HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ Towns on 12th Questions CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Great, thanks Yong. I’ll share this with the contractor. Appreciate it! Holli H. Heavrin, P.E. Principal Core Design, Inc. From: Yong Qi <yqi@rentonwa.gov> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 1:56 PM To: Holli Heavrin <HHeavrin@coredesigninc.com> Subject: RE: Towns on 12th Questions External Message Hi Holli, Thank you for reaching out. Most of these materials changes are acceptable except the 6’’ pipe connecting to CB 13 on sheet C4.11, where the pipe cover will be less than 2’ even it is not under drivable surface, please keep using DI pipe or choose an alternative material per Table 4.2.1.A2 of 2022 RSWDM. Per Section 3-11.3 in Appendix K of 2021 Water System Plan, the storm pipes shown as DI due to horizontal separation issue might be able to switch to pressure-rated C900 PVC pipe per Section 3-11.3 in Appendix K of 2021 Water System Plan. Also, to meet the minimum cover, the storm DI pipe could be able to switch to other pipe materials per Table 4.2.1.A2 of 2022 RSWDM. However, since the north portion of the project site is within Landslide Hazard Areas, FYI, PVC pipes are not allowed per Table 4.3.1.A3 of 2022 RSWDM. I think showing these pipe materials change on the final as-built plan should be adequate and a revised civil plan might not be required at this moment, but I will double check with our inspector and get back to you soon. Thank you, Yong YONG QI, PHD, P.E., Civil Engineer III City of Renton | CED | Development Engineering Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Frentonwa.gov%2Fcms%2FOne.aspx%3FportalId%3D7922741%26pageId%3D17625638&data=05%7C02%7Cyqi%40rentonwa.gov%7Cc70 861e5eb38482341f308dc21158edc%7C71014141061148858e98cc96a05e1675%7C1%7C0%7C638421623691368128%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&s data=ni0iNiXRkISbsMuD23r2UbAoyxU0upvDr5IQjPaxiH0%3D&reserved=0> | Online Applications and Inspections <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpermitting.rentonwa.gov%2F%23 %2Fhome&data=05%7C02%7Cyqi%40rentonwa.gov%7Cc70861e5eb38482341f308dc21158edc%7C71014141061148858e98cc96a05e1675%7C1%7C0%7C638421623691377166%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMz IiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ZhTzmdT8waCkMJxykRJdo%2FCs%2B243f63EhtlisXMt%2Fcc%3D&reserved=0> (425) 430-7439 | yqi@rentonwa.gov <mailto:yqi@rentonwa.gov> From: Holli Heavrin <HHeavrin@coredesigninc.com <mailto:HHeavrin@coredesigninc.com> > Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 10:15 AM To: Yong Qi <yqi@rentonwa.gov <mailto:yqi@rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Towns on 12th Questions CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Good Morning Yong. I have a contractor going through the plans for bidding and they brought up a few questions regarding pipe material that I wanted to clarify. I’ve attached a few sheets from our plans for reference to the questions. Overall the questions surround the pipe materials being called out. If you could please review my questions on the attached and let me know I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks! Holli H. Heavrin, P.E. Principal, Engineering Technical Manager Office: 425.885.7877 | Cell: 206.697.9474 | www.coredesigninc.com <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coredesigninc.com%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cyqi%40rentonwa.gov%7Cc70861 e5eb38482341f308dc21158edc%7C71014141061148858e98cc96a05e1675%7C1%7C0%7C638421623691383977%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdat a=00DTy3IU3EaxvfSzhZZ5xB3ZppZYHeMEdAJA8klYBLM%3D&reserved=0> 縇舰ᨃĂȀā舰ဃ㘰င㨏✅䋒ⷞ軉ﱜ ꞔ푔큆벹౲똹玫⥼姉⿘㙸럩磅틆㺙㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငᚑ褛ᅋ쵾埂赢悴ӌ 월핺ᤎ鴻ꉵ툡㍠ᜉ琕碮昬ꛛꙄハ쁵偿㘰င晴菔䣱ꡈ鮦렘촅㪻 㐆ꦌ缍易瘌鶫⋨驻䊴됪㻸蚛것�锷㘰င㮘☓뜵ᷩ杊삀榒 뵠痭ﷅ逑혐⾃�㧼猴ꃗ擎훻ꮍ鮢௽簯㘰င⎨ꊴ老뒾쩠喹䷂ⅾ �R烄놛ᆪ퍶䅔껴៖宧滓毮쫵㘰င芨㱺ⶽ힇떃肛졢驾 蠥㬥䆚⑒괔ꯃី㮿ಪ౺搙 佩广쓿悹㘰င涭␛㄁豪␳ ㇖䚲簂躨Λ佂ణ㖟刳骴驟ᕳ浖곂큨ᙘ㘰င侺爹껧�싍��줓 퓥ɿ瓲膗蓁㲫吏熞뉫䈱牊�㞡鹇ᔞ㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜 醓脰ʱĂ、ꢁ㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰င蜂紞抮⮥૕审嶚 븅꣝㴏ܕ䬾點鶟疪ꗰ炧挺憬ᐾ쐈࠰ĂȀā0舰ᨃĂȀā舰ဃ㘰င轖렜ণ៚ᗱ"聰 攍䜨⍰濁ằ쏦剚䱐䑎夛䤙弟鸵໕ֳ誛㘰 င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငᚑ褛ᅋ쵾埂赢悴ӌ 월핺ᤎ鴻ꉵ툡㍠ᜉ琕碮昬ꛛꙄハ쁵偿㘰င晴菔䣱ꡈ鮦렘촅㪻 㐆ꦌ缍易瘌鶫⋨驻䊴됪㻸蚛것�锷㘰င㮘☓뜵ᷩ杊삀榒 뵠痭ﷅ逑혐⾃�㧼猴ꃗ擎훻ꮍ鮢௽簯㘰င⎨ꊴ老뒾쩠喹䷂ⅾ �R烄놛ᆪ퍶䅔껴៖宧滓毮쫵㘰င芨㱺ⶽ힇떃肛졢驾 蠥㬥䆚⑒괔ꯃី㮿ಪ౺搙佩广쓿悹㘰င涭␛㄁豪␳ ㇖䚲簂躨Λ佂ణ㖟刳骴驟ᕳ浖곂큨ᙘ㘰င侺爹 껧�싍��줓 퓥ɿ瓲膗蓁㲫吏熞뉫䈱牊�㞡鹇ᔞ㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜醓ᴰਆثЁ舁਷⌃༄ഗ㠱㘰㄰㌲㠲㤵ꁚஂしւづ҂ꁍȃȁጂ3