HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA75-843 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 3 13V C�(2_ �' 141 PETTY CASH FUND 8/9/76 2 Calculator ribbons for Adler Calculator @ $2. 10 each, plus tax of 23 cents for a total of $4. 43. paid for by Jean Truman. BEGINNING OF FILE FILE jinx SPECIAL PERMIt 5P S`�3' 75 FOR, IN N' l LONE STERN�FF METfILS CO. ►OIlG �75 .00 T 210 210 LA0 . 520. 8 • 28 • 5 .48 T l ,_ _ - „..., PUBLIC NOTICE • • 1116 • ° PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENT. ON • PLANNING COMMISSION A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON FEBRUARY 25, 1976 AT 8:00 P,M1 TO CONSIDER THE ITEM DESCRIBED BELOW: STERNOFF METALS CO . , Appl . No . SP-843-75 ; Special Permit for Bulk 1 Storage in H- 1 zone ; property located on S . W . 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . .awnrt,w'n_-.ry..vca>rx:!^.......aa.ss•eas,..u.m IjQ o Dd \\ \ lu ° —K I-- � J" ;In--. ��tf.aass� ���•T•�♦ �— 1 WI n z r / ,0i . ..ILL a i 1I♦0�4)1 �4 .i'�I �I J 31*PAP `�j a I . - � STERNOFF METALS CO . `4#K 1 n „El SPECIAL PERMIT :5 1 fr4 r• rM P ; I . �. J ... . .,,4- ..*,__ I.. .1 i N. I ................................ .............. 416 0 Y. :::::::ii;:::::::::::: :: ::• ' :::-. ::•:::::::::::::::: 4 $ . —1 . 1 1 1 . ....41±:±1.)....4 24.14:4;04 4,:r4 1 6,.417.........:........................................ . 1 it --—--IF-- 2 I . ., . A _LAI 1 1 ' 1.. 4 .�J_—_a• !•—•�.•�V—E(-1/ _i_. L , _, i..,_:....: i ..._ —___ —. rye N. 11 , a.ar•., a _,„ ar \ 4 Al tll ;Q,� I I,1' I ,,N y JL_ Ji \ti, l I j I `po / i I I I \ 3G Al •. i - • ..Y. ...r.. ...+..,- ..FrY a+. rv+....✓1w!.✓,F•,NSiM"kkl..:.u..epy;..'_.'tN:-9N...T:.ikXSSYc.t.Y.{V.".•Yt++iy.{'yklA.il@' THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND AND, TO EXPRESS OPINIONS OR SUBMIT COMMENTS IN WRITING. IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS DESIRED, CONTACT: CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 235-2550 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVE. S. RENTON, WA. 98055 02 MAP3 0/310, i i I .j a/,/ • j t i • /,;,j 1. 11 i 4 • ,/ i -9, / / y I- % IQ 2, :: i I G , • � i H,,. ,( :0. 1 : .,...;.. -,-, Ci j vJ .\ , Z orj 1 46 OI ` � I 1 �\ I 'u la i r-- 1 �11, d 1 I / I , I r;QJ I i r—I i --r . 0 I: / /j'Ih j Id 114I j . r 8 1., STERNOFF METALS CO .. • . - . ` -_. j/;_ I I SPECIAL PERMIT Alle ? I E2 R. 9J /1 .''. /7.: em-P ':'s-1 i( , - M1 i -'tJ ; \\ . \ . "I. F) ; \ , 11. . :,,.. '.1;,.:j. 1 C ? I li r - , ',I N1 ,p.,r �1 P l . �. : -----�� 1,\ i 2 1 I Ill 4.: .1 �i ��• •-:-r7•'{.—. • m - a..... I ' 1 i e vN, _ ? ' 1 . ,,p2 I, w III, T IN I • '�! I7 • ial • i • N' . L r� ,/ 1 III ' p / ' 1 1 o 3b q STERNOFF METALS CO . , Appl . - No . SP-843-75 ; Special Permit for Bulk • Storage in H- 1 zone ; property located on S . W . 43rd St : , 1/4 mile east of West Valley. Highway . APPLICANT STERNOFF METALS. COMPANY ' TOTAL AREA 18 . 5 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 43rd St . EXISTING ZONING H- i with restrictive covenants . EXISTING USE Undeveloped but presently being used for bulk storage . PROPOSED USE - bulK storage of junk cars and scrap metal . COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Light Manufacturing and Heavy Manufacturing COMMENTS Proposed use is regulated by the Bulk Storage Ordinance . • • • CITY OF RENTON - ' • ''• • - APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT •FOP OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SP- //5'- 73 Fee $50. 00 ififo. r 40-1- Date Rec' d ;a - 't -7'3"" Receipt No . ep '3 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : ' 1 . Name Sternoff Metals Co. Phone BA 6-7400 Address 1600 S.W. 43rd Renton Washing on 2. Property location Same address 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Starting at the N.E. Corner of Henry Adams Donation Claim Thence 1 0 F7i5 ' E a distance of 80.0 ft. thence N 0c 07' 35" E. 704.78 ft. to the true paint of beginning. Thence N 87U 31 ' 36" E approx. 1080 ft. to the intersection Of the center line of the existing Drainage Ditch. thence N 01" 07' 35" W 240.0 ft. thence N 87° 31' 36" W 364.0 ft. thence N 02° 28' 29" W197.0 ft fence - -3FT-0- .0 ft. thence S 02 VP 50" W 366.0 ft to the true point of beginning.• 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 8.26 acres Present zoning H-1 5. What do you propose to develop on this property? Fencing end Landscaping for the purpose of esreeninq the raw material storage yard of the existing Meftl Recycling Company end to comply with local codes, 6. The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking , landscaping and screening plan . . 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and• proposed) E . A special permit required by the Renton Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed in Section 4-2307 . 5 in addition to the above . 7. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : Date approved 4 -G'•5 -7.4 Date denied Date appealed Appeal action • Remarks • • • Planning Dept . • 2-73 revised 1- 74 ya • - 2 - 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet) Starting at the N.E. Corner of Henry AdamR_Donation Claim Thpnrp n1.,88° 52'25" E a distance of 8000 ft. thence N 0 07' 152 E 704 7__ A fi to the tarp nni.nt— i od beginning. Thence N 87 31 ' 36" E or°x, 1❑80 •ft. to the VtPrRar.tinn of the center line of the ex'sttng°,Drainage Di h thP r� nl n n�I II 240.0 ft. hence N 87u 31 ' 36" W 364.0 ftn heats' N Q? 2R' 2q" W1g7_n ft thence N87 31 ' 36" W 862.0 ft. thence S 02 07' 50" W 366.0 ft to the true point of beginning. • 7 . Area 8.26 acees Dimensions irregular ave. 900' x 400' 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : Continued use as a recycle yard for metal products, This application is for fencing and tree planting on the bal .Thce of the H-1 zoned property.,. 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : The properfy is feat in contour anddbounded on the west by the railroad main line the south and east by a drainage ditch and the north by Burlington Railroad property. Existing on the property im;sediately to the north is an office building, two choppermills and a building housing a third choppermill. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : To provide the fencing and the Landscaping the fair market value is estimated at $4500.00 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin ASAP End June, 1, 1976 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : Application No . 2 / - 'ate - 7.5— Negative Dec . Date Received /v-- /G - 7. - EIS it INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . Ij In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map (recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map (rec- H ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Sterna?? MPta1c company, 2 . Mailing address 1600 S.W. 43rri Rpoton, Wn_ Telephone 8/16-7400 3. Applicant is : 1xx10wner I (Lessee I [Contract purchaser 1 (Other (specify) 4. Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection Same RS ahnVP - 4 - 17 . Is the proposed, project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? eyes no If "yes" explain . The existing large trees are to remain in tact and additional trees of the same species are to be added ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? eyes jxJno Explain : The land is to be used for the same use as the land adjacent and properly sc..eened as to the purpose of theis application will not effect the surrounging industrial zoning. 19 . Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? • I X [yes jjno Explain : The purpose of this project is to provide screening of the raw material storage of the existing. company. thus protect the surrounding natural environment. 20. Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? `yes rno . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? I iyes [no? If "yes" to either , explain . The land contours will not be changed t' - 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal ,, or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency, whether the iC permit has been applied for, and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application, or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** None * n Leave blank if not submitted . ** Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? yes �lno If "yes " submit copy with this I� environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area :' xl yes I l no don ' t know If "yes" explain . This is an existing _project this application is for additional fencing and landscaping only. 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? l yes xi no If "yes " explain . ;! 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? , yes Ix i no If "yes" explain . - 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? Fl yes no If "yes " explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? • • [ l yes [ no If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? i-- j lyes rX no Explain :: • 28 . Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors oT the public? _ Explain : � yeS [. X� no This is' a private business, open to the public or anyone who wishes to sell or buy material foam the company. 29 . Other impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of •the proposed project . - 5 - 1 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? ayes X,no If "yes explain . 22 . Wate.r. Quality : Will construction of the proJect and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely a dpoint of any liquids draining from the project. ) [_ ' yes [ no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requir an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities? I yesAkio If "yes" to either , explain . . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? F( yes (Xino . • Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? eyes. I X [ no If "yes " to either , explain .. • I 24. Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density. ) r [ yes 1----Xino . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . � jyes ajno . If "yes " to either , explain . 8 _ S , TO BE FILLED ''TN '8Y` CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : C 1: 1J(&12 ( IC‹) Comments : Comments : t® 5c1.9K3a PiQ J.T- ivv\eAcr 1,4-14Amuli t c. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative a e • I - 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community ?_ c)rolups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? ryes In If "yes " what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to ccntact these people?{ (yes no CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . - _ I .14/yr42220 gnature Yitle ate ' ,I I •� - 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE 0FFrCIAL A. Staff review determined that project : Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. B. Reasons for ab ve conclusion : C07-1-ol(-4), 7-eice;c62,a17/4„e>/ a6≥?,,,d (5-‘/-ece WA/0, s/o_gv,f gn` u e of a po si 1e 0 fici or Authorize Representative Date : (Sr! - 7 ; ' Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 - 9 - REVIEW By. OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : ci„ ;u c"c3 Pe A, v G �e"6/..•pSPel eG��Q ltit u� 7-2'C 41-e—e—t-e-e...A.-7):). "h--1 � III Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Ulc lellcS ENc.jr- Comments : 11 JV e I // 1 innp 4 'l 4 & (lc Scir-tecle '.s At 1 p f cci � � eK/s�i w .0, e � (rIP•4"6-&ci-- 110!" Signature of Director or u horiz; eepresentative late r_ 1 , 1 AFFIDAVIT I, Cam`'` C . Skecr e-cf , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this \b day of bc `oer , 19`l5 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at V- � . \\ V d - \ • A Ue * (Name of Notary Public) Signature of ner) ) G 0-- /*Or .ict2/%-Sg d (Address) (Addres (C ty) State) /t4f;6- -/- St96 (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received\\ , 19 By : Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 • e Affidavit of Public. tion STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS. Lee Bailey NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • being first duly sworn on RENTON PLANNING ' COMMISSION - RENTON,WASHINGTON/ oath, deposes and says that She is the chief clerk of A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE '.enton ..T,H � Stet L, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- --ff ES s a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more 'NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG `eCord than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL hronicle and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly 'CHAMBERS, CITY.HALL, newspaper in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during 'R ENTON, WASHINGTON, ON • all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid NOVEMBER 26,1975,A78:00 P.M. • • place of publication of said newspaper. That the Kent News-Journal i TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING' has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior ' PETITIONS: J • Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, 1. REZONE,FROM G TO M=P' .AND H-1, file No. R-560-69;'; • Public Hearing property generally located north-of Washington.That the annexed is a S.W. 43rd, west of'Lind Ave. S.W. and east of the railroad R/W within Planning Commission Rezone the City.of Renton.' • 2.REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-2, file No. R-840-75;property located , as it was published in regular issues (and at'424 Williams Ave. So. between • not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period ' So.4th St.and So.5th St. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN M-P/G ZONE,file• of one consecutive issues, commencing on the ; No. SP-822-75;,`property located l;south of existing.Mobil and Olympic 16th November 75 c-Petroleum Distribution facility,north day of , 19 , and ending'the .of S.W. 43rd, and westerly of E. Valley Road. 16th November 75 4. APPLICATION FOR COM- ' day of , 19 both dates :. PREHENSIVE PLAN AMEND- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its • MENT,file No.CP-842-75;property subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee ' located at 4016 Jones Ave.N.E.be- tween Jones Ave.N.E.and Lincoln 2106� •;PI. N.E. charged for the foregoing . 5.SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK ' g g g publication is the sum of$ which STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE, file No. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words SP-843-75; property located on for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each S.W.43rd St., 1/4,mile east of West subsequent insertion. Valley Highway..,• .. • 6..SITE APPROVAL FOR CON • - ,. ,/ STRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE i IN AN L-1 ZONE,file No. SA-845- . 75; property located at 1120 S.W. Chief Clerk 16th St. 7. APPLICATION'FOR'FINAL PLAT APPROVAL,file No.FP-846-:i 16th '75; property located on the north, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .side of N. 38th St. between Lake Washington Blvd. N and Park Ave.. November 75 N• '•; ,19 Legal descriptions of all applica- t ions noted above on file in the Ren- L- ��yV u( lion Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Notary Public in and for t e State of Wa ington, TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED residing at Kent,King County. TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLAN- -_ NING COMMISSION MEETING ON -NOVEMBER 26,1975 AT 8:00 P.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective Elisabeth Rivily, June 9th,1955. Secretary Renton Planning Commission —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, PUBLISHED in the Renton Re- adopted by the newspapers of the State. cord-Chroncile November 16,1975. • R3558.' • V.P.C. Form No. 87 /e r ij 0 74/ 4. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON JANUARY 28 , 19 76 , AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 4-1 . SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE , file No . SP-843-75 ; property located on S . W. 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway. 2 . SITE APPROVAL FOR A WAREHOUSE IN AN L-1 ZONE , file No . SA-845-75 ; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . 3 . SITE APPROVAL FOR GOLF CLUBHOUSE IN G AND M-P ZONES , file No . SA-852-76 ; property located approximately 240 ' west of Powell Ave . S . W . 4 . WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN G-9600 ZONE , file No . W-851-76 ; property located north of N . E . 33rd St . and south of 112th P1 . S . E . , ayprox . 1/4 mile north and east of May Creek . Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 28 , 1976 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . ELISABETH RIVILY , SECRETARY PUBLISHED January 18, 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , William C . Turner , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn (641 to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED 74—._�, � itt.C.- .---N on the 15th day of January , 1976 . r" f NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON NOVEMBER 26 , 19 75 , AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G TO M-P AND H- 1 , file No . R-560-69 ; property generally located north of S. W. 43rd , west of Lind Ave . S . W . and east of the railroad R/W within the City of Renton . 2 . REZONE FROM R- 1 TO R-2 , file No. R-840-75 ; property located at 424 Williams Ave . So . between So . 4th St . and So . 5th St . 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN M-P/G ZONE , file No . SP-822-75 ; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution facility, north of S . W. 43rd , and westerly of E . Valley Road. 4 . APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, file No . CP-842-75 ; property located at 4016 Jones Ave. N . E . between Jones Ave . N . E. and Lincoln P1 . N . E . i5 . SPECIAL PERMIT- FOR BULK STORAGE IN H- 1 ZONE , file No . SP-843-75 ; property located on S . W. 43rd St. , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . 6 . SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE IN AN L- 1 ZONE , file No . SA-845-75 ; property located at 1120 S . W . 16th St . 7 . APPLICATION FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL , file No . FP-846-75 ; property located on the north side of N . 38th St. between Lake Washington Blvd. N and Park Ave . N . Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 26 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . ELISABETH RIVILY , SECRETARY PUBLISHED November 16 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , William C . Turner , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED. BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNEDisis 'on the 13thday of November , 1975 . kOLli PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTI.:El I'®' 1 ...d--'l (sa PIEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT 'ECLAL PER IVAIVER SHORELINE 'LANAGE1\ NT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO TIE PLANNING DEPARTMENT , � 1� CEMENTS ANY COENTS YOU MIGHT I-LAVE, BEFORE SIGNATURE OR INITIAL I) DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE ClItTLDG� TRAFFIC ENG. FIRE HEALTH aa-zr ( 4j ) / - zc - 7cP ., REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS • i ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE' ROUTED I® 2 L.4 '7 5` PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT T SHORT PLAT '': E Z WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT' PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' ? WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE 7 Se"---- . r SIGNATURE OR INIT . DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE ,$UILDING t ta/>ec} -J " TRAFFIC ENG. _e ENGINEERING v /0A �� • FIRE . HE ---Z(12,- V/ /OA ,/,-S---- REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : FLFALAF___MAKE... . COM hit E q7S fit_ M,,M Lekel . we 7- That portion of land located in Section 36, T2314, R4E of tying County described as follows: Starting at the northeast corner of Henry Adams Donation Claim, thence north 88°52' 25" east 80.0 feet; thence north 1 07' 35" east 644.78 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 83°46' 19" east 1071.2 feet to the intersection of the centerline of the existing drainage ditch; thence north 01°07' 35" east 236.0 feet; thence south 87°31 ' 36" west 210.4 feet; thence north 02 29' 24" east 197.0 feet; thence south 87 31 '36" west 859.6 feet; thence south 01°07' 35" west 356.4 feet to the true point of beginning. Number of acres or square feet; 8.752 acres Present zoning; H-1 • • R E/Vicish FEB 19 56 l�-f/Znell/7'1-L.e.T0.,11a� Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. 5o i'he r R C8PD e anz3 being first duly sworn on • oath,deposes and says that`he is the chief Clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four (4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and • has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred -' to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING paper published four (4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, RENTON PLANNING • and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained COMMISSION at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton RENTON,WASHINGTON Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the - Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- Washington.That the annexed is a..j�0.w.R...{�. ...T.Ll4?� .!Q - ReK'. .ng p ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON .T!';'-in ion...Fa..on din Commission re;.......petitions JANUARY 28, 1976, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER.THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: as it was published in regular issues(and 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE,file No. • SP-843-75; property located on S.W. 43rd St., 1/4 mile east of of nine consecutive issues,commencing on the West Valley Highway. • 2. SITE APPROVAL FOR A 13 Jon. 76 WAREHOUSE IN AN L-1 ZONE, day of ,19 ,and ending the file No. SA-845-75; property located at 1120 S.W. 16th-St. 3. SITE APPROVAL FOR GOLF • day of 19 both dates CLUBHOUSE IN G AND M-P ZONES, file No. SA-852-76; inclusive, and that such newspaper was.regularly distributed to its sub- property located approximately scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 240'west of Powell Ave. S.W. 4. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IM-• charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.4,2.,': Uwhich PROVEMENTS IN G-9600 has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ' ZONE, file No. W-851-76; first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent • property located north of N.E. insertion. 33rd St. and south of 1.12th PI. / S.E., approx. 1/4 mile north and J east of May Creek. ,r:� �� ! Legal descriptions of all applica- Jtions•noted above on file in the chief clerk Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED Subscribed and sworn to before me this Z TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLAN- day of NING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 28, 1976 AT 8:00 P.M. • Elisabeth Rivily,Secretary Jon, 7 19 j Renton Planning ( G j l r Commission Published in the Renton-Record- Notary Public in and for the State of;Washington, Chronicle January 18,1976.R 3621. residing at Kent, King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON FEBRUARY 25 , 19 76 , AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE , file . No . SP-843-75 ; property located on S . W . 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . 2 . REZONE FROM G-1 TO B-1 , file No . R-854-76 ; property located on south side of North 30th St . adjacent to and easterly of 1315 North 30th St . 3 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN L-1 ZONE , file Nc . SP-855-76 ; property located on south side of N . E . 3rd St . , just west of the King County shops and Health Department facilities . 4 . SITE APPROVAL FOR REMODELING OF SOCIAL HALL AND CLASSROOM WING FOR EXISTING CHURCH IN GS-1 ZONE , file No . SA-853-76 ; property located at 1024 Monroe Ave . N . E . Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON FEBRUARY 25 , 1976 AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . ELISABETH RIVILY , SECRETARY PUBLISHED February 15 , 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WILLIAM C . TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED o llth February n the day of Y , 1976 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON FEBRUARY 25 , 19 76 , AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO CONSIDER .THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE , file No . SP-843-75 ; property located on S . W . 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway. 2 . REZONE FROM G-1 TO B-1 , file No . R-854-76 ; property located on south side of North 30th St. adjacent to and easterly of 1315 North 30th St . 3 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN L-1 ZONE , file Nc . SP-855-76 ; property located on south side of N . E . 3rd St . , just west of the King County shops and Health Department facilities . 4 . SITE APPROVAL FOR REMODELING OF SOCIAL HALL AND CLASSROOM WING FOR EXISTING CHURCH IN GS-1 ZONE , file No . SA-853-76 ; property located at 1024 Monroe Ave . N . E . Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. • ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON FEBRUARY 25 , 1976 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . ELISABETH RIVILY , SECRETARY PUBLISHED February 15 , 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WILLIAM C . TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. / ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED J�� ! on the llthday of February • , 1976 . PLANNING DEPARTMENT o RENTON. WASIIIN(4Tc>N MUNICIPAL BUILDING ® RENTON WASHINGTON R8055 p -2SS^ 09 AO�4'ED SEP'C ��� MEMORAN * UM February 20 , 1976 TO : Larry Warren , Assistant City Attorney FROM: Gary R. Kruger, Senior Planner RE : STERNOFF SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION File No . SP-843-75 Chuck Branson , attorney for Sternoff, has requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney ' s office regard- ing the 250 foot setback from the side lot line as specified by the H-1 zone . A fundamental question appears to be whether the setback is measured in a right angle ( 900 ) or a radius . Don Custer raised another need for an interpretation . A special permit is required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission due to the use involved (H-1 ) and the application of the Bulk Storage Regulations , which require a special permit. Would the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Commission be the appro- priate body to request relief or a relaxation of the code requirements? We would appreciate this information in time for review at the Planning Commission public hearing on February 25th . GRK: wr RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT February 25 , 1976 APPLICANT : STERNOFF METALS COMPANY APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE IN AN H-1 ZONE LOCATION : The property is located on S . W. 43rd St. ;• 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway. ZONING : H- 1 • APP . SEC . OF THE 4-713 , 4-722 and Chapter 7 of the Building ZONING CODE Regulations COMMENTS : 1 . The stock piling of junked cars and related waste materials is allowed in an H- 1 zone and is further regulated by the Bulk Storage Ordinance and the Special Permit procedure of the Zoning Code . The previous restrictive covenants also apply , but the Bulk Storage regulations actually establish more stringent standards . 2 . The minimum requirements of the Bulk Storage ordinance are : a . The maximum height . of all stock piles shall be 40 ' . b . All structures and bulk storage shall be located at least 60 ' from public rights- of-way, drainage channels , and public access . In all other instances the set- backs shall be 20 ' from the property • line . c . Bulk storage facilities shall be enclosed by an 80% opaque screening fence which shall be at least 25% of the height of the stockpile materials . This screening fence shall be set back at least 20 ' from all property lines . • d . All property lines shall be landscaped except when a second bulk storage facility has a contiguous side or rear property line . e . The landscaping strip shall be 20 ` wide miHIWum within the ,i!thack area and in front of the screening fence . f . The Planning Commission shall review the impact of the proposed use on the site • and general area . The Planning Commission may require the applicable bulk standards to be up to 50% more strict with good cause . g . The Planning Commission has the right to accept , modify , or reject any application of Special Permit for good cause . h . All bulk storage must be set back 250 feet from any M-P zone line , as per ordinance interpretation by the • Assistant City Attorney . I'. 1 STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 25 , 1976 PAGE TWO 3 . The subject area proposed for expansion is presently being used for bulk storage con- trary to Restrictive Covenant and Bulk Storage Ordinance requirements ( i . e. junked cars and material are being stored outside of screening fence and landscaping and not maintaining minimum height setback , land- scaping , and screening requirements ) . , The existing height of the junk piles is approxi - mately ±30 feet. The applicant ' s proposal is to continue this expanded stockpiling , thus utilizing the remaining H-1 zoned property. 4. The extension of a lawful use to any portion of a non-conforming use that existed before the enactment of this code shall not be deemed the extension of such non-conforming use . The applicant intends to comply with all the existing laws and ordinances as they relate to the expansion area . 5 . The access road from S . W . 43rd St . at the west end of the site is owned by Sternco Land Company . STAFF RECOM- MENDATIONS : Recommend approval of bulk storage expansion subject to the requirements of Ordinance 2962 which include , but are not limited to : 1 . A minimum 60 foot setback of storage and buildings from Springbrook Creek . 2 . A minimum 20 foot setback adjacent to all other property lines not abutting public rights-of-way . 3 . A minimum 250 foot setback from the side lot lines of any M-P zone , as specified in the H-1 Zoning Ordinance. 4. Final approval by the Planning Department of detailed landscape and screening plans for a 20 foot strip adjacent to all property lines . 5 . Public Works Department approval of drain- age plans that control drainage into Springbrook Creek as per City ordinances . i OF R ,,L rti' OI V r j . , • z •o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY a RENTON,WASHINGTON n :-o ti POST OFFICE BOX 929• 100 2nd AVENUE.BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON B8C53 255.887E 41 0 ��q' GE RARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY • "teD SEP�E� MEMORANDUM TO : Gary R. Kruger, Senior Planner FROM: Lawrence J. Warren , Asst. City Attorney RE : Sternoff Special Permit Application This Memorandum is to supplement my Memorandum of February 25 , 1976 . • In the third paragraph of my letter I indicated that the appropriate - body from which to•=- request relaxation or relief from Bulk Storage Regulations would be the Board of Adjustment. - • While this statement , in and of itself, is true , the Bulk Storage Regulations have an additional procedure which might be followed as outlined in Code Section 4-734 (G) 3 . That Section allows variances to be granted by the Planning Commission in the case of hardships and further subject to the conditions of Code Section 4-731 (C) (B) . ki/UCI....1-.1k____ Lawrence J. Warren LJW:ds s. \� -, (/c� � eSP R'4: --Er MEMORANDUM TO: Gary R. Kruger, Senior Planner February 25 , 1976 FROM: Lawrence J. WArren, Asst. City Attorney Re: Sternoff Special Permit Application Dear Gary: In answer to your inquiry of February 20, 1976 , previously answered by oral conversations with Mike Smith on February 19 and February 25 , it is our opinion that the 30 foot setback specified in the H-1 Zone would be in any direction, or to paraphrase, measured to a radius from any point within the H;1 Zone area. I might point out, however, that the 250 foot setback requirement is contained in Code Section 4-713 (A) 2 , and I assume that you are utilizing the language "non-operating motor vehicles" to have Sternoff' s facility fall within that Section. However, when the Council passed its Ordinance, Section 4-713 (A) 44 was specifically included to cover the Sternoff facility. It would therefore appear that the normal H-1 setbacks would be applicable as stated t1reafter in Code Section 4-713 . In response to Mr. Custer' s inquiry as to the appropriate body from which to request relaxation or relief from Bulk Storage Regulations , it is our opinion that the appropriate body would be the Board of Adjustment, as detailed in Section 4-731 and the applicable State law. I hope the above answers the questions posed by your letter. However, if you should need further amplification or explanation of any portion herein, please do not hesitate to contact me. (> 2 Lawrence J. arren • LJW:nd O eljp;/4::\ cab 9-i. E f ; 1,73 ;L, pi I' OF R-. 4... o 7) 0 THE CITY OF RENTON `g MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 2 .,x 0 O '-',,s —, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 o'94TFO SEP1t0 February 27 , 1976 Carl Sternoff Sternoff Metals Company P . 0 . Box 877 Renton , WA 98055 RE : SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE , NO . SP-843-75 , STERNOFF METALS CORP . Dear Mr . Sternoff: The Renton Planning Commission at its February 25 , 1976 , public hearing approved your application for extension of Bulk Storage as per your revised plan and subject to the following conditions : 1 . Final Planning Department approval of detailed landscape and screening plan , including the replace- ment of Photinia Fraseria for the Juniper Tams in the proposed twenty ( 20) foot landscape strip . The Poplar trees shall also be a minimum 10- 12 feet high and planted ten feet on center . 2 . Provision of a performance bond to the City in the amount of 150% of the landscaping installa- tion and a three year .maintenance period . 3 . Public Works Department approval of drainage plans as per City ordinance . If you have any further questions , please contact this department . Very truly, yours`;- / % _ , . . 7/' T Michael L . Smith Associate Planner MLS : wr cc : Manager , Renton Facility Public Works Director Building Division . Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 11 , 1976 Page Two reference to property directly to the south ; and responded to inquiries from the Commission relating to access , street plans for the area , off-site improve- ments , and utilities . SPECIAL PERMIT: B. TINO CUGINI ; Appl . No. SP-855-76 ; . application to fill and grade in L-1 zone; property located on south side of N . E . 3rd St. , just west of the King County shops and Health Department facilities . Noting the approximate eight acre , L-1 zoned site on the map , the Planning Director described its former utilization and the current proposal for reclamation through filling and grading over an eight to ten year period. He indicated that future use was pre- sently undetermined . Discussion followed relative to the amount and type of fill material planned , access , drainage , effect on adjacent neighbors , and ordinance requirements . SITE APPROVAL: C. BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH ; Appl . No . SA-853-76 ; site approval for remodeling of social hall and - classroom wing for existing church in GS-1 zone ; property located at 1024 Monroe Ave . N . E . Staff review was. provided by Mr . Ericksen , who depicted the general nature of the area and noted plans for additional area to the existing social hall and classroom facilities . The following factors were denoted : effect on the total development, including the elevations , parking and access , and landscaping . Discussion ensued regarding possible access and park- , ing alternatives , the necessity for further information relative to intended use , impact on the neighborhood , and possible storm drainage problems . 5. ADMINISTRATIVE : . A. FIELD TRIP Following a brief discussion , IT WAS MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY RIVILY , THAT A FIELD TRIP BE HELD SATURDAY ,' FEBRUARY 14TH , WITH THE COMMISSIONERS TO MEET AT CITY HALL AT 8 : 30 A . M. MOTION CARRIED . B, COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . ZONING COMMITTEE Chairman Mola advised that the committee would continue its study of outstanding items . 2 . LAND USE COMMITTEE Chairman Teegarden reported further work on the. Zoning Code and reminded members of a meeting scheduled for 7 : 30 p .m . , February 18 . it RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1976 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Logan Garrison , Sandra Gist , Anthone Mola , Elisabeth Rivily , Norman Ross , Clark Teegarden , Joan Walker , Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Arthur Scholes . CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director ; Willis Roberts , Recording Secretary. i The February administrative meeting of the Renton Planning Com- mission was called to order at 8 : 00 p .m . Vice-chairman Wik wel - comed Councilmen Perry and McBeth , members of the Council Plan- '( ning and Development Committee . 1 . ROLL CALL was taken by Secretary Rivily . All members responded present with the exception of Chairman Scholes (absent due to a previous commitment) . ACTION: MOVED BY GARRISON, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT CHAIRMAN SCHOLES BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. 2 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The Chairman called for corrections or additions to the min- utes of the January 28 , 1976 , meeting . Noting none , IT WAS MOVED BY TEEGARDEN , SECONDED BY ROSS , THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN . MOTION CARRIED . 3 . CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM : SPECIAL PERMIT: A. STERNOFF METALS CO. ; Appl . No . SP-843-75 ; Special Permit for Bulk Storage in H- 1 zone ; property located on S . W. 43rd St. , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . It was noted by the Vice-chairman that the application had been continued to the February public hearing and by the Planning Director that no further information had been received from the applicant . Therefore , IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY WALKER, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEED TO THE NEXT ITEM OF BUSINESS. MOTION ;h CARRIED. 4 . NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONE: A, FRED R . AULT ; Appl . No . R-854-76 ; rezone from G-1 to B- 1 ; property located on south side of North 30th Street adjacent to and easterly of 1315 North 30 Street . The Planning Director indicated the location of the unde- veloped site in the Kennydale area , which is proposed for retail purposes . The request is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan . Mr . Ericksen discussed city ordinances affecting the pro- posal ; the character of the neighborhood , with particular RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT JANUARY 28, 1976 APPLICANT: STERNOFF METALS COMPANY APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE IN AN H-1 ZONE LOCATION : The property is located on S . W. 43rd St. , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway. ZONING : H-1 APP . SEC . OF THE 4-713 , 4-722 and Chapter 7 of the Building ZONING CODE Regulations COMMENTS : 1 . The stock piling of junked cars and related waste materials is allowed in an H-1 zone and is further regulated by the Bulk Storage • Ordinance and the Special Permit procedure of the Zoning Code . The previous restrictive covenants also apply , but the Bulk Storage regulations actually establish more stringent standards . 2 . The minimum requirements of the Bulk Storage ordinance are : a . The maximum height of all stock piles shall be 40 ' . b . All structures and bulk storage shall be located at least 60 ' from public rights- of-way, , drainage channels , and public access . In all other instances the set- backs shall be 20 ' from the property line . c . Bulk storage facilities shall be enclosed by an 80% opaque screening fence which shall be at least 25% of the height of the stockpile materials . This screening fence shall be set back at least 20 ' from all property lines . d . All property lines shall be landscaped except when a second bulk storage facility has a contiguous side or rear property line . e . The landscaping strip shall be 20 ` wide minimum within the setback area and in front of the screening fence . f. The Planning Commission shall review the impact of the proposed use on the site and general area . The Planning Commission may require the applicable bulk standards to be up to 50% more strict with good cause . g . The Planning Commission has the right to accept , modify , o.r reject any application of Special Permit for good cause . 3 . The subject area proposed for expansion is presently being used for bulk storage contrary to Restrictive Covenant and Bulk Storage Ordinance requirements ( i . e . , junked cars and STAFF REPORT JANUARY 28, 1976 PAGE TWO material are being stored outside of screening fence and landscaping and not maintaining mini - mum height setback , landscaping , and screening requirements ) . The existing height of the junk piles is approximately feet . The applicant ' s proposal is to continue this expanded stockpiling , thus utilizing the remaining H-1 zoned property . 4 . The extension of a lawful use to any portion of a non-conforming use that existed before the enactment of this Code shall not be deemed the extension of such non-conforming use . The applicant intends to comply with all the existing laws and ordinances as they relate to the expansion area . 5 . The access road from S .W . 43rd Street at the west end of the site is owned by Sternco Land Company . 6 . A letter was received January 22 , 1976 from the applicant requesting postponement of public hear- ing to February , since the corporate officers will be out of town on January 28 , 1976 . STAFF RECOM- The public hearing for January 28th has been posted MENDATIONS : and advertised . Recommend continuance . .:i Renton Planning Commission . Meeting January 28 , 1976 Page Two The continued site approval application was presented by the Chairman , who called for staff review. Noting previous approval of rezones of the parcel , including a portion of vacated Powell Ave . S . W. , and site approval of a warehouse/office on the property , Mr . Ericksen described the proposal to construct an additional ware- house adjacent to the existing structure . He noted restrictive covenants running with the land which would apply and indicated that the request meets applicable ordinance requirements . Associate Planner Smith apprised the Commission regarding warehouse and fence location statistics , plans to improve circula- tion between the two units , and present and proposed landscaping . Photographic slides were viewed . Responding to a request for a presentation from the applicant , Dean Bitney, 1082 Anacortes N . E . , stated that landscaping had been installed as agreed with the exception of the grass due to the inappropriateness of present soil condition and the season . He also discussed parking and paving plans , the color of the existing and proposed structures , sign design revisions , and setbacks from the property lines . He replied to questioning from the Commission relative to drainage problems and anticipated time-frame for installation of paving and painting of the buildings . The Chairman invited comment from the audience , but none was received . IT WAS THEN MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . After further discussion and consideration , the Com- mission took the following action : ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PLANNING COM- MISSION APPROVE THE SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS ARE BOTH TO BE PAINTED A TAN OR LIGHT COLOR AS PER APPLICANT'S SUGGESTION. 2 . THE SIGNING ON THE EXISTING OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING IS TO BE CHANGED AS PER SIGN DESIGN COMMITTEE REQUIRE- MENTS UTILIZING SIGNING MORE :COMPATIBLE WITH RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA . 3 . THE SITE LANDSCAPING, DRAINAGE, PARKING LOT PAVING, STRIPING AND CURBING FOR THE ENTIRE LONEACRE INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE COMPLETED AS APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BEFORE BUILDING OCCUPANCY IS GRANTED OR A BOND POSTED FOR 150% OF THE ESTIMATED COST OF COMPLETION OF THESE REQUIRE- MENTS. 4. PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLANS, INCLUDING UTILIZATION OF A PORTION OF THE 5% INTERIOR PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING IN A MINIMUM FIVE FOOT STRIP AT THE FRONT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING . LANDSCAPE AREA SHALL CONFORM TO COVENANT REQUIRE- MENTS. LANDSCAPING SHALL ALSO BE; PROVIDED BETWEEN THE NORTH END OF THE BUILDING AND THE FENCE LINE AS PER APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL . • RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING JANUARY 28, 1976 M I N U TE S COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Logan Garrison , Sandra Gist , Anthone Mola , Norman Ross , Arthur Scholes , Clark Teegarden , Joan Walker , !i Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Elisabeth Rivily . CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director ; Michael Smith , Associate Planner ; Willis Roberts , Recording Secretary. The January public hearing of the Renton Planning Commission was called to order at 8 : 05 p .m . , with Chairman Scholes leading the Pledge of Allegiance . The presence of approximately 15 people , including Mayor Delaurenti and Councilman Perry , was noted in the audience . 1 • ROLL CALL was taken by Commissioner Wik , Acting Secretary . All members responded present with the exception of Commis - sioner Rivily ( absent due to a previous commitment) and Ross (arrived at approximately 8 : 10 p .m . ) . H ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY GARRISON, THAT THE ABSENT COM- MISSIONER BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. Newly appointed Planning Commissioner Gist was then intro- 'i l! duced and welcomed . Appreciation for the services of out- going Commissioner Gibson were expressed . • 2 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The Chairman called for corrections or additions to the, minutes of January 14 , 1976 . Noting none , IT WAS MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN , THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN . MOTION CARRIED . CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : SPECIAL PERMIT: A. STERNOFF METALS CO . ; Appl . No . SP-843-75 ; Special Permit for Bulk Storage in H-1 zone ; property located on S . W. 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway. The application was introduced by the Chairman with a request for current status by the staff . The Planning Director advised that a letter had been received from the applicant , asking additional continuance to the next public hearing due to personal health problems and the unavailability of their architect a.nd attorney. Mr. Ericksen noted that the request had been received after legal advertisement of the applica- tion . Following brief discussion , IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED- BY MOLA, THAT THE STERNOFF METALS COMPANY APPLICATION BE CONTINUED TO THE FEBRUARY 25, 1976, PUBLIC HEARING . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SITE APPROVAL: Bo G . AND B . • INVESTORS ; Appl . No . SA-845-75 ; site approval for a warehouse in an L-1 zone ; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . • A :� HE CITY OF RENTON . MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o °; CHARLES J. DELAIJRENTI r MAYOR O��T6.0 SEP1��O January,; 26 , ;-97 6 City Council - Renton, Washington 'Dear Council Members : • In answer to a Council request for information about the expansion of Ithe Sternoff Metals Company operation in southwest Renton , Please be advised as follows : 1 . The city ' s bulk storage regulations , adopted in Septem- ber 1975 do not apply retroactively and will have no effect on the existing Sternoff operation . 2 . On October 16 , 1975 , the Sternoff Company applied for a special permit to allow bulk storage uses of an H--1 zoned---- area of 8 . 5 acres adjacent to their existing operation; the bulk storage regulations will apply to this expansion area, 3 . Certain restrictive covenants in effect since the original H-1 zoning approval on February 27 , 1967 , apply to both the original Sternoff site and the proposed expansion area. 4 . There has been a continuing dispute between the city and the Sternoff Company about compliance with the restrictive covenants; the dispute has not been resolved to the city ' s satisfaction. 5 . Since an application is pending before the Planning Commission, and because the bulk storage regulations applicable to the expansion area are more stringent than the covenant requirements , city action to enforce the covenants has been delayed. Legal action by the city may be required to obtain compliance with the covenants, so it would be inappropriate to make further comments on this matter at this time . The Council will be informed of future city actions . Sincerely, 0 F R[Cfp, -v2, `Charles J. Delaurenti ayor- -o JAN 28 7976 r CJD: Z 92 - ce: Planning Department ti Building Division ,G DEPAR'C\‘‘\ 1`14, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ® RENTON, WASHINGTON y MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 235-2550 O r642- ,Q4T£O SEP1*•• {> � -`; `t` b t January 23 , 1976 TO : Donald W. Custer , Administrative Assistant FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director RE : STERNOFF METALS STATUS REPORT Attached for your information are copies of pertinent items relating to the existing Sternoff Metals facility and the proposed expansion . The applicant proposes to expand the bulk storage of junked automobiles and scrap metal , utilizing most of the remaining H- 1 zoned property . The proposed expansion is allowable by Special Permit of the Planning Commission as per the H-1 and bulk storage sections of the Zoning Ordinance . However , the applicant has already been utilizing this area contrary to City ordinance and restrictive covenant requirements . Specific ordinance and covenant requirements are stipulated in the attached infor- mation . The landscaping and screening required by previous rezone and site approval applications has been installed but is ineffective due to the present height and location of the illegal stockpiles . A chronological summary of events and correspondence related to Sternoff Metals facility is as follows : February 27 , 1967 H-1 zoning approved with restrictive covenants covering entire H- 1 zoned area . February 27 , 1967 - Original facility operating October 3 , 1973 contrary to restrictive coven- ant requirements . October 3 , 1973 Planning Commission approval of new warehouse for multi -phase wire granulating system. A .. • -.Y Donald W. Custer , Administrative Assistant Sternoff Metals Status Report January 23 , 1976 Page Two October 3 , 1973 - Facility operating periodically October 16 , 1975 contrary to restrictive covenant requirements . October 16 , 1975 - Pending application to Planning Present date Commission for Special Permit for expansion of bulk storage facility. Facility still operating contrary to ordinance and covenant require- ments . If we can be of further assistance to you , please advise . Attachments MLS :ms Walt, 0 C) 0/ Tiovsl 2, PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON biLLc:. o '' y o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 9 3, 0'Q7 CAPITAL�E January 23 , 1976 Carl C . Sternoff . Sternoff Metals Corporation . 7291 East Marginal Way South Seattle , Washington 98055 RE : REQUEST BY STERNOFF METALS CORPORATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF SPECIAL .PERMIT APPLICATION NO . SP-843-75 Dear Mr . Sternoff: We are in receipt of your request for continuance of your Special Permit No . SP-843-75 to the February Plan- ning Commission public hearing . We have no objections to such a continuance . . However, the item has been published and posted for the January 28 , 1976 public hearing and the Planning Commission may take input at that time . We will forward your request to the Commission . If you have any further questions please contact this Department. Ver trul your ; Michael L . Smith Associate Planner MLS :ms INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date January 22, 1976 TO: Planning FROM: Utilities SUBJECT: Sternoff Metals The Utilities Division review of the special permit finds no particular problems. We do request that no materials be placed on the two utilities easements across the site (see attached map) or heavy equipment be run along these mains. The easement areas should be kept clear within 10' of the centerline of each pipe or fire hydrant. Posts should be set in areas where storage takes place, in order to mark the alignment of these mains. abBia*TK6401 RB:pmp . 3 . Yl✓A 7 .€ L/AJE t ASE ME.VT . i D✓EQ A/✓D ,4CCECs_ 4 /5/=;JO.' /J/J EASecN7Ft/T FOR A j✓aTER =ldlE 57 /P OF LAd/O, 1/J THE AJOR7 WA:T Q:./s:E'TER DF THE AJORTrEAST rJ427.-E,e 67fi SECT/D/J 36,/ZKh1SN/P ??/✓ORTn; ,eA/J!•.ti• 4 fr:ST LJ M, 0 `� .�/:J& GUU/JTY, i'✓ASM,' Tv/JJ 7.S/'Et- OF r.,Y i-V/GiN 2+&/.,J6 O1J t. &,'.1 Si GF THE FOLLOP///iG DE Eck'iez.) (JTE;: Ll/✓E : ' n'l D E IiI.U/C!G .11 A P.^./.Ut cx. 77/E/✓L'E'Tli L//,E CF S.fr'J. 4'3�% J.':Eir 41 F60/E.e11' S/BO,2'S'), /"./N/C�' f✓/Air/s.3o FEET AJORTis A/JD 7i'/.09 ,5 T EAST Of ?N O P'EA.r OO2/✓EC O 72/E hE/Jk .GAMS DO//4 7/0,CI GL.A/N7 NO. 63 /A./ $4/L: .4=7i A/I, 7O,V.UCH./P; TN5•.C.4" I i h / /-I/"07'J5" ,AT,ZrGrrT A.va.:E C To a3/U STA't6T, 97,4.�_ FEET r/� n4 ii ,r .'.'c5/6.0.0rEG ✓� TNEUCE GA'/.`/A--,CPuE ,V/•07.5!.:'C 3,475 S 67'3/ ?o'C G b�f4) ag .'EFT 70 rat ,VGRT^ L/nie or �,C,2: SEA,"D/J 3i A00 TE F.N7/UU� GF . �ti/C LP..)--, C / ti�:i :i/'c-':Fh;J.r FOR .9 WATE2 U/J6 OVER A/JG ACckJSC A ?5 �,i-ZJ:.,JT �lC '�, 'h �'v V ' fGOr 57K//' OF c/atil0 lu S9/O NG2rNklEs; t, /ZTL�/Z Qc H//J - S6CT/O/J, 7.5 fEe7 O/ SUCH WIDTH 5E//Jr1 NO8TH A/JD 125 FEET 1 RE//.16 SOUP,' c.4- ME FOLLOW/lie, ✓'SC //"EO LA:E• ,5 //JA.w✓G / 3 fjT 7HE ly✓%Nj' UES /✓�ITEO+X /N THE tiBUJE .=c`CA::J77,7,J, T/�E/1C.E _ % , .56 °3/'36"r r 1GAGLEL w/T.v -NE AI0,27 ' G/i4E F S9//> Stc7ia.! % A D/Sr/1/JCE OF 28Z5 FEET'YJU 76/L3/i,IUS OF ,aq//) ctn./E. Vl / i Ut. t ., 4)l� tJ �i y 7✓ ' pv, E D_- a ps - > -c 5 t i -: --- --I . i\-., . 9 W A r i /S" t`- 3 1 ) I f i - — 79/. 5 tJ8'S2'25"'E . SW 43 eo �jT/?E2T 6Foa./elz�r S./BO��ST,) ----. ------- FI INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date January 21, 1976 TO: Planning Department FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: Sternoff Metal Co. - Special Permit for Bulk Storage It appears that the legal description supplied with the application describes an area within the H-1 zoning. However, it does not agree with the plan sub- mitted. It is necessary to have a more detailed map for our review. The drainage ditch right-of-way is 40 feet as described on the Assessor' s Map, and the access road located at the southwest corner of the property is private road, no indication of dedication to the public. MHT:sn • / \ t r4 a� 7201 east marginal way so.-seattle,washington 98108 1600 s.w.43rd-renton,washington 98055 d,,ti £S III'l • r� a rug seattle yard • 762-8100 �i .. renton yard • 226-7400 • mailing address P.O.Box 877 sternoff metals corp oration renton,washington 98055 January 21, 1976 F Rk'� �� RECEII/Ea 6 City of Renton Planning Department • JAN 22 176 Municipal Building --- ,t Renton, Washington 98055 \9,1, • Attention: Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen ' DEP Ps Planning Director Dear Mr. Ericksen: Due to unforeseen circumstances, our corporate officers will all be out of the city next week at the time for your scheduled planning commission meeting, Wednesday, January 28th. In view of this, I am requesting a postponement of our hearing to your February meeting. We would appreciate a confirmation of this postponement request at your earliest convenience. Thank you for past considerations. Yours sincerely, STERNOFF METALS CO?PORATION • Carl C. Ste off CCS:j l plant liquidators - brokers and dealers in non-ferrous metals and steel scrap. 4 � • ti 4► 0 U \O Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON CV C MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ) X)e 4 235-2550 ORT CAPITAV November 28, 1975 Carl C . Sternoff Sternco Land Company 7201 E . Marginal Way S . Seattle , WA 98108 RE : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION SP-843-75 Dear Mr. Sternoff: The Renton Planning Commission at its November 26 , 1975 , ' meeting continued your application as per your request until the January 28, 1976 , meeting . As we discussed at our November 25 , 1975 , meeting and by telephone, additional plans and revisions to the plans pursuant to City codes are necessary, and the additional time will allow you to provide this information . The primary changes and additions we discussed include : 1 . Submittal of a revised site plan clearly indicating the limits of the existing operation , the proposed addition , intended use of the additional area , and accurate zoning and property ownership lines . 2 . The revised plans should also include a . A minimum 60 foot setback from Springbrook Creek . b. A minimum 20 foot setback from the H-1 zoning boundary lines . c. A minimum 20 foot landscape strip and screening fence adjacent to and around the proposed addition . 3. Detailed landscape and, screening plans (can be typical section of 20 foot landscape strip ) . Carl C . Sternoff November 28 , 1975 Page Two • We will be happy to meet with your architect and land- scaper to review these items . Please have them contact us for a specific meeting date . Very truly�%your, s,—/ i ' /MichaelL . Smith • Assistant Planner MLS : wr OF RummiR 0 THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O4�TFOSEPI�-��Q- 235 - 2550 MEMORANDUM • • November 26 , 1975 TO : Files FROM : Michael L . Smith , Assistant Planner RE : STERNOFF METALS , SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE , #SP-843-75 I received a phone call today from Mr. Carl Sternoff , and he informed me that due to an illness in the family and the absence of his architect he wished to request a continuance of his application until the January 1976 public hearing . He said that he wanted someone at the meeting to answer any questions the 'Planning Commission might have , but due to the present circumstances this was impossible . He also indicated that this continuance would allow them time to prepare the necessary plans for an adequate presentation to the Commission and hopefully answer their concerns . li MLS :ms . STAFF REPORT NOVEMBER 26 , 1975 PAGE TEN APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT : STERNOFF METALS COMPANY LOCATION : The property is generally located on the north side of S . W . 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . ZONING : H- 1 (with restrictive covenants ) , (operation is classified as a non-hazardous bulk storage facility) APPLICABLE SEC- 4-713 ; 4-734 TIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : REQUEST : Applicant requests Special Permit to use H-1 zoned property for Bulk Storage of junked automobiles and other related materials . COMMENTS : 1 . The requirements of the bulk storage regulations , Ord . 2962 , apply to the proposed expansion area . 2 . The site plan that has been submitted is insufficient in terms of ordinance requirements for submittal information . a . Existing site conditions , including topography , drainage , vegetation , and current use of the site , need to be submitted . b . The property to be used as addi - tional bulk storage area has not been clearly defined . c . Site drainage plans need to be submitted . d . The specific materials to be stored on the site have not been described or located . e . A screening and landscape plan , including the location of trees , shrubs , groundcover , sprinkler locations , screening berm or fence , and plant material specifi - cation list , has not been submitted for the new storage area . 3 . The existing storage outside the fence presently violates zoning and covenant requirements . 4 . This Special Permit application to use additional H-1 zoned property for bulk storage of junked automobiles and other related materials has been initiated in order to correct the violation of ordi - nances and covenants noted and allow for additional storage area . STAFF REPORT NOVEMBER 26 , 1975 PAGE ELEVEN STAFF RECOMMENDA- Recommend approval of bulk storage expansion TIONS : subject to the requirements of Ordinance 2962 which include , but are not limited to : 1 . A minimum 60 foot setback of storage and buildings from Springbrook Creek . 2 . A minimum 20 foot setback adjacent to all other property lines riot abutting public rights-of-way . 3 . Submittal and approval by the Planning Department of detailed landscape and screening plans for a 20 foot strip adjacent to all property lines . 4 . Public Works Department approval of drainage plans that control drainage into Springbrook Creek as per City ordinances . • • 11 f• J 1 THE CITY OF RENTON n 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 �pA AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O,p,lEOSEPSE���Q 235 - 2550 MEMORANDUM November 25, 1975 TO: Files FROM: Michael L. Smith, Assistant Planner RE: STERNOFF METALS, SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BULK STORAGE, #SP-843-75 I met with Carl Sternoff today regarding his proposed additional storage area. We reviewed the requirements of the bulk storage standards including the 60 foot setback from Springbrook Creek, the 20 foot setback, and the 20 foot landscape strip along the perimeter of the storage area. He said that he would have a detailed landscape plan prepared together with an accurate site plan, clearly indicating the proposed storage area from the existing operation. I advised him that we would be happy to meet with his architect and landscaper to work out the details of the ordinance requirements. He said that he would have them contact the Planning Department after his architect returns from a trip December 1, 1975 . He said it was his wish to comply with the necessary requirements. MLS :ms • • ; OFR�- THE CITY OF RENTON z 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o 0 AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0,p ��c� 235 - 2550 �4TFD SEP-0 • MEMORANDUM November 21, 19751 TO: Files FROM: Bill Turner RE: STERNOFF SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION I spoke with Mr. Sternoff today in an attempt to meet with a Representative of Sternoff Metals Co. To discuss the up comming Public Hearing on November 26 , 1975 , regarding SP-843-75 , Special Permit to use H-1 zoned property for Bulk Storage or junked auto- mobiles and, other related materials. Mr. Sternoff responded by alleging that he had a previous agreement that he did not need to comply with the bulk storage standards. He said that he would consider meeting with the Planning Department later. I told him. that I would call him back the first of next week to set a meeting time to go over all the issues with him. WCT:bg . speztv • THE CITY OF RENTON ES., 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 co• AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT o�ArFOSEP����Q` 235 - 2550 -. MEMORANDUM November 20 , 1975 TO: Files FROM: Bill Turner RE: STERNOFF SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION I also talked with Carlyle Jensen over the telephone (Sternoff Metals Co. Architect) 11/20/75 to discuss the details of the letter we sent him and the H-1 and the Bulk Storage Standards Regulations . WCT:bg u im.IR 92, THE CITY OF RENTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 9P C. AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0gTF ����� 235 - 2550 DSEP'� • MEMORANDUM November 20 , 1975 TO: Files FROM: Bill Turner RE: STERNOFF SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION On "November 19, 1975 I attempted to reach Carl Sternoff to set up a meeting. On November 20 , 1975 I attempted to reach Allen Sternoff to set up a meeting. PACT:bg • • Renton Planning Commission Meeting November 12 , 1975 Page Three SPECIAL PERMIT: D. GLACIER PARK CO : ; Appl . No . SP-822-75 ; special per- mit to fill and grade in M-P/G zone ; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distri - bution Facility north of S . W . 43rd and westerly of East Valley Road . The Planning Director noted that the item had been con- tinued , but no date had been established for another public hearing , and stated that the Special Studies Committee, is concluding its review. Commissioner Gar- rison , Committee member , indicated that they feel the Committee can be ready to make their recommendation on November 26th . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: E. G . V . R . , INC . ; Appl . No . CP-842-75 ; application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment; property located at 4016 Jones Ave . N . E . between Jones Ave . N . E . and Lincoln P1 . N . E . Mr . Ericksen noted that the item had been referred for study to the Land Use Committee for report back at the November public hearing . Commissioner Teegarden , Chairman of the Committee , reviewed their activities in connection with the study and referred the members to their written report which had been distributed . He advised that there is some disagreement between the Committee ' s recommendation and the desires of the owner , Mr . Gwen Bodily , and that the applicant will be present on November 26th to elaborate . The Planning Director noted that the Committee had also considered in its review of the matter the con- flict of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning in the area with the Shoreline Management Program and that issue would be addressed in its study of the Compre- hensive Plan for the Highlands area . 4. NEW BUSINESS : • Staff presentations were requested by the Chairman concerning all new items of business . - y- SPECIAL PERMIT: A. STERNOFF METALS CO . ; Appl . No . SP-843-75 ; Special Permit for Bulk Storage in H-1 zone ; property located on S . W . 43rd St . , 1/4 mile east of West Valley Highway . Mr . Smith pointed out the approximate eight acre site on the vicinity map , noting that it is presently zoned H-1 with restrictive covenants running with the land which address setbacks , storage , screening , and other requirements similar to M-P standards . He stated that the applicant proposes to add additional storage area to their operation by expanding it to the south . The following factors were discussed : the increased scope of the operation , zoning and impact to adjacent properties , requirements of the Bulk Storage Regulations , setbacks along drainage channels , screening and landscaping . • i Renton Planning Commission Meeting November 12 , 1975 Page Four a SITE APPROVAL: R. G . AND B . INVESTORS ; Appl . No . SA-845-75 ; site approval for a warehouse in an L-1 zone; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th St. Noting previous Planning Commission approval of an office- warehouse facility at 1120 S . W . 16th St. , Mr . Smith advised that the applicants have obtained approximately two addi - tional acres--including 60 feet of right-of-way--to the east through the acquisition of the street vacation of Pacific Ave . S . W . , upon which they propose to construct an additional warehouse to their complex , The following factors were cited : building plans and the relationship of the proposed structure to the existing facility , park- ing for the total development , additional landscaping , sign modification , color coordination of the new structure with the existing facility , and conformance with restrictive covenants running with the land . Discussion followed , and concerns were expressed relative to the following : the relationship of the planned structure to the total develop- ment, ingress and egress into the area , turning radius between the structures , safety with respect to Fire Depart- ment standards , and adequate parking for the entire complex . Additional elevation drawings and more detailed information were requested by the Commission . FINAL PLAT: C, ISLE AND LAKE ADDITION ; Appl . No . FP-846-75 ( Lyle L . Pickle ) ; Proposed Final Plat for a ,residential sub- division ; property located on the north side of 0 N . 38th St. between Lake Washington Blvd . N . and Park Ave . N . The Assistant Planner reported that the applicant is seeking final approval of approximately one half of the area approved by the Commission for the preliminary plat in June 1975 , or approximately two acres of the approximate total four acre_ . site . He stated that the area under consideration consisted of nine single-family residential lots varying in size from 7600 square feet to 20 , 500 square feet and described their configuration . Mr . Smith advised that the applicant has received deferral of off-site improvements from the Board of Public Works for a one year period and that the request for approval of only half of the plat is in conformance with accepted practice. 5- ADMINISTRATIVE : A. FIELD TRIP It was decided to visit the sites on an individual basis . 'l B. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE • L Commissioner Garrison noted that reports had already been made with regard to the Edwards and Glacier Park Company proposals and indicated that he would seek confirmation of a proposed meeting on November 17th . , J oF �a �! .2. THE CITY OF RENTON n g MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 013 co AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT I 0 �(c 235 - 2550 4TED SEP1�� 1 I November 3 , 1975 f Carl Sternoff Sternoff Metals Corporation P . 0. Box 877 Renton , WA. 98055 RE : STERNOFF METALS COMPANY , SPECIAL PERMIT FOR I BULK STORAGE IN H-1 ZONE , File No . SP-843-75 ,� i Dear Mr. Sternoff: 1 The Planning Department and Building Division have made an ' initial review of your application for Special Permit to 9 use additional properties for bulk storage of junked cars . We have noted a number of deficiencies in the site plan that has been submitted ; and in order to expedite Planning Commission review of your application , these deficiencies 1 will need to be corrected . The additional information that will need to be submitted is as follows : a 1 . Site Plan should indicate : E a . All existing site conditions including location of buildings , access/egress , storage areas , materials currently being stored , existing landscaping , existing drainage , existing fencing and screening , etc . b. Proposed facility expansion including proposed storage areas , proposed landscaping , screening , fencing , berming , proposed drainage , and proposed parking areas . . __` 2 . Detailed landscape plans will need to be sub- mitted showing specific location , height and 1 spacing of all plant materials which are to be installed . Also , a sprinkler plan will need to be submitted as per ordinance . f 1 I 1 Carl Sternoff Sternoff Metals Corporation November 3 , 1975 Page Two 3 . Elevations and details of the site screening berm and/or fence will need to be submitted . 4 . The building and storage setback lines from the fence line should be indicated . If you have any questions , please feel free to contact this Department . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director List • rtC William C . Turner Planning Technician WCT:wr PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 �A - MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 01 4Z- 6 'TFOSEP'0- October 28, 1975 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: Jim Hanson, Developmental Services Division SUBJECT: Sternoff Bulk Storage Plan is not clear. Existing use areas should be identified and proposed areas, fences and landscaping should be detailed. 4 %/ JCH/mp G L; Fr(;LI/LD it ,�� ;c,�