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( '1*" %$"!$&!$( &1"$!&  (!%)&"$!!1!' &&! !"%&&'% &&!$9                4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 !–%44444   " !                                      $          &'%(      !    # '&!$, & &'$ &    '""!$& !' &&! !$*" %%$&$ &!!$$'$% & ' $& ! *' "$!$/ *" &'$%)$ '$$&) &&%!&! &$&$ &/  09!$% $()/ '$% &%'&&&!&&+ !&$& $86-757Ͷ/                  ’‡…‹ƒŽ˜‡–Ȁ ‡•–‹˜ƒŽƒ”‡–‹‰Ȁ‘—”‹•”‘‘–‹‘ ƒ…‹Ž‹–› ”‰ƒ‹œƒ–‹‘ǣ —„‹––‡†›ǣ ‘–”ƒ…–‘ǣ …–‹˜‹–›ƒ‡ǣ …–‹˜‹–››’‡ǣ …–‹˜‹–›–ƒ”–ƒ–‡ǣ…–‹˜‹–›†ƒ–‡ǣ Total Activity Cost$ 7RWDODPRXQWRI5HQWRQORGJLQJWD[IXQGVUHTXHVWHG 7RWDODPRXQWRI5HQWRQORGJLQJWD[IXQGVDSSURYHG DEFIITIO OF METHODOLOGY FOR QUESTIOS BELOW: This methodology is defined by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee and is used for reporting to the Legislature about the use of lodging tax for each jurisdiction. x Direct Count: Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count may also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides likely to be affected by an event. x Indirect Count: Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates. x Representative Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors / participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event and includes margin of error and confidence level. x Informal Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey. x Structured Estimate: Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 sq. ft.). x Other: (please describe)  ͸       ‹ƒŽ‡’‘”– OVERALL ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: 50+ MILES ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people who travelled greater than 50 miles predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who travelled more than 50 miles to attend this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: OUT OF STATE / COUTRY ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people from outside the state and country predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people from outside the state and country who attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: PAID FOR OVERIGHT LODGIG ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to pay for overnight lodging in Renton to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who paid for overnight lodging and attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: DID OT PAY FOR OVERIGHT LODGIG ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to attend this activity/event without paying for overnight lodging in Renton (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who attended this activity/event without paying for overnight lodging; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: PAID LODGIG IGHTS Enter total predicted lodging nights in Renton (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); and actual number of paid lodging nights-(One lodging night = one or more persons occupying one room for one night); and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: Please describe any other information that demonstrates the impact of increased tourism attributable to the special event, festival, or tourism-related facility. RETO SPECIFIC QUESTIOS: Did you experience a higher number of tourists this year? If not, what do you think was a contributing factor? Did you complete all of the items on your Scope of Work consistent with your application submitted to the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee? If not, which items do you still need to complete? Do you plan on completing those items with your own resources? If so, when? Do you plan to do anything differently next year to expand your event, increase tourism to Renton, or increase visitors to your facility? ’‡…‹ƒŽ˜‡–Ȁ ‡•–‹˜ƒŽƒ”‡–‹‰Ȁ‘—”‹•”‘‘–‹‘ ƒ…‹Ž‹–› ”‰ƒ‹œƒ–‹‘ǣ —„‹––‡†›ǣ ‘–”ƒ…–‘ǣ …–‹˜‹–›ƒ‡ǣ …–‹˜‹–››’‡ǣ …–‹˜‹–›–ƒ”–ƒ–‡ǣ…–‹˜‹–›†ƒ–‡ǣ Total Activity Cost$ 7RWDODPRXQWRI5HQWRQORGJLQJWD[IXQGVUHTXHVWHG 7RWDODPRXQWRI5HQWRQORGJLQJWD[IXQGVDSSURYHG DEFIITIO OF METHODOLOGY FOR QUESTIOS BELOW: This methodology is defined by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee and is used for reporting to the Legislature about the use of lodging tax for each jurisdiction. x Direct Count: Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count may also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides likely to be affected by an event. x Indirect Count: Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates. x Representative Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors / participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event and includes margin of error and confidence level. x Informal Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey. x Structured Estimate: Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 sq. ft.). x Other: (please describe)  ͸       ‹ƒŽ‡’‘”– OVERALL ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: 50+ MILES ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people who travelled greater than 50 miles predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who travelled more than 50 miles to attend this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: OUT OF STATE / COUTRY ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people from outside the state and country predicted to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people from outside the state and country who attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: PAID FOR OVERIGHT LODGIG ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to pay for overnight lodging in Renton to attend this activity/event (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who paid for overnight lodging and attended this activity/event; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: DID OT PAY FOR OVERIGHT LODGIG ATTEDACE Enter the total number of people predicted to attend this activity/event without paying for overnight lodging in Renton (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); the actual number of people who attended this activity/event without paying for overnight lodging; and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: PAID LODGIG IGHTS Enter total predicted lodging nights in Renton (this number would have been submitted on your application for funds); and actual number of paid lodging nights-(One lodging night = one or more persons occupying one room for one night); and the method used to determine attendance. PREDICTED: # ACTUAL (ESTIMATED): # METHODOLOGY (definitions provided above): EXPLAIN TRACKING METHOD: Please describe any other information that demonstrates the impact of increased tourism attributable to the special event, festival, or tourism-related facility. RETO SPECIFIC QUESTIOS: Did you experience a higher number of tourists this year? If not, what do you think was a contributing factor? Did you complete all of the items on your Scope of Work consistent with your application submitted to the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee? If not, which items do you still need to complete? Do you plan on completing those items with your own resources? If so, when? Do you plan to do anything differently next year to expand your event, increase tourism to Renton, or increase visitors to your facility?