HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractDocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA AGREEMENT FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT FOR CEDAR RIVER TRAIL BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT 149911 THIS AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes only as June 26, 2024, is by and between the City of Renton (the "City"), a Washington municipal corporation, and Northwest Heritage Consultants, LLC OBA Cultural Resource Consultants ("Consultant"), a Washington limited liability company. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Agreement as the "Parties." Once fully executed by the Parties, this Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. 1. 2. 3. 4. Scope of Work: Consultant agrees to provide a cultural resources assessment as specified in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated herein and may hereinafter be referred to as the "Work." Changes in Scope of Work: The City, without invalidating this Agreement, may order changes to the Work consisting of additions, deletions or modifications. Any such changes to the Work shall be ordered by the City in writing and the Compensation shall be equitably adjusted consistent with the rates set forth in Exhibit "A" or as otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties. Time of Performance: Consultant shall commence performance of the Agreement pursuant to the schedule(s) set forth in Exhibit "A." All Work shall be performed by no later than Friday, August 30, 2024. Compensation: A.Amount. Total compensation to Consultant for Work provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed $5,495.00, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. Compensation shall be paid as a flat rate fixed sum according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit "A." The Consultant agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its Work shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) unless otherwise agreed to in writing or provided in Exhibit "A." Except as specifically provided herein, the Consultant shall be solely responsible for payment of any taxes imposed as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. B.Method of Payment. On a monthly or no less than quarterly basis during any quarter in which Work is performed, the Consultant shall submit a voucher or invoice in a form CAG-24-178 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA 5. specified by the City, including a description of what Work has been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Work, and any hourly labor charge rate for such personnel. The Consultant shall also submit a final bill upon completion of all Work. Payment shall be made by the City for Work performed within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Consultant's performance does not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Consultant will correct or modify its performance to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for work that does not meet the requirements of this Agreement. C.Effect of Payment. Payment for any part of the Work shall not constitute a waiver by the City of any remedies it may have against the Consultant for failure of the Consultant to perform the Work or for any breach of this Agreement by the Consultant. D.Non-Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City shall not be obligated to make payments for Work or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Work for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. Termination: A.The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause by giving ten (10) calendar days' notice to the Consultant in writing. In the event of such termination or suspension, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, worksheets, models and reports, or other material prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to the City, if any are required as part of the Work. B.In the event this Agreement is terminated by the City, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment for all hours worked to the effective date of termination, less all payments previously made. If the Agreement is terminated by the City after partial performance of Work for which the agreed compensation is a fixed fee, the City shall pay the Consultant an equitable share of the fixed fee. This provision shall not prevent the City from seeking any legal remedies it may have for the violation or nonperformance of any of the provisions of this Agreement and such charges due to the City shall be deducted from the final payment due the Consultant. No payment shall be made by the City for any expenses incurred or work done following the effective date of termination unless authorized in advance in writing by the City. PAGE20F 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA 6. 7. 8. Warranties And Right To Use Work Product: Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant will perform all Work identified in this Agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all reasonable and professional standards and laws. Compliance with professional standards includes, as applicable, performing the Work in compliance with applicable City standards or guidelines (e.g. design criteria and Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction). Professional engineers shall certify engineering plans, specifications, plats, and reports, as applicable, pursuant to RCW 18.43.070. Consultant further represents and warrants that all final work product created for and delivered to the City pursuant to this Agreement shall be the original work of the Consultant and free from any intellectual property encumbrance which would restrict the City from using the work product. Consultant grants to the City a non­ exclusive, perpetual right and license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, and display all final work product produced pursuant to this Agreement. The City's or other's adaptation, modification or use of the final work products other than for the purposes of this Agreement shall be without liability to the Consultant. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Record Maintenance: The Consultant shall maintain accounts and records, which properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended and Work provided in the performance of this Agreement and retain such records for as long as may be required by applicable Washington State records retention laws, but in any event no less than six years after the termination of this Agreement. The Consultant agrees to provide access to and copies of any records related to this Agreement as required by the City to audit expenditures and charges and/or to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Public Records Compliance: To the full extent the City determines necessary to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act, Consultant shall make a due diligent search of all records in its possession or control relating to this Agreement and the Work, including, but not limited to, e-mail, correspondence, notes, saved telephone messages, recordings, photos, or drawings and provide them to the City for production. In the event Consultant believes said records need to be protected from disclosure, it may, at Consultant's own expense, seek judicial protection. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for all costs, including attorneys' fees, attendant to any claim or litigation related to a Public Records Act request for which Consultant has responsive records and for which Consultant has withheld records or information contained therein, or not provided them to the City in a timely manner. Consultant shall produce for distribution any and all records responsive to the Public Records Act request in a timely manner, unless those records are protected by court order. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. PAGE30F 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA 9. 10. Independent Contractor Relationship: A.The Consultant is retained by the City only for the purposes and to the extent set forth in this Agreement. The nature of the relationship between the Consultant and the City during the period of the Work shall be that of an independent contractor, not employee. The Consultant, not the City, shall have the power to control and direct the details, manner or means of Work. Specifically, but not by means of limitation, the Consultant shall have no obligation to work any particular hours or particular schedule, unless otherwise indicated in the Scope of Work or where scheduling of attendance or performance is mutually arranged due to the nature of the Work. Consultant shall retain the right to designate the means of performing the Work covered by this agreement, and the Consultant shall be entitled to employ other workers at such compensation and such other conditions as it may deem proper, provided, however, that any contract so made by the Consultant is to be paid by it alone, and that employing such workers, it is acting individually and not as an agent for the City. B.The City shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deducting federal income tax or Social Security or contributing to the State Industrial Insurance Program, or otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to Consultant or any employee of the Consultant. C.If the Consultant is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Consultant agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Consultant retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Consultant's failure to do so. Hold Harmless: The Consultant agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, elected officials, employees, officers, representatives, and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties, expenses, attorney's or attorneys' fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, arising from, resulting from, or related to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant in its performance of this Agreement or a breach of this Agreement by Consultant, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, (Validity of agreement to indemnify against liability for negligence relative to construction, alteration, improvement, etc., of structure or improvement attached to real estate ... ) then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the PAGE40F 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA 11. 12. 13. Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, Consultant's liability shall be only to the extent of Consultant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided in this Agreement constitute Consultant's waiver of immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. The Parties have mutually negotiated and agreed to this waiver. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Gifts and Conflicts: The City's Code of Ethics and Washington State law prohibit City employees from soliciting, accepting, or receiving any gift, gratuity or favor from any person, firm or corporation involved in a contract or transaction. To ensure compliance with the City's Code of Ethics and state law, the Consultant shall not give a gift of any kind to City employees or officials. Consultant also confirms that Consultant does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in selecting the Consultant, negotiating or administering this Agreement, or evaluating the Consultant's performance of the Work. City of Renton Business License: Unless exempted by the Renton Municipal Code, Consultant shall obtain a City of Renton Business License prior to performing any Work and maintain the business license in good standing throughout the term of this agreement with the City. Information regarding acquiring a city business license can be found at: https :ljwww.rentonwa.gov/Tax Information regarding State business licensing requirements can be found at: https:ljdor.wa.gov/doing-business/register-my-business Insurance: Consultant shall secure and maintain: A.Commercial general liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate for the Term of this Agreement. B.In the event that Work delivered pursuant to this Agreement either directly or indirectly involve or require Professional Services, Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions coverage shall be provided with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. "Professional Services", for the purpose of this section, shall mean any Work provided by a licensed professional or Work that requires a professional standard of care. C.Workers' compensation coverage, as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington, shall also be secured. PAGES OF 10 Approved by Cheryl Beyer via email 6/7/2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB95688C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA EXHIBIT "A" Scope of Work -Cultural Resources Assessment Cedar River Trail Bank Stabilization Project 149911 Page 1 of6 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB956B8C-EFA3-4639-9D8C-1BBF294F35DA CITY OF RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Parks and Trails Division Renton City Hall, 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 c/o Cailln Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director (425)430-6606, cell (425) 757-3007 chu nsaker@rentonwa.gov SCOPE OF WORK -EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK: CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Consultant shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment to complete the following tasks: •Background research, •Field identification, •Documentation of findings, •Cultural Resources Assessment Report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project actions include site preparation and temporary trail relocation with installation of temporary erosion control Best Management Practices. Bank stabilization will temporarily isolate work area along the toe of the eroding bank from the broader Cedar River by installing a gravity-type cofferdam structure. To access the eroding bank for grading and installing large woody material (LWM) structures it will be necessary to excavate existing historic fill or native soil to create an access route and one or more work benches for equipment. The reconstructed bank will be filled, graded and blended into the existing bank at the upstream and downstream ends. The temporary trail will be removed and restored to its original alignment and width. Soil will be restored to its original topography and planted with a variety of seeds and plantings. Project extent = 590' long x 150' wide, as depicted by 'Approximate Project Disturbance Limits' in Drawing No. 2.0 of 50 Percent Design. CONTROLLING DOCUMENTS •'Cedar River Trail RM 2.13 Bank Stabilization Project' Renton, WA, 50 Percent Design by Geoengineers, Inc. dated 6/20/23 (EXHIBIT "B'J. •Washington State Executive Order 21-02 -Archaeology and Cultural Resources (EXHIBIT "C'J. •'State and Federal Laws to be Observed' (EXHIBIT "D'J: In particular, The Reservoir Salvage Act Of 1960, As Amended by The Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act Of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.) and The Archaeological and Historical Data Preservation Act Of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469 a-1 et seq.). Page 1 of 2