HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 18 Mar 2024 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:45 PM - Monday, March 18, 2024 7th Floor Council Chambers/Videoconference 1. PARKS BOND PROJECTS & DEFERRED MAINTENANCE a) Presentation If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753290028?pwd=M2pOc09HWWNrY05uVnlIWnpGS1E4UT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 5329 0028, Passcode: 881839 You can call through Zoom at (253) 215-8782 and use the Meeting ID. Parks Bond Projects & Deferred Maintenance PROGRAMMATIC UPDATE Planning and Natural Resources Division | PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Committee of the Whole – March 18, 2024 Jason Lederer Parks Planning Manager Betsy Severtsen Capital Projects Coordinator Maryjane Van Cleave Parks & Recreation Administrator AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Park Portfolio  24 Neighborhood Parks (160 acres)  6 Community Parks (125 acres)  1 Regional Park (51 acres)  8 Special Use Parks (199 acres)  1 Park Corridor (2 acres)  3 Community Centers  1 Aquatic Center  1 Senior Center  13 maintained trail miles 2 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Park Portfolio 1.8 M 1.9 M 1.9 M 1.3 M 1.6 M 1.9 M 2.1 M 0.0M 0.5M 1.0M 1.5M 2.0M 2.5M 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Annual Park Visits 3 *Dataset provided by Placer.ai AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Programmatic Guiding Documents 2018 Citywide Comprehensive Plan (new plan anticipated for adoption in 2024) 2020 Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan 2019 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 2022 Urban Forest Management Plan Parks 6-Year Capital Investment Program Facilities 6-Year Capital Investment Program 4 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Parks Planning and Natural Resources PPNR Director (1 FTE vacant) Parks Planning Manager (1 FTE) Neighborhood Programs Coordinator (1 FTE) Community Engagement Coordinators (3 PT Staff) Capital Projects Manager (1 Limited Term Bond-Funded FTE vacant) Capital Projects Coordinator (1 FTE) Capital Projects Coordinator (1 FTE vacant) Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager (1 FTE) Inspecting Arborist (1 FTE) 5 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Parks Planning and Natural Resources Systemwide parks and natural area planning, capital improvement planning, property acquisition, capital development, and urban forestry program Responsible for neighborhood services inclusive of community outreach and engagement Lead and support intra- and cross-departmental projects on diverse programs and initiatives 6 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 62 70.5 72.5 73 75.8 76.67 77.42 45.2 38.8 46.5 56.7 39.38 38.82 45.81 Renton Population 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 PopulationNumber of Employees (FTE)Parks, Recreation, Facilities, Urban Forestry and Support Staff Full Time FTE Part-Time FTE Renton Population 107.2 109.3 119 129.7 115.2 115.5 123.2 7 *Source: 2019 Renton Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Staffing Memo AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 2018 Park Bond Project Selection •Council authorized $14.5M bond in 2018 to fund 43 major maintenance projects identified in the 6-Year CIP (2017 – 2022) and prioritized by Citizen Advisory Committee •Original consideration was for a $70 million bond to address 55 projects •Cost of projects was underestimated (or scope was later added) but many projects were completed or partially completed •Staff leveraged bond funds to secure an additional $2.5 million local, state, and federal grant funding 8 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 2018 Park Bond Completed: Structural Repairs: Coulon (multiple), Cedar River Trestle Bridge Major Renovations: Kiwanis, Philip Arnold, Coulon North Water Walk Playgrounds: Cedar River Trail Park, Tiffany, Coulon, Teasdale, Kennydale Beach, Liberty Park Courts: Liberty, Teasdale Senior Center Fitness Area and Parking Lot Repairs 9 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 2018 Park Bond Not Yet Completed Coulon Irrigation, Bathhouse, Beach Courts: Highlands, Talbot Hill, Kennydale Lions Fields: Teasdale, Liberty, Phillip Arnold Parking Lots: Coulon, Tiffany Pathway/Shoreline Banks: Jones 10 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Park Cascade Playground North Highlands Fit Lot Tiffany and Highlands Futsal Structural Assessments Facilities: Family First, Senior Center, Cedar River Boathouse Additional Projects 11 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 2024 CIP & Planning Projects Parks, Recreation & Natural Area Plan Update Southwest Park Master Plan Northeast Park Master Plan May Creek Trail South Design and Construction Talbot Hill Reservoir Park Renovation Coulon Swim Beach Springbrook Trail Boardwalk Repairs Playground Replacements (x3) Cedar River Bridge Structural Assessment Piazza/Gateway Park Liberty Park lighting Facilities: HMAC, Senior Center, RCC, Parks Shop, Museum renovations Land acquisitions and site management City Hall turf drainage Closeout of large Bond projects Grant Funding Applications for future projects 12 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Grant Funding $1,572,188.14 $1,281,050.00 $500,000.00 $350,000.00 $305,181.00 Legislative Appropriations King County Parks Levy Land and Water Conservation Fund Recreation and Conservation Office (WA) King County CFT Total Grant Funding Last 5 Years Supporting Both Bond and Capital Projects 13 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Interdepartmental Projects Economic Development •Heart Block Planning and Redevelopment •(Ex. – Big 5 Lot & Piazza - technical, grant, and engagement support) •World Cup Planning •(Ex. – World Cup Square – providing technical, grant, and community engagement support) •Evaluating park properties as economic drivers •(Ex. – Partnering with CED and GIS to utilize new mapping and AI tools to evaluate park user data and trends) Current and Long-Range Planning •Comprehensive Plan •(Ex. Parks, Recreation, Natural Areas Element and Trails technical support) •Clean Economy Strategy 2.0 •(Ex. Integrating park properties into sustainability planning – technical support) •Subarea Plans •(Ex. - Renton Downtown Civic Core and Action Plan – technical support) •Review referrals for new development •(Ex. Cascade Element School Field Improvements – technical support) 14 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Interdepartmental Projects (continued) Sustainability and Equity •Coordinate closely with Communications and Engagement to help foster a sense of community and involvement across park system and specific projects •(Ex. – National Bike Month planning with Bike Works at Earlington Park – May 5, 2024) •Incorporation of DEI and sustainability initiatives across park properties and urban forest •(Ex. – Host Arbor Day and Earth Day events – April 20, 2024) Facilities •Coordinate to manage, maintain, and renovate park facilities •(Ex. – RCC and Highlands Neighborhood Center, Carco Theater, Senior Center, and related park facilities) Development Engineering •I-405 Widening and Renton Gateway •(Ex. – Roundabout designs – technical support) •Sound Transit Park and Ride facility planning •(Ex. – Land conversion, trail extension, and conservation planning – technical support, granting agency coordination) •City-wide streetscapes and frontage improvements •(Ex. – Lake Washington Blvd Frontage Improvements/May Creek Trail South – technical support) 15 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Transportation Systems •Trails and Bicycle Master Plan •(Ex. – Partner with Transportation Systems Division on plan development and implementation) •On-street and grade separated bicycle facilities •(Ex. – Renton Connector and 7th Street planning and renovation - technical support, community engagement) Community Safety •Develop planning and programming that engages residents and foster stewardship •(Ex. – Utilizing Earlington Park for National Bike Month celebration – technical support, community engagement) •Incorporation of CPTED principles in park design and maintenance •(Ex. – Philip Arnold and Kiwanis Park renovation projects, Veterans Memorial Park shrub removal – technical support, community engagement) Utilities •Utilize natural systems on park properties to manage stormwater and mitigate flooding •Coordinate where utilities overlap with park properties •(Ex. – Northeast Renton Park Master Planning – engagement with Surface Water & Wastewater Utility Engineering) •Permit compliance tracking and documentation •(Ex. – Technical support to Surface Water Utility Engineering for MS4 compliance) Interdepartmental Projects (continued)16 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) New Approaches and Strategies •Implement a master planning approach across the parks system that anticipates Renton’s growing population, changing demographic, and shifting needs •Utilize data analytics and new technology applications to analyze system usage and patterns •Align Parks and Recreation CIP with predictable grant funding cycles •Develop, update, and implement new programmatic funding strategies •Fully integrate neighborhood programs as a conduit for meaningful, comprehensive community outreach and engagement •Prioritize park and facility maintenance alongside Strategic System Updates •Cultivate, maintain, and nurture inter-agency and nonprofit partnerships to achieve shared and common goals and visions •Integrate equity and sustainability across parks planning and capital projects implementation strategies 1717 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Questions? 18 AGENDA ITEM #1. a)