HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA87-038V 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 EFC - 035 _ - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORFIINF MGMT_ : SM-OOFi-27 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO AlIOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMALEIY__285,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE SITEAAREAIaST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SQU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT RE'JIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Lanc and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation_ 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET mow-. 4 cs ir. dal . k ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL, SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : I ( P• UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION l ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : l ( UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I ( F• IRE PREVENTION BUREAU P• ARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE LEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I 1 OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE S A . G ,y." Fn0i i ECF03587 Esk 1 1 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE g STAFF REPORT JUNE 10, 1987 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: First City Equities PROJECT: Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Office Facility Black River Corporate Park ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-035-87 APPLICATION NO. : SA-038-87, SM-006-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a seven-story, ninety feet high, office building having approximately 285, 000 square feet of space, and application for substantial shorelines development permit to allow said development within 200 feet of the P-1 channel detention pond. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located north of S.W. 7th Street, and west of Naches Avenue S.W. and east of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. (future) and the existing P-1. SITE AREA: 15. 7 acres. Bt: ilding and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 Jt:ne 10, 1987 Page 2 B. ISSUES: 1. Whether the proposed building should be located further away from the Great Blue Heron rookery in the P-1 detention pond. The building is sited approximately 400 feet from the center of the rookery. A minimum distance of 660 feet has been recommended by the State Department of Game U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 . Whether more of the existing trees on the site should be saved? The final Earlington E. I.S. stated that 3 . Whether too much of the site has been covered with impervious surfaces Approximately of the site would be covered with impervious surfaces under the present proposal . 4 . Whether parking shown located near the natural area easement at the ninth edge of the site is disruptive and this area should be reserved as a wetland buffer? This marsh/wetland area in the northeast corner of the site, the old Black River channel, is proposed under this application to be filled in and paved for parking. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 3 The Earlington Park Final E.I.S. stated site run off will be discharged into the upstream end of the old Black River Channel where it will undergo wetland treatment prior to discharge" . 5. Whether the plans should reflect better pedestrian linkways between this building and future buildings, streets, sidewalks and bus stops? No distinct pedestrian walkways are provided connecting the proposed office building to the fringe parking areas which are 500 feet to 600 feet away from the building entrance. 6. If allowed, should the time period for construction activities be limited? In order to minimize impacts on the heron rookery whose mating period has been identified as early March through mid-July, it is recommended that construction be limited to mid-July or whenever all the fledglings have left the rookery to the be beginning of mid-March. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 4 7 . Whether sufficient on-site recreational amenities such as outdoor recreation areas,outdoor eating areas, exercise facilities, etc. have been are provided for the estimated 1, 450 employees? Anticipated growth to 2 , 000 by 1992 . ) Although during the summer and fall months trails along the P-1 channel may be usable and will serve this purpose, other facilities should be provided wither within the proposed building or on its southeast side for employee use. C. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The proposed office building be sited an average of 500 feet from the heron rookery (see Appendix) . Whereas it is realized that this is less than the 660 foot setback proposed by state and federal wildlife agencies, it is felt that with appropriate window screening, landscape buffering, noise attenuation, and facade treatment, the building' s probable adverse impacts on the rookery can be reduced to an acceptable level . All existing vegetation between he building and the rookery should be saved and/or enhanced to further buffer the impacts of this development. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 5 2 . Existing mature trees on site should be retained to the greatest extent possible since these provide habitat for bird life, retain soil, contribute moisture to surrounding air, provide color,and help to visually define the site. NOTE: There are major stands of deciduous trees on the site which have recently been surveyed by the firm, Bush, Roed and Hitchings. Many of these trees and certainly the significant ones should be incorporated into the development. 3 . It is recommended that the applicant be required to construct a parking garage with this phase of development in order to retain more of the property as open space. A majority of the site has been paved over to meet the parking needs of the office building. The size of the parking lot has an extremely negative visual impact and could adversely affect the area ' s fragile micro-climate. In addition, parking should not be located next to the natural area easement at the north edge of the site. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 6 4 . That he marsh/wetlands area of the old Black River Channel in the northeast corner of the site not be filled in and paved over for parking but rather saved as a bio- filter for site runoff from the 1, 400 plus surface parking area as well as waterfowl and bird habitat. 5. Vehicular circulation and parking areas (because of noise, glare, etc. ) not screened from the rookery by the proposed building be set back at least 660 feet from the Great Blue Heron rookery. 6. That the proposed office be designed to be as harmonious as possible with the natural environment through the use of earthern colors and textures, non-reflective coated glazing sun screen's can be employed where solar heat gain is anticipated to be a problem) , non-glaze finishes and shapes and window opennings on the rookery side of the structure. 7 . That construction activity until the building is hermatically sealed) be limited to the months of mid-July (or whenever all the fledglings leave the heron rookery) , August, September, October, November, December, January and February. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 Jt.ne 10, 1987 Page 7 8 . That all mechanical systems be acoustically buffered so as not to exceed a noise level of 75 decibels measured at the source or 70 decibels at 400 feet from the center of the rookery. The King County Department of Health,Noise Control Division shall perform a noise analysis prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits. 9 . That all lighting shall be shielded at the source to ensure that it does not result in visible glare below an angle of 30 degrees with the horizon) . 10. That all vehicular storage areas must be sealed with a membrane to prevent infiltrants of hydro- carbons to the soil layer, with asphalt covering the sealant. All runoff from these areas must be processed through regularly cleaned oil/ water separators. 11. That all glazing facing onto the natural environment to the north be non-reflective coated tinted glazing in order to reduce the likelihood of birds flying into these surfaces. 12. That parking on site not exceed minimum code requirements (based upon net usable area) . In addition, parking equivalent to 15 percent of all parking shall be Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 8 car pool and van pool vehicles and shall be located nearest the building (in comparison to other parking) . 13 . That provisions shall be provided on or near the site to accommodate bus service and transit users. 14. That passive recreational facilities be provided which can include picnic areas in lawn areas and/or in plazas as well as additional seating areas which can be dispersed around the site (generally 660 feet or more distance from the heron rookery) . 15. That a clearly delineated pedestrian circulation system between this and abutting parking areas, sidewalks, bus waiting areas, and possible trail systems, etc. , be developed. (Provision for night lighting of these pedestrian routes is also required. ) 16. That a late commer's fee of $12 , 885. 00 as well as a traffic mitigation fee not yet approved) for the S./S.W. Grady Way be provided by a letter of credit or bond for the amount of $1, 149, 291. 00. The late comer' s fee recommended by Traffic Engineering would be credited to the letter of credit. 1 Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 9 D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Police traffic. It's existing plans are sufficient for traffic. Fire Prevention Bureau: Must meet U.F.C. and U. B.C. high rise requirements. Engineering: No comments. Utility Engineering: No comments. Traffic Engineering: Traffic mitigation fees attached. Parks and Recreation: The site plan has provided for a number of recreation opportunities, i.e. , jogging trail, outdoor dining area, paths along the pond and drainage ditch. But outside of the parking areas, the site plan lacks an open space area that perhaps could serve in conjunction with the outdoor dining areas as a gathering point and play area. Has this developer considered how their system of trails can be designed to allow coordination with plans under way in Tukwila and with Renton' s designation as the Black River corridor as a major trails corridor. Building Division: No comments. Zoning Division: 1. The building is located within 660 feet of the heron rookery approximately 400 feet from rookery) . This may be too close and be adverse to the nesting Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 10 2 . All trees and understory vegetation should be preserved to the north and west of the site along the P-1 detention pond. 3 . All other major trees in the site should be incorporated into the site design. A poor layout has been done to save a majority of the trees. 4. Too much of the site is paved for parking. The parking on the site was based on gross square footage of the building. Instead, it should be based on net area. 5. A parking garage is recommended to be constructed with this stage of development in order to preserve more of the site. 6. Incorporate pedestrian walkways to connect the building and parking lot to the street sidewalks. 7. Delete north parking stalls by "natural area easement" . Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 11 8 . Incorporate more coniferous trees into landscape plan for seasonal (winter) color. 9 . Can emergency access roadway behind building be constructed with grass crete pavers, grass rings or a similar type material to maintain greenery? Strongly recommend this suggestion. 10. Recreation for employees seem rather limited. Policy Development: 1. Approximately 55, 000 cubic yards of fill is proposed. No source of this fill is given. 2 . A temporary erosion control plan should be included as part of the checklist. 3 . The blue heron nesting season runs through mid July. Construction should not begun until late July. The site is located approximately 400 feet from the rookery. It has been indicated that 750 feet is the appropriate setback from the rookery DOE, Department of Game reports) . Perhaps the entire building should be set back this 750 feet. At the very least, the main entrance should be set back 750 feet from the rookery. An intensely Biilding and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 12 access prohibited, should surround the rookery between it and the building. 4 . The sea of parking adjacent to Oakesdale is an extremely negative visual impact. 5. Trail access should be eliminated between the building and the rookery. 6. How will over 5, 500 trips/day be mitigated? 7. The applicant should be required to construct a parking structure to eliminate the sea of parking, reduce the amount of required fill, retain the natural vegetation and create a buffered area between the complex and the rookery 8. Fill should only be allowed for the building and parking structure. 9. Applicant should be required to retain the majority of the natural vegetation by setting the building back further from the rookery and by eliminating the sea of parking through the construction of a parking structure. BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITr / • ' I , / : / I f 8Aw 03 : 87 MICROFILMED i Co CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director October 4 , 1987 Terra Prodan Environmental and Shoreline Specialist Washington State Dept. of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 RE: SA-038-87 , and SM-006-87 Dear Ms. Prodan: Please be informed that Barbara Moss on behalf of First City Equities, has withdrawn her applications for both of the above referenced projects on the south side of the P-1 Channel forebay. As you will recall , SA-038-87 pertained to a seven- story office building and SM-006-87 was a substantial shoreline development permit to allow fill and grading within 200 feet of this body of water and Springbrook Creek. Ms Moss intends to submit another application for shorelines in the near future and will show the location of proposed buildings at that time. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincere Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoninc Administrator DE: II 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 gre,---. 03±5-5-7 # 1 . r FIRST CITY f.:1 ) f, EQUITIES 1i4 September 21, 1987 R.:_1,. ' / 7tMMNG DEPT. Mr. Donald K. Erickson Zoning Administrator CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Site Plan Approval SA-038-87 ECF-035-87, V-048-87, SM-006-87 7 Story Office Building North of S.W. 7th Street BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK Dear Don: Pursuant to the Renton City Council' s approval of the Special Grade and Fill Permit SP-100-86, First City Equities requests that Site Plan Approval SA-038-87 be withdrawn at this time. This approval has been pending before the Environmental Review Committee for some time now and was originally planned to accommodate the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company 265,000 sq. ft. build-to-suit. Design of that portion of the Blackriver Corporate Park property must be altered, due to the conditions of approval of the Special Grade and Fill Permit. Therefore, we are reque ing a withdrawal of the pending site plan approval for the 7- ory office building at this time. Further, we request t. e variance (V-048-87) and associated shoreline permit SM-006-87 ) also be withdrawn. 800 Fifth Avenue•Suite 4170-Seattle,Washington 98104-(206)624-9223 Real Estate Development and Investments a Mr. Donald K. Erickson September 21, 1987 Page Two If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at the office. Cordially, FIRST CITY EQUITI S 4,iCi L-,21,,e-a- t-- Barbara E. Moss Director of Planning BEM/bc cc: Royce Berg Robert W. Thorpe Robert Roed Rex Van Wormer Charles Blumenfeld, Esq. David Schuman Mark Miller 1 r 1.C J , Cf y 0. RENTONe`V FIRST CITY SEP2S EQUITIES 981 EliSeptember21 , 1987 M j ,r,r/7r}AI C DEPTT Mr. Donald K. Erickson Zoning Administrator CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Site Plan Approval SA-038-87 ECF-035-87 , V-048-87 , SM-006-87 7 Story Office Building North of S.W. 7th Street BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK Dear Don: Pursuant to the Renton City Council' s approval of the Special Grade and Fill Permit SP-100-86 , First City Equities requests that Site Plan Approval SA-038-87 be withdrawn at this time. This approval has been pending before the Environmental Review Committee for some time now and was originally planned to accommodate the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company 265, 000 sq. ft. build-to-suit. Design of that portion of the Blackriver Corporate Park property must be altered, due to the conditions of approval of the Special Grade and Fill Permit. Therefore, we are requesting a withdrawal of the pending site plan approval for the 7 story office building at this time. Further, we request the variance (V-048-87 ) and associated shoreline permit SM-006-87 ) also be withdrawn. 800 Fifth Avenue•Suite 4170 Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)624-9223 Real Estate Development and Investments Mr. Donald K. Erickson September 21, 1987 Page Two If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at the office. Cordially, FIRST CITY EQUITI S erla4e4.4, Barbara E. Moss Director of Planning BEM/bc cc: Rcyce Berg Rcbert W. Thorpe Rcbert Roed Rex Van Wormer Charles Blumenfeld, Esq. David Schuman Mark Miller 14 — . d'--67 N f 5 971Cr sq Ken Eikenberry ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON TLMPL1 OF JUSTICE • OLYMPIA, WA 98504-0521 • PHONE 206/753-6200 September 16, 1987 r.'... 1r 4(7' . 4 Mr. Wick Dufford 13U:I..i.',;, / 7,ti 1 .Shorelines Hearings Board I r G FPT. Mail Stop PY-21 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Ecology v. City or Renton et al . SHB No. 87 Dear Mr. Dufford: Enclosed for filing is the Department of Ecology' s Request for Review with exhibits for the above case. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Ve truly yours, m/J/(1TJtJ . N T. MILLER, JR. Assistant Attorney General 206) 459-6157 ATM:blb Enclosure Ron Nelson Barbara Moss ACC"/TANC6 OP SERVICE CLERK'S STAMP 1 BEFORE THE SHORELINES HEARINGS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 4 Appellant, SHB No. V. REQUEST FOR REVIEW 6 CITY OF RENTON and 7 FIRST C:_TY EQUITIES, 8 Respondents . ) 9 10 I . APPEALING PARTY 11 The State of Washington, Department of Ecology (Ecology) , by 12 and thrpugh its attorney, Allen T. Miller, Jr. , Assistant Attorney 13 General, requests the Shoreline Hearings Board to review a shoreline 14 substantial development permit (permit) pursuant to RCW 90 . 58 .180(2 ) . 15 In support of this request, Ecology alleges as follows : 16 II . PERMIT APPEALED 17 First City Equities applied to the City of Renton (Renton) for 18 a shoreline substantial development permit to allow a fill and grade 19 project on 43 acres of property involving 114, 000 cubic yards of 20 material . The property is located east of Oaksdale Avenue S .W. and 21 north of S .W. Grady Way to 400 feet past the intersection of S.W. 7th 22 St. and Naches Avenue S .W. in Renton. KENNETH O. EIKENBERRY,ATTORNEY GENERAL ALLEN T. MILLER, JR. Assistant Attorney General Office of Attorney General Ecology Division, PV-11 Olympia Wa. (206) 459-6157 9 8 50 4 3 Telephone 1 First City Equities has also amended its application to allow 2 the temporary storage of a maximum of 61 , 000 cubic yards of material 3 on the tract of property south of S .W. 7th Street. The permit appli- 4 cation :Ls attached as Exhibit 1 . The proposed project is located 5 within the shorelines of Springbrook Creek, the Forebay (the former 6 channel of the Black River) , and their associated wetlands . 7 Renton granted the permit; a copy of the permit is attached as 8 Exhibit 2 . 9 III . GROUNDS FOR APPEAL 10 The proposed filling project will cause adverse effects to the 11 existinc shoreline resources, including but not limited to, wildlife, 12 fisheries, and water quality. Such effects are contrary to RCW 13 90 . 58 . 020 and the Renton Shoreline Master Program, Sec. 7 .08 . 01 . 14 Furthermore, the filling project is only the first step in the 15 development of the site as an office complex. The site plans submitted 16 with the permit show insufficient detail as to the location and dimen- 17 sions of future related structures and other features such as p._rking, 18 landscacing, trails, and open space . The granting of a permit for 19 the fill alone constitutes piecemeal development of the site contrary 20 to RCW 90 . 58 . 020 and the shoreline master program. 21 J 24 0 J 26 27 REQUEST FOR REVIEW 2- S F No.4928-A—OS—s-7o 1 1 IV. RELIEF SOUGHT 2 The Department of Ecology asks that the subject permit be 3 vacated or that the permit be remanded to Renton for consideration 4 of the proposed development of the site as a whole. 5 Dated this 1& 1\ day of September, 1987 . 6 KENNETH O. EIKENBERRY Attorney General 7 g jtiTENT. MILLER, JR. 9 Assistant Attorney General 10 Attorneys for Appellant State of Washington 11 Department of Ecology 12 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . 13 COUNTY OF THURSTON ) 14 D. Rodney Mack, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 15 That he is the Program Manager for the Shorelands Program of the 16 Department of Ecology; that he has read the foregoing Request for 17 Review, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true . 18 19 D. ROD EY MACK 20 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this /6 day of, 21 1987 . 079- % 1 23 N ARY PUBLIC in and for the S, atW4c2„,„Washington,, siding 24 at My expires 3-/yq1.25 26 27 REQUEST FOR REVIEW 3- s.P.No.9926•A—OS-5-70. .453*. 3 CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 16, 1987 Mark Miller, Director of Development First City Equities 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: Site Plan Review, South of 7th, Blackriver Corporate Park Dear Mr. Miller: I have been meaning for some time to respond to your letter of June 25, 1987 regarding our meeting of June 24, 1987, relative to a future shoreline permit on the above referenced site. You asked in your letter that we acknowledge that once Springbrook Creek is relocated into the P-1 Channel, the only area that will remain in shorelines is a strip.approximately 45 feet in width running on the eastern side of Oakesdale Avenue. We can only ags.-ee to this so far as the Department of Ecology concurs to this shoreline revision. At this time we have no reason to believe that they will not agree to this change. You also asked that the Environmental Review Committee agree that they could and would issue a new shorelines permit for site approval on this site prior to any Hearing Examiner public hearing or decision relative to site plan approval. A point of clarification is warranted here - the Environmental Review Committee does not issue shoreline permits. Rather, these are signed off by the directors of both the Building and Zoning Department and the Policy Development Department. Appeals of decisions are appealable to the city's Hearing Examiner. All decisions are also sent to the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General's Office. A thirty day appeal period begins when the decision has been received by the Department of Ecology. They may refuse to accept an application if they do not believe it complies with the criteria of the State Shoreline Management Act. Recent communications with DOE staff indicate that in fact they are reluctant to accept grade and fill applications which do not divulge the actual disposition (for development) of the site. They cite a 1985 Shoreline Hearing Board decision regarding a phased development in Bothell where the Board required building outlines and dimensions for future development on a PUD site. Though I understand that the Boeing building is no longer under consideration for this specific site, I thought you might be interested in this as it would apply equally to other development that might occur in the future on this site. If you have any questions please let me know. F r the ironmen a evi o ittee, t Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE: 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 v Architecture and Pfanr Leason Pomeroy Northwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A,I:A.,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Jim Gray DATE:June 4, 1987 City of Renton Fire Prevention Department PROJECT: BCP - BCAC 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 PROJECT NO: NW 87021 SUBJECT: Bui 1 di ng Hei ght Cl ari fi cations Pursuant to our telephone conversation on June 3, 1987, please find enclosed a print of the proposed building elevations with building height clarifications. The proposed top of the seventh finish floor, the upper-most floor 1 of human occupancy, will be less than 75' rom the lowest level of emergency vehicle (fire department) acce $ which will keep us out of the high rise category. The proposed ±90' building height shown is from the ground floor to the top of parapet. Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions. E:7 t V tom'rl' Dfa JU<< ' - 1987 Li 8t1 OI!ti 17.01 ii DEPT. BY: Y. Ken K. Chin cc.With Enclosures: Glen Gorden, Don Erickson, Jeanette McKague Without Enclosures: Barbara Moss , Mark Miller 5 036>') 41 0 0 CITY OF RENTON LL BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director June 30, 1987 Barbara E. Moss Director of Planning 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, WA. 98104 RE: Letter of June 23, 1987 on Site Approval for 7-Story Office Building, ECF-035-87 , Blackriver Corp. Park Dear Ms. Moss: In reviEwing the above referenced letter, it appears that you have not yet received my letter of June 19, 1987 in which I outlined some of the major issues which would be addressed in a supplemental EIS (SE:..S) . I have, therefore, attached a copy for you. I will ask the Environmental Review Committee to confirm its intent in regard to their previous position that a Determination of Significance is warranted in light of new information raised about herons, possible microclimatic changes occurring in environmentally sensitive areas do to deforestation and the creation of large areas of impervious surfaces which may act as a solar heat bank and/or effect water quality in nearby wildlife habitats. Since we have not had an opportunity to scope the SEIS with other agencies we are not yet sure this reflects all the issues that such a supplemental document would attempt to address. You may wish to begin by focusing on these issues, and if others are raised, we will bring these to your attention as soon as possible. We are not yet sure whether we will be going through an EIS type scoping process for this project. I would prefer to review the comments we have already received and prepare an issues list from that. As soon as the Threshold Determination is issued, we can begin refining the issues list. This should happen sometime next week. If you have any uestions please let me know. 711/ Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE:SA-38-87 Attachment 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 S 1-D3 tho CITY OF RENTON t 4`° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director June 26, 1987 Barbara Moss Director of Planning First City Equities 800 Fifth Ave. Suite 4170 Seattle, Wa. 98104 RE: SCHEDULING OF BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY SERVICE DIVISION BUILDING SITE SOUTH OF S.W. OAKESDALE AVENUE AND S.W. 7TH STREET Dear Ms. Moss: We appreciated the opportunity of meeting with you and your architect Wednesday on the re-siting of the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company building. As we discussed at that meeting, we believe that this site does not have the sama degree of environmental sensitivity we experienced with the sites to the north of S.W. 7th Avenue. For example, there appear to be fewer wetlands on the site and those that do exist have already been approved for filling by the Department of Ecology under Shoreline Substantial Development Permits SM-093-81 and SM-004-86. Also, although Springbrook Creek is a designated shoreline of the City, it' s relocation and filling was anticipated in the 1981 Special Permit SP-060-81 for the development of flood control facilities for the Soil Conservation Service Green River Eastside Watershed Project. As a consequence, we do not anticipate that this should be an issue and improvements for Oakesdale Avenue S.W. and the Springbrook Creek relocation are already underway. Since this site is well outside the zone of influence for the Great Blue Heron rookery to the north at the confluence of the old Black River channel and Springbrook Creek, we do not anticipate any staging delays associated with the heron nesting and reproduction cycle. In terms of timing, we have reviewed your proposed schedule and believe that it is somewhat ambitious. We have been telling other applicants who have submitted applications this week that the earliest they could expect our environmental, site plan and building permit review to be completed would be sometime between mid-October and the first week of November. Since we have not yet received your application even these dates might be premature. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 Barbara Moss June 26, 1987 Page 2 Once we have received your application and have had an opportunity to review it for completeness, we will do everything we can to expedite it. There are, however, publication notices, comment periods and appeal periodswhichwehavenocontrolover. Likewise, we have no control over the Hearing Examiner's public review process. Since this project does require a substantial shoreline development permit, it will also have to go through the Department of Ecology's review process. In the past that department has agreed to review such permits while City's site plan review process is in progress. W. that will be the case on this application. I hope this letter addresses your concerns. know if you have any questions. ar the nvir ent 1 Re ew Committee pa Dcnald K. Erickson, AICP Zcning Administrator DEE:p1p:p4 . 008 cc: Dick Houghton Larry Springer Er, R oNENTCITY Vil ION2 I 7 FIRST CITY June 23 , 1987 EQUITIES BUII_G':" u / ZONIRG D- Mr. Donald K. Erickson Zoning Administrator CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Site Approval for Seven-Story Office Building File Nos. ECF-035-87, SA-038-87 BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK Dear Mr. Erickson: Pursuant to your letter of June 12, 1987, First City Equities requests the Environmental Review Committee to proceed reviewing the above referenced site plan approval for a seven-story office building located north of S.W. 7th and west of Naches Avenue. The shoreline permit accompanying that application should also be processed simultaneously. As I explained to you in our telephone conversation on Monday, June 15, 1987 , First City Equities requests the Environmental Review Committee determine what environmental issues would be raised in a threshold determination. Our Project Team would then address those issues with detailed analysis. By providing If , additional analysis to the Environmental Review Committee, it is our hope that a Mitigated Declaration of Non-Significance could (500IN"then be issued. As you agreed to discuss this procedure with OA the Environmental Review Committee, I await your further 049 direction. With regards, too FIRST CITY EQUITI OA Barbara E. Moss Director of Planning cc: ERC Members Project Team Members 800 Fifth Avenue•Suite 4170 Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)624-9223 Real Estate Development and Investments S,,,_„, s-r7 r .. 1 es . 1 CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director4 1 June 19, 1987 a Barbara Moss i Director of Planning I First City Equities 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, Wa. 98104 RE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING ECF-035-87 Dear Ms. Moss: In your letter of last week you indicated that you wanted to proceed with the proposed seven story Boeing office building pending resolution of your Special Permit for grade and fill SP-100-86) , and indicated that if the ERC was to make a Determination of Significance you would like to know what the issue areas were so that you could begin addressingthese, either as supplemental information to the checklist or as an addendum to the earlier EIS for Earlington Park. The major issues that have been raised so far that warrant particular attention are: 1) The physical proximity of the proposed office building to a known heron rookery and what the impacts of a 90 ' high, 400 ° long windowed structure housing an estimated 1,450 employees would likely be on the breeding and reproduction habits of the existing Great Blue Heron population on the site. Regarding this issue, we are particularly interested in knowing of precedence elsewhere for the argument that such a large, highly transparent structure such as is being proposed with much visible human activity from the exterior would not be disruptive to the heron rookery, noting that other agencies have testified or indicated a minimum 660 setback should be maintained as a buffer between the rookery and man made intrusions. 2) The effects that untreated surface water run-off would have on the water quality of the P-1 Channel and the food chain contained therein. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 Barbara Moss June 19, 1987 Page 2 The Earlington Park E. I.S. stated that "all site runoff, save for the northwest portion drainage, will be discharged into the upstream end of the old Black River Channel, where it will undergo wetland treatment prior to discharge in Springbrook Creek/Black River. " Because of this, staff had identified the need to retain the old Black River Channel wetland on the site as a wetland treatment area for surface water on the site. The proposed east-west drainage channel at the north of the subject site does not now appear to be designed to function as a wetland bio-filtering system capable of treating the large amounts of surface water runoff anticipated from this site. 3) The impacts of large areas of impervious surfaces asphalt) On the areas micro climate in terms of ambient air temperature, humidity, etc. and measures that could be taken to reduce these impacts. It is assumed that the large areas of surface parking willfunctionduringsummermonthsasaheatbankwhichcould alter the micro climate of the remaining natural vegetated portions of the site and the species of plant life now found in these areas. Evidence that substantial alteration of the existing environment can occur without adversely impacting the areas unique wildlife habitat such as designated wetland greenbelts should be provided. In addition, alternatives to the large amounts of surface parking proposed should be identified. This is not intended to be a complete list as the Department has not gone through a scopeing process for an E.I.S. or a supplemental E.I.S. Until we do so, we would not know the extent of the concerns of other interested parties. I hope this information is useful. We will begin a formal scopeing process as soon as the ERC makes a formal determination on this application. 77 Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zcning Administrator DXE:plp:p4. 004 Architecture and Planning Lemon Pomeroy Northwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A I.A.,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Jim Gray DATE:June 4, 1987 City of Renton Fire Prevention Department PROJECT: BCP - BCAC 200 Mi11 Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 PROJECT NO: NW 87021 SUBJECT: Building Hei ght Cl ari fi cations Pursuant to our telephone conversation on June 3, 1987, please find enclosed a print of the proposed building elevations with building height clarifications. The proposed top of the seventh finish floor, the upper-most floor of human occupancy, will be less than 75' from the lowest level of emergency vehicle (fire department) acces , which will keep us out of the high rise category. The proposed ±90 building height shown is from the ground floor to the top of parapet. Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions. L ( 1987 1.71) BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. BY: Y. Ken K. Chi n cc.With Enclosures: Glen Gorden, Don Erickson, Jeanette McKague Without Enclosures: Barbara Moss , Mark Miller r ECF03587 Dsk 1 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT JUNE 10, 1987 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: First City Equities PROJECT: Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Office Facility Black River Corporate Park ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-035-87 APPLICATION NO. : SA-038-87, SM-006-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a seven-story, ninety feet high, office building having approximately 285, 000 square feet of space, and application for substantial shorelines development permit to allow said development within 200 feet of the P-1 channel detention pond. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located north of S.W. 7th Street, and west of Naches Avenue S.W. and east of Oakesdale Avenue S .W. (future) and the existing P-1. SITE AREA: 15. 7 acres. Euilding and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 2 B. ISSUES: 1. Whether the proposed building should be located further away from the Great Blue Heron rookery in the P-1 detention pond. The building is sited approximately 400 feet from the center of the rookery. A minimum distance of 660 feet has been recommended by the State Department of Game U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 . Whether more of the existing trees on the site should be saved? The final Earlington E. I.S. stated that 3 . Whether too much of the site has been covered with impervious surfaces Approximately of the site would be covered with impervious surfaces under the present proposal. 4 . Whether parking shown located near the natural area easement at the ninth edge of the site is disruptive and this area should be reserved as a wetland buffer? This marsh/wetland area in the northeast corner of the site, the old Black River channel, is proposed under this application to be filled in and paved for parking. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities EC:c Dsk 1 Jule 10, 1987 Page 3 The Earlington Park Final E. I. S. stated site run off will be discharged into the upstream end of the old Black River Channel where it will undergo wetland treatment prior to discharge" . 5. Whether the plans should reflect better pedestrian linkways between this building and future buildings, streets, sidewalks and bus stops? No distinct pedestrian walkways are provided connecting the proposed office building to the fringe parking areas which are 500 feet to 600 feet away from the building entrance. 6. If allowed, should the time period for construction activities be limited? In order to minimize impacts on the heron rookery whose mating period has been identified as early March through mid-July, it is recommended that construction be limited to mid-July or whenever all the fledglings have left the rookery to the be beginning of mid-March. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 4 7 . Whether sufficient on-site recreational amenities such as outdoor recreation areas,outdoor eating areas, exercise facilities, etc. have been are provided for the estimated 1, 450 employees? Anticipated growth to 2 , 000 by 1992 . ) Although during the summer and fall months trails along the P-i channel may be usable and will serve this purpose, other facilities should be provided wither within the proposed building or on its southeast side for employee use. C. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The proposed office building be sited an average of 500 feet from the heron rookery (see Appendix) . Whereas it is realized that this is less than the 660 foot setback proposed by state and federal wildlife agencies, it is felt that with appropriate window screening, landscape buffering, noise attenuation, and facade treatment, the building' s probable adverse impacts on the rookery can be reduced to an acceptable level. All existing vegetation between he building and the rookery should be saved and/or enhanced to further buffer the impacts of this development. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 5 2 . Existing mature trees on site should be retained to the greatest extent possible since these provide habitat for bird life, retain soil, contribute moisture to surrounding air, provide color,and help to visually define the site. NOTE: There are major stands of deciduous trees on the site which have recently been surveyed by the firm, Bush, Roed and Hitchings. Many of these trees and certainly the significant ones should be incorporated into the development. 3 . It is recommended that the applicant be required to construct a parking garage with this phase of development in order to retain more of the property as open space. A majority of the site has been paved over to meet the parking needs of the office building. The size of the parking lot has an extremely negative visual impact and could adversely affect the area 's fragile micro-climate. In addition, parking should not be located next to the natural area easement at the north edge of the site. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 6 4 . That he marsh/wetlands area of the old Black River Channel in the northeast corner of the site not be filled in and paved over for parking but rather saved as a bio- filter for site runoff from the 1,400 plus surface parking area as well as waterfowl and bird habitat. 5. Vehicular circulation and parking areas (because of noise, glare, etc. ) not screened from the rookery by the proposed building be set back at least 660 feet from the Great Blue Heron rookery. 6. That the proposed office be designed to be as harmonious as possible with the natural environment through the use of earthern colors and textures, non-reflective coated glazing sun screen's can be employed where solar heat gain is anticipated to be a problem) , non-glaze finishes and shapes and window opennings on the rookery side of the structure. 7 . That construction activity until the building is hermatically sealed) be limited to the months of mid-July (or whenever all the fledglings leave the heron rookery) , August, September, October, November, December, January and February. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 7 8 . That all mechanical systems be acoustically buffered so as not to exceed a noise level of 75 decibels measured at the source or 70 decibels at 400 feet from the center of the rookery. The King County Department of Health,Noise Control Division shall perform a noise analysis prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits. 9. That all lighting shall be shielded at the source to ensure that it does not result in visible glare below an angle of 30 degrees with the horizon) . 10. That all vehicular storage areas must be sealed with a membrane to prevent infiltrants of hydro- carbons to the soil layer, with asphalt covering the sealant. All runoff from these areas must be processed through regularly cleaned oil/ water separators. 11. That all glazing facing onto the natural environment to the north be non-reflective coated tinted glazing in order to reduce the likelihood of birds flying into these surfaces. 12 . That parking on site not exceed minimum code requirements (based upon net usable area) . In addition, parking equivalent to 15 percent of all parking shall be Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 8 car pool and van pool vehicles and shall be located nearest the building (in comparison to other parking) . 13 . That provisions shall be provided on or near the site to accommodate bus service and transit users. 14 . That passive recreational facilities be provided which can include picnic areas in lawn areas and/or in plazas as well as additional seating areas which can be dispersed around the site (generally 660 feet or more distance from the heron rookery) . 15. That a clearly delineated pedestrian circulation system between this and abutting parking areas, sidewalks, bus waiting areas, and possible trail systems, etc. , be developed. (Provision for night lighting of these pedestrian routes is also required. ) 16. That a late commer' s fee of $12 , 885. 00 as well as a traffic mitigation fee not yet approved) for the S./S.W. Grady Way be provided by a letter of credit or bond for the amount of $1, 149,291. 00. The late comer's fee recommended by Traffic Engineering would be credited to the letter of credit. Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report F _rst City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 9 D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Police traffic. It' s existing plans are sufficient for traffic. Fire Prevention Bureau: Must meet U.F.C. and U.B.C. high rise requirements. Engineering: No comments. Utility Engineering: No comments. Traffic Engineering: Traffic mitigation fees attached. Parks and Recreation:The site plan has provided for a number of recreation opportunities, i.e. , jogging trail, outdoor dining area, paths along the pond and drainage ditch. But outside of the parking areas, the site plan lacks an open space area that perhaps could serve in conjunction with the outdoor dining areas as a gathering point and play area. Has this developer considered how their system of trails can be designed to allow coordination with plans under way in Tukwila and with Renton's designation as the Black River corridor as a major trails corridor. Building Division: No comments. Zoning Division: 1. The building is located within 660 feet of the heron rookery approximately 400 feet from rookery) . This may be too close and be adverse to the nesting Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 10 2 . All trees and understory vegetation should be preserved to the north and west of the site along the P-1 detention pond. 3 . All other major trees in the site should be incorporated into the site design. A poor layout has been done to save a majority of the trees. 4. Too much of the site is paved for parking. The parking on the site was based on gross square footage of the building. Instead, it should be based on net area. 5. A parking garage is recommended to be constructed with this stage of development in order to preserve more of the site. 6. Incorporate pedestrian walkways to connect the building and parking lot to the street sidewalks. 7. Delete north parking stalls by "natural area easement" . 1 Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 11 8. Incorporate more coniferous trees into landscape plan for seasonal (winter) color. 9. Can emergency access roadway behind building be constructed with grass crete pavers, grass rings or a similar type material to maintain greenery? Strongly recommend this suggestion. 10. Recreation for employees seem rather limited. Policy Development: 1. Approximately 55, 000 cubic yards of fill is proposed. No source of this fill is given. 2 . A temporary erosion control plan should be included as part of the checklist. 3 . The blue heron nesting season runs through mid July. Construction should not begun until late July. The site is located approximately 400 feet from the rookery. It has been indicated that 750 feet is the appropriate setback from the rookery DOE, Department of Game reports) . Perhaps the entire building should be set back this 750 feet. At the very least, the main entrance should be set back 750 feet from the rookery. An intensely Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Report First City Equities ECF Dsk 1 June 10, 1987 Page 12 access prohibited, should surround the rookery between it and the building. 4 . The sea of parking adjacent to Oakesdale is an extremely negative visual impact. 5. Trail access should be eliminated between the building and the rookery. 6. How will over 5, 500 trips/day be mitigated? 7. The applicant should be required to construct a parking structure to eliminate the sea of parking, reduce the amount of required fill, retain the natural vegetation and create a buffered area between the complex and the rookery 8. Fill should only be allowed for the building and parking structure. 9 . Applicant should be required to retain the majority of the natural vegetation by setting the building back further from the rookery and by eliminating the sea of parking through the construction of a parking structure. ECF03587 Dsk 1 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT JUNE 17, 1987 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: First City Equities PROJECT: Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Office Facility Black River Corporate Park ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-035-87 APPLICATION NO. : SA-038-87 , SM-006-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a seven-story, ninety feet high, office building having approximately 285, 000 square feet of space, and application for substantial shorelines development permit to allow said development within 200 feet of the P- 1 channel detention pond. LOCAYION OF PROPOSAL: Located north of S.W. 7th Street, and west of Naches Avenue S.W. and east of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. (future) and the existing P-1. SITE AREA: 15. 7 acres. B. ISSUES: 1. Whether the potential impacts to the heron rookery would be lessened by siting the proposed building further away from the Great Blue Heron rookery. The building is now sited approximately 400 feet from the center of the rookery. A minimum distance of 660 feet has been recommended by the State Department of Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 . Whether more of the existing trees on the site should be saved? The final Earlington E. I.S. stated that 3 . Whether too much of the site has been covered with impervious surfaces and whether this could effect ground Building and Zoning ] artment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-87 June 17 , :_987 Page 2 hydrology and/or immediate micro- climate. Approximately of the site would be covered with impervious surfaces under the present proposal. 4 . Whether parking shown located near the natural area easement at the north edge of the site could be disruptive to nearby wildlife and whether this area should be preserved as a wetland bio-filter for surface run-off before it reaches Springbrook Creek or the P-1 Channel? This marsh/wetland area in the northeast corner of the site and part of the old Black River channel, is proposed under this application to be filled in and paved for parking. The Earlington Park Final E. I.S. stated that site run off "will be discharged into the upstream end of the old Black River Channel where it will undergo wetland treatment prior to discharge" . Clearly the intent was to retain this channel for wetland treatment. 5. Whether the plans should reflect better pedestrian linkages between this building and future buildings, streets, sidewalks and bus stops? No distinct pedestrian walkways are provided connecting the proposed office building to the fringe parking areas which are some 500 to 600 feet away from the building entrance. 6. If the proposed new development of a major office building is allowed, should the time period for construction activities be limited? In order to minimize impacts on the heron rookery whose mating period has been identified by experts as occurring between early March through mid-July, it is recommended that construction be limited to mid-July or, whenever all the fledglings have left the rookery, to the be beginning of early March. 7. Whether sufficient on-site recreational amenities such as outdoor recreation areas, outdoor eating areas, exercise 'facilities, etc. have been are provided for the estimated 1,450 employees? (Anticipated growth to 2 , 000 by 1992 . ) Although during the summer and fall months trails along the P-i channel may be usable and will serve this purpose, other facilities should be Building and Zoning ] artment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-8'7 June 17, 1987 Page 3 provided either within the proposed new building or on its southeast side for employee use. C. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the proposed office building be sited an average of at least 500 feet from the heron rookery (see Appendix) . Whereas it is realized that this is less than the 660 foot setback proposed by state and federal wildlife agencies, it is felt that with appropriate window treatment such as awnings to screen building occupants from direct view of the heron rookery and vice versa, landscape buffering, noise attenuation, and facade treatment,etc. ,the building' s probable adverse impacts on the rookery can be reduced to an acceptable level. All existing vegetation between the building and the rookery should be saved and/or enhanced to further buffer the impacts of this development. 2 . That the existing mature trees on site be retained to the greatest extent possible since these have been identified as providing habitat for bird life, soil retention, micro- climate stablization by contributing moisture to surrounding air, as well as providing color, and helping to visually define the site. NOTE: There are major stands of deciduous trees on the site which have recently been surveyed by the firm, Bush, Poed and Hitchings.Many of these trees and certainly the significant ones should be incorporated into the development. 3 . That the applicant be required to construct a parking garage with this phase of development in order to lessen the amount of impervious surfaces and retain more of the property as open space. A majority of the site has been paved over to meet the parking needs of the proposed office building. The size of the parking lot has an extremely negative visual impact and could adversely affect the area's fragile micro-climate. In addition, parking should not be located next to the natural area easement at the north edge of the site since it could be disruptive to wildlife habitating this area. 4. That the existing marsh/wetlands area of the old Black River Channel in the northeast corner of the site be retained (not be filled in and paved Building and Zoning I artment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-8 June 17 , 1987 Page 4 over for parking) and saved as a bio- filter for surface runoff from the 1,400 plus vehicular parking area as a well as waterfowl and bird habitat; 5. That vehicular circulation and parking areas (because of noise, glare, etc. ) not screened from the rookery by the proposed building be set back at least 660 feet from the heron rookery; 6. That the proposed new office building be designed to be as harmonious as possible with the natural environment through the use of earthern colors and textures, non-reflective coated glazing (sun screen's can be employed where solar heat gain is anticipated to be a problem) , low glare exterior finishes and shapes on the rookery side of the structure; 7 . That construction activity (until the building is hermatically sealed) be limited to the months of mid-July (or whenever all the fledglings leave the heron rookery) , August, September, October, November, December, January and February; 8 . That all mechanical systems be acoustically buffered so as not to exceed a noise level of 75 decibels measured at the source or 70 decibels at 400 feet from the center of the rookery. The King County Department of Health (Noise Control Division) shall perform a noise analysis prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits; 9. That all exterior lighting shall be shielded at the source to ensure that it does not result in visible glare below an angle of 30 degrees with the horizon) ; 10. That any areas used for vehicular servicing or the loading or unloading of hazardous materials be provided with a membrane to prevent infiltrants of hydro-carbons to the soil layer, with asphalt covering the sealant. All runoff from these areas as well as all parking areas shall be processed through regularly cleaned oil/water separators before being dischared into Springbrook Creek or the P-1 Channel; 11. That all glazing facing onto the natural environment to the north be non-reflective coated tinted glazing in order to reduce the likelihood of birds flying into these surfaces; 12 . That on-site parking not exceed the minimum code requirements (based upon net usable area) . In addition, parking equivalent to 15 percent of Building and Zoning L Irtment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-87 June 17 , :L987 Page 5 all parking shall be reserved for handicapped, set aside for car pool and van pool vehicles and shall be located in close physical proximity to the building (in comparison to other parking) ; 13 . That provisions shall be provided for on or near the site to accommodate bus service and transit users; 14 . That passive recreational facilities be provided for which can include tables and chairs in lawn areas and/or in plzas as well as additional seating areas benches, etc. ) dispersed around the site (generally 660 feet or more distance from the heron rookery) : 15. That a clearly delineated and separate pedestrian circulation system be developed between this and abutting parking areas, sidewalks, bus waiting areas, and possible trail systems, etc. (Provision for night lighting of these pedestrian routes shall also be required. ) 16. That a late commer's fee of $12 , 885. 00 as well as a traffic mitigation fee not yet approved) for the S./S.W. Grady Way be provided by a Letter of Credit or bond for the amount of 1, 149, 291. 00. The late comer's fee noted above would be credited to the Letter of Credit. D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Police traffic. It' s existing plans are sufficient for traffic. Fire Prevention Bureau: Must meet U. F.C. and U.B.C. high rise requirements. Engineering: No comments. Util:_ty Engineering: No comments. Traffic Engineering: Traffic mitigation fees attached. Parks and Recreation: The site plan has provided for a number of recreation opportunities, i.e. , jogging trail, outdoor dining area, paths along the pond and drainage ditch. But outside of the parking areas, the site plan lacks an open space area that perhaps could serve in conjunction with the outdoor dining areas as a gathering point and play area. Has this developer considered how their system of trails can be designed to allow coordination with plans under way in Tukwila and with Renton' s designation as Building and Zoning I artment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-87 June 17 , L987 Page 6 the Black River corridor as a major trails corridor. Buil(:Iinq Division: No comments. Zoni:zg Division: 1. The building is located within 660 feet of the heron rookery approximately 400 feet from rookery) . This may be too close and be adverse to the nesting site. 2 . All trees and understory vegetation should be preserved to the north and west of the site along the P-i detention pond. 3 . All other major trees in the site should be incorporated into the site design. A poor layout has been done to save a majority of the trees. 4 . Too much of the site is paved for parking. The parking on the site was based on gross square footage of the building. Instead, it should be based on net area. 5. A parking garage is recommended to be constructed with this stage of development in order to preserve more of the site. 6. Incorporate pedestrian walkways to connect the building and parking lot to the street sidewalks. 7 . Delete north parking stalls by natural area easement" . 8 . Incorporate more coniferous trees into landscape plan for seasonal winter) color. 9. Can emergency access roadway behind building be constructed with grass crete pavers, grass rings or a similar type material to maintain greenery?Strongly recommend this suggestion. 10. Recreation for employees seem rather limited. Policy Development: 1. Approximately 55, 000 cubic yards of fill is proposed. No source of this fill is given. 2 . A temporary erosion control plan should be included as part of the checklist. 3 . The blue heron nesting season runs through mid July. Construction should not begun until late July. The site is located approximately 400 feet from the rookery. It has been indicated that 750 feet is the Building and Zoning I artment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report 1987 City Initiated Rezone ECF-037-87 June 17, :1987 Page 7 appropriate setback from the rookery DOE, Department of Game reports) . Perhaps the entire building should be set back this 750 feet. At the very least, the main entrance should be set back 750 feet from the rookery. An intensely vegetated buffer, with access prohibited, should surround the rookery between it and the building. 4 . The sea of parking adjacent to Oakesdale is an extremely negative visual impact. 5. Trail access should be eliminated between the building and the rookery. 6. How will over 5, 500 trips/day be mitigated? 7 . The applicant should be required to construct a parking structure to eliminate the sea of parking, reduce the amount of required fill, retain the natural vegetation and create a buffered area between the complex and the rookery 8 . Fill should only be allowed for the building and parking structure. 9. Applicant should be required to retain the majority of the natural vegetation by setting the building back further from the rookery and by eliminating the sea of parking through the construction of a parking structure. 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: i c-k'c., DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 Q COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 EFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-f.38-87, SH.OREI INF MGMT_ • SM-OO6-R7 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO AIIOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285.000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE ItiIEAREWAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: W Ili ve r viewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise An and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additig information is nee ed to properly assess this proposal. z? .--- :.2--e' C V-----2 c0 .- 2? ture of Director or Authorized Representative Date REN1 I BUILDING & ZONING DEP, FMENT r DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINEE DEVELOPMENT PF.RMTT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU l ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT F BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT l ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l ! OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 2C_/) --.5 I7IAPPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 6 CD v clp IQ,uofi 1- ^) . 13 L:b G-co 6 e._ -s 6-_ ,, , a...5c' .......„, ,f c >G ! DATE : Z / 7 SIGNATURE DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMME DUET TAP 28, 1987 b35 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAI : SA-03R-87, SHORFITNF MGMT_ : SM-ME-27 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CIJSTOMFFgRVVC4S ;=ACII ITY. BRIEF i;.. O AWN; IPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN A A4 T AU11 THE CON- R1 S T % F A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATEL 85,000 SQUARE FEET OF 11' SPFC' AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-i CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE IIEAMEAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: n!/ST "no-L7T u•Fc. F e4 '9.c, e,v 75. CITY OF RENTOI u . MAY211987 r r CULL DING/ZONING DEPT. 7 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 7 /y /717 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 1 REN7 J BUILDING & ZONING DEP.... FMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-00(-07 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL ALEiPLZNE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTIC OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUSE_TA_NTIaL SHORELINES DFVELQPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1_ CHANNEL. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : El ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : l iUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Ei POLICE DEPARTMENT I ] POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 ; 00 P ,M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I ( APPROVED Fl APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ] NOT APPROVED ALI e04es ."/ o.Eoi.;A'A/ers o BE eoov7,0.c/ea !,c,/7;4' Z) /ytsi sve r sE 2EQ U%P«.ew Fie o- ,ersf' .4/1 33 /'2/i/M wiii F/?E ,ey 4/ /s QOP.eOt'/a»AiE.y /'1,s0 6./M Z e P2/m A,e /lyv erEQG/ CO /o ,QE Gu/77.A/ " /5-o' OF Si.eelc ,ciEE Cc//TN SECo,c/o,o,ey ,G/yO 1C1/7'/N .f W t O S"re uc TU,2 x/` J 4'g 7 /-s, -f 5rel o< 7-Ale do-4t.F/: ,toi A ").; moo,•+ Of GA/ 4 ,%AA".s1 e 4 yOL/.cJ ' / -EE 2E.9ei/..61> io dE %N'%A.[.!E/ 4J/ 7../ "v A y/is gw f n 4c 2 fay O c fOO) De i QJ Cg/& J #Ac /C,!yO.eir,.// /y/Ni.,, I' ,c/ou/ 1 / C O 4: d ir>_ eslc// /G/yo eA/ S,, ze DE,07: AC?'est" owos /,eE io lJE s v o ec /.vs T,9L z EO 6,U.. U CanisT/Z€/eT/O,d, A1a.17/f/^ //CG /`gH/ Pc, n ` aKIKS Peg a B6 /.vs7A < Cv f 12 A.zac)Gv Aeze-e a Co vsiec -77o DATE : 45- /7/7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Lam....... 1 D-) RCQUIRf D fIRC FLOI•! CALCl1LATIONS I. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME ,-ir 77 v//%if (go.,.vys ' U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILDADDRESSlc) -/%'° 5-0/2.r r/,x- ,?uE s. 1. FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION — CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): I — II IV IIIFIRE:-RESIST VE NON—COMBUSTIBLE ORDINARY V NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA WOOD AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) FS D 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: FT2 (A) NUMBER OF STORIES: 4.DETERMINE BASK FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA TOTAL BUILDING AREA: /? / GPMDETERMINEOCCUPANCYFACTORADJUSTMENT:ADJUSTMENT /A): 3j. 3 7., C B)5. 1 IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD„ 3 /6 S GPM (C) ADD UP TO 25% OF (8)6. COMPUTE SUB—TOTAL (B+C): IF 8+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)2 /.2. S GPM (D)7. DETERMINE SPR;'.NKLER ADJUSTMENT:ADJUSTMENT: Z I/ 9, .27.!;-- GPM (E)CIF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF CD): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCYANDFIRERESISTIVEORNON—COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF (D).B. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION ANDTHE ' FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OF SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ.0 — 10 25% MAX. NORTH11 — 30 20% MAX. ADD 31 — 60 15% MAX. SOUTH ADD 61 —100 10% MAX. WEST ADD ®% 101 —150 SD ADD o 150 OR —I1R WALL 5 o MAX, TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT0% TOTAL % ADJUS'TMENT TIMES CD) MAX. NOT TO EXCEED 75%) ADJUSTMENT:TMENT:2 '-I 1• '1 Ei GPM (F)1. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT:CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: COMPUTE ESTIMA1ED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: GPM (G) IF D+E-o-F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)IF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,O i GPM) D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: J`j J 2-170 SD G fd /y. GPM (11) SIGNED: LATE ire/ i" c e 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fore, DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMME arT TMAY28, 1987 f 87 r. APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL : SA-03R--B7, ,S.HORFI INF MGMT. : SW-flnf-F7 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOFING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY GUSTOMFB; RV C S AP.ILITY. BRIEF i; ,IPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN A'PlifA4 Avh'fl14 THE CON- 444 T F A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING BAYING APPROXIMATE 1085.000 SQUARE FEET OF CSIIC AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE SITEAMEAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: fu MAY 1 ) '' 11g DrPT. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date / 1 REN1 - I BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT ; FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 S . FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTTAT, SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1_ CHANNEL. TO : El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : El ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT i µ POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED Aix ,%/tE eooCs I' oxo/4,A,t,e.es o BE go Gd/7sr 2) /yuY /72l€7-f 2erp(//.Pf/r+t'.v7-3' Fee f> i//GAF/ ,eisf` gkp. 3.)vi14 FAeE td /s sE.o,eo, A—Er- /750 6.2M_ /vE 2/ir,4I/ /lyo# S E4sUr,'04 /o ,ef 14i77. /.c/ /so' pF .ST.euciri.BE W%rN SECS'`/pi°'y it)/%f//N foe' o STf"e Tu 2E zior , i 1 f E O L THE P 2Eg 0O4f-/nrf AO? d9 n'1/NiirlD Of A)A/ AAO iT%#dA.'. ! o4 4lyoc ry eF a/coo io SF /ivsi A•c xE w•r,A y/ir V" 0 4c e rA o le300' DE /—w E62& eAro/ .C1yo.c.,/% A."4""v" ,C-/ ecI oao .d,» 'Rci/ /(yo,e."./i S, /Az G/EE DEPi, Access "e7,9-01.c Fe io BE .o090Eo f4 //vsT•50tt Eo Ae.c4P o cOoiiS T2ue 7%0 Ai, 6 G/eE .fy-o t p o BE //vs%A.C< Cam' f' Aoo eod dp L/le o Co -c7;e6C-7ie4 DATE : 1rnyi/ /7 7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 7-76-4/in/N A,Q/ D 12J REQUIRED FIRERE FLOC/ CALCIILAT I ON. 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME iie-s (gcie .ys T err .' U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILDADDRESScv . 1/ e 046=S49/1.4E 40E S. e0. FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): I - II IV IIIFIRVENON-COMBUSTIBLE ORDINARY V FRNOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASSICEFIRE FLOW) D 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: FT2 (A) NUMBER OF STORIES: TODETERMINEBASICFROMTABLEA1, USING AREA TAL BUILDING AREA: /a)/ FIRE FLOWy4. A): 27505. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT:ADJUSTMENT: ;t `^ /7. S1 - 737. 5 GPM IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF CB): IF HIGH HA. GPM (C) B) HAZARD„ ADD UP TO 25% OF (B)6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL. (B+C): IF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)d2 i /2_ ,; GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: Z / 9, 3 I-.. GPM CE)IF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF CD): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCYANDFIRERESISTIVEORNON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF (D).B. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OFTHE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ.0 - 10 25% MAX. 11 - 30 25% MAX. NORTH o ADD 8 1 - 6030 EAST ADD15% MAX. SOUTH ADD61 -200 10% MAX. WESTI01 -150 g ADD 10 OR- 1 4-I-LR WALL 5 0 MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT0% MAX. NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : TOTAL % ADJIA TMENT TIMES CD) ADJUSTMENT: 9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: GPM (F) CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: 0. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED; GPM (G) CIF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,r30 GPM) D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 375 5 ,517S GPM (H) 75-0 f. f/> I. SIGNED: j`_,e :.A--r L•.3TE I:4 h`;o-1 r. c- Li 0 ,„ ,Lti i tviAY'15'ibis; L' ii_r'NC:.17( N!"t" DEPT. r yr HENTON 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHttI' MAY 14 198 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: f&c.LAiQ I DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1981 COMMENTS DUE: M/ VRej 30hihFar EFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL : SA-038-87, SHORELINF MGMT_ : SM-flflf-117 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285.000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE lyeRREAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth ft f / f_ Ld . LIJ v Y2) Air 3) Water MAY287 4) Plants LiuiLu 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing V 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities_ v/ COMMENTS: I .S5,oao vu-aL L y - t)---e- x 9 We have :reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is eeded to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorize Representative Da e b 1 J REN' N BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHOPET,TNES DEVELOPMENT PRRMTT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU F-1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS ; COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; 1.)W•ebNCLA14-e--44 cAPPROVED n APPROVED WITH NDITIONS KNOT APPROVED w` J A.A.,e) ckg-f-dx)asiniks-K_.±- La.,6 ?CLEA,c2514...o eTt— ic-v‘41:1.4=e-c-t- zry.) 4dU Q DATE 7714147 2t SIGNATURE OF DIRECTO OR AUT RIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: (,I{j \I -hir,5 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 E FC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL : SA J)38-87, SHORELINE MGMT_ : SM-O06-R7 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACIIITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO Al IOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELORMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE itileARE AST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth J 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: CITY Or- F'ici,:TCl LI LI MAY 2117 BUILDING/ZONING D'LPT. We have revie. -d this ap• ication with particular attention to those areas we have expert/0pin and ha - identified areas of probable impact or areas where o al •rmation i need-• i properly assess this proposal rb 5-7a/67.7 Sig ure of uirecto idr Authorized Representative Date RENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPA ^-MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: p,PPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SURSTANTTAT, STThPFT,TNES DEVELOPMENT PRRMTT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : Ti ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : Et UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU CITY OF RENTO.N IT PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I I 11 \V Tc n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Iii MAY Z,1 ig87nPOLICEDEPARTMENT L'•U!LDING/ZONING DEPT.POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Y7/,L/Ty u-/urs/is e/Ala, n APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS X NOT APPROVED iksizemeSACFI-oln& PRE 1 V 6, tQViR6-pIUTILMYAPPROVALSUBJECTTOIUCl/.q) UM IMMS AGREEMENT-WT./ No In MIMS MREEMENT-SEI u 5'-,323 A oieve% dk 3`84 i/7/• Liz SYS=ANT CHARGE-Aid^" Yoe. 4'D. D¢l/5Q.PT D F s/T,E X 683, 9/Z Ll= 2'J, 3Slo. 8 SPECK Mi AREA CURSE-V.-.I..:- Y p _ , l fT • 3S40. `!8MaMOMENTCHARGE-SLY:A E.S S D•D¢ 5Q• No 4/ 7/2. 96SPECIALAUESIIMITAREACHARGE-SEA; tea, APPROVED=ER PUN y4F5 I"5 wAr L rAPPROYLD APPROVED SER PUN y t Si;54 Y• g FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS t iIII laCijv VIBYFIREDEPT. y.&s FIRE Fi'7"I ANALYSIS NO 10 i 4.SINA °/- DATE : '/Z/ /67 SIGNATURE OF DIR CTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 J 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:P<< DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 EFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORFIINF MGMT_ : SM-ff6-87 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAI TO AIIOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID IEVELORMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-i CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE IfiIeMEAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: 9-( 7 ,2o2 L 1- 1147 pl anQ ,S'r-r(;‘/ce 7?1 . r l.) L i MAY 2 81g17 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r . RENT I BUILDING & ZONING DEPI rMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SURSTANTTAT, SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION I ] TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ] OTHERS ; COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 ; 00 P .M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; APPROVED I ! APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ! NOT APPROVED MAY 261g37 6-069 (1---46tW DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 CITY OF RENTO:7J 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: -ngrn MAY18'I DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 198 EFC - 035 - 87 BUILDING/ZONING DEPT, APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORFILNF MGMT_ : SM-(l0E-27 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE_ COMPANY CUSTOMFR SFRVICFS FACILITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAI TO AJIOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285.000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELn2MENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE IIilEAARE AST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing t/ 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare P 12) Recreation r 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 7 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional inf rmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. 5// Y '47 Sign re of Direc or o Authorized Representative Date REN1 I BUILDING & ZONING DEPI 7MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SURSTANTTAL SHORELINES DELELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL, TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l ] OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M , ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED OAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED A, 7Q,J(a9)101 t.5, 1?) J 7 DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 CITY OF RENTO J 2149N ENviRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEEfil `J 711 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Tyu c,- MAY 181987 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 BUILDING/ZONING DEPTEFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL, SA-038-R7, SHORFLINF MGMT. : SM-OIIFi-R7 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMFR SFRVICFS FACIIITY_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO AV OW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE IyEAARERAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SQU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air t'l 3) Water 4) Plants v 5) Animals l/ 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: I— A. L Cowl ER S FE E I-}O 1_V i 1c DE re E G T 04/1/ 000 LL 1SW7fL' S " . 11a r d r t S ra iy YTtc'3T1 4 b'1`/ 35% zig x t, yZ4 , 41 44' 3 1 I 1 tr a ci Wd y Paw e / E S t_J T'zed G S t L - Ao.# c i P 241. 6 64) 5 1P , ' 4-0 7S = zGy 5, ' A 3, 65 C 4 L9, 4.2 9 775 , CCo 9v e t Ld c L t PS -t..C-' 0 e Ce.71,3-, f 5, We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. c 7 Signature of Director or AuthafIzed Representative Date t' FIRST CITY EQUITIES BLACK RIVER CORPORATE PARK PHASE IV Boeing Commercial Airplane Customer Services Facility) ECF-035-87 3. Pending outcome of a traffic benefit study for the S/SW Grady Way area, a cost figure of $188 per vehicle trip generated has been determined to be appropriate as an assessment fee from the Valley Traffic Impact Study. We are requesting a letter of credit as security to provide traffic improvements. It is customary for the City to charge 150% of an assessment amount for security. The assessment figure of $188 would be adjusted in accordance with the South Grady Way Impact Analysis Study. The assessment from the study would be to bring or keep the following listed intersections at a service level D or better. Rainier Ave. & Grady SW Interurban Ave. & Grady Way S 7th St. & Rainier Ave. S S 7th St. & Edwards Road (Hardie Ave. SW) SW Grady Way & Lind Ave. SW SW Grady Way & Powell Ave. SW SW 7th Street & Lind Ave. SW The assessment would also provide assurance for the extension of Oakesdale Ave. SW. A letter of credit would be for the amount as follows: 4,075.5 vehicle trip ends 188 benefit district fee 770 OV/ then, 4075.5 x $188.00 = $766, 194.00 j @ 150% of 1 , 149,291- letter of credit amount The latecomer 's fee in item' #1 should be credited to the letter of credit amount. I. °re:A' lO% 4°' 4 94 2 7, Z6,4 31 'hI RENT--1 BUILDING & ZONING DEPI FMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIALMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: JPPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTTAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMTT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION Fzi TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ! PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Ell POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 732A17F.LC ENG IN EEI-IN APPROVED 1:1APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED • 61,11 TE COA4 ' e S F4E hiOLV/C/Z DEJ EG S S bOa o . X /Y • 3 Li) ° 1ri" i.J 7 ' .5 t r ALA 7,2-if;c Cc;x-f',c i)v2 fi cab 1D 3 S Z. 4 44 '7S—' 4i., / Z i S A , Z , ' 2" _ 3 /10 ida.xya fA S, Paz: ‘se,) 9 X Z6 y9 _ 9 77r. T# ( /` e e_ 12 6 85; 3e 17X----_ 5-, DATE: qc 4 /gSIGNATUREOFDIRECTORORTHORIZEREPRESENTATIVE C. 0-6 51 c 1 L_15 i l--.J n-cr vl REVISION 5/1982 f o C 71-'1 Sty- .-s--4:4 S L See /fit c h Form 182 FIRST CITY EQUITIES BLACK RIVER CORPORATE PARK PHASE IV Boeing Commercial Airplane Customer Services Facility) ECF-035-87 3. Pending outcome of a traffic benefit study for the S/SW Grady Way area, a cost figure of $188 per vehicle trip generated has been determined to be appropriate as an assessment fee from the Valley Traffic Impact Study. We are requesting a letter of credit as security to provide traffic improvements. It is customary for the City to charge 150% of an assessment amount for security. The assessment figure of $188 would be adjusted in accordance with the South Grady Way Impact Analysis Study. The assessment from the study would be to bring or keep the following listed intersections at a service level D or better. Rainier Ave. & Grady SW Interurban Ave. & Grady Way S 7th St. & Rainier Ave. S S 7th St. & Edwards Road (Hardie Ave. SW) SW Grady Way & Lind Ave. SW SW Grady Way & Powell Ave. SW SW 7th Street ; Lind Ave. SW The assessment would also provide assurance for the extension of Oakesdale Ave. SW. A letter of credit would be for the amount as follows: 4,075.5 vehicle trip ends 188 benefit district fee then, 4075.5 x $188.00 = $766, 194.00 @ 150% of $287,264 = $1 , 149,291 letter of credit amount The latecomer 's fee in item #1 should be credited to the letter of credit amount. r 0 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: -7_0 rl\ y DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 0 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 EFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAL : SA-028-87, SHORFILNF MGMT_ : SM-OOF-R7 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANF COMPANY CUSTOMER SFRVICFS FACILITY_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO AlIOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285.000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE 0EARREAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SOU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth( 0f Sr '10G 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 2< 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing ) 10) Aesthetics X- 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: Tl aL)LLo IN( i l,ocArto w r rl ' R.00 i oC.Wzy ( APP R -it00 ' M Zow\ Zoc.,ihmZ-( ) , •11-11 Yvnt' j GLoscJ n 66 Pc008R.56io i1 i irv& slle PAD votodr2Sroa-( V, 1.-/Ak ) 4c.A.K.03 p 00R,T I4 TI-6 size prLo ik tom Ni Deekr6w cbrvo I N)(040 o N-f0 the SITE C SIC ' R 2 u 4126 1 s1,k) OO To 5 rvti Y'cpit il-f too m%AM e,t T46 3116 Po<R,Klilo t 146 PI R.K. ory 5116 was, o DA) 012Q5s Sq, 7"I )kAIruc v 110 o, IT,SI uub tit o car) Ner a We have reviewed this application with particular attention to thdsT76Yeas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r\\<201 901rotQ, re cdo y\-.yv,.e,hdtd +0 con i'rur,-i-c,cl w +I, -}k6o e, c t,elc.)P1 -J ry c r hcet (V\01 y Q, ry caac pore-t pkc tfr;a, (Az,I kwoviA o co r\m,cf '0\k, bo: 04 PolA i r,9 l o/ S 'I A OP Q I 6 k)O Tl.4 P kr12Kito IJ1`MvizAl, Px r PcS Iv N1' 'P C O Po 1ork ' iv oozy. CoKiiriegoa, L.'I)bscP p>v pLpsm Fb*.- st01\JAL, ( w a 11't) Gai. i GAto 1fipev c y PSa.-4.{SS Ro o wAA LE I Nv, 2,u W LO1 R 1-f-4 Gito6seitEle ppiAz. TO YvI IN N)-1A1 ND 62 N6z1 SidKOWC0LY 2Ecor eNo Thf SOCK S1c,/ o g; ReAzEPritoto Fok eyvAok,oyA,5 R_ U m 1-160, l 5- 26.57 RENT -1 BUILDING & ZONING DEP FMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOF.,ING COMMERCIAL AIRPT,ANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PEEMTT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU E PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 Pill, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 1APPROVED 11APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED w 1 L)( I4oL-1: 1 Kim 6Wv1Iory rhcrmail ev\rut-I6 . 71_ 3- z9-87, DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PO,rk DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 14, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MAY 28, 1987 EFC - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SITE PLAN APPROVAI : SA-Il38-87, SHQRFIINF MGMT_ : SM-Of6-27 PROPONENT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACLIITY. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAI TO All OW THE fON- STRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE IIiIEARREAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. BUILDING AREA (gross): 285,000 SQU. FT. 15.7 ACRE SITE IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 4c 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: i, p/& ? ea ,r1ec1 r e'-- /?u/01,yer- aC `ePcfrea74-1-ur1 19,ae-/K( 7Li J c- /-a f 00%5' '` 71-1-ai / ote T C io/ de 1/ Qua( c r`.4' ulao, 12— on a L dd`arl'a e tG., Atft a 4- e ,a. . k<;(i y a e r J k%P s<'c ,/tom L4 1 , rhfe uaf%ro'- d Aei4 ye — e1 gat` ®'-'# hey avea- Wei dea llr deirei 12 e'/- s f f a</f «‘.1 eim ire/KA C///d ' lu o`-p1(ugt We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informat' 's needed to properly assess this proposal. 54/ .01/p7 Authorized Re resentative DateSignreofDirecrrp n44 RENT-1 BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 035 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87, SHORELINE MGMT: SM-006-87 PROPONENT : FIRST CITY EQUITIES PROJECT TITLE : BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-STORY OFFICE BUIDING HAVEING APPROX. 285,000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE AND APPLICATION FOR STTBSTANTTAI. SHORELINES DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW SAID DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION POND. LOCATION : LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7th STREET AND OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF THE P-1 CHANNEL. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION i ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU DPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PT. OOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON MAY 28, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED FA APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED p ito/ 4,6W f-ae iee forme ate br-% e 07Q 5 eta rL /-derie Tei w i&f •' ,i e'i74- ale 6/eve/veer.- G-a<-t Ad- Y'` G 46o.4 hole ,`42f a, L MC / 44. e 6e/1eve 1/43_ a-c. )gorri,c- / Mere col(f - I I DATE; SIGNA'OF DIRECTO. OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 Ap .6} 11i.::. Lt, CITY OF RENTON a 9: BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director June 12 , 1987 Ms. Barbara Moss, Director of Planning First City Equities 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, WA 98014 RE: Site Approval for a Seven-Story Office Building File Nos. : ECF-035-87, SA-038-87 Dear Ms. Moss: In light of the Hearing Examiner's decision of June 9, 1987, regarding your grade and fill permit application, SP-100-86, in which he restricted fill material from being placed on those portions of the site where the proposed building wastobesited, the Environmental Review Committee felt that it would be inappropriate to act upon your application. It was felt that to do so would conflict with the intent of the Hearing Examiner' s decision. We would recommend that you withdraw your application pending resolution of the Hearing Examiner' s decision, if you decide to appeal. If you do not withdraw the application, the Committee felt it would have no alternative at this time other than to issue a Determination of Significance for this projectbecauseofthenumberofissuesraisedbytheHearingExaminerinhisreport. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, OD Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE: BG:cb:Dskl LtMoss 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 Architecture and Planning t Leason Pomeroy Northwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A I.A.,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 MEMORANDUM TO: Jeanette McKague/Jerry Lind DATE: May 27 , 1987 City of Renton Department of Building & Zoning PROJECT: BCP - BCAC 200 Mill Avenue South, 3rd Floor Renton, Washington 98055 PROJECT NO: NW 87021 SUBJECT: Single Building Clarification - (SA-038-87) Site Plan Approval Application No. SA-038-87 and Shoreline Application No. SM-006-87, the two seven-story office buildings are connected at the 1st and 2nd floors with a entry lobby. The proposed building design also bridged the two buildings at the other floors. Per the city' s definition and request, the proposed design will be described as one building. Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions. V.F._ , lL d y rit, 7.I 1r, cu, ,\( 2 ,,1987 BY:Y. Ken K. Chin i r-or / 7!: !`ING DEPT. cc. Barbara Moss Mark Miller Royce Berg OF / 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORZ o 09 CO' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 235-2540 09gT 0 A SEPI.a" OP BARBARA Y. SFIINPOCH MAYOR May 26, 19137 Mr. Steve I-iitchings, Surveyor Bush Roed & Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, WA 98101 RE: Tree Survey of the Proposed Boeing Commercial Airplane Company Development Site Dear Mr. 1-;itchings: I have asked Jerry Lind of this office to assist you in identifying those trees that we believe should be included in your tree survey. Although it might be easier to just survey trees over say 12 inches in diameter, we cannot subscribe to this as different trees have different mature sizes and serve different purposes on this site. As a consequence, we are interested in seeing that all significant trees on the site be surveyed. By "significant", we mean any tree whose removal could adversely impact the surrounding environment. Within the 200 foot shoreline zone, we are interested in preserving all natural vegetation if it helps to screen the Groat Blue Heron rookery from views into potentially disturbing man-made areas such as parking areas, trails or buildings. Since much of this vegetation is relatively new, some of it having been planted by the Soils Conservation Service, anything o'er six inches should be indicated. In addition, no landscaping within this shoreline management zone should be removed without prior authorization and the issuance of a substantial shoreline development permit. Exceptions may be granted by the Building and Zoning Department only after the applicant has submitted an "Application for Exceptions" to this office. The most sensitive portion of the site is that area within the 660 foot setback from the Heron rookery. Within this area, all landscaping including upper and lower story plants should be identified and inventoried. Since this department is under considerable pressure to minimize any disturbances within this area, a detailed inventory hero is warranted. 1 r Mr. Steve Hatchings, Surveyor Bush Roed & Hitchings Tree Survey May 26, 1987 Page 2 While on the site, we would recommend that the suggested 660 foot buffer setback from the Heron rookery as well as the 200 foot shoreline/wetlands setback be staked out. It is quite probable that we, members of the Environmental Review Committee, and possibly representatives of the Department of Ecology will want to inspect the Boeing site prior to its consideration by the Committee. Therefore, we would appreciate being notified when this work is completed so that we can make the necessary arrangements with First City Equities and the various parties likely to be involved. If you have any questions that Jerry cannot answer for you or if Ms. Moss has any questions, please ive me a call at 235-2540. K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE:3822Z i OF i BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORz ..IL 5.1. 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 to 235-2540 946 D SEP P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOF May 26, 1937 Mr. Steve Hitchings, Surveyor Bush Roed & Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, WA 98101 RE: Tree Survey of the Proposed Boeing Commercial Airplane Company Development Site Dear Mr. Hitchings: I have asked Jerry Lind of this office to assist you in identifying those trees that we believe should be included in your tree survey. Although it might be easier to just survey trees over say 12 inches in diameter, we cannot subscribe to this as different trees have different mature sizes and serve different purposes on this site. As a consequence, we are interested in seeing that all significant trees on the site be surveyed. By "significant", we mean any tree whose removal could adversely impact the surrounding environment. Within the 200 foot shoreline zone, we are interested in preserving all natural vegetation if it helps t.o screen the Great Blue Heron rookery from views into potentially disturbing man-made areas such as parking areas, trails or buildings. Since much of this vegetation is relatively new, some of it having been planted by the Soils Conservation Service, anything over six inches should be indicated. In addition, no landscaping within this shoreline management zone should be removed without prior authorization and the issuance of a substantial shoreline development permit. Exceptions may be granted by the Building and Zoning Department only after the applicant has submitted an "Application for Exceptions" to this office. The most sensitive portion of the site is that area within the 660 foot setback from the Heron rookery. Within this area, all landscaping including upper and lower story plants should be identified and inventoried. Since this department is under considerable pressure to minimize any disturbances within this area, a detailed inventory here is warranted. Mr. Steve Hitchings, Surveyor Bush Roed & Hitchings Tree Survey May 26, 1987 Page 2 While on the site, we would recommend that the suggested 660 foot buffer setback from the Heron rookery as well as the 200 foot shoreline/wetlands setback be staked out. It is quite probable that we, members of the Environmental Review Committee, and possibly representatives of the Department of Ecology will want to inspect the Boeing site prior to it3 consideration by the Committee. Therefore, we would appreciate being notified when this work is completed so that we can make the necessary arrangements with First City Equities and the various parties likely to be involved. If you have any questions that Jerry cannot answer for you or if Ms. Moss has any questions, please ive me a call at 235-2540. ttatd K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE:3822_Z P5 . 001 NOTICE OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPROVAL RENTON, WASHINGTON A SITE PLAN APPLICATION HAS BEEN FILED AND ACCEPTED WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT. THE FOLLOWING BRIEFLY DESCRIBES THE APPLICATION AND THE NECESSARY PUBLIC APPROVALS: DESCRIPTION: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7 STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285, 000 SQ. FT. OF SPACE ON A 15 . 7 ACRE SITE OF THE BLACK RIVER CORPORATE PARK. GENERAL LOCATION: LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7TH STREET, WEST OF NACHES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND THE P-1 CHANNEL DETENTION BASIN. PUBLIC APPROVALS: SITE APPROVAL SA-038-87 VARIANCE V-048-87 SHORELINE MGMT. SM-00687 BUILDING PERMIT The application can be reviewed at the Bulding and Zoning Department located on the third floor of City Hall . Comments will be accepted anytime prior to public hearings and during public hearings. For further information on the application or dites of final action by the City, please contact the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2540 . Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Rentcn Building and Zoning Department. Ronald G. Nelson Building & Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERRY F. LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT FIVE (5) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME ON MAY 26, 1987 , IN FIVE (5) CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEAR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in G T O IL) , on the c C day of Mai t 687 oRES C. ioe„ ' SION 0,1 C`) 4?.: t•`` SIGNED: LA/r.D),_ cn oi F ' ......<_\ F VIASF{ ;id F RFC NOTICEQZ 9 30,Q` fEO soleN'9E POSTED: MAY 26, 1987°F PENDING SITE PLAN APPLICATION DESCRIPT1O14 : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7 STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 285,000 SD. FT. OF SPACE ON A 15 . 7 ACRE SITE OF THE BLACK RIVER CORPORATE PARK. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: LOCATED NORTH OF S.W. 7TH STREET,WEST OF NACRES AVENUE S.W. AND EAST OF OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. AND THE P-1 CHANNEL DETNTION BASIN. PUBLIC APPROVALS REQUIRED : 1, ENVIROMENTAL REVIEW, ECF-035-87 2, SITE PLAN APPROVAL, SA-038-87 3, VARIANCE, V-048-87 4, SHORELINE MANAGEMENT, SM-006-87 PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ANYTIME PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARINGS AND DURING WBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I VICINITY MAP e,m EMPIRE WAY cn R SW 7TH ENTON BLACKRIVER` g vCORPORATE :' iti F Gwg wA 40. 1 PARK 40 cn TO SEA-TAC Crn AIRPORT /-*-'' 4 MILES 6? SOUTHCENTER 0 LONGACRES o pr NORTH m n VALLEY rn GENERAL HOSPITAL S 180TH I I 1 r BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY , OFFICE FACILITY BLACK RIVER OFFICE PARK SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87 APPLICANT FIRST CITY EQUITIES TOTAL AREA 15.7 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 7th STREET, NACHES AVE. S.W. & OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. EXISTING ZONING O-P, OFFICE PARK EXISTING USE UNDEVELOPED PROPOSED USE 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING WITH 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MANUFACTURING PARK/MULTIPLE OPTION-OFFICE. COMMENTS VICINITY MAP G,N EMPIRE WAY y,L v SW 7TH RENT ON e BLACKRIVER` aAo WAvCORPORATE ' IR p G PARK 405. . n3 SEATAC Ell v AIRPORT 4 MILES lbSOUTHC0LONGACRES ENTER o NclTw In 1 m ti D D VALLEY 1.; m GENERAL HOSPITAL S 180TH I I BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY, OFFICE FACILITY BLACK RIVER OFFICE PARK SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87 APPLICANT FIRST CITY EQUITIES TOTAL AREA 15.7 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 7th STREET, NACRES AVE. S.W. & OAKESDALE AVENUE S.W. EXISTING ZONING O-P, OFFICE PARK EXISTING USE UNDEVELOPED PROPOSED USE 7-STORY OFFICE BUILDING WITH 285,000 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MANUFACTURING PARK/MULTIPLE OPTION-OFFICE. COMMENTS ei 0.• g1.$ Ditch it0 a Drainage 4b.s. 01, I n, ,. ......,;_i. 2 f t 4:. ; .. 1 .... 0AlP,47.aiopie\ •'''t 00,61111111109')61....ofitano`• 110, Ii'' • ' . 1. -•:•-•4t•• I._ P-1 Channel i// *., e... VIN.-- -.•,!... ,..--.1...'''IL...,_tir;learrn ,,,T"'"LI•71Pri.,41111 %I. j 0 0 Detention Pond N .,..,. 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PLAN 1% 646 RENTON WASHINGTON Emaiiza,....- ••1:`'`' o tts;or% s-,;. " ,': I ;14.° FIRST CITY EQUITIES z i.",.4...-.",, ,,•'.s.,4,1'';A''',.. ' ,... ' '..4 -Fil. ; P.5,1b. 5.,‘PO-1 Sea.scoo.arp.00,sm..p.P.0 (\S' (41*""Novige "."'Willrf*IP.I%tO NO.W=1 el....r.,,..GENT,.4..E0 II....C. ---''-L-41/4, f. Aibv•rt,* di%) t,.., - -5:;----„,,, :‘-, . --,-t .-, - ,., 5..,E.orE SrASS.s..............1......, Mit ...,,,,ier r'N As V' 4,V.b'•:4•.7,' ,,,,T.,4.4., •,., .-..• • . . , ' ' .- A41.' • S1.61.-.Wow...sr,sows,ow,sp.-4e..tp.t,1 , A '.7,1,1)0 .....;•*, :•' *N4116i0,1Air LBAONEDINsGcACp0EMpMLEARNCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY JOG ot) 41.,702.1•OW NO OP I.,'$:.. ',.V. - '7.-• .‘->,'Iv--. ,.-` : VI 1\ i: L-1 t .; ...,.• •'.*`.., P4 ': .-4., ' ' • , , • ^.. t s..o'"";:'............of.A“'::.Z,..„..„1,6'''.........r.w..7..""-'..........S.4".. 5 po-zsC bar...PP.Obtoo,-sp ..),-) t , si, -1..es sc.....A. &A............., i.:,• .1'....; ,:•'; ' 1,-,,.',.......1„...7';:11.•, , • ;* :• .14'; j0:.e: •r '.. -'' '.,:,,,::'.ff.:.••,?,!* ,‘,1' .• •. . i j.`.. i s.,*.t<, 1L.,,,'. 7 ..;p, ..' , Archit-.ture and Planning S Leason Pomeroy Northwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A I ,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 CITY OF RE i 'd May 18, 1987 D I C I V rEf' MAY 191987 b J BUILDING / ZOolING DFPT. Ms. Barbara E. Moss First City Equities 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: Blackriver Corporate Park Phase III, IV and Naches; Tree Preservation Dear Barbara: Per my telephone conversations with Jerry Lind and Don Erickson with the City of Renton, the following is noted for your information. Don Erickson and Jerry Lind were on site after receiving the submittal of the BCC proposal on the Phase IV site and noted trees they had seen earlier which had been cut down. The trees at issue were at the northwEst curb cut on Naches. Per review with the drawings and Phase IV exhibits, the trees were in the right—of—way for Naches. On tree still remains which is at the edge of the curb cut and it might have been possible to save one other tree. The trees were not significant in our planning for Naches and conflicted with the right—of—way and utilities proposed for Naches. Per review with the contractor for the street, the trees were removed prior i.o any issues evolving with D.O.E. Re eci.full , Roy I1e,Berg Pr idont LP ARI:HITECTS & PLANNERS RAB:cpm cc: D)n Erickson Jerry Lind 12 42e,ie 71263 f4/o5- idez. 7 e,edea- z z 40° M 4e6. gt&eA z.e Gyp 417;; tt",( 7,,a c eez- ZOE- — zg e74 )4, zzeZaee y ee-7 ifeta, dot_ r fie e7 it CITY OF RENTON FILE NO(S): SA = U Es ® WILDING & ZONING DEPAR'NT SrY) -l 35-al MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attoch additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES First City Lquities n REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 n SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP ED TEMPORARY PERMIT* Seattle, Washington 98104 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* ETil TELEPHONE. SITE PLAN APPROVAL n SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 206) 624-9', 23 No. of Cubic Yards: Q VARIANCE* CONTACT PERSON From Section: Justification Required NAME XXX SHORELINE PERMIT Barbara E. Moss (Director of Planning) ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 n SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP Q TENTATIVE PLAT Seattle, Washington 98014 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT 206) 624-9223 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: First City Equities ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 800 Fifth A\enue, Suite 4170 PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP a FINAL Seattle, Washington 98104 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 206) 624-9223 Q Residential 0 Industrial Commercial ED Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS North of S.W. 7th, East of TENTATIVE O,akesdale, and West of Naches. ED EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING PRELIMINARY Vacant Op 1:3FINAL PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Office Building NUMBER OF SPACES: ED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE I S . FT. ACRES TOTAL FEESAREA: JI285 ,OCO S. F. Bldgs 15.7 Acre Site STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: QAccepted CJiLD(NG/ZO"AG DEPT, 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE:67 Q Accepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: Esi Building 01 Design Eng. f5a Fire Parks Police Ct. Policy Dev. Traffic Eng.Utilities REVISED 1-31-84 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). SEE ATTACHED AFFIDAVIT David M. Schuman being duly sworn, declare that I am authorized representative to act for the property owner, ®owner of the property involved In this appiic ation and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the Information f erewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 30 DAY OF April 19 87 . NOTARY Pl. BLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT Redmond , Washington Name of No ary Public) Signature of Owner) 800 Fifth Avenue Address) Address) Seattle , WA 98104 City) State) (Zip) 206 ) 624-9223 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed In the "Applica ion Procedure." Form #174 I . BU1 ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Legal Description Blackriver Corporate Park - BCAC That tion of Tract B, Washington Technical Center, as recorded in Volume 122 of Plats , Pages 98 through 102, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of Southwest 7th Street as deeded to the City of Renton by deed filed under Recorder 's No. 8702100643, and Westerly of Naches Avenue Southwest as deeded to the City of Renton by deed filed under Recorder's No. 8702100644, records of said County. First City Equities BRH Job Nos . 86230 & 86083 April 28, 1987 4/.7/ s/A ;o/ ALH/Surv. 17, 86230 1 Q OF j. hi i 41 r% T' ' hij" rC''. ' 1,14414ls r c GiSTEik 44 t;l -S1O SV i` AL LAND yt FIRST CITY EQUITIES t May 1, 1987 ril e s MAY 1 1987 Donald Erickson Zoning Administrator Building & Zoning Department CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Boeing Commercial Airplane Company 285,000 Square Foot Customer Services Facility BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK Dear Don: First City Equities is submitting the site plan approval application documents and shoreline permit application for the 285 ,000 square foot Boeing Commercial Airplane Company Customer Services Facility to be developed on the property north of S.W. 7th, east of Oakesdale Avenue, south of the pond and west of Naches Avenue. With our Boeing submittal I am asking the city withdraw our site plan approval application for the Phase IV development (SA 001-87) and the related shoreline permit SM-001-87 ) at this time. Upon my return from vacation on May 11, I will contact you to schedule weekly meetings for review of the submittal documents including construction document submittals, in order to assure an expeditious review of this facility. By meeting regularly, I hope to identify potential problems and resolve issues which may cause delays in the regulatory process. I believe that by working together as a team, the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, First City Equities and the City of Renton can 800 Fifth Avenue Suite 4170 Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)624-9223 Real Estate Development and Investments Mr. Donald Erickson April 30 , 1987 Page Two reasonably achieve our goals. As I said in our meeting last week, I need you to help us by flagging any potential problems you recognize throughout the permitting process and by providing us with suggested solutions whenever possible. Thanks for your help. With regards, FIRST CITY EQUITIES A-4-1411 A 721421;8"-Ei----- Barbara E. Moss Director of Planning cc: Blackriver Project Team First City Equities BlackRiver Corporate Park (Valley 405) BCAC Office Facility Design Nzrrative This prorosal is for the design and construction of two, seven—story office buildings, of approximately 285,000 gross s.f. for the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company by First City Equities. The building is sited as a man—made buffer off the P-1 pond area separating parking and service from the 17 acre P-1 detention pond which was dedicated to the City of Renton by First City Equities for flood control . In addition, a 27,000 s.f. area at the northern property line is designated as a natural area and will provide an additional physical buffer between the development, the P-1 detention basin and the Heron Rookery on the island to the northwest of the buildings in the pond area. Significant existing trees have been preserved along perimeter areas and in the parking areas to the maximum extent possible to provide mature landscaping. Additional trees and shrubs will be added to buffer the parking areas. Sod and hedge rows along the perimeter streets will buffer the parking areas from the public. A main access drive will provide walkways to connect the parking areas and public streets to the main entry of the buildings. Access to the property will be off existing Naches Avenue SW, existing SW 7th Street and Oakesdale Avenue SW. Exterior building materials will be prefabricated, painted panels with glass strips and glass curtainwall systems. A balance of reflective glass and tinted glass will be used to emphasize and highlight entry points and control heat gain in the building. L et1961 r l!LD NG/ZO" ;NG DEPT. 0398Z CITY OF RENTON Building & Zoning Department 206) 235-2550 SHORELINE MASTER APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR: OFFICE USE ONLY: Application No. : ._r J L xi SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT ECF No. : ^ECr--O.5-e_-3i PERMIT SEC-TWP-R: I_I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Date Approved : I VARIANCE Date Denied : Publication Date: I_I EXEMPTION Comprehensive Plan: I_I REVISION Zoning: Water Body: STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING Date Received : Application Received By: Application Determined To Be: 7)0 fI [ fp o Accepted o Incomplete a 1 Notification Sent On: By ( Initials) : Date Routed: Additional Material Received by: Application Determined To Be: t I4_or7 o Accepted o Incomplete J Notification Sent On: By ( Initials) : In addition to the information below, the applicant should include a site map and any other pertinent information which will assist in the review of this application. The Building and Zoning Department reserves the right to require additional information needed to evaluate the application. APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1-10 THROUGH 14-16 BELOW: INFORMATION: 1. Applicant Owner X Purchaser Name: First City Equities Lessee Other Mailing 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Address Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: (206) 624-9223 2 . Name of Property Owner First City Equities Mailing 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Address Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: (206) 624-9223 3 . Contact/ Consultant • LPN Architects & Barbara Moss of First City Equities Mailing 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Address Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: 624-9223 (F.C.E.) 728-5771 (LPN) r PROJECT INFORMATION: 4 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or ; nearest street and intersection) Protect Site: North of S.W. 7th, East of Oakesdale, South of P-1 Channel Detention pond, and West of Naches Avenue. 5 . Legal Description ( if lengthy, attach as separate sheet ) : ISEE ATTACHED 6 . Name of adjacent water area or wetlands : P-1 Channel and P-1 Detention Pond. 7. Current use of property and existing improvements : Vacant land currently with no existing improvements. 8 . PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY and proposed improvements (be specific) : Development of 285 ,000 S.F. Office Buildings with parking on 15.7 Acres of the BlackRiver Corporate Park. 9 . Proposed construction costs and schedule : 1 A. Total construction cost and fair market value of proposed project include additional developments contemplated but not included in this application: Construction for the building shell is ij estimated at $10,000.000- Fairmarket value: approximately $23,000.000.00 I B. Construction dates (month/year ) for which permit is requested : IM Begin August of 1987 End August of 1988 10 . List any other permits for this project from state, federal , local governmental agencies or the City of Renton for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency, whether the permit has been applied for , and if so, the date of the application, whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same, and number of the application or permit : Plat of Washington Technical Center. Rezone: City of Renton File No. R-057-80, and prior rezone action in 1979. Site Plan Approval from the City of Renton, Application to coincide with the Shoreline Application. Builidng Permit from City of Renton; future application. Note: For Additional References, See Attached. Il ITEMS 11, 12, AND 13 TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL OFFICIAL: 11 . NATURE OF THE EXISTING SHORELINE. (Describe type of shoreline , such as marine , stream, lake, lagoon, marsh, bog, swamp, flood plain, floodway, delta ; type of beach, such as accretion, erosion, high bank, low bank, or dike; material , such as sand , gravel , mud , clay, rock, riprap; and extent and type of bulkheading, if any) : IM References: 1 . Grading & Fill for Valley 405 Business Park: a. City of Renton Grading and Fill Permit Application No. SP-100-86, pending. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-004-87, pending. c. Environmental Checklist No. ECF-024-87. 2. Blackriver Corporate Park (BCP) — Phase IV: a. Renton Site Plan Approval Application No. SA-001-87, pending and to be withdrawn. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-001-87, pending and to be withdrawn. 3. BCP Infrastructure (withdrawn from Renton per City's request): a. Renton Site Approval Application No. SA-108-86, application withdrawn per City of Renton's request. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-005-86, application withdrawn per City of Renton's request. 4. P-1 Channel , City of Renton: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-093-81, approved and issued. 5. Earlington Industrial Park: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-91-81 . 6. OakEsdale L. I.D. , City of Renton: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-004-81 , approved and issued. 7. Miscellaneous References: a. Shipe, S.J. and W.W. Scott. 1981 . The Great Heron in King County. Washington Game Department, Non—Game Program. With letter of February 12, 1987. b. Letter of Independent Ecological Services to First City Equities of January 31 , 1987, pertaining to the Heron Rookery. c. City of Renton Wetlands Study, 1981 . d. Letters from Corps of Engineers noting property not subject to the Clean Water Act, Section 404 jurisdiction; December 16, 1985 and March 4, 1987. e. Letter from First City Equities to City of Renton with enclosure, dated February 23, 1987, pertaining to Site Plan Approval of Phase IV at Valley 405 Section of property. f. Letter from Barbara Moss of FCE to Don Erickson of City of Renton dated April 10, 1987, regarding Shoreline Designation, with memo from David Morency to Barbara Moss, dated April 13, 1987. g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers File Report re: Wetlands Determination. h. Department of Ecology — Wetlands Determination dated April 27, 1987. 8. BCP — Technology Park Reference: a. Rezone: City of Renton, File No. R-057-80. b. E.I.S. for Blackriver Office Park by Thorpe & Associates, April 1983. c. Grading & Fill 1 ) Renton Grading & Fill Permit: Application No. SP-024-86, Permit No. B-12251 , issued. 2) Shoreline Application to be submitted. 3) Washington State, Department of Natural Resources, Permit No. F.P. 09-10246 for Forest Practice, issuance date: 3/29/87. d. ADMAC Building 1 ) Renton Site Plan Approval Application No. SA-057-86, -pencHT . 2) Renton Building Permit Application No. 4236, pending. 3) Renton Variance Application to extend Naches cul—de—sac, No. V-058-86, rejected. 12 . In the event tl any of the proposed bui zgs or structures will exceed a height of thirty-five (35 ) feet above the average grade level , indicate the approximate location of and number of residential units , existing and potential , that will have an obstructed view. 13 . If the application involves a conditional use or variance, set forth in full that portion of the master program which provides that the proposed use may be a conditional use, or , in the case of a variance , from which the variance is being sought . ITEMS 14, 15, AND 16 TO BE PROVIDED BY APPLICANT: 14 . If applying for a variance or a conditional use, complete the variance or conditional use form. 15 . Project Maps : Attach to application accurate site plan and vicinity maps . Refer to application instruction handout for map requirements . 16 . Additional information ( If necessary, attach as separate sheet) : SEE ATTACHED STATE CF WASHINGTON SS CITY OF RENTON J I .David M Rchnnman being duly sworn, certify that I am the above-named applicant for a permit to con- struct a substantial development pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. and that the foregoing statements , answers , and information are in all respects true and correct to the best of my know .edge and belief . ign ture Subscribes and sworn to me this 30th day of April, 1987 Camto.4 Ai4- Notary Public in and for the Suite of Washington. residing at Redmond, Washington FORM 177 BU ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Legal Description Blackriv er Corporate Park - BCAC That tion of Tract B, Washington Technical Center, as recorded in Volume 122 of Plats , Pages 98 through 102 , records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of Southwest 7th Street as deeded to the City of Renton by deed filed under Recorder 's No. 8702100643, and Westerly of Naches Avenue Southwest as deeded to the City of Renton by deed filed under Recorder's No. 8702100644, records of said County. First City Equities BRH Job Nos . 86230 & 86083 April 28, 1987 F/4/ 8S/IS, o/ ALH/Surv. 17 , 86230 L. H Tcy! 1ter1• z a9F' 11 GiS7ERC.'O P i Al IHNn S OF R4, ECF: IBC_c-035 - b1 V ..LU: Is - c &Fl SitfozCityofRenton asiL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLISTo9grfDsEPZ 0- Purpose of Ciecklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21C RCW, requires all governmenta agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions 1 or Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. CMovernmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark de>ignations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over is period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you -submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional it formation reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use of Checi list for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Comp ete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1.Name of proposed project, if applicable: Boeing Commerical Airplane Company, Office Facility BlackRiver Corporate Park (BCAC Building) 2.Name of applicant: First City Equities 3.Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, WA 98104 206) 624-9223 Contact: Barbara Moss 4. Date checklist prepared: April 28, 1987 5.Agency requesting checklist: Building and Zoning Department 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): August of 1987 to August of 1988. k WEPT. 7. Do you have any plane . future additions. expansions, or .__her activity related to or connected with this proposal? if yes, explain. Future office building and parking structure on this project site. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. E.I.S. for BlackRiver Office Park by Thorpe and Associates, April 1983. E.I.S. for Earlington Park by Thorpe and Associates, February 1981. See Attached References 9.Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Shoreline Permit Application for Valley 405 Grading and Fill No. SM-004-87. Phase IV Site Plan Application No. SA-001-87 and Shoreline Permit Application No. .SM-001-87. Also See Attached References 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal. if known. City of Renton Building Permit, Site Plan Approval, Substantial Development Permit for Shoreline. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses, and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Construction of Two 7-story buildings with a total of 285,000 S.F. for office use on a 15.7 project site of BlackRiver Corporate Park. Parking for the building will be provided per code reugirement. Landscaping is planned to enhance the project. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and s wh , w . If a old r eareaection. providetons the ip rangeand orrangeboundariesifknon of theprsiteposal(s) wouldProvideoccua legal ov r de scription arangeof. site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The site is located in the south half of Sec. 13, Township 23 N, Range 4 E, W.M. , and the north half of Sec. 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E, W.M. it encompasses the property to the east of future Oakesdale, north of SW 7th and west of Naches and south of P-1 Channel Detention Ponds. In general the project site is the northern most part of Tract B of the Plat of Washington Technical Center. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); lab rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 6% at any ditch area. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The upper 5 to 13 feet is soft to stiff clayey silt. Beneath the clayey silt is loose to medium dense silts and sands with varying amounts of gravel. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. Soft and clayey silts are compressible and buildable. 2 - References: 1. Grading & Fill for Valley 405 Business Park: a. City of Renton Grading and Fill Permit Application No. SP-100-86, pending. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-004-87, pending. c. Environmental Checklist No. ECF-024-87. 2. Blackriver Corporate Park (BCP) — Phase IV: a. Renton Site Plan Approval Application No. SA-001-87, pending and to be withdrawn. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-001-87, pending and to be withdrawn. 3. BCP Infrastructure (withdrawn from Renton per City's request): a. Renton Site Approval Application No. SA-108-86, application withdrawn per City of Renton's request. b. Renton Shoreline Permit Application No. SM-005-86, application withdrawn per City of Renton's request. 4. P-1 Channel, City of Renton: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-093-81, approved and issued. 5. Earlington Industrial Park: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-91-81 . 6. 0akesdale L. I.D. , City of Renton: a. Renton Shoreline Application No. SM-004-81, approved and issued. 7. Miscellaneous References: a. Shipe, S.J. and W.W. Scott. 1981 . The Great Heron in King County. Washington Game Department, Non—Game Program. With letter of February 12, 1987. b. Letter of Independent Ecological Services to First City Equities of January 31, 1987, pertaining to the Heron Rookery. c. City of Renton Wetlands Study, 1981 . d. Letters from Corps of Engineers noting property not subject to the Clean Water Act, Section 404 jurisdiction; December 16, 1985 and March 4, 1987. e. Letter from First City Equities to City of Renton with enclosure, dated February 23, 1987, pertaining to Site Plan Approval of Phase IV at Valley 405 Section of property. f. Letter from Barbara Moss of FCE to Don Erickson of City of Renton dated April 10, 1987, regarding Shoreline Designation, with memo from David Morency to Barbara Moss, dated April 13, 1987. g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers File Report re: Wetlands Determination. h. Department of Ecology — Wetlands Determination dated April 27, 1987. r 8. BCP — Technology Park Reference: a. Rezone: City of Renton, File No. R-057-80. b. E.I.S. for Blackriver Office Park by Thorpe & Associates, April 1983. c. Grading & Fill 1 ) Renton Grading & Fill Permit: Application No. SP-024-86, Permit No. B-12251 , issued. 2) Shoreline Application to be submitted. 3) Washington State, Department of Natural Resources, Permit No. F.P. 09-10246 for Forest Practice, issuance date: 3/29/87. d. ADMAC Building 150lneeL 1 ) Renton Site Plan Approval Application No. SA-057-86, pending. 2) Renton Building Permit Application No. 4236, pending. 3) Renton Variance Application to extend Naches cul—de—sac, No. V-058-86, rejected. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 55,000 cubic yards of fill will be required to raise the base grade above the flood plain elevation of 15 ft. as required by the rezone. Source of fill is unkown at this time. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur during placement of fill material. However, silt fencing, sedimentation ponds and other measures will be taken to control the erosion. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 70% of the total area will be impervious surface. including the 27,000 S.F. of preserved areas) . h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Erosion control ditches, silt fences, and sedimentation ponds will be used to reduce or control the erosion during construction. 2.AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Normal emission from dust and vehicles during construction. Normal vehicular emissions after the project is completed and occupied. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Reduce dust by 'sprinkling with water. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There is the year round P-1 Channel which flows into the detention pond. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, parts of construction will be either adjacent to or within 200 ft. of the P-1 Channel, and P-1 Detention pond. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. All fill and excavation will be conducted outside of wetlands. Source of material is unkown at this time. 3 - 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals ur diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. The proposal will require no surface water withdrawls but will alter or divert the overland flow of surface water due to the proposed contours and elevation changes. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. Portions of proposal are below the 100-year flood plain of elevation 15ft. The creation'of P-1 Channel and P-1 Detention pond by SCS eliminated the requirement of flood ponding storage on this site. First City Equities dedicated the property for the detention pond as flooding and wildlife mitigation. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. None b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities if known. None 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No waste material will be discharged into the ground. A gravity sanitary sewer connected to existing city sewer system will serve the user of this proposal. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Surface water will be collected by a storm drainage system and pass through sedimentation/oil/water separators before being directed to the nearest ditches and waterways which ultimately drain into the P-1 Channel and/or directly into the detention pond. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. During construction site run-off will enter surface waters after detention in temporary sedimentation facilities. The majority of sediment will be removed prior to discharge. Post construction run-off will pass through sedimentation/oil/water separators prior discharge to receiving waters. 4 - d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface. ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Open ditches for collection, sedimentation ponds, and erosion control fences to be constructed to control sediment laden waters from carrying sediment off the proposed site during construction. Post-construction facilities as described above. 4. Plants Please Reference E.I.S. 1981 a. Check or circle type of vegetation found on the site: S. deciduous tree: -lde - • aspenather) willows evergreen tree:dry ce•ar, pine, other Shrubs X grass o crop or grain Wet soil plants•eun11 buttercup bulirush, skunk cabbage, other o water plants: wa er 1 y, eel grass, milfoil, other o other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation in the proposed project site area may be removed except larger significant trees. The project site is covered primarily by grasses and shrubs. Also See #10-c of this checklist. c. ' List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The proposed landscaping is as shown on the Landscape Plan. Existing significant trees will be preserved where feasible as outlined in No. 10-c of this checklist. The landscape design will incorporate and enhance the 27,000 S.F. natural preserve to the north, A drainage ditch/sw 1e enhance- 5.Animalsment program has been implementea at the a jacent development to the east. a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: For this section Reference: Draft & Final EIS "BlackRiver Office Park 1981 and_ 1982" & Final EIS for Earlington Park, Feb. 198 Birds: eljeLh aeron) -agl= 6ongbird other Sparrows. Seag_ul ls.npcks,Misc Migratin Mammals: deer, bear - , beaver, other Shorebirds. Fish: bass, lmo3, rout herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None An immature Bald Eagle was sighted soaring over adjacent site in the spring of 1987, but there is no known history of use of this site by Bald Eagles. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. The P-1 Channel and pond attract migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. 5 - d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: See Attached Page 6-A 6.Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Use of gas and electric power for heat, lights and air conditioning. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No 4 c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Meets Washington State Energy Code Requirements. 7.Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. None 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services required or anticipated beyond what is already available. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None required or anticipated. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Normal background traffic and construction noises from adjacent developments and street. 6 - r 5.d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: 20 acres of BlackRiver Technology Park (adjacent to the north of the detention pond) has been retained as a preserve and riparian forest areas. This area will provide natural habitat for any wildlife in the area. Future development includes adding new trees and landscaping to BlackRiver Corporate Park and additional landscaping will extend existing preserves in future developments. 17 acres of the Valley 405 Business Park have been deeded to the City of Renton to provide wildlife habitat and flood control for the P-1 Channel and detention pond. An additional 27,000 s.f. (this proposal site) have been set aside as a natural preserve area buffering the riparian forest to the north. Special native vegetation plantings are being added along the drainage ditch to the east of this proposal site by The Mitchell Nelson Group and Rex Van Wormer (Landscape Architect and Botanist, respectively). First City Equities has implemented timing for outdoor construction within 700 ft. of the Heron Rookery to be exclusive of March 1 to June 15, so as not to disturb the herons during nesting season. Proposed erosion control and post—construction runoff control techniques will mitigate water quality impacts to fish and other aquatic life. The proposed building is sited to screen the Heron Rookery from the activities in the parking lot. Existing significant trees will be preserved on site where feasible. The project landscaping design will incorporate and enhance the 27,000 s.f. preserve area at the north portion of the project site. Page 6—A 4110• 2) What types and levals of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic. construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short Term: Construction and affiliated traffic noises from normal Working hours between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Long Term: Normal traffic noises. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Site: Vacant undeveloped property Adjacent property (south) : Vacant undeveloped land Adjacent property (west) : Sewage treatment plant - Under Construction on Phase II. And vacant undeveloped land Adjacent property (east) : Office warehouse buildings Adjacent property (north) : Undeveloped (Future office and R/D Buildings part of BlackRiver Corporate Park) & P-1 b. Has the site been used for agriculture: Aso,`describe. Not in recent past. c. Describe any structures on the site. None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? None e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? OP f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? MP/MO-0 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Urban along P-1 Channel. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No - However there exists the 27,000 natural preserve at the northwest portion of the site. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 1,450 at the project completion with anticipated growth to 2,000 by 1992. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable 7 - 1. Proposed meals to ensure the proposal is comps le with existing and projected land uses and plans. if any: Compliance with land use plan and use is compatible with adjacent uses and with existing comprehensive plan and zoning designation. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided. if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 90 Ft. plus screen for roof mounted equipment. The exterior will be glass and composite building panels. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The building is designed with an irregular shape and decks cut into the facade of the building to reduce the scale and mass of the structure. SEE ATTACHED PAGE 8-A 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Lights from parking lighting and exterior building lights at night time. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Control light dispersion of pole lights and building lighting to prevent glare off site and on site. 8 - 10. Aesthetics C. Existing significant trees have been incorporated within the Master Plan. Existing mature trees (30" caliper and larger) and grove of semi-mature trees (10" to 30" caliper of 5 or more) strongly influenced locations of buildings, parking, and circulation paths. Existing semi-mature trees 10" to 30" caliper) located within planned planting areas adjacent the builidng and parking will be saved. Large existing trees with weak form, severe storm damage, dying of old age with broken tops and decaying branches, or pose a safety hazard will be removed. 8-A) 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Future informal recreational opportunities are planned in the infrastructure landscaped paths and ponds to the north. Paths to be open to public and public access to the shoreline will be provided. Exercise stations to be designed with the paths. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Addition of jogging and foot trails are proposed with exercise stations. Paths to be open to public an public access to the shoreline will be provided. 13. Histor`c and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. Archaeological dig was sponsored by First City Equities and conducted and completed by the University of Washington in 1981. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TransF ortation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Direct access to SW 7th Street, Naches Avenue and Oakesdale Avenue, ultimately to Interstate 405 with on/off ramps at Rainier Avenue to the East and Interurban, via Oakesdale and S.W. Grady Way to the west. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? No. Approximately 3/4 miles to public transit. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 1,425 stalls provided. None eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe indicate whether public or private). Naches is being completed at this time with curbs and gutters being extended West on SW 7th Street. The 0akesdale L.I.D. includes the balance of SW 7th Street. No new roads are required. 9 - e. Will the projec e (or occur in the immediate vic of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. See * below g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Proximity to bus line and other developments to incorporate car pooling and transit bus use. The Transportation Management Plan for the BlackRiver Corporate Park is in place between First City Equities and Metro and is operating successfully. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Project will require normal fire protection and police protection already Serving the area. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas Water, retuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Elec. power, gas, water, sewer, telephone. All utilities are directly accessible at the site and at the adjacent street requiring minor exca- vation to extend to the building. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresent 'on or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. A Proponent: Name Printed: David M. Schuman Daily Trip Rate: 21 vehicle trips/1000 sq.ft. 5,985 daily trips PM Peak Hour: 2.4 vehicle trips/1000 sq. ft. 684 vehicle trips/PM peak hour Based on Trip Generation and Informational Report, 3rd Edition, published in 1982 by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Also reference. Traffic Impact Analysis for Valley 405 Business Park, August 1985, by the Transpo Group. 10 - 176 11-8-84 CERTIFICATION OF NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS/SITE PLAN BlackRiver Corporate Park - BCAC FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY* * * PROJECT TITLE: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CUSTOMER SERVICES FACILITY. APPLICANT: FIRST CITY EQUITIES APPLICATION NUMBER: SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-038-87 The following is a list of adjacent property owners and their addresses. A notification of the pending sitE plan application shall be sent to these individuals as prescribed by Renton City Code, Chapi er 7 Section 38 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to site plan approval. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER Holvick, Kereget, Koering 1230 0aknead Pwy 9188000070 Suite 210 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South 242304909805 Renton, WA 98055 9188000150 All other adjacent properties are owned by the applicant) F q, A ti r 0 .11987it 1 r' 'G DEPT. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER CERTIFICATION I, Y. Ken F . Chin , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners and their addresses \A ere taken from the records of the King County Assessor as prescribed by law. ATTEST: `..ubscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at on the me day of ( ,;,.s2 1W1 . CS?,,..c . SIGNED: CERTIFICATION OF MAILING 1, _ JEI AI L1,10, hereby certify that notices of the public meeting on the subject site plwn approval were mailed on IV\H 2(o - 198'] , to each listed adjacent property owner as prescribed by law. ATTEST: 'subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Putlic, in and for the State of Washington residing at o tiJ on the „1i F W day of Aut r / 9B 7 00 RES C. IIr0 /_ I Fo>' SIGNED: T•Lw e NO Tq,Q ';R C1T Y OP ION 01:7, U9 L10 F WA soN- F 2p8 Architecture and Plannin PPNorthwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A.I.A.,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 Transm+ttal To: Ms. Jeanette MacKague Date: May 1, 1987 City of Renton Department of Builidng & Zoning ProjectName: BCAC Office Facility 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 project No: NW 87021 Attn: Re: Description: Original 7 Copies Master Application w/Legal Description, Environmental Checklist. 7 Copies Site Plan, Schematic Grading Plan. Landscape Plan, Architectural Elevations. Project Narrative. Original. Copies Shoreline Application with Legal Description.6 1 Each 85 x 11 PMT Reduction of above drawings. List of Adjacent Owners, Mailing Labels and Postage. Combined Application Fee: n Zf e is 1 - 0 Remarks: Sent per your Request t2 For Approval Other: For your Use/Reference For Distribution For Review and Comment For your Records Please call if there are any questions. By: Y. Ken K. Chin i cc: With Enclosures: Barbara Moss Chuck Blumenfeld SFr. David Morency r, El FIRSTTIESCITY EQUI 800 Fifth Avenue — Suite 4170 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 624-9223 TRANSMITTAL RECORD To: Mr. Cary Norris Date:March 10, 1987 Traffic Engineering Department CITY OF RENTON Project: Regional Traffic Analysis 200 Mill Avenue South BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK Renton, WA 98055 The following are being forwarded herewith: Revised letter agreement between First City Equities and the City of Renton governing the regional traffic analysis. VIA COURIER 3/10/87 U .11 U MAR 1019I NI ; I ,,r. For Review/Comment Per Our Conversation For Review/Signature For Your Information/File Remarks: Dear Gary: I have revised the agreement you forwarded me for signature to implement the Transpo Group's Regional Traffic Analysis along Grady Way and have enclosed it for your review and the review of the Environmental Review Committee. There were very few changes made to the document you sent me. If it is acceptable, please forward same to me on City of Renton's stationery and I will get it executed by David Schuman. cc: Jeffrey Webber, Transpo Group w/encl. FIRST CITY EQUITIES ERC Members Barbara E. MossBy. Director of Planning fa ArchRecture and Planning PPNorthwest,Inc.,Royce A.Berg A.I.A.,114 Vine Street(2nd&Vine)Seattle,WA 98121(206)728-5771 iref? 'iTransmittalii [[ li) i ' ,i I.1r,Y o R 1g87 To: Jeanette MacKague Date: May ' 1-,§,ZONING DEPT. City of Renton Department of Building & Zoning ProjectName: BCAC Office Facility 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Project No: NW 87021 Attn: Re: Shoreline Application Description: 3 Additional Sets of Drawings, Site Plan, Schematic Grading Drainage Plans, Landscape Plans and Architectural Elevations. Remarks: Sent per your Request Et For Approval Other: For your Use/Reference For Distribution For Review and Comment For your Records Per your request, For your use. To supplement combined Site/Shoreline Application. By: T Ken Chin UP ( 001987 '', ---/-,j'' ' CC: Transmittaltal Only: Barbara Moss 7(' .'•;u DEPT. ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE OP 81(7 036 "--.87