HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC 198205030365TATE OF WASH3NC TON SSa COUNTY OF KIMG i,%lG f'..__K-.__7 4--:--,.City Clerk in and for the C#t r of RertWn, lashin ton, do hereby certify that,the iateg,oing Ordinance is a true and correct py of Ordinance No.__.;2_.__of the C`Ity.of Rerrton, as it appears on file n rr.y nffice, and do further certify that the same„been published according n law. n 1 Vitness Whereof I have k ere nto set my hand/a jd fzed e s a of the City of Reaton, this----•.--------------c}2y of._.1::`_l:.,t... _a._... o / f" L<_._.! .{..Gtty 6derH C ITY OF P.EI'IT0:1 , ]ASH Ii 1G7'ON ORDI:IA1'1C' :10 . ;624 lt A 1 ORDI:`3ANCL OF THE CI`iY OF R};i1T0iJ , WAS-iItiGT0i1 VACATIi 1G A PORi ION OF Ai 1 ALLEY BLTWE:J BURidETT AVENUE 1. x PARL AV"1UE :1 . BETI IE,I :I . 32tdD ST . E1'i1D I . 33RD ST . (VAC 3-82 DAVIDSOiV) O WHEREAS a proper peti.tion for vacatins; a portion of an alley between Burnett Avenue Cd. F Parl: Avenue 1 . between N . 32nd St . and i1 . 33rci St . , Renton , Kin`; County , [aasTiin;ton , wa.s duly fileci wit-h the City Clerk on or about February 11, 19 2, and said petition havin been signed Uy the o mers renresentir more ttian tZao-thirds (2/3) of ttie property abuttin upon such allev sou ht. to be vacated; and 11-fi REAS tne City Council by Resolution i1o . 2437 passeu and approved on February 22 , 19 32 , anu after due inv sti ation , did fix and determine t11e 5th uav of April , 1902 at the hour of 5 : 00 F .T2. i_n the City Cotinci_1 Chamhers of the Citv of Renton to be the time ailcl nlace for a r,ublic hearina thereon , and the Gity Glerk having iven due notice of such hearing in tize manner provideci by law, and all persons havin;; l een 11e r 1 Ppe.:rins; in favor or in opposition thereto ; and tlie City Council having considered all information and arguments presented to it , and LIHEREf1S the DepartmenL of Public Worlcs of the City of Renton havin dulv considered said petition for said vacation, ancl havinj found same to be in t?ze public interest and for the public benefit , and no injury or clama;e to any person or properties will result from such vacation ; i 10W THERr:FOP.E , 'I'Hh CITX COUIJCIL OF T IE CITY OF RENTON , taASHIidG10iV , DO ORDAIid AS FOLLOWS : SLC'iIO:J I : 'ihe foLloT ain; described nortion of alley , to-wit : A T a lv ( 12 ) feet wide alley" within lock 16 , of C .D.Hillman` s Lak 6 s n ton G rd n of Eden Division No. 1 , according to the plat h x c' as ecord d in Volume 11 , page 63 of Plats , records e K. Co n y y Wa h i:9 I.aY.ng easterly of the east right-of- r 1.n r g g cne c A er u Nc th and Lying westerly of the west right o-way line df Park Avenue North. BL AT1D 'THE SAT 1E IS HERtiI3Y VACAIED with no_ fee to be raid unto the n.,: ,. City by Petitioner-owriers . SECTIOid II ; 'This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passa e , approval and five days after its publication . A certifiecl copy of this Orclinance shall be filed with t the Office of Records and Elections , anci as otherwise provided by t"" 1 aw. O P ISSED BY TH CITY COUNCIL this 19th day of April , 1982 . a 2 De ores A. Mea , ity C er APPROVED BY THr: YOR this 19th dav of April , 1982 • G.t,4,,o. . S I,c.n.p c•,. Bar ara . Shinpoch, Mayor A proved as to form: 1.+.'.,..a r Y .f. .. Lau rence J . tJarren, Ci t i Attornev Date of Publication: April 23, 1982 r: , t D C"') O C'7 O lt") 0 N j . . ' r; ._ .. FI E f 3 E RO i QUEST Of pFFl f OF T E G; , f E :+:;>i i F m. zOO CE. t.C. SC. eE roH, w s o ORDINANCE N0. 3624 XHI IT "A" C 3-2 A 'c elve ( 12 ) feet wide alley' within Block 16 , of C .D.Hillman ' s Lak 'ash.r ton Garcler of Eden Division No. 1 , 3ccording to the p1a thereof as x ec ded in Volume 11 , page 63 of Plats , records df King Cour r Wa h n n y I,ying easterly of the east right-of- way l n og ur n t venur Pdorth and Lying westerly of the west righ 6of-way line of Park Avenue North. t f ,' j•/ r ;• - - ;- - ,----T --- ; ' _ _ , . _ ir' ,- 1' t . , c J '! / , f ` I - u' ' , `- ---"` 1----J _ _ _ _ -- -- j % . T'-z ':T , " ' I. -?-, L,_,.P ;- -L S-' - -. ! -- ----- - ---1 J 1 ' b2 . : f---_ ------ --------- - - . - b1 j J, I ' L___.__. i --T- -.-- - I s 8 ._ `_S. A^} l r._ J --- --- --- t,y , __--- 7 9 4 , ;-=-- f ; ' 9'.____' i: LOO --- j 7s? US 1L r---r+T-T r T T T-r - -T- f C, i 1 ; . 1 1 I . 1 r-'—.- '. 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