HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-87-058 - Large Format CT! GF RENTON fREG ED 124698 am to oe - < THAN : io snake ‘4 : oe it Pa AVES <o) ie Hh oe A Piles uD oe | “I ee © sae 28 \ 5 : y wm , 2. § / \g ’, i : me 4 oF a Pe re : = - 3 - : lal 5 wks a Eee = roe i oe} # L - “Vf i £ ™ ; fs l 4 =. ; f es é |. oeet OF YY VG . SCALE 1"=52560' _ + LEGAL DESCRITION ee ‘That aie of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter Section 30, , ry Township 23 North, Range 5E W.M. in King County, Washington, lying westerly . -. Of the west margin of primary State Highway No. 5 and easterly of the east _ margin of the East Valley Highway except the North 100.0 = 8 = =< Cee eas Jane COE OTH Pp AMEN Te apr iene 1, Separate permit for grade and fill required. ‘ : Correa Ye alee os ZF sis act 2. Required hydrants per City Ordinance to be operational with purity Com (om ters : y P< = tests performed prior to combustible building materials being T# Ve T | a C + qPX, Thee a | delivered to site. Hydrant locations shall be approved by Fire ee A tee Zhe Eee Department. 1 lf . 4 3. Datum - City of <=:t. COOOL o~ am-Z 4, Sprinkler tem hall ly with NFPA 13-1979 (interior) and NFPA 24-1979 Cartertor pratt ye protection mains) jax be approved ; Zersinlei rte by Fire Department. 5 Kf high mop ‘scans areas to comply with Article 81 Uniform Fire Torr Bye, Pease woe 140 ai Code. ' 6 iutene, handling, use of combustible liquids per Article 79, Uniform LOT Be or Hee Law, ZA 4 tt Fire Code. Tas Senin Mire. sastresdcases ru ie YONA: eh te,.peeehemien (TOS Le dlewtire pier 24240 8. Debris on city streets during construction will be the Contractor's Sore PP et lei pea Abe AIP th r ibility. 9. mean sahaline. use of combustible liquids per Article 79 Uniform OT pale NVA ale “| | O1L.G th Fire Code. ’ 10. No ior to i f Certificate of Oc e j F] V1. Geos” tnnoobhes by soon ny desnti Sairatery, aaa for all ae | a Ve eV 21 a A! S site welding, high strength bolting, piling, spray-on fireproofing, at wee structural masonry and all structural concrete. eS a aid |p ; AV eue ‘ 24 12. meta 2 pe lt a ‘for earthquake Zone-III. 1m ea on OPP al 2 sed a, ZBY byO OOP 13. Rack t 8 feet i height i ismi design pm hn ihe | aulidat tits subie’ ahpacehe paint an the "pulldine A deat aS ‘ Torre o, mle af Ole, 4Y4 LOOP 14, Required draft curtains to be located over aisles. 15. Contractor to verify all dimensions. Do not scale drawings. na APA Oa oo Zone = zee 7 ad 16. Provid ed itored al system per Ordinance where requir ty gras required by Spt Pane Lae - Wl &, Ode Of Oe - Provide approv se stations per Ordinance where required. | 18. All amarote work in excess of 2000 pSi shall be inspected by testing Ada OPO DADA pr me 7) * 4 vo = ' emis lab. R ati 19. Po te wh th ticipated site tem t! will be below , ym ; as a ms ae series sine on sessaapaing ateuetenaters Bs Sera Oe: fre ee, aust wise 20. The Contractor shall call the structural engi for field inspection ; . - Oe ‘ ae Sota er Pode doris: ek “sidg Heer | 21. In the event of field errors or omissions the Contractor shall notify the Architect and make no repairs without his approval. 22, Geotechnical Engineer to verify soil bearing prior to pouring of 8 096 0 = footings. enn 23. Geotechnical Engineer to inspect and approve building pad prior to 1 gan 24. Geotechnical Engineer to inspect and approve paving areas prior to ll : Q. ange pore nee! ae horeere eavet LC aionentenes: wore Z j 26. Contractor to provide all-work, services and materials necessary to construct a completé operating facility. ; 27. the. Contractor shall apply and ret | all occupancy, sewer, storm “Water, electrical and other permits except building permits. He shall pay all necessary fees and post bonds required, 28. Building address to be clearly visible 8" numerals minimum, 29. Tenant improvements to have approval of Building/Fire Department prior aoe to construction or occupancy. si 30. Project sign shall be under separate permit. pe) o v N 2 o A 5 o | 0 c D |e = a c; 3} 6B lo o| oo OF » o; Lf£| £] @ — TB oO FB Be —f- OK ey Pre ier? — / 3 Leh epspies| ) # Aaraerd TpoNvel. ae - REA PLrhe nr? or 7 tiene , a sists pases __ PHP oo FH oe QAO LD DOP ied Bt pe cole Onl eaeii TALT Ape © pre © Gee “/ FY OPr\f. ||P hve rite € le -clee er bales eee VDP B™ | me Brg A BroOXy~ WeKla to oomProLl er saitd sate 31. Provide smoke removal capability per Article 81 of the UFC es 7, Abe ze __ toe Ye a OOF bP 1014) ZAWA : SE ee ease 4 peated! To oF ieee MIP 4 2 3 0 % | RE G I S T E R E D SA - O 5 8 - 8 7 : te s . ar c h i t e c t s 13 0 la k e s i d e - se a t t l e wa s h . 98 1 2 2 - 20 6 32 5 25 5 3 la n c e mu e l l e r as s o c i a & een eee ad POPE DDO. er eat we et WE ee ee 1 ARI Lidia dk riya al =— | E | . MU E L L E R BEE = 7 Oe : Fan ee ane ee Ai Meet oP a ef al Ainge ies y Rea g é 7 at, site bis bere eae! v3 ite aes cena be es Ay —_ —_ — = Me ee ey P= ae eecemen _ —— * - - ee ee ae oe - - —— _ ~ a 4 ————————— aan — a ‘ / iH iy: Be eye z Z oe 4 ss T3969 paste bs, . Y Bas an ial © Poke . me} snl ae ney Pee Pe 4 : ; 2 4 . iF y ci val 3 ia 3 ¥ +n ii o f tha Ms % 4 S| 2 a 7 4 de * a ‘ # & ~ aoe e ca ey - Picts 43 as a . Si aa x G 3 a oo S ‘ites Sy — =a ‘ ea 2 se s ts 3 i, re a , ; neg 5 A is : ; . rer si tigs 5 1) ee ot a uf be > aoe aang ae og ge i ~ Wes #h : {uae ans re a sane Oris =P 24 ate Be ir ; a Bs bs Bie: 4%. ¥ . xs 2 Sues ‘h 2 ls : . 0 454 tae me am, as : ka ig ee 3 Fi Cc nd i uy : 4 S on er ee HEKS $F 9g. as, og 4 gi oo Bo : ty, Sine a : i) PA iS Bhi Pe ; jot ee 0 | @ x e = ~. ai i P fe c 2 : rs one 0 0 wd cae! Be { ae 3 #1 ae a: oR ee ; ae f P. a ee Bek ; oe a. Ss 0 . ; a a) a Cs = e eT ae > - 6 “3 a . ; pw oh ° , ay a i re. . 2 = # j : i R E G I S T E R E D OF WA S H I N G T O N vate Ts. Ree haw ane - 9 e LAD) PL vibe lee wr f 7 Me tae r CO! BerweceHt ons “ ZLeres 6 Cerri ie: Skewes Pac er Code v/ Marat cole By + LEGAL DESCRITION : ae ae i —. 3 eS 7 ae a A Piirhr obs ee ee pie ‘ 4 See ‘That portion of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter,Section 30, —j Pdi Pas <' Township 23 North, Range 5E W.M. fn King County, Washington, lying westerly | oe a: _. Of the west margin of primary State Highway No. 5 and easterly of the east ete oe ie margin of the East Valley Highway except the North 100. eae ae | 4 Tae pw og hi x fii cama ta ft) NP pe piles ele clare [it] LZ Awa, 20 6c : a : ee — SE | . ~ . wroky ce : , : f a E = : a ' 7 a So e OQ . °o % oe Ch 4 2 Ba t 2 mito CO POU 2 a, ee Fee bi) 3 y bc <4 ch i gt a ? : ae ? orf e.§ _8kXT buna? CeH't. CUew he CUbw @ POEM a r] ; ebltbee Jane 20 Ob a pe ay Oo B 1, Separate permit for grade and fill required. x . 2. Required hydrants per City Ordinance to be operational with purity . ie 4 a fe 4 orion tky beamil ponorle PABA, B : me a > es FIO {ms Ke Aad 4 ' ‘ Zola Leo ate) ey, 3. Datum - City of Kent, ‘ i A. 4. Sprink er systems shall comply with NFPA 13-1979 (interior) and NFPA ee ae 2 79 (exterior underground fire protection mains) and be approved cae (Laat it ge. «353 ie S if / Ys ft ee ae on by Fire Department. i ae ee See ere ae ee oat emer ame mae Ro ee” “57 ee ea : or FOG F Bits... 7 ; eF Base Re Mai Par fee | near PORE Nee RG ce Mp Ga, ae ee es . ra aan: ‘ See. Sie al) 7" i7 Ed Ft ple 3 is ees he ieee: tests performed prior to combustible building materials being : ae ee re ree. eek as oe delivered to site. Hydrant locations shall be approved by Fire sae ES ch ho ok Pea beevet. A ie ~— ee A. — TrtPre | ie Department. — —, + pi co l e = LS \) Hi e & — Bs aie pA ee a nce lay | Pee aca eae age | " & ie F 4 ¥ dois: q xt fj ys ; ; f aia + or ; a ga §sUCéé@@ = g é eecpiherait GipeeM fib a ee ee -4 , - si { ‘ sap — cs Ee ae reer rr is f Cy nee Beer Re ee a eT Se eee ne ii ia et ar (ee = r i Pes La ae OR: Oley Serer Gurin bt ai Tig MRAM Le eg Ee gee LT ghey St. eee gee eee in | Ae aii . ‘ A ¢ hy, er: ft ‘i Saleh pei. We, 2 Re Silit x i i aeat? ; (saat ay ee, wee rit te ie pee Fe ue he sy Rea ila ‘rant aa. "|e Wi . 9. Storage, handling, use of combustible liquids per Article 79 Uniform Fire Code. ies an Sips © 10. No occupancy prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. a 11, Special inspection by approved testing laboratory required for all an site welding, high strength bolting, piling, spray-on fireproofing, Pe. structural masonry and all structural concrete. ea eh ne i 12. Suspended ceilings, to be designed for earthquake Zone-III. Submit Or | =a" ee eales to city for approval. ie | me aa a" 13. Rack storage over 8 feet in height requires seismic design Forrl. Bae calculations under separate permit from the Building Department. ; | fe 14, Required draft curtains to be located over aisles. é : aia 15. Contractor to verify all dimensions. Do not scale drawings. bee ’ 5 sera : oe 16, Provide approved monitored alarm system per Ordinance where required ee ni 8 cs | | es mi if } ‘ . : Cac Pigs ; wos me i # or as required by Spec. “oP a ae ci we 4 i é is s ra oe é 4 sone a i 17. Provide approved hose stations per Ordinance where required. %, a al 18. All concrete work in excess of 2000 psi shall be inspected by testing ; Opa = BW. pa te sR EN | Re ee OM ecu eR ee Ma ae oe A ; ‘ lab. ‘ a aece? ‘ 4 19. Pour no concrete when the anticipated site temperature will be below 34°F during the first 48 hours of curing. Ee. 20. The Contractor shall call the structural engineer for field inspection i) prior to application of roofing. : 21. In the event of field errors or omissions the Contractor shall notify pig _ the Architect and make no repairs without his approval. “a 22. Geotechnical Engineer to verify soil bearing prior to pouring of : footings. : 23. Geotechnical Engineer to inspect and approve building pad prior to pouring floor. 24. Geotechnical Engineer to inspect and approve paving areas prior to ; | re Paving. : eae ed re ae See B 25. Contractor shall coordinate the work of all trades to.-avoid gt interference between divisions of the work. Fgh ee ae et oe Q % % e es 26. Contractor to provide all-work, services and materials necessary to Se construct a completé operating facility. eas ar op even, Ua i ea dee kg eee or a ag cece eam RR ea =.” os SUM ae oe a a Be ee ; sg The Contractor shall apply and secure all occupancy, sewer, storm, nee eee HOT y electrical and other permits except building permits. He shall : Pay all necessary fees and post bonds required. 28. Building address to be clearly visible 8" numerals minimum. 29. Tenant improvements to have approval of Building/Fire Department prior to construction or occupancy, 30. Project sign shall be under separate permit. 31. Provide smoke removal capability per Article 81 of the UFC as Beas Pate re nn BLDG B [1,049 ae ee re if — ] i Likes * eeee ae be 2 veg * 55 ° SW ig eal eal 7 4 ae dq ep&> \ 4 1 — ee a WP PA cre Eat | a if te s _ ar c h i t e c t s 13 0 la k e s i d e - se a t t l e wa s h . 98 1 2 2 - 20 6 32 5 25 5 3 foe A J hed “8, "" a ae Pe Fary’ SOR NT pe Wiigo $8, 94 el a nc e mu e l l e r as s o c i a . j oe : y “i : x: : te MES EN ie oe ; K ae : pe ¥ et a i ” Ae BE me t i or a a i ‘S tn 2 a n tS } is ‘ £ Waits! |i Gate «sre a + ae ere es ee ac * ee BO See ee, re eR fs <i ro are gE Be 124698 — ‘ ; 4] a°) ; . ‘ c : MAR 30 1990 § tay ) A UL | » ( 2 / Gc ae { af es) > A | WALK ff | ‘a LEX y ae ee E i D ‘ ae | Aer: pane “| 3} UO @ fe] © ® 3 0 c & Li) 4 AA _ D 0 Uv a , si . S ng 72 BES : men ji i : ‘SCALE 1"s2560'. eee oP OK OPA Ph bee : if Seopa Recbryare code a eer) Teo —— < ae Knee? PavibgieeTe an “| Mapatve sober cge ene / thle pew ct Gave 7 / Cito) cole | Alere 4 | 2 AO DOP al : : Ornl- cae “Arg € errr ce : ou YW FO OA. ze ~ LEGAL DESCRITION fi PLT © omer 7 “/ FY OPr\T | : rigs ‘ cg yf e % That rtion of the northwest C f os Ss | | aa hig ee ¢ ya st ‘ quarter of the northeast quarter ,Section 30, = WE" HI = s aes "Township 23 North, Range 5E W.M. fn King County, Washington, lying westerly » = ||| =I! 0 red nas | hole of the west margin of primary State Highway No. 5 and easterly of the east ee i f= \ _ margin of the East Valley Highway except the North 100.. = = 3 3 < | ml * pate v4 4 » . ; : d = | { yn . a8 e St ae % ze RIT ; |! > x . \ i ‘ | Dp \ i| 7) . | » > a ae te ¢ See | Yo riee ele -o27 yi Fy yp rpeo S aed bye tier foe Q: A * VD OP mu ZnS “ | a Croky Werle comroude 2 my l-a | = | 4 ! pe | { ——agp ———f- - BY buUeas? cet. CU~w _ __ CUCL e AVE\IALL Ae Nees Jone COWES Oa * AIO Alo» ve Fs a a 1, Separate permit for grade and fill required. Sede serey, os oo Llibiee gor Required hydrants per City Ordinance to be operational with purity Conlor Tiare ree 4 ws Mme! sl tests performed prior to combustible building materials being eve | L 3 bad te pi | delivered to site, Hydrant locations shall be approved by Fire % oe , 2 hetcZ Farr direnx conan Department. Cote “id tint w-2 WHA. < Tyre bm] oe Mote See oat 3. Datum - City of -<st. : | , cans 4, Sprinkler systems shall ly with NFPA 13-1979 (interior) and NFPA ok tee ig =i exterior underground fire protection mains) it caged ssccatan ae rte —_ wo y Fire Department. eet 5. All high piled storage areas to comply with Article 81 Uniform Fire Terr = Bude, Prose we 14 Oo ch eee 6. Siregs, handling, use of combustible liquids per Article 79, Uniform LOT Pe Oo meig > 2a cod tt Meee ee ee Fire Code. ——— t Reee poked eta tes Cog On en TOC pe Le lemenrs pier £7240 nee 8. Debris on city streets during construction will be the Contractor's Sore L CPO i lei hin A& Zig t : Sue responsibility. } / amet 2 9. Storage, handling, use of combustible liquids per Article 79 Uniform TOT tle NA ee “| | 24. G th ee aan Fire Code. F ¢ pe ; 10, Wo ior to 4 f Certificate of Occupancy, me Me py io! ee eg 71, Spdetas ancoectton by porvescneths cna te ‘Lharevers Samii for all re A 4 Al om Bae cael seaph site welding, high strength bolting, piling, spray fireproofing, we } by Sy ee 0s OO S structural masonry and “ai structural concrete. ey ; tote. Im SEM Cue ‘ 24 ? 6, Ai ¥¥ ht cael me a,* et ti Ens 12, Suspended ceilings to be designed fi thquake Zone-III. Submit ; Se a pes age s es ee ee TOT Ie Ppl peed, 249 “ee 09 - } ee ra 13. Rack st 8 feet in height i ismic design pm thet he ote 4 suindlatauas Wider: agubete hecatt eng the "pullding Sehertet. tore ~ wien eee w, LY CHOC? ont 14 Required draft curtains to be located over aisles. 15. Contractor re verity ait ehiatan Do oak scale drawings. a ae ZOmKE e zo —le * => 16. Provid ved itored al stem Ordinance where required j Chay oe ee Pen bane - WW &, Ode Lyf woe 17. Provide oved hose stati Ordinance where required. 18. All sasioate ieee “tg ceesan at 5000 pad sha be inspected by testing ; rr - -tp~ ka’ DADA pr ed * 7) ae ve = 2 aan lab . e ' encore acne eere™ » 19. Pour no concrete when the anticipated site temperature will be below Ow eeu, mel Om y rm a ¥ de: Ses nemneetier Baul saki Maa entree cance field inspectio: ey 746 Or « A if - The Contractor shall ca e structural engineer for fie nspection : prior to application of roofing. ‘ ; HH Ali pal Umi ‘ “ 21, In the event of field errors or omissions the Contractor shall notify the Architect and make no repairs without his approval. 5 jesom af 22. Geotechnical Engineer to verify soil bearing prior to pouring of 1 eer ae footings. a d 23. thse Engineer to inspect and approve building pad prior to (Sh eee sense fm pouring floor. “cane : eee 24, Geotechnical Engineer to inspect and approve paving areas prior to Ag, Sete oe any paving. , ee eel = 25. Contractor shall coordinate the work of all trades to...evoid : ri interference between divisions of the work. a ge HE Bee : tin a 26. Contractor to provide @ll-work, services and materials necessary to +— ; construct a completé operating facility. : Rs te 27. The Contractor shall apply and pam’ & all occupancy, sewer, storm, Ye _weWater, electrical and other permits except building permits. He shall t ae 3 pay all necessary fees and post bonds required, ee Tee ee J 28. Building address to be eee Care Or MAME ee ee 29. Tenant improvements to have approval of Building/Fire Department prior ae to construction or occupancy. Se eg 30. Project sign shall be under separate permit, : oe 31, Provide ‘smoke removal capability per Article 81 of the UFC as al PSE Ciera BOE br i01) ZA 13 0 la k e s i d e - se a t t l e wa s h . 98 1 2 2 - 20 6 32 5 25 5 3 Lo Mele oe eS he ff eS er ' | h f : A ee. | nN! JB». Wedd 0, *9e4'sdte ag Lo% ye at ne) + 56 ° W ra i a Heo 16e?'# tt (ith, 10 , "I HANS | | | | iy + } 3 ~ Sh wir IAT mt lon canker. \ ‘\ | | Pal te s . ar c h i t e c t s as s o c i a la n c e mu e l l e r & = Wu ip ry Sieg ind Rae g ¢ ‘ . e ia 4 : PAE pe j Meats fe: 85 ‘ aes | ‘ p . a | f 3 ' , yo Lira | : val wy x | i i J ¥ idl enme mK i < 4 oye? *. | é > n gs. i ¥ Db 4 / wae i ve ie lat eas a. i ¥ 2 aoc ba 23 wie aE que = Nee _ = _ | : EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL HYDRO-SEED PREFERRED. eee hs sees | : 'l. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION COLLECTION -5. FERTILIZER: SHALL BE APPLIED AT 400 LB. PER ACRE OF eee FACILITIES TO INSURE SEDIMENT LADEN WATER DOES NOT ENTER THE 10-20-20 (10 POUNDS PER 1100 SQUARE FEET) OR EQUIVALENT. i oss aay ScaLe: |"=4o0! ‘NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM. THE SYSTEM MUST BE IN OPERATION ) P 0 au Ww a No: | PRIOR TO CLEARING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION AND BE MAINTAINED 6. PREPARATION OF SURFACE: ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE jor =" Brats UNTIL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND POTENTIAL: FOR ON-SITE EROSION | CULTIVATED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. THIS. MAY is 7pZim> HAS PASSED. THE SILTATION CONTROL SYSTEMS DEPICTED ON THE BE ACCOMPLISHED BY DISCING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER ; ae" PLAN ARE SUCH AS TO MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. AS GRADING ACCEPTABLE MEANS. i in cane Me. ; : PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED (SEASONAL) CONDITIONS DICTATE, MORE J sea es SYR i Test betes SILTATION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED TO INSURE 7. WHERE POSSIBLE, MAINTAIN NATURAL VEGETATION FOR SILT CONTROL. 1 Bsedsrts pa? wae =o ies COMPLETE SILTATION CONTROL. THEREFORE, DURING THE GRADING ) ih ee La 2 Zz <Z : sy OPERATION, IT SHALL BE THE OBLIGATION AND RESPONSIBILITY OF 8. TEMPORARY SILTATION AND DETENTION PONDS MAY BE REQUIRED. ONE me TO SON Dae a ree eEHE { { age THE DEVELOPER TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTABLE TO THE COUNTY IS BY PLACING s S fe med [ST lke pitt a) Al CREATED BY HIS ACTIVITIES AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL STRAW BALES ACROSS SWALES HELD BY TWO STAKES PER BALE. RIP-RAP O 2 . os we ET TR Meal re iy) Zed: Vi FACILITIES, OVER AND ABOVE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, AS MAY BE SHALL BE USED ON BOTH SIDES OF BALES FOR EROSION CONTROL AS Zz < Ne Te dl RENTON" NGS! Bloch NEEDED TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES. REQUIRED. — = HK Tee an ae } Bre Nes — i f Bs ai 4 (op) wey = ay 1 FM BB Fees Gat, = 2- ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED OR STABILIZED BY OTHER 9. ALL TEMPORARY SILTATION AND DETENTION PONDS SHALL BE MAINTAINED "5 E sand UAE ees ee i on 072 AMES ee SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT METHODS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ON- IN A SATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT CLEARING AND/ oe Rae lH] Hage Pe\tee ests! Soa. f | 433 SITE EROSION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF GRADING OR WITHIN SIXTY OR CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE PERMANENT DRAINAGE FACILI- (©) iy OA cst 4 BRE Gap oe i ! E : Pe fa DAYS OF ESTABLISHMENT OF DESIGN GRADES. TIES ARE OPERATIONAL. Z 2 ae Ps ‘ ~ aL t ‘«) 5 3 [une sr aeeeensy Py gira! Slee Bear ON RA 1 sa ie | ys F —. prak Pag | 2 3. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE 20 FEET WIDE BY 50 FEET 10. AFTER CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY SILTATION CONTROL AREAS SHOULD Tr ee w Le} 5 ip ER] tf’ Tone dua tray LONG BY 12 INCHES THICK MAT OF QUARRY SPALLS. BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL GROUND CONDITIONS OR PHASED INTO “” 2 L ty 7 Be | PERMANENT APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN. Oa — } oie g| 4. INSTALL SILT FENCE ALONG CREEK (AS SHOWN ON PLAN) AND AS pend <. as 5 5 | | Aff REQUIRED TO PROTECT NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSES AND ADJACENT rs = Q - J 3 PROPERTY FROM SILT LADEN WATER DURING GRADING OPERATION. Bs e 2 ~ 5 (is I ORY Aaa yi ve ; fi Ce Net BUcTION a rr P Ns A iV} ar Y bes} T.€.2 12.4 ve. Sie a, Csee pre < eee - WwW Lé.= 5.4 ne i> r oe, c Q WwW eRe. wu = i I AP oO S - F (op) a aie as ui ae a eS c 4 1z' O f Zw . ee ~Y < = E " ie — g , 4'a fea] & u 7 B'RIC : 2-48 2D S4MH t =1@.e4 Slo s +) o m3 = 2 w € : ae ee > a | |g wl wi — a 2) f w L\"5 4 A) ty |e ae fz EROsiON) ConitTRoOL Porte 3 Y ee eae ; ees " 3 WATER ELE. 17.00 a : x BOTTOM OF PoiIC !1S.00 = a a Becttora é'‘« Zo' Ae (Sra a Rae MRSS v To? I Gas ae Os r , : me ee : : D:l SICE Sropes F Rae va w ] : ie 2 veer +l Fe. be. ; \_/ | 0 ss : : | a 5 Y= eee _~ 4 aaa | & 4 * | oN Paes | Pay hein ; ” / << Sa lh I : 4 a > 2» SRE 0 ‘ ~ meee | LS Ww a — pecans agli Sas See = eee oe 7 ; J Se f ! ot ae J a 3] (L ss | oe L Ss «4 mee 1 geet a eaten i, Ls re | ‘s j OQ \) ho aa aa tae tS - u ! Tiiw Ss be “ /@ a r\ lo +S s,s ye ae 2SLF~it' Q ee aa n < ag ot a | x ieee Ret Se ze =) On ata Lon oTevctions | oMP (TEMP) | omed S ae as ie eee a ye Bi = 1 a - Ed TRAce a C Ow) Ne <= - Sac DIVERSION Dale NE | “7 4 (@e€ CETAIL) aad 2 oy < ~ eid G pitenu J P Pose: Ss - Se SF a i cere ae I aT PEA , 6-14.48 Fit ¢ a VALVE Sime eojeTe . = a eae SaaR : ons — : ee apie ae —— —=——,p We S*S =~... : aay Pee ges Sage . % a 4 4 ev. ).€.213.3 W < ww! = A s is F >a x =o x x re X x x : —s 4 ——— x - x a: = x MARKS = REG IMIE EIEN ZACI x x 3 x a — 7 = “1 = = . P P F. af 2 ? 4 oar si ors “FILTER FANCE Cn fg ee it Noi’ oz 2556 ~ 2638 70' SST ae, — , ne aad BIDE tes “Ac. st inal — a | ig ot (266 DETAIL) Ses. 2\ e a Pte Pg PRED ky ade RINT OT A EE GIES Pee Ry 4 SPO 2 Caen DAMEY DAREN AW ok Renae ey ee sakes licen’ ~|< ” Te S © > IZ" w C PALEY, — A IZ" Ww we Be es 5 ARW) ow k] i" In w : ~ 9) O . : cae | \ oe a th oo. ee “a of/<EFE O &. . ' ae Pe = ~“ e Awa ee a —— ¢ = re Sy i [Ze FF, Sr = "2 as rm Ss aa a = oe Ce | awn a | N re. 12.27 oe fé- 15.22 Téecisi4 N x” bh ear me Nv TE.* 15.06 © ee 7 ae Vv fE-\Aaz = | SO ol EaIWW oO | qué: IZ iy 2.2 11.7 Len 12.7 me = sae <A .0O - Leé.=-12.4 1.6.2 12.7 t' an - 1.6.¢12. = TS ta, wt tp) J oO. Ag | s) ' aT: ry an] UT rT gy Tez + 1: 7 a a) pa 7 We & aE ANS : a +4 . A lt o- 2 Pvc 1 fi eo! Pvc c | | t PYC .- oa fe We, T BSPvVe — 5 Piety | | Zo'so0 J 30 6D 2 g0"6pD if s J i ae 2 ATER MH \u/ VALVE es, \. 22MH 2.2 1620 5.02 56MH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TE.2 15.43 be Stsi> Ged a eos TE. 214.49 WATER MH — Le:= a-Si 5 ; Le. 7473 eG. D.4.B. i EAST VALLEY = ROAD ONG TT : ' - - 9 \"~40 \\ a1 a4 AN 9 1999 x | “ECE Ven 68 345.00] Wee ee SA-058-87 it { oé — 3 i Cs Le SN. oe = be Te . 3 as a i th eT ’ ad be eM ih ~ - - . ~ — —— — = — pone : ' : Es FILTER FRa@Ric MaTe@iaL — a % : | ’ . Q"x 2" x * GA. WELDED WIRE FaBeic A 4 - i | | + Bit 4 : : N | ey +- sara 7 et | CONST. S't DIAMETEE ’ | | BURY FILTER FASC Hl BEM AROUND 4. Ej: 12x 1t* CATCH Basil GATE. 4 i Fin WITH GRA * oy 8 eo". 2"24" Dousae Me €4'-C" oc.,NO.1 ro) e. — = , : FILTER FABRIC FENCE DETAIL. of : 2, ‘ a | * ema &: _ Oe ‘a compiezon wate wags Ot 3 Er nee Way 7 Lu , te kaby NOUT OF ANY STRUCTORES | =< : R TRACKED FROM VEHICLES ONTO ROADWAYS OR INTO STORM DRAINS. Ia ; ishoy 2 J ; *) < xs ‘ : © '@) Ea st ee cae es : ee —_ | p a i L aw Ny fs ow we Sr § | LU rie 2 Ow 4 uu = : ee ae ee (> Yo 2. j ee | 3 a OM 8s : i ~~ Ub -2 4- 1 1 - Ro A P ny a OR Se | 12 ¢ EA S T VA L L E Y P R CI T Y CO M M E N T | \ STATE OF WA.. \ R20:../, 14 ; bs DRAINAGE Onc \t aN \ PL A N Le | oe eres . : — DIVERSIoNN PITcoH wh e . IS : | -futee £.F. 1%.°° FF. 18.°° — eel F.F.18.°° 3 Fah || 1S —_ ae Ll = a ae a Le ; r SS EEE ae hie 2 SR Cee ee eS A SS ee, Se 2 «ere ellis —~ i | : a eae Se ere 14 th ST , & 23 r d ST . Pg s \ e | | | | | | ST R A D A DA VA L L E se W E E N : 2 7 VA EA S T VA L L E Y RO A D ER O S I O N BE T : ry ag i ae s oo : A : ; es e a Ro Se e , os : gi " % i NO ¢: ’ P f Fe e Fa e Me e e ea s : 4 ® A . & 2 ge e £ : a : . : 83 : Si n o 7 Ms ee r ‘ > ‘p e e ia t oo pe a r ‘> : 3 i 4 3 it e ’Y . Cop ig Paes ea ie e e Phe ‘ 5 z 5 7 j s od ek 3 ; So r ? eR e Sy Aa ! OS Se i ad e n ee We ae ee - sk Se e ie ¥ Se e et gi ic eal i g h eo é SE M , sc a ai s , lo ORAWN BY 3 a po I0.oB. Pay {24 ;Vedog W-2EOU YG ~ _PLANN, JOB NO : 2 rn N BB S:4 Ss “AW 2 9 1999 aye HEC. - $4 peg Co semaines rl - " — . ; | at Fi] - i: ei s Ly ie | sa Oe ae i ae GRaver PATH ae tis — ‘- smn | . z — &RACS UNGD SwALE —, Or ssa Bia Mita ibe 3 og : a / We BOFILTRATION een é i L33 s ra ) ra l TE la MZ; Te : E sy Wey Sg er Scale: |! =40 en . ee VibeaP Ro | oat ML ( 4 (era MATER Ex. / oe MM et PP oN TELE Ear OR peel fees. P ivaisiees rea) é fs i : is : < 12 z : IZ No Zz otrt i est * i ae aah as itd: f iMA L Z : 1 “a > = i a ger Or 6 4 oN 2 ss I /Z:: <TN\ 8 E Ss beled el mm ne lo perenees 10 oie { > q ft ; et } sci - rec 4 E N q 0 i Py = H 'Y Atsearactates rt 2p Sf os Ieee a lek Proposer coNtode ' a is 3 4 it i cf i> i x¥\e-B PROPOSED SPST GRADE sie if ic ene et 2 Sie: a ‘ een eem é le ee pee yea. Ge, SI “a ; - : e ‘ 8 a Rig ee Bicee Lik. Let i. Ra? vm = NY 2 Sate | * us Pm) & f A 2 SE CTlo NI 4 ast 4 L © re) aeetr BE cag iy gy 2t/2.b |/- ye o5 Lest : 4 ’ ‘ a mn ld New Cone. ge WALe eld Behe coma eS Qar o 3 nF NOt a reas a > : Lat 20. ) eta. edt aan) RES Bee BRET Goa rin ote em a =e = = a ea RS eee es te Oe ; 4 "30 : ; Py BARS S ZI ae: y 2 . aie os “1g Bess § 4 [MES a! ca eee . . w) Xt isumest - ae pins baw ites suace> = Arp b ope AES TUR ee : H2) FO, Wo § = of eer oo —O = ve Caah ees <4 )- ee - as oo ? —_ ho ae A A ont = < a “o a * a) a | r? oe Bes “a | “ee | ) | ta O a is: (pes dwt ine eee aS Ges) Ex. Grave fi 6 AU ra za = “st Sa" Bee ~ AL, tage xa : wt 3 (8 a Pie o2e ; y = wi oma | senteee es 3 ~ op x ! Cee: 7 fr ae Ww saat ] é a © ie 7) &e&/ | ‘ “] Ps 1 P) ¥ v4 \ 11.@ = 2 L— — f—|-ff - a ben < = “4 7 ~ ¥ 31 nn sn = ey 4 5 ‘e Tr S or / ue? 14 I A bead sed i 17.40 : 5a C . aye WY 46" vert. cMP w/ Sco ; ~ v : Ge od S TEACH eeew ce b s 5 | 1 oe ye A) : per ee . Rae he Q 1" es S & :92n0 if ange ee we ? \ mS he am oe ere Lu O 48" VERT. CMP u/ v > 5 va ce aot <a 7 Vicinity MAP Se ee Qf < |.€-3:&.> oe - Sool — ene oS 2 S 7" . Te) > Iw Ao! ate hd eee ~” : z is se ee - 4 a Mm = j 46 UT or ; i a = B'Ric Lt? 4P en [a @ a 2- 48" Py tee : eat ae AS, 30 a -E.*= 1.24 aie : a eo Bats es Ww yw . 5 O- EAST VALLEY ROAD yearn Me oe a ee ra, 65+ 1% i ——~ peimeet CO* 5.4 dic Ow. | Pee crry ete Z \o7 ( Ve: We? a DF RENTEAL sTDs. “ ae 2 ao pa eee ale ee ae | ® ~* I>> Le ~ bw concreTs s it SSO ef py By bs S1DE WALK ‘eee My aa : o\i¢ ‘ae ! - 2 Ww | € | j = t | ; * IH4s LF~iIL@ 57, 3 ~ ee —_ i—< 1 “ | 5 ml; | Le ILD Le ~ IL" Yi iit 1 Je Cc 0.57 a a as ale 1 x ' \ oe ' EB woer } y=) € ; Paws Fence aw | ce w x p) rite r : 6.5, CLEANOUT ' 3 Mahi Nj =|? aoe ‘ ! wore ; AC Hid ||) re 1E80 B a (v — aes | “4 rf a. \ a ‘s or LE. lo. re he26 | re V@ Le. 14.00 oer ae ig BUILDING B | Bui_diNG C — | —~- 113} i ane eee aaah en oo FINISH FLooR 1B.00 | FINISH FLOOR 1.00 n| 6 A ile} yQO a z= <3 7 ; Ap Yaso Paul CONTROL MSNHOLE 54'S | : . = I h . x | eg ee ; ‘ i] \1.0© [lo10 “ Iilw 4 pe = ats Spmu tt 6b SA's | a | be i420 Ted > espmu & > 48'4 ian fk Piow2z: Ply P ee es — wv = cs A rete? 1.6.4 WN ee & DS 4 re 114 Rik eae ms = or x Re ; 4 {60 =. 3 : Fre" O.F. i14A.lo i : : : Py ; ‘ IT.px BU LOIN ra) ‘A 1G. pa gai ee ORIFICE San is Ec. Pye N 7 ae oe : “4 ee <a ee —- t ry “2 F . ¥ FINISH FLOOR 18.00 4 ys te ORG Cee Le. i. Lee arly ae on ~. Te Ve ae ny RY ; ie | .E- IS. a 29 te. |. Ley q : c4o. | e IS. . ‘ ; Oo RO Fel QD / e a } 19.& '€ 14.6 \.e. 4.20, ip" Ww SS6LF~l" I. * oo — — gm | nt F ga 4 ea } e111 002 fo ogi mV A 220 2.2. LE. 13.6) eRe extieacer a Safa rt oe “? 4] ‘ w . ms us lé 15.7 ae 2. - L = ote J 2: oo” 5o tL e~ arte a 1 tour Ese 4.0 ZAIN LEapeR e , Lr~ o" 2a canoe : roe? | “4 ue 5 | 2p zo ore ae ms a E 8 > Vix RD Sane ; m™-- -------— ; oe A : = setae % Rae 7 J bh 2 * ‘s ~ i $ Bai Bi RAni Leaner ark 16 a exc i ; "Oo %, se B40, es =o St en ee a ni 2G Lbmo is" : \ \ a F¥ N —+— 22LF~ It" eo ri se aa a x! 190 LF~ ae be 0.>7. A! 90 LF ~ 3b" O87. 4,210 Lr ~ 3b" % @ 0.97. Lr 7. W fe 8) palhgs hes . C g 2 24 i) Ny) - ip Die Pa = ID1 LF ~4B"4@ 0.47. \ SUF "oe OS% cure ee P . tao a* > \ &4 Le~ 36°62 0.47. Be ee \Yee = ca j BREAK / ies . z : uJ ys 47 4 Fa = ~ 3 | é os ey ee o 54 on li \e.6e, an bo, / ni 3 \Er 15 / a. <j S xe 26 4 ££ S 65 VALVE a> =) +4 a . is = eat Vio.0% 2 ;S . ae w < a a 1.6. 16.50—— See ; < 1 PS Rass LINE aware le o. 2 z av Eé.* : Hes ! MARKEE. AALS ee ee 2 v2 , L > nN ae re ne a Goo SL ee Gaaee [rin ' . “ =< ig —— 7 —4— Cg oc. Nahe a a rr tg Lé.15 = . Pe ea .! <q = Oe chil eatniaies og 0 {2 % EH ay Pe i Si age es eo. es sa mr eae ii cope es 2s! b Ww =. ——— ae: Sean arene ere __ feed ol ee a ae eA ee ae 2 ee el eT ee” sink Vy) ee tp | sete is Iz es ae ae i © i me as OY, af 7 ai i oa = Set 12" = ; —— ait +4 : Lid a : ! g : \ 6% Vootr=n'e as i Zoe po ages Oa AK; ees Bh \Q a a 24 Vhs Veurs oa A <j wigs ‘ ZI = Wo +4 ++ — pets —+ “96 pe i yc 12.80 M4 Sh (TrP\caL) a) 127 BA SA BREAK v oa iS = A= 2 ce —_ —4 Es — a — —_———— + ~ a — -———_——-}— _ ee + = Rarer =. 3 es = a) <q = be O N TE.* 15.27 Té-7'2 am eh ee Le~ 1" Fo aa = 2a aA - ce BI ce Se 2 ie iy EP et opr tei Le e7 | o are. ; N Té.*|506 7 cueegcunee) S| = Té-= 1eu : NV E.7 |4.AZ Cut £ 6uTez, N TE. 2 ld Ie F 4] aeMr =H] Eg HA - — OF — Zz em AW gS ies. q le 22a ¢ 1.6.2 12.7 . a'ea _ '6.°12%3 2 4 1.6.4 12 _ 3'G& Ww eo tw WW ro} ' i ae i u f t 7 if oa a r — a ? , —— BI PvE 5% be fe Pvc — er ae Vf | \ 1 T & eve] —T—{,—__"se_ iad us aleve my > ViInwWaom we ae nc nt et EN GF caitlin ak inl Neel . | os Gal 30 60 I—-4 j++ a! A, 30"60 \ 5 oe OIL /WATER aa Tree 1K ce. ; E. I ‘a \ ean SSMH S66 DETAIL S64MH T.E. \lo.t00 2 WATER MH w/ vALVE rary SeMH MH — NeCKED BY 2 ; &. 14.Go 55 DRAWN 8 TE.215.AD Rise Kocess. Lio TE. -IG.O| Le yo S. 5 16.20 1.E. 12.00 TE = 15.02 T.E. 214.49 1€.= 4B STA. i+ 65 5 To Gave. pat a A. SO+16 mere te .é* G2 6Th.54 + 5% 16.7473 P.G. 0.4.8. : Le OW. 6. T.e8 Le’ DW. s beatin Pee evry Oe RENTON . F A S PER CITY oF VA a a E Y R O A D PER CITY OF ZENTON SCALE DATE RENTON STD. 4TDG. to \W-27- 89 Nore: ae ~ STREET UTILITY se- BUILT Wee CalTRAcTOR To VEMFY “ONG D $345.06 = From sTREET mPpRovEMENT oR. ¢ VERT. Locationie PLANS FoR EAST VALLEY RD. oF Ex. $5. STUBS PRIOR JAN 8 Pres LA.w. sI¢4 CpsTED JAN, 1981 5 To ANY coneTRUCTION \t 4 94 0 \ 2 650 LE ~ & codéeete siveWALe — _ a een SK-O58-¥7 a 4 Coscia srt aaa. GENERAL NOTES FOR SANITARY SEWER NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM DRAINS j 1. SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) RUBBER GASKETED ASTM D 3034, SDR 35. 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE (IN ACCORDANCE WITH "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION" PREPARED BY 2. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL CONFORM TO APWA SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 7- WASHINGTON STATE CHAPTER AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION, 1988 EDITION 05. MANHOLES SHALL BE APWA STANDARD PLAN NO. B-23a. (APWA) AND CITY OF RENTON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 3. BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE APWA STANDARD PLAN | 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION/COLLECTION B-18C, CLASS “F" BEDDING FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE (PEA GRAVEL FROM 6 INCHES BELOW FACILITIES TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT LADEN WATER DOES NOT ENTER NATURAL PIPE TO 6 INCHES ABOVE PIPE). DRAINAGE SYSTEM. THESE FACILITIES MUST BE IN OPERATION PRIOR TO CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION AND 4. MAXIMUM TRENCH WIDTH FROM TOP OF PIPE ZONE TO. BOTTOM OF TRENCH SHALL BE | LANDSCAPING ARE COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR ON-SITE EROSION HAS FORTY (40) INCHES. MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE TWENTY-FOUR (24) INCHES» PASSED. PLUS INSIDE DIAMETER. ABOVE THE PIPE ZONE, THERE IS NO LIMIT TO TRENCH [ WIDTH. 4 3. ALL LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE TRUE AND CORRECT LOCATION SO AS TO AVOID DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. _ 4. A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND A 24 HOUR NOTICE SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING NEW CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. (INSPECTION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF RENTON). IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE UTILITY DEPARTMENT 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BACKFILLING ALL CONSTRUCTION. 5. STORM DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE CONCRETE, RUBBER GASKETED ASTM C14, CL.2 OR ASTM C-76-II OR 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL, TREATMENT 1 ASPHALT COATED WITH WATER TIGHT CONNECTING BANDS. STORM DRAIN DETENTION PIPE SHALL BE 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL, TREATMENT 5 ASPHALT COATED WITH WATER TIGHT CONNECTING BANDS. 6. BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE PER APWA STANDARD PLAN B-11 (CONCRETE) OR B-18c (PVC). SUBMIT MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR MINIMUM COVER ON PVC. 7. TRENCH WIDTH IN BEDDING ZONE SHALL BE 1-1/2 TIMES THE PIPE DIAMETER PLUS 18 INCHES. 8. TYPE 1-C CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PER APWA STANDARD PLAN B-1, WITH APWA STANDARD PLAN B-2a FRAME AND GRATE. TYPE II CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PER APWA STANDARD PLAN B-le, WITH APWA STANDARD PLAN B-2a FRAME AND GRATE. 9. CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS, METHODS AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION AND FOR THE SAFETY OF WORKERS AND OTHERS ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 10. ALL ROOF DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE TIGHTLINED TO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 11. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN STREET USE AND ANY OTHER RELATED PERMITS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. « STO, GALV, STEEL LAODER STEPS PER c, s 2 an WELDED ELBOW K.C, We, NO. 4 WM) CRIFICE CRILLED IN-- CFFSET FRAME SO { END PLATE- CLEANOUT 1S VISIBLE | : MAY BE ON) CLIMB-COWIN SPACE 15 ONE Ade OF CLEAR 4 FRAME IS RISER ONLY CLEAR OF GI)KH mAs ul J |2 a - — a . ut 9 PLAN VIEW ROJND , SOUD covER > ms 4 MARKED STORM” WITH Ts é é LOCKING BOLTS PER — Zz . m : Kc ‘ Pulse. NO, oO Marta ge tee ss Tor El, \uUro +*9 “gfx J a prs hati 2 a Z fe a OVERFLOW EL. [4 10 oa DETAIL FF | fer a] SET To Peovi0e “4 sy, Z| DETENTION AND o1L/ or U PECEEE SS: pot b WATER SEPARATION) PIPE SUPPORTS Max, WS], 3%"x,OGO GA, uk x ot BOLT of iIMBED es ={ CHAIN 450% CAPACITY ce Re Sa Ze ee ee | fa] SLACK WHEN GATE IS MAX, 3 SPACING pet SP wc] DOWN, BOLT of WELD Nee I TO FRAME UE tes mamas te CLEANOUT GATE PER | | Baar eS 21m ¢ Ee.10.%% * a a Sper ~~ 6,6, OW. No, b% Mio la 4 B18, O40 nh ae ee 3 : oe Bop INLET 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH fC 4000 Psi. Bor. | ¢ Bet Es PIPE DESIGN INI ACCORDANCE W/ NO 5250) ‘MINIMLN", REQUIREMENTS , a a SECTION PRECAST CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. “15 . Tw RERIFORCEMENT: Shogid Y2-7- Advan 1. cae TAN Coe DEMORMED BARS IN BCCORDANCE W/ASTM. Atl 65 GRADE 40, | obtain x |: LAE mind ] Weers. PeSDED Ee PADRE BU ACCORDANCE WIABEU BAIED-4A | Wind Onis Pp Lo ||) emu pers: coazosion AASHO = | DRILLEO WW CENTER —|—1 capstan BBE ped a, rng oon GANANIZRS | rom oe eaten al? |: : eat ALL FABRICATED STEEL MEMS EXCEPT REINFORCING. TO Be | a i) 1F MeTAL OUTLET PIPE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION , CONFORMING | APWA Tyre IL i aS ee ee a TO SPECIFICATIONS ASTM A3@4,0335, A386, ¢ AIZS. | CATE BASIN US EEE) qe ahve secon om { PO toll Sako ES Ty ae ey es RR ee : EQUAL TO Conc. PIPE Ol (WATER SEPARATOR DETAIL BS EEE yy Ner TO ScALE 14. 15. 16. ‘. 12. 13. PLANS APPROVED 8Y THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE | OVER ALL OTHER PLANS. THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE © APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE ON FILE AT THE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS WILL REQUIRE WRITTEN | APPROVAL FROM THE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER | CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SHALL BE DEPRESSED 0.10 FEET BELOW PAVEMENT LEVEL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE CITY OF RENTON WITH AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, THE WATER SYSTEM AND THE SITE GRADING WHICH HAS BEEN STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. GRAVITY OIL/WATER SEPARATOR PER PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL PIPE AND ENGINEERING, INC. NO. 577 WITH 15 INCH DIAMETER SAMPLING TEE OR EQUAL. TO ADJUST COVER TOP ELEVATION, ADD FULL RISER RINGS AND EXTEND BAFFLES TO UNDERSIDE OF COVER. 4" AcP cL.'B 4" ZRvSHED Rock Brce IL" STRUCTURAL FitLL PAVING * S&S Ee rrexw See ‘City Of Renton’ Standard ee VAR. Curb & Gutter - Type D 10% MAX: SLOPE Detail For Depressed Driveway EXPANSION JOINT ern co Br Oe eS “ere Ry 4 farmers] so 8 10" SECTION A~A EXPANSION JOINT. ALTERNATE 2 _ GENERAL NOTES aS JOINTS JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. BY THE ENGINEER ; CONCRETE CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASSA (3/4) AIR ENTRAINED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE.(3 DAY MIX) PROCEDURES ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS OR AS DIRECTED J j i DATE 11/785 STD. INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY sHeet 29 _ hod Ls (|! ae O 38 = § ~2 4 Mok O7; 3 Zi Io ‘aS Oo , 5 3 as at Sy woe 8 Qu us < ee O22 5 mw 6 4 re : © ¢- Y ¢ —_ = S @ Wh LANDScA PING je .5 RE V I S I O N S t 2 [R E V I S E D PE R ci T Y co m m e E N T i{' Ty Se a a ea Sea | oe oe ip) a ©] } ™ WN 2% OT wy be Bake ee i: wh « fi A) iJ ~j/ asus s ee oS : * Se! ula 4 O -¢ ol qese oO rTnNre= ~_ i ee a ey 4 Ouwmo oe uw y4 c er “« a a Lb DRAWN BY . CHECKED BY: ' \l- 2-94 at : BUILDING ‘A! ; 41! Builpinag ‘Be! FE.= |\&0o FF. 1800 5 | aa Cio: — aE eee eee -E.. FAAS —neg = |\ | Pees, t.,. TO. Te . ae: | SIDE SEWER £2. ee - its T. : . ; I. SE A T T L E , WA 98 1 0 2 (2 0 6 ) 32 3 - 4 1 4 4 PROPOSELD ce CERES: IZ"W EAST VALLEY ROAD e SMH. » TE. 1S6-AaS \ a ~ [ea] Ee. AS 4a , Eas Se - BNC ; 2050 eA SI 3024D0—_ : : ec. 8B .so0 6) < ae OS 22 2 EZ a fF ee oO: cs rie S 20 0 9 MI N O R AV E . EA S T < 1- 2 8 - 4- 1 7 - 8 Y DA T E N) as t A) Cc RE V I S I O N Pp 2 | RE v I S | >t 4 i NO s oa BE T W E E N 27 t h ST . & 23 r d ST ST R A D A DA VA L L E EA S T VA L L E Y RO A D RE N T O N , WA . FO R : GA R Y ME R L I N O Spi Oa We BR nae, ahs | as Sat Sak Tc Oe ae Be da ea | em eet Lace Bil FM OER ORM; So." iaeae Gn aa Reo mreate gh 2h UR me taaren Ce Bar ee ye Cae La pea 2 2 Bar eee Ge ep ee eee A tg ee Ce etl eee ee ~i be - IF on 1 HOBIZ: Fad ca Tight Seger ; Bee Gat RS Sa Ce mae gs ee ee Pes RING Bue MRR That VR RST ERR aa ae Keciabees sees Licton bonsi os aeasaaeesiaeae : pockyasigadaays Erectaachae hapa : Re toes DRAWN BY CHECKED BY. ee cere ee Nae es SSBB aS os es re oes mee SFE ES Ae ST eet se a ee ete i eer: = | oa u \ * All work materials shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications of the City of Renton Utility Department and the latest =2o } edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and Specifications. A set of approved plans shall be kept on site at all times during a ma | Sods athe RRR entered OF ca nec e re Na ORS See Lael o PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT WITH 3 - 3'x3 3 J HINGED STEEL PLATE COVERS 4''xh'x6" BULL HEAD TEE, FL. Feud DIMENSIONS 5'8"x11'-2"x7'-2" EQUAL TO | # genres CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC.” i te BY-PASS ASSEMBLY SHALL BE i ¢ INCLUDED AS PART OF THE DETECTOR £ CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY. oe eq e e s e - vs ye. - 5 rae } | 2. The hours of work in the street right-of-way shall be limited 0 OO AN 10 Td on wocketire aan eens See eae : , the Department of Public Works at 235-2635.. All street closures, ial or full, shall be approved by the Department of Public Works hours in advance. The Police Department, Fire Department, and 911 shall be notified 24 hours in advance. 3. All locations of existi pr aca omg eee t= on te and it shall be the contractor’s eee Oe ee SO as to avoid dumnge ot disturbance. For utility locate call 48-Hour Locators, 1-800-424-5555. 4. All water main pipe to be cement lined ductile iron pipe conforming to AWWA C110 and C111 or latest revision, thickness Class 52. a fe : s Cement mortar ony ding - ——- shall conform to Pe ge — ~ ong: eieving oe = to = eer) ——— ee. : Bl 4 uctile iron installed t nset i i ay, an es (East Valley ' ar 3 fe AWA C103.77 Standards. ; sheers ; * | \d ra p ay ~~ * ~ ° Coe, PROPERTY § Laie a : Ske ros CoNlee2eTe BLOCKING | 2 "s GATE VALVE Mee. { . a. So CONCRETE mad © A Wer sa. ——- €bSEmMENT UNE SE N E C A MA P L E i = ca p e ag p & ! ‘ . ADAPTER, FL.x SCREWED ONE EACH SIDE - Pa c I n C Av i s w 4/'n24" FINE DEPARTMENT DOUBLE . . CONNECTION FOR STAND PIPE WITH Bedding to be class BREAKABLE CAST IRON HOSE CAPS. — ) or in soils.of high resistivity shall be polyethylene wrapped per ANSI/ para pte hth ger 5. Cast iron and ductile iron fittings shajl be cement lined, preteens rated as noted on plans, and in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C —E*4), rack) ; 6" PIPE, FL. x FL. j 6" SWING TYPE pics mits pg bes opm “a fi “ oS hall ee ih Coad Re hi A NSI/AWWA CLIO/ANTIOSS 5 rANSI/AWWA C1s3 ADL SS. srit: | CONCRETE BLOCKING 2-0 Long ——_s——..} 3'-0" j t a ical joints, ittings s in with either i or \ js As [ts bts : / ee of nec. VALVE, FL EQUAL To 84. inch to 12-inch diameter fittings which have mechanical ry and/or Were. Shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA a 7 6" PIPE, FL. x FL. | C110/A21.10.82 or a combination of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10.82 and Ape ‘A C153/A2153-84 such that the portion of the = a sate 3°-0" LONG { F fitting with a mechanical joint(s), may be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA Cl /A21.53-84 and that portion of the fitting with flanged EE CR Ra eae ere * AND 8” ASSEMBLY. { f joint(s) shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA bey et Fy oe Petre} oy hy accordance with section 53-53 of t 18" FOR 10" ASSEMBLY 6" SHORT RADIUS 90° BEND FL. } ANSI/AWWA C153/A2153-84 or with section 10-43 of I/AWWA. C110/A21.10-82 be obtained by the contractor and a oe a ee ae Assenoly 7? ACR 185" FOR 6" ASSENBLY "TT e ae + FL Mm ; ct ae Ne : a} ; : oO i ‘ af cr a n t /* Lee i CRW i en ra eras a 0 2 ee it ee ee a Te = 3 : at a\ deh! S < REDVUcER ~ AQ" ASSEMBLY | r transmitted to the owner. g ! 8x6" REDUCING 90° BEND, FL, i | | | ‘ J DEADHAN BLOCK wequineo _ 6. Gate valves shall conform to AWWA C500 and shall be iron body, bronzed-mounted, double disc with bronze wedging device and O-ring = EE jt " Me wgay a. * ASSEMBLY ay stuffing box. Valves shall be desi for a minimum water operating pressure of 300 PSI. Gate valves shall be Clow List 14, Mueller : ag so " Tee, FL |! Company NO. A2380, or M&H. All valves 12" in diameter and larger, shall be installed in a vault. See water standard detail for 12" Gate | iugtaus EPonY 28" et. ~ f Valve Assembly Vault and 1" Bypass Installation. GROUT “6., $8" xB" x6" + FL. , ss cana ‘ES 7. Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) conforming to AWWA C-504-80 with a 6 inch inlet and a M.V.O. of S inches, ZEIT : : A aS) a | two 2-} inch hose nozzles with national standard 7 inch, 60 de V. threads, O.D. thread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263, 1-3 inch ~ --{z—- + aS) ee 2 pentagon operating nut opened by turning counter clockwise (left) oe i concreTe kuPeost_eans | UNDER CHECK VALVE Ps ) oe YR NE ae ay al oe m os to 49 , a 2 Lm ce e ea d ; pe a " ti cu t Ri Mt h - TA N te hs ‘ 4 er a) Pa N oOo ree) fo) .-¢ = uu pee = my ep) . J by t BP re s . ty * Ti p e Py ? i+ w 5 8. All water main 10 inches and smaller to maintain a minimum cover of 36 inches below finish grade. All water main 12 inches and larger uae shall be at a minimum of 48 inches below finish grade. Where utility conflicts occur, water mains are to be lowered to clear. Aad Bee 9. All water mains six (6) inches in diameter and larger shall be cleande with pipe cleaning "PIGS" prior to disinfection. The "Poly Pigs” shall cakes be Girard Industries Aqua Swab-AS or ata equal, 2 Ib/cu ft density foam with durometer urethane rubber coating on the rear 10° ASSEMBLY of "PIG" only. "PIGS" shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or square end. The contractor will assist City forces who will perform the ; TT SES none Ap fa fi. cleaning operation. : Vier, won 6” Ft. x P.g. , ALL DETECTOR DOUBLE CHECK — 3 lorie Wit eat oe 9a. All water mains and services shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 200 PSI or 150 PSI over operating pressure, in accordance with the = WITH COLLAR 18” FROM po gor =. aay A [= ae. SIZE AS DOUBLE CHECK YALYE! pe so — oy wo 4 oe and the Washington State Health Department. All pressure testing shall be done in the presence of a 10" = 3'-0" Long SHUTOFF VALVES AND TEST SHJTOFF VALVES, wr een aad Tepresentative of the City nton. & - 3'-6" Lone COCKS, AND BE APPROVED api “ : its iS a : : 7 @ = 8-8" Lee CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL COUPLING ADAPTER EQUAL TO 9%. All water mains and services shall be disinfected by the injection of a 50 ppm (Minimum concentration) chlorine/water solution. D < ASSEMBLIES PER O.S.H.S. ROCKELL INTERAATIONAL 912. Calcium H lorite shall NOT be placed in the eR as laid, Chiorine shall be metered/injected in accordance with Section 7-1(12)E APPROVED LIST. or 7-11.3(12)F of the Standard Specifications referenced in 1 above. ; 10", 8", OR 6" DUCTILE IRON 2' - 6 " (2 0 6 ) 32 3 - 4 1 4 4 ; CLASS 52 NIPPLE PIPE, CEMENT 10. A preconstruction conference is required prior to any construction. A minimum of 3 (three) working days notice is required for | PLAN «LINED, LENGTH To FIT. orient Prior to scheduling the y pepes a permit information sheet must be supplied to the Utility Engineer’s Office. Twenty-four hour | notice will be required prior to starting new construction. 11. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to starting construction. ' EM IT O O FL AR $ TH |}. LOCATE VAULT IN PLANTING AREA NOT IN PAVING. 12. Installation of corporate stops, water services, lines and meters shall not be done until all service agreements, meter applications, ~~ 4 zy ay T 2d construction permits, and payment of fees have been made to the City of Renton. | ay, ; ra: ee ta 13. All connection to existing mains to be accomplished by the City of Renton, except wet taps which may be made by approved wet tap contractors with prior approval of from the Department of Public Works. All necessary excavation and materials to be supplied by the AFTER COMPLETE INSTALLATION REMOVE 36" to 42% contractor and be on-site prior to City notifications. V ij i T » a Pp THE TEMPORARY SUPPORT AND INSTALL 7 ee = — 14. Inspection will be accomplished by a representative of the City of Renton. It shall be the contractor’s Her pee ee he notify the Utility | —YICINI MA eisai re ee poucraegt be GRO ee care Ol it areas eee ee — Department 24 hours in advance of backfilling all construction. The contractor as well as the Engineers shall keep as-built drawings. ecg: SCA Lei" rer + Ceseae LANGER PIPE TO 9e oUCTILE 1908 ; oe 15. Contractor to provide plugs and temporary blow-off assemblies for testing and purity acceptance prior to final tie-in. ; : = 2560 16. All joint restraint systems (shackle rods, nuts, bolts, etc.) shall be as manufactured by the Star Manufacturing Company of Columbus Ohio bes 6" PIPE FL x SCREW or equal approved in writing by the Department of Public Works. ’ 17. Asphalt and concrete street paving shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two inches. Oil mat streets may be spade cut. All surface " concrete, pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutters, and driveway approaches shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two inches or removed to an =) Aone 3 existing expansion joint. ** ASSEMBLY 18. A temporary cold mix asphalt patch shall be placed on the day of initial excavation with a permanent, sealed patch to be placed, to City of F : mt Renton policy, within ten days. Call for subgrade inspection prior to placement of final patch. Trenches will not be left open over night \ se, : without prior written approval of the Inspector. y A BEY ae 19. For City projects such as eles eae, the PVC pice used shall be schedule 40 in unimproved areas and schedule 80 under improved \\ Ae \% oY: Peach ce : ‘ rR areas. All chemical process lines shall be schedule 80 PVC pipe \ X\ WwW ~ — “Nes 90° pene, Fu. ) on? LU F 7 ; ° - uy ‘ 1 Mi chinamiataipiabdliiasie t IM “ ‘ 3 “ a ee wore pasos ne. Se S$ 192N0 st d _.| i. Be wp I . ; 2 |2. 4° AND LARGER BENDS AND TEES TO BE CAST IRON | CEMENT LINED. |}. TEMPORARY SUPPORT SHALL BE PROVIDED | UNDER VALVES AT TRE TIME OF INSTALLATION ‘TO CENTER THE PIPE IN VAULT OPENING. CI V I L EN G I N E E R S & LA N D SU R V E Y O R S CEMENT LINED CLASS 52 PIPE, EQUAL TO THOSE SUPPLIED BY PACIFIC WATER WORKS. SUPPLY COMPANY INC. | ‘ BU S H , RO E D & HI T C H I N G S , IN C . 20 0 9 MI N O R AV E . EA S T ro at e t f ‘ +e Ee EE EY OR SS ores ears Fs Pa ORAIN SYSTEM. END VIEW : Liv 10", 8'& 6" DETECTOR DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY Io 5 6" STANDPIPE WITH FOUR 2-1/2" NOZZLE 3 ; BUILDING B 3 (CROSS CONNECTION - BACKFLOW PROTECTION ASSEMBLY . | F.F. 1d.c0 E ; : Trai 3 ase ~ ! BUILDING 'A 5 | F.F. 1,22 of} « wy ; ‘ > AV) > eee 2 2 , - a ae ar a orp oc Se NY a : — i SPP aa 4 ke r a oS oe i I- G"§ AD’ BENE Md ti, ie i AS _J ct I~ G-0O0 SFCOKIC. Brock. ee ‘. a ee a aye 4 * I~ 6" QO° BENE, Mu STA O+04, Z6 BT 4 : . I~B00 6.F COM. BLOCK I~ @'x GS TEE, MU« FL Naif ear 5 MEMES Ww | I> CNY. FELeMu , fe! [ae ee. h_L = STA. 0424 4 OF Vsutere I~ G PLUG, Mu BO Ct TAD AT w]o STA OFS8 ¢ OF VoucT e | "DOUBLE. DETEAOr. Z- 425 6.F COG Bvocke | Ye" DOME6ENe WATER METER I2'3.e 1a o" DoOvSLE DPeETECTor. ; ‘ CHECK PER CITY OF 6 [| ~ Fire HYD Also. esce ive" Vweree a. CHECK PER cITY OF KENTON | “s PEMEN Cea . | peer wan : eS DETAIL - oy pee IlO'~e!' Tee, Mu at Yn oe, oe N |~6" O° BEND, Mu —— ‘y I~ 13 KS wEOuceER, Mu ~ ly IS EsoeMentT ay / I+G.00 SF CONC. Bicck % [10.8 6.F. COMC. ROC > IML ET é 0) v in : TE. \45 / a _| 7 \ Ppel=s IS' BA SEMENHT i a ei “9 zi s a Ee RE ia UG. . : . ‘ Li % GRMe*SS LINED iN a NYT GRASS LINED SVs e a iS) ~ ama oy * ° — = . ° . 2 - . cs —_ --——_ - - 8 ee i: - Sees pee ee a reer a ee == oe ’ oO | rate pa PiInz” | i a Nol 52 @e'e e 4 a abotank i P é Wh @¢ & O aa | 4. S ETH OTOH | a NW Ld 1S VALVE \," oa ra a s <q ee = 3 1 Macnee |Z DMoMEaTlc WATEE Vive bn ® I~ 10" GAO°* BEN Mu 0 ae > pos es > iy Aes - ae meme 1. B&F COC. BLOCK. vi alia oe z %. 3 ~ COnm). ' « : Se | | / bi acne! Zemoee So C.\—~ fe \ Z Ex. 10! WATER Z| a> “t z & g p> ‘ a 1 L B i iZ’w 2" ae Ee! 2" Ww +e I"wWi <ATA OF 24. YS EM i it" IZ Ww é <|} Oa = ad < | a ‘“ ! - ge HS? ZS iT ae [~ 2" ~ Ao Seno, r) 2 > Oe =z 2 OF E4SEM EAH pe a a Q Vi Tt Iw lOkn6.F coode. Beck ul eatw o oo ae | iy hs es | a ATA OrOF x : ‘EO ; 7 Piecdecthancge 4 es STA. C4+13, SS ET. ot cs ez le VS! id Ne <x oad Shs ee Se : EAST S VALLEY eee / / ROAD 2 . z 7 T 7 Hl T = . i 4a 4a — 4G 4'4 4a we eG “a a vou? 4.5 o Ven me C ut UT ce DRAWN BY CHECKED BY: oi Fi iA SI+14.§ 27 1 B PNG y one ce ERUAS STA Oro al PP OA ORR eae Be VG. 0.4.6. " DATE ; —____—_— 3u'sp f 35 $0.67 ——__—__ ennai o 260 iq aA Tie sy je PLANNIN Ciry me oft waTée My —— JOB NO S4MH JAN 2 9 1999 | O28 449 .0% STA. 2+, 2-4 RT. |~ Jo" 114° BeIp .M) STA. 4+ 29, Z.5' ET. ~ 7 I~ IO% 6 TEE MD XFL I~ Dile SF. CoC. BLOC iw ae. Fly Mo STA. +66, 2.6! eT 20L.F.~ 6 OL. I~ 1o" 45° Beno, Mid eo O S |S VD... Ame I~ SF. Cone. BLocK © I~ lo.@ S.F. code. Brock za ¢ nae ns “ nye : : Mok od Pe ee , Z2 yl == = STA. 2+ 44,2.6' 27. ‘alae Fepk vk = $1. 0% oh Toa I-10" Go? BEND M4 i~ Io" IA BEND, M3 Tee x D I~ 15.0 $.F Contd. BuEck I~ Lo SF. Conlc. Brock % — 5 z a, t ae oo & nO g 4 3 cE wt Qu a uu = | Ses OZ 5 B : ae Te F cc Ww : - eee Re ee ia, 10 @ er x : 7 Fence r= z | ee . ae 43 i EA STA. Z2+43, ¢€| easement Oe gk ae s a ae ‘ ae ww = -— a Te ay jas es oe oe + zr On ee eee } @ Ss a ; ae AFTER : ‘s im . I~ lo" SOLID Sslgeve, MJ cee — ce Z~i0"' PiECES OF PLAIN END Sh. 4+65,2.6 LT. Tt pee | ye te Ae Py BEFORE rire 4 Iv lO" ~ 46° BEND, MI dee: - iv1o" VERTICAL CBoS5S,Mdx¥ FL - I~ $F, Conulc. BLOCK x : I~ \o" BLIND FLANGE y/ ZN TAL, 7 P ‘ STA. C429, ZS! R-. wee the So BLow OFF A é _ ISIS Site tac yaaa ior @abi sees “For Be : GF eae coe I~1O" BLI W/Z" ~ioll Soe = e ness z va Iv lO" PLUG W/TEMP. Blow -oFF ) ae eles Cree ike Iv 10" BLIND FLANGEé IN} heat 2 Ass'y. : PIPE AD = iZre0 + i) 68 whi fa) @) PE REO et ~ i bene 'jw ea < . * on 3 en |~ lo! BLINp FLAN GE ¥: ‘ar00 » ~ 4 eS . = ae f ¢ 6 >I =x } eS € eee o ae uy ~ ‘ Tan ? ? BUILDING CC be a a ex. lo" stuB—+ ex. 108 e9—> F.F. 18. $ 3 : N BEM vE Ex. Cone. BLK ; 3s ; 783 Q i ) Ww $c } ANO €XPoSE GATE VALVE Hh ee. i as wet one = enor es Ay: 2 ee Sd LFr~@ Si A ; | WATEZ wWaTee MH oa lv FIRE HYD. ASS. g \ | 5 | Ilo I~ 10.8 S.F. Conc. BLOCK Fd Is’ WaTeR wrAnl EomT. _} bo! enced L&E SF & EA4T valley Hwy. _ TY PIC ACD pare ItSso= “TS! oe . 4 2 Lé. |O.24 nt ore | STA. 24+9e, 2.5 ET. Oo: Ee eETeEe a PIPE CROSSING ABANPCNED ANA [- Jo"e"_ Tee Piso Sod OO - peices a a et TE. 26" 56D = 10.85 PP 2 |~ e on FLxM) Q SCALE: | =ZO Samle.| = Zo! fic ” Le. io" Ney a. 4A we NV. s A | 19 LE ~b&" DLP. Fo * : IK FIRE WYO. ASEY. 2 % aa = i 7 ee wads I~ IOUS 5.F coc. Broce“ | Pane ee oe mg ‘ots nae 1 - rae Bier ce ekgiee : te ea : ee mn : : y SIA. O83, 22 FT ee, Sic wFriiy ene Tobie ss Ls oe ee iP eee o PA ¥. I~ lol a0° BEND, MJ : i es : * Pie te ao 0 oe gine aR eae Syot We SECON Bed gg | ce a! ; Fei enue ce a | ‘ I~ 15.2 SF Cone. BLOCK = : PAV ‘ get ' STA. OF18.S io'LT. ce OF VALS va : 10 ast Ke SB" Dov Brie’ cae ‘ T es D : SSer Sect neck Peet city oF ce y, ? a | H Rented beraic a KI] = - : re : - 1 BTA OF1O.= oe or + +00 e STA. O+81 ILEvIO" OU. » 4 < o a ay Hen. SABLE 25-8 x ® ee |~ 2! x lo" TAPPin TEE PA ABANDONED sg aan - S STA. O/F 71. EQUALS oT }~ lo.B o.F. Counc BLock ns, 10" TAPPING GN. PP =z FS < eatin check (ait it rtaan Sd e ee rae In 16.4 5.F, Cole. BLOCK Sh. + 6S, 2.6! Lt. eae Ee w Sen M J 1 / jo" x1o" creoss Mg LJ at] <q WW J ns Z2- BLIND FLANGES Cragt "= s ; 0 ae ’ iI- Z" PLUS, uJ oO a) ea { STA. |otZ4, 2.6 RT- \_PBIPE CROs ING on oe ‘ 5. 5 te uu 5. & I-|IO'“1O" VERTCAL cebes (6. San" 60.* 4.386 Mae TS Ac T8597 & Pve 0 O < O vith 7 OQ ‘ ap Tile NOS sad. = Ns le itil’ 7 : =| = atk = - Reh P ¢ | O55 P ? ad +/ a eo WW g: ; ee Pee ) A 0 76 =O= FH 2 ies N . ” LJ or 4 Sw. O21, 2.6 |r. pa | ae i serene See ware were SS Ee ORS t “2 EQUALS q@ EAsE MENT ef ee ioe : K Staak pas, ee Fe Me NA teh Can ee c Peete ert eae as Ff. ans = Seeks nee ee pas . a WI: Fast Jee ri Jee ® wv cB 2" wy r IZ" Ww LD IZ Lint wy 3 Lol dea att a etd . @wv Be 51 Sb AS ee sd oral p DRAWN BY CHECKED BY: } ral : = ‘ — ra “9 aa . ar 7 yn te STA. 54+S506 cL BAST | PG. D5. B. j 21h. SEt1&, 1S BT. EQUALS _V VV N aN VALLEY ROAD , } ZA. oto 3 N FE A S T A bs L E Y R O A D i PLANNING-DIVISION- | °CLE -—" qh. 4'é aa UT sh emvornenton— F | = COR W-2X-SIE Ut i : vt es : 4 i O cs P RE ee te ,Oce BPC TEN TY it Sendo aPVC ex BO%45.05 -S6MH 2S & 30' 40 2 2 me be i . i a al | SHEET or QAK058-97 oe] ; ea eee y= ee = RRs ee = ae il Ty ears | . Tae 7 = : = :