HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA88-038Er 3111d'11K1113`/e'' CDA; PUBLIC WORKS CONSOLIDATED OFFICE i REPAIR FACILITY fl i, i O Vre 3 K....,9 a-. .- ), ems\ i i i i i/47 N ,s,,, N,.. \N„ 0 iiis‘cAlsi ib, ".„,rASFI N i4S:1,0rgro Iii‘ N,. . r .''' "z---:--- ael'\. >ss//. , . NIIIP,__ N V/2 cAprdr. st-tiHmEr=oest. 7, 0sre..14..., .... 3 1/4 1 ; ... 0..<&<. I-,-. /?• f BUILDING 111,':. V / 7' -''• Q e10N4 v,-‘',,-- O\ ) ilA\ V\ p 1:.,.,\\0,\., A, 1\\-\, E___l. N ; 3. MINI STORAGE 1 ' /; i j i , .... • :,1 1 1 - I Os\\‘„,. .... /, n BUILDING ADDITION --' , li `__i%== ARAI N Th- - ` I' i I', '..:'\,:. _.\--_--ARCHITECTS HERS no no AVPIL SA WA.11121 i t, i , • `, \.J /' T/)V t 1 D 0 MASTER j : i \ . a!a°' c DEVELOPMENTfl a A 3 > 4; lir o Sr.o \\.. SITE PLAN NOTE: BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS NIP G O 4 I 0, '\ AND.NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS Q 13. YHaSE r ARi CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT 0 0 a PROJECTS ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND 0 , % O 1 i ri Cl NEW BUILDING FLOG T ern NO :tCL1NO ti• ITEM NO. c " - 0or-7S 53 itb./.6 -off/ -ertr eltiF mil oilli 416r ,, ..../://:..• ti COUNTY o BLIC WORKS 4 5/ f t \ J l'CONSOLIDATED OFFICE i City Of Renton REPAIR FACILITY Public Works', 44e ,• r King County N. Vo.. ,,N, District Court N. BUILDING KEY:44 ar \ Q ROADS ADMINISTRATION Employee Parking Spaces TRAFFIC & SIC: STORES 3 p C CORE OFFICE L----------/\County Parking i EXP.NSiON 3Q Space 4 3 D SOILS LAB A;. w E CORF OFFICE EXPANSION (ALT. SITE) Roads Division;, QF FUEL r, Visitor & Employee 1 `, Site Entrance de! ' •' ,•' S r vaintenance C FLEET .MAINTENANCE Yard Entrance STORES P ki .• ,' I EQUIPMENT SHED Roads Division Q CREW;$HOP$ Administrative i"r Loop Road Core Area EQUIPMENT SHED r ti STORES EQUIPMENT SHED Potential' E -, YARD j.M ,MINE STORAGE Pedestrian City Of Renton N E UIPMENT SHEDSEcuRE Spine FLEET j Public Works Sit Q r°; 4.,,,i EETAriz_Expansion 0 EQUIPMENT SHED v ./ o r r r L./ PAINT IS). ///ti4f t _4%/f - `,;, SECURE T' O PNtlNl STORAGE V N v; i3/ NAINTENANC't- /¢_{/,. e5 R mINl STORAGE f T F 5 GATE HOUSE B i TRAILER ti' U PUBLIC WORKS Future Maintenance y c• '" O i f!` OFFICE BUILDING Expansion Area , D ` / 2 t ;/'• / Landscape Buffer, POTENTIAL r S l ,, PANSION Employee Parking r'I P Potential Phase III-C I XPA 384 Spaces:) 11‘ ffi NSION r Q O ce Building{ I FU ' PAINTl35,000•G5F Employee Parking F t• , V i 1 267 Spaces' P STING 'WINGM t Potential Phase III' / 1 l i/ '/ : p I r s • 4` V Employ 1 I ' r Existing Paint Building v Employee Parking • ' ? ,. l 6i 5 Spaces t i N.• \ ExistingKin County 11. ' 1 I Potential Phase III-8 / / \ 1/ i •• -^` / / / Rif Solid aste 1 ' ii i i% `\' \ Office Building _-- 4 r I r% 1 \Transfer Station f 74.4401wr• 1 1° , • l 'r . ', 50,000 GSF .l 1 i _i j , n Roads Division Pocencial Phase III-A I `--._— Maintenance- j ( / j • w Office Building i Core Area i 4 85,000 GSF N J i• i ARCHITE NERS Public Works i / Greenbelt 0 Pit Storage r . J I. j r i1.--- !. ,/ ,%% ',--_,Potential Future d t1 s x :' / i i, Connection To \ U QOC;C1 MASTER Maple Valle High apyg y o p n ( Qa 4 DEVELOPMENT NOTE: BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS i d' ,. ); LJ 1 `; 0 SITE PLAN AND NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS I pO 1 I': C? 0ARECONCEPTUALONLY. SUBSEQUENT 0 r '. • t ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL i ' `/ d . C'Q 0. FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND i ,0 . / l 'r P7 NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. BT NO. CGS '" o .3S -? g 47 r t tea./ 41k 'v toliKING COUNTY 10S PUBLIC WORKSi' i i REP,IRCONSOLIDFACILiTYATED FFIc: i 4, 1 i/ e 4110: 404;.„Vilpi .., 3 . 4" ' ss,„, /,‘ Q irra/:/ /:liki / 7.4\\\_ .. wrAL\ C9().-- N2 4„ . , NN / % IIISI 4). , ,,,,... x• * goo ,..,,4::N°1 a StVHFTAYIta r . ---....- , al/ ' . ‘ 1St Ce.' 1 iI Ci,-. _ t•••...6- N,°... i7ki1o1-/2PkXBUILDING N j) s :,.. ' s: v. s. • .1 .. : r : lik -. 1' KS I N ‘ 14%, 4.0"" ./ t \\ . s \ ' — i . i 1 III,.0•1•' i,.\.'. -- E___- 3. MINI STORAGE 0 o-n#i,si • p 1. _ BUILDING ADDITION `--/ , It ,`_ ____.------",.///-i p,RAI/JAC:KSOI 1 L I i I t`+ ---` ARCHITECTS& i i 1` 1 ' i- _ /j j/ nr.ECrs Burnt PLANNERS I` o o MASTER fl n s=' DEVELOPMENT41 o v\\ SITE PLAN NOTE: BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS s• / 01 AND.NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS p ' 'PHASE I ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT Q '; Q Il ii PROJECTS ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL O /, 4& FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND O . "/ O NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. Y,!' r 53 r i r 5- 7:>? 1, KING COUNTY N.' ` °tio 4 PUBLIC WORKS r L CONSOLIDATED OFFICE r' F REPAIR FACILITY i City Of Renton Public Works. . r, 0 ) 4 7 ( r BUILDING KEYKingCountryV9DistrictCourt SC;` 0 ROADS . MINISTR TION Parkin s . ? J "\TRAFFIC SIGa STORES Employee g C CORF Or IC.. 3 Spaces EXP ANSiO`+ D SOILS !.B County Parking 3 E CORF OFFICE 3Q Spaces, i . EXPANSION (•ELT. SITE) A. 0 FUEL Roads Division v- . y _ _FLEET .vtAINTEvANCE Visitor & Employee s,s 5 vaintenance Site Entrance t^ l, .07.' ' \ STORES Yard Entrance I EQUIPMENT SHED 1 yF P , / Roads Division O CREW/SHOPS Loop Road__ EQUIPMENT SHED Administrative i'sue r, E' L EQUIPMENT SHED Core Area r - min STORES r Potential E YARD City O` Renton M MINI STORAGE I Pedestrian a ; ' SECURE • Public Works Sit N EQUIPMENT SHED Spine t FLEET Expansion O EQUIPMENT SHED rJ• 14*. PAEKWG- PAINT i 1n , J;' i 4., sECU E • t ?,. J+. _ Q A11NI STORAGE c C R r r+' R MINI STORAGE a/ 4//NAINTENANC N , ' , t/ ` '0 • tiV, YARD S GATE HOUSE c i t'. 0 TRAILER W/ B i r U PUBLIC WORKS r a• O s t ( V POTENTIAOFFICE L Future Maintenance -i j t , i ".f.. Landscape Buffer- i .-__ Expansion Area C'. 0 f OFFICE EXPANSIOND/ j i' • > /i''f' i C W POTENTIAL T i Potential Phase !II-C OFFICE EXPANSION Employee Parking yy. e., Office Building, \ 1 X FUTURE PAINT 384 Spaces r ' Q 74 j 35,000•GSF 0 fr 0 EXISTING BUILDING Employee Parking M Potential Phase III' % /, It / ' : ; i I 267 Spaces' N., Employee Parking i , I I V ! Bu•ilding 7 , i y --_ 675 Spaces Existing Paint B lam I r Potential Phase III-8 / ,\ Existing King County' l- Office Building— / ri I 00Solidwasteyl/ t i i /; r\ 50,000 GSF I - - / ( !' i uansfer Station r i I' 5 f( ` L." i l// / 02J L Potential Phase III-A I\ ---_ Roads Division i \ Maintenance Office Building y. ( ( \/_ .- // N b'+ 85,000 GSF Core Area i v -/ARCHITECTS&PLANNERS J J mf 77M wyBaE gAIYlE WA.9RC2 Greenbelt Public Works i/ter' Pit Storage, i aTi s• J .i.1 / ,j % -Potential Future MASTER x 'y.- i Connection To fl oGa o • o DEVELOPMENT1 , ',i /j/. - "- Maple Valley High ay Q NOTE: BIIILDIIIG ADDITION LOCATIONS 2 SITE PLAN AND NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS r r : - i ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT 0 _ ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL Q FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. 47 4 CITY OF RENTON soLL POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1988 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: Policy Development Department SUBJECT: Rezone and CU for City and County Shops R-037-88; CU-038-88 This department is sensitive to the needs of the City and County for expanded Public Works shop facilities and the lengthy negotiations which have gone into this application. However, recent policy decisions which have been made or are being made in this City should be carefully evaluated under SEPA both to ensure environmental compatibility and consistency in the application of policies and standards. This proposed Rezone and Conditional Use is located in the Aquifer Protection Area in the vicinity of the three fill pits which have recently been permitted. At the time of these Fill Permit applications, extensive information about the Aquifer was required as part of SEPA review. Strict conditions were imposed upon pit operations based upon a finding of potential impacts to groundwater. These conditions included ensuring that materials deposited were not hazardous in nature, ensuring that accessory uses such as vehicle maintenance and re-fueling were not permitted, and requiring groundwater monitoring wells for early detection of possible problems. The fill pits themselves are not inherently a hazardous substance land use. The proposed project for City and County shops is a Hazardous Substance Land Use facility as defined in the proposed Hazardous Waste Zoning Designations. In fact, in terms of hazardous substance use, the County and City shops are among the top 5 percent of users and generators in this City. A list of the substances and quantities currently permitted at these sites according to Fire Department records is attached. The specific uses of concern at these shops include: paint shops, solid waste transfer facility, vehicle maintenance facility, gasoline pumps, a proposed materials testing laboratory, hazardous and regulated substance storage, use, handling and waste generation, and a vehicle steam cleaning facility. Under the proposed Hazardous Zone Designations, this land use would be prohibited at this location. The prohibition would be based on a change to the draft ordinance as requested by Public Works. (See attached letter and draft) 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 Rezone & CU for City & County Shops May 31, 1988 Page 2 Under the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance (5-4-88), the proposed uses are identified as of concern" (Section 5 (B) 1), and could be prohibited on a case-by-case basis. See attached section. At the very least such land uses would be subject to very strict regulations under a Well Field Operating Permit. To ensure that the City is not subject to charges of arbitrary and capricious decision- making, I would strongly suggest that this Rezone and Conditional Use application be subject to the same rigorous review as any private application. I would also suggest that if any discretionary actions are approved that the findings of fact clearly reflect the rationale for the approval in light of adopted policy for the Aquifer as reflected in the Secondary Containment Ordinance, current SEPA policies based upon the Fill Permit applications, and proposed policies on hazardous substances and aquifer protection. The SEPA application should be expanded with an analysis of land use impacts of permitting the identified uses including the proposed expansions, the groundwater impacts of the uses, evaluation of any current groundwater problems, evaluation of the safety of current hazardous materials use on site, evaluation of policy questions as identified in this memo, exploration of the impacts of the solid waste transfer station which is not presently sewered, impacts of the development on sub-regional drainage, and transportation impacts and mitigation fees. The conditions which could be attached to any approvals include: 1.Secondary containment including retrofitting as necessary of all underground and above ground storage tanks; 2.Secondary containment of all buildings and outdoor areas in which hazardous materials are used, stored, handled, or in which wastes are generated; 3.Ground water monitoring; 4.Prohibition on vehicle maintenance and re-fueling in all newly developed areas and a prohibition on the expansions of such activities in existing use areas; 5.Prohibition of the expansion of any hazardous substance use on site; 6.Bonding as necessary for clean-up of spills; 7.On-site drainage detention for the 100-year storm event as agreed to by Public Works and WSDOT as part of the I-405 understanding; 8.Transportation mitigation consistent with the pending CH2M Hill report for the corridor; 9.Installation of sewers; 10. Collection of all stormwater runoff and leachate from the King County Transfer Station facility to be directed into the sanitary sewer. HAZMAT CITY OF PENTON b5/12 /88 rIRE PREVENTION BUREAU HAZARDOUS MATERIAL LIST PAGE 141 May 1958 Station 12 Business Name : CITY OF RENTON SHOPS Business # 1178 Address : 3555 NE 2N0 ST PERMITS FCL C /W S /D R/G LPG PRODUCT tNTY SIZE FORM STORAGE ACETYLENE 2 TANK COMPRESSED GAS CHAINED OXYGEN 2 TANK COMPRESSED GAS CHAINED UNLEADED GAS 1 10,000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNDERGROUND DIESEL 1 10,000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNOERGROUNC WASTE OIL 1 500 GAL TANK LIQUID UNDERGROUND PROPANE 1 2200 GAL TANK LIQUID ABOVE GROUND SOLVENT 1 15 GAL DRUM LIQUID DRUM, TANK LUBRICATING OIL 12 55 GAL BARREL LIQUID BARREL H4ZMAT CITY DP RrNTON 05/12/83 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU HAZARDOUS MATERIAL LIST PAGE 17 Msy 1 ?F Station # 12 Business Name : KING COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT Business # 1032 Address ; 155 MONROE AV NE PERMITS C/W LPG FCL S /D PRODUCT CNTY SIZE FORM STORAGE UNLEADED FUEL 1 10,000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNC/GRND #F PROPANE 1 50C GAL TANK GAS OUTSIDE PROPANE 1 100 GAL TANK GAS OUTSIDE THINNER 50 1 GAL CANS LICUIC CABINET "H" THINNER 2 55 GAL DRUM LIQUID BLDG "H" SOLVENT 3 55 GAL DRUM LIQUID BLDG "H" KEROSENE 3 55 GAL DRUM LIQUID BLDG "H" ACETYLENE 12 1 '03CF CYLINDER GAS CHAINED OXYGEN 16 122CF CYLINDER GAS CHAINEDGASOLINE, REG 1 20,000 TANK LIQUID 1978 UNDERGROUND GASOLINE , DIESEL 1 20,O00 TANK LIQUID 1978 UNDERGROUND OIL, WASTE 1 6,000 TANK LIQUID 1978 UNDERGROUND It CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Richard C. Houghton, Director May 23, 1988 TO:Nancy Laswell Morris, Policy Development FROM: Ron Olsen, Utilities Engineer SUBJECT: Hazardous Waste Zoning Nancy: Your draft looks good but I believe the whole APA (acquifer protection area) should be covered, not just Zone 1. The use of that much regulated substance if there were a spill would be hazardous to the acquifer. This usage would be a greater hazard than the fill sites presently in Zone 2 about which there already is great concern. It should also be noted that approximately 95% of the APA is residential area. Also, control of the entire area of the APA would be similar to that which is proposed in the acquifer protection ordinance. If you have questions, please call. RLO; Rs_UV 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 r L Gl y L , 1 7 Z 0 with joints and gaskets conforming to American Water Works Association Standard Specifications C151 and C111 . 9 . Closure requirements shall apply to those facili- ties that cease to store, handle, transport, treat, use, or produce regulated substances for a period of more than 365 days or when the owner has no intent within the next year to store, handle, transport, treat, use, or produce regulated sub- stances . During the period of time between cessa- tion of regulated substance storage, handling, transport, treatment, use, or production, and actual completion of facility closure, the ap- plicable containment and monitoring requirements of this Ordinance shall continue to apply. Prior to closure, the facility owner shall submit to the Department a proposal describing how the owner intends to comply with closure requirements . Owners proposing to close a facility shall comply with the following requirements : a. All regulated substances shall be removed from the facility, including residual liquids , solids, or sludges . b. When a containment device is to be disposed of, the owner must document to the Department that proper disposal has been completed. c. An owner of a containment device or any part of a containment device that is destined for reuse as scrap material shall identify this . reuse to the Department. The owner of a facility being closed shall demon- strate to the satisfaction of the Department that no unauthorized release has occurred. This demon- stration can be based on the ongoing leak detection monitoring, groundwater monitoring, or soils sampling performed during or immediately after closure activities. B. Zone 2 of an APA. 1 . Within Zone 2 of an APA, changes in land use or construction of new facilities that could lead to degradation of groundwater quality may be pro- hibited. Changes in land use or construction of new facilities will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis at the time that a building permit; condi- tional use permit; mining, excavation, fill grading permit; shoreline development permit; site plan se5861/069/13 13 Revision No. it May 2, 1988 review, variance , rezone, planned unit development, subdivision, short subdivision, or land use permit application is filed with the City of Renton. The focus of .the review will be on activities to be conducted; regulated substances that will be stored, handled, transported, treated, used, or produced; and the potential for these activities or regulated substances to degrade groundwater quality. Those land uses of concern include sur- face impoundments; waste piles; hazardous waste treatment, and storage and disposal facilities; hazardous waste landfills; solid waste landfills and transfer stations; surface impoundments; waste piles; septic systems; petroleum product pipelines; chemical manufacturing facilities; computer parts manufacturing facilities; lumber mills; asphalt plants; wood-treating facilities; and service stations. 2 . The storage, handling, transport, treat, use, or production of regulated substances at existing facilities shall be allowed within Zone 2 of an APA upon compliance with the provisions in this subsection and those in Subsection 5A (5) of this Ordinance. 3 . Within one (1) year of the effective date of this Ordinance all owners of existing facilities who store, handle, transport, treat, use, or produce regulated substances shall obtain a Well Field Protection Operating Permit from the Department. Owners of new facilities shall apply for a Well • Field Protection Operating Permit in conjunction with and at the same time that they apply for site plan review, conditional use permit, or a business license, whichever process occurs first. A permit is required for each facility. All Well Field Protection Operating Permits shall be renewed an- nually thereafter. The permit shall contain all items required by Subsection 5A(3) except for Item b, a list of chemicals to be monitored. 4. The Department may require new and existing facil- ities or changes in land use in Zone 2 whose po- tential to degrade groundwater quality equals or exceeds that of permitted facilities in Zone 1 to comply with the provisions of Subsections 5A(5) and 5A (6) . The Department will make its deter- mination based on the activities conducted at the facility; regulated substances stored, handled, transported, treated, used or produced; and the potential for the activities or regulated sub- stances to degrade groundwater quality. se5861/069/14 14 f Revision No. 10 May 2 , 1988 C. Conditions for Residential Development 1 . Within Zone 1 and Zone 2 of an APA, new residen- tial development shall, as a condition of approval, be required to connect to a central sewer system prior to occupancy. 2 . Within Zone 1 of an APA, the use of heating oil is prohibited in any new residential development. D. Conditions for Fill Sites 1 . All filling activities within Zone 1 or Zone 2 of an APA shall comply with the provisions of the Washington State Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling (173-303 WAC) and the King County Board of Health Rules and Regulations No. 8 , Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling. Prior to initiat- ing any filling activity, the property owner must submit a report to the Department describing how fill materials will be tested to demonstrate that leaching of these materials will not degrade groundwater quality. During the filling activity the property owner must keep a log identifying the source (s) of all fill materials and where they are placed in the fill. A copy of the log must be submitted to the Department every 6 months until the filling activity is completed. Within 5 days of completing the filling activity a copy of the entire log must be submitted to the Department. SECTION 6 . EXEMPTIONS. A. Exemption-for-eentinueus-transit--The-transportation-ef any-regulsted-substance-through-gene-i-of-an-APA-shell be-eiiewed-presided-the-transporting-vehieie-is-in eentinueus-transit. A. Exemption for use of certain regulated substances--The use of certain regulated substances such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in recreational, agricul- tural , pest control, and aquatic weed control activi- ties shall be allowed provided that in all APAs: 1 . The use is in strict conformity with the use re- quirements as set forth by the EPA and as indicated on the containers in which the substances are sold. 2 . The user applies for a Well Field Operating Permit. B. Exemption for the Use of Nitrates Contained in Fertil- izers--The use of fertilizers containing nitrates shall be allowed in Zone 1 and Zone 2 of an APA provided that: se5861/069/15 15 j y(17 s - 5 - 3r-33 B) 4. Prohibited Uses e) Off-site Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage facilities. SECTION 7: Renton City Code (Building Regulations) Title IV, Chapter 7, Section 4-730, Manufacturing Park District (MP) is amended as follows: B) 2. Accessory Uses: j) For permittedluses, hazardous substance land uses, including on-site hazardous waste treatment and/or storage facilities, which et. c7"-- accumulate*rare than 20,000 pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on site, subiect to the provisions of Section 4-738, except off-site hazardous waste treatment and/or storage facilities. B) 3. Conditional Uses g) For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses which accumulate more than 20,000 pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on site, subiect to the provisions of Section 4-748. h) Off-site hazardous waste treatment and/or storage facilities, subiect to the provisions of Section 4-748, SECTION 8: Renton City Code (Building Regulations) Title IV, Chapter 7, Section 4-738, Site Plan Review is amended as follows: B) Applicability 1) For all development in the Manufacturing Park (MP), Office Park (O-P), Public Use (P-1), and Business (B-1) zones, the R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 Residential zones, all development with the Valley Planning Area, within the Aquifer Protection Area, and for all hazardous substance land uses. D) Site Plan Review Criteria 5) Aquifer Protection Area (APA) a) In Zone I of the APA no use, storage, handling, manufactures production, or other activity involving hazardous substances is permitted except for the use of individually packaged household consumer products in quantities of less than five (5) gallons and hazardous substances used for the protection of the domestic water supply. b) No hazardous substance land use facilities shall be located in the APA. 4‘TETRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 322 W.Ewing St.,Seattle,WA 98119 Vallana M. Piccolo Industrial Waste Investigator Environmental Laboratories Division 206)684-2328 M.S.LAB Contents ments thereto, and to ensure Metro performs its statutory function under RCW 35.58.200.Nothing Resolution No. 3374 herein shall prevent the Executive Director from Page seeking judicial or governmental agency assist- Section 1 • Definitions Z ance to implement the policies and requirements Section 2 • Declaration of Policy 10 of this resolution. Section 3 • Prohibited Substances 12 Section 15 Section 4 • Restricted Substances 14 EFFECTIVE DATE Section 5 • Notice of Discharges 16 Section 6 • Waste Discharge Permit 18 The effective date of this resolution shall be Feb- ruary 21,1980.Resolution No.2310 adopted June Section 7 • Responsibilities of Permit 26, 1975 is superseded as of said date. Holders 24 Section 8 • Inspection of Waste Control and Section 16 Waste Disposal Facilities 26 SEVERABILITY Section 9 • Industrial Cost Recovery 31 Section 10 • Violations 33 If any provision of this resolution or its applica- tion to any person or circumstances is held invalid, Section 11 • Board of Review 36 the remainder of the resolution or the application Section 12 • Appeal to the Metropolitan of the provision to other persons or circumstances Council 37 is not affected. Section 13 • Penalties 38 ADOPTED by the Council of the Muncipality of Section 14 • Implementation 40 Metropolitan Seattle at a regular meeting thereof Section 15 . Effective Date 41 held on the 21st day of February, 1980. Section 16 r Severability 41 Attest: C.Carey Donworth Larry T. Yok airman 4 the Council Clerk oI the Council For further information about Metro's industrial waste regulations, call Metro's Industrial Waste Engineer, 684-2341. 41 A Resolution, No. 3374 Regarding the Control and Disposal of Industrial Waste into the Metropolitan Sewerage System Cm TRD CI i w "";A Swnd M,Y 6-02.•Application for Permit state departments-of fisheries game,ecology and Applications for waste discharge permits shall be social and health services. made to the Executive Director in writing on 6-03.02•Coordination With Local Public Agency forms provided by Metro and shall include such Upon receipt of an application, Metro will data, information and drawings as may be identi-promptly provide a copy of the application to fied by Metro. appropriate local public agencies.During the pro- cessing, Metro will consult with such local public 6-03.•Processing of Application agencies to insure that the limitations and condi- Applications for waste discharge permits will be tions of the waste discharge permit will meet processed in the following manner: r requirements of such agencies pertaining to the 6-03.01•Public Notice discharge of waste into the local public sewer system. Upon receipt of a proper application for permit, Metro shall instruct the applicant at its expense 6-03.03•Coordination With The State of to publish notices thereof by such reasonable Washington Department of Ecology means and within such reasonable time as the and the Federal Environmental Executive director shall prescribe. Metro shalj Protection Agency require that the notice so prescribed shall be During the applicaiton processing, Metro will published twice in a newspaper of general circula-consult, as appropriate, with the State of Wash- tion within King County and in a local newspaper ington Department of Ecology and the federal serving the area where the industry is located Environmental Protection Agency, to determine and in such other appropriate information media the most satisfactory method of disposal for the as the Executive Director may direct.Said notice industrial waste under consideration,and to insure shall include a statement that any person desir-that the conditions of the waste discharge permit ing to present his views with regard to said appli-will meet requirements of applicable state anc cation may do so in writing to the Executive federal regulations. director,provided said person submits his views or notifies the Executive Director of his interest 6-04.•Issuance of Permit within thirty (30) days of the last date of publi- If the characteristics of the proposed discharge of cation of the notice.Such notification or submis- discharges meet the requirements of appropriate sion of views to the Executive Director shall local public agencies, the State Department o entitle said person to a copy of the action taken Ecology, the Federal Environmental Protector on the application. Upon receipt of an applica-Agency and any other applicable state and federa tion, the Executive Director shall send notice of laws and regulations, and this resolution, the pertinent information to the directors of the Executive Director shall issue waste discharge permit to the applicant therefore with appropriate 20 21 conditions. A copy of the permit and the corn-existing industrial waste discharge which willpletedapplicationonwhichthepermitisbasedwillsubstantiallychangethevolumeoffloworthebesubmittedtotheDepartmentofEcology. The characteristics of the waste or establish a new appropriate local public agencies will be notified in point of discharge, shall secure a new waste writing of the issuance of such a permit and will be discharge permit before making such change.Ap-furnished with one copy of each permit issued plication to Metro must be made for such new within its jurisdiction at no charge. permit thirty (30) days prior to the change in 6-04.01•Pretreatment Facilities discharge. Extensions of time for submittal of an As a condition of the granting of waste discharge application may be granted by the Executive permit, the Director, not to exceed sixty (60) days.permit holder may be required to install pretreatment facilities or make plant or 6-01.03•New Discharges process modifications as deemed necessary by Any person proposing to discharge industrial the Executive Director to meet the requirements waste but not holding a valid waste dischargeofthisresolutionandapplicablefederalandstatepermitshallapplytosecureawastedischarge standards. Such facilities or modifications shall permit. Application to Metro must be made for be installed, constructed, operated and main- such permit sixty (60) days prior to beginning oftainedatthepermitholder's expense in accor- discharge. dance with the provisions of Section 7-02 of this 6-01.04•Minor Dischargesresolution,and in accordance with the rules and regulations of all local and governmental agen- Except when the Executive Director shall deter- cies. mine that there is a continuing noncompliance with this resolution,a waste discharge permit will6-04.02•Preoperative Inspection not be required for persons who in the opionion ofUponcompletionofpretreatmentfacilitiesortheExecutiveDirectorarenotsubjecttoany plant or process changes, no permit holder may Metro, federal or state pretreatment of otherdischargeindustrialwastetherefromintoapub- requirements because of the sporadic or limited lic sewer,private sewer or side sewer tributary to nature of the discharge.Upon written notice from the Metropolitan Sewerage System until inspec- Metro that noncompliance exists, the person sotionshallhavebeenmadebyMetroforcorn- notified shall take immediate corrective action as pliance with conditions of the permit and with approved by the Executive Director or shall applythisresolution.for a waste discharge permit with thirty(30)days. 5-05•Modification of Permit Extensions of time for submittal of an application may be granted by.the Executive Director,not to •Discharge conditions published in a waste dis- exceed a total of sixty (60) days.barge permit shall remain in effect for that per- nit until it expires, except that they may be 22 19 user shall appropriately label such entry points to revised from time to time as required by state or warn against discharge of such wastes in violation federal regulations and requirements or-to-meet_ of this resolution.any emergency. 6-06•Revocation of Permit Section 6. A permit shall be subject to revocation upon thirty (30) days notice in writing if the Executive WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT Director finds: 1) That it was procured by misrepresentation of 6-01•Requirement any material fact or by lack of full disclosure in the Each person discharging or proposing to dis- application; or charge industrial waste into a public sewer,private 2) That a material change in the volume of flow sewer,or side sewer tributary to the Metropolitan or characteristics of waste was effected without Sewerage System shall secure a waste discharge notice to Metro and application to Metro for a new permit from Metro unless otherwise provided in permit was not made and a permit issued as this section. required by subsection 6-01.02; or 6-01.01•Existing discharges 3) That there has been a violation of the limita- tions or conditions of the permit and the permit If the Executive Director determines that an industrial waste discharge presents a substantial holder refuses to take corrective action or that a.. violation has continued after notice thereof. risk of discharge of prohibited substances,or of discharges subject to Metro,federal or state pre- At the time that a permit is revoked, the Execu= treatment requirements or permit regulations, tive Director may thereafter require disposal of. or of discharges which can cause harmful effect the waste in some manner other than into a public to sewage facilities and treatment processes,the sewer,private sewer or side sewer tributary to the public health and safety or receiving waters, he Metropolitan Sewerage System at the expense of may require by written notice that a permit be the person whose permit is revoked. The appro- secured.Upon receipt of such notice,the person • - priate local agency and the Department of Ecology so notified shall apply for a waste discharge will be notified in writing of the revocation of such permit within thirty (30) days. Extensions of permit. time for submittal of an application may be 6-07•Suspension of Permit granted by the Executive Director,not to exceed A permit may be temporarily suspended and a total of sixty (60) days. further discharges halted by the Executive Di- 6-01.02•Change in Existing Discharge rector if he determines that waste discharges are Any person proposing to make a change in an in violation of waste discharge permit limitations or conditions or Metro,state or federal standards 18 23 and pose an immediate risk to public health and Failure by any person aware of such discharge of safety or to damage, obstruction or interference prohibited or restricted substances to report suchwithtreatmentfacilities.Such suspension shall be discharge in the manner provided above shall effective immediately upon written notice deliv-constitute a violation (as that term is defined in ered to the permit holder's business premises or Section II hereof), and subject said person to the posting at the point of discharge. penalties set forth in Section 13 of this resolution. Each failure to report a discharge shall be consid- ered a separate violation. Section 7 Discharges of prohibited or restricted substances directly or indirectly into navigable waters,or intoRESPONSIBILITIESOFPERMITstreams, ditches or sewers tributary to navigableHOLDERwaters,shall be reported to U.S.Coast Guard or to the regional office of the State Department of 7-01•Control of Discharge Ecology,in accordance with federal law PL 92-500, It shall be the responsibility of every person to Section 311. control the discharge of industrial waste into a 5-02•Notice to Employees public sewer,private sewer or side sewer tributary In order that employees of persons involved intotheMetropolitanSewerageSystemincorn- discharge to sewers be informed of Metro re-pliance with this resolution and the requirements quirements, said persons shall make available toofawastedischargepermitissuedunderthepro- their employees copies of this resolution togethervisionsofthisresolution with such other wastewater information and 7-02"Pretreatment Facilities notices which may be furnished by Metro from Whenever pretreatment facilities are required time to time and directed toward more effective pursuant to this resolution, they shall be con-water pollution control. A notice shall be fur- structed,installed,operated and maintained at the nished and permanently posted in highly visible expense of the permit holder and in a manner places such as bulletin boards and lunchrooms prescribed by the Executive Director.The permit advising employees whom to call in case of a dis- holder shall maintain records indicating routine charge in violation of this resolution. maintenance check dates, cleaning and waste 5-03•Preventive Measuresremovaldatesandmeansofdisposalofaccumu- lated wastes. Such records shall be retained for a Any direct or indirect connection or entry point minimum of three(3)years and shall be subject to which could allow prohibited or restricted sub- review in accordance with Section 8 of this resolu-stances to enter the industrial user's plumbing or tion.Approval of proposed facilities or equipment drainage system shall be eliminated. Where such action is impractical or unreasonable the industrialbytheExecutiveDirectorwillnotinanyway 24 17 charged into a sewer except at points in the Met-guarantee that these facilities or equipment will ropolitan Sewerage System designated for such function in the manner described by the constr-uc- discharge by the Executive Director.tor,or manufacturer,nor shall it relieve a person 4-01.04•High Strength Wastes of the responsibility of enlarging or otherwise modifying or replacing such facilities to accomp- Any waters or wastes containing higher than lish the intended purpose and to meet the applic- ordinary concentrations or quantities of compat-able standards, limitations and conditions of a ible pollutants, including but not limited to, bio-waste discharge permit. chemical oxygen demanding pollutants,suspended 7-03•Waste Analysis and Reportingsolids, pH and fecal material, may be required to discharge at a specific release rate or at a specified Requirements strength if,in the opinion of the Executive Director, Permit holders will not be required to submit the release of such waste in an uncontrolled samples of industrial waste discharges to Metro or manner could adversely affect proper handling to perform tests and report the test results to and treatment in the Metropolitan Sewerage Metro on a routine and continuing basis, except System. for the following: 1) If required by the terms and provisions of 40 CFR 403.12,as now or hereafter amended; or Section 5 2) If requested by state or local public agencies; NOTICE OF DISCHARGES or 3) If deemed necessary by the Executive Direc- 5-01•Notification of Discharge tor for the proper treatment,analysis or control of waste discharges.All such tests and reports shall Any person becoming aware of the discharge of prohibited or restricted substances directly or be at the cost of the permit holder. indirectly into a public sewer, private sewer, or Metro shall have the right to implement anc side sewer tributary to the Metropolitan Sewer-enforce the requirements of 40 CFR 403.12 by age System shall report such discharge imme-order of its Executive Director. When deemed diately by telephone to the Water Quality division necessary by the Executive Director, a permit or to one of the treatment plants of Metro.holder may be required to obtain, install, operate Prompt notification to Metro of such discharges and maintain an automatic sampler and/or analy- will allow Metro to take necessary precautions to zer to monitor its industrial waste discharges it minimize hazards and to prevent damage to the the manner directed by Metro. receiving waters, thereby avoiding or minimizing To the degree practicable, Metro's industria discharge violations and fines from state and waste 'section will provide each permit holder 01 federal regulatory agencies and Metro. 16 25 applicant with information on applicable Metro, the receiving waters and when determined by state and federal waste analysis and reporting Metro to be necessary for the protection of water requirements,provided,however,that any failure quality and avoidance of nuisnace in the metropol- or inadvertence to do so shall not excuse the itan area.The Executive Director shall publish and permit holder from compliance with said require- revise from time to time standards which as a ments. minimum establish the following restricted para. 7-04•Sampling Manhole meters: pH,temperature,fats,oils and greases of animal or vegetable origin,fats,oils and greases ofWhenrequiredbyMetro,the permit holder shall install and maintain at his expense a suitable con- mineral origin,and other toxic substances includ- trol manhole in his side sewer to facilitate observa- ing those defined in applicable state and federal tion,sampling and measurement of wastes there- regulations. These published standards shall, by this reference, be made a part of this resolution.in. Such manhole shall be located, if feasible, where it is accessible from a public road or street. Discharge limits or standards in effect and incor- It shall be constructed in accordance with plans porated into any issued waste discharge permit approved by Metro and shall be arranged so that shall remain in effect for that permit until it expires,except as modified as provided in Sectionflowmeasuringandsamplingequipmentanda shutoff gate or a screen may be conveniently 6-05. installed by Metro. The permit holder shall make 4-01.01•Food Waste access to such manhole available to Metro at all Food waste discharged into any sewer shall have times.been properly shredded so that 100%will pass a 3/8" sieve and 75%will pass a 1/ 4"sieve. Persons engaged in the retail sale of raw produce shall be Section 8 limited to one grinder having a prime mover not exceeding 5hp for the processing of raw produceINSPECTIONOFWASTECONTROLwaste. AND WASTE DISPOSAL 4-01.02•Radioactive Substances FACILITIES Any radioactive wastes or isotopes discharged to any sewer shall not exceed such concentration8-01•General Inspection Procedures limitations as established by applicable State ofInordertocarryout_the provisions.of this reso- Washington Department of Social and Health lution and in order to insure compliance with Services regulations. Federal and state laws and regulations relating to water pollution, authorized and properly identi- 4-OI.03•Spetic Tank Waste Fied representatives of Metro, upon stating their Any material from a cesspool, privy septic tank Durpose and presenting to the owner,operator or or other on-site disposal system shall not be dis- 26 15 activity in treatment plant facilities resulting in agent in charge at the premises of any person an interference in the treatment process and discharging of industrial waste into a public sewer, specifically including heat in such quantities that private sewer or side sewer tributary to the Metro- the temperature at the treatment works influent politan Sewerage System: (A)appropriate creden- exceeds 40°C(104°F)or the temperature exceeds tials;and(B)an administrative inspection warrant 65°C (150°F) at the point of discharge from the in the case of an inspection requiring a warrant industrial source to public sewers and/or the and if requested by said owner,operator or agent. Metropolitan Sewerage System. The Metro representatives shall have the right to enter that portion of the premises of any person discharging industrial waste into a public sewer, Section 4 private sewer or side sewer tributary to the Metro- RESTRICTED SUBSTANCES politan Sewerage System which said portion con- tains a side sewer, measuring manhole, pretreat- ment4-OI•Restricted Substances facilities or other facilities used for transpor- tation, collection, concentration or treatment of No person shall discharge wastes containing res-wastes from such premises. The purpose of said tricted substances directly or indirectly into any entry shall be for inspection,observation,measure- public sewer, private sewer, or side sewer tribu-ment,sampling and testing in accordance with the tary to the Metropolitan Sewerage System, in provisions of this resolution, at reasonable times excess of limitations specified by conditions of the or for the purpose of handling an emergency as waste discharge permit or published by the Execu-determined by the Executive Director at any time tive Director or in excess of limitations specified if the Executive Director determines that an emer- by conditions of the waste discharge permit or gency exists.All regular sanitary and safety require- published by the Executive Director or in excess of ments of such person,shall be complied with by other Metro, state or federal standards.Permit such representative during such inspection.Obser- limitations shall be established to the extent vations and data secured by Metro regarding necessary to enable the Municipality to comply waste generating processes shall be considered with current national Pollutant Discharge Elimi-confidential except that such record, report or nation System requirements as promulgated by information may be disclosed to authorized repre- the Environmental Protection Agency or the sentatives of the State of Washington or the Washington State Department of Ecology,and to United States concerned with carrying out the the extent necessary for compliance by Metro and provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Act, as by industrial dischargers with any applicable fed-amended,Chapter 90.48,RCW,or when relevant eral and state regulations and with requirements to any proceedings under those statutes and imple- for the protection of sewerage facilities and menting regulations. treatment processes,public health and safety and 14 27 8-02 • Situations Not Requiring Administrative slops, spent grain or hops, whole blood, meatInspectionWarranttrimmingsandwastes,animal paunch contents, A warrant shall not be required for entry and hide, hair, offal, fish or fowl heads or parts, administrative inspections(including observation,entrails, lard, tallow, baking dough, cannery measurement, sampling or testing) under this waste bulk solids,plastics or paper utensils,plas- resolution in the following situation: tic or paper containers either whole or ground. 1) With the consent of the owner, operator or 3-01.03•Odorous Substances agent in charge of the premises; Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance 2) In situations where the Executive Director which either by itself or by interaction withhasdeterminedthatanemergencyexistspresent- other wastes, is capable of creating a public ing imminent danger to the public health, safety nuisance or hazard to life or of preventing entryandwelfare,the environment or water quality of a by authorized personnel to pump stations and receiving water or interference or risk of interfer-other sewerage facilities. ence or obstruction with the functioning of the 3-01.04•Toxic VaporMetropolitanSewerageSystem; Any gas or substance which either by itself or by3) In any emergency circumstances where there interaction with other wastes can produce a toxicisneithertimenoropportunitytoapplyfora vapor. These substances include, but are notwarrant; limited to, chlorinated hydrocarbons, hydrogen 4) In any other situation where a warrant is not sulfide, sulfur dioxide and cyanide compounds. required by law. 3-01.05•Corrosive Substances B-03•Issuance and Execution of Administrative Any gas or substance which either by itself or byInspectionWarrants interaction with other waste may cause corro-In the event an administrative inspection war-sive structural damage to sewer works or treat- rant must be obtained to enter upon the premises ment facilities, but in no case wastes with a pHofanypersondisposingofindustrialwasteintoalowerthan5.5. public sewer, private sewer, or side sewer tribu- 3-01.06•Excessive WasteLarytotheMetropolitanSewerageSystem, the Executive Director shall apply to any judge of the Wastes at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge Superior Court of the State of Washington who rate which are excessive over relatively short shall within his territorial jurisdiction and upon time periods so that there is a treatment process proper oath or affirmation showing probable upset and subsequent loss of treatment effi- ause, issue warrants for the purpose of conduct-ciency. ng administrative inspections authorized by this 3-01.07•High Temperature Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological 28 13 ments or to meet any emergency.Waste discharge resolution. For purposes -of an administrative permits may include, but shall not be limited to,inspection,probable cause justifying the issurance conditions pertaining to housekeeping practices,of a warrant may be based either on: (A) specific inventory storage, manufacturing methods, etc.evidence of an existing violation of the terms and that are intended to protect the waters of the state conditions of a waste discharge permit, this reso- and the metropolitan area. lution or any state or federal law or regulation relating to water pollution; or (B) evidence that reasonable administrative standards for conduct- Section 3 ing an inspection(including observation,measure- PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES ment or testing of industial waste) are satisfied with respect to a particular premises and that a 3-01 •Prohibited Substances specific premises has been selected for Metro No person shall discharge any of the following inspection on the basis of a general administrative prohibitedplan for the enforcement of this resolution or anysubstancesdirectlyorindirectlyintoMetro,state or federal laws or regulations relating any public sewer, private sewer or side sewer to water pollution.tributary to the Metropolitan Sewerage System: 3-01.01•Flammable or Explosive Materials 8-04•Sampling Procedures Flammable liquids, solids or gases capable of A portion (or a duplicate in the instance of fats, oils, and greases) of any samples collected pursu- causing or contributing to explosion or support-ant to paragraph 8-01 by Metro personnel,shall beingcombustioninanyseweragefacilitiesinclud- made available to the industrial discharger beinging, but not limited to, the following: fuel oil,monitored. If the industrial discharger has sam- waste crankcase oil, and acetylene generation pies analyzed for comparison with Metro's results, sludge. such a comparison will be considered valid only if 3-01.02•Substances Which Can Cause methods and procedures are the same as those Obstruction or Interference _ utilized or approved by Metro and those methods Any solid or viscous substances in quantities, and procedures conform to and are consistent either by itself or in combination with.other • with the analytical--methods established'by the wastes,which are capable of obstruction of flow latest edition of the following references: or of interfering with the operation or perfor- 1) American Public Health Association, mance of sewer works or treatment facilities,STANDARD METHODS FOR THE EXAMINA- including, but not limited to, the following: TION OF WATER AND WATERS: ashes,cinders,sand,mud,straw,grass clippings, 2) American Society for Testing and Meterials,shavings,metal,glass,tar asphalt,plastics,cloth,A.S.T.M.STANDARDS,part 23,Water,Atmos-wood, chemical residues, brewing or distilling pheric Analysis; 12 29 3) Environmental Protection Agency, Water adverse impact on water quality, endanger theQualityOfficeAnalyticalControlLaboratory,public health, safety, and welfare and impair theMETHODSFORCHEMICALANALYSISOFfunctioningoftheMetropolitanSewerageSys- WATER AND WASTES; tern facilities even though such discharge cannot or another analytical method,determined by Metro be traced to a particular industrial user and even to be required to identify and quantify a particular though such discharge cannot be specifically iden- pollutant not adequately sampled by the above tified in effluent reaching the Muncipality's facili- referenced methods. ties; that industrial growth in the Metropolitan 8-05•Sampling Point area shall be served by the Metropolitan Sewerage System consistent with the public interest; andConsistentwithfederalpretreatmentstandards,that industrial waste shall be accepted into the pollutant levels for all regulated processes will be Metropolitan Sewerage System subject to regula- monitored at the point of discharge from the tions and requirements as may be promulgated byregulatedprocessfollowingpretreatment. Such state and federal regulatory agencies or the Muni- monitoring shall be prior to the addition of any cipality for the protection of sewerage facilitiesdilutionwater. and treatment processes,public health and safety, 8-06• Inspection and Monitoring Program receiving water quality and avoidance of nuisance. As a minimum, industrial users of MetropolitanThepurposeoftheinspectionandmonitoring program shall be to verify at least once annually,Sewerage System facilities shall comply with the independent of information supplied by industrial applicable pretreatment standards developed pur- users pursuant to paragraph 7-03,the compliance suant to Sections 307(b)and 307(c)of the Federal or noncompliance with applicable pretreatment Water Pollution control Act as amended by the standards and requirements, or special require-Clean Water Act of 1977. This includes the ments as prescribed by the Executive Director. pretreatment standards for existing and new discharges which are defined in regulations promul-The monitoring and inspection program is de- gated pursuant to these sections of said Act.signed to provide sampling emphasis on those industrial categories discharging the greatest Industrial waste discharge permit conditions shall be predicated on federal and state regulations andvolumeandconcentrationofpollutants.Compre- requirements and on the results of analysis of thehensivesamplingbyautomaticsamplerswillbe augmented with grab samples taken on a random type, concentration, quantity and frequency of basis. Those companies with large industrial dis-discharge including the geographical relationship of the point of discharge to sewerage and treat-charges can expect to be sampled quarterly or more often,while small dischargers may be checked ment facilities. These permit conditions shall be once annually. Industrial users also discharging reevaluated upon expiration of the permit and may be revised from time to time as required by Metro, state or federal regulations and require- 30 11 1-.01.32•Treatment Works high strength waste will-be monitored as part of The words "treatment works" shall mean any the industrial surcharge program. facility,method or system acquired,constructed or used by the Municipality for the storage, treatment, recycling, or reclamation of sewage Section 9 or industrial wastes of a liquid nature,including INDUSTRIAL COST RECOVERY waste from combined sewers. 1-01.33•Definition of Additional Terms 9-01 •Industrial cost Recovery The words and terms of expressions peculiar to Each industrial user of a treatment works con- the art or science of sewerage not hereinabove structed by Metro wholly or partially with the use' defined shall have the respective meanings given of federal grant money shall pay to Metro that in GLOSSARY,WATER AND WASTEWATER portion of the federal grant amount allocable to CONTROL ENGINEERING,published in 1969,the treatment of the industrial users' wastes as prepared by a Joint Committee representing The determined by federal regulations in addition to its American Public Health Association, American proportionate share of costs of operation and Society of Civil Engineers, American Water maintenance as-required by Section 204(b)(1)(A) Works Association,and Water Pollution Control of Public Law 92-500 and such user charges as Federation or in applicable state or federal regu-may be lawfully imposed by Metro. lations. In the event of any conflict, the defini-9-02•Significant Industrial Users'Letter of Intent tions prescribed by applicable federal regulations Upon written request from the Executive Direc- shall be controlling. tor in instances where Metro has applied for federal grant money to construct treatment works, each significant industrial user shall send to Metro Section 2 a signed letter of intent to pay that portion of the DECLARATION OF POLICY federal grant amount allocalble to the treatment of its wastes as determined by federal regulations. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Each such letter.shall also-include a statement of Municipality of-Metropolitan Seattle that sewer the industrial user's intended period of use of the age facilities provided by the Municipality shall be treatment works. • adequate for the transportation, treatment and 9-03•Industrial Cost Recovery Systemdisposalofindustrialandotherwastes; that dis- 9-03.01 • Each year during the industrial cost charge of any prohibited substance into the Metro- recovery period, each industrial user of the politan Sewerage System, and the cumulative treatment works shall pay to Metro its share ofimpactsofanysuchdischargebyanindustrialuser or combination of industrial users, will have an 10 31 the total amount of the grant and any grant amount allocable to the treatment of waste from amendment awarded pursuant to this subpart,industrial users is recovered from the industrial divided by the recovery period. users of a treatment works as defined by federal 9-03.02 • Payments shall be made by industrial law and regulations. Unless otherwise required by federal law or regulations,this period shall beusersnolessoftenthanannually. The first payment by an industrial user shall be made not thirty (30) years or the useful life of the treat-. later than one (1) year after such user begins use ment works, whichever is less.' of the treatment works. 1-01.28•Pretreatment 9-03.03•An industrial user's share shall be based The word "pretreatent" shall mean the private on all factors which significantly influence the cost treatment of wastewaters from sources before of the treatment works.Factors such as strength,introduction into the Metropolitan Sewerage System and public sewers tributary thereto.components, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics,shall be considered and included to 1-01.29•Metropolitan Sewer System insure a proportional distribution of the federal The words"Metropolitan Sewer System,""Met- grant assistance allocable to industrial use to all ropolitan Sewerage System"or"Metro system" industrial users of a particular treatment works.shall mean all or any part of the sewerageAtaminimum, an industry's share shall be facilities acquired,constructed,or used by the Muni-proportional based on its flow in relation to the cipality of Metropolitan Seattle.treatment works flow capacity. 1-01.30•Local Public Agency9-03.04 • If there is a substantial change in the The words"local public agency"shall mean anystrength, components, volume or delivery flow legally constituted city, town, county, specialratecharacteristicsintroducedintothetreatment district or other public agency under whoseworksbyanindustrialuser,such user's share shall be adjusted accordingly.jurisdiction local sewerage facilities may be con- structed or operated. 9-03.05•If there is an expansion or upgrading of 1-01.31 • Discharge to Metropolitan Sewerage the treatment works, each existing industrial Systemuser's share shall be adjusted accordingly. The words"discharge to Metropolitan Sewerage System"shall mean any discharge which enters a 9-03.06 • An industrial user's share shall include private side sewer and/or public sewer which is a only that potion of the federal grant assistance tributary to the Metro system and said discharge allocable to its use or to capacity firmly committed shall be considered a discharge to said system for its use. whether or not specifically identifiable in efflu- 9-03.07 • An industrial user's share shall not ent reaching the Municipality's facilities. include an interest component. 32 9 ment Advisory Committee"shall mean the citi- Section 10 zen advisory committee of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle as now or hereafter consti- VIOLATIONS tuted pursuant to RCW 35.58.210. 1-01.24•Industrial Cost Recovery 10-01•Criteria Constituting A Violation The words"industrial cost recovery"shall be the 10-01.01•A violation of those limitations estab- lished under Section 4 of this resolution, federal,recovery from the users of a treatment works,as defined by federal law and regulations, of the state or Metro pretreatment standards,or specific federal grant amount allocable to the treatment requirements of an industrial waste discharge of wastes from such users. permit shall occur,regardless of intent or accident, when: 1-01.25•Industrial User The words"industrial user"for the purposes of A. The maximum daily allowable concentration is industrial cost recovery shall mean any nongov- violated under the following circumstances: ernmental user of publicy owned treatment 1) The arithmetic mean of concentrations for works as defined by federal regulations, identi- eight consectuive samples collected over inter- fied in the STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSI- vals of 15 minutes or greater is in excess of the FICATION MANUAL, latest edition, federal limitation; Office of Management and Budget,as amended, 2) The concentration of any single sampleandsupplementedundersuchcategoriesandwhethergraborasamplewithinaseries)-such other classes of significant waste producers exclusive of any fats,oils,and grease-exceeds the as are established by regulations of the federal limitation by a factor of four(4); Environmental Protection Agency for the pur- 3) The arithmetic mean of the concentration of poses of industrial cost recovery. fats,oil,or greases for three grab samples, taken 1-01.26•Significant Industrial User no more frequently than at five (5) minute The words"significant industrial user"shall mean intervals exceeds the limitation. an industrial user that contributes greater than B. The arithmetic mean of the antilog of the pHfivepercent (5%) of the design flow or design values of at least 8 consecutive samples taken at pollutant loading of a particular treatment works intervals of 15 minutes or greater is less than an as defined by federal regulations or greater than equivalent pH value of 5.5,or the pH of any single25,000 gallons per day or discharges wastes sample is less than 5.0. containing toxic pollutants. C. The temperature limitation is exceeded for 1-01.27•Industrial Cost Recovery Period any single sample. The words"industrial cost recovery period"shall mean the period during which the federal grant 8 33 Each discreet discharge exceeding such limita- be discharged into the Metropolitan Sewerage tions,standards or requirements shall constitute a System or sewers tributary thereto in the manner separate violation,or if such discharge is continu- prescribed in this resolution or as prescribed by ous, then each hour of said discharge shall consti- the Executive Director. tute a separate violation, provided the Executive 1-01.20•Compatible Pollutant Director shall have the discretion to combine such The words "compatible pollutants" shall mean discreet or continuous discharges and limit the biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, number of violations for purposes of assessing pH, and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additional penalties if the violations are minor and no not pollutants identified in an NPDES permit if the pose significant risks to public health and safety or publicly owned treatment works is designed to treatment processes and facilities and the indus- treat such pollutants, and in fact does remove trial user demonstrates to the reasonable satisfac- such pollutants to a substantial degree.The term tion of Metro and that it is using its best efforts substantial degree" is not subject to precise and the most current technology to avoid such definition,but generally contemplated removals discreet or continuous discharges. in the order of 80 percent or greater.Examples of the additional pollutants which may be considered 10-01.02• A violation will be considered to have compatible include: occurred if special reporting requirements estab- Chemical oxygen demand lished by permit,Section 5 of this resolution,writ- Total organic carbon ten request of the Executive Director or his autho- Phosphorus and phosphorus compounds rized representative, or as specified by general Nitrogen and nitrogen compounds federal pretreatment standards (40 CFR 403.12) Fats,oils and greases of animal or vegetable are not complied with. origin (except as prohibited where whese 10-01.03• A violation will be considered to have materials would interfere with the operation occurred if mass related limitations for specific of the publicly owned treatment works). pollutants have been violated. A violation will be 1-01.21•Incompatible Pollutant determined utilizing the formula: The words"incompatible pollutant" shall mean 8.34) (Millions of gallons discharged) (concen- any pollutant which is not a compatible pollutant tration pollutant in mgll) s an in 1-01.20. Shall and May The concentration used for the pollutant will be The word "shall" is mandatory. The "may" is the arithmetic mean of those concentrations for permissive. samples collected furing the period monitored or 1-01.23 • Metropolitan Water Pollution the concentration of a flow proportioned compo- Abatement Advisory Committee site during that period.The volume will be deter- Thewords"Metropolitan Water Pollution Abate- 34 7 current edition, or GUIDELINES•ESTABLISH-,mined by either a water meter or sewer meter ING TEST PROCEDURES FOR THE ANALY- serving the monitored process and read--imme-SIS OF POLLUTANTS, contained in 40 CFR diately prior to and after sampling.Part 136) in five days at a temperature of 20 10-02•Notice of Violationdegreescentigrade, expressed in milligrams per liter. Upon determination that a violation has taken or I-0I.16•Suspended Solids is taking place, a representative of Metro shall make a reasonable effort to immediately notify theThewords "suspended solids" shall mean total violating party. The first notification may besuspendedmatterthateitherfloatsonthesur- verbal if subsequently followed by written notifica-face of, or is in suspension in, water or waste- tion. Such written notification shall be entitledwaterandthatisremovablebylaboratoryfilter- Notice of Violation,"shall be signed by the Execu-ing as described in STANDARD METHODS tive Director and shall specify the nature andFORTHEEXAMINATIONOFWATERANDsourceoftheviolation. Such written notice mayWASTEWATERS, current edition, or GUIDE- be delivered to the business premises of an indus-LINES ESTABLISHING TEST PROCEDURES trial user or may be submitted by regular mail toFORTHEANALYSISOFPOLLUTANTS, con- the address of the permit holder as given to Metro.tained in 40 CFR Part 136, as published in the Following these notification procedures, applic-FEDERAL REGISTER,and referred to as nonfil- able follow-up correspondence will be used toterableresidue. establish penalties as provided by Section 13 and/1-01.17•pH or corrective action to be taken by the violator.The word"pH"shall mean the reciprocal of the 10-03•Public Notification of Violatonslogarithmofthehydrogenionconcentration. The concentration is the weight of hydrogen Pursuant to the requirements of 40CFR 403.8 ions in moles per liter of solution.Neutral water, the Municipality will publish in the daily news paper with the largest daily circulation in the met-for example, has a pH of 7 and a hydrogen ion concentration of 10-7. ropolitan area, not less than annually, a list of 1-01.18•Prohibited Substance those industrial users which during the previous The words "prohibited substance" shall mean 12 months were determined to be responsible for any liquid, solid, or vapor which shall not be significant violations of the limitations established by this resolution and applicable pretreatmentdischargedintotheMetropolitanSewerageSys- standards or other requirements pursuant to thistemorsewerstributarytheretoatanytimeor resolution. This notification will summarize en-under any condition. forecement action by Metro during the same 121-01.19•Restricted Substance or Characteristic The words"restricted substance or characteris- tic"shall mean any industrial waste which may 6 35 months. For the purposes of this subsection, the 1-01.10•Public Sewer term"significant violations"shall be as defined in The words"public sewer"shall mean a sewer or 40 CFR 403.08. combined sewer,exclusive or side sewers,owned or operated, or to be owned or operated, by the Municipality or a local public agency. Section 11 1-01.11•Private Sewer BOARD OF REVIEW The words"private sewer" shall mean a sewer,- or combined sewer, exclusive of side sewers, The Metropolitan Council shall appoint an Indus- which is not owned or operated by the Munici- trial Waste Board of Review consisting of seven(7) pality or a local public agency. members.A Board member representing industrial 1-01.12•Side Sewer activities located in the metropolitan area shall be The words "side sewer" shall mean a conduit appointed from each of the following categories:extending from the plumbing system of a build- dairies;food and kindred products;chemical;metal ing or buildings to and connecting with a public processing; and gas and oil. In addition, two (2) or a private sewer. Board members shall be appointed from the members of the Metropolitan Water Pollution 1-01.13•Standards Abatement Advisory Committee.The purpose of The word "standards" whall mean limitations the Industrial Waste Board of Review shall be to and requirements established by federal and advise the Metropolitan Council on industrial state laws and regulations for discharges to the waste matters,and,when requested by the Coun-Metropolitan Sewerage System. cil, to review decisions and requirements of the 1-01.14•Person Executive Director relating to the discharge of industrial wastes into a public sewer, private The word "person" shall mean any individual, sewer,or side sewer tributary to the Metropolitan company, enterprise, partnership, corporation, Sewerage System, or the disposal of prohibited association, society, or group, and the singular substances, high strength wastes and sludge.The term shall include the plural. terms of the members shall be established in the 1-01.15•Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) resolution making the appointments. the board The words "biochemical oxygen demand" or shall establish its own rules of procedure and shall abbreviation thereof, as"BOD", shall mean the select-a chairman. A record shall .be kept of all quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical meetings, including the attendance and actions oxidation of organic matter (as described in the taken. A copy of the record shall be forwarded to American Public Health Association Publication, interested local public agencies. All meetings shall STANDARD METHODS FOR THE EXAMI- NATION OF WATER AND WASTEWATERS, 36 5 cessing,business,agriculture, trade or research, be open to the public. Recommendations of the including but not limited to the development, Industrial Waste Board of Review shall be advisory recovering or processing of natural resources only. and leachate from landfills or other disposal sites. 1-01.05•Waste Discharge Section 12 The words"waste discharge"or"discharge"shall APPEAL TO THE METROPOLITANmeantheactofdischargingordepositingwastes, COUNCILotherthansanitarywastewater, into a public sewer, private sewer or side sewer tributary to the Metropolitan Sewerage System. Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any decision or action of the Executive Director made1-01.06•Waste Discharge Permit or taken pursuant to this resolution may appeal toThewords"waste discharge permit"or"permit" the Metropolitan Council by filing written noticeshallmeanapermitissuedpursuanttoSection6ofappealwiththeClerkoftheCouncilwithinten of this resolution for the discharge of waste into 10)days following notification of such decision or a public sewer,private sewer or side sewer tribu- action. Such notice of appeal shall set forth in tary to the Metropolitan Sewerage System.Such reasonable detail the action or decision appealed permits may be granted for a specified period of from and the appellant's grounds for reversal or time up to five (5) years. modification thereof.Within twenty-one(21)days 1-01.07•Permit Holder following the receipt of such notice, the Clerk of The words"permit holder"shall mean any per- Council will place the appeal on the agenda of the son to whom Metro shall have issued a waste Water Quality Committee of the Metropolitan discharge permit.Council.The Water Quality Committee may refer the appeal to the Industrial Waste" Board of 1-01.08•Sewer Review, which in turn, shall set a time for a The word"sewer"shall mean a conduit designed hearing upon such appeal which shall be no more or used to transport waste water and to which than thirty(30)days following the date of referral storm water,surface and ground waters are not to the Board unless a further time extension is intentionally admitted. granted by the Board, or the Water Quality 1-01.09•Combined Sewer Committee may refer the appeal to the full Council for a hearing.The Council may reject theThewords "combined sewer" or "combined appeal or the Council shall set a time for Council sewer system"shall mean a conduit or system of hearing upon such appeal which shall be no more conduits in which both waste water and storm than thirty(30)days following the date of referral water are transported. of such Notice of Appeal to the Council unless a 4 37 further time extension is granted by action of the defined below,the words and phrases of this reso- Council. The Council may designate the Water lution shall have their common and ordinary Quality Committee or another appointed subscom- meanings to the degree consistent with the tech- mittee of Council members to serve as the hearing nical subjects herein. body. If the appeal is referred to the Industrial 1-01.01•Metro or Municipality Waste Board of Review,the written recommenda- The words"Metro"or"Municipality"shall mean tion of the Board shall be filed with the Clerk of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle,a metro- the Council within four (4) days after the Board politan municipal corporation of the State of hearing. The Council may hold a hearing on the Washington, acting through the Metropolitan recommendations of the Board or its designated Council or any board, committee, body, official hearing body and, in any event, shall take action or person to whom the Council shall have on the recommendation of the Board or hearing lawfully delegated the power to act for or on body with twenty-one (21) days following the behalf of the Municipality. Unless a particular filing of the recommendations. The action of the board, committee, body, official or person is Council upon such appeal shall be conclusive, specifically designated in these rules and regu- subject to appeal to the State Pollution Control lations, wherever action by Metro is explicitly Hearings Board or the Superior Court of King required or implied herein,it shall be understood County in the manner prescribed by law. The to mean action by the Executive Director of filing of such appeals shall not stay enforcement of Metro or his or her duly authorized representa- the action of the Council or Executive Director. tive or agent. At least three (3) days notice of the time and 1-01.02•Executive Director place of any hearing held pursuant to this section The words"Executive Director"shall mean the shall be given to the person aggrieved,unless such Executive Director of the Muncipality of Metro- notice shall be waived by such person in writing. politan Seattle or his or her duly authorized representative or agent. 1-01.03•Metropolitan Area Section 13 The words "metropolitan area" shall mean the PENALTIES area contained within the boundaries of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle as now or Any person failing to comply with or violating hereafter constituted by state law. any of the provisions of Section 3, Section 4, 1-01.04•Industrial Waste Section 6,Section 7 and Section 9 and the criteria The words "industrial waste" shall mean any of Section 10 of this resolution'shall,for each such liquid, solid or gaseous substance, or combina- tion thereof, resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, commercial food pro- 38 3 WHEREAS, said PL 92-500 as amended by PL failure or violation, be subject to penalties as95-217 establishes a National Pollutant Discharge hereinafter set forth.Upon determination of suchEliminationSystemunderwhichtheMunicipalityafailureorviolation, the Executive Director shall must obtain a permit for discharges from its issue a written notice stating the nature of theMetropolitanSewerageSystemandcomplywithfailureorviolationpursuanttoSection10-02.permit conditions which may include effluent Where repetitive or continuous violations are treatment and limitation requirements,standards occurring and the person responsible for theofperformancerequirements,pretreatment require- violations is using best efforts and most current ments and other requirements; and technology to avoid further failures or violations, WHEREAS,the state of Washington has granted the Executive Director shall allow a reasonable to the Municipality the authority to issue permits time for satisfactory correction thereof. Depend- for the discharge of industrial and other wastes ing upon the severity of the situation,the Executive into the Metropolitan Sewerage System,in accord-Director may require disposal of the industrial ance with federal law and regulations and RCW waste in some manner other than into the public 90.48.165; and sewer,private sewer or side sewer tributary to the Metropolitan Sewerage System,at the expense ofWHEREAS,in order to carry out its authorized the person responsible for the failure or violation.function of metropolitan water pollution abate-Said person shall,within the period of time statedmentpursuanttoRCW35.58.200 and to comply in such notice,satisfactorily correct said failure orwithfederalandstatelawsandregulations, it is violation. Extensions of this time limit may benecessaryandinthebestinterestsoftheresidentsgrantedbytheExecutiveDirectoruponconsidera-of the metropolitan area and users of the Metropol-tion of a request in writing from said person,itan Sewerage System that the Municipality adopt which shall set forth the truthful reasons whyrulesandregulationsassetforthinthisresolu-compliance cannot be timely made.Corrections oftion; violating conditions shall not preclude assessment NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the of penalties. Council of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seat- Any person who shall continue any failure ortleasfollows: violation beyond the time limit provided shall be Section I deemed guilty of an additional and separate failure DEFINITIONS or violation for each discharge as explained in 1-01.•Definition of Terms Commonly Used 10-01.01. For each failure or violation hereunder, the per- The following terms,words and phrases when son responsible shall be fined not less than Fifty used in this resolution shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth in this section, whether appearing in capital or lower case form. If not 2 39 Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Thousand RESOLUTION NO. 3374 Dollars ($5,000.00). The determination as to the amount assessed will be dependent upon a number A RESOLUTION of the Council of the Municipality of of factors including, but not limited to, the type Metropolitan Seattle establishing rules and regulations for the and concentration of the pollutant causing the disposal of industrial waste into the Metropolitan Sewerage violation, the volumes discharged, the damages System, adopting permit requirements therefore, and super- caused by or related to the discharges,the history seding Resolution No. 2310. of past violations by the same person, the assess- ment of any prior penalties for similar violations WHEREAS, in order to protect the waters and the number of violations as determined pur- within and adjacent to the metropolitan area from suant to subsection 10-01.01.pollution and to secure the health, safety and Any person causing damage to a public sewer, welfare of the residents of the Seattle-King County treatment facility or receiving waters by discharges metropolitan area, a Metropolitan Sewerage not in compliance with this resolution and the System is being developed and operated by the requirements of any permit,shall be liable for any Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle for the such damage and for any additional treatment treatment and disposal of wastewater; and costs and for any penalties, including the with- WHEREAS, the discharge of industrial and holding of any grant money,levied against Metro other wastes into the Metropolitan Sewerage for violation of state and federal permits resulting System, and the cumulative impacts of any such from said noncompliant discharges and for any discharge, will have an adverse impact on water other expert,legal or administrative costs incurred quality, endanger the public health, safety and by Metro or the local public agency as a result of welfare and present a hazard to the functioning of such damage or discharge. Metropolitan Sewerage System facilities;and WHEREAS,the Washington State Department of Ecology and the United States Environmental Section 14 protection agency require that industrial waste IMPLEMENTATION discharges to Metropolitan Sewerage System facilities be regulated; and WHEREAS,the Congress has enacted the Water The Executive Director is authorized and directed . Pollution Control Act, as amended by PL 92-500 to promulgate such rules and regulations as he or Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of she deems necessary to carry out the purposes or 1972) and PL 95=217 (Clean Water Act of 1977), provisions of this resolution, to insure Metro's which provides for grants for contruction of compliance with the requirements of any federal treatment works and establishes goals and re- or state law or administrative regulation relating quirements for levels of treatment by municipal to water pollution and any changes or amend- and industrial discharges; and 40 1 s j rd•. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENT&DETERMI- NATIO ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- I Significance-Mitigated for the following pro- ject(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicants(s) have Audrey Benner completed a mitigation process pursuant to being first duly sworn on oath states WAC 197-11-350. that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the I City of Renton for King County-King I County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility VALLEY DAILY NEWS This s a conditional use application ons lt-i ted to permit modification of the Consoli- dated Office and Repair Facility(CORF)to Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition include the following: 1)expansion of exist- ing office space and staff services; 2)con- Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week.That said newspapers i struction of a new,storagvl_ding d are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six i •.Y months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published r expansion of'.existing.,sto age`spce 3) construction'of a neVen aterjalsttesting lab- in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King oratory. 6 Property located south of N.E. County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal Third Street, north of Maple Valley High- t way, in the iicmity‘of Monroe Avenue N.E. newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for ECF-038-8 CUt038=88 ' King County! This decision-Will-be-finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 p.m., August 2, 1988 will not be considered. A The notice in exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition fourteen (14) day appeal period will corn- Renton Renton Edition X Auburn Edition and not in mence following the finalization of DNS-M. The mitigation measures imposed by the supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers City of Renton's Environmental Review during the below stated period.The annexed notice a Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Build- Notice of Environmental Determination ing, Renton, Washington. Phone: 235-2550. was published on T ti ly 7 , 1988 R5 0 8 9 Published:July 18, 1988 Valley Daily News E R5082 Account#51067 The full amo nt of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 46 .50 . Subscribed and sworn to before me his 2 7 th day of July 19 fi 8 Notary blic for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, 1 King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the day of , sept- 1988, I Pde osited in the mails of the United) States "a sealed envelope containing ksn „ ,,, nn r Anoyi qAa „damdocuments. This information was sent to: NAME: REPRESENTING: r rer\ le4erkeyly, P& k ` 1 r dfi: C0 1l SIGNED BY: jjJ1A l SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 1 J day of 1988 . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 0 0 therein. Project Name and Number: C CcbRP) 1 OF R44• r • c k ,.: t ias x ,F° t r, 0 r Y r b U 0 0 Z n`. 0,9' 7E0 SEPTE OFP City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner, will hold a HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 BEGINNING AT 9:oA.M. P.M. CONCERNING: KINGOCO. 8PUBLICO38-88 WORKS CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY THIS IS A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY (CORF) TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1) EXPANSION OF EXISTING OFFICE SPACE AND STAFF SERVICES; 2) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STORAGE BUILDING AND EXPANSION OF EXISTING STORAGE SPACE; AND 3) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY. IIJ 1.il,i .. G.if!' lit 5] i, 4,, i , B_1 II B-1 1 440\1,L-1 rR-3 iL. l. Vaill t T> a OJN (l ,.' ',, CG AP I y Mali. . . ,, .1-ref. i r N oirr uum lei, i.7. i 1 Q RIy R ., GENERAL LOCATI n:IVnN, R,gyp. _ I S: PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF N.E. 3RD ST. , NORTH OF MAPLE VALLEYHIGHWAY, IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVE. N.E. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATION I , LIL D , HEREBY CERTIFY THATI, If I,e, COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN j i-i6 (3 ) CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON NACoU5 jo, t q S ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in C•10TnL) on the -r•p,. SIGNED : UL/J\-.,J hadayofS 1 JJ 1_ PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King County Page 9 September 6, 1988 H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based' upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the HearingExaminerrecommendapprovaloftheconditionalusepermitapplication, file CU 038-88 . Approval subject to the followingconditions: 1.IThe applicants shall be required to implement all of theconditionsestablishedbytheEnvironmentalReviewCommittee. 2 .' The applicants shall be required to enter into an agreementwiththeCitytoparticipateinimprovementstoutilities, roadwaysandpiublicservicesatthetimeoffuturedevelopmentasrequiredtoensureadequateservicestothesiteandtothesurroundingcommunity. 3 ., The applicant shall r ilterinandoil/water separators, to improve filtering boffimpuritieswales fromstormwaterrun-off, prior to its entry into dry well system,subject to the approval by the City of Renton, to improve filteringofimpuritiesfromstormwaterrun-off. Note: A filtering system is suggested by the Department ofEcologyforthetreatmentofcontaminatedstormwaterpriorto itsentranceintotheunderlyingaquifer. 4 . 1 The applicants shall be required to carry out trafficstudiespriortofuturedevelopmentofthesite. 5., The applicants shall be required to participate in anyfuturetrafficbenefitimprovementdistrict, paying their fairshareoftrafficmitigationfees; including these estimated forthisdevelopmentwhichisestimatedat75to100trips. Lt:14: 4.1;° 14):3‘. 1)""‘; 11 ipirr PLANNING DIVISION - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 APPLICANT: City of Renton - Richard C. Houghton - Director of Public Works FILE NUMBER: ECF 038-88; CU 038-88 LOCATION:' Property located south of N.E. 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks a conditional use permit for 1) expansion of existing office space ,and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; and 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: City of Renton 2 . Applicant: City of Renton - Richard C. Houghton, Director of Public Works; King County - O.J. Saltarelli. 3 . Existing Zoning: G-1, General Use 4 . Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1, General; R-1, Single-family residential; R-2, Low-density, multi-family residential; R-3, Medium-density multi-family residential; R-4, High-density, multi-family residential; T- mobile home park; B-1 Commercial; L-1, Light Industrial; P-1, Public Use. 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Public/Quasi-Public Use 6. Size of Property: 36 acres 7 . Access: Monroe Avenue N.E. ; N.E. Second Street 8. Land Use: This property is presently developed with King County and City of Renton Public Works Shops. 9 . Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Property is developed with single-family residences, a mobile home park, commercial and light industrial uses. Renton Vocational School and Greenwood Cemetery are located in this area. There is also vacant property. u PRELIMINARY REPORT TO 'I HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Cot y Page 2 September 6, 1988 East: Property is developed with a mobile home park. South: Property is developed with residential uses and public uses. West: . There is limited amount of commercial development. Much of the property is vacant, and could be developed with a variety of general commercial and light industrial uses. C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action File Ordinance Date Annexation N/A 2249 April 25, 1966 Annexation N/A 3143 December 9, 1976 Conditional Use 003-82 March 9, 1982 Conditional Use 070-83 December 2 , 1983 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Property is served by a twelve (12) inch line along N.E. 2nd Street, which links to twelve (12) inch and eight 8) lines on the northern portion of the property. There are no water lines on the southern portion of the property; Water lines of twelve (12) inches and eight (8) inches run to the eastern boundary of the southern portion of the property. b. Sewer: Property is served by twelve (12) inch lines along Monroe Avenue N.E. beginning at N.E. 2nd Street and continuing south to the property line at Maple Valley Highway. Eight (8) inch lines run along N.E. 2nd Street. Six (6) and eight (8) inch lines run south at the eastern perimeter of the property from N.E. 2nd Street. c. Storm Water Drainage: Storm Drainage on this property is accomplished through infiltration/percolation through a system of existing dry wells. 2 . Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3 . Transit: Not applicable 4 . Schools: Not applicable 5. Recreation: Not applicable E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-704 G-1, General Zone 2 . Section 4-710 P-1, Public Use 3 . Section 4-748, Conditional Use F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Comprehensive Plan Compendium, March 1986, Environmental Policies Element (I) , page 8. 2 . Comprehensive Plan Compendium, March 1986, Governmental Policies Element (X) , page 26 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO T""- HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Cou_ Page 3 September16, 1988 3 . Comprehensive Plan Compendium, March 1986, Area Specific Policies - Northeast Renton, page 55. G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicants, City of Renton and King County, seeks approval of a conditional use permit to allow the improvement of the King County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. The facility and attendant amenities (e.g. parking, access routes) presently include approximately 4.5 acres of the 36 acre site. (The City also has developed approximately ten acres of this site for facilities operations. ) The current application for expansion includes the following components: 1) Building J, Crews Building expand the existing 7, 860 square foot building by approximately 7, 800 square feet, to add crew services (lockers, showers, restrooms) , and administrative office space; 2) Building B, Traffic Building - expand existing service operations in the building by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint to include lavatories, lockers and showers; c) Mini Storage Building - construct a 1,200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage; 4) Materials Testing Laboratory Building - construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory Building of approximately 8, 000 square feet. The building will house laboratories, administrative area, staff services, storage, an equipment and supplies room, a curing room, and special foundations; 5) Building H. Storage Warehouse - convert 5,000 square foot building from office use to storage use. The project is also proposed to include a new storm water drainage system and a 120 space gravel parking area to serve the proposed Materials Laboratory. The above-listed proposed improvements are defined by the applicant as Phase I of a Master Site Plan, which is intended to be implemented in three to four phases over the next several years. No final schedule for implementation of the phases has been established to date nor has the Plan been officially recognized by either the County Executive or the Council. The applicant has submitted this application in compliance with Section 4-704B (3) (d) which allows the development of "public buildings essential to the physical . . . welfare of an area" by conditional use permit. In review of the application and discussion with the applicant, the Zoning Administrator has determined that the developments proposed in this application would be considered to provide essential public services to the City of Renton and adjacent King County lands. 2 . Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated on July 18, 1988, with the following conditions: That in conjunction with the development of the proposed structures and prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy for those structures, the applicant will complete the following: 1) The applicant shall ensure that all buildings are a part of this current application, including "H", Building "M", and the Materials Testing Laboratory are connected to a "tight" sanitary sewer system approved by the Public Works Department. 2) 1 The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologist to conduct and report on monthly ground water monitoring in those areas of the property currently subject to contamination. 1 5' PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Col y Page 4 September 6, 1988 Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be provided for the Transfer Station and elsewhere on the site and notes that additional wells may be required. 3) The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building H Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the uses within these structures themselves where appropriate. Note: This plan shall be approved by the City (including but not limited to the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development) . 4) That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodically spraying it down with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. 5) That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2 , 000. 00 to pay for street clean-up related to project construction activities. 6) That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of 500, 000. 00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; b. The applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan within twelve (12) months of the issuance of this Determination, which shall include: 1) An element indicating how and when all new structures will be connected to the existing or, where appropriate because of the potential for leaks, a new "tight" sanitary sewer system for the site. 2) An element to address the removal in conjunction with any future development of the proposed site, of storm drainage from the site, to include its routing and containment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. No new dry wells shall be permitted. 3) An element describing how ground water monitoring will be carried out on the site in order to identify possible existing and future problems should they occur. 4) An element describing methods by which the applicant will ensure monitoring of all County, City and private vehicles entering and leaving the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances (waste hauling vehicles, and other vehicles hauling hazardous substances) have containment systems to protect the site and other portions of the Aquifer Protection Area against spillage of those materials. 5) An element addressing methods for periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO T--- HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Cou Page 5 Septemberl6, 1988 c. An element describing methods by which all areas where hazardous substances are handled, used, treated or stored, including parking areas, will be contained to protect against leakage or spillage of these substances. Conditional Use Criteria: 3 . Section 4 .478 (C) lists eleven criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider along with all other relevant information in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: a. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Map, which designates the proposed project site for Public Use/Quasi-Public Use. The proposed 1 development is consistent with the purposes and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as follows: PURPOSES: The following "purposes" of the Comprehensive Plan, page 3 1 of the March, 1986, Compendium have been adhered to: Purpose 2 : To insure acceptable levels of public services to future growth and development. Purpose 3 : To promote the public interest, and the interest 1 of the City at large. Purpose 5: To effect coordination in development. POLICIES ELEMENTS: The following "governmental goals, objectives and policies", page 26 of the March, 1986, Compendium, have also been complied with. X. GOVERNMENTAL GOAL: TO ENCOURAGE COST EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENTAL PROGRAMS THROUGH COOPERATIVE EFFORTS OF PUBLIC AGENCIES. A. GOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION OBJECTIVE: Cooperation among governments should be encouraged. Policy 1. Duplication of services and facilities among the various governments should be discouraged. Policy 2 . Joint use of facilities between the City and the County should be encouraged where practicable. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO T]• HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Page 6 Septemberj6,1988 1 At present, the Land Use Zoning Map designates the property for General Use (G-1) . The use proposed by the applicant is consistent with Section 4-704B (3) (d) of the Zoning Ordinance which allows the development of "public . . . buildings essential to the physical . . . welfare of an area" by conditional use, Permit in the General Use zone. b. Community Need: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of Community need the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: 1. The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location is intended to accommodate City and County Public Works Consolidated Office and Repair Facilities, as necessary, to serve the City and adjacent King County. Concentration of these services is intended to provide efficient, effective public services. Staff do not view the presently proposed expansion as resulting in a detrimental overconcentration of public service uses; neither is the proposed Master Site Plan viewed as potentially resulting in such overconcentration. 2 . That the proposed located is suited for the proposed use. The requested location is suitable for the proposed Public Works Shops. The applicant has located the proposed projects (including expansions to existing structures and new structures) on a parcel which already is developed with similar public works facilities. The proposed developments are designed and have been conditioned in a manner that will mitigate impacts to the site and the adjacent community. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on the adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be addressed: 1 1. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in residential districts (R-1 and R-2) shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot coverage of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Lot coverage in all other zones shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Lot coverage in the General Use Zone in which the development is proposed to be located shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%)" of the parcel. The applicant states in the Environmental Checklist B-1-g) that following project construction, approximately 412, 085 square feet of the site will be impervious area; this constitutes approximately ten percent (10%) of the total site. 2. Yards: Yard shall conform to the requirements of the zone in Which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yd. The proposal conforms to the yard setback requirements of the G- 1, General Use Zone. 3 . Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennae or similar structures may exceed the height requirements upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. M PRELIMINARY REPORT TO ' HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Counr.y Page 7 September '6, 1988 The maximum height of any of the currently proposed structures is thirty (30) feet. - The Zoning Ordinance sets height limits for the General Use Zone at thirty-five (35) feet. d. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) The property around the site is developed with a variety of uses, including single-family residential, commercial uses, and public uses (e.g. Greenwood Cemetery, Renton Vocational Technical Institute) . The proposed public service facilities are in keeping with the scale of these eclectic uses. The applicant has endeavored to develop expanded/new facilities, which are consistent with the character of the existing structures on the site and in the local community. Because the proposed developments are proposed to be located in the City's Aquifer Protection Area (Zone II) , it is essential that the project be designed to include features which ensure protection of the underlying water supply. Mitigation measures proposed by the Environmental Review Committee (see above listing of Environmental Conditions in G-2) are intended to ensure such protection and to further enhance compatibility of the proposed project withexisting neighborhood developments. In addition, Staff are recommending that storm water, where practical, be bio-filtered before entering existing dry wells onsite. e. Parking: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five (75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone in which the proposed use is located if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. (Ord 3903 , 4-22-85) . The proposed expansion of existing buildings to accommodate staff services and storage facilities is not anticipated to generate new trips to the site, but rather to increase efficiency of operations and the quality of amenities available to the staff. The proposed Materials Laboratory will bring fifteen (15) new staff members to the site. in order to accommodate those new staff members and to increase the availability of convenient parking for current staff, the applicant proposes to add 120 new parking spaces to the site. The spaces will be uncovered. They are designed to meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. In addition the Environmental Review Committee has established conditions (See Section G-2b) to be applied in conjunction with any future development on the site to ensure that the underlying aquifer is protected from spillage of loads from vehicles or leakage of products, such. as gasoline or oil, while traveling or parked on the site., f. Traffic: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. The proposed service improvements and expansion to storage space are not anticipated to generate additional traffic to the site. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO ' HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Col Page 8 September6, 1988 The proposed materials testing laboratory will employ fifteen 15) new staff members, and is anticipated to generate approximately 75 to 100 daily trips. Traffic Engineering Division staff have indicated that Monroe Avenue N.E. , which is adjacent to the site, can accommodate the expected volume and flow of traffic from the proposed development. With respect to on-site circulation, the existing patterns for vehicular and pedestrian traffic will essentially remain the same. The proposed additional parking is designed to be located in a way which provides safe, convenient access for employees moving through the site. Future developments may require expansion of public right-of-way and on-site roadways, as well as corollary street improvements. g. Noise Glare : Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The proposed development will have minimal impacts with respect to light, glare and noise. Lighting will be provided within and around the structures and in the proposed parking area. This lighting is not anticipated to effect off-site developments or activities, as these facilities are proposed to be located well away from site boundaries, and to be screened by landscaping and fencing existing on the site. The proposed developments 'are not expected to generate adverse noise levels. Noise in the area is expected to remain about the same. As future phases of development are implemented, additional volumes of noise may be generated which will require mitigation measures. h. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. Existing landscaping and screening, which will remain on the site, conforms to the Zoning Ordinance requirements. i. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoria used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. This criterion is not applicable. j . Conversion: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. The proposed development includes interior remodeling and exterior expansion of structures now existing as conditional uses (e.g. office space, storage space, staff service facilities) . The existing uses and the proposed uses are proposed to be consistent with requirements established for conditional uses in the Zoning Ordinance. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO T- - HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton/King Col y Page 9 September, 6, 1988 k. Public Improvements: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities and/or services. The proposed development, including expansion of existing services and facilities and introduction of new storage, office and materials testing laboratory facilities will not impose an undue burden on public services. The project will require City water and utilities; these exist in sufficient quantities in the immediate area to handle the new demand. The applicant will, however, need to extend existing lines, in some instances, to the proposed structures at the time of construction. The existing storm water drainage system of drywells will continue to be used but is proposed to be improved with some bio- filtration of waters entering the system. Improvements to sanitary sewer lines, storm water drainage systems, and water service will be required in conjunction with any future development on this site as well (See Section G2b) . H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the Hearing Examiner recommend approval of the conditional use permit application, file CU 038-88. Approval subject to the following conditions: 1,. The applicants shall be required to implement all of the conditions established by the Environmental Review Committee. 2'. The applicants shall be required to enter into an agreement with the City to participate in improvements to utilities, roadways and public services at the time of future development as required to ensure adequate services to the site and to the surrounding community. 3 . The applicant shall provide a plan for biofiltering swales and oil/water separators, prior to its entry into dry well system, subject to the approval by the City of Renton, to improve filtering of impurities from storm water run-off. Note: A filtering system is suggested by the Department of Ecology for the treatment of contaminated storm water prior to its entrance into the underlying aquifer. G- 1 r LI L- 1 i C p y I I 1 I Ar' .'' '' • A ECG_ 1 I \\ //• yI 4 i 11 ', 1 Y* i 11 i Fr;"Y" w; L. ii'': 1 :'!;'._ 1 .•'•t:,. _'Alai o ie nf::. .e_p• .©R 4wr.',.•..:.•., i;/ fl 1 y..1•: 6a.,' c .•r .'t , 7 // 7 . _a ,: ij\. `• ti am' 0.!;•.',.: . •,,: ••:,•.:,:r...--.1:.,C.C.1•;•;.•••;,'; - . .... s. -• , ,„, • 1„,./, - is; 1. r. . 11, o pry,;,. IN1. nuKEF ; J 5r;c - 1 - 77, •.`• '\ - fr- „ ' , 41:1KINGCOUNTYEXPANSIONOFPUBLICWORKSFACILITIES FILE NO. 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Greenbelt Pit Storage 1•••;\- - ----- Tr/ ' r ,..--- / j 1 ' - '` s_ tf,1,:g= 2.--•"17_... .0s5c.7, . 0.C, 3 c? •Potencial Future Connection To\ MASTER A.... liars. Eramonic ADDITION LOCATIONS . 4-1111t,'" lf).1(I • ." 1,/ ' • 0,.- C-.). ) n .,..:=1QI, ' \So. 1.-% • AND NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS b.( _.'••..//-/ ‘• • • .. - at!, SITE PLAN ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT 7 ,s , i1I /-:- : *••• / K "^- ar,"•7CIPC) c3a.11 l'a' 0 c-.1.. ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL I ' 1 C c ii i I I / • ' a /*. FTX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND a. ../e)' ' 1Za I I r21' r•---------4 i I• A- //i:' .. . ,-' • ri n,... NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. 7/ 47 1 1 I a, 4- Vt • li, ir e 1 . ,,, 0, KING COUNTY ® I; PUBUC WORKS 11 11 Nt:(9. cs,i CONSOUDATED OFFICE 4•jj I. REPAIR FACIUTY ee 1 01 -1/4;! , . . <•) k .. w 3 . / a .s. is, irA N.. 0 7 2, _____;/....„*.i., • ,.., 4,--.,s;e; s ....„...../ /\___----------; 4 r0 reps. iV07, 411r,ler i JI Ci 4,,. ....... . I BUILDING ADDITION 1., tittp. :V..' • 1S...--- e.:.,:if- 41454A' /1510*05. -fr '' • 4. 44465—E3411.01LIC. i ..—._—_-: N % ... 1 • \ • 1. i ... : /...,._ Ite,t,, .. s.,. . i •i i (•• t.*, :'; 1 ; • i 1 v‘ Z•\'.././,.)\ 1 iI\,\• ..•_...__-_..._.._-_..,.\. s.. L i.‘ I-_ I./... s.).'../. ie,„‘ k:‘-..,.. l.../.. i-. k,-1,s,".,,...:\;•,.\,'..%..:._.)•.../._••,•/ 0•.-.--.-:-:-.:--.'•-.'.•.••-\ E••l...---.-•_-.•._.-_..,-..-..,- l.a...#.../....t/..-...-o...m-...• .(.. i' PAt'/' P!;,-''-''..,./.. tI•\••....../\\)'•,\,‘)/1. 1‘\)'.• If‘"•,--.-...!^'-.--"\.-',:-,:'.'-,.\.•..\ l,,\ 2.-/•-‘—..- N... k-.- W:-ss%,-.'.s s... 31r. s. . f.".-•-,.- i- MINI I.L STORAGE.. 0-_'','.,.,..'--'.-..•"-. 1,,.‘,•,,,. 1 ,,,-_.._.-,..•/-;--,. 1.--'„•-:.- 2".,./_., -..-._ a•.—._ t // i-,.-.. i.. i ADDITION 1I„ I), i i 7 A'AM3"Ri, 2-.1MR.C3A3.H A1•IS1o2T2.•AETMC/TYIEASSLROS& C MPKL_A. SO. N... N n c 4 DEVELOPMENTR1 S NOTE: BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS SITE PLAN AND,.NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS c it'.! i ; .• . 4 -..\ 1:31; • Cg3 tli 4. I <"0 Fl • ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT NIP ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL 1,'"--- '• t. ... ' 11, r:? a .•/„. 0 S\PHASE r Frx ADDITION LOCATIONS AND 1 ' • •• . ' 0/ •C'' 1I-1.. NEW B S.UILDING FLOOR PLAN Y 1 PROJECTS CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-038-88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT: City of Renton for King County LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building & Zoning Department The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environmental. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 . 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminay site plan, on file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from July 18, 1988. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5: 00 p.m. , August 2 , 1988, in order to be considered. A fourteen 14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of the DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee Donald K. Erickson Zoning Administrator Building & Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: July 18,, 1988 DATE OF DECISION: July 13 , 1988 SIGNATURES: f7,7"7/../ onald G. Nelson Larry Springer Building Official Planning Manager ichard . F ughton Public Works Director DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: City of Renton for King County Expansion of Public Works Facilities ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88 APPLICATION NUMBER: CU-038-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair FacilityCORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existingstoragespace; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned forG-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of MonroeAvenueN.E. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That ; in conjunction with the development of the proposed structuresandpriortoreceivingacertificate' of occupancy for thosestructures, the applicant will complete the following: a. . The applicant shall ensure that all buildings that are apartofthiscuurentapplication, including Building "H" ,Building "M" , and the Materials Testing Laboratory areconnectedtoa "tight" sanitary sewer system approved by thePublicWorksDepartment. b. The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologisttoconductandreportonmonthlygroundwatermonitoringinthoseareasofthepropertycurrentlysubjecttocontamination. Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be providedfortheTransferStationandelsewhereonthesiteandnotesthatadditionalwellsmayberequired. c. The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building HStorageWarehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and theMaterialsTestingLaboratory, including containment of thestoragetanksrelatingtothefacilities, and the useswithinthesestructuresthemselveswhereappropriate. Note: This plan shall be approved by the City (includingbutnotlimitedtothePublicWorksDepartment, the FirePreventionBureau, and the Planning Division of theDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment) . Mitigation Measures City of Renton for King County Page 2 d. That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the DepartmentofCommunityDevelopmenttocontroldustanddebrisontheconstructionsitebyperiodicallysprayingitdownwithwaterandontheadjacentright-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. e. That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicantshallberequiredtopostabondof $2, 000.00 to pay for street clean-up related to project construction activities. f. That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of500, 000. 00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of,the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up anddecontaminationofanyareasaffectedbyspillagefromthisproject; 2 . The applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive HazardousSubstancesManagementPlanwithintwelvemonthsoftheissuanceofthisDetermination, which shall include: a. An element indicating how and when all new structures willbeconnectedtotheexistingor, where appropriate becauseofthepotential, for leaks, a new "tight" sanitary sewersystemforthesite. b. An element to address the removal That in conjunction with'any future development of the proposed site, of stormdrainagefromthesite, to include its routing andcontainment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expandedstructuresonthissite, subject to approval by theEngineeringDivisionofthePublicWorksDepartment. No newdrywellsshallbepermitted. c. An element describing how ground water monitoring will becarriedoutonthesiteinordertoidentifypossibleexistingandfutureproblemsshouldtheyoccur. d. An element describing methods by which the applicant willensuremonitoringofallCounty, City and private vehiclesenteringandleavingthesiteforpurposesoftransportinghazardoussubstances (waste hauling vehicles, and othervehicleshaulinghazardoussubstances) have containmentsystemstoprotectthesiteandotherportionsoftheAquiferProtectionAreaagainstspillageofthosematerials. e. An element addressing methods for periodic monitoring byappropriateCityofficialsofallcontainmentandspillageprotectionsystems. 3 . An element describing methods by which all areas where hazardoussubstancesarehandled, used, treated or stores, including parkingareas, will be contained to protect against leakage or spillage ofthesesubstances. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :trk.. prevein-6y\ APPROVED F-TAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS s-NOT APPROVED EEO /.3uiIA E .%9NS. i3 `DATE: /.3 71'y , SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE vv REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ;101 Ell APPROVED Ot APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Eil NOT APPROVED d C,R Ave L. PARK Iiu a Lo-t S /C 1U a-I pae m/i-f r7 . N -v PNtK I/(x, Lc-(5 AcR-6 TO ae Pl\v _c-) AND S1'Iz,lp.o l_.- [1'NosoNolrvG is No-1 } ccEp-Ikra,e. S1OVub > 9REljtc/ 1-1NwC c o ILL-O rye krE Z,Nn s7'2 / eJUe 3(7j PrIIKfroG Lola {=rv,0 F oJh10 /-6Ul(..bl4)4 e 002..1LAJ FI A DATE: ,i 'Oci'bej SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Q ` Form 182 7 5 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas wehaveexpertiseina1-d have identified areas of probable impact or areas whereadditionalinformationisneeded/to properly assess this proposal. REVIEWING DEPARTMENTI /D I`, ' ',ION : tiiI kI LI II ly!'<+Utiqu;.,I II .(f n APPROVED r IAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS g NOT APPROVED N c/s -r) A O .cs$ MIA ;C(-- @ZOTGCr),V N S , T(s AS-I- G F crL iy 15 1M 77-Ie HOA1c 71- of -iik7 AQudht`,le- piL0 i6c- r op A26i ' Apr ron/A(._ rill A-A-O ion.4 IS iVCOe/) oi`I L,IrVA 1 (2EGucA76/) 5-1A6514c iC 63 wry 136 u560 ///40 S7ke» ,M os A>2n«z ', IF ARf2c Au_ AREgs r N c „ .2(-Glici r&o 7?)5i inc c6S ,006 Sion60 , map Us6o S-Oa1(Q BC Cvv z-4 MA/Lr40 , rioniiro biz- wGG--s sdooGio (.G ,tiS7Acc.6') IN fur,'yeaGRo„,„") 7',H,//GS A-!Ul? 4cL. o'T IQ6avle1G‘v a\-/ (> 4-S CPA-0) Ws/ Zon/g^ IL 0e 7dC- d2or70 0 AP' ,% o(W i ti/,0A/.c s{-lout..() 6L= rtirM 1, 17 1 0 DATE: 5 8 7) SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ;a^ir /- #A9eCr-e'cilfr e n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED 7%-I da . iliew 7Z /7,,,-111 4 6e /-ovcd/e y 10,99 o/cs a1 2",- 11 fie C-ccev/i vy we,- Z. &t,4 e Cam./ h Gv Or Aii few/e . 2,727 SIGNAT OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEATE; REVISION 5/1982 CO4 ENTS: Form 182 IC O At'i fr,,,...44,4 f'(44-(4 1"44-A, ,e.erpme.:4". We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas wehaveexpertiseinandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorareaswhereadditionalinformatioisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :4I"apG an APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVE ,,,,,U 5",Nr 2:‘12,/-; 1-)E c' c?- 1 kH1 c ir? fie J 2L•' J DATE SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHOR REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; ' c APPROVED n APPROVED WITHCONDITIONS Fl NOT APPROVED 1f 2-2- }c 3 ce c ov,3( U 5. s 3) c syy or„, zLX 3` `dYf` ( VS 11-:14-1 4 DATE 57r-3/88SIGNATUREOFDIRECTORORUTHORIZEDRERESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 EVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; fIltc-tj e 11.1 Mjj APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS SNOT APPROVED hip Lin ry-1 w ` h propcSe6 ptlic;es Cvv ?-cMeI oc ?.PA. afil I L l Y6 KLIY,o e. C v.c u R c V\ 19 C-^"1-0-L^-v-. uc_2 l hcQ"fi J`°r- I 9-l1`-C 9 ie., J„ eQ[tJ• L? C3t t„+42 kti k 1 D" 1 R. [ J y- / f O /\ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION RENTON,WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARINGINGWILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT Audrey Benner being first duly sworn on oath states Hthathe/she is the Chief Clerk of the CIS CHAMBERS ONNG IN THE SECOCONDTHESECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASH- INGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988, AT VALLEY DAILY NEWS 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOW- ING PETITIONS: Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition CITY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND Dailynewspapers six (6) times a week.That said newspapers CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR publishedFACILITY are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six This is a conditional use application submit- months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published ted to permit modification of the Consoli- dated Office and Repair Facility(CORF)to in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King include the following: 1)expansion of exist- County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal ing office space and staff services; 2) con- struction of a new storage building and newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for expansion of existing storage space;and 3) King County. construction of a new materials testing lab- oratory. Property is located south of N.E. 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF- Renton Edition Auburn Edition and not in 038-88,CU-038-88. x ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers PETITION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT during the below stated period.The annexed notice a AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEM- BER 6, 1988, AT iotice of Public Hearing THEIR OPINIONS900A.M. TOEXPRESS Published in the Valley Daily News was published on August 26 , 1988 R5 0 9 0 August 26, 1988.R5090.Acct.#51067 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 24 . 32 . Subscribed and sworn to before m his 2 n d day of Sept 1988 Not ublic for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 O F 'R4, A A. 11/•?' - - 4171-4,4`,". .,4,.A.. 1:; :' IL 4.. IC. - ' di 0 0 4$ 481 .7. g 92 o9 ' co• 30 P 9 g*, ir0 sEP T1i ,, ; , , :-. ;,,so- •6- 1 Vq.1" 1,-',', ' •: ,!:',.. .!'1,ku!.-4.0,;t:::--,P,1it:,,,,!-.:;:,' ' tilt 'Af-C;:,f,J;,• 1; •.• •..';•;j•,.•!,Th't'iF.1-0,.!': '•It!,',-,t';'' i,''.,“'";1',1 :I.; i,.'i,i'•..• • , : ,•'. 4..C.:','L :: ••'. • •11'' ii 1.,.!,',',',,;:4:!,','',City of Renton Land Use., Hearong:,!,'•Examiner'.... ,iii, 4,;....,,,,,,,,:,',,04,.N ,.,$.:Iv'4., .... , . . . : 4,,,,, ,0,,.. fA.;;•',i;,;;S,:i.q!.1:;i:‘,0i0,1 t. ...:ii'.:.:!' . , ' •3.,.;.'.,,I,,k,,,,,q.,,-y.w,1.4.,%,,V.',,.',,,-.: , i ,,,:!; .',',.:, ,:!4;.i-, , ,I.,•'•will hold 'a :': • 7„.„.„,j;,„„ .,,-,,,,,,,..,, , . v..- '• ; _ ,%:,,„.,„: . . r,., g ,1:: 0,PUBLIC• 3„..., .:. i 1: ' l', 1 r 1'':',".%,: • ' 1".5 'I.V',! in T.f,!.:;,. • .. .. . ,. .. ,,,y. , . .... .. . f 11.:;;-: • ; '. .,/: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL H.,,... .! : ,• . !.., I 1 A ,• ,„.. ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 BEGINNING AT k A - .• 9: OiDA•1111; ' ' P.M.rm CONCERNING:KING CO. PUBLIC WORKS CONSOLIDATED • •• , •::. OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY : ' : '•''' • • : •'• THIS IS A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION TO PERMIT MODIFICATION. OFTHECONSOLIDATEDOFFICEANDREPAIRFACILITY (CORF) • TO . INCLUDE THEHH, • ',FOLLOWING: 1) EXPANSION OF EXISTING OFFICE SPACE 'AND STAFF • ' •A,SERVICES ; 2) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STORAGE BUILDING' AND EXPANSIONOFEXISTINGSTORAGESPACE; AND 3) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW MATERIALS ,TESTING LABORATORY.1 • F-2.----- ql• "V.... ' , 11•, 04:4.757r i......FE- 3itt•-.•'.3; 11,- Iffp.,t; i ili: , • .:• .• r.• ;'-, 1--64,L.TF,2 j.) --J!I ,..„ "-' r G4 1 i'• . I. i It. .-.F:.1•' 11.14.1" 'R-2 j i : 19 ,,i . , ;!, .• . .6--=,..77:_, _ft,.v.......... . -i-,1 R-3 Z.: ii•-:1:- -7, !.:-,.:•<a. . .). • , B-1 1 ;113- ' • ,.. -.-,1-1:::.-5;.•.,. .- i I T ' i11,. ! -1 - I • • • .., ::,,,r.:. .--. 77,7.--,-*,:rt;:: -':_a".._'-- l•-• •':•1-- : I rj ____ Fil f:'. 6• Et.IW DOD ,r ftk.,4, 1\R-4 G-1 ".•'• t__ -..,i, tin_31. . NU( M ' 'ii i • — itig011a .:';'• , , . . 5. t...'llr,...'n.5vG-.1,-/V1,`'.-':!•':i:..i!.! M.'. 4- iR- 1, i•:;' 7'.,. 1• 1:.. 0..:,,, 4• 4:$*..:./.:, .' - .. .. G1-*•.--,,. i iIIaAA Z1 " VR 4 - I T.;.. .. •=—. - 4.,'':.•. , taID !i;iPORN.•.Pilk40.,Ur/4 M •':,I•iir.i!e" '.A..tii7PM;:vg:4iAll'W....;;,:.. '. ".!:;.:"....•. .4; 1 I sITE om,,,,,„,........,::.,....:.:::,::,..„,..„.„.,,,,,... v i ....... B-1---. i''•• H7N4in ift•• ..... „/ . CITY LltaTISN i ' ''' '',..-- ------': R-2••• ' ••' Nti'.,aiP.0 p„;• ..•• . ..:/::/G-1.....- -•:'--,--7- ---c--1-rr—"--'-'-'-,.., j : 1 . •''''. ........ '31,,,...''' .'''..7......e*. 11-1.. ..,;;;.....t... . ... 0 .,..• 1 , RIVER. -::....., G-1;;;•••".'. ••- I I •1 fil ...:e7._... .__ G-1 GENERAL LOCATION:r2kNig -7-M-N—' 1--,4--' , ___ . . ...:..._..SP.7 PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF N.E. 3RD ST. , NORTH OF MAPLE VALLEYHIGHWAY, IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVE. N.E. ' — I y , ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON ,. " BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED • WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • •i - - H'. !:. - • • OF R4, IDZ .1 E, I'•I 09 P is 97-6 3 SEPSES Cityof Renton Land Use HearingExaminer. ,11 ,, will hold a PUBLIci. •HEARING .,„•,•,....,:,,„.' CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL- ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 BEGINNING AT 9: OA.M. `'P.M•'. AAD-081-88 CONCERNING: KING CO. PUBLIC WORKS CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY THIS IS AN APPEAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY CORF) TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1) EXPANSION OF EXISTING OFFICE SPACE AND STAFF SERVICES; 2) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STORAGE BUILDING. AND EXPANSION OF EXISTING STORAGE SPACE; AND 3) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY. • L 11 J!:: Ll" 4 G-1;, r Milyf-i21- r 1 6 CE MCfEP'I ' i. I i il: 171 -r ':;Ea' :_:Si _1. , i r- ; ri'2i.....T ,,,•,:ltue, r1- 7400 im,;?0,,,•,-g,. :iii; ,:i!: :.;..,:..,.,,2: Silt 4'. ' • • ....gill"' CITY LI/!ITS R-1. ,>•''. I G-1 1 1 ,•• •% : GENERAL L .a =. : t::'a DRESS; , • PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF N.E. 3RD ST. , NORTH OF MAPLE VALLEY , HIGHWAY, IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVE. N.E. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION • CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION ,, ' MEETING NOTICE AUGUST 25, 1988 Meeting #2 it To:Earl Clymer, Mayor Larry Warren, City Attorney Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer John Adamson, Prog. Dev. Coordinator Dick Houghton, Public Works Director Don Monoghan, Design Engineer Ron Nelson, Building Director From: Larry Springer, Planning Director Meeting Date: Monday, August 29, 1988 Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room Items,to be discussed: 1) S.W. 16th Box Culvert 2) Appeal - Expansion of King County Public Works Facilities DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: City of Renton for King County Expansion of Public Works Facilities ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88 APPLICATION NUMBER: CU-038-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That in conjunction with the development of the proposed structures and prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy for those structures, the applicant will complete the following: a. The applicant shall ensure that all buildings that are a part of this cuurent application, including Building "H", Building "M" , and the Materials Testing Laboratory are connected to a "tight" sanitary sewer system approved by thePublicWorksDepartment. b. The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologist to conduct and report on monthly ground water monitoring inthoseareasofthepropertycurrentlysubjectto contamination. Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be provided for the Transfer Station and elsewhere on the site and notes that additional wells may be required. c. The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building HStorageWarehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the uses within these structures themselves where appropriate. Note: This plan shall be approved by the City (includingbutnotlimitedtothePublicWorksDepartment, the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development) : 1 r, Mitigation Measures City of Renton for King County Page 2 d. That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodically spraying it down with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. e. That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2, 000. 00 to pay for street clean-up related to project construction activities. f. That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of 500, 000. 00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of. the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; 2 . The applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan within twelve months of the issuance of this Determination, which shall include: a. An element indicating how and when all new structures will be connected to the existing or, where appropriate because of the potential for leaks, a new "tight" sanitary sewer system for the site. b. An element to address the removal That in conjunction with' any future development of the proposed site, of storm drainage from the site, to include its routing and containment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. No new dry wells shall be permitted. c. An element describing how ground water monitoring will be carried out on the site in order to identify possible existing and future problems should they occur. d. An element describing methods by which the applicant will ensure monitoring of all County, City and private vehicles entering and leaving the site for purposes of transportinghazardoussubstances (waste hauling vehicles, and other vehicles hauling hazardous substances) have containment systems to protect the site and other portions of the Aquifer Protection Area against spillage of those materials. e. An element addressing methods for periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems. 3 . An element describing methods by which all areas where hazardous substances are handled, used, treated or stores, including parkingareas, will be contained to protect against leakage or spillage ofthesesubstances. e// 00 IP AIFIV CITY OF RENTON J1 HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman August 24, 1988 ED AUG 2 4 198811 1 . Karen J. Feyerherm BETTS PATTERSON & MINES 800 Financial Center 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161 Re: City of Renton, Public Works Department Expansion of Public Works Facilities Appeal of CU-038-88 Dear Ms. Feyerherm: We have your letter of August 15, 1988 appealing the above matter. You advised this office that you would be updating and expanding this appeal, but to date we have received no further information from your office. The appeal for this matter is being scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 1988 at 9 : 00 A.M. in the courtroom located on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. This office is requesting your written submittal of the expanded appeal to which you previously referred, by no later than Wednesday, August 31, 1988 at 5: 00 P.M. Will you also provide copies of this new submittal to the appropriate .City offices. If there are any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, FRED J. FMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK/dk cc: Lawerence Warren, City Attorney Members of the ERC Committee 4• 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 Law Offices John R.Allison Bruce H.Hurst issell M.Aoki Lucia E.McDonald Frederick V.Betts S.Thomas Magnuson Jonathan G.Basham Mark M.Miller BETTSJohn P.Braislin Kenneth S.McEwan Martin T.Collier Kim C.Pflueger PATTERSON Tracy L.Brown Paul D.Carey Michael Mines Meredith A.Copeland Richard S.Ralston James D.Nelson Michael J.Cranston Karen M.Sutherland IO S Charles W.Davis Dale Riveland Lucy E.Eggertsen Michael B.Tierney io William P.Fite James P.Solimano Paul M.Feinsod Jack R.Wallace A Professional Service Corporation Francis S.Floyd Thomas A. Sterken Karen J.Feyerherm Margaret E.Wetherald 800 Financial Center Steven Goldstein Donald L.Thoreson Joel G.Green 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Jeffrey C.Grant Christopher W.Tompkins David L.Hennings OE Counsel Telecopier (206)343-7053 Carl H.Hagens Livingston Wernecke Martinus L.Johnson,Jr. John C.Patterson 206) 292-9988 Ingrid W.Hansen Richard S.Lowell August 15 , 1988 I CV ID qMr. Fred Kaufman M • Renton Hearing Examiner U G 16 19B8 3 P 6th Floor, 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 CIF REN ON RE: City of Renton -- Public Works HEARING Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88 CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Kaufman: As you know, we represent Thomas McMahon, the owner of the property directly to the southwest of the property which is the subject of the above-referenced proposal,. In accordance with your instructions given during the hearing on the proposed rezone of the subject property on August 9 , 1988 and with the Hearing Examiner Ordinance §4-3011, we wish to protect our client' s interests by amending our appeal of the mitigated Determination of Non-Significance DNS) . The original appeal of the mitigated DNS is set forth in our letter to you dated August 1 , 1988 . The grounds for this appeal include, without limitation, the lack of notice to our client of the mitigated DNS and the Environmental Review Committee ' s determination that the proposal will not have significant adverse environmental impacts . An Environmental Impact Statement should be required to adequately discuss the adverse effects on traffic and ransportation, storm water, drainage and recharge. I Please find enclosed our check in the amount of $75 . 00 to Cover the costs of filing this appeal. 4 Ve y truly yours, Karen#Feyerherm RJF:klm cc: Mr. Thomas J. McMahon NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: CITYY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY - KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY Thi+ is an appeal of a recommendation by the Environmental Review Committee to issue a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated for the Conditional Use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; and 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. • Property is located south of N.E. 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. AAD-081-88. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988, AT 9: 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. Published: August 26, 1988 r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A 1PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988, AT 9: 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: CITY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY - KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; and 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. Property is located south of N.E. 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-038-88, CU-038-88 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1988, AT 9: 00 A.M. TO1EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. Published: August 26, 1988 I 0 " CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor August 23, 1988 I Ir. Richard Houghton City of Renton Department of Public Works 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Application for Conditional Use Permit to improve King County Public Works Facilities - Consolidated Office and Repair Facility File No. ECF-038-88, CU-038-88 Dear Dick: A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for September 6, 1988. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call 235-2550. D Erick on, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:adk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 I t' CITY OF RENTON MI POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Cl'mer, Mayor August 23, 1988 Renton District Court 3'407 N. E. 2nd Street Renton, WA 98056 RE: Application for Conditional Use Permit to improve King County Public Works Facilities - Consolidated Office and Repair Facility File No. ECF-038-88, CU-038-88 Apublic hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for September 6, 1988. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representatives) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call 235-2550. I Don. • ' . Erickson, ICP Zoning Administrator DKE:adk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 CITY OF RENTONFmkC$ POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor August 23, 1988 I4r. O. J. Saltarelli Facilities Manager King County Department of Public Works 900 King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 RE: Application for Conditional Use Permit to improve King County Public Works Facilities - Consolidated Office and Repair Facility File No. ECF-038-88, CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Saltarelli: Apublic hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for September 6, 1988. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you nave any questions, please call 235-2550. Since . • Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:adk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 CU_ o3S-8b I NOTICE OF I ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW'COMMITTEE r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review'CommitteeAudrey13ennerbeingfirstdulyswornonoathstatesERC) has issued a DETERMINATION OF that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the I NON-SIGNIFICANCE for the following pro- ject(s): CITY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIRVALLEYDAILYNEWS FACILITY. Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition This is a conditional use application sub- mitted to permit modifications of the Con- Daily newspapers published six (6)times a week.That said newspapers solidated Office and Repair Facility(CORF) are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published construction of a new storage building and in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King expansion of existing storage space; 3) County Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal oo of a new materials testing lab- roperty located south of N.E. 3rd newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity o Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-King County. 038-88,CU-038-088 Further-informaho regarding this action The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition is available in the Community Development Department, Municipal Building, Renton,Renton Edition X , Auburn Edition and not in Washington. 235-2550. This Determination supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers is FINAL. There is a 14 day appeal period during6,the below statedperiod.The annexed notice a which will end at of this00 p. decision on mayAuguat be1988. Any appeal of be Public Notice made to the City's Hearing Examiner, Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, August 12 , 19 8 8 R310 2 Renton,Washington.An appeal must statewaspublishedon clearly, in writing, why the Determination should be revised and must be accompa- nied by a non-refundable$75.00 filing fee. I Published in the. Valley Daily News The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the August 12,1988.R3102.Acct.#51067. J sum of $ 2 5 .6 0 . Subscribed and sworn to before me thiS2 9 t-,i_day of A u just 19 r-e Notary blic for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Environmental Review Committee Renton, Washington The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the following project(s): CITY OF 1 RENTON FOR KING COUNTY - KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. Property located south of N.E. 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-038-88, CU-038-088. Further information regarding this action is available in the Community Development Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. This Determination is FINAL. There is a 14 day appeal period which will end at 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 1988. Any appeal of this decision may be made to the City's Hearing Examiner, Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington. An appeal must state clearly, in writing, why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. _ Published: August 12, 1988 I 5 oT E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-038-88 , CU-038-88 6UkZIc,ND' CONSOLIDATED OFFICEOANDIREPAOIRNFACILITYCOUNTY PUBLIC TH SPISSAC C'NDITIONAL USE APPLICATION SUBMITEED TO PERMIT MODIFICATIONOFTHECONSOLIDATEDOFFICEANDREPAIRFACILITY (CORF) TO INCLUDE THEFOLLOWING : 1) EXPANSION DU EXISTING OFFICE SPACE AND STAFF SERVICES : 2) GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRE +_ CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STORAGE WIJILDING AND EXPANSION OF EXISTINGPROPERTYLOCATEDSOUTHOFN.E . STORAGE SPACE ;3)CONSTRUCTION OF A3rdSTREET, NORTH OF MAPLE VALLEY NEW MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY.HIGHWAY, IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE N.E. POSTED TO NOTIFY. INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES TKDOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., AUGUST 26 , 198R FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 2 3 5-2 5 5 0. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. ST m 333237. 36 S E B ST SF \ W t. i [ } ti s;.: ROD35Si. L? F 12 T p 1t, k n T s ' P UCTION INsTEs • T t ' ' ORPARTFORl'''' . 33 PL r, PE4STSIlRento J r E 91 ST Nei;?;•USOR RESA r ? i,,.::::_.i. i..:::•, i;.,.. r.:: 11..: j; . PROHIBITE lig N 29 ST jjjajii ennyd s PI S i C 2.0 Z S W w SEAR ST w i , 1ta„Yc I. nnsqz u crii E NE 24 ST Sn u v Ntailor SE t01.$f j't j ..; NE ST' t 00 PI SE 160 NE24'ST i..123 i• Xt. t NE'2J L •i. SE 1 . sy ®SE 102: NE 22 ST•Herrington W j '> 3vSC q PI NE SE 103 ST , ,•, 1 t w a° a 1 S T NE 21 1 NE 20 S NE20ST•, 4Q\M!1TI, w Suliililerwind 1.t ,•2..S7 m NE t9 • oe 3 S 1 NE 19 ST < I.) 3 T NE re P 18 ST m m P 1 i E 15 ST .. 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MTLIYET t,` V 4 SSTQ t•&EC:'- CEMETERY f E"l';S;, 4 a:r Tnnaler Station S 135 rc r S v s lip!p„,..P;;-, " r`' ` ` L SUNNYDA E w SElass 3 !ST Ro' .r `r^Z P 7 v Q u fRillCillvie61i169ry I SE B S< Q a E Q SE at •r D• P ^ SE ST i .i ST t Q SE S EST S,T SE .y c `* `140 PlOil111h, cESThp SE a' w v s a a 1 J a T IIAPLEWOGB O1 rry `- $ r e^ OLF COURSE S A S E ^ 1+i 3 3 it c. 0Q DR yro r P L l 0 y ,^ y dFAL t»v a SE s10Sr o Aryl j P°LLAGE i.innitl vPOWERSUB-STATION thils Ma leW• • / ACENTERPARKp QY r1 a O. I 14. CEDAR It' 're+ t LST oun, 5PL o R. i9 m SE t5 PI . 6, i• • ayJ. ..• - ti 2 2 rr''•v•,.. mar-. b j 0szp,, King County State of vva nington w':-•. \. i : ,County Executive Tim Hill t I, e: N Department of Public Works f' 900 King County Administration BuildingL.:._' ,Y;t1 500 Fourth Avenue s,." _ :w=' - Seattle,Washington 98104 fr 206) TRANSMITTAL August 3 , 19 88 City of Renton TO: Building and Zoning Department JLi yO ;iC;=;,i,,;.r 4 200 Mill Avenue South cm'OF - N -.• Renton, WA 98055 I AUG ATTENTION: Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Admire t a.or 11988 ; We are sending: Herewith x By separate cover I. J Material prepared by Jim Anshutz No. of Descri tpion. Copies Drawing No. i 1 Surety Bond Prog. No. CU-038-88 This material is : For Approval For Your Information Approved For Your Files Approved as Noted x Per Your Request Not Approved, please resubmit REMARKS Pursuant to our conversation of August 1, 1988 , regarding item ( 1F) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS By O, . Salt elli Facilities Manager King County Risk Management Program Office of Financial Management 615 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 206)296-7432 August 2, 1988 City of Renton Department of Building and Zoning City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Bttn Renton City Attorney Re: Surety Bond - King County Department of Public Works Consolidated Office and Repair Facility - Phase I Dear Sir; This is to inform you that King County is self-funded for general liability exposures. Should an incident occur that is caused by the negligence of King County, King County's self-insured program would respond . Please let me know if you have any questions. Ikiincer , 11114^.-m Ans utz isk Management Officer , lir Kink County Department of Public Works Paul Tanaka, Acting Director 900 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 206) 296-6500 August 2, 1988 City of Renton Department of Building and Zoning City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: King County Department of Public Works Comments on Recommended Mitigating Measures Proposed for Mitigated DNS for Project No. CU-038-88/Checklist No. ECF 038-88 Attention: Hearing Examiner Mr. 0. J. Saltarelli, Facilities Manager of the King County Department of Public Works (herein referred to as the Department) met with Don Erickson and Larry Springer on July 27, 1988 to discuss recommended mitigating measures proposed by City staff to address potential hazardous substances impacts on the City's aquifer from the proposed CORF development and the Solid Waste Division's Transfer Station. The Department concurs with the City's recommendations relating to direct project impacts from potential hazardous substances spills. The Department proposes the following approach to mitigating spills directly caused by the proposed action: la) Recommendation The applicant shall ensure that all buildings that are a part of this current application, including Building "H", Building "M", and the Materials Testing Laboratory are connected to a "tight" sanitary sewer system approved by the (Renton) Public Works Department. Response All existing structures were constructed with "tight" sanitary sewer and storm water systems. The existing "tight" systems typically consist of 6" PVC pipe with chemically welded joints. The Department proposes new structures with similar "tight" sewer construction. r Page 2 lb) Recommendation, The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologist to conduct and report on monthly ground water monitoring in those areas of the property currently subject to contamination. Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be provided for the Transfer Station and elsewhere on the site and notes that additional wells may be required. Response The Department proposes to work with the City of Renton to conduct a study to establish baseline data concerning ground water/subsurface soils conditions at the CORF site and adjacent properties. The study would assess existing conditions and develop the methodology and scope for ongoing monitoring. Based on the study's recommendations the Department will establish a monitoring system at the CORF site and Transfer Station. (See Response to Item 2C. ) 1c) Recommendation The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building H (Storage Warehouse), the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the uses within these structures themselves where appropriate. Note: This plan shall be approved by the City (including, but not limited to, the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development) . Response The Department will prepare a management plan for containment of hazardous substances relating to the proposed CORF development and Transfer Station. This plan will include storm system oil/water separators, holding tanks, and containment dikes/barriers. The plan will also include emergency operational procedures for clean up. id) Recommendation That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodically spraying it down with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. Page 3 Response Agree. le) Recommendation That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2,000.00 to pay for street clean-up related to project construction activities. Response This will be required by King County of the contractor as part of the general conditions of the CORF construction contract and future Solid Waste Transfer Station construction contracts. f) Recommendation That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of 500,000.00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay.for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project. Response King County is self-insured and is prepared to cover the costs of hazardous spills. See attached letter from King County Risk Management. 2) Recommendation The applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan within twelve months of the issuance of this Determination, which shall include: Response The Department agrees to prepare a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan within 12 months. 2a) Recommendation An element indicating how and when all new structures will be connected to the existing or, where appropriate because of the potential ,for' leaks, a new "tight" sanitary sewer system for the site. Response Agree. . See Response to la. Page 4 2b) Recommendation An element to address the removal in conjunction with any future development of the proposed site,of storm drainage from the site, to include its routing and containment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the (Renton) Public Works Department. No new dry wells shall be permitted. Response The existing storm water system has oil/water separators. All new site/building development will conform to City Code requirements. The Department agrees that an area storm water collection/disposal system is desirable to protect the city aquifer. However, such a system must be cooperatively developed by the City of Renton with the assistance of King County and other area property owners. Therefore, the Department may have to continue use of a modified drywell storm water system with a biological filtration system until an area storm water system to serve the CORE site and adjacent properties is constructed by the City or a LID. 2c) Recommendation An element describing how ground water monitoring will be carried out on the site in order to identify possible existing and future problems should they occur. Response ' The Department recognizes and supports the City's concern for the water quality of its aquifer. Therefore, the Department proposes to actively participate and support an "interagency" study of ground water/subsurface soils conditions. Potential participates/sponsors of the study could include: King County Public Works, King County Solid Waste, King County Parks, King County District Court, King County Health District, City of Renton Public Works, Centron, Segale, City of Renton Voc-Tech and other area property owners. 2d) Recommendation An element describing methods by which the applicant will ensure monitoring of all County, City and private vehicles entering and leaving the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances (waste hauling vehicles, and other vehicles hauling hazardous substances) have containment systems to protect the site and other portions of the Aquifer Protection Area against spillage of those materials. Page 5 I Response Agree. 2e) Recommendation An element addressing methods for periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems. Response Agree. This will be specified by the Department in the proposed Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan (See Item 2 above) . 3) Recommendation An element describing methods by which all areas where hazardous substances are handled, used, treated or stores, including parking areas, will be contained to protect against leakage or spillage of these substances. Response Agree. See Response to Item 1C. . Summary: The Department agrees with the City's concern for the integrity of its aquifer (sole source water supply) . The Department wlill endeavor to protect its portion of the aquifer from hazardous substances. The Department's positive response to the City's proposed recommended) mitigating measures the Department anticipates timely approval of its application for Conditional Use. Please note that the Department received construction contract bids on July 28, 1988. A low bid has been certified and the Department intends to award the bid and authorize the contractor to proceed no later than August 22, 1988. The Department sincerely hopes the letter will satisfy the City's hazardous substance concerns and therefore will not cause significant delays in project approval. For King County Public Works Department I Le9: o. Saltarelli Fac lities Manager pp Date: dad.", r• /AP, Page 6 cc: Richard Houghton, Director, Department of Public Works, City of Renton ATTN: Ron Olsen, Utility Engineer Larry Springer, Director, Department of Policy Development, City of Renton Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator Glen Gordon, Battlaion Chief Fire Marshal Paul Tanaka, Acting Director, King County Department of Public Works Rodney Hansen, Manager, Solid Waste Division ATTN: Deborah Lambert, Engineering Services Manager Kevin Kiernan, Supervising Engineer James Chu, Senior Engineer Law Offices John R. Allison Bruce H.Hurst Russell M.Aoki Lucia E.McDonald 1 1 Frederick V.Betts S.Thomas Magnuson Jonathan G.Basham Mark M.Miller J,? T John P. Bralslin Kenneth S.McEwan Martin T. Collier Kim C.Pflueger PAl l'ERSOl V Tracy L.Brown Michael Mines Meredith A.Copeland Richard S.Ralston Paul D.Carey James D.Nelson Michael J.Cranston ren M.SutherRiti Charles W.Davis Dale Riveland Lucy E.Eggertsen lchael B.Tierney A Professional Service Corporation William P.Fite James P.Solimano Paul M.Feinsod Jack R.Wallace 800 Financial Center Francis S.Floyd Thomas A.Sterken Karen J.Feyerherm Margaret E.Wetherald 1215 Fourth Avenue Steven Goldstein Donald L.Thoreson Joel G.Green Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Jeffrey C.Grant Christopher W.Tompkins David L.Hennings Of Counsel Telecopier: (206)343-7053 Carl H.Hagens Livingston Wernecke Martinus L.Johnson,Jr. John C.Patterson 206) 292-9988 Ingrid W.Hansen Richard S.Lowell August 1, 1988 Mr. Fred Kaufman CITY OF(iENIGN Renton Hearing Examiner 6th Floor, 200 Mill Avenue South AUG 3 1988 Renton, WA 98055 I ( . rra ply UE RE: City of Renton -- Public Works Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88 CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Kaufman: We represent Thomas McMahon, the owner of the property directly to the southwest of the property which is the subject of the above-referenced proposal. Our review of the Building and Zoning Department' s file indicates that a mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) may have been issued on July 13 , 1988 and published on July 18 , 1988.. If in fact the mitigated DNS was issued, our client did not receive notice of the DNS . Accordingly, we are requesting an extension of the deadline for filing an appeal of this mitigated DNS in the event it has been issued. Alternatively, in the event that the mitigated DNS was issued on July 13 , 1988 , we wish to protect our client' s interests by notifying you that we wish to appeal the mitigated DNS . The grounds for this appeal include, without limitation, the lack of proper notice to our client of the mitigated DNS and the Building and. Zoning Department' s determination that the proposal will not have a probable signficant adverse impact on traffic along the streets and highways serving the proposal site. An Environmental Impact Statement should be required to adequately discuss the adverse traffic and transportation effects on the proposal. 1. r;.,. 1 '•1,:^.u,;, •f.. 3 •_i,. . i:. '," is . .. 1 1, v + 'i.ref•'•. 0,,,':. I Mr'. Fred Kaufman August 1, 1988 Page Two Beause, after reviewing the Building and Zoning Department' s fide, it is unclear whether or not the mitigated DNS was acitually issued on July 13 , 1988 , we have not enclosed a check to cover the filing fee. We are prepared to do so ' • in' the event that the mitigated DNS has in fact been islsued. Please advise accordingly. Very truly yours, Karen J. Feyerherm KJ,F:kim cc;: Renton Building and Zoning Department/ Mr. Thomas McMahon 1. 1 Lei. 1' l:it^ r 1 it ilr%i' w 4. t a,jy`;' cr'..• 1..,is ki'Y'7' si:mETRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle,WA 98104-1598 July 29, 1988 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIJiENL 71 CITY OF RENTON 0) AUG 2 1988 Donald Erickson, Zoning Administration Environmental Review Committee C U V E Building & Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, Washington 98055 Determination of Non-Significance File No. : ECF-038-88 City of Renton for King County DeariMr. Erickson: Metro staff has reviewed this proposal and anticipates no significant impacts to its wastewater facilities. Water Quality The checklist does not state whether or not any industrial activities associated with the proposal would involve discharge to sanitary sewers. This question should be resolved. Metro's general industrial waste discharge limits would apply to such discharges. The proposal doesn't appear to involve any other significant water quality impacts. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Sincerely, 731 Gregory M. Bush, Kanager Environmental Planning Division GMB:wsg Christine Gregoire x 41I6CEJ TkkkrAit.kkxx Director rya 1;89 xl°y STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Mail Stop PV-11 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459-6000 July 29, 1988 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON AUG 2 1988Mr1._ Donald Erickson City of Renton 11 fry 20 0 Mill Avenue South L Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the modification of - Kin. -County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility 038-88) 1.1 All wastewater and contaminated storm water should be discharged to the sanitary sewer. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicle steam cleaning wastewater, equipment wash wastewater, etc. Metro's Industrial Waste Section can pro- viide information on the pre-treatment requirements. 2 .j All floor drains inside the vehicle repair shop shall go to pre-treatment. Discharge from the oil/water separator shall then go to the sanitary sewer. 3 .1 No contaminated water shall be discharged to existing dry wells. 4.' Catchbasins in areas subject to truck fueling and pos- sible spillage should be "type-2" catchbasins with turndown elbows. 5.1 Any spraying done for dust generated during construction should be done with water or a solution approved by the De- partment of Ecology (see attachment) . It is the Department's position that no waste oil be utilized for dust control. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Gail Colburn of the Northwest Regional Office at (206) 867-7058. Sincerely, Barbara J.fRitchie Environmental Review Section Attachments cc: Marlene Wylie, NWRO 3 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-038-88 APPLICATION NO S :CU-038-88 PROPONENT: City of Renton for King County 1 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. LEAD AGENCY:City of Renton, Building & Zoning Department The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environmental. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 . 21C. 030(2) (c) . This decision was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminay site plan, Ion file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attachedsheet)i. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not actonthisproposalforfifteen (15) days from July 18, 1988. Anyinterestedpartymaysubmitwrittencommentswhichmustbesubmittedby5: 010 p.m. , August 2 , 1988, in order to be considered. A fourteen14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of theDNS. 1 Resp'onlsible Official: Environmental Review Committee Donald K. Erickson Zoning Administrator Building & Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 1 1 PUBLICATION DATE: July 18, 1988 DATE OF DECISION: July 13, 1988 I 1 1 SIGNATURES: 4ndld ealson Larry Springer Building Official Planning Manager I ichard ughton Public! Works Director v.. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT July 13 , 1988. A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Renton for King County PROJECT:King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88 ; CU-038-88 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application' submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. Building and Zoning De ;Qitment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 2 July 13, 1988 B. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This Conditional Use application is made by the City of Renton and King County to expand the County's existing Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. The facility and attendant amenities parking, access routes, etc. ) presently cover approximately 4 .5 acres of a 36 acre site. (The City also has developed approximately 10 acres of this site for facilities operations. ) The current application for expansion includes the following components: 1) Building J, Crews Building - expand the existing 7,860 GSF building by approximately 7, 800 GSF, to add crew services lockers, showers, restrooms) , and administrative office space; 2) Building B, Traffic Building - expand existing service operations in the building by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint to include lavatories, lockers, and showers; 3) Mini Storage Building - construct a 1, 200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage; 4) Materials Testing Laboratory Building - construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory Building of approximately 8, 000 square feet. The building will house laboratories, administrative area, staff services, storage, an equipment and supplies room, a curing room, and special foundations; 5) Building H. Storage Warehouse - convert 5, 000 square foot building from office use to storage use. The project is also proposed to include a new storm water drainage system and a 120 space gravel parking area to serve the proposed Materials Laboratory The proposed developments are submitted as a conditional use application because the property is presently zoned G-1 General Use) . A separate application has been submitted to rezone the subject property to P-1, Public Use, to allow the proposed developments as principally permitted uses -- that rezone application (R-037-88) is being processed presently; it is anticipated that this task will not be completed for some months. Note: Pending ordinances for Aquifer . Protection and for storage and treatment of Hazardous Materials could prohibit some of the uses proposed in this application, or could require that these uses be designated as conditional uses in the P-1, Public Use zone, which will be the zoning for this site if the application for zoning reclassification is adopted by the City. Building and Zoning Depi.tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 3 July 13 , 1988 I C. ISSUES 1. Whether the proposed projects are appropriate for placement on this site, based upon proposed City policies with respect to storage and use of hazardous substances, in view of the fact that the property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area? In view of the fact that the subject property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, all expansion of existing developments and addition of new developments must be evaluated with particular attention to potential impacts upon and protection of water quality. The proposed development package includes two projects (the Crews Building and the Traffic Building) which consist of expansion to and improvement of services to staff members. Based upon information provided to the Zoning Division by the applicant, and through City staff review of the application, it is not anticipated that these developments would pose a hazard to the underlying aquifer. The development proposal also includes two storage facilities (Mini Storage Building and Storage Warehouse) -- one of 1, 200 square feet to be newly constructed and one of 5, 000 square feet, 2,500 square feet of which is now used for storage and 2,500 square feet of which is proposed to be converted to storage use. The application materials describe the following types and quantities of materials to be stored in these facilities: Roundup Herbicide, Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, Hyvar X-L Weed Killer, Weedone LV 4 Herbicide. (Total quantities and container dimensions are attached - Appendix "A" . ) There is presently no plan to store paint in the new or expanded warehouse areas -- if that does occur, quantities will be limited to less than fifty (50) gallons. Finally, the applicant is proposing to construct a Materials Testing Laboratory on the site. The application materials describe the materials to be tested, and the testing agents to be stored, used, and processed on site. These materials include: Solvent III (Trichlorethane) , Calcium Carbide and Barium Chloride. Total quantities and individual container dimensions are attached - Appendix "A") Building and Zoning Department City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 4 , July 13, 11988 it Based upon consultation with the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Public Works Department staff have determined that, at a minimum, mitigation measures against spill of these toxic materials should be required for the above described storage structures and materials testing laboratory to ensure protection of environmental health in this area. Note: The Fire Prevention Bureau reports that the proposed types and quantities of substances (See Appendix A") to be stored on the site are allowable under the Fire Code presently utilized by the City. ) These minimum mitigation measures would require the applicant to furnish: 1) a hazardous substances plan which lists types and quantities of materials to be stored in each facility and which provides for safe containerization of approved quantities of these materials - acceptable types and quantities of materials and methods of containerization should be defined by and subject to approval of the City including, but not limited to the Fire Prevention Bureau, the Public Works Department, and the Community Development Department) ; 2) a plan for full containment of these storage sites including storage tanks and/or structures in which hazardous materials are housed) subject to requirements of the City's Building Code, Fire Code, and other applicable City regulations, including, but not limited to the Secondary Containment Ordinance*; 3) a plan for monitoring all County, City and private vehicles transporting hazardous substances to and from this site to ensure that those vehicles have containment systems which are adequate to protect the site from substance spills which may occur in those vehicles during the transport process; 4) a plan for ground water monitoring around the subject property; 5) a plan for containment of parking areas to protect against leaks and spills from parked vehicles; and 6) a bond in an amount sufficient to provide for clean-up of . any spillage of materials stored or used on the site. 2 . Whether adequate storm water detention and drainage management systems are present on-site to accommodate existing/proposed uses? The subject property is presently served by a dry well system and by a naturally existing percolation system. Building :and Zoning Del.--tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 5 1 July 13 , j1988 The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is recommending that new collection and dispersal pipelines be constructed by the applicant, to serve each of the proposed developments, subject to approval by the City. These lines should be plumbed for oil/water separation prior to dispersal. The existing dry wells may be permitted to remain, subject to construction of a containment system for hazardous waste which is approved by the City. No new dry wells should be permitted. Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that none of those materials is discharged into the storm sewer system. 3 . Whether adequate sanitary sewer systems are available to accommodate proposed uses? The site is presently served by a sanitary sewer system which is adequate to handle increased utilization anticipated by the presently proposed development. All new and expanded structures will be required to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. I Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that only those materials which can be safely accommodated by the sewer system (such as those products which are diluted and neutralized by bacteria existing in the system* are discharged into the sanitary sewer system. 4 . Whether sufficient plans have been made to mitigate traffic impacts to the site which are anticipated to result from the proposed developments? The current proposal for development consists of improved services to staff, increased storage, and a new materials testing laboratory. The services component is planned to serve existing staff and, therefore, no new trips are expected to be generated from this portion of the development. The new storage sites are planned primarily to increase efficiency of existing operations. There will be no expansion of the volume of operations and, therefore, no extra trips will be required to transport materials to and from the site. No traffic mitigation measures are required. The proposed materials testing laboratory is a new development and is planned to employ 15 staff members who will be transferred from an existing Building and Zoning Del;ai tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 6 July 13 , i1988 off-site laboratory. It is not anticipated that the 15 additional staff members will create a significant impact upon on-site or vicinity traffic. The proponent has indicated an intention to add 120 parking spaces adjacent to the materials testing laboratory to accommodate new and continuing employees. It is planned that 107 staff will work at the site full-time and 88 persons will be dispatched from the site, for a total of 195 staff members. Note: The currently proposed developments do not require traffic mitigation measures, however, it should be noted that substantial additional development of the site is planned for a later date; there is a master site plan for this development on file with the City. Full implementation of the master site plan for this project will create significant traffic impacts which will require mitigation. The applicant notes in the Environmental Checklist that the existing site circulation at CORF mixes public, employee and maintenance vehicles, which creates congestion and poses a potential safety hazard due to road configuration on the subject property. Staff are recommending that safety hazards related to potential chemical spills be mitigated through containment systems on all County, City and private vehicles. transporting hazardous substances through the site. Staff has noted that there may also be a potential threat to the underlying aquifer from substances, such as fuel and oil, leaking from parked cars on the site, and recommends that measures be taken to contain these materials so that the underlying aquifer is not contaminated. Traffic mitigation measures are not being required now because the proposed development is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts. However, care needs to be exercised in approving incremental development for this site, so that mitigation measures are required of the applicant by the City before individual development activities combine to cause significant impacts to the site or to the City's arterial system. For example, there may be to be an extension of Monroe Avenue to Maple Valley Highway, and accompanying improved signalization, in order to accommodate vehicles serving this facility and nearby existing and proposed developments. Building and Zoning Del.tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 7 ; July 13 , 11988 li Additional information concerning the requirements for mitigation will be available following the completion of the pending transportation report for the area.* 5. Whether adequate measures have been taken to ensure that materials utilized to fill the site are clean? The applicant is proposing to excavate and replace approximately 30 cubic yards of fill at the site. Soils testing has been accomplished by a licensed testing laboratory by examination of at least one test pit at each building site. Clean sand and gravel soils have been identified at the site. Thus, clean sand and gravel will be placed in the new fill areas. Because these soils have been placed under structural foundations to support buildings, they are of a slightly different level of permeability than other soils on the site. Moderate additions of water to these drier soils are reported by the soils engineer to be desirable to facilitate soils compaction for subsequent safe construction of new structures. Because of the level of permeability of these soils, the added water is not anticipated to pose any problem to the underlying aquifer protection area. 6. Whether adequate plans have been made to mitigate impacts to the site during construction of proposed new facilities? The proposed development is anticipated by the applicant and by City staff to cause minor construction-related impacts, with respect to increased traffic, noise, and temporary soil erosion. As the site is already developed with a variety of service and storage uses, and with a site for solid waste, there is existing vehicle traffic and operations- related noise on the site. Construction which is proposed is not anticipated to generate additional noise or traffic, or change in hours of operation which are sufficiently significant to require mitigation. Similarly, impacts from erosion, related to excavation activities for the proposed project, is not anticipated to be significant because all areas proposed for construction are presently flat and generally covered with paving, asphalt or grass. As a result, normal environmental protection practices described by the applicant (coverings, containment fences) appear to be sufficient. Building and Zoning De __tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 8 July 13 , ,1988 The applicant and the City agree that there will be dust and debris generated from construction activities. To mitigate these impacts, the applicant has made plans to periodically spray down the site, using light oil or water. Because of the proximity of this site to the City' s aquifer, only water will be allowed by the City. In addition, on- site wheel washing of construction vehicles should be required to minimize tracking of debris onto the public right-of-way. A bond should be required, in the amount of $2 , 000. 00 for street clean-up. Additional detailed information for this section is being obtained by staff. D. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the ERC issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated - with the following conditions: 1. That in conjunction with the development of the proposed structures and prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy for those structures, the applicant will complete the following: a. That the applicant shall provide ground water monitoring wells for Building " H", for Building D", and for the Materials Testing Laboratory subject to approval by the City. b. The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologist to conduct and report on monthly ground water monitoring in those areas of the property currently subject to contamination. Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be provided for the Transfer Station and elsewhere on the site and notes that additional wells may be required. c. The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building H (Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the uses within these structures themselves where appropriate. Building and Zoning Dei..'tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 9 July 13 , 1988 Note: This plan shall be approved by the City (including but not limited to the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development) . d. That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodically spraying it down with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. e. That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2, 000. 00 deemed sufficient to pay for street clean-up related to project construction. f. That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of 500, 000. 00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; 2 . That in conjunction with any future development of the proposed site, the applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Program, preferably within twelve months of the issuance of this Determination, including: a. An element to connect all new structures to the existing sanitary sewer system, and to add new sanitary sewer lines to buildings undergoing expansion; b. An element to address the removal of storm drainage from the site, to include its routing and containment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approvalpp by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. No new dry wells shall be permitted. Building land Zoning Department City of Renton/King• County Public Works Page 10 ' July 13 , 1988 3 . An element describing methods by which the applicant will ensure monitoring of all County, City and private vehicles entering and leaving the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances (waste hauling vehicles, and other vehicles hauling hazardous substances) have containment systems to protect the site and other portions of the Aquifer Protection Area against spillage of those materials. 4 . An element addressing methods periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems. 5. An element describing methods' by which parking areas will be contained to protect against leakage of hazardous materials from vehicles stored in those areas. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Traffic problems generated during construction Fire Prevention Bureau: Project proposes building construction, building expansion, laboratory construction. Insufficient information provided for square footage of NEW buildings, materials, etc. Design Engineering: The southerly extension of Monroe Avenue N. E. on King County property should be designed, constructed and dedicated for the City in connection with this development Traffic Engineering: If the southerly extension of Monroe Avenue is developed as public right-of- way, street lighting needs to be part of the off-site improvements. It is desirable to extend Monroe to the south. Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs to be considered and how it could impact this proposal. Monroe could be an access out to N. E. 4th Street for property to the east and developments to the west. Utility Engineering: Need information on location of proposed new station in relation to existing water and sewer lines and easements. Site in aquifer protection zone information on lab chemical storage and any proposal n.g. tanks is required. Building and Zoning Dei___tment City of Renton/King County Public Works Page 11 July 13 , 1988 Parks and Recreation: Recreation as an issue appears not to have been addressed in either the master planning phase or for these particular projects. It needs to be addressed in four main areas: 1) outdoor passive opportunities, 2) outdoor active opportunities on site, 3) indoor active facilities, and 4) provision for possible connections to the proposed Cedar River Crest Trail system Building Division: What will be done in testing lab? Zoning Division: No Comments Policy Development: See attached letter. Recommend additional environmental review. Discharge Limitations Pursu ant to Section 4 . 01 of Metro Resolution 3374 the Executive Director shall publish and revise from time to time standards which; as a minimum establish the following restricted parameters : pH, temperature, fats , oils and greases of animal or vegetable origin; fats , oils and greases of mineral 'origin, and other toxic substances including those defined in applicable state and federal regulations. These published standards shall, by this reference, be made a part of Resolution 3374 . Discharge limits or standards in effect and incorporated into any issued waste discharge permit 1 shalll remain in effect for that permit until it expires, except as modified as provided in Section 6-05 of Resolution 3374 . Cate- gorical Pretreatment Standards appear as attachments to this docu- ment.! i Corrosive Substances Any gas or substance which either by itself or by interaction with other' waste may cause corrosive structural damage to sewer works or treatment facilities , but in no case waters with a pH lower than 5 . 5 . High Temperature Heat .n amounts which will inhibit biological activity in treatment plantifacilities resulting in an interference in the treatment process and specifically including heat in such quantities that the temperature at the treatment works influent exceeds 40°C (104°F) or the temperature exceeds 65°C (150°F) at the point of discharge from the industrial source of public sewers and/or the Metropolitan Sewerage System. 1 Fats „ Oils and Greases Water or wastes shall not contain in excess of 100 milligrams per literof fats , oils and greases of animal or vegetable origin except as prohibited in Section 3 , paragraph 01. 02 , of Resolution 3374 . Page Two Water or wastes shall not contain in excess - of 100 milligrams per liter of petroleum oil , nonbiodegradable cutting oil or mineral products of mineral oil origin -whether or not emulsified : Flammable or • Explosive Materials Any liquids , solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or ' may be, sufficient either alone or by interaction with other substances to cause fire or explosion or be injurious • in any other way to the POTW or to the operation of the POTW. At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter , at the point of discharge into the system (or at any point in the system), be more than five percent (5%) nor any single reading over ten percent (10%) of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) or the meter . Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to , gasoline , kerosene , naphtha , benzene, toluene , xylene, ethers , alcohols , ketones , aldehydes , peroxides , chlorates , perchlorates , bromates , carbides , hydrides and sulfides and .any other substances which the City and the. State or EPA have notified the User are a fire hazard' cr a hazard to the system. Restricted Substances. Any industrial user subject to a National Pretreatment Standard after the compliance date of such pretreatment standard, or , - in the case of a New Sourc'e, after Commencement of discharge to the sewer system shall comply with the effluent limitations shown on the' applicable attach- ment. Discharge limitations established by local public agencies which are more stringent than a National Pretreatment Standard or Metro ' s limitations shown below will apply to those industrial users within the jurisdiction of that public agency. All other users will comply with the following limitations expressed as milligrams per liter . Arsenic 1 Cadmium 1. 2 Chromium 6 Copper 3 Lead 3 (0 . 6 proposed) Mercury 0 . 1 Nickel 6 Silver 1 Zinc 5 Cyanide 2 Rage Three• In addition to the above concentration limits and those contained in categorical standards, the Executive Director may also impose mass limits if it is necessary for protection of Metro' s treatment facilities and/or sludge disposal . Such poundage limits would be derived using the following formula: 8 . 34) (daily volume discharged*) (concentration limit of metal) = daily poundage allowance In millions of gallons discharged per day, volume allowance is shown on waste discharge permit. Notes 1. Criteria Constituting a Violation A. For purposes of enforcement of discharge. limitations the rules establishing what constitutes a violation for general , industrial dischargers are shown below. Those users sub— ject to National Pretreatment Standards will be subject to enforcement action in accordance with the criteria and the limitations specified in the categorical standard or the General Pretreatment Standards 40CFR 403 . B . The maximum daily allowable concentration, for industrial categories not regulated under National Pretreatment Standards , is violated under the following circumstances : 1) The arithmetic mean of concentrations for eight consecutive samples collected over intervals of 15 minutes or greater is in excess of the limitation ; 2) The concentration of any single sample (whether grab or a sample within a series)—exclusive of any fats , oils , and grease--exceeds the limitation by a factor of four (4 ) ; 3) The arithmetic mean of the concentration of fats , oils , or greases for three grab samples , taken no more frequently than at five (5) minute intervals exceeds the limitation . C . The arithmetic mean of the antilog of the pH values of at least 8 consecutive samples taken at intervals of 13 minutes. or greater is less than an equivalent pH value of 5 . 5 , or the pH of any single sample is less than 3 . 0 . Page Four D. The temperature limitation is exceeded for any single sample. E. Effluent poundage limitations shall be based upon the volume of effluent as metered for sewer service charges and concentrations as in (1) above. F. The more restrictive limitation, concentration or quantity shall prevail. The volume of discharge will determine the limiting factor . G. A review of violations will be made including consideration of testing accuracy prior to any enforcement action. 2. Individual permit conditions may be established at levels higher or lower than the above limits , dependent upon a case- by-case evaluation. Consideration will be given to such factors as : a. Type of discharge--continuous or batch. b. Proximity to treatment plant. c. Type and size of treatment plant operation. d. Proximity to other industrial waste dis- charges which may cause adverse conditions . e. Type of chemical compound discharges toxicity, volatility, solubility) . f. In-plant dilution. Fr) July 18, 1988 O.J. Saltarelli, Facilities Manager King County Administration Building, Rm. 900 Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: Conditional Use Permit, file CU-038-8% Dear Mr. Saltarelli: Attached please find a copy of the Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated issued for the Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of the K.C. Public Works Facilities site. Please note that wording of some of the conditions as listed in the letter mailed to you on July 15th, have been revised. The specific modifications to the conditions are as follows: o Opening to Condition No. 2 . o Lettering of 3-6 changed to 171. o Sub-element e) of Condition 2 has the word%for° added. o Sub-element f) of Condition 2 has been rewritten. If you have any questions, please call me at 235-2550. Sincerely, i Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator Enclosure 1DKE:JSM: i 1 111`61Vs CsbR c u b s- s c VNIC%lid- c)-‘ (. xxj fvu4A-- \ e, caQiNo- sp --,A_ -(1._s,- i- ains LAa.Q . R Q JL-m) e _L_ So a cottxx-t u-'„ci , L LQL ivLL.i, atk uNdria lA. J"\ A a lti.` YvsYg.Q. _ 0-t _ c,Q_Q_ 9 0-uQs 3 o tAi, i 4wLJL.,v`-4-L 0 -- -- Jam.$) Ol_A L--r L -s eltst s l 1 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 811., day of C.1tAN, 1988, I deposited in the mails of the United Skates a sealed envelope containing enviv-onmeAtel cheats and documents. This information was sent to: cie rrnmixt'tc,n NAME: REPRESENTING: Dept Gc tie1?-1-. Of -Fisten s 1 Jot. Rob eis GejoSA \I. moxloe ' Zu.Ad t ie c:. L tV is I ave. Gye5trirn. Eh Metro kAice ,tt3 , S'aie__ Nil: ofGd SIGNED BY: CV SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 61. day of DULA 1988. 5 C.e BEES t Notar Public in and forthe State of Washington, Ao:Z OVARY •residing at therein. 13 + ‘C),01oze k Pr',2,9©1,(ta .a ttNumber: Jodi L. omQSon ( R.. 6415 - 88) 44 t1/4S,00 C cf Rerc re,M tc VYf.L‘ (s- 031-88) i( Caur apt Nook wovics 038-8d) ao.CITY. OF RENTON LL BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July'15, 1988 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies of Environmental Determinations issued on July 13, 1988: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Jodi IL. Thompson Rezone ECF-045-88; R-045-88) City of Renton-Public Works, Rezone of Public Works Facilities ECF-037-88; R-037-88) The Determinations are final and may be appealed to the City's Hearing.Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 9, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED i jking County-City of Renton, Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88; CU-038-88) I The fifteen (15) day comment period for these projects will end on August 2, 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it's Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there] is a required 14 day appeal period. If you have questions, please call Jeanette Samek-McKague or me at 235-2550. Donald K. Erickson, ICP Zoning Administrator pc: I Mr. Gerald W. Marbett, King County Bldg. & Land Division Mr. Gregory M. Bush, Metro DKE:sr 1 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 lea 4 I CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 15, 1988 Joe Robels Department of Fisheries Habitat Management Division Room 115 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies of Environmental Determinations issued on July 13, 1988: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Jodi IL. Thompson Rezone ECF-045-88; R-045-88) itpity jof Renton-Public Works, Rezone of Public Works Facilities ECF-037-88; R-037-88) The Determinations are final and may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than.5:00 p.m. on August 1, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED V/King County-City of Renton, Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88; CU-038-88) The fifteen (15) day comment period for these projects will end on August 2, 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize its Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. If you have questions, please call Jeanette Samek-McKague or me at 235-2550. Irely I Dona d K. Erick n, AICP Zoning Administrator cc: Department of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd i Mill Creek, WA 98012 DKE:sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 q A i U i CITY OF RENTON LL I BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 15, 1988 Mr. Richard C. Houghton Director Public Works Department City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Application for .Conditional Use Permit to improve King County Public Works Facilities - Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CU 038-88) Dear Dick: This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above referenced project. The Committee on July 13, 1988 decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: 1.That in conjunction with the development of the proposed structures and prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy for those structures, the applicant will complete the following: a.The applicant shall ensure that all buildings that are a part of this current application, including Building "H", Building "M", and the Materials Testing Laboratory are connected to a "tight" sanitary sewer system approved by the Public Works I Department. b. The applicant shall hire a licensed professional hydrologist to conduct and report on monthly ground water monitoring in those areas of the property currently subject to contamination. Note: The City recognizes monitoring wells will be provided for the Transfer Station and elsewhere on the site and notes that additional wells may be required. c.The applicant shall provide a plan for full spill containment of hazardous substances housed within Building H (Storage Warehouse), the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the uses within these structures themselves where appropriate. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 King County Public Works Facilities July 15, 1988 Page 2 Note: This plan shall be approved by the City including but not limited to the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development). d. That in conjunction with the Building permit, the applicant shall be required by the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodically spraying it down with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel-washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. e.That in conjunction with the building permit, the applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2,000.00 to pay for street clean-up related to project construction activities. f.That the applicant shall be required to post a bond of 500,000.00 or other approved surety (to the satisfaction of the City Attorney) deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; 2.That in conjunction with any future development of the proposed site, the applicant will provide to the City a Comprehensive Hazardous Substances Management Plan within twelve months of the issuance of this Determination, which shall include: a.An element indicating how and when all new structures will be connected to the existing or, where appropriate because of the potential for leaks, a new "tight" sanitary sewer system for the site. b.An element to address the removal of storm drainage from the site, to include its routing and containment, if necessary, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. No new dry wells shall be permitted. 3. • An element describing how ground water monitoring will be carried out on the site in order to identify possible existing and future problems should they occur. 4.An element describing methods by which the applicant will ensure monitoring of all County, City and private vehicles entering and leaving the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances (waste hauling vehicles, and other vehicles hauling hazardous substances). In addition, the Plan must address the need to have containment systems to protect the site and other portions of the Aquifer Protection Area against spillage of hazardous substances from such vehicles. r King County Public Works Facilities July 15, 1988 Page 3 5.An element addressing methods periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems. - I 6.An element describing methods by which parking areas will be contained to protect against leakage of hazardous materials from vehicles stored or parked in those areas. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end August 2, 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize its Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required fourteen (14) day appeal period. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the.Hearing Examiner. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235- 2550 and ask for Jeanette Samek-McKague or me. F r the Environment: e- - fp, mittee, Doi ickson, AIC• Zoning Administrator pc: O. J. Saltarelli Facilities Manager King County Administration Building #900 Fourth and James Seattle, Washington 98104 DKE:sr King County Department of Public Works Donald J.LaBelle,Director 900 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 206)344-2517 June 14, 1988 Senora Blauman City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 - RE: Hazardous Waste Material Dear Senora: Pursuant to our telephone .conversation regarding your inquiry pertaining to the referenced material , listed .below for your information and perusal is the list of hazardous materials you requested. Quantity Product Containers Aprx Max Quant. BUILDING M - MINI STORAGE: 10 Roundup Herbicide 21 gal . bottles 25 galls. 10 Garlon 3A Herbicide #38321 2/ gal . bottles 5 Garlon 4 5 gal . can 1 Hyvar X-L Weed Killer 5 gal . can 1 Weedone LV 4 Broadleaf postemergence herbicide 55 gal . drum 55 galls. 5 Banvec 21 gal . bottle 25 galls. BUILDING D - MATERIALS LAB 2 Solvent III 1,1,1, Trichlorethane) 55 gal . drum 55 gall . 50 Calcium Carbide 1 pound cans 5-10 lb 1 Barium Chloride, Dihydrate 1 pound can 5-10 lb. I Senora Blauman City of Renton Planning Department June 14, 1988 Page Two 1 I Thank you for assisting King County Public Works with our conditional use per- mitland rezone application. Please contact me should you need any additional information. My telephone number is 296-6504. I cSinerely, 11 ,06, IWO'S* 0,-*". . 0 J. Saltarelli) 1 Facilities Administrator I WP: (DO)L4 I Exhibit A SCOPE OF WORK (CEMETERY/MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY AREA TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM- 2/11/88 ) The following scope of work is for the identification of appropriate transportation facilities to support new devel- opment within the study area bounded by Sunset Boulevard/ Bronson Way on the west; the Renton city limits on the east; NE. 6th/4th Streets on the north; and the Cedar River on the south (see Attachment 1) . Attachment 2 is a breakdown of the estimated costs on a task level basis. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION FRAMEWORK The scope of work described below addresses Basic Services within the estimated level of effort to be performed under this contract. Work required beyond the Basic Services scope of work will be considered "extra work," and au- thorized on a task order basis. The City of Renton will designate a Project Manager for this study. The City Project Manager will be responsible for directing the Consultant' s activity during the course of the study. Changes to the scope or level of effort will be ap- proved by the City upon review and approval of costs and products to be provided by the Consultant and authorized on a task order basis by the City. Under Basic Services, the work is divided into two phases as described below. Phase I--Study Methodology and Analysis Phase 2--Report Production The scope of services for extra work will be defined during the execution of these phases of work. It_ is intended that the extra work effort will be defined in a study workshop process as outlined in the following scope description. Compensation for the extra work will be authorized using a contingency budget" to be established as an integral part of the proposed fee for services under this scope, or as otherwise adjusted by mutual agreement between the City and Centron. PHASE I--STUDY METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSIS The consultant shall perform the following general -tasks in Phase I. 1 . Achieve consensus and provide a summarization of the study methodology. se6509/013/1 2 Identify facility improvements necessary to support proposed new developments within the study area. 3 . Prioritize specific capital improvements to serve the proposed new developments. 4 Develop a specific trip generation fee proposal to fund future capital improvements. 5 Identify TSM alternatives to address traffic demands beyond the capacity of capital facility improvements. 6 . Develop appropriate documentation of findings and con- clusions for presentation to elected officials, private developers, and City staff. 7 ; Final review by City staff to provide comments for Con- sultant' s incorporation into final reports. The consultant effort on Phase I shall be accomplished through the following specific tasks: Task 1. Study Methodology Summary Estimated level of effort: 6 man-days This task will assimilate and summarize the information and data base needed to execute the following technical work. The effort will be to gather information to be provided by the City as listed below. In a workshop format the informa- tion will be reviewed and any decisions required of the City that are necessary to successfully execute the project will be resolved. Information to be provided by the City includes, but not limited to, the following items: 11. Traffic data for the following streets in the study area--NE 4th Street, NE 3rd Street, NE 5th Street, SE 2nd Place, SE 5th Street, SE 7th Street, Sunset Bou- levard, SR 169, Garden Avenue North, Meadow Avenue North, Factory Avenue North, Monroe Avenue NE, Union Avenue NE, Bronson Way NE, Kirkland Avenue NE, and 138th Avenue SE. Data will include daily counts (24 hour minimum) , di- rectional split data, and intersection turning move- ments. Classification data will be provided for Sunset Boulevard and SR 169 . Data will also include facility inventory information for the above streets. This will include roadway func- tional classification, street width, roadside amenities, se6509/013/2 surface type, and traffic control devices (including signal type, timing, and equipment) . 2 . The City will provide to the Consultant an existing land use (1987) map for use in evaluating existing traffic contributions to the study area. The land uses will be in a format suitable for analyses in Task 2 . 3 . The City will provide to the Consultant a "build out" land use plan for the study area. The map shall be to the same scale as the existing land use map for pur- poses of comparative analyses. The "build out" map will represent the City' s policy interpretation of the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan and zoning map. 4 ., The City will provide travel speed criteria for pur- poses of evaluating constrained highway assignments. 5 .' The City will provide sufficient ridesharing, transit service, and other TSM data and programmatic informa- tion for use in the development of trip generation rates appropriate for this study and for summary docu- mentation in Task 5 . 6 . The City will provide an itemized listing of policy or legally based constraints affecting the scale or. capac- ity of roadway facilities. 7 . The City will provide an itemized listing of developer improvements required by City Ordinances, but are to be excluded from consideration in the analysis of needed transportation improvements for this study. 8 . The City will provide excerpts from City, County, PSCOG, and state financing and programming documents outlining planned or committed projects or resources affecting transportation facilities and services in the study area. Decisions, affirmation, or direction by the City will be required for the following items: 1 . Affirmation of the study framework including objec- tives , technical approach, and expected study products. 2 . Affirmation of the study area boundary in Attachment 1 . 3 ! The Consultant shall prepare, for review by the City, a listing of study criteria, parameters, assumptions , and performance measures for use in the execution of the study tasks. These shall include, but not be limited to: se6509/013/3 a) Level of zone system detail for the study area including internal, external, and re- gional zone structure. b) Level of network detail for the study area. c) Trip generation rates commensurate with the land use data sources and maps. d) Measures of performance for describing, anal- ysis, and comparison of traffic assignment scenarios. e) Validation data for the T-model, including information generated by the City in 1984/85 . Thle above items will be summarized in a technical memorandum format for review and approval by the City or discussion in the workshop format. The study will advance to Task 2 only upon full resolution of all needed information or decisions affecting the Consultant work. Increases to the scope of work or level of effort will be authorized by the City on a task order basis as extra work. Task 2 . Identify Necessary Facility Improvements Estimated level of effort: 24 man-days Transportation modelling will be accomplished using the TMODEL" software. The Consultant shall prepare an existing (1987) transpor- tation network map based upon information to be provided by the City in a format and level of detail to be specified by the Consultant. The City will identify all planned and com- mitted transportation facilities and services impacting the study area including those by the City, County, Metro, and the State. The Consultant shall develop a zonal system based upon the network and land use zone system discussed above for use in the analysis of travel demand and require- ments for facility improvements (s) . The regional zone sys- tem should be consistent with the modelling work currently being performed by Popp and Associates and the Transpo Group for the City of Renton. The zone system within the study area boundaries will be disaggregated to no more than 15 zones. To avoid regional affects on the study area as- signments, subarea extract trip tables will be developed at the study area boundary to provide fixed external zone trip tables. The trip tables will be single-purpose-vehicle trip tables. se6509/013/4 The Consultant shall identify daily trip generation rates for each zone commensurate with the overall study objec- tive (s) . The generation rates shall be based on daily data documented in the latest published ITE Trip Generation Report. The model will be validated for existing conditions within the study area by (a) comparing assignments with volumes across the study area cordon; (b) comparing assignments with volumes across two screen lines; and (c) comparing assign- ments with volumes for major arterials in the network. The validation process will be based upon research documented in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 255 Transportation Research Board, 1982) , which suggests the following levels of accuracy for validation test described in "a" through "c" above, respectively. The required levels of accuracy for each validation test described in "a" through "c" above will be respectively (a) plus or minus 5 percent; (b) plus or minus 15 percent; (c) plus or minus 35 percent for links with 10, 000 ADT, 25 percent for links with 20, 000 ADT, and 15 percent for links with 80,000 ADT or greater. The Consultant shall perform four types of assignments: 1) nonconstrained assignments , (2) "highly" constrained assignments, (3) "development only" assignments in order to demonstrate the relative impacts of the proposed develop- ments in the study area, and (4) up to five project specific select link assignments. The "highly" constrained scenario will be based upon travel speed criteria to be provided by the City. The select link assignments shall be used to evaluate the relative contributions of land development on a project specific basis. The range of assignments will be used to facilitate negotiation of a compromise on the as- sessment of impacts and facility requirements. Where new facilities not previously considered are required, the Consultant shall establish a conceptual alignment for analysis purposes only. Both existing (1987) and a future year build out will be evaluated. The Consultant will address policy or legally-based capacity constraints affecting the study area based upon information provided by the City in Task 1. The Consultant shall assess 2 hour AM and PM peak hour capacities (LOS D) for all network links and perform the necessary analysis to define the necessary facility improve- ments. The definition of improvements will be to sufficient detail to permit scaling the individual facilities and ap- plying the "unit costs" factor developed in the earlier Val- ley Transportation Improvements Program. Network link capacity is the emphasis for this study. Detailed opera- tional analysis of intersections capacity is considered to be outside the scope of the Basic Services for the study. se6509/013/5 The Consultant shall refine the above analysis by assessing the impact of existing study area traffic and future "build out" year regional traffic affecting the study area. In a workshop setting the foregoing information will be re- viewed to assure that a consensus on the technical issues is reached. Additionally, project specific operational issues, and level of detail for "unit costs" will be considered to determine if additional information or detail is appropriate as an "extra work" task. Further detailing of design issues, constraints, and other design related factors is deferred to design study report process subsequent to this the study and is excluded from the scope of Basic Services for Phases 1 and 2 . Task 3 . Prioritize Capital Improvements to Serve Develop- ment Demands Estimated level of effort: 3 man-days Based upon proposed traffic generation and the anticipated time line for development (to be supplied by the City) , the Consultant shall identify a prioritized list of capital fa- cility improvements necessary to meet traffic requirements of; new development. The Consultant shall give particular attention to other construction projects in the area that may severely impact transportation access to the study area. Task 4 . Develop a Trip Generation Fee to Fund Future Capi- tal Facility Improvements Estimated level of effort: 13 man-days Based upon anticipated trip generation and facility costs identified in Task 2, the Consultant shall develop a trip generation fee to be assessed against proposed development the study area. Three alternative trip generation fee scenarios shall be presented for consideration. The scenar- io's shall include consideration of: total new facility cost; use of available funds from other sources; and the three assignment scenarios defined in Task 2 . The extent to which outside funds may assist in paying for proposed improvements shall also be considered in this task. Based upon the information generated in Task 2 and input from a workshop, the Consultant shall: (1) identify the proportionate cost of each proposed facility improvement attributable to new developments, (2) identify the propor- tionate cost of new facility development needed to support existing development and regional traffic. This would in- clude facilities needed to offset existing impacts beyond se6509/013/6 LOS D prior to future development, and (3) stratify the dis- tribution of improvement costs into the four (4) different categories of: the TIP study area; the remainder of Renton; King County; and all other areas. Task 5 . Identify Transportation System Management Tech- ' niques Alternatives for Consideration to Address Traffic Demands Beyond the Capacity of Proposed CIP Improvements Estimated level of effort: 0 .5 man-days Based upon the TSM information to be provided by the City in Task 1 , the Consultant shall summarize TSM alternatives that would serve to help meet traffic demands beyond the avail- able capacity of the proposed improvements. Such measures would include consideration of trip generation fee reduc- tion, performance standards , parking reductions, and spe- cific HOV .improvements for various capital improvements. The analysis of TSM consideration by the Consultant will be considered as "extra work" for this study. Task 6 . Development of Appropriate Documentation Estimated level of effort: 10 man-days The Consultant shall prepare presentation-quality graphics to' illustrate the results of the study effort. Specifical- ly* mapping shall be prepared for illustrating (1) land use by parcel, (2) trip generation by parcel, (3) access limita- tions by parcel, (4) number of lanes for each roadway and interchange plus required signalization, and (5) facility level of service. The City will provide the overall area base maps, and the parcel-level base maps. These maps will be used by the City in all public presentations as well as continued reference by the Environmental Review Committee. The Consultant shall prepare a draft technical report and provide 10 copies of the .report for review purposes. Task 7 . City Staff Review Estimated level of effort: 5 man-days At' the completion of Task 6 , the City staff will be respon- sible to meet with the Environmental Review Committee to discuss the draft report summarizing assumptions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Consultants work. The Consultant will provide exhibits for this meeting but will not be expected to participate. The City will provide to the Consultant a single, consol- idated package of comments on the draft report by City staff. The package will include resolution of any se6509/013/7 inconsistencies, redundancies, or conflicts in comments pro- vided by City staff. The Consultant shall refine the as- sumptions and recommendations for presentation in a final Phase 1 report for the Phase 1 effort as outlined in Phase 2 of; this study effort. PHASE 2--DOCUMENTATION AND REPORT PRODUCTION Based upon the context and content of review comments gen- erated by the City, a refined scope and level of effort to execute Phase 2 will be prepared. The Phase 2 scope is ex- pected to consist of the following tasks: Task 1 . Final Report (s) Task 1A. Final Technical Report. The Consultant shall pre- pare a Final Technical Report, which will include technical memorandums and workshop and meeting notes. The Consultant shall provide a single camera-ready copy to the City. The City will be responsible to print the necessary distribution copies. The City will provide the Consultant with a minimum ofisix printed copies for reference and use in subsequent meetings. Task 1B. Executive Summary. City responsibility, no Con- sultant effort. Task 1C. Formal Public/City Meetings . City responsibility, no Consultant effort. Task 2 . On-Call Services Itj is anticipated that follow-on Consultant services may be required to assist the City to advance the study results towards actual implementation in subsequent phases. The Consultant shall remain on call to assist the City in tech- nical matters associated with the Transportation Improve- ments Program. Compensation for services for specific work will be defined and authorized by the City on a task order basis. se6509/013/8 See Mal) 31 i _. Luri!MUM I,F' I7OO o T ffa111N4 A/IOf',weer K •1 RE T. T u •)2•i % .r, n/ qqZ TAD t T wilif.: • 73 riIt'G A 1 AV. 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AV • a U 1• /' W%" 1 1 L• ^W^ x r CENTROII TRAFFIC STUDY ROLE SR.REYIEW LEAD ENGR DESIGN[NGR TECH GRAPHICS LABOR ESTIMATE ESTIMATED TASK COST3 GRADE E6 E4 E2 74 T2 1987 DAILY RATE $650.00 $506.00 $394.00 $402.00 $294.00 MANDAYS EST COST EXPENSES $$$$ 16.f TOTAL PHASE 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 0.5 3 3.S $1043.00 $250.00 $2093.00 5.1511 TASK I(SUMMARY METHODOLOGY) 0.5 1.5 2 1.5 0.5 6 $2622.00 $250.00 $2872.00 7.07% TASK 2(FACILITY ANALYSIS) 1 10 5 3 • 5 24 $10356.00 S 1950.00 $12306.00 30.30% TASK S(CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS) 0.5 1.5 I 3 $1478.00 $400.00 $1875.00 4.62% TASK 4(TRIP GENERATION FEE)I 7 2 I 2 15 $5970.00 $950.00 $6920.00 17.0411 TASK 5(ISM CONSIDERATIONS) 0.5 0.5 $253.00 $50.00 $303.00 0.7511 TASK 6(DOCUMENTATION) I 4 3 0.5 1.5 10 $4498.00 $1550.00 $6040.00 14.89% TASK 7(CITY REVIEW COMMENTS) 2.5 I 0.5 I 5 S2154.00 5250.00 $2404.00 5.92% SUBTOTAL 4.5 30 14 6.5 10 65 $29174.00 $5650.00 $34824.00 85.7511 PHASE 2 TASK I(FINAL REPORT) I 3 I 2 5 12 $4836.00 S950.00 $5786.00 14.25% TASK 2(ON CALL SERVICES) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0011 En y Tt SUBTOTAL 1 3 I 2 5 12 $4836.00 S950.00 $5786.00 1425% I-" ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTALS 5.5 , 33 15 8.5 15 77 $34010.00 S6600.00 $40610.00 100.00% CA/1. D tli PPOJECT CONTINGENCY 3000.00 N/A a Z 1OJ.ct to TASK ORDER Approval) 1-3 En ct N 1Z C 7 0 0 ct td Fi D Iv x a 0 AN.11 Pursuant to our telephone conversation regarding your inquiry pertaining to the referenced material , listed below for your information and pe.rusal` 1s the list of hazardous materials you requested. Quantity Product Containers Aprx Max. Quant. BUILDING M - MINI STORAGE: 10 Roundup Herbicide 2/ gal . bottles 25 galls. 10 Garlon 3A Herbicide #38321 2/ gal . bottles I 5 Garlon 4 5 gal . can 1 Hyvar X-L Weed Killer 5 gal . can 1 Weedone LV 4 Broadleaf postemergence herbicide 55 gal . drum 55 galls. 5 , Banvec 21 gal . bottle 25 galls. BUILDING D - MATERIALS LAB 2 Solvent III 1,1 ,1, Trichlorethane) 55 gal . drum 55 gall . 50 Calcium Carbide 1 pound cans 5-10 lb 1 Barium Chloride, Dihydrate 1 pound can 5-10 lb. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA July 13, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 10:00 a.m. NEW PROJECTS Washington State Department of Transportation-I-405 Improvement Project Application to increase the width of freeway along the I-5/I-405 Interchange in Tukwila to the vicinity of the SR 167/I-405 Interchange. The project includes expansion of roadway bridges over Springbrook Creek in the City of Renton, necessitating a Substantial Shoreline Permit. A 2.97 mile corridor from the I-5/I- 405 Interchange in Tukwila to the vicinity of the SR 167/I-405 Interchange. ECF-04388; SM-043-88 City of Renton for King County-King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-038-88; CU- 038-88 ,' A. DISCUSSION Prellwitz Short Plat CORRESPONDENCE DOE Letter to ERC regarding Maplewood Creek Improvement Project. SM035-88 iOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION NO.ECF-038-88 , CU-038-88 King County-City of RentonAPPLICANTExpansionofPublicWorks Facilities PROPOSED ACTION Conditional Use application to permit changestoConsolidatedOffice & Repair Facility to include expansion of existing storage & service buildings and construction of a new testing laboratory. Property is presently zoned G-1. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS South of N.E. 3rd St, north of Maple Valley Highway POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES PiC DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY August 2 , 1988 . AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code.The Applicants(s) have completed a mitigation process pursuant to WAC 197-11-350. City of Renton for King County-King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) to include the following: 1) , expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. Property located south of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple ValleyHighway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-038-88; CU-038-88 This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 p.m. , August 2 , 1988 will not be considered. A fourteen 14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS-M. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington. Phone: 235-2550. Published: July 18, 1988 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA July 7, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 8:30 a.m. TIME/KEY PARTICIPANTS NEW PROJECTS 8:30 a.m. ; Washington State Department of Transportation - Project toDonEricksonImproveI-405 (from I-5/1-405 to SR 167/I405)Gary Norris The project includes: 1) addition of two HOV lanes; 2) widening ofNancyLaswell-Morris the roadway 12 feet in each direction to accommodate those lanesincludingthefreewaybridgesoverSpringbrookCreek. Located onI-405 in the Springbrook Creek (P-1 Channel) area. ECF-043-88;SM-043-88 DISCUSSION ONLY 9:00 a.m. City of Renton for King County-King County Public Works andDonEricksonConsolidatedOfficeandRepairFacilityRonOlsen This is a conditional use application submitted to permitGaryNorris modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair FacilityNancyLaswell-Morris p Y CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing officeGlenGordonspaceandstaffservices; 2) construction of a new storage buildingandexpansionofexistingstoragespace; 3) construction of a newmaterialstestinglaboratory. The subject property is presently zonedforG-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only.South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in thevicinityofMonroeAvenueN.E. ECF-038-88; CU-038-88 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT July 6, 1988 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Renton for King County PROJECT:King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88 ; CU-038-88 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following:. 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing. storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. Building and Zoning De] tment City of Renton/King Cou..,y Public Works Page 2 July 6, 1988/ B. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This Conditional Use application is made by' the City. of Renton and King County to expand the County's existing Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. The facility and attendant amenities parking, access routes, etc. ) presently cover approximately 4 .5 acres of a 36 acre site. (The City also has developed approximately 10 acres of this site for facilities operations. ) The current application for expansion includes the following components: 1) Building J, Crews Building - expand the existing 7, 860 GSF building by approximately 7, 800 GSF, to add crew services lockers, showers, restrooms) , and administrative office space; 2) Building B, Traffic Building - expand existing service operations in the building by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint to include lavatories, lockers, and showers; 3) Mini Storage Building - construct a 1, 200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage; 4) Materials Testing Laboratory Building - construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory Building of approximately 8,000 square feet. The building will house laboratories, administrative area, staff services, storage, an equipment and supplies room, a curing room, and special foundations; 5) Building H, Storage Warehouse - convert 5, 000 square foot building from office use to storage use. The project is also proposed to include a new storm water drainage system and a 120 space gravel parking area to serve the proposed Materials Laboratory The proposed developments are submitted as a conditional use application because the property is presently zoned G-1 General Use) . A separate application has been submitted to rezone the subject property to P-1, Public Use, to allow the proposed developments as principally permitted uses -- that rezone application (R-037-88) is being processed presently; it is anticipated that this task will not be completed for some months. Note: Pending ordinances for Aquifer Protection and for storage and treatment of Hazardous Materials could prohibit some of the uses proposed in this application, or could require that these uses be designated as conditional uses in the P-1, Public Use zone, which will be the zoning for this site if the application for zoning reclassification is adopted by the City. Building and Zoning De] tment City of Renton/King Cou....y Public Works Page 3 July 6, 1988/ C. ISSUES 1. Whether the proposed projects are appropriate for placement on this site, based upon proposed City policies with respect to storage and use of hazardous substances, in view of the fact that the property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area? In view of the fact that the subject property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, all expansion of existing developments and. addition of new developments must be evaluated with particular attention to potential impacts upon and protection of water quality. The proposed development package includes two projects (the Crews Building and the Traffic Building) which consist of expansion to and improvement of services to staff members. Based upon information provided to the Zoning Division by the applicant, and through City staff review of the application, it is not anticipated that these developments would pose a hazard to the underlying aquifer. The development proposal also includes two storage facilities (Mini Storage Building and Storage Warehouse) -- one of 1, 200 square feet to be newly constructed and one of 5, 000 square feet, 2 , 500 square feet of which is now used for storage and 2, 500 square feet of which is proposed to be converted to storage use. The application materials describe the following types and quantities of materials to be stored in these facilities: Roundup Herbicide, Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, Hyvar X-L Weed Killer, Weedone LV 4 Herbicide. (Total quantities and container dimensions are attached. ) It has not yet been determined by the applicant as to whether paint storage will take place on the site -- if that does occur, quantities will be limited to less than fifty (50) gallons. Finally, the applicant is proposing to construct a Materials Testing Laboratory on the site. The application materials describe the materials to be tested, and' the testing agents to be stored, used, and processed on site. These materials include: Solvent III (Trichlorethane) , Calcium Carbide and Barium Chloride. Total quantities and individual container dimensions are attached. ) Based upon consultation with the Fire Prevention Department and the Public Works Department staff have determined that, at a minimum, mitigation measures should be required for the above described storage structures and materials testing laboratory to ensure protection of environmental health in this area. Building and Zoning De] tment City of Renton/King Cot y Public Works Page 4 July 6, 1988/ Note: The Fire Prevention Department reports that the proposed types and quantities of substances to be stored on the site are allowable under the Fire Code presently utilized by the City. ) These minimum mitigation measures would require the applicant to furnish: 1) a plan which lists types and quantities of materials to be stored in each facility and which provides for safe containerization of approved quantities of these materials -- acceptable types and quantities of materials and methods of containerization should be defined by and subject to approval of the City including, but not limited to the Fire Prevention Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department) ; 2) a plan for full secondary containment of these storage sites (including storage tanks and/or structures in which materials are housed) subject to requirements of and approval by the City (Public Works Department, Planning Department, Fire Prevention Department) ; a plan for monitoring all County, City and private vehicles transporting hazardous substances to and from this site to ensure that those vehicles have containment systems which are adequate to protect the site from substance spills which may occur in those vehicles during the transport process; 4) a plan for ground water monitoring around the subject property and 5) a bond in an amount sufficient to provide for clean- up of any spillage of materials stored or used on the site. 2 . Whether adequate storm water detention and drainage management systems are present on-site to accommodate existing/proposed uses? The subject property is presently served by a dry well system and by a naturally existing percolation system. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is recommending that new collection and dispersal pipelines be constructed by the applicant, to serve each of the proposed developments, subject to approval by the City. These lines should be plumbed for oil/water separation prior to dispersal. The existing dry wells may be permitted to remain, subject to construction of a containment system for hazardous waste which is approved by the City. No new dry wells should be permitted. Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that none of those materials is discharged into the storm sewer system. Building and Zoning De 'tment City of Renton/King Co__..y Public Works Page 5 July 6, 1988/ 3 . Whether adequate sanitary sewer systems are available to accommodate proposed uses? The site is presently served by a sanitary sewer system which is adequate to handle increased utilization anticipated by the presently proposed development. All new and expanded structures will be required to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that none of those materials is discharged into the sanitary sewer system. 4 . Whether sufficient plans have been made to mitigate traffic impacts to the site which are anticipated to result from the proposed developments? The current proposal for development consists of improved services to staff, increased storage, and a new materials testing laboratory. The services component is planned to serve existing staff and, therefore, no new trips are expected to be generated from this portion of the development. The new storage sites are planned primarily to increase efficiency of existing operations. There will be no expansion of the volume of operations and, therefore, no extra trips will be required to transport materials to and from the site. No traffic mitigation measures are required. The proposed materials testing laboratory is a new development and is planned to employ 15 staff members who will be transferred from an existing off-site laboratory. It is not anticipated that the 15 additional staff members will create a significant impact upon on-site or vicinity traffic. The proponent has indicated an intention to add 120 parking spaces adjacent to the materials testing laboratory to accommodate new and continuing employees. It is planned that 107 staff will work at the site full-time and 88 persons will be dispatched from the site, for a total of 195 staff members. Note: The currently proposed developments do not require traffic mitigation measures, however, it should be noted that substantial additional development of the site is planned for a later date; there is a master site plan for this development on file with the City. Full implementation of the master site plan for this project will create significant traffic impacts which will require mitigation. The applicant notes in the Environmental Checklist that the existing site 5 Building and Zoning Del tment City of Renton/King Cou .,.y Public Works Page 6 July 6, 1988/ circulation at CORF mixes public, employee and maintenance vehicles, which creates congestion and poses a potential safety hazard due to road configuration on the subject property. Staff are recommending that safety hazards related to potential chemical spills be mitigated through containment systems on County, City and private vehicles transporting hazardous substances on the site. Traffic mitigation measures are not being required now because the proposed development is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts. However, care needs to be exercised in approving incremental development for this site, so that mitigation measures are required of the applicant by the City before individual development activities combine to cause significant impacts to the site. For example, there may be to be an extension of Monroe Avenue to Maple Valley Highway, and accompanying improved signalization, in order to accommodate vehicles serving this facility. Additional information concerning the requirements for mitigation will be available following the completion of the pending transportation report for the area. ) 5. Whether adequate measures have been taken to ensure that materials utilized to fill the site are clean? The applicant is proposing to excavate and replace approximately 30 cubic yards of fill at the site. Soils testing has been accomplished by a licensed testing laboratory by examination of at least one test pit at each building site. Clean sand and gravel soils have been identified at the site. Thus, clean sand and gravel will be placed in the new fill areas. Because these soils have been placed under structural foundations to support buildings, they are of a slightly different level of permeability than other soils on the site.Moderate additions of water to these drier soils are reported by the soils investigator to be desirable to facilitate the reaching of desirable density for subsequent safe construction of new structures. Because of the level of permeability of these soils, the added water is anticipated by the soils investigator and by City staff to pose no problem to the underlying aquifer protection area. 6. Whether adequate plans have been made to mitigate impacts to the site during construction of proposed new facilities? The proposed development is anticipated by the applicant and by City staff to cause minor construction-related impacts, with respect to increased Building and Zoning Department City of Renton/King Col y Public Works Page 7 July 6, 1988/ traffic, noise, and temporary soil erosion. As the site is already developed with a variety of service and storage uses, and with a site for solid waste, there is existing vehicle traffic and operations- related noise on the site. Construction which is proposed is not anticipated to generate additional noise or traffic, or change in hours of operation which are sufficiently significant to require mitigation. Similarly, impacts from erosion, related to excavation activities for the proposed project, is not anticipated to be significant because all areas proposed for construction are presently flat and generally covered with paving, asphalt or grass. As a result, normal construction practices described by the applicant to contain soil movement coverings, containment fences) .appear to be sufficient; there does not appear to be any requirement for special containment measures. The applicant and the City agree that there will be dust and debris generated from construction activities. To mitigate these impacts, the applicant has made plans to periodically spray down the site, using light oil or water based upon City preference) . In addition, on-site wheel washing of construction vehicles should be required to minimize tracking of debris onto the public right-of-way. A bond should be required, in the amount of $2 , 000. 00 for street clean-up. D. RECOMMENDATIONS: it is recommended that the ERC issue either a Determination of Significance for the proposed project because of the possible adverse impacts of toxic chemicals in the City's aquifer and water supply or a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated - with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide plans for storage of materials in Building H Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage Building, and the Materials Testing. Laboratory. This plan shall include information about precise types and quantities of materials to be stored, and should provide for safe containerization of approved quantities of substances. Acceptable types and quantities of materials and containerization systems shall be defined by and subject to approval of the City (Fire Prevention Department, Public Works Department. and Policy Development) . Building and Zoning De] tment City of Renton/King Cot,.....y Public Works Page 8 July 6, 1988/ 2 . The applicant shall provide a plan for full secondary containment for Building H (Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the structures themselves. Requirements for materials to be contained and types of containment are to be established by the City including but not limited to the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Department, and the Planning Department) and plans for containment will also be subject to approval by the City. 3 . The applicant shall provide a plan for ground water monitoring around the subject property, subject to the approval of the City. 4. The applicant shall provide a plan to connect all new structures to the existing sanitary sewer system, and to add new sanitary sewer lines to buildings undergoing expansion, as . required by the Engineering Division of the City's Public Works Department. 5. The applicant shall provide a plan to improve the storm drainage management for the site, to include a routing and containment system, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. 6. The applicant shall provide a plan describing methods by which they will monitor all County, City and private vehicles entering the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances to ensure that the vehicles have containment systems to protect the site against spillage of those materials. 7 . The applicant shall provide a plan for periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems, subject to approval by the City. 8 . The applicant shall be required to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodic spraying with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel- washing of trucks before they leave the subject property. 9. The applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2, 000.00 deemed sufficient to pay for street clean-up related to project construction. Building and Zoning Del tment City of Renton/King Cot...a,y Public Works Page 9 July 6, 1988/ 10.;The applicant shall be required to post a bond of $500,000.00 deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Traffic problems generated during construction Fire Prevention Bureau: Project proposes building construction, building expansion, laboratory construction. Insufficient information provided for square footage of NEW buildings, materials, etc. Design Engineering: The southerly extension of Monroe Avenue N. E. on King County property should be designed, constructed and dedicated for the City in connection with this development Traffic Engineering: If the southerly extension of Monroe Avenue is developed as public right-of- way, street lighting needs to be part of the off-site improvements. It is desirable to extend Monroe to the south. Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs to be considered and how it could impact this proposal. Monroe could be an access out to N. E. 4th Street for property to the east and developments to the west. Utility Engineering: Need information on location of proposed new station in relation to existing water and sewer lines and easements. Site in aquifer protection zone - information on lab chemical storage and any proposal n.g. tanks is required. Parks and Recreation: Recreation as an issue appears not to have been addressed in either the master planning phase or for these particular projects. It needs to be addressed in four main areas: 1) outdoor passive opportunities, 2) outdoor active opportunities on site, 3) indoor active facilities, and 4) provision for . possible connections to the proposed Cedar River Crest Trail system Building Division: What will be done in testing lab? Zoning Division: No Comments Policy Development: See attached letter. Recommend additional environmental review. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Environmental Review Committee Renton, Washington The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code: City of Renton/Hazardous Substances Zone Designation Ordinance Development of a Hazardous Substance Ordinance for the purpose of implementing state mandated requirements to allow hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities in zones where the handling and processing of hazardous substances is not prohibited, except residential zones. ECF-046-88 This Determination is final. There is a 14 day appeal period which will end at 5: 00 p.m. on July 11, 1988 . Any appeal of this decision may be made to the City' s Hearing Examiner and must state clearly, in writing, why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75. 00 filing fee. Published: June 27, 1988 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT June 24, 1988 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Renton for King County PROJECT: King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88 ; CU-038-88 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. Building and Zoning D- -rtment City of ;Renton/King C ty Public Works Page 2 June 24, 1988 / B. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This Conditional Use application is made by the City of Renton and King County to expand the County' s existing Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. The facility and attendant amenities parking, access routes, etc. ) presently cover approximately 4 .5 acres of a 36 acre site. (The City also has developed approximately 10 acres of this site for facilities operations. ) The current application for expansion includes the following components: 1) Building J, Crews Building - expand the existing 7,860 GSF building by approximately 7,800 GSF, to add crew services lockers, showers, restrooms) , and administrative office space; 2) Building B, Traffic Building - expand existing service operations in the building by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint to include lavatories, lockers, and showers; 3) Mini Storage Building - construct a 1,200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage; 4) Materials Testing Laboratory Building - construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory Building of approximately 8, 000 square feet. The building will house laboratories, administrative area, staff services, storage, an equipment and supplies room, a curing room, and special foundations; 5)' Building H, Storage Warehouse - convert 5, 000 square foot building from office use to storage use. The project is also proposed to include a new storm water drainage system and a 120 space gravel parking area to serve the proposed Materials Laboratory The proposed developments are submitted as a conditional use application because the property is presently zoned G-1 General Use) . A separate application has been submitted to rezone the subject property to P-1, Public Use, to allow the proposed developments as principally permitted uses -- that rezone application (R-037-88) is being processed presently; it is anticipated that this task will not be completed for some months. Note: Pending ordinances for Aquifer Protection and for storage and treatment of Hazardous Materials could prohibit some of the uses proposed in this application, or could require that these uses be designated as conditional uses in the P-1, Public Use zone, which will be the zoning for this site if the application for zoning reclassification is adopted by the City. Building and Zoning Department City of' Renton/King C ty Public Works Page 3 June 24, 1988 , , C. ISSUES 1. Whether the proposed projects are appropriate for placement on this site, based upon proposed City policies with respect to storage and use of hazardous substances, in view of the fact that the property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area? In view of the fact that the subject property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, all expansion of existing developments and addition of new developments must be evaluated with particular attention to potential impacts upon and protection of water quality. The proposed development package includes two projects (the Crews Building and the Traffic Building) which consist of expansion to and improvement of services to staff members. Based upon information provided to the Zoning Division by the applicant, and through City staff review of the application, it is not anticipated that these developments would pose a hazard to the underlying aquifer. The development proposal also includes two storage facilities (Mini Storage Building and Storage Warehouse) -- one of 1,200 square feet to be newly constructed and one of 5, 000 square feet, 2,500 square feet of which is now used for storage and 2,500 square feet of which is proposed to be converted to storage use. The application materials describe the following types and quantities of materials to be stored in these facilities: Roundup Herbicide, Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, Hyvar X-L Weed Killer, Weedone LV 4 Herbicide. (Total quantities and container dimensions are attached) Finally, the applicant is proposing to construct a Materials Testing Laboratory on the site. The application materials describe the materials to be tested, and the testing agents to be stored, used, and processed on site. These materials include: Solvent III (Trichlorethane) , Calcium Carbide and Barium Chloride. Total quantities and individual container dimensions are attached. Based upon consultation with the Fire Prevention Department and the Public Works Department staff have determined that, at a minimum, mitigation measures should be required for the above described storage structures and materials testing laboratory to ensure protection of environmental health in this area. Building and Zoning DPr-rtment City of Renton/King a ty Public Works Page 4 June 24 , 1988: Note: The Fire Prevention Department reports that the proposed types and quantities of substances to be stored on the site are allowable under Fire Codes utilized by the City. ) These minimum mitigation measures would require the applicant to furnish: 1) a plan which lists types and quantities of materials to be stored in each facility and which provides for safe containerization of approved quantities of these materials -- acceptable types and quantities of materials and methods of container-ization should be defined by and subject to approval of the City including, but not limited to the Fire Prevention Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department) ; 2) a plan for full secondary containment of these storage sites (including storage tanks and/or structures in which materials are housed) subject to requirements of and approval by the City (Public Works Department, Planning Department, Fire Prevention Department) ; a plan for monitoring all County, City and private vehicles transporting hazardous substances to and from this site to ensure that those vehicles have containment systems which are adequate irto protect the site from substance96spillswhichmayoccurinthosevehicles during the transport process; and 4) a bond in an amount sufficient to provide for clean-up of any spillage of materials stored or used on the site. 2 . Whether adequate storm water detention and drainage management systems are present on-site to accommodate existing/proposed uses? The subject property is presently served by a dry well system and by a naturally existing percolation system. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is recommending that new collection and dispersal pipelines be constructed by the applicant, subject to approval by the City. These lines should be plumbed for oil/water separation prior to dispersal. The existing dry wells may be permitted to remain, subject to construction of a containment system for hazardous waste which is approved by the City. No new dry wells should be permitted. 3 . Whether adequate sanitary sewer systems are available to accommodate proposed uses? The site is presently served by a sanitary sewer system which is adequate to handle increased utilization Building and Zoning DPr-rtment City of Renton/King C ty Public Works Page 5 June 24, 1988 ', anticipated by the presently proposed development. All new structures will be required to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that none of those materials is discharged into the storm sewer system. 4. Whether sufficient plans have been made to mitigate traffic impacts to the site which are anticipated to result from the proposed developments? The current proposal for development consists of improved services to staff, increased storage, and a new materials testing laboratory. The services component is planned to serve existing staff and, therefore, no new trips are expected to be generated from this portion of the development. The new storage sites are planned primarily to increase efficiency of existing operations. There will be no expansion of the volume of operations and, therefore, no extra trips will be, required to transport materials to and from the site. No traffic mitigation measures are required. The proposed materials testing laboratory is a new development and is planned to employ 15 staff members who will be transferred from an existing off-site laboratory. It is not anticipated that the 15 additional staff members will create a significant impact upon on-site or vicinity traffic. The proponent has indicated an intention to add 120 parking spaces adjacent to the materials testing laboratory to accommodate new and continuing employees. It is planned that 107 staff will work at the site full-time and 88 persons will be dispatched from the site, for a total of 195 staff members. Note: The currently proposed developments do not require traffic mitigation measures, however, it should be noted that substantial additional development of the site is planned for a later date; there is a master site plan for this development on file with the City. Full implementation of the master site plan for this project will create significant traffic impacts which will require mitigation. The applicant notes in the Environmental Checklist that the existing site circulation at CORF mixes public, employee and maintenance vehicles, which creates congestion and poses a potential safety hazard due to road configuration on the subject property. Staff are recommending that safety hazards related to potential chemical spills be Building and Zoning D.. ' rtment City of Renton/King C ty Public Works Page 6 June 24, 1988/ mitigated through containment systems on County, City and private vehicles transporting hazardous substances on the site. Traffic mitigation measures are not being required now because the proposed development is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts. However, care needs to be exercised in approving incremental development for this site, so that mitigation measures are required of the applicant by the City before individual development activities combine to cause significant impacts to the site. For example, there may be to be an extension of Monroe Avenue to Maple Valley Highway, and accompanying improved signalization, in order to accommodate vehicles serving this facility. Additional information concerning the requirements for mitigation will be available following the completion of the pending transportation report for the area. ) 5. Whether adequate measures have been taken to ensure that materials utilized to fill the site are clean? The applicant is proposing to excavate and replace approximately 30 cubic yards of fill at the site. Soils testing has been accomplished by a licensed testing laboratory by examination of at least one test pit at each building site. Clean sand and gravel soils have been identified at the site. Thus, clean sand and gravel will be placed in the new fill areas. Because these soils have been placed under structural foundations to support buildings, they are of a slightly different level of permeability than other soils on the site.Moderate additions of water to these drier soils are reported by the soils investigator to be desirable to facilitate the reaching of desirable density for subsequent safe construction of new structures. Because of the level of permeability of these soils, the added water is anticipated by the soils investigator and by City staff to pose no problem to the underlying aquifer protection area. 6. Whether adequate plans have been made to mitigate impacts to the site during construction of proposed new facilities? The proposed development is anticipated by the applicant and by City staff to cause minor construction-related impacts, with respect to increased traffic, noise, and temporary soil erosion. As the site is already developed with a variety of service and storage uses, and with a site for solid waste, there is existing vehicle traffic and operations- related noise on the site. Construction Building and Zoning Department City of Renton/King Cc ty Public Works Page 7 June 24, 1988/ which is proposed is not anticipated to generate additional noise or traffic, or change in hours of operation which are sufficiently significant to require mitigation. Similarly, impacts from erosion, related to excavation activities for the proposed project, is not anticipated to be significant because all areas proposed for construction are presently flat and generally covered with paving, asphalt or grass. As a result, normal construction practices described by the applicant to contain soil movement coverings, containment fences) appear to be sufficient; there does not appear to be any requirement for special containment measures. The applicant and the City agree that there will be dust and debris generated from construction activities. To mitigate these impacts, the applicant has made plans to periodically spray down the site, using light oil or water based upon City preference) . In addition, on-site wheel washing of construction vehicles should be required to minimize tracking of debris onto the public right-of-way. A bond should be required, in the amount of $2 , 000. 00 for street clean-up. D. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the ERC issue either a Determination of Significance for the proposed project because of the possible adverse impacts of toxic chemicals in the City' s aquifer and water supply or a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated - with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide plans for storage of materials in Building H Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage Building, and the Materials Testing Laboratory. This plan shall include information about precise types and quantities of materials to be stored, and should provide for safe containerization of approved quantities of substances. Acceptable types and quantities of materials and containerization systems shall be defined by and subject to approval of the City (Fire Prevention Department, Public Works Department. and Policy Development) . 2 . The applicant shall provide a plan for full secondary containment for- Building H (Storage Warehouse) , the Mini-Storage facility, and the Materials Testing Laboratory, including containment of the storage tanks relating to the facilities, and the structures themselves. Requirements for materials to be Building and Zoning Dr---rtment City of: Renton/King CI ty Public Works Page 8 June 24, 1988 ' . contained and types of containment are to be established by the City including but not limited to the Public Works Department, the Fire Prevention Department, and the Planning Department) and plans for containment will also be subject to approval by the City. 3 . The applicant shall provide a plan to connect all new structures to the existing sanitary sewer system, and to add new sanitary sewer lines to buildings undergoing expansion, as required by the Engineering Division of the City's Public Works Department. 4. The applicant shall provide a plan to improve the storm drainage management for the site, to include a routing and containment system, and oil/water separation devices sufficient to adequately serve the proposed new and expanded structures on this site, subject to approval by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. 5. The applicant shall provide a plan describing methods by which they will monitor all County, City and private vehicles entering the site for purposes of transporting hazardous substances to ensure that the vehicles have containment systems to protect the site against spillage of those materials. 6. The applicant shall provide a plan for periodic monitoring by appropriate City officials of all containment and spillage protection systems, subject to approval by the City. 7. The applicant shall be required to control dust and debris on the construction site by periodic spraying with water and on the adjacent right-of-way by wheel- washing of trucks before they leave. the subject property. 8 . The applicant shall be required to post a bond of $2, 000. 00 deemed sufficient to pay for street clean-up related to project construction. 9 . The applicant shall be required to post a bond of $500, 000. 00 deemed sufficient to pay for clean-up and decontamination of any areas affected by spillage from this project; E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Building and Zoning De rtment City of Renton/King C( ty Public Works Page 9 June 24, 1988 / Police Department: Traffic problems generated during construction Fire Prevention Bureau: Project proposes building construction, building expansion, laboratory construction. Insufficient information provided for square footage of NEW buildings, materials, etc. Design Engineering: The southerly extension of Monroe Avenue N. E. on King County property should be designed, constructed and dedicated for the City in connection with this development Traffic Engineering: If the southerly extension of Monroe Avenue is developed as public right-of- way, street lighting needs to be part of the off-site improvements. It is desirable to extend Monroe to the south. Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs to be considered and how it could impact this proposal. Monroe could be an access out to N. E. 4th Street for property to the east and developments to the west. Utility Engineering: Need information on location of proposed new station in relation to existing water and sewer lines and easements. Site in aquifer protection zone - information on lab chemical storage and any proposal n.g. tanks is required. Parks and Recreation: Recreation as an issue appears not to have been addressed in either the master planning phase or for these particular projects. It needs to be addressed in four main areas: 1) outdoor passive opportunities, 2) outdoor active opportunities on site, 3) indoor active facilities, and 4) provision for possible connections to the proposed Cedar River Crest Trail system Building Division: What will be done in testing lab? Zoning Division: No Comments Policy Development: See attached letter. Recommend additional environmental review. OI RENT ON4il; CS;TY 1:. FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU Earl Clymer, Mayor Fire Marshal: Glen G. Gordon Chief: A. Lee Wheeler MEMORANDUM DATE: June 23, 1988 TO; Lenora Blauman - Zoning Department FROM: Glen G. Gordon - Fire Marshal WI SUBJECT:Hazardous Waste.Material Storage - King County Shops Lenora: At I your request, I have provided the following information. According to the Uniform Fire Code, the storage of the hazardous material in question is allowed. However, storage method and location must receive prior approval from the Fire Marshal's Office. The attached Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and/or the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Hazardous Materials Guide provide the following:. Roundup Herbicide Toxic/fatal to fish. Irritant to toxic in humans. Garlon 3A Herbicide Toxic to humans and animals. Class li combustible liquid Hyvar X-L Weed Killer Extremely toxic to humans. Class II combustible liquid. Weedone LV4 Irritant/toxic Class III combustible liquid. Solvent III (Trichloroethane) Toxic - extremely toxic in fire. Calcium Carbide Irritant' - produces acetylene gas /when in contact with water. Barium Chloride Extremely toxic/fatal. If this office can be of any other service, please let me know. GGG:mbt attachment 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2642 r G King County Department of Public Works Donald J.LaBelle,Director 900 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 206)344-2517 V0LAJA PICCOLO June 14, 1988 4 enora Blauman City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Hazardous Waste Material Dear : enora: Pursuant to our telephone conversation regarding your inquiry pertaining to the referenced material , listed below for your information and perusal is the list 'of hazardous materials you requested. Quantity Product Containers lAkt. Nigm }1 PPPamX_) BUILDING M - MINI STORAGE: 10 Roundup Herbicide 2/ gal . bottles a S e-AK.J._5 • 10 Garlon 3A Herbicide #38321 21 gal . bottles * (:)S A-LJ.S 5 Garlon 4 5 gal . can S G--S 1 Hyvar X-L Weed Killer 5 gal . can G 1 Weedone LV 4 Broadleaf post-emergence herbicide 55 gal . drum ZTS G tscQ-l'-'S 5 Banvec 21/2 gal . bottle c 'lL-S BUILDING D - MATERIALS LAB 2 Solvent III 1,1,1, Trichlorethane) 55 gal . drum 50 Calcium Carbide 1 pound cans S — l O `Pct,A•t-)V 1 Barium Chloride, Dihydrate 1 pound can 5 —l0 'O`A J Senora Blauman City of Renton Planning Department June 14, 1988 Page Two Thank you for assisting King County Public Works with our conditional use per- mit and rezone application. Please contact me should you need any additional information. My telephone number is 296-6504. Sincerely, J. Saltarelli Facilities Administrator WP: (DO)L4 ch a "7' 0. v` 5 O0 A pv MA YAT E R I A L SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE: 1 73 \'C . DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. MIDLAND MICHIGAN 48640 EMERGENCY PHONE: 517-636-4400 EFFECTIVE DATE: 8 AUG 81 PRODUCT CODE: 38321 CI PRODUCT NAME: GARLON (R) 3A HERBICIDE Y.SD: 0639 9 i INGREDIENTS (TYPICAL VALUES-NOT SPECIFICATIONS) lQ TRICLOPYR( (3,5,6-TRICHLOR0-2-PYRIDINYL)O::Y ACETIC ACID) , i TRIET'r:YLP..'iI1iE SALT 44.4 EY.ULSIFIERS, WATER, AND METHANOL ( 3.7%)55.6 : SECTION 1 PHYSICAL DATA 1 BOILING POINT: NOT DETERMINED : SOL. IN WATER: VERY HIGH VAP PRESS: NOT DETER}INED SP. GRAVITY: 1.135 (68/68F)TN. VAT, DENSITY (AIP.=1) : NOT A?PLIC. : % VOLATILE BY VOL: LOW APPEARANCE AND ORDER: DARK PURPLE LIQUID. SECTION 2 FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: 110F, 43C FLAMMABLE LIHITS (ET? IN AIR) Y.ETHOD USED: TOO AFL: NOT DETER. UFL: NOT DETER. 1E::TINGUISHING HEDIA: FOAM AND CO2 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING EQUI?::ENT AND HAZARDS: IRRITATING VAPORS UNDER - CI i FIRE CONDITIONS. USE POSITIVE PRESSURE HP. n' :ING EQUIPMENT. SECTION 3 REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: -- INCOuEP_'_"I ILIT:: ANY OXIDIZING AGENT. CONSULT MANUFACTURER FOR SPECIFIC CASES. HAZARDOUS DCOMPO SITION PRODUCTS: IRR_TrTING VAPORS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR. SECTION 4 SPILL,LEAK,AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES ACTION TO TAKE FOR SPILLS (USE APPROPRIATE SAFETY EQUIPMENT) : DIKE LARGE SPILLS. KEEP OUT OF STREAMS AND DOMESTIC WATE.? SUPPLIES. ABSORB SHALL SPILLS IN INERT Y.F_ERIAL SUCH AS SAND. DISPOSAL METHOD: IN CASE OF LARGE SPILLS, CONTACT THE DOW CHEMICAL • COMPANY. BURY CLEAN-UP HAT_ERIAL FROM SHILL SPILLS IN NON-CROP AREA CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ) R) INDICATES A REGISTERED OR TRADEMARK NAME OF THE DOW CHE'.ICAL COMPANY 143E5 D 7CEH I 225jWS JUL 1 1 iS o SUETY o W,^ilvu,nr ,.,P:"E:17llj. 31 r ti1NC'3 COUNT_f. f' . e//G /o 4/4/0fAN/4/r"..fs i QE SToeUI X/D/ZE,P r_ • se/et....47ty uf,:. rr. • 6A M I ,.........,' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE: 2 i t tOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. MIDLAND MICHIGAN 48640 EMERGENCY PHONE: 517-636-4400 t:- EFFECTIVE DATE: 18 AUG' 81 PRODUCT CODE: 38321 14 'PRODUCT (CONT'D) : GARLON (R) 3A HEI:BICIDE MSD: 0639 t SECTION 4 SPILL,LEAK,AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES (CONTINUED) . DISPOSAL METHOD: (CONTINUED) AWAY FROM WATER SUPPLIES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 5 HEALTH HAZARD DATA , I INGESTION: LOW 'SINGLE DOSE ORAL TOXICITY. LD50 FEMALE RATS, IS 2.14 G/KG OF BODY WEIGHT; MALE RATS 2.83 G/KG. EYE CONTACT: MAY CAUSE MODERATE IRRITATION AND CORNEAL INJURY WITH POSSIBLE PERMANENT IMPAIRMENT OF VISION. SKIN CONTACT: PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SLIGHT TO MODERATE IRRITATION, SUPERFICIAL BURN. SKIN ABSORPTION: NOT LIKELY TO BE ABSORBED IN TOXIC AMOUNTS. LD50 . RABBITS 4.0 G/KG. INHALATION: NO GUIDE FOR CONTROL OF MIXTURE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. CONSIDERED TO BE LOW IN HAZARD'BY INHALATION. OSHA STANDARD AND ACGIH TLV 200 PPM METHANOL. ' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ---- SECTION 6 FIRST AID--NOTE TO PHYSICIAN FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYES: IRRIGATE WITH FLOWING WATER IMMEDIATELY AND CONTINUOUSLY FOR 115 MINUTES. CONSULT MEDICAL. SKIRT: CONTACT WILL PROBABLY CAUSE NO MORE THAN IRRITATION. WASH OFF . ITN FLOWING WATER OR SHOWER. INHALATION: FAIREMOVE TO FRESH AIR IF EFFECTS OCCUR. CONSULT MEDICAL_ INGESTION: LOW IN TOXICITY. INDUCE VOMITING IF LARGE ;AMOUNTS ARE . INGESTED. ' VOTEITO PHYSICIAN: EYES: HAY CAUSE CORNEAL INJURY OR BURN. STAIN FOR EVIDENCE OF CORNEAL INJURY. IF CORNEA IS BURNED, INSTILL ANTIBIOTIC STEROID PREPARATION FREQUENTLY. CONSULT OPHTHALMOLOGIST. SKIN: INJURY IS UNLIKELY. NOT LIKELY TO BE ABSORBED IN ACUTELY . . TOXIC AMOUNTS. IF BURN IS PRESENT, TREAT AS ANY THERMAL BURN. ' RESPIRATORY: INJURY IS UNLIKELY. .NO EFFECT EXPECTED. ZNGESTION: LOW IN TOXICITY. SYSTEMIC: CONTAINS DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. WHICH PRODUCES A MALODOROUS METABOLITE IN EXPIRED AIR. NO SPECIFIC ANTIDOTE. PROBABLY WOULD.. PRODUCE NO MORE THAN MILD ILLNESS WITH SPONTANEOUS RECOVERY. 14386 SECTION 7 SPECIAL HANDLING INFORMATION 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ) R) INDICATES A REGISTERED OR TRADEMARK NAME•OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY - 32 j d MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE: 3 DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. MIDLAND MICHIGAN 48640 EMERGENCY PHONE: 517-636-4400 EFFECTIVE DATE: 18 AUG 81 PRODUCT CODE: 38321MSD: 0639 PRODUCT (CONT'D) : GARLON (R) 3A HERBICIDE SECTION 7 SPECIAL HANDLING INFORMATION (CONTINUED) VENTILATION: GOOD GENERAL VENTILATION USUALLY ADEQUATE FOR MOST OPERATIONS. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE NORMALLY REQUIRED. IF MISTS ARE ENCOUNTERED, USE AN APPROVED MIST RESPIRATOR. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: CLEAN, BODY-COVERING CLOTHING AND IMPERMEABLE GLOVES AND APRON MAY BE DESIRABLE IN INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS WHERE EXCESSIVE EXPOSURE MAY OCCUR. EYE PROTECTION: CHEMICAL WORKERS GOGGLES. EYE FOUNTAIN AND WASH FACILITIES AT WORK AREA. SECTION 8 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: SEE LABEL. AVOID BREATHING SPRAY MIST. DO NOT SWALLOW. AVOID SKIN CONTACT. PREVENT.. EYE CONTACT. WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN. DO NOT CONTAMINATE DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLIES OR WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION. Z) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 18 AUG 81 REVISED FROM 15 SEP 78 -- INGREDIENT SECTION AND SECTIONS 2, 4, 5, AND 6. LAST PAGE R) INDICATES A REGISTERED OR TRADEMARK NAME OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, BUT NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE. 14387 REIDEFV E I-J JUL 1 1. 19c36 SAFETY & MIMS CC`?'AA Yin K1.hQ coUN _Y•• 33 i - E_ILIEF"ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE. D .\' f N FOR JUL 1619E6 HYVAR© X-L WEED KILLER Wr i4S ""'- AFEN WJkKEKS CO KING COUNTY Po MANUFACTURER: E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. (INC. ) O BIOCHEMICALS DEPARTMENT WILMINGTON, DE 19898 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: Phone CHEMTREC tollfree,DATE: Augu • 1 day or night (800) 424-9300 or call Du Pont 800-441-3637 CHEMICAL NAME: 5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil (bromacil) + inerts Vl TRADE NAME: var" X-L Weed Killer CAS NO. 314-40-9 D06y-fiS9-00 SECTION I - PHYSICAL DATA PHYSICAL FORM: • Water-white liquid . VAPOR PRESSURE: Negligible SOL. IN WATER: Soluble SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.13 SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS) WT % Acute Oral LD50 (Rats) TLV lithum salt of bromacil 21. 9 Not Determined* Not EstablishedlithumhydroxideNotEstablished . ethylene glycol ethanol 1000pppmm (vapor) m21LbaD41 na..pp LD50 of formulation is 1414 mg/kg SECTION III - HEALTH HAZARDS 1 ' STATEMENT OF HAZARDS: Warning: Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Causeseyeirritation. May irritate nose, throat and skin. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: ' Do not get in eyes,. Avoid contact with skinandclothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly afterhandling. NOTICE FROM DU PONT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS OFFERED ONLY AS A GUIDE TO THEHANDLINGOFTHISSPECIFICMATERIAL. SINCE SUCH INFORMATION DOES NOT RELATE TO USE OF THE MATERIAL WITH ANY OTHER MATERIAL OR IN ANY PROCESS ,ANY PERSON USING THIS . INFORMATION. MUST DETERMINE FOR HIMSELF ITSSUITABILITYFORANYPARTICULARAPPLICATION. F:- S it a/s. i •Virg), ,c,d hieireANS CAA.ss % Co ArBq.ST/Bde t ___'f1 1 csy iitl--1 ' 4ateiial Safety Data Sheet m 1 For Hyvar© X-L Weed Killer 1 c is 72 FIRST AID: In case of contact, flush skin c_ . •:.s with plenty of water; for eyes, get medical attention. m SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE: Cleanup promptly. Absorb liquid spills 1 ("7- withl earth or sand and pick up by most effective means. If spill L—' area, is on ground near trees or other valuable plants, remove top 2 inches of soil after initial cleanup. SECTION IV - FIRE HAZARDS FLASIH POINT: 112°F (closed cup) STATEMENT OF 'HAZARD: Combustible mixture. FIRE FIGHTING/EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: On small fire use dry chemical, CO2' foam or water spray. If area is heavily exposed to fire and if conditions permit, let fire burn itself out since water may increase the contamination hazard. If conditions do not permit, extinguish -with water spray. If conditions permit, cool containers with water if exposed to fire. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. SECTION V - REACTIVITY UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS: Stable SECTION VI - TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL SUGGESTED DISPOSAL METHOD: Bury in area away from roots, trees , turf or other desirable plants. Disposal site should be on level ground and not close to streams, ponds, lakes, wells or ditches. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not apply (except as recommended for crop use) or drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or other plants, or on areas where the chemical may be washed or moved into contact with their roots. Do not contaminate domestic waters. Keep from contact with fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and seeds. Do 'mot re-use container. Bury when empty. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from heat or open flame. 1 SECTION VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ' • None indicated JC a , MATERIAL SAFE. iY DATA SHEET HE t,.IC i'.., LS 24 Hour Emergency Phone (316) 524 5751 , Division of Vulcan Materials Company ! P.O.Box 7689 • Birmingham.AL 35253.0.689 Ej th I IDENTIFICATION VI CDCHEMICALNAMECHEMICALFORMULAMOLECULARWEIGHTiO -01;1,1 Trichloroethane C2H3CL3 133.4 TRADE NAME f Solvent 1110, General Purpose Grade, Industrial Grade SYNONYMS DOT IDENTIFICATION NC r^ 1 Methyl Chloroform T 2831 N - -D G 1 j II-PRODUCT AND COMPONENT DATA vE1 I g .COMPONENT(S)CHEMICAL•Nr\11E CAS REGISTRY NO.Approi W 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 71-55-6 95.5 350 ppm' Diethylene ether 123-91-1 The hazard information presented is based on testIconxucted on this or similar mixtures. III- PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE AND ODOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY Q g GiS - Clear, colorless liquid, 1.32 @ 25°/25°C jaKic mildly scieet odor 4//!+4./ j,r,c.. i,k.. c BOILING POINT VAPOR DENSITY IN AIR (Air - 1) iA E. 165°F (74°C) 4.6 v. VAPOR PRESSURE VOLATILE.BY VOLUME O 100 males @ 20°C 100 EVAPORATION RATE y SOLUBILITY IN WATER i /' 1" ether = 1): 0.4 0.07 gm/100 gm @ 25°C 0 IV-REACTIVITY DATA O STABILITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID J' Stable . i Avoid contact with open. flame, electric arcs, or other hot surfaces Nc j which can rouge thermal decomposition. INCOMPATIBILITY (Materials to avoid)v 1 g Strong alkalies, oxidizers, and reactive metals.1 F:' 7 lc t;-': T it 1,n t HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS i i i` r r- . r O 1 Hydrogen'chloride, phosgene (small amounts). J U L 1 1986 0 HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION i I ' :.. .iiit:.10 6.u...!'[i'i:::AT; )iN O Will not occur. KING COUNTY 1 1.i-;:uic. -- C::er..:as' ;•.ssocic:icn, i::c. Calcium Carbide ylene gas and calcium hydroxide (hydrated in air) and a comparatively low ignition temperature. •,• __, The reaction liberates heat: Acetylene is a Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime) is a mild caustic :_,-_.. __.1 y ly flammable gas, slightly lighter than air,-with and on prolonged exposure causes irritation or super- de explosive range (2.5 to 82 per cent by volume ficial burns to skin and mucous membranes. z 4. 3 . HAZARDS HEALTH HAZARDS is generated. Acetylene is a highly flammable;gas, ._. - - • See section 10 for details) lighter than air, with a wide explosive range _{2:5;.•• alcium carbide is not a hazardous mat: l when to S2 per cent by volume in air) and a comparatively pe precautions are taken to eliminate contact low ignition temperature. o{sture. Excessive contact may resole in skin. In case of fire in areas where calcium carbide is --'-' -! +,; and respiratory tract irritation or s_p_rn al stored and handled, spacial precautions should be y ns. taken in the use of water. The rapid formation of acetylene from carbide and water may present a very FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS • serious hazard.because of its flammable and explosive 1 alcium carbide itself presents no fire hazard as properties. gas all sources of water are excluded from it. For other.propertics of acetylene,consult Chemical c. ien exposed to moist ail or write:, acetylene gas Safety Data Sheet SD-7. e• 4 . ENGINEERING CONTROL OF HAZARDS BUILDING DESIGN FOR THE STORAGE 4.2 EQUIPMENT DESIGN OF DIIUiti1_IIED CARBIDE It is possible at times for sensitive explosives 4.1.1 The location of storage buildings should metallic acctylidcs) to form on surfaces of silver, outside of congested mercantile or manufacturina copper, or high copper alloys which are exposed to acetylene gas, so such materials should not be; trials. r•`' present in carbide storage rooms or buildings. The 4.1.2 The construction used shoc1.d be such as minute quantities of metallic acetylides so formed insure a dr waterproof building. .Adequate 7 y,rp q would not be hazardous as explosives but as possible ntilation should be provided. ignition sources. i. 4.1.3 If the storage building is of noncombustible pnstruction, it may adjoin other one-story building 43 VENTIL.ATION separated from them by unpierced fire ‘,a1ls. If Calcium Carbide, properly kept in dry condition, ached less than 10 feet from such building or presents no health hazards which require special n- tildings, there shall be no opening in any of the ventilating measures.- In anticipation of the genera- utually exposing sides of such buildings wit:-.in this tion of acetylene from carbide which might possibly istance. be effected by dampness, however, good ventilation 4.1.4 If the storage building is of combustible should be provided. onstruction, it should not be within twe!it,: feet of Bins for the storage of bulk carbide or for the ny other one- or two-story building, nor within storage of dust collector carbide fines should be hirty feet of any other building exceeding two adequately air swept to avoid accumulation of tories. dangerous concentrations of acetylene. 5 . EMPLOYEELOYEE SAFETY 5.1 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION AND The education and training. of employees to work TRAINING safely and to use the personal protective equipment or other safeguards provided for them is the respon- Safety in handling calcium carbide depe: ;:. to a sibility of supervision. Training classes for both • 7,ceat extent, upon the.cflectiveness of empio...ee edu- new and old employees should be conducted period- ation, proper safety instructions. intclligen: super- is lly to maintain a high degree of safety in handling ision and the use of safe equipment. procedures. • O; 6 . S r)•.. Calcium Cairbide Monufociuring Chemists' Associoiion, Inc.Manua! r S....r \ So-77 \ 1 Workers should be thoroughly informed of the bide, it is, in many instances the only practical meanshazardsthatmayresultfromimproperhandlingofof,protecting the worker, particularly in emergencycalciumcarbide. They should be cautioned to pre- situations. One should keep firmly in mind thatventspillsandthoroughlyinstructedregardingproperpersonalprotectiveequipmentprotectsonlytheactiontotakeincasetheyoccur. worker wearing it, and other unprotected workers In addition to the above, employee education and in the area may be exposed to danger_ training should include the following: The correct usage of personal protective equip- a) Instruction and periodic drill or quiz regard- meat requires the education of the worker in proper ing the locations, purpose, and use of emergency employment of the equipment available to him_ fire fighting i equipment, fire alarms and emergency Under conditions which arc sufficiently hazardous shutdown equipment such as valves and switches. to require personal protective equipment, this use b) Instriuctions and periodic drill or quiz regard-should be supervised and the type of protective equip- ing the locations purpose, and use of personal pro- meet aaz should be capable of control over any tective equipment: potential l hhazard. The following personal protective. equipmentc) Instruction and periodic drill or quiz .regard- should be used when indicated.ing the locations of safety showers, cye baths, bubbler drinking fountains, or •the closest source of water 5.2.2 Clccnwi'-al Safety Coo_le=for use in emergencies. Cup-type or rubber framed go rles, equipped •d) Instructions to avoid all unnecessary inhala- with the approved impact resistant glass. or plasticlionofacetyleneandallcontactofcalciumcarbidelenses, should be worn whenever there is danger ofwithwater. ; calcium carbide dust corning .in contact with the e) Instructions to report to the proper authority cycs. Goggles should be carefully fitted. all signs of illness 5.2.3 Speetnde-Ty GogglesSnfcty. Co ^Ief) Instructions to report to the proper authority Metal or plastic ri:zt safety spectacles, with un-all cases of equipment failure. perforated side shields, which can be obtained with1 prescription safety tenses, or suitable all plastic5.2 .•PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT safety goggles may be used when continuous eye. 5 2.1 Ayal1al ilit}• and Use of Protective protection is desirable. Equipment 5.2.4 Respiratory Protection'r. While personal protective. equipment is not an Respirators such as those approved by the U.S.adequate substitute for good, safe working cordi- Bureau of Mines for ''nuisance dusts" may be re-tions,• adequate ventilation, and intelligent conduct quired by maintenance and repair men or othersonthepart',of employees working with calcium car- exposed to unusually dusty operations. • 0 6 . FIRE FIGHTING It is of the greatest importance that calcium car- lent is generated. An acetylene fire from wet carbidebidebekeptperfectlydryunderallcircumstancesofshouldnotbeextinguished, since the continued oen-storage and handling. Carbide itself is• noncom-. cration of unburned acetylene may pocket or become •bustible, but when carbide reacts with water, acety- confined in "dead spaces" and explode if ignited. spa•.. 7 . HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 SHIPPIiNG .dling without rupture. They must be constructed 7.1.1 DOT Classification water and air-tight without the use of solder, except' . The Department of Transportation does at such points as may b: necessary to close small classify calcium carbide as a regulated material for crevices which cannot be otherwise scaled. Solder sail•or highu t} shipments ,•f lammabl` solid-1;. shall not be used on joints in such a manner that fire would disrupt the package: 7.1.2 Type and Size of Contaiurr; Container sizes range from 2 pounds7.1.2.1 Calcium carbide must be contaipad in to over 1000 pounds. The. most common sizes aremetalpackagesofsufficientstrengthtoinsurehan-100, 200, 250 and 500 pounds. 7. Cc:i:ivm Carbide 23 7.1.3 Labeling and Irlentific:ction posed open •to the air for 24 hours or else filled Containers should be cons :cU : _'.v with water in a well-ventilated area, preferably out- marked: "Calcium Carbide—Dan:erou; Ii of Kepi out- of-doors. (Sec 3.3 I ire and Explosion Hazards). • Dry." The size of carbide should be marked on the container. 7.5 DISPOSAL AND RETURN PRECAUTIONS7.1.3.2 The regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard classify calcium carbide as a hazardous article 7.5.1 Most calcium carbide containers are of a and impose quantity restrictions for ship—en: on non-returnable type. After use and when empty, allvessels. It may not be stored with explosives, L.,c-calcium carbide containers should be exposed open mablc liquids (red label). flarc:nab;e edmpressed to the atmosphere for about 24 hours or else flooded gases (rcd label)., oxidizing materials (ve'Li-. label.)with water in a well ventilated area, preferably out-or corrosive liquids (white label). No shinning label of-doors. is required but the outside container must S: marked Returnable drums that are to be filled againeither "Calcium Carbide" or `—Hazardous A.-;i.1e." 'with calcium carbide should be tightly closed after emptying and not left open or flooded with water. 7.2 SPILLS AND LEAKAGE Empty containers v.bieli arc to be welded or7.2.1 Punctured or leaking containers ofcal ium flame cut must be thoroughly purged of all carbide carbide should be taken care of as soon as di_cov-and acetylene by completely flooding with, watererectThecontentsshouldbetransferredtoanotherbeforesuchoperationsareundertaken. container. The transfer should be m:-de in a well- ventilated area away from all sources o; i nition. 7.6 STORAGE OUT-OF-DOORS 7.2.2 Inadvertently spilled calcium carbide Calcium carbide in full unopened metal containersshouldbesweptupimmediately. If not dirt: or ccn- complying with the construction requirements of Sec-tancinated, it may be used along_ with other carbide.lion 7.1 can be stored out-of-doors provided reason-If dirty or contaminated, it should be taken outside • able precautions arc observed. Since avoidance ofofthebuildingsandscatteredonthegroundinan exposure to moist air or water is an essential safetyisolatedlocationandwetteddownwithwaterto • precaution it is recommended that open-air storagedecomposethecarbidecompletely. Wa;hi::_ into a areas for carbide be provided with roof coverage.closed sewer should be avoided because of acetylene Each container to be so stored should be carefullyhazard. Generation of acetylene from spilled carbide examined to make sure that it is in rood condition. •should be avoided at or near air separation nian:s. Frequent periodic reexaminations for excessive rust- 7.3 REPACKAGINGing or other damage to tine container that might affect its water anti air tightness should be made. r'alcium carbide should not be repaelaced except Containers preferably should be stored horizontallybyitsmanufacturerordistributor. in single or double rows. Ample space should be provided between rows or pairs of rows to facilitate 7.4 OPENING CONTAINERS periodic reexaminations and the removal of con- tairtcrs found defective. The bottom tier of each •Abusive handling that might cause denting or rov/ should be placed on wooden planking or. an 'puncturing of calcium carbide containers must be . equivalent so that the containers will not come inavoided. The containers should not be oceaed until contact with the ground. or ground water. The con-just before using.the carbide. Spark-:es stl n: :eels tents of drums longest in storage should he usedshouldbeused. If the entire contents are nor used.first. State and municipal regulations, laws andthecontainersshouldberesealedair-tight. Only one ordinances, if any, should be complied with. ' Ref- 'container of a _given size of carbide should be opened crence should be made to the provisions of insurancetrgnetime: Empty containers should either he ex-coverage. CARBIDE STORAGE BIN CLEANING AND REPAIR See Safety Guide SG-1D) • 8.1 Confined space cleaning and repair should spaceunderthedirectionofthoroughly :rained persona_,until it has been checked for.oxygen Content andwhoarcfullyfamiliarwithallofthehazardsendabsenceofacetylene. and other harmfui vapors.safeguards necessary for the safe perforn:an.:e of Ventilation is recommended the entire time melt arethework. cleaning, rep;iirin_., or inspecting the tank. Sheet Calcium Carbide llionufocluring Chemists' Association Manual Sti••t SD-23 8.3 It should be ascertained that all sources of 8.6 One man on the outside of the tank should keepignitionhavebeeneliminatedfromthevicinityofthemeninthetankunderobservationandanotherthetankandequipment. man should be available nearby to aid in rescue iC8.4 No one should enter a tank or confined space any of the men in the tank arc overcome. until a work permit has been signed by an authorized person indicating that the area has been tested and 8.7 A supplied-air respirator or self-containedfoundtobesafe. Furthermore, no wor eman should breathing apparatus, together with rescue harness andenteratankorvesselthatdoesnothaveamanholelifelineshouldalwaysbelocatedoutsidethetank-opening large enough to admit a person wearing, a entrance for rescue purposes, regardless of the typesafetyharncs's, life line, and emergency respiratory of respiratory equipment or air supply which is pro-equipment. It should be ascertained that the tank or.vessel can be left by the original entrance.vided for employees inside the tank. 8.5 A person entering the bin or enclosed space 8.8 In a!! cases, ifrepair work is interrupted, theshouldwearanapprovedsafetyharnesswith.a rope. tank atmosphere should be checked thoroughly be-attached, fore resumption of work. 9 . WASTE DISPOSAL 9.1 There is usually no waste disposal problem for common practice is to drain the slurry residue into acalciumcarbideassuch. For spills and leakage sec • settling nit. Clear liquid can be.drained oft the top,7.2. For used container disposal see 7.5. and the pit emptied of semi-dry solid lime as re- 9.1.1 Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime)' is a quirecl. by-product from the reaction of calcium carbide and water. This is of commercial value as an acid 9.1.3 Waste from•acetylene generators should not • be dumped dineutralizingagent, for agricultural purposes, white- rectly into closed sewers or drains bc-eutr road stabilization, etc. ' cause of the danger of explosions from acetylene in . solution in the waste water, or from unreacted car-9.12_, If..the hydrated lime is to be discarded, bide. 10 . PA _ D ! CAL MANAGEMENT 10.1 IIEALTH HAZARDS 10.I.3 Chronic Toxicity 10.1.1 .General Systenci; Effects Calcium carbide can be handled without difli- None are known. culty if employees are properly educated. The dry powder is practically inert. However, it reacts readily Local Effects with water to form acetylene and hydrated lime with Local effects from prolonged and repeated - • the evolution of heat. Any harmful effects arc re- contact with calcium carbide are occasionally seen.fated to the heat of reaction and the hydrated lime. The skin appears dry and chapped with a tendency to develop cracks. The eyes may show a chronic10.1.2. Acute Toxicity •• , •. irritation of, the lid margins. ,. e Systemic Effects No systemic effects are known.10.2 PROTECTIVE HEALTH MEASURES Local Effects Calcium •carbide is not hazardous to handle if employees arc adequately instructed rcg rding han-Calcium carbide reacts with the moisture of dling precautions_the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. The heat of re- action is not enough to cause harm in most cases. 10.2.l Pe-r-c,rtal Ilvgienc but the residual lime has the irritating effects of Eye wash fountains should be available in areas strong alkali. Under certain conditions, enough where calcium carbide dust might enter the eve.hydrated lime may be formed to cause a superficial fanployecs should be instructed to wash thorou_'ilyburn. In the eye, the dust causes marked irritation with soup and water and preferably to shower afterandwithprolongedcontactorexcessivemoisturework. They should change work clothes often may cause a corneal burn. 13rcathint: the dust may cnou,'h to avoid wearing_ clothing heavily conta•tni-cause irritation . id coughing at the time of exposure.Hated with calcium carbide dust. Work clothing 9 x i.y lio^"ol Ci,em;sls' i:::ccic!;••-: Calcium Carbide el g}5..23 C should be loosely buttoned at the wrist and neck.ventilation should be provided where calcium carbide. and in hot weather, the use of a scarf around the is used. neck helps to avoid chafinc.between the collar. (which maybe contaminated with calcium carbide dust) and 10.2.5 Personal. Protective Equipment moist skin. Calcium carbide should not be allowed to The use of suitable ;ogeles to protect against get inside of work cloves. In hot weather or after flying particles is advised for furnace operators and unusually heavy dust contact the employees should around crushing operations. be encouraged to wash face, neck, hands and fore- In jobs where unusually high dust conccjttra- arms to remove accumulations of carbide dust. Lions may be encountered, it may be desirable to use _ - • respiratory protective equipment. (See section 5.2 for • 10.2.2 Employee Education details of personal protective equipment.) Refer to section 5.1 for details.) 10.2.6 Physical Examinations 10.2.3 • .While no specific harm is expecied. it is • - Prvj,Iaccnie,rt Extrmirecrlionsnotgoodpracticetostoreorconsumefoodinareas1 where chemicals are present. he g:r,cr:,l industrial physical examination should suffice. It may be desirable to exclude per- 10.2.4 Ventilation sons havinn chronic skin disorders from intimate con- tact with calcium carbide. No health hazards are present which require special ventilation measures in use of calcium car- Periodic: l:srcr,sii:rrlio,rs bide. In the manufacture of calcium carbide. crush- Calcium carbide has no hazards which indi-, ing and packing operations should be provided with cats the need for special examinations. The usual exhaust ventilation for dust control. Good general periodic physical examination should suffice. i 1 FIRST AID i LI .GIE.NERAL PRINCIPLES - . l 1.3 'CONTACT WITI I TIIE EYES • The 'effects of calcium carbide are limited .to Flush eyes with clean running water at an eye wash local action at the site of contact with a moist surface.fountain for at least fifteen minutes. Get medical • The residual lime acts as an irritant and first aid is attention. directed toward removal of the irritant. 11.2 CONTACT WITH SKIN AND 11.4 IF INHALED MUCOUS ?,IE_lIi3R11ES If irritation results from breathing excessive quail- Flush areas of contact with plenty of clean runnirt_.lilies of dust, remove from further exposure and see water. •. a physician. 4 Went • - ;--; 1 0 T ‘A 11 Union Carbide Agricultural Products Company, Inc,.. 01N ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET II DATE: 11/22/85 WEEDONEm LV4 BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE PAGE: 1 of 4 Each customer should study this Material Safety Data Sheet and become aware of IIItheproducthazards. Reference works or personnel who are expert on ventilation, toxicology, and fire prevention may have to be consulted to T adequately utilize the data contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet. v 1 ill To promote safe handling, each Customer should (1) notify its employees, agents, and contractors of the information on this Material Safety Data Sheet, 73 and any product hazards and safety information, (2) furnish a copy of this s MaterialiSafety Data Sheet to each of its customers for the product, and (3) O request such customers to notify their employees and customers for the product of the information on this Material Safety Data Sheet and any product hazards 1 , and safety information.010 I . IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT1NAME WEEDONE® LV4/BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE N CHEMICAL NAME 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester w.40 CHEMICAL FAMILY a/s Phenoxy 5 x FORMULA j ou C14H18C12O4 c/4ese . T p- MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 321.22 1- 1 w rt 0 SYNONYMS None d a rt 1 ' CD DO CAS # 1 1929-73-3 1 CAS NAME Acetic acid,(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-butoxyethyl ester II . PHYSICAL DATA BOILING' POINT 100°C SPECIFIIC GRAVITY 1.088 at 20°C Water = 1) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Brown liquid with characteristic mild hydrocarbon odor 1 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 1-800-822-4357 3This number is available days, nights, weekends, and holidays. l UNION CARBIDE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. 4:P.O. Box 12014 • T.W. Alexander Drive. 1 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 i l Tin inn 1 Union Cart- ' ,e Agricultural Product—Company, Inc. , SAFETY . DATA SHEET# MATERIAL 1 PRODUCT NAME: WEEDONE LV4 BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE DATE: 11/22/85 i PAGE: 2 of 4 1 I II . PHYSICAL DATA (CONTINUED) FREEZING POINT 40°C VAPOR DENSITY Air = 1) >1 VAPOR PRESSURE 0.1 mm/Hg SOLUBILITY IN WATER: (% by wt. ) Emulsifiable EVAPORATION RATE Butyl Acetate = 1) <1 I i l III . HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS i MATERIAL TLV (Units) HAZARD 2,4-D Butoxyethyl ester 60.8 None established Non-specific i by ACGIH or OSHA I I.IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Water spray, foam, dry chemical , or r--. carbon dioxide. FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR LFL: Not available UFL: Not available I FLASH POINT (Method) 150°F (TCC) 1 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES : Wear protective clothing and use self- contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Products of combustion or decomposition are hazardous. 1 I V. HEALTH HAZARD DATA I PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT: Not established by ACGIH or OSHA TOXICOLOGGY DATA LD50 oral (rat) 1)370 mg/kg ACUTE EFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE SWALLOWING Slightly toxic SKIN ABSORPTION Slightly toxic INHALATION Not known. None expected 1 SKIN CONTACT Moderate irritation i EYE CONTACT Mild irritation 1 I Union Union Carbide Agricultural rroaucLs Lompany, inc. MATEIJAL SAFETY DA . SHEET PRODUCT NAME: WEEDONE LV4 BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE DATE: 11/22/85 PAGE: 3 of 4 V. HEALTH HAZARD DATA (CONTINUED) CHRONIC EFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE None known. I OTHER HEALTH HAZARDS 1 None known. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES 1 SWALLOWINGG Do not induce vomiting. Give large quantity of water or milk. Seek medical help. SKIN Wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. INHALATION Remove to fresh air. I EYES. Wash with running water for fifteen minutes. Seek medical attention if problems persist. EFFECTS AND SYMPTOMS : This product has a low order of toxicity. Symptoms may consist of general malaise if swallowed and some mild to moderate irritation of the skin or 1 eyes. NOTES7O PHYSICIAN This product contains petroleum distillate. Do not induce vomiting. VI . REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY Stable INCOMPATIBILITY None materials to avoid) 1 HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR : Noxious fumes may be evolved upon combustion. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION : Will not occur Union` Carbide Union Ca de Agricultural Produ Company, Inc. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: WEEDONE LV4 BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE DATE: 11/22/85 PAGE: 4 of 4 VII . SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Dike large spills. Absorb small spills on inert material and place in approved waste containers. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose in an approved landfill following all applicable federal , state and local regulations. VIII . SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION : NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator for pesticide mists i VENTILATION Mechanical general ventilation to control mists PROTECTIVE GLOVES Impervious gloves suchas neoprene EYE,1PROTECTION Chemical safety goggles, face shield OTHER PROTECTIVE Protective clothing, eye bath, safety shower EQUIPMENT IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Read label and follow directions. Irk) not store near fertilizers, seeds, insecticides, or fungicides. Avoid contact with large bodies' of water. I The opinions expressed herein are those of qualified experts within Union Carbide Agricultural Products Company, Inc. We believe that the information contained herein is current as of the date of this Material Safety Data Sheet. Because the use of this information and these opinions and the conditions of use of the product are not• within the control of Union Carbide Agricultural Products Company, Inc. , it is the user's obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of the product. 0074j r—T)ninn 1 if T. Baker heical L.o.Cm h•.,. 222 R24 poi Lane Prn 201) 8 c. N.J.0881 u.i. .,.. . 2a•Hour Emergency Teiephone-• (201i 859.2151 AIWAChemtrec a (800) 424.9300 t?SEl1tn' :t' National Response Center fr (800) 424=8802 N,•.—,.., L• r,_. 7.- B0372 -02 Barium Chloride , Dihydrate Parke : 1 Effective : i10/15/85 Issued : 08/13/86 SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name : Barium Chloride , Dihydrate T e, E.e 4 "9 /z5o ,51d.g.,0-- Formula : Ba C 12.2H 2O r/eile ij y A Le),e7.OE Formula [Jt ;: 244 .28 o4N0 CAS' No . : ' 1 0326-27-9 NIOSH/RTECS No . : CQ8751000 7-eTy/c/iCA7-69L Common Synonyms : Barium Dichloride Dihydrate Product Codes :0970, 0974, 097E PRECAUTIONARY LABELLING C 6 c!!!!!c!=c!c c c c c!c=c c!!C c!!c 6 c c!C!!c..........C!=c t c c c=c=!!!c c c c c!!c!!!c c..... BAKER SAF-T-DATATM S»stem I a =cn HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY CONTACT N ail o 000oiI SEVERE NONE NONE SLIGHT I cl I Lahorat.ort,I Prot.er_.t.ioe Er.Iui nment. V \," \ 1 E o Vz-I 13, TO- 1 k :LRB T r:orER COAT HOOII GLOVES 1 iPls o Preceutionaruu Label Statements cm. POISON! DANGER ! sez MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED CAUSES IRRITATION Do not get H.n eyes, on skin, on clothinq'. Keep in tightly closed container . Mash thoroughly after handling . SECTION II - HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Component. CAS No . 1 Barium Ch]oride, Dihydrate 90-100 10326-27-9I For information only: anhydrous form 10361-37-2 j SECTION ILI - PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point :N/A Vapor Pressure (mmHg) : N/A Melting Point : 963°C ( 1765°F)Uapor Density(air=1 ) : N/A RE CEll] d E B Continued on Page : 2 0002 AUG 21 1986 SAFETY & WDRKMANS COMPENSATION KING COUNTY J. 1 . -Ker l.neml;:a( L.A.J. V 1?•t ..; :- Rec Scnoc Ph iupStr ': N. .088F5 k` Al T TA Baker • 2c.Mour E,eroency leieohone i20ii E59 215 Chemtrec a (800) 424.9300 MIT kilim.ANational Response Center# (800) 424.8802 0372 -02 Bar ium Chloride ; Di hydrate Page : 2 Issued : 08/13/86 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA (Continued) Evaporation Rate : N/A specific C,ravitiu y: 3 .86 Butyl Acetate=1 ) H2O=1 ) i oltibility 2( HO) :Complete ( in all. Proportions ) % Uolatiles by Uolume : N/A I appearance & Odor : Colorless crystals . ne== iC61 SECTION IU - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA lash Point : 1 N/A Flammable Limits : Upper - N/A % Lower - N/A % Fire Extinguishing Media Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire . I Toxic Gases Produced hydrogen Chloride e,C C C=C=-_________=C=____-___-=C_ SECTION U - WEALTH HAZARD DATA Toxicity test liresultsare listed for the anhydrous substance . Threshold Limit Ua1ue (TLU/TLiA) : 0 .5 mg/m3 (• ppm) I Toxicity: LD50 (oral-rat) (mg/kg) 118 LD50 (scu-rat) (mg/kg)178 LD50 ( 7.pr-mouse ) (mg/kg) ,54 Effects of OvPrexnosurP Ingestion may be fatal. . Chronic effects of barium compounds may include bronchial irritation, degeneration of central nervous system, and damage to spleen, liver , and bone marrow . I Emeraenci, and' First Aid Procedures CALL A PHYSICIAN . If swallowed, if conscious , immediately induce vomiting . In case 'of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes . SECTION UI - REACTIUiTY DATA Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur 1 Continued on Page : 3 0 0 0 r L 1 1 1 i . Ddlrel l.II 'T11(:d1 ‘..V. i Ba cer 222 Red Schooi Lane • pnin;dsbury, N.J.088624-Hour Emergency Telephone .. (201i 859 2151 A EITATAChemtreca (800).424.9300144.004 National Response Center, a (800) 424.8802 AMET:` Barium Chloride ; Dehydrate Page : 3Effective : 10/15/85 Issued : 08/13/86 i SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA (Continued) Decomposition Products : hydrogen chloride SECTION VII - SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Steps to be taken in the event of a spill or discharge Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and Full protective clothing .With clean shovel , carefully place material into clean, dry container andcover; Iremove from area . Flush spill area with water . Disposal Procedure Dispose in accordance with all applicable federal , state , and localenvironmentalregulations . EPA Hazardous Waste Number : D005 (EP Toxic Waste )G==G G==G=G G=C=__=G G C G=G G=_e G=_______=G............__===........................ SECTION VIII - INDUSTRIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTc=____ ________=_= G=_________=_= G=_=___C=G G G C==G C=G=_=i G==C.___= C G=C=C 6 G=GVentilation: Use general. or local exhaust ventilation to meetITLVrequirements . RespiratorylProtect.i.on: Respiratory protection required if airborneIconcentrationexceeds• TLV . At concentrations upto3ppm, a dust/mist respirator is recommended . Above this level , a self-contained i . breathing apparatus is advised. Eye/Skin Protection: Safety goggles , uniform, apron, rubber gloves are recommended . SECTION IX - STORAGE AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS G=________ SAF-T-DATATM Storage Color Code : Blue Snecial Precautions Keep container closed .tightly loseg- - --d . Store in secure poison area . GanSECTIONX - TRANSPORTATION DATA AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONG=_______=G=__=G__=C=____=G=G=__=G=__=G=G G=_=G==G=___=C G=__=G G G C C=_DOMESTIC (D ..O.T . ) Proper Shipping Name Chemicals, n. o .s . (Non-regulated) TNTERNATIONAL (I .M . O . ) Proper Shipping Name Barium compounds , n .o .s . (Barium Chloride, Dihydrate )Hazard Class, 6 . 1 UN/NA UN1564 Labels POISON Continued on Page : 4 222 Red Scfool f' Ghi' '^SDu'y N.J rIBaker24-Hour Er ?nc. -Telephone • (2C1) 859 2151 Lnemtrec n (800) 424.9300 n National Response Center a (800) 424.8802 I 11372 -02 Barium Chloride , Dihydrate Page : 4 affective : 10/15/85 . Issued : 08/13/86 I VA - Not AppliIcahle or Not Available he information published in this Material Safety Data Sheet has been compiled rom our experiience and data presented in various technical publications . It is he user 's responsibility to determine the suitability of this information for he adoption of; necessary safety precautions . We reserve the right ;to revise tater. ial Safety Data Sheets periodically as new information becomes available . 1 LAST PAGE 0002 fc f- .G s` 1. Safety Mo...N Ards "iO(c_ 77s> 50.21 cfrLcwNfili. LCIU M C „OA I-7i [13 HD E . H-. a co 6‘Clegg/gZ' 1 . NAMES E tl% 5:0tUChemicalName: Calcium Carbide 7..5^ 9 2 Common Names:Calcium Carbide, Carbide t.Z Formula: g N1 cr, W 2 . PROPERTIES T 2.1 GRADES;AND SIZES CI ..=^Calcium carbide is'available commercially in various sizes and with a yield of.acetylene per pound as gi en • uinthefollowingtable: Cubic feet perPassthroughRetainedonpoundat60°F screen with screen with and 30 inchesNminalsquareopeningssquareopeningsbarometricpressure moo r Inches Inches O v"• Lump .4.24 1.50 O I d . 414.5 Egg 2.00 375 4.5 1 Nut 1.06 250 4.5 u7 r G v l , t Miner's lamp ' 50 25 4.5 r'.1 A n v 1 YilPI0i1/;4 x 1/12 t=t 2)4.5 el y •s Rice' 70 132 0331 4.3 vt Z ` 14 N.D. 0661 0165 4.3__ N 3 Ow A n.Ain t't; Also may be designated"Miner's special" or "1/2 x r/s"SO P"'"'"5 DbNw P Qt jm1The"1/4 x 1/12"size shall conform to the following: ' C,e%TAN7- y rip! Ti D Percent- NctTyee.v( • 1 -I P o Pass through a 0.2650-inch sieve (minimum) 100 o r - w p p Pass through a 0.0937-inch sieve (maximum) 25 i '. icti 0 0 Pass through a 0.0661-inch sieve (maximum) 7 D? tJ . Pass through a 0.0555-inch sieve (maximum) 2 L The evolved acetylene contains not more than 0.05 per cent by volume of phos- 1ii phine (PH3). 1 For information on acetylene, consult Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD-7. 2.2 • liNIPORTIANT PHYSICAL AND Odor: The odor of acetylene is always presentCHEMICAI. PROPERTIES when calcium carbide is exposed to the air. This odor is penetrating and somewhat reminiscent ofAppearance:!Rock-like solid; hard. sharp, granu- garlic.lar, irregular surface when fresh; tends toward soft- - l Specific Gravity (water 1): 2.22 1nessandcrumblingwhenpartiallydecomposed. f ;Melting Point:About 2300'C (4172°F). rColor: Ranges from a gray to a dark gray to a Reactive: Calcium carbide will react with water orbluishblack. water-moistened materials or water solutions to form X` Q 1` VIII—STORAGE AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS I Store labeled and} sealed containers in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Prevent cater ormoist•air from entering storage tanks or containers. Do not cut on weld on eupty or fulldrums. Alunirum equipment should rot be used for storage and/or transfer. Vapors are heavier than air and will collect in low areas. Contact with alu nirum parts in a pressurizabl.e fluid system may cause violent reactions.Consult equipment supplier for further information. Do not remove or deface label. IX—SPILL LEAK AND DISPOSAL PRACTICES S TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL I RELEASED ORSPI L DEvacuatethearea; ventilate, and avoid breathing vapors. Dike area to contain spill. Cleanuparea (wear protective equipment — refer to Section VII) by mopping or with absorbentmaterialandplaceinclosedcontainersfordisposal. Avoid contamination of ground andsurfacewaters. Do not flush to sewer. If spill occurs indoors, turn off air conditioning and/or heatingcontaminatingentirebuilding. system, to prevent vapors from FE DISPOSAL METHOD Recovered liquids may be sent to a licensed reclaimer or incineration faci.lity. • Contaminatedmaterialmustbedisposedofinapermittedwastemanagementfacility. Qbnsult federal, state,or local disposal authorities for approved procedures. I X—TRANSPORTATION IAZARD CLASSIFICATION None when transported by land or water. Cfdi-A wtren:transportel by air.RD REQUIRED None REQUIRED Tahe1 as required by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, and any applicable state and localregulations. QdI-A when transported by air. urther Information Contact Vulcan Chemicals Technical Service Department P.O. Box 7689 , Birmingham, AL 35253-0689 205/877-3459 8 AM to 5 PM Central Time Monday Through Friday For Emergency Information Call: 316/524-5751 (24 hours)F PREPARATION: Novlember 15, 1985 ulcan Chemicals believes shalt the information contained on this Material Safely Data Sheet is accurate.The suggested procedures are based on experience'as of thestation.They are not necessarily all-inclusive nor fully adequate in every circumstance.Also,the suggestions should not be confused with nor followed in violation ofaws,regulations,rules or insurance requirements. RANTY,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS OR OTHERWISE IS MADE. 1RON.0 TOXIZITY c• I ` Chronic overexposures to 1,1,1 trichloroethane have caused liver toxi fects in experimental animals. Carcinogenicity - The available data indicates that 1,1,1 trichloroethane is not carcinogenic in laboratory animals. 1,1,1 trichloroethane is not listed on the OSHA, IARC, or NIP carcinogen lists. Reproductive Toxicity - Three studies have been performed on laboratory animals to evaluate the effects of 1,1,1 trichloroethane on reproduction and fetal development. Two of the three stu- dies indicate no reproductive toxicity. The third study noted clays in normal development, but these delays did not affect later life. VII- PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Where vapor concentration exceeds or is likely to exceed 350 ppn, an approved organic vapor type respirator is acceptable. Approved self-contained breathing apparatus or air line respirator, with full face piece, is required for Vapor concentrations above 1,000 ppn and for spills axri/or emergencies. VENTILATION tb not use in closed or confined space. Open doors and/or windows. Use ventilation to main- tain exposure levels below 350 pro. SKIN PROTECTION Wear solvent-resistant gloves such as Viton, polyvinyl alcohol, or equivalent. Solvent- resistant boots, apron, headgear and/or faceshield should be worn where splashing is possible. EYE PROTECTION Wear Gafety glasses. Contact lenses should not be corn. Chemical goggles and/or face shields should be worn where splashing is possible. HYGIENE Avoid'contact with skin arri avoid breathing vapors. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in work area. Wash harris prior to eating, drinking, or using restrocm. OTHER CONTROL MEASURES To determine exposure level(s), monitoring should be performed regularly. Safety shower and eyewash station should be available. NOTE: Protective equipment and clothirg should be selected, used, and maintained according to applicable stardards and regulations. For further information, contact the cloth or equip- rent manufacturer or the Vulcan Chemicals Technical Service department. V—FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT'Method used) FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR Bone (TCC) 7.5 - 15.0% (vol.) @ 25°C EXTINGUISHING AGENTS Water, foam, dry chanical, carbon dioxide (Odj) UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Concentrated vapors can be ignited by high intensity ignition source. Firefighters should wear self-contained, positive-pressure breathing apparatus, due to thermal decomposition products. VI-TOXICITY AND FIRST AID EXPOSURE LIMITS(When exposure to this product and other chemicals is concurrent,the TLV must be delrned in the workplace.) 1,1,1 trichloroethane AOGIH: 350 ppm TWA (8 hr), 450 ppm S EL OSHA: 350 ppm TWA (8 hr) Odor threshold approximately 100 ppm; rfnvaPs olfactory fatigue) Etlects described in this section are believed not to occur rt exposures are maintained at or below appropriate TLVs. Because of the wide variation in individual susceptibility,TLVs may not be applicable to all persons and those with medical conditions listed below. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Amite and chronic liver disease and rhythm disorders of the heart. ACUTE TOXICITY Primary route(s)of exposure: R)Inhalation Skin Absorption Ingestion Inhalation: Major potential route of exposure. Minimal effects observed below 1,000 ppm; diz- ziness, drowsiness, and throat irritation at levels above 1,000 ppm. Uncanciou.sness and death possible at levels above 10,000 ppm. Blood pressure depression, cardiac sensitization, and ventricular arrhythmia can result from the exposure to near-anesthetic levels. Skin: Prolonged or repeated skin contact can rouse irritation, defatting of skin, and der- matitis. Absorption of liquid through intact skin possible, resulting in systemic effects, but unlikely route of significant exposure. Eyes: Liquid can cause slight temporary irritation with slight temporary corneal injury. Vapors can irritate eyes. Ingestion: Single dose toxicity is law to moderate. If vomiting occurs, 1,1,1 trichloroethane can be aspirated into the lungs, wi-Lich can rtn,se chemical pneumonia and systemic effects. FIRST AID Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration. Call a physician. Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash with soap and water. Rash corttaminated clothing before reuse. Eyes: Flush eyes inu>9diately with water for at JPact 15 minutes. If irritation persists, call a physician. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Contact physician or urgency medical facility inme- diately. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Adrenalin should never be given to persons overexposed to 1,1,1 trichloroethane. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT June 22, 1988 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Renton for King County PROJECT: King County Public Works and Consolidated Office and Repair Facility 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-038-88; CU-038-88 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. The subject property is presently zoned for G-1, General Use, permitting the proposed government administrative offices and services facilities as conditional uses only. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of N.E. Third Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. B. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This Conditional Use application is made by the City of Renton and King County to expand the County's existing Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. The facility and attendant amenities parking, access routes, etc. ) presently cover approximately 4.5 acres of a 36 acre site. (The City also has developed approximately 10 acres of this site for facilities operations. ) The current application for expansion includes the following components: 1) Building J, Crews Building - expand the existing 7,860 GSF building by approximately 7,800 GSF, to add crew services lockers, showers, restrooms) , and administrative office space; 2) Building B, Traffic Building - expand existing service operations in the building by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint to include lavatories, lockers, and showers; 3) Mini Storage Building - construct a . 1, 200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage; 4) Materials Testing Labaratory Building - construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory Building of approximately 8, 000 square feet. The building will house laboratories, administrative area, staff services, storage, an equipment and supplies room, a curing room, and Environmental Review C""ittee City ofjRenton/King Cc y Public Works June 22,1 1988 Page 2 it special foundations; 5) Building H, Storage Warehouse - convert 5, 000 square foot building from office use to storage use. The project is also proposed to include a new storm water drainage system and a 120 space gravel parking area to serve the proposed Materials Laboratory The proposed developments are submitted as a conditional use application because the property is presently zoned G-1 General Use) . A separate application has been submitted to rezone the subject property to P-1, Public Use, to allow the proposed developments as principally permitted uses -- that rezone application (R-037-88) is being processed presently; it is anticipated that this task will not be completed for some months. C ISSUES 1. Whether the proposed projects are appropriate for placement on this site, based upon proposed City policies with respect to storage and use of hazardous substances, in view of the fact that the property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area? In view of the fact that the subject property is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, all expansion of existing developments and addition of new developments must be evaluated with particular attention to potential impacts upon and protection of water quality. The proposed development package includes two projects (the Crews Building and the Traffic Building) which consist of expansion to and improvement of services to staff members. Based upon information provided to the Zoning Division by the applicant, and by City staff review of the application, it is not anticipated that these developments would pose a hazard to the underlying aquifer. The development proposal also includes two storage facilities (Mini Storage Building and Storage Warehouse) -- one of 1,200 square feet to be newly constructed and one of 5, 000 square feet, 2,500 square feet of which is now used for storage and 2,500 square feet of which is proposed to be converted to storage use. The application materials describe the following types and quantities of materials to be stored in these facilities:****************. Based upon consultation with the Fire Prevention Department and the Public Works Department it has been determined that *********. These mitigation Environmental Review C-' ittee City of 'Renton/King Cc :y Public Works June 22,, 1988 Page 3 measures are required to ensure protection of environmental health in this area. Finally, the applicant is proposing to construct a Materials Testing Laboratory on the site. The application materials describe the materials to be tested, and the testing agents to be stored, used, and processed on site. These materials include: ******** It is recommended by the Fire Prevention Department and the Public Works Department that the applicant be required to provide These measures, too, are required for the protection of environmental health. 2. Whether adequate storm water detention and drainage management systems are present on-site to accommodate existing/proposed uses? The subject property is presently served by a dry well system and by a naturally existing percolation system. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is recommending that new collection and dispersal pipelines be constructed by the applicant, subject to approval by the City. These lines should be plumbed for oil/water separation prior to dispersal. The existingdrywells maybe permitted to remain, subject to construction of a containment system for hazardous waste which is approved by the City. No new dry wells should be permitted. 3 . Whether adequate sanitary sewer systems are available to accommodate proposed uses? The site is presently served by a sanitary sewer system which is adequate to handle increased utilization anticipated by the presently proposed development. All new structures will be required to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Rigorous containment of hazardous materials is required so that none of those materials is discharged into the sanitary sewer system. 4. Whether sufficient plans have been made to mitigate traffic impacts to the site which are anticipated to result from the proposed developments? Environmental Review ^^^mittee City ofiRenton/King C ty Public Works June 22; 1988 Page 4 1 The current proposal for development consists of improved services to staff, increased storage, and a new materials testing laboratory. The services component is planned to serve existing staff and, therefore, no new trips are expected to be generated from this portion of the development. The new storage sites are planned primarily to increase efficiency of existing operations. There will be some expansion of the volume of operations -- related to expansion of space allocated to storage -- and so it is expected that new trips will be generated to transport materials to and from the site. Staff has determined that the proposed number of new trips is not sufficiently large to require traffic mitigation measures. The proposed materials testing laboratory is a new development and is planned to employ 15 staff members who will be transferred from an existing off-site laboratory. The proponent has planned to add 120 parking spaces adjacent to the laboratory to accommodate new and continuing employees. (Note: 107 staff work at the site full-time and 88 persons are dispatched from the site, for a total of 195 staff members) . It is not anticipated that the 15 additional staff members will create a significant impact upon on-site or vicinity traffic. Note: The currently proposed developments do not require traffic mitigation measures, however, it should be noted that substantial additional development of the site is planned for a later date; there is a master site plan for this development on file with the City. Full implementation of the master site plan for this project will create significant traffic impacts which shall require mitigation. Care needs to be exercised in approving incremental development for this site, so that mitigation measures are required of the applicant by. the City before individual development activities combine to cause significant impacts to the site. For example, there may be to be an extension of Monroe Avenue to Maple Valley Highway, and accompanying improved signalization, in order to accommodate vehicles serving this facility. Additional information concerning the requirements for mitigation will be available following the completion of the pending transportation report for the area. Environmental Review C^"-ittee City of Renton/King Cc y Public Works June 22, 1988 Page 5 5. Whether adequate measures have been taken to ensure that materials utilized to fill the site are clean? 6. Whether adequate plans have been made to mitigate impacts to the site during construction of proposed new facilities? The proposed development is anticipated by the applicant and by City staff to cause minor construction-related impacts, with respect to increased traffic, noise, and temporary soil erosion. As the site is already developed with a variety of service and storage uses, and with a site for solid waste, there is existing vehicle traffic and operations- related noise on the site. Construction which is proposed is not anticipated to generate additional noise or traffic, or change in hours of operation which are sufficiently significant to require mitigation. Similarly, impacts from erosion, related to excavation activities for the proposed project, is not anticipated to be significant because all areas proposed for construction are presently flat and generally covered with paving, asphalt or grass. As a result, normal construction practices described by the applicant to contain soil movement coverings, containment fences) appear to be sufficient; there does not appear to be any requirement for special containment measures. The applicant and the City agree that there will be dust and debris generated from construction activities. To mitigate these impacts, the applicant has made plans to water down the site as necessary. In addition, on-site wheel washing of construction vehicles should be required to minimize tracking of debris onto the public right-of-way. A bond should be required, in the amount of $2, 000. 00 for site clean-up. D. RECOMMENDATIONS: E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Traffic problems generated during construction Environmental Review C iittee City of iRenton/King Co y Public Works June 22,! 1988 Page 6 Fire Prevention Bureau:Project proposes building construction, bulding expansion, laboratory construction. Insufficient information provided for square footage of NEW buildings, materials, etc. Design Engineering: The southerly extension of Monroe Avenue N. E. on King County property should be designed, constructed and dedicated for the City in connection with this development Traffic Engineering: If the southerly extension of Monroe Avenue is developed as public right-of- way, street lighting needs to be part of the off-site improvements. It is desirable to extend Monroe to the south. i Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs to be considered and how it could impact this proposal. Monroe could be an access out to N. E. 4th Street for property to the east and developments to the west. Utility Engineering: Need information on location of propsed new station in relation to existing water and sewer lines and easements. Site in aquifer protection zone - information on lab chemical storage and any proposal n.g. tanks is required. Parks and Recreation: Recreation as an issue appears not to have been addressed in either the master planning phase or for these particular projects. It needs to be addressed in four main areas: 1) outdoor passive opportunities, 2) ourdoor active opportunities on site, 3) indoor active facilities, and 4) provision for possible connections to the proposed Cedar River Crest Trail system Building Division: What will be done in testing lab? Zoning Division: No Comments Policy Development: See attached letter. Recommend additional environmental review. 0 x EiA _0 0f King County Department of Public Works Donald J. LaBelle,Director 900 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue DU J. 2 2 y`vSeattle,Washington 98104 206)344-2517 Junei ,22 1988 G1eniGordon Citylof Renton Fire Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, .WA 98055 RE: ; Hazardous Waste Material M.S .D . Sheets Dear Glen: Pursuant to our telephone conversation pertaining to the referenced . material , enclosed for your information and persual are the MSD sheets you ;requested. Unfortunately we do not have MSD sheets for Garlon 4 ....:. and Banvec. 1 Thank you for assisting King County Public Works with our conditional use permit and rezone application. Please contact me should you need any additional information. My telephone number is 296-6504. Sincerely, L/2i5?4,V.... .e..c..e.4G4L1 J : Saltarelli Facilities Administrator OJSrkm Enclosures L:-- Monsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA 1 Page 1 of 4 r 0 0 r MONSANTO COMPANY No 1 Q9_p TU800N. LINDBERGH BLVD.0 MONSANTO PRODUCT NAME ST. LOUIS, MO. 63167 g ROUNDUP() Emergency Phone No. O Call Collect) 1 HERBICIDE 314-694-4000 x) o Yo I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION 1 ..) Synonyms: None 3H Chemical Name: Not Applicable, Formulated Product e ',":1) Active Ingredient: isopropylamine salt of Glyphosate t 41.0%. Inert Ingredients:t).59.0% 100.0% Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds of the active ti 1 ingredient isopropylamine salt of N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine per U.S.gallon. Equivalent to 356 grams per liter or 3 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, glyphosate. CAS Reg. No.: Not Applicable, Formulated Product D CAS R . No.rn Active Ingredient: 38641-94-0 D7 0 1 524.308-AA D EPA Reg. No.: r DOT Shipping Name:Not Applicable cr.) RECEfi DDDTHazardClass/ n Y.D. No.:Not Applicable I in DOT Labels): Not Applicable JULl i 11 9 J o 0 Hazardous Substance(s)/ cnr +n. •., D 1RQ(s): Not Applicable SMITY & r RMANs S: : c :9;1 f Kclrv_G QQunTj D U.S. Surface Freight Classification: Weed Killing Compound, N.O.I.B.N. 1 WARNING STATEMENTS 0 Keep out of reach of children..a WARNING! CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. sa HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Z See Additional Comments section for Physical or Chemical Hazards. O C; PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES R Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Avoid contamination of seed, feed and foodstuffs. 0 EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES FIRST AID: IF IN EYES, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physi- I cian. IF ON SKIN, flush with water. Wash clothing before reuse. ,ZS 2a/s. G-4046/38 Gn4- La /isy 22/i64PA,1 Monsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 2o! 4 OCCUPATIONAL CONTROL PROCEDURES Eye Protection: During mixing or pouring operations or •they.activities in which eye contact with Y undiluted Roundup" herbicide is likely to occur, splash goggles should be worn. 1 Skin Protection: In case of skin contact, wash exposed area thoroughly. In cases in which pro-longed or repeated skin contact with Roundup herbicide may occur, long-sleeved shirt, long pants and rubber or plastic gloves are recommended.B• and Clothing soaked with Roundup solution should be promptly j laundered before reuse. In manufacturing and processing operations, the use of a face shield is recom- Imended when handling undiluted Roundup herbicide in a pressurized system 1 where equipment failure might result in facial contact with liquid splash or aero- sol spray. R lespiratory Protection: Respiratory protection is not required for normal use, and handling. Duringperiodsofabnormalexposuretoheavysprayormist, use a NIOSH approved 4.:: dust/mist respirator. pVentilation:No special precautions recommended. Airborne j Exposure Limits: Product ROUNDUP herbicide OSHA PEL/TWAA and ACGIH T—LV1/TWA/STEL not established. FIRE PROTECTION INFORMATION Flash Point (TCC): 200F. Water-based formulation, Non-Flammable, Non-Combustible. Extinguishing Media: In case of FIRE, use water spray, foam, dry chemical or CO2, m Special Firefighting Procedures: None. Q . Unusual Fire And Explosion Hazards: None. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS SUMMARY Oral LD50 (Rat): 5400 mg/kg, practically non-toxic o Dermal LD50 (Rabbit): > 5000 mg/kg, practically non-toxic Eye Irritation (Rabbit): (FHSA) Score = 18.4 on a scale of 110, moderately irritating Skin Irritation (Rabbit): (FHSA) Score = 4.3 on a scale of 8.0, moderately irritating Inhalation LC50 (Rat): 3.28 moll for 4 hour aerosol exposure, slightly toxic QTests on the biologically active ingredient in this formulation (glyphosate) showed that glyphosate did not cause any mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic (birth defects), adverse reproductive changes, or 0 neurotoxic effects. I PHYSICAL DATA Q Appearance:Clear, viscous amber-colored solution. t. J Odor: Practically odorless to slight amine-like odor. Q pH: i 4.8 W Specific Gravity Q (Water 1): 1.17 J i MQflst0MATERLsATYDATA Rage 3 of 4 r - REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable for at least 5 years.4under normal conditions of warehouse storage. Heated facilities are not required. Incompatlbility: Non-corrosive to stainless steel, aluminum, polyethylene, plastic, fiberglass: Corrosive to mild steel, galvanized steel and zinc. This product or spray solutions of this product react with such containers and tanks to produce hydrogen gas which may form a highly combus- tible gas mixture. This gas mixture could flash or explode if ignited by open flame, spark or other ignition sources. Hazairdous Decomposition Products: None. Hazardous Polymerization: Does not occur. The product can react with caustic (basic) materials to liberate heat. This is not polymerization, but rather a chemical j neutralization in an acid-base reaction. 1 SPILL, LEAK & DISPOSAL INFORMATION Open dumping is prohibited. D • i This 'product, spray mixture or rinsate that cannot be used or chemically reprocessed should be dis- mm • posed of in a landfill approved for pesticides. D Triple rinse container and offer for recycling, reconditioning, or disposal in approved landfill. r Consult federal, state or local disposal authorities for additional or alternative requirements. Cn D 0 Avoid skin and eye contact—see Occupational Control Procedures. m Soak up small amounts with absorbent clays (kitty litter, oil dri, etc.). Sweep or scoop up spilled material and dispose of in approved landfill. D Wash down surfaces (floors, truck beds, streets, etc.) with detergent and water solution.D ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Environmental Toxicity Information: L I) ':I j I i ti 96-hr TL50 Bluegill: 14 mg/l, slightly toxic 1 96-hr TL50 Carp: 3.9 ppm, moderately toxic I i 1 i ,uIo ZI 96-hr TL50 Trout: 11 mg/l, slightly toxic 0 SPJEI9 & Y;t ll ltiir J i;?i Psi SiUIU l 96-h LC50 Catfish: 16 mg/I, slightly toxic KING C.OUJIT:Y, 96-hr LC50 Crayfish: > 1000 ppm, practically non-toxic 96-hr LC50 Fathead Minnow: 9.4 mg/I, moderately toxic e 48-hr LC50 Daphnia: 5.3 mg/l, moderately toxic Carp contained in a static pond were unaffected at any time during the 90-day observation period by Ee exposure to an aerial application of ROUNDUP herbicide at the intended use level. Tissue residue tr analyses indicated that glyphosate will not bioaccumulate. t CD Physical or Chemical Hazards: Spray solutions of this product should be mixed, stored and appliedt •only'in stainless steel, aluminum;polyethylene, plastic and fiberglass containers. DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN 0 GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS ORGAL AYTANKS. .....,.z ._ .._ _: _......• .... • ..._ _... .... _ . _. iy Monsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Paae 4 of 4 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Continued) I spray solutions of this product react with such containers and tanks to produce . r--,. This product or sp y hydrogen gas which may form a hiorhU cofmbustible aas nited by open ture. flame,hsparks welder's orch,tllighted explode, causing serious personal ) ry, 9 cigarette, or other ignition source. DATE: March, 1982 REVISED: New SUPERSEDES: None MSDS NO.' M00007588 FOR ADDITIONAL NON-EMERGENCY INFORMATION, CALL: 314-694-4000 I i I 1 1 l fy a V I 1 Z 1 0 Q I 0 I u. Although the information and recommendations set lonh herein(hereinaher"Information-)are presented in good faith and believed to be . Q correct as of the date hereof, Monsanto Company makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Information tois CsuppliedupontheconditionthatthepersonsreceivingsamewillmaketheirowndeterminationastoItssuitabilityfortheirpurposesprioruse.In no event will Monsanto Company be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon J Information.NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES. EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A Q PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS. HThis form has been approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as"equivalent to" OSHA Form 20. Q 1 C not lesiri.110it .. -....:.-trend .--..1,....e.1• ..1 nn •n r'mmna nv. I 1 King County State L-:;Washington x 4 "._Mii17040,County Executive Tim- Hill Department of Public Works Paul Tanaka, Acting -Director 900 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 206)344-2517 TRANSMITTAL June 21,1988 TO: City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 ATTENTION: Lenora Blauman We are sending: Herewith X By separate cover Material prepared by O.J. Saltarelli No. of Copies Drawing No. Description. 1 Geotech IC.C.Public Works site at Renton 1 Total Acreage 35 For _Approval . -- For. -Yo-u.r .info-rmat-i_on-_ Approved For Your Files Approved as Noted X Per Your Request Not Approved, please resubmit REMARKS , This 35 acres includes a 5 acre tract the City of Renton is purchasing from King County DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS By 0. } . Sa t.relli Facilities Administrator-.. KiNc: COUNTl' DErARTMENT OF PUBLIC VV JRKS MEMORANDUM 10: 0. J. ISALTARELLI , Contract Officer, Engr Svcs Da1e; July 21 19 76 From: LARRjY D. BISHOP, Materials Engineer, Soils & Materials Lab Sebjecl: SOILS INVESTIGATION, RENTON PIT CONSOLIDATED SHOPS LOCATION The geologic site evaluation of the area selected for the King County facility con- solidation package has been completed. Centrally located within the 138 acre Renton Pit property, the twelve proposed building sites were each examined by excavating at least one -test pit per site. Two additional pits were made away from the building - • locations to complement the site data. Each test pit, excavated by county-operated backhoe, was taken to a three foot minimum depth, as requested by the architectural designiteam of The Richardson Associates. Test locations are referenced to the en- closed -Field plan and soils log. The Renton Pit area, situated just east of the City of Renton, lies within a glacially created deposit of recessional outwash material . The proglacial waters from the wasting ice mass effectively removed most of the finer silt and clay par- ticles, leaving behind a regionally extensive deposit of clean sand and gravel . As • a result, the numerous buildings contained within the consolidation package will be founded on material of high bearing capacity, virtually unaffected by the usual vagaries of settlement or substrata weaknesses. 1 The following observations and recommendations are presented relative to the specific soils information requested by the design team: 1 . "Depth to acceptable bearing strata" - After penetrating a generally thin to non-existent 0 or A horizons , the test pits indicated a rather uniform dispersion of sandy gravel materials throughout the depth. Although some large cobbles were noted, the gravel fraction in each of the test sites generally ranged from 1 to 3 inches maximum size. As a rule, suitable bearing strata would commence virtually at natural ground elevation. 2. "Recommended bearing value" - Although bearing capacity of the soils increase substantially with depth, the maximum allowable presumptive bearing valueat3' is estimated at 3 to 5 tons/ft2. 3. "Settlement estimates" - Settlement of these gravels under load would be negligible. 4. "Ground. water conditions" - Within the initial three feet, no evidence of ground water activity was found. Natural moisture contents ranged from dry to damp. Examination of the pit adjacent to the northern edge of the pro- poised complex site indicated that any substantial ground water present is at depth. 5. • "Excavation recommendations" - Because of the non-cohesive nature of the local soils, any excavations made will encounter sloughing problems if the side slopes are left any steeper than 11/2:1 . 0. J. Saltarelli July 21 , 1976 re: Soils Investigation, Renton Pit Consolidated Shops Location 6. Drainage provisions" - The relatively clean and porous nature of the sandy gravels of the area will tend to disperse rather than concentrate any water introduced into them. Permeability coefficients on the order of 2 to 20 inches per hour can be anticipated over most of the site in question. • 7. "Backfill material and placement" - No material was found in the test pits . that would not make excellent embankment or backfill material . Because of the soil 's granular nature, compaction requirements for any embankment or subgrade section can best be met with vibratory equipment. Generally, how- ever, some moderate additions of water to the drier soils will be needed to facilitate reaching specification density. In summary, the location selected for construction of the facilities consolidation package displays negligible problems in terms of foundation soils, ground water activity or other detrimental conditions. It is recommended, however, that if changes occur regarding site locations or, more importantly, excavation depths required, additional soils investigations be made. LDB/hrb cc: R. W. Gingrich RENTON PIT SITE Facilities Consolidation) TEST PIT LOGS TP-1 O to 3' Dark brown slightly silty, sandy gravel Moisture content est. = damp) TP-2 . O to 4' Dark brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = damp) TP-3 0 to -3' Light brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) TP-4A 0 to 3' Gray brown medium to coarse sandy gravel Moisture content est. = damp) TP-4B 0 to 3' Dark brown silty sandy gravel Silty sand matrix somewhat cemented Moisture content est. = damp to moist) TP-5 O' to 3' Orange brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) TP-6 0 to 3' Tan medium to fine sand Moisture content est. = dry) TP-7A Oito 3' Gray brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) . TP-76 0 to 3' • Gray brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) TP-8 0 0 to 4' Gray-brown clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) RENTON PIT SITE TEST PIT LOGS Continued) TP-9A 0 to 3' Orange brown clean, fine sandy gravel Moisture content est. = damp) TP-9B . 0 to 4' Tan clean, fine sandy gravel Moisture content est. = damp) TP-10 0 to 3' Tan clean, fine sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) TP-11 , 0 to 3' Gray brown, clean, coarse sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) TP-12 Oj to 3' . Gray brown, clean sandy gravel Moisture content est. = dry) 11r ) t- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE • AGENDA June 8, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 10:00 a.m. CONTINUING PROJECTS Rainier Sand & Gravel-Edwards Pit Reconsideration of mitigating measures on traffice and drainage on this grade and fill permit to allow theexcavationofapproximately320,000 cubic yards of sand and grade from a 64 acre site. Grade,improvements, will be made in order to enhance the site. Property located approximately 700 feet south ofN.E. Third Street and approximately 1,300 feet west of Monroe Avenue N.E. ECF-012-88; SP-012-88 KBI Diversified, Ltd.- The Renton Ridge Apartments Reconsideration of mitigation measures: 1.Proposal to rezone 1.4 acres of property from R-1 to R-3. 2.Proposal to combine 1.4 acres with an adjacent 4.34 acre site, currently zoned R-4, and to obtainsiteplanapprovaltoallowa108apartmentcomplexunitontheresulting5.74 acre property. Property is located on,the west side of Aberdeen Avenue N.E., between 973-1021 Aberdeen Avenue N.E.ECF-005-88; 1Z-005-88; SA-005-88 NEW PROJECTS Herbert Williams.& Harry Dolleman A rezone application for 2.56 acres lying east of 3717 N.E. 6th Street and an adjacent 4.98 acres of landlocatedat3717N.E. 6th St. from G-1, General Use to R-2, Low-Density Multi-Family Residential Use.This is a non-project rezone application. The property is presently developed with one single-familyresidencewhichisoccupied, and with several accessory structures. Property located east of 3717 N.E. 6thStreet. The property is south of N.E. 6th Street and west of Union Avenue. ECF-004-88; R-004-88 City of Renton, Parks & Recreation-Panther Creek Wetlands Mosquito AbatementApplicationforenvironmentalreviewtoallowtheabatementofmosquitoswithin the 65 acres of thePantherCreekWetlandswithaspecificpesticide ("biologicals") Bacillus Thuringiensis bLocatedeastofSR-167 (Valley Freeway) and between I-405 and S.W. 43rd Street within papproximatelyower spreader. 65acresofthePantherCreekWetlands. ECF 036-88 65 City of Renton, Department of Public Works-Maplewood Creek Restoration ProjectApplicationforenvironmentalreviewandShorelineMasterPermittoconstructdrainage improvements toanunnamedtributary, referred to as,Maplewood Creek, situated in the Cedar River Basin. MaplewoodCreekislocatedwithinthelowerCedarRiverBasinandpassesthroughtheMaplewoodGolfCourse. TheGolfCourseislocatedat4000MapleValleyHighway. ECF-035-88; SM-035-88 TKing.County Public Works Facilities An application for a Conditional Use Permit to improve Public Works Facilities by:1)construction of newstoragebuilding; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; and 3) construction of newmaterialstestinglaboratory. ECF-038-88; CU-038-88 Other PACCAR, Kenworth Truck Plant Proposed development of an 82 acre industrially zoned site bounded by Garden Avenue North, North 8thStreet, Houser' Way North and North 4th Street including a 2.2 acre parking lot located at North 6th StreetandGardenAvenueNorthtoaccommodateaproposednewKenworthRentontruckplant. Proposedprojectelementsincludeapproximately400,000-600,000 square feet of "on-highway" truck manufacturingspaceandapproximately141,000 square feet of "off-highway" truck60,000 square feet and up to 130,000 square feet of office space; and surface parking for not more than 1,500 stalls. yeti TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE , AGENDA June 1, 1988•. Third Floor Conference Room Commencing cat 10:00 a.m. TIME/KEY PARTICIPANTS NEW PROJECTS Herbert Williams & Harry Dolleman A rezone application for 2.56 acres lying east of 3717 N.E. 6th Street and an adjacent 4.98 acres of land located at 3717 N.E. 6th St. from G-1, General Use to R-2, Low-Density Multi-Family Residential Use. This is a non-project rezone application. The property is presently developed with one single-family residence which is occupied, and with several accessory structures. Property located east of 3717 N.E. 6th Street. The property is south of N.E. 6th Street and west of Union Avenue. ECF-004-88; R-004- 88 City of Renton, Parks & Recreation-Panther Creek Weklands Mosquito Abatement. Application for environmental review to allow the abatement of mosquitos within the 65 acres of the Panther Creek Wetlands with a specific pesticide ("biologicals") Bacillus Thuringiensis by power spreader. Located east of SR-167 (Valley Freeway) and between I- 405 and S.W. 43rd Street within approximately 65 acres of the Panther Creek Wetlands. ECF 036-88 City of Renton, Department of Public Works-Maplewood Creek Restoration Project. Application for environmental review and Shoreline Master Permit to construct drainage improvements to an unnamed tributary, referred to as Maplewood Creek, situated in the Cedar River Basin. Maplewood Creek is located within the lower Cedar River Basin and passes through the Maplewood Golf Course. The Golf Course is located at 4000 Maple Valley Highway. ECF-035-88; SM-035-88 DISCUSSION ONLY King County Public Works Facilities. An application for a Conditional Use Permit to improve Public Y Works Facilities by: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; and 3) construction of new materials testing laboratory. ECF-038-88; CU-038-88. City of Renton Public Works Department An application to rezone 18 acres of property from G-1, General Use, to P-1 (Public Use) for the purpose of zoning the property to its actual use and to enable future necessary expansion of public service facilities at this location. At present 13 acres of land are developed; 5 acres are undeveloped. ECF-037-88; R-037-88) II CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1988 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: Policy Development Department SUBJECT: Re and CU for C'ty and County Shops R-037-88; 38-88 This department is sensitive to the needs of the City and County for expanded Public Works shop facilities and the lengthy negotiations which have gone into this application. However, recent policy decisions which have been made or are being made in this City should be carefully evaluated under SEPA both to ensure environmental compatibility and consistency in the application of policies and standards. This proposed Rezone and Conditional Use is located in the Aquifer Protection Area in the vicinity of the three fill pits which have recently been permitted. At the time of these Fill Permit applications, extensive information about the Aquifer was required as part of SEPA review. Strict conditions were imposed upon pit operations based upon a finding of potential impacts to groundwater. These conditions included ensuring that materials deposited were not hazardous in nature, ensuring that accessory uses such as vehicle maintenance and re-fueling were not permitted, and requiring groundwater monitoring wells for early detection of possible problems. The fill pits themselves are not inherently a hazardous substance land use. The proposed project for City and County shops is a Hazardous Substance Land Use facility as defined in the proposed Hazardous Waste Zoning Designations. In fact, in terms of hazardous substance use, the County and City shops are among the top 5 percent of users and generators in this City. A list of the substances and quantities currently permitted at these) sites according to Fire Department records is attached. The specific uses of concern at these shops include: paint shops, solid waste transfer facility, vehicle maintenance facility, gasoline pumps, a proposed materials testing laboratory, hazardous and regulated substance storage, use, handling and waste generation, and a vehicle steam cleaning facility. Under the proposed Hazardous Zone Designations, this land use would be prohibited at this location. The prohibition would be based on a change to the draft ordinance as requested by Public Works. (See attached letter and draft) j 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 Rezone & CU for City & ( - ity Shops May 311, 1988 Page 2 Under the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance (5-4-88), the proposed uses are identified as of concern" (Section 5 (B) 1), and could be prohibited on a case-by-case basis. See attached section. At the very least such land uses would be subject to very strict regulations under;a Well Field Operating Permit. To ensure that the City is not subject to charges of arbitrary and capricious decision- making, I would strongly suggest that this Rezone and Conditional Use application be subject to the same rigorous review as any private application. I would also suggest that if any discretionary actions are approved that the findings of fact clearly reflect the rationale for the approval in light of adopted policy for the Aquifer as reflected in the Secondary Containment Ordinance, current SEPA policies based upon the Fill Permit applications, and proposed policies on hazardous substances and aquifer protection. The SEPA application should be expanded with an analysis of land use impacts of permitting the identified uses including the proposed expansions, the groundwater impacts of the uses, evaluation of any current groundwater problems, evaluation of the safety of current hazardous materials use on site, evaluation of policy questions as identified in this memo, exploration of the impacts of the solid waste transfer station which is not presently sewered, impacts of the development on sub-regional drainage, and transportation impacts and mitigation fees. The conditions which could be attached to any approvals include: 1.Secondary containment including retrofitting as necessary of all underground and above ground storage tanks; 2.Secondary containment of all buildings and outdoor areas in which hazardous materials are used, stored, handled, or in which wastes are generated; 3.Ground water monitoring; 4.Prohibition on vehicle maintenance and re-fueling in all newly developed areas and a prohibition on the expansions of such activities in existing use areas; 5.Prohibition of the expansion of any hazardous substance use on site; 6.Bonding as necessary for clean-up of spills; 7.On-site drainage detention for the 100-year storm event as agreed to by Public Works and WSDOT as part of the I-405 understanding; 8.Transportation mitigation consistent with the pending CH2M Hill report for the corridor; 9.Installation of sewers; 10. Collection of all stormwater runoff and leachate from the King County Transfer Station facility to be directed into the sanitary sewer. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS CORF APPLICATIONS (R-037-88 and CU 038-88) Received 5/9/88 Accepted 5/12/88 Routed for Staff Comments 5/12/88 - 5/26/88 Staff Meeting re : Concerns raised during Comment Period 5/31/88ZoningStaff) Routed to TAC 6/2/88 Telephone conference/messages to Bob Bergstrom & 0 . J . Saltarelli for information to address staff concerns 6/2 and 6/7/88 Letters to Bob Bergstrom and O . J . Saltarelli confirming concerns questions & requesting written reply 6/8/88 Staff Meeting re : Concerns raised at TAC meeting 6/8/88 Discussion at ERC meeting Presentation postponed due to staff concerns ) 6/8/88 4o 0 CITY OF RENTON N POLIGY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1988 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: Policy Development Department SUBJECT: Re and CU for C'ty and County Shops R-037-88; ' -038-88 This department is sensitive to the needs of the City and County for expanded Public Works shop facilities and the lengthy negotiations which have gone into this application. However, recent policy decisions which have been made or are being made in this City should be carefully evaluated under SEPA both to ensure environmental compatibility and consistencyintheapplicationofpoliciesandstandards. This proposed Rezone and Conditional Use is located in the Aquifer Protection Area in the vicinity of the three fill pits which have recently been permitted. At the time of these Fill Permit applications, extensive information about the Aquifer was required as part of SEPA review. Strict conditions were imposed upon pit operations based upon a finding ofpotentialimpactstogroundwater. These conditions included ensuring that materials deposited were not hazardous in nature, ensuring that accessory uses such as vehicle maintenance and re-fueling were not permitted, and requiring groundwater monitoring wellsforearlydetectionofpossibleproblems. The fill pits themselves are not inherently ahazardoussubstancelanduse. The proposed project for City and County shops is a Hazardous Substance Land Use facility as defined in the proposed Hazardous Waste Zoning Designations. In fact, in terms of hazardous substance use, the County and City shops are among the top 5 percent of usersandgeneratorsinthisCity. A list of the substances and quantities currently permitted at these!sites according to Fire Department records is attached. The ,specific uses of concern at these shops include: paint shops, solid waste transfer facility, vehicle maintenance facility, gasoline pumps, a proposed materials testing laboratory, hazardous and regulated substance storage, use, handling and waste generation,and a vehicle steam cleaning facility. Under the proposed Hazardous Zone Designations, this land use would be prohibited at this location. The prohibition would be based on a change to the draft ordinance as requested by Public Works. (See attached letter and draft) 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 Rezone & CU for City & County Shops May 31, 1988 Page 2 Under the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance (5-4-88), the proposed uses are identified as of concern" (Section 5 (B) 1), and could be prohibited on a case-by-case basis. See attached section. At the very least such land uses would be subject to very strict regulations under'a Well Field Operating Permit. To ensure that the City is not subject to charges of arbitrary and capricious decision-making, I would strongly suggest that this Rezone and Conditional Use application be subject to the same rigorous review as any private application. I would also suggest that if any discretionary actions are approved that the findings of fact clearly reflect the rationale for the approval in light of adopted policy for the Aquifer as reflected in the SecondaryContainmentOrdinance, current SEPA policies based upon the Fill Permit applications, and proposed policies on hazardous substances and aquifer protection. The SEPA application should be expanded with an analysis of land use impacts . of permitting the identified uses including the proposed expansions, the groundwater impacts of the uses, evaluation of any current groundwater problems, evaluation of the safety ofcurrenthazardousmaterialsuseonsite, evaluation of policy questions as identified in this memo', exploration of the impacts of the solid waste transfer station which is not presently sewered, impacts of the development on sub-regional drainage, and transportation impactsandmitigationfees. The conditions which could be attached to any approvals include: 1.Secondary containment including retrofitting as necessary of all underground and above ground storage tanks; 2.Secondary containment of all buildings and outdoor areas in which hazardous materials are used, stored, handled, or in which wastes are generated; 3.Ground water monitoring; 4.Prohibition on vehicle maintenance and re-fueling in all newly developed areas and a prohibition on the expansions of such activities in existing useareas; 5.Prohibition of the expansion of any hazardous substance use on site; 6.Bonding as necessary for clean-up of spills; 7.On-site drainage detention for the 100-year storm event as agreed to by Public Works and WSDOT as part of the I-405 understanding; 8.Transportation mitigation consistent with the pending CH2M Hill report for the corridor; 9.Installation of sewers; 10. Collection of all stormwater runoff and leachate from the King CountyTransferStationfacilitytobedirectedintothesanitarysewer. HNZMAT r CITY OF RENTON 05/12 /88 r"1Kti PREVENTION BUREAU HAZARDOUS MATERIAL LIST PAGE 141 May 1938 Station M 12 Business Name : . CITY. OF' RENTON' SHORSR`; Business # 1178 Address : 355 NE' 2ND ST PERMITS FCL C /W S/D R/G LPG PRODUCT QNTY SIZE FORM STORAGE ACETYLENE 2 TANK COMPRESSED GAS CHAINED OXYGEN 2 TANK COMPRESSED GAS CHAINED UNLEADED GAS 1 10,000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNDERGROUND DIESEL 1 10,000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNDERGROUND WASTE OIL 1 500 GAL TANK LIQUID UNDERGROUND PROPANE 1 2200 GAL TANK LIQUID ABOVE GROUND SOLVENT 1 15 GAL DRUM LIQUID DRUM, TANK LUBRICATING OIL 12 55 GAL BARREL LIQUID BARREL HZriAT CITY Og R 'ENTON 05/12 /88 , FIRE PREVENTION 3UREAU HAZARDOUS MATERIAL LIST PAGE 170 May 1918 Station nl 12 Business Nama : KING COUNTY ROAD': DEPARTMENT Business g 1032 Address : 155 MONROE AV NE • PERMITS ' C/W LPG FCL S/D PRODUCT ; QNTY SIZE FORM STORAGE UNLEADED FUEL 1 19.000 GAL TANK LIQUID UNO/GRND #F PROPANE 1 50C GAL TANK GAS OUTSIDE PROPANE 1 100 GAL TANK GAS OUTSIDE THINNER , 56 1 GAL CANS LIQUID CABINET "H" THINNER H 2 55 GAL DRUM .LIQUID BLDG "H" SOLVENT t 3 55 GAL DRUM LIQUID BLDG "H" KEROSENE 3 55 GAL DRUM LIQUID BLDG ."H" ACETYLENE 12 103CF CYLINDER GAS CHAINED OXYGEN 16 122CF CYLINDER GAS CHAINED GASOLINE. REG 1 20.000 TANK LIQUID 1978 UNDERGROUND GASOLINE : DIESEL 1 20,000 TANK ' LIQUID '1978 UNDERGROUND OIL. WASTE 1 6,000 TANK LIQUID 1978 UNDERGROUNDI 41 CITY OF RENTON LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Richard C. Houghton, Director May 23, 1988 TO:Nancy Laswell Morris, Policy Development FROM: Ron Olsen, Utilities Engineer SUBJECT: Hazardous Waste Zoning Nancy: Your draft looks good but I believe the whole APA (acquifer protection area) should be covered, not just Zone 1. The use of that much regulated substance if there were a spill would be hazardous to the acquifer. This usage would be a greater hazard than the fill sites presently in Zone 2 about which there already is great concern. It should also be noted that approximately 95% of the APA is residential area. Also, control of the entire area of the APA would be similar to that which is proposed in the acquifer protection ordinance. If you have questions, please call. RLO;crc317 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 r lil V•1 S L U11 1V U. IU May' 2, 1988 U• with joints and gaskets conforming to American Water Works Association Standard Specifications C151 and C111 . 9 . Closure requirements shall apply to those facili- ties that cease to store, handle, transport, treat, use, or produce regulated substances for a period of more than 365 days or when the owner has no intent within the next year to store, handle, transport, treat, use, or produce regulated sub- stances . During the period of time between cessa- tion of regulated substance storage, handling,transport, treatment, use, or production, and actual completion of facility closure, the ap- plicable containment and monitoring requirementsofthisOrdinanceshallcontinuetoapply. Prior to closure, the facility owner shall submit to the Department a proposal describing how the owner intends to comply with closure requirements. Owners proposing to close a facility shall complywiththefollowingrequirements: a. All regulated substances shall be removed from the facility, including residual liquids, solids, or sludges . b. When a containment device is to be disposed of, the owner must document to the Department that proper disposal has been completed. c. An owner of a containment device or any part of a containment device that is destined for reuse as scrap material shall identify this reuse to the Department. The owner of a facility being closed shall demon- strate to the satisfaction of the Department that no unauthorized release has occurred. This demon- stration can be based on the ongoing leak detection monitoring, groundwater monitoring, or soils sampling performed during or immediately after closure activities . B. Zone 2 of an APA. 1 . Within Zone 2 of an APA, changes in land use or construction of new facilities that could lead to degradation of groundwater quality may be pro-hibited. Changes in land use or construction of new facilities will be reviewed on a case-by-casebasisatthetimethatabuildingpermit; condi- tional use permit; mining, excavation, fill gradingpermit; shoreline development permit; site plan se5861/069/13 13 Revision No. 1(, May 2, 1988 V review, variance , rezone, planned unit development, subdivision, short subdivision, or land use permit application is filed with the City of Renton. The focus of the review will be on activities to be conducted; regulated substances that will be stored, handled, transported, treated, used, or produced; and the potential for these activities or regulated substances to degrade groundwater quality. Those land uses of concern include sur- face impoundments; waste piles; hazardous waste treatment, and storage and disposal facilities; hazardous waste landfills; solid waste landfills and transfer stations; surface impoundments; waste piles; septic systems; petroleum product pipelines;chemical manufacturing facilities; computer parts manufacturing facilities; lumber mills; asphalt plants; wood-treating facilities; and service stations. 2. The storage, handling, transport, treat, use, or production of regulated substances at existing .facilities shall be allowed within Zone 2 of an APA upon compliance with the provisions in this , subsection and those in Subsection 5A(5) of thisOrdinance. 3 . Within one 1( ) year of the effective date of this Ordinance all owners of existing facilities who store, handle , transport, treat, use, or produce regulated substances shall obtain a Well Field Protection Operating Permit from the Department. Owners of new facilities shall apply for a Well Field Protection Operating Permit in conjunction with and at the same time that they apply for site plan review, conditional use permit, or a businesslicense, whichever process occurs first. A permitisrequiredforeachfacility. All Well Field Protection Operating Permits shall be renewed an- nually thereafter. The permit shall contain allitemsrequiredbySubsection5A(3) except forItemb, a list of chemicals to be monitored. 4. The Department may require new and existing facil- ities or changes in land use in Zone 2 whose po-tential to degrade groundwater quality equals or exceeds that of permitted facilities in Zone 1 to comply with the provisions of Subsections 5A(5) 'and 5A (6) . The Department will make its deter- mination based on the activities conducted at thefacility; regulated substances stored, handled,transported, treated, used or produced; and the potential for the activities or regulated sub- stances to degrade groundwater quality. se51861/069/14 14 Revision No. 10 Y May 2, 1988 C. ,Conditions for Residential Development f` 1 . Within Zone 1 and Zone 2 of an APA, new residen- tial development shall, as a condition of approval, be required to connect to a central sewer system prior to occupancy. 2 . Within Zone 1 of an APA, the use of heating oil is prohibited in any new residential development. D. Conditions for Fill Sites 1 . ; All filling activities within Zone 1 or Zone 2 of an APA shall comply with the provisions of the Washington State Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling (173-303 WAC) and the King County Board of Health Rules and Regulations No. 8 , Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling. Prior to initiat- ing any filling activity, the property owner must submit a report to the Department describing how fill materials will be tested to demonstrate that leaching of these materials will not degrade groundwater quality. During the filling activity the property owner must keep a log identifying the source (s) of all fill materials and where they are placed in the fill. A copy of the log must be submitted to the Department every 6 months until the filling activity is completed. Within 5 days of Icompleting the filling activity a copy of the entire log must be submitted to the Department. SECTION 6 . EXEMPTIONS. A. , Exemptien-fer-eentinaeus-transit--The-transpertatien-ef any-regulated-sxbstanee-threngh-gene-i-of-an-APA-shall be-eliewed-provided-tie-transportng-aehieie-is-in eentinueus-transit. A. Exemption for use of certain regulated substances--The use of certain regulated substances such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in recreational, agricul- tural, pest control, and aquatic weed control activi- ties shall be allowed provided that in all APAs: 1 . The use is in strict conformity with the use re- quirements as set forth by the EPA and as indicated on the containers in which the substances are sold. 2 . The user applies for a Well Field Operating Permit. B. , Exemption for the Use of Nitrates Contained in Fertil- izers--The use of fertilizers containing nitrates shall be allowed in Zone 1 and Zone 2 of an APA provided that: se5861/069/15 15 4 W 5 - 5 ' 3/=8 . B) 4. Prohibited Uses e) Off-site Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage facilities. SECTION 7: Renton City Code (Building Regulations) Title IV, Chapter 7, Section 4-730, Manufacturing Park District (MP) is amended as follows: B) 2. Accessory Uses: j) For permitted4ises, hazardous substance land uses, including on-site hazardous w,a'ste treatment and/or storage facilities, which duet accumulate re than 20,000 pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on site, subject to the provisions of Section 4-738, except off-site hazardous waste treatment and/or storage facilities. B) 3. Conditional Uses g) For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses which accumulate more than 20,000 rounds of hazardous substances or'wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on site, subject to the provisions of Section 4-748. h) Off-site hazardous waste treatment and/or storage facilities, subject to the provisions of Section 4-748. SECTION 8: Renton City Code (Building Regulations) Title IV, Chapter 7, Section 4-738, Site Plan Review is amended as follows: B) Applicability 1) For all development in the Manufacturing Park (MP), Office Park (O-P), Public Use (P-1), and Business (B-1) zones, the R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 Residential zones, all development with the Valley Planning Area, within the Aquifer Protection Area, and for all hazardous substance land uses. D) Site Plan Review Criteria 5) Aquifer Protection Area (APA) a) In Zone I of the APA no use, storage, handling, manufactures production, or other activity involving hazardous substances is permitted except for the use of individually packaged household consumer products in quantities of less than five (5) gallons and hazardous substances used for the protection of the domestic water supply. b) No hazardous substance land use facilities shall be located in the APA. 40 CsOnfro 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 04r^ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: liAle C 4, 4 DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: S/26 7% s A9 ® EFC - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 wO A PROPONENT: King County - Public Works o' PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; 3) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Hou;sing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: 4:111P, We have revi-_ ed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expert, se 'n and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional info'ma •J 's needed to properly assess this proposal. 1 • J 2 Fg Signature If Director or Authorized Representative Date I I RENTory BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT: KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : ; PUBLIC WORKS -FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVIC FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE : 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N,E , 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : KUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON rrAv 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : LA7n'-i-ri t.-=^lGrr466.7/ " n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS g NOT APPROVED NCe/JS -ro AO1s5 Qua 611 - P2d-rGCl'vM QEW S . 1-Pis E LSE'/NG FOIL/rY 15 lm vie ,odc or 7r G` A ud h.re-- LO c l r r t ,A2(;A 001 Tvnr i(%llv/ fA iivn4 is Wa O87) Dir diiT EGucA1') 51465?4,,,-ca5 Wry 13E, G(560 /3-Aii3 S tZEb /M pnoPu S(S0 LabaArort-1,IF A l°20 AL ARE/S 0 6-- A , i2.6GLitn 16?- 51,0,5 tiiAtG ,till. Sl U260 A'MO iwseo S DWLO aG CDAr T,` v zo , 'no/wrvy l.- ln/bc-L-S 9 imuo 1°.;: Ii•tS%UGC) t( (Usl`06n-G20uv0 %hi'/- A-A/ 4LC O7?/1 n, rok/ ZOn/C 1L 0 F 'I dG AvA)c 7D AP, kJ) 0. ° 0P4)2 DATE : 26/es SIGNATURE OF/ DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 4$‘< 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET C' q.' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ?0,4%. G' i, `9i DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: 5/26 s96, ® ' O EFC - 038 - 88 911'6) o APPLICATION NO(S).: C.U. 038-88 w^ PROPONENT: King County .- Public Works N4A PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1), construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; i) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aes1thetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 1( X 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: 6,-64:a 7/1aW rffr e1-3 14ie h•eR rll`fA'ri e ' en eg,- react /keili,-' 2e4,6 91 `e cl17'-e r/-'G( /mil AP;;;-a( Q6el f ff/p'ae 40, /ct. rc' eG// i - (//Ue a cr cu-i<'/l?f o& fl r4, / 14-pif(i4 U f 0 a r c e 7L / We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition- 'nform tion is needed to properly assess this proposal. 41"fieW4Pg Sig 7' ure of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : : PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVIC: FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE: 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E. 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : LI ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUtILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU SLPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT DBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LI OTHERS :, COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M, ON Nrav 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :amli /eC/-e•ce i APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED dno i2ee"di e `our 1`I'4/" SS/zA- Cr)pro- if "- Ar-eper 10/ 1"e--. 716 aim/-f1 /die r c 'Xiate. ee-dy 7Aif '7- e . DATE:lAa/P6P SIGNAT lelfFI&7-Z1;11-10RIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:C.L r `/ G+ PF DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: 5/2 f;t 42 EFC - 038 - 88 a / APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 PROPONENT: King County - Public Works O PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements IN BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Servites Faci- lities y: 1 construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; ; 3) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air' 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: leAlcrtH //11p,i'/ ;$1440/144v100 "......4,14.40Pea74.2L444'", ,4.10442%4 We haveireviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informatio is needed to properly assess this proposal. cit r7,0,/ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Fn, A o RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY_ PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE: " PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICI FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE1 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E. 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT LIBUILDINGa ZONING DEPARTMENT 5IPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON mAv 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ftcj V e pvv DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: POLILRI/19 nfELOPMENT DEPARTMUs CITY OF RENTON Th APPLICATTION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 JJ MAY 1' 3 1988 a PROPONENT: King County - Public Works 1 -P C LG Q V E i PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements 1 BRIEF DSCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; Li) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air , 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and 'Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS': zi-e,L ,CLCia-cA_/24 ve-eCtA) Pe..r....#1,1.4.--yvt-A---(9 a...-14-4- 4--"A-41-10,2-viAAA--.14.--).-1-4---404-4 71-e...0-4_,..4.. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature irector or uthorized Representative Date IL I F... w RENT(,ry BUILDING & ZONING DEPARI:MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : : PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE ., 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E. 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO : El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Ei BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT ig.POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON wwv 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : fohc.Lj Gelb-cJi o nn APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. NOT APPROVED Propo e- L uses de, Yt.0't- c zy izY on w 41.1 pry pcos ed po l i cces cb r .Zone c2F -a PA. a n Oc z lm Zcvte- ce c--4:_tms raiv,one 1nti i k v.A-Q d,.._ ll9t) Af,c. DATE : SIGNATUR 0 DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I 0 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 044 41 REVIEWING; DEPARTMENT: 6noryncextioOori 1 8 • 44) DATE CIRCULATED:5/1 COMMENTS DUE: 5/2 fib EFC - 038 - 88 iko APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 9Ar' PROPONENT: King County - Public Works PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements #4*' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; .5) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air, 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics t/ 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation_ 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: ate-- e r0 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information ' needed to properly assess this proposal. S7/3//Pf---- Signature of Di for or Auth rize Representative Date RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE: " PUBLIC WORKS -FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICI FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE; 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E. 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION El TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT El BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. ; PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M ON Nrav 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : E=I APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 101 P p4-zt,cY C V c` J w ram"-] i(i-c ic+lir is `/ rn r1/` SG Q Q D - Z) c,.W-G,- ems te-.e- o/vci_ L. ! 0.014,-i S e S cr, GC es NS- c-d, 11;1-- L.__DATE :s/<J7a& SIGNATURE- OF DIRECTOR OR '1UTHORIZED7RE RESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 t(C .FNT0, 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET I/V ,9 A REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Trafr. O . DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: v2 EFC - 038 - 88 GSA'; APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 PROPONENT: King County - Public Works PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; i) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air: 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals L 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing Z---- 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation l--''- 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: h)ip vOie Ahe SQ he l k d' S Q1 /! ' ci 6°y,1 G-0,:. 7 rl e Si y aSk r_t L' 7/z, t/ '"t 1 4,17 de. C 1 r 74' azaci I c^ Iram' e-!'+%.., e"‘" P 1-c)aSt" ck„.(.50,p 116 toest We have reviewed this `application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas. of probable impact or areas where additional information is eded to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authori Representative Date Form A r RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : " PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE : 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E . 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISIONPI SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT D .BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT 111 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON mAv 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :4'a15c. i El APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVE, ,4) c5^e21-1-79-ai -e: ./- 12,e ,/.:.,1/c 1-4-j)- 7- 1'" ..-;-‘--- ie,) egg!! ,c2- I+1 7..-ye e z-,' 7-e3., O Pd 'i-, / i114 Ci- Di—fie . l gDATE1r 1 / g' SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHOR ZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET Gi F'I•r REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: plu..itcli 4y DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: 5/26 4W(+ 1 EFC - 038 - 88 1) 9 t APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 PROPONENT: King County - Public Works 12p, PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DSCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to imerove Public Works Services Faci- lities y: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; 3) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: E4Th Aii4 7 40 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed properly assess this proposal. C 7 J2J Signatur 'Director or Authorized Representative , Date Fn RENTOri BUILDING & ZONING DEPAFs'r svIENTit&c. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REt W' oti i o 44400+ my, ECF - 038 - 88 C APPLICATION ;NO(S) : CU-038-88 FAA PROPONENT : KING COUNTY, PUBLIC WOW PROJECT TITLE : : PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICI FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE: 31 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E. 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : El ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 7i BUIDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT E1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON Mp,v 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 201a1lIMDATECIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: 5/2 EFC - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 PROPONENT: King County - Public Works PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF D SCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities by: 1) F construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; i) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Form d RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : - PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE : 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E . 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG, DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON MAN, 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 10/ndly OAPPROVED EI APPROVED WITH CON DITIONS ONOT APPROVED DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 PO c/ PJ.y 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 1t; ,1 roti REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fre_ 4/ t 9,.. x" 4444 DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: sin r®. EFC - 038 - 88 0 APPLICATION NO(S).: C.U. 038-88 AY.'1' 3iSc 'toj• PROPONENT: King County - Public Works I '"" PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities by: 1 construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; .) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION:, South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: "tacit-C.7! ,2v`,06SeT 6r71 d/coA1.r712uc71/` n/ ha Ate/'fn /1 /%yi4, ?44ti ,02oui rd )7 e '-s'pc4.'E 07,£ c5K AI 74korh We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Zia, -)te, vim 9$ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 44)&c/i. koRENTONBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RF,ylb el4), .04 41V DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHIN? ,9 Oi ti g8 ECF - 038 88 OFAr APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : KING COUNTY, PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT TITLE : - PUBLIC WORKS-FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICI FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE: 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E . 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE T0. 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION l'egLFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT LI BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY 'DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . ; PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M; ON Mpv 26, 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :tilt. A601-hv I APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS E NOT APPROVED c/EEO /3ui/4 4/n/5. DATE : /3 7717 648 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ti CITY OF RENTON NEIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Richard C. Houghton, Director May,9, 1988 TO: Building and Zoning Department FROM: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor SUBJECT:King County Public Works Conditional Use Permit Attached please find the conditional use permit for the Phase I King County Shop Site Expansion, i.e. 8 copies Environmental checklist 8 copies Master Plan for Shop Site 8 copies Legal.Description 8 copies King County Assessor's Size Vicinity Map 8 copies Existing Site Landscaping and Utilities Plans 8 copies Existing Street Plans - Monroe Ave. N.E. & N.E. 2nd St. Project Description The proposed improvements are: New mini-storage building, J-Building expansion for women crew use, and new materials testing lab building. See attachment. The new project building will use the same architectural style as the existing site structures. No new landscaping will be installed and present landscaped areas within the project work limits will be removed. Justification The King County Public Works Shops is a major public service center for the entire county, serving approximately 800,000 persons or more. The proposed improvements are consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use for public type uses. Adjacent land uses will not be effected. Your processing of this application is appreciated. BB:pmp Attachments 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 Y 0 6•yITY OF RENTC '''T FILE NO(S): 4 cm, buiLDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT al-O-vB— u Coo ' ' SWOPS.— CU 03$-E) MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) ore to be completed. Pleose print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES City of Renton REZONE*(FROM ' . TO ADDRESS 200 Mill Avenue South 0 SPECIAL'PERMIT* CITY ZIP TEMPORARY PERMIT* Renton WA 98055 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* TELEPHONE D SITE PLAN APPROVAL SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 235-2569 No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON Q • VARIANCE* From Section:. NAME Justification Required Richard C. Houghton ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: Same as Above Q SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP Q TENTATIVE PLAT Q PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT C2] WAIVER Justification'Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: City of Renton M ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Same as Above Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP FINAL TELEPHONE P.U.D. NAME: QResidential Q Industrial aCommercial Q Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS' 3555 N.E. 2nd Street EJ TENTATIVE ED EXISTING Public Works PRESENT ZONING PRELIMINARY P FINAL Maintenance Shops G-1 PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Public Works Maintenance Shops .& Fire .Dept. Training, for NUMBER OF SPACES: King Co. & City of Renton/ District Court Transfer Station and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEEealthDepartment. SQ, FT, ACRES AREA:36 Acres TOTAL FEES CITY CF !ANIONr. 1giC'Wea IV F USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE Tip n 1988 APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: MAY o a/ APP TION DETERMINED TO BE: INSIZONING DEP_T' :Accepted BUILD Incomplete Notification Sent On By: - Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: I 2 ` O 2 APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: Q j3CD Accepted Q Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: Ni Building Xi Design Eng. ft Fire 00 Parks EXI Police rij Policy Dev. Traffic Eng.Utilities a REVISED 1-,11-sin ,6 Legal description of property (if more space Is required, attach a separate sheet). SEE ATTACHED AFFIDAVIT Wdlypk-T- t 6 being duly sworn, declare that I am Eglauthorized representative to act for the property owner,f owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 6 6-ti - DAY OF nl/4y 19 Fe NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT rn'a5;( aAce.;-;u ci)274-40 Robert E. Bergstom Name of NotaryPublic)Signature of Owner) City of Renton 6572 J- 1 c/:1- 200 Mill Avenue South Address) Address) Renton WA 98055 City) State) (Zip) 206) 235-2631 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials!required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174. b,r OF R4'11, ECF: I08—p•eD dl 0 LU: t$ 0 z City of Renton co-033_8t IMMO 9A ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST O*. eD SEP112) Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impactsfromyourproposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic Information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS.Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You 'must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you.The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provideadditionalinformationreasonablyrelatedtodeterminingiftheremaybesignificant adverse impacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, If applicable: King County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) Expansion 2. Name of applicant: King County Department of Public Works 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: King County Administration Building, Room 900 Contact: O.J. Saltarelli , Facilities Manager, '3 3 — Uji CITY CFRENTON k Ell/ED 4. Date checklist prepared: April 1, 1988 • AY 09 19$8 S.Agency requesting checklist: 13UILDING/:a'ON!N a DEPT. 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Start Construction, June, 1988 Site Work/Demolition, June-July Building Construction, July-September Occupancy, October, 1988 7. Do you have any plans future additions, expansions, or f ier activity related to or connected with this proposal? if yes. explain. At this time, King County has not committed ,to any development or expansion beyond that described herein. B. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared. directly related to this proposal. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. The City of Renton is the sponsor of a rezone of this site and other surrounding publically owned property from G-1 to P-1 (Public Use). Such a designation is consistant with both the City of Renton cont. on P. 2A) 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal. If known. Zone change from G-1 (General ) to P-1 (Public) Site Plan Review cont. on P. 2A) Building Permit 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORE) was constructed by King County in 1977. Increased workload of the Public Works Department has pushed the existing facility to its limits. Expansion of the facility is therefore necessary to commodate the increased needs of the Road Maintenance crews. The project would include the following: cont. on P. 2A) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicatemapsordetailedplanssubmittedwithanypermitapplicationsrelatedtothis checklist. See Attached Vicinity Map Legal Description B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): rolling, hilly, steep. slopes, mountainous, other b. What Is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? One percent or less. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly. sand, gravel. peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils. specify them and note any prime farmland. Existing soils are primarily gravel . There are no agricultural soils on the site. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils In the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. 2 - 1 Page 2A CONTINUATION OF QUESTION 9 Comprehensive Plan and the existing use of the CORF site and surrounding public properties. CONTINUATION OF QUESTION 10 Electrical Permit Mechanical Permit CONTINUATION OF QUESTION 11 Building J, Crews Building The project will expand the existing 7,860 GSF building by approximately 7,800 gross feet. The expansion includes female lockers, showers, restrooms, crew leads, supervisor's office space and administrative office space for Surface Water Management which will be relocated from existing Building H on the CORF site. Building B, Traffic Building The project will expand an existing women's restroom by approximately 300 square feet within the existing building footprint. This would accommodate female lockers, showers, water closets, benches and hand washer. Mini Storage Building The project will construct a 1,200 square foot storage building for maintenance crew storage. Materials Testing Lab Building The project will construct a new Materials Testing Laboratory 0Building of approximately 8,000 square feet. The building will house administrative area, lunch room, locker rooms, restrooms, receiving storage, six specialized labs, special foundations, curing room, equipment supply and storage room. This building will replace the existing facility at Redmond which will be demolished. Building H - Storage Warehouse i In 1983, approximately half (2,500 s.f. ) of the existing storage warehouse at CORF was renovated to create office space for the Surface Water Management Division. Expansion of Building "J" will permit relocation of all office staff in Building H and conversion of the "H" building back to its original storage use. Sale of 5 Acre Parcel to the City of Renton The City of Renton has requested purchase of five acres. r r Page 2B Site Improvements The following site improvements are proposed: New storm water drainage for the proposed Materials Laboratory. Dry, Wells" are proposed" Development of a gravel parking area for up to 120 spaces iadjacent to the new materials testing laboratory. I ' I I I r ti SITE CONDITIONS SITE USE The site is organized into four zones or land use areas . Parking Zone : Located at the northern edge of the site , this area contains the majority of the site ' s visitor and employee parking . The area is not intensively developed and could be .expanded to create additional parking . The primary concern in this area is the configuration of the site entrance and vehicular circulation conflicts with Monroe Avenue . Administrative/ This area is located between the parking to Light the north and the industrial area to the South . Manufacturing The area currently houses the Administration Zone Building (A) , the Traffic Building (D ) and the Stores/Office Building (II) . Buildings B and H have loading access on the south side , adjacent to the paved industrial area , and access to the pedestrian spine on the north . There is considerable area presently used as open space that would be suitable for additional administrative and light manufacturing development . Industrial This is an open , paved area located south of Zone the Administration/Light Industrial Zone . It houses the "heart" of the Road Division activities : Fuel Building ( F ) , Maintenance Building (0 ) , Crew and Shop Building (J ) , Covered Equipment sheds (K) , ( L) . There is sufficient area to allow additions to existing buildings "G" and "J" . Undeveloped The undeveloped area is located east of the Zone present Stores Yard and south of the industrial area . This area is sufficiently large to accept facility growth through 1991 and beyond . EXISTING BUILDING The consolidated Office and Repair Facility is a complex of ten buildings linked by a network of parking, circulation , maintenance and storage yards . With the exception of Building "T" , a single- wide trailer unit , all are similar custom steel fabricated structures : Reinforced concrete foundations and footings Slabs on grade Light gage steel framing, joists and roof decks Steel siding . 9 i 1 1 onatermai CDNETERY 1__—: --‘ • • • • •• • • • i.._ ._..c-Ti.----,-. . -.::--..::::.:::::::-4-:-. 7.--- tz,--______ A I 1.„... I UI I c..: I 1 Gekkkkkk tztu - , -- • 1 I I' - 1 . A B l 1 1 ITT I 1 1 1 Izigal*KA—H I• i ti -_ i Iiiiiiiii - ., TWRION WNW(11 , INSTATEN; 1 . Ieta PUDIC Wan CONSOLIDAILD OFFCE 6 RUM FACERS I . li I I fo, r 4 K L k) NNSOit- N'--, i N NMI \ CIL3 ' d0u%r Building Locations 10 1 V --- I Li ii--ri ' 1 1 •I, i I1i il I i 1 11 :1 I i.. •.::.: : ..,,,. .., . . i r, f..„4.,,...,... „., R.,___ ___r':-1 F 1...........------A f :C••••• ••-,••••• fN. 4"49: 14. •••-•, -“• • % • ! 1 . .?" ••;f 6/: -P•-• tl, I. r....._• ' fil' ?. . ••••• ,1-•.-7------11, I t' . A k j-‘g;I:Vi .--i, „ . •••,, ; .\\,.....*! ii: 4•.; 1,:.. .9)1.-----:.-2---.0; 1 ,,,r H •-•'• --,'' - 7,-• II 1.J ‘jN,,t'. 7..:,., 1).-----,.../\‘'.::, „.,.': : .. p ...7 r-% 1 •,., L All 4.......4 it....1„. , t... .i t,,11 I e '-'Ll • . :..tr.r! 8" 1 titil . I.: , 1- i ..• : ii: L.--_iii: d_,—/- a4' I 0 1--- 1 1 : o c... i .. 1 .• 1 1 f; • 1 c.." I 1 • 1IL] • N„ ..,,,,,.„:. , J.-_-,.. ...,,,,,,..,.. --„:„±„,---------4.-.:.•._•_,:...,,,..„..„,_,._,.„.„. ....7_.-..-,....„.:-- -,.. _:____:_,... x.... is..,•_,..,-..,,,,,._,.,„_-_,,, m1., w..7:.„,e 4 pi , ......- l':. •' : L-''‘' .."-''''''-'',,g jth....: .,.. _ ._,„,,,64,„ 4 7..„--_-.:._•.. 0 KING COUNTY. Master Development Site Plan 1 Department of Public Works Consolidated Office & Repair Facility p-A3--,..' I. August 28 , 1988 AM/JACKSON EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 1535 I Ith AVENUE SEATTLE,WA..98(22 1206)323-8800 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY August 28 , 1986 1n March 1986 Arai/Jackson was contracted by Public Works to prepare a Master Site Development Plan for the Department ' s CORF facility at Renton . This memorandum describes the major findings and recommendations of the study . Study Purpose : The purpose of the master planning study was to : o Identify existing and future space and facility requirements to support the Department of Public Works ' mission . o Identify site opportunities to satisfy space/facility needs and prepare a master site development plan showing: location of potential future structures location of parking circulation and access improvements o Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements . The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional. use reviews from the City of Renton . o Identify master plan phasing, specific projects and costs to assist Public Works in programming for future capital improvements . Study Issues : The study scope addressed the following planning issues : 1 . Zoning . The City of Renton has jurisdiction for SEPA , land use and building permit approval . Under the present G-1 zoning classification ceaeach tcapitaldevelopmentprojectmustapplyfor al use permit , typically a 4 to 6 month process . The objective of the study was to develop a Master Plan that could be used to obtain a zone change for the entire site from G-1 (General ) to P-.1 ( Public) classification . The P-1 classification would remove the conditional use requirements and greatly simplify the approval of individual projects , since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning . The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portion of the site from the Department for its own Public Works Shops . 2 . Potential Utilization of Undeveloped Public Works properties east and south of the existing CORF site : Arai /Jackson projected the Department ' s space and facility needs through the year 1991 to determine the need for utilizing the existing undeveloped portions of the site . The area immediately east of the existing Stores Yard was determined to be most suitable for expansion of the Department ' s Roads Maintenance functions . This area is sufficient to handle the Road Division ' s maintenance needs through the year 2000 . - The other undeveloped area is at the southeast corner of the site . Because of its good views (Mt . Rainier and Maple Valley) and solar orientation , it was determined to be most suitable for office development . This area could accommodate up to about 170 , 000 square feet of office with surface parking for about 675 cars . Office development in this area could accommodate a consolidated Public Works Department with additional space for other County Departments . If the County decides not to consolidate the Department at CORP , then this area could be leased or sold for private office development . 3 . Extension of Monroe Avenue south through the CORF site with future connection to Maple Valley : The study identified the desireabilitY of development of a second means of access to the site from the Maple Valley Corridor to improve site accessibility and to increase the productivity of Public Works crews . Currently , there is considerable time lost by crews due to congestion at Third Street and I-405 . Extension of Monroe Avenue 2- south through the site has serious potential consequences to the Roads Division ' s operations because it would bisect the site . The most desireable alignment of Monroe Avenue would be to swing the arterial east at N . E . 2nd along the City of Renton Public Works property . The road would extend to the south and then swing westward at approximately the southern boundary ( fence ) of the existing Roads Division\ paved area to form a "loop road" around the site perimeter . In the future the loop road could branch to allow access down the slope to Maple Valley . The future Maple Valley Access will cost approximately $2 , 000 , 000 and would have a four or five lane configuration . Development of the future access road to Maple Valley will be the responsibility of the McMahon Property developers ( a site to the west and south of CORF ) who are currently applying for a rezone with the City of Renton . The City of Renton will require the developer to construct the road and dedicate the right of way as a condition of the rezone . King County ' s contribution to the Maple Valley connection would be the right-of-way and a portion of the Monroe Avenue extension on its property . Since the. City of Renton is highly desireous of the Maple Valley connection and its Public Works Department would directly benefit , a case could be made that the City should share a portion of the Monroe Avenue extension cost on King County property . 4 . Realignment of CORF entrance road and Traffic Circulation modifications : The existing site circulation at CORE mixes public , employee and maintenance vehicles . This creates congestion and poses potential safety problems and consequent liability issues since a portion of the circulation is through parking areas . The existing site circulation problems are further compounded by the short-distance between the site entrance and Monroe Avenue which results in turning movement conflicts . 3- The Master Development Site Plan addresses the site circulation problems with the following recommendations : a ) The existing site entrance should be reconfigured to provide access only to employee/ visitor parking. The existing through connections to the Maintenance Yard should be closed . b) A new entrance for County Maintenance vehicles should be developed off of the east perimeter loop road . 5 . Parking Areas , Equipment Storage : The Master Plan recommended the following parking improvements : a ) Expansion of existing employee/visitor parking at the northern portion of the site to 325 spaces . b) Development of a new secure area for fleet vehicles in the southeast corner of the Maintenance Yard adjacent to the perimeter loop road . c ) Expansion and reconfiguration of the Stores Yard into the northeast corner of the Maintenance Yard . d) Development of a 675 square parking area in the southeast quadrant of the site to support the future office complex. 6 . Space and Facility Needs : The Department ' s Core Team directed Arai/Jackson to analyze space and facility needs through the year 1991 and recommend a phased plan for implementation . The facility needs assessment was also to address the potential alternative of consolidation of the entire Department at Renton . 4- PHASE ONE IMMEDIATE NEEDS ( 1986) Through interviews with department heads and surveys of building conditions , Arai/Jackson identified a current facility deficit of approximately 17 , 000 s . f . at the CORE site . The estimated cost of the Phase One immediate needs projects is 1 , 623 , 400 . Critical facility needs exist in the following areas : o "J Building : Needs adequate female lockers , showers , and restrooms . Shortage of office space for crews , leads and supervisors . o "B" Building: Female lockers , showers and storage for small equipment . o "New Mini Storage" : Existing covered equipment , sheds ( "K" and "L" buildings ) are currently used as storage areas for materials and tools used by Roads crews . As a• result equipment has been displaced to outdoor parking areas . A new mini storage building would be developed with secure areas for tools and materials . o New Soils Lab Building : The existing Soils Lab at Redmond is in poor condition and currently needs about $70 , 000 in repairs . Rather than spend funds on a facility with a very limited useful life it was recommended that the Department construct a new building at the CORE site which would provide much better accessibility to a consolidated department . PHASE TWO NEAR-TERM NEEDS ( 1987-1991 ) would address facility growth at Renton during the period of 1987 to 1991 . Space needs in this phase were considered anticipated growth of the Roads Division based on historical trends . The phase would also include site preparation and infrastructure development of Public Works land to the east of the presently developed CORF site . Phase II has an estimated capital cost of approximately $4 , 437 , 400 , including escalation to mid-point of construction . Critical facility needs identified for Phase II include : o Site Improvements . The existing undeveloped area lying between the existing CORE site and the City of Renton property would be 5- I filled , graded , paved , and infrastructure constructed to provide additional site area for facility expansion . o Entrance Road . Monroe Avenue would be extended to the east and south to provide access to a new site entrance at the Maintenance Yard . The road would have a four lane configuration with turn pockets at the site entrance . o Office Addition . There is a current pressing need for office space at CORF , both in the "A" Building and "H" Building originally a warehouse ) . A 10 , 000 square foot addition should be developed adjacent to Building "A" to address the office needs . This would allow conversion of Building H back to stores , which also has a severe space shortage . o Equipment Storage Needs . Two new sheds similar to Buildings K and L should be constructed to protect existing equipment and allow for a small amount of growth over the next five years . o Building "0" Addition . There is a critical need in Building G (Vehicle Maintenance ) for additional storage for spare parts and tires . Parts inventories are currently below acceptable levels because of inadequate storage , thus causing longer than normal equipment downtime . Tires are currently stored in portions of the Equipment Storage Sheds ( Buildings "K" and L„ ) . o Relocate Steam Cleaning. Equipment steam cleaning is currently performed in a bay of Building "F" , the Light Maintenance and Fuel Building. Because of the inappropriateness of steam cleaning at this location ( it ' s messy and damages the building) , and the need for additional light maintenance and covered inspections , the steam cleaning should be relocated . An added benefit of relocating steam cleaning is the creation of a "new" maintenance bay for very little cost . 6- o Parking. The existing northwest parking area should be reconfigured and expanded to a capacity of 325 cars . This would address the current parking deficit and would enable the Department to fully separate employee and visitor vehicles from the Maintenance area . This would improve safety and security and help minimize theft and the County ' s liability . o Monroe Avenue Site Entrance . A new entrance and gatehouse should be developed at the east edge of the for County Maintenance Vehicles . This would permit securing the maintenance yard and buildings from the administrative and employee parking areas . This would improve security and facilitate 24-hour operations , especially during maintenance emergencies ( e . g. , floods ) . PHASE THREE LONG-TERM NEEDS ( 1991 + ) would address facilities needs and allow consolidation of portions of Roads Division satellite disticts 2 and 3 at Renton . Recommended development in this phase would also permit other Public Works divisions , currently located in downtown Seattle , to relocate to the CORF site . Phase III has an estimated capital cost in 1986 dollars of $9 , 289 , 200 . This study did not address the suitability or operational feasibility of consolidation of portions or all of the Department at CORF . Conceptually , having the Department ' s operations in a single location makes sense , because it would facilitate communication , allow more effective management , reduce unproductive time lost through travel and would provide the public a single location for services . However , the scope of this study did not include an evaluation of other important factors the County may wish to consider in making a consolidation decision , such as : 1 ) Cost of relocation , 2 ) Impact on other County Departments such as Assessor , BALD , 3 ) Access to Records (maps , tax records , plats , BALD files , etc . ) . 4 ) Transportation impacts of changing employee travel patterns , 5 ) Traffic impacts of increased trips on surrounding streets and I-405 . 7 f J Nevertheless , this study did evaluate the question of whether the CORP site could PHYSICALLY accommodate a consolidated Public Works Department . The Master Plan Study concluded the site could accommodate all of the Department ' s office needs through 1991 and well beyond . The study projected a "worst case" office need in 1991 , based on historical trends derived from discussions with Public Works staff . This "worst case" growth scenario assumes future growth could follow the recent past . For example , there has been rapid growth in the Surface Water and Utility Divisions . The Master Development Site Plan recommends development of an office complex in the southeast quadrant of the site , because of good views , orientation and access to the proposed future Maple Valley connection . A complex of two or three buildings up to 170 , 000 g . s . f . could be developed over a five to ten year period to accommodate Public Works or other County departmental needs . The City of Renton may also be interested in leasing space to alleviate its own current office shortage . Phase Three projects could include : o Site Improvements . Fill and grade parcel . Develop site utilities , paving and parking. o Office Addition . Construct a two or three level office building of up to 85 , 000 g. s . f . to accommodate Public Works consolidation . o Complete Loop Road . Extend perimeter loop road around site to provide a second means of access and dispense traffic impacts from Third and Monroe intersection . o Construct Additional Mini-Storage . A second mini-storage building would be developed in the Maintenance area to accommodate the consolidation of Divisions 2 and 3 at CORF . NEXT STEPS The Master Development Site Plan and Final Report were submitted to the Department on July 11 , 1986 . While the Scope of the study has been fully completed by Arai/Jackson , the Master Plan itself should not be considered final or "cast in 8- it concrete" . The Master Plan , at this point , should be considered a conceptual framework to guide the Department in more detailed facility planning and decision making. Wht'Ie the basic structure and organization of the Plan will probably remain unchanged , some elements of the Master Plan may be modified or refined in response to the issues of rezoning and Public Works Consolidation : Rezoning The City of Renton has indicated that it will support the rezoning of CORF to P-1 . Larry Springer , of Renton ' s Policy Planning Department has requested that King County formally adopt the Master Plan . Arai/Jackson recommends that the County adopt the Plan and not commit to the implementation of spelciflc projects as part of the rezone process . Such an approval would avoid a lengthy debate over facility needs and capital costs and would allow the zone change process to proceed . Once the Master Plan is conceptually adopted by County Council , the City of Renton will formally commence the rezone pro'acss . This process will involve SEPA review and undoubtedly an EIS will be required with special emphasis on traffic impacts . Analysis of traffic impacts and mitigating measures could require some modifications of the Master Plan . Public Works Consolidation As previously stated , the non-physical implications of Departmental Consolidation were not included in the Master Plan Study Scope of Work . The economic , operational , management and public policy impacts certainly should be carief. ully evaluated before the County Council makes its decision . If the Council ultimately decides against consolidation , there would need to be some changes in the Master Plan . For example , the area identified for office consolidation could be declared surplus and sold , or it could be iesignated as reserve for future uses , including office . Conclusion Arai /Jackson ' s Master Development Site Plan satisfied all of the Work Scope items outlined in the January 3 , 1986 RFP . We believe this study clearly assesses the development potential for the CORF site and outlines a phased program for facility development to respond to the Department ' s needs through 1991 and beyond . fl 9- e. Describe the pu e, type, and approximate quantit of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 40 cubic yards of fill material (primarily gravel ) willd be used to construct the materials testing building and f. Ct u8iccf ero ion oc%ur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. All areas proposed for construction are presently cleared and are either in asphalt, paving or grassed areas.. Because of the flat site and considerable existing paved area, no erosion is anticipated. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Existing impervious surfaces at CORF total 396,255 square feet or approximately ten percent of the 4 million plus square foot (cont. on P. 3A) h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Since the small amount of grading will occur on the flat portions of the site no special erosion controls are anticipated beyond normal construction practices. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Small amounts of dust may be generated during site work. This will be mitigated by spraying during construction. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other Impacts to air, if any: The contractor will be required to spray grading areas during construction to reduce dust. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? .If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows Into. No 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. N/A 3 - Page 3A CONTINUATION OF QUESTION g site area. The proposed project would add 15,830 square feet of new impervious area, which would bring the total project impervious area to 412,085 s.f. or about 10.01% of the total site area. 4) Will the proposal .:.quire surface water withdrawals c -iversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoxlmately quantities If known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage: industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collinclude quantities, if known). Where this ction and water flow? disposal, Will this water( will flow Into other waters? If so. describe this Existing storm water from roofs and paving is collected and fed • into a system of "dry wells" which percolate the storm water into the gravel material beneath the site. Building expansion and new construction will use a similar "dry well " system. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. Oil water separators are currently installed at key locations to petroleum and oil products from being discharged into the storm water "dry wells". 4 - d. Proposed measur o reduce or control surface, groui and runoff water impacts, if any: Surface water from existing development is currently collected in a. system of catch basins and storm sewers. The runoff is then directed into several "dry wells" which percolate the water into the gravel material underlying the site. New development will use the existing storm water disposal system. The existing system will be expanded to handle the increase in impervisou surface area. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: o deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other o evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other o Shrubs o grass o crop or grain o Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other o water plants: water lily, eel grass, milf oil, other o other types of vegetation Scoth Broom b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Approximately 6,600 square feet of existing lawn area will be removed to construct the proposed materials testing lab. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Proposed landscaping will consist of new lawn area and shrubs. 5. Animals a. ! Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. ! List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No I 5 — d. Proposed measure, , preserve or enhance wildlife, If ar N/A 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. i What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether It will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electrical energy will be used for HVAC, domestic hot water and lighting. The proposed project would consume approximately 350,000 KWH annually: Building "C" would consume 150,600 KWH; Building "J" 175,000 KWH; and the Mini Storage would consume 24,400 KWH. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Double Glazing - Glazed area is less than 25% of exterior closure Wall Insulation - R-11 Ceiling/Rood Insulation - R-30 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, Including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. None 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, If any: None b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Adjacent to the site is a gravel pit, county garbage transfer station and City of Renton Public Works. All uses involve heavy equipment and large trucks which generate noise. 6 - 2) What types and li s of noise would be created by or oclated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for 'example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short Term - Construction equipment noise. Long Term - Minor increase in noise due to additional automobile trips. Note: This facility operates primarily from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. with little noise generated during evening or weekend hours. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Because noise impacts are expected to be minimal and the "industrial " character of the area surrounding the site no special measures are anticipated. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What Is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? See attached vicinity map. They are to be north as a landfill site (former gravel pit) and a cemetary. To the east is the City of Renton Public Works. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What Is the current zoning classification of the site? G-1 It is proposed that the site be rezoned to P-1 Public Use to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Public Use g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? I . so, specify. No i, Approximately how many people would reside or work In the completed project? 107 staff work at the site full-time. 88 persons are dispatched from the site. Total staff is 195. (Note: This proposal would add only 15 staff to the existing staff at the facility. ) j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A 7 - PLANNING CONTEXT The diagram on the facing page graphically summarizes the central issues influencing the, Master Development Site Plan : 1 . Surrounding Land Use/Zoning The• CORF site is located in an area of institutional and industrial use . To the west is a gravel pit and the King County Solid Waste Transfer Station . To the north is a gravel pit currently being filled , and a cemetary . To the e:nst is the District Courts and the City of Renton Public Works Shops . Finally , to the south is an undeveloped steep slope area . The site is presently zoned G-1 , General . This classification permits uses such as CORF as a Conditional Use , requiring City Council approval . This is awkward because each individual project must go through the Conditional Use review process which takes a minimum of 4 tlo G months . The City of Renton has indicated their support of the rezoning of the CORP site and its own Public Works property to the east to P-1 Public Use . The P-1 designation would permit CORF as an outright use . Development under the P-1 designation would be• much simpler since only SEPA review and a Building Permit would be riequlred . The City of Renton ' s comprehensive plan designation for the site is Public/Quasi-Public which is consistent with the proposed P-1 category . I. 111 Il', out ° h 41il n R-)'lil1;;14e1 •. I Ali)-1[Ott',k'I, n.l.l,4;, 1r1 r-ip .,r 1 ', I'1i II lµ, I iIiiI I I "11 1' ' , 1: ` itL. Ir II 1 f lil,i l' FL-4 r I y Ir 1I r to y i lII I l , .11 .. kq d a j. l 4 ; i - l „ . I; 1 o..+ r l 51 r` u) ; Iu I; II " 1 " I J1.. i { ector . : ' C i -.f , 9I1IITi,, j y N 1,-1 a 1 /l 1 1- I r R M-I i y bel* Er WWI. 4 11,1 dll tag ,Nees a q tj"y", NNA?Me .:,. t.. A ' 1"' 7 ..;1n,. .,.?•,4".o,ey%.:41;fit 1\, 4•/ l; ,olC Zoning Comprehensive Plan I I 1 il )...:.....•-I )N. _ ii HI cil (101 <,/ i hi li I ri51), PI Di il MIL [ri.i v_3 i 1 of...,i AT._______, C---Dryc_Fir- 1 i 1 q —7,---,c--- It. ., 1. . q 1. ;(1f- t:i 111 ' I-- 0 D ii r I ti,i civiliWill MK I VW!•;.___,...,..::::,.., Vc........_. i . .• .... P il At7MINt$11:46cMiel ?: il- 1- Ulbtrr MANOr-#CtiPli•We ,y N LI I I 1., litIWINde il T op_ 1.iiIINeattp-Ls.3 Ito 1 u 1 • • • •-:! ---•- -• . 1. r^ r II . .) 11 I L•1,i 0 ----"° I- 1 PilMAD EnWAsleLil tiii741.4,, ii I 1 , i s„ ilitiN _ 7.. L 7-:-..- . uNmettYPeo it I . i‘ 1 f.I' 4, i IPRSSN/560-' 1 ( r 7 il U 1{• Cir.. ,, v r;IZnitik:11.,n;110.1 I AI r7 of.]CI n rill riot on , 0,,,, • e 13 ( : T.I c., a 0 dk,.; • c>t7,.., ,o.ncl_ c0e,,er>,\\.0, J, 1 fiZs r,_'. 3 It\ 4:00 tiOna 0 ti op 1 I Site Us . i . 8 1. Proposed measure;.. . ensure the proposal is compatih'_._ with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project is compatible with other adjacent public uses and the comprehensive plan designation. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, If any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing Impacts. if any: N/A 10. Aesthetics a. What Is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas: what Is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 30 feet b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts. if any: None, proposed structures would have similar architectural treatment to existing. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None, except for nominal site lighting. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or Interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts. if any: 8 - i 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None within the project vicinity. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so. describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant. If any: N/A 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, If any. The project is served by Northeast 3rd and northeast 4th Streets and Monroe Avenue. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes, on Northeast 4th, approximately 1,200 feet. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 195 staff, 20 visitor spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe indicate whether public or private). No 9 e. Will the project (or occur in the Immediate vicinit. f) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, Indicate when peak volumes would occur. The addition of 15 new staff at the CORF facility will generate approximately 75 to 100 new daily trips. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, If any: Because the additional vehicular trips as estimated to be very small no special measures are anticipated beyond the County's ongoing Transportation Management Program which encourages transit and carpool use. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. , Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the Immediate vicinity which might be needed. No new utilities. Adequate utilities were installed at the time of the original project construction (1977). C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decst should of non-significance ywillful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure lion should there be any my part. Proponent: C%.if Name Printed: 0. J. Sal tarel l i , Facilities Manager 10 - 176 11-8-84 D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET F NONPROJECT ACTIONS This sheet should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs. Do not use this sheet for project actions.) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater Intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and In general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous sutstances; or production of noise? N/A Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such Increases are: 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? N/A Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? No, see Page 6, Question 6, Energy. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: See Page 6. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areasorareasdesignated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks. wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? N/A . Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce Impacts are: 11 - 5. How would the proposal t ikely to affect land and shorell use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? The proposal to rezone the site to P-1 use is consistant with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: No shorelines are affected. 6. How would the proposal be likely to Increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? See Page 10, Question 14. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: i The County will continue to provide incentives for carpool and transit use under its Transportation Management Program. 7. identify, If possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. N/A SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above Information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklistshouldtherebeanywillfulmisrepresentationorwillfullackoffulldisclosureon my part. Proponent: Name Printed: J.J Saltarelli , Facilities Manager 12 - King C ty. Department of Public Works Donald,l. LaBelle,1)i rrfor• suu)King County Administration Bldg. 500 Ihm'IIi AvennP Srattlt•, Washington 98111.1 2(16)3•1.1-2517 March 30, 1988 TO: Greg Saito, Program Manager Ara i/Jackson Architects and Planners FM: O. J.; Saltarelli , Facilities Administrator RE: Staff Count at Corf Pursuant to your request listed below are the current staffing levels. BUILDING ASSIGNED ' DISPATCHED A 22 0 B 6 25 F 1 1 28 5 13 0 13 57 9 0 92 88 C 15 0 107 Grand Total 88 Grand Total OJS:rtt 9/15/87:2t.1 Introduced by: BRUCE LAIN( 7ProposedNo. 8 - 6 1 2 ORDINANCE NO. '. +16 5 3 AN ORDINANCE increasing the appropriation in the County Roads 4 Fund 103 by $352,253, increasing the appropriation in the Renton Maintenance Facilities Fund 385 by $1,564,825, and 5 amending Ordinance 7864, Section 75, Attachment No. 1, as amended. 6 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 8 SECTION 1. There is hereby approved and adopted an appropriation in the 9 County;yRoad Fund of $352 253 to "transfer to fund 385," CIP Project Number 10 999385, from a transfer from the Road Fund balance. 11 SECTION 2. There is hereby approved and adopted an appropriation in the i 12 Renton Maintenance Facilities Fund of $1,564,825 to the "Consolidated Office and 13 Repair, Facility Phase I ," CIP Project Number 401187 from a transfer from the 14 unencumbered fund balance. 15 SECTION 3. Ordinance 7864, Section 75, as amended, is hereby amended by 16 adding hereto and inserting therein the following: 17 Fiom the several capital improvement project funds there are hereby appro- 18 priated and authorized to be disbursed the following amounts for the specific 19 projects identified. 20 FUND CAPITAL FUND 21 ' 103 County Roads (CIP Only) 352,253 22 385 Renton Maintenance Facilities 1,564,825 23 SECTION 4. The proceeds from the sale of the five acre parcel to the City 24 of Renton will be reserved for construction of capital facilities at the 25 Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. 26 27 I 3 2 7 5 i SECTION 5. The project information sheets attached hereto are hereby 1 approved and adopted amending Ordinance 7864, Section 65, Attachment No. 1. 2 INTRODUCED AND READ for the first time this a2 gti— day of 3 4 5 PASSED this f9 r w day of Q 19 61. 6 KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 7 8 erti9Chairman ATTEST: 10 11 G G ram =• 12 Clerk of the Council1nht 13 APPROVED this 2 E day of (:)c—t-tNei 19 14 16 g County xecutive 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26 27 RENTON PROPERTIES - LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of the NE 1 of the NW 1 of said Section 16 Thence North along the West line of said NE 1 of the NW 1 of Section 16 to its intersection with the South margin of NE 3rd Street Thence Northeasterly along said margin and margin of NE 4th Street to the East line of the W 1 of said NE 1 of the NW * of Section 16 Thence South along said East line to the South line of the NE 1 of the NW I of Section 16 Thence East along said South line to the SE corner of said NE 1 of the NW 1 of Section 16 Thence S 89° 03' 38" E along the North line of the SW 1 of the NE 1 of Section 16 to a point lying 642.05 feet Westerly of the NE corner of said SW # of the NE I Thence S 01° 04' 49" W a distance of 960 feet Thence S 89° 03' 38" E to the East line of the SW 1 of the NE 1 Thence South along said East line and continuing South along the East line of the NW 1 of the SE 1 of Section 16 to the SE corner thereof Thence West to the SW corner of said NW 1 of the SE 1 of Section 16 Thence North to the NW corner of said SE I of Section 16 Thence West to the SW corner of the SE 1 of the NW 1 of Section 16 Thence North to the SW corner of the NE 1 of the NW 1 of Section 16 and point of beginning. 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I i••••It., ''IF'A'. •••: • .•5 • • ,-Tbs grantor hereby expressly saves.excepts end reserves out of the grant hereby made,unto Itself.Its FM:ell:018 and swirl,tomer.all I'•,[ ."....., s1;4' % ' '. r., . oils,gases,coal,ores.miner•ls and!malls of.srery kind or description, and which may be in or upon said Lands shove described.or any •7.7. t' . •• . 1 . part thereof, and the right to explore the mane Iota= Mk, guars. coal. ores. minerals and fosolls; and It Rho hereby expreerly sayes and.t ell'..1::.Y. .;. - • ....s i '.' reserves out of the grant hereby made. unto itielf,Its successors and wsigns forever the right to enter by IMelf. its elect', allorloll sled -it P•;•''.?A'3, 1 tol, tt..., t4eiti., ...__,_r,_... servatiairinuipora la.id lands or imihipart or perls thereof,at any and all times,for the purpose of opening.developing and working mines thereonandcotandallteethoils, poen, coal, ores, minersh and fossils, and to that end It further expfrrIll rm!-TITIVir:erAti• t. , ... .:; •.. ou%of thi I,r.yt hereby rra9trcLi. g., unto lbseif.Its'ruccenrons and ash forever, the. right by its or the& agents, serranb end attorneys at e.....71t('1 •_•'.4_,X. y, .., ..; • and on times to erect,construct. maintain and bee ail such buildings. roads pod railroarts.:•Lnic such shafts.rrmovq such• 11.and., 1 .ri,.16i.‘jA • - .'I .Iva rrttnor°th:41.° "bdilenrs.'" 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" b la•'4.1 i'''.: 'r''4..? - ' .•ti . --it trif A .,VI-1,"• c 'k '4-• ••••0.-.Y• -i,....1 •1 ' . r•'''''. ' : .' • "'' ' ' ol• .'( • ... I Z;.''1 11-"c.••.•• k 4.:q. , •• ,...• •I . ',I. i..%,41.. . ..._ A-1964 T) 64 .bJ q 8/14/81 TRB/ml REAL ESTATE CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this /$' day of___ ! 1 19 g) , between King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the "seller," and the City of Renton , a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the "purchaser". WITNESSETH: That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase from the seller the following described real estate, with the appurtenances , in King County, State of Washington. e See Attached "Exhibit A" . The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows: The purchase price is FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($450,000.00) DOLLARS, of which FORTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($45,000.00) DOLLARS have been paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balance to said purchase price shall be paid as follows : SIXTY ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 37/100 ($61 ,450.37) DOLLARS, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the 1st day of September , 19 82 and SIXTY ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 37/100 ($61 ,450.37) DOLLARS, or more at purchaser's option, on or before September 1st of each succeeding year until the balance of said purchase price shall have been fully paid. The purchaser further agrees to pay interest on the diminishing balance of said purchase price at the rate of 8.'4 percent per annum from the 1st day of September 19 81 , which interest shall be deducted from each installment payment and the balance of each payment applied in reduction of principal . All payments to be made hereunder shalLbe made at ' King County Real Property Division 500-A King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 , or at such other place as the seller may direct in writing. For schedule of payments, see attached "Exhibit B". As referred to in this contract, "date of closing" shall be September 1 , 1981 1 ) The purchaser assumes and agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes and assessments that may as between grantor and grantee hereafter become a lien on said real estate; and if by the terms of this contract the purchaser has assumed payment of any mortgage, contract or other encumbrance, or has assumed payment of or agreed to.purchase subject to, any taxes or assessments now a lien on said real estate, the purchaser agrees to pay the same before delinquency. 2) The purchaser agrees, until the purchase price is fully paid, to keep the buildings now and hereafter placed on said real estate insured to the actual cash value thereof against loss or damage by both fire and windstorm in a company accept- able to the seller and for the seller's benefit, as his interest may appear, and to pay all premiums therefore and to deliver all policies and renewals thereof to the" seller. 3) The purchaser agrees that full inspection of said real estate has been made and that neither the seller nor his assigns shall be held to any covenant respecting the condition of any improvements thereon nor shall the purchaser or seller or the assigns of either be held to any covenant or agreement for alterations, improvements or repairs unless the covenant or agreement relied on is contained herein or is in writing and attached to and made a part of this contract. 4) The purchaser assumes all harzards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said real estate or hereafter placed thereon, and of the taking of said real estate or any part thereof for public use; and agrees that no such damage , destruction or taking shall constitute a failure of consideration. In case any part of said real estate is taken for public use, the portion of the condemnation award remaining after payment of reasonable expenses of procuring the same shall be paid to the seller and applied as payment on the purchase price herein unless the seller elects to allow the purchaser to apply all or a portion of such condemnation award to the rebuilding of such improvements within a reasonable time, unless purchaser elects that said proceeds shall be paid to the seller for application on the purchase ' price herein. 0) If seller's title to said real estate is subject to an existing contract under which seller is purchasing said real estate, or any mortgage or other obligation, which seller is to pay, seller agrees to make such payments in accordance with the I thereof, and upon default, the purchaser shall have the right to make any payments necessary to remove the default, and any payments so made shall be applied to the payments next falling due the seller under this contract. 6) The seller agrees, upon receiving full payment of the purchase price and interest in the manner above specified, to execute and deliver to purchaser a deed to said real estate, excepting any part thereof hereafter taken for public use, free of encumbrances except any that may attach after date of closing through any person other than the iseller, and subject to the following: Easements, encumbrances, reservations and restFictions of record. 7) Unless a different date is provided for herein, the purchaser shall be entitled to possession of said real estate on date of closing and to retain possession so long as purchaser is not in default hereunder. The purchaser covenants to keep the buildings and other improvements on said real estate in good repair and not to permit waste and not to use, or permit the use of, the real estate for any illegal purpose. ' The purchaser covenants to pay all service, installation or construction charges for water, sewer, electricity, garbage or other utility services furnished to said real estate after the date purchaser is entitled to possession. 8) ' 'In case the purchaser faill to make any payment herein provided or to maintain insurance, herein required, the seller may make such payment or effect such insurance, and any amounts so paid by the seller, together with interest at the rate of 10% per annum thereon from date of payment until repaid, shall be repayable by purchaser on seller's demand, all without prejudice to any other right the seller might have by reason of such default. 9) Time is of the essence of this contract, and it is agreed that in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with or perform any condition or agreement hereof or to make any payment required hereunder promptly at the time and in the manner herein required, the seller may elect to declare all the purchaser's rights hereunder terminated, and upon his doing so, all payments made by the purchaser hereunder and all improvements placed upon the real estate shall be forfeited to the seller as liquidated damages, and the seller shall have right to re-enter and take possession of the real estate; and no waiver by the seller of any default on the part of the purchaser shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default. Service upon purchaser of all demands, notices or other papers with respect to forfeiture and termination of purchaser's rights may be made by United States Mail , postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, directed to the purchaser at his address last known to the seller. 10) Upon seller's election to bring suit to enforce any covenant of this contract,' including suit to collect any payment required hereunder, the purchaser agree!. to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. Iif the seller shall bring suit to procure an adjudication of the termination of the purchaser's rights hereunder, and judgment is so entered, the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, and also the reasonable cost of searching records to deter- mine the condition of title at the date such suit is commenced, which sum shall be includediin any judgment or decree entered in such suit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument as of the date first written above. Seal Se;. Mayor%. N.b4H4.0041___atIc)6CA., Z1/11 .2_47 /LJ M>', - • (Seal Sc City Clerk STATE OF .WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared befpre me • F3a1:\ogre. • Y. oc.,ar•• 3\gteS Ke to me known to he individualsdescribed in antl who execute,. nthewithi anTforegoing instrument, and acknowledg d that signed the same as ear free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ' .204) day of Avon„ Notary ublic in and for the ate o Washington, residing at________ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me 646 to me known' to the r r rgti/ fCountyExecutiveof—King County, Was ington, the person who signecl `tl'c above and foregoing instrument for King County for the uses and purposes therein stated and acknowledged to me that he signed the same as the' free and voluntary act and deed of King County and that he was authorized to so sign. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 19 7( 2Y PUBLI47414 ) zn an forte State of .. AWashington, residing at L EXHIBIT B Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township23North, Range 5 East. W.M.; Thence along the East-west center of section line South 89°01'16" East a distance of 683.33 feet; to the true point of beginning: Thence North 1 °04'13" East 363.53 feet; thence South 89°03'38" east 643.00 Feet to the east line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 16: thence South 1 °00'49" West along the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 363.96 feet to the southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16; Thence North 89°01'16" West along the South line of the Northeast 1/4 said Section 16,643.36 feet to the true point of beginning. Except for West 30 feet thereof. Together with and subject to a 60 feet easement for ingress. egress and utilities over, under and across the following described parcels: the East 60 feet of the West 713.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 .of Section 16. township23North, Range 5 East, W.M.; the North 60 feet of the East 373.33 feet of the West 653.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16. Township23North, Range 5 East, W.M.; ALSO together with a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress over and across the North 60 feet of the West 280 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16. Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M. 4 EXHIQIT A Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ; Thence along the East- west center of section line South 89°01 '16" East a distance of 683.33 feet; Thence North 1°04'13" East 363.53 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence continuing North 1°04113" East a distance 960 feet to the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of 'said Section 16; Thence South 89°03' 38" East along said North line a distance of 642.05 feet to the Northeast corner of the South- west 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16; Thence South 1°00' 49" West along East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the.Northeast 1/4 a distance 960 feet; Thence North 89°03' 38" West parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 643 feet to the true point of beginning. Except the West 30 feet thereof. Together with and subject to a 60 foot easement for ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across the following described parcels: the East 60 feet of the West 713.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 Norht, Range 5 East, W.M. ; the North 60 feet of the East 373.33 feet of the West 653.33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; ALSO together with a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress over and across the North 60 feet of the West 280 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, M.W. Contains 588,024 square feet or 13.50 acres, more or less. tp EXHIBIT B Payment Due Total Payment Principal Interest ' Remaining Balance 405,000.00 1 . 61 ,450.37 27,430.37 $ 34,020.00 377,569.63 2. 61 ,450.38 29,734.52 31 ,715.85 347,835.11 3, 61 ,450.38 32,232,22 29,218.15 315,602.89 4. 61 ,450.38 34,939.73 26,510.64 280,663.16 5. 61 ,450.38 37,874.66 24575.71 242,788.50 6. 61 ,450.38 41 ,056.14 20,394.23 201 ,732,36 7. 61 ,450.38 44,504.85 16,945,52 157,227.51 8. 61 ,450.38 48,243.26 13,207.11 108,984.25 9. 61 ,450.38 52,295.69 9,154.68 56,688.56 10. , 61 ,450.38 56,688.53 4,761 .84 03 (Rounding error) Totals 614,503.70 404,999.97 209,503.73 Purchase Price: 450,000.00 10% Down 45,000.00) Remaining Balance: 405,000.00 Interest 8.4% per annum computed on remaining balance Term Ten (10) years V , 1111iI t.. CI. — r J 1Ii.• I II! I.. wara+r 1 4-''-CW--4.1 I it • •-•‘\ - '.; - JAI f -- 4-1. •-•-.14- --_-__.-.:1;* ifilStr i i k. 8 : 1-t-. . 4,,,,•/t I/ rt+v 1. i,/._' d :L......1 i . f i it I jnini--- n--- 1 -: L....J-1 . . rf 1 1 c., ii 7- 27:-,.2."-.'-,_-_\•\,-";:,_. I1-,N.), 0 fir KING _COUNTY. iiiig .,,,,000:---6 -..... -N. p... : ...7.c........ , ),, 14 Ith. . ,:. • k .,. . ,_,, .. . It! 4111.....0"844. r.-_,__ :LT'::, ? Master Development Site Plan Department of Public Works 4 Consolidated Office & Repair Facility • August 28 , 1986 CITY C , -'l SUMMARYARAI/JACKSON ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 1535 I lth AVENU A WA..98122i ''1.20 1323-8800 MAY 0 91988 BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. ARAI/JACKSON ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS l535 Ilth AVENUE SEATTLE,WA.,98122 (206)323 8800 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY August 28 , 1986 In March 1986 Arai/Jackson was contracted by Public Works to prepare a Master Site Development Plan for the Department ' s CORF facility at Renton . This memorandum describes the major findings and recommendations of the study . Study Purpose : The purpose of the master planning study was to , o Identify existing and future space and facility requirements to support the Department of Public Works ' mission . o Identify site opportunities to satisfy space/facility I needs and prepare a master site development plan showing: location of potential future structures location of parking circulation and access improvements o Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements . The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional use reviews from the City of Renton . o Identify master plan phasing, specific projects and costs to assist Public Works in programming for future capital improvements . Study Issues : The study scope addressed the following planning issues : 1 . Zoning. The City of Renton has jurisdiction for SEPA, land use and building permit approval . Under the present G-1 zoning classification each capital development project must apply for a conditional use permit , typically a 4 to 6 month process . The objective of the study was to develop a Master Plan that could be used to obtain a zone change for the Partners Associates Gerald Arai Steven Arai Clifford Jackson Connie Cadag Robert Hutchinson Kenneth Kubota Thomas Ryan r 4/ V/ KING COUNTY ; i i, PUBLIC WORKS I CONSOLIDATED OFFICE REPAIR FACILITY II ' 3 . i s3/\:<: ' 4S:1•0 40 • A k,,,gzel.,zwirt-•sc .., stv 1 1 i c./.1 i J 'I 1-__ v N s 0.) 1 ! i-- I / J / / / I r ; 1I i V i 1 ice/ o 23 ZOO 00 i 1\ . L,--- i,'.%', ARAI/jACKSON z• I`=`_ -- i ARCHITEcr5&PLANNERS 3,_ -o MASTER j : . vim• . DEVELOPMENT o\ SITE PLAN NOTE: BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS T AND.NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS le fl PROJECTSARZCONCEPTUALONLY. SUBSEQUENT ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. 53 r V\I 4 44'./. o KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS E, F CONSOLIDATED OFFICE 1 //-*/ RER IR FACILITY 3 , I 5),,..\735.• BUILDING KEY: Q ROADS ADMINISTRATION TRAFFIC & SIGN STORES C CORF OFFICE EXPANSION D SOILS LAB f E CORF OFFICE 4 EXPANSION (ALT. SITE) 0 FUEL Q FLEET mAINTEVANCE of 8 STORES I EQUIPMENT SHED 0.,,-,' Q CREW/SHOPS C—Q QUIP,titENT SHED enciai` EQUIPMENT SHED i Of Renton M MINI STORAGE p(( Sllic Works Sit N EQUIPMENT SHED i ' ansion O EQUIPMENT SHED c-' ` PAINT a/i t.; _ Q MINI STORAGE R MINI STORAGE S GATE HOUSE 0 TRAILER U PUBLIC WORKS Future Maintenance v ' • J OFFICE BUILDING Expansion Area ; Y scape Buffer, I ! V POTENTIAL ti r` OFFICE EXPANSION Employee Parking Phase 1I1-C r , W POTENTIAL OFFICE EXPANSION384Spaces; rldin r ' i r-- 1'i r i X FUTURE PAINT Employee Parking i /) i J ' I ; j 0 EXISTING BUILDING 267 Spaces' 1 /I ;/ j / i r Existing Paint Building - I 0 Existing KingCounty.. x`,' , \ ) I i /,_ i %!/ * 1 Solid Waste. y%/,.,f l J i// Tiansfer Station Roads Division ` loJr, f I l '-•—' J %// Maintenance—' I ti i 1i ,- TAcKsoNCoreArea I ! \ -` L'1L LL K L.1,.7O 5 „.ARCHITECTS&PLANNERS Public Works , \ ms 11 AVQ&E s6ATRL WA.stta Pit Storage O . V+ MASTER o:. DEVELOPMENT NOTE. BUILDING ADDITION LOCATIONS a Lj i — Q. o SITE PLAN AND NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTS I I- o ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBSEQUENT • f t.i , .i_p 4: ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL I FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND r -.•r7 c-v NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. 47 r///:( entire site from G-1 (General ) to P-1 ( Public ) classification . The P-1 classification would remove . the conditional use requirements and greatly simplify the approval of individual projects , since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning . The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portion of the site from the Department for its own Public Works Shops . 2 . Potential Utilization of Undeveloped Public Works properties east and south of the existing CORF site : Arai/Jackson projected the Department ' s space and facility needs through the year 1991 to determine the need for utilizing the existing undeveloped portions of the site . The area immediately east of the existing Stores Yard was determined to be most suitable for expansion of the Department ' s Roads Maintenance functions . This area is sufficient to handle the Road Division ' s maintenance needs through the year 2000 . The other undeveloped area is at the southeast corner of the site . Because of its good views (Mt . Rainier and Maple Valley) and solar orientation , it was determined to be most suitable for office development . This area could accommodate up to about 170 , 000 square feet of office with surface parking for about 675 cars . Office development in this area could accommodate a consolidated Public Works Department with additional space for other County Departments . If the County decides not to consolidate the Department at CORF , then this area could be leased or sold for private office development . 3 . Extension of Monroe Avenue south through the CORF site with " future connection to Maple Valley : The study identified the desireability of development of a second means of access to the site from the Maple Valley Corridor to improve site accessibility and to increase the productivity of Public Works crews . Currently , there is considerable time lost by crews due to congestion at Third Street and I-405 . Extension of Monroe Avenue 2- south through the site has serious potential consequences to the Roads Division ' s operations because it would bisect the site . The most desireable alignment of Monroe Avenue would be to swing the arterial east at N . E . 2nd along the City of Renton Public Works property . The road would extend to the south and then swing westward at approximately the southern boundary ( fence ) of the existing Roads Division paved area to form a " loop road" around the site perimeter . In the future the loop road could branch to allow access down the slope to Maple Valley. The future Maple Valley Access will cost approximately $2 , 000 , 000 and would have a four or five lane configuration . Development of the future access road to Maple Valley will be the responsibility of the McMahon Property developers (a site to the west and south of CORF ) who are currently applying for a rezone with the City of Renton . The City of Renton will require the developer to construct the road and dedicate the right of way as a condition of the rezone . King County ' s contribution to the Maple Valley connection would be the right-of-way and a portion of the Monroe Avenue extension on its property . Since the City of Renton is highly desireous of the Maple Valley connection and its Public Works Department would directly benefit , a case could be made that the City should share a portion of the Monroe Avenue extension cost on King County property . 4 . Realignment of CORF entrance road and Traffic Circulation modifications : The existing site circulation at CORF mixes public , employee and maintenance vehicles . This creates congestion and poses potential safety problems and consequent liability issues since a portion of the circulation is through parking areas . The existing site circulation problems are further compounded by the short-distance between the site entrance and Monroe Avenue which results in turning movement conflicts . 3- The Master Development Site Plan addresses the site circulation problems with the following recommendations : a) The existing site entrance should be reconfigured to provide access only to employee/ visitor parking. The existing through connections to the Maintenance Yard should be closed . b) A new entrance for County Maintenance vehicles should be developed off of the east perimeter loop road . 5 . Parking Areas , Equipment Storage : The Master Plan recommended the following parking improvements : a) Expansion of existing employee/visitor parking at the northern portion of the site to 325 spaces . b ) Development of a new secure area for fleet vehicles in the southeast corner of the Maintenance Yard adjacent to the perimeter loop road . c ) Expansion and reconfiguration of the Stores Yard into the northeast corner of the Maintenance Yard . d) Development of a 675 square parking area in the southeast quadrant of the site to support the future office complex . 6 . Space and Facility Needs : The Department ' s Core Team directed Arai/Jackson to analyze space and facility needs through the year 1991 and recommend a phased plan for implementation . The facility needs assessment was also to address the potential alternative of consolidation of the entire Department at Renton . 4- PHASE ONE IMMEDIATE NEEDS ( 1986 ) Through interviews with department heads and surveys of building conditions , Arai/Jackson identified a current facility deficit of approximately 17 , 000 s . f . at the CORF site . The estimated cost of the Phase One immediate needs projects is 1 , 623 , 400 . Critical facility needs exist in the following areas : o "J" Building : Needs adequate female lockers , showers , and restrooms . Shortage of office space for crews , leads and supervisors . o "B" Building: Female lockers , showers and storage for small equipment . o "New Mini Storage" : Existing covered equipment , sheds ( "K" and "L" buildings ) are currently used as storage areas for materials and tools used by Roads crews . As a result equipment has been displaced to outdoor parking areas . A new mini storage building would be developed with secure areas for tools and materials . o New Soils Lab Building: The existing Soils Lab at Redmond is in poor condition and currently needs about $70 , 000 in repairs . Rather than spend funds on a facility with a very limited useful life it was recommended that the Department construct a new building at the CORF site which would provide much better accessibility to a consolidated department . PHASE TWO NEAR-TERM NEEDS ( 1987-1991 ) would address facility growth at Renton during the period of 1987 to 1991 . Space needs in this phase were considered anticipated growth of the Roads Division based on historical trends . The phase would also include site preparation and infrastructure development of Public Works land to the east of the presently developed CORF site . Phase II has an estimated capital cost of approximately $4 , 437 , 400 , including escalation to mid-point of construction . Critical facility needs identified for Phase II include : o Site Improvements . The existing undeveloped area lying between the existing CORF site and the City of Renton property would be 5- filled , graded , paved , and infrastructure constructed to provide additional site area for facility expansion . o Entrance Road . Monroe Avenue would be extended to the east and south to provide access to a new site entrance at the Maintenance Yard . The road would have a four lane configuration with turn pockets at the site entrance . o Office Addition . There is a current pressing need for office space at CORF , both in the "A" Building and "H" Building originally a warehouse ) . A 10 , 000 square foot addition should be developed adjacent to Building "A" to address the office needs . This would allow conversion of Building H back to stores , which also has a severe space shortage . o Equipment Storage Needs . Two new sheds similar to Buildings K and L should be constructed to protect existing equipment and allow for a small amount of growth over the next five years . o Building "G" Addition . There is a critical need in Building G (Vehicle Maintenance ) for additional storage for spare parts and tires . Parts inventories are currently below acceptable levels because of inadequate storage , thus causing longer than normal equipment downtime . Tires are currently stored in portions of the Equipment Storage Sheds ( Buildings "K" and L" ) . o Relocate Steam Cleaning. Equipment steam cleaning is currently performed in a bay of Building "F" , the Light Maintenance and Fuel Building. Because of the inappropriateness of steam cleaning at this location ( it ' s messy and damages the building) , and the need for additional light maintenance and covered inspections , the steam cleaning should be relocated . An added benefit of relocating steam cleaning is the creation of a "new" maintenance bay for very little cost . 6- o Parking. The existing northwest parking area should be reconfigured and expanded to a capacity of 325 cars . This would address the current parking deficit and would enable the Department to fully separate employee and visitor vehicles from the Maintenance area . This would improve safety and security and help minimize theft and the County ' s liability . o Monroe Avenue Site Entrance . A new entrance and gatehouse should be developed at the east edge of the for County Maintenance Vehicles . This would permit securing the maintenance yard and buildings from the administrative and employee parking areas . This would improve security and facilitate 24-hour operations , especially during maintenance emergencies (e . g . , floods ) . PHASE THREE LONG-TERM NEEDS ( 1991 +) would address facilities needs and allow consolidation of portions of Roads Division satellite distic.ts 2 and 3 at Renton . Recommended development in this phase would also permit other Public Works divisions , currently located in downtown Seattle , to relocate to the CORF site . Phase III has an estimated capital cost in 1986 dollars of $9 , 289 , 200 . This study did not address the suitability or operational feasibility of consolidation of portions or all of the Department at CORF . Conceptually , having the Department ' s operations in a single location makes sense , because it would facilitate communication , allow more effective management , reduce unproductive time lost through travel and would provide the public a single location for services . However , the scope of this study did not include an evaluation of other important factors the County may wish to consider in making a consolidation decision , such as : 1 ) Cost of relocation , 2 ) Impact on other County Departments such as Assessor , BALD , 3 ) Access to Records (maps , tax records , plats , BALD files , etc . ) . 4 ) Transportation impacts of changing employee travel patterns , 5 ) Traffic impacts of increased trips on surrounding streets and I-405 . 7- I Nevertheless , this study did evaluate the question of whether the CORF site could PHYSICALLY accommodate a consolidated Public Works Department . The Master Plan Study concluded the site could accommodate all of the Department ' s office needs through 1991 and well beyond . The study projected a "worst case" office need in 1991 , based on historical trends derived from discussions with Public Works staff . This "worst case" growth scenario assumes future growth could follow the recent past . For example , there has been rapid growth in the Surface Water and Utility Divisions . The Master Development Site Plan recommends development of an office complex in the southeast quadrant of the site , because of good views , orientation and access to the proposed future Maple Valley connection. A complex of two or three buildings up to 170 , 000 g. s . f . could be developed over a five to ten year period to accommodate Public Works or other County departmental needs . The City of Renton may also be interested in leasing space to alleviate its own current office shortage . Phase Three projects could include : o Site Improvements . Fill and grade parcel . Develop site utilities , paving and parking. o Office Addition . Construct a two or three level office building of up to 85 , 000 g . s . f . to accommodate Public Works consolidation . o Complete Loop Road . Extend perimeter loop road around site to provide a second means of access and dispense traffic impacts from Third and Monroe intersection . o Construct Additional Mini-Storage . A second mini-storage building would be developed in the Maintenance area to accommodate the consolidation of Divisions 2 and 3 at CORF . NEXT STEPS The Master Development Site Plan and Final Report were submitted to the Department on July 11 , 1986 . While the Scope of the study has been fully completed by Arai/Jackson , the Master Plan itself should not b.e considered final or "cast in 8- concrete" . The Master Plan , at this point , should be considered a conceptual framework to guide the Department in more detailed facility planning and decision making. While the basic structure and organization of the Plan will probably remain unchanged , some elements of the Master Plan may be modified or refined in response to the issues of rezoning and Public Works Consolidation : Rezoning The City of Renton has indicated that it will support the rezoning of CORF to P-1 . Larry Springer , of Renton ' s Policy Planning Department has requested that King County formally adopt the Master Plan . Arai/Jackson recommends that the County adopt the Plan and not commit to the implementation of specific projects as part of the rezone process . Such an approval would avoid a lengthy debate over facility needs and capital costs and would allow the zone change process to proceed . Once the Master Plan is conceptually adopted by County Council , the City of Renton will formally commence the rezone process . This process will involve SEPA review and undoubtedly an EIS will be required with special emphasis on traffic impacts . Analysis of traffic impacts and mitigating measures could require some modifications of the Master Plan . Public Works Consolidation As previously stated , the non-physical implications of Departmental Consolidation were not included in the Master Plan Study Scope of Work . The economic , operational , management and public policy impacts certainly should be carefully evaluated before the County Council makes its decision . If the Council ultimately decides against consolidation , there would need to be some changes in the Master Plan . For example , the area identified for office consolidation could be declared surplus and sold , or it could be designated as reserve for future uses , including office . Conclusion Arai/Jackson ' s Master Development Site Plan satisfied all of the Work Scope items outlined in the January 3 , 1986 RFP . We believe this study clearly assesses the development potential for the CORF site and outlines a phased program for facility development to respond to the Department ' s needs through 1991 and beyond . 9- 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED:5/12 COMMENTS DUE: 5/26 EFC - 038 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : C.U. 038-88 PROPONENT: King' County - Public Works PROJECT TITLE:Public Works Facilities Improvements BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: King County proposes to improve Public Works Services Faci- lities by: 1) construction of new storage building; 2) expansion of existing building/services for crew use; 3) construction of new materials testing laboratory. LOCATION: South of N.E. 2nd Street in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue SITE AREA: 36 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 412,085 sq ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Form 4 I l RENT(. BUILDING & ZONING DEPA MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 038 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-038-88 PROPONENT : ! KING COUNTY. PUBLIC WOW PROJECT TITLE : PUBLIC WORKS -FACILITIES -IMPROVEMENTS ._. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: KING COUNTY PROPOSED. TO IMPROVE PUBLIC WORKS SERVIC FACILITIES BY: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STORAGE BUILDING.: 2) ESPANSION FO EXISTING BUILDING/SERVICES FOR CREW USE., 3) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS. TESTING LABORA- TORY. LOCATION : SOUTH OF N.E . 2nd STREET IN THE VICINITY OF MONROE AVENUE TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UITILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDI;NG & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR, SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON MAY 26, 1988 REVIEWING DI,EPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 1P9 a> 7ar PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RFNTON King County Division of Roads and Engineering rnn Department of Public Works King County Administration Bldg. 5001Fourth Avenue-Room 900 C IA 79 Seattle,WA 98104-2339 Y O^ August 4, 1992 Msi Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Planning, Building, Public Works 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) Dear M . Blauman: The King County Department of Public Works is in the process of refining the scope of work for the architect for Phase I of the CORF project. In preliminary discussions with the architect, the subject of additional drainage work was raised. It is my understanding that all of Phase I storm drainage would be collected and transported to existing dry wells on the site. I also understand that it was agreed that the County's Phase II project at this site would be the proper point at which to address the issue of storm drainage for the entire site. This understanding is a result of meetings with you, Randall Parsons, and possibly Don Erickson. I am prepared to finalize the architect's scope of work during the week of August 10 and would appreciate hearing from you soon regarding your concurrence with my recollections. Thank you again for your help on this matter as well as during the conditional use process. If I can offer any additional information to help you, please call me at 296-6524. Sincerely, i Bernie Thomps Splecial Projects Coordinator BT/bt cc'!: Karleen Sakumoto, Assistant Manager, Roads and Engineering Division log—gcc s•,\ 4•Wtortu AVIR King Countvv U 499 Roads and Engineering DivisionDeVLUfE PublictWorls ent f Cf UFty NT O U Yesler Building 4001esler Way Room 400 March 7 1994Seattle,WA 98104-2637 Mr. Jim•Hanson Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 980.55 RE: Parking and Surplus Equipment Storage Area Dea' Mr. Hanson: The King County Roads and Engineering Division is proposing to pave an existing gravel lot at the King County Road Maintenance facility in Renton. The lot will be used for parking and storage of equipment to be surplused. The stormwater runoff is proposed to be treated through a biofiltration swale before entering an infiltration facility. The King County Roads Renton maintenance facility is located at 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast. The ,gravel lot is located at the Northwest corner of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) site and has been utilized for these activities since the mid' 1970's. The approved Master Plan document for this site states that drainage from the proposed area will be collected and treated. It is the County's intention to initiate compliance with the City's Aquifer Protection Ordinance. The County now has funds available, to pave and treat the stormwater runoff. from the lot. The County is ready to proceed with the work, however it needs to know what permits are required by the City of Renton. We have plans prepared for the City's review and will forward them to the City along with the appropriate permit applications. Please contact Utility Engineer JoAnn Kosai at 296-8199 or Special . Projects Coordinator Bernie Thompson at 29676524 to let the County know what permits will be 'required. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this request. Sincerely, ift/Ph:7-%Harold S. Taniguchi Interim Manager Roads and Engineering Division cc: Paul Forsander, Planner, City of Renton Bernie Thompson, Special Projects Coordinator Roderick Matsuno, Operations Manager Attn: Kathy Brown, Assistant Maintenance Operations Manager CR Haulman, Special .Operations Supervisor Jon Cassidy, Supervising Engineer JoAnn Kosai , Acting Utility Engineer 02, r '`k rCI' [ OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann,Administrator September 17, 1992 Bernie Thompson, Special Projects Coordinator King County Department of Public Works Division of Roads and Engineering King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue-Room 900 Seattle, Washington 98104-2339 RE: King County CORF, Phase 1 Water Issues Dear Bernie: I am writing you concerning the proposed storm drainage plans pursuant to King County's proposal for Phase I of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). The storm drainage plans are approved pending compliance with the below mentioned surface water design issues. Phase I of the CORF facility project should be treated separately from future phases. This is consistent with Surface Water Code, and means that mitigations for Phase I only need to address impacts created by Phase I. Phase I apparently includes adding about 15,000 square feet of building roof, and a modest paved parking area. If less than 5000 square feet of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic is being added to Phase I, then Phase I is exempt from water quality requirements (biofilters). If the post-development 100-year 3-day storm event peak rate runoff is less than 0.5 cfs higher than the pre-development peak rate runoff for the same storm event, then Phase I is exempt from peak rate runoff control requirements (detention). A storm drainage report ( TIR in King County parlance ) is required for Phase I. This needs to include such elements as temporary erosion control provisions, storm drain line sizing calculations, and a level 1 downstream analysis. This is likely to be a slim document for Phase 1. The most important element the TIR must address is adequate capacity being available in the downstream dry well(s). The TIR is required as part of the building permit application. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 277-6178. Sincerely, Lenora IBlauman Senior Planner 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 I 03g-88 Y'~'''.) PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON King County Diviision of Roads and Engineering SEP 1 4 1992 Department of Public Works King I' County Administration Bldg. d Q t D 500 Fourth Avenue-Room 900 V Seattle,WA 981042339 September 10, 1992 Ms. Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Planning, Building, Public Works 2001IMi11 Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) Dear Lenora: 1 I am writing to you to confirm my phone conversation with Greg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Director. Greg and I agreed to write to you to confirm our understanding. of what will be required of King County on Phase I of the CORF project. Basically, there areltwo water related concerns - water quality and water runoff. The Phase I plans we will be submitting to the city will have a net addition of less than 5000 square feet of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic. This is below the threshold established by the City and should not trigger any additional mitigation related to water quality. I have directed our architect to have the civil engineering subcontractor perform a level one downstream analysis and to calculate the peak runoff associated with additional flows caused by Phase I construction. This information will be submitted along with or application package and should address any Ineed for additional mitigation related to water runoff. Please let me know if this letter conforms with Greg's understanding of what is required of the County. If I can offer additional information, please call me at 296-6524. . Sincerely, 1i 1.44, Eg-5/ 47_,___Bernie Thompson Special Projects Coordinator I BT/bt Louis J. Haff, County Road Engineer ATTN: Karleen Sakumoto, Assistant Manager, Roads Division John Bodoia, Finance Officer PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON SEP 1 01992 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 9, 1992 TO: Lenora Blauman FROM Gregg Zimmerman (x-6211) &E SUBJECT: KING COUNTY CORE, PHASE 1, SURFACE WATER ISSUES II Pursuant to your inquiry, I investigated surface water design issues relating to the above referenced project.- In the process of this investigation, I perused the Plan Review project file looking for any prior commitments, and I also talked to Bernie Thompson of King County (296- 6542),land to Randall Parsons. My findings/recommendations are as follow: o We agreed to treat Phase 1 of the CORF facility project separately from future phases. IThis is consistent with Surface Water Code, and means that mitigations for Phase 1 only need to address impacts created by Phase 1. Phase 1 apparently includes adding about 15,000 square feet of building roof, and a modest paved parking area. o If less than 5000 square feet of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic is being added to Phase 1, then Phase 1 is exempt from water quality requirements (biofilters). o If the post-development 100-year 3-day storm event peak rate runoff is less than 0.5 cfs higher than the pre-development peak rate runoff for the same storm event, then Phase 1 is exempt from peak rate runoff control requirements (detention). o A storm drainage report (TIR in King County parlance) is required for Phase 1. This needs to include such elements as temporary erosion control provisions, storm drain line sizing calculations, and a level 1 downstream analysis. This is likely to be a slim document for Phase 1. The most important element the TIR must address is adequate capacity being available in the downstream dry well(s). The TIR is required as part of the building permit application. I went o'ver these elements with Bernie Thompson, and he appeared to be satisfied. H:CORFGZ 3: CITY OF RENTON Y. HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman August 24, 1988 Karen J. Feyerherm BETTS PATTERSON & MINES 800 Financial Center 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161 Re: City of Renton, Public Works Department Expansion of Public Works Facilities Appeal of CU-038-88 Dear Ms. Feyerherm: We have your letter of August 15, 1988 appealing the above matter. You advised this office that you would be updating and expanding this appeal, but to date we have received no further information from your offie. The appeal for this matter is being scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 1988 at 9 : 00 A.M. in the courtroom located on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. This office is requesting your written submittal of the expanded appeal to which you previously referred, by no later than Wednesday, August 31, 1988 at 5: 00 P.M. Will you also provide copies of this new submittal to the appropriate City offices. If there are any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, FRED J. FMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK/dk cc: Lawerence Warren, City Attorney Members of the ERC Committee 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 Law Offices John R.Allison Bruce H.Hurst Russell M.Aoki Lucia E.McDonald BE,I:I,S Frederick V.Betts S.Thomas Magnuson Jonathan G.Basham Mark M.Miller John P.Braislin Kenneth S.McEwan Martin T.Collier Kim C.Pflueger PATTERS ON Tracy L.Brown Michael Mines Meredith A.Copeland Richard S.Ralston Paul D.Carey James D.Nelson Michael J.Cranston Karen M.Sutherland Charles W.Davis Dale Riveland Lucy E.Eggertsen Michael B.Tierney A Professional Service Corporation William P.Fite James P.Solimano Paul M.Feinsod Jack R.Wallace Francis S.Floyd Thomas A.Sterken Karen J.Feyerherm Margaret E.Wetherald 800 Financial Center Steven Goldstein Donald L.Thoreson Joel G.Green 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Jeffrey C.Grant Christopher W.Tompkins David L.Hennings Of Counsel Telecopier: (206)343-7053 Carl H.Hagens Livingston Wernecke Martinus L.Johnson,Jr. John C.Patterson 206) 292-9988 Ingrid W.Hansen Richard S.Lowell August 15, 1988 P.:1(.7. EGON/ED Mr. Fred Kaufman 3•S9 P14 Renton Hearing Examiner BUG 16 1988 ' 6th Floor, 200. Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 r RENTi ° RE: City of Renton -- Public Works HE R1' Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88 CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Kaufman: As you know, we represent Thomas McMahon, the owner of the property directly to the southwest of the property which is the subject of the above-referenced proposal. In accordance with your instructions given during the hearing on the proposed rezone of the subject property on August 9, 1988 and with the Hearing Examiner Ordinance §4-3011, we wish to protect our client' s interests by amending our appeal of the mitigated Determination of Non-Significance DNS) . The original appeal of the mitigated DNS is set forth in our letter to you dated August 1 , 1988 . The grounds for this appeal include; without limitation, the lack of notice to our client of the mitigated DNS and the Environmental Review Committee' s determination that the proposal will not have significant adverse environmental impacts . An Environmental Impact Statement should be required to adequately discuss the adverse effects on traffic and transportation, storm water, drainage and recharge. Please find enclosed our check in the amount of $75 . 00 to cover the costs of filing this appeal. Ve y truly yours, Karen . Feyerherm KJF:klm cc: Mr. Thomas J. McMahon Law Offices John R.Allison Bruce H.Hurst Russell M.Aoki Lucia E.McDonald BETTyJ Frederick V.Betts S.Thomas Magnuson Jonathan G.Basham Martin T. Collier Mark M.Miller John P.Braislin Kenneth S.McEwan Kim C. Pflueger Pe 1 I'I,RCO T Tracy L.Brown Michael Mines Meredith A.Copeland Richard S.Ralston O+r 1Y111 V l J 1 V Paul D.Carey James D.Nelson Michael J. Cranston Karen M.Sutherland Charles W.Davis Dale Riveland Lucy E. Eggertsen Michael B.Tierney William P.Fite James P. Solimano Paul M.Feinsod Jack R.WallaceAProfessionalServiceCorporation 800 Financial Center Francis S.Floyd Thomas A.Sterken Karen J.Feyerherm Margaret E.Wetherald 1215 Fourth Avenue Steven Goldstein Donald L.Thoreson Joel G.Green Seattle,Washington 98161-1090 Jeffrey C.Grant Christopher W.Tompkins David L.Hennings Of Counsel Telecopier:(206)343-7053 Carl H.Hagens Livingston Wernecke Martins L.Johnson,Jr. John C.Patterson 206) 292-9988 Ingrid W.Hansen Richard S.Lowell August 15 , 1988 firr EcEN Mr. Fred Kaufman Renton HearingExaminer 3 Pit. 6th Floor, 200. Mill Avenue South AUG 198$ Renton, WA 98055 RENTO 1 RE: City of Renton -- Public Works ca HE ROG Expansion of Public Works Facilities ECF-038-88 • CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Kaufman: As you know, we represent Thomas McMahon, the owner of the property directly to the southwest of the property which is the subject of the above-referenced proposal. In accordance with your instructions given during the hearing on the proposed rezone of the subject property on August 9 , 1988 and with the Hearing Examiner Ordinance §4-3011, we wish to protect our client' s interests by amending our appeal of the mitigated Determination of Non-Significance DNS) . The original appeal of the mitigated DNS is set forth in our letter to you dated August 1 , 1988 . The grounds for this appeal include, without limitation, the lack of notice to our client of the mitigated DNS and the Environmental Review Committee ' s determination that the proposal will not have significant adverse environmental impacts . An Environmental Impact Statement should be required to adequately discuss the adverse effects on traffic and transportation, storm water, drainage and recharge. Please find enclosed our check in the amount of $75 . 00 to cover the costs of filing this appeal. Ve y truly yours, Karen . Feyerherm KJF:klm cc: Mr. Thomas J. McMahon CITY OF RENTON No 28256 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHI_NGTON 98055 d f (P . 19 F)a RECEIVED OF ' n.C -0 Vp_i_ai 6 - Received by 10ji _ L,,3 TOTAL 2 5- — I i_. c o3 p r PLANNING DIVISION0 King County CITY OF RENTON Department of Public Works S RptOotgY .xfxRciikx c nt• JAN 2 6 1989 0900KingCountyAdministrationBldg. S500ea Fourth Avenue I 4 2 8Seattle,Washington 98104 p L[ 206) 296-6500 Jahuary 25, 1989 k V \". 1 lh .1 ftDonaldErickson, AICP -p SsAdministrator.. .. '. City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue. South Renton, WA 98055 Y— Attn: Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor RE: E.I.S. for King .County Public Works Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for meeting with us on 'December 15, 1988, regarding the referenced E.I.S. Pursuant to our discussion of .Sepa Rules and WAC 197-11-926, "Lead Agency for Governmental Proposals," it was mutually agreed that the King County Department 'of Public Works would be the lead agency. This would entail preparation of a "Request for Qualifi:cations," (RFQ) for consulting services. The City of Renton is invited to. participate in the selection process. The new project scope for 'Nora combines Phase I and II together for construction. Phase III would be included in the E.I.S. , only as future development. The King County Department,.of Public Works will coordinate the scope of work for the E.I.S. with the City of Renton. During development of the E.I.S. coordination windows will `'be incorporated into the schedule for comments by your agency. Prior to issuance of the draft E.I.S. 'a meeting with the legal representa- tivies for both agencies will be held to comment on the draft E.I.S. For your information we have been meeting with •Bob Minnott of Centron and CH2M Hill . 1 I Donald Erickson January 25, 1989 Page Two Should you have any questions, please contact me at 296-6504. Sincerel , 0, 1* J. Saltarelli , Facilities Administrator OJS:pm WP (DO)L127 cc: Paul Tanaka, Director Ann Kawasaki , Deputy Director Larry Springer, Director of Planning, City of Renton Paul Forsander, Director of Planning, Arai/Jackson Louis J. Haff, P.E. , County Road Engineer Cynthia Walker, Budget Analyst tow CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman October 3, 1988 Karen Feyerherm Attorney At Law Betts, Patterson and Mines 1215 4th Avenue 800 Financial Center Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 Kevin Raymond Attorney At Law Room E-550 King County Public Work Department 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: City of Renton/King County Public Works Departments File No. CU-038-88 and Appeal #AAD-081-88 Dear Ms. Feyerherm/Mr. Raymond: The Examiner' s Report regarding the referenced application which was published September 16, 1988 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered finall and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, FRED J. FMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK:dk cc: le6ty Clerk Building Division Planning Division 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 ti)Y September 16, 1988 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION R, APPLICANT: CITY OF RENTON AND„KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS File No.: CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 LOCATION: South of NE 3d Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Permit to expand existing office space and staff services; construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space, with construction of a new materials testing laboratory. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Division Recommendation: Approval, with conditions. PLANNING DIVISION REPORT: The Planning Division Report was received by the Examiner on August 30, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Division Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES the hearing was opened on September 6, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow File containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit #2 - Appeal File #AAD-081-88. Exhibit #3 - Master Plan for entire site. Exhibit #4 - Two sub-element drawings Exhibit #5 - Plan showing site in relation to current City shops. Exhibit #6 - Element drawings showing Building B and it's landscaping. The Heairing Examiner noted for the record this hearing was a combination of a request for a Conditional Use Permit and an Appeal by the McMahon Estate of the determination of the ERC Committee that an Environmental Impact Statement was not required for this proposal. The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator, who noted the following elements of the request. The site complies with the goals and intent of the Comprehensive Plan with mention of permitted public uses in a G-1 zone. There are extensive public utilities to the site with the exception of the southern portion of the site; the King County Transfer Station to the west of the site is not a part of this application; the Master Site Plan was achieved in 1986 but Erickson stated to his knowledge it is not an officially adopted document by the King County Council. The five elements of the plan were reviewed consisting of Building J (Crews Building), Building B (Traffic Building); Mini Storage Building; Materials and Testing Building and the Storage Warehouse Building. The Environmental Review Committee reviewed this proposal on July 18, 1988 and Mr. Erickson noted when this application was originally considered and responded to by various City Departments, it was City of Renton/King County t, CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 2 submitted with a rezone application. Staff comments received at that time did not make a distinction between the Conditional Use and Rezone requests; when reviewed by the ERC a Determination of Non-Significance was issued, mitigated, with an extensive list of conditions. It is felt the proposal is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance; there is a community need; the ERC has heavily conditioned this proposal to ensure protection of the City's'aquifer. Mr. Erickson continued stating this is Phase I of the Master Plan which, is a reflection of King County's current needs; it is not felt there will be adverse effects on adjacent property noting the future phases could add additional traffic and other concerns to the surrounding areas, namely 3rd and Sunset, with the addition of housing and traffic in the area. There will be 120 new parking spaces with an increase of 15 new staff members and approximately 75=100 traffic trips per day generated from the site. The circulation plan for the complete site was reviewed; there should be no noise, light or glare problems; hours of traffic do not seem to be an issue for this proposal; landscaping will be provided. Staff feels drainage for the site should be improved to the capacity of a 100 year storm due to the activities on the site; the septic system on the site will tie into sanitary sewer lines noting the King County Transfer Station restrooms are totally on a septic system at this time. It was clarified that all of the buildings involved in the application being considered'today will be on a sanitary sewer system. In closing Mr. Erickson reviewed the ERC conditions imposed on this request and reviewed the revised five (5) conditions recommended by•staff which included compliance to the ERC conditions; participation in improvements to utilities, roadways and public services at the time of future development; submittal of a plan for biofiltering swale and storm water run-off prior to its entry into the dry well system; traffic studies to be made prior to future development of the site; and participation in a future traffic benefit improvement district, including fees for the current proposal. Representing the applicant with his testimony was Kevin Raymond, Attorney, King County Department of Public Works,.Room E550, King County Courthouse, 500 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98104. Mr. Raymond noted his support for the reports presented to the Hearing Examiner by staff and indicated it is King County's position that the DNS determination made by the ERC was appropriate under SEPA and that a Conditional Use Permit should be issued with no Environmental Impact Statement being required. He said detailed plans and specifications have been prepared and are available to the Examiner; indicated the Master Plan refers to Phase I but also shows the three projects that make up the other two Phases, but the three phases are independent projects and only Phase I should be considered today. The other twophases have not received fundingand/or approval from King County and may or may not occur in the future., He stated King County is only interested in proceeding at this time with Phase I and have not indicted their intent to go forward with the other two phases. Further testimony for the applicant was presented by O. J. Saltarelli, Facilities Administrator, Room 900, King County Building, 500 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98104 who addressed the parking issue stating a parking lot was included under Phase II because the existing parking lot was displaced because of the Materials Lab construction site; there should be no sound emanating from the Materials Lab; and commented on the Master Plan concept for the County. He said the process identified immediate needs, near needs and future needs; at this time they are only funded for Phase I, immediate needs. Mr. Saltarelli stated it is felt there will be no impacts to persons or surrounding properties from this Phase I project; the current facility was built in 1977; stated he does not feel King County has received preferential treatment in their request (as claimed in the Brief filed as part of the Appeal); and closed stating King County would like to proceed with Phase I, adequate funding is in place, and they will comply with the conditions set out by the City. There was no one to speak in opposition to the Conditional Use request, assuming the SEPA determination was correct. There was no one wishing to oppose the proposal on that basis. Dealing with the Appeal alleging the SEPA determination of Non-Significance was inappropriate, and feeling a Environmental Impact Statement should be required, speaking on behalf of the Appellant was Karen Feverherm, Attorney. Ms. Feyerherm represents Thomas McMahon, Executor of the Estate of Edward McMahon. The Estate owns approximately 120 acres of property adjacent to this site. She testified it was felt Mr. McMahon had an obligation to the beneficiaries of the Estate to sell the property and make distribution which he has been trying to do for several years. The McMahon property was denied a rezone and entered into an agreement with Centron Corporation. Centron received an option to purchase the property in exchange for contracting for the preparation of an environmental study and preparation of an EIS. Since 1986 Centron has paid almost $150,000. for off- site environmental studies and the EIS has not been prepared yet; CH2M Hill is preparing a traffic report and benefit study; and monies have been paid for a road, design and ground water study, all being prepared at the City's request. Additional studies and information requested by the City has assisted in the delay of the completion of the studies and the appellant feels these further requirements and costs are now threatening future development and may cause the appellant to divide the property and sell in parcels to pay the estate taxes due. She said it is not wished to prevent the City from developing the property shown on the Master Plan, but requested her client receive fair and equal treatment. The expense of the studies undertaken by her client has not been contributed to by the City or King County; her client feels the disparity of treatment between the two sides is not fair and City of Renton/King County .,' T W ._, . CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 r September 16, 1988 Page 3 equitable, treatment, and at this point she read from city staff comments, namely the Policy Development Department regarding the SEPA application and studies for future impacts, traffic impacts, mitigation fees and drainage. She said five of the 7 city departments that commented on the proposed Conditional Use did not approve the application. She clarified her feeling that comments by staff relating to the rezone request (which was subsequently withdrawn)eand;?comments for the Conditional Use request, are not the same. Ms. Feyererm advised the concerns expressed by staff relating to water retention, traffic and drainage have been included in a report being prepared by Centron, but this information was not completed and before the ERC for their review when the ERC issued its determination of non-si nificance therefore prompting thisap eal of that determination. She concluded noting her concern over learning this date that parking areas are to be paved for 120 vehicles and believed there should be time to consider the impacts of this paving as opposed to the use of graveli as was previously understood. She requested fair and impartial treatment for her client and requested the ERC review future development of the site and include all studies requested by the City. She requested that King County be made to pay its fair share of the costs. Responding for the City of Renton was Attd'rnOt`tawrence Warren. He stated it was his feeling that this appeal may be a process used by the McMahon Estate as a bargaining tool with King County due to the amount of money expended on this site by the Estate, and said the City will take the referred to amounts into consideration at some other point in time during development and credit the Estate with that amount. He acknowledged the traffic congestion in the NE 3rd and 4th Street corridors and the need for another road to Maple Valley Highway to provide for cross-traffic, with the McMahon property being the largest in the area and unfortunately at this time being required to carry the largest portion of the financial burden. Mr. Warren read from WAC 197.11.055 (2) regarding timing of proposals - and WAC 197.11.060 (3) (b) defining proposals. He wanted to clarify his belief that even though governmental agencies set out proposals for future improvements it is not until the documents have been funded and approved that they can be considered as a part of a larger proposal. The other phases shown on the Master Plan for King County, which happens to include Phase I which is the t current proposal, are not to be considered as a part of this hearing as they have not been funded or adopted by King County. He said if there is a County document that puts these projects on the "near future" complete list for funding in the 1989 budget then the projects should be considered as part of f, an inter-dependent proposal, but he does not believe this is the case. Mr. Warren stated his objection ti. to the statement that the City should pay its fair share and stated the statement by Attorney Feyerherm that the City was to acquire 5 acres of adjoining property as a reward for rezoning and approving the conditional use is totally unsupported in any record. The Hearing Examiner advised he is trying to determine only if further SEPA review is desired for this site and other possible future phases, and not deal with other areas that seem to be inner-twined into this matter. Attorney Warren said the difficult cases to separate are those involving zoning, and if there is a clear project being proposed then there is a proposal to be considered, and a full environmental review should be done. The ERC review can be phased v'ith the courts saying in the initial environmental review the mitigated DNS should do the review for that particular phase and highlight what will be done later. A non-project rezone should begin the EIS process by discussing alternatives and pinpointing that further review will be necessary when the specifics of the project come in on such things as traffic and other site-specific matters, with the first environmental review being considered a scoping document for non-project action. He stated the ERC felt with this particular phase containing only 120 traffic trips, it was not a significant impact by itself and did not prove to require a DNS. He is not convinced the Master Plan shown is anything more than a type of 'wish list' for King County, and not having been officially adopted by the County should be segregated with only the first phase as presented today to be considered independently of the other two phases. He feels the ERC acted correctly. Attorney Karen Feverherm spoke briefly reviewing some of the points by Attorney Warren, noting her disagreement with the statement that King County did not have specific plans for the entire site. This was brought forth by way of the rezone application previously submitted, and subsequently withdrawn, which set out the plans for the entire site. She feels the withdrawal of the rezone application was an attempt to circumvent SEPA procedures. She feels the complete SEPA and impact statement should be required now for the complete site. She feels King County should be required to go through the process to the point where a review of the reports that are being prepared by CH2M Hill and Centron are included so the ERC has all of the sufficient information before them; the mitigating measures, if necessary, can be established, and then a determination can be made as to a more fair and equitable monetary contribution to the studies. What is important at this time is that all information be available before al determination is made as to whether or not an EIS is necessary. Responding again was Mr. Saltarelli who tried to clarify the intent of the master plan and its meaning for the King County Council as a part of their budget process. They must identify now, near and future needs in order to obtain funding. The Council has approved and funded Phase I, but phase 2 or 3 has not and may not be funded. He again stressed that King County will strive to cooperate with adjacent property owners but may not be as cooperative as they have been in the past if they are faced with abandonment of the project and financial loss. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 4 Closing comments were received by Mr. Erickson, Zoning Administrator who clarified there was no attempt to elude a review by the Examiner for this proposal, when in fact the proposal would still be subject to site plan review. He referred to WAC 197.11.0554;'referred to the extensive list of ERC mitigation measures; said he feels attention was given to future development on this site. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding tFIis project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The heaMngclosed at 10:35 A.M. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION:. Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1.The matter under review concerns two separate but related requests. The applicant or applicants, King County and the City of'Renton filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish and expand, a variety of uses on portions of a 36 acre site in the City of Renton. In processing the conditional use application the City subjected the application to is ordinary SEPA review process. The City, in the course of and as a result of its SEPA review, issued a Declaration or Determination of Non-Significance for the project. The Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) was conditioned by the City in what is known as a mitigation process, and became a DNS-M, the "M" alerting readers to the fact that mitigating measures were attached to the project. 2.The appellant, Thomas McMahon representing the Anna McMahon Estate, a neighboring property owner, filed a timely appeal of the DNS-M alleging that the review ignored major impacts of the proposal and related proposals. The appellant has development plans for its abutting property and is in the process of preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the development of the adjoining acreage. The proposal, while not firm, is for some form of residential development exceeding 120 acres. The appellant had initially applied for a rezone of this adjoining acreage after the issuance of a DNS-M on its proposed rezone. That request for reclassification was denied by the City for insufficient factual analysis of the impacts of such development. As a result of that denial the appellant, through a development firm, has begun the preparation of the above mentioned,1 IS. 3.The subject site is a 36 acre parcel of property located on slopes and a plateau above and generally north of the Maple Valley Highway, east of I-405, south of the N.E. 3rd/4th Street corridor and lying both east and west of Monroe N.E., if it were extended in a southerly direction. 4.The parcel is listed as being owned by the City of Renton on the staff report, but it appears that it is jointly owned, or quite possibly completely owned by King County. The application is listed in a joint naming of both the City and the County. The actual proposal though, the conditional use application, is confined to projects entirely under King County's jurisdiction. 5.The conditional use application is for the following: a.An addition of approximately 7,800 square feet to an existing 7,860 square foot building Building J). b.An addition of approximately 300 feet 'for women's facilities to Building B. c.The construction of a 1,200 square foot storage building. d.Conversion of Building H back to storage use, from office use. e.The construction of an approximately 8,000 square foot Materials Testing Laboratory. f.The construction of a 120 stall parking lot. 6.The site contains existing King County facilities including the King County Solid Waste Transfer Station, shops facilities, storage buildings, parking lots and maintenance sheds. A large portion of the site is vacant. 7.Steep slopes bound the site on the south. 8.The appellant's property bounds the site on the east and south. Shop sites owned by the City of Renton are located east of the site. The King County District Court is also located east of the site. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 5 9.ACcess to the site is via Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 2nd Street. 10. The subject site is located within Zone 2 of the City of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area APA) which permits the city to limit or prohibit certain types of development or uses which could jeopardize the underlying aquifer rechargb area. 11. The site is currently zoned G-1 (General; Single Family; Lot.s.ze,,,- 35,000 sq ft). Public uses such as that proposed are permitted in. G-1 zones, but only after review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit application. Normal development in a G-1 district is single family homes on lots at least 35,000 square feet in area. Most single family zoning in Renton is confined to R-1 (Single Family; Lot size - 7,200 sq ft) zones, with G-1 zoning reserved for newly annexed property and the limited rural uses still maintained in some areas of the city. 12. In] addition to the current applications,;the applicant had originally submitted at the same time, May 9, 1988, a request to rezone or edlaify the zoning on the subject site. The applicant proposed reclassifying the subject site to P-1 (Public/QuasiPublic). Renton issued a DNS for I the rezone request. P-1 zoning would not require a conditional use permit for development such as that proposed under the current application. The applicant did not seem to be aware that a similar process referred to as Site Plan approval would be required for all development in a P-1 zone. 13. The same appellant, the McMahon Estate, filed an appeal of the DNS issued for the rezone request. King County thereupon withdrew the application to rezone the subject site which had the effect of making the matter moot. The appeal filed for the rezone was dismissed. 14. - The appellant alleges that the City failed to correctly assess the full implications of the King County/City of Renton proposal for the subject site, and that the ERC has instead relied to some extent on: a.the still incomplete environmental analyses being prepared for the appellant's adjoining properties and; b.the assertion byapplicantthat onlthe y,t)ie scope of work for the instant conditional use permit should be considered in the environmental analysis. 15. Tle appellant suggests and urges that the City should have based it determination on a Master Plan prepared for King County by Arai/Jackson Architects. This Master Plan is for the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). The Master Plan and Executive Summary for the CORF proposal were used as justification for both the rezone and conditional use permits and submitted as part of the Environmental Checklist prepared for those projects. 16. The Master Plan apparently is a required Budgetary Procedure of King County to permit analysis of the existing needs, the near term needs and future needs when requesting funding for capital improvement projects. The Master Plan, therefore, in addition to the identification of the scope of work requested as part of the current conditional use permit, also indicated potential expansion plans for additional storage, shop space, and up to 170,000 square feet of office space, as well as a parking lot containing up to 675 employee parking spaces. 17. Tile plan also envisioned expansion of City of Renton shops east of the site and the construction of a major arterial link between the site and the Maple Valley Highway. The major expenditure of funds for this arterial link, estimated to cost approximately two million dollars, was envisioned to be provided by the developer of the appellant's adjoining acreage. 18. The environmental checklist filed with the rezone answered Question 7, regarding future plans or additions, expansions or related activity as follows: Fire training site and open storage for Renton Public Works; King County Public Works is proposing yard improvements, new material testing labs and expanded lockers/showers for women employees, and warehouse remodel." 19. Atiswering Question 11 of the checklist, the question asking for a complete description, the applicant responded as follows: The City owns 13 acres at present which is developed as our City Shop Facility. An additional 5 acres is being purchased. It is to be used to extend the Public Works Shop Facility and provide space for a Fire Training site. These are all Public uses. .... The proposed rezone includes City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 6 all parcels in Public. Ownership: King Co. PW (Public Works) Shops; Solid Waste Transfer Station; King Co Dist. Ct.; King Co. Parks; King Co. Health Dept.; and City Shops site. The rezone includes the vacant King Co. properties to the South." 20. In responding to Question 4 of Part D, the Supplemental Sheet for non-project actions, regarding affects on environmentally sensitive areas, the applicant answered: No development is proposed at this time for the steep'sldpes areas except for the construction of a'future Monroe Ave. N.E. roadway extension to Maple Valley." 21. The box labeled "Proposed Use" on The Master Application filed for the subject conditional use project describes the use as follows: Public Works Maintenance Shb s & Fire Dept. Training, for King Co. & City of Renton/District CCourt Transfer Station and Health Department." The box for "AREA" indicates the proposal covers 36 acres. 22. The Executive Summary prepared by Arai/Jackson contains the following statement on Page 1: Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements. The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional use reviews from the City of Renton." 23. The purpose of the study was listed as:. Identify existing and future space and facility requirements to support the Department of Public Works' mission. Identify site opportunities to satisfy space/facility needs and prepare a master site development plan showing: location of potential future structures'k location of parking circulation and access improvements" 24. The section of the Executive Summary labeled "study issues" stated the following: 1. Zoning. The City of Renton has jurisdiction for SEPA, land use and building permit approval. Under the present G-1 zoning classification each capital development project must apply for a conditional use permit, typically a 4 to 6 month process. The objective of the study was to develop a Master Plan that could be used to obtain a zone change for the entire site from G-1 (General) to P-1 (Public) classification. The P-1 classification would remove the conditional use requirements and greatly simplify the approval of individual projects, since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." (Emphasis supplied.) 25. It continues: The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portion of the site from the Department for its own Public Works Shops." 26. Rather than exhaustively quote from the Summary, in brief, it identifies areas on the site which could support approximately 170,000 square feet of office space, room for the expansion of the Roads Maintenance functions through the year 2000, suggests expansion of other facilities, notes locations for parking for 675 vehicles and even ventures to suggest that if the site is unsuitable for County development it could be leased or sold for private development. It clearly identifies the extension of a roadway connecting the site to Maple Valley as desirable, with the proviso that such extension could bisect the site, although the current plans could preclude such an option. 27. Regarding this possible Monroe Avenue extension, the summary identifies its principle contributor/builder as the appellant or the developer of the appellant's property, with King City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 7 County providing some right-of-way, although it also suggests that since Renton is desirous of building this link there might be a possible offset from Renton for King County's costs. 28. The Executive summary further identifies the congestion and confusion created by mixing public, employee, and maintenance vehicle access to the site. The confusion is apparently related to the mix of court, office/work site and maintenance facilities on the one campus. 29. Staff comments prepared for the conditional use permit phase of the project request additional information in general and suggests that the proposal should `at-15e approved without additional information in such areas as groundwater protection, storm water systems, traffic analysis, and particularly the impact of the proposed connection through or around the site to the Maple Valley Highway. Although admittedly, there are such overlapping similarities to the comments prepared for the rezone as to lead one to wonder if the comments clearly distinguished the proposals, the circulation sheets and titles of the comment sheet identify the conditional use as the object of the comments from city,staff. 30. According to staff this proposal amounts to approximately 17,000 square feet of additional development spread over the various expansions to existing buildings and outright new buildings. 31. The applicant argues that any plans identified by the Master Plan prepared for the site are merely speculative and have not been either approved or funded by the King County Council, but were necessitated by budget practices. CONCLUSIONS 1.The decision of the governmental agency acting as the responsible official is entitled to substantial weight. Therefore, the determination of the Environmental Review Committee ERC), the city's responsible official, is entitled to be maintained unless the appellant clearly demonstrates that the determination was in error. 2.The Determination of Non-Significance in this case is entitled to substantial weight and will not 1 l e reversed or modified unless it can be found that the decision is "clearly erroneous." (Hayden V. Port Townsend, 93 Wn 2nd 870, 880; 1980). The court in citing Norway Hill Preservation and Protection Association v. King County Council, 87 Wn 2d 267, 274; 1976, stated: "A finding is 'clearly erroneous' when although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed." Therefore, the determination of the ERC will not be modified or reversed if it can meet the above test. For reasons enumerated below, the decision of the ERC is reversed. 3.The clearly erroneous test has generally been applied when an action results in a DNS since the test is less demanding on the appellant. The reason is that SEPA requires a thorough examination of the environmental consequences of an action. The courts have, therefore, made it easier to reverse a DNS. A second test, the "arbitrary and capricious" test is generally applied when a determination of significance (DS) is issued. In this second test an appellant would have to show that the decision clearly flies in the face of reason since a DS is more protective of the environment since it results in the preparation of a full disclosure document, an Environmental Impact Statement. 4.An action is determined to have a significant adverse impact on the quality of the environment if more than a moderate impact on the quality of the environment is a reasonable probability. INorway, at 278). Since the Court spoke in Norway, WAC 197-11-794 has been adopted, it defines "significant" as follows: Significant. (1) "Significant" as used in SEPA means a reasonable likelihood of more than a moderate adverse impact on environmental quality. 2) Significance involves context and intensity ...Intensity depends on the magnitude and duration of an impact.... The severity of the impact should be weighed along with the likelihood of its occurrence. An impact may be significant if its chance of occurrence is not great, but the resulting environmental impact would be severe'if it occurred. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 8 5.Also redefined since the Norway decision was the term "probable." Probable. "Probable" means likely or reasonably'-likely to occur, ... Probable is used to distinguish likely impacts from those that merely have a possibility of occurring, but are remote or speculative.,s(WAC 197-11- 782). j 6.Impacts also include reasonably related and foreseeable direct and indirect impacts including short-term and long-term effects. (WAC 197-11-060 4 c ii .g- impacts include those effects resulting from growth caused by' proposal, as well as the likelihood that the present proposal will serve as precedent for future actions. (WAC 197-11-060(4)(d)). 7.The proposed locations of buildings on the site will most certainly affect any decision on the alignment or potential alignment of any extension of Monroe to the Maple Valley Highway. The expansion of shops, maintenance sheds and storage buildings could have an impact on the quality and the desirability of reside1itial ruses constructed near the site. 8.What type of materials should appropriately be stored, transferred and handled on a site that sits in Zone 2 of the city's aquifer protection area was.not explored? Mitigation measures could preclude an entire range of chemical agents, negating the effectiveness of this site for some or many of King County's purposes. Shouldn't these issues be explored before committing the site to the proposed uses? 9.The.appellant is correct in arguing that the applicant's statements that this proposal is of limited scope are disingenuous. The checklist prepared for the proposal, the master application for the proposal, and the documents submitted to support the proposal, (especially the Executive Summary of the Master Plan), all demonstrate the extent of the proposal. It includes in various analyses further expansions, reliance on a possible connection to the Maple Valley Highway, possibly office buildings and parking for 675 vehicles, expansion of city shop buildings and a possible fire training site. The Court in Juanita Bay Valley Community Association v. The City of Kirkland, 9 Wn. App. 59, 72, 510 P.2d 1140, rev. denied, 83 Wn.2d 1002 (1973) expounded on the requirement for early review and particularly singled out the area of phased, or a series of related projects: O]ne of the purposes of .... SEPA, is to avoid the adverse impact upon the environment which takes place when various phases of a project, or a series of projects, are authorized by governmental agencies, in a piecemeal fashion without regard to the cumulative impact of the total development.... Appellant correctly suggests that the environmental impact of the total project, rather than that of the grading project alone, must be weighed in order to meet the requirements of SEPA. We therefore conclude SEPA requires that an environmental impact statement be prepared prior to the first governmental authorization of any part of a project or series of projects which, when considered cumulatively, constitute a major action significantly affecting the quality of the environment...' RCW 43.21C.030(c). 9 Wn. App. at 72-72." The court has repeatedly rejected arguments that merely modest steps of a longer or larger project do not require full environmental assessment. 10. It is also clear that the rezone application was intended to trigger more extensive environmental analysis than the issuance of a DNS, even a mitigated DNS. The section of the Executive Summary labeled Study Issues closed with the following observation: "since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." (Emphasis supplied.) While the applicant attempted to preclude this more thorough review by withdrawing the rezone application, it's quite apparent that the conditional use is also part and parcel of a larger overall proposal, and merely eliminating consideration of the rezone did not eliminate the need to determine the full range of environmental impacts which would occur. Also, exploration of what limitations on future action may be imposed by moving ahead with what the applicant terms a limited implementation of a small conditional use permit is necessary. 11. While in this case the ERC did not simply issue a DNS, and imposed a series of conditions in an attempt to mitigate the proposal and issued what is called a Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, the imposition of conditions does not help to disclose information about the site, potential impacts of the proposal and possible alternatives. The withdrawal of the rezone, the staff's negative evaluation of the information available for the proposal, and the range of questions regarding storm water, aquifer protection, traffic projections and roadway City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 Y September 16, 1988 Page 9 construction cannot be permitted to displace full environmental disclosure. Staff actually concluded that they would rely on a traffic assessment being conducted for the appellant's EIS, a study which is still incomplete. How then can it be relied upon for the instant environmental assessment? M r,. 12. Permitting such a practice would exalt form over substance. A review of the various documents filed with this and the earlier companion rezone application reveals that the immediate proposal is a small view of a larger display. The applicant owns or controls approximately 36 acres of property. The campus includes, or is proposed to include, both county facilities and cityfacilities. It includes private/authorized personnel-type facilities - the shops buildings, material testing labs, etc - and open to the public facilities - the court and the transfer station. These are just the mix of uses which the Master Plan suggests create confusion and potential safetyissues - the mixing of various vehicular generators with limited access potential. 13. This office will not permit the applicant to divorce the language found in the rezone documents from those found in the conditional ‘11s9„'application. Even if the divorce were permitted, the conditional use permit documentation, including the applicant's own map, Exhibit 3, shows the clear implications of a proposed expansion of the campus, the connecting link, etc. Simply because some of the items are suggested as future plans should not negate the fact that they offer a range of possibilities and a concomitant limitation by chosing a certain course of action without review. 14. The appellant can be forgiven for suggesting a possible quid pro quo for the issuance of a DNS. The application is most confusing in identifying who owns what and who is the applicant. This confused ownership situation also makes it easier to decide that the permit is more than simply a request for a conditional use permit. The proposal appears to be more complex than the aipplicant urges since there is the ambiguous joining or actual substitution of the City of Renton in what is argued is a minor action by King County. The record reveals that along with the specific aspects of this conditional use, there is a fire training facility also included in the Proposed uses (See Master Application). Then to make matters worse the Executive Summary unfortunately states: "The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portion tiI of the site from the Department for its own Public Works Shops." This may merely indicate 0z that the purchase price took into consideration'the permit fees ordinarily required for processing, but it does look odd. 15. And again, while the applicant has attempted to limit the scope of SEPA review to the conditional use permit, SEPA does not permit arbitrarily segmenting proposals to avoid the full disclosure otherwise required under SEPA. The applicant filed jointly the rezone and the conditional use requests. Both Master Applications were filed on May 9, 1988. It also appears that an EIS was anticipated. At Page 9 of the Executive Summary is found the following quote: This process will involve SEPA review and undoubtedly an EIS will be required with special emphasis on traffic impacts." (Emphasis supplied.) 16. SEPA requires review "at the earliest possible point in the planning and decision-making process" (WAC 197-11-055(2). This review should be performed prior to irrevocable Commitment of either resources or land. The proposal to construct three new buildings and expand one or two others, to construct a parking lot for 120 cars and to commit to a location which could preclude appropriate alignment for what is expected to be a four or five lane arterial seems an appropriate time for complete environmental review. What of substance can be accomplished after new buildings are constructed, others expanded, and a possible alignment of Monroe precluded? It is apparent that the SEPA determination required at this, the earliest time when a concrete proposal has been advanced, would be to require an EIS; the same anticipated EIS on Page 9 of the Master Plan and discussed in Conclusion 15, above. 17. To re-emphasize, the Executive Summary prepared by Arai/Jackson contains the following quite revealing statement on Page 1: Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements. The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional use reviews from the City of Renton." (Emphasis supplied.) City of Renton/King County . CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 r September 16, 1988 Page 10 18. It's clear that the initial focus was for a consolidated SEPA review since as the Executive Summary states on Page 2: "SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." It is also clear that when an appeal was filed on the.DNS issued for the rezone the opportunity for consolidated review was removed. The applicant-attempted to thwart a thorough review by withdrawing the rezone application, although,permitting the conditional use application to proceed. Such machinations cannot;be permitted to stiffle full environmental review. 19. Full review would allow the city to explore alternatives. Fulr eview would permit the county to explore alternatives. It's clear=that a variety of options for use of the site exist. What are they? Would the potential connection with Maple Valley Highway be precluded by early dedication of portions of the site to buildings? Would the best alignment of such a roadway be better served by placing buildings as now proposed or in an alternative configuration? Would the best use of the site be for private development? Would the best use, whatever it be, be adversely affected by imposing maintenance sheds and buildings upon the site? 20. There are a number of other issues concerning the use and development of this site, merely one of which is: Is the storage of Pesticides, herbicides and other hazardous materials appropriate for the site? The issue at this point should not resolve around mitigation measures or whether plans have been developed for the containment of hazardous materials and actions delineated for cleanup in the event of a spill. The question should rather be framed: Should they even be stored here on a site above the aquifer? Only a full disclosure document can answer this and the other questions posed by development of this site. 21. There are a range of issues only touched upon in the Master Plan and which deserve thorough review and analysis. The 36 acre site is no less deserving of a thoroughly thought out plan than the appellant's adjoining McMahon site. Certainly an application for actual construction carries with it more identifiable impacts than the mere rezone originally proposed by the appellant. The King County Master Plan is much more concrete than was the appellant's conceptual residential plan for the abutting McMahon site. The commitment of more than a million dollars, time, construction materials, etc. is certainly the kind of action which should trigger a thorough analysis, and is the type of action envisioned by SEPA which should trigger the publication of an environmental impact statement. 22. By attempting to eliminate the full disclosure mandated by SEPA, the applicant or applicants may be foreclosing reasonable and better alternatives for the site. They may be committing to a course of action which has not been fully explored. They have definitely attempted to short circuit the SEPA process. The record reveals that a consolidated process was originally intended. A thorough review at that stage would have, or was intended to allow expeditious or even minimal review in the future of other phases by fully exploring in a Master Plan the site's potential now. SEPA demands no less. 23. The reviewing body should not substitute its judgment for that of the original body with expertise in the matter, unless the reviewing body has the firm conviction that a mistake has been made. There is no doubt that the reviewing agency erred in its determination. The proposal is one step in a series of related steps - a step which will almost certainly irrevocably commit the site to further expansion of King County facilities on the site - and is a major action which will have more than a moderate impact on the quality of the environment. This proposal, coupled with the potential development, is a major action which will significantly affect the quality of the environment and could significantly affect the range of reasonable choices which themselves affect the quality of the environment. The appealing party must prevail on this appeal. A DNS, even a mitigated DNS, is inappropriate for such an action.. Full disclosure is required which mandates the preparation of an EIS. 24. The determination of the Environmental Review Committee is reversed. Pursuant to Section 4- 2823(B)4) the lead agency is directed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the subject proposal and reasonably identified, although not necessarily approved, related proposals found in the Master Plan. 25. Having reached the conclusion that an EIS is required, no purpose would be served in reviewing the proposed conditional use for the subject site. The evaluation performed by the EIS may demonstrate that the subject proposal needs modification. Therefore, the application for a conditional use permit is dismissed. City of Renton/King County .,,,M,<,., / CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 161, 1988 Page 11 DECISION The lead agency is directed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the subject proposal. rv,.!%?i.. ORDERED THIS 16th day of September, 1988. i ' ',e;` 1^ 1 ciu+.6......„.../ FRED J. KA MAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of September, 1988 to the parties of record: i' Kevin Raymond Attorney At Law . Room E-550 King County Public Works Department 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 O. J. Saltarelli Facilities Administrator i Room 900 - King County Building h, 500 Fourth Avenue t Seattle, Washington Karen Feyerherm Betts, Patterson & Mines 1215 - 4th Avenue A 800 Financial Centert_ti a Seattle, Washingt94 98161-1090 Lawrence Warren City Attorney City of Renton TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of September, 1988 to the following: Mayor Earl Clymer Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Mem ers, Renton Planning Commission Larry M. Springer, Planning ManagerGlen1:,Gordon, Fire Marshal Ronald Nelson, Building Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney John Adamson, Developmental Program Coordinator Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing o or before 5:00 P.M. September 30, 1988. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery, of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14),days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. Any appeal is governed by Title IV, Section 3011, which requires that such appeal be filed with the Superior Court of Washington for King County within twenty (20) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occir concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use iprocess include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. City of Renton/King County ,, x CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 12 All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court.A, The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hea,FIng but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. wnisT[I6.- Alk 1111, V 1 II— 1 (—.fc_ 1 z c o 1 i c lv/ N fg.• ZOO s 1 l II I II III J// 1 in ; A I I 1 / 1 G 11 S,, .Itc' 1 1 PRoPelcr( I , 1 •' 1 I 1 . 1 4 11l III \\r f t,," Ir. . I 1 \ r;.' piaL'`" I 1. ' `\j•.1 I k:,11 '1. 1 S L r t. Ii• j' a,,,,!,'-I ,. :r • 7.. t .. 7 8i U n;it's a ,..lir`••r `,' "#1 ;,\' , f::..;; I'l. I, p '• ' 1,..,‘ ,..1-:,',(,--4!.',;-....i.\-4,.. --._ .....rwm. '-,N •.••' 1 t. ..t'''3.6'4',,Zar;.1. " . ' KING COUNTY EXPANSION OF PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES 4 FILE NO. CU-038-88 Ki APPL I CANT CITY OF RENTON TOTAL AREA ± 36 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 2nd STREET EXISTING ZONING G-1, GENERAL-SINGLE FAMILY EXISTING USE KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES PROPOSED USE EXPANSION OF KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC & GREENBELT COMMENTS 1r O, ‘. -><-6> 0, ss / v/.. . KING COUNTY ® Zs, • Ar I \ \ .*(\, CONSOLIDATED OFR( 1- •,•'.- ' ss...: \-,......,;. sz.../...// I. ., 11/11 REPAIR FACILITY i i• II eti• n w 1/ • I SZN 7 .4°\ QX---.)‘ \ ' ) . it-%-..14,9 4. 7‘'. .-Vs•'' 1 itit: ./... 14. AP '... lib N. '0 S:t$::) 5)) . r,,,• - J.__ 1 1 0 i N. J I e 0.1• ado" 1 BUILDING ADDMON 4\ t> 7‘ 2/• • . .• n. s . iti.Alt453•441-e°fildi? 41111* \. 717-j-- 11. c- r----- r-"r------ --11- s. 1 . . 1 . -,v,..„4 • -.;-; 7. ': ... 4.,..,;-/ 4. SJG4L-&-BW11.111111C. r---- ••• f -•••,$... .- , ) r-- css, :•,,,4, •, z..)• i , 1, • . 44," 1 "s` '-... -• •• 1 : ; ii s. 0 .:.3.-, III. 3. 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Recreation00.....0...caoa. .::2:::::::: .....„•-..:.:• , wc,,,....0.• ::::•:-•:•:•:•: :-,,,-......,,, 111.;05, Heavy Industrialoc,c,•...„„• ....,:•:.:•:. -,• 7".....• c,,,,•oc,,,c,• , .•:•:-:•:•:• •b-01,-....,0.0c,..... ......- •••••• . ,,••••••:-.... ...i- 0........_0.0. 3..,:..F,.,......,..);:c.71:?..-„,,......,:-..,0 3 •:3•2,f,,,P ' .,•,....?... . ,.....„ ii* 2;•fi.:...,,c,:',. co 1 -- ":'-' GreenbeltE...*.,..•n Manufacturing ParkE.6 r.`'r Multiple OptionJ. 1 •i f Y r 1 KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS o i 7 CONSOLIDATED OFFICE a` Yo S}} REPAIR FACILITY jam` GtY Of Renton. 1 r Public Works`. p ,:\ r tV! i C 'mac',BUILDING KEY: r King County DI... COU[L ',, / Q ROADS ADMINI$TRATIC TRAFFIC 3 SIG+STORE ti.5' 1 C CORF OF lC"c Eclsplovee Parking k EXPANSION s3$Paces y ' \\ JOXT...„...` D SOILS LAB r3\ E CORF OFFICE County Parking r! EXPANSION(ALT.SITE) 30.Spaces) y' q_ a._f ` OF FUEL v FLEET SIONI Roads Division`` 7 - r / r / ` r Maintenance STORESi:4: Visitor S Employee` / ,' .`+ d- -!• ' _ ` $ Yard Entrance I EQUIPMENT -__ i, ..,,r Site Entrance • r, Mt loop Road' - EQUIPMENT$HEDr3 -\Roads Division y f'" r ram`• L EQUIPENT SHED Administradve j• '-` °r A^ Potential J Core rea M MINI STORAGE stoats y. ,ti f - • • City Of Renton N EQUIPMENT SHED i•'-- `' TAW r Public Works Sit O EQUIPMENT SHEDCCC".--. Y Mutt • Z J 3. • h151: V/// Pedestrian S pine Att s R MINI STORAGE r C • wIwr[hwrK' r: ?' r; GATE HOUSEN', r- i:. r•. 8 TRAILER 4, • 4 O U PUBLIC WORK$ o g 7"G rG`N " ui'OFFICE. BUILDING jr•vr7 \. : ' r*.k.' t r - V POTENTIAL ir/ 1>' ` ' G O O Y Landscape Buller. - is r,- OFFICE EXPANSION O 0`) • ,0 / t v ./':C i W POTENTIAL Future Maintenance - T -,•' _`•,• - , ' Pocendal Phase Ill C L- L OFFICE EXPANSION Expansion Area` V^, l R< r!•rr vt„!'Off Buildings •'.• _ X FUTURE PAINT Employee Parking 1 • Q it[ 11 JS,DOO:GSF i 1' t •` 1 I• t I O EXISTING BUILDINGllV s i i384$paces:) F rf• U Pocenoal Phase III• j %/ i y u, Emolo ee Parkin ! EmDloYee Parking c V 6i S SPaces!_ ,- I ;,' I 1 26i$paces' ' j C 7 , I _ l t Existing Paint Building - c cl.i, r'1 r Potential Phase III-8/ ff 111 ... i I , i y- t rod \`\ l,\ I --- \ ,1 .. 1 n>(.-+wJOfficeBuildings^`/•/ ( r i//r I u t—i KinKing/County i j/ j Iii i ii •i / //,\\` i 50,000 CSF------..."-----",/ a i 1 '` T/j!/i%Ezisring 8 y• lip f Solid Waste • r j S i__ J .. i j \ i I \transfer$coon f i Po[enual Phase III-A a';I v•- // i ram ARAI/IACK ONOfficeBuilding J I !I \` i Roads Division 2.a, n BS,000 GSF csurKr,.rc J ARatRECS i,PLANNERS rumtenance i Area 0t7Coreo° Greenbelt i7 Public Works l QO 1S. Li/ Potential Future MASTER Pit Storage o QI G+t 1 T may, Connection To \ a DEVELOPMENT 4 i Ti /%/ J /- Mapie Valley High o Q o SITE PLAN o. I/, i a O p 1 tea.: NOTE: BIIILDL'iG ADDITION LOCATIONS c`AND NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINTSSUBSEQUENT i a ARE CONCyPTUAL ONLY. S r+ii,: 0 0 I i`•n ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES WILL C-J J r I1: FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND i NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS_ 47 r =, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9 : 00 A.M. , September 6, 1988 , COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number Only and not necessarily the order in which they will beheard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion Of the Hearing Examiner. CITY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY - KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY This is a conditional use application submitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space;and 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory.Property is located south of N.E. 3rd St. , north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Ave. N.E. ECF- 038-88, CU-038-88 . CITY OF RENTON FOR KING COUNTY - KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY This is an appeal of a recommendation by the Environmental Review Committee to issue a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the Conditional Use application ubmitted to permit modification of the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) to include the following: 1) expansion of existing office space and staff services; 2) construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space; and 3) construction of a new materials testing laboratory. Property is located south of N.E.; 3rd Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. AAD-081-88. Law Offices John R.Allison Bruce H.Hurst Russell M.Aoki Lucia E.McDonald BEM Frederick V. Betts S.Thomas Magnuson Jonathan G.Basham Martin T. Collier Mark M.Miller 1 1 John P.Braislin Kenneth S.McEwan Kim C.Pflueger PATTERSON Tracy L. Brown Michael Mines Meredith A.Copeland Richard S.Ralston Paul D. Carey James D.Nelson Michael J. Cranston Karen M.Sutherland MINES& S Charles W.Davis Dale Riveland Lucy E.Eggertsen Michael B.Tierney A Professional Service Corporation William P.Fite James P. Solimano Paul M.Feinsod Jack R. Wallace 800 Financial Center Francis S.Floyd Thomas A.Sterken Karen J.Feyerherm Margaret E.Wetherald 1215 Fourth Avenue Steven Goldstein Donald L.Thoreson Joel G.Green Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 Jeffrey C.Grant Christopher W.Tompkins David L.Hennings Of Counsel Telecopier: (206)343-7053 Carl H.Hagen Livingston Wernecke Martinus L.Johnson,Jr. John C.Patterson 206) 292-9988 Ingrid W.Hansen Richard S.Lowell August 31 , 1988 Nib EC;IVED Mr. Fred Kaufman AUG 3HearingExaminer g$ City of Renton Sixth Floor CITY OF EN iTON 200 Mill Avenue S .HEARING EXAMINER Renton, WA 98055 RE: City of Renton, Public Works Department Expansion of Public Works Facilities Appeal of CU-038-88 Dear Mr. Kaufman: Please find enclosed the original of McMahon' s Hearing Brief in the above-referenced matter. Also enclosed are three (3) copies of the Brief for distribution to the appropriate City offices . Very ruly yours, at/t. ei 52/— .7-61y..../L Karen J eyerherm KJF:clk cc: Thomas McMahon l EPV(' 2 CITY OF RENTON 3 NEARING EXAMINER 4 5 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER 6 CITY OF RENTON 7 8 ! In the Matter of the Appeal of APPLICATION NO: CU-038-88 9 THOMAS McMAHON 10 From the Environmental Review McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF Committee's Determination of 11 Nonsignificance 12 13 I . INTRODUCTION 14 Thomas McMahon is the executor of the Estate of Anna G. 15 McMahon, deceased. The McMahon Estate owns . the property 16 located southwest of the property which is the subject of the 17 above-referenced conditional use application made by the City 18 1 of Renton ( "the City" ) on behalf of King County. 19 In accordance with Hearing Examiner Ordinance § 4-3011, 20 McMahon appeals the ..Environmenta.l Review Committee's ( "ERC's " ) 21 Determination of Nonsignificance ( "DNS " ) and respectfully 22 requests that an Environmental Impact Statement ( "EIS" ) be 23 prepared to disclose adequately the adverse impacts of the 24 proposal on traffic and transportation, storm water, drainage 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 1 - BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1000 2001 202.0988 1 and recharge. As shown below, an EIS is required before any 2 decision can be made on the City's proposal for a conditional 3 use permit. RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 ) . 4 The City's application for a conditional use permit was 5 filed with the City' s Building & Zoning Department on May 9 , 6 1988 , the same day that the City of Renton filed an application 7 for a rezone of the subject property from G-1 (General) to P-i 8 Public) on King County's behalf . Apparently, the proponents 9 intended that reclassification to P-1 would obviate the 10 necessity of obtaining. numerous conditional use permits to 11 expand King County's Consolidated Office and Repair Facility 12 CORF" ) on the subject property. Executive Summary of the 13 Master Development Site Plan for King County Department of 14 Public Works Consolidated Office & Repair Facility, dated 15 August 28, 1986 , (hereinafter "Executive Summary" ) , at 2 . 16 In the face of an appeal of the DNS issued by the ERC with 17 respect to the rezone, the rezone application for the subject 18 property was withdrawn. 19 II . BACKGROUND 20 In order to appreciate fu4y McMahon's position and the 21 necessity for an EIS at this time, it is important to' 22 understand the background of the King County/City of Renton 23 property, which is the subject of the conditional use permit 24 application, and the posture of the proposed development of the 25 adjacent McMahon property. BETTS McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 2 - PATTERSON 3534g MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98101-1000 2001 202.0088 1 1 . The King__County/City of Renton Property. 2 King County was the original owner of a parcel of real 3 property in excess of 120 acres, located south of N.E . Third 4 Street, north of the Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of 5 Monroe Avenue N.E . , in the City of Renton. A portion of this 6 property, consisting of approximately 36 acres, includes a 7 parcel owned by King County, which is addressed at Monroe 8 Avenue N.E . , and a parcel owned by the City of Renton, which is 9 addressed at 3505 N.W. 2nd Street. In exchange for the City's 10 support in rezoning the subject property to P-i (Public) and 11 handling the rezone application, the County agreed to sell an 12 additional five-acre portion of the site to the City of Renton 13 for its own Public Works ' shops . Executive Summary at 2 . 14 a. Master Site DeVe.lopment_Plan. 15 In March 1986, the King County Department of Public Works 16 contracted with Arai/Jackson to prepare a Master Site 17 Development Plan for the subject property. 18 The objective of the study was to develop a 19 Master Plan that could be used to obtain a zone change for the entire site from G-1 20 General) to P-1 (Public ) classification. The P-1. -classification would remove the 21 conditional use requirements and greatly simplify the approval of individual 22 projects, since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as oart of the 23 rezoning. 24 Executive Summary at 1-2 (emphasis added) . 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF r. 3 - BETTS1'S 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 2001 292-9988 1 The study prepared by Arai/Jackson outlined the three ( 3) 2 phases of development for the subject site. The conditional 3 use permit now sought by the City on King County's behalf 4 represents Phase I of the development and will cost an 5 estimated $1, 623, 400 . Executive Summary at 5 . Phase II will 6 include further expansion of the site and will cost 7 approximately $4 , 437 , 400 . Id. Phase III will include further 8 expansion of CORF and relocation of other King County Public 9 Works ' divisions, now located in downtown Seattle. Id. at 7 . 10 The estimated cost of Phase III is $9 , 289 , 200, in 1986 11 dollars . Id. 12 The Master Plan specifically addressed the traffic and 13 transportation concerns, including the future connection to the 14 Maple. Valley Corridor: 15 The study identified the desirability of 16 development of a second means of access to the site from the Maple Valley Corridor to 17 improve site accessibility and to increase the productivity of Public Works ' crews . 18 Currently, there is considerable time lost by crews due to congestion at Third Street 19 and I-405 . Extension of Monroe Avenue south through the site has serious potential 20 consequences to the Roads Division's operations because it would bisect the site. 21 The most desirable alignment o.f ..Monroe 22 Avenue would be, to swing the arterial east at N.E . 2nd along the City of .Renton Public 23 Works property. The road would extend to the south and then swing westward at 24 approximately the southern boundary ( fence) of the existing Roads Division paved area to 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 4 - BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.s. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98161-1000 200) 202-0988 1 form a "loop road" around the site 2 1 perimeter. In the future the loop road could branch to allow access down the slope 3 1 to Maple Valley. 4 The future Maple Valli Access will cost approximately $2 , 000, 000 and would have- a 5 four or five lane configuration. Development of the future access road to 6 Maple Valley will be the responsibility of the McMahon Property, developers (a site to 7 the west and south of the CORF) who are currently applying for a rezone with the 8 City of Renton. The City of Renton will require the developer to construct the road 9 and dedicate the right of way as a condition of the rezone. King CoUnty's contribution 10 to the Maple Valley connection would be the right-of-way and a portion of the Monroe 11 Avenue extension on its property. Since the City of Renton is highly desirous of the 12 Maple Valley connection and its Public Works Department would. directly benefit, a case 13 could be made that the City should share a portion of the Monroe Avenue extension cost 14 on King County, pra_perty. 15 Executive Summary at 2-3 (emphasis added) . 16 b. Rezone Application. 17 ! On May 9, 1988, the City, on behalf of King County, 18 submitted an application for rezone of the CORF site from G-1 19 General) to P-1 (Public) . The rezone application detailed 20 future plans for .the site, which included: ( 1) expansion of 21 the Public Works maintenance shop; ( 2 ) addition of .a Fire Department Training area for the City of Renton and King 23 1 County; ( 3) location of a King County District Court; 24 4 ) location of a King County Transfer Station; ( 5) relocation 25 1 I McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 5 - BE 1 1'S 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 200)202-0988 r 1 of King County Health Department; and ( 6 ) relocation, of King 2 County Parks Department. 3 An Environmental Checklist was prepared in connection with 4 the rezone application. . Despite .the fact ,that the Master Plan ' 5 contemplated "SEPA review of the entire Master Plan . . . as 6 part of the rezoning" (Executive Summary at 2 ) , the 7 Environmental Checklist failed t.o 'provide even the most basic 8 information about the environmental effects of the proposed 9 rezone. Almost without exception, the reply to questions 10 requesting information regarding environmental effects was 11 NONE-zoning only. " Environmental Checklist at 3-11 . 12 Significantly, three ( 3) departments of the City 13 recommended that the proposed rezone not be approved because of 14 the lack of information' regarding adverse environmental 15 effects . The Traffic Department stated: "More information is 16 needed as to possible southerly extensions of Monroe Avenue 17 N.E . as a possible right-of-way. Future connection to Maple II 18 Valley Highway needs to be considered and potential impact 19 on-site . " Comments by Traffic Department, dated June 2 , 1988 . 20 The Engineering Department 'stated: "Storm water retention 21 identification required together with supporting calculations 22 and analysis of downstream system. " Comments by Engineering 23 Department, Dated May 13, 1983 . The Policy Development 24 Department stated: "Road fees should be consistent with 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 6 •-BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98161-1090 2001 292-Q988 1 1 on-going traffic study. Drainage (on-site retention) for one 2 hundred year storm required per agreement with WSDOT re: 3 1405 . " Comments by Policy Development Department, dated 4 May 31, 1988 . 5 Apparently, the ERC originally issued a DNS-mitigated and 6 then, at a meeting on July 13, 1988, issued a DNS . The 7 Committee's actions were explained in a letter from Donald 8 Erickson to Richard C. Houghton: 9 This letter is to inform you that the 10 Environmental Review Committee reconsidered their Determination of 11 Non-Significance-Mitigated issued for the above referenced [rezone] project. The 12 Committee at their meeting on July 13, 1988, issued a Determination of Non-Significance 13 for the proposal since it is a non-project action and the previous conditions can be 14 obtained through subsequent project actions anticipated on the site in the near future . 15 16 Letter from Donald K. Erickson, Zoning Administrator to 17 Richard C. Houghton, Director of Public Works Department, dated 18 j July 15 , 1988 . (The record does not reveal that a Staff Report 19 was prepared by the ERC prior to the issuance of either the 20 DNS-mitigated or the DNS . ) 21 On August 1, 1988, McMahon appealed the DNS and requested 22 that an EIS be required to discuss adequately the adverse 23 traffic and transportation effects of the proposal . 24 On August 9 , 1988, a public hearing before the Hearing 25 Examiner was scheduled on the rezone application. At the McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 7 - BETTS1'S 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,P.s. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 081n1-1090 20o)202.0088 hearing, Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman acknowledged McMahon' s 2 appeal of the DNS and recommended that a hearing on the DNS 3 appeal and the rezone application be held on August 23, 1988, 4 in order to allow compliance wi_th. .Hearing Examiner Ordinance 5 4-3011(B) ( 3) , which requires ten ( 10) day written notice of a 6 hearing on an appeal from a final environmental determination 7 under the Renton Environmental Ordinance . 8 Within hours of the Hearing Examiner's ruling, the City of 9 Renton indicated that it would withdraw the rezone application. • 10 c . Conditional Use Permit_ Application. 11 On May 9 , 1988, the City, on behalf of King County, 12 submitted an application for a conditional use permit to expand 13 the existing CORF in accordance with Phase I of the Master 14 Plan. As indicated above, the conditional use permit 15 application was filed at the same time as the application for 16 rezone to P-1 (Public) . Presumably, the conditional use permit 17 application would have been withdrawn if the subject site had 18 been reclassified to P-1 . See Executive Summary at 2 . 19 The development contemplated under Phase I includes 20 expansion of several of the exi.sting . buildings on the CORF 21 site, construction of a storage building. and a new Materials 22 Testing Laboratory Building, and development of a parking area 23 to accommodate 120 vehicles . The proposal also seeks approval 24 of the sale of five (5) acres to the City, apparently in 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 8 •- BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98101-1090 2001 202-0988 1 1 1 exchange for the City's "handling" of the requisite application 2 on behalf of the County. See Executive Summary at 2 . 3 In response to the En.vir.onmental Checklist, the City Policy 4 Development Department submitted a letter to the ERC strongly 5 recommending that the rezone and .conditional use applications 6 be subject to the same rigorous review as any private 7 l application: "To ensure that the City is not subject to 8 charges of arbitrary and capricious decision-making, I would 9 strongly suggest that this Rezone and Conditional Use 10 application be subject to the same rigorous review as any 11 private application. " Memorandum. from City of Renton Policy 12 Development Department to City of Renton Environmental Review 13 Committee, dated May 31, 1988, at 2 . 14 The Policy Development Department also recommended an 15 expanded analysis of the environmental impacts under SEPA, 16 including evaluation of transportation impacts and mitigation 17 fees consistent with the CH2M Hill Transportation Report that 18 is being prepared by the proponents of the anticipated McMahon 19 development. The specific recommendations of the Policy 20 Development Department were stated as follows : 21 The SEPA application :should. .be expanded with 22 an analysis of land use_ impacts of permitting the identified uses including the 23 proposed expansions, the groundwater impacts of the uses , evaluation of any current 24 groundwater problems, evaluation of the safety of current hazardous materials use on 25 1 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 9 - BETTS 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98 1 61-1000 20o) 202-0Q88 li• site, evaluation of policy questions as 2 j identified in this memo, exploration of the impacts of the solid waste transfer station 3 I which is not presently sewered, impacts of the development on sub-regional drainage, 4 and transportation impacts and mitigation fees . 5 The conditions which could be attached to 6 I any approvals include: 7 8 7 . On-site drainage detention for the 100-year storm event as agreed to by 9 Public Works and WSDOT as part of the I-405 understanding; 10 8 . Transportation mitigation consistent 11 with the pending CH2M Hill report for the corridor; 12 13 10 . Collection of all storm water runoff 14 and leachate from the King County Transfer. Station facility to be 15 directed into the sanitary sewer. 16 Memorandum from City of Renton Policy Development Department to 17 City of Renton Environmental Review Committee, dated May 31, 18 1988, at 2 (emphasis added) . 19 Significantly, five ( 5) of the City Departments that 20 commented on the subject: conditional use permit application did 21 not approve the application. None of .the. Departments 22 recommended approved without conditions . The Traffic 23 i Department stated: "More information is needed as to possible 24 southerly extension of Monroe Ave. N.E. as a public 25 j McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 10 - BETTS 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98101-1090 200) 292-0988 1 right-of-way. Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs 2 ' to be considered and potential impact at site . " Comments by 3 Traffic Department, dated. June 2 , 1988 . The Engineering 4 Department stated, storm water retention/detention required 5 together with supporting calculation & .analysis of downstream 6 system. " Comments by Engineering Department, dated May 13 , 7 1988 . The Policy Development Department stated: "Proposed 8 uses do not conform with proposed policies for Zone II of APA 9 and Hazmat zone designations . Drainage must include on-site 10 detention for 100 year event. Transportation mitigation should 11 conform to CH2M study 'recommendations . Project should 12 participate in costs and mitigation. " Comments by the Policy 13 Development Department, dated May 31, 1988 . 14 The Staff Report prepared by the ERC recognized the 15 significant traffic impacts that Will be generated by 16 implementation of the Master Plan. Staff Report, dated 17 July 13 , 1988, 5 4 ( "Full implementation of the master site 18 plan for this project will create significant traffic impacts 19 ' which will require mitigation. " ) . The Staff Report also 20 acknowledges that information concerning the requirements for 21 mitigation will not be available until the CH2M Hill Transportation Report -- being prepared at the expense of the 23 proponents of the anticipated MdMahon property development -- 24 is completed. Id. ( "Additional information concerning the 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 11 -• BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 12061 292-0988 1 requirements for mitigation will be available following 2 1 completion of the pending transportation report for the area. " ) . 3 Despite the ERC 's own reciognition of the absence of 4 H information regarding traffic and transportation impacts and 5 despite of the Policy Development Department's admonishment 6 that the ERC should subject the City's proposal to the same 7 rigorous review as any private application, the ERC issued a 8 DNS - mitigated on July 13, 1988 . 9 McMahon has now appealed the DNS and respectfully requests 10 that an EIS be prepared to provide adequate disclosure and 11 consideration of the adverse effects upon traffic and 12 transportation, storm water, drainage and recharge that will 13 result from Phase I and from full development under the Master 14 Plan for the King County property. 15 2 . The McMahon Property. 16 In 1986 , McMahon applied to the City to rezone a portion of 17 the McMahon Property from G--1 (General) to R-2 (Duplex or Low 18 Density Multiple Family) and R-3 (Medium Density Multiple 19 Family) . This proposed reclassification was consistent with 20 • the Comprehensive Plan. On September 23 , 1986 , the Hearing 21 I Examiner issued his Report and Recommendation regarding_the 22 proposed rezone and recommended that the City Council deny the 23 requested rezone for the reason that the information contained 24 1 in the application was insufficient to enable the Council to 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 12 -- BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,Ps. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98101-1090,E 2061 292-0088 determine that the rezone would be in the public interest. The 2 1 information the Hearing Examiner considered to be necessary 3 would normally be included. in ran EIS, and he requested that the 4 information be provided before making any decision on the 5 proposed rezone. 6 In order to address the Hearing Examiner's concerns and 7 facilitate- preparation of an EIS, McMahon entered into an 8 agreement with Centron Corporation ( "Centron" ) , pursuant to 9 which Centron would undertake the work necessary to provide the 10 information required by the Hearing Examiner. As a part of the 11 same agreement, Centron acquired the right to purchase a 12 portion of the McMahon Property. As an experienced, qualified 13 developer, it was anticipated that Centron would be in a better 14 position than the McMahon Estate to provide the additional 15 information, including a Master Plan and EIS . 16 Since 1986 , Centron has engaged in extensive off-site 17 environmental studies . Specifically, Centron Corporation and 18 the McMahon interests have incurred the following costs in 19 connection with the preparation of a traffic and transportation 20 report, a Traffic Benefit District ( "TBD" ) study, a design for 21 the Maple Valley .access road. from .N..E.. .,3rd Street, and the preparation of a groundwater study: 23 Traffic Report and TBDp 49 , 400 . 00 24 Road Design ( including geotech- 25 nical work, deep borings, and stability analysis ) 70, 000 . 00 BETTS McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 13 - PATTERSON 3534g MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle,Washington 981o1-1090 1 200)202-0088 Groundwater Study 30, 000 . 00 2 Total: 149,400 . 00 3 4 These studies are comprehensive in scope and provide 5 , information that .is as relevant to the CORF site as it is to 6 ; the McMahon Property. Despite the fact that these studies 7 provide information regarding the environmental impacts of 8 i expanding the CORF site; neither the City nor the County has 9 contributed anything to the costs incurred in their 10 ! preparation. Moreover, the ERC issued a DNS before these 11 studies were even available for consideration in connection 12 1 with the City's application for a conditional use permits, which 13 I DNS is the subject of this appeal . 14 3 . Partiality and Fairness . 15 The obvious disparity of treatment between the City of 16 I Renton/King County proposal and the McMahon proposal raises 17 ! serious questions regarding the partiality of the ERC. The 18 ; Policy Development Department expressed its concerns in a 19 , May 31, 1988 Memorandum to the ERC: "To ensure that the City 20 is not subject to charges of arbitrary and capricious 21 decision-making, I would strongly suggest that [the City's ] 22 Rezone and Conditional Use application be subject to the same 23 j rigorous review as any private application. " Requiring the 24 proponents of the anticipated McMahon property development to 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 14 BETTS 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 20o)202.0088 shoulder the financial burden for preparation of off-site 2 environmental studies for the direct benefit of the CORF 3 expansion is evidence that the .Policy Development Department's 4 admonishment has gone unheeded. 5 LAW AND ARGUMENT 6 7 A. The SEPA Requirements Are Expressly Designed to Ensure That Decisionmakers Consider Environmental Information 8 Before Reaching Their Decisions . 9 The State Environmental Policy Act 's ( "SEPA's " ) procedural 10 requirements are expressly designed to ensure that 11 decisionmakers consider environmental information before making 12 a decision regarding a proposal . RCW ch. 43 . 21C. In Norway 13 Hill Preservation & Protection Association v. King County 14 Council, 87 Wn. 2d 267 , 552 P. 2d 674 ( 1976 ) , the court explained: 15 I ]t is clear that the most important aspect of SEPA is the consideration of 16 environmental values . 17 In essence what SEPA requires, is that the 'presently unquantified environmental amenities and values will18 be given appropriate consideration in 19 decision making along with economic and technical considerations . ' 20 RCW 43 . 21C. 030 (2 ) (b) . It is an attempt by the _peop.l.e to shape their future 21 environment by_ deliberation, not default, 22 87 Wn. 2d at 272 , citing Stempel v. Department of Water 23 Resources , 82 Wn. 2d 109 , 118 , 508 P . 2d 166 ( 1973 ) (emphasis in 24 original) . 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 15 - BETTS I 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 981o1-1090 2001 202.0088 I 1 The public policy expressed in SEPA can be achieved only if 2 adverse environmental impacts are disclosed and considered. As 3 I shown below, the' policy of full disclosure and consideration of 4 environmental impacts mandates that an EIS be prepared before 5 any decision is made with respect to the subject proposal, or 6 at the very least that adequate information be available and 7 considered to support a DNS . 8 B. The Conditional Use, Permit Application for Phase I in 9 Lieu of the Rezone Application for All Three 3) Phases Is a Thinly-Veiled Attempt to Circumvent 10 the SEPA Requirements . 11 Disclosure and consideration of environmental impacts must 12 be made at the earliest possible moment to ensure that the 13 decisionmakers will be able to take the appropriate action 14 before the environment is adversely impacted by a proposed 15 action. Regarding the timing of the SEPA process , the SEPA I 16 Rules expressly state: "The lead agency shall prepare itsi 17 threshold determination .and environmental impact statement 18 EIS) . . . at the earliest possible point in the planning and 19 decision-making process . . . . (c ) Appropriate consideration of 20 environmental information shall be completed before an agency_ 21 commits to a particular course of action. " WAC 197-11-055 ( 2 ) 22 emphasis added) . See 197-11-070 . 1 23 1WAC 197-11-070 ( 2 ) provides : "Until the responsible official issues a final determination of nonsignificance or24 environmental impact statement, no action concerning the 25 1 proposal shall be taken by a governmental agency that would: a) Have an adverse environmental impact; or (b) Limit the 1 choice of reasonable alternatives . BETTS McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF' 16 - PATTERSON 3534g MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 08101-1090 20o)202-0088 1 In Juanita Bay Valley_ Community Association v. The City of 2 Kirkland, 9 Wn. App. 59 , 72 , 510 P ,2d 1140, rev. denied, 83 3 Wn. 2d 1002 ( 1973) , the court explained the necessity for early 4 environmental review to consider the cumulative impacts of a 5 project or series of projects : 6 ro]ne of the purposes of . . . SEPA, is to 7 avoid the adverse impact upon the environment which takes place when various 8 1 phases of a project, or a series of projects, are , authorized by governmental 9 agencies, in a piecemeal fashion without regard to the cumulative impact of the total 10 development. . . 11 12 Appellant correctly suggests that the environmental impact of the total project, 13 rather than that of the grading project alone, must be weighed in order to meet the 14 requirements of SEPA. We therefore conclude SEPA requires that an environmental impact 15 statement be prepared prior to the first government authorization of any part of a 16 project or series of projects which„ when considered cumulatively,__ constitute a major. 17 • action 'significantly affecting the quality of the environment . . • ' 18 RCW 43 . 21C . 030 (c)... 19 9 Wn. App. at 72--73 . (Emphasis added. ) 20 Similarly, . In Eastlake Community Council v. -Roanoke 21 Associatest_ Inc . , 82 W. 2d 475, 513 P. 2d 36 ( 1973 ) , the court 22 rejected an argument that no .EIS was required because the 23 proposal merely represented a "modest exercise in a long 24 process " : 25 McMAHON' S HEARING BRIEF 17 -- BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 981 0 1-1 090 2001 202.9988 1 In addition, in this case, it is no answer 2 to the application of SEPA, to claim the renewal of a building permit is a modest 3 exercise in a long process . Governmental action in approving a long-term project may 4 occur at various intervals during the life of the project with various degrees of 5 significance. , It is unquestionable that numerous, modest . and common_governmental 6 actions may be as damaging to the environment as a single, vigorous and 7 critical action. 8 82 Wn. 2d at 493 (emphasis added) . 9 Thus , any argument by the proponents of the subject project 10 that Phase I is not a major action significantly affecting the 11 quality of the environment is without merit. The proponents of 12 an expanded CORF cannot circumvent the SEPA requirements by 13 requesting successive conditional use permits . The 14 environmental impacts of all three ( 3 ) phases of the CORF 15 expansion must be reviewed before any action is taken. 16 WAC 197-11-055; WAC 197-11-070 . 17 Because the adverSe environmental impacts of the proposed 18 expansion of King County's CORF site have never been 19 considered, the proposal for the conditional use permit now 20 before the .Hearing Examiner presents the ideal setting for an 21 early -- and thereby. meaningful ---. environmental review. See 22 Loveless v. Yantis , 82 Wn. 2d 754 , 764 , 513 P . 2d 1023 ( 1973 ) . 23 24 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 18 -BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,RS. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101-1000 2001 202-0088 II C. The SEPA Rules Expressly Require That An Agency Have 2 Sufficient Information Before It Considers the Environmental Impacts of a Proposal . 3 In making the crucial threshold determination, the lead 4 agency must have before ..it "information reasonably sufficient 5 to evaluate the environmental impact of a proposal .. " 6 WAC 197-11-335 . 7 In Sisley v. San Juan County, 89 Wn. 2d 78, 569 P . 2d 712 8 1977 ) , the court reversed a DNS because the governmental 9 agency could not demonstrate that it had adequately considered 10 the environmental factors . 11 When a governmental agency makes this 12 initial threshold determination, it must consider the various environmental factors 13 even if it concludes that the action does not significantly effect the environment and 14 therefore does not require an EIS. . . . The policy of the act, .which is simply to 15 ensure via 'a detailed statement' the full disclosure of environmental information so 16 that environmental matters can be given proper consideration during decision making, 17 is thwarted whenever •an incorrect 'threshold determination' is made. " Therefore, . . . 18 if after considering the cumulative effects of the entire project, the government agency 19 makes a determination of no significant impact under SEPA, i .e. , a "negative 20 threshold determination, " it must show "that the environmental factors were considered in 21 1 a manner sufficient to amount to a prima facie compliance_with the procedural requirements of SEPA. "22 23 89 Wn. 2d at 83-84 (citations omitted) . 24 I Incredulously, the ERC acknowledges that it did not have 25 sufficient information to accurately assess the traffic impacts j McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 19 - BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98 1 01-1090 1 2001 202-QQ88 II 1 of the proposal and the requisite mitigating measures before 2 issuing its DNS. In its July 13, 1988 Staff Report, the ERC 3 states : "Additional information concerning the requirements 4 for mitigation will, be available following completion of the 5 pending transportation .report for the area . . . . Additional 6 detailed information for this section is being obtained by 7 staff . " Staff Report, S 4 . 8 The "transportation report for the area" to which the ERC 9 is referring is the traffic report and TBD study that are being 10 prepared at the expense of Centron Corporation and the McMahon 11 interests . To require a private concern to shoulder the 12 responsibility for preparing the environmental analysis for a 13 public development represents an egregious display of 14 partiality on the part Of the ERC and raises serious questions 15 regarding due process . 16 More troubling is the fact that the ERC does not even have 17 the traffic report in front of it and has issued a DNS without 18 imposing any measures to mitigate the significant traffic 19 impacts . . The Staff Report acknowledges the significance of 20 those impacts : " [C]are needs, to be exercised .in approving 21 Iincremental development for this. site, so that mitigation 22 measures are required of the applicant by the City before 23 individual development activities combine to cause significant 24 impacts to the site or to the City's arterial system. " Staff 25 I Report, dated July 13 , 1988, ¶ 4 . BETTS McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 20 - PATTERSON 3534g MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101-1090 2001 202-0088 Significantly, five ( a ) of the City Departments that 2 commented on the subject conditional use permit application did 3 not approve the application. - Nene of the Departments 4 recommended approved without ..condi.tions . The Traffic 5 Department stated: ."More.,i.nformat.ion is needed as to possible 6 southerly extension of Monroe Ave. N.E . as a public 7 right-of-way. Future connection to Maple Valley Highway needs 8 to be considered and potential impact at site. " Comments by 9 Traffic Department, dated June 2 , 1988 . The Engineering 10 Department stated, "warm water retention/detention required 11 together with supporting calculation & analysis of downstream 12 system. " Comments by Engineering Department, dated May 13, 13 1988 . The Policy Development Department stated: "Proposed 14 uses do not conform with proposed policies for Zone II of APA 15 and Hazmat zone designations . Drainage must include on-site 16 detention for 100 year event. Transportation mitigation should 17 conform to CH2M study recommendations . Project should 18 participate in costs and mitigation. " Comments by the Policy 19 Development Department, dated May 31, 1988 (emphasis added) . 20 Any attempt.-by the- ERC to justi fy. its -iss..uance of the DNS 21 without considering-the ..traffic report must- fail . The ERC must 22 be able to show "that the environmental factors were considered 23 ii in a manner sufficient to amount to a prima facie compliance 24 with the procedural requir-<em6.nts of SEPA. " This the ERC cannot 25 do. BETTS McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 21 -- PATTERSON 3534g MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 2001 202-0988 D. The Only Means of Assuring Compliance with SEPA Is to 2 Require Preparation- of an EIS Prior to Issuing A Conditional Use Peririt for Phase I of the CORF. 3 SEPA's requirement. of full disclosure and consideration is 4 implemented by requiring all branches .of local government ..,to 5 i]nclude in every recommendation or report on proposals -for 6 legislation and other major actions significantly affecting the 7 quality of the environment, a detailed statement by the 8 responsible officials on: . . . (i) the environmental impact 9 of the proposed action. " RCW 43 . 21C. 030 (2 ) (c) ( i) . This 10 detailed statement -- the EIS -- is the mechanism through which 11 the requisite environmental consideration is accomplished. 12 Norway Hill Preservation .& Protection Association v. King 13 County Council, 87 Wn. 2d 267 , 552 P. 2d 674 ( 1976 ) . See 14 Eastlake Community Council v. Roanoke Associates, Inc . , 82 15 Wn. 2d 475 , 487-98, 513 P . 2d 36 ( 1973) ; Stempel v. Department of 16 Water Resources, 82 Wn. 2d 109 , 508 P. 2d 166 ( 1973) (recognizing 17 the vigorous legislative mandate to local governmental agencies 18 to evaluate fully the environmental and ecological impact of a 19 proposal . 20 The EIS should disclose and discuss, inter alia, the 21 adverse impacts of the proposal -- including all three 22 3) phases of the CORF expansion -- on transportation and 23 traffic . With respect to the disclosure and discussion of 24 traffic and transportation impacts, the EIS should also 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 22 - BETTS 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.s. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98161-1090 200) 202.9988 1 incorporate the traffic report and TBD study that is being 2 prepared by CH2M Hill on behalf Of Centron Corporation and the 3 McMahon interests . See WAC 197-11-600(2 ) ( "An agency may use 4 I environmental documents that have previously been prepared.: in 5 order to evaluate proposed actions , alternatives, or 6 environmental impacts . The proposals may be the same as, or 7 different than, those analyzed in the existing documents . " ) It 8 is anticipated, of course, that the proponents of the CORF 9 expansion will be required to Contribute their fair share of 10 the cost of these reports so that they may be completed and 11 incorporated into their EIS . 12 Other environmental impacts that must be disclosed, 13 discussed and substantiated by appropriate opinion and data 14 include effects on stormwater, drainage and recharge. These 15 impacts were identified by the Policy Development Department in 16 its Memorandum, dated May 31, 1988 and have not been 17 sufficiently disclosed, discussed or substantiated in either 18 the Environmental Checklist or the ERC Staff Report, dated 19 July 13 , 1988 . 20 I V. CONCLUSION 21 The City's attempt to circumvent the SEPA requirements by 22 withdrawing the rezone application and seeking piecemeal 23 approval of the expansion of the CORF site must fail . Before 24 any threshold determination can be made, the ERC must have 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 23 BErrs 3534g PATTERSON MINES,P.S. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 20o1 292.9988 available and must consider sufficient information to 2 I demonstrate prima facie compliance with SEPA. This has not 3 been done. 4 An EIS should be prepared to discuss the environmental 5 impacts . that will:result from the phased -expansion of the 6 CORF. The EIS should disclose, discuss and substantiate the 7 adverse impacts of the phased expansion of the CORF on traffic 8 and transportation, stormwater, drainage and recharge. 9 DATED this j day of __16 u S 't 1988 . 10 7 BETTS, PATTERSON & MINES, P.S. 11 John P. Braislin Karen J. Feyerherm 12 13 By 14 Attorneys r Thom s McMahon 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 McMAHON'S HEARING BRIEF 24 - BETTS 3 5 3 4 g PATTERSON MINES,Ps. 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98161-1090 200)292_0988 I T 410 .•0 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman October 3 , 1988 Karen, Feyerherm Attorney At Law Betts,, Patterson and Mines 1215 - 4th Avenue 800 Financial Center Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 Kevin Raymond Attorney At Law Room E-550 King County Public Work Department 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: City of Renton/King County Public Works Departments File No. CU-038-88 and Appeal #AAD-081-88 Dear Ms. Feyerherm/Mr. Raymond: The Examiner' s Report regarding the referenced application which was published September 16, 1988 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final' and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, FRED J. FMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK:dk cc: 4ty Clerk Building Division Planning Division 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 Lie-I I NO ti CITY OF RENTON LL BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director III MEMORANDUM OLICY DEVELOFMEi.,IT DEFARTMEiii CITY OF RENTON DATE: September 19, 1988 SEP i 9 198.8 To: Larry Springer f DYEDI! FROM: Ron Nelson SUBJECT: CU-038-88 - AAD-081-88 We will need suggestions as to who should appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision on King County Public Works. Should it be King County 0ERC? RG :plp 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON s.s... County of King DOTTY KLINGMAN being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 16th day of September 1988 ; affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Lilt LA4747;„ix...„ ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 1 6 4' `-- day oftl-evyuk.ey--198$ J4it / 6er kanAno'\, Notary lic in and for the ' State of Washington, residin - kl' J Cn-cA Jrij therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: RENTON CITY AND KING COUNTY - CU-038-88 t AAD-081-88 The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) September 16, 1988 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: CITY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS File No.: CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 LOCATION: South of NE 3d Street, north of Maple Valley Highway, in the vicinity of Monroe Avenue N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Permit to expand existing office space and staff services; construction of a new storage building and expansion of existing storage space, with construction of a new materials testing laboratory. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Division Recommendation: Approval, with conditions. PLANNING DIVISION REPORT: The Planning Division Report was received by the Examiner on August 30, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Division Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The hearing was opened on September 6, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow File containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit #2 - Appeal File #AAD-081-88. Exhibit #3 - Master Plan for entire site. Exhibit #4 - Two sub-element drawings Exhibit #5 - Plan showing site in relation to current City shops. Exhibit #6 - Element drawings showing Building B and it's landscaping. The Hearing Examiner noted for the record this hearing was a combination of a request for a Conditional Use Permit and an Appeal by the McMahon Estate of the determination of the ERC Committee that an Environmental Impact Statement was not required for this proposal. The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator, who noted the following elements of the request. The site complies with the goals and intent of the Comprehensive Plan with mention of permitted public uses in a G-1 zone. There are extensive public utilities to the site with the exception of the southern portion of the site; the King County Transfer Station to the west of the site is not a part of this application; the Master Site Plan was achieved in 1986 but Erickson stated to his knowledge it is not an officially adopted document by the King County Council., The five elements of the plan were reviewed consisting of Building J (Crews Building), Building B (Traffic Building); Mini Storage Building; Materials and Testing Building and the Storage Warehouse Building. The Environmental Review Committee reviewed this proposal on July 18, 1988 and Mr. Erickson noted when this application was originally considered and responded to by various City Departments, it was City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 2 submitted with a rezone application. Staff comments received at that time did not make a distinction between the Conditional Use and Rezone requests; when reviewed by the ERC a Determination of Non-Significance was issued, mitigated, with an extensive list of conditions. It is felt the proposal is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance; there is a community need; the ERC has heavI ily conditioned this proposal to ensure protection of the City's aquifer. Mr. Erickson continued stating this is Phase I of the Master Plan which is a reflection of King County's current needs; it is not felt there will be adverse effects on adjacent property noting the future phases could add additional traffic and other concerns to the surrounding areas, namely 3rd and Sunset, with the addition of housing and traffic in the area. There will be 120 new parking spaces with an increase of 15 new staff members and approximately 75-100 traffic trips per day generated from the site. The circulation plan for the complete site was reviewed; there should be no noise, light or glare problems; hours of traffic do not seem to be an issue for this proposal; landscaping will be provided. Staff feels drainage for the site should be improved to the capacity of a 100 year storm due to the activities on the site; the septic system on the site will tie into sanitary sewer lines noting the King County Transfer Station restrooms are totally on a septic system at this time. It was clarified that all of the buildings involved in the application being considered today will be on a sanitary sewer system. In closing Mr. Erickson reviewed the ERC conditions imposed on this request and reviewed the revised five (5) conditions recommended by staff which included compliance to the ERC conditions; participation in improvements to utilities, roadways and public services at the time of future development; submittal of a plan for biofiltering swale and storm water run-off prior to its entry into the dry well system; traffic studies to be made prior to future development of the site; and participation in a future traffic benefit improvement district, including fees for the current proposal. Representing the applicant with his testimony was Kevin Raymond, Attorney, King County Department of Public Works, Room E550, King County Courthouse, 500 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98104. 'Mr. Raymond noted his support for the reports presented to the Hearing Examiner by staff and indicated it is King County's position that the DNS determination made by the ERC was appropriate under SEPA and that a Conditional Use Permit should be issued with no Environmental Impact Statement being required. He said detailed plans and specifications have been prepared and are available to the Examiner; indicated the Master Plan refers to Phase I but also shows the three projects that mace up the other two Phases, but the three phases are independent projects and only Phase I should be considered today. The other two phases have not received funding and/or approval from King County and may or may not occur in the future. He stated King County is only interested in proceeding at this time with Phase I and have not indicated their intent to go forward with the other two phases. Further testimony for the applicant was presented by O. J. Saltarelli, Facilities Administrator, Room 900, King County Building, 500 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98104 who addressed the parking issue stating a parking lot was included under Phase II because the existing parking lot was displaced because of the Materials Lab construction site; there should be no sound emanating from the Materials Lab; and commented on the Master Plan concept for the County. He said the process identified immediate needs, near needs and future needs; at this time they are only funded for Phase I, immediate needs. Mr. Saltarelli stated it is felt there will be no impacts to persons or surrounding properties from this Phase project; the current facility was built in 1977; stated he does not feel King County has received preferential treatment in their request (as claimed in the Brief filed as part of the Appeal); and closed stating King County would like to proceed with Phase I, adequate funding is in place, and they will comply with the conditions set out by the City. There was no one to speak in opposition to the Conditional Use request, assuming the SEPA determination was correct. There was no one wishing to oppose the proposal on that basis. Dealing with the Appeal alleging the SEPA determination of Non-Significance was inappropriate, and feeling a Environmental Impact Statement should be required, speaking on behalf of the Appellant was Karen Feverherm, Attorney. Ms. Feyerherm represents Thomas McMahon, Executor of the Estate of Edward McMahon. The Estate owns approximately 120 acres of property adjacent to this site. She testified it was felt Mr. McMahon had an obligation to the beneficiaries of the Estate to sell the property and make distribution which he has been trying to do for several years. The McMahon property was denied a rezone and entered into an agreement with Centron Corporation. Centron received an option to purchase the property in exchange for contracting for the preparation of an environmental study and preparation of an EIS. Since 1986 Centron has paid almost $150,000. for off- site environmental studies and the EIS has not been prepared yet; CH2M Hill is preparing a traffic report and benefit study; and monies have been paid for a road, design and ground water study, all being prepared at the City's request. Additional studies and information requested by the City has assisted in the delay of the completion of the studies and the appellant feels these further requirements and costs are now threatening future development and may cause the appellant to divide the property and sell in parcels to pay the estate taxes due. She said it is not wished to prevent the City from developing the property shown on the Master Plan, but requested her client receive fair and equal treatment. The expense of the studies undertaken by her client has not been contributed to by the City or King County; her client feels the disparity of treatment between the two sides is not fair and City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 3 equitable treatment, and at this point she read from city staff comments, namely the Policy Development Department regarding the SEPA application and studies for future impacts, traffic impacts, mitigation fees and drainage. She said five of the 7 city departments that commented on the proposed Conditional Use did not approve the application. She clarified her feeling that comments by staff relating to the rezone request (which was subsequently withdrawn) and comments for the Conditional Use request, are not the same. Ms. Feyerherm advised the concerns expressed by staff relating' to water retention, traffic and drainage have been included in a report being prepared by Centron, but this information was not completed and before the ERC for their review when the ERC issued its determination of non-significance, therefore prompting this appeal of that determination. She concluded noting her concern over learning this date that parking areas are to be paved for 120 vehicles and believed there should be time to consider the impacts of this paving as opposed to the use of gravel as was previously understood. She requested fair and impartial treatment for her client and requested the ERC review future development of the site and include all studies requested by the City. She requested that King County be made to pay its fair share of the costs. Responding for the City of Renton was Attorney Lawrence Warren. He stated it was his feeling that this appeal may be a process used by the McMahon Estate as a bargaining tool with King County due to the amount of money expended on this site by the Estate, and said the City will take the referred to amounts into consideration at some other point in time during development and credit the Estate with that amount. He acknowledged the traffic congestion in the NE 3rd and 4th Street corridors and the need for another road to Maple Valley Highway to provide for cross-traffic, with the McMahon property being the largest in the area and unfortunately at this time being required to carry the largest portion of the financial burden. Mr. Warren read from WAC 197.11.055 (2) regarding timing of proposals - and WAC 197.11.060 (3) (b) defining proposals. He wanted to clarify his belief that even though governmental agencies set out proposals for future improvements it is not until the documents have been funded and approved that they can be considered as a part of a larger proposal. The other phases shown on the Master Plan for King County, which happens to include Phase I which is the current proposal, are not to be considered as a part of this hearing as they have not been funded or adopted by King County. He said if there is a County document that puts these projects on the "near future" complete list for funding in the 1989 budget then the projects should be considered as part of an inter-dependent proposal, but he does not believe this is the case. Mr. Warren stated his objection to the statement that the City should pay its fair share and stated the statement by Attorney Feyerherm that the City was to acquire 5 acres of adjoining property as a reward for rezoning and approving the conditional use is totally unsupported in any record. The Hearing Examiner advised he is trying to determine only if further SEPA review is desired for this site and other possible future phases, and not deal with other areas that seem to be inner-twined into this matter. Attorney Warren said the difficult cases to separate are those involving zoning, and if there is a clear project being proposed then there is a proposal to be considered, and a full environmental review should be done. The ERC review can be phased with the courts saying in the initial environmental review the mitigated DNS should do the review for that particular phase and highlight what will be done later. A non-project rezone should begin the EIS process by discussing alternatives and pinpointing that further review will be necessary when the specifics of the project come in on such things as traffic and other site-specific matters, with the first environmental review being considered a scoping document for non-project action. He stated the ERC felt with this particular phase containing only 120 traffic trips, it was not a significant impact by itself and did not prove to require a DNS. He is not convinced the Master Plan shown is anything more than a type of 'wish list' for King County, and not having been officially adopted by the County should be segregated with only the first phase as presented today to be considered independently of the other two phases. He feels the ERC acted correctly. Attorney Karen Feverherm spoke briefly reviewing some of the points by Attorney Warren, noting her disagreement with the statement that King County did not have specific plans for the entire site. This was brought forth by way of the rezone application previously submitted, and subsequently withdrawn, which set out the plans for the entire site. She feels the withdrawal of the rezone application was an attempt to circumvent SEPA procedures. She feels the complete SEPA and impact statement should be required now for the complete site. She feels King County should be required to go through the process to the point where a review of the reports that are being prepared by CH2M Hill and Centron are included so the ERC has all of the sufficient information before them; the mitigating measures, if necessary, can be established, and then a determination can be made as to a more fair and equitable monetary contribution to the studies. What is important at this time is that all information be available before a determination is made as to whether or not an EIS is necessary. Responding again was Mr. Saltarelli who tried to clarify the intent of the master plan and its meaning for the King County Council as a part of their budget process. They must identify now, near and future needs in order to obtain funding. The Council has approved and funded Phase I, but phase 2 or 3 has not and may not be funded. He again stressed that King County will strive to cooperate with adjacent property owners but may not be as cooperative as they have been in the past if they are faced with abandonment of the project and financial loss. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 4 Closing comments were received by Mr. Erickson, Zoning Administrator who clarified there was no attempt to elude a review by the Examiner for this proposal, when in fact the proposal would still be subject'to site plan review. He referred to WAC 197.11.0554; referred to the extensive list of ERC mitigation measures; said he feels attention was given to future development on this site. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:35 A.M. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1.The matter under review concerns two separate but related requests. The applicant or applicants, King County and the City of Renton filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish and expand a variety of uses on portions of a 36 acre site in the City of Renton. In processing the conditional use application the City subjected the application to is ordinary SEPA review process. The City, in the course of and as a result of its SEPA review, issued a Declaration or Determination of Non-Significance for the project. The Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) was conditioned by the City in what is known as a mitigation process, and became a DNS-M, the "M" alerting readers to the fact that mitigating measures were attached to the project. 2.The appellant, Thomas McMahon representing the Anna McMahon Estate, a neighboring property owner, filed a timely appeal of the DNS-M alleging that the review ignored major impacts of the proposal and related proposals. The appellant has development plans for its abutting property and is in the process of preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the development of the adjoining acreage. The proposal, while not firm, is for some form of residential development exceeding 120 acres. The appellant had initially applied for a rezone of this adjoining acreage after the issuance of a DNS-M on its proposed rezone. That request for reclassification was denied by the City for insufficient factual analysis of the impacts of such development. As a result of that denial the appellant, through a development firm, has begun the preparation of the above mentioned EIS. 3.The subject site is a 36 acre parcel of property located on slopes and a plateau above and generally north of the Maple Valley Highway, east of I-405, south of the N.E. 3rd/4th Street corridor and lying both east and west of Monroe N.E., if it were extended in a southerly direction. 4.The parcel is listed as being owned by the City of Renton on the staff report, but it appears that it is jointly owned, or quite possibly completely owned by King County. The application is listed in a joint naming of both the City and the County. The actual proposal though, the conditional use application, is confined to projects entirely under King County's jurisdiction. 5.The conditional use application is for the following: a.An addition of approximately 7,800 square feet to an existing 7,860 square foot building Building J). b. An addition of approximately 300 feet for women's facilities to Building B. The construction of a 1,200 square foot storage building. d.Conversion of Building H back to storage use, from office use. e.The construction of an approximately 8,000 square foot Materials Testing Laboratory. f.The construction of a 120 stall parking lot. 6.The site contains existing King County facilities including the King County Solid Waste Transfer Station, shops facilities, storage buildings, parking lots and maintenance sheds. A large portion of the site is vacant. 7.Steep slopes bound the site on the south. 8.The appellant's property bounds the site on the east and south. Shop sites owned by the City of Renton are located east of the site. The King County District Court is also located east of the site. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September,16, 1988 Page 5 9.Access to the site is via Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 2nd Street. 10. The subject site is located within Zone 2 of the City of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area APA) which permits the city to limit or prohibit certain types of development or uses which could jeopardize the underlying aquifer recharge area. 11. The site is currently zoned G-1 (General; Single Family; Lot size - 35,000 sq ft). Public uses such as that proposed are permitted in G-1 zones, but only after review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit application. Normal development in a G-1 district is single family homes on lots at least 35,000 square feet in area. Most single family zoning in Renton is confined to R-1 (Single Family; Lot size - 7,200 sq ft) zones, with G-1 zoning reserved for newly annexed property and the limited rural uses still maintained in some areas of the city. 12. In addition to the current application, the applicant had originally submitted at the same time, May 9, 1988, a request to rezone or reclassify the zoning on the subject site. The applicant proposed reclassifying the subject site to P-1 (Public/QuasiPublic). Renton issued a DNS for the rezone request. P-1 zoning would not require a conditional use permit for development such as that proposed under the current application. The applicant did not seem to be aware that a similar process referred to as Site Plan approval would be required for all development in a P-1 zone. 13. The same appellant, the McMahon Estate, filed an appeal of the DNS issued for the rezone request. King County thereupon withdrew the application to rezone the subject site which had the effect of making the matter moot. The appeal filed for the rezone was dismissed. 14. The appellant alleges that the City failed to correctly assess the full implications of the King County/City of Renton proposal for the subject site, and that the ERC has instead relied to some extent on: a.the still incomplete environmental analyses being prepared for the appellant's adjoining properties and; b.the assertion by the applicant that only the scope of work for the instant conditional use permit should be considered in the environmental analysis. 15. The appellant suggests and urges that the City should have based it determination on a Master Plan prepared for King County by Arai/Jackson Architects. This Master Plan is for the Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). The Master Plan and Executive Summary for the CORF proposal were used as justification for both the rezone and conditional use permits and submitted as part of the Environmental Checklist prepared for those projects. 16. The Master Plan apparently is a required Budgetary Procedure of King County to permit analysis of the existing needs, the near term needs and future needs when requesting funding for capital improvement projects. The Master Plan, therefore, in addition to the identification of the scope of work requested as part of the current conditional use permit, also indicated potential expansion plans for additional storage, shop space, and up to 170,000 square feet of office space, as well as a parking lot containing up to 675 employee parking spaces. 17. The plan also envisioned expansion of City of Renton shops east of the site and the construction of a major arterial link between the site and the Maple Valley Highway. The major expenditure of funds for this arterial link, estimated to cost approximately two million dollars, was envisioned to be provided by the developer of the appellant's adjoining acreage. 18. The environmental checklist filed with the rezone answered Question 7, regarding future plans or additions, expansions or related activity as follows: Fire training site and open storage for Renton Public Works; King County Public Works is proposing yard improvements, new material testing labs and expanded lockers/showers for women employees, and warehouse remodel." 19. Answering Question 11 of the checklist, the question asking for a complete description, the applicant responded as follows: The City owns 13 acres at present which is developed as our City Shop Facility. An additional 5 acres is being purchased. It is to be used to extend the Public Works Shop Facility and provide space for a Fire Training site. These are all Public uses. .... The proposed rezone includes City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 6 all parcels in Public Ownership: King Co. PW (Public Works) Shops; Solid Waste Transfer Station; King Co Dist. Ct.; King Co. Parks; King Co. Health Dept.; and City Shops site. The rezone includes the vacant King Co. properties to the South." 20. In responding to Question 4 of Part D, the Supplemental Sheet for non-project actions, regarding affects on environmentally sensitive areas, the applicant answered: No development is proposed at this time for the steep slopes areas except for the construction of a future Monroe Ave. N.E. roadway extension to Maple Valley." 21. the box labeled "Proposed Use" on The Master Application filed for the subject conditional use project describes the use as follows: Public Works Maintenance Shops & Fire Dept. Training, for King Co. & City of Renton/District Court Transfer Station and Health Department." The box for "AREA" indicates the proposal covers 36 acres. 22. The Executive Summary prepared by Arai/Jackson contains the following statement on Page 1: Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements. The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional use reviews from the City of Renton." 23. The purpose of the study was listed as: Identify existing and future space and facility requirements to support the Department of Public Works' mission. Identify site opportunities to satisfy space/facility needs and prepare a master site development plan showing: location of potential future structures location of parking circulation and access improvements" 24. The section of the Executive Summary labeled "study issues" stated the following: 1. Zoning. The City of Renton has jurisdiction for SEPA, land use and building permit approval. Under the present G-1 zoning classification each capital development project must apply for a conditional use permit, typically a 4 to 6 month process. The objective of the study was to develop a Master Plan that could be used to obtain a zone change for the entire site from G-1 (General) to P-1 (Public) classification. The P-1 classification would remove the conditional use requirements and greatly simplify the approval of individual projects, since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." (Emphasis supplied.) 25. It continues: The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portion of the site from the Department for its own Public Works Shops." 26. Rather than exhaustively quote from the Summary, in brief, it identifies areas on the site which could support approximately 170,000 square feet of office space, room for the expansion of the Roads Maintenance functions through the year 2000, suggests expansion of other facilities, notes locations for parking for 675 vehicles and even ventures to suggest that if the site is unsuitable for County development it could be leased or sold for private development. It clearly identifies the extension of a roadway connecting the site to Maple Valley as desirable, with the proviso that such extension could bisect the site, although the current plans could preclude such an option. 27. Regarding this possible Monroe Avenue extension, the summary identifies its principle Contributor/builder as the appellant or the developer of the appellant's property, with King City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 7 County providing some right-of-way, although it also suggests that since Renton is desirous of building this link there might be a possible offset from Renton for King County's costs. 28. The Executive summary further identifies the congestion and confusion created by mixing public, employee, and maintenance vehicle access to the site. The confusion is apparently related to the mix of court, office/work site and maintenance facilities on the one campus. 29. Staff comments prepared for the conditional use permit phase of the project request additional information in general and suggests that the proposal should not be approved without additional information in such areas as ground water protection, storm water systems, traffic analysis, and particularly the impact of the proposed connection through or around the site to the Maple Valley Highway. Although admittedly, there are such overlapping similarities to the comments prepared for the rezone as to lead one to wonder if the comments clearly distinguished the proposals, the circulation sheets and titles of the comment sheet identify the conditional use as the object of the comments from city staff. 30. According to staff this proposal amounts to approximately 17,000 square feet of additional development spread over the various expansions to existing buildings and outright new buildings. 31. The applicant argues that any plans identified by the Master Plan prepared for the site are merely speculative and have not been either approved or funded by the King County Council, but were necessitated by budget practices. CONCLUSIONS 1.Ile decision of the governmental agency acting as the responsible official is entitled to substantial weight. Therefore, the determination of the Environmental Review Committee ERC), the city's responsible official, is entitled to be maintained unless the appellant clearly demonstrates that the determination was in error. 2.The Determination of Non-Significance in this case is entitled to substantial weight and will not be reversed or modified unless it can be found that the decision is "clearly erroneous." (Hayden v. Port Townsend, 93 Wn 2nd 870, 880; 1980). The court in citing Norway Hill PreservationandProtectionAssociationv. King County Council, 87 Wn 2d 267, 274; 1976, stated: "A findingis 'clearly erroneous' when although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed." Therefore, the determination of the ERC will not be modified or reversed if it can meet the above test. For reasons enumerated below, the decision of the ERC is reversed. 3.The clearly erroneous test has generally been applied when an action results in a DNS since the test is less demanding on the appellant. The reason is that SEPA requires a thorough examination of the environmental consequences of an action. The courts have, therefore, made it easier to reverse a DNS. A second test, the "arbitrary and capricious" test is generally appliedWhenadeterminationofsignificance (DS) is issued. In this second test an appellant would have to show that the decision clearly flies in the face of reason since a DS is more protective of the environment since it results in the preparation of a full disclosure document, an Environmental Impact Statement. 4.An action is determined to have a significant adverse impact on the quality of the environment if more than a moderate impact on the quality of the environment is a reasonable probability. Norway, at 278). Since the Court spoke in Norway, WAC 197-11-794 has been adopted, it defines "significant" as follows: Significant. (1) "Significant" as used in SEPA means a reasonable likelihood of more than a moderate adverse impact on-environmental quality. 2) Significance involves context and intensity ...Intensity depends on the magnitude and duration of an impact.... The severity of the impact should be weighed along with the likelihood of its occurrence. An impact may be significant if its chance of occurrence is not great, but the resulting environmental impact would be severe'if it occurred. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September ;16, 1988 Page 8 5.Also redefined since the Norway decision was the term "probable." Probable. "Probable" means likely or reasonably likely to occur, ... Probable is used to distinguish likely impacts from those that merely have a possibility of occurring, but are remote or speculative. (WAC 197-11- 782). 6.Impacts also include reasonably related and foreseeable direct and indirect impacts including short-term and long-term effects. (WAC 197-11-060(4)(c)). Impacts include those effects resulting from growth caused by a proposal, as well as the likelihood that the present proposal will serve as precedent for future actions. (WAC 197-11-060(4)(d)). 7.The proposed locations of buildings on the site will most certainly affect any decision on the alignment or potential alignment of any extension of Monroe to the Maple Valley Highway. The expansion of shops, maintenance sheds and storage buildings could have an impact on the quality and the desirability of residential uses constructed near the site. 8.What type of materials should appropriately be stored, transferred and handled on a site that sits in Zone 2 of the city's aquifer protection area was not explored? Mitigation measures could preclude an entire range of chemical agents, negating the effectiveness of this site for some or many of King County's purposes. Shouldn't these issues be explored before committing the site to the proposed uses? 9.The appellant is correct in arguing that the applicant's statements that this proposal is of limited scope are disingenuous. The checklist prepared for the proposal, the master application for the proposal, and the documents submitted to support the proposal, (especially the Executive Summary of the Master Plan), all demonstrate the extent of the proposal. It includes in various analyses further expansions, reliance on a possible connection to the Maple Valley Highway, possibly office buildings and parking for 675 vehicles, expansion of city shop buildings and a possible fire training site. The Court in Juanita Bay Valley Community Association v. The City of Kirkland, 9 Wn. App. 59, 72, 510 P.2d 1140, rev. denied, 83 Wn.2d 1002 (1973) expounded on the requirement for early review and particularly singled out the area of phased, or a series of related projects: O]ne of the purposes of .... SEPA, is to avoid the adverse impact upon the environment which takes place when various phases of a project, or a series of projects, are authorized by governmental agencies, in a piecemeal fashion without regard to the cumulative impact of the total development.... Appellant correctly suggests that the environmental impact of the total project, rather than that of the grading project alone, must be weighed in order to meet the requirements of SEPA. We therefore conclude SEPA requires that an environmental impact statement be prepared prior to the first governmental authorization of any part of a project or series of projects which, when considered cumulatively, constitute a major action significantly affecting the quality of the environment...' RCW 43.21C.030(c). 9 Wn. App. at 72-72." The court has repeatedly rejected arguments that merely modest steps of a longer or larger project do not require full environmental assessment. 10. It is also clear that the rezone application was intended to trigger more extensive environmental analysis than the issuance of a DNS, even a mitigated DNS. The section of the Executive Summary labeled Study Issues closed with the following observation: "since SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." (Emphasis supplied.) While the applicant attempted to preclude this more thorough review by withdrawing the rezone application, it's quite apparent that the conditional use is also part and parcel of a larger overall proposal, and merely eliminating consideration of the rezone did not eliminate the need to determine the full range of environmental impacts which would occur. Also, exploration of what limitations on future action may be imposed by moving ahead with what the applicant terms a limited implementation of a small conditional use permit is necessary. 11. While in this case the ERC did not simply issue a DNS, and imposed a series of conditions in an attempt to mitigate the proposal and issued what is called a Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, the imposition of conditions does not help to disclose information about the site, potential impacts of the proposal and possible alternatives. The withdrawal of the rezone, the staff's negative evaluation of the information available for the proposal, and the range of questions regarding storm water, aquifer protection, traffic projections and roadway City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 9 construction cannot be permitted to displace full environmental disclosure. Staff actually concluded that they would rely on a traffic assessment being conducted for the appellant's EIS, a study which is still incomplete. How then can it be relied upon for the instant environmental assessment? 12. Permitting such a practice would exalt form over substance. A review of the various documents filed with this and the earlier companion rezone application reveals that the immediate proposal is a small view of a larger display. The applicant owns or controls approximately 36 acres of property. The campus includes, or is proposed to include, both county facilities and city facilities. It includes private/authorized personnel-type facilities - the shops buildings, material testing labs, etc - and open to the public facilities - the court and the transfer station. These are just the mix of uses which the Master Plan suggests create confusion and potential safety issues - the mixing of various vehicular generators with limited access potential. 13. This office will not permit the applicant to divorce the language found in the rezone documents from those found in the conditional use application. Even if the divorce were permitted, the conditional use permit documentation, including the applicant's own map, Exhibit 3, shows the clear implications of a proposed expansion of the campus, the connecting link, etc. Simply because some of the items are suggested as future plans should not negate the fact that they offer a range of possibilities and a concomitant limitation by chosing a certain course of action without review. 14. The appellant can be forgiven for suggesting a possible quid pro quo for the issuance of a DNS. The application is most confusing in identifying who owns what and who is the applicant.. This confused ownership situation also makes it easier to decide that the permit is more than simply a request for a conditional use permit. The proposal appears to be more complex than the applicant urges since there is the ambiguous joining or actual substitution of the City of Renton in what is argued is a minor action by King County. The record reveals that along with the specific aspects of this conditional use, there is a fire training facility also included in the proposed uses (See Master Application). Then to make matters worse the Executive Summary unfortunately states: "The City of Renton supports the rezoning of CORF to P-1 and has agreed to handle the rezone application itself as part of the agreement to purchase a five acre portionofthesitefromtheDepartmentforitsownPublicWorksShops." This may merely indicate that the purchase price took into consideration the permit fees ordinarily required for processing, but it does look odd. 15. And again, while the applicant has attempted to limit the scope of SEPA review to the Conditional use permit, SEPA does not permit arbitrarily segmenting proposals to avoid the full disclosure otherwise required under SEPA: The applicant filed jointly the rezone and the Conditional use requests. Both Master Applications were filed on May 9, 1988. It also appears that an EIS was anticipated. At Page 9 of the Executive Summary is found the following quote: This process will involve SEPA review and undoubtedly an EIS will be required with special emphasis on traffic impacts." (Emphasis supplied.) 16. SEPA requires review "at the earliest possible point in the planning and decision-making process" (WAC 197-11-055(2). This review should be performed prior to irrevocable commitment of either resources or land. The proposal to construct three new buildings and cxpand one or two others, to construct a parking lot for 120 cars and to commit to a location which could preclude appropriate alignment for what is expected to be a four or five lane arterial seems an appropriate time for complete environmental review. What of substance can be accomplished after new buildings are constructed, others expanded, and a possible alignment of Monroe precluded? It is apparent that the SEPA determination required at this, the earliest time when a concrete proposal has been advanced, would be to require an EIS; the same anticipated EIS on Page 9 of the Master Plan and discussed in Conclusion 15, above. 17. To re-emphasize, the Executive Summary prepared by Arai/Jackson contains the following quite revealing statement on Page 1: Coordinate preparation of the master development site plan with the City of Renton Zoning requirements. The objective was to obtain zoning and related SEPA clearance to allow "build out" of the master plan without repeated conditional use reviews from the City of Renton." (Emphasis supplied.) City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 10 18. It's clear that the initial focus was for a consolidated SEPA review since as the Executive Summary states on Page 2: "SEPA review of the entire Master Plan would occur as part of the rezoning." It is also clear that when an appeal was filed on the DNS issued for the rezone the opportunity for consolidated review was removed. The applicant attempted to thwart a thorough review by withdrawing the rezone application, although permitting the conditional use application to proceed. Such machinations cannot be permitted to stiffle full environmental review. 19. Full review would allow the city to explore alternatives. Full review would permit the county to explore alternatives. It's clear that a variety of options for use of the site exist. What are they? Would the potential connection with Maple Valley Highway be precluded by early dedication of portions of the site to buildings? Would the best alignment of such a roadway be abetter served by placing buildings as now proposed or in an alternative configuration? Would the best use of the site be for private development? Would the best use, whatever it be, be adversely affected by imposing maintenance sheds and buildings upon the site? 20. There are a number of other issues concerning the use and development of this site, merely one Of which is: Is the storage of pesticides, herbicides and other hazardous materials appropriate for the site? The issue at this point should not resolve around mitigation measures or whether plans have been developed for the containment of hazardous materials and actions delineated for cleanup in the event of a spill. The question should rather be framed: Should they even be stored here on a site above the aquifer? Only a full disclosure document can answer this and the other questions posed by development of this site. 21. There are a range of issues only touched upon in the Master Plan and which deserve thorough review and analysis. The 36 acre site is no less deserving of a thoroughly thought out plan than the appellant's adjoining McMahon site. Certainly an application for actual construction carries with it more identifiable impacts than the mere rezone originally proposed by the appellant. The King County Master Plan is much more concrete than was the appellant's conceptual residential plan for the abutting McMahon site. The commitment of more than a million dollars, time, construction materials, etc. is certainly the kind of action which should trigger a thorough analysis, and is the type of action envisioned by SEPA which should trigger the Publication of an environmental impact statement. 22. By attempting to eliminate the full disclosure mandated by SEPA, the applicant or applicants may be foreclosing reasonable and better alternatives for the site. They may be committing to acourseofactionwhichhasnotbeenfullyexplored. They have definitely attempted to short circuit the SEPA process. The record reveals that a consolidated process was originally intended. A thorough review at that stage would have, or was intended to allow expeditious or even minimal review in the future of other phases by fully exploring in a Master Plan the site's potential now. SEPA demands no less. 23. The reviewing body should not substitute its judgment for that of the original body with expertise in the matter, unless the reviewing body has the firm conviction that a mistake has been made. There is no doubt that the reviewing agency erred in its determination. The proposal is one step in a series of related steps - a step which will almost certainly irrevocably commit the site to further expansion of King County facilities on the site - and is a major action which will have more than a moderate impact on the quality of the environment. This proposal, coupled with the potential development, is a major action which will significantly affect the quality of the environment and could significantly affect the range of reasonable choices which themselves affect the quality of the environment. The appealing party must prevail on this appeal. A DNS, even a mitigated DNS, is inappropriate for such an action. Full disclosure is required which mandates the preparation of an EIS. 24. The determination of the Environmental Review Committee is reversed. Pursuant to Section 4- 2823(B)4) the lead agency is directed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the subject proposal and reasonably identified, although not necessarily approved, related proposals found in the Master Plan. 25. Having reached the conclusion that an EIS is required, no purpose would be served in reviewing the proposed conditional use for the subject site. The evaluation performed by the EIS maydemonstratethatthesubjectproposalneedsmodification. Therefore, the application for a conditional use permit is dismissed. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88 & AAD-081-88 September 1 16, 1988 Page 11 DECISION The lead agency is directed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the subject proposal. ORDERED THIS 16th day of September, 1988. 14••••• FRED J. KA MAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of September, 1988 to the parties of.record: Kevin Raymond Attorney At Law Room E-550 King County Public Works Department 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 O. J. Saltarelli Facilities Administrator Room 900 - King County Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington Karen Feyerherm Betts, Patterson & Mines 1215 - 4th Avenue 800 Financial Center Seattle, Washington 98161-1090 Lawrence Warren City Attorney City of Renton TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of September, 1988 to the following: Mayor Earl Clymer Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Larry M. Springer, Planning Manager Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Ronald Nelson, Building Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney John Adamson, Developmental Program Coordinator Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 P.M. September 30, 1988. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written 'request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. Any appeal is governed by Title IV, Section 3011, which requires that such appeal be filed with the Superior Court of Washington for King County within twenty (20) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use; process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. City of Renton/King County CU-038-88,& AAD-081-88 September 16, 1988 Page 12 All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits 'all interested parties to know the contents lof the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. N+ Y ' PUBLIC WORKS 5_, CONSOLIDATED OFFICE- REPAIR F.iC;LITY rt City Of Renton. Public Works`/r r BUILDING KEY: j King County3-Distract Court;!+ ./ .''Z !t-'•._ 0 ROADS .iDMINISTRATlO TRAFF!C S SiC,+STORES Employee Parking 9`. ~ '\ C CORE OF-, l Spaces EXP.;NSiON- 3\ D SOILS LAB N County Parking - r'\* 0-- s.. 1 E SORFOFFICcJ0.SpacesF f` •! 'y EXP.iNS70N(ALT.SITE) 7 / .;, J OF FUELr 1 FLEET.tAIVTEN.cNCE Roads Division ,i jVisitor r Emploe•`1 r. %-. 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Pa rag,•/.' ; •t I : I 267 SPaces j 67S SPaces •i Eziating Paint Building r - } N. ,, y I .',- 4 . 5 r+^ ^,'\,• _ - .Potential Phase _rf II ' -/ //// -- Existing King/County - may' `-- i/ 1!,r.. r i`.., -: `' Office Building `'/j..,f I I / Solid Waste I •' I` `` I \T(ansfer Staoon I 1 Potential Phase III-A I j// T vision y" Office Building I I \=ice- --i / SO Roads Di T 9 (\bCc/+y 85.000 GSF 5`r/ . Maintenance J'/ ARCE{ITECS b PL+iCINERS s wwat stwrnL ANNE. Core Area w 1 ' ' L Greenbelt 00 . Public works z• ,'/f c• t `\ • 1 '-•`• Pit Storage zA,,,`\ - _ L Potential Future Q'c• MASTER r 1`—' t , / " '_Connection To\ OCaa o DEVELOPMENT tom•. I •' Maple Valley High ay 0 Q'te I `' %j'' :.', _u. n ,c1 SITE PLAN NOTE: AN DING ADDITION LOCATIONS NO "i I I'.3' o Q: AND NEW HULLOING FOOTPRINTS L ONLY. SUBSEQUENT C r•i(O ARE rrzcTu TUA ARCIiITECTIIRAL STUDIES WILL 7 it F I I: 0 /!' FIX ADDITION LOCATIONS AND NEW BUILDING FLOOR PLANS. 47 v . I i • I C v , *, s„ CI\ '')''...- ,C) r.... . • • • \ KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ss.'s'. ssssss••:'.:;:..._, sz:,.':'::/ / 4' 2111 i;1,I II. I 40 ik CONSOLIDATED OFFICI SC REPAIR FACLITY 4Iti, a/ ., 0 0 le3 4 ...". l S 7% 7.0V1 c•--r rfp i 'a:ipt) • Ji s::\\••-•.....\---...- I• 2-----77 r,..,.., 7c-/.., 4erBUILDING ADDITION. Th.,, --._ t._,--- jy-illair544eLs Bu4niate5iiififrif4. i\•:,-- .... 11-ft.,.-. . 141C1' 1111°'A7di). 7-, v,....\,..; • • , s. -- \ ,• . ,, \ .. • s \ '--..... i :; ! i i! 7 ------- Vez 1 \.:\ .,_N__. ., , i . „ 1 1 \\ • 3. MINI STORAGE - . ,, !iir J. ./ , ,i/ v ; 1'... j 1 • k 7:-,--•--- I i I i z; i ...._- , ••i„........-v_k, ---„„-,./k , r , • i , ,.. •1 .\ •s. \ . --3./„.. 7 •.// r•-• 1 ! : .,....--... ....",,,//;/, 1 - Th. ".• ---.. 0 i 1/ ." „r-7-•.,.. ...,\,..• ' s---' E E .‘ N :-, . 1. J BUILDING ADDITION --. 1 if- t.`,.\'.•••''•-... 7.---- 1 i -s\-' 77-- 1 k I' '-..,--*--"...------ './/' ARAMA. 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CU-038-88 kil APPLICANT CITY OF RENTON TOTAL AREA ± 36 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 2nd STREET EXISTING ZONING G-1, GENERAL-SINGLE FAMILY EXISTING USE KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES PROPOSED USE EXPANSION OF KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC & GREENBELT COMMENTS STREET_ IMPROVEMENTS FOR : MONROE AVE. N.E. — N.E. 4TH ST. TO N.E. 2ND ST. AND N.E. 2ND ST. - MONROE AVE. N.E, TO CITY SHOP SITE L.fs C3sv.nb7ES pi" aQ i I I I I I L. I J 54%'Z4 7 .ilv6< M4 YE (E.C/57/,4S) i 4 E N//TL/ 4V$4 p' eV)I I So----• 57C e/`9 ,SelNE0C/14 4VV F ( lints) l I I I I — 2 .Q2 C XIn{J LJ7/L/7y I t 47A \ .S brv,/,4rE .4.',""OX//`747E. 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RR RVIRIONRTAF - DATE AYFNOV[.+- - ( 1 N[[T — Q' 0TI 111I 'I see 4, lti L ° gg a t .-3 i4g1I-1Y frIg I I! Ill I r e c ' -h-T>'rc /V c cr i d 12E7 GENDVE Ll(457 I L9 Q7E EEC.. ...M.m 541 9" "--_ .' pt 2 Y 335.90 11 ZwV FXe47 1T- ?'l 1 2 5'un/A A45 ")47,4 c 11 C1 6 y L`>v77 Sae GL P9/L C T7/.0-k 4L_ .ACT/O/V) T!o AO/ tea-libiaiirdlIMMIIIIMI 0r 1 A O.s I? G L ',„ O. t7X-- t G /Ox er . SQ— \ // rj NN iN N L rer-liove ewer I IInowFFKEURQGTRO " IL J iILCNA!" /AMR p II s CUT n1T i. Lr°^d I J'I f r--1,474 I 3 -' : ?— -- T- T oijII1 TTE S'S/ C RK OIt7rra-7zr j f1E /IA R P CC.00 0. Eat, 4r47E 6C_ s•,••. srr r. I I CURB RETURN pnTA tG - h 3 1 I I Il I 7-3ff';/7"w.3.3 .75 4717 iLl T-1 k , IO ` I,1 I Sib PocE I II I SAW(RELOCATE)l IA TEL, YAULT 1 5/Ii CGWTROL LER L-l/ /. r /u \'/Q , / . N•l L 9UK5/6 ADJUST TO 6RADE 0 2 5 4 5 c t sv/ •11LYo.Gy fF 440 rE a 7z' a aroi I t E7AGN GRAOE N'1a 1 30 t43 I i 80 O. . T I , , _ j i 1 I _ — -4- r % waif. 215i y' r-- r- n U ._ rerov d"39 l IW 187.54Lf -.Xb~PA a a!O%•. o I5N7 _ l- 1 GG57 9G f I I 4 I 1 54.74'i Lf 5,0,y'4-- 0, ,:k Av. 1_._..___>jy,I Az 0- 31 IXb 30 E V5 rlf• Of 5O T' l 1'E: 329 J8 7 ,50 TYrP.7- 1G' I M/-/ 1 j t c74/L ad a/}a)I e.550.00 cis .. o54i ) CITY OF RENTON D[/A11TM[NT OP' /U•LIC WORKS j PL 4AJ /412 /Z.• IL. AV N . 0,1•. Ne 47,41 37 To NE z,/o sr N-ir.(Ail f r 5'(,., oc.wren .95 DATE_ 7-d2 ma.o DAWN L" to' n.a Nva 5/7_I e.ac.an ar.. a_- I i I No. avu/DN D., A//, DATE A//wov.D 7 K yww_L__o LL 2 —2-4, 1.. ...)(AC) C".i•:::::.i's 2 ..-TtE:.:i'':',' illtio......1•_. ,o 711P7-277-.z." 1 Cl#429 AW ). CS41(47ff iffiL.yrtifir. to MOVX4e AIV . /V 4)1 ATER VALVE MI BOX57,r70.14. afEC7,4,.:3,0 3 r/L ?to/ste IT 25 ze 1 T ArAll r Teial-_____-oi - . 03 r r 4-L 11,74 LF`'-._Zy°eve, c 4 L 0 rz.... = =2 • -- — - 11 50 /0-.50 /10, C 0./0% I L010.---- L 7 a--•,---si-- ---- -,-ADr-- I I w. 44'Jos- de re&-- X1110 " I) u) aistaldi __I 0./ alli+ill52. 1.°° alre47 .•: /___. 4,19%931_31/2./0 4 . ..0F502sZ 339.40 PLAN- 1•10A1/W ,,eiv . A1 . 5 at 7 6 9 A9 I 1 I 1 1 Iva, yo II1• I• i . I I 1.7, 1;300.42 •- 1 1I1iIiI - ! I I I II - - ' -- .I --- 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 . ....__. 4 I1 1.• .• . . 1, . • ! I i 1 • i i 1 i i f 1 1 9 ' q i I 4 1 4 4 1. 1' I. 4..I i V t AnIlz,4-1 fl 1 i 1 •1 1 I,n 1ALIi1N11 K. i1 1 I I i I v• 9 i I.I • • r 1 i 1 1 r a64.74 I 1 7-+--------,---11 I xi 1 1 i I I c c;a I/e)si I . 09 I.,'-...ze4./4,,e" a! a/a 14 I 1 . r fi t iiv1:F54t 1, I ii 1 I ria:Tkif...,- /I2' 4 1I 1 i fA 5 3 U 1 LT1 i I • I s CITY OF RENTONi' 1 • i . 4) 4 I • D AAAAAAA NT OF PU•LIC WORKSI 1 IrSttiilfe'' O.. . . PiCr3="4e-e 71 isZVV#41f.e Al, ' N , . '... _ _ _ 1 z,.. ,1/ . 47-1_,/ 57 70 A! .7../VO ..,.,• 0•-,s•-tra DE..""—e!ra--- DA 24Z—.— NJ No—1 I I i • DIM VOM_i I 1 1 i 1 Nacrmn id=22' _ ........1.1.L. I No . ItaVNFON or Am.,' DAT' 11APPOOIIIII4e..-.1.-•-,(7 .-... ..... 11LT-Z----01, 9 _ 9 A.-, iJl :f.: :'A+k1 .N..;!.' (;Ef-1f_:T_ .Y" O CL/mod 017'1 p-2,1 a - v'/i'o5' 4574 O0..50 / xs1L.a .5. $' 7 4 L. - 4722'I I I !Io o T - . (O' tS' In N f c cc%p/ny T Of•Q./G r.c. I 50 t f C3v(17 rL --NZ.6.5 pc ,^r. 1 e r rc o a s'/• Y3'G/n/////5 rA7 1 lit oY. p I - CaY 677Q'..CT: ft1 '4) 7 (, Trr s 7,es) ryr I CB- I t 1}' - Al2. //E Gi i97E FL -3 3 0 85 \ O Ot oS dl I I c t.O -a c r rrrc - AV N — IV M . iatr-GI"rirr r/rc c a/d - — — • -ram-— IZ__`s , sic 7, -,. i`lw!ti ar* ./-..; H iii_ 1.Ar-GO"rm 11._______Ay 4—--mi.—— C`, Ndliti $ ot5onr n/c.- AL .Ty!YC.B• w - •...._ a 099 GR9TE EL 4 4 s NbTS rE lI- LTf/ 1 TY/c S iC J b in/ 34O '1 As,-,,5,v . ,,wC. GYKC IXlTT6[, IDv EL• 3Y1.9Z 6C...-..#2.11e5 Ot dG t• 1 4d L.F O P/[i'O•SD% ST4-0,44 Ge5 k0 O/N EX/STD 1 -Ot.55 4%5 rT CLFvy Y9y9 CuPBf6urTER 2 74.I 7 2. 6^StJ11E EX/ST Cfl4/rV UnlK 2S' cure G FACE Anb c547235'. A -Q9'40a^5' I ' 30/.2 x) 7 ' Zf.9P' Y-AV- 1 f AVE. N.E. 0CX 725,t,C/TEi'C t0 4 I 1. Aer 1i 1 luf w—w,i&--1 . -. j AZ' II ti41 i ------ --- C pp 9999 , t i4.rL1 17 2& c. 37 ripe, TYrc - 4 3 t0x d' 45 13111AT CITY OF RENTON 1} J 0 D•T A K T N E N T OF P u•L I C WORKSi 1 5/.44• /s/ 47/-S T TO A 2Ab S7 lI / -1'(Y O[[IOM[D DAT[ ,-cJL PILE NO DRAWN I-20' 1 1 CM[C[[D ru• o.-r wwM 1 1 ILD. I in C 11111 kL/'i J vE EX[ST E . OT/L KL"C 7'7".. iT.t } i. II I _.--r,I i NC. 27 ST. V1 I g -+•n..-- 4 — a[n 7.nn-7,wr.wwr.—1 y/-- -wnr- wmr w.r—.rnr- —9nprilnrr—sn+r ENE E.C<5T d N ht.Na nn--- L a r rLa ,..--.u57 ds.o o^aa.) a Y S x JC Ej Y3 CE .94L f .AS".4( '1iv O s i f t cif R LFr//rE, T-e'rr s L74/L- A- .SL/ G 2t 7 1, h AFJyX7VE EJfCST CUiGD ` Q'JTTE.',S TA/51/0,571-Ot:Xx&d 79 579 27410 7YT2 3-T2 /x/ pg eA(Sr F ^E— i I•E 327.20 RT 7 3 0 95 I 20.7100 Tr LJKS r - o Aa E- 331.47 AM HI D Z I j I 40 I I Ill IN i„ t. _ 1) 01 firif I i 8 cwsr reo e IN y- 1 y I 1 5G6 ACZ411.1 E' Se7 7. p J 3 d L1CI S.vE et t9;, I Asa7. W,. AVE. NE. ,J C TT S,b S'TG MLA MO REv pp/YEiWYLdiG17/ON 24 ,f lf-d1 O'ALLQRevS/Q YIL"CAL NMfEN7 RC 1f-I Ar MO. EW ON/' AIM DATE l AFF[Ov[0_f -/(&J'""SI-.. / +[w[[r r_ I V 14 1 yfix-A_ es+i e es f 7t_ -5 c5.57 540-.17 t liff,-a"/irG p._.._ _ 1 3t5 11 r XJC12!r f c 9 L i Q OtOdFT- 7I- -C"rve 7 rr I 1 ••I - G. f*O 57 Imay I I I 1 0- b 7 Q i L 1 1 I j j 1 i I I I 1 1 E CANSTRUGr/47-. 1 i 1 WD 3 j 45 i3,12 l42 j p., 37 I Ie .'1 1 I 1 3Z.5/ [.¢-.X' e" ',,,me, c a b iL I LCJ6(v i I I /`i f [F "' rem i a ia; e4.7 I - - I Se-E GZrYL. 'E'7 7 1 O 1 I-332 I I r= - g oile;330g+4,5 I vir. ,t„ 1 ssaies._37 5'40 lL... + -XI° 3 Z7.8 i"32 i 'Y' D[R'TM[NTTY OO/ REELPUBLIC DRAWNI CN[GI[D K. / N../ nY.....537 O. RN AVM'A[ REVISION Ml I6EWt 1B 0...erBS 1_ // o,lrtINO. KMeNIN eT A Pe. OAT[ A oovIr e11[R Z —Z•67 v54 1C0 GSA ,<FJJ -17 e7 07/1Ei 5/, ,c'ii de er e0-2.1"1 iii..... wq "11 I, xrv. i AK Ssyw7 A'ac 'o',45-41447 ate. Mir ,n -e~o/ r/,-, TEL [x GT 2% to2,44 UPI Lj 4/a~/1/Akww Tri"\-4 d c.•r c.54e5V A ye (/,'1 ,' c.c 77aoc (7rr.1 wMN SEIM 2' LevK/n<5 ccr c (Wv"'nt c9) CRC "'C Yc'. l Mid 72 QW/ Xo~ 5L7— Tr/CYCAL 5 CT/GYM/ - /100449E AV . Al. . 70,-.-.t .3 froN n [r,-e'o/ 7/PE E. 474 57 To ME. 2nio ST T (»'P.) Iwrs 111111=1111111111.111, L-L "'", proomismoli,-mromm": illr—-.1=-2 TiQ.C7Af:VV 2b O CT TEL. GKL15C 7YPE1F p /T (jP.)Q:Wcr_//T/.S X/5' C0 int, a 6D' d ^sl3 7 I 5O 4oP EX7EGYJ4_ 6' f' f?' 3' 11cv ), s nac. sa I 540‘ru7 rvn/ DET..4/L '5' Zi Tdi/L 'C'r 1 2% TlT lT QQ'nrTS N75 VCvC/77BC U57 -4S I'/-/ NM7 o"CL. '6'-L 0.4 C2a1G C S T7e7cesPvn1i/4'I cAt Acr . 6,' 2 / ...//CSE (~/ CSf 7L., -.5."P/PE C0.57. M/N 7yP/G'IL k -At=C7/0"/- A/.E. Ab Sz_ moNkl ,47 :-'N. '. TO' 574. r - 5-n r kiAt-s 7""P/PE f—1 N 6t7 357CV s,o' av) I l 71 3/, 7 L - -P/PE- /rs4zs/ cuPa/NL 7 SAor/nts u'vE 5' 45' v' 5' i_cc.,wx.,57: CCYs257/eW7/0",/ ¢ mod` SK7r/ B'•t7 E 6+(/57 L 'LN is'/PEI_______x 2x I.- P 7 5"GC. '5'A5,74l4[..7 4 2'hC:. s . i e',. /) rer 7Y/'G 1L C7/0/s'— N. . 2A/O 57 fis 5z4. 2471o5 70 .574. lotGe A CITY OF RENTON I D K F K K T M K N T OF F U K L I C WORKS Vri0 8••Su••°.,. c 74/L 5L / D[[ION[P DAIi FIL•no DRAWN GM CN[CK[O / ' -/ K'VI NJ /.-. nY ^ARC/- wwrr wwr w NO. RM[ION NV A.R. NATI A IN)V[D'/VL^ TM [N[R L= i f 4 j) I E ZW744.- G 2 /T Gs MA7 -- L TYPE N C CrA•CD/NLEf PE/b E EnLST Q ¢ p COWTE Ei -.5..V.CV 64 r`a'7 I r ly sYnfl S' S`Y 1Z'r!` T 2 6'KU n///k5 r997/J CctRC+ y /77 Sec R2-&/ L G 2 5'/ 7>/ i/AO 47#4 n/)kJ I ' i h1eTMCA^ A. N cyty 'r'/P / qr IT 1 a li w v'f,K f 'i /' C"." r.c T 1 1 z3 ram- 11 4_0 7./ ax, • , e.ir-d r- i r x . T yyw...i......CURQ GIll,_ 11- , GOiw/RRAMP 1 r C 4J .« /' j 6I - /+/r• - f_ 1 3TALL R9. O{ y/ d' r1t7yJ Ell- M 1' 1 I I TTER crXa' e II A vCCi PR / Cl-KDTc F1E ESL.m G17tc. - 252.000/1 f I I CURS RETLRN LUT1 BL.f. -B'///E ZI1 O.SO '/. I) 1 I I i 71a i 1 1 I 0 Ni DellILII 8/4ly C Rpca-Arl) 1 I t r YA!/LT f''L/W tv, 4v . N..vii l BLst_tONTRO_GLER 4 Paz,BOrr ui/ A/1/Usr TO GRAOCO234fJ' r'V/ -Maze, 844 Gt . rnaW I.t 7YPE B-72 M i. 0,E3/ N G.4.40E QJ -a s' l+h.3lE'J BO%. 1 I' l t-- --—II 34, Ili'(1 N. 1 PS,.34 L. 5dr"K/rrG e a/O% Cie,""±1 -- - .i7.4t.Lr:1i'"1"W c' a-0t9% I I XV u 2'Ya E s 711 1 8 v E. .5e9.9s ppsi:_ 5 u=, 'r/rE a O..,0% iie'E a-Tz' r 7 AMC 1 E. 31 75 32S S . 7vL 'CY 3NT.o) 179 i ASBUIIT t.o. o o Mfr Ao, 7-8 83 EuEGT4L2TS4hJ) I 1 i y CITY OF RENTON I I D[FAKTM ANT O F pUII/ LIICC WORK• I.i i z_.. L 4 NE I I I,,.A• ems .a E n/E 1 1 I vy's. NE 47N 57 TO N E 2A/O .ST 1•m'(/./)/ /i#-?r(Pi i ocoe«m S1S Din 7-AZ MI.0 L 2ei'SEO S.w.C/KGB RCTUR•, .?L8 2-7-0! D,AW« Q.l__ 1 K /SEQyTR *zap.: QL9 :1-1-t1 « cD _ u i I rvrOK CAI M ' 00.5/7... L' r.ccT.1 F1Z-I k 1 4) c c47 EL_. .3K.IO aZ.F-a',-i.-E i 1.5 n/r /.as 7,4 T )04err _- 1 r -z 7 7 dd[ f5r- - a".: 1 v ",1 I k„.__._________,,„,„ u.Li _....l•-••••••••••••••-11 --..............................,............................. Io••-..-...........- AVN71— k 3'o7..rfo LF-.lro"'P7rE cS O.,0$1 . 4 . tea Us- /A"L L Q/O i V l T ' or 1 1- l a a q.: 8 rg.--.fin r 4 NIRu 7YrE Cf/6 /,V ay.-ITE K_. 3444 !O iE . 59.,6O 7/\ PLAN— MOAII'20z AV . N . 5 e 7 a 9 io 1 S'O' VG r• 1 1 N ' 1, s,i I. z , z,it,A A 1 I II 3115 1 d T 80/• II Z 1I Eir -'ten a 455 i 7 LF-.34"// e a/OY. o"'/'i. c a.o% as 5 x r ' _ i AS-BW LL As ir 3 Xi I .78- I te I 1 I I 1 t y 4it r CITY OF RENTON I' DEPART/MM E NTT OP PUBLIC WORKS 1:2"0 :[. AVM' N.&1: I E r - • etiw 8>j/Tl/l''-5` NJ E 4T.J ST TO E 2N0 5T osuowsn_ /6 1 oArE 7-42 nu NO. V i I i DRAWN 4'S n _ j/ GN[CK[D_._ SCSI•/`-2L7, u^"- -A•• - t L ASV/SOD 4 4RADI. -BL d is-yes v a cI t y I.:. :I_ NO. REVISION IARR DAIS ANINOVE12 r.... I( -- sNsn-wl a 2 - 2 — G.7 r. loo71 ' '41.. V 1 1 r i 1 r 1 I OOOu B'•TA 0400 OW lr--z=r=-:ac=s=-r-t_a: i N 8b•Ot'21"N I 1 y:. i.osr.- -r,--tea^:'--:.-t ,tT-s- 1'-1i63'll u-;a-.>._sr= t==-c•s-Y - .` 4 1 c..t-- .'"t -.ui't'7.•a1.c--:' T--- : a _ -.- T.1 'A < ..} r ` ! ^- l 1` 'A• LINE- „ t.. - I.INE f-- 1 eASE RID1 RAfE I'D- r I I -r.,. . PAVIN6 LIMITS71:/.. 9- ri I T tq•_. 1 r_=-r_=y[sr=P= •_r_sar=mar BASE B,p ti- _ ! _`__ 1 IT FC'::k 10 eA1'K J CUEB•.-- \ I,• ` ' cr. PAVING MITS I1.4 PAVING WAITS 1,1•.4 F.. Ai 1. yo IAUa. 126 I I• 1 f 1 I' t c NFU r y4l,l 1 . _,i_: v 1 h A O 00 v. I i 4 , I I N. O t1l 0 h f1+ 1 l I ta " F-?' 4.:.,... A I 4.1' Ht1/41 r I I }_ 1 . r 4.i.It:1 BASE Rio 111 7711 1 F MYNG LI T5 BASE WO Tr-- j 1 0 i o q , , 4-X' 52-. 1 I i 1 y •- _ 2 12'-Q 6 E 3 Li O.cl I •rt F' 1 I 1 AA1 t1 2L' LT, 51 •TS,A Al to rf i 1 tt A'` t •. p,.T. Mrll _ m 1 I i. 1 I %"- ,i, ^ tt o -aa'-''7'`as o o t 1 1 l jL} I.- W 0 II N o- 1 t U G_ I II t- A1-• , '"'Ib." r-- T17,. W O ` v O 11 ,• 51TR, -ER1P TCg iI3 •1 it _ n , • n• .u.w u r. F. m ti II f SFT i;iM1h.ETaDt llILINEj 1 c bt O N a SE 010 X o i N t J. T . 1 - ti I A p O 1• W P' •.Lw•I C1+AIN LINK FRN•7E L L,. '•.! i O O i w J i, r RA![ Rio YLQInCTER • i- r 111V0 n FENCE 1- SEE :.PGc DROV'S T" IJ J 1 + I 1",I p AI c i v y j fi t . L JJ wu ( lb a o 1 :+ >. °• J' 7+`ik i BOG" FENCE 1 t O J k'i C. v ! :iyyt Rpo CXISaaI - \.,,,,,,-0.0118GUTTER(EASE l BE) JIr N0, 1CUR! GUTTER SE BID O - O J 0 I NR LWITf EAet -\\\ R:f. d _ ` n yw y - y STA 21.12• • rJf s. ,.... 11.• L•ici,rt i,+ _ !) o r GATES N Nr q Y1 ry ij ' ,-' f 1 Q U o \ ?tr o .c .• Es' SOUTH OF BLo4.•or ' 1 _.AiE, M ,; 1t" x ..",--L S rMla MAINT Cl AREA AVMFG LI Tf ---4_0: " 0 1 le i' F•I gay.iK z AyTERNATE o f I r w w I fiery+• p'Q AIA4ALT C. APRgN - 1*., M1 xi, ' .', S N ` li...:‘'.'. j T i I I n 4' N v I f !- t Li Ii!r •i 1 rJ T t R n E U •.-.x fit ' • rtEl',tr WI3 ' s ......,, I 4...__ AS ALT I PRON. eA 3E MO A o. 1 a I t ' 7 V tYr t r, A.IL\N it MAIN.448TENAMCE AREA M/IR LIM/TS. w—_ —. _CINTERIOR• jGNCG 1 i''•'J_F f1 11 TSRNATE O i tt t 1 . 1. 1. 1 •1 t' MSIO'iN L_-1--- - O FF. Y - t 1 f, ,• a.,,.. ! r!. j AREA 1 1 y. 41'. J 8ASEBIfI I 0 . s' 'F!j• lJ `Y I ti u 1 G tiJ, :.A'•' r , ' 1 • it 1 .•k• 1 , r1 •L F r I 1itu.w•y.' I a•n u..c l I I t' . T T... I 1 tr ue IhIIiIkrTSITEGRADINGPtA 'flnd(FEfV(i{Mts S A 4 . r w1 • i • c I 1..EA t 010 iIiENu s10 I ,I I I I'!y1 .l: I I G I' g F°• I KING COUNTY DEPT. •f PVBLIC.,WORKS+1 1..,,...: I yf '` i+ ,/ 1 \ t 1 1 I I I .o .1 NOTE 1 IF/ 1.1(.. I.SPAIN.. IIlf(TOE •r.(' ^ r r 1 1 I f ; , l + r'1 1 A g CTURES 1.41T14ITNSTRUCTI N.. ., OUTLINES CONSOLIDATEDNSOIDATEDOF--fICESHOP l •7w/.L• f • Sr i' j` 1 Ii I - I i ALTET'd1AT CON JI V.,TJL- t *,,,,-• A t + I 1 O !! L PARKING LOTS `C., ,•i' RCALTERNATE RIMYN• _ COIefIT ISENT• MIORCtI1...Tf*• 1 1. 1• i.. Ff•' < " t' 1 t. ' 1. ';fl _ it 1 -- -- i 1 14 . ., CONSTRUCTION.1 f '1 t '•^.'^.•r'--.•Y. +f ,. rJ.aYsiw sa.,rwss .a a„rw•,n 1 1• w.te•e. ,TO n. n•uw. / E 4 qE2 rj MI Y+! pp:.J 1 :',, .`. f ..• -v r. • , 1j I i y.', t'/ i ;..'' '.. i- Y p ( ' r 1((-- 1l sl_ r I/{/]; ••••••t• • •• e•.••+••t r t —Y M1 i - f. V ," r •y l I• _ 1 • r ,, .T4 DAN'I 1 j 1 _. •L 1, r i 4' .. f 1. SA 4,1 L I G 'riiL ' FENCING.ie••1 r •..- i :c. •F .• r•!•_.!` k. L _ 4 I t I 7 I K ENC -12• A I E FOR FEttCI r L 1.1 t : 'IG ._ _ t f`•1. :f''r_. • Ri_'. r. 1 week w R S !• i A 1 B 1---E'-0-- - -41:I--_...._-VARIABLE ---- -- --- VARIABLE --IGI- -510.. I NOTE IN ADDITION, APPRORIMATELY Ip IGO LAN FT. OF i'WIDE CE YTENT 97} 2=0 14' O 14-o---- — 2'•0• CONCRETE IS REQUIRED A3 SHOWNSHOI./N ON PLANS. VAQI` BLE. SLO.02 SL002 SL 0 02.I SL O.ol l S`--- Sl.O.OR-% Sl O 021 2: _-__-_1 SL.0.02.1 L - SEDEWALK 04GT THICK TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION •• CURB NT 0 AuTTER SECNCRTES - i LINE A 1.00 To PC II.GG 84 SPECIAL PROVISIONS LINE•fI : 0.00 TO 2.4.5 TYPICAL PAVING SECTION B ALTERNATE PARKING LOTS "C". -L2 f F. 2• ASPHALT CONCRETE CLB WEARING COU L !!1 RSE L I'-ASPHALT CONCRETE CL•B LV EARING COURSE 2' ASPHALT CONCRETE CL:B- LEVELING COURSE. I:i ASPHALT CONCRETE Cl..B LEVELING COURSE 2" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 1- CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE BASE WO BLDG •F 20 APRON FLOGS -F G• ; eLDG -G 40• APRON I NOTE: r VARIABLE - --.• usE TYPICAL PAVING SECTION •A FOQ R(ADWAY SECTION & PARKING LOT PROFILE I I /,j ALTER(r ATE-MAIN MAINTENANCE ARC/1 j) FOOTINGS - Sl O-OI 1_- -_- _- rt f, KING COUNTY D, DE N OF PUBLICWORKS L1' ASPHALT CONCRETE CL-EF LEVELING COURSE CONSOLIEAIEL)OFFICE a SHOP FACILITY 2' CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SURVEY N..COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. - TYPICAL PAVING SECTION "A"- APRONS SHEET 2 OF .10 SHEETS 4.01 Np MAINTfNAMC! DIV OM I._,4/-- l }ice re 416L /-13 G•c r Iy ....o.•• ... . o. •.o...l .•.•....•• fio"sl L+' IDAT•I Pe VISION 11•V BASE BID PROFILE - B• LINE U BASE BID PROFILE - A LINE k 345 1, MS L _ IOC VC '. 0 cog. 1 R 7 1 eo( 2410 340 Z 100'v C. y t Z• 8 1oo'v.c. ass _._ .. S35 pp O Z 1 IoovC. i 8 330 2.00 I.00 2.00 3.00 4•00 i•G3 Q.W 7•CA 6 KO0.00 R2 0 D•Oq SRO . I ALTO glp PROFILE - LINE •j1,•It C ALTERNATE BID PROFILE-UNE.0..340 ALTER BID PROFILE -LINE•F 4! ALTERNATE BID PROFILE- UNE +C• a i, sad VpV 2 D J40 i 00.4C. 436 i- 3j6 I 6112 l M o C Vi IOD1 es a?INff710N p OI 0 i K I r O k Z 8.'SV 2.•Y To Ll 2.28 I w i .• I l2s 9- q ass aso "' ALTER BID +R.li I o u 5 D s•O a•RO 2f0 1•00 0•CO 2.00 1.00 o.OQ : .. a A 2•CO I.00 0•00 I R 4 d 4.00 3.00 2.00 I.00 0.00 rili\'.. (ri •r ' 7 !i •y 1 T_ I • •AT t-Al.r Ut;•'•'b 'l6•..••i 1 r 7 r y• r , `' "' 11:f t 4 h y S+ ItT I • t• S .j fY`, r ..jgg_•r j :',, • 1 1^ - --` J` -t _..-f,..'j. . • -•.~ A. l.. 'Ss•+i 1' 4„1.1 ....4. 4 ',/ ., „:rrit-f.,;,;'-j• .- . .,- ;,.,- „__:, R l' :`i'G-; fY .>.` 7,, • 4si 1 . . r r-r• : L-__ -y_. t Iw,gw.M.n,.~ r1r• , y • i till :- -': vr a', t„i 1 1+'•,. 1c"I y.o',li N• r f ti • r,.. . y ii .,d' t r •• , t;A'yatjw['• • .A'• •> ti` 51 • +,I• 11. 1 w•,• t; 1 1•^ i'Ai i r r r• +-,. •;, I S • ' j.. a, ill 4 Y,' r' J, e '`'r• 1 J 1 I I I I 1 i t `a,\ 1• •'f , r. ' s '+1 '' ,•'a'X•lR+ 1 ^.!R•,i• ' : I 1• 1•I i 4 - • J . wrt'•' - • ' e 'get- • `', --• ',04'elk 1•••tc, r : t?. -.-•74 - i% 4; ... • • 46,„ "1'•'' ••: , ' •• ., • •Iti„,•.. r I! , t. 4 i or". . 1 i vit'11 1. 1r t. 9i.J r irraa a . 1 11 1 1 a ... 1„,• . • ' I H aSi., t. ram I" laI I• t..1,t 7. J ', r 1 1 i.- • a' •{?•:2• 1 y+ p 1 • Y 1 1 ', , r r" Ir.. .r.•c'•f. .1 fir. 3 r t n w r r r.•• 1 ti yT'r'FR fff jjj 7 fp 1 r 7j' r7 leri..• t' I 14.- ,. / 14T. ••/...• 4- A f 1• . 1' F[ir 7swc. • y ease. -... •c. ^_TS A iI} t • 1 AVyy d S t t I ' 1' r 1 I. fir •i tti r i w wr••atsi , ,, if.. T t 47 1 t 1!p•y I .J, i .,. ]r v! t iJ-rC 1• I 1. 1 1 r 4 w y:`vfe , r I r'„' r I- 1 r. lt y4sF^. r • 11 •L fR1. r 104 • • 1,4 °. Ith •' y,.e •• ;. y N ,r J3}••• - . r -- I, I = r^ ~ r re r s i JS l IA IT t. r 1 t 1"' ° 1 12'MAIN SEWER s•. Wei dIs` lr,r ' -,.. 1 I t 1° T. 6' LATERAL SEWER i / • `{ ,° • _. •h . r n 1 1 j t I t 6' BUILDING DRAIN 2 t]• • 1'.+ r• #) t.S ter i• J`yA'>< 1 t+ r 4 1" ; 4, Afr >`'•"—_ =i''"ri s'?r=_=_ t 'd_ ---_ I.+ B wTE r ,,, • +. ti' Ir' off a•S't. • ,J,. 1 - I • 4' ',1y--, j 't'' i ---•.- _ 1 1 s' r ---- - -i> ra,o.e,.gr wuae rcrr.O y+ i . a Ji/7 1, yr•N r alb(r0 Y..4 at!•o n!!!t. y .11.t.• • 1 r''-- 1 1 r 1 o..EA.6 sc lov 0 11 f 5 ` ,. y i. , i ,, . {, jy, ..rl, ,.......,.,:'..: 4-...-? nY ..i' I 1 L r 1 1 t _ I Au.[v.W cx.no'At.uKY. r S ,f 1 p ldj t ,• ; ' }, .t ' y• ,r , 1{. t - I V e.•. t ' 1 i• 1 j w• il ij a• •.' tJ i•• t: . *".-• , .., i J i SANITARY SEWER PLAN ' ; 1 tr rf+.. 41.. i, ,•1 .• 4 f' J 1,,, I r' 1 1 1 1 1 h i ' I fi4S•L / r t k., ! f :1 1 SJt Cl'ST 'TZ i I t t JM N COUNT DEFT OF PUBLtC 'YVOR iily• T+1 ]-YJ'V.}. ` i• , r S ' f•'g' I .. t 1 .1` I 1 11 I to=li-....1 Jt'.•i r t. 1. /0,11 tyt•j l.ptIII I(1 01 4,i.\+ J-' Nrf•N ' t. i ;, 4 ••4 } ! ''w a- ,/• I•. 1 • - 1 t r 1 1 1 r elilLv1 4 ,'! 1 ;/ Trccrn l T 1-R.CU SHO f f•Kti!! I? r . R•0 * Ri+ 4, _1.... I I a 1 r 1, C; •r• i/ b'tlGu RENTbN ff• {h y t\ cmtarrwo PlIWICi14V. ' va;`'.4 0 j i. f• ''+.'- f ! I f r I i. t 1 J•. 441.R},. , I y(v w a. w • f r I. ,' n ...• , • rat. J '', aT• +[ I t Tti' I I,,•, , IK. /71';U .t xe w. t '! i f. < ! •e•i Z 1, R . t . .;1 1 kr _.__ - 1 1 1 ••1•_?.._ f a ";.ni •. SNr4T 5 o/ s0 ,SHtt16 V`, ,a 11 , v,, 1 1 I ts l r d 1 Ott ' JJ .. I \ t f t 'vt•`', 1tft `ice •+tr' -y _ r t'L,' :' 1 1 1 ++ 1{ T.! 'd % • ' " t ` e'' i. I: ~\ - 7,' •1 s' i~, i t-t •`_- • j,-* 48.'' - J • ,?/M'r -`N' 1t• R '.`•• I 1 MAIwnNAwct M + 4.{'" •, r_ Y• •• t 3 •!1 Vty_A. ,..e..atf41 •• i l t11.uw r•1.. _ 1 W. - '' • r• ''', Y-!t.j"P 1 iq 'I ..,`:a, h J l r. .'"- •• v ri f°"!,•>w. rw:T .i ^ •7 1` 111 111 Li.i Sot vs r ...-. L,.rr ^. 1 • • 1/P. t':._ '•- .'S1 • y .yam. • 'Ws-ai• ..•; i,. Ie. • 1 1 A'fTA 1•QO CKI••B•STA O.0000 ft 1 - r ..I f L•_ _ ` r cif'-s4"S21?g_"c s.,•..yI1(:I',‘,- i•f'r ,1'.c' I i•LWYnE_L I f 1 , 11 I I ilfar- a • xi • 1 IIttII 0 1 / A'_ y ,_„- , I61 4t,1 , I a..n.w1 11. !it 1 n ill 8'fRAV CUKI:nrlT _ 1il:, 4-. 411 L_ r- „.._ i ,, b,.- GC ';E 3..,. i'?; Y 7,.-t. 1 I 7 f a SAW:a ! M,• ' • '1'I`•';• ' k' 3) 4'ci ' r-4 I TMF /N_E! I/i y7.;'NYAWAIT ea- I'orpOrrOot r t i mb11?ems I J C a;t4 .•rr. let dry;I II- ,-- Pstyvitth•f`4 LACATKJM w•u,w' 1 b I fl:a P IT P 1• 11:II ; `, y r - ar •/ii'-/:. \ Jar. 44 a O I; J —__ _ -_ - -__ _ 4A j • rV NOTA :1•r2• 1• lY.' rt.. I mod_ -- =" Mf/.r•CO"a.t.I a lAl'aY s..t,- LlzYjO1, 1., v• J\ 164-t12" j 'a4'-12 OIA. I m 1: _ r{s.4. i f ' - - __._..UV,.r.I1'A V r` r r:J.- _':Y_ ..-._, 4{ n r OIv 1•_ r__ n. r..y 0 to 1 C;, 'DRVWELL NEW I.rCA1.A, z, t 7. •‘ 7P' Fs s ••t• et •iis• css:J= p i" I 1 1BQF-'---• N tf Y' y j IC w kI CONf !- < s IT 4•.Z -7 Ord td IX s• ctnr_ :1 i M' Nf'1!'J. N"-/I 4. i72'-ia?' r"`-1"' :- • • w ieraH • a 1,._.,-, .•-••.. 7•'''':::.t-••,, cuss q£criav z ccuw+rltnlJ n` . '• ASHf I T 1 DRY WELL• DETA/L L I 1 .K. 1 I w s y.s- - I.-- K I i 3 I - s 1 STORM S'Ely iCAIw 1 J O t •i I KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 2 NOTE' 1 . ~I. L. ',SPAIN. OIiICTIIR -- STRUCTU RCf b/1T14 OASMt° OUTLINEI,1 1 I C(WSOUDATEO OFf/C'E AJvD S GP f#C'AC/r, I I I[ ARE ALTERNATE CON TRVCTWR. RENTQN r 1• j 1 I PARKING LOTS Y:-O 0•1k•Aftt twNJoF Se,Atom SAD MMTMw.tr, . - t 1 CONSTRUCTION. I MT'Oy'=1•I :• iza-s-,..es• l I SMa77s,' R') rr• f t71 -r r T ' _ - - i;" IrAMA MNO n., l 1 11• MATCH LINE SEE SKEET 10-2 L .VP BLDG "B" I ELEV.331 s7 PAVING LIMITS , l tio e/ , t BASE BIDBASEBIDSHADED u SHADED AREA IS BASE BID I I SIDEWALK ALTERNATE BID LOT•D' 1 5' e.'__- I I w I Qz 1crw IJ R 1BLDG "A" w f CURB and GUTTER LEv 332 so J 0 BASE BID BASE BID I L' z a 1a v 1 41 laK ALTERNATE BIDQ 14' Y = w LOT •C• 3 z p Z g w w Z PAVING LIMITS `'o• a ZSTA.s•39.00•c• w f,, BASE BID N G ILout 1 STA i.OS 00"A•• so•ax'39•w PARKING LJT "C" u 1 smo.0000'c' 43A.00 ALTERNATE BIO 1 I I ..........=......_......... ± I _ N I — N it Pk I gy p N D W Ib i O z m II1Ro- 1Y \Y1 Q' l .•r,rA.r a1.w.F _t.s LIMO 'M. M[I,N 2 4•J 12 e+AN i I*T tows*uw T-TI M.N•1 M'o•oo i ELIMINATE 110 FT CURB AND GUTTER. 5I X i BLDG "H" I I CENTER SECTION 2 TR Trr— I IELEV334S0' BASE STA.1+00.00 A LINE• ISM STA.Ot00.00 !'LINE 0 me LINE BID BASE BID h D 1I m i1I// ,I co . I q) o STA. 2.65 00'13r LINE 2OFOOT SCALE UTILITY PLAN PAVING LIMITS BASE BID KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS I J. 1. Oa3 AIN, DISICTO[Iilq . B. LINE CONSOLIDATED OFFICE&I SHOP FACILITY 2 1 11'0• RENTON P 1 SURVEY w_ _ COUNTY ROAD PROJECT Ne.- -- I- BASE BID j S MEET_1!.-Oi Q___-SHEET>i 0 I.Np I/ip N E9•_0T'_Y1•1y I MA1NT[NAMCt DNVI>yDN IM J/ 4 o` 943.LN 471/fJL f/4-G:I6,:.T C'. ..re o..• .•, • e...•. w.n a .. rf. trr.:ne e: ps.,....«TONAL YI' tY 1 IOAR R[YNIIDN I MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 11-2_ T BLDG "J" II BLDG "G" ELEV.331.50' z cc BASE BID aa w f liI o w laII Tn t Q Z 74_ .... J a s as 1 Y W BLDG "K" CD r i z a ELEV. 332.0Q lY @g m RI ALTERNATE B w A s I- 0 t Q coi a In j es IIIMEMMOIN. —WIT . s A 8 N 1 u C_ __ z MAIN MAINTENANCE A A PAVING LIMITS N"c,'M'T•4t ALTERNATE BID t[•cM cE>rwlEu" M64,145 M, u12%H. sAwr• nf l LoNE"M- t CENTER SECTION i--, I I I BASE i BID 1 1 I II I I I 1 BLDG "L" I I I t ELEV. 332.00' I i 20FOOT SCALE UTILITY PLAN I ALTERNATE BID I II / . I i KING COUNTYI R.Di P OFR PUBLIC WORKS CONSOLIDATED OFFICE&SHOP FACILITY RENTON SURVEY No COUNTY ROAD PROJECT N"... SHEET_ 12--- OF 0 _SHEETS v0 f.p0, AwwNrtANKe av a a 4 4 iW 040.7 ....o r.. "., s,OM•AL E DAY[ vi o v e2e 99' F---- T.------___ I MAIN MAINTENANCE AREA PAVING LIMITSALTEATEBID i n T3T9 13+4;S,9i2Ii BLDG "F" y• GLWV-331.00' BASE BID i tk' a AS•. C APRON e., N. \\>\ i• . CO y e 1/ BASE aI: Nm CD * N't,„,. 1_,4 a. Im CANOPY i T ALTERNATE BID(See Architect Dwq MAIN MAINTENANCE AREA PAVING LIMITS m I i--, ALTERNATE BID I.° 1 ELEV 332.00 a a ii, , if t_____ 1 BASE BID STA 14,96 00"A"• 0.00 u0si I IS f BLDG "J" s l I I 20 FOOT SCALE UTILITY PLAN n3 N I SAS duiG7) x u BLDG RG" KING COUNTY 1 L. , DEPT. OFSPAIN, R PUBTLIC WORKS I CONSOLIDATED OFFICE8ISHOP FACILITY 1m RENTON I z IMATCHLINESEESHEET12-j SURVEY ME. I S C oMT11 ROAD PROTECT W. 0 f,SHEET_ —CK SHEETS d.^NQ ic.0.o. .<..2p a n. I'<".2p.. ES " 'w4 f AWNTYRANCR EM YI 0 q? t/•'' S"ER'IS ". WY.'. +'N. cw.. w•werw TONALE 16. own REVISION E - b, A b mrmrm..t.•.I r r-r ri..MT rt r=MKTcr..i.rl h L .millii.mr1111ri.ri..1•r1111rM11r-rit.Sir•r=4-r11111r=1r1111ratrm.mi.imrnr-ramr t i 0 i __/-1^ i UIWI I I I I I I I I I I 1 L ItI I J I I I I I I 1 1 1 I uu1 I t[1 I I! - j F 1:1 _ i i i \--) 4)GLLDIT'M.Z%pG 111109' MI 31tR' ?d'O•G, li ug)mk.A. Ret>.4.N-r' 1<(' fK dio n I A 0 • , ,-',,:''' ‘-'•: 41111p,illh--,(•-•. s':.. _-. .:' •','•, ' : , . i i 0 4 i 2rd 6 -iniumippp r r J' . i. II a4i a 400. i A 4 )' GEuII44I1I in i e_k---____1,_ II li gibilipilig'oll'in'onsx'sz's'ac'etwommomaktii-to..r .ram ..r ..-.r r• i •r ter •r• r• ....... .. 11 d sA2;I.=zo'o" A O P I 1 1 F I I 1 1 1a1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I f 1 1 I 1 1 Bal 111 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 Iil Ifil 1 1 1 1 ul 1 I 1 ICI tlOI 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I H\ FLAN.I L. CLI''i-u ux_taw W/efi' a-eu«r< TINGc E1C,L FtR _ KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1%'EAT'a4644C6401.D • _\ R1+>, I. L. O.I AIN, DISICTOI 11 ar.5 auo,Ccwe-G tw w CONSOLIDATED OFFICE 8SHOP FACILITY I . RENTON SMIT M..COUNTY ROAD nO1ICT IA _ SHEET IS CUF 20 SHEETS 0311#0 eat,..{Luil,M'i'.• MAINTENANCE gVlfl fib isT Sl!I 6kyn-ffl!° '„ Io•T. CVI$0N ow. -C• T l..E 1011111 I•I I I 1 1 IIII I IIII MII IM1 1 1IIII I•I I 1.1 1 1 1.1 1 10111111 I1 1 1 I I 1IIII IIIIIIMI SINI IE.I 1[/1 11111 1 1MIXI I I INI1MI INI IMI 11 1•11 1 1 I 1 I1 MMI 11111 I1111111111 IMII 1 I ll NO'L',1"EvERCgf.EN .EEC+' IIIICI:"VI.Fort PtAND4G`cE a.ENCE. 52' ,N''ER v.5. II II i arde.glv. .. .. ..,I far 0 4 ... .. li 4 ice' at G 0 I G 05) 0,4I4 VIOL 4 I 0 \_ Aj. a40 0.-.. Y dO.%tWt4°PJV4'L4t*W v. .)\ Ii•-•- III P T I• ii VW efa -- '- ; X ii...11111kA. Do. MI III Sill& 4)62Drno,laitrAleyeertv IllealiZeik 4• 0ir• t 4111,..X.X41PA, ilk i 111 I1.1•1•1 11.1 1 1 1 1.1 I l l I 1 1 INIMI I I<ulil I IIIIQMI I•I I I INI IIII I•I111IrFil IMItI 1 I11111I MKTC.M 6,..tAL 0111,15) I J-A4Z 1 1,=LA/,0M ti I IlaIs1).1 I IfI I1E I 1 1 I 1L 1I I I I I 1 1 1mm1 mI Is1 I 111111.IuLINUMI 1SIN Crj.,-41,_//sri) KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS I. L. o.SrAIN, DIttCTol CONSOLIDATED OFFICE&SHOP FAC$UTY RENtON SURVEY Ns_-- -- COUNTY LOAD MONCT N.._-.- SHEET_1a_OF_-ZQSHEETS 0, cu..O. Iwc.. .I sit nc.I. .I oOI i' '. •. MAINTENANCSI OM rii1/ g .}!/7, 1y 2, DATE NEVII.ONr i •Y JJJ I A k ramw,` i9 CO TN 7 FLIUTA 5-4' u.:S e 001.5E5 CARM 5-G'I40 ' •IJ,5d' F1 RMT1NCa t FKRRN EW 5r i`w°e w r — 1 DTL,PIPES ID•V` G 1 ,_ +. 4Lr_ TMRY F A1 G>iID, µ n,4. ve OF TREL 17 1 i i 1 1_ Fi1JF 6ER2h D`E t d k2xTOAZRADwMCB' 1_1_ _. __: 2r RK M STAKL G'CtRB 2)PY AO'S C,/.rWZESi 7.8' \(t)T1X++ 1It1T1+DW1A 4-5' 111— 11.Ng, i l EVERGREEN SCREEN . t c 1"= s i I--2 TMS 1 `,'_aa _ 0.0 ire. ..-1- 11 IIIL 111 10111= lit_ IL 1.cry.. DCAVATE•/la PfT W/Arai-SIT2S ftr-Tcaa/ELEA06T10.4 FXPwTE.TRU.WI' ev GREATER IN DIA. 4•X4'x4'EUICkF1u. TFWJ sc TI5 .L; W/TUP5011. (Tin 154,CaFlu.u:/10P"01L EGI) TREE R_ANTI NC-1 EV, GR, TREE RANTI I.IG 40'0 Vt,gmft,4: 4 1 T1o.I/FILYAT0.1 A A 1LANT LIJ`T _ TWSk HVIR.cl NYuA 4-5' t-eaH' 9YrIF30L. I G it L 1 J-IE. 9IZE I CCNI>11I04 REPEAT F A4411kG C)F5Bzer5 XaA Mfg-IZ LN 17-15' Rat PATTERN EVERY 26' a N S GLACE RICA•Tk LY-titkA REP(MAR S A' rJ`eCIlZH1.1L Puchma, 5.4, eG,'e)TFMXTA R.ICATI, a-4'4 4 T • CAJL,REL iNtR I(-I111= 87 4 STL*1 r,P1WGc 4-5' MI5 h I v L°EE TNL) 1 1 a 01 43+E9 GRAND15Gr.toND FIR 64F! r b QD FrUI Of`,XaACCLY+i-A5 FIR bf6a L • Fo.TANVS KFRIRx.o. 9 Prat N a4104N o = 1 f' W 1001'4 RANG TM- D-id' C -Z`fPt 1 t _, I.. dil Y IN urs 0I, 15 r' RADIANT 7-a B/R-TtPE leditil r-- -, I j5 c IFDITSw ID-1z' R E1, - y,0 i O.UHL 1 111 r441)I tiMI II r MI L-.r L' I - I` A..' 5,(oAG. Fr,FC tf,`hc1 Mtc Fiatx5 fE `dPtcs IZ'CphIL FOOTHdCs 111 CS)PD Tu G o•a• 5-'4JOE viEW-EECFION 5.AGES GRAµD15 5-G' 4_ .' I— LANDSCAPE. ETAIL.S l)7S.L°'" "V1-LA4-13 CONC. RETAINER be" KING COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS RAN W/1e"GRID t1e, C RKED4 J. L. OsSPAIN, DIIICTOI 1F • 1'a 5'O'' ar RATING, t Wa11 CONSOLIDATED OFF ICE&SHOP FAtCIUTY BERM RANTING CONC, RETAINS sum,N. RENTON COUNTY MD MONO No._- g(ALL',.L 3 5'0' 1"I 1 SHEET-LZ—OF_gal SHEETS 0 R.No MAINTINAW2 qVl i i I 0(Ci It.7/7:// r REVISION I,E Nw.io.w<..<a.•. DATE