HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA74-791INNING FFIL NOISE MEASUREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE RYERSON FABRICATION PLANT northwest environmental technology laboratories, inc. 300 - 120th avenue n.e., bldg. 2 suite 108, Bellevue,washington 98005, (206) 455 - 3570 northwest environmental technology laboratories, inc. 300- 120th avenue n.e.,bldg. 2 suite 108, bellevue,washington 98005, (206) 455- 3570 NETL Job No. 108-74-094 OCTOBER 23, 1974 NOISE MEASUREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE RYERSON FABRICATION PLANT PREPARED FOR MOORE, WALLACE AND KENNEDY, INC. 1915 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 NOISE MEASUREMENTS The City of Renton requires an assessment of the expected impact of the proposed facility on the noise environment. To determine noise impact , measurements were made at the existing facility which is to be relocated on S.W. 10th Street in Renton, Washington. The same equipment will be relocated in the new facility and the new facility will be constructed of six inch concrete tilt-up wall , which will replace a structure made of corrugated metal over a post and beam framework. Sound level measurements were conducted at the existing site on October 22, 1974, at two locations designated as Site I and Site 2. Site 1 was located 34 feet from Bay 4 of the main building between the office building and the main plant. This location was 58 feet from the main doorway into Bay 2. Site 2 was located 50 feet south and 28 feet east of the northeast corner of the building. The purpose of these measurements was to ascertain ambient noise levels which are a result of the fabrication processes going on within the building. It was determined that unavoidable extraneous background noise, external to the manufacturing processes under investigation was also measured. Such noise arises from other manufacturing facilities, jet airplane noise, and heavy vehicular traffic. Sound levels were measured using a General Radio 1933 Sound Level Meter which was calibrated with the General Radio Type 1562A Sound Level Calibrator . Three types of sound level measurements were made. During the course of the measurements the octave average levels and peak levels were noted. These data are presented in Table I . Measurements were also made on the A weighted scale; these were recorded continuously on FM magnetic tape using a TC124 Recorder operating in conjunction with an NETL 1173 Modem. Each data run obtained in the field was recorded on magnetic tape and subsequently reduced in the laboratory. This involved demodulating the recorded data and hand-digitizing the results and converting these data to the levels of sound which are exceeded 10%, 500, and 90% of the time L10, L50, and L90 respectively) . Table II lists the reduced noise level r TABLE I Octave Band Average Noise Level dB Peak Noise Level dB Center Frequencies Site 1 Site 2 Site I Site 2 31 .5 67 68 78 73 63 71 69 74 73 125 70 69 71 70 250 69 56 76 60 500 62 52 67 54 1000 59 47 63 52 2000 56 51 68 56 4000 49 45 65 48 8000 47 32 49 37 16000 32 20 34 25 TABLE II Site Measured Noise Level dBA L10 L50 L90 1 68 64 62 2 64 59 57 r measurements for the L10, L50, and L90 statistical descriptors. The following information is given to acquaint the reader with the meaning of the L measurements, so that interpretations can be made on the reported results. Man 's subjective response to noise is determined by the sound level emanating from the source of noise and the frequency spectrum of noise. In the event of a proposed new facility, it is important to consider the increase of noise from pre-existing levels. The assessment of noise impact requires a consideration of several factors which influence the psychoacoustical impact at particular locations . The impact of noise on a community is based on a measurement which represents the level of sound weighted in accordance with the apparent loudness perceived by an average human observer. This number is expressed in A-weighted decibels and is written as dBA. Because of its inherent variability, noise must be considered as a statistical entity. Steady noise levels are rarely observed and, because of the time varying characteristics of environmental noise, it is necessary to provide a statistical descriptor indicative of the dBA level which is exceeded a specified percentage of the time. The three most commonly used percentile levels are: 1 ) L90 (the ninety-percentile level ) -- L90 is the sound level in dBA which is exceeded 90 percent of the time. L90 compares well with the minimum levels read with a sound level meter and is representa- tive of the quietest noise levels present. 2) L50 (the fifty-percentile or median level ) -- L50 is the sound level in dBA which is exceeded 50 percent of the time. That is to say 50 percent of the time the noise is louder than the value indicated. In the absence of loud peaks, such as a distant highway with a uniform traffic flow, the L50 provides a satisfactory measure of subjective response to noise impact . the ten-percentile level ) -- L10 is the sound level in dBA3) L10 which is exceeded 10 percent of the time, and is the parameter of measurement and prediction most often discussed. L10 is an indicator of short-duration high-level sounds which often cause annoyance. This is the design level listed in Table III in relation to specified land use categories, and is an indicator of both the magnitude and the frequency of occurrence of the loudest noise events. TABLE III DESIGN NOISE LEVEL/LAND USE RELATIONSHIPS Land Use Design Noise Design Noise Category Level - Leq Level - L10 Description of Land Use Categories A2 57 60 Tracts of land in which serenity and quiet are of exterior) exterior) extraordinary significance and serve an important public need , and where the preservation of those qualities is essential if the area is to continue to serve its intended purpose. Such areas could include amphitheaters , particular parks or portions of parks , or open spaces which are dedicated or recogpized by appropriate local officials for activities requiring special qualities of serenity and quiet . B2 67 70 Residences , motels , hotels , public meeting rooms, exterior) exterior) schools , churches , libraries , hospitals , picnic areas, recreation areas, . playgrounds, active sports areas, and parks. C 72 75 Developed land, properties or activities not included exterior) exterior) in Categories A and B above. D For requirements on undeveloped lands see paragraphs 5a (5) and (6) of PPM 90-2. E3 52 55 Residences, motels , hotels , public meeting rooms, interior) interior) schools, churches , libraries, hospitals and auditoriums. U .S . Department of Transportation , 1974) Table III lists the L10 noise levels applicable to the various design land use categories . This table is a' guideline promulgated by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Table IV indicates the applicable Renton noise regulations which would relate to the proposed project. Extrapolating the octave band measurement data contained in Table I to conditions expected at the new site, there are two adjustments to make. One adjustment will be that due to distance to the nearest property line at the new site of approximately 10 dB. Additionally, because of the difference in materials , first assuming transmission only through the walls, there will be a further reduction of about 11 dB in sound level . Because of the fact that the new facility will operate with some of the doors open, it is assumed that this reduction will be about 5 dB. From the foregoing , it is concluded that a 15 dBA reduction can be applied to the measurement results contained in Table I . Based on these estimates and taking into account that there will be residual noise levels present which result in an over prediction of noise, it is concluded that the proposed facility will satisfy the Renton noise ordinance and provide an acceptable noise impact on the community. TABLE IV RENTON NOISE ORDINANCE Frequency Band in Sound Pressure Level Cycles/Second in db re 0.0002 microbar Below 75 72 75 - 150 59 150 - 300 52 300 - 600 46 600 - 1200 42 1200 - 2400 39 2400 - 4800 34 Above 4800 32 Maximum allowable daytime levels. Noises originating from and due to normal daytime activities in the M-P District shall conform to the levels shown in the foregoing table at least ninety percent (90%) of the time between the hours of seven A.M. (7:00 A.M.) and eight P.M. (8:00 P .M.) . Exceptions. None of the foregoing provisions shall apply to noises resulting from the operation of motor vehicles. Other exceptions are the occasional infrequent situations arising out of research and development work carried out in the M-P District; the temporary construction earth- moving, road-building and related activites necessary to development, improvement and maintenance of manufacturing part facilities , which shall be limited to the hours between seven A.M. (7:00 A.M.) and eight P.M. (8:00 P.M.) and noises incident to operations in areas surrounding an airport, heliport, or landing field where such areas come under the M-P District . BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TIT di v.... 7 9 1 , 14- r.y k III 1 E d A j.j41/7/.1. /1/4'14 7:/771"'"ttufr. liC)6()T- • ,. R—il : 1. 1 ., .1,,,, ! 2U .. i 4 ,2i0,9 , ,/ , ,44 ...I. li P l4' r. . rtr r H I • l ,, V I.• 1 1 1 Is '1' i g i• 'A. . 4 4;4'.. • () A' r7 . r- ' 7 fr'' '* 'j law 2 Gs r 4I56v, I_ ,N6 1er e o CN •1 IPp fpJ o. l'7,_.4 ii/44,,./_ii.;" gli 1 4 I P l p` J.• G j S W 7TN 1 F, JOSEPH TT. RYERSON STEEL CO. II 1 r_ W SITE APPROVAL: l a / Z err R i \\" . „.,. , 0 0111. c ,Re--tN_ IIO 111111111111'' S A L O 1NETNL PP4 s, • 1 !II01; 0 III 10liwi;!-°IIIh 1,!11 1. V) ( ow II 1 II ...d 10. 4uuootr-Tivali if1Pi. iiii • p11111<IIIIIII i i i 94ri u i! T !! I, :fib•.. 1 ,011 ... , mi .y IIM IIh y I y I Pil I woof,/ . / T t,-,-) Et', -.- __:..---...- a atf y4 Li''i SITE APPROVAL : JOSEPH T . RYERSON STEEL CO . , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-791-74 ; site approval to construct office and steel fabrication and warehouse building in M-P zone ; property located on S . W. 10th St . between Thomas Ave . S . W . and Lind Ave . S . W. APPLICANT JOSEPH T. RYERSON STEEL CO. , INC.TOTAL AREA ± 10 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 10th St. EXISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped. PROPOSED USE Office, steel fabrication, and warehouse. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park/Light Industrial COMMENTS The size of build)ng and operation will necessitate a very compre- hensive landscaping and screening plan. This would include areas adjacent to the building (proposed ht. ±39' ) , within the parking lot, and around the peri- phery of the property. CITY OF RENTON APPLICATIONoF SITE APPROVAL XRECE/1/6 1-0 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SEP 24 I9T4 File No . SA- 7 /- 7 ' Filing Date 9 cs- NG D F P ARA4 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name Noboru Hera Phone 622-3733 Address 1923 - 1st Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 2. Property location Earlington Industrial Park, Renton, Washington 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lot 5, Earlington Industrial Park No. 1, according to plat recorded in volume 83 of plats, page 10, in King County, Washington 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 436,054 sq. ft. Present zoning 17- P 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? Office and Steel Fabrication and Warehouse Building 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , exiting structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : Date approved ,c a73 y,C Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks `Jcll.4f /0 (lD,7,r•fi_e175 Planning Dept. 2-73 AFFIDAVIT I, Donald C . Zimmerman being duly sworn, declare that I am the lr of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 20 day of September 19 74 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle N of Notary Public) Signature r . _. General Mana r Representing Owne • 1200 - 4th Ave. S. Seattle, Wa . ' 1200 - 4th Ave. S . Address) Address) Seattle, Washington City) State) 624-2300 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify t . the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been fou ((¢ bib-thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the let a.pd' regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the if lfch application . V "Lu _ V L .z 1 Date Received SEP 241974 19 By : 03 Is vNG DE? Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 I ` -- ' f. ..rofRFLisis c. REBID) gi_ SEP 24 1974 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET 44 rip\* 14.?...Tfli SE ONLY : Application No . . ,ael - ,53- 7`r Negative Dec . Date Received 7 -11 - 7X EIS INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive" areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Noboru Hara 2 . Mailing address 1923 - 1st Avenue Seattle, Washington Telephone 622-3733 3. Applicant is : F 10wner f !Lessee I IContract purchaser Architect rXlother ( specify ) 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. 2558 W. 16th Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 Telephone 312-762-2121 5 . General location of proposed project ( give street address if any or nearest street and intersection S.W. 1Oth Street between Thomas Ave. S.W. and Lind Ave. S.W. I. 2 - 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) Lot 5, Earlington Industrial Park No. 1, according to plat recorded in volume 83 of plats, page 10, in King County, Washington 7 . Area 436,054 sq. ft. Dimensions irregular - see Site Plan 8 . Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : Office and steel fabrication and warehouse building. 114,142 sq. ft. total area. Office 57' x 156'. Fabrication 174'-10" x 602' 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : Presently the site is vacant. It has been cleared and rough graded with approximately 5000 yards of fill existing on the site. Streets and curbs have been improved and all utilities are in the street. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 1,400,000.00 11 . Construction dates (month and year ) for which permit is requested : Begin September 1974 End June 1975 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply , including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** City of Renton Building Permit 3uilding Dept. I Leave blank if not submitted . Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? If "yes " submit copy with this yes tXlno environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : x yes I ` no l 'don ' t know If "yes " explain . There are other office and warehouse buildings throughout the Industrial Park 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation ? yes r— XHo If "yes " explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? l yes Xl no If "yes " explain . 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? ayes X` no If "yes " explain . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18 . Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? eyes i Xjno Explain : This area has been planned for indust- rial uses such as the use proposed. 19 . Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? iX1 yes I no Explain : Site is now vacant. When complete the new landscaping will benefit the environment. 20 . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? yes g1no . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? yes limno? If "yes " to either , explain . t' 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? I yes I X ,no If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. ) jyes X no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requirg _an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities?LA yes IX Ino If "yes" to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise level of the area? Elyes ;—X( no . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? lyes FiCino If "yes" to either , explain . 24 . Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) yes [-lino . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . If "yes " to either , explain . r 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? Jyes L ] no If "yes " explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? r lyes XI noIf "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? --- lyes IXIno Explain : All streets are in and improved. Streets are adequate to handle all industrial park users. 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors oT the public? I yes Xl no Explain : This project is a private enterprise and will serve mainly customers requiring the services of this business 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project . None 8 - TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPARTMFNTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : d/G F .tea>O-c-; _S, ,eic Ly_S c c 7,24) euz Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 9 - REVIEW Br OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : oxi ature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signatur? of Director or Authorized Representative Date 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL A. Staf " review determined that project : Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit . B . Reasons for above conclusion : Sigrature of Responsible Official or Authorized Representative Date :_ Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 yc•ss ' NOTICE: OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RINTUN , WA'_;lI I NGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON OCTOBER 23 1974 _, AT 8 : 00 P . M . 10 CONSIDER 1HL FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM S- 1 TO L- 1 , file No . R-792-74 ; property located on Grady Way at Talbot Road . Legal descrip- tion on file in Planning Department office . 2 . SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT OFFICE AND STEEL FABRI - CATION AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SA-791-74 ; property located on S . W. 10th between Thomas Ave . S . W . and Lind Ave . S . W . a ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON OCTOBER 23 , 1974 . AT 8 : OO P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED October 13 , 1974 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 1 ,MICHAEL L . SMITH , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE .CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNE‘.:/1- 4/44 /1-eux,ee on the 10thday of October Michael L . Smith 1974 . -- - It MITI. SI;III IIIII.I I'IJ\NN INC I I:I7\I:'1'hI1.N'I' U,\'I'I: ROUTED /0 // I'I.l:r\:'.I: I:I:VII.W 'I'llls 2\I'1'I.I(',\'I'I()N 'NW ; J Syr 7¢ ti 1. 1\I'I'I:IJ\,1I yLsi C J ST'4L 629. Ill)RT PLAT I'I:(:.I/\I, I1,I:M1.I' l„\IVLI: SIIOI:I:I,.I NI: M:\Ni\(:I:MI:N'1' PERMIT l I: I:\I:MI''1'!l)N 1\NI I:I:'I'1JI:N '1'O '1'III: i'ld\NN I NC lilt 11;1'>II.N'l' WITH /\N\' l'OMMLN'1'S YOU M1l1II'1' IIi\VI:, 1;1.l'u1:1. ////( 7 S I(;Ni\'I'IJIU: OI: IN Ill/11. UI:I'I\I:'I'hll:N'1'I'1'II)V!\I,DI.N1AI, H\'1'I. e_____Pill_1i111I Il1N(;)) t 7 -,2/—) 0 1'N(11N1:1:1:1N0 v*D- ,,.N`- 7y III:/\I;I'II I:I.V II:IAR'S (;l MM1:N'!'s OI: :\I•I'IU)V,\I. CONDITION:, : 41 /rCt& t— '7o CDF?,0f'.ut—A.J7-s /4/ -' : /'! J , CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 22 , 1974 APPLICANT : JOSEPH T. RYERSON & SONS • APPLICATION : SITE PLAN APPROVAL LOCATION : Located on S . W. 10th between Thomas Ave . S . W . and Lind Ave . S . W. ZONING : M-P APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE 4-730 ; 4-712 ; 4-713 (a ) ; Chapter 22 . ZONING CODE : REQUEST : Applicant requests Planning Commission approval of plans for a Steel Warehouse/Distribution/ Office Facility in an M-P zone . COMMENTS : 1 . Joseph T . Ryerson & Sons , Inc . , is a steel service center . They procure steel products , generally in mill quan- tities , and store them and ship the products in either stock lengths or in lengths or sizes cut or assembled to order. Their products are generally flat steel sheets , structural shapes , steel plates , and steel bars of various shapes and grades . 2 . The proposed use is allowable in the M-P zone .' 3 . The approximately three acres behind the new facility will be retained for future expansion or possibly sold at some future date . 4 . There will be a small amount of outdoor storage , generally in the form of stock material bundled in mill quantities , small quantities of wood blocking used in shipping and some excess steel stor- age racks and/or equipment . This and any garbage or waste material would have to be specifically screened by a sight obscuring fence no less than 5 feet in height as per the M-P zone require- ments . 5 . Noise levels of any equipment or storing procedures will conform to the M-P zone standards and OSHA requirements . 6 . Parking required - 151 stalls ; parking provided - 151 stalls . STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval subject to : 1 . Staff approval of final landscape plans incorporating S . C . S . requirements , with the submission of a bond for 150% of the installation and a 3 year maintenance period . 4 JOSEPH T. RYERSON & SONS - PAGE TWO 2 . Engineering and Planning Department approval of detailed drainage plan with suitable storm water retention and oil water separation facilities . 3 . Screening as per Code • of all outdoor storage of equipment , materials and wastes . 4. Staff approval of location , screening , etc . , of other external elements , if any . ( i . e . gas pumps , dumpsters , etc . ) L1 E k f+ 41, 1 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 0pA o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235 - 2550 ATtO SEPlt*- October 29 , 1974 Joseph C. Broz, Manager, Construction Engineering Joseph T. Ryerson and Sons, Inc. Post Office Box 8000-A Chicago, Illinois 60680 RE: Site Plan Approval, Joseph T. Ryerson, Inc. for Steil Service Center in the Earlington Manufacturing Park, #SA-791-74 Dear Mr. Broz: The Renton Planning Commission at its October 23, 1974 Public Hearing approved the site plan and landscape plan submitted for the proposed project, subject to: 1) Final staff approval of landscape plan incorporating the 2% U.S. Soil Conservation Service requirement for the Valley, and a bond for 150% of the landscaping and a 3 year maintenance period. 2) Engineering and Planning Department approval of detailed drainage plan with suitable storm water retention and oil/water separation facilities. 3) Screening as per code of all outdoor storage of equipment, materials and wastes. 4) Staff approval of location, screening, etc. of other external elements of the proposed operation including, but not limited to, gas pumps, dumpsters , and truck storage areas. The Planning Commission also expressed concern that the sidewalks should be installed similar to the other properties Joseph C. Broz , Manager, Construction Engineering October 29, 1974 Page Two in the Earlington Manufacturing Park. These items can be addressed through the Building Permit Application process by adjusting the plans where required. If you have any further questions please contact this Department. Very truly yours , 1Vdd/L Michael L. Smith Assistant Planner MLS :ms cc : Dave Kennedy T. M. Carstensen & Assoc. , Inc. Glen Hunt - Jerald Bell & Assoc. Noboru Hara u Z THE CITY OF RENTON 2 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ch Op AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 42-235 - 2550 134TeoSEPOe:3 October 23 , 1974 MEMORANDUM TO : Tom Touma , Office Engineer FROM : Joan Lankford , Assistant Planner RE : Sidewalk Off-Site Improvements for Ryerson Steel Company on S . W. 10th Street; Earlington Industrial Park In review of the landscape and site plan submitted , it is our opinion that the need for a sidewalk should be waived due to the remoteness of the area . In addition the following items were considered : 1 . The property to the west does not have a sidewalk. 2 . The property to the east has a six foot sidewalk but it is located on private property. 3 . If a sidewalk were to be required , it would be adjacent to the roadway (other configurations has an additional ten feet between sidewalk and curb) and would limit the planting strip to a width of ten feet in total . In regards to the proposed height and scale of this building , I would recommend that the planter width be allowed to extend sixteen feet in lieu of a sidewalk. 4 . This is an area that has relatively little or no pedestrian traffic , and if at such time- the property on the south of S . W. 10th Street is developed , a con- tinuous sidewalk could be provided . Mr. David Kennedy , T. M. Carstensen and Associates , project consultant , has been notified by telephone that he has the right to apply for a waiver of off-site improvements for sidewalks through the Board of Public Works . JAL :ms Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 23, 1974 Page Three Renton Village Shopping Center as an example of development of H- 1 land by Puget Sound Power and Light Company . He noted planned continuation of of Talbot Road , which would provide four ways to approach the property . He said there are no exact plans for development of the property at this time . In reply to Gibson ' s questions regarding plans for the present facility , Mr . Wood stated that there is no time table for removal nor plan for relocation at this time . The Chairman invited comment from the audience but received no response . Further questions and dis- cussion were invited from the Commission . Discussion followed with Wik , Teegarden , Scholes , and Seymour making inquiries as to the reason for the applicant ' s preferance for L- 1 zoning rather than M-P . Mr. Wood reiterated their position that they preferred the flexibility of L- 1 zoning and cited the Renton Village Shopping Center as an example of their development concepts under H- 1 or L- 1 . Gibson suggested consideration be given to B- 1 zoning for the site and Renton Village as well in view of present use . Additional suggestions were made for consideration of rezoning of all Puget properties to M-P or L- 1 . Mr . Wood indicated rezon- ing of the entire area might be considered . Seymour noted adequate undeveloped L- i and H- 1 property in the vicinity and requested further information as to the nature of the proposed development . Mr . Wood indicated the concept would be commercially oriented , and the property might be developed on a lease basis . Responding to an inquiry by Seymour relative to the rights of a quasi -public institution in a residen- tial zone , Mr. Magstadt stated that small substa- tions are an allowable use in a residential zone , but they must comply with the character of the neighborhood . In reply to Seymour , the Assistant Planning Director indicated that should Puget Power lease their property to another company for another use , their privilege as a quasi -public institution relative to the property would cease , and the new use would have to meet all require- ments of the City Code . Further discussion ensued regarding the possibility of rezoning of the entire area . Teegarden suggested further study by the Zoning Committee , staff and applicant with regard to rezoning of all Puget Power properties . Mr . Magstadt noted that should Puget Power agree to amend their request to include the entire area , a new public hearing would be neces- sary . Following further discussion regarding appropriate zoning to be considered , it was ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY APPLICATION FOR A REZONE FROM S-1 TO L-1 BE CONTINUED WITH THE REQUEST THAT THEY MEET WITH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF AND Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 23 , 1974 Page Four THE PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVES AND THE POSSIBILITY OF REZONING A LARGER PORTION OF THEIR OWNERSHIP IN THE GENERAL VICINITY. Gibson stated that it was his opinion that property on both sides of Grady Way be considered in the study . On the question , MOTION CARRIED, SEYMOUR DISSENTING. ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT WE ALSO REFER TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE A REQUEST THAT THE COM- MISSION EXPLORE SPECIFIC CATEGORIES OF ZONING, I .E. B-1 INASMUCH AS THE DEVELOPED PROPERTY CONFORMS PRI- MARILY TO B-1 ZONING, AND EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF A CONTRACT REZONE . MOTION CARRIED. The Chairman left the meeting at 9 : 05 p . m. with the request that Vice Chairman Seymour preside . Jt SITE APPROVAL B. JOSEPH T. RYERSON & SON , INC . ; Appl . No . SA- 791-74 ; site approval to construct office and steel fabri - cation and warehouse building in M-P zone ; property located on S . W. 10th St . between Thomas Ave . S . W . and Lind Ave . S . W . At the request of the Vice Chairman , the Secretary intro- duced the site approval application . The Vice Chairman then called for a presentation from the staff . Assistant Planner Smith pointed out the ten acre Earling- ton Park site on the map . He described construction fi plans and asked Secretary Gibson to read a letter from Joseph C . Broz , Manager , Construction Engineering , Ryer- son and Son , Chicago , regarding the intended use of the facility . The facility was described as a " steel service center . " Mr. Smith noted specific data relative to noise levels provided by Northwest Environmental Technology Labora- tories that indicate the operation will conform to noise standards listed in the M-P section of the Zoning Code . He stated that the applicant advised that the vacant area behind the structure will be utilized for some outdoor storage . The landscape plan provided for screen- ing of the area in accordance with the Code . Mr . Smith described further landscaping plans , including added planting around the facility due to its height . The matter of off-site improvements was reviewed . The Assistant Planner noted a recommendation to grant a waiver of off-site improvements for sidewalks along S . W. 10th Street . Additional landscaping would be sub- stituted . Slides and photographs of the site and vicinity were viewed . The site plan was described by Mr. Smith , who noted that setback requirements of the M-P zone had been met . A spur railroad track will come in to the northeast end of the building , and internal loading and unloading is planned . Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 23 , 1974 Page Five The Vice Chairman invited comment from the applicant . David Kennedy of Moore , Wallace and Kennedy , Inc . , representing the Ryerson Company , stated that the primary usage of the facility is warehousing . The fabrication is done in the form of cutting sheet metal , cutting bars , cutting metal lengths and mill r sizes to individual user sizes . He noted that Ryer- son ' s handles steel , which is susceptible to rust ; and therefore most of the operation is conducted in- side . Approximately two and a half acres of covered facility is proposed . He stated that the proposal meets City requirements and will not pollute the environment. Mr. Kennedy pointed out the railroad right-of-way and spurs in the vicinity on the site plan and described their box car unloading operation , which is planned to take place inside the building . He noted no immediate plans for the vacant land behind the structure and indicated there is a possibility of expansion to the area at a later date . With regard to sidewalks , Mr . Kennedy said they do not anticipate casual pedestrian traffic ; and they feel a path system would provide a better walkway . He read excerpts from a report by NETL citing results of noise measurement tests conducted at their present facility . He noted it was concluded that the pro- posed facility will satisfy Renton requirements re- 7arding noise impact . Mr. Kennedy then introduced Don Zimmerman , General Manager of Ryerson ' s in the Seattle area , and John I Abbott , Vice President of Stoen Construction Company , and invited questions from the Commission . Responding to an inquiry by Scholes with regard to the number of employees planned for the new facility , Mr. Kennedy indicated that sixty to seventy will be on the payroll ; but it is expected that only fifty will be present in the building at one time . He noted two shifts and six trucks with drivers are planned . The drivers will work the evening shift , when the trucks will be loaded . Mr . Abbott , in reply to Scholes , stated that a fill permit had been obtained for their preload operations now in process . In response to Wik concerning the delivery operation , Mr . Zimmerman indicated that it is estimated that ten or fifteen trucks will be coming into the site per day , and six trucks will be leaving each day . In response to Gibson ' s questions regarding the rail delivery operation , Mr. Kennedy indicated that there would be no stray box cars on any of the sidings . Further questioning and discussion ensued regarding the matter of sidewalks . The staff recommendation for waiver was noted due to the necessity for the sidewalk to be placed adjacent to the roadway , anti - cipated little or no pedestrian traffic , lack of a sidewalk on the property to the west , and a sidewalk on the site to the east , which is located on private property . It was noted that in view of the height Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 23, 1974 Page Six of the planned structure , additional landscaping would be preferred . Mr . Kennedy advised that they believed that sidewalks were not necessarily applicable , but they would take into consideration the Planning Commission ' s feelings with regard to provision for them. Mr. Kennedy also in- dicated that they feel the sixty foot setback of the structure and parking should remain as proposed . It was then MOVED BY TEEGARDEN , SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE PUBLIC HEAF, ING WITH REGARD TO THE JOSEPH T . RYERSON SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE JOSEPH T. RYERSON AND SON, INC. , APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL BE APPI'OVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING : J . STAFF APPROVAL OF FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS INCOR- PORATING SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE REQUIREMENTS, WITH THE SUBMISSION OF A BOND FOR 150% OF THE INSTALLATION AND A THREE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 2. ENGINEERING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF DETAILED DRAINAGE PLAN WITH SUITABLE STORM WATER RETENTION AND OIL WATER SEPARATION FACILITIES . 3. SCREENING AS PER CODE OF ALL OUTDOOR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND WASTES . 4. STAFF APPROVAL OF LOCATION, SCREENING, ETC. , OF OTHER EXTERNAL ELEMENTS, IF ANY. (I .E . GAS PUMPS, DUMPSTERS, ETC . ) Discussion followed with special regard to possible waiver of sidewalks , and it was requested by Scholes , Gibso; and Mola that further consideration be given to possible elimination of some parking and provision for sidewalks . On the question , MOTION CARRIED. A recess was declared at 10 : 15 p . m. The meeting was resumed at 10 : 25 p . m. , with all members noted above in attendance with the exception of Chairman Ross . 4 . ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . ZONING COMMITTEE Commissioner Mola , chairman , advised that a meeting of the Zoning Committee will be scheduled in the near future . Commissioner Gibson agreed to serve on the Committee on a temporary basis . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Teegarden , committee member , advised that a committee meeting will be held shortly with regard to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as it relates to the Green River Valley . Commissioner Seymour , commit- tee member , indicated that the study of the land use plan in the Kennydale area should be completed by Christmas . JOSEPH T.RYERSON A SON,INC./METALS-F PROCESSII 3 3 16TH E. <WELL STREETS, CHICAGO • (312) RO 2-2 '1 MAIL AC SS: P. O. BOX 8000-A. CHICAGO, ILL. 606 October 16 , 1974 OF RF, , RYERSON Mr. Michael L. Smith OCT 18 1974 Assistant Planner a Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. South 4i Renton, Wash. 98055 NG i'/ Subject : Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc . -- Lot 5, Earlington Industrial Park No. 1 Dear Mr. Smith: Our proposed construction at the Earlington Industrial Park site is a replacement of our existing plant and office facility presently located at 1200 4th Avenue South, Seattle. The City of Seattle has acquired our property through the process of condemnation. We must vacate the premises by July 1, 1975. In order to meet this schedule , we have entered into a contract with Strand Incorporated for the construction of our new facility. As you know, the preloading for this facility is in process . To meet our deadline and to allow two months for the relo- cation of our operation, the new plant and office buildings must be completed by May 1st , 1975 . We will use this new facility in exactly the same manner as our present 4th Avenue buildings . Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. , is a steel service center. We procure steel products , generally in mill quantities , and store them and ship the products in either stock lengths or in lengths or sizes cut or assembled to order. Our products are generally flat steel sheets , structural shapes , steel plates , and steel bars of various shapes and grades. There are no excessive noises associated with our operation. The noise levels of any of our cutting equipment or storing procedures conform to OSHA requirements . We will be locating our new facility facing Southwest 10th Street , between Thomas Avenue Southwest and Lind Avenue Southwest . There will be approximately three acres left vacant behind our new facility. This area will be retained for future expansion or possibly will be placed on the market for sale at some future date . JOSEPH T.RYERSON&SON.IN( n Mr. Michael L. Smith October 16 , 1974 2 Our operation requires only a minimal amount of outside storage, generally in the form of stock material bundled in mill quantities , small quantities of wood blocking used in the shipping of our materials, and some of our excess steel storage racks and/or equipment . If you have any questions regarding the above or if I can provide you with any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address in Chicago. Very truly yours bkw seph C . Broz Manager Construction Engineer cc : Mr. D. C. Zimmerman Mr. Ted Carstensen Mr. John Abbott RECENED o) OCT 18 1974 C ..ra A/ /,Epics /o .1/ y RYERSON & SON-Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., steel million office and warehouse plant facility in the Earliig- fabricating company which has been located in Seattle for ton Industrial Park. The firm has applied to the city to a number of years, has announced plans to build a $1.4 permit such a facility in an industrial park zone. rrr•? amoR THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 now AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 235 - 25500 4TED SE PI- MEMORANDUM October 15 , 1974 TO : Files FROM : Michael L . Smith , Assistant Planner RE : Ryerson Steel Company Site Approval I talked with Nobaru Haro , the architect for Ryerson Steel Company , and asked him to provide us as soon as possible with additional information in terms of : 1 ) A detailed description of the processes involved and general nature of the use intended for the site . 2 ) Specific noise data for the proposed use to determine its conformance with M-P noise standards . 3 ) A further explanation of the intended use for the open space on the north side of the proposed building . Mr. Haro indicated he would supply us with this information as soon as possible . MLS :ms lifftrseq ir Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 9 , 1974 Page Eight Assistant Planner Smith pointed out the 4 . 5 acre site on the map , noting that the property is located to the south of Grady Way on either side of Talbot Road . Property to the south and east is zoned H- 1 , and sites north of Grady Way are zoned L- 1 . Adjacent uses include the Puget Sound Power and Light substation to the south and an auto rebuild facility on S . 7th Street. He noted that the site consists of two parts . The easterly portion is approximately three acres , and the westerly portion , which is bisected by a powerline easement , is 1 . 5 acres . The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates the area as M-P/L-1 . The Chairman invited questions regarding issues to be con- sidered at the forthcoming public hearing . Commissioner Mola suggested that the applicant be encour- aged to consider landscaping of their plant adjoining the site . Noting the addition of some screening along Talbot Road , Mr. Smith indicated the subject would be reviewed . Seymour requested information as to the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission with regard to the requested rezone . Noting that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan desig- nates the area as L- 1 or M-P , the Planning Director ad- vised that the Commission may review the various alterna- tives and can recommend to the applicant that he amend his application . Wik asked if the applicant had been approached by the staff in regard to M-P in lieu of L- 1 . Assistant Planner Smith stated the matter would be reviewed . Humble indicated that he would like information regarding future use of the property . This request was also made by Morrison and Teegarden . Seymour noted that the reasons for requesting rezoning should be provided by the appli - cant at the time of public hearing and that each applica- tion should be considered on its own merits despite zoning that had been granted in the past . Scholes requested that an opinion be obtained from the City Attorney relative to public utilities as it might pertain to this rezone . Gibson suggested that the whole area be reviewed from an M-P standpoint. Gibson also requested information regard- ing the circumstances designating a narrow strip of land located along FAI -405 in the vicinity as S-1 . SITE APPROVAL B. JOSEPH T . RYERSON & SON , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-791-74 ; site approval to construct office and steel fabri - cation and warehouse building in M-P zone ; property located on S . W . 10th St. between Thomas Ave . S . W . and Lind Ave . S . W. Chairman Ross requested staff review. Assistant Planner Smith pointed out the ten acre parcel located in Earling- ton Industrial Park on the map and noted the area is zoned M-P . Proposed construction is for an office , steel fabri - cation and warehouse facility . Mr. Smith displayed views of the elevation of the proposed 39 foot high facility and described landscaping plans . iP Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 9 , 1974 Page Seven existing vegetation should be maintained and that re- quiring a performance bond was consistent with previous Commission action with regard to landscaping . On the amendment , MOTION CARRIED, MORRISON DISSENTING. Further discussion ensued with Mola expressing concern with regard to provisions for some type of safety bar- rier with relation to the future SR-515 route . It was noted by the Planning Director that condition number three of the original motion , which states " that the Planning Department may upon periodic inspection re- quire additional screening at the site , especially with reference to the west property line and the future SR-515 route , " provides for that design review . However , it was indicated by Mola that it was his opin- ion that a definite requirement for review should be stipulated , and the following amendment was offered . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT CONDITION NUMBER THREE OF THE ORIGINAL MOTION BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAY UPON PERIODIC INSPEC- TION REQUIRE ADDITIONAL SCREENING AND SAFETY DEVICES AT THE SITE, ESPECIALLY WITH REFERENCE TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE AND THE FUTURE SR-515 ROUTE. " A roll call vote was requested with the following results : HUMBLE - AYE GIBSON - AYE MOLA - AYE MORRISON - NO ROSS - ABSTAIN SCHOLES - AYE SEYMOUR - AYE TEEGARDEN - NO WIK - NO In view of the tie results , the Chairman cast his vote . Ross voted NO, AND THE MOTION WAS DEFEATED. On the original motion , with first amendment , THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioners Teegarden and Gibson thanked the represen- tatives of Washington Natural Gas Company for their forth- right manner in answering the questions . A recess was declared at 9 : 50 p . m. The meeting was resumed at 10 : 05 p . m. , with all members noted as being present . 4 • NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : PEZfNE A, PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT CO . ; Appl . No . R-792-74 ; rezone from S- 1 to L- 1 ; property located on Grady Way at Talbot Road . The Chairman invited a presentation from the Planning staff. t' Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 9 , 1974 Page Nine The Chairman invited comment from the Commissioner. Gib- son requested that data be provided regarding potential noise . The Planning Director advised that there are performance standards concerning noise in the M-P zone . Scholes asked for specific information in the form of a statement from Ryerson as to what type of work will be performed at the facility. He also expressed con- cern regarding the proposed 39 foot height of the struc- ture and was advised that the use of overhead cranes made that height necessary . Scholes inquired about the outside area behind the building and its intended use . Mr . Smith stated that they have indicated that it may be for future expansion or sale and that the landscape screening was planned with that consideration . Responding to Morrison , Mr . Smith advised that there lis a railroad spur into the property and that materials will be delivered by truck as well . Teegarden inquired if the proposal is a permitted use in an M-P zone . He also requested information as to the surfacing planned for the vacant area behind the building and also asked for further information regard- ing the nature of the operation and how materials will be handled . 5• ADMINISTRATIVE : A. FIELD TRIP It was MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT COM- MISSION MEMBERS WILL CONDUCT A FIELD TRIP ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS . MOTION CARRIED . B. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , Chairman , advised that the Committee has met and studied the matter of aban- doned service stations and artificial planting materials . He announced a meeting to be held Wed- nesday , October 16 , at 7 . 30 p . m. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , Chairman , announced a meeting to be held October 16 with regard to the Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan . ZONING COMMITTEE Commissioner Mola , Chairman , announced a meeting to be held October 16 with regard to L- 1 and H-1 zoning . SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 16, 1974 The Chairman announced a special meeting to be held at 7 : 30 p . m. , October 16 , to review the ordinance and by-laws concerning the Planning Commission and parliamentary procedure . It was decided that all committee meetings would follow the conclusion of the above meeting . p Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 9 , 1974 Page Ten C. OTHER W. STEWART POPE - APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT The Planning Director advised that Mr. Pope has appealed the decision of the Planning Commission , and a public hearing has been established by the Council for Octo- ber 21 , 1974. Commissioner Gibson requested that Mr . Ericksen include in his presentation to the Council reference to the interest in annexation of a number of King County residents in the area . MINUTES - MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 A brief discussion ensued regarding the opportunity for adequate review of the minutes , and it was MOVED BY TEE- GARDEN , SECONDED BY MORRISON , THAT APPROVAL OF THE MIN- UTES OF SEPTEMBER 25 , 1974 , BE DEFERRED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING BUT THAT A COPY OF THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN BE PROVIDED THE COUNCIL FOR THEIR INFORMATION . MOTION CARRIED . RETIREMENT - CLARK TEEGARDEN The Commission congratulated Commissioner Teegarden on his recent retirement and wished him well . As there was no further business before the Commission , IT WAS MOVED BY HUMBLE , SECONED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 15 p . m. rry Gi etary Norman Ross , Chairman 1 lit'S444.64'1.46 e' 4111 4$4:144%.° 1.‘e''' 4 ••4.4 44/4.1."4/11nr• .." 4 •A 1 7 I'S X.:4'4 e• t .17. ,A"/*'t"*. ..'; ,' t;:,,,, ..4`,.„.,,,-,,,4,. ..... ;$4. 0*".',...urt.,0r.'..t.t•,0*.:',,4,51 Pa- 04.,' '":., -."''.'". — ... ....abur).-r-, 1,,V.4-.4 ",-.-,-re' .'.,.•.. . ,., „ • 400,,,..1.,t ",,,, vf.l.60 • -, r1 v 4,4,44 I/c• . •wc,-;"0 4" 0"'''' c ''''.2",.."'444 • ''''‘'''."0”. • ,4`. • ",40 4',Cc( 4.'elsg4{4 4/04' c ' ... 1.. ,c,1 1**1.• 44'41', e4 ` AV^ '1*4444*i'l 4444* or—•`'..,•.'004..,...,fr041''• '7,..ft0,1 14,,,,,,,-044",r 1. 4,;,?ft """ 4,,,,^ i'.°•","" ''..".. 1,"•.... ,,t4Lbs ' W.••••• Sri 4." ,A.' '"''" 414..54 14 *. .4 ". 4 . - It'"'. . '',At.',,,''''4..!,"',., '1..74., 1.'3-1,.. 4''',,,.. , 44,44,40.10„,„".." .44 ,,,,,.`4.-i '04.0„ 444,4,94.1•Vk ., , x, t.e. ,....,=.2,4%.4..,,, ,,“.., „ . 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C, $'' • .7, C,` . , 140 441' 04 .- 44 44,.0i.roi, Z.- .•'• ..- 3"* E;c91.' 4, ,''•44%4.1 4"4.14' ' 4,.4'..'„,t# i',7 .. l, ,t-i• 46 northwest environmental technology laboratories, inc. *-- 300- 120th avenue n.e., bldg.2 suite 108,bellevue,weshington 98005,(206) • • ' --.., 3. 0, t- • xiii.... .'0"."' -A•4 **4. *".A.,.* 4*' ''''.4n.**r ' northwest environmental technology laboratories, inc. 300- 120th avenue n.e., bldg. 2 suite 108, bellevue, Washington 98005, (206) 455 - 3570 NETL Job No. 108-74-094 OCTOBER 23, 1974 NOISE MEASUREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE RYERSON FABRICATION PLANT PREPARED FOR MOORE , WALLACE AND KENNEDY, INC. 1915 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE , WASHINGTON 98101 NOISE MEASUREMENTS The City of Renton requires an assessment of the expected impact of the proposed facility on the noise environment. To determine noise impact , measurements were made at the existing facility which is to be relocated on S.W. 10th Street in Renton, Washington. The same equipment will be relocated in the new facility and the new facility will be constructed of six inch concrete tilt-up wall , which will replace a structure made of corrugated metal over a post and beam framework. Sound level measurements were conducted at the existing site on October 22, 1974, at two locations designated as Site I and Site 2. Site 1 was located 34 feet from Bay 4 of the main building between the office building and the main plant. This location was 58 feet from the main doorway into Bay 2. Site 2 was located 50 feet south and 28 feet east of the northeast corner of the building. The purpose of these measurements was to ascertain ambient noise levels which are a result of the fabrication processes going on within the building. It was determined that unavoidable extraneous background noise, external to the manufacturing processes under investigation was also measured. Such noise arises from other manufacturing facilities, jet airplane noise, and heavy vehicular traffic. Sound levels were measured using a General Radio 1933 Sound Level Meter which was calibrated with the General Radio Type 1562A Sound Level Calibrator. Three types of sound level measurements were made. During the course of the measurements the octave average levels and peak levels were noted. These data are presented in Table I . Measurements were also made on the A weighted scale; these were recorded continuously on FM magnetic tape using a TC124 Recorder operating in conjunction with an NETL 1173 Modem. Each data run obtained in the field was recorded on magnetic tape and subsequently reduced in the laboratory. This involved demodulating the recorded data and hand-digitizing the results and converting these data to the levels of sound which are exceeded 10%, 50%, and 90% of the time L10, L50, and L90 respectively) . Table II lists the reduced noise level TABLE I Octave Band Average Noise Level dB Peak Noise Level dB Center Frequencies Site 1 Site 2 Site 1 Site 2 31 .5 67 68 78 73 63 71 69 74 73 125 70 69 71 70 250 69 56 76 60 500 62 52 67 54 1000 59 47 63 52 2000 56 51 68 56 4000 49 45 65 48 8000 47 32 49 37 16000 32 20 34 25 TABLE II Site Measured Noise Level dBA L10 L50 L90 1 68 64 62 2 64 59 57 measurements for the L10, L50, and L90 statistical descriptors. The following information is given to acquaint the reader with the meaning of the L measurements , so that interpretations can be made on the reported results. Man 's subjective response to noise is determined by the sound level emanating from the source of noise and the frequency spectrum of noise. In the event of a proposed new facility, it is important to consider the increase of noise from pre-existing levels. The assessment of noise impact requires a consideration of several factors which influence the psychoacoustical impact at particular locations. The impact of noise on a community is based on a measurement which represents the level of sound weighted in accordance with the apparent loudness perceived by an average human observer. This number is expressed in A-weighted decibels and is written as dBA. Because of its inherent variability, noise must be considered as a statistical entity. Steady noise levels are rarely observed and, because of the time varying characteristics of environmental noise, it is necessary to provide a statistical descriptor indicative of the dBA level which is exceeded a specified percentage of the time. The three most commonly used percentile levels are: 1) Lg0 (the ninety-percentile level ) -- L90 is the sound level in dBA which is exceeded 90 percent of the time. L90 compares well with the minimum levels read with a sound level meter and is representa- tive of the quietest noise levels present. 2) L50 (the fifty-percentile or median level ) -- L50 is the sound level in dBA which is exceeded 50 percent of the time. That is to say 50 percent of the time the noise is louder than the value indicated. In the absence of loud peaks, such as a distant highway with a uniform traffic flow, the L50 provides a satisfactory measure of subjective response to noise impact . 3) L10 (the ten-percentile level ) -- L10 is the sound level in dBA which is exceeded 10 percent of the time, and is the parameter of measurement and prediction most often discussed . L10 is an indicator of short-duration high-level sounds which often cause annoyance. This is the design level listed in Table III in relation to specified land use categories , and is an indicator of both the magnitude and the frequency of occurrence of the loudest noise events. TABLE III DESIGN NOISE LEVEL/LAND USE RELATIONSHIPS Land Use Design Noise Design Noise Category Level - Leq Level - L10 Description of Land Use Categories A2 57 60 Tracts of land in which serenity and quiet are of exterior) exterior) extraordinary significance and serve an important public need , and where the preservation of those qualities is essential if the area is to continue to serve its intended purpose. Such areas could include amphitheaters , particular parks or portions of parks , or open spaces which are dedicated or recognized by appropriate local officials for activities requiring special qualities of serenity and quiet . B2 67 70 Residences , motels , hotels , public meeting rooms, exterior) exterior) schools , churches , libraries , hospitals , picnic areas, recreation areas, playgrounds , active sports areas, and parks. C 72 75 Developed land, properties or activities not include: exterior) exterior) in Categories A and B above. p For requirements on undeveloped lands see paragraphs 5a (5) and (6) of PPM 90-2. E3 52 55 Residences , motels , hotels , public meeting rooms, interior) interior) schools , churches , libraries , hospitals and auditoriums. U .S . Department of Transportation , 1974) Table III lists the L10 noise levels applicable to the various design land use categories . This table is a' guideline promulgated by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Table IV indicates the applicable Renton noise regulations which would relate to the proposed project. Extrapolating the octave band measurement data contained in Table I to conditions expected at the new site, there are two adjustments to make. One adjustment will be that due to distance to the nearest property line at the new site of approximately 10 dB. Additionally, because of the difference in materials , first assuming transmission only through the walls, there will be a further reduction of about 11 dB in sound level . Because of the fact that the new facility will operate with some of the doors open, it is assumed that this reduction will be about 5 dB. From the foregoing, it is concluded that a 15 dBA reduction can be applied to the measurement results contained in Table I . Based on these estimates and taking into account that there will be residual noise levels present which result in an over prediction of noise, it is concluded that the proposed facility will satisfy the Renton noise ordinance and provide an acceptable noise impact on the community. TABLE IV RENTON NOISE ORDINANCE Frequency Band in Sound Pressure Level Cycles/Second in db re 0.0002 microbar Below 75 72 75 - 150 59 15o - 300 52 300 - 600 46 600 - 1200 42 1200 - 2400 39 2400 - 4800 34 Above 4800 32 Maximum allowable daytime levels. Noises originating from and due to normal daytime activities in the M-P District shall conform to the levels shown in the foregoing table at least ninety percent (90%) of the time between the hours of seven A.M. (7 :00 A.M.) and eight P.M. (8:00 P.M.) . Exceptions. None of the foregoing provisions shall apply to noises resulting from the operation of motor vehicles. Other exceptions are the occasional infrequent situations arising out of research and development work carried out in the M-P District ; the temporary construction earth- moving, road-building and related activites necessary to development , improvement and maintenance of manufacturing part facilities, which shall be limited to the hours between seven A.M. (7:00 A.M.) and eight P.M. (8:00 P.M.) and noises incident to operations in areas surrounding an airport, heliport, or landing field where such areas come under the M-P District . 1 0‘ C/ `7 6% ENDING OF FILE FILE TILE ItA•Q, Id / 79 J7/1