,9" 6.,„ 0.,ipits COMPANY. h6r JAN 2 6 1990 ,ECEIVED EA.c52133Tzff.,RAvs_many,, TO: '7761C-L-let,rYta-tA..— DATE: /- Ate • FAX FROM: BRI,70 )-s.f,riti-F.1 A COMPANY (aT) 6:3:3'-4€89 :51.158:z or }?AGES 11--ZANSMITTED (INCLUDES COVER SHEET) • ..'L.-iiinSk.t(7,3i; - • • •••• - -- 146 Nown-i CANAL.STREET,SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGToN 9gio3 (200632-1800 144.*:!((20(,)63346m .TAN-26-199O 14:51 FROM BRUCE BLUME AND CO. TO 2352513 P.02 BRUCE BLUM E & COMPANTY____ R1 Ai:3:S J-,\ F.I)1 O 'I RS January 26, 1990 PLA On; DtV11 To: Li:nora Blauman FR;TON . SIG* From: Jim Garrison ✓�N�6 9 ���a� 11ee o Re: Traffic Assessment ,v�® Dear Lenora: Per .our phone conversation yesterday, attached you will find the Trip Generation Estimates for three alternative evaluation methods as prepared by Dean Hobson of Kittleson & Assoc. Our position is that the actual office employee, truck, Outside sales and warehouse employee total should be the basis for a traffic assessment in lieu of a square footage methodology. Clearly, this results in a substantially more fLctual definition of the financial traffic mitigation assessment for the project. In that this is restricting our permit processing, your assistance to clear this item is needed at the earliest opportunity. Please let me know when we can meet to resolve this issue. cc: Dean Hobson Bob Fadden • • • .f. 146 NORTH (:A°„11, 1 MEET, SUITE 310 SEATFI.E, WASHIN(aToN 98103 (206)6.3Z-1800 FAX (206)63.3-4(,1() • 3111-i- 1SBO 14:52 FROM BRUCE BLUME AND CO. TO 2352513 P.B3 61) BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY PROPOSED E1) NTON SITE ASSUMPTIONS: Building A: Total Square Footage - 230,000 Office Square Footage - 16,000 Warehouse Square Footage 214, 000 Total Employees - 120 • Drivers - 46 Office Employees - 25 Warehouse Employees - 7 Outside Sales - 43 Future work stations - 8 Building B: Total Square Footage - 60,000 • Office Square Footage 3,000 (5%) Warehouse Square Footage - 67,000 Total Employees - 32* Drivers - 12* Office Employees - 7* Warehouse Employees - 2* Outside Sales - 11* 411 * Estimate based on Building A. TRH) OENBRATION_AMMATIMI c Dosed on Square Footage: `==�� Building A:t. Office: 247 trips per day Warehouse: 1 , 045 trips per day Total : 1, 392 trips per day • Building B: Office: 99 trips per day Warehouse: 278 trips per day Tofial: 377 trips per day Total , Buildings A & B: 1, 769 tripe per day 3 Based on Employees: Building A: Office: 340 trips per day (211) Warehouse: 202 trips per day (202) Total: 542 trips per day (413) Building 9: Office: 97 trips per day ( 56) . Warehouse: 64 trips per day ( 64) Total : 151 tripe per day ( 110) Total , Buildings A & B: 693 _(523) I ' 52 FROM BRUCE BLUME AND CO. TO 2352513 P.04 . . Lr fratiod on Combination Truck/Employees; BnildiLg A: Truck Trips: Container Corp, of Amerio, 2 Large Trucks 12 Delivery Vans Total Truck Trips 74(74) Employee Trips: ** 834(416) Total trips: 608(490) Auilding )3 Truck Trips: Large & Delivery M1( 20) Employee Trips: ** 161(123) Total Trips; 181(143) Total , Buildings 4 & B: 7g0(633) *$ Includes drivers, outside pales , & visitors ( ) Total trips if only 25% of outside sales staff COMGO to office each day. 01-9,4-90 -1 I RUC E 1II, 1` , &COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS January 24, 1990 PLASM M MOO Lenora Blauman CITY t):R::: YTOF;N City of Renton Municipal Building JAN 2 5 1990 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, Wa. 98055 RECEN/FD Re: Container Corporation project. Dear Lenora: As a quick written update and as I related by phone last Thursday, we are proceeding ahead to supplement our information in the three areas below as requested. 1. Traffic. Actual employee counts have been completed and verified with the owner/occupants. They have been supplied to our traffic consultant, Mr. Dean Hobson of Kittleson & Assoc. I understand he has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday with the appropriate person with Renton to review and finalize that issue. 2 . Flood Plane. Bush, Roed & Hitchings is finalizing verification of their previously prepared calculations in order to assure the city of the storm water detention storage capacity. That will be completed this week. 3 . Fire Flow. Engineers have reviewed the fire flow requirements. While the fire flows are considered excessive, they are preparing the computer model to calculate the fire flows at the project and will be done this week. In the absence of speaking with you by phone, I would like to submit that our project permit review should continue in order to address any other remaining elements at the earliest convenience and in the most efficient manner. Please advise me of the opportunity to do so. Thank you for attention to the above. Since. ely b‘ . s) ,.4 , , . i # Jam= D. Garrisol cc: Bob Fadden Bob Roed \ 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 PREPARED FOR BRUCE BLUME AND ASSOCIATES velit? 48eabe 8 �990 Nabil T. Dbaibo J AN Project Engineer �EN M4 ��p4 W•ASy�V.,. Cri Gl Mann, P.E. Vice President o �01 STE �o `s4' �f`S'OtlAL t" GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY OAKSDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WASHINGTON E-4563 September 27, 1989 Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 - 136th Place Northeast Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (206) 643-3780 222 East 26th Street, Suite 103 Tacoma, Washington 98411-9998 (206) 272-6608 Ly TABLE OF CONTENTS E-4563 Page INTRODUCTION 1 Project Description 1 Scope of Services 1 SITE CONDITIONS 2 Surface 2 Subsurface 2 Groundwater 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 General 3 Site Preparation and General Earthwork 5 Foundations 6 Dock-High Retaining Walls 7 Slab-on-Grade Floors 8 Settlements 8 Surcharge Program 9 Excavations and Slopes 11 Rockeries 11 Site Drainage 12 Utility Support 13 Pavement Areas 14 • LIMITATIONS 15 Additional Services 15 Appendix A - Field Exploration Appendix B - Laboratory Testing Appendix C - Rockery Guideline Earth Consultants, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS (con't) ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Test Pit and Boring Location Plan Plate 3 Legend Plates 4 through 6 Boring Logs Plates 7 through 15 Test Pit Logs Plates 16 through 17 Grain Size Analyses Plate 18 Atterberg Limits Test Data Plate 19 Retaining Wall Drainage and Backfill Plate 20 Typical Monitoring Plate Detail PIate 21 Schematic Structural Fill Plate 22 Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Earth Consultants, Inc. it' 'p\`. 44" Igi Earth Consultants Inc. ( , ` .� cn otc c hnic:d lin}irnY rs.G�olo�fists&I V ironnu•n:al ti<iontti September 27, 1989 - E-4563 Mr. Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 1100 Eastlake, Suite 210 Seattle, Washington 98109 Dear Mr. Garrison: We are pleased to submit herewith our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Eland Distribution Facility, Oaksdale Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washington." This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study was outlined in our July 19, 1989 proposal. Our study indicates that the site is underlain by soft compressible material consisting predominantly of clayey silts to a depth of approximately eleven (11) feet. Based-on the encountered conditions, and the results of our analyses, we believe that the proposed structures can be supported on conventional footings provided that a surcharge program is first satisfactorily completed. These recommendations, along with other geotechnically related aspects of the project, are discussed in more detail in the text of the attached report. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you during this initial phase of project development, and we look forward to working with you in the future phases as the project comes to fruition. In the meantime, should you or your consultants have any . questions about the content of this report, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, E• 'TH CONSULTANTS, INC. \ , L___, Glen Mann, P.E. Vice President GM/NTD/sar 1805.136th Place N.E.,Suite 101,Bellevue,Washington 98005 222 E.26th Street,Suite 101,Tacoma,Washington 98411-9998 Bellevue(206)643.3780 Seattle(206)464.1584 FAX(206)746-0860 Tacoma(206)272.6608 'PORTANT INFORMATIC ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT More construction problems are caused by site subsur- technical engineers who then render an opinion about face conditions than any other factor. As troublesome as overall subsurface conditions, their likely reaction to subsurface problems can be, their frequency and extent proposed construction activity,and appropriate founda- have been lessened considerably in recent years,due in tion design. Even under optimal circumstances actual large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ conditions may differ from those inferred to exist, The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in because no geotechnical engineer, no matter how the Geosciences. qualified,and no subsurface exploration program, no The following suggestions and observations are offered matter how comprehensive,can reveal what is hidden by help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays, earth, rock and time.The actual interface between mate- tocost-overruns and other costly headaches that can rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report occur during a construction project. indicates.Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevent the unanticipated, but steps can be taken to help minimize their A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING impact. For this reason, most experienced owners retain their REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET geotechnical consultants through the construction stage, to iden- tify variances,conduct additional tests which may be OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS needed, and to recommend solutions to problems A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- faceencountered on site. exploration plan designed to incorporate a unique SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS set of project-specific factors. These typically include: the general nature of the structure involved, its size and CAN CHANGE configuration; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; physical concomitants such as Subsurface conditions may be modified by constantly- access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities, changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- and the level of additional risk which the client assumed neering report is based on conditions which existed at by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions program. To help avoid costly problems, consult the should not be based on a geotechnical engineering report whose geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors adequacy may have been affected by time. Speak with the geo- which change subsequent to the date of the report may technical consultant to learn if additional tests are affect its recommendations. advisable before construction starts. Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and otherwise, your geotechnical engineering report should not natural events such as floods, earthquakes or ground- be used: water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions •When the nature of the proposed structure is and,thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical changed, for example, if an office building will be report. The geotechnical engineer should be kept erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refriger- apprised of any such events,and should be consulted to ated warehouse will be built instead of an unre- determine if additional tests are necessary. frigerated one; •when the size or configuration of the proposed GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE structure is altered; PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES •when the location or orientation of the proposed AND PERSONS structure is modified; •when there is a change of ownership, or Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet • for application to an adjacent site. the specific needs of specific individuals. A report pre- Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility for problems pared for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- which may develop if they are not consulted after factors consid- quate for a construction contractor,or even some other ered in their report's development have changed. consulting civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, this report was prepared expressly for the client involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" by any other persons for any purpose,or by the client ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES for a different purpose, may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the client should apply this report for its Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions intended purpose without first conferring with the geotechnical only at those points where samples are taken,when engineer. No person should apply this report for any purpose they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- other than that originally contemplated without first conferring sequent laboratory testing are extrapolated by geo- with the geotechnical engineer. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY OAKSDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WASHINGTON E-4563 INTRODUCTION Protect Description The subject site is located in Renton and is bounded to the north by Oaksdale Avenue Southwest near the intersection of Monster Road, to the east by an existing cardboard manufacturing plant, and by Union Pacific railroad to the west and south (approximately as indicated on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1). The site is low lying currently about six feet below Oaksdale Avenue Southwest. The general area appears to have been leveled and partially filled in the past. The purpose of this study is to explore the existing subsurface conditions at the site and, on this basis, to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. At the time our study was performed, the site, proposed building locations, and our exploratory locations were approximately as shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. We understand from our discussions with your architect, Mr. Bob Fadden, that you plan to construct two warehouses, one of approximately two hundred and twenty thousand (220,000) square feet in plan area, and the second approximately forty-eight thousand (48,000) square feet in plan area. The structures are to be concrete tilt-up panel construction and will have a dock-high floor. Although no specific design information is currently available, based on our experience with similar construction, we have estimated the maximum total dead plus live • loads to be as follows: • Wall loads - 3-1/2 Ups per lineal foot • Column loads - 150 kips • Slab loads - 300 pounds per square foot (psf) If any of the above design criteria change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, we recommend that Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) be retained to perform a general review of the final design. Scope of Services We performed this study in general accordance with the scope of services outlined in our July 19, 1989 proposal. On this basis, our report addresses: Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 2 • Subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; • Suitability of existing on-site materials for use as fill, or recommendations for imported fill materials; • Site preparation, grading and earthwork procedures, including details of fill placement and compaction; • Short-term and long-term groundwater management and erosion control measures; • Foundation bearing capacity and resistance of lateral loads for conventional foundations; • Estimates of potential total and differential settlement magnitudes and their rates; • Surcharge fill construction and monitoring program; and • Parking area and access roadway design pavement sections. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project only for the exclusive use of Bruce Blume and Associates and their representatives. 'No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. SITE CONDITIONS Surface At the time of our field exploration, the site was covered by dense long field grass. The site is essentially flat and is relatively low-lying, currently about six feet below the bordering road. No structures are present on site, nor is there any evidence that any have been on the property in the past. Wetland areas are apparently present in the central portion of the property. These areas were relatively dry with no evidence of stagnant water, indicating that the underlying material is providing good drainage towards the Green River. We understand from our discussions that these areas will be kept in their natural state. Subsurface The site was explored by drilling three (3) borings and excavating sixteen (16) test pits at the approximate locations shown on Plate 2. Please refer to the Boring logs Plates 4 through Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 3 6, and the Test Pit logs, Plates 7 through 15, for a more detailed description of the conditions encountered at each location explored. A description of the field exploration methods and laboratory testing program is included in the appendix of this report. The following is a generalized description of the subsurface conditions encountered. All of our exploratory borings and excavations in the building areas encountered a thin surficial layer of loose silty sand topsoil. This layer, typically about six to eight inches thick, contains a variety of small roots and rounded gravel. It is unsuitable for support of foundations, floor slabs or pavements and cannot be used as a structural fill. Further, it should not be mixed with materials that are to be used as a structural fill. Underlying the surficial topsoil layer, we generally encountered a loose to medium dense silty sand containing some gravel, which becomes silt in some localized areas. Beneath this material we found interlayered soft to stiff silty clay and clayey silt, and loose to dense silty sand and sand. Typically, the density or consistency increased with depth. The clayey materials are susceptible to compression under load. We also excavated five Test Pits (TP-101 through 105) in the knoll located just to the southeast of the southern building pad. The purpose was to determine the suitability of the in-place materials for use as a structural fill elsewhere on the site. Beneath an approximately six inch thick surficial sod layer, we found medium dense to dense silty sand extending to the depths explored. The lower materials appeared to be a weathered sandstone. While these soils are suitable for support of a conventional warehouse-type structure, they are not suitable for use as a structural fill. In our opinion, the soil contains too large an amount of fines (silt and clay sized particles) and is highly susceptible to degradation when wet. Groundwater The groundwater levels observed while drilling and excavating range from approximately ten •to eleven feet below the existing surface and are shown on the boring and test pit logs. The groundwater level is not considered static; thus, one may expect fluctuations in the level depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the water level is higher in the wetter winter months, typically October through May. • DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our study, it is evident the site requires a substantial amount of fill to raise the site to design subgrade elevation. Since there is no on-site fill source, the fill must by necessity be imported from elsewhere. Placement of this fill, combined with the Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 4 proposed building loads, is estimated to cause a relatively large amount of settlement in the soft compressible soils immediately underlying the site. Such settlement is likely to lead to structural damage. To avoid this, we recommend you employ a surcharge fill to pre-induce as much settlement as possible before construction begins. While it would be most helpful to surcharge the pavement and parking areas of•the site as well as the building pads, this is not normally a standard, or practical, activity. We do, however, strongly recommend the site fills be placed and compacted under strict engineering control to verify they are competent. This will help reduce the settlement potential. In our opinion, once the site fills are placed and a surcharge fill program has been satisfactorily completed, the proposed buildings can be constructed generally as planned. We recommend they be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the compacted structural fill. Post-construction settlement are expected to be relatively small and within this form of structure's tolerable limits. Current development plans call for the protection of an existing "wetland" area located in the generally central part of the site. Since site fills will closely border this wetland area, you must construct competent and stable fill slopes and protect the toes of the slopes from water softening. This can be accomplished by appropriate vegetation or a protective surfacing material. Because of the relatively soft and compressible soils underlying most of the site, utility installation may pose some minor construction difficulties. We recommend all utilities be provided with flexible connections to allow for settlement related movements. Although groundwater was not encountered at shallow depth, and considering the site grade will be raised by about ten feet, we believe it prudent to include both short and long term drainage control measures in design and construction. Such measures should include, but need not be limited to, perimeter footing drains, downspout tightlines, site grading, shallow • • swales and earthen berms. We explored a portion of the knoll which is located just to the southeast of the site as a potential fill source. Our exploration indicated the materials are very fine grained and susceptible to severe disturbance when wet. As a result, we do not believe they are suitable as a fill source. However, in the event you plan to construct an additional building in this area, the soils should prove suitable for support of a tilt-up type structure, particularly if built in the drier summer months. The in-place soils will likely require some degree of recompaction prior to such construction, and will need to be protected against the elements. These, and other geotechnically related aspects of the project are discussed in more detail in the following sections of this report. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 5 Site Preparation and General Earthwork Stripping and Clearing: The building and parking areas should be stripped and cleared of all existing vegetation, existing utilities, and any other deleterious material. We estimate that on. the average, stripping depth of about six inches will be repaired. Stripped materials should be removed from the site and disposed. They should not be mixed with materials to be used as structural fill. Subgrade Preparation: Following the stripping and excavation operations, structural fill can be used to bring the building site to the desired subgrade. A typical detail for a structural fill mat is provided on Plate 21. The soil surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs are to be placed should be proofrolled and compacted to a reasonably non-yielding condition. Proofrolling helps to determine the presence and approximate areal extent of any soft or unstable soils. If any soft or unstable areas are encountered, they should be moisture- conditioned as appropriate then recompacted. If after recompaction they remain soft or unstable, they should be overexcavated to a depth that will provide a stable base. Typical- ly, a depth of two to three feet is adequate for this purpose. The overexcavated unsuitable material should be removed, disposed and replaced with structural fill. These operations should be performed under the continuous observation of ECI's representative. Structural Fill: Structural fill is defined as any fill placed around or beneath buildings, floor slabs, pavements, walkways, or any other load-bearing areas. Ideally, but particularly for wet weather construction, structural fill should comprise an organic-free, granular, free-draining material with a maximum particle size of three inches. It should contain less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay-sized particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). During dry weather, any organic-free, compactible material meeting the above maximum size criterion may be used. Structural fill under footings, floor slabs, and pavements should be placed in thin horizontal lifts. Lifts should not exceed eight inches in loose thickness for heavy compactors, and four .inches for hand-held compactors. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). Fill under walkways should be placed in similar thin horizontal lifts and, with the exception of the upper twelve (12) inches, be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum density. The top twelve (12) inches should be compacted to at least 95 percent maximum density. Any fill or native soils disturbed during construction should either be recompacted or overexcavated and replaced with compacted structural fill or crushed rock. To facilitate the compaction process, we recommend that all fills, including the on-site soils if used, be placed at or near their optimum moisture content. If fill soils are on the wet side of optimum they are likely to be difficult to compact. In this case they should then be replaced with a free- draining granular import fill, or should be dried until they can be adequately compacted. Drying can be achieved by aeration or by intermixing lime or cement powder to absorb excess moisture. Earth Consultants, Inc. • Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 6 As part of our site exploration, we dug four test pits in the lower slopes of a knoll located just to the southeast of the site. These pits were dug in an effort to determine the suitability of the in-place soils as a structural fill material on the lower lying site. Based on the conditions exposed, we do not believe the material on the knoll are suitable for use as a structural fill. They contain a significant amount of fines (silt and clay sized particles) and are highly susceptible to deterioration when wet. Excavation, movement and replacement and compaction are likely to be difficult, if not impossible. Thus, it is virtually certain that you will need to import materials form an outside source. When you have retained an earthwork contractor, and he has selected a pit from which he intends to import fill materials, you should retain us to visit and examine the pit, to acquire representative fill source samples and to perform the appropriate laboratory testing to determine the materials suitability. Providing this is done early enough in the scheme of construction, it will be possible to modify fill or compaction recommendations or even to change fill the source, if necessary, before you are committed to performing the earthwork. You should provide a contingency in your budget and schedule to accommodate this critical service. Foundations Based on the encountered site conditions and the preliminary building design criteria, we believe that conventional footings supported on compacted structural fill can be used, provided that a surcharge program to induce settlement is successfully performed. The surcharge program is discussed in more detail in a subsequent paragraph. Once the preload program is successfully completed, the conventional footings can be designed on the basis of the following criteria: • Allowable bearing pressure, including all = 2,500 psf dead and live loads. • Minimum depth of perimeter footing; below = 18 inches adjacent final exterior grade. • Minimum depth of interior footings; below = 12 inches top of floor slab. • Minimum width of wall footings = 18 inches • Minimum lateral dimension of column = 24 inches footings • Estimated total post-construction = 1 inch, or less settlement Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 7 o Estimated post-construction differential = 1/2 inch, or less settlement; across building width A one-third increase in the above allowable bearing pressures can be used when considering short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Lateral loads can also be resisted by friction between the foundation and the supporting compacted fill subgrade or by passive earth pressure acting on the buried portions of the foundations. For the latter, the foundations must be poured "neat" against the existing soil or backfilled with a compacted fill meeting the requirements of structural fill. We recommend the following parameters be used in design: • Passive pressure = 300 pcf equivalent fluid weight • Coefficient of friction = 0.35 As mentioned earlier, we also explored the lower portion of the knoll located just to the southeast of the site. While the materials are not suitable for use as a structural fill in wet weather, the area is capable of supporting construction of similar nature. In our opinion, a "typical" concrete tilt-up building can be constructed on this area provided care is exercised during design and construction. Such a building could be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the carefully recompacted and densified in-place soils. The design parameters outlined above should prove applicable. However, we recommend you retain us to evaluate any design plan before proceeding to allow us to verify that the conditions can support the proposed construction. Dock-High Retaining Walls We understand that dock-high retaining walls may be constructed along portions of the perimeter of the buildings. We recommend they be designed to resist lateral load imposed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of forty (40) pcf if they are allowed to rotate 0.002 times the height of the wall. If the walls are prevented from rotating, we recommend that they be designed to resist lateral loads of sixty (60) pcf equivalent fluid weight. These values assume that no vehicular, floor or other surcharge loads will act on the wall. If such loads are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressures. We assume that the walls will be backfilled with a suitable free-draining material. Typically, wall backfill should consist of materials similar to structural fill. Wall backfill should have a maximum size of three inches, be organic-free, and have a maximum of three percent fines (materials passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). Twenty-five (25) to seventy (70) percent of the particles should pass the No. 4 mesh sieve. A typical wall backfill detail is provided as Plate 19. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 8 As an alternative to free-draining wall backfill, you may wish to consider the use of a geotextile drainage product such as "Miradrain". In either case, we recommend the installation of a drain line along the base of each wall. These drains are discussed in more detail in the Site Drainage section of this report. Slab-on-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors can be used with conventional foundations provided that the preload program is satisfactorily completed. The slab should be supported on compacted structural fill. Any fill or native soils disturbed by construction activity should either be recompacted or excavated and replaced with compacted structural fill or crushed rock. To allow for moisture build-up on the subgrade, the slab should be provided with a capillary break consisting of a minimum of four inches of free-draining sand or gravel. We also recommend that a vapor barrier, such as a 6-mil plastic membrane, be placed over the capillary break beneath the slab to reduce both water vapor transmission through the slab and the resultant moisture related damage to interior furnishings. Two inches of damp sand may be placed over the membrane for protection during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. It will also help prevent cement paste bleeding down into the underlying capillary break through joints or tears in the vapor barrier. An alternative means of slab support, if recompaction efforts are thwarted by poor weather, is the use of a cement-bound granular fill pad. This would incorporate intermixing between about four and seven percent portland cement powder, by weight, into the upper twelve inches of the dock high site fill. The cement-bound fill is then appropriately moisture- conditioned and compacted. This will provide an approximately one foot thick layer of essentially weak concrete on which to build the slab. It is not unusual to achieve twenty- eight (28) day compressive strengths in excess of twelve hundred 1200( ) pounds per square inch with this form of construction. Typically, the cement bound fill will provide an allowable soil bearing in excess of three thousand (3,000) psf. If you wish to pursue this option further, we will be available to provide more specific design parameters. Settlements Based on the nature of the materials underlying the site, the need to place a substantial amount of structural fill to achieve design site grade, and given the proposed form of construction, the buildings are likely to undergo a relatively large amount of settlement. This settlement is of sufficient magnitude to cause structural damage. The surcharge program should be designed to pre-consolidate the compressible soils found in the upper eleven (11) feet of the site, such that the surcharge would apply loads greater than those possible under normal fill and building loads. Resulting settlements from the surcharge program should be about the same magnitude as the estimated settlements. A Earth Consultants, Inc. • r Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 9 smaller settlement than estimated could be interpreted that the clayey silt have been pre- consolidated and soil conditions are better than anticipated. Conversely, a larger settlement than that estimated could be interpreted that the soil conditions are worse than anticipated, and additional measures should be taken to obtain satisfactory results. Surcharge Program We estimate the settlement under the combined building and fill load to be on the order of six (6) to seven (7) inches. Differential settlement could be about half this magnitude across the building width. To avoid this, we recommend you perform a preload surcharge program to pre-induce as much settlement as possible before construction begins. Current plans call for up to about ten feet of fill, generating a load on the order of twelve hundred (1,200) psf on the original site subgrade. This fill load will cause a certain degree of, settlement to occur before any building is constructed. In addition, there will be the proposed floor slab load, presently estimated at about three hundred (300) psf. Although settlements under this load are substantially smaller than those generated by the fill, they are still of sufficient magnitude to cause slab damage. The damage is typically in the form of slab cracking, warping or separation. To prevent settlement under the slab load, the surcharge fill should be of a weight that is at least equal to, but preferably greater than, the slab load. In this case, a minimum surcharge thickness of two and one-half feet will approximately equal the maximum proposed floor load. To further decrease the potential for post-surcharge and construction settlement, an additional six inches to one foot of surcharge can be added. One means of reducing the cost of a surcharge program is to use a "rolling surcharge". This can be achieved on two separate ways. Either the surcharge fill material is to be used as a structural fill elsewhere on the site after the surcharge program is completed, or the surcharge fill can be used first on one building pad, then on the next. This approach requires less surcharge material than that required to settle both building pads at the same time. Surcharge material should conform to the requirements of structural fill, described earlier in this text, if the material is to be used as a fill elsewhere on the site. Regardless, the fill should have a minimum unit weight of one hundred and twenty (120) pcf. The surcharge should extend for a distance of at least ten (10) feet beyond the building perimeter. From this point, the surcharge fill should be sloped at an inclination of 1H:1V, or flatter, down to the site grade. Based on the conditions observed in the field, and the results of our selective laboratory tests and our engineering analyses, we estimate the settlements induced by the combined site and surcharge fills will take between about ten (10) and twelve (12) weeks to complete. However, the only reasonable accurate means of verifying the time rate is to perform a surcharge monitoring program. This program will include setting settlement monitoring markers on the existing site subgrade before any fill is placed, then monitoring them through Earth Consultants, Inc. • Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 10 completion of fill placement, then on until settlements cease or are considered within the building's tolerable limits. More specific details of this program are presented below: • Settlement markers should be placed on the native subgrade of each building pad before any fill is placed. We recommend six markers within the larger building footprint and four in the smaller. ECI can supply and install these markers. (A typical detail is provided on Plate 20.) • A baseline reading is obtained on each marker and is referenced to a temporary benchmark located on a feature that will be unaffected by the fill-induced settlements. • The structural and surcharge fills are then placed. Settlement readings are taken at relatively short intervals during this process, since this phase generates a relatively large amount of rapid settlement. • Once the fill operation is completed, readings are obtained on a periodic basis, typically on a weekly to bi-weekly basis, until the settlement ceases or is judged by the geotechnical engineer to be within the structure's tolerable limits. • Each set of settlement readings are plotted graphically against time to determine the magnitude and rate of activity, and are matched against the predicted magnitudes and rates. This allows us to verify the accuracy of earlier estimates and to make any appropriate modifications. We recommend ECI be retained to acquire the settlement readings. If you prefer to use another entity to collect these readings, we recommend you provide the data to us as quickly after their acquisition as possible for plotting and interpretation. This will help avoid any misinterpretation or misunderstanding about the success of the surcharge program. You should also understand that completion of primary settlements under the surcharge program does not complete total settlement. The clayey soils underlying this site are also likely to undergo long-term secondary settlement. This form of settlement continues over a much longer period, perhaps several years. This form of settlement occurs as air and water is slowly squeezed out of the soil by the fill and building load. The greater the weight of the surcharge fill, the less impact this is likely to have on the structure. Secondary settlements can be as much as about fifty percent of the primary settlement. Your structural engineer must consider this in his design. One last concern in the settlement monitoring program concerns the maintenance of settlement markers. Given that there will be a significant earthwork operation on this site to construct the site and surcharge fills, there will be a lot of earthwork traffic. This traffic can be a significant threat to the integrity of the settlement markers. In our experience, earthwork equipment (dozers and trucks) often demolish markers at a very high rate. This adds to the project costs in that they need to be replaced and makes the information Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 11 obtained less reliable. To avoid this scenario, we recommend your project specifications include a requirement that the earthwork contractor is required to immediately replace any damaged settlement marker and have the settlement readings re-obtained at his own cost! This has, in the past, helped maintain the integrity of the monitoring program and has made the earthwork contractor more conscious of the client's needs. Excavations and Slopes While no major excavations or slope construction efforts are anticipated in construction, you should be aware that in no case should excavation slopes, including utility trenches, be greater than the limits specified in local, state and federal safety regulations. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in depth should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than 1H:1V. If slopes of this inclination, or flatter, cannot be constructed, or if excavations greater than four feet in depth are required, temporary shoring may be necessary. This shoring will help protect against slope or excavation collapse, and will provide protection to workmen in the excavation. If temporary shoring is required, we will be available to provide geotechnical shoring design criteria, if requested. Since it is apparent that fill slopes will be constructed and extend out to the edges of the wetlands, we recommend the toes of these slopes be protected. A vegetative cover, or placement of a graded rock filter material, should be sufficient for this purpose. All temporary slopes should be protected against the elements. Installation of a shallow swale or low earthen berm along the crest of each slope should be adequate to collect and redirect water to a positive and permenant discharge. The slope face should be covered with a pegged or sandbagged in-place impervious sheeting. Over the long term, the slopes should be seeded as quickly after construction as possible with a suitable rapid growth and deep rooted vegetation. Your landscape architect can provide a suitable seed mix. The seed should be maintained in-place with a sprayed mulch, with the possible addition of a pegged in-place jute matting or geotechnical fabric. This will help keep the seed and mulch on the slope surface until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. Rockeries If you elect to use a rockery to protect the perimeter of the site, you should understand that a rockery is not a retaining wall in the sense one would consider a reinforced concrete retaining wall. A rockery is primarily to protect the exposed soil surface against erosion and weather damage. However, if a rockery is properly constructed, by virtue of its mass it will provide some degree of retention. The larger the rocks used, the more mass and, therefore, the greater the retaining ability. Rockery construction is, to a large extent, an art not entirely controllable by engineering methods. Because of this, it is imperative that your rockeries be constructed by an Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 12 experienced contractor with the equipment and capability to construct rockeries of a similar nature to those you require built. To help you in this respect, we have provided a current copy of the Associated Rockery Contractors (ARC) Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines as Appendix C. We recommend that your contractor closely adhere to the recommendations contained in that document. In the event that a rockery exceeds the maximum height acceptable to the City or County, or if the rockery is to be constructed against a new fill, we will be available to provide the necessary engineering and monitoring services. Site Drainage We do not expect the site groundwater levels will present any major construction-related problems. However, the site should be graded such that surface water is directed off the building site. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs or pavements are to be constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be roller-sealed at night to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades should allow for drainage away from the building foundations. We suggest that the ground be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent for a distance of at least ten feet away from the buildings except in areas that are to be paved. If seepage is encountered in foundation excavations during construction, we recommend that you slope the bottom of the excavation to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge, such as a nearby storm drain. Although the groundwater level was recorded several feet below the existing site grade, and considering the site grade in the building pad areas will be raised several feet, we still firmly believe drainage control measures installed at the time of construction are the most economical insurance against long term water or seepage related problems. Because of this, we recommend you install footing drains around the building perimeter. These drains should consist of a four-inch minimum diameter, perforated or slotted, rigid drain pipe laid at, or just below, the invert of the footing with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. The drain line should be bedded on, surrounded by, and covered with a free-draining washed rock or other free-draining granular material. Once the drains are installed, with the exception of the upper twelve (12) inches, the excavation can be backfilled with a granular fill material. The surficial twelve (12) inches of fill should consist of compacted and relatively impermeable soil. It can be separated from the underlying more granular drainage material by a layer of building paper or visqueen. The surface should be sloped to drain away from the building wall. Alternatively, the surface can be sealed with asphalt or concrete paving. A typical detail is provided on Plate 22. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drain system. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge. We recommend you • Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 13 install sufficient cleanouts at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tightline systems. We recommend the appropriate locations of subsurface drains, if needed, be established during grading operations by ECI's representative, at which time the seepage areas, if present, may be more clearly defined. Based on the general grain size, we have estimated a coefficient of permeability (K) for the materials overlying the relatively impermeable clayey soils. The K value is likely to be on the order of 2.4x10'2 inches per hour. For the underlying clayey materials, we estimate the K value to be more on the order of 1.2x10'3 inches per hour. Utility Support Utility lines installed in fills or native soils should use either APWA Specifications 61-2.02 and 61-2.03, or the specific manufacturers' recommendations, for both rigid and flexible pipe bedding. Utility trench backfill is a major concern in preventing settlement activity along utility alignments, particularly in pavement areas. It is important that each section of utility line be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to make sure support is provided around the pipe haunches. Fill should be carefully placed and hand tamped to about twelve (12) inches above the crown of the pipe before any heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the trench backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve (12) inches. Trench fill, where not supporting a structure, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The upper twelve (12) inches should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density. If utility trench excavations encounter soft and easily compressible soils at invert elevations that cannot be remedied by placement of the bedding material, it may be necessary to perform some overexcavation and ,replacement of unsuitable materials. Typically, an .overexcavation depth of about two feet is sufficient to provide a "bridge" across soft and compressible soils. The overexcavation backfill should be crushed rock or clean compact structural fill. In addition, to help accommodate any post-construction settlement, we recommend all underground utility lines include flexible joints. The trench width in soft soils should be at least three pipe diameters. This will allow for placement of sufficient bedding and/or fill material to laterally support the pipe. Depending on the actual nature of the in-place soils, it might also be prudent to wrap the bedding material in a geotechnical fabric. This determination should be made at the time of construction. However, you should include a contingency in your budget and schedule to accommodate this possibility. We also recommend you consult us once the final utility layout has been determined to reevaluate the above recommendations. At that time it might prove possible to more accurately determine the specific nature of utility trench treatment. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 14 Pavement Areas The adequacy of site pavements is strictly related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. If this is inadequate, no matter what pavement section is constructed, settlement or movement of the subgrade will be reflected up through the paving. In order to avoid this situation, we recommend the subgrade be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation section of this report. This means at least the top twelve (12) inches of the subgrade should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density (per ASTM D- 1557-78). It is possible that some localized areas of soft, wet or unstable subgrade may still exist after this process. If so, the unsuitable materials may require overexcavation and replacement with a compacted structural fill or a crushed rock. Depending on the nature of the prepared subgrade at the time of construction, it may also be necessary to use a geotextile fabric to separate pavement materials from the underlying subgrade and to help strengthen the pavement section. A Mirafi 500X, or approved equivalent, should be suitable for this purpose. As mentioned earlier, because of the amounts of fill to be placed over this site and the settlement susceptibility of the underlying native soils, long-term settlements in both building and pavement areas should be expected. The building area settlements can be controlled to some degree by the use of a surcharge fill program. While it is not normally an economically feasible step to surcharge the parking and roadway areas, we recommend you give this some consideration. The greater the loads applied to the pavement area fill before construction, the lower the risk of settlement damage to the pavements over time. This option might be achievable if a rolling surcharge program is used. On the assumption that it will not be economically feasible to surcharge the pavement areas, we urge you to make sure that the fill in these areas is placed and compacted under our full-time observation and of suitable material. On this basis, we have provided you with two alternative pavement sections for the lightly trafficked access and parking areas, and for the .more heavily trafficked truck access and loading areas. In the more lightly-loaded areas we recommend the following: • Two inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over four inches of Crushed Rock Base (CRB) material, or • Two inches of AC over three inches of Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) material. For the heavier truck-traffic areas, we have made some assumptions about site usage, pavement life and site traffic. We assumed the pavement life to be ten (10) years, that truck traffic would be essentially confined to one lane in each direction, and that traffic could double within the pavement life. We estimate the pavement subgrade would have an equivalent "R-Value" of about sixty (60). On the basis of these estimated criteria, we used Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 15 the State of Washington Flexible Pavement Design Method to determine a suitable pavement design section. As a result of this analysis, we recommend the following: • Three inches of AC over six inches of CRB, or • Three inches of AC over four and one-half inches of ATB. If the above design assumptions appear incorrect to you, or if you have more detailed and accurate traffic criteria, please provide the information to us so that we can re-analyze these heavier pavement sections. If we are not provided further data, we will assume these data in our analysis to be correct. Because of the general nature of the site soils and the time of construction, we recommend you select the ATB pavement section. This will not only provide you with a competent "blacktop" surface that will help protect the site from construction activity, but will also provide a clean, dry and competent surface on which to store and protect construction materials. It has also been our experience that in spite of its slightly higher initial cost, this form of surfacing requires considerably less maintenance either during or after a winter construction period. LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing, engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our experience and engineering judgement. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. .The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings and test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between borings and test pits may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services We recommend that ECI be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications. This will allow us to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design plans and in the construction specifications. Earth Consultants, Inc. Eland Distribution Facility E-4563 September 27, 1989 Page 16 We also recommend that ECI be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. Because of the settlement-sensitive nature of this project we do not accept responsibility for the performance of the foundations or earthwork unless we are retained to provide these services. Earth Consultants, Inc. APPENDIX A E-4563 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our field exploration was performed on August 15, August 22, and September 13, 1989. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling three (3) borings to a maximum depth of thirty nine (39) feet below the existing grade and excavating seventeen (17) test pits to a maximum depth of eleven (11) feet below existing grade. The borings were drilled using a truck-mounted Acker drill rig. Continuous flight, hollow stem augers were used to advance and support the boreholes during sampling. Approximate boring and test pit locations were determined by taping from property corners. The boring and test pit elevations were determined by interpolating between contour lines shown on a Topographic and Wetlands Survey by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. for job #89219, dated 6/19/89. The locations and elevations of the borings and test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geotechnical engineer from our firm who classified the soils encountered and maintained a log of each boring and test pit, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System which is presented on Plate 3, Legend. Logs of the borings are presented on Plates 4 through 6; and the Test Pit Logs are presented on Plates 7 through 15. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and selective tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. In each boring, Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed at selected intervals in general accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1586. The split spoon samples were • driven with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer freely falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the last twelve (12) inches of penetration are called the "N-value". This value helps to characterize the site soils and is used in our engineering analyses. The density or consistency of the soil exposed in the test pits was estimated based on the effort required to excavate the soil, the stability of the trench walls, and other factors. Representative soil samples were placed in closed containers and returned to our,laboratory for further examination and testing. Earth Consultants, Inc. ztrn+_ �•• _ •ruulr Lauv JI • S LAST WOOD �+/ u•. O \Y , • v 0 \vn I' I� flrig` s I •�=` n'°� ; ' > `S FOUNTAINI ST�r:+�'r �lz•..'l� Q'.Q �� C:\'FA .I';+ di12.�H_ ST .n 5 a LEO I T .s• �= Qv P x:S ti S s y r �- MTH ST \1 2T y ��, ee •G 113TH ✓y\\ ¢ I ST NI ` 5 41 S 14TP.y ST a R Sp �'s�rtr:s M AVDN a a Q\'' o —<T-- \cam rr4r,, gs Gr N 1, z p 5 115T11u) ST • '? \\.o Sj 4uS`4 1\y'gr• L• < < 6 S N 115TH J (� 5 IIS'r),' PE m e,+\\s .Se, r N. sLJ 4t ' s'16TH ST ••_I` ...1 a+ \ �p9 ;S a s C >. $ '®ST 9 s nnHST .y , S S S IIE11TT _ST\\_ o 7. 1n X I IlZ 'IBrH P1 .. //Sr -z- '.-� \ N4r R wA LACE n T a S IIEI -ST o— In i, C m I c Sr r i z S I no-PL - ..41TH AV 1 " AV Q�< Spa ry rn_.... F N.3 . ''%`\ .o NI9TH 5 S.119T11 Sr d N > uINIPfR ST 4.0 S. sr 120TH ST ti fy _ I $ 120�.,....r 1.. 4 i 1211TH A 4n�ND \s. S S 1215T$T I I z N r Q > �q•:('i:'i2O1."P- IZ I 4 ST '' \� f11 9y0 al > tD C 117ND ST S. > r 4v •G.S� t T S 5 12NQ to • ����� J` \ ( JlO in aI 1 /- tt w 'O wSKVILPY ®N sT \\e" I s I°i s 124tr,) � 4:.Kt• s:�K WY F, CI a S I2STH ST 1'1"5.,• .4:� CEM�Fs I x a ~ N F N „El• • f > � EAkL1AGlOM ''�%'; •_':'(i�\ 1 __ -0 5 < N i .n_\2iT1 s ,*r N tip-P'Amr,0. �� S I r4. to IT7 pL tie -s > y�i;�'L"l�.I l T 4 f i_.+? i 1 I'.11 ... F Iy rz„ S. 179THQ ST i > (i'.f.l, ) ,'':�}Li'� ;..,.' \ $T /� 1D I '>5••129TM'- Pl. S 129TH ST 6 • 0 9(�'i ;41441;1"" ' ff' '':aR B S 13OTM `O+ST z 513oHwTO • ��yi ;,y ;h�' y �90 I3ISTa-z S I m LANCSTON RRD�� AL m I•,• ,� 02 1 sit. ALT 9 ,P s1 /•`l ,,,f'I�' P PANELA T a. lann :}' S�♦ oc �Oy� F 132NosrS I 33 rs;se..,15TTT i • S 1 aD 5.`� +. /;; CD • 0 ,\ ;�+ ,;1•i.. MAN 1F S s + .i. IRF s ix 35tH S1 135TH�,Al ` ` w /,y:' 'e seer, L .J W sl his Saa" � .':'). ..?..,:. * : m _X_ ti '""- 0..• D�itis,.;.\ ;-web �..r--s 1ierH ST---,—�.• �< a S' S� y- 11 . -v',J'•,''`a''.'•s�!'fidyi.•,�' ,':;t .r'�� I ram..—� y,� F • 1:'sVAI;. -s•lt, ;,.lio1cjoj�'rieh. BEtUar "j�igN'-71A' I\ in '* - >.-y"• 1A S C r '.A<<T +•\'.r,; 9 . �. �, ->0 y.k `M ' r :01 y.' 1."PE',�.•r`0 ;\`RIVER j"'el--T EARL $-,ta2ND �' s >I NO Ll8 '�% ' 5 '' sip--- o ST. B;I a.. \ �. JCT f-" 'SITE I 1 ills 1 ;ill g N \� :. •:S::i•: ':, • 1�44 M Nii:::ii„k.,.... ....,verns.1,43.0sprc: -\\.' $ 143H ;EARLIH,GTOtlE;4`;' I 1 V1 6 Ida H'ST .;:.: ;• 'i01r%COURSE' s- I •1- . m T •I f'TOfN t• V 5 1467H ST 1 .LO I, . :i AA' '..;'\\ 1 '1?... i .,t . • r▪ :-y � c �fta1] CI Reference: King County / Map 34 By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 1988 • Vicinity Map . Earth Consultants Inc. Eland Distribution Facility �1 ,I ) ek,Se,tlnkallit,elneerS.( ,.ki4LSIS6l'l1VIII"Inrll:llscientists King County,Washington Proj. No. 4563 • Drwn. GLS Date Sept '89 Checked ND Date 9/22/89 Plate I LOCATED A. SEE j— FURTHER /—'_}-�` -1P-5 • *RI vi i w '-4I Approximate Scale Z 1 \ 0 50 100 200ft. a a I l LEGEND 0 w 1P-3 S B-I Approximate LDcatian of a ECI Boring, Proj. No. p E-4563 , Sept. 1989 ( IP-I Approximate Location of 's ECl Test Pit, Proj. No. I l E-4563 , Sept. 1989 )__2 1P-2 l- N 1P-10I Approximate Location of ECl Test Pit, Proj. No. E-4563, Sept. 1989 Proposed Building ( 1 I Existing Building 1P-I Reference : Job No. 89246.01 Schematic Grading a Utility Plan ' By Bush, Roed a Hitchings, Inc. Doted 8/24/89 Boring and Test Pit Location Plan Eland Distribution Facility King County; Washington hacked ND [Date 9/22/89 I Plate 2 MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SYMBOL . °o?o•a ,°: a•s (G u• W Well-Graded Gravels, Gravel-Sand Gravel vo.°°. o•.°. And Clean Gravels oe°'o'O _°'o'°'o'° gW Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Gravelly (little or no fines) "9: :•: :0: Coarse Soils � , ♦ , � • • — Poorly Graded Gravels,Gravel- Grained � •�• • gp Sand Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Soils More Than .i l fj: i,aGM Silty Gravels,Gravel-Sand- 50% Coarse ■I I *?III Gravels With i i I'l I I gm Silt Mixtures Fraction Fines(appreciable) j Retained On amount of fines GC Clayey Gravels,Gravel Sand No. 4 Sieve !'/ // gc Clay Mixtures 0 Sand o;0 e 000°00 o°oa SW Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly And Clean Sand Gee° ; pOo°o SW Sands, Little Or No Fines Sandy (little or no lines) ,,,!•a:-.`•1• More Than Soils "••:::' SP Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly 50% Material ; ::::•::::: ::,: : Sp Sands, Little Or No Fines Larger Than ';•-; • :� More Than No.200 Sieve Wit 1 SM 50% Coarse Silty Sands, Sand- Silt Mixtures Size Sands With •i.l.1..l.•I••.1.... Sm Fraction Fines(appreciable Passing No.4 amount of fines) ofy SC Sieve �.��rr,•!! SC Clayey Sands, Sand-Clay Mixtures ML Inorganic Silts&Very Fine Sands,Rock FloLsrSilty- fpl Clayey Fine Sands;Clayey Silts w/Slight Plasticity Fine Silts //l/Grained And Liquid Limit // CL Inorganic Cf w To Mum , Soils Clays i I Gravelly Clayslays, Sandy Lo Clays Medium Silty CPI Lean Less Than 50 C Jr I I !I I I ! I l l ! OL Organic Silts And Organic • I� I , I , I I OI Silty Clays Of Low Plasticity More Than MH Inorganic Silts,Micaceous Or Diatomaceous Fine mh Sand Or Silty Soils 50% Material Silts Liquid Limit Smaller Than And • CH Inorganic Clays Of High No.200 Sieve Clays Greater Than 50 Ch Plasticity, Fat Clays Size 7/"A OH Organic Clays Of Medium To High // on Plasticity, Organic Silts // A. -:.—.' p• T Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils Highly Organic Soils _, pt With High Organic Contents •r. Topsoil :•, ••" Humus And Duff Layer ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Fill ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Highly Variable Constituents ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Discussion In The Text Of This Report Is Necessary For A Proper Understanding Of The Nature Of The Material Presented In The Attached .Logs Notes: Dual symbols are used to indicate borderline soil classification. Upper case letter symbols designate sample classifications based upon lab- oratory testing; lower case letter symbols designate classifications not verified by laboratory testing. 7IT 2"O.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER C TORVANE READING, tsf IL SHELBY RINGUB SAMPLER OR qu PENETROMETER READING,tsf P SAMPLER PUSHED W MOISTURE, percent of dry weight . SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED pcf DRY DENSITY,pounds per cubic ft. 2 WATER LEVEL (DATE) LL LIQUID LIMIT,percent aWATER OBSERVATION WELL PI PLASTIC INDEX • Earth LEGEND consultants Inc. • .• Geotechnical Engineering and Geology Proj. No. 4563 Date Sept'89 Plate 3 • • BORING NO. 1 . Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Elev. 11±* (N) Graph �S Soil Description D(fft i" Sample Blows ,A,, Ft. :II: F#:I0 Gray silty SAND with gravel, moist, I ? to : medium dense _ " iiii ' sm Gray SILT and fine sand, moist, loose _1r •j;':: ';F T 7 28.3 UMW}{r.:r - {i S:f'{:I::{ 5 Vr/ cl-ml Gray-bluish silty CLAY, moist, -medium stiff -- I 5 45.7 - 10 Li A 't'vi::+ 2 �t :i {• i sm Dark gray-black siltySAND, wet, } ir.: t g Y- i• ':•r'••,•• dense -- i� r3: i'l 20 31 3 Pq;;g{.. - 15 y j: I 3:I: - --Il 25 29.9 — 20 '}{'{ _ II: 23 33 i;lii g::13::$f#}•.i 25 f .[:.7r l 11:1:11;;;; : : : .-becomes sandy and dense - : f;: :::r _ = 28 24.7 r••:.. t:r::; - 30 r .r#. F :j;;( sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand - 12 29.7 r :: :EE:: with shells, wet, medium dense • ff r. :`•i:1 35 • f# ':1i *Elevation interpolated between contour • — rA n*3:1::f lines of Bush, Roed & Hitchings 111;ii. Schematic Grading and Utility Plan, job rit::3:: #89246.01, dated 8-24-89 - Tc i c.t.,.r,t,.ti 14 33.7 Boring terminated at 39 feet below existing grade. Groundwater encountered at 12 feet during drilling. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative Cl other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of. information presented on this log. .47.` /A BORING LOG (1 1 Earth Consultants Inc. i1 i\1 / lli u'r5et1uutid luigiik'rrs.Get AogL5ts&linvuo mental M•ulULel!: ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS ( Sept'89 Checked ND 1 Date 9-21-89 Plate 4 BORING NO. 2 Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Bev. 12± (N) Graph CS Soil Description Depth ft ih Sample Blows (%) Ft. :i:E:#:E:E:#:i:} ::: sm Gray-light brown silty SAND with gravel, 4't131, moist, medium dense 11% Gray silty CLAY, moist, stiff = iii 12 31.3 _5 - cl-ml Gray silty CLAY, moist, soft - - T 4 58.5 -traces of peat ,_10 _ SZ I . .E.:#.�.il;i; sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand, - 11 31.4 ? :: ; wet, loose :�4 _:: 15 • ::.:::,�'• ' i::r E•� .::;;#. - III 7 43.4£': _20 Acl Gray CLAY, wet, firm - stiff - :)i•}3::f f::: Dark gray-black silty SAND, wet, 23 31.5 :3:::;E;;:: dense - Vi01:•;:i:j: --25 ff f f: rj . j. :,::.•i,;r... ,1::,I:3:,:E:}::,: - #...'E: 3:f� sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand T 27 25 f::: a•>•rg with shells, wet, medium dense Boring terminated at 29 feet below existing grade. Groundwater encountered at 11 feet during drilling. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering teats,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. BORING LOG Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY . \I / 1 i) k*iq) Gmie('dillcall•.jigitivers.Croingisis&f:Il\'IRN11111'Mill SCi1911I\I} KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS J Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 I Plate 5 • BORING NO. 3 • Logged By ND Date 8-22-89 Bev. 15± (N) Graph CS Soil Description Dirt Sample Blows loth W) Ft. �'�'f:� :'ta:j:Tipp }i.r S.T.# •'��:•I.. sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, moist, ::3:f.3::F:i 1:x?:l:f3:�::; loose - medium dense, with some roots II: 7 14 ::�t:11``. / I I" II _ 5 ml Gray-light brown fine SAND and silt, 5 31.1 moist, loose — 10 l , .l S . ml Gray and brown SILT and fine sand, wet, = 8 35.E • medium stiff :I: • 15 'I'(••I:1.i•:�•'•J:e.J. - ;�L 1]I+#E•1f 3 sm Dark gray-black silty SAND and sand, 6 31.E E '1• wet, loose - .�. ��dill :(• _ 20 1-cl Gray SILT/CLAY, wet, soft to medium stiff sm Dark gray-black silty SAND, wet, IgiAl dense ili25 {#•r..►:iii _ _ - - - c;:i•r�a: - 27.E i::: ;re:i!: - T 29 29 24.2 Boring terminated at 30 feet below existing grade.. Groundwater encountered at 11.5 feet during drilling. Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. • BORING LOG i 1r` Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �l \, I' ".i;), ...,,,,,,...,„1111,1,,IS.0'0101:LS1S&liln•IRIIIhiuiiliiiSii•uuisis KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 I Plate 6 TEST PIT NO. 1 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 • Elev, 15.5t Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) ;I 0 — .. ,,,I sm-ml Gray silty SAND and silt, moist, medium dense •� II • _a:i•±: `•l•i•' • I 30.5 :i•i•r I i 5 — :...;. • -increasing moisture 20.2 10 =fii #il Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations al the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 2 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 15.5± 0 , , , '��1..�.}•i' sm Gray silt SAND �"� �� y , moist, medium dense —:rti�>•:ti�i �t(i•i;ri i...r 18.4 ml SILT and fine sand with clay, wet, medium dense 35.2 10 :;:i. :i:i sm Gray silty SAND, moist, medium dense • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 TEST PIT LOGS • ,i Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY I I.1 Grcrterhnirii L'nginerrs,Grrrkrgtsrs&EmtiuHtmrrttal Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 1 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21791 Plate 7 TEST PIT NO. 3 Logged By ND ?• Date 8-15-89 Bev. 14± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 40 sm Gray silty SAND, moist, medium dense - .;:1 j:i :: '}::i : 5 >r:,a:::i: - , cl-ml Gray silty SAND with clay, moist, medium dense ✓z 29.2 -I I ml Gray silty SAND with fine clay, moist, mediut -I 'i dense 10 — I 31.3 - Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. ' • No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. - 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole•modified by engineering tests,analysis.and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of inlormat(on presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 4 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 14± 0 r•••'-' t.1 .1:.:: :�: sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, moist, medium dense :'i' ::t to dense .:(•l:t:i.'. •f'1•}..1.:' r.... 5 —:j:i•: ;:i: _I % ml-cl Dark gray silty SAND with clay, moist, medium 28.4 _ f/ dense 10 —ii/% -increasing clay content 36.9 Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. - No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 111: TEST PIT LOGS l , M i� Inc Earth Consultants In . ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY \ / p Geolerhnic l Engineers. �� CAYIIOf;I515&Environmental$(ieT1151V KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND • Date 9-21-89 I Plate 8 TEST PIT NO. 5 , Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Bev. 17i- , Depth (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 sm Gray-light brown silty SAND, dry - moist, medium dense -some clay and decomposed organic debris 5 2, cl-ml Dark gray silty SAND, moist to wet, medium dense cl Dark gray-bluish CLAY with some fine sand/silt, 35.5 moist, soft to medium stiff 10 38.1 Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 6 Date 8-15-89 Bev. 11± 0 sm Gray silty SAND, dry - moist, medium dense. /,c1-rni . Silty CLAY, moist, soft with some red stain 45.8 5 -- and organic debris cl Bluish CLAY, moist, medium stiff 10 ::4.• 1,1ft sm Black silty SAND, moist, medi 38 6 um dense 27.1 Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 10 feet during excavation. 15 TEST PIT LOGS Inc. • ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY , Consultantstr. yi. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Prcq. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 9 TEST PIT NO. 7 • • Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Bev. 13± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) sm Gray silty SAND, dry - moist, medium dense cl Gray CLAY, moist, medium stiff with red/brown stain and decomposed roots 29.5 5 • 34 10 • • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions oepicled represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 8 Date 8-15-89 Bev. 14.2± 0 :t•: sm Gray silty SAND, dry, medium dense :pax:•:a• •:5:�::rr cl-ml CLAY with fine silt, wet, soft to medium stiff . with red stain and small roots 38.4 5 • 39 10 — Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 TEST PIT LOGS i Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY r,10 (iIoi,('hnic1llu)gir11Y•rs.(ilnlllglsts&Environmental Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON IProj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS J Sept'89 Checked ND Date 9-21-89 Plate 1'0 TEST PIT NO. 9 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Bev. 12.5± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 ''i*: } sm Gray silty SAND, dry, medium dense - cl-ml Gray CLAY with some silt, moist, medium stiff 43.8 5 — cl Bluish CLAY, wet, soft to medium stiff 36.2 10 Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times end locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 10 Date 8-15-89 Elev. 11.5± 0 r... sm Gray silty SAND, dry - moist, medium dense. cl-ml Gray CLAY/SILT, moist, medium stiff with red stain 5 — 38.5 -traces of peat at 9' 10 — / 54.3 • Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 TEST PIT LOGS �11rk 'i . I I Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY �J '�� t1►1 (eolechnicalEngineers,Cif[ilogLsis&Envir„enenliiSclnlists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 Drwn, GLS 1 Sept'89 Checked ND Date 9-21-89 Plate 11 TEST PIT NO. 11 Logged By ND Date 8-15-89 Elev. 16.5± Depth (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 :.. 'M sm Light brown silty SAND with gravel, dry , dense 18.1 putt is'•:i�l� : { sm Gray silty SAND, moist - dry, dense 7tr:.I. 17.5 flUi sm Gray silty SAND with CLAY and peat, moist - wet, ' P medium stiff • 24.2 • 10 —Obi Test pit terminated at 11 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. • 15 Subsurface conditions deoicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and Judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By ND TEST PIT NO. 12 , Date 8-15-89 8ev. 16.5± 0 .,..f•{;;:. sm Light brown silty SAND with gravel, dry, dense 6.7 - 0,,, sm-pt Gray dark silty SAND with peat and boulders, •moist, dense 5 19.5 • Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. 10 — No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. • • 15 TEST PIT LOGS y;. I Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Gecnectniad lingi5ers.Geologists wEnvironmental Scenilsis KING COUNTY, WASHINGOTN Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked ND I Date 9-21-89 I Plate 12 TEST PIT NO.. 101 Logged By SD r• Date 9-13-89 Elev. 40± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) 0 , :1 (6" of SOD) • —"'" SM Tan to brown siltySAND with angular\>;l:i:;:i: g gravel and rock moist medium dense 14 ':f' #::{ White silty SAND, little angular gravel, moist ::::• dense 5 -41 :I:•:l: �,• •; Sedimentary structure (oxidized) visible in fiiii �:�: :j: soil/rock _:l.r.:;f:i: -'i.rt;1:{:f. sm thin bands of ochre oxidation (weathered sandstone) 10 :f.,..i_ Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade.. 10 — • No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By SD TEST PIT NO. .102 Date 9-13-89 Elev. 50± • t0;i:'E (6" of SOD) _AM f �;.l:#:E:} SM Tan to brown silty SAND, some gravel, moist, 14 ;.j:l;j:i.; medium dense - M.; Gray to brown silty SAND, some gravel, partially i'it 'l' i cemented , medium dense l'{il`i sm Grayish white silty SAND, moist, dense -1• ''•1 (weathered sandstone) - Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. 10 — No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 15/( TEST PIT LOGS 1(:& �JI Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Il C!►li/ Ckou'('nnicalingin/Y'rsG,'nlnj(Lcis&tinvironnwntatscj,'nILSI.S KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked SD I Date 9-21-89 I Plate 13 TEST PIT NO. 103 Logged By SD Date 9-13-89 Elev, 35± Depth (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) ?tiy:i (6" of SOD) sm Tan to brown silty SAND, some gravel, moist, medium dense to dense Brownish white silty SAND, moist, dense 5 ::;;;fit' 14 —:►:j;:�:t SM Grades to white silty SAND, moist, dense with ochre staining "''t`t (weathered sandstone) Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. 10 — • • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis,and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Logged By SD TEST PIT NO. 104 Date 9-13-89 Bev. 25± „oh, „., Tan to brown siltySAND with,, gravel, moist, medium dense (topsoil) Light brown silty SAND, moist, medium dense � f�:- '• = sm Grades to an orange silty SAND, moist, medium 5 — �' dense to dense, ochre (oxidation) staining ,•r :;fir t,'i b.l.} - ='• = (weathered sandstone) Test pit terminated at 8 feet below existing grade. 10 — No groundwater seepage ecnountered during excavation. 15 TEST PIT LOGS • Earth Consultants Inc. = 1� ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY i l�/ C••cn,rlvurnl Ed pin<•c rn.C;,tid"Rlctse.FJ,vlrc.,nv1nal Scientists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS I Sept'89 Checked SD I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 14 • TEST PIT NO. 105 Logged By SD , Date 9-13-89 Elev. 20± Depth W (ft.) USCS Soil Description (%) Ug (6" topsoil) - m_ sm__Tart silty SAND, moist, dense - ;'.M} sm White silty SAND, moist, dense '''°''-`") 1 ss White SANDSTONE, slightly weathered, very hard _ 5 — Test pit terminated at 3.5 feet below existing grade. - No groundwater seepage encountered during excavation. , 10 — • 15 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis.and judgement.They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. TEST PIT LOGS 41'1 hslttsI . ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY I Cxuurlmicalhirglnerrs.(icoIo slse.Fswainv ttalScMmht9 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS Sept'89 Checked SD I Date 9-21-89 ' Plate 15 APPENDIX B E-4563 LABORATORY TESTING General We conducted laboratory tests on several representative soil samples to verify or modify the field soil classification of the units encountered and to evaluate the material's general physical properties and engineering characteristics. A brief description of each of the tests performed for this study is provided below. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual boring log or on a separate data sheet contained in this Appendix. However, it is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. All of our recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their use in guiding our engineering judgement. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of thirty (30) days following completion of this report unless we are otherwise directed in writing. Soil Classification As mentioned earlier, all soil samples are visually examined in the field by our representative at the time they are obtained. They are subsequently packaged and returned to our Bellevue office where they are independently reexamined by one of our engineers and the original description is verified or modified, as necessary. With the help of information obtained from classification tests, the samples are described in general accordance with the Unified Classification System, ASTM Test Method D-2487-83. The resulting descriptions are provided at the appropriate sample location on the individual boring or test pit log and are qualitative only. The attached Legend, Plate 3, provides pictorial symbols that match the written descriptions. Moisture Content Moisture content tests were performed on the samples obtain from the borings and test pits. The purpose of these tests is to approximately ascertain the in-place moisture content of the soil sample tested. The moisture content is determined in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D-2216-80. The information obtained assists us by providing qualitative information regarding soil strength and compressibility. The results of these tests are presented at the appropriate sample depth on the boring and test pit logs. Earth Consultants, Inc. • Particle Size Analysis Detailed grain size analyses were conducted on several of the shallow soil samples to determine the size distribution of the sampled soil. The test is performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D-422-63. The information gained from this analysis allows us to provide a detailed description and classification of the in-place materials. The results are presented on Plates 16 and 17, and classification symbols are provided as part of the appropriate individual sample descriptions on the boring logs. Atterberg Limits Because of the large amounts of fines in some of the sampled soils from the field, we deemed it necessary to perform several Atterberg Limit tests on the finer materials to determine the soils plasticity characteristics and as an aid in accurate classification of the soils. These tests include the liquid and plastic limits which were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Methods D-423-66(72) and D-424-59(71), respectively. The Plastic Index, the difference between the liquid and plastic limits, is then determined. The results of the liquid limit provide a measure of the tested soils shear strength and is analogous to the direct shear test. When coupled with the plastic index, the results help us to classify the in-place soils on the basis of these soil characteristics. The result of these tests are presented on the Plate 18, Atterberg Limits Test Data. Earth Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS - — -- HYDROMETER-ANALYSIS-- SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S.STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM 0 W W a M N N O �t M N :-:-- .--(.z co vi N m 00 N M OV 0 W N0 O O O p 0 O O O O 0 0 ����;►.•� 100 �....,.._ -� r• - �� 90 —, \ 10 --N. S 20 2® m 80 'IC • m ir ri! Pt n 70 30 XI ewe Mit —I • f'4 Z \'..--"% m O 1 1 60 ▪ �to m 0 M m w frit DJ 50 •0 50 O. o° , - e 73 I.'- -< 73 0 M 40 60 W A m -< • ..4 30 70 m 0 8. 20 _ - 80 --I Z 0 90 10 — ,p t4 . to r w Hz 0 1 ILl1 11 I I 1I1141 11 I 1111 1 1 1 ' 1 11LI 100 d GI z Oo O CO CO a C) N OD (D [t r N ." co to' V M N O O O O M O O — , CD 0 0 0 Q M N ' O O O O O •M N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS O 9 O O O O v off z ,� COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES co C w N COBBLES GRAVEL SAND H H N En K C M r E ki H D rn Boring or DEPTH Moisture Z KEY USCS DESCRIPTION Content(%) LL PL co z Test Pit No. (ft.) .m0 ITJ Z M Q B-1 22.5 SM Silty SAND 33 -11 H H m z H n---- TP-1 8 ML SILT with sand 20 H IC N 0 .......... TP-11 4.5 ML Sandy SILT 17.5 cs •-..- TP-12 6 SM Silty SAND 19.5 - SIEVE-ANALYSIS - -- -- - - --- - - - - 1- --- HYDROMETER-ANALYSIS- - -i SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES ) NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH,U.S.STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM mo t0 ct m N N a •- NMID00 N O OO OO O E O O O O to41 CI N . c N c9 00 t- Ct t0 CO e- 1 0�r - ,' f e011 m 0 A m SO ®� zo y. n m 70 30 m ail f� -n so �b ao I 0 pp xi r11gri 30 70 m G) 0 20 80 --I Z - ' O '90 t9 10 o. r Lil 7 w Z Ci 0-1— 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 11 1 1 1 1 I I 11 1 1 I 1 I I MI I I 100 0 O 0 O O O O O O 0 00 CD a M N W tD v. M N .'• 00 tD V M N •" OD t0 VMN CJ D 0 0 0 CO CD a M N .- • 0 0 0• 0• 0• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS �I., a oo z r; z 1-3 COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES CD H H Cl) COBBLES GRAVEL SAND k W N co C m Fci m 1-3 H Moisture x D Z Boring or , DEPTH Content (%) LL PL KEY USCS DESCRIPTION Test Pit No. (ft.) Moisture y n co O TP-101 2 SM Brown silty SAND with gravel 14 or m z K p---— TP-101 8 SM White silty SAND 10 • ❑ TP-102 2 SM Light tan silty SAND 14 a --- TP-103 5 SM Cream color silty SAND 14 100 T 1• 80 60 >- Z 1 Q U 40 �"-'A-Line CO a. 20 C L-ML l LO 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Natural Key Boring/ Depth Soil Classification USCS L.L. P.L. RI. Water Test Pit (ft) Content • B-2 17.5 Sandy SILT ML 25 22 3 • TP-2 6.5 SILT ML 27 27 0 • TP-3 6.5 Lean CLAY, silt CL-ML 25 21 4 O TP-4 10 SILT ML 30 29 1 Atterberg Limits Test Data Earth ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY I! rl I . II, Consultants Inc. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • Geotechnical Engineering and Geology Proj. No. 45631 Date Sept'89 I Plate 18 • SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCAL- NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING 77-7-7-771".-777-7- i1i= iii lt- j Oc •,O•. • .,•.••1. o•',. 040 •, ':•'°• '';'•'°•::0.::: •1• H ili_iii r• � . 1 ft. min. o•°,`• . •�v• °•.. 1ft.min. Compacted Subgrade t LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. Free draining, organic free granular material with a maximum ° :• •••0 size of 3 inches, containing no more than 5 percent fines )silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). _-- Impermeable visqueen barrier or other impermeable material approved by geotechnical engineer. Weephole and drainage pocket as described below. ----0 O Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Drain line should be bedded on. and surrounded with free draining 1 inch minus rock or pea gravel, as desired. The drainrock may be encapsulated with a geo- technical drainage fabric at the engineers discretion. NOTES: • For free standing walls, weepholes may be used. Surround weep- holes with no less than 18 inches of 1 inch minus rock. Earth RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE AND' BACKFILL Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consultlne Enelneert,6�oloQistt KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON (!Environmental Scientists Proj. No. 4563 1 Drwn. GLS 1 Date Sept'89 Checked SD t Dated 9-21-891 Plate 19 SCHEMATIC ONLY — NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING i s> l III- I 1 I — m I NOTES: • Base consists of 3/4 - inch thick, 2 foot by 2 foot plywood with center drilled 5/8 - inch diameter hole. • Bedding material, if required, should consist of Traction Sand. • Marker rod is 1/2- inch diameter steel rod threaded at both ends. • Marker rod is attached to base by nut and washer on each side of base. • Protective sleeve surrounding marker rod should consist of 2 - inch diameter plastic tubing. Sleeve is not attached to rod or base. • Additional sections of steel rod can be connected with threaded couplings. • Additional sections of plastic sleeve can be connected with press - fit plastic couplings. • Steel marker rod should extend at least 6 inches above top of plastic sleeve. • Marker should extend at least 2 feet above top of fill surface. TYPICAL SETTLEMENT MARKER DETAIL Earth Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consulting Engineers,Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � (i Environmental Sclena�sts Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS [ Date Sept'89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-89 1 Plate 20 SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING FLOOR SLAB rr_. 111=11) . ... r.'•'.. r' , •e• ,•• • � .'o III�III �:. 't ��; :� .r .i:w• ,III .,. '• III= I I o s' 'o• o •0 • V I . O II • • "� II I III =III `II� III — III—III= 111=I�1•- 11:1-.,II1'�l`II =I)1= 111=111 I.1I'-II) = 1►1-7111 111= =III=_f11.III e.-_- 111=III; _jll= III= ills- --II NATIVE SOIL I I I I_I I LEGEND Free draining, organic free, granular material with a maximum size of 3 inches, containing no more than 5 percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve] or other material approved by geotechnical engineer. Capillary break consisting of not less than 4 inches of free draining sand or gravel, typically overlain with a visqueen vapor barrier. bo Footing drain surrounded with washed rock. NOTES: • Structural fill should extend a lateral distance beyond the footing perimeter equal to or greater than the depth of fill, D : feet. • Depth of structural fill beneath capillary break and slab, H : feet. • Structural fill should be placed in thin loose lifts not exceeding 10 inches in thickness. Each lift should be compacted to no less than the degree specified in the site preparation and earth work section of this report. No additional lift should be placed until compaction is achieved. • Excavated cut slopes should be at a stable angle, and should meet all local, state and national safety requirements. • Excavation subgrade should be recompacted before placing any structural fill. Geotechnical fabric may be required if subgrade is soft or unstable at geotechnical engineers discretion. Earth SCHEMATIC STRUCTURAL FILL sillpConsultants Inc.��• ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY consulting Engineers.Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental scientists I Proj. No. 4563 Drwn. GLS I Date Sept'89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-89 Plate 21 SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • • o SLOPE TO DRAIN O 1 O • •O �i:i po 0 i;r;: c min 6 inch o o .° 5:i� :'t •:i�.i� 0 0O 0 • O • '... •• • '• ••.Oo•'••....• 'V•• • I.*• •.�, • O O '.• •� '. O .o, ..1 O '..• -„ �..:;. • 18 inch min. • • . � •0.� •. .,p •• ,,.�,0 �.o•••+a • • O• •.:•�••,••.o.•'. •r i�..•.:• •.T.••. ••f;•�•.:o• .. o,`• • cC a O'-'•moo- ••'•`•. •.�o••.•.•�• ••° •o O• • •• ••••• ••••;O•. •-••• ••0••O• • • .0'-.� O 4 inch min. :.= - 'a: .•:.' = -.°•:o;• po° ° o • diameter — •': .••. :e:: I ° ° °• •° :• o °• •o 0 •• ••• • • • ••• ••• ... .. .. o O • •_ ti ' 2 inch min. 2 inch min./ 4 inch max. 12 inch min. LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. • • Gravel backfill for walls; WDOT Standard Specifications, Section 9-03. 12121 , or Fine A•9.; • •• r Aggregate for Portland • Cement Concrete ; Section 9-03.1 (21. Q Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed ; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains into footing lines. — — — Impermeable visqeen barrier or other impermeable material approved by Geotechnical Engineer. Earth TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL Consultants Inc. ELAND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Consulting Engineers.Geologists KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON U Environmental Seien • Proj. No. 4563 I Drwn. GLS I Date Sept 89 Checked SD I Dated 9-21-89I Plate 22 ARC ogasociated 'X'.ac4ecq Contcactoce P.O. Box 1794 Woodinville, Washington 98072 (206) 481-3456 or (206) 481-7222 ASSOCIATED ROCKERY CONTRACTORS STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES 1.01 Introduction: 1.01.1 Historical Bac 'around: These standard rockery construction guidelines have been developed in an effort to provide a more stringent degree of control on rockery materials and construction methodology in the Pacific Northwest. They have been assembled from numerous other standards presently in use in the area, from expertise provided by local geotechnical engineers, and from the wide experience of the members of the Association of Rockery Contractors (ARC). 1.01.2 Goal: The primary goals of this document are to standardize the methods of construction for rockery rockerys over four feet in height, and to provide a warranty for the materials used in construction and the workmanship employed in construction. This standard has also been developed in a manner that makes it, to the best of ARC's knowledge, more stringent than the other standards presently in use by local municipalities. • 2.01 Materials: 2.01.1 Rock OuaMY: All rock shall be sound, weathering resistant, angular ledge rock. The longest dimension of any individual rock should not exceed three times its shortest dimension. Acceptability of rock will be determined by laboratory tests as hereinafter specified, geologic examination and historical'usage records. All rock delivered to and incorporated in the project shall meet the following minimum specifications: a. Absorption Not more than 2.0%for igneous and metamorphic rock types. Not more than 3.0%for sedimentary rock types. b. Accelerated Expansion (15 days) (CRD-G148) *1, *2 Not more than 15% breakdown c. Soundness (MgSO4 at 5 cycles) Not greater than 5% loss (CRD-C-137) d. Unconfined Compressive Strength Intact strength of 15,000 psi, or greater for igneous and ASTM D 2938-79 (reapproved 1979) metamorphic rocks, and 8000 psi or greater for sedimentaty rock *1. The test sample will be prepared and tested in accordance with Corps of Engineers Testing procedure CRD-C- 148, "Method of Testing Stone for Expansive Breakdown on Soaking in Ethylene Glycol." Test requirements of not more than 15 percent breakdown will be computed by dividing the number of individual pieces of initial sample suffering breakdown (that is, separating into two or more pieces) by the total number of initial pieces in the sample. *2. Accelerated expansion tests should also include analyses of the fractures and veins found. in the rock. Many problems associated with rocket),failures are related to the rock fractures and veins found within the rock and not the rock itself. 4/4/89 Page 1 2.01.2 Freuuenev of Testing: Quarry sources for rockery rock shall begin a testing program when either becoming a supplier or when a new area of the source pit is opened. The tests described in Section 2.01.3 shall he performed for every four thousand (4000) tons for the first twelve thousand (12000) tons of material blasted and removed to establish that specific rock source. The tests shall then be performed once a year or at an apparent change in material. If problems with a specific area in a pit or with a particular material are encountered, the initial testing cycle shall he restarted. 2.013 Rock Density: Recognizing that numerous sources of rock exist, and that the nature of rock will vary not only between sources but also within each source, the density of the rock shall be greater than one hundred fifty- five (155) pct. Typically, rocks used for rockery construction shall be sized approximately as follows: Rock Size Rock Weight Small to large 50-200 pounds one man Small to large 200-700 pounds two man Small to large 700-2000 pounds three man Small to large 2000-4000 pounds four man Five Man 4000-6000 pounds Six Man 6000-8000 pounds Two and one-man rock, and sometimes smaller, are often used to fill surface gaps along the top of the completed rockery to create an aesthetically pleasing surface. This is an acceptable practice provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that the owner prevents people from climbing or walking on the completed rockery. In rockeries over eight feet in height, it should not be possible to move the large sized rocks (four to six-man size) with a prybar. If these rocks can be moved, the rockery should not be considered capable of restraining any significant lateral load. However, it is both practical and even desirable that smaller rocks, particularly those used for "chinking' purposes, can be moved with a prybar to achieve the "best fit". 2.01.4 Submittals: The rock source shall present current geologic and test data for the testing for the minimum guidelines described in Section 2.01.1 on request by either the rockery contractor, the client, or the applicable municipality. 3.01 Rockery Construction: 3.01.1 General: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the skill and experience of the builder. A rockery is a protective system which helps to retard the weathering and erosion process on an exposed cut or fill soil face. While by its nature (the mass, size and shape of the rocks) it will provide some degree of reten- tion, it is not a designed or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete retaining rockery would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependant on the size of rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height of the rockery being constructed. The larger the rock, the more competent the rockery. To accomplish this, all rockeries in excess of four feet in height should be built on a "mass" basis. To provide a competent and adequate rockery structure, all rockeries constructed in front of either cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height should be bid and constructed in accordance with these standard guidelines and the geotechnical engineers supplemental recommendations. Both the standard guidelines and the supplemental geotechnical recommendations should be provided to prospective bidders before bidding and the start of construction. 4/4/89 Page 2 The same geotechnical engineer should be retained to monitor rockery construction and to verify, in writing, that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with this ARC standard and with his supplemental recommenda- tions, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable materials. 3.01.2 Geotechnical Engineer: The geotechnical engineer retained to provide necessary supplemental rockery ' construction guidelines shall be a practicing geotechnical/civil engineer licensed as a professional civil engineer in the State of Washington who has at least four years of professional employment as a geotechnical engineer in responsible charge, including experience with fill construction and stability and rockery construction. The geotechnical engineer should be hired either by the rockery contractor or the client. 3.013 Responsibility: The ultimate responsibility for rockery construction should remain with the rockery builder. However, rockeries protecting moderate to thick fills, with steep sloping surfaces above or below them, with multiple steps, with foundation or other loads affecting them, protecting sandy or gravelly soils subject to ravelling, with seepage or wet conditions, or that are more than eight feet in height, all represent special conditions and require consultation and/or advice from qualified experts. 3.01.4 Workmanship: All workmanship is guaranteed by the rockery contractor and all materials are guaranteed by supplying quarry for a period of six years from the date of completion of erection, providing no modification or changes to the conditions existing at the time of completion are made. 3.015 Changes to Finished Product: Such changes include, but are not necessarily limited to, excavation of ditches or trenches within a distance of less than 1.5 times the rockery height measured from the toe of the . rockery, removal of any material from the subgrade in front of the rockery, excavation and/or removal of material from any location behind the rockery within a distance at least equal to the rockery's height, the addition of any surcharge or other loads within a similar distance of the top of the rockery, or surface or subsurface water forced, directed, or otherwise caused to flow behind the rockery in any quantity. 3.01.6 Slopes: Slopes above rockeries should be kept as flat as possible, but should not exceed 2:1 (Horizon- tal:Vertical) unless the rockery is designed specifically to provide some restraint to the load imposed by the slope. Any slope existing above a completed rockery should be provided with a vegetative cover by the owner to help reduce the potential for surface water flow induced erosion. It should consist of a deep rooted, rapid growth vegetative mat and typically will be placed by hydroseeding and covered with a mulch. It is often useful to overlay the seed and mulch with either pegged in-place jute matting, or some other form of approved geotechnical fabric, to help maintain the seed in-place until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. 3.01.7 Monitoring: All rockeries constructed against cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height shall be periodically monitored during construction by the geotechnical engineer to verify the nature and quality of the materials being used are appropriate, that the construction procedures are appropriate, and that the rockery is being constructed in a generally professional manner and in accordance with this ARC standards and any supplemental recommendations. On completion of the rockery, the geotechnical engineer shall submit to the client, the rockery contractor, and to the appropriate municipality, copies of his rockery examination reports along with a final report summarizing rockery construction. 3.01.8 Fill Compaction: Where rockeries are constructed in front of a fill, it is imperative that the owner ensure the fill be placed and compacted in a manner that will provide a competent fill mass. To achieve this goal, all fills should consist of relatively clean, organic and debris free, granular materials with a maximum size of four inches. Ideally, but particularly if placement and compaction is to take place during the wet season, they should contain no more than five percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). All fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding ten inches in loose thickness. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor), before any additional fill is placed and compacted. In-place density tests should be performed at random locations within each lift of the fill to verify this degree of compaction is being achieved. 4/4/89 Page 3 3.01.9 Fill Construction and Reinforcement: There are two methods of constructing a fill against which to build a rockery. The first, which typically applies to rockeries of less than eight feet in height, is to overbuild and then cut back the fill. The second, which applies to all rockeries in excess of eight feet in height, is to construct the fill using a geogrid or geotechnical fabric reinforcement. Overbuilding the fill allows for satisfactory compaction of the fill mass out beyond the location of the fill face to be protected. Overbuilding also allows the earthwork contractor to use larger and more effective compaction equipment in his compactive efforts, thereby typically achieving a more competent fill mass. Cutting back into the well compacted fill also typically results in construction of a competent near vertical fill face against which to build the rockery. For the higher rockeries the use of a geogrid or geotechnical fabric to help reinforce the fill results in construction of a more stable fill face against which to construct the rockery. This form of construction leads to a longer lasting and more stable rockery and helps reduce the risk of significant long term maintenance. This latter form of construction requires a design by the geotechnical engineer for each specific case. The vertical spacing of the reinforcement, the specific type of reinforcement, and the distance to which it must extend back into the fill, and the amount of lapping must be determined on a rockery-by-rockery basis. 3.01.10 Rockery Keyway: The first step in rockery construction, after general site clearing and/or general excavation, is to construct a keyway in which to build the rockery. The keyway shall comprise a shallow trench of between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches in depth, extending for the full length of the rockery, and inclined back slightly towards the face being protected. It is typically dug as wide as the rockery (including the width of the rock filter layer). If the condition of the protected face is of concern, the keyway should be constructed in sections of manageable length, that is of a length that can be constructed in one shift or one days work. The competency of the keyway subgrade to support the rockery shall be verified by probing with a small diameter steel rod. The rod shall leave a diameter of between three-eights and one-half inch, and shall be pushed into the subgrade in a smooth unaided manner under the body weight of the prober only. Penetration of up to six inches, with some difficulty, shall indicate a "competent" keyway subgrade unless other factors in the geotechnical engineer's opinion shall indicate otherwise. Penetration in excess of six inches, or of that depth with ease, shall indicate a "soft" subgrade and one that could require treatment. Soft areas of the subgrade can be "firmed up" by tamping a layer of coarse quarry spalls into the subgrade. 3.01.11 Kevwvav and Rocker' Drainage: On completion of keyway excavation, a shallow ditch or trench, approxi- mately twelve (12) inches wide and deep, should be dug along the rear edge of the keyway. A minimum four- inch diameter perforated or slotted ADS drain pipe, or equivalent approved by an engineer, should be placed in this shallow trench and should be bedded on and surrounded by a free-draining crushed rock. Burial of the drain pipe in this shallow trench provides protection to the pipe and helps prevent it from being inadvertently crushed by pieces of the rockery rock. This drain pipe should be installed with sufficient gradient to initiate flow, and should be connected to a positive and permanent discharge. Positive and permanent drainage should be considered to mean an existing, or to be installed, storm drain system, a swale, ditch or other form of surface water flow collection system, a detention or retention pond, or other stable native site feature or previously installed collection system. 3.01.12 Rockery Thickness: The individual rockery thickness, including the rock filter layer, should be at least 40 percent of the rockery height. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the rockery "designer" the individual rocks should be arranged in a single course which, when measured to include the filter layer, is equal to the required rockery thickness. 4/4/89 Page 4 3.01.13 Rock Selection: The contractor should have sufficient space available so that he can select from among a number of stockpiled rocks for each space in the rockery to he filled. Rocks which have shapes which do not match the spaces offered by the previous course of rock should be placed elsewhere to obtain a better fit. Rock should he of a generally cubical, tabular or semi-rectangular shape. Any rocks of basically rounded or tetrahedral form should he rejected or used for filling large void spaces. Smaller rocks (one to two-man size, or smaller) are often used to create an aesthetically pleasing "top edge" to a rockery. This is acceptable provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that people are prevented from climbing or walking on the finished rockery. This is the owner's responsibility. 3.01.14 Rock Placement: The first course of rock should be placed on firm unyielding soil. There should be full contact between the rock and soil, which may require shaping of the ground surface or slamming or dropping the rocks into place so that the soil foundation conforms to the rock face bearing on it. As an alternative, it is satisfactory to place and tamp crushed rock into the subgrade to tighten it up. The bottom of the first course of rock should be a minimum of twelve (12) inches below the lowest adjacent site grade. As the rockery is constructed, the rocks should be placed so that there are no continuous joint planes in either the vertical or lateral direction. Each rock should bear on at least two rocks below it. Rocks should be placed so that there is some bearing between flat rock faces rather than on joints. Joints between courses should slope downward towards the material being protected (away from the face of the rockery). 3.01.15 Face Inclination: The face of the rockery should be inclined at a gradient of about 1:6 (Horizontal:- Vertical) back towards the face being protected. The inclination should not constructed flatter than 1H:4V. 3.01.16 Voids: Because of the nature of the product used to construct a rockery, it is virtually impossible to avoid creating void spaces between individual rocks. However, it should be recognized that voids do not necessarily constitute a problem in rockery construction. Where voids of greater than six inches in dimension exist in the face of a rockery they should be visually examined to determine if contact between the rocks exists within the thickness of the rockery. If contact does exist, no further action is required. However, if there is no rock contact within the rockery thickness the void should be "chinked" with a smaller piece of rock. If a void of greater than six inches exists in the rear face of the rockery, it should be "chinked" with a smaller rock. 3.01.17 Filter Laver. In order to provide some degree of drainage control behind the rockery, and as a means of helping to prevent loss of soil through the face of the rockery, a drainage filter shall be installed layer between the rear face of the rockery and the soil face being protected. This filter layer should be at least twelve (12) inches thick; and for rockerys in excess of eight feet in height, it should be at least eighteen (18) inches thick. It should be composed of four inch minus crushed rock, or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. If one of the rockery rocks extends back to the exposed soil face, it is not necessary that the filter rock layer extend between it and the soil face. In the event seepage is encountered emanating from a protected face, we recommend the use of a well-graded filter laver. We do not recommend the use of a geotechnical fabric for other than coverage of relatively small and isolated seepage areas because it has been the industry's experience that the filter fabric tends to clog rapidly. This quickly leads to a buildup of hydrostatic pressure which can subsequently cause failure and collapse of the rockery and is to be avoided. This clogging is apparently due to the virtual impossibility of achieving full contact between the soil face, fabric and rock filter material. If full surface contact cannot be achieved, there is often a tendency for the soil materials to flush from the protected face into the 'pockets" in the fabric which leads to the aforementioned clogging. 4/4/89 Page 5 3.01.18 Surface Drainage: It is the owner's responsibility to intercept surface drainage from above the rockery and direct it away from the rockery to a positive and permanent discharge well below and beyond the toe of the rockery. Use of other drainage control measures should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the geotechnical engineer prior to bidding on the project. ot 414/ • 4.4 ti jk IW O �'Cl µ.- \�k. `isioN At.ON? 4/4/89 Page 6 •,a—t• •. —T— e O. •l . .O • p ° ° 0 0e 0 z O 0 O 0 O• O O . a e { O 0 0•o 0 0 ' •i'���.�: �<�. i':ii. . .err, • e e O e 0 7 0 0 0 ° e i •c e o e o o p• Z 2 e 1 e e 0 0 •o 0 0 0_ e r� e 0 0 0 • 0 e o I a ' c o e o e oo p ." 'f....;.`'•:': ;.s:::;i'•;::%;;:;:;;:;;r:;:;:::•}`::;:•.; b::% 6 , G Deco .e°• e 11, p0o.D p 22 p .o 0o e e a 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 e � \ •0 0 0 O.p O ^ • e 0°O 1 0 Z ° Z \v' . •o o 0 .o o• 0 ° O O • • O 0 O O O • 1 U O • -0 6 0 e p C e.•o. 0 O O• z o p c1 1. s B " L (� R LEGEND . Crushed rock filter material ranging between 4 and 1 V2 inches in size and free of organics, with less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing ° °° • the No. 200 mesh sieve). :.r Compacted structural fill consisting of free-draining, organic-free material with a maximum size of 4 inches. Should contain no more than 5 percent fines (described above), compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D-1557-78 maximum density. —_ Tensar SS-1 geogrid, Mirafi, or equivalent reinforcement approved by geotechnical engineer. OPerforated or slotted drain pipe with 4 inch minimum diameter bedded on and surrounded by crushed rock filter material, described above. ® Designates size of rock required, i.e. 4 man. NOTES • All fill should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness. Each layer should be compacted to no less than 95 percent of maximium dry density, as determined by ASTM D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). • With exception of upper layer, geofabric reinforcement should be wrapped around exposed fill face and lapped back beneath overlying fill layer a distance of at least 2 feet. • Thickness of crushed filter rock layer, B, should be no less than 18 inches. • Depth of burial of basal layer of rock, D, should be no less than 18 inches. • Length of reinforcing geofabric, LR, shall be feet. • Geofabric reinforcement layer spacing Z, and Z2, shall be and feet; respectively. • Height of rockery, H, should not exceed feet. • TYPICAL DETAIL FILL CONSTRUCTION ROCKERY MORE THAN 8 FT. HEIGHT. Proj. No. Drwn. • I Date Checked J Dated I Plate 4> y I A ) Y • r) > > • j>c�F > ) Y~ ✓,rk �'v / > A) 0. '4 )) >Y �T 7 , > • A)' 7 • 1 )) )>� J r. , + r } n lr .> Y r ) } > > • ) > 1 ) _ ) > ♦ > , )!, . T , xmc ,. ry } 3 ) } • K Y . Y , .Y S ^f" • ) Y > )r ) > } ) } ) } 4 > LR LO ' I LEGEND • � . Crushed rock filter material ranging between 4 and 1'I2 inches in size and free of • organics, with less than 5 percent fines(silt and clay size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve). YN Compacted structural fill overbuild. Compacted structural fill consisting of free-draining,organic-free material with a maximum size of 4 inches, Should contain no more than 5 percent fines(described above), compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D-1557-78 maximum density. OPerforated or slotted drain pipe with 4 inch minimum diameter bedded on and surrounded by crushed rock filter material, described above. ® Designates size of rock required, i.e.4 man. NOTES • All fill should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness. Each layer should be compacted to no less than 95 percent of maximum dry density,as determined by ASTM D-1557-78(Modified Proctor). • Thickness of crushed filter rock layer, B,should be no less than 18 inches. • Depth of burial of basal layer of rock, D, should be no less than 18 inches. • Height of rockery, H, should not exceed feet. TYPICAL DETAIL FILL CONSTRUCTION ROCKERY 8 FT. AND LESS IN HEIGHT. Proj. No. Drwn. I Date Checked I Dated $ Plate • .�+ ,. Olt .; •.. JJJ -� . III ' 111D. 67 T .o' •••••4.1;:: IS • •, .1014 ;•,.. ,.."'V' 4Iiir,. •:! , • 1n `s7t- �' li i —Ill tt _ •<<• I11111 «�� ' .4�1. �� ' IIl1Ti D ! '•,- .° _ • '. T ---,-`J i,— --1- \ . • - \�/ ,� i/,.L I� '4 / \4 I Br- Fig. A. ROCKERY SECTION Fig. B. ROCKERY ELEVATION SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NOTES: Rockery construction is a craft and depends laroely on the The long dimension of the rocks should extend back skill and experience of the builder. towards the cut or fill fence to provide maximum stability. A rockery is a protective system which helps retard the Rocks should be placed to avoid continuous joint planes in weathering and erosion process on an exposed soil face. vertical or lateral directions. Each rock should bear on two While by its nature (mass, size and shape of the rocks)it or more rocks below it,with good flat-to-flat contact. will provide some degree of retention, it is not a designed All rockeries over 4 feet in height should be constructed on or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete basis of wall mass, not square footage of face. retaining wall would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependent on the size Approximate Approximate of the rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height Size Weight-lbs. Diameter of the wall being constructed.The larger the rock,the more 1 Man 50-200 12-16" . competent the rockery should be. 2 Man 200-700 18-26" Rockeries should be considered maintenance items that 3 Man 700-2000 28-36" will require periodic inspection and repair.They should be 4 Man 2000-4000 •36-48" located so that they can be reached by a contractor if 5 Man 4000-6000 48-54" 1 repairs become necessary. 6 Man 6000-8000 54-50" ... Maximum inclination of the slopes above and behind • Reference: Local quarry weight study using average weights rockeries should be 2:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). of no less than six rocks of each man size conducted in Minimum thickness of rock filter layer 6=12 inches. January, 1988. Minimum embedment D=12 inches undisturbed native soil LEGEND: or compacted fill placed in accordance with report Drainage materials to consist of clean recommendations. t''"••••*',.*�i .angular well-graded quarry spalls,with 4-inch Maximum rockery height H= feet. maximum size, or other material approved by Rockeries greater than 8 feet in height to be installed the geotechnical engineer. under periodic or full time observation of the geotechnical :gi.ii::::>»:>: >.,.:'.,., Surface seal; may consist of impervious soil engineer.• 'r: :rra:•':�:<s:i{ :.r�:!>.':::':-:.:4;,:,•••.' or a fine tree draining granular material.. • Unless otherwise specified in writing by the rockery Undisturbed firm Native Soil. "designer,' all rocks placed in the lower two-thirds of the 11�=tt1= wall should be 5 to 6 man rock,4000 lbs. or larger. Rocks ,.Of Drain pipe;4-inch minimum diameter, placed above this level should gradually decrease in perforated or slotted rigid plastic ADS pipe size with increasing wall height using 3 to 5 man rock, 0 laid with a positive gradient to discharge 700 to 6000 lbs. under control well away from the wall. • TYPICAL ROCKERY DETAIL NATIVE CUT, ANY HEIGHT OVER 4 FT. 1 Proj. No. t Drwn. i Date Checked I Date 1 Plate 0 , e • DISTRIBUTION 3 Copies Bruce Blume and Associates 1199 Eastlake, Suite 210 Seattle, Washington 98109 Attention: Mr. Jim Garrison 1 Copy Lance Mueller and Associates 130 Lakeside, Suite F Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Bob Fadden Earth Consultants, Inc. BUSH, ROE_. HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle,Washington 98102 Area 206/323-4144 rLi JAN 8 1990 ri) Fax 206/323-7135 • January 8, 1990 Mr. Jim Garrison Bruce Blume & Company 146 North Canal Street Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98103 RE: Flood Plan Eland Distribution Center Project Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington Dear Jim: Historically the above mentioned project site may have been within the 100 year flood plain which presently is recognized as elevation 15 feet. Changes to land features have occurred over the past 10 to 15 years which have altered lands formerly inundated by the 100 year flood occurrence. Changes that have occurred which affected this site are: 1. Oakesdale Avenue (formerly Monster Road) and the adjoining railroad embankment have precluded this land from being flooded. 2. The P-1 pump station located immediately north of this site controls the flood water of the Green River Valley. 3. Construction of the 13 acre detention storage pond behind the pump station. In conclusion I am of the opinion that the Eland Distribution Center site is not within the present 100 year flood plan. I would like to point out as a safeguard for this project that the retained 2 acres wetland is available for both on—site storm water runoff detention and for flood storage. As an added safeguard co both life and property all proposed new construction will be at elevation 15 feet or above. I trust this letter adequately addresses the flooding concerns regarding this project site. Respect obert M. Roe , P.E. RMR/scr . , ,';‘0;-;:.',:•-,:);., . . . , , ..--- #:•N--,..' • : .0r,„•••• . 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PLAN APPLI CATION DESCRIPTION : BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF; SA-112-89 THE APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A WAREHOUSE/OFFICE COMPLEX, INCLUDING TWO STRUCTURE, PARKING AND SERVICE AREAS, LANDSCAPING AND RECREATIONAL AMENITIES. THERE IS A WETLAND ON THE SITE -- .99 ACRE PORTION IS PROPOSED TO BE FILLED AND THE REMAINDER WILL BE ENHANCED WITH NATIVE VEGETATION. THE 16 ACRE PROJECT SITE IS VACANT AND IS ZONED FOR MANUFACTURING PARK USE. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: 601 MONSTER ROAD PUBLIC APPROVALS REQUIRED : ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SITE PLAN APPROVAL BUILDING PERMIT APPROVAL PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ANYTIME PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARINGS AND DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED - WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATION . Savela , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -3 • COPIES OF • THE 'ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN .3 . CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON /;2-a1- 59 • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington • residing in F ki-co , on the O dayo e( 15k'� ��a? • SIGNED : 'lczru7 l/ 1 LANCE R ��44C O� TURISE Irma ASSOCIATES/ARCHI/ARCHI TECTS 4 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE/ . Sq JOB NO. (206) 325.2553 :E;?; /,la4 TO a C'/ �/�6p�C� f4j L / • Trgivagg- // z-g769fQG�r WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION II ii /rI 2 x // �� A_,��.7 .-�/ 5/71 -Pa381 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval pi(For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution XAs requested 0 Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints O For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED A -- LOAN TO US REMARKS \lb \ON COPY TO SIGNED: 1% OF Rk ZO °) ' DSEP OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPLICATION DESCRIPTION : BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF.; SA-112-89 THE APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A WAREHOUSE/OFFICE COMPLEX, INCLUDING TWO STRUCTURE, PARKING AND SERVICE AREAS, LANDSCAPING AND RECREATIONAL AMENITIES . THERE IS A WETLAND ON THE SITE -- . 99 ACRE PORTION IS PROPOSED TO BE FILLED AND THE REMAINDER WILL BE ENHANCED WITH NATIVE VEGETATION. THE 16 ACRE PROJECT SITE IS VACANT AND IS ZONED FOR MANUFACTURING PARK USE. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: 601 MONSTER ROAD PUBLIC APPROVALS REQUIRED : ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SITE PLAN APPROVAL BUILDING PERMIT APPROVAL PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE . RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ANYTIME PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARINGS AND DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION r/ . - NOTICE OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPROVAL RENTON, WASHINGTON r A Site Plan Application has been filed and accepted with the Current Planning Division of the Community Development Department. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DESCRIPTION: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF; SA-112-89 7 THE APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A WAREHOUSE/OFFICE COMPLEX, INCLUDING TWO STRUCTURES, PARKING AND SERVICE AREAS, LANDSCAPING AND RECREATIONAL AMENITIES. THERE IS A WETLAND ON THE SITE -- .99 ACRE PORTION IS PROPOSED TO ' BE FILLED AND THE REMAINDER WILL BE ENHANCED WITH NATIVE VEGETATION. THE 16 ACRE PROJECT SITE IS VACANT AND IS ZONED FOR MANUFACTURING PARK USE. GENERAL LOCATION: 601 MONSTER ROAD S.W. - 2 PUBLIC APPROVALS:, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SITE PLAN APPROVAL BUILDING PERMIT APPROVAL The application can be reviewed in the Current Planning Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative site plan approval. For further ' information on the application or dates of final action by the City, please contact the Community Development Department, Current Planning Division at 235-2550. _/ -- - %- y ®• / % , / IaMv IulAn•H..TO A<Ha'I. v . TL(YPU LROUNP MW/Nr SIGN .\ [• MERI �FPOK+TIa-L u� I -iL _ �aiaimaaiaaaiiiaaiiaiiaiiaaaiiaaiaiaaiaA„,,..,„NG PL.i,•17,-.1G— p I I I I I I i— i 1 , v I n n I., 1, e \.• II I \'s :fMBE WN6 • 2 c- , ,,......_. \ • v.% 4, , „.. . :\ -0-- , ) ', :\..-4 / < \ ,,,, .m... ,...,.. e#.4 AS • / / =-T..z-., -2-1 , 4:4••41:*Ar / \________-, /„...- i /.- • *: 'A /// i /5.I Iv ///:/: i / //i re7:/- -6•<' .m✓ q bopyx5 rsore+..r \ /- • gl: ua.T era<..c i9G`.++ - V" /9v /&'i I I IOIRa. ��, �G /.� ' 1. w �• • r K io � ��� \ T J<.+� .g 9%°` pro g SITE PLA • I\\ ,lam •, �`G•eO' I«�.n_x T+w s . —M'OR IDSL .. / N4G �f' MAY.AM.,q V w.< •4�--• I: i RvexO.Ga tn...,, �'t rowL 40l . 'WATERFRONT M,Tt, F�n REPROGRAPHICS / ��+ 903 WESTERN AVENUE * /� U„ SEATTLE, WA 98104 k., 1 �d �� • (206)467-9889 \ GGRPP'-/ DATE.f ° c)-�V E. 1 LORDERED 8Y ORDER NO. SHIPPED VIA UE l_zp41.___j DESCRIPTION l2 ,! __ ftewm c ti° ro I >v — — —)EC 1 9 1989 d is rk",p g' H yY NO. OF PACKAGES 1 CEIVED COMPLETE ORDER /tt; PARTIAL ORDER LI I ORIGINALS ENCLOSED YES n NO X 11 AT % EASSOCIESARCSel LE-Err. _ OF 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 /�% I 0 N D 6 / JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 TO C /4,4 :7' �,5 ' g2/ . RE: gea4g- ea/frilP/P-re-ot 4 Pi t )11/ Z—I� WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings A Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION • • THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:' O For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval (For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints O For review and comment 0 I , ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO. US REMARKS /'i 114, ko . COPY TO SIGNED: OZ, If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRioNMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Cuuercnt 1FIcunral DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY • BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre protect site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA 1 , BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° o ° o 2 . Air ° 3 . Water o o 0 4 . Plants ° o ° o 5. Animals ° 6. Energy & Natural Resources ° o ° o 67 . Environmental Health ° 8 . Land & Shoreline Use ° o 0 0 9 . Housing ° 10. Aesthetics ° 11. Light & Glare ° • , o 0 12 . Recreation ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° ° 14 . Transportation 15. Public Services ° p ° O 16 . Utilities ° COMMENTS: PLfW i— / �� �� � �,� iv S� "Fay scAcX � `Q8 9, NN) i 1v ct P1c6 110 PLC i Eva S Z 6 07; AU) wcf L. ,R&)O aro i-i cavr0u1 PLAWI SHOu �3 r l locaPlato We hia`ve reviewe this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature o ' rector or. Authorized Representative Date CDV Rev. 6/88 'b, 1,oIark, O1 5TOiZ11 Alt . SHo0 1/4.CU h(L .D ¶off \ 2, Ki X) Ps55 w kLi 1-Zoo 106 6 3 0,000 /NSA TS0100 5T u 1' C L P4J Ule r P-Hz I< I rub N 6. 'kizA. 6t' LN o i0 TIC Tog-- 9t51-l 4 t1!G s,/ c Aou 1-1-W 19K, Flale-cro Kg, THE. V30 ,12,9 (4 1-41WCA,1O , PNKT1 for, CL8V ktiON J I w F o�-1 dd�J� � � N-u iao /NL-'1140u4t1 A o sct9 Pfcf0E, PoR \OJ o Wel L kry h \ S 0 Gs ,e Mi 5•14,X0 C NJ40 r N ®1 or 146 Et O kl_Li) OPo I►as Fer-flee i s MOULD Cotinffv S 11 to&) it RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures; parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre2portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned. for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION) SHORT RANGE 4 LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: (jORMOI L + ,Jtj1 X 0 5 60 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED S r�� Nro hf l' L V LNJi iw 5 0— s u e PROO OE a TIse ki0 LupeLs U.1E Fir 71ott/ O L fah-'.0 3U li a 0 S rE a Getv8K.t ,j-f P is- .N ut CO►'y\pto( Up \`n+ 3m-rej Y RPuliv►c tki S mil. - Rio t3t71-liw ,WoPosSo el, rZ l� -��r'✓1�� DATE 1-3 r 0 SiIGNATURE F RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 • P Alb 5 0r-v-.K5i ( it-c-T, 46Y),s �,9j$ ROu ci tv iu OF ,31 Sl Og L1iw: - PRoollaliocp Ito vA I 714 ! PCZOotioto)c, rzi • ■ _: ,. ' . ' CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO.: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S): SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME PROJECT NAME: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Community Development Department Current Planning Division The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822(D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet). These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Because mitigation measures have been imposed, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from March 5, 1990. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., March 20, 1990, in order to be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of the DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Current Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: March 5, 1990 DATE OF DECISION: February 28, 1990 SIGNATURES: enneth E. Nyb , it Community Devel --J Lynn A. Guttnia n, Director Public\Works Department l t DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: Natural Environment: 1) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number, size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,in advance of site plan review. Earth: 2) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of .99 acres of the wetland and an approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). Traffic: 3) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic improvements as stipulated by the Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady Way TBZ in the amount of $254,345.65 ($185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off- site improvements plan, including streetlighting, curbs, if sidewalks, gutters and undergrounding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See "Note #B below) Traffic: 4) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems Division. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site • preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state , highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) ' provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise Light/Glare/Traffic 8) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: a) an erosion control plan; b) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; c) a plan for wheel-washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; d) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; e) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; f) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and g) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition the City requests: Recreation: l) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in the amount of $5,000.00 to the development of the Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. 2) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establish a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail, for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note #A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit application. mmdoc PF/f:I. - . . , . RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: .�� , s 01A DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 • COMMENT% bl '"60 ` '� f ' EFC - 112 - 89 LSELSO V LSD APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89) 5(7 PROPONENT BRUCE BLUME & CO. DEC il 4 1989 PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. - LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. • ' SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE - MINOR MAJOR 'INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° ° 2 . Air ° o ° ° 3 Water ° ° ° ° 4 . Plants ) ° o ° ° 5. Animals o ° 6. Energy & Natural Resources ° o ° ° V . Environmental Health 1 ° ° ° 8 . Land & Shoreline Use ° o ° ° 9'. Housing ° - ° o ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° ° . ° ° 0 11. Light & Glare ° • ° ° ° 12 . Recreation ° ° o ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° ° ° 14 . Transportation ° �s o ° • ° • 15. Public Services ° ° o ° ° 16 . Utilities ` ° ° COMMENTS: • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or : areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposa �- " . / ,n Signa ure of Director or Authori !d Representative Date �� Rev. 6/88 Blume Distribution Facility SA-112-89 601 Monster Road SW 1. The proposed development is located in the Grady Way Corridor Transportation Benefit Zone. Therefore there is a transportation impact assessment fee as follows: Building A a) Warehouse space - 269,000 sq. ft. Trip rate 4.882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185.00 269,000 X 4.882/1000 = 1313.26 trips 1313 .26 trips X $ 185, 00/trip = $ 242 . 953 . 10 b) Office space - 18,000 sq. ft. Trip rate 22.77 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 152.00 18,000 X 22 .77/1000 = 409.93 trips 409.93 trips X $ 152.00/trip = $ 62 , 309.36 $ 242,953. 10 + $ 62,309. 36 = $ 305,262.46 Total fee for Bldg. A Building B Warehouse space - 49, 100 sq. ft. Trip rate 4.882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185.00 49, 100 X 4.882/1000 = 239.71 trips 239.71 trips X $ 185.00/trip = $ 44 ,345. 65 $ 44, 345. 65 Total fee for Bldg. B Summary for Item 1: Building A $305,262.46 Building B $ 44,345. 65 Grand Total Bldg. A & B $349, 608. 11 1.,. 2 . , . . • _ 2 . Truck hauling hours restricted during AM and PM peak hours: a) AM peak hour 7 to 8:30 AN b) PM peak hour 3: 30 to 6 PM 3 . Bonding for street cleaning required. Recommend $ 5, 000. 00 minimum amount. (Estimated minimum truck trips for fill only 9,900 trips) . 4. Traffic impact study required per transportation systems guideline. Guidelines are available in the City's Traffic Engineering office. 5. Curb, gutters and sidewalk plans required. In addition, street improvement plans on Oakesdale Ave SW for off-site improvement. 6. Provide street lighting plans to City standards for Oakesdale Ave SW as part of off-site improvements. Street light plans to extend the length of property frontage to Oakesdale Ave SW. 7. Developer required to initiate undergrounding of the overhead electrical and communication conductors (power & telephone) abutting to Oakesdale Ave SW property frontage (also called main distribution system for power & telephone) . 8. Proper sight distances for all driveways must be confirmed by a licensed engineer. Must meet AASHTD standards Driveway width 30 feet passenger vehicle usage Driveway width 40 feet large truck usage 9. Throat of driveway to be designed for high volume of traffic entering and exiting. Driveway designed to meet ITE standards. Detailed driveway drawing required showing throat distances, curb radius and proposed turning lanes from Oakesdale Ave SW. Note: Oakesdale Ave SW will be relatively high speed and high volume when fully developed. This should be considered when designing driveways. 10. Developer to establish a commuter information center for transit service, ride match service, and van pools. r - 1 . , +`A RENTCN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW STET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 . PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU D Cransportation Services Division D 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT CL CC lE OVIi_. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION DEC 11 -4 1989 PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE yl LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: -yt v•\ APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED More information needed per attachment. . g-r-:-.4 "."::- *1-. DATE ' ,�/ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZE REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 FF rkv Blume Distribution Facility SA-112-89 601 Monster Road SW 1. The proposed development is located in the Grady Way Corridor Transportation Benefit Zone. Therefore there is a transportation impact assessment fee as follows: Building A a) Warehouse space - 269,000 sq. ft. Trip rate 4.882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185. 00 269,000 X 4.882/1000 = 1313 .26 trips 1313.26 trips X $ 185.00/trip = $ 242,953 . 10 b) Office space - 18,000 sq. ft. Trip rate 22 .77 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 152. 00 18, 000 X 22.77/1000 = 409.93 trips 409.93 trips X $ 152.00/trip = $ 62 , 309.36 $ 242,953. 10 + $ 62,309.36 = $ 305,262 .46 Total fee for Bldg. A Building B Warehouse space - 49, 100 sq. ft. Trip rate 4.882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185.00 49, 100 X 4.882/1000 = 239.71 trips 239.71 trips X $ 185.00/trip = $ 44, 345. 65 $ 44,345. 65 Total fee for Bldg. B Summary for Item 1: Building A $305,262.46 Building B $ 44,345. 65 Grand Total Bldg. A & B ,$349,608,11 • , , 2 . Truck hauling hours restricted during AM and PM peak hours: a) AM peak hour 7 to 8:30 AM b) PM peak hour 3 :30 to 6 PM 3 . Bonding for street cleaning required. Recommend $ 5,000. 00 minimum amount. (Estimated minimum truck trips for fill only 9,900 trips) . 4. Traffic impact study required per transportation systems guideline. Guidelines are available in the City's Traffic Engineering office. 5. Curb, gutters and sidewalk plans required. In addition, street improvement plans on Oakesdale Ave SW for off-site improvement. 6. Provide street lighting plans to City standards for Oakesdale Ave SW as part of off-site improvements. Street light plans to extend the length of property frontage to Oakesdale Ave SW. 7 . Developer required to initiate undergrounding of the overhead electrical and communication conductors (power & telephone) abutting to Oakesdale Ave SW property frontage (also called main distribution system for power & telephone) . 8. Proper sight distances for all driveways must be confirmed by a licensed engineer. Must meet AASHTD standards Driveway width 30 feet passenger vehicle usage Driveway width 40 feet large truck usage ' 9. Throat of driveway to be designed for high volume of traffic entering and exiting. Driveway designed to meet ITE standards. Detailed driveway drawing required showing throat distances, curb radius and proposed turning lanes from Oakesdale Ave SW. Note: Oakesdale Ave SW will be relatively high speed and high volume when fully developed. This should be considered when designing driveways. 10. Developer to establish a commuter information center for transit service, ride match service, and van pools. rt,, .-, ' . RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEM I03%} ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SH ..ITrZ 0 Nv REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1:14c,4,,. NOtN31:1a0 I1 p� 1/10 JNINNVId DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMET. tUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 ' PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 ,acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder. will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre protect site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° 2 . Air ° O O O 3 ., Water ° o ° O 4 : Plants ° ° ° ° 0 5. Animals . O ° ° 6.. Energy & Natural Resources ° 0 1 . ' Environmental Health •° ° O ° 0 8 . ,Land & Shoreline Use ° o ° ° 9,. Housing ° ° ° 10. Aesthetics \- ° ° ° 11. Light & Glare ° ° ° 12 . Recreation 0 o O ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° o O O 14 . Transportation ° • ° 15. Public Services ° I ✓ 0 ° O ° O 16. Utilities ° ° ° COMMENTS: N Q 2Fil- tO NvJt, �l/�Gtit% ?a/L.., mit,Vt,c,C� OLA/ A___ Wk.) f,, ,, ,' ff )dp . • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas Pp in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ,- , ram - ,Ia _ . Signature D ct f or or Authorized Representative Date Rev. 6/88 RENTuiv COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112--89 ,APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking ' and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant 'and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. \ , LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING\ THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVED ✓ APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED (PitA OAA` V V.0 OL- p ((.Vl 6k,ve 9� o\My) ,in4,51-za/Q0 atAmq k,' ou PAA ti) dive • DATE 1.12A0 SIGNATURE OF REC 0 OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 rt 0/),tN6�G RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ro� cNN n c r. ,s. ^r. ��� ENV RO ME 9T4 L CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET . 1909 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: e f DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 P C TY M®�RENTON EN (APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. DE, 2 1989 PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY r ECEN" BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° ° ° o 2 . Air 3 . Water 40tg, 4. Plants ° 5. Animals 6: Energy & Natural Resources ° 67 . Environmental Health 8. Land & Shoreline Use ° 9 . Housing ° 10. Aesthetics ° 11. Light & Glare ° 12 . Recreation ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° 14 . Transportation ° 15. Public Services ° 16. Utilities ° COMMENTS: -11 S LOSS 1 k9 eSusrt b S S N4aj a to R e WAIL L/A/r I hall ti V — -Ore rre- a c"- 'I µI,.l1N/lc- 7 149 S . AT' A Mir.(iM✓m,.�� Tl�• bt'VQL04,44't.4t IS *Mum" 'flke- I AGi?i' EM w c,N 11C14144' A.ec .+ eons re Se fir PRv€ caw% ti,r i►� We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1 -zillitiect Signatures of Director or Authorized Representative Date Rev. 6/88 I ., - RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT � DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW II' � To,v� E �sr® E -112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 NTON CF ®Ec 1 Z /989 PROPONENT Bruce Blume & Co. eCe PROJECT TITLE: Blume- Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including* two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping'and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION J PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE berLNG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: . COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD 'BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Lod & APPROVED APPROVED WITH ,CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED ?2o cT' IS IIVe ov6(sTehr7r 40tr 4*e e►JIRti metoe ._ Rye Cau.i,a C2 'rot 1130C Ft-tan:mont:0v of ccfi g,ta..1 Fe- acyMa,nsrm k►w coecc. i;lAS VIAir CoNI P.. Pt Po•�. . �i we 4!, we 1 ALM- CP. £ LA-L- tS dor- ACtepr e. )4L1 JM i' sire- esi(.&J 1604AJc-o I'vde,lJdAretu 1 tAloIm s7.t Weil.' f'iLA—. A) ILL DATE SIGNATUR OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 _� 7 % RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEt-ARTMENT ropRe ram' /y, ' / ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE 1�'9 49 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: IIQI ,`�. DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12, 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12 S'/89 1 EFC - 112 - 89 CG IY OF RENT®IV APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 D LC E 0 V E I@` PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. DEC 12 1989j , r PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BUILDING DIVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to o tain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. 'The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth -, - ° ° ° ° 2 . Air ° ° ° ° 3 . Water ° ° 4. Plants ° 5. Animals " ° ° 0 ° ° 6.. Energy & Natural Resources ° ° ° ° 7. Environmental Health ° 0 0 ° 8. Land & Shoreline Use ° 9 . Housing ! ° ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° 0 ° 11. Light & Glare ° ° 12 . Recreation - ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° ° 0 14. Transportation ° ° ° ° 15. Public Services ° ° ° 16. Utilities -. ° r COMMENTS: , t , l We have reviewed this application with 'particular attention -to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addi tonal information is needed to properly assess this proposal. _ ' -'.� /yam F Sgnatu oE'Director or Authorized Representative Date 7 ; Rev. 6/88 REN'ruiv COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DLr-Ai TMENT • DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET EICF-112-89 ) APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. , The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: BL.•DZ APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED YS CA L'D ial63 Co c7 -// te /d DATE SIGNATURE OF DIRE T OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 /) • RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT r � ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET <CI °mo REVIEWIIVG DEPARTMENT: so A . 04:64, DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE /222/89 03 EFC - 112 - 89 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 • PROPONENT: ' BRUCE BLUME & CO. • PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping aild recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre pto-iect site • is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. • LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA .. BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° o O 2 . Air ° ° 0 3 . Water ° 4 . Plants ° 5. Animals o ° 6. Energy & Natural Resources ° o ° ° 67 . Environmental. Health ° O 8 . Land & Shoreline Use ° O 9 . Housing ° 10. Aesthetics ° 11. Light & Glare • ° ° ° 12 . Recreation K ° ° 13 . historic & Cultural Preservation ° •• ° ° 14 . Transportation ° 15. Public Services ° i • ° ° 0 ° 16. Utilities R COMMENTS: �G����� "�`�e-�Y��� D • at%' rLe� ijs `i A d '44-- /^C L-i/ v/1-s d , We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and. have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this • proposal. • 5 • ignature of Director o Authorized Representative D tee Rev. 6/88 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 - PROPONENT: Btuce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume 'Di\stribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre -portion -is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION II FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - BUILDING DIVISION - PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE J PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS-TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: • APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 -PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a v wetland on the site -- a .99 acre' portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. - TO: I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION, FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: J COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT DIVISION: Pl/ r APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS . X NOT APPROVED '' t(', Prelirnire rr fir& flow recruirernenl' for the Proposed development is 8,500 GPM ws dent mined by 'Kenton fire Dept.. 'the Ex is+in* Ciky (�/a vermain sipteri CAHnor provide to aboVee r uifeP 0 firms Floal. '(he UJaY�✓ Uhlily tnw. De-k (ecommend% that al,l'crnaVc eonsYruedon methods and kl►e inskaal;or, C;• an Gtutornahc, fire, Sprinkle✓sIskivn be used reduce The, recluircdA -�;�� -��e�t �lcrhav►� . ? fire flow Anal ,s;s musY he, 50,milre4 ')'or rcvietu tv agate 4tioli 4-he, ocislin waven„a,, and 62., prbpo.caa cuaYerman tmprdvcrnenl's tah roq;dr, k r tadred �iv2 flow alevrra �✓ s.c dcvaorenr. r suLjecV • 'i11e 1111arthmaih Improilernenk ps rnk�, cer� (�la rm 'Rea; Sr'andaids 6 - Qtl'S UiiG#��s fEE ✓D�klope✓ Ejrf'rnsions , �,� ee, Aiwa TEvEtoprite( ^A9Ptic/re J Slat-fir - CShesr 2 .of 21 AFXZW./Ainuf2---- DATE 12-2841 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 5n6Er I of 2 op It ' RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dec lk�'9�M ENV IRON' ,E TAL CHECKLIST f"EVGEW SHEET - 'e ,878 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: werturtA4.i tAies DATE CIRCUILATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the -' remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre protect site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. -LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA , (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° ° ° ° 2 . Air ° r ° ° 3 . Water 0 ° ° 4: Plants 0 ° 5. Animals . ° 6 . Energy & Natural Resources ° ° ° ° R . Environmental Health 0 8 . Land & Shoreline Use - ° c ° 9 . Housing ° ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° 11. Light & Glare ° 12 . Recreation ° ° ° ° ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° . . ° , , 14 . Transportation , ° - 15. Public Services ° ° ° ° 16 . Utilities - ° v `° ` COMMENTS: l &MM Uri pfl rn ) TSVEterfittif APPU C,rirnJ q2eViaAJ SHE61—, We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas, in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this, proposal . tau, 6 0u0._- 12-2$- $`I Signature of Director or Authorized Representative (J Date Rev. 6/88 FEE+APPLICATION: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVI1 SHEET an ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 0 PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP OTHER APPLICANT: ��Ywc•G2,4 DATE: /� -/'/-S'�J JOB ADDRESS: eo-&t_I- .4%4c.) NATURE OF WORK: J SG,�+1•t e.- A - 42 0L . 0 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT / -2' ST DATE RECEIVED Comments Due BY PROPERTY MGMT. Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Comm. Dev. Dept. (C.D.D.) by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Git-e, a Esj FEES APPLIED ❑ CANNOT APPLY FEES ❑ LEGAL DESCRIPTION NEED MORE INFORMATION ❑ SQUARE FOOTAGE ❑ FRONT FOOTAGE ❑VICINITY MAP It is the intent of this development fee analysis to p y put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below will apply to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i .e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) PROJECT COST LATECOMER LATECOMER AGREEMENT - WATER NO PER. FTG. FEE CITY HELD .�o PRIVATE DEVELOPER HELD LATECOMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER — © - CITY HELD � ©— PRIVATE DEVELOPER HELD - Q SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGE - WATER UNITS SUCC FEE Single family residential dwelling unit $300/lot x Apartment, Condo, each multiplex unit $175/ea. unit x Commercial/Industrial $.04/sq. ft. of property x 0 / 0.216.539. '7 , SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGE - SEWER Single family residential dwelling unit $300/lot x Apartment, condo, each multiplex unit $175/ea. unit x Commercial/Industrial $.04/sq.ft. of property x (5' 02T, 531. 740 7 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DIS' RICT ospital Area) WATER UNITS SAD FEE DEVELOPMENTS WITH 1500 ,•PM 'IRE FLOWS OR LESS: Area Charge $0.034 • •r sq.ft. x Frontage Charge $1;.00 per front ft. x DEVELOPMENTS WITH GREA R THAN 1500 GPM FIRE FLOWS: Area Charge $0. i48 p:r sq.ft. x Frontage Chare $18.01 per front ft. x --D— i SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DI RICT (Honey Crk. Intercptr) - SEWER UNITS SAD FEE AREA CHARGES: Residential dwelling unit , apartments or equivalents; 250 r dwelling unit x Commercial develop n . $.05 per sq.ft. of oss site area x FRONT FOOTAGE CHARGES: $37.19 per Fron t. n ea. side) x $74.38 per fr: t. (prpt on both sides of imprv.) x —O- . 4 G a.PJ tit- . TOTAL: $ ��D?9• .0. The above quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits, r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. c7i� &-a-e '3 `�-' "". DATE /o.-/`t` g y 11, Signature of Director or Authorized Represent ive RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o�r�- ibC. ENVIRO ENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET' De `` o,v' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Sewer � I i4ie. is. ,�8.9 DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 14 F/89 EFC - 112 - 89,S r APPLICATION NO(S) : `SA-112-89 - PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° ° 0 4 ° ° 2 . Air 4 ° 3 . Water _ ° ° 4 . Plants ° o ° ° 5. Animals o ° ° 6. Energy & Natural Resources O ° 67 . Environmental Health ° O ° I ° 8 . Land & Shoreline Use ° ° ° ° ° 9 . Housing ° o ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° ° ° 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation ° 1 ° ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° ° ° 14 . Transportation 0 ° - ° `.� o ° O 15. Public Services ° ° o ° ° 16. Utilities ° ° ° ic COMMENTS: 1�PTE_ l We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional i formation is needed to properly assess this prop° NN d c icy---- • ` � G 4? ( SC ce f Director or Authorized Representative ate Rev. 6/88 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE • PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: tP,r u-i-1 `►�rec APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS )‹- NOT APPROVED &4157-trAIAJI,16- Lk)L1-0- &) -4z4E_LL-F- cir-y if>r— 24.4-1-b6/ AEvtA.Fiz.g.44-e.a.6cv _ s — DATE SI R OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 A , ;- . RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . c 'bjyv ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET Den ' Mo 04, REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ftr '�� k"gee DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 1f�. 9` N EFC - 112 -) 89 i APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. . PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY j)i," 1 i) Io BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site - is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. - , LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT ' NECESSARY 1. Earth ° 0 ° ° c 2 . Air ° O ° 0 3 . Water ' ° 4! Plants ° ° ° 5 Animals .., o ° ° 6. Energy & Natural Resources o ° ° 47. Environmental Health - ° O ° I 0 8,. Land & Shoreline Use ° J0. O Z 0 ° 9'. Housing ' ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° ° 0 o ° 0 . 11. Light & Glare ° 12 : Recreation ° O 0 ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° 0 ° 14 . Transportation '° ° ° ° ° 15. Public Services ' ° I °. , ° ° 16. Utilities ° j ° \ COMMENTS: , „7:e./2.4- Z0.9,2_,- ar..e.44-4j ..,-4' Ar-a€61 611470 ' ler4‘ ff s.4t.e.yd . t -1-4 7 2'1" --4 7 4(46- / la de le-"- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which' we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposl. - /6/42044 igAe- /if n if Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Rev. 6/8'8 1 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. I PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY. 5: 00 P.M. ON II REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS,' NOT APPROVED Any development and/or construction shall comply with current Fire and BuildingCodes Ordi- nances. and A second means of approved access is required. Fire a a-tment access roads/lanes shall be paved minimum width 20'; minimum height 13' 6". Yes No Preliminary fire flow calculations show a fire flow of D 50 0 is required. 9 hydrants with a minimum flow of /, ove, gpm each is required. -Primary hydrant is required to be 'within feet of the structure. Secondary hydrants are required to be within 3 d 0 feet of the structure. An,approved automatic sprinkler system is'required to protect the total structure. Yes ' o— All fire department access roads are to be paved and installed prior to construction. Yes No All fire hydrants are required to be installed and a proved prior to co truction. Yes No Aga. DATE . .t,G„ /3, /9e51 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE / . REV.- 6/88 REQUIRCI) FIRE FLOC! CALCULATIONS I. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION • NAME ,?/u Yj /-s i'e, ,ga `e'./ , /-' c i.c e 25/ U.Br.C. CLASS OF BUILD ADDRESS 4 D/ /®A4571rf /Pcf• - . GCJ FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CIRCL ONE): I - II IV III V FIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE • DI WOOD FRAME MIXED (NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) 3. DETERMINE AREA; GROUND FLOOR AREA: FT2 (A) ge!tl. A NUMBER OF STORIES: TOTAL BUILDING AREA: , 4,?-9, A,&d 4. DETERMINE BASIC .FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA CA): ?6 GPM CB) 5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: -(-- __ Z pp0 GPM (C) IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF al): � HIGH HAZAR.D,,._AQD UP TO 25% OF ) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C): CIF 8+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) I v i ("---(,--C) GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: -- 5- v v-c2 • GPM CE) CIF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF CD): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCY AND FIRE RESISTIVE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF CD). 8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT•: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OF THE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT • EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH I v ' ADD. eD-47 % 11 - 30 ' 20% MAX. EAST -1/S' ADD (cD % • 31 - 60 • • 15% MAX. SOUTH • (.3 c' ' ADD •C). "" % 61 -100 10% MAX. WEST 4c ' ADD 1 .S % 101 -150 5% MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT 150 OR 4-HR WALL 0% MAX. (NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : . % (TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES CD) ADJSTMENT: -k- -35'QC) GPM (F) 9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: • CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: GPM (G) 10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: _.- CIF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000GPM, INSERT 12,O30 GPM) (D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: v , v U GPM (H) • a ,� 1I. SIGNED — 2csGr I IATE 6-0..tP' , //-s'. ,✓$'' RCQUIRr6 FIRE FLOP! CALCULATIONS I 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME /3/Uhl/ /___ /s-770/,3Z„7c,•,.J /C/X i 7 , " � 1U.8..C. CLASS OF DUILD ADDRESS / O/ �6.Ys',�4"i2 % / _5"*. C/ . � FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CIRCL ONE): I - II IV V FIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE • ORDINARY WOOD FRAME MIXED (NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA; FT2 (A) '/ . 8 NUMBER OF STORIES: • ® TOTAL BUILDING AREA: //I, /9) — 4. DETERMINE BASIC .FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA CA): //, ,0-0-0 GPM CB) 5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: 4-•• I) -19-v GPM (C) IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD,, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C): CIF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) S v GPM (D). 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: — 7-1 �c3-v GPM CE) CIF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF CD): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCY AND FIRE RESISTIVE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF CD). 8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENt FOR EACH OF THE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH /3v' ADD 45- % 11 - 30 • 20%. MAX. EAST 9U' ADD /O % 31 - 60 15% MAX. SOUTH (-,p' ADD / % 61 -100 10% MAX. WEST /SU ' -t-- ADD % 101 -150 5% MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT 150 OR 4-HR WALL 0% MAX. (NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : , (.) % (TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES CD) ADJUSTMENT: 4-- SOU GPM (F) 9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: • CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: '/() GPM CG) 10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: CIF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,O30 GPM) (D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: )/, 0c)6 GPM CH) 11. SIGNED: / IL, % F.- /7 I ATE -Le.„. /3, /2 • 1 . / ., , I _ peg Ivts RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ZivrcN • lli De ENVIRONMN ETAL CHECKLIST REVIEWS ET 8 1989 • •REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:` 1� ,� 'rac ''' ) DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12 , 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 7 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-'89) P ' PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. PROJECT TITLE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ' - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a ' wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre protect site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W.- / SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) :. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth ° ° ° ° 2'. Air ° o ° ° - 3 . Water / ° ° ° ° 4 . Plants ° 1 ° ° ° 5. Animals' ° ° r ° 6: Energy & Natural Resources ° 67 . Environmental Health ° ° ° ° ° 8 . Land & Shoreline Use ° o ° o 9 . Housing ° ° 0 O 1 ° ° 10. Aesthetics ° • ° O ° 11.' _ Light & Glare ° 12 . Recreation ° ° 0 ° ° ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ° ° 14 . ' Transportation ° o ° ° 15 . _Public Services ° ; ° ° ° ° 16 . Utilities COMMENTS : Jed- 11e-K r pr�gc> inc1 c.cdm pia);n9 i0 i c We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified area of probable impact or . areas. where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. " � . ,4 IZ/2o>gi Signature of Director or Authorized Representative A, ate Rev. 6/88 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT xOTHERS: c•io rp4 Lt/ter V 1-1 ('J COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ;/`for irtwel-e ' (Nay APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONNNDITIONS I( NOT APPROVED onfe, a� �f�on 011'1( 6, e,7�e , Io=yeav-4=4,yh 57+-1)w-43 aka, (0 year des �y� r�Ce& . �`C Ica h VIM G e G6r'� �( -f-of b y u- "13 S Gs Fi y ,raid m�-f 110o( / w n� red o� d;;�o,,r NOW: rja�Gl1l y e vc(ereol/cw //t>ws i h +'he CAS-e_ or a Z y c5`1oirvi ac el eff- k Tft Eros,on/Scd-,✓t•.v-+1/7'41,4l C h61 No will be ketiviru( , The_ (00- e4' F-(1 0dpbrim mesa b she f, avr�, �[ Z rod- a cce ss' 'A( Pr re -FF c Sec /k,/i J3 ot '- ,44.60 s§ T1,11-1 —'✓CG G ' P` DATE I Z 2o/ 7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR R AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE / REV. 6/88 y CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: December 19, 1989 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner FROM: Kim Scattarella, Stormwater Engineering Specialist' SUBJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY REVIEW COMMENTS The following items need to be addressed on Environmental Review prior to site plan approval; 1) Biofiltration needs to included on the the Stormwater Drainage Plan. Their plan shows three Baffled Oil/Water separators that all discharge into the wetland. The verbal agreement at the meeting was for them to use biofiltration swales for stormwater prior to it entering the wetlands. The swales must have a depth of less than 2 inches, and a velocity of less than 1.5 ft./sec. in a 2 year design storm. Baffled oil/water separators are not needed, as long as there is a Type II Catch Basin ,with a Frop-T type restrictor to mitigate any possible spills. 2) A soils report needs to accompany the next submittal to examine the fill characteristics, and the soils characteristics of the surrounding area. 3) The area of fill for the wetlands on-site must not exceed one acre. The City and the Corps of Engineers will monitor the area of the fill on this site. cc:- Dick Anderson 4) 4 AQ_ 0- LANCE MUELLER ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECT.. LETT' ?' © F UGMRISMacir4za 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE t7i ! JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 ATTENTIQN��/��.r�,'_ _ _ 0c/044x ' I RE: L ����y���� TO li/�/ � ,-/v C-,a/411a,1101 0fialeapilfi l: S 100 1l/LL �• l�2"�'9 WE ARE SENDING YOU Jam' Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: 0 Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 4 IRpAcificatigns. ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 �! 1.I COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I ; 1)F C 1. 3 1989 (E� :I lr� •� tp 1 I li '� Ii _ :ij It' �g-j! LI L�� .� .. _ CI u L' 071) • n nr,nn.11, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: PFNTON o For approval 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit es fkr ppfl s For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit ! o es f r ,dist ibu,ioV requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return r ta p On tg ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO c SIGNED: ezd ;e , r/, AN S T 0 2 A G G :�Ir G, v i� 4"r lV 71:7 o a••1fr��n ����1g�sa'�N tSTR1F,JTJ GEtj-rsiz ll y` �3; aN O�itGcSDr+_� AJE • St� 1. �lorJS-rat RoAD DEc 13 tZEtJTJt.1 Jr..,µ I tJC7T�iJ i " 989 illECE11VE Ti-LtS Sl TE !S LOGATD otJ m4E Sov-n-- lDe 0= 49A4.CSD4.1...E. A.JE, S•t,J, CS• (43 rcji ST.) AADT A c e rr -co c.00 raa coRP, 2AlL.R0A() SPQR FoR 7I-1•E e:00-rAIaJER CARP• F4GILlN �tJG\RGLG,S tS Si-re FORMirJ(a A Dt hlo OJ t=RGM j LDt,J .AREAS. TIE RAtL.szoAt) -rgAc.t4 1-4)t,J EL.EEJ, IS IS,Z Aa0 �t't-►-E SITE L. 61r6V, tS 8, S . -rNI StT5 IS wr -rt4E So-rrom SOO GF- A -2›'0,7 Ac.F D2A I tJp42E SA ,ItJ GotJStSTI1J(.. M a ST i.Y DF Jo-o EJE t.,PW ' t slz.)4t-1 AriD <o2ASS 111 t'1 A 'PO tZ'T►o J. GoW"Sa S-rt of m A t-)vF-ALTa.)R.t Ordo AtJD 120A-4)bJA`i'4 . 1-61E FOI....0W1 Oft GA1-e-JLATlo1J4 1,..)Iw 4,Nvw THE ,SDI)I1 t IJ AL R%.)tJoFF ' o'Tat a.rrt►J( '1 "T ke I,JETL.AtJDS i 2 A- DUE To s TDeVeLoPM7NT FdR JS 100 'EAR 24 1-lovR DtSI60►.� SToC2M1, -114E 1 r,I=t L-rlaAT I ow RATE I S I SE-D otJ FE t2M CA‘61 L t'N RAT FOR `T141S -TYPE 4 QtL. A2 A I1.1AdoS.. 0, n . S�I,o GtrASSIFIG.ATI I D VI Luc 41LI' LOAM I L. D{.o L,.ot'o t . ep tRovP % D tIJFIL72ATtvIJ RA-r 147-1 44;.:KEc, = , 023t4, I�/��r•• RE' J L-TS Tat ExISTttJ FLot.J co,JTR To 71-IS WEI-LA/JOS ARGA 'PORI tJe. A 100 '<EA2 STORM IS P2.09 c.-Fs I,JrNA AN tr1 FItr-T"r "TID tJ OJTFLO1,J OF /2.4 G-FS AJP A MAx IMF M WA-SR SURFACE AT ELEv. to . 161 . -n4E POST DSV61.c2PED t t F-L.o 1,J I,J ILL SS 14-.S q c. tJ F I L-r2AT10N of TFt,o t,J OF 4, 0 3 GCS , 71-* POST-17 EVE.LoPED ct.J7FLo 4J V 1-1-1(ot.4-ER "T'H-AL) Tt-.‘E FRE - DcJELoPED OUTFLOW DJE. 'To -rt-4E I 2 SoP-FAGF AREA- GAvSE'D SY 71-4E 14t42t-16 R2 LJA'r&R POST- DS4 .1.0FED MA,' I JATE(Z R64,0LT OF t-1O2c IMPEIZJLOVS SJRFA'G.E A1JIP ."T14 - LL-1 acs OF A poR'noa.) of `114 LJ ET1-AtiJ D y:l ILL se.- AT St.SV, (D. lo'l% orz o.4S' eg,14S2 714AN TaS PRE -'DEVSLoPSD , ai• " BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. ; 0 E't CIVIL ENGINEERS& LAND SURVEYORS SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 323-4144 , O' �Fc%STEO' \4' 24 I .O I SAL al - 2 to -- 'l . `�S/ONAI �'" 9/25/89 Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. page BRUCE BLUME WETLANDS STORAGE SUMMARY 3PM BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: IMP1 NAME: UPPER ORIGINAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 15.00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 15.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10.00 min CN • 80.00 TIME OF CONC • 66.53 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 4.64 cfs VOL: 2.56 Ac-ft TIME: 478 min BASIN ID: IMP2 NAME: LOWER ORIGINAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 15.70 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 15.70 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10.00 min CN • 95.00 TIME OF CONC • 42.22 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 11.12 cfs VOL: 4.48 Ac-ft TIME: 472 min BASIN ID: TOTAL NAME: ORIGINAL TOTAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 30.70 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 30.70 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10.00 min CN • 80.00 TIME OF CONC • 98.75 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 8.10 cfs VOL: 5-.24 Ac-ft TIME: 486 min lEGEND 5 i 1 Hyd No. i_ .. r, \„)t -'ra+.' ;a -- I y Hyd No. 3 .,�, , J( 'A'- .< <;,A ',1-- w Hyd No. 3 --- UPPQr of • "0,I (has — r UCOI I 1 C II 1pl I t 4 o I 6) S X 1 1 f\ y 1 \ 111 i ' , 1 I f ti N / ! 5 f I t. f ; 1 f If .. .. ... .m.. .. .. .. •....�....m ....... ti ti 5ti. 3 6 13 15 18 21 24 27 Tine in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 2 Rate: 4.62 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 2.56 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 3 Rate: 10.98 cfs Time: 7.83 hr Vol : 4.48 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min • 0 ri' LEGEND • I Hyd No, 1_ O,--; a;,A+ To+;,k „,.;— Hyd No. 4 ._- ,.,;fed .Pos-t - .-'eJ z I.Je 0 *II ` 5 4. 7 f , q4 , 1 y II 1 ON t j .. , 5 l ti5, r c. + r .a • . r •y I r+ � •ram r � 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Tine in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 4 Rate: 14.59 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min LEGS rl Hyd No. i Pry- Deg¢• IoQ¢,d Lek Hyd No. 4 Post-L�gelo,pQd 'r Hyd No. 11 Pre - Developed O d-f- low . 1 d. rlo, 4 Ho. 12�- Hyd _-- Post'-Dev21 oPe 1a1-d C 1 ; (0' 1 0 t � �• ►,I a. I Al 1 1 1 ti I I I n 1 �J i n LAcl !Jo r •,:,,' r •" 7•n . „ .nti1•m nu £3 18 34 30 36 42 Tine in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 4 Rate: 14.59 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 11 Rate: 3.29 cfs Time: 13.50 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 12 Rate: 4.03 cfs Time: 12.67 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min 9/25/89 Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. page BRUCE BLUME WETLANDS STORAGE SUMMARY 3PM LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW ST DI <-PEAK-> STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) id id <-STAGE> id VOL (cf) PRE DEVELOPED 0.00 8.09 1 1 10.19 11 59788.42 POST DEVELOPED 0.00 14.59 2 2 10.67 12 95731.38 I pp YR, — 2 14g , PE,e.. ).) 'To2-M PaS-. DEA/>,t,c)PE D b,Oq ,v1A.)e, POST_ D J6LOPsD = 14,5c c oUTF-t,oki = 4,0"; c t/J ,5 = ( Or (0'1 t 01F-FeeeL)6-e IN MAX, • J 124 123 122 121 . • 120 49^ 1 — _ 1T�+ I .n_ 81 ;;r :;9., 1 e .1 1 rl . 5. , I� '�� , is L •iV\ n \ , r . ��3r 45 cii aGa ' 17 S 10 +F C FRIDAY HAR:OR PORT STANL Y f V 64CYj 'L' d ' '\85 3,�/ V T.YE• 's�`` O .r �g �Ailjj ha Fill ) .S \1 NE.r--- \. 30 s �.1 I. 'L2'cL ) C/ \ _Vi\*.Y 1Or 17� 4 > 5Q4 43 3r. 1 L �1 3 155. -.:--- 5 1;3: \ rr�c s� r `fy • 48 15 ,b 0' 1•, -: °�• y�`1 Itti, � � �T� a;. f �J( .� 0: s E 2/"1;V 11 . -lr `\C\�RE RETT �?Sf`` �w�s I 'NI\-\"..\:'.' ' 4,\''4..11 '` I ' " • 80 1,416-eS\ IAA. ., /LI( ..(i . •'',.k.:\.iii:Nik.HYVIT"eil • - '. -A '=---..-„,.8' :' ° 74-7 - . - , \ ;PK-I 100 •le-7:1 -.1' -4 .-:-.'31 5.:.---7L-:-.2'414ity er ;. i . -.-'4 '!"".,------;1,80 r-..1' '• % ar,.'-±..-r ) ?.1 _E_ �( 140 )tL $ �,o ( . .ice' IL' . • 4 '''. hIT.C" ..'( (4,... 14 rt / 40d ,,, is i ~ ,\ L J 2, •I/ jo,,, 4 P-5' A� \ 1 R• 4::::,41ir _ .i, • 1 .2. : • 1, 5 \....;.: , ,, / •COMA1:-- - , ti., NT-A -2 • � 3�) 30 5 h 47 1 ifif d-gienk • ri ---3� 5 r 2 I �•ABE'4rEVar r ,vvir ,r V - .1 . r ler :....... •i , • . t:g.N-1,:,....-('' Nk.4 '2'. - •_.( -------/_. ....,---,‘ -- ' __.,_j.s. ,.....,td.... 1 5!-,,... 45 04 ILL•a. j 10 �., 4, E TR L�• 0 S / t z-,(7,66Pir) ' c r. 4 It. :I • % C\--.ti ( ':: : 6$' ....if," '''C:\I ''''.. ( I' 22 7'1°7--:----(-: i4-. (1.--- • $1 I�, sii `1l , 4 55 - e-"7,"I _ 22'\ • \\;,..'11.-:Fri.......) ss ..,:1,--.' ,( 7, I 780(. .1'.:- '1 ' 404 . 55 1644 8 s • ,..__- a l ''' :.1. ;).\ . _ 65 •/ 5 " ` r aa AD �_2 \'� CROSSER 80 . o w i ,r Sr 7 , ——— —7p i i 1.--i--- 40 `) `� 50 , ,:, ; _ r to L 00 .`� ta� ` ``-C r .P T�. lit' B EN �%t^:, rrY S. • 1�/ • • Figure 30 . 40L1 . ..". lib ep.P . 'B5 80 35 r `� NOAA ATLAS 2,V: Prepared by U.S.De. 45 50 55 60 85 30 _ National Oceanic an.:ISOPLUVIALS F 100-YR 24-HR PRECIPIT'TION National weathers.: IN TENTHS OF AN INCH- Prepared for U.S.D: • • Soil Conservation St L 124 123 122 121 120 tr KING COUNTY, Wk__lINGTON, SURFACE WAT : DESIGN MANUAL - -._' b. A 3:1 aspect ratio between the trap length and width of the trap Is desirable. Length Is defined as the average distance from the inlet to the outlet of the trap. This ratio Is - Included in the computations for Figure 5.4.4C for the surface area at the interface between the settling zone and sediment storage volume. c. Determine the bottom and top surface area of the sediment storage volume to be r provided (see Figure 5.4.4C) while not exceeding 1.5' In depth and 3:1 side slope from the bottom of the trap. Note the trap bottom should be level. d. Determine the total trap dimensions by adding an additional 2' of depth above the surface of the sediment storage volume, while not exceeding 3:1 side slopes, for the required settling volume. (see Figure 5.4.4C) . TABLE 5.4.4A HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN KING COUNTY , SOIL SOIL }i EROD- EROD- • - HYDROLOGIC IBIUTY HYDROLOGIC IBIUTY SOIL GROUP GROUP* FACTOR,K' SOIL GROUP GROUP*. FACTOR;IC Alderwood C 0.15 Orcas Peat D 0.00 ,i Arents,Alderwood C 0.15 Oridia D 0.49 Arents, Everett B 0.17 Oval! . C 0.17 ' Beausite C 0.15 Pilchuck C 0.10 Bellingham D 0.32 Puget D 0.28 Briscot D 0.32 Puyallup B 0.28 Buckley D 0.32 Ragnar B 0.32 Coastal Beaches Variable 0.05 Renton D 0.43 . Earlmont Silt Loam D '0.37 Riverwash Variable - Edgewick C 0.32 Sala! C 0.37 Everett A 0.17 Sammamish . D 0.37 . Indianola A 0.15 Seattle D 0.00 Kitsap C 0.32 Shacar D 0.00 Klaus C 0.17 SI Silt C 0.37 Mixed Alluvial Land Variable 0.10 Snohomish D 0.32 Neliton A 0.10 Sultan C .0.37 Newberg B - 0.32 Tukwila D 0.00 Nooksack C 0.37 Urban Variable - Norm. Sandy Loam D 0.24 Woodinville D .0.37 HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS A. (Low runoff potential). Soils having high Infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted,and consisting I chiefly of deep;well-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoff potential). Solis having moderate Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and I consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. C. (Moderately high runoff potential). Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that Impedes downward movement of water,or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. D. (High runoff potential). Soils having very slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting . _ chiefly of Gay soils with a high swelling potential,soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a hardpan or day layer at or near the surface,and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. 1 I • From SCS,TR-55,Second Edition,June 1986, Exhibit A-1. Revisions made from SCS, Soils Interpretation Record, Form #5, September 1988. I5.4.4.1-3 2/89 • • • U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE . 0 122° 5' R30' .4 E. R.5 E. SEATTLE(CITY P.o.)Io MI. 2'3p'I 6 MI. TO INTERSTATE 90 OAkF (Joins sheet 5 I iv 41,,r,.-tif..tii B(a! 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N L2 Dt 5 Pk Os : ,. J •7,• I'',I' " 9 • •NBifil • sl' ry .n 4 t iWo - • ABC i'AmC UrI CI` Re I'' .1� ®Y., OS .1 4.t7. -�• CI? •i1--C_' :- • • •:\�_� (_- ., :I' • • .411 , 25' I. Wo \1 IIII {% • .' / . •, •.. -•.e: /d �,41;:i*".7.11111241:'• Ag6 ••_•• AmC • . �i 5 ( (I I-�?1 18 , • v ('• •I { • AmC r; ••• ••. • ,I'° •• II Ili' ii';' I II, I,t' j '.1I,E '^ 1'.1: BUSH, ROED& HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle,Washington 98102 Q0 ama►r,:g. w ,aggn,�N e e.4 r+6'St, Area 206/323-4144 CITY OF R, ,, O N Fax 206/323-7135 I; ; DEC 1 3 :1989 December 11, 1989 (� CS 0 City of Renton Development Department Planning Division 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Lenora Blauman Project Manager Re: Special Permit for Grading & Filling Container Corporation 601 Monster Road (112-89) Dear Ms. Blauman: As an addendum to the grading permit drawings we are including in this letter the following information as listed under Items F and G in the City' s application requirements. Restoration of top soil Only in the planting areas shown on the Landscape Plans will top soil material be placed. The landscaping is scheduled to be completed in November, 1990. Schedule of Completion & Phasing 1. Estimate of quantities. 97 ,000 cubic yards of structural fill and surcharge material will be imported and placed on site. 2. Type of material. Structural fill will consist of Class A material free of debris and organic soils and with less than 5% fines . Surcharge material will consist of Class B fill soils free of organic soils and debris. 3. Hours of operation. We propose to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. 4. Time of completion and phasing. a. Structural fill and preload completed May, 1990. b. Regrade surcharge to site completed July, 1990. c. Building A shell completed November, 1990. d. Building A utilities, paving areas and landscaping also completed November, 1990. e. Building B area grading and surcharge completed July, 1990. BL) ,ri, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. City of Renton December 11, 1989 Page 2 5. Haul routes for fill material a. 0akesdale Avenue south to Grady Way , from Grady Way west to Interurban Avenue to freeway access. b. 0akesdale Avenue south to Grady Way east to Rainier Avenue to freeway access. c. Oakesdale Avenue (Monster Road) north to Renton Avenue then northwesterly to freeway access. 6. Mitigating Measures a. Public streets to be kept clean of soils by mechanical sweepers and watered to keep dust to a minimum. b. Place an aggregated mat of large sized crushed rock material at entrances to site. Length of entrance to be a minimum of 50 feet long. c. Keep fill material moist to minimize dust. 7. Specifications of material Structural Fill: Free draining granular material with less than 5% by weight of fines passing the 200 sieve. Material to be free of organic matter, debris, wood and hazard waste. Surcharge Fill: Clean soil free of organics, wood chunks, concrete and hazard waste. 8. Erosion Control All required sedimentation/erosion control facilities will be constructed and in operation prior to land clearing and/or other construction to insure that sediment laden water does not enter the natural drainage system. All erosion and sediment facilities will be maintained in a satisfactory condition until such time that clearing and/or construction is completed and potential for onsite erosion has passed. Additional facilities will be provided over and above the minimum requirements as needed to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 9. Existing Vegetation All ground cover and trees outside of clearing area will be protected. Cleared areas to be flagged in the field. Disturbed areas which have been stripped of vegetation and filled or graded and where no further work is anticipated for a period of 30 days or longer will be stabilized with mulching, grass planting or other approved erosion control treatment applicable to the time of year and growing season. 10. Drainage Flow Calculations. See enclosed copy of calculations. If additional information is needed please contact John Lierman and myself. Submitt by, Ro ert M. Roe , PE RMR/cd 4440 CITY OF RENTON = COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WIMP Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division December 12, 1989 Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Co. 146 North Canal Street #310 Seattle, Washington 98103 RE: Blume Distribution Facility/Container Corporation, 601 Monster Road, S.W., (SA 112-89) Dear Mr. Garrison: :Ole Community Development Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee on December 29, 1989. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact Lenora Blauman, project manager, at 235-2550. 4) Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/LB:dm cc: Bob Fadden Lance Mueller & Assoc. 130 Lakeside, Suite 250 • Seattle, WA 98122 Bob Olschewsky Lance Mueller & Assoc. 130 Lakeside, Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 60 I-h," .LIKIJI-t. bLUVIE HND LU. I U yd - , -.1- 7 ,;-;`• ^, • ,1 ES'IA'11-f;1)E.V".E.,5..ADJ'FR5 • -.• • •• A :L•••.(3 • • • • t°;,. •_,? Hi • ' • ' , .• ••kin `;' ; • ••••••ilt7,, .• 1:21C3aSe 1 „ 1 .21 • I.E..310 f-.•••r7" •,\:,Asl-riN(;roi.,: 98103 (206)63Z-!SOO FAX 13T.1;41. t! CITY OF RENTON aaLL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division November 2 , 1989 James D. Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 Seattle, Washington 98103 RE: Container Corporation, Oakesdale Avenue, (SA -89) Dear Mr. Garrison: This letter is written in response to your request for an administrative determination with respect to your proposed separation of the filling and grading permit from the site plan review process for the above-referenced application. This action is being sought by you in order to permit the storage of fill on the project site, pending approval of the proposed warehouse/office development. To begin, the purpose of an administrative determination is to provide an interpretation in situations in which City ordinances do not establish clear parameters for permitted actions. In this instance, however, an administrative determination is not required, as the regulations for the granting of a special permit are clearly stated in the City's Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance (4-2302) . Specifically, Section 4-2302 (2) of the Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance stipulates that a special permit (also known as a grade and fill permit) be granted "prior to the Public Works Department issuing any. . .license (to deposit material) " on a site. This license is required even for temporary stockpiling of materials. Additionally, the City must conduct environmental and land use review for the proposed permit based upon the proximity of wetlands to the proposed storage area and the amount of fill proposed to be stockpiled on the site, as mandated by State Environmental Policy Act Rules, by the Washington State Department of Ecology, and our local Environmental Review Ordinance. While we would be pleased to make every effort to expedite the review process for a special permit, the City is required to adhere to SEPA Rules (WAC, Chapter 197-11) and regulations established by the Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance requirements for the review process. Based 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 James D. Garrisc November 2 , 1989. Page 2 upon these constraints and because the site plan/special permit (grade and fill) applications for the proposed development are not yet complete, it is likely that the review process will take a minimum of three months from the date of submittal to the date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision on the application. If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please telephone me or Lenora Blauman, project manager, at 235-2550. Thank you. ely, �. 0' jit-Q Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator Attachment '=BRUCE BLUME / ` &COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS � +%� OCT 3 0 1989 October 26, 1989 To: Ms. Lenora Blauman = From: Jim Garrison Re: Request for administrative determination Dear Lenora: Per our phone conversation yesterday morning, I am disappointed to hear that separation of the filling and grading permit cannot be made from the building permit on an expedited basis. As I indicated, we have located a source of fill for our project however, must be able to provide access to our property prior to mid-November. In light of the time required to process a special permit for the filling or stockpiling, the only other recourse is to make this request for an administrative determination to hopefully allow us to stockpile approximately 60, 000 cubic yards of fill material on the property. You will recall we have previously completed our fill approval from the Corp. of Engineers. I have enclosed a site plan of the property and have highlighted the area we propose to utilize for the stockpile. This area is located at what will be the truck yard receiving area. We are suggesting this area in that it is as far away from the wetland boundary as possible and any differential settling that might occur during the stockpile period would not have any effect upon the settling which might occur under the new building floor. Certainly, any stockpiling we did would also provide for silt and runoff protection. Please review this request and let me know if it is possible to accommodate the proposal at the earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Sincerely, aeL.AmPte.;-0. James D. Garrison cc: Bruce M. Blume 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX(206)633-4680 , • EXHIBIT A ` /(s • x; ra I j I Y ji Nam-_:—,---•-- - . LO,.• ..r att. tl 4 . 1;1. I.1) 1°' In. '� .. ..eS�e l� l II i ' �" IV r • tit! )// 4;14 , sg I; •bZ\ ••\ •MU 47 - ��....r...r ___ I Et fkpl 9 t'I � .. 1 i °a v n • Fl r.'4' .s.;,t‘\) La ` \ J •' s1 -Z. CAS 1 , r — � j I \ I � I' , ` „,D, m �D ` { � i 1II aaa \ y ,10 S \ ,`.' 1. /: L. 77.--. •sour Iv•r ui.•i +:� ` ` _, III 11 Ij { ` �r'. i! vL`\ 1 , I n p . ..\ \ I 11al!IIl ill!!I rI;,I;IIIIIIIIIII;II{uI \Y .�, :Jlii ` ,1,111 • I ={tfliili{t{11 ` , \ t 5 / ~ lir ( ' (1!ti ,11 ; �. . +I i,„i (;II,i1,!i.,, ii •1. s.tt , `/`i +; q ! 1 \ i Il 1';I LIli[L ;r.,II I:0'11;41: i ` %.\ 1 l 1 On; t►! e I `l'Isii III 1:II1il;11i 'M1jil ` C� \ y 1111i II.1 It.Liiii(, 1 tie{ '' 1 I \ IIA to O 91111'1;l f lirl1;1('11111111(I1111IiN \\ \\ r•:.11. ' 3. t�'Iiflii`II`.1'1'i!�1JI�(i'�I'1!!,i11ef{}I11 \. r�. i 1i' =n 1 }'�'ili I'i( {Ti 11 ti'�i}I I li'it jt •\ \`\ • t,e ir, / ' .}tfhil�! ,.III•}Il I,lli�tttl �1ji1111 \ a; :1, / x a O iii;i.: ,f(jl l(1!li Il{Q,le l 1;,11{I� �: \`. 11 // O 1({,Iii!(I TO.4 J;111d!i}i !IN • `/ 8`1.n Ilj;j !.111, ;111�iINII ( il,ilq \ r�a•� it1,1 ',11iI.1�1,,ill'II 1 f,1 j{,, skti.i / n }1.1i` 'j : ; !! 1 • i 1 i-{ t ii i!I 1,1 I Iij '. w ti y�1 -ill a c�`� ""a • • `\ r III N r 1�0 r 26U Barghausen -- •w• Go.,......co•row.uor Of.runs +-.i.:..1i1'IS1I_ '=�' Coniulling Engineers Inc. •.o.••.n,u •ouuuun.=orocn..NC LmrvLs Irr rVwY`L. •+y.' =•,I..N,.w � rYo.,.W o.onW. M.••.IKNIIr • '514111, ! Y. <_ CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning blvlslon October 9, 1989 Bob Olschewsky Lance Mueller 130 Lakeside ' Suite 250 Seattle, Washington 98122 RE: Container Corporation, 601 Monster Road, (112-89) Dear Mr. Olschewsky: I am writing to confirm our discussion of October 6, 1989 concerning information which you must submit in order to complete the above-referenced application so that we may begin to review this project. • 1) A revised site plan which provides: a) a setback of structures which includes space between those buildings and the wetland which is adequate to protect the wetland areas; b) a plan for preservation/enhancement of the wetland areas (e.g. wetland perimeter landscaping, biofiltering swales, islands for species habitat, etc.); c) on-site active recreation for employees; d) building design which is aesthetically integrated with the adjacent Container Corporation development; e) structural siting which orients office areas toward wetlands to enhance views for employees (if feasible); Ir f) signage plan, with signage architecturally integrated with building and site; g) exterior lighting plan, which is aesthetically integrated with site design; h) a pedestrian linkage plan providing access to the public right-of-way, on-site recreation and parking, and the neighboring Container Corporation site. (Note: Site plans should include full legends so that floor plans can be accurately read and evaluated). 2) A revised landscaping plan which includes: a) a tree inventory and tree cutting plan which preserves the maximum feasible number of significant trees on the site; 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (2061235-255n • • Bob Olschewsky Lance Mueller October 10, 1989 Page 2 b) a plan which includes plantings adequate in number, size and diversity within and at site boundaries (berming may be desirable) , and within and at wetland boundaries to preserve those areas, as well as to provide an attractive viewscape which is thematically coordinated with adjacent properties. 3) A revised conceptual storm water management plan, which includes such devices as downspouts to channel water, oil/water separators and biofiltering swales to purify the runoff before it enters wetland areas. (Note: The City will require a landscaping maintenance system, and a bond for landscaping replacement, as established by City Code. Staff may also recommend that the applicant agree to employ a certified wetland biologist to periodically monitor the wetland to assure continuing protection of the integrity of that area.) 4) A request for a grade and fill permit (revised Environmental Checklist) which specifies the amount of fill necessary (cubic yards), the type of fill to be used, and the source of the fill. (This information is required so that staff can ascertain that the site can adequately support the proposed structures in order to protect safety of persons and property.) 5) A variance application (attached) which describes the request to provide less than the number of parking spaces required by.Code for the proposed development. 6) A complete vicinity map (instructions attached). If you have questions or would like additional information, please telephone me at 235- 2550. Thank you. Sincerely, 4.(.( S'.'t.A--1 4) (4- -k-'11"Ar•Y-1 Lenora Blauman . Project Manager LB/lb Attachments / • ::•:.:+.!:•:••.`•• .::::is .. ................ ........ ................. ................................. ..^c:^:................................................. +i.e•err�Rrna,•1:;.::.::.::.: :,' �.:.:�I.ir:i.F.. .:I ,: :.;;: v;... . :::::::.::::::.:::::::::::::::::::... .. ... COMME ttl"ITY DEVZL.a1'1 NT I E 'ART N ' .....:::•: :•::•:::•::.::.:•:::•:::::•::•I ::. :::: •>:•::.;. ;:•;..:: ,: .1171;li iil:llll{:7{I7IFN 1177::11 1111::i11 iiTFFI: •••!•�.''•�''�•'• • •••• n ' 1. , NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related j to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please I • print or type, and attach additional sheets if necessary. I • APPLICANT TYPE OF APPLICATION & . FEES . 'NAME: _ Bruce Blume & Company _*REZONE FROM( TO ) $ SPECIAL PERMIT ADD DRESS: _TEMPORARY PERMIT ,146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 / _CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT It SITE PLAN APPROVAL I/.206C CITY: ZIP: X SPECIAL PERMIT - GRADE&FILL (015 00 Seattle 98103 (NO.CU.YDS: ) • _*VARIANCE TELEPHONE NUMBER: (FROM SECTION: ) I 632-1800 " _ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT CONTACT PERSON (*JUSTIFICATION REQUIRED) NAME: • SUBDIVISION: $ Jim Garrison _SHORT PLAT ADDRESS: TENTATIVE PLAT 1 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 _PRELIMINARY PLAT —FINAL PLAT CITY: ZIP: _*WAIVER Seattle 98103 *(JUSTIFICATION REQUIRED) ' I NO.OF LOTS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: PLAT NAME: 632-1800 ' PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ OWNER _PRELIMINARY NAME: . • _FINAL • Bruce Blume & Company P.U.D.NAME: ' ADDRESS: ' 1146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 I BINDING SITE PLAN: •$ CITY: ZIP: • ' ' Seattle 98103 MOBILE HOME PARKS: • ` $:_:.........^'-=.• -�J TELEPHONE NUMBER: ', ,, ;:., ' ' 632-1800 _TENTATIVE _ 1 PRELIMINARY LOCATION —FINAL PROPERTY ADDRESS: PARK NAME: " " ' . West of 601 Monster Road SW NO.OF SPACES: ' EXISTING USE: Vacant 4, tv,y-lomeg • 1 CeA5t, VG e 1.A /JUGL1o . ZONING: • M-P &ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 19O.00 , PROPOSED USE: ' : (Warehouse/Office Buildings TOTALFEES: . . $_ —• — -mT'ibgt" s�?�' Z• . . AREA:4 � 'SQ.FT.OF PROPERTY: • �''"_"1 G dP-5 G'.—Q/.S/._ fi • 1. 15.8 AcresT=688,494 Square Feet O O3 7 8 5 . STAFF USE ONLY- -ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING I '; .'DATE RECEIVED:,.'"•``'Id° • APPLICATION RECEIVED &DETERMINED TO BE:• :;j:':::. :; :i I 2 1989 D TT•r E ACCEPTED,NOTIFICATION SENT:: C• II (��) la g _ _INCOMPLETE,NOTIFICATION SENT: �J BY: • Master Application Form Page 2 • Legal description of property (if more space is required, please attach a separate sheet). Attached • • • • • ,i • • I, • • • • jN AFFIDAVIT I, James Garrison • , being duly sworn, declare that I am (please check one) x the authorized representative to act for the property owner, the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. yl it SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN T'O BEFORE ME THIS ! 1 1 f-h-PAY OF December 19 89 r o _ NOTARY J • IN AND THE STATE OF WASHI_ • , " E IDIN Seattle I• Robert M. Roed 14°' . *I) . !I (Name of Notary Public) (Si. ature of Owner( 2009 Minor Avenue East 14. North Canal Street, Suite 310 (Address) (Address) Seatt.1e ,-WA 98102 • Seattle, WA 98103 (City/State/Zip) (City/State/Zip) (206) 323-4144 632-1800 • I (Telephone) • (Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and i,' ;.r"other material required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." RtnMastr Revised 9/89 • • L.f GAL. 17 .5C1 1 FT L .N • • Beginning at iron bolt marking the center of Section 24, Township 23 `•'- North, Range 4 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington; . thence north 0°03 '30" west, 2622 . 11 feet to quarter corner between Section 13 and 24, in said township and range; • f. thence south 89°34' 43" west, 1137.00 feet, more or less, to the westerly margin of County Road No. 8, (now known as Steel Hill Road) • And the true point of beginning; • thence southerly and southwesterly along said westerly margin, • 1740.00 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly boundary of the Northern Pacific Belt Line right-of-way; thence northwesterly and northerly along said right-of-way and along the easterly boundary of land conveyed to Chicago, 'Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company (now,Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company) . for its revised wye line, 2475.00 feet, - more or less, to the south bank of Black River in Section 13, said . township and range; ; - thence easterly along south bank, 85.00 feet, more or less, to the - southwesterly margin' of said County Road No. 8; thence southeasterly along the southerly margin of said road, 1450.00 feet, more of less, to the true point of beginning; (BEING•ALL that portion of Government Lots 1, 5 and ,6, Section 24, and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 24, and Government Lots 5 and 6, in Section 13 and of the bed of lake shown on Government plat, all in Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M. , in King bounty, Washington, lying between County Road No. 8 and the right-of-way of Northern Pacific Railway Company and . Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RailwWCoipany); :. EXCEPT portion thereof, if any, within the bed and shores of the Black River as they 6re situated when said river ceased to be a == = : navigable stream; EXCEPT that portion of the. northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.t. . , in King County, Washington, described.as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of said Section 24, which is ,' •: - south 87°29' 26" east,,' 1156.7'7 feet from the northwest corner thereof; ' ' - thence south 2°30' 34" west, 916.42 feet to the point of beginning; thence south 53°42' Op" east, 445 feet, more or less, to the westerly margin of Monster Road; ' thence along said westerly margin south 18°34' 04" west', 31.37 feet ' to a point on a curve from which the radial center bears north 71°25' 56" west, 256.48 feet; PLA,h�f�etir vs thence southwesterly! along the arc of said curve concave to td�i o�R��otu northwest, 128.92 feet; SEP 2 9 1989 • - • • • thence south 47°22'04" west, 121.88 feet to a point on a curve from which the radial center bears south 42°37'56" east, 250.37 feet; thence southwesterly along the arc of said curve concave to the southeast, 91.01 feet; thence leaving said margin north 48°15'O1" west, 420.00 feet; thence north 8°59' 17" east, 125.00 feet; thence north 46°14' 18" east, 219. 70 feet to the point of beginning; ALSO EXCEPT a tract of land 'in the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East,. W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows: ' Commencing at the southwest corner of said Section 13; thence 'north 29°51' west, 114.71feet; thence north 66°21' east, 153.9 feet; ' thence south 66°57' east, to a point on the easterly margin of the ' Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way and the true point of beginning; thence northeasterly along said easterly margin of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way, 108 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly margin of Tract 33, Renton Shorelands 2nd Supplement, records of King County, Washington; . thence easterly along said southerly margin of Tract 33, 33 feet, . more or less, to the westerly margin of -County Road No. 8 (known as '. Monster Road); thence southeasterly along said westerly margin of County Road • No. 8, 104 feet, more or less, to a point which bears north .. 74°13' 19" east, from a point within said tract of land Which is located on the southerly margin of a permanent easement recorded: - under King County RecordAng Number 7202010402 and'granted to King. County for the P-1 Drainage Channel, said point being described by .= '- Washington State Lambert Grid Coordinates (North Zone) - N 176, 376.52, E 1, 650, 378.61: thence continuing southeasterly along said westerly- margin of County Road No. 8, along a curve to the left havingla radius of 300 feet, ' the- center of which bears north 25°21'49" eapt, an arc distance of 50.74 feet; ;, thence south 74°13' 19" west, 68.84 feet; thence south 83°41'02" west, 60.83 feet; thence along .a curve to the right having a radius of. 667.96 feet the . i center of which bears north 15°46'41" west, an arc distance of • 108. 45 feet, more or less, to the easterly margin of the Chicago, _ Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way; thence northeasterly along said easterly margin, 24 feet more NNING ivisgoN less, to the true point of beginning. CnyofiRENTON SEP 2 9 1989. Fi SCHEDULE A (Legal Description of Land) C.C.A. TRACT That portion of the Northwest quarter and Government Lot 1, in Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian; and the Southwest quarter and Government Lot 6, Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, all in King County, Washington more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the,iron bolt marking, the center of Section 24, Township 23 North, Rang• e.4 East of the Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; THENCE North, 2,622.11 feet to quarter corner between Sections 13 and 24, in said Township and Range; THENCE North 87' 26' 48".West, along the North line of said Northwest quarter, 1,214.00 feet to the Westerly margin of County Road No. 8, Charles Monster Road S.W. and now known as Steel Hill Road and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this legal description; THENCE South 32' 29' 51" East, along said Westerly margin, 85.34 feet to a point of tangent curvature concave to the Southwest having a radius of 256.48 feet; THENCE Southeasterly along said curve through an arc of 31° 04' 57", an arc length of 139.14 feet to a point which is 30 feet Westerly, perpendicular to said centerline of Steel Hill Road; THENCE South 01' 24' 51" East, along said Westerly margin, 268.00 feet; THENCE South 88° 35' 09" West, 436.55 feet; THENCE South 02'33' 12" West, 115.03 feet; THENCE South 70' 05' 34" West, 95.47 feet; THENCE South 88' 37' 17" West, 105.38 feet; THENCE North 01' 22' 43" West, 887.90 feet to the Southerly margin of Charles Monster Road S.W.; THENCE North 88' 03' 09' East, along said Southerly margin, 16.02 feet to a point of tangent curvature concave to the South having a radius of 533.14 feet; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly margin and said curve through an arc of 21' 12' 00", an arc length of 197.27 feet; THENCE South 70° 44' 51" East, along said Southerly margin, 143.37 feet to a point of tangent curvature concave to"the South having a radius of 846.72 feet;, THENCE Southeasterly along said Southerly margin and said curve through an arc of 05' 31' 13", an arc length of 81.58 feet; THENCE South 65' 13' 40" East, along said Southerly margin, 60.19 feet to a point of non-tangent curvature from which the radius point bears South 41° 51' 56" West; . THENCE Southeasterly, 70.00 feet along the arc of a 256.48 foot radius curve concave to the Southwest through a central angle of 15' 38' 13' to said Westerly margin; . THENCE South 32' 29' 51' East, along said West margin of Steel Hill Road, 83.38 feet to the TRUE • POINT OF BEGINNING and terminus of this legal description. TOGETHER WITH and subject to any easements and reservations of record. PROJECT; CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA December 21, 1988 Revised November 10, 1989 2614.02 • Tf1TAI P L?t P,""."? FYIV17,!ON • Eh DEC 1 2 1989 I 11 i lance mueller & associates architects BRUCE BLUME RENTON PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project is being developed by Bruce Blume & Company for Sid Eland Distributing. After completion of the work Sid Eland will assume ownership. , The project is being constructed as a two building complex for distribution use of about 287,000 s.f. total area. Sid Eland Beverage Company will occupy most of the large building. The use of their space will consist of a .2-story office of 18,000 s.f. and the distribution warehouse. The balance of the building will be used by Container Corporation for the storage of corrigated paper products. The second building will be used for beverage storage and paper storage. Each building will be constructed for high piled storage with a building height of around 30 feet. Exterior materials will consist of smooth painted concrete with aluminum sash glazing at office areas and dock height overhead doors at service areas. All of the site except the unfilled wetland will be developed with building, paving and landscaping. PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON SEP 2 9 1999 HECEIVED 130 lakeside • suite 250 • Beattie,washington 9B122 • 20B/325-2553 • fax:ROB]328-0554 lance mueller ale,cal • senior associates:robert oischewsky,elleen furney associates:robert fedden,micheel geibreith,richard hernish,robert wells a washington corporation furnishing architectural services by end under the supervision of registered architects lance mueller associates architects BRUCE BLUME RENTON DRAINAGE SYSTEM The property at present is bound on the south and west by an elevated rail line. The northern boundary of the property is the Oaksdale Blvd. The property gently slopes from the fill of the road shoulder to the lowest elevation. The property from the adjacent Container Corproation site on the east slopes to the lowest point that is located in the central area of the site. Drainage from the street flows onto this property. Drainage from Container Corporation site discharges through a culvert onto this site. As a result of construction of the rail siding for Container Corporation and the construction of that facility a wetland has emerged in the central area of the site. The drainage and detention system for this project will utilize the existing drainage feature of the site. Storm water from the developed paving areas will be collected in an underground system or sheet drainaged into the wetland. Water from the underground system will be biofiltrated prior to discharge. Water from sheet drainage will be filtrated prior to entry by grass areas. Roof drainage will be discharged into the project system or directly to the wetland. The project biologist is reviewing the drainage system and will make specific recom- mendation on the effects to the wetlands and how to facilitate the design. Our geological and soils consultant has reviewed the site drainage and hydrology. The present run off collects in the central area of the site and enters the permeable layer of upper soils and drains downward to the lower shallow gravel layers. At that level it moves laterally to the west and into the Green River. • The system will compliment the existing site conditions and have a positive effect on the wetlands. PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON SEP 2 9 1989 AECEIVED 130 lakeside • suite 250 • seattie,washington 8E1122 • 206/328-2553 • fax:(206]328-0554 lance mueller ale,cal • senior associates:robert oischewsky,eileen furney associates:robert fedden,mlchael galbrelth;richard hernleh,robert wells e washington corporation furnishing architectural serviced by end under the supervision of registered arohitects WETLAND DELINEATION OF THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE RENTON, WASHINGTON Prepared for Mr. James Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 1100 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite 210 Seattle, WA 98109 • Prepared by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. The Smith Tower, Suite 1400 506 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 AUG 1 6 1989 June 1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I . INTRODUCTION 1 II.' OBJECTIVE 3 III. METHODOLOGY 3 A. Literature Review 3 B. Site Specific Investigation 4 1. Vegetation 4 2. Soils 6 3. Hydrology 6 IV. RESULTS 9 A. Triple Parameter Investigation 9 1. Vegetation • 9 2. Soils 10 3. Hydrology 12 V. SUMMARY 12 VI. REFERENCES 16 APPENDIX A: Data Sheets 17 List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location/Vicinity Map 2 Figure 2 Wetland Delineation and Sample Plot Locations 15 List of• Tables Table 1 Definition of Wetland Indicator Status 5 Table 2 Hydric Soil Indicator 7 Table 3 Hydrologic Regimes and Wetland Characteristics 8 Table 4 List of Common Plant Species on the Site 11 Table 5 Wetland Determination Based on Vegetation 11 Table 6 Wetland Determination Based on Soils 13 Table 7 Wetland Determination Based on Hydrology 13 Table 8 Summary of Triple Parameter Data 14 • I. INTRODUCTION GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION The Container Corporation of America site, an approximately 41-acre parcel , is located in the City of Renton, in King County, Washington (Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East) . The site is bounded by South 143rd Street to the north, 72nd Avenue on the east and south, and by the Burlington Northern Railroad to the west (Figure 1) . The site is generally flat, and lies at the foot of several fairly steep slopes , some naturally occurring such as the hill leading up to 72nd Avenue, and some created by fill deposited for a parking area and the railroad bed. An access spur of the railroad bisects the property thus creating two distinct sections. The first, and northern section is marked by one large and one small area containing open water and emergent vegetation such as cattails, soft rushes, willow, and red-osier dogwood. The larger area is surrounded by wet meadow, while the smaller area is surrounded by upland meadow. Nearly one-third of the remaining land in this section is covered with wetland meadow grasses, while the rest is under a complex mixture of upland grasses, with thistle, Scot 's broom, and Himalayan blackberry along the periphery. The second southern section, that is cut off by the railroad spur, also contains an area of open water marked by cattails and an area covered with predominantly reed canarygrass, but this portion of the site rises slightly to the east and southeast, and grades into a meadow which is dominated by a mixture of upland plant species similar to that described above. Between the cattails and the upland meadow is a wet area containing mostly reed canarygrass and velvetgrass, with small amounts of soft rush. WETLAND DEFINITION AND AUTHORITY Pursuant to the Clean Water Act and through the Section 404 permitting process , the Corps of Engineers (Corps) has been given the responsibility and authority to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill materials into waters , including wetlands, of the United States (Federal Register, 1986) . Wetlands are formally defined as ". . . those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." (Federal Register, 1980, 1982) . Due to site conditions that suggest wetlands are present, and federal regulation that controls filling of wetlands, the need to determine the presence and extent of wetlands has become apparent in order to assess the implication this may have on any future development plans .' 1 the • Lake Lake ' Puget :. Washington ••;' : Sammamish ' Sound Bellevue • ercer Is !• ,aw Issaquah I\ 99 12. ' Site ' • Renton 4.�,t b,....lkile Ilir SITE • .405 ukwila ,� 1 . Normandy a/ t,........_..w. S.W.,9th Park 99 16 i q '---...� 3 s.w.znn�. Des Moines /Kent `--�s _ �. • �y � i � 9 .1 i < 5 ; © I i = f oi I i 1 S.W.{,•t St. S.W.lkd Si. .. lg. FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION/VICINITY MAP TRIPLE PARAMETER INVESTIGATION SHfPIRO&. CONTAINER CORP SITE 2 II . OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to use methods suggested in the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands ( 1989) to determine the presence and extent of wetlands on the subject property in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. If wetlands were determined to be present, the wetland boundary was delineated. III . METHODOLOGY The analysis of wetlands conducted on this site was based on the methodology developed by the Corps for implementation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This methodology is commonly referred to as the Triple Parameter Approach (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation, 1989) . Two levels of investigation have been conducted for the analysis of the wetlands on the subject property; these include: (1) review and analysis of existing site-specific literature; and (2) a site-specific investigation to adequately determine the presence and extent of wetlands. The methodologies used in each of these two tasks are described below. A. LITERATURE REVIEW A review of existing information was conducted to identify any wetlands or any site characteristics that would indicate wetlands on the subject property. Several valuable resource documents were available for preliminary review of the site conditions (see Reference Section for complete listing) . References reviewed include: . U.S. Geological Survey Renton Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic, scale 1:24,000 (1949, rev. 1968, 1973). . U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Hydric Soils of the State of Washington (1985) . . U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Soils Survey of King County Area (Snyder, et al . , 1973) . . U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory, Renton Quadrangle, (1973) . Data sources were reviewed and used to gather preliminary information about the vegetative, soils, and hydrologic characteristics of the site prior to the site investigation. 3 • B. SITE-SPECIFIC INVESTIGATION An Intermediate-level Onsite Determination Method (Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, pp. 47-55) was used to determine the wetland boundaries. Using this methodology, vegetative, soil and hydrologic parameters were examined for wetland characteristics. In order to determine the presence and extent of currently existing wetlands on the site, sampling plots were established. The plots were located in the central portion of homogenous areas of vegetative cover. An homogenous area of vegetation cover can be comprised o.f a single species , such as one species of grass, or can be comprised of a number of species that together make up a plant community. At each sampling plot, vegetation, soils , and hydrology field data were collected and recorded on a data form (see Appendix A) . The following paragraphs describe the steps used in determining the presence of wetlands. 1. Vegetation Within homogenous plant communities, vegetation sampling plots were described by the percent cover of the different plant species occurring within the herb, shrub and tree strata. For each sampling plot, trees within a thirty foot radius , and shrubs within a five foot radius of the observation point were identified and recorded on the data form. All species within the unit were recorded in order of dominance on the data sheet. Species considered to be dominant are those that have the highest percent cover and in combination comprise over 50% of the total cover for each vegetative stratum, plus any additional species having 20% or more of the total cover for a given vegetative stratum. Dominant plant species were determined by visual estimation for each vegetative layer. Indicator status of the dominant species within each strata was used to determine the presence of hydrophytic vegetation (vegetation adapted to life in saturated or anaerobic soil conditions) within the vegetative commmunity. The indicator status refers to the plants ' frequency of occurring in wetlands and includes obligate, facultative and upland species . Definitions for each indicator status are listed in Table 1. Species with an indicator status of obligate (OBL) , facultative wetland, (FACW) or facultative (FAC) are considered to be adapted for life in saturated or anaerobic soil conditions. A list of common plant species has been compiled by the Corps, and each species on the list has been assigned a wetland indicator status . A sampling plot is considered to have hydrophytic vegetation if greater than 50% of the dominant species recorded on the data sheet have an indicator status of FAC, FACW, or obligate OBL. In addition, for those areas of homogenous vegetation cover where 25-50% of the dominant plants in the plant community are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC and the soils and hydrology parameters both exhibit wetland characteristics , the vegetation is considered to be hydrophytic. 4 • Table 1 DEFINITIONS OF INDICATOR STATUS Indicator Symbol Definition OBL. Obligate. Species that are found in wetlands approximately >99% or the time. FACW Facultative wetland. Species that are found in wetlands approximately 67% to 99% of the time. FAC Facultative. Species that are found in wetlands approximately 33% to 67% of the time. FACU Facultative upland. Species that are found in uplands approximately 67% to 99% of the time. UPL Upland. Species that are found in uplands approximately >99% of the time. Note: Species with no indicator status shown on the data form have not been given an indicator status , and are assumed to be upland. Source: Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual , Environmental Laboratory, 1987. 5 2. Soils One characteristic of- wetlands is hydric soils. Hydric soils are defined as. soils that are saturated , flooded , or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (USDA SCS, 1987) . The SCS in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) has compiled a list of hydric soils in the United States . The list identifies soil series mapped by the SCS that meet hydric soil criteria. A map unit of upland (non-wetland) soil may have inclusions of hydric soil that were not delineated on the map, or vice versa, however; therefore, it is important to examine soils in the field to determine whether they are hydric. Due to the wet, anaerobic conditions, hydric soils exhibit certain characteristics that can be observed in the field. Such characteristics or indicators include the following: high organic content, accumulation of sulfidic material , greenish or bluish grey color (called gley) , spots or blotches of orange color (called mottles) , and dark soil colors (called low soil chroma) . Table 2 summarizes the hydric indicators : Soil samples were obtained within each vegetation unit either by digging a soil pit or using a soil auger to a depth of at least 18 inches. Soil sample were then examined for hydric indicators. Organic content was estimated visually, sulfidic material was determined present if the soil emitted an odor of rotten egg, and soil colors were determined by using a Munsell soil color chart. Munsell soil color charts are used by soil scientists to identify soil color by three components : hue, value, and chroma. They provide a standardized method for identifying soil color. In addition, if soils were found to be saturated within 18 inches of the surface during the field investigation , they were identified as hydric. Hydric soils are assumed to be present in any sample plot where the vegetation community consists of either all donimant species with an • indicator status of obligate, or all dominant species with an indicator status of facultative wetland or obligate, and an abrupt wetland boundary is evident, so that in these areas, soil data is not collected. 3. Hydrology Water must be present in order for wetlands to exist; it need not be present throughout the entire year, however. Wetland hydrology is considered to be present when there is permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation for a significant period (usually a week or more) during the growing season (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation, 1989) . Observed indicators of wetland hydrology, including areas of ponding, soil saturation observed within a soil pit, and evidence of previous water inundation - such as dry algae on bare soil , or drainage patterns, were recorded on the data form. Where positive indicators of wetland hydrology were observed, it was assumed that wetland hydrology occurs for a significant period of the growing season. Table 3 summarizes some of the hydrologic regimes that can be encountered and their wetland characteristics . 6 • Table 2 HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS Hydric Indicator Diagnostic Criteria Organic content >50% by volume Sulfidic material "Rotten egg" odor. Soil color Matrix' chroma of 2 or less in mottled soils . Matrix chroma of 1 or less in unmottled soils. • Gleyed soils. • Water saturation Groundwater table at less than 1.5 feet from the surface for a significant period (usually a week 9 or more) during the growing season. Source: Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual , Environmental Laboratory, 1987. • • • • • 7 Table 3 HYDROLOGIC REGIMES AND WETLAND CHARACTERISTICS Duration* of Degree of Inundation Inundation or Wetland or Saturation Saturation Characteristics Permanently inundated** 100% present Semipermanently to nearly >75% - <100% present . permanently inundated or saturated*** Regularly inundated or >25% - <75% usually saturated present • Seasonally inundated or >12.5% - <25% often saturated present Irregularly inundated >5% - <12.5% often or saturated absent Intermittently or never <5% absent inundated or saturated *percent of growing season **inundation > 6.6 ft. mean water depth ***inundation < or = 6.6 ft. mean water depth Source: Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual , Environmental Laboratory, 1987. 8 Wetland Determination Triple parameter data for each sample plot were evaluated to determine the presence or absence of wetlands. Under Corps regulation if positive wetland indicators for all three parameters were, or would normally be, present during a significant portion of the growing season, then a wetland determination was made for that homogenous area of vegetation cover repre- sented by the sample plot. If no evidence was found that the area repre- sented by the sample plot would normally display wetland indicators for all three parameters, then the area was determined to be upland. IV. RESULTS On 10 February 1989, five sample plots were established on the property and on June 7, 1989 an additional four sample plots were established. The field forms containing vegetation, soils, and hydrology data are presented in Appendix A. TRIPLE PARAMETER INVESTIGATION 1. Vegetation • Common and scientific names of plant species identified at the site are presented in Table 4. Scientific nomenclature of all plant species encountered follows that of Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973) . The literature did not indicate there were wetlands on the property. This site was not investigated during the King County Wetlands Inventory, (1981) nor. was it identified as containing wetlands by the USFWS National Wetland Inventory (1984) . A previous site visit in March 1988 by SHAPIRO indicated the presence of both wetland and upland vegetation. The February 10, 1989 and June 7, 1989 site surveys revealed that the property contains several distinct vegetative communities: open water with cattails , wet meadow, dry meadow, and scrub/shrub wetland. The open water areas were populated with common cattails and soft rush. The largest of the three open water marshes was bordered by a dense stand of willow and red-osier dogwood, all of which have been classified as hydro- phytic by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Reed, 1988) . Drainage from these areas was impeded. in part by construction of the existing Container Corporation building and by the railroad spur bed. The slopes leading into the open water were covered with Himalayan blackberry and Scot's broom, upland species. Immediately surrounding the pockets of open water was.a wet meadow or scrub/shrub wetland. The wet meadows are dominated by a mosaic of redtop bentgrass, velvetgrass, meadow foxtail , soft rush, and reed canarygrass. Because of the irregular distribution of the various species, each with a very distinct morphology, the meadow has become hummocky, and during the 9 February 10, 1989 site visit, was ponded and frozen in small local depressions. Several areas were virtually entirely reed canarygrass ; no other species completely dominated any section of the wet meadow. The wet meadow graded into dry meadow with small increases in elevation. Bluegrass , wheatgrass , tall fescue, thistle, Scot 's broom, and Himalayan blackberry dominated the dry meadow areas. The scrub/shrub wetland area is dominated by willows. Eight of the nine sample plots have positive indicators for hydrophytic vegetation; these plots represent both the open water marsh and wet meadow communities. A summary of these results are presented in Table 5. 2. Soils Soils on the site have been mapped by the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (Snyder, et al . , 1973). The SCS indicates that four distinct soil series may be found on the property: Puget silty clay loam, Beausite gravelly sandy loam (6 - 15% slopes) , Beausite gravelly sandy loam (15 -30% slopes) , and Urban land (soil that has been modified by disturbance by additions of fill material ). Of these, the Puget silty clay loam has been classified as a hydric soil (SCS, 1985) . While the others have not been classified as hydric, SCS mapping units commonly have inclusions of other soils that are not noted because they are too small to map at the scale of the survey. Often these inclusions can be classified as hydric soils. The field investigation concentrated on the level areas, thus no soil pits were dug into the steep slopes surrounding the property. Consequently, Beausite soils do not figure prominently in making wetland determinations on this site. Of the remaining area, the results show that two different soils exist on this site. The first , developing under dry meadow vegetation, was a weak to dusky red silt loam to a depth of 14 inches. Below this the soil became somewhat grey, and displayed slight mottling and some gley formation. Fine and medium roots were common within six inches of the surface. There were no roots in evidence below a depth of roughly eight inches. Despite indi - cations that this soil does experience ephemeral wetting (gleying and mot- tling) at depth, these factors were only slightly expressed and then only well below the rooting zone. Accordingly, this soil was identified as non- hydric due to its deep and very limited hydric characteristics. The second soil dominated the wet meadow community. This soil was marked by high organic matter content, a dark grey color, common mottling, strong gley development, and was saturated to the point of inundation in many places. All these are strong indicators of hydric soils. This soil became darker, further increased in organic matter content, and was inundated as the wet meadow graded into the emergent communities. Eight of the nine sample plots have positive indicators for hydric soils. These plots represent the open water cattails and wet meadow vegetative communities. Plot #3 is in an area that proved to be somewhat anomalous , as it was dominated by dry meadow vegetation but was developed on weakly hydric soils. A summary of the soils data are presented in Table 6. 10 Table 4 LIST OF COMMON PLANT SPECIES AT THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE IN RENTON, WASHINGTON Wetland Scientific Name Common Name Indicator Status* Shrubs : Cornus stolonifera Red-osier dogwood FACW Cytisus scoparius Scot's broom UPLAND. Rubus discolor Himalayan blackberry FACU- Salix spp. Willow FAC-OBL Grasses and Forbs : Agrostis alba Redtop FACW Agropyron sp. Wheatgrass FACU Alopecuris prantensis Meadow foxtail FACW Cirsium avense Canada thistle FACU+ Festuca arundinacea Tail fescue FACU Holcus lanatus Velvet grass FAC Juncus effusus Soft rush FACW+ Phalaris arundinacea Reed canarygrass FACW Poa spp. Bluegrass UPL-FACW+ Ranunculus repens Buttercup FACW Typha latifolia Common cattail OBL Note: Species with no indicator status listed are assumed to be FACU or UPL. *As defined in Table 1. Table 5 WETLAND DETERMINATION BASED ON VEGETATION AT THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE IN RENTON, WASHINGTON % of # of species Wetland that are FAC, Plot # Determination FACW, or OBL 1 wetland 67 2 wetland 100 3 upland 0 4 wetland 100 5 wetland • 50 6 wetland 100 7 wetland 100 g wetland 100 9 wetland . 100 11 3. Hydrology Several surface water drainages occur on the site. During the February site visit, there were three distinct areas marked by persistent standing water. The first was a small depression at the northern end of the property, the second encompassing the open water emergent vegetative community, and the third just south of the railroad spur. Stormwater is being directed into the largest wetland area from the building to the east. In addition, there was water ponded in many areas of the wet meadow, this largely due to the hummocky nature of the meadow. During the June 7, 1989 site visit, standing water was present only in the open water emergent vegetative community, while the depression at the northern end of the property and the area just south of the railroad spur had become dry. No channelized flow was detected on the property. Based upon direct observation and the presence of hydric soils, six of the nine sample plots have positive indicators for wetland hydrology. Table 7 presents th.e results of the hydrological data. Wetland Determination Based 9n the Triple Parameter Methodology, six plots were identified as wetland, and three plots were identified as upland. Table 8 shows the results of the investigation. Boundaries of each wetland were identified at 20 to 50 foot intervals using orange-and-white striped flags that were numbered sequentially for that area and coded with a letter code unique to each wetland. It is estimated that the total wetland area located on the property is approximately 4.7 acres. The approximate locations of the four wetland areas on the site are illustrated in Figure 2. The size and outline of the wetland boundaries are only approximate and should not be used for site planning purposes; a more accurate mapping of th.e wetland boundaries are present in the "Topographic and Wetland Survey" map drawn on June 19, 1989 by Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. , Civil Engineers and Surveyors. V. SUMMARY Pursuant to the Clean Water Act, and through the Section 404 permitting process, the Corps has been given the responsibility and authority to regulate the discharge of fill materials into wetlands of the United States. In January 1987, the Corps released a wetlands delineation manual are re- ferred to as the "Triple Parameter Approach" to identify and delineate wet- lands. Under this methodology, wetland vegetation, hydric soils, and wet- land hydrology all must be present in order to have a positive wetland de- termination. Using this methodology, the Container Corporation of America site was investigated on February 10, 1989 and June 7, 1989, for the presence of wetlands. The Container Corporation of America site contains at least three habitat types , two of which are wetland habitats. Using the Triple Parameter Approach, four wetland areas were identified and delineated. There is a total of approximately 4.7 acres of wetland habitat located on the site. 12 Table 6 WETLAND DETERMINATION BASED ON SOILS DATA AT THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE IN RENTON, WASHINGTON Matrix Organic Plot # Color Mottling Content Determination 1 10 YR 4/1 yes <50% hydric 2 10 YR 4/1 yes >50% hydric 3 2.5YR 4/2 yes >50% hydric 4 10 YR 4/1 yes >50% hydric 5 2.5YR 4/2 no <50% non-hydric 6 10 YR 5/2.5 yes <50% hydric 7 10 YR 5/2 yes <50% hydric 8 10 YR 5/2 yes <50% hydric • 9 NDC* hydric *NDC - no data collected Table 7 WETLAND DETERMINATION BASED ON HYDROLOGY DATA AT THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE IN RENTON, WASHINGTON Hydrology Plot # Determination Basis for Determination 1 upland no soil saturation 2 wetland soil saturation 3 upland no soil saturation 4 wetland soil saturation 5 upland no soil saturation 6 wetland assumed based on hydric soils 7 wetland assumed based on hydric soils 8 wetland assumed based on hydric soils 9 wetland assumed based on hydric soils 13 Table 8 SUMMARY OF TRIPLE PARAMETER DATA AT THE CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA SITE IN RENTON, WASHINGTON Wetland Plot # Vegetation Soils Hydrology Determination 1 wetland non-hydric upland upland 2 wetland hydric wetland wetland 3 upland hydric upland upland 4 wetland hydric wetland wetland 5 wetland non-hydric upland upland 6 wetland hydric wetland wetland 7 wetland hydric assumed wetland wetland 8 wetland hydric assumed wetland wetland 9 wetland hydric wetland wetland 14 _ MONSTER RD S.W. V F .N. v/ ... ,, .. _ , OfL , METRO PARCEL ' /......-=:N------ -------/-7 / ( N. ` i •\......,/ I c I , /::::X 1 I Vti Aggil *PI .,.' Y, ' ' �o � \ 1 l O /4,4 � � NOTE: This map is for orientation purposes only and is not intended for jurisdictional or site planning 1 purposes. A more accurate map of the wetlands can ___.„7„. \--"-......,___ result from a survey by a qualified land surveyor of the flagged wetland edge. FIGURE 2 • WETLAND DELINEATION ID -, A WETLANDS NOT ToSCALE TRIPLE PARAMETER INVESTIGATION SHAPIRO& CONTAINER CORP SITE O PLOT NUMBER AND LOCATION A, IA 1 • VI. REFERENCES Cowardin, L.M. , V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States . U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service. Environmental Laboratory, 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual . Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi . Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation , 1989. Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Cooperative technical publication. 107 pp. Federal Register, 1980. 40 CFR Part 230: Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites of Dredged or Fill Material . Vol . 45, No. 249, pp. 85352-8535.3, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Federal Register, 1982. Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters; Chapter II , Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers . Vol 47, No. 138, p. 31810, U.S. Goverment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Federal Register, 1986. 40 CFR Parts 320 through 330: Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers ; Final Rule. Vol . 51. No. 219. pp. 41206-41260, U.S. Goverment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Hitchcock , C.L. , and A. Cronquist, 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press , Seattle. ISBN 0-295-95273-3. Munsell Color, 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts, Kollmorgen Instruments Corp. , Baltimore, Maryland. Reed, P.B. , Jr. , 1988. National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands : 1988, Northwest (Region 9) . USFWS Biological Report 88 (26.9) . Snyder, D.E. , P.S. Gale, and R.F. Pringle, 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service. Soil Conservation Service, 1987. Hydric Soils of the United States. U.S.D.A. 16 Appendix A 17 • - WETLAND DETERMINATION ' TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROAG. Site Gon-i Jn err- Ger F. Date Z//o/09 Staff Krb/A G . Plot# i VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover Q' 0 Sof+ ru54, o 0 Q Velve-4gro-S`o FP-C.- 30 0 Zev,+ gr° ' FP -VJ 41-D 0 0 (...A.9ro 5-Frs 6-1 b o.) • 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 . % of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: G 7% % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: 6,o Hydrophytic vegetation? Ye SOILS • Series/Phase Pu a On hydric soils list? V e-s A horizon: depth 0-4" matrix color -s Yv.3/2 mottle color mo+tg*depth of sample S " Soil.type: (sand,clay, etc.) I+ Loam B horizon: depth 14-4 matrix color ,/Dyr• ' ' mottle color,/ovr. 4/6 depth of sample_ • Soil type: (sand,clay, etc.) IA- L • Gleyed? 1,54 be I 14" Other indicators. Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration &" Approximate % organic content (by volume) < 5O% Texture Apra -so�dy .Hydric soils? A- Hor r 2-on Basis Kih ro mra rn n 4-I•l P t Only • HYDROLOGY • Inundated? No Depth of standing water /Vo h e Saturated soils? pa no of is" Depth to saturated soils 7 is"" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: / /_+- Wetland hydrology? NO Basis !-Joule/ e.xpecf- t-viore. Cv +1"► ,e. 0 c Ye-4-r Normal Circumstances? ilo Atypical situation? pisfuti ioeci Wetland determination up/ouid Basis NYdrolom } Soils Comments: -t"h15 ,5 a +ro-ry i4-1onb-1 are off- So!) vr4rla:n b,4 hydriC Sods ) ,,)ell below -f-he roo*/, zone,, 18 WETLAND DETERMINATION • Ir,vJIFIED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROAC.. Site Gon-iwoe Co'-P• Date Z/io Staff KPH/AL Plot# VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover o 0 L.e4i 6a1'14kryero_5S FPl�l /00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: /00. % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: ioo Hydrophytic vegetation? yes SOILS Series/Phase f u On hydric soils list? Ye-s A horizon: depth O-/e." matrix color/o vr• ¢/1 mottle color oyr Veo depth of sample 8" Soil type: (sand, day, eta) S,I+- 1,004Y) B horizon: depth matrix color mottle color depth of sample_ Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) . Gleyed? do Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Cv'' Approximate % organic content (by volume) Texture Non- so-n.ly Hydric soils? Yew Basis Ghromo& Mo+4-Ie-•am • HYDROLOGY Inundated? No Depth of standing water None-- Saturated soils? Ye-s Depth to saturated soils ¢'' Describe obvious topographic features, if any: Flat- Wetland hydrology? Yes Basis o.4-u ra+iov, ro +'vn� Normal Circumstances? YPS Atypical situation? Wetland determination 104,8 Basis Soils N IroloJj I vje c +Ioi Comments: Mar Keciefo 4• 19 WETLAND DETERMINATION TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROAL._ Site 6on7L0.1rier Grp. Date z/io Staff KRb/A Plot # VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status °/Q cover 0 0 foa -sP. ? I D° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 % of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: z• GQnno+ Key cyc-o.ss % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: ? Hydrophytic vegetation? +r? Spec' ar +hls +1 r . o c year, SOILS Series/Phase Pwae._47- / Urba-vn On hydric soils list? Ye-5 • A horizon: depth 0-•S« matrix color z.sy 4/2, mottle color z.TY 5/!o depth of sample C.0" Soil type: (sand, clay,.eta) Loam • B horizon: depth, No matrix color mottle color depth of sample_ • Soil type: (sand,day, etc.) Gleyed? Ye-s Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration " Approximate % organic content (by volume) 7 50% Texture Non- hard y Hydric soils? Basis Mo4-4'Ie5 r.\Orow�a} i_l P • HYDROLOGY Inundated? No Depth of standing water Nhe— Saturated soils? Damp a+ (v" Depth to saturated soils 7 I S" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: Eloe Wetland hydrology? Mo Basis Pe,R/d exR'c. F P � oc yeU,r in we.-too- • Normal Circumstances? No Atypical situation? 014fu rh,.d Wetland determination marl ior,,./ 0plana Basis yydroJc , Ve y.-a�-,ov, ,r)(on‘,/u ve_ Comments: 20 WETLAND DETERMINATION ,.,.,DIFIED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROA_:Site (ten-)-corer (ov p. Date Z/Io Staff Plot# 4 VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover 0 0 geed C-4u^c ry 5ra5S FAL W (_o0 0 Ve.1ue,- cv-o.SS FP,L- Z'C 0 0 Soc- ,- 12 , FALW 4" ! 0 0 ActroSk Alb 0, FPL� 5 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 • of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: ioo '% cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: ioo Hydrophytic vegetation? yes SOILS Series/Phase /ur1 o v\ On hydric soils list? Y L1ke-k') A horizon: depth 0-I(" matrix color/ovi-.4A mottle color ioyr.52' depth of sample i" Soil type: (sand,day, eta) GI ay Loom B.horizon: depth. No matrix color_____ mottle color depth of sample_ Soil type: (sand,day, etc.) • Gleyed? E low /04 Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Approximate % organic content (by volume) < so% Texture Non - s ,dy Hydric soils? Ye-s Basis. GI,rc. ) Mo++l ) (i IP •• HYDROLOGY • Inundated? No Depth of standing water Saturated soils? Yew Depth to saturated soils 4-" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: Flab Wetland hydrology? Yew Basis -Vro-*-1 ov) • Normal Circumstances? Ye Atypical situation? Die -Vvrheci 5‘k-e Wetland determination hie_A-1aoA Basis Is) Vegf*:� �,nn . N,3dro\o0s, Comments: r,4,5 area .kc,c1 heo,,-b� poking ct.reaS w14-1, (AN-o.i I Cover 21 WETLAND DETERMINATION M.,.,II IED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROACt. Site EGA Date a/ha Staff K.rbl Ac- . Plot# 5 VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover 0 0 Reed 45 0 0 Qoo. sir, ? ZS 0 0 Tv.%s}\e, Fiac -oBl 0 Ve\oe-V �Yo� FAL z5 01 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 • 0 0 0 %o of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAG: 70% or-.9rem-4-e.r- cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: 709'o Hydrophytic vegetation? Yes -z.-sea oh reeisk Cp.ncxv gY o ss aid SOILS velvet V9rasS , Series/Phase ?uc e.-1- J t)rban On hydric soils list? Yes( A horizon: depth o-i�" matrix color(Ps)/ 4/z mottle color depth of sample 9" Soil type: (sand,clay, etc.) 51 1*- Leo- i • B horizon: depth — matrix color mottle color depth of sample_ Soil type: (sand,day,etc.) Gleyed?. No Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration 5-G" • Approximate % organic content (by volume) Texture 6//4 J i-fydric soils? Na Basis • HYDROLOGY inundated? No Depth of standing water > I a" Saturated soils? Na Depth to saturated soils > i 8" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: 0- 2% Slop- Wetland hydrology? No Basis • Normal Circumstances? Y/s Atypical situation? Wetland determination /Uo Basis Hydra/Q 5 ) ' 14, Comments: 22 WETLAND DETERMINATION _DIFIED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROA Site („ordo i,i<r (`o r p, Date 6- 7 - SDI Staff PP& ) (•,( Plot # 6 VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover 0 0 pha10.\-- cz.ea FAGkI I DD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 % of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: 'co% • % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: roo zQ Hydrophytic vegetation? y&s SOILS Series/Phase Pjck On hydric soils list? Yes A horizon: depth 0-/P>" matrix colorroyr l,smottle color 7,5rr•s%� depth of sample^ ID" Soil type: (sand,day, etc.) I+-y rlo. B horizon: depth matrix color mottle color depth of sample.. Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) Gleyed? Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Approximate % organic content (by volume) Texture Non- ridy Hydricsoils? >'e' Basis he_a.)►Ij mn++IPri rwln) -k o.v,vwwk HYDROLOGY Inundated? /VD Depth of standing water (ev deva {-L \-ao-e w s �urwockeci Saturated soils? Aio Depth to saturated soils > IS" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: F10-+ 0.Yep. !-o x r1 04 uY Wetland hydrology? A�s.,uwiecl Basis hciriL �1I s) dr e1 up ptd a a-. Normal Circumstances? Atypical situation? Wetland determination yes Basis wtlavlcl Ve •sod s Comments: 23 WETLAND DETERMINATION TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROX... Site Goh--ainev. (-01-p. Date 6/2/81 Staff Gam, Plot # 1 VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status °A, cover 0 0 Agros�,s 0,160_ FPCA4 75- 0 pFt,alaris arandlnaLerxe- it 10 OAIoPeu,r15 pro_+e_es15 ,� z 0 A�-oPy,ron SP• FAc,v z 0 Ho IGut I c-vAo,-4k5 EP.C. • Shrubs Status % cover p jLoAcks 0 0 0 • 0 0 % of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: ,'oo % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: 95 Hydrophytic vegetation? Yes SOILS Series/Phase P' c e-4- On hydric soils list? Yes . A horizon: depth matrix colorioyr• s-Z mottle color7svr: depth of sample /0" Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) S%l a-v ri I oam B horizon: depth matrix color mottle color depth of sample_ Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) Gleyed? Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Approximate % organic content (by volume) Texture Horn- sad y Hydric soils? vas Basis keo-v; I w,erk-i-lPd on ram- c.-11avrnc.a s • HYDROLOGY Inundated? No Depth of standing water Saturated soils? Nc Depth to saturated soils 7 Describe obvious topographic features, if any: Wetland hydrology? Yes Basis A'vst-WY1Cd oh hiidr,L So,lS . Normal Circumstances? Yes Atypical situation? Wetland determination Ye.s Basis 1•q -IQvd Y/cj . £ So)J4 , Comments: Assumed I-lydrol y 24 • WETLAND DETERMINATION MVUIFIED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROACH . Site 6e,471-Uirner Torp. Date (P/-7/9 Staff AU , Plot # 8 VEGETATION Trees Status % cover Herbs Status % cover 0 0 Pho-lay-I,, ace.ae. FAGv/ ZS 0 0 PriorpeGurIs pro4ens)S a 4-0 0 0 Ro.nunc.ulus repo-v1s • „ zo 0 0 ,c ro.b+ls albo, i s 0 0 Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: /DO % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: /oo Hydrophytic vegetation? Ye ' SOILS Series/Phase P uo e)r On hydric soils list? Yes A horizon: depth o-is*" matrix color/oyr 7e mottle color ?c vr 67a depth of sample z io" Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) Ai/-fy t'Iay too , B horizon: depth — matrix color — mottle color — depth of sample_. Soil type: (sand, day, etc.) Gleyed? Other indicators — Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Approximate % organic content (by volume) < so 0/0 Texture A/on - sancl y Hydric soils? Yes Basis hPavt Iy vtio441ed 6.1000 rood- xnelS • HYDROLOGY Inundated? No Depth of standing water — Saturated soils? ,vo Depth to saturated soils > s " Describe obvious topographic features, if any: F/a7/- uv- nef)v- w' How Wetland hydrology? Yes roed Basis k t.Ori r 5 • Normal Circumstances? YeS Atypical situation? Wetland determination Yez, Basis t,14-bond Ye.43 'J Is , assum kbd logy, Comments: • 25 WETLAND DETERMINATION r..__nIFIED TRIPLE PARAMETER APPROAL Site( I)4T-Cttj?r7' ��r4,C). Date 6,-7- , 1 Staff , , Plot # Gl VEGETATION Trees Status %cover Herbs Status % cover 0 OHolcus f ovtA ,S FAL(nl 50 0 0alOpecur1S prei-eV VS t! I a 0 0 Typl a Ian Srollo. O5L- iS 0 0 Jruv�us egCrugv,5 Fa.c,t„1 7 0 0 F«4 a'4yl. IYI cveA. 1-AG U' Shrubs Status % cover 0 0 0 0 0 % of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: ico % cover of OBL, FACW, and/or FAC species: 9 -7 Hydrophytic vegetation? Ye- SOILS Series/Phase Puge-k On hydric soils list? Yes A horizon: depth matrix color mottle color depth of sample Soil type: (sand, clay, etc.) B horizon: depth matrix color mottle color depth of sample_ Soil type: (sand,clay, etc.) Gleyed? Other indicators Depth of dominant vegetation root penetration Approximate % organic content (by volume) Texture Hydric soils? Y S Basis A -,,ory,ec • HYDROLOGY inundated? No Depth of standing water Saturated soils? No Depth to saturated soils ? 18" Describe obvious topographic features, if any: Wetland hydrology? Yes Basis Assu.med 1o0.4-erl ova �, d�-« 1 Is . Normal Circumstances? Yes Atypical situation? Wetland determination yes Basis Ail don/. \/P . sop. are 0L2,1- 1-0 Comments: eoky.ao-v,..3 �1v��rL �101iS a. uvAeck, 26 pF R� A.� j, ECF. l• /aa- 9 , z City of Renton l.u: SA -B9 S go( o 9A o ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST. ' 1 o sEpls°P Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21 C RCW,`requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making • decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared .for.'allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of'the environment. '.The purpose • of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: .; This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. . You must answer each question accurately and carefully. to the best of your knowledge. In most cases. you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer. or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does Inot apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations. such as zoning, shoreline. and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies.can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal. even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The • agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be - answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION. complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies. plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant." and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. • A. BACKGROUND • 1. Name of proposed project. if applicable: • 13�M 171 g113c1-J c J FAcit../TY 2. Name of applicant: f3 1301.1l JI 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 4. Date ch�t prepared: q�(2.- • 5. Agency requesting checklist: Li,A NI.0111 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): 4a D As Soon AS AtiewOR • a119s7p4o is(1w v„ {A' ,its 0ap Ass P—S( . MANNING DIVISION CrlyoF F ENTON SEP 2.9 1989 • RECEIVED IVED r//2 7. Do you have any _..:_ for future additions expansions. __ further activityrelated P� P u to or connected with this proposal? if yes. explain. '. GoA. S ve r $LPG i$+ A5 ?-A3t- /2. cpg. - 7,§0, Title As3 13t474 'A 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. FM, 0,99 Alrr3 Or- w&ir s' . rr tt Q690lar 4. p6LINJt4p-ri 0/4.) Pr2-#+0 1�6 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes. explain. .. Fly 0,639 3c% OF AJ t 6E.0 Kd-Isr� i�Ppz/G19lbw i 10. List any governmental approvals_ or permits that will be needed for your proposal. if known. cexe eF ' 4 6W S -- V / -49-s j . afelpig, pop7- tom- Pt - � P 44.9iu %, fv 1�otuv(w6 P� — '+ TT'1�J6 • 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. CvOCTr/e — A ' *itch, 13Vtt-00 A) Pis vri,D./J fl9••c14L4Ty OF , -wpo • Si(935 #vie- ) /h • ,01,57,v,t3u r/w C Hpro,uy fb, .57 /20962' OF i? p c fizoove.7.7.4 awn*vie,* CoR pU/i•V Ave, 13 Wad- Be Cot06772L4-rx), 6 sa0A-) fi 6i2. 0S0Ai.0 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project. including a street address, if any. and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While ,you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. akidevkt/. Avg. S,(*(1. / deg' 4 frizz) ,C-F-611--. tk, ,z,p *ex) B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS . • 1. : EARTH • • a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other $ ' b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 2c2Z f .sue- 477,96H6-10 v$cvrz✓rr • ' c. What general types •of soils are found on the site (for example. caly, sand. gravel, peat, muck)? If you know'the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. : , Soft c !Ill(, P Ste- .. . 0. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. W PTZ-A1-ID A176453 e90 S F • - 2 - • e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate yu..itities of any filling or • grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. • fl tA- th' 6F•69110& Qv Z nWOO 151 4A6S. 4 av l?Y Saves 5e6 C6TJ,' c r� f. Could erosion occur as a resultOr clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Cg A-WFO OP 57 T • By TI/i/Z'v4 .y 4.1.u Go,�rrzov Prsa2.) g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? • h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: �44� 41/1bU-& Gv PS . a- Arr./xi-tab Arr./xi-tab DeSc,e2,/'Ti'') Of ,0474.)46g 6 X6re 1 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. u6r. VEy/cc'E ,/7f/56.; 436 4FTE/L Cow L� -tTIDr� B aa.i /seJ #6e,'7" £Qv/PM OUT /6 d s b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? T��.t- � /= ,T- 72*ie Pg F;cr ... c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Co, )p lJ1ri- l/01-11c.L ' f/f 6/d,!,7 67zas. .�uor Cox-JrX0C., itze.eE' ,Di_me a..9G Gr»srn.vc-rea‘J 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. A'O.196 Jr S/7-6. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. tz. 11 76Az/.gc_ Wi ..L. a?a i-1 ,1",240Y6e 6err- Tom, d z.y Etc G9u -ricaJ 1 ._, y. in-81-i G, •ice IJET 1112- W c, Re- A. PAS!/vvs 17:037 ' / 4) Will the pi sal require surface water withdr ils or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. • 5*Merl- w j W t gj O ;,gr-r 7 i49-1,Afo vg 1)Es-scitep 5) Does phe proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. • 6) Does i the proposal involve any discharges es of waste materials to surface waters? If so. describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of. discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will round water be withdrawn, or willwater be discharged 9, d g d to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities if knownl'. "ICIR WATW1 Wu/1- 13E 12112-{e 772 w�`� vAJi joky Pox,./:u LI dam.. 13E• ' .. D ,gA T6rc B . I � ��� Y... �viet pp AZT/pc, 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial. containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the numbek of houses to be served (if applicable). or_the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. riAY j4ra f rri s Wf a6`"41 1' 'r€ Pv ev 6,e4s,raii c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collectlion and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so. describe. ':Thpi-EV/Ve SC)12-4 LC Au A-) rrzs�r-� ig ci l��V 4 k�icc BQD��I.1 4-• .T,-'m T • . .. • rt6 O�TE'U7caJ ift,p,Cy, .. • 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If .so. generally describe. ‘1/17-4reig WAIN*. r-J0ki 771194/ eit—WAITRZ— 5P-PdfiR4PCW- • OG4��74 7?7 Gtleppe uP.S Ateivive4,Es \Aii44J SE oef '#0iLTi29TE-[0 ,+$Y ahlE tierz-+94 .• • . • - 4 - r). d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: _ • tiA140g9 eit1/4) 917E . , 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: 16e—deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other o evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other o Shrubs ug grass o crop or grain SWet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other- o water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other • c—other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? qq ArfX5 Or--- hie e-A /4S' , 8E ria012. &44.66 3, , Au -rfrfP1241#674074 Afga--46 1"11Z-e-• SE Cov6.4isb C. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. • - d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: AUG morvr gft-frilf,moce. ttlfir14}7k42,57')..41oriil Cfry 4-idiog-oveb 1260, 2=i .20 dr/31-e_, Gin> : - • 5. 0 Animals 4P,V2- ve.40 .4-01A-)405c-4-10‘ a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site • or are known to be on or near the site: • , Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle(JongbiejA, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. . 141/4)(9(4-)/0 c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. • • • • - 5 - 1,•••..ga am...1a.am a me a6. 16!III• d. Proposed rr.___ures to preserve or enhance wildli.-. .f any:. ' • 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove. solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it • will be used for heating, manufacturing. etc. .6iTY Fe`o- «- t 6 e off`lf- AiRci0 lam -rvy A�1mi, ,b-p 'AirmAtiefrr WA ( �s T�. 7a gra. ppepocir P 542 rz r a. 1 ' b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. ' No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce, or control energy impacts, if any: G 7#4fC wig , y' Cam, 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. . Ftrze `6cAGE 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: NoPE b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? • • 2) What types levals of noise would be create or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate ,what hours noise would come from the site. 4G� geFtt If. in..) PVr u6. C '1 Ttl-Z a/V .. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: if 8. Land and Shoreline Use • a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? VA6A 7" b. Has the site been used for agriculture?LL If so, describe. I. c. Describe any structures on the site. Peija— d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? • PO e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? h. Has any part•of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, Asp�eciify. 495 i. . Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed • project?_ �2© / fAx./ Hum j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if.any:. - 7 - . 1. Proposed r cures to ensure the proposal is ci atible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: •• • err wvI?J . P it " • . Fr(9 ems,• fo+m p4-/e-,x;o '10-1irft- 0/0-40.41,9.-)c. - + 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. ::,.. • c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: _ Q •' p 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 34 17,4I f2 aPj O V , (• b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? N c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: A 64. D2c6lu p Z9ln-4'21106S On He 1`•s6 Oes0 c p, , l... eSc,,-p1 !II. Light and Glare •;• . a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? lld c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Noy f41oWN d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: or..oci --r., IrtE �l'f - : '�7 u ti r i .S6 P Etc-ro )1 M-12'(C5- • - 8 - 12. Recreation • a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? FLAvvfp i2Fre-viit-70dilt-e.- 5/72E: To b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including ' recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: 11JF0144 Ffer-f-A-710.3 frtAy 116614/PfP 131' C.W porpcolz., Luk-rdit- Aaeis4 2 eteyez:ic1wit-t- CXO - 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any pieces or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state. or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. 140 b. Generally describe any -landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. • c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: WeOg. • 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. • eik•KSPA- Ao0.- • a.1;m FP b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? POT- WOW/0 c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? • 24-7 -t• ti.A1441JA1W-- c9 - -- • d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). • sT - er-- 0 rpoi-deperea UV - fropcar( S14A-ic PPIF-1-9PF-77 . . - 9 - • , • e. . Will the pro use (or occur in the immediate uty of) water, rail,, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. ( 'TV /4,4( 1 Pig• '' c¢�,t,�6 •laiR • f. .How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. ke7 l -AJ - A- 7 SPprr�gT Co avr -1� ✓rvro r/�1)2 g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. ? 6(-y 1 4 RRL't c,E b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct ,impacts on public services, if any. • NNE, 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently a ilable at the sit electricity natural gas, ate refuse servic epho antt ra y sew septic sys em, Mier b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Ar *N 1.6 s/r�.. Pr/o.�- s,51z.v,r. - r PAIS • Awen. vCen,vk.w BY PUGSr 15/1 a0 '= C. SIGNATURE v'EdZJIG S ca&rf2ro[.r sue' 77 ,.' G!1� I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any `. declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: got3grzr hL• Y1S __.. ft • c„r. ' t 1,5 • zi • 4r, - 10 - IM11 11,1 #176 11-8-84 '4, �'19 i11 1„1ETLA1JGA SToRA >✓ GALGUI- A1 l o1J) S {- 2oP ' P 'DISTR►SSJTIat,J C.EiJ-recz !�AILESD:=�c AvS • S AN,), F2,0,410 IZEtJTot,1 Da=Lr IPTot,J ; Tom t S 11 11 Sk TT/ t S LO GATED �tJ T►-'-E =�ovTl-1- `9\ o= A�s, 42,yJ, C 7. 143 rci. ST) AD7 A C.EtJT -ro co►-)-r4k Qa1LRoAD SPQR FOR THE coyJTAI►JER GoRP• FAG►L.I'TY G\gLGI.�S -T4ke, SITE FoRmit,go A Dt Wrr No .oUTLE'T FRot•A L©�J . -r4s RAtL.RO,1D TRAGIL D J CL.EJ, I IS.Z.. A42 "i 1-1-S SITc L-ow E.LC\/, (S S,S , ITC; I F4T 714E 1 OTroM SOD A 3 1,70,A ItJA&G si 4,) M STi..Y JP-DVsLoPG0 ,110o25 BQJS1-I At--kD c sc k1L-tu- 'Po TtON • •6.0NstS--T►►Jcc, of MAtJvF-AcC r+.JRltJ'C:a AOt) gork-DIJAY4 , -1-61E FOL.Lo4Jt Ott) ov..)4 tJ ILA_ LAN01,J 114E , IT;v L)AL, g.m, OFF dzwTtz I Q,.r-f Je€ �'� -f+-ls 1eJSTL.At.)V4z DEJGL.OPMviT FoR A,. \oo \{SAR ► 24 -o'R DSSIre.� emTo2v\, M4E 10 FLLT2A rI at.J RATS IS A SS•D ot) PERIN-tEAPtLL'N RA-T e, Fo `rI iS -TYPE o scatL. D IZ A 1 tslA S. aA‘10 AR,G•A, % o. ►4d. A►R EA i t SAIL Gt.A�SIFi -ATtou P 1...10x,r)tovtt.L. SILT La1�M otL. J1DRot-oeotG. Rom '• ItJFIL.'C2ATtvt.J 2ATc lc� %cc, % . 02?, IN/w.;�, 'PS Ski 1-1-4 Tt-tE >✓XISTt GorJTR Is,...)T►►.JCo To 71- S t,JETL ,A JDS ARCA PiRI►J( A (Oo `/EA2 STORM l5 €7. cOG .-E 1�JITI-1 AN Ft 1,.1 OJTFLO►,-) OF '1,21 G-4S AO fl A MAX IM - M .JA-r R SJRPAGS AT ELE'. l p , 161 ' , T1-IE POST= 'DEJE L.OP'ED j t�FVot:J 1,JtLL SS I4.S1 Glcs F1 ovTR..°i,.J OF 4, O3 c.cs , TIaE PoST EJEL.0PEE1D a- TFl.Ol.J lS k-EICvI-DER -r -AL) TI4G PRE - DCJ E LoP E O ok..J TFt_ol Die -To -rN E- LA R-C�E2 Sut2FAGF AREA. cAu'Ei UY l-\E 1.4Lb --IE(L k -reR Po r- DEVEL.oPED MAIM`JM IA.IATR A,S A gESvI_T OF 1- 02E IMPERVtovS SJRFA.C,E AtJD 'TIC F-1LI,1fr-�� OF- A Po¢TIo�) of T►-IE WETLAtJD V.J ILL gE AT SI.EV, ID. Low' 02 0.4e7 44 I(n>..1-6 tz -j14 A N -RIG FRG -T,E V 6LoPS.D ,J P r , may. PLANNING DIVISION #.?''-, CITY OF RENTON y AV"�' BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. SEP 2 9 1989 / r , CIVIL ENGINEERS& LAND SURVEYORS •.rI SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 323-4144 . d� FiCE1VE® O FOISTEat`��a`� 124e,o 1 SA I_ - 2 to - 8q • 9/25/89 Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. page BRUCE BLUME WETLANDS STORAGE SUMMARY 3PM BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: IMP1 NAME: UPPER ORIGINAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 15.00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 15.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10.00 min CN • 80.00 TIME OF CONC • 66.53 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 4.64 cfs VOL: 2.56 Ac-ft TIME: 478 min BASIN ID: IMP2 NAME: LOWER ORIGINAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 15.70 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 15.70 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN • 95.00 TIME OF CONC • 42.22 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 11.12 cfs VOL: 4.48 Ac-ft TIME: 472 min BASIN ID: TOTAL NAME: ORIGINAL TOTAL BASIN SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 30.70 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 4.00 inches AREA. . : 30.70 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10.00 min CN • 80.00 TIME OF CONC • 98.75 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 AREA. . : 0.00 Acres CN • 98.00 PEAK RATE: 8.10 cfs VOL: 5.24 Ac-ft TIME: 486 min 10 A lEGEYJi ' VI I 1 Hyd No, i_ :2f;.:�,,A t -T -4c�.'l ^�.1,�t — V I Hyd Nor 8 ,L.,L,,a„.. nr i�; „\ B;&s;-- r 1 Hyd No, 3 --- vPP°4 or;Gs,I " �a5 � C i 1 1� 1 k III' i t lid I X I . 1 [•l\ J y1t i f 4 5 f 1 5 f 1 •1 • / 1 •5 f 1 ti5 r ...5� �r ; d lc• • ti • 3 8 118 15 18 81 84 87 Time in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 2 Rate: 4.62 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 2.56 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 3 Rate: 10.98 cfs Time: 7.83 hr Vol : 4.48 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min ,i. lEGEND . 1 .I, 1 Hyd No. i_ or., ,„.„‘ To+,o Sas;_ Hyd No. 4 sv,;fed Post - e.1eoped ( *P ` 5 4 * 1 1 I 5 G 1pi 1 1 1 1 1 w * 1 0 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 '1�M1 / 1. 1 1 rrAA 71 ,S j .. 1 5 Ry \• ■� , - !/ ...� 1. r 1 � �If 5 '1 • .1 3 .fi 9 i8 i5 £8 81 84 87 Time in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 4 Rate: 14.59 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min • IEGEND +�t I Hyd Ho. 1 Prd- She qe loped L," i ow N Hyd No. 4 post-L��elo,ped h ,.,•cloL *IA Hyd No. 11--- Pre - Degelo fed 1 0d---�'4- t- d. 1.lo, 4 H --- d No. 12 y Post-'C2v21 oPed 01/4J�'- low 'TTlll 5 I 5 11 ON 0 1 try 1 1 WI t i 1 ti I'u II 1 �, I 1n. • fr m u.�Ifl:,10u.../'n....... h'•'1��. IV D. r'. 2r 12 18 i4 30 30 43 Tine in Hours Hyd No. : 1 Rate: 8.09 cfs Time: 8.17 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 4 Rate: 14.59 cfs Time: 8.00 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 11 Rate: 3.29 cfs Time: 13.50 hr Vol : 5.24 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min Hyd No. : 12 Rate: 4.03 cfs Time: 12.67 hr Vol : 7.04 Ac-ft Int: 10.00 min 9/25/89 Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. page BRUCE BLUME WETLANDS STORAGE SUMMARY 3PM - LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW ST DI <-PEAK-> STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) id id <-STAGE>, id VOL (cf) PRE DEVELOPED 0.00 8.09 1 1 10.19 11 59788.42 POST DEVELOPED 0.00 14.59 2 2 10.67 12 95731.38 Ioo YR, — 2d- 1-4►2 . P6Si !J ;702.t. 't �JF�o\,,1 = .oq crfs o JTFI.ovJ = -;.24'e-rs mA-X, I.J,S , = Ion 167 IDG ,G+Lot PGD I0FLoW - t 4,7Q 4,o-; cet, ,- 1Q X , 1,4 r� ,= 1 0, b� 01FFEfze)JGE 4tJ MAX, 1..1,5 = 0,4400� L� • • 124 123 122 121 120 49 J _ 4T__!a5_4 I __80 :1 ..1.i .6 .4. 55-,, ,. 5 . ..4. 4L r , 22 r: 5I 25 '.Ci V EL 7. Itir---(7.1.4r1,.. �. L .14a ` � t C 1 440.0),,, ;05 ,/';8(3,c. 0 EGA �1 45 \' � t6 �41 FRIDAY HA1 n(n N i ��' C I p 'PORT STANL Y •il � ,‘94.,-% j. c.... �1 6P 1 �r,. ' T.VE' r...4. I • .th1� r 2 I kik e.tfce:s%teLi- a '-'30);-.. It\I �. Or ^ 10 7 Alk.-11t5 .7..,1 1 1 ,.�. s E 20_ 48 1, jam! 1 1\ ��1‘�� 1 It 1 el(�`�• II. ^ ,r( \�1 ... +t . , ,1•' • 75 , V RETT ? Z W}, 1 40 3 I \ . ,,,,...*:, . . 6s' Nd 11`" 3� 100. 544 r _ = 1- i.r 1 1 5 =01 Afi �► : '80 r; l '5 0. 54., -.4) i 1101 � rf 5 �Pl' i-":41 � 40 s ��� 1 �� J� - — ♦ `! SAT \� ^? rc / I ' i. i-) • 0110. • f g 'IS _, .1; `.. .1 ' s v \limo:0;5 16 5 � OMA 1 ' - - 1 h. 47 r',K. nf I = _ > '22 ABE�rE ,', -ter fir`//. rililit,=.,...,Irfp-Ale, trfo. 70 14, E TR•L_ p , :g�--f l•t 6$� . _ ■\ r. ,J • .i IllI fi:--N , `t-- - _ -3 „� i . ,-; '22 •X35K �9�1` 0`_00 � • 65- ;; f 61 3. 4. 1 1• 5+, 1ii \ 45 10 ;I / _ —� 22 ..\ • • ' j, ,1 .1) ci..1 . :n-----(--'.../ cr-- N 1 65 :l_ • AD• e I r..Z5 '� 'ROSSEF 60 5 0 '1(. II ,. �1 i 6, 30. -7 .).. 5 ...4) 40 ''1 =) 'I 50. ' .i 40 7'` _ r :tC L. ON' Et A i....c,1 :-,' .. AA4O ' l �4 I / �`i�� •1 - 6' 0 bap4535 NOAA ATLAS 2,V: • Figure 30 65 �/ Prepared by U.S.Pc. ISOPLUVIALS OF 100 YR 24-HR PRECIPIT TION 45 50 55 60 65 30 National Weather S, IN TENTHS OF AN INCH • Prepared for U.S.II: Soil Conservation S.. 124 123 122 121 120 I . . . . KING COUNTY, WA IINGTON, SURFACE WAT- DESIGN MA b _ b. A 3:1 aspect ratio between the trap length and width of the trap Is desirable. Length is defined as the average distance from the inlet to the outlet of the trap. This ratio is Included in the computations for Figure 5.4.4C for the surface area at the Interface between the settling zone and sediment storage volume. c. Determine the bottom and top surface area of the sediment storage volume to be provided (see Figure 5.4.4C) while not exceeding 1.5' In depth and 3:1 side slope from the bottom of the trap. Note the trap bottom should be level. d. Determine the total trap dimensions by adding an additional 2' of depth above the • surface of the sediment storage volume, while not exceeding 3:1 side slopes, for the required settling volume. (see Figure 5.4.4C) II . TABLE 5.4.4A HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN KING COUNTY [ 1 SOIL SOIL EROD- EROD- HYDROLOGIC IBILITY HYDROLOGIC IBILITY SOIL GROUP GROUP* FACTOR:lc SOIL GROUP GROUP* FACTOR;K' I . Alderwood C 0.15 Orcas Peat D 0.00 Arents,Alderwood C 0.15 Orldia D 0.49 Arents, Everett B 0.17 Oval! C 0.17 Beausite C 0.15 Pilchuck C 0.10 Bellingham D 0.32 Puget D 0.28 Briscot D 0.32 Puyallup B 0.28 Buckley D 0.32 Ragnar B 0.32 Coastal Beaches Variable 0.05 Renton D 0.43 Earlmont Silt Loam D '0.37 Riverwash Variable - Li Edgewick C 0.32 Sala! C 0.37 Everett . A 0.17 Sammamish -. - - D 0.37 Indianola A 0.15 Seattle D 0.00 Kitsap C 0.32 Shacar D 0.00 Klaus C 0.17 Si Silt C 0.37 '' Mixed Alluvial Land Variable 0.10 Snohomish D 0.32 Neilton A 0.10 Sultan C 0.37 Newberg B 0.32 Tukwila D 0.00 Nooksack C 0.37 Urban Variable - Norm. Sandy Loam D 0.24 Woodinville D 0.37 1 HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS . A. (Low runoff potential). Soils having high Infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted,and consisting 111 chiefly of deep,well-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoff potential). Soils having moderate Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and ii consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. C. (Moderately high runoff potential). Soils having slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and Y consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water,or soils with moderately It. fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. D. (High runoff potential). Soils having very slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a 11 hardpan or day layer at or near the surface,and shallow soils over nearly Impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. • From SCS,TR-55, Second Edition,June 1986, Exhibit A-1. Revisions made from SCS, Soils Interpretation Record, Form #5, September 1988. I , 2/89 r.„ . CITY OF RENTON RECEIPT # N U3 16 DMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • f;, PLANNING DIVISION Q �''" ' GITY OF RENTON . ,. DATE G/�! 19 f CITY TREASURER !(.4M c7���,/1 n , ;1,.. is ii9-29 1589 '�/i v� / �� 9:14 am ;EG!RGF''1 i)r-1i1812 - . ' e€0ae, :A SHIER ID: A -_= AMOUNT = • • ,i 00 MISCELLANEOUS REVE $1,12ij,i-ii) 4 ►_ DOLLARS I1'E PLAN APPROVALT - . 0011,1i1-I,IjII0„00.00,0000 APPLICATION TYPE / / , r:{!111 MISCELLANEOUS REVE o NVIRONMEN1'AL REVIEh17�i�`i}n TOTAL FEE • iiijii,>i{j,iiiiij,ijij,iiij,iiii>iii %345.81.00.00 Rezone TOTAL DUE -__ $1,9ijii,ijil Conditional Use C:EIVED FROM: Administrative Appeal Short Plat _MICE MUELLER & ASSOC. •IECIEr_:!; PUD $78G,iiii 1,120.00 • Plat TOTAL 'TENDERED Final Plat • 1,�oii.iiij • . Plait fir V ' r�ao oc� C:I'1ANGE DUE — so, 1/345.81.00.01 Variance & Other " �_ __ )/345.84.00.03 Annexation )/345.81.00.00 Final Plat )/345.84.00.00 EIS Fees /11� 8200,0 70.00 3/341..50.00.00 Sale of Maps/Publication • 0/341.60.00.24 Miscellaneous Copies Subtotal !$B� 0� r Cashe� • 000/ Tax Total 1 Crn•U(� By: .g ;,.;,'_I,'� '`r' : ;'•� ..�f.. ':,,•:^r�' �a- :.i •}n:['i! tVll rd' r-•� -*.:r ., .<. ,� �•f r. •; ,E. a ,I ,"r u•. 6'„ sd�' : 1• r�t Ta �' Uf tN •• sa' •d P• u 7. 1 ' t,:' 3 • ,8` • •Jr. 4 �'h. I ti •a. n'd a ! S `i' I'. y r�: a, if' •r h.. ti: l 7'e 1.1 S S. .•t• a• p:. .t,r ':r r { f. i.�«N. F f' ;r: r. �p • ,r. .t. i.l i'VYr: , i,• • Gi i' 11'• �.rr, ti: 'a• �'1.. rl � N•' . i ',t +?�� • :if 1'. az'.: . ..,....... ,.:,..,,,,...,,......„.„,...„,„:,,,.:,,„:„..„.,..,: _..,..-..„,,...,„,„.... . . . �ar ,i .i Y fie' t,r j`iif::•f': *.1 `f 1 r'{a �•� 1!. �j�i. } t v +•i � •'I 4 1' .'i r r<:t`r• 'c 1:, t r'' 'Z 4' �.t , Q'�' aV ::iir i '.L - a ..i.. • �yt,. -t�'I'1'�, 1'. il: I a �1 }r i, •r^ Cv .7 r' .4 .t.: :,n1' r' r' 'i5•' rf 7'. 0 Jr �ti. '1r. l - .f `Ii., =Y 1 J•' 'i .y .iJ 4.... $ { :Y. Jt/ I ;1, { t•' ' y ''ri ,.....•• .- . I r: �:c •r. �t t r :1 iLc ..�. r� r� r.l.•. 4• d 1 �r�, 1 1'1. 1.y .t,i i• ,• �y•4: r S ' 'Jr^' 'Yf: rY ••1•' err 1�: 1 �,1 1 { f. �p� .Y( Ir ,rc I ],v :; i:, 't r: ,. �iY 1 . �1''r :� .f' i;l'i 3', t • ,, v r 1tir. d C• '.• •• t i' ;j • f: :r' ''1,� r 4 f :��r.. yi •,! s r� Y" 5' •i. E r, t yy `S 1 f: •• 1 r' " 111 1t,w�•r �'1 A- 'I i: �f ,r- ,(• • a• r.% 'r� ` 1 ti y { p. 1'. t l 7 .je •t W J tY J✓rl, i.11 L �j M •�Ei •t! • 'Yi(' G •'' R 'EL �, %'•tie' er~ 'i} Fx i�. J A • 'r 1 Fb. •/ /, �d DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY � SEATTLE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS , if H P.O. BOX C-3755 iM `\ SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 9 8 1 24-2255 \�V REPLY TO SEP 91989 TATESAf� ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch Mr. James Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 1100 Eastlake Avenue East, #210 Seattle, Washington 98109 Reference: OYB-'1-012850 Garrison, Jim & Blume, Bruce Dear Mr. Garrison: You applied for the above referenced Department of the Army permit to place fill material into less than one acre of isolated wetlands at Renton, Washington. The purpose of the fill is to construct a distribution warehouse facility for the Container Corporation. Department of the Army regulations dated November 13, 1986, authorize certain activities under nationwide permits. Paragraph 330.5(a)(26) of these regulations authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into nontidal rivers, streams, and their lakes and impoundments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters (where the average annual flow is less than 5 e.f.s.). Similar discharges are also allowed into other nontidal waters of the United States that are not part of a surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i.e. , isolated waters). The discharge area must be less than 1 acre. Based on the information you have provided and our onsite inspection of the property with Shapiro & Associates, the proposed work is authorized by, this nationwide permit. No individual Department of the Army permit will be required, provided the enclosed nationwide permit conditions are met (enclosure 1). Your application is returned herein (enclosure 2). Wetlands are dynamic ecosystems and are highly subject to change as are the federal regulations governing development. This jurisdictional determination and nationwide permit authorization should be considered valid for only 2 years. Nothing in this letter shall be construed as excusing you from compliance with other Federal, state, and local statutes, ordinawarafikISION regulations which may pertain to this work. If you have any quesiMs RENTON SEP 2 91989 RECEWEI. concerning the requirements of' nationwide permits, please contact Mr. Jim Green, telephone (206 764-3495. • Sincerely, • Ziff-4i 0:4- omas F. Mueller Chief, Processing Section - Enclosures _. • • • • • • • NATIONWIDE PERMIT CONDITIONS FOR SPECIFIC CATEGORIES OF ACTIVITIES For purposes of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899, and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the following special conditions must be satisfied prior to any discharge of dredged or fill materials associated with the activities performed under the authority of nationwide permits for specific categories of discharges: • (1) That any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake; (2) That any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in areas of concentrated shellfish production unless the discharge is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by a nationwide permit; (3) That the activity will not jeopardize a threatened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act, or destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. In the case of Federal agencies, it is the agencies' responsibility to comply with the requirements of the act; (4) That the activity shall not significantly disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound water); (5) That any discharge of dredged or fill material shall consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts; (6) That any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained; (7) That the activity shall not occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System nor in a "study river" designated by Congress for possible. inclusion; (8) That the activity shall not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation; (9) That, if the activity may adversely affect historic properties which the National Park Service has listed on, or determined eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places, the permittee will notify the District Engineer; • (10) That the construction or operation of the activity will not impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights; • (11) That in certain states, an individual state water quality certifica- tion must be obtained or waived; (12) That in certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived; (13) That the activity will comply with regional conditions which may have been added by the Division Engineer; and (14) That the management practices •listed in Section 330.6 of this part shall be followed to the maximum extent practicable. In addition to the conditions specified above, the following management practices should be followed, to the maximum extent practicable, in the dis- charge of dredged or fill material under nationwide permits in order to mini- mize the adverse effects of these discharges on the aquatic environment. Failure to comply with these practices may be cause for the District Engineer to recommend or the Division Engineer to take discretionary authority to regulate the activity on an individual or regional basis: (1) Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States shall be avoided or minimized through the use of other practical alternatives. (2) Discharges in spawning areas during spawning seasons shall be avoided. (3) Discharges shall not restrict or impede the movement of aquatic species indigenous to the waters or the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the water (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters). (4) If the discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow, shall be minimized. (5) Discharge in wetlands areas shall be avoided. (6) Heavy equipment working in wetlands shall be placed on mats. (7) Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl shall be avoided. (8) All temporary fills shall be removed in their entirety. V 2 • • APPLICATION FOR DEP,.., ENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0702-0036 (33 CFR 325) Expires 30 June 1989 The Department of the Army permit program is authorized by Section 10 of the River and•Harbor Act of 1899,Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 103 of the Marine,Protection,Research and Sanctuaries Act. These laws require permits authorizing activities in or affecting navigable waters of the United States,the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Information in this application is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary;however,the data requested are necessary in order to communicate withlthe applicant and to evaluate the permit application. If necessary information is not provided,the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to-this application(see sample drawings and instructions)and be submitted to the District Engineer-having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. I / IQRQ 1.APPLICATION NUMBER(To be assigned by Corps 3.NAME,ADDRESS,AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT `(E . 4 -o 010 • 2.NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Telephone no.during business Noun Mr. James Garrison Bruce Clume and Company A/C( . ) (Residence) 11.00, Eastlake Ave. -E., #210 - . A/C( ) (Office) • Seattle, WA 98109 Statement of Authorization: I hereby designate and authorize_ • to act In my behalf as my Telephone no.during business hours agent In the processing of this permit application end to furnish,upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. A/C'(- .) . . . . (Residence) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT - DATE • - Aie(206 ) 682-4200 (Office) 4.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY ' '- -- •-- . • - -- ----•—• ---- . - • - 4e.ACTIVITY The proposed activity is to build a 226,000 sq. ft. distribution warehouse facility on the northern portion of the ,41 acre site ( see attached site plan) located in • Renton, Washington (see attached.Wetland Delineation Report,-dated June 1989, for site location map). - . - • 412.PURPOSE The purpose of the project is to supply storage, warehouse and parking facilities • for the Container Corporation. • • • • 44.DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL In order to construct the facility, less that 1 acre of isolated wetland is proposed for filling. • 5.r1.4.1ES ANO ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING 1PPERTY OWNERS,LESSEES.ETC.,WHOSE PRC ` TY ALSO ADJOINS THE WATERWAY • 6.WATER BODY AND LOCATION ON WATERBODY WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED There are approximately 4.7 acres of apparently isolated wetlands on the site. The site is East of and separated from the Green River_ by Fort Dent Park and the B.N. Railroad tracks. The site is South of and separated from the Black River by 72nd Ave. S. and a spur of B.N. Rialroad tracker SPP attached Wetland Delineation report by Shanirn dated June 19$9 7. LOCATION ON LAND WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED ADDRESS: The site is bounded by South 143rd• St. (0aksdale Ave. S.W) to the North, 72nd Ave(Monster Rd on the East and South and by the Burlington Northern Railroad to the West. STREET,ROAD,ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION . . - _ _• . King WA _ _ — -- . COUNTY - STATE ZIP CODE City of Renton LOCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION OVER SITE 8.Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought now complete? ❑YES ❑NO If answer Is"Yes"give reasons,month and year the activity was completed. Indicate the existing work on the drawings.. . 9.List all approvals or certifications and denials received from other federal,interstate,state or local agencies for any structures,construction,.- -- . - . discharges or other activities described in this appliation. - ISSUING AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NO. • DATE OF APPLICATION DATE OF APPROVAL DATE OF DENIAL 10.Application Is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such Information Is true,complete,and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities or I am acting-as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. • 7/12/89 • - SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant)or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in Block 3 has been filled out and signed. . 18 U.S.C.Section 1001 provides that: Whoever,in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of The United States knowingly and willfully falsifies,conceals,or covers up by any trick,scheme,or device a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry,shall be fined not more than$10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years,or both. Do not send a permit processing fee with this application. The appropriate fee will be assessed when a permit is issued. •� l • ` - - SPECIFICATIONS - •HOUSING—Rugged, heavy -ge, lightweight - aluminum housing. Rectilinear shape,internally seam welded corners for weathertight integrity. p�WN114t'a DNISION EPDM one-piece,continuous-gasketed,extruded CRY OF R ON <' [I. , . ' aluminum door frame with impact-resistant _ C `" tempered glass lens. Extruded aluminum arm for 175/2501400 .•-' pole or wall mounting.Standard dark bronze finish SEP 2 91989 1000II�1 with eleven optional architectural colors. ����® ; •OPTICS—Unique one-piece hydroformed reflector. :. METAL HALIDE Multi faceted,segmental design with three- dimensional parabolics for precise light control. •BALLAST/ELECTRICAL SYSTEM—High power factor ballast,factory tested for reliable operation. T� W Electrical components are isloated from the optical L, �' �� chamber to provide excellent heat control and long p - ballast life. Removable power door for ease of 1 l _ installation/replacement of electrical components on `/ medium and large housing. Positive locking �� disconnect plug. r •LISTING—U.L.listed suitable for wet locations. DIMENSIONS- EPA(Indudes Length Width Depth 15 to 50 Ft.Mounting : HOUSING Mt.Arm) In-Cm In-Can In-Cm • nsnsow. ,.an,,.,,m, 21-53.3 ,5�, ,v..,e.n • . Initial Lumens 14,000-110,000 1000W 3:on i.28e 24-61.00- 23n se i 151.26.7 Lamp Life 7,500 20,000 Hrs. == ORDERING INFORMATION -For MA dedect.S tl�,.OSm.Irum above values. • The luminaire catalog number guide below illustrates the variations available and establishes the components to build a catalog - - - number for ordering purposes.To use,select the wattage,mounting,voltage and options for your requirements,then transfer the designations to the appropriate blocks.Accessories should be ordered as separate line items. • TYPE— I TAA I I I 1 WATTAGE OPTIONS • • 1 WATTS WEIGHT DESIGNATION✓ SUFFIX DESCRIPTION - • lbs/kg —HS House Side Shield • . - 175 19/8.6 175M ❑ — —SF Single Fuse(120,277V) 250 21/9.6 250M ❑ —DF Double Fuse(208,240,480) 400 31/14.1 400M ❑ —PER/PE NEMATwist-Lock PE(120,208, 1000 47/21.4 . 1000M ❑ -• 240V) + • . • — —PER/PE7 NEMA Twist-Lock PE(277V) + —PER/PE4 NEMA Twist-Lock PE(480V)+ . MOUNTING • —PER NEMA Twist-Lock PE - DESIGNATION✓ (Receptacle Only) • —DMB Architectural Color,Medium Bronze . (Square Pole) SP12 ID (Round Pole) RP12 ❑ —DCS Architectural Color,Sand Stone • (Wood Pole or Wall) . 'WW12 ❑ — AlCk loss) . .: • —DCC Arch tectural Color,Capri(BI ei-G - ' . Optional Mounting T —DCA •- Architectural Color,Aztec Tan••"`` - . VOLTAGE • . (Mast Arm)' MA ❑ = DESIGNATION✓ _DCX Architectural Color,Garnet :,' _ • (Degree Arm Pole) DA12P 0 120 ❑ —DCZ Architectural Color,Citation Gold (Degree Arm Wood Pole or Wall) DA12W ❑ 208 0 —DCW : Architectural Color,White(Semi-Gloss) . . 'Not available 175 and 250W units. - - 277 0 e —DCG • ' Architectural Color,Gray - • - - . ACCESSORIES - •. . 480 ❑ . —DCO Architectural Color,Ocher Tenon Mounting Slipfitter is ordered as separate line '. . —DCN Architectural Color,Natural Aluminum . item.Important with this accessory,an RP12 or optional + Includes Receptacle and Photocontrol.Photocontrol DA12P mounting arm must be ordered on the fixtures. • - shipped as separate item and must be field installed. Tenon 1 2 2 3 3 4 - NOTE:For more details,see options and accessories sheet C-O/A . Size fixture fixtures fixtures fixtures fixtures fixtures • For color reference,see color guide sheet DC. at 180° . at 90° at 120° at 90° at 90° -, 23"O.D. T2-190 T2-280 T2-290 T2-320 T2-390 T2-490 • . - 27/e"O.D. T3-190 T3-280 T3-290 T3-320 T3-390 T3-490 - . ! 4" O.D. T4-190 T4-280 T4-290 T4-320 T4-390 T4-490 ,• • ' NOTE:For more details,see options and accessories sheet C-O/A. • ..c,._!..,...�. .... .. ,..:,.r-:.,1.:�:.g;..• ..ii�-u�... .,�_'�,•',i::;, ....�w.� ..h. .::a,. .,. -sue,,... .... .�•'-__ _- ....� ,. , a.s, v.cis5ra-��y�=,.;�s.;. 'k;�.a•' .. ;;ri>«. ..:.:#.sue_: JOB NUMBER ' - APPROVAL STAMP " ;z 1 JOB NAME LOCATION - f�i�ic l 1.1G:.- ,& I • LIG�TI NG 2/85 HI--TEf► . TAA M „ 1:: SPECIFICATIONS __ 7�;, • HOUSING—Rear housing i ;ged,lightweight,r r19 68cm . . . . : : , , , , corrosion-resistant,die-cask diuminum.Stainless steel I �` external hardware includes slotted and tamper proof fasteners. 7 • OPTICS—Reflector is white painted aluminum.Mogul 17 5 Y '?` socket is standard.Front housing and reflector are I t �� .,.. METAL HALIDE one piece,injection molded,UV-stabilized poly- I , carbonate.Dark bronze finish is standard.Medium bronze or black finish is optional.Refractor is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the entrance of outside contaminants. • BALLAST—High power constant wattage, autotransformer. 161/e” • 17 , ‘6,,i, • INSTALLATION—Backwire access on a 3"or 4"outleti—rm. h40.sscm— box.Top wire access through 3/a"conduit entrance. - Feed-thru wiring can be achieved by using a condulet tee.Mounts on any flat surface. 15r/,6" - ��. `: • LISTING—U.L.listed suitable for wet locations. 39.21cm A'. I . L____ ., 8 to 25 Ft.Mounting Initial Lumens 14,000 Lamp Life 7,500 Hrs. ORDERING INFORMATION ' The luminaire catalog number guide below illustrates the variations available and establishes the components to build a catalog number for . . ordering purposes.To use,select the voltage and options for your requirements,then transfer the designations to the appropriate blocks.Accessories should be ordered as separate line items.• . TYPE— C1 I TWP 175 MP I I I I WATTAGE ' OPTIONS . : WEIGHT DESIGNATION✓ SUFFIX DESCRIPTION lbs/kg 15.6/7.08 175 MP ❑ —SF Single Fuse(120,277 volts) • —DF Double Fuse(208,240,480 volts) • :s =' —TB Tapped ballast(120,208,240,& � 277 volts) \ � —PE Photoelectric control(120,208, NOTE: Standard socket is for universal burning AlIMI 240,&277 volts) and position oriented lamps. —ORS Quartz Restrike System —EC Emergency Circuit . —DMB Architectural Color,Medium Bronze —DCB Architectural Color,Black (Semi-Gloss) ' , VOLTAGE NOTE:For more details• ,see options and accessories sheet A-0/A. • l' ACCESSORIES(order as separate item) DESIGNATION✓ • , 1 "'CATALOG DESCRIPTION ~ 120 .❑ : - .NUMBER 208 ❑ • 'I TWPWG • Wire Guard " 240 0 NOTE:For more details,see options and accessories 277 ❑ sheet A-0/A. 480 El • JOB NUMBER APPROVAL STAMP JOB NAME �SS LOCATION 17: Ir AC I. MOil ICI 1 EP . t.: l;,.:,i.,.. .c,.;� -„ - a.1, .e ... . . _ ,,:4r a,....m_,- 1_ i �'L-s ,-,fir.`•` c.:.. 11%Y L�IGH T i SIG ``. LITHON/A fi .:.r, . HI-TEK 2/85 TWP M -- -.13K UCE . . GUILE Ret rr- o' J - CdICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 1700 1 _` (;�)C1 SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98104 KATHY VON BARGEN A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT Our No." '161591c�r,r FAX 206-623-7463 SCHEDULE A Your No. • PHONE 206-628-5610 Effective Date: June 26, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. 1. Policy to be issued: ALTA Owner's Policy Amount: $1, 400, 000. 00 1987 Premium: ' $2 , 850. 00 Standard COMMERCIAL RATE Tax: $230. 85 • $3 , 080. 85 Proposed Insured: BRUCE BLUME and ANNE STEVER BLUME, HUSBAND AND WIFE 2 . The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this commitment is: A Fee Simple 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Commitment vested in: CONTAINER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO CONCORA CORPORATION,' A DELAWARE CORPORATION 4. The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the County of King, State of Washington, and is described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) PLANNWG DIVISION C►py OF RENTON SEP 2 9 1989 • RECEIVE PAGE 1 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A - (Continued) Our No. 161593 Your No. • ' ;"uA! : ; THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RGE 4MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED ASEAST FOLLOWSLLAMETTE i COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 24; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 03'30" WEST, 2, 622. 11 FEET TO THE UART i BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; Q ER CORNER THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 34'43" WEST, 1,137. 00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHWEST) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;KNOWN AS MONSTER ROAD THENCE SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 1, 740. 00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE BELT LINE RIGHT OF WAY; NORTHERN PACIFIC THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY AND ALONG EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PR THE RAILWAY COMPANY (NOW CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY) FOR ITS REVISED WYE LINE, 2,475.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH BANK OF BLACK RIVER, SAID SECTION 13; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH BANK, 85.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO T SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO. ,8; HE THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY • GIN OF FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;SAID ROAD, 1, 450. 00 (BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 5 AND 6, SECTION 24, THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF. SAID SECTION 24, AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 5 AND 6•, IN SECTION 13, AND 'OF THE BED OF LAKE SHOWN ON .GOVERNMENT PLAT, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE THE RIGHT OF WAY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC�RAILWAYBETWEEN COMPANYCOUN ANDTCHICAGO, • 8 AND MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY) ; EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF, IF ANY, WITHIN THE BED AND SHORES OF THE BLACK RIVER AS THEY WERE SITUATED WHEN SAID RIVER CEASED TO BE A STREAM; NAVIGABLE EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: WASHINGTON, COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 24, WHIC SOUTH 87 DEGREES 29'26" EAST, 1, 156. 77 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST HWEST CORNER THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 30'34" WEST, 916.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 53' DEGREES 42'00" . WESTERLY MARGIN OF MONSTER ROAD;EAST, 445 FEET, , MORE OR LESS, TO THE j PAGE 2 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A •�' (Continued) � ,r. Our No. 161593 Your No. THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 18 DEGREES 34 '04"WEST, 31. 37 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS NORTH 71 DEGREES 25'56" WEST, 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, 128.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47 DEGREES 22'04" WEST, 121.88 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE FROM WHICH THE RADIAL CENTER BEARS SOUTH 42 DEGREES 37'56" EAST, 250. 37 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, 91. 01 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN NORTH 48 DEGREES 15'01" WEST, 420. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8 DEGREES 59'17" EAST, 125. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46 DEGREES 14'18" EAST, 219.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF ' BEGINNING; ALSO EXCEPT A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13 ; THENCE NORTH 29 DEGREES 51' WEST, 114 .7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 21' EAST, 153.9 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66 DEGREES 57' EAST, TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND -PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWUAKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY, 108 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33 , RENTON SHORELANDS 2ND SUPPLEMENT, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF TRACT 33, 33 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8 (KNOWN AS MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST) ; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, 104 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" EAST, FROM A POINT WITHIN SAID TRACT OF LAND WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7202010402 AND GRANTED TO KING COUNTY FOR THE P-1 DRAINAGE CHANNEL, SAID POINT BEING DESCRIBED BY WASHINGTON STATE LAMBERT GRID .COORDINATES (NORTH ZONE) N 176, 376.52, E 1, 650, 378.61; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 25 DEGREES 21'49" EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE. OF 50.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" WEST, 68.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 41'02" WEST, 60.83 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 15 DEGREES 46'41" WEST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 108.45 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN, 24 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706091481, PAGE 3 ♦ A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT z_- SCHEDULE A (Continued) Our No. 161593 r.! ; .. r, A . .�,� Your No. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; • THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 26'40" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF 1, 271.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 175. 69 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE CHARLES MONSTER 1 COUNTY ROAD AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 46'34" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 32 . 29 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET AND ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 101•.39 FEET; THENCE NORTH 65 DEGREES 13'51" WEST 60. 36 FEET; 11 THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE. LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 842.73 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 81.56 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70 DEGREES 46'34" WEST 143.37 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 532 .96 FEET A DISTANCE OF 197.20 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 01'26" WEST 42.55 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREE 58'34" WEST 10. 00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 01'20" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 42 . 55 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 542.96 FEET AND ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 200.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 46'34" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 153 . 83 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED MONSTEWROAD AS WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW VACATED UNDER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 4123, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8803070674. • • • • PAGE 4 • CERTIFICATION OF NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNE ATE PLAN u' CITY OF DIVISION Ran: IN 2 9 198'9 * * *FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY* * * ECE1V ED PROJECT TITLE: • APPLICANT: APPLICATION NUMBER: The following is a list of adjacent property owners and their addresses. A notification of the pending site plan application shall be sent to these individuals as prescribed by Renton City Code. Chapter 7 Section 38 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to site plan approval. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 7 ;, d— . 6 D l wt - -ur' CLIC 5.V' . .. 2 4.Z 4 - goo 5 -1 zl. -• Z 4•230 4 q o 8 94,61AL) WA Li,idol YvA • q8/0I- ' ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER • CERTIFICATION I gt&te • %'j :reby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners and their a0 asses were'taken from the records of the King County Assessor as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me. a Notary,Public. in and for the State of Washington residing-- at SE .,(A_ on ••-- the \I "` day of e J.2 . + dc\., L , CA SIGNED: CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I. . hereby certify that notices of the public meeting on the subject site plan approval were mailed on . to each listed adjacent property owner as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me. a • Notary Public. in and for the State of Washington residing at on the day of . • • SIGNED: • • FORM 208 • . • ' ' ' ' •••• 1.'1.4"••• . ••••••••,, .•;••• -,t, ••••,'.':1,t.-.;i'•••'•,',,•,?;'',.',•,i',,' ,‘„';',•:.?-::'.''•'1...,; , . ;•I'•:•,,...:tf,, • , • • ,,,..; . . .,,..1.,,.„,0,.,i....:......... .:;..,i‘,..,,,,, _,,.,..,,.;,.....,:.; ...,,,•.,:..'.:,-',.fA'',,3',';!:.!•?,•.3'.1,.::.,i,.tr..;t:.;:I;•.:'..Zi ?''i;'`';'.,.'i-i•.!•!.e';.;i.i'•.:l•,'•Ik•1•:',•i,(.•,•.';:r,2y.,•..,:•1,1 P.%-'.:k"'...7.,,;,...4,',,••:X,;•1 1.,,-' -',';..•? 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Chapter 7 Section 38 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to site plan approval. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 1 Le.,,ultA,►ter G o c Wt t ' 539. 7— 141- -l-r-12 ��� - At-- • lArA a 9 �-►� mil`'`? 3 -� `�—' - •rre�. n1•t�Lk 17 ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER .I III . d Intl r ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER CERTIFICATION %A �J!1' %'y , :reby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners and their a.• esses wer:'taken from the records of the King County Assessor as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary, Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at �� ' ca,l�_ on the \V— day of n,1 ,r-'. SIGNED: CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I. (( . vim hereby certify that notices of the public meeting on the subject site plan approval were I mailed on \-2_12_,5{ , to each listed adjacent property owner as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me. a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at ,�;iiro , on the �4,-t1 day of\ •c, Let Ccq . ni c -O00 SIGNED: FORM 20B RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL AL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 12, 1989 COMMENTS DUE: 12/22/89 EFC - 112 - 89 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME & CO. • PROJECT TITLE: BLUME-DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and sevice areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the -remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. L LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. , SITE AREA BUILDING AREA (gross) : IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY l,: Earth ° ° ° C 2 . Air ° J ° ° ° i 3 . Water ° ° ° ° ° ° LY. Plants , ° ° ° ° 51. Animals ° , 0 ° ° ° ° 6I'h Energy & _Natural Resources ° ° ° ° R. Environmental. Health ° a ° ° ° 8. Land & Shoreline Use ° v 0 0 0 _ 9. Housing ° o— ° ° - 10. Aesthetics ° ° ° 11. Light & Glare " ° ° ° ° 12 . Recreation ° ° ° 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° 14 . Transportation ° 15. Public Services ° 16. Utilities ,i ° ° COMMENTS: I i We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is,, needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Rev. 6/88 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JEVELOPIV,E T APPUUCATISN REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON . REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED • DATE SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 • ...... • . •. • . •. • , ..„-„ •-:-. :•:.!:• •-,'-,..7 .: ..-,..,-;•-:::-.,:..„.:':,;:, -.. -.-:.,..r.„-... ;'',.Y.'•;.'-;:?..',.;:.-. V.,..?-,. ..--i.'. ..- ,,15,..,r2:74 ,c,. -_,..-,..r.,...: ,•,..- - ..`.::,..: :...',.:::::•.-J.'s.....'-ii... -:-:-'‘..y.•;•.. ,.. ..--'-'.•:••••`:,,, .. ‘....,...'..:....f:'';',,.;...,•:::!:,. • - ., •- :...... :': •••.• • ' '.,....."'..:: .•.,,',;:;, ' ..'.'.-:.:•t,',: -'..:-:',..':.c'k:';',1:-....."liii.:'.;:.' ".c,';',':::,.::::- .,.'..-,e1.--:.: ,.'..,..', •".,--,..'.'r..,-'''.'..''. . 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FOR OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 - • • • SEATTLE AREA PLUMBING AND 0N9999 . • PIPEFITTING 01/28/91 BEG NE CORNER OF NW 1/4 315 GARDEN AVE NO ' TH N 87-26-48 W 1214 FT RENTON WA!' • 98055 TO WLY MGN OF CO RD NO 3 • LOT24-23.-04 BLOCK:9122 . LAST LEGAL ' CHARLES MONSTER RD SW NOW . • . - ' IS 30 . KNOWN AS STEEL HILL RD..,... 1 - .RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV - • LAND 'IMPS • BILLED• PAID P A , • 92 T 1 2110 531 ,500 • .00 .00 . . .. . --• 6, 134.94 .00 F . • . . - : . . .,.. i'. .-._ 91 T1 2110 531500 . 1 • TOTAL TAX DUE: 6, 174.49 • - . . YR FF/AC I.E DIST BENACRE BENEFIT ST BILL ST. PAID FF BILL FF PAID ' RECEIPT DATE • ..-. . 92 1 '[ 5.57 • • 5.51 .00 . • . .00 „ .. •. , • . .:,:::.::.: 91 1 1 5.57 5.51 ' - 39.55 „ - .00 • i ASI2 ADDITIONAL DATA P/N • - •• . -.•. . . ...-. 1. . . • . . i . • . , • . •,,.. , ., •.:. ,7 . ,. ., . 7. ,. • . ... . • , . 1 , -- - . --- 1 . i , . . . . ., .:....... .... • . , . .,. • 1 . . .... - I • • . . , . .• . . . . . ... . ..„ • ,. ,-..., . - 1 . . . . . ,. . ---- , . „., . _ . ... . ... . -.. -..:. •;'.:.:,.. ..:,:•.: . . . , • . . . . . • • • . . . .• . . ••,• „•..... „ . . , . :,-:: -.. .-.--.....'••••.:-.;-:-./.' . . . • .. . .. . .•._. . .. .. .. „_ ... . . , . . ... . , . • , . . . .........•• . , . : -• ' .-• ' ,-...2-, .>::.- '.. ...1.,..::....,,,zA,,,,,,',.-,'„•.A.,. , ,,./,,,....,,..,-,:r. ....,...,:;2:2- . ,,, ,..... •,,,.......,, ., ..,, ,‘.,..;.:. ,,....... ,, ...,. ,......, . . .,, ...... !_.: -• ',... 2. '..;':.''''''':.*:•••:;•:-,::;...,...'''5:•';'. 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SD RR SPUR LN ESMT 857.54 FT _ . . . . . . . TO POE: -- AKA PARCEL 4-A OF ' UNRECORDED SURVEY_REVIS.ED . . AUGUST1' 14, 1990 & REVISED' ' OCTOBER 189 1990 • . .. . . . . • .... REGULAR TAX PORTION: • S • RECEIPTS DATE NUMBER • . RY . TAX PAID . LAND A/V IMPS A/V SCE - " DA " • 90 . 1 3, 153.29 ' 232,400 04/30/90 0156889 . . ... .1 . . 10/29/90 0452141 . , • ••., . ...-... ,...-• OMITTED TAX PORTION: • . . RY OY : TAX PAID LAND A/V ' - IMPS'A/V ':-..;,..„ - ..,.. ...... . . . . 00 00 .00 , . _ , . _ _ • . . , . . . . RPCI 242304912205 _ . . . . . ... - P/P ..::::.-".. . %141'4°('); ;;'''''': : :::::::: :;: ''' .,..-. ,, • . . , .• :. . .. . .. .... , .. . :. 07, ;.,..2• . . . . . , atIN.4".0 . •. ' • '-'•••••,''`•-„:"...-,:.:--r-'.''. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. ,. ..„... . , . . . . . . , . .. . U...." . ' - ' • ‘.'-: .. ' . ; •: ":' -'''''''.: ''':'.'' ,‘;:::''',1 ;•• .:;:j'::1:''....',.:::.H' ..,:, ' _' : '.V1':''::::.- . 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I • Abstract Technician N 0 V PLANNING DIVISION . • cirri OF RENTON '14 4.1, . . 296 53.36 • • .0%, • ill 1•4, . .• . .--- la. 3:1 1991 '• .. e.0 10 40 •' : ,. .. . " ,___. ittako i'7..,11jED . • ''. . -- 4/0,5, . /A: !• -: : • RPCI 242304912007 • CAN00000 SUP:0000000 S/M: -000000 STATUS:ACTIVE • . ELAND BUILDING PARTNERSHIP 069800 POP OF NW 1/4 & OF GOV LOT 1 . . PO BOX 80187 01/28/91 IN SECTION 24-23-04 & THE . .--. SEATTLE WA 98108 SW 1/4 & GOV LOT 6 IN SECTION 13-23-04 DAF - BEG THE QUARTER , LOT:24-23-04 BLOCK:9120 LAST LEGAL CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 & 24 . ..„ IS .49 TH N 87-26-48 W 1214 FT • RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV LAND IMPS BILLED PAID P A 92 T 2110 2Y025,000 .00 .00 - - 91 T 2110 2,025,000 23,373.95. .00 F . TOTAL TAX DUE: 23,447.53 YR FF/ACRE DIST BENACRE BENEFIT ST BILL ST PAID FF BILL FF PAID RECEIPT DATE 92 1 10.35 10.25 .00 .00 91 - 1 10.35 10.25 ' 73.58 • .00 , . , . ASI2 ADDITIONAL DATA ' P/N , . . .. -,.... . . , -- : . -- • . . . . - , . • • - . . - • . . , . - • . . . . . , ' • . _ . . . . . . . . .... . . • . . ' ....,. , , . ' • ' , • - ,, . . . . . ,:••:::,.• ..,.. .,.,'.% . . . . . - ' - • '-:- .....':. . . . .,-':.,.... . . . . . . •• .-,,.!:.:,:l.,:s;l:;:; . . .. . . . ,...-:„.„ • .... . . - ,.N.!:::: .; • • • •.,...,... . ' , ;S•::;•;;. •.,::. • :-: •!;::g , - • '• :•:. .:•-: .i. . . . ... •-' •- • , - . , . . . . • . • ••, ••E:-.:• a• • • .. • . , . . . • ,•:-;,1 •: :f.:• .. . . ....-::,!,..,,,..:. ., .\-: - .• .. , • • • •••:-'•:?;:•:::: . ••-'. .:•••,--• . ,.... • • :.... •:?.., ' • , , ' . . . . , . . ••_. . , . . • , " , :••:-.:1•,;::••;-••• • • .:--.....-.-- , :• •-.:::,.;•:;-. • ',.... , - - - - ::...:',':• '---- TO WLY MGN OF CO RD NO 8 CHARLES MONSTER RD SW & NOW . . .f.-'.....' KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD TH S 32-29-51 E 85o34 FT :::.„.. ,,:• .-.......f..:.. . . . - TH ON CURVE TO RGT RAD OF 256.48 FT DISTANCE - '.....:- OF 139. 14 FEET TH S 01-24-51 E 268 FT TH S 88-35-09 W 436.55 FT TH S 02-33-12 W 115.03 FT .,,...: - • TH S 70-05-34 W 95.47 FT TH S 88-37-17 W 1,05+3g_FT , .:- • • . - TH N 01-22-40 W 372.90 FT TO POB TH •S 88-03-09 W 380.28 FT TH S 54-28-10 W 372.95 FT TO ELY MGN OF _CHICAGO.' '. .. 1.: MILWAUKEE ST PAUL AND PACIFIC RR CO R/W TH N 28-11-33 W 115+75 FT • TH ON CURVE TO RGT RAD OF . . ... • 411 .73 FT DISTANCE 57.49 FT TH N 20-11-33 W 156.01 FT TH ON CURVE TO RGT RAD OF ' 523.68 FT DISTANCE 419.12 FT TAP OF CURVE RAD OF 667.96 FT RAD BEARING N 06-57-18 W TH ELY ALG SD CURVE 102.86 FT TH N 83-41-02 E 60.83 FT TH N 74-13-19 E 47.60 FT TO SLY MGN OF CHARLES MONSTER • . '--- CO RD SW SD PT BEING ON CURVE • RAD OF 238.99 FT RAD PT BEARING N 17-19-04 E TH ELY ALG SD CURVE & SLY MGN 80.36 FT TH N 88-03-09 E 470.93 FT • ' TH S 01-56-51 E 10 FT :, •,- TH N 88-03-09 E 26.53 FT TAP BEARING N 01-22-40 W FR . , . POB TH S 01-22-40 E 515 FT TO TPOB - AKA PARCEL 2 OF UNRECORDED SURVEY REVISED MARCH 22, 1990 & REVISED -. . .---- RPCI 242304912007 • ASI2 ADDITIONAL DATA P/N • -;•.,.- , . . .-....- . . . ,...., . ,. . „1.0-1A „A • .... . i.•..':Q:'.: . ' . • . , , . . . ...., • 61 -zslfro . '...4 . . ... - .,..., 0• . , • l I ' • 4* . . . ... . . . . . • ' • . .V '. . . . . . . .. c.. : • b .. . . , . .. . . . ,,... . . . • '.: .•.:'..• , . . ...,,, . • ..,, ._..., . . .., . .„ . . ,. . . .. . ' • did 4' CIT' OF RENTON Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator November 27, 1990 Art Hitchings Bush, Roed and Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, Washington RE: Blume Distribution Segregation (Lot #4) (SA 112-89) Dear Mr. Hitchings: Attached please find a copy of a memorandum from Mike Dotson, City of Renton Property Management Division, approving your proposed modifications to the segregation of Lot #4, Blume Distribution. When you have completed filing of this segregation with King County, we would appreciate your sending a copy of all documentation to the City Clerk so that it may be filed in the project records for File No. SA 112-89 . If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 235-2550. Sincerely; , Le ora Blauman Senior Planner 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 IJ - PLANNING DIVISION • 1,11Y l)F RF1J110N CITY OF. RENTON \I 13 1990 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 13, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman,Senior Planner • • FROM: . Mike Dotson, Property Management • Randy Phelps,Survey SUBJECT: LEGAL REVIEW Blume Dist.Segregation SA-112-89 Segregation of lot 4 • We have reviewed the legal and map for the Blume Distribution Segregation and have find the modifications to the lot line between lots 2 and 4-A to be satisfactory. • segregation/blume/mdd PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON ®V 3 1990 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM DATE: November 13, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman,Senior Planner FROM: Mike Dotson,Property Management Randy Phelps,Survey SUBJECT: LEGAL REVIEW Blume Dist.Segregation SA-112-89 Segregation of lot 4 We have reviewed the legal and map for the Blume Distribution Segregation and have find the modifications to the lot line between lots 2 and 4-A to be satisfactory. segregation/blume/mdd SA=112-89 HIED Fro RECORD AT REQUEST Uj OFFICE HE CITY CLERK RENTON iv uNICIPAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 AGREEMENT TO WAIVE PROTEST OF FORMATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND/OR OFF-SITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. AN AGREEMENT BETWEENB & G LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF RENTON TO WAIVE PROTEST OF FORMATION OF AN LID AND/OR OFF-SITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS DUE TO POTENTIAL REALIGNMENT OF OAKSDALE AVE. SW RIGHT-OF-WAY. (See Exhibit B for Potential Roadway Realignment) . WHEREAS, B & G Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (B&G) , and Eland Building Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership (Eland) , are the Owners of certain real property located in the City of Renton, Washington, the legal description of which is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property") ; `and WHEREAS, the real property owned by B&G and Eland which will be developed for Warehouse uses will have an impact on tYie need for street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one a`1fTu n tri roadway improvement, sanitary sewer line extension, and:W:;- -_ , c undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication i-r u= distribution lines currently on Oaksdale Avenue SW; and:-,:r:: _ r • WHEREAS, as a condition of the Determination of Non- ' ' -- Significance (Mitigated) issued under City of Renton ECFG-112-89, owners are required to proceed with design and , construction of off-site improvements prescribed by City ; ordinance, and whereas it has been determined to be in the best interests of the City and property owners to defer such improvements until the City completes it' s design analysis of the alignment of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. , owners or any subsequent owners agree to participate in a local improvement district as authorized RCW 35. 43 for the above stated improvements, when such local improvement district is formed in the future. Should the City determine realignment will not occur within ten (10) years from the date of this agreement, the property owner agrees,-to proceed with street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines abutting the Property subject to owner' s rights pursuant to paragraph 5 herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Owners acknowledge that state and city law provide that the City may require certain real property improvements to be made by Owners as conditions of, and to mitigate Page 1 90/09/2 r 41241 D RECFEE 2. 00 CASHEEL a::►: :16. 00 1oajboo(ic� . �l . ��'7. / effects of, development, and further acknowledge that the consideration. for this Agreement shall be approval of development on the Property without requiring Owners to make such improvements until a future date as determined by the City of Renton and as described herein. 2 . Owners acknowledge that the City has discussed and plans to form a local improvement district to improve Oakesdale Avenue SW to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines on Oaksdale Avenue SW. 3 . Owners acknowledge that the Property would be specially benefited by the improvement of Oaksdale Avenue SW to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one- half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and KI' communication distribution lines and agree to participate in the aforementioned local improvement district, which shall be formed for the purposes of providing such. CTJ 14. Owners acknowledge that if the existing right-of-way alignment is retained in the local improvement district CD final design analysis. of Oakesdale Avenue SW fronting the the Property that the owners agree to dedicate ten (10) feet of right-of-way to Oaksdale Avenue SW to accommodate the required one-half roadway widening and, if no local improvement district is formed within ten (10) years from the date of this agreement, to proceed with design and construction of street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, one-half roadway improvements, sanitary sewer line extension, and undergrounding of overhead electrical and communication distribution lines abutting the Property subject to owner's rights pursuant to paragraph 5 herein within ninety (90) days upon written request from the City. 5. Owners waive their right 'to protest the formation of any local improvement district formed for the purposes set forth in paragraph (3) above; and limited to the improvements described above, provided, however, owners shall retain the right to protest the following: a. The method of .assessment; and b. The amount of assessment and special benefit to the Property; and c. The boundaries of the local improvement district and the total amount of the local improvement Page 2 district cost. 6. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be filed and recorded in the records of King County, Washington and shall be binding upon the Owners and subsequent property owners, their successors, and assigns. DATED this /g•/ day of 4 , 1990. { OWNERS: B & G L TED PARTNERSH By' i ? s l�-•� ELAND B ILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP vri 0 By: '4(,) . 4 1:-. 7-1 It ACCEPTED BY CITY OF RENTON: y\.. By: U\A �,... N APPRO AS TO 'ORM: Lawrence J. yerren City Attorney_ Page 3 I , ACKNOWLEDGED THIS / ' ' DAY OF S , 1990. ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership By Mons er Road Building Corp. , a Wa ington Corporation By Tit/le: B & G NTON PARTNERSHIP, a Wa gton limited • : ership vi ruce M. Blume, ' .n *ging General Partner kezr C�2 • ll- STATE OF �`�,S{'i j/��-( ) ) ) ss. COUNTY OF /� ) On this y' tday of U , 1990, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publid- in and for the State of /A):141',/, ), , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared t?/tQ , , to me known to be a General Partner of B & G RENTON PARTNERSHIP, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first abo i ten< 4. B NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the StatepN Rq 4i or Wa ington, esidin t ssioNrE;tel�vie lei �� C tr. *7,4%7 ie My commission expihres: /C)--f f 9 PUBUt iZt se h,�„`WASN" • • !STATE OF Wint S K(tiJ G 1 O n) ss. ;COUNTY OF h/AI G ) On this ILLT'K day of Uc7U s % , 1990, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of LuAS}-EwGTo N , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared s 0 1,0, I l.A-n. A 4 T. , to me known to be the • President of Monster Road Building; Corp. , the corporationa that executed the foregoing instrument as the general partner ,of ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, and acknowledged the ;said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of ;said partnership, for the uses and purposes therein !mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed _ , ,the day and year first above written. ,1 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for he State or Washington, residing at My commission pires: , C•2 C aJ BUS 2OED & HITCHINGS, INc. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. p IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ;QUARTER 1,214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH. 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAS(ING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ARC OF 31°04'57", AN ARC LENGTH 139. 14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH O1°24' 51" EAST, ALONG SAID ESTERLY MARGIN, 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE 1SOUTH 02°33' 12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; 0 THENCE SOUTH 54°28'10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, Cy MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTH 9-4 28°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; THENCE . NORTH 20°11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 FEET; CD THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.68 FEET AND ALONG SAID Q EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667.96 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6°57' 18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°41'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74°13'19" EAST 47.60 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17°19'04" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10.00FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 26.53 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1°22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1°22'43" EAST 450.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 450,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. L. t 1O, BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY N. 0 � RENTON, WASHINGTON BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 V. 0 FEBRUARY 7, 1990 j 71 z ALH/SURV. 34 ° �c.G/STEMgy �� ,�1*S► �J, � ,w UAW BUST- OED & HITCHINGS, INc. PARCEL 4: 1 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION '24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 't COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 'AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 'NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET;. THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST. 105. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH . 1°22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST.• PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT—OF—WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON— TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 66°59'43" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID 'CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250.59 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, 1RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 48°12'23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9°O1'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04 ,46°16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0/ 612,566 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. C7 BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY LW l "SC � RENTON, WASHINGTON " 0 � BRH JOB NO. 89219.04 �. .'�ii � FEBRUARY 7, 1990 �A !X z ALH/SURV. 34 • VI: PI p c,\ . a j • • A Pcriioll of S W 1/4, SW 1/4, of Sec. 13, Twp. 23 /V., 129.-4 .E., W.M. ----Lii- 1.1,§ • NM AlnQ COunit/, WCishfrKi/IX7 • . /1( • . twAr*.c.1.1 cap suri----..-wrik.lfAL IN_Allgulir 1: . •- PSOP,-,,,,,tv.„,• -11. ,,. ..r.-4.z....„. • _ .1,42D- _ ..1)iti\ -\*Y.4 — 'I . /*. '.•.:0, . ';‘,., 5.°,;;yr.-A Al ON STER ROAD 21111111M it 7 7 wili_., . cy• ---: to -,i, 2..___.:= 1,-- sc.-24-1..:_A 50476' •-.2.-.T :S. ..t. 262100' -' 333 76• 1,93,,. . / .1.ft9 CI' •51'...-R.237 44,1 . . -r- ii,w- ..„ 7 i!..,.. .. , 41;.• ..7 ik • 0-.-IL.I..414 ,.. . N.II• . 4(1"' 6.A9S:•-li C . k •:...... -7,-: -I; "I.-' ., y.t,r -_.v... • . -. • . VICINITY MAP 0 b R.25.1& . . 13 ' .., 7: .- .1'': 's • N/44'?• Parcel I. :,.. T . . -., c) .., .317.772 Sq.fl. / 3/0.000 Sq.Ft .t. CO - • (Ina Yoo.12ood A itr:E. / -.. of Rood) .: .9. .4. 4) .., . .. ' Vez ... / . • 4.-,50 5,- 250 5'. ' ...6' 1i" • n• G7ZAf.)-2 Re. ;Ravi Z . • ...___093-3373-.• ,,,, A2.. Mem ..., 0 - :. Orxd Rec.Na 0606/90933 15 .3/0.6906F 1,..--- - law ---—_____.... ..- . - •:. :-.. 1.-. .71'.;:; .-• 14 .r. ,i.--.. --.- . . i • . 1.-. .b -- ' -1.-- --P • : _..,.- QV k • ....).. . : k// . N 0,23: .113-ff ..Z a. — -- _______ ___ ______ . .... .., - - so,t'sn •ISI w 4.3130- - .1 os-serira .:--.a "s°°- - ----• . - • . .,. 0,,,....„.... ..,o . r; a Z . . /Z6% - - " - . • •K . Z T i Parcel 4 • . -9, . " .=:'• ,1 GI 612.566 Sq.ft. 09 et Z .• ii`s6 of14 . • AlP III -Z° Parcel 2 - CD l'`.. 450.COp Sq.f1. (-1) • 9p f;. Iv . •?:,_ •..0* PA/2 GEL SEGI2EGATION MAP .7. , . . g ,7. 0,0° 1 .''''A•230 II ..-ay. 1996" i.... ' - . or'd ..-, --TF. .---,-,VW/Y/3-4 51. / :-... . • /s.. 'VI 9.Or . PRINTED • . k • . I •• -yi 0.1111°°G. •• • FED 9 TM • ezi r '.". •cl- 9--* OGC4). . p . 0,.514 • , 06•5-ria-w PA • • a , --; ' 2 •••• ,I, 3. --__. _ -- - A.4's.°. --''. -- --- BLUME DIST.Q1BUTION FACILITY- --- -- - -- ri bat-I , . • BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC. t,Yunn tv: „,k. CIVIL ENGINEERS&LAND SUFiVEY011S CCL) 00to, 1.10.5 NO. 01-31.90 09219.04 / l irfi.,i S',11 sEnri t.E.WASHINGTON 323-4144 i.,,,,,.....,0,„ - r,-o5-; c -f-(,9.11>(-� 'r'I4d. ,.+1 "y!. 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N a� Y 'f a fi 1 ;G 4 1SdC ffC Lp `"' i / e'.r b• r lil .. ., • } ? •1 t f Ay*, .io 4 ; J F •r ! c:* r f A.f:i/ ,. • r ',:- '^J..�..jJ •''YY„N1f�11�y�M�1,�'� '1!S1...Vi ff. r. r s '!-4 �•♦ :-A . .. • ♦••.ss .3tir ltI.'`... aiic9ink )v..�}t.s., t�r f 4 i ..,i w it „ c r Y t••. • •:*ol • �:. r ttt 7 Y xl u • a ti Wfi:+'y, � � }J• :,Y• , .t u .0N74. 7.,7 .1 a •',•-t-. ? . r ... •� :t • t, „l..,i v c T,i5 4r t.1 .•-ti " ';y` t .4,: ,t „` .`•c:77,. , • t .. .. � f� J��F� .T.1i ., 'rc� 'krR�:�l��a!�:!.f.�t •l �"Ttii•• � : '� ��,•.\.,. •�.t✓:+'�• , f < j , L x1,4' b;d- [3 G-0,-•70 %•f(2.7-.4 CITY F RENTON Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator September 19 , 1990 Arthur Hitchings Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 RE: Blume Distribution Facility (112-89) - Segregation #2 Dear Mr. Hitchings: Enclosed please find the approval from the City of Renton Property Management Division for the proposed segregation of the above-referenced property. Please be advised that all previous requirements for development of the parcel (s) under consideration remain valid following this segregation. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 235-2550. Thank you. Sincerely, L nora Blau an Project Man ger 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 • • . 1 • . . . ! •• - ' . . . . . . . • . . -• . . . . . . . . • . I . . • • • . . . . . . • . . . . ... •..' . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .. . .. . .. . • • . .. . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i . .. .. . . . . . . . ' • . . . . .. . . . , • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . - • . . . .. . . •... . ., . . . . •. •. •: • . . • . . . • . .. . . . . . _ . . 1 . .. . • . 1 .. . . . . . . , . . • . • • . • . . , . . . . . . ' . . . • , • • -. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . .. . . . • . • • . , . , . • . .. . . . .. . 1 . . . . • .. . i•., . ' . . . . . . . • • • . • . . . . .' .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . 1 . • . • .. . . ,. . .. . . , . . . , . . . • . . . , . . . , . . • . 1 •. . . . . . . . . 1 ' - . ••, . SPEED LETTER , • TO: 2,, e4/7/,- ,_ g/euten.41,4 DATE: /—/2—9(-2 PROJECT: SA,prie_ _/)/‘s-74: SUBJECT: Leo _g ,e,,,, ,, fe • -5-,,y7.7 7• e;4 $4 //Z-g? , 1/e ",r. ,...... .... / 24, -4,_ 7L2L, a/ /,- -7ve-7 c-,.)a/ Al, -izi e2zz_s- C.ee.-1/—4,7 P e_e7.nrm c / 741 . . . • I CI7 e ••/ • I '•:)17:C• 1 0 0QP,1 .)....,..• 1 . ' ;;-::4.--,y ;,,,,,,'.• •,:;:, ,,,--)! Y . • ; . 1 , (Sand) • PARCEL 4-B: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214. 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85. 34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139. 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33'12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°.37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 437.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03 '09" WEST 283 .04 . FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28'10" WEST 490.45 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT- OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610. 67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON. A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 58°59'44" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250 . 58 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, .RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 48°12 '23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9°01'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125 . 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17. 69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF A RAILROAD SPUR EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 5331102. PARCEL CONTAINS 370,561 SQUARE FEET. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES ACROSS THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 . 00 FEET ;TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG 1 PARCEL 4-B CONT'D SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256 . 48 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139 . 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24 ' 51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33'12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95. 47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 90. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 888. 05 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 88°03'09" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 30 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22 '40" EAST 470. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29 °35 ' 10" WEST 29 . 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22 '40" EAST 40. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20°25'25" WEST 26.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22 '40" EAST 40 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°35'10" WEST 29. 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22'40" EAST 72 . 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 °37 '20" EAST 39 . 99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22 '40" EAST 190.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°37'20" EAST 30. 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ���j°""may`"•- BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ti • / RENTON, WASHINGTON 4,0 I H,i�� �j BRH JOB NO. 89219 .06 SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 41 z ALH/ENG. 40 ISTER ,t IHtiD S • [[4% ` CITY JF RENTON mell Finance Department Earl Clymer, Mayor September 18, 1990 Bruce Blume & Company B & G Renton Partnership 146 N. Canal St., Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98103 ATTENTION: Bruce Blume and Jim Garrison Dear Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a copy of recorded document #9006210681, Wetlands Covenant and Easement, regarding the Blume Distribution/Eland Center Project, File No. SA-112-89. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, u4‘..4142lAta Marilyn J/Wrsen, CMC City Clerk 235-2502 MJP:rjs Enclosure 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 %0 tatE CITY OF RENTON > Finance Department Earl Clymer, Mayor September 18, 1990 Eland Building Limited Partnership c/o Sid Eland, Inc. 6000 Sixth Avenue South P. O. Box 80187 Seattle, WA 98108 ATTENTION: Sid Eland, Jr. Dear Mr. Eland: Enclosed please find a copy of recorded document #9006210681, Wetlands Covenant and Easement, regarding the Blume Distribution/Eland Center Project, File No. SA-112-89. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Marilyn J. e en, CMC City Clerk 235-2502 MJP:rjs Enclosure 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 -: ) : CIT _ OF RENTON Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator September 11, 1990 Bob Fadden Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside #250 Seattle, Washington 98122 RE: Alaska Distributors, Oakesdale Avenue, (SA 128-89) Dear Mr. Fadden: We are writing in response to your letter of September 5, 1990, concerning a request to modify the site plan approved by the Hearing Examiner on August 3 , 1990. Staff will support the redesign of Phase I and Phase II as proposed, with the proviso that no activity may occur in the Phase II area and that portion of the site must be hydroseeded and/or landscaped to City specifications until construction begins for the second phase. Additionally, revised plans must be approved by the Public Works Section and the Building Section prior to issuance of site preparation permits. If you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact me or Lenora Blauman at 235-2550. erely, / I v Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 __,. lance mueller associates PLANNING MOON architects C1 TY OF PFNTON SEP - 6 1990 September 5, 1990 ,, -. x VED Mr. Donald Erickson CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: ALASKA DISTRIBUTORS - ORILLA Dear Don: Enclosed are marked up copies of sheets Al, C4 and C5 that show the minimal impacts of changing the phasing on this project. The proposed Phase II area will be left in a semifinished condition as previously proposed. Sheets C4 and C5 show that the drainage collection system will be located adjacent to the building. The recharge system at the southwestern corner will be rerouted to provide the same tributary roof drainage area until Phase II is constructed. Detention for the area not yet under construction will be provided under the first phase of construction as previously done. I hope this answers any questions you may have had. As you can see there is virtually no impact on the change in phasing on this project. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS Bob Fadden Associate BF:lm cc: Lenora Blauman Alex Schulman Linda Hoffman 130 lakeside • suite 280 • seattle,washington 98122 • 206/325-2353 • fax: [206]328-0554 lance mustier ale,osl • senior associates:robert oischswsky,eileen furney associates:robert fsdden,michael galbraith,richard hamish,robert wells a washington corporation furnishing architectural services by end under the supervision of registered architects • • /11 APPROXIMATE DISCHARGE LOCATION OP WETLAND EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY RECHARGE SYSTEM B. 40' 40' 40' 4 2 CF LIGHT LOOSE 1 E.100_ CB*3 TYPE II-4B- CB*2 TYPEII-4B- RIPRAP ITYPI W/SOLIO COVER W/SOLID COVER y BIGFILTRATION SWALEFE•I75 R.E.16,0 I• _ i r / C-S A- O6S' 3.0' I.0' I.0' 3,63' 0.6 6•CIP.CURB SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN 190 LF a•450 @ 2•A MIN. LE•11,45(IN/ I,E,+11.20IIN) 6 79 NEW IOC UTILITY !'ITnI I.E.•II.3S POUT) I E.•I I.10(OUT I6.5' EASEMENT "S r // 16.73' HEAVY DUTY 2 \� S8R'29'29•E _ 4 1204.25' r- 74 264K SDI r 1542 / PAVEMENT C•5 C-2 • ---- �0 -2.__,.... - --_- _ _4_ •FO -.. .=_ ,_=,,, -_ TS LF 24•15D IL I' J1 • - ` ` INLETS TYPE 12-C\M O ®020K 3 3 G.E•11A2 90 SO LF 214'45D INLET 09 TYPE MC 011E7•7 TYPE MC I.E.•Il.3010UT1 CAST RAN 12'}PIPE , G.E,•15.42 G,E.•15,42 ' •� @0.2Y.1 I FRAME AND - ®u LE.•17.30IAUT) LE,•13.30 awn ` ti 4 ! ' I GRATE --_ 1 �.0 1K Y ® N \% C-51C-5 v 60' 7 PRECABT INLET 13.10' >_ 200LF 24-0 SO•0,20K m•- 200LF 24J-1 SD 00 20'R j I I TYPE!Y-[ v I�- �- - ( OUTLET 24/S0 2'-6- - \/F-�i '.\o '- / CB46 TYPE II•48', c. CB�4 TYPE II-48- 2CY HEAVY 9.93'I 1 / IQ CB eB TYPE II4B•'..i..`;. .'Q�.. W/SOL10 COVER: wdOL10 COVER.: 'DOSE RIPRAP TYPICAL"'WISOLID COVER � R.E�17 95r - .-R.E•IT,95 ' .¢'; _ ,-- _ R.E�]T.95 LE+'J2.22 YJNi LE:•IIJ211N1'. ( I BIOSWALE INLET IL 2.724W]' _ hE�12.t2.(0UT1` LE.•11.62f0UT( 1 I E.•t2.621DUTi - I I- SECTION 2 - ,'A RD ICOi--.e•R0. _,9 R0 _CA .. RD f / 7 Q-.. - - -- FACE OF BLDG. N.T.S.N, C-51.-5 WETLAND, �� Rt �( HI iO EXISTING 20' 115-3"(MAR] RECHARGE• NOTE' UTILITY EASEMENT VARIES' 1 SYSTEM \ - DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE ICOR br MH KI TYPE 65' _ {T_ _ 4d _ 40' 40' TIGHT LINED TO ROOF DRAIN. FLOW R,STRT -L ( I ROADWAY/PARKING 7• 6PRWG6RDOK CREEK SPRINGBRoOK CREEK SPRIHG9TOOK CREEK' ,RUNOFF FgOM'•., CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CB'S I .ROOF TOP AREA, AS SHOWN. nr OVERFLL. EL.155 21'-6' 20=6- 5" GREENBELT EXISTING DRAINAGE GREENBELT TYPICALIMBCof. _ j PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT DITCH.DISTRICT NO.1 PEDESTRIAN • -O DIVERTED 1TE'1 TO BE CUgB CUT51 k E.'16 ] DESIGN R/W EASEMENT •DIVERTED T0, I f I - EXISTING WET,, I� »l ,• 04•- DESIGN w.S.1 p - - 45LF 2•-e G045 _ 16,75'100 TR.FLOOD v LAND AREA TO .1 160 CONTROL /^` C] m THE NORTH:.F 'STRUCTuRE� 1 ISO'10YR FLOOD-_\�_ • , r THE SUBJECT ^ I I E 9 T' - O5� 51C-5' IN SITE. / 3\ ri- , -. �I / y (ON PROPE-n TIES C-�-5 J, .-0.-�_:•' FINISH EA GRADE-- ,....3_ G,5°� I o•5_ -- / OWNED BY ul DEBRIS 84RR1ER ON / GLACIER PARK 1 _. S_po_ BEVELED ENO.SEE m AND '-CITY F.F, ELEV.=22,E 5' - ' 3cr EAVY SEE LED DWG No.1�' ��0�0 9'� i/ OF RENTON) • :f no45K --- TOP OF SLAB(AVERAGE' • i 01 LOOSE I RIPNAP Z - '• • I I II II E DETENTION POND/ / 13 • ��1AC�� E i ; - .5'MJN B17TTOM w10TN BIOflLTgpT10tJ SWALE /` SECTION n = L DETENTI POND/ �i • BIOFILTR TION SwAIE . ®�• SCALE•HORIZ. 1••20 C-515-5 ,LYE VERT 1••10' ' _ • FLO.V RESTRICTDR/OIL POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE, TEE TYPE DRAWING,SEE KING COUNTY ROAD EL 165 ' --- [�•,V 1 ti_.t,'O STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER 52 --EMERGENCY ,` r �y„, �YS po� f �, 2CY HEAVY OVERFLOW TY(i!P 1 j' 1� L00 RIPRAP -\ • E- 14 i45 SPILLWAT EL.I5.5 •2'MIN- MA WS / 8�grr �s ^g ��F""//�� 'gyp `` 1 OUT :0:. 39 1 i/IE.IEL 2S• I I IC• CE • d -55LF r AA 200 LF WO SD@O.257. 53 LF 18"9 SD A05BK J 1, /a ICI A. PLAN VIEW cc 00 LF WA SD IL 0.33K� �L 9,� _ I� •,RD RO .v' /" a '_`�. t:^•. '� RD REMOVABLE -_ -0 , L\v`�` q 65 LF IB"0 SD EL 99I� '.,, -'\ • -`: t - ••:/ --� :-22. -I. E ICI Y. wpTERTIGHT V_-=32- _ F 4 CAUPLING�� F EL 9.90 pA`\�� _f�0 V44 i - -'"-- NBB'29'29 W�120I.5B' / =i°_--z' T I SPRINGBROOKCREEKGRE'eNB-eLT •�.I EL B.O IT ��N(`�O �. CB 422 TYPEII CB N21 TYPE a CB K2o TYPE II I CB 415 TYPE A•Jce CB*.TYPE II I I PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT ___ _v \` gg® -01 756"a ORIFICE EXISTING 10' 20.8 W/SOLID COVER w/SOLJO COVER ^ i' 1 G.E•14 B G.E.•20.8 R E I,E. .20IO30 N) UTILITY EASEMENT 1.E.•13.70(IN/ I.E.•12.90 NNE G.E.•215 R.E•I8.60 1 �•--SPRINGBROOKCREEK PLATE WITH ` --•� / EL.60 (\\\\ I.E.•I42010UT) ICE•Il 6010UT1 I.E.•12.B0(OUT) ICE•1293NN 121 I.E.•II.58(OU 1 j/ ORIFICE �6"MA%/ `ID'LANDSCAPE BERM ON LOT J13 0 40 BO I E •l2•+SIW IB 1 E =II SB fOUT) I �� I,E•12.33(OUT) ,�d NOTE' ® ELBOW DETAIL ELEVATION- ��� p t V� ' REFER TO SHEET C-2 AND C-3 FOR LOCATING SCALE IN FEETeiL, tt�`YY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. FLOW RESTRICTOR/OIL POLLUTION PLAN 0 : CONTROL STRUCTURE C-I C-5 N.T.S. c-5 C-5 1• •,•• DRAWN BY _DATE'SCALE ll'•�� RRT 5-2590 AS SHOWN �s �� ALASKA DISTRIBUTORS COMPANY I SHEET G/zoo HEARING E%AMI/JERS REPORT ei.A�spy„1)\ ESIGNED By .0R2: 1� �G.C2/90 LMB MW5 DM 5 ADD WETLAND RECHARGE `0YSTEM 'd /y1'^1r HECKEDBY VERY: GRADING/DRAINAGE PLAN C-5 _�Ri.'25/90 5UBMITTED FOR BLDG.PERMIT 58F'.�.../•,,l MWS 5-2•3.90 Consulting englnee0 3.rz90 SUOMITTED FOR SREP REVIEW 33h APPROVED BY JOB NO. seOBle/portIand/IOsang0les (EAST) NO. DATE BT CHD. APPR. REVISION �.. .- DOS 5-25-90 88904 • i��G GENERAL NOTES I. 1- T ,u �i. 111411 i m� ..sr L a'wit t 5`. - >7 w.rs suer® � ^PMO ter.. • III C I-IIDCAPPED PKt'G SIGN OCOCRTE I-1ANDICAPPED RAW __ POLE BASE DETAL CU8 DETAL wc. se r e arsrre n.s 57 Yi- C 5 WALK DETAL K' a7 S. •FYKiINCe 1..lC1..... W 91G- .7.4 2,2 4.2. I.•1 A i I • .F,,,,,EJ W wEil. pv ^EC FhT ij 4 0076 w a.ni. R,ng I 4 0.yg L 1 • I FJNWiOF. .SH1 TG- ?'1.7rJ'1 S.L. .roaG•,,,c.iwv CE7NNEJ WEiwpf- 57•'1%1 47- I tin, a rIJ W.ou.R MIFt[S 'Nr o,.x v[-¢ I :bpl k iiu,-24 4 11 - a �� _ _.i—]✓rfOyiCWJ. • bI,f,. JW LwPYff4 ---i-- FNC Ly.9.-�� -7J,@S•c F. LGI sic. rt - ems@-ar--- _ _— W?cvt5•ILU.. t,M r� ____.-L...__ FNf.NFNi • �i7/7•/%i77r/7"7 /:'.aT�K /•----- .�av ./`-,- .-.,� _=3e.•'g`- --i--i..., 17;,e17s. •_______ ui.w rwNGaw • r d w-I'rt . i1::l11 '401 ., 11111:, 111 . III . ili , I : I11j • 11111 l; ! iI, • ,., ; , I• I! I;, 1111 H' ' I ' ll!I�I 1 o Q i • .I m (:/ , It.-Ir„I III par 77 va 2 'sOE:NECY - I =.I1 RFGFNW{ SUvlcc p 1-.- \``�,, • ) I.I',MItIMI •.\•`�a • _ it - I - NI — ' w✓•.X-� _ _ . I % .- o Z ,I ' _ [n=,L _ .[tea — .. _ Cr • °iCO • I _ i u) F--713,.. , I -� ° I o ..:i,at,c- r .,=•yam �I m: I .7 _ o 1 „III, j 1\ • r �• ' a of Yi.,—:s \ 1 F C • �-., _ _... _ _ ,5- / .C.. -7'. . — __..-..-_. ! , i / i�� I - Q - rJ _„ L_" — we u __ 1 • �\ cam?�`i,�iv: ��`<._ -s • �....•._=r_.- _, _ 1j-�,--- ii.', i �`fJ s` • 4 . \ I _;mac• ,—.� . :� a1\� 1 �e �- ..> • '+>'SP[°raSRwt 21;— I ^� >:.. Ci SITE P L A N !�N -'�+moo. - '�ct»rt.7c osta _ ��® ®II J,�� LI • CR.Brt Sfn767C5 auL:..t. tvu-cn•, ' o `( 7 SD MI 50, \, s�n•o• .m .. em - - - _ .m•..av �ue'ss.,ir.us .4::ei6�• 0 "' $ y'�9 a t " ....a°.,. - . .o e..m r v SW... .n s,,° F-Su,an.onwr aFJ.. <0 0 • �■ qq.``I o I �,I,d ����,° c.���..r. a quo• is;sr� a E �aic -E 1 1• 1 1 5i1=i 1 �• "�•'SSA- SULK N L w,01ut• PI _ J G (e�.i r,l.P. �' -� msys o,m- :+t l G2...r„la �,='°'-' -- 6�T- CU7d DETAL ®,SECTION TI-RU ISLAND w • • • tr, LEGEND' NOTESCB CATCH BASIN 1. •fir-Imt utr mesTtXTICa a DMA.. inwln II. Sttn..n Neu Pat La P^Io-tted within 10 feet n IUaPitrtf hlr 4[ilt¢ 1CC SI NO vita lire AlI DPP PIP,P 15 Net G.E. GRATE ELEVATION NI MT CI RIME DINandl f Cr NLIC SINN,00. Iti w tee.r wry -_ tanen. e8013 TYPE 2 I.E. INVERT ELEVATION 12, all...in grate Nell b*Anne]e]DAD test NEW le W/02 WATER GOLF 12'/SD UT r 12'e!D RD ROOF DRAIN 2. all aw[I.e11P Nall be In .ccareee site w M.Pe-..1e.e1. UTILITY SEPARATOR B10FIL N SCALE e+tnt Witten al•Staneed IPecitaPtie.lee toed, c�'.. EASEMENT G.E.•200 (P 0.40% I.E.10.0 2 CF LIGHT LOOSE SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN •N.epe w wnlci�l CwervcllpY Irap..ed I.E.•17010UT1 /y, ,RIPRAP'TEE) (/ MN MANHOLE W u .Ices Relic Verb inaiatl� ¢. �'^Ill craeel�Nry mein f0i t11 rr - S BB•29' 92 E 1204.25 _ I ...a,Pua q w City ar Nmtm 0wreeae ee.Il n,. 1 Pt r N.ate ear Rene Dept et Pie Parts. 0es, . � e• '- -- --- �P---- • e�lBLF 12'1 SO "kr. SD STORM DRAIN Eng.., 4 , / ` 1 alai tier. gnl x ) i _ I __ Lei lei f 12.•SDI*d.SO} \.tom Gs 'eF ®0.10% �'t i 3' the Norm drain..me.Nendte Nall biro m tnet� u. area ter erP1m�ec[le�of reads.altNee.•Hen \.:' 1r __■ ]Ill CB 612 TYPE I INLET•II TYPES{ CB■10 TYPE IIi8. LF LINEAR FEET t-I I` C f ! DJ G.E!IA2 G.E.15.12 W/SOLID COVER the esp..pin Hill were..sire eesleiu.OP regrind, W Ned,Nell 1 scant tract DIN.e• �a 2t -C sP CLEANOUT .n.will rewire rem•pent ON of 1 lag an En follow. RD LE•16.]NM I.E.•13.30(Wi1 R.E•IL 95 the[It.of Renton Deportment al NGlie Vora,Design epainrtleec a•-e•/40 ri wean;RM.rca/300- I.E.•16.2 MUT/ I.E.•13.22 IINI DP DRAIN PIPE CO ...rear a store water utility, .Pan.:NS-2•Nav103•20:peas.. a �t, j I.E.•13.12(OUT) .}y ' IA _ - - j ;-. - • �� \l(�r \.. 200 LF IB'4\;-• • 'DO YD YARD DRAIN. a. .•nee.erfetw[e•ppmed plane a[b m w ion On N. All NM....Ps foot.tra.Nall b -___ _ _, a \!�■� -' a I.In prWrn.. peened to •tea Min. n�1ee, less • I% t% • -RO c matte Pp the Dept.al...Ha earn. er Men sir Utility. in ccur.ly•simian '. • 3. btu shell b otherslee.Need b [nalLa alit bei d this drain. ha ' �• I i \� f� F.F.ELEV.•22.65' _ - - _ Cial wa r M.a DePrN<•eent dltti.l tc ear•. Reference sill bS.M. . CItI, etgn Nan I on eleti.a are rated P[N nisi•.le cmplrtlea� .\1 - \Q _' R. All a[°to clew.m fcllltie• s b n. iL N, sl.sir cei. then•nett A the -r-/ 'RO-�. - .' ---y1 ��� _ -ADS and prior to cln^i.•to ily maintain. taint.11 airy al Nail Pas if Pt .ilea i.a•.r e w 91, \ and•t west re utl•Icaorilf �Innired .alit mall.leant mllp[IP eWn IiNil,ty cesvcted �� c I rl/.a/ CO �lim in N.M.etl la potential for en sIN.ton nr1c. etmlti P. Beth,. the _ t'; site erosion N.Posed. City a M.aw e.mleW.ler to _p�1 N I.rttim.re rat W N ' b♦ ' pen.NtA epetrtetlu.t�tMa ant Ti _ j �% M1 I% JI 7. GI r e[IWdetetim trait,'eat he installed _! p��/1)�pp��Iro� zzI acti yells a o,•ticn O Cy. 'IT. Nall b moan.l• Ic prow.. ~' n V�},__ 1' 230 Deportee.al Public wns,St.rear'In r utility. in sa quid, mete .slue. p^atteti.e /NN-I 1 '� •�""� 1 d l I .161,en R.d N.h. al to.action a i N ' I,-14 \�I - e. en b welt.by lnd^os.di.• N. re. e Protect p^ap.^n In arrest.efth w ale.. III• 1/ t/L� 21 ab o •r b e Dry.l Renton N.M.pled `r W come.V.shall;N mt., ire v.��aid.the •y,/�/ ��w��^, b breeled .�.l a ON w Internet t roue h.I� NEW 20'UTILITY EASEMENT - (�L+GA�'E.t�d'j •�'-c�AO /� D Sects,ear UN MY. Olen t e Halt ear•• e•b.errflc Engsnre� at the controlON 1 a• iI '''',•, ^•� I TO PUGET SOUND POWER BLIGHT CO. / r �6�viE [w approve. n %cia .., all ant ve ai tu4 s.,and. Swears) 14 •fit_ �D-2 I ��-r CJ V �J '^ i• p. w .M .[m b lad P . Irmeba.I:DL23.i' sal. 'm ••-I , t^f\11 tGE 210 VV 0 mama a.. with IS. e . r W. • . t' I6Tlli 1 \t iB6 Ott+ I I 11 E.ILO F.F. E V. 22.65' W Panel a twhea• aarg Spec " for i .a o. of Washing. Peoject Mdpe me. lmalm bona MI Kai.l•pe�ntlta ZI 3 • 21 $ , TOP SEA.'AVERAGE! 12��G� w ac snail tap of tthe hen l m .9 SIM mei ina..N•.a_n.,. e_.a .-_p ' W � h�y• I TO•1 w ea rrrrr 1 as h�rlln as P l to nil tercet. /� ' ."� �\ '•-��yh GE iBO N Iteneth f.e1 a•1 place.,'^,III po .more•Part• �� Q `` .E•i i4_ II7' `n \ C e a v.telaoq be hl p.P be.. EXIST.CB o L•.' 1 \a.� ,,I fit.•\ \ STU .` `• 1 \ \\\\ at Pm CNN arch •CT. i n the caption f pee . Int• CURE' - E '� �``..�, po.'Oa 6•• 1i111 I E\1 74• \ , .\�-\ 2 vieSEm S..P.0•1 W smatter.e,1 aspect..e aei othern-ae Der RTH.O E - •01 \in, I? "\iWE`TN2SYST \N;•. anal,po• eel erd D•ts„-ro.tK.h••••e1 anon.. B•PVCNTTOJ A `� ---000-MMMM��ll \ ..c.pP. ILI TT. olcm ad alums.Mel Ned lot J n .I , OFF-FROM'ROOF'TOP'AREA�------ -- - \ - - �. . alp•= .e•.plat treas. • Q '• � / (I 7' IRO[TO BE DIVERTED N o.sett.Inside all Past.. w; ''''' EXISTING WETLAND AS r e' , W f'/ tg HOWN.. \ \ LIii6 Locy1105J O 2ILi Q • I/ �% 1'A \! Cv LIGHT \ '. - rX ee��L1/!•1 4. fd) °eriepl O I; 00SE RIPRAP^. '�' 15 .try N./6^� 2 int 3.r.ar.ea 2e.rcn •man y I \ \ G•I 13-ER i e i.el a cm S.rno3 n.a. ii..tv. ROCKERY O/ ; \.V 235 LF B'O RO�,; 1.=-E• �I Btet IS axon 9.eana 2-.tan yy���^pp��1e1`5ION .•EIGHT ) __:F DRAIN:ORNSPOUTS SHALL 9E '�_� 1 .�lL'�IL.IG IJ V VARIES - 1,60 -r �//:0-\\\\\\} ^_wT LINE)"J 900E DRAIN. 1.-,, Fit-A C 47 �� EXISTING\ AFl46 LF 12\SO`�\\0 _•y --''NECT ROOF DRAINS To[B'S AS O / 20Gc FA(^)G� ▪ __ r r rry OF R�1dEO� ' ^\C30aOY. \ ., 5-OWN. O , --IT V 10'UTILITY 't 1 :V :� r% ii , - 0'MIN.THICKNESS O C-4 C•4 R= - RD Q: - A°-Z'QUARRY SPACES • 6 199 r EASEMENT) 2. RO--• - ;- _ • t - >;145 LF IZeSD 6`040% C" %" 200 LF 12.0!D _2-S Op0Y 200 LF IB-000.22•A-. ..-.2,-.: Q to HINU$ WASNFA ROCK EXISTING -- DEP'H( ) C / env? WETLANDS TO ,J. ���- - ----- I- 22 OASE d >I 16J' BE MAINTAINED N 88.29'29°W 120:.SB' I 0 ie- REFER TO / \ / ie/r JL '-- , IT+'try-�'t7 l- CO VNECT ROCKERY DRAIN pIPE EX STING WfTLA1.7 _ }. •$I ,;AN, 1 E. ({ y SHEET L-I• Y TO cB•sea -� p�iP`t M`DA fllbQop 10'LANDSCAPE BEAN TO PJE 2NHANGED _ y.•�' • ICB•1_ TYPE I CS 425*TYPE 1 CB•24 TYPES C E•23 TYPE¢ ON LOT w4 --FILTER FABRIC 1�9[-J•E" • •EPIC WATER I.E.16. G E.•20 B 0 40 RO I.E•20 B - - 1�,,,...•\.. SEPARATOR I.E.•16.82 IINI I.E.•I6.1/(IN/ ® LE•15.24 (IN) - 6°PERF.PIPE • ' G E•20.0 I.E.•1672(0UT) I.E.•16.00(OUTI SCALE IN FEET I E-•14.74 (OUT) 1 E.•17.0 IOUT1 it PLAN Al • D_I C_4 L ROCKERY ' 1 N.T.S. c 4 -4 ' • f DRAWN BY DATE I SCALE f a'J� .°•c T S-2'_90 A9 SHOWN k ff SHEET _ "t DESIGNEDer HOPZ: ALASKA DISTRIBUTORS COMPANY � zr17o NEARING EXAMINERS REPORT ppp���{{{A��t11 �.rRE _ e'22/5D LMA IMWS DM5 REV15E0 WETLAND REGW ARGE SY7GM 'P1^4 5-25-90 VERY• GRADING/DRAINAGE PLAN C-4 T 1+I1 HECRED■f 525110 I SUBMITTED fOR gLP6 P<_RMI? y-• p -all •ti ��h^. s 5-2590 eonsWhnq■nginwn d/.:vo . SUgr,iTTED FD4 5RE PLAN REVIEW C /r/IAP:NS sr JOB NO. 3.DDI./DDrflanD/lo3 Dlp•I« (WEST) NO. I DATE BY I CHD. APPR.� REVISION ,•, lI F I =v5 5-255d O9901 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON AUG 2 9 1990 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM DATE: August 28, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Project Manager FROM: Mike Dotson, Property Managemfd Randy Phelps, Survey SUBJECT: LEGAL REVIEW BLUME DIST. SEGREGATION SA-112-89 We have reviewed the legal and map for the Blume Distribution Segregation and have the following comment. * The Bearing as shown on the attached copy is incorrect therefore, the closure is insufficient. segregation/blume/mdd BUS.=--.,``COED & HITCHINGS, INc. °I_/ \h;!NG DI'J !(C i PARCEL 4-B: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED , AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214. 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85.34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139 . 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2°33 ' 12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET TO THE TRUE PO OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22 '40"WEST 437. 90 FEET; HENCE SOUTH 88°03 '09" WEST 283 . 04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28'10" WEST 490. 45 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT- OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610. 67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 58°59'44" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250 . 58 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8606190933, RECORDS ' OF SAID COUNTY ; THENCE NORTH 48°12 ' 23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420. 25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9°01'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125 . 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17. 69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4°58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF A RAILROAD SPUR EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 5331102. PARCEL CONTAINS 370, 561 SQUARE FEET. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT. TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES ACROSS THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 . 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN, AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG 1 BUS ZOED & HITCHINGS, INC. PARCEL 4-B CONT'D SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85. 34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256. 48 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139 . 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1°24' 51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33' 12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95. 47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37'17" WEST 90. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 888 .05 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643, RECORDS OF SAID . COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 88°02'28" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 30. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22'40" EAST 470.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°35 ' 10" WEST 29 . 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22 '40" EAST 40. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20°25'25" WEST 26.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01° 22 ' 40" EAST 40 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°35'10" WEST 29 . 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH O1°22'40" EAST 72 .00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 °37 ' 20" EAST 39 . 99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22'40" EAST 190. 76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°37'17" EAST 30. 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ,r�y°"yi4'�- BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY vR L HIT�y 16. / RENTON, WASHINGTON �C�Q of le BRH JOB NO. 89219.06 �• ' !It• ), • AUGUST 14, 1990 #t !� o ALH/ENG. 40 I' ., Z 1 4 G�S7ER�� y�11 V c 'O4f4L LA+�� Sit) � I 2 ' BUS ROED & HITCHINGS, INC PARCEL 4-A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24 ; THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 1, 214 . 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3 , CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST ALSO KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD NOW VACATED; THENCE SOUTH 32 °12 ' 33" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85. 47 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256. 48 FEET, AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139 . 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°24 ' 51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436. 55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33 ' 12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95 . 47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37 '17" WEST 105. 38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°22 '40" WEST 179 . 50 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF AN EASEMENT FOR RAILROAD SPUR LINE AS CONVEYED TO THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 5331102 , RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND THE TRUE/ POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22 ' 40" WEST 258 . 40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°03 '08" WEST 283 . 40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°28'10" WEST 482 . 84 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAID RAILROAD SPUR LINE EASEMENT; THENCE SOUTH 27°09'57" EAST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE 22 .44 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 365.32 FEET, AND ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID RAILROAD SPUR LINE EASEMENT 857 . 54 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 241, 997 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES ACROSS THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, THENCE NORTH 87°26'48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 . 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32°29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, 85 . 34 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256. 48 FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 139 . 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 °24 ' 51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'09" WEST 436. 55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°33 ' 12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70°05'34" WEST 95. 47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°37' 17" WEST 90. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1°22'40" WEST 888. 05 FEET 1 • IVIRON NOTICE OF Environ enaT Re iew Oomm,ttee Renton, Washington m'ttee 1Q Environmental Review Committee %) has issued a Determination of Non- igicance-Mitigated for the following )ct(s)under the authority of the Renton icipal Code. The following Applicant(s) FScompleted a mitigation process: A DISTRIBUTION FACILITY; e applicant seeks to obtain site plan proval for a warehouse/office com- 'x, including two structures, parking service areas,landscaping and rec- tional amenities. There is a wetland the site — .99 acre portion is pro- ed to be filled and the remainder will e6 enhanced with native vegetation. project site is vacant and is 'manufacturing park use. The located at 601 Monster n regarding this action lmui.zy Development 'inning Division, Washingtor is FIN, 'whir' BUS,=., 'ZOED & HITCHINGS, INc. I ' PARCEL 4—A CONT'D TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 8702100643, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 88°02'28" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 30. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22'40" EAST470;00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29 °35 '10" WEST 29 . 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Ol°22'40" EAST 40. 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20° 5'25" WEST 26.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH O1° 22 ' 40" EAST 40 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°35'10" WEST 29 . 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°22'40" EAST 72 .00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°37 ' 20" EAST 39 . 99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH O1°22'40" EAST 190.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°37'17" EAST 30. 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ��il L, T ,y a RENTON, WASHINGTON /�� of BRH JOB NO. 89219. 06 ! AUGUST 14 , 1990 o ALH/ENG. 40 { 2 `' ' CITA_ -OF RENTON Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator August 28, 1990 Bob Fadden Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside #250 Seattle, Washington 98122 RE: Alaska Distributors, Oakesdale Avenue, (SA 128-89) Dear Mr. Fadden: We are writing in response to your letter of August 22 , 1990, concerning a request to modify the site plan approved by the Hearing Examiner on August 3 , 1990. While you state in your letter that there will be no ultimate modifications to "parking, landscaping or wetlands mitigation" at full development, it is not clear whether the change to the phasing will result in any modifications to the above-listed features, or to any other features (such as the storm drainage management roof-top collection/dispersal system) in conjunction with the first phase of development. In order to evaluate the revised phasing, we will need to have information which is sufficient to enable us to identify the nature and scope of any changes to the project. When that information is received, we will evaluate it to determine whether the proposed revisions must be submitted to the Hearing Examiner for action or whether these changes may be reviewed administratively. If you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact me or Lenora Blauman at 235-2550. erely, Ax44)/((v Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Lf CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM AUG 2 7 1990 RECEIVED DATE: August 27, 1990 TO: Lenora Blaumann, Senior Planner Planning & Technical Services --r, fROM: Robin Smith, City Clerk's Office SUBJECT: Recorded Documents Returned from King County Blume Distribution/Eland Center, SA-112-89 Wetlands Covenant and Easement Recording #9006210681 The attached documents have been recorded with King County and are being returned to you. Please forward a copy to parties of interest and retain a copy for your file. Thank you. CITY OF RENTON . Io\p � SEP 0 5 1990 �� CLE LIVED ��'i Y CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: August 27, 1990 TO: Lenora Blaumann, Senior Planner Planning & Technical Services FROM: Robin Smith, City Clerk's Office SUBJECT: Recorded Documents Returned from King County Blume Distribution/Eland Center, SA-112-89 Wetlands Covenant and Easement Recording #9006210681 The attached documents have been recorded with King County and are being returned to you. Please forward a copy to parties of interest and retain a copy for your file. Thank you. lance mueller & associates architects PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON August 22, 1990 AUG 2 3 1990 Mr. Donald Erickson RECENED Director of Current Planning CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: ALASKA DISTRIBUTORS Dear Don: The Hearing Examiner has approved our project per plans submitted on June 26, 1990 for a total project of 379,720 s.f. At this time we wish to phase the project differently than originally shown. The proposed phasing is based on the attached plan. Please note that the enclosed drawing shows no site changes to parking, landscaping or wetlands mitigation. The approval that we received on August 3, 1990 from the Hearing Examiner established development criteria and mitigating measures for the entire project. This change would effect none of the conditions for approval. It is our opinion that variations in the phasing of the project is well within the scope of the approval. At this time we ask that you approve the revised concept plan P-1 prior to any revisions in building department submittal. Thank you for you prompt attention. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS Bob Fadden Associate BF:lm cc: Alex Schulman Jan Conklin Linda Hoffman encl. 130lekeeide • suite 260 • Seattle,washington 98122 • BOB/325-2553 • fax:(209]329-0864 lance mueller ale,es! • senior associates:robert olschewsky,&leen furney associates:robert fadden,michael gelbralth,richerd harnlsh,robert wells a washington corporation furnishing architectural services by and under the supervision of registered architects Blume Distribution/Eland Center D FOR RECORD Nr REQOEsT O '' Fi 1 lo. SA-112-.89...,,,, OI i!CE!OF THE CITY CLERK „ ,, _ENS,;;,,". . : H°ram ,, • RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. ( ti 200 MILL AVE. SO. • RENTON, WA 98055 ..ILl - 'z'L, i WETLANDS COVENANT AND EASEMENT < ;D is Wetlands Covenant and Easement is executed this ?�"� day of , 1990, by ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Was ' gton limited partnership ("Eland") , owner of the real es a described as Parcel 2 in attached Exhibit A, and by B & G RE ON PARTNERSHIP, a Washington general partnership ("B & G") , owner of the real estate described as Parcel 4 in attached Exhibit A. Eland and B & G shall be referred to collectively herein as Grantors. ! Grantors desire to impose a covenant upon and easement over j the unimproved areas of Parcel 2 and Parcel 4 for the purposes described herein and subject to the provisions hereof. 1. Grant of Easement. Grantors hereby grant, for the - I benefit. of the City of Renton, a nonexclusive easement over and 0 ; across the unimproved areas of Parcel 2 and Parcel 4 for the CD , purpose of access to .inspect such property to determine whether nJl certain wetlands located on such property have been properly maintained and protected by the owners of Parcel 2 and Parcel 4 . CD1 In no. event shall this easement interfere with the construction, CPI maintenance or reconstruction of any improvements on Parcel 2 and . I Parcel 4 . The route of access shall be determined as provided in ! paragraph 4 below. I 2 . Term. With respect to Parcel 2 , this Covenant shall continue in effect and shall be binding on Parcel 2 for as long as the project identified as Building A under project number ECF; SA-112-89 in the files of the City of Renton, and commonly known Ias the Eland Building, continues to exist. With respect to Parcel 4 , this Covenant shall continue in effect and shall be I binding on Parcel 4 for as long as the project identified as Building B in the above referenced City of Renton files continues ! to exist. 3 . Easements in Gross. The easements granted herein are ! easements in gross and are personal to the City of Renton, provided, that the City of Renton shall have the limited right to assign its rights under these easements to any other governmental authority having jurisdiction over maintenance and protection of the wetlands. 4. Exercise of Easement Rights. The City of Renton shall exercise. easement rights hereunder no more than once each • I calendar year on each parcel. In the event the City of Renton de&ireS to enter either Parcel 2 or Parcel 4 for the purpose of • c ec3$: ng its easement rights, it shall give such notice as may —_. t: >--- fril 4 = wry - 1 - �... , I TAX ., ; Kliryi Ca. ii%v91'ds Division ! = >- - `C� �I /;o Depi ' c% J, i /,,,,..-. ."., -- '. .. , ';i. /t I i 2 = E V ED qN•,': 'A"" i �,J IW{vU be reasonable under the circumstances to the then owner of such parcel. Such owner may designate a route or routes of accessjltor�-•m• �G O , iSIO�v the wetlands that allow the City of Renton to exercise its ,,„ easement rights in a way that least interferes with such owner's activities on its parcel. 5. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications required or permitted under this Covenant shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given, made and received when delivered or deposited in the United States mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address as set forth below: To Parcel 2 Owner: Eland Building Limited Partnership c/o Sid Eland, Inc. 6.000 Sixth Avenue South P.O. Box 80187 j Seattle, Washington 98108 Attn. : Sid Eland, Jr. To Parcel 4 Owner: B & G Renton Partnership c/o Bruce Blume & Company 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 D Seattle, Washington 98103 tJj Attn. : Bruce Blume/Jim Garrison O C-NJ To the City of Renton: Community Development Department City of Renton CD I 200 Mill Avenue South U,i Renton, Washington 98055 Notices shall be sent by certified mail or by personal delivery, and shall be effective upon deposit in the U.S. mails if mailed or upon actual receipt if delivered. The notice addresses above may be changed by giving written notice pursuant to this section. 6. No Merger. The easement granted hereunder shall not merge with any other estate or interest in the real property affected hereby. 7. Successors and Assigns. The benefits and burdens arising hereunder shall run with Parcel 2 and Parcel 4 and shall 9O/06/21 40681 R RECD F 1O.O0 - 2 _ RECFEE 2.00 \\ GRSHSL 41 *:12.00 SS be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of Grantors with respect thereto. DATED: l,/ , 1990. ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washi gton limited partnership ita40 gag.iNv6 &,/LP. jai 3 By•T — B & G RENTON PARTNERSHIP, a Washington gener partnership • •vn ruce M. Blume CD Managing General Partner CNi CD CD STATE OF0.,14.1e ss. COUNTY OF cj✓v ) On t s V-<} day of 1990, before me, the undersigned, a Not y Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared c E5(a4ncL ZQ. , to me known to be the Ada,K �!o NG Cpe lam- l�ru5fd�+ of - , the corporation to me known to be the general part er f land Building Limited Partnership, the limited partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation and said limited partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that the !;_�,�C•i'fY4FF'arh:TOPI��Yr� , f� ;„�' rE 3 - AIN. d ti) 1`20 C.":iC_ iEN: L corporation was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of the limited partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLI in and f r the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires: c/ — (—9 ( STATE OF LOnSk-cc i ) J ) ss. COUNTY OF(33 '� ) On is 1(-04"— day of , 1990, before me, the undersigned, a Not'ry Public in and for the State O of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared N Bruce M. Blume, to me known to be the managinsgeneral partner of �pl B & G Renton Partnership, the general partner hip that executed O the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to CD ' be the free and voluntary act and deed of said general CT� partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOT Y PUBL C in and r the State of Washington, residi _ at My appointment expires: 6/ —( 9 ( contain\easement.w5 (6/14/90) I �S.ia:.avm•-.(.;` 1" m.wv1 rc , .. i. i •tY 4 l Exhibit A . PARCEL 2 : THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6, SECTION 13 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24 , IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26' 48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 . 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3 , CHARLES MONSTER ROAD' SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85. 34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT .CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ARC OF 31 DEGREES 04' 57" , AN ARC LENGTH 139. 14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 24'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 35'09" WEST 436. 55 FEET; OD THENCE SOUTH 02 DEGREES 33' 12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 05' 34" WEST 95.47 FEET; CD THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37' 17" WEST 105. 38 FEET; CQ THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST 437 .90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; C� THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" WEST 283 .04 FEET; CD THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 28'10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 28 DEGREES 11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115 . 75 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20 DEGREES 11' 33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156 . 01 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523 . 68 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419. 12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 667 .96 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6 DEGREES 57' 18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 41'02" EAST 60.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" EAST 47.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17 DEGREES 19'04" EAST; THENCE NORTH EGREESNG SAID 03'09"VE EASTAND ALOSOUTHERLY HSAZD S�ORGIN UTHERLY.3P'IARGIN FEET; 470.93 THENCE N FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 26. 53 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" EAST 450.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ri cm op a�trro V E [31 Page 1 of 2 ,s LBLDGDMS1J PT P.CEL 4 : THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 . 00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD ::O. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 29' 51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85. 34 • FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256. 48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139. 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 24 '51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 . 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; cc THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 33' 12" WEST 115. 03 FEET; C7 THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 05' 34" WEST 95.47 FEET; CD THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37' 17" WEST 105. 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF Chi BEGINNING; s,D THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST 437 . 90 FEET; CD THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" WEST 283 . 04 FEET; CCD THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610. 67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 250. 37 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT ON WHICH BEARS NORTH 66 DEGREES 59'43" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250. 59 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8606190933 , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 48 DEGREES 12'23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 420 . 25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 9 DEGREES 01'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 125. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46 DEGREES 16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 17 . 69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES 58'17" WEST 410.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Ir Cr'Y OF F.E6.TON V E• • Page 2 of 2 a.....c6€�if:T , DiViSiON .7,1GtNAL CITY OF RENTON City of Renton JUN .2 0 1990 Planning Division RECEIVED Community. Development Department fl Y CLERK'S OFFICE Memorandum Date: June 20, 1990 To: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk From: Lenora Blauman, Planning Division Subject: Blume Distribution/Eland Center ,/9- Enclosed please find easements/covenants required by the - Environmental Review Committee for the above-referenced project. The materials have been approved as to form by the City Attorney. I would appreciate your assistance in recording these documents with King County. Thank you. epo (>04jAi of : 6/210 tee 40, - ; 0 CITY OF RENTON Office of the City Attorney Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION June 19, 1990 CITY OF RENTON JUN 2 0 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner RECEWED FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Wetlands Covenant and Easement Egland Building Limited Partnership and B & G Renton Partnership Dear Lenora: I have reviewed the above-referenced document and the same is approved as to legal form. Please note that there is no need for any city signatures on this document. J. Warren LJW:as . cc: Mayor Clymer A8 .57 : 32 . Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street Renton, Washington 98057- (206) 255-8678 5A 1 '12'$9 % 0 CITY OF RENTON Office of the City Attorney Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON JUL 1 1 1990 July 9, 1990 RECEIVED TO: Donald K. Erickson, Chief, Current Planning FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Agreement to Waive Protest to Formation of Local Improvement District - Bruce Blume & Company and Eland Building Limited Partnership; Hold Harmless Agreement - Eland Building Limited Partnership Dear Don: I have reviewed the above-referenced documents and the same are ' approved as to legal form. I am also attaching the originals of ;both documents to this memo. Lawrence J. arren LJW:as. cc: Mayor Clymer Jim Hanson Clint Morgan A8 .57 : 77 • Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street-Renton, Washington 98057- (206) 255-8678 } AGREEMENT TO WAIVE PROTEST TO FORMATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, Bruce Blume & Company ("Blume") and Eland Building Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership ("Eland") , are the Owners of certain real property located in the city of Renton, Washington, the legal description of which is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property") ; and WHEREAS, the real property owned by Blume and Eland which will be developed for warehouse uses will have an impact on the need for street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, and undergrounding of utility lines on Oakesdale Avenue S.W. ; and WHEREAS, as a condition of the Determination of Non-Significance (Mitigated) issued under City of Renton File No. ECF-112-89, Owners agree to participate in a local improvement district as authorized by RCW 35.43 for the improvement of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. which improvement may include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, and/or undergrounding of utility lines as required by the City of Renton Public Works Department when such local improvement district is formed in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1 . Owners acknowledge that state and city law provide that the City may require certain real property improvements to be made by Owners as conditions of, and to mitigate effects of, development, and further acknowledge that the consideration for this Agreement shall be approval of development on the Property without requiring Owners to make such improvements. 2. Owners acknowledge that the City has discussed and plans to form a local improvement district to improve Oakesdale Avenue S.W. to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, and/or undergrounding of utility lines. 3. Owners acknowledge that the Property would be specially benefitted by the improvement of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. to include street lighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, and/or undergrounding of utility lines and agree to participate in any local improvement district which is formed for the purposes of providing such. 4. Owners waive their right to protest the formation of any local improvement district formed for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 3 above; provided, however, Owners shall retain the right to protest the following: 1 WPE-13 - 06/11/90 i.. � z a. The method of assessment; b. The amount of assessment and special benefit to the Property; and c. The boundaries of the local improvement district and the total amount of the local improvement district cost. 5. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be filed and recorded in the records of King County, Washington and shall be binding upon the Owners and subsequent property owners, their successors, and assigns. DATED this 3 day of \ , 1990. OWNERS: BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY B _ is AND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership, By: MONSTER ROAD BUILDING CORP. , a Washington corporation, its General Partner By: W. t, is ACCEPTED BY CITY OF RENTON: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lawrence J. Warren City Attorney 2 WPE-13 - 06/11/90 • • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF lint ) THIS IS CERTIFY that on this J day of , 1990, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in d he State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, rsonally appea ru-E _ M. , to me known to be the--t of BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that 1&. W a%-- authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said corporation. 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this 'certificate first above written. 00 cPv Nota Public f the St. - of Washington residing at Z • My Commission Expires: 9-- 1— `k I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this 3 R 4 day of 3 u (. y , 1990, personally appeared S>>o w . F-L L U/ '012. , known to me to be the PP,c 51 EN i of MONSTER ROAD BUILDING CORP. , General Partner of ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, the partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he w h s authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of ashington residing at 576 LEA, Ia)A My Commission Expires: /?Ar /9'/ 3 WPE-13 - 06/11/90 EXHIBIT A THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 6., SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP '23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . • • COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24, IN SAID. TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; . THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26'48" WEST, ALONG THE. NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, .CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE-SOUTH 32 DEGREES 29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID. .WESTERLY. MARGIN 85. 34 FEET TO. A POINT :OF TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 256.48 FEET; - THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ARC ' OF 31 DEGREES 04'57", AN ARC' LENGTH 13.9.14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH 'IS. 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 24'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268 .00 FEET; • THENCE SOUTH 8.8 DEGREES 35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; • THENCE SOUTH 02 DEGREES 33' 12" WEST 115,.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES . 05'34'f WEST 95.47 FEET; . THENCE .SOUTH .88DEGREES 37'17." WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST 437.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; - THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; . THENCE SOUTH 54. DEGREES 28'100 WEST 490.44. FEET TO. THE EASTERLY MARGIN OP THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 28 DEGREES 11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; . THENCE' ON -A CURVE TO 'THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS. OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID. EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; .• . THENCE NORTH' 20 DEGREES 11' 33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156.01 FEET.; . THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.:68 FEET AND ALONG .SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON ANON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF .667.96. FEET, .THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS. NORTH 6 DEGREES 57'18" WEST; • ' THENCE. EASTERLY .ALONG SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 883 DEGREES 41'02„ EAST 60.83. FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" EAST- 47.60. FEET TO A' POINT ON THE • SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET. THE RADIUS POINT' OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17 DEGREES 19'04" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.36 FEET.; THENCE NORTH. 8;8 DEGREES 03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET-; ' THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 56'53." EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 10.0.0 • FEET; . THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES' 03'09" EAST .ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN .26.53 FEET .TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1 DEGRE►S• 22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; ' THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" EAST 450.00 FEET TO TEE' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH: , -1- ' THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBE: AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24 IN SA: TOWNSHIP AND, RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26'48" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF 5A_D NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214 .00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN of COUNTY RCA: 8 , CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST;THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 29'51" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN a_ :4 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 256 . 48 FEET A DISTANCE OF 139. 14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 24 '51" FAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 266 . 0C FEET; . THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 35/09" WEST 436.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 33''12" WEST 115.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 05' 34" WEST 95.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37' 1.7" WEST 105.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT C. BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1 .DEGREES 22'43" WEST 437 .90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 03' 09" WEST 283. 04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 28' 10" WEST 490.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY XXRG+`; OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RIGh WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1610.67 FEET TO A PC:NT =. THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTVROAD NO. 8 , CHARLES MONSTER ROAD, SA POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF- 250.37 FEE:, E RADIUS POINT ON WHICH BEARS NORTH 66 DEGREES 59'43" EAST; �h THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY MARGIN 250 .59 FEET -• - SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8606190933 , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 48 DEGREES 12'23" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE 42 . 25. FEET; THENCE NORTH 9 DEGREES 01'55" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRAC- • 125.0.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46 DEGREES 16'56" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SA:: TRACT 17. 69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES 58'17" WEST 410.23. FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. -2- HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This Hold Harmless Agreement is executed this 2S day of Tait 1990, by Eland Building Limited Partnership ("Eland") . RECITALS A. Eland is the owner of the real property ("Property") legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Property is part of Blume Distribution Facility ("Project") which is the subject of City of Renton File Nos. ECF-112-89 and SA-112-89 ("Application") . B. The Application seeks site plan approval of the Project, a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. C. On April 11 , 1990, the Environmental Review Committee of the City of Renton issued a Revised Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the Project, which included, inter alia, Condition No. 6 requiring a "Hold Harmless" agreement insuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the City of Renton' s issuance of site preparation/building permits for the Project, Eland agrees as follows: 1 . Hold Harmless. Eland covenants and agrees that it will , for the life of the Project, protect, defend and hold the City of Renton harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges, liabilities and attorneys' fees arising from any damage occurring to the site or improvements located on the Property resulting from flooding on the Property; however, nothing herein shall require Eland to protect, defend or hold the City of Renton harmless from the consequences of the City of Renton' s sole negligence or the sole negligence of any of the City of Renton' s agents or employees. 2. Agreement to Run With the Land. The burden of this Agreement shall be deemed to run with the land and shall be enforceable against Eland and its successors and assigns, including, without 1 WPS-113 - 06/11/90 • limitation, any present and future owners of the Property or any portion thereof. ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership, By: MONSTER ROAD BUILDING CORP. , a Washington corporation, its General Partner By: L-. is STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this 3 - ( day of auk , 1990, personally appeared 51 o w.ELAiuO, )r , to me known to be the PASsi or,j ,r of MONSTER ROAD BUILDING CORP. , a corporation, to me known to be a general partner of ELAND BUILDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, the limited partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation and said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that \n . was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ic-,LAAL/ w. Notary Public for the Stat of Washington - residing at S&ATLF, 1J4 My Commission Expires: 11-/i-7 2 WPS-113 - 06/11/90 EXHIBIT A THAT. PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 24 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WISLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN ACING COUNTY, • WASHINGTON AND THE, SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND -GOVERNMENT LOT 60 SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP -.23. NORTH, . RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE. MERIDIAN, ALL IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE. QUARTER. CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 13 AND 24, IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 26'.48" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID . • NORTHWEST QUARTER 1214.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST AND NOW KNOWN AS STEEL HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 29'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 85. 34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS. OF 256.48 FEET,' . -THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG, SAID, CURVE THROUGH AN ARC OF 31 DEGREES . 04'57", AN ARC LENGTH 139.14 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 30 FEET WESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF STEEL HILL ROAD; • . THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 24'51" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN 268.00 ' FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8.8 DEGREES .35'09" WEST 436.55 FEET; WHENCE SOUTH 02 DEGREES 33'12" WEST 115.03 FEET; . THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 0.5'34" WEST 95.47 FEET; . THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37'17" WEST 105.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH. 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST 4.37.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" WEST 283.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 28'10" WEST 490.44. FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OP THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE. NORTH 28 DEGREES 11'33" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 115.75 FEET; THENCE• ON A 'CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 411.73 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 57.49 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20 DEGREES 11'33" WEST ALONG, SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 156 .01 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 523.68 FEET AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN. 419.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A. RADIUS OF 667..96 FEET, •THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 6 DEGREES 57'18" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG' SAID CURVE 102.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH83 DEGREES 41'02" EAST '60.83 FEET; THENCE' NORTH 74 DEGREES 13'19" EAST• '47.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF CHARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 238.99 FEET. THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 17 DEGREES 19'04" . EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHERLY MARGIN 80.3.6 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 470.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES 56'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY' MARGIN. 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 03'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY .MARGIN 2.6.53 FEET. TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 1 DEGREES 22'43" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREES .22143" EAST 4.50.00 Fizz TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.' • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. 51067 T,y n n r. i n y ,being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the VALLEY DAILY NEWS _ • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week. That said newspapers are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King County, Washington. The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Kent Edition , Renton Edition x , Auburn Edition , (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice a n u'a i r.,o a,4(le • � I:nvi rnnrnrsntal pet-"�"1LIl was published on April 16 . 1990 med tor The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the G:ad. is Sum of$ "'q a 3 !=urther informatiu. available in the Con •)artrnent, Current Pi.. nicipal Building, Renton, i-2550. This Determination: •;L. /n qa,,//)....ec � ` ire is a 14 day appeal period . n will I at 5:00 PM on April 30, 1990. Any i Deal of this decision may be made to the ' Subscribed and sworn before me this 1 51l-1, day of 1 19 0,n n r,r i r's Hearing Examiner, Municipal Bash- 200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,Wash- ton. An appeal must state clearly,- in - :ing,why the Determination should be • sod and must beaccompanied,by a 1-refundable$75.00 filing fee: . / � d Public Notice ' Published in the Valley Daily News April Ner ry Public for the State of Washington 16, 1990. R4090 Acct: #51067 residing at Auburn, - -- -- - - King County, Washington VON#87 Revised 4/89 '1 HeI��J 2 rrC.�FfiI v E IIUCL .iuN 1930 L'I,UME r (X)f'IPANS' REA1.ESI'A7"I . 24„ u� vssloN • June 14 , 1990 Mr. Don Erickson Director of Current Planning City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Sid Eland Distribution Center Dear Mr. Erickson; As a result of the hearing examiner' s recommendation to provide up to . 99 acres of wetlands compensation, "if possible" , for the . 99 acres of wetlands filled, we have analyzed our present approved site plan to see how closely we can meet that requirement. In order to meet the requirement imposed on us, we will need to add to the existing wetlands area south of the rail spur track. Attached you will find the wetland compensation map and measurements prepared by Bush, Roed & Hitchings depicting the compensation areas both north and south of the rail spur. With your written concurrence below we will instruct Shapiro & Associates to complete the final plan and proceed to implement the work. Your earliest response is appreciated. Si cerely, -2-)1-1-A ,--1______ Ja es D. Garri on cc. Lenora Blauman - City of Renton Bob Fadden - Lance Mueller & Assoc. Dick Myers - Shapiro & As Approved Plan Da 1-''te /S -90 Don Erickson �� e gol 146 NOIt"I I( ('ANrV,STREET, SUITE 310 SEA"I"I 1.1{, \1'\SIIWGfON 98103 (2061632-1li00 FAX (206)633-468ii ,„....0 AI 4i P .. CITY OF RENTON Olt ..u. Hearing Examiner Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J.Kaufman i ; June 13, 1990 , Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 ; Seattle, WA 98103 RE: Blume Distribution Facility 1 File No. SA-112-89 ' Dear Mr. Garrison: . The Examiner' s Report regarding the referenced application which was published May 29, 1990 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. As one of the conditions of approval you are required to submit a Restrictive Covenant on the wetlands. • When ! this document has been prepared with a legal description attached, signed by all parties and notarized, it should be forwarded to this ' office. We will review the document and submit the legal description to the Public_ Works Department for verification. When this has been accomplished we will then forward the matter to the -City Clerk who ; will file the Covenants with King County and retain this file as a permanent public record of the city. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or ( information is required. Sincerely, ) i . , .-4--;:j 0 64-./ittej-4)-11,}8"--FRED J. KAUFMAN -- _�( HEARING EXAMINER • � FJK:dk cc: J�City Clerk Building Division Planning Division �.... m .. . -- r,___ct _ n,...+.... \I7.,c.L.ir.rrhnn Q9( - (9m1915-9.593 ri • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON s ) )ss. County, of King ) DOTTY KLINGMAN being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the �9th day of May . ; 1990 - affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a ' decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this oZq - day of , 1990. /! • /AS-40Y\—__ Notary u lic in and for the State of Washington, residin (' n , therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: BRUCE BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY - SA-112-89 (The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) • - May 29, 1990 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: BRUCE BLUME AND COMPANY File No: SA-112-89 LOCATION: 601 Monster Road SW SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Ap proval pproval for a warehouse/office complex on a sixteen acre portion of a forty acre site, zoned for manufacturing park use. SUMMARY OF ACTION: PlanningDivision Recommendation: Ap proval with conditions. I PLANNING DIVISION REPORT: The Planning Division Report was received by the Examiner on May 8, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Division Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The hearing was opened on May 15, 1990 at 9:15 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow File containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit #2 - Vicinity Map Exhibit #3 - Site Plan I ' Exhibit #4 - Map showing Wetlands on the site. Exhibit #5 - (a) Landscape Plan; (b) Mylar of Landscape Plan Exhibit #6 - Elevation Plan Exhibit #7 - Illustrative Site Plan I The above exhibits were entered into the record, followed by a review of the staff report by Senior Planner, LENORA BLAUMAN. A review of her comments follows. The applicant wishes to develop a warehouse/office complex on a sixteen acre portion of a forty acre parcel which is currently undeveloped. The parcel to be developed contains approximately 4.5 acres of wetlands; parcel Nos. 2 and 4 are to be developed; the site is currently under one ownership with the possibility of some of the ownership changing hands at a later date. There are currently adequate utilities to serve the site; improvements will have to be made to water flow capacities to accommodate fire department service. The applicant wishes to build a warehouse/office complex in one building of approximately 210,000 square feet located on lot #2. Of that footage 18,000 sq. ft. will be used for office uses and the remainder will be used for warehouse facilities. Building B, about 50,000 sq. ft., currently has no planned tenant and will probably be phased in at a later date; there are approximately 4-1/2 acres of wetlands on the entire site and of the acreage on the 16 acre portion of the site .99 acres of wetlands is scheduled to be filled. Because the wetlands to be filled are less than one acre the U. S. Army Corps declined to comment, and an agreement will be obtained from the applicant to be sure no More than .99 acres of wetland are filled. Continuing, Ms. Blauman read into the record the mitigated conditions set out by the Environmental Review Committee (copy attached). In reviewing the site plan she stated the proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan policies and goals; each of the elements of the site plan comply collectively and individually with city requirements, and the two lots share an access easement which will be recorded Bruce Blume and Company SA-112-89 May 29, 1990 Page 2 I and will run for the life of the project. Looking at such issues as traffic, landscaping, aesthetics, natural land use protection and public services Blauman said staff is pleased with the way the proposal is beginning to come together to make it more compatible with the surrounding community; the parking lot needs better lighting and care must be taken to eliminate glare on to the wetland area and 'neighboring roadways; revised signs and their locations will be requested; the site is located in a flood ;plain and a plan must be submitted to ensure all of the water from the site remains on the site, and the vegetation and wetlands are protected. The windows in the buildings (as well 'as traffic) are oriented .away from the wetlands; dock loading doors, a walking path and parking are located away from the wetlands; upland (dry land) landscaping will be compatible with wetland landscaping; surrounding ;property values should improve; and the proposal is similar to other uses in the area. IMs. Blauman said it is estimated when this site is fully developed there will be approximately 1410 iaverage daily vehicle trips; there is no impact to light and air on the site, and noise and odor concerns ,were addressed. It was noted that the way the buildings are oriented provides employees an opportunity to be aware of the activities in the wetlands area. There are no problems anticipated by the Police and Fire Departments; the applicant will be providing active and passive recreation on the 'site and Planner Blauman noted staff's belief that the proposal, with the mitigation measures, will be a positive impact on the valley. Staff recommends approval of the proposal with the conditions that the applicant comply with the ERC conditions; provide a revised exterior lighting plan; revised signage plan; submit final upland landscape plans; install upland landscaping on the site prior to occupancy; the applicant will develop and improve all wetland areas; provide a landscaping maintenance bond of $3,000. for the upland area; a bond of $6,000. for the wetlands plantings; and a restrictive covenant addressing the protection of all of the wetland areas on the entire parcel in the event of segregation and/or sale of any or all of the property. Responding for the applicant was JIM GARRISON, Blume and Company, 146 North Canal Street. Seattle 98103. Addressing the landscape bonds, Mr. Garrison said he felt they may not be necessary as the entire parcel will be covered with a restrictive covenant which will run for the life of the property, and therefore the landscaping bond requirements should be removed. Compensation for the wetlands occurs on the north and south side of the railroad tracks and consists of approximately .55 acres; additional conifers can be added but Garrison said they may create a safety issue (sight distance) for the trucks that will be making deliveries to the site. He said the applicant has no objection to the other recommendations/conditions by staff. Mr. Garrison said ownership on the site will be multiple - parcel #1 is currently occupied by Container Corporation of America which owns the balance of parcels 2, 3, and 4. The applicant is purchasing parcels 2, 3, and 4 and the ownership of parcels 2 and 4 will remain with the applicant with parcel #2 to be sold. Further responding for the applicant was MARK BOULE, Shapirio and Associates, 1400 Smith Tower, 506 Second Avenue, Seattle 98104, wetlands consultant, presented a review of what has been done on the site regarding wetlands boundaries and a design for the mitigation plan to offset impacts and respond to specific concerns by other departments. Mr. Boule said the site is extremely flat and bounded by higher ground all the way around; there is a natural storm water and percolation system on the site with virtually no water run-off from the site. Vegetation on the site is primarily canary grass with a small area of scrub in the northeast portion of the wetlands. Boule continued with a review of filling being done in the area of the wetlands; described the feeding areas for the herons on the north of the wetlands; noted plants along the south side of building 'A' will extend to the stream to increase the edge in the habitat and plantings would be native. He said an additional wetland habitat will be created south of the railroad spur between the two wetland areas that presently exist - this has been identified as "creation" of a wetlands but he feels it should be referred to as "restoration" as it is suspected all of this land, many years ago, was probably wetlands and they are just restoring what was there previously. He said careful wetlands restoration has proven to be more successful then attempts to create new wetlands. Commenting on traffic impacts was CLINT MORGAN. Traffic Engineering Division stating his office has been working with the applicant as to the access located at the most southerly portion site. It is felt the concerns of staff are being resolved. Sight distances seem to be sufficient. He said his department must be provided with a set of revised off-site improvement plans from the applicant. Final comments from staff were given by Planner Blauman who agreed with the applicant that the property would have a restrictive covenant on it, and said staff would still recommend that landscaping bonds be required. She said the applicant was aware of staff's recommendation for additional conifer trees on the upland portion of the site to create a safe distance and screen the railroad lines and expressed appreciation for their cooperation in addressing these and other staff concerns.. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:15 A.M. • • Bruce Blume and Company SA-112-89 May 29, 1990 Page 3 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Bruce Blume and Company, filed a request for approval of a site plan for two buildings and associated parking. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) for the subject proposal. The ERC imposed a variety of mitigation measures, and while they affect the project in a number of ways, they will not be discussed in this report. (See attached mitigation measures). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 601 Monster Road S.W. The site is immediately west of the Container Corporation complex and was part of that entire legal parcel. Metro's sewage treatment plant is located east of the site. 6. The subject site was annexed to the city with the adoption of Ordinance 4086, enacted in September, 1987. i 7. The site is zoned M-P (Manufacturing Park). 8. The site is served by city water and sewer lines including a twelve inch water line along Monster Road and a twelve inch sewer line located along Oakesdale Avenue S.W. near the intersection with Monster Road. Fire flow for the site will need upgrading. 9. Storm drainage is achieved by natural site characteristics which include wetlands and shallow ponds. (See further wetlands discussion below) 10. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of manufacturing park/multiple option, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 11. The applicant proposes developing two parcels of a proposed 4 parcel subdivision. Taking advantage of an exemption provided by the Subdivision Ordinance, the applicant is segregating an approximately 41.84 acre parcel into four separate lots. Proposed Lots 2 and 4 would comprise the subject site. The Container Corporation complex is located on Proposed Lot 1. Proposed Lot 3 would be vacant. The original parcel is bounded by curving streets and a railroad line giving it an irregular shape. The parcels are all irregularly shaped with property lines skewed to step around wetlands areas on the site. 12. Proposed Lot 2, the parcel located at the northwest corner of the site, is approximately 450,002 square feet or 10.33 acres. Building A, an approximately 210,330 square foot building, will be erected on this parcel. Building A will contain approximately 18,000 square feet of office space and approximately 192,000 square feet of warehousing divided between two separate uses. 13. Proposed Lot 4 is located immediately south of Lot 2. The parcel is approximately 612,557 square feet in size or approximately 14.06 acres in area. Building B, a 49,100 square foot warehouse, will be located on Lot 2. T4. The site contains approximately 4.5 acres of wetlands. The wetlands on this site are characterized by shallow ponds, marshy areas, wet meadows and upland meadows. Plants (cattails, rushes, canary grass, etc.) associated with wetlands, as well as specific soils (hydric) indicative of wetlands, were identified on the site. (See Exhibit #1). A separate area approximately 1.5 acres in size and related to this wetland is outside the boundaries of the site and, therefore, beyond the scope of this application. 15. The wetlands straddle the property line between Lots 2 and 4. They are generally located along the south margin of Lot 2, Building A's lot, and the northwest portion of Lot 4, Building B's lot. The low profile of the site permits small depressions'and modest rises to provide either wetlands areas or uplands thereby permitting areas of uplands within the main body of wetlands, and wetlands outside the main wetland areas. One small area of wetland is located north of the main wetland on Lot 2, and two small areas are located south of the main area on Bruce Blume and Company SA-112-89 May 29, 1990 Page 4 Lot 4. 'An upland "island" and "peninsula" in the main wetland are located near the northwest corner of Lot 4. 16. The applicant proposes filling some areas of wetland found on the site, enlarging others, and maintaining the remainder. In all, the applicant proposes filling approximately .99 acres of wetlands and dedicating approximately .55 acres of uplands to attempt to create additional wetlands. Wetlands creation is a new science, although expanding a wetland as currently proposed is easier than creating one in a non-wetland environment. Native wetland plant species can more easily' colonize an adjacent area than be imported to an area naturally devoid of wetland species. The applicant presumably chose to limit fill to .99 acres since filling one acre or more of wetlands triggers special review by the Army Corps of Engineers. 17. The wetland straddles the two parcels potentially complicating management and maintenance of the wetlands. 18. The ERC imposed a variety of fees to mitigate the estimated 1,410 vehicle trips per. day. Fees will be applied to the Grady Way Transportation/Benefit District and improvements to the Empire Way and Monster Road intersection. Off-site improvements will also improve the right-of-way adjacent to the site. 19. The one-story buildings are separated by more than 120 feet from one another. They have been designed to minimize glare thereby lessening their impact on the wetlands and migrating birds and other wildlife. The applicant proposes a picnic area and basketball court. These recreational amenities will be located on legally separate parcels after the division, and might not be available to the occupants of the other parcels. The applicant will be adding to the upland landscaping particularly along the margins of the wetlands. 20. Parking is concentrated along the north and east perimeter of the site,-and between Buildings A and B, opposite the Container Corporation Building. 1 21. Building A will be approximately 600 feet long by approximately 200 feet wide. The long east/west facades will have only one minor jog each. The building will be oriented in an east/west direction along the north margin of the wetland. Its finished floor elevation will be 20 feet to lift it above the 100 year flood zone. There will be a minor rise to the roof as viewed from the east or west elevations. Similarly, the building will be modestly stepped over the terrain as viewed from the north or south. 22. Building B is approximately 200 feet long by 160 feet wide. It generally is "L" shaped and is set at an angle to the east/west axis. It, too, will be set at an elevation above the 100 year flood plain, at approximately 20 feet. Building B and its lot will be served by an easement across Lot 2. '23. While the segregation of the entire site was pending during most of staff s''review, the applicant sited Ithe buildings to comply with the setbacks required of the M-P zone as though the segregation had been approved. That is, after the parcels are divided, the two buildings proposed under this site plan review will meet the standards of the M-P zone on each of their respective lots. 24. Staff has worked with the applicant to increase landscaping along the north perimeter of Lot 2, the Oakesdale frontage, and along the east margin of Lot 4 which abuts the blank, rail-served aspect of the Container complex. -i 25. The buildings will be finished with multi-colored finished concrete, and window and trim detail. . 26. Storm drainage is intended to recharge the wetlands. It will be carried to the wetlands by grass-lined swales to filter out contaminants and protect the integrity of the wetlands. The site will meet 100 year storm, seven day release.rates as required by the Public Works Department. 27. The applicant has not been required to apply for a separate special permit for grade and fill. • • Bruce Blume and Company • SA-112-89 May 29, 1990 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS 1. The Site Plan Ordinance provides a number of specific criteria for reviewing a site plan. Those criteria are generally represented in part by the following .enumeration: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; b. Conformance with the Building and Zoning Codes; c. Mitigation of impacts on surrounding properties and uses; d. Mitigation of the impacts of the proposal on the subject site itself; e. Conservation of property values; f. Provision for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation; g. Provision of adequate light and air; h. Adequacy of public services to accommodate the proposed use; The proposed use, a's conditioned below, satisfies these and other'particulars of the ordinance. 2. The development of warehousing uses on a well landscaped site is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan's designation of the site for manufacturing park use. The,open space and wetlands will complement the goal of creating a park-like atmosphere. 3; The buildings will meet the setback and bulk requirements of the M-P zone. Site Plan review does not entail a detailed analysis of Building and Fire Code issues. Those matters are reviewed with building permit application. 4. The development of the subject site should not have any impacts on surrounding properties or uses. The scale of the buildings is not unlike that found on neighboring properties. Obviously there will be additional traffic for occupants of nearby properties to contend with, but this should be offset by the applicant's contribution to the Grady Way Transportation Benefit District and to the eventual signalization of Monster Road and Empire Way. 5. Th'e requirements imposed by the Public Works Department for storm water retention and release should avoid displacing storm water onto adjacent properties. While approximately .99 acres of wetlands will be filled, the applicant will excavate approximately .55 acres of wetlands. Presumably the water retaining capacity of the excavated area will lie equivalent to that lost,in the filling of the .99 acres. 6. This office is not convinced that the net loss of .44 acres of wetlands should be permitted by the City. While the capacity of the ponds/wetlands will presumably be equivalent, the surface area will be reduced nearly half reducinghabitat in , potential open space and possibly altering biological and physical properties inherent in the larger surface area. There was no attempt to demonstrate why a loss should be permitted. Therefore, the applicant will have to create .99 acres of wetlands, the amount which will be lost to provide a reasonable building site, unless the applicant can demonstrate with competent, technical evidence why additional wetlands cannot be created elsewhere. 7. Since wetland creation is uncertain at best, the appiicant will have to bond the effort so that any failure can at least be retried over a reasonable period, and to help provide,a reasonable window to assure that the wetland environment envisioned at this stage has had an opportunity to establish itself. In addition, the applicant will have to provide assurances that the wetlands will be maintained during the life of these two proposals. 8. The design of the buildings, their orientation, and the softening landscaping should assist in minimizing impacts on the site, particularly if the applicant provides compensating wetlands. The windows and parking areas are located away from the wetlands to minimize glare and reflection. Reflective,surfaces, particularly, can confuse wildlife and their elimination as a hazard is fortunate. The "L" shaped building, Building B, set at an angle to the east/west axis, is more visually interesting than the companion building, Building A. Part of this probably has to do with size and scale. Building A is a large warehouse structure, although some of the window facade detail should provide some relief from the long facade. • , Bruce Blume and Company SA-112-89 May 29, 1990 Page 7 TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of May, 1990 to the parties of record: Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98103 Mark Boule Shaperio and Associates 1400 Smith Tower 506 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of May, 1990 to the following: Mayor Earl Clymer Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Lynn A. Guttmann, Public Works Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ken Nyberg, Community Development Director Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Larry M. Springer, Planning Manager Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Ronald Nelson, Building Director Transportation Systems Division Mayor's Administrative Assistant i. Kim Scattarella, Engineering Specialist Valley Daily News Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 P.M. June 12, 1990. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or ;the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a ;written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 16, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance bepartment, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. - The Doctrineapplies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. Bruce Blume and Company • SA-112-89 , May 29, 1990 Page 6 f I � 9. , Development of the subject site should not have any adverse impact on property values. Development of the site will increase the tax base, and contribution to the various traffic needs will offset any adverse affect on the general utility infrastructure. 10. .While this office does not believe an easement access is a particularly beneficial method of providing access to an industrial site and is proscribed in the city's subdivision code, (the private segregation taken by the applicant has avoided some code requirements including, it appears, this one) generally access and circulation is adequate for the site. The applicant does need to provide pedestrian walkways on the site connecting the two parcels, and the parcels to the street. 11. The applicant has included recreational amenities on the site that should also minimize off-site impacts or substitute for the city's limited-recreational facilities in this area. Since these 'amenities appear to, be on what will be separate legal lots subsequent to the division of this property, the applicant should provide cross easements permitting the tenants of both properties to use all amenities. 12. The absence of a special permit application seems strange since the applicant is proposing rather major changes to the site, not only filling the site to create building pads above the flood plain and filling wetlands, but also excavating wetlands. It would appear logical that these extensive changes to the site should receive more attention. Site plan review does not provide anywhere near the same level of detail in areas of fill and excavation that a special permit application would provide. It may be inappropriate to impose this level of review at this time on this applicant, but staff is hereby notified that special permits for such activity in the future will be required as site plan review,does not provide a reasonable alternative. DECISION The Site Plan is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERC. 2. The applicant shall provide additional pedestrian paths/sidewalks connecting the two sites with each other and connecting them with Oakesdale. 3. The applicant shall provide cross easements permitting the tenants of both properties to use all recreational amenities on either site without regard to property lines. 4. , The applicant shall bond all wetland and upland landscaping efforts by providing a bond or other assurance acceptable to the city. 5. The applicant shall have to covenant that the wetlands shall be maintained during the life of these two proposals. 6. Unless the applicant can demonstrate with competent, technical evidence that additional wetlands cannot be created elsewhere, the applicant shall create .99 acres of wetlands to compensate for the filling of an-equivalent .99 acres. 7. All landscaping and wetland modifications, including creation, shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of anv certificate of occupancy, including temporary occupancy.' ORDERED THIS 29th day of May, 1990. ' FRED J. KA MAN . HEARING E AMINER DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS : On April 11, 1990, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated to include each of the eight (8) conditions attached, plus four (4) new conditions as follows : 9) That the applicant provide $4 , 000 . 00 as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, subject to the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department. 10) That the applicant provide in-kind replacement (and enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the . 99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between . 55 acre and . 99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now-defined Parcel #4 . Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City' s Landscape Planner and concurrence of the State Department of Wildlife; replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11) That the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now defined Parcel #4 of the subject property, to ensure that these areas are being properly protected and maintained, with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land, to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for site plan approval . 12) That the applicant, prior to public hearing for site plan approval , in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system, obtain from METRO approval of . construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO access to maintain and repair the sewer line, subject to approval. by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets'and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a.revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2)• feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire- Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise • Light/Glare/Traffic 8) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: a) an erosion control plan; b) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; c) a plan for wheel-washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; d) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; e) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; f) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and g) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition the City requests: Recreation: 1) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in the amount of $5,000.00 to the development of the • Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. 2) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establis-h a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail, for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note #A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit • application. mmdoc • • • • • .., ..., ......I\M\IM,I m...,H ii- Ng..•:ri.,li t im%spi4kal0_'hkc.t.I9,.l2,4lm...'u-....1ur.z.'lN,•4.A.i.„5,,.la0:).mI'-..0..Mst;m,1.,a;..0l.l.....11..-E1,.;1 1 1,S iv0•.1_v;.1 11 ,:1t::1,;-:1:.,x-1,..4..1h 1.,1 1.1.i'..V 1 1.I*e•.g Io.giI.aV0•. i.i1s.. 1.1lp11lt 11111 0:60.ik1i°1 -10 1„ia:i 1?6fi..11?1l1lL i1I11,M,1 ..N_1i_1m11i1.1,11IM__11111 =1M111u1 011111i1.111l11111n1l1111 1t1.6,1-"•••k-L'(':'--•.c1,e:.-' g0ggo6,00og00=0 00g,a0n(g3•0°o,‘.ob%0p0°00,°o0001o,00,,6.7) oo..-,ec•.,.,.....'..°0oo.0.,1,.V.I,4,w•tg°tg._,i'0o0og0.0,4,E.o0°.0...•if\.•.••.p---iA:.:r••.-i rr.ee•••ivp•i'•tN••.t••lC0.••••••.e--o0.i••••reg••••••••o0- .•••••• 4 •i1 pF.••0*1:*:•••;•i:1::::.•7••::.::.:.:_:7:••:=E:e••••d1••:: ••:.. ••ij1u i1•. • •••:•i•P; •••"•i•ip-p,,l -•o-•..•0•-.••4•.••t.O•••..•o!,,„_A..••"v••i'i.•I,•„_)a • • • • • • • • L i .W: . . • • • • • • • • • %• • :00000 2ooga • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 1 0 • • • . • • • • • • • • • •r14 . s • • D • • • • • • • • .•e•••••e• ••••••••••••:••••• el • •••• • • • • • • • • • •I•;•:o••;::%.,7•111117 4 •7 • MM 1: 0Mn a •;s'•,;....,..,.,i•.±,-J•:•••';:.-....;,d, Z•;'.`.•,•:`i,.:,..0•::.;•,,.:"*;.a,,. ,''-•.l 3.- .::. 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VA"-10 1...1 r",,..1-.".... 5,,L)-1,-1 ..I-Ey...1-10,1 0....-"," e,avn-7-1,,,-,....,a K.7 • rry•r•C:Lt.:I-Z:7' C3, tc' . . . .7 ? CI) (....) . 7 T () T 0..„, < I i ... _ ...,1 . n . -41 4 : nii I i I) CII i ro.MT IA I. -5,r1-1-1 e L.E..s.efr,$o r--.1 .. ii (I E : • . : • ks . _ ......... _. A5 . . _ . . - _ . . - . • • III ii' . III! . . . . III . „,,,,, , um � „II, . ,,; 'I „„,,,,, , iii 111 I; ,:... F,� �■■■ n IIIII r,E� o=ENEIIII 1 u{, =■■■ i ° LI • I P I , mIIII L 1III Z IIIII Z 111 I HMO _ iMM. I .6 • — - - 111• SLOG. 'S EX-MK'DK ELE VATI I.'rKIf5UTio FACILIT'( FOK roe na. lance mueller 6RUGC :JLU A - C . D & assooiearc$architects ala ""•`'d 1'1 �ZEnTTON YYA�jHINGTON 130 Wawa!.•...Me w••n.1.11¢2•eon 325 2553 e.s. no ...i.bn e.•. • f lance mueller & associates PLANNING DIVISION architects CITY OF RENTON MAY 2 5 1990 RECEWED May 244, 1990 Ms. Lenora Blauman CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING DEPT. 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: BRUCE BLUME - SID ELAND DISTRIBUTION PERMIT #7724 Dear Lenora: Please revise Jerry Lind's plan check comments, item #1 to read as follows: 1. An "at risk" fill & grade permit can only be issued when final approval from the hearing examiner is received. This permit can also be issued before the appeal period is complete. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARC TECTS LX :2 Jesse Wm. Johnson JJ:lm cc: Building Department - Jim Hansen Public Works - David Christensen 130 lakeside • suite 250 • seattle,washington 98122 • 208/325-2553 • fax: [208]328-0554 lanes mueller ale,cal • senior associates:robert olscheweky,eileen furney associate.:robert fadden,michael galbralth,richard herniah,robert wells a weshington corporation furnishing architectural services by and under the supervision of registered architects jmETNo Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle,WA 98104-1598 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 2 4 1990 May 23 , 1990 RECEIVED Environmental Review Committee . Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Current Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Determination of Nonsignificance File No. : ECF; SA-112-89 Blume Distribution Facilities Dear Environmental Review Committee: Attached for your information is a copy of the comment letter sent by Metro staff to the applicant of the above referenced proposal. Sincerely, Gregory M. Bush, Manager Environmental Compliance Division GMB:lam5257 Attachment t _J May 2, 1990 pLANNlNG DlVI CITY OF Slp� REAITON Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. MAY 2 4 1990 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 �9 � ��® ! Attention: Bob Roed Dear Mr. Roed: ' Distribution Facility for Bruce Blume Co. The Municipality has reviewed the design drawings submitted by your office for the subject project. We offer these comments at ' this time. 1. Pursuant to Metro's utility easement for the ETS pipeline on subject property, the property owner may utilize the easement area to install the storm sewer and waterline. However, in the event Metro must remove, replace, or relocate the storm and water lines in order to maintain, remove or replace the ETS pipeline, those costs pertaining to the storm and waterlines must be borne by the owner of the storm and waterlines. 2 . The storm and waterlines installed in the Metro utility easement shall conform to the guidelines set by the City of Renton. 3 . The building's foundation footing shall be kept out of Metro's easement. 4 . Please limit the use of heavy equipment over the ETS pipeline. 5. Contact the undersigned of Metro's Facilities Engineering Division at 684-1291 a minimum of 72 hours prior to commen- cing construction in order to allow staff time to arrange having a Metro inspector on site during construction. ' V trul o r • / r ichard H. utney Senior Facility Inspector • RHP:ae cc: Matt Harris - 112 5RP0104 AMINE`> :i::::::::.::>::>:.::::::::>::>:: <:: :<:; ::<:>:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::�::: :::: :: :: ..:::::::.:..::.::.::.:::::: :. : .:.:...::::.: . . :ARINCr :::>::s:::!::!:!:.•::!::!:.:::..:::::!::..'.::::...:'.::::.:':::.:::::!...:.1.:'::::.:::::::;:.::.:::::.:::!::.::::::.:::::::':.•::;::;....!:::•':.::::::::!::::::::::::::::..::..i.•.::!::::::i..:::::::!::!:..:::!.::1:.:::::.!:.!:.:!::.:!:::..:::;:::1:::!::::::::i::> :. s: i::: < :<::� ::: ` �: >;::::: ::.::'.:'...:!.::::::i::.::::::::.::.:...!:::!::::::!.:::::'::::.:!:1•::::::::::::..:;:!;f:.:::.:::..::!::.!•.:::'::::'::::::::.:;::::..•.l:: :::GOMMEN:CXNO.. A`T:>:9:::0.0:W : MA Y: 1 :>::199. ..................................:::::::::::::::::...::. .................. .....:.:.:..... ... ::. :,NI. IP:A. ;::::BUILDDI .G :.,: >:::: :::s::>::: <::CO.:�:N.CIL::C:� AM�:EI�S: ;:S:�CQI�D:::;�LQQ�: �I;ITO.N::;7yf(J .:C.:. . . ::. ::.::::::..:..:.....:.....:................ ...:. ... .�?� Bess z���.:..th o ::: :.}i��:::a ��lica i,o....:s::>fiis:fed:�:ar: �i�ri':or. r:�:o:f:�>a,. .licatoii:n:umb:eT:onl 'ari' ::no.�;::.n.e ... ..:.:......:Y....:..:.::..:.. ::..:.. >:in::winch they<:will:::be:heard:::::.Items:.wil1::be;.called:::fo:r::hearirig:::at:::thee discr:etion::::o.f:::the: Hearing .::...:.. .: .:.....:::..::.;. PROJECT NAME: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROJECT NUMBERS: ECF;SA-112-89 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road. .:...:.......... : . .CIT:Y ,ioki:RN.r.±.0omi i. �< ? �#'• >�> :i,.: �,. �: .. .. ...................................„ .. ..................................... ... . ..... .. ............ • ;:;:::.:CURRENT3s>P :..::: ::.:..::.:.:V:I'''I`�:"`': :<'•:<' :::<.>'::'.::: >: :: Riiiiimi* :;::>: ::::::;::: ....:::::::::::::::::::::::;:::•:::•:...:::..... >:::............::LANNI2rG;.....IV S.ION:.:::.::•:•:::•::.::.;.:•:::. ::•:.:;:•::.:•:•::•»:;•: ........� AVIT .b�':.:5.g..Rv • on 'the . 7 day of , 19 Fe, I . deposited in the mails of ti'fe United States a s aled e velopecontai i g 0 documents . This information was .sent to: • Name Representing • 7: moo!LS4,Z,Z4 • )arvaEs 1,4-ezi PE • - • C&JS.PQT i..2 },v,r►74 ...r 0 4111E5 GrRoPRISaN •Bieuce 824id»e lig dill pa AI Y Sa tD E d; 1 - , . .571.d Clove/ _Tile. P u.L LC_Lz AI d /ic.f/2n • • 4E4/2f/ ,/Ia�/9rra5 $Sfa.t/t, Au,dia.t.174nl. Scaif'4- . n7 dr,Apfie MIA h Ap7'. o la;L d L;4- • �. ROccera 12. a nDUe S,'c€ ELq,,,d Z.ric... • • (Signature of Sender) • ,,i /).2 7 L� J Subscribed and sworn to me this 7, day of 19 qe . . LX9 . 1 Notary -P in and for the Sta e Washington residing at therein. ro ct..:: m ::. ae::>::::::: :: roj ect N:umb.er COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING APPLICANT: Bruce Blume& Company FILE NUMBER: ECF;SA-112-89 LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S.W. A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- a .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Bruce Blume& Company 2. Applicant: Bruce Blume& Company 3. Existing Zoning: M-P,Manufacturing Park 4. Existing Zoning in the Area: M-P, Manufacturing Park;P-1,Public Use; O-P, Office Park 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Manufacturing Park/Multiple Options 6. Size of Property: 15.8 acres (this development only; total site equals 40 acres). 7. Access: Oakesdale Ave.S.W. and Monster Road S.W. 8. Land Use: Vacant land 9. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Vacant land East: Manufacturing Park uses (Container Corporation of America) and the Metro Treatment Plant. South: Metro Treatment Plant West: Fort Dent Park C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action File Ordinance Date Initial annexation --- 4086 9-30-87 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 TTtilititc • PRELIMINARY REPORT'i u IRE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 2 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit:, This site is not served by Metro transit. 4. Schools: N/A. 5. Recreation: Fort Dent Park is immediately west of the subject site. E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-31-25,Manufacturing Park (M-P) District. 2. Section 4-31-33,Site Plan Review. F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Green River Valley Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 31- 50). The subject site is located immediately north of the area defined as the Green River Valley planning area,but the site appears to have many characteristics in common with nearby properties that are inside the Green River Valley planning area. 2. Industrial Goal, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 18-19). 3. Environmental Goal, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs.8-11). 4. Urban Design Goal, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 11-14). G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicant is seeking site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex located on a 16 acre portion of a 40 acre parcel. The now vacant parcel is located in the Green River Valley Area of the City; the site lies within the 100 year floodplain and hosts several wetlands (approximately 4.5 acres of wetland exist on the portion of the site which is to be developed; an additional approximately 1.5 acres of wetland exists on the site outside of the development envelope). The Blume Distribution complex is planned to consist of two discrete structures. Building"A", at 210,300 square feet will include +/- 192,300 square feet of warehouse space, of which approximately 35,300 square feet (+/- 20%) is to be utilized by Container Corporation for storage of cardboard containers and the remaining approximately 157,000 square feet (+/-80%) is to be utilized for storage of alcoholic beverages. The additional +/- 18,000 square feet.of Building"A"will be used for office space. Building "B", at 49,100 square feet, is planned to be used primarily as a warehouse; it will include some office space as well. At present, there is no contracted tenant for this building, so that precise uses and space designations are not new available. The complex will also include a series of preserved/enhanced wetlands, passive and active recreation areas, and parking facilities. 2. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21.C., 1971, as amended), a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated, was issued for the project by the Environmental Review Committee on February, 1990,with conditions#a - th inclusive) PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 v t HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 3 1990. The Determination of Non-Significance was retained by the Committee, with the eight initially required conditions, and with an additional four conditions (#i - #1 inclusive) listed below. a) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number,size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in advance of site plan review. b) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of .99 acres of the wetland and an approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). c) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic'improvements as stipulated by the Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady Way TBZ in the amount of$254,345.65 ($185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off-site improvements plan, including streetlighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and undergrounding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See"Note#B below.) d) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems Division. e) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to 'ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note#1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions#c through#e, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note#2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street,where level of service "E" already e)dsts. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). f) That the applicant: 1) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, 2) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR 3) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. g) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan,in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: 1) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); 2) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and 3) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). . t PRELIMINARY REPORT _ _'HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 4 (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g., elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. h) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: 1) an erosion control plan; 2) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; 3) a plan for wheel- washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; 4) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; 5) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; 6) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and 7) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition,the City requests: a) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in the amount of$5,000.00 to the development of the Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. b) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establish a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail, for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note#A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit application. i) That the applicant provide $4,000.00 as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, subject to the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department. j) That the applicant provide in-kind replacement (and enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the .99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between .55 acre and .99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now-defined Parcel #4. Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City's Landscape Planner and concurrence of the State Department of Wildlife; replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. k) That the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now defined Parcel #4 of the subject property, to ensure that these areas are being properly protected and maintained,with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land,to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for site plan approval. 1) That the applicant, prior to public hearing for site plan approval, in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system, obtain from METRO, approval of construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO access to maintain and repair the sewer line, subject to approval by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. 3. Various City departments have reviewed and commented on the proposal, as revised. The majority of staff reviewers recommended approval of the proposed warehouse/office complex with conditions. Staff comments are attached; the content of these comments has been addressed in the text of the report. Ii PRELIMINARY REPORT',.1HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 5 4. SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA - Section 4-31-25 (D,1) lists ten criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider along with all other relevant information in making a decision on a Site Plan Approval application. These include the following: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan,its elements and policies; The proposed warehouse/office complex is permitted under the Comprehensive Plan Map designation for Manufacturing Park/Multiple Options on this site. The planned/recommended development is generally compatible with Comprehensive Plan elements established for Industrial Uses, such as Objective VIA. calling for creation of viable industrial areas; Policy VIA.1. calling for developments to be compatible with adjacent land uses; and Policy VIA.3. calling for industrial developments to be accessible to major transportation corridors. Similarly, this complex is generally compatible with Plan elements established for Urban Design, including Policy IIIA.3. which calls for vacant land surrounded by developed land to be given priority for development;Policy III.C.1.which calls for landscaping to enhance structures, parking lots and property boundaries; Policy III.C.3. which calls for landscaping buffers between use areas; Policy III.C.5. which calls for landscaping and maintenance of planting strips along the public right-of-way; and Policy III.C.6. which calls for common landscaping themes within an area. Finally, the proposed/recommended development addresses Comprehensive Plan Environmental Elements, including those calling for protection of open space (I.C.), preservation/enhancement of wildlife habitats (I.D.), retention of native vegetation (I.E.), enhancement of natural resources (I.G. - Surface Drainage Objective, I.H. Waterbodies Objective, and I.J. Marshes, Bogs and Swamps Objective), and protection of flood plains (I.I.). b. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The proposed complex, including structures, and attendant landscaping, wetland enhancement areas, recreation areas, parking facilities and access routes, essentially addresses standards for Manufacturing Park uses (4-31-25), for Landscaping (4-31- 34), and for Parking and Loading (4-14). Minor modifications to plans may be necessary to achieve full compliance with the Site Plan Review Ordinance (4-31-33). Staff note that, at present, all components of the proposed complex are located on a single parcel. However, the proponent has applied, in a separate action, to segregate the 40 acre property into four discrete parcels (*). Assuming successful segregation, Building "A" would be located on a new Parcel #2 and Building "B" would be located on a new Parcel #4. In order to achieve compliance with City code, with segregation, each portion of the complex has been generally designed so that the majority of City development standards are achieved for the discrete parcels (e.g. setbacks, parking facilities, landscaping). In the event that segregation does occur, there would be a need to provide an access easement to Parcel#4 from Parcel #2. Additionally, an agreement would be necessary to ensure appropriate responsibility for/maintenance of wetland areas which transcend parcel boundaries. (Lots#1 and#3 would be accessible from Monster Road.) (*) Because the proposed parcels are each designed to be greater than five acres, the proposed subdivision may be processed directly by King County, based upon County and City regulations. Although, this action is exempt from a requirement for consideration/approval by the City of Renton, the segregation application is currently being reviewed by the City for accuracy of legal description and for technical compliance with appropriate City regulations. c. Mitigation of impact to surrounding properties and uses; Potential impacts to surrounding properties have been identified by staff with respect to aesthetics,land use, natural environment, traffic circulation (G.4.f), noise, light and glare (G.4.h), and public services (G.4.i). The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated on February 18, 1990, amended on April 11, 1990, with conditions developed to address the above-defined impacts (see G.2.) as they would affect PRELIMINARY REPORT'iu fHE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 6 nearby properties. Similarly, conditions which may be established in conjunction with this site plan review are intended to mitigate areal impacts from the proposed development. (1) Land Use/Aesthetics The Green River Valley Area Plan calls for the development of industrial uses, such as the proposed warehouse/office complex, in this section of the community. Proximity of similar, compatible uses and accessibility to major thoroughfares also enhance the appropriateness of the site for the planned industrial use. The proposed development includes two individual structures which are generally similar in purpose and scale to nearby industrial developments. Proposed/recommended architectural features (e.g. structural design, multi- colored concrete finishing materials, window treatment), setbacks, and improvements, such as landscaping, also serve to enhance compatibility of this use with nearby office park complexes, such as Washington Technical Center, and provide a pleasant vista for commuters using adjacent roadways and visitors to nearby Fort Dent Park. Exterior lighting is generally appropriate in design,location and scale. Some modifications to this plan will be recommended to adequately illuminate the site while mitigating impacts to nearby properties (e.g. right-of-way, neighboring land uses). Proposed sign locations for the complex are generally acceptable; some modifications may be required to provide adequate information if segregation is achieved and/or to accommodate specific developments in Building "B". Such plans should be approved by the City. (2) Natural Environment As noted previously in this report, the subject property is located in a 100 year floodplain includes sizeable wetland areas. Structures on this site must be located above the underlying 100 year floodplain and improved with containment systems/storm water management systems so that any damage from flooding or accidental spills of warehoused materials will be confined to the subject property, thereby minimizing impacts upon nearby private and public properties. Upland (dryland) planting plans have been designed to be coordinated with those used on neighboring properties, and to be compatible with wetland landscaping. Minor modifications may be suggested to the upland landscaping plans, so that size and number of plantings are more appropriate to their various locations on the site. d. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses, Potential impacts to the site have similarly been identified by staff with respect to aesthetics, land use, natural environment, traffic circulation (G.4.f), noise, light and glare (G.4.h), and public services (G.4.i). The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated on February 18, 1990, amended on April 11, 1990, with conditions developed to address the above-defined impacts (see G.2.) as they would affect the subject property. Similarly, conditions which may be established in conjunction with this site plan review are intended to mitigate on-site impacts. (1) Land Use/Aesthetic The subject site appears to be appropriate for the proposed development. For example, the size and terrain of the site is suitable to support the planned (or recommended) warehouse/office complex, and to accommodate service areas,recreational amenities and a large enhanced wetland. The proponent's proposed site plan includes structures which are of a large size, but which are consistent in architectural theme and scale with one . PRELIMINARY REPORT T -HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 7 another, and which are well-separated on the site, to provide some sense of open space. Design features-- such as building orientation, window location -- are intended to provide a functional, reasonably attractive working environment. Upland (dryland) landscaping, and active/passive recreation areas are planned and/or will be recommended to further improve the attractiveness of the site. Finally, the planned view points from which the enhanced wetlands can be observed provide an unusual and desirable visual amenity as well. Modifications may be recommended to the exterior lighting plan to improve illumination to improve safety and attractiveness of the site for employees and visitors, and for fauna feeding at the on-site wetlands. (2) Natural Environment The applicant will be taking particular mitigating measures for filling, protection, and enhancement of existing wetlands, as well as creating new wetlands on site. Specifically, the applicant will be filling less than one acre of wetland on this property, under proposed Building "A" (potential future Lot#2), and will be providing replacement wetlands for that filled portion by adding to existing wetlands southwest of Building "B" (potential future Lot #4). Additionally, the remaining wetlands between Buildings "A" and "B" and the existing/augmented wetlands southwest of Building "B" will be enhanced with new wetland plantings, ponds, and biofiltering swales in an effort to provide appropriate storm drainage management systems for the site and to ensure a continuing hospitable habitat for native flora and fauna (e.g. Great Blue Heron and red-tailed hawks nest near the property, and bald eagles have been occasionally sighted in the area). e. Conservation of area-wide property values; The proposed development is not expected to have a negative impact on property values since the industrial complex will be: 1) utilizing properties which are now vacant; 2) located in an area in which such uses are generally appropriate and desirable; 3) designed to be compatible with one another, as well as with developments on neighboring residential and commercial properties; and 4) planned to be compatible in form and function to the adjacent Monster Road/Oakesdale corridor. Finally, in conjunction with this development, the proponent will be enhancing the naturally occurring and augmented wetlands on the site. f. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; The proposed industrial warehouse complex, when fully developed, is anticipated to generate approximately 1410 ADWVTE (including truck transfers, employee trips, and visiting vendors). Traffic impacts from this development may be considerable, however, staff believe that mitigation can be adequately achieved through measures established by the Environmental Review Committee through direct regional improvements or by contribution to the Grady Way Transportation Benefit District, through payment of assessed fees for improvements to the Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection (slated for 1991-1993), through the development of a TMP, and through Code stipulated on-site and off-site improvements (e.g. ingress/egress points, curbs, sidewalks,gutters, street lighting). g. Provision of adequate light and air; The warehouse/office complex has been proposed/recommended to be generally designed and sited so that structures are generally well-separated from one another and/or are oriented to provide a functional working environment,with good light and air circulation, and attractive view corridors. Similarly, structures are adequately distant from site boundaries to protect air and light circulation on nearby properties. Finally, the development has been designed so that structures are sufficiently separated to allow for adequate light, air and open space to accommodate flora and fauna living in and/or feeding at those wetlands. II PRELIMINARY REPORT'i v i HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 8 h. Mitigation of noise, odors,and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; The proposed warehouse/office facility is anticipated to generate some noise, odor (e.g. fuel oils), and, perhaps, transitory air pollution, by virtue of planned stocking/storage and trucking transport activities. Because the project is similar in type and scope to neighboring uses, and because the Blume Distribution Center is generally planned so that structures, truck loading/circulation systems, employee parking, and other features are well-coordinated with abutting industrial and office uses,those impacts are not anticipated to be significant to nearby sites. The distance between the site and nearby Fort Dent Park is anticipated to limit impacts to that recreation area. In order to protect the wetland area (and the fauna living and/or feeding here), the proponent has designed the complex to orient employee working areas and trucking activity areas away from the wetlands.Additionally, plantings are designed to provide a visual buffer between the structures and the wetland habitat area to protect resident and visiting fauna. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; and Public services and public utilities are generally available to serve the site, with improvements recommended in the Determination of Non-Significance (See G.2.), together with a combination of standard improvements required by regulation and special improvements required as a result of specific site characteristics. For example, Police Department resources and Fire Department resources are adequate to serve the proposed complex, with appropriate accesses, signage, building identification,illumination and standard improvements. Note is made of the fact that area water flow for fire service is not adequate, as it is, to serve the development as designed. The applicant is working with the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department to either increase water flow to the site, or to improve the interior of the structures (e.g. an increased number of fire walls) so that adequate fire control systems can be achieved within existing Uniform Fire Code regulations. Public recreation areas do exist in the area (e.g. Fort Dent Park) and the City of Renton does plan to extend the Master Trails Plan in the vicinity of the site. The applicant has been asked to voluntarily contribute to the Master Trails Plan, through the provision of access to the Trail through this site for project employees. Water mains and sanitary sewer lines are currently available to serve the site with appropriate connections/system improvement fees. Storm water management systems can be achieved appropriately for the site, with special measures established in conjunction with environmental review(See G.2.), and subject to approval by the Public Works Department. These measures (e.g. 100 year/7 day detention, biofiltration) are designed to address terrain features (e.g. wetlands, floodplains) and to ensure the preservation/enhancement of the subject property as well as protection of neighboring parcels. For example, the wetlands, surrounded with filtration swales, will serve as a major storm water detention area, a habitat area, and a passive recreational amenity for employees. Street improvements, including off-site adjacent sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street lighting, will also be required to be installed by the developer, as mandated by Code, with plans to be approved by the Public Works Department. j. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. Staff view this development as having a positive impact in the Valley. This warehouse/office complex should be compatible with nearby industrial, office and public service developments. The wetlands enhancement program provided by the proponent should serve as a model for similar amenities in this area. Employees may help to support nearby commercial enterprises (restaurants, personal services) and public facilities (e.g.Fort Dent Park). PRELIMINARY REPORT'I HE HEARING EXAMINER Blume Distribution Facility PUBLIC HEARING May 15, 1990 Page 9 H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend that the Hearing Examiner determine in favor of the Blume Distribution Company application (File # SA 112-89) for site plan approval for the proposed warehouse/office complex, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant comply with all conditions established in the Determination of Non- Significance as issued on February 18, 1990 and as amended on April 11, 1990. 2. That the applicant provide a revised exterior lighting plan which increases pedestrian-scaled illumination fixtures in the parking areas and which directs that lighting away from the wetland areas to protect the wildlife habitat. This plan is to be approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. 3. That the applicant agree to submit a revised signage plan, in advance of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for Building "B", to ensure that signage is adequate to serve both portions of the development and is consistent with Sign Code requirements.This plan is to be approved by the Planning Division. 4. That the applicant submit final upland (dryland) landscape plans which delineate type,number and size of plantings which have been approved by the City's Landscape Planner, based upon amendments to draft plans submitted on May 4, 1990,by no later than the May 15, 1990 public hearing for this project. 5. That the applicant install all upland (dryland) landscaping on this site in conjunction with the construction of, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for, the first structure to be installed on the property as a whole, or any parcel thereof. 6. That the applicant develop and improve all wetland areas, as stipulated by the Determinations of Non-Significance of February 18, 1990 and April 11, 1990, in conjunction with the construction of, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for, the first structure to be installed on the property as a whole, or any parcel thereof. 7. That the applicant provide a landscaping maintenance bond in the amount of$3,000.00 for the upland (dryland) landscaping, to be approved by the City Attorney, to be valid for a period of three(3) years from the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the first structure in this complex to be occupied. 8. That the applicant provide a landscaping maintenance bond in the amount of $6,000.00 for wetlands plantings, to be approved by the City Attorney, to be valid for a period of five (5) years from the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the first structure in this complex to be occupied. 9. That the applicant provide a restrictive covenant to be valid for the life of any or all components of the project, assigning responsibility for protection of each and all of the wetlands areas on the entire parcel in the event of segregation and/or sale of any or all of the subject property(ies). This document is to be approved by the City Attorney, and duly recorded with King County. • ,'Z'"�1' I A 12.. wnw.� _f l 19 18 • • M. :; ►'� -�i \\ Zo F P U D —l I I— • a�,`+�y� • • c. 7:2 il •...; ' 'a 3 ' ' • \ • fi} "'•,`'�`"Z:': ABANDONED '-4. . . I p I. �;, 7 • ). . • .• _ .7-- _..... 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Greenbelt ,...i.s. r: ,.-E,•,; ,'.1...,,•• ._-_-_-_-_- .-_-_--_- Manufacturing Park • --,!--.-‘-. . \ -';-.:•• i. •1 s. . . • CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO (S) : SA-112-89 PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME PROJECT NAME: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Community Development Department Current Planning Division The Environmental Review Committee, on April 11, 1990 , reviewed the revised application for the above referenced project. Based upon their review of the submitted comments and staff input, the Committee reaffirmed their decision to issue a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated. As a result of their review, the Committee did retain Conditions #1 through #8 of the Deteziuination and added four new conditions . The additional conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . Existing and added conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process . This Determination is final and may be appealed to the City' s Hearing Examiner no later than 5 : 00 p.m. on April 30, 1990 . Any appeal of this decision must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75 . 00 filing fee. Responsible Official : Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Current Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: April 16 1990 DATE OF DECISION: April 11, 1990 SIGNATURES : Kenneth E . ZLy rPcf n . Communit 6evelopment Department Lynn . Guttmann, Director PublVc Works Department DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS : On April 11, 1990 , the Environmental Review Committee issued a Revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated to include each of the eight (8) conditions attached, plus four (4) new conditions as follows : 9) That the applicant provide $4 , 000 . 00 as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, subject to the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department. . 10) That the applicant provide in-kind replacement (and enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the . 99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between . 55 acre and . 99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now-defined Parcel #4 . Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City's Landscape Planner and concurrence of the State Department of Wildlife; replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11) That the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now defined Parcel #4 of the subject property, to ensure that these areas are being properly protected and maintained, with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land, to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for site plan approval . 12) That the applicant, prior to public hearing for site plan approval , in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system, obtain from METRO approval of construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO access to maintain and repair the sewer line, subject to approval by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES • PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will • be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: Natural Environment: 1) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number, size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in advance of site plan review. Earth: 2) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of .99 acres of.the wetland and an approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). Traffic: 3) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic improvements as stipulated by the-Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady Way TBZ in the amount of $254,345.65 • ($185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off- site improvements plan, including streetlighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and undergro•unding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See "Note #B below) Traffic: 4) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems Division. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and • Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site - preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional • traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to • participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). • Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the 'project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED • MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY • PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. • RECOMMENDATIONS: The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: Natural Environment: • 1) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number; size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in advance of site plan review. Earth: 2) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of .99 acres of the wetland and an.approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). Traffic: 3) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic improvements as stipulated by the Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady Way TBZ in the amount of S254,345.65 • (S 185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off- site improvements plan, including ,streetlighting, curbs, sidewalks., gutters and undergrounding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See "Note #B below) Traffic: 4) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems • Division. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the development.) • (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby • intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state • highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the . municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire- Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) .biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 • day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise Light/Glare/Traffic 8) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: a) an erosion control plan; b) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; c) a plan for wheel-washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; d) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; e) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; f) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and, g) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition the City requests: .Recreation: 1) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in • the amount of $5,000.00 to the development of the Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. 2) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establish a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail., for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note #A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit application. • mmdoc • • • • • • • • O'.It''M11 ETYP^Y 6MLL yl , / LEGEND __ 'v��) cI)ll•� i' • _ ' ' ''1� �.� __ � �� .� I ` PRDPDSEO WILX NCt LINE �JlJ!i 1 yyy�IilliI 'I.t,\•_,A"'S�TE- g I 1�t yaf �,.��{ II • 1.7 ° \\ EXIST.CONTOUR - /6�_i .t1`}� ����) ✓ M �[v c� A11 c 1.o- .'1++� D" .•.V i:/ \ / rROPO5G0 coNTOUR �— ,,N. 1 !.� lt...r.... 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Y 0. ra / 4.-- -,, • , ,• . ,, )ea* .I' • ! . /0) 11 I • , Gli o P..20. - . ,. . . :_.'../ SEE SHEET X10.C-4!I ,:-..,2; ' 11:1 .--;, ! - 1 .3gE i,si-tea-/- No. C-5 WI ' • . 1 - -,...".-.1 -E.;V••-...1..77=---Cr.".€I. 7. , ! 1 ..-F...-.-:.:T.',=..--:-..-• rj.„:„.-L..-E.r.,..ri..F.--7 #1:41=I:4: •.-.4.7...FT.F1---.. rz--r.....-,--:---..._%---r..7.:76, I ; I . . i I I I . INNII .' 141::•'" •. Una' .....-•=.......... ii . v-...,---- • volehll coo iiii..----rxr-2iF::7.....1:::: IIIINISA. ----- , FILL ..,.........._ 1 I .„=mk ''''''H,_ir"- 13:0„lzhIli I ..., . Dili(' 1.1111nRe .!: '2,`k... ;, ..::!:-.r."- iNiiiiliiiril . -: "MELO& IELMMil! . A SlAN114" it r,E.- I . CROSS(NJ x FL)VERTICAL TAPPING TEE L VALVE 2- BLIND FLANGES ONE TAPPED 2- 1-PLUG Wart TEmP CROSS DU x FL)VERTICAL r PLUG I•m.m-- C.i_.IT _......................... -:•-.-..... -.51.-..1r.:.r.'..... ------•-• I I . . ..........94........__ ' r„,,..•,...2:4 2-CORP STOP BLOWOFF ASSY 2-BLIND FLANGES ONE TAPPED r PLUG W/TEMP.80 ASSY ...— r.•'.'"--4''''''"'Orr:77r. F...42.•,,F.:..---:::. r PLUG BLOCK AS REQUIRED 2-CORP STOP BLOCK AS REQUIRED ...7,17-........1...- - EL...."7-.:-..n. In 1"--:Y-i•E Erigiir:: . rat=tr.t. BEFORE BEFORE ,• DETAIL.FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY cr ce iii 0 • :14:' .1 DI+41011 e k— • , t.--.-......-..:,-;,..F.,, .-... -[.-'2,).- , Irr-077--.=7*--- 7.1.-...—---.. Alai il AFTER PRESSURE AND PURITY iI Z Z- ill ' AFTER PRESSURE AND PURITY REMOVE EXISTING BLOCKING I Q . CONNECT TO TAPPING VALVE W/ CONNECT TO EXIST WI .1 fillq . •,- NIPPLES NIPPLEISI . .. / .-^- -,--, * k • .1 gill,. ....h,11.- ,A1' ---- SOLID SLEEVE(LP' ' SOLID SLEEVE ILP) ' 'iSieL7,41..1.$1:772.7.:17. • . ;-.4...... S ---- 10 mli 11Eil1 . ... DETAIL,WATER CONNECTION TYPE II DETAIL WATER CONNECTION TYPE IV i 1 jillail '' .t< 1 E-PrZ1 - Exa vtnr *ell;il I ... •••=0,40:10t0 ... ..= i!t.., • 0 0 0 0 0 0 =Lir k 0 10 DETECTOR DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY . .7=1:1....-... I-V2"B 2"WATER SERVICE DETAIL ---... ....... 6"STANDPIPE W/4-2-1/2"NOZZLE ' O.L.M. CROSS CONNECTION-BACKFLOW PROTECTION ASSEMBLY • 40_0 G.,,,.. ...... ,... • rt. , ..20' 3-2/-90 .-1,,rE:REC.To..,M,GR0.1.04E, • 0100 SLIT C-1.FOB 0RECKE 0.0.00ES. ,I 0y°a,',, CALL 48 HOURS •...., •_;,..i.,_......• BEFoRE you(G 8.7246.04 . 1,;,, , , 441,1l,OSW 1-800474-5555 „...c_G. . 8 • . , . . • • _ . . . , 4 .. , - SEE SHEET NO.C-G R ; • • • a b - / %LL ^ ` I I I u I ` I � II ;D i I IQ out r °� --,_'. — I --1_.JI / � 4 E (D 1 r • 0 , kil { t �_ �� / En 0 , &1 I I cIc _ �Ll I{/ ? .p41J( /�� �/ I /pLJ =J�• .,p�I e�, 14 /-!2•r IC'T PI/Ni]£7�T1IUU V> ,. f 'y -�I, J =_��'��� / %I 1 36 W 1-IZ'TAP'/Nfj Cf/(/LIM1) —7 I 1 II I. ' i Y/ ' V. 1 Cif IP ,- /_ow.C.GLK.INtj =try 2 I / '�� u `Yr$I _ I OE'TArLATPR COHNCCTION V r y. ]yPEII SMT.Lb) Z v 2.., ti jo. k.,,,,_,-\„%ria 0 2 5. 1 rI I IU r" hf °ILI LL �--� I I I C II I ,���I It II, z I/ 1i GitF / I " I )-1,I ' BUJ LD J ��l r 230LF /Z"Qe.o CL.SL r 1, wa6t.9t.a4L(u_¢:a-c�\ i '` i I-1- j/ __ ._ ;p �` •�I .'/ r�I ... . - r):Jf� ml ... IS•Es/,r(,v>) ._. --._. I m . I11 { _--- �� \ 1 ' Y///, •/" , , , =/// •/, =/;// •//.-/// /,'/ / - . '/. ,-//- //" '/ , /;/;//! I i _�~� — ate of Y t°� ��- .". .•• y _— l ,'Il ,l .`% .p e ' l'.'i �AC 0 0 W • • T�r1 Et<.t8- I e � --- —_-- "&s/== T=7J'_� —__ — _____— —,fib' e ---- - J — ems .— Pe�x raxr. rf. J —_ _ -C... ___��_ ` _ Ie I / '�� $ i I / W J SLPy • r s% l � �rvo �. ,� L o ct ----- y < I _-__1 430LF_../2. /.v. GL SZ 2 .1 O a Iii / 1 *_:; fP K FFGv/Rfta•�o5 /5'ESA,:(WA?) N2 J J h I-12•TEC(FL //. Ti3 Z.' (� /*W Q' l Bust'FOC.CL V QO? �- �'''°'� C V� -__.-_-L. N rlb� -- . I % 6 hit !4 a.-.. .. • Z.ya•4a 1\ k/-\ 1 1 I� CALL 48 HOURS ���co 3-21-90 • \ I.�� I BEFORE YOU DIG evg46°4 1-80.0.424.5555 REP N COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'L__ARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 2F-112-89 APPLICATION NO (S) . : SA 112-89' PROPONENT: Bruce. Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures , parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant *and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S .W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/2.9/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU D 'Transportation Services Division t J POLICE DEPARTMENT LS E rRoda COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION DEC 11 4 1989 PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE • s LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: --(- atn5 - - M APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED More information needed per attachment. • • • • DATE �.Z 2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZE REP RESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 • Blume Distribution Facility SA-112-89 601 Monster Road SW 1. The proposed development is located in the Grady Way Corridor Transportation Benefit Zone. Therefore there is a transportation impact assessment fee as follows: Building A a) Warehouse space - 269 , 000 sq. ft. Trip rate 4 . 882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185. 00 269 , 000 X 4 . 882/1000 = 1313 . 26 trips 1313 . 26 trips X $ 185 . 00/trip = $ 242 , 953 . 10 b) Office space - 18 , 000 sq. ft. Trip rate 22 . 77 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 152 . 00 18 , 000 X 22 . 77/1000 = 409 . 93 trips 409 . 93 trips X $ 152 . 00/trip = $ 62 , 309 . 36 $ 242 , 953 . 10 + $ 62 , 309 . 36 = $ 305 , 262 . 46 Total fee for Bldg. A Building B Warehouse space - 49 , 100 sq. ft. Trip rate 4 . 882 trips per 1000 sq. ft. Cost per trip $ 185. 00 49 , 100 X 4 . 882/1000 = 239 . 71 trips 239 . 71 trips X $ 185 . 00/trip = $ 44 , 345 . 65 $ 44 , 345 . 65 Total fee for Bldg. B Summary for Item 1: Building A $305, 262 . 46 Building B • $ 44 , 345 . 65 Grand Total Bldg. A & B $349 , 608 . 11 2 . Truck hauling hours restricted during AM and PM peak hours : a) AM peak hour 7 to 8 : 30 AM b) PM peak hour 3 : 30 to 6 PM 3 . Bonding for street cleaning required. Recommend $ 5, 000. 00 minimum amount. (Estimated minimum truck trips for fill only 9 , 900 trips) . 4 . Traffic impact study required per transportation systems guideline. Guidelines are available in the City's Traffic Engineering office. 5,. Curb, gutters and sidewalk plans required. In addition, street improvement plans on Oakesdale Ave SW for off-site improvement. 6 . Provide street lighting plans to City standards for Oakesdale Ave SW as part of off-site improvements. Street light plans to extend the length of property frontage to Oakesdale Ave SW. 7 . Developer required to initiate undergrounding of the overhead electrical and communication conductors (power & telephone) abutting to Oakesdale Ave SW property frontage (also called main distribution system for power & telephone) . 8 . Proper sight distances for all driveways must be confirmed by a licensed engineer. Must meet AASHTD standards Driveway width 30 feet passenger vehicle usage Driveway width 40 feet large truck usage 9 . Throat of driveway to be designed for high volume of traffic entering and exiting. Driveway designed to meet ITE standards. Detailed driveway drawing required showing throat distances, curb radius and proposed turning lanes from Oakes.dale Ave SW. Note: Oakesdale Ave SW will be relatively high speed and high volume when fully developed.. This should be considered when designing driveways. 10 . Developer to establish a commuter information center for transit service, ride match service, and van pools . • • • • RENT :OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE1 £MENT uEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO (S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse)office complex, including two structures , parking . and service areas , landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- a . 99. acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S .W. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT XOTHERS : SlofillWAter v41 COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING) THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Drm - Vtf lory APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS !( NOT APPROVED Or\-Sfe " cd-r.,,`Feon r�� �l () l�C. it0—a / In/ I�t (0-7c , h4- • (D `eur des �y� r�Ce�s� 7Y in/ F 4c-,( by usm.) 11-4 SGS hrilY,yrof117 mom/ d� Whev Prt.d ote. Jot C(4u/s �1iIGi�G�i i4) v?(oc J ws iN 4.--h2 GAs-e . 0 F a Z d�Sr` Yl cS�Irm , Ah ad°9uwk- 7(6h'1(ov r Eros, or/Scd,✓t a,� 75I 1.�y, y � Cur al Oat wI 11 b€ 1r IUlf-4 7-1)4- (00` of ((ooJ )4 4- ) e Shbw� '44 W CCe-05 A( Pr✓'{ AA' o-1 k-/. eon v vlls) ?1 - r 't DATE I Z zolg� SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR R AUTHO IZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: December 19, 1989 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner FROM: Kim Scattarella, Stormwater Engineering Specialist SUBJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY REVIEW COMMENTS The following items need to be addressed on Environmental Review prior to site plan approval; 1) Biofiltration needs to included on the the Stormwater Drainage Plan. Their plan shows three Baffled Oil/Water separators that all discharge into the wetland. The verbal agreement at the meeting was for them to use biofiltration swales for stormwater prior to it entering the wetlands. The swales must have a depth of less than 2 inches, and a velocity of less than 1.5 ft./sec. in a 2 year design storm. Baffled oil/water separators are not needed, as long as there is a Type II Catch Basin ,with a Frop-T type restrictor to mitigate any possible spills. 2) A soils report needs to accompany the next submittal to examine the fill characteristics, and the soils characteristics of the surrounding area. 3) The area of fill for the wetlands on-site must not exceed one acre. The City and the Corps of Engineers will monitor the area of the fill on this site. cc: Dick Anderson TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIE NG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN • WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNIn DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON . • • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: � �P.Y U+, 1 dhes . APPROVED APPROVED. WITH CONDITIONS x NOT APPROVEL ADIJJ=.-clwJa6-- N E • V L f << l 1,1> V ✓ `-` ice(�v f�� DATE f /. 9 /( 7-9 SI N T RE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE / REV. 6/88 • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: PVA /.2 /.L/T'!, 5 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS X, NOT APPROVED '(E�e PrelirninarT Tire redui rem MI' for +he rroposed development ig 8, 500 GSM a)& //eleVu min cci by 'Kenton fire Dept . 'ih Ex is�inc�. Ci-Y LaYecmain s'.{stern GAtNtioT Provide le a4ave, (P\lcui{e IIYPi RoH U�-I. l�le WaYI if/ �in�✓. `Der)`Der) (e,commends �'hafi a.Lle�naYo cansYruchon met-hods and the insk Lla) b� un GlutomahL ci{c/ Sprini'zle✓ s,csVern be usct cel the rectuired i�� -CtoLAJ c,,,a A OW AnaIlp;s rnusY 1x, ,su�milrek • 'for rcVieuu �tv assuf& f V �h� e)ci5)inc,� 1.�1aYerma.�1). s sYCn and 42., pra Fos Qd .waYc7mai n lm1r6vemen}'s• ca.h rrw f acd ClY2 -low dema 1 ,{}tc sul,; AcVe, o rr1 end. '(lle MaYiitrna.iv) Imrouemenls Furls rn4 car orm }onYon 6pC Ck��S u���t 1 X EE Sanda.a.s ��kloe✓ óC hiv 1/4fl (12 DATE 2"Z841 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 5nC&r 1 or Z IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIR( ENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE :OBABLE MORE MINOR __iJOR INFORMATION . IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1. Earth • . ° 2 . Air • • ° ° ° ° 3 . Water ° ° o ° 4 . Plants ° ° o ° ° 5 . Animals ° 6 . Energy & Natural Resources ° 67 . Environmental Health ° ° • 8 . Land & Shoreline Use • ° ° ° ° ° • 9 . Housing ° 10 . Aesthetics 0 o ° ° 11. Light & Glare ° 12 . Recreation X ° • ° ° ° 13 . historic & Cultural Preservation ° • ° ° ° ° 14 . Transportation • ° • ° ° • ° ° 15 . Public Services ° • ° O O 16 . Utilities 0 parks 9v rC- -ham,N . �� , COMMENTS : /i t4, _ /a/L GLI ...44 t 44 1-0 . il-rv_4...<' jt_g_e_.e.L-31 4.--:,1,4 . ad-.4(4- 2. ....., (......, 6-4 ya�%6 .Gi-k. 4-0}-�-, r°��-4-4-u a�-.-:� .�� ��P / 2 e"p , 'r /y:VLr.�'c''fi! ' 'mid ' W -12�< L, ,....,0erL/'1-6-- t. reviewed i We have this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal . • • -2 /-2 2 . ignature of Director o Authorized Representative Date! Rev. 6/88 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: �,(�j L'1-DL APPROVED ?< APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED • N; 'ID LA. 1L.D icy L: C.c:`Y.p . (-.IG=Cl-G D6--,J • j / 4 / DATE SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR'OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE i-,-- REV. 6/88 TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDT"ED HEARING DATE: UTILITI ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION • • PLANNING DIVISION SHORT RANGE. 1/ LONG RANGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Lek tsar APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ,V NOT APPROVED T2oa,,o-r is I A.M.ok.m sr 'ir 11-41, 114e Alt R AO Ju AL_ R) L-1 t 10 tf)(L .nL+Lr Plzarecm 0.0 DF 1,0tip 4l Fe- 1464317)so^s kuro ct9 fzcud- rj s I+� Vs- COMP Pi , . u-►�� CO .. I Ale.rze- w J?bS IS is..1oT- Ac creibrpeL 4 Nmi ' S l - wasi‘a l i 6 AsJc.b aE-- /uae5'rl tA►N1M Iles cvL An,db i . ,�:✓) ,,,� ...,. DATE i L i SIGNATUR OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED. REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: fcA(c_c__, APPROVED ✓ . APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED PiC41) Nov vt.cc1 - P cu✓�c cJ owe t� Ua\ h 9K-"h cd— Le) ,�� • r . ( DATE SIGNATURE OF REC 0 OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 RE )N COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _-PARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NO (S) . : SA 112-89 PROPONENT: Bruce Blume & Co. 'PROJECT TITLE: Blume Distribution Facility BRIEF. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There ' is a wetland on the site -- a . 99 acre portion is. proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned . for Manufacturing Park use. LOCATION: 601 Monster Road S .W. • TO: • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED TAC DATE: 12/29/89 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION;` . K SHORT RANGE LONG RANGE • PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • • OTHERS: -- COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON it REVIEWING DEPARTMENT DIVISION: SA-1 `''"f ' II ` l N APPROVED ',I_APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED iU 'J�� f:�� 'f i j 'U 1��) � v Iv ,ry I' r I`j 11 I I i I•� f �. i FLU j r=“',t.I N''ot 1, ;,l II)64 `i�I,r r 13 r - - DATE _'- -0 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REV. 6/88 v3Ac:K=, J ILC1 i�t.Lc R. /OucT Div oF .LJt ,ST 11v ,iJ Si4-112.-8� y .. CIT OF RENTON Community Development Department Earl Clymer, Mayor Kenneth E.Nyberg,Director May 22, 1990 Arthur L. Hitchings Bush Road and Hitchings, Inc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, WA 98101 RE: Proposed Four Lot Segregation - Blume Distribution 601 Monster Road Southwest Dear Mr. Hitchings: We have reviewed your proposal to segregate the Blume Distribution property into four (4) parcels. We have discussed this with the City Attorney and have no objections to the proposed segregation as shown on the attached map. Our Engineering Department has checked the legal descriptions for the new parcels and also has found that they close. Finally, we would like copies of the recorded documents, of the segregation, for our files. erely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning DKE:kac cc: James Garrison 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 „ CITY OF RENTON ma COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division May 16, 1990 Mr. Bill Leonard Department of Ecology Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia Washington 98504 RE: Blume Distribution (ECF; SA; 112-89) Dear Mr. Leonard: I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation of May 14 , 1990 regarding the Department of Ecology's concerns about the adequacy of wetlands delineation/mitigation for the above referenced project (reported in your letter of May 10, 1990) . I would like to confirm that a wetlands study has been conducted by a certified wetlands biologist, utilizing standards approved by the Department of Ecology. Utilizing that information, the Environmental Review Committee and the Site Plan Review Committee recommended several measures for mitigation to the wetlands (based upon your recommendations for improvement ratios for existing and created emergent wetlands) , for storm water management systems, as well as for bonding and for monitoring to ensure continuing protection of those areas. All appropriate permits will be required to be in place prior to the applicant being allowed to do any preparation or construction work on the site. If you have additional questions or require more information, please contact me at 235-2550. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 44414.14% i) -4"4"°‘*‘.4411 Lenora Blauman Project Manager cc: Jim Garrison Blume Distribution Co. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 „14Tfa _i!l%i `ii`• = I:�ki m 1887 dO STATE OF WASHINGTON ye'' `”' DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Mail Stop PV-11 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459-6000 May 10, 1990 Mr. Don Erickson City of Renton Planning 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the construction of the Blume Distribution Facility by Bruce Blume (file ECF-112-89) . We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. 1. It is not clear from the checklist how the wetland boundaries were delineated. If it has not already been done, a qualified consultant should be hired to delineate the wetland boundaries using the new federal wetlands delineation methodology. A report should be prepared that includes information on the wetland functions and values provided by the wetland and the potential impacts to these functions re- sulting from the proposed project. Project design should avoid or minimize impacts to the wetland where possible. Proposed mitigation to compensate for unavoidable impacts should be included in the wetland report. A copy of the wetlands report should be sent to Ecology's Wetland Section for review. 2 . A mitigation plan should be prepared which includes both a construction plan and a detailed revegetation plan. Ecology recommends using the following acreage replacement ratios in determining minimum compensation for unavoidable losses: 2 . 0: 1. 0 for Forested Wetlands 1. 5: 1. 0 for Scrub Shrub Wetlands 1. 25: 1. 0 for Emergent Wetlands These ratios are to be used for calculating the area of wetlands to be created. The area should be doubled for enhancement of existing wetlands. 3 . Placement of any fill in wetlands may require a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 4 . In order to protect the functions and values provided by • • Letter to Don Erickson May 10, 1990 Page 2 the wetlands on the site, a buffer of native vegetation sho- uld be retained. The appropriate size of the buffer shouldbe determined by the values provided by the wetland, the topography, soils, existing vegetation, and the proposed adjacent land use. Enhancement of an existing buffer, such as planting vegetation or constructing a fence, can improve the protection of wetland values. Our review of available studies indicates that a minimum buffer of 50 feet is required in most situations to provide adequate protection of wetland functions and values. 5. Stormwater runoff contains many pollutants which have an adverse impact on aquatic systems. Prior to discharge to a water body, all runoff should be adequately treated. We recommend the use of a detention basin and/or grass-lined swales to filter runoff. Two hundred feet of grass-lined swale with less than 5 percent slope has been proven effective in removing particulates and hydrocarbon pollutants. This type of biofiltration has been shown to be more effective in improving water quality than most vault oil/water separator systems. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Bill Leonard of our Wetlands Section at (206) 438-7161. Sincerely, cm - -'1:72,%Wa2 -27;;1,-61,-2____--- Donald J. Bal s Environmental Review Section DJB: cc: Bill Leonard, BH CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 10, 1990 TO: File FROM: Jerry Lind, Land Use Inspector/Landscape Planner SUBJECT: ' Blume Distribution Facility-Wetlands Mitigation Plan File No. ECF;SA-112-89 :Wetland mitigation plans were submitted to the Planning Division on May 9, 1990, by Shapiro &Associates. I have had the opportunity to review these landscaping plans: For the most part, the plantings chosen and plant sizes selected are both appropriate for the site and will enhance the wetlands;'as requested by staff. l I would recommend; however, that.;he number of coniferous trees within the upland areas, particularly along the east side facing Building "6", be increased in number to provide additional buffering and winter color. JFL:kac cc: Lenora Blauman , r`, • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 510 6 7 Lynn R a i n e y ,being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the VALLEY DAILY NEWS • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition _ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week. That said newspapers DETERMINATION REVIEW COMMITTEE are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six RENTON, WASHINGTON months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published The Environmental Review Committee in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the following pro County, Washington. The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal ject(s) under the authority of the Renton newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Municipal Code. King County. BLUME ECF SA-D12 IST89 BUTION FACILITY The applicant seeks to obtain site plan The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Kent Edition approval for a warehouse/office complex, Renton Edition XX , Auburn Edition (and not in including two structures, parking and ser- vice areas, landscaping and recreational supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers amenities.There is a wetland on the site— during the below stated period. The annexed notice a Public Notice .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is (Environmental Determination) R4023 vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use.The property is located at 601 Monster Road. was published on March 5 . 1990 This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 p.m., March 20, 1990 will not be considered. A The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the fourteen (14)loday appealin periodo of will c-M. g g g mence following the finalization DNS-M. sum of$ 26 .60 _ irk. mitigation measures imposed by the Cit.' of Renton's Environmental Review Public Notice d'a,101- Q Committee are available at the Cur cot Planning Division of the Community Devel- opment Department, Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055, Phone Subscribed and sworn before me this 5 t h day of M a r c 119 9 0 235-2550. Published in the Valley Daily News March 5, 1990. R4023. Acct. #51067 Notary Public for the State of Washington residing at Auburn, King County, Washington VDN#87 Revised 4/89 II RIERS FRO ,PER DELIVERY TICKET C 0 U* * * * D ADDRESS/ACCOUNT N0. AY a ` Pc ' No. Y Aa 774431 YOUR REFERENCE SPECIFY LEVEL HEAD OFFICE 601 3RD AVE. ,`!&»..,. /i,z,-( FLASH SEATTLE, WA•623-7960 SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE ❑ 45 MINUTES NAME COMPLETE BY HOT SHOT TO. DATE TIME Q" 90 MINUTES COMPANY/DEPARTMENT AM STANDARD PM ❑ 3 HOURS r Y STREET-ADDRESS c ROUND TRIP 0 SAME DAY In by 11 ,; ❑ REQUIRED Del.by4:30 SUITE NO. CITY ZIP ROUND TRIP 1-1 OVERNIGHT RECEIVED X ❑ 36 HOURS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DECLARED VALUE BY COURIERS ❑ TONIGHT I Do not Release I.D. DATE TIME ❑ Without Signature I 1 I I PU #PCS I/O DEL. NOTES RECEIVED IN APPARENT GOOD ORDER BY DATE X _ TACOMA 272-4477 EVERETT 259-0136 BELLEVUE 451-0336 OLYMPIA 754-6630 DELIVERY COPY • CONDITIONS . 1. THE CARRIER SHALL BE LIABLE ONLY FOR LOSS.DAMAGE OR INJURY TO THE I)rocgi.S cABRIED . AND THEN ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF THE VALUE OF THOSE GOODS,WHICH VALU E IDMER AGREES SHALL NOT EXCEED$2.00 PER POUND,AND NOT EXCEEDING $10.00VEti SHIPMENT,FOR ALL GOODS CARRIED HEREBY,UNLESS A HIGHER VALUE IS DECLARED IN yeRRING EN THE SKIPPER. 2. IF THE SHIPPER DECLARES A VALUE GREATER THAN410.00 PER SHIPMENT. PREMIUM RATES A" ;j SHALL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS:AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF FIFTY CENTS(50C)SHALL BE MADE FOR EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS($190.00)OR FRACTION THEREOF; OF THE DECLARED VALUE IN EXCESS OF TEN DOLLARS($10.00). 3. CARRIER SHALL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY VALUE OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5000.00) PER SHIPMENT, AND SHIPPER AGREES TO RELEASE THE VALUE OF FRF_JGHT SHIPPED, EVEN IF A HIGHER VALUE IS DECLARED,AT NO MORE THAN FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5000.00) ` PER SHIPMENT. 4. NO LIABILITY FOR SUCH;ASS, DAMAGE OAR INJURY SHALL EXIST UNLESS THE SHIPPER OR ITS ASSIGNEE GIVES NOTICE IN WRITING TO THE CARRIER WITHIN NINE(9)MONTHS OF SUCH EVENT. 5. UNLESS A VALUE IS DECLARED,OR,UNLESS 7013 NOT RELEASE WITHOUT SIGNATURE"HAS BEM INDICATED ON THE SHIPPING DOCUMENT, SHIPPER SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE RELEASED DEL- IVERY OF THE SHIPMENT,AND TO HAVE RELEASED CARRIER FROM ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIA- BILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE SHIPMENT.AS FOLLOWS:TO COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, BY DEPOSIT INTO A LOCKED AREA, BOX OR FACILITY; TO RESIDENCES, BY AFFIXING t.. A CON- SPICUOUS PLACE PROTECTED FROM INCLEMENT WEATHER. . 1 • p e• SHAPIRO& ASS ZA SE _ . Letter of Transmittal The Smith Tower Suite 14400 506 Second Avenue • PLANNING DIVISION Seattle • 'CITY OF RENTON Washington 98104 Tel: 206/624.9190 Date �' �0 MAY 4 1990 Fax: 206/624.1901 Re 3e000 — A441140 RECEIVED Orninewrioxi To i,iG,.•4 AL,-!//of' /t/45 )z./' cif' ®rC ,4 1i9rho • We are sending you t 24 eouAd4t A4 / - For your , Information Review Signature Approval File XUse Remarks ,ice )oeVA AA-00571 • • • Signed ,ete 4f white: to addressee yellow: to originator pink: to file sTAPR 4 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON yy 1889a STATE OF WASHINGTON MAY 1 4 1990 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY RECEIVED Mail Stop PV-11 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459-6000 May 10, 1990 Mr. Don Erickson City of Renton Planning 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the construction of the Blume Distribution Facility by Bruce Blume (file ECF-112-89) . We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. 1. It is not clear from the checklist how the wetland boundaries were delineated. If it has not already been done, a qualified consultant should be hired to delineate the wetland boundaries using the new federal wetlands delineation methodology. A report should be prepared that includes information on the wetland functions and values provided by the wetland and the potential impacts to these functions re- sulting from the proposed project. Project design should avoid or minimize impacts to the wetland where possible. Proposed mitigation to compensate for unavoidable impacts should be included in the wetland report. A copy of the wetlands report should be sent to Ecology's Wetland Section for review. 2 . A mitigation plan should be prepared which includes both a construction plan and a detailed revegetation plan. Ecology recommends using the following acreage replacement ratios in determining minimum compensation for unavoidable losses: 2 . 0: 1. 0 for Forested Wetlands 1. 5: 1. 0 for Scrub Shrub Wetlands 1. 25: 1. 0 for Emergent Wetlands These ratios are to be used for calculating the area of wetlands to be created. The area should be doubled for enhancement of existing wetlands. 3 . Placement of any fill in wetlands may require a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 4 . In order to protect the functions and values provided by 3 P"' Letter to Don Erickson May 10, 1990 Page 2 the wetlands on the site, a buffer of native vegetation sho- uld be retained. The appropriate size of the buffer shouldbe determined by the values provided by the wetland, the topography, soils, existing vegetation, and the proposed adjacent land use. Enhancement of an existing buffer, such as planting vegetation or constructing a fence, can improve the protection of wetland values. Our review of available studies indicates that a minimum buffer of 50 feet is required in most situations to provide adequate protection of wetland functions and values. 5. Stormwater runoff contains many pollutants which have an adverse impact on aquatic systems. Prior to discharge to a water body, all runoff should be adequately treated. We recommend the use of a detention basin and/or grass-lined swales to filter runoff. Two hundred feet of grass-lined swale with less than 5 percent slope has been proven effective in removing particulates and hydrocarbon pollutants. This type of biofiltration has been shown to be more effective in improving water quality than most vault oil/water separator systems. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Bill Leonard of our Wetlands Section at (206) 438-7161. Sincerely, Donald J. Bal s Environmental Review Section DJB: cc: Bill Leonard, BH I / 1 1°'UCE :! I E &COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS PLANNING DIVISIt',.. CITY OF RENTON May 9, 1990 MAY '1 4 1990 To: Lenora Blauman ra t Err, Ft r,f,, From: Jim Garrison RE: Public Hearing Dear Lenora: Pursuant to our phone conversation today, it is my understanding you have received and/or distributed all necessary information to the appropriate staff and that nothing further is needed prior to the scheduled public hearing May 15, 1990 at 9: 00 a.m. I will be bringing with me: 1. Building rendering. 2 . Upland color landscaping plan. 3 . Wetland color landscaping plan (overlay) . Should additional materials be needed or recommended, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Dick Meyers of Shapiro & Associates will be joining me as well. Attached you will find a copy of a letter from Metro relative to their comments on the DNS and following their review of the design drawings. I believe all other comment letters and the appeal from Audubon have been addressed and resolved. Please advise me immediately of additional materials needed. Si lice .ely.)) Pi y \' i1 les D. Garr on cc: Bruce M. Blume Sid Eland pubhrng 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 MAY 78 '90 10:03 E,R&H 206 323 71'35.. P.2/2 7A4, `' • • :13stn �J May 2, 1990 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON • Bush, Roed and Hatchings, Inc. 2.009 Minor Avenue East MAY 1 4 1990 Seattle, Washington 9'6102 RECEIVED f• Attention: Bob Roed • Dear Dear i�•`:tr.. Roed: TA; t,ribution• Facility for ttrue41_ >1une Co. • municipality has reviewed the des .g•n. drawings .su bmitted-tied, by :yc..z office for the subject project. We offer these comments at this time. 1. Pursuant to Metro's utility easement for the „,>,TS pipeline or subject property, the property owner may utilize the easement area to install the storm sewer and waterline_ However, in the event Metro must remove, replace, or relocate the storm and water lines in order to maintain, remove or replace the ETS pipeline, those costs pertainir to the storm and waterlines must be borne by the owner of the storm and waterlines. The storm and waterlaz. :_ installed in the Metro utility easement shall conform to the guidelines set by Lhe City of Renton. 3 . The. ~q, 3A'i.ng's foundation footing shall_ be kept out of Metro 4 . Please limit the use c heavy equipment over the ETS pipeline. 5. Contact, the undersigned of Metro's Facilities Engineering Division at 684-1291 a minimum of 72 hours prior to commen- cing construction in order to allow-staff time to arrange having a Metro inspector on site during construction. t7er trul yours, • , • Richard H. Putney Senior Facility Inspector ' RHP;ae _.__.....,... .� i co: Matt Harris - 112 i r n • brai ' ,:9'.' BRUCE BLUME 4.CI M &COMPANY 11MAY NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 Ni-/S 9 0 gurrTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 Lenora Blauman City of Renton 200 Mill South Renton, Wa. 98055 • ; I ; ; ,• 11 /1 !Oh:itiNhhiiid CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 10, 1990 TO: File FROM: Jerry Lind, Land Use Inspector/Landscape Planner SUBJECT: Blume Distribution Facility-Wetlands Mitigation Plan File No. ECF;SA-112-89 Wetland mitigation plans were submitted to the Planning Division on May 9, 1990, by Shapiro&Associates. I have had the opportunity to review these landscaping plans. For the most part, the plantings chosen and plant sizes selected are both appropriate for the site and will enhance the wetlands as requested by staff. I would recommend, however, that the number of coniferous trees within the upland areas, particularly along the east side facing Building "B", be increased in number to provide additional buffering and winter color. J FL:kac cc: Lenora Blauman / ' 2 - K1 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 0 1990 etiECEIVED PN!n L1J ( itq of Fenton f .02 ? r - —,r r��ws PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 0 1990 ECEIVED ((2' 57 R PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 0 1990 RECEWED 4 • PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 0 1990 RECEIVED CU. IU LitL{ of Kenton r.143 • MK PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 0 1990 kEDE1VED 111 111 . t t r•i !. r they ••tor !•i‘. . PLANNING DIVI CITY OF RENTON MAY 9 1990 RECEIVED Hf ill c_i_l. IU l.itly of Kenton .Vr L. • , PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 9 1990 RECEIVED *LWTNO II SHAPIRO& Letter ASSMATES2 L of Transmittal The Smith Tower Suite 1400 506 Second Avenue Seattle Washington 98104 Tel: 206/624.9190 Date Fax: 206/624.1901 Re UME - .R 1/, ./rR«TlnA/ ' /4/. To ZRAI.A0p.04 444-0i / • G/, 4/ ZQ9 M'/GG / F 771 We are sending you + 4 G,6)/jA/, Q - ' aoy �Dl-�,Q . cD/VGAfr/ 4-z- M/717-og 1-?fro For your Information Review • Signature ' Approval File , Use Remarks 19E VJ/a , V r PLANNING DIVISION MTV Or ncNn-o N1 • MAY 01989 Signed ,1201 MV ,45 y � �W E white: to addressee yellow: to originator - pink: to file PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 0 1990 CITY OF RENTON F; MEMORANDUM DATE: May 4, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner FROM: Mike Dotson, Property Management Randy Phelps, Survey SUBJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION COMPANY SEGREGATION#112-89 We have reviewed the application for segregation submitted by Blume Distribution Company. Our comments are as follows: ■ The legal descriptions of the four individual lots have been checked for accuracy. Each of the legal descriptions is satisfactory. ■ The closure of the survey and the sufficiency of the recorded survey were found to be in order. m/blume/MDD/bh • OF RF 4 '1� O U 9 © Z NOT ' E 9 40A4TEO SEP1s° . City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner . will hold a ' • . PUBLIC. HEARING ' . • in •CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MAY 15, 1990 9:00 ON ' BEGINNING AT A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF-112-89;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site. plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including. two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. J � o f '��' ~ `. ..E 7:_ rrVti ..�. cols 14:*% ,^�� r/(/ �-' d �/ff • I! \• � . . - t .;/- om , --: , Gc1C „” I L i v - 1, • . ms .7'1 •.=,[ 0rrV sea s \ ri "'Pae , jj . h\mil ��'•�'' •',7' � -11=. ~M GENERAL S _ • . tI,(l 7 ES • Property located on 601 Monster Road. • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL • THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • CERTIFICATION • I , Vim-, S(�Velct. , —HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 3 COPIES OF . THE ABOVE) DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN 3 CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON 5- 5- 0 • • . O:T?ES Sis:,:scribed and sworn to before me, a ;;,ctar :,P+��rl-ice., in and for the State of Llashingtor� n , on the 3 SIGNED : �� v• R4C ( 0 ) SEP City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a PUBLIC HEARING : in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL MAY 15, 1990 9:00 ON BEGINNING AT A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF-112-89;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site. plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced With native vegetation. The 16 acre project site "is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. �J'#1. °�J �/i: n °v�r S. / • •J' ''II - � _ — „ �-� coo,, r.- : . ,J _ eo _ ... ,, — ;,\. —-,///— Acilw.• '�( \:=• \. '`ii'v Old' " ‹ •O.-:!-Q • "•j I •. � . , • SIJ ! Goll COu.Se I L Cl I Af•..7'i ( ': �.�/�oer1.� •�: ;i: Sc µTpr •Imo• { 0•J I�,1y1. \\ ,1 `�' .,.X :.rtpos:l.." T ..I ../•�; IIf ) -,-`-.230 • % `w1. • • -r �1 r - . - :. 1, 1 . . „*. . •i ce ' . ,,, aJ ' ! ,— I\ yY . J. 1•I�1 .A GENERAL\, \ ea si.. . - -, ,, • k, g 0 PRESS_: . Property located on 601 Monster Road. • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • CERTIFICATION I , •Mcirrj Sc\fir la. „, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 3 COPIES OF • THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN 3 CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON S- 3 - yCJ . • ATTEST: Su)scribed and sworn to before me, a ;ctry Plibl•iu, in and for the State of Washington • • ��residing in , on the 3 SIGNED : MaAi day of _ 1 CM � � I ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ECF;SA 024-90 APPLICATION NO. PROPOSED ACTION B & T Warehouse Merritt Nielson Applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval to construct a 22,438 square foot addition to an existing 24,447 square foot warehouse building. • GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS • 846 Lind Avenue South vfu'S T POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS. OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE [ E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION I (DOES XIDOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT I 'WILL HILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. • COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY May 15, 1990 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATION I , Mars .56\v�iej,, , - HE CERTIFY THAT 3 COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN 3 CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON ,>- 3 - • ATrEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary °ublic, and for/the State of Washington, _ residing i in‘ COMA/It, on the �'"ck SIGNED : j�t day ram_ 0 ✓ `� Q 1 ' tbvY i,_ wF PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 1 1990 RECEIVED LANCE MUELLER ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECT! 12Qa6LEDIMOU 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE ✓V JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 (FAX) 328-0554 ATTEN2/. l .y-yw' (`\ ///r ��m� t��A''�f'/ I� V TO ! © V , /seA7 S V1 /AJA-- -75‘ WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: Or-RE oN ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications Q '99n ❑ Copy of letter El Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION /74-e pL,tiAts THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted El Resubmit __.copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution s requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS .6" ° 1-)17fr.±t- /ybi) COPY TO SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us once. il 7"41111r(r . . , • • 1.•• .. - • :--.,_ HI L ' 1E ,-..( '<Y. _ —.- — ----. „— — — — Ri;Ai ys i A i.l.Di .I.,,q I ii.s 7_A_CS,I,)1ILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET .._ - ,.. _ DATE: _. . t.A•• 2 . - 5 / $ 1 DRUCE ELME 4 COMPANY , 8 : 4.206) 6.3.„: —4680 z , • ' ' 7F PAGES TRANSMITTED c .. (INCLUDES COVER -.., ... . ., . _ .,. ---1-- .. ',. ;• . . , s I , '.- U. ,'1 KEET. SUITE 310 SEATTLE WAstuNGToN 98103 (20)02-1800 I 0:AX (: .9 ,3•46so --- 15:21 FROM BRUCE BLUME AND CO. TO 2352516 1-'.162 A P11 I:ST,\TT ;)T'vi"1 r�YT i S April 19, 1990 To: Lenora Blauman From: Jim Garrison RE: Wetlands landscaping. Dear Mr:. Blauman: Following our phone conversation today, I contacted Shapiro & Associates for an update to the wetland landscaping plan. Unfortunately, both Mark Boule and Dick Myers were out. It is, however, my understanding that they are nearing completion of the plan based upon their tour of the site with Mr. Adams and we will all have the opportunity to review that plan by Early next week. Mark has also brought to my attention an area near an existing drain pipe which may need further study relative to the wetlands landscaping and/or biofiltration. He is looking into this concurrent with the landscaping plan. While we anticipate the above will not represent any significant disagreements, we should schedule to collectively review the plans at the earliest opportunity next week. I will pursue Mark and Dick regarding completion of their plans an quickly as possible. Thank you. since ely,kAvi J D. Garrison cc. Mark Boule Bruce M. Blume • 146 Norm "i :C')T1 (20()632-ISOO FAX ;706)1,3 TOTAL P.02 ?AREA -r: .,.''• • °'•: ' DECASHIELD® II LUMINAIRE • APPLICATIONS Parking areas,driveways,walkways,malls and -........„ roadways • SPECIFICATION FEATURES ❑Heavy-gauge formed aluminum housing ❑Separate swing-down optical and ballast door access ❑ALGLAS® finish on reflector \�' J///// ❑Heat and impact resistant tempered flat glass lens � �%/(� .....,. ❑Decorative mounting arm standard ❑Mogul base socket _ , MOST FREQUENTLY ORDERED r, V• Light `'` S rsi Wattage Source Voltage Ordering Number '�� (�L • D25S _ ' 100 HPS Multivolt D25SIOSOH2GMC3DB • 150(55V) HPS Multivolt D25S15SOH2GMC3DB ; ,.; r\ . 250 HPS Multivolt D25S25SOA2GMC3DB C! ' - 3 r 250 HPS 120 D25S25S1A2GMC3DB "''`''' -' =.i (3;) D4OS ^ 8 199v „ID' ,I ' 250 HPS Multivolt D40S25SOA1GMC4DB !T: • ��';:. APR �.. n ;., i 1( 250 FPS - 120 D40S25S1A1GMC4DB I' 1! • �;., r� p `<�n, r; I 400 HPS Multivolt D40S4OSOAIGMC4DB L I l� b s :II .U ' r' -L.,'_ - 400 HPS_ Multivolt D40S40SOA2GMC4DB 400 .HPS 120 D40S4OSIA2GMC4DB 400 MH Multivolt D40S40MOAIGSC2DB _ fe ORDERING NU,; - v_ LISTED D25S 15 S 0 H 1 G M C 3 DB. F --T- T T T T T T TTT —T— IES PRODUCT LIGHT BALLAST PE LENS DISTRIBUTION ID WATTAGE SOURCE VOLTAGE TYPE FUNCTION TYPE TYPE COLOR OPTIONS )0XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XXX D25S= 07=70 S =HPS 0=12012081 S€e Ballast 1=None G=Glass I I I DB=Dark F =Fusing(Not . Decashield 10=100 M=MH 2401277 and Photo- 2=PER I I I Bronze available 250 Luminaire 15=150 Standard: Multivolt metric Selec- Recep• with (250W maxi ( � Lampnot 1=120 tion Table tacle See Ballast and multivolt) mum) A=Autore Photometric Mount- D4OS 17=175 included. 2=208 g Selection Table R=No Mount Decashield 25=250 3=240 H =HPF Reac- 4=PER I I ing Arm for or Lag Recep- (See Acces- 400 Luminaire 24=2501 4=277 M=Mag•Reg facie I soriesfor 400 5=480 and mounting) ' 40=400 shorting . S =Short I - - NOTE:2501 NOTp M=Medium II • connected Receptacles `�' PLANNING DIVISION for 250 watt connected C=Cutoff CITY OF RENTON •- same volt- I age as unit except as 2=Type II APR 19 1990 • noted.Order • PE Control 3=Type III , Separately. 4=Type IV •11� mo11 -t; Zi I ,.�. Data subject to change without notice ©The catalog numbers.optlone,and 186 - L modifications shown on thin page are UL V listed unless otherwise noted •Reglstered Trademark of General Electric Company IMEMEMIFE - � `` - 'AREA GUIDE:FORM SPECIFICATIONS - 'DECASHIELD° II LUMINAIRE- . GENERAL DESCRIPTION The luminaire designated (identify)shall be a GE DECASHIELD®II floodlight,ordering number (specify D25SXX)W000UWUU(or , D4OS ), or approved equal, to operate one (specify(70, 100, 150 (55V) or 250) watt high pressure sodium 1111111111 (HPS)or(175 or 250)watt metal halide for D25S or(250,250/400 or 400)watt HPS or 400 watt metal halide for D40S)lamp from a nominal (specify 120, 208, 240, 277 or 480)volt, 60 Hertz power source and shall be capable of starting and operating the specified lamp within the limits specified by the lamp.manufacturer.The luminaire shall contain a completely prewired integral ballast and an optical assembly that shall provide an IES Distribution Type (specify MC3,MC4 or SC2 according to photometric selection table). The luminaire shall be UL Listed for Wet Locations. • MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION . OPTICAL ASSEMBLY • The luminaire shall be supplied as components—ballast,optical and The cutoff optical assembly shall include a die-cast aluminum door mounting.The luminaire shall include a formed aluminum housing and frame,formed aluminum reflector with a chemically bonded lightweight standard decorative mounting arm (both with a dark bronze paint non-breakable glass ALGLAS®finish on all surfaces and heat/impact- finish)for mounting on square poles,a swing down gasketed optical resistant tempered flat glass lens.The optical assembly shall contain a and ballast door access with captive corrosion resistant screws(and ,._ _heavy-duty mogul base socket with split shell tempered brass lamp • optional prewired photoelectric control receptacle). grips and a free-floating,spring-loaded center contact. BALLAST OPERATION •'REFER TO PRODUCT PAGE FOR BALLAST AVAILABILITY.FOR MORE DEFINITIVE The luminaire shall have a (specify)ballast'with an electrical SECTIONATION,REFER TO BALLAST SPECIFICATIONS IN TECHNICAL DATA quick disconnect. The plug-in type starting aid (for HPS only) and ballast shall be prewired to the lamp socket requiring connection of power supply leads only,,The ballast shall be in full compliance with • lamp-ballast specifications available to the fixture manufacturer from the lamp manufacturers at the time of fixture manufacture. -.! The ballast shall reliably start and operate the lamp in ambient tempera- + tures down to-20°F for metal halide and-40°F for HPS. APR . S .1990 ,1 The luminaire and ballast shall be from the same manufacturer. • I` 1 LrJ lh Il • Data subject to change w;Mout nonce gfs�861188 •Registered Trademark of General Electric Company .' WALKWAY BOLLARD LUMINAIRE rI APR I APPLICATIONS � , '�� l� �l 1`� I` �"' Walkways,recreation areas,plazas,pedestrian - -.wes T malls SPECIFICATION FEATURES . ❑Uniform effective cutoff lighting ' I I ❑Spun aluminum Alzakt finish on reflectorik 1 ❑Extruded aluminum square or round housing I ❑Medium base socket MOST FREQUENTLY ORDERED ' Light Waffage Source Voltage Ordering Numbers 100 HPS Multivolt WB6R10SOH1ASC5DB 100 HPS 120 WB6R10SIH1ASC5DB 100 MH 120 WB6R10M1N1ASC5DB r. it / ,/' . . E ' 4. - IG, NUMBER LOGIC Q LISTED ' WE • . . 1 A SC5 DB F . T T -m- T IES PRODUCT LIGHT BALLAST PE DISTRIBUTION ID WATTAGE SOURCE VOLTAGE TYPE FUNCTION LENS TYPE TYPE COLOR OPTIONS XXXX XX X X X X X X X X XX XXX WB6R= 03=35 S =HPS 0=12012081 See Ballast 1=None A=Acrylic I I I DB=Dark F=Fusing(Not 6-In!Round 05=50 M=MH 2401277 and 3=Internal I I I Bronze available Bollard 07=70 Standard: Multivolt Photometric pE See Ballast and with WBBR= 1=120 Selection (Connected multivolt) 8.625 In.Round 10=100 Lamp not Table same Photometric Bollard 15=150 included. 2=208 H =HPF voltage as $election Table WB6S= (55V) 3=240 Reactor unit except I I I • 6-lit Square NOTE:150W 4=277 or Lag as noted.) 4 I I Bollard Is available 5=480 N =NPF S=Short I I WBBS= in WB8R and Reactor -- 8-In.Square WB8S only. _ or Lag 1 .I _ Bollard C=Cut-off I Data suD/ect to change without notice 5=Type V . ���ma catalog numbers,options,and 'Ip modiftcatlons shown on this page are ETL 174 ������iii666,listed unless otherwise noted. 1Proprietary term of Aluminum Company of America - wtllima :GUIDE FORM SPECIFICATIONS °•).--.WALKWAY BOLLARD . . ' GENERAL DESCRIPTION The complete ground-mounted luminaire designated (identify) shall be a GE WALKWAY BOLLARD luminaire,ordering number (specify WB6R)000000000000c WB8R>C00000000000( or WB8SXX)WUUW0000(), or approved equal, to operate one (specify(35,50,70 or 100)watt high pressure sodium(HPS)or 100 watt metal halide for(WB6R and WB6S))or (specify(35,50,70, 100 or 150(55V))watt HPS or 100 watt metal halide for(WB8R and WB8S))medium base lamp from a nominal (specify 120,208, 240, 277 or 480) volt, 60 Hertz power source. The luminaire shall include a completely prewired integral ballast and an optical assembly that shall provide an IES Distribution Type SC5.The luminaire shall be ETL Listed for Wet Locations. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION The extruded aluminum outer housing shall be (specify round or OPTICAL ASSEMBLY square) and have a dark bronze finish. It shall house all electrical The optical assembly shall have a formed aluminum reflector with a components and optical assembly.The luminaire shall be suitable for spun-aluminum Alzakt finish and acrylic lens and shall supply uniform ground mounting. (There shall be an optional factory-installed internal . effective cutoff lighting.The gasketed lens prevents insect and water entry. photoelectric control.) BALLAST OPERATION •REFER TO PRODUCT PAGE FOR BALLAST AVAILABILITY.FOR MORE DEFINITIVE INFORMATION,REFER TO BALLAST SPECIFICATIONS IN TECHNICAL DATA SECTION. The luminaire shall have a (specify)ballast'.The starting aid(for HPS only)and ballast shall be prewired to the lamp socket requiring connection of power supply leads only. The ballast shall be in full compliance with lamp-ballast specifications available to the fixture . manufacturer from the lamp manufacturers at the time of fixture manufacture. The ballast shall reliably start and operate the lamp in ambient tempera • - tures down to-20°F for metal halide and-40°F for HPS. • . . j . _ APR990 ,U t . • i I`' '; RECEIVED APR 12 1990 LANCE MUD1 ER & ASSOC. Data subject b Change w,7aul aches ' - . t Proprietary term of Aluminum Company of Americo gfs1741188 41 $01k CITY OF RENTON "LL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division May 1, 1990 James Garrison Bruce Blume & Company 146 N Canal Seattle, WA 98103 RE: Blume Distribution Company, 601 Monster Rd SW ECF;SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Garrison: The date of Tuesday, May 15, 1'990 at 9:00 a.m. has been set for the site plan review hearing of the above referenced matter. The hearing will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning DKE:kac Paul Leland cc: J. Kohlsaat METRO 12057 SE 42nd St 821 - 2nd Ave, M/S 92 Bellevue, WA 98006 Seattle, WA 98104 James Lutz, P.E. Sid W. Eland, Jr. WSDOT, District 1 Sid Eland, Inc. 15325 SE 30th P1 PO Box 80187 Bellevue, WA 98007 Seattle, WA 98108 Tony Opperman Roger A. Grove Dept. of Wildlife Sid Eland, Inc. 16018. Mill Creek Blvd PO Box 80187 Mill Creek, WA. 98012 Seattle, WA 98108 Gerry Adams Don Marcy Seattle Audubon Society 777 - 108th Ave NE, #1500 28803 NE Big Rock Rd Bellevue, WA 98004 Duvall, WA 98019-6414 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on May 15, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. to consider the following petitions: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF-112-89;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Community Development Department. All interested persons to said petitions are invited to be present at the Public Hearing on May 15, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. to express their opinions. Published: May 4, 1990 Account No. 51067 I OF R4, A A. d © Z Ni C3 Ti ICE k- • 090.o co • 9gTFU SEPS �O�P ' • City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a HEARING . puB. I. I e in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL MAY 15, 1990 9 : 00 • ON BEGINNING AT A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF-112-89 ;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities . There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is • proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. •,`r- . X4 VoV° c�J��I ~ J'T. `•. \ �J ..e. . _ . r• osier •12 *I 744.i •.'' V A 5 .__ i► , . ; • /7`.; ' : . ` vq�\ s ue , , ( c \• \ Z 0�0 ,- R �� •Ii I . ___ �, •` • :. r t,. 1 - •cou Coarse 1Nift 7.0i 1: ••i .11•il:; .'\I (.. •f 30.A>• r r*1 r_'Sewage •,,\ �_ • r', \ \, 23 II• ®i . . .\\ ,y 24.. i 1 k • 1 %)ik."."----Ls.- ....----.. . •II.s:_t.,.. :ilf ..Iri ' '7-7• .,71. , :,.- ,....7.u......:12.1.,A . yy .' 'I • Rp( t,r �.71--I.".. r -j. _ I•Ira' :,...,•: :L- I GENE _ +: •• ���. �‘ �� ^1 .- • • RESS• •;/- GENERAL _ — Property located on 601 Monster Road. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT. TO. BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • J— .9 STATg o.o 4192 1 CURT SMITCH fie • Director �'yy 1889!1°yam TM STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE 16018 Mill Creek Blvd.. Mill Creek, WA 98012 Tel. (206) 775-1311 May 2, 1990 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON Don Erickson, Environmental Review Committee MAY 3 '1990 Current Planning Division RECEIVED Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RE: ECF-112-89; BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY; MDNS Dear Mr. Erickson: The Department of Wildlife received the conceptual wetland mitigation plan for the Blume Distribution Facility prepared by Shapiro and Associates. The plan appears to address our major concerns for the loss of wetlands and wildlife habitat. Our remaining concerns are for maintaining good water quality in the wetland and that wildlife will continue to use this area. To maintain water quality in the wetlands, street and parking area runoff should flow through oil/water separators or retention/detention ponds before flowing through the grass-lined swales to the wetlands. Wetland construction and revegetation should be monitored and contingency plans followed to assure success of the project. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, el;;;-- 0 To Opp r ann Habitat Biologist TO:kh c: Habitat, Olympia a 3 1r',%4 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 31990 RECEWED I]. TU r_itn o+ F'Frit.on U,72 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON MAY 2 1990 HECEWED b Pent n F. ~,5 •, , .1N A:o;,,,•.;•-•.,,:-,? APR-30-1990 16:01 FROM BRUCE BLLIME AND CO. TO [19] 'City of Renton P.01 BRUCE BLUME &COMPANY IWAt, i>PATA.(>I'r:lZti PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON GS.XM LE TRANSMITTAL SHEET MAY A '1990 RECRVED TO: Ler1C7 . -51 cu Lirrk AA - DATE: `7�' FAX #« FROM: 3 Yv' BRUCE BLUME & COMPANY FAX #: {206.I_633-468O I NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (INCLUDES COVER SHEET) MESSAGE: .. . .. _� �.•�-� �� L� ��,�� � -I '-- £ .J•I rim) L.U. IU k-ity Ot <e ltcr I-.L1c BRUCE ; LUME &COMPANY -- REAL ESTATE DEVEI..QI'1?IL8 April 30, 1990 Mr. Gerry Adams 28803 N.E. Big Rock Road Duvall, Wa. 98019 Dear Mr. Adams: With respect to our telephone conversation this morning and your meeting with Dick Meyer of Shapiro & Assoc. last week, this letter is provided as an outline of our agreement in principal to designate the area for wetland improvement as defined in the Shapiro & Associates drawing dated 4-27-90. This area shall be designated as wetlands in perpetuity and shall be so reflected in the title. As Z indicated today, we will be able to place such a covenant against the property by approximately May 31, .1990. Meanwhile, we will request our attorney to draft the appropriate verbage reflecting this intention. With your receipt of this letter, you will immediately proceed to remove your appeal. In that our project is scheduled for public hearing May 15, 1990 and the City of Renton requires ten (10) days public notice, your appeal will need to be removed by no later than May 3, 1990. I believe this letter should reflect our intention and understanding. If you find I have misstated anything, please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible. Thank you. Ver truly yours, 21-)L. Jim Garrison cc: Bruce Blume Lenora Blauman Dick Meyers 146 NORTH.CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WAS F-3[N(.,!'ON 981Q3 (206) 32-1800 FAX (2O6)6 3-4(,8O . . . .• , . . . . • ,.,, r 1 .4. T.;.: I!..r•3:' !. :4 ..':"i''''':, .. . • , :: '4-- .. ' j, ' 4 • . ' ' I . ' ' .'4. '., .1.:. 4 . .' • :' .;.,},;: "0. .I.;4'1•rf I',19'irr','.;I r !'' ,rrri•.Ir!; . r ! I r,7 1-,, j ':, ! ,.• .'-''. ' . ' '' ..'.!.,,--4--- '4-4 I , : ,.4 : r.i,.•,'f',;:.:.-'..:5, .,"1 '', .''•:?.--:0,IL' .!, 1 i '''i•h!'!'•'' : •j ' '' ''' '''. . ...;, .? ' ' ,,' ;0,!.•i4.•it,,ii.„,,q,H,,..:,; .t.„,.4.1. ....•4, i,..• , , '.i. : . •." 'i, ., ' ,••• • •, • ' . ' • •••,,,,..'•-0;.•••.1,;.,' „..• .. •4..,,-1-4-'1,:1', .• i i', :. .,1."' j • :: ' ' 1. ' .1;;I).. 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(206) 325-2553 (FAX) 328-0554 ATTENTIO r ' �� 6140 gA / 1"174 Li"4 AA TO 4iA RE:6 0 RoGe 15L4314/0/StTJ aL./AKD , elo,T7.1 .)5 i3:1,...±41_A:);:t_FT, 12-6 Q17)t .J i -wcr 16/ WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: — ❑ Shop drawings X3rints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION - tL hgL-c.. , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval 1t: For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit - copies for distribution 47 As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ or review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ortO Fly Y��5y�.s '19g� �a ;�... - ... ,) j, Vki COPY TOE V C} SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted. kindly notify us at once. CITY JF RENTON Community Development Department Earl Clymer, Mayor Kenneth E.Nyberg,Director April 24, 1990 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies of Revised Environmental Determinations and Environment-al Checklists for those projects reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee on April 11, 1990: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED The comment period has ended. No further comments are being received. The 14 day appeal period started April 16, 1990 and will end April 30, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. If you have questions, please call Lenora Blauman or me at 235-2550. Sincerely, Oiti)( Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning, DKE:kac cc: Mr. Craig Larson, King County Planning Division Mr. Gregory M. Bush, Metro Department of Wildlife Mr. Joe Robels, Department of Fisheries Mr. James Lutz, Department of Transportation Ms. Connie Corpuz, City of Seattle 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-112-89 ' APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-112-89 . PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME PROJECT NAME: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Community Development Department Current Planning Division The Environmental Review Committee, on April 11, 1990, reviewed the revised application for the. above referenced project. Based upon their review of the submitted comments and staff input, the Committee reaffirmed their decision to issue a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated. As a result of their review, the Committee did retain Conditions #1 through #8 of the Determination and added four new conditions. The additional conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . Existing and added conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This Determination is final and may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5: 00 p.m. on April 30, 1990 . Any appeal of this decision must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised. and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75. 00 filing fee. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Current Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: April 16 1990 DATE OF DECISION: April 11, 1990 SIGNATU7S: ////���f?-(! ��C7//� (t-�-2 Kenneth E. Ny-seri Communit uevetopment Department \•- ----\"---' Lynn( . . Gtiitmann, Director Public Works Department DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a' wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS: On April 11, 1990, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated to include each of the eight (8) conditions attached, plus four (4) new conditions as follows: 9) That the applicant provide $4 , 000. 00 as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, subject to the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department. 10) That the applicant provide in-kind replacement (and enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the . 99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between . 55 acre and . 99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now-defined Parcel #4 . Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City's Landscape Planner and concurrence, of the State Department of Wildlife; replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11) That the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now defined Parcel #4 of the subject property, to ensure that these areas are being properly protected and maintained, with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land, to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for site plan approval . 12) That the applicant, prior to public hearing for site plan approval, in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system, obtain from METRO approval of construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO access to maintain and repair the sewer line, subject to approval by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY PROPONENT: BRUCE BLUME ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-112-89 APPLICATION NUMBER: SA-112-89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The property is located at 601 Monster Road. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: Natural Environment: 1) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number, size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in advance of site plan review. Earth: 2) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of .99 acres of the wetland and an approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). • Traffic: 3) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic improvements as stipulated by the Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady .Way TBZ in the amount of $254,345.65 ($185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off- site improvements plan, including streetlighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and undergrounding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See "Note #B below) • Traffic: 4) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems Division. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the, development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m. peak, hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works' Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise I • Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily-traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street, where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m. peak hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6) That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with design specifications provided in a supplementary soils engineering report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations, wetlands -- the Report • will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise • Light/Glare/Traffic 8) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: a) an erosion control plan; b) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; c) a plan for wheel-washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; d) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; e) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; f) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and g) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition the City requests: Recreation: 1) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in the amount of $5,000.00 to the development of the Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. 2) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establish a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail, for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note #A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit application. mmdoc CE MUELLER ASSOC ATES/ARCHI ECTS ILET CF 4QQa]arruOVUM 130 Lakeside Suite 250 ; SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 (FAX) 328-0554 ATT N ION I B • or a - � A rzrJBpi- 15�A.v vtA, TO Cicl,141 N 4 fL NIL 0-4 ii'Ll?ce �L WI, 1 b eL4 c DF K t)- (mac r=.,. .... -...,^I-; D) APR 1 8 1990 ril [II E c ii_i prk L' i.)" WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: — ❑ Shop drawings / Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter 0 hange order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION C 6tt. lf7C. . 4 rre ?Lis THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ or review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ergf •©V I IvVyge ` 10419-0-12.56-e 4) i gpizy e55,..„1 $ t ID • ID PLANNING DIVISION CITY F AEP I N 8 1910 C •,y COPY TO t 1,e 4 IAA AA42,12,1,-Sf3'V1 1 13p. 6 ibtow 5 if Co. SIGNED: It snelnsurns ars not as noted. kindly notify us at once. LANCE MUELLER ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECT; DJ 1J [ C3F UM AnG`ISGII IITITML , 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 . JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 (FAX) 328.0554 TO FeKrt4tri \ 4 i1 k 4 o fz-0)--L1 b 1.1 FOMIN.1 tthstIr WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings (Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION a _ 7464 k_L APR 1 8 .1990 I is f I{ elrl ' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution As requested ❑ Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Cree, a-.}-� L� � ' i-ems • I • a l- W\ ' _ — N FAe—r ,ate. p1+s -e.r �#- latigd egos AL / IVXMlt •O 64g t O ff , $IAD Gt, 441 is BLis a -hi(i en4P L- I4 it.A" 5i,-r'� , .L 4 ��.� bk31 fit. ; .k L"ti`" D COPY TO IMI SIGNED: NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Environmental Review Committee Renton, Washington The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following project (s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The following Applicant(s) have completed a mitigation process: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- . 99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road Further information regarding this action is available in the Community Development Department, Current Planning Division, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. This Determination is FINAL. There is a 14 day appeal period which will end at 5: 00 PM on April 30, 1990. Any appeal of this decision may be made to the City's Hearing Examiner, Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington. An appeal must state clearly, in writing, why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75. 00 filing fee. Published: April 16 1990 Account #51067 LANCE MUELLER ASSOCIATES/ARCHITEC___; UZflJ _13 OF 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE 4 t ( CD , L 1, JOH NO. (206) 325-2553 (FAX) 328-0554 ATTEN•TIO u! eij I��IC��''J/J/JJ..�� 'M TO 6 I\r8 I RE fsRti 6 6 C4t4 orp,eNtern,i im-rbA.1 Pkgd-rervir GkiA- rh ,, .,� n WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached ❑ Under separate cover via t the. i ❑ Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples L i It [fl❑i1Specifiaationvra o 1' 1 cif' ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 6 g 37_....0 m g SCA ged;1,477 b-Ki 11/4410 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution P. s requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ or review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO r SIGNED: It anr.insuras arm not as tinted_ kindly neatly us at nnca. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ECF;SA-112-89 APPLICATION NO. PROPOSED ACTION BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRUCE BLUME The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two • structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS The property is located at 601 Monster Road. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION ❑DOES UDOES NOT HAVE. A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ❑WILL 11NILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., APRIL 30, 1990 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE _ WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATION I , &rc Sok.Vfj& , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 3 COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN • CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBEC P.ROPERTY ON -$,— i-- y • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before.me Notary Public, i and for the State of 41a hington - • residing in , on the " ,SIGNED : MGtA4, g, at-1 (�!yr day of -&, 199G NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ECF;SA-112-89 APPLICATION NO. PROPOSED ACT I ON BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRUCE BLUME The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS The property is located at 601 Monster Road. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ( E. R.C. ) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION ❑DOES VIDOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ❑WILLWA/ILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P. M., APRIL 30 , 1990 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 2 3 5 - 2 5 5 D. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • CONFERENCE REPORT NAME OF PROJECT: (.1 P M Dj57/ 801100 crif• DATE OF CONFERENCE: . 4'' +"aZD PROJECT NO. TIME: ppei (START) 5kI12te)C . (END) NAME AND TITLE OF ORGANIZATION PHONE PEOPLE ATTENDING LLO.ca Vt,Pfiththinice, DIA ZAS -Z6 . L Ow rki ( P( N i i G DAP 235-1.&sue COMMENTS: 9.> `Ai ternAI S` 1qr9o...ks esimrals, • i • • .2 • ett.A.L"••%.161.4*at "A City of Renton Community Development Department Memorandum Date: April 11, 1990 To: Environmental Review Committee From: Donald K. Erickson, AICP Secretary Subject: Reconsideration of DNS-M for Blume Distribution Company, 601 Monster Road S.W. (SA 112-90) Staff Contact: Lenora Blauman Project Manager BACKGROUND On February 18, 1990 the ERC issued a DNS - M for the Blume Distribution Company project, a warehouse/office complex proposed for 601 Monster Road S.W. During the comment period for this DNS-M, substantive comments and/or requests for reconsideration of transportation mitigation measures were submitted by the proponent and by the Department of Transportation. Similarly, substantive comments/requests for reconsideration of measures designed to protect the natural environment were submitted by the Audubon Society, the State Department of Wildlife and by a private citizen (John Kohlsaat). Finally, METRO has submitted a letter stating that the applicant will need to take measures to protect the effluent transfer station. Based on these requests, the project is submitted to ERC for reconsideration. FINDINGS/RECOMMENDATION Transportation: 1) The Blume Distribution Company has requested that Condition #3 be modified to indicate that the traffic mitigation fee ($254,345.65) would be "decreased if the applicant can demonstrate that the project will generate fewer than 1,375 trips." Staff believe that it is not acceptable to decrease the established traffic mitigation fee. This fee is deemed to be reasonable, as it was derived by utilizing impacts determined from the ITE Manual, and then modified (reduced) to reflect information provided by the applicant's traffic study, providing an equitable assessment for anticipated impacts f ' over the life of the project, and providing an appropriate level of credit for reduction of trips below ITE standards, and have been assigned a mitigation fee. Staff recommend: That Condition#3 requiring that the applicant provide regional traffic improvements or payment of a mitigation fee of$254,345.65 be retained without modification. 2) The Washington State Department of Transportation has requested that a new condition be established, requiring the applicant to participate to his "fair share" for the addition of a traffic signal at 68th Avenue South and Martin Luther King Way (SR 900). Warrants have already been met for that signal; the estimated total cost is $500,000.00. The applicant's traffic study also speaks to a need for this signal. The applicant's fair share is estimated to be approximately $4,000 as derived by calculating the projected project-related trip increase to this intersection (15% of the total 1410 ADWVTE -- or 211 trips), as a percentage of background traffic of 24,950 trips). Staff believe that this is a reasonable request, because the project is anticipated to generate a substantial number of trips through the intersection(as described previously), both during construction and operation of the project (by trucks transporting products to/from the warehouse, and by employees), as this route provides the most convenient access to I-5 northbound and to local business districts; it also is a viable alternative route to I-405 and to I-5 southbound. Similar requirements have been/will be established for other like developments. Staff recommend the addition of Condition #9 as follows: That the applicant provide $4.000.00. as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, subject to the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department. Natural Environment: 1) The Audubon Society, State Department of Wildlife and Mr. Kohlsaat have expressed approval of Condition #1 which calls for enhancement of wetlands on the site. The applicant has reported willingness to improve the wetland, including adding ponds and a conifer buffer of 30 to 50 feet to screen the development from the wetland, as suggested by Shapiro and Associates (certified technicians who conducted the on-site wetlands study) and the Audubon Society. Staff will work with the applicant to ensure that the final plans protect the wetland adequately. Staff believe that the existing Condition #1, which calls for wetland enhancement, is sufficient to require appropriate improvements. Additionally, each of the respondents has requested that the City also consider a requirement for on-site in-kind replacement and enhancement to compensate for the .99 acre of wetland area which is slated to be filled. Staff is supportive of this suggested new condition, as being appropriate for this site, where there is ample undeveloped space and site characteristics which would facilitate the provision of in-kind replacement to the existing wetlands on Parcel #4 to the south of the development. Additionally, the State Department of Wildlife has asked that Condition #2 be modified to require approval from that agency for the proposed .99 acre wetland fill plan (as well as approval by the US Army Corp.). Staff believe that the Department of Wildlife's interests will be adequately addressed through the proposed requirement that in-kind replacement of wetlands be provided. Finally, Mr. Kohlsaat has raised concerns about the manner in which the proposed fill may interfere with the alleged water source provided to the wetland from nearby coal mine shafts. Although, coal mine shafts do exist in the vicinity of the site, according to U.S. Geological Maps, and the Office of Surface Mining, the shaft location is well- away from the wetland to be filled and hydrology is such that there is no exchange of water between the shaft and the wetlands. Based upon concern expressed by various constituencies for the protection and maintenance of the wetland, staff would also suggest the addition of a condition calling for routine monitoring of the wetland areas by the City's landscape planner. (In the event that the wetlands are not being maintained upon such inspection, monies could be assigned from the landscape maintenance bond to care for the wetlands). Staff recommend the addition of Conditions #10 and #11, to read as follows:: #10 That the applicant provide in-kind replacement (and enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the .99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between .55 acre and .99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now- defined Parcel #4. Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City's Landscape Planner and concurrence of the State Department of Wildlife: replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. #11 That the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now-defined Parcel #4 of the subject Property, to ensure that these areas are being properly protected and maintained, with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land, to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for Site Plan Approval. Effluent Transfer Station: METRO has a permanent easement for the Effluent Transfer Station line in the area of the proposed development. The agency has called for assurance that they will have the right to approve the project design, in order to protect that line, and for an agreement to protect the right to maintain and repair the sewer line. Staff recommend the addition of a new Condition #12 as follows: #12. That the applicant. prior to public hearing for site plan approval. in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system. obtain from METRO approval of construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO access to maintain and repair the sewer line. subject to approval by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. Thank you for your consideration. CITY OF RENT ON bit& Community Development Department Earl Clymer, Mayor Kenneth E.Nyberg, Director April 11, 1990 James Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 146 North Canal Seattle, Washington 98103 RE: Blume Distribution Company, 601 Monster Road S .W. , (112-89) Dear Mr. Garrison: As you are aware, the comment period expired on March 20, 1990 for the Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. During that comment period, requests for reconsideration of the Determination were submitted by your office, by the Audubon Society, by John Kohlsaat, by the Washington State Departments of Transportation and Wildlife, and by METRO. These issues -- including wetlands protection, transportation mitigation, and protection of the effluent transfer system -- were considered by the Environmental Review Committee on April 11, 1990 . • The Committee unanimously agreed to: 1) Retain Condition #1, as presently stated, calling for wetland landscaping plans. This condition provides a requirement for plans to include enhancement with native vegetation, and must be approved by the City. Narrative reports from Shapiro and Associates (certified wetland biologists) and information provided by the applicant indicates that plans are going forward to develop an enhancement scheme (e.g. plantings, seasonal ponds) which is likely to address issues raised by the City, and by various agencies/individuals who commented upon the need to preserve wetlands . 2) Retain Condition #3 , as presently stated, calling for regional transportation improvements or a contribution of $254 , 345 . 65 to the TBZ as originally stated, based upon the fact that this assessment is designed to mitigate impacts estimated to be generated by a warehouse/office development over the life of the project, rather than for a specific day/type of use. 3) Add Condition #9 as follows: "That the applicant provide $4 , 000 . 00 as a fair share payment toward the Washington State Department of Transportation project for the signalization of the (SR 900) Martin Luther King Way/68th Avenue South intersection, mn Mill Avennp. .Cnnth - Rentnn Wachinctnn 9R(1SS x subject to. the approval of the City of Renton Public Works Department and the King County Public Works Department." (See attached Washington State Department of Transportation letters of March 19 and April 10 , 1990) . 4) Add Condition #10 as follows: "That the applicant provide in- kind replacement Land enhancement) of wetlands to compensate for the . 99 acre of emergent wetland which is to be filled. Replaced/enhanced wetland shall be between . 55 acre and . 99 acre and is to be connected to existing wetland areas located on the northwest portion of now-defined Parcel #4 . Wetland replacement/enhancement plans are subject to approval by the City's Landscape Planner and concurrence of the State Department of .Wildlife; replacement/enhancement shall be achieved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 5) Add Condition #11 as follows: "that the applicant allow an annual inspection by the City of each and all of the wetlands areas on now-defined Parcel #2 and now defined Parcel #4 of the subject property., to ensure that. these areas are being properly_ protected and maintained, with inspection rights to be provided through an easement to allow access to the site and a covenant to ensure that the easement runs with the land, to be valid for the life of the project. These documents are to be approved by the City Attorney and provided prior to the public hearing for site plan approval . 6) Add Condition #12 as follows: "That the applicant, prior to public hearing . for. site plan approval , in order to ensure protection of the effluent transfer system, obtain from METRO approval of construction plans and provide an easement and covenant to run with the land for METRO. access to maintain and repair the sewer line, subject to approval by METRO and the Renton City Attorney. Conditions #2 and #4 - #8 inclusive were not submitted for reconsideration; therefore, they remain as originally stated. "Notes" included in the Determination are not environmental review conditions, but are, rather, explanatory information. Some of the matters addressed in those, notes may be converted to conditions in conjunction with site plan review. In addition to review of the above issues, staff explored impacts • upon the wetland from nearby Diamond Coal Mine Shafts. Reports provided by and/or information obtained from the Dalton, Olmstead and Fuglevand (certified geological engineers) , . Office of Surface Mining - U. S . Government, U. S . Geological Survey maps, City of Renton Public Works Department and the Department of Natural Resources indicate that there are Diamond Coal Mine shafts in the area of the site, but that their location and hydrology is such that they do not interact with wetlands on Parcel #2 or Parcel #4 of this site. As no substantial impact is defined, no nexus exists for establishment of mitigation measures. The Committee's determination is now final. It may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5: 00 p.m. on April 30, 1990. Appeals may be filed by the proponent and/or by any interested party. Any appeal must state clearly why the determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non- refundable $75 . 00 filing fee. If you have any questions or desire clarification, please contact Lenora Blauman, project manager, at 235-2550 . F e Environ al Re ' ew Committee 06147; J Donald K. Erickson, AICP Secretary cc: J. Kohlsaat 12057 SE 42nd ST Bellevue, WA 98006 James Lutz , P.E. WSDOT, District 1 15325 SE 30th PL Bellevue, WA 98007 Tony Oppenhermer _ Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 Gerry Adams Seattle Audubon Society 619 Joshua Green Bldg Seattle, WA 98101 Paul Leland METRO 821 2nd Avenue, M/S 92 Seattle, WA 98104 WWashington State Duane Berentson AIF Department of Transportation Secretary of Transportation District 1 • 15325 S.E.30th Place Bellevue,Washington 98007 April 10, 1990 Don Erickson Zoning Administrator Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 SR 900 MP 8. 27 CS 1712 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Blume Distribution Facility File No. ECF; SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter is to correct an error in our letter March 19 , 1990. We stated that the estimated cost of a signal at Martin Luther King Jr. Way (SR 900) and 68th Avenue South (Monster Road) was $250, 000. We wish to revise that figure to the following: Signal Equip. & Controller $125, 000 Widening and Channelization $125, 000 Design & Const. Engineering $100, 000 Right-of-Way Acquisition $125, 000 Total $500, 000 WSDOT recommends that the developer be conditioned to participate in this project on a proportionate share basis. The proportionate share formula should be: WO Project traffic using the intersection ------ = Percentage i y c\ Project + Background traffic in build-out year WSDOT had traffic counts in April, 1989, at 24, 460. Using an expontential growth factor of 1% for two years to the build- out year (April, 1991) the "Background traffic in build-out year" the figure of 24 , 950 AWDT may be used. s �Y 1� w Don Erickson April 10, 1990 Page 2 The proportionate share percentage may then be applied to the $500, 000 to obtain the maximum amount for payment at the developers fair share contribution. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to call Donald Hurter (562-4274) or Dick Aust (562- 4269) of my Developer Services Section. Sincerely, . A"' S L. LUTZ, P E. ilities/Developer services Engineer DA:da cc: State Aid WSDOT MS 121 04!10.'1990 11 : 17 FROM SHAPIRO TO 6334680 F. 02r0 SHAPIRO& A sanAYES2 The Smith Tower Suitt 1400 506 Second Avenue Seattle Washington 98104 Tel: 206/624.9190 Fax: 206/624.1901 April 10, 1990 Mr. Jim Garrison Bruce Blume and Company 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98103 Re: Container Corporation (Blume Distribution Facility) Wetland Mitigation (SHAPIRO #213212) Dear Jim: In response to your request, we met with Gerry Adams representing the Seattle Audubon Society on your site in Renton to discuss potential mitigation for wetland losses that would be associated with the proposed development. Tony Opperman of the Washington Department Wildlife had also been invited, but he was unable to attend. After touring the site, and reviewing the proposed development plan, we discussed potential mitigation opportunities. Gerry indicated he felt the site served as afeeding area for great blue herons from the Black River rookery during the late winter and early spring before the reed canarygrass on site ' became too tall for those birds. He suggested that screening of the proposed development from the existing wetland area would be valuable. The screening would consist of a zone primarily of conifer trees in the uplands surrounding the wetland and in the outermost portions of the wetland near the building and parking lot. Western red cedar and sitka spruce would be the most likely species to use with some black cottonwoods and alders interspersed. Wetland tolerant shrubs such as red twig dogwood and willows could be planted inside this row of trees to provide additional habitats and dense screening close to the ground. The planting zone would be 30 to 50 feet in width and extend along the south side of the building and the east side of the parking lot. Such plantings should also be extended along the railroad track to provide additional buffer there. We also discussed the creation of shallow seasonal ponds within the wetland to create areas of open water which would support amphibians suitable as food resources for the herons and other wetland species. Gerry considered such 04:10/1990 11 : 1c FROM SHAPIRO TO o334660 P. 03/03 Mr. Jim Garrison April 10, 1990 Page Two a mitigation plan would substantially reduce his concerns about habitat impacts associated with the project. With your approval , we will begin developing conceptual design plans for the mitigation plan as described. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, SHAPIRO AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 06 2aJd Cf:10 Marc E. Boule , Senior Vice President Physical and Biological Resources cc: Jerry Adams MEB:jj .. NR23.13 SHAPIRDSL ASSQUATESLi it RULE 1;i,UlD1L1l ', &COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS April 10, 1990 To: Lenora Blauman From: Jim Garrison RE: Letter of April 9, 1990 Dear Ms. Blauman; Thank you for your letter of April 9, 1990, I found it helpful to itemize elements for which you are needing further information. I have attached to this note: 1. A letter from Shapiro & Associates outlining what we believe is a fundamental acceptable solution to wetland mitigation. I will instruct Shapiro to proceed to document their discussion with Audubon in a design format. 2 . An evaluation prepared by our geologist, Terry Olmsted, relative to mining records on or adjacent to the property. The mine maps provided by the Dept. of Natural Resources indicate mines were unlikely to have been operated on the site. Mine records indicate that mining in the immediate vicinity was limited to the east side of Monster Road near what is now the intersection of Oaksdale and Monster Road. On the westerly portion of the site relatively shallow bedrock underlies most of the site making it rather unlikely that any unrecorded mining occurred on the property. Additionally, our grading/filling permit was completed and submitted December 13, 1989 and the revised plans were re- submitted April 6, 1990. The permit fee was paid December 13, 1989 in the amount of $675. 00. It is our understanding that this permit is being processed concurrently with our building permit. Attached to your April 9, 1990 memorandum, is a Grading License Form. Does this need to be processed prior to our grading/filling permit or is it to be completed by our contractor when our permit is ready to be picked up? Sin i 41ii,-- Jam s D. Garrisof / cc. Bruce M. Blu 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 • Dalton,Olmsted&Fuglevand,Inc. Bruce Blume & Company HEW-003-00 March 28, 1990 EVALUATION OF UNDERGROUND MINE WORKINGS The general vicinity of the site is known to contain underground coal mine workings. Review of USGS Seattle and Renton Quadrangles and Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines and Geology, information indicates that relatively shallow underground workings exist immediately east of Parcels 1 and 3 (see Figure 1). • Specifically, the mine was known as the Diamond Mine, with a known opening east of Monster Road adjacent to Parcels 1 and 3. In addition, a mine or prospect opening is noted on the east side of Monster road on the USGS geologic map for the Renton Quadrangle. According to the Division of Mines and Geology and the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, a collapse occurred in 1984 at about the intersection of Monster Road and the south line of Section 13. The is now the approximate location of the intersection of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. and Monster Road. The collapse occurred after the Corps of Engineers dumped about 7 feet of fill, causing a sink hole about 25 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep. This collapse was repaired by the United States Office of Surface Mining, a federal agency that is funded to repair and restore such areas. The Division of Mines and Geology maintains the mine map files. A copy of the available mine map information and the final report of the Office of Surface Mining are attached to this report (Appendix B). It should be kept in mind that the mine map information is incomplete, and it should not be relied upon to show all existing features. Review of geotechnical reports for the Metro Renton Treatment Plant facilities did not reveal any discussion of mines or indication that underground mines were found during their explorations. Because of the proximity of Parcel 3 and 1 (CCA's Plant), there is a possibility that the mine workings could have extended beneath these parcels, however, other than the proximity issue, no other evidence such as reported subsidence were found. This report has been prepared using generally accepted professional practices, related to the nature of the work accomplished, in the same or similar localities, at the time the services were performed. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Bruce Blume & Company for specific application to the project purpose. This report does not represent a legal opinion. No other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. u • L 41 -4 � a H . x• e3 i ` p1. er 11 s l 's kJ"- . ,... .., . „... ,,,•• 4Cirp.7_7:._.. ,-1 • • . ..1'• ;7, . ...c.,•• • ei....p • =----r-N-...„\,...)\ 1 ,\\;� d�r••r„' p R ' e�' .34Z4 ^ ice' . 77/''''''''',,, (: .. \. \ e [pry as,.t . 1 © \ � ( Ill �13 '� IN• � Iiir--,47.1.....If ours fr4f►1 w , inrn� 1 n `:6;:ilte::: en ` (Per * I /-771N1314\ `. a �1 .-' .i( $siege _BV�Iµ \.•• r \,\. logiiiLLsposaI i /• :`\ I .1 ' 11m /4.I�.• 116 . • ilk t ,,y 1. •1 .. I 11 I I �I 1 1 1 1---I 3 3 �•./Iy� , II IC`3 ' • 1'•: V • • 1 ■ 11 1• I 7i ::I•r :�: .• . all. '.. I 11 J 11== ........_ =; Track :I..� . . : ''.1.till:-.;417$, • Tii- B-1.1 iiiiTiZT:-.7.17-11fi:---- .- - • /A et,ron S I "=Z,o0o' . ./tc,Inpry MoL+,• Diamond Mine B.AT( • • F. i Affro 1c cQ Le l "= 13 0 M1he,. Ma-r NOTE: MINE MAP OF UNKOWN DATE ON FILE BRUCE BLUME&COMPANY ` AT WASHINGTON DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY CCA RENTON PROPERTY DIAMOND MINE WORKINGS MAP HEW-003-00 FIGURE B-1 DALTON,OLMSTED&FUCLEVAND,INC OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING WESTERN TECHNICAL CENTER 1020 FIFTEENTH STREET, BROOKS TOWERS DENVER, COLORADO 80202 • •• FINAL REPORT • DIAMOND MINE EMERGENCY RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON WA-84-011 • li •i �� Technical. Project Officer: lti,�•Q• ,, �� /ngcrfKaldenbach ys al Scientist Federal Reclamation Project Branch Final Report Diamond Mine Emergency Renton, King County, Washington (WA-84-011) I. Project Description A. Location The abandoned Diamond Mine is located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 13, T. 23 N. , R. 4 E. The subsidence hole over the mine is located on ' an active construction site of a flood control project in Renton, Washington adjacent to Monster Road. B. Problem Subsidence occurred July 26, 1984, and was reported by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) to the Washington Department of Natural Resources. The SCS is currently constructing a flood control project in the area, and the site where subsidence occurred was being used to stockpile fill material . The collapse occurred after about 7 ft. of fill material had been placed on the site. ;I The hole was 25 ft. in diameter, 10 ft. deep, and had about 1 ft. of water in the bottom. C. Objective The hazard would be abated by filling the hole with gravel . II. Project Documentation A. The subsidence occurred on July 26, 1984. OSM and the Washington Department Natural Resources conducted a site investigation on July 31, 1984. B. On August 16, 1984, the Washington Attorney General declared the Diamond Mine eligible for reclamation funding under P.L. 95-87. C. The Right-of-Entry was signed by the city of Renton Public Works Director on August 9, 1984. I' D. A construction contract was awarded to Renton Sand and Gravel on August 9, 1984, and construction began and was completed on August 10, 1984. I:. �1 Y , , 1 III. Costs The anticipated project cost was $1,300. Renton Sand and Gravel completed the construction for a total project cost of $1,280. IV. Conclusion/Accomplishments The subsidence hole was completely filled with 220 cubic yards of pit run . gravel . The total acreage reclaimed was less than .01 acres, but resulted in the continued safety of the construction crew of about 30 men working in the area. ti� •IC}43:.' i•L:�. r j •1� is • e. r r i 1. ►• s::t. •,•.,, •-•• ., -•• k. c.,..,,,:„.•••:.v„..:,„,,,.. . . • . it r' 1 i � ••.'r All . • ►irk '" • JA'A� AdVAt .,. r•�+ •I'V .1kr •1 -,•�.:ram• it. i.44 4. 7 , 11 4 ; , ! i ir.. . ... ' id ,Tr. .j TA:y1..V.'0,.% .%., ••• • . ~ f ' '3. Rll Y:1. .,ri+,'�.•ilr J .. a :i3.• � ..— .—.:.. 1 Subsidence Hole 1 ! I • I, I ,• I 1, 1 i. CONFERENCE REPORT NAME OF PROJECT: - JP3ThWJU11D Iv f k)it, K, LUin6 4 (JO DATE OF CONFERENCE: 4s /OiO PROJECT NO. S/9- TIME: 4= 6 rivk (START) (END) NAME AND TITLE OF ORGANIZATION PHONE PEOPLE ATTENDING eJ68/19 Li IUD P1R1urvinx 0551tieto EN t'-)e_A �L AuP-i6L LAN N i N1 6 - 2 3S~�sS� 1---4 1)cr e c 1 506- 2-.6'53 --�i W ) t \ 73r € 11 3 --� CS-are COMMENTS: � 7'i F _ ?f\e_-?_)) cc:'4\ Cc) : K �P�- a� c � t'► LL; �,� i (i I ,N .'-i- j-- 1 l,''KY (= r :q__ / -C-IT ------------ _______ -----. f ®\Q i( 77 C r_______..)_q, ct //,..// E. .7b v a\ / ---,:...___,--7 ...„ cet---m- ,n,,k,, - ,_e,--t:::).y L________ ............______ ‘.-- ,41 /,c, i \.// , e'lW. I -0;031 . i 9 ,42 00G1 ---• ot,S% Ni. Q01-V7 411. i(I 1 .4 # i -ni.svci L • L________ 1 r i i 1_ _ _ ____„,____ _,.. sQ _... . 1 1 . ______L; c_g ,' / 1 _____�.____ yi _--_-_— ii ( L • Qo/ co-9/ p g ao� f 5, 621.. --J. 002 is __T__ _----. . 1 A_____....., , 0 ., ii _____ c. # ---rv-Asla lr- , 1- ;r, I BUSH, ROED& HITCHINGS, INc. 1 2009 Minor Avenue East r, Seattle,Washington 98102 CPA,�� tie. Area 206/323-4144 6. vi /041 Fax 206/323-7135 APR T®� %,':-,,,,-, .ms:car. rJ I ...4,41) April 9, 1990 City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill South Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Lenora Blauman Re: Blume Distribution Facility Dear Lenora: It is my understanding from our conversation last week that you are proceeding with processing of information for the segregation letter requested in our original submittal of February 9, 1990 and revision submitted March 22, 1990. If this is not the case or if any additional information is required please let me know immediately. Very truly yours, Arthur L. itching • ALH/cd cc: Jim Garrison, Bruce Blume & Company `V IN \A ArIt% o ak, Lei-u_ f—'1 • /'-'` CIVIL ENGINEERS/ LAND SURVEYORS LANCE MUELLE IL CD F u a, msErniinl ASSOCIATES/ARCHIreuTS 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 ATTENT DATE . 6" 77) JOB NO. N (206) 325-2553 , ., oit2G h/ All C tielio/ .pTO r2=' ,40,/Alpi RE: �vG6 C - D r sic) glAt.1° /2le wA— WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: — ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order El COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION /1 -, / )1e '/ / r_.5YZ-. ! . e 2- ,ovG ��-, `8 • R4E eg L 10 2- 2x`1 /lei G�it,- G G Li_ f ge--?‹. // AOPOGV i s k THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED'AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS APR 6 1990 PQ\\ COPY TO LV SIGNED: PRODUCT 240.2 ( Ea I Inc,Croton,Mass 01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. OF ob .2:U4 ERUCE BLUME AND I TO 2352513 F.U1 BRUCE BLUME &COMPANY -- -- kl•.rv,i r;1.1'i.3 •420 is �C;h 90 EMO_MILE�RAKSMITTAL SHEET TO: DATE: 4- S r 70 FAX # : ?, �J' 5/5 FROM: k •- c--"� �.r rim _ 11.1=E_BS+tJNE& CON ANX FAX #: (2061 633-4680 NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED Z- (INCLUDES COVER SHEET) MESSAGE: • 411 146 \ORTI I CANAL.ST . i`E ".ATTI.E. WASHINGGr()N 4810 (296 APE P9O 12:05 FROM BRUCE BLUME AND CO. TU 2.37�71.5 r.e� 1 ! U_:ME i4 t �\1PA�1_ RI;AI I?5TAT1: April 4, 1990 To: Lenora Blauman From: Jim Carrison . #. Re: Container Corp. Project "•(a r Lenora: 41r our phone conversation yesterday, you should have tic <^F�ived or will receive by tomorrow, revised site plan dra.ings for the Eland project. 1. Relative to our lot segregation plan, you will see the location of the public access easement for fire and police, etc. 2. You will also note that we will complete a revised wetland landscaping plan following our meeting with Audubon and Dept. of Wildlife. In the alternative, we can provide a preliminary wetland landscape plan and modify it following our meetings with Audubon. Please advise with you recommendation. 3. It is my understanding that our grading permit can be released following the public hearing. Bob Fadden asked that I confirm with you that our grading permit processing is moving ahead. Please advise me. 4. As we try to move toward wrapping up loose ends in our permit process, I want to keep our good communication going. To that end, I would like to meet with you and Bob Fadden next week, when schedules permit. 5. I have asked Don Marcy to coordinate the offsite improvement deferral agreement and he will be contacting Clint Morgan and/or you to finalize that issue. Thank you. sc, \'ORTI- C1NAi. e SEATTE,I. \\y\SIIINCT<)N 48IU3 (200, ,633-4680 TO riL P. e e LANCE MUELLER ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECT ELE ITTR CIF ITIU IZE DI ALL 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE ÷ ' / ,� ? co JOBNO. (206) 325.2553 ATTEN11ON G✓` A. �/� RE: I ��� �,{/� � �IV V TO t tisgo Gg .JtN1e151a IZ:)1. 1 \\ Ni a v-1:›6r1-7 cpe r.i-ra NJ ¶ TVr.J WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: — O Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter 0 Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION /1 LiaJJPC/3E rAcJ' co Gawp k o f '44/ J THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval )in For your use ❑ Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution — i ' As requested 0 Returned for corrections „ p _Return... corrected prints ❑ or review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 — 0 PRINTS RETURNED,\AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS , ii ..: APR 5 i990 ; 1 je,20.4...c, COPY TO LZ� SIGNED: 6 ` �. LANCE MUELLER OO i ITR SEri circa ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECT ° 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE I ' /%� D JOB NO. (206) 325-2553 ATTEN N E/ 9/- E L )M,4, / TO —1/Ld Exi.7-6/\1 RE: Et.(1145/SI eLANZ �� 14 • id e b/\f WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter 0 Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Si tge p 2404/1 ebLDR.EE /I / p /U s — G/V/ls pL,A1J5 (2 A.2. -A-3 - PLR, p/•anls lZ - or.c. fGrz, pL /u • 2- A5 /6v LevAr b/IS M.014 efi7 x I I gerD uc r olds Al G/-.42-�43-•4�4--/A5 f 0P/ 5ssa-b eiJC-Lopss p S 44e THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked'below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval k_ For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution ) ,s requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints O For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS fe/ISeA 4 S gee?,o g 7 D14s._.. � '.r APR 5 1930 iI`y 45 �9 COPY TO r7Lg SIGNED *-,...“'f - . . IC•: METRO ENGR. SERVICES 2066841710 P. 1/2 ummeGIMETRONagis""""/""silsiiimaNwitisarwimisinm"issmataris-44rsemit LxchaMunicnge ity f gMetropolitan+ Sz1Se and Ave • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 " o�9�N/0/1/ C �II-- 9d SI!IkE TRANSMXSSIQN. COVER SHEET v404 DATE SENT: 171/ 3916 < U( OF /QEti17"QlY . TRANSMITTED TO: U// Gu i1? Jr4G r 1// 1(J cekoti/T 7 Fax 0235-- 5�. kt-F. P7&E &-:F' ../1Lu81 copy at LC E.e ©r 31a:1/4o TRANSMITTED FROM: 62L... �.E1- /U,) //6 (Name) / (Mail Stop) �L (Phone) FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION NUMBER: (206) 684-1710 NO. OF PAGES TRANSMITTED: (Including Cover Sheet) ?OR. INTERNAL STAFF USE ONLx: ROJECT: Lf V/A P&miqrN( b/ J , ARMS/TASK NO. : -E-- r2.C2C if SUBJECT: NOTES: F'.G/G HI-W b5 -*I 15: I HU LNGH. I�3 5 .ewbbew;#4. :: ;mETRc.- Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave e Seattle, WA 98104-1598 March 23, 1990 Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Determination of Nonsignificance File No. : ECF-1 .2-89 Bruce Blume Dear Environmental Review Committee: Metro staff has reviewed this proposal and anticipates no significant impacts to Metro's public transportation services. However, we have the following comments regarding water quality and Metro's -wastewater facilities. Metro 's Renton Effluent Transfer System (ETS) line is located in the vicinity of this project. Construction drawings for the project should be submitted to Metro' s Engineering Services Division for review during design development so that Metro staff can assess the project 's impacts. For additional information, contact Rich Putney of Engineering Services at 684-1291. Metro has a permanent easement for the ETS line in the area of the proposed development. Before this project is approved, Metro must be assured the right to mertain and repair the sewer line. In the event that the 1 .e must be relocated, a new permanent easement must be provided. The developer should contact Susan Solberg of Metro's Right-of- and Property Section at 684-1336 regarding this matter. We anticipate no significant degradation of surface water quality provided that all proposed mitigation measures for erosion and stormwater control, whether temporary or permanent, are implemented in a timely manner. Stormwater facilities should be inspected on a regular basis and should be maintained in good working order. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Sincerely, • dfru-,' Gregory M. Bush, Manager Environmental Planning Division GMB:p1g3557 Attachmc J 52"j-6'f, %0 CITY OF RENTON 1 paµ,; HEARING EXAMINER = Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman ®F /k March 28 , 1990 .� AI* ��"O,, 4' Gerry Adams Seattle Audubon Society 619 Joshua Green Building Seattle, WA 98101 Re: Your Appeal of Blume Distribution Facility SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Adams: This letter is intended to inform you of the status of the Blume Distribution Facility environmental determination. Staff has informed this office that your letter stating that you are appealing the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) is premature. Your letter was received by this office during the 'official comment period. It was the comment period which expired on March 20, 1990. The ERC has not issued a final determination in the matter. Your letter will be forwarded to the Planning Division for their consideration. You may contact that division to keep abreast of the environmental determination and measures that staff may impose. Until final action has been taken, any attempt to appeal would be premature. Please find enclosed- you original check. Once staff has issued its final determination you may decide whether to file your appeal again or accept the ERC' s determination. If this office can be of any further assistance please feel free to write. Sincerely, FRED J. UFMAN HEARING EXAMINER cc: ERC Members Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator ....A r•.• A_______ [�_._aL _ D..«a..« tx7oo}�inrrtnn o2occ - (1fl 935-9593 2 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON MAR 2 8 1990 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN IEN Ohl MEMORANDUM REARING EXAMINER DATE: March 28, 1990 TO: Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FRO D n Erickson, Chief, Current planning Division SUBJECT: Appeal filed by Seattle Audubon Society Blume Distribution Facility File No's. ECF,SA-112-89 I am in receipt of your inter-office memo dated March 21, 1990 regarding the environmental appeal filed by the Audubon Society (letter dated March 19, 1990) . You have asked me if their appeal is timely. Their letter of appeal is not timely because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures with the Determination of Non-Significance. Because there were conditions, a fifteen (15) day comment period was required by the City to solicit comments from various agencies, jurisdictions,, individuals and parties of record. The 15 day comment period extended until March 20, 1990. The comments we have received, including the concerns addressed by the Audubon Society, will be evaluated by the Environmental Review Committee, and then the Environmental Determination will be finalized and the start of a fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence. At that time their appeal would be valid. You may want to ask them to put it on hold pending the outcome of the ERC's reconsideration of this item at their next regular meeting on April 4, 1990. DKE:JFL:blume:dskl2 Audubon RECEIVED 33ocetcv MAR 2 01990 Washington Nonprofit Corporation CITY OF RENT' 619 Joshua Green Building • Seattle, WA 98101 • 206/622-6695 dd HEARING EXAMINER March 19, 1990 Mr. Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98.055 RE: Blume Distribution Facility, SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Kaufman: Seattle Audubon Society is comprised of 5 ,000 members and is , incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Washington. The Society is dedicated to the protection, preservation and enjoyment of wildlife, plants and their supporting habitats , and to the wise use of natural resources . We are concerned about environmental issues throughout King County including the City of Renton. The above captioned proposal is being planned for 601 Monster Road which is across the street from the Renton Heron Rookery . The great blue herons associated with the rookery use the site for feeding and foraging. The great blue heron is extremely sensitive to the intrusion of human related activity . A variety of other wildlife exists on and/or uses the site including migrating, resting, foraging and nesting waterfowl ; amphibians and raptors . There are no mitigation measures for the significant adverse effect on wildlife. The proposal is to fill . 99 acre of the on site wetland. Mitigating conditions for the loss of this portion of wetland require the applicant to provide a. revised wetland landscaping plan. The loss of this wetland area has not been fully considered and evaluated. Alternatives to the proposal have not been considered that would minimize the loss of the wetland area . • Since the City has not provided appropriate mitigating measures in its declaration, Seattle Audubon Society formally appeals the Determination of Nonsignificance (Mitigated) of February 28 , 1990 . Respectfully submitted, Gerry Adams Vice President , Conservation r CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055 206-235-2501 FAX# 235-2513 DATE MAR 27/ I !-{ Z PAGES (EXCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) ATTENTION: � I M (pAJSôtJ FROM: &K, Y•` Ir„ JIJD bD GF AMpMOK) sac ►err w►evw►F,rv-M . axle d. 11.1 u on •soceter RECEIVED • MAR 201990 Washington-Nonprofit Corporation �g P ,,; 619 Joshua Green Building • Seattle, WA-98101- • 206/622-6695 CIT 1I OFC a a a 9'� • HEARING EXAMINER March 19 , 1990 Mr. Fred J . Kaufman . Hearing Examiner City of Renton • 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98.055 RE: Blume Distribution Facility, SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Kaufman.: Seattle Audubon Society is comprised of 5 , 000 members and is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Washington. The Society is dedicated to. the protection, preservation and enjoyment of wildlife., plants and their supporting habitats , and to the wise use of natural resources . We are concerned about environmental issues throughout King County including the City of Renton. The above captioned proposal: is being planned for 601 Monster Road which is across the street from the Renton Heron Rookery'. The great blue herons associated with the rookery use the site for feeding and foraging. The great blue heron is extremely sensitive to the intrusion of human related activity . A variety of other wildlife exists on and/or uses the site including. migrating, resting, foraging and nesting. waterfowl ; amphibians and raptors . There: are no mitigation measures for the significant adverse effect on wildlife. The proposal is to fill . 99 acre of. the. on site. wetland. Mitigating conditions for the loss of this portion of wetland require the applicant to provide a revised_ wetland landscaping plan. The loss of this wetland area has not been fully considered and evaluated. Alternatives to the proposal have not been considered that would minimize the loss of the wetland area . Since the City has not provided appropriate mitigating measures in its declaration, Seattle Audubon Society formally appeals the Determination of Nonsignificance (Mitigated) of February 28 , 1990 . Respectfully submitted, Gerry. Adams Vice President , Conservation • .-P:I"! ' ~7 CONTRA= R—O—Li TO: CITY OF RENTON MAR 23, 1990 4: 1'PM #282 P.21 JCmETRO 0,440 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle �'�9��L/S Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 �i F� �9�0 ��L 4O FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE SENT: TRANSMITTED TO: �_,A "\' 1 c<- (4 0 1", ,, ' 1" .,C.C.A...6 f_)A _ .-%1 e; ) -1"- 4 ._ -_ );.).) TRANSMITTED FROM: ri,..4-...) C�.� `-»- " 11 • /! (name) (mall stop) Telephone No.: Li " N ef )fi* FAX NUMBER FOR CONTRACTS&RIGHT-OF-WAY: (208)384-1488 NO OF PAGES TRANSMITTED; (induding cover sheet) COMMENTS: o:vanrvb. +'IL RO CONTRACTS R-O-U TO: CITY OF RENTON MAR 23, 1990 4: 15PM #282 P.22 • farMunicipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle,WA 98104-1598 March 23, 1990 Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Determination of Nonsignificance File No, : ECF-112-89 Bruce Blum Dear Environmental Review Committee: Metro staff has reviewed this proposal and anticipates no significant impacts to Metro's public transportation services. However, we have the following comments regarding water quality and Metro's wastewater facilities. Metro' s Renton Effluent Transfer System (ETS) line is located in the vicinity of this project. Construction drawings for the project should be submitted to Metro' s Engineering Services Division for review during design development so that Metro staff can assess the project's impacts. For additional information, contact Rich Putney of Engineering Services at 684-1291. Metro has a permanent easement for the ETS line in the area of the proposed development. Before this project is approved, Metro must be assured the right to maintain and repair the sewer line. In the event that the line must be relocated, a new permanent easement must be provided. The developer should contact Susan Solberg of Metro's Right-of- Way and Property Section at 684-1336 regarding this matter. We anticipate no significant degradation of surface water quality provided that all proposed mitigation measures for erosion and stormwater control, whether temporary or permanent, are implemented in a timely manner. Stormwater : 44nETRD i „ Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle p LEA11- t _. Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle,WA 98104-1598 AF RENT®ft! March 23, 1990 A 6990 Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Determination of Nonsignificance File No. : ECF-112-89 Bruce Blume Dear Environmental Review Committee: Metro staff has reviewed this proposal and anticipates no significant impacts to Metro' s public transportation services. However, we have the following comments regarding water quality and Metro's wastewater facilities. Metro's Renton Effluent Transfer System (ETS) line is located in the vicinity of this project. Construction drawings for the project should be submitted to Metro' s Engineering Services Division for review during design development so that Metro staff can assess the project' s impacts. For additional information, contact Rich Putney of Engineering Services at 684-1291. Metro has a permanent easement for the ETS line in the area of the proposed development. Before this project is approved, Metro must be assured the right to maintain and repair the sewer line. In the event that the line must be relocated, a. new permanent easement must be provided. The developer should contact Susan Solberg of Metro's Right-of- Way and Property Section at 684-1336 regarding this matter. We anticipate no significant degradation of surface water quality provided that all proposed mitigation measures for erosion and stormwater control, whether temporary or permanent, are implemented in a timely. manner. Stormwater facilities should be inspected on a regular basis and should be maintained in good working order. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Sincerely, Gregory M. Bus•. , Manager_, Environmental Planning Division GMB:p1g3557 Attachment .. ,.- t , , • . ". , .-Y.,. , // • • teOTE= UTILITY LOCATIONS AM APPROXIMATE tACATK>•I Of UTILITIES TO BE VERIFlFD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION • li.ric THE E WI'RECENT "'NIMBI,RAILI, A•'C ONST U TION. :"t�°" TR __ IN E THIS / ^."4 IPALITT �' ROPQ�Ni1p AREA �C RECENT RAILROAD I;ONSTRUCT10n,THE$ CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY q / • '\.• l• I • TNElf CMAMOE! AND DET[RMINE TN[ tMt►AC1S tNtr MAY NAvt ON TNt PIIOP09ED ��/ � -', -� , eQ iEA T1F- -�OES• AU€ 'ARR - ORWORK. , /•_ N. �;, -� r Q LREFER TO SPEC. SECT.02485 FOR SPECIAL RESTORATION REOUINEMENTS BETWEEN -_` 11UARANTEE SHE C�U�fCI 'OR \ _ \\ -, }' i 8TA.0.04J5 AND APPROXIMATE STA.13•29 - r s l n p; ,' �. ' COMPLETENESS OFE` BATA SNOiiN ) \ - • R•572:86• a HERE - ° ��\ .�_ _ \ �\ ' `�' T•32 30. l t y' �° n 174,9se w T� \ �` LOIELIE SPUR TATIOK Of L■104.81' /�'� �O c E 1.65GIN .83CON64 ., • `7'. ''''- L."--*: - . 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No. ECF; SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter contains the comments of Bruce Blume & Company, the applicant for the above-referenced project, in the proposed mitigated determination of non-significance issued by you on March 5 , 1990 . Our comments are as follows : 1 . Traffic - Condition No. 3 : We request that an additional sentence be added to this condition that reads ( as follows: "The voluntary contribution may be decreased lif the applicant can demonstrate that the project will generate fewer than 1, 375 trips. " 2 . It is our understanding that the notes contained in the proposed mitigated determination of non-significance are not proposed conditions, and will not necessarily be contained in the final mitigated determination of non- significance. However, if the notes do become conditions, we request the following changes : a. Note. Please clarify that the off-site improvements referenced in the note are street frontage improvements on the property where the project is to be constructed. b. Note No. 1. If this note becomes a condition to the final mitigated determination of non-significance, please add the following sentence at the end of the condition: "Payment of the fees may be deferred to issuance of occupancy permits for the development if such deferral is approved by the transportation I-t;, `.i)f i .. ! '.'..\I. ti•1.i l{ii I. �t i i i... i'I I.i.. • \ 1(1'\ ., .).; i.:''•. . INTER—OFFICE MEMO TO : DON ERIC-KSON, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE March 21 , 1990 . FROM: . HEARING EXAMINER , FRED J . KAUFMAN/ RE: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY, SA.-112-89 • Attached find a copy of an appeal filed by Seattle Audubon Society on the above Site Plan. Is this appeal timely??? abea-ttle • 4w1ubon 3oci�'tp RECEIVED MAR 201990 Washington Nonprofit Corporation •g-�p 619 Joshua Green Building • Seattle, WA 98101 • 206/622-6695 CI e g �� RENT ON HEARING EXAMINER March 19 , 19'90 Mr. Fred J . Kaufman - Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98.055 RE: Blume Distribution Facility, SA-112-89 Dear Mr . Kaufman: Seattle Audubon Society is comprised of 5 ,000 members and is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Washington. The Society is dedicated to the protection, preservation and enjoyment of wildlife, plants and their supporting habitats , and to the wise use of natural resources . We are concerned about environmental issues • throughout King County including the City of Renton. The above captioned proposal is being planned for 601 Monster Road which is across the street from the Renton Heron Rookery . The great blue herons associated with the rookery use the site for feeding and foraging. The great blue heron is extremely sensitive to the intrusion of human related activity . A variety of other wildlife exists on and/or uses the site including migrating, resting., foraging and nesting waterfowl ; amphibians and raptors.. There are-no mitigation measures for the significant adverse effect on wildlife. The proposal is to fill . 99 acre of the on site wetland. Mitigating conditions for the loss of this portion of wetland require the applicant to provide a revised wetland landscaping . plan. The loss of this wetland area has not, been fully considered and evaluated. Alternatives. to the proposal have not been considered that would minimize the loss of the wetland area . Since the City has not provided appropriate mitigating measures in its declaration, Seattle Audubon Society formally appeals the Determination of Nonsignificance (Mitigated) of February 28 , ' 1990 . Respectfully submitted, • 67;: t . Gerry Adams Vice President , Conservation - J PLANNING DIVE CITY OF RENTiaN BRUCE MAR 2 3 1990 ill i(L.J ME i-- .,�' i�v Erg t �.�E-, (Sc COMPANY te'1 D REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS March 20, 1990 Mr. Donald K. Erickson Chief, Current Planning Community Development Department City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, Wa. 98055 Re: Blume Distribution Facility File. No. ECF; SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter contains the comments of Bruce Blume & Company, the applicant for the above-referenced project, in the proposed mitigated determination of non-significance issued by you on March 5, 1990. Our comments are as follows: 1. Traffic - Condition No. 3 : We request that an additional sentence be added to this condition that reads as follows: "The voluntary contribution may be decreased if the applicant can demonstrate that the project will generate fewer than 1, 375 trips. " 2 . It is our understanding that the notes contained in the proposed mitigated determination of non-significance are not proposed conditions, and will not necessarily be contained in the final mitigated determination of non- significance. However, if the notes do become conditions, we request the following changes: a. Note. Please clarify that the off-site improvements referenced in the note are street frontage improvements on the property where the project is to be constructed. b. Note No. 1. If this note becomes a condition to the final mitigated determination of non-significance, please add the following sentence at the end of the condition: "Payment of the fees may be deferred to issuance of occupancy permits for the development if such deferral is approved by the transportation 146 NORTH CANAL STREET, SUITE 310 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 (206)632-1800 FAX (206)633-4680 division and the city attorney of the City of Renton. " We appreciate your consideration of our comments. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please call so that we may discuss your questions. Sincerely, BRUCE BLUME & COMP Y James D. Garrison cc: Mr. Sid W. Eland, Jr. Mr. Bruce M. Blume Washington State Duane Berentson / Department of Transportation Secretary of Transportation District 1 15325 S.E.30th Place Bellevue,Washington 98007 March 19 , 1990 Don Erickson E _., Zoning Administrator Planning Division PI Community Development Department MAR 2 0 ` ,1990 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 'i `- SR 900 MP 8 . 27 CS 1712 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Blume Distribution Facility File No. ECF; SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter is in response to the above MDNS. The proposed project involves construction of a two building distribution facility containing 285, 835 sq. ft. The proposal is located at 601 Monster Road. This proposal has the capability of seriously impacting the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Way (SR 900) and 68th Avenue South. This intersection is currently ranked 31st for future signalization. Warrants have been met. Funding could come as early as the 1991-93 biennium. The estimated cost of this signal is approximately $250, 000. WSDOT recommends that the developer be conditioned to participate in this project on a proportionate share basis. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to call Donald Hurter (562-4274) or Dick Aust (562- 4274) of my Developer section. Sincerely, JAMES L. LUTZ, P.E. Utilities/Developer �SS�'- Services Engineer DA:da cc: State Aid WSDOT MS 121 ""SJr �`- lr' "• • STAT .. y _ 526 on S10 CURTI SNITCH :2 • �' � Director '4'•1;ass aoy PLANNING DIVISION STATE OF WASHINGTON CITE'OF RENTON • DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE MAR 2 2 1990 • 16018 Mill Creek Blvd., Mill Creek, WA 98012 Tel. (206) ECEIVES • March 19, 1990 Don Erickson, Environmental Review Committee Current Planning Division Community Development Department 200,,Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: ECF-112-89; Blume Distribution Facility; MDNS Dear Mr. Erickson: The Department of Wildlife supports the mitigation conditions for stormwater control, specifically on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design, oil/ water separators and swales for biofiltering--.runoff before it flows into the wetlands. This is especially important since there are at least 9.5 acres of impervious coverage proposed. Department of Wildlife policy (policy 3000) recommends mitigation on per- mits/documents issued by other agencies. Full mitigation ensures no net ". loss of habitat or populations. The only mitigation proposed for filling .99 acres of wetlands, noted in the checklist, is enhancement with veget. tation of the remaining wetlands. We recommend in-kind replacement for the emergent wetlands being filled in addition to the enhancement. The existing emergent wetland presently provides the best habitat., on this site, 'for a variety of small wildlife species. Most of thisLhabi.tat will be lost to. the fill and building construction. There appears to be adequate area elsewhere on the site where this type of habitat could be recreated. If protected with buffer vegetation for screening, a created area would likely be colonized by those species displaced by the con-- . struction. Noted in the MDNS recommendations (Earth #2) is that the Department of Ecology has approved a wetland fill plan. Department of Wildlife staff :: - 3 • Blume Distribution Facility March 19, 1990 Page 2 would also like to review the plan as our concerns may be adequately addressed. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, {941 Tony Opp nn. Habitat Biologist TO:km cc: Habitat Management--Olympia El" IUTI I ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION • APPLICATION NO. ECF.;SA-112-89 APPLICANT BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRUCE BLUME PROPOSED ACTION The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amentties. There is a wetland on the site--.99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native ve8DiggiALTb`GAalcforiraibt/86eAibaiantSand is zoned for manfacturinguse park ES The property is located at 601 Monster Road. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES 'DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL IWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY March 20, 1990 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR'FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. - CERTIFICATION I , M j �&ve. `o , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 3 COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME Ifs CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON 3 /6 - 9 1 • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Publi in, or ttye State of Washington • residing in 7:,ar,(� f , on the `6i al SIGNED : "y!'J„Ae, day of Y 7� `f �/ N OT I C E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF;SA-112-89 APPLICANT BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY BRUCE BLUME PROPOSED ACTION The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site--.99 acre' portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vede i AL T�ibeVirotrA44�t/ Ab 1� arttSand is zoned for manfacturing park ES use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road. • POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES >04DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL IWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY 'OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY March 20, 1990 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:0,0 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 2 3 5-2 5 5 0. DO 'NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. • Ir�,i;I P1':.'; �! DMS'ON March 15, 1990 Ff 1JC I OF RENTO John Kohlsaat 12057 SE 42nd Street MAR I. 6 1990. Bellevue, WA 98006 C Tr; 11 � E (206) 562-3108 T2e on earins ExaniinG1z P�►J't�rl �i .►rt LNS D1 -rrAlepT" -Rem, WA 98XXX Subject: Environmental Declaration Apllication No. ECF; SA_112-89 (Blume Distri- bution Facility - 601 Monster Road, Renton). I would like to express my concern about the above Environmental Declaration Application because of the following reasons: • An active Great Blue Heron rookery site exists across the street from the site. The herons use the wetland on the proposed site for feeding. • The proposed partial filling of the wetland, and proposed use of land surrounding it, poses a signifcantly adverse impact on the rookery. • The land use proposed may eliminate possible food sources for the herons and several species of hawks which frequent the area. • The hill adjacent to the site was once a coal mine. The mine shafts were never filled in. The shafts collect water during the rainy season and the wetland of the proposed site acts as a drain field for the water. The effects of filling this wetland, or of severing the wetland from one of its water sources (the mine shafts) has not been properly addressed. The Application states that the City of Renton Environronmental Review Committee (E.R.C.) has determined: 1) the proposed action does not have a signicant adverse effect on the environment and 2) an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will not be required. I contend that the proposed action does pose a significant adverse threat to the local environment and therefore an EIS should be required. I recommend that the subject Application be denied until all possible impacts of the proposed land fill and usage are adequately addressed through additional review by the E.R.C. Please keep me informed of the continued processing of this application. Sincerely, ohn Kohlsaat • • • • • • • Sandra Hasegawa Landscape Architect � 4717 W. Ruffner St. Seattle, Wa. 98199 . +nmN/=GW1V0IOw OPRENTOly � � City of Renton Land Use and Planning Department MAR � 1990 200 Mill Avenue So. �����*��K�V��� Renton, , W�\ 98055 = "e=����8 �y��n� re: Container Corporation February 6, 1990 Dear Planners; As my association with Earth Egterprises ended effective January 31 , 1990, I would like to inform you that any revisions made after this date on the above referenced drawing, as well as any other projects on Earth Enterprises title block must be restamped by another Landscape Architect. If you have any questions, please call me at 285-8044. Sincerely, Sandra Hasegawa Landscape Architect . Sandra Hasegawa ',4 4717 W Ruffer qf' ik y_ �r�` _ , ,4 ,- Seattle WA 98199 i ,k, P m 17 ------ __�a=... -al $ tutAR -_ — '_ X.vr' 'Q 1 (4..._. Z/VC- CIA'sq/(/ ZIA'ZI-11 12/7 4- o , 2aa Gt24 . 90ss CITY Or RENTON • MAR 9 1990 RECEWD ' 1 .:. CURRE ...P::::: '>'�: �<: �<�<::>.>:> :>::>:: ::�>:�:::>:: ...:. . .. .. . . . ...DIVISION ...............................:. ............... - On the . day of a,,r�Jim , 19 90 , I deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing ane_c_Lk\s documents. This information was .sent to: Name Representing CCU �V, �+�, -R=)14,0,.e1, raft .-6-Z Q�fYI� l VT—. - kr)O T&Tc0-1? (--6Lc\sH I'VfLot_r (C.OW./-vc".: (Signature of Sender) . Ry^ Subscribed and sworn to me this 7 j/-/ day of IA4kCH 19 ciO . Nor ry •Public in and for the State of Washington residing at C k.51-6 J therein. rojeat Name • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 9, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner 1-441 FROM: Arlene Haight, Property Managementali,-e .. Randy Phelps, Survey SUBJECT: Blume Distribution Company Segregation #112-89 The error of closure of the total boundary for the above-referenced segregation is not within the tolerances allowed. I� ■ The addition of the square footage given for the four parcels is in error. Call out Total Square Footage on seg map. Each of the four parcels appear to contain five acres or more. The square footage given for the building on parcel one exceed s the square footage given for the parcel. Heading incomplete. Graphic scale missing. i Require Engineer's Calculations be submitted. City Surveyor's comments marked in red on attached print. When the boundary closes and the distances and bearings are adjusted, the legal descriptions will be reviewed. If Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. has any questions with regard to the Surveyor's comments, they can reach Randy Phelps at 235-2529. BLUME/AMH:lf RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON- MAR 131990 Randy Phelps BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS INC. genior Engineering Specialist PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (206)235-2529 Municipal Buil •n9 u l 200 Mill Avenue o� 8055 Renton,Washin \ • • • • . . • • • • . • • • • • - . . - • . • • .• • • . • . JOB #1 . BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY -PARCEL SEGREGATION MAP- (BUSH. ROED, HITCH INGSIINC. ) JN 90-02 DD 90 BEARING ' DIST . . . PNT NORTHING EASTING TYPE A: \ , . COMMAND : • • . , • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • COMMAND 10- PNT OCCUPIED= 40 40 6373. 3422 51083. 8208 • OCC PNT BS= 81- PNT= 88- RP= 39 801-57-32r-7 524. 90 39 5848. 7490 E110.,. . 76.30 INVRC PT= 38 --T' = tZF-'5.18 qD US = 524. 90 RC LENG T H= 194. 06 PNGENT = 98. 15 -10RD = S81.-22-03E 192. 96 NT= 37 70-46-34E�'' 147. 08 ,. 37 6295. 9525 51413. 470 5 INV NT= 68- P= 36 19-13-26W 842. 73 36 5500. 2138 .51135. 9929 I NV RC T= 35 24-46-09E 842. 73 35 6265. 415 2 51489. 0660 INV ELTA = 05-32-43 AD I US = 842. 73/ RC LENGTH= ANGENT = 40. 81 HORD = S68-00-13E 81. 53 NT= 34 65-13-51 E 1 259. 10 ✓ 34 6156. 8618 51724. 3296 I N V NT= 68- P= 33 24-46-09W 45. 00 33 6116. 0017 517►05. 4763 INVRC T= 32 65-13-51 E 45. 00 32 6097. 1483 51746. 3364 INV ELTA = 90-00-00 ADIUS = 45. 00' RC LENGTH= 70. 69' ANGE NT = 45. 00 HORD = S20-13-51E 63. 64 NT= 31. ;� _ -'46_� '�W 24. 57 : .L E12174. Ei3B( J 1 l.G„ {[r42 ; INV 44-0/-51E i.80. 00 30 5996. 3015 51898. 00 N'Y lL. T= 29 39-�39-23W 1 80. 00 2 9 5995.. 2220 51718. 0084 INV EL TA A = 26-12-46 DIUS = 180. 00 RC LENGTH= 82. 35 NGENT = 41. 91 -10RD = 912-45-46W 81 . 63 NT= 28 210-20-37E -/ 81. 08 28 5914. 1435 51718. 4947 INV NT= 24 _J/ 3 1-2 4-51 E ' 601. 76 24 531 -5667 51733. 3457 INV '4T= 68- P= ;25 B8-35-09W 256. 48 . 25 5306. 2370 51476. 9439 INVRC T= 26 71-24-58E 256. 48 226 5224. 4986 51720. 0505 INV ELTA = 19-59-53 PD I US = 256. 48 RC LENGTH= 89. 52/ aNGENT = 45. 22 -10RD = S08-35=05W 89. 07 - SIT= 27 18-35-09W V 286. 89 y/ , 27 4952. 5708 51628. 6115 INV NT= 3 53-39-22W ✓ 445. 211 3 5218. 4166 51270. 005S INV SIT= 5 46-16-56W 219. 70 5 5064. 5 04 51111. 168 INV NT= 6 09-01-55W 125. 00 - 6 4941. 1303 51 091. 5937 INV NT= 7 48-12-23E 420. 25 7 4E61. 0550 51404. 9112 INV \,T= 68- P= 8 i6,59-43W L5i'cl. 37 9 44E._. 9.592: 5._3B1 B1Z 7 :LTA = 57-20-46 aD I US = 250. 37 tC LENGTH= 250. 59 'NGENT = 136. 92 iORD = S05-40—IZ6W 240. 26 FT= 10 56-09-33W H 57. 38 '1 10 4445. 1621 51328. 6969 INV 4T= 68— D= 11 73-50-27E 1034. 85 11 5391. 7103 51746. 9803 INVRC r=. 12 _ 50-52-26W 1034. 85 12 4738. 6895 50944. 1862 INV _LTA = 27-01-59 J aD I US = 1034. 853 ;C LENGTH= 488. 26 u NGENT = 248. 76 -ORD = N52=38-34W 483. 74 4T= 68- 3= 13 50-52-26E 1108. 69 13 5438. 3055 51804. 2623 INVRC T= 14 36-04-23W .1088. 69 14 4830. 6691 50 900. 92 19 INV =LTA = 05-11-57 aD I US = 1088. 69j RC LENGTH= 98. 79 NGENT = 49. 43 -IORD = N25-11-27W 101. 65 \I T.= 15 33-55-36W 776. 20 ` 15 5 71I.. 7G3i 5tiG•67. /L03 I ` 1JIV 1 - MJ Na8-1 1-33W 7 305. 79 `- 1 45 5744. 2358 50323. 2343 I NNV PNT= 68- RP= 46 : N61-48-27E 411. 73 46 5938. 7516 50686. 1188 INVRC PT= 47 S69-48-28W 411. 73 47 5796. 6344 50299. 6938 INV DELTA = 08-00-01,/ ' RADIUS = 411. 73 ARC LENGTH= 57. 49/ TANGENT = 28. 79 CHORD = N24-11-33W 57. 44 PNT= 48 N20-11-33W ,/156. 01, - 48 5943. 0558 50245. 8430 ' INV PNT= 68- RP= 49 N69-48-27E 523. 68 49 6123. 8173 50737. 3367 INVRC PT= 50 N64-20-12W 523. 68 50 6350. 6138 5026 5. 3154 INV DELTA = 45-51-21✓ RADIUS = 523. 68 ARC LENGTH= 419. 12 ,7 TANGENT = 221. 51 CHORD, = NO2-44-07E 408. 02 PNT= 68- RP= 51 N06-57-18W , 667. 96 51 701 6586 50184. 4322 INVRC PT= 52 S 15-46-41 E 667. 96 52 6370. 8659 50366. 0584 INV DELTA = 08-49-23 RADIUS = 667. 96 ARC LENGTH'= 102. 86 TANGEN- = 51. 53 ° . , NT� '53 83�41-02E 60. 83 53 6377. 5581 5042G. 5192 7 1YV N7'= 54 74-13-19E 47. 60 54 639N. 5010 50472. 3257 INV NT= 68- P= 55 17-19-03E 238. 99 55 '6618. 6576 50543. 4650 ZNVRC T= 56 01-56-51E 238. 99 56 6379. 8057 50551. 5868 INV ' ./ �ELTA = 19-15-54 !ADIUS = 238. 99 ' \RC LENGTH= 80. 36 'ANGENT 40. 56 / � ,HORD = S82-18-54E 79. 98 /NT= 57 , J88-03-09E4 470. 931 57 6395. 8096 51022. 2448 INV 3NT= 58 / ' �01-56r51E `/ 10. 00 / 58 6385. 8154 51022. 5846 INV INT� 40 378-29-13E 62 9c- 40 6373. 3422 51083. 8206 INV 3N -�-7 -~--~~~~- T- �9�- ' SUM' OF LAT. = 0. 00 SUM OF DEP. = 0. 00 PERIMETER = 6593. 52 FINAL AREA = 1859885 92 SQUARE FEET - . ~� ' ` 42. 6971 ACRES :OMMAND 2- ' ' ' is City of Renton Planning Division Community Development Department - Memorandum Date: February 23, 1990 To: Arneta Henninger Property Management From: Lenora Blauman Senior Planner Subject: Blume Distribution Company Segregation Attached is the information you requested for the subdivision of the above- referenced property: Project Identification: Blume Distribution Company Segregation (112-89) Scope of Work: Applicant -seeks to segregate existing 38. 81 acre property into four parcels (see attached map) . Under King County and City of Renton regulations such segregation can be accomplished without a formal sub- division application because each of the parcels will contain five acres or more. Status of Project: All necessary information is on file with the City (see attached information file). Verification of accuracy of legal description of total property has previously been obtained. The applicant now must receive verification of accuracy of legal description of four individual lots before implementing segregation with King County. Dependent Projects: Blume Distribution -Container Corporation (112-89) Project Coordinator: Lenora Blauman Planning Division Target Date: March 7 , 1990 If you have questions or require further information to clarify the action requested of you, please contact me at Extension 2550. 64-0 -5.1 E 1 8I0i..0 30 . 5996. 3015 51896. 0052 N`Y I - G 89-39-23W 180. 00 . 29 5995,. 6. 07.I084 I NV ELTA = 26-12-46 ADIUS = 180. 00 RC LENGTH= 82. 35 ANGENT = 41. 91 HORD = S12-45-46W 81 . 63 NT= 28 00-20-37E 1 81. 08 28 5914. 1435 51718. 4947 INV NT= 84 y 01-24-51 E ' 601. 76 24 5312. 5667 51733. 3457 INV NT= 68- P= `5 88-35-09W 256. 48 25 5306. 2370, 51476. 9439 INVRC T= , 26 71-E4-58E 256. 48 26 5224. 4986 51720. 0505 INV ELTA = 19-59-53/ ADIUS = 256. 48/ RC LENGTH= 89. 52✓ ANGENT = 45. 22 HORD = S08-35-05W 89. 07 NT= 27 18-35-09W / 286. 89/ 27 495`. 5708 51628. 61 15 INV NT= 3 53-39-22W ✓ 445. 211 3 5216. 4166 51270. 0056 INV NT= 5 - 46-16-56W v.• 219. 70 5 5064. 5804 51111. `168 INV NT= 09-01-55W ` 125. 00 6 4941. 13003 510+91. 593.7 INV . NT= 7 7 4661. 05 50 51404. 9112 I NV NT= 68- P=55-39-31E 250. 37 8 451q. 8156 51 61 y . E 395 _NV R ` 66-59-43W 250 5�3 �Q7 . 37 9 44��. 9693 8i. � ��V , ` ELTA = 57-20-46 ADIUS = 250. 37 RC LENGTH= 250~ 59` ANGENT = 136. 92 HORD = S05-40_06W 240. 26 , NT= 10, 66-09-33Wv 57. 38 ' 10 4445. 1621 51328. G9G9 INV NT= 68- P= 11 23-50-27E 1034. 85 11 5391. 7103 51746. 9803 INVRC T= 12 6W 1034. 85 1 4738. 6895 50944" 1862 INV - ELTA = 27-01-59 ADIUS - = 1034. 85J ' / ` RC LENGTH= 488. 26o/ . ' ANGENT. = 246. 76 / HORD = N52-38-34W 483. 74 NT= 68- ' P= 13 , 50-52-26E 1108. 6n 13 5438. 3055 51804. 2623 INVRC T= 14 567-04-23W 1088. 69 14 4830. 6691 50900. 9219 INV - / ] ELTA = 05-11-57 ~ | ADIUS = 1088. 69u / RC LENGTH= 98. 79 � ANGENT = 49. 43 ` HORD =� N25-11-27W 101 . 65 NT= 15 ' 33-55-36W 776. 20 15 5474. 723' 5 0467. 7003 N28-1 V-33W '7 305. 79 v 45 5744. 2358 503`3. 2343 I,HIV PNT= 68- RP= 46 N61-48-27E 411. 73 46 5938. 7516 5 0686. 1188 INVRC PT= :47 S69-48-28W 411. 73 47 5796. 6344 502 99. 6938 INV DELTA = 08-00-01/ RADIUS = 411. 73 " ARC LENGTH= 57. 49/ TANGENT = 28. 79 CHORD = N24-11-33W 57. 44 PNT= 48 N20-11-33W ,/156. 01.f 48 5943. 0558 50245. 8430 ' INV PNT= 68- RP= 49 N69-48-27E 523. 68 49 6123. 8173 50737. 3367 INVRC PT= 50 N64-20-12W 523. 68 50 6350. 6138 5 0265. 3.154 INV DELTA = 45-51-21✓ RADIUS = 523. 68 ARC LENGTH= 419. 12 TANGENT = 221. 51 CHORD = NO2-44-07E 408. 02 PNT= 68- RP= 51 N06-57-18W / 667. 96 51. 7013. 6586 50 184. 4322 INVRC PT= 52 S 15-46-41 E 667. 96 52 6370. 8659 50366. 0584 INV DELTA = 08-49-23 RADIUS = 667. 96 ARC LENGTH= 102. 86 TANGENT = 51. 53 NT- ,S3 83-41-02E 60. 83 53 6377. 5581 50425. 5 EI2 I NV NT= 54 74-13—i 9E 47. 60 54 6390. 501 00 50.4 i -3257 I NV ,NT= 68— P= 55 117-19-03E 238. 99 55 6618. 6576 50543..4650 I NV RC )T= 56 i01-56-51 E 238. 99 56. 6379. 8057 50551 . 5868 INV )ELTA = 19-15-54 RADIUS = 238. 99 ' IRC LENGTH= 80. 36 TANGENT = 40. 56 :HORD = 588-18-54E 79. 98 PNT= 57 N88-03-09E v' 470. 93J 57 6395. 8096 51022. 2448 INV PNT= 58 / SOC 1-56-51 E 10. 00' 58 6385. 8154 51022. 5846 INV PNT= 4Q� S78-29-13E 62 49 f` 40 6373. 3422 510c 83. 8206 INV PNT= 19— R. SUM OF LAT. = 0. 00 SUM OF DEP. = 0. 00 PERIMETER = 6593. 52 w ! ; FINAL AREA = 1859885. 92 SQUARE FEET ' 42. 6971 ACRES COMMAND Imo_' '' MAR 5 1990 CITY OF RENTON << ,z, 11 '1 S_t d e!.. ._- ,. :s 1,..✓ ' MEMORANDUM DATE: March 5, 1990 TO: Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner , FROM: Ron Straka, Storm Water Utility SUBJECT: Renton Valley Drainage Requirements The portion of the Green River Valley located within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, south of I-405 and west of SR. 167, is known as the Renton Valley. This area had been determined to be a critical drainage basin. The factors which determine if a basin is a critical drainage basin are the following: 1) Is a Flood Plain located in the basin? 2) Are there wetlands, streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, or closed depression located in the basin? • 3) Are the surface water outlets for the basin limited.or non-existent? All of these factors are present in the Renton Valley. It is located in the Green River 100-year Flood Plain. There are wetlands, streams, ponds, and closed depression located throughout the Renton Valley. Be definition, a closed depression is a low-lying area which has no, or a limited, surface water outlet that in most storm events the area acts as a retention basin, holding water for infiltration into the ground or evaporation into the air. By their nature, many closed.depressions contain wetlands. The primary surface water outlet located in the valley is Springbrook Creek. Springbrook Creek flows from the Renton Watershed, through Kent, the Renton Valley, and into the portion of the P-1 Channel which has been constructed. It then flows to the P-1 Forebay Area and is • pumped into the Green River. Since Springbrook Creek drains such a large area, its capacity is limited and it often crests or exceeds its banks during minor storm events. In summary, the Renton Valley is a critical drainage basin due to the fact that it is a „.- closed depression with a 100-year flood plain and a limited outlet for surface water flows. Therefore, stricter drainage requirements are needed to control the surface water flows generated by new development in the Valley. The purpose of the stricter drainage requirements is to preserve the City's water course and to minimize water quality degradation by preventing siltation, sedimentation, and pollution of creeks, streams, wetlands, and other water bodies. (Per City Code Chapter 22, Title IV of Ordinance No. 4260, Section No. 2) These stricter detention requirements are intended to protect property owners which are tributary to a proposed development from increased runoff rates and potential flooding. This will insure safety of roads and. right-of-ways. It is important to minimize potential for flooding to insure adequate access to properties and right-of-ways for citizens and emergency services. Lenora Blauman March 5, 1990 Page Two The stricter drainage requirements will insure that surface water exiting a proposed development's property will have adequate energy dissipation to minimize downstream damage caused by erosion and_flooding.. The peak discharge from a property may not be • increased due to'the development of the property.. (Per City Code Chapter 22, Title IV of Ordinance No. 4260, Section No. 9) Retention/Detention facilities must be provided to control all surface water in excess of the peak discharge except for properties that are located contiguous to receiving bodies of water which would adequately handle the surface water in excess of the peak discharge. Since the Renton Valley has a limited outlet for surface water flows and Springbrook Creek has limited capacity, we must enforce stricter drainage requirements. All storm drainage design and calculations shall conform to the King County Surface - Water Design Manual. (Per City Code Chapter 22, Title IV of Ordinance No. 4260, Section No. 15) The stricter drainage requirements follow this manual's recommendation for the control of surface water in a closed depression. REN-VALY/RJS:lf W • 41 - CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division March 5, 1990 Jim Garrison 146 North Canal Street, Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98103 Re: BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY File #ECF;SA-112-89 Dear Mr. Garrison: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee and is to inform you that they have completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above referenced project. The Committee on February 28, 1990 decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: Natural Environment 1) That the applicant provide a revised wetland landscaping plan, to include a greater number, size and diversity of native wetland plants, subject to approval by the City, by the Department of Ecology and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in advance of site plan review. Earth: . 2) That the applicant provide a statement agreeing to limit filling operations on the site to a maximum of.99 acres of the wetland and an approved amount of dryland fill, using fill material approved by the City, as well as fill methods/monitoring systems approved by the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. (Note: The wetland fill plan has been approved by the Department of Ecology). Traffic: 3) That the applicant directly provide regional traffic improvements as stipulated by the Transportation Systems Division or make a voluntary contribution to the Grady Way TBZ in the amount of$254,345.65 ($185.00 per trip). Note: The applicant will also need to provide an off-site improvements plan, including streetlighting, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and undergrounding of utility lines, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. (See "Note #B below) 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Traffic: 4) That the applicant provide a TMP, including carpooling/vanpooling, preferred parking, pedestrian linkages to adjacent Oakesdale Avenue, subject to the approval of METRO and the Transportation Systems Division. Traffic: 5) That the applicant provide an ingress/egress plan (e.g. driveway location, dimensions and design) as required by "Access Management to Streets and Highways" or "ITE Transportation and Land Development Standards" or as recommended by a licensed transportation engineer in order to ensure safe, efficient access for large trucks hauling products from the site to the adjacent heavily- traveled Oakesdale Avenue. (Note #1: All traffic mitigation plans [Conditions #3 through #5, inclusive] must be approved and fees (if established) paid in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits for the development.) (Note #2: The development will generate additional traffic [estimated at 83 trips per day] to the nearby intersection of Martin Luther King Way and 68th Street,where level of service "E" already exists. Because this intersection is under the jurisdiction of King County, the City will notify County officials. The applicant may be called upon by the County to participate in signal warrants at that intersection; the applicant has been so advised.) (Note #3: The Washington State Department of Transportation may call for additional mitigation measures if more than 10 trips occur on any state highway during p.m.peak hours during construction or operations). Storm Water: 6).That the applicant: a) provide a revised site plan which elevates all structures a minimum of two (2) feet above the defined floodplain elevation of nineteen (19) feet; OR, b) provide secondary containment for all structures to minimize leakage of damaged products (e.g. from fire or flood) to protect the underlying terrain against contamination, over the life of the project; OR c) provide a "hold harmless" agreement ensuring that the municipality will not be responsible for any damage occurring to the site or developments thereupon resulting from flooding on the property. Plans and/or agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department (agreements shall also be approved by the City Attorney), and shall be provided in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits. Storm Water: 7) That the applicant shall provide a storm water drainage management plan, in advance of the issuance of site preparation/building permits, subject to approval of the Public Works Department, including: a) on-site detention with 100 year/7 day design (with n pfts vid a supplementarydesigseci ica soilsion engineeringprodein report) (*); b) Type II catch basins with baffled oil/water separators; and c) biofiltration swales for storm water prior to entrance into the wetlands (fire lanes adjacent to wetlands will require adequate biofiltering buffer strips). (*) There is an approved Soils Engineering Report on file, but because staff is recommending a 100 year/7 day design system, rather than the customarily required 25 year/2 day design system, owing to site characteristics -- e.g. elevations,wetlands -- the Report will need to be modified with respect to design specifications prior to the issuance of building permits. Construction/Noise Light/Glare/Traffic 8) That the applicant provide a construction mitigation plan including the following components: a) an erosion control plan; b) a plan for protection of the wetland area to be retained while the area to be eliminated is being filled; c) a plan for wheel-washing of all construction vehicles prior to leaving the site; d) water down the site periodically to control dust and debris; e) a plan for restriction of hauling routes and hours of hauling operations; f) a plan for signage of site and structures during construction to facilitate emergency service provision; and g) a $5,000.00 cash bond for street clean-up. In addition the City requests: Recreation: 1) That the applicant make a voluntary contribution in the amount of$5,000.00 to the development of the Master Trails Plan in the area of the site. 2) That the applicant provide a recorded easement to establish a connection from the site to the proposed adjacent Master Trail, for use by project employees, subject to approval by the Landscape Planner and the Parks and Recreation Department. Note #A: Modifications to the site plan (architectural design), the exterior illumination plan, on-site recreation plan and dryland landscaping plan (increased plantings; thematic integrity) and landscaping maintenance bond will be required in conjunction with site plan review. Note #B: Specific plans/specifications for on-site and off-site improvements, in compliance with Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, Public Works Standards (Storm Water, Traffic, Water Flow and Fire Flow) and related regulations, will be required at the time of site preparation/building permit application. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals (including the applicant) who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end March 20, 1990. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it's Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required fourteen (14) day appeal period. Staff urges you to contact the various City representatives, as appropriate, (e.g. the Public Works Department) as soon as possible, to obtain more information concerning specific mitigation elements recommended for this project, if you have specific questions. This information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and will enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner, should a public hearing be necessary. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above please call Lenora Blauman of our office at 235-2550. e Environm /a • mmittee, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Chief, Current Planning DKE:mr cc: Sid W. Eland, Jr. 6000 6th Avenue South P.O. Box 80187 Seattle, WA 98108 Roger A. Grove 6000 6th Avenue South P.O. Box 80187 Seattle, WA 98108 F CITY OF RENTON • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055 206-235-2501 FAX# 235-2513 DATE qi /90 PAGES (EXCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) ATTENTION: i i ��,-� � , v\ C(-0 33 - (0E53) wrne._ �1 s ,off t 07) FROM: rovw� ll��a_ui vt__av\ LANCE MUELLER ���� .._.E ©IF MQkR611111fQEL ASSOCIATES/ARCHITEC. 130 Lakeside Suite 250 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98122 DATE V .t .10E NO. (206) 325-2553 ATTEN D ®zeit 5'hixj J/ I P ��c.�,,T/�GZ P*9 RE: TO 6-0/0n WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings 0 Prints ❑ Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION PL .IVR/1 ,0:!v;Siiiid CITY OF RENTOt JAN 7 nr,eoC , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution jiAs requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO Q1.4� �� ,. A SIGNED%����� �f� "�rQ/l/ I•�.. 1--..��.. --- ww* -- ww1�A 4lwAlu ww*3l.. ..� .A nn..s %ki _ CITY OF RENTON 114 ZV COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Planning Division March 5, 1990 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies of Environmental Determinations and Environmental Checklists for those projects reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee on February 28, 1990: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED SUNSET GARDENS ECF;SA-006-90 Applicant seeks site plan approval for 60 unit multi-family residential complex on vacant site zoned for R-3 use. The property is located at 909-915 Sunset BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY LECF;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road The fifteen (15) day comment period for these projects will end on March 20, 1990. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it's Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. If you have questions, please call Lenora Blauman or me at 235-2550. For the Environmental Review Committee, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:mr cc: Mr. Craig Larson, King County Planning Division Mr. Gregory M. Bush, Metro Department of Wildlife Mr. Joe Robels, Department of Fisheries Mr. James Lutz, Department of Transportation Ms. Connie Corpuz, City of Seattle Muckleshoot Tribal Council 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 • faL) • NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMTI'IEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. BLUME DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ECF;SA-112-89 The applicant seeks to obtain site plan approval for a warehouse/office complex, including two structures, parking and service areas, landscaping and recreational amenities. There is a wetland on the site -- .99 acre portion is proposed to be filled and the remainder will be enhanced with native vegetation. 'The 16 acre project site is vacant and is zoned for manufacturing park use. The property is located at 601 Monster Road This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 p.m., March 20, 1990 will not be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS-M. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at'the Current Planning Division of the Community Development Department, Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055,. Phone: 235-2550. Published: March 5, 1990 Account#51067