HomeMy WebLinkAboutVision Element Recording Presented by: Paul Hintz, Principal Planner Comprehensive Plan Elements Vision The vision element of the Comprehensive Plan identifies goals and values for the city and its communities. A description of the future desired conditions of the city and its residents informs the other Elements and guides the city as it grows. 1 How well does this vision statement reflect your hopes for Renton? 2 “Why families and businesses only? What about individuals living alone or without families ?” “crime and safety and diversity/inclusion are big issues and not sure a feeling of safety or belonging is included in this statement” “I feel like it's missing something about community building/connection.” “Fine as is - would like to ensure that concept includes environment/open spaces, strong education options, and health/safety protection” “Needs some language about the diversity of our residents.” “We aspire to be a vibrant city leading the region in economic vitality, safety and resilience so that all the residents of Renton can share in greater opportunities, prosperity and quality of life” “I would like to see something in the vision statement about protecting our cultural diversity and stewardship of our natural assets/resources” Vision 3 Is something missing from the vision statement? Vision Word cloud - Safety was overwhelmingly stated as a key component missing. A lot of comments that Renton is not home to just families, but also individuals, and our population is ethnically and culturally diverse, and inclusivity, community, and equity are important values. Respondents want to ensure the city is affordable, that we have transportation system improvements and increased transit options – notably light rail - that better connect us with the region – and that Renton is seen as a destination, in part due to our stewardship the natural environment. 4 Vision The vision statement is more than just that prominent tagline. Shown here is the current Vision Element. 5 The Vision is of a thriving, opportunity-rich community with economic vitality, sustainability, inclusivity, and high-quality municipal services. This community envisions: An inclusive city that offers opportunity, resilience, and equitable outcomes for all to ensure social, economic, environmental, and racial justice; A sustainable city that promotes economic vitality, environmental quality, and resilience to climate change; A healthy and safe community that has cohesive, diverse neighborhoods and a growing variety of housing to meet the various needs and wants of its diverse population; A full spectrum of employment opportunities with a dynamic, diversified employment base; A regional center for active and passive recreation that features access for all to a healthy river, a clean lake, abundant trees, and clear mountain views; and A place of connection, networks, and partnerships that enhance community resources; transportation and recreation facilities that connect through trails, sidewalks, and streets; and local business, volunteer, and neighborhood organizations that bring our diverse population together. Vision 6 The center of opportunity in the Puget Sound region where residents and businesses thrive. A regionally vital and connected city fostering dynamic economic growth, safety, and community, enabling all residents to experience prosperity and quality of life. A regionally vital and connected city fostering inclusivity, dynamic economic growth, safety, environmental stewardship, and community, enabling all residents to experience prosperity and quality of life. Vision First version – replace families with “residents” and stated before businesses. This example keeps the statement concise, but doesn’t come close to addressing all the topics that were identified as missing. Second Version - First, retains the existing statement’s relevance of the city in the region and also notes a physical connection within the region, which can be interpreted as transportation infrastructure and services or reference to the city’s cultural connection to - and destination within - the region. Next, many people commented on the word “thrive” being vague so this version frames that notion – relating it to economics and public safety, and a sense of community that leads to prosperity and quality of life for all residents. Third Version adds “environmental stewardship” and “inclusivity” which might not be necessary with community already noted. Dynamic: adjective (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. "a dynamic economy" 7 Vision Biz plan is the third page in the Comp Plan directly after the acknowledgements page. 8 Vision Next Steps: Public Hearing on May 1, 2024 www.rentonwa.gov/comprehensiveplan Take the Survey! 9