HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA80-027BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE MICROFILMED SA O78O OF 124,4, nr o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 mm. BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR e LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER P CO- FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593Po SEP EoeP May 28, 1980 Mr. Bill Sill The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3999, M.S. 14-41 Seattle, WA 98124 RE: File No. SA-027-80; The Boeing Company; Request for Site Approval . Dear Mr. Sill : This is to notify you that the above referenced request , which was approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of May 13, 1980, has not been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. Therefore, this application is considered final and is being submitted to the City Clerk effective this date for permanent filing. Sincerely, CCS1.4-,- Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on thel3th day of May 1980 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. e441+75 ?76ge?2; mmef__ Subscribed and sworn this 0- day of M e„r 19 k3CkLs(- \ r\ f\ • kW s Notary Public in and for the: State` of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: The Boeing Company; SA-027-80 The nu.nute4 contain a £,idt ob the pahtLe6 of necond) May 13, 1980 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING. EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: The Boeing Company FILE NO. SA-027-80 LOCATION: Vicinity of 800 S.W. 43rd Street. SUMMARY OF ''REQUEST: The applicant requests site plan approval-to permit the installation of a "trailer for •use•as a dispatch office. SUMMARY OF 'ACTION: • Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT .The Planning Department preliminary report was received by REPORT: the Examiner on April 23, 1980. PUBLIC HEARING:After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information "on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public. hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on April 29, 1980 at 10:15 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed" by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report. Steve Munson, Planning Department, reviewed the report and entered the! following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1: Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan as submitted Mr. Munson corrected an error in Section C. , History/Background; of the Planning Department report and revised the annexation date. of the property from 1979 to 1959. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in the recommendations of the Planning Department.' Responding was: Bill Sill The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3999, M.S. 14-41 Seattle, •WA 98124 Mr. Sill indicated concurrence in the Planning Department. report. The Examiner inquired regarding the nature .of exterior treatment of the facility and if the proposed trailer will be located on wheels as denoted in the diagram, Exhibit #2. Mr. Sill advised that the trailer: would not be situated on wheels but would be blocked up in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, and exterior treatment would conform•to exteriors of existing buildings on the site. The Examiner requested further testimony in support or opposition to the application. There was no response. He then asked the Planning Department for final comments. Since there were no further comments, the hearing regarding File No. SA-027-80 was closed by the Examiner at 10:25 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now,makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for. approval of a site plan to install amodified travel trailer for use as a dispatch office. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit-#1 SA-027-80 Page Two 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy ,Act of 1971, R.C.W. 43.21.C. , as amended a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact iof this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The proposal' is compatible with the required setbacks; lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-730 '(M-P; 'Manufacturing Park) of Title IV, Ordinance No. 1628, Code of General Ordinances. 8. The subject site was annexed into the city in April, 1959. The property was classified M-P in two stages, one portion in 1959 and the-;.remainder in 1975. The site was filled to raise it above the Green River flood levels and the site plan for the existing warehous complex was approved by the Hearing Examiner on May 9, 1978. 9. The Comprehensive Plan and the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan designate the area in which the subject property is .located as 'suitable for the development of manufacturing park type uses. 10. The subject site is currently occupied by the Boeing Company. The site is developed with large .warehouse structures. 11. The applicant proposes locating permanently on site• a 10 foot by 32 foot trailer for use as ,a dispatch.office. The structure will be constructed by Porta House, Inc. and is a prebuilt facility which will .be permanently anchored to the ground. 12. The trailer will be located- on the site between what are commonly known as buildings 1 and 2 at the north end of the site adjacent'to S.W. 41st St. 13. The complexes' existing treatment is uniform and the Planning Department indicated that the addition should match the existing design. 14. The parking spaces which would be eliminated by .the new structure will be accommodated on theinorth side of building 3. There will be no loss of required parking. CONCLUSIONS• 1. The plans the applicant submitted appear, to satisfy the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan. 2. The applicant indicated that the trailer would be finished in the same exterior treatment as the existing treatment of the existing structures, and therefore, the new addition will blend in with the existing complex. 3. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Section -4-730.020.3 of the zoning code which permits the siting of accessory buildings,on'site with the principle use. The dispatching office is a use which is customarily incident to warehousing operations carried on by the applicant at this location. 4. The installation of trailer type structures and'additional "accessory" buildings and structures may lead to overcrowding of the site and could jeopardize the integrity of the goals and objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan which provides for the, establishment of large amounts of landscaping scattered throughout the site to minimize the impact of the development; aesthetically pleasing architectural . . treatments of buildings; and screeing of. "less aesthetic uses". so that- they are not visible, to the passing public. Specifically, "design standards should be established to insure high quality development"; and "development should occur in a logical, systematic manner to prevent the premature expansion of utilities 'and minimize the possibilities of vacant parcels occurring." Development in a systematic manner would include recognizing when a site or facility, has been outgrown rather than overburdening the site with additional accessory structures. Therefore, further addition- to the •site should be reviewed by the Hearing Examiner to determine its compatibility to. the zoning code as true accessory uses". and its compatibility with the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan. SA-027-80 Page Three DECISION: ' The site plans for the dispatch office are approved subject to: 1. The installed trailer shall be finished and have an exterior treatment which is compatible and blends in with the existing facility; and ' 2. ' Any further additions to the site shall be subject to review by .the Hearing Examiner. ORDERED THIS 13th day of May, 1980. Fred J. Ka an Land Use He ring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS.13th'day of May, 1980 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Bill Sill, The Boeing Company, F.O. Box 3999, M.S. 14-41, • Seattle, WA 98124 TRANSMITTED THIS 13th day of May, 1980 to the following: i Mayor Barbara. Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen,' Planning Director Michael Hanis, Planning Commission Chairman Ron Nelson, Building Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title. IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before May 27, 1980. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deers proper. • An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying-a filing 'fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies'of this ordinance 'are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall, or same maybe purchased at cost in said department.; ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEAiSING EXAMINER APRIL 29 , 1980 PUBLIC HEARING I APPLICANT : THE BOEING COMPANY FILE NUMBER : SA-027-80 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant requests site plan approval to permit the installation of a trailer for use as a dispatch office . (Site development map attached. ) B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. • Owner of Record: JACK BENAROYA COMPANY 2. Applicant : THE BOEING COMPANY 3. Location : Vicinity of 800 S .W. Vicinity Map Attached) 43rd Street . 4. Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department . 5 . Size of Property: 500 sq. ft . directly affected. 6. Access :Via S .W. 43rd Street. 7. Existing Zoning : M-P , Manufacturing Park . 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area : M-P , . Manufacturing Park . 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Manufacturing Park. 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Seattle Times on April 10, 1980, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance on April 11 , 1980. C . HISTORY/OAACISGROUNIR-: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 1743 of April 15, 1979. It was rezoned on December 24, 1959, and December 8, 1975, by ordinance 2533 and Ordinance 2992 respectively. The site subsequently was filled and site plan approval granted by the Hearing Examiner on May 9, 1978, for the existing warehouse facility. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : APRIL 29, 1980 THE BOEING COMPANY, SA-027-80 PAGE TWO D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site is generally level . 2 . Soils: Urban land (Ur) . This is soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick to accommodate large industrial and housing installa- tions. The erosion hazard is slight to moderate . No capability or woodland classification. 3. Vegetation : Some landscaping has been installed between the buildings as part of the warehousing and storage construction. 4. Wildlife: The installed landscaping may provide some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5 . Water: no surface water was observed on the subject site (April 11, 1980) . 6. Land Use : Warehousing and storage uses presently occupy the subject site . Similar commercial and industrial development is taking place on adjacent properties. E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : Surrounding properties are of similar warehousing , storage , and industrial natures. F. PU 'LIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and Sewer: A Metro sewer interceptor is located along S .W. 43rd Street as well as a 12" water main, and the Springbrook Creek drainage channel abuts the northwest corner of the subject site.• 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Depart- ment as per ordinance requirements . 3 . Transit : Metro Transit Route #155 operates along S.W. 43rd Street adjacent to the south property line of the subject site. 4 . Schools : Not applicable . 5. Recreation : Not applicable . G. APPLICA;:LE SECTIONS OF TIME ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-730 , M-P , Manufacturing Park . 2 . Section 4-722E, Temporary Permits . H. APPLICAAIE SECTIONS OF. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCtU EEiNT: 1 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, June , 1976. 2 . Soil Conservation Service/City of Renton Joint Agreement (Resolution 1923) . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO ' THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : APRIL 29 , 1980 THE! BOEING COMPANY, SA-027-80 PAGE THREE I . IMPACT OF THE (NATURAL OR HUMAN EWIVI63®IWIi EINT : 1. Natural Systems : Minor . 2. Population/Employment : Minor 3. Schools: Not applicable. 4. Social : Minor. 5. Traffic: Minor . J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DET.E"'WATT I N: Pursuant to the City of Renton.' s Environmental ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended , RCW 43-21C, a Declaration of Non-significance has been issued by the Environmental Review Committee on April 2, 1980. K. . AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 . City of Renton Building Division 2 . City of Renton Engineering Division 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division 4. City of Renton Utilities Division 5. City of Renton Fire Department L . PLANNING DEPART'IEMIT '.ANALYSIS: 1. The proposal is consistent with the M-P zoning and the . Comprehensive Plan designation of Manufac- turing Park for the subject site. 2. The proposal is to place a 10 foot by 32 foot office constructed by Porta house , Inc. , which will be used as a dispatching office. The prebuilt structure is a permanent building ; therefore , it is not a temporary modification of the site plan and requires site plan approval . 3. Buildings 1-3 of Benaroya Industrial Park are presently occupied by the Boeing Company. The parking on site is adequate to meet the requirements of the Parking and Loading ordinance. The three parking spaces eliminated by the location of the dispatching office have been added on the northeast corner of Building #3. 4. The site plan corrects several minor modifications concerning the location of fences , gate houses and parking stalls. At the time of consxtruction , these modifications were not seen as significant enough to warrant a new site plan approval . 5. Additional comments of other departments are attached for consideration. 6. The exterior treatment of the prebuilt structure should be compatible with the existing complex. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : APRIL 29, 1980 THE BOEING COMPANY, SA-027-80 PAGE FOUR M. DEPARTMENTALTA L RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning Department recommends that the requested site approval, File No . SA-027-80, be approved subject to color coordination with the existing complex . it i 1 Fl. •. •i II 1 - 11- - a ,.tj . I r-7 6 1 x g 1 t---_,i 4 • 1 L.:i.!l.-.!"01 f I.L.:• ili.,..* :...i.D, e`;,_.•• ,..1..:-!i ii ,alinti rdr- /Alai& !i_ i_1.11:..:11'. ilL111.u.11:1 !Lit 7 :iii.i .1.---i•:-;.0) \ -... 4: 1 ••-•--________: _ ___1 :____ .______. _... 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Relocatable Offices s ^ 4 4, r k r Iz t w 4 y7« as V! r#^r 15-t: ` d`v aN l r1"1 ,4- dkrff Ip t4 6S r, t Complete Canl and Living quarters tr; = , tFS,rts'N.1.,, ort, 1444 Facilities ' .z as Relocatable offices and N> 4"'= v, ,; 4 vv air* Domestic or international, living quarters offer a P': 44 I f S }!i, . - tf'` ` , .,,=r, a„fit` t any size for any purpose. wide variety of n 1., , Y 5 W. 7. "* j 3. fir mess halls, dormitories, comfortable working Xli..,,,I*03,4c;` " i t" n„ a, r • • f , laundries, family livingandhousingspace. 1 t r " 1. u . -- '6„4;y // ;`' .'''' quarters, recreation halls. Advanta es of unlimited 1 t' i 2 ' _ g n 3 - f« w , J y+;±; , ^ f , ",-. 3"' zi reStPOOmS, commissaries. size are easilyattained a r offices, or whatever byassemblingseveral ,sty lltr.,,,,,,,i,„„,,;. ty a `•" a, r / y y t! r y ) building your project units to ether. r f."jr9fide . • ., ,O§.,a r",:. t Thio,,;;` ' t'r , 's ',,m k ,`.. requires. f 'u Yt. t4L 4t a r1 Al; YYY`' a# 1 £,'V. f_..4«ri A' }.g',ieta ,Set'i '.i' ' t,' t ! x k,4'r Agra, $'s8`°';'A• 4''''' F1 sp,t#u''!',r ai;`•{j';! Storage Buildings limpl i , ; 1 G tt.n G;,;-.,, 1" ;t rnComesinanysizefromii''a f}}G,,s1 ,,Ar,y,is.,;.,rl't, t;k;" tr,al"ii:', 1,,:T",1':,,,i;if t:.t: t; ,,,r , i 3' x 6' to over 120' x ' "4 r , r a s i a s i k , a 11C1 ,I I ' (11 .. ',I I Metal Buildings warehouse proportions"k`1 c P,,a a w• w« 1 i Ill 1( PI! (Factories, plants. Easily assembled and a ' , .5'4 ' - ' x M i i' r i`,"` `{' 'a' et i 1' 11 }workshops, warehouses. disassembled into 3' x 7' it t ... a yi i! a„ ' a igj1? t,,, v " F 9 I lEl t awl standard wooden panels +' "" fi ya 1 t ;l..ft tx'}` 'aa M 8 a -_ 2, storage and distribution P t, 1',1¢s,, kA was .: ">f , x ia`i i M facilities for anyforquicktransportatione n' 1 lit-u;1°, *:4,, 1,' F}+ 1Y;,• 1 h, r• ,.' r i< , • ,, °, , s 't,a manufacturing operation anywhere. Economical ` 4, r rlii;'7 y,11.7 ta',ai; t' 'ra i'gw r 4,,,F i, p yygg , ,,;':.iv.,. a., r. il'' s && t* r„,0 4 R>t $ err t' C ? i' Widths to 200'.Heights lc and versatile. fir "' „`r-,fia t., v9i2`it% w 'wc -A,..p } ' q n s• x+' -'S, ? n' d .0 24'. Lengths t0 any size. w C_..`t pJ.b`ia .vf+u...s n' i6CL..wNS1 1'1 yW+''•yr.., "W't - ..!%.+N";•' 1 1 ,ids V'"S ft{;.a;,tte,k`5 4,5 i" 4,. 041r i,, 0,Z' t!'01,d ta. Modular Buildings t F tax h? P 5 J'1 11111 !i 1ri3+ and Classrooms r c, +. 0' d 11• F rd!. et'1 1, 1 tt t i `i Ft Buildings11,lI , s w, Permanent or i i; 1 +1 3 1'=.1;",o, ,,y. d i 1`1 g S a s+ * /'"[ ,or r 1 s, ,,, ,.0 I 5 ta• Choose from convention relocatable. Economical r •', (` ' li y'' ,1 lit % r,:t I `1jk „ pa ,. 1., ,gi itil i,I4if. , lt, ;. fl or low water use system modular buildings are ' y I I 1 `"" 9 ct r- _ it h, ll,a ,,lti. 9 1I r H iltR§ Yidealforhighquality, a s PP i tft` ' t'1t,1ii' ('6 iap{h a Low water use stems g a ,it ..'^ l.t .1154 t'` ,lio c 1,; d.' ti+ 1 require no sewer and durable structures that j4 1 I '.I 1 ' "1" q 13' '"'`,'11'1 1' t i E iat •a,il14 r t h septic connections and nay need to be moved at 44„ 4„ t ;4 t1 ° '" a 14ycm.,P . result in 93% less some future date. Meets 1,0 +'* c alp'* '''; „ fa•w3t am sewage disposal. Ideal all city, county and state~ V', G,• a"t'c' ! c p""tl} ' 0 .,. for outdoor or in-plant S. lt,,`` ". W.A f7 L1"' 4 :S1i 6-iAsTrk `1. 4..11"{` 6' ",$ far ,.Code 4 i I d . t ak-*z 1.tAt , US®. E''IL ram`.'. ' 5 . . t 0,d"t 1 `..'wR ' «; 4' 'GS h{i l t',/+ ,{;l Y'. pPv1 a 6 .^ qy,C 'g i g pn31d 't,,A,9y,,,, ) ) yt a p p' II itc41` ,i 414 4p4,r! • tk. a•. lining t g,,to it0:,1 , y 1. t„,,x .i x 1.1"fd • + v t,, ,, at f t1 1 a Y..' 4 ',tr "I„ '--.,,0 kzr.t av TT''N i$"! " y', 9'' Y 4r iYi a y, ,1''' a S i ; st+ j'a g In-Plant Offices and Arc N t 7. f ,.fi fl4ta 4'1; W ,e Guard Shacksi; o . -c ";5 , 4t 1 t/ Custom built to an Electronic Equipment tor*, I 1' Al z° c t !€ 1#04 W Ikkg*lIf R specs,this low cost office poi, j' V, t t• I '. a can be for{clitted orShelters . , 1' tberglass shelters for the c "40•, ; F 5`6 Tali 4 moved by crane protective housing of 4 Ax+ 3' + : anywhere. inside orP94dtP..1,1 ,. sensitive electronic and n i ! j y t (s<t+ 7ba,' 1 144 outside. Provides an i•ai a , +y4. t4 ' d'Y"'' °YN ? , . k' y rM At, ,....3 (As41.0! t ,, instant in-plant office.communications d" s I u equipment. ' r. y 1 taf,q :{, r .r7#',,. x= i{'`'3t .. k guard shack, sales office v ` a m • I i; 'f^,P 4 $w' it i,,. t or shop. loc • ila le trc` :ctbur-. 7"here. cod/,be e..v/rJdoce's for every pur .. ,:psen Porta House pioneered the relocatable s a 7` fr r lie` structure industry in 1946 and remains the .... .----"--_ leader today. Our field offices, camps and :Al)- housing units are located around the world ,;•,1, - aj in every climate. t Whatever your housing requirements, Porta . ' House supplies portable and modular USE f C. buildings for all purposes. Our structures for , '? Lr 21716 EAST VALLEY Ham. 31 office and storage uses include in-plant J' KENT i m n noffices, classroom buildings, field offices,Ac; warehouses, business offices, restroom .... "" t. facilities, fiberglass shelters for electronic ,? ,. f S equipment, laboratories, banks and V I rl G.)-- ' 717 Kevin Court, P.O. Box 2226 complete camps. A .°*-' Oakland, CA 94621 415) 638-0100/ TELEX 330403 ti,;'. F' Ay1. r , 4'fUg'o Plannin 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT. APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Applicat tr..„......., •ion s vori go et A;° peva) .:• or On* 0 •;II- :4, 4Pie iirio • atom A eelVerti ,tsv v 0,' ___W_evis113 . Location: *goo a W C .R ad i • Applicant:. ' TO: 1 Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : , :, .,'` Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE: 4,"' I ,'; ,i • Public W rks Department Engineering Division Traffic Engineering f`.` Building Division Vi ,,C,'r' , (,\ Utilities Engineering r..., 1 Fire Department rs., J1 Other) : A. I COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED INWRGFOkTHEAPPLICATIONREVEWCONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9:uO A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF OU ',EPARTMENT/DIVISION RE SPRE ENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE T AIzTEND THE ARC,P P i IDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY :OU P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :2^ c/ 4..,we.......6...... Approved Approved with Conditions ____ Not Approved i);',46,,q— 41.c„___ Signature of Director or Authorized epresentative Date REVIEWING ;DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : L-L-, i, Y.. Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved is i,_. -1-1—:.„, e.,"-C e -c 10 1t fD l c,•.,., ,.....„...,, ,,\. „, r 12 ‘._,,,._.. _co—._ r/Vsc_-_,DateSignatureofDirectororAuthorizedRepresentative lift! 0 P.l an-.ni n( 12.1D7g` RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: / ., own,. So t r rit- r * iii'0 e to wiradefesr. ;el) i ' v. ,..i, ft, 'IA, e IL tilfi ' -, . . '; 69Mte a Location: sob W qRodSi Applicant: TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 72 ,:,,.. " * Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE: - ' Public Works Department Engineering Division Traffic Engineering 4 Buil ing Division tilities Engineering s Fire Department Other) : _ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS. APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED INWRGFORTHEAPPLICATIONRV1EWCONFERENCE' ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT :00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM.IF OU "DEPARTMENT/D V SII ION REPRESENTATIVE WILL°° NOT ABLE T ATTEND THE ARC,P PFvVIDE THE COMMENTS TO 'THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON IT REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ieer Af Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Li" GeTr Signature of Director or Authorized Representat d O ve Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :plug oce i X Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1 4?// / 001L---- lb Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date go Plannin 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION) REVIEW SHEET Application: p • i S' i ,,. Rey plor oft, . 4,24". .4e3toriti .111t vie xerpte n Location: ee5c)W ciRogi Applicant: TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : - -. - . . Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE: 9/0/7 0 Public Works Department Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Building Division y..t• ' ,V> >;. Utilities Engineering 1 70 Fire Department t '' Other) : Vi'• CONMENTS 'OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WR T G FOR THE APPLICATION R V EW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT :UO A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF OUI DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENT VATI E WILL NOT ABLE T AITEND THE ARC, fP VP IDE THE COMMENTS TO. THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY :UU P.M, ON REVIEWING' DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:A:96, Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved SignA'ture; of Director or Author zed Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: .f . ,Z f't..Approved Approved with Conditions Not ApprovedPP f //a/(7 Si§natureof Director or Authorized Representative Date FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No: SA-207-80 Environmental Checklist No: ECF-553-80 Description of Proposal: Site Approval for installation of 10' x 32' trailer for use as a dispatch office. Proponent: BOEING COMPANY Location of Proposal: 800 S.W. 43rd Street Lead Agency: City of Renton This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 2, 1980 following a presentation by David R. Clemens and Steve Munson of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: NONE Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-553-80 are the following: 1) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: GENE WILLIAMS, Assistant Planner, dated April 1, 1980 2) Applications: BOEING COMPANY,, SITE APPROVAL SA-027-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-signficance: None, project exempt WAC-197-10-170-(1) (C) ,' commercial building less than 4,000 square feet in area. SIGNATURES: rtctcavr-sa. _ John E. Webley, Director or on r c sen, P ann ng Parks & Recreation Department Direct eV)/ Warren G. Gonnason. Director Public Works Department a e Paid Advertisement) I NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IDETERMINATION e ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW- . COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERE)has Issued a final declaration of non-significant*for the following prolect: t. RENTON AVIATION (ECF•35780), AP-PLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN i P-1 ZONE TO EXPAND EXISTING FA-CILITY FOR SERVICE AND MAINTE•NANCE OF AIRCRAFT, File SA-03840;1 property located at 840 W. Perimeter n Road,northwest corner of Renton Muni-clpal Airport. Further information regarding this action IsavailableInthePlanningDepartment,MuniCCoal ia. Building. Renton, Washington, 23S-2550. Any oaetolofERCactionmustbefliedwiththeHear.Ing Examiner by April 30,1980.Published:April 16,1980 NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON,WASHINGTON A PubIlC hearing will be held by the Renton Land ' , I. Use Hearin Examiner at his regular meeting IntheCouncilChambers,City Hell,Renton,Wash- ington,on April 29.1980,et 9:00 A.M.to considerthefollowingpetitions: 1.Kohl excavating Mehl-Christianson Adds. fNon),on), applications for preliminary Plat t.OPoroval for 7-1ot single family detached l development,File PP•008-80,and exception to subdivision ordinance regarding Pipes-tern lots,Flle E•033-80;property located at W.3rd Place.2.Schneider Constru1314.and S• Cemponyp Hilltop), loppitcetionsforpreliminaryPlotapproval for 20-lot single family detached develop-y mint and Tract 1(later to be developed asmulti-family), Fite PP-023-80. and excep- FtiontosubdivisionordinanceregardingPi- )Postern,lots, Pile E43140;property locat- iedsouthofN.E.6th St.and east of Monroe f Ave.N.E. 3.The Boeing Company,application for site iapprovalforinstallationof10'x32'(racier for tt use as dispatch office In M-P Zone,File SA- t t 027.80;prowirty located on sit*of Building2.Benorove Business Pork,SO0 S.W.43rd. 4. Renton Elks Club, aaptltation for rezonefromGS-1 to R-3 to construct Dentol clinicFileR-026.80; property located between 'Renton Elks Club and Benson Rood. t, . S.Renton Elks Club, optfilcotlon for two-lot Short Plot approval (Hanchereff_Short Plot),FIle 029-so;property located betweenRentonElksClubandBensonRood. t6.City of Renton, applications for two-lot !•I,; Short Plat approval,File 040.80,and excep-lion to subdivision ordinance regarding lot l, width, File E-04t-80; property located In 1. the public use area In Block 46 of the Car- it . rected Plot of the Renton Highland No.2. I. which is bounded by Harrington Pt. N.E.,Harri'- ' Legal descriptions of filesendooted above aE.12th re onfileIntheRentonPlanningDepartment.ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETI- iTIONSAREINVITEDTOBEPRESENTAT, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON April 29, 1960,of9:00A.M.TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS, GORDON Y.ERICKSEN, Renton Planning Director Published;April 16,1980 I f a . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL , RENTON, WASHINGTON , ON APRIL 29 , 1980, AT 9 :00 A .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . KOHL EXCAVATING (KOHL-CHRISTIANSON ADDITION) , APPLICATIONS FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR 7-LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DEVELOPMENT , File PP-008-80 , AND EXCEPTION TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDING PIPESTEM LOTS, File E-033-80 ; property located at S .W. Sunset Blvd. and S .W. 3rd Place . 2 . SCHNEIDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (HILLTOP) , APPLICATIONS FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR 20-LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DEVELOPMENT AND TRACT 1 (LATER TO BE DEVELOPED AS MULTI-FAMILY) , File PP-023-80 , AND EXCEPTION TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDING PIPESTEM LOTS , File E-031-80 ; property located south of N .E. 6th St . and east of Monroe Ave . N .E . 3 . THE BOEING COMPANY , APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION OF 10 ' X 32 ' TRAILER FOR USE AS DISPATCH OFFICE IN M-P ZONE , File SA-027-80 ; property located on site of Building 2 , Benaroya Business Park , 800 S.W. 43rd . 4. RENTON ELKS CLUB , APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM GS-1 TO R-3 TO CONSTRUCT DENTAL CLINIC, File R-028-80 ; property located between Renton Elks Club and Benson Road . S . RENTON ELKS CLUB , APPLICATION FOR TWO-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL (HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT ) , File 029-80 ; property located between Renton Elks Club and Benson Road . 6 . CITY OF RENTON, APPLICATIONS FOR TWO-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL , File 040-80 , AND EXCEPTION TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDING LOT WIDTH, File E-041-80 ; property located in the public use area in Block 46 of the Corrected Plat of the Renton Highland No . 2 , which is bounded by Harrington P1 . N .E . , Harrington Ave. N. E . and N . E . 12th St . Legal descriptions of files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 29 , 1980 , AT 9 :00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . PUBLISHED : April 16 , 1980 GORDON Y . ERICKSEN, RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , GENE WILLIAMS , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , in and for the State of Washington residing in King County , on the 15th day of April . y si Z •_ 3IGNED: ` r 44 OF RR Jt o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 co' 235- 2550 P o947. SEP1 t,0 April 11 , 1980 The Boeing Company P . 0 . Box 3999 M/S 14-41 Seattle , Washington 98124 Re : APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION OF 10 ' x 32 ' trailer for use as dispatch office in M-P zone , File SA-027-80 ; property located on site of Building 2 , Benaroya Business Pzrk , 800 S.W. 43rd Gentlemen : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on April 1 , 1980. A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for April 29 , 1980, at 9 :00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550 . Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director By : L.l e.:-f. ,r/:- Roge,r J . Blaylock/ Associate Planner RJB :wr cc : Jack A. Benaroya Company Attn : Joel Benoliel , Secretary 5950 6th Ave . S. Seattle , WA 98108 NOTICE THIS PROPERTY GENERAL LOCATION: AND, OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCATED ON SITE OF BUILDING 2 , BENAROYA PARK , 800 S .W. 43RD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT. I S POSTED TO NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING ON APRIL 29 , 1980 BEGINNING AT 9 :00 A.M. .M. CONCERNING ITEM CJ1 U REZONE SPECIAL PERMIT firSITE APPROVAL INSTALRAFOR ISPANDOOTCHxOFFICE IN M-P ZONE . WAIVER I SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT U FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 235 2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No: SA-207-80 Environmental Checklist No : ECF-553-80 Description of Proposal : Site Approval for installation of 10' x 32 ' trailer for use as a dispatch office. Proponent: BOEING COMPANY Location of Proposal : 800 S,W. 43rd Street Lead Agency: City of Renton This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 2, 1980 following a presentation by David R. Clemens and Steve Munson of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: NONE Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-553-80 are the following: 1) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: GENE WILLIAMS , Assistant Planner, dated April 1 , 1980 2) Applications : BOEING COMPANY, SITE APPROVAL SA-027-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-signficance: None, project exempt WAC-197-10-170- (1) (C) , commercial building less than 4, 000 square feet in area. SIGNATURES : 44/)/,;;.<<44. John E. Weble Director4 ://4. /, cordon tricksen, Planning Parks & Recreation Department Directpr Warren G. Gonnason, Director Public Works Department ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APRIL 2 , 1980 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10: 00 A. M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1 . NEW BUSINESS: ECF-541-80 KOHL EXCAVATING PP-008-80 KOHL-CHRISTIANSON ADDITION Application for preliminary plat approval for seven-lot single family detached development ; S . W. Sunset Blvd and S. W. 3rd Place . ECF-550-80 SCHNEIDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PP-023-80 HILLTOP Application for preliminary plat approval for twenty-lot single family detached develop- ment and Tract 1 ( later to be developed as multi -family) ; south of N . E . 6th St. and east of Monroe Ave. N . E . ECF-553-80 THE BOEING COMPANY SA-027 -80 Application for site approval for installation of 10 ' x 32 ' trailer for use as dispatch office on site of Building 2 , Benareya Business Park ; 800 S . W. 43rd . ECF-554-80 RENTON ELKS CLUB R-028-80 Application for rezone from GS-1 and B-1 to B-1 and R-2 to construct dental clinic ; property located between Renton Elks and Benson Road . 2 . OLD BUSINESS : FURTHER DISCUSSION : ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE a Date circulated : Comments due : ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - J t APPLICATION No (s ) . S — 02.7 70 PROPONENT : j Soei wei CoulrAviliy PROJECT TITLE : Sp„.t 94'ee..e..- Brief Description of Project : ip,iufct'locf A ct_ MY x32.' vc0.-c -avr t&se, as d;sp e4. 1ice , ovt .st: at 13tkildika 2 --rematroy a LOCATION : 860 5tt3 43rof SITE AREA : 00s , 4 a BUILDING AREA (gross)329 rg, . DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE a(%) IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : C 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X 3) Water & water courses : X 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : le i 8 ) Land Use ; north : P0.rkdkg o e EL.) 4frf S1' east : - e...i„...civ07 ?it_ south : 'Payskim.le it i ekf Id Iwest : tss c,, a. Land use conflicts : / 1 C/ View obstruction : Wawa, 9) Natural resources : K 10) Risk of upset : X . 11 ) Population/Employment : x I I12 ) Number of Dwellings :X j 13) Trip ends (ITE) : Alb yAe traffic impacts : e Q., s 14 ) Public services : C 15 ) Energy : X 1 16) Utilities : X 1 17) Human health : I X I 18) Aesthetics : j K 1 19 ) Recreation : I Xi 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : 1 Recommendation : DNSI X DOS More Information Reviewed by : 444%./44 , /.4.4lli Title : 4sr!Cr iL1 - p/cipniek- Date : 69O CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL R w FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 4 AI File No . SA- ' ? 7_f o Filing Date j ' Application Fee $ /0,51 v-6 Receipt No . Environmental Review Fee $ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name THE BOEING COMPANY Phone 655-8229 Address P.O.Box 3999 M/S 14-41,, Seattle, Washington 98124 2 . Property location ' 800 SW 43rd J '%J e_i 57,L Renton, Washington 98055 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) See AttachedaSheet . NOTE: Reference Approved Site Plans: SA-150-78 for Buildings _1, 2, 3 SA-216-78 for Buildings 4, 5. 6. 7 4 . Number of acres or square feet 500 Sq. Ft. Present zoning M-P 5. What do you propose to develop on this property? It is proposed to locate a 10' x 32' trailer at the northwest corner of Building 2 of the Renton Benar ya RusinPss Park. Trailer will be blocked up, tied down, sprinklered and skirted per code. Trailer will be used as a maintenance and dispatch office for the Benaroya Complex. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels)1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ACTION : Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action Remarks Planning Dept . Rev, 1-77 ' 1 LEGAL. DESCRIPTION An area containing 500 Sq. Ft. at the Northwest 'corner of Building 2 Benaroya Business Park, Renton described as follows: That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W. M. and of Government Lot 1 , Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. in the City of Renton, King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 36; Thence S 01°47'51" W along the west line thereof a distance of 1278.87 feet to a line 48 feet northerly of the proposed centerline of S. W. 43rd Street, said proposed centerline begins at the intersection of the East Valley Highway with the south line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. and runs thence westerly, in a straight line, to the intersection of the centerline of the West Valley Highway with the south line of Government Lot 2 of Section 36, Township 23 North; Range 4 East, W. M.; Thence S 88°36'37" E along said parallel line a distance of 815.75 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence continuing S 88°36'37" E along said parallel line 675.81 feet; Thence N 01°23'23" E a distance of 905.92 feet; Thence N 88°36'37" W a distance of 675.81 feet; Thence S O1°23'23" W a distance of 905.92 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress and egress over, across and upon a strip of land 90 feet in width, having 45 feet of said width on each side of the east line and the west line of the above described tract. Containing 612,230 square feet or 14.054 acres. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' Application No. 5-/? —Oa? 7-,FO - Environmental Checklist No. A-VP -4-iC) PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date: Declaration of Significance El Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act -of 1971,, Chapter 43:21C, 'RCW, requires ` all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their ,; own actions and when licensing private proposals . The -Act also requires that .an EIS be " . prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to help the' agencies involved determine-whether or not 'a ., proposal is such a' major action. Please answer the following questions as-.completely .as .you .can with "the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or 'where ', . I ' you believe an explanation would be helpful - to government decision makers , include your 1 explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if. necessary: You should include references to any reports or studies of which .you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all" agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total, proposal , not just to the license' for which you are currently applying or the proposal •for which approval is ,sought.' Your answers should include the impacts which''will be caused by your proposal when it. is completed, r even though completion may not occur until sometime in the. future: This will allow all of the agencies which will ' be involved to complete their environmental . 'revi,ew now, with- j " out duplicating paperwork in the future. • ' NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies ,in the State - of Washington for various types of proposals .' Many of-the, questions may not, apply to j , . your proposal . If a question does, not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM, i , ,.. I . BACKGROUND 1 -' ; 1-. - Name -of- Proponent THE BOEING COMPANY 2. Address and phone number of 'Proponent: P.O.Box 3999 Seattle, WA 98124 , Phone': 655=3641 For additional information contact Roy Olson on 655-8229 3-. - -Date Checklist submitted ' 'March 20, 1980 4. Agency requiring Checklist Renton Planning Department 5. Name of proposal ,, if applicable: Dispatch Office 6. ' Nature and brief description of the proposal (including .but 'not limited to its ; . size, general design elements , and other, factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : Proposal is to install. a 10' x 32'. trailer o 'be used as"'"a'"dt ispatch" office and office for maintehance 'supervisor: 'Trailer`will . provide better visibility-.. of area to direct incoming trucks' and routing of, our own, forkl i'fts' and vehicles. - 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical set'tingof the proposal , a`s>` well as the extent of the: land area affected by any ,environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the env i.ron:,, mental setting of the proposal ) : Trailer will be 'located on the west side of the :northwest corner'. of Building; 2 of the Renton Benaroya Business Park.. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal: . ' ' Two (2) weeks after site approval . ` 9. List of al 1 permits , 1 i censes orp government approval s required 'for the proposal"::;.;, °• ,. federal , state and local--including rezones) : City of Renton Building Permit City of Renton'E'lectrical Permit 10. Do you have any plans for future additions', expansion, or further activity , related to or connected with this proposal ? •,If,.yes , explain: NO 11. Do you know- of 'any plans by others which ma 'affect thee.property- your proposal ? If yes ,. explain : NO 12. Attach any other application form that has been: completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed ,at „some` future' -': ; date, describe the nature of such application form; ` , NONE II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" .answers }are: required) 1) Earth Will the proposal result in a) Unstable earth conditions or in changesrini:'geologic Y ;<;.. substructures? X.: YE'-S .MAYBE. b) Disruptions, displacements,;compaction or over 4, X =covering of the soil? YES MAYBE NO . c) Change in topography or ground surtface relief features? d) The destruction, :covering or modification of.any unique geologic or physical features? X ' r'.'. T ;.,,MAYBE NO, e) Any increase in wind or water; erosion of.,s;oils ,` ; Z., either on or off the' site? YES.:. ,;MAYBE' NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach.,sands ,~ or- changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the' channel .of a river or.. stream •or the bed of the ocean or any bay,': ,inlet or lake?'.X• YES '• MMGYBE: ;NO' Explanation 2) Air. Will the proposal result in. j a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient ,air quality? r ESR _MBE NO b) The creation of _objectionable odors? YES MAYBE NO ; c) Alteration of air movement, -moisture or temperature,'; ' .,•.. •_. :.'.,:' or any change in climate, either locally or regionally?:X° YES MAYBE. NO Explanation. 3) Water. Will the proposal, result in i , a) ' Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in,either marine or fresh .waters? • " YES `MAYBE NO b) Changes- in absorption 'rates , drainage patterns, or ••a' j '' ::-•.;" the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES c) Alterations to the course or flow of;flood waters? X YES • MAYBE NO • d) Change in the amount' of surface water in• any water body? X YES MAYBE . NO,- e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any `alteration"" ` surface water quality, including but not limited 'to r temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE NO-; f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters?YES MAYBENO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either . , : i through direct additions or withdrawals , or. through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE , NO, h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either` thirough direct injection , or through..the. seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or. bacteria, 1 or other substances into the ground waters? i . ' YES MAYBE NO. i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available:' X for public water supplies?YES MAYBE., NO- , Explanation. j { 4) , Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) _Change in the diversity of species , or numbers', of .any :• species of flora (including trees, shrubs , grass ,. crops , . ,,, X microflora and aquatic plants)' • YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora?YES FrATIfP. rf67 c) Introduction of new species of flora into an 'area, or".,.. • in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing' '': X species? .YES MAYS i10 d). Reduction in acreage, of any agricultural"; crop? " X YES-,;: M YBE, NO Explanation: 1. t 5) FaUna. Will the proposal result in j a) Changes in the diversity:, of species or numbers' of ,. : any species of.:fauna (birds , land animals ;including ;: µd reptiles , fish and shellfish, 'benthic organisms , . insects or microfauna)?r , YES 1-,-;MAYBE'', b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare oror.," endangered: specie of fauna? X 1, • YES ' MAYBE—. N9 c) Introduction of new species of fauna into'.an 'area , . or result in a barrier to the' migration orimovement . of fauna? YES';:: .MAYBE • NO d) Deterioration to existing 'fish. ,or:"wildl'ife .habitat?YES '1MAYBE NO vv Explanation. , 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? •AYBE , NO Explanation. 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or X ..^v •, glare?Y_Ems.: ,MAYBE : N0" Explanation: 8) Land Use. Will the proposal ,'result in the, alteration of' the X .. .:, ''j;: •. , present or planned land use of an area? , -,YES MAYBE . Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in a) Increase in the rate of use of, any natural' res:our.-Ces? YES' MAY BE ;NO,, ' • : b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? YES MAYBE.• 'N'O Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset: Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including; ; but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or,:radiation`)::,` : :.' •. ',' in the event of an accident or upset conditions?TES ,' `MAYBE:) NO Explanation 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? r Yam`' `M BE N Explanation. : ' 5- 12) housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? s, X I - YES •MAYBE NO, Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation.. Will the proposal result, i;n: a) Generation of ;additiona,l -vehicular,movement?.X ' YES.: '''`MAYBE NO ' r.. b) Effects: on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? X YES MAYBE NO, is c) Impact upon existing, transportat•ion°-systems? tirX I f• d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or ' movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO e) 'Alterations to waterborne, .rail",or.air, 'traffi,c? X. ;I.7 YES MAYBE.".-2 NO: - .i' , f) Increase in traffic -hazards_ to motor vehicles, : . :X bicyclists or pedestrians?` ES;, ;MA B NO I` Proposal shoul-d resul t i n handling "t'raffi'c''',better 'in the; jExplanation: p vicinity of the -Benaroya Business,.Park:—Parking' sta11 scwi 17 be'added-north of 'Bail di ng`, 3 to replace° those::.deleted •by.'. 1 ocati on of trailer,' . . . c' 14) Public Services. Will the' proposal .;have an effect upon;, 'or .`.` • result in a need for new or :altered governmental services in any of the following areas . 2, a) Fire protection? -• s X' YES" MAY-BE- _NO; I . "';; - b) Police :protection? YES MAYBE I NO.. . c) Schools? X. YES' MAYBE NO Parks or other ,recreational facilities? X ` YES' MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads?X' YES MAYBE ;.:N9. . f) Other governmental services? YES MAYBE; NO Explanation. 15) , Energy.. Will the proposal result in a) _Use .of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X 1t'` ES ;MAYBE': :NO . requires. orofenergy,sourcesInb) Demand upon extstt g X, , the development .:of new sources of energy? IYESE•MAYB . NO Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems , or alterations to the following utilities :e: ':,. : •' a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE !.: NO I (b) Communications systems? . YES MAYBE NO c) Water? YES .', _MAYBE.,•`NO, Fy y,Lei'I 'd Sewer or-'`se tic tanks., , . i Yam• e) Storm water drainage? X FiriTfe f) Solid waste and disposal?` YES MAYBE N0'' " • Explanation: t 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in •the rll.reati on...of any health hazard or potential health' hazard (e) cluding°, mental health)? . X Explanation: S MAYB . ,r 6": 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any;any; scenic vista' or view open to ' the public, .. obstruction will" the proposal result in the:creation of an aesthetically offensive :,; site open to public view? X Explanation 19) , Recreation. Will the proposal result in an iympact: upon "the; `. quality_or' quantity' of existing recreational oppor,tunitti,es? f Y:E.S M A1 BE . TO Explanation: " 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the ''proposal''-result. in an> r: alteration of a significant archeological or historical. '"' : :. i site, structure, object. or, building? i ' I rf; TES: MAYBE 4rr; Explanation. III. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of-my knowledge the-`above;`.information.-:'` 'F is true and complete: It is understood that-the lead agency 'may with-dr.aw.:.any decl.a-' ,:.:•, -: ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance' upon_ this checklist'' shoul;d,:;:,;;`. there' be any willful misrepresentation or.wi 11:f ul ..lack `of' ful-1 di ' 1 os.ure on.'iny: part. Proponent s.i g .d V. E. 'Norton' .Manaer: , .. j f` c Lnarqe. priAted)Fac1Iities Engineer'ing.` 1 `.. City of,,Ren'ton . f'; ;Planning Department•;:' : :"`T:J *' P `5-76 r r AFFIDAVIT 1, „TMa: - BEN6/ea Y,,q eONPAWV being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 6 day of M(e_ G/\ 19.60 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ,(4217,c, e/4- 66 J/ekee V/ e e4/0 y ame of Notary r ature of Owner) r Crk. 77/7 76/ag 6--9bn Ate - . Address) / ZAddress) City) Mate) 7zTV7 5 ) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 OF . ,.- ILE FILE TITLE t a,' i t '.^ F nit"•' I {` y ! a '`4 11 c. .ate t f 8 0 . V1