HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA_Project Acceptance Mailer_20240606DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059062 LUA24-000157 ANMARCO LLC 5050 1ST AVE S #102 SEATTLE WA 98134 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000041 LUA24-000157 BIG SEA REALTY LLC 601 SW 7TH ST RENTON WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000060 LUA24-000157 BNSF PO BOX 961089 FORT WORTH TX 76161 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 C/O PROGOGIS - RE TAX 1800 WAZEE ST DENVER CO 80202 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CONSEJO COUNSELING+REFFERAL 723 SW 10TH ST RENTON WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100030 LUA24-000157 DUNBABIN ROBERT 813 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059056 LUA24-000157 EASTLAKE INVESTORS PO BOX 776 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000050 LUA24-000157 EV 600 LLC C/O ELION ACQ LL 3323 NE 163RD ST # 600 MIAMI FL 33160 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 GLAM COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY SE #212 NEWCASTLE WA 98059 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2423049025 LUA24-000157 GRAHAM REAL VENTURES LLC 18811 16TH AVE S SEATAC WA 98188 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 IC INDUSTRIAL REIT 66 FRENKLIN ST STE 200 OAKLAND CA 94607 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 JOHN C RADOVICH DEV CO 2835 82ND AV SE #S-1 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059030 LUA24-000157 LIFT 11 LIND 865 LLC 5507 E WISHON RD SNOHOMISH WA 98290 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000040 LUA24-000157 THOMAS FAMILY PROPERTIES 18531 SE 224TH ST KENT WA 98042 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059061 LUA24-000157 THORNBERG ASSOCIATION LLC 3323 43RD AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000030 LUA24-000157 W & R PROPERTIES LLC 12715 BEL RED ROAD #100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1010 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1020 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1030 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1033 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1037 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1040 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 1300 SW 7th St Suite 110 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 100 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 102 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 103 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 104 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 105 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 106 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 107 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 108 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 111 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 112 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 120 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 122 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 200 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 201 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 204 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 215 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 218 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite 220 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059078 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 451 SW 10th St Suite B Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way UNIT A Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way UNIT D Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way UNIT F Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way UNIT G Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059084 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 500 SW Grady Way UNIT J Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059056 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 501 SW 7th St Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000050 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 600 SW 10th St Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000030 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 705 SW 7th St Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059056 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 707 Lind Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 710 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059061 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 715 Lind Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059061 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 715 Lind Ave SW Suite A Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059061 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 715 Lind Ave SW Suite B Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 720 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 100 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 110 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 200 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 230 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 235 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 250 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 270 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059087 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 723 SW 10th St UNIT 275 Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 730 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 740 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 760 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 780 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2423049025 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 805 SW 10th St Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 810 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 820 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000040 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 838 Seneca Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 840 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059030 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 865 Lind Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 907 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 907 Thomas Ave SW UNIT A Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 907 Thomas Ave SW UNIT B Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 909 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 910 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 920 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 921 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 927 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 930 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146100033 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 933 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 940 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 1923059062 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 955 Lind Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) AND PUBLIC HEARING A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone-in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the methods listed below. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24- 000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD PROJECT LOCATION: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Barsin Govargez / 1100 W Town and Country Rd Unit: 700 Orange, CA 92868 / barsin.betgovargez@kimley-horn.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://rb.gy/pxmrso PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval, and two Modifications (to RMC 4-6-060) to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) previously occupied by a metal-supplier. The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38 acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a designation of “Employment Area” in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 sq. ft. tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various façade and parking lot improvements. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on t he project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a drainage report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. DATE OF APPLICATION: May 15, 2024 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 6, 2024 2146000010 LUA24-000157 CURRENT RESIDENT 960 Thomas Ave SW Renton WA 98057 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14- day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Review Site Plan, Street Modification OTHER PERMITS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Building Permit, Fire Permit, Construction Permit, Sign Permit REQUESTED STUDIES: Archaeology Study, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report. Traffic Study PUBLIC HEARING: A virtual/telephonic public hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM before the Renton Hearing Examiner by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application which includes a phone -in option. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting by using one of the following three methods: 1. By online videoconference: Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94672334580?pwd=TmNMazBab3RselNmS2hZWFZ5WndaQT09 Password: 443268 2. By videoconference via the Zoom app: Enter Zoom Meeting ID: 946 7233 4580 Password: 443268 3. By telephone: Zoom Meeting By Telephone: 1(253) 215-8782, Enter Zoom Meeting ID 946 7233 4580# Password: 443268 If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing there will be an allotted time for public comments. We will ask that that all attendees state their name and contact information into the record. Please do not unmute yourself; the host will do this for you. All participants must have their name listed in the zoom application window. If you are participating in the Public Hearing by telephone please use the following phone number: 1(253) 215-8782. Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. All written statements must be submitted by 5:00 PM on the day prior of the Public Hearing. Please see “Virtual Public Hearing Procedures” (enclosed) for more details on how to participate in the public hearing. The procedures to a Virtual Public Hearing can also be found here: https://cutt.ly/ZmFgD63 If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6583. If you have questions about this proposal please contact the project planner. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Medium Industrial (IM) on the City’s Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City’s SEPA ordinance, RMC Title IV and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: As of now, no mitigation measures have been proposed, but they are expected to be developed at a later time. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM on June 20, 2024. Please submit comments online at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 . Alternatively, you may physically mail your comments to: City of Renton, CED, Attn: Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please include the Land Use file number (LUA) or project address in your comments. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR23-000169 Tesla SSD and Collision Center / LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, MOD Name: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone#:__________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail  record and will be notified of any decision on this project. For more information about this proposal, contact the Project Planner below. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PROJECT PLANNER: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Email: amorganroth@rentonwa.gov SW 7th St Ra i n i e r A v e S SW 7th St Th o m a s A v e S W Po w e l l Av e S W CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARINGS A virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application. The public is highly encouraged to attend the meeting. BEFORE YOU BEGIN A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING If you are using the video-conferencing option it is recommended you download the Zoom application to your electronic device prior to the hearing. Download at: https://zoom.us/support/download Locate the Meeting ID or phone number on hearing notice. If exhibits are to be entered into the record they shall be e- mailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. CHECKING INTO A VIRTUAL/TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING 1. Click on Join and enter the Meeting ID number. (If you are dialing in you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID number followed by #.) 2. Enter your first name and last name and identify yourself as the public. (eg. Jane Doe/Public) 3. Enter Password provided on hearing notice. 4. You will be prompted (Does not apply for dialing in.) PUBLIC COMMENTS When recognized by Staff Host, state your name and contact name in to the record. After you have introduced yourself you may provide your comments on the project. If no comments please note this and Staff Host will move to next member of the public. ENTERING EXHIBITS IN THE RECORD The speaker should identify they have an Exhibit which can be shared on the screen by the Planner. These exhibits will be placed onto the City’s Laserfiche portal promptly so all participants have access to the document. If the document cannot be emailed, arrangements will be discussed on how to get the document into the record at the Hearing. TECHNICAL OBSTACLES If you are unable to participate in the hearing because of technical obstacles, please email Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros immediately at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call by 5pm the day before the hearing and leave a voice message at 425-430-6583. Persons who notify the Planning Technician of technical obstacles to participation by 5pm the day before the hearing will be authorized to submit written comments to the Planning Technician by 5pm the day after the hearing. Comments can be emailed to the Planning Technician or arrangements for drop off of documents at City Hall can be made by calling the Planning Technician. The Applicant and City may elect to respond to any such comments by 5pm, the next day. All correspondence received in this manner will be placed in the project Laserfiche Portal for any persons wishing to see any of the correspondence, or copies can be obtained by calling the Planning Technician. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If you are unable to sign into the video conference by either video or phone at the hearing date and time, please e-mail Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583 and leave a message with your contact info. If the technical difficulties cannot be solved, the Planning Technician will inform the Hearing Examiner of your inability to participate and arrangements will be discussed on how to extend the public comment period to allow for your participation. QUESTIONS Please contact Planning Technician, Jenny Cisneros, at jcisneros@rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6583. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 11/8/2023 Page 1 of 1