HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA74-751BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE MICROFILMED a CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. SA- 7>7.- 7'7/ Filing Date • 7-2/- 7 v;. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name Phone a a 3' /S6 O Address A 9,y S. w . 7 ziC' / a-w ' '• 2. Property location 5-5-0 S, €,o . 7 41 • 9(Po S$ 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) 41.tY a277i(0.6/ -46tet 2Y 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft atec4,2 A.6o 0 Present zoning P 5. What do you propose to develop on this property? 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks, existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning MPonadjacentparcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) .22 / r•4' 3 Yp*7. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved 47/9)1 Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks 6;4; fo stuff a,prova% of/4,7o/sc'4,e f /0a s1;'nf DT/ A. bo'1G2/ S/ter//4 ce G°s'rJf. 7 A// /4""7 trapi i,fi Planning Dept. 2-73 Order No. 363425 DESCRIPTION ALL that portion of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 18 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 18 ; thence South 89°10 ' 25" East, a distance of 753. 32 feet ; thence North O1°13' 10" East , a distance of 40. 0 feet to the North line of South 7th Street, and the beginning of thisdescription ; thence along last said bearing a distance of 44 . 22 feet to a point of curve ; thence Northeasterly along said curve of 304 . 62 feet radius to a point 40 feet Westerly, as measured at right angles from the East line of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 18 ; thence South 01°40 ' 55" West to the North line of South 7th Street ; thence North 89°10' 25" West along said North line to the Point of Beginning; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. FORM 80 -R ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. I:OAN NO. MORTGAGOR PLAT MAP Vol PG_ _ I c' QI This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and locatio! AFFIDAVIT I G/6Z-4/g Ve8/7 being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this ,.?o? day of e 19 74', Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at c? 97 am of Notary Pu Si ature of Owner 18c .- i 6-1 12k0 49f sw 7 Address) Address) 1OA)/ /S City) State) vza '- i g0 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Dat' Received 19 By : Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 01' 1?12, THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 A AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR 0•Q TFD SEPj February 28 , 1974 Mr . Eugene Horbach, President Central Puget Inc. 434 SW 7th Street Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr . Horbach: This is in response to your recent letter regarding your intentions to develop a facility in the Earlington Indus- trial Park. I am pleased to hear of the cooperation you are receiving from our Planning Department personnel . I have discussed your letter with Planning Director Gordon Ericksen, and he is following through to the extent practical in assisting you in your efforts . Feel free to contact us if we can be of any further. assistance. Sincerely, Avery Garrett Mayor Fes'cc : Gordon Ericksen 0 R • dS R[CF1h%\. RE h1,'aR g411-EI: T* MA R 1 1974 G D E P PRE+ 9\, LN NGDEp 4 OF R • v U 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON Immo Q MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 61.11A1X 9 0 235-2550 RrCAPITAA- February 28 , 1974 Central Puget , Inc . 498 S. W. 7th Street Renton , Washington 98055 Attention : Mr. Eugene Horbach Dear Mr. Horbach : As you are aware , the Renton Planning Commission has approved your site approval application subject to the recommendations of the staff report . These include staff approval of the landscaping and the posting of a bond for installation and maintenance of the landscaping . This bond should amount to 150% of the cost estimates of installation and a three year maintenance period . Areas to be incorporated in the landscaping plan and subsequent bonding include 1 . All the areas indicated for landscaping on the plot plan submitted to the Planning Com- mission (along the public rights of way , between the roadway curb and the sidewalk , along the front of the proposed building , along the railroad tracks , on the west side of the proposed building , the islands within the parking areas , etc . ) 2 . The strip along S. W. 7th between the existing parking lots and that street . 3 . A 10 foot strip along the west side of what will be the Lind Avenue extension . This may be substituted by landscaping one out of every five parking spaces along the west side of that proposed street . Upon receipt of a landscape plan and bond suitably covering the items mentioned above , we will then be in a position to review your building permit application . Central Puget , Inc . February 28 , 1974 Page Two If you have any further questions , please feel free to contact this department. Very truly yours , 1/Y11.._{‹Z/ • Michael L . Smith Assistant Planner Renton Plar ig Commission Meeting February 27 , 1974 Page Seven Commissioner Scholes noted that they have received no up-date of the EIS and therefore could not make a decision that evening . He felt there should be time allowed for committee input and response review and recommended that the hearing not be closed . Chairman Teegarden suggested that Shell should re- spond to the staff comments and that the hearing be continued . Mr. Furber stated that Shell can get together with the staff and give them the information in reference to the replies to the EIS . Mr. Baker requested assurance that Shell recognizes codes and specifications regarding safety , noting that there were no reference specifications regard- ing the type of construction standard in the EIS . Chairman Teegarden noted that , if construction is authorized , they will have to comply with adequate codes . Mr. Bergun indicated they would try to stay with national codes . Seymour asked if the EIS could be completed by the April public hearing date . Mr. Ericksen stated that , taking Shell ' s statement into account , he would esti - mate that three to four months would probably be the minimum time required . He said the staff would do its best to get the EIS out within the existing work sched- ule and cover the input that has been received as re- quired by state law . ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 22, J974 , NOTING THAT IT WILL TAKE AT LEAST TWO WEEKS FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE FINAL IMPACT STATEMENT IN ORDER TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE COMMISSION AS A WHOLE. Discussion on the question followed , with Ross offering a substitute motion that the application be continued on a 30 day basis . On the question , MOTION CARRIED, ROSS OPPOSING . 4, NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: B. CENTRAL PUGET , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-751-74 ; site approval for office and warehouse building in M-P zone ; property located at 550 S . W . 7th . The Chairman requested a presentation from the Planning Director. Mr . Ericksen described the proposed two-story office/warehouse structure in Earlington Industrial Park , advising that the proposal meets the requirements of the Manufacturing Park Ordinance . The applicant has agreed to post a bond for installation and maintenance of land- scaping . Landscaping will be similar to the layout pro- vided for the adjacent IBM building . Slides of the site and vicinity were shown , and plot plans were displayed and delineated . Provisions for parking were noted . Off- site improvements will be required in the area . Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 27 , 1974 Page Eight Discussion ensued , with particular reference to parking plans . It was noted by the Planning Director that park- ing on the City right-of-way (Lind Ave . Extension) is on a temporary basis , and the applicant may have to provide parking at an alternate site at a later date . Eugene Horbach , President , Central Puget , Inc . , stated that the area is used for overflow parking only at this time ; and if additional parking is required at a later date , they will comply . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY CARUE, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE SITE APPLICA— TION OF CENTRAL PUGET, INC. BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO FINAL STAFF APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND THE POSTING OF A BOND FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. In view of the late hour , it Was MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT ITEMS 5 AND 6 OF THE AGENDA BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. As there was no further business before the Commission , it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE MEETING BE AD— JOURNED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting was adjourned at 1 : 05 a .m. Bylynd I . Wik , Secretary Clark Teegarden , Chairman of ts` G UPLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 0 gTf cltS) MEMORANDUMOSEPI February 26 , 1974 TO : Files FROM : Mike Smith SUBJECT : Central Puget , Inc . Site Approval I talked with Mr. Horbach , President of Central Puget , Inc . , today regarding his proposed project and the Plan- ning Commission hearing relating to it . I informed him of the various requirements of the Code and others that the Commission may attach . These are listed in the com- ments and recommendations of the Staff Report for the February 27 Planning Commission meeting . They include : 1 . The various landscaping requirements and related bonding . 2 . The parking that is presently developed will be considered as IBM building parking only and cannot be considered as part of the parking provided for the new facility . 3. Any expansion that results in a parking requirement in excess of that provided on the site ( 99 spaces ) will have to provide parking in another manner that is in com- pliance with the Parking and Loading Ordi - nance . MS :wr 4 cp central puget inc. 498S. W. 7th Street Renton, Washington 98055 X61; ,?Ci)6X4 . 228-1560 February 15, 1974 Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Ericksen: Central Puget, Inc. is the present owner of a parcel of land approximately 72, 000 square feet, located between the existing IBM Building and the Hormel plant on Southwest 7th Street in the Earlington Industrial 1-;ark. We have submitted preliminary plans to the Building Department early this week. This morning I was informed by Jim Hanson that we need approval of the Planning Commission before a Building Permit can be issued. Upon checking with Mr. Mike Smith from your department, I found to my distress that the Planning Commission meets only once a month with the application deadline of February 6 in order to have the Commission ,consider its merit during the February meeting. I have secured a long term lease from Collins Radio to be the lead tenant, occupying the entire lower west end of the building, provided that the space would be ready for occupancy no later than June 15, 1974. This lease was secured under competitive conditions with Collins considering as alternate locations, the Andover and Southcenter Industrial Parks. Because of the already extremely tight construction schedule, it would be impossible for us to deliver the space should we not obtain a hearing sched- uled in the month of February 1974. We present this application as a hardship case and urgently re- quest that the Commission will consider it during the February meeting. w Gordon Y. Ericksen February 15, 1974 Page Two We feel that, because the structure will be of a similar nature to the existing buildings in the long established industrial Park, a great many preliminary requirements could be waived without effecting the area in question. As a matter of fact, in order to expedite construction of the building, which will be a combination of office and warehousing space, we will proceed only with the main building facing Southwest 7th Street, rather than the entire building as outlined on our site plan. We believe that the building will add substantially to the Tax basis for the City of Renton and contribute aesthetically to the area. We pray for a favorable consideration by your department and Planning Commission of a hearing scheduled in the month of February, otherwise, we will lose our prospective tenant and will be forced to cancel the entire project. This would create great difficulties and financial distress to the owners of the proposed building. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely yours, CENTRAL PUGET, INC. gr-r0--r-i-e 54p 71---47c4 uge a Horbach President EH:j cc: Mike Smith cc: Mayor Avery Garrett 32. MA ! 14, t910 pARieING REGN 'T Fo4Z 54 ç\s3fr 3LD&T To D PkT E kvoRLNeeAse 0 0 aLtZK,N6. t, 5'r0y occuPte0 o% 111. S pp,c.e.5 2 na ETo2N \I Ac AAIr 2. 04 ?1Zovl QED EX.t.-u4.4t, epoiRt1w(; (sae N-L 4 c RR. -eR Pc.K.$ t 8 office 6 pFF/ G E cc o a SrveY ouc c0/40 e 2 STo ? 'E S A") cr Mr ' r' OH riC' i1S4,11pelVht.1) cErii,v6 I loci'USt i o,,ci !GC FAC i 1 . _ 32 " r / / 0 ., E4k L/N6ro/v 5,us^/mes, wre Wr44, - toSx 131..- v 1`i2Sb sl fi-t , `.- boa = 1$ ?pot K,Ivo sPAcst QE.QD, 1 Nit 0.4.T S P A t t c 2E 4 s' si.ty oct:lcE - ice$ cZCaB ZL'Ib4 S ." 1oV . 1 VI— p 4, Z ^A Cher egetc£ - tot.* toy 1r13.i `le 4 4 Lau 54, ?ARrlodb ‘,..?4cE4 REbti.), 331 ? 1 1a to `C'e-rAl. 6-44-A, "goopswg0141- art (61y6 ill hi rel 1.1 1 T `1- _y--1--+-+ - 1__ T L 1 L \(. i Cipr+, \ \ 1.1.111 ' 1 I f II' I}111 1 i =•. r 1.z wo,i. .I.I,1.,la v0 6_OO4 V 1- 1E W / I-.- -1--`+-.\.p, 47V c -- -- F'_ rlcr 1\ •.. 1 ilI It i ce:= -. -- 110 f Z_ I 1 r RI R-2 74 NI2 R ./uN/CR -• C 8 .: i.7 11; . .4.: :1747 , .4.4. 41— . .. , ' R... : 1 , 1f s,„/„„,„„,„.. . ,„..,.,. .t.,1 v_iii #NI ging i.iufir, 1 P1 isT:j . ' i km,ffilrfplf,,„„ --:---- .--! .' : ''';,e1, W' ' -1'. Li.141 . ! I !311 "di --10' 0,,"111 /• 47/14# . 4 MI 41' , - I' i ja: .-',:',V14' .,' - - -4,,,, I. n ill/izti, it, .,, -0,140/ lei,• ,:f . 4:,----71 Air-0,.. \ 111, ..'A:11-: t.72.:I 1 wi gi i iii .* i ,Iiiiile/ .i, ,, - I 'it:::_-_twa SUNSET BLVD9A P0\~ \\ i{ Rompt 7,,17 4: f ' . CENTRALPUGET , INC . :Y1_" _ Y! iAt,d " SIT1= APPROVAL Izi,: : o C Naar sum, ..!_sl_ ."°!!----- ..,/ , 15 14,!i' O. j ; -14 C ' i.,______,,,,,,ti ti 1. W u i W 47:11?-\.0.1G-C'::::'..",:,... v... Y.a o 'If/ I I I e I I I II/ 1 I H I/IUIIIIIIIIII NMI'll i 1 `, c F.c -cs Ca M llllll I gllllpll ? C I pA ,a' M M(I I r,-,+'I I I QFNT0IJ V'll GF NOR f4 I II!I'Irl 1( 91UpQ`'I III' toe, : 1: 1, hI I r s i N (.Il;: n llh 1I 11i B II i e i I I I ., R IU 116IIII . / bullIIII I "d i1:a Ilf II 1 iimio. iiia.„. I I "T. 1 11111 Ills i I11..,,lu 1 !Ililll .n1, 1 IUI IIIIIIh / IIIII 7111 s: , MIII111U.. illl lik! y,_ __: F"- lip -1 Ae111ithl1. -- --z_ ce' S SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION : CENTRAL PUGET , INC. ; Appl . No . SA-751-74 ; site approval permit to construct an office and warehouse building in MP zone ; property TEicated at 550 S. W. 7th . AIPLICANT CENTRAL PUGET , INC . TOTAL AREA ± 7200 sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 7th St . EXISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Office/Warehouse COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park/Light Industry COMMENTS Property can only be developed to a point which has a parking requirement no greater than the number of spaces provided legally . Landscaping must be provided as per ordinance require- rents . I c:a r.taar , s 4 w•- 1. It- r% elf a r y J 1 1 325' : —— — M. w I q 1 i r r.• 44'..•r,c/ f Co. I' i- ° Nr) Ccn/ta/ Oa ro/ line/n CO. /nc. 7 / 41:‘,.1) n'! f I ,•-•\ iI QJPl6• 447 0 Ale Zit •I ill • T c;• t1 s I z97 n"[a.fun; ce L— j , II 4llf td V f il,1 4 uk:y 8G i "4, ' • i r t 150 - t11•f, •-_. - i--1-.__ i - i0or^ I` YE 11. y,I.,I ;--r it !}I r_ r i 1 VW PII ENE r-- - t_b Y I . . . PTT 0.7.I In seN,oR J N.oK7..A 1in M,6N w.w 7,,,,A.i. cr iftwir._ A it_ , r. 4. 1614 ,4411111.1% edlith '1V ''A. 74 - ---- 1- - - 7: • riftwita)a„.. i: •--7' .. ' :II A elVOilift. i11,4?LeiI• Milli/1111Po 1--.- 474,fa9 ir ,' EAt ft2,. 11 47.7.141"i ,......pr f Ali1...l..11.111.400/c 111u III NI IIi 00id-v r r EMI. 4ri 0 - . "i/// ', gillii iiiiTi'fig!` M _ O o Wei L4°.. irt .t.- Air-// \ GS- ' /' i %•`e r oo.A7 a4ce7 am\\ rn „f SET BLVD . yh' ®1 /. i PI. C 4«• g4g:I CENTRAL PUGET INC . : 4 rif ilk•SITE APPROVAL o= S cee ?NT ImIL N '.I Ni. S W-- 7TN — B I F Z it` oIIVI v. 10-io;;;'"------ ---------- 6 xv\..•• Macy 1. r 1111,11N.: r: ,lul•ipI IH - ERv f! M3 /IMq'llh•IIIIIIII _ I I I!! y.QFNT04 ViLI.ALt t N°R— ° 0001 ! A Ial' 1951 9pllmil it ° III !U ,•I 1' it E u/!:rule 'L C 110 IU1 u - S f J 1 : Rook ,III i u II Illhb ' I u. II/I IU 12-10 ; IIIUII !IIITtrill1111111112111:T111001111111 a m41 I._.___...,,.7-_ -_7. r— , ---Ns\ , ..,,e1171:11kg1 li SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION : CENTRAL PUGET , INC. ; Appl . No . SA-751-74 ; site approval permit to construct an office and warehouse building in MP zone ; property located at 550 S. W. 7th . APPLICANT CENTRAL PUGET , INC . TOTAL AREA ± 7200 sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 7th St . E <ISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Office/Warehouse COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park/Light Industry COMMENTS Property can only be developed to a point which has a Parking requirement no greater than the number of spaces provided legally . Landscaping must be provided as per ordinance require- ments . LADING OF FILE Fig TITLE Ji1U, g/P 5 / - 74