HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA80-136 Large Formatc.T4zN C.! The Widest Choice Makes HANGARSFULFABforsafe, adaptable; economical storage are' a Fulfab specialty. We have expanded our AIRCRAFT HANGARS range . sizes to provide shelter for most popular private planes. Models and dimensions of Fulfab- Ir T-Hangars are easy to compare in the charts on the back page. Our design and fabrication methods have made Fulfab T-Hangars the standard of the industry. Equally important First Choice a,. .. yp "a w . "_ v ' md G.r+* 'z.-:r ." z; a",+;., #°°? AkF v irt a 4' Lca ''r gp.A`rn"yt`f+`7 c'#3' y, '}E"x<ta"` "°7Y. ' r r yi. a s s- '+e .''t.5 w+ a . w . . y 1+F"Th4MnC. S+P ` • tM1F tidC .y P W'.'•.. Y',. y Aft h'IS# t u` A s w' ` a , et'1 4= ... •s ;. '?S' , ,. s zi.r' a , F -is ,-, - 'vc ' `ygctiy %°.tri#'F . i '"` .Hw +'kx r °" L3r a t' x` h+4iC"' 44, r ' "' a x, n. ". vt _' fat . P•w* - .3 '?,,.: , to you, probably, is the fact that Fulfab T-Hangars can be erected by almost any available labor and can be dismantled and moved if necessary. Fulfab T-Hangars are pre-engineered and quantity pro- duced for low cost. All -steel component parts are sure -fitting. You may add more units to lengthen the hangar at any time without difficulty. Complete foundation and erection plans are furnished prior to shipment of material. PANELIZED DESIGN greatly simplifies and speeds the enclosing of walls and partitions. Nearly all the sidewall materials may be as- sembled into panels in the flat prior to erection. QUICK TO WINTERIZED for "Snow Country" FULFAB gives you a very generous overhang of the roof sheets, shedding drippage far out from the doors, minimiz- ing freezeup problems. Mini -slot bottom guides for doors reduce friction and contribute to trouble -free operation. It is important to check up on the way hangars have per- formed in an environment comparable to your locale. We can direct you to nearby fields where Fulfab T-Hangars give the most satisfactory service in difficult freezing weather. SLIDING; DOORS Note how root drip clears door guides! are factory assembled into large panels. Each sliding sec- tion is carried on top roller bearings which ride on non - fouling monorail track. The leaves are kept steady and true along the bottom by intermittent guides. ASSEMBLE, panels are lifted into place, attached to the foundation and bolted to the adjacent connecting members. No special tools are needed. FULL NESTED PLAN USES SHORTER TAXIWAY Where building length is limited, or where taxiways must be kept short, the Fulfab FULL NESTED "T" uses space to best advantage. You can "store more planes per lineal foot." GALVANIZED for Long -Run Savings COST OF UPKEEP is a vital consideration. That's why gal- vanized exterior walls and roof are standard on Fulfab T- Hangars. Our buildings are UNIQUE in that most of the structural members such as purlins, girts, door track, door frames, center columns, etc. are also made of galvanized steel. If you have old T-Hangars at your field, you will appreci- ate the superior durability and good looks of galvanized Fulfab "structurals." Electric Power -Lift BI-FOLD DOORS DELUXE "push button convenience" is offered on four Ful- fab models (two OT's and two LK's) which have doors raised or lowered by 3/4 H.P. motor and self -braking worm gear. COLORS AVAILABLE FOR WALL & DOOR SHEETING i Sliding door leaves come to site ready to hang. BEIGE WHITE BLUE BOTH STANDARD "T" FULL NESTED "T" are available in any number of units fA IN Dk 7-- w. A R D FULL NESTED NO. 2 NO. 1 A CLEAR WIDTH A B CLEAREPF:f('WT i SLIDING T 2 4 V-6" 1 6 4r-iT 16= 2 71 11'-7 16TOT444Y-6' 20' 4021'-7 3- OR SIZES 42'x 12'AND 44'x 14' OFFICE NO. 2 B D B F NO. 1 CLEAR WIDTH NO. 4 C kE j CLEAR iM lOFFICENO. 3 B E CLEAR HEIGH SLIDING LT41-221 -Ni-T1- l—'-7"-'i 16' 1 16 tffl-Pu-7T11 7" t43'- 6` 18' Al BI_ FOLD LK4' 20' 1_14: i_ 18' 58' 121'-7' 13'-11' MINAL DOOR SIZES 42'x 12'AND 44'x 14' IL TLENG, HS R' AIR 10 US, N U r,, 7,17P S 0 F U N I TS, HA INOAF I IN 37- R CIF U I E - ------- AC'H, F- M D XA L L WM. , 13 4 1 1 8 1 12 joJU N f T - "'D ID J cL i 32' 73 FF Y, 'i 991-6'! 20, 12? 6 1 3 1'2 -5'- 6, 383'-6" 45-- V-6 6 `! 3-1' 32' 73'- 6, 25'- F,!' 36Q 48' 2 273. 0" 5: E 2 6'- 01 1 2C' 2 3 27,-r--" 30 4 ICY 77'. 0' 143VY 1 473 v s F STE D T-::::0- S c r l a tad f di— rg the mini-m. urr, ();`C,or 31c,- ig-e spac- Ttiis 4 is oQen wa,- zted and he'C 7r, to R 3D I MCI D!-' 0 B31 4:L D Ci C r h, to bc- ow--! .,I jr M ,-j 5 i s cider W:N',; 1 es Ianf-Tiq, mke( -Ie fut,!- a harigZ! t'-- pl- ui ft,11 i it occrude s; paar!y. a g,- it anlialy. The , a,). s—ram -3, tflat _- i-, C; rI is an arlvantagQ ir tnieyC, fll'-at are fi a. ; e rl fr tiLT421',j: This rrofe! evilcys u,-:- ac.riva, n je Me skltfstaIty . _-rq 7 AIRCRAFT 9 PHANGARS 1525 WHIPPLE AVE. S. W.* BOX 1305 CANTON, OHIO 44708 • 216- D DD cD Q D D D D LO D D (D M LO r- 1 5 5 r• rt D r- DnaOA(DO D D D M D r H. CD cn z z n n z nw A OD W co CO rt o U1 o Ul Ul O W p o Fl o o D. t o F, OD F ko a O O O W N W N O F: N A W n 77 rt O Fv r-- E rt r• rt N O w p, p• O O r R, r• iZ a 5 O n m r- n P prt, rt A) rt ft rt o m P) t1n D 0 D O O O D D D n 3 O O o rt M M M 5 W W A D N F, F- H w K N w Ln P Ln D p D Z5 O J w w M C 5 rt rt O M M D D CD D tt D CD D D rt F J rt O P. nrt rt rt rt D M O a D rt D aa O n r m n CD COu K O Fl- o O n r. rt M cD f rt O M N D O kt . K p O F r• r W D It z c r M N e D O m 0 n M v 0 A 1, I. 1 i•, i I I , I I I I I ( 1 -41 1 m Z 0 z A o XA w m 0 T1 rm 10, Al rX^_ PFelw!ET60 ROAD m t Ar- O P r C E BZ- S in L,g7< ,& All We F' f*-,vji7 y - 5rubED uP. As. 77 X / ,4, EA 4-' HYa+. ri'67 h?AJEShAL Ep;~t A; ti i v 1 T Try U f' &-14 ,P . i i t T yG'.y /.O Gf .C3 G , tee 715 S W, rc-k A vcJ 1 O U7- LE T 4 0 7 4- 2- N T y ?F vA/ EX 1STiNI i tke6 14-,/e1rt4-jTS 0) AJtr10,vIP L 2E 41REZ 8y RE,/Tph/ FlRC mAIZSfiaL . L/.E .f' EFF.+a-r. Ta , 5 r.'s ria,h./ O t +O i1.c N ° 4 q ' 4 3 "' l `o . / T e f v. ,t C.T' , ,:- of /2 5/40_ /3 , , ` %r,E 5 6 s° fo / 7 1 Ir d., 7.v.v <E Cj 375FF T 7-67A6- T,4114,4C /7o r rn E Ggi tiviN9 " T FNr 5 8s' /O''/,7 ,' kvI A d,s oY 3 c Id ' OO .. i/ a F /3 4 76,eWS'r,; 7;4 5 t° 49 '43 . ,e: r1 sTA.d! yP CGh'.^T :%r• 1 f-1 _,.L1., ref 3/z . oo G=r To F Tk. ' ,GA,1T'tF ,B q,•v,,.,i . S/,n'I G Za.'E RECEIVED n CITY OF RENTON U 149 1 j HEARING EXXtiP EEPrR OV- ITEM . ' AM P 1 . A •' A . — 1 - u n to r" SCALE: J /`- v DRAWN BY _ DATE: .. REVISED _. mow. ;. !; DRAWING NUMBER At 0 K 3 0 5 Cam C'z rE' F.Cani L 4'1 — X TYPICAL HANGER PLAN 7 0 0 i 1bel 12 i storage 13 i a i p a.w xaaw+.r: - --_ v.urrKrr+a-.•r«..,a....aec....:wsv_.a...._.a.vam-w.+R edws+rzee' __..Wr..awwa.n+btwa _. ova .r.F a.* e.Yc F.i4Ri L aSt-L 'C Lmri arc au.v aFmec r s.`r'lRi ef2"'F9T.'.PYI^''-YN 7'.'.Y:V'N!'.Y-'n"F+ww"'a 4K'+iyq^Fs. -. ••• .. ..e.L' _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - _ _ ... w _ iif F6W - - -s.a 3- JYs'a_s-_'r=^.dfY+'_.,L"_._!..Y'TSM 1..--.L. 'S_S.J.__ FLOOR PLAN C) U80 4tiN1NG `-,; SCALE: 7- . APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY ,;- c.•,; DATE: _ .:%i REVISED a — AI I I \al DRAWING NUMBER t 0 04 y 7- 0-*/<:-- 6 41',57 00" Wx1 lzC-) S %oovv 1'' SCALE:-R AWN BY DATE: - e6 REVISED vrz DRAWING NUMBER N I i Co GA, C ;;T L c 1C1 V67W7-!G !! 1- Z NDu Z r 1 R E'- t-/ 1 LA.YfR S%g"CyP 3d• BOtH SIDE'S 1.bt1T- 0 9- _._. T INGSAO* 15boo-00 SCALE: Lr DRAWN BY 7 DATE: /- Z$- rJ 1/I,.?- REVISED DRAWING NUMBER 24X39 PRINTED ON NO. tOOOH CLEARPRINT