HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Traffic_Study_180216_v1RHA MULTI-SERVICE CENTER TRIP GENERATION AND ASSESSMENT – LEVEL 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Project Description ......................................................................................................3 2. Existing Conditions ......................................................................................................3 3. Future Traffic Conditions .............................................................................................8 4. Summary .....................................................................................................................10 Appendix LIST OF TABLES 1. Bus Routes ..................................................................................................................7 2. Project Trip Generation ...............................................................................................8 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map & Roadway System .................................................................................4 2. Site Plan ......................................................................................................................5 2 RHA MULTI-SERVICE CENTER TRIP GENERATION AND ASSESSMENT – LEVEL 1 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report summarizes anticipated traffic impacts related to the proposed RHA Multi- Service Center project in the City of Renton. The project consists of using an existing 6,160 square foot building which was previously occupied by the Renton Highland Library and converting into a multi-service and career development center. The project site is located on the north side of NE 12th Street on parcel number 722780-2040 and comprises approximately 1.4 acres. Access and parking configuration is proposed to remain via one eastern ingress and one western egress and offers 26 on-site parking stalls. Surrounding development consists of commercial uses to the east and a mixture of residential and local school uses in the remaining areas. Figure 1 on the following page shows the general site location and roadway network serving the vicinity. A site plan for of the project is given on Figure 2. 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1. Existing Roadway Characteristics The street network serving the proposed project consists of a variety of roadways including SR-900 to the east and local residential streets. Characteristics for these roadways vary with respect to lane widths, grades, speeds, and function. The major roadway bordering and providing access to the site is listed and described below. NE 12th Street.: is an east-west, two-lane collector that borders the south side of the project site. The total width of the roadway near the project is approximately 38 feet and includes on-street parking along either side. A posted speed limit of 25 mph in conjunction with a school speed limit of 20 mph when children are present is found directly west of the site. Complete curb, gutter, and sidewalk are offered along both sides of the roadway from Lynwood Avenue NE to Dayton Place NE. 3 4 5 2.2. Non-Motorist Traffic The surrounding vicinity currently offers non-motorist facilities in the form of complete sidewalk networks and marked pedestrian crossings on the primary NE 12th Street roadway. ADA accessible ramps with detectable truncated domes were identified at the nearby intersections. Complete sidewalk paths are also available to the nearby transit routes which are discussed below. No safety issues to pedestrian traffic are anticipated. 2.3. Transit Service A review of the Metro Transit System indicates that transit service is provided in the vicinity. A summary of the closest routes and approximate walking distance is provided in Table 1 below. Table 1 Bus Routes Route Description Weekday Service Weekend Nearest Stop 105 Renton Highland to Renton TC 4:30 AM – 11:20 PM 30 minute headways 6:20 AM – 11:30 PM 60 minute headways 450’ west 111 Maplewood to Lake Kathleen to Downtown Seattle 7:20 AM – 11:20 PM 60 minute headways N/A 700’ east 240 Bellevue TC to Renton TC 5:00 AM – 11:50 PM 30 minute headways 7:00 AM – 11:50 PM 30 minute headways 1000’ southeast As shown from the table above, multiple frequent transit routes are available within walking distance to the project site. Complete sidewalk networks with marked crosswalks at major crossings are offered leading to each bus stop. Given the nature of the project and proximity to nearby bus stops, public transit is anticipated to be utilized. Refer to the Metro Transit System schedule for detailed Route information. 2.4. Access Driveway Safety Access to the site is proposed to remain via one inbound only and one outbound only configuration (see Figure 2). Assessments of driveway sight distance were analyzed to determine if available visibility meets standards needed to ensure project traffic can safely exit the site and enter NE 12th Street. Sight distance requirements are based on AASHTO’s Green Book (2011) standards. Based on the 25 mph posted speed limit on NE 6 12th Street, 240 and 280 feet of unobstructed sight distance are needed for outbound right- and left turn movements, respectively. Preliminary measurements at the outbound access location indicate sight distance requirements are met with lines of sight exceeding 300 feet in either direction. No safety issues are identified with the continued use of the existing access location. 2.5. Roadway Improvements A review of the City of Renton’s 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program indicates improvement projects are planned in the vicinity. A summary of the nearest project descriptions are provided below. NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) Corridor Improvements (TIP No. 15) This scope of this project intends to perform a number of improvements to the SR-900 corridor starting from I-405 to the west and ending at the City of Renton limits to the east. The total length is approximately 3.0 miles. Improvements consists of lane channelization, traffic signal modification, access management, among others. Pedestrian, transit, and bicycle needs will also be addressed. The design of the project is 30 percent complete and has an estimated cost of $33,125,833. The project is not fully funded at this time. Sunset Area Green Connections (TIP No. 16) This scope of this project intends to construct multi-modal improvements to a number of residential roadways located in the Sunset Area Community. These roadways are planned to be widened, extended, and/or realigned and improve pedestrian mobility. Roadways included are NE 10th Street, NE Sunset Lane, Harrington Avenue NE, NE 12th Street, Edmonds Avenue NE, Jefferson Avenue NE, Kirkland Avenue NE, and Glennwood Avenue NE. The project has an estimated cost of $22,200,000 and is currently not fully funded. 7 3. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 3.1. Trip Generation Trip generation is used to determine the magnitude of project impacts on the surrounding street system. This is denoted by the quantity or specific number of new trips that enter or exit a project during a designated time period, such as a specific peak hour or an entire day. As the site has previously been used as a library, the goal of the analysis is to determine the estimated net difference in traffic subsequent to the RHA Multi-Service Center buildout. Trip generation data for the library use was obtained from the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) publication Trip Generation, 10th Edition. ITE has no defined use that reflects the proposed project so trips are estimated using employee count, hours of operations, and services provided. Proposed Use: The project is a multi-service career development and social center providing services such as job training assistance, ESL and other adult education classes to individuals or small groups. The project proponent indicates that no more than 20 clients a day are anticipated during the Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM hours of operations. Additionally, the building will staff 12 full-time employees. As services provided are generally held midday, the AM and PM peak hour will primarily constitute employee trips. Table 2 below summarizes and compares peak hour trips from the proposed library using ITE Library (LUC 590) data and estimated project trips. Assuming 1 employee translates to 1 inbound trip for the AM and 1 outbound trip in the PM, total trips are calculated at 12 inbound AM peak hour trips and 12 outbound PM peak hour trips. 6 miscellaneous trips were included in the PM peak hour to reflect potential clients (3 in/3 out). The average daily traffic (ADT) was estimated to be ten times the total PM peak hour trips. Table 2 Project Trip Generation Land Use Size (th.sq.ft) ADT AM Peak-Hour Trips PM Peak-Hour Trips In Out Total In Out Total Existing Library 6.16 444 2 4 6 24 26 50 Proposed Service Center 6.16 180 0 12 12 3 15 18 Net New -264 -2 8 6 -21 -11 -32 8 Based on Table 2, the proposed multi-service center is anticipated to generate significantly less traffic than the previous library use. The AM peak hour is anticipated to increase by 6 AM peak hour trips due to employee count; ADT and PM peak hour trips are significantly lower. 3.2. Parking The existing site offers 26 parking stalls (including 2 ADA stalls) and will remain unchanged. Given the anticipated reduced use with respective to vehicular demand, the 26 parking stalls are anticipated to adequately support the project’s parking demands. For reference, the 85th percentile peak parking demand for a library based on ITE’s Parking Generation, 4th Edition is 4.19 vehicles per 1,000 square foot. Applying ITE’s demand to the previous library is as follows: 4.19 vehicles x 6,160 s.f. = 25.8 or 26 stalls Given that the existing parking lot adequately supports a more intense use, the 26 stalls are anticipated to meet project demands. A library attracts many more than the approximate 20 visitors per day the multi-service center would serve. Moreover, the services provided will be scheduled sequentially throughout the day and are targeted towards individuals or small groups. As such, not all 20 visitors will arrive simultaneously but rather throughout the business operating hours. Assuming each employee occupies a stall, 14 unoccupied stalls will be available for clients (26 stalls less 12 employees = 14 open stalls). The proximity to local transit in conjunction with complete sidewalk networks may also encourage other modes of transportation. As indicated in Section 2.3 Transit Service, three bus routes are available in walking distance to the site with frequent service. Furthermore, the vicinity allows on-street parking opportunities along either side of the roadway in the unlikely event should spillover parking ever occur. 9 4. SUMMARY The RHA Multi-Service Center project plans on using the old 6,160 square foot library building in the City of Renton to convert into a social service hub. The project site is located on the north side of NE 12th Street on parcel number: 722780-2040. Provided services include, but not limited to, job training assistance, ESL classes, and other adult education opportunities targeted to individuals or small groups. The overall site and access configuration is proposed to remain via one easterly inbound entrance and one westerly outbound entrance. Public transit routes are offered within walking distance to the site with complete sidewalk networks. The traffic generated from the proposed project was estimated using employee count, hours of operation, and services provided given the unique use with limited comparable ITE data. The project overall is anticipated to generate significantly less traffic than the previous library use. A trip generation summary is provided in Table 2. Similarly, the parking demand is anticipated to be adequately met with the existing 26 on-site parking stalls. Based on the analysis provided, no off-site mitigation is identified at this time. 10 RHA MULTI-SERVICE CENTER TRIP GENERATION AND ASSESSMENT – LEVEL 1 APPENDIX 11 1/23/2018 https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=AWDVTE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General Urban/Su… https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=AWDVTE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General%20Urban/Subur…1/1 Library (590) Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 6 Avg. 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 16 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 72.05 57.30 - 78.80 7.34 Data Plot and Equation T = Trip EndsX = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Study Site Average RateFitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.99 Ln(X) + 4.28 R²= 0.97 Trip Generation Manual,10th Edition Institute of Transportation Engineers 0 5 10 15 20 25 300 500 1,000 1,500 6 444 437 12 1/23/2018 https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=TASIDE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General Urban/Sub… https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=TASIDE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General%20Urban/Suburb…1/1 Library (590) Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 4 Avg. 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 19 Directional Distribution: 71% entering, 29% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 1.00 0.52 - 1.33 0.30 Data Plot and Equation Caution – Small Sample Size T = Trip EndsX = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Study Site Average RateFitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: T = 1.75(X) - 14.59 R²= 0.86 Trip Generation Manual,10th Edition Institute of Transportation Engineers 0 5 10 15 20 25 300 5 10 15 20 25 30 6 6 13 1/23/2018 https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=TPSIDE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General Urban/Sub… https://itetripgen.org/PrintGraph.htm?code=590&ivlabel=QFQAF&timeperiod=TPSIDE&x=6.16&edition=385&locationCode=General%20Urban/Suburb…1/1 Library (590) Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 9 Avg. 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 15 Directional Distribution: 48% entering, 52% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 8.16 4.00 - 12.25 2.52 Data Plot and Equation T = Trip EndsX = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Study Site Average RateFitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: T = 9.33(X) - 17.13 R²= 0.75 Trip Generation Manual,10th Edition Institute of Transportation Engineers 0 5 10 15 20 25 300 100 200 300 6 50 40 14 14