HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractExecutive Services Department Memorandum DATE:March 27, 2024 TO:Young Yoon, Information Technology Director FROM:Josh Boulware, Application Support Manager SUBJECT:Purchase of Boris Sapphire Graphics Software Plug-In This memo is in lieu of our standard contract template which allows for signature by both parties. Attached for your review is an agreement packet with Boris FX (paid via US Bank – OneCard). This packet authorizes payment of invoice # 2001278195, in the amount of $527.18, for the purchase of Boris Sapphire Graphics Software Plug-in. The Boris Sapphire plug-in is used to create advanced visual effects for image and video assets hosted by Adobe After Effects. It will be used by the Communications division to enhance our visual assets for internal and external consumption. We are submitting this packet to the City Clerk’s office for assignment of a CAG number for tracking purposes. This is an off-the-shelf purchase and does not require Legal approval.             CAG-24-077 ,QYRLFH 1(VW6WUHHWWK)ORRU0LDPL)/VDOHV#ERULVI[FRP ,QYRLFH 'DWH 3XUFKDVH2UGHU 3D\PHQW7HUPV 7RWDO'XH  0DUFK 1$ ,PPHGLDWH 86'b ,QYRLFH7R &RPSDQ\ /DFH\3LUHV 1DPH /DFH\3LUHV $GGUHVV 6*UDG\:D\ 5HQWRQ:$:DVKLQJWRQ 8QLWHG6WDWHV <RXU6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 1DPH (QJLQHHUV (PDLO GHYVDOHVIRUFH#ERULVI[FRP 3KRQH 3URGXFW&RGH 'HVFULSWLRQ 4W\ 6DOHV3ULFH 7RWDO 6$(2);68% 6DSSKLUH$GREH2);$QQXDO6XEVFULSWLRQ    6XEWRWDO 86'b 7D[HV 86'b 7RWDO 86'b 3D\PHQW5HFHLYHG0DUFK 6WULSH 86'b 7RWDO'XH 86'b 1RWHV 3D\PHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ 3OHDVH1RWH%RULV);QRORQJHUDFFHSWVSDSHUFKHFNV &LWL]HQV%DQN%DQNb 2QH)LQDQFLDO&HQWHU0$%RVWRQ0$%UDQFK$GGUHVVb $FFRXQW1XPEHUb $UWHO6RIWZDUH&RUS'%$%RULV);$FFRXQW1DPHb 86'ROODUV&XUUHQF\b &7=,866:,)7&RGHb 'RPHVWLF7UDQVLW1XPEHUb $%$5RXWLQJ1XPEHUb )HGHUDO(,1b