HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA1963 Rezone File#35-20-63 by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to strike out the words "with power to act", and to sub- stitute "to report back". Vote on the amendment carried. Vote on the motion as amended carried, Building Superintendent Highton's letter to Mr. Charles Shane, advising that the building foundation at 14423-14425 - 92nd Avenue South extends 5'4" into the "G" zone in violation of the Ordinance for Business use, and that construction without inspection is a Building Code violation, was read. Mr. Shane advised that he had petitioned the Planning Commission for a zoning of this property to "B-1". Only recently had he been aware that the Planning Commission had retained the "G" zoning applicable to the front 10". Mr. Shane stated that the City normally has 60' as a right-of-way and that only on Primary State Highways is an 80' right-of-way required. This street is not a Primary State Highway but the right-of-way here is 80' in width. Property across the street is presently zoned "Business". Ques- tion was raised as to whether that property has a 10' front setback; if so, this would C . make a 100' right-of-way, yet 92nd Avenue South covers but one block, Further, that City is taking 10' strip without compensation to him, yet he is required to pay tax on this property. Upon request for his comments, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City has a right to establish setbacks on streets other than Primary State Highways. . While the City cannot force an owner to give up property; an owner cannot force City to zone to his liking. City can condemn property however and pay for it. A Planning Commission recommendation from its Administrative Meeting of May 15, 1963, that the request of Mr, Wilbur L. Repp relative to waiving certain requirements of the Building Code as applicable in Fire zone 1, be denied, after considering the following factors, was read: a) The proposed relocation of an existing building to this location and its con- version to a duplex would be in violation of the present zoning code, which prohibits du-- plexes or single family residences in the Business District as new uses. b) The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance, a request for which has not been submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. c) In connection with the general improvement of structures in the Business District, it is anticipated that the Council will reasonably soon initiate a program of code enforcement to require the upgrading or removal of certain buildings and structures. The granting of this request would not be consistent with the probable future action of the Council. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Arne G. Goedecke was read, regarding the City of Renton's participa- tion in solving the Tiffany Park Area sewage disposal problem; more specifically making inquiry as to whether the City would undertake the construction of the line Southerly to the top of the hill (North boundary of property of Tiffany Park Development) provided Metro will cross the.Cedar River with the proper siphon. Thereafter, installation and dedication of necessary trunk line and related sewer system within the limits of Tiffany Park would be made to the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to refer the above matter to the Sanitation Committee, Carried. An Announcement was read from Chairman Gianini of Appointees for the Dedication and Ceremony Committee of the newly-lighted Liberty Ball Park Field, and the planned dedication ceremony and program scheduled tentatively for a date in the second week of June, 1963. Presentation of a luggage case with keys was made to Councilman Poli on behalf of the Mayor and City Council Members for his extended vacation trip in Europe. Councilman Poli extended his thanks to all. The Mayor declared a recess at this time. After the recess Roll Call was again taken with all Councilmen present as previously indicated. A Petition was read, signed by fifty-five property owners in the Talbot Hill Area starting with "Umberto Barei" and ending with "Geraldine Wilson") requesting that the Talbot Hill Area now zoned "GS-1" be changed to "R-1", by reason that a 35,000 squaro foot lot to build in the area is no longer reasonable since the highway route has now been determined and there is little reason to prohibit changing the size of the lot requirement to 7,000 square feet. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the Petition to the Planning Commission. Carried. 5- 7/Z 2 Th26 South Henderson Seattle 88, Washington May 27, 1963 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: This is to request reconsideration of my previous proposal to the City Council as outlined in letters dated May 3 and 10, 1963. In action taken by the Planning Commission and its resulting report to the Council on May 20, apparently my plans were misinterpreted. Within the Commissions report, my request was denied on the basis of three points, quoted in part as follows. A. The proposed relocation of an existing building. . .and its conversion to a duplex. . . ." This statement by the Commission is erroneous in that my letter dated May 3, which I assume was read, stated my intention to convert the buildings to apartments, which is permissible in this zone. I plan to have a three- apartment dwelling. B. The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance. . .." I have followed and submitted letters as suggested by city officials who have knowledge of the matter. It has not been suggested a variance was necessary since this zone allows apartment-type buildings. C. .. .consistent with the probable future action ... ." This point would appear to be taking advantage of the "future" in which case one would be unreasonably restricted in planning to any degree. Also, the terms "reasonably soon" in regards to city planning, may extend into an unreasonable length of time for an individual citisen. It is still my contention, and that of city officials I have consulted) that this matter involves the City Building Code and not the Planning Commission. At the May 23 meeting of the Planning Commission, the Chairman made a somewhat emphatic point to a member of the audience that the duty of the commission was in regards to land use and not the structures thereafter erected on such property. My property will be used for what the zoning allows. Property zoned B-1 may also be used for purposes as outlined in R-1 according to Code manuals. This matter was referred to the Fire and Water Committee within the City Council at their meeting of May 13. Later at the same meeting, the Planning Director had the matter referred to the Planning Commission. The Commission has since taken action) but there has been no committee report or waiver from the Fire and Water Committee. At this point I request the issue be orce again referred to the Fire and Water Committee for a report as my request would seem to fall under their jurisdiction. I shall plan to attend the City Council meeting May 27 and request that I be given an opportunity to address the Council on the above points so as to further clarify my intentions and answer questions that may arise. Sincerely, /7A44./ Wilbur L. Repp 11111 61.2-1/ 3 1426 South Henderson ' jl/. Seattle 88, Washington May 27, 1963 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: This is to request reconsideration of my previous proposal to the City Council as outlined in letters dated May 3 and 10, 1963. In action taken by the Planning Commission and its resulting report to the Council on May 20, apparently my plans were misinterpreted. Within the Commissions report,'my request was denied on the basis of three points, quoted in part as follows. A. The proposed relocation of an existing building. . .and its conversion to a duplex. . . ," This statement by the Commission is erroneous in that my letter dated May 3, which I assume was read, stated my intention to convert the buildings to apartments, which is permissible in this zone. I plan to have a three- apartment dwelling. Be The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance. . ..," I have followed and submitted letters as suggested by city officials who have knowledge of the matter. It has not been suggested a variance was necessary since this zone allows apartment-type buildings. C. .. .consistent with the probable future action .. . ." This point would appear to be taking advantage of the "future" in which case one would be unreasonably restricted in planning to any degree. Also, the terms "reasonably soon" in regards to city planning, may extend into an unreasonable length of time for an individual citizen. It is still my contention, and that of city officials I have consulted.that this matter involves the City Building Code and not the PlanningCommission. At the May 23 meeting of the Planning Commission, the Chairman made a somewhat emphatic point to a member of the audience that the duty of the commission was in regards to land use and not the structures thereafter erected on such property. My property will be used for what the zoning allows. Property zoned B-1 may also be used for purposes as outlined in - R-!;. according to Code manuals. This matter was referred to the Fire and Water Committee within the City Council at their meeting of May 13. Later at the same meeting, the Planning Director had the matter referred to the Planning Commission. The Commission has since taken action, but there has been no committee report or waiver from the Fire and Water Committee. At this point I request the issue be once again referred to the Fire and Water Committee for a report as my request would seem to fall under their jurisdiction. I shall plan to attend the City Council meeting May 27 and request that I be given an opportunity to address the Council on the above points so as to further clarify my intentions and answer questions that may arise. Sincerely, Wilbur L. Repp 5-20-63 by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to strike out the words "with power to act", and to sub- stitute "to report back". Vote on the amendment carried. Vote on the motion as amended carried. Building Superintendent Highton's letter to Mr. Charles Shane, advising that the building foundation at 14423-14425. - 92nd Avenue South extends 5'4" into the "G" zone; in violation of the Ordinance for Business use, and that construction without inspection is a Building Code violation, was read. Mr. Shane advised that he had petitioned the Planning Commission for a zoning of this property to "B-1". Only recently had he been aware that the Planning Commission had retained the "G" zoning applicable to the front 10". Mr. Shane stated that the City normally has 60' as a right-of-way and that only on Primary State Highways is an 80' right-of-way required. This street is not a Primary State Highway but the right-of-way here is 80' in width. Property across the street is presently zoned "Business". Ques- tion was raised as to whether that property has a 10' front setback; if so, this would make a 100' right-of-way, yet 92nd Avenue South covers but one block. Further, that City is taking 10' strip without compensation to him, yet he is required to pay tax on this property. Upon request for his comments, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City has a right to establish setbacks on streets other than Primary State Highways. While the City cannot force an owner to give up property; an owner cannot force City to zone to his liking. City can condemn property however and pay for it. A Planning Commission recommendation from its Administrative Meeting of May 15, 1963, that the request of Mr. Wilbur L. Repp relative to waiving certain requirements of the Building Ccde as applicable in Fire zone 1, be denied, after considering the following factors, was read: a) The proposed relocation of an existing building to this location and its con` version to a duplex would be in violation of the present zoning code, which prohibits du plexes or single family residences in the Business District as new uses. b) The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance, a request for which has not been submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. c) In connection with the general improvement of structures in the Business District, it is anticipated that the Council will reasonably soon initiate a program of code enforcement to require the upgrading or removal of certain buildings and structures. The granting of this request would not be consistent with the probable future action of the Council. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Arne G. Goedecke was read, regarding the City of Renton's participa- tion in solving the Tiffany Park Area sewage disposal problem; more specifically making inquiry as to whether the City would undertake the construction of the line Southerly to the top of the hill (North boundary of property of Tiffany Park Development) provided Metro will cross the Cedar River with the proper siphon. Thereafter, installation and dedication of necessary trunk line and related sewer system within the limits of Tiffany Park would be made to the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to refer the above matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. An Announcement was read from Chairman Gianini of Appointees for the Dedication and Ceremony Committee of the newly-lighted Liberty Ball Park Field, and the planned dedication ceremony and program scheduled tentatively for a date in the second week of June, 1963. Presentation of a luggage case with keys was made to Councilman Poli on behalf of the Mayor and City Council Members for his extended vacation trip in Europe. Councilman Poli extended his thanks to all. The Mayor declared a recess at this time. After the recess Roll Call was again taken with all Councilmen present as previously indicated. A.Petition was read, signed by fifty-five property owners in the Talbot Hill Area starting with "Umberto Basel" and ending with "Geraldine Wilson") requesting that the Talbot Hill Area now zoned "GS-1" be changed to "R-1", by reason that a 35,000 squar- foot lot to build in the area is no longer reasonable since the highway route has now been determined and there is little reason to prohibit changing the size of the lot requirement to 7,000 square feet. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the Petition to the Planning Commission. Carried. 5- YL, Z:/:4"Vte r ikt ,,WA S H I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World 5' Ain: . 4*,- May 20, 1963 C_,e---e e__,--/-c-,-1.4-elfe,;,./ Wiit_e___4 Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its administrative meeting of May 15, 1963 , recommended to the City Council that the request of Mr. Wilbur L. Repp re- lative to the waiving of certain requirements of the Building Code as applicable in Fire Zone 1 be denied. The Commission' s recommendation is based upon the following factors: a. The proposed relocation of an existing building to this location and its conversion to a duplex would be in violation of the present zoning code, which prohibits duplexes or single family res- idences in the Business District as new uses. b. The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance, a request for which has not been submitted to the Planning Commission for con- sideration. c. In connection with the general improvement of structures in the business district it is antici- pated that the Council will reasonably soon initiate a program of code enforcement to require the upgrad- ing or removal of certain buildings and structures. The granting of this request would not be consistent with the probable future action of the Council. Your concurrence in the foregoing recommendation is respectfully requested. Sincerely, 416 J. , d Jensen Pl. 11 g Director JDJ:pc 94.4_,,t, 1627 South Henderson Seattle 88,, Washington May 10, 1963 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: At the May '7th Renton City Council meeting, my letter dated May 3rd was referred to the City Planning Deaprtment for further action. The letter outlined my request for a waiver regarding property in fire zone No, to This is a request that the previous letter be reconsidered and submitted to a committee within the Council. It appears that this matter is a question of Building Code rather than usage of the p rope rty. Sincerely, , Wilbur Repp a;. 1 1426 South Henderson Seattle 88, Washington May 3, 1963 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: The intent of this letter is to request a waiver of certain regulations involving property that I own at 1019 1st Avenue North, Renton, I understand.that only buildings conforming to R-1 code requirements are permitted to be constructed or moved into this zone. At present this area is comprised of several older apartment houses and residences, mostly with two individual living,units per lot. Briefly, the plans I would like to follow sr,: 1) Move a house now located at 211 Garden, to the back part of the lot at 1019 1st North. 2) Remodel the moved-in house, making a two-bedroom apartment on the ground-floor level and a one-bedroom apartment on the second floor. To conform to the present fire code requidhents would be finanically impractical. However, I would like to point out some features of the house to be moved in and the present home that meet part of the basic fire code requirements. The two houses are plastered on the interior and have asphalt composition roofing. . To provide a higher. degree of fire resistant materials, I would re-side the homes with asbestos fire resistant materials, Underwriters approved. It is my feeling that if allowed to fulfill these plans, this project would be an asset to the community as well as to myself. The apartments are planned to accommodate families with children at a reasonable rate of rent. Apartments that are practical for families with children are somewhat limited in this section of Renton I feel. -The landscaping would include a covered play area for adverse weather and fenced play area, Your most careful consideration of this request will be sincerely appreciated.Iv Respectively submitt Wilbur L. Repp Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) City Attorney's report re Court decision on vacation of South 131st Street adoption of an ordinance is mandatory and an oral vote of the Planning Commission or Council would not be binding. It was requested that the Council determine whether or not it was necessary to possibly appeal the decision on the matter to the Supreme Court. In any event a motion will be made to the Court to reconsider its Memorandum Decision. Councilman Reid submitted a Street and Alley Committee report which was read by the Clerk on the matter recommending, due to the effect upon other streets within the City, that the City Attorney appeal the court decision on So. 131st Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson in response to referral of a Petition from the School District and Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, L. D. Fox, I. B. Nanavich and Harvey Laird for vacation of a portion of 7th Avenue between "K" and "M" Streets, and it was reported that the Petition contained 87.6% of property owners signatures of the land abutting said right-of-way. A Street and Alley Committee recommendation was read for referral of the Petition to the Planning Commission. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission, Carried, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the motion be amended to include June 10, 1963 as the date set for Hearing on the matter. The amendment to the motion carried, followed by the vote on the motion as amended which likewise carried. A letter was read from P. J. McKay, Dist. Engineer, State Highway Commission, submitting Resolution covering revision to Interchange in the vicinity of May Creek and S.E. 80th Street, C.S. 1744, FAI-405, PSH 1-RE, Renton to Kennydale and Kennydale North, L-2050. A report from the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Resolution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, adopting Resolution No. 1194 as submitted. Carried. A letter from Mr. Wilbur Repp requested that Council reconsider their action of the previous meeting wherein his request for waiver regarding fire zone requirements , was referred to the Planning Commission. He requested to move a building into a zone which did not fully comply with requirements thereof. It was now requested that the matter be considered by a Committee within the Council in order to expedite the trans- action. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. C. E. McCarthy, Chairman, Renton Civil Service Commission and Mr. George H. Thomas, Secretary-Chief Examiner, reported an examination held on April 27, and May 4, 1963 for establishing Eligible List of applicants for classification of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Top six candidates listed were: Robert C. Fritsvold, Raymond A. Saude, William D. File, Brice E. Smith, Robert L. Hastings and Richard A. Colbeck. A letter was read from the Association of Washington Cities advising Fire Chief Lawrence that he is to be honored at the Annual Banquet of the Statewide Convention in Longview on Thursday, June 13, at 6:00 p.m. at which time a public citation and acknowledgment is given to those officials retiring after twenty or more years of service . .Mr. Lawrence was commended for his outstanding service to his community andState. City Clerk Nelson announced receipt of a pamphlet Edition of the 1963 Session Laws which was available if anyone wished to use it. A copy was sent to each CityandTownClerkwiththecomplimentsoftheSecretaryofState. Additional copies are available at $1.00 each. A letter from the Downtown Renton Merchant's Association requested a no-fee permit to operate a sound truck through the City streets on May 29, 1963 announcingtheMoonlightSaleandSquareDancingExhibitiontobeheldafter6:00 p.m. in the vicinity of Wells and/or Williams to Walla Walla south of Third Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the requests with particularsoftheprojecttobereportedandclearedthroughthepolicedepartment . Carried. A letter from Mr. James Carver advised of the willingness of property owners on llth Avenue North to participate in an L.I.D. to improve the north half of the 2- A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 22, 1963 Mr, Wilbur Repp 1627 Henderson Street Seattle 88, Washington Dear Nr.a Repp,: The. Renton City Council, at its, regular meeting of May 20, 1963 has con- curred in the Planning Commission recommendation that your request for waiver of certain requirements of the Building Code as applicable in Fire Zone l be denied. The Commission's recommendation was based upon the following factors: a. The proposed relocation of an existing building to this location and its conversion to a duplex would be in violation of the present zoning code, which prohibits duplexes or single family resi- dences in the Business District as new uses. b. The proposal as outlined would require the granting of a variance, a request for which has not been submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. c. In connection with the general improvement of structures in the business district it is anticipated that the Council will resonably soon initiate a program of code enforcement. to require, the upgrading or re- moval of certain buildings and structures. The granting of this request would not be consistent with the probable future action of the Council. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City.Clerk HWN/dm e,,:. , 1, h. . '. e. 1627 South Henderson Seattle 88, Washirgton May 10, 1963 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: At the May 7th Renton City Council meeting, my letter dated May 3rd was referred to the City Planning Deaprtment for further action. The letter outlined my request for a waiver regarding property in fire zone No. le This is a request that the previous letter be reconsidered and submitted to a committee within the Council. It appears thht thie matter is a question of Building Code rather than usage of the preperty. Sincerely, e--c--:,"-- , , .• --• Wilbur Reop 2// z/ 4 14/12 - 7-(----e----e-1„ 7-2-cdf.-HH & && f „a.---cy,___1„ atie ___e_47.75.4 7eL,1--e.4 -/4.--ye9 .Ae---ez•-,-k/ C 7)k_,,,,.7 ch Ay, -,,,,, ,1 , 6. • ri r r P 4. • r. 1426 Soth HenelersOn Aeattle .113, Waz?bington Renton City Council Renton, Washington' Dear Sirs: The intent of this letter in to roquest a waiver' of certain rulations involving property that I awn at 1019 1st Avenue North, Renton. I understand that only buildings, conforming to R-1 code ' requirclments ara permitted to be constructed or,moved into this zone. At present this area in comprised of several older apartment houses and r..sidences, mostly with two Individual living units per lot. fly„ the plans 1 wouJ d like to follow are: L) Nove a house now located at 2l Garden, to the back part of the lot at 1019 1st North. 2) Remodel the moved-in house, making a two-bedroom apartIlent on the ground-floor level and a one-bedroom apartment on the second floor. To conforn to the presert fire code recini+ents would be finanicarly impractical. However, I would like to point out some features of the house to be moved in and the present home that r7,2et part of the baoic firs code requirements. The two houses are plantTred the interior and have asphalt composition roofing. To provide a 1,-,igil degree of fire resistant materials, I would re-side Le hweE with fire resistant materials, Underwriters approved. It is my felling that if ellowed to fulfill these 7.1J-Th t' s project would he at: asset to the commnit:, as well as tc mylPlf. Mc apartments are planned to accommodate .%milies with chi-Arn ::t. a reaonat, p rate of rent. Apartments that are practical f!..,r familie -wIth ch-;,Thrr are somewhat limited in this sectin of Renton 1 feel. 7h:: lanlng would include a covered play area for adverse weather and fr,11cPe, t:iay area,. Your most careful consideration of this request will be 91J ,rf- ly appreciated. i:i• Respecti7eay slft-mdtt,A.0 ,---,2 A-- Wilbur L. 1*,1) 1' i it r - -- - < ---„.., MOL Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-6-63COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Planning Commission Recommendations - Rezones Albert Balch Property Rezone: There were no objections to the rezone of this property. Moved by Dahlquist, andsecondedbyCuster, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Jay Holmes property - vicinity of South 120th Street and Rainier Avenue as des-cribed in Application No. R-117-63 dated 3-1-63, from G and G-6000 to B-1. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone and to referthemattertotheOrdinanceCommittee . Carried. Nick Vidos property - Tracts 3, 4 and t', Block 30, Earlington Acre Tracts from G-6000toR-3. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission rec-ommendation and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee . Carried . Douglas Suck property - Lots 52, 63, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58, Block 19, C. D. Hillman'sEarlingtonGardens #1, from G to L-1, with restrictive covenants relative to rear yards and setback effective until December 31, 1975. Moved by Bruce, seconded byPoli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations. Carried. Moved byGarrett, seconded by Hulse to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. ,Carried. Variances recommended by the Planning Commission and/or Permits: John Burkheimer property - recommended that a Revokable Permit be granted in lieu ofrezone - for carwash installation adjoining Union Oil Station at intersection of Renton and Rainier Avenues. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in thePlanningCommissionrecommendations, the applicant having indicated his willingnesstoacceptsuchPermit. Carried. Moved byz3Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee . Carried. Knute Beckstrom property - Lot 1, Block 13, Renton Highlands, f . variance relativetorearpropertylineallowingconstruction15' therefrom. Moved by Bruce, secondedbyCuster, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Tom Farmer - Band Box Restaurant, Rainier AvenueL- Revokable Permit to allow sign construction 10' behind front property line. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist,to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from Raymond P. Rosa requesting building permit to locate a house on property in the Talbot Hill area which permit had previously been held by the Planning Commission pending completion, of State Highway acquisition in order that determination might be made as to whether lot size requirements would be met. An _ Engineer's sketch of the proposed lot plans was attached to the letter and Planning Director Jensen advised that the permit would probably be allowed by the PlanningCommissioninviewthereof. Protest was made verbally by Mr. D'Agosto to the housebeingmovedsoclosetohisproperty. Engineer Oyler's plans provided the propersetbackrequirementshowever, and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, that the party be allowed to store the structure on their property with the Permit beingheldpendingPlanningCommissionconsumationofthematter. After further discussionthemotioncarried. A letter from Mr. Wilbur L. Repp requested permission to locate a structure on property located at 1019 1st Ave. North. Upon inquiry Mr. Repp advised the matterhadbeenpresentedtothebuildingdepartment. Mr. Highton, Bldg. Supt. , advised that the building was a frame structure not meeting requirements of the code insofar- as the fire zone was concerned. Mr. Repp advised of features of the structure which provided a higher degree of fire resistance including plastered interior and asphalt composition roofing his plan to be also to reside the building with asbestos fire re- sistant materials. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matterio'the Planning Commission.Carried. A letter was read from Sup't. of Utilities Schroeder, requesting permission tocallforbidsforpipelinematerialswithdateofMay20, recommended for the bid openings. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, to authorize the call for bids as requested and the date for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards was read demanding return of deed which had been submitted with option granted the City to purchase real estate, which option expired May 1, 1963. (Access street to Renton Shopping Center from RainierAve.) City Clerk Nelson had surrendered the Deed upon receipt of the demand for same . . 4-•