HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-Geotech_ letter_ SEE_ Geotechnical Report Addendum_ 170522_v1S&EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. 16625 Redmond Way, Suite M 124, Redmond, Washington 98052, w..w. Soi_IEn.yircnmc ntal corn(425) 868-5868 May 22, 2017 Ms. Cynthia Johnson The Boeing Company Cynthia.a.j9hnson4- boeing.com CC: Mr. Michael Sullivan Report Addendum Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Gate D-50 Modification Boeing Renton Plant Dear Cynthia: Soil & Environmental Engineers, Inc. (S&EE) has performed a geotechnical evaluation for the above - referenced project. The report of this evaluation is dated March 18, 2017 and has been submitted to you previously. At the request of Mr. Michael Sullivan, I have reviewed our file and the requirements for onsite infiltration (C.2.2.1 item la, 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual). It is my opinion that onsite infiltration is infeasible as the site soils consist of fill materials in the upper 10 to I 1 feet. I trust that this communication will serve the current need. If there is any question, please call. Very truly, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. WFM �V ov. -->,* Ik I C.J. Shin, Ph.D., P.E. President