HomeMy WebLinkAbout600-06POLICY & PROCEDURE
Index: Parks and Recreation
Number: 600‐06
Effective Date:
1 of 13
Staff Contact:
Parks & Recreation
Approved By:
This policy balances the rights and needs of involuntarily unhoused individuals with the
City’s interest in maintaining public health and safety by allowing temporary
encampments in limited circumstances and establishing procedures for the removal and
clean‐up of encampments that do not meet the standards set forth in this policy. Although
temporary encampments must be allowed for involuntarily unhoused individuals, such
encampments must be temporary, movable, and used in a way that avoids creating
nuisances, obstructions, and safety hazards.
All departments/divisions.
RCW 35A.12.100
RCW Chapter 63.21
RCW Chapter 63.32
RCW Chapter 9A.52
RMC Chapter 1‐3
RMC Chapter 2‐9‐8
RMC Chapter 6‐10
RMC Chapter 6‐14
RMC Chapter 6‐18
RMC Chapter 6‐25
RMC Chapter 6‐30
RMC Chapter 8‐1
RMC Chapter 9‐17
Article 1, Section 3 of the Washington State Constitution
Article 1, Sec. 7 of the Washington State Constitution
United States Constitution: amend. IV, amend. VIII, amend. XIV
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4.1 Abandoned property means items of personal property left by their owner upon
City property after expressing an intent to authorized personnel that the owner
wished to relinquish any claim or right to the property. Property should not be
presumed to be abandoned by the mere fact that the owner failed to comply with
an order to remove and left the property beyond a deadline for removal. No
personal property should be treated as abandoned property unless the
circumstances of abandonment are documented by the authorized personnel.
4.2 Administrator shall mean the Parks and Recreation Department Administrator or
their designee.
4.3 Authorized personnel shall include any Renton Police Department law
enforcement officers and any other City of Renton employee, official, agent,
contractor, representative, or any other person designated by the administrator
to carry out this policy.
4.4 Body of water means any significant accumulation of water, such as a pond,
stream, or wetland, including any channel in which a flow of water occurs either
continuously or intermittently.
4.5 City property means any real property, land, easement, facility, sidewalk, street,
driveway, parking lot, unused right of way (whether improved or unimproved),
and any and all public buildings, recreation facilities, restrooms, or other facilities
of any kind in which the City of Renton maintains an ownership interest, tenancy,
easement, or any property interest of any kind.
4.6 Encampment means a camp site or location where tents, camping equipment, or
other temporary structures or equipment are used or stored on City property to
support temporary sleeping arrangements, temporary shelter, and/or storage of
personal property.
4.7 Garbage is any solid and semi‐solid waste or hazardous waste that has no safe or
productive uses beyond scrap and recycling purposes or is discarded by humans
or animals on city property or left remaining at the site of an encampment after
an order to remove where the circumstances indicate no value to the previous
owner/user remains. This definition includes any materials that would otherwise
meet the definition of personal property, but which are damaged to the extent
they have no value, or pose health and safety hazards, such as property that is
infested with bacteria, human or animal excrement or urine, maggots, or other
insects, or vermin or rodents or their feces. Unauthorized materials prohibited
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from use in parks by Section 4.1.1 of this Policy are garbage for purposes of this
4.8 Involuntarily unhoused individual means a person who does not have a place to
sleep and shelter on private property or public property designated for that
purpose. If a person knowingly rejects or intentionally avoids an opportunity to
lawfully shelter on private property or public property designated for shelter use,
that person is not considered involuntarily unhoused for the period during which
such shelter was available.
4.9 Nuisance as used herein shall mean any condition or activity that unreasonably
interferes with the health, safety, or enjoyment of public or private property by
others, or that which is otherwise defined as a nuisance in RMC 1‐3‐3.B.19. An
encampment constitutes a nuisance if it creates or contributes to such a condition
or activity.
4.10 Obstruction refers to an encampment that impedes, blocks, prevents or presents
an obstacle to the City, its staff, agents, invitees, permittees, tenants, or
authorized members of the public from using, protecting, or maintaining City
property as intended by the City. An obstruction includes, but is not limited to, an
encampment that is likely to delay, disrupt, make unsafe, or otherwise interfere
with, park users’ ability to safely use the park for its intended recreational
4.11 Order to remove means an oral or written order to remove all personal property
and garbage associated with an encampment.
4.12 Park shall have the same meaning as that meaning prescribed by the Renton
Municipal Code, specifically, RMC 2‐9‐8.A.1, as it now exists or is hereafter
4.13 Personal property means an item that is not garbage and: is reasonably
recognizable as belonging to a person; has apparent utility in its present condition
and circumstances; and is not hazardous or unlawful to possess in City parks.
Examples of personal property that may be found at an encampment include, but
are not limited to: identification, personal papers and documents, tents, bicycles,
radios and other electronic equipment, eyeglasses, prescription medications,
photographs, jewelry, crutches, wheelchairs, clothing, shoes, jackets, sleeping
bags, bed rolls, blankets, backpacks, duffel bags, tools, cutlery, dishes, watches,
medical records, toiletries, pursues, handbags, equipment, books, and baby
strollers. The City’s authorized personnel will determine whether an item is
personal property, and in cases when the status of an item cannot reasonably be
determined in the staff member’s judgment based on the totality of the
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circumstances, the staff member will treat the item as personal property under
this policy.
5.1 Pursuant to the administrator’s authority in Renton Municipal Code (RMC)
2.9.8.C.10 to permit camping in City parks, involuntarily unhoused individuals are
permitted to temporarily camp in a tent or other easily moveable shelter in City
parks during times that the park is open to the public for general recreational use.
For the permission to apply, the individual must comply with all other applicable
laws, park rules and the following restrictions:
5.1.1 Any encampment permitted on city property pursuant to this Policy must
be temporary and easily moveable by the user/occupant. Materials used
to create shelter from the elements, such as pallets, that are too heavy to
easily move to new locations and/or that contain nails, sharp edges, or
other materials that create hazards for users of City parks and/or City staff
are not permitted.
5.1.2 No encampment is permitted to create an obstruction or nuisance. The
location of any tent or other temporary shelter in a City park must be
chosen so that it avoids damage to the park and avoids unnecessary
disturbance of other park users and users of surrounding properties. Users
of encampments are required to regularly remove garbage, keep the site
free of litter and waste, avoid damage to property, and refrain from
unlawful activities.
5.1.3 No encampment is ever permitted within fifty (50) feet of the following
areas: a body of water, the Renton Municipal Airport, the Maplewood Golf
Course, playgrounds, reservable athletic fields, sport courts, trails, skate
parks, facility rentals, or areas that are reservable for special events or
recreational use.
5.1.4 The permission granted by this policy is not intended to provide a legal
entitlement to camp in a specific area of City parks, nor is it intended to
allow for encampments to be established for extended periods of time
beyond necessary to address basic sheltering needs. The City does not
intend to put strict limits on the time for which an encampment may be
established in a single location but reserves the right to require any
encampment to be removed so long as there is somewhere else in the City
for involuntarily unhoused individuals to lawfully relocate to.
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5.2 Authorized personnel may issue an order to remove an encampment following the
procedures of this Policy if any one or more of the following three circumstances
5.2.1 Authorized personnel determine the encampment is not permitted by this
5.2.2 Authorized personnel determine the encampment is otherwise permitted
by this policy, but there are other places within the City that the
encampment occupants may relocate their temporary shelter to, and
there is an articulable health, safety, or welfare reason for requiring the
encampment to be removed, including, but not limited to: A need to clean or maintain the property, Receipt of a complaint and/or determination by authorized
personnel that the encampment is creating a nuisance, is suspected
of harboring illegal activities, negatively impacting use of the park
for its intended recreational purposes or creating health and safety
5.2.3 Authorized personnel offer the occupants an opportunity to relocate to
available indoor emergency or transitory housing.
5.3 Failure to comply with an order to remove is subject to enforcement pursuant to
RMC Chapters 2‐9 and 6‐30, as well as any other applicable law. Failure to remove
garbage as required by an order to remove may serve as evidence of Littering in
violation of RMC Chapter 6‐14. Any enforcement of underlying laws shall be
conducted by a law enforcement officer based upon an investigation of the
circumstances. A law enforcement officer may seek advice from the City Attorney
department and/or seek a warrant to assist with enforcement as necessary.
5.4 If alternative sheltering locations are not explicitly offered to those using the
encampment in conjunction with the order to remove, those individuals who are
ordered to remove their encampment are permitted to temporarily relocate and
seek shelter in a City park or an area within the same park that is open to
recreational use by the public so long as the encampment complies will all
conditions of this policy. However, unless otherwise specified in the order to
remove, no encampment may be relocated closer than 1000 feet away from the
removed encampment.
5.5 Any personal property that is not removed by its owner as required by an order to
remove, and does not meet the definition of abandoned property, will be collected
and stored by the Parks and Recreation Department at no cost to the owner of the
property. The Parks and Recreation Department Administrator or designee is
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empowered to dispose of lost property in accordance with Chapter 63.21 RCW
and/or unclaimed property in accordance with Chapter 63.32 RCW.
5.6 Authorized personnel may grant a request from an involuntarily unhoused
individual to waive the application of Park Rules or laws on the basis they believe
enforcement would violate their constitutional rights. Authorized personnel shall
document the facts and circumstances related to such request for a waiver. If a
waiver is not granted by the authorized personnel, the requesting individual
should be directed to submit a request for reconsideration of the request in
writing to the Parks and Recreation Administrator c/o City Clerk, 1055 S. Grady
Way Renton, WA 98057.
6.1 Required Notice Procedures. Prior to the removal of an encampment, the
authorized personnel shall provide notice of the order to remove in accordance
with this section. If the encampment is not permitted (e.g., the encampment is an
obstruction), the notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6.1.1, below. If the
encampment is otherwise permitted (e.g., the encampment is not an obstruction),
the notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6.1.2, below.
6.1.1 Order to Remove Unpermitted Encampment. Authorized personnel may
order users of encampments that are not permitted by this policy to
remove the encampment and relocate to permitted locations or other
available shelter as quickly as the authorized personnel deem necessary
and reasonable under the circumstances to protect public health and
safety. When circumstances allow the City to provide time to remove the
encampment without undue obstructions or safety hazards, orders
should be designed to allow reasonable opportunity for voluntary
compliance for the occupants to remove the encampment and
relocate to a lawful location without resort to threats of penalty or
forcible removal of the encampment. Orders to remove may be oral or in writing, but advance notice of
removal by the City is not required if the users cannot be located
to provide notice prior to the time the authorized personnel deem
necessary under the circumstances for the unauthorized
encampment to be removed.
6.1.2 Order to Remove Encampments that are Otherwise Permitted. Except
where there is an emergency or an obstruction, an order to remove
encampments that are otherwise permitted by this policy should provide
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involuntarily unhoused individuals at least forty‐eight (48) hours to remove
and relocate their personal property. The notice should be provided in a
manner that is reasonably calculated to reach known and unknown users
of the encampment, so they are aware of the deadline for removal. To the
extent the circumstances reasonably and safely allow, and as deemed
necessary to provide adequate notice, the authorized personnel should: Attempt to directly contact users of the encampment to: Advise them of the order to remove, impacted area,
deadline for removal, and that the City may clean up the
encampment if they fail to remove the property and
garbage by the deadline. Advise them of alternative permitted sheltering
locations, and Advise them of social services that may be available to
assist them with housing or other related resources, and Determine whether the owner of any personal property
intends to abandon personal property and allow such
property to be disposed of by the City without claim for
redemption. Post and/or hand deliver a written notice of the order to remove,
in a form substantially similar to the example notice attached
hereto as Exhibit A, in areas calculated to make all known and
unknown users encampment aware of the following: Description of the location and boundaries/area of
encampment The deadline to remove the encampment, Contact information regarding available alternative
lawful sheltering locations and services, Notice that the City may cleanup and remove the
encampment if the users fail to timely do so, and Information about where and how personal property
may be claimed if removed by the City after the users’
deadline to remove the encampment.
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6.2 Language. When feasible, any notice or order should be provided in English and
the primary language(s) known or believed to be spoken by the occupants of the
encampment. If necessary, Language Line may be used to effectively
6.3 Personal Property. Any personal property not timely removed by its owner in
accordance with a notice to remove shall be handled in accordance with Sections
7 and 8 of this Policy.
6.4 Records. Authorized personnel shall document each order to remove, and their
efforts made to notify users of the encampment by retaining copies of all written
notices, recording how and where the notices were posted and/or delivered,
descriptions of oral notifications including languages spoken and identify or
describe the individuals notified.
6.5 Third Party Service Providers. To the extent the City coordinates with social
service providers who are able to assist users of removed encampments find
shelter and/or claim property, authorized personnel should notify the City’s
Human Services Division of all orders to remove and provide such information as
they may request to allow the division or organizations as it may contract with to
assist the encampment users. Notice should be provided to the City’s Human
Services Division in advance, when feasible.
7.1 If the encampment users fail to timely remove the encampment, including all
garbage and personal property, authorized personnel may cleanup the property
to make it safe to use by the public and repair damage caused by the encampment
and/or its users.
7.2 Garbage removed as part of a cleanup effort shall be handled so that it is
deposited into an appropriate solid waste landfill, recycled, and/or treated as
hazardous waste and disposed of as required by applicable disposal regulations.
7.3 Authorized personnel shall not destroy any personal property which appears to be
the property of any person. If any personal property, other than garbage, is
removed from an encampment, it shall be taken into temporary custody by the
City, inventoried with descriptions of from where within the encampment it was
removed and when it was taken, and stored for safekeeping in accordance with
the terms of this policy and applicable laws governing found property.
7.4 Notice of Encampment Removal Required. If authorized personnel conduct a
cleanup of the encampment and any personal property is taken into the City’s
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temporary custody, a written notice shall be posted in a form substantially similar
to the notice attached hereto as Exhibit B. Such notice shall not be removed by
the City or authorized personnel for a period of ten days following the cleanup.
The purpose of this notice is to inform any persons associated with the
encampment where their property is located and how it can be claimed.
7.4.1 The posting of said notice shall be affixed to a location at or around the
encampment in a place that is reasonably calculated to make all known
and unknown users’ encampment aware of said notice. Such notice shall
be posted by the City’s authorized personnel, and a copy of the notice
posted and the date and time of posting said notice shall be recorded and
maintained by the Renton Police Department front counter (425‐430‐
7.4.2 The notice shall contain the date the cleanup was performed, whether
personal property was stored by the City, where the personal property is
stored, how any stored personal property may be claimed by its owner,
and information regarding how to obtain a temporary, transitional, or
permanent, alternative legal shelter and/or related services.
7.4.3 If any occupant of the temporary shelter or campsite is present at the time
the written notice is posted, a verbal notice shall also be extended by
authorized personnel to the effect that a campsite was removed, personal
property was taken and informing them where the property is being stored
by the City of Renton and how it can be claimed. To the extent there is a
language barrier, the City’s authorized personnel shall take all reasonable
steps to ensure the verbal notice is understood by the recipient, including
the use of a translation service approved by the City.
7.4.4 The notice shall contain contact information for authorized personnel of
the City who can provide information about how the person whose
encampment has been removed can obtain temporary alternative shelter
or other human services as may be required under the circumstances.
8.1 Individuals claiming that personal property has been removed from an
encampment may contact the Police Chief or his or her designee or use the
contact information provided in the notice pursuant to Section 7 above, who will
inform the individual how the property may be recovered.
8.2 The individual should describe the personal property with particularity, including
where within the encampment they left it. No identification is required for an
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individual to recover the property. The log of personal property shall indicate the
name and date of birth of who received the recovered property.
8.3 Personal property may be recovered by the individual at the location where the
property is stored. Alternatively, the individual may request that the property be
delivered to the individual at a location within the City of Renton, which location
must be safe and appropriate for delivery by vehicle and the person must be able
to legally store/possess the property in the requested location.
8.4 Storage, recovery, and delivery of personal property shall be at no cost to the
individual that owns the property.
8.5 Personal property that is not recovered after 70 days from and including the day
the property was stored shall be considered unclaimed and/or lost property and
may be discarded or donated by the City pursuant to applicable policies and laws.
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All occupants and users of the Encampment at or near [insert address in bold face type, e.g.
1700 block of Oakesdale Avenue NW and/or insert a picture, map or satellite image outlining
or depicting the area] are ordered to remove all garbage, waste, and Personal Property,
including tents, shelters, and other belongings and to personally vacate the site of the
Encampment by no later than [insert deadline for removal of Encampment in bold face type,
e.g. JULY 1, 2024, at [insert time in bold face type, e.g. 9:00 AM] that balances/considers the
time the occupants reasonably need to relocate and the nature of the hazard, threat to public
safety, or obstruction the encampment poses. Encampments that are otherwise allowed in
the location and time should be given no less than forty‐eight (48) hours to comply]. Any
interference with the City’s clean‐up of the property or other failure to comply with this
Order to Remove may subject the responsible person to civil or criminal penalties and/or
If you do not remove your Personal Property and garbage by this deadline, garbage, waste, and
hazardous material may be disposed of and Personal Property may be removed for storage and
retrieval. Persons wishing to reclaim personal property collected by the City may do so by
contacting The Renton Police Department – Front Counter, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA
98057, at 425‐430‐7500. Personal property collected by the City of Renton in connection with
this Encampment will be stored, without charge, for seventy (70) days following removal from
the clean ‐up site. After seventy (70) days, any unclaimed property may be disposed of.
This Order is issued pursuant to City Policy 600‐06. If you would like a copy of the policy or
assistance obtaining alternative temporary shelter or other services, please contact [insert in
bold face tvpe the contact person and title, e.g. Jane Smith, Human Services Director] at Renton
City Hall, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 at [insert contact telephone number in bold
face tvpe, e.g. 425‐430‐1234 and email address in bold face type, e.g. sgtsmith@rentonwa.gov].
If you were not offered alternative legal shelter or specific location to relocate, you must relocate
no less than 1000 feet from this Encampment.
Pursuant to City Policy 600‐06, temporary sheltering is allowed for those without alternative legal
shelter in certain areas of City Parks during times the park is open to the public for recreational
use. No encampment may obstruct recreational usage of the park or create a nuisance or safety
hazard. Encampments must be located at least 50 feet away from a body of water, the Renton
Municipal Airport, the Maplewood Golf Course, playgrounds, reservable athletic fields, sport
courts, trails, skate parks, facility rentals, or areas that are reservable for special events or
recreational use. Any shelter and personal property used for an encampment in a City park must
be light and small enough to be readily moveable and relocatable by their user upon order by the
City. Occupants of encampments are required to comply with any notice to remove an
encampment in such time as required by the notice. Encampments in unpermitted locations or
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that constitute an obstruction or safety hazard may be required to be removed without delay
and/or removed by the City without advance notice.
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On [insert date of clean up in bold face type, e.g. JULY 1, 2024], at [insert time in bold face
type, e.g. 9:00 AM] the City of Renton conducted a cleanup of an unauthorized encampment in
the vicinity of [insert address in bold face type, e.g. 1700 block of Oakesdale Avenue NW, the
GPS coordinates, or other description that accurately portrays the location of the
encampment] upon real property owned by the City of Renton. All persons, property,
temporary shelters, campsites, and waste have been removed from this vicinity.
Personal property was collected as part of this clean up, and is being held by the City of Renton
at [insert in bold face type the location of the property]. Persons wishing to reclaim personal
property collected by the City as part of the clean‐up project may do so by contacting [insert in
bold face tvpe the name of the person and their job title, e.g. Sgt. Jane Doe at the Renton
Police Department], 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, at [insert in bold face type the
contact telephone number, e.g. 425‐430‐1234] for a period of up to seventy (70) days
following removal of the property as part of the clean‐up project referenced above on [insert in
bold face type the date and location of the clean‐up project, e.g. JULY 1, 2024). Personal
property collected by the City of Renton in connection with this clean‐up project will be stored,
without charge, for ten (10) days following removal from the clean‐up site. After ten (10) days,
the property will be considered unclaimed property and disposed of in accordance with Chapter
63.32 RCW, after a minimum of sixty (60) days.
If you have any questions about how or where to obtain alternative temporary shelter or other
services, please contact [insert in bold face type the contact person and title, e.g. Jane Smith,
Human Services Director] at Renton City Hall, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 at [insert
contact telephone number in bold face type, e.g. 425‐430‐1234].