HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 2Executive Services Department Memorandum DATE:June 10, 2024 TO:Young Yoon, Information Technology Director FROM:Josh Boulware, Application Support Manager SUBJECT:Annual Renewal of Griffeye Analyze DI Pro This memo is in lieu of our standard contract template which allows for signature by both parties. Attached for your review is Amendment No. 2 to CAG-23-085 with Magnet Forensics (formerly Griffeye, Inc.). The Amendment authorizes payment of Quote # Q-348926-1, in the amount of $2,200.49, for the annual renewal of Griffeye Analyze DI Pro. Renewal dates are 07/25/2024 – 07/25/2025. Griffeye Analyze DI Pro is a data forensics system used by the Police Department to sort, categorize, and identify digital evidence on computers. This is an off-the-shelf purchase and does not require Legal approval.          CAG-23-085, Adden #2-24  3$  8 Quotation Address: Magnet Forensics, LLC 931 Monroe Drive NE Suite A102-340 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 United States Phone: 519-342-0195 E-Mail: sales@magnetforensics.com                         !"        !" # $#! %  & '()          !"     (      !" # $#! %  & '()          !"     (      !" # $#! %  & '() PREPARED BY PHONE EMAIL PAYMENT TERM Scott Ryals 404 618 5552 scott.ryals@magnetforensics.com Net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