HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 4 - Water8-4-2 8-4-1 CHAPTER 4 x� WATER SECTION: 8-4-34: Designation For Collection Of Water Charges 8-4- 1 Definition 8-4-35: Interference With Fire Hydrants 8-4- 2: 8-4- 3: Application Contract Of Individual Prohibited 8-4-36: Interference With Water Mains And 8-4- 4: Connection To Water Main Other Appliances 8 5: Private PipeRequirements 8-4-37: Contaminating Reservoir 8.4-6: . Water Meter Charges Original 8-4-38: Obstructing Access To Fire Hydrant Installations Prohibited 8-4- 7: Conforming Pipes 8-4-39: Connection- Without Permission 8-4- 8: Notification Of Connection; Inspection Prohibited 8-4- 9: Enlarging Or Removing Service 8-4-40: Planning/Building/Public Works Connections; New Taps Administrator's Authority 'N 8.4-10: Discontinued Use Charge 8-4-41: Charges For Property Not Previously 8-4-11: 8.4-12: No Remission Of Rates Delinquent Charges Assessed 8-4-42: Supervision; Mains To Extend Full 8.4-13: Accounts Charged Against Premises Width Of Property 8-4-14: .Report Building Alterations Or 8-4-43: Developer Extensions To The Utility 8-445: Constructions Tampering Prohibited System 8-4-44: Appeal From Notice Of Intention To 8-4-16: Emergency; Use Of Water Cut Off Water Service 84-17: Water Prohibited On Streets Or 8-4-45: Cross -Connection Control T Sidewalks 8-4-18: Violation Charge 8-4-19: 8-4-20: = Designation Of Hours Water Use During Fire 8-4-1: DEFINITION: The word "Utilities 8-4-21: Certain Rights Reserved By The City Engineer" whenever used in this Chap 84-22: All Water Apparatus Kept In Good ter shall be held and construed to mean the Utili- , Repair ties Engineer of Water and any, act in this Chap- 8-4-28: Waste Of Water Prohibited ter required or authorized to be done by him, may 8-4-24: Fire Protection be done on his behalf by any authorized employee. 8-4-26: Inspection Of Pipes And Fixtures of the Water Department. (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59; 8-4-26: Planning/Building/Public Works amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) rl Administrator To Discontinue Service In Case Of Violation 84-27: Written Notice Served For Violation 8-4-2: APPLICATION: 8-4-28: Connection And Meters Property Of City A. Any person desiring to have premises con- 8-4-29: Meter Accuracy Question netted with the water supply system of the 8-4-30: Change Of Rates City shall make application therefor at the 8-4-31: > Charges For Metered Water Service office of the Water Department. 8-4-32: Inside City Charges For Metered Water Service B. Application therefor shall be made upon a Outside City printed form furnished for that purpose, 8-4-33: When Due And Payable whi ch application shall contain a description of the premises where such water supply is 1295 City of Renton 8-4-2 desired and shall fully state all of the pur- poses for which the water is to be used, the ?' size of the service pipe and the number and kind of fixtures to be connected thereto and shall be signed by the owner of the premises to be served or by his duly authorized agent. :.» (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59) C. At the time of filing, such application the Applicant shall pay to the Finance and Infor- mation Services Administrator or the person appointed by him forthepurpose of collect- ing water rates, the fee for installation of ` ` water service hereinafter provided. (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59; said. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) 8-4-3: CONTRACT OF INDIVIDUAL: The application provided for in the preced- ing Section shall contain a contract on the part of r ' the person making the same to pay for the water ° applied for at the rate and in the manner specified k\ r in such contract and shall reserve to the City the right to charge and collect the rates and enforce t . the penalties provided, to change the rates at any time without notice to the consumer and shall t specify that said contract is subject to all the provisions of this Chapter and of any laws of the City relating to the subject hereafter passed, and shall provide that the City shall not be held re- for ,r sponsible any damage by water or other cause resulting from defective plumbing or appliances on i. the premises supplied with water, installed by the i; owner or occupant of said premises and shall pro- vide that in case the supply of water shall be in- terrupted or fail by any reason, the City shall not 1. beheld liable for damages for such interruption or failure, nor shall such interruptions or failures for any reasonable period of time be held to constitute a breach of contract on the part of the City or in any way relieve the consumer from performing the obligations of his contract. All contracts shall take effect from the day they are signed and rates shall be charged from the day Y^ the premises are connected with the City's water i supply. (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59) ` 8-4-4: CONNECTION TO WATER MAIN: t� ,f ,� 1295 A. B. C. City of Renton 8-4-4 Service Pipe: Upon the presentation at the office of the Utilities Engineer of the Finance and Information Services Administrator's receipt for the installation fees, the Utilities Engineer shall cause the premises described in the application to be connected with the City's water main by a service pipe extending at right angles from the main to the property line and including a stopcock placed within the lines of the street curb, which connection shall thereafter be maintained and kept within the exclusive control of the City. Separate Service Connections: A separate service connection with the City water main must be installed by every residence and commercial building supplied with City wa- ter in front of which there is a main, and the buildings so supplied will not be allowed to supply water to other buildings; except tem- porarily where there are no mains located in the streets; provided, that when two (2) or more houses, buildings or other premises occupied by separate consumers are supplied from a single service connection, the 'owner shall immediately, upon notice from the Water Department, separate each customer's line and apply for and connect individually to meters at the property line; if separate ser- vices are not established within a reasonable time, not more than sixty (60) days; after such initial notice, the Department reserves the right to shut off the (eater and refuse further service to all such consumers.' Such joint service may, however, be continued at the option of the Department, providing one owner has agreed in writing to assume and be responsible for and pay the total water bill without any deductions for vacancies or other reasons. Computation of the total bill will be based on multiplying the quantity in each: classification of the rate schedule by the number of consumers hooked up to one me- ter. The minimum monthly charge shall be the regular minimum charge multiplied by the number of consumers served. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-74) Connection Of Water Main: In the event that a water main is not available as hereinabove set forth, but a customer is able to obtain service by extending such line, by means of 8-4-4 an easement or similar right, across adjacent t or neighboring property to a point where x. such main is located, then the Plan- ning/Building/Public Works Administrator may sign a temporary service agreement with such customer allowing service until k" such time as a"main is available in front of such property. At such time the customer shall then be required to connect to such main in front of his property and pay the then applicable fees therefor. (Ord. 3056, 8-9-76) " 8-4-5: PRIVATE PIPE REQUIREMENTS: ;t A. All pipe to be used for connection to the City Water system shall be new pipe, either galva- nized iron, cast iron or copper tubing. The Utilities Engineer may, at his discretion, permit the use of nonmetallic pipe where soil ' conditions may cause a deterioration of me- tallic pipe. B. Water supply lines other than metered ser- vice connections shall be not less than six inch (W) diameter pipe. Pipes of smaller size may be used when the Utilities Engineer determines that maximum fire rating is maintained or the line in question cannot be extended. C. If it has been determined that it would be to ' the best interests of the City and the general {r: locality to be benefited thereby to install a sr, larger size main than one then needed or considered by the subdivider, owners or de- velopers immediately abutting upon the street, alley or easement in which such a main is to be placed, then the City may, at its discretion; require the installation of such a larger sized main in which case the City s,+ shall pay the increased difference in cost between the installation cost of the similar main and of the larger main. D. All pipes shall be laid not less than two feet six inches (2'6") below the surface of the ground, except that in ungraded streets the pipe shall be laid three 'feet (T) 'below the established street grade. 8-4-6 E. All pipe shall be designed to withstand inter- nal water pressure on one hundred fifty (150) pounds per square inch, and shall conform to the latest adopted standards of the American Waterworks Association. Pipe shall be steril- ized in accordance with the regulations of the State Health Department. All water 'system design and pipe sizes and quality to conform to the latest fire underwriters standards and requirements. F. The Utilities Engineer will maintain private services in streets which are being graded or regraded and will have such access on pri- vate property as shall be necessary to main- tain such pipes during the work, and shall as soon as practicable upon completion of the work relay said pipes in the streets. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-74) 8-4-6: WATER METER CHARGES ORIGI- NAL INSTALLATIONS: A. 1. For a three -fourths inch (c/,') connection within the City limits, the fee for the original installation shall be six hundred dollars ($600.00). 2. For a three -fourths inch ("/"") connection outside the City limits the fee for the origi- nal installation shall be seven hundred dol- lars ($700.00). B. For a one inch (1) connection the fee there- for shall be as follows: For full installation of stub service and meter $1,100.00 For "drop in" of meter assembly 250.00 C. In all cases where the service connection is larger than one inch (1"), the fee therefor shall be as follows; For full installation of 1'/2" stub service and meter $2,400.00 For "drop in" of 1'12" meter assembly 300.00 For full installation of 2" stub service and meter 2,800.00 ;,. City of Renton t ` F 8-4-6 ,4 For "drop in" of 2" meter assembly $ 370.00 `{ For meters larger than 2", applicant provides materials and installs City charges processing fee 200.00 " (Ord. 4287, 8-13-90) D. All meters shall be the same size as the tap esj and service connection. R. Whenever it is desired to have a meter re- s moved or reinstalled the owner of the pre- mises supplied, or tobe supplied, by such meter shall file an application at the office of the Utilities Engineer and shall pay the cost in 'full for such removal or reinstallation. R t, (Ord. 3636, 6-14-82) Construction Water Use Tee Chlorination pump rental r� i, Installation of isolation valve Meter resets 2r,€; 4 ..� Open and close fire by -grants for fire flow tests conducted by others Repair of damage to r service f` Ring and cover castings Service kills ry, ,•' Service size reductions Specialty water tests (lead, copper, etc.) Turn ons/offs after hours Water quality, inspection/ purity tests j; Watermain"connections Watermain out and cap Miscellaneous water- installation fees (Ord. 4552, 9-18-95) r 1295 r ` City 0 8-4-6 F. Whenever it is deemed prudent, in case of a new development or subdivision, to install the three -fourths inch (3/4") service from the main to the property line, hereinafter re- ferred tows "stub service" prior to completion of street construction, the City will provide such service for sixty percent (60%)-of the then current installation cost for such ser- vice. At such time that meter installation is requested, the remaining balance of the then current rate shall be collected and paid for by such developer or subdivider. (Ord. 4287, 8-13-90) G. Water installation charges not listed in sub- sections A through F above are listed as follows; Current Water Commodity Rate $1,000.00 refundable deposit, $40.00/day service charge, plus $30.00/hour per man for staff assistance to install and operate pump (no hourly charge for maintenance work on equipment){ s` Time and materials ($2,000.00 refundable deposit) $ 50.00 Time and materials $ 50.00 200.00 250.00 50.00 Cost of test plus $40.00 processing fee $ 60.00 40.00 it } 400.00 1,000.00 Time and materials } enton 8-4-7 8-4-12 ` � 8-4-7: CONFORMING PIPES: Before water 8-4-9: ENLARGING OR REMOVING SER- will be turned on to any premises con- VICE CONNECTIONS; NEW TAPS: nected with the City's mains, the service pipes When new buildings are to be erected on the site, upon such premises must be made to conform to of old ones and it is desired to increase the size of the following regulations: the service pipes must or change the locationof the old service connec- be so located that the supply for each separate tion or where a service connection to any premises house or premises shall be controlled by separate is abandoned or no longer used, the Utilities`Engi- stop and waste cocks of the best standard make, near may cut out or remove such service connec- approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works tion, after which, should a service connection be Administrator, with extension handles, properly required to said premises, a new service shall be protected from "frost and so laced within the P P laced only upon the owner making an application' a cation' P Y P g AP premises that all service pipes and fixtures may and paying fora new tap in the regular manner. be thoroughly 'drained' during freezing weather, $ Y g $ , Where sags or depression occurinthe pipe and When a new main is laid in any street, owners of the stop and waste cock is not sufficient to full Y P remises on said street who are being supplied g drain all.the pipes and fixtures within the premis- with City water from a private main or a connec- ' es, additional stop and waste cocks with extension tion to a private service shall make application for handles must be so placed as to fully drain them. tap and shall connect up with separate connection (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff of the main in front of premises. (Ord. 1437, 1-30-74) 8-28-52) In cases where no fixtures are placed between the property line and the basement, the stop and 8-4-10: DISCONTINUED USE CHARGE: waste cocks may be placed in the basement, pro- Whenever the owner or occupant of any vided said basement is not less than six feet (6) in premises desires to discontinue the use of; water height and is provided with stairways or other for a period of not less than one month he shall means of access thereto; provided further, that make written application to have the water turned where basements are enclosed in wooden walls the off and pay all arrearages in full. The water will stop and waste cocks shall be placed at least be turned off and turned on again with a charge of twelve inches (12") below the surface of the twenty dollars ($20.00) payable at the time of ground and shall be provided with an extension turnoff, but no remission of rates will be made for handle. The connection between the City's pipes at a period of less than one month or without the the property line and the service pipes on the application' prescribed in this Section, (Ord. 4079, premises must be made with a union. (Ord. 1437, 8-3-87) 8:28-52) 8-4-11: NO REMISSION OF RATES: When 8-4-8: NOTIFICATION- OF CONNECTION; water has been shut off 'for any; cause INSPECTION: Whenever the owner or and is turned on again or allowed or caused to be occupant of any premises - connected' with the turned on by the owner, no remission of rates will City's water supply ;shall 'desire to use the water be made on account of its having been shut off, he shall notify i the: Utilities Engineer and request and the Utilities Engineer may then shut off the that the water be turned on to said premises. The water at the main or remove a portion of the'ser- owner shall leave his portion of theserviceex- vice connection in the street and shall charge the posed in the trench until it has been inspected actual cost of cutting out and reinstating the wa- and the water turned on, then he shall immediate- ter supply to the owner of the property. ,(Ord. ly'cover the pipe. It shall be unlawful for any 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74 ef£ person whose premises are supplied with water to 1-30-74) furnish water to additional premises. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) 8-4-12: DELINQUENT CHARGES: All charg- es for water service shall be charged 1295 City of Renton 8-4-12 against the premises to which the services were furnished and the City shall have a lien against the 'premises to which said water services were furnished for four (4), months' charges due or to become due, but not for any charges more than four>(4) months past due. Such lien may be en- forced by cutting off the water service to the pre- mises until such time as the delinquent unpaid charges, together with the sum of twenty dollars ($20,00) additional for the expense of turning the water off and on, have been paid to the Finance and Information Services Administrator or his/her i duly designated representative. (Ord. 4293, 10-15-90) 8-4-13: 'ACCOUNTS CHARGED AGAINST PREMISES: All accounts for water shall be kept in the name of the owner of the premises for which the service was installed, and not in the name of any tenant; provided, that persons holding under recorded lease may be supplied on their own account and in such cases the Utilities.Engineer may require such a deposit of money with the ;Finance and Information Ser- vices Administrator as in his judgment shall be necessary to protect the City against any and all delinquent and unpaid charges for water or other charges on account of such service. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord, 2823, 1-21-74; Ord. 2845, 4-15-74) 8-4-14: REPORT BUILDING ALTERATIONS i OR CONSTRUCTIONS: It shall be the duty of the person in charge of the issuance of building permits to report to the Utilities Engi- neer the beginning of construction or repairs of all buildings in the City, giving the official house number and street; name, the lot, block and addi- tion. Water for building purposes will only be furnished upon the application of the owner or authorized agent of the property and the Utilities Engineer shall require payment in advance of any reason- able sum, not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00), in the case of any one building, for the water used in construction,' and from time to time may require additional payments, when necessary to secure the Water Department against loss. (Ord. 1437, 1295 City 8-4-17 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74; Ord. 2845 4-15-74) . 8-4-15: TAMPERING PROHIBITED: It shall be unlawful for any person to make any connection with any service or branch pipe thereof' or make any repairs or additions to or alterations of any pipe, stop and waste cock or any fixtures connected or designed to be connected with the City water system, except in compliance with this Chapter, (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) 8-4-16: EMERGENCY; USE OF WATER: The Council shall establish policies imple- mented by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator to arrange, reduce or limit the time for irrigation and sprinkling in cases of emergen- cy, or whenever the public safety or health or the need for conservation of water so requires. When- ever there is, in the opinion of the Plan- ning/Buildmg/Public Works Administrator, an insufficiency of water supply, the Plan- ning/Building/Public Works Administrator shall notify the Mayor and Council and take action necessary to reduce water system demand to a level that can be safely met with the water supply available. Any such action by the Plan ning/Building/Public Works Administrator must be in accordance with the City water conservation plan, which must be approved by the Council and, within the operational constraints of the water system, must effect the same degree of water conservation from customers both inside and out- side the City limits in a nondiscriminatory man- ner. The Planning/Building/Public Works Depart- ment may modify the water conservation plan as necessary to update the data and administrative information, but any change in policy must" be approved by the City Council. (Ord. 4079, 8-3-87) 8-4-17: WATER PROHIBITED ON STREETS OR SIDEWALKS: It shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to place an automatic sprinkling device or wilfully to place or hold any hose in such position or manner that water there- from falls on any person while on any public street or sidewalk. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) of Reaton 8-4-18 8-4-19 VIOLATION CHARGE: If any person shall violate any, provision of Section 8-4-17, the Planning/Building/Public Works Ad- minisirator shall, after reasonable notice to the user, shut off the water furnished to the premises upon, which such violation is made, and shall charge twenty dollars ($20.00) for shutting off and fuming on such water. Reasonable notice, for the purpose of this Section, shall have the meaning d. set forth in Section 8-4-191). The determination to shut off water service pursuant to this Section shall be appealable to the City Finance and Infor- mation. Services Administrator pursuant to See- tion,8-4-19E. (Ord. 4079, 8-3-87) 8-4-19-1 DESIGNATION OF HOURS: A. Restrictions: The Planning/Building/Pablic Works Administrator, in case of a shortage of water supply from any cause, may make an order forbidding or suspending the use of water for sprinkling or irrigation, or may direct customers that sprinkling or irrigation may only be done during certain hours or on certain days by giving notice through the appropriate media. ED 1995 City of Renton 8-4-19 B. Civil Penalty: Any person violating the order described in the prior subsection shall be subject to a fine as determined by the Public Works Director in an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) for residential customers, and not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for all other customer classes. Written notice of the violation and the imposition of the civil penalty, together with a notice of the right of an appeal from the determination of the Public Works Director, shall be delivered to the violator and/or the customer by personal service, or by first class mail addressed to the billing address of the customer. In determining the amount of the penalty,,the Public Works Director shall take into consideration all of the facts and cir- cumstances, including but not limited to the following: 1. Whether it is a first or subsequent offense; 2. The extent and nature of the violation; 3. Whether there was any loss of property or life which was caused or contributed to by the violation;• 4. The cost to the City in discovery of the violation and the processing of the violation; and 5. The likelihood of a further or later violation if no significant penalty is imposed. C. Foreclosure: Such civil penalty shall be a lien against the real estate if the real' estate at the location of the violation is owned by the violator, or the violator is - the agent, employee, officer or director of the real Property owner. Such lien may be foreclosed in the same manner as materialman's liens under ' State law. In all instances the civil penalty shall also be enforceable as a fine against the person violating the restrictions on water usage. D. Water Shut -Off. In addition to the foregoing civil penalty, in the event of a violation of the restrictions imposed by this Section, the water service to the violating user may be shut off after' reasonable notice to the user and not turned on again until such penalty has been paid. Reasonable; notice, for the purposeof this subsection, shall mean not less than ten (10) days' notice delivered by first class mail to the billing address of the user, unless the 8-4-22 Public Works Director shall have determined that the violation is a substantial and immin- ent danger to the existing water supply. In such event, reasonable notice shall consist of the best, practical notice, if any, which can be delivered to the offending user- under all of the circumstances. E. Appeal: Any person or legal entity aggrieved by the civil penalty or its amount, or the proposed shut off of water service, may appeal the propriety of the penalty or its, amount, or the proposed shut off of water service, to the City of Renton Finance Director within ten (10) days of the date of the determination' by the Public Works Director. The consideration of the Finance Director on the appeal shall be limited to a determination of the existence of the alleged violation, the amount of the civil penalty assessed, if any, and/or the determination, if any, , to shut off water service. The decision of the Finance Director shall be final unless, a writ - of review is obtained from the King County Superior Court within twenty (20) days; after the date of the Finance Director's decision. (Ord. 4079, 8-9-87) 8-4-20: WATER USE DURING FIRE: It shall be unlawful for any person to use water for irrigation or sprinkling during the progress of any fire in the City, unless for the ,protection of property and all irrigation and sprinkling shall stop when an alarm of fire is sounded, and shall not be begun again until the fire is extinguished. 8-4-21: CERTAIN RIGHTS RESERVED . BY THE CITY: The. City reserves the ,right at any time, without notice, to shut off the water supply for repairs,' extensions, nonpayment of rates or any other reason and the City shall not be re- sponsible for any damage, such as bursting of boil- ers supplied by direct pressure, the breaking of any pipes or fixtures, stoppages or interruption of water supply or any other damage: resulting from the shutting off of water. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) 8.4-22: ALL WATER APPARATUS KEPT IN GOOD REPAHL The service pipes, con- nections and other apparatus within any private premises must be kept in good repair, and protected from freezing at the expense of the owner or lessee, who will be responsible for all damages resulting from leaks and breaks. In case of ;neglect, to 8-4-22 promptly repair and service any fixture or make any, changes or alterations required in this Chap- ter, ` the Utilities Engineer shall have authority when deemed necessary to go on the premises and make or cause to be made such changes, alter- ations, or repairs and charge the same against the premises and the owner thereof ` (Ord. 1437, 8.28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) The owner of any service" connection shall be responsible for damage to meters serving said premises caused by hot water and shall be charged for repairs to meters loused by such damage. 8-4-23: wASTE OF WATER PROW ]NED: It shall be unlawful for any person to waste water :or allow, it to be wasted by imperfect or, leaking stops, valves, pipes, closets, faucets, or other fixtures, or to use water closets without self -closing valves or to allow any pipes or faucets to run open I and to prevent the service fi-om freezing or for any other reason or to use the water for purposes other than those named in application upon which the rates for water are based or for any other purpose than that for which his contract provides or use it in violation of any 'provision of this'Chapter. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) 8-4-24: FIRE PROTECTION: A. The following provisions and regulations are adopted':as part of the'City's fire' prevention program' 'to abate existing fire' hazards, to investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of fires, to inspect potential fire hazards,: to control the means and adequacy of the construction and safety of buildings in case of = fires, within commercial, business, industrial or manufacturing areas and all other places in which numbers of persons work, meet, live or congregate, as hereinafter more particularly set forth." B. Fire' Hydrants in Commercial, Business, -In- dustrial and. Manufacturing Areas: The owner of any building hereafter constructed or used in the City which building or structure is not located or accessible within one hundred sixty five feet;(165') of any fire hydrant and such building or structure being located or situated in any area zoned and to be used, or actually used ifor any commercial, business, industrial or manufacturing purpose shall, at his ex- pense, install or cause 'to`have installed fire 8-4-24 hydrant or hydrants together with the neces- sary pipes, appurtenances and connections in order to connect and hook on said hydrant ori` hydrants to the City's existing water supply. The number and location of such hydrants shall be in accordance with good fire engin- eering practice and standards,' the size, location, and construction to comply with the rules and regulations of the American Insur- ance Association formerly known' as the Na- tional Board of Fire' Underwriters and all of such installations to be duly approved by the Fire Department prior to its acceptance there- of by the City. The aforesaid ,requirements shall likewise apply to ,any such building or structure as—hereinabove defined which is. hereafter annexed to the City. C. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas: The owner or party in control of any building hereafter constructed in or annexed to the City; and which said structure or building is used for school, church, rest home, hospital or multiple residential apartments (four ,[4] individual apartment unite or more) or any other place of public assembly, and wheresoever located, shall, at his expense -install or 'cause to be installed fire hydrant or, hydrants unless adequate and sufficient hydrants are located or accessible within one hundred sixty five feet (165') of any such building or structure The number, location, size and ,type of such hydrant or hydrants to be installed shall be as specified in the above subsection B, further reference hereby had thereto, and all of such installation to be approved by the City Fire Department. D. " Fire Hydrants; Special Locations: In addition to the foregoing requirements,' additional hydrant or hydrants may be 'required or separately required in areas which are being utilized for open storage of flammable products, including flammable liquids, or other areas of special fire hazards with spacing and floor requirements based; on the fire protection required in each instance; the number, size, type and location of hydrants for the aforesaid purpose shall ' be as : specified in above subsection B and all of such installations to be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. E. Multiple Uses; Contract: In the event that the installation of any such fire hydrant or hy- drants as above set forth, and the connecting 8-4-24 8-4-25 system pertaining thereto, should benefit two 1. Fire Protection Charge: The private fire (2) or more properties then the owners of protection charge will be three dollars forty such benefited properties shall share the cost cents ($3.40) per month per inch of fire meter of such installation in the proportion of the size. (Ord. 4567, 12-11-1995') benefits so derived, Whenever an owner is required to install such fire hydrant or fire 2. Water Used For Extinguishing Fires: No hydrants under the provision of this Section charge will be made for water used in extin- and which `'installation will benefit outer guishing fire if the owner or occupant of the properties not owned or controlled by such premises where such fire occurs gives written owner, then in any such case such owner notice to the office of the Utilities Engineer may apply to the City for an agreement un- within ten (10) days from the date of such der 'the -provisions of the Municipal Water fire. In no case will any tap be made upon and Sewer Facilities Act known as chapter any pipe used for fire service purposes or any 261 of the Sessions Laws of 1959 and any tank connected therewith, nor shall the use such agreement between such owner and the of any water be permitted through any fire City shall run for period not to exceed five service nor through any pipes, tanks or other (5)years and thus' permit such owner to fixtures therewith connected for any purpos- recover a portion of the cost of such initial es except the extinguishing of fire on such installation from other parties in the event of premises or testing flows for fire control any such future hookup or connection. Such purposes. (Ord. 4441, 2-28.1994) contract shall further provide that the owner of any building or structure subsequently G. Increased Fire Protection: Whenever any erected shall not be permitted, during the change in the use, occupancy or construction term of the aforesaid contract, to make any of any premises or purposes as hereinabove hook up or connection to the City's water defined require any increased fire and by-` system or to any such hydrant until such drant protection, the owner, owners or per - owner has paid his proportionate fair share son in charge of such premises shall proceed �y of the initial cost of such installation as set promptly toward securing adequate protec- forth in said contract. Any such agreement tion and all such installation or changes to entered .into between such owner causing be completed providing for such increased - such installation and the City shall be"filed fire protection, prior to the use or occupancy - for record with the King County Auditor's of such facilities. office and thereupon such filing shall consti- tute due notice of the terms and require- H. Unlawful Conduct: It shall be unlawful for ments therein specified to all other parties. any person to own, occupy or use any build- ; The City further reserves the right, upon ing or structure as hereinabove defined in approval of the City Council, to participate in subsections B, C and D unless such building the installation of any oversized water line or structure is located within one hundred extensions or additional or extra improve- sixty five feet (166') of any fire hydrant. ments relative to such installations. (Ord. 2434, 9-23-1968) I. Violation; Penalties: Any person violating any provision or term of this Section shall, F. Private Water; Fire Service: Services for fire upon conviction thereof, be punished by a protection must be metered or detector fine of not more than five hundred dollars checkered at the expense of the owner and ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more fitted with such fixtures only as are needed than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine- for fire protection and must be entirely dis- and imprisonment. (Ord. 2434, 9-23-1968) connected from those used for other purpos- es. The charges for such fire protection ser- vices are hereby' established, as follows: (Ord. 8-4-25: INSPECTION OF PIPES AND FIX- 4441, 2-28-1994) TUBES: It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to give the Admin= 1. These rates shall become effective with billings computed on or after January 1 of the year the budget is adopted. 296 >' City of Renton 8-4 25 8-4-29 vf istrator of Planning/Building/Public Works or his duly authorized representatives free City and will not be removed unless the use of i£ access at all reasonable hours to all parts of premises supplied water on the premises is to be entirely stopped or the service connection discontinued or ( trt with water from the City's mains for the purpose of inspecting the condition of and fixtures, abandoned. In all cases where meters are lost, injured or bro- r pipes noting the amount of water and the manner in ken by carelessness or negligence of owners or occupants of premises, they shall be repaired or which it is used. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952; said. Ord. 2823, 1-24-1974, eff. 1-30-1974) replaced by or under the direction of the Adminis- trator of Planning/Building/Public Works and the cost charged against the owner or occupant, and 8-4-26: PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC in the case of nonpayment the water shall be shut off and will not beturnedon until such charge t u WORKS ADMINISTRATOR TO DIS- CONTINUE SERVICE IN CASE OF VIOLA- and the charge for turning on the water are paid. TION: If any owner or occupant of any premises In the event of the meter getting out of order or failing to register properly the consumer shall be '; supplied with City water shall violate any provi- sion charged on an estimate made by the Administra- { of the preceding Section, the Plan- ningBuilding/Public Works Administrator may, for of Planning/Building/Public Works on the average after reasonable notice to the user, shut off such monthly consumption during the last three (3) months that the same was in service; and such owner or occupant shall be re - quired to pay, any or all delinquent good order or from what he may consider the most reliable C.., and unpaid charges against such premises together with a data at his command. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952) charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) for shutting off ? and turning on such water before the same shall be again turned on. "Reasonable notice" for the 8-4-29: METER ACCURACY QUESTION: ' purpose of this Section shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8-4-19D. Where the accuracy of record of a water meter is questioned it shall be removed at the r.. The determination to shut off water service pursuant to this Section consumer's request and shall in his presence be tested in the shop of the Water Department, by { t " shall be appealable to the City of Renton Finance and Information Services Administrator means of the apparatus there provided, and a pursuant to Section 8-4-19E. (Ord. 4079, 8-3-1987) report thereon duly made. Both parties to the test ?` k must accept the findings so made. If the test dis- closed an error against the consumer of more than ' h; - 8-4-27: WRITTEN NOTICE SERVED FOR three percent (3%) on the meter's registry, the excess of the consumption on the three (3) previ- VIOLATION: In case of violation of any of the preceding sections the Administrator ous readings shall be credited to the consumer's of Planning/Building/Public Works may cause writ- ten meter account and the Water Department will bear the entire expense of the test and the deposit notice thereof to be served on the owner or occupant of the premises where such violation required as hereinafter prescribed' shall be , re - turned. On the other hand, where no such i takes place,; which notice shall require the pay- ment of the charges bereinbefore and if error is found, the person who has requested the test shall ' provided such charges be not paid within twenty four (24) pay the charge fixed for such test. }, hours from the time of the service of such notice, the water shall be turned off from such Before making a test of any meter the person requesting premises and shall be, in no case turned on until the charg- es have been paid. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952) such a test shall, at the time of filing his request with the Administrator of Plan- ningBuilding/Public Works, make a deposit with the Administrator of Finance and Information 8-4-28: CONNECTION AND METERS PROP- Services of the amount charged for such test, subject to the conditions herein stated, which ERTY OF CITY: All service connec- tions and meters, unless otherwise authorized by charges are as follows: the . Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works, shall be and remain the property of the l �s 296 City of Renton r, '7777 7i 8-4=3U For testing 3/4" through 2" meter $40.00 - For testing meters larger than 2" Time and Materials ($60.00 refundable deposit prior to test) No meter shall be removed or in any way dis- turbed, nor the seal broken except in the presence or under -the direction of the Plan- ning/Building/Public Works Administrator. (Ord. 4287, 8-13-1990) 8-4-30: CHANGE OF RATES: The City shall have the right at any time it may desire to change from a flat rate to meter rate on any connection now or hereafter to be made to the City water system, and install a meter, and thereupon the meter rates will be charged for such connection and the flat rate will be discontinued. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952) 8-441: CHARGES FOR METERED WATER SERVICE INSIDE CITY: A. Customer Classifications; There will be two (2) new classes of customers established for the water utility. They will be residential (including single-family and duplex units) and commercial customers (including multi- family, commercial and industrialcustom- ers). (Ord. 4441,`2-28-1994) B. Metered Rates: The 'minimum rates for metered water supplied within the City in one month or fractional period thereof are hereby fixed in the following schedule: Size OfService Total Service Charge 3/4 in. $10.50 1 in. 13.15 1-1/2 in. 16.85 2 in. 29.45 "3 in. 87.20 4 in. 126.05 6 in. 189.10 8 in. 262.65 10 in. 378.20 12 in; 525.30 Commodity Rates: Two (2) consumption blocks will be established for residential cus- tomers (single-family and duplex customers). City 8-4-31 The size of the first block will be zero to one thousand (0 to 1,000) cubic feet of water con- sumed per month. The second block will be all consumption over one thousand (1,000) cubic feet per month. The rates for these two (2) blocks are as follows: 0 to 1,000 cubic feet $1.76 Over 1,000 cubic feet 1.88 All commercial customers (multi -family, com- mercial and industrial) will pay for consump- tion at the first block =rate of one dollar seventy six cents ($1.76) per one hundred (100) cubic feet. (Ord, 4567,12-11-951) C. Senior Citizens And Disabled Persons: The following is hereby established for certain senior citizens and disabled persons who are economically disadvantaged as herein set forth: (Ord. 4304, 12-17-1990) 1. Low -Income Seniors: A "low-income senior citizen": is defined as a person sixty two (62) years of age or older who resides in a single-family dwelling,, that is : separately metered for water usage, either as' owner, purchaser, or renter, and whose total income, including that of his or her spouse or co -ten- ant, does not exceed the annual income thresholds for low-income rate eligibility. The annual income 'threshold for eligibility for low-income rate shall be adjusted' each Galen - der year, proportionate to the increase in the local consumer ,price index (for urban wage earners and clerical workers), to:a base of the most recent census data available for deter- mining the median household 'income for Renton. Any ;household with a disposable income of thirty five percent (35%) or less of the median household income for the City of Renton will be eligible for a seventy five per- cent (75%) rate subsidy. Any single occu- pancy household with an annual disposable income between thirty five percent (35%) and forty percent (40%) of 'the Renton median household income is eligible for a forty per- cent (40%) rate subsidy. Any double occu- pancy household with an annual disposable income between thirty five percent (35%) and fifty percent (50%) of the Renton median L These rates shall become effective with billings computed on or after January 1 of the'year the bud- get is adopted. 397 of Renton 8-4-31 G ' household income is eligible for a forty per- cent (40%) rate subsidy. For the calendar year, 1997 those figures shall be thirteen a ' thousand nine hundred' seventy one dollars ($13,971.00) per'annum or less for a seventy five percent (75%) rate subsidy and between thirteen thousand nine hundred seventy one ' dollars ($13,971.01) and fifteen thousand nine hundred sixty seven dollars ($15,967.00) for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy for sin- gle occupancy, and for double occupancy households sixteen thousand four hundred seventy one dollars ($16;471.00) or less fora ' ' seventy five percent (75%) rate subsidy, and between sixteen thousand four hundred sev- enty one dollars ($16,471.01) and nineteen thousand nine hundred sixty dollars ($19,960.00) for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy. (Ord. 4567,12-11-1995; amd. Ord. 4643; 12-9-961) 2. Low -Income Disabled Citizen: A "low income disabled citizen" is defined as: a) a person qualifying for special parking privi- leges;under RCW 46.16.381(1)(a) through (f); b) a blind person as defined in RCW 74.18.020; c) a': disabled, handicapped, or ` incapacitated person as defined under any other existing State or Federal program; or d) a person on home kidney dialysis treatment who resides in a single-family dwelling that is separately metered for water usage, either as owner, purchaser or renter, and whose total income,' including that of his or her spouse or co -tenant, does' not exceed the annual income threshold for eligibility for low-income rate. (Ord. 4585, 2-26-1996) 3. Qualified Persons: a. Every such person (if double occu- pancy, then both household members) shall meet either of ;the above requirements to qualify for senior citizen and disabled rate(s). Every such person (if double occupancy, then both household members), shall file with the Utilities billing section of the City, his or her affidavit, that he/she or they are qualified to be charged the special rate for such utility services herein stated. 1. These rates shall become effective with billings computed on or after January 1 of the year the bud- get is adopted. 397; City of Renton 8-4-31 b. Such statement shall contain such other information as the Utilities billing sec- tion may prescribe, including but not limited to address, ownership or interest in the dwelling occupied by such applicant(s), amount, source and nature of all income from any and all sources, together with the appli- cant's unqualified promise to forthwith notify the City of any circumstances or change in condition which would make the applicant(s) ineligible to receive said special rate(s). The Utilities billing section may establish rules and procedures for implementing this Sec- tion. (Ord. 4461, 7-25-1994) 4. Low -Income Rates: a. For those senior citizens and disabled persons who qualified as economically disad- vantaged and were on this low-income rate prior to August 1, 1994, the following rates for water service relating to such single-fam- ily dwelling in which such eligible person or persons permanently reside are as follows: (1) One dollar twenty five cents ($1.25) per month for a seventy `five percent (75%) rate subsidy and two dollars twenty five cents ($2.25) for a forty per- cent (40%) rate subsidy, limited to nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month. (2) Any excess shall be charged as pro- vided in Sections 8-4-31A andB. b. For those senior citizens and disabled persons who qualify as economically- disad- vantaged, and were on this low-income rate after August 1, 1994, the following rates for water service relating to such single-family dwelling in which such eligible person or per- sons permanently reside: (1) Two dollars seventy five cents ($2.75) per month for a seventy five per- cent (75%) rate subsidy, limited to nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month, and six dollars sixty cents ($6.60) per month for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy, limited to nine hun- dred (900) cubic feet of water per month. (2) Any excess shall be charged as pro- vided in subsections 8-4-31A and B, ex- cept for those persons who qualify under 8-4-33 8-4-32 f home kidney dial These customers capital improvement projects and/or debt ser- for the same as indicated in the adopted; �. are limited to one thousand seven hun- dred (1,700) cubic feet of water per vices budget. Also included in the above rates are month before any excess is charged as applicable State and local taxes. yy T provided in subsections 8-4-31A and B. (Ord.4585, 2-26-1996; amd. Ord. 4643, E. Penalty And Late Charges: Penalty and late shall be the same as in Section 8-1- i 12-9-96 ) charges SAlb. (Ord. 4253, 12-11-1989) C. For those senior citizens and disabled r persons who become eligible according to the criteria in Sections 8-4-31C1 and 8-4-31C2 8-4-32: CHARGES FOR METERED WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY: after the effective date hereof, the following rates for water service relating to such sin- gle-family "dwelling in which such eligible A. The rates for metered water service supplied outside the City limits shall be in person or persons permanently reside: to premises an amount equal to one and five -tenths (1,5) F (1) Two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per times the residential City rate. month, limited to nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month, and for B. The discounted rate for service established for low income senior citizens and/or low Ft households with income thirty five per- cent (35%) or below the median house- income disabled citizens qualifying for ape- to Section 8-4-31 shall be hold income for Renton; and six dollars ($6.00) per month, limited to nine hun- dred (900) cubic feet of water per month cial rates pursuant uniformly applied and not subject to this multiplier or any greater rate because of liv- for double occupancy households with ing outside the City. (Ord. 4461, 7-25-1994) income between thirty six percent (36%) and forty seven percent (47%) of the me - than household income for Renton. 8-4-33: WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE: (2) Any excess shall be charged as pro- A. All meter charges shall be due and payable twenty five (25) days from date of billing and j. vided in Section 5-4=31A and B. (Ord. shall be paid to the Finance and Information 4461, 7-25-1994) Services Administrator, or a duly designated 5. For those senior citizens, sixty two (62) representative, at City Ball, or such other collection place as may be officially desig- years of age or older and/or disabled citizens, when such seniors and/or disabled citizens nated by the Finance and Information Ser- Administrator, If the charges billed are are not otherwise eligible for special rates as low-income seniors and/or disabled citizens, vices not paid within 'the twenty (20) "day period from the due date, such charges shall become , but who qualify for property tax exemption pursuant to RC 84.36.381.5(a) and are not delinquent. Once the charges become delin- there shall be added a late fee of ten residents of the City shall be exempt from. the fifty percent (50%) utility surcharge applica- quent, percent (10%) of the past due charges but not less than fifty cents ($0.50) to compensate the ble to those customers not residents of the City. To receive this exemption the applicant City for handling the past due account, sub - must provide the information required under sequent billings and any collection action Section 3-4-31C3: (Ord. 4481, 11-28-1994) taken. D. Rate Revenue For Capital Purpose: A portion B. If customers' water bills are not paid by the due date (25 days from the date of billing) of the , revenue generated from the above will be used for water utility related they will receive a mailed shutoff notice stat- rates ing that if their accounts become delinquent because of nonpayment after forty five (45) 1. These rates, pursuant to Ord. 4567, passed De- days from the date of billing the Plan- ning/Building/Public Works Department will cember 11, 1995, shall become effective with bill- be directed to cut off the water service to the v inge computed on or after January 1 of the year the premises and enforce the lien upon the prop - budget is adopted. i 397 City of Renton 8-4-34 erty to which service has been rendered, and such lien shall be superior to all other liens or encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assessments. Such liens may be foreclosed by the City in the manner provided by law for the enforcement of the same, and for delinquentwater charges, in addition to all other remedies provided. There will be an additional sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) charged for the expense of turning the water off and on when all charges to the City plus penalties have been paid. (Ord. 4460, 7-18- 1994) C. In lieu of a:mailed notice, the Utilities Engi- neer or the Finance and Information Services Administrator may cause a delinquent water charge notice to be served upon such user or occupant. Failure to receive mail properly addressed to such user or occupant shall not be a valid defense for failure to pay such delinquent water charge. Any change in own- ership of property or change in mailing address must be properly filed in writing with the office of the Finance and Informa- tion Services Administrator or his/her duly designated representative. (Ord. 2849, 5-13- 1974) , 8-4-34: IDESIGNATION FOR COLLECTION OF WATER CHARGES: A. On the predetermined day of each and every month, it shall be the duty of the person col- lecting water charges to prepare, in dupli- cate,'and deliver to the Utilities Engineer a list of all delinquent customers` whose water service is to be cut off immediately, which list a shall contain the names of the delinquent t water users and a description of the premises to which water services shall be cut off. Upon receipt of such delinquent list, it shall be the duty of the Utilities Engineer forthwith to cut off the water service to the premises described on said list until the delinquent and unpaid charges, together with the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) additional for the expense of turning the water off and on are paid. (Ord. 4460, 7-18-1994) B. Failure to receive mail will not be recognized as a valid excuse for failure to pay rates when due. Change in ownership of property and change in mailing addresses must be filed, in writing, with the office of the Finance and 397 8-4-37 Information Services Administrator. (Ord. 4293,10-15-1990) 8-4-35: INTERFERENCE WITH FIRE HYDRANTS PROHIBITED: It shall be unlawful for any person except when duly authorized by the Plan- ning/Building/Public Works Administrator, or who shall be a member of the Fire Department, to open, operate, close, turn on, turn off, interfere with, attach any pipe or hose to or connect any- thing with any fire hydrant belonging to the City. (Ord. 1437, 2-28-1952; amd. Ord: 2823, 1-21-1974) 8-4-36: INTERFERENCE WITH WATER MAINS AND OTHER APPLIANCES: It shall be unlawful for any person, unless duly authorized by the Planning/Build- ing/Public Works Administrator, to disturb, inter- fere with or damage any water main, water pipe, machinery, tools, meters or any other appliances, buildings or grounds belonging to, connected with or under the control of the Municipal water system of the City. (Ord. 1437, 2-28-1952; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-1974) 8-4-37: CONTAMINATING RESERVOIR: It shall be unlawful for any person to bathe in or throw any substance into any reser- voir, water tank or impounding dams in the Municipal water system. (Ord. 1487, 8-28-1952) f ! City of Renton 1' dt �h ?„! r� 8 4 39 8-4-41 yG, 8-4-39: CONNECTION WITHOUT PERMIS- this charge are detailed in Chapter 5,-Title SION PROHIBITED: It shall be on IX of this Code. ° s ; lawful for any person to make connections with } r any fixtures or connect any pipe with any water 2. Special Assessment Charge: The special main or water pipe belonging to the water system assessment charge is a charge for the histori- 1, without first obtaining permission so to do from cal costs for the water distribution system, r the PlanningBulding/Public Works Administra- which shall include the water distribution tor. (Ord. 1437 8-28-1952; amd. Ord. 2823, mains that lie adjacent to or near ro erties ? 1-21-197.4, eff. 1-30-1974) that would benefit directly therefrom that c a` were not installed by LIDS or by a private developer under a latecomer agreement. The PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC imposition, collection, payment, and other WORKS ADMINISTRATOR'S AU- specifics concerning this charge are detailed THORITY: in Sections 9-16-6, 9-16-7 and 9-16-8 of this Code. (Ord, 4505, 4-10-1995) A. The Planning/Building/Publie Works Admin- ` istrator shall have authority to decide any 3. System Development Charge: The system fa question which may arise and which is not development charge which shall be assessed YS ' fully covered in this Chapter and his decision against any property that has not participat- x shall be in such cases final. ed in the development of the water system, which system shall 'include the wells, pump ° f B, The Planning/Building/Public Works Admin- stations, reservoirs and transmission mains istrator shall "not furnish water services shall be assessed at the rate of: without making a charge therefor as provid- ed herein. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952; amd. Ord, a. Single -Family: Eight hundred fifty dot- 2823, 1-21-1974, eff. 1-30-1974) lars ($850.00) per single-family residence. b. Mobile/Manufactured Homes: Six hun- 8-4-41: CHARGES FOR PROPERTY NOT dred eighty dollars ($680.00) per dwelling PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED: unit located in mobile home parks and manu- factured home parks. A. The charges imposed by this Chapter shall be paid into the WaterworksUtility Con- c. Multi -Family: Five hundred ten dollars " struction Fund. ($510.00) per multi -Family residence, except in the Center Downtown (CD) and Center The charge shall be paid in cash whenever Office/Residential (COR) zoned areas which , s such connection is requested. (Ord. 4415 q , shall be assessed in accordance with subsec-' } % 8-20-1993) tion B3d. Mixed use buildings with over fifty percent (50%) of the floor space used for B. There is hereby imposed upon, and the own- not multi -family residences shall be assessed at ers of properties which have been as- the rate of five hundred ten dollars ($510.00) 3; mssed or charged or borne an equitable per multi -family residence. { : share of the cost of the City's water distribu- tion and water lane facilities shall P pay, d. Other: For all other properties except prior to connection to a City water main, one City properties, 'eleven point three <cents or more of four (4) special connection charg- ($0.113) per square foot of property connect - es, herein defined, in an amount to be com- ed but not less than eight; hundred fifty dot- puted under the following subsections of this lars ($850.00). ' Section. (Ord.'4205, 2-20-1989) e. Payment: Fees are incurred upon the 1. Latecomer Fees: The imposition, collec- granting by the City, of a building permit or a tion, payment and other specifics concerning construction permit, but are payable at the 5 t, ` 296 r r, City of Renton rd :rh 8-4-41 s time construction inspection permits are Y 1, issued for connection to or extension of the public water main; or in the absence of the requirement of a public works permit, then at the time of granting the building permit. Y,. All other water service applicants shall pay at the time the water meter application is issued. f.'Fees Upon Sale: °Fees are due immedi- ately if the party owing the fee sellsto a third party, unless the third party agrees to pay the charge, in writing, with the amount owing to the City set forth in that writing, and further the City agrees that the third party shall .be responsible for that fee after determining; that such an agreement would be in the City's best interest. The burden of establishing that the agreement would be in the City's best interest would be on the party owing the fee and not; on the City. g. Definition: When the phrase "property which has not participated in development of the system" is used in this Section, it shall mean any of.the following: (1) First Time Water Connection; Any property which has not paid a system development charge for the property based upon the square footageof the property and which is connecting to Renton's water system for the first time (including but not limited to new con- struction, or conversion from a -private well). (2) Further Development Or Subdivi- sion: Any property which has not paid a system development charge for the property based upon the square.footage of the property that is to be servedby the utility and is developing ;or subdi- viding further. For example, one single- family residence ;of a five'(5) acre tract which has paid eight hundred 'fifty dollars ($850.00) under this Section to connect' to a water system will have paid only for one, seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square foot lot at'a rate of eleven point 'three cents<($0.113). Additional charges would be applied to 296 Cityo 8-4-41- / any additional development on the e property at the time of development. (3) Existing Developments: Property that was developed before the effective date of the first development' charge" ordinance in 1974 is exempted from the connection charge, ` Any rebuilding, , change in use or additions to exempted property that does not require addition- al water usage such that a fire hydrant, larger meter or irrigation meter is nec- essary, will not trigger a new connec- tion charge. However, when property is redeveloped or the use changed or in- tensified such that a larger water meter or additional water meters or a fire hydrant are necessary, or when no water meter was obtained before, such as property on a well, then any applies- tion for the initial water meter or a " larger water meter or installation of a fire hydrant will trigger a system devel- opment charge, except as provided here- in. For the purposes of this policy, such property when applying for an initial or larger water meter or installing a fire hydrant or irriga- tion meter shall be property that has not been previously assessed. h. Redevelopment Credit: An option "exists 3 for receiving a redevelopment credit for prop- erty which has not previously paid in full a system development charge. A redevelopment project that requires a larger water meter, or additional water meters, or a fire protection service for sprinklers, or a fire hydrant will trigger the water utility system development charge, However, any parcel that currently has water service is eligible' for a prorated system development charge. This prorated redevelopment charge is based on the follow- ing formula - (Proposed domestic meter(s) capacity in gal - Ions per minute - Existing domestic meter(s) ?}', capacity in GPM/Proposed domestic meter(s) capacity in GPM) x SDC Fee = Amount owed. Fire flow meters are not included in this calculation. Renton s' 8-4-41 8-4.41' For example, a redevelopment project that APWA - C704 = Cold Water Propeller Type involves a change from a single-family home Meters on a ten thousand (10,000) square foot lot with a five -eighths inch by three-quarter AWWA - C-700-77 Cold Water Meters - inch meter ('/"" x °/,", a standard single-fami- Displacement Type ly meter) that has a -safe operating capacity of twenty (20) gallons per minute (GPM), to a L Prorated System Development Fee For four (4) unit multi -family dwelling with a one Fire Protection Improvements: and one-half inch W/2') meter with a safe operating capacity of one hundred (100) GPM (1) An option exists for receiving`a cred- can' apply ; to pay the following prorated it for fire protection improvements for charge: property which has not previously paid in full a system development' charge. (100 GPM - 20 GPM/100 GPM) x $1,130.00 = Installation of a water meter solely for $904.00 a fire protection system, such as a new hydrant or fire sprinkler system shall Without the redevelopment credit, this pro- be charged a fee equal to thirty percent jectwould have paid eleven point three cents (30%) of the system development' charge per square foot ($0.113/sq, ft.) x 10,000 sq. ft, applicable to the parcel. Thirty,percent - _ $1,130.00 (30%) is the amount the water utility has expended throughout its system for The City will determine the safe maximum fire flow protection. This feeshallbe operating capacities of all meter sizes using recorded and applied as a partial pay - American Water Works Association tables ' ment to the total system development (see below). The fee paid shall be recorded charge applicable for the parcel. andapplied as a partial payment to the total system development charge applicable for the (2) If a project both increases >water parcel. Reduction in meter capacity shall not meter capacity and installs a fire pro - result in a,payment 'from the City to the tection system the total of both prorat- applicant, ed system development fees would be charged. Payment of said fees would be METER EQUIVALENCIES recorded and applied to the total system development charge applicable for the Safe Max, parcel. In no case shall the total of the Oper, prorated system development charge(s) Meter Size Capacity 5/8" ` 3/4" be more than the total system develop - In. GPM Eouival. Eauival. mentcharge applicable for the parcel. 5/8 20 1.00 ilex j. Short -Term Use, Temporary connections to City's 20 1.00' the water'syatem'may be granted sh for a one-time, temporary, short-term use of 30 1.50` 1.00 a portion of the property for a period not to L' 50 2.50° 1.67 exceed three (3) consecutive years. Permis- 1'/2 1100 5.00 3.33 Sion for temporary connection may be grant- 2 160 8.00 ' 5.33 ed upon payment of an annual fee equal to 3 300 16.00 10.00 ten percent (10%) of the current system de- 4 ' 560 25.00 16.67 velopment charge applicable to that portion 6 1,000 50.00 33.33 of the property, but not less than seven hun- 8 1,600 80.00 53.33 dred fifty dollars ($750.00) per year. Said fee 10' 2,300 115.00 ` 76.67 " shall be paid annually (nonprorated), and 12': 3,375 168.75 112.50 shall be 'nonrefundable, nontransferable 20 8,250 412.50'' 275.00 (from one portion of the property to another) r City of Renton 296 'n f j: 8-4-41 and shall not constitute a credit to the sys- tem development charge due at the time of permanent use of the utility system. The application for temporary connection shall consist of a detailed plan and a boundary line of the proposed development service area for use in the fee determination. k. Installation Of A Water Meter: Installa- tion of a water meter solely for the purpose of providing irrigation water to City right of way is exempted from the connection charge. Installation of a water meter dedicated solely for the purpose of providing irrigation water for private landscaping (exempt meter) will be charged a fee equal to ten percent (10%) of the water system development charge appli- cable to the property. Said fee shall be nonrefundable, nontransferable (from one portion of the property to another) and shall not constitute a credit to the system develop- ment charge due at the time the fee may be assessed, against the, property by another use of the utility system. At the 'applicant's option, the full water system development charge may be paid instead of the ten per- cent (10%) payment described herein. 1. City -Owned Systems: No system develop- ment charge will be collected on City -owned properties. The benefits to the utility from the use of other City properties such as utili- ty easements, wells and other benefits, offset the amount of the system development charge. in. Limited Exemptions: A limited exemp- tion to the system development charge will be granted to Municipal corporations for portions of property subject to the system development charge to the extent that those specific areas available and maintained at all times for public use (e.g., ballfields adjacent to a school building) shall be segregated from the fee determination as herein provided. In applying this exemption to the extent possi- ble, a single straight line: shall be drawn across the property separating the exempt property from the property to be charged. If a single straight line would not achieve sub- stantial equity, then additional lines may be drawn to include substantial open space 296 City of Renton 8-4-41 areas in the exemption. For purposes of this exemption, substantial open space areas shall be at least one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet in area. Lines shall not be drawn closer than fifteen feet (15') to any structure. (1) Nonexempt Areas: Parking lots, driveways, walkways, similar areas and required landscape areas shall not be part of the exempt area. (2) Administrative Fees: The applicant shall pay the City's administrative costs for the preparation, processing and recording the segregated fee. At the time of application for system develop- ment charge` fee segregation the appli- cant shall pay the administrative fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). (3) Restrictive Covenants: The exemp- tion must be memorialized by means of a restrictive covenantrunningwith the land. Should the property: exempted under this Section later be developed or sold, then that property shall pay the system development charge fee in place at the time of development or property sale. (4) Interpretation Of Exemption: The Administrator of the Planning/Build- ing/Public Works Department shall make the final decision on the 'interpre- tation of this limited exemption and the achievement of substantial equity. n. Calculation Of Charges: When calculat- ing the area to be charged the system devel- opment charge, undeveloped greenbelt and major easements within the property shall not be included in the square footage for the calculation of the charge. When determining whether property is undeveloped greenbelt or major' easements, the inquiry should be to recorded easements, dedications or restric- tions on the Comprehensive Plan or zoning maps or City policies that would prevent development of significant usages. This ex- emption is intended not to charge property that is undevelopable. J i 8-4-41 8-4-41;�, t. ab o: Exemption For Wetlands: When calcu- (3) Full Development: For the purpose this Code, "full development" is con- lat ng the area to be charged the develop- ment charge, Class I and II wetlands areas of sidered to be sixty percent (60%) prop- are exempt. It is the responsibility of the erty coverage for multi -family develop-,^ ment and eighty percent (80%) property property owner or applicant to submit a study determining the classification as Class coverage for commercial, industrial, I and/or II wetlands and a legal description mixed -use and all other development. "Property coverage" is defined as the of said wetlands so that these portions of the can be exempted from the develop- portion of the property supporting fi property ment charge. Classification of wetlands will be based upon the rating system as outlined buildings, driveways and sidewalks, parking areas, grass and -landscape in Chapter 32, Title IV of the City Code and areas, public access areas, storm drain - age facilities and detention ponds and any, subsequent amendments thereto. improvements required for mitigation of p. Segregation By Plat Or Short Plat: The environmental impacts under the State } :; 1,? system development charge shall be deter- Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). mined on the basis of the specific platted being developed regardless of the (4) Developed Area: The "developed - properties parcel size. Unplatted or large -platted par- area" shall include, but not be limited to, all contiguous existing developed eels may be platted or short` -platted prior to development, in which case the system devel- land for which the system development opment charge will be applied to the specific charge fees have not been paid; all existing and proposed buildings, drive- lots being developed.' ways and sidewalks, parking areas, q. Segregation Criteria: The ability exists grass and landscape areas, public ac- areas, storm drainage facilities and st 5 for the partial payment of the system devel- opment charge based upon percents ge of the cess detention ponds and improvemen Its property developed. The owner may apply for required for mitigation of environmen- ' partial payment of the fee on a percentage- tal impacts under the State Environ- Policy Act (SEPA). based prorated basis proportional to the mental percentage of the parcel which will be devel- The application shall consist of a de- (5) Formula: Determination of partial oped. tailed plan; drafted to current adopted City payment shall be performed by dividing the "developed area by eighty percent standards, of the proposed development, which shall include a proposed boundary line (80%) (60 percent for multi -family de- for the system development charge fee deter- velopment) of he totial'area of the prop- erty, and multiplying this number by < mination, and a statement of the total area of the property and the area of the developed the system development charge fee ; portion in square feet. The following criteria assessment for the entire property. shall determine the partial payment of fees: (6) Partial Payment Fees: The partial (1) Application Of Provisions: This pro- payment of fees shall be by formal, vision' shall apply to all developments written agreement which shall be re - with the exception of single-family resi- corded as a restrictive covenant running with the land. The restrictive covenant dential and mobile home developments. shall list the percentage of the system (2) Determination Of Charge: The sys- development charge that has been paid for the The percentage of the tem development charge shall be deter- mined on the basis of the percentage of property. system development charge fee that has a property that is developed (existing been paid for the property shall be defined by dividing the "developed area" development plus proposed develop- ment). by eighty percent (80%) (60 percent for 296 City of Renton 8-4-41 8-4-44 multi -family development) of the total C. If any such property for which a system de- ` i+- area of the property, and multiplying velopment charge has been paid thereafter is this number by one hundred percent included in a local improvement district for (100%). the construction of a water main of the same or similar nature, then the principal amount Should the property partially paid for so paid shall be credited to the assessment under this Section later develop, then against such property and such amount shall that property shall pay the system be paid from the Waterworks Utilities Fund ' development charge fee in place at the into such Local Improvement District Fund, time of development. Should the prop- (Ord. 4508, 4-10-1995) erty partially paid for under this Sec- tion later be subdivided', then the par- tial payment credit shall run with the 8-4-42: SUPERVISION; MAINS TO EXTEND - subdivided lots. The burden of estab- FULL WIDTH OF PROPERTY: All lishing that the partial payment has persons or local improvement districts desiring to been made would be on the party owing extend water mains in the City must, extend the the fee and not on the City. same under the supervision of the City Utilities Engineer. All extensions shall extend to - and (7) Administrative Fees: The applicant across the full width of the property served with shall pay the City's administrative costs water. No property shall be served with. City wa- for the preparation, ,processing and ter unless the water main is extended to the ex - recording of the partial payment of the treme boundary limit of said property line extend - fee. At the time of application for sys- ing full length of the front footage of said proper- tem development charge fee partial ty, except as forth in Section 8.4-41 herein - payment the applicant shall pay the above. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) administrative : fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750,00). 8-4.43: DEVELOPER EXTENSIONS TO THE (8) Interpretation Of Partial Payments: UTILITY SYSTEM: The City's Utilities The Administrator of the Plan- Division shall publish from time to time a "Condi- ning/Building/Public Works Department tions and Standards for Constructing Utility De - shall make the final decision on inter- veloper Extensions". All developer extensions pretation of the partial payment of shall abide and fully comply with said Standards. - system development charges. From time to time these Standards shall be updat- ed in accordance with the American Water Works - r. Request For Agreement: Any party ex- Association (AWWA) Standards, Insurance Servic- - tending utilities that may serve other than es Office (ISO)' requirements, the American Public that party's property may request a Works Association (APWA) Standards and with ' latecomer's + agreement from the City: Any prevailing good practices relative to such exten- party required to oversize utilities may re- sion and installations. (Ord. 3056, 8-9-1976) quest that utility participate in the cost of the project. 8-4-44: APPEAL FROM NOTICE OF INTEN- s.Inspection And Approval Fees: 'In addi- TION TO CUT OFF WATER, SER. tion to other permits and fees, there will be VICE: an inspection/approval fee for on -site and off - site replacement and improvements which A. Whenever water service is ,to be shut off due - shall be identical to that specified in Chapter to violation of any portion of this Chapter, 10; Title IX of this Code, and any subsequent such shut off shall be after reasonable notice" amendments thereto. (Ord. 4526,'6-12-1995) to the user. "Reasonable notice" for the pur- pose of this Section shall mean not less than ten (10) days' notice delivered by first class e 296 City oFRenton 8-4-44 i` mail to the billing address of the user, unless the Planning/Building/Public Works Admin- istrator or ` Utilities Engineer shall have determined that some other means of notice will be more likely to impart actual notice of the planned water shut off. In such event, "reasonable ,'notice" "shall consist of the best, practical notice, if any, which can be deliv- ered to the offending user under all of the circumstances. B. Any person or legal entity aggrieved by the notice of intention to shut off water may appeal the proposed shut off of water service to the City, Finance and Information Services Administrator within ten (10) days of the date of the. determination to shut off water. The consideration of the Finance and Infor- mation Services Administrator on the appeal shall be limited to a determination of the existence of the alleged 'violation and the authority, under the City Code, to shut off water service. The 'decision of the Finance and Information Services Administrator shall be final unless a writ of review is obtained from the King County Superior Court within twenty (20) days after the date of the Fi- nance and Information Service Administrator's decision. (Ord, 4184, 11-; -1988) 8-445: CROSS•CONNECTION CONTROL: A. Purpose: 1. National standards of safe drinking water have been established. The City, as a water purveyor, has the primary responsibility for preventing 'water from unapproved sources, or any other substances, from entering the public potable water system, 2. This Section is to protect the health of the water consumer and the potability of ` the water in the distribution system. This is accomplished by eliminating or controlling all 'actual (direct) and potential (indirect) cross -connections between - potable and nonpotable systems through the use of ap- proved backflow prevention assemblies. 8-4-45 B. Definitions: AIR GAP: A physical vertical separation through the free atmosphere sufficient to prevent backflow between the free flowing discharge end of the potable water system and the overflow level of the receiving vessel, tank, plumbing fixture or any other system. Physically defined as a distance greater than or equal to twice the diameter of the supply pipe diameter, but in no case less than one inch (I"). APPROVED: Approved in writing by the Department of Health or other agency having jurisdiction. City of Renton ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER: An assembly which prevents backsiphonage by creating an atmospheric vent when there is either a negative pressure or subatmospheric pressure in the water system. It is designed to protect against backsiphonage only. AUXILIARY SUPPLY: Any water source or system on or available to the premises other than the purveyor approved potable water supply. BACKFLOW: The flow of water or any other liquid, gas or substance from any source back into the distribution pipes of the potable water supply system. BACKFLOW PREVENTER: An approved assembly which prevents the backflow of water or any other liquid, gas or substance from any source back into the distribution pipes of the potable water supply system. BACKPRESSURE: Backflow caused by a pump, elevated tank, boiler or other means that could create pressure within the system greater than the potable water supply sys- tem, BACKSIPHONAGE: The flow of water or any other liquid, gases or substances from any source back into the distribution pipes of the potable water supply system caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system.' 8-4-44 BAROMETRIC LOOP:. A fabricated a piping arrangement rising at least thirty five feet nr (35') at its topmost point above the highest rr " fixture it supplies. It is used in water supply systems to protect against backsiphonage only. ?, CONTAMINANT: A substance that will im- pair the quality of the water to a degree that it creates a serious health hazard, azt. lT CROSS -CONNECTION:' An y physical or s il; potential arrangement whereby a : public ^" ' water; system is connected, directly or indi- t rectly,with any other nonpotable: water sys- tem, ,drain, sewer, f, conduit, ,pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture or other device `+ which contains, or maycontain, contaminat- ed water, sewer or other waste liquid of un- knownor unsafe quality which may be capa- ble of imparting contamination to the public water system as a result of backnow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, remov- able sections, swivel or change devices, -over or other, temporary or permanent devices through which'backflow may occur are con- sidered to be cross -connections. + DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY. An approved assembly composed of two (2)_sin- gle, independently acting check valves, either spring` loaded or internally weighted, in- stalled as a unit between two (2) tightly closing shutoff valves and having suitable connections for testing. HEALTH HAZARD: A physical or toxic haz- ard which could be dangerous to health. POLLUTION: A hazard which could cause aesthetic problems or have a detrimental effect on the quality of water in the potable system, POTABLE WATER: Water which is safe for human consumption, as described by the Public health authority having jurisdiction, PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER: An assem- bly consisting of a spring loaded check valve and independently operating air inlet valve, inlet and discharge shutoff valve, and prop-. 296 City o/'Re 8-4-45 erly installed test cocks. The air inlet valve is internally loaded to the open position, normally by; means of a spring. This internal loading allows the assembly to be installed on the pressure side of a shutoff valve: It is designed to protect against backsiphonage only. REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER: An assembly consisting of two (2) independently acting spring operated check valves, separated by a spring loaded differential pressure relief valve, which is installed as a unit between two (2) tightly closing shutoff valves' and having suitable connections for testing. C. Application: This Chapter applies throughout the water service area of the City. It applies to all systems installed prior to or after its enactment. Therefore, anyone: wanting or `N using water from the City is responsible for compliance with these regulations and shall be strictly liable for all damage incurred as a result of failure to comply with the express terms and provisions contained herein. D. Enforcement: The Administrator of the De- partment of Planning/Building/Public Works `' ` will administer the provisions of the Chap- k >i ter. He/she will designate cross -connection specialists and propound all needful rules and regulations to implement these provi- sions. The Water Utilities Section of the Utilities Systems Division will be responsible for monitoring and inspecting all existing -connection cross assemblies and for keeping 's all records generated by the cross -connection control program. The Plan Review Section of the Development Services Division will ,be ai responsible for reviewing all new and revised plans for cross -connections. Installation Of.Backflow Prevention Assem- blies: Backflow prevention assemblies re- quired'by this Chapter must be installed so as to be readily accessible for maintenance and testing. All assemblies shall be connect- Y ed at the meter, the property line when me- ters are not used, or within any premises where, in the judgment of the City Cross. Connection Control Specialist, the nature in + 8-4-45 8-4-45 { and extent of activity on the premises or the 15. Radioactive material processing plants or materials used or stored on the premises nuclear reactors. could present a health hazard should a cross- ` connection occur. This includes: 16. Car washes. 1. Premises having an auxiliary water sup- 17. Process waters or cooling towers. ply. 18. Fire sprinkler systems. 2. Premises having internal cross -connec- tions that are not correctable, or intricate 19. Irrigation systems. plumbing arrangements which make it im- practical to ascertain whether or not cross- 20. Solar hot water systems. _ connections exist. . 21. Others specified by the Administrator of r 3. Premises where entry is restricted so that the Department of Planning/Building/Public inspections for cross -connections cannot be Works, made with sufficient frequency or at suffi- cient short notice to assure that cross -con- F. Types Of Backflow Prevention As nections do not exist. Required: Specific types of backflow preven- tion assemblies are required in the following 4. Premises having a repeated history of conditions: ' cross -connections being established or rees- tablished. 1. An air -gap separation or reduced principle backflow prevention assembly, shall be in- 5. Premises on which any substance is ban- stalled where the water supply may be -con- '' died under pressure so as to permit entry taminated by industrial waste of a toxic into the public water system, or where a nature or any other contaminant which cross -connection could reasonably be expect- would cause a health or system hazard. ad to occur. This includes the handling of process waters and cooling waters. 2. An air gap must be used between a potable water supply and sewer connected wastes. !' 6. Premises where materials of a toxic or hazardous nature are handled such that if 3. Lawn sprinkler or irrigation systems, backsiphonage should occur, a health hazard which are supplied by City water only, shall may result. be required .to have ' a pressure vacuum breaker. If such system contains an auxiliary 7. Hospitals, mortuaries,clinics. pump or is subject to chemical additives a 'r double-check valve assembly, air -gap separa- 8. Laboratories.- tion or a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly will be required. 9. Piers and docks. G. Responsibilities Of Owner And Utility: 10. Sewage treatment plants. 1. Water Utilities Section: 11. Food or beverage processing plants. ' a. The Water Utilities Section will perform 12. Chemical plants using a water process. evaluations and inspections of plans/or pre- mises of all existing facilities and inform the 13. Metal plating industries, owner, by letter, of any corrective action deemed necessary, the method of achieving 14. Petroleum processing or storage plants, the correction and the time allowed for the correction to be made. ` i { v City of Renton 296 !j 8-4-45 ' t kf 8-4 45 i piping with an additional backflow assembly P P g w� b. The Water Utilities Section shall ensure assemblies are at their expense.f` that all backflow prevention tested annually to ensure satisfactory opera- f. The owner shall only install backflow tion. preventers which are approved by the Wash- iin Utilities Section shall inform g ton State Department of Health. ° c. The Water the owner, by'letter, of any failure to comply An addi- The owner shall install backflow g by the by the time of the first reinspection. fifteen (lb) days will be allowed for the preventers only in a manner approved State Departme nt of Health. { tional correction. In the event the owner fails to Washington %. comply with the necessary correction by the h. The owner may be required to install a 00 ,A - time of the second reinspection, the Water Section will inform. the owner, by backflow preventer at the service entrance if is maintained on his ',+s rf ,, Utilities letter, that the water service to the owner's a rivate water source P even if it is not cross connected to i„ premises will be terminated within a period premises, the City's system. Ja not to exceed five (5) days. d. If the Water Utilities Section deter- i. Failure of the owner to cooperate in the installation, maintenance, repair, inspection mines at any time that a serious threat to and testing of backflow preventers required the; public `health -exists, the water service immediately and without by this Section shall be grounds for the ter - the - will be terminated mination of water service or require notice. ments of an air -gap separation. s r 2. Plan Review Section: On new installations Section will provide on -site H. And pereduced `} the Plan Review evaluation and/or inspection of plans in order pressurection ments:l All principle backflow assemblies, double check valve ° ., i to determine if cross -connections exist and backflow preventer, if any, will assemblies, pressure vacuum break installed in lieu of a a what type of required before a water meter permit can blies and air gaps backflow preventer shall be inspected and be issued. tested annually, or more often when "succes- sive inspections indicate failure. All inspec- 3.Owner: tions and testing will be performed by a The test reports shall be r a. The owner shall be responsible for the certified tester. returned to the City within thirty (30) days 4 elimination or protection of all cross-connec- after receipt of the yearly test notification, e s tions on his property. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) b. The owner, whether notified by the City or not, shall at his expense install, maintain 4,. and have tested by a certified tester any and all backflow preventers on his premises. c. The owner shall return to the City the i assembly test reports within thirty (30) days after receipt of the yearly test notification. 4 d. The owner shall inform the Water Utili- Section of any proposed or modifi Ll ties cross -connections. e. Owners who cannot shut down operation for testing of assemblies must provide bypass 296 City of Renton