HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-77-037 - Large Format 0252 T10S2NCGS = A ea t e n : Descri Lied — That portion vs the Southwest Quarter of Section /b Bimchie 23 North, point being an the orth 7 margin af SW. 7 Steep, thence tn /nuIng NO°49 £2" E along the West hne of. el gee ded 5d tee? fo a porn? an @ 363.06 foot radws curve concave jo the SoutheIs}, 213021 a Sa/d | 3 . poin 7 ete S/5°I7 ‘Z/"E; thence Sufhrvesfer f along Said curve enere Ustahce of G30. 46 feet; thence $/°/4'35" WV 131.88 feet #o - Said Korth margin of BL. 7% Street; thence §J89°/0'/6"E along said Korth ie 259.60 feet ty the True fointof Beginning . Area. 96,819 Sa. * 222 Acres. Range 3, East, V.M,, in Renton, ki ing County, Washing ton, Oescribed as follows : E : _ Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Si! Jectan /8° thence SE9Y0VBE | along the Seth line of Sard Secton 18 a distance of 275.74 feet to the ae Seed y peter of the west he af a parcel deeded to beo.A. Horme/ 4 Comp aleed recorded under fy Gunty Aoditor's File kia. 7305040169, Be i/o 42°F along said Sotho’ Pre ection 0.00 fee Fo the Southwest corner of said parce! and: ee rf Paint of Beginning said CITY OF RENTON keto are Sipe mop rh, Be meen te carne hime ap set ee : an the ground 2 and that ( have folly ieee with bad hating of the sta toles grat age platting regulations. — ie OS: Ly Certiticate 78 78 Po L hee eh @ 14 9 that burlington oemeen inc, 1s the owner in fee ' Sunple ae ied 7 fee ths. Sfart Subalunston Se FOUND COMC. MONUMEKMT 1.73 Norpi ¢ 0-69 ‘Easr- oF Peoperly CORNER —* Pic Corner, Section 8, Jownshije 23.4, Eange 5 £ WM. (fh and Ubiiwen IN GSC ) I ‘ z ae 3 : 3 ae es ee PE Set 2'x4" HH he = 2 : Uyprcal) = ‘3 / reat anh ot a// papel faxes are pard for pra gperty herein platted, : mm IK ay 6 | | : \ a. \/ : \ oa 1 /"2 40! \ MANAGER, KIN& COUMT FINANCE OE PARTMENT | fepeby ai: at there 7 no welinguen} Special gssessmenh, PAs ad olay 0 [Fi : DEED BEARINGS Wy Capuly fet DIRECTOR, CITY OF rin Approve/s. 2 2'xd" Stake : , : Cgprcal) eo Examined and approved this L 4 aay of “larch 1977 PE Mein ib stere ee = ; DIRECTOR, DEP OF PUBLIC WORKS 4 ‘ ¥ Examned and approved this \&e-_ otyot Mneat /97F SS Y x) ee tee Fa . : 3 DEPARTMENT 3 | y \ Examined and taco ts OF Be, 977 v N) : iy Rar arc epee ly a re) : S} Co * Capped Iron Pin : hay Renan (° fitows | Caps 1) ee & wy VICE-CHAIRMAN, CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Ape € TACK Z| 3 : 3: NY ) Not ‘gl for shortpla -) Pes es He a. w Gntirmed by the City Qune/ of Kenton this abn f pate 5 # adh 8 os ali icla de shat tat) " i . : Py nS ie ps yr OF lf 3h Seer a! ; = Se SJ _t0' i Examned and — this pee 2. day of pte. i97_/ as % : HARLE . EL HOPPE “S : : | 2 ee ee . pe = Counii comp: ° r. “6 y TRUE POIMT OF BEGINNING 5 oe ee a f nog 4 ce 2 la . ( 7 ay RA Ae: Dg isd | Sk _2589018'E __ 259.60’ ahs oes SSef ful tach tylaad 2S Bh allel lack tilead 3 Q | ‘ i € 9 | 3. 7™ ST. f ee $89°/0'18"E_-275.74' ou oe: Ce, ae SOUT LINE, SECTION 18 ae Monument Z| IN Ce?SC i ue ‘s e u e c e : re a ae “ShPL-0O37-77 Descripjion That portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section /8, Township 23 Marth, rite East, WM,, wn Renton, king County, Washington, described as o/lows - Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Said Section 18, thence 589 10/8 E along the south line of Sard Section 18 a oistonce of 2 75.74 feet to the southerly projection of the west hhe ata parcel! deeded fo Geo.A. Horme/ Fe Company by aeed recorded under king Gunty Avoltor's File kia. 7305 200369, . thence M10°4942"E along sald Soufferly projection 40.00 fee} 7o the Southwest corner of sad? parce/ and the Troe Punt of Beginning, sald point being an the Marth margin of SM. 7” Steer, thence continuing NO°9 42"E along the West line of Sar Set dot. 54 feet fo 2 point an @ 363.06 foot rads curve concave jo rhe Southeas}, 21a01a/ at Sad pon? bearing $15°37'21"E | thence Southwesfer ly wee Said curve an are Ostahce of 430.46 feet; thence $/°/4'55" V 131.88 feet ro said dorth margin of SV. 7 Street, thence $89°/0'18'E along sare! darth margin 159.60 feet to the Trve Paintok Beginning . Area. 96,8/9 Sa.fr * 222 Acres. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT SW1/4, SWI74, SEC. 18, TWP 23N, FANGSE., WM. Certificates. / hereby certity that this Short Subdivisyon rs based epan an actval survey in Sec tiin 18, Townshyp £3 dlorth, Lange 5 East. WM., and that the dstances and courses are shown correctly hereon, that the corners have been set corrects on the ground and that | have folly complied with the HN OVISIONS of the statifes , and plating regulations. | KELA-IY Keed) lertiticate 7878 éy, Eg hereby Cortity that Burling for Moemeey Inc. 1s the oui: in fee ‘simple’ of the land wety platted, 1 thts Short Svhaiusion ‘5 ge (MICE. PR FOUND CONC. MONUMEKT™ 1.73 ‘Norni ¢ 0-09 ‘Easr oF Property ORNER—, HLT 76246A mee | \ w PR Set 2'x4" Stole we , (yprcal) as | hereby erie that 2// pripay faxes are pad for property herein platted, \s this ay of /97_. . MANAGER) kIN& COUNTY FINANCE OL PARIMENT | hereby cerity that there are 2b Welinguent Specia/ @SSeSSMeN, pais olay of IP Pens FINANCE \DIBECTOR, CITY OF REATOM \ : Approva/s. Sef 2'4" Stake CTyprcal) 2 Examined and approved this day of —___/97_. = DIRECTOR, DEP OF PUBLIC WORKS Ww ¥ Exananed and approved this gayol _______ /97.. ~4 TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT y Examined and approved this dayof___/97. w y | | 7 S ‘ cS ‘J ~ PLAMNIMG- DIRECTOR at ~) 9 a : te Jet %y" Cap ed [ron PA i NEN Foun |" /RoNn (Topica /) e & ~ CHAIRMAN, CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Pipe € TACK 4d — SS | : Cy ait 8 = w Ontrmed by the City Guna] of Renton this , abiyjof 2 oe ie a Pe 8 cs | 1S SS CITY CLERK PRESIDEMT OF THE CITY COUMEIL W | = Zo’ & N x Ne ~ 4 & TRUE POT OF BEGINNING Y 8 . esy’ o : ’ a 8 ne Te /0'18E 259. is = , SK 22 $89 59.60 eh OF Re & Set ofGet tack in lead Lh affiel Tack sn lead ~ "| aS re vx ; 8. (oy [ i / a = 7TH Ss) - ‘ 3.W. T™ SL ¥ ; lee S89°/0'/8"E 275.74" = 4 _s La SOUTH LINE , SECTION 18 e Fjad Mar voen fi | HY Soy Pwest Corner, Section 8, ail Townshija 23 Lange SE VM. | (found Monument in case) ss | 7" 3 | Ox —ShPl- 037-77 |