HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 06 May 2024 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 6:00 PM - Monday, May 6, 2024 7th Floor Conferencing Center 1. RMC 5-28 UPDATE a) Presentation b) DRAFT Administrative Rule Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 1 2 3 Citizen-led Initiative 23-02 Set a minimum wage of $20.29 to be increased annually by inflation and phased in for smaller employers Requires offering additional hours to employees prior to hiring or contracting new positions Creates rights and penalties for retaliation AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 2 3 1 2 3 Summary of Steps Taken to Date: City website to include: •Summary of initiative •Designated email for businesses community to ask questions/provide comments •List of frequently asked questions Notice to businesses •Mailed informational letter to all licensed businesses •Sent informational email to city businesses that opted in for Gov Delivery. Codified Renton Municipal Code 5.28 Rule Making •Draft will be available on website for feedback (translations available) Annual certification process •Update online business license renewal portal and paper form AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 3 Planned Community Outreach/Feedback On-line Feedback Survey •Available on city website •Notifications will be sent to businesses and "Raise the Wage Renton" requesting feedback of draft rules •Information will be shared in “This Week in Renton” community newsletter asking for feedback to all of community •Coordination with Chamber of Commerce AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 4 Questions/Feedback Received to Date Covered employer •Employer size •Franchise size •Telework employees •Out of city businesses working in Renton Offering additional hours of work to part-time employees Effective date Exemptions Businesses will need to increase prices to afford increased wages Concerns on how this has impacted other businesses in neighboring cities with the same regulations The ability to continue operations in Renton due to higher costs Smaller businesses in Renton commented they may see higher turnover and lose employees to a covered employer in Renton paying the higher wage Frustration around imposed ordinance on owners with no voice Concerns/CommentsQuestions AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 5 City Limitations on Resolving Ambiguities and Concerns Citizen passed ordinances may only be amended or repealed through a public vote City's administrative rule making authority is limited to how it enforces/implements the ordinance The ordinance is designed to be primarily enforced through private legal action with judges, not the City, interpreting ambiguities Because the City lacks authority to revise the ordinance or bind courts to how it believes the ordinance should be interpreted,employers and employees will be left with uncertainty as to how the ordinance will apply to them until it is applied by the courts. AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 2/23/2024 Certification 6 6 Timeline of Implementation March 2024 Notice to Businesses 07/01/2024 Effective date of increased wages April 2024 Rule Making May 2024 Outreach June 2024 Finalize rules AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. 7 City Internal Impact City hiring process changes •Increased wages/benefits o Supplemental (part-time summer staff) o Regular staff •Additional budget will be needed •Develop process for offering additional hours Additional administrative costs to the city •Additional Staffing o Up to 5 positions •Software updates o Online business license renewal portal o Tax and Licensing system of record AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved. Questions? Fred Hall – Tax & License Manager FHALL@RENTONWA.GOV AG E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) 1 CITY OF RENTON Administrative Rule 2024-1 IMPLEMENTATION OF CITIZEN-LED RENTON LABOR STANDARDS ADOPTED BY CHAPTER 5-28 RMC CHAPTER 1: PURPOSE AND CONSTRUCTION The purpose of this rule is to implement the citizen-led Initiative Measure 23-02 approved by voters in February 2023, which is codified within Chapter 5-28 and Section 5-5-4 of the Renton Municipal Code (collectively, “the Ordinance"). Employers should consult and be familiar with the Ordinance to ensure their compliance. This rule is not intended to replace or modify the Ordinance, but only clarify critical terminology and address procedural requirements contemplated by the Ordinance. The clarifications provided by this rule will apply as to City initiated enforcement of the Ordinance, but Employers should be aware that courts enforcing the Ordinance in actions brought by employees may not defer to these rules and could interpret the applicability of the Ordinance differently than provided herein. Accordingly, employers are cautioned to seek their own legal counsel as to interpretation of the Ordinance. CHAPTER 2: TERMINOLOGY As used in the Ordinance with respect to covered employers, “gross revenue” means revenue generated from sales made, services performed, and other business activities that occur within the Renton city limits. CHAPTER 3: RULES AND PROCEDURES 3-1 Establishment of Minimum Wage Rates The City’s Finance Department will establish and publish the applicable hourly minimum wage rate for the following year by October 15 of each year on its website, file a copy with the City Clerk, and notify the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. 3-2 Employer Certification of Compliance Employers are required to certify compliance with the Ordinance at the time of submitting their annual Renton business license renewal application. Failure to certify compliance may result in denial or revocation of an employer’s business license. Effective Date Kari Roller, Finance Administrator AGENDA ITEM #1. b)