HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Traffic Impact Analysis FULL_New Life_240402_v1.pdfTraffic Impact Analysis NEW LIFE CHURCH OFFICE ADDITION Prepared for: New Life Church August 2023 Prepared by: 12131 113th Avenue NE, Suite 203 Kirkland, WA 98034-7120 Phone: 425-821-3665 www.transpogroup.com 1.22134.00 © 2023 Transpo Group Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 i Table of Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 Project Description ................................................................................................................. 1 Study Scope ........................................................................................................................... 1 Existing and Future Without-Project Conditions .................................................................. 4 Roadway Network .................................................................................................................. 4 Non-Motorized Facilities ........................................................................................................ 4 Transit Service ....................................................................................................................... 4 Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................................................... 5 Traffic Operations .................................................................................................................. 9 Traffic Safety ........................................................................................................................ 10 Project Impacts ...................................................................................................................... 11 Trip Generation .................................................................................................................... 11 Trip Distribution & Assignment ............................................................................................ 11 Traffic Operations Impact .................................................................................................... 14 Event Conditions .................................................................................................................. 14 Mitigation ................................................................................................................................ 20 Findings and Recommendations ......................................................................................... 21 Appendix Appendix A: Traffic Counts Appendix B: LOS Definitions Appendix C: LOS Worksheets Appendix D: Traffic Control Plan Appendix E: Detailed Trip Generation Figures Figure 1. Site Vicinity and Study Intersections ................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Site Plan .............................................................................................................. 3 Figure 3. Previous Year’s Attendance at New Life Church per Service ............................. 6 Figure 4. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes .................................................................... 7 Figure 5. Future (2024) Without-Project Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ................................. 8 Figure 6. Project Trip Distribution and Assignment .......................................................... 12 Figure 7. Future (2024) With-Project Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 13 Figure 8. Event Attendance Review ................................................................................. 15 Figure 9. Future (2024) Sunday Event Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ................................. 17 Figure 10. New Life Church Parking Capacity Analysis ..................................................... 19 Tables Table 1. Existing and Future Without-Project AM, PM and Sunday Peak Hour LOS Summary ............................................................................................................. 9 Table 2. Five-Year Collision Summary (2018-2022) ....................................................... 10 Table 3. Estimated Weekday Project Trip Generation .................................................... 11 Table 4. Future (2024) Without- and With-Project Weekday Peak Hour LOS Summary 14 Table 5. Sunday Observed and Event Trip Generation .................................................. 16 Table 6. Future (2024) Sunday Peak Hour LOS Summary ............................................. 18 Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 1 Introduction This traffic impact analysis (TIA) identifies potential transportation-related impacts associated with the construction of the proposed office addition for the existing New Life Church. As necessary, mitigation measures are identified that would reduce or offset significant transportation-related impacts that the project may have on the surrounding transportation system. Project Description New Life Church is an existing church located in Renton at 15711 152nd Avenue SE, south of the 154th Place SE/152nd Avenue SE/Maple Valley Highway (State Route [SR] 169) intersection. The existing church is 129,000 square feet (sf), which includes the auditorium totaling 36,000 sf and the private school serving students kindergarten through 8th grade totaling 38,680 sf. The proposal would construct a new 6,400 sf building to provide formal office space for the church staff. The building would be located on the northern-most portion of the existing surface parking lot. The proposed project would eliminate approximately 40 parking stalls from the existing surface lot. No change to the existing congregation or school building spaces or programs are proposed with the addition. Access to the site would continue to be provided via 152nd Avenue SE at SE 155th Place. A site plan is included in Figure 2. The project is anticipated to be constructed and occupied by 2024. Study Scope As coordinated with City of Renton staff, the following intersections were selected for analysis: 1. 152nd Avenue SE/Maple Valley Highway (SR 169)/154th Place SE 2. 152nd Avenue SE/SE 155th Place The scope of the analysis includes a review of existing and future without-project conditions in the vicinity of the project site under the weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions as well as the Sunday peak hour. This report includes a review of the surrounding street system, transit service, non-motorized facilities, existing and future without-project weekday peak hour traffic volumes, traffic operations, and traffic safety. Future (2024) with-project conditions were estimated by adding site-generated traffic to future without-project volumes. The project’s impacts on the surrounding transportation system were identified by comparing the future with - project conditions to the future without-project conditions. A review of event conditions is summarized as well. Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 4 Existing and Future Without-Project Conditions This section describes both existing and future (2024) without-project conditions within the study area. Characteristics are provided for the roadway network, non-motorized facilities, transit service, traffic volumes, traffic operations, and traffic safety. Roadway Network The following sections describe the existing street network within the vicinity of the proposed project and anticipated changes resulting from planned improvements. Existing The primary roadways within the study area and their characteristics near study intersections are described below. Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) is a Highway of Statewide Significance (HSS) and functionally classified as an urban-principal arterial. Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) has a speed limit of 50 mph and a total of 6 lanes in the vicinity of its intersection with 152nd Avenue SE and 154th Place SE. Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) provides connectivity to I-405 to the west. Sidewalks are present on both sides of the roadway. 152nd Avenue SE (south of Maple Valley Highway (SR 169)) is a local street with a total of 3 lanes approaching its intersection with Maple Valley Highway (SR 169). The speed limit is 25 mph. Sidewalks on both sides of the roadway are present for pedestrian use. 152nd Avenue SE is the eastern boundary of the project. It provides access to the site along with access to residential and commercial uses. 154th Place SE (north of Maple Valley Highway (SR 169)) is classified as a minor arterial with a total of 4 lanes approaching its intersection with Maple Valley Highway (SR 169). The speed limit is 35 mph. A sidewalk is present for pedestrians on the east side of the roadway only. Planned Improvements Based on a review of the City of Renton’s 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and Washington State Department of Transportation’s 2023-2026 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP), there are no planned improvements within study area that would impact the street network. Non-Motorized Facilities Sidewalks are provided along all the nearby streets with a signalized crossing provided across all legs of the Maple Valley Highway’s (SR 169) intersection with 152nd Avenue SE. Additionally, the Cedar River Trail runs along the north side of Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) through the study area, stretching 17.3 miles connecting Renton to Maple Valley for all non- motorized users. Transit Service Transit service in the study area is provided by King County Metro. The nearest bus stops to the project site are located at the intersection of Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) and 152nd Avenue SE and is served by Route 907. Route 907 is a dial-a-ride transit (DART) route, which has fixed routing and limited variable routing with hourly service from 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. between Renton and Black Diamond. Additionally, the project site (New Life Church) serves as a park and ride lot. Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 5 Traffic Volumes The following sections summarize existing and future (2024) without-project traffic volumes within the study area. Existing Existing weekday AM peak period (7-9 a.m.), PM peak period (4-6 p.m.), and Sunday peak period (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.) traffic volumes were collected in July/August 20231. Detailed traffic counts are provided in Appendix A. Given the data collection took place during the summer, additional review of the volumes was conducted to identify any needed calibration to reflect typical conditions for the weekday and Sunday peak hours. The considerations for each peak period are summarized below. • Weekday - City staff provided previous non-summer traffic counts that were conducted in May 2022 during the weekday AM and PM peak periods. The review showed that generally movements along Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) as well as to/from 154th Place SE were similar or greater in the recent counts; however, trips to/from the 152nd Place SE were lower for the 2023 summer counts. This difference in trips is associated with school not being in session during the summer. The difference in weekday AM and PM peak hour trips to/from 152nd Place SE were added into the 2023 existing weekday peak hour volumes. The traffic added was 684 trips (352 in/332 out) in the AM peak hour and 193 trips (68 in/95 out) in the PM peak hour. The difference in traffic counts was consistent with vehicular activity to/from the school as coordinated with New Life Church staff. • Sunday – The attendance of the observed July 2023 Sunday was compared to the average attendance over the past year to ensure the counts reflected typical conditions. The observed attendance had a peak service of 900 attendees at 11 a.m. Figure 3 illustrates the past year’s service attendance2. The figure shows the service with the highest attendance is 11 a.m. and the average attendance at the service is approximately 870 attendees. Given the observed attendance exceeded the average attendance, no adjustment was made to the Sunday counts.3 1 Sunday July 30, 2023 and Tuesday August 1, 2023. 2 New Life Church provided the past year’s Sunday attendance including a total daily attendance for all Sunday non- holiday services and an attendance per service for holidays . For non-holiday services, the observed split of attendance per service in July 2023 was applied to the total attendance numbers from the past year to estimate attendance per service. 3 Considerations for adjustments on Sunday was limited to attendance of the church as the school is closed on weekends regardless of the season. Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 6 Figure 3. Previous Year’s Attendance at New Life Church per Service The resulting existing weekday and Sunday peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections are shown on Figure 4. The Sunday peak hour reflects the overlap between services (outbound from the 1st service and inbound from the 2nd service). Volumes are rounded to the nearest 5 vehicles to account for the daily fluctuations in traffic volumes. Future Without-Project Traffic Volumes Future (2024) without-project traffic volumes were forecasted by applying an annual growth rate to existing traffic volumes and adding traffic from “pipeline” development projects that would also contribute traffic to study intersections. An annual growth rate of 2.0 percent was applied to existing study intersection traffic volumes to estimate 2024 horizon year background traffic growth, as coordinated with City of Renton staff. Two pipeline projects were identified through coordination with City staff to be completed by 2024 and are included in the analysis. These include: • Cedar River Apartments: This project consists of 481 apartment units and a medical office building to be constructed on approximately 12.5 acres at 1915 Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) in the City of Renton. • Lakeside Industries Asphalt Plant: This project involves the relocation of Lakeside Industries’ current Asphalt Plant in Covington to 18825 Maple Valley Highway (SR 169). The plant will sit on a 25-acre parcel and produce asphalt used in a variety of construction projects. The forecast future 2024 without-project weekday and Sunday peak hour traffic volumes are shown in Figure 5. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Attendance per service9:30 AM Service 11 AM Service 12:30 PM Service Average Attendance (11 AM Service Non-Event) * 12/24/2022 Service Times: 3 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM * * *Christmas EveEasterObservations KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") CARE(9'9"X9') YOUTHPASTER(10'X9') WORSHIPPASTER(8'X10') I.T./STOR.JAN SM CONF(13'6"X9') DIRECTOR(10'X9') FINANCESUITE HR/PAY(10'X9'') KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS BREAKAREAGROUPPASTER(8'X10') YOUTH WORSHIP Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes New Life Church Office Addition FIGURE 4 Aug 17, 2023 - 9:58am lilyh M:\22\1.22134.00 - New Life Church - Addition\Graphics\DWG\New Life Church TIA Graphics.dwg Layout: Existing Vols 1 152ND AVE SE154TH PL SESE 155T H P L 2 MAPL E V A L L E Y H W Y LEGEND Study Intersection X Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes X (X) Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 152nd Ave SE SR 169/Maple Valley Hwy (495) 405 (275) 1,105 (325) 150 (270) 150 65 (260) (60) 60 (85) 25 (625) 440 (390) 145 (90) 565 (110) 95 (280) 600 152nd Ave SE SE 155th Pl (5) 5 (0) 5 170 (390) (5) 5 (70) 40 (10) 85 (35) 10 (410) 110 1 2 (20) Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 152nd Ave SE Maple Valley Hwy (SR 169) 264 417 249 257 86 63 62 593 121 127 87 279 152nd Ave SE SE 155th Pl 126 1 1 174 2 2 54 40 2 317 1 2 4 Sunday Mid-Day Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Site AccessX LEGEND X Sunday Mid Day Peak Hour Traffic Volumes LEGEND KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") CARE(9'9"X9') YOUTHPASTER(10'X9') WORSHIPPASTER(8'X10') I.T./STOR.JAN SM CONF(13'6"X9') DIRECTOR(10'X9') FINANCESUITE HR/PAY(10'X9'') KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS BREAKAREAGROUPPASTER(8'X10') YOUTH WORSHIP Future (2024) Without-Project Peak Hour Traffic Volumes New Life Church Office Addition FIGURE 5 Aug 17, 2023 - 9:58am lilyh M:\22\1.22134.00 - New Life Church - Addition\Graphics\DWG\New Life Church TIA Graphics.dwg Layout: Without Proj Vols 1 152ND AVE SE154TH PL SESE 155T H P L 2 MAPL E V A L L E Y H W Y LEGEND Study Intersection X Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes X (X) Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 152nd Ave SE SR 169/Maple Valley Hwy (510) 425 (300) 1,135 (330) 155 (275) 155 65 (265) (60) 60 (85) 25 (645) 465 (400) 150 (90) 575 (110) 95 (295) 620 152nd Ave SE SE 155th Pl (5) 5 (0) 5 175 (400) (5) 5 (70) 40 (10) 85 (35) 10 (420) 110 1 2 (20) Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 152nd Ave SE Maple Valley Hwy (SR 169) 269 425 254 262 88 64 63 605 123 130 89 285 152nd Ave SE SE 155th Pl 126 1 1 174 2 2 55 41 2 317 1 2 4 Sunday Mid-Day Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Site AccessX LEGEND X Sunday Mid Day Peak Hour Traffic Volumes LEGEND Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 9 Traffic Operations The operational characteristics of an intersection are determined by calculating the intersection level of service (LOS). At signalized intersections, LOS is measured in average control delay per vehicle and is reported using the intersection delay. At unsignalized side - street, stop-controlled intersections, LOS is measured by the average delay on the worst - movement of the intersection. Traffic operations and average vehicle delay can be described qualitatively with a range of levels of service (LOS A through LOS F), with LOS A indicating free-flowing traffic and LOS F indicating extreme congestion and long vehicle delays. Appendix B contains a detailed explanation of LOS criteria and definitions. Signal timing was provided by the City of Renton. Analysis parameters such as lane channelization and signal timing were maintained for future (2024) without-project conditions from existing conditions. Weekday AM, PM and Sunday peak hour traffic operations for existing and future (2024) without-project conditions were evaluated based on the procedures identified in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 6) using Synchro 11 at the signalized study intersection. Synchro 11 is a software program that uses HCM methodology to evaluate intersection LOS and average vehicle delay. SimTraffic 11 was used to analyze the stop-controlled SE 155th Place/152nd Avenue SE intersection due to its non-traditional 3-way stop configuration. Results for the existing and future without-project operations analyses are summarized in Table 1. Detailed LOS worksheets for each intersection analysis are included in Appendix C. Table 1. Existing and Future Without-Project AM, PM and Sunday Peak Hour LOS Summary Existing (2024) Without-Project Intersection Traffic Control LOS1 Delay2 WM3 LOS Delay WM AM Peak Hour 1. 152nd Ave SE/MVH (SR 169) Signalized D 54 - E 57 - 2. 152nd Ave SE/SE 155th Pl Stop-Controlled B 12 WB B 12 WB PM Peak Hour 1. 152nd Ave SE/MVH (SR 169) Signalized E 61 - E 66 - 2. 152nd Ave SE/SE 155th Pl Stop-Controlled A 7 WB A 7 WB Sunday Peak Hour 1. 152nd Ave SE/MVH (SR 169) Signalized C 27 - C 28 - 2. 152nd Ave SE/SE 155th Pl Stop-Controlled A 8 NB A 7 NB Note: MVH = Maple Valley Highway. 1. Level of Service (A – F) as defined by the Highway Capacity Manual (TRB, 6th Edition). 2. Average delay per vehicle in seconds 3. Worst movement reported for unsignalized intersections. WB = westbound, NB = northbound Based on the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan (2018), the City has adopted a standard of LOS D for arterial and collector roadways and a LOS E for State Routes. As shown in Table 1, the 152nd Avenue SE/Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) intersection operates at LOS E or better during the weekday AM and PM peak hours as well as during the Sunday peak hour under both existing and future (2024) without project conditions, meeting the LOS standard for State Routes. The 152nd Avenue SE/SE 155th Place intersection is forecast to also operate acceptably at LOS B or better. The existing operations reflect the mitigation measures New Life Church has implemented to minimize off-site impacts, particularly during the weekday AM peak hour when school volumes are greatest. These measures were identified through collaboration with the surrounding community and City of Renton staff. The measures include: Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 11 Project Impacts The following sections summarize the proposed project’s impacts on the surrounding street system. First, traffic volumes generated by the proposed project are estimated and then distributed and assigned to adjacent roadways within the study area. Next, project trips are added to future without-project traffic volumes and the potential impact to traffic operations are identified. Review of non-typical event conditions associated with the church are also summarized below. Trip Generation As described above, no change to the existing congregation or school building spaces are proposed with the addition. The proposed office addition is to provide a space for staff that already exist on-site today. However, in order to provide a conservative estimate of the trip generation for the proposed office addition, trips associated with the addition were estimated based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021) assuming Office (Land Use #710). Given the office land use and as the staff would already be present on Sundays within the primary existing building (not the proposed office space), no additional trip generation is anticipated on Sunday as a result of the proposed project. The estimated trip generation with the proposed development is summarized in Table 3. The detailed trip generation estimate is included in Appendix E. Table 3. Estimated Weekday Project Trip Generation Daily Trips AM Peak Hour Trips PM Peak Hour Trips Land Use1 Size In Out Total In Out Total Office (LU #710) 6,400 sf 70 9 1 10 2 7 9 Note: sf = square feet 1. Trip generation estimates based on the number of units and the trip rates from ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition (2021). As shown in the table, the proposed office is anticipated to generate a total of 70 new weekday daily trips with 10 occurring during the AM peak hour and 9 occurring during the PM peak hour. This is a conservative estimate for the new project trips as the addition is anticipated to accommodate existing staff such that trips are already occurring on-site today and the proposed addition simply provides an improved working environment. Trip Distribution & Assignment Trip distribution patterns for the proposed uses to and from the site were based on existing travel patterns. The trip distribution for the proposed project is shown on Figure 6. The net new peak hour project trips were assigned within the study area based on distribution for the proposed project and are shown on Figure 6. Site generated weekday peak hour traffic volumes were added to future without-project volumes at study intersections. The resulting future (2024) with-project weekday peak hour traffic volumes are illustrated on Figure 7. KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") CARE(9'9"X9') YOUTHPASTER(10'X9') WORSHIPPASTER(8'X10') I.T./STOR.JAN SM CONF(13'6"X9') DIRECTOR(10'X9') FINANCESUITE HR/PAY(10'X9'') KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS BREAKAREAGROUPPASTER(8'X10') YOUTH WORSHIP Project Trip Distribution and Assignment New Life Church Office Addition FIGURE Aug 17, 2023 - 10:04am lilyh M:\22\1.22134.00 - New Life Church - Addition\Graphics\DWG\New Life Church TIA Graphics.dwg Layout: Dist&Assignment152ND AVE SE154TH PL SESE 155TH P L MAPL E V A L L E Y H W Y Study Intersection Site Access Trip Distribution LEGEND X X XX% 10% 55% 35% 1 2 (0) 2 (3) 1 (1) 4 (5) 1 (1) 0 (0) 1 (X) Weekday AM Peak Hour Project Trips X Weekday PM Peak Hour Project Trips KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") CARE(9'9"X9') YOUTHPASTER(10'X9') WORSHIPPASTER(8'X10') I.T./STOR.JAN SM CONF(13'6"X9') DIRECTOR(10'X9') FINANCESUITE HR/PAY(10'X9'') KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS OFFICE(10'X8'2") KIDS BREAKAREAGROUPPASTER(8'X10') YOUTH WORSHIP Peak Hour Traffic Volumes New Life Church Office Addition FIGURE Aug 17, 2023 - 10:05am lilyh M:\22\1.22134.00 - New Life Church - Addition\Graphics\DWG\New Life Church TIA Graphics.dwg Layout: With Proj Vols 1 152ND AVE SE154TH PL SESE 155T H P L 2 MAPL E V A L L E Y H W Y LEGEND Study Intersection X Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes X (X) Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 152nd Ave SE SR 169/Maple Valley Hwy (510) 425 (300) 1,135 (335) 156 (276) 159 67 (265) (60) 61 (86) 25 (645) 465 (400) 150 (90) 575 (113) 96 (295) 620 152nd Ave SE SE 155th Pl (5) 5 5 182 (401) (5) 5 (70) 40 (10) 85 (35) 10 (429) 112 1 2 (20) Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Site AccessX LEGEND Future (2024) With-Project Weekday AM and PM Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 14 Traffic Operations Impact A future (2024) with-project level of service analysis was conducted for the peak hour to analyze traffic impacts of the proposed project. The same methodologies were applied as described for existing and future without-project conditions. All intersection parameters such as channelization, intersection control, and signal timing were consistent with those used in the evaluation of future without-project conditions. A comparison of future (2024) without- project and with-project weekday peak hour traffic operations is summarized in Table 4 for the weekday AM and PM peak hours. Detailed LOS worksheets are provided in Appendix C. Note that as no new trips are anticipated as a result of the proposed project on Sunday, the future (2024) without-project Sunday peak hour operations summarized in Table 1 previously are the same as the future (2024) with-project Sunday conditions (i.e., there is no change in traffic operations). Table 1 showed the study intersections are forecast to operate at LOS C or better under the future (2024) Sunday peak hour. Table 4. Future (2024) Without- and With-Project Weekday Peak Hour LOS Summary Traffic Control 2024 Without-Project 2024 With-Project Intersection LOS1 Delay2 WM3 LOS Delay WM Weekday AM Peak Hour 1. 152nd Ave SE/MVH (SR 169) Signalized E 57 - E 58 - 2. 152nd Ave SE/SE 155th Pl Stop-Controlled B 12 WB B 16 WB Weekday PM Peak Hour 1. 152nd Ave SE/MVH (SR 169) Signalized E 66 - E 66 - 2. 152nd Ave SE/SE 155th Pl Stop-Controlled A 7 WB A 7 WB Note: MVH = Maple Valley Highway. 1. Level of Service (A – F) as defined by the Highway Capacity Manual (TRB, 6th Edition) 2. Average delay per vehicle in seconds. 3. Worst movement (WM) reported for unsignalized intersections only. WB = westbound. As shown in Table 4, with the addition of project traffic, the study intersections are forecast to operate at the same LOS under future (2024) without-project conditions, with a change in vehicle delay of 4 seconds or less. Consistent with without-project conditions, all study intersections are anticipated to meet the City of Renton’s LOS standards. Event Conditions The above operational analysis reflects typical conditions; however, there are a limited number of events that occur annually which have higher than typical attendance. As described previously, New Life Church has proactively worked with the City and surrounding community to minimize impacts. This proactive event management includes advanced communication of events to the surrounding community, added traffic control with a police officer flagging traffic, and coordinating off-site parking and providing shuttle service to support higher parking demands. Additionally, New Life Church has reviewed, monitored, and adjusted on-site circulation to provide for more efficient traffic operations both on and off-site. The proposed project is not anticipated to contribute to higher demands for event activities or change event types and conditions. City staff requested a review of trip generation, traffic volumes, operations, and parking associated with event activities relative to non -event conditions. The most prominent of the annual events include Easter and Christmas Eve. Easter occurs on a Sunday in the Spring with added services on the Saturday night prior and Christmas Eve is December 24 where the day-of-week varies each year. The past year’s attendance including these events was shown above on Figure 3. The attendance at these two events relative to Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 15 the observed (typical Sunday) evaluated above is summarized below and is illustrated on Figure 8. • Observed (Typical Sunday) – Overall attendance was 2,155 with attendance per service being 840, 900, and 415. • Easter - 3,569 attendees total with each service with attendance per service being 1,032, 1,201, and 912. • Christmas Eve – 2,750 attendees total with each service with attendance per service being 950, 1,100, and 700. Figure 8. Event Attendance Review4 As shown on Figure 8, for the events, the three Easter services each exceeded the average typical (non-holiday) peak attendance and two services exceeded the average typical peak attendance on Christmas Eve. Under all three reviewed conditions (event and non-event), the first two services have the highest attendance. As Easter had the highest attendance, this was assumed for purposes of estimating event conditions (a Sunday condition) which is discussed in the following section. Trip Generation and Traffic Volumes The event trip generation was estimated programmatically based the Sunday July 2023 observations with known attendance and associated vehicles , which allows for the calculation of average vehicle occupancy (AVO). During the peak hour observations, which occurred between 10:15-11:15 a.m., there were 626 vehicles with 304 outbound and 322 inbound. The outbound vehicles were assumed to correspond with the first service (9:30 a.m.) and the inbound vehicles were assumed to correspond with the second service (11 a.m.). The vehicles associated with the attendance equates to an AVO of approximately 2.80 attendees/vehicle. Applying this AVO to the Easter event attendance, this equates to a total peak hour trip generation of 803 vehicles. It is noted that this estimate could be conservative as with increased attendance during the holiday period the number of families attending services increases leading to additional persons per vehicle. Table 5 summarizes the peak hour trip generation for the observed Sunday and estimated event Sunday. 4 The attendance numbers are all actual. The vehicles are actual for the observed Sunday only. The event vehicles illustrated are projections, programmatically estimated relative to the observed vehicles per attendance. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Attendance Vehicles Attendance Vehicles Attendance Vehicles Observed (Sun, 7/30/2023)Easter (Sun, 4/9/2023)Christmas Eve (Sat, 12/24/2022)ATTENDANCE PER SERVICEFirst Service Second Service Third Service Average Peak Service Attendance Traffic Impact Analysis New Life Church Office Addition August 2023 16 Table 5. Sunday Observed and Event Trip Generation Typical (Observed Sunday)1 Event (Easter)2 Intersection Attendance Vehicles Peak Hour Trips Attendance Vehicles Peak Hour Trips In Out Total In Out Total Service 1 (9:30 a.m.) 840 304 1,032 373 Service 2 (11 a.m.) 900 322 1,201 430 Peak Hour Trips 322 304 626 430 373 803 1. Observations conducted on Sunday, July 30, 2023. Peak Hour (10:15-11:15 a.m.). Attendance values provided. 2. Attendance as observed in the 2023 Easter services. Vehicles estimated assuming the estimated AVO rate of 2.8 attendees/vehicle per the observed Sunday. The event peak hour trip generation is estimated to be 177 vehicle trips greater than the observed typical Sunday condition (or an increase of 28 percent). As described above, the observed Sunday was shown to correspond with the typical (or average) Sunday. The additional trips associated with the event condition were added to future without-project Sunday peak hour volumes at the study intersections. The resulting future (2024) Sunday without event and with-event peak hour traffic volumes are illustrated on Figure 9.